List of all Regex mentioned in the code..
Value | Count | File:Line |
"/^Plugin([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)([A-Z]\w+)$/" | 1 |
'/\.po$/' | 1 |
'/\/plugins\/([a-zA-Z]+)\/front\/([a-zA-Z]+).form.php/' | 1 |
'/([a-zA-Z]+).form.php/' | 1 |
'/\/plugins\/([a-zA-Z]+)\/front\/([a-zA-Z]+).php/' | 1 |
'/([a-zA-Z]+).php/' | 1 |
':' . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '(/(plugins|marketplace)/[^/]*|)/ajax/:' | 1 |
'/-(dev|alpha\d*|beta\d*|rc\d*)$/' | 1 |
'/\.class\.php$/' | 1 |
'/^Glpi\\\\/' | 1 |
'/^.*' . preg_quote($doc_send_url, '/') . '(.+)$/' | 1 |
'/LX/i' | 1 |
'/Ethernet/i' | 1 |
'/document\\.send\\.php\\?docid=([0-9]+)/' | 1 |
'/\.php$/' | 1 |
"/entities_id=.*/" | 1 |
"/entities_id.*/" | 1 |
"/[&]date[12]=[0-9-]*/" | 1 |
"/[&]*id=([0-9]+[&]{0,1})/" | 1 |
'/\.mo$/' | 1 |
'/^msgid\s+""\s*$/' | 1 |
'/^msgid\s+".*"\s*$/' | 1 |
'/^"(?P<name>[a-z-]+):\s*(?P<value>.*)\\\n"\s*$/i' | 1 |
'/\(\)/' | 1 |
'/_field$/' | 1 |
"/[\d]{14}(\.[\d]{0,4})*Z/" | 1 |
'/^([0-9a-fA-F]){8}(-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}){3}-([0-9a-fA-F]){12}$/' | 1 |
'/^Server: (?<engine>[^ ]+)\/(?<version>[^ ]+)/im' | 1 |
'/\s+$/S' | 1 |
Sanitizer::unsanitize($data['ext']) . "i" | 1 |
'/' . preg_quote($doc->fields['tag']) . '/' | 1 |
"/<img[^>]*src=(\"|')[^\"']*document\.send\.php\?docid=([0-9]+)[^\"']*(\"|')[^<]*>/" | 1 |
"/width=[\"|'](\d+)(\.\d+)?[\"|']/" | 1 |
"/height=[\"|'](\d+)(\.\d+)?[\"|']/" | 1 |
'/^update_(?<source_version>\d+\.\d+\.(?:\d+|x))_to_(?<target_version>\d+\.\d+\.(?:\d+|x))\.php$/' | 1 |
'/^update_(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+|x)_to_(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+|x)\.php$/' | 1 |
"/^[[:alnum:]'@.\-_ ]+$/iu" | 1 |
'/(\\\r|\\\n)/' | 1 |
'/^(\s)+-\d{4}(-\d{2}){5}$/' | 1 |
'/status: /' | 1 |
"/^[0-9A-Za-z]$/" | 1 |
'/\[FIELD:(\w+)\]/' | 1 |
'/^[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*$/' | 1 |
'/^__VALUE(\d+)__$/' | 1 |
'/^Item\_Device/' | 1 |
"/#([0-9])/" | 1 |
'/[A-Z]/' | 1 |
"/@(.*)/" | 1 |
'/(?<line>' . preg_quote('$' . $name, '/') . '\s*=\s*(?<value>[^;]+)\s*;)' . '/' | 1 |
"/src\s*=\s*['|\"](.+?)['|\"]/" | 1 |
"/" . $data . "/i" | 1 |
"/<img[^>]*src=['|\"]" . preg_quote($src, '/') . "['|\"][^>]*\>/s" | 1 |
'/^_additional_/' | 1 |
'/^plugin[a-z]+_types$/' | 1 |
'|/.+/(a-zZ-a)?|' | 1 |
'/(B|I)$/' | 1 |
'/^c/' | 1 |
'/' . self::ON_STATUS_CHANGE . '_(.*)/' | 1 |
'/\.(...)$/' | 1 |
"/([-0-9]+)([KMG]*)/" | 1 |
'@(([^:/].+:)?//[^/]+)(/.+)?@' | 1 |
"/:.*/" | 1 |
"/.*:/" | 1 |
"/}.*/" | 1 |
"/.*}/" | 1 |
'/^\{[^\/]+\/([^\/]+)(?:\/.+)*\}.*/' | 1 |
"/[^0-9-]/" | 1 |
"/[^0-9\.-]/" | 1 |
"/\n/" | 1 |
"/\r\n/" | 1 |
"/\r/" | 1 |
'~[^0-9a-z_\.]+~i' | 1 |
'/' . Document::getImageTag('(([a-z0-9]+|[\.\-]?)+)') . '/' | 1 |
'/<img[^>]+' . preg_quote($image['tag'], '/') . '[^<]+>/im' | 1 |
'/(width|height)="([^"]*)"/i' | 1 |
"/<img.*alt=['|\"]" . $tag . "['|\"][^>]*\>/" | 1 |
"/^https?/" | 1 |
'/<br\s?\/?>/' | 1 |
'/<p>/' | 1 |
"/^([0-9\.]+)(.*)/" | 1 |
'/^[a-fA-F0-9]+$/' | 1 |
"/^(?:http[s]?:\/\/(?:[^\s`!(){};'\",<>«»“”‘’+]+|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'\".,<>?«»“”‘’+]))$/iu" | 1 |
'/\.' . $ext . '$/' | 1 |
'/\d*\./' | 1 |
'/[^:]+:' . str_replace('*:', '', $actiontodel . '/') | 1 |
'/' . str_replace(':*', '', $actiontodel . ':.+/') | 1 |
'/ITEM(_(\w[^\d]+))?_(\d+)(_(.+))?/' | 1 |
'/^(.+)_types$/' | 1 |
'/^\$\$\$\$([0-9]+)$/' | 1 |
'/^(\d+.?\d?)/' | 1 |
"/^\s*([<>])([=]*)[[:space:]]*([0-9\.]+)/" | 1 |
"/:00$/" | 1 |
"/^\s*([<>=]+)(.*)/" | 1 |
'/[0-9]{2,4}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}/' | 1 |
'/<a.*<\/a>/' | 1 |
'/\x0A/' | 1 |
'/\x0D/' | 1 |
'/^(\\$*)(.*)/' | 1 |
"/[0-9]+/" | 1 |
"/[a-z]+/" | 1 |
"/[A-Z]+/" | 1 |
"/\W+/" | 1 |
'/^GLPI_/' | 1 |
'/\/[0-9a-zA-Z\.\-\_]+\.php/' | 1 |
"/(.*\/)api\/.*/" | 1 |
'/^[^_].*\.scss$/' | 1 |
'/(\d+),\s?(\d+)/' | 1 |
'/(.*)Collection/' | 1 |
'/\/.+\//' | 1 |
"/^::ffff:(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$/" | 1 |
"/^[0-9A-Fa-f]{0,4}$/" | 1 |
'!.*/(.*).lock$!' | 1 |
'/.+[.]log[.](\\d{8})[.]bak$/' | 1 |
"/(<[^\"'>]+?@[^>\"']+?>)/" | 1 |
"/( | |\xC2\xA0)+/" | 1 |
"/<(p|br|div)( [^>]*)?" . ">/i" | 1 |
"/(<)([^>]*<)/" | 1 |
"/(\n[ ]*){2,}/" | 1 |
'/\"/' | 1 |
'/\'/' | 1 |
"/\?.*/" | 1 |
"/(\/[0-9a-zA-Z\.\-\_]+\.php).*/" | 1 |
'/^' . preg_quote($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"], '/') . '/' | 1 |
"/^(-?)(\d+)(\w+)$/" | 1 |
'/<i(mg)?.*/' | 1 |
'/\.(jpg|jpe|jpeg|gif|png|ico)$/' | 1 |
'/^js\/modules\//' | 1 |
'/^~@?(?<directory>.*)\/(?<file>[^\/]+)(?:(\.scss)?)/' | 1 |
'/@import\s+[\'"](?<url>~?@?[^\'"]*)[\'"];/' | 1 |
'/^~/' | 1 |
'/\.s?css$/' | 1 |
'/^~?@?/' | 1 |
"/<\/body>/" | 1 |
"/<body>/" | 1 |
"/\.png$/i" | 1 |
"/^\/\*/" | 1 |
"/\*\/$/" | 1 |
'/' . '(ALTER|CREATE)' . '(\s+TEMPORARY)?' . '\s+TABLE' . '(\s+IF\s+NOT\s+EXISTS)?' . '\s*(\s|`)(?<table>[^`\s]+)(\s|`)' . '/i' | 1 |
'/(?<invalid>(utf8(_[^\';\s]+)?))([\';\s]|$)/' | 1 |
'/(?<invalid>(utf8mb4(_[^\';\s]+)?))([\';\s]|$)/' | 1 |
'/[)\s]engine\s*=\s*\'?myisam([\';\s]|$)/i' | 1 |
'/ datetime /i' | 1 |
'/' . '(\s|`)(?<field>id|[^`\s]+_id|[^`\s]+_id_[^`\s]+)(\s|`)' . '\s*' . '(tiny|small|medium|big)?int' . '(?!\s+unsigned)' . '/i' | 1 |
'/title=/' | 1 |
"/([0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}([:-]|$)){6}$/" | 1 |
"/\\#{1,10}/" | 1 |
'/^(?P<key>.+):(?P<operator>.*):(?P<values>.+)$/' | 1 |
'/([0-9]+)MONTH/' | 1 |
'/([0-9]+)YEAR/' | 1 |
'/\s{2,}/' | 1 |
'/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/' | 1 |
'/\[.+#(\d+)\]/' | 1 |
'/' . $header_pattern . '/s' | 1 |
'/' . $footer_pattern . '/s' | 1 |
'/' . $header_pattern . '.*' . $footer_pattern . '/s' | 1 |
'/' . $header_pattern . '.*$/s' | 1 |
'/^.*' . $footer_pattern . '/s' | 1 |
"/^X-/i" | 1 |
"/^Received/i" | 1 |
"/^Auto-Submitted/i" | 1 |
'/^text\/.+/' | 1 |
"/^(?<encoding>.*)''(?<value>.*)$/" | 1 |
"/(.*)_([0-9]+)$/" | 1 |
'@image/.+@' | 1 |
'/^text\//' | 1 |
'/^WINDOWS-(\d{4})$/i' | 1 |
'/^WINDOWS-\d{4}$/i' | 1 |
'!\s+!' | 1 |
'/[^\p{L}\p{N}_]+/u' | 1 |
'|<(h[1-6]{1})(.?[^>])?>(.+?)</h[1-6]{1}>|' | 1 |
'/_id(_.+)?/' | 1 |
"/._id(_.+)?$/" | 1 |
"/_id.*/" | 1 |
"/$singular/" | 1 |
"/$plural/" | 1 |
'/^plugin_([a-z0-9]+)_/' | 1 |
'/^plugin_[a-z0-9]+_/' | 1 |
'/^Plugin(?<plugin>[A-Z][a-z]+)(?<class>[A-Z][a-z]+)/' | 1 |
'/^' . preg_quote(NS_PLUG) . '(?<plugin>[a-z]+)\\\/i' | 1 |
'/^(' . preg_quote($namespace) . ')/i' | 1 |
'/^' . '(' . preg_quote(NS_GLPI, '/') . '|' . preg_quote(NS_PLUG, '/') . ')' . preg_quote('\\', '/') . '/' | 1 |
'^<[^#]*(#{1,10})[^#]*>$' | 1 |
"/##FOREACH[ ]?(FIRST|LAST)?[ ]?([0-9]*)?[ ]?([a-z-0-9\._]*)##/i" | 1 |
"/" . $out[0][$id] . "(.*)##ENDFOREACH" . $tag_infos . "##/Uis" | 1 |
"/##IF([a-z-0-9\._]*)[=]?(.*?)##/i" | 1 |
'/ +/' | 1 |
'/group_\d+_users/' | 1 |
'/^([a-z]+)_\d+$/' | 1 |
'/^[a-z]+_(\d+)(?:_[a-z]+)?$/' | 1 |
'/^plugin_/' | 1 |
'/^plugin_([a-zA-Z]+)$/' | 1 |
'/^(?<scheme>[a-z]+):\/\//' | 1 |
'/^plugin:\w+$/' | 1 |
'/[' . preg_quote(CacheItem::RESERVED_CHARACTERS, '/') . ']/' | 1 |
'/^CREATE TABLE `(?<table>\w+)` \((?<structure>.+)\)(?<properties>[^\)]*)$/is' | 1 |
'/^\s*(?<index>(CONSTRAINT|(UNIQUE |PRIMARY |FULLTEXT )?KEY) .+?),?$/im' | 1 |
'/^\s*(?<column>`\w+` .+?),?$/im' | 1 |
'/\s+((?<property>[^=]+[^\s])\s*=\s*(?<value>(\w+|\'(\\.|[^"])+\')))/i' | 1 |
'/text$/' | 1 |
'/^items_id(?<suffix>_.+)?/' | 1 |
'/^is_(active|deleted|dynamic|recursive|template)$/' | 1 |
'/^date(_(mod|creation))$/' | 1 |
'/^.*(on|off)$/' | 1 |
'|\$ref\[file~2//.*/vendor/glpi-project/inventory_format/inventory.schema.json\]|' | 1 |
"/\\.(" . implode('|', $conf->knownInventoryExtensions( )) . ")\$/i" | 1 |
'/\.(' . implode('|', $this->knownInventoryExtensions( )) . ')/i' | 1 |
'/.+ - (\d)/' | 1 |
"/" . $regex . "/i" | 1 |
'/Flash/' | 1 |
'@([\w-]+)?(\d+)/\d+(/\d+)?@' | 1 |
'@[\w-]+(\d+)/\d+/\d+@' | 1 |
"/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \-_\(\)]+/" | 1 |
'/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\\]+$/' | 1 |
'/(' . implode('|', $sanitized_chars) . ')/' | 1 |
'/<img\s+(alt|src|width)="/' | 1 |
'/-' . self::UNSTABLE_FLAG_PATTERN . '$/' | 1 |
'/-dev$/' | 1 |
'%user/(\d+)/picture%i' | 1 |
'/' . '<span[^>]*' . '(' . 'data-user-mention="true"[^>]+data-user-id="' . $user_id . '"' . '|' . 'data-user-id="' . $user_id . '"[^>]+data-user-mention="true"' . ')' . '[^>]*>' . '@[^>]+' . '<\/span>' . '/' | 1 |
'/((?:href|src)=[\'"])(\/[^\/].*)([\'"])/' | 1 |
'/<(' . implode('|', $html_tags) . ')(\s+[^>]*)?>/' | 1 |
'/(<|>)/' | 1 |
'/<a[^>]*>\s*<img[^>]*src=["\']([^"\']*document\.send\.php\?docid=([0-9]+)(?:&[^"\']+)?)["\'][^>]*>\s*<\/a>/' | 1 |
'/\\n/' | 1 |
'/\.ics$/' | 1 |
'/^' . preg_quote(Calendar::CALENDAR_ROOT . '/', '/') . '/' | 1 |
'/^(.*)command\.class\.php$/' | 1 |
'/^(.*)Command\.php$/' | 1 |
'/CREATE TABLE[^`]*`(.+)`[^;]+/' | 1 |
'/^core|plugin:[a-z]+$/' | 1 |
'/^' . preg_quote(GLPI_ROOT . '/css/lib/', '/') . '/' | 1 |
'/^_/' | 1 |
'/^_?(.*)\.scss$/' | 1 |
'/^\s+$/' | 1 |
'/^[a-z_]+\.[a-z_]+$/' | 1 |
'/^current_timestamp(\(\))?$/i' | 1 |
'/src=["\'][^"\']*document\.send\.php\?docid=' . $docID . '(&[^"\']+)?["\']/' | 1 |
'/href=["\'][^"\']*document\.send\.php\?docid=' . $docID . '(&[^"\']+)?["\']/' | 1 |
'/<\/td>/' | 1 |
'/<td[^>]*>/' | 1 |
"/\>/" | 1 |
"/\</" | 1 |
'@<div[^>]*?tooltip_picture_border[^>]*?>.*?</div[^>]*?>@si' | 1 |
'@<div[^>]*?tooltip_text[^>]*?>.*?</div[^>]*?>@si' | 1 |
'@<div[^>]*?invisible[^>]*?>.*?</div[^>]*?>@si' | 1 |
'@<div[^>]*?tooltip_picture[^>]*?>.*?</div[^>]*?>@si' | 1 |
'@<style[^>]*?>.*?</style[^>]*?>@si' | 1 |
'@<!DOCTYPE[^>]*?>@si' | 1 |
'@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script[^>]*?>@si' | 1 |
'@<title[^>]*?>.*?</title[^>]*?>@si' | 1 |
"/\(/" | 1 |
"/\-/" | 1 |
"/\*/" | 1 |
"/</" | 1 |
"/\)/" | 1 |
"/>/" | 1 |
"/\+/" | 1 |
"/~/" | 1 |
'/\\\"/' | 1 |
'/' . $leading_spaces . '<!DOCTYPE[^>]*>' . $following_spaces . '/si' | 1 |
'/' . $leading_spaces . '<style[^>]*>.*?<\/style[^>]*>' . $following_spaces . '/si' | 1 |
'/' . $leading_spaces . '<script[^>]*>.*?<\/script[^>]*>' . $following_spaces . '/si' | 1 |
'/' . $leading_spaces . '<head[^>]*>.*?<\/head[^>]*>' . $following_spaces . '/si' | 1 |
'/\{(?<name>GLPI_[\w]+)\}/' | 2 |
'/^glpi\\\\/' | 2 |
'/TX/i' | 2 |
'/SX/i' | 2 |
'/(<|>|(&(?!#?[a-z0-9]+;)))/i' | 2 |
"/(\?|&|" . urlencode('?') . "|" . urlencode('&') . ")?(entities_id|active_entity).*/" | 2 |
"/&/" | 2 |
'/[^a-z_\-0-9]/i' | 2 |
'/^([a-z]+)_.+$/' | 2 |
'/@.+$/' | 2 |
$pattern . "i" | 2 |
"/^(?!-)[A-Za-z0-9-]{1,63}(?<!-)$/" | 2 |
'/&(?!\w+;)/' | 2 |
'/\\\\r\\\\n/' | 2 |
'/\\\\n/' | 2 |
'/^.+models_id/' | 2 |
'/count/' | 2 |
'/%{(.*)}/U' | 2 |
"/\/.*/" | 2 |
'/' . Document::getImageTag($image['tag']) . '/' | 2 |
'/^' . preg_quote($CFG_GLPI['root_doc'], '/') . '/' | 2 |
"/([<>])([=]*)[[:space:]]*([0-9]+)/" | 2 |
'/^ORDER BY /' | 2 |
'@(\d{1,2})(-|/)(\d{1,2})(-|/)(\d{4})@' | 2 |
'/https?:\/\/(www[^\.]*\.)?/' | 2 |
'/^\^/' | 2 |
'/\$$/' | 2 |
'/^.*\\\([a-z]+?)(?:adapter)?$/' | 2 |
"/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}.*/" | 2 |
'/^.*href="([^"]+)".*$/' | 2 |
'/\.scss$/' | 2 |
'/([0-9]+)(MONTH|YEAR)/' | 2 |
"/\r?\n/" | 2 |
'/<br\s*\/?>/' | 2 |
"?https*://?" | 2 |
"/##ELSE" . $if_field . "[=]?.*##(.*)##ENDELSE" . $if_field . "##/Uis" | 2 |
"/##IF" . $if_field . "[=]?.*##(.*)##ENDIF" . $if_field . "##/Uis" | 2 |
'/^' . preg_quote($old_fkey) . '/' | 2 |
'/^NetworkName_/' | 2 |
'/^NetworkPortConnect_/' | 2 |
"/^[sS]/" | 2 |
"/^[0-9]+-[0-9]+\$/" | 2 |
'/^--/' | 3 |
'/' . $missing_param_pattern . '/' | 3 |
'/-MariaDB/' | 3 |
'/^\d+$/' | 3 |
'/.*WHERE /' | 4 |
'/\s+/' | 4 |
'/\/$/' | 4 |
'/' . self::LBBR . '/' | 5 |
'/^((\d+\.?)+).*$/' | 6 |
"/^glpi_plugin_([a-z0-9]+)/" | 6 |
'/' . self::LBHR . '/' | 6 |
'/^itemtype/' | 38 |