Those literals are assigned then compared somewhere else in the code. When those literals are carrying a state, it is recommended to assign them to a constant, to ensure that both parts of the application use the same values..
Literal | Assignations | Comparisons |
dropdown |
- $actions['_entities_id_default']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['_groups_id_assign']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['_groups_id_observer']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['_groups_id_requester']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['_profiles_id_default']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['_suppliers_id_assign']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['assign_appliance']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['entities_id']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['groups_id']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['groups_id_tech']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['itilcategories_id']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['itilfollowup_template']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['locations_id']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['manufacturer']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['new_entities_id']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['olas_id_tto']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['olas_id_ttr']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['profiles_id']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['requesttypes_id']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['slas_id_tto']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['slas_id_ttr']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['softwarecategories_id']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['solution_template']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['specific_groups_id']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['states_id']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $actions['task_template']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['LDAP_SERVER']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['MAIL_SERVER']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['PROFILES']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['UNIQUE_PROFILE']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['_contract_types']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['_groups_id']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['_groups_id_assign']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['_groups_id_observer']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['_groups_id_of_item']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['_groups_id_of_requester']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['_groups_id_of_user']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['_groups_id_requester']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['_locations_id_of_item']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['_locations_id_of_requester']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['_locations_id_of_user']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['_mailgate']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['_states_id_of_item']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['_suppliers_id_assign']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['_users_id_requester']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['entities_id']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['itilcategories_id']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['itilcategories_id_cn']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['locations_id']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['mailcollector']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['manufacturer']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['olas_id_tto']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['olas_id_ttr']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['profiles_id']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['requesttypes_id']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['slas_id_tto']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['slas_id_ttr']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $criterias['states_id']['type'] = 'dropdown'
- $fieldType = 'dropdown'
- $type = 'dropdown'
- self::$search[$itemtype][49]['datatype'] = 'dropdown'
- $available_actions[$act]['type'] == 'dropdown'
- $crit['type'] == 'dropdown'
- $type == 'dropdown'
name |
- $actions['_entities_id_default']['field'] = 'name'
- $actions['_profiles_id_default']['field'] = 'name'
- $actions['groups_id']['field'] = 'name'
- $actions['olas_id_tto']['field'] = 'name'
- $actions['olas_id_ttr']['field'] = 'name'
- $actions['slas_id_tto']['field'] = 'name'
- $actions['slas_id_ttr']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['KNOWN_DOMAIN']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['LDAP_SERVER']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['MAIL_SERVER']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['ONE_PROFILE']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['PROFILES']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['UNIQUE_PROFILE']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['_contract_types']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['_mailgate']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['_suppliers_id_assign']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['_system_category']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['_users_id_assign']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['_users_id_observer']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['_users_id_requester']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['entities_id']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['itilcategories_id']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['mailcollector']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['manufacturer']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['name']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['name']['linkfield'] = 'name'
- $criterias['olas_id_tto']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['olas_id_ttr']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['profiles_id']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['requesttypes_id']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['slas_id_tto']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['slas_id_ttr']['field'] = 'name'
- $criterias['states_id']['field'] = 'name'
- $field = "name"
- $field = 'name'
- $fieldname = 'name'
- $items[__('Name')] = "name"
- $items[__('Title')] = "name"
- $labelfield = "name"
- $name = 'name'
- $name1 = 'name'
- $name2 = 'name'
- $params['user_field'] = 'name'
- $table_options['order'] = 'name'
- $user_field = 'name'
- self::$search[$itemtype][1]['field'] = 'name'
- self::$search[$itemtype][23]['field'] = 'name'
- self::$search[$itemtype][24]['field'] = 'name'
- self::$search[$itemtype][70]['field'] = 'name'
- $elementToDisplay == 'Name'
- $field['field'] == 'name'
- $key == 'name'
- $this->fields['field'] == 'name'
- $value['field'] == 'name'
ticket |
- $_GET['itemtype'] = 'Ticket'
- $data[0] = "Ticket"
- $data[0] = 'Ticket'
- $data['itemtype'] = 'Ticket'
- $itemtype = 'Ticket'
- $itiltype = 'Ticket'
- $tab_name = "Ticket"
- $_GET['itemtype'] == 'Ticket'
- $_POST["itemtype"] == 'Ticket'
- $data['itemtype'] == 'Ticket'
- $input['itemtype'] == 'Ticket'
- $itemtype == "Ticket"
- $itemtype == 'Ticket'
- $itemtype === 'Ticket'
- $params['itemtype'] == 'Ticket'
- $this->fields['itemtype'] == 'Ticket'
- static::$itemtype == 'Ticket'
null |
- $_POST['entities_id'] = 'NULL'
- $begin_to_add = "NULL"
- $default = "NULL"
- $end_to_add = "NULL"
- $fields_updates['date_out'] = 'NULL'
- $fields_updates['itemtype'] = 'NULL'
- $getEditor = 'null'
- $input[$f] = "NULL"
- $input["end"] = "NULL"
- $input["validation_date"] = 'NULL'
- $input['closedate'] = 'NULL'
- $input['date_creation'] = 'NULL'
- $input['date_expiration'] = 'NULL'
- $input['entities_id'] = 'NULL'
- $input['ipv4_range_end'] = "NULL"
- $input['ipv4_range_start'] = "NULL"
- $input['ipv6'] = "NULL"
- $input['mainitemtype'] = 'NULL'
- $input['picture'] = 'NULL'
- $input['rrule'] = 'NULL'
- $input['solvedate'] = 'NULL'
- $input['timezone'] = 'NULL'
- $options['criteria'][2]['value'] = 'NULL'
- $this->fields[$key] = 'NULL'
- $this->fields["begin_waiting_date"] = 'NULL'
- $this->fields['data_obj'] = 'NULL'
- $this->input[$key] = 'NULL'
- $update['ancestors_cache'] = 'NULL'
- $value = 'NULL'
- $_SESSION['ldap_import']['begin_date'] == 'NULL'
- $_SESSION['ldap_import']['end_date'] == 'NULL'
- $data['begin'] == 'NULL'
- $data['end'] == 'NULL'
- $input[$dateField] != 'NULL'
- $input[$key] == 'NULL'
- $input['end_date'] == 'NULL'
- $options['begin'] == 'NULL'
- $options['end'] == 'NULL'
- $state === 'null'
- $this->input[$key] == 'NULL'
- $this->input['solvedate'] == 'NULL'
- $time == 'NULL'
- $val != 'NULL'
- $val != 'null'
- $val === 'NULL'
- $val === 'null'
- $value != 'NULL'
- $value == 'NULL'
- $value === 'NULL'
- $value === 'null'
change |
- $itiltype = 'Change'
- $right = 'change'
- $itemtype == 'Change'
- $itemtype === 'Change'
computer |
- $input['itemtype'] = 'Computer'
- $itemtype = "Computer"
- $itemtype = "computer"
- $this->fields['itemtype'] = 'Computer'
- $this->fields['itemtype_endpoint_a'] = 'Computer'
- $this->fields['itemtype_endpoint_b'] = 'Computer'
- $used_itemtype = 'Computer'
- $data['itemtype'] == 'Computer'
- $itemtype == "Computer"
- $itemtype == 'Computer'
- $portInformation['itemtype'] == 'Computer'
- $post["itemtype"] != 'Computer'
- $post["itemtype"] == 'Computer'
glpi_entities |
- $actions['_entities_id_default']['table'] = 'glpi_entities'
- $actions['entities_id']['table'] = 'glpi_entities'
- $actions['new_entities_id']['table'] = 'glpi_entities'
- $criterias['KNOWN_DOMAIN']['table'] = 'glpi_entities'
- $criterias['entities_id']['table'] = 'glpi_entities'
- self::$search[$itemtype][80]['table'] = 'glpi_entities'
- $itemtable == 'glpi_entities'
- $table != 'glpi_entities'
- $table == 'glpi_entities'
entities_id |
- $actions['_affect_entity_by_completename']['duplicatewith'] = 'entities_id'
- $actions['_affect_entity_by_dn']['duplicatewith'] = 'entities_id'
- $actions['_affect_entity_by_domain']['duplicatewith'] = 'entities_id'
- $actions['_affect_entity_by_tag']['duplicatewith'] = 'entities_id'
- $actions['_entities_id_default']['linkfield'] = 'entities_id'
- $criterias['entities_id']['field'] = 'entities_id'
- $criterias['entities_id']['linkfield'] = 'entities_id'
- $field = "entities_id"
- $items[Entity::getTypeName(1)] = "entities_id"
- $action['field'] == "entities_id"
- $criteria->fields['criteria'] == 'entities_id'
- $criterion->fields['criteria'] == 'entities_id'
- $fk != 'entities_id'
- $fk == 'entities_id'
- $key == 'entities_id'
- $option["linkfield"] != 'entities_id'
100% |
- $_GET['size'] = '100%'
- $options2['width'] = '100%'
- $p['width'] == "100%"
- $params['width'] == "100%"
search |
- $options2['showtype'] = 'search'
- $p['actionname'] = 'search'
- $p['showtype'] == 'search'
- $resource === "search"
id |
- $_POST['_right'] = "id"
- $field = "id"
- $fields = 'id'
- $items[__('ID')] = "id"
- $linkfield = 'id'
- $newtab['right'] = 'id'
- $order_col = 'id'
- $right = 'id'
- $rights = 'id'
- self::$search[$itemtype][140]['field'] = 'id'
- self::$search[$itemtype][2]['field'] = 'id'
- self::$search[$itemtype][60]['field'] = 'id'
- $crit == "id"
- $key != "id"
- $key == 'id'
- $kn_fkey == "id"
- $option['field'] != 'id'
all |
- $entities_id = 'all'
- $options['criteria'][0]['value'] = 'all'
- $options['media'] = 'all'
- $param['right'] = 'all'
- $post['right'] = "all"
- $right = "all"
- $right = 'all'
- $tabs[-1] = 'All'
- $ID == "all"
- $ID === "all"
- $criterion['field'] != "all"
- $criterion['field'] != 'all'
- $criterion['field'] == "all"
- $criterion['field'] == 'all'
- $service === 'all'
- $val == 'all'
- $val['field'] != 'all'
- $val['field'] == 'all'
- $view != 'all'
- $view == "all"
_inventory |
- $input['field'] = '_inventory'
- $action->fields['field'] != '_inventory'
- $action->fields['field'] == '_inventory'
- $splitter[0] == "_inventory"
_ignore_import |
- $input['field'] = '_ignore_import'
- $action->fields['field'] == '_ignore_import'
- $criteria != '_ignore_import'
predefined |
- $fieldtype = 'Predefined'
- $fieldtype == 'Predefined'
1 |
- $crit['is_dynamic'] = '1'
- $input['value'] = '1'
- $p[$key] = '1'
- $resa->fields['id'] = '1'
- $sql = "1"
- $template_condition = '1'
- $_POST['enable_custom_css'] == '1'
- $datarules['_no_rule_matches'] == '1'
- $profile[$right] == '1'
- $res_rule['_ignore_import'] != "1"
- $res_rule['_ignore_ocs_import'] != "1"
- $tabnum == '1'
- $unmanaged->fields['hub'] == '1'
user |
- $ADDWHERE['glpi_projecttaskteams.itemtype'] = 'User'
- $_GET["type"] = "user"
- $icon = "user"
- $type = 'user'
- $_POST["idtable"] == 'User'
- $actor[0] == "user"
- $actor['itemtype'] == "User"
- $case_array[0] == 'user'
- $existing['itemtype'] === 'User'
- $filter_data['type'] == 'user'
- $input['_itil_assign']['_type'] == 'user'
- $itemtype != 'User'
- $itemtype == 'User'
- $itemtype === 'User'
- $teammember['itemtype'] === 'User'
__value__ |
- $param['groups_id'] = '__VALUE__'
- $params['id_field'] = '__VALUE__'
- $params['specialize_itemtype'] = '__VALUE__'
- $params['validatortype'] = '__VALUE__'
mail |
- $this->fields['email1_field'] = 'mail'
asc |
- $_SESSION["ldap_sortorder"] = "ASC"
- $default_values["order"] = "ASC"
- $order = "ASC"
- $order = 'ASC'
- $values['order'] = "ASC"
- $_GET["order"] == "ASC"
- $order != "ASC"
- $order != 'ASC'
- $order == "ASC"
and |
- $opt['criteria'][0]['link'] = 'AND'
- $opt['criteria'][1]['link'] = 'AND'
- $opt['criteria'][2]['link'] = 'AND'
- $options['criteria'][0]['link'] = 'AND'
- $options['criteria'][1]['link'] = 'AND'
- $options['criteria'][2]['link'] = 'AND'
- $options['criteria'][3]['link'] = 'AND'
- $options['metacriteria'][0]['link'] = 'AND'
- $tmplink = 'AND'
equals |
- $opt['criteria'][0]['searchtype'] = 'equals'
- $opt['criteria'][1]['searchtype'] = 'equals'
- $opt['criteria'][2]['searchtype'] = 'equals'
- $opt['criteria'][3]['searchtype'] = 'equals'
- $opt['criteria'][4]['searchtype'] = 'equals'
- $options['criteria'][0]['searchtype'] = 'equals'
- $options['criteria'][1]['searchtype'] = 'equals'
- $options['criteria'][2]['searchtype'] = 'equals'
- $options['criteria'][3]['searchtype'] = 'equals'
- $options['criteria'][5]['searchtype'] = 'equals'
- $options['metacriteria'][0]['searchtype'] = 'equals'
- $result = "equals"
- $relation == "equals"
- $relativity == "equals"
update |
process |
- $_SESSION['ldap_import']['action'] = 'process'
- $options['criteria'][0]['value'] = 'process'
- $options['criteria'][1]['value'] = 'process'
- $stage != 'process'
- $stage == 'process'
mygroups |
- $groups_id = 'mygroups'
- $options['criteria'][1]['value'] = 'mygroups'
- $apply_filters['group_tech'] == 'mygroups'
- $params['value'] != 'mygroups'
- $val == 'mygroups'
show |
- $_SESSION['ldap_import']['action'] = 'show'
- $_SESSION['ldap_import']['action'] == 'show'
type |
- $criterias['TYPE']['field'] = 'type'
- $criterias['type']['field'] = 'type'
- $criterias['type']['linkfield'] = 'type'
- $tab[$itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'type', $itil_object->getTable( ))] = 'type'
- $crit['field'] == 'type'
- $criteria['field'] == 'type'
- $field['name'] == 'type'
true |
- $allowclear = "true"
- $entity['expanded'] = 'true'
- $entity['selected'] = 'true'
- $is_horizontal = "true"
- $options['display'] === 'true'
- $parameter === "true"
- $params['display'] == 'true'
0 |
- $add = "0"
- $array[$binaryField . "_" . $i] = '0'
- $array[$versionField] = "0"
- $changes[0] = '0'
- $params["knowbaseitemcategories_id"] = "0"
- $params["start"] = "0"
- $this->fields["freesize"] = '0'
- $this->fields["ram"] = '0'
- $this->fields["totalsize"] = '0'
- $this->fields["vcpu"] = '0'
- $value = '0'
- $CFG_GLPI['notifications_mailing'] == '0'
- $CFG_GLPI['use_notifications'] == '0'
- $_POST["item_type"][0] == '0'
- $_POST['is_private'] != '0'
- $data['##' . $if_field . '##'] != '0'
- $input['snmpversion'] == '0'
- $items_id == "0"
- $minute === '0'
- $others_id == '0'
- $output['items_id'] == '0'
- $tabnum == '0'
- $this->fields['users_id'] != '0'
- $val->manufacturers_id != '0'
- $val->operatingsystemarchitectures_id == '0'
- $val->operatingsystemservicepacks_id == '0'
- $value != '0'
- self::$all_dashboards[$this->current]['users_id'] == '0'
other |
- $linked_action === 'other'
objectguid |
- $this->fields['sync_field'] = 'objectguid'
- $field != 'objectguid'
- $values['login_field'] == 'objectguid'
second contains first |
- $result = "second contains first"
- $relativity == "second contains first"
or |
- $options['criteria'][0]['link'] = 'OR'
- $options['criteria'][1]['link'] = 'OR'
- $options['criteria'][2]['link'] = 'OR'
- $options['criteria'][5]['link'] = 'OR'
- $tmplink = 'OR'
desc |
- $order = "DESC"
- $order = 'DESC'
- $_GET["order"] == "DESC"
- $order == "DESC"
- $order == 'DESC'
- $values['order'] != "DESC"
- $values['order'] == "DESC"
- $values['order'] == 'DESC'
glpi |
- $perso_tag = "GLPI"
- $perso_tag = 'GLPI'
central |
- $WHERE['glpi_profiles.interface'] = 'central'
- $criteria['WHERE'][Profile::getTable( ) . '.interface'] = 'central'
- $_SESSION['glpiactiveprofile']['interface'] == 'central'
- $interface == "central"
- $interface == 'central'
- $avgsatisfaction = ' '
- $content = " "
- $display = " "
- $itemtype = " "
- $link = " "
- $param['first_cell'] = ' '
- $value = " "
- $data['##' . $if_field . '##'] != ' '
- $msg != " "
- $name == ' '
- $newval_expl[0] == ' '
- $oldval_expl[0] == ' '
- $tmp != ' '
- $tmp == ' '
- $tmpname["name"] != " "
- $withoutput != ' '
right |
- $tmp['datatype'] == 'right'
solution |
- $options['content_field'] = 'solution'
- $options['name'] = 'solution'
- $timeline_data['type'] == "Solution"
completename |
- $_SESSION['glpi_dropdowntranslations'][$input['itemtype']]['completename'] = 'completename'
- $criterias['_groups_id']['field'] = 'completename'
- $criterias['_groups_id_assign']['field'] = 'completename'
- $criterias['_groups_id_observer']['field'] = 'completename'
- $criterias['_groups_id_of_item']['field'] = 'completename'
- $criterias['_groups_id_of_requester']['field'] = 'completename'
- $criterias['_groups_id_of_user']['field'] = 'completename'
- $criterias['_groups_id_requester']['field'] = 'completename'
- $criterias['_locations_id_of_item']['field'] = 'completename'
- $criterias['_locations_id_of_requester']['field'] = 'completename'
- $criterias['_locations_id_of_user']['field'] = 'completename'
- $criterias['_states_id_of_item']['field'] = 'completename'
- $criterias['entities_id']['field'] = 'completename'
- $criterias['itilcategories_id_cn']['field'] = 'completename'
- $criterias['locations_id']['field'] = 'completename'
- $field = "completename"
- $field = 'completename'
- $name = 'completename'
- $tmp['field'] = 'completename'
- self::$search[$itemtype][31]['field'] = 'completename'
- self::$search[$itemtype][49]['field'] = 'completename'
- self::$search[$itemtype][71]['field'] = 'completename'
- self::$search[$itemtype][80]['field'] = 'completename'
- $field === 'completename'
- $key != 'completename'
- $value['field'] == 'completename'
groups |
- $criterias['_groups_id']['id'] = 'groups'
- $criterias['_groups_id_requester']['id'] = 'groups'
- $rights = 'groups'
- $options['type'] == "groups"
users_id |
- $actions['_affect_user_by_regex']['duplicatewith'] = 'users_id'
- $actions['_users_id_assign']['appendtoarrayfield'] = 'users_id'
- $actions['_users_id_observer']['appendtoarrayfield'] = 'users_id'
- $actions['_users_id_requester']['appendtoarrayfield'] = 'users_id'
- $field = 'users_id'
- $field_user = 'users_id'
- $items[_n('Manager', 'Managers', 1)] = "users_id"
- $items[_n('Requester', 'Requesters', 1)] = "users_id"
- $this->updates[$i] == 'users_id'
status |
- $changes['RuleTicket'] = 'status'
- $column_field = 'status'
- $items[__('Status')] = "status"
- $action->fields["field"] === 'status'
- $column_field === 'status'
- $field == 'status'
utf-8 |
takeintoaccount_delay_stat |
- $items[__('Take into account')] = "takeintoaccount_delay_stat"
- $action->fields['field'] == 'takeintoaccount_delay_stat'
items_id |
- $actions['assign_appliance']['appendto'] = 'items_id'
- $allowed_fields[$itiltype][$withtypeandcategory][$withitemtype][$itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'items_id', $itemstable)] = 'items_id'
- $field = 'items_id'
- $fk = 'items_id'
- $params['items_id_name'] = 'items_id'
- $allowed_fields[$rule['num']] == 'items_id'
- $key == "items_id"
- $option['field'] == 'items_id'
groups_id |
- $actions['groups_id']['linkfield'] = 'groups_id'
- $field = 'groups_id'
- $field_group = 'groups_id'
- $items[__('Manager group')] = "groups_id"
- $action->fields['field'] == 'groups_id'
- $this->updates[$i] == 'groups_id'
[] |
- $field['fields'] === '[]'
reservation |
- $input["itemtype"] = 'Reservation'
- $from_referencetype === 'Reservation'
- $to_type === 'Reservation'
glpi_users |
- $actions['users_id']['table'] = 'glpi_users'
- $actions['users_id_tech']['table'] = 'glpi_users'
- $criterias['_users_id_assign']['table'] = 'glpi_users'
- $criterias['_users_id_observer']['table'] = 'glpi_users'
- $criterias['_users_id_requester']['table'] = 'glpi_users'
- $criterias['users_id']['table'] = 'glpi_users'
- self::$search[$itemtype][24]['table'] = 'glpi_users'
- self::$search[$itemtype][70]['table'] = 'glpi_users'
- $searchoptions['table'] == 'glpi_users'
tickettask |
- $itemtype == "TicketTask"
filename |
- $p['name'] = 'filename'
- $sort = 'filename'
states_id |
- $criterias['states_id']['field'] = 'states_id'
- $this->updates[$i] == 'states_id'
manufacturers_id |
- $criterias['manufacturer']['field'] = 'manufacturers_id'
- $key == "manufacturers_id"
locations_id |
- $criterias['locations_id']['linkfield'] = 'locations_id'
- $action->fields['field'] == 'locations_id'
- $key == "locations_id"
- $this->updates[$i] == 'locations_id'
glpi-core |
group |
- $ADDWHERE['glpi_projecttaskteams.itemtype'] = 'Group'
- $children['itemtype'] = "Group"
- $type = 'group'
- $case_array[0] == 'group'
- $exploded[0] === 'group'
- $filter_data['type'] == 'group'
- $input['_itil_assign']['_type'] == 'group'
- $key === 'group'
- $new_actor_itemtype === 'group'
- $params['type'] == "group"
hour |
- $options['unit'] = 'hour'
- $this->fields['definition_time'] = 'hour'
- $_SESSION['glpiduedatecritical_unit'] == 'hour'
- $_SESSION['glpiduedatewarning_unit'] == 'hour'
- $this->fields['definition_time'] == "hour"
day |
- $_SESSION['glpiduedatecritical_unit'] == 'day'
- $_SESSION['glpiduedatewarning_unit'] == 'day'
- $input['definition_time'] != 'day'
- $this->fields['definition_time'] == "day"
- $this->fields['definition_time'] == 'day'
software |
- $ctype == 'Software'
- $from_referencetype === 'Software'
- $itemtype != 'Software'
- $itemtype == 'Software'
- $meta_type == 'Software'
- $to_type === 'Software'
softwarelicense |
- $input["itemtype"] = 'SoftwareLicense'
- $itemtype = 'SoftwareLicense'
- $itemtype != 'SoftwareLicense'
- $itemtype == 'SoftwareLicense'
- $post['itemtype'] == "SoftwareLicense"
- $val == 'SoftwareLicense'
projecttask |
- $interv[$key]['itemtype'] = 'ProjectTask'
- $itemtype === 'ProjectTask'
horizontal |
- $_SESSION['glpipage_layout'] = "horizontal"
- $orientation = "horizontal"
- $orientation == "horizontal"
none |
- $config['elements'] = 'none'
- $group_name = 'None'
- $item != 'none'
- $sector != 'none'
problemtask |
- $tab_name = "ProblemTask"
- $itemtype == "ProblemTask"
networkport |
- $this->input_for_NetworkName['itemtype'] = 'NetworkPort'
- $itemtype == 'NetworkPort'
value |
- $param['name'] = "value"
- $param['name'] = 'value'
char(1) |
- $field['Type'] == 'char(1)'
problem |
- $itemtype = 'Problem'
- $itiltype = 'Problem'
- $right = 'problem'
- $data['itemtype'] == 'Problem'
- $itemtype == 'Problem'
- $itemtype === 'Problem'
listfull |
- $param['view_name'] = "listFull"
- $param['view_name'] != "listFull"
- $param['view_name'] == "listFull"
plannings |
- $filter_heading == "plannings"
event |
- $extratype == 'event'
- $itemtype === 'Event'
and not |
- $opt['criteria'][3]['link'] = 'AND NOT'
- $opt['criteria'][4]['link'] = 'AND NOT'
- $options['criteria'][2]['link'] = 'AND NOT'
- "AND NOT" === $criterion['link']
- |
- $matches[1] == '-'
- $number == "-"
false |
- $allowclear = "false"
- $is_horizontal = "false"
- $ma->POST['common_options'] == 'false'
- $parameter === "false"
- $params['personal'] !== 'false'
- $params['showgroupproblems'] !== 'false'
milestone |
- $task->type == "milestone"
- $type == 'milestone'
networkportethernet |
- $instantiation_type = "NetworkPortEthernet"
- $net_val->instantiation_type = 'NetworkPortEthernet'
- $val->instantiation_type = 'NetworkPortEthernet'
- $val_port->instantiation_type = 'NetworkPortEthernet'
- $_POST['instantiation_type'] == 'NetworkPortEthernet'
json |
- $format === 'json'
- $this->format == "json"
application/json |
- $content_type = "application/json"
- $format = 'application/json'
- $format === 'application/json'
contains |
- $options['criteria'][$newkey]['searchtype'] = 'contains'
- $options['criteria'][1]['searchtype'] = 'contains'
- $options['criteria'][2]['searchtype'] = 'contains'
- $options['metacriteria'][$newkey]['searchtype'] = 'contains'
- $params["criteria"][$count]["searchtype"] = 'contains'
- self::$search[$itemtype][1]['searchtype'] = 'contains'
- self::$search[$itemtype][2]['searchtype'] = 'contains'
- $searchtype === 'contains'
html |
^ |
- $options['criteria'][1]['value'] = '^'
- $val === '^'
- $value[0] == '^'
requesttypes_id |
- $criterias['requesttypes_id']['linkfield'] = 'requesttypes_id'
- $key = "requesttypes_id"
- $predeffield == 'requesttypes_id'
itemtype |
- $allowed_fields[$itiltype][$withtypeandcategory][$withitemtype][$itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'itemtype', $itemstable)] = 'itemtype'
- $criterias['itemtype']['field'] = 'itemtype'
- $criterias['itemtype']['linkfield'] = 'itemtype'
- $field = "itemtype"
- $labelfield = "itemtype"
- $options['name'] = 'itemtype'
- $order_col = "itemtype"
- $p['field'] = 'itemtype'
- $params['itemtype_name'] = 'itemtype'
- $params['name'] = 'itemtype'
- $crit->fields["criteria"] == 'itemtype'
- $criterion->fields['criteria'] == 'itemtype'
- $field == 'itemtype'
- $link_type == 'itemtype'
- $option['field'] == 'itemtype'
- $options['order'] == 'itemtype'
- $table_options['order'] == 'itemtype'
- static::$itemtype_1 === 'itemtype'
unknown |
- $mode = 'unknown'
- $state = 'unknown'
- $object != 'UNKNOWN'
- $val->type != 'Unknown'
on |
- $_GET[$option_name] == 'on'
- $jointablekey == 'ON'
- $name === 'ON'
- 'on' !== $state
disabled |
enforcing |
https |
- $taburl["scheme"] == 'https'
- $url["scheme"] == 'https'
management |
- $netpdata['name'] != 'management'
ip |
- $prop = 'ip'
- $table_options['order'] = 'ip'
- $criteria->fields['criteria'] == 'ip'
- $criterion == 'ip'
- $criterion->fields['criteria'] == 'ip'
- $options['order'] == 'ip'
printer |
monitor |
- $input['itemtype'] == 'Monitor'
peripheral |
- $itemtype == 'Peripheral'
- $tmp[0] == 'Peripheral'
-1 |
content |
- $criterias['content']['field'] = 'content'
- $criterias['content']['linkfield'] = 'content'
- $itemtypes[$itiltype . 'Task'] = 'content'
- $itemtypes[$itiltype] = 'content'
- $fieldname != 'content'
- $fieldname == 'content'
- $key == 'content'
en_gb |
- $lang = 'en_GB'
- $language = "en_GB"
- $this->fields['language'] = "en_GB"
- $trytoload = 'en_GB'
slas_id_ttr |
- $actions['slas_id_ttr']['linkfield'] = 'slas_id_ttr'
- $criterias['slas_id_ttr']['linkfield'] = 'slas_id_ttr'
- $slaField = 'slas_id_ttr'
- $action->fields["field"] === 'slas_id_ttr'
olas_id_ttr |
- $actions['olas_id_ttr']['linkfield'] = 'olas_id_ttr'
- $criterias['olas_id_ttr']['linkfield'] = 'olas_id_ttr'
- $slaField = 'olas_id_ttr'
- $action->fields["field"] === 'olas_id_ttr'
slas_id_tto |
- $actions['slas_id_tto']['linkfield'] = 'slas_id_tto'
- $criterias['slas_id_tto']['linkfield'] = 'slas_id_tto'
- $slaField = 'slas_id_tto'
- $action->fields["field"] === 'slas_id_tto'
_users_id_requester |
- $criterias['_users_id_requester']['linkfield'] = '_users_id_requester'
- $action->fields["field"] === '_users_id_requester'
_groups_id_requester |
- $criterias['_groups_id_requester']['linkfield'] = '_groups_id_requester'
- $action->fields["field"] == "_groups_id_requester"
- $action->fields['field'] == '_groups_id_requester'
glpi_suppliers |
- $actions['_suppliers_id_assign']['table'] = 'glpi_suppliers'
- $criterias['_suppliers_id_assign']['table'] = 'glpi_suppliers'
- $searchopt[$index]["table"] == "glpi_suppliers"
olas_id_tto |
- $actions['olas_id_tto']['linkfield'] = 'olas_id_tto'
- $criterias['olas_id_tto']['linkfield'] = 'olas_id_tto'
- $slaField = 'olas_id_tto'
- $action->fields["field"] === 'olas_id_tto'
followups_before_resolution |
- $name = "followups_before_resolution"
- $field == 'followups_before_resolution'
- $field['name'] == 'followups_before_resolution'
followup_frequency |
- $name = "followup_frequency"
- $field == 'followup_frequency'
- $field['name'] == 'followup_frequency'
? |
cartridgeitem |
- $itemtype = 'CartridgeItem'
- $linktype = 'CartridgeItem'
- $itemtype == 'CartridgeItem'
infocom |
- $input["itemtype"] = 'Infocom'
consumable |
- $specific_itemtype = 'Consumable'
- $itemtype != 'Consumable'
- $itemtype == 'Consumable'
cartridge |
- $specific_itemtype = 'Cartridge'
add |
- $add = "add"
- $btn_name = 'add'
- $normalized_action = 'add'
- $action == 'add'
- $action === 'add'
- $step != "add"
alert |
- $event != 'alert'
- $this->raiseevent == 'alert'
_add_validation |
- $allowed_fields[$itiltype][$withtypeandcategory][$withitemtype][-2] = '_add_validation'
- $key == '_add_validation'
_documents_id |
- $allowed_fields[$itiltype][$withtypeandcategory][$withitemtype][$itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'name', 'glpi_documents')] = '_documents_id'
< |
main |
not |
- $NOT = "NOT"
- $data['search']['criteria']['0']['link'] = 'NOT'
view |
- $field = 'view'
- $params["criteria"][$count]["field"] = 'view'
- $criterion['field'] != "view"
- $criterion['field'] != 'view'
- $criterion['field'] == 'view'
- $val['field'] != 'view'
- $val['field'] == 'view'
month |
- $input['definition_time'] != 'month'
- $this->fields['definition_time'] == "month"
- $this->fields['definition_time'] == 'month'
asset_types |
- self::$search[$itemtype][16]['table'] = 'asset_types'
- self::$search[$itemtype][19]['table'] = 'asset_types'
- self::$search[$itemtype][1]['table'] = 'asset_types'
- self::$search[$itemtype][2]['table'] = 'asset_types'
- self::$search[$itemtype][5]['table'] = 'asset_types'
- self::$search[$itemtype][6]['table'] = 'asset_types'
- self::$search[$itemtype][7]['table'] = 'asset_types'
- self::$search[$itemtype][8]['table'] = 'asset_types'
contact_num |
- self::$search[$itemtype][8]['field'] = 'contact_num'
- $this->updates[$i] == 'contact_num'
contact |
- self::$search[$itemtype][7]['field'] = 'contact'
- $this->updates[$i] == 'contact'
datetime |
- self::$search[$itemtype][19]['datatype'] = 'datetime'
- $searchopt[$ID]["datatype"] == 'datetime'
count |
- self::$search[$itemtype][140]['datatype'] = 'count'
- self::$search[$itemtype][60]['datatype'] = 'count'
- $key !== 'count'
- $so["datatype"] == 'count'
remove |
- $normalized_action = 'remove'
- $normalized_action == 'remove'
project |
- $item['_parent_itemtype'] = 'Project'
- $_POST["item"]["type"] == "project"
- $item->type != "project"
- $item->type != 'project'
- $itemtype === 'Project'
- $p['type'] == 'project'
- $p_item["type"] != "project"
- $p_item["type"] == "project"
- $p_target["type"] != "project"
- $type == "project"
- $val != 'Project'
- $val == 'Project'
8 |
- $colspan = 8
- $fontsize = 8
- $nbcols = 8
- $options['criteria'][1]['field'] = 8
- $options['field'][$key] = 8
- $soption = 8
- $this->_force_log_option = 8
testcookie |
- $_SESSION["glpicookietest"] = 'testcookie'
- $_SESSION["glpicookietest"] != 'testcookie'
7 |
- $options['criteria'][0]['field'] = 7
- $options['field'][$key] = 7
- $day_diff < 7
- $i < 7
- $i <= 7
text/plain |
- $fallback_response_type = 'text/plain'
- $format = 'text/plain'
3 |
- $colspan = 3
- $days = 3
- $i = 3
- $input["impact"] = 3
- $input["urgency"] = 3
- $nb_per_line = 3
- $p['size'] = 3
- $rowspan = 3
- $this->cell_margin = 3
- $this->fields["satisfaction"] = 3
- $this->fields['priority'] = 3
- $i >= 3
- $i < 3
- $impact == 3
- $input['snmpversion'] == 3
- $strrev < 3
- $t['id'] == 3
- $this->fields['level'] <= 3
- $this->log_errors < 3
- $urgency == 3
2 |
- $CFG_GLPI["decimal_number"] = 2
- $_SESSION['glpi_authconfig'] = 2
- $colspan = 2
- $error = 2
- $height_divider = 2
- $i = 2
- $idx = 2
- $item_number = 2
- $options['colspan'] = 2
- $output["result"][$rule->fields["id"]]["result"] = 2
- $param['management_restrict'] = 2
- $report['error'] = 2
- $rowspan = 2
- $status[$id] = 2
- $this->error = 2
- $CFG_GLPI['allow_search_view'] == 2
- $_POST['inquest_config'] == 2
- $clean == 2
- $count < 2
- $elt_count >= 2
- $field_counter < 2
- $field_counter == 2
- $i < 2
- $inquest->fields['type'] == 2
- $inquestconfig == 2
- $ldap_method["group_search_type"] == 2
- $link == 2
- $manager == 2
- $max < 2
- $num == 2
- $number != 2
- $options['withtemplate'] == 2
- $params['management_restrict'] == 2
- $params['withtemplate'] == 2
- $peer_number == 2
- $relation_position == 2
- $report['error'] < 2
- $row['hpos'] >= 2
- $row['hpos'] == 2
- $side == 2
- $status_code == 2
- $tabnum == 2
- $this->debug >= 2
- $this->fields["type"] == 2
- $this->options['clean_cartridgeitem'] == 2
- $this->options['clean_certificate'] == 2
- $this->options['clean_contact'] == 2
- $this->options['clean_contract'] == 2
- $this->options['clean_document'] == 2
- $this->options['clean_software'] == 2
- $withtemplate != 2
- $withtemplate < 2
- $withtemplate == 2
10 |
- $i = 10
- $optionIndex = 10
- $param['max_per_line'] = 10
- $i < 10
- $i <= 10
- $j < 10
- $max > 10
- $minute < 10
- $nb_series > 10
- $nb_series <= 10
- $this->fields['hourmax'] < 10
- $this->fields['hourmin'] < 10
15 |
- $CFG_GLPI['ajax_limit_count'] = 15
- $p['rows'] = 15
- $p['size'] = 15
- $rows = 15
100 |
- $_SESSION['marketplace_dl_progress'][$plugin_key] = 100
- $cols = 100
- $input['percent_done'] = 100
- $options['percent'] = 100
- $p['cols'] = 100
- $percentage = 100
- $txlineaire = 100
- $alpha <= 100
- $i <= 100
- $index < 100
- $params['percent'] <= 100
- $percentage > 100
- $step['percent_done'] == 100
- 100 == $fields['percent_done']
4 |
- $chartPadding = 4
- $colspan = 4
- $options['criteria'][0]['field'] = 4
- $options['criteria'][1]['field'] = 4
- $options['criteria'][3]['field'] = 4
- $rowspan = 4
- $selectOptions['size'] = 4
- $soption = 4
- $this->_force_log_option = 4
- $this->fields['number_time'] = 4
- $this->version = 4
- $address->version == 4
- $day_diff < 4
- $i < 4
- $index < 4
- $row['version'] == 4
- $this->fields["version"] == 4
- $version == 4
80 |
- $defaultport = 80
- $port = 80
- $this->WordWrap = 80
12 |
- $opt['criteria'][3]['field'] = 12
- $opt['criteria'][4]['field'] = 12
- $options['criteria'][0]['field'] = 12
- $options['criteria'][1]['field'] = 12
- $options['criteria'][2]['field'] = 12
- $options['criteria'][3]['field'] = 12
- $i < 12
- $i <= 12
- $val == 12
6 |
- $config['keep_bad'] = 6
- $options['criteria'][0]['field'] = 6
- $this->_force_log_option = 6
- $this->version = 6
5 |
- $colspan = 5
- $i = 5
- $impact = 5
- $options['criteria'][0]['field'] = 5
- $options['criteria'][1]['field'] = 5
- $options['criteria'][5]['field'] = 5
- $p['step'] = 5
- $rowspan = 5
- $soption = 5
- $this->_force_log_option = 5
- $threshold = 5
- $urgency = 5
- $value = 5
- $count <= 5
- $i <= 5
- $impact <= 5
- $orig_id == 5
- $p['link_type'] < 5
- $rate > 5
- $urgency <= 5
- $value > 5
11 |
55 |
- $opt['criteria'][0]['field'] = 55
- $options['criteria'][0]['field'] = 55
60 |
- $options['criteria'][1]['field'] = 60
- $day_diff < 60
- $diff < 60
- $i < 60
- $j < 60
30 |
- $min_s = 30
- $options['criteria'][0]['field'] = 30
- $rows = 30
20 |
- $i = 20
- $longitude = 20
- $max_l = 20
- $min_l = 20
- $this->fields["max_items"] = 20
- $ID == 20
- $i < 20
- $nb > 20
- $orig_id == 20
begin |
443 |
- $defaultport = 443
- $port = 443
assign |
- $_POST["actortype"] == 'assign'
- $action['action_type'] == "assign"
- $post["actortype"] == 'assign'
observer |
- $string_type = "observer"
- $_POST["actortype"] == 'observer'
- $post["actortype"] == 'observer'
52 |
- $opt['criteria'][2]['field'] = 52
- $options['criteria'][0]['field'] = 52
- $options['criteria'][3]['field'] = 52
250 |
50 |
24 |
5000 |
1000 |
- $files_per_dir = 1000
- $i = 1000
- $count <= 1000
- $i < 1000
- $nb > 1000
- $speed >= 1000
- $val > 1000
is_recursive |
- $field === 'is_recursive'
now |
400 |
- $httpcode = 400
- $p['height'] = 400
# |
- $line[0] == '#'
- $lines[$i][0] != "#"
255 |
- $namesize > 255
- $singleton > 255
rule |
- static::$itemtype == 'Rule'
0xffffffff |
- $this->binary[$i] = 0xffffffff
- $address[$i] > 0xffffffff
- $value > 0xffffffff
location |
helpdesk |
- $this->fields["interface"] = "helpdesk"
- $_POST["_type"] != "Helpdesk"
- $_POST["_type"] == "Helpdesk"
- $input['interface'] == "helpdesk"
- $interface == "helpdesk"
- $interface == 'helpdesk'
- $item->fields['interface'] == 'helpdesk'
- $this->fields["interface"] == "helpdesk"
supplier |
- $children['itemtype'] = "Supplier"
- $_POST['typefield'] == 'supplier'
- $input['_itil_assign']['_type'] == 'supplier'
- $itemtype == "Supplier"
- $itemtype == 'Supplier'