This is the list of error messages, as found in die() and exit() expressions.
Message | File | Line |
"Error preparing query $insert_query" | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php | 432 |
sprintf('Invalid value: "%s" doesn\'t exist.', $kn_fkey) | /src/Api/API.php | 2846 |
'Phone/Computer MAC linked' | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php | 292 |
"Error preparing query $insert_query" | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php | 402 |
sprintf(__('Some properties are not known: %1$s'), implode(', ', array_keys($unknown))) | /src/Inventory/Conf.php | 713 |
sprintf(__('Property %1$s does not exists!'), $name) | /src/Inventory/Conf.php | 752 |
"Invalid item hook: '$hook'" | /src/Plugin/HookManager.php | 136 |
sprintf('getFromDB expects to get one result, %1$s found!', count($iterator)) | /src/Dashboard/Dashboard.php | 117 |
"Invalid file hook: '$hook'" | /src/Plugin/HookManager.php | 86 |
"Invalid functional hook: '$hook'" | /src/Plugin/HookManager.php | 113 |
sprintf('Invalid configuration for cache context "%s".', $context) | /src/Cache/CacheManager.php | 438 |
sprintf('Unable to clone elements of class %s as it does not extends "CommonDBConnexity"', $classname) | /src/Features/Clonable.php | 106 |
sprintf('No VCalendar object found at URL "%s"', $planning_params['url']) | /src/Planning.php | 2170 |
'Missing event class for mode ' . $data['mode'] . ' (' . $eventclass . ')' | /src/NotificationEvent.php | 197 |
sprintf('Undefined property: %s::%s in %s on line %d', __CLASS__, $property, $trace[0]['file'], $trace[0]['line']) | /src/NetworkPort.php | 109 |
sprintf('Unable to parse calendar data from URL "%s"', $planning_params['url']) | /src/Planning.php | 2163 |
sprintf('Invalid format for "%s" value', $field) | /src/Console/Migration/AbstractPluginToCoreCommand.php | 160 |
sprintf('Cache directory "%s" is not writeable.', $tpl_cachedir) | /src/Application/View/TemplateRenderer.php | 89 |
sprintf('Multiple calendar items found with uuid %s. Unable to determine which item should be returned.', $uid) | /src/CalDAV/Traits/CalDAVUriUtilTrait.php | 228 |
sprintf('Invalid itemtype "%s" for fkey "%s".', $kn_itemtype, $kn_fkey) | /src/Api/API.php | 2858 |
get_class($item) . " is not allowed for this parameter type." | /src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/AbstractParameters.php | 75 |
"Unable to load parent item: $parents_itemtype $parents_id" | /ajax/solution.php | 84 |
sprintf('findVirtualMachine expects to get one result, %1$s found in query "%2$s".', count($iterator), $iterator->getSql( )) | /src/ComputerVirtualMachine.php | 495 |
sprintf('Unable to clean table "%s"', $table) | /src/Console/Migration/AppliancesPluginToCoreCommand.php | 247 |
'Count on tabs has been disabled; crontask is inefficient.' | /src/SavedSearch.php | 1213 |
'<error>' . __('Unable to update DB configuration file.') . '</error>' | /src/Console/Migration/UnsignedKeysCommand.php | 173 |
"Failed to add " . get_class($commondb_relation) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 6096 |
'<error>' . __('Errors occured during migration.') . '</error>' | /src/Console/Migration/MyIsamToInnoDbCommand.php | 125 |
"Failed to delete " . get_class($commondb_relation) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 6075 |
sprintf('Unable to truncate table "%s"', $table) | /src/Console/Migration/AppliancesPluginToCoreCommand.php | 236 |
"The picture '{$src_file}' referenced by the {$owner_type} with ID {$owner_id} does not exist" | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 5965 |
sprintf('Invalid itemtype "%s".', $itemtype) | /src/Console/Migration/AbstractPluginToCoreCommand.php | 329 |
"Failed to delete " . get_class($commondb_relation) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 6059 |
"Itemtype does not have a Kanban tab!" | /src/Features/Kanban.php | 172 |
'<error>' . __('Unable to update DB configuration file.') . '</error>' | /src/Console/Migration/MyIsamToInnoDbCommand.php | 118 |
"$value exceed 255 characters long (" . strlen($value) . "), it will be truncated." | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 4139 |
"Unable to load template: $solutiontemplates_id" | /ajax/solution.php | 77 |
'<error>' . __('Migration cannot be done.') . '</error>' | /src/Console/Migration/AbstractPluginToCoreCommand.php | 177 |
'Missing entity ID!' | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 4338 |
"Missing or invalid parameter: 'solutiontemplates_id'" | /ajax/solution.php | 48 |
'<error>' . __('Plugin data import failed.') . '</error>' | /src/Console/Migration/AbstractPluginToCoreCommand.php | 222 |
"Duplicate key $optid ({$options[$type][$optid]['name']}/{$opt['name']}) in " . get_class($this) . " searchOptions!" | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 3681 |
"Unable to load parent item: $parents_itemtype $parents_id" | /ajax/itilfollowup.php | 81 |
'<error>' . __('Errors occured during migration.') . '</error>' | /src/Console/Migration/DynamicRowFormatCommand.php | 156 |
"Duplicate key $optid ({$all_options[$optid]['name']}/{$opt['name']}) in " . self::class . " searchOptionsToAdd for $itemtype!" | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 3777 |
'<error>' . $msg . '</error>' | /src/Console/Migration/AbstractPluginToCoreCommand.php | 138 |
sprintf('Unable to clean elements of class %s as it does not extends "CommonDBConnexity"', $classname) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 920 |
sprintf('Answer "%s" has no corresponding itemtype.', $answer) | /src/Console/Migration/RacksPluginToCoreCommand.php | 584 |
'Unable to add locked field!' | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 1732 |
"Bad request: itemtype cannot be empty" | /ajax/dropdownTrackingDeviceType.php | 48 |
'<error>' . $msg . '</error>' | /src/Console/Migration/DynamicRowFormatCommand.php | 88 |
sprintf('getFromDBByCrit expects to get one result, %1$s found in query "%2$s".', count($iter), $iter->getSql( )) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 389 |
'Unexpected plugin state.' | /src/Console/Migration/RacksPluginToCoreCommand.php | 348 |
sprintf('getFromDBByRequest expects to get one result, %1$s found in query "%2$s".', count($iterator), $iterator->getSql( )) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 434 |
"Missing or invalid parameter: 'itemtype'" | /ajax/itilfollowup.php | 69 |
sprintf('Unable to truncate table "%s"', $table) | /src/Console/Migration/RacksPluginToCoreCommand.php | 410 |
'A value seems missing, criterion was: ' . $criterion | /src/RuleImportAsset.php | 400 |
"Missing or invalid parameter: 'itilfollowuptemplates_id'" | /ajax/itilfollowup.php | 51 |
sprintf('Destination directory "%s" cannot be accessed.', $compile_directory) | /src/Console/Build/CompileScssCommand.php | 83 |
sprintf('getFromDB expects to get one result, %1$s found in query "%2$s".', count($iterator), $iterator->getSql( )) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 313 |
"Unable to load template: $itilfollowuptemplates_id" | /ajax/itilfollowup.php | 75 |
__('Option --max must be an integer.') | /src/Console/Assets/CleanSoftwareCommand.php | 86 |
__('default_value must be numeric') | /src/Migration.php | 312 |
sprintf('Undefined property: %s::%s in %s on line %d', __CLASS__, $property, $trace[0]['file'], $trace[0]['line']) | /src/NetworkPort.php | 89 |
"BAD FOREIGN KEY, should be [ table1 => key1, table2 => key2 ] or [ table1 => key1, table2 => key2, [criteria]]" | /src/DBmysqlIterator.php | 717 |
__('default_value must be 0 or 1') | /src/Migration.php | 274 |
"Invalid order clause" | /src/DBmysqlIterator.php | 375 |
"BAD JOIN, value must be [ table => criteria ]" | /src/DBmysqlIterator.php | 663 |
'Criteria found both inside and outside "WHERE" key. Some of them will be ignored' | /src/DBmysqlIterator.php | 305 |
"Missing group by field" | /src/DBmysqlIterator.php | 319 |
"Missing table name" | /src/DBmysqlIterator.php | 276 |
'<error>' . __('Errors occured during migration.') . '</error>' | /src/Console/Migration/TimestampsCommand.php | 234 |
"Missing table name" | /src/DBmysqlIterator.php | 292 |
0 | /src/Api/API.php | 234 |
"Table $table does not exists" | /src/DbUtils.php | 584 |
'<error>' . __('Errors occured during migration.') . '</error>' | /src/Console/Migration/Utf8mb4Command.php | 200 |
"With COUNT and DISTINCT, you must specify exactly one field, or use 'COUNT DISTINCT'" | /src/DBmysqlIterator.php | 241 |
'<error>' . __('Unable to update DB configuration file.') . '</error>' | /src/Console/Migration/TimestampsCommand.php | 227 |
sprintf('Entity config "%s" should be get using its reference field "%s" with a "0" default value', $fieldval, $fieldref) | /src/Entity.php | 3187 |
'<error>' . $msg . '</error>' | /src/Console/Migration/Utf8mb4Command.php | 126 |
sprintf('Cannot instanciate "%s" as it is an abstract class.', $itemtype) | /src/DbUtils.php | 411 |
'<error>' . __('Unable to update DB configuration file.') . '</error>' | /src/Console/Migration/Utf8mb4Command.php | 193 |
'Missing type for Ticket template!' | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7636 |
'<error>' . __('Errors occured during migration.') . '</error>' | /src/Console/Migration/UnsignedKeysCommand.php | 180 |
sprintf(__('Invalid configuration for %1$s folder in receiver %2$s'), $folder, $this->getName( )) | /src/MailCollector.php | 1781 |
'<error>' . $msg . '</error>' | /src/Console/Migration/Utf8mb4Command.php | 118 |
'Missing or incorrect device type called!' | /front/devicetype.php | 38 |
'Missing or incorrect device type called!' | /front/device.form.php | 41 |
'PLUGINS_DIRECTORIES constant value must be an array' | /inc/based_config.php | 155 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /inc/autoload.function.php | 35 |
'Something went wrong searching in LDAP directory' | /src/AuthLDAP.php | 3386 |
1 | /inc/autoload.function.php | 381 |
'Not an objectguid!' | /src/AuthLDAP.php | 4341 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /inc/based_config.php | 35 |
'Invalid name provided!' | /ajax/dropdownRubDocument.php | 64 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /inc/relation.constant.php | 35 |
'LDAP server must be set!' | /src/AuthLDAP.php | 1409 |
'PHP 7.4.0 - 8.2.0 (exclusive) required' | /index.php | 40 |
'Required argument missing or incorrect!' | /ajax/dropdownLocation.php | 43 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /inc/db.function.php | 35 |
'Required argument missing!' | /ajax/dcroom_size.php | 40 |
__("Item must be of project type") | /ajax/gantt.php | 143 |
__("Link already exist!") | /ajax/gantt.php | 208 |
'Required argument missing!' | /ajax/getKbComment.php | 41 |
__("Target item must be of project type") | /ajax/gantt.php | 110 |
'Required argument missing!' | /ajax/getKbRevision.php | 47 |
'Required argument missing!' | /ajax/compareKbRevisions.php | 47 |
'Invalid field provided!' | /ajax/uemailUpdate.php | 48 |
'Invalid email provided!' | /ajax/uemailUpdate.php | 84 |
'Missing or incorrect device type called!' | /front/devicemodel.form.php | 38 |
'Missing or incorrect item device type called!' | /front/item_device.php | 38 |
__('No action available') | /src/MassiveAction.php | 252 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /ajax/searchoptionvalue.php | 42 |
__('Implementation error!') | /src/MassiveAction.php | 261 |
sprintf('Cannot link a computer with a %s', $item->getType( )) | /src/Computer_Item.php | 821 |
"Unknown type $type to get date formats." | /src/Toolbox.php | 2837 |
'Empty date' | /src/Infocom.php | 821 |
'Empty date' | /src/Infocom.php | 836 |
__("The authentication method configuration doesn't allow you to change your password.") | /src/User.php | 5320 |
__('Invalid email address') | /src/User.php | 5452 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /ajax/private_public.php | 39 |
__("Unable to reset password, please contact your administrator") | /src/User.php | 5303 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /ajax/rulecriteria.php | 40 |
__("Unable to reset password, please contact your administrator") | /src/User.php | 5313 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /ajax/ldapdaterestriction.php | 39 |
'Either "min" or "max" is required for PHP requirements!' | /src/Plugin.php | 2000 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /ajax/getDropdownUsers.php | 45 |
__('Your password reset request has expired or is invalid. Please renew it.') | /src/User.php | 5295 |
"security" | /front/pluginimage.send.php | 56 |
"messageMissing type $type is unknown!" | /src/Plugin.php | 1891 |
"security" | /front/pluginimage.send.php | 75 |
'Either "min" or "max" is required for GLPI requirements!' | /src/Plugin.php | 1953 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /front/commonitilcost.form.php | 47 |
'Unable to retrieve itemtype' | /src/Item_Disk.php | 127 |
json_encode(['' => ['language' => $CFG_GLPI['languages'][$_SESSION['glpilanguage']][1], 'plural-forms' => 'nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);', ], ]) | /front/locale.php | 59 |
$itemtype . ': invalid search option! ' . print_r($opt, true) | /src/Plugin.php | 1772 |
sprintf("Unable to fetch registration information.\nError message:%s\nResponse:\n%s", $error_message, $registration_response) | /src/GLPINetwork.php | 230 |
'Cannot build an empty subquery' | /src/QuerySubQuery.php | 53 |
sprintf("Unable to fetch offers information.\nError message:%s\nResponse:\n%s", $error_message, $response) | /src/GLPINetwork.php | 334 |
'Unable to retrieve itemtype' | /src/Socket.php | 193 |
sprintf('Unable to extract locales data from "%s".', $po_file) | /front/locale.php | 87 |
$this->header->getFather( )->getName( ) . ' != NULL' | /src/HTMLTableCell.php | 95 |
sprintf('Missing mandatory locale headers in "%s".', $po_file) | /front/locale.php | 111 |
'NULL != NULL' | /src/HTMLTableCell.php | 99 |
$this->header->getFather( )->getName( ) . ' != ' . $this->father->header->getName( ) | /src/HTMLTableCell.php | 84 |
sprintf('Invalid RefusedEquipment "%s" or inventory file missing', $_GET['refused']) | /front/inventory.php | 50 |
'NULL != ' . $this->father->header->getName( ) | /src/HTMLTableCell.php | 90 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /ajax/dropdownTicketCategories.php | 39 |
'Cannot guess ' | /src/CommonDBRelation.php | 2124 |
"'$itemtype' is not a CommonITILObject" | /src/ITILFollowup.php | 1006 |
sprintf('Cannot use getListForItemParams() for a %s', $item->getType( )) | /src/CommonDBRelation.php | 1819 |
'Bad relation (' . $itemtype . ', ' . static::class . ', ' . static::$itemtype_1 . ', ' . static::$itemtype_2 . ')' | /src/CommonDBRelation.php | 2114 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /ajax/ruleactionvalue.php | 40 |
'Invalid itemtype provided!' | /src/Search.php | 3120 |
"Unknown operator '{$row['operator']}'" | /src/SavedSearch_Alert.php | 467 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /ajax/rulecriteriavalue.php | 40 |
__('Implementation error!') | /src/MassiveAction.php | 389 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /ajax/getDropdownNumber.php | 44 |
__('Invalid process') | /src/MassiveAction.php | 396 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /ajax/ruleaction.php | 40 |
__('Implementation error!') | /src/MassiveAction.php | 270 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /ajax/getDropdownConnect.php | 43 |
__('No selected items') | /src/MassiveAction.php | 382 |
"--to option is mandatory\n" | /tools/testmail.php | 59 |
"Argument \$item ($class) must be a CommonDBTM)." | /src/Impact.php | 140 |
"usage php testmail.php [ --from=email ] --to=email [ --enc=7bit|8bit|binary|base64|quoted-printable ]\n" | /tools/testmail.php | 70 |
"Invalid direction : $direction" | /src/Impact.php | 692 |
"User not found {$_GET['user']}" | /tools/glpiuser.php | 107 |
"Argument \$item ($class) must be a CommonDBTM." | /src/Impact.php | 79 |
$q . " " . $DB->error( ) | /tools/fk_generate.php | 89 |
"Argument \$item ($class) is not a valid target for impact analysis." | /src/Impact.php | 89 |
"\n" | /tools/glpiuser.php | 58 |
'Implementation error: header requires an item' | /src/HTMLTableHeader.php | 106 |
"Invalid new password\n" | /tools/glpiuser.php | 87 |
'Implementation error: type mismatch between header and cell' | /src/HTMLTableHeader.php | 110 |
1 | /tools/psr4.php | 81 |
'Implementation error: must define all headers before any subgroups' | /src/HTMLTableMain.php | 89 |
"Only available from command line" | /tools/glpiuser.php | 35 |
'RRULE not yet implemented for ITIL tasks' | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 1852 |
1 | /tools/psr4.php | 38 |
$type . " is not (yet?) handled." | /src/ProjectTask.php | 251 |
1 | /tools/psr4.php | 73 |
'RRULE not yet implemented for Project tasks' | /src/ProjectTask.php | 2168 |
"** mandatory option 'type' is missing\n" | /tools/getsearchoptions.php | 62 |
sprintf('Unknown request type %s', $request) | /src/Agent.php | 703 |
"** unknown type\n" | /tools/getsearchoptions.php | 65 |
'Unavailable header!' | /src/HTMLTableRow.php | 103 |
1 | /inc/config.php | 102 |
'Cannot process updates without any version specified!' | /src/Update.php | 157 |
0 | /tools/getsearchoptions.php | 55 |
sprintf(__('Unsupported mail server type:%s.'), $config['type']) | /src/Auth.php | 205 |
1 | /inc/autoload.function.php | 410 |
"Unknown context $context!" | /src/Document.php | 1759 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /inc/config.php | 35 |
$input['itemtype'] . " is not (yet?) handled." | /src/ProjectTaskTeam.php | 223 |
1 | /front/cron.php | 45 |
sprintf(__('Failed to delete ticket %d'), $id) | /src/Ticket.php | 6987 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /front/commonitiltask.form.php | 43 |
sprintf(__('Not enough rights to merge tickets %d and %d'), $merge_target_id, $id) | /src/Ticket.php | 7006 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /front/rule.common.form.php | 42 |
sprintf(__('Failed to add document to ticket %d'), $merge_target_id) | /src/Ticket.php | 6863 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /front/rule.common.php | 40 |
sprintf(__('Failed to link tickets %d and %d'), $merge_target_id, $id) | /src/Ticket.php | 6893 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/entity.php | 35 |
sprintf(__('Failed to add task to ticket %d'), $merge_target_id) | /src/Ticket.php | 6835 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /front/commonitilvalidation.form.php | 47 |
sprintf(__('Not enough rights to merge tickets %d and %d'), $merge_target_id, $id) | /src/Ticket.php | 6841 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/ticket_contract.php | 35 |
sprintf(__('Failed to add followup to ticket %d'), $merge_target_id) | /src/Ticket.php | 6814 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/networkportalias.php | 35 |
sprintf(__('Not enough rights to merge tickets %d and %d'), $merge_target_id, $id) | /src/Ticket.php | 6821 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/item_operatingsystem.php | 35 |
sprintf(__('Failed to load ticket %d'), $id) | /src/Ticket.php | 6784 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/supplier.php | 35 |
sprintf(__('Failed to add followup to ticket %d'), $merge_target_id) | /src/Ticket.php | 6799 |
"Can't add PendingReasonCron" | /install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/pendingreason.php | 126 |
"Invalid value for argument \$direction ($direction)." | /src/Impact.php | 1647 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/contact.php | 35 |
sprintf('Charset "%s" is not supported.', $charset) | /src/DBConnection.php | 775 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/tickettask.php | 35 |
"Invalid value for argument \$direction ($direction)." | /src/Impact.php | 1198 |
"Can't add 'glpi-system' user" | /install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/pendingreason.php | 104 |
"Invalid value for argument \$direction ($direction)." | /src/Impact.php | 1415 |
1 | /install/update.php | 233 |
"itemtype ($itemtype) must be enabled in config" | /src/Impact.php | 882 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/event.php | 35 |
"itemtype ($itemtype) must be a valid child of CommonDBTM" | /src/Impact.php | 889 |
'User::getFromDBbyToken() can only be called with $field parameter with theses values: \'' . implode('\', \'', $fields) . '\'' | /src/User.php | 631 |
"Unknown mode " . $this->mode | /src/Agent/Communication/AbstractRequest.php | 447 |
"Failed to find a single user for '$email', $count user(s) found." | /src/User.php | 5433 |
"Mode has not been set" | /src/Agent/Communication/AbstractRequest.php | 462 |
"Failed to load PendingReason" | /src/PendingReasonCron.php | 157 |
1 | /src/Toolbox.php | 659 |
"Unknown compression mode" . $this->compression | /src/Agent/Communication/AbstractRequest.php | 206 |
"Failed to load SolutionTemplate::{$pending_reason->fields['solutiontemplates_id']}" | /src/PendingReasonCron.php | 164 |
"Mode has not been set" | /src/Agent/Communication/AbstractRequest.php | 425 |
"Failed to load ITILFollowupTemplate::{$pending_reason->fields['itilfollowuptemplates_id']}" | /src/PendingReasonCron.php | 126 |
sprintf('Invalid cache DSN %s.', var_export($dsn, true)) | /src/Cache/CacheManager.php | 269 |
"Can't bump, unable to update pending item" | /src/PendingReasonCron.php | 137 |
"Unknown mode $mode" | /src/Agent/Communication/AbstractRequest.php | 139 |
"Status is not pending" | /src/PendingReasonCron.php | 108 |
1 | /src/Toolbox.php | 654 |
'Unable to connect to Memcached server.' | /src/Cache/CacheManager.php | 187 |
"Failed to load PendingReason" | /src/PendingReasonCron.php | 119 |
sprintf('Invalid context: "%s".', $context) | /src/Cache/CacheManager.php | 221 |
"Missing system_user user" | /src/PendingReasonCron.php | 76 |
sprintf('Invalid DSN: %s.', json_encode($dsn, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES)) | /src/Cache/CacheManager.php | 139 |
"Failed to load item" | /src/PendingReasonCron.php | 103 |
sprintf('Invalid or non configurable context: "%s".', $context) | /src/Cache/CacheManager.php | 161 |
sprintf('Invalid RefusedEquipment "%s" or inventory file missing', $refused_id) | /src/RuleImportAssetCollection.php | 156 |
'Implementation error: must define all headers before any row' | /src/HTMLTableGroup.php | 99 |
"Missing system_user config" | /src/PendingReasonCron.php | 70 |
1 | /src/DBConnection.php | 605 |
sprintf('Invalid or non configurable context: "%s".', $context) | /src/Cache/CacheManager.php | 136 |
sprintf('Invalid "options" key provided by plugin `plugin_%s_options()` method.', $plugin_key) | /src/Plugin.php | 1633 |
json_encode(["message" => __("The action you have requested is not allowed.")]) | /src/Session.php | 1429 |
'Unable to retrieve itemtype' | /src/Item_RemoteManagement.php | 307 |
"Duplicate key $optid ({$options[$optid]['name']}/{$opt['name']}) in " . $itemtype . " searchOptions!" | /src/Plugin.php | 1778 |
"Unknown {$field['type']}" | /src/CommonDCModelDropdown.php | 248 |
sprintf('Unknown attributes "%s" used in "%s" class registration', implode('", "', array_keys($attrib)), $itemtype) | /src/Plugin.php | 1405 |
sprintf('Table "%s" cannot be renamed as table "%s" already exists.', $old_table, $new_table) | /src/Migration.php | 1372 |
"$fct method must be defined!" | /src/Plugin.php | 1574 |
sprintf('Field "%s" cannot be renamed in table "%s" as "%s" is field already exists.', $fkey_oldname, $fkey_table, $fkey_newname) | /src/Migration.php | 1404 |
'Using "entities_id" option in NotificationTargetCertificate is deprecated.' | /src/NotificationTargetCertificate.php | 79 |
print_r($this->getErrors( ), true) | /src/Inventory/Inventory.php | 228 |
'Use Toolbox::stripTags(), Glpi\RichText\RichText::getSafeHtml(), Glpi\RichText\RichText::getEnhancedHtml() or Glpi\RichText\RichText::getTextFromHtml().' | /src/Html.php | 63 |
'Item ID is missing :(' | /src/Inventory/Inventory.php | 392 |
'The parameters for Search::addOrderBy have changed to allow sorting by multiple fields. Please update your calling code.' | /src/Search.php | 3496 |
sprintf('Unable to get table "%s" structure', $table_name) | /src/System/Diagnostic/DatabaseSchemaIntegrityChecker.php | 184 |
'Using "certificates" option in NotificationTargetCertificate is deprecated.' | /src/NotificationTargetCertificate.php | 74 |
print_r($this->getErrors( ), true) | /src/Inventory/Inventory.php | 177 |
sprintf('Reading private property %s::%s is deprecated', __CLASS__, $property) | /src/MassiveAction.php | 456 |
sprintf('Unable to get table "%s" columns', $table_name) | /src/System/Diagnostic/AbstractDatabaseChecker.php | 118 |
sprintf('Writing private property %s::%s is deprecated', __CLASS__, $property) | /src/MassiveAction.php | 495 |
sprintf('Unable to get table "%s" index', $table_name) | /src/System/Diagnostic/AbstractDatabaseChecker.php | 137 |
'Use native str_ends_with() function.' | /src/Toolbox.php | 2786 |
__('Not enough rights') | /src/Gantt/ProjectDAO.php | 71 |
'Use Glpi\Toolbox\RichText::getEnhancedHtml()' | /src/Toolbox.php | 2951 |
__('Not enough rights') | /src/Gantt/ProjectDAO.php | 88 |
'Use either native trigger_error($msg, E_USER_WARNING) to log errors,' . ' either Glpi\\Application\\ErrorHandler::handleException() to log exceptions,' . ' either Toolbox::logInfo() or Toolbox::logDebug() to log messages not related to errors.' | /src/Toolbox.php | 449 |
__('Not enough rights') | /src/Gantt/TaskDAO.php | 100 |
'Use native str_starts_with() function.' | /src/Toolbox.php | 2768 |
__('Not enough rights') | /src/Gantt/ProjectDAO.php | 45 |
'Use either native trigger_error($msg, E_USER_NOTICE) to log notices,' . ' either Glpi\\Application\\ErrorHandler::handleException() to log exceptions,' . ' either Toolbox::logInfo() or Toolbox::logDebug() to log messages not related to errors.' | /src/Toolbox.php | 415 |
__('Not enough rights') | /src/Gantt/TaskDAO.php | 45 |
'Use either native trigger_error($msg, E_USER_WARNING) to log warnings,' . ' either Glpi\\Application\\ErrorHandler::handleException() to log exceptions,' . ' either Toolbox::logInfo() or Toolbox::logDebug() to log messages not related to errors.' | /src/Toolbox.php | 436 |
__('Not enough rights') | /src/Gantt/TaskDAO.php | 80 |
'Use "Glpi\Toolbox\Sanitizer::sanitize()"' | /src/Toolbox.php | 279 |
"Unknown compression mode" . $this->compression | /src/Agent/Communication/AbstractRequest.php | 495 |
'Use "Glpi\Toolbox\Sanitizer::unsanitize()"' | /src/Toolbox.php | 297 |
sprintf('%1$s HTTP header is mandatory!', $headername) | /src/Agent/Communication/Headers/Common.php | 162 |
__("The authentication method configuration doesn't allow the user '$email' to change his password.") | /src/User.php | 5443 |
"Error opening file $file" | /src/Toolbox.php | 718 |
"Unknown mode " . $this->mode | /src/Agent/Communication/AbstractRequest.php | 473 |
'Use "GLPIKey::decrypt()"' | /src/Toolbox.php | 259 |
"Compression has not been set" | /src/Agent/Communication/AbstractRequest.php | 477 |
'Wired non unique!' | /src/NetworkPort_NetworkPort.php | 268 |
'Cannot run an UPDATE query without WHERE clause!' | /src/DBmysql.php | 1368 |
'Item type is mandatory' | /src/Document_Item.php | 86 |
'Cannot run an DELETE query without WHERE clause!' | /src/DBmysql.php | 1498 |
sprintf('Unable to load Certificate "%s".', $certificate_id) | /src/Certificate.php | 744 |
'Invalid field name ' . $name | /src/DBmysql.php | 1212 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /ajax/getDropdownValue.php | 44 |
'Sub type not specified creating a new rule' | /src/Rule.php | 2041 |
str_replace('%clause', $key, 'Trying to use an unknonw clause (%clause) building update query!') | /src/DBmysql.php | 1357 |
"Failed to delete PendingReason_Item" | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 161 |
'getTypeName must be implemented' | /src/NotificationSetting.php | 45 |
"CAS lib not installed" | /src/Auth.php | 493 |
"Unknown {$field['type']}" | /src/Location.php | 514 |
"Failed to update PendingReason_Item, no item found" | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 122 |
'Cannot guess field for itemtype ' . $itemtype . ' on ' . static::class | /src/CommonDBChild.php | 991 |
"Failed to update PendingReason_Item" | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 130 |
'getMode must be implemented' | /src/NotificationSetting.php | 56 |
'For security reasons, you should consider using exif PHP extension to properly check images.' | /src/Document.php | 1722 |
'Invalid HEX color.' | /src/Html.php | 6655 |
"Failed to create PendingReason_Item" | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 100 |
'"file" argument is required.' | /src/Html.php | 6700 |
sprintf('Undefined property: %s::%s in %s on line %d', __CLASS__, $property, $trace[0]['file'], $trace[0]['line']) | /src/IPNetwork.php | 121 |
'Cannot attach a super header to another header' | /src/HTMLTableBase.php | 147 |
'Something went wrong sending telemetry information' | /src/Telemetry.php | 288 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /ajax/dropdownConnect.php | 39 |
$name . ':' . $sub_name | /src/HTMLTableBase.php | 173 |
sprintf('Unable to load Domain "%s".', $domain_id) | /src/Domain.php | 677 |
sprintf('Implementation error: invalid super header name "%s"', $header_name) | /src/HTMLTableBase.php | 81 |
"Sorry. You can't access this file directly" | /ajax/dropdownDelegationUsers.php | 41 |
sprintf('Undefined property: %s::%s in %s on line %d', __CLASS__, $property, $trace[0]['file'], $trace[0]['line']) | /src/IPNetwork.php | 97 |
'A sub header requires a super header' | /src/HTMLTableBase.php | 137 |
"Missing field $login_field for LDAP entry $field_for_sync $uid" | /src/AuthLDAP.php | 1902 |
'Implementation error: appendHeader requires HTMLTableHeader as parameter' | /src/HTMLTableBase.php | 62 |
"ldap_connect function is missing. Did you miss install php-ldap extension?" | /src/AuthLDAP.php | 3006 |
sprintf('Implementation error: invalid super header name "%s"', $header_name) | /src/HTMLTableBase.php | 72 |
1 | /src/Update.php | 213 |
sprintf('Plugin "%s" must be configured.', $plugin_key) | /src/Plugin.php | 578 |
'BAD JOIN' | /src/DBmysqlIterator.php | 673 |
sprintf('Plugin "%s" prerequisites are not matched. It has been deactivated.', $plugin_key) | /src/Plugin.php | 624 |
sprintf('Table "%s" does not exists.', $old_table) | /src/Migration.php | 1364 |
sprintf('Unable to load plugin "%s" information.', $plugin_key) | /src/Plugin.php | 498 |
'Empty IN are not allowed' | /src/DBmysqlIterator.php | 584 |
sprintf('Plugin "%s" version changed. It has been deactivated as its update process has to be launched.', $plugin_key) | /src/Plugin.php | 540 |
'BAD JOIN' | /src/DBmysqlIterator.php | 655 |
'Missing required intl PHP extension' | /src/Session.php | 680 |
sprintf(__('Unsupported mail server type:%s.'), $config['type']) | /src/MailCollector.php | 1369 |
sprintf('Encryption status %1$s does not exists!', $status) | /src/Item_Disk.php | 627 |
1 | /src/Update.php | 210 |
"Unknown {$field['type']}" | /src/Entity.php | 3826 |
sprintf('Unable to load item %s (%s).', $cable->fields["itemtype_endpoint_a"], $cable->fields["items_id_endpoint_a"]) | /src/CableStrand.php | 190 |
'Cannot build an empty expression' | /src/QueryExpression.php | 49 |
'Upgrade is not supported before 0.80!' | /src/Update.php | 163 |
sprintf('Unable to load item %s (%s).', Socket::getType( ), $cable->fields["sockets_id_endpoint_a"]) | /src/CableStrand.php | 200 |
'Unknown ITIL type ' . $itil_class | /src/ITILTemplatePredefinedField.php | 203 |
sprintf('Unable to load item %s (%s).', $cable->fields["itemtype_endpoint_b"], $cable->fields["items_id_endpoint_b"]) | /src/CableStrand.php | 170 |
"Can't get status value: no object loaded" | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7883 |
sprintf('Unable to load item %s (%s).', Socket::getType( ), $cable->fields["sockets_id_endpoint_b"]) | /src/CableStrand.php | 180 |
'Unknown ITIL type ' . static::getType( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7906 |
'Duplicated document item relation' | /src/Document_Item.php | 133 |
'Saved search #' . $this->getID( ) . ' seems to be broken!' | /src/SavedSearch.php | 1257 |
sprintf('Unable to load item %s (%s).', $cable->getType( ), $data['id']) | /src/CableStrand.php | 158 |
1 | /src/Update.php | 164 |
'Cannot build an empty union query' | /src/QueryUnion.php | 99 |
'Document ID is mandatory' | /src/Document_Item.php | 104 |
"Can't write in " . GLPI_SESSION_DIR . "\n" | /src/Update.php | 71 |
vsprintf('Invalid search option in "%1$s": missing "%2$s" field(s). %3$s', [get_called_class( ), implode('", "', $missingFields), print_r($opt, true)]) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 3666 |
'Cannot link document to itself' | /src/Document_Item.php | 113 |
get_called_class( ) . ': invalid search option! ' . print_r($opt, true) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 3770 |
sprintf('No class found for type %s', $input['itemtype']) | /src/Document_Item.php | 91 |
'Argument $field cannot be empty.' | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 271 |
'Item ID is mandatory' | /src/Document_Item.php | 99 |
'Invalid table name.' | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 276 |
"JS lib $name is not known!" | /src/Html.php | 6299 |
"Missing 'impacts' payload" | /ajax/impact.php | 119 |
sprintf(__('Invalid cache context: "%s".'), $context) | /src/Console/Cache/ClearCommand.php | 90 |
"{$file} file not found from plugin {$plugin}!" | /src/Html.php | 6382 |
"Missing or invalid 'action' parameter" | /ajax/impact.php | 110 |
sprintf(__('Invalid cache context: "%s".'), $context) | /src/Console/Cache/DebugCommand.php | 79 |
"{$file} file not found from plugin $plugin!" | /src/Html.php | 1860 |
"Object[class=$itemtype, id=$items_id] doesn't exist" | /ajax/impact.php | 84 |
'<error>' . $error_msg . '</error>' | /src/Console/Cache/ConfigureCommand.php | 182 |
"{$file} file not found from plugin $plugin!" | /src/Html.php | 1886 |
"Missing itemtype or items_id" | /ajax/impact.php | 79 |
'<error>' . __('Unable to write cache configuration file.') . '</error>' | /src/Console/Cache/ConfigureCommand.php | 193 |
"Unknown type $extratype" | /src/Notification_NotificationTemplate.php | 532 |
'Unable to load agent #' . $_POST['id'] | /ajax/agent.php | 47 |
'<error>' . __('Unable to write cache configuration file.') . '</error>' | /src/Console/Cache/ConfigureCommand.php | 153 |
sprintf('Debug tab "%s"(%s) display callable is invalid.', $tab_info['title'] ?? '', $tab_id) | /src/Html.php | 818 |
sprintf(__('Invalid cache DSN: "%s".'), json_encode($dsn)) | /src/Console/Cache/ConfigureCommand.php | 171 |
'Unable to extract nonce from string. It may not have been crypted with sodium functions.' | /src/GLPIKey.php | 409 |
"Invalid itemtype parameter" | /ajax/kanban.php | 61 |
__('Either --dsn or --use-default options have to be used.') | /src/Console/Cache/ConfigureCommand.php | 140 |
'Unable to decrypt string. It may have been crypted with another key.' | /src/GLPIKey.php | 425 |
"Missing itemtype" | /ajax/impact.php | 63 |
__('--dsn and --use-default options cannot be used simultaneously.') | /src/Console/Cache/ConfigureCommand.php | 144 |
'Unable to write security key file contents.' | /src/GLPIKey.php | 191 |
"Missing mandatory 'preset' parameter" | /front/contenttemplates/documentation.php | 43 |
__('Database user defined by --db-user option cannot be empty.') | /src/Console/Database/AbstractConfigureCommand.php | 398 |
'Error during encrypted data update in database.' | /src/GLPIKey.php | 197 |
"Missing $param parameter" | /ajax/kanban.php | 106 |
sprintf(__('Invalid cache context: "%s".'), $context) | /src/Console/Cache/ConfigureCommand.php | 134 |
'Unable to get security legacy key file contents.' | /src/GLPIKey.php | 150 |
"No item found for given id" | /front/log/export.php | 55 |
__('Database name defined by --db-name option cannot be empty.') | /src/Console/Database/AbstractConfigureCommand.php | 392 |
sprintf('Security key file path (%s) is not writable.', $this->keyfile) | /src/GLPIKey.php | 171 |
"Missing action parameter" | /ajax/kanban.php | 50 |
__('--db-password option value cannot be null.') | /src/Console/Database/AbstractConfigureCommand.php | 405 |
'Unable to get security key file contents.' | /src/GLPIKey.php | 127 |
"Invalid stats itemtype" | /front/graph.send.php | 49 |
'<error>' . $message . '</error>' | /src/Console/Database/AbstractConfigureCommand.php | 251 |
'Invalid security key file contents.' | /src/GLPIKey.php | 131 |
"Invalid filter" | /front/log/export.php | 60 |
'<error>' . $message . '</error>' | /src/Console/Database/AbstractConfigureCommand.php | 311 |
'Several elements exists in rack at same place :(' | /src/Rack.php | 841 |
"Can't update the target impact item, id is missing" | /front/impactitem.form.php | 45 |
'<error>' . __('Database configuration already exists. Use --reconfigure option to override existing configuration.') . '</error>' | /src/Console/Database/AbstractConfigureCommand.php | 206 |
'You must create a security key, see glpi:security:change_key command.' | /src/GLPIKey.php | 123 |
"Invalid itemtype" | /front/log/export.php | 49 |
'<error>' . $message . '</error>' | /src/Console/Database/AbstractConfigureCommand.php | 238 |
sprintf('Usage of signed integers in primary or foreign keys is discouraged, please use unsigned integers instead in `%s`.`%s`.', $table_matches['table'], $field_matches['field']) | /src/DBmysql.php | 2003 |
"Missing or invalid parameter: 'items_id'" | /ajax/itilfollowup.php | 63 |
__('You have to specify which tasks to unlock using --all or --task options.') | /src/Console/Task/UnlockCommand.php | 208 |
'A value seems missing, criterion was: ' . $criterion | /src/RuleImportAsset.php | 389 |
sprintf(__('Invalid "dictionnary" value.')) | /src/Console/Rules/ReplayDictionnaryRulesCommand.php | 102 |
'Usage of "MyISAM" engine is discouraged, please use "InnoDB" engine.' | /src/DBmysql.php | 1985 |
"Unable to load template: $tasktemplates_id" | /ajax/task.php | 75 |
__('Option --delay has to be an integer.') | /src/Console/Task/UnlockCommand.php | 192 |
'Usage of "DATETIME" fields is discouraged, please use "TIMESTAMP" fields instead.' | /src/DBmysql.php | 1990 |
__('Option --all is not compatible with option --task.') | /src/Console/Task/UnlockCommand.php | 202 |
sprintf('Usage of "%s" charset/collation detected, should be "%s"', $charset_matches['invalid'], str_replace('utf8', 'utf8mb4', $charset_matches['invalid'])) | /src/DBmysql.php | 1965 |
"Unable to load parent item: $parents_itemtype $parents_id" | /ajax/task.php | 81 |
__('Option --cycle is not compatible with option --delay.') | /src/Console/Task/UnlockCommand.php | 180 |
sprintf('Usage of "%s" charset/collation detected, should be "%s"', $charset_matches['invalid'], str_replace('utf8mb4', 'utf8', $charset_matches['invalid'])) | /src/DBmysql.php | 1974 |
__('Option --cycle has to be an integer.') | /src/Console/Task/UnlockCommand.php | 186 |
'A database transaction has already been started!' | /src/DBmysql.php | 1634 |
__('User name defined by --username option is invalid.') | /src/Console/Plugin/InstallCommand.php | 240 |
'Unable to set DB savepoint because no transaction was started' | /src/DBmysql.php | 1649 |
"Missing or invalid parameter: 'items_id'" | /ajax/task.php | 63 |
__('Option --all is not compatible with usage of directory argument.') | /src/Console/Plugin/AbstractPluginCommand.php | 79 |
"Table $table does not exists" | /src/DBmysql.php | 1170 |
"Missing users_id parameter" | /ajax/getUserPicture.php | 46 |
__('Options --begin-date and --end-date can only be used with --only-create-new or --only-update-existing option.') | /src/Console/Ldap/SynchronizeUsersCommand.php | 479 |
'Update would change too many rows!' | /src/DBmysql.php | 1476 |
"Missing or invalid parameter: 'itemtype'" | /ajax/task.php | 69 |
sprintf(__('--deleted-user-strategy value "%s" is not valid.'), $deleted_user_strategy) | /src/Console/Ldap/SynchronizeUsersCommand.php | 493 |
sprintf('Undefined property: %s::%s in %s on line %d', __CLASS__, $property, $trace[0]['file'], $trace[0]['line']) | /src/Profile.php | 89 |
"Missing or invalid parameter: 'tasktemplates_id'" | /ajax/task.php | 51 |
sprintf(__('Unable to parse --%1$s value "%2$s".'), $option_name, $date) | /src/Console/Ldap/SynchronizeUsersCommand.php | 468 |
sprintf('Undefined property: %s::%s in %s on line %d', __CLASS__, $property, $trace[0]['file'], $trace[0]['line']) | /src/Profile.php | 107 |
__('Option --begin-date value has to be lower than option --end-date value.') | /src/Console/Ldap/SynchronizeUsersCommand.php | 484 |
'Requested file ' . $path . ' is outside GLPI file tree.' | /src/Html.php | 6746 |
"Payload should be an array" | /ajax/impact.php | 125 |
__('Option --only-create-new is not compatible with option --only-update-existing.') | /src/Console/Ldap/SynchronizeUsersCommand.php | 446 |
__METHOD__ . ' should not be called!' | /src/NotificationEventAjax.php | 79 |
sprintf(__('--ldap-server-id value "%s" is not a valid LDAP server id.'), $server_id) | /src/Console/Ldap/SynchronizeUsersCommand.php | 455 |
"{$file} file not found from plugin {$plugin}!" | /src/Html.php | 6406 |
"Missing rights" | /ajax/impact.php | 147 |
'<error>' . __('Unable to write cache configuration file.') . '</error>' | /src/Console/Cache/SetNamespacePrefixCommand.php | 89 |
'Requested file ' . $path . ' does not exists.' | /src/Html.php | 6736 |
__('Unable to load LDAP server information.') | /src/Console/Ldap/SynchronizeUsersCommand.php | 255 |
'Use StatusChecker::getServiceStatus for service checks instead' | /src/System/Status/StatusChecker.php | 598 |
'Calendar deletion is not implemented' | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Calendar.php | 160 |
'Using "entities_id" option in NotificationTargetDomain is deprecated.' | /src/NotificationTargetDomain.php | 71 |
'Calendar creation is not implemented' | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Calendar.php | 155 |
sprintf('Writing private property %s::%s is deprecated', __CLASS__, $property) | /src/IPNetwork.php | 112 |
'Principal findByUri is not implemented' | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Principal.php | 113 |
1 | /src/DBmysql.php | 1559 |
'Using "domains" option in NotificationTargetDomain is deprecated.' | /src/NotificationTargetDomain.php | 66 |
'Group member set update is not implemented' | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Principal.php | 231 |
sprintf('%s has been replaced by %s.', $classname, str_replace('Computer', 'Asset', $classname)) | /inc/autoload.function.php | 296 |
1 | /src/DBmysql.php | 1449 |
'Principal update is not implemented' | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Principal.php | 102 |
sprintf('Writing private property %s::%s is deprecated', __CLASS__, $property) | /src/NetworkPort.php | 103 |
'Principal search is not implemented' | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Principal.php | 108 |
'Plain-text status output is deprecated please use the JSON format instead by specifically setting the Accept header to "application/json". In the future, JSON output will be the default.' | /status.php | 65 |
sprintf('Invalid component type "%s"', $component_type) | /src/CalDAV/Traits/VobjectConverterTrait.php | 70 |
sprintf('Reading private property %s::%s is deprecated', __CLASS__, $property) | /src/NetworkPort.php | 83 |
'Component object must be a VEVENT, a VJOURNAL, or a VTODO' | /src/CalDAV/Traits/VobjectConverterTrait.php | 228 |
'Order should be defined in criteria!' | /src/DbUtils.php | 555 |
'Cannot wire a port to itself!' | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php | 759 |
'Handling of encoded/escaped value in autoName() is deprecated.' | /src/DbUtils.php | 1707 |
1 | /src/DBmysql.php | 1328 |
sprintf('Unable to check rights of itemtype "%s".', $itemtype) | /src/Application/View/Extension/SessionExtension.php | 99 |
sprintf('Writing private property %s::%s is deprecated', __CLASS__, $property) | /src/Profile.php | 101 |
1 | /src/DBmysql.php | 438 |
'Antivirus are handled for computers only.' | /src/Inventory/Asset/Antivirus.php | 45 |
'Criteria must be an array!' | /src/DbUtils.php | 548 |
'Unable to find linked item object name for ' . $this->item->getType( ) | /src/Inventory/Asset/Printer.php | 186 |
'Autocompletion feature has been removed.' | /src/Html.php | 3723 |
'Virtual machines are handled for computers only.' | /src/Inventory/Asset/VirtualMachine.php | 77 |
sprintf('Reading private property %s::%s is deprecated', __CLASS__, $property) | /src/Profile.php | 83 |
'Remote Management are handled for following types only: ' . implode(', ', $CFG_GLPI['remote_management_types']) | /src/Inventory/Asset/RemoteManagement.php | 48 |
'openArrowMassives() method is deprecated' | /src/Html.php | 2215 |
"Unhandled schema entry $key" | /src/Inventory/Inventory.php | 636 |
'closeArrowMassives() method is deprecated' | /src/Html.php | 2256 |
'Exactly one entry in data is expected.' | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkEquipment.php | 394 |
'No email address is not defined in configuration.' | /src/Config.php | 3852 |
'<error>' . __('Unable to update DB configuration file.') . '</error>' | /src/Console/Database/EnableTimezonesCommand.php | 101 |
'Several elements exists in rack at same place :(' | /src/Rack.php | 827 |
'No item found for given id' | /front/manuallink.form.php | 43 |
'Unable to check GLPI tables existence.' | /src/Console/Database/InstallCommand.php | 289 |
sprintf('Undefined property: %s::%s in %s on line %d', __CLASS__, $property, $trace[0]['file'], $trace[0]['line']) | /src/MassiveAction.php | 501 |
json_encode(['message' => $message]) | /src/Http/Response.php | 72 |
'<error>' . $message . '</error>' | /src/Console/Database/EnableTimezonesCommand.php | 84 |
'No-Reply address is not defined in configuration.' | /src/Config.php | 3834 |
'<error>' . $message . '</error>' | /src/Console/Database/EnableTimezonesCommand.php | 94 |
"Calling getDecimalNumbers on $type" | /src/Toolbox.php | 3453 |
__('Unable to connect to database.') | /src/Console/AbstractCommand.php | 99 |
sprintf('Undefined property: %s::%s in %s on line %d', __CLASS__, $property, $trace[0]['file'], $trace[0]['line']) | /src/MassiveAction.php | 462 |
'<comment>' . __('Aborted.') . '</comment>' | /src/Console/AbstractCommand.php | 247 |
sprintf('Invalid specs for protocol "%s".', $protocol_type) | /src/Toolbox.php | 2106 |
sprintf(__('Cannot write in "%s" directory.'), GLPI_SESSION_DIR) | /src/Console/Application.php | 350 |
"Calling isFloat on $type" | /src/Toolbox.php | 3431 |
sprintf('Command "%s" does not exist.', $name) | /src/Console/CommandLoader.php | 97 |
'Invalid value returned by "mail_server_protocols" hook.' | /src/Toolbox.php | 2043 |
'Component "%s" is not supported' | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Calendar.php | 301 |
sprintf('Invalid specs for protocol "%s".', $protocol_type) | /src/Toolbox.php | 2077 |
sprintf(__('Invalid "--lang" option value "%s".'), $lang) | /src/Console/Application.php | 212 |
sprintf('Protocol "%s" is already defined and cannot be overwritten.', $key) | /src/Toolbox.php | 2022 |
1 | /src/Migration.php | 695 |
sprintf('Object "%s" not found', $objectPath) | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Calendar.php | 246 |
sprintf('Invalid specs for protocol "%s".', $key) | /src/Toolbox.php | 2034 |
'Error during object deletion' | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Calendar.php | 250 |
'Use "GLPIKey::encrypt()"' | /src/Toolbox.php | 249 |
sprintf('Object "%s" not found', $objectPath) | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Calendar.php | 231 |
'' | /src/Telemetry.php | 289 |
'Error during object creation' | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Calendar.php | 235 |
'Plain-text status output is deprecated please use the JSON format instead by specifically using the "--format json" parameter. In the future, JSON output will be the default.' | /src/Console/System/CheckStatusCommand.php | 85 |
1 | /src/DBmysql.php | 1609 |
sprintf('Calendar "%s" not found', $calendarId) | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Calendar.php | 176 |
"This method is deprecated. Use displayCentralHeader() instead" | /src/CommonDropdown.php | 208 |
'Error during object creation' | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Calendar.php | 220 |