This is the list of classes depdendencies : For each class, there is the list of other classes that it depends upon. Dependencies include types, attributes, instantiation and static calls.
Class | Dependency | Type | Count |
AbstractITILChildTemplate (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonITILObject (\) | type | 1 | |
ParametersPreset (\glpi\contenttemplates) | staticconstant | 1 | |
ParametersPreset (\glpi\contenttemplates) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AbstractRightsDropdown (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Entity (\) | new | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group (\) | new | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Profile (\) | new | 1 | |
Agent (\) | AgentType (\) | new | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
GLPIKey (\) | new | 1 | |
IPAddress (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AgentType (\) | Agent (\) | new | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
Ajax (\) | TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Alert (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AllAssets (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | extends | 1 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
APIClient (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Appliance (\) | Appliance_Item (\) | new | 1 |
ApplianceEnvironment (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Certificate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AssetImage (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Appliance_Item (\) | Appliance (\) | new | 1 |
Appliance (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
Appliance_Item_Relation (\) | Appliance_Item (\) | new | 1 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
ApplianceEnvironment (\) | Appliance (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
ApplianceType (\) | Appliance (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
Auth (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | extends | 1 | |
Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 1 | |
GLPIKey (\) | new | 1 | |
GLPINetwork (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationMailing (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Phone (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleRightCollection (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
UserEmail (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AuthLDAP (\) | Auth (\) | new | 1 |
AuthLdapReplicate (\) | new | 1 | |
AuthLdapReplicate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Entity (\) | new | 1 | |
ErrorHandler (\glpi\application) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
GLPINetwork (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | type | 1 | |
AuthLdapReplicate (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AuthMail (\) | Auth (\) | new | 1 |
Auth (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AutoUpdateSystem (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Blacklist (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
BlacklistedMailContent (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Bookmark (\) | SavedSearch (\) | extends | 1 |
Budget (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
BudgetType (\) | CommonType (\) | extends | 1 |
BusinessCriticity (\) | CommonTreeDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Cable (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CableStrand (\) | Cable (\) | new | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CableType (\) | Cable (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
Calendar (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Holiday (\) | new | 1 | |
Holiday (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Calendar_Holiday (\) | Calendar (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CalendarSegment (\) | Calendar (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 | |
Cartridge (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Printer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Printer_CartridgeInfo (\) | new | 1 | |
CartridgeItem (\) | Alert (\) | staticconstant | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AssetImage (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Printer (\) | type | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
CartridgeItem_PrinterModel (\) | CartridgeItem (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CartridgeItemType (\) | CommonType (\) | extends | 1 |
Central (\) | Change (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | extends | 1 | |
Grid (\glpi\dashboard) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Event (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RSSFeed (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TicketValidation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Certificate (\) | Alert (\) | new | 1 |
Certificate_Item (\) | new | 1 | |
Certificate_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CertificateType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
DBmysql (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Certificate_Item (\) | Certificate (\) | new | 1 |
Certificate (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CertificateType (\) | CommonType (\) | extends | 1 |
Change (\) | Change_Problem (\) | new | 1 |
Change_Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
ChangeCost (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ChangeTask (\) | new | 1 | |
ChangeTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ChangeValidation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | extends | 1 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Problem (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Change_Group (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | extends | 1 |
Change_Item (\) | Change (\) | staticconstant | 1 |
Change (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonItilObject_Item (\) | extends | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Change_Problem (\) | Change (\) | new | 1 |
Change (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
Problem (\) | new | 1 | |
Problem (\) | type | 1 | |
Change_Supplier (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | extends | 1 |
Change_Ticket (\) | Change (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
ITILSolution (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | type | 1 | |
Change_User (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | extends | 1 |
ChangeCost (\) | CommonITILCost (\) | extends | 1 |
ChangeTask (\) | Change (\) | new | 1 |
CommonITILTask (\) | extends | 1 | |
ChangeTemplate (\) | Change (\) | new | 1 |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
ITILTemplate (\) | extends | 1 | |
ChangeTemplateHiddenField (\) | ITILTemplateHiddenField (\) | extends | 1 |
ChangeTemplateMandatoryField (\) | ITILTemplateMandatoryField (\) | extends | 1 |
ChangeTemplatePredefinedField (\) | ITILTemplatePredefinedField (\) | extends | 1 |
ChangeValidation (\) | CommonITILValidation (\) | extends | 1 |
CheckDatabaseKeysCommand (\) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DatabaseKeysChecker (\glpi\system\diagnostic) | new | 1 | |
CheckDatabaseSchemaConsistencyCommand (\) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DatabaseSchemaConsistencyChecker (\glpi\system\diagnostic) | new | 1 | |
CleanSoftwareCron (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
CronTask (\) | type | 1 | |
Item_SoftwareVersion (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Software (\) | new | 1 | |
Software (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SoftwareVersion (\) | new | 1 | |
Cluster (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ClusterType (\) | CommonType (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBConnexityItemNotFound (\) | catch | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | instanceof | 1 |
CommonDBConnexityItemNotFound (\) | new | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
CommonITILValidation (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
Item_Devices (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | AllAssets (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Change (\) | new | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Computer_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Contract_Item (\) | new | 1 | |
DBmysql (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | type | 1 | |
Document (\) | new | 1 | |
Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DropdownTranslation (\) | new | 1 | |
DropdownTranslation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Fieldblacklist (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
FieldUnicity (\) | new | 1 | |
FieldUnicity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Event (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group_User (\) | new | 1 | |
Impact (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
IPAddress (\) | new | 1 | |
Item_Enclosure (\) | new | 1 | |
Item_Rack (\) | new | 1 | |
Item_Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | new | 1 | |
Link (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | new | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkPortMigration (\) | new | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | new | 1 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Problem (\) | new | 1 | |
QueryParam (\) | new | 1 | |
ReservationItem (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleAssetCollection (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBVisible (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDCModelDropdown (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AssetImage (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
CommonDevice (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
DBmysql (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
RegisteredID (\) | new | 1 | |
RegisteredID (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDeviceModel (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDeviceType (\) | CommonType (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | AbstractITILChildTemplate (\) | instanceof | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
DropdownTranslation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AssetImage (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | new | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleCollection (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | CommonGLPIInterface (\) | implements | 1 |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Impact (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Infocom (\) | new | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | new | 1 | |
Lockedfield (\) | new | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ReservationItem (\) | new | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
CommonImplicitTreeDropdown (\) | CommonTreeDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
CommonITILActor (\) | Change (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Supplier (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonITILCost (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProjectTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | Change (\) | instanceof | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonITILValidation (\) | type | 1 | |
DBmysql (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Document_Item (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
\Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
\Glpi\Features\Kanban (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Teamwork (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
\Glpi\Features\Timeline (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Impact (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | staticproperty | 1 | |
ITILTemplate (\) | type | 1 | |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
OLA (\) | new | 1 | |
Problem (\) | new | 1 | |
Profile_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Project (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SLA (\) | new | 1 | |
SolutionType (\) | new | 1 | |
SolutionType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Supplier (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticproperty | 1 | |
Ticket_Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TicketSatisfaction (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
User (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
CommonItilObject_Item (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonITILRecurrent (\) | Calendar (\) | new | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Log (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonITILRecurrentCron (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CronTask (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonITILTask (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CalDAVCompatibleItemInterface (\glpi\caldav\contracts) | implements | 1 | |
VobjectConverterTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\PlanningEvent (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Group_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PlanningRecall (\) | new | 1 | |
Problem (\) | new | 1 | |
Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 1 | |
TaskCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TaskTemplate (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonITILValidation (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Document (\) | new | 1 | |
Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Document_Item (\) | new | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TicketValidation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
CommonType (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Computer (\) | AutoUpdateSystem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
Computer_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ComputerAntivirus (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ComputerVirtualMachine (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Datacenter (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\DCBreadcrumb (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Inventoriable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Socket (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Disk (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_OperatingSystem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Monitor (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
OperatingSystem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Peripheral (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Phone (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Printer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rack (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SoftwareLicense (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Computer_Item (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
ComputerAntivirus (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
Computer (\) | new | 1 | |
Computer (\) | type | 1 | |
ComputerModel (\) | CommonDCModelDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
ComputerType (\) | CommonType (\) | extends | 1 |
ComputerVirtualMachine (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Config (\) | Auth (\) | staticconstant | 1 |
Central (\) | new | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CronTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DBConnection (\) | new | 1 | |
DBmysql (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
DocumentCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
FieldUnicity (\) | new | 1 | |
CacheManager (\glpi\cache) | new | 1 | |
PasswordTooWeakException (\glpi\exception) | new | 1 | |
RequirementsManager (\glpi\system) | new | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
GLPIPDF (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MailCollector (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Planning (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Profile (\) | new | 1 | |
RefusedEquipment (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RequestType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SoftwareCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Telemetry (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
Consumable (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Event (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
ConsumableItem (\) | Alert (\) | staticconstant | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
CronTask (\) | type | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AssetImage (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
ConsumableItemType (\) | CommonType (\) | extends | 1 |
Contact (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AssetImage (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Phone (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
UserTitle (\) | new | 1 | |
Contact_Supplier (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Contact (\) | type | 1 | |
Supplier (\) | type | 1 | |
SupplierType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ContactType (\) | CommonType (\) | extends | 1 |
Contract (\) | Alert (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Budget (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Contract_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CronTask (\) | type | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Contract_Item (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Contract (\) | new | 1 | |
Contract (\) | type | 1 | |
ContractType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Supplier (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Contract_Supplier (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Contract (\) | type | 1 | |
ContractType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Phone (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Supplier (\) | type | 1 | |
SupplierType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ContractCost (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
Contract (\) | type | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
ContractType (\) | CommonType (\) | extends | 1 |
CronTask (\) | Alert (\) | new | 1 |
Alert (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Event (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CronTaskLog (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Database (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DatabaseInstance (\) | new | 1 | |
DatabaseInstance (\) | type | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DatabaseInstance (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Inventoriable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DatabaseInstanceCategory (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
DatabaseInstanceType (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Datacenter (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AssetImage (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DBConnection (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CronTask (\) | new | 1 | |
CronTask (\) | type | 1 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DBmysql (\) | DBConnection (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
DbTimezones (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryParam (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
QueryUnion (\) | new | 1 | |
Timer (\) | new | 1 | |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | QueryParam (\) | instanceof | 1 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DbUtils (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryUnion (\) | new | 1 | |
UserEmail (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DCRoom (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
Datacenter (\) | type | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\DCBreadcrumb (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rack (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DeleteOrphanLogsCommand (\) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 1 | |
DeviceBattery (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | extends | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
DeviceBatteryModel (\) | CommonDeviceModel (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceBatteryType (\) | CommonDeviceType (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceCamera (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | extends | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
DeviceCameraModel (\) | CommonDeviceModel (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceCase (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | extends | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
DeviceCaseModel (\) | CommonDeviceModel (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceCaseType (\) | CommonDeviceType (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceControl (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | extends | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DeviceControlModel (\) | CommonDeviceModel (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceDrive (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | extends | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
DeviceDriveModel (\) | CommonDeviceModel (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceFirmware (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | extends | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
DeviceFirmwareModel (\) | CommonDeviceModel (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceFirmwareType (\) | CommonDeviceType (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceGeneric (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | extends | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
DeviceGenericModel (\) | CommonDeviceModel (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceGenericType (\) | CommonDeviceType (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceGraphicCard (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | extends | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DeviceGraphicCardModel (\) | CommonDeviceModel (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceHardDrive (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | extends | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
DeviceHardDriveModel (\) | CommonDeviceModel (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceMemory (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | extends | 1 | |
DeviceMemoryType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
DeviceMemoryModel (\) | CommonDeviceModel (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceMemoryType (\) | CommonDeviceType (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceMotherboard (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | extends | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
DeviceMotherboardModel (\) | CommonDeviceModel (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceNetworkCard (\) | CommonDevice (\) | extends | 1 |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
Item_DeviceNetworkCard (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkInterface (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DeviceNetworkCardModel (\) | CommonDeviceModel (\) | extends | 1 |
DevicePci (\) | CommonDevice (\) | extends | 1 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DevicePciModel (\) | CommonDeviceModel (\) | extends | 1 |
DevicePowerSupply (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | extends | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
DevicePowerSupplyModel (\) | CommonDeviceModel (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceProcessor (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | extends | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
DeviceProcessorModel (\) | CommonDeviceModel (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceSensor (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | extends | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
DeviceSensorModel (\) | CommonDeviceModel (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceSensorType (\) | CommonDeviceType (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceSimcard (\) | CommonDevice (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceSimcardType (\) | CommonDeviceType (\) | extends | 1 |
DeviceSoundCard (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | extends | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DeviceSoundCardModel (\) | CommonDeviceModel (\) | extends | 1 |
DisplayPreference (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
Document (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CronTask (\) | type | 1 | |
Document_Item (\) | new | 1 | |
DocumentCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DocumentType (\) | new | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Event (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\TreeBrowse (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 1 | |
Reminder (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Document_Item (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
CommonITILTask (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
CommonITILTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonITILValidation (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Document (\) | type | 1 | |
DocumentCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
ITILSolution (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
Software (\) | new | 1 | |
DocumentCategory (\) | CommonTreeDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
DocumentType (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Domain (\) | Alert (\) | new | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
DomainRecord (\) | new | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Domain_Item (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
Domain (\) | new | 1 | |
DomainRecord (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DomainRecordType (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
DomainRecord (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DomainRelation (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DomainType (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Dropdown (\) | CommonDevice (\) | instanceof | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
DeviceCamera (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Impact (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Devices (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
OperatingSystem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Supplier (\) | new | 1 | |
DropdownTranslation (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Enclosure (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Datacenter (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\DCBreadcrumb (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Item_Enclosure (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rack (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
EnclosureModel (\) | CommonDCModelDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Entity (\) | Calendar (\) | new | 1 |
Calendar (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ChangeTemplate (\) | new | 1 | |
ChangeTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
Domain (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Event (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
MapGeolocation (\) | use | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProblemTemplate (\) | new | 1 | |
ProblemTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Profile_User (\) | new | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleAction (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleCollection (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SoftwareLicense (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
TicketSatisfaction (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TicketTemplate (\) | new | 1 | |
Entity_KnowbaseItem (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
Entity_Reminder (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
Entity_RSSFeed (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
Fieldblacklist (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
FieldUnicity (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Filesystem (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
FQDN (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
FQDNLabel (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
FQDNLabel (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
IPNetwork (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkName (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
GLPI (\) | Session (\) | staticconstant | 1 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AbstractRequest (\glpi\agent\communication) | Common (\glpi\agent\communication\headers) | type | 1 |
ErrorHandler (\glpi\application) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
API (\glpi\api) | Auth (\) | new | 1 |
Auth (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonDevice (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Contract (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PasswordTooWeakException (\glpi\exception) | catch | 1 | |
Infocom (\) | new | 1 | |
Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Devices (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Log (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NetworkEquipment (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
SavedSearch (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Software (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
APIRest (\glpi\api) | API (\glpi\api) | extends | 1 |
API (\glpi\api) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
GLPIUploadHandler (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
APIXmlrpc (\glpi\api) | API (\glpi\api) | extends | 1 |
Computer_SoftwareLicense (\glpi\api\deprecated) | CommonDeprecatedTrait (\glpi\api\deprecated) | use | 1 |
DeprecatedInterface (\glpi\api\deprecated) | implements | 1 | |
Computer_SoftwareVersion (\glpi\api\deprecated) | CommonDeprecatedTrait (\glpi\api\deprecated) | use | 1 |
DeprecatedInterface (\glpi\api\deprecated) | implements | 1 | |
Netpoint (\glpi\api\deprecated) | CommonDeprecatedTrait (\glpi\api\deprecated) | use | 1 |
DeprecatedInterface (\glpi\api\deprecated) | implements | 1 | |
TicketFollowup (\glpi\api\deprecated) | CommonDeprecatedTrait (\glpi\api\deprecated) | use | 1 |
DeprecatedInterface (\glpi\api\deprecated) | implements | 1 | |
ErrorHandler (\glpi\application) | Session (\) | staticconstant | 1 |
ConfigExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
DataHelpersExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
DocumentExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
FrontEndAssetsExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | DBmysql (\) | instanceof | 1 |
Entity (\) | new | 1 | |
ItemtypeExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 1 |
Group (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
User (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
PhpExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
SearchExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
SessionExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | Profile_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | type | 1 | |
TeamExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | ConfigExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | new | 1 |
DataHelpersExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | new | 1 | |
DocumentExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | new | 1 | |
FrontEndAssetsExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | new | 1 | |
I18nExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | new | 1 | |
ItemtypeExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | new | 1 | |
PhpExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | new | 1 | |
PluginExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | new | 1 | |
RoutingExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | new | 1 | |
SearchExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | new | 1 | |
SecurityExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | new | 1 | |
SessionExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | new | 1 | |
TeamExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | new | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
CacheManager (\glpi\cache) | SimpleCache (\glpi\cache) | new | 1 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Auth (\glpi\caldav\backend) | Auth (\) | new | 1 |
Principal (\glpi\caldav\backend) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Calendar (\glpi\caldav\backend) | CalDAVCompatibleItemInterface (\glpi\caldav\contracts) | type | 1 |
CalDAVUriUtilTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | use | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
VObject (\) | new | 1 | |
Principal (\glpi\caldav\backend) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CalDAVPrincipalsTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | use | 1 | |
CalDAVUriUtilTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | use | 1 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 1 | |
UserEmail (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Acl (\glpi\caldav\plugin) | CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 1 |
CalDAVPrincipalsTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | use | 1 | |
CalDAVUriUtilTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | use | 1 | |
PlanningExternalEvent (\) | staticproperty | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Browser (\glpi\caldav\plugin) | CalDAVUriUtilTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | use | 1 |
Session (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
User (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
CalDAV (\glpi\caldav\plugin) | CalDAVUriUtilTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | use | 1 |
Server (\glpi\caldav) | ErrorHandler (\glpi\application) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Auth (\glpi\caldav\backend) | new | 1 | |
Calendar (\glpi\caldav\backend) | new | 1 | |
Calendar (\glpi\caldav\backend) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Principal (\glpi\caldav\backend) | new | 1 | |
Acl (\glpi\caldav\plugin) | new | 1 | |
Browser (\glpi\caldav\plugin) | new | 1 | |
CalDAV (\glpi\caldav\plugin) | new | 1 | |
CalDAVPrincipalsTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CalDAVUriUtilTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
VobjectConverterTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
ErrorHandler (\glpi\application) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | DBmysql (\) | instanceof | 1 |
GlpiCommandInterface (\glpi\console\command) | implements | 1 | |
EarlyExitException (\glpi\console\exception) | new | 1 | |
RequirementsManager (\glpi\system) | new | 1 | |
Application (\glpi\console) | DBmysql (\) | instanceof | 1 |
GLPI (\) | new | 1 | |
CacheManager (\glpi\cache) | new | 1 | |
ForceNoPluginsOptionCommandInterface (\glpi\console\command) | instanceof | 1 | |
CommandLoader (\glpi\console) | new | 1 | |
EarlyExitException (\glpi\console\exception) | catch | 1 | |
RequirementsManager (\glpi\system) | new | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | new | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Update (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CleanSoftwareCommand (\glpi\console\assets) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ClearCommand (\glpi\console\cache) | CacheManager (\glpi\cache) | new | 1 |
ConfigureCommand (\glpi\console\cache) | CacheManager (\glpi\cache) | type | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DebugCommand (\glpi\console\cache) | CacheManager (\glpi\cache) | new | 1 |
CacheManager (\glpi\cache) | staticconstant | 1 | |
SetNamespacePrefixCommand (\glpi\console\cache) | CacheManager (\glpi\cache) | type | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
EarlyExitException (\glpi\console\exception) | new | 1 | |
CommandLoader (\glpi\console) | Plugin (\) | type | 1 |
SetCommand (\glpi\console\config) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AbstractConfigureCommand (\glpi\console\database) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ForceNoPluginsOptionCommandInterface (\glpi\console\command) | implements | 1 | |
DbTimezones (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
CheckSchemaIntegrityCommand (\glpi\console\database) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DatabaseSchemaIntegrityChecker (\glpi\system\diagnostic) | new | 1 | |
ConfigureCommand (\glpi\console\database) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
AbstractConfigureCommand (\glpi\console\database) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractConfigureCommand (\glpi\console\database) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
EnableTimezonesCommand (\glpi\console\database) | DBConnection (\) | staticconstant | 1 |
DBConnection (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DbTimezones (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
InstallCommand (\glpi\console\database) | DBConnection (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
AbstractConfigureCommand (\glpi\console\database) | extends | 1 | |
EarlyExitException (\glpi\console\exception) | new | 1 | |
TelemetryActivationTrait (\glpi\console\traits) | use | 1 | |
DbConfiguration (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
GLPIKey (\) | new | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
UpdateCommand (\glpi\console\database) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 |
ForceNoPluginsOptionCommandInterface (\glpi\console\command) | implements | 1 | |
TelemetryActivationTrait (\glpi\console\traits) | use | 1 | |
Migration (\) | new | 1 | |
Update (\) | new | 1 | |
Update (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SynchronizeUsersCommand (\glpi\console\ldap) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DisableMaintenanceModeCommand (\glpi\console\maintenance) | Config (\) | new | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
EnableMaintenanceModeCommand (\glpi\console\maintenance) | Config (\) | new | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AbstractPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 |
Infocom (\) | new | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | new | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AppliancesPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | Appliance (\) | new | 1 |
Appliance (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Appliance_Item (\) | new | 1 | |
Appliance_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Appliance_Item_Relation (\) | new | 1 | |
Appliance_Item_Relation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ApplianceEnvironment (\) | new | 1 | |
ApplianceEnvironment (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ApplianceType (\) | new | 1 | |
ApplianceType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Change_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Contract_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Document_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Project (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Profile (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
BuildMissingTimestampsCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DatabasesPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
AbstractPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Profile (\) | new | 1 | |
Profile (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DomainsPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | Domain_Item (\) | new | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AbstractPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DynamicRowFormatCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MyIsamToInnoDbCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | DBConnection (\) | staticconstant | 1 |
DBConnection (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DBmysql (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RacksPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | Computer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Datacenter (\) | new | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Rack (\) | new | 1 | |
Monitor (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkEquipment (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PassiveDCEquipment (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PDU (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Peripheral (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | new | 1 | |
Rack (\) | new | 1 | |
RackModel (\) | new | 1 | |
RackType (\) | new | 1 | |
State (\) | new | 1 | |
TimestampsCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | DBConnection (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DbTimezones (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
UnsignedKeysCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | DBConnection (\) | staticconstant | 1 |
DBConnection (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Utf8mb4Command (\glpi\console\migration) | DBConnection (\) | staticconstant | 1 |
DBConnection (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DbConfiguration (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
AbstractPluginCommand (\glpi\console\plugin) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ForceNoPluginsOptionCommandInterface (\glpi\console\command) | implements | 1 | |
ActivateCommand (\glpi\console\plugin) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
AbstractPluginCommand (\glpi\console\plugin) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractPluginCommand (\glpi\console\plugin) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DeactivateCommand (\glpi\console\plugin) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
AbstractPluginCommand (\glpi\console\plugin) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractPluginCommand (\glpi\console\plugin) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
InstallCommand (\glpi\console\plugin) | Auth (\) | new | 1 |
AbstractPluginCommand (\glpi\console\plugin) | extends | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
ProcessSoftwareCategoryRulesCommand (\glpi\console\rules) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleSoftwareCategoryCollection (\) | new | 1 | |
Software (\) | new | 1 | |
Software (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ReplayDictionnaryRulesCommand (\glpi\console\rules) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleCollection (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
RuleCollection (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ChangekeyCommand (\glpi\console\security) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
GLPIKey (\) | new | 1 | |
CheckRequirementsCommand (\glpi\console\system) | DBmysql (\) | instanceof | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RequirementsManager (\glpi\system) | new | 1 | |
CheckStatusCommand (\glpi\console\system) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
StatusChecker (\glpi\system\status) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ListServicesCommand (\glpi\console\system) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
StatusChecker (\glpi\system\status) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
UnlockCommand (\glpi\console\task) | CronTask (\) | new | 1 |
CronTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | extends | 1 | |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Event (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AbstractParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | TemplatesParametersInterface (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | implements | 1 |
AssetParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AbstractParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 | |
ObjectParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ChangeParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | Change (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonITILObjectParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 | |
CommonITILObjectParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AbstractParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Supplier (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DropdownParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
AbstractParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
EntityParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
TreeDropdownParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 | |
GroupParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | TreeDropdownParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILCategoryParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | TreeDropdownParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 |
ITILCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItemParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
AbstractParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
LevelAgreementParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
AbstractParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
LocationParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | TreeDropdownParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
OLAParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | LevelAgreementParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 |
OLA (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AbstractParameterType (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | ParameterTypeInterface (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | implements | 1 |
ArrayParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | AbstractParameterType (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | extends | 1 |
AbstractParameterType (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ObjectParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 1 | |
AttributeParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | AbstractParameterType (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | extends | 1 |
AbstractParameterType (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplatesParametersInterface (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | type | 1 | |
ObjectParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | AbstractParameterType (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | extends | 1 |
AbstractParameterType (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateManager (\glpi\contenttemplates) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ParameterTypeInterface (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | TemplatesParametersInterface (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | type | 1 |
ProblemParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | CommonITILObjectParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 |
Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RequestTypeParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | DropdownParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 |
RequestType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SLAParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | LevelAgreementParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 |
SLA (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SupplierParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
TreeDropdownParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Supplier (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplatesParametersInterface (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
TicketParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonITILObjectParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RequestType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TicketValidation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TreeDropdownParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
DropdownParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 | |
AttributeParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
UserCategoryParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | DropdownParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 |
UserCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
UserParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
AbstractParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 | |
ArrayParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
UserCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
UserEmail (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
UserTitle (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
UserTitleParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | DropdownParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | extends | 1 |
UserTitle (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ParametersPreset (\glpi\contenttemplates) | ChangeParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 1 |
ProblemParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 1 | |
ITILSolution (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SolutionTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TaskTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TicketTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateManager (\glpi\contenttemplates) | CommonITILObject (\) | type | 1 |
TemplateDocumentation (\glpi\contenttemplates) | new | 1 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CsvResponse (\glpi\csv) | ExportToCsvInterface (\glpi\csv) | type | 1 |
ImpactCsvExport (\glpi\csv) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
ExportToCsvInterface (\glpi\csv) | implements | 1 | |
ImpactContext (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ImpactItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
LogCsvExport (\glpi\csv) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
ExportToCsvInterface (\glpi\csv) | implements | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PlanningCsv (\glpi\csv) | ExportToCsvInterface (\glpi\csv) | implements | 1 |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
StatCsvExport (\glpi\csv) | ExportToCsvInterface (\glpi\csv) | implements | 1 |
Dashboard (\glpi\dashboard) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
Filter (\glpi\dashboard) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
ITILCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RequestType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Grid (\glpi\dashboard) | DBConnection (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Filter (\glpi\dashboard) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ShareDashboardDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Telemetry (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item (\glpi\dashboard) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
Provider (\glpi\dashboard) | CommonDevice (\) | instanceof | 1 |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 1 | |
Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Stat (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
User (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Right (\glpi\dashboard) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
Widget (\glpi\dashboard) | RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Line (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Event (\glpi) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
CronTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DBConnection (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
Clonable (\glpi\features) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DCBreadcrumb (\glpi\features) | DCRoom (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Rack (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Inventoriable (\glpi\features) | Agent (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Computer (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Computer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DatabaseInstance (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Kanban (\glpi\features) | Response (\glpi\http) | staticconstant | 1 |
Response (\glpi\http) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PlanningEvent (\glpi\features) | CommonDBVisible (\) | instanceof | 1 |
CommonITILTask (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Reminder (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TreeBrowse (\glpi\features) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
DataFactory (\glpi\gantt) | Item (\glpi\gantt) | new | 1 |
LinkDAO (\glpi\gantt) | new | 1 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
LinkDAO (\glpi\gantt) | Link (\glpi\gantt) | new | 1 |
ProjectTaskLink (\) | new | 1 | |
ProjectDAO (\glpi\gantt) | Project (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TaskDAO (\glpi\gantt) | ProjectTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Response (\glpi\http) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Antivirus (\glpi\inventory\asset) | ComputerAntivirus (\) | new | 1 |
ComputerAntivirus (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Battery (\glpi\inventory\asset) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Bios (\glpi\inventory\asset) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
DeviceFirmwareType (\) | new | 1 | |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Camera (\glpi\inventory\asset) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
ImageFormat (\) | new | 1 | |
ImageResolution (\) | new | 1 | |
Item_DeviceCamera_ImageFormat (\) | new | 1 | |
Item_DeviceCamera_ImageResolution (\) | new | 1 | |
Item_Devices (\) | type | 1 | |
Cartridge (\glpi\inventory\asset) | InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Printer_CartridgeInfo (\) | new | 1 | |
Printer_CartridgeInfo (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Computer (\glpi\inventory\asset) | ComputerModel (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
ComputerType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MainAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Controller (\glpi\inventory\asset) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
PCIVendor (\) | new | 1 | |
DatabaseInstance (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Database (\) | new | 1 |
DatabaseInstance (\) | new | 1 | |
DatabaseInstance (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
RuleImportAssetCollection (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleMatchedLog (\) | new | 1 | |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Devices (\) | type | 1 | |
Drive (\glpi\inventory\asset) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
HardDrive (\glpi\inventory\asset) | type | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Firmware (\glpi\inventory\asset) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
GraphicCard (\glpi\inventory\asset) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
HardDrive (\glpi\inventory\asset) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Blacklist (\) | new | 1 |
Computer_Item (\) | new | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Request (\glpi\inventory) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | new | 1 | |
OperatingSystemKernelVersion (\) | new | 1 | |
InventoryNetworkPort (\glpi\inventory\asset) | MainAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | instanceof | 1 |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
IPNetwork (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_DeviceNetworkCard (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkName (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MainAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Agent (\) | new | 1 |
Auth (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Firmware (\glpi\inventory\asset) | new | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
InventoryNetworkPort (\glpi\inventory\asset) | use | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Request (\glpi\inventory) | staticconstant | 1 | |
RefusedEquipment (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
RefusedEquipment (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleImportAssetCollection (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleImportEntityCollection (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleMatchedLog (\) | new | 1 | |
Transfer (\) | new | 1 | |
Memory (\glpi\inventory\asset) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Monitor (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Computer_Item (\) | new | 1 |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Monitor (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleImportAssetCollection (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleMatchedLog (\) | new | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkCard (\glpi\inventory\asset) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
InventoryNetworkPort (\glpi\inventory\asset) | use | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
PCIVendor (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkEquipment (\glpi\inventory\asset) | MainAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 |
NetworkEquipmentModel (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkEquipmentType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkName (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\glpi\inventory\asset) | InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 |
InventoryNetworkPort (\glpi\inventory\asset) | use | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
NetworkPort_Vlan (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkPortAggregate (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkPortType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleMatchedLog (\) | new | 1 | |
Unmanaged (\) | new | 1 | |
Vlan (\) | new | 1 | |
Vlan (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
OperatingSystem (\glpi\inventory\asset) | InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Item_OperatingSystem (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemArchitectureCollection (\) | new | 1 | |
Peripheral (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Computer_Item (\) | new | 1 |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Peripheral (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleImportAssetCollection (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleMatchedLog (\) | new | 1 | |
USBVendor (\) | new | 1 | |
Phone (\glpi\inventory\asset) | MainAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 |
PhoneModel (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PhoneType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PowerSupply (\glpi\inventory\asset) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Printer (\glpi\inventory\asset) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
NetworkEquipment (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Printer (\) | new | 1 | |
Printer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PrinterLog (\) | new | 1 | |
PrinterModel (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PrinterType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryPrinterCollection (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleImportAssetCollection (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleMatchedLog (\) | new | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Processor (\glpi\inventory\asset) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
RemoteManagement (\glpi\inventory\asset) | InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Item_RemoteManagement (\) | new | 1 | |
Item_RemoteManagement (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Sensor (\glpi\inventory\asset) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Simcard (\glpi\inventory\asset) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Software (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
RuleDictionnarySoftwareCollection (\) | new | 1 | |
Software (\) | new | 1 | |
Software (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SoftwareVersion (\) | new | 1 | |
SoftwareVersion (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SoundCard (\glpi\inventory\asset) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
VirtualMachine (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Computer (\) | new | 1 |
ComputerVirtualMachine (\) | new | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 | |
InventoryNetworkPort (\glpi\inventory\asset) | use | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Volume (\glpi\inventory\asset) | InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | extends | 1 |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Item_Disk (\) | new | 1 | |
Item_Disk (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | extends | 1 | |
ComputerAntivirus (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ComputerType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ComputerVirtualMachine (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DeviceBattery (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DeviceControl (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DeviceDrive (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DeviceGraphicCard (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DeviceHardDrive (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DeviceMemory (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DeviceNetworkCard (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DevicePowerSupply (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DeviceProcessor (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DeviceSimcard (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DeviceSoundCard (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Request (\glpi\inventory) | new | 1 | |
Item_Disk (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Software (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Inventory (\glpi\inventory) | Agent (\) | staticproperty | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | type | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Lockedfield (\) | staticproperty | 1 | |
RefusedEquipment (\) | staticproperty | 1 | |
SNMPCredential (\) | staticproperty | 1 | |
Request (\glpi\inventory) | AbstractRequest (\glpi\agent\communication) | extends | 1 |
Common (\glpi\agent\communication\headers) | new | 1 | |
Common (\glpi\agent\communication\headers) | type | 1 | |
Inventory (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
Plugins (\glpi\marketplace\api) | GLPIKey (\) | new | 1 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Controller (\glpi\marketplace) | CommonGLPI (\) | extends | 1 |
Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CronTask (\) | type | 1 | |
Plugins (\glpi\marketplace\api) | type | 1 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | type | 1 | |
NotificationTargetController (\glpi\marketplace) | Notification (\) | staticconstant | 1 |
NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | new | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
View (\glpi\marketplace) | CommonGLPI (\) | extends | 1 |
Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plugins (\glpi\marketplace\api) | type | 1 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | Document (\) | new | 1 |
Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
UserMention (\glpi\richtext) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
CommonITILTask (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
ITILSolution (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
Socket (\glpi) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Cable (\) | new | 1 | |
Cable (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SocketModel (\glpi) | new | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SocketModel (\glpi) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
StatDataSatisfaction (\glpi\stat\data\graph) | StatData (\glpi\stat) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
StatDataAlwaysDisplay (\glpi\stat) | extends | 1 | |
StatDataAlwaysDisplay (\glpi\stat) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
StatDataSatisfactionSurvey (\glpi\stat\data\graph) | StatData (\glpi\stat) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
StatDataAlwaysDisplay (\glpi\stat) | extends | 1 | |
StatDataAlwaysDisplay (\glpi\stat) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
StatDataTicketAverageTime (\glpi\stat\data\graph) | StatData (\glpi\stat) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
StatDataAlwaysDisplay (\glpi\stat) | extends | 1 | |
StatDataAlwaysDisplay (\glpi\stat) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
StatDataTicketNumber (\glpi\stat\data\graph) | StatData (\glpi\stat) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
StatDataAlwaysDisplay (\glpi\stat) | extends | 1 | |
StatDataAlwaysDisplay (\glpi\stat) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
StatDataClosed (\glpi\stat\data\location) | StatDataLocation (\glpi\stat\data\location) | extends | 1 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
StatDataLate (\glpi\stat\data\location) | StatDataLocation (\glpi\stat\data\location) | extends | 1 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
StatDataLocation (\glpi\stat\data\location) | StatData (\glpi\stat) | extends | 1 |
StatData (\glpi\stat) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Stat (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
StatDataOpened (\glpi\stat\data\location) | StatDataLocation (\glpi\stat\data\location) | extends | 1 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
StatDataOpenSatisfaction (\glpi\stat\data\location) | StatDataLocation (\glpi\stat\data\location) | extends | 1 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
StatDataSolved (\glpi\stat\data\location) | StatDataLocation (\glpi\stat\data\location) | extends | 1 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
StatDataAverageSatisfaction (\glpi\stat\data\sglobal) | StatData (\glpi\stat) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
StatDataAlwaysDisplay (\glpi\stat) | extends | 1 | |
StatDataAlwaysDisplay (\glpi\stat) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
StatDataSatisfaction (\glpi\stat\data\sglobal) | StatData (\glpi\stat) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
StatDataAlwaysDisplay (\glpi\stat) | extends | 1 | |
StatDataAlwaysDisplay (\glpi\stat) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
StatDataTicketAverageTime (\glpi\stat\data\sglobal) | StatData (\glpi\stat) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
StatDataAlwaysDisplay (\glpi\stat) | extends | 1 | |
StatDataAlwaysDisplay (\glpi\stat) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
StatDataTicketNumber (\glpi\stat\data\sglobal) | StatData (\glpi\stat) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
StatDataAlwaysDisplay (\glpi\stat) | extends | 1 | |
StatDataAlwaysDisplay (\glpi\stat) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
StatData (\glpi\stat) | Stat (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
StatDataAlwaysDisplay (\glpi\stat) | StatData (\glpi\stat) | extends | 1 |
AbstractDatabaseChecker (\glpi\system\diagnostic) | DBmysql (\) | type | 1 |
DatabaseKeysChecker (\glpi\system\diagnostic) | AbstractDatabaseChecker (\glpi\system\diagnostic) | extends | 1 |
DatabaseSchemaConsistencyChecker (\glpi\system\diagnostic) | AbstractDatabaseChecker (\glpi\system\diagnostic) | extends | 1 |
DatabaseSchemaIntegrityChecker (\glpi\system\diagnostic) | DBmysql (\) | type | 1 |
AbstractRequirement (\glpi\system\requirement) | RequirementInterface (\glpi\system\requirement) | implements | 1 |
DbConfiguration (\glpi\system\requirement) | DBmysql (\) | type | 1 |
AbstractRequirement (\glpi\system\requirement) | extends | 1 | |
DbEngine (\glpi\system\requirement) | DBmysql (\) | type | 1 |
AbstractRequirement (\glpi\system\requirement) | extends | 1 | |
DbTimezones (\glpi\system\requirement) | DBmysql (\) | type | 1 |
AbstractRequirement (\glpi\system\requirement) | extends | 1 | |
DirectoriesWriteAccess (\glpi\system\requirement) | AbstractRequirement (\glpi\system\requirement) | extends | 1 |
DirectoryWriteAccess (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
DirectoryWriteAccess (\glpi\system\requirement) | AbstractRequirement (\glpi\system\requirement) | extends | 1 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Extension (\glpi\system\requirement) | AbstractRequirement (\glpi\system\requirement) | extends | 1 |
ExtensionClass (\glpi\system\requirement) | AbstractRequirement (\glpi\system\requirement) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Extension (\glpi\system\requirement) | extends | 1 | |
Extension (\glpi\system\requirement) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ExtensionConstant (\glpi\system\requirement) | AbstractRequirement (\glpi\system\requirement) | extends | 1 |
ExtensionFunction (\glpi\system\requirement) | AbstractRequirement (\glpi\system\requirement) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Extension (\glpi\system\requirement) | extends | 1 | |
Extension (\glpi\system\requirement) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ExtensionGroup (\glpi\system\requirement) | AbstractRequirement (\glpi\system\requirement) | extends | 1 |
LogsWriteAccess (\glpi\system\requirement) | AbstractRequirement (\glpi\system\requirement) | extends | 1 |
MemoryLimit (\glpi\system\requirement) | AbstractRequirement (\glpi\system\requirement) | extends | 1 |
MysqliMysqlnd (\glpi\system\requirement) | AbstractRequirement (\glpi\system\requirement) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Extension (\glpi\system\requirement) | extends | 1 | |
Extension (\glpi\system\requirement) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PhpVersion (\glpi\system\requirement) | AbstractRequirement (\glpi\system\requirement) | extends | 1 |
ProtectedWebAccess (\glpi\system\requirement) | AbstractRequirement (\glpi\system\requirement) | extends | 1 |
SeLinux (\glpi\system\requirement) | AbstractRequirement (\glpi\system\requirement) | extends | 1 |
SessionsConfiguration (\glpi\system\requirement) | AbstractRequirement (\glpi\system\requirement) | extends | 1 |
RequirementsManager (\glpi\system) | DBmysql (\) | type | 1 |
DbEngine (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
DbTimezones (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
DirectoriesWriteAccess (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
DirectoryWriteAccess (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
ExtensionConstant (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
LogsWriteAccess (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
MemoryLimit (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
MysqliMysqlnd (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
PhpVersion (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
ProtectedWebAccess (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
SeLinux (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
SessionsConfiguration (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 1 | |
RequirementsList (\glpi\system) | new | 1 | |
RequirementsList (\glpi\system) | type | 1 | |
StatusChecker (\glpi\system\status) | AuthLDAP (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
GLPIKey (\) | new | 1 | |
MailCollector (\) | new | 1 | |
MarkdownBuilder (\glpi\toolbox) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CheckTwigTemplatesSyntaxCommand (\glpi\tools\command) | TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
GLPIKey (\) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
GLPIMailer (\) | Session (\) | staticconstant | 1 |
GLPINetwork (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | extends | 1 |
VersionParser (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
GLPIKey (\) | new | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
GLPIPDF (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
GLPIUploadHandler (\) | DocumentType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
Consumable (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
Group_KnowbaseItem (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
Group_Problem (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | extends | 1 |
Group_Reminder (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
Group_RSSFeed (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
Group_Ticket (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonITILActor (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonITILActor (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group_User (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
Planning (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Profile_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | type | 1 | |
Holiday (\) | Calendar_Holiday (\) | new | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
Html (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Document (\) | new | 1 | |
Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Application (\glpi\console) | instanceof | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ReservationItem (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
ReservationItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
User (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | HTMLTableHeader (\) | instanceof | 1 |
HTMLTableSubHeader (\) | new | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | new | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableUnknownHeaders (\) | new | 1 | |
HTMLTableUnknownHeadersOrder (\) | new | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCellFatherSameRow (\) | new | 1 | |
HTMLTableCellWithoutFather (\) | new | 1 | |
HTMLTableEntity (\) | extends | 1 | |
HTMLTableEntity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableGroup (\) | HTMLTableBase (\) | extends | 1 |
HTMLTableBase (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableMain (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | new | 1 | |
HTMLTableUnknownHeader (\) | catch | 1 | |
HTMLTableUnknownHeadersOrder (\) | catch | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
HTMLTableEntity (\) | extends | 1 | |
HTMLTableEntity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableMain (\) | HTMLTableBase (\) | extends | 1 |
HTMLTableBase (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableGroup (\) | new | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
HTMLTableCell (\) | new | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableEntity (\) | extends | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSubHeader (\) | HTMLTableEntity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | extends | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | HTMLTableEntity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | extends | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableMain (\) | type | 1 | |
ImageFormat (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
ImageResolution (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Impact (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | extends | 1 |
ImpactCompound (\) | new | 1 | |
ImpactCompound (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ImpactCompound (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
ImpactContext (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
ImpactItem (\) | type | 1 | |
ImpactItem (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
ImpactRelation (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
Infocom (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Supplier (\) | type | 1 | |
InterfaceType (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
IPAddress (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableMain (\) | new | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
IPAddress_IPNetwork (\) | new | 1 | |
IPAddress_IPNetwork (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkName (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
NetworkName (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryUnion (\) | new | 1 | |
IPAddress_IPNetwork (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
IPAddress (\) | type | 1 | |
IPNetwork (\) | type | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
IPNetmask (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
IPAddress (\) | extends | 1 | |
IPAddress (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
IPNetwork (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonImplicitTreeDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
IPNetmask (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
IPNetmask (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
IPNetwork_Vlan (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
IPNetwork (\) | type | 1 | |
Item_Cluster (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Cluster (\) | new | 1 | |
Cluster (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_DeviceBattery (\) | Item_Devices (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_DeviceCamera (\) | Item_Devices (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_DeviceCamera_ImageFormat (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DeviceCamera (\) | type | 1 | |
ImageFormat (\) | new | 1 | |
ImageFormat (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_DeviceCamera_ImageResolution (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DeviceCamera (\) | type | 1 | |
ImageResolution (\) | new | 1 | |
Item_DeviceCase (\) | Item_Devices (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_DeviceControl (\) | Item_Devices (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_DeviceDrive (\) | Item_Devices (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_DeviceFirmware (\) | Item_Devices (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_DeviceGeneric (\) | Item_Devices (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_DeviceGraphicCard (\) | Item_Devices (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_DeviceHardDrive (\) | Item_Devices (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_DeviceMemory (\) | Item_Devices (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_DeviceMotherboard (\) | Item_Devices (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_DeviceNetworkCard (\) | Item_Devices (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_DevicePci (\) | Item_Devices (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_DevicePowerSupply (\) | Item_Devices (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_DeviceProcessor (\) | Item_Devices (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_Devices (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Document (\) | new | 1 | |
Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableMain (\) | new | 1 | |
HTMLTableMain (\) | type | 1 | |
Item_DeviceSensor (\) | Item_Devices (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_DeviceSimcard (\) | Item_Devices (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_DeviceSoundCard (\) | Item_Devices (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_Disk (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | type | 1 | |
Item_Enclosure (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
Enclosure (\) | new | 1 | |
Enclosure (\) | type | 1 | |
Item_Rack (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Kanban (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
Item_OperatingSystem (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | type | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
OperatingSystemArchitecture (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
OperatingSystemEdition (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
OperatingSystemKernel (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
OperatingSystemVersion (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Problem (\) | CommonItilObject_Item (\) | extends | 1 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Problem (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Problem (\) | type | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Project (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Project (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Project (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Project (\) | type | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Rack (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Enclosure (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PDU (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_RemoteManagement (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | type | 1 | |
Item_SoftwareLicense (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_SoftwareVersion (\) | new | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryUnion (\) | new | 1 | |
Software (\) | new | 1 | |
SoftwareLicense (\) | new | 1 | |
Item_SoftwareVersion (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
DBmysql (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | type | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryUnion (\) | new | 1 | |
Software (\) | new | 1 | |
Software (\) | type | 1 | |
Item_Ticket (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonItilObject_Item (\) | extends | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
QueryUnion (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleTicketCollection (\) | new | 1 | |
Software (\) | new | 1 | |
TicketTemplate (\) | new | 1 | |
Itil_Project (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | type | 1 | |
Project (\) | type | 1 | |
ITILCategory (\) | Change (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
ChangeTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILTemplate (\) | type | 1 | |
Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProblemTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILFollowupTemplate (\) | new | 1 | |
Profile (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Profile_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILFollowupTemplate (\) | AbstractITILChildTemplate (\) | extends | 1 |
AbstractITILChildTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILSolution (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateManager (\glpi\contenttemplates) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket_Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILTemplate (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonITILTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TaskTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILTemplateField (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 1 | |
ITILTemplateHiddenField (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILTemplate (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
ITILTemplate (\) | type | 1 | |
ITILTemplateField (\) | extends | 1 | |
ITILTemplateField (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILTemplateMandatoryField (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILTemplate (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
ITILTemplate (\) | type | 1 | |
ITILTemplateField (\) | extends | 1 | |
ITILTemplateField (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILTemplatePredefinedField (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILTemplate (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
ITILTemplate (\) | type | 1 | |
ITILTemplateField (\) | extends | 1 | |
Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Knowbase (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | extends | 1 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItemCategory (\) | new | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | CommonDBVisible (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonITILValidation (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
DBConnection (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Document_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity_KnowbaseItem (\) | new | 1 | |
ExtraVisibilityCriteria (\) | implements | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group_KnowbaseItem (\) | new | 1 | |
ITILCategory (\) | new | 1 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | new | 1 | |
ITILSolution (\) | new | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_Comment (\) | new | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | new | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_Profile (\) | new | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_User (\) | new | 1 | |
KnowbaseItemCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_Comment (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | new | 1 | |
KnowbaseItemTranslation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonITILObject (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | new | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonITILObject (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | new | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_Profile (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
KnowbaseItem_Revision (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | type | 1 | |
KnowbaseItemTranslation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItemTranslation (\) | type | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_User (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
KnowbaseItemCategory (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItemTranslation (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Event (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
LevelAgreement (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleTicket (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleTicket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SLM (\) | type | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
LevelAgreementLevel (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
RuleTicket (\) | extends | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Line (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
LineOperator (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
LineType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
LineOperator (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
LineType (\) | CommonType (\) | extends | 1 |
Link (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DBmysql (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Domain (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Domain_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Profile_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
Link_Itemtype (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Link (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | CommonTreeDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MapGeolocation (\) | use | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
QueryUnion (\) | new | 1 | |
Lock (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | extends | 1 |
Computer_Item (\) | new | 1 | |
ComputerVirtualMachine (\) | new | 1 | |
ComputerVirtualMachine (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 1 | |
IPAddress (\) | new | 1 | |
Item_Disk (\) | new | 1 | |
Item_SoftwareLicense (\) | new | 1 | |
Item_SoftwareLicense (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_SoftwareVersion (\) | new | 1 | |
Item_SoftwareVersion (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Lockedfield (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkName (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Peripheral (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Printer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SoftwareVersion (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Lockedfield (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 1 | |
Log (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
DBConnection (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryParam (\) | new | 1 | |
MailCollector (\) | Blacklist (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
GLPIMailer (\) | new | 1 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Profile (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleMailCollectorCollection (\) | new | 1 | |
Supplier (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Supplier_Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticproperty | 1 | |
Ticket_User (\) | new | 1 | |
ManualLink (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DBmysql (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
RegisteredID (\) | new | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryManufacturerCollection (\) | new | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MapGeolocation (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
MassiveAction (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Contract (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Infocom (\) | new | 1 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Lock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | new | 1 | |
Supplier (\) | new | 1 | |
Timer (\) | type | 1 | |
Migration (\) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
DisplayPreference (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Application (\glpi\console) | instanceof | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MigrationCleaner (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | extends | 1 |
Monitor (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
Computer_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Datacenter (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\DCBreadcrumb (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Inventoriable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rack (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MonitorModel (\) | CommonDCModelDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
MonitorType (\) | CommonType (\) | extends | 1 |
Netpoint (\) | Socket (\glpi) | extends | 1 |
Network (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
NetworkAlias (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
FQDNLabel (\) | extends | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
NetworkName (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkName (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkName (\) | type | 1 | |
NetworkEquipment (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
Datacenter (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\DCBreadcrumb (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Inventoriable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Socket (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_OperatingSystem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 1 | |
Rack (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkEquipmentModel (\) | CommonDCModelDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
NetworkEquipmentType (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
NetworkInterface (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
NetworkName (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticconstant | 1 |
FQDNLabel (\) | extends | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableMain (\) | new | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
DisplayPreference (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Socket (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
IPAddress (\) | new | 1 | |
IPNetwork (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NetworkAlias (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPort_NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPortAggregate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPortAlias (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPortMetrics (\) | new | 1 | |
Unmanaged (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkPort_NetworkPort (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
NetworkPort_Vlan (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkPortConnectionLog (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkPort_Vlan (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | type | 1 | |
Vlan (\) | type | 1 | |
NetworkPortAggregate (\) | HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 |
HTMLTableGroup (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | extends | 1 | |
NetworkPortAlias (\) | HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 |
HTMLTableGroup (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | extends | 1 | |
NetworkPortConnectionLog (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
NetworkPort (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPortDialup (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableGroup (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | extends | 1 | |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPortEthernet (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 1 |
Socket (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableGroup (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | extends | 1 | |
NetworkPortFiberchannel (\) | Socket (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableGroup (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPortFiberchannelType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | extends | 1 | |
NetworkPortFiberchannelType (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBChild (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
DeviceNetworkCard (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Socket (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableGroup (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
Log (\) | new | 1 | |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryUnion (\) | new | 1 | |
Vlan (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPortLocal (\) | NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | extends | 1 |
NetworkPortMetrics (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPortMigration (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableGroup (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
IPAddress (\) | new | 1 | |
IPNetmask (\) | new | 1 | |
IPNetwork (\) | new | 1 | |
IPNetwork (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPortType (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
NetworkPortWifi (\) | HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 |
HTMLTableGroup (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | extends | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
Notification (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTemplate (\) | new | 1 | |
Search (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Notification_NotificationTemplate (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notification (\) | type | 1 | |
NotificationTemplate (\) | new | 1 | |
NotificationTemplate (\) | type | 1 | |
NotificationAjax (\) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
NotificationInterface (\) | implements | 1 | |
QueuedNotification (\) | new | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationAjaxSetting (\) | Notification_NotificationTemplate (\) | staticconstant | 1 |
NotificationSetting (\) | extends | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notification (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTemplate (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
NotificationEventAbstract (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 1 |
Notification (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | type | 1 | |
NotificationTemplate (\) | type | 1 | |
NotificationEventAjax (\) | NotificationEventAbstract (\) | extends | 1 |
NotificationEventInterface (\) | implements | 1 | |
NotificationEventInterface (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 1 |
NotificationTarget (\) | type | 1 | |
NotificationTemplate (\) | type | 1 | |
NotificationEventMailing (\) | CommonITILObject (\) | instanceof | 1 |
CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Document_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
GLPIMailer (\) | new | 1 | |
GLPIMailer (\) | type | 1 | |
Notification (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationEventAbstract (\) | extends | 1 | |
NotificationEventInterface (\) | implements | 1 | |
QueuedNotification (\) | new | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
UserEmail (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationMailing (\) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
GLPIMailer (\) | new | 1 | |
GLPIMailer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
GLPINetwork (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notification_NotificationTemplate (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationInterface (\) | implements | 1 | |
QueuedNotification (\) | new | 1 | |
NotificationMailingSetting (\) | AuthMail (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notification_NotificationTemplate (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationSetting (\) | extends | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationSetting (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationSettingConfig (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notification (\) | new | 1 | |
Notification (\) | type | 1 | |
Notification_NotificationTemplate (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Notification_NotificationTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Profile (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTargetCartridgeItem (\) | CartridgeItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationTargetCertificate (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationTargetChange (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | extends | 1 | |
Problem (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | Budget (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonITILCost (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonITILValidation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILSolution (\) | new | 1 | |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 | |
Planning (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RequestType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SolutionType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SupplierType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TicketValidation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTargetConsumableItem (\) | ConsumableItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationTargetContract (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTargetCrontask (\) | CronTask (\) | new | 1 |
NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationTargetDBConnection (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Notification (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationTargetDomain (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 | |
NotificationTargetFieldUnicity (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationTargetInfocom (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationTargetMailCollector (\) | NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTargetObjectLock (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notification (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
UserEmail (\) | new | 1 | |
NotificationTargetPlanningRecall (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | instanceof | 1 |
CommonITILTask (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Planning (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTargetProblem (\) | Change (\) | new | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | extends | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTargetProject (\) | Budget (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonITILObject (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Contact (\) | new | 1 | |
Entity (\) | new | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Itil_Project (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 | |
ProjectTeam (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Supplier (\) | new | 1 | |
NotificationTargetProjectTask (\) | Contact (\) | new | 1 |
Entity (\) | new | 1 | |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 | |
ProjectTask_Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProjectTeam (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Supplier (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTargetReservation (\) | NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
NotificationTargetSavedSearch_Alert (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notification (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SavedSearch_Alert (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTargetSoftwareLicense (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationTargetTicket (\) | Change (\) | new | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Link (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | extends | 1 | |
Problem (\) | new | 1 | |
RequestType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TicketSatisfaction (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTargetUser (\) | Auth (\) | staticconstant | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | extends | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTemplate (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DropdownTranslation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
QueuedNotification (\) | new | 1 | |
NotificationTemplateTranslation (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notification (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationTemplate (\) | type | 1 | |
NotImportedEmail (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 1 | |
ProfileRight (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
UserEmail (\) | new | 1 | |
OLA (\) | LevelAgreement (\) | extends | 1 |
OlaLevel (\) | LevelAgreementLevel (\) | extends | 1 |
OLA (\) | new | 1 | |
OlaLevel_Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
OlaLevel_Ticket (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CronTask (\) | type | 1 | |
OLA (\) | new | 1 | |
OLA (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
OlaLevel (\) | new | 1 | |
SLM (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
OlaLevelAction (\) | RuleAction (\) | extends | 1 |
OlaLevelCriteria (\) | RuleCriteria (\) | extends | 1 |
OperatingSystem (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
OperatingSystemArchitecture (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
OperatingSystemEdition (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
OperatingSystemKernel (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
OperatingSystemKernelVersion (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
OperatingSystemServicePack (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
OperatingSystemVersion (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
PassiveDCEquipment (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
Datacenter (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\DCBreadcrumb (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Socket (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rack (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PassiveDCEquipmentModel (\) | CommonDCModelDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
PassiveDCEquipmentType (\) | CommonType (\) | extends | 1 |
PCIVendor (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CacheableListInterface (\glpi\features) | implements | 1 | |
PDU (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Datacenter (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\DCBreadcrumb (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rack (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Pdu_Plug (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PDU (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PDU (\) | type | 1 | |
Plug (\) | new | 1 | |
Plug (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PDU_Rack (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PDUModel (\) | CommonDCModelDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
PDUType (\) | CommonType (\) | extends | 1 |
PendingReason (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
PendingReason_Item (\) | Change (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
ChangeTask (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | type | 1 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProblemTask (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
QueryUnion (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TicketTask (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
PendingReasonCron (\) | Change (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CronTask (\) | type | 1 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | new | 1 | |
ITILFollowupTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILSolution (\) | new | 1 | |
Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SolutionTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Peripheral (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
Computer_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Datacenter (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\DCBreadcrumb (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Inventoriable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Socket (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rack (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PeripheralModel (\) | CommonDCModelDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
PeripheralType (\) | CommonType (\) | extends | 1 |
Phone (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
Computer_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DevicePowerSupply (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Inventoriable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Socket (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PhoneModel (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Phone (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PhonePowerSupply (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
PhoneType (\) | CommonType (\) | extends | 1 |
Planning (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
CommonITILTask (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProblemTask (\) | new | 1 | |
Reminder (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
TicketTask (\) | new | 1 | |
PlanningEventCategory (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
PlanningExternalEvent (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CalDAVCompatibleItemInterface (\glpi\caldav\contracts) | implements | 1 | |
VobjectConverterTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\PlanningEvent (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
PlanningExternalEventTemplate (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Glpi\Features\PlanningEvent (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
PlanningRecall (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonITILTask (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
CronTask (\) | new | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plug (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Plugin (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
FieldUnicity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CacheManager (\glpi\cache) | new | 1 | |
Controller (\glpi\marketplace) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Controller (\glpi\marketplace) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
VersionParser (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Link_Itemtype (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SoftwareLicense (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Preference (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | extends | 1 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Printer (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
Computer_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Inventoriable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Socket (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Printer_CartridgeInfo (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
Cartridge (\glpi\inventory\asset) | new | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PrinterLog (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
Widget (\glpi\dashboard) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PrinterModel (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Printer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PrinterType (\) | CommonType (\) | extends | 1 |
Problem (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
CommonITILObject (\) | extends | 1 | |
Item_Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Problem_Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
ProblemCost (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProblemTask (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Problem_Supplier (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | extends | 1 |
Problem_Ticket (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
ITILSolution (\) | new | 1 | |
Problem (\) | type | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | type | 1 | |
Problem_User (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | extends | 1 |
ProblemCost (\) | CommonITILCost (\) | extends | 1 |
ProblemTask (\) | CommonITILTask (\) | extends | 1 |
Problem (\) | new | 1 | |
ProblemTemplate (\) | Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 |
ITILTemplate (\) | extends | 1 | |
ProblemTemplateHiddenField (\) | ITILTemplateHiddenField (\) | extends | 1 |
ProblemTemplateMandatoryField (\) | ITILTemplateMandatoryField (\) | extends | 1 |
ProblemTemplatePredefinedField (\) | ITILTemplatePredefinedField (\) | extends | 1 |
Profile (\) | Appliance (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
ChangeTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Cluster (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
Contact (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Database (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Datacenter (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DomainRecordType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Line (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PendingReason (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PlanningExternalEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProblemTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 1 | |
RecurrentChange (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RecurrentChange (\) | staticproperty | 1 | |
SoftwareLicense (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Supplier (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
TicketTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Profile_Reminder (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
Profile_RSSFeed (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
Profile_User (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
Entity (\) | type | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 1 | |
Profile (\) | type | 1 | |
ProfileRight (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | type | 1 | |
ProfileRight (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Profile (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 1 | |
Project (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
ExtraVisibilityCriteria (\) | implements | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Kanban (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Teamwork (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Itil_Project (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProjectCost (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProjectState (\) | new | 1 | |
ProjectTask (\) | new | 1 | |
ProjectTaskTeam (\) | new | 1 | |
ProjectTaskType (\) | new | 1 | |
ProjectTaskType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProjectType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryUnion (\) | new | 1 | |
ProjectCost (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Project (\) | type | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
TicketCost (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProjectState (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProjectTask (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
Contact (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Document_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CalDAVCompatibleItemInterface (\glpi\caldav\contracts) | implements | 1 | |
VobjectConverterTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\PlanningEvent (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Teamwork (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Planning (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Planning (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProjectState (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProjectTask_Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProjectTaskTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProjectTaskType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProjectTeam (\) | staticproperty | 1 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 1 | |
Supplier (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProjectTask_Ticket (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProjectState (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProjectTask (\) | type | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
Search (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | type | 1 | |
ProjectTaskLink (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
ProjectTaskTeam (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Contact (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Team (\glpi\team) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProjectTeam (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Supplier (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ProjectTaskTemplate (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
ProjectTaskType (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
ProjectTeam (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Team (\glpi\team) | staticconstant | 1 | |
QueryUnion (\) | new | 1 | |
ProjectType (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
PurgeLogs (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
RefusedEquipment (\) | new | 1 | |
RefusedEquipment (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | AbstractQuery (\) | extends | 1 |
AbstractQuery (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | type | 1 | |
QueryUnion (\) | AbstractQuery (\) | extends | 1 |
AbstractQuery (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DBmysql (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
QueuedNotification (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
Rack (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
Datacenter (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DCRoom (\) | new | 1 | |
DCRoom (\) | type | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\DCBreadcrumb (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RackModel (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Rack (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RackType (\) | CommonType (\) | extends | 1 |
RecurrentChange (\) | CommonITILRecurrent (\) | extends | 1 |
RefusedEquipment (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | new | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Inventoriable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Request (\glpi\inventory) | type | 1 | |
IPAddress (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleImportAsset (\) | new | 1 | |
RegisteredID (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
Reminder (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBVisible (\) | extends | 1 | |
ExtraVisibilityCriteria (\) | implements | 1 | |
CalDAVCompatibleItemInterface (\glpi\caldav\contracts) | implements | 1 | |
VobjectConverterTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\PlanningEvent (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PlanningRecall (\) | new | 1 | |
ReminderTranslation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Reminder_User (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
ReminderTranslation (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Reminder (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Report (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | extends | 1 |
Computer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Contract (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Monitor (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
OperatingSystem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Peripheral (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Phone (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Printer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RequestType (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Reservation (\) | Alert (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
ReservationItem (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RSSFeed (\) | CommonDBVisible (\) | extends | 1 |
ExtraVisibilityCriteria (\) | implements | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
GLPIKey (\) | new | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Planning (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RSSFeed_User (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
Rule (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 1 | |
LevelAgreement (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
OlaLevel (\) | new | 1 | |
OperatingSystem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
OperatingSystemArchitecture (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
OperatingSystemServicePack (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
OperatingSystemVersion (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryPrinter (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnarySoftware (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleImportEntity (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleMailCollector (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleRight (\) | new | 1 | |
SlaLevel (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleAction (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
TicketValidation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleAsset (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | extends | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleAssetCollection (\) | RuleCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleCollection (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
Rule (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleAction (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleCriteria (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleCriteria (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryComputerModel (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryComputerModelCollection (\) | RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleDictionnaryComputerType (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryComputerTypeCollection (\) | RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | Rule (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | CartridgeItem (\) | new | 1 |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleCollection (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryManufacturer (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryManufacturerCollection (\) | RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleDictionnaryMonitorModel (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryMonitorModelCollection (\) | RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleDictionnaryMonitorType (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryMonitorTypeCollection (\) | RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleDictionnaryNetworkEquipmentModel (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryNetworkEquipmentModelCollection (\) | RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleDictionnaryNetworkEquipmentType (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryNetworkEquipmentTypeCollection (\) | RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystem (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemArchitecture (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemArchitectureCollection (\) | RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemCollection (\) | RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemServicePack (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemServicePackCollection (\) | RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemVersion (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemVersionCollection (\) | RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleDictionnaryPeripheralModel (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryPeripheralModelCollection (\) | RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleDictionnaryPeripheralType (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryPeripheralTypeCollection (\) | RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleDictionnaryPhoneModel (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryPhoneModelCollection (\) | RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleDictionnaryPhoneType (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryPhoneTypeCollection (\) | RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleDictionnaryPrinter (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | extends | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryPrinterCollection (\) | Computer_Item (\) | new | 1 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleCollection (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryPrinterModel (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryPrinterModelCollection (\) | RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleDictionnaryPrinterType (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnaryPrinterTypeCollection (\) | RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleDictionnarySoftware (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | extends | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnarySoftwareCollection (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Item_SoftwareVersion (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleCollection (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleImportAsset (\) | Domain (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | new | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
OperatingSystem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | extends | 1 | |
Rule (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleAction (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleCriteria (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleMatchedLog (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleImportAssetCollection (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 1 | |
Request (\glpi\inventory) | new | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
RefusedEquipment (\) | new | 1 | |
RuleCollection (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleCollection (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleImportComputer (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Domain (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | extends | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleImportComputerCollection (\) | Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
RuleCollection (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleImportEntity (\) | Domain (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
IPAddress (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleAction (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleImportEntityCollection (\) | RuleCollection (\) | extends | 1 |
RuleMailCollector (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MailCollector (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | extends | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleAction (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleMailCollectorCollection (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Group_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MailCollector (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleCollection (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleMatchedLog (\) | Agent (\) | new | 1 |
Agent (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
RuleRight (\) | AuthLDAP (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | extends | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleRightCollection (\) | AuthLDAP (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleCollection (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleRight (\) | new | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleRightParameter (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleSoftwareCategory (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | extends | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SoftwareCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleSoftwareCategoryCollection (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
RuleCollection (\) | extends | 1 | |
RuleTicket (\) | Appliance (\) | new | 1 |
Calendar (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group (\) | new | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | extends | 1 | |
TaskTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleTicketCollection (\) | Group_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
RuleCollection (\) | extends | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SavedSearch (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | new | 1 | |
ExtraVisibilityCriteria (\) | implements | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notification (\) | new | 1 | |
SavedSearch_Alert (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SavedSearch_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Search (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
SavedSearch_Alert (\) | Auth (\) | new | 1 |
CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 | |
Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 1 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
SavedSearch (\) | type | 1 | |
User (\) | new | 1 | |
SavedSearch_User (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SavedSearch (\) | new | 1 | |
Search (\) | Appliance (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Auth (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Consumable (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CronTask (\) | new | 1 | |
DisplayPreference (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Document (\) | new | 1 | |
Domain (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Grid (\glpi\dashboard) | new | 1 | |
Grid (\glpi\dashboard) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Link (\) | new | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Problem (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
ProjectState (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ReservationItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SavedSearch (\) | new | 1 | |
SavedSearch (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
TicketSatisfaction (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TicketTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Session (\) | Auth (\) | staticconstant | 1 |
Auth (\) | type | 1 | |
Config (\) | staticproperty | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DropdownTranslation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | new | 1 | |
CacheManager (\glpi\cache) | new | 1 | |
I18nCache (\glpi\cache) | new | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Profile (\) | new | 1 | |
Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ShareDashboardDropdown (\) | AbstractRightsDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Profile (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SLA (\) | LevelAgreement (\) | extends | 1 |
SlaLevel (\) | LevelAgreementLevel (\) | extends | 1 |
SLA (\) | new | 1 | |
SlaLevel_Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
SlaLevel_Ticket (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
CronTask (\) | type | 1 | |
SLA (\) | new | 1 | |
SLA (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SlaLevel (\) | new | 1 | |
SLM (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
SlaLevelAction (\) | RuleAction (\) | extends | 1 |
SlaLevelCriteria (\) | RuleCriteria (\) | extends | 1 |
SLM (\) | Calendar (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SNMPCredential (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
GLPIKey (\) | new | 1 | |
Software (\) | Certificate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AssetImage (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\TreeBrowse (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Item_SoftwareVersion (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
OperatingSystem (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleDictionnarySoftwareCollection (\) | new | 1 | |
SoftwareLicense (\) | new | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SoftwareCategory (\) | CommonTreeDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Software (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SoftwareLicense (\) | CommonTreeDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
AssetImage (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Software (\) | type | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SoftwareLicenseType (\) | CommonTreeDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
SoftwareLicense (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SoftwareVersion (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Software (\) | new | 1 | |
Software (\) | type | 1 | |
SoftwareLicense (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
State (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SolutionTemplate (\) | AbstractITILChildTemplate (\) | extends | 1 |
AbstractITILChildTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SolutionType (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
SsoVariable (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Stat (\) | Change (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDevice (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
DBConnection (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TicketSatisfaction (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
State (\) | AllAssets (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Appliance (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Cable (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Certificate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Cluster (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
Computer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Contract (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
DatabaseInstance (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Enclosure (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Line (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Monitor (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkEquipment (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PassiveDCEquipment (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PDU (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Peripheral (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Phone (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Printer (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rack (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SoftwareLicense (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SoftwareVersion (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Supplier (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
AssetImage (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Notepad (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Phone (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SupplierType (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Supplier_Ticket (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonITILActor (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
CommonITILActor (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SupplierType (\) | CommonType (\) | extends | 1 |
TaskCategory (\) | CommonTreeDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
KnowbaseItemCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TaskTemplate (\) | AbstractITILChildTemplate (\) | extends | 1 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Telemetry (\) | AuthLDAP (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonGLPI (\) | extends | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
MailCollector (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Notification_NotificationTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | new | 1 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | Calendar (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonITILObject (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonITILTask (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
CronTask (\) | type | 1 | |
Document_Item (\) | new | 1 | |
Entity (\) | new | 1 | |
ParametersPreset (\glpi\contenttemplates) | staticconstant | 1 | |
ParametersPreset (\glpi\contenttemplates) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateManager (\glpi\contenttemplates) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Group_Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
Group_User (\) | new | 1 | |
Infocom (\) | new | 1 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | staticproperty | 1 | |
ITILSolution (\) | new | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationMailing (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
OlaLevel_Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Planning (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Problem (\) | new | 1 | |
Problem_Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
ProjectTask_Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
SlaLevel_Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Supplier_Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket_Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket_User (\) | new | 1 | |
TicketTemplate (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
TicketTemplate (\) | new | 1 | |
TicketValidation (\) | new | 1 | |
UserEmail (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket_Contract (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket_Ticket (\) | CommonDBRelation (\) | extends | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ITILSolution (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket_User (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonITILActor (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonITILActor (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TicketCost (\) | CommonITILCost (\) | extends | 1 |
TicketRecurrent (\) | CommonITILRecurrent (\) | extends | 1 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TicketSatisfaction (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TicketTask (\) | CommonITILTask (\) | extends | 1 |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TicketTemplate (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 1 |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
ITILTemplate (\) | extends | 1 | |
ITILTemplate (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
ITILTemplate (\) | type | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TicketTemplateHiddenField (\) | ITILTemplateHiddenField (\) | extends | 1 |
TicketTemplateMandatoryField (\) | ITILTemplateMandatoryField (\) | extends | 1 |
TicketTemplatePredefinedField (\) | ITILTemplatePredefinedField (\) | extends | 1 |
TicketValidation (\) | CommonITILValidation (\) | extends | 1 |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 |
DBmysql (\) | type | 1 | |
Document_Item (\) | new | 1 | |
Application (\glpi\console) | instanceof | 1 | |
Event (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
QueryParam (\) | new | 1 | |
Reservation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
RuleImportAsset (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | instanceof | 1 | |
Transfer (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
Cartridge (\) | new | 1 | |
Certificate (\) | new | 1 | |
Certificate_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Change_Supplier (\) | new | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
Computer (\) | new | 1 | |
Contact (\) | new | 1 | |
Contract (\) | new | 1 | |
Contract_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Document (\) | new | 1 | |
Document_Item (\) | new | 1 | |
Document_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ErrorHandler (\glpi\application) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Infocom (\) | new | 1 | |
Item_Disk (\) | new | 1 | |
Item_SoftwareLicense (\) | new | 1 | |
Item_Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
ITILCategory (\) | new | 1 | |
Location (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkPort_NetworkPort (\) | new | 1 | |
NotificationSetting (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Peripheral (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Problem_Supplier (\) | new | 1 | |
ReservationItem (\) | new | 1 | |
SoftwareLicense (\) | new | 1 | |
Supplier_Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
TaskCategory (\) | new | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 1 | |
TicketTask (\) | new | 1 | |
Unmanaged (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 |
Contact (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Domain (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | new | 1 | |
NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Update (\) | CronTask (\) | new | 1 |
CronTask (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Migration (\) | type | 1 | |
Plugin (\) | new | 1 | |
Session (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
USBVendor (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CacheableListInterface (\glpi\features) | implements | 1 | |
User (\) | Alert (\) | staticconstant | 1 |
ChangeValidation (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
CronTask (\) | type | 1 | |
DisplayPreference (\) | new | 1 | |
DropdownTranslation (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
PasswordTooWeakException (\glpi\exception) | catch | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\Clonable (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
Glpi\Features\TreeBrowse (\glpi\features) | use | 1 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Log (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
NotificationMailing (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | new | 1 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Profile (\) | staticproperty | 1 | |
Project (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
QueuedNotification (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Reminder (\) | new | 1 | |
SavedSearch (\) | new | 1 | |
SavedSearch (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Ticket (\) | staticconstant | 1 | |
UserCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
UserTitle (\) | new | 1 | |
UserTitle (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
UserCategory (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
UserEmail (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
UserTitle (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
VirtualMachineState (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
VirtualMachineSystem (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
VirtualMachineType (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 |
Vlan (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 1 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 1 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 1 | |
VObject (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | extends | 1 |
WifiNetwork (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
CommonDropdown (\) | extends | 1 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
Monitor (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 | |
XML (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 1 |
AbstractITILChildTemplate (\) | DropdownTranslation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
AbstractRightsDropdown (\) | Profile (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Agent (\) | AgentType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Domain (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Domain_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ErrorHandler (\glpi\application) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NetworkName (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
APIClient (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Appliance (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
Appliance_Item (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Appliance_Item_Relation (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Auth (\) | AuthMail (\) | new | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ErrorHandler (\glpi\application) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 2 | |
SsoVariable (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
User (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
User (\) | type | 2 | |
AuthLDAP (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Group (\) | new | 2 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
AuthMail (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Budget (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Item_Devices (\) | instanceof | 2 | |
Cable (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CableStrand (\) | Cable (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Socket (\glpi) | new | 2 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Calendar (\) | Calendar_Holiday (\) | new | 2 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
Calendar_Holiday (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CalendarSegment (\) | Calendar (\) | new | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Cartridge (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Log (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
Printer (\) | type | 2 | |
CartridgeItem (\) | Alert (\) | new | 2 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CartridgeItem_PrinterModel (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Printer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
PrinterModel (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Central (\) | Auth (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Contract (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Grid (\glpi\dashboard) | new | 2 | |
User (\) | new | 2 | |
Certificate (\) | Alert (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Certificate_Item (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Change (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Change_Item (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
CommonItilObject_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Change_Problem (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Change_Ticket (\) | Change (\) | new | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ChangeCost (\) | Change (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
ChangeTask (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
CleanSoftwareCron (\) | SoftwareLicense (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
SoftwareVersion (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | CommonDBConnexityItemNotFound (\) | catch | 2 |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | new | 2 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | Appliance (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDropdown (\) | instanceof | 2 | |
Document_Item (\) | new | 2 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
UserMention (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
ObjectLock (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Profile (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RuleAsset (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 2 | |
Ticket (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
CommonDCModelDropdown (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDevice (\) | Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDropdown (\) | CommonTreeDropdown (\) | instanceof | 2 |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonITILObject (\) | instanceof | 2 | |
Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
User (\) | new | 2 | |
CommonITILActor (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Supplier (\) | new | 2 | |
User (\) | new | 2 | |
CommonITILCost (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | Change (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 | |
CommonITILActor (\) | type | 2 | |
CommonITILTask (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
CommonITILValidation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Document (\) | new | 2 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Group (\) | new | 2 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Group_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | new | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
NotificationMailing (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
OLA (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
PendingReason (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
PendingReason_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
QueryUnion (\) | new | 2 | |
SLA (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SLM (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Ticket_Ticket (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
UserEmail (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonItilObject_Item (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Ticket (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
CommonITILRecurrent (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
CommonITILRecurrentCron (\) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 2 |
CommonITILTask (\) | Calendar (\) | new | 2 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
TaskTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonITILValidation (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
CommonITILObject (\) | type | 2 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
Computer (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_SoftwareVersion (\) | new | 2 | |
Computer_Item (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Computer (\) | instanceof | 2 | |
Computer (\) | new | 2 | |
Computer (\) | type | 2 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ComputerAntivirus (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ComputerVirtualMachine (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Computer (\) | type | 2 | |
VirtualMachineState (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Config (\) | APIClient (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
AuthLDAP (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CacheManager (\glpi\cache) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 2 | |
GLPIKey (\) | new | 2 | |
NotificationMailing (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Profile (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
State (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
User (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Consumable (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 2 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ConsumableItem (\) | Alert (\) | new | 2 |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Contact_Supplier (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Phone (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Contract (\) | TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Contract_Item (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Contract_Supplier (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ContractCost (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Contract (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CronTask (\) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CronTaskLog (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Plugin (\) | new | 2 | |
QueuedNotification (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CronTaskLog (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Database (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Computer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DatabaseInstance (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Database (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
State (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DBConnection (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
DBmysql (\) | QueryExpression (\) | instanceof | 2 |
Session (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
DbUtils (\) | Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 2 | |
User (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
DCRoom (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
DeviceBattery (\) | Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
DeviceCamera (\) | Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
DeviceCase (\) | Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
DeviceControl (\) | InterfaceType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RegisteredID (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DeviceDrive (\) | InterfaceType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DeviceFirmware (\) | Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
DeviceGeneric (\) | Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
DeviceGraphicCard (\) | InterfaceType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RegisteredID (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DeviceHardDrive (\) | InterfaceType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DeviceMemory (\) | Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
DeviceMotherboard (\) | Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
DeviceNetworkCard (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 2 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 2 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RegisteredID (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DevicePci (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RegisteredID (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DevicePowerSupply (\) | Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
DeviceProcessor (\) | Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
DeviceSimcard (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DeviceSoundCard (\) | Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
RegisteredID (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DisplayPreference (\) | AllAssets (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Document (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
KnowbaseItem (\) | staticproperty | 2 | |
Document_Item (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Document (\) | new | 2 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_Devices (\) | instanceof | 2 | |
DocumentCategory (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Domain (\) | Alert (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 | |
Domain_Item (\) | new | 2 | |
Domain_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DomainType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
Domain_Item (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Domain (\) | type | 2 | |
DomainRelation (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
DomainRecord (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Domain (\) | new | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DomainRecordType (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Dropdown (\) | CommonDCModelDropdown (\) | instanceof | 2 |
DropdownTranslation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Phone (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Project (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Entity (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
AuthLDAP (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
CronTask (\) | new | 2 | |
CronTask (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Phone (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
TicketTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Fieldblacklist (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
FieldUnicity (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
FQDN (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
FQDNLabel (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
GLPI (\) | ErrorHandler (\glpi\application) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
API (\glpi\api) | AllAssets (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
APIClient (\) | new | 2 | |
APIClient (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | instanceof | 2 | |
ForgetPasswordException (\glpi\exception) | catch | 2 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | new | 2 | |
User (\) | new | 2 | |
DataHelpersExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
FrontEndAssetsExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
ItemtypeExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RoutingExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SessionExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | ErrorHandler (\glpi\application) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Calendar (\glpi\caldav\backend) | PlanningExternalEvent (\) | new | 2 |
CalendarRoot (\glpi\caldav\node) | Principal (\glpi\caldav\backend) | staticconstant | 2 |
Acl (\glpi\caldav\plugin) | Principal (\glpi\caldav\backend) | staticconstant | 2 |
CalDAV (\glpi\caldav\plugin) | Calendar (\glpi\caldav\backend) | staticconstant | 2 |
Server (\glpi\caldav) | CalendarRoot (\glpi\caldav\node) | new | 2 |
CalDAVPrincipalsTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Application (\glpi\console) | GlpiCommandInterface (\glpi\console\command) | instanceof | 2 |
Session (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
ConfigureCommand (\glpi\console\cache) | CacheManager (\glpi\cache) | new | 2 |
SetNamespacePrefixCommand (\glpi\console\cache) | CacheManager (\glpi\cache) | new | 2 |
CommandLoader (\glpi\console) | Plugin (\) | new | 2 |
SetCommand (\glpi\console\config) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
AbstractConfigureCommand (\glpi\console\database) | DBConnection (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
InstallCommand (\glpi\console\database) | CacheManager (\glpi\cache) | new | 2 |
UpdateCommand (\glpi\console\database) | CacheManager (\glpi\cache) | new | 2 |
AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
VersionParser (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SynchronizeUsersCommand (\glpi\console\ldap) | AuthLDAP (\) | new | 2 |
User (\) | instanceof | 2 | |
AbstractPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
AppliancesPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
DatabasesPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | Database (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
DatabaseInstance (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DatabaseInstanceCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DatabaseInstanceType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DomainsPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | Domain (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
DomainType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DynamicRowFormatCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | EarlyExitException (\glpi\console\exception) | new | 2 |
MyIsamToInnoDbCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | EarlyExitException (\glpi\console\exception) | new | 2 |
RacksPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | DCRoom (\) | new | 2 |
Rack (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
TimestampsCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | DBConnection (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
EarlyExitException (\glpi\console\exception) | new | 2 | |
UnsignedKeysCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | EarlyExitException (\glpi\console\exception) | new | 2 |
ActivateCommand (\glpi\console\plugin) | Plugin (\) | new | 2 |
DeactivateCommand (\glpi\console\plugin) | Plugin (\) | new | 2 |
Plugin (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
InstallCommand (\glpi\console\plugin) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
AbstractPluginCommand (\glpi\console\plugin) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
UnlockCommand (\glpi\console\task) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 2 |
AbstractParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 |
AssetParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | EntityParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 2 |
CommonITILObjectParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | EntityParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 2 |
ITILCategoryParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 2 | |
ObjectParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 2 | |
SupplierParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 2 | |
DropdownParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | AttributeParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 2 |
LevelAgreementParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | LevelAgreement (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
ArrayParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | TemplatesParametersInterface (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | type | 2 |
ObjectParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | TemplatesParametersInterface (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | type | 2 |
TicketParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | AbstractParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
AssetParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 2 | |
CommonITILObjectParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
KnowbaseItemParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 2 | |
LocationParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 2 | |
ArrayParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 2 | |
RequestTypeParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 2 | |
Item_Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
OLA (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SLA (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
TreeDropdownParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | AbstractParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
DropdownParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
UserParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | AssetParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 2 |
LocationParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 2 | |
UserCategoryParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 2 | |
UserTitleParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 2 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ParametersPreset (\glpi\contenttemplates) | AttributeParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 2 |
TicketParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 2 | |
TemplateDocumentation (\glpi\contenttemplates) | MarkdownBuilder (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
TemplateManager (\glpi\contenttemplates) | ParametersPreset (\glpi\contenttemplates) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
ImpactCsvExport (\glpi\csv) | Impact (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
LogCsvExport (\glpi\csv) | Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Dashboard (\glpi\dashboard) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Grid (\glpi\dashboard) | Session (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Provider (\glpi\dashboard) | CommonITILValidation (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
Group_Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Ticket (\) | instanceof | 2 | |
Ticket_User (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Ticket_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Event (\glpi) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
AssetImage (\glpi\features) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Clonable (\glpi\features) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Inventoriable (\glpi\features) | Agent (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
Agent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Kanban (\glpi\features) | Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 2 |
PlanningEvent (\glpi\features) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
TreeBrowse (\glpi\features) | CommonTreeDropdown (\) | instanceof | 2 |
DropdownTranslation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DataFactory (\glpi\gantt) | Project (\) | new | 2 |
ProjectTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
TaskDAO (\glpi\gantt) | DataFactory (\glpi\gantt) | new | 2 |
Antivirus (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Bios (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Controller (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Drive (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Device (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
HardDrive (\glpi\inventory\asset) | new | 2 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Agent (\) | type | 2 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 | |
MainAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 |
NetworkEquipment (\glpi\inventory\asset) | NetworkPort (\glpi\inventory\asset) | new | 2 |
NetworkPort (\glpi\inventory\asset) | NetworkPort_NetworkPort (\) | new | 2 |
QueryParam (\) | new | 2 | |
RuleImportAssetCollection (\) | new | 2 | |
Unmanaged (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
OperatingSystem (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Peripheral (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
RemoteManagement (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Software (\glpi\inventory\asset) | DBmysqlIterator (\) | new | 2 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
VirtualMachine (\glpi\inventory\asset) | ComputerVirtualMachine (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Volume (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Request (\glpi\inventory) | type | 2 | |
NetworkPortType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Plugins (\glpi\marketplace\api) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Controller (\glpi\marketplace) | Plugins (\glpi\marketplace\api) | new | 2 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
View (\glpi\marketplace) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Plugins (\glpi\marketplace\api) | new | 2 | |
Controller (\glpi\marketplace) | new | 2 | |
Controller (\glpi\marketplace) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
GLPINetwork (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | UserMention (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
UserMention (\glpi\richtext) | CommonITILValidation (\) | instanceof | 2 |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Socket (\glpi) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Log (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RequirementsManager (\glpi\system) | DBmysql (\) | instanceof | 2 |
ExtensionGroup (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 2 | |
Variables (\glpi\system) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
StatusChecker (\glpi\system\status) | CronTask (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 2 | |
DataExport (\glpi\toolbox) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
GLPIKey (\) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
DBmysql (\) | instanceof | 2 | |
GLPIMailer (\) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
GLPIKey (\) | new | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
GLPINetwork (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Group (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 2 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Group_User (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Group (\) | new | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Html (\) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
DocumentType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ErrorHandler (\glpi\application) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Grid (\glpi\dashboard) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
HTMLTableBase (\) | HTMLTableHeader (\) | type | 2 |
HTMLTableUnknownHeader (\) | new | 2 | |
HTMLTableGroup (\) | HTMLTableSubHeader (\) | instanceof | 2 |
HTMLTableUnknownHeaders (\) | catch | 2 | |
Impact (\) | Change (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
User (\) | new | 2 | |
ImpactRelation (\) | Impact (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Infocom (\) | Budget (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 2 | |
Supplier (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
IPAddress (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
IPNetwork (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NetworkName (\) | new | 2 | |
IPAddress_IPNetwork (\) | IPNetwork (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
IPNetwork (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
IPAddress_IPNetwork (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
IPNetwork_Vlan (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Vlan (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_Cluster (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_DeviceCamera_ImageFormat (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_DeviceCamera_ImageResolution (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_Devices (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 2 |
Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_DeviceSimcard (\) | Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Line (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_Disk (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_Enclosure (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Item_Kanban (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Item_OperatingSystem (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
OperatingSystemKernelVersion (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_Problem (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
CommonItilObject_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_Project (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_Rack (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Rack (\) | type | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_RemoteManagement (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_SoftwareLicense (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
SoftwareLicense (\) | type | 2 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_SoftwareVersion (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_SoftwareLicense (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
SoftwareCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SoftwareVersion (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SoftwareVersion (\) | type | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_Ticket (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
Ticket (\) | type | 2 | |
Itil_Project (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ITILCategory (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
ITILTemplate (\) | instanceof | 2 | |
Problem (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
TicketTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
Ticket (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
ITILSolution (\) | Entity (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SolutionTemplate (\) | new | 2 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ITILTemplate (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
ITILTemplateHiddenField (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
ITILTemplateMandatoryField (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
ITILTemplatePredefinedField (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
ITILTemplateField (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Knowbase (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
DropdownTranslation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | new | 2 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | new | 2 | |
Document (\) | new | 2 | |
DropdownTranslation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Entity_KnowbaseItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Event (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Group_KnowbaseItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
KnowbaseItem_Profile (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
KnowbaseItem_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
KnowbaseItemCategory (\) | new | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
KnowbaseItem_Comment (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
KnowbaseItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
KnowbaseItemCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
KnowbaseItem_Revision (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
KnowbaseItemTranslation (\) | KnowbaseItem (\) | type | 2 |
KnowbaseItem_Revision (\) | new | 2 | |
LevelAgreement (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
SLM (\) | new | 2 | |
LevelAgreementLevel (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Link (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 2 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Link_Itemtype (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Location (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Lock (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_Disk (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
NetworkName (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Lockedfield (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Log (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MailCollector (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
GLPIKey (\) | new | 2 | |
GLPINetwork (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | new | 2 | |
NotificationTargetTicket (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
NotImportedEmail (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RequestType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ManualLink (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Link (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Manufacturer (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 |
Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Timer (\) | new | 2 | |
Migration (\) | SavedSearch (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Monitor (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Netpoint (\) | Socket (\glpi) | staticconstant | 2 |
NetworkAlias (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
FQDN (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
FQDNLabel (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NetworkEquipment (\) | Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NetworkName (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
IPAddress (\) | new | 2 | |
IPNetwork (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 2 | |
NetworkPort (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
DisplayPreference (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
IPAddress (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NetworkEquipment (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NetworkName (\) | new | 2 | |
NetworkPortType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NetworkPort_NetworkPort (\) | Unmanaged (\) | new | 2 |
NetworkPort_Vlan (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NetworkPortAggregate (\) | HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 2 |
NetworkPort (\) | type | 2 | |
NetworkPortAlias (\) | HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 2 |
NetworkPort (\) | type | 2 | |
NetworkPortConnectionLog (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
NetworkPort (\) | type | 2 | |
NetworkPortDialup (\) | HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 2 |
NetworkPort (\) | type | 2 | |
NetworkPortEthernet (\) | DeviceNetworkCard (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 2 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 2 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 2 | |
NetworkPortFiberchannel (\) | DeviceNetworkCard (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 2 | |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 2 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 2 | |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Socket (\glpi) | new | 2 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 2 | |
NetworkPort_NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NetworkPortMetrics (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Widget (\glpi\dashboard) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NetworkPort (\) | type | 2 | |
NetworkPortMigration (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 2 | |
IPNetmask (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
NetworkInterface (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NetworkPortWifi (\) | DeviceNetworkCard (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 2 | |
NetworkPort (\) | type | 2 | |
Notepad (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Notification (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
Notification_NotificationTemplate (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Notification (\) | new | 2 | |
NotificationAjax (\) | Notification_NotificationTemplate (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
NotificationAjaxSetting (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
NotificationEventMailing (\) | Document (\) | new | 2 |
User (\) | new | 2 | |
NotificationSetting (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
NotificationSettingConfig (\) | Config (\) | new | 2 |
NotificationTarget (\) | Auth (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Group (\) | type | 2 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
User (\) | new | 2 | |
NotificationTargetCertificate (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Notification (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NotificationTargetChange (\) | ChangeValidation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Entity (\) | new | 2 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
ITILSolution (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Supplier (\) | new | 2 | |
Supplier (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
UserEmail (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NotificationTargetConsumableItem (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
NotificationTargetContract (\) | Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
NotificationTargetDomain (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Notification (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NotificationTargetObjectLock (\) | User (\) | new | 2 |
NotificationTargetProblem (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
NotificationTargetProject (\) | ProjectTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NotificationTargetProjectTask (\) | Project (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
User (\) | new | 2 | |
NotificationTargetReservation (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
ReservationItem (\) | new | 2 | |
NotificationTargetSavedSearch_Alert (\) | SavedSearch (\) | new | 2 |
NotificationTargetTicket (\) | Item_Ticket (\) | new | 2 |
Location (\) | new | 2 | |
MailCollector (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Notification_NotificationTemplate (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Ticket_Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NotificationTargetUser (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
NotificationTemplate (\) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
NotificationTarget (\) | type | 2 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NotificationTemplateTranslation (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NotificationTemplate (\) | new | 2 | |
NotificationTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NotImportedEmail (\) | MailCollector (\) | new | 2 |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
ObjectLock (\) | Log (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
OlaLevel (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
LevelAgreementLevel (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
OLA (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
OLA (\) | type | 2 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RuleTicket (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
OlaLevel_Ticket (\) | CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 2 | |
Pdu_Plug (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
PDU_Rack (\) | PDU (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Rack (\) | new | 2 | |
Rack (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
PendingReason (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
PendingReasonCron (\) | CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
PendingReason (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
PendingReason_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Peripheral (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Phone (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Planning (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
ErrorHandler (\glpi\application) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
PlanningRecall (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ProjectTask (\) | instanceof | 2 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
PlanningExternalEvent (\) | RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
PlanningEventCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
PlanningExternalEventTemplate (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
PlanningRecall (\) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 2 |
Plugin (\) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CronTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
Printer (\) | Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Printer_CartridgeInfo (\) | Printer (\) | type | 2 |
PrinterLog (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Printer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Printer (\) | type | 2 | |
Problem (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ProblemTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Problem_Ticket (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
ProblemCost (\) | Problem (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
ProblemTask (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
Profile (\) | Budget (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Change (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DocumentType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Peripheral (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Phone (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Profile_User (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Log (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
User (\) | new | 2 | |
ProfileRight (\) | QueryParam (\) | new | 2 |
Project (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Contact (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ProjectTask (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 2 | |
Supplier (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ProjectCost (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Project (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ProjectTask (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Group_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Project (\) | new | 2 | |
ProjectTaskTeam (\) | new | 2 | |
ProjectTaskTeam (\) | staticproperty | 2 | |
ProjectTask_Ticket (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ProjectTaskTeam (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Planning (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ProjectTask (\) | new | 2 | |
ProjectTaskTemplate (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
ProjectTeam (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
PurgeLogs (\) | Config (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
QuerySubQuery (\) | DBmysqlIterator (\) | new | 2 |
QueryUnion (\) | QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 2 |
QueuedNotification (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 2 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Notification_NotificationTemplate (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Rack (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
RefusedEquipment (\) | Agent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RegisteredID (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
Reminder (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | new | 2 | |
Entity_Reminder (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Profile_Reminder (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Reminder_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ReminderTranslation (\) | RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Reminder (\) | type | 2 | |
Report (\) | IPAddress (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RequestType (\) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Reservation (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ReservationItem (\) | Alert (\) | new | 2 |
Alert (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Reservation (\) | new | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RSSFeed (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | new | 2 | |
Entity_RSSFeed (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Group_RSSFeed (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Profile_RSSFeed (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RSSFeed_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Rule (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
DBmysql (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 2 | |
RuleCollection (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
RuleImportEntityCollection (\) | new | 2 | |
RuleMailCollectorCollection (\) | new | 2 | |
RuleRightCollection (\) | new | 2 | |
Transfer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RuleAction (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
RuleAsset (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RuleAction (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RuleCollection (\) | Blacklist (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDeviceModel (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDeviceType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | instanceof | 2 | |
ComputerModel (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ComputerType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Entity (\) | new | 2 | |
Event (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MonitorModel (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MonitorType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NetworkEquipmentModel (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NetworkEquipmentType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
OperatingSystemArchitecture (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
OperatingSystemServicePack (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
OperatingSystemVersion (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
PhoneModel (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
PhoneType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Printer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
PrinterModel (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
PrinterType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RuleAction (\) | new | 2 | |
RuleCriteria (\) | new | 2 | |
SingletonRuleList (\) | new | 2 | |
SingletonRuleList (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Software (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Transfer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RuleCriteria (\) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
RuleDictionnaryManufacturer (\) | Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystem (\) | OperatingSystem (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemArchitecture (\) | OperatingSystemArchitecture (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemServicePack (\) | OperatingSystemServicePack (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
RuleDictionnaryPrinter (\) | Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
RuleDictionnaryPrinterCollection (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Printer (\) | new | 2 | |
RuleDictionnarySoftware (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
RuleDictionnarySoftwareCollection (\) | Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Software (\) | new | 2 | |
SoftwareVersion (\) | new | 2 | |
RuleImportAsset (\) | Agent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RefusedEquipment (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RuleImportAssetCollection (\) | new | 2 | |
RuleImportEntity (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RuleMailCollector (\) | Profile_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
RuleMatchedLog (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
RuleImportAsset (\) | new | 2 | |
RuleRight (\) | Auth (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Profile (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Rule (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RuleRightCollection (\) | Auth (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RuleTicket (\) | ContractType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Group_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ITILFollowupTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RequestType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RuleTicketCollection (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RuleCollection (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RuleTicket (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
SavedSearch (\) | ErrorHandler (\glpi\application) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 2 | |
SavedSearch_User (\) | new | 2 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SavedSearch_Alert (\) | Alert (\) | new | 2 |
Alert (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
ErrorHandler (\glpi\application) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Notification (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SavedSearch (\) | new | 2 | |
SavedSearch_User (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Search (\) | Cartridge (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonITILTask (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | instanceof | 2 | |
Contract (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
DisplayPreference (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
GLPIPDF (\) | new | 2 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | staticproperty | 2 | |
ManualLink (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Project (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
ProjectTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Reminder (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RSSFeed (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SavedSearch_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
TicketTask (\) | staticproperty | 2 | |
TicketValidation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
User (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Session (\) | Event (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
SlaLevel (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
LevelAgreementLevel (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RuleTicket (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SLA (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SLA (\) | type | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SlaLevel_Ticket (\) | CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 2 | |
SLM (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
SNMPCredential (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Software (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SoftwareCategory (\) | new | 2 | |
SoftwareCategory (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SoftwareLicense (\) | Alert (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Item_SoftwareLicense (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SoftwareVersion (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Item_SoftwareVersion (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Software (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SolutionTemplate (\) | SolutionType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
SsoVariable (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Stat (\) | StatData (\glpi\stat) | type | 2 |
Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
State (\) | Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Supplier (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
TaskCategory (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
TaskTemplate (\) | TaskCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
Ticket (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Item_Ticket (\) | new | 2 | |
Item_Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ITILCategory (\) | new | 2 | |
ITILCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
OlaLevel (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
OlaLevel_Ticket (\) | new | 2 | |
ProjectTask (\) | new | 2 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 2 | |
RequestType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
RuleTicketCollection (\) | new | 2 | |
SlaLevel (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SlaLevel_Ticket (\) | new | 2 | |
SolutionTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
SolutionType (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Ticket_Contract (\) | new | 2 | |
TicketCost (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
TicketTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Ticket_Contract (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 |
Contract (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Search (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Ticket_Ticket (\) | CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
TicketRecurrent (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonITILRecurrent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
TicketSatisfaction (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
TicketTask (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
TicketTemplate (\) | Ticket (\) | new | 2 |
TicketValidation (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
CommonITILValidation (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Ticket (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | CommonITILObject (\) | instanceof | 2 |
Document (\) | new | 2 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Transfer (\) | CartridgeItem (\) | new | 2 |
ProblemTask (\) | new | 2 | |
Software (\) | new | 2 | |
SoftwareVersion (\) | new | 2 | |
Supplier (\) | new | 2 | |
Unmanaged (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 2 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Update (\) | GLPIKey (\) | new | 2 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
User (\) | AuthLDAP (\) | new | 2 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 2 | |
CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 2 | |
Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
ForgetPasswordException (\glpi\exception) | catch | 2 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
Group_User (\) | new | 2 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 2 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 | |
UserEmail (\) | User (\) | type | 2 |
WifiNetwork (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 2 |
XHProf (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 2 |
AbstractITILChildTemplate (\) | TemplateManager (\glpi\contenttemplates) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
AbstractRightsDropdown (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Alert (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Entity (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
APIClient (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Appliance (\) | ApplianceType (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Appliance_Item (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Appliance_Item_Relation (\) | Appliance_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
AuthLDAP (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
User (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
Blacklist (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Budget (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Cable (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Calendar_Holiday (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CalendarSegment (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 3 | |
Cartridge (\) | CartridgeItem (\) | new | 3 |
CartridgeItem (\) | type | 3 | |
Printer (\) | new | 3 | |
CartridgeItem (\) | Cartridge (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Central (\) | Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Certificate (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Change (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Entity (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
Change_Problem (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Change_Ticket (\) | Ticket (\) | new | 3 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
ChangeCost (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
ChangeTask (\) | Change (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonITILTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonDBChild (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 3 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Lockedfield (\) | new | 3 | |
MassiveAction (\) | type | 3 | |
CommonDCModelDropdown (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonDevice (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 3 |
CommonITILActor (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
NotificationMailing (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonITILCost (\) | CommonITILObject (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | Calendar (\) | new | 3 |
Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Planning (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
Supplier (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
User (\) | new | 3 | |
CommonITILRecurrent (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonITILTask (\) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Log (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonITILValidation (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 3 |
Log (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | DropdownTranslation (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Computer_Item (\) | Computer (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
ComputerAntivirus (\) | Computer (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Config (\) | Impact (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Session (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Consumable (\) | ConsumableItem (\) | new | 3 |
ConsumableItem (\) | type | 3 | |
ConsumableItem (\) | Consumable (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Contract (\) | ContractType (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Search (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
Contract_Item (\) | Item_Devices (\) | instanceof | 3 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
ContractCost (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
DatabaseInstance (\) | DatabaseInstanceCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
DatabaseInstanceType (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
DBConnection (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
DBmysql (\) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | new | 3 | |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | type | 3 | |
ErrorHandler (\glpi\application) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 3 | |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | QuerySubQuery (\) | instanceof | 3 |
DbUtils (\) | User (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
DCRoom (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
DisplayPreference (\) | Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Document (\) | Document_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Document_Item (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
DocumentType (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Domain_Item (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 3 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
DomainRecord (\) | Domain (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Domain (\) | type | 3 | |
DomainRecordType (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Dropdown (\) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
DropdownTranslation (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 3 | |
Entity (\) | Config (\) | staticproperty | 3 |
Contract (\) | new | 3 | |
Notification (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
FieldUnicity (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
FQDN (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
FQDNLabel (\) | FQDN (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
API (\glpi\api) | Change (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
APIRest (\glpi\api) | AllAssets (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
APIXmlrpc (\glpi\api) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
DataHelpersExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
FrontEndAssetsExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | Session (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
ItemtypeExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 3 |
PluginExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CalendarRoot (\glpi\caldav\node) | Calendar (\glpi\caldav\backend) | staticconstant | 3 |
Application (\glpi\console) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CleanSoftwareCommand (\glpi\console\assets) | CleanSoftwareCron (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CompileScssCommand (\glpi\console\build) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
ConfigureCommand (\glpi\console\cache) | CacheManager (\glpi\cache) | staticconstant | 3 |
EarlyExitException (\glpi\console\exception) | new | 3 | |
EnableTimezonesCommand (\glpi\console\database) | EarlyExitException (\glpi\console\exception) | new | 3 |
InstallCommand (\glpi\console\database) | AbstractCommand (\glpi\console) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
AbstractConfigureCommand (\glpi\console\database) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
AbstractPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 3 |
EarlyExitException (\glpi\console\exception) | new | 3 | |
DomainsPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | Domain_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
ActivateCommand (\glpi\console\plugin) | Plugin (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
UnlockCommand (\glpi\console\task) | CronTask (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
TelemetryActivationTrait (\glpi\console\traits) | Telemetry (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
TicketParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | OLAParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 3 |
SLAParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 3 | |
UserParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | ObjectParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 3 |
TemplateDocumentation (\glpi\contenttemplates) | MarkdownBuilder (\glpi\toolbox) | new | 3 |
Dashboard (\glpi\dashboard) | Filter (\glpi\dashboard) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Grid (\glpi\dashboard) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Provider (\glpi\dashboard) | Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Profile_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Right (\glpi\dashboard) | QueryParam (\) | new | 3 |
Widget (\glpi\dashboard) | Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Event (\glpi) | TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
PlanningEvent (\glpi\features) | Planning (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
PlanningEventCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
PlanningRecall (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
DataFactory (\glpi\gantt) | ProjectTask (\) | new | 3 |
ProjectDAO (\glpi\gantt) | Project (\) | new | 3 |
NetworkEquipment (\glpi\inventory\asset) | InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
MainAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NetworkPort (\glpi\inventory\asset) | NetworkPort (\) | new | 3 |
Printer (\glpi\inventory\asset) | InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
MainAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NetworkEquipment (\glpi\inventory\asset) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Volume (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Item_Disk (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
Inventory (\glpi\inventory) | Agent (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Lockedfield (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
RefusedEquipment (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
SNMPCredential (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Controller (\glpi\marketplace) | GLPINetwork (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
View (\glpi\marketplace) | Plugin (\) | new | 3 |
HookManager (\glpi\plugin) | Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Socket (\glpi) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
StatusChecker (\glpi\system\status) | DBmysql (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Team (\glpi\team) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
DataExport (\glpi\toolbox) | RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
GLPINetwork (\) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Group (\) | Entity (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
Group_Ticket (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
Group_User (\) | Group (\) | type | 3 |
User (\) | new | 3 | |
Html (\) | CronTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Impact (\) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
ImpactContext (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
ImpactRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Infocom (\) | Alert (\) | new | 3 |
IPAddress (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 3 |
Item_Cluster (\) | Cluster (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Item_Devices (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 3 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Item_Disk (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Item_Enclosure (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Enclosure (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Item_OperatingSystem (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 3 |
Item_Project (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Item_Rack (\) | Rack (\) | new | 3 |
Rack (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Item_Ticket (\) | Ticket (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
ITILSolution (\) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
ITILTemplateField (\) | ITILTemplate (\) | type | 3 |
KnowbaseItem (\) | KnowbaseItem_Revision (\) | new | 3 |
KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 3 |
KnowbaseItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
KnowbaseItemTranslation (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 3 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
LevelAgreement (\) | Ticket (\) | type | 3 |
LineOperator (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Link (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 3 |
CommonGLPI (\) | type | 3 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Location (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Lock (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 3 |
IPAddress (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
Software (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
SoftwareLicense (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Log (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
MailCollector (\) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
ErrorHandler (\glpi\application) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NotImportedEmail (\) | new | 3 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Manufacturer (\) | RegisteredID (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
MassiveAction (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
MigrationCleaner (\) | NetworkPortMigration (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Netpoint (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NetworkAlias (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 3 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NetworkEquipment (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NetworkName (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
FQDN (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NetworkAlias (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NetworkPort (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
NetworkPort_NetworkPort (\) | new | 3 | |
NetworkPort_Vlan (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Vlan (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NetworkPortEthernet (\) | NetworkPort (\) | type | 3 |
NetworkPortFiberchannel (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
NetworkPort (\) | type | 3 | |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | HTMLTableCell (\) | type | 3 |
HTMLTableRow (\) | type | 3 | |
NetworkName (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NetworkPort_Vlan (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NetworkPortMigration (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
IPAddress (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NetworkPort (\) | new | 3 | |
NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Notepad (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 3 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Notification (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Notification_NotificationTemplate (\) | new | 3 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NotificationTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NotificationEventMailing (\) | GLPIMailer (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
NotificationMailing (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NotificationMailing (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
NotificationMailingSetting (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
NotificationTargetCartridgeItem (\) | Cartridge (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
NotificationTargetChange (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NotificationMailing (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Phone (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Profile_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NotificationTargetConsumableItem (\) | Consumable (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
NotificationTargetContract (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
NotificationTargetPlanningRecall (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
User (\) | new | 3 | |
NotificationTargetProblem (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NotificationTargetProject (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
User (\) | new | 3 | |
NotificationTargetProjectTask (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
NotificationTargetReservation (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NotificationTargetSavedSearch_Alert (\) | Notification (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
NotificationTargetTicket (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
TicketValidation (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NotificationTargetUser (\) | Notification (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
NotificationTemplateTranslation (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
OlaLevel (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
OperatingSystemKernelVersion (\) | OperatingSystemKernel (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
PDU_Rack (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Item_Rack (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
PendingReason (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
ITILFollowupTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Planning (\) | Group (\) | new | 3 |
ProjectTaskTeam (\) | new | 3 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
PlanningExternalEvent (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Planning (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
Planning (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
PlanningRecall (\) | Alert (\) | new | 3 |
Alert (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
Entity (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
Planning (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
Plugin (\) | QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 3 |
Printer (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Problem (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Entity (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
Item_Problem (\) | new | 3 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Problem_Ticket (\) | NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
ProblemCost (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
ProblemTask (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonITILTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Problem (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
Profile (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
DBmysql (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
ProfileRight (\) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 3 |
Project (\) | Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 3 |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
ProjectState (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
ProjectTeam (\) | new | 3 | |
ProjectTeam (\) | staticproperty | 3 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 3 | |
ProjectCost (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
ProjectTask (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
ProjectTask_Ticket (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
ProjectTaskTeam (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
ProjectTaskTemplate (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
QueuedNotification (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Rack (\) | Item_Rack (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
RefusedEquipment (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
RuleImportAsset (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Reminder (\) | RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
PlanningRecall (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
ReminderTranslation (\) | CommonGLPI (\) | type | 3 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Report (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
RequestType (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Reservation (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
ReservationItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
ReservationItem (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 3 | |
Rule (\) | RuleImportAsset (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
RuleAction (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
RuleAsset (\) | User (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
RuleCollection (\) | OperatingSystem (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
RuleCriteria (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
RuleDictionnarySoftwareCollection (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
RuleImportAsset (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 3 |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
RuleMailCollector (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
RuleRight (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
RuleTicket (\) | FQDNLabel (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
IPAddress (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
RuleTicketCollection (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
SavedSearch (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
QueryParam (\) | new | 3 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
SavedSearch_Alert (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
SavedSearch (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Search (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Change (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 3 | |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | new | 3 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
SavedSearch (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Session (\) | Auth (\) | new | 3 |
Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 3 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
User (\) | new | 3 | |
SlaLevel (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
SLM (\) | OLA (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
OlaLevel (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
SLA (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
SlaLevel (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Software (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
SoftwareLicense (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
SoftwareLicense (\) | Alert (\) | new | 3 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 3 | |
Software (\) | new | 3 | |
SoftwareVersion (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Stat (\) | Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
TaskTemplate (\) | AbstractITILChildTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Planning (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Ticket (\) | Calendar (\) | new | 3 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 3 | |
DBmysql (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Ticket_Contract (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Ticket_Ticket (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Ticket_User (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
TicketSatisfaction (\) | Ticket (\) | new | 3 |
TicketTask (\) | Ticket (\) | new | 3 |
Ticket (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
Toolbox (\) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
GLPIKey (\) | new | 3 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Transfer (\) | Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Unmanaged (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 3 |
Update (\) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 |
VersionParser (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
User (\) | Alert (\) | new | 3 |
Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 3 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Phone (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 3 | |
RuleRightCollection (\) | new | 3 | |
Session (\) | staticconstant | 3 | |
UserEmail (\) | new | 3 | |
Auth (\) | Event (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
AuthLDAP (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Cable (\) | SocketModel (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CableStrand (\) | Socket (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Calendar_Holiday (\) | Calendar (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CalendarSegment (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Cartridge (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Certificate (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Change (\) | Change_Item (\) | new | 4 |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Search (\) | staticconstant | 4 | |
Change_Problem (\) | Search (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
Change_Ticket (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Search (\) | staticconstant | 4 | |
ChangeTask (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticconstant | 4 | |
CommonITILTask (\) | staticconstant | 4 | |
CleanSoftwareCron (\) | QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 4 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 4 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | MassiveAction (\) | type | 4 |
CommonDBTM (\) | Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDCModelDropdown (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDropdown (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonGLPI (\) | Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 4 |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonITILActor (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonITILCost (\) | Budget (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonITILObject (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Document_Item (\) | new | 4 | |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
ITILCategory (\) | new | 4 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonITILRecurrent (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonITILTask (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
PendingReason_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonITILValidation (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 4 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Computer (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
ComputerVirtualMachine (\) | Computer (\) | new | 4 |
Computer (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
VirtualMachineSystem (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
VirtualMachineType (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Config (\) | Impact (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Ticket (\) | staticconstant | 4 | |
Consumable (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
ConsumableItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
ConsumableItem (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Contact_Supplier (\) | Contact (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Contract (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Contract_Item (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Contract_Supplier (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Supplier (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
ContractCost (\) | Budget (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CronTask (\) | CronTaskLog (\) | new | 4 |
Database (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
DatabaseInstance (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Datacenter (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DBConnection (\) | DBmysql (\) | instanceof | 4 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | AbstractQuery (\) | instanceof | 4 |
DeviceBattery (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DeviceCamera (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DeviceCase (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DeviceControl (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DeviceDrive (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DeviceFirmware (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DeviceGeneric (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DeviceGraphicCard (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DeviceHardDrive (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DeviceMemory (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DeviceMotherboard (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DeviceNetworkCard (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DevicePowerSupply (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DeviceProcessor (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DeviceSensor (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Manufacturer (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DeviceSoundCard (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDevice (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Document_Item (\) | Ticket (\) | new | 4 |
Domain (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 4 | |
Domain_Item (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Dropdown (\) | CommonTreeDropdown (\) | instanceof | 4 |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 4 | |
Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DropdownTranslation (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Entity (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
API (\glpi\api) | Search (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DataHelpersExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
ItemtypeExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Principal (\glpi\caldav\backend) | User (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CalDAVUriUtilTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | Principal (\glpi\caldav\backend) | staticconstant | 4 |
VobjectConverterTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | Planning (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
AbstractConfigureCommand (\glpi\console\database) | DBConnection (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
EarlyExitException (\glpi\console\exception) | new | 4 | |
InstallCommand (\glpi\console\plugin) | Plugin (\) | new | 4 |
AssetParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | AttributeParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 4 |
CommonITILObjectParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | GroupParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 4 |
UserParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | new | 4 | |
KnowbaseItemParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | AttributeParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 4 |
TicketParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | AttributeParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 4 |
ParametersPreset (\glpi\contenttemplates) | ObjectParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 4 |
TemplateManager (\glpi\contenttemplates) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
ImpactCsvExport (\glpi\csv) | Impact (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
Dashboard (\glpi\dashboard) | Item (\glpi\dashboard) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Right (\glpi\dashboard) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Filter (\glpi\dashboard) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Grid (\glpi\dashboard) | Widget (\glpi\dashboard) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Provider (\glpi\dashboard) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 4 |
CommonITILObject (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
PlanningEvent (\glpi\features) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Planning (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
DatabaseInstance (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
InventoryAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
MainAsset (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
NetworkPort (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Software (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
VirtualMachine (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Inventory (\glpi\inventory) | Agent (\) | new | 4 |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | new | 4 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Plugins (\glpi\marketplace\api) | GLPINetwork (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Controller (\glpi\marketplace) | Plugin (\) | new | 4 |
Socket (\glpi) | NetworkPort (\) | new | 4 |
StatDataSatisfactionSurvey (\glpi\stat\data\graph) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
StatDataSatisfaction (\glpi\stat\data\sglobal) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
MemoryLimit (\glpi\system\requirement) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
StatusChecker (\glpi\system\status) | DBConnection (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
GLPIKey (\) | Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 4 |
GLPINetwork (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Group (\) | User (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Group_User (\) | QueryParam (\) | new | 4 |
Html (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
HTMLTableCell (\) | HTMLTableCellFatherCoherentHeader (\) | new | 4 |
HTMLTableHeader (\) | instanceof | 4 | |
ImpactItem (\) | Impact (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
IPNetwork (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_DeviceBattery (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_DeviceCamera_ImageResolution (\) | ImageResolution (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Item_DeviceCase (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_DeviceFirmware (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_DeviceGeneric (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_DeviceMotherboard (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_DevicePowerSupply (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_Devices (\) | HTMLTableSuperHeader (\) | type | 4 |
Item_DeviceSensor (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_DeviceSimcard (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_OperatingSystem (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 4 | |
OperatingSystem (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
OperatingSystemServicePack (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_SoftwareLicense (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Software (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Item_SoftwareVersion (\) | Log (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
Item_Ticket (\) | Ticket (\) | new | 4 |
Itil_Project (\) | Search (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
ITILFollowup (\) | PendingReason_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
ITILSolution (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
ITILTemplate (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 4 |
KnowbaseItem_Revision (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
KnowbaseItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
LevelAgreement (\) | Calendar (\) | new | 4 |
SLM (\) | staticconstant | 4 | |
Location (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Lock (\) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 4 |
MailCollector (\) | Ticket (\) | new | 4 |
MassiveAction (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | instanceof | 4 |
Netpoint (\) | Socket (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
NetworkName (\) | FQDNLabel (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
NetworkPort (\) | NetworkPort_Vlan (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
NetworkPort_NetworkPort (\) | Log (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
NetworkPort (\) | new | 4 | |
NetworkPortAggregate (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
NetworkPortAlias (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
NetworkPortEthernet (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | NetworkPort (\) | new | 4 |
NetworkPortType (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
NetworkPortWifi (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Notification (\) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Notification_NotificationTemplate (\) | Notification (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
NotificationTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
NotificationAjax (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
NotificationEvent (\) | Notification_NotificationTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
NotificationEventMailing (\) | Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
NotificationMailing (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
NotificationMailingSetting (\) | NotificationMailing (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
NotificationSettingConfig (\) | Notification_NotificationTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
NotificationTarget (\) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Group_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | ITILFollowup (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
ProfileRight (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
NotificationTargetContract (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
NotificationTargetReservation (\) | Notification (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
PDU_Rack (\) | PDUModel (\) | new | 4 |
PendingReason (\) | SolutionTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
PendingReason_Item (\) | CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 4 | |
Planning (\) | Calendar (\glpi\caldav\backend) | staticconstant | 4 |
Group_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
PlanningExternalEventTemplate (\) | Planning (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
PlanningRecall (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Problem (\) | Problem_Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Search (\) | staticconstant | 4 | |
Problem_Ticket (\) | Search (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
ProblemTask (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticconstant | 4 | |
CommonITILTask (\) | staticconstant | 4 | |
Profile (\) | Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Profile_User (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Project (\) | CommonITILObject (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
ProjectCost (\) | Budget (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
ProjectTask (\) | RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Project (\) | staticconstant | 4 | |
ProjectTask_Ticket (\) | Project (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
ProjectTeam (\) | QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 4 |
QueuedNotification (\) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Rack (\) | DCRoom (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Reminder (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBVisible (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
ReminderTranslation (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Report (\) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 4 |
RequestType (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Reservation (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
ReservationItem (\) | new | 4 | |
RSSFeed (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonDBVisible (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Rule (\) | RuleAction (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
TicketValidation (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
RuleCollection (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Rule (\) | staticconstant | 4 | |
RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
RuleImportAsset (\) | NetworkPort (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
RuleImportComputer (\) | Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
RuleImportEntity (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
RuleMailCollector (\) | Rule (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
RuleMailCollectorCollection (\) | Profile_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
RuleMatchedLog (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
RuleRight (\) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
RuleAction (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
RuleRightCollection (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
RuleTicket (\) | Appliance (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
SavedSearch_Alert (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Search (\) | CommonITILObject (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
DBConnection (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
TicketValidation (\) | staticconstant | 4 | |
Session (\) | Group_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Software (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
RuleSoftwareCategoryCollection (\) | new | 4 | |
SoftwareVersion (\) | OperatingSystem (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Telemetry (\) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Ticket (\) | CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 4 |
ContractType (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Group_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | new | 4 | |
OLA (\) | new | 4 | |
Profile (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
RuleTicket (\) | staticconstant | 4 | |
Ticket_Ticket (\) | new | 4 | |
User (\) | new | 4 | |
Ticket_Contract (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Ticket_Ticket (\) | NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
TicketSatisfaction (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
TicketTask (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
CommonITILTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Transfer (\) | Computer_Item (\) | new | 4 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
User (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
Group_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 | |
Profile_User (\) | new | 4 | |
TicketValidation (\) | staticconstant | 4 | |
UserEmail (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 4 |
AbstractITILChildTemplate (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Agent (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Appliance (\) | Appliance_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 5 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
AuthLDAP (\) | Search (\) | staticconstant | 5 |
Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Calendar (\) | CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Calendar_Holiday (\) | Holiday (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Cartridge (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CartridgeItem (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Central (\) | Change (\) | staticconstant | 5 |
TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Problem (\) | staticconstant | 5 | |
Certificate (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Change_Item (\) | Change (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBChild (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBTM (\) | Infocom (\) | new | 5 |
Log (\) | staticconstant | 5 | |
CommonITILActor (\) | CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 5 |
CommonITILObject (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
ITILFollowup (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
ITILSolution (\) | new | 5 | |
CommonItilObject_Item (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonITILTask (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Planning (\) | staticconstant | 5 | |
PlanningRecall (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 5 | |
CommonITILValidation (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Log (\) | staticconstant | 5 | |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Computer_Item (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
ComputerAntivirus (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
ComputerVirtualMachine (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Config (\) | Grid (\glpi\dashboard) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
ConsumableItem (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Contact (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Contact_Supplier (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Supplier (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Contract (\) | Alert (\) | new | 5 |
Dropdown (\) | staticconstant | 5 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Contract_Item (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Contract (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Contract_Supplier (\) | Contract (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CronTask (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 5 | |
Database (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
DBmysql (\) | DBConnection (\) | staticconstant | 5 |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | QueryExpression (\) | instanceof | 5 |
DbUtils (\) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
DisplayPreference (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 5 |
Domain (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Domain_Item (\) | DomainRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
DomainRecord (\) | DomainRecordType (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Entity (\) | Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Calendar (\glpi\caldav\backend) | Property (\glpi\caldav\node) | staticconstant | 5 |
Server (\glpi\caldav) | Principal (\glpi\caldav\backend) | staticconstant | 5 |
CalDAVPrincipalsTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | Planning (\) | staticproperty | 5 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
AppliancesPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
DatabasesPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Utf8mb4Command (\glpi\console\migration) | EarlyExitException (\glpi\console\exception) | new | 5 |
LevelAgreementParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | AttributeParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 5 |
Grid (\glpi\dashboard) | Dashboard (\glpi\dashboard) | new | 5 |
Provider (\glpi\dashboard) | User (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Widget (\glpi\dashboard) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
AssetImage (\glpi\features) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
InventoryNetworkPort (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Software (\glpi\inventory\asset) | Log (\) | staticconstant | 5 |
Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
View (\glpi\marketplace) | Controller (\glpi\marketplace) | staticconstant | 5 |
HookManager (\glpi\plugin) | Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 5 |
StatDataTicketAverageTime (\glpi\stat\data\graph) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
StatDataTicketNumber (\glpi\stat\data\sglobal) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Group (\) | AuthLDAP (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Infocom (\) | Alert (\) | staticconstant | 5 |
CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 5 | |
IPAddress (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
IPNetwork (\) | IPAddress (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
IPNetmask (\) | new | 5 | |
Item_DeviceControl (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_DeviceDrive (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_DeviceGraphicCard (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_DeviceHardDrive (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_DeviceMemory (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_DeviceNetworkCard (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_DevicePci (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_DeviceProcessor (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_Devices (\) | Log (\) | staticconstant | 5 |
Item_DeviceSoundCard (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_Problem (\) | Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Item_SoftwareLicense (\) | SoftwareLicense (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Item_SoftwareVersion (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Item_Ticket (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
ITILCategory (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
ITILFollowup (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 5 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBVisible (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
KnowbaseItem_Comment (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
KnowbaseItemTranslation (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
LevelAgreement (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
LevelAgreementLevel (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
RuleTicket (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Migration (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
NetworkPort (\) | NetworkName (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Unmanaged (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
NetworkPort_NetworkPort (\) | Unmanaged (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
NetworkPortWifi (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Notification (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | Auth (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
NotificationTargetChange (\) | Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 5 |
Profile (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
NotificationTargetProblem (\) | Change (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
NotificationTargetProject (\) | Change (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
NotificationTargetProjectTask (\) | Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
NotificationTargetTicket (\) | Change (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
NotificationTarget (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
NotificationTemplate (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
NotificationTemplateTranslation (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
NotImportedEmail (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 5 |
PDU_Rack (\) | PDU (\) | new | 5 |
Rack (\) | type | 5 | |
PendingReason_Item (\) | ChangeTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
ProblemTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
TicketTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Planning (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
User (\) | new | 5 | |
PlanningExternalEvent (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Problem_Ticket (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Problem (\) | new | 5 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 5 | |
Profile (\) | Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Profile_User (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Project (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Search (\) | staticconstant | 5 | |
Rack (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Reminder (\) | Group_Reminder (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Reservation (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
ReservationItem (\) | Reservation (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Rule (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
RuleCriteria (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
RuleAction (\) | Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
RuleCollection (\) | Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
RuleTicket (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Rule (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
SavedSearch_Alert (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Search (\) | RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Link (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Session (\) | Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
SNMPCredential (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Software (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
SoftwareLicense (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Stat (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Supplier (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Ticket (\) | Event (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
NotificationEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Search (\) | staticconstant | 5 | |
SLA (\) | new | 5 | |
TicketSatisfaction (\) | new | 5 | |
TicketTask (\) | new | 5 | |
Ticket_Contract (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
Transfer (\) | Socket (\glpi) | new | 5 |
User (\) | TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 5 |
ForgetPasswordException (\glpi\exception) | new | 5 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Location (\) | staticmethodcall | 5 | |
Agent (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Appliance_Item (\) | Appliance_Item_Relation (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Auth (\) | AuthLDAP (\) | staticconstant | 6 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
User (\) | new | 6 | |
AuthLDAP (\) | User (\) | new | 6 |
AuthMail (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Budget (\) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 6 |
Calendar (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Certificate_Item (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Change_Item (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonDBChild (\) | Log (\) | staticconstant | 6 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 6 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | CacheableListInterface (\glpi\features) | instanceof | 6 |
CommonDBVisible (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonDropdown (\) | KnowbaseItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 6 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonImplicitTreeDropdown (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonITILActor (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 6 |
Team (\glpi\team) | staticconstant | 6 | |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonITILTask (\) | Planning (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Computer_Item (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
ComputerAntivirus (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
ComputerVirtualMachine (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Contract (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Datacenter (\) | DCRoom (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
DBmysql (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
DCRoom (\) | Datacenter (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Document_Item (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 6 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Domain (\) | DomainRecord (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Domain_Item (\) | DomainRelation (\) | instanceof | 6 |
DropdownTranslation (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
API (\glpi\api) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
APIRest (\glpi\api) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Principal (\glpi\caldav\backend) | Property (\glpi\caldav\node) | staticconstant | 6 |
Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Group_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CalDAVPrincipalsTrait (\glpi\caldav\traits) | Planning (\) | staticconstant | 6 |
InstallCommand (\glpi\console\plugin) | Plugin (\) | staticconstant | 6 |
TicketParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | ObjectParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 6 |
Filter (\glpi\dashboard) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Grid (\glpi\dashboard) | Dashboard (\glpi\dashboard) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Provider (\glpi\dashboard) | Change (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Inventory (\glpi\inventory) | Request (\glpi\inventory) | staticconstant | 6 |
Group (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 6 |
Group_User (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
IPNetwork (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonImplicitTreeDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 6 | |
Item_DeviceCamera_ImageFormat (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Item_DeviceCamera_ImageResolution (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Item_Devices (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Item_Disk (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Item_Problem (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Item_Rack (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
PDU_Rack (\) | staticconstant | 6 | |
Item_RemoteManagement (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Item_SoftwareLicense (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Item_Ticket (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 6 |
ITILFollowup (\) | Log (\) | staticconstant | 6 |
RequestType (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
ITILTemplate (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 6 | |
Knowbase (\) | KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Log (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 6 |
MailCollector (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
ManualLink (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
MassiveAction (\) | Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Migration (\) | DBConnection (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
NetworkPort (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
NetworkPortEthernet (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
NetworkPortFiberchannel (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
NetworkPortMigration (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Notification (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 6 |
NotificationEvent (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
NotificationTarget (\) | Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Profile_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
NotificationTargetProblem (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
NotificationTargetProjectTask (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
NotificationTemplate (\) | RichText (\glpi\richtext) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
NotImportedEmail (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
PlanningExternalEvent (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Plugin (\) | View (\glpi\marketplace) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Project (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Team (\glpi\team) | staticconstant | 6 | |
QueuedNotification (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 6 | |
Reminder (\) | Planning (\) | staticconstant | 6 |
Planning (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Report (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Reservation (\) | ReservationItem (\) | staticconstant | 6 |
RSSFeed (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Rule (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
RuleAction (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Rule (\) | new | 6 | |
RuleAsset (\) | Rule (\) | staticconstant | 6 |
RuleCriteria (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
RuleImportAsset (\) | Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
RuleImportEntity (\) | Rule (\) | staticconstant | 6 |
RuleTicket (\) | RuleAction (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
SavedSearch (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Search (\) | Calendar (\) | new | 6 |
Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
SoftwareLicense (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Software (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
SoftwareVersion (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Stat (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
State (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Ticket (\) | Entity (\) | staticconstant | 6 |
OLA (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
SLA (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
TicketValidation (\) | staticconstant | 6 | |
Ticket_Ticket (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Ticket (\) | new | 6 | |
Toolbox (\) | Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
Transfer (\) | Item_Devices (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
User (\) | Alert (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
UserEmail (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 6 | |
Auth (\) | AuthMail (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
AuthLDAP (\) | GLPIKey (\) | new | 7 |
CalendarSegment (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
Cartridge (\) | CartridgeItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
Change_Problem (\) | Change (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
Change_Ticket (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
CommonDBChild (\) | Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
CommonDBVisible (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
CommonGLPI (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
CommonITILObject (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
CommonITILValidation (\) | staticconstant | 7 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | staticconstant | 7 | |
QueryExpression (\) | new | 7 | |
QuerySubQuery (\) | new | 7 | |
Ticket (\) | staticconstant | 7 | |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 7 |
ComputerAntivirus (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
Contact_Supplier (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
Contract (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
Database (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
DbUtils (\) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 7 |
Document (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
Entity (\) | Contract (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
Fieldblacklist (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
Calendar (\glpi\caldav\backend) | Planning (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
SynchronizeUsersCommand (\glpi\console\ldap) | AuthLDAP (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
RacksPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
CommonITILObjectParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 7 |
ArrayParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 7 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
Grid (\glpi\dashboard) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
Provider (\glpi\dashboard) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
PlanningEvent (\glpi\features) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
TaskDAO (\glpi\gantt) | ProjectTask (\) | new | 7 |
Holiday (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
Impact (\) | ImpactItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
Infocom (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
IPNetwork (\) | IPAddress (\) | instanceof | 7 |
Item_Cluster (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
Item_Devices (\) | CommonDevice (\) | instanceof | 7 |
Item_Disk (\) | Filesystem (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
Item_Enclosure (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
Item_Ticket (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
CommonItilObject_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
ITILCategory (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
ITILFollowup (\) | CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 7 |
Log (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
MailCollector (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
MassiveAction (\) | Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
NetworkPort (\) | Vlan (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
NetworkPortInstantiation (\) | NetworkPort (\) | type | 7 |
NetworkPortMigration (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 7 |
Notification_NotificationTemplate (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
NotificationTarget (\) | Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 7 |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
NotificationTargetChange (\) | Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | User (\) | new | 7 |
NotificationTargetProject (\) | Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
NotificationTargetTicket (\) | Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
OlaLevel_Ticket (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 7 |
Pdu_Plug (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
PendingReason_Item (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 7 |
Planning (\) | PlanningExternalEvent (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
Plugin (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
Problem_Ticket (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
ProjectTask (\) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 7 |
ProjectTask_Ticket (\) | Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
QueuedNotification (\) | Notification_NotificationTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
RuleCollection (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
RuleCriteria (\) | Rule (\) | new | 7 |
RuleImportComputer (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
SavedSearch (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
Search (\) | DataExport (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
SlaLevel_Ticket (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 7 |
Ticket (\) | Contract (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
Toolbox (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
Session (\) | staticconstant | 7 | |
User (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 7 | |
Appliance (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 | |
Appliance_Item (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Auth (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
AuthLDAP (\) | Auth (\) | staticconstant | 8 |
Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 8 | |
Calendar (\) | CalendarSegment (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
CartridgeItem_PrinterModel (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Change_Item (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Change_Problem (\) | Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Change_Ticket (\) | Change (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 | |
CommonDropdown (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | KnowbaseItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Computer_Item (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 8 |
Contract_Item (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
CronTask (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
DbUtils (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Domain (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
DomainRecord (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 | |
Entity (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
FrontEndAssetsExtension (\glpi\application\view\extension) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
RacksPluginToCoreCommand (\glpi\console\migration) | Plugin (\) | staticconstant | 8 |
Item (\glpi\dashboard) | QueryParam (\) | new | 8 |
Provider (\glpi\dashboard) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 8 |
View (\glpi\marketplace) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Group (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 | |
Html (\) | Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 8 |
Impact (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
IPAddress (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
IPNetwork (\) | IPAddress (\) | new | 8 |
IPNetwork_Vlan (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Item_Devices (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Item_Problem (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Item_Project (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Item_SoftwareVersion (\) | SoftwareLicense (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Itil_Project (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
ITILFollowup (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 8 |
ITILSolution (\) | CommonITILValidation (\) | staticconstant | 8 |
ITILTemplateHiddenField (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
ITILTemplateMandatoryField (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
ITILTemplatePredefinedField (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
KnowbaseItemTranslation (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
LevelAgreement (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Link_Itemtype (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
MailCollector (\) | NotImportedEmail (\) | staticconstant | 8 |
NetworkPort (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
NotificationTarget (\) | User (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
NotificationTargetChange (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
NotificationTargetPlanningRecall (\) | Notification (\) | staticconstant | 8 |
NotificationTargetProject (\) | Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
NotificationTargetProjectTask (\) | Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
NotificationTemplateTranslation (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
ObjectLock (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
PendingReason_Item (\) | ITILFollowup (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Problem_Ticket (\) | Problem (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Profile (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Profile_User (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Project (\) | ProjectTeam (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
ProjectTask (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
ProjectTask_Ticket (\) | ProjectTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 | |
Rack (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Rule (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 8 |
RuleTicket (\) | SLM (\) | staticconstant | 8 |
Search (\) | CommonITILValidation (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Stat (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
User (\) | DBmysql (\) | staticmethodcall | 8 |
Cable (\) | Socket (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
Calendar_Holiday (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
Change (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 | |
CommonDBChild (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
CommonITILObject (\) | Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
Contract (\) | DBmysql (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 | |
ContractCost (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
Domain_Item (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
Dropdown (\) | Ajax (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
Search (\) | staticconstant | 9 | |
PlanningEvent (\glpi\features) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
Controller (\glpi\marketplace) | Plugin (\) | staticconstant | 9 |
RichText (\glpi\richtext) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
Socket (\glpi) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
Html (\) | Session (\) | staticconstant | 9 |
Item_Ticket (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 9 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 | |
ITILSolution (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
Link (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
NetworkName (\) | IPAddress (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
Notification (\) | Notification_NotificationTemplate (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 | |
NotificationTargetProjectTask (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
OlaLevel (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
Plugin (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
Problem (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 | |
ProjectCost (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
ReminderTranslation (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
ReservationItem (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
Rule (\) | Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
RuleAction (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
RuleCollection (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
SavedSearch (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 9 | |
Search (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
SlaLevel (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
Software (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 9 |
Ticket (\) | ITILFollowup (\) | staticconstant | 9 |
Appliance_Item (\) | Appliance (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
Central (\) | Ticket (\) | staticconstant | 10 |
Change (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
Change_Problem (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | Log (\) | staticconstant | 10 |
CommonDBTM (\) | Infocom (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
CommonGLPI (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
CommonITILObject (\) | Document_Item (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 10 | |
CommonITILTask (\) | CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 10 |
CommonITILValidation (\) | CommonDBChild (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 | |
Config (\) | DBConnection (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
Consumable (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 10 |
CronTask (\) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 10 |
Entity (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
CommonDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 | |
CommonTreeDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 | |
UserParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | AttributeParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 10 |
Request (\glpi\inventory) | Inventory (\glpi\inventory) | new | 10 |
Socket (\glpi) | SocketModel (\glpi) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
Html (\) | TemplateRenderer (\glpi\application\view) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
IPAddress (\) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 10 |
Item_Disk (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
Item_Rack (\) | PDU_Rack (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
Item_SoftwareVersion (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 10 |
Item_Ticket (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
Itil_Project (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
Project (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 | |
KnowbaseItem (\) | KnowbaseItemTranslation (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
NetworkAlias (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
NetworkPort (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
NetworkPortWifi (\) | WifiNetwork (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
Notepad (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
NotificationTargetTicket (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
PDU_Rack (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
Problem (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 | |
Profile_User (\) | Profile (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
ProjectTask (\) | ProjectTaskTeam (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
ProjectTeam (\) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 10 |
Reservation (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
Session (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
SoftwareLicense (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 | |
Ticket (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 |
User (\) | AuthLDAP (\) | staticconstant | 10 |
Entity (\) | staticconstant | 10 | |
UserEmail (\) | staticmethodcall | 10 | |
Certificate_Item (\) | Certificate (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 | |
Change (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 |
Change_Ticket (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 11 | |
Contract (\) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 11 |
CronTask (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 |
Database (\) | DatabaseInstance (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 |
DCRoom (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 |
DisplayPreference (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 |
Document (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 |
Document_Item (\) | CommonDBConnexity (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 | |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 | |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 | |
SupplierParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | AttributeParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 11 |
Event (\glpi) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 |
RequirementsManager (\glpi\system) | Extension (\glpi\system\requirement) | new | 11 |
Item_OperatingSystem (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 |
Item_SoftwareLicense (\) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 11 |
MassiveAction (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 |
NetworkPort (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 |
NotificationTarget (\) | Notification (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 |
Problem_Ticket (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 |
MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 11 | |
Profile (\) | ProfileRight (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 |
ProjectTask (\) | Project (\) | staticmethodcall | 11 |
Stat (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 11 |
User (\) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 11 |
AuthLDAP (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 12 |
Budget (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 12 |
Consumable (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 12 |
Contract (\) | Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 12 |
Entity (\) | Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 12 |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 12 | |
CommonITILObjectParameters (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters) | AttributeParameter (\glpi\contenttemplates\parameters\parameterstypes) | new | 12 |
Grid (\glpi\dashboard) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 12 |
Provider (\glpi\dashboard) | DBConnection (\) | staticmethodcall | 12 |
Software (\glpi\inventory\asset) | QueryParam (\) | new | 12 |
Group (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 12 |
Group_User (\) | Group (\) | staticmethodcall | 12 |
Item_SoftwareVersion (\) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 12 |
Software (\) | staticmethodcall | 12 | |
Knowbase (\) | KnowbaseItemCategory (\) | staticmethodcall | 12 |
KnowbaseItem (\) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 12 |
Search (\) | staticconstant | 12 | |
Notepad (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 12 |
NotificationTargetProject (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 12 |
Plugin (\) | Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 12 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 12 | |
ReservationItem (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 12 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 12 | |
User (\) | Profile_User (\) | staticmethodcall | 12 |
Ajax (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 13 |
Auth (\) | AuthLDAP (\) | new | 13 |
Calendar (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 13 |
ChangeTask (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 13 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | instanceof | 13 |
CommonDBTM (\) | type | 13 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 13 |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 13 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | Search (\) | staticconstant | 13 |
Document_Item (\) | Document (\) | staticmethodcall | 13 |
Domain (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 13 |
DomainRecord (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 13 |
Dropdown (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 13 |
Provider (\glpi\dashboard) | Ticket (\) | staticconstant | 13 |
Socket (\glpi) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 13 |
Group_User (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 13 |
Infocom (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 13 |
Item_SoftwareLicense (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 13 |
ManualLink (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 13 |
NetworkName (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 13 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 13 | |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 13 |
Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 13 | |
NotificationTargetProjectTask (\) | Notification (\) | staticconstant | 13 |
Plugin (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 13 |
Profile_User (\) | User (\) | staticmethodcall | 13 |
RuleImportAsset (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 13 |
Search (\) | CommonITILObject (\) | staticconstant | 13 |
Software (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 13 |
Stat (\) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 13 |
Ticket (\) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 13 |
User (\) | Config (\) | staticmethodcall | 13 |
AuthLDAP (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 14 |
User (\) | staticmethodcall | 14 | |
CommonDBRelation (\) | Log (\) | staticmethodcall | 14 |
API (\glpi\api) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 14 |
Inventory (\glpi\inventory) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 14 |
Impact (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | type | 14 |
NotificationTargetProject (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 14 |
Planning (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 14 |
ProblemTask (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 14 |
ProjectTask_Ticket (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 14 |
RuleCollection (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 14 |
TicketTask (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticconstant | 14 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticconstant | 14 | |
CommonITILTask (\) | staticconstant | 14 | |
Toolbox (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 14 |
Transfer (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 14 |
User (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 14 |
Profile (\) | staticmethodcall | 14 | |
Auth (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 15 |
AuthLDAP (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 15 |
Cartridge (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 15 |
Certificate (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 15 |
CommonDBVisible (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 15 |
CronTask (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 15 |
DbUtils (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 15 |
Domain_Item (\) | Domain (\) | staticmethodcall | 15 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 15 | |
View (\glpi\marketplace) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 15 |
Group (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 15 |
Item_Rack (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 15 |
Item_SoftwareLicense (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 15 |
Knowbase (\) | KnowbaseItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 15 |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 15 |
Project (\) | Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 15 |
RuleImportComputer (\) | Rule (\) | staticconstant | 15 |
Search (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 15 |
Stat (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 15 |
Ticket (\) | Ticket_Ticket (\) | staticconstant | 15 |
TicketValidation (\) | staticmethodcall | 15 | |
Toolbox (\) | Sanitizer (\glpi\toolbox) | staticmethodcall | 15 |
Appliance_Item (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 16 |
CommonDBConnexity (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 16 |
CommonITILObject (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 16 |
CommonITILTask (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 16 |
Contact_Supplier (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 16 |
Provider (\glpi\dashboard) | QueryExpression (\) | new | 16 |
KnowbaseItem_Item (\) | KnowbaseItem (\) | staticmethodcall | 16 |
LevelAgreement (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 16 |
NetworkPort_Vlan (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 16 |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 16 |
NotificationTargetProjectTask (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 16 |
NotificationTargetTicket (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 16 |
ObjectLock (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 16 |
Profile_User (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 16 |
Ticket (\) | CommonITILValidation (\) | staticconstant | 16 |
User (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 16 |
AuthLDAP (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 17 |
Contract_Supplier (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 17 |
DisplayPreference (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 17 |
Domain_Item (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 17 |
SynchronizeUsersCommand (\glpi\console\ldap) | AuthLDAP (\) | staticconstant | 17 |
NotificationTargetProject (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 17 |
Reminder (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 17 |
Rule (\) | RuleDictionnaryDropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 17 |
RuleRight (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 17 |
User (\) | AuthLDAP (\) | staticmethodcall | 17 |
Auth (\) | AuthLDAP (\) | staticmethodcall | 18 |
Computer_Item (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 18 |
Contract_Item (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 18 |
Group (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 18 |
Group_User (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 18 |
Item_Devices (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 18 |
MassiveAction (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 18 |
Profile (\) | Ticket (\) | staticconstant | 18 |
Search (\) | AllAssets (\) | staticmethodcall | 18 |
TicketTask (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 18 |
Auth (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 19 |
CommonDBRelation (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 19 |
CommonDBTM (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 19 |
CommonITILCost (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 19 |
Config (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 19 |
Plugin (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 19 |
Rule (\) | Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 19 |
CommonITILObject (\) | ITILSolution (\) | staticmethodcall | 20 |
CronTask (\) | CronTaskLog (\) | staticconstant | 20 |
Document_Item (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 20 |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 20 |
Request (\glpi\inventory) | Hooks (\glpi\plugin) | staticconstant | 20 |
Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 20 | |
Socket (\glpi) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 20 |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | User (\) | staticmethodcall | 20 |
User (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 20 |
CommonITILObject (\) | Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 21 |
Group_User (\) | User (\) | staticmethodcall | 21 |
KnowbaseItem (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 21 |
Lock (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 21 |
NotificationTarget (\) | Notification (\) | staticconstant | 21 |
NotificationTargetProject (\) | Notification (\) | staticconstant | 21 |
CommonDBTM (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 22 |
KnowbaseItem (\) | Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 22 |
Log (\) | Item_Devices (\) | instanceof | 22 |
Planning (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 22 |
Profile_User (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 22 |
Ticket (\) | CommonDBTM (\) | staticmethodcall | 22 |
CommonGLPI (\) | staticmethodcall | 22 | |
CommonITILObject (\) | staticmethodcall | 22 | |
Conf (\glpi\inventory) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 23 |
State (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 23 |
Transfer (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 23 |
User (\) | Auth (\) | staticmethodcall | 23 |
Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 23 | |
Contract (\) | Alert (\) | staticconstant | 24 |
Item_SoftwareVersion (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 24 |
Search (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 24 |
Central (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 25 |
Certificate_Item (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 25 |
SavedSearch (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 25 |
Ticket (\) | MassiveAction (\) | staticconstant | 25 |
Cartridge (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 26 |
Change (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 26 |
CommonITILValidation (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 26 |
DBmysqlIterator (\) | DBmysql (\) | staticmethodcall | 26 |
Dropdown (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 26 |
Impact (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 26 |
Lock (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 26 |
Problem (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 26 |
Project (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 26 |
Search (\) | Ticket (\) | staticconstant | 26 |
Html (\) | Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 27 |
Item_Devices (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 27 |
Item_Rack (\) | Rack (\) | staticconstant | 27 |
Change (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 28 |
RuleCriteria (\) | Rule (\) | staticconstant | 28 |
Search (\) | Plugin (\) | staticmethodcall | 28 |
Ticket (\) | SLM (\) | staticconstant | 28 |
Dropdown (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 29 |
Entity (\) | Alert (\) | staticmethodcall | 29 |
MailCollector (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 29 |
Problem (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 29 |
ProjectTask (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 29 |
Reservation (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 29 |
RSSFeed (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 29 |
Toolbox (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 29 |
CommonITILObject (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 30 |
Widget (\glpi\dashboard) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 30 |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 30 |
Ticket (\) | Entity (\) | staticmethodcall | 31 |
Transfer (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 31 |
MassiveAction (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 32 |
Project (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 32 |
PurgeLogs (\) | Log (\) | staticconstant | 32 |
Reminder (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 32 |
Rule (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 32 |
User (\) | Auth (\) | staticconstant | 32 |
CommonDBTM (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 33 |
Html (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 33 |
Item_SoftwareVersion (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 33 |
ProjectTask (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 33 |
Profile (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 34 |
Project (\) | ProjectTask (\) | staticmethodcall | 34 |
Ticket (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 34 |
Entity (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 35 |
Config (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 36 |
Entity (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 36 |
ITILFollowup (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 36 |
Html (\) | Toolbox (\) | staticmethodcall | 37 |
Stat (\) | Search (\) | staticconstant | 37 |
Ticket (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 37 |
Rule (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 39 |
Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 39 | |
CommonDBTM (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 41 |
Provider (\glpi\dashboard) | Ticket (\) | staticmethodcall | 41 |
RuleCollection (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 43 |
Document (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 45 |
AuthLDAP (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 47 |
Entity (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 47 |
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject (\) | Notification (\) | staticconstant | 49 |
User (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 53 |
Search (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 55 |
Config (\) | Html (\) | staticmethodcall | 61 |
Stat (\) | Search (\) | staticmethodcall | 66 |
KnowbaseItem (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 69 |
Entity (\) | Infocom (\) | staticconstant | 70 |
Ticket (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 72 |
CommonITILObject (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 83 |
Search (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 86 |
User (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 86 |
CommonITILObject (\) | CommonITILActor (\) | staticconstant | 91 |
Config (\) | Dropdown (\) | staticmethodcall | 93 |
Profile (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 127 |
RuleImportAsset (\) | Rule (\) | staticconstant | 164 |
Ticket (\) | Session (\) | staticmethodcall | 165 |