This is the list of dynamic codes, such as variable variable, variable methods or variables constants. They are executed with the value of the variables, and are often not analyzed statically. You may use the list below to review them manually.
Code | File | Line |
$commondb_relation( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 6126 |
static( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 6258 |
$modeltype( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 5931 |
$commondb_relation( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 6013 |
$parent_itemtype( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 5748 |
$modeltype( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 5869 |
static( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 5672 |
static( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 5717 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 2489 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 3764 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 2420 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 2466 |
$classname( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 930 |
$type( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 1754 |
static( ) | /src/RuleImportAsset.php | 2438 |
static( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 352 |
$validation_class( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 6817 |
$hook_itemtypes(['item' => $this]) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 6883 |
static( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 6738 |
$task_class( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 6801 |
static( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 6301 |
$tasktype( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 6566 |
$tt_classname( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 4913 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 5100 |
$validation_class( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 732 |
$tt_class( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 2268 |
$concrete_class( ) | /src/CommonITILRecurrent.php | 576 |
$tasktype( ) | /src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php | 1569 |
$template_class( ) | /src/CommonITILRecurrent.php | 558 |
$fields_class( ) | /src/CommonITILRecurrent.php | 567 |
$type( ) | /src/Computer.php | 211 |
$device( ) | /src/Computer.php | 233 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/IPAddress.php | 1354 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/IPAddress.php | 1362 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/ITILFollowup.php | 90 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/RuleMatchedLog.php | 338 |
static( ) | /src/Project.php | 1213 |
$model_class( ) | /src/Rack.php | 799 |
static( ) | /src/CommonITILValidation.php | 249 |
static( ) | /src/CommonITILValidation.php | 809 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/RuleCollection.php | 1452 |
$rulecollectionclass( ) | /src/RuleCollection.php | 2182 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/RuleCollection.php | 1249 |
$sub_type( ) | /src/RuleCollection.php | 1297 |
$name( ) | /src/RuleCollection.php | 324 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/RuleCollection.php | 1205 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Lockedfield.php | 206 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Cable.php | 368 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/RuleImportAsset.php | 486 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/RuleImportAsset.php | 2341 |
static( ) | /src/LevelAgreementLevel.php | 390 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Consumable.php | 793 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Profile.php | 3427 |
static( ) | /src/LevelAgreementLevel.php | 184 |
$type( ) | /src/Item_Problem.php | 258 |
${fieldType} | /src/Item_Devices.php | 1498 |
$itiltype( ) | /src/Profile.php | 1324 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Location.php | 422 |
static( ) | /src/Location.php | 530 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/ProfileRight.php | 364 |
static( ) | /src/CommonDBChild.php | 923 |
static( ) | /src/CommonDBConnexity.php | 180 |
static( ) | /src/Reservation.php | 628 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Socket.php | 196 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Socket.php | 976 |
static( ) | /src/Features/Clonable.php | 196 |
$itemtype::getAllForKanban( ) | /ajax/kanban.php | 179 |
$unset_url($widget_args['data']) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 967 |
$itemtype::getGlobalKanbanUrl(true) | /ajax/kanban.php | 186 |
$buildtree($elements, $element['key']) | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 286 |
$item::canPurge( ) | /ajax/kanban.php | 94 |
$buildtree($nodes) | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 297 |
$itemtype::getKanbanColumns($_REQUEST['items_id'], $_REQUEST['column_field'], $force_columns, true) | /ajax/kanban.php | 176 |
$cat_itemtype( ) | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 176 |
$itemtype::getById($id) | /front/log/export.php | 53 |
$cat_itemtype( ) | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 223 |
$item::canDelete( ) | /ajax/kanban.php | 94 |
static( ) | /src/Features/DCBreadcrumb.php | 239 |
$itemtype::getFormURL( ) | /front/setup.templates.php | 40 |
static( ) | /src/Features/PlanningEvent.php | 394 |
$itil_type::getItemLinkClass( ) | /front/itiltemplatefield.form.php | 52 |
$type( ) | /src/Item_Project.php | 244 |
$itemtype::getFormURLWithID($disk->fields['items_id']) | /front/item_disk.form.php | 84 |
$function( ) | /src/Marketplace/View.php | 664 |
$itemtype::getFormURLWithID($cost->fields[$fk]) | /front/commonitilcost.form.php | 87 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Planning.php | 286 |
$itemtype::getFormURLWithID($task->getField($fk)) | /front/commonitiltask.form.php | 102 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Planning.php | 734 |
$dropdown::displayFullPageForItem($_GET['id'], null, ['formoptions' => ($options['formoptions'] ?? '') . ' data-track-changes=true', 'id' => $_GET["id"], ]) | /front/dropdown.common.form.php | 174 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/NetworkPort.php | 1779 |
$itemtype::getFormURLWithID($task->getField($fk)) | /front/commonitiltask.form.php | 75 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Item_RemoteManagement.php | 314 |
$itemtype::getFormURLWithID($task->getField($fk)) | /front/commonitiltask.form.php | 89 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Contract_Item.php | 638 |
$childitemtype::getTable( ) | /front/report.infocom.conso.php | 133 |
$tt_class( ) | /src/ITILTemplateField.php | 81 |
$itemtype::getSearchURL( ) | /front/rule.backup.php | 83 |
$assettype($computervm, $vm->$key) | /src/Inventory/Asset/VirtualMachine.php | 324 |
$itemtype::canView( ) | /ajax/search.php | 67 |
$itemdevicetype( ) | /src/Inventory/Asset/Device.php | 95 |
$itemtype::showBrowseView($itemtype, $search_params, true) | /ajax/search.php | 75 |
$assettype($this->item, (array) $value) | /src/Inventory/Inventory.php | 643 |
$devicetype::getForeignKeyField( ) | /ajax/selectUnaffectedOrNewItem_Device.php | 70 |
$col_class( ) | /src/Inventory/Conf.php | 385 |
$linktype::getForeignKeyField( ) | /ajax/selectUnaffectedOrNewItem_Device.php | 89 |
$service_check_method($public_only) | /src/System/Status/StatusChecker.php | 148 |
$linktype::getSpecificities( ) | /ajax/selectUnaffectedOrNewItem_Device.php | 54 |
$main_class($this->item, $this->raw_data) | /src/Inventory/Inventory.php | 296 |
$linktype::getTable( ) | /ajax/selectUnaffectedOrNewItem_Device.php | 68 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 182 |
$devicetype::getItem_DeviceType( ) | /ajax/selectUnaffectedOrNewItem_Device.php | 51 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 192 |
$linktype::getSpecificities( ) | /ajax/selectUnaffectedOrNewItem_Device.php | 53 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 164 |
$curtype::getTypeName(1) | /ajax/map.php | 105 |
$fk_itemtype( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 183 |
$_POST['itemtype']::getFormURLWithID($_POST["value"]) | /ajax/comments.php | 108 |
$add_filters_fct($itemtype::getTable( )) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 1186 |
$itemtype::getKanbanColumns($_REQUEST['items_id'], $_REQUEST['column_field'], [$_REQUEST['column_id']]) | /ajax/kanban.php | 226 |
$add_filters_fct($itemtype::getTable( )) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 1223 |
$curtype::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /ajax/map.php | 102 |
$add_filters_fct($itemtype::getTable( )) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 1158 |
$itemtype::getKanbanColumns($_POST['items_id'], $column_field, [$column_id]) | /ajax/kanban.php | 206 |
$add_filters_fct($itemtype::getTable( )) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 1171 |
$itemtype::getAllKanbanColumns($_REQUEST['column_field']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 222 |
$unset_url($value, 'url') | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 963 |
$column_itemtype::canCreate( ) | /ajax/kanban.php | 195 |
$add_filters_fct($itemtype::getTable( )) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 1136 |
$column_itemtype::canView( ) | /ajax/kanban.php | 195 |
$tt_class( ) | /src/ITILTemplatePredefinedField.php | 160 |
$class::getTable( ) | /install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/uuids.php | 48 |
$itil_class( ) | /src/ITILTemplatePredefinedField.php | 189 |
$item_device::displayFullPageForItem($_GET["id"], $menus, $options ?? [ ]) | /front/item_device.common.form.php | 116 |
$itil_class( ) | /src/ITILTemplatePredefinedField.php | 86 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/itemtype_pictures.php | 64 |
static( ) | /src/ITILTemplatePredefinedField.php | 103 |
$class::getTable( ) | /install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/uuids.php | 44 |
$validation_class( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8886 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/itemtype_pictures.php | 55 |
$tt_class( ) | /src/ITILTemplatePredefinedField.php | 53 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/itemtype_pictures.php | 58 |
$link_class( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8722 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /install/migrations/update_9.5.1_to_9.5.2.php | 71 |
$link_class( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8754 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/itemtype_pictures.php | 53 |
static( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8329 |
$template_type::getTable( ) | /install/migrations/update_9.4.x_to_9.5.0.php | 1444 |
static( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8546 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /install/migrations/update_0.84.x_to_0.85.0.php | 2812 |
$item_link_class( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7975 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /install/migrations/update_9.4.x_to_9.5.0.php | 1131 |
$itiltask_class( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8006 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /install/migrations/update_9.4.x_to_9.5.0.php | 1145 |
$validation_class( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7056 |
$itemDeviceType::getSpecificities( ) | /install/migrations/update_9.2.x_to_9.3.0.php | 739 |
$tplclass( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7508 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /install/migrations/update_9.4.x_to_9.5.0.php | 1128 |
$taskClass( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 6973 |
$fupClass( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 6993 |
$tt_class( ) | /src/ITILTemplateHiddenField.php | 121 |
$childitemtype::getTable( ) | /front/report.infocom.conso.php | 130 |
static( ) | /src/ITILTemplateHiddenField.php | 169 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /front/report.infocom.conso.php | 132 |
$itil_class( ) | /src/ITILTemplateHiddenField.php | 77 |
$dropdown::displayCentralHeader( ) | /front/dropdown.common.php | 48 |
static( ) | /src/ITILTemplateHiddenField.php | 93 |
$problem::showKanban(0) | /front/problem.form.php | 202 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/DbUtils.php | 490 |
$itemtype::getFormURLWithID($mgmt->fields['items_id']) | /front/item_remotemanagement.form.php | 84 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/DbUtils.php | 513 |
$change::showKanban(0) | /front/change.form.php | 199 |
static( ) | /src/Entity.php | 314 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/DbUtils.php | 417 |
$classname( ) | /src/Notification.php | 607 |
$netporttype( ) | /src/NetworkPortInstantiation.php | 450 |
$tasktype( ) | /src/KnowbaseItem.php | 788 |
$track::showKanban(0) | /front/ticket.form.php | 284 |
$type( ) | /src/Change_Item.php | 263 |
$ruleclass::initRules($reset = true, $with_plugins = true) | /front/rule.common.php | 56 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/DropdownTranslation.php | 619 |
$name($entity, $event, $item, $options) | /src/NotificationTarget.php | 340 |
$track::canUpdate( ) | /front/ticket.form.php | 79 |
$itil_class( ) | /src/ITILTemplatePredefinedField.php | 258 |
$rule::displayFullPageForItem($_GET["id"], $menus, ['formoptions' => " data-track-changes='true'"]) | /front/rule.common.form.php | 102 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/MailCollector.php | 2074 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/CommonITILRecurrentCron.php | 74 |
$ticket::getTypeName(1) | /src/ProjectTask_Ticket.php | 481 |
$itemtype::getFormURL( ) | /src/RuleCriteria.php | 690 |
$itemtype::getById($this->fields['items_id']) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 449 |
$type::canView( ) | /src/Appliance.php | 415 |
$itemtype::getById($this->fields['items_id']) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 435 |
$itemtype::getById($this->fields['items_id']) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 442 |
$itemtype::getById($this->fields['items_id']) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 421 |
$itemtype::getById($this->fields['items_id']) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 428 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Console/Migration/BuildMissingTimestampsCommand.php | 83 |
$task_class::getTable( ) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 303 |
$parent_itemtype::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 305 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Console/Migration/AbstractPluginToCoreCommand.php | 307 |
$timeline_item::getType( ) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 258 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Console/Migration/AbstractPluginToCoreCommand.php | 332 |
$parent_itemtype::getTaskClass( ) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 275 |
$this::getType( ) | /src/CommonDBVisible.php | 148 |
$this::getType( ) | /src/CommonDBVisible.php | 219 |
$itemtype::dropdown(['name' => 'items_id', 'value' => $this->fields['items_id'], 'display_emptychoice' => true, 'rand' => $rand]) | /src/DatabaseInstance.php | 158 |
$type::canView( ) | /src/DatabaseInstance.php | 459 |
$itemtype::getFormURLWithId($row['items_id']) | /src/ReservationItem.php | 684 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/ReservationItem.php | 993 |
$data['itemtype']::getTypeName( ) | /src/ReservationItem.php | 513 |
$itemtype::canView( ) | /src/ReservationItem.php | 683 |
$itemtype::commonListHeader(Search::HTML_OUTPUT, $massContainerId) | /src/Itil_Project.php | 252 |
$itil::getTypeName(1) | /src/Itil_Project.php | 374 |
$itemtype::commonListHeader(Search::HTML_OUTPUT, $massContainerId) | /src/Itil_Project.php | 231 |
$itemtype::showShort($data['id'], ['row_num' => $i, 'type_for_massiveaction' => __CLASS__, 'id_for_massiveaction' => $data['linkid']]) | /src/Itil_Project.php | 249 |
$itemtype::dropdown(['entity' => $project->getEntityID( ), 'entity_sons' => $project->isRecursive( ), 'name' => 'items_id', 'used' => $used, ]) | /src/Itil_Project.php | 204 |
$itemtype::getTypeName($numrows) | /src/Itil_Project.php | 228 |
$settings::getIcon( ) | /src/NotificationSettingConfig.php | 96 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Itil_Project.php | 138 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Api/API.php | 3136 |
$class::fetchValues($search) | /ajax/getAbstractRightDropdownValue.php | 43 |
$parameters_class( ) | /src/ContentTemplates/TemplateManager.php | 98 |
$item::canView( ) | /src/Item_Ticket.php | 475 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Api/API.php | 2062 |
$itemtype::getCategoryItemType($itemtype) | /ajax/treebrowse.php | 50 |
$class( ) | /src/Api/API.php | 3095 |
$category_itemtype::getTable( ) | /ajax/treebrowse.php | 51 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Api/API.php | 1818 |
$parent::getForeignKeyField( ) | /ajax/timeline.php | 86 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Api/API.php | 1942 |
$parent::showSubForm($item, $_REQUEST["id"], ['parent' => $parent, $foreignKey => $_REQUEST[$foreignKey]]) | /ajax/timeline.php | 114 |
$check_criteria($criterion['criteria']) | /src/Api/API.php | 1598 |
$_POST['itemtype']::dropdown(['name' => $_POST['dom_name'], 'display_emptychoice' => true, 'rand' => $_POST['dom_rand']]) | /ajax/socket.php | 48 |
$check_criteria($params['criteria']) | /src/Api/API.php | 1631 |
$parent::getForeignKeyField( ) | /ajax/timeline.php | 85 |
$connect_type( ) | /src/Api/API.php | 766 |
$itemtype::showCentral($params['who']) | /ajax/central.php | 83 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Api/API.php | 1121 |
$itemtype::showListForCentral($personal) | /ajax/central.php | 86 |
$type( ) | /src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryNetworkPort.php | 524 |
$itemtype::showCentralList($params['start'], $params['status'] ?? 'process', $showgroupproblems) | /ajax/central.php | 77 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Api/API.php | 629 |
$itemtype::showListForCentral($personal) | /ajax/central.php | 81 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php | 541 |
$item::dropdown( ) | /ajax/dropdownMassiveActionOs.php | 45 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryAsset.php | 356 |
$itemtype::showCentralCount($params['foruser'] ?? false) | /ajax/central.php | 70 |
$devicetype( ) | /src/Inventory/Asset/Device.php | 99 |
$_POST['itemtype']::dropdown(['name' => $_POST['dom_name'], 'rand' => $_POST['dom_rand'], 'display_emptychoice' => true, 'display_dc_position' => true, 'width' => '100%', ]) | /ajax/cable.php | 53 |
$lclass( ) | /src/Inventory/Asset/Printer.php | 188 |
$_GET['itemtype']::getDcBreadcrumbSpecificValueToDisplay($_GET['items_id']) | /ajax/cable.php | 88 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Console/Migration/RacksPluginToCoreCommand.php | 1422 |
$task_class::getTable( ) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 241 |
$relation_itemtype( ) | /src/Console/Migration/DatabasesPluginToCoreCommand.php | 261 |
$item::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 243 |
$new_model_itemtype( ) | /src/Console/Migration/RacksPluginToCoreCommand.php | 588 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 232 |
$new_itemtype( ) | /src/Console/Migration/RacksPluginToCoreCommand.php | 649 |
$task_class::getType( ) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 238 |
$class( ) | /src/Console/CommandLoader.php | 293 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 146 |
$check_function( ) | /src/Console/Plugin/InstallCommand.php | 329 |
$item::getTaskClass( ) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 219 |
$class( ) | /src/Console/CommandLoader.php | 180 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 95 |
$class( ) | /src/Console/CommandLoader.php | 255 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 117 |
$item_type( ) | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Calendar.php | 114 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 53 |
$principal_type( ) | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Calendar.php | 171 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/PendingReason_Item.php | 82 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Application/View/Extension/ItemtypeExtension.php | 83 |
$itemtype::dropdown(['name' => "items_id", 'value' => $this->fields['items_id'], 'rand' => $rand]) | /src/Item_Rack.php | 597 |
$principal_itemtype( ) | /src/CalDAV/Traits/CalDAVUriUtilTrait.php | 113 |
$itemtype::getIcon( ) | /src/Item_Rack.php | 877 |
static( ) | /src/Application/View/TemplateRenderer.php | 132 |
$this->$property | /src/IPNetwork.php | 116 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Application/View/Extension/SessionExtension.php | 102 |
$type::getTypeName(1) | /src/Item_Rack.php | 531 |
$asset_type( ) | /src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/UserParameters.php | 134 |
$itemtype::getFormURLWithID($data['id']) | /src/Item_Ticket.php | 476 |
static($PHPLOGGER) | /src/Application/ErrorHandler.php | 159 |
$this->$property | /src/IPNetwork.php | 92 |
$peer_type::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 855 |
$peer_type::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 869 |
$deviceClass::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 570 |
$link_type::getDeviceType( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 690 |
$deviceClass::getItem_DeviceType( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 568 |
$linkClass::getTable( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 569 |
$link_type::getTable( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 522 |
$link_type::getTable( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 552 |
$item_device::itemAffinity( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 457 |
$item_device::itemAffinity( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 457 |
$device_type::rawSearchOptionsToAdd($itemtype, $main_joinparams) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 257 |
$deviceType::getItem_DeviceType( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 431 |
$deviceType::getTypeName(1) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 150 |
$linked_itemtype::getNameField( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 189 |
$device_type::getTypeName(1) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 89 |
$device_type::getTypeName($nb) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 108 |
$item_disk::getType( ) | /src/Lock.php | 149 |
$item_disk::getType( ) | /src/Lock.php | 160 |
$device_class::getIcon( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 1679 |
$type::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/Lock.php | 117 |
$device_type::getItem_DeviceType( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 1274 |
$dropdownType::dropdown($dropdown_options) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 1534 |
$itemtype::getItem_DeviceType( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 1251 |
$device_type::getItem_DeviceType( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 1273 |
$linktype::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 1197 |
$linktype::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 1202 |
$linktype::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 1184 |
$linktype::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 1196 |
$dropdownType::getTable( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 1030 |
$devicetype::getItem_DeviceType( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 1181 |
$peer_type::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 885 |
$peer_type::getHTMLTableHeader($item->getType( ), $table_group, $common_column, null, $options) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 896 |
$ruleclassname::getSearchURL(false) | /src/Rule.php | 238 |
$ruleclassname::getFormURL(false) | /src/Rule.php | 241 |
$type::canView( ) | /src/Certificate.php | 652 |
$ruleclassname::getSearchURL(false) | /src/Rule.php | 236 |
$itemtype::getFormURL($full) | /src/CommonGLPI.php | 824 |
$item::unsetUndisclosedFields($item->fields) | /src/Link.php | 275 |
$type::canCreate( ) | /src/CommonGLPI.php | 442 |
$type::getForbiddenActionsForMenu( ) | /src/CommonGLPI.php | 429 |
$type::canView( ) | /src/CommonGLPI.php | 432 |
$this::getType( ) | /src/CommonDBVisible.php | 309 |
$this::getType( ) | /src/CommonDBVisible.php | 366 |
$this::getType( ) | /src/CommonDBVisible.php | 306 |
$this::getType( ) | /src/CommonDBVisible.php | 307 |
$this::getType( ) | /src/CommonDBVisible.php | 236 |
$this::getType( ) | /src/CommonDBVisible.php | 278 |
$itemtype::getTypeName(1) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 79 |
$itemtype::getTypeName(1) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 81 |
$item::$itemtype_2( ) | /src/Document_Item.php | 475 |
$itemtype::getFormURLWithID($data['id']) | /src/Document_Item.php | 481 |
$input['itemtype']::getTimelinePosition($input['items_id'], $this->getType( ), $input["users_id"]) | /src/Document_Item.php | 127 |
$item::getTypeName(1) | /src/Document_Item.php | 431 |
$type::getTypeName(1) | /src/Item_Enclosure.php | 190 |
$itemtype::dropdown(['name' => "items_id", 'value' => $this->fields['items_id'], 'rand' => $rand]) | /src/Item_Enclosure.php | 250 |
$vtodo->{'PERCENT-COMPLETE'} | /src/ProjectTask.php | 2178 |
$vtodo->{'PERCENT-COMPLETE'} | /src/ProjectTask.php | 2179 |
$item::getTypeName(1) | /src/ProjectTask.php | 1343 |
$vcomp->{'PERCENT-COMPLETE'} | /src/ProjectTask.php | 2149 |
RuleCriteria::match($criteria, $value, $this->criterias_results, $partial_regex_result) | /src/Rule.php | 1745 |
$item::getFieldNames($item->fields['type']) | /src/Rule.php | 3336 |
RuleCriteria::match($criteria, $value, $this->criterias_results, $partial_regex_result) | /src/Rule.php | 1701 |
RuleCriteria::match($criteria, $value, $this->criterias_results, $partial_regex_result) | /src/Rule.php | 1725 |
$value->$property | /src/Blacklist.php | 535 |
$value->$key | /src/Blacklist.php | 541 |
$item::getTypeName(1) | /src/Appliance_Item_Relation.php | 192 |
&$value->$property | /src/Blacklist.php | 527 |
$type::canView( ) | /src/Appliance_Item_Relation.php | 67 |
$item::getTypeName(1) | /src/Appliance_Item_Relation.php | 191 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/KnowbaseItem_Revision.php | 89 |
$type::getTypeName( ) | /src/RuleImportAssetCollection.php | 62 |
$item::getTypeName(1) | /src/Item_Disk.php | 306 |
$itemtype::getItem_DeviceType( ) | /src/Plugin.php | 1367 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/Ticket.php | 3106 |
$item::canView( ) | /src/Item_Disk.php | 66 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/Ticket.php | 3000 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/Ticket.php | 3045 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/Impact.php | 1663 |
$itemtype::getTypeName( ) | /src/Impact.php | 1794 |
$this->$property | /src/MassiveAction.php | 496 |
$this->$field | /src/MassiveAction.php | 584 |
$this->$property | /src/MassiveAction.php | 457 |
$this->$property | /src/MassiveAction.php | 476 |
$data['itemtype']::getTable( ) | /src/Computer_Item.php | 859 |
$this->$attribute | /src/MassiveAction.php | 393 |
$data['assoc_itemtype']::getTypeName(1) | /src/Computer_Item.php | 424 |
$type::canView( ) | /src/Computer_Item.php | 775 |
$item::getFormURLWithID($data['id']) | /src/User.php | 4878 |
$itemtype::getFormURLWithID($data["id"]) | /src/Computer_Item.php | 414 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/PendingReasonCron.php | 171 |
$item::getFormURLWithID($data['id']) | /src/User.php | 4795 |
$itemtype::getById($pending_item->fields['items_id']) | /src/PendingReasonCron.php | 101 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/PendingReasonCron.php | 144 |
$value->$key | /src/Blacklist.php | 543 |
$value->$key | /src/Blacklist.php | 545 |
$parenttype::getFormURLWithID($val[$parenttype_fk]) | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 1397 |
$itemtype::getNotSolvedStatusArray( ) | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 1549 |
$parentitemtype::getFormURLWithID($url_id) | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 1278 |
$parentitemtype::getFormURLWithID($url_id, false) | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 1281 |
$associated_type::getTypeName( ) | /src/Lock.php | 518 |
$itemtype::getTimelinePosition($input["_job"]->getID( ), $this->getType( ), $input["users_id"]) | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 558 |
$networkname::getType( ) | /src/Lock.php | 410 |
$ipaddress::getType( ) | /src/Lock.php | 452 |
$networkport::getType( ) | /src/Lock.php | 375 |
$networkname::getType( ) | /src/Lock.php | 399 |
$object::getTypeName(1) | /src/Lock.php | 240 |
$networkport::getType( ) | /src/Lock.php | 364 |
$lockedfield::getType( ) | /src/Lock.php | 203 |
$lockedfield::getType( ) | /src/Lock.php | 230 |
$computer_vm::getType( ) | /src/Lock.php | 179 |
$computer_vm::getType( ) | /src/Lock.php | 190 |
$itemtype::getTypeName( ) | /src/Impact.php | 1023 |
$item::canView( ) | /src/Impact.php | 1304 |
$a::getTypeName( ) | /src/Impact.php | 1006 |
$itemtype::getTypeName( ) | /src/Impact.php | 1022 |
$itemtype::getFriendlyNameFields( ) | /src/Impact.php | 947 |
$b::getTypeName( ) | /src/Impact.php | 1006 |
$itemtype::getVisibilityCriteria( ) | /src/Impact.php | 926 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Impact.php | 934 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Impact.php | 907 |
$itemtype::getFriendlyNameSearchCriteria($filter) | /src/Impact.php | 920 |
$itemtype::getTypeName( ) | /src/Impact.php | 301 |
$item['itemtype']::getTypeName( ) | /src/Impact.php | 821 |
$database::dropdown(['value' => $this->fields['databaseinstances_id']]) | /src/Database.php | 105 |
$itemtype::canView( ) | /src/Impact.php | 153 |
$linked_itemtype::getSearchURL( ) | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 1651 |
$vcomp->{'LAST-MODIFIED'} | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 1840 |
$itemtype::getSearchURL( ) | /src/Search.php | 402 |
$ctype::getTable( ) | /src/Search.php | 842 |
$itemtype::showBrowseView($itemtype, $params) | /src/Search.php | 98 |
$itemtype::getTypeName($data['data']['totalcount']) | /src/Search.php | 210 |
$itemdevicetype::getDeviceType( ) | /src/Transfer.php | 3503 |
$itiltype::getTypeName( ) | /src/ITILTemplate.php | 151 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php | 1665 |
$itemdevicetype::getDeviceType( ) | /src/Transfer.php | 530 |
$itemtype::getTypeName(1) | /src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php | 1058 |
$itemtype::getTypeName(1) | /src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php | 1068 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php | 531 |
$data['item_type']::getFormURLWithID($data['iID']) | /src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php | 782 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php | 381 |
$itemtype::canView( ) | /src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php | 530 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php | 237 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php | 312 |
$item::getNotSolvedStatusArray( ) | /src/Search.php | 4764 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Search.php | 5079 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Search.php | 4475 |
$itemtype::addWhere($link, $nott, $itemtype, $ID, $searchtype, $val) | /src/Search.php | 4558 |
$itemtype::getSearchURL( ) | /src/Search.php | 2423 |
$meta_type::getTable( ) | /src/Search.php | 3789 |
$itemclass::getType( ) | /src/Search.php | 2309 |
$parent_itemtype::getAllTypesForHelpdesk( ) | /src/Search.php | 2329 |
$config_itemtype::getType( ) | /src/Search.php | 2262 |
$config_itemtype::getType( ) | /src/Search.php | 2267 |
$m_itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Search.php | 1326 |
$item::getAllTypesForHelpdesk( ) | /src/Search.php | 2257 |
$data['itemtype']::getTable( ) | /src/Search.php | 981 |
$ctype::getNameField( ) | /src/Search.php | 1012 |
$data['itemtype']::getTable( ) | /src/Search.php | 867 |
$ctype::getTable( ) | /src/Search.php | 935 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Item_SoftwareLicense.php | 312 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Item_SoftwareLicense.php | 387 |
$type::getTypeName(1) | /src/Item_Cluster.php | 197 |
$itemtype::dropdown(['name' => "items_id", 'value' => $this->fields['items_id'], 'rand' => $rand]) | /src/Item_Cluster.php | 241 |
$locitemtype::getTypeName(1) | /src/ObjectLock.php | 77 |
$lo::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/ObjectLock.php | 102 |
$processor::processMassiveActionsForOneItemtype($this, $item, $ids) | /src/MassiveAction.php | 1386 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/MassiveAction.php | 1729 |
$itemtype::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/MassiveAction.php | 1023 |
$itemtype::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/MassiveAction.php | 1334 |
$processor::showMassiveActionsSubForm($this) | /src/MassiveAction.php | 903 |
$itemtype::canUpdate( ) | /src/MassiveAction.php | 944 |
$itemtype::canPurge( ) | /src/MassiveAction.php | 737 |
$itemtype::canDelete( ) | /src/MassiveAction.php | 736 |
$itemtype::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/MassiveAction.php | 662 |
$itemtype::canUpdate( ) | /src/MassiveAction.php | 735 |
$levelticket::getTable( ) | /src/LevelAgreement.php | 1036 |
static::$levelclass( ) | /src/LevelAgreement.php | 1054 |
static::$levelticketclass( ) | /src/LevelAgreement.php | 1012 |
static::$levelticketclass( ) | /src/LevelAgreement.php | 1033 |
$ruleclassname::getFormURLWithID($rule->fields["id"]) | /src/LevelAgreement.php | 542 |
static::$levelclass( ) | /src/LevelAgreement.php | 875 |
static::$levelticketclass( ) | /src/LevelAgreement.php | 319 |
$slm::getTypeName(1) | /src/LevelAgreement.php | 376 |
$class::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/AbstractRightsDropdown.php | 305 |
static::$levelclass( ) | /src/LevelAgreement.php | 298 |
$itemtype::getTypeName(1) | /src/AbstractRightsDropdown.php | 146 |
$itemtype::getTypeName(1) | /src/AbstractRightsDropdown.php | 174 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Item_SoftwareLicense.php | 636 |
$data['item_type']::getFormURLWithID($data['iID']) | /src/Item_SoftwareLicense.php | 872 |
{$itemtype::getTypeName( )} | /src/Item_SoftwareLicense.php | 489 |
$itemtype::canView( ) | /src/Item_SoftwareLicense.php | 635 |
$linktype::getNameField( ) | /src/Supplier.php | 539 |
$linktype::getFormURLWithID($data[$linkfield]) | /src/Supplier.php | 543 |
${impact} | /src/Config.php | 1046 |
$linktype::getNameField( ) | /src/Supplier.php | 504 |
$linktype::getSearchURL( ) | /src/Supplier.php | 529 |
$itemtype::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/IPAddress.php | 257 |
$linktype::getNameField( ) | /src/Supplier.php | 493 |
$parentitem::isAllowedStatus($parentitem->fields["status"], CommonITILObject::INCOMING) | /src/ITILFollowup.php | 331 |
$itemtype::getTimelinePosition($input["items_id"], $this->getType( ), $input["users_id"]) | /src/ITILFollowup.php | 514 |
$parentitem::getReopenableStatusArray( ) | /src/ITILFollowup.php | 307 |
$parentitem::isAllowedStatus($parentitem->fields["status"], CommonITILObject::ASSIGNED) | /src/ITILFollowup.php | 321 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Project.php | 2146 |
$itemtype::getFormUrlWithID($item['id']) | /src/Project.php | 2362 |
static::$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonITILValidation.php | 474 |
$itemtype::getFormURL( ) | /src/CommonITILValidation.php | 878 |
${i} | /src/Config.php | 235 |
static::$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonITILValidation.php | 323 |
static::$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonITILValidation.php | 428 |
$linked_itemtype::getTypeName($numrows) | /src/Ticket_Contract.php | 146 |
${impact} | /src/Config.php | 1090 |
$linked_itemtype::commonListHeader(Search::HTML_OUTPUT, 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, $header_params) | /src/Ticket_Contract.php | 150 |
${urgency} | /src/Config.php | 1086 |
$itemtype::getConnexityInputForProcessingOfMassiveActions($action, $item, $ids, $input) | /src/CommonDBConnexity.php | 805 |
${urgency} | /src/Config.php | 1090 |
$linked_itemtype::dropdown(['used' => $used, 'displaywith' => ['id'], 'entity' => $item->fields['entities_id'], ]) | /src/Ticket_Contract.php | 120 |
${impact} | /src/Config.php | 1086 |
$type_for_dropdown::dropdown($options) | /src/CommonDBConnexity.php | 679 |
$itemtype::getConnexityMassiveActionsSpecificities( ) | /src/CommonDBConnexity.php | 735 |
$itemtype_2::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/CommonDBConnexity.php | 631 |
$itemtype::getTypeName( ) | /src/CommonDBConnexity.php | 633 |
$itemtype::getConnexityMassiveActionsSpecificities( ) | /src/CommonDBConnexity.php | 586 |
${urgency} | /src/Config.php | 1071 |
$itemtype_1::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/CommonDBConnexity.php | 622 |
$itemtype::getConnexityMassiveActionsSpecificities( ) | /src/CommonDBConnexity.php | 536 |
$itemtype::getConnexityMassiveActionsSpecificities( ) | /src/CommonDBConnexity.php | 544 |
$connexityItem->$methodItem( ) | /src/CommonDBConnexity.php | 426 |
$connexityItem->$methodNotItem( ) | /src/CommonDBConnexity.php | 422 |
$itemtype::dropdown(['name' => 'items_id', 'value' => $items_id, 'display_emptychoice' => true, 'display_dc_position' => true, 'rand' => $rand_items_id]) | /src/Socket.php | 140 |
$itemtype::$method( ) | /src/CommonDBConnexity.php | 372 |
$linktype::itemAffinity( ) | /src/CommonDevice.php | 383 |
$linktype::itemAffinity( ) | /src/CommonDevice.php | 447 |
$key::getTypeName(1) | /src/CommonDevice.php | 130 |
$linktype::itemAffinity( ) | /src/CommonDevice.php | 383 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Search.php | 7568 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Search.php | 8807 |
$itemtype::getById($data['id']) | /src/Search.php | 6953 |
$linkitemtype::getFormURLWithID($data[$ID][$k]['id']) | /src/Search.php | 7003 |
$itemtype::getById($data['id']) | /src/Search.php | 6231 |
$itemtype::getFormURLWithID($data[$ID][0]['id']) | /src/Search.php | 6815 |
$from_item_obj::getTable( ) | /src/Search.php | 5965 |
$to_item_obj::getTable( ) | /src/Search.php | 5983 |
$from_type::getTable( ) | /src/Search.php | 5768 |
$to_type::getTable( ) | /src/Search.php | 5770 |
$meta_type::getTable( ) | /src/Search.php | 5492 |
$meta_type::getTable( ) | /src/Search.php | 5579 |
$type::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/State.php | 73 |
${i} | /src/Config.php | 231 |
$itemtype::getTimelinePosition($input[static::$items_id], $this->getType( ), $input["users_id"]) | /src/CommonITILValidation.php | 284 |
${impact} | /src/Config.php | 221 |
$ruleClassName::getSearchURL( ) | /src/RuleCollection.php | 2197 |
${urgency} | /src/Config.php | 221 |
$grid::canViewOneDashboard( ) | /src/Central.php | 73 |
$xmlEAction->$key | /src/RuleCollection.php | 1057 |
$ruleClassName::getIcon( ) | /src/RuleCollection.php | 2198 |
$xmlERule->$key | /src/RuleCollection.php | 996 |
$xmlECritiera->$key | /src/RuleCollection.php | 1021 |
$itemtype::getTypeName(1) | /src/RefusedEquipment.php | 180 |
$itemtype::getDcBreadcrumbSpecificValueToDisplay($items_id) | /src/Cable.php | 381 |
$oppositetype::getHTMLTableCellsForItem($row, $relation, $father, $options) | /src/CommonDBRelation.php | 1274 |
$peertype::$dropdown_method($options) | /src/CommonDBRelation.php | 1477 |
$itemtype2::getIndexName( ) | /src/CommonDBRelation.php | 341 |
$oppositetype::getHTMLTableHeader(get_called_class( ), $base, $super, $father, $options) | /src/CommonDBRelation.php | 1228 |
$linktype::itemAffinity( ) | /src/CommonDevice.php | 447 |
$itemtype1::getIndexName( ) | /src/CommonDBRelation.php | 328 |
$linktype::getSpecificities( ) | /src/Log.php | 416 |
$item->$is(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, $iditem) | /src/Log.php | 541 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/Log.php | 327 |
$linktype::getDeviceType( ) | /src/Log.php | 414 |
$commondb_relation::getMemberPosition(static::class) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 6129 |
$item::getFormURLWithID($items_id) | /src/Log.php | 311 |
$model::getType( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 5961 |
$commondb_relation::getMemberPosition(static::class) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 6016 |
$type_class::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 5846 |
$type_class::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 5858 |
$model_class::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 5819 |
$model_class::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 5831 |
$this::getTable( ) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 4472 |
$itemtype::dropdown($options) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 4968 |
$modelclass::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/RuleImportAsset.php | 809 |
$classname::$method_name($itemtype) | /src/CommonDBTM.php | 3768 |
$concrete_class::getTypeName(1) | /src/CommonITILRecurrent.php | 595 |
$concrete_class::getTypeName(1) | /src/CommonITILRecurrent.php | 589 |
$concrete_class::getDefaultValues($this->fields['entities_id']) | /src/CommonITILRecurrent.php | 563 |
$concrete_class::getTypeName(1) | /src/CommonITILRecurrent.php | 582 |
static::getTemplateClass( )::getTable( ) | /src/CommonITILRecurrent.php | 290 |
$template_class::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/CommonITILRecurrent.php | 555 |
static::getTemplateClass( )::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/CommonITILRecurrent.php | 165 |
static::getTemplateClass( )::getTypeName(1) | /src/CommonITILRecurrent.php | 292 |
$item::getTable( ) | /src/Computer.php | 237 |
static::getTemplateClass( )::getTypeName(1) | /src/CommonITILRecurrent.php | 166 |
$linktype::getDeviceType( ) | /src/Log.php | 898 |
$linktype::getSpecificities( ) | /src/Log.php | 899 |
$linktype::getTypeName( ) | /src/Log.php | 573 |
$data['itemtype_link']::getTypeName(1) | /src/Log.php | 674 |
$item->$is(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER, $iditem) | /src/Log.php | 543 |
$item->$is(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, $iditem) | /src/Log.php | 542 |
$eventclass::canCron( ) | /src/QueuedNotification.php | 547 |
$eventclass::send($data) | /src/QueuedNotification.php | 600 |
$item::getFormURLWithID($ri->fields['items_id']) | /src/Reservation.php | 1221 |
$eventclass::send([$this->fields]) | /src/QueuedNotification.php | 474 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Datacenter.php | 144 |
$data['itemtype']::getTypeName( ) | /src/Reservation.php | 605 |
$object::getIcon( ) | /src/Html.php | 1507 |
$type::getMenuContent( ) | /src/Html.php | 1527 |
static::$itemtype_1::getAllTypesForHelpdesk( ) | /src/CommonItilObject_Item.php | 144 |
$itilcategory_type::getSearchURL( ) | /src/ITILCategory.php | 466 |
static::$itemtype_1( ) | /src/CommonITILActor.php | 254 |
static::$itemtype_1( ) | /src/CommonITILActor.php | 409 |
$linked_itemtype::commonListHeader(Search::HTML_OUTPUT, 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, $header_params) | /src/Ticket_Contract.php | 172 |
static::$itemtype_1( ) | /src/CommonITILActor.php | 172 |
$item::getTypeName(1) | /src/Ticket_Contract.php | 155 |
$linked_itemtype::showShort($data['id'], ['followups' => false, 'row_num' => $i, 'type_for_massiveaction' => __CLASS__, 'id_for_massiveaction' => $data['linkid'], 'ticket_stats' => true, ]) | /src/Ticket_Contract.php | 169 |
$this::quoteName($table) | /src/DBmysql.php | 1595 |
$device_class::getIcon( ) | /src/CommonDeviceModel.php | 68 |
$this->$property | /src/Profile.php | 102 |
$tpl_class::dropdown($options) | /src/Profile.php | 1341 |
static::$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonITILCost.php | 417 |
$this->$property | /src/Profile.php | 84 |
$key::getSearchURL( ) | /src/Dropdown.php | 1240 |
static::$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonITILCost.php | 313 |
$device_type::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/Dropdown.php | 984 |
$key::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/Dropdown.php | 1198 |
$itemtype::getFormURLWithID($data['id']) | /src/Item_Problem.php | 175 |
$item::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/Dropdown.php | 290 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory.php | 144 |
$linked_category::getFormURLWithID($linked_category->getID( )) | /src/KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory.php | 243 |
$eventclass::send($data) | /src/QueuedNotification.php | 673 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory.php | 115 |
$tpl_class::dropdown(['value' => $this->fields['planningexternaleventtemplates_id'], 'entity' => $this->getEntityID( ), 'rand' => $rand, 'on_change' => "template_update$rand(this.value)"]) | /src/PlanningExternalEvent.php | 173 |
$eventclass::getTargetField($data, $param) | /src/NotificationTarget.php | 600 |
$itemtype::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8817 |
$tpl_class::getTypeName( ) | /src/PlanningExternalEvent.php | 166 |
$itemtype::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8811 |
$link_class::getTable( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8811 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8810 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8808 |
$link_class::getTable( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8797 |
$link_class::getTable( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8805 |
$itemtype::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8794 |
$itemtype::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8797 |
$itemtype::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8758 |
$link_class::getTable( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8794 |
$itemtype::getFormUrlWithID($item['id']) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8509 |
$itemtype::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8726 |
$this->$property | /src/NetworkPort.php | 84 |
$this->$property | /src/NetworkPort.php | 104 |
$class_2::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/Migration.php | 1605 |
$class_1::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/Migration.php | 1604 |
$itemtype::getFormURLWithID($data["id"]) | /src/Certificate_Item.php | 296 |
$itemtype::forceTable($newtable) | /src/Migration.php | 661 |
$item::getSearchURL( ) | /src/Contract_Item.php | 536 |
$itemtype::getFormURLWithID($objdata['id']) | /src/Contract_Item.php | 652 |
$itemtype_2::getTable( ) | /src/Contract_Item.php | 479 |
$itemtype_2::getIndexName( ) | /src/Contract_Item.php | 503 |
$itemtype::getTypeName(1) | /src/Notification.php | 228 |
$item::$itemtype_2( ) | /src/Budget.php | 611 |
$item_itemtype::getFormURLWithID($options['item_items_id']) | /src/KnowbaseItem.php | 1878 |
$itemtype::getFormURLWithID($data['id']) | /src/Change_Item.php | 173 |
$eventclass::getAdminData( ) | /src/NotificationTarget.php | 662 |
$eventclass::getEntityAdminsData($this->entity) | /src/NotificationTarget.php | 762 |
$tplclass::getSearchURL(false) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7447 |
$tplclass::canCreate( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7455 |
$tplclass::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7446 |
$tplclass::getIcon( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7448 |
$validation_class::getStatus($validation['status']) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7095 |
$tplclass::canView( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7443 |
$valitation_obj::getType( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7065 |
$valitation_obj::getType( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7089 |
$objType::canUpdate( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7040 |
$validation_class::canView( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7054 |
$validation::canView( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 6819 |
$task_obj::getType( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7016 |
$tmptimelineitem['##timelineitems.type##']::getTypeName(0) | /src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php | 1652 |
$obj_type::canUpdate( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 6810 |
$costtype::getCostsSummary($costtype, $item->getField("id")) | /src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php | 1528 |
$timeline_data['type']::getType( ) | /src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php | 1649 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8353 |
$itemtype::getFormURLWithID($item['id']) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8469 |
$existing['itemtype']::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8162 |
$itemtype::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8350 |
$task_class::getTable( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7861 |
$existing['itemtype']::getType( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 8146 |
$task_class::canView( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7847 |
$task_class::getType( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7857 |
$validation_class::getTable( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7837 |
$validation_class::getTableField($validation_class::$items_id) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7839 |
$validation_class::canView( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7831 |
$validation_class::getType( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7833 |
$tplclass::canView( ) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7473 |
$tplclass::getSearchURL(false) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7474 |
$tplclass::getSearchURL(false) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7450 |
$tplclass::getFormURL(false) | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 7456 |
$cat_itemtype::getTableField($cat_fk) | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 206 |
$cat_itemtype::getTableField('name') | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 204 |
$cat_itemtype::getTableField('id') | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 195 |
$cat_itemtype::getTableField('id') | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 203 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 192 |
$itemtype::getTableField('id') | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 197 |
$itemtype::getTableField('id') | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 191 |
$itemtype::getTableField($cat_fk) | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 194 |
$cat_itemtype::getForeignKeyField( ) | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 187 |
$cat_itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 186 |
$itemtype::getTableField('groups_id') | /src/Features/PlanningEvent.php | 459 |
$objectitemtype::getFormURLWithID($val[getForeignKeyFieldForItemType($objectitemtype)]) | /src/Features/PlanningEvent.php | 873 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/KnowbaseItem_Item.php | 359 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/KnowbaseItem_Item.php | 386 |
$linked_item::getFormURLWithID($linked_item->getID( )) | /src/KnowbaseItem_Item.php | 248 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/KnowbaseItem_Item.php | 347 |
$this->$propname | /src/Agent/Communication/Headers/Common.php | 259 |
$t::canUpdate( ) | /src/Gantt/TaskDAO.php | 79 |
$this->$propname | /src/Agent/Communication/Headers/Common.php | 182 |
$this->$propname | /src/Agent/Communication/Headers/Common.php | 244 |
$this->$propname | /src/Agent/Communication/Headers/Common.php | 158 |
$this->$propname | /src/Agent/Communication/Headers/Common.php | 159 |
$classname::getItemField($this->getType( )) | /src/Features/Clonable.php | 115 |
$classname::getItemsAssociatedTo($this->getType( ), $source->getID( )) | /src/Features/Clonable.php | 121 |
$itemtype::getTableField('id') | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 245 |
$itemtype::getTypeName( ) | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 272 |
$itemtype::getTableField($cat_fk) | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 244 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 242 |
$cat_itemtype::getTableField('name') | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 214 |
$itemtype::getTableField('id') | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 241 |
$cat_itemtype::getTableField('name') | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 212 |
$cat_itemtype::getTableField('level') | /src/Features/TreeBrowse.php | 211 |
$planning_type::canView( ) | /src/Planning.php | 1865 |
$params['planning_type']::populatePlanning($params) | /src/Planning.php | 2107 |
$filter_key::getTypeName( ) | /src/Planning.php | 977 |
$add_types::getTypeName(1) | /src/Planning.php | 1414 |
$planning_type::canView( ) | /src/Planning.php | 828 |
$filter_key::canView( ) | /src/Planning.php | 974 |
$itemtype::populatePlanning($params) | /src/Planning.php | 497 |
$itemtype::populateNotPlanned($params) | /src/Planning.php | 499 |
$itemtype::getTypeName(1) | /src/Report.php | 528 |
$item::getTypeName(1) | /src/Item_RemoteManagement.php | 168 |
$itemtype::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/Report.php | 264 |
$itemtype::getTypeName(1) | /src/Report.php | 500 |
$instantiationType::getSearchOptionsToAddForInstantiation($tab, $instantjoin) | /src/NetworkPort.php | 1425 |
$itemtype::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/Report.php | 225 |
$portType::getTypeName(0) | /src/NetworkPort.php | 624 |
$portType::getInstantiationNetworkPortDisplayOptions( ) | /src/NetworkPort.php | 625 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/KnowbaseItem_Item.php | 125 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/KnowbaseItem_Item.php | 174 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/KnowbaseItem_Item.php | 73 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/KnowbaseItem_Item.php | 108 |
$eventclass::raise($event, $item, $options, $label, $data, $notificationtarget->setEvent($eventclass), $template, $notify_me, $emitter) | /src/NotificationEvent.php | 194 |
$device_class::getIcon( ) | /src/CommonDCModelDropdown.php | 256 |
$itemtype::getNameField( ) | /src/Item_Project.php | 171 |
$item::getFormURLWithID($data['id']) | /src/Item_Project.php | 175 |
$device_class::getIcon( ) | /src/CommonType.php | 45 |
$itemtype::getNameField( ) | /src/Item_Project.php | 168 |
$limititemtype::populatePlanning($params) | /src/Planning.php | 2532 |
$itemtype::populatePlanning($params) | /src/Planning.php | 2529 |
$vcomp->$end_date_prop | /src/Planning.php | 2190 |
$val['itemtype']::displayPlanningItem($val, $who, $type, $complete) | /src/Planning.php | 2436 |
$params['planning_type']::populateNotPlanned($params) | /src/Planning.php | 2115 |
$vcomp->$end_date_prop | /src/Planning.php | 2183 |
$class::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/Inventory/Inventory.php | 444 |
$class::getIcon( ) | /src/Inventory/Inventory.php | 444 |
$this->raw_data->{$expected} | /src/Inventory/Inventory.php | 196 |
$contents->$property | /src/Inventory/Inventory.php | 264 |
$this->limititemtype::populatePlanning($params) | /src/Csv/PlanningCsv.php | 100 |
$itemtype::populatePlanning($params) | /src/Csv/PlanningCsv.php | 97 |
$userlink::getTable( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 1927 |
$itemtype::getNameField( ) | /src/System/Diagnostic/DatabaseKeysChecker.php | 63 |
$item::getTypeName($nb_items) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 931 |
$grouplink::getTable( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 1885 |
$item::getSearchURL( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 930 |
$item::getIcon( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 932 |
${filename} | /src/User.php | 1369 |
$item::getTable( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 899 |
$item::getFormURLWithID($line['id']) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 916 |
$item::getSearchURL( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 852 |
${filename} | /src/User.php | 1366 |
$item::getIcon( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 894 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/Volume.php | 61 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/Volume.php | 61 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/DatabaseInstance.php | 54 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/DatabaseInstance.php | 54 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/Controller.php | 61 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/Controller.php | 61 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/Battery.php | 61 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/Battery.php | 61 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/HardDrive.php | 58 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/HardDrive.php | 58 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/OperatingSystem.php | 60 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/OperatingSystem.php | 60 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Inventory/Inventory.php | 865 |
$this->inventory->getRawData( )->{'enabled-tasks'} | /src/Inventory/Request.php | 334 |
$class::getSearchURL(false) | /src/Inventory/Inventory.php | 446 |
$class::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/Inventory/Inventory.php | 445 |
$itemtype::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 1210 |
${filename} | /src/User.php | 855 |
$fk_itemtype::getFieldLabel( ) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 1211 |
$itemtype::getTypeName( ) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 1181 |
${filename} | /src/User.php | 847 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 1186 |
$itemtype::getTypeName( ) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 1166 |
${filename} | /src/User.php | 846 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 1171 |
$itemtype::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 1145 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 1158 |
$itemtype::getDeviceType( ) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 1142 |
$fk_itemtype::getFieldLabel( ) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 1146 |
$itemtype::getTypeName( ) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 1131 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 1136 |
$p::canUpdate( ) | /src/Gantt/ProjectDAO.php | 87 |
$data['itemtype']::getTypeName( ) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 708 |
$t::canUpdate( ) | /src/Gantt/TaskDAO.php | 99 |
$p::canUpdate( ) | /src/Gantt/ProjectDAO.php | 70 |
$item::getIcon( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 788 |
${filename} | /src/User.php | 1342 |
$fk_item::getIcon( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 788 |
$fk_item::getType( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 775 |
$fk_item::getTable( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 774 |
$item::getTypeName($nb_items) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 149 |
$item::getTable( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 773 |
$item::getSearchURL( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 140 |
$item::getIcon( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 150 |
$item::getTableField($item::getIndexName( )) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 118 |
$item::getIndexName( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 118 |
$item::getTableField($item::getIndexName( )) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 101 |
${filename} | /src/User.php | 858 |
$item::getTable( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 115 |
$item::getTable( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 87 |
$item::getIndexName( ) | /src/Dashboard/Provider.php | 101 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Dashboard/Grid.php | 1223 |
$itemtype::dropdown(['name' => $fieldname, 'value' => $value, 'rand' => $rand, 'display' => false, 'display_emptychoice' => false, 'emptylabel' => '', 'placeholder' => $label, 'on_change' => "on_change_{$rand}()", 'allowClear' => true, 'width' => ''] + $add_params) | /src/Dashboard/Filter.php | 196 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/Memory.php | 61 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/Firmware.php | 57 |
$itemdevicetype::getDeviceType( ) | /src/Inventory/Asset/Device.php | 98 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/Memory.php | 61 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/Simcard.php | 54 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/Simcard.php | 54 |
$val->$models_id | /src/Inventory/Asset/MainAsset.php | 345 |
$val->$models_id | /src/Inventory/Asset/MainAsset.php | 347 |
$val->$types_id | /src/Inventory/Asset/MainAsset.php | 199 |
$val->$types_id | /src/Inventory/Asset/MainAsset.php | 204 |
$val->$types_id | /src/Inventory/Asset/MainAsset.php | 180 |
$val->$types_id | /src/Inventory/Asset/MainAsset.php | 194 |
$hardware->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/MainAsset.php | 163 |
$val->$key | /src/Inventory/Asset/MainAsset.php | 169 |
$data->$field | /src/Inventory/Asset/Drive.php | 109 |
$hardware->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/MainAsset.php | 163 |
$val_port->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkCard.php | 156 |
$value->$k | /src/Inventory/Asset/Cartridge.php | 244 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkCard.php | 89 |
$val_port->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkCard.php | 156 |
$pcounter->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/Printer.php | 139 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkCard.php | 89 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/Camera.php | 59 |
$pcounter->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/Printer.php | 139 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/PowerSupply.php | 57 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/Camera.php | 59 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/Antivirus.php | 59 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/PowerSupply.php | 57 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/Bios.php | 65 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/Antivirus.php | 59 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/Firmware.php | 57 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/Bios.php | 65 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/Peripheral.php | 60 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/Peripheral.php | 113 |
$vm->$key | /src/Inventory/Asset/VirtualMachine.php | 324 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/Peripheral.php | 60 |
$net_val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/VirtualMachine.php | 148 |
$val->$prop | /src/Inventory/Asset/VirtualMachine.php | 231 |
$vm_val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/VirtualMachine.php | 99 |
$net_val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/VirtualMachine.php | 148 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/VirtualMachine.php | 84 |
$vm_val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/VirtualMachine.php | 99 |
$stack->$model_field | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkEquipment.php | 128 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/VirtualMachine.php | 84 |
$device->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkEquipment.php | 82 |
$val->$key | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkEquipment.php | 93 |
$val->$field | /src/Inventory/Asset/Volume.php | 153 |
$device->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkEquipment.php | 82 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/Drive.php | 62 |
$data->$field | /src/Inventory/Asset/Drive.php | 108 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/SoundCard.php | 58 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/Drive.php | 62 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/Processor.php | 60 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/SoundCard.php | 58 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/GraphicCard.php | 58 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/Processor.php | 60 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/Monitor.php | 58 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/GraphicCard.php | 58 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/RemoteManagement.php | 60 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/Monitor.php | 58 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/Sensor.php | 58 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/RemoteManagement.php | 60 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/Peripheral.php | 113 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/Sensor.php | 58 |
$commonitil::getStatus($fields['status']) | /src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/CommonITILObjectParameters.php | 101 |
$commonitil::getImpactName($fields['impact']) | /src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/CommonITILObjectParameters.php | 103 |
$fields->$name | /src/Api/Deprecated/CommonDeprecatedTrait.php | 181 |
$fields->$name | /src/Api/Deprecated/CommonDeprecatedTrait.php | 182 |
$fields->$old | /src/Api/Deprecated/CommonDeprecatedTrait.php | 157 |
$fields->$old | /src/Api/Deprecated/CommonDeprecatedTrait.php | 159 |
$fields->$old | /src/Api/Deprecated/CommonDeprecatedTrait.php | 158 |
$fields->$new | /src/Api/Deprecated/CommonDeprecatedTrait.php | 158 |
$fields->$name | /src/Api/Deprecated/CommonDeprecatedTrait.php | 135 |
$fields->$name | /src/Api/Deprecated/CommonDeprecatedTrait.php | 134 |
$networkport_type::getTable( ) | /src/Api/API.php | 2892 |
$item::getType( ) | /src/Api/API.php | 3187 |
$kn_itemtype::getIndexName( ) | /src/Api/API.php | 2843 |
$kn_item::getFriendlyNameById($kn_id) | /src/Api/API.php | 2862 |
$itemtype::canView( ) | /src/Api/API.php | 1574 |
$input->$fk_parent | /src/Api/API.php | 1988 |
$itemtype::getById($id) | /src/Application/View/Extension/ItemtypeExtension.php | 163 |
$item::getTable( ) | /src/Application/View/Extension/ItemtypeExtension.php | 182 |
$itemtype::getTypeName($count) | /src/Application/View/Extension/ItemtypeExtension.php | 138 |
$itemtype::getSearchURL( ) | /src/Application/View/Extension/ItemtypeExtension.php | 150 |
$itemtype::getFormURLWithID($id) | /src/Application/View/Extension/ItemtypeExtension.php | 113 |
$itemtype::getIcon( ) | /src/Application/View/Extension/ItemtypeExtension.php | 125 |
$itemtype::dropdown($options) | /src/Application/View/Extension/ItemtypeExtension.php | 96 |
$itemtype::getFormURL( ) | /src/Application/View/Extension/ItemtypeExtension.php | 113 |
$mention_element->attributes( )->{'data-user-id'} | /src/RichText/UserMention.php | 201 |
$itemtype::getTeamRoleName($role, $nb) | /src/Application/View/Extension/TeamExtension.php | 56 |
$itemtype::getById($item_ticket->fields['items_id']) | /src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/TicketParameters.php | 149 |
$item::getById($asset_item_data['id']) | /src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/UserParameters.php | 137 |
$ticket::getTicketTypeName($fields['type']) | /src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/TicketParameters.php | 101 |
$ticket::getType( ) | /src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/TicketParameters.php | 146 |
$commonitil::getUrgencyName($fields['urgency']) | /src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/CommonITILObjectParameters.php | 102 |
$commonitil::getPriorityName($fields['priority']) | /src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/CommonITILObjectParameters.php | 104 |
$value->$key | /src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryAsset.php | 208 |
$value->$key | /src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryAsset.php | 215 |
$value->$key | /src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryAsset.php | 204 |
$value->$key | /src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryAsset.php | 210 |
$value->$key | /src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryAsset.php | 198 |
$value->$key | /src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryAsset.php | 204 |
$value->$key | /src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryAsset.php | 190 |
$value->$key | /src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryAsset.php | 190 |
$connection->$prop | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php | 243 |
$this->$part | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php | 745 |
$vlan->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php | 207 |
$vlan->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php | 207 |
$connection->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php | 171 |
$connection->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php | 171 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php | 128 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php | 128 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Api/API.php | 1257 |
$item::unsetUndisclosedFields($fields) | /src/Api/API.php | 1311 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Api/API.php | 1241 |
$itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Api/API.php | 1249 |
$device_type::getTable( ) | /src/Api/API.php | 651 |
$itemtype::canView( ) | /src/Api/API.php | 1116 |
$val->$dest | /src/Inventory/Asset/Software.php | 112 |
$item::unsetUndisclosedFields($fields) | /src/Api/API.php | 640 |
$data->$field | /src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryNetworkPort.php | 379 |
$val->$origin | /src/Inventory/Asset/Software.php | 112 |
$value->$key | /src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryAsset.php | 226 |
$value->$key | /src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryAsset.php | 235 |
$value->$key | /src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryAsset.php | 218 |
$value->$key | /src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryAsset.php | 223 |
$value->$key | /src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryAsset.php | 215 |
$value->$key | /src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryAsset.php | 218 |
$itemtype( ) | /ajax/kanban.php | 128 |
$checkParams(['card', 'column', 'position', 'kanban']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 143 |
$itemtype( ) | /ajax/kanban.php | 121 |
$checkParams(['inputs']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 127 |
$checkParams(['column_field', 'column_value']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 113 |
$checkParams(['inputs']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 120 |
$itemtype( ) | /ajax/kblink.php | 66 |
$itemtype( ) | /ajax/kanban.php | 65 |
$item_class( ) | /front/itiltemplatefield.form.php | 48 |
$statdata_itemtype($_GET) | /front/graph.send.php | 53 |
$type( ) | /front/lock.form.php | 77 |
$itemtype( ) | /front/lock.form.php | 44 |
$type( ) | /front/lock.form.php | 52 |
$itemtype( ) | /front/item_disk.form.php | 82 |
$itemtype( ) | /front/impactcsv.php | 52 |
$checkParams(['items_id']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 238 |
$checkParams(['itemtype_teammember', 'items_id_teammember']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 249 |
$checkParams(['column_id', 'column_field', 'items_id']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 224 |
$checkParams(['card']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 229 |
$checkParams(['items_id', 'last_load']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 212 |
$checkParams(['column_field']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 220 |
$column_itemtype( ) | /ajax/kanban.php | 201 |
$checkParams(['items_id', 'state']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 209 |
$checkParams(['items_id']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 184 |
$checkParams(['column_field', 'items_id', 'column_name']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 192 |
$checkParams(['column', 'kanban', 'position']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 169 |
$checkParams(['column_field']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 172 |
${$attributes[1][1]} | /src/Toolbox.php | 2642 |
$checkParams(['column', 'kanban']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 163 |
$checkParams(['column', 'kanban']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 166 |
$checkParams(['column', 'kanban']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 157 |
${$attributes[1][0]} | /src/Toolbox.php | 2639 |
$checkParams(['column', 'kanban']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 160 |
$itemtype::getTypeName( ) | /src/Console/Migration/AbstractPluginToCoreCommand.php | 352 |
$itemtype::getIndexName( ) | /src/Console/Migration/AbstractPluginToCoreCommand.php | 354 |
$itemtype::getIndexName( ) | /src/Console/Migration/AbstractPluginToCoreCommand.php | 334 |
$itemtype::getTypeName( ) | /src/Console/Migration/AbstractPluginToCoreCommand.php | 339 |
$relation_itemtype::getTypeName( ) | /src/Console/Migration/DatabasesPluginToCoreCommand.php | 243 |
$relation_itemtype::getTypeName( ) | /src/Console/Migration/DatabasesPluginToCoreCommand.php | 265 |
$relation_itemtype::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) | /src/Console/Migration/DatabasesPluginToCoreCommand.php | 195 |
$relation_itemtype::getTable( ) | /src/Console/Migration/DatabasesPluginToCoreCommand.php | 200 |
$vcomponent->{'LAST-MODIFIED'} | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Calendar.php | 269 |
$modeltype::getTable( ) | /src/Console/Migration/RacksPluginToCoreCommand.php | 1321 |
$itemtype::getUserItemsAsVCalendars($item->fields['id']) | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Calendar.php | 192 |
$vcomponent->{'LAST-MODIFIED'} | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Calendar.php | 270 |
$vcomp->{'LAST-MODIFIED'} | /src/CalDAV/Traits/VobjectConverterTrait.php | 114 |
$itemtype::getGroupItemsAsVCalendars($item->fields['id']) | /src/CalDAV/Backend/Calendar.php | 189 |
$item::getTable( ) | /src/Application/View/Extension/ItemtypeExtension.php | 206 |
$item::getById($id) | /src/Application/View/Extension/ItemtypeExtension.php | 263 |
$key( ) | /front/report.year.list.php | 177 |
$itemtype( ) | /front/commonitiltask.form.php | 57 |
$itemtype( ) | /front/device.form.php | 49 |
$itemtype( ) | /front/item_remotemanagement.form.php | 82 |
$fix_content_fct($data['content'], $data[$itil_fkey], $itil_fkey) | /install/migrations/update_9.4.2_to_9.4.3.php | 123 |
$key( ) | /front/report.contract.list.php | 205 |
$template_type( ) | /install/migrations/update_9.4.x_to_9.5.0.php | 1454 |
$fix_content_fct($data['content'], $data['items_id'], $itil_fkey) | /install/migrations/update_9.4.2_to_9.4.3.php | 107 |
$fix_picture_fct($data['picture_rear']) | /install/migrations/update_9.4.x_to_9.5.0.php | 417 |
$fix_picture_fct($data['blueprint']) | /install/migrations/update_9.4.x_to_9.5.0.php | 432 |
$fix_content_fct($data['content'], $data[$itil_fkey], $itil_fkey) | /install/migrations/update_9.4.1_to_9.4.2.php | 140 |
$fix_picture_fct($data['picture_front']) | /install/migrations/update_9.4.x_to_9.5.0.php | 416 |
$fix_content_fct($data['content'], $data[$itil_fkey], $itil_fkey) | /install/migrations/update_9.4.0_to_9.4.1.php | 160 |
$fix_content_fct($data['content'], $data['items_id'], $itil_fkey) | /install/migrations/update_9.4.1_to_9.4.2.php | 124 |
(function ( ) { /**/ } )( ) | /inc/based_config.php | 157 |
$fix_content_fct($data['content'], $data['items_id'], $itil_fkey) | /install/migrations/update_9.4.0_to_9.4.1.php | 144 |
$device_type( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 1137 |
static( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 1331 |
$link_type( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 534 |
${"palette_$palette_name"} | /src/Planning.php | 762 |
$peer_type( ) | /src/Item_Devices.php | 958 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Document_Item.php | 433 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Document_Item.php | 443 |
static( ) | /src/ProjectTask.php | 887 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Item_Enclosure.php | 245 |
$ruleactionclass( ) | /src/Rule.php | 1952 |
$rulecriteriaclass( ) | /src/Rule.php | 1958 |
$collectionname( ) | /src/Rule.php | 673 |
static( ) | /src/Rule.php | 863 |
${impact} | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 3116 |
$buildtree($nodes) | /src/Knowbase.php | 379 |
$rulecollectionclass( ) | /src/Rule.php | 230 |
${urgency} | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 3115 |
$type( ) | /src/CommonGLPI.php | 428 |
${urgency} | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 3116 |
$buildtree($elements, $element['key']) | /src/Knowbase.php | 368 |
$match_expected($value, $given[$key]) | /src/Session.php | 1506 |
$match_expected($idor_data, $unsanitized_data) | /src/Session.php | 1519 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 1698 |
static( ) | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 1771 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 532 |
static( ) | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 825 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 409 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 476 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 289 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 381 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 129 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 229 |
$baseItemType( ) | /src/Lock.php | 800 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonITILTask.php | 110 |
$type( ) | /src/Lock.php | 110 |
$type( ) | /src/Lock.php | 479 |
static( ) | /src/Item_Ticket.php | 1097 |
$type( ) | /src/Domain.php | 751 |
$adapt_tree($entitytree) | /ajax/entitytreesons.php | 95 |
static( ) | /src/Item_Ticket.php | 1066 |
$parents_itemtype( ) | /ajax/solution.php | 82 |
$adapt_tree($entity['tree']) | /ajax/entitytreesons.php | 86 |
$taskClass( ) | /ajax/timeline.php | 51 |
$itemtype( ) | /ajax/treebrowse.php | 52 |
$itemtype( ) | /ajax/getMapPoint.php | 65 |
$parents_itemtype( ) | /ajax/itilfollowup.php | 79 |
$parents_itemtype( ) | /ajax/task.php | 79 |
$itemtype( ) | /ajax/getMapPoint.php | 51 |
$checkParams(['itemtype_teammember', 'items_id_teammember']) | /ajax/kanban.php | 254 |
$itemtype( ) | /ajax/impact.php | 88 |
$settings_class( ) | /src/NotificationSettingConfig.php | 91 |
${impact} | /src/CommonITILObject.php | 3115 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Agent.php | 444 |
$function( ) | /src/Update.php | 220 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/CommonITILRecurrentCron.php | 87 |
$tt_class( ) | /src/ITILTemplateMandatoryField.php | 121 |
static( ) | /src/ITILTemplateMandatoryField.php | 169 |
$itil_class( ) | /src/ITILTemplateMandatoryField.php | 77 |
static( ) | /src/ITILTemplateMandatoryField.php | 93 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Document.php | 876 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Document.php | 910 |
$model_class( ) | /src/Item_Rack.php | 977 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Unmanaged.php | 282 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Item_Rack.php | 592 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Item_Rack.php | 973 |
$model_class( ) | /src/Item_Rack.php | 232 |
$model_class( ) | /src/Item_Rack.php | 436 |
$tth_class( ) | /src/ITILTemplate.php | 80 |
$ttm_class( ) | /src/ITILTemplate.php | 96 |
$devicetype( ) | /src/Transfer.php | 3507 |
$itiltype( ) | /src/ITILTemplate.php | 77 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php | 333 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php | 408 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php | 141 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php | 265 |
static( ) | /src/LevelAgreement.php | 342 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php | 115 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Item_Kanban.php | 107 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Item_Kanban.php | 160 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/AbstractRightsDropdown.php | 172 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Item_Kanban.php | 55 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Item_SoftwareLicense.php | 414 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/NotificationTargetProject.php | 480 |
$link_type( ) | /src/CommonDBRelation.php | 1829 |
$rel_class( ) | /src/CommonDBRelation.php | 1850 |
static( ) | /src/CommonDBRelation.php | 1258 |
static( ) | /src/CommonDBRelation.php | 1545 |
$sla_class( ) | /src/Search.php | 6608 |
$type( ) | /src/Config.php | 2063 |
$hook_function($itemtype, $ref_table, $new_table, $linkfield, $already_link_tables) | /src/Search.php | 5533 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Search.php | 6570 |
$hook_function($itemtype, $ref_table, $already_link_tables) | /src/Search.php | 5404 |
$hook_function($itemtype, $ref_table, $new_table, $linkfield, $already_link_tables) | /src/Search.php | 5517 |
$parse_criteria($criterion['criteria']) | /src/Search.php | 521 |
$parse_criteria($p['criteria']) | /src/Search.php | 553 |
$itiltype( ) | /src/ITILTemplate.php | 503 |
static( ) | /src/ITILTemplate.php | 679 |
$ttp_class( ) | /src/ITILTemplate.php | 112 |
$itiltype( ) | /src/ITILTemplate.php | 181 |
$function( ) | /src/Plugin.php | 849 |
$function( ) | /src/Plugin.php | 869 |
$install_function($params) | /src/Plugin.php | 773 |
$check_function( ) | /src/Plugin.php | 776 |
$function( ) | /src/Plugin.php | 614 |
$function( ) | /src/Plugin.php | 716 |
$init_function( ) | /src/Plugin.php | 286 |
$function( ) | /src/Plugin.php | 564 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Item_Disk.php | 134 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Domain_Item.php | 131 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Impact.php | 1602 |
$parent_itemtype( ) | /src/Ticket.php | 4431 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Impact.php | 627 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Impact.php | 930 |
$match_expected($idor_data, $data) | /src/Session.php | 1519 |
$class( ) | /src/Impact.php | 166 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Item_Cluster.php | 236 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Item_SoftwareLicense.php | 336 |
$storage($params) | /src/Toolbox.php | 2103 |
$getCharCode(mb_substr($str, $i, 1, 'UTF-8')) | /src/Toolbox.php | 3169 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Computer_Item.php | 330 |
$protocol( ) | /src/Toolbox.php | 2074 |
static( ) | /src/CommonDropdown.php | 218 |
$itemtype( ) | /src/Appliance_Item_Relation.php | 189 |
$function( ) | /src/Plugin.php | 2402 |
$function( ) | /src/Plugin.php | 2433 |
$function($itemtype) | /src/Plugin.php | 1724 |
$function($itemtype) | /src/Plugin.php | 1769 |
$include_fct( ) | /src/Plugin.php | 1682 |
$function2( ) | /src/Plugin.php | 1702 |
$fct( ) | /src/Plugin.php | 1569 |
$options_callable( ) | /src/Plugin.php | 1630 |