List of all defined functions in the code..
Value | Count | File:Line |
update93xto940 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.3.x_to_9.4.0.php
update0840to0841 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.84.0_to_0.84.1.php
update956to957 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.5.6_to_9.5.7.php
update0841to0843 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.84.1_to_0.84.3.php
update95xto1000 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0.php
update930to931 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.3.0_to_9.3.1.php
migrateComputerDevice | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.83.x_to_0.84.0.php
update951to952 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.5.1_to_9.5.2.php
addNetworkPortMigrationError | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.83.x_to_0.84.0.php
updateNetworkFramework | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.83.x_to_0.84.0.php
createNetworkNameFromItem | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.83.x_to_0.84.0.php
updateNetworkPortInstantiation | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.83.x_to_0.84.0.php
update083xto0840 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.83.x_to_0.84.0.php
logNetworkPortError | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.83.x_to_0.84.0.php
update0845to0846 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.84.5_to_0.84.6.php
update931to932 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.3.1_to_9.3.2.php
update943to945 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.4.3_to_9.4.5.php
update0900to0901 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.90.0_to_0.90.1.php
update942to943 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.4.2_to_9.4.3.php
update090xto910 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.90.x_to_9.1.0.php
update0830to0831 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.83.0_to_0.83.1.php
update0801to0803 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.80.1_to_0.80.3.php
update0853to0855 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.85.3_to_0.85.5.php
update945to946 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.4.5_to_9.4.6.php
update0850to0853 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.85.0_to_0.85.3.php
update955to956 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.5.5_to_9.5.6.php
update952to953 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.5.2_to_9.5.3.php
update085xto0900 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.85.x_to_0.90.0.php
update954to955 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.5.4_to_9.5.5.php
update953to954 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.5.3_to_9.5.4.php
update0843to0844 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.84.3_to_0.84.4.php
update080xto0830 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.80.x_to_0.83.0.php
step7 | 1 | |
step8 | 1 | |
next_form | 1 | |
step6 | 1 | |
step4 | 1 | |
prev_form | 1 | |
step2 | 1 | |
step3 | 1 | |
step0 | 1 | |
step1 | 1 | |
choose_language | 1 | |
acceptLicense | 1 | |
header_html | 1 | |
footer_html | 1 | |
doUpdateDb | 1 | |
showSecurityKeyCheckForm | 1 | |
update0831to0833 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.83.1_to_0.83.3.php
update084xto0850 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.84.x_to_0.85.0.php
update921to922 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.2.1_to_9.2.2.php
update94xto950 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.4.x_to_9.5.0.php
update941to942 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.4.1_to_9.4.2.php
update911to913 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.1.1_to_9.1.3.php
update0901to0905 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.90.1_to_0.90.5.php
update92xto930 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.2.x_to_9.3.0.php
update0800to0801 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_0.80.0_to_0.80.1.php
update91xto920 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.1.x_to_9.2.0.php
update920to921 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.2.0_to_9.2.1.php
update940to941 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.4.0_to_9.4.1.php
update946to947 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.4.6_to_9.4.7.php
update910to911 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.1.0_to_9.1.1.php
update1 | 1 | |
checkConfigFile | 1 | |
getDbRelations | 1 | |
getEntitiesRestrictRequest | 1 | |
importArrayFromDB | 1 | |
get_hour_from_sql | 1 | |
getDateCriteria | 1 | |
exportArrayToDB | 1 | |
autoName | 1 | |
closeDBConnections | 1 | |
isIndex | 1 | |
isForeignKeyContraint | 1 | |
formatUserName | 1 | |
getUserName | 1 | |
contructListFromTree | 1 | |
regenerateTreeCompleteName | 1 | |
getTreeForItem | 1 | |
contructTreeFromList | 1 | |
displayMigrationMessage | 1 | |
test_connect | 1 | |
help | 1 |
- /tools/getsearchoptions.php
displayUser | 1 | |
_nx | 1 |
- /inc/autoload.function.php
glpi_autoload | 1 |
- /inc/autoload.function.php
_sn | 1 |
- /inc/autoload.function.php
_x | 1 |
- /inc/autoload.function.php
_sx | 1 |
- /inc/autoload.function.php
_n | 1 |
- /inc/autoload.function.php
__ | 1 |
- /inc/autoload.function.php
__s | 1 |
- /inc/autoload.function.php
isAPI | 1 |
- /inc/autoload.function.php
isPluginItemType | 1 |
- /inc/autoload.function.php
getEntitiesRestrictCriteria | 1 | |
isCommandLine | 1 |
- /inc/autoload.function.php
getTableNameForForeignKeyField | 1 | |
getItemTypeForTable | 1 | |
isForeignKeyField | 1 | |
getForeignKeyFieldForItemType | 1 | |
getForeignKeyFieldForTable | 1 | |
show_rights_dropdown | 1 |
- /ajax/getAbstractRightDropdownValue.php
update922to923 | 1 |
- /install/migrations/update_9.2.2_to_9.2.3.php
getSonsOf | 1 | |
getSonsAndAncestorsOf | 1 | |
getTreeValueName | 1 | |
getAncestorsOf | 1 | |
getTreeLeafValueName | 1 | |
getTreeValueCompleteName | 1 | |
countElementsInTableForEntity | 1 | |
getAllDataFromTable | 1 | |
countDistinctElementsInTable | 1 | |
countElementsInTableForMyEntities | 1 | |
getSingular | 1 | |
countElementsInTable | 1 | |
getItemForItemtype | 1 | |
getPlural | 1 | |
getItemtypeForForeignKeyField | 1 | |
getTableForItemType | 1 | |
display_infocoms_report | 2 |
- /front/report.infocom.php
- /front/report.infocom.conso.php