PHPdocs keywords

List of keywords used in phpdoc attributes.

Keyword Value Count
@TODO Check access to each directory, not only to log file. 1
Implement SyncSupport, SubscriptionSupport, SchedulingSupport, SharingSupport 1
Implement read/write of VALARM to define reminders. 1
Remove this variable as it is not used ? 1
Should be removed and replaced by real cache usage. 1
Use DBmysqlIterator instead of raw SQL 1
Unit test 1
Do not use session for console. 1
@author Olivier Moron 1
Johan Cwiklinski 1
Julien Dombre 5
@brief display a checkbox that $_POST 0 or 1 depending on if it is checked or not. 1
@deprecated 9.5.0 Use Socket 1
10.0.0 Use {@link self::getServiceStatus} instead 1
0.84 2
10.0.0 10
@exception Exception If there is no super header while creating a sub 1
@file * @brief 4
@global object $DB 1
DB $DB 1
\Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface $GLPI_CACHE 1
array $CFG_GLPI 4
DBmysql $DB 6
@inheritdoc self::simpleHbar 1
@link Hooks::TIMELINE_ACTIONS} hook. 1
Migration::executeMigration()}. 1
@method self::bigNumberItem 1
self::nbItemByFk 1
@note Plugins are never actually set to this status? 1
@param $field string field name 1
$itemtype string itemtype 1
$fkname string foreign key name 1
string $fkname 1
string|array $table table names 1
string $table table name 1
array $condition additional criteria, defaults to [] 1
integer $entity the entity ID 1
string $condition additional condition (default []) 1
boolean $recursive Whether to recurse or not. If true, will be conditionned on item recursivity 1
string $table table name 1
array $criteria condition to use (default []) 1
string $order result order (default '') 1
$table string Dropdown Tree table 1
$ID integer ID of the element 1
$withcomment boolean 1 if you want to give the array with the comments (false by default) 1
$translate boolean (true by default) 1
string $table Dropdown Tree table 1
integer $ID ID of the element 1
boolean $withcomment 1 if you want to give the array with the comments (false by default) 1
boolean $translate (true by default) 1
boolean $tooltip (true by default) returns a tooltip, else returns only 'comment' 1
string $default default value returned when item not exists 1
$table string table name 1
$ID integer value ID 1
$wholename string current name to complete (use for recursivity) (default '') 1
$level integer current level of recursion (default 0) 1
$table : dropdown tree table to compute 1
$ID integer ID of the user. 1
$login string login of the user 1
$realname string realname of the user 1
$firstname string firstname of the user 1
$link integer include link (only if $link==1) (default =0) 1
$cut integer limit string length (0 = no limit) (default =0) 1
$force_config boolean force order and id_visible to use common config (false by default) 1
$ID integer ID of the user. 1
$link integer 1 = Show link to user.form.php 2 = return array with comments and link 1
$table string table of the index 1
$field string name of the index 1
string $field table.field to request 1
string $begin begin date 1
string $end end date 1
$TAB Array to export / encode (one level depth) 1
string $DATA data readed in DB to import 1
$time datetime: time 1
string $classname Class name to analyze 1
string $ctx context 1
string $classname : class to load 1
$error 1
$main_items_id 1
$main_itemtype 1
$IP 1
$setNetworkCard 1
$networkports_id 1
$motive 1
$deviceType 1
$new_specif (default NULL) 1
$new_specif_type (default NULL) 1
$other_specif array 1
bool $force_refresh 1
$type type of the Rule listed 1
$entity entity where the rule Rule is processed 1
integer $userID User ID for my device section (default 0) 1
integer $entity_restrict restrict to a specific entity (default -1) 1
string $itemtype of selected item (default 0) 1
integer $items_id of selected item (default 0) 1
array $options array of possible options: 1
integer type $tickets_id 1
object $criteria 1
int $holidays_id 1
string $type type of standard system : AD 1
integer $val if not set, ask for all values, else for 1 value (default NULL) 1
integer $width The number of characters at which the string will be wrapped. 1
array $authtype_array Authentication method config array (from table) 1
string $target target for the form 1
boolean $users for user? (true by default) 1
string $ldapstamp LDAP timestamp 1
integer $ldap_time_offset time offset (default 0) 1
string $date datetime 1
integer authldaps_id the LDAP server ID 1
integer $auths_id ID of the LDAP server 1
integer $replicate_id use a replicate if > 0 (default -1) 1
boolean $limitexceeded (false by default) 1
resource $ds An LDAP link identifier 1
array $values values to search 1
string $filter search filter 1
array $attrs An array of the required attributes 1
boolean $limitexceeded is limit exceeded 1
array $user_infos user information 1
array $ldap_users ldap users 1
object $config_ldap ldap configuration 1
array $options possible options: 1
array $ldap_infos ldap user search result 1
string $user_dn user dn to look for 1
string $target target page for the form 1
integer $start where to start the list 1
integer $sync synchronize or add? (default 0) 1
string $filter ldap filter to use (default '') 1
string $filter2 second ldap filter to use (which case?) (default '') 1
integer $entity working entity 1
string $order display order (default DESC) 1
integer $auths_id ID of the server to use 1
string $filter ldap filter to use 1
string $filter2 second ldap filter to use if needed 1
string $entity entity to search 1
boolean $limitexceeded is limit exceeded 1
string $order order to use (default DESC) 1
resource $ldap_connection ldap connection to use 1
string $group_dn the group's dn 1
resource $ldap_connection LDAP connection 1
object $config_ldap LDAP configuration 1
string $filter Filters 1
boolean $limitexceeded Is limit exceeded 1
boolean $search_in_groups Search in groups (true by default) 1
array $groups Groups to search 1
string $target target page for the form 1
User $user User to synchronize 1
boolean $clean_ldap_fields empty user_dn and sync_field before import user again 1
boolean $display Display message information on redirect (true by default) 1
array $params of parameters: method (IDENTIFIER_LOGIN or IDENTIFIER_EMAIL) + value 1
boolean $action synchoronize (true) or import (false) 1
integer $ldap_server ID of the LDAP server to use 1
boolean $display display message information on redirect (false by default) 1
string $group_dn dn of the group to import 1
array $options array for 1
string $host LDAP host to connect 1
string $port port to use 1
string $login login to use (default '') 1
string $password password to use (default '') 1
boolean $use_tls use a TLS connection? (false by default) 1
integer $deref_options deref options used 1
string $tls_certfile TLS CERT file name within config directory (default '') 1
string $tls_keyfile TLS KEY file name within config directory (default '') 1
boolean $use_bind do we need to do an ldap_bind? (true by default) 1
array $options array containing condition: 1
string $user_dn user LDAP DN if present 1
boolean $user_dn user LDAP DN if present (false by default) 1
resource $ds LDAP link 1
array $options array of possible options: 1
resource $ds the active connection to the directory 1
string $condition the LDAP filter to use for the search 1
string $dn DN of the object 1
array $attrs Array of the attributes to retrieve 1
boolean $clean (true by default) 1
resource $ds the active connection to the directory 1
string $user_dn domain name 1
array $attrs attributes 1
boolean $clean (true by default) 1
resource $ds LDAP link 1
string $group_dn dn of the group 1
boolean $delete (false by default) 1
string $begin_date datetime begin date to search (NULL if not take into account) 1
string $end_date datetime end date to search (NULL if not take into account) 1
integer $tabnum Tab number 1
integer $withtemplate Unused 1
resource $link link to the directory connection 1
array $result the query results 1
object $config_ldap LDAP configuration 1
boolean $check_config_value Whether to check config values 1
string $name User login/name 1
integer $authldaps_id LDAP authentication server ID 1
?string $sync Sync field 1
array $infos LDAP entry infos 1
string $field Field name to retrieve 1
mixed $guid_bin Binary objectguid from AD 1
array $values possible options: 1
string $event (default '') 1
CronTask $task CronTask for log, if NULL display 1
$all boolean, all type, or only allowed ones 1
IPAddress|string|integer[] $IP (see \ref parameterType) given IP 1
integer $entityID scope of the search (parents and childrens are check) 1
boolean $recursive set to false to only search in current entity, 1
string|array $fields list of fields to return in the result (default : only ID of the networks) 1
string $where search criteria 1
string $relation type of relation ("is contained by", "equals" or "contains") 1
array $condition array of elements to select the good arrays (see Parameters above) 1
integer $entityID the entity on which the selection should occur (-1 => the current active 1
boolean $recursive set to false to only search in current entity, otherwise, all visible 1
integer $version version of IP to look (only use when using arrays or string as input for 1
string $tableName name of the table containing the element 1
string $binaryFieldPrefix prefix of the binary version of IP address 1
string $versionField the name of the field containing the version inside the database 1
IPAddress|integer[] $address (see \ref parameterType) the IP address to check 1
IPAddress|integer[] $networkAddress (see \ref parameterType) the address of the network 1
IPAddress|integer[] $networkNetmask (see \ref parameterType) the netmask of the network 1
IPAddress|integer[] $firstAddress (see \ref parameterType) address of the first network 1
IPAddress|integer[] $firstNetmask (see \ref parameterType) netmask of the first network 1
IPAddress|integer[] $secondAddress (see \ref parameterType) address of the second network 1
IPAddress|integer[] $secondNetmask (see \ref parameterType) netmask of the second network 1
$end (default NULL) 1
$excludeBroadcastAndNetwork Don't provide extremties addresses 1
$address (see \ref parameterType) the address of the network 1
$netmask (see \ref parameterType) its netmask 1
$firstAddress (see \ref parameterType - in/out) 1
$lastAddress (see \ref parameterType - in/out) 1
$excludeBroadcastAndNetwork boolean exclude broadcast and network address from the 1
$entities_id entity of the IPNetworks (-1 for all entities) 1
string $itemtype A rackable itemtype 1
int $items_id ID of Unmanaged equipment 1
string|null $itemtype Item type to convert to. Will take Unmanaged value if null 1
Appliance $appliance Appliance object wanted 1
boolean $withtemplate not used (to be deleted) 1
HTMLTableSuperHeader $header 1
string $name 1
string $content 1
HTMLTableHeader $father 1
$numberOfSubHeaders 1
string|object $item An object or a string 1
string $context Context to resize image, if any 1
CommonDBTM|null $linked_item Item linked to the document, to check access right 1
integer $len maximum length of displayed string (default 20) 1
array $options array of possible options used to check rights: 1
string $srce source file path 1
string $dest destination file path 1
&$input array of datas need for add/update (will be completed) 1
$FILEDESC FILE descriptor 1
string $dir dir to search a free path for the file 1
string $sha1sum SHA1 of the file 1
$myname dropdown name 1
string $filename filename to clean 1
string $file File name 1
string $path Original path 1
string $context Context 1
integer $mwidth Maximal width 1
integer $mheight Maximal height 1
string $name task's name 1
boolean $withtypeandcategory with type and category (true by default) 1
array $fields field to insert (pendingreasons_id, followup_frequency 1
array $fields fields to update 1
CommonITILObject $item 1
CommonDBTM $timeline_item 1
GLPIMailer $mmail 1
array $documents_ids 1
$item CommonDBTM object 1
$tasks_id 1
object $DB Database instance 1
array $args Command line arguments; default to empty array 1
string $current_version Current version 1
bool $force_latest Force replay of latest migration 1
Migration $migration Migration instance 1
string $current_version 1
bool $force_latest 1
$level 1
$service 1
$day integer 1
string $user name user to search on message (default '') 1
string $target where to go when complete 1
string $order order by clause occurences (eg: ) (default 'DESC') 1
string $sort order by clause occurences (eg: date) (defaut 'date') 1
integer $start (default 0) 1
$rule_type (default 'Rule) 1
$nb integer for singular or plural (default 0) 1
$rules_id the rule ID 1
&$criterion RuleCriteria object 1
$field the field to match 1
&$criterias_results 1
&$regex_result 1
$ID condition's ID 1
$params array 1
$ID integer Id of the criteria 1
$options array of possible options: 1
$parentCompleteName string parent complete name (need to be stripslashes / comes from DB) 1
$thisName string item name (need to be addslashes : comes from input) 1
$updateName 1
$changeParent 1
null|integer $id Parent id to clean. Default to current id 1
boolean $cache Whether to clean cache (defaults to true) 1
$value string 1
$projecttask ProjectTask object 1
Project $project 1
CommonITILObject $itil 1
array $options conditions : array('name'=>'glpi') 1
string $host IMAP/POP host to connect 1
string $login Login to try 1
string $pass Password to try 1
string $ldap_method ldap_method array to use 1
string $pass Password (pain-text) 1
string $pass Password 1
string $name User Login 1
string $password User Password 1
integer $authtype external auth type (default 0) 1
string $message the message to add 1
string $login_name Login 1
string $login_password Password 1
boolean $noauto (false by default) 1
bool $remember_me 1
string $login_auth Type of auth - id of the auth 1
string $value (default 'CAS_VERSION_2_0') 1
integer $link show links to config page? (default 0) 1
string $name override the name if not empty (default '') 1
integer $authtype auth type 1
boolean $redirect need to redirect (true) or get type of Auth system which match 1
string $redirect_string redirect string if exists (default '') 1
string $redirect redirect string if exists, if null, check in $_POST or $_GET 1
User $user User object 1
string $login login to check 1
integer $tabnum Unused (default 0) 1
integer $withtemplate Unused (default 0) 1
string $cookie_value 1
&$criteria 1
$sla SLA object 1
$slas_id integer id of the SLA 1
$slas_id integer id of the SLA 1
$slalevels_id integer id of the current SLA level 1
string $fields_str Value of "fields" field (should be a JSON encoded string). 1
string $json_encoded_fields 1
string $str_input_id Id of input used to get/store record data as string. 1
string $obj_input_id Id of input used to get/store record data as object. 1
$itemtype type of the item 1
$ID ID of the item 1
$task to log, if NULL use display (default NULL) 1
array $post with these options 1
integer $id ID of the agent 1
array $metadata Agents metadata from Inventory 1
string $endpoint Endpoint to reach 1
Response $response Response 1
string $request Request type (either status or now) 1
integer $begin_day begin day number 1
integer $end_day end day number 1
string $begin_time begin time 1
integer $delay timestamp delay to add 1
string $hour hour (Format HH:MM::SS) 1
ImpactItem $item 1
$group HTMLTableGroup object 1
$super HTMLTableSuperHeader object 1
$internet_super 1
$father 1
$port IPNetwork object 1
integer $ID ID of the item 1
$types Array of types 1
$field String field name 1
$tree Boolean include child groups 1
$user Boolean include members (users) 1
$start Integer (first row to retrieve) 1
$res Array result filled on ouput 1
$tech boolean false search groups_id, true, search groups_id_tech 1
string $typetab object class name which manage the tab 1
string $itemtype itemtype link to the tab 1
array $ong Tabs 1
integer $tabnum tab number (default 1) 1
string $tab tab name 1
array $options additional options to pass 1
string $text text to display 1
integer $nb number of items (default 0) 1
integer $ID Id to check 1
integer $id Id (default 0) 1
boolean $full Full path or relative one (true by default) 1
array $input data to update 1
string $sub_itemtype sub_itemtype if needed (default '') 1
string $sub_itemtype sub itemtype if needed for display options 1
integer $error error type see define.php for ERROR_* 1
string $object string to use instead of item link (default '') 1
$personal boolean : display reminders created by me ? 1
$personal $display : if false return html 1
array $query 1
$group 1
$lineIndex 1
$attributs 1
$father HTMLTableCell object (default NULL) 1
$item CommonDBTM object: The item associated with the current cell (default NULL) 1
$headers 1
$sub_name (default NULL) 1
string|null $val if not set, ask for all values, else for 1 value (default NULL) 1
string $label the label of the computer or its alias 1
integer $domain id of the domain that owns the item 1
string $label the label to check 1
$label string label to search for 1
$fqdns_id integer the id of the FQDN that owns the label 1
$wildcard_search boolean true if we search with wildcard (false by default) 1
string $fqdn name to search (for instance : 1
string $value the name 1
integer $entity the entity to look for 1
HTMLTableMain $table HTMLTableMain object: table owning the current header 1
string $name the name of the header 1
string $content see inc/HTMLTableEntity#__construct() 1
HTMLTableSuperHeader $father HTMLTableSuperHeader objet (default NULL) 1
$first 1
$second 1
integer $number the colspan for this header given by the group 1
$tag string class name 1
$ID integer ID of the item 1
$link string original string content 1
$item CommonDBTM object: item used to make replacements 1
$item CommonDBTM object 1
$params array of params : must contain id / name / link / data 1
null $checkitem 1
array $ids 1
CronTask $task CronTask to log, if NULL display (default NULL) 1
$html_id 1
$html_style 1
$html_class 1
$field (default '') 1
itemtype itemtype of the blacklisted field 1
entities_id the entity in which the field must be saved 1
field the field to check 1
value the field's value 1
$rules_id ID of the rule 1
$value condition ID 1
$ID the rule_description ID 1
$withcriterias 1 to retrieve all the criterias for a given rule (default 0) 1
$withactions 1 to retrive all the actions for a given rule (default 0) 1
$rules_id rule ID 1
$options already used actions 1
array &$input the input data used to check criterias 1
array &$output the initial ouput array used to be manipulate by actions 1
array &$params parameters for all internal functions 1
array &options array options: 1
&options options : 1
$refoutput the initial output array used to be manipulate by actions 1
$newoutput the output array after actions process 1
aray $input the input data used to check criteri 1
array $input the input data used to check criteria 1
array &$check_results 1
&$criteria criteria to check 1
&$input the input data used to check criteria 1
RuleAction $action 1
array $output rule execution output 1
array $params parameters 1
array $input the input data 1
array $output the fields to manipulate 1
array $params parameters 1
array $input the input data 1
$target link to the form page 1
$first is it the first rule ?(false by default) 1
$last is it the last rule ? (false by default) 1
$display_entities display entities / make it read only display (false by default) 1
$active_condition active condition used (default 0) 1
$fields datas used to display the action 1
$canedit can edit the actions rule ? 1
$target where to go if action 1
$input input data array 1
$params params used (see addSpecificParamsForPreview) 1
$fields datas used to display the criteria 1
$canedit can edit the criteria rule? 1
$name criteria name 1
$value the pattern (default '') 1
$test Is to test rule ? (false by default) 1
$ID the given action 1
$type the type of action 1
$value the value 1
$value the pattern 1
array $params parameters 1
$target target of the form 1
$rules_id ID of the rule 1
$hook the hook to execute 1
$params array input parameters 1
$itemtype (default '') 1
$crit array of criteria (at least, 'field' and 'value') 1
$test (false by default) 1
$action array 1
$value value to display (default '') 1
$item Object 1
$field string name (default is FK to item) 1
$ruleitem object (instance of Rules of SlaLevel) 1
$table string (glpi_ruleactions, glpi_rulescriterias or glpi_slalevelcriterias) 1
$valfield string (value or pattern) 1
$fieldfield string (criteria of field) 1
$item Project or ProjectTask object 1
$task ProjectTask object 1
$ID ID of the project task 1
integer $ID networking port ID 1
integer $entities_id Entity id 1
integer $ports_id Port to link 1
integer $hubs_id Hub to link 1
integer $id Hub id 1
string action Either add or remove 1
$tab array the array to fill 1
integer $items_id the id of the item 1
string $itemtype the type of the item 1
integer $networkNameID the id of the NetworkName 1
$networkNameID 1
$networkPortID 1
$item CommonGLPI object 1
string $name the name to print inside the header 1
$name string The name of the group, to be able to retrieve the group 1
$content (@see HTMLTableEntity::content) 1
$title 1
$group_name (string) the group name 1
$params array of possible options: 1
string $name name of the js object 1
string $url URL to display in modal 1
string[] $options Possible options: 1
string $domid DOM ID of the js object 1
string $url URL to display in modal 1
array $options Possible options: 1
string $tabdiv_id ID of the div containing the tabs (default 'tabspanel') 1
string $tabdivcontent_id ID of the div containing the content loaded by tabs (default 'tabcontent') 1
array $tabs Tabs to create : tabs is array('key' => array('title'=> 'x', 1
string $type itemtype for active tab 1
integer $ID ID of element for active tab (default 0) 1
string $orientation orientation of tabs (default vertical may also be horizontal) 1
array $options Display options 1
string $toobserve id of the select to observe 1
string $toobserve id of the Input text to observe 1
array $options Options : 1
boolean $display display or get string (default true) 1
string $toupdate id of the item to update 1
string $url Url to get datas to update the item 1
array $parameters of parameters to send to ajax URL 1
string|array $toobserve id of another item used to get value in case of __VALUE__ used or array of id to get value in case of __VALUE#__ used (default '') 1
boolean $display display or get string (default true) 1
string $toobserve id of another item used to get value in case of __VALUE__ used 1
$doc Document object 1
$item CommonDBTM object for which associated documents must be displayed 1
$colspan 1
$options array 1
$options array 1
boolean $noent Flag to not compute enitty information (see Document_Item::getTypeItemsQueryParams) 1
boolean $noent Flag to not compute entity information (see Document_Item::getTypeItemsQueryParams) 1
integer $nb Count 1
$specif string specificity to display 1
string $itemtype the type of the item that we want to know its devices 1
$table 1
$options array 1
$delete_all_column 1
$common_column 1
$specific_column 1
$delete_column 1
$dynamic_column 1
$numberToAdd 1
$devices_id 1
$input array to complete (permit to define values) 1
$item_devices_id 1
$unaffect 1
CommonDBTM $item the source item 1
$item CommonGLPI object 1
$withtemplate (default 0) 1
string $itemtype itemtype of the item to look for locked fields 1
string $baseitemtype itemtype of the based item 1
$nb integer number of item in the type (default 0) 1
$rule_type 1
$nb integer (default 0) 1
$ID the rule_description ID 1
$action action type 1
$ruleid rule ID 1
$field field name 1
$value value 1
$action 1
$regex_result 1
$ID integer : Id of the action 1
mixed $users_id id of the user 1
mixed $itemtype type of item 1
string $itemtype itemtype 1
array $val the item to display 1
integer|boolean $complete complete display (more details) (default 0) 1
$ID Integer : Id of the task 1
integer $start Start number to display 1
string $status The task status to filter 1
boolean $showgrouptickets As we display for group defined in task or not? 1
integer $ID The ID of the task 1
string $itemtype The itemtype (TicketTask, ProblemTask) 1
$name action name 1
$value default value 1
$input input datas 1
$params extra parameters given 1
string $header_name [out] header name 1
string $subheader_name [out] sub header name ( = '' in case of super header) 1
string $name the name of the header 1
HTMLTableHeader $father HTMLTableHeader object: 1
$title (default '') 1
$item CommonDBTM object (default NULL) 1
$colSpan 1
boolean $with_content do we displaye the content ? 1
boolean $main_header main header (from table) or secondary (from group) ? (true by default) 1
integer $tickets_id 1
integer $problems_id 1
DatabaseInstance $instance Database object 1
$withmetaforsearch boolean (default false) 1
CommonDBTM $item 1
boolean|integer $withtemplate 1
$status (default 'process') 1
$showgroupchanges (true by default) 1
Auth $auth Auth object to init session 1
string $itemtype Device type 1
string $itemtype Device type 1
string $title List title (default '') 1
integer|'All' $ID ID of the new active entity ("all"=>load all possible entities) 1
boolean $is_recursive Also display sub entities of the active entity? (false by default) 1
integer $ID ID of the new profile 1
integer $userID ID of the user 1
string $forcelang Force to load a specific lang 1
boolean $with_plugins Whether to load plugin languages or not 1
boolean $force_human Force human / do not return cron user (true by default) 1
string $module Module to check 1
array $rights Rights to check 1
array $modules Array of modules where keys are modules and value are right 1
array $tab List ID of entities 1
integer $ID ID of the entity 1
array $tab list ID of entities 1
integer $ID ID of the entity 1
string $itemtype item type 1
string $msg Message to add 1
boolean $check_once Check if the message is not already added (false by default) 1
integer $message_type Message type (INFO, WARNING, ERROR) (default INFO) 1
boolean $reset Clear previous added message (false by default) 1
integer $tab ID of the tab 1
string $itemtype name of itemtype 1
string $name name of the option 1
mixed $defvalue mixed default value for option 1
bool $standalone 1
array $add_params more criteria to check validy of idor tokens 1
string $field field 1
int $users_id ID of the user 1
array $team Team members. The keys should correspond to the Itemtype and each sub-array should have at least the 'id' property. 1
$projects_id 1
$link : Link 1
string $itemtype itemtype for which all link associations must be removed 1
CommonDBTM $item starting point of the graph 1
CommonDBTM $item starting point of the graph 1
string $graph array containing the graph nodes and egdes 1
array $itil_objects 1
string $type 1
string $node_id 1
array $graph array containing the graph nodes and egdes 1
int $direction should the list be build for item that are 1
CommonDBTM $item starting point of the graph 1
int $max_depth max depth from context 1
array $graph array containing the graph nodes and egdes 1
int $direction direction to match 1
array $graph array containing the graph nodes and egdes 1
array $a a node of the graph 1
array $b a node of the graph 1
int $direction direction used to travel the graph 1
array $items 1
string $itemtype type 1
array $used ids to exlude from the search 1
string $filter filter on name 1
int $page page offset 1
CommonDBTM $item Current item 1
array $edges Edges of the graph 1
array $nodes Nodes of the graph 1
CommonDBTM $node Current node 1
int $direction The direction in which the graph 1
array $explored_nodes List of nodes that have already been 1
string $icon_path 1
array $nodes Nodes of the graph 1
CommonDBTM $item Node to add 1
array $edges Edges of the graph 1
string $key ID of the new edge 1
CommonDBTM $itemA One of the node connected to this edge 1
CommonDBTM $itemB The other node connected to this edge 1
int $direction Direction of the edge : A to B or B to A ? 1
array $graph 1
CommonDBTM $item The specified item 1
string $itemtype Class of the asset 1
string $items_id id of the asset 1
CommonDBTM $item Name of the node 1
CommonDBTM $itemA First node of the edge 1
CommonDBTM $itemB Second node of the edge 1
int $direction Direction of the edge : A to B or B to A ? 1
CommonDBTM $item The item being purged 1
$prof Profile object 1
$is_recursive check also using recursive rights (true by default) 1
$default_first user default entity first (false by default) 1
integer $user_ID user ID 1
string $rightname name of the rights to check (CommonDBTM::$rightname) 1
integer $rights rights to check (may be a OR combinaison of several rights) 1
boolean $is_recursive check also using recursive rights (true by default) 1
$user_ID user ID 1
$sqlfilter string additional filter (default []) 1
$profiles_id Integer ID of the profile 1
$only_dynamic get only recursive rights (false by default) 1
$profile_id 1
$only_dynamic (false by default) 1
array $properties 1
$host 1
$password 1
$DBname 1
boolean $use_slave try to connect to slave server first not to main server 1
boolean $required connection to the specified server is required 1
boolean $display display error message (true by default) 1
DBMysql $DBconnection DB connection used 1
CronTask $task to log and get param 1
$width 1
boolean $enable Enable or disable cron task (true by default) 1
mysqli $dbh 1
bool $use_utf8mb4 1
$slas_id SLA id 1
$type type of SLA 1
$olas_id OLA id 1
$type type of OLA 1
string $laType (SLA | OLA) 1
integer $id the sla/ola id 1
integer $subtype (SLM::TTR | SLM::TTO) 1
bool $delete_date (default false) 1
$manual_slas_id 1
$manual_olas_id 1
$input array : input array 1
string $type Type of the tickets (incident or request) 1
$ID ID of the ticket 1
$no_stat_computation boolean do not cumpute take into account stat (false by default) 1
$users_id_lastupdater integer to force last_update id (default 0 = not used) 1
$type itemtype of object to add 1
int $requester_id the user for which we want to create the ticket 1
int $entity_restrict check entity when search users 1
string $name Select name 1
array $options Array of options: 1
integer $value Type ID 1
boolean $withmetaforsearch (false by default) 1
CommonDBTM $item Object of the item 1
integer $ID ID of the user who want to display the Helpdesk 1
boolean $ticket_template Ticket template for preview : false if not used for preview 1
array $options Options for default values ($options of showActorAddFormOnCreate) 1
integer $start 1
string $status (default ''process) 1
boolean $showgrouptickets (true by default) 1
boolean $display set to false to returne html 1
boolean $foruser Only for current login user as requester (false by default) 1
boolean $display il false return html 1
CommonDBTM $item CommonDBTM object 1
integer $withtemplate (default 0) 1
string $name Task's name 1
string $html html content of input 1
array $files filenames 1
array $tags image tags 1
string $fieldID field used in the condition: tickets_id, items_id 1
int $merge_target_id The ID of the ticket that the other tickets will be merged into 1
array $ticket_ids Array of IDs of tickets to merge into the ticket with ID $merge_target_id 1
array $params Array of parameters for the ticket merge. 1
array $status Reference array that this function uses to store the status of each ticket attempted to be merged. 1
Printer $printer Printer instance 1
array $user_filters User filters 1
Printer $printer Printer instance 1
integer $value Current value (defaut self::ENCRYPTION_STATUS_NO) 1
string $name Name of the select (if empty use linkfield) (default '') 1
string|array $values Value(s) to select (default '') 1
string|array $values Value(s) to display 1
$params 1
$item CommonDBTM object for which associated domains must be displayed 1
$withtemplate (default '') 1
string $dir directory of the plugin 1
boolean $load_plugins Whether to load active/configurable plugins or not. 1
string $plugin_key System name (Plugin directory) 1
boolean $withhook Load hook functions (false by default) 1
string $plugin_key System name (Plugin directory) 1
string $plugin_key System name (Plugin directory) 1
string $forcelang Force a specific lang (default '') 1
string $coretrytoload Lang trying to be loaded from core (default '') 1
boolean $scan_inactive_and_new_plugins 1
string $plugin_key System name (Plugin directory) 1
string $oldname 1
array $fields Fields to retrieve 1
array $order Query ORDER clause 1
integer $ID ID of the plugin (The `id` field, not directory) 1
array $params Additional params to pass to install hook. 1
$ID ID of the plugin 1
array $types Array of (num=>name) of type manage by the plugin 1
array $glpitables Array of GLPI table name used by the plugin 1
array $plugtables Array of Plugin table name which have an itemtype 1
integer $width 1
string $itemtype Class name 1
array $attrib Array of attributes, a hashtable with index in 1
string $name Name of hook to fire 1
mixed $param Parameters if needed : if object limit to the itemtype (default NULL) 1
string $name Name of hook to fire 1
mixed $parm Parameters (default NULL) 1
string $plugin_key System name of the plugin 1
string|callable $hook suffix used to build function to be called ("plugin_myplugin_{$hook}") 1
mixed ...$args [optional] One or more arguments passed to hook function 1
string $plugin System name (Plugin directory) 1
string $info Wanted info (name, version, ...), NULL for all 1
string $option_key 1
mixed $default_value 1
string $type Either 'php' or 'core', defaults to 'core' 1
string $min Minimal required version 1
string $max Maximal required version 1
string $type Type of what is missing, one of: 1
string $name Missing name 1
string $name System name (Plugin directory) 1
array $exts Extensions lists/config @see Config::checkExtensions() 1
array $plugins Expected plugins 1
bool $full true for absolute path 1
bool $full if true, append root_doc from config 1
bool $use_url_base if true, url_base instead root_doc 1
KnowbaseItem $item Knowledge base item 1
KnowbaseItemTranslation $item Knowledge base item translation 1
array $input fields of the record to check 1
string $fqdn value of the fdqn (for instance : 1
integer $ID id of the FQDN 1
string $fqdn the FQDN to check 1
int $ID ID of the item 1
array $field Field specs (see self::getAdditionalFields()) 1
array $options Additionnal options 1
$target string URL 1
&$input array of value to import (name) 1
$input array of value to import (name, ...) 1
string $value Value of the new dropdown (need to be addslashes) 1
integer $entities_id Entity in case of specific dropdown (default -1) 1
array $external_params (manufacturer) (need to be addslashes) 1
string $comment Comment (need to be addslashes) 1
boolean $add if true, add it if not found. if false, 1
$withname boolean also display name ? (false by default) 1
string $itemtype ID of the type to clear 1
string $ID ID of the item to clear 1
integer $alert_type ID of the alert type to clear 1
string $itemtype ID of the type to clear 1
integer $ID ID of the item to clear 1
array $options Display options 1
string $name Dropdown name 1
string $value Dropdown selected value 1
array $options Display options 1
integer $id Notification id 1
CommonDBTM $item the give item 1
array $extra_types_where additional criteria to pass to the count function 1
int $appliances_items_id 1
int $appliances_items_id the id of Appliance_Item 1
CommonDBTM $item the item where the mini list will be displayed, 1
int $max Max items to handle 1
array $scope Items to delete 1
CommonDBTM $em EM for this itemtype 1
int $max Max number of items to handle 1
string $type type to get (see constants) 1
string $name Login of the user 1
string $name Login of the user 1
integer $authtype Auth type (see Auth constants) 1
integer $auths_id ID of auth server 1
string $value Value of the sync field 1
string $user_dn dn of the user 1
string $email user email 1
array $condition add condition 1
string $token user token 1
string $login User login 1
resource $ldap_connection LDAP connection 1
array $ldap_method LDAP method 1
string $userdn Basedn of the user 1
string $login User login 1
string $login User Login 1
boolean $import true for import, false for update 1
resource $ds ldap connection 1
string $ldap_base_dn Basedn used 1
string $user_dn Basedn of the user 1
string $group_condition group search condition 1
string $group_member_field group field member in a user object 1
boolean $use_dn search dn of user ($login_field=$user_dn) in group_member_field 1
string $login_field user login field 1
array $mail_method mail method description array 1
string $name login of the user 1
integer $ID ID of the user 1
string $target Form target 1
integer $ID ID of the user 1
integer|string $entities_id ID of the entity to restrict 1
boolean $count true if execute an count(*) (true by default) 1
string|string[] $right limit user who have specific right (default 'all') 1
integer $entity_restrict Restrict to a defined entity (default -1) 1
integer $value default value (default 0) 1
integer[] $used Already used items ID: not to display in dropdown 1
string $search pattern (default '') 1
integer $start start LIMIT value (default 0) 1
integer $limit limit LIMIT value (default -1 no limit) 1
boolean $inactive_deleted true to retreive also inactive or deleted users 1
integer[] $IDs IDs of users 1
integer $authtype Auth type (see Auth constants) 1
integer $server ID of auth server 1
boolean $tech false to display items owned by user, true to display items managed by user 1
$users_id 1
string $name User name 1
string $value Field value 1
array $error_messages 1
$token 1
string $email email of the user 1
string $field Field storing the token 1
integer $ID User ID 1
string $field Field storing the token 1
boolean $force_new force generation of a new token 1
string[] $map array of fields 1
string $map String with field format 1
array $res LDAP result 1
string $name Task's name 1
string $token password_forget_token 1
string|object $item an object or a string 1
$item Supplier object 1
string $itemtype type of the device to retrieve infocom 1
integer $ID ID of the device to retrieve infocom 1
item CommonDBTM object: the item whose status have changed 1
action_add true if object is added, false if updated (true by default) 1
infocoms array of item's infocom to modify 1
field the date to modify (default '') 1
action the action to peform (copy from another date) (default 0) 1
params array of additional parameters needed to perform the task 1
CronTask $task to log, if NULL use display (default NULL) 1
integer|string|null $val if not set, ask for all values, else for 1 value (default NULL) 1
string $name select name 1
integer $value default value (default 0) 1
boolean $display display or get string (true by default) 1
string|number $ticket_tco Tco part of tickets 1
number $value 1
string $date_achat (default '') 1
$itemtype integer item type 1
$device_id integer item ID 1
number $value Purchase value 1
number $duration Amortise duration 1
string $fiscaldate Begin of fiscal excercise 1
number $buydate Buy date 1
number $usedate Date of use 1
array $values New format amortise values 1
boolean $current True to get only current year, false to get the whole array 1
integer $type_amort type d'amortisssment "lineaire=2" ou "degressif=1" 1
number $va valeur d'acquisition 1
number $duree duree d'amortissement 1
number $coef coefficient d'amortissement 1
string $date_achat Date d'achat 1
string $date_use Date d'utilisation 1
string $date_tax date du debut de l'annee fiscale 1
string $view "n" pour l'annee en cours ou "all" pour le tableau complet (default 'n') 1
string $from begin date 1
integer $addwarranty period in months 1
integer $deletenotice period in months of notice (default 0) 1
boolean $color if show expire date in red color (false by default) 1
boolean $auto_renew 1
array $where Where clause 1
Rack $rack The current rack 1
integer $side The side of rack to check 1
integer $side See class constants and above `getSides`` method 1
Rack $rack 1
$comp Computer object 1
$item CommonDBTM object: the Monitor/Phone/Peripheral/Printer 1
boolean $withtemplate Template or basic item (default 0) 1
$item CommonDBTM object: the Monitor/Phone/Peripheral/Printer 1
$item CommonDBTM object to unglobalize 1
string $itemtype type to connect 1
CommonDBTM $item item linked to the computer to check 1
integer[] $entities entities to check 1
string $address email to check 1
array $options options used (by default 'checkdns'=>false) 1
$ola OLA object 1
$olas_id integer id of the OLA 1
$olalevels_id integer id of the current OLA level 1
string $str string to change 1
string $str from dico 1
string $shortcut letter of shortcut 1
string $str string 1
string $tofound string to found 1
integer $offset The search offset. If it is not specified, 0 is used. 1
string $input input string 1
integer $pad_length padding length 1
string $pad_string padding string 1
integer $pad_type padding type 1
integer $start start of the result substring 1
integer $length The maximum length of the returned string if > 0 (default -1) 1
$str string string to analyse 1
string $string string to convert 1
string $from_charset original charset (if 'auto' try to autodetect) 1
string $string string to convert 1
string $to_charset destination charset (default "ISO-8859-1") 1
array|string $value item to prevent 1
array|string $value item to unclean from clean_cross_side_scripting_deep 1
Logger $logger Logger instance, if any 1
integer $level Log level (defaults to warning) 1
array $args Arguments (message to log, ...) 1
string $log Log file name (default php-errors) if false, return the string 1
string $hide Call to hide (but display script/line) 1
array $skip Calls to not display at all 1
string $message the message to send 1
string $name name of the log file 1
string $text text to log 1
boolean $force force log in file not seeing use_log_in_files config 1
integer|null $mode From Session::*_MODE 1
boolean|null $debug_sql 1
boolean|null $debug_vars 1
boolean|null $log_in_files 1
string $file storage filename 1
string $filename file title 1
string|null $mime file mime type 1
boolean $add_expires add expires headers maximize cacheability ? 1
string|string[] $value value to add slashes 1
array|string $value item to stripslashes 1
array $array parameters to append to the query string. 1
string $separator separator may be defined as & to display purpose 1
string $parent This should be left blank (it is used internally by the function). 1
string $ininame name of the ini ooption to retrieve (since 9.1) 1
string $path directory or file to get size 1
integer $size Size in octet 1
string $dir directory to delete 1
string $source_path path of the picture to be resized 1
string $dest_path path of the new resized picture 1
integer $new_width new width after resized (default 71) 1
integer $new_height new height after resized (default 71) 1
integer $img_y y axis of picture (default 0) 1
integer $img_x x axis of picture (default 0) 1
integer $img_width width of picture (default 0) 1
integer $img_height height of picture (default 0) 1
integer $max_size max size of the picture (default 500, is set to 0 no resize) 1
string $dir directory to check 1
integer $length of the random string 1
integer $time timestamp 1
string $url URL to retrieve 1
string $msgerr set if problem encountered (default NULL) 1
integer $rec internal use only Must be 0 (default 0) 1
string $url URL to retrieve 1
array $eopts Extra curl opts 1
string $msgerr will contains a human readable error string if an error occurs of url returns empty contents 1
$need 1
$tab 1
array $data data to process 1
string $where where to redirect ? 1
string $val config value (like 10k, 5M) 1
string $value connect string 1
boolean $forceport force compute port if not set 1
string $value host connect string ex {localhost:993/imap/ssl}INBOX 1
array $params Storage constructor params, as defined in AbstractStorage 1
string $string string to search 1
array $data array to search in 1
string $integer integer string 1
string $decimal float string 1
string $string string to clean 1
string $lang Language to install 1
DBmysql $db Database instance to use, will fallback to a new instance of DB if null 1
string $name config file name 1
string $content config file content 1
string $config_dir configuration directory to write on 1
array $value passed array 1
string $value encoded value 1
string $file path of the file 1
boolean|string $type check if $file is the correct type 1
mixed $needle 1
array $haystack 1
bool $strict: If strict is set to TRUE then it will also 1
string $string String to slugify 1
string $prefix Prefix to use (anchors cannot begin with a number) 1
string $content_text String to search tags from 1
string $content_text text content of input 1
CommonDBTM $item Glpi item where to convert image tag to image document 1
array $doc_data list of filenames and tags 1
string $content html content of input 1
array $tags list of tags to clen 1
string $encoded Encoded JSON 1
boolean $assoc assoc parameter of json_encode native function 1
string $type Type for (either 'php' or 'js') 1
string $type Type for (either 'php', 'js' or 'gantt') 1
string $link link to format 1
integer $index the numeric index 1
string $content Content to display 1
string|null $src Source path of the picture 1
string $uniq_prefix Unique prefix that can be used to improve uniqueness of destination filename 1
int $number to shorten 1
int $precision how much number after comma we need 1
bool $html do we return an html or a single string 1
string $color the background color in hexadecimal notation (ex #FFFFFF) to compute 1
int $offset how much we need to darken/lighten the color 1
bool $inherit_if_transparent if color contains an opacity value, and if this value is too transparent return 'inherit' 1
string $url The URL to check 1
string|object $class The class or object 1
string $trait The trait 1
string $target Target argument 1
string $itemtype Type of the item 1
int|string|null $itemtype Id the item, optional 1
$error (false by default 1
$url string/array URL of the feed or array of URL 1
$cache_duration timestamp cache duration (default DAY_TIMESTAMP) 1
$personal boolean display rssfeeds created by me ? 1
$personal $display if false, return html 1
$ticket Object : the ticket 1
$value decimal between 0 and 5 1
$name (default '') 1
$values (default '') 1
array $POST something like $_POST 1
array $GET something like $_GET 1
string $stage the current stage 1
int|null $items_id Get actions for a single item 1
boolean $display_selector can we display the itemtype selector ? 1
$actions array 1
string|CommonDBTM $item the item for which we want the massive actions 1
boolean $is_deleted massive action for deleted items ? (default 0) 1
CommonDBTM $checkitem link item to check right (default NULL) 1
int|null $items_id Get actions for a single item 1
$redirect link to the page 1
string $message the message to add 1
string $itemtype the type of the item that has been done 1
integer $id id or array of ids of the item(s) that have been done. 1
integer $result 1
$locitemtype (default ObjectLoc 1
$locitemid (default 0) 1
$msg : message to be shown 1
$title : if $title is '' then title bar it is not shown (default '') 1
$interface (default 'central') 1
$task : crontask object 1
integer $softwarelicenses_id license ID 1
integer $entity to search for item in (default = all entities) 1
string $itemtype Item type to filter on. Use null for all itemtypes 1
integer $softwares_id software ID 1
integer $licID ID of the install software lienk 1
integer $softwarelicenses_id ID of the new license 1
string $itemtype Type of item 1
integer $items_id ID of the item 1
integer $softwareversions_id ID of the version 1
integer $softwares_id Software ID 1
string $type Class to check 1
string $name Field name 1
array $values Flattened array containing multiple itemtypes and ids 1
string $class Class to filter results on 1
array $state Array of Kanban column state data. 1
string $timestamp Timestamp string of last check or null to always get the state. 1
integer $subtype of OLA/SLA, can be SLM::TTO or SLM::TTR 1
mixed $nextaction 1
Ticket $ticket 1
int $type 1
SLM $slm Slm item 1
$tickets_id 1
datetime $start begin 1
datetime $end end 1
string $start_date datetime start date 1
integer $additional_delay integer additional delay to add or substract (for waiting time) 1
string $start_date start date 1
integer $levels_id sla/ola level id 1
integer $additional_delay additional delay to add or substract (for waiting time) 1
integer $type 1
Ticket $ticket Ticket object 1
integer $levels_id SlaLevel or OlaLevel ID 1
integer $softwareversions_id version ID 1
string|integer[] $entity to search for item in ('' = all active entities) 1
integer $searchID value of the ID to search 1
string $crit to search : softwares_id (software) or id (version) 1
boolean $withtemplate template case of the view process 1
string $itemtype Type of the item 1
integer $items_id ID of the item 1
boolean $display display and calculate if true or just calculate 1
integer $instID ID of the installed software link 1
integer $softwareversions_id ID of the new version 1
boolean $dohistory Do history ? (default 1) 1
$items items to transfer 1
$to entity destination ID 1
$options options used to transfer 1
$items Array of the items to transfer 1
$itemtype item type to transfer 1
$ID ID of the item to transfer 1
$newID new ID of the ite 1
$itemtype item type 1
$ID item original ID 1
$newID item new ID 1
$locID location ID 1
$sockets_id socket ID 1
$ID original ID of the printer 1
$newID new ID of the printer 1
$ID of the software 1
$ID of the version 1
string $itemtype Type of the item 1
int $ID ID of the item 1
$ID ID of the License 1
$ID ID of the Software 1
$ID original ID of the certificate 1
$newID new ID of the certificate 1
$ID original ID of the contract 1
$newID new ID of the contract 1
$ID original ID of the document 1
$newID new ID of the document 1
$link_type type of the linked items to transfer 1
$itemtype itemtype to tranfer 1
$itemtype type of transfered item 1
$ID original ID of the ticket 1
$newID new ID of the ticket 1
$data ticket data fields 1
$ID original ID of the history 1
$newID new ID of the history 1
$ID original ID of the cartridge type 1
$newID new ID of the cartridge type 1
$itemtype type of the item to transfer 1
$ID ID of the enterprise 1
$ID original ID of the enterprise 1
$newID new ID of the enterprise 1
$newID new ID of the item 1
$itemtype original type of transfered item 1
$ID original ID of the item 1
$newID new ID of the item 1
$ID integer : Id of the contact to print 1
$ID integer ID of the item to get 1
$withtypeandcategory boolean with type and category (true by default) 1
$withtypeandcategory (default 0) 1
$with_items_id (default 0) 1
$field string field 1
$force boolean force display based on global config (false by default) 1
array $input array of value to import (name, ...) 1
string $itemtype Item type to manage 1
string $itemtype Item type to manage 1
array $params Search params passed to 1
array $forcedisplay Array of columns to display (default empty 1
string $itemtype Item type to manage 1
array $params Search params passed to prepareDatasForSearch function 1
string $itemtype Item type to manage 1
array $params Search params passed to prepareDatasForSearch function 1
array $forcedisplay Array of columns to display (default empty = empty use display pref and search criteria) 1
string $itemtype Item type 1
array $params Array of parameters 1
array $forcedisplay Array of columns to display (default empty = empty use display pref and search criterias) 1
array $data Array of search datas prepared to generate SQL 1
array $criteria list of search criterion, we should have these keys: 1
array $data common array used by search engine, 1
array $searchopt Search options for the current itemtype 1
boolean $is_having Do we construct sql WHERE or HAVING part 1
array $criteria list of search criterion 1
string &$SELECT TODO: should be a class property (output parameter) 1
string &$FROM TODO: should be a class property (output parameter) 1
array &$already_link_tables TODO: should be a class property (output parameter) 1
array &$data TODO: should be a class property (output parameter) 1
array $data array of search data prepared to get data 1
boolean $onlycount If we just want to count results 1
array $data Array data of search 1
string $itemtype Type to display the form 1
string $config_key 1
string $parent_itemtype 1
string $child_itemtype 1
string $itemtype Type to display the form 1
array $params Array of parameters may include sort, is_deleted, criteria, metacriteria 1
string $itemtype which glpi type we must search in session 1
integer $num index of the criteria 1
array $parents_num node indexes of the parents (@see displayCriteriaGroup) 1
string $LINK link to use 1
string $NOT is is a negative search ? 1
string $itemtype item type 1
integer $ID ID of the item to search 1
string $searchtype search type ('contains' or 'equals') 1
string $val value search 1
array $sort_fields The search options to order on. This array should contain one or more associative arrays containing: 1
?integer $_id field to add (Deprecated) 1
array $params array of parameters 1
string $itemtype item type 1
integer $ID ID of the item to add 1
boolean $meta boolean is a meta 1
integer $meta_type meta type table ID (default 0) 1
string $link Link string 1
boolean $nott Is it a negative search ? 1
integer $ID ID of the item to search 1
string $searchtype Searchtype used (equals or contains) 1
string $val Item num in the request 1
integer $meta Is a meta search (meta=2 in search.class.php) (default 0) 1
string $itemtype Reference item type 1
string $ref_table Reference table 1
array &$already_link_tables Array of tables already joined 1
string $itemtype Item type 1
string $ref_table Reference table 1
array $already_link_tables Array of tables already joined 1
string $new_table New table to join 1
string $linkfield Linkfield for LeftJoin 1
boolean $meta Is it a meta item ? (default 0) 1
integer $meta_type Meta type table (default 0) 1
array $joinparams Array join parameters (condition / joinbefore...) 1
string $field Field to display (needed for translation join) (default '') 1
string $from_type Reference item type ID 1
string $to_type Item type to add 1
array $already_link_tables2 Array of tables already joined 1
integer $ID ID of the SEARCH_OPTION item 1
array $data array retrieved data array 1
string $itemtype item type 1
integer $ID ID of the SEARCH_OPTION item 1
array $data array containing data results 1
boolean $meta is a meta item ? (default 0) 1
array $addobjectparams array added parameters for union search 1
string $orig_itemtype Original itemtype, used for union_search_type 1
string $itemtype Item type to manage 1
array $params Params to parse 1
boolean $usesession Use datas save in session (true by default) 1
boolean $forcebookmark Force trying to load parameters from default bookmark: 1
string $itemtype Item type to manage 1
integer $action Action which is used to manupulate searchoption 1
boolean $withplugins Get plugins options (true by default) 1
string $itemtype Item type 1
string $field Name 1
boolean $withplugins Get search options from plugins (true by default) 1
string $itemtype Item type 1
integer $searchID ID of the element in $SEARCHOPTION 1
integer $field_num 1
integer $type Display type (0=HTML, 1=Sylk, 2=PDF, 3=CSV) 1
string $value Value to display 1
integer &$num Column number 1
string $linkto Link display element (HTML specific) (default '') 1
boolean|integer $issort Is the sort column ? (default 0) 1
string $order Order type ASC or DESC (defaut '') 1
string $options Options to add (default '') 1
string $value Value to display 1
integer &$num Column number 1
integer $row Row number 1
string $extraparam Extra parameters for display (default '') 1
integer $type Display type (0=HTML, 1=Sylk, 2=PDF, 3=CSV) 1
string $message Message to display, if empty "no item found" will be displayed 1
string $title title of file : used for PDF (default '') 1
integer $type Display type (0=HTML, 1=Sylk, 2=PDF, 3=CSV) 1
integer $rows Number of rows 1
integer $cols Number of columns 1
boolean|integer $fixed Used tab_cadre_fixe table for HTML export ? (default 0) 1
boolean $odd Is it a new odd line ? (false by default) 1
boolean $is_deleted Is it a deleted search ? (false by default) 1
array $joinparams 1
string $field Nname (should be ` protected) 1
string $val Value to search 1
boolean $not Is a negative search ? (false by default) 1
string $link With previous criteria (default 'AND') 1
string $val value to search 1
string $val Value to search 1
boolean $not Is a negative search ? (false by default) 1
string $pattern 1
string $subject 1
string $alias Alias for translation table 1
string $table Table to join on 1
string $field Field name 1
$data array containing datas 1
$field string id of the field containing password to check (default 'password') 1
$password string password to validate 1
$display boolean display errors messages? (true by default) 1
$libstring object, class or function 1
$all (default false) 1
string $name select name 1
string $value default value 1
integer|null $rand rand 1
string $lang the value coming from LDAP/SSO 1
boolean $fordebug display for debug (no html required) (false by default) 1
string $version Version to check (mainly from install), defaults to null 1
string $raw Raw version to check (mainly from install), defaults to null 1
null|array $list Extensions list (from plugins) 1
$names array of config names to get 1
$name string config name 1
$context string context to get values (default for glpi is core) 1
$values array of config names to set 1
$context string context to get values (default for glpi is core) 1
$values array of config names to delete 1
bool $is_dev 1
string $name Parameter name 1
mixed $value Parameter value 1
string $newvalue 1
string $oldvalue 1
boolean $safer do we need to clean more (avoid emails disclosure) 1
bool $no_reply Should the configured "noreply" address be 1
string $config_name Configuration name 1
integer $ID The field unicity item id 1
integer $value The selected value (default 0) 1
string itemtype the itemtype for which unicity must be checked 1
integer entities_id the entity for which configuration must be retrivied 1
boolean $check_active 1
CommonDBTM $unicity 1
array $input the values to insert in DB 1
FieldUnicity $unicity 1
array $input Array containing the impact to be deleted 1
bool $history 1
integer $ID integer ID of the item 1
SavedSearch $search Object instance 1
boolean $withtemplate Template or basic item (default '') 1
integer $id ID for the operator to retrieve, or null for the full list 1
mixed $context is the array returned by saveContext 1
$ID ID of the ticket id 1
string $myname select name 1
integer $value default value (default self::LINK_TO) 1
integer $value Current value 1
boolean $inverted Whether to invert label 1
boolean $with_icon prefix label with an icon 1
integer $pid Parent ID 1
integer $ID ID of the ticket id 1
ITILSolution|null $solution Ticket's solution 1
string $devicetype class name of device type, defaults to called class name 1
$itemtype string the type of the item 1
$base HTMLTableBase object:the element on which adding the header 1
$super HTMLTableSuperHeader object: the super header 1
$father HTMLTableHeader object: the father of the current headers 1
$options array parameter such as restriction 1
$row HTMLTableRow object 1
$input array of datas 1
$item CommonDBTM object 1
$relations_id (default NULL) 1
string $itemtype Type of the item to search for its opposite 1
integer $items_id ID of the item to search for its opposite 1
integer|null $relations_id 1
$number 1
CommonDBTM $item1 object 1 1
CommonDBTM $item2 object 2 1
$forceCheckBoth boolean force check both items(false by default) 1
$check_entity (true by default) 1
$forceCheckBoth boolean force check both items (false by default) 1
CommonDBTM $item CommonDBTM object the other item (ie. : $item2) 1
CommonDBTM $item the other item (ie. : $item1) 1
string $itemtype 1
HTMLTableBase $base HTMLTableBase object 1
HTMLTableSuperHeader $super HTMLTableSuperHeader object (default NULL) 1
HTMLTableHeader $father HTMLTableHeader object (default NULL) 1
array $options 1
HTMLTableRow $row HTMLTableRow object (default NULL) 1
CommonDBTM $item CommonDBTM object (default NULL) 1
array $options 1
integer $id the id of the CommonDBRelation to affect 1
integer $peer the number of the peer (ie.: 0 or 1) 1
integer $items_id the id of the new item 1
string $itemtype the type of the new item 1
MassiveAction $ma current massive action 1
integer $peer_number the number of the concerned peer 1
MassiveAction $ma current massive action 1
integer[] $ids ids of the item on which apply the action 1
array $input input provided by the form ($_POST, $_GET ...) 1
boolean $noent Flag to not compute entity information (see Document_Item::getTypeItemsQueryParams) 1
CommonDBTM $item CommonDBTM object 1
CommonDBTM $item Item instance 1
array $extra_types_where Extra WHERE clause on types 1
$item CartridgeItem object 1
Datacenter $datacenter Datacenter object 1
$template NotificationTemplate object 1
$input array 1
$language_id 1
integer $ID Integer ID of the item 1
integer $ID Item ID 1
boolean $recursive (true by default) 1
integer $condition (0 by default) 1
integer $children (0 by default) 1
$options array of options may be : 1
$retrieve_criteria Retrieve the criterias of the rules ? (default 0) 1
$retrieve_action Retrieve the action of the rules ? (default 0) 1
$condition Retrieve with a specific condition 1
$target filename : where to go when done 1
$offset first row to work on (default 0) 1
$maxtime float max system time to stop working (default 0) 1
$items array containg items to replay. If empty -> all 1
$params array additional parameters if needed 1
$ID the rule ID whose ranking must be modified 1
$action up or down 1
$condition action on a specific condition 1
$ranking rank of the deleted rule 1
integer $ID ID of the rule to move 1
integer $ref_ID ID of the rule position (0 means all, so before all or after all) 1
string $type Movement type, one of self::MOVE_AFTER or self::MOVE_BEFORE 1
items array the input data to transform to xml 1
$available_criteria available criterai for this rule 1
$condition the rulecriteria condition 1
$criterion the criterion 1
input array the input data used to check criterias (need to be clean slashes) 1
output array the initial ouput array used to be manipulate by actions (need to be clean slashes) 1
params array parameters for all internal functions (need to be clean slashes) 1
options array options : 1
$values array of data 1
$condition condition to limit rules (default 0) 1
input array the input data used to check criterias 1
output array the initial ouput array used to be manipulate by actions 1
params array parameters for all internal functions 1
$condition condition to limit rules (DEFAULT 0) 1
$input array of data 1
$output array clean output array to clean 1
$rule rule object 1
$output array output data array 1
$global_result boolean global result 1
$itemtype itemtype 1
$check_dictionnary_type check if the itemtype is a dictionnary or not 1
$name select name 1
$lib string to add for -1 value (default '') 1
$value default value (default 0) 1
array $input Array of field names and values 1
mixed $type Requested type 1
integer $items_id ID of the item 1
$withmetaforsearch boolean (false by default) 1
$global boolean (true for global status, with "no validation" option) 1
string $name select name 1
integer $value 1
bool $decorated 1
$users_id integer User ID 1
integer $items_id item ID 1
$items_id integer item ID 1
$users_id integer user ID 1
$item CommonITILObject 1
int $accepted 0-100 (percentage of acceptation) 1
int $refused 0-100 (percentage of refusals) 1
int $validation_percent 0-100 (target accepation threshold) 1
integer $tID tickets id 1
$item CommonITILObject 1
\CommonGLPI $item 1
int $withtemplate 1
$tabnum (default 1) 1
$item a Reminder item 1
Reminder $item item to translate 1
Reminder $item 1
$output_type (default 'Search::HTML_OUTPUT') 1
$mass_id id of the form to check all (default '') 1
$options array of options 1
$ID integer ID of the project 1
$showall boolean show all sub items (projects / tasks) (true by default) 1
int $ID ID of the parent Project or -1 for a global view. 1
DCRoom $room DCRoom object 1
Rack $rack Rack instance 1
$ID integer : Id of the followup 1
string $target 1
string $user_table 1
string $group_table keys 1
HTMLTableHeader $row 1
HTMLTableHeader $header 1
HTMLTableCell $father HTMLTableCell object (default NULL) 1
CommonDBTM $item The item associated with the current cell (default NULL) 1
$attributForTheRow 1
$son HTMLTableCell object 1
$sons_header HTMLTableHeader object 1
$cells array 1
$totalNumberOflines 1
&$start 1
$index 1
integer $decimals Number of decimal of the result (default 3) 1
boolean $raw Get raw time 1
$nb string number of item in the type 1
integer $agents_id 1
$item a KnowbaseItem item 1
KnowbaseItem $item item to translate 1
KnowbaseItem $item 1
array $options list of options with theses possible keys: 1
$IDs array of software IDs to replay 1
&$new_softs array containing new software already computed 1
$ID ID of the software 1
$entity working entity ID 1
$name softwrae name 1
$manufacturer manufacturer name 1
&$soft_ids array containing replay software need to be put in trashbin 1
$soft_ids array containing replay software need to be put in trashbin 1
int $ID old software ID 1
int $new_software_id new software ID 1
int $version_id version ID to move 1
string $old_version old version name 1
string $new_version new version name 1
int $entity entity ID 1
$old_software_id old software ID 1
$new_software_id new software ID 1
$software_id software ID 1
$version version name 1
IPAddress|string|integer[] $ipaddress (default '') 1
$item CommonGLPI object 1
integer|integer[] $address (bytes[4] or bytes) the address to transform. 1
integer[] $address (bytes[4]) the address to check 1
string $address textual (ie. human readable) address 1
string $itemtype type of the item this address has to be attached (default '') 1
integer $items_id id of the item this address has to be attached (default -1) 1
integer[] $address (bytes[4]) binary (ie. SQL requests) address 1
string $itemtype type of the item this address has to be attached (default '') 1
integer $items_id id of the item this address has to be attached (default -1) 1
integer[] $address (in and out) the address to increment or decrement 1
integer $value the value to add or remove. Must be betwwen -0xffffffff and +0xffffffff 1
integer $value the integer that we want the absolute value 1
string $IPaddress the address to search 1
string $value the ip address 1
IPAddress|string|integer[] $ipaddress the ip address to check with this 1
string $target target page for add new replicate 1
integer $user_id user ID 1
$input array parameter (itemtype,users_id) 1
array $input array parameter (id,itemtype,users_id) 1
string $action up or down 1
$users_id integer user ID 1
string $glpi_version 1
string $string String to encrypt. 1
string|null $string String to decrypt. 1
string|null $key 1
string $itemtype itemtype of the crontask 1
string $name name of the task 1
integer $signo Signal number 1
int|null $retcode 1
int $log_state 1
integer $mode >0 retrieve task configured for this mode 1
string $name one specify action 1
$id integer ID of the crontask 1
$state integer 1
string $name select name 1
integer $value default value 1
boolean $display display or get string 1
$mode integer 1
integer $mode (internal/external, <0 to force) 1
integer $max number of task to launch 1
string $name name of task to run 1
string $itemtype itemtype of the plugin object 1
string $name task name 1
integer $frequency execution frequency 1
array $options optional options 1
$plugin : name of the plugin 1
$logid : crontasklogs_id 1
$name string name of the task 1
array $crit Array of query criteria. Any valid DBmysqlIterator parameters are valid. 1
string $alias Alias for the whole subquery 1
$withname boolean : also display name ? (false by default) 1
$email boolean : also display name ? (false by default) 1
integer $kbitem_id KB entry ID 1
string $lang Requested language 1
integer $parent Parent ID (defaults to 0) 1
array $comments Comments 1
boolean $cancomment Whether user can comment or not 1
integer $level Current level, defaults to 0 1
integer $kbitem_id Knowbase item ID 1
string $lang Related item language 1
false|integer $edit Comment id to edit, or false 1
false|integer $answer Comment id to answer to, or false 1
Notification $notif Notification object 1
boolean $withtemplate Template or basic item (default '') 1
NotificationTemplate $template Notification template object 1
boolean $withtemplate Template or basic item (default '') 1
string $mode the mode to use 1
string $mode Mode 1
string $label Mode's label 1
strign $from Plugin which registers the mode 1
string $mode Requested mode 1
string $extratype Extra type (either 'event' or 'setting') 1
$input array of value to import (name, locations_id) 1
$res_rule array 1
$input array 1
$IDs array of printers IDs to replay 1
$IDS array 1
&$new_printers array containing new printers already computed 1
$params array 1
&$printers_ids array containing replay printer need to be put in trashbin 1
$ID the old printer's id 1
$new_printers_id the new printer's id 1
$network IPNetwork object 1
$ipaddress IPAddress object 1
string $itemtype the type of the item to look for 1
integer $items_id the id of the item to look for 1
string $itemtype type of the item 1
integer $items_id id of the item 1
array $array the array in we have to search ($input, $this->fields ...) 1
$input array the new values for the current item 1
$fields array list of fields that define the attached items 1
string $method the method to check (canCreate, canView, canUpdate of canDelete) 1
integer $item_right the right to check (DONT_CHECK_ITEM_RIGHTS, HAVE_VIEW_RIGHT_ON_ITEM ...) 1
string $itemtype the name of the field of the type of the item to get 1
string $items_id the name of the field of the id of the item to get 1
string $methodItem the method to check (canCreateItem, canViewItem, 1
string $methodNotItem the method to check (canCreate, canView, canUpdate of canDelete) 1
integer $item_right the right to check (DONT_CHECK_ITEM_RIGHTS, HAVE_VIEW_RIGHT_ON_ITEM ...) 1
string $itemtype the name of the field of the type of the item to get 1
string $items_id the name of the field of the id of the item to get 1
CommonDBTM|null &$item the item concerned by the item 1
string $field the name of the field that has changed 1
string $itemtype the name of the field of the type of the item to get 1
string $items_id the name of the field of the id of the item to get 1
integer[] $ids the ids of the item on which apply the action 1
array $input the input provided by the form ($_POST, $_GET ...) 1
integer $ID id of the antivirus 1
Computer $comp Computer object 1
integer $withtemplate Template or basic item (default 0) 1
integer $reminders_id ID of the reminder 1
$itemtype string itemtype to get 1
$items_id integer id of the item 1
$users_id integer id of the user 1
$data array of data to manage 1
$itemtype string itemtype to get 1
$items_id integer id of the item 1
$begin datetime new begin date 1
$task for log, if NULL display (default NULL) 1
$input array of data to be added 1
$super 1
$header_object HTMLTableHeader object 1
$allow_super_header (false by default 1
string $name The name that can be refered by getHeaderByName() 1
string|array $content The content (see HTMLTableEntity#content) of the header 1
HTMLTableSuperHeader $super HTMLTableSuperHeader object: 1
HTMLTableHeader $father HTMLTableHeader object: the father of the current header 1
$sub_name (default NULL) 1
string $connect_string mail server 1
string $login user login 1
string $password user password 1
string $mail_method mail_method array to use 1
mixed $value must be addslashes 1
$tt ITILTemplate object 1
string $value string value 1
boolean $striptags strip all html tags 1
integer $keep_bad 1
string $time Date to convert 1
integer|null $format Date format 1
string $time Datetime to convert 1
integer|null $format Datetime format 1
string $url 1
string $string string to resume 1
integer $length resume length (default 255) 1
float $number Number to display 1
boolean $edit display number for edition ? (id edit use . in all case) 1
integer $forcedecimal Force decimal number (do not use default value) (default -1) 1
int|float $time timestamp 1
boolean $display_sec display seconds ? 1
boolean $use_days use days for display ? 1
integer $time 1
$dest string: Redirection destination 1
$http_response_code string: Forces the HTTP response code to the specified value 1
string $params param to add to URL (default '') 1
string $ref_pic_link Path to the image to display (default '') 1
string $ref_pic_text Alt text of the icon (default '') 1
string $ref_title Title to display (default '') 1
array|string $ref_btts Extra items to display array(link=>text...) (default '') 1
string $request SQL request 1
boolean $with_session with session information (true by default) 1
boolean $ajax If we're called from ajax (false by default) 1
string $url_in optional url to return (without forcetab param), if empty, we will user HTTP_REFERER from server 1
string $message displayed before dying 1
boolean $minimal set to true do not display app menu (false by default) 1
$id HTML ID of the progress bar 1
$options array progress status 1
string $msg initial message (under the bar) 1
string $msg message under the bar 1
float $crt Current Value (less then $tot) 1
float $tot Maximum Value 1
string $msg message inside the bar (default is %) 1
integer $width Width of the progress bar 1
float $percent Percent of the progress bar 1
array $options possible options: 1
string $title title used for the page (default '') 1
boolean $force do we need to force regeneration of $_SESSION['glpimenu'] 1
string $title title of the page 1
string $url not used anymore 1
$keepDB boolean, closeDBConnections if false (false by default) 1
array $links links to display 1
string $url not used anymore 1
string $title title of the page 1
string $url not used anymore 1
boolean $iframed indicate if page loaded in iframe - css target 1
string $sector sector in which the page displayed is (default 'none') 1
string $item item corresponding to the page displayed (default 'none') 1
string $option option corresponding to the page displayed (default '') 1
string $formname 1
boolean $fixed used tab_cadre_fixe in both tables 1
boolean $ontop display on top of the list 1
boolean $onright display on right of the list 1
$actions array of action : $name -> $label 1
$confirm array of confirmation string (optional) 1
$container_id string html of the container of checkboxes link to this check all checkbox 1
$rand string rand value to use (default is auto generated)(default '') 1
$options array of parameters 1
array $options array of possible options: 1
string $element name of the html element 1
string $value default value 1
string $val date / datetime value passed 1
boolean $force_day force computation in days 1
integer|string $specifictime set specific timestamp 1
$content string data to put in the tooltip 1
CommonDBTM $item item object used for create dropdown 1
string $field field to search for autocompletion 1
array $options array of possible options: 1
string $name name of the html textarea to use 1
string $rand rand of the html textarea to use (if empty no image paste system)(default '') 1
boolean $display display or get js script (true by default) 1
boolean $readonly editor will be readonly or not 1
boolean $enable_images enable image pasting in rich text 1
string $editor_id 1
string $preset_traget Preset of parameters for which to show documentation (key) 1
string|null $link_id Useful if you need to interract with the link through client side code 1
string $selector JQuery selector to find the target textarea 1
string $preset_traget Preset of parameters for which to show documentation (key) 1
string $title displayed above 1
integer $start from witch item we start 1
integer $numrows total items 1
string $additional_info Additional information to display (default '') 1
boolean $display display if true, return the pager if false 1
array $tab the array to display 1
integer $pad Pad used 1
boolean $jsexpand Expand using JS ? 1
integer $start from witch item we start 1
integer $numrows total items 1
string $target page would be open when click on the option (last,previous etc) 1
string $parameters parameters would be passed on the URL. 1
integer|string $item_type_output item type display - if >0 display export PDF et Sylk form 1
integer|string $item_type_output_param item type parameter for export 1
string $additional_info Additional information to display (default '') 1
string $action page would be posted when change the value (URL + param) (default '') 1
boolean $display display the pager form if true, return it if false 1
$string String text for title 1
$num Integer number of item displayed 1
$tot Integer number of item existing 1
$btname String button name (maybe if name <> value) 1
$btimage String button image uri (optional) (default '') 1
$btoption String optional button option (default '') 1
$confirm String optional confirm message (default '') 1
$btname String button name 1
$btimage String button image uri (optional) (default '') 1
$btoption String optional button option (default '') 1
$confirm String optional confirm message (default '') 1
$display boolean Display or return string (default true) 1
$value string value to set 1
$id string id of the dom element 1
$params array of parameters 1
$field_id string id of the dom element 1
$url string URL to get datas 1
$params array of parameters 1
string $path Path to the image file 1
array $options array of HTML attributes 1
string $text The content to be wrapped by a tags. 1
string $url URL parameter 1
array $options Array of HTML attributes: 1
string $ame Name of the field 1
array $values Array of the options 1
mixed $selected Current selected option 1
string $caption caption of the input 1
array $options Array of options. 1
int $max The maximum value of the progress bar. 1
int $value The current value of the progress bar. 1
array $params Array of options: 1
$options Array of options. 1
string $key The name of the attribute to create 1
string $value The value of the attribute to create. 1
string $script The script to wrap 1
string $url File to include (relative to GLPI_ROOT) 1
array $options Array of HTML attributes 1
bool $force_compiled_file Force usage of compiled file, even in debug mode (usefull for install/update process) 1
string $url File to include (raltive to GLPI_ROOT) 1
array $options with these keys: 1
$columns array of column field name => column label 1
$rows array of field name => array( 1
string $selector selector of a HTML form 1
string $success jacascript code of the success callback 1
string $error jacascript code of the error callback 1
string $complete jacascript code of the complete callback 1
$msg string message to be shown 1
$title string title for dialog box 1
$yesCallback string function that will be called when 'Yes' is pressed 1
$noCallback string function that will be called when 'No' is pressed 1
$msg string message to be shown 1
$title string title for dialog box 1
$okCallback string function that will be called when 'Ok' is pressed 1
int $document_id identifier of the document 1
int $width witdh of the final image 1
int $height height of the final image 1
bool $addLink boolean, do we need to add an anchor link 1
string $more_link append to the link (ex &test=true) 1
boolean $withVersion include GLPI version ? 1
string|array $name Either a know name, or an array defining lib 1
bool $full if false, don't expose all variables from CFG_GLPI (only url_base & root_doc) 1
string $file_path File path part 1
string $url Original URL (not prefixed) 1
int|false $timer The time (in minute) to refresh the page 1
string|null $callback A javascript callback function to execute on timer 1
string $action action to switch (should be actually 'getHtml' or 'getList') 1
string $hexcolor the color, you can pass hex color (prefixed or not by #) 1
boolean $bw default true, should we invert the color or return black/white function of the input color 1
boolean $sb default true, should we soft the black/white to a dark/light grey 1
array $args Arguments. May contain: 1
mixed $ts 1
CommonDBTM $item The given item 1
bool $create_if_missing Should we create a new ImpactItem 1
$name (default'') 1
$values (default '') 1
$base HTMLTableBase object 1
$super HTMLTableSuperHeader object (default NULL) 1
$father HTMLTableHeader object (default NULL) 1
$nb integer for singular or plural 1
$reservationitems_id 1
$type error type : date / is_res / other 1
$ID ID of the item 1
$ID ID of the reservation item (if 0 display all) (default '') 1
$ID ID of the reservation (empty for create new) 1
$options array of possibles options: 1
$begin begin of the initial reservation 1
$end begin of the initial reservation 1
$options array periodicity parameters : must contain : type (day/week/month), end 1
$item CommonDBTM object for which the reservation tab need to be displayed 1
$withtemplate withtemplate param (default 0) 1
$ID ID a the user 1
string $event 1
integer $ID Id 1
string $send_time Maximum sent_time 1
integer $limit Query limit clause 1
array $limit_modes Modes to limit to 1
array $extra_where Extra params to add to the where clause 1
$right 1
$newright string new right name 1
$initialright string right name to check 1
$condition (default '') 1
null|string $old_name Old name (need to be addslashes) 1
$methodItem 1
$getFromDB (true by default) 1
$getEmpty (true by default) 1
array $recursiveItems items of the current elements (see recursivelyGetItems()) 1
string $elementToDisplay what to display : 'Type', 'Name', 'Link' 1
CommonDBTM $item the other item 1
integer|boolean $history store changes history ? 1
string $field_name the name of the HTML field inside Item's form 1
string $child_count_js_var the name of the javascript variable containing current child 1
boolean $canedit true if we can edit the child 1
string $field_name the name of the HTML field inside Item's form 1
integer $id id of the child 1
boolean $display true display or false to return the button HTML code 1
$id integer the id of the CommonDBChild to affect 1
$items_id integer the id of the new item (default 0) 1
$itemtype string the type of the new item (default '') 1
string $date Date of the day to check 1
$start datetime begin 1
$end datetime end 1
$work_in_days boolean force working in days (false by default) 1
datetime $start begin 1
integer $delay delay to add (in seconds) 1
integer $additional_delay delay to add (default 0) 1
boolean $work_in_days force working in days (false by default) 1
boolean $end_of_working_day end of working day (false by default) 1
integer $calendars_id ID of the calendar 1
integer $date Date as a UNIX timestamp 1
string $itemtype itemtype used for create dropdown 1
array $condition Condition to add 1
string $table the dropdown table from witch we want values on the select 1
integer $id id of the element to get 1
boolean $withcomment give array with name and comment (default 0) 1
boolean $translate (true by default) 1
boolean $tooltip (true by default) returns a tooltip, else returns only 'comment' 1
string $default default value returned when item not exists 1
string $table the dropdown table from witch we want values on the select 1
integer[] $ids array containing the ids to get 1
string $name name of the select box 1
string[] $types array of types to display 1
array $options Parameters which could be used in options array : 1
string $name name of the select box 1
string $itemtype_ref itemtype reference where to search in itemtype field 1
array $options array of possible options: 1
string $myname the name of the HTML select 1
mixed $value the preselected value we want 1
string $store_path path where icons are stored 1
boolean $display display of get string ? (true by default) 1
mixed $value default value (default '') 1
string $name select name 1
mixed $value preselected value. (default 0) 1
integer $restrict_to allows to display only yes or no in the dropdown (default -1) 1
array $params Array of optional options (passed to showFromArray) 1
mixed $value Yes No value 1
string $title title to display 1
array $optgroup (group of dropdown) of array (itemtype => localized name) 1
string $value URL of selected current value (default '') 1
array $options 1
$optgroup array (group of dropdown) of array (itemtype => localized name) 1
array $options array of additionnal options: 1
$name string HTML select name 1
$options array of options : 1
array|string $types Types used (default "state_types") (default '') 1
array $options Array of optional options 1
$options array: 1
array $options array of additionnal options : 1
integer $value numeric value 1
string $unit unit (maybe year, month, day, hour, % for standard management) 1
integer $decimals number of decimal 1
array $options array of options 1
$enabled (default 0) 1
string $name select name 1
array $elements array of elements to display 1
string $name select name 1
integer $value default value (default 0) 1
integer $ID item ID 1
array attrs array which contains the extra paramters 1
string $itemtype name of the class 1
array $input of value to import 1
string $itemtype name of the class 1
string $value Value of the new dropdown. 1
integer $entities_id entity in case of specific dropdown 1
array $external_params 1
string $comment 1
boolean $add if true, add it if not found. if false, just check if exists 1
integer value the type of management (default 0) 1
string $onchange Optional, for ajax (default '') 1
NetworkPort $netport Printer instance 1
array $user_filters User filters 1
NetworkPort $netport Port instance 1
$item CommonITILObject object or Project 1
$withtemplate boolean Template or basic item (default 0) 1
$type string type 1
$ID integer ID of the ticket 1
$actiontime float actiontime 1
$cost_time float time cost 1
$cost_fixed float fixed cost 1
$cost_material float material cost 1
$edit boolean used for edit of computation ? (true by default) 1
$IDs array of profile ID to test 1
$ID integer : Id of the item to print 1
$statuses all available statuses for the given cycle (obj::getAllStatusArray()) 1
boolean $openform open the form (true by default) 1
boolean $closeform close the form (true by default) 1
$values array of values to display 1
$name integer name of the dropdown 1
$current integer value in database (sum of rights) 1
$name select name 1
$rights boolean (false by default) 1
$user_id integer id of the user 1
$rightname string name of right to check 1
$rightvalue integer value of right to check 1
$entity_id integer id of the entity 1
$interface string (default 'central') 1
$rights array possible: 1
$options array possible: 1
$elements array all pair identifier => label 1
$name string name of the select 1
array $input Array of item fields. Only the ID field is used here. 1
int $history Not used 1
integer $ID consumable identifier 1
string $itemtype itemtype of who we give the consumable 1
integer $items_id ID of the item giving the consumable 1
integer $tID consumable item identifier. 1
integer $alarm_threshold threshold alarm value. 1
boolean $nohtml Return value without HTML tags. 1
boolean $show_old show old consumables or not. (default 0) 1
ConsumableItem $item 1
string $string String to escape 1
string $query Query to execute 1
string $query Query to prepare 1
int $i Row offset to give 1
string $field Field to give 1
integer $num Row to move current pointer 1
integer $nb ID of the field 1
string $table Table name condition (glpi_% as default to retrieve only glpi tables) 1
array $where Where clause to append 1
string $table Table name condition 1
boolean $usecache If use field list cache (default true) 1
string $table 1
string $field 1
boolean $usecache 1
string $path with file full path 1
string|string[] $tableorsql Table name, array of names or SQL query 1
string|string[] $crit String or array of filed/values, ex array("id"=>1), if empty => all rows 1
boolean $debug To log the request (default false) 1
string $tablename Table name 1
boolean $usecache If use table list cache 1
string $table Table name for the field we're looking for 1
string $field Field name 1
Boolean $usecache Use cache; @see DBmysql::listFields(), defaults to true 1
string $name of field to quote (or table.field) 1
mixed $value Value 1
array $clauses Clauses to use. If not 'WHERE' key specified, will b the WHERE clause (@see DBmysqlIterator capabilities) 1
array $params Query parameters ([:field name => field value) 1
array $params Query parameters ([:field name => field value) 1
string $table Table name 1
array $params Query parameters ([:field name => field value) 1
array $where WHERE clause 1
boolean $onlyone Do the update only one one element, defaults to true 1
array $where WHERE clause (@see DBmysqlIterator capabilities) 1
string $timezone 1
mixed $value Value to quote 1
integer $type Value type, defaults to PDO::PARAM_STR 1
string|\QueryExpression $value Value to check 1
string $output SQL statements 1
$string $sql SQL statements 1
mysqli_stmt $stmt STatement to execute 1
value the value for this action 1
$projects_id integer ID of the project 1
$project Project object 1
$withtemplate boolean Template or basic item (default 0) 1
$olatype 1
$type Type of OLA 1
$data array data of an entry of olalevels_tickets 1
$olaType Type of ola 1
$olaType Type of ola 1
array $input Input 1
boolean $reset Whether to reset before adding new rules, defaults to true 1
boolean $with_plugins Use plugins rules or not 1
boolean $check Check if rule exists before creating 1
string $criterion Criterion to check 1
string $itemtype The item type 1
integer $items_id The item's ID 1
string $classname Force class (to avoid late_binding on inheritance) 1
string $table name of the table to be forced 1
string $field Name of the field (or SQL keyword like '*') 1
string|null $classname Forced classname (to avoid late_binding on inheritance) 1
DBmysqlIterator $iter Iterator instance 1
array $rs The row 1
array $crit search criteria 1
array $request expression 1
int $ID ID of the item 1
array $options possible optionnal options: 1
array $fields Fields to unset undiscloseds 1
array $condition condition used to search if needed (empty get all) (default '') 1
array|string $order order field if needed (default '') 1
integer $limit limit retrieved data if needed (default '') 1
string[] $updates fields to update 1
string[] $oldvalues array of old values of the updated fields 1
boolean $force force the purge of the item (not used if the table do not have a deleted field) 1
array $relations_classes List of classname on which deletion will be done 1
array $default Array of value used if session is empty 1
array $saved Array of values saved in session 1
array $input the _POST vars returned by the item form when press add 1
array $input the _POST vars returned by the item form when press update 1
array $input data used to update the item 1
boolean $history store changes history ? (default 1) 1
array $input the _POST vars returned by the item form when press delete 1
boolean $force force deletion (default 0) 1
array $input the _POST vars returned by the item form when press restore 1
string $type itemtype of object to add 1
integer $ID ID to check 1
string $action name of the action 1
integer $field id of the field 1
string $value value of the field 1
integer $ID ID of the item/template 1
integer $ID ID of the item (-1 if new item) 1
mixed $right Right to check : r / w / recursive 1
boolean $recursive set true to accept recursive items of ancestors 1
mixed $right Right to check : c / r / w / d 1
mixed $right Right to check : c / r / w / d / READ / UPDATE / CREATE / DELETE 1
string $itemtype Item type, defaults to null 1
array $actions array of the actions to update 1
string $itemtype the type of the item for which we want the actions 1
boolean $is_deleted (default 0) 1
CommonDBTM $checkitem (default NULL) 1
MassiveAction $ma the current massive action object 1
MassiveAction $ma the current massive action object 1
CommonDBTM $item the item on which apply the massive action 1
array $ids an array of the ids of the item on which apply the action 1
object $checkitem link item to check right (default NULL) 1
boolean $display display or not messages in and addAfterRedirect (true by default) 1
string $datatype datatype of the value 1
array $value value to check (pass by reference) 1
array $msgs the string not transleted to be display on the screen, or to be sent in a notification 1
array $unicity the unicity criterion that failed to match 1
array $doubles the items that are already present in DB 1
boolean $add true for insert, false for update (false by default) 1
array $crit array of criteria (ex array('is_active'=>'1')) 1
boolean $force force purge not on put in trashbin (default 0) 1
string|array $values with the value to display or a Single value 1
mixed $values value to display 1
string $name name of the select (if empty use linkfield) (default '') 1
string|array $values with the value to select or a Single value (default '') 1
array $options aArray of options 1
string $name name of the select (if empty use linkfield) 1
mixed $values default value to display 1
string $target Target 1
boolean $add (default 0) 1
string $for_itemtype change of entity for this itemtype will be forwarder 1
string $to_itemtype change of entity will affect this itemtype 1
string $interface (defalt 'central') 1
string $link original string content 1
CommonDBTM $item item used to make replacements 1
array $input Input data 1
array $options array with theses keys 1
array $options Withtemplate parameter 1
string $value Optional value (if field to check is not part of current itemtype) 1
boolean $condition the condition (RuleAsset::ONADD or RuleAsset::ONUPDATE) 1
int $items_id The ID of the item to evaluate. 1
int $parents_id The wanted parent of the specified item. 1
int $id 1
int $id 1
array $data 1
string $parent_field 1
string $filter 1
string $alias 1
array $menus Menu path used to load specific JS file and show 1
array $menus Menu path used to load specific JS file and show 1
int|string $id Id of the item to be displayed, may be a 1
null|array $menus Menu path used to load specific JS file and 1
array $options Display options 1
$item CommonDBTM object 1
$oldvalues array of old values updated 1
$values array of all values of the item 1
$changes 1
$itemtype_link (default '') 1
$linked_action (default '0') 1
CommonDBTM $item Object instance 1
integer $start First line to retrieve (default 0) 1
integer $limit Max number of line to retrieve (0 for all) (default 0) 1
array $sqlfilters SQL filters applied to history (default []) 1
integer $linked_action Linked action value of a log entry. 1
array $filters Filters values. 1
$comp Computer object that represents the virtual machine 1
Computer $comp Computer object 1
string $uuid the uuid given 1
array $fields Array of virtualmachine fields 1
array $options possible options: 1
integer $type Saved search type (self::SEARCH, self::URI or self::ALERT) 1
array $query_tab Parameters 1
integer $type Saved search type (see SavedSearch constants) 1
array $query_tab Parameters array 1
bool $enable_partial_warnings display warning messages about partial loading 1
array $ids IDs of the saved searches 1
string $itemtype if given filter saved search by only this one 1
bool $inverse if true, the `itemtype` params filter by "not" criteria 1
bool $inverse 1
array $items Ordered ids 1
integer $type SavedSearch type to use 1
integer $itemtype Device type of item where is the bookmark (default 0) 1
bool $active Should the icon be displayed as active ? 1
integer $id Saved search ID 1
integer $time Execution time, in milliseconds 1
array $options array of options: 1
array $ids Items IDs 1
integer $do_count One of self::COUNT_* 1
array $ids Items IDs 1
integer $eid Entityy ID 1
boolean $recur Recursivity 1
boolean $force Force query execution even if it should not be executed 1
boolean $enable_partial_warnings display warning messages about partial loading 1
array $queries An array of queries to union. Either SubQuery objects 1
boolean $distinct Include duplicatesi or not. Turning on may has 1
string $alias Union ALIAS. Defaults to null. 1
QuerySubQuery|array $query Either a SubQuery object 1
$id integer ID of the CronTask 1
$days integer number of day to keep 1
string $begin_date Begin date of the recurrent item in 'Y-m-d H:i:s' format. 1
string $end_date End date of the recurrent item in 'Y-m-d H:i:s' format, 1
string|integer $periodicity Periodicity of creation, could be: 1
int $create_before Anticipated creation delay in seconds. 1
int|null $calendars_id ID of the calendar to use to restrict creation to working hours, 1
array $predefined 1
$offset offset used to begin (default 0) 1
$maxtime maximum time of process (reload at the end) (default 0) 1
$withmetaforsearch boolean (false by default) 1
$status (default 'proces) 1
$showgroupproblems (true by default) 1
boolean $withtemplate 1
$entity (default '') 1
$event (default '') 1
$object (default null) 1
$event Event name (default '') 1
integer $type type of linked users 1
boolean $sendprivate (false by default) 1
boolean $simple (false by default) 1
int $actortype 1=requester, 2=assign, 3=observer 1
array $params posted data of itil object 1
ITILTemplate $tt The ticket template to use 1
array $options The current options array (PASSED BY REFERENCE) 1
array $default_values The default values to use in case they are not predefined 1
array $params posted data by an itil object 1
integer $type type to search (see constants) 1
integer $users_id user ID 1
integer $type type to search (see constants) 1
integer $groups_id group ID 1
integer $type type to search (see constants) 1
integer $suppliers_id supplier ID 1
integer $type type to search (see constants) 1
array $groups groups IDs 1
CommonITILActor $linkclass Link class instance 1
integer $id Item ID 1
integer $role ITIL role 1
integer $groups_id ID of the User 1
integer $suppliers_id ID of the Supplier 1
$urgency integer from 1 to 5 1
$impact integer from 1 to 5 1
integer $value priority ID 1
integer $value urgency ID 1
integer $value impact ID 1
$withmetaforsearch boolean (false by default) 1
integer $old value of old/current status 1
integer $new value of target status 1
bool $include_closed do we want ticket with closed status also ? 1
integer $current status 1
$type integer : user type 1
$field String name of the field 1
$values String / Array with the value to display 1
$options Array of option 1
$type string actor type 1
$rand_type integer rand value of div to use 1
$entities_id integer entity ID 1
$is_hidden array of hidden fields (if empty consider as not hidden) 1
$withgroup boolean allow adding a group (true by default) 1
$withsupplier boolean allow adding a supplier (only one possible in ASSIGN case) 1
$inobject boolean display in ITIL object ? (true by default) 1
$type integer actor type 1
$options array options for default values ($options of showForm) 1
$actiontime 1
$link (default 0) 1
CommonITILObject $item item instance 1
$ID integer ID of the ITIL object 1
$no_stat_computation boolean do not cumpute take into account stat (false by default) 1
$users_id_lastupdater integer to force last_update id (default 0 = not used) 1
integer $ID ID of the object 1
string $itemtype the object's type 1
string $date1 begin date 1
string $date2 end date 1
boolean $title indicates if stat if by title (true) or type (false) 1
int $items_id is the id of the ITIL object 1
string $sub_type is ITILFollowup, Document_Item, TicketTask, TicketValidation or Solution 1
bool $with_logs include logs ? 1
CommonDBTM $item The item whose form should be shown 1
integer $id ID of the item 1
mixed[] $params Array of extra parameters 1
integer $force_template itiltemplate_id to use (case of preview for example) 1
integer|null $type type of the ticket 1
integer $itilcategories_id ticket category 1
integer $entities_id 1
string $type Type, if any 1
integer $entity entities_id usefull if function called by cron (default 0) 1
int $users_id user ID 1
$users_id user ID 1
$users_id user ID 1
$email string email to check user ID 1
$canedit 1
$source string 1
boolean $withtypeandcategory with type and category (false by default) 1
CommonGLPI $item Item 1
integer $entity Entity ID 1
array $data Input event data 1
array $data Data to send 1
integer $id Item id 1
$cartridgeitems_id integer: cartridge type identifier 1
printermodels_id integer: printer type identifier 1
CronTask $task CronTask for log, display information if NULL? (default NULL) 1
$printer Printer object 1
CommonGLPI $item Notification data 1
array $params All parameters send to raise() method 1
$tabnum (default 1 1
string $input_id dom id where to insert folder name 1
\Laminas\Mail\Storage\Folder $folder Current folder 1
string $input_id Input ID 1
$emails_ids array 1
$action (default 0) 1
$entity (default 0) 1
integer $mailgateID ID of the mailgate 1
boolean $display display messages in MessageAfterRedirect or just return error (default 0=) 1
string $uid UID of the message 1
\Laminas\Mail\Storage\Message $message Messge 1
array $options Possible options 1
string $string text to clean 1
string $text text to clean 1
\Laminas\Mail\Storage\Part $part Message part 1
string $path Temporary path 1
integer $maxsize Maximum size of document to be retrieved 1
string $subject Message subject 1
string $subpart Subpart index (used in document filenames) 1
\Laminas\Mail\Storage\Message $message Message 1
string $path Temporary path 1
integer $maxsize Maximaum size of document to be retrieved 1
string $uid mail UID 1
string $folder Folder to move (delete if empty) (default '') 1
$task 1
$to (default '') 1
$subject (default '') 1
boolean $active Count active only, defaults to false 1
$value (default 0) 1
$rand 1
string $header_name 1
\Laminas\Mail\Storage\Message $part Message Part 1
items_id 1
field 1
language 1
$input translation's fields 1
$add boolean true if a transaltion must be added, false if updated (true by default) 1
$input array of user values 1
$add boolean true if translation is added, false if update (tgrue by default) 1
CommonDropdown $item A Dropdown item 1
integer $ID field (default -1) 1
CommonDBTM $item a Dropdown item 1
string $language language to look for translations (default '') 1
string $value field which must be selected by default (default '') 1
integer $ID dropdown item's id 1
string $itemtype dropdown itemtype 1
string $field the field to look for (default 'name') 1
string $language get translation for this language 1
string $value default value for the field (default '') 1
integer $ID item id 1
string $field the field for which the translation is needed 1
string $language the target language 1
CommonGLPI $item the item to check 1
string $itemtype itemtype 1
string $field field to query 1
string $value value to translate 1
integer $items_id item ID 1
string $field the field for which the translation is needed 1
string $itemtype itemtype 1
integer $items_id item ID 1
string $language language 1
integer $ID ID of the item 1
array $options of possible options: 1
array $input Input values 1
boolean $add True when we're adding a record 1
Reminder $reminder Reminder instance 1
$tagged 1
$port NetworkPort object 1
$item NetworkName object 1
CommonGLPI $item the FQDN owning the aliases 1
integer $withtemplate withtemplate param 1
string $entity (default '') 1
string $event (default '') 1
mixed $object (default null) 1
integer $notifications_id notification ID 1
string $type type of the target to retrive 1
integer $ID ID of the target to retrieve 1
string $event notification event 1
array $infos destination of the notification 1
boolean $notify_me notify me on my action ? 1
mixed $emitter if this action is executed by the cron, we can 1
$item the object which raises the event 1
$event the event which will be used (default '') 1
$itemtype the itemtype of the object which raises the event 1
$event the event which will be used (default '') 1
$options array of options 1
$notification Notification object 1
array $data Data (users_id, lang[, field used for notification]) 1
$usertype 1
$redirect 1
integer $manager 0 all users, 1 only supervisors, 2 all users without supervisors 1
integer $group_id id of the group 1
$target (default '') 1
$label (default '') 1
$type (=Notification::USER_TYPE) 1
integer $entity the entity on which the event is raised 1
string $field look for user looking for this field in the object 1
boolean $search_in_object search is done in the object ? if not in target object 1
integer $profiles_id the profile ID 1
array $options Option 1
string $event Event name 1
string $mode Mode (see Notification_NotificationTemplate::MODE_*) 1
string $event Event class 1
boolean $forceall force all joins 1
$params array (contains, knowbaseitemcategories_id, faq) 1
$type string search type : browse / search (default search) 1
$options $_GET 1
$type string search type : browse / search (default search) 1
string $type type : recent / popular / not published 1
bool $display if false, return html 1
int $category_id id of the parent category 1
KnowbaseItem $kbi used only for unit tests 1
object|null $checkitem 1
string $event Event name 1
int $entity Restrict to entity 1
$ipnetmask (default '') 1
$version (default 0) 1
$netmask string netmask defined as textual 1
$version integer =4 or =6 : version of IP protocol 1
$contracts_id integer ID of the contract 1
Contract $contract 1
integer $withtemplate Template or basic item 1
NetworkPort $netport the port that owns this instantiation 1
HTMLTableSuperHeader $group HTMLTableGroup object 1
HTMLTableSuperHeader $super HTMLTableSuperHeader object 1
HTMLTableSuperHeader $internet_super HTMLTableSuperHeader object for the internet sub part (default NULL) 1
HTMLTableHeader $father HTMLTableHeader object (default NULL) 1
array $options array of possible options: 1
NetworkPort $netport NetworkPort object (contains item) 1
HTMLTableRow $row HTMLTableRow object 1
HTMLTableCell $father HTMLTableCell object (default NULL) 1
array $options array of possible options: 1
string $mac address to search 1
string $value the mac address 1
NetworkPort $netport NetworkPort object :the port that owns this instantiation 1
array $options array of options given to NetworkPort::showForm 1
array $recursiveItems list of the items on which this port is attached 1
$netport NetworkPort object : the port that owns this instantiation 1
$options array of options given to NetworkPort::showForm 1
NetworkPort $netport NetworkPort object :the port that owns this instantiation 1
$recursiveItems 1
$origin NetworkPortAlias are based on one NetworkPort wherever 1
NetworkPort $netport to be displayed 1
boolean $edit permit to edit ? (false by default) 1
integer $ID ID of the current port to connect 1
array $options array of possible options: 1
string $alias Alias for the whole subquery 1
$input array (form) 1
$field String name of the field to search (>0) 1
string $value must be addslashes 1
string $fieldref name of the referent field to know if we look at parent entity 1
integer $entities_id 1
string $fieldval name of the field that we want value (default '') 1
mixed $default_value value to return (default -2) 1
$ticket ticket object 1
$contract Contract object 1
string $fkname foreign key name 1
string $root_dir 1
integer $entity the entity ID 1
array $condition condition to use (default '') or array of criteria 1
boolean $recursive Whether to recurse or not. If true, will be conditionned on item recursivity 1
string $table Table name 1
array $criteria Request criteria 1
string $order Result order (default '') 1
string $table table of the index 1
string $field name of the index 1
string $IDf The ID of the father 1
boolean $tooltip (true by default) returns a tooltip, else returns only 'comment' 1
string $default default value returned when item not exists 1
integer $ID integer value ID 1
string $wholename current name to complete (use for recursivity) (default '') 1
integer $level current level of recursion (default 0) 1
string $table dropdown tree table to compute 1
integer $ID ID of the user. 1
string $login login of the user 1
string $realname realname of the user 1
string $firstname firstname of the user 1
integer $link include link (only if $link==1) (default =0) 1
integer $cut limit string length (0 = no limit) (default =0) 1
boolean $force_config force order and id_visible to use common config (false by default) 1
integer|string $ID ID of the user. 1
integer $link 1 = Show link to user.form.php 2 = return array with comments and link 1
string $field table.field to request 1
string $begin begin date 1
string $end end date 1
string $data data readed in DB to import 1
array $array Array to export / encode (one level depth) 1
string $time datetime time 1
string $fkname Foreign key 1
$name the dropdown name 1
$itemtype display templates for this itemtype only 1
$value the dropdown's default value (0 by default) 1
$target NotificationTarget object 1
$user_infos array 1
$signature 1
$language 1
NotificationTarget $target Target instance 1
string $tid template computed id 1
mixed $to Recipient 1
array $user_infos Extra user infos 1
array $options Options 1
integer $users_id the user ID 1
integer $groups_id the group ID 1
integer $users_id User id 1
integer $groups_id Group ID 1
$user User object 1
$group Group object 1
$used_ids Array of already add users 1
$entityrestrict Array of entities 1
$crit String for criteria (for default dropdown) 1
Group $group Group object 1
array $members Array filled on output of member (filtered) 1
array $ids Array of ids (not filtered) 1
string $crit Filter (is_manager, is_userdelegate) (default '') 1
boolean|integer $tree True to include member of sub-group (default 0) 1
$group Group object: the group 1
$only_dynamic (false by default 1
$ID integer the template ID 1
$withtypeandcategory boolean with type and category (false by default) 1
$contract_id contract ID 1
$entities_id entity ID 1
integer $withtemplate 1
Contract $contract Contract object 1
integer $withtemplate (default 0) 1
DBmysql $dbconnexion Database Connnexion (must be a CommonDBTM object) 1
boolean $debug To log the request (default false) 1
boolean $log To log the request (default false) 1
string|array $clause Clause parameters 1
integer $limit SQL LIMIT 1
integer $offset Start OFFSET (defaults to null) 1
integer|string $t Table name or function 1
array|string $f Field(s) name(s) 1
string $t Function name 1
string $f Field name (with alias if any) 1
string $suffix Suffix to append, defaults to '' 1
string[] $crit Criteria 1
string $bool Boolean operator (default AND) 1
mixed $value Value to analyse 1
mixed $value The value to handle. This may be: 1
array $joinarray Array of joins to analyse 1
mixed $values Values for Foreign keys 1
int $position 1
string $value Value to check 1
int $tabnum 1
$certificates_id 1
integer $certificates_id the certificate ID 1
integer $items_id the item's id 1
string $itemtype the itemtype 1
Certificate $certificate Certificate object 1
$item CommonDBTM object for which associated certificates must be displayed 1
$name the printer's name (need to be addslashes) 1
$manufacturer the software's manufacturer (need to be addslashes) 1
$entity the entity in which the software must be added 1
$comment comment (default '') 1
$name the printer's name (need to be addslashes) 1
$manufacturer the printer's manufacturer (need to be addslashes) 1
$entity the entity in which the printer must be added 1
$comment (default '') 1
$ID ID of the licence 1
$number licence count to check (default -1) 1
$task to log, if NULL display (default NULL) 1
$softwareversions_id version ID 1
$entity to search for licenses in (default = all active entities) 1
string $id Area ID 1
string $msg text to display 1
string $message Message to display 1
boolean $warning Is a warning 1
string $title Title to display 1
boolean $red Displays with red class (false by default) 1
string $type can be bool, char, string, integer, date, datetime, text, longtext or autoincrement 1
string $default_value new field's default value, 1
boolean $nodefault No default value (false by default) 1
string $type Field type, @see Migration::fieldFormat() 1
array $options Options: 1
string $table Table name 1
string $oldfield Old name of the field 1
string $newfield New name of the field 1
string $type Field type, {@see Migration::fieldFormat()} 1
array $options Options: 1
string $table Table name 1
string|array $fields Field(s) name(s) 1
string $indexname Index name, $fields if empty, defaults to empty 1
string $type Index type (index or unique - default 'INDEX') 1
integer $len Field length (default 0) 1
string $table Table name 1
string $indexname Index name 1
string $oldtable Old table name 1
string $newtable new table name 1
string $oldtable The name of the table already inside the database 1
string $newtable The copy of the old table 1
bool $insert Copy content ? True by default 1
string $table The table to alter 1
array $input The elements to add inside the table 1
array $rule Array of fields of glpi_rules 1
array $criteria Array of Array of fields of glpi_rulecriterias 1
array $actions Array of Array of fields of glpi_ruleactions 1
array $toadd items to add : itemtype => array of values 1
array $todel items to del : itemtype => array of values 1
string $type Either self::PRE_QUERY or self::POST_QUERY 1
array $tables Existing tables to backup 1
string|array $values Value(s) to add 1
string $context Context to add on (optional) 1
string $name Right name 1
integer $rights Right to set (defaults to ALLSTANDARDRIGHT) 1
array $requiredrights Array of right name => value 1
string $style Style to use, value can be 'title', 'warning', 'strong' or null. 1
string $msg Message to output. 1
string $style Style to use, see self::outputMessage() for possible values. 1
string $style Style to use, see self::outputMessage() for possible values. 1
boolean $update_structure 1
int $old_search_opt The old search option ID 1
int $new_search_opt The new search option ID 1
string $class_1 First itemtype (CommonDBTM) 1
string $class_2 Second itemtype (CommonDBTM) 1
ITILTemplate $tt ITIL Template 1
ITILTemplate $tt ITIL Template 1
string $name Field name to look for 1
array $input 1
integer $history 1
integer $tID ID of the cartridge 1
integer $pID : ID of the printer 1
integer $ID ID of the cartridge 1
integer $tID ID of the cartridge item 1
integer $alarm_threshold Alarm threshold value 1
integer|boolean $nohtml True if the return value should be without HTML tags (default 0/false) 1
integer $pID ID of the printer 1
integer|boolean $nohtml True if the return value should be without HTML tags (default 0/false) 1
integer $tID ID of cartridge item. 1
$pID integer: printer identifier. 1
$tID integer: cartridge item identifier. 1
string $date_use Date of use (May be null or empty) 1
string $date_out Date of delete (May be null or empty) 1
CartridgeItem $cartitem The cartridge item 1
boolean|integer $show_old Show old cartridges or not (default 0/false) 1
$cartitem CartridgeItem object 1
Printer $printer Printer object 1
boolean|integer $old Old cartridges or not? (default 0/false) 1
integer $ID Id of the cartridge 1
integer $entity The entity (default 0) 1
CartridgeItem $item CartridgeItem object 1
Printer $item Printer object 1
string $new_instantiation_type the name of the new instaniation type 1
$history (default 1) 1
integer $ID networking port ID 1
integer $ID ID of the port 1
array $port Port entry in db 1
array $dprefs Display preferences 1
array $so Search options 1
bool $canedit Can edit ACL 1
bool $agg Is an aggregated port 1
int $rand Random value 1
bool $with_ma Flag massive actions 1
integer $networkports_id Port ID 1
CronTask $task CronTask for log, if NULL display (default NULL) 1
string $name HTML select name 1
integer $value HTML select selected value (default = 0) 1
boolean $display get or display string ? (true by default) 1
$value integer HTML select selected value 1
string $value the name of the renewal 1
string|integer|null $val if not set, ask for all values, else for 1 value (default NULL) 1
$ID integer Id of the version or the template to print 1
$soft Software object 1
string $from From table 1
array $joincrit Join criteria 1
array $where Where clause 1
array $select Extra select clause 1
array $leftjoin Extra LEFT JOIN clause 1
array $innerjoin Extra INNER JOIN clause 1
array $order Order clause 1
string $extra ? 1
$slatype 1
$type Type of SLA 1
$data array data of an entry of slalevels_tickets 1
$slaType Type of sla 1
$slaType Type of sla 1
PDU $pdu PDU instance 1
$name select name 1
$value default value (default '') 1
$display display of send string ? (true by default) 1
$options options 1
integer $users_id user id 1
string $begin begin date 1
string $end end date 1
array $except items which not be into account ['Reminder' => [1, 2, id_of_items]] 1
$params array of params 1
string $palette_name the short name for palette (bg, fg, ev) 1
string $palette_name the short name for palette (bg, fg, ev) 1
integer $color_index The color index in this palette 1
$filter_key : identify curent line of filter 1
$filter_data : array of filter date, must contains : 1
array $params Form data 1
$params (array): must contains this keys : 1
$params (array): array of parameters whou should contain : 1
array $event the event to clone 1
array $event the event to clone (with itemtype and items_id keys) 1
array $options with this keys: 1
string $actor: a type and id concaneted separated by '_' char, ex 'user_41' 1
array $params: must contains this keys : 1
array $raw_events: (passed by reference) the events array in construction 1
array $not_planned (passed by references) not planned events array in construction 1
array $params parameters send by fullcalendar 1
$val Array of the item to display 1
$who ID of the user 1
$who user ID 1
$whogroup group ID 1
$limititemtype itemtype only display this itemtype (default '') 1
string $view_name 1
$parent (default 0) 1
$value2 (default '') 1
$begin (default '') 1
$end (default '') 1
$param (default '') 1
$value (default '') 1
$add_criteria (default ['']) 1
string $date1 First date 1
string $date2 Second date 1
boolean $display Whether to display directly; defauts to true 1
array $labels Labels 1
$input input data 1
$software software data array 1
$reason_id 1
$project Project object 1
integer $month Number of months 1
name the software's name (need to be addslashes) 1
manufacturer_id id of the software's manufacturer 1
entity the entity in which the software must be added 1
comment (default '') 1
is_recursive boolean must the software be recursive (false by default) 1
is_helpdesk_visible show in helpdesk, default : from config (false by default) 1
name the software's name 1
manufacturer the software's manufacturer 1
entity the entity in which the software must be added 1
comment comment (default '') 1
is_recursive boolean must the software be recursive (false by default) 1
is_helpdesk_visible show in helpdesk, default = config value (false by default) 1
$ID the ID of the software to put in trashbin 1
$comment the comment to add to the already existing software's comment (default '') 1
$item array of software ID to be merged 1
boolean display html progress bar 1
array $options array to pass to showFromArray or $value 1
string $itemtype name of the type 1
string $event name of the event 1
string $event the event raised for the itemtype 1
CommonGLPI $item the object which raised the event 1
array $options array of options used 1
string $label used for debugEvent() (default '') 1
string $name Field name 1
CommonDBTM $item CommonDBTM object 1
integer $start first line to retrieve (default 0) 1
integer $limit max number of line to retrive (0 for all) (default 0) 1
boolean $used whether to retrieve data for "used" records 1
$table HTMLTableMain object 1
integer $totalNumberOfColumn Total number of columns : to span correctly the title 1
array $params array of possible options: 1
string $namespace_prefix 1
string $context 1
array $config 1
bool $only_configurable 1
string $namespace 1
string $host hostname or IP address of POP3 server 1
int|null $port server port, null value with fallback to default port 1
string|bool $ssl use 'SSL', 'TLS' or false 1
bool $novalidatecert Set to true to disable certificate validation 1
string $user username 1
string $password password 1
Plugin $plugin_inst 1
bool $disable_messages drop any messages after plugin installation 1
string $method 1
int $page What's sub page of plugin we want to display 1
array $plugins list of plugins returned by 1
string $tab current display tab (discover or installed) 1
bool $only_lis display only the li tags in return html (used by ajax queries) 1
int $nb_plugins total of plugins ($plugins contains only the current page) 1
array $plugin information (title, description, etc) of the plugins 1
string $tab current displayed tab (installed or discover) 1
float|int $value current stars note on 5 1
string $plugin_key system name for the plugin 1
string $version short_description or long_description 1
int $current_page 1
int $total 1
bool $only_li display only the li tags in return html (used by ajax queries) 1
int $page which page to query 1
int $nb_per_page how manyu per page we want 1
string $key plugin system name 1
string $key plugin system key 1
string $version plugin version 1
string $tag to filter plugins 1
string $url where is the plugin 1
string $dest where we store it it 1
string $plugin_key plugin system name 1
boolean $getobj Whether to return enclosure object 1
boolean $getobj Whether to return rack object 1
array $column_ids Array of Kanban column IDs that should be returned. 1
bool $get_default If true, the default columns are returned in addition to the requested ones in $column_ids. 1
array $criteria Array of criteria to restrict the data returned. 1
bool $active True if only open/active items should be returned. 1
integer $current_id ID of the currently viewed Kanban. 1
int $ID ID of the item or -1 for a global view. 1
array $column_ids Array of column IDs to limit the result. These IDs are values of the column_field in the DB. 1
array $oldstate The state currently in the DB. 1
array $newstate The new state to be saved. 1
int $users_id The ID of the user this state is for. If 0, it is the global/default state. 1
integer $ID Item's ID 1
string $day the exception 1
string $start the new start for the event (in case of dragging) 1
$val array of the item to display 1
$who ID of the user (0 if all) 1
$type position of the item in the time block (in, through, begin or end) 1
$complete complete display (more details) (default 0) 1
string $rrule existing rrule entry with ical format ( 1
array $options can contains theses keys: 1
array $val the item to display 1
array $rrule RRule field value 1
string $dtstart Start of first occurence 1
bool $prepend_dir_path Indicated wether the GLPI_INVENTORY_DIR have to be prepend to returned value. 1
int $role 1
int $nb 1
CommonDBTM $source 1
bool $history 1
int $n Number of clones 1
array $override_input Custom input to override 1
boolean $history Do history log ? (true by default) 1
array $override_input custom input to override 1
boolean $history do history log ? 1
string $current_item The item being copied 1
int $copy_index The index to append to the copy's name 1
$source 1
$history 1
array $fields array of table.field 1
array $configs 1
integer $mode Expected mode. One of *_MODE constants 1
mixed $data Sent data 1
string $action Action (one of self::*_ACTION) 1
string $data Sent XML 1
string $data Sent JSON 1
string $message Error message 1
integer $code HTTP response code 1
array $entries Array of key => values entries 1
DOMElement $parent Parent element 1
string $name Element name to create 1
string|array|null $content Element contents, if any 1
string $type Content type 1
string $name Header name 1
string $prop Property name 1
$headers Array of HTTP header name as key and value 1
$name HTTP header name 1
$value Value to set 1
$data Database record 1
array $itemArray Array holding the result 1
integer $id ID of the parent project 1
array $itemArray Input array holding project and task items 1
array $itemArray Array holding the items 1
integer $projectId ID of the parent project 1
integer @projectId ID of the project 1
integer @taskId ID of the parent task 1
$record Project or task record from database 1
string $type Specifies the type of the record (project, task or milestone) 1
$json Json data 1
bool $force if true, don't use cache 1
string $title label of the dasbhoard, will be suglified to have a corresponding key 1
string $context of the dasbhoard, filter the dasboard collection by a key 1
array $items cards for the dashboard 1
array $rights for the dasbhoard 1
bool $skip_child skip saving rights and items 1
string $title of the current dashboard 1
bool $force don't check dashboard are already loaded and force their load 1
bool $check_rights use to remove rights checking (use in embed) 1
?string $context only dashboard for given context 1
array $raw_rights right from DB 1
array $rights 1
string|array $import json or php array representing the dashboards collection 1
bool $force, if false, don't use cache 1
string $key the dashboard to check 1
bool $canViewAll Right to view all dashboards 1
bool $with_lock if true, return also a locked bottom item (to fix grid height) 1
string $html content of the card 1
string $gridstack_id unique id identifying the card (used in gridstack) 1
int $x position in the grid 1
int $y position in the grid 1
int $width size in the grid 1
int $height size in the grid 1
array $data_option aditional options passed to the widget, contains at least thses keys: 1
string $card_id identifier return by @see self::getAllDasboardCards 1
array $card_options contains these keys: 1
array $filter_names 1
string $filter_id the system name of a filter (ex dates) 1
string|array $filter_values init the input with these values, 1
bool $force Force rebuild the catalog of cards 1
string $page current page 1
string $dashboard current dashboard 1
string $menu 1
bool $strict if true, do not provide a fallback 1
string $fieldname how is named the current date field 1
string $id system name of the filter (ex "dates") 1
string $field html of the filter 1
string $label displayed label for the filter 1
bool $filled 1
array $settings contains a JSON representation of the filter data 1
CommonDBTM|null object to count 1
string $case: 1
CommonDBTM $item main item to count 1
CommonDBTM $fk_item groupby by this item (we will find the foreign key in the main item) 1
array $params values for: 1
CommonDBTM $item the itemtype to list 1
array $params default values for 1
string $case cound be: 1
array $labels title of the bars (if a single array is given, we have a single bar graph) 1
array $series values of the bar (if a single array is given, we have a single bar graph) 1
array $labels title of the lines (if a single array is given, we have a single line graph) 1
array $series values of the line (if a single array is given, we have a single line graph) 1
string $bgcolor the background color in hexadecimal format (Ex: #FFFFFF) 1
int $nb_series how much step in gradient we need 1
bool $revert direction of the gradient 1
RequirementInterface[] $requirements 1
\DBmysql $db DB instance (if null BD requirements will not be returned). 1
DBmysql $db DB instance. 1
string $column_name 1
DBmysql $db DB instance. 1
bool $strict Ignore differences that has no effect on application (columns and keys order for instance). 1
bool $ignore_innodb_migration Do not check tokens related to migration from "MyISAM" to "InnoDB". 1
bool $ignore_timestamps_migration Do not check tokens related to migration from "datetime" to "timestamp". 1
bool $ignore_utf8mb4_migration Do not check tokens related to migration from "utf8" to "utf8mb4". 1
bool $ignore_dynamic_row_format_migration Do not check tokens related to "DYNAMIC" row format migration. 1
bool $ignore_unsigned_keys_migration Do not check tokens related to migration from signed to unsigned integers in primary/foreign keys. 1
string $create_table_sql 1
string $expected_key 1
array $status The status array for all services or a specific service check. 1
string|null $service The name of the service or if null/'all' all services will be checked 1
bool $public_only True if only public information should be available in the status check. 1
bool $as_array True if the service check result should be returned as an array instead of a plain-text string. 1
bool $as_array 1
array $status 1
string $name Extension name. 1
string $function_name Required function name. 1
bool $optional Indicated if extension is optional. 1
string $name Extension group title. 1
string[] $extensions Required extensions names. 1
string $path Directory path. 1
bool $optional Indicated if write access is optional. 1
string|null $description Requirement description. 1
string $name Extension name. 1
string $class_name Required class or interface name. 1
bool $optional Indicated if extension is optional. 1
int $min Minimal allocated memory. 1
string $name Constant name. 1
bool $optional Indicated if extension is optional. 1
string $description Constant description. 1
string $failure_message Failure message. 1
string $title Requirement title. 1
string[] $paths Directories paths. 1
bool $optional Indicated if write access is optional. 1
string $min_version Minimal required PHP version 1
string $max_version Maximum required PHP version (exclusive) 1
string $name Required extension name. 1
array $directories Paths of directories to check. 1
LoggerInterface $logger 1
int $code HTTP code to set for the response 1
string $message Error message to send 1
string $content_type Response content type 1
array $series 1
ExportToCsvInterface $export 1
int $who user ID 1
int $whogroup group ID 1
string $limititemtype itemtype only display this itemtype (default '') 1
integer $mode One of self::*_MODE 1
integer $format One of Request::*_MODE 1
integer $format One of self::*_FORMAT 1
boolean $test_rules Only to test rules, do not store anything 1
string $asset Asset 1
string $type Either prepare or handle 1
integer $start Start time 1
string $extra Extra value to be used as label 1
array $files $_FILES 1
Request $inventory_request Inventory request instance 1
string $path File path 1
string $contents File contents 1
array $values Configuration values 1
int $items_id Item ID 1
string $ext File extension 1
string $query Query mode (one of self::*_QUERY or self::*_ACTION) 1
\stdClass $raw_data Raw data from inventory 1
\stdClass $val Current data values 1
\stdClass $val Current data values 1
array $input Input processed or all rules 1
array $assets Prepared assets list 1
CommonDBTM $item Item instance 1
array $data Data part 1
string $idclass Item device class 1
\stdClass $port Port instance 1
array $vlans Port vlans 1
string $mac MAC address 1
\stdClass $port Port 1
array $found_macs ID of ports foudn by mac 1
int $netports_id_1 1
int $netports_id_2 1
array|null $data Data part, optional 1
array $data Data part 1
array $data Processed data 1
string $type Ignore type ("controllers" only for now) 1
Conf $conf Conf instance 1
Agent $agent Agent instance 1
integer $id Entity ID 1
string $query Requested query 1
InventoryAsset $mainasset Main inventory asset instance 1
$ports 1
string $itemtype Item type, will take current item per default 1
integer $items_id Item ID, will take current item per default 1
\stdClass $port Port data 1
integer $items_id Port id 1
string $name Network name name 1
array $ips IP adresses to add 1
integer $items_id NetworkName id 1
string $type Instantiation class name 1
\stdClass $data Data 1
integer $ports_id NetworkPort id 1
boolean $load Whether to load db results 1
string $name Software name 1
integer $manufacturers_id Manufacturers id 1
stdClass $val Version name 1
integer $softwares_id Software id 1
array $parts Values parts 1
array $input Input data 1
array $known_fields Table fields 1
string $prefix Header type (#, ##, ...) 1
bool $db_escape 1
bool $keep_stability_flag 1
array $response the response array to escape 1
integer $index we'll find itemtype in this index of $this->url_elements 1
boolean $recursive can we go depper or we trigger an http error if we fail to find itemtype? 1
boolean $all_assets if we can have allasset virtual type (default false) 1
boolean $is_inline_doc Is the current request asks to display inline documentation 1
string $file relative path of documentation file (default '') 1
integer $nb Unused value 1
mixed $response string message or array of data to send 1
integer $httpcode http code (see : 1
array $additionalheaders headers to send with http response (must be an array(key => value)) 1
string $itemtype itemtype (class) of object 1
integer $id identifier of object 1
array $params with theses options : 1
string $itemtype itemtype (class) of object 1
array $params with theses options : 1
integer $totalcount output parameter who receive the total count of the query resulat. 1
string $itemtype itemtype (class) of object 1
array $params parameters 1
bool $check_depreciation disable depreciation check, useful 1
CommonDBTM $itemtype current itemtype called on ressource listSearchOption 1
array $option current option to generate an unique id 1
array $option ['joinparams']['beforejoin'] subpart of a searchoption 1
mixed $input can be an object or array 1
boolean $unlock_session do we need to unlock session (default true) 1
string $endpoint name of the current function (default '') 1
string $endpoint function called by api to log (default '') 1
boolean $html (default false) 1
string $title (default '') 1
string $file relative path of documentation file 1
array $fields to check and transform 1
array $params array of option to enable, could be : 1
string $message message to send (human readable)(default 'Bad Request') 1
integer $httpcode http code (see : 1
string $statuscode API status (to represent more precisely the current error) 1
boolean $docmessage if true, add a link to inline document in message 1
boolean $return_response if true, the error will be send to returnResponse function 1
array $data A raw from the database 1
array $params API parameters 1
string $self_itemtype Itemtype the API was called on 1
int $id Id of the source item 1
string $itemtype Type of the source item 1
int|boolean $user_id 1
int $id If >0, will load given item and restrict massive actions to this item 1
CommonDBTM $item Item for which to show possible massive actions 1
bool $is_deleted Is this massive action to be used on items in the trashbin ? 1
array $ids Ids of items to execute the action on 1
array $params Action parameters 1
array $hateoas Current hateoas 1
string $old 1
string $new 1
array $hateoas 1
object $fields 1
string $title Section's title 1
array $parameters Parameters to be displayed in this section 1
string|null $fields_prefix Prefix to happen to the parameters fields name 1
string $content Template content (html + twig) 1
array $params Variables to be exposed to the templating engine 1
string $content Template content (html + twig) 1
null|string $err_msg Reference to variable that will be filled by error message if validation fails 1
string $preset_parameters_key 1
string $key Key to access this value 1
TemplatesParametersInterface $parameters Parameters of each item contained in this array 1
string $label Label to display in the autocompletion widget 1
TemplatesParametersInterface $template_parameters Parameters to add 1
null|string $key Key to access this value 1
string $key Key to access this value 1
string $label Label to display in the autocompletion widget 1
string $filter Recommanded twig filter to apply on this value 1
string $key Key to access this value 1
string $label Label to display in the autocompletion widget 1
string|null $parent 1
null|string $content HTML string to be made safe 1
boolean $encode_output_entities Indicates whether the output should be encoded (encoding of HTML special chars) 1
string $content HTML string to be made safe 1
boolean $keep_presentation Indicates whether the presentation elements have to be replaced by plaintext equivalents 1
boolean $compact Indicates whether the output should be compact (limited line length, no links URL, ...) 1
boolean $encode_output_entities Indicates whether the output should be encoded (encoding of HTML special chars) 1
bool $enhanced_html Apply optionnal transformations to enhance produced HTML (autolink for instance) 1
null|string $content HTML string to enahnce 1
array $params Enhancement parameters 1
string $content 1
array $imgs Array of image info 1
LoggerInterface|null $logger 1
OutputInterface $output_handler 1
string $filename 1
integer $line_number 1
\Twig\Error\Error $error 1
string $query 1
string[] $warnings 1
string $query 1
bool $quiet 1
bool $forward_to_internal_handler 1
string $type 1
string $description 1
string $trace 1
string $log_level 1
string $error_type 1
string $message 1
string $log_level 1
boolean $force 1
int $error_code 1
array $trace 1
string $itemtype 1
int $right 1
bool $decode 1
string $plugin 1
bool $full 1
bool $use_url_base 1
string $callable 1
string $classname 1
string $trait 1
mixed $duration 1
mixed $path 1
mixed $number 1
string $shortcut 1
mixed $string HTML string to be made safe 1
bool $keep_presentation Indicates whether the presentation elements have to be replaced by plaintext equivalents 1
bool $compact Indicates whether the output should be compact (limited line length, no links URL, ...) 1
mixed $string 1
string $string the string to left truncate 1
int $length number of char to preserve 1
int $separator prefix to prepend to the string 1
string $filename 1
string $key Configuration key. 1
int $entity_id Entity ID. 1
mixed $default_value Default value. 1
null|string $inheritence_key Key to use for inheritence check if different than key used to get value. 1
null|int $id 1
number $count 1
string $itemtype Itemtype of the item. 1
int $id ID of the item. 1
CommonDBTM|string $item Item instance of itemtype of the item. 1
int|null $id ID of the item, useless first argument is an already loaded item instance. 1
array $options Available options: 1
int $group_id 1
string $component_type Base component type (i.e. VEVENT, VTODO, ...). 1
boolean $is_planned 1
boolean $is_task 1
bool $is_new_item 1
integer $group_id 1
string $uid 1
string $path 1
integer $groups_id 1
array $user_fields 1
array $group_fields 1
string $calendarId Calendar identifier 1
string $calendarData Seialized VCalendar object 1
CalDAVCompatibleItemInterface|null $item Item on which input will be stored 1
string $calendarData 1
string $language 1
bool $include_plugins 1
string $rootdir Root directory path of application. 1
Plugin|null $plugin Needed for units test as we lack DI. 1
bool $include_plugins 1
Command $command 1
SplFileInfo $file File to inspect 1
string $basedir Directory containing classes (eg GLPI_ROOT . '/inc') 1
array $prefixes Possible prefixes to add to classname (eg 'PluginExample', 'GlpiPlugin\Example') 1
string $basedir 1
string|array $messages 1
ProgressBar $progress_bar 1
integer $verbosity 1
array $levels_to_output 1
bool $default_to_yes 1
bool $compute_flags_from_db 1
string $db_hostport DB host and port 1
string $db_name DB name 1
string $db_user DB username 1
mysqli $mysqli 1
InputDefinition $definition 1
boolean $allow_reinstall 1
integer $old_id 1
integer $new_id 1
integer $id 1
string $message 1
ProgressBar|null $progress_bar 1
bool $prevent_exit 1
string $target_itemtype 1
integer $target_id 1
int|null $existing_item_id 1
array $infocom_input 1
$table string table name 2
$string string input string 2
array $condition condition to use (default []) 2
string $field field name 2
string $table table name 2
boolean $usecache Use cache (false by default) 2
string $table Table name 2
array|string $items_id The IDs of the items 2
array $list the list 2
integer $root root of the tree 2
array $tree the tree 2
integer $parent root of the tree (default =0) 2
$disable_anon bool disable anonymization of username. 2
string $objectName autoname template 2
string $field field to autoname 2
boolean $isTemplate true if create an object from a template 2
integer $entities_id limit generation to an entity (default -1) 2
string $separator separator in the begin of the request (default AND) 2
string $table table where apply the limit (if needed, multiple tables queries) 2
string $field field where apply the limit (id != entities_id) (default '') 2
mixed $value entity to restrict (if not set use $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities_string']). 2
string $table table where apply the limit (if needed, multiple tables queries) 2
string $field field where apply the limit (id != entities_id) (default '') 2
mixed $value entity to restrict (if not set use $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities']). 2
string $str String to translate 2
string $ctx context 2
string $str to translate 2
$origin 2
$id 2
string $begin begin date 2
string $end end date 2
$child_count_js_var 2
string $curl_error will contains original curl error string if an error occurs 2
$tt ITILTemplate object 2
string $criterion 2
$calendar Calendar object 2
array $results result stats 2
boolean $limitexceeded limit exceeded exception 2
array $ldap_method ldap_method array to use 2
string $login User Login 2
string $password User Password 2
object $auth identification object 2
string $login user login 2
string $password user password 2
object $auth identification object 2
string $login user login 2
string $password user password 2
integer $auths_id auths_id already used for the user (default 0) 2
boolean $break if user is not found in the first directory, 2
integer $value (default 0) 2
CommonGLPI $item Item instance 2
integer $master_id master ldap server ID 2
string $guid_str String representation 2
$options array of possible options 2
integer $entities_id Entity ID 2
integer $version of IP : only usefull for binary array as input (default 0) 2
Rack $rack the current rack instance 2
mixed $cell Rack cell (array or false) 2
CommonDBTM $item CommonDBTM object wanted 2
integer $entity entity of the document 2
string $path path of the searched file 2
array $input array of datas used in adding process (need current_filepath) 2
string $filename filename to move 2
CronTask $task CronTask object 2
integer $ID the template ID 2
ITILTemplate $tt ITIL Template 2
boolean $withtemplate Template or basic item (default 0) 2
CommonDBTM $timeline_item 2
$item CommonDBTM object 2
$withtemplate integer template or basic item (default 0) 2
bool $expand If true, the team member data is expanded to include specific properties like firstname, realname, ... 2
$rssfeeds_id ID of the rssfeed 2
$reminders_id ID of the reminder 2
$itemtype itemtype 2
$criterion (default '') 2
$projecttasks_id integer $projecttasks_id ID of the project task 2
integer $knowbaseitems_id ID of the knowbaseitem 2
string $hash Hash 2
array $options Possible options: 2
integer $authtype Authentication method 2
integer $auths_id Authentication method ID 2
$tabnum (default1) 2
$withtemplate (default0) 2
string $begin_time begin time to check 2
string $end_time end time to check 2
$vlanID 2
$vlan 2
integer $nb Number of items 2
mixed $right Right to check : r / w / recursive / READ / UPDATE / DELETE 2
string $typeform object class name to add tab on form 2
array $ong defined tabs 2
array $options options (for withtemplate) 2
array $options parameters to add to URLs and ajax 2
string $sub_itemtype sub itemtype if needed (default '') 2
$forceall force all joins (false by default) 2
$val array of the item to display 2
$header HTMLTableHeader object 2
integer|string $val port speed 2
boolean $to_string true if we must transform the speed to string 2
integer|null $val if not set, ask for all values, else for 1 value (default NULL) 2
$values (defaul '') 2
$tab array 2
$joinparams array 2
MassiveAction $ma 2
$options array of parameters 2
$name (default '') 2
$values (default '') 2
$rules_id 2
$ID the criteria's ID 2
$ID the action's ID 2
$input the input data used to check criteria 2
$rand random value of the form 2
$addtotd (default '') 2
$pattern the pattern 2
$fields fields values 2
$sub_type 2
$condition 2
$criteria 2
$item Object 2
$field string name (default is FK to item) (default '') 2
$ID integer Id of the project 2
$ID integer Id of the project task 2
$projects_id integer $project_id ID of the project 2
$ID ID of the project 2
integer $netports_id Network port id 2
integer $ID ID of the NetworkName 2
$base HTMLTableBase object 2
$super HTMLTableSuperHeader object (default NULL 2
$father HTMLTableHeader object (default NULL) 2
$item CommonDBTM object 2
string $toobserve id (or array of id) of the select to observe 2
array $events of the observed events (default 'change') 2
string $toupdate id of the item to update 2
string $url Url to get datas to update the item 2
array $parameters of parameters to send to ajax URL 2
boolean $display display or get string (default true) 2
array $where Inital WHERE clause. Defaults to [] 2
$input array of input: should be $_POST 2
string $deviceid Device ID to look for 2
$nb : number of item in the type (default 0) 2
array $options options must contains : 2
string $content see HTMLTableEntity#__construct() 2
bool $foruser only for current login user as requester 2
integer $ID ID of the item 2
string $module Module to check 2
integer $right Right to check 2
boolean $is_recursive if recursive item (default 0) 2
string $module Module to check 2
integer[] $rights Rights to check 2
integer $entities_id Entity to use 2
boolean $is_recursive Whether to load entities recursivly or not 2
DeviceCamera $camera the current camera instance 2
string $graph The network graph (json) 2
string $params Params of the graph (json) 2
bool $readonly Is the graph editable ? 2
$user User object 2
$user_ID user ID 2
$users_id Integer ID of the user 2
$child Boolean when true, include child entity when recursive right 2
string $host The DB host 2
string $user The DB user 2
string $password The DB password 2
string $dbname The name of the DB 2
boolean $use_timezones Flag that indicates if timezones usage should be activated 2
boolean $log_deprecation_warnings Flag that indicates if DB deprecation warnings should be logged 2
boolean $use_utf8mb4 Flag that indicates if utf8mb4 charset/collation should be used 2
boolean $allow_myisam Flag that indicates if MyISAM engine usage should be allowed 2
boolean $allow_datetime Flag that indicates if datetime fields usage should be allowed 2
boolean $allow_signed_keys Flag that indicates if signed integers in primary/foreign keys usage should be allowed 2
string $config_dir 2
bool $update_slave 2
string $config_dir 2
integer $choice Host number (default NULL) 2
$user 2
integer $knowbaseitems_id ID of the knowbaseitem 2
$entities_id entity ID of the ticket 2
$date begin date of the ticket 2
$slas_id 2
$days integer day number 2
CommonDBTM $item Item object 2
boolean $withtemplate Template or basic item (default 0) 2
array $options Array of possible options: 2
string $field Name of the field 2
Domain $domain Domain object 2
$long_label If false give less details in the default label 2
array $excluded_plugins List of plugins to exclude 2
string $directory 2
array $infos Requirements infos: 2
array $params Expected parameters to be setup 2
integer $state see this class constants (ex self::ANEW, self::ACTIVATED) 2
string $plugin_key System name (Plugin directory) 2
string $plugin_key plugin system key 2
$nb 2
integer $type The type of alert (see constants in {@link \Alert} class) 2
string $value Query parameter value, defaults to '?' 2
bool $canedit do we have the right to edit 2
integer $count Total number of results 2
string $email Email to search for 2
array $condition Extra conditions 2
string $field the field storing the token 2
resource $ldap_connection LDAP connection 2
array $ldap_method LDAP method 2
string $userdn Basedn of the user 2
integer $ID ID of the user 2
integer $users_id 2
string $field Field name 2
bool bool get full path 2
int $entities_id 2
integer $value status ID 2
integer $side 2
Computer $comp Computer object 2
string $fromtype from where the connection is 2
string $myname select name 2
integer|integer[] $entity_restrict Restrict to a defined entity (default = -1) 2
boolean $onlyglobal display only global devices (used for templates) (default 0) 2
integer[] $used Already used items ID: not to display in dropdown 2
$olas_id integer id of the OLA 2
string $str 2
string $protocol_type 2
string $haystack String to check 2
string $needle String to find 2
mixed $value A possible float 2
$value status ID 2
SoftwareLicense $license SoftwareLicense instance 2
integer $manager 0 all users, 1 only supervisors, 2 all users without supervisors 2
array $values Selected values 2
string $itemtype Type of the item. 2
int $items_id ID of the item. 2
integer $calendars_id calendars_id of the ticket 2
$email 2
$softwares_id software ID 2
$software Software object 2
$version SoftwareVersion object 2
array $data data used to display 2
boolean $withtemplate template case of the view process 2
boolean $canedit user can edit software ? 2
$itemtype of the item 2
$ID of the item 2
$itemtype original type of transfered item 2
$itemtype itemtype : Problem / Ticket 2
$ID original ticket ID 2
$newID new ticket ID 2
$ID original ID of the item 2
$newID new ID of the item 2
boolean $withtypeandcategory (default 0) 2
boolean $withitemtype (default 0) 2
$target_id 2
$source_id 2
array $data Array of search datas prepared to get datas 2
array $request @see displayCriteria method 2
string $itemtype The itemtype 2
string $itemtype Item type 2
integer $type Display type (0=HTML, 1=Sylk, 2=PDF, 3=CSV) 2
integer $type Display type (0=HTML, 1=Sylk, 2=PDF, 3=CSV) 2
integer $type Display type (0=HTML, 1=Sylk, 2=PDF, 3=CSV) 2
string $value value 2
CommonITILObject $itil_item 2
$context string context to get values (default for glpi is core) 2
string $type UUID type (e.g. 'instance' or 'registration') 2
itemtype 2
$input Array of data to be added 2
$methodNotItem 2
string $action the name of the action 2
CommonDBTM $item the item on which apply the massive action 2
integer $ID Integer ID of the item 2
array $options Array of possible options: 2
array $input the form input 2
string $current Current position to exclude; defaults to null 2
array $options Array of possible options: 2
$entity (default 0) 2
$target where to go 2
$condition condition to limit rules (DEFAULT 0) 2
$input the input data used to check criterias 2
integer $status status 2
string $field field to return (default 'name') 2
item the item to check 2
integer $rssfeeds_id ID of the rssfeed 2
$options array of options 2
integer $revid Revision ID 2
$res_rule array of rule results 2
$res_rule array of rule results 2
array $array the array to Fill 2
string $versionField the name of the key inside $array that contains de IP version number 2
string $textualField the name of the key inside $array that contains de textual version 2
string $binaryField the name of the key inside $array that contains de binary. 2
integer $entity the entity to look for 2
string $itemtype itemtype 2
string $target form target 2
string|null $sodium_key Previous key. If null, legacy key will be used. 2
string|null $key Key to use, fallback to default key if null. 2
$volume 2
CronTask|null $task to log, if NULL display (default NULL) 2
integer $value status ID 2
$item Location 2
$input array of values 2
string $itemtype the name of the field of the type of the item to get 2
string $items_id the name of the field of the id of the item to get 2
boolean $getFromDB do we have to load the item from the DB ? 2
boolean $getEmpty else : do we have to load an empty item ? 2
boolean $getFromDBOrEmpty get from DB if possible, else, getEmpty 2
$ID integer ID of the item 2
$header_name (default '') 2
string $field 2
string|array $value 2
$string string to display or array of string for using multilines 2
$additionalactions string additional actions to do on success confirmation 2
array $options array of parameters: 2
string $itemtype Massive action itemtype 2
integer $id ID of the item 2
string $name given name/id to the form 2
array $options array of possible options: 2
array $options array of possible options: 2
string $additional_params Additional parameters to pass to tab reload request (default '') 2
$action String URL to call on submit 2
$btlabel String button label 2
$fields Array field name => field value 2
$id string id of the dom element 2
string $fieldName Name of a field 2
array $options Array of HTML attributes. 2
array $options Array of HTML attributes 2
string $url File to include (relative to GLPI_ROOT) 2
array $options Array of HTML attributes 2
boolean $minify Try to load minified file (defaults to true) 2
$options array of options 2
$tab array 2
array $options: must contains this keys : 2
CommonDBTM $task for log (default NULL) 2
integer $items_id id of the item 2
$rights array 2
$rights array 2
CommonDBTM $item the item on which to add the current CommenDBChild 2
string $field_name the name of the HTML field inside Item's form 2
boolean|null $canedit boolean to force rights, NULL to use default behaviour 2
integer $time Time to check 2
$msg (default '') 2
array $options array of possible options: 2
$items_id integer ID of the item 2
$title the kind of lifecycle 2
$html_field field that is sent to _POST 2
$db_field field inside the DB (to get current state) 2
$canedit can we edit the elements ? 2
$openform boolean open the form (true by default) 2
$closeform boolean close the form (true by default) 2
integer $tID Consumable item ID 2
ConsumableItem $consitem 2
integer $choice host number (default NULL) 2
string $name lock's name 2
array $params Query parameters ([field name => field value) 2
array $where WHERE clause 2
array $where WHERE clause 2
array $joins JOINS criteria array 2
string $query 2
$ID ID of the item to get 2
$tickets_id Ticket ID 2
$task : CronTask object 2
$tickets_id Ticket ID 2
array $options with the insert options 2
boolean $history do history log ? (true by default) 2
string $field the field in which looking for the value (for example : table, name, etc) 2
string $value the value to look for in the field 2
string $table the table (default '') 2
string $field name of the field 2
integer|string|array $field_id_or_search_options id of the search option field 2
array $options array of possible options: 2
string $itemtype itemtype to check 2
string $field Field name 2
string $commondb_relation Valid class extending CommonDBRelation 2
string $field Target field in the item input 2
array $extra_input Fixed value to be used when searching 2
null|string $title 2
array|string $menus 2
bool $enable_partial_warnings display warning messages about partial loading 2
string $event specif event to get additional targets (default '') 2
CommonDBTM $item Object instance 2
array $options Options 2
integer $users_id ID of the User 2
$options array of options 2
$options array of options 2
integer $output_type Output type 2
string $mass_id id of the form to check all 2
boolean $with_private true : all followups / false : only public ones (default 1) 2
ITILTemplate $tt ITIL Template 2
boolean $withtemplate Template or basic item (default 0) 2
string $event Event 2
array $options Options 2
string $label Label 2
array $data Notification data 2
NotificationTarget $notificationtarget Target 2
NotificationTemplate $template Template 2
boolean $notify_me Whether to notify current user 2
$entity 2
$group Group object 2
array $options array of options given to NetworkPort::showForm 2
array $recursiveItems list of the items on which this port is attached 2
NetworkPort $netport NetworkPort object (contains item) 2
HTMLTableRow $row HTMLTableRow object 2
array $options array of possible options: 2
Supplier $supplier 2
string $string input string 2
string $table table name 2
integer $IDf The ID of the father 2
string $table Dropdown Tree table 2
integer $ID ID of the element 2
boolean $withcomment 1 if you want to give the array with the comments (false by default) 2
boolean $translate (true by default) 2
array $data 2
array $condition Query extra condition (default []) 2
string|array $table Table name (optional when $crit have FROM entry) 2
string|array $crit Fields/values, ex array("id"=>1), if empty => all rows (default '') 2
CommonGLPI $item 2
int $withtemplate 2
$ID the ID of the software to put in trashbin 2
$ID ID of the licence 2
integer $ver Version number 2
string $msg Message to display 2
string $msg Message to output. 2
string $area_id Display area to use. 2
string $old_itemtype 2
string $new_itemtype 2
integer $pID ID of the printer. 2
integer $tID ID of the cartridge item. 2
integer $tID Cartridge item ID 2
$value array 2
$value2 (default '') 2
string $title Graph title 2
string[] $labels Labels to display 2
array $series Series data. An array of the form: 2
array $options Options 2
boolean $display Whether to display directly; defauts to true 2
string $csv_link Link to download the dataset as csv 2
$myname select name 2
$entity_restrict restrict to a defined entity 2
array $options 2
bool $force_refresh do not rely on cache to get plugins list 2
bool $only_lis display only the li tags in return html (used by ajax queries) 2
string $string_filter filter the plugin by given string 2
string $endpoint which resource whe need to query 2
array $options array of options for guzzle lib 2
string $method GET/POST, etc 2
bool $force_refresh if false, we will return results stored in local cache 2
string $string_filter filter the plugin list by given string 2
bool $force_refresh if false, we will return results stored in local cache 2
int $ID ID of the item 2
string $column_field The field used to represent columns (Ex: projectstates_id). 2
int $id of the serie 2
int $items_id 2
mixed $content Contents, optional 2
string $task Task (one of self::*_TASK) 2
boolean $legacy Set to true to shunt required headers checks 2
string $name Property name 2
array @itemArray Array holding the task items 2
array $items cards of the dashboard, contains: 2
array $rights contains these data: 2
string $filter filter parameters in JSON format 2
array $params contains theses keys: 2
array $params with these keys: 2
string|array $values init the input with these values, will be a string if empty values 2
string $proper_create_table_sql 2
bool $optional Indicate if extension is optional. 2
string|null $description Describe usage of the extension. 2
mixed $data Inventory data, optional 2
\CronTask $task CronTask instance 2
integer $parent_index Parent index for recursive calls 2
stdClass $val 2
\stdClass $val Object values 2
mixed $value 2
array $params with theses options : 2
string $itemtype Itemtype for which to show possible massive actions 2
bool $is_deleted Should we show massive action in "deleted" mode ? 2
string $itemtype Target itemtype 2
string|null $action_key Target massive action 2
array $parameters 2
integer $error_code 2
string $error_message 2
\Throwable $exception 2
array $variables 2
string $name Hook name. 2
mixed $params Hook parameters. 2
bool $return_result Indicates that the result should be returned. 2
mixed $value 2
mixed $datetime 2
mixed $string 2
string $resource 2
VCalendar $vcalendar 2
string $message 2
string $source_itemtype 2
integer $source_id 2
$itemtype string itemtype 3
$table string table name 3
$IDf integer The ID of the father 3
string $keyname 3
string $itemtype item type 3
string $sing in singular 3
string $plural in plural 3
integer $nb to select singular or plural 3
string $domain domain used (default is glpi, may be plugin name) 3
$entities_id 3
$port 3
$fields 3
$field_name 3
int $calendars_id 3
AuthLDAP $authldap AuthLDAP object 3
CronTask $task CronTask instance 3
$problem Problem object 3
$change Change object 3
$item CommonDBTM object 3
$event 3
mixed $value The data to check (may differ for every notification mode) 3
array $options Optionnal special options (may be needed) 3
array $val array of the item to display 3
integer|boolean $complete complete display (more details) 3
$ID ID of the rule 3
$options array of possible options 3
integer $ID ID of the item (-1 if new item) 3
array $input array of input data (used for adding item) (default NULL) 3
CommonGLPI $item Item on which the tab need to be displayed 3
boolean $withtemplate is a template object ? (default 0) 3
boolean $full path or relative one (true by default) 3
$tabnum (default 1) 3
$ID integer Id of the item to print 3
$who ID of the user (0 if all) 3
$type position of the item in the time block (in, through, begin or end) 3
$complete complete display (more details) (default 0) 3
$content 3
boolean $wildcard_search true if we search with wildcard (false by default) 3
array $options 3
$options array of options : may be readonly 3
$joinparams array 3
$row HTMLTableRow object (default NULL) 3
$item CommonDBTM object (default NULL) 3
$father HTMLTableCell object (default NULL) 3
$withtemplate integer withtemplate param (default 0) 3
string $toupdate id of the item to update 3
string $url Url to get datas to update the item 3
array $parameters of parameters to send to ajax URL 3
integer $minsize minimum size of data to update content (default -1) 3
integer $buffertime minimum time to wait before reload (default -1) 3
array $forceloadfor of content which must force update content 3
boolean $display display or get string (default true) 3
$withtemplate (default 0) 3
integer $items_id Object id to restrict on 3
string $itemtype Type for items to retrieve 3
integer $items_id Object id to restrict on 3
array $extra_where Extra where clause 3
string $itemtype the type of the item we want the resulting items to be associated to 3
string $items_id the name of the item we want the resulting items to be associated to 3
string $itemtype Item type 3
integer $items_id ID of the Item 3
$forcetab string name of the tab to force at the display (default '') 3
array $data $_POST data 3
integer $user_id 3
$user_ID 3
boolean $noent Flag to not compute entity information (see Document_Item::getListForItemParams) 3
$itemtype string Item type 3
$items_id integer ID of the Item 3
array $options Array of options 3
integer $ID ID of the plugin (The `id` field, not directory) 3
string $itemtype The item type 3
integer $items_id The item's ID 3
string $name select name 3
array $options possible options: 3
string $email 3
string $picture Picture field value 3
string $itemtype item type 3
boolean $full path or relative one 3
string $class 3
$ID ID of the item 3
$field string field 3
array $request we should have these keys of parameters: 3
string $itemtype device type 3
array $options Options 3
array $options array 3
$method 3
string $case : can be overwrite by object 3
HTMLTableCell $father HTMLTableCell object (default NULL) 3
$target 3
$options array possible: 3
integer $ID 3
item 3
$id Integer ID of the object 3
string $string 3
string $sector sector in which the page displayed is 3
string $item item corresponding to the page displayed 3
string $option option corresponding to the page displayed 3
bool $add_id add current item id to the title ? 3
string $title title of the page 3
string $name name of the element 3
string $filepath 3
$profiles_id 3
string $myname select name 3
$openform boolean open the form (true by default) 3
$closeform boolean close the form (true by default) 3
$openform boolean open the form (true by default) 3
$closeform boolean close the form (true by default) 3
integer $tID consumable item identifier. 3
integer $cID consumable ID. 3
bool $exclude_plugins 3
array $params Query parameters ([field name => field value) 3
CommonDBTM $item Item instance 3
array &$it_criteria Iterator criteria 3
array $input datas used to add the item 3
boolean $history do history log ? (default 1) 3
array $options array of possible options: 3
string $field field name 3
CommonDBTM $item Object instance 3
integer $type type of linked groups 3
array $data Data 3
integer $type type to search (see constants) / 0 for all (default 0) 3
\Laminas\Mail\Storage\Message $message Message 3
boolean $full path or relative one 3
$options $_GET 3
integer|null $val if not set, ask for all values, else for 1 value (default NULL) 3
string $table table name 3
array $condition array of criteria 3
string $message Mesage to display on error, defaults to null 3
$params (array) : must contais form data (typically $_REQUEST) 3
array $options: should contains : 3
array $plugin data of the plugin. 3
string $hook 3
int $dashboards_id 3
int $dashboards_id id (not key) of the dashboard 3
integer $items_id id of the item (0 if new) 3
integer $rules_id Matched rule id, if any 3
integer $ports_id Matched port id, if any 3
string $version 3
array $params array with theses options : 3
array $soptions 3
array|object $fields 3
string $template 3
CommonDBTM|string $item Item instance of itemtype of the item. 3
int|null $id ID of the item, useless first argument is an already loaded item instance. 3
string $username 3
\CommonDBTM $item 3
string $directory 3
string $table 4
boolean $is_recursive need to use recursive process to find item 4
boolean $complete_request need to use a complete request and not a simple one 4
string $domain domain used (default is glpi, may be plugin name) 4
string $itemtype item type 4
$base HTMLTableBase object 4
$super HTMLTableSuperHeader object (default NULL) 4
$father HTMLTableHeader object (default NULL) 4
$string 4
boolean $all Get all possible types or only allowed ones 4
$event (default '') 4
bool $display if false, return html 4
integer $who ID of the user (0 if all) 4
string $type position of the item in the time block (in, through, begin or end) 4
array $input Input 4
$portID 4
$options array of possible options: 4
$params parameters 4
$ID the given criteria 4
$condition condition used 4
$output 4
integer $ID ID of the item to get 4
string $vendorid Vendor ID to look for 4
string $itemtype item type 4
integer $nb number of elements 4
object $item the item object 4
integer $tabnum number of the tab to display 4
string $sort Field to sort on 4
string $order Sort order 4
string $directory Plugin directory 4
string $plugin_key 4
$nb : number of item in the type 4
string $str 4
$options array options used 4
$options array of options 4
array $options array of options 4
$id string id of the dom element 4
string $query Query to execute 4
array $joins JOINS criteria array 4
integer $ID ID of the saved search 4
string $table Table name 4
$date1 4
$date2 4
string|string[] $dsn 4
string $sort sort-alpha-asc|sort-alpha-desc|sort-dl|sort-update|sort-added|sort-note 4
array $params 4
string $itemtype itemtype (class) of object 4
array $params with theses options : 4
string $uri 4
ProgressBar|null $progress_bar 4
string|array $table table name(s) 5
integer $ID ID of the item 5
$row HTMLTableRow object (default NULL) 5
integer $day day number 5
$item 5
array $criteria 5
string $itemtype itemtype 5
object $item 5
int $users_id 5
string $text Search string 5
$ID integer ID of the item 5
$itemtype original type of transfered item 5
$data 5
string $context 5
array $post Posted values 5
boolean $json Encode to JSON, default to true 5
string $message Explanation of query (default '') 5
string $table Table name 5
Message $message 5
string $tag_filter filter the plugin list by given tag 5
string $file 5
array $values 5
Component $vcomponent 5
OutputInterface $output 5
boolean $forceall force all joins (false by default) 6
$ticket Ticket object 6
array $options Options 6
$start 6
$item CommonDBTM object (default NULL) 6
$father HTMLTableCell object (default NULL) 6
integer $items_id 6
integer $calendars_id id of the calendar 6
bool $enable_anonymization 6
$item CommonDBTM object 6
$withtemplate integer withtemplate param (default 0) 6
string $content 6
$options array of possible options: 6
$values (default '') 6
$options 6
int|null $entities_id Entity configuration to be used, default to 6
CommonDBTM $item Item instance 6
integer $type type to search (see constants) 6
array $fields 6
array $params contains these keys: 6
mixed $data Inventory input following specs 6
boolean $return_error (default true) 6
array $input Input data 7
$item CommonGLPI object 7
$name : task's name 7
$entity Entity object 7
string $path 7
CronTask $task for log 7
string $table Table name 7
string $content Header content 7
string|null $css_class Css class to add to this header 7
string $itemtype Item type 8
string $itemtype 8
$tabnum (default 1) 8
CronTask $task 8
array $options 8
$withtemplate (default 0) 8
$name (default '') 8
CommonDBTM $item Item instance 8
integer $items_id Item ID 8
integer $withtemplate 1 if is a template form 8
array $params Required hooks params 8
$options array of possible options: 9
$ID integer ID of the item 9
$item CommonGLPI object 9
array $params default values for 9
bool $public_only True if only public status information should be given. 9
$ID integer ID of the item 10
$withtemplate (default 0) 10
$type 10
string $name 10
string $key 10
mysqli_result $result MySQL result handler 10
$ID 11
string $table_name 11
InputInterface $input 11
$options array of possible options: 12
string $value 12
string $date1 begin date 12
string $date2 end date 12
$name (default '') 13
$values (default '') 13
$name 13
array $options 13
$items_id 14
string $itemtype Item type 14
CommonDBTM $item 15
$value 15
array $options Options 16
$input 16
$options array 16
$options array 18
array $input 20
$values 22
string $itemtype 25
$itemtype 35
$field 46
$options array 70
@retrun boolean 1
@retun void 1
@return string field name used for a foreign key to the parameter itemtype 1
CommonDBTM|boolean itemtype object or false if class does not exists 1
string : name of the element 1
string : completename of the element 1
string : formatted username 1
string : username string (realname if not empty and name if realname is empty). 1
boolean : index exists ? 1
boolean|array False or an array containing plugin name and class name 1
array Registration data: 1
unique instance of an object 1
void|boolean (HTML display) False if there is a rights error. 1
array of "user table field name" => "config value" 1
integer unix timestamp 1
string ldap timestamp 1
string the ldap field to use for user synchronization 1
string the database field to use for user synchronization 1
boolean true if the sync_field is enabled (the field is filled) 1
boolean true if configured, false if not configured 1
boolean connection succeeded? 1
array of the user 1
boolean false if the user dn doesn't exist, user ldap infos otherwise 1
array of the groups 1
string the group cn 1
resource|boolean 1
resource|false|\LDAP\Connection link to the LDAP server : false if connection failed 1
resource|boolean link to the LDAP server : false if connection failed 1
array|boolean false if fail 1
array|boolean dn of the user, else false 1
array|boolean group infos if found, else false 1
array of LDAP server's ID 1
boolean (TRUE) 1
array which contains ldap query results 1
array of the replicate servers 1
boolean true if maxPageSize can be used, false otherwise 1
false|User 1
array|false list of networks (see searchNetworks()) 1
array of networks found. If we want request several field, the return value will be 1
true if the network owns the IP address 1
string : 1
string The i html tag 1
true on success 1
string Image path on disk 1
array of mandatory fields 1
array of users linked to a rssfeed 1
Update 1
array of users linked to a reminder 1
0|1 1
an array of RuleCriteria objects 1
true if the field match the rule, false if it doesn't match 1
condition's label 1
int task status (0: no work to do, 1: work done) 1
integer total actiontime 1
array of users linked to a knowbaseitem 1
integer {@link Auth::USER_DOESNT_EXIST}, {@link Auth::USER_EXISTS_WITHOUT_PWD} or {@link Auth::USER_EXISTS_WITH_PWD} 1
boolean connection success 1
string basedn of the user / false if not founded 1
boolean user in GLPI DB with the right password 1
boolean user login success 1
string current identification error 1
object current user 1
void|string (Based on 'display' option) 1
void|integer nothing if redirect is true, else Auth system ID 1
void|boolean nothing if redirect is true, else false 1
void|boolean False if the form is not shown due to right error. Form is directly printed. 1
Response 1
integer Time in seconds 1
string|false Ending timestamp (HH:mm:dd) of delay or false if not applicable. 1
string Timestamp (HH:mm:dd) of first working hour 1
string Timestamp (HH:mm:dd) of last working hour 1
ImpactContext|false 1
integer total of items 1
array array of forbidden actions 1
string tab name 1
array array containing the onglets 1
array all the options 1
string result the full internet name 1
array two arrays (NetworkName and NetworkAlias) of the IDs 1
array an array containing the object ID 1
integer LCM of $first and $second 1
bool|false 1
true is value if blacklisted, false otherwise 1
array of conditions 1
the maximum number of actions 1
the initial value (first) 1
the initial value (first non used) 1
the criteria array 1
the action array 1
the criteria's description 1
the action's description 1
boolean if criteria match 1
mixed|false A value associated with the criteria, or false otherwise 1
input parameters merged with hook parameters 1
array of Rule objects 1
uuid 1
array of tickets 1
boolean False if the specified project task is not set to automatically update the percent done. 1
boolean true if succeed else false 1
integer|false ID of opposite port. false if not found 1
integer the total number of rows 1
array of the specificities: index is the field name and the values are the attributs 1
array of the itemtype that can have this Item_Device 1
array of the types of Item_Device* available 1
array of Item_Device* 1
array of the available items 1
string containing the device 1
array which contains necessary information to build the SQL query 1
an array of RuleAction objects 1
array|boolean same output than SavedSearch::getParameters() 1
string Output 1
HTMLTableMain the table owning the current header 1
true if this is a super header 1
boolean true on success, false on failure 1
false|int|string false if user is not logged in 1
void|true 1
false or [helpdesk|central] 1
User|bool 1
array The array of team members with additional information 1
array Array containing edges and nodes 1
string $item 1
string json data 1
array of the IDs of the profiles 1
boolean for success 1
true if active / false if not active 1
boolean True if successfull, false otherwise 1
int|mixed|null 1
array of entities linked to a knowbaseitem 1
void (display a table) 1
array Array of information 1
string html content 1
boolean True if the merge was successful if "full_transaction" is true. 1
array criteria to apply to an iterator query 1
array The list of possible values 1
string The appropriate label 1
array timestamp before each bump => label 1
array number of bump before resolution => label 1
null|array If a new directory is found, returns an array containing 'directory' and 'informations' keys. 1
array Array containing plugin dropdowns 1
string|array The specific information value requested or an array of all information if $info is null. 1
array Array containing plugin database relations 1
array Array containing plugin search options for given type 1
array An *indexed* array of search options 1
string the label 1
string the key 1
false|string the path 1
false|string the web path 1
boolean|array false or fields checked and updated (lowercase for the fqdn field) 1
string the FQDN of the element, or "" if invalid FQDN 1
integer|integer[] 1
string the FQDN of the element, or "" if invalid FQDN 1
boolean true if the FQDN is valid 1
true if translation is available, false otherwise 1
boolean : is the value used ? 1
integer|boolean the ID of the new or existing dropdown (-1 or false on failure) 1
integer Dropdown id 1
integer|boolean 1
mixed|boolean 1
int number of relations 1
array array of string with icons and names 1
string the html for the list 1
string the javascript 1
int Number of deleted items 1
int Number of items deleted 1
array Array of blacklisted items 1
array Array of blacklisted IP 1
array Array of blacklisted MAC 1
array Array of blacklisted Serial number 1
array Array of blacklisted UUID 1
array Array of blacklisted Emails 1
Array of "font key" => "font name" 1
array Found users ids 1
int Number of users found 1
boolean true if rules are applied, false otherwise 1
string|boolean Filename to be stored in user picture field, false if no picture found 1
boolean true if search is applicable, false otherwise 1
boolean true if found / false if not 1
array Groups of the user located in [0][$group_member_field] in returned array 1
mysqli_result|boolean 1
integer|string Random value if displayed, string otherwise 1
void|boolean false if user does not have rights to import users from external sources, 1
integer ID of user, 0 if not found nor imported 1
boolean true if password successfully changed, false otherwise 1
bool Return true if the password reset notification was sent, 1
string|boolean User token, false if user does not exist 1
string|false token or false in case of error 1
null|int Password expiration time, or null if expiration mechanism is not active. 1
User|null The matching user or null if zero or more than one user 1
boolean true if $object is an object that can have Infocom 1
array with all dates (configuration field & real field) 1
array|boolean 1
array|double 1
float|array 1
string expiration date 1
Array [position -> racks_id | 0] 1
Array (int => label) 1
string the side name 1
integer the oposite side 1
integer: count 1
boolean : action succeeded 1
array of IDs of the potential sons 1
integer the id of the current object ancestor 1
integer length of the string 1
string lower case string 1
string upper case string 1
string utf8 string 1
string converted string 1
array|string clean item 1
array|string unclean item 1
array|string stripslashes item 1
string Query string to append to a URL. 1
integer memory limit 1
null|integer 1
string formatted size 1
string random string 1
string content of the page (or empty) 1
boolean whether this is an AJAX (XMLHttpRequest) request. 1
integer $val 1
array parsed arguments (address, port, mailbox, type, ssl, tls, validate-cert 1
string type of the server (imap/pop) 1
null|\Glpi\Mail\Protocol\ProtocolInterface|\Laminas\Mail\Protocol\Imap|\Laminas\Mail\Protocol\Pop3 1
null|AbstractStorage 1
boolean string found ? 1
string clean integer 1
string clean decimal 1
string clean string 1
string encoded array 1
string decoded array 1
void display error if not permit 1
boolean|string (if $type not given) else boolean 1
array data from documents having tags found 1
string the $content_text param after parsing 1
string html content 1
string the IP address 1
string formatted link. 1
string excel like string index 1
boolean|string Destination filepath, relative to GLPI_PICTURE_DIR, or false on failure 1
string shortened number 1
string hex color (ex #FAFAFA) 1
string hexadecimal fg color (ex #FFFFFF) 1
mixed The header value or null if not found 1
bool True if the class or its parents have the specified trait 1
feed object 1
array of the elements 1
a string with the current action or NULL if we are at initial stage 1
array of the items (empty if initial state) 1
array of the remaining items (empty if not in process state) 1
string|boolean the itemtype or false if we cannot define it (and we cannot display the selector) 1
array of massive actions or false if $item is not valid 1
array of results (ok, ko, noright counts, redirect ...) 1
array of the results for the actions 1
0 1
array of lockable objects 'itemtype' => 'plural itemtype' 1
bool: true if read-only profile lock has been set 1
string '' if no rights to unlock type, 1
bool: true if locked 1
bool: true if object is locked, and $this is filled with record from DB 1
bool|ObjectLock: returns ObjectLock if locked, else false 1
array: empty array if itemtype is not lockable; else returns UNLOCK right 1
array List of ids 1
array Array of Kanban column state data. 1
array of 'date' and 'sla' field names 1
array of strings 1
false|LevelAgreementLevel 1
false|OlaLevel_Ticket|SlaLevel_Ticket 1
integer resolution time (default 0) 1
string|null due date time (NULL if sla/ola not exists) 1
string|null execution date time (NULL if ola/sla not exists) 1
string name 1
integer[] Found licenses ids 1
new location ID 1
new socket ID 1
$ID of the new software (could be the same) 1
$ID of the new version (could be the same) 1
integer|boolean true in case of success, -1 otherwise 1
array The data 1
array prepare to be used for a search (include criteria and others needed information) 1
string the sql sub string 1
string Title 1
array Array of available itemtype 1
mixed the found criteria array of false of nothing found 1
array criteria 1
string ORDER BY query string 1
string Meta Left join string 1
array parsed params 1
array Clean $SEARCH_OPTION array 1
array The reference to the array of search options for the given item type 1
search SQL string 1
string Search string 1
boolean is password valid? 1
string the path or false 1
array dependencies list 1
string locale's php page in GLPI or '' is no language associated with the value 1
integer 2: missing extension, 1: missing optionnal extension, 0: OK, 1
array [ 1
DB version 1
array of config values 1
boolean True for success, false if an error occured 1
array of $CFG_GLPI without unsafe keys 1
array [email => noreply address, name => noreply name] 1
array [email => address, name => name] 1
array an array of fields to check, or an empty array if no 1
array the input values to insert, but modified 1
string containing the address 1
string containing the website 1
bool false on failure 1
array[] which contains a copy of $_SESSION and $CFG_GLPI 1
int : <0 : need to run again, 0:nothing to do, >0:ok 1
array of linked tickets array(id=>linktype) 1
HTMLTableHeader 1
integer ID of existing or new Device 1
string The name of the entry for the database (ie. : correctly slashed) 1
number of the peer 1
int 0 (not a part of the relation), 1 ($itemtype_1) or 2 ($itemtype_2) 1
array of profiles linked to a knowbaseitem 1
array [x => [pos_x], y => [pos_y]]] 1
string app token 1
integer number of rules 1
true if confirmtion is needed, else false 1
int|false -1 if all rows done, else offset for next run, or false on error 1
Title of the rule collection 1
void send attachment to browser 1
true if a criterion is a dropdown, false otherwise 1
the output array updated by actions (addslashes datas) 1
the output array updated by actions 1
cleaned array 1
RuleCollection|null 1
boolean True if the new/updated record will be unique 1
false|string 1
void Output is printed 1
int the validation status : ACCEPTED|REFUSED|WAITING 1
array of groups linked to a rssfeed 1
bool|void False if the Kanban cannot be shown. 1
boolean False if the specified project is not set to automatically update the percent done. 1
array [x => [left => [depth, depth, depth, depth]], [right => [depth, depth, depth, depth]]] 1
time past from start 1
array of linked items like array('Computer' => array(1,2), 'Printer' => array(5,6)) 1
true if move was successful 1
array the array altered 1
true is succeffully defined 1
integer[]|false IPv6 mapped address 1
true if the address is IPv4 mapped to IPv6 1
true if the increment is valid 1
float value that is the absolute of $value 1
array each value of the array (corresponding to one IPAddress) is an array of the 1
boolean true if and only if both addresses are binary equals. 1
integer 0 : task is enabled 1
boolean false if no task to run 1
string|boolean the name of last task launched, or false if execution not available 1
bool for success 1
array of string 1
boolean : true if launched 1
array of entities linked to a rssfeed 1
the mode's label 1
true if the attached item has changed, false if the attached items has not changed 1
boolean true if we have absolute right to create the current connexity 1
true if we have absolute right to create the current connexity 1
array as the third parameter of Log::history() method or false if we don't want to 1
array containing "previous" (if exists) and "new". Beware that both can be equal 1
boolean TRUE if form is ok 1
array of groups linked to a reminder 1
HTMLTableHeader table header that have been created 1
boolean Authentication succeeded? 1
mixed [string|boolean] false, if failed, else the url string 1
string confirmation script 1
array the menu array 1
string the javascript code for jquery criterion or empty string if it is not a 1
string the HTML code for the checkbox 1
bool|string the html if display parameter is false, or true 1
string computed date / datetime value 1
string completed img tag 1
string an `a` element. 1
string A HTML submit button 1
string The progress bar HTML 1
string Composed attributes. 1
string The composed attribute. 1
String of script tags 1
mixed the html if display paremeter is false or true 1
integer random value used to generate the ids 1
string HTML copyright 1
string the inverted color prefixed by # 1
ImpactItem|bool ImpactItem object or false if not found and 1
null|string new addslashes name 1
void|string the button HTML code if $display is true, void otherwise 1
boolean|string end date 1
bool True if successful in updating the cache, otherwise returns false. 1
boolean : false if error and random id if OK 1
string the value of the dropdown 1
array containing the value of the dropdown or   if not exists 1
integer rand for select id 1
integer randomized value used to generate HTML IDs 1
boolean|integer ID of the new item or false on error 1
integer : dropdown id. 1
string the label corresponding to it, or "" 1
number total cost 1
array of costs and actiontime 1
string total cost formatted string 1
boolean true if have more right 1
integer profiles_id 1
random value used to generate the ids 1
content if !display 1
array of already used execution times 1
integer number of consumable counted. 1
integer number of old consumable counted. 1
integer number of consumable unused counted. 1
string escaped string 1
mysqli_result Query result handler 1
mysqli_stmt|boolean statement object or FALSE if an error occurred. 1
mixed Value of the Row $i and the Field $field of the Mysql $result 1
integer number of rows 1
mixed|null result row 1
string[]|null array results 1
string[]|null result associative array 1
object|null 1
string name of the field 1
int number of fields 1
mixed list of fields 1
array|null Field characteristics 1
int number of affected rows on success, and -1 if the last query failed. 1
string error text from the last MySQL function, or '' (empty string) if no error occurred. 1
int error number from the last MySQL function, or 0 (zero) if no error occurred. 1
boolean TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. 1
boolean true if all query are successfull 1
string[] Array of label / value 1
DBmysql 1
the label's value or '' 1
array [x => ['depth' => 1, 'orientation' => 0, 'width' => 1, 'hpos' =>0]] 1
integer ID 1
bool true if displayed false if item not found or not right to display 1
array all retrieved data in a associative array by id 1
string name of the index field 1
array array of type + ID 1
integer|boolean new ID of the item is insert successfull else false 1
array Array of value 1
array Array of values 1
integer the new ID of the added item (or false if fail) 1
boolean true if item need to be deleted else false 1
integer|void value of withtemplate option (exit of no right) 1
integer number of linked items 1
array an array of linked items like array('Computer' => array(1,2), 'Printer' => array(5,6)) 1
mixed value of the field / false if not exists 1
string comments of the object in the current language (HTML) 1
array an *indexed* array of search options 1
array a *not indexed* array of search options 1
void (update is set inside $actions) 1
boolean false if parameters displayed ? 1
void (direct submit to $ma object) 1
string|void display the dropdown 1
array the search option array, or an empty array if not found 1
array the search option array 1
mixed the search option id, or -1 if not found 1
array an array which contains field => label 1
boolean true if value is ok, false if not 1
boolean true if item can be written in DB, false if not 1
integer ID of the entity or -1 1
false|void 1
array array of rights to display 1
array the input param transformed 1
bool True if there is a circular relation. 1
string Friendly name of the object 1
static|boolean false on failure 1
array of profiles linked to a reminder 1
boolean for success (at least 1 log entry added) 1
boolean success 1
array of localized log entry (TEXT only, no HTML) 1
array the restrict SQL clause which contains uuid, uuid with first block flipped, 1
integer|boolean ID of the computer that have this uuid or false otherwise 1
array $input 1
clean query array 1
array prepared query array 1
array of itemtypes 1
array of groups linked to a knowbaseitem 1
string Next creation date in 'Y-m-d H:i:s' format. 1
int|false 1
array The modified $input 1
-1 on completion else current offset 1
array of events (event key => event label) 1
array of actors 1
array An array of the predefined values 1
array of possible entities_id 1
integer from 1 to 5 (priority) 1
string|boolean Field part or false if not applicable 1
a string 1
void|boolean Nothing if displayed, false if not applicable 1
integer Random part of inputs ids 1
true if ticket can be assign to this type, false if not 1
array contains the distinct users_ids which have itil object 1
array contains the distinct recipents which have itil object 1
array contains the distinct groups of tickets 1
array contains the distinct recipents which have tickets 1
array contains the distinct users which have any intervention assigned to. 1
array contains the distinct users which have any followup assigned to. 1
array contains the distinct enterprises which have any tickets assigned to. 1
array contains the distinct groups assigned to a tickets 1
mixed[] Timeline items 1
array[] of array[] of users and roles 1
integer followup count 1
ITILTemplate 1
string class name 1
CommonITILValidation|null 1
string default email, empty if no email set 1
array of emails 1
boolean is this email set for the user ? 1
requesttypes_id 1
array of predefined fields 1
false|integer False if something went wrong, number of send notifications otherwise 1
number of cartridges 1
boolean : true for success 1
string|boolean 1
array ticket fields 1
string cleaned text 1
string clean text 1
array Associative array with following keys 1
array containing extracted filenames in file/_tmp 1
-1 : done but not finish 1 : done with success 1
integer the number of translations for this field 1
integer the number of translations for this item 1
true if translation can be added/update, false otherwise 1
integer the dropdown's random identifier 1
string the translated value of the value in the default language 1
integer the row id or 0 if not translation found 1
boolean true if item can be translated, false otherwise 1
boolean true if there's at least one translation, otherwise false 1
array of table / field translated item 1
aray|false 1
array of entities linked to a reminder 1
NotificationTarget|false 1
a notificationtarget class or false 1
void|false 1
empty array 1
array : SQL request 1
array Array of ids 1
array list of actions 1
ResultSet 1
false if the netmask is not valid or if it does not correspond to version 1
HTMLTableCell the father cell for the Internet Information ... 1
array each value of the array (corresponding to one NetworkPort) is an array of the 1
array with SQL field (for instance : device.type) => form field (type) 1
array (filtered input) 1
integer (0/1) 1
Array of id => value 1
string url contents 1
object|false itemtype instance or false if class does not exists 1
integer number of elements in table 1
string name of the element 1
string completename of the element 1
string formatted username 1
string username string (realname if not empty and name if realname is empty). 1
id of the template in templates_by_languages / false if computation failed 1
boolean true if the user belongs to the group 1
String tab of entity for restriction 1
array of hidden fields 1
array of items linked to contracts 1
the printer's ID 1
int validity indicator 1
number of licenses 1
an array which contains field => label 1
integer id of the last item inserted by mysql 1
integer new rule id 1
boolean True if successful 1
integer Number of used cartridges counted. 1
integer Number of used cartridge counted. 1
integer Number of old cartridges counted. 1
integer : number of old cartridge counted. 1
integer : number of cartridge unused counted. 1
string : Translated value for the cartridge status. 1
boolean False if there was a rights issue. Otherwise, returns true. 1
array Array of notification parameters 1
array of available type of network ports 1
NetworkPortInstantiation|false the instantiation object or false if the type of instantiation is not known 1
boolean false on error, true if the previous instantiation is not available 1
integer|false ID of the NetworkPort found, false if not found 1
array all the options 1
string of names (HTML) 1
integer ID of the renewal 1
mixed the palette array or false 1
mixed the color in hexa (ex: #FFFFFF) or false 1
mixed the id (integer) or false if it failed 1
array $events : array with events in format 1
array cleaned $params 1
icalendar string 1
null|ErrorHandler 1
the software's ID 1
array of profiles linked to a rssfeed 1
array of linked items 1
\Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface 1
string|false new version number 1
array of [plugin_key => new_version_num] 1
array [offer ref => offer title] 1
int plugin status, @see properties of \Plugin class 1
int config status (self::MP_REPLACE_ASK, self::MP_REPLACE_YES, self::MP_REPLACE_NEVER) 1
string tags list 1
false|void displays things 1
string the plugin card 1
string plugins stars html 1
string the buttons html 1
string the jtml for plugin logo 1
string the subscription information html 1
string the localized description 1
string the pagination html 1
Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|false 1
array collection of plugins 1
int number of plugins 1
array plugin data 1
void we don't wait for a response, this a fire and forget request 1
array top tags 1
array filtered plugin collection 1
false|Enclosure 1
false|Rack 1
array Array of constructed columns data for the Kanban 1
array Array of the data. 1
array Array of items that can have a Kanban view. 1
void|bool 1
array Array of columns in the format: 1
mixed The modified state or false/null to deny the save. 1
object the new object 1
Nothing (display function) 1
string the generated html 1
\RRule\RSet 1
CommonDBTM::class[] 1
int|bool the new ID of the clone (or false if fail) 1
integer The new ID of the clone (or false if fail) 1
string The computed name of the new item to be created 1
null|integer One of self::*_MODE 1
Link object 1
array $links Array of Link objects 1
Item instance 1
false|int Id of the loaded dashboard, or false on failure 1
array with [title, key] 1
array dasboards 1
array converter rights 1
bool true if private; false otherwise 1
Dashboard 1
void display html of the grid 1
string html of the grid items 1
string html of the card 1
array [itemtype1, itemtype2] 1
array of filters 1
string the html for the complete field 1
array the JSON representation of the filter data 1
array the items 1
array with [ 1
array the rights 1
RequirementsList 1
array Array of services keyed by name. 1
string The calculated status. 1
array|string An array or string with the result based on the $as_array parameter value. 1
void; 1
\Agent 1
Request 1
HardDrive 1
MainAsset 1
RefusedEquipment[] 1
CommonDBTM[] 1
Inventory 1
Agent 1
void xmlrpc response 1
array the escaped response. 1
integer|boolean id of current itemtype (or false if not found) 1
string endpoint called 1
void self::returnResponse called for output 1
array|void array with session_token, or void when error response is send in case of error 1
bool|void success status or void when error response is send in case of error 1
array of entities (with id and name) 1
array with 3 keys : 1
boolean|void success status, or void when error response is send in case of error 1
array of profiles (with associated rights) 1
integer the profiles_id 1
array fields of found object 1
array|void collection of fields, or void when error response is send in case of error 1
array collection of glpi object's fields 1
array all searchoptions of specified itemtype 1
string the unique id 1
array unique id parts 1
array|void array of raw rows from Search class, or void when error response is send in case of error 1
array|void array of id, or void when error response is send in case of error 1
array the cleaned input 1
array|void array of boolean, or void when error response is send in case of error 1
boolean|boolean[]|void success status, or void when error response is send in case of error 1
array|void response array, or void when error response is send in case of error 1
array of messages 1
array altered $fields 1
array child classes 1
array|void 1
string The corrected itemtype. 1
array|void array of massive actions, or void when error response is send in case of error 1
array|void array of massive actions parameters, or void when error response is send in case of error 1
array Updated hateoas 1
object 1
string The rendered HTML 1
SecurityPolicy 1
\Glpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters\ParametersTypes\ParameterTypeInterface[] 1
TemplatesParametersInterface|null 1
int[] 1
string completed gallery 1
TemplateRenderer 1
Environment 1
null|mixed 1
string truncated string 1
VCalendar 1
\CommonDBTM|null 1
null|VCalendar 1
null|array 1
OutputInterface 1
boolean true if requirements are OK, false otherwise 1
Command[] 1
null|integer Datacenter id, or null in case of failure 1
int|null 1
null|CommonDBTM Stored item. 1
string field name used for a foreign key to the parameter table 2
string table name corresponding to a foreign key name 2
string itemtype corresponding to a table name parameter 2
string ItemType name for the fkname parameter 2
string table name corresponding to the itemtype parameter 2
string plural of the parameter string 2
string singular of the parameter string 2
array containing all the datas 2
string name 2
array of IDs of the ancestors 2
array of IDs of the sons and the ancestors 2
string new auto string 2
string containing encoded array 2
array containing datas 2
array the $RELATION array 2
string the WHERE clause to restrict 2
string translated string 2
string protected string (with htmlentities) 2
void|boolean 2
array|boolean with state, else false 2
array|boolean false if failed 2
array of types 2
array of the itemtypes 2
boolean : success 2
boolean for success / $input array is updated 2
string|bool date (Y-m-d H:i:s) or false 2
integer number of events deleted 2
string|void 2
id of the sla level : 0 if not exists 2
0 : nothing to do 1 : done with success 2
array containing the tabs name 2
array array of types 2
array array containing the tabs 2
array array for menu 2
array array of additional options 2
string character menu shortcut key 2
boolean true 2
integer|string (regarding what is requested) 2
array of link contents (may have several when item have several IP / MAC cases) 2
array Updated output 2
array of tasks ordered by dates 2
string its internet name, or empty string if invalid NetworkName 2
boolean|HTMLTableGroup 2
object of the concerned item or false on error 2
an array of attributes 2
bool true if the node was missing, else false 2
Array of entity ID 2
DBmysql object 2
array of datas to add in ticket 2
rights 2
boolean about success 2
integer the ID of the new (or -1 if not found) 2
string ID of the select 2
boolean true if method is applicable, false otherwise 2
boolean true if user found, false otherwise 2
integer[] 2
Iterator 2
integer Random generated number used for select box ID (select box HTML is printed) 2
id of the ola level : 0 if not exists 2
string|string[] 2
*/ 2
integer timestamp of delay 2
number of installations 2
select string 2
string Select string 2
string Where string 2
string Left join string 2
string String to print 2
string Clean value 2
array [email => replyto address, name => replyto name] 2
array of the types of CommonDevice available 2
string the name of the entry for the database (ie. : correctly slashed) 2
boolean : true on success 2
array of the specificities: 2
array containing the elements 2
array the altered input 2
string|integer Output string if display option is set to false, 2
string the field translated if a translation is available, or the original field if not 2
true if item can be translated, false otherwise 2
integer the number of translations for this item 2
array of already translated languages 2
true if active, false if not 2
true if the address is valid. 2
array containing the object ID 2
bool : true if ok (not start by another) 2
Boolean 2
CommonDBTM|boolean the item or false if we cannot load the item 2
void|boolean print out an HTML select box or return false if mandatory fields are not ok 2
array of posible values 2
string A generated hidden input 2
void|string the html if display parameter is false 2
integer either 0 or 1 2
array (group of dropdown) of array (itemtype => localized name) 2
string HTML link 2
string name of the object in the current language 2
string string to add 2
array an array of massive actions 2
array contains the distinct request types of tickets 2
an array which contains : event => event label 2
NotificationTarget 2
self 2
array containing the options 2
integer Number of elements in table 2
string String to display 2
integer Number of cartridges counted. 2
integer|null 2
ErrorHandler 2
PluginsApi 2
array full collection 2
void (display) 2
string the html 2
string the dashboard key 2
\stdClass 2
User|null 2
mixed|void 2
CommonGLPI|null 2
CalDAVCompatibleItemInterface|null 2
VCalendar[] 2
null|CommonDBTM 2
array of criteria 3
integer|false 3
bool true on success 3
Title of the rule 3
CommonDBTM 3
CommonGLPI 3
string joins to add 3
true 3
integer total effective duration 3
array the items associated to the given one (empty if none was found) 3
array of entities ID 3
float 3
mixed $data 3
an array of linked items like array('Computer' => array(1,2), 'Printer' => array(5,6)) 3
integer number of installations 3
string to display 3
true if all ok 3
true; 3
string CSS link tag 3
integer ID of the entity 3
boolean|array 3
array contains the distinct priorities of tickets 3
CommonDBTM|null 3
string the value translated if a translation is available, or the same value if not 3
null 3
integer random part of elements id 3
void display things 3
array : 3
array of IDs of the sons 4
array list of items in the tree 4
object identification object 4
the object associated with the itemtype 4
array the excluded fields (keys and values are equals) 4
boolean (success) 4
string restrict to add 4
\Sabre\VObject\Component\VCalendar[] 4
integer 0 : nothing to do 1 : done with success 4
void|string (see $options['display']) 4
string id of the select 4
array Array of types 4
string name of this type 4
string|array name of the tab 4
array [email => sender address, name => sender name] 4
array the modified $input array 4
boolean true on success 4
Migration 4
CacheInterface 4
int nb of elements in table 5
array|false 5
array of search option 5
the updated input datas 5
string|false 5
string|integer HTML output, or random part of dropdown ID. 5
InventoryAsset 5
int 6
true if succeed else false 6
string html of the widget 6
array|string 7
array of information 7
integer (0 : nothing done - 1 : done) 7
array|null 7
void|string (see $display) 7
boolean|void 7
string the string to display 7
$this 7
true if displayed false if item not found or not right to display 8
boolean true if succeed else false 8
string HTML to display 8
String 8
CommonDeprecatedTrait Return self to allow method chaining 8
boolean True in case of success, false in case of errors. 8
number 9
void|string 10
mysqli_result|boolean Query result handler 10
array of planning item 11
null|string 11
string|array 11
integer|string 14
string html 14
string[] 16
boolean item found 17
void|boolean (display) Returns false if there is a rights error. 19
DBmysqlIterator 21
mixed 23
bool for success (will die for most error) 41
string|null 43
integer 60
bool 116
string 316
array 316
boolean 341
void 679
@reutn string 1
@see getTreeValueCompleteName() 1
getTreeLeafValueName() 1
ProjectTask 1
Project 1
Consumable 1
ConsumableItem 1
CartridgeItem 1 1
self::listFields() 1
self::tableExists() 1
CommonDBChild::showChildForItemForm() 1
CommonDBRelation::canCreateItem() 1
Rule::showNewRuleForm() 1
CommonGLPI::getForbiddenActionsForMenu() 1
CommonDBTM::isNewItem() 1
Rule::addSpecificParamsForPreview() 1
HTMLTableHeader::getHeaderAndSubHeaderName() 1
Ajax::updateItemOnSelectEvent for information) 1
CommonDBTM::pre_deleteItem() 1
RuleCollection::getFieldsToLookFor() 1
CommonDBTM::getSpecificValueToDisplay() 1
CommonDBTM::getSpecificValueToSelect() 1 1
RuleCollection::canList() 1
CommonDBRelation::showRelationMassiveActionsSubForm() 1
CommonDBRelation::getRelationInputForProcessingOfMassiveActions() 1
CommonITILObject::getDefaultActor() 1
CommonITILObject::getDefaultActorRightSearch() 1
CommonDBChild::canUpdateItem() 1
CommonDBChild::canPurgeItem() 1
CommonDBChild::canCreateItem() 1
unclean_cross_side_scripting_deep* 1
clean_cross_side_scripting_deep() 1 1
CommonGLPI::getTypeName() 1
getForceUnlockButton 1
CommonDBTM::processMassiveActionsForOneItemtype 1
self::getAllowedFields() 1
NotificationTarget::getObjectItem() 1
CommonDropdown::defineTabs() 1
CommonTreeDropdown::getAdditionalFields() 1
CommonTreeDropdown::prepareInputForAdd() 1
CommonDBConnexity::getHistoryChangeWhenUpdateField 1
CommonDBChild::getHistoryNameForItem 1
RuleCollection::warningBeforeReplayRulesOnExistingDB() 1
CommonDBConnexity::getItemFromArray() 1
CommonDBConnexity::getItemsAssociationRequest() 1
CommonDBRelation::isAttach2Valid() 1
CommonDBRelation::prepareInputForAdd() 1
Toolbox::getDateFormats() 1 1
Html::getCheckbox() 1
displayUploadedFile() in fileupload.js 1 1
CommonDBChild::prepareInputForUpdate() 1
CommonDBChild::post_updateItem() 1
CommonDBTM::getLogTypeID() 1
showChildsForItemForm() 1
showChildsForItemForm(CommonDBTM $item, $field_name) 1
CommonDevice::getAdditionalFields() 1
RuleTicket::getCriterias() 1
DBmysql::removeSqlComments() 1
Rule::displayAdditionRuleActionValue() 1
Rule::displayAdditionalRuleAction() 1
Rule::findWithGlobalCriteria() 1 1
DB::request() 1
CommonDBTM::getCompleteNameField 1
CommonDBTM::getRawCompleteName 1
CommonDBTM::getFriendlyName 1
CommonDBTM::getName 1
CommonDBTM::rawSearchOptions 1
CommonDBTM::searchOptions instead. 1
RuleCollection::preProcessPreviewResults() 1
RuleCollection::showInheritedTab() 1
RuleCollection::showChildrensTab() 1
addQuery 1
CommonDBTM::getPostAdditionalInfosForName 1
NotificationTarget::getMessageID() 1
NetworkPortInstantiation::getInstantiationHTMLTable() 1
DbUtils::getTreeValueCompleteName 1
DbUtils::getTreeLeafValueName 1
CommonDBTM::post_deleteFromDB() 1
Migration::addConfig() 1
self::updateDependencies() for the update 1
splitInputForElements() for preparing the input 1
Kanban::canModifyGlobalState() 1
addInstanceException 1
\Search::manageParams) 1
self::getGradientPalette 1
\CommonGLPI::getTypeName() 1 2
Rule::displayAdditionalRuleCondition() 2
CommonDBTM::getNameField() 2
CommonDBTM::post_getFromDB() 2
CommonDBChild::post_addItem() 2
Rule::getTitle() 2
Rule::showSpecificCriteriasForPreview() 2
CommonDBTM::canPurgeItem() 2
CommonDBConnexity::getConnexityMassiveActionsSpecificities() 2
CommonDBTM::getMassiveActionsForItemtype() 2
CommonDBTM::getForbiddenStandardMassiveAction() 2
CommonDBTM::getNameField 2
CommonDBChild::prepareInputForAdd() 2
showAddChildButtonForItemForm() 2
Glpi\Features\Clonable::post_clone 2
self::getAllDasboardCards 2 2
CommonDBTM::post_purgeItem() 3
CommonGLPI::getMenuName() 3
CommonGLPI::getAdditionalMenuLinks() 3
RuleCollection::cleanTestOutputCriterias() 3
CommonDBRelation::getRelationMassiveActionsSpecificities() 3 3
CommonDBTM::prepareInputForUpdate() 3
CommonDBTM::post_addItem() 3
self::showGenericDateTimeSearch() 3
CommonDBTM::getPreAdditionalInfosForName 3
self::pie for params 3
CommonGLPI::getAdditionalMenuOptions() 4
CommonGLPI::getMenuContent() 4
RuleCollection::prepareInputDataForProcess() 4
NotificationTarget::addSpecificTargets() 4
self::getLinesGraph for params 4
mysqli::ssl_set() 5
CommonDevice::getImportCriteria() 5
CommonDBTM::cleanDBonPurge() 5
NotificationTarget::addNotificationTargets() 5
CommonDBTM::post_updateItem() 5
CommonGLPI::defineTabs() 6
CommonDBTM::prepareInputForAdd() 6
CommonDBTM::useDeletedToLockIfDynamic() 6
self::getBarsGraph for params 6
Rule::maxActionsCount() 7
CommonGLPI::getMenuShorcut() 8
CommonDBTM::showMassiveActionsSubForm() 11
CommonDBTM::getSpecificMassiveActions() 11
commonDBTM::getRights() 12
CommonGLPI::getTabNameForItem() 12
CommonDBTM::processMassiveActionsForOneItemtype() 13
Rule::getCriterias() 19
RuleCollection::getTitle() 19
Rule::getActions() 21
@since 0.80 1
0.85 (before migration_cleaner) 1
9.5.1 1
9.5.2 1
9.1 (before showForSLA) 1
9.1 (before getFirst SlaLevel) 1
9.2 Add $rightname parameter 1
9.3 can pass sqlfilter as a parameter 1
9.1 (before getDatasToAddSla without type parameter) 1
9.2 (before getDatasToAddOla without type parameter) 1
0.83.3 new proto 1
9.5.0 Added $param parameter 1
9.3 Removed the 'dev' key of $info parameter. 1
10.0.0 $options param added 1
0.83.7 1
9.3 Can pass condition as a parameter 1
0.84 (before in alert.class) 1
9.1 (before showForOLA) 1
9.1 (before getFirst OlaLevel) 1
9.3 Rework 1
versin 0.85 1
9.4.7 Added $db parameter 1
9.1.5 1
9.1.8 1
0.85 (before transferTicketAdditionalInformations) 1
9.4: $key param has been dropped 1
10.0.0: Parameters changed to allow multiple sort fields. 1
9.2 Method signature and return has changed 1
10.0.0 Parameter $older_to_latest is not longer used. 1
9.3 added the $devicetype parameter 1
9.5.5 Added parameter $log_state. 1
0.83 (before addMulti) 1
0 1
0.84 (before Search::displayMassiveActions) 1
0.85 only 1 parameter (in 0.84 $itemtype required) 1
0.83. 1
085 1
9.5.0 Usage of string in condition option is removed 1
0.85 update prototype 1
0.85 (before showFormInventory) 1
9.5 Added $usecache parameter. 1
0.84.1 1
0.85 must have param $input 1
version 0.84 new proto 1
0.84.6 1
9.2 Signature has changed 1
10.0.0 "followups" option has been dropped 1
0.85 (since 0.85 but param $id since 0.85) 1
9.2 add $id parameter 1
0.84 (new parameter) 1
0.83 (before addRule) 1
0.84 (created in version 0.83 in entitydata.class) 1
0.85 (before name was restore) 1
0.84 (before showInstalled) 1
0.85 (before show with same parameters) 1
0.85.5 2
0.84 new parameter $limitexceeded 2
9.3.2 Added $input parameter 2
0.90.2 2
9.2.2 2
9.5.5 2
0.90.4 2
9.5.0 Made all params required. Dropped invalid defaults. 2
versin 0.83.5 2
0.83.91 2
0.85 (befor in each object with differents parameters) 2
9.2 Path is now relative to GLPI_ROOT. Add $minify parameter. 2
9.4.3 2
9.5.7 2
9.1 2 mandatory parameters 2
9.1 2 parameters mandatory 2
9.1 2 parameters mandatory 2
9.1 2 parameters mandatory 2
9.5.6 2
9.1.1 2
0.84.2 3
0.84.3 3
9.2 moved from each class to parent class 3
9.2.1 4
9.5.3 4
0.83.1 4
versin 0.84 4
0.83.8 4
9.3.2 4
9.1.7 4
9.4: $num param has been dropped 4
9.5.4 6
0.84 new proto 6
0.83.3 6
9.4.0 $joins parameter added 6
0.84.4 7
10.0 7
0.85. 8
0.90 10
9.4.0 14
0.84 (before in entitydata.class) 17
9.3.1 18
9.4 27
9.3 31
9.5 50
9.1 51
9.5.0 87
0.83 89
9.2 93
10.0.0 115
0.85 288
0.84 321
@throw RuntimeException 1
@throws \RuntimeException 1
ForgetPasswordException when requirements are not met 1
ForgetPasswordException If the process failed and the user should 1
PasswordTooWeakException when $display is false and the password does not matches the requirements 1
\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException 1
LogicException 3
RuntimeException 6
InvalidArgumentException 10
@todo all documentation ! 1
replace 'hidden' by data-glpicore-ma-tags ? 1
should not use session to pass query parameters... 1
study if we cannot use these methods for the user emails 2
@var int Super-admin profile ID */ 1
int Supervisor profile ID */ 1
int Value indicating no rights */ 1
int Self-service profile ID */ 1
int Admin profile ID */ 1
int Technician profile ID */ 1
int Read-only profile ID */ 1
int Hotliner profile ID */ 1
int Observer profile ID */ 1
int Plugin was discovered but not installed 1
int Plugin was previously discovered, but the plugin directory is missing now. The DB needs cleaned. 1
int Plugin is installed but not enabled 1
int Plugin is not installed 1
int The plugin's files are for a newer version than installed. An update is needed. 1
int Unknown plugin state 1
int Plugin is installed and enabled 1
int Plugin is installed but needs configured before it can be enabled 1
IPNetmask 1
User User class variable */ 1
bool Store user LDAP dn */ 1
int Indicates if the user password expired */ 1
array External authentication methods */ 1
array Array of errors */ 1
resource|boolean LDAP connection descriptor */ 1
int Indicates if the user is already present in database */ 1
int External authentication variable */ 1
int Indicates if the user is authenticated or not */ 1
null|array 1
CommonGLPI|null 1
mysqli 1
bool */ 1
array */ 1
bool From CommonDBTM 1
string From CommonDropdown 1
Laminas\Mail\Storage\AbstractStorage 1
mixed 1
CommonDBTM|null */ 1
null|int 1
DOMDocument */ 1
int */ 1
Glpi\Agent\Communication\Headers\Common */ 1
RequirementInterface[] 1
Agent */ 1
InventoryAsset[] */ 1
Inventory */ 1
@var Conf */ 1
mixed */ 1
\Agent */ 1
Environment 1
ErrorHandler 1
Plugin|null 1
Command[]|null 1
InputInterface 1
DBmysql $DB DB instance 1
array $CFG_GLPI 1
array $DEBUG_SQL 1
array $CFG_GLPI 1
IPAddress 2
string Right managements 2
string CommonDropdown 2
int|null 2
bool */ 2
bool From CommonDropdown 2
OutputInterface|null 2
\DBmysql 2
LoggerInterface 2
InventoryAsset */ 2
\stdClass */ 2
TemplatesParametersInterface 2
DB 2
OutputInterface 2
CacheManager 2
Conf */ 3
DBmysql $DB 3
mixed[] 4
DBmysql 4
CommonDBTM */ 5
string|null 7
boolean */ 8
string */ 9
integer */ 9
string[] 11
int 13
boolean 14
array */ 15
bool 22
array 35
integer 59
string 64
@warning textual (ie. human readable) representation is not unique for IPv6 addresses : 1
All textual representation of IPv6 addresses conforms to RFC 5952 : they are 1
You have to care of calling CommonDBChild or CommonDBRelation methods if you override 1
note the difference between getHTMLTableCellForItem and getHTMLTableCellsForItem 1
this is not valid if $itemtype_1 == $itemtype_2 ! 1
if the update is not possible (right problem), then $input become false 1
By default, if the action is possible regarding the attaching item, then it is 1
can be call as many time as fields are updated 1