Classes sizes

Here is a list of classes measurements. It shows the name of the class, with its namespaces, the number of extensions of the class (extends levels), then the number of constants, properties and methods that the actual class offers. The first number is for the local element, and the second number when including all the available hierarchy classes.

A level '1+' denotes that one of the extension of the class is not defined in the code, and its counts were not included in the calculations. Only the known classes' counts are used.

Class name Namespace Hierarchy Constants Properties Methods
CheckDatabaseSchemaConsistencyCommand2+1 / 10 / 02 / 2
DeleteOrphanLogsCommand2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
CheckDatabaseKeysCommand2+3 / 30 / 02 / 2
GlpiTwigRulesetGlpi\Tools2+0 / 01 / 13 / 3
CheckTwigTemplatesSyntaxCommandGlpi\Tools\Command2+1 / 10 / 02 / 2
anonymous-class2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
anonymous-class2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
anonymous-class014 / 140 / 01 / 1
Bookmark2+0 / 00 / 00 / 0
RegisteredID2+0 / 04 / 44 / 4
Change_User2+0 / 04 / 40 / 0
GLPINetwork2+0 / 00 / 013 / 13
TicketTemplate2+0 / 02 / 25 / 5
Item_DeviceNetworkCard2+0 / 03 / 31 / 1
SingletonRuleList00 / 02 / 21 / 1
DeviceSoundCardModel2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
Item_Ticket2+0 / 05 / 520 / 20
KnowbaseItemCategory2+0 / 03 / 33 / 3
RuleImportEntity2+2 / 22 / 211 / 11
DeviceNetworkCardModel2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
Calendar_Holiday2+0 / 06 / 611 / 11
WifiNetwork2+0 / 03 / 39 / 9
OperatingSystemVersion2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
PhonePowerSupply2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
AuthLDAP2+22 / 224 / 486 / 86
NotificationTargetReservation2+0 / 00 / 05 / 5
Domain2+0 / 07 / 726 / 26
IPNetwork2+0 / 07 / 730 / 30
Item_Rack2+0 / 07 / 715 / 15
Unmanaged2+0 / 02 / 211 / 11
DevicePowerSupplyModel2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
Appliance_Item2+0 / 06 / 613 / 13
DeviceCaseModel2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
OperatingSystem2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
HTMLTableUnknownHeader2+0 / 00 / 00 / 0
HTMLTableSubHeader2+0 / 01 / 17 / 7
DeviceSensorType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
MonitorType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
NotificationTargetChange2+0 / 01 / 13 / 3
RuleDictionnaryNetworkEquipmentType2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
DeviceGraphicCard2+0 / 01 / 110 / 10
RuleDictionnaryManufacturer2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
Telemetry2+0 / 00 / 020 / 20
Item_DevicePowerSupply2+0 / 03 / 31 / 1
Item_DeviceMemory2+0 / 03 / 31 / 1
Document2+0 / 05 / 541 / 41
ITILTemplateMandatoryField2+0 / 00 / 06 / 6
Change_Problem2+0 / 04 / 47 / 7
DeviceFirmwareType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
PendingReason_Item2+0 / 06 / 620 / 20
Appliance2+0 / 03 / 315 / 15
NotificationEventMailing2+0 / 00 / 08 / 8
Notepad2+0 / 05 / 512 / 12
RuleDictionnaryPrinterModelCollection2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
ProjectTaskTeam2+0 / 08 / 88 / 8
RuleImportComputerCollection2+0 / 03 / 32 / 2
TicketTemplatePredefinedField2+0 / 03 / 30 / 0
RSSFeed_User2+0 / 06 / 61 / 1
NotificationTargetTicket2+2 / 20 / 08 / 8
Update00 / 06 / 69 / 9
Reminder_User2+0 / 06 / 61 / 1
EventGlpi2+0 / 01 / 110 / 10
Cluster2+0 / 02 / 26 / 6
RuleCriteria2+0 / 04 / 417 / 17
CommonTreeDropdown2+0 / 01 / 126 / 26
NetworkInterface2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
CommonITILRecurrentCron2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
SoftwareLicenseType2+0 / 01 / 13 / 3
DeviceCase2+0 / 01 / 16 / 6
TicketTask2+0 / 01 / 115 / 15
GLPIMailer2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
HTMLTableUnknownHeadersOrder2+0 / 00 / 00 / 0
ProjectTask_Ticket2+0 / 04 / 47 / 7
Plug2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
NotificationSettingConfig2+0 / 03 / 32 / 2
SocketModelGlpi2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
RuleDictionnaryComputerModelCollection2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
Itil_Project2+0 / 04 / 46 / 6
ConsumableItemType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
KnowbaseItem_User2+0 / 06 / 61 / 1
CableType2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
Auth2+12 / 1210 / 1033 / 33
RuleRight2+0 / 03 / 310 / 10
SlaLevel2+0 / 05 / 58 / 8
ProjectTaskLink2+0 / 04 / 42 / 2
DomainRecordType2+0 / 02 / 210 / 10
ReservationItem2+1 / 17 / 722 / 22
Agent2+4 / 43 / 316 / 16
CalendarSegment2+0 / 03 / 314 / 14
RuleDictionnarySoftware2+0 / 03 / 36 / 6
ImpactContext2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
NetworkPortMigration2+0 / 04 / 413 / 13
DatabaseInstance2+0 / 04 / 415 / 15
RuleDictionnaryNetworkEquipmentModel2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
CartridgeItemType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
PeripheralModel2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
IPNetwork_Vlan2+0 / 05 / 57 / 7
AllAssets2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
Group_Problem2+0 / 04 / 40 / 0
HTMLTableCellFatherCoherentHeader2+0 / 00 / 00 / 0
SolutionType2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
CommonDBVisible2+0 / 00 / 04 / 4
RuleDictionnaryMonitorModel2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
Group2+0 / 03 / 325 / 25
SLA2+0 / 05 / 53 / 3
PhoneType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
RuleAsset2+3 / 32 / 29 / 9
CommonGLPI00 / 07 / 747 / 47
Reminder2+0 / 07 / 732 / 32
ProjectState2+0 / 00 / 05 / 5
DocumentCategory2+0 / 01 / 15 / 5
NetworkEquipmentType2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
ChangeTemplate2+0 / 02 / 23 / 3
ProblemTask2+0 / 01 / 114 / 14
AgentType2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
RuleDictionnaryManufacturerCollection2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
HTMLTableRow2+0 / 05 / 510 / 10
Change_Ticket2+0 / 04 / 49 / 9
OlaLevelCriteria2+0 / 03 / 32 / 2
NetworkPortEthernet2+0 / 00 / 016 / 16
NetworkPortAggregate2+0 / 00 / 06 / 6
FQDNLabel2+0 / 00 / 010 / 10
HTMLTableSuperHeader2+0 / 02 / 28 / 8
Link2+0 / 03 / 316 / 16
ChangeTemplateMandatoryField2+0 / 03 / 30 / 0
Certificate2+0 / 03 / 316 / 16
RuleDictionnaryNetworkEquipmentTypeCollection2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
HTMLTableEntity00 / 04 / 48 / 8
Knowbase2+0 / 00 / 08 / 8
Fieldblacklist2+0 / 02 / 215 / 15
NotificationTargetProblem2+0 / 01 / 13 / 3
ImageFormat2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
Rule2+18 / 1813 / 1391 / 91
DeviceBatteryType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
ProjectTask2+2 / 27 / 751 / 51
NetworkPort_NetworkPort2+0 / 08 / 811 / 11
NetworkName2+0 / 08 / 820 / 20
SNMPCredential2+0 / 02 / 212 / 12
Item_DeviceCamera2+0 / 03 / 31 / 1
Item_Enclosure2+0 / 07 / 79 / 9
HTMLTableMain2+0 / 02 / 29 / 9
LineType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemServicePack2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
Ajax00 / 00 / 010 / 10
Document_Item2+0 / 06 / 622 / 22
Item_Devices2+0 / 017 / 1735 / 35
Lock2+0 / 00 / 08 / 8
NetworkEquipment2+0 / 04 / 411 / 11
RuleAction2+0 / 04 / 420 / 20
RackType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
SavedSearch_User2+0 / 05 / 54 / 4
ProjectTaskType2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
DeviceControl2+0 / 01 / 16 / 6
USBVendor2+0 / 01 / 110 / 10
DeviceFirmwareModel2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
ContractType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
Preference2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
CommonITILTask2+5 / 51 / 135 / 35
CableStrand2+0 / 00 / 08 / 8
SlaLevelCriteria2+0 / 03 / 32 / 2
RuleRightCollection2+0 / 07 / 77 / 7
TicketRecurrent2+0 / 02 / 25 / 5
NotificationTargetDomain2+0 / 00 / 04 / 4
ProblemTemplateMandatoryField2+0 / 03 / 30 / 0
HTMLTableHeader2+0 / 05 / 513 / 13
ITILSolution2+0 / 04 / 420 / 20
Problem_Ticket2+0 / 04 / 412 / 12
Group_Ticket2+0 / 04 / 41 / 1
RuleDictionnaryPrinterTypeCollection2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
Filesystem2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
RuleDictionnaryPrinterType2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
Item_DevicePci2+0 / 03 / 31 / 1
Item_DeviceProcessor2+0 / 03 / 31 / 1
Database2+0 / 05 / 512 / 12
ContactType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
Change2+8 / 87 / 736 / 36
Session03 / 30 / 059 / 59
anonymous-class2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
Item_DeviceCamera_ImageFormat2+0 / 04 / 45 / 5
RuleMailCollectorCollection2+0 / 03 / 33 / 3
ProjectTeam2+0 / 08 / 87 / 7
DeviceHardDrive2+0 / 01 / 111 / 11
Link_Itemtype2+0 / 02 / 25 / 5
Impact2+12 / 120 / 033 / 33
Profile_User2+0 / 011 / 1124 / 24
DBConnection2+6 / 61 / 126 / 26
Entity_KnowbaseItem2+0 / 06 / 61 / 1
Ticket2+17 / 179 / 999 / 99
PrinterLog2+0 / 03 / 36 / 6
CommonDBConnexityItemNotFound2+0 / 00 / 00 / 0
OperatingSystemKernelVersion2+0 / 01 / 13 / 3
Item_Disk2+3 / 33 / 316 / 16
RuleTicket2+3 / 32 / 214 / 14
Domain_Item2+0 / 05 / 512 / 12
PendingReason2+0 / 03 / 310 / 10
Problem_Supplier2+0 / 04 / 40 / 0
RuleDictionnaryComputerModel2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
Plugin2+9 / 94 / 468 / 68
KnowbaseItem_Revision2+0 / 00 / 07 / 7
FQDN2+0 / 03 / 312 / 12
DeviceHardDriveModel2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
CommonDropdown2+0 / 08 / 830 / 30
Alert2+6 / 60 / 09 / 9
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemVersion2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
NotificationAjax00 / 00 / 05 / 5
OLA2+0 / 05 / 53 / 3
DeviceMemory2+0 / 01 / 111 / 11
RuleImportAssetCollection2+0 / 03 / 36 / 6
QueryParam00 / 01 / 13 / 3
Appliance_Item_Relation2+0 / 04 / 411 / 11
CleanSoftwareCron2+2 / 21 / 18 / 8
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemArchitectureCollection2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
DeviceFirmware2+0 / 01 / 17 / 7
Blacklist2+8 / 84 / 424 / 24
DeviceBattery2+0 / 01 / 17 / 7
RuleDictionnaryComputerType2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
PendingReasonCron2+1 / 10 / 04 / 4
GLPIPDF2+0 / 02 / 26 / 6
Peripheral2+0 / 04 / 411 / 11
User2+5 / 55 / 5114 / 114
Infocom2+6 / 66 / 643 / 43
ProjectType2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
PDU_Rack2+4 / 47 / 717 / 17
Computer_Item2+0 / 05 / 517 / 17
NotificationMailing00 / 00 / 04 / 4
CommonImplicitTreeDropdown2+0 / 01 / 110 / 10
TicketTemplateMandatoryField2+0 / 03 / 30 / 0
CertificateType2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
Item_DeviceSimcard2+0 / 04 / 43 / 3
XML00 / 05 / 51 / 1
VirtualMachineType2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
OlaLevel2+0 / 05 / 58 / 8
Ticket_User2+0 / 04 / 41 / 1
RuleDictionnaryDropdown2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
Item_DeviceGeneric2+0 / 03 / 31 / 1
Item_DeviceDrive2+0 / 03 / 31 / 1
DeviceCamera2+0 / 01 / 18 / 8
Toolbox00 / 00 / 0111 / 111
RSSFeed2+0 / 06 / 633 / 33
TicketSatisfaction2+0 / 03 / 314 / 14
MassiveAction05 / 520 / 2025 / 25
OperatingSystemEdition2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
ObjectLock2+0 / 04 / 423 / 23
SlaLevelAction2+0 / 03 / 32 / 2
SsoVariable2+0 / 02 / 26 / 6
Item_Cluster2+0 / 07 / 710 / 10
HTMLTableCellWithoutFather2+0 / 00 / 00 / 0
Item_SoftwareLicense2+0 / 04 / 414 / 14
NotificationTargetProject2+0 / 00 / 09 / 9
AbstractRightsDropdown01 / 10 / 011 / 11
Item_Kanban2+0 / 05 / 59 / 9
DeviceNetworkCard2+0 / 01 / 19 / 9
LevelAgreement2+0 / 08 / 832 / 32
ChangeCost2+0 / 02 / 23 / 3
GLPIUploadHandler2+0 / 00 / 06 / 6
Supplier_Ticket2+0 / 04 / 42 / 2
Item_SoftwareVersion2+0 / 08 / 823 / 23
RuleDictionnaryPhoneType2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
Item_DeviceCase2+0 / 03 / 31 / 1
DeviceCameraModel2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
PrinterModel2+0 / 01 / 14 / 4
Transfer2+0 / 07 / 740 / 40
ITILTemplate2+0 / 08 / 823 / 23
Item_DeviceGraphicCard2+0 / 03 / 31 / 1
TaskCategory2+0 / 03 / 34 / 4
Search013 / 132 / 262 / 62
AbstractITILChildTemplate2+0 / 00 / 05 / 5
Config2+2 / 26 / 663 / 63
FieldUnicity2+0 / 05 / 522 / 22
Item_DeviceSoundCard2+0 / 03 / 31 / 1
Contact2+0 / 03 / 313 / 13
DeviceBatteryModel2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
RuleDictionnaryMonitorTypeCollection2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
DevicePowerSupply2+0 / 01 / 17 / 7
ImpactRelation2+0 / 04 / 42 / 2
HTMLTableUnknownHeaders2+0 / 00 / 00 / 0
SavedSearch_Alert2+6 / 64 / 412 / 12
Ticket_Ticket2+4 / 45 / 513 / 13
NotificationTargetPlanningRecall2+0 / 00 / 09 / 9
CommonDevice2+0 / 06 / 621 / 21
CommonDBRelation2+0 / 026 / 2651 / 51
Lockedfield2+0 / 03 / 310 / 10
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemVersionCollection2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
UserCategory2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
RefusedEquipment2+0 / 02 / 28 / 8
RackModel2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
KnowbaseItem_Profile2+0 / 06 / 61 / 1
Cable2+0 / 02 / 211 / 11
CartridgeItem_PrinterModel2+0 / 05 / 54 / 4
Holiday2+0 / 02 / 210 / 10
DeviceDrive2+0 / 01 / 17 / 7
DCRoom2+0 / 03 / 314 / 14
NotificationTemplateTranslation2+0 / 03 / 315 / 15
NotificationTargetObjectLock2+0 / 00 / 07 / 7
DomainRelation2+2 / 23 / 35 / 5
DevicePciModel2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
APIClient2+3 / 33 / 312 / 12
RuleCollection2+2 / 211 / 1151 / 51
NotificationTargetSavedSearch_Alert2+0 / 00 / 05 / 5
Central2+0 / 00 / 011 / 11
State2+0 / 02 / 212 / 12
NetworkPortType2+1 / 10 / 09 / 9
ITILFollowupTemplate2+0 / 03 / 34 / 4
CommonITILValidation2+5 / 54 / 448 / 48
VirtualMachineState2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
ProblemTemplateHiddenField2+0 / 03 / 30 / 0
ReminderTranslation2+0 / 05 / 511 / 11
Group_RSSFeed2+0 / 06 / 61 / 1
Project2+2 / 25 / 554 / 54
Rack2+9 / 92 / 217 / 17
Item_DeviceMotherboard2+0 / 03 / 31 / 1
ITILFollowup2+8 / 88 / 828 / 28
HTMLTableCell2+0 / 06 / 611 / 11
Timer00 / 01 / 12 / 2
Monitor2+0 / 04 / 412 / 12
MonitorModel2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
RuleMatchedLog2+0 / 01 / 17 / 7
KnowbaseItemTranslation2+0 / 05 / 515 / 15
SupplierType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
Item_OperatingSystem2+0 / 05 / 516 / 16
Item_DeviceFirmware2+0 / 03 / 31 / 1
DocumentType2+0 / 01 / 18 / 8
RuleDictionnarySoftwareCollection2+0 / 05 / 510 / 10
TicketCost2+0 / 03 / 30 / 0
Item_DeviceControl2+0 / 03 / 31 / 1
IPAddress2+0 / 09 / 934 / 34
AuthLdapReplicate2+0 / 01 / 16 / 6
DeviceCaseType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
DisplayPreference2+2 / 25 / 513 / 13
GLPIKey00 / 04 / 414 / 14
CronTask2+5 / 56 / 649 / 49
QuerySubQuery2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
Entity_RSSFeed2+0 / 06 / 61 / 1
ConsumableItem2+0 / 04 / 417 / 17
NotificationTargetFieldUnicity2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
Supplier2+0 / 03 / 312 / 12
DeviceControlModel2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
DeviceMemoryType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
KnowbaseItem_Comment2+0 / 00 / 08 / 8
NotificationTargetProjectTask2+0 / 00 / 09 / 9
RuleDictionnaryMonitorType2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
Notification_NotificationTemplate2+6 / 67 / 716 / 16
NotificationTargetInfocom2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
SocketGlpi2+2 / 26 / 630 / 30
NotificationTargetCertificate2+0 / 00 / 04 / 4
RuleDictionnaryPhoneTypeCollection2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
RuleDictionnaryMonitorModelCollection2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
RuleDictionnaryPrinterCollection2+0 / 05 / 58 / 8
IPAddress_IPNetwork2+0 / 04 / 42 / 2
CommonDBConnexity2+3 / 32 / 219 / 19
ComputerAntivirus2+0 / 03 / 310 / 10
Ticket_Contract2+0 / 06 / 63 / 3
Group_Reminder2+0 / 06 / 61 / 1
PlanningRecall2+0 / 02 / 213 / 13
RuleRightParameter2+0 / 02 / 24 / 4
CommonITILActor2+3 / 33 / 313 / 13
ImpactCompound2+0 / 00 / 00 / 0
HTMLTableBase00 / 04 / 48 / 8
RuleDictionnaryPhoneModelCollection2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
Printer_CartridgeInfo2+0 / 03 / 33 / 3
AuthMail2+0 / 02 / 217 / 17
DeviceDriveModel2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
TaskTemplate2+0 / 03 / 37 / 7
CommonItilObject_Item2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
ITILCategory2+0 / 03 / 312 / 12
Html00 / 00 / 0129 / 129
RuleDictionnaryNetworkEquipmentModelCollection2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
ProblemTemplatePredefinedField2+0 / 03 / 30 / 0
ImpactItem2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
ProblemCost2+0 / 02 / 23 / 3
DeviceMotherboardModel2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
NetworkPortWifi2+0 / 00 / 09 / 9
NotificationEventAjax2+0 / 00 / 06 / 6
DeviceGenericType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
CommonDeviceType2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
InterfaceType2+0 / 01 / 13 / 3
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemArchitecture2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
DeviceSensorModel2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
Datacenter2+0 / 02 / 29 / 9
Reservation2+0 / 04 / 426 / 26
RuleDictionnaryPrinter2+0 / 02 / 24 / 4
NotificationTargetUser2+0 / 00 / 06 / 6
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemCollection2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
OlaLevelAction2+0 / 03 / 32 / 2
VirtualMachineSystem2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
QueuedNotification2+0 / 01 / 120 / 20
ProfileRight2+0 / 03 / 312 / 12
NotificationTargetContract2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
Manufacturer2+0 / 01 / 110 / 10
CommonDBChild2+0 / 010 / 1035 / 35
NotificationSetting2+0 / 03 / 310 / 10
Calendar2+0 / 04 / 421 / 21
BudgetType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
XHProf02 / 21 / 14 / 4
NetworkPortLocal2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
Location2+0 / 03 / 312 / 12
NotificationTargetDBConnection2+0 / 00 / 04 / 4
KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory2+0 / 07 / 77 / 7
Item_Problem2+0 / 05 / 56 / 6
Change_Supplier2+0 / 04 / 40 / 0
PeripheralType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
RecurrentChange2+0 / 02 / 24 / 4
DevicePci2+0 / 01 / 14 / 4
Vlan2+0 / 02 / 28 / 8
Netpoint2+0 / 00 / 04 / 4
Dropdown01 / 10 / 038 / 38
NetworkPortMetrics2+0 / 03 / 36 / 6
BlacklistedMailContent2+0 / 03 / 36 / 6
PlanningExternalEventTemplate2+0 / 02 / 210 / 10
NotificationTargetConsumableItem2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
Item_DeviceSensor2+0 / 03 / 31 / 1
CommonITILCost2+0 / 01 / 113 / 13
Profile2+0 / 05 / 552 / 52
PassiveDCEquipment2+0 / 02 / 24 / 4
ChangeTemplatePredefinedField2+0 / 03 / 30 / 0
ProjectTaskTemplate2+0 / 03 / 37 / 7
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemServicePackCollection2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
ClusterType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
LevelAgreementLevel2+0 / 01 / 114 / 14
AutoUpdateSystem2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
Consumable2+0 / 05 / 529 / 29
DBmysql00 / 027 / 2774 / 74
DeviceGenericModel2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
CommonDeviceModel2+0 / 00 / 04 / 4
Phone2+0 / 04 / 412 / 12
PassiveDCEquipmentType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
RuleImportComputer2+2 / 23 / 315 / 15
NotificationMailingSetting2+0 / 00 / 05 / 5
ChangeTemplateHiddenField2+0 / 03 / 30 / 0
ProjectCost2+0 / 03 / 310 / 10
OlaLevel_Ticket2+0 / 00 / 07 / 7
RuleImportAsset2+9 / 98 / 827 / 27
anonymous-class00 / 00 / 01 / 1
Enclosure2+0 / 02 / 29 / 9
CommonDBTM2+0 / 022 / 22168 / 168
DomainType2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
Profile_Reminder2+0 / 06 / 61 / 1
Log2+26 / 263 / 318 / 18
Item_DeviceCamera_ImageResolution2+0 / 04 / 45 / 5
ComputerVirtualMachine2+0 / 03 / 312 / 12
RuleTicketCollection2+0 / 03 / 38 / 8
SavedSearch2+6 / 61 / 143 / 43
DeviceGeneric2+0 / 01 / 16 / 6
OperatingSystemArchitecture2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
RuleSoftwareCategory2+0 / 02 / 25 / 5
DatabaseInstanceCategory2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
ComputerType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
Computer2+0 / 05 / 514 / 14
QueryUnion2+0 / 02 / 24 / 4
Group_KnowbaseItem2+0 / 06 / 61 / 1
CronTaskLog2+4 / 40 / 03 / 3
PCIVendor2+0 / 01 / 110 / 10
NotificationAjaxSetting2+0 / 00 / 05 / 5
RuleDictionnaryPhoneModel2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
CommonITILRecurrent2+0 / 04 / 419 / 19
RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection2+0 / 05 / 52 / 2
Problem2+6 / 67 / 736 / 36
NotificationTargetCommonITILObject2+0 / 02 / 231 / 31
OperatingSystemKernel2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
DeviceSimcard2+0 / 01 / 15 / 5
NetworkPortFiberchannel2+0 / 00 / 015 / 15
CommonITILObject2+24 / 248 / 8165 / 165
DeviceProcessorModel2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
PhoneModel2+0 / 01 / 13 / 3
EnclosureModel2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
QueryExpression00 / 01 / 13 / 3
RuleDictionnaryComputerTypeCollection2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
TicketTemplateHiddenField2+0 / 03 / 30 / 0
DeviceGraphicCardModel2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
Item_DeviceBattery2+0 / 03 / 31 / 1
UserEmail2+0 / 04 / 413 / 13
PlanningExternalEvent2+1 / 12 / 216 / 16
RequestType2+0 / 00 / 010 / 10
ITILTemplatePredefinedField2+0 / 00 / 010 / 10
Network2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
DeviceProcessor2+0 / 01 / 111 / 11
RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystem2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
CartridgeItem2+0 / 04 / 418 / 18
NotificationTargetCrontask2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
NotificationEventAbstract00 / 00 / 02 / 2
NetworkPortAlias2+0 / 00 / 07 / 7
SoftwareCategory2+0 / 01 / 16 / 6
MailCollector2+4 / 414 / 1448 / 48
PlanningEventCategory2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
HTMLTableCellFatherSameRow2+0 / 00 / 00 / 0
Item_DeviceHardDrive2+0 / 03 / 31 / 1
ComputerModel2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
DropdownTranslation2+0 / 04 / 425 / 25
ApplianceType2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
SLM2+2 / 23 / 38 / 8
DomainRecord2+1 / 14 / 422 / 22
Entity_Reminder2+0 / 06 / 61 / 1
RuleDictionnaryPrinterModel2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
TicketValidation2+4 / 43 / 34 / 4
Line2+0 / 03 / 36 / 6
NetworkPort_Vlan2+0 / 05 / 511 / 11
NetworkAlias2+0 / 04 / 411 / 11
ProblemTemplate2+0 / 02 / 22 / 2
RuleMailCollector2+0 / 03 / 36 / 6
NotificationTarget2+6 / 621 / 2162 / 62
KnowbaseItem2+4 / 47 / 747 / 47
NetworkPortDialup2+0 / 00 / 04 / 4
ImageResolution2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
Change_Item2+0 / 05 / 56 / 6
PrinterType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
OperatingSystemServicePack2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
Notification2+45 / 452 / 220 / 20
IPNetmask2+0 / 01 / 13 / 3
NetworkPortFiberchannelType2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
Budget2+0 / 04 / 411 / 11
ContractCost2+0 / 03 / 310 / 10
NetworkPortInstantiation2+0 / 07 / 727 / 27
DeviceSensor2+0 / 01 / 16 / 6
DeviceSoundCard2+0 / 01 / 17 / 7
AbstractQuery00 / 01 / 14 / 4
Change_Group2+0 / 04 / 40 / 0
Entity2+10 / 107 / 760 / 60
Contract_Supplier2+0 / 04 / 45 / 5
DbUtils00 / 00 / 038 / 38
NotificationTemplate2+0 / 04 / 419 / 19
Group_User2+0 / 04 / 416 / 16
ITILTemplateHiddenField2+0 / 00 / 06 / 6
Contract_Item2+0 / 04 / 412 / 12
DBmysqlIterator00 / 07 / 725 / 25
Certificate_Item2+0 / 06 / 69 / 9
Printer2+0 / 04 / 417 / 17
ShareDashboardDropdown2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
SoftwareLicense2+0 / 04 / 429 / 29
NotificationTargetMailCollector2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
Migration02 / 213 / 1339 / 39
NotificationTargetCartridgeItem2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
ITILTemplateField2+0 / 05 / 58 / 8
Cartridge2+0 / 08 / 836 / 36
ManualLink2+0 / 06 / 613 / 13
PDUModel2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
NetworkPort2+0 / 09 / 938 / 38
LineOperator2+0 / 02 / 24 / 4
Contract2+3 / 34 / 429 / 29
SoftwareVersion2+0 / 03 / 310 / 10
Report2+0 / 02 / 27 / 7
RuleAssetCollection2+0 / 03 / 32 / 2
MigrationCleaner2+0 / 01 / 14 / 4
DeviceSimcardType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
NotificationTargetSoftwareLicense2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
PassiveDCEquipmentModel2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
DatabaseInstanceType2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
BusinessCriticity2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
VObject2+0 / 02 / 20 / 0
UserTitle2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
SlaLevel_Ticket2+0 / 00 / 07 / 7
Pdu_Plug2+0 / 07 / 75 / 5
RuleDictionnaryPeripheralType2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
RuleDictionnaryPeripheralTypeCollection2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
Item_RemoteManagement2+3 / 33 / 311 / 11
RuleDictionnaryPeripheralModel2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
Contact_Supplier2+0 / 04 / 46 / 6
Planning2+6 / 65 / 555 / 55
Stat2+0 / 02 / 216 / 16
GLPI00 / 02 / 24 / 4
CommonType2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
ChangeValidation2+0 / 03 / 30 / 0
RuleSoftwareCategoryCollection2+0 / 03 / 32 / 2
PDUType2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
NotImportedEmail2+5 / 51 / 111 / 11
Item_Project2+0 / 05 / 56 / 6
DeviceMemoryModel2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
SolutionTemplate2+0 / 03 / 34 / 4
PurgeLogs2+0 / 01 / 115 / 15
ApplianceEnvironment2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
RuleImportEntityCollection2+0 / 03 / 32 / 2
ChangeTask2+0 / 01 / 113 / 13
Software2+0 / 04 / 426 / 26
DeviceMotherboard2+0 / 01 / 17 / 7
NetworkPortConnectionLog2+0 / 03 / 35 / 5
Problem_User2+0 / 04 / 40 / 0
RuleDictionnaryPeripheralModelCollection2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
Profile_RSSFeed2+0 / 06 / 61 / 1
NotificationEvent2+0 / 01 / 15 / 5
NetworkEquipmentModel2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
CommonDCModelDropdown2+0 / 01 / 19 / 9
PDU2+0 / 02 / 27 / 7
KnowbaseItem_Item2+0 / 06 / 69 / 9
HTMLTableGroup2+0 / 05 / 511 / 11
CacheManagerGlpi\Cache07 / 72 / 219 / 19
I18nCacheGlpi\Cache00 / 01 / 14 / 4
SimpleCacheGlpi\Cache2+0 / 00 / 08 / 8
ControllerGlpi\Marketplace2+3 / 33 / 322 / 22
ViewGlpi\Marketplace2+1 / 13 / 321 / 21
NotificationTargetControllerGlpi\Marketplace2+0 / 00 / 04 / 4
PluginsGlpi\Marketplace\Api03 / 34 / 412 / 12
HooksGlpi\Plugin072 / 720 / 03 / 3
HookManagerGlpi\Plugin00 / 01 / 19 / 9
AbstractRequestGlpi\Agent\Communication031 / 319 / 925 / 25
CommonGlpi\Agent\Communication\Headers00 / 09 / 98 / 8
LinkDAOGlpi\Gantt00 / 00 / 02 / 2
LinkGlpi\Gantt00 / 08 / 82 / 2
DataFactoryGlpi\Gantt00 / 00 / 06 / 6
TaskDAOGlpi\Gantt00 / 00 / 03 / 3
ItemGlpi\Gantt00 / 011 / 113 / 3
ProjectDAOGlpi\Gantt00 / 00 / 03 / 3
DashboardGlpi\Dashboard2+0 / 09 / 922 / 22
GridGlpi\Dashboard00 / 09 / 930 / 30
FilterGlpi\Dashboard2+0 / 02 / 213 / 13
ItemGlpi\Dashboard2+0 / 03 / 32 / 2
ProviderGlpi\Dashboard00 / 00 / 019 / 19
WidgetGlpi\Dashboard00 / 01 / 126 / 26
RightGlpi\Dashboard2+0 / 03 / 32 / 2
RequirementsListGlpi\System00 / 01 / 14 / 4
VariablesGlpi\System00 / 00 / 01 / 1
RequirementsManagerGlpi\System00 / 00 / 01 / 1
AbstractDatabaseCheckerGlpi\System\Diagnostic00 / 03 / 35 / 5
DatabaseSchemaIntegrityCheckerGlpi\System\Diagnostic00 / 08 / 85 / 5
DatabaseKeysCheckerGlpi\System\Diagnostic2+0 / 00 / 04 / 4
DatabaseSchemaConsistencyCheckerGlpi\System\Diagnostic2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
StatusCheckerGlpi\System\Status04 / 40 / 014 / 14
ExtensionFunctionGlpi\System\Requirement2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
DbTimezonesGlpi\System\Requirement2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
AbstractRequirementGlpi\System\Requirement00 / 07 / 79 / 9
ExtensionGroupGlpi\System\Requirement2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
DirectoryWriteAccessGlpi\System\Requirement2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
ExtensionClassGlpi\System\Requirement2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
MemoryLimitGlpi\System\Requirement2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
DbEngineGlpi\System\Requirement2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
ExtensionConstantGlpi\System\Requirement2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
DirectoriesWriteAccessGlpi\System\Requirement2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
MysqliMysqlndGlpi\System\Requirement2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
SeLinuxGlpi\System\Requirement2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
PhpVersionGlpi\System\Requirement2+0 / 02 / 22 / 2
SessionsConfigurationGlpi\System\Requirement2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
ExtensionGlpi\System\Requirement2+0 / 01 / 13 / 3
ProtectedWebAccessGlpi\System\Requirement2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
LogsWriteAccessGlpi\System\Requirement2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
DbConfigurationGlpi\System\Requirement2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
StatDataAlwaysDisplayGlpi\Stat2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
StatDataGlpi\Stat00 / 06 / 69 / 9
StatDataLateGlpi\Stat\Data\Location2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
StatDataSolvedGlpi\Stat\Data\Location2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
StatDataClosedGlpi\Stat\Data\Location2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
StatDataOpenedGlpi\Stat\Data\Location2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
StatDataLocationGlpi\Stat\Data\Location2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
StatDataOpenSatisfactionGlpi\Stat\Data\Location2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
StatDataTicketNumberGlpi\Stat\Data\Graph2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
StatDataSatisfactionSurveyGlpi\Stat\Data\Graph2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
StatDataSatisfactionGlpi\Stat\Data\Graph2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
StatDataTicketAverageTimeGlpi\Stat\Data\Graph2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
StatDataTicketNumberGlpi\Stat\Data\Sglobal2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
StatDataAverageSatisfactionGlpi\Stat\Data\Sglobal2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
StatDataSatisfactionGlpi\Stat\Data\Sglobal2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
StatDataTicketAverageTimeGlpi\Stat\Data\Sglobal2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
TeamGlpi\Team06 / 60 / 00 / 0
ResponseGlpi\Http03 / 30 / 01 / 1
StatCsvExportGlpi\Csv00 / 02 / 25 / 5
CsvResponseGlpi\Csv00 / 00 / 01 / 1
LogCsvExportGlpi\Csv00 / 02 / 24 / 4
ImpactCsvExportGlpi\Csv00 / 01 / 14 / 4
PlanningCsvGlpi\Csv00 / 03 / 34 / 4
InventoryGlpi\Inventory02 / 214 / 1427 / 27
ConfGlpi\Inventory2+0 / 02 / 213 / 13
RequestGlpi\Inventory2+0 / 01 / 119 / 19
OperatingSystemGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 02 / 24 / 4
HardDriveGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
BatteryGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
ControllerGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 01 / 14 / 4
DatabaseInstanceGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 00 / 04 / 4
VolumeGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 01 / 16 / 6
NetworkEquipmentGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 02 / 213 / 13
VirtualMachineGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 04 / 45 / 5
PeripheralGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 01 / 13 / 3
SensorGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
RemoteManagementGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 00 / 04 / 4
MonitorGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 01 / 14 / 4
GraphicCardGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 01 / 13 / 3
ProcessorGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
SoundCardGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 01 / 13 / 3
DriveGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 02 / 26 / 6
MainAssetGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 011 / 1123 / 23
SimcardGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
PhoneGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
DeviceGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 01 / 14 / 4
ComputerGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
MemoryGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
FirmwareGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
BiosGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 00 / 04 / 4
AntivirusGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 00 / 04 / 4
PowerSupplyGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
CameraGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 00 / 06 / 6
PrinterGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 01 / 18 / 8
NetworkCardGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 03 / 34 / 4
CartridgeGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 00 / 05 / 5
NetworkPortGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+0 / 08 / 821 / 21
InventoryAssetGlpi\Inventory\Asset00 / 011 / 1120 / 20
SoftwareGlpi\Inventory\Asset2+1 / 18 / 816 / 16
MarkdownBuilderGlpi\Toolbox00 / 01 / 113 / 13
DataExportGlpi\Toolbox00 / 00 / 01 / 1
SanitizerGlpi\Toolbox02 / 20 / 09 / 9
VersionParserGlpi\Toolbox01 / 10 / 03 / 3
APIXmlrpcGlpi\Api2+0 / 01 / 16 / 6
APIRestGlpi\Api2+0 / 00 / 08 / 8
APIGlpi\Api00 / 014 / 1460 / 60
NetpointGlpi\Api\Deprecated00 / 00 / 06 / 6
Computer_SoftwareLicenseGlpi\Api\Deprecated00 / 00 / 06 / 6
Computer_SoftwareVersionGlpi\Api\Deprecated00 / 00 / 06 / 6
TicketFollowupGlpi\Api\Deprecated00 / 00 / 06 / 6
TemplateDocumentationGlpi\ContentTemplates00 / 03 / 33 / 3
TemplateManagerGlpi\ContentTemplates00 / 00 / 06 / 6
ParametersPresetGlpi\ContentTemplates02 / 20 / 04 / 4
CommonITILObjectParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
LevelAgreementParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
EntityParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
SupplierParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 05 / 5
AssetParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 05 / 5
KnowbaseItemParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 05 / 5
AbstractParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters00 / 00 / 03 / 3
ITILCategoryParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
UserTitleParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
SLAParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
DropdownParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
UserCategoryParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
GroupParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
TreeDropdownParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
TicketParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 05 / 5
OLAParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
UserParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 05 / 5
RequestTypeParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
ChangeParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
LocationParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
ProblemParametersGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
ArrayParameterGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters\ParametersTypes2+0 / 01 / 14 / 4
ObjectParameterGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters\ParametersTypes2+0 / 01 / 14 / 4
AttributeParameterGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters\ParametersTypes2+0 / 01 / 14 / 4
AbstractParameterTypeGlpi\ContentTemplates\Parameters\ParametersTypes00 / 02 / 23 / 3
UserMentionGlpi\RichText00 / 00 / 03 / 3
RichTextGlpi\RichText00 / 00 / 07 / 7
ErrorHandlerGlpi\Application02 / 28 / 819 / 19
TemplateRendererGlpi\Application\View00 / 01 / 15 / 5
SessionExtensionGlpi\Application\View\Extension2+0 / 00 / 08 / 8
PluginExtensionGlpi\Application\View\Extension2+0 / 00 / 04 / 4
TeamExtensionGlpi\Application\View\Extension2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
SearchExtensionGlpi\Application\View\Extension2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
PhpExtensionGlpi\Application\View\Extension2+0 / 00 / 06 / 6
SecurityExtensionGlpi\Application\View\Extension2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
DataHelpersExtensionGlpi\Application\View\Extension2+0 / 00 / 012 / 12
RoutingExtensionGlpi\Application\View\Extension2+0 / 00 / 04 / 4
DocumentExtensionGlpi\Application\View\Extension2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
ConfigExtensionGlpi\Application\View\Extension2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
I18nExtensionGlpi\Application\View\Extension2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
ItemtypeExtensionGlpi\Application\View\Extension2+0 / 00 / 013 / 13
FrontEndAssetsExtensionGlpi\Application\View\Extension2+0 / 00 / 07 / 7
ForgetPasswordExceptionGlpi\Exception2+0 / 00 / 00 / 0
PasswordTooWeakExceptionGlpi\Exception2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
ServerGlpi\CalDAV2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
CalDAVGlpi\CalDAV\Plugin2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
AclGlpi\CalDAV\Plugin2+0 / 02 / 21 / 1
BrowserGlpi\CalDAV\Plugin2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
PrincipalGlpi\CalDAV\Backend2+3 / 30 / 011 / 11
AuthGlpi\CalDAV\Backend2+0 / 01 / 11 / 1
CalendarGlpi\CalDAV\Backend2+4 / 40 / 011 / 11
CalendarRootGlpi\CalDAV\Node2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
PropertyGlpi\CalDAV\Node08 / 80 / 00 / 0
ApplicationGlpi\Console2+2 / 24 / 414 / 14
CommandLoaderGlpi\Console00 / 04 / 412 / 12
AbstractCommandGlpi\Console2+0 / 05 / 58 / 8
ConfigureCommandGlpi\Console\Database2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
EnableTimezonesCommandGlpi\Console\Database2+3 / 30 / 02 / 2
InstallCommandGlpi\Console\Database2+5 / 50 / 06 / 6
anonymous-class2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
UpdateCommandGlpi\Console\Database2+2 / 21 / 14 / 4
CheckSchemaIntegrityCommandGlpi\Console\Database2+2 / 20 / 02 / 2
AbstractConfigureCommandGlpi\Console\Database2+5 / 51 / 19 / 9
anonymous-class2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
anonymous-class2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
anonymous-class2+0 / 00 / 01 / 1
ConfigureCommandGlpi\Console\Cache2+1 / 12 / 23 / 3
ClearCommandGlpi\Console\Cache2+1 / 11 / 12 / 2
DebugCommandGlpi\Console\Cache2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
SetNamespacePrefixCommandGlpi\Console\Cache2+1 / 12 / 23 / 3
SetCommandGlpi\Console\Config2+1 / 10 / 03 / 3
ChangekeyCommandGlpi\Console\Security2+1 / 10 / 02 / 2
SynchronizeUsersCommandGlpi\Console\Ldap2+2 / 20 / 03 / 3
InstallCommandGlpi\Console\Plugin2+0 / 00 / 09 / 9
ActivateCommandGlpi\Console\Plugin2+0 / 00 / 05 / 5
DeactivateCommandGlpi\Console\Plugin2+0 / 00 / 05 / 5
AbstractPluginCommandGlpi\Console\Plugin2+1 / 10 / 06 / 6
CheckStatusCommandGlpi\Console\System2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
ListServicesCommandGlpi\Console\System2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
CheckRequirementsCommandGlpi\Console\System2+0 / 01 / 13 / 3
UnlockCommandGlpi\Console\Task2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
ProcessSoftwareCategoryRulesCommandGlpi\Console\Rules2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
ReplayDictionnaryRulesCommandGlpi\Console\Rules2+0 / 00 / 04 / 4
DisableMaintenanceModeCommandGlpi\Console\Maintenance2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
EnableMaintenanceModeCommandGlpi\Console\Maintenance2+0 / 01 / 12 / 2
CompileScssCommandGlpi\Console\Build2+1 / 10 / 04 / 4
CleanSoftwareCommandGlpi\Console\Assets2+0 / 00 / 03 / 3
EarlyExitExceptionGlpi\Console\Exception2+0 / 00 / 00 / 0
RacksPluginToCoreCommandGlpi\Console\Migration2+10 / 103 / 319 / 19
DynamicRowFormatCommandGlpi\Console\Migration2+2 / 21 / 14 / 4
DatabasesPluginToCoreCommandGlpi\Console\Migration2+0 / 00 / 011 / 11
AbstractPluginToCoreCommandGlpi\Console\Migration2+2 / 22 / 214 / 14
DomainsPluginToCoreCommandGlpi\Console\Migration2+0 / 00 / 08 / 8
MyIsamToInnoDbCommandGlpi\Console\Migration2+2 / 20 / 02 / 2
AppliancesPluginToCoreCommandGlpi\Console\Migration2+6 / 60 / 013 / 13
UnsignedKeysCommandGlpi\Console\Migration2+1 / 10 / 02 / 2
BuildMissingTimestampsCommandGlpi\Console\Migration2+0 / 00 / 02 / 2
Utf8mb4CommandGlpi\Console\Migration2+5 / 50 / 04 / 4
TimestampsCommandGlpi\Console\Migration2+2 / 20 / 02 / 2