Here is the list of the most complex expressions used in the code. A complex expression is an expression that requires more than 20 tokens to be build.
Literal arrays are omitted.
File | Count | Expression |
/src/System/Diagnostic/DatabaseSchemaIntegrityChecker.php:285 | 1 | if(!$this->strict && ($properties['ROW_FORMAT'] ?? '') === 'DYNAMIC' && (($db_server === 'MySQL' && version_compare($db_version, '5.7', '>=')) || ($db_server === 'MariaDB' && version_compare($db_version, '10.2', '>=')))) { /**/ } |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:1802 | 1 | if((!in_array($table, [Ticket::getTable( ), Change::getTable( ), Problem::getTable( ), ]) && $DB->fieldExists($table, 'date_creation')) && isset($apply_filters['dates']) && count($apply_filters['dates']) == 2) { /**/ } |
/src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkCard.php:97 | 1 | if(property_exists($controller, 'type') && ($val->description == $controller->type || strtolower($val->description . " controller") == strtolower($controller->type)) && !isset($this->ignored['controllers'][$controller->name])) { /**/ } |
/src/Inventory/Asset/Volume.php:66 | 1 | if($this->isNetworkDrive($val) && $this->conf->component_networkdrive != 1 || $this->isRemovableDrive($val) && $this->conf->component_removablemedia != 1 || $this->conf->import_volume != 1) { /**/ } |
/src/Features/PlanningEvent.php:423 | 1 | if(!$options['genical'] && (Session::getLoginUserID( ) !== false && $who == Session::getLoginUserID( )) && self::canView( ) && isset($visibility_criteria['WHERE'])) { /**/ } |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:1649 | 1 | if(!in_array($table, [Ticket::getTable( ), Change::getTable( ), Problem::getTable( ), ]) && $DB->fieldExists($table, 'date_creation') && isset($apply_filters['dates']) && count($apply_filters['dates']) == 2) { /**/ } |
/src/Dashboard/Dashboard.php:478 | 1 | if(count(array_intersect($rights['entities_id'], $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities'])) || count(array_intersect($rights['profiles_id'], array_keys($_SESSION['glpiprofiles']))) || in_array($_SESSION['glpiID'], $rights['users_id']) || count(array_intersect($rights['groups_id'], $_SESSION['glpigroups']))) { /**/ } |
/src/Cache/CacheManager.php:431 | 1 | if(!$this->isContextValid($context, true) || !is_array($context_config) || !array_key_exists('dsn', $context_config) || !$this->isDsnValid($context_config['dsn']) || (array_key_exists('options', $context_config) && !is_array($context_config['options']))) { /**/ } |
/src/ChangeTask.php:128 | 1 | if(($this->fields["users_id"] != Session::getLoginUserID( )) && !Session::haveRight('change', UPDATE) && !Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, parent::UPDATEALL)) { /**/ } |
/src/Report.php:96 | 1 | if(Computer::canView( ) || Monitor::canView( ) || Session::haveRight("networking", READ) || Peripheral::canView( ) || Printer::canView( ) || Phone::canView( )) { /**/ } |
/src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/TicketParameters.php:76 | 1 | array_merge(parent::getAvailableParameters( ), [new AttributeParameter("type", _n('Type', 'Types', 1)), new AttributeParameter("global_validation", _n('Approval', 'Approvals', 1)), new AttributeParameter("tto", __('Time to own'), 'date("d/m/y H:i")'), new AttributeParameter("ttr", __('Time to resolve'), 'date("d/m/y H:i")'), new ObjectParameter(new SLAParameters( ), 'sla_tto'), new ObjectParameter(new SLAParameters( ), 'sla_ttr'), new ObjectParameter(new OLAParameters( ), 'ola_tto'), new ObjectParameter(new OLAParameters( ), 'ola_ttr'), new ObjectParameter(new RequestTypeParameters( )), new ObjectParameter(new LocationParameters( )), new ArrayParameter("knowbaseitems", new KnowbaseItemParameters( ), KnowbaseItem_Item::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), new ArrayParameter("assets", new AssetParameters( ), Item_Ticket::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), ]) |
/src/Contract.php:141 | 1 | if((isset($this->oldvalues['begin_date']) && ($this->oldvalues['begin_date'] < $this->fields['begin_date'])) || (isset($this->oldvalues['duration']) && ($this->oldvalues['duration'] < $this->fields['duration'])) || (isset($this->oldvalues['notice']) && ($this->oldvalues['notice'] > $this->fields['notice']))) { /**/ } |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:1385 | 1 | foreach(['user_requester' => __("Top ticket's requesters"), 'group_requester' => __("Top ticket's requester groups"), 'user_observer' => __("Top ticket's observers"), 'group_observer' => __("Top ticket's observer groups"), 'user_assign' => __("Top ticket's assignees"), 'group_assign' => __("Top ticket's assignee groups"), ] as $type => $label) { /**/ } |
/src/Console/Build/CompileScssCommand.php:106 | 1 | if(!$file->isReadable( ) || !$file->isFile( ) || $file->getExtension( ) !== 'scss' || preg_match('/^' . preg_quote(GLPI_ROOT . '/css/lib/', '/') . '/', $file->getPath( )) === 1 || preg_match('/^_/', $file->getBasename( )) === 1) { /**/ } |
/src/Api/API.php:2578 | 1 | if((($device_type == "DeviceMemory") && !in_array($itemtype, $CFG_GLPI["itemdevicememory_types"])) || (($device_type == "DevicePowerSupply") && !in_array($itemtype, $CFG_GLPI["itemdevicepowersupply_types"])) || (($device_type == "DeviceNetworkCard") && !in_array($itemtype, $CFG_GLPI["itemdevicenetworkcard_types"]))) { /**/ } |
/src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryNetworkPort.php:188 | 1 | if(!property_exists($port, 'gateway') || $port->gateway == '' || !property_exists($port, 'netmask') || $port->netmask == '' || !property_exists($port, 'subnet') || $port->subnet == '') { /**/ } |
/src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php:353 | 1 | if($values->name ?? '' == $valuesdb['name'] && ($values->tag ?? 0) == $valuesdb['tag'] && ($values->tagged ?? 0) == $valuesdb['tagged']) { /**/ } |
/src/Api/API.php:256 | 1 | if((!isset($params['login']) || empty($params['login']) || !isset($params['password']) || empty($params['password'])) && (!isset($params['user_token']) || empty($params['user_token']))) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:2070 | 1 | if((($key = array_search('status', $this->updates)) !== false) && (($this->fields['status'] == self::WAITING) || in_array($this->fields["status"], $this->getSolvedStatusArray( )))) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:1926 | 1 | if(!is_null($this->fields['begin_waiting_date']) && ($key = array_search('status', $this->updates)) !== false && ($this->oldvalues['status'] == self::WAITING || (in_array($this->oldvalues["status"], $this->getSolvedStatusArray( )) && !in_array($this->fields["status"], $this->getClosedStatusArray( ))) || (in_array($this->oldvalues["status"], $this->getClosedStatusArray( )) && in_array($this->fields["status"], $this->getNotSolvedStatusArray( ))))) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:8219 | 1 | if(($input['itilcategories_id'] > 0) && ((!isset($input['_users_id_assign']) || !$input['_users_id_assign']) || (!isset($input['_groups_id_assign']) || !$input['_groups_id_assign']))) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:2351 | 1 | if(($key == '_documents_id') && !isset($input['_filename']) && !isset($input['_tag_filename']) && !isset($input['_content']) && !isset($input['_tag_content']) && !isset($input['_stock_image']) && !isset($input['_tag_stock_image'])) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:1765 | 1 | if((($key = array_search('closedate', $this->updates)) !== false) && isset($this->oldvalues['closedate']) && (substr($this->fields["closedate"], 0, 16) == substr($this->oldvalues['closedate'], 0, 16))) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:1757 | 1 | if((($key = array_search('date', $this->updates)) !== false) && (substr($this->fields["date"], 0, 16) == substr($this->oldvalues['date'], 0, 16))) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:1783 | 1 | if((($key = array_search('solvedate', $this->updates)) !== false) && isset($this->oldvalues['solvedate']) && (substr($this->fields["solvedate"], 0, 16) == substr($this->oldvalues['solvedate'], 0, 16))) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:1774 | 1 | if((($key = array_search('time_to_resolve', $this->updates)) !== false) && isset($this->oldvalues['time_to_resolve']) && (substr($this->fields["time_to_resolve"], 0, 16) == substr($this->oldvalues['time_to_resolve'], 0, 16))) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:1589 | 1 | if(((!isset($input['status']) && in_array($this->fields['status'], $this->getNewStatusArray( ))) || (isset($input['status']) && in_array($input['status'], $this->getNewStatusArray( )))) && !$this->isStatusComputationBlocked($input)) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:649 | 2 | if(isset($this->fields['is_deleted']) && $this->fields['is_deleted'] == 1 || isset($this->fields['status']) && in_array($this->fields['status'], $this->getClosedStatusArray( ))) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:1646 | 2 | if(((!isset($input['status']) && (in_array($this->fields['status'], $this->getNewStatusArray( )))) || (isset($input['status']) && (in_array($input['status'], $this->getNewStatusArray( ))))) && !$this->isStatusComputationBlocked($input)) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:1617 | 2 | if(((!isset($input['status']) && (in_array($this->fields['status'], $this->getNewStatusArray( )))) || (isset($input['status']) && (in_array($input['status'], $this->getNewStatusArray( ))))) && !$this->isStatusComputationBlocked($input)) { /**/ } |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:1659 | 1 | if($is_self_service && ITILFollowup::getById($timeline_data['item']['id'])->isFromSupportAgent( ) && !empty($anon_name = User::getAnonymizedNameForUser($timeline_data['item']['users_id'], $item->getField('entities_id')))) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:361 | 1 | if(!empty($this->options['_old_user']['alternative_email']) && ($this->options['_old_user']['alternative_email'] != $author_email) && NotificationMailing::isUserAddressValid($this->options['_old_user']['alternative_email'])) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:632 | 2 | if(isset($this->fields['is_deleted']) && ($this->fields['is_deleted'] == 1) || isset($this->fields['status']) && in_array($this->fields['status'], $this->getClosedStatusArray( ))) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:485 | 1 | if(((count($options['_predefined_fields']) == 0) && ($options[$predeffield] == $default_values[$predeffield])) || (isset($options['_predefined_fields'][$predeffield]) && ($options[$predeffield] == $options['_predefined_fields'][$predeffield])) || (isset($options[$tpl_key]) && ($options[$tpl_key] != $tt->getID( ))) || ($predeffield == 'requesttypes_id' && empty(($options['_saved'] ?? [ ]))) || ($tickets_id != null && $options[$predeffield] == $ticket->fields[$predeffield]) || ($problems_id != null && $options[$predeffield] == $problem->fields[$predeffield])) { /**/ } |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:1400 | 1 | array_merge_recursive(['SELECT' => array_merge(['COUNT DISTINCT' => "$ AS nb_tickets", "$ as actor_id", ], $n_fields), 'FROM' => $t_table, 'INNER JOIN' => [$li_table => ['ON' => [$li_table => getForeignKeyFieldForItemType("Ticket"), $t_table => 'id', ['AND' => ["$li_table.type" => $type]]]], $ug_table => ['ON' => [$li_table => getForeignKeyFieldForTable($ug_table), $ug_table => 'id']]], 'GROUPBY' => "$", 'ORDER' => 'nb_tickets DESC', 'WHERE' => $where + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($t_table), ], Ticket::getCriteriaFromProfile( ), self::getFiltersCriteria($t_table, $params['apply_filters'])) |
/src/Migration.php:1554 | 1 | if(($is_meta && isset($criterion['itemtype'], $criterion['field']) && $criterion['itemtype'] === $itemtype && (int) $criterion['field'] === $old_search_opt) || (!$is_meta && $data['itemtype'] === $itemtype && isset($criterion['field']) && (int) $criterion['field'] === $old_search_opt)) { /**/ } |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:958 | 1 | array_merge_recursive(['SELECT' => ['COUNT DISTINCT' => "$ as nb_tickets", new QueryExpression("DATE_FORMAT(" . $DB->quoteName("date") . ", '%Y-%m') AS ticket_month")], 'FROM' => $t_table, 'WHERE' => ["$t_table.is_deleted" => 0, ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($t_table), 'GROUPBY' => 'ticket_month', 'ORDER' => 'ticket_month ASC'], Ticket::getCriteriaFromProfile( ), self::getFiltersCriteria($t_table, $params['apply_filters'])) |
/src/Contract_Item.php:69 | 1 | if(($contract->fields['max_links_allowed'] > 0) && (countElementsInTable($this->getTable( ), ['contracts_id' => $this->input['contracts_id']]) >= $contract->fields['max_links_allowed'])) { /**/ } |
/src/System/Status/StatusChecker.php:478 | 1 | getAllDataFromTable('glpi_crontasks', ['state' => CronTask::STATE_RUNNING, 'OR' => [new \QueryExpression('(unix_timestamp(' . DBmysql::quoteName('lastrun') . ') + 2 * ' . DBmysql::quoteName('frequency') . ' < unix_timestamp(now()))'), new \QueryExpression('(unix_timestamp(' . DBmysql::quoteName('lastrun') . ') + 2 * ' . HOUR_TIMESTAMP . ' < unix_timestamp(now()))')]]) |
/src/Contract.php:128 | 1 | if((isset($this->oldvalues['begin_date']) && ($this->oldvalues['begin_date'] < $this->fields['begin_date'])) || (isset($this->oldvalues['duration']) && ($this->oldvalues['duration'] < $this->fields['duration']))) { /**/ } |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:1485 | 1 | array_merge_recursive(['SELECT' => [new QueryExpression("DATE_FORMAT(" . $DBread->quoteName("date") . ", '%Y-%m') AS period"), new QueryExpression("AVG(" . $DBread->quoteName("takeintoaccount_delay_stat") . ") AS avg_takeintoaccount_delay_stat"), new QueryExpression("AVG(" . $DBread->quoteName("waiting_duration") . ") AS avg_waiting_duration"), new QueryExpression("AVG(" . $DBread->quoteName("solve_delay_stat") . ") AS avg_solve_delay_stat"), new QueryExpression("AVG(" . $DBread->quoteName("close_delay_stat") . ") AS close_delay_stat"), ], 'FROM' => $t_table, 'WHERE' => ['is_deleted' => 0, ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($t_table), 'ORDER' => 'period ASC', 'GROUP' => ['period']], Ticket::getCriteriaFromProfile( ), self::getFiltersCriteria($t_table, $params['apply_filters'])) |
/src/Cartridge.php:137 | 1 | if($printer->getFromDB($this->fields['printers_id']) && (($this->fields['pages'] > $printer->getField('last_pages_counter')) || ($this->oldvalues['pages'] == $printer->getField('last_pages_counter')))) { /**/ } |
/src/NetworkPort.php:470 | 1 | array_merge(['networkports_id' => $this->fields['id'], 'ifinbytes' => $this->fields['ifinbytes'] ?? 0, 'ifoutbytes' => $this->fields['ifoutbytes'] ?? 0, 'ifinerrors' => $this->fields['ifinerrors'] ?? 0, 'ifouterrors' => $this->fields['ifouterrors'] ?? 0, ], $unicity_input) |
/src/NetworkPortInstantiation.php:491 | 1 | if(isset($tab[0]) && ($tab[0]->getEntityID( ) != $entity || $tab[0]->isDeleted( ) || $tab[0]->isTemplate( ))) { /**/ } |
/src/DbUtils.php:1655 | 1 | array_merge($user_params, ['email' => UserEmail::getDefaultForUser($ID), 'phone' => $data["phone"], 'mobile' => $data["mobile"], 'locations_id' => $data['locations_id'], 'usertitles_id' => $data['usertitles_id'], 'usercategories_id' => $data['usercategories_id'], ]) |
/src/NotificationTarget.php:565 | 1 | if($user->fields['authtype'] == Auth::LDAP || Auth::isAlternateAuth($user->fields['authtype']) || (($user->fields['authtype'] == Auth::NOT_YET_AUTHENTIFIED) && Auth::isAlternateAuth(Auth::checkAlternateAuthSystems( )))) { /**/ } |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:814 | 1 | array_merge_recursive(['SELECT' => ["$fk_table.$name AS fk_name", "$ AS fk_id", 'COUNT DISTINCT' => "$ AS cpt", ], 'FROM' => $c_table, $params['join_key'] => [$fk_table => ['ON' => [$fk_table => 'id', $c_table => getForeignKeyFieldForItemType($fk_itemtype), ]]], 'GROUPBY' => "$fk_table.$name", 'ORDERBY' => "cpt DESC", 'LIMIT' => $params['limit'], ], count($where) ? ['WHERE' => $where] : [ ], self::getFiltersCriteria($c_table, $params['apply_filters']), $item instanceof Ticket ? Ticket::getCriteriaFromProfile( ) : [ ]) |
/src/NotificationTemplate.php:445 | 1 | if(isset($data['##' . $if_field . '##']) && $data['##' . $if_field . '##'] != '0' && $data['##' . $if_field . '##'] != '' && $data['##' . $if_field . '##'] != ' ' && !is_null($data['##' . $if_field . '##'])) { /**/ } |
/src/Report.php:360 | 1 | array_merge(['PORT_1.itemtype AS itemtype_1', 'PORT_1.items_id AS items_id_1', ' AS id_1', ' AS port_1', 'PORT_1.mac AS mac_1', 'PORT_1.logical_number AS logical_1', new QueryExpression('GROUP_CONCAT(' . $DB->quoteName('') . ' SEPARATOR ' . $DB->quote(',') . ') AS ' . $DB->quoteName('ip_1')), 'PORT_2.itemtype AS itemtype_2', 'PORT_2.items_id AS items_id_2', ' AS id_2', ' AS port_2', 'PORT_2.mac AS mac_2', new QueryExpression('GROUP_CONCAT(' . $DB->quoteName('') . ' SEPARATOR ' . $DB->quote(',') . ') AS ' . $DB->quoteName('ip_2'))], $select) |
/src/Entity.php:342 | 1 | if((isset($input['inquest_rate']) && (($this->fields['inquest_rate'] == 0) || is_null($this->fields['max_closedate'])) && ($input['inquest_rate'] != $this->fields['inquest_rate'])) || (isset($input['inquest_config']) && (($this->fields['inquest_config'] == self::CONFIG_PARENT) || is_null($this->fields['max_closedate'])) && ($input['inquest_config'] != $this->fields['inquest_config']))) { /**/ } |
/src/DeviceProcessor.php:48 | 1 | array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'frequency_default', 'label' => __('Frequency by default'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'unit' => __('MHz'), ], ['name' => 'frequence', 'label' => __('Frequency'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'unit' => __('MHz'), ], ['name' => 'nbcores_default', 'label' => __('Number of cores'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, ], ['name' => 'nbthreads_default', 'label' => __('Number of threads'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, ], ['name' => 'deviceprocessormodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', ]]) |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:6491 | 1 | sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), $name_column, Html::showToolTip(RichText::getEnhancedHtml($item->fields['content']), ['display' => false, 'applyto' => $item->getType( ) . $item->fields["id"] . $rand])) |
/src/DropdownTranslation.php:563 | 1 | if(isset($field['field']) && ($field['field'] == 'name') && ($field['table'] == getTableForItemType(get_class($item))) || (isset($field['datatype']) && in_array($field['datatype'], ['text', 'string']))) { /**/ } |
/src/DeviceSoundCard.php:50 | 1 | array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'type', 'label' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'none', 'label' => RegisteredID::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) . RegisteredID::showAddChildButtonForItemForm($this, '_registeredID', null, false), 'type' => 'registeredIDChooser'], ['name' => 'devicesoundcardmodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue']]) |
/src/NotificationTarget.php:529 | 1 | if(!$user->getFromDB($data['users_id']) || ($user->getField('is_deleted') == 1) || ($user->getField('is_active') == 0) || (!is_null($user->getField('begin_date')) && ($user->getField('begin_date') > $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"])) || (!is_null($user->getField('end_date')) && ($user->getField('end_date') < $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"]))) { /**/ } |
/src/NotificationTarget.php:793 | 1 | array_merge([User::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [Group_User::getTable( ) => 'users_id', User::getTable( ) => 'id']], Group::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [Group_User::getTable( ) => 'groups_id', Group::getTable( ) => 'id']]], $criteria['INNER JOIN']) |
/src/NotificationTarget.php:157 | 1 | if($this->getFromDBByCrit([$this->getTable( ) . '.notifications_id' => $notifications_id, $this->getTable( ) . '.items_id' => $ID, $this->getTable( ) . '.type' => $type])) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:8548 | 1 | if(($ID <= 0 && !Project::canView( )) || ($ID > 0 && (!$itilitem->getFromDB($ID) || !$itilitem->canView( )))) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:8281 | 1 | if(((isset($input["_users_id_assign"]) && ((!is_array($input['_users_id_assign']) && $input["_users_id_assign"] > 0) || is_array($input['_users_id_assign']) && count($input['_users_id_assign']) > 0)) || (isset($input["_groups_id_assign"]) && ((!is_array($input['_groups_id_assign']) && $input["_groups_id_assign"] > 0) || is_array($input['_groups_id_assign']) && count($input['_groups_id_assign']) > 0)) || (isset($input["_suppliers_id_assign"]) && ((!is_array($input['_suppliers_id_assign']) && $input["_suppliers_id_assign"] > 0) || is_array($input['_suppliers_id_assign']) && count($input['_suppliers_id_assign']) > 0))) && (in_array($input['status'], $this->getNewStatusArray( ))) && !$this->isStatusComputationBlocked($input)) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:1107 | 1 | countElementsInTable([$itemtable, $linktable], ["$linktable.$itemfk" => new \QueryExpression(DBmysql::quoteName("$")), "$linktable.$field" => $id, "$linktable.type" => $role, "$itemtable.is_deleted" => 0, "NOT" => ["$itemtable.status" => array_merge($this->getSolvedStatusArray( ), $this->getClosedStatusArray( ))]] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($itemtable)) |
/src/MailCollector.php:2290 | 1 | if(!$part->getHeaders( )->has('content-type') || !(($content_type = $part->getHeader('content-type')) instanceof ContentType) || preg_match('/^text\//', $content_type->getType( )) !== 1) { /**/ } |
/src/DeviceSimcard.php:47 | 1 | array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'devicesimcardtypes_id', 'label' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'voltage', 'label' => __('Voltage'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'unit' => 'mV'], ['name' => 'allow_voip', 'label' => __('Allow VOIP'), 'type' => 'bool'], ]) |
/src/MailCollector.php:1127 | 1 | if($job->getFromDB($tkt['tickets_id']) && ($job->fields['status'] != CommonITILObject::CLOSED) && ($CFG_GLPI['use_anonymous_followups'] || ($tkt['_users_id_requester'] > 0) || $tu->isAlternateEmailForITILObject($tkt['tickets_id'], $requester) || ($tkt['_supplier_email'] = $st->isSupplierEmail($tkt['tickets_id'], $requester)))) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/tools/deleteorphanlogscommand.class.php:85 | 1 | $result = $this->db->request(['SELECT' => ['id', 'items_id'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_logs', 'WHERE' => [['NOT' => ['items_id' => new QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => $tablename])]], 'itemtype' => $itemtype, ], ]) |
/tools/src/GlpiTwigRuleset.php:88 | 1 | $overrided['"@" :_$•,…%'] = Handler::create( )->delegate('$', 'expr')->delegate('%', 'hash')->enforceSize('_', $config['hash']['before_value'], 'There should be %quantity% space(s) between ":" and the value.')->enforceSize('•', $config['hash']['after_value'], 'There should be %quantity% space(s) between the value and the following ",".')->enforceSpaceOrLineBreak('…', $config['hash']['after_coma'], 'There should be %quantity% space(s) between the , and the following hash key.') |
/tools/src/GlpiTwigRuleset.php:88 | 1 | $overrided['@ :_$•,…%'] = $overrided['"@" :_$•,…%'] = Handler::create( )->delegate('$', 'expr')->delegate('%', 'hash')->enforceSize('_', $config['hash']['before_value'], 'There should be %quantity% space(s) between ":" and the value.')->enforceSize('•', $config['hash']['after_value'], 'There should be %quantity% space(s) between the value and the following ",".')->enforceSpaceOrLineBreak('…', $config['hash']['after_coma'], 'There should be %quantity% space(s) between the , and the following hash key.') |
/inc/define.php:537 | 1 | $CFG_GLPI['javascript'] = ['central' => ['central' => array_merge(['fullcalendar', 'planning', 'masonry', 'tinymce', ], $dashboard_libs)], 'assets' => ['dashboard' => $dashboard_libs, 'rack' => ['gridstack', 'rack'], 'printer' => $dashboard_libs, 'cable' => ['cable'], 'socket' => ['cable'], ], 'helpdesk' => ['dashboard' => $dashboard_libs, 'planning' => ['clipboard', 'fullcalendar', 'tinymce', 'planning'], 'ticket' => array_merge(['rateit', 'tinymce', 'kanban'], $dashboard_libs), 'problem' => ['tinymce', 'kanban', 'sortable'], 'change' => ['tinymce', 'kanban', 'sortable'], 'stat' => ['charts']], 'tools' => ['project' => ['gantt', 'kanban', 'tinymce', 'sortable'], 'knowbaseitem' => ['tinymce'], 'knowbaseitemtranslation' => ['tinymce'], 'reminder' => ['tinymce'], 'remindertranslation' => ['tinymce'], 'reservationitem' => $reservations_libs, ], 'management' => ['datacenter' => ['dcroom' => ['gridstack', 'rack']], ], 'config' => ['commondropdown' => ['ITILFollowupTemplate' => ['tinymce'], 'ProjectTaskTemplate' => ['tinymce'], 'SolutionTemplate' => ['tinymce'], 'TaskTemplate' => ['tinymce'], ], 'notification' => ['notificationtemplate' => ['tinymce']], 'plugin' => ['marketplace' => ['marketplace']], 'config' => ['clipboard']], 'admin' => ['clipboard', 'sortable'], 'preference' => ['clipboard'], 'self-service' => array_merge(['tinymce'], $reservations_libs)] |
/inc/autoload.function.php:60 | 1 | $called_url = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ?? "") && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ?? "") !== 'off' ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?? "") . ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ?? "") |
/inc/define.php:632 | 1 | $CFG_GLPI["impact_asset_types"] = $CFG_GLPI["default_impact_asset_types"] + [AuthLDAP::getType( ) => "pics/impact/authldap.png", CartridgeItem::getType( ) => "pics/impact/cartridgeitem.png", Contract::getType( ) => "pics/impact/contract.png", CronTask::getType( ) => "pics/impact/crontask.png", DeviceSimcard::getType( ) => "pics/impact/devicesimcard.png", Entity::getType( ) => "pics/impact/entity.png", Group::getType( ) => "pics/impact/group.png", ITILCategory::getType( ) => "pics/impact/itilcategory.png", Line::getType( ) => "pics/impact/line.png", Location::getType( ) => "pics/impact/location.png", MailCollector::getType( ) => "pics/impact/mailcollector.png", Notification::getType( ) => "pics/impact/notification.png", Profile::getType( ) => "pics/impact/profile.png", Project::getType( ) => "pics/impact/project.png", Rack::getType( ) => "pics/impact/rack.png", SLM::getType( ) => "pics/impact/slm.png", SoftwareLicense::getType( ) => "pics/impact/softwarelicense.png", Supplier::getType( ) => "pics/impact/supplier.png", User::getType( ) => "pics/impact/user.png", Database::getType( ) => "pics/impact/database.png", ] |
/inc/define.php:609 | 1 | $CFG_GLPI["default_impact_asset_types"] = [Appliance::getType( ) => "pics/impact/appliance.png", Cluster::getType( ) => "pics/impact/cluster.png", Computer::getType( ) => "pics/impact/computer.png", Datacenter::getType( ) => "pics/impact/datacenter.png", DCRoom::getType( ) => "pics/impact/dcroom.png", Domain::getType( ) => "pics/impact/domain.png", Enclosure::getType( ) => "pics/impact/enclosure.png", Monitor::getType( ) => "pics/impact/monitor.png", NetworkEquipment::getType( ) => "pics/impact/networkequipment.png", PDU::getType( ) => "pics/impact/pdu.png", Peripheral::getType( ) => "pics/impact/peripheral.png", Phone::getType( ) => "pics/impact/phone.png", Printer::getType( ) => "pics/impact/printer.png", Rack::getType( ) => "pics/impact/rack.png", Software::getType( ) => "pics/impact/software.png", DatabaseInstance::getType( ) => "pics/impact/databaseinstance.png", ] |
/install/migrations/update_9.4.x_to_9.5.0.php:403 | 1 | $elements_to_fix = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id', 'picture_front', 'picture_rear'], 'FROM' => $table, 'WHERE' => ['OR' => ['picture_front' => ['LIKE', '%' . $doc_send_url . '%'], 'picture_rear' => ['LIKE', '%' . $doc_send_url . '%'], ], ], ]) |
/install/migrations/update_9.1.x_to_9.2.0.php:2377 | 1 | $where = ["$tl_table.itemtype" => "Ticket", "$tl_table.items_id" => new \QueryExpression(DBmysql::quoteName("glpi_groups_tickets.tickets_id")), "glpi_groups_users.groups_id" => new \QueryExpression(DBmysql::quoteName("glpi_groups_tickets.groups_id")), "$tl_table.users_id" => new \QueryExpression(DBmysql::quoteName("glpi_groups_users.users_id")), ] |
/install/migrations/update_9.4.x_to_9.5.0.php:1713 | 1 | $prev_criteria = [['rules_id' => $rule->fields['id'], 'criteria' => 'uid', 'condition' => 0, 'pattern' => '*', ], ['rules_id' => $rule->fields['id'], 'criteria' => 'samaccountname', 'condition' => 0, 'pattern' => '*', ], ['rules_id' => $rule->fields['id'], 'criteria' => 'MAIL_EMAIL', 'condition' => 0, 'pattern' => '*', ], ] |
/install/migrations/update_9.4.x_to_9.5.0.php:1039 | 1 | $query = $DB->buildInsert(\Glpi\Dashboard\Item::getTable( ), ['dashboards_dashboards_id' => new QueryParam( ), 'gridstack_id' => new QueryParam( ), 'card_id' => new QueryParam( ), 'x' => new QueryParam( ), 'y' => new QueryParam( ), 'width' => new QueryParam( ), 'height' => new QueryParam( ), 'card_options' => new QueryParam( ), ]) |
/install/migrations/update_9.1.x_to_9.2.0.php:1027 | 1 | $rules_id = $rule->add(['name' => 'Import category from inventory tool', 'is_active' => 0, 'uuid' => '500717c8-2bd6e957-53a12b5fd38869.86003425', 'entities_id' => 0, 'is_recursive' => 1, 'sub_type' => 'RuleSoftwareCategory', 'match' => Rule::AND_MATCHING, 'condition' => 1, 'description' => '']) |
/install/migrations/update_9.1.x_to_9.2.0.php:2365 | 1 | $where = ["$tl_table.tickets_id" => new \QueryExpression(DBmysql::quoteName("glpi_groups_tickets.tickets_id")), "glpi_groups_users.groups_id" => new \QueryExpression(DBmysql::quoteName("glpi_groups_tickets.groups_id")), "$tl_table.users_id" => new \QueryExpression(DBmysql::quoteName("glpi_groups_users.users_id")), ] |
/install/migrations/update_9.1.x_to_9.2.0.php:2043 | 1 | $id = $fw->add(['designation' => $DB->escape($row['name']), 'comment' => $DB->escape($row['comment']), 'devicefirmwaretypes_id' => 3, 'date_creation' => $row['date_creation'], 'date_mod' => $row['date_mod']]) |
/install/empty_data.php:2168 | 1 | $tables['glpi_entities'] = [['id' => 0, 'name' => __('Root entity'), 'entities_id' => null, 'completename' => __('Root entity'), 'comment' => null, 'level' => 1, 'cartridges_alert_repeat' => 0, 'consumables_alert_repeat' => 0, 'use_licenses_alert' => 0, 'send_licenses_alert_before_delay' => 0, 'use_certificates_alert' => 0, 'send_certificates_alert_before_delay' => 0, 'certificates_alert_repeat_interval' => 0, 'use_contracts_alert' => 0, 'send_contracts_alert_before_delay' => 0, 'use_infocoms_alert' => 0, 'send_infocoms_alert_before_delay' => 0, 'use_reservations_alert' => 0, 'autoclose_delay' => -10, 'notclosed_delay' => 0, 'calendars_strategy' => 0, 'auto_assign_mode' => -10, 'tickettype' => 1, 'inquest_config' => 1, 'inquest_rate' => 0, 'inquest_delay' => 0, 'autofill_warranty_date' => 0, 'autofill_use_date' => 0, 'autofill_buy_date' => 0, 'autofill_delivery_date' => 0, 'autofill_order_date' => 0, 'tickettemplates_strategy' => 0, 'tickettemplates_id' => 1, 'changetemplates_strategy' => 0, 'changetemplates_id' => 1, 'problemtemplates_strategy' => 0, 'problemtemplates_id' => 1, 'entities_strategy_software' => -10, 'default_contract_alert' => 0, 'default_infocom_alert' => 0, 'default_cartridges_alarm_threshold' => 10, 'default_consumables_alarm_threshold' => 10, 'delay_send_emails' => 0, 'is_notif_enable_default' => 1, 'autofill_decommission_date' => 0, 'suppliers_as_private' => 0, 'enable_custom_css' => 0, 'anonymize_support_agents' => 0, 'display_users_initials' => 1, 'contracts_strategy_default' => 0, 'transfers_strategy' => 0, ], ] |
/install/empty_data.php:365 | 1 | $tables['glpi_crontasks'] = [['id' => 2, 'itemtype' => 'CartridgeItem', 'name' => 'cartridge', 'frequency' => '86400', 'param' => 10, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_DISABLE, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 3, 'itemtype' => 'ConsumableItem', 'name' => 'consumable', 'frequency' => '86400', 'param' => 10, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_DISABLE, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 4, 'itemtype' => 'SoftwareLicense', 'name' => 'software', 'frequency' => '86400', 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_DISABLE, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 5, 'itemtype' => 'Contract', 'name' => 'contract', 'frequency' => '86400', 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 6, 'itemtype' => 'Infocom', 'name' => 'infocom', 'frequency' => '86400', 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 7, 'itemtype' => 'CronTask', 'name' => 'logs', 'frequency' => '86400', 'param' => '30', 'state' => CronTask::STATE_DISABLE, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 9, 'itemtype' => 'MailCollector', 'name' => 'mailgate', 'frequency' => '600', 'param' => '10', 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 10, 'itemtype' => 'DBconnection', 'name' => 'checkdbreplicate', 'frequency' => '300', 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_DISABLE, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 11, 'itemtype' => 'CronTask', 'name' => 'checkupdate', 'frequency' => '604800', 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_DISABLE, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 12, 'itemtype' => 'CronTask', 'name' => 'session', 'frequency' => '86400', 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 13, 'itemtype' => 'CronTask', 'name' => 'graph', 'frequency' => 3600, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 14, 'itemtype' => 'ReservationItem', 'name' => 'reservation', 'frequency' => 3600, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 15, 'itemtype' => 'Ticket', 'name' => 'closeticket', 'frequency' => 43200, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 16, 'itemtype' => 'Ticket', 'name' => 'alertnotclosed', 'frequency' => 43200, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 17, 'itemtype' => 'SlaLevel_Ticket', 'name' => 'slaticket', 'frequency' => 300, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 18, 'itemtype' => 'Ticket', 'name' => 'createinquest', 'frequency' => 86400, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 19, 'itemtype' => 'CronTask', 'name' => 'watcher', 'frequency' => 86400, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 20, 'itemtype' => 'CommonITILRecurrentCron', 'name' => 'RecurrentItems', 'frequency' => 3600, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 21, 'itemtype' => 'PlanningRecall', 'name' => 'planningrecall', 'frequency' => 300, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 22, 'itemtype' => 'QueuedNotification', 'name' => 'queuednotification', 'frequency' => 60, 'param' => 50, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 23, 'itemtype' => 'QueuedNotification', 'name' => 'queuednotificationclean', 'frequency' => 86400, 'param' => 30, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 24, 'itemtype' => 'CronTask', 'name' => 'temp', 'frequency' => 3600, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 25, 'itemtype' => 'MailCollector', 'name' => 'mailgateerror', 'frequency' => 86400, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 26, 'itemtype' => 'CronTask', 'name' => 'circularlogs', 'frequency' => 86400, 'param' => 4, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_DISABLE, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 27, 'itemtype' => 'ObjectLock', 'name' => 'unlockobject', 'frequency' => 86400, 'param' => 4, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_DISABLE, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 28, 'itemtype' => 'SavedSearch', 'name' => 'countAll', 'frequency' => 604800, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_DISABLE, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 29, 'itemtype' => 'SavedSearch_Alert', 'name' => 'savedsearchesalerts', 'frequency' => 86400, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_DISABLE, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 30, 'itemtype' => 'Telemetry', 'name' => 'telemetry', 'frequency' => 2592000, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_DISABLE, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 31, 'itemtype' => 'Certificate', 'name' => 'certificate', 'frequency' => 86400, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 32, 'itemtype' => 'OlaLevel_Ticket', 'name' => 'olaticket', 'frequency' => 300, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 33, 'itemtype' => 'PurgeLogs', 'name' => 'PurgeLogs', 'frequency' => 604800, 'param' => 24, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_EXTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 34, 'itemtype' => 'Ticket', 'name' => 'purgeticket', 'frequency' => 604800, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_DISABLE, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_EXTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 35, 'itemtype' => 'Document', 'name' => 'cleanorphans', 'frequency' => 604800, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_DISABLE, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_EXTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 36, 'itemtype' => 'User', 'name' => 'passwordexpiration', 'frequency' => 86400, 'param' => 100, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_DISABLE, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_EXTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 37, 'itemtype' => 'Glpi\\Marketplace\\Controller', 'name' => 'checkAllUpdates', 'frequency' => 86400, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_EXTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 38, 'itemtype' => CleanSoftwareCron::getType( ), 'name' => CleanSoftwareCron::TASK_NAME, 'frequency' => MONTH_TIMESTAMP, 'param' => 1000, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_DISABLE, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_EXTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 300, ], ['id' => 39, 'itemtype' => 'Domain', 'name' => 'DomainsAlert', 'frequency' => 86400, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_EXTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 42, 'itemtype' => PendingReasonCron::getType( ), 'name' => PendingReasonCron::TASK_NAME, 'frequency' => 30 * MINUTE_TIMESTAMP, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_EXTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 60, ], ['id' => 40, 'itemtype' => 'Glpi\Inventory\Inventory', 'name' => 'cleantemp', 'frequency' => 86400, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_DISABLE, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_EXTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ['id' => 41, 'itemtype' => 'Glpi\Inventory\Inventory', 'name' => 'cleanorphans', 'frequency' => 604800, 'param' => null, 'state' => CronTask::STATE_WAITING, 'mode' => CronTask::MODE_EXTERNAL, 'lastrun' => null, 'logs_lifetime' => 30, ], ] |
/install/empty_data.php:4885 | 1 | $tables['glpi_profilerights'] = [['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'computer', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'monitor', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'software', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'networking', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'internet', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'printer', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'peripheral', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'cartridge', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'consumable', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'phone', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_TECHNICIAN, 'name' => 'queuednotification', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'contact_enterprise', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'document', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'contract', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'infocom', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'knowbase', 'rights' => KnowbaseItem::READFAQ, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'reservation', 'rights' => ReservationItem::RESERVEANITEM, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'reports', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'dropdown', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'device', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'typedoc', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'link', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'config', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'rule_ticket', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'rule_import', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'rule_ldap', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'rule_softwarecategories', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'search_config', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'location', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'domain', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE | CREATE | PURGE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'profile', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'user', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'group', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'entity', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'transfer', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'logs', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'reminder_public', 'rights' => READ, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'rssfeed_public', 'rights' => READ, ], ['profiles_id' => 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UPDATENOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'software', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'networking', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'internet', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'printer', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'peripheral', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'cartridge', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'consumable', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'phone', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 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['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'projecttask', 'rights' => ProjectTask::READMY | ProjectTask::UPDATEMY | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'projecttask', 'rights' => ProjectTask::READMY | ProjectTask::UPDATEMY | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'projecttask', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'planning', 'rights' => READ | Planning::READGROUP | Planning::READALL, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'taskcategory', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE | CREATE | PURGE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'cable_management', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE | CREATE | PURGE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'statistic', 'rights' => READ, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'password_update', 'rights' => READ, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 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ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE | UNLOCK, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'document', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE | UNLOCK, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'contract', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE | UNLOCK, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'infocom', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE | CREATE | PURGE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'knowbase', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE | CREATE | PURGE | KnowbaseItem::KNOWBASEADMIN | KnowbaseItem::READFAQ | KnowbaseItem::PUBLISHFAQ | KnowbaseItem::COMMENTS, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'reservation', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE | CREATE | DELETE | PURGE | ReservationItem::RESERVEANITEM, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'reports', 'rights' => READ, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'dropdown', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE | CREATE 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CREATE | PURGE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'logs', 'rights' => READ, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'reminder_public', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | UNLOCK, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'rssfeed_public', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | UNLOCK, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'bookmark_public', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE | CREATE | PURGE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'backup', 'rights' => '1045', ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'ticket', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | Ticket::READALL | Ticket::READGROUP | Ticket::READASSIGN | Ticket::ASSIGN | Ticket::STEAL | Ticket::OWN | Ticket::CHANGEPRIORITY | Ticket::SURVEY, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'followup', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE | CREATE | PURGE | ITILFollowup::UPDATEALL | ITILFollowup::ADDGROUPTICKET | ITILFollowup::ADDALLTICKET | ITILFollowup::SEEPRIVATE | ITILFollowup::ADD_AS_OBSERVER, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'task', 'rights' => CommonITILTask::SEEPUBLIC | PURGE | CommonITILTask::UPDATEALL | CommonITILTask::ADDALLITEM | CommonITILTask::SEEPRIVATE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'project', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE | Project::READALL, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'projecttask', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_OBSERVER, 'name' => 'projecttask', 'rights' => READ | ProjectTask::UPDATEMY, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'planning', 'rights' => READ | Planning::READGROUP | Planning::READALL, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_TECHNICIAN, 'name' => 'taskcategory', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_TECHNICIAN, 'name' => 'cable_management', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => 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], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'user', 'rights' => READ | User::IMPORTEXTAUTHUSERS, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'group', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'entity', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'transfer', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'logs', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'reminder_public', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'rssfeed_public', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'bookmark_public', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'backup', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'ticket', 'rights' => Ticket::READMY | UPDATE | 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'statistic', 'rights' => READ, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'task', 'rights' => READ | CommonITILTask::SEEPRIVATE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'taskcategory', 'rights' => READ, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'ticket', 'rights' => Ticket::READMY | Ticket::READALL | Ticket::READGROUP | Ticket::READASSIGN | Ticket::SURVEY, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'ticketcost', 'rights' => READ, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'ticketrecurrent', 'rights' => READ, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'itiltemplate', 'rights' => READ, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'ticketvalidation', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'transfer', 'rights' => READ, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'typedoc', 'rights' => READ, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 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self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_OBSERVER, 'name' => 'line', 'rights' => READ | READNOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'line', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'line', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE | UNLOCK, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'line', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_TECHNICIAN, 'name' => 'line', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'line', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'line', 'rights' => READ | READNOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'lineoperator', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_OBSERVER, 'name' => 'lineoperator', 'rights' => READ | READNOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'lineoperator', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE | CREATE | PURGE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'lineoperator', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE | CREATE | PURGE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'lineoperator', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_TECHNICIAN, 'name' => 'lineoperator', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'lineoperator', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE | CREATE | PURGE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'lineoperator', 'rights' => READ, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'devicesimcard_pinpuk', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_OBSERVER, 'name' => 'devicesimcard_pinpuk', 'rights' => READ, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'devicesimcard_pinpuk', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'devicesimcard_pinpuk', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'devicesimcard_pinpuk', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_TECHNICIAN, 'name' => 'devicesimcard_pinpuk', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'devicesimcard_pinpuk', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'devicesimcard_pinpuk', 'rights' => READ, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'certificate', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_OBSERVER, 'name' => 'certificate', 'rights' => READ | READNOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'certificate', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'certificate', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE | UNLOCK, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'certificate', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_TECHNICIAN, 'name' => 'certificate', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'certificate', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT | READNOTE | UPDATENOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'certificate', 'rights' => READ | READNOTE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'datacenter', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_OBSERVER, 'name' => 'datacenter', 'rights' => READ, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'datacenter', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'datacenter', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'datacenter', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_TECHNICIAN, 'name' => 'datacenter', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'datacenter', 'rights' => ALLSTANDARDRIGHT, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'datacenter', 'rights' => READ, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'rule_asset', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE | CREATE | PURGE | RuleAsset::PARENT, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'personalization', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_OBSERVER, 'name' => 'personalization', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'personalization', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'personalization', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'personalization', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_TECHNICIAN, 'name' => 'personalization', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'personalization', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'personalization', 'rights' => READ | UPDATE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'rule_asset', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_OBSERVER, 'name' => 'rule_asset', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'rule_asset', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'rule_asset', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_TECHNICIAN, 'name' => 'rule_asset', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'rule_asset', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'rule_asset', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'global_validation', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_OBSERVER, 'name' => 'global_validation', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'global_validation', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'global_validation', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'global_validation', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_TECHNICIAN, 'name' => 'global_validation', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'global_validation', 'rights' => self::RIGHT_NONE, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'cluster', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_OBSERVER, 'name' => 'cluster', 'rights' => 1, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'cluster', 'rights' => 31, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'cluster', 'rights' => 31, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'cluster', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_TECHNICIAN, 'name' => 'cluster', 'rights' => 31, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'cluster', 'rights' => 31, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'cluster', 'rights' => 1, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'externalevent', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_OBSERVER, 'name' => 'externalevent', 'rights' => 1, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'externalevent', 'rights' => 1055, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'externalevent', 'rights' => 1055, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'externalevent', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_TECHNICIAN, 'name' => 'externalevent', 'rights' => 1, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'externalevent', 'rights' => 31, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'externalevent', 'rights' => 1, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'dashboard', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_OBSERVER, 'name' => 'dashboard', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'dashboard', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'dashboard', 'rights' => 23, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'dashboard', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_TECHNICIAN, 'name' => 'dashboard', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'dashboard', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'dashboard', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'appliance', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_OBSERVER, 'name' => 'appliance', 'rights' => 1, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'appliance', 'rights' => 31, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'appliance', 'rights' => 31, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'appliance', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_TECHNICIAN, 'name' => 'appliance', 'rights' => 31, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'appliance', 'rights' => 31, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'appliance', 'rights' => 1, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'inventory', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_OBSERVER, 'name' => 'inventory', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'inventory', 'rights' => 1, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'inventory', 'rights' => 1, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'inventory', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_TECHNICIAN, 'name' => 'inventory', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'inventory', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'inventory', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'pendingreason', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_OBSERVER, 'name' => 'pendingreason', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'pendingreason', 'rights' => 31, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'pendingreason', 'rights' => 31, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'pendingreason', 'rights' => 1, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_TECHNICIAN, 'name' => 'pendingreason', 'rights' => 1, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'pendingreason', 'rights' => 1, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'pendingreason', 'rights' => 1, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SELF_SERVICE, 'name' => 'database', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_OBSERVER, 'name' => 'database', 'rights' => 1, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_ADMIN, 'name' => 'database', 'rights' => 31, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPER_ADMIN, 'name' => 'database', 'rights' => 31, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_HOTLINER, 'name' => 'database', 'rights' => 0, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_TECHNICIAN, 'name' => 'database', 'rights' => 31, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_SUPERVISOR, 'name' => 'database', 'rights' => 31, ], ['profiles_id' => self::PROFILE_READ_ONLY, 'name' => 'database', 'rights' => 1, ], ] |
/tools/src/GlpiTwigRuleset.php:101 | 1 | $overrided['@➀=(?![>=])➁$➂,➃%'] = Handler::create( )->enforceSize('➀', 1, 'There should be %quantity% space(s) before the "=" in the named arguments list.')->enforceSize('➁', 1, 'There should be %quantity% space(s) after the "=" in the named arguments list.')->enforceSize('➂', $config['named_args']['after_value'], 'There should be %quantity% space(s) after the value in the named arguments list.')->delegate('$', 'expr')->delegate('%', 'argsList') |
/tools/src/GlpiTwigRuleset.php:95 | 1 | $overrided['@ :_$,'] = $overrided['@ :_$'] = $overrided['"@" :_$,'] = $overrided['"@" :_$'] = Handler::create( )->delegate('$', 'expr')->enforceSize('_', $config['hash']['before_value'], 'There should be %quantity% space(s) between ":" and the value.') |
/install/empty_data.php:119 | 1 | $default_prefs = ['version' => 'FILLED AT INSTALL', 'show_jobs_at_login' => '0', 'cut' => '250', 'list_limit' => '15', 'list_limit_max' => '50', 'url_maxlength' => '30', 'event_loglevel' => '5', 'notifications_mailing' => '0', 'admin_email' => 'admsys@localhost', 'admin_email_name' => '', 'from_email' => '', 'from_email_name' => '', 'noreply_email' => '', 'noreply_email_name' => '', 'replyto_email' => '', 'replyto_email_name' => '', 'mailing_signature' => 'SIGNATURE', 'use_anonymous_helpdesk' => '0', 'use_anonymous_followups' => '0', 'language' => 'en_GB', 'priority_1' => '#fff2f2', 'priority_2' => '#ffe0e0', 'priority_3' => '#ffcece', 'priority_4' => '#ffbfbf', 'priority_5' => '#ffadad', 'priority_6' => '#ff5555', 'date_tax' => '2005-12-31', 'cas_host' => '', 'cas_port' => '443', 'cas_uri' => '', 'cas_logout' => '', 'existing_auth_server_field_clean_domain' => '0', 'planning_begin' => '08:00:00', 'planning_end' => '20:00:00', 'utf8_conv' => '1', 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'', 'comment_ssofield' => '', 'title_ssofield' => '', 'category_ssofield' => '', 'language_ssofield' => '', 'entity_ssofield' => '', 'registration_number_ssofield' => '', 'ssovariables_id' => '0', 'ssologout_url' => '', 'translate_kb' => '0', 'translate_dropdowns' => '0', 'translate_reminders' => '0', 'pdffont' => 'helvetica', 'keep_devices_when_purging_item' => '0', 'maintenance_mode' => '0', 'maintenance_text' => '', 'attach_ticket_documents_to_mail' => '0', 'backcreated' => '0', 'task_state' => '1', 'palette' => 'auror', 'page_layout' => 'vertical', 'fold_menu' => '0', 'fold_search' => '0', 'savedsearches_pinned' => '0', 'timeline_order' => 'natural', 'itil_layout' => '', 'richtext_layout' => 'inline', 'lock_use_lock_item' => '0', 'lock_autolock_mode' => '1', 'lock_directunlock_notification' => '0', 'lock_item_list' => '[]', 'lock_lockprofile_id' => '8', 'set_default_requester' => '1', 'highcontrast_css' => '0', 'default_central_tab' => '0', 'smtp_check_certificate' => '1', 'enable_api' => '0', 'enable_api_login_credentials' => '0', 'enable_api_login_external_token' => '1', 'url_base_api' => 'http://localhost/glpi/api', 'login_remember_time' => '604800', 'login_remember_default' => '1', 'use_notifications' => '0', 'notifications_ajax' => '0', 'notifications_ajax_check_interval' => '5', 'notifications_ajax_sound' => null, 'notifications_ajax_icon_url' => '/pics/glpi.png', 'dbversion' => 'FILLED AT INSTALL', 'smtp_max_retries' => '5', 'smtp_sender' => null, 'from_email' => null, 'from_email_name' => null, 'instance_uuid' => null, 'registration_uuid' => null, 'smtp_retry_time' => '5', 'purge_addrelation' => '0', 'purge_deleterelation' => '0', 'purge_createitem' => '0', 'purge_deleteitem' => '0', 'purge_restoreitem' => '0', 'purge_updateitem' => '0', 'purge_item_software_install' => '0', 'purge_software_item_install' => '0', 'purge_software_version_install' => '0', 'purge_infocom_creation' => '0', 'purge_profile_user' => '0', 'purge_group_user' => '0', 'purge_adddevice' => '0', 'purge_updatedevice' => '0', 'purge_deletedevice' => '0', 'purge_connectdevice' => '0', 'purge_disconnectdevice' => '0', 'purge_userdeletedfromldap' => '0', 'purge_comments' => '0', 'purge_datemod' => '0', 'purge_all' => '0', 'purge_user_auth_changes' => '0', 'purge_plugins' => '0', 'purge_refusedequipment' => '0', 'display_login_source' => '1', 'devices_in_menu' => '["Item_DeviceSimcard"]', 'password_expiration_delay' => '-1', 'password_expiration_notice' => '-1', 'password_expiration_lock_delay' => '-1', 'default_dashboard_central' => 'central', 'default_dashboard_assets' => 'assets', 'default_dashboard_helpdesk' => 'assistance', 'default_dashboard_mini_ticket' => 'mini_tickets', Impact::CONF_ENABLED => exportArrayToDB(Impact::getDefaultItemtypes( )), 'document_max_size' => max(1, floor(Toolbox::return_bytes_from_ini_vars(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')) / 1024 / 1024)), 'planning_work_days' => exportArrayToDB([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), 'system_user' => 6, 'support_legacy_data' => 0, ] |
/front/problem.form.php:181 | 1 | $input = array_merge(Toolbox::addslashes_deep($problem->fields), ['id' => $id, '_itil_' . $_POST['actortype'] => ['_type' => "user", 'users_id' => Session::getLoginUserID( ), 'use_notification' => 1, ]]) |
/front/problem.form.php:127 | 1 | $input = array_merge(Toolbox::addslashes_deep($problem->fields), ['id' => $_POST['problems_id'], '_itil_observer' => ['_type' => "user", 'users_id' => Session::getLoginUserID( ), 'use_notification' => 1, ]]) |
/front/stat.tracking.php:85 | 1 | $requester = ['user' => ['title' => _n('Requester', 'Requesters', 1)], 'users_id_recipient' => ['title' => __('Writer')], 'group' => ['title' => Group::getTypeName(1)], 'group_tree' => ['title' => __('Group tree')], 'usertitles_id' => ['title' => _x('person', 'Title')], 'usercategories_id' => ['title' => _n('Category', 'Categories', 1)]] |
/front/report.infocom.conso.php:99 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => 'glpi_infocoms.*', 'FROM' => 'glpi_infocoms', 'INNER JOIN' => [$itemtable => ['ON' => [$itemtable => 'id', 'glpi_infocoms' => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['glpi_infocoms.itemtype' => $itemtype]]]]], 'WHERE' => [ ]] |
/front/report.year.list.php:109 | 1 | $criteria['LEFT JOIN'] = $criteria['LEFT JOIN'] + ['glpi_contracts_items' => ['ON' => [$itemtable => 'id', 'glpi_contracts_items' => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['glpi_contracts_items.itemtype' => $val]]]], 'glpi_contracts' => ['ON' => ['glpi_contracts_items' => 'contracts_id', 'glpi_contracts' => 'id', ['AND' => ['NOT' => ['glpi_contracts_items.contracts_id' => null]]]]], 'glpi_infocoms' => ['ON' => [$itemtable => 'id', 'glpi_infocoms' => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['glpi_infocoms.itemtype' => $val]]]], 'glpi_contracttypes' => ['ON' => ['glpi_contracts' => 'contracttypes_id', 'glpi_contracttypes' => 'id']], 'glpi_entities' => ['ON' => [$itemtable => 'entities_id', 'glpi_entities' => 'id']]] |
/front/report.year.list.php:66 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ["$ AS itemname", ' AS type', 'glpi_infocoms.buy_date', 'glpi_infocoms.warranty_duration', 'glpi_contracts.begin_date', 'glpi_contracts.duration', 'glpi_entities.completename AS entname', ' AS entID'], 'FROM' => $itemtable, 'LEFT JOIN' => [ ], 'WHERE' => [ ], 'ORDERBY' => ['entname ASC', 'itemdeleted DESC', 'itemname ASC']] |
/front/change.form.php:123 | 1 | $input = array_merge(Toolbox::addslashes_deep($change->fields), ['id' => $_POST['changes_id'], '_itil_observer' => ['_type' => "user", 'users_id' => Session::getLoginUserID( ), 'use_notification' => 1, ]]) |
/front/change.form.php:178 | 1 | $input = array_merge(Toolbox::addslashes_deep($change->fields), ['id' => $id, '_itil_' . $_POST['actortype'] => ['_type' => "user", 'users_id' => Session::getLoginUserID( ), 'use_notification' => 1, ]]) |
/ajax/map.php:88 | 1 | $points[$idx] = ['lat' => $row['raw']["ITEM_$lat_field"], 'lng' => $row['raw']["ITEM_$lng_field"], 'title' => $row['raw']["ITEM_$name_field"], 'loc_id' => $row['raw']['loc_id'], 'count' => 1] |
/ajax/map.php:81 | 1 | $points[$idx] = ['lat' => $row['raw']["ITEM_$lat_field"], 'lng' => $row['raw']["ITEM_$lng_field"], 'title' => $row['raw']["ITEM_$name_field"], 'count' => 1] |
/ajax/visibility.php:124 | 2 | $params['toupdate'] = ['value_fieldname' => 'value', 'to_update' => "subvisibility$rand", 'url' => $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/subvisibility.php", 'moreparams' => ['items_id' => '__VALUE__', 'type' => $_POST['type'], 'prefix' => $_POST['prefix']]] |
/ajax/visibility.php:77 | 2 | $params['toupdate'] = ['value_fieldname' => 'value', 'to_update' => "subvisibility$rand", 'url' => $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/subvisibility.php", 'moreparams' => ['items_id' => '__VALUE__', 'type' => $_POST['type'], 'prefix' => $_POST['prefix']]] |
/ajax/dropdownConnectNetworkPort.php:75 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [' AS wid', ' AS did', "$ AS cname", ' AS nname', $name_field], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $table, 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_networkports' => ['ON' => ['glpi_networkports' => 'items_id', $table => 'id', ['AND' => ['glpi_networkports.items_id' => $_POST['item'], 'glpi_networkports.itemtype' => $_POST["itemtype"], 'glpi_networkports.instantiation_type' => $_POST['instantiation_type']]]]], 'glpi_networkports_networkports' => ['ON' => ['glpi_networkports_networkports' => 'networkports_id_1', 'glpi_networkports' => 'id', ['OR' => ['glpi_networkports_networkports.networkports_id_2' => new QueryExpression($DB->quoteName(''))]]]]] + $joins, 'WHERE' => ['' => null, 'NOT' => ['' => null], '' => ['<>', $_POST['networkports_id']], "$table.is_deleted" => 0, "$table.is_template" => 0], 'ORDERBY' => ''] |
/ajax/dropdownConnectNetworkPortDeviceType.php:60 | 1 | $params = ['rand' => $rand, 'name' => "items", 'entity' => $_POST["entity_restrict"], 'condition' => ['id' => new \QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'items_id', 'FROM' => 'glpi_networkports', 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $_POST['itemtype'], 'instantiation_type' => $_POST['instantiation_type']]])], 'toupdate' => $toupdate] |
/ajax/dropdownConnectNetworkPortDeviceType.php:49 | 1 | $toupdate = ['value_fieldname' => 'item', 'to_update' => "results_item_$rand", 'url' => $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/dropdownConnectNetworkPort.php", 'moreparams' => ['networkports_id' => $_POST['networkports_id'], 'itemtype' => $_POST['itemtype'], 'myname' => $_POST['myname'], 'instantiation_type' => $_POST['instantiation_type']]] |
/ajax/ticketassigninformation.php:49 | 1 | $options2 = ['criteria' => [['field' => 5, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'value' => $_REQUEST['users_id_assign'], 'link' => 'AND', ], ['field' => 12, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'value' => 'notold', 'link' => 'AND', ], ], 'reset' => 'reset', ] |
/ajax/dropdownValidator.php:146 | 1 | $param_button = ['validatortype' => 'list_users', 'name' => !empty($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : '', 'users_id_validate' => '', 'all_users' => 1, 'groups_id' => $_POST['groups_id'], 'entity' => $_POST['entity'], 'right' => $_POST['right'], ] |
/ajax/ticketassigninformation.php:115 | 1 | $options2 = ['criteria' => [['field' => 6, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'value' => $_REQUEST['suppliers_id_assign'], 'link' => 'AND', ], ['field' => 12, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'value' => 'notold', 'link' => 'AND', ], ], 'reset' => 'reset', ] |
/ajax/ticketassigninformation.php:82 | 1 | $options2 = ['criteria' => [['field' => 8, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'value' => $_REQUEST['groups_id_assign'], 'link' => 'AND', ], ['field' => 12, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'value' => 'notold', 'link' => 'AND', ], ], 'reset' => 'reset', ] |
/front/stat.tracking.php:109 | 1 | $items = [_n('Requester', 'Requesters', 1) => $requester, __('Characteristics') => $caract, __('Assigned to') => ['technicien' => ['title' => __('Technician as assigned')], 'technicien_followup' => ['title' => __('Technician in tasks')], 'groups_id_assign' => ['title' => Group::getTypeName(1)], 'groups_tree_assign' => ['title' => __('Group tree')], 'suppliers_id_assign' => ['title' => Supplier::getTypeName(1)]]] |
/front/stat.tracking.php:93 | 1 | $caract = ['itilcategories_id' => ['title' => _n('Category', 'Categories', 1)], 'itilcategories_tree' => ['title' => __('Category tree')], 'urgency' => ['title' => __('Urgency')], 'impact' => ['title' => __('Impact')], 'priority' => ['title' => __('Priority')], 'solutiontypes_id' => ['title' => SolutionType::getTypeName(1)]] |
/front/report.infocom.php:101 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ['glpi_infocoms.*', "$ AS name", "$itemtable.ticket_tco", 'glpi_entities.completename AS entname', ' AS entID'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_infocoms', 'INNER JOIN' => [$itemtable => ['ON' => ['glpi_infocoms' => 'items_id', $itemtable => 'id', ['AND' => ['glpi_infocoms.itemtype' => $itemtype]]]]], 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_entities' => ['ON' => ['glpi_entities' => 'id', $itemtable => 'entities_id']]], 'WHERE' => ["$itemtable.is_template" => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($itemtable), 'ORDERBY' => ['entname ASC', 'buy_date', 'use_date']] |
/front/stat.tracking.php:204 | 1 | $data_params = ['itemtype' => $_GET['itemtype'], 'type' => $_GET["type"], 'date1' => $_GET['date1'], 'date2' => $_GET['date2'], 'start' => $_GET['start'], 'val' => $val, 'value2' => $_GET['value2'], ] |
/install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/native_inventory.php:526 | 1 | $to_preserve_sql = new \QueryExpression(sprintf('SELECT MAX(%s) as %s FROM %s GROUP BY %s, DATE(%s)', $DB->quoteName('id'), $DB->quoteName('id'), $DB->quoteName('glpi_printerlogs'), $DB->quoteName('printers_id'), $DB->quoteName('date'))) |
/install/migrations/update_0.90.x_to_9.1.0.php:782 | 1 | $rank = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['MAX' => "rank AS max_rank"], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => "glpi_displaypreferences", 'WHERE' => ['users_id' => $data['users_id'], 'itemtype' => $type]])->current( ) |
/install/migrations/update_0.83.x_to_0.84.0.php:663 | 1 | $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_ticketcosts` (`tickets_id`, `name`, `begin_date`, `end_date`, `cost_time`,`cost_fixed`, `cost_material`, `entities_id`, `actiontime`) VALUES ('" . $data['id'] . "', 'Cost', $begin_to_add, $end_to_add, '" . $data['cost_time'] . "','" . $data['cost_fixed'] . "', '" . $data['cost_material'] . "', '" . $data['entities_id'] . "', '" . $data['actiontime'] . "')" |
/install/migrations/update_0.80.x_to_0.83.0.php:322 | 1 | $query = "UPDATE `glpi_notificationtemplatetranslations` SET `subject` = '" . addslashes(str_replace($from, $to, $data['subject'])) . "', `content_text` = '" . addslashes(str_replace($from, $to, $data['content_text'])) . "', `content_html` = '" . addslashes(str_replace($from, $to, $data['content_html'])) . "' WHERE `id` = " . $data['id'] . "" |
/install/migrations/update_0.80.x_to_0.83.0.php:290 | 1 | $query = "UPDATE `glpi_tickettasks` SET `begin` = " . ((($data['begin'] == 'NULL') || is_null($data['begin'])) ? 'NULL' : "'" . $data['begin'] . "'") . ", `end` = " . ((($data['end'] == 'NULL') || is_null($data['end'])) ? 'NULL' : "'" . $data['end'] . "'") . ", `users_id_tech` = '" . $data['users_id'] . "', `state` = '" . $data['state'] . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $data['tickettasks_id'] . "'" |
/install/migrations/update_0.83.x_to_0.84.0.php:541 | 1 | $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notifications` (`name`, `entities_id`, `itemtype`, `event`, `mode`, `notificationtemplates_id`, `comment`, `is_recursive`, `is_active`, `date_mod`) VALUES ('" . addslashes($notif['name']) . " Periodicity', '" . $notif['entities_id'] . "', 'Contract', '$to', '" . $notif['mode'] . "', '" . $notif['notificationtemplates_id'] . "', '" . addslashes($notif['comment']) . "', '" . $notif['is_recursive'] . "', '" . $notif['is_active'] . "', NOW());" |
/install/migrations/update_0.84.x_to_0.85.0.php:1872 | 1 | $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notifications` (`name`, `entities_id`, `itemtype`, `event`, `mode`, `notificationtemplates_id`, `comment`, `is_recursive`, `is_active`, `date_mod`) VALUES ('" . addslashes($notif['name']) . " Answer', '" . $notif['entities_id'] . "', 'Ticket', 'replysatisfaction', '" . $notif['mode'] . "', '" . $notif['notificationtemplates_id'] . "', '" . addslashes($notif['comment']) . "', '" . $notif['is_recursive'] . "', '" . $notif['is_active'] . "', NOW());" |
/install/migrations/update_0.83.x_to_0.84.0.php:494 | 1 | $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notifications` (`name`, `entities_id`, `itemtype`, `event`, `mode`, `notificationtemplates_id`, `comment`, `is_recursive`, `is_active`, `date_mod`) VALUES ('" . addslashes($notif['name']) . " Answer', '" . $notif['entities_id'] . "', 'Ticket', 'validation_answer', '" . $notif['mode'] . "', '" . $notif['notificationtemplates_id'] . "', '" . addslashes($notif['comment']) . "', '" . $notif['is_recursive'] . "', '" . $notif['is_active'] . "', NOW());" |
/install/migrations/update_0.84.x_to_0.85.0.php:2248 | 1 | $states = ['new' => ['name' => _x('ticket', 'New'), 'color' => '#06ff00', 'is_finished' => 0], 'do' => ['name' => __('Processing'), 'color' => '#ffb800', 'is_finished' => 0], 'end' => ['name' => __('Closed'), 'color' => '#ff0000', 'is_finished' => 1]] |
/front/find_num.php:98 | 1 | $types = ['Computer' => Computer::getTypeName(1), 'NetworkEquipment' => NetworkEquipment::getTypeName(1), 'Printer' => Printer::getTypeName(1), 'Monitor' => Monitor::getTypeName(1), 'Peripheral' => Peripheral::getTypeName(1)] |
/front/report.contract.list.php:65 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [' AS type', 'glpi_contracts.duration', 'glpi_entities.completename AS entname', ' AS entID', 'glpi_contracts.begin_date'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_contracts_items', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_contracts' => ['ON' => ['glpi_contracts_items' => 'contracts_id', 'glpi_contracts' => 'id']], $itemtable => ['ON' => [$itemtable => 'id', 'glpi_contracts_items' => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['glpi_contracts_items.itemtype' => $val]]]]], 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_contracttypes' => ['ON' => ['glpi_contracts' => 'contracttypes_id', 'glpi_contracttypes' => 'id']], 'glpi_entities' => ['ON' => [$itemtable => 'entities_id', 'glpi_entities' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($itemtable), 'ORDERBY' => ["entname ASC", 'itemdeleted DESC', "itemname ASC"]] |
/front/find_num.php:139 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['name', 'id'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_softwares', 'WHERE' => ['is_template' => 0, 'is_deleted' => 0, 'name' => ['LIKE', "%{$_POST['NomContact']}%"]], 'ORDER' => ['name']]) |
/front/find_num.php:105 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['name', 'id', 'contact', 'serial', 'otherserial'], 'FROM' => getTableForItemType($type), 'WHERE' => ['is_template' => 0, 'is_deleted' => 0, 'OR' => ['contact' => ['LIKE', '%' . $_POST['NomContact'] . '%'], 'name' => ['LIKE', '%' . $_POST['NomContact'] . '%'], 'serial' => ['LIKE', '%' . $_POST['NomContact'] . '%'], 'otherserial' => ['LIKE', '%' . $_POST['NomContact'] . '%'], ]], 'ORDER' => ['name']]) |
/front/ticket.form.php:194 | 1 | $input = array_merge(Toolbox::addslashes_deep($track->fields), ['id' => $id, '_itil_' . $_POST['actortype'] => ['_type' => "user", 'users_id' => Session::getLoginUserID( ), 'use_notification' => 1, ]]) |
/install/migrations/update_9.4.x_to_9.5.0/dashboards.php:34 | 1 | return [['key' => 'central', 'name' => __("Central"), 'context' => 'core', '_items' => [["x" => 3, "y" => 0, "width" => 3, "height" => 2, "gridstack_id" => "bn_count_Computer_4a315743-151c-40cb-a20b-762250668dac", "card_id" => "bn_count_Computer", "card_options" => "{\"color\":\"#e69393\",\"widgettype\":\"bigNumber\",\"use_gradient\":\"0\",\"limit\":\"7\"}", ], ["x" => 0, "y" => 0, "width" => 3, "height" => 2, "gridstack_id" => "bn_count_Software_0690f524-e826-47a9-b50a-906451196b83", "card_id" => "bn_count_Software", "card_options" => "{\"color\":\"#aaddac\",\"widgettype\":\"bigNumber\",\"use_gradient\":\"0\",\"limit\":\"7\"}", ], ["x" => 6, "y" => 2, "width" => 3, "height" => 2, "gridstack_id" => "bn_count_Rack_c6502e0a-5991-46b4-a771-7f355137306b", "card_id" => "bn_count_Rack", "card_options" => "{\"color\":\"#0e87a0\",\"widgettype\":\"bigNumber\",\"use_gradient\":\"0\",\"limit\":\"7\"}", ], ["x" => 0, "y" => 2, 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/front/stat.location.php:180 | 1 | $data_params = ['itemtype' => $_GET['itemtype'], 'type' => $type, 'date1' => $_GET['date1'], 'date2' => $_GET['date2'], 'start' => $_GET['start'], 'val' => $val, 'value2' => $_GET['dropdown'], ] |
/front/stat.location.php:91 | 1 | $values = [_n('Dropdown', 'Dropdowns', Session::getPluralNumber( )) => ['ComputerType' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'ComputerModel' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'OperatingSystem' => OperatingSystem::getTypeName(1), 'Location' => Location::getTypeName(1)], ] |
/install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/native_inventory.php:833 | 1 | $stmt = $DB->prepare($DB->buildInsert(Blacklist::getTable( ), ['type' => new QueryParam( ), 'name' => new QueryParam( ), 'value' => new QueryParam( )])) |
/install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/native_inventory.php:606 | 1 | $to_preserve_sql = new \QueryExpression(sprintf('SELECT MAX(%s) as %s FROM %s GROUP BY %s, DATE(%s)', $DB->quoteName('id'), $DB->quoteName('id'), $DB->quoteName('glpi_networkportmetrics'), $DB->quoteName('networkports_id'), $DB->quoteName('date'))) |
/install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/cable.php:211 | 1 | $input = ['name' => $data['name'], 'locations_id' => $data['locations_id'], 'position' => $data['logical_number'], 'itemtype' => $data['itemtype'], 'items_id' => $data['items_id'], 'networkports_id' => $data['networkports_id'], 'date_creation' => $data['date_creation'], 'date_mod' => $data['date_mod'], ] |
/install/migrations/update_9.5.x_to_10.0.0/cable.php:178 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [" AS networkports_id", "glpi_networkports.logical_number", "glpi_networkports.itemtype", "glpi_networkports.items_id", "glpi_netpoints.locations_id", "", "glpi_netpoints.entities_id", "glpi_netpoints.date_creation", "glpi_netpoints.date_mod", ], 'FROM' => $table, 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_networkports' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_networkports' => 'id', $table => 'networkports_id', ]], 'glpi_netpoints' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_netpoints' => 'id', $table => 'netpoints_id', ]], ]] |
/src/Domain.php:192 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '8', 'table' => 'glpi_domains_items', 'field' => 'items_id', 'nosearch' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'name' => _n('Associated item', 'Associated items', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/NotificationTargetReservation.php:173 | 1 | $tags_except_alert = ['reservation.user' => __('Writer'), 'reservation.begin' => __('Start date'), 'reservation.end' => __('End date'), 'reservation.comment' => __('Comments'), 'reservation.item.entity' => Entity::getTypeName(1), '' => _n('Associated item', 'Associated items', 1), '' => __('Technician in charge of the hardware')] |
/src/Domain.php:294 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '206', 'table' => DomainType::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => DomainType::getTypeName(1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => Domain::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => Domain_Item::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']]]]]] |
/src/Domain.php:277 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '205', 'table' => Domain::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Name'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'itemlink_type' => 'Domain', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => Domain_Item::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']]]] |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:3735 | 1 | $fields = ['login_field' => __('Login'), 'sync_field' => __('Synchronization field') . ' (' . $authldap->fields['sync_field'] . ')', 'email1_field' => _n('Email', 'Emails', 1), 'email2_field' => sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), _n('Email', 'Emails', 1), '2'), 'email3_field' => sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), _n('Email', 'Emails', 1), '3'), 'email4_field' => sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), _n('Email', 'Emails', 1), '4'), 'realname_field' => __('Surname'), 'firstname_field' => __('First name'), 'phone_field' => _x('ldap', 'Phone'), 'phone2_field' => __('Phone 2'), 'mobile_field' => __('Mobile phone'), 'title_field' => _x('person', 'Title'), 'category_field' => _n('Category', 'Categories', 1), 'picture_field' => _n('Picture', 'Pictures', 1)] |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:3065 | 1 | $ds = self::connectToServer($replicate["host"], $replicate["port"], $login, $password, $ldap_method['use_tls'], $ldap_method['deref_option'], $ldap_method['tls_certfile'] ?? '', $ldap_method['tls_keyfile'] ?? '', $ldap_method['use_bind'], $ldap_method['timeout']) |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:4082 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_authldaps', 'WHERE' => ['is_active' => 1, 'OR' => ['email1_field' => ['<>', ''], 'email2_field' => ['<>', ''], 'email3_field' => ['<>', ''], 'email4_field' => ['<>', '']]], 'ORDER' => ['is_default DESC']]) |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:4015 | 1 | return [self::DELETED_USER_PRESERVE => __('Preserve'), self::DELETED_USER_DELETE => __('Put in trashbin'), self::DELETED_USER_WITHDRAWDYNINFO => __('Withdraw dynamic authorizations and groups'), self::DELETED_USER_DISABLE => __('Disable'), self::DELETED_USER_DISABLEANDWITHDRAWDYNINFO => __('Disable') . ' + ' . __('Withdraw dynamic authorizations and groups'), ] |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:3009 | 1 | $ds = self::connectToServer($ldap_method['host'], $ldap_method['port'], $ldap_method['rootdn'], (new GLPIKey( ))->decrypt($ldap_method['rootdn_passwd']), $ldap_method['use_tls'], $ldap_method['deref_option'], $ldap_method['tls_certfile'] ?? '', $ldap_method['tls_keyfile'] ?? '', $ldap_method['use_bind'], $ldap_method['timeout']) |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:2912 | 1 | return $this->connectToServer($this->fields['host'], $this->fields['port'], $this->fields['rootdn'], (new GLPIKey( ))->decrypt($this->fields['rootdn_passwd']), $this->fields['use_tls'], $this->fields['deref_option'], $this->fields['tls_certfile'], $this->fields['tls_keyfile'], $this->fields['use_bind'], $this->fields['timeout']) |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:3047 | 1 | $ds = self::connectToServer($replicate["host"], $replicate["port"], $ldap_method['rootdn'], (new GLPIKey( ))->decrypt($ldap_method['rootdn_passwd']), $ldap_method['use_tls'], $ldap_method['deref_option'], $ldap_method['tls_certfile'] ?? '', $ldap_method['tls_keyfile'] ?? '', $ldap_method['use_bind'], $ldap_method['timeout']) |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:3027 | 1 | $ds = self::connectToServer($ldap_method['host'], $ldap_method['port'], $login, $password, $ldap_method['use_tls'], $ldap_method['deref_option'], $ldap_method['tls_certfile'] ?? '', $ldap_method['tls_keyfile'] ?? '', $ldap_method['use_bind'], $ldap_method['timeout']) |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:2218 | 1 | $massiveactionparams = ['num_displayed' => min($_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], count($ldap_groups)), 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'specific_actions' => [__CLASS__ . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'import_group' => _sx('button', 'Import')], 'extraparams' => ['massive_action_fields' => ['dn', 'ldap_import_type', 'ldap_import_entities', 'ldap_import_recursive']]] |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:2083 | 1 | $glpi_users[] = ['id' => $user['id'], 'user' => $user['name'], $field_for_sync => $user['sync_field'], 'timestamp' => $user_infos[$user[$field_for_db]]['timestamp'], 'date_sync' => $user['date_sync'], 'dn' => $user['user_dn']] |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:2893 | 1 | return $group->add(["name" => addslashes($group_infos["cn"][0]), "ldap_field" => $config_ldap->fields["group_field"], "ldap_value" => addslashes($group_infos["dn"]), "entities_id" => $options['entities_id'], "is_recursive" => $options['is_recursive']]) |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:2887 | 1 | return $group->add(["name" => addslashes($group_infos["cn"][0]), "ldap_group_dn" => addslashes($group_infos["dn"]), "entities_id" => $options['entities_id'], "is_recursive" => $options['is_recursive']]) |
/src/Unmanaged.php:283 | 1 | $asset_data = ['name' => $this->fields['name'], 'entities_id' => $this->fields['entities_id'], 'serial' => $this->fields['serial'], 'uuid' => $this->fields['uuid'] ?? null, 'is_dynamic' => 1] + $this->fields |
/src/Item_Rack.php:835 | 1 | return " <div class='grid-stack-item pdu-grid {$back_class} {$half_class} {$reserved_cl} {$img_class}' gs-w='{$gs_item['width']}' gs-h='{$gs_item['height']}' gs-x='{$gs_item['x']}' gs-y='{$gs_item['y']}' gs-id='{$gs_item['id']}' gs-locked='true' {$readonly_attr} style='background-color: $bg_color; color: $fg_color;'> <div class='grid-stack-item-content' style='$fg_color_s $img_s'> $icon" . (!empty($gs_item['url']) ? "<a href='{$gs_item['url']}' class='itemrack_name' style='$fg_color_s'>{$gs_item['name']}</a>" : "<span class='itemrack_name'>" . $gs_item['name'] . "</span>") . " <a href='{$gs_item['rel_url']}'> <i class='fa fa-pencil-alt rel-link' style='$fg_color_s' title='" . __("Edit rack relation") . "'></i> </a> $tip </div> </div>" |
/src/NotificationTargetChange.php:270 | 1 | $tags = ['change.numberoftickets' => _x('quantity', 'Number of tickets'), 'change.numberofproblems' => _x('quantity', 'Number of problems'), 'change.impactcontent' => __('Impact'), 'change.controlistcontent' => __('Control list'), 'change.rolloutplancontent' => __('Deployment plan'), 'change.backoutplancontent' => __('Backup plan'), 'change.checklistcontent' => __('Checklist'), '' => _n('Associated item', 'Associated items', 1), 'item.serial' => __('Serial number'), 'item.otherserial' => __('Inventory number'), 'item.location' => Location::getTypeName(1), 'item.model' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), '' => __('Alternate username'), 'item.contactnumber' => __('Alternate username number'), 'item.user' => User::getTypeName(1), '' => Group::getTypeName(1), 'change.globalvalidation' => __('Global approval status'), ] |
/src/NotificationTargetChange.php:49 | 1 | $events = ['new' => __('New change'), 'update' => __('Update of a change'), 'solved' => __('Change solved'), 'validation' => __('Validation request'), 'validation_answer' => __('Validation request answer'), 'closed' => __('Closure of a change'), 'delete' => __('Deleting a change')] |
/src/Item_Rack.php:213 | 1 | $gs_item = ['id' => $row['id'], 'name' => $item->getName( ), 'x' => $row['hpos'] >= 2 ? 1 : 0, 'y' => $rack->fields['number_units'] - $row['position'], 'height' => 1, 'width' => 2, 'bgcolor' => $row['bgcolor'], 'picture_f' => null, 'picture_r' => null, 'url' => $item->getLinkURL( ), 'rel_url' => $rel->getLinkURL( ), 'rear' => false, 'half_rack' => false, 'reserved' => (bool) $row['is_reserved'], ] |
/src/IPNetwork.php:260 | 1 | return [['name' => 'network', 'label' => self::getTypeName(1), 'type' => 'text', 'list' => true, 'comment' => __('Set the network using notation address/mask')], ['name' => 'gateway', 'label' => __('Gateway'), 'type' => 'text', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'addressable', 'label' => __('Addressable network'), 'comment' => __('An addressable network is a network defined on an equipment'), 'type' => 'bool']] |
/src/Domain.php:808 | 1 | return ['domainrecord' => ['icon' => DomainRecord::getIcon( ), 'title' => DomainRecord::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'page' => DomainRecord::getSearchURL(false), 'links' => ['add' => '/front/domainrecord.form.php', 'search' => '/front/domainrecord.php', ]]] |
/src/IPNetwork.php:692 | 1 | $WHERE = [new \QueryExpression("(" . $DB->quoteName($addressDB[$i]) . " & $globalNetmask) = (" . $DB->quoteValue($addressPa[$i]) . " & $globalNetmask)"), new \QueryExpression("(" . $DB->quoteValue($netmaskPa[$i]) . " & " . $DB->quoteName($netmaskDB[$i]) . ")=$globalNetmask")] |
/src/IPNetwork.php:679 | 1 | $WHERE = [new \QueryExpression("(" . $DB->quoteName($addressDB[$i]) . " & " . $DB->quoteValue($netmaskPa[$i]) . ") = (" . $DB->quoteValue($addressPa[$i]) . " & " . $DB->quoteValue($netmaskPa[$i]) . ")"), $netmaskDB[$i] => $netmaskPa[$i]] |
/src/Domain.php:606 | 1 | return ['FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['NOT' => ['date_expiration' => null], 'entities_id' => $entities_id, 'is_deleted' => 0, new QueryExpression("DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), " . $DB->quoteName('date_expiration') . ") > -$delay"), new QueryExpression("DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), " . $DB->quoteName('date_expiration') . ") < 0")]] |
/src/Domain.php:582 | 1 | return ['FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['NOT' => ['date_expiration' => null], 'entities_id' => $entities_id, 'is_deleted' => 0, new QueryExpression("DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), " . $DB->quoteName('date_expiration') . ") > $delay"), new QueryExpression("DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), " . $DB->quoteName('date_expiration') . ") > 0")]] |
/src/Domain.php:682 | 1 | $msg = sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_entities', $entity), sprintf($event === 'DomainsWhichExpire' ? __('Domain %1$s expires on %2$s') : __('Domain %1$s expired on %2$s'), $domain->fields['name'], Html::convDate($domain->fields['date_expiration']))) |
/src/Domain.php:638 | 1 | $events = ['DomainsWhichExpire' => ['query' => self::closeExpiriesDomainsCriteria($entity), 'alert_type' => Alert::NOTICE, ], 'ExpiredDomains' => ['query' => self::expiredDomainsCriteria($entity), 'alert_type' => Alert::END, ]] |
/src/Item_Ticket.php:662 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_groups_users.groups_id', ''], 'FROM' => 'glpi_groups_users', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_groups' => ['ON' => ['glpi_groups_users' => 'groups_id', 'glpi_groups' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_groups_users.users_id' => $userID] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_groups', '', $entity_restrict, true)]) |
/src/Item_Ticket.php:830 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => "$itemtable.*", 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_computers_items', 'LEFT JOIN' => [$itemtable => ['ON' => ['glpi_computers_items' => 'items_id', $itemtable => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_computers_items.itemtype' => $itemtype, 'glpi_computers_items.computers_id' => $already_add['Computer']] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($itemtable, '', $entity_restrict), 'ORDERBY' => "$"] |
/src/Item_Ticket.php:751 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS version', ' AS name', ''], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_items_softwareversions', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_softwareversions' => 'softwareversions_id', 'glpi_softwareversions' => 'id']], 'glpi_softwares' => ['ON' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => 'softwares_id', 'glpi_softwares' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_items_softwareversions.items_id' => $already_add[$itemtype], 'glpi_items_softwareversions.itemtype' => $itemtype, 'glpi_softwares.is_helpdesk_visible' => 1] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_softwares', '', $entity_restrict), 'ORDERBY' => '']) |
/src/Item_DeviceNetworkCard.php:53 | 1 | return ['mac' => ['long name' => __('MAC address'), 'short name' => __('MAC address'), 'size' => 18, 'id' => 20, 'datatype' => 'mac', ], 'serial' => parent::getSpecificities('serial'), 'otherserial' => parent::getSpecificities('otherserial'), 'locations_id' => parent::getSpecificities('locations_id'), 'states_id' => parent::getSpecificities('states_id'), 'busID' => parent::getSpecificities('busID')] |
/src/TicketTemplate.php:63 | 1 | $tab = [$itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'name', 'glpi_requesttypes') => 'requesttypes_id', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'completename', 'glpi_locations') => 'locations_id', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'slas_id_tto', 'glpi_slas') => 'slas_id_tto', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'slas_id_ttr', 'glpi_slas') => 'slas_id_ttr', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'olas_id_tto', 'glpi_olas') => 'olas_id_tto', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'olas_id_ttr', 'glpi_olas') => 'olas_id_ttr', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'time_to_resolve', 'glpi_tickets') => 'time_to_resolve', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'time_to_own', 'glpi_tickets') => 'time_to_own', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'internal_time_to_resolve', 'glpi_tickets') => 'internal_time_to_resolve', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'internal_time_to_own', 'glpi_tickets') => 'internal_time_to_own', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'actiontime', 'glpi_tickets') => 'actiontime', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'global_validation', 'glpi_tickets') => 'global_validation', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'name', 'glpi_contracts') => '_contracts_id', ] |
/src/Item_Ticket.php:191 | 1 | $params = ['id' => (isset($ticket->fields['id']) && $ticket->fields['id'] != '') ? $ticket->fields['id'] : 0, '_users_id_requester' => 0, 'items_id' => [ ], 'itemtype' => '', '_canupdate' => false] |
/ajax/dropdownInstallVersion.php:56 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_softwareversions.*', ' AS sname'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_softwareversions', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_states' => ['ON' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => 'states_id', 'glpi_states' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_softwareversions.softwares_id' => $_POST['softwares_id']] + $where]) |
/src/GLPINetwork.php:209 | 1 | $registration_response = Toolbox::callCurl(rtrim(GLPI_NETWORK_REGISTRATION_API_URL, '/') . '/info', [CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => ['Accept:application/json', 'Accept-Language: ' . $lang, 'Content-Type:application/json', 'User-Agent:' . self::getGlpiUserAgent( ), 'X-Registration-Key:' . $registration_key, 'X-Glpi-Network-Uid:' . self::getGlpiNetworkUid( ), ]], $error_message) |
/ajax/dropdownTrackingDeviceType.php:75 | 1 | $p = ['itemtype' => $itemtype, 'entity_restrict' => $_POST['entity_restrict'], 'table' => $table, 'multiple' => (int) ($_POST["multiple"] ?? 0) !== 0, 'myname' => $_POST["myname"], 'rand' => $_POST["rand"], 'width' => 'calc(100% - 25px)', '_idor_token' => Session::getNewIDORToken($itemtype, ['entity_restrict' => $_POST['entity_restrict'], ]), ] |
/ajax/getUserPicture.php:72 | 1 | $img = Html::image($path, ['title' => getUserName($user_id), 'width' => $_GET['size'], 'height' => $_GET['size'], 'class' => isset($_GET['class']) ? $_GET['class'] : '']) |
/ajax/selectUnaffectedOrNewItem_Device.php:65 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id', $name_field], 'FROM' => $linktype::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => [$devicetype::getForeignKeyField( ) => $_POST['items_id'], 'itemtype' => '', ]]) |
/ajax/dropdownSoftwareLicense.php:49 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_softwarelicenses', 'WHERE' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses.softwares_id' => (int) $_POST['softwares_id']] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_softwarelicenses', 'entities_id', $_POST['entity_restrict'], true), 'ORDERBY' => 'name']) |
/ajax/dropdownAllItems.php:57 | 1 | $p = ['value' => 0, 'valuename' => Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE, 'itemtype' => $_POST["idtable"], 'display_emptychoice' => true, 'displaywith' => ['otherserial', 'serial'], '_idor_token' => Session::getNewIDORToken($_POST["idtable"]), ] |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:1601 | 1 | $ds = self::connectToServer($host, $port, $config_ldap->fields['rootdn'], (new GLPIKey( ))->decrypt($config_ldap->fields['rootdn_passwd']), $config_ldap->fields['use_tls'], $config_ldap->fields['deref_option'], $config_ldap->fields['tls_certfile'], $config_ldap->fields['tls_keyfile'], $config_ldap->fields['use_bind'], $config_ldap->fields['timeout']) |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:1299 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '32', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'timeout', 'name' => __('Timeout'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'number', 'unit' => 'second', 'toadd' => ['0' => __('No timeout')], ] |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:2071 | 1 | $glpi_users[] = ['id' => $user['id'], 'user' => $userfound['name'], $field_for_sync => (isset($userfound[$config_ldap->fields['sync_field']]) ? $userfound[$config_ldap->fields['sync_field']] : 'NULL'), 'timestamp' => $user_infos[$userfound[$field_for_sync]]['timestamp'], 'date_sync' => $tmpuser->fields['date_sync'], 'dn' => $user['user_dn']] |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:1962 | 1 | $values = ['order' => 'DESC', 'mode' => self::ACTION_SYNCHRONIZE, 'ldap_filter' => '', 'basedn' => $config_ldap->fields['basedn'], 'begin_date' => null, 'end_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time( ) - DAY_TIMESTAMP), 'script' => 0, ] |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:1165 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '25', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'email2_field', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), _n('Email', 'Emails', 1), '2'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'string'] |
/src/WifiNetwork.php:104 | 1 | return [['name' => 'essid', 'label' => __('ESSID'), 'type' => 'text', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'mode', 'label' => __('Wifi network type'), 'type' => 'wifi_mode', 'list' => true]] |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:1183 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '27', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'email4_field', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), _n('Email', 'Emails', 1), '4'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'string'] |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:1174 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '26', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'email3_field', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), _n('Email', 'Emails', 1), '3'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'string'] |
/src/Calendar_Holiday.php:260 | 1 | $holidays_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['begin_date', 'end_date', 'is_perpetual'], 'FROM' => Holiday::getTable( ), 'INNER JOIN' => [Calendar_Holiday::getTable( ) => ['FKEY' => [Calendar_Holiday::getTable( ) => Holiday::getForeignKeyField( ), Holiday::getTable( ) => 'id', ], ], ], 'WHERE' => [Calendar_Holiday::getTableField(Calendar::getForeignKeyField( )) => $calendars_id, ], ]) |
/src/Calendar_Holiday.php:79 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS linkid', 'glpi_holidays.*'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_calendars_holidays', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_holidays' => ['ON' => ['glpi_calendars_holidays' => 'holidays_id', 'glpi_holidays' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_calendars_holidays.calendars_id' => $ID], 'ORDERBY' => '']) |
/src/WifiNetwork.php:68 | 1 | return ['' => Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE, 'ad-hoc' => __('Ad-hoc'), 'managed' => __('Managed'), 'master' => __('Master'), 'repeater' => __('Repeater'), 'secondary' => __('Secondary'), 'monitor' => Monitor::getTypeName(1), 'auto' => __('Automatic')] |
/src/Item_Ticket.php:1162 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '131', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'itemtype', 'name' => _n('Associated item type', 'Associated item types', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'itemtypename', 'itemtype_list' => 'ticket_types', 'nosort' => true] |
/src/Item_Ticket.php:1151 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '13', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'items_id', 'name' => _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'comments' => true, 'nosort' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype']] |
/src/RuleImportEntity.php:320 | 1 | $actions = ['entities_id' => ['name' => Entity::getTypeName(1), 'type' => 'dropdown', 'table' => Entity::getTable( )], 'locations_id' => ['name' => Location::getTypeName(1), 'type' => 'dropdown', 'table' => Location::getTable( ), ], '_affect_entity_by_tag' => ['name' => __('Entity from TAG'), 'type' => 'text', 'force_actions' => ['regex_result'], ], '_ignore_import' => ['name' => __('Refuse import'), 'type' => 'yesonly'], 'is_recursive' => ['name' => __('Child entities'), 'type' => 'yesno'], 'groups_id_tech' => ['name' => __('Group in charge of the hardware'), 'type' => 'dropdown', 'table' => Group::getTable( )], 'users_id_tech' => ['name' => __('Technician in charge of the hardware'), 'type' => 'dropdown_users']] |
/src/RuleImportEntity.php:101 | 1 | return ['tag' => ['field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Inventory tag')], 'domain' => ['field' => 'name', 'name' => Domain::getTypeName(1)], 'subnet' => ['field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Subnet')], 'ip' => ['field' => 'name', 'name' => IPAddress::getTypeName(1)], 'name' => ['field' => 'name', 'name' => __("Equipment name")], 'serial' => ['field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Serial number')], '_source' => ['table' => '', 'field' => '_source', 'name' => __('Source'), 'allow_condition' => [Rule::PATTERN_IS, Rule::PATTERN_IS_NOT]]] |
/src/Event.php:376 | 1 | $items = ["type" => [__('Source'), ""], "items_id" => [__('ID'), ""], "date" => [_n('Date', 'Dates', 1), ""], "service" => [__('Service'), "width='8%'"], "level" => [__('Level'), "width='8%'"], "message" => [__('Message'), "width='50%'"]] |
/src/Event.php:287 | 1 | $twig_params = ['class' => 'table table-hover table-striped table-bordered', 'header_rows' => [[['colspan' => 5, 'content' => "<a href=\"" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/event.php\">" . sprintf(__('Last %d events'), $_SESSION['glpilist_limit']) . "</a>"]], [__('Source'), __('Id'), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1), ['content' => __('Service'), 'style' => 'width: 10%'], ['content' => __('Message'), 'style' => 'width: 50%'], ]], 'rows' => [ ]] |
/src/RuleCriteria.php:553 | 1 | $criteria = [Rule::PATTERN_IS => __('is'), Rule::PATTERN_IS_NOT => __('is not'), Rule::PATTERN_CONTAIN => __('contains'), Rule::PATTERN_NOT_CONTAIN => __('does not contain'), Rule::PATTERN_BEGIN => __('starting with'), Rule::PATTERN_END => __('finished by'), Rule::REGEX_MATCH => __('regular expression matches'), Rule::REGEX_NOT_MATCH => __('regular expression does not match'), Rule::PATTERN_EXISTS => __('exists'), Rule::PATTERN_DOES_NOT_EXISTS => __('does not exist')] |
/src/RuleCriteria.php:184 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '3', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'pattern', 'name' => __('Reason'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'specific', 'additionalfields' => ['rules_id', 'criteria', 'condition'], ] |
/src/Event.php:155 | 1 | $logItemtype = ['system' => __('System'), 'devices' => _n('Component', 'Components', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'planning' => __('Planning'), 'reservation' => _n('Reservation', 'Reservations', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'dropdown' => _n('Dropdown', 'Dropdowns', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'rules' => _n('Rule', 'Rules', Session::getPluralNumber( ))] |
/src/Event.php:107 | 1 | $input = ['items_id' => intval($items_id), 'type' => $DB->escape($type), 'date' => $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"], 'service' => $DB->escape($service), 'level' => intval($level), 'message' => $DB->escape($event)] |
/src/Event.php:163 | 1 | $logService = ['inventory' => _n('Asset', 'Assets', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'tracking' => _n('Ticket', 'Tickets', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'maintain' => __('Assistance'), 'planning' => __('Planning'), 'tools' => __('Tools'), 'financial' => __('Management'), 'login' => _n('Connection', 'Connections', 1), 'setup' => __('Setup'), 'security' => __('Security'), 'reservation' => _n('Reservation', 'Reservations', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'cron' => CronTask::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'document' => Document::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'notification' => _n('Notification', 'Notifications', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'plugin' => _n('Plugin', 'Plugins', Session::getPluralNumber( ))] |
/src/NotificationTargetTicket.php:771 | 1 | $tags = ['validations' => _n('Validation', 'Validations', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'linkedtickets' => _n('Linked ticket', 'Linked tickets', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'problems' => Problem::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'changes' => _n('Change', 'Changes', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'items' => _n('Associated item', 'Associated items', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'documents' => Document::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))] |
/src/NotificationTargetTicket.php:685 | 2 | $tags = ['' => _n('Requester', 'Requesters', 1), 'validation.status' => __('Status of the approval request'), 'validation.submissiondate' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Request'), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), 'validation.commentsubmission' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Request'), __('Comments')), 'validation.validationdate' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Validation', 'Validations', 1), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), 'validation.validator' => __('Decision-maker'), 'validation.commentvalidation' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Validation', 'Validations', 1), __('Comments'))] |
/src/NotificationTargetTicket.php:819 | 1 | $tags = ['ticket.urlvalidation' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Validation request'), __('URL')), 'ticket.urlsatisfaction' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Satisfaction'), __('URL')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Linked ticket', 'Linked tickets', 1), __('ID')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Linked ticket', 'Linked tickets', 1), Link::getTypeName(1)), 'linkedticket.url' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Linked ticket', 'Linked tickets', 1), __('URL')), 'linkedticket.title' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Linked ticket', 'Linked tickets', 1), __('Title')), 'linkedticket.content' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Linked ticket', 'Linked tickets', 1), __('Description')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), __('ID')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), 'problem.url' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), ('URL')), 'problem.title' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), __('Title')), 'problem.content' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), __('Description')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), __('ID')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), 'change.url' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), ('URL')), 'change.title' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), __('Title')), 'change.content' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), __('Description'))] |
/src/NotificationTargetTicket.php:788 | 1 | $tags = ['ticket.linkedtickets' => _n('Linked ticket', 'Linked tickets', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'ticket.problems' => Problem::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'ticket.changes' => _n('Change', 'Changes', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'ticket.autoclosewarning' => sprintf(_n('Without a reply, the ticket will be automatically closed after %s day', 'Without a reply, the ticket will be automatically closed after %s days', 2), '?')] |
/src/Notepad.php:250 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '204', 'table' => 'glpi_users', 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => 'users_id_lastupdater', 'name' => __('Last updater'), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_notepads', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']]]] |
/src/Notepad.php:219 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '202', 'table' => 'glpi_users', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Writer'), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_notepads', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']]]] |
/src/NotificationTargetTicket.php:591 | 1 | $tags = ['ticket.type' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'ticket.sla' => __('SLA'), 'ticket.sla_tto' => sprintf(__('%1$s / %2$s'), __('SLA'), __('Time to own')), 'ticket.sla_ttr' => sprintf(__('%1$s / %2$s'), __('SLA'), __('Time to resolve')), 'ticket.ola_tto' => sprintf(__('%1$s / %2$s'), __('OLA'), __('Internal time to own')), 'ticket.ola_ttr' => sprintf(__('%1$s / %2$s'), __('OLA'), __('Internal time to resolve')), 'ticket.requesttype' => RequestType::getTypeName(1), 'ticket.itemtype' => __('Item type'), '' => _n('Associated item', 'Associated items', 1), 'ticket.item.serial' => __('Serial number'), 'ticket.item.otherserial' => __('Inventory number'), 'ticket.item.location' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber( )), __('Location name')), 'ticket.item.locationcomment' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber( )), __('Location comments')), 'ticket.item.locationroom' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber( )), __('Room number')), 'ticket.item.locationbuilding' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber( )), __('Building number')), 'ticket.item.locationlatitude' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber( )), __('Latitude')), 'ticket.item.locationlongitude' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber( )), __('Longitude')), 'ticket.item.locationaltitude' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber( )), __('Altitude')), 'ticket.item.model' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), '' => __('Alternate username'), 'ticket.item.contactnumber' => __('Alternate username number'), 'ticket.item.user' => User::getTypeName(1), '' => Group::getTypeName(1), 'ticket.isdeleted' => __('Deleted'), 'ticket.numberoflinkedtickets' => _x('quantity', 'Number of linked tickets'), 'ticket.numberofproblems' => _x('quantity', 'Number of problems'), 'ticket.numberofchanges' => _x('quantity', 'Number of changes'), 'ticket.numberofitems' => _x('quantity', 'Number of items'), 'ticket.autoclose' => __('Automatic closing of solved tickets after'), 'ticket.location' => Location::getTypeName(1), 'ticket.location.comment' => __('Location comments'), '' => __('Room number'), 'ticket.location.building' => __('Building number'), 'ticket.location.latitude' => __('Latitude'), 'ticket.location.longitude' => __('Longitude'), 'ticket.location.altitude' => __('Altitude'), 'ticket.globalvalidation' => __('Global approval status'), 'ticket.solution.approval.description' => __('Solution rejection comment'), '' => __('Solution rejection date'), '' => __('Approver')] |
/src/NotificationTargetTicket.php:143 | 1 | $events = ['new' => __('New ticket'), 'update' => __('Update of a ticket'), 'solved' => __('Ticket solved'), 'rejectsolution' => __('Solution rejected'), 'validation' => __('Validation request'), 'validation_answer' => __('Validation request answer'), 'closed' => __('Closing of the ticket'), 'delete' => __('Deletion of a ticket'), 'alertnotclosed' => __('Not solved tickets'), 'recall' => __('Automatic reminders of SLAs'), 'recall_ola' => __('Automatic reminders of OLAs'), 'satisfaction' => __('Satisfaction survey'), 'replysatisfaction' => __('Satisfaction survey answer')] |
/src/NotificationSettingConfig.php:99 | 1 | $out = TemplateRenderer::getInstance( )->render('pages/setup/setup_notifications.html.twig', ['use_notifications' => (bool) $CFG_GLPI['use_notifications'], 'has_active_mode' => Notification_NotificationTemplate::hasActiveMode( ), 'can_update_config' => Session::haveRight("config", UPDATE) > 0, 'modes' => $modes, ]) |
/src/Itil_Project.php:286 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ["$ AS linkid", "$projectTable.*"], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $selfTable, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$projectTable => ['FKEY' => [$selfTable => 'projects_id', $projectTable => 'id', ], ], ], 'WHERE' => ["{$selfTable}.itemtype" => $itil->getType( ), "{$selfTable}.items_id" => $ID, 'NOT' => ["{$projectTable}.id" => null], ], 'ORDER' => "{$projectTable}.name", ]) |
/src/Itil_Project.php:140 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ["$ AS linkid", "$itemTable.*"], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $selfTable, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$itemTable => ['FKEY' => [$selfTable => 'items_id', $itemTable => 'id', ], ], ], 'WHERE' => ["{$selfTable}.itemtype" => $itemtype, "{$selfTable}.projects_id" => $ID, 'NOT' => ["{$itemTable}.id" => null], ], 'ORDER' => "{$itemTable}.name", ]) |
/src/ProjectTask_Ticket.php:423 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_projecttasks.*', ' AS tname', ' AS sname', 'glpi_projectstates.color', ' AS fname', ' AS fID', ' AS projectname', 'glpi_projects.content AS projectcontent'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_projecttasks', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_projecttasktypes' => ['ON' => ['glpi_projecttasktypes' => 'id', 'glpi_projecttasks' => 'projecttasktypes_id']], 'glpi_projectstates' => ['ON' => ['glpi_projectstates' => 'id', 'glpi_projecttasks' => 'projectstates_id']], 'glpi_projecttasks AS father' => ['ON' => ['father' => 'id', 'glpi_projecttasks' => 'projecttasks_id']], 'glpi_projecttasks_tickets' => ['ON' => ['glpi_projecttasks_tickets' => 'projecttasks_id', 'glpi_projecttasks' => 'id']], 'glpi_projects' => ['ON' => ['glpi_projecttasks' => 'projects_id', 'glpi_projects' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_projecttasks_tickets.tickets_id' => $ID], 'ORDERBY' => ["$sort $order"]]) |
/src/ProjectTask_Ticket.php:396 | 1 | $columns = ['projectname' => Project::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'name' => ProjectTask::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'tname' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'sname' => __('Status'), 'percent_done' => __('Percent done'), 'plan_start_date' => __('Planned start date'), 'plan_end_date' => __('Planned end date'), 'planned_duration' => __('Planned duration'), '_effect_duration' => __('Effective duration'), 'fname' => __('Father'), ] |
/src/ProjectTask_Ticket.php:525 | 2 | $link = "<a id='ProjectTask" . $data["id"] . $rand . "' href='" . ProjectTask::getFormURLWithID($data['id']) . "'>" . $data['name'] . (empty($data['name']) ? "(" . $data['id'] . ")" : "") . "</a>" |
/src/ProjectTask_Ticket.php:510 | 1 | $link = "<a id='Project" . $data["projects_id"] . $rand . "' href='" . Project::getFormURLWithID($data['projects_id']) . "'>" . $data['projectname'] . (empty($data['projectname']) ? "(" . $data['projects_id'] . ")" : "") . "</a>" |
/src/TicketTask.php:140 | 1 | return (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, parent::ADDALLITEM) || $ticket->isUser(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || (isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && $ticket->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, $_SESSION['glpigroups']))) |
/src/ProjectTask_Ticket.php:119 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => new QueryExpression('SUM(glpi_tickets.actiontime) AS duration'), 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_tickets' => ['FKEY' => [self::getTable( ) => 'tickets_id', 'glpi_tickets' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['projecttasks_id' => $projecttasks_id]]) |
/src/CommonTreeDropdown.php:898 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['name' => $input['name'], $fk => (isset($input[$fk]) ? $input[$fk] : 0)]] |
/src/CommonTreeDropdown.php:762 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '13', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'completename', 'name' => __('Father'), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['condition' => [new QueryExpression("1=1")]]] |
/src/DeviceCase.php:48 | 1 | return array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'devicecasetypes_id', 'label' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'devicecasemodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue']]) |
/src/CommonITILRecurrentCron.php:73 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => $itemtype::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['next_creation_date' => ['<', new \QueryExpression('NOW()')], 'is_active' => 1, 'OR' => [['end_date' => null], ['end_date' => ['>', new \QueryExpression('NOW()')]]]]]) |
/src/Document.php:775 | 1 | $criteria = array_merge_recursive(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => 'glpi_documents_items', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_reminders' => ['ON' => ['glpi_documents_items' => 'items_id', 'glpi_reminders' => 'id', ['AND' => ['glpi_documents_items.itemtype' => 'Reminder']]]]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_documents_items.documents_id' => $this->fields['id']]], Reminder::getVisibilityCriteria( )) |
/src/Document.php:645 | 1 | $doc_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => [$this->getTable( ) . '.sha1sum' => $sum, $this->getTable( ) . '.entities_id' => $entity], 'LIMIT' => 1, ]) |
/src/Document.php:884 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['FROM' => Document_Item::getTable( ), 'COUNT' => 'cpt', 'WHERE' => [$itil->getAssociatedDocumentsCriteria( ), 'documents_id' => $this->fields['id']]])->current( ) |
/src/Document.php:829 | 1 | $request = ['FROM' => 'glpi_documents_items', 'COUNT' => 'cpt', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_knowbaseitems' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_knowbaseitems' => 'id', 'glpi_documents_items' => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['glpi_documents_items.itemtype' => 'KnowbaseItem']]]]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_documents_items.documents_id' => $this->fields['id'], ]] |
/src/Item_DeviceMemory.php:53 | 1 | return ['size' => ['long name' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), __('Size'), __('Mio')), 'short name' => __('Size'), 'size' => 10, 'id' => 20, ], 'serial' => parent::getSpecificities('serial'), 'otherserial' => parent::getSpecificities('otherserial'), 'locations_id' => parent::getSpecificities('locations_id'), 'states_id' => parent::getSpecificities('states_id'), 'busID' => parent::getSpecificities('busID')] |
/src/Telemetry.php:187 | 1 | $php = ['version' => str_replace(PHP_EXTRA_VERSION, '', PHP_VERSION), 'modules' => get_loaded_extensions( ), 'setup' => ['max_execution_time' => ini_get('max_execution_time'), 'memory_limit' => ini_get('memory_limit'), 'post_max_size' => ini_get('post_max_size'), 'safe_mode' => ini_get('safe_mode'), 'session' => ini_get('session.save_handler'), 'upload_max_filesize' => ini_get('upload_max_filesize')]] |
/src/Document.php:584 | 1 | $can_view_options = $linked_item !== null ? ['itemtype' => $linked_item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $linked_item->getID( )] : ['itemtype' => Ticket::getType( ), 'items_id' => $this->fields['tickets_id']] |
/src/DeviceGraphicCard.php:221 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '13', 'table' => 'glpi_devicegraphiccards', 'field' => 'designation', 'name' => static::getTypeName(1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'string', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_items_devicegraphiccards', 'joinparams' => $main_joinparams]]] |
/src/DeviceGraphicCard.php:48 | 1 | return array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'chipset', 'label' => __('Chipset'), 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'memory_default', 'label' => __('Memory by default'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'unit' => __('Mio')], ['name' => 'interfacetypes_id', 'label' => __('Interface'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'none', 'label' => RegisteredID::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) . RegisteredID::showAddChildButtonForItemForm($this, '_registeredID', null, false), 'type' => 'registeredIDChooser'], ['name' => 'devicegraphiccardmodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue']]) |
/src/Telemetry.php:70 | 1 | $glpi = ['uuid' => self::getInstanceUuid( ), 'version' => GLPI_VERSION, 'plugins' => [ ], 'default_language' => $CFG_GLPI['language'], 'install_mode' => GLPI_INSTALL_MODE, 'usage' => ['avg_entities' => self::getAverage('Entity'), 'avg_computers' => self::getAverage('Computer'), 'avg_networkequipments' => self::getAverage('NetworkEquipment'), 'avg_tickets' => self::getAverage('Ticket'), 'avg_problems' => self::getAverage('Problem'), 'avg_changes' => self::getAverage('Change'), 'avg_projects' => self::getAverage('Project'), 'avg_users' => self::getAverage('User'), 'avg_groups' => self::getAverage('Group'), 'ldap_enabled' => AuthLDAP::useAuthLdap( ), 'mailcollector_enabled' => (MailCollector::countActiveCollectors( ) > 0), 'notifications_modes' => [ ]]] |
/src/Telemetry.php:48 | 1 | $data = ['glpi' => self::grabGlpiInfos( ), 'system' => ['db' => self::grabDbInfos( ), 'web_server' => self::grabWebserverInfos( ), 'php' => self::grabPhpInfos( ), 'os' => self::grabOsInfos( )]] |
/src/NotificationTargetChange.php:357 | 1 | $tags = ['tickets' => _n('Ticket', 'Tickets', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'problems' => Problem::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'items' => _n('Item', 'Items', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'validations' => _n('Validation', 'Validations', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'documents' => Document::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))] |
/src/NotificationTargetChange.php:301 | 2 | $tags = ['' => _n('Requester', 'Requesters', 1), 'validation.status' => __('Status of the approval request'), 'validation.submissiondate' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Request'), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), 'validation.commentsubmission' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Request'), __('Comments')), 'validation.validationdate' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Validation', 'Validations', 1), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), 'validation.validator' => __('Decision-maker'), 'validation.commentvalidation' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Validation', 'Validations', 1), __('Comments'))] |
/src/NotificationTargetChange.php:387 | 1 | $tags = ['' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), __('ID')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), 'ticket.url' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), __('URL')), 'ticket.title' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), __('Title')), 'ticket.content' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), __('Description')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), __('ID')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), 'problem.url' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), __('URL')), 'problem.title' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), __('Title')), 'problem.content' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), __('Description')), ] |
/src/NotificationTargetChange.php:373 | 1 | $tags = ['' => _n('Ticket', 'Tickets', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'change.problems' => Problem::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'items' => _n('Item', 'Items', Session::getPluralNumber( ))] |
/src/Appliance.php:356 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '1213', 'table' => Group::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => Group::getTypeName(1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => self::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => Appliance_Item::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']]]]]] |
/src/Appliance.php:335 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '1212', 'table' => User::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => User::getTypeName(1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => self::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => Appliance_Item::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']]]]]] |
/src/Notepad.php:192 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '200', 'table' => 'glpi_notepads', 'field' => 'content', 'name' => $name, 'datatype' => 'text', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item'], 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/Notepad.php:154 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_notepads.*', 'glpi_users.picture'], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_users' => ['ON' => [self::getTable( ) => 'users_id_lastupdater', 'glpi_users' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $item->getID( )], 'ORDERBY' => 'date_mod DESC']) |
/src/Appliance.php:184 | 2 | $tab[] = ['id' => '49', 'table' => Group::getTable( ), 'field' => 'completename', 'linkfield' => 'groups_id_tech', 'name' => __('Group in charge'), 'condition' => ['is_assign' => 1], 'datatype' => 'dropdown'] |
/src/Appliance.php:137 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '5', 'table' => Appliance_Item::getTable( ), 'field' => 'items_id', 'name' => _n('Associated item', 'Associated items', 2), 'nosearch' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype'], 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Appliance.php:315 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '1211', 'table' => ApplianceType::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => ApplianceType::getTypeName(1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => Appliance::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => Appliance_Item::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']]]]]] |
/src/Appliance.php:298 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '1210', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Name'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'itemlink_type' => 'Appliance', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => Appliance_Item::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']]]] |
/src/Change_Problem.php:129 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS linkid', 'glpi_changes.*'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_changes_problems', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_changes' => ['ON' => ['glpi_changes_problems' => 'changes_id', 'glpi_changes' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_changes_problems.problems_id' => $ID], 'ORDERBY' => '']) |
/src/ITILTemplateMandatoryField.php:83 | 2 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => [static::$items_id => $this->fields[static::$itiltype], 'num' => $items_id_id]]) |
/src/PendingReason_Item.php:221 | 1 | $data = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['MAX' => 'id AS max_id'], 'FROM' => PendingReason_Item::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['OR' => [['itemtype' => ITILFollowup::getType( ), 'items_id' => new QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => ITILFollowup::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $item::getType( ), 'items_id' => $item->getID( ), ]])], ['itemtype' => $task_class::getType( ), 'items_id' => new QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => $task_class::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => [$item::getForeignKeyField( ) => $item->getID( ), ]])], ]]]) |
/src/Change_Problem.php:251 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS linkid', 'glpi_problems.*'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_changes_problems', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_problems' => ['ON' => ['glpi_changes_problems' => 'problems_id', 'glpi_problems' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_changes_problems.changes_id' => $ID], 'ORDERBY' => '']) |
/src/Document.php:1071 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '20', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'sha1sum', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), __('Checksum'), __('SHA1')), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'string'] |
/src/Document.php:949 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '119', 'table' => 'glpi_documents_items', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of documents'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']] |
/src/Document.php:1832 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ["$"], 'FROM' => $dtable, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$ditable => ['ON' => [$dtable => 'id', $ditable => 'documents_id']]], 'WHERE' => ["$ditable.documents_id" => null]]) |
/src/Document.php:1088 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '72', 'table' => 'glpi_documents_items', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of associated items'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Change_Ticket.php:297 | 1 | $massiveactionparams = ['num_displayed' => min($_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], $numrows), 'specific_actions' => ['purge' => _x('button', 'Delete permanently'), __CLASS__ . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'solveticket' => __('Solve tickets'), __CLASS__ . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'add_task' => __('Add a new task')], 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'extraparams' => ['changes_id' => $change->getID( )], 'width' => 1000, 'height' => 500] |
/src/Change_Ticket.php:235 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS linkid', 'glpi_tickets.*'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_changes_tickets', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_tickets' => ['ON' => ['glpi_changes_tickets' => 'tickets_id', 'glpi_tickets' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_changes_tickets.changes_id' => $ID], 'ORDERBY' => ['']]) |
/src/NetworkPortEthernet.php:213 | 3 | $tab[] = ['id' => '10', 'table' => NetworkPort::getTable( ), 'field' => 'mac', 'datatype' => 'mac', 'name' => __('MAC'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'empty']] |
/src/Change_Ticket.php:370 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS linkid', 'glpi_changes.*'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_changes_tickets', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_changes' => ['ON' => ['glpi_changes_tickets' => 'changes_id', 'glpi_changes' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_changes_tickets.tickets_id' => $ID], 'ORDERBY' => ['']]) |
/src/ProjectState.php:56 | 1 | return [['name' => 'color', 'label' => __('Color'), 'type' => 'color', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'is_finished', 'label' => __('Finished state'), 'type' => 'bool', 'list' => true], ] |
/src/Reminder.php:1050 | 1 | return self::getItemsAsVCalendars(['DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => [Group_Reminder::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [Group_Reminder::getTable( ) => 'reminders_id', self::getTable( ) => 'id', ], ]], 'WHERE' => [Group_Reminder::getTableField('groups_id') => $groups_id, ], ]) |
/src/ProblemTask.php:107 | 1 | return (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, parent::ADDALLITEM) || Session::haveRight('problem', UPDATE) || (Session::haveRight('problem', Problem::READMY) && ($problem->isUser(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || (isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && $problem->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, $_SESSION['glpigroups']))))) |
/src/ChangeTemplate.php:63 | 1 | return [$change->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'impactcontent', 'glpi_changes') => 'impactcontent', $change->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'controlistcontent', 'glpi_changes') => 'controlistcontent', $change->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'rolloutplancontent', 'glpi_changes') => 'rolloutplancontent', $change->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'backoutplancontent', 'glpi_changes') => 'backoutplancontent', $change->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'checklistcontent', 'glpi_changes') => 'checklistcontent'] |
/src/CommonGLPI.php:1461 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [KnowbaseItem::getTable( ) . '.*'], 'FROM' => KnowbaseItem::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => [KnowbaseItem_Item::getTable( ) . '.items_id' => $this->fields['id'], KnowbaseItem_Item::getTable( ) . '.itemtype' => $this->getType( ), ], 'INNER JOIN' => [KnowbaseItem_Item::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [KnowbaseItem_Item::getTable( ) => KnowbaseItem::getForeignKeyField( ), KnowbaseItem::getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'ORDER' => [KnowbaseItem::getTable( ) => 'name']]) |
/src/CommonGLPI.php:1398 | 1 | $link .= Ajax::createIframeModalWindow("displayoptions" . $rand, $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/front/display.options.php?itemtype=" . static::getType( ) . "&sub_itemtype=$sub_itemtype", ['display' => false, 'width' => 600, 'height' => 500, 'reloadonclose' => true]) |
/src/Reminder.php:897 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ['glpi_reminders.*'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_reminders', 'WHERE' => array_merge(['glpi_reminders.users_id' => $users_id, ['OR' => ['end' => ['>=', $today], 'is_planned' => 0]]], $visibility_criteria), 'ORDER' => ''] |
/src/CommonGLPI.php:1516 | 1 | $ret .= KnowbaseItem::dropdown(['value' => reset($found_kbitem)['id'], 'display' => false, 'rand' => $rand, 'condition' => [KnowbaseItem::getTable( ) . '.id' => $kbitem_ids], 'on_change' => "getKnowbaseItemAnswer$rand()"]) |
/src/Group.php:537 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '71', 'table' => 'glpi_users', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Delegatee'), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'right' => 'all', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_groups_users', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.is_userdelegate' => 1]]]]] |
/src/RuleAsset.php:72 | 2 | return [static::ONADD => __('Add'), static::ONUPDATE => __('Update'), static::ONADD | static::ONUPDATE => sprintf(__('%1$s / %2$s'), __('Add'), __('Update'))] |
/src/Group.php:863 | 1 | $massiveactionparams = ['num_displayed' => min($_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], $nb), 'check_itemtype' => 'Group', 'check_items_id' => $ID, 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'extraparams' => ['is_tech' => $tech ? 1 : 0, 'massive_action_fields' => ['field']], 'specific_actions' => [__CLASS__ . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'changegroup' => __('Move')]] |
/src/Certificate.php:404 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '1304', 'table' => CertificateType::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'name' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => self::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => $joinparams]]] |
/src/Certificate.php:393 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '1302', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'otherserial', 'datatype' => 'string', 'name' => __('Inventory number'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => $joinparams] |
/src/Certificate.php:431 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '1306', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'date_expiration', 'name' => __('Expiration'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'date', 'emptylabel' => __('Never expire'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => $joinparams] |
/src/Certificate.php:420 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '1305', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'comment', 'name' => __('Comments'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => $joinparams] |
/src/Certificate.php:301 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '72', 'table' => 'glpi_certificates_items', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of associated items'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Certificate.php:272 | 10 | $tab[] = ['id' => '61', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'template_name', 'name' => __('Template name'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, ] |
/src/Certificate.php:382 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '1301', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'serial', 'datatype' => 'string', 'name' => __('Serial number'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => $joinparams] |
/src/Certificate.php:371 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '1300', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Name'), 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => $joinparams] |
/src/Link.php:696 | 1 | $newtab = ['id' => '145', 'table' => 'glpi_links', 'field' => '_virtual', 'name' => _n('External link', 'External links', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'nosearch' => true, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'nosort' => '1', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_links_itemtypes', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtypeonly']]]] |
/src/Link.php:452 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', ' AS ip', 'glpi_networkports.mac'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_networkports', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_networknames' => ['ON' => ['glpi_networknames' => 'items_id', 'glpi_networkports' => 'id', ['AND' => ['glpi_networknames.itemtype' => 'NetworkPort']]]], 'glpi_ipaddresses' => ['ON' => ['glpi_ipaddresses' => 'items_id', 'glpi_networknames' => 'id', ['AND' => ['glpi_ipaddresses.itemtype' => 'NetworkName']]]]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_networkports.items_id' => $item->getID( ), 'glpi_networkports.itemtype' => $item->getType( )]]) |
/src/Certificate.php:183 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '14', 'table' => 'glpi_certificates_items', 'field' => 'items_id', 'name' => _n('Associated item', 'Associated items', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'nosearch' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype'], 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Link.php:740 | 1 | return $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', ' AS link', ' AS name', ' AS data', 'glpi_links.open_window AS open_window'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_links', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_links_itemtypes' => ['ON' => ['glpi_links_itemtypes' => 'links_id', 'glpi_links' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_links_itemtypes.itemtype' => $item->getType( ), ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_links', 'entities_id', $restrict, true), 'ORDERBY' => 'name']) |
/src/NetworkPortEthernet.php:402 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '22', 'table' => 'glpi_sockets', 'field' => 'name', 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Ethernet socket'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'linkfield' => 'networkports_id', 'beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_networkportethernets', 'joinparams' => $joinparams]]] |
/src/NetworkPortEthernet.php:328 | 2 | $tmp = [0 => '', 10 => sprintf(__('%d Mbit/s'), 10), 100 => sprintf(__('%d Mbit/s'), 100), 1000 => sprintf(__('%d Gbit/s'), 1), 10000 => sprintf(__('%d Gbit/s'), 10)] |
/src/Link.php:413 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', ' AS ip', ], 'FROM' => 'glpi_networknames', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_ipaddresses' => ['ON' => ['glpi_ipaddresses' => 'items_id', 'glpi_networknames' => 'id', ['AND' => ['glpi_ipaddresses.itemtype' => 'NetworkName']]]]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_networknames.items_id' => $item->getID( ), 'glpi_networknames.itemtype' => ['NetworkEquipment']]]) |
/src/Link.php:332 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['name'], 'FROM' => $domain_table, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$domain_item_table => ['FKEY' => [$domain_table => 'id', $domain_item_table => 'domains_id'], 'AND' => ['itemtype' => $item->getType( )]]], 'WHERE' => ['items_id' => $item->getID( )]]) |
/src/ReservationItem.php:995 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ["$", "$"], 'FROM' => $item_table, 'INNER JOIN' => [$resi_table => ['ON' => [$resi_table => 'items_id', $item_table => 'id', ['AND' => ["$resi_table.itemtype" => $itemtype]], ]]], 'WHERE' => ["$resi_table.is_active" => 1, "$item_table.is_deleted" => 0, "$item_table.is_template" => 0]]) |
/src/ReservationItem.php:756 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ['glpi_reservationitems.*', 'glpi_reservations.end AS end', ' AS resaid'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_reservations', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_alerts' => ['ON' => ['glpi_reservations' => 'id', 'glpi_alerts' => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['glpi_alerts.itemtype' => 'Reservation', 'glpi_alerts.type' => Alert::END]]]], 'glpi_reservationitems' => ['ON' => ['glpi_reservations' => 'reservationitems_id', 'glpi_reservationitems' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_reservationitems.entities_id' => $entity, new QueryExpression('(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(' . $DB->quoteName('glpi_reservations.end') . ') - ' . $secs . ') < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()'), 'glpi_reservations.begin' => ['<', new \QueryExpression('NOW()')], '' => null]] |
/src/ReservationItem.php:198 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '9', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => '_virtual', 'name' => __('Planning'), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nosort' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['is_active']] |
/src/ReservationItem.php:587 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ['', 'glpi_reservationitems.comment', "$itemtable.$itemname AS name", "$itemtable.entities_id AS entities_id", $otherserial, ' AS location', 'glpi_reservationitems.items_id AS items_id'], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'INNER JOIN' => [$itemtable => ['ON' => ['glpi_reservationitems' => 'items_id', $itemtable => 'id', ['AND' => ['glpi_reservationitems.itemtype' => $itemtype]]]]], 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_locations' => ['ON' => [$itemtable => 'locations_id', 'glpi_locations' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_reservationitems.is_active' => 1, "$itemtable.is_deleted" => 0, ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($itemtable, '', $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities'], $item->maybeRecursive( )), 'ORDERBY' => ["$itemtable.entities_id", "$itemtable.$itemname"]] |
/src/ReservationItem.php:516 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', ''], 'FROM' => 'glpi_peripheraltypes', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_peripherals' => ['ON' => ['glpi_peripheraltypes' => 'id', 'glpi_peripherals' => 'peripheraltypes_id']], 'glpi_reservationitems' => ['ON' => ['glpi_reservationitems' => 'items_id', 'glpi_peripherals' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => 'Peripheral', 'is_active' => 1, 'peripheraltypes_id' => ['>', 0]] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_reservationitems', 'entities_id', $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities']), 'ORDERBY' => '']) |
/src/Auth.php:813 | 1 | $user_dn = AuthLDAP::searchUserDn($ds, ['basedn' => $ldap_method["basedn"], 'login_field' => $ldap_method['login_field'], 'search_parameters' => $params, 'condition' => $ldap_method["condition"], 'user_params' => ['method' => AuthLDAP::IDENTIFIER_LOGIN, 'value' => $login_name], ]) |
/src/ProjectTaskLink.php:66 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['AND' => ['projecttasks_id_source' => $taskLink['projecttasks_id_source']], ['projecttasks_id_target' => $taskLink['projecttasks_id_target']], ['type' => $taskLink['type']]]]) |
/src/SlaLevel.php:334 | 1 | $lvl_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['slas_id' => $slas_id, 'is_active' => 1, 'id' => ['<>', $slalevels_id], 'execution_time' => ['>', $execution_time]], 'ORDER' => 'execution_time ASC', 'LIMIT' => 1]) |
/src/Auth.php:381 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id', 'password', new QueryExpression(sprintf('ADDDATE(%s, INTERVAL %d DAY) AS ' . $DB->quoteName('password_expiration_date'), $DB->quoteName('password_last_update'), $pass_expiration_delay)), new QueryExpression(sprintf('ADDDATE(%s, INTERVAL %d DAY) AS ' . $DB->quoteName('lock_date'), $DB->quoteName('password_last_update'), $pass_expiration_delay + $lock_delay))], 'FROM' => User::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['name' => $name, 'authtype' => self::DB_GLPI, 'auths_id' => 0, ]]) |
/src/Auth.php:259 | 1 | $infos = AuthLDAP::searchUserDn($this->ldap_connection, ['basedn' => $ldap_method['basedn'], 'login_field' => $ldap_method['login_field'], 'search_parameters' => $params, 'user_params' => ['method' => AuthLDAP::IDENTIFIER_LOGIN, 'value' => $login], 'condition' => Sanitizer::unsanitize($ldap_method['condition']), 'user_dn' => $this->user_dn]) |
/src/Auth.php:791 | 1 | $ds = AuthLDAP::connectToServer($ldap_method["host"], $ldap_method["port"], $ldap_method["rootdn"], (new GLPIKey( ))->decrypt($ldap_method["rootdn_passwd"]), $ldap_method["use_tls"], $ldap_method["deref_option"], $ldap_method["tls_certfile"], $ldap_method["tls_keyfile"], $ldap_method["use_bind"], $ldap_method["timeout"]) |
/src/Auth.php:458 | 1 | $result = $rules->processAllRules($groups_id, Toolbox::stripslashes_deep($this->user->fields), ['type' => Auth::DB_GLPI, 'login' => $this->user->fields['name'], 'email' => UserEmail::getDefaultForUser($row['id'])]) |
/src/Group.php:501 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '17', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_itemgroup', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), __('Can contain'), _n('Item', 'Items', Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/IPNetwork_Vlan.php:103 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [self::getTable( ) . '.id AS assocID', 'glpi_vlans.*'], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_vlans' => ['ON' => [self::getTable( ) => 'vlans_id', 'glpi_vlans' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['ipnetworks_id' => $ID]]) |
/src/Group.php:517 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '70', 'table' => 'glpi_users', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => _n('Manager', 'Managers', 1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'right' => 'all', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_groups_users', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.is_manager' => 1]]]]] |
/src/Group.php:509 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '15', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_usergroup', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), __('Can contain'), User::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/DatabaseInstance.php:331 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '168', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'port', 'name' => _n('Port', 'Ports', 1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'integer', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/CalendarSegment.php:303 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => 'glpi_calendarsegments', 'WHERE' => ['calendars_id' => $calendars_id, 'day' => $day, 'begin' => ['<=', $hour], 'end' => ['>=', $hour]]])->current( ) |
/src/DatabaseInstance.php:425 | 2 | $tab[] = ['id' => '49', 'table' => Group::getTable( ), 'field' => 'completename', 'linkfield' => 'groups_id_tech', 'name' => __('Group in charge'), 'condition' => ['is_assign' => 1], 'datatype' => 'dropdown'] |
/src/DatabaseInstance.php:344 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '5', 'table' => DatabaseInstance::getTable( ), 'field' => 'items_id', 'name' => _n('Associated item', 'Associated items', 2), 'nosearch' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype'], 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/CalendarSegment.php:123 | 1 | return getAllDataFromTable('glpi_calendarsegments', ['calendars_id' => $calendars_id, ['day' => ['>=', $begin_day]], ['day' => ['<=', $end_day]], ['OR' => ['begin' => ['<', $end_time], 'day' => ['<', $end_day]]], ['OR' => ['end' => ['>=', $begin_time], 'day' => ['>', $begin_day]]]]) |
/src/Agent.php:529 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [''], 'FROM' => Domain_Item::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $item->getID( )], 'INNER JOIN' => [Domain::getTable( ) . ' AS d' => ['ON' => [Domain_Item::getTable( ) => Domain::getForeignKeyField( ), 'd' => 'id']]]]) |
/src/CalendarSegment.php:200 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [new \QueryExpression("GREATEST(" . $DB->quoteName('begin') . ", " . $DB->quoteValue($begin_time) . ") AS " . $DB->quoteName('BEGIN')), new \QueryExpression("TIMEDIFF(" . $DB->quoteName('end') . ", GREATEST(" . $DB->quoteName('begin') . ", " . $DB->quoteValue($begin_time) . ")) AS " . $DB->quoteName('TDIFF'))], 'FROM' => 'glpi_calendarsegments', 'WHERE' => ['calendars_id' => $calendars_id, 'day' => $day, 'end' => ['>', $begin_time]], 'ORDER' => 'begin']) |
/src/CalendarSegment.php:160 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [new \QueryExpression(" TIMEDIFF( LEAST(" . $DB->quoteValue($end_time) . ", " . $DB->quoteName('end') . "), GREATEST(" . $DB->quoteName('begin') . ", " . $DB->quoteValue($begin_time) . ") ) AS " . $DB->quoteName('TDIFF'))], 'FROM' => 'glpi_calendarsegments', 'WHERE' => ['calendars_id' => $calendars_id, 'day' => $day, 'begin' => ['<', $end_time], 'end' => ['>', $begin_time]]]) |
/src/Agent.php:74 | 1 | $tab = [['id' => 'common', 'name' => self::getTypeName(1)], ['id' => '1', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Name'), 'datatype' => 'itemlink', ], ['id' => '2', 'table' => Entity::getTable( ), 'field' => 'completename', 'name' => Entity::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', ], ['id' => '3', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_recursive', 'name' => __('Child entities'), 'datatype' => 'bool', ], ['id' => '4', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'last_contact', 'name' => __('Last contact'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', ], ['id' => '5', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'locked', 'name' => __('Locked'), 'datatype' => 'bool', ], ['id' => '6', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'deviceid', 'name' => __('Device id'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, ], ['id' => '8', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'version', 'name' => _n('Version', 'Versions', 1), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, ], ['id' => '10', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'useragent', 'name' => __('Useragent'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, ], ['id' => '11', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'tag', 'name' => __('Tag'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, ], ['id' => '14', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'port', 'name' => _n('Port', 'Ports', 1), 'datatype' => 'integer', ]] |
/src/Agent.php:476 | 1 | $ports_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', 'ips.version'], 'FROM' => NetworkPort::getTable( ) . ' AS netports', 'WHERE' => ['netports.itemtype' => $item->getType( ), 'netports.items_id' => $item->getID( ), 'NOT' => ['OR' => ['AND' => ['NOT' => ['netports.instantiation_type' => 'NULL'], 'netports.instantiation_type' => 'NetworkPortLocal'], '' => ['', '::1']]]], 'INNER JOIN' => [NetworkName::getTable( ) . ' AS netnames' => ['ON' => ['netnames' => 'items_id', 'netports' => 'id', ['AND' => ['netnames.itemtype' => NetworkPort::getType( )]]]], IPAddress::getTable( ) . ' AS ips' => ['ON' => ['ips' => 'items_id', 'netnames' => 'id', ['AND' => ['ips.itemtype' => NetworkName::getType( )]]]]]]) |
/src/Agent.php:357 | 1 | $input = ['deviceid' => $deviceid, 'name' => $deviceid, 'last_contact' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'useragent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? null, 'agenttypes_id' => $atype->fields['id'], 'itemtype' => $metadata['itemtype'] ?? 'Computer'] |
/src/NetworkPort_NetworkPort.php:138 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['SELECT' => $netport->getTable( ) . '.id', 'FROM' => $netport->getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => [self::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [$netport->getTable( ) => 'id', self::getTable( ) => 'networkports_id_2']]], 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => Unmanaged::getType( ), 'items_id' => $hubs_id, 'networkports_id_1' => null], 'LIMIT' => 1])->current( ) |
/src/ProjectTask.php:2092 | 1 | $query = ['FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'INNER JOIN' => [ProjectTaskTeam::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [ProjectTaskTeam::getTable( ) => 'projecttasks_id', self::getTable( ) => 'id', ], ], ], 'WHERE' => $criteria, ] |
/src/NetworkName.php:221 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '126', 'table' => 'glpi_ipaddresses', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('IP'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'mainitemtype_mainitem', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.is_deleted' => 0]]] |
/src/NetworkName.php:180 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '13', 'table' => 'glpi_ipaddresses', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => IPAddress::getTypeName(1), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item'], 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown'] |
/src/ProjectTask.php:1829 | 1 | $WHERE = [$ttask->getTable( ) . '.plan_start_date' => null, $ttask->getTable( ) . '.plan_end_date' => null, $ttask->getTable( ) . '.planned_duration' => ['>', 0], new QueryExpression($edate . " >= '" . $begin . "'"), new QueryExpression($bdate . " <= '" . $end . "'")] |
/src/ProjectTask.php:1788 | 1 | $ADDWHERE = ['glpi_projecttaskteams.itemtype' => 'User', 'glpi_projecttaskteams.items_id' => new \QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'glpi_profiles_users.users_id', 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_profiles', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_profiles_users' => ['ON' => ['glpi_profiles_users' => 'profiles_id', 'glpi_profiles' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_profiles.interface' => 'central'] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_profiles_users', '', $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'], 1)])] |
/src/ProjectTask.php:2037 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [new QueryExpression('CAST(AVG(' . $DB->quoteName('percent_done') . ') AS UNSIGNED) AS percent_done')], 'FROM' => ProjectTask::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['projecttasks_id' => $ID]]) |
/src/ProjectTask.php:1843 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => $SELECT, 'FROM' => 'glpi_projecttaskteams', 'INNER JOIN' => [$ttask->getTable( ) => ['ON' => ['glpi_projecttaskteams' => 'projecttasks_id', $ttask->getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_projectstates' => ['ON' => [$ttask->getTable( ) => 'projectstates_id', 'glpi_projectstates' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => $WHERE, 'ORDERBY' => $ttask->getTable( ) . '.plan_start_date']) |
/src/ProjectTask.php:1371 | 2 | $link = "<a id='ProjectTask" . $data["id"] . $rand . "' href='" . ProjectTask::getFormURLWithID($data['id']) . "'>" . $data['name'] . (empty($data['name']) ? "(" . $data['id'] . ")" : "") . "</a>" |
/src/ProjectTask.php:1197 | 1 | $columns = ['name' => self::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'tname' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'sname' => __('Status'), 'percent_done' => __('Percent done'), 'plan_start_date' => __('Planned start date'), 'plan_end_date' => __('Planned end date'), 'planned_duration' => __('Planned duration'), '_effect_duration' => __('Effective duration'), 'fname' => __('Father')] |
/src/ProjectTask.php:1663 | 1 | $todisplay[$real_begin . '#' . $real_end . '#task' . $task->getID( )] = ['id' => $task->fields['uuid'], 'parent_id' => $parent_id, 'name' => $task->fields['name'], 'desc' => RichText::getTextFromHtml($task->fields['content'], true, false), 'link' => $task->getlink( ), 'type' => 'task', 'percent' => $percent, 'from' => $real_begin, 'parents' => $parents, 'to' => $real_end, 'is_milestone' => $task->fields['is_milestone']] |
/src/ProjectTask.php:1492 | 1 | $params = ['itemtypes' => ProjectTeam::$available_types, 'entity_restrict' => ($task->fields['is_recursive'] ? getSonsOf('glpi_entities', $task->fields['entities_id']) : $task->fields['entities_id']), 'checkright' => true] |
/src/ProjectTask.php:1105 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '11', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'planned_duration', 'name' => __('Planned duration'), 'datatype' => 'timestamp', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100 * HOUR_TIMESTAMP, 'step' => HOUR_TIMESTAMP, 'addfirstminutes' => true, 'inhours' => true] |
/src/ProjectTask.php:1052 | 2 | $tab[] = ['id' => '5', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'percent_done', 'name' => __('Percent done'), 'datatype' => 'number', 'unit' => '%', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100, 'step' => 5] |
/src/ProjectTask.php:1147 | 4 | $tab[] = ['id' => '50', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'template_name', 'name' => __('Template name'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, ] |
/src/ProjectTask.php:1118 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '17', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'effective_duration', 'name' => __('Effective duration'), 'datatype' => 'timestamp', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100 * HOUR_TIMESTAMP, 'step' => HOUR_TIMESTAMP, 'addfirstminutes' => true, 'inhours' => true] |
/src/Document_Item.php:1093 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [' AS assocID', 'glpi_documents_items.date_creation AS assocdate', ' AS entityID', 'glpi_entities.completename AS entity', 'glpi_documentcategories.completename AS headings', 'glpi_documents.*'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_documents_items', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_documents' => ['ON' => ['glpi_documents_items' => 'documents_id', 'glpi_documents' => 'id']], 'glpi_entities' => ['ON' => ['glpi_documents' => 'entities_id', 'glpi_entities' => 'id']], 'glpi_documentcategories' => ['ON' => ['glpi_documentcategories' => 'id', 'glpi_documents' => 'documentcategories_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_documents_items.items_id' => $item->getID( ), 'glpi_documents_items.itemtype' => $item->getType( )], 'ORDERBY' => $order, ] |
/src/Item_Devices.php:164 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '5', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'items_id', 'name' => _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'comments' => true, 'nosort' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype']] |
/src/Item_Devices.php:146 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '4', 'table' => getTableForItemType($deviceType), 'field' => 'designation', 'name' => $deviceType::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => $this->getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]]] |
/src/Document_Item.php:970 | 2 | $commonwhere = ['OR' => [static::getTable( ) . '.' . static::$items_id_1 => $items_id, [static::getTable( ) . '.itemtype' => static::$itemtype_1, static::getTable( ) . '.' . static::$items_id_2 => $items_id]]] |
/src/Document_Item.php:749 | 1 | $columns = ['name' => __('Name'), 'entity' => Entity::getTypeName(1), 'filename' => __('File'), 'link' => __('Web link'), 'headings' => __('Heading'), 'mime' => __('MIME type'), 'tag' => __('Tag'), 'assocdate' => _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)] |
/src/Document_Item.php:1037 | 2 | $commonwhere = ['OR' => [static::getTable( ) . '.' . static::$items_id_1 => $items_id, [static::getTable( ) . '.itemtype' => static::$itemtype_1, static::getTable( ) . '.' . static::$items_id_2 => $items_id]]] |
/src/Ajax.php:192 | 1 | $js = <<<JAVASCRIPT $(function() { myModalEl{$rand} = document.getElementById('{$domid}'); myModal{$rand} = new bootstrap.Modal(myModalEl{$rand}); // move modal to body $(myModalEl{$rand}).appendTo($("body")); myModalEl{$rand}.addEventListener('', function () { $('#iframe{$domid}').attr('src','{$url}').removeClass('hidden'); }); myModalEl{$rand}.addEventListener('', function () { if ({$reloadonclose}) { window.location.reload() } }); if ({$autoopen}) { myModal{$rand}.show(); } document.getElementById('iframe$domid').onload = function() { if ({$param['height']} !== 'undefined') { var h = {$param['height']}; } else { var h = $('#iframe{$domid}').contents().height(); } if ({$param['width']} !== 'undefined') { var w = {$param['width']}; } else { var w = $('#iframe{$domid}').contents().width(); } $('#iframe{$domid}') .height(h); if (w >= 700) { $('#{$domid} .modal-dialog').addClass('modal-xl'); } else if (w >= 500) { $('#{$domid} .modal-dialog').addClass('modal-lg'); } else if (w <= 300) { $('#{$domid} .modal-dialog').addClass('modal-sm'); } // reajust height to content myModal{$rand}.handleUpdate() }; }); JAVASCRIPT |
/src/NetworkName.php:244 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '128', 'table' => 'glpi_networkaliases', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => NetworkAlias::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_networknames', 'joinparams' => $joinparams]]] |
/src/NetworkName.php:953 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['COUNT DISTINCT' => ' AS cpt'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_networknames', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_networkports' => ['ON' => ['glpi_networknames' => 'items_id', 'glpi_networkports' => 'id', ['AND' => ['glpi_networknames.itemtype' => 'NetworkPort']]]]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_networkports.itemtype' => $item->getType( ), 'glpi_networkports.items_id' => $item->getID( ), 'glpi_networkports.is_deleted' => 0, 'glpi_networknames.is_deleted' => 0]])->current( ) |
/src/NotificationTargetProblem.php:250 | 1 | $tags = ['' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), __('ID')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), 'ticket.url' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), __('URL')), 'ticket.title' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), __('Title')), 'ticket.content' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), __('Description')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), __('ID')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), 'change.url' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), __('URL')), 'change.title' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), __('Title')), 'change.content' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), __('Description')), ] |
/src/Rule.php:1248 | 1 | $massiveactionparams = ['num_displayed' => min($_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], $nb), 'check_itemtype' => get_class($this), 'check_items_id' => $rules_id, 'container' => 'mass' . $this->rulecriteriaclass . $rand, 'extraparams' => ['rule_class_name' => $this->getType( )]] |
/src/Rule.php:1137 | 1 | $massiveactionparams = ['num_displayed' => min($_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], $nb), 'check_itemtype' => get_class($this), 'check_items_id' => $rules_id, 'container' => 'mass' . $this->ruleactionclass . $rand, 'extraparams' => ['rule_class_name' => $this->getType( )]] |
/src/NotificationTargetProblem.php:197 | 1 | $tags = ['problem.numberoftickets' => _x('quantity', 'Number of tickets'), 'problem.numberofchanges' => _x('quantity', 'Number of changes'), 'problem.impacts' => __('Impacts'), 'problem.causes' => __('Causes'), 'problem.symptoms' => __('Symptoms'), '' => _n('Associated item', 'Associated items', 1), 'item.serial' => __('Serial number'), 'item.otherserial' => __('Inventory number'), 'item.location' => Location::getTypeName(1), 'item.model' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), '' => __('Alternate username'), 'item.contactnumber' => __('Alternate username number'), 'item.user' => User::getTypeName(1), '' => Group::getTypeName(1), ] |
/src/Fieldblacklist.php:406 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => 'glpi_fieldblacklists', 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $itemtype, 'field' => $field, 'value' => $value] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_fieldblacklists', 'entities_id', $entities_id, true)])->current( ) |
/src/NotificationTargetProblem.php:236 | 1 | $tags = ['' => _n('Ticket', 'Tickets', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'problem.changes' => _n('Change', 'Changes', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'problem.items' => _n('Item', 'Items', Session::getPluralNumber( ))] |
/src/NotificationTargetProblem.php:222 | 1 | $tags = ['tickets' => _n('Ticket', 'Tickets', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'changes' => _n('Change', 'Changes', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'items' => _n('Item', 'Items', Session::getPluralNumber( ))] |
/src/Fieldblacklist.php:68 | 1 | return [['name' => 'itemtype', 'label' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'type' => 'blacklist_itemtype'], ['name' => 'field', 'label' => _n('Field', 'Fields', 1), 'type' => 'blacklist_field'], ['name' => 'value', 'label' => __('Value'), 'type' => 'blacklist_value']] |
/src/Knowbase.php:308 | 1 | $root_items_count = $DB->request(array_merge_recursive(['SELECT' => ['COUNT DISTINCT' => KnowbaseItem::getTableField('id') . ' as cpt'], 'FROM' => KnowbaseItem::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => [KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory::getTable( ) => KnowbaseItem::getForeignKeyField( ), KnowbaseItem::getTable( ) => 'id']], KnowbaseItemCategory::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory::getTable( ) => KnowbaseItemCategory::getForeignKeyField( ), KnowbaseItemCategory::getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => [KnowbaseItemCategory::getTableField('id') => null, ]], $kbitem_visibility_crit))->current( ) |
/src/Fieldblacklist.php:115 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '7', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'value', 'name' => __('Value'), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'additionalfields' => ['0' => 'itemtype', '1' => 'field'], 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/Fieldblacklist.php:103 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '6', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'field', 'name' => _n('Field', 'Fields', 1), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'specific', 'additionalfields' => ['0' => 'itemtype']] |
/src/Certificate.php:749 | 1 | $msg = sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_entities', $entity), sprintf(__('Certificate %1$s expired on %2$s'), $certificate->fields['name'] . (!empty($certificate->fields['serial']) ? ' - ' . $certificate->fields['serial'] : ''), Html::convDate($certificate->fields['date_expiration']))) |
/src/Certificate.php:702 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', ], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_alerts' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_alerts' => 'items_id', 'glpi_certificates' => 'id', ['AND' => ['glpi_alerts.itemtype' => __CLASS__, 'glpi_alerts.type' => Alert::END, ], ], ]]], 'WHERE' => [$where_date, 'glpi_certificates.is_deleted' => 0, 'glpi_certificates.is_template' => 0, ['NOT' => ['glpi_certificates.date_expiration' => null], ], ['RAW' => ['DATEDIFF(' . DBmysql::quoteName('glpi_certificates.date_expiration') . ', CURDATE())' => ['<', $before]]], 'glpi_certificates.entities_id' => $entity, ], ]) |
/src/Knowbase.php:263 | 1 | $cat_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [KnowbaseItemCategory::getTableField('id'), KnowbaseItemCategory::getTableField('name'), KnowbaseItemCategory::getTableField($cat_fk), $items_subquery, ], 'FROM' => $cat_table, 'ORDER' => [KnowbaseItemCategory::getTableField('level') . ' DESC', KnowbaseItemCategory::getTableField('name'), ]]) |
/src/Knowbase.php:239 | 1 | $items_subquery = new QuerySubQuery(array_merge_recursive(['SELECT' => ['COUNT DISTINCT' => KnowbaseItem::getTableField('id') . ' as cpt'], 'FROM' => KnowbaseItem::getTable( ), 'INNER JOIN' => [KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory::getTable( ) => KnowbaseItem::getForeignKeyField( ), KnowbaseItem::getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => [KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory::getTableField($cat_fk) => new QueryExpression($DB->quoteName(KnowbaseItemCategory::getTableField('id'))), ]], $kbitem_visibility_crit), 'items_count') |
/src/ProjectTask.php:527 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => 'glpi_projecttasks_tickets', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_projecttasks' => ['ON' => ['glpi_projecttasks_tickets' => 'projecttasks_id', 'glpi_projecttasks' => 'id']]], 'FIELDS' => 'tickets_id', 'WHERE' => ['glpi_projecttasks.projects_id' => $ID]]) |
/src/ProjectTask.php:996 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '13', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Father'), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['condition' => 'AND 1=1']] |
/src/ProjectTask.php:894 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => new QueryExpression('SUM(glpi_tickets.actiontime) AS duration'), 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_projecttasks_tickets' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_projecttasks_tickets' => 'projecttasks_id', self::getTable( ) => 'id']], 'glpi_tickets' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_projecttasks_tickets' => 'tickets_id', 'glpi_tickets' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => [self::getTable( ) . '.id' => $projecttasks_id]]) |
/src/ProjectTask.php:148 | 1 | return (Session::haveRight('project', UPDATE) || (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::UPDATEMY) && (($this->fields["users_id"] === Session::getLoginUserID( )) || $this->isInTheTeam( )))) |
/src/ProjectTask.php:108 | 1 | return (Session::haveRight('project', Project::READALL) || (Session::haveRight('project', Project::READMY) && (($project->fields["users_id"] === Session::getLoginUserID( )) || $project->isInTheManagerGroup( ) || $project->isInTheTeam( ))) || (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::READMY) && (($this->fields["users_id"] === Session::getLoginUserID( )) || $this->isInTheTeam( )))) |
/src/Rule.php:2954 | 1 | $query = ['SELECT' => $this->getTable( ) . '.id', 'FROM' => [getTableForItemType($this->ruleactionclass), $this->getTable( )], 'WHERE' => [getTableForItemType($this->ruleactionclass) . "." . $this->rules_id_field => new \QueryExpression(DBmysql::quoteName($this->getTable( ) . '.id')), $this->getTable( ) . '.sub_type' => get_class($this)]] |
/src/Rule.php:2000 | 1 | $output = sprintf("<i class='fas fa-circle %s' title='%s'></i> <span class='sr-only'>%s</span>", ($this->fields['is_active'] ? 'green' : 'red'), ($this->fields['is_active'] ? __('Rule is active') : __('Rule is inactive')), Dropdown::getYesNo($this->fields["is_active"])) |
/src/RuleRightCollection.php:181 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'value', 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_rulerightparameters', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_rulecriterias' => ['ON' => ['glpi_rulerightparameters' => 'value', 'glpi_rulecriterias' => 'criteria']], 'glpi_rules' => ['ON' => ['glpi_rulecriterias' => 'rules_id', 'glpi_rules' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_rules.sub_type' => 'RuleRight']]) |
/src/Item_DevicePci.php:53 | 4 | return ['serial' => parent::getSpecificities('serial'), 'otherserial' => parent::getSpecificities('otherserial'), 'locations_id' => parent::getSpecificities('locations_id'), 'states_id' => parent::getSpecificities('states_id'), 'busID' => parent::getSpecificities('busID')] |
/src/Problem_Ticket.php:323 | 1 | $massiveactionparams = ['num_displayed' => min($_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], $numrows), 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'specific_actions' => ['purge' => _x('button', 'Delete permanently'), __CLASS__ . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'solveticket' => __('Solve tickets'), __CLASS__ . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'add_task' => __('Add a new task')], 'extraparams' => ['problems_id' => $problem->getID( )], 'width' => 1000, 'height' => 500] |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:1235 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => $SELECT, 'FROM' => $item->getTable( ), 'INNER JOIN' => [$parentitem->getTable( ) => ['ON' => [$parentitem->getTable( ) => 'id', $item->getTable( ) => $parentitem->getForeignKeyField( )]]], 'WHERE' => $WHERE, 'ORDERBY' => $item->getTable( ) . '.begin']) |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:1209 | 1 | $WHERE[] = ['OR' => [$item->getTable( ) . ".state" => Planning::TODO, ['AND' => [$item->getTable( ) . '.state' => Planning::INFO, $item->getTable( ) . '.end' => ['>', new \QueryExpression('NOW()')]]]]] |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:1048 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '175', 'table' => TaskTemplate::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => 'tasktemplates_id', 'name' => TaskTemplate::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => static::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => $task_condition, ]]]] |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:1033 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '174', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'end', 'name' => __('End date'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'maybefuture' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => $task_condition, ]] |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:1184 | 1 | $ADDWHERE = [$item->getTable( ) . '.users_id_tech' => new \QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'glpi_profiles_users.users_id', 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_profiles', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_profiles_users' => ['ON' => ['glpi_profiles_users' => 'profiles_id', 'glpi_profiles' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_profiles.interface' => 'central'] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_profiles_users', '', $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'], 1)])] |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:1149 | 1 | $WHERE = [$item->getTable( ) . '.end' => null, $item->getTable( ) . '.begin' => null, $item->getTable( ) . '.actiontime' => ['>', 0], new QueryExpression($edate . " >= '" . $begin . "'"), new QueryExpression($bdate . " <= '" . $end . "'")] |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:988 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '97', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'date', 'name' => _n('Date', 'Dates', 1), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => $task_condition, ]] |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:974 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '96', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'actiontime', 'name' => __('Duration'), 'datatype' => 'timestamp', 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => $task_condition, ]] |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:1018 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '173', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'begin', 'name' => __('Begin date'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'maybefuture' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => $task_condition, ]] |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:1002 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '33', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'state', 'name' => __('Status'), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'searchequalsonfield' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => $task_condition, ]] |
/src/Change.php:108 | 2 | return (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::READALL) || (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::READMY) && ($this->isUser(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || $this->isUser(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || (isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && ($this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, $_SESSION["glpigroups"]) || $this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER, $_SESSION["glpigroups"]))) || ($this->isUser(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || (isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && $this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, $_SESSION["glpigroups"])))))) |
/src/Change.php:77 | 2 | return (self::isAllowedStatus($this->fields['status'], self::SOLVED) && !in_array($this->fields['status'], $this->getClosedStatusArray( )) && (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, UPDATE) || (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::READMY) && ($this->isUser(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || (isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && $this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, $_SESSION["glpigroups"])))))) |
/src/Change.php:456 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '68', 'table' => 'glpi_changes_items', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of items'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Change.php:151 | 1 | return Session::haveRight('followup', CREATE) && in_array($this->fields["status"], $this->getClosedStatusArray( )) && ($this->isAllowedStatus($this->fields['status'], self::INCOMING) || $this->isAllowedStatus($this->fields['status'], self::EVALUATION)) |
/src/Database.php:356 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '174', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_dynamic', 'linkfield' => '', 'name' => __('Dynamic'), 'datatype' => 'bool', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'searchtype' => ['equals']] |
/src/Database.php:343 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '172', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'date_lastbackup', 'name' => __('Last backup date'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'date', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Database.php:510 | 1 | return ['databaseinstance' => ['title' => DatabaseInstance::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'page' => DatabaseInstance::getSearchURL(false), 'icon' => DatabaseInstance::getIcon( ), 'links' => ['add' => '/front/databaseinstance.form.php', 'search' => '/front/dabataseinstance.php', ]]] |
/src/Database.php:300 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '166', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'size', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), __('Size'), __('Mio')), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'integer', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Database.php:287 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '167', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Name'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Database.php:328 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '170', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_onbackup', 'linkfield' => '', 'name' => __('Is on backup'), 'datatype' => 'bool', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'searchtype' => ['equals']] |
/src/Database.php:313 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '169', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_active', 'linkfield' => '', 'name' => __('Active'), 'datatype' => 'bool', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'searchtype' => ['equals']] |
/src/Item_DeviceProcessor.php:48 | 1 | return ['frequency' => ['long name' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), __('Frequency'), __('MHz')), 'short name' => __('Frequency'), 'size' => 10, 'id' => 20, ], 'serial' => parent::getSpecificities('serial'), 'otherserial' => parent::getSpecificities('otherserial'), 'locations_id' => parent::getSpecificities('locations_id'), 'states_id' => parent::getSpecificities('states_id'), 'nbcores' => ['long name' => __('Number of cores'), 'short name' => __('Cores'), 'size' => 2, 'id' => 21, ], 'nbthreads' => ['long name' => __('Number of threads'), 'short name' => __('Threads'), 'size' => 2, 'id' => 22, ], 'busID' => parent::getSpecificities('busID')] |
/src/Database.php:245 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '12', 'table' => Computer::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'linkfield' => 'items_id', 'name' => Computer::getTypeName(0), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => DatabaseInstance::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'item_itemtype', 'specific_itemtype' => 'Computer']]]] |
/src/Database.php:192 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '6', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'size', 'unit' => 'auto', 'name' => __('Global size'), 'datatype' => 'number', 'width' => 1000, 'massiveaction' => false, ] |
/src/NetworkEquipment.php:420 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '14', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'ram', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), _n('Memory', 'Memories', 1), __('Mio')), 'datatype' => 'number', ] |
/src/NetworkEquipment.php:400 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '11', 'table' => 'glpi_devicefirmwares', 'field' => 'version', 'name' => _n('Firmware', 'Firmware', 1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_items_devicefirmwares', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', 'specific_itemtype' => 'NetworkEquipment']]]] |
/src/RuleAction.php:159 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '1', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'action_type', 'name' => self::getTypeName(1), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'specific', 'additionalfields' => ['rules_id']] |
/src/NetworkEquipment.php:464 | 2 | $tab[] = ['id' => '65', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'template_name', 'name' => __('Template name'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, ] |
/src/Lock.php:485 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', 't.designation AS name'], 'FROM' => getTableForItemType($type) . ' AS i', 'LEFT JOIN' => ["$associated_table AS t" => ['ON' => ['t' => 'id', 'i' => $fk]]], 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $itemtype, 'items_id' => $ID, 'is_dynamic' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 1]]) |
/src/NetworkEquipment.php:215 | 2 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ['itemtype', new QueryExpression('GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ' . $DB->quoteName('items_id') . ') AS ' . $DB->quoteName('ids'))], 'FROM' => 'glpi_networkports_networkports', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_networkports' => ['ON' => ['glpi_networkports_networkports' => $endb, 'glpi_networkports' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_networkports_networkports.' . $enda => new QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => 'glpi_networkports', 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $this->getType( ), 'items_id' => $ID]])], 'GROUPBY' => 'itemtype'] |
/src/Lock.php:718 | 1 | $types = ['Monitor' => _n('Monitor', 'Monitors', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'Peripheral' => Peripheral::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'Printer' => Printer::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'SoftwareVersion' => SoftwareVersion::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'NetworkPort' => NetworkPort::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'NetworkName' => NetworkName::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'IPAddress' => IPAddress::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'Item_Disk' => Item_Disk::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'Device' => _n('Component', 'Components', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'ComputerVirtualMachine' => ComputerVirtualMachine::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))] |
/src/Lock.php:252 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS id', ' AS version', ' AS software'], 'FROM' => "{$item_sv_table} AS isv", 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_softwareversions AS sv' => ['FKEY' => ['isv' => 'softwareversions_id', 'sv' => 'id']], 'glpi_softwares AS s' => ['FKEY' => ['sv' => 'softwares_id', 's' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['isv.is_deleted' => 1, 'isv.is_dynamic' => 1, 'isv.items_id' => $ID, 'isv.itemtype' => $itemtype, ]]) |
/src/Lock.php:420 | 1 | $params = ['glpi_ipaddresses.is_dynamic' => 1, 'glpi_ipaddresses.is_deleted' => 1, 'glpi_ipaddresses.itemtype' => 'NetworkName', 'glpi_ipaddresses.items_id' => new QueryExpression($DB->quoteName('')), 'glpi_networknames.itemtype' => 'NetworkPort', 'glpi_networknames.items_id' => new QueryExpression($DB->quoteName('')), 'glpi_networkports.items_id' => $ID, 'glpi_networkports.itemtype' => $itemtype] |
/src/Lock.php:303 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS id', ' AS version', ' AS software'], 'FROM' => "{$item_sl_table} AS isl", 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses AS sl' => ['FKEY' => ['isl' => 'softwarelicenses_id', 'sl' => 'id']], 'glpi_softwares AS s' => ['FKEY' => ['sl' => 'softwares_id', 's' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['isl.is_deleted' => 1, 'isl.is_dynamic' => 1, 'isl.items_id' => $ID, 'isl.itemtype' => $itemtype, ]]) |
/src/Item_Devices.php:1038 | 1 | $content = Html::progressBar("percent" . mt_rand( ), ['create' => true, 'percent' => $percent, 'message' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$d%%) '), html_entity_decode(Html::formatNumber($this->fields[$field], false, 0)), $percent), 'display' => false]) |
/src/Item_Devices.php:175 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '6', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'itemtype', 'name' => _n('Associated item type', 'Associated item types', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'itemtypename', 'itemtype_list' => 'itemdevices_types', 'nosort' => true] |
/src/Item_Devices.php:1071 | 1 | $doc_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'documents_id', 'FROM' => 'glpi_documents_items', 'WHERE' => ['OR' => [['itemtype' => $this->getType( ), 'items_id' => $link['id']], ['itemtype' => $this->getDeviceType( ), 'items_id' => $link[$this->getDeviceForeignKey( )]]]], 'ORDER' => 'itemtype']) |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:912 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '94', 'table' => 'glpi_users', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Writer'), 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'right' => 'all', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => static::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => $task_condition, ]]]] |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:896 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '92', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_private', 'name' => __('Private task'), 'datatype' => 'bool', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => $task_condition, ]] |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:953 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '112', 'table' => 'glpi_groups', 'field' => 'completename', 'linkfield' => 'groups_id_tech', 'name' => __('Group in charge'), 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'condition' => ['is_task' => 1], 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => static::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => $task_condition, ]]]] |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:932 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '95', 'table' => 'glpi_users', 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => 'users_id_tech', 'name' => __('Technician in charge'), 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'right' => 'own_ticket', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => static::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => $task_condition, ]]]] |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:844 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '26', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'content', 'name' => __('Description'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'htmltext' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => $task_condition, ]] |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:484 | 1 | $input = array_replace(['content' => Sanitizer::sanitize($template->getRenderedContent($parent_item)), 'taskcategories_id' => $template->fields['taskcategories_id'], 'actiontime' => $template->fields['actiontime'], 'state' => $template->fields['state'], 'is_private' => $template->fields['is_private'], 'users_id_tech' => $template->fields['users_id_tech'], 'groups_id_tech' => $template->fields['groups_id_tech'], ], $input) |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:875 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '20', 'table' => 'glpi_taskcategories', 'field' => 'name', 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'name' => _n('Category', 'Categories', 1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => static::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => $task_condition, ]]]] |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:860 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '28', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of tasks'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => $task_condition, ]] |
/src/RuleAction.php:741 | 1 | $params = ['field' => '__VALUE__', 'sub_type' => $rule->getType( ), 'ruleactions_id' => $this->getID( ), $rule->getRuleIdField( ) => $this->fields[static::$items_id]] |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:249 | 1 | $options = ['task_id' => $this->fields["id"], 'is_private' => $this->isPrivate( ), 'task_users_id' => $this->fields['users_id'], 'task_users_id_tech' => $this->fields['users_id_tech'], 'task_groups_id_tech' => $this->fields['groups_id_tech']] |
/src/DeviceControl.php:50 | 1 | return array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'is_raid', 'label' => __('RAID'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'interfacetypes_id', 'label' => __('Interface'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'devicecontrolmodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'none', 'label' => RegisteredID::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) . RegisteredID::showAddChildButtonForItemForm($this, '_registeredID', null, false), 'type' => 'registeredIDChooser']]) |
/src/RuleAction.php:422 | 1 | return ['assign' => __('Assign'), 'append' => __('Add'), 'regex_result' => __('Assign the value from regular expression'), 'append_regex_result' => __('Add the result of regular expression'), 'affectbyip' => __('Assign: equipment by IP address'), 'affectbyfqdn' => __('Assign: equipment by name + domain'), 'affectbymac' => __('Assign: equipment by MAC address'), 'compute' => __('Recalculate'), 'do_not_compute' => __('Do not calculate'), 'send' => __('Send'), 'add_validation' => __('Send'), 'fromuser' => __('Copy from user'), 'defaultfromuser' => __('Copy default from user'), 'firstgroupfromuser' => __('Copy first group from user'), 'fromitem' => __('Copy from item')] |
/src/RuleAction.php:169 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '2', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'field', 'name' => _n('Field', 'Fields', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'specific', 'additionalfields' => ['rules_id']] |
/src/Ticket.php:752 | 1 | $nb = countElementsInTable('glpi_items_tickets', ['INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_tickets' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => 'tickets_id', 'glpi_tickets' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $item->getID( ), 'is_deleted' => 0]]) |
/src/Ticket.php:739 | 1 | $nb = countElementsInTable(['glpi_tickets', 'glpi_groups_tickets'], ['glpi_groups_tickets.tickets_id' => new \QueryExpression(DBmysql::quoteName('')), 'glpi_groups_tickets.groups_id' => $item->getID( ), 'glpi_groups_tickets.type' => CommonITILActor::REQUESTER] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(self::getTable( ))) |
/src/Ticket.php:776 | 1 | $nb += countElementsInTable('glpi_items_tickets', ['INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_tickets' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => 'tickets_id', 'glpi_tickets' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $type, 'items_id' => $tab, 'is_deleted' => 0]]) |
/src/Ticket.php:597 | 2 | return Session::haveRight('followup', CREATE) && in_array($this->fields["status"], $this->getClosedStatusArray( )) && ($this->isAllowedStatus($this->fields['status'], self::INCOMING) || $this->isAllowedStatus($this->fields['status'], self::ASSIGNED)) |
/src/Ticket.php:557 | 1 | return ($this->isUser(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || $this->fields["users_id_recipient"] === Session::getLoginUserID( )) && $this->fields['status'] != self::SOLVED && $this->fields['status'] != self::CLOSED && $this->numberOfFollowups( ) == 0 && $this->numberOfTasks( ) == 0 |
/src/Ticket.php:706 | 1 | $nb = countElementsInTable(['glpi_tickets', 'glpi_suppliers_tickets'], ['glpi_suppliers_tickets.tickets_id' => new \QueryExpression(DBmysql::quoteName('')), 'glpi_suppliers_tickets.suppliers_id' => $item->getID( )] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(self::getTable( ))) |
/src/Ticket.php:694 | 1 | $nb = countElementsInTable(['glpi_tickets', 'glpi_tickets_users'], ['glpi_tickets_users.tickets_id' => new \QueryExpression(DBmysql::quoteName('')), 'glpi_tickets_users.users_id' => $item->getID( ), 'glpi_tickets_users.type' => CommonITILActor::REQUESTER] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(self::getTable( ))) |
/src/Ticket.php:232 | 1 | return (Session::haveRightsOr(self::$rightname, [self::READALL, self::READMY, UPDATE, self::READASSIGN, self::READGROUP, self::OWN]) || Session::haveRightsOr('ticketvalidation', TicketValidation::getValidateRights( ))) |
/src/Ticket.php:204 | 1 | return (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::STEAL) || (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::OWN) && ($this->countUsers(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) == 0))) |
/src/Ticket.php:282 | 1 | return ((($this->fields["users_id_recipient"] === Session::getLoginUserID( )) && Session::haveRight('ticket', Ticket::SURVEY)) || $this->isUser(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || (isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && $this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, $_SESSION["glpigroups"]))) |
/src/Ticket.php:254 | 1 | return (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::READALL) || (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::READMY) && (($this->fields["users_id_recipient"] === Session::getLoginUserID( )) || $this->isUser(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || $this->isUser(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER, Session::getLoginUserID( )))) || (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::READGROUP) && isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && ($this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, $_SESSION["glpigroups"]) || $this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER, $_SESSION["glpigroups"]))) || (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::READASSIGN) && ($this->isUser(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || (isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && $this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, $_SESSION["glpigroups"])) || (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::ASSIGN) && ($this->fields["status"] == self::INCOMING)))) || (Session::haveRightsOr('ticketvalidation', TicketValidation::getValidateRights( )) && TicketValidation::canValidate($this->fields["id"]))) |
/src/Profile_User.php:1034 | 1 | $count = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => [User::getTable( ) => ['FKEY' => [$this->getTable( ) => 'users_id', User::getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => [User::getTable( ) . '.is_deleted' => 0, $this->getTable( ) . '.entities_id' => $item->getID( )]])->current( ) |
/src/Ticket.php:3300 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '13', 'table' => 'glpi_items_tickets', 'field' => 'items_id', 'name' => _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'comments' => true, 'nosort' => true, 'nosearch' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype'], 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/Ticket.php:3260 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '188', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'next_escalation_level', 'name' => __('Next escalation level'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'usehaving' => true, 'maybefuture' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'computation' => "REPLACE( LEAST( IF(" . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.takeintoaccount_delay_stat') . " <= 0, COALESCE(" . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.time_to_own') . ", $max_date), $max_date), IF(" . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.takeintoaccount_delay_stat') . " <= 0, COALESCE(" . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.internal_time_to_own') . ", $max_date), $max_date), IF(" . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.solvedate') . " IS NULL, COALESCE(" . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.time_to_resolve') . ", $max_date), $max_date), IF(" . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.solvedate') . " IS NULL, COALESCE(" . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.internal_time_to_resolve') . ", $max_date), $max_date) ), $max_date, '')"] |
/src/Ticket.php:3368 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '37', 'table' => 'glpi_slas', 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => 'slas_id_tto', 'name' => __('SLA') . " " . __('Time to own'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['condition' => ['NEWTABLE.type' => SLM::TTO]], 'condition' => ['glpi_slas.type' => SLM::TTO]] |
/src/Ticket.php:3317 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '131', 'table' => 'glpi_items_tickets', 'field' => 'itemtype', 'name' => _n('Associated item type', 'Associated item types', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'itemtypename', 'itemtype_list' => 'ticket_types', 'nosort' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype'], 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/Ticket.php:3197 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '180', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'internal_time_to_resolve', 'name' => __('Internal time to resolve'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'maybefuture' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'additionalfields' => ['solvedate', 'status']] |
/src/Ticket.php:3166 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '155', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'time_to_own', 'name' => __('Time to own'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'maybefuture' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'additionalfields' => ['date', 'status', 'takeintoaccount_delay_stat']] |
/src/Ticket.php:3228 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '185', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'internal_time_to_own', 'name' => __('Internal time to own'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'maybefuture' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'additionalfields' => ['date', 'status', 'takeintoaccount_delay_stat'], ] |
/src/Ticket.php:3218 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '182', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_late', 'name' => __('Internal time to resolve exceeded'), 'datatype' => 'bool', 'massiveaction' => false, 'computation' => self::generateSLAOLAComputation('internal_time_to_resolve')] |
/src/Ticket.php:2456 | 1 | return $DB->request(['SELECT' => [$this->getTable( ) . '.id', $this->getTable( ) . '.name', $this->getTable( ) . '.priority', ], 'FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => 'tickets_id', $this->getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_items_tickets.itemtype' => $itemtype, 'glpi_items_tickets.items_id' => $items_id, $this->getTable( ) . '.is_deleted' => 0, $this->getTable( ) . '.type' => $type, 'NOT' => [$this->getTable( ) . '.status' => array_merge($this->getSolvedStatusArray( ), $this->getClosedStatusArray( ))]]]) |
/src/Ticket.php:2416 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => 'tickets_id', $this->getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_items_tickets.itemtype' => $itemtype, 'glpi_items_tickets.items_id' => $items_id, 'NOT' => [$this->getTable( ) . '.status' => array_merge($this->getSolvedStatusArray( ), $this->getClosedStatusArray( ))]]])->current( ) |
/src/Ticket.php:2615 | 1 | return (Profile::haveUserRight($user_id, $rightname, ITILFollowup::ADDMYTICKET, $entity_id) && ($this->isUser(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, $user_id) || (isset($this->fields['users_id_recipient']) && ($this->fields['users_id_recipient'] == $user_id)))) || (Profile::haveUserRight($user_id, $rightname, ITILFollowup::ADD_AS_OBSERVER, $entity_id) && $this->isUser(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER, $user_id)) || Profile::haveUserRight($user_id, $rightname, ITILFollowup::ADDALLTICKET, $entity_id) || (Profile::haveUserRight($user_id, $rightname, ITILFollowup::ADDGROUPTICKET, $entity_id) && $this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, $user_groups_ids)) || $this->isUser(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, $user_id) || $this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, $user_groups_ids) |
/src/Ticket.php:2501 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => 'tickets_id', $this->getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_items_tickets.itemtype' => $itemtype, 'glpi_items_tickets.items_id' => $items_id, $this->getTable( ) . '.status' => array_merge($this->getSolvedStatusArray( ), $this->getClosedStatusArray( )), new \QueryExpression("ADDDATE(" . $DB->quoteName($this->getTable( ) . ".solvedate") . ", INTERVAL $days DAY) > NOW()"), 'NOT' => [$this->getTable( ) . '.solvedate' => null]]])->current( ) |
/src/Ticket.php:2361 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => 'tickets_id', $this->getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_items_tickets.items_id' => $items_id, 'glpi_items_tickets.itemtype' => $itemtype, 'OR' => [['NOT' => [$this->getTable( ) . '.status' => array_merge($this->getClosedStatusArray( ), $this->getSolvedStatusArray( ))]], ['NOT' => [$this->getTable( ) . '.solvedate' => null], new \QueryExpression("ADDDATE(" . $DB->quoteName($this->getTable( )) . "." . $DB->quoteName('solvedate') . ", INTERVAL $days DAY) > NOW()")]]]]) |
/src/Change.php:1314 | 1 | $link = sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), $link, Html::showToolTip(RichText::getEnhancedHtml($change->fields['content']), ['applyto' => 'change' . $change->fields["id"] . $rand, 'display' => false])) |
/src/Change.php:1439 | 1 | $twig_params = ['title' => ['link' => $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/change.php?" . Toolbox::append_params($options), 'text' => self::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'icon' => self::getIcon( ), ], 'items' => [ ]] |
/src/Change.php:1239 | 2 | $twig_params = ['class' => 'table table-borderless table-striped table-hover card-table', 'header_rows' => [[['colspan' => 3, 'content' => $main_header]], [['content' => __('ID'), 'style' => 'width: 75px'], ['content' => _n('Requester', 'Requesters', 1), 'style' => 'width: 20%'], __('Description')]], 'rows' => [ ]] |
/src/Change.php:893 | 1 | return ['_users_id_requester' => Session::getLoginUserID( ), '_users_id_requester_notif' => ['use_notification' => $default_use_notif, 'alternative_email' => ''], '_groups_id_requester' => 0, '_users_id_assign' => 0, '_users_id_assign_notif' => ['use_notification' => $default_use_notif, 'alternative_email' => ''], '_groups_id_assign' => 0, '_users_id_observer' => 0, '_users_id_observer_notif' => ['use_notification' => $default_use_notif, 'alternative_email' => ''], '_suppliers_id_assign_notif' => ['use_notification' => $default_use_notif, 'alternative_email' => ''], '_groups_id_observer' => 0, '_suppliers_id_assign' => 0, 'priority' => 3, 'urgency' => 3, 'impact' => 3, 'content' => '', 'entities_id' => $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'], 'name' => '', 'itilcategories_id' => 0, 'actiontime' => 0, '_add_validation' => 0, 'users_id_validate' => [ ], '_tasktemplates_id' => [ ], 'controlistcontent' => '', 'impactcontent' => '', 'rolloutplancontent' => '', 'backoutplancontent' => '', 'checklistcontent' => '', 'items_id' => 0, '_actors' => [ ], ] |
/src/Change.php:1105 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [''], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_changes', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_changes_users' => ['ON' => ['glpi_changes_users' => 'changes_id', 'glpi_changes' => 'id']], 'glpi_changes_groups' => ['ON' => ['glpi_changes_groups' => 'changes_id', 'glpi_changes' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => $WHERE + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_changes'), 'ORDERBY' => 'date_mod DESC'] |
/src/Change.php:952 | 1 | return $DB->request(['SELECT' => [$this->getTable( ) . '.id', $this->getTable( ) . '.name', $this->getTable( ) . '.priority', ], 'FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_changes_items' => ['ON' => ['glpi_changes_items' => 'changes_id', $this->getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_changes_items.itemtype' => $itemtype, 'glpi_changes_items.items_id' => $items_id, $this->getTable( ) . '.is_deleted' => 0, 'NOT' => [$this->getTable( ) . '.status' => array_merge($this->getSolvedStatusArray( ), $this->getClosedStatusArray( ))]]]) |
/src/Change.php:486 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '131', 'table' => 'glpi_changes_items', 'field' => 'itemtype', 'name' => _n('Associated item type', 'Associated item types', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'itemtypename', 'itemtype_list' => 'ticket_types', 'nosort' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype'], 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/Change.php:470 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '13', 'table' => 'glpi_changes_items', 'field' => 'items_id', 'name' => _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'comments' => true, 'nosearch' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype'], 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/Change.php:581 | 1 | $tab = [self::INCOMING => _x('status', 'New'), self::EVALUATION => __('Evaluation'), self::APPROVAL => _n('Approval', 'Approvals', 1), self::ACCEPTED => _x('status', 'Accepted'), self::WAITING => __('Pending'), self::TEST => _x('change', 'Testing'), self::QUALIFICATION => __('Qualification'), self::SOLVED => __('Applied'), self::OBSERVED => __('Review'), self::CLOSED => _x('status', 'Closed'), self::CANCELED => _x('status', 'Cancelled'), self::REFUSED => _x('status', 'Refused'), ] |
/src/Profile_User.php:471 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ["$utable.*", "$putable.entities_id AS entity", "$ AS linkid", "$putable.is_dynamic", "$putable.is_recursive"], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $putable, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$etable => ['ON' => [$putable => 'entities_id', $etable => 'id']], $utable => ['ON' => [$putable => 'users_id', $utable => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ["$putable.profiles_id" => $ID, "$utable.is_deleted" => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($putable, 'entities_id', $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities'], true), 'ORDERBY' => "$etable.completename"]) |
/src/Profile_User.php:312 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ["glpi_users.*", "$ AS linkid", "$putable.is_recursive", "$putable.is_dynamic", "$ AS pid", "$ AS pname"], 'FROM' => $putable, 'INNER JOIN' => [$utable => ['ON' => [$putable => 'users_id', $utable => 'id']], $ptable => ['ON' => [$putable => 'profiles_id', $ptable => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ["$utable.is_deleted" => 0, "$putable.entities_id" => $ID], 'ORDERBY' => ["$putable.profiles_id", "$", "$utable.realname", "$utable.firstname"]]) |
/src/Profile_User.php:708 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ["$putable.entities_id", "$putable.is_recursive"], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $putable, 'INNER JOIN' => [$ptable => ['ON' => [$putable => 'profiles_id', $ptable => 'id']], $prtable => ['ON' => [$prtable => 'profiles_id', $ptable => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ["$putable.users_id" => $user_ID, "$" => $rightname, "$prtable.rights" => ['&', $rights]]]) |
/src/Impact.php:1203 | 1 | $relations = $DB->request(['FROM' => ImpactRelation::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype_' . $target => get_class($node), 'items_id_' . $target => $node->fields['id']]]) |
/src/Impact.php:102 | 1 | $total = count($DB->request(['FROM' => ImpactRelation::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['OR' => [['itemtype_source' => get_class($item), 'items_id_source' => $item->fields['id'], ], ['itemtype_impacted' => get_class($item), 'items_id_impacted' => $item->fields['id'], 'itemtype_source' => self::getEnabledItemtypes( )]]]])) |
/src/Profile_User.php:86 | 1 | return $user->can($this->fields['users_id'], READ) && Profile::currentUserHaveMoreRightThan([$this->fields['profiles_id'] => $this->fields['profiles_id']]) && Session::haveAccessToEntity($this->fields['entities_id']) |
/src/Impact.php:1471 | 1 | $params = $params + array_intersect_key($impact_context->fields, ['positions' => 1, 'zoom' => 1, 'pan_x' => 1, 'pan_y' => 1, 'impact_color' => 1, 'depends_color' => 1, 'impact_and_depends_color' => 1, 'show_depends' => 1, 'show_impact' => 1, 'max_depth' => 1, ]) |
/src/DeviceHardDrive.php:48 | 1 | return array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'capacity_default', 'label' => __('Capacity by default'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'unit' => __('Mio')], ['name' => 'rpm', 'label' => __('Rpm'), 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'cache', 'label' => __('Cache'), 'type' => 'text', 'unit' => __('Mio')], ['name' => 'deviceharddrivemodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'interfacetypes_id', 'label' => __('Interface'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue']]) |
/src/DeviceHardDrive.php:259 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '115', 'table' => 'glpi_items_deviceharddrives', 'field' => 'capacity', 'name' => __('Hard drive size'), 'unit' => 'auto', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'number', 'width' => 1000, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => $main_joinparams, 'computation' => '(SUM(' . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.capacity') . ') / COUNT(' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')) * COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')', 'nometa' => true, ] |
/src/DeviceHardDrive.php:242 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '114', 'table' => 'glpi_deviceharddrives', 'field' => 'designation', 'name' => __('Hard drive type'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'string', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_items_deviceharddrives', 'joinparams' => $main_joinparams]]] |
/src/Session.php:518 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', ''], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_profiles_users', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_profiles' => ['ON' => ['glpi_profiles_users' => 'profiles_id', 'glpi_profiles' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_profiles_users.users_id' => $userID], 'ORDERBY' => '']) |
/src/Session.php:595 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => Group_User::getTable( ) . '.groups_id', 'FROM' => Group_User::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => [Group::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [Group::getTable( ) => 'id', Group_User::getTable( ) => 'groups_id']]], 'WHERE' => [Group_User::getTable( ) . '.users_id' => self::getLoginUserID( )] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(Group::getTable( ), 'entities_id', $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities'], true)]) |
/src/Session.php:543 | 1 | $entities_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_profiles_users.entities_id AS eID', ' AS kID', 'glpi_profiles_users.is_recursive', 'glpi_entities.*'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_profiles_users', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_entities' => ['ON' => ['glpi_profiles_users' => 'entities_id', 'glpi_entities' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_profiles_users.profiles_id' => $key, 'glpi_profiles_users.users_id' => $userID], 'ORDERBY' => 'glpi_entities.completename']) |
/src/Item_Disk.php:469 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '151', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'freesize', 'unit' => 'auto', 'name' => __('Free size'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'number', 'width' => 1000, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']] |
/src/Item_Disk.php:453 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '150', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'totalsize', 'unit' => 'auto', 'name' => __('Global size'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'number', 'width' => 1000, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']] |
/src/Item_Disk.php:502 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '153', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'mountpoint', 'name' => __('Mount point'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'string', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']] |
/src/Item_Disk.php:484 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '152', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'freepercent', 'name' => __('Free percentage'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'progressbar', 'width' => 2, 'computation' => 'LPAD(ROUND(100*TABLE.freesize/NULLIF(TABLE.totalsize, 0)), 3, 0)', 'computationgroupby' => true, 'unit' => '%', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']] |
/src/Item_Disk.php:405 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '4', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'totalsize', 'unit' => 'auto', 'name' => __('Global size'), 'datatype' => 'number', 'width' => 1000, 'massiveaction' => false, ] |
/src/Item_Disk.php:340 | 1 | $encryptionTooltip = "<strong>" . __('Partial encryption') . "</strong> : " . Dropdown::getYesNo($data['encryption_status'] == self::ENCRYPTION_STATUS_PARTIALLY) . "<br/>" . "<strong>" . __('Encryption tool') . "</strong> : " . $data['encryption_tool'] . "</br>" . "<strong>" . __('Encryption algorithm') . "</strong> : " . $data['encryption_algorithm'] . "</br>" . "<strong>" . __('Encryption type') . "</strong> : " . $data['encryption_type'] . "</br>" |
/src/Item_Disk.php:440 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '156', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Name'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']] |
/src/Item_Disk.php:416 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '5', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'freesize', 'unit' => 'auto', 'name' => __('Free size'), 'datatype' => 'number', 'width' => 1000, 'massiveaction' => false, ] |
/src/Ticket.php:6843 | 1 | $tomerge = $document_item->find(['itemtype' => 'Ticket', 'items_id' => $id, 'NOT' => ['documents_id' => new \QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'documents_id', 'FROM' => $document_item->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => 'Ticket', 'items_id' => $merge_target_id]])]]) |
/src/Ticket.php:6787 | 1 | $input = ['itemtype' => 'Ticket', 'items_id' => $merge_target_id, 'content' => $DB->escape($ticket->fields['name'] . Sanitizer::sanitize("<br /><br />", false) . $ticket->fields['content']), 'users_id' => $ticket->fields['users_id_recipient'], 'date_creation' => $ticket->fields['date_creation'], 'date_mod' => $ticket->fields['date_mod'], 'date' => $ticket->fields['date_creation'], 'sourceitems_id' => $ticket->getID( )] |
/src/Item_Disk.php:223 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [Filesystem::getTable( ) . '.name AS fsname', self::getTable( ) . '.*'], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => [Filesystem::getTable( ) => ['FKEY' => [self::getTable( ) => 'filesystems_id', Filesystem::getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $item->fields['id']]]) |
/src/Ticket.php:7048 | 1 | $where_profile[] = ['OR' => [['tu.users_id' => Session::getLoginUserID( ), 'OR' => [['tu.type' => CommonITILActor::REQUESTER], ['tu.type' => CommonITILActor::OBSERVER], ]], "glpi_tickets.users_id_recipient" => Session::getLoginUserID( )]] |
/src/Ticket.php:6086 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['entities_id' => $entity, 'is_deleted' => 0, 'status' => [self::INCOMING, self::ASSIGNED, self::PLANNED, self::WAITING], 'closedate' => null, new QueryExpression("ADDDATE(" . $DB->quoteName('date') . ", INTERVAL $value DAY) < NOW()")]]) |
/src/Ticket.php:5895 | 1 | $link = printf(__('%1$s %2$s'), $link, Html::showToolTip(RichText::getEnhancedHtml($job->fields['content']), ['applyto' => 'ticket' . $job->fields["id"] . $rand, 'display' => false])) |
/src/Ticket.php:6501 | 1 | $dates = [$date_creation . '_date_creation' => ['timestamp' => $date_creation, 'label' => __('Opening date'), 'class' => 'creation'], $date_takeintoaccount . '_date_takeintoaccount' => ['timestamp' => $date_takeintoaccount, 'label' => __('Take into account'), 'class' => 'checked'], $internal_time_to_own . '_internal_time_to_own' => ['timestamp' => $internal_time_to_own, 'label' => __('Internal time to own') . " " . $ola_tto_link, 'class' => ($internal_time_to_own < $goal_takeintoaccount ? 'passed' : '') . " " . ($date_takeintoaccount != '' ? 'checked' : ''), ], $time_to_own . '_time_to_own' => ['timestamp' => $time_to_own, 'label' => __('Time to own') . " " . $sla_tto_link, 'class' => ($time_to_own < $goal_takeintoaccount ? 'passed' : '') . " " . ($date_takeintoaccount != '' ? 'checked' : ''), ], $internal_time_to_resolve . '_internal_time_to_resolve' => ['timestamp' => $internal_time_to_resolve, 'label' => __('Internal time to resolve') . " " . $ola_ttr_link, 'class' => ($internal_time_to_resolve < $goal_solvedate ? 'passed' : '') . " " . ($solvedate != '' ? 'checked' : '')], $time_to_resolve . '_time_to_resolve' => ['timestamp' => $time_to_resolve, 'label' => __('Time to resolve') . " " . $sla_ttr_link, 'class' => ($time_to_resolve < $goal_solvedate ? 'passed' : '') . " " . ($solvedate != '' ? 'checked' : '')], $solvedate . '_solvedate' => ['timestamp' => $solvedate, 'label' => __('Resolution date'), 'class' => 'checked'], $closedate . '_closedate' => ['timestamp' => $closedate, 'label' => __('Closing date'), 'class' => 'end']] |
/src/Ticket.php:6170 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ["$", "$table.closedate", "$table.entities_id"], 'FROM' => $table, 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_ticketsatisfactions' => ['ON' => ['glpi_ticketsatisfactions' => 'tickets_id', 'glpi_tickets' => 'id']], 'glpi_entities' => ['ON' => ['glpi_tickets' => 'entities_id', 'glpi_entities' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ["$table.entities_id" => $entity, "$table.is_deleted" => 0, "$table.status" => self::CLOSED, "$table.closedate" => ['>', $max_closedate], new QueryExpression("ADDDATE(" . $DB->quoteName("$table.closedate") . ", INTERVAL $delay DAY) <= NOW()"), new QueryExpression("ADDDATE(" . $DB->quoteName("glpi_entities.max_closedate") . ", INTERVAL $duration DAY) <= NOW()"), "" => null], 'ORDERBY' => 'closedate ASC']) |
/src/PendingReason.php:105 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '202', 'table' => ITILFollowupTemplate::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => ITILFollowupTemplate::getForeignKeyField( ), 'name' => __('Follow-up template'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'searchtype' => ['equals', 'notequals'], 'datatype' => 'dropdown', ] |
/src/PendingReason.php:55 | 1 | return [['name' => 'followup_frequency', 'label' => __('Automatic follow-up frequency'), 'type' => '', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'itilfollowuptemplates_id', 'label' => ITILFollowupTemplate::getTypeName(1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'followups_before_resolution', 'label' => __('Follow-ups before automatic resolution'), 'type' => '', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'solutiontemplates_id', 'label' => SolutionTemplate::getTypeName(1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'list' => true], ] |
/src/PendingReason.php:116 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '203', 'table' => SolutionTemplate::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => SolutionTemplate::getForeignKeyField( ), 'name' => SolutionTemplate::getTypeName(1), 'massiveaction' => false, 'searchtype' => ['equals', 'notequals'], 'datatype' => 'dropdown', ] |
/src/Domain_Item.php:384 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [' AS assocID', 'glpi_domains_items.domainrelations_id', ' AS entity', ' AS assocName', 'glpi_domains.*'], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => [Domain::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [Domain::getTable( ) => 'id', self::getTable( ) => 'domains_id']], Entity::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [Domain::getTable( ) => 'entities_id', Entity::getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => [ ], 'ORDER' => 'assocName'] |
/src/Domain_Item.php:264 | 1 | $linked_criteria = ['SELECT' => ["$itemTable.*", ' AS items_id', 'glpi_domains_items.domainrelations_id', ' AS entity'], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'INNER JOIN' => [$itemTable => ['ON' => [$itemTable => 'id', self::getTable( ) => 'items_id']]], 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_entities' => ['ON' => ['glpi_entities' => 'id', $itemTable => 'entities_id']]], 'WHERE' => [self::getTable( ) . '.itemtype' => $itemtype, self::getTable( ) . '.domains_id' => $instID] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($itemTable, '', '', $item->maybeRecursive( ))] |
/src/Domain_Item.php:602 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '2', 'table' => DomainRelation::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => DomainRelation::getTypeName( ), 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'itemlink_type' => $this->getType( ), ] |
/src/Domain_Item.php:453 | 1 | $domain_iterator = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => Domain::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['is_deleted' => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(Domain::getTable( ), '', $entities, true)]) |
/src/Item_Disk.php:587 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '177', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'encryption_type', 'name' => __('Encryption type'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'string', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']] |
/src/Item_Disk.php:574 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '176', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'encryption_algorithm', 'name' => __('Encryption algorithm'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'string', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']] |
/src/Domain_Item.php:179 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'itemtype', 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['domains_id' => $instID], 'ORDER' => 'itemtype', 'LIMIT' => count(Domain::getTypes(true))]) |
/src/RuleTicket.php:78 | 2 | return [static::ONADD => __('Add'), static::ONUPDATE => __('Update'), static::ONADD | static::ONUPDATE => sprintf(__('%1$s / %2$s'), __('Add'), __('Update'))] |
/src/Item_Disk.php:528 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '155', 'table' => 'glpi_filesystems', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => Filesystem::getTypeName(1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => self::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']]]] |
/src/Item_Disk.php:515 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '154', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'device', 'name' => __('Partition'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'string', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']] |
/src/Item_Disk.php:561 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '175', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'encryption_tool', 'name' => __('Encryption tool'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'string', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']] |
/src/Item_Disk.php:546 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '174', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'encryption_status', 'name' => __('Encryption status'), 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'searchequalsonfield' => true, 'datatype' => 'specific', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']] |
/src/Ticket.php:3695 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '69', 'table' => 'glpi_tickets_tickets', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => __('Number of parent tickets'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'count', 'usehaving' => true, 'joinparams' => ['linkfield' => 'tickets_id_1', 'jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => Ticket_Ticket::SON_OF]], 'additionalfields' => ['tickets_id_2']] |
/src/Ticket.php:3679 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '68', 'table' => 'glpi_tickets_tickets', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => __('Number of sons tickets'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'count', 'usehaving' => true, 'joinparams' => ['linkfield' => 'tickets_id_2', 'jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => Ticket_Ticket::SON_OF]], 'forcegroupby' => true] |
/src/Ticket.php:3747 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '194', 'table' => ContractType::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => 'contracttypes_id', 'name' => ContractType::getTypeName(1), 'massiveaction' => false, 'searchtype' => ['equals', 'contains'], 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => Contract::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'empty', 'linkfield' => 'contracts_id', 'beforejoin' => ['table' => Ticket_Contract::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'linkfield' => 'tickets_id', ]]]]], ] |
/src/Ticket.php:3727 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '193', 'table' => Contract::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => 'contracts_id', 'name' => Contract::getTypeName(1), 'massiveaction' => false, 'searchtype' => ['equals', 'contains'], 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => Ticket_Contract::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'linkfield' => 'tickets_id', ]]], ] |
/src/Ticket.php:3619 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '46', 'table' => 'glpi_tickets_tickets', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => __('Number of duplicated tickets'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'count', 'usehaving' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'item_item', 'condition' => ['' => Ticket_Ticket::DUPLICATE_WITH]]] |
/src/Ticket.php:3591 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '47', 'table' => 'glpi_tickets_tickets', 'field' => 'tickets_id_1', 'name' => __('Duplicated tickets'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'item_item', 'condition' => ['' => Ticket_Ticket::DUPLICATE_WITH]], 'additionalfields' => ['tickets_id_2'], 'forcegroupby' => true] |
/src/Ticket.php:3656 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '67', 'table' => 'glpi_tickets', 'field' => 'id', 'linkfield' => 'tickets_id_1', 'name' => __('Child tickets'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'usehaving' => true, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_tickets_tickets', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'linkfield' => 'tickets_id_2', 'condition' => ['' => Ticket_Ticket::SON_OF]]]], 'forcegroupby' => true] |
/src/Ticket.php:3633 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '50', 'table' => 'glpi_tickets', 'field' => 'id', 'linkfield' => 'tickets_id_2', 'name' => __('Parent tickets'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'usehaving' => true, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_tickets_tickets', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'linkfield' => 'tickets_id_1', 'condition' => ['' => Ticket_Ticket::SON_OF]]]], 'forcegroupby' => true] |
/src/Ticket.php:3488 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '31', 'table' => 'glpi_ticketsatisfactions', 'field' => 'type', 'name' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'massiveaction' => false, 'searchtype' => ['equals', 'notequals'], 'searchequalsonfield' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'datatype' => 'specific'] |
/src/Ticket.php:3447 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '192', 'table' => 'glpi_olalevels', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('OLA') . " " . _n('Escalation level', 'Escalation levels', 1), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_olalevels_tickets', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]], 'forcegroupby' => true] |
/src/Ticket.php:3577 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '40', 'table' => 'glpi_tickets_tickets', 'field' => 'tickets_id_1', 'name' => __('All linked tickets'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'item_item'], 'additionalfields' => ['tickets_id_2']] |
/src/Ticket.php:3396 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '32', 'table' => 'glpi_slalevels', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('SLA') . " " . _n('Escalation level', 'Escalation levels', 1), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_slalevels_tickets', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]], 'forcegroupby' => true] |
/src/Ticket.php:3382 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '30', 'table' => 'glpi_slas', 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => 'slas_id_ttr', 'name' => __('SLA') . " " . __('Time to resolve'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['condition' => ['NEWTABLE.type' => SLM::TTR]], 'condition' => ['glpi_slas.type' => SLM::TTR]] |
/src/Ticket.php:3433 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '191', 'table' => 'glpi_olas', 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => 'olas_id_ttr', 'name' => __('OLA') . " " . __('Internal time to resolve'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['condition' => ['NEWTABLE.type' => SLM::TTR]], 'condition' => ['glpi_olas.type' => SLM::TTR]] |
/src/Ticket.php:3419 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '190', 'table' => 'glpi_olas', 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => 'olas_id_tto', 'name' => __('OLA') . " " . __('Internal time to own'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['condition' => ['NEWTABLE.type' => SLM::TTO]], 'condition' => ['glpi_olas.type' => SLM::TTO]] |
/src/Ticket.php:5313 | 1 | $criteria['LEFT JOIN'] = ['glpi_tickets_users' => ['ON' => ['glpi_tickets_users' => 'tickets_id', $table => 'id', ['AND' => ['glpi_tickets_users.type' => CommonITILActor::REQUESTER]]]], 'glpi_ticketvalidations' => ['ON' => ['glpi_ticketvalidations' => 'tickets_id', $table => 'id']]] |
/src/Ticket.php:5247 | 1 | $link = sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), $link, Html::showToolTip(RichText::getEnhancedHtml($job->fields['content']), ['applyto' => 'ticket' . $job->fields["id"] . $rand, 'display' => false])) |
/src/Ticket.php:5439 | 1 | $twig_params['items'][] = ['link' => self::getSearchURL( ) . "?" . Toolbox::append_params($options), 'text' => self::getStatus($key), 'icon' => self::getStatusClass($key), 'count' => $val] |
/src/Ticket.php:5395 | 1 | $twig_params = ['title' => ['text' => self::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'link' => self::getSearchURL( ) . "?" . Toolbox::append_params($options), 'icon' => self::getIcon( ), ], 'items' => [ ]] |
/src/Ticket.php:4812 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ['', 'glpi_tickets.date_mod'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_tickets', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_tickets_users' => ['ON' => ['glpi_tickets_users' => 'tickets_id', 'glpi_tickets' => 'id']], 'glpi_groups_tickets' => ['ON' => ['glpi_groups_tickets' => 'tickets_id', 'glpi_tickets' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => $WHERE + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_tickets'), 'ORDERBY' => 'glpi_tickets.date_mod DESC'] |
/src/Ticket.php:5141 | 1 | $twig_params = ['class' => 'table table-borderless table-striped table-hover card-table', 'header_rows' => [[['colspan' => 4, 'content' => $main_header]], [['content' => __('ID'), 'style' => 'width: 75px'], ['content' => _n('Requester', 'Requesters', 1), 'style' => 'width: 20%'], ['content' => _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'style' => 'width: 20%'], __('Description')]], 'rows' => [ ]] |
/src/Ticket.php:4681 | 1 | $WHERE = array_merge($WHERE, ['users_id_validate' => Session::getLoginUserID( ), 'glpi_ticketvalidations.status' => CommonITILValidation::WAITING, 'glpi_tickets.global_validation' => CommonITILValidation::WAITING, 'NOT' => ['glpi_tickets.status' => [self::SOLVED, self::CLOSED]]]) |
/src/Ticket.php:4528 | 1 | $tt = $this->getITILTemplateToUse($options['template_preview'] ?? 0, $this->fields['type'], ($ID ? $this->fields['itilcategories_id'] : $options['itilcategories_id']), ($ID ? $this->fields['entities_id'] : $options['entities_id'])) |
/src/Ticket.php:4776 | 1 | $WHERE = array_merge($WHERE, ['glpi_tickets.status' => self::CLOSED, ['OR' => ['glpi_entities.inquest_duration' => 0, new \QueryExpression('DATEDIFF(ADDDATE(' . $DB->quoteName('glpi_ticketsatisfactions.date_begin') . ', INTERVAL ' . $DB->quoteName('glpi_entities.inquest_duration') . ' DAY), CURDATE()) > 0')]], 'glpi_ticketsatisfactions.date_answered' => null]) |
/src/Ticket.php:4707 | 1 | $subq = new QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => '', 'FROM' => 'glpi_itilsolutions AS last_solution', 'WHERE' => ['last_solution.items_id' => new QueryExpression($DB->quoteName('')), 'last_solution.itemtype' => 'Ticket'], 'ORDER' => ' DESC', 'LIMIT' => 1]) |
/src/Ticket.php:4008 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'glpi_ticketcosts.*', 'FROM' => 'glpi_ticketcosts', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => 'tickets_id', 'glpi_ticketcosts' => 'tickets_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_items_tickets.itemtype' => get_class($item), 'glpi_items_tickets.items_id' => $item->getField('id'), 'OR' => ['glpi_ticketcosts.cost_time' => ['>', 0], 'glpi_ticketcosts.cost_fixed' => ['>', 0], 'glpi_ticketcosts.cost_material' => ['>', 0]]]]) |
/src/Ticket.php:3926 | 1 | $tab = [self::INCOMING => _x('status', 'New'), self::ASSIGNED => _x('status', 'Processing (assigned)'), self::PLANNED => _x('status', 'Processing (planned)'), self::WAITING => __('Pending'), self::SOLVED => _x('status', 'Solved'), self::CLOSED => _x('status', 'Closed')] |
/src/Ticket.php:4302 | 1 | return ['_users_id_requester' => $users_id_requester, '_users_id_requester_notif' => ['use_notification' => [$default_use_notif], 'alternative_email' => ['']], '_groups_id_requester' => 0, '_users_id_assign' => $users_id_assign, '_users_id_assign_notif' => ['use_notification' => [$default_use_notif], 'alternative_email' => ['']], '_groups_id_assign' => 0, '_users_id_observer' => 0, '_users_id_observer_notif' => ['use_notification' => [$default_use_notif], 'alternative_email' => ['']], '_groups_id_observer' => 0, '_link' => ['tickets_id_2' => '', 'link' => ''], '_suppliers_id_assign' => 0, '_suppliers_id_assign_notif' => ['use_notification' => [$default_use_notif], 'alternative_email' => ['']], 'name' => '', 'content' => '', 'itilcategories_id' => 0, 'urgency' => 3, 'impact' => 3, 'priority' => self::computePriority(3, 3), 'requesttypes_id' => $requesttype, 'actiontime' => 0, 'date' => null, 'entities_id' => $entity, 'status' => self::INCOMING, 'followup' => [ ], 'itemtype' => '', 'items_id' => 0, 'locations_id' => 0, 'plan' => [ ], 'global_validation' => CommonITILValidation::NONE, 'time_to_resolve' => 'NULL', 'time_to_own' => 'NULL', 'slas_id_tto' => 0, 'slas_id_ttr' => 0, 'internal_time_to_resolve' => 'NULL', 'internal_time_to_own' => 'NULL', 'olas_id_tto' => 0, 'olas_id_ttr' => 0, '_add_validation' => 0, 'users_id_validate' => [ ], 'type' => $type, '_documents_id' => [ ], '_tasktemplates_id' => [ ], '_content' => [ ], '_tag_content' => [ ], '_filename' => [ ], '_tag_filename' => [ ], '_actors' => [ ], ] |
/src/Ticket.php:4081 | 1 | $default_values = ['_users_id_requester_notif' => ['use_notification' => (($email == "") ? 0 : $default_use_notif)], 'nodelegate' => 1, '_users_id_requester' => 0, '_users_id_observer' => 0, '_users_id_observer_notif' => ['use_notification' => $default_use_notif], 'name' => '', 'content' => '', 'itilcategories_id' => 0, 'locations_id' => 0, 'urgency' => 3, 'items_id' => [ ], 'entities_id' => $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'], 'plan' => [ ], '_add_validation' => 0, 'type' => Entity::getUsedConfig('tickettype', $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'], '', Ticket::INCIDENT_TYPE), '_right' => "id", '_content' => [ ], '_tag_content' => [ ], '_filename' => [ ], '_tag_filename' => [ ], '_tasktemplates_id' => [ ]] |
/src/User.php:3737 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '60', 'table' => 'glpi_tickets', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => __('Number of tickets as requester'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_tickets_users', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.type' => CommonITILActor::REQUESTER]]]]] |
/src/User.php:3665 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '80', 'table' => 'glpi_entities', 'linkfield' => 'entities_id', 'field' => 'completename', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), Profile::getTypeName(1)), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_profiles_users', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]]] |
/src/User.php:3772 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '64', 'table' => 'glpi_tickets', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => __('Number of assigned tickets'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_tickets_users', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.type' => CommonITILActor::ASSIGN]]]]] |
/src/User.php:3757 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '61', 'table' => 'glpi_tickets', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => __('Number of written tickets'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'linkfield' => 'users_id_recipient']] |
/src/User.php:3546 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '30', 'table' => 'glpi_authldaps', 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => 'auths_id', 'name' => __('LDAP directory for authentication'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['condition' => ['REFTABLE.authtype' => Auth::LDAP]], 'datatype' => 'dropdown'] |
/src/User.php:3533 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '15', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'authtype', 'name' => __('Authentication'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'specific', 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'additionalfields' => ['0' => 'auths_id']] |
/src/User.php:3608 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '20', 'table' => 'glpi_profiles', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Profile::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), Entity::getTypeName(1)), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_profiles_users', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]]] |
/src/User.php:3559 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '31', 'table' => 'glpi_authmails', 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => 'auths_id', 'name' => __('Email server for authentication'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['condition' => ['REFTABLE.authtype' => Auth::MAIL]], 'datatype' => 'dropdown'] |
/src/User.php:3205 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['name' => $this->input['name'], 'id' => ['<>', $this->input['id']]]]) |
/src/User.php:3506 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '13', 'table' => 'glpi_groups', 'field' => 'completename', 'name' => Group::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_groups_users', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]]] |
/src/User.php:3440 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '5', 'table' => 'glpi_useremails', 'field' => 'email', 'name' => _n('Email', 'Emails', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'email', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/User.php:2808 | 2 | $extauth = !(($this->fields["authtype"] == Auth::DB_GLPI) || (($this->fields["authtype"] == Auth::NOT_YET_AUTHENTIFIED) && !empty($this->fields["password"]))) |
/src/User.php:2289 | 2 | $extauth = !(($this->fields["authtype"] == Auth::DB_GLPI) || (($this->fields["authtype"] == Auth::NOT_YET_AUTHENTIFIED) && !empty($this->fields["password"]))) |
/src/User.php:5923 | 1 | $notification_request = ['FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => [Alert::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [Alert::getTable( ) => 'items_id', self::getTable( ) => 'id', ['AND' => [Alert::getTableField('itemtype') => self::getType( ), ]], ]]], 'WHERE' => [self::getTableField('is_deleted') => 0, self::getTableField('is_active') => 1, self::getTableField('authtype') => Auth::DB_GLPI, new QueryExpression(sprintf('NOW() > ADDDATE(%s, INTERVAL %s DAY)', $DB->quoteName(self::getTableField('password_last_update')), $expiration_delay - $notice_time)), 'OR' => [[Alert::getTableField('date') => null], [Alert::getTableField('date') => ['<', new QueryExpression('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 1 day')]], ], ], ] |
/src/User.php:5414 | 1 | $condition = ['glpi_users.is_active' => 1, 'glpi_users.is_deleted' => 0, ['OR' => [['glpi_users.begin_date' => null], ['glpi_users.begin_date' => ['<', new QueryExpression('NOW()')]]], ], ['OR' => [['glpi_users.end_date' => null], ['glpi_users.end_date' => ['>', new QueryExpression('NOW()')]]]]] |
/src/User.php:6435 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['password_forget_token' => $token, new \QueryExpression('NOW() < ADDDATE(' . $DB->quoteName('password_forget_token_date') . ', INTERVAL 1 DAY)')]]) |
/src/User.php:6122 | 1 | return ['OR' => [['RAW' => ["LOWER($login)" => ['LIKE', "%$filter%"]]], ['RAW' => ["LOWER(REPLACE(CONCAT($firstname, $lastname), ' ', ''))" => ['LIKE', "%$filter_no_spaces%"]]], ['RAW' => ["LOWER(REPLACE(CONCAT($lastname, $firstname), ' ', ''))" => ['LIKE', "%$filter_no_spaces%"]]], ]] |
/src/User.php:4735 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_groups_users.groups_id', ''], 'FROM' => 'glpi_groups_users', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_groups' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_groups_users' => 'groups_id', 'glpi_groups' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_groups_users.users_id' => $ID]]) |
/src/User.php:4424 | 1 | $param = ['multiple' => $p['multiple'], 'width' => $p['width'], 'all' => $p['all'], 'display_emptychoice' => $p['display_emptychoice'], 'placeholder' => $p['placeholder'], 'right' => $p['right'], 'on_change' => $p['on_change'], 'used' => $p['used'], 'inactive_deleted' => $p['inactive_deleted'], 'with_no_right' => $p['with_no_right'], 'entity_restrict' => ($entity_restrict = (is_array($p['entity']) ? json_encode(array_values($p['entity'])) : $p['entity'])), 'specific_tags' => $p['specific_tags'], 'toadd' => $p['toadd'], 'class' => $p['class'], '_idor_token' => Session::getNewIDORToken(__CLASS__, ['right' => $p['right'], 'entity_restrict' => $entity_restrict, ]), ] |
/src/User.php:4940 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'users_id AS id', 'FROM' => 'glpi_useremails', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_users' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_useremails' => 'users_id', 'glpi_users' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['' => $DB->escape(stripslashes($email))], 'ORDER' => ['glpi_users.is_active DESC', 'is_deleted ASC']]) |
/src/User.php:4841 | 1 | $header = "<tr>" . "<th>" . _n('Type', 'Types', 1) . "</th>" . "<th>" . Entity::getTypeName(1) . "</th>" . "<th>" . __('Name') . "</th>" . "<th>" . __('Serial number') . "</th>" . "<th>" . __('Inventory number') . "</th>" . "<th>" . __('Status') . "</th>" . "<th> </th></tr>" |
/src/User.php:4142 | 1 | $WHERE = array_merge($WHERE, ['glpi_users.is_deleted' => 0, 'glpi_users.is_active' => 1, ['OR' => [['glpi_users.begin_date' => null], ['glpi_users.begin_date' => ['<', new QueryExpression('NOW()')]]]], ['OR' => [['glpi_users.end_date' => null], ['glpi_users.end_date' => ['>', new QueryExpression('NOW()')]]]]]) |
/src/User.php:4047 | 1 | $ORWHERE[] = [['' => 'ticketvalidation', 'OR' => [['glpi_profilerights.rights' => ['&', TicketValidation::CREATEREQUEST]], ['glpi_profilerights.rights' => ['&', TicketValidation::CREATEINCIDENT]]]] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_profiles_users', '', $entity_restrict, 1)] |
/src/User.php:4322 | 1 | $p = ['name' => 'users_id', 'value' => '', 'values' => [ ], 'right' => 'id', 'all' => 0, 'display_emptychoice' => true, 'emptylabel' => Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE, 'placeholder' => '', 'on_change' => '', 'comments' => 1, 'width' => '', 'entity' => -1, 'entity_sons' => false, 'used' => [ ], 'ldap_import' => false, 'toupdate' => '', 'rand' => mt_rand( ), 'display' => true, '_user_index' => 0, 'specific_tags' => [ ], 'class' => "form-select", 'url' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/ajax/getDropdownUsers.php", 'inactive_deleted' => 0, 'with_no_right' => 0, 'toadd' => [ ], 'hide_if_no_elements' => false, 'readonly' => false, 'multiple' => false, ] |
/src/User.php:4240 | 1 | $WHERE[] = ['OR' => ['' => ['LIKE', $txt_search], 'glpi_users.realname' => ['LIKE', $txt_search], 'glpi_users.firstname' => ['LIKE', $txt_search], '' => ['LIKE', $txt_search], 'glpi_users.registration_number' => ['LIKE', $txt_search], '' => ['LIKE', $txt_search], $concat]] |
/src/User.php:3947 | 2 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => '', 'FROM' => 'glpi_groups_users', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_users' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_groups_users' => 'users_id', 'glpi_users' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_groups_users.groups_id' => $groups, 'glpi_groups_users.users_id' => ['<>', Session::getLoginUserID( )]]]) |
/src/User.php:3862 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'glpi_groups_users.groups_id', 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_groups_users', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_groups' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_groups_users' => 'groups_id', 'glpi_groups' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_groups_users.users_id' => Session::getLoginUserID( ), 'glpi_groups_users.is_userdelegate' => 1] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_groups', '', $entities_id, 1)]) |
/src/User.php:3984 | 2 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => '', 'FROM' => 'glpi_groups_users', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_users' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_groups_users' => 'users_id', 'glpi_users' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_groups_users.groups_id' => $groups, 'glpi_groups_users.users_id' => ['<>', Session::getLoginUserID( )]]]) |
/src/DeviceMemory.php:228 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '110', 'table' => 'glpi_devicememories', 'field' => 'designation', 'name' => DeviceMemoryType::getTypeName(1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'string', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_items_devicememories', 'joinparams' => $main_joinparams]]] |
/src/Appliance_Item_Relation.php:248 | 1 | $modal_html = json_encode(" <form action='{$form_url}' method='POST'> <p>" . Dropdown::showSelectItemFromItemtypes(['items_id_name' => 'items_id', 'itemtypes' => Appliance_Item_Relation::getTypes(true), 'entity_restrict' => ($item->fields['is_recursive'] ?? false) ? getSonsOf('glpi_entities', $item->fields['entities_id']) : $item->fields['entities_id'], 'checkright' => true, 'display' => false, ]) . "</p> <input type='hidden' name='appliances_items_id'> " . Html::submit(_x('button', "Add"), ['name' => 'add']) . " " . Html::closeForm(false)) |
/src/DeviceMemory.php:245 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '111', 'table' => 'glpi_items_devicememories', 'field' => 'size', 'unit' => 'auto', 'name' => _n('Memory', 'Memories', 1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'number', 'width' => 100, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => $main_joinparams, 'computation' => '(SUM(' . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.size') . ') / COUNT(' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')) * COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')', 'nometa' => true, ] |
/src/CommonDropdown.php:957 | 1 | $ret .= KnowbaseItem::dropdown(['value' => reset($found_kbitem)['id'], 'display' => false, 'rand' => $rand, 'condition' => [KnowbaseItem::getTable( ) . '.id' => KnowbaseItem::getForCategory($this->fields['knowbaseitemcategories_id'])], 'on_change' => "getKnowbaseItemAnswer$rand()"]) |
/src/DeviceMemory.php:48 | 1 | return array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'size_default', 'label' => __('Size by default'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'unit' => __('Mio')], ['name' => 'frequence', 'label' => __('Frequency'), 'type' => 'text', 'unit' => __('MHz')], ['name' => 'devicememorytypes_id', 'label' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'devicememorymodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue']]) |
/src/NotificationAjax.php:59 | 1 | return $instance->sendNotification(['_itemtype' => 'NotificationAjax', '_items_id' => 1, '_notificationtemplates_id' => 0, '_entities_id' => 0, 'fromname' => 'TEST', 'subject' => 'Test notification', 'content_text' => "Hello, this is a test notification.", 'to' => Session::getLoginUserID( )]) |
/src/KnowbaseItem_Revision.php:357 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['MAX' => 'revision AS revision'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_knowbaseitems_revisions', 'WHERE' => ['knowbaseitems_id' => $this->fields['knowbaseitems_id'], 'language' => $this->fields['language']]])->current( ) |
/src/Plugin.php:2548 | 1 | $tab = [self::ANEW => _x('status', 'New'), self::ACTIVATED => _x('plugin', 'Enabled'), self::NOTINSTALLED => _x('plugin', 'Not installed'), self::NOTUPDATED => __('To update'), self::TOBECONFIGURED => _x('plugin', 'Installed / not configured'), self::NOTACTIVATED => _x('plugin', 'Installed / not activated'), self::TOBECLEANED => __('Error / to clean')] |
/src/CommonDropdown.php:498 | 1 | $options[] = ['id' => '138', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'picture_rear', 'name' => __('Rear picture'), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'nosearch' => true, 'massiveaction' => true, 'nosort' => true, ] |
/src/CommonDropdown.php:485 | 1 | $options[] = ['id' => '137', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'picture_front', 'name' => __('Front picture'), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'nosearch' => true, 'massiveaction' => true, 'nosort' => true, ] |
/src/Plugin.php:782 | 1 | $message .= '<br/><br/>' . str_replace('%activate_link', Html::getSimpleForm(static::getFormURL( ), ['action' => 'activate'], mb_strtolower(_x('button', 'Enable')), ['id' => $ID], '', 'class="pointer"'), __('Do you want to %activate_link it?')) |
/src/Plugin.php:2319 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '8', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'id', 'name' => __('Actions'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'datatype' => 'specific', 'noremove' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['directory']] |
/src/User.php:1544 | 1 | $name = formatUserName($this->fields["id"], $this->fields["name"], (isset($this->fields["realname"]) ? $this->fields["realname"] : ''), (isset($this->fields["firstname"]) ? $this->fields["firstname"] : '')) |
/src/User.php:1243 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', 'glpi_groups_users.groups_id', 'glpi_groups_users.is_dynamic'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_groups_users', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_groups' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_groups_users' => 'groups_id', 'glpi_groups' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_groups_users.users_id' => $this->fields['id']]]) |
/src/User.php:2160 | 1 | $this->fields = $rule->processAllRules([ ], Toolbox::stripslashes_deep($this->fields), ['type' => Auth::EXTERNAL, 'email' => $this->fields["_emails"], 'login' => $this->fields["name"]]) |
/src/User.php:1882 | 1 | $this->fields = $rule->processAllRules($groups, Toolbox::stripslashes_deep($this->fields), ['type' => Auth::LDAP, 'ldap_server' => $ldap_method["id"], 'connection' => $ldap_connection, 'userdn' => $userdn, 'login' => $this->fields['name'], 'mail_email' => $this->fields['_emails']]) |
/src/Peripheral.php:407 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '130', 'table' => 'glpi_computers_items', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of peripherals'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.itemtype' => 'Peripheral']]] |
/src/Peripheral.php:354 | 10 | $tab[] = ['id' => '61', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'template_name', 'name' => __('Template name'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, ] |
/src/User.php:672 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['name' => $input['name'], 'authtype' => $input['authtype'], 'auths_id' => $input['auths_id']], 'LIMIT' => 1]) |
/src/User.php:516 | 1 | $query = ['SELECT' => self::getTable( ) . '.id', 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => [UserEmail::getTable( ) => ['FKEY' => [self::getTable( ) => 'id', UserEmail::getTable( ) => self::getForeignKeyField( )]]], 'WHERE' => [UserEmail::getTable( ) . '.email' => $email] + $condition] |
/src/DeviceBattery.php:46 | 1 | return array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'devicebatterytypes_id', 'label' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'capacity', 'label' => __('Capacity'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'unit' => __('mWh')], ['name' => 'voltage', 'label' => __('Voltage'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'unit' => __('mV')]]) |
/src/Blacklist.php:240 | 1 | $options = [self::IP => __('IP'), self::MAC => __('MAC'), self::SERIAL => __('Serial number'), self::UUID => __('UUID'), self::EMAIL => _n('Email', 'Emails', 1), self::MODEL => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), self::NAME => __('Name'), self::MANUFACTURER => _n('Manufacturer', 'Manufacturers', 1)] |
/src/PendingReasonCron.php:88 | 1 | $data = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => PendingReason_Item::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['pendingreasons_id' => ['>', 0], 'followup_frequency' => ['>', 0], 'itemtype' => $targets]]) |
/src/CleanSoftwareCron.php:158 | 1 | return ['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => Software::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['is_deleted' => 0, 'NOT' => ['id' => new QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'softwares_id', 'FROM' => SoftwareVersion::getTable( ), ]), ]]] |
/src/CleanSoftwareCron.php:121 | 1 | return ['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => SoftwareVersion::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['NOT' => ['OR' => [['id' => new QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'softwareversions_id', 'FROM' => Item_SoftwareVersion::getTable( ), ])], ['id' => new QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'softwareversions_id_buy', 'FROM' => SoftwareLicense::getTable( ), ]), ], ['id' => new QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'softwareversions_id_use', 'FROM' => SoftwareLicense::getTable( ), ]), ], ], ], ], ] |
/src/Blacklist.php:87 | 1 | return [['name' => 'value', 'label' => __('Value'), 'type' => 'text', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'type', 'label' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'type' => '', 'list' => true]] |
/src/DeviceFirmware.php:47 | 1 | return array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'devicefirmwaretypes_id', 'label' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'date', 'label' => __('Release date'), 'type' => 'date'], ['name' => 'version', 'label' => _n('Version', 'Versions', 1), 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'devicefirmwaremodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue']]) |
/src/DeviceNetworkCard.php:65 | 1 | return array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'mac_default', 'label' => __('MAC address by default'), 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'bandwidth', 'label' => __('Flow'), 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'devicenetworkcardmodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'none', 'label' => RegisteredID::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) . RegisteredID::showAddChildButtonForItemForm($this, '_registeredID', null, false), 'type' => 'registeredIDChooser']]) |
/src/Item_Kanban.php:111 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['date_mod', 'state'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_items_kanbans', 'WHERE' => ['users_id' => $force_global ? 0 : Session::getLoginUserID( ), 'itemtype' => $itemtype, 'items_id' => $items_id]]) |
/src/LevelAgreement.php:259 | 1 | return ['minute' => _n('Minute', 'Minutes', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'hour' => _n('Hour', 'Hours', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'day' => _n('Day', 'Days', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'month' => _n('Month', 'Months', Session::getPluralNumber( ))] |
/src/DeviceNetworkCard.php:216 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '112', 'table' => 'glpi_devicenetworkcards', 'field' => 'designation', 'name' => NetworkInterface::getTypeName(1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'string', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_items_devicenetworkcards', 'joinparams' => $main_joinparams]]] |
/src/NotificationTargetProject.php:713 | 1 | $tags = ['' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), __('ID')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), 'change.url' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), ('URL')), 'change.title' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), __('Title')), 'change.content' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), __('Description')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), __('ID')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), 'problem.url' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), ('URL')), 'problem.title' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), __('Title')), 'problem.content' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Problem::getTypeName(1), __('Description')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), __('ID')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), 'ticket.url' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), ('URL')), 'ticket.title' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), __('Title')), 'ticket.content' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), __('Description')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Name')), 'cost.comment' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Comments')), 'cost.datebegin' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Begin date')), 'cost.dateend' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('End date')), 'cost.cost' => _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), 'cost.budget' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), Budget::getTypeName(1)), 'document.url' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('URL')), 'document.downloadurl' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('Download URL')), 'document.heading' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('Heading')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('ID')), 'document.filename' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('File')), 'document.weblink' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('Web link')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('Name')), 'project.urldocument' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), __('URL')), 'project.entity' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Complete name')), 'project.shortentity' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Name')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Team member', 'Team members', 1), __('Name')), 'teammember.itemtype' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Team member', 'Team members', 1), _n('Type', 'Types', 1)), ] |
/src/NotificationTargetProject.php:627 | 1 | $tags_all = ['project.url' => __('URL'), 'project.action' => _n('Event', 'Events', 1), '' => __('Name'), 'project.code' => __('Code'), 'project.description' => __('Description'), 'project.comments' => __('Comments'), 'project.creationdate' => __('Creation date'), 'project.lastupdatedate' => __('Last update'), 'project.planstartdate' => __('Planned start date'), 'project.planenddate' => __('Planned end date'), 'project.realstartdate' => __('Real start date'), 'project.realenddate' => __('Real end date'), 'project.priority' => __('Priority'), 'project.father' => __('Father'), 'project.manager' => _n('Manager', 'Managers', 1), 'project.managergroup' => __('Manager group'), 'project.type' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'project.state' => _x('item', 'State'), 'project.percent' => __('Percent done'), 'project.plannedduration' => __('Planned duration'), 'project.effectiveduration' => __('Effective duration'), 'project.numberoftasks' => _x('quantity', 'Number of tasks'), 'project.numberofteammembers' => _x('quantity', 'Number of team members'), '' => __('Opening date'), '' => __('Name'), 'task.description' => __('Description'), 'task.comments' => __('Comments'), 'task.creationdate' => __('Creation date'), 'task.lastupdatedate' => __('Last update'), 'task.type' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'task.state' => _x('item', 'State'), 'task.percent' => __('Percent done'), 'task.planstartdate' => __('Planned start date'), 'task.planenddate' => __('Planned end date'), 'task.realstartdate' => __('Real start date'), 'task.realenddate' => __('Real end date'), 'project.totalcost' => __('Total cost'), 'project.numberofcosts' => __('Number of costs'), 'project.numberoflogs' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), _x('quantity', 'Number of items')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), 'project.log.user' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), User::getTypeName(1)), 'project.log.field' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), _n('Field', 'Fields', 1)), 'project.log.content' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), _x('name', 'Update')), 'project.numberofchanges' => _x('quantity', 'Number of changes'), 'project.numberofproblems' => _x('quantity', 'Number of problems'), 'project.numberoftickets' => _x('quantity', 'Number of tickets'), 'project.numberofdocuments' => _x('quantity', 'Number of documents'), '' => _n('Associated item', 'Associated items', 1), 'item.serial' => __('Serial number'), 'item.otherserial' => __('Inventory number'), 'item.location' => Location::getTypeName(1), 'item.model' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), '' => __('Alternate username'), 'item.contactnumber' => __('Alternate username number'), 'item.user' => User::getTypeName(1), '' => Group::getTypeName(1)] |
/src/NotificationTargetProject.php:790 | 1 | $tags = ['log' => __('Historical'), 'tasks' => _n('Task', 'Tasks', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'costs' => _n('Cost', 'Costs', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'changes' => _n('Change', 'Changes', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'problems' => Problem::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'tickets' => _n('Ticket', 'Tickets', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'teammembers' => _n('Team member', 'Team members', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'items' => _n('Item', 'Items', Session::getPluralNumber( ))] |
/src/NotificationTargetProject.php:770 | 1 | $tags = ['project.entity' => Entity::getTypeName(1), 'project.log' => __('Historical'), 'project.tasks' => _n('Task', 'Tasks', Session::getPluralNumber( )), '' => ProjectTeam::getTypeName(1), 'project.costs' => _n('Cost', 'Costs', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'project.changes' => _n('Change', 'Changes', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'project.problems' => Problem::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), '' => _n('Ticket', 'Tickets', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'project.items' => _n('Item', 'Items', Session::getPluralNumber( ))] |
/src/Item_SoftwareLicense.php:952 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses.*', ' AS type'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_softwarelicenses', 'INNER JOIN' => [$item_license_table => ['FKEY' => [$item_license_table => 'softwarelicenses_id', 'glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'id']]], 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_softwarelicensetypes' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'softwarelicensetypes_id', 'glpi_softwarelicensetypes' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => [$item_license_table . '.itemtype' => $itemtype, $item_license_table . '.items_id' => $items_id, 'OR' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses.softwareversions_id_use' => $softwareversions_id, 'glpi_softwarelicenses.softwareversions_id_buy' => $softwareversions_id]]]) |
/src/NotificationTargetProject.php:502 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'glpi_documents.*', 'FROM' => 'glpi_documents', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_documents_items' => ['ON' => ['glpi_documents_items' => 'documents_id', 'glpi_documents' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_documents_items.itemtype' => 'Project', 'glpi_documents_items.items_id' => $item->fields['id']]]) |
/src/NotificationTargetProject.php:483 | 1 | $values[] = ['##' . $lc_itemtype . '.id##' => $data['items_id'], '##' . $lc_itemtype . '.date##' => $nitem->getField('date'), '##' . $lc_itemtype . '.title##' => $nitem->getField('name'), '##' . $lc_itemtype . '.url##' => $this->formatURL($options['additionnaloption']['usertype'], $lc_itemtype . '_' . $data['items_id']), '##' . $lc_itemtype . '.content##' => $nitem->getField('content')] |
/src/Item_SoftwareLicense.php:637 | 1 | $query = ['SELECT' => [$item_license_table . '.*', ' AS license', ' AS vID', 'glpi_softwarelicenses.softwares_id AS softid', "{$itemtable}.name AS itemname", "{$itemtable}.id AS iID", new QueryExpression($DB->quoteValue($itemtype) . " AS " . $DB->quoteName('item_type')), ], 'FROM' => $item_license_table, 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses' => ['FKEY' => [$item_license_table => 'softwarelicenses_id', 'glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'id']]], 'LEFT JOIN' => [$itemtable => ['FKEY' => [$item_license_table => 'items_id', $itemtable => 'id', ['AND' => [$item_license_table . '.itemtype' => $itemtype]]]]], 'WHERE' => ['' => $searchID, 'glpi_items_softwarelicenses.is_deleted' => 0]] |
/src/Item_SoftwareLicense.php:463 | 1 | $itemtype_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['itemtype'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $item_license_table, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$license_table => ['FKEY' => [$license_table => 'id', $item_license_table => 'softwarelicenses_id']]], 'WHERE' => [$item_license_table . '.softwarelicenses_id' => $softwarelicense_id] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($license_table, '', $data['id'])]) |
/src/Item_SoftwareLicense.php:848 | 2 | $header_end .= "<th" . ($sort == "`$key`" ? " class='order_$order'" : '') . ">" . "<a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"sort=$key&order=" . (($order == "ASC") ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "&start=0\");'>$val</a></th>" |
/src/Item_SoftwareLicense.php:818 | 1 | $columns = ['item_type' => __('Item type'), 'itemname' => __('Name'), 'entity' => Entity::getTypeName(1), 'serial' => __('Serial number'), 'otherserial' => __('Inventory number'), 'location,itemname' => Location::getTypeName(1), 'state,itemname' => __('Status'), 'groupe,itemname' => Group::getTypeName(1), 'username,itemname' => User::getTypeName(1)] |
/src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php:750 | 2 | $header_end .= "<th" . ($sort == "`$key`" ? " class='order_$order'" : '') . ">" . "<a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"sort=$key&order=" . (($order == "ASC") ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "&start=0\");'>$val</a></th>" |
/src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php:706 | 1 | $massiveactionparams = ['num_displayed' => min($_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], $number), 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'specific_actions' => [__CLASS__ . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'move_version' => _x('button', 'Move'), 'purge' => _x('button', 'Delete permanently')]] |
/src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php:1257 | 1 | $lic_request = ['SELECT' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses.*', ' AS linkid', ' AS softname', ' AS version', ' AS state'], 'FROM' => SoftwareLicense::getTable( ), 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_softwares' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'softwares_id', 'glpi_softwares' => 'id']]], 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_items_softwarelicenses' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_items_softwarelicenses' => 'softwarelicenses_id', 'glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'id']], 'glpi_softwareversions' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => 'id', 'glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'softwareversions_id_use', ['AND' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses.softwareversions_id_use' => 0, 'glpi_softwarelicenses.softwareversions_id_buy' => new \QueryExpression(DBmysql::quoteName('')), ]]]], 'glpi_states' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => 'states_id', 'glpi_states' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_items_softwarelicenses.items_id' => $items_id, 'glpi_items_softwarelicenses.itemtype' => $itemtype, ] + $lic_where, 'ORDER' => ['softname', 'version']] |
/src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php:930 | 1 | $request = ['SELECT' => $select, 'FROM' => $selftable, 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => ['FKEY' => [$selftable => 'softwareversions_id', 'glpi_softwareversions' => 'id']], 'glpi_states' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => 'states_id', 'glpi_states' => 'id']], 'glpi_softwares' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => 'softwares_id', 'glpi_softwares' => 'id']], 'glpi_softwarecategories' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_softwares' => 'softwarecategories_id', 'glpi_softwarecategories' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ["{$selftable}.items_id" => $item->getField('id'), "{$selftable}.itemtype" => $item->getType( )] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_softwares', '', '', true), 'ORDER' => ['softname', 'version']] |
/src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php:382 | 1 | $request = ['FROM' => 'glpi_softwareversions', 'COUNT' => 'cpt', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_items_softwareversions' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_items_softwareversions' => 'softwareversions_id', 'glpi_softwareversions' => 'id']], $itemtable => ['FKEY' => [$itemtable => 'id', 'glpi_items_softwareversions' => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['glpi_items_softwareversions.itemtype' => $itemtype]]]]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_softwareversions.softwares_id' => $softwares_id, 'glpi_items_softwareversions.is_deleted' => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($itemtable, '', '', true)] |
/src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php:357 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['itemtype'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_softwareversions', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_items_softwareversions' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_items_softwareversions' => 'softwareversions_id', 'glpi_softwareversions' => 'id']], ], 'WHERE' => ['softwares_id' => $softwares_id]]) |
/src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php:532 | 1 | $query = ['SELECT' => [$item_version_table . '.*', ' AS version', 'glpi_softwareversions.softwares_id AS sID', ' AS vID', "{$itemtable}.name AS itemname", "{$itemtable}.id AS iID", new QueryExpression($DB->quoteValue($itemtype) . " AS " . $DB->quoteName('item_type')), ], 'FROM' => $item_version_table, 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => ['FKEY' => [$item_version_table => 'softwareversions_id', 'glpi_softwareversions' => 'id']]], 'LEFT JOIN' => [$itemtable => ['FKEY' => [$item_version_table => 'items_id', $itemtable => 'id', ['AND' => [$item_version_table . '.itemtype' => $itemtype]]]]], 'WHERE' => ["glpi_softwareversions.$crit" => $searchID, 'glpi_items_softwareversions.is_deleted' => 0]] |
/src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php:467 | 1 | $refcolumns = ['vername' => _n('Version', 'Versions', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'item_type' => __('Item type'), 'itemname' => __('Name'), 'entity' => Entity::getTypeName(1), 'serial' => __('Serial number'), 'otherserial' => __('Inventory number'), 'location,itemname' => Location::getTypeName(1), 'state,itemname' => __('Status'), 'groupe,itemname' => Group::getTypeName(1), 'username,itemname' => User::getTypeName(1), 'lname' => SoftwareLicense::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'date_install' => __('Installation date')] |
/src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php:77 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '3', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'items_id', 'name' => _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosort' => true, 'datatype' => 'specific', 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype']] |
/src/Supplier_Ticket.php:58 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_suppliers' => ['ON' => [$this->getTable( ) => 'suppliers_id', 'glpi_suppliers' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => [$this->getTable( ) . '.tickets_id' => $items_id, '' => $email]]) |
/src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php:313 | 1 | $request = ['FROM' => 'glpi_items_softwareversions', 'COUNT' => 'cpt', 'INNER JOIN' => [$itemtable => ['FKEY' => [$itemtable => 'id', 'glpi_items_softwareversions' => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['glpi_items_softwareversions.itemtype' => $itemtype]]]]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_items_softwareversions.softwareversions_id' => $softwareversions_id, 'glpi_items_softwareversions.is_deleted' => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($itemtable, '', $entity)] |
/src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php:267 | 1 | $result = $DB->update($this->getTable( ), ['is_template_item' => $item->maybeTemplate( ) ? $item->getField('is_template') : 0, 'is_deleted_item' => $item->maybeDeleted( ) ? $item->getField('is_deleted') : 0], ['items_id' => $items_id, 'itemtype' => $itemtype]) |
/src/LevelAgreement.php:657 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '5', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'number_time', 'name' => _x('hour', 'Time'), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['definition_time']] |
/src/LevelAgreement.php:608 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [static::getTable( ) . '.id'], 'FROM' => static::getTable( ), 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_tickets' => ['FKEY' => [static::getTable( ) => 'id', 'glpi_tickets' => $field]]], 'WHERE' => ['' => $tickets_id], 'LIMIT' => 1]) |
/src/GLPIUploadHandler.php:134 | 1 | $upload_handler = new self(['accept_file_types' => DocumentType::getUploadableFilePattern( ), 'image_versions' => ['auto_orient' => false, ], 'param_name' => $pname, 'replace_dots_in_filenames' => false, 'upload_dir' => $upload_dir, 'max_file_size' => $CFG_GLPI['document_max_size'] * 1024 * 1024, ], false) |
/src/Item_DeviceSimcard.php:58 | 1 | return ['serial' => parent::getSpecificities('serial'), 'otherserial' => parent::getSpecificities('otherserial'), 'locations_id' => parent::getSpecificities('locations_id'), 'states_id' => parent::getSpecificities('states_id'), 'pin' => ['long name' => __('PIN code'), 'short name' => __('PIN code'), 'size' => 20, 'id' => 15, 'datatype' => 'text', 'right' => 'devicesimcard_pinpuk', 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, 'protected' => true], 'pin2' => ['long name' => __('PIN2 code'), 'short name' => __('PIN2 code'), 'size' => 20, 'id' => 16, 'datatype' => 'string', 'right' => 'devicesimcard_pinpuk', 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, 'protected' => true], 'puk' => ['long name' => __('PUK code'), 'short name' => __('PUK code'), 'size' => 20, 'id' => 17, 'datatype' => 'string', 'right' => 'devicesimcard_pinpuk', 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, 'protected' => true], 'puk2' => ['long name' => __('PUK2 code'), 'short name' => __('PUK2 code'), 'size' => 20, 'id' => 18, 'datatype' => 'string', 'right' => 'devicesimcard_pinpuk', 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, 'protected' => true], 'lines_id' => ['long name' => Line::getTypeName(1), 'short name' => Line::getTypeName(1), 'size' => 20, 'id' => 19, 'datatype' => 'dropdown'], 'msin' => ['long name' => __('Mobile Subscriber Identification Number'), 'short name' => __('MSIN'), 'size' => 20, 'id' => 20, 'datatype' => 'string', 'tooltip' => __('MSIN is the last 8 or 10 digits of IMSI')], 'users_id' => ['long name' => User::getTypeName(1), 'short name' => User::getTypeName(1), 'size' => 20, 'id' => 21, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'dropdown_options' => ['right' => 'all']], 'groups_id' => ['long name' => Group::getTypeName(1), 'short name' => Group::getTypeName(1), 'size' => 20, 'id' => 22, 'datatype' => 'dropdown'], ] |
/src/CommonImplicitTreeDropdown.php:156 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id'], 'FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => [$this->getForeignKeyField( ) => $this->getID( ), 'NOT' => ['id' => $potentialSons]]]) |
/src/Item_DeviceDrive.php:48 | 4 | return ['serial' => parent::getSpecificities('serial'), 'otherserial' => parent::getSpecificities('otherserial'), 'locations_id' => parent::getSpecificities('locations_id'), 'states_id' => parent::getSpecificities('states_id'), 'busID' => parent::getSpecificities('busID')] |
/src/OlaLevel.php:333 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => 'glpi_olalevels', 'WHERE' => ['olas_id' => $olas_id, 'id' => ['<>', $olalevels_id], 'execution_time' => ['>', $execution_time], 'is_active' => 1], 'ORDER' => 'execution_time ASC', 'LIMIT' => 1]) |
/src/Computer_Item.php:633 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id'], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['items_id' => $item->getID( ), 'itemtype' => $item->getType( )]]) |
/src/Computer_Item.php:482 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id', 'computers_id', 'is_dynamic'], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $ID, 'is_deleted' => 0, ]]) |
/src/Computer_Item.php:865 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['itemtype', new \QueryExpression('GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ' . $DB->quoteName('items_id') . ') AS ids'), 'computers_id'], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $item->fields['id']], 'GROUP' => 'itemtype']) |
/src/Computer_Item.php:843 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['itemtype', new \QueryExpression('GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ' . $DB->quoteName('items_id') . ') AS ids'), ], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['computers_id' => $item->fields['id']], 'GROUP' => 'itemtype']) |
/src/Infocom.php:1537 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '6', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'warranty_duration', 'name' => __('Warranty duration'), 'datatype' => 'number', 'unit' => 'month', 'max' => '120', 'toadd' => ['-1' => __('Lifelong')]] |
/src/Infocom.php:1390 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '57', 'table' => 'glpi_infocoms', 'field' => 'sink_type', 'name' => __('Amortization type'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => $joinparams, 'datatype' => 'specific', 'searchequalsonfield' => 'specific', 'searchtype' => ['equals', 'notequals']] |
/src/Computer_Item.php:287 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id'], 'FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $item->getID( )]]) |
/src/Infocom.php:1865 | 1 | $types_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'itemtype', 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_infocoms', 'WHERE' => ['NOT' => ['itemtype' => self::getExcludedTypes( )]] + $where, 'ORDER' => 'itemtype']) |
/src/Infocom.php:497 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => "$table.*", 'FROM' => $table, 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_alerts' => ['ON' => ['glpi_alerts' => 'items_id', $table => 'id', ['AND' => ['glpi_alerts.itemtype' => self::getType( ), 'glpi_alerts.type' => Alert::END]]]]], 'WHERE' => [new \QueryExpression('(' . $DB->quoteName('glpi_infocoms.alert') . ' & ' . pow(2, Alert::END) . ') > 0'), "$table.entities_id" => $entity, "$table.warranty_duration" => ['>', 0], 'NOT' => ["$table.warranty_date" => null], new \QueryExpression('DATEDIFF(ADDDATE(' . $DB->quoteName('glpi_infocoms.warranty_date') . ', INTERVAL (' . $DB->quoteName('glpi_infocoms.warranty_duration') . ') MONTH), CURDATE() ) <= ' . $DB->quoteValue($before)), '' => null]]) |
/src/Infocom.php:443 | 1 | $msg = sprintf(__('Purchase date incompatible with the associated budget. %1$s not in budget period: %2$s / %3$s'), Html::convDate($this->fields['buy_date']), Html::convDate($budget->fields['begin_date']), Html::convDate($budget->fields['end_date'])) |
/src/Infocom.php:1331 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '120', 'table' => 'glpi_infocoms', 'field' => 'end_warranty', 'name' => __('Warranty expiration date'), 'datatype' => 'date_delay', 'datafields' => ['1' => 'warranty_date', '2' => 'warranty_duration'], 'searchunit' => 'MONTH', 'delayunit' => 'MONTH', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => $joinparams] |
/src/Infocom.php:1306 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '51', 'table' => 'glpi_infocoms', 'field' => 'warranty_duration', 'name' => __('Warranty duration'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => $joinparams, 'datatype' => 'number', 'unit' => 'month', 'max' => '120', 'toadd' => ['-1' => __('Lifelong')]] |
/src/Item_SoftwareLicense.php:313 | 1 | $request = ['FROM' => 'glpi_items_softwarelicenses', 'COUNT' => 'cpt', 'INNER JOIN' => [$itemtable => ['FKEY' => [$itemtable => 'id', 'glpi_items_softwarelicenses' => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['glpi_items_softwarelicenses.itemtype' => $itemtype]]]]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_items_softwarelicenses.softwarelicenses_id' => $softwarelicenses_id, 'glpi_items_softwarelicenses.is_deleted' => 0]] |
/src/Item_SoftwareLicense.php:92 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '5', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'items_id', 'name' => _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'comments' => true, 'nosort' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype']] |
/src/Item_SoftwareLicense.php:388 | 1 | $request = ['FROM' => 'glpi_softwarelicenses', 'COUNT' => 'cpt', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_items_softwarelicenses' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'id', 'glpi_items_softwarelicenses' => 'softwarelicenses_id']], $itemtable => ['FKEY' => [$itemtable => 'id', 'glpi_items_softwarelicenses' => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['glpi_items_softwarelicenses.itemtype' => $itemtype]]]]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses.softwares_id' => $softwares_id, 'glpi_items_softwarelicenses.is_deleted' => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($itemtable)] |
/src/Item_SoftwareLicense.php:363 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['itemtype'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $item_license_table, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$license_table => ['FKEY' => [$license_table => 'id', $item_license_table => 'softwarelicenses_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['softwares_id' => $softwares_id]]) |
/src/ObjectLock.php:237 | 1 | $ret = Html::scriptBlock(" function askUnlock() { " . Html::jsConfirmCallback(__('Ask for unlock this item?'), $this->itemtypename . " #" . $this->itemid, "function() { $.post({ url: '" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/ajax/unlockobject.php', cache: false, data: { requestunlock: 1, id: {$this->fields['id']} }, dataType: 'json', success: function( data, textStatus, jqXHR ) { " . Html::jsAlertCallback($userdata['name'], __('Request sent to')) . " } }); }") . " }") |
/src/ObjectLock.php:143 | 1 | $ret = Html::scriptBlock(" function unlockIt(obj) { function callUnlock( ) { $.post({ url: '" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/ajax/unlockobject.php', cache: false, data: { unlock: 1, force: 1, id: {$this->fields['id']} }, dataType: 'json', success: function( data, textStatus, jqXHR ) { " . Html::jsConfirmCallback(__('Reload page?'), __('Item unlocked!'), "function() { window.location.reload(true); }") . " }, error: function() { " . Html::jsAlertCallback(__('Contact your GLPI admin!'), __('Item NOT unlocked!')) . " } }); }" . Html::jsConfirmCallback(__('Force unlock this item?'), $this->itemtypename . " #" . $this->itemid, "callUnlock") . " }") |
/src/ObjectLock.php:604 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '206', 'table' => getTableForItemType('ObjectLock'), 'field' => 'date', 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'name' => __('Locked date'), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item'], 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true] |
/src/ObjectLock.php:586 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '205', 'table' => 'glpi_users', 'field' => 'name', 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'right' => 'all', 'name' => __('Locked by'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => '', 'beforejoin' => ['table' => getTableForItemType('ObjectLock'), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => "itemtype_item"]]]] |
/src/RSSFeed.php:498 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '5', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'refresh_rate', 'name' => __('Refresh rate'), 'datatype' => 'timestamp', 'min' => HOUR_TIMESTAMP, 'max' => DAY_TIMESTAMP, 'step' => HOUR_TIMESTAMP, 'toadd' => [5 * MINUTE_TIMESTAMP, 15 * MINUTE_TIMESTAMP, 30 * MINUTE_TIMESTAMP, 45 * MINUTE_TIMESTAMP], 'display_emptychoice' => false, 'massiveaction' => true, 'searchtype' => 'equals'] |
/src/RSSFeed.php:477 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '7', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'max_items', 'name' => __('Number of items displayed'), 'datatype' => 'number', 'min' => 5, 'max' => 100, 'step' => 5, 'toadd' => [1], 'massiveaction' => true] |
/src/MassiveAction.php:1728 | 1 | $success = $em->add(['itemtype' => $item::getType( ), 'items_id' => $id, 'content' => $content, 'users_id' => Session::getLoginUserID( ), 'users_id_lastupdater' => Session::getLoginUserID( ), ]) |
/src/RSSFeed.php:841 | 1 | $rss_feed['items'][] = ['title' => $item->get_title( ), 'link' => $item->get_permalink( ), 'timestamp' => Html::convDateTime($item->get_date('Y-m-d H:i:s')), 'content' => $item->get_content( )] |
/src/Toolbox.php:514 | 1 | $call = (isset($trace["class"]) ? $trace["class"] : "") . (isset($trace["type"]) ? $trace["type"] : "") . (isset($trace["function"]) ? $trace["function"] . "()" : "") |
/src/DeviceCamera.php:59 | 1 | return array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'devicecameramodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'flashunit', 'label' => __('Flashunit'), 'type' => 'bool', ], ['name' => 'lensfacing', 'label' => __('Lensfacing'), 'type' => 'text', ], ['name' => 'orientation', 'label' => __('Orientation'), 'type' => 'text', ], ['name' => 'focallength', 'label' => __('Focal length'), 'type' => 'text', ], ['name' => 'sensorsize', 'label' => __('Sensor size'), 'type' => 'text', ], ['name' => 'support', 'label' => __('Support'), 'type' => 'text', ]]) |
/src/Toolbox.php:760 | 1 | $value = ((array) $value === $value) ? array_map([__CLASS__, 'stripslashes_deep'], $value) : (is_null($value) ? null : (is_resource($value) || is_object($value) ? $value : stripslashes($value))) |
/src/Toolbox.php:733 | 1 | $value = ((array) $value === $value) ? array_map([__CLASS__, 'addslashes_deep'], $value) : (is_null($value) ? null : (is_resource($value) || is_object($value) ? $value : $DB->escape(str_replace([''', ''', ''', ''', '"'], ["'", "'", "'", "'", "\""], $value)))) |
/src/Transfer.php:4046 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ["$", "$", 'entities.completename AS locname', ' AS entID'], 'FROM' => $table, 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_entities AS entities' => ['ON' => ['entities' => 'id', $table => 'entities_id']]], 'WHERE' => ["$" => $tab], 'ORDERBY' => ['locname', "$"]]) |
/src/Item_DeviceGraphicCard.php:48 | 1 | return ['memory' => ['long name' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), _n('Memory', 'Memories', 1), __('Mio')), 'short name' => _n('Memory', 'Memories', 1), 'size' => 10, 'id' => 20, ], 'serial' => parent::getSpecificities('serial'), 'otherserial' => parent::getSpecificities('otherserial'), 'locations_id' => parent::getSpecificities('locations_id'), 'states_id' => parent::getSpecificities('states_id'), 'busID' => parent::getSpecificities('busID')] |
/src/ITILTemplate.php:185 | 1 | $allowed_fields[$itiltype][$withtypeandcategory][$withitemtype] = [$itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'name', $itil_object->getTable( )) => 'name', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'content', $itil_object->getTable( )) => 'content', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'status', $itil_object->getTable( )) => 'status', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'urgency', $itil_object->getTable( )) => 'urgency', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'impact', $itil_object->getTable( )) => 'impact', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'priority', $itil_object->getTable( )) => 'priority', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'date', $itil_object->getTable( )) => 'date', 4 => '_users_id_requester', 71 => '_groups_id_requester', 5 => '_users_id_assign', 8 => '_groups_id_assign', $itil_object->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'name', 'glpi_suppliers') => '_suppliers_id_assign', 66 => '_users_id_observer', 65 => '_groups_id_observer', ] |
/src/ITILTemplate.php:342 | 1 | $fields = [$ticket->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'name', 'glpi_tickets'), $ticket->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'content', 'glpi_tickets'), $ticket->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'urgency', 'glpi_tickets'), $ticket->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'completename', 'glpi_locations'), $ticket->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'itemtype', 'glpi_tickets'), $ticket->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'completename', 'glpi_itilcategories'), $ticket->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'type', 'glpi_tickets'), $ticket->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'items_id', 'glpi_tickets'), $ticket->getSearchOptionIDByField('field', 'name', 'glpi_documents'), 66] |
/src/Transfer.php:866 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_problems_suppliers.suppliers_id', 'glpi_suppliers.entities_id', 'glpi_suppliers.is_recursive'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_problems', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_problems_suppliers' => ['ON' => ['glpi_problems_suppliers' => 'problems_id', 'glpi_problems' => 'id']], 'glpi_suppliers' => ['ON' => ['glpi_problems_suppliers' => 'suppliers_id', 'glpi_suppliers' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_problems_suppliers.suppliers_id' => ['>', 0], '' => $this->needtobe_transfer['Problem']]]) |
/src/Transfer.php:907 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_changes_suppliers.suppliers_id', 'glpi_suppliers.entities_id', 'glpi_suppliers.is_recursive'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_changes', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_changes_suppliers' => ['ON' => ['glpi_changes_suppliers' => 'changes_id', 'glpi_changes' => 'id']], 'glpi_suppliers' => ['ON' => ['glpi_changes_suppliers' => 'suppliers_id', 'glpi_suppliers' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_changes_suppliers.suppliers_id' => ['>', 0], '' => $this->needtobe_transfer['Change']]]) |
/src/Transfer.php:791 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['suppliers_id', 'glpi_suppliers.entities_id', 'glpi_suppliers.is_recursive'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_contracts_suppliers', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_suppliers' => ['ON' => ['glpi_contracts_suppliers' => 'suppliers_id', 'glpi_suppliers' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['contracts_id' => $this->needtobe_transfer['Contract']]]) |
/src/Transfer.php:728 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['contracts_id', 'glpi_contracts.entities_id', 'glpi_contracts.is_recursive'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_contracts_items', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_contracts' => ['ON' => ['glpi_contracts_items' => 'contracts_id', 'glpi_contracts' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $itemtype, 'items_id' => $this->needtobe_transfer[$itemtype]]]) |
/src/Transfer.php:825 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_suppliers_tickets.suppliers_id', 'glpi_suppliers.entities_id', 'glpi_suppliers.is_recursive'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_tickets', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_suppliers_tickets' => ['ON' => ['glpi_suppliers_tickets' => 'tickets_id', 'glpi_tickets' => 'id']], 'glpi_suppliers' => ['ON' => ['glpi_suppliers_tickets' => 'suppliers_id', 'glpi_suppliers' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_suppliers_tickets.suppliers_id' => ['>', 0], '' => $this->needtobe_transfer['Ticket']]]) |
/src/Transfer.php:588 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => '', 'FROM' => 'glpi_tickets', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => 'tickets_id', 'glpi_tickets' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $itemtype, 'items_id' => $this->needtobe_transfer[$itemtype]]]) |
/src/Transfer.php:655 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['certificates_id', 'glpi_certificates.entities_id', 'glpi_certificates.is_recursive'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_certificates_items', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_certificates' => ['ON' => ['glpi_certificates_items' => 'certificates_id', 'glpi_certificates' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $itemtype, 'items_id' => $this->needtobe_transfer[$itemtype]]]) |
/src/Transfer.php:457 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', 'glpi_softwares.entities_id', 'glpi_softwares.is_recursive', ' AS vID'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_items_softwareversions', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_softwareversions' => 'softwareversions_id', 'glpi_softwareversions' => 'id']], 'glpi_softwares' => ['ON' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => 'softwares_id', 'glpi_softwares' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_items_softwareversions.items_id' => $this->needtobe_transfer[$itemtype], 'glpi_items_softwareversions.itemtype' => $itemtype]]) |
/src/Item_SoftwareVersion.php:1416 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses.*', ' AS type'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_items_softwarelicenses', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_items_softwarelicenses' => 'softwarelicenses_id', 'glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'id']]], 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_softwarelicensetypes' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'softwarelicensetypes_id', 'glpi_softwarelicensetypes' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ["glpi_items_softwarelicenses.items_id" => $items_id, 'glpi_items_softwarelicenses.itemtype' => $itemtype, 'OR' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses.softwareversions_id_use' => $verid, ['glpi_softwarelicenses.softwareversions_id_use' => 0, 'glpi_softwarelicenses.softwareversions_id_buy' => $verid]]]]) |
/src/Transfer.php:533 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ["$itemdevicetable.$fk", "$devicetable.entities_id", "$devicetable.is_recursive"], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $itemdevicetable, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$devicetable => ['ON' => [$itemdevicetable => $fk, $devicetable => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ["$itemdevicetable.itemtype" => $itemtype, "$itemdevicetable.items_id" => $this->needtobe_transfer[$itemtype]]]) |
/src/Transfer.php:2766 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_tickets.*', ' AS _relid'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_tickets', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => 'tickets_id', 'glpi_tickets' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['items_id' => $ID, 'itemtype' => $itemtype]]) |
/src/Transfer.php:2601 | 1 | $type_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => getTableForItemType($link_type), 'WHERE' => ['is_global' => 1, 'entities_id' => $this->to, 'name' => addslashes($link_item->getField('name'))]]) |
/src/Transfer.php:3657 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_networkports.*'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_networkports', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_networkportethernets' => ['ON' => ['glpi_networkportethernets' => 'networkports_id', 'glpi_networkports' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_networkports.items_id' => $ID, 'glpi_networkports.itemtype' => $itemtype]]) |
/src/Transfer.php:3335 | 1 | $contact_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => 'glpi_contacts', 'WHERE' => ['entities_id' => $this->to, 'name' => addslashes($contact->fields['name']), 'firstname' => addslashes($contact->fields['firstname'])]]) |
/src/Transfer.php:1799 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id', 'number'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_softwarelicenses', 'WHERE' => ['softwares_id' => $newsoftID, 'name' => addslashes($license->fields['name']), 'serial' => addslashes($license->fields['serial'])]]) |
/src/Transfer.php:2176 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => 'glpi_contracts_items', 'WHERE' => ['contracts_id' => $item_ID, 'itemtype' => $dtype, 'NOT' => ['items_id' => $this->needtobe_transfer[$dtype]]]])->current( ) |
/src/Transfer.php:1989 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => 'glpi_certificates_items', 'WHERE' => ['certificates_id' => $item_ID, 'itemtype' => $dtype, 'NOT' => ['items_id' => $this->needtobe_transfer[$dtype]]]])->current( ) |
/src/Transfer.php:1386 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => 'glpi_sockets', 'WHERE' => ['entities_id' => $this->to, 'name' => Toolbox::addslashes_deep($socket->fields['name']), 'locations_id' => $locID]]) |
/src/Transfer.php:971 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['suppliers_id', 'glpi_suppliers.entities_id', 'glpi_suppliers.is_recursive'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_infocoms', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_suppliers' => ['ON' => ['glpi_infocoms' => 'suppliers_id', 'glpi_suppliers' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['suppliers_id' => ['>', 0], 'itemtype' => $itemtype, 'items_id' => $this->needtobe_transfer[$itemtype]]]) |
/src/Transfer.php:1094 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['documents_id', 'glpi_documents.entities_id', 'glpi_documents.is_recursive'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_documents_items', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_documents' => ['ON' => ['glpi_documents_items' => 'documents_id', 'glpi_documents' => 'id', ['AND' => ['itemtype' => $itemtype]]]]], 'WHERE' => ['items_id' => $this->needtobe_transfer[$itemtype]]]) |
/src/Transfer.php:1037 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['contacts_id', 'glpi_contacts.entities_id', 'glpi_contacts.is_recursive'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_contacts_suppliers', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_contacts' => ['ON' => ['glpi_contacts_suppliers' => 'contacts_id', 'glpi_contacts' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['suppliers_id' => $this->needtobe_transfer['Supplier']]]) |
/src/Search.php:4712 | 1 | return $link . " (`glpi_authmails" . $addtable . "_" . self::computeComplexJoinID($user_searchopt[31]['joinparams']) . $addmeta . "`.`name` $SEARCH $tmplink `glpi_authldaps" . $addtable . "_" . self::computeComplexJoinID($user_searchopt[30]['joinparams']) . $addmeta . "`.`name` $SEARCH ) " |
/src/Search.php:4666 | 1 | return $link . " (((`$table`.`$name1` $SEARCH $tmplink `$table`.`$name2` $SEARCH $tmplink `$table`.`$field` $SEARCH $tmplink CONCAT(`$table`.`$name1`, ' ', `$table`.`$name2`) $SEARCH ) $toadd2) $toadd)" |
/src/Search.php:6077 | 1 | $is_late = !empty($value) && $status != CommonITILObject::WAITING && ($tia_time > strtotime($opening_date) - strtotime($value) || ($tia_time == 0 && $value < $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime'])) |
/src/Search.php:669 | 1 | $FROM .= self::addLeftJoin($data['itemtype'], $itemtable, $already_link_tables, $searchopt[$val]["table"], $searchopt[$val]["linkfield"], 0, 0, $searchopt[$val]["joinparams"], $searchopt[$val]["field"]) |
/src/Search.php:689 | 1 | $FROM .= self::addLeftJoin($data['itemtype'], $itemtable, $already_link_tables, $searchopt[$key]["table"], $searchopt[$key]["linkfield"], 0, 0, $searchopt[$key]["joinparams"], $searchopt[$key]["field"]) |
/src/Search.php:215 | 1 | $js = "$(function() { var map = initMap($('#map_container'), 'map', 'full'); _loadMap(map, '$itemtype'); }); var _loadMap = function(map_elt, itemtype) { L.AwesomeMarkers.Icon.prototype.options.prefix = 'far'; var _micon = 'circle'; var stdMarker = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon({ icon: _micon, markerColor: 'blue' }); var aMarker = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon({ icon: _micon, markerColor: 'cadetblue' }); var bMarker = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon({ icon: _micon, markerColor: 'purple' }); var cMarker = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon({ icon: _micon, markerColor: 'darkpurple' }); var dMarker = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon({ icon: _micon, markerColor: 'red' }); var eMarker = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon({ icon: _micon, markerColor: 'darkred' }); //retrieve geojson data map_elt.spin(true); $.ajax({ dataType: 'json', method: 'POST', url: '{$CFG_GLPI['root_doc']}/ajax/map.php', data: { itemtype: itemtype, params: " . json_encode($params) . " } }).done(function(data) { var _points = data.points; var _markers = L.markerClusterGroup({ iconCreateFunction: function(cluster) { var childCount = cluster.getChildCount(); var markers = cluster.getAllChildMarkers(); var n = 0; for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { n += markers[i].count; } var c = ' marker-cluster-'; if (n < 10) { c += 'small'; } else if (n < 100) { c += 'medium'; } else { c += 'large'; } return new L.DivIcon({ html: '<div><span>' + n + '</span></div>', className: 'marker-cluster' + c, iconSize: new L.Point(40, 40) }); } }); $.each(_points, function(index, point) { var _title = '<strong>' + point.title + '</strong><br/><a href=\''+'$fulltarget'.replace(/CURLOCATION/, point.loc_id)+'\'>" . sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), 'COUNT', $typename) . "'.replace(/COUNT/, point.count)+'</a>'; if (point.types) { $.each(point.types, function(tindex, type) { _title += '<br/>" . sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), 'COUNT', 'TYPE') . "'.replace(/COUNT/, type.count).replace(/TYPE/,; }); } var _icon = stdMarker; if (point.count < 10) { _icon = stdMarker; } else if (point.count < 100) { _icon = aMarker; } else if (point.count < 1000) { _icon = bMarker; } else if (point.count < 5000) { _icon = cMarker; } else if (point.count < 10000) { _icon = dMarker; } else { _icon = eMarker; } var _marker = L.marker([, point.lng], { icon: _icon, title: point.title }); _marker.count = point.count; _marker.bindPopup(_title); _markers.addLayer(_marker); }); map_elt.addLayer(_markers); map_elt.fitBounds( _markers.getBounds(), { padding: [50, 50], maxZoom: 12 } ); }).fail(function (response) { var _data = response.responseJSON; var _message = '" . __s('An error occured loading data :(') . "'; if (_data.message) { _message = _data.message; } var fail_info = L.control(); fail_info.onAdd = function (map) { this._div = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'fail_info'); this._div.innerHTML = _message + '<br/><span id=\'reload_data\'><i class=\'fa fa-sync\'></i> " . __s('Reload') . "</span>'; return this._div; }; fail_info.addTo(map_elt); $('#reload_data').on('click', function() { $('.fail_info').remove(); _loadMap(map_elt); }); }).always(function() { //hide spinner map_elt.spin(false); }); } " |
/src/Search.php:4059 | 1 | return "ADDDATE(`$table$addtable`.`" . $searchopt[$ID]["datafields"][1] . "`, INTERVAL (`$table$addtable`.`" . $searchopt[$ID]["datafields"][2] . "` $add_minus) $interval) AS `" . $NAME . "`, $ADDITONALFIELDS" |
/src/Search.php:4051 | 1 | return " GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ADDDATE(`$table$addtable`.`" . $searchopt[$ID]["datafields"][1] . "`, INTERVAL (`$table$addtable`.`" . $searchopt[$ID]["datafields"][2] . "` $add_minus) $interval) SEPARATOR '" . self::LONGSEP . "') AS `" . $NAME . "`, $ADDITONALFIELDS" |
/src/Search.php:4305 | 1 | $condition .= " $requester_table.users_id = '" . Session::getLoginUserID( ) . "' OR $observer_table.users_id = '" . Session::getLoginUserID( ) . "' OR $assign_table.users_id = '" . Session::getLoginUserID( ) . "' OR `glpi_" . $table . "`.`users_id_recipient` = '" . Session::getLoginUserID( ) . "'" |
/src/Search.php:3901 | 1 | return " GROUP_CONCAT(`$table$addtable`.`$field` SEPARATOR '" . self::LONGSEP . "') AS `" . $NAME . "`, GROUP_CONCAT(`glpi_profiles_users$addtable2`.`entities_id` SEPARATOR '" . self::LONGSEP . "') AS `" . $NAME . "_entities_id`, GROUP_CONCAT(`glpi_profiles_users$addtable2`.`is_recursive` SEPARATOR '" . self::LONGSEP . "') AS `" . $NAME . "_is_recursive`, GROUP_CONCAT(`glpi_profiles_users$addtable2`.`is_dynamic` SEPARATOR '" . self::LONGSEP . "') AS `" . $NAME . "_is_dynamic`, $ADDITONALFIELDS" |
/src/Search.php:3825 | 1 | $ADDITONALFIELDS .= " IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT(IFNULL(`$table$addtable`.`$key`, '" . self::NULLVALUE . "'), '" . self::SHORTSEP . "', $tocomputeid)ORDER BY $tocomputeid SEPARATOR '" . self::LONGSEP . "'), '" . self::NULLVALUE . self::SHORTSEP . "') AS `" . $NAME . "_$key`, " |
/src/Search.php:3935 | 1 | return " `glpi_users`.`authtype` AS `" . $NAME . "`, `glpi_users`.`auths_id` AS `" . $NAME . "_auths_id`, `glpi_authldaps" . $addtable . "_" . self::computeComplexJoinID($user_searchopt[30]['joinparams']) . $addmeta . "`.`$field` AS `" . $NAME . "_" . $ID . "_ldapname`, `glpi_authmails" . $addtable . "_" . self::computeComplexJoinID($user_searchopt[31]['joinparams']) . $addmeta . "`.`$field` AS `" . $NAME . "_mailname`, $ADDITONALFIELDS" |
/src/Search.php:3921 | 1 | return " GROUP_CONCAT(`$table$addtable`.`completename` SEPARATOR '" . self::LONGSEP . "') AS `" . $NAME . "`, GROUP_CONCAT(`glpi_profiles_users$addtable2`.`profiles_id` SEPARATOR '" . self::LONGSEP . "') AS `" . $NAME . "_profiles_id`, GROUP_CONCAT(`glpi_profiles_users$addtable2`.`is_recursive` SEPARATOR '" . self::LONGSEP . "') AS `" . $NAME . "_is_recursive`, GROUP_CONCAT(`glpi_profiles_users$addtable2`.`is_dynamic` SEPARATOR '" . self::LONGSEP . "') AS `" . $NAME . "_is_dynamic`, $ADDITONALFIELDS" |
/src/Search.php:3454 | 1 | return " $LINK (`$NAME` > " . (intval($val) + $searchopt[$ID]["width"]) . " OR `$NAME` < " . (intval($val) - $searchopt[$ID]["width"]) . " ) " |
/src/Search.php:3450 | 1 | return " $LINK (`$NAME` < " . (intval($val) + $searchopt[$ID]["width"]) . " AND `$NAME` > " . (intval($val) - $searchopt[$ID]["width"]) . ") " |
/src/Search.php:3635 | 1 | $criterion = "ADDDATE(`$table$addtable`.`" . $searchopt[$ID]["datafields"][1] . "`, INTERVAL (`$table$addtable`.`" . $searchopt[$ID]["datafields"][2] . "` $add_minus) $interval) $order" |
/src/Search.php:3567 | 1 | $criterion = "`glpi_users`.`authtype` $order, `glpi_authldaps" . $addtable . "_" . self::computeComplexJoinID($user_searchopt[30]['joinparams']) . "`. `name` $order, `glpi_authmails" . $addtable . "_" . self::computeComplexJoinID($user_searchopt[31]['joinparams']) . "`. `name` $order" |
/src/Search.php:2539 | 1 | $JS = <<<JAVASCRIPT $('#addsearchcriteria$rand_criteria').on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $.post('{$CFG_GLPI['root_doc']}/ajax/search.php', { 'action': 'display_criteria', 'itemtype': '$itemtype', 'num': $nbsearchcountvar, 'p': $json_p, '_idor_token': '$idor_display_criteria' }) .done(function(data) { $(data).insertBefore('#more-criteria$rand_criteria'); $nbsearchcountvar++; }); }); $('#addmetasearchcriteria$rand_criteria').on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $.post('{$CFG_GLPI['root_doc']}/ajax/search.php', { 'action': 'display_meta_criteria', 'itemtype': '$itemtype', 'meta': true, 'num': $nbsearchcountvar, 'p': $json_p, '_idor_token': '$idor_display_meta_criteria' }) .done(function(data) { $(data).insertBefore('#more-criteria$rand_criteria'); $nbsearchcountvar++; }); }); $('#addcriteriagroup$rand_criteria').on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $.post('{$CFG_GLPI['root_doc']}/ajax/search.php', { 'action': 'display_criteria_group', 'itemtype': '$itemtype', 'meta': true, 'num': $nbsearchcountvar, 'p': $json_p, '_idor_token': '$idor_display_criteria_group' }) .done(function(data) { $(data).insertBefore('#more-criteria$rand_criteria'); $nbsearchcountvar++; }); }); JAVASCRIPT |
/src/Search.php:1813 | 1 | $headers_line .= self::showHeaderItem($data['display_type'], $name, $header_num, '', (!$val['meta'] && ($data['search']['sort'] == $val['id'])), $data['search']['order']) |
/src/Search.php:3167 | 1 | $params = ['value' => rawurlencode(stripslashes($request['value'])), 'searchopt' => $searchopt, 'searchtype' => $request["searchtype"], 'num' => $num, 'itemtype' => $request["itemtype"], '_idor_token' => Session::getNewIDORToken($request["itemtype"]), 'from_meta' => isset($request['from_meta']) ? $request['from_meta'] : false, 'field' => $request["field"], 'p' => $p, ] |
/src/Search.php:2924 | 1 | $params = ['action' => 'display_criteria', 'itemtype' => '__VALUE__', 'parent_itemtype' => $request['itemtype'], 'from_meta' => true, 'num' => $num, 'p' => $request["p"], '_idor_token' => Session::getNewIDORToken("", ['parent_itemtype' => $request['itemtype']])] |
/src/Config.php:2584 | 1 | $tabs = [1 => __('General setup'), 2 => __('Default values'), 3 => _n('Asset', 'Assets', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 4 => __('Assistance'), 12 => __('Management'), ] |
/src/Config.php:2241 | 1 | $deps = [['name' => 'htmlawed/htmlawed', 'version' => hl_version( ), 'check' => 'hl_version'], ['name' => 'phpmailer/phpmailer', 'version' => $pm::VERSION, 'check' => 'PHPMailer\\PHPMailer\\PHPMailer'], ['name' => 'simplepie/simplepie', 'version' => SIMPLEPIE_VERSION, 'check' => $sp], ['name' => 'mpdf/mpdf', 'check' => 'Mpdf\\Mpdf'], ['name' => 'michelf/php-markdown', 'check' => 'Michelf\\Markdown'], ['name' => 'true/punycode', 'check' => 'TrueBV\\Punycode'], ['name' => 'iamcal/lib_autolink', 'check' => 'autolink'], ['name' => 'sabre/dav', 'check' => 'Sabre\\DAV\\Version'], ['name' => 'sabre/http', 'check' => 'Sabre\\HTTP\\Version'], ['name' => 'sabre/uri', 'check' => 'Sabre\\Uri\\Version'], ['name' => 'sabre/vobject', 'check' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Component'], ['name' => 'laminas/laminas-i18n', 'check' => 'Laminas\\I18n\\Module'], ['name' => 'laminas/laminas-servicemanager', 'check' => 'Laminas\\ServiceManager\\ServiceManager'], ['name' => 'monolog/monolog', 'check' => 'Monolog\\Logger'], ['name' => 'sebastian/diff', 'check' => 'SebastianBergmann\\Diff\\Diff'], ['name' => 'donatj/phpuseragentparser', 'check' => 'donatj\\UserAgent\\UserAgentParser'], ['name' => 'elvanto/litemoji', 'check' => 'LitEmoji\\LitEmoji'], ['name' => 'symfony/console', 'check' => 'Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application'], ['name' => 'scssphp/scssphp', 'check' => 'ScssPhp\ScssPhp\Compiler'], ['name' => 'laminas/laminas-mail', 'check' => 'Laminas\\Mail\\Protocol\\Imap'], ['name' => 'laminas/laminas-mime', 'check' => 'Laminas\\Mime\\Mime'], ['name' => 'rlanvin/php-rrule', 'check' => 'RRule\\RRule'], ['name' => 'blueimp/jquery-file-upload', 'check' => 'UploadHandler'], ['name' => 'ramsey/uuid', 'check' => 'Ramsey\\Uuid\\Uuid'], ['name' => 'psr/log', 'check' => 'Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface'], ['name' => 'psr/simple-cache', 'check' => 'Psr\\SimpleCache\\CacheInterface'], ['name' => 'psr/cache', 'check' => 'Psr\\Cache\\CacheItemPoolInterface'], ['name' => 'league/csv', 'check' => 'League\\Csv\\Writer'], ['name' => 'mexitek/phpcolors', 'check' => 'Mexitek\\PHPColors\\Color'], ['name' => 'guzzlehttp/guzzle', 'check' => 'GuzzleHttp\\Client'], ['name' => 'guzzlehttp/psr7', 'check' => 'GuzzleHttp\\Psr7\\Response'], ['name' => 'glpi-project/inventory_format', 'check' => 'Glpi\Inventory\Converter'], ['name' => 'wapmorgan/unified-archive', 'check' => 'wapmorgan\\UnifiedArchive\\UnifiedArchive'], ['name' => 'paragonie/sodium_compat', 'check' => 'ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat'], ['name' => 'symfony/cache', 'check' => 'Symfony\\Component\\Cache\\Psr16Cache'], ['name' => 'html2text/html2text', 'check' => 'Html2Text\\Html2Text'], ['name' => 'symfony/dom-crawler', 'check' => 'Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Crawler'], ['name' => 'twig/twig', 'check' => 'Twig\\Environment'], ['name' => 'twig/string-extra', 'check' => 'Twig\\Extra\\String\\StringExtension'], ['name' => 'symfony/polyfill-ctype', 'check' => 'ctype_digit'], ['name' => 'symfony/polyfill-iconv', 'check' => 'iconv'], ['name' => 'symfony/polyfill-mbstring', 'check' => 'mb_list_encodings'], ['name' => 'symfony/polyfill-php80', 'check' => 'str_contains'], ] |
/src/Config.php:427 | 1 | $values = [0 => __('No'), 1 => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), __('Yes'), __('last criterion')), 2 => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), __('Yes'), __('default criterion'))] |
/src/Search.php:7996 | 1 | return ['equals' => __('is'), 'notequals' => __('is not'), 'lessthan' => __('before'), 'morethan' => __('after'), 'contains' => __('contains'), 'notcontains' => __('not contains'), 'searchopt' => $searchopt[$field_num]] |
/src/FieldUnicity.php:599 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => $fields, 'COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => $item->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => [$item->getTable( ) . '.entities_id' => $entities] + $where, 'GROUPBY' => $fields, 'ORDERBY' => 'cpt DESC']) |
/src/Item_DeviceSoundCard.php:53 | 4 | return ['serial' => parent::getSpecificities('serial'), 'otherserial' => parent::getSpecificities('otherserial'), 'locations_id' => parent::getSpecificities('locations_id'), 'states_id' => parent::getSpecificities('states_id'), 'busID' => parent::getSpecificities('busID')] |
/src/FieldUnicity.php:654 | 1 | $params = ['action_type' => true, 'action_user' => getUserName(Session::getLoginUserID( )), 'entities_id' => $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'], 'itemtype' => get_class($this), 'date' => $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime'], 'refuse' => true, 'label' => ['name' => 'test'], 'field' => ['action_refuse' => true], 'double' => [ ]] |
/src/FieldUnicity.php:72 | 1 | return [['name' => 'is_active', 'label' => __('Active'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'itemtype', 'label' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'type' => 'unicity_itemtype'], ['name' => 'fields', 'label' => __('Unique fields'), 'type' => 'unicity_fields'], ['name' => 'action_refuse', 'label' => __('Record into the database denied'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'action_notify', 'label' => __('Send a notification'), 'type' => 'bool']] |
/src/Search.php:6833 | 1 | $out = sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), $out, Html::showToolTip(RichText::getEnhancedHtml($data[$ID][0]['content']), ['applyto' => $itemtype . $data[$ID][0]['id'], 'display' => false])) |
/src/Search.php:6705 | 1 | return Auth::getMethodName($data[$ID][0]['name'], $data[$ID][0]['auths_id'], 1, $data[$ID][0]['ldapname'] . $data[$ID][0]['mailname']) |
/src/Search.php:6291 | 1 | $usernameformat = formatUserName($data[$ID][0]['id'], $data[$ID][0]['name'], $data[$ID][0]['realname'], $data[$ID][0]['firstname'], 1) |
/src/Search.php:7052 | 1 | $out .= sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), "<span id='text$rand'>" . Html::resume_text($plaintext, $CFG_GLPI['cut']) . '</span>', Html::showToolTip('<div class="fup-popup">' . RichText::getEnhancedHtml($data[$ID][$k]['name']) . '</div>', $popup_params)) |
/src/Cable.php:158 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '7', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'itemtype_endpoint_a', 'name' => sprintf(__('%s (%s)'), _n('Associated item type', 'Associated item types', 1), __('Endpoint A')), 'datatype' => 'itemtypename', 'itemtype_list' => 'socket_types', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/Cable.php:92 | 1 | return ['socket' => ['title' => Socket::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'page' => Socket::getSearchURL(false), 'links' => ['add' => '/front/socket.form.php', 'search' => '/front/socket.php', ]]] |
/src/Cable.php:180 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '9', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'itemtype_endpoint_b', 'name' => sprintf(__('%s (%s)'), _n('Associated item type', 'Associated item types', 1), __('Endpoint B')), 'datatype' => 'itemtypename', 'itemtype_list' => 'socket_types', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/Cable.php:169 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '8', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'items_id_endpoint_b', 'name' => sprintf(__('%s (%s)'), _n('Associated item', 'Associated items', 1), __('Endpoint B')), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'specific', 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype_endpoint_b']] |
/src/RefusedEquipment.php:56 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '2', 'table' => RuleImportAsset::getTable( ), 'field' => 'id', 'real_type' => RuleImportAsset::getType( ), 'name' => Rule::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'massiveaction' => false, ] |
/src/Lockedfield.php:91 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '13', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'items_id', 'name' => _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', 1), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'comments' => true, 'nosort' => true, 'nosearch' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype'], 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'forcegroupby' => true, ] |
/src/CommonDBRelation.php:1986 | 1 | $params = ['SELECT' => static::getTypeItemsQueryParams_Select($item), 'FROM' => $item->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => $where, 'LEFT JOIN' => [static::getTable( ) => ['FKEY' => [static::getTable( ) => 'items_id', $item->getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'ORDER' => $item->getTable( ) . '.' . $order_col] |
/src/CommonDBRelation.php:338 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '4', 'table' => getTableForItemType($itemtype2), 'field' => $itemtype2::getIndexName( ), 'linkfield' => static::$items_id_2, 'name' => call_user_func([$itemtype2, 'getTypeName']), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/CommonDBRelation.php:1832 | 1 | $params = ['SELECT' => [static::getTable( ) . '.id AS linkid', $link_table . '.*'], 'FROM' => static::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => [$link_table => ['FKEY' => [static::getTable( ) => $link_id, $link_table => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => [static::getTable( ) . '.' . $where_id => $item->fields['id']], 'ORDER' => $link_table . '.name'] |
/src/CommonDBRelation.php:1337 | 1 | return ['select_items_options_1' => [ ], 'dropdown_method_1' => 'dropdown', 'select_items_options_2' => [ ], 'dropdown_method_2' => 'dropdown', 'can_remove_all_at_once' => true, 'only_remove_all_at_once' => false, 'itemtypes' => [ ], 'button_labels' => ['add' => _sx('button', 'Add'), 'remove' => _sx('button', 'Delete permanently')], 'normalized' => ['add' => ['add'], 'remove' => ['remove']], 'check_both_items_if_same_type' => false, 'can_link_several_times' => false, 'update_if_different' => false] |
/src/RuleCollection.php:817 | 1 | $result = $DB->update('glpi_rules', ['ranking' => new \QueryExpression($DB->quoteName('ranking') . ' - 1')], ['sub_type' => $this->getRuleClassName( ), 'ranking' => ['>', $ranking]]) |
/src/RuleCollection.php:521 | 1 | $massiveactionparams = ['num_displayed' => min($p['limit'], $nb), 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'extraparams' => ['entity' => $this->entity, 'condition' => $p['condition'], 'rule_class_name' => $this->getRuleClassName( )]] |
/src/DeviceDrive.php:48 | 1 | return array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'is_writer', 'label' => __('Writing ability'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'speed', 'label' => __('Speed'), 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'interfacetypes_id', 'label' => __('Interface'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'devicedrivemodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue']]) |
/src/NotificationTargetObjectLock.php:57 | 1 | $tags = ['objectlock.action' => _n('Event', 'Events', 1), '' => __('Item Name'), '' => __('Item ID'), 'objectlock.type' => __('Item Type'), '' => __('Lock date'), 'objectlock.date_mod' => __('Lock date'), 'objectlock.lockedby.lastname' => __('Lastname of locking user'), 'objectlock.lockedby.firstname' => __('Firstname of locking user'), 'objectlock.requester.lastname' => __('Requester Lastname'), 'objectlock.requester.firstname' => __('Requester Firstname'), 'objectlock.url' => __('Item URL')] |
/src/Cable.php:294 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '87', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => '_virtual_datacenter_position', 'additionalfields' => ['items_id_endpoint_a', 'itemtype_endpoint_a'], 'name' => sprintf(__('%s (%s)'), __('Data center position'), __('Endpoint A')), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'nosearch' => true, 'nosort' => true, 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/Cable.php:232 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '14', 'table' => Socket::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => 'sockets_id_endpoint_a', 'name' => sprintf(__('%s (%s)'), Socket::getTypeName(1), __('Endpoint A')), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, ] |
/src/Holiday.php:53 | 1 | return [['name' => 'begin_date', 'label' => __('Start'), 'type' => 'date'], ['name' => 'end_date', 'label' => __('End'), 'type' => 'date'], ['name' => 'is_perpetual', 'label' => __('Recurrent'), 'type' => 'bool']] |
/src/Cable.php:309 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '88', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => '_virtual_datacenter_position', 'additionalfields' => ['items_id_endpoint_b', 'itemtype_endpoint_b'], 'name' => sprintf(__('%s (%s)'), __('Data center position'), __('Endpoint B')), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'nosearch' => true, 'nosort' => true, 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/Cable.php:202 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '11', 'table' => SocketModel::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => 'socketmodels_id_endpoint_a', 'name' => sprintf(__('%s (%s)'), SocketModel::getTypeName(1), __('Endpoint A')), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, ] |
/src/Cable.php:191 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '10', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'items_id_endpoint_a', 'name' => sprintf(__('%s (%s)'), _n('Associated item', 'Associated items', 1), __('Endpoint A')), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'specific', 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype_endpoint_a']] |
/src/Cable.php:222 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '13', 'table' => Socket::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => 'sockets_id_endpoint_b', 'name' => sprintf(__('%s (%s)'), Socket::getTypeName(1), __('Endpoint B')), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, ] |
/src/Cable.php:212 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '12', 'table' => SocketModel::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => 'socketmodels_id_endpoint_b', 'name' => sprintf(__('%s (%s)'), SocketModel::getTypeName(1), __('Endpoint B')), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, ] |
/src/DevicePowerSupply.php:48 | 1 | return array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'is_atx', 'label' => __('ATX'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'power', 'label' => __('Power'), 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'devicepowersupplymodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue']]) |
/src/ImpactRelation.php:69 | 2 | $it = $DB->request(['FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype_source' => $input['itemtype_source'], 'items_id_source' => $input['items_id_source'], 'itemtype_impacted' => $input['itemtype_impacted'], 'items_id_impacted' => $input['items_id_impacted']]]) |
/src/DevicePowerSupply.php:144 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '39', 'table' => 'glpi_devicepowersupplies', 'field' => 'designation', 'name' => static::getTypeName(1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'string', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_items_devicepowersupplies', 'joinparams' => $main_joinparams]]] |
/src/Contact.php:440 | 1 | $vcard = new VObject\Component\VCard(['N' => [$this->fields["name"], $this->fields["firstname"]], 'EMAIL' => $this->fields["email"], 'NOTE' => $this->fields["comment"], ]) |
/src/Contact.php:203 | 1 | return formatUserName('', '', (isset($this->fields["name"]) ? $this->fields["name"] : ''), (isset($this->fields["firstname"]) ? $this->fields["firstname"] : '')) |
/src/Contact.php:344 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '8', 'table' => 'glpi_suppliers', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => _n('Associated supplier', 'Associated suppliers', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_contacts_suppliers', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]]] |
/src/Contact.php:144 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS website'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_suppliers', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_contacts_suppliers' => ['ON' => ['glpi_contacts_suppliers' => 'suppliers_id', 'glpi_suppliers' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['contacts_id' => $this->fields['id']]]) |
/src/Contact.php:108 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', 'glpi_suppliers.address', 'glpi_suppliers.postcode', '', 'glpi_suppliers.state', ''], 'FROM' => 'glpi_suppliers', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_contacts_suppliers' => ['ON' => ['glpi_contacts_suppliers' => 'suppliers_id', 'glpi_suppliers' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['contacts_id' => $this->fields['id']]]) |
/src/CommonDevice.php:487 | 1 | $where[] = [[$field => ['>', ((int) $input[$field] - (int) $compare[1])]], [$field => ['<', ((int) $input[$field] + (int) $compare[1])]]] |
/src/CommonDBRelation.php:325 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '3', 'table' => getTableForItemType($itemtype1), 'field' => $itemtype1::getIndexName( ), 'linkfield' => static::$items_id_1, 'name' => call_user_func([$itemtype1, 'getTypeName']), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/Ticket_Ticket.php:399 | 1 | return $linked_ticket->can($data['tickets_id'], UPDATE) && ($data['link'] == self::DUPLICATE_WITH) && ($linked_ticket->fields['status'] != CommonITILObject::SOLVED) && ($linked_ticket->fields['status'] != CommonITILObject::CLOSED) |
/src/Ticket_Ticket.php:350 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => self::getTable( ) . ' AS links', 'INNER JOIN' => [Ticket::getTable( ) . ' AS tickets' => ['ON' => ['links' => 'tickets_id_1', 'tickets' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['' => self::SON_OF, 'links.tickets_id_2' => $pid, 'NOT' => ['tickets.status' => Ticket::getClosedStatusArray( ) + Ticket::getSolvedStatusArray( )]]])->current( ) |
/src/CommonDevice.php:213 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['itemtype', new QueryExpression('GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ' . DBmysql::quoteName('items_id') . ') AS ids'), ], 'FROM' => $linktable, 'WHERE' => [$this->getForeignKeyField( ) => $ID, ], 'GROUPBY' => ['itemtype', ]]) |
/src/NotificationTargetPlanningRecall.php:241 | 1 | $tags_all = ['recall.action' => _n('Event', 'Events', 1), 'recall.item.user' => __('Writer'), 'recall.item.date_mod' => __('Last update'), '' => __('Title'), 'recall.item.private' => __('Private'), 'recall.item.content' => __('Description'), 'recall.item.url' => __('URL'), 'recall.itemtype' => __('Item type'), 'recall.planning.begin' => __('Start date'), 'recall.planning.state' => __('Status'), 'recall.planning.end' => __('End date'), ] |
/src/SavedSearch_Alert.php:215 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => Notification::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => self::getType( ), 'event' => 'alert' . ($search->getField('is_private') ? '' : '_' . $search->getID( ))]]) |
/src/SavedSearch_Alert.php:372 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_savedsearches_alerts.*'], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_alerts' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_alerts' => 'items_id', 'glpi_savedsearches_alerts' => 'id', ['AND' => ['glpi_alerts.itemtype' => SavedSearch_Alert::class, 'glpi_alerts.type' => Alert::PERIODICITY, ], ], ]]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_savedsearches_alerts.is_active' => true, 'OR' => [['' => null], ['' => ['<', new QueryExpression(sprintf('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL %s second', $DB->quoteName('glpi_savedsearches_alerts.frequency')))]], ]]]) |
/src/ImpactRelation.php:112 | 2 | $it = $DB->request(['FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype_source' => $input['itemtype_source'], 'items_id_source' => $input['items_id_source'], 'itemtype_impacted' => $input['itemtype_impacted'], 'items_id_impacted' => $input['items_id_impacted']]]) |
/src/Project.php:615 | 2 | $tab[] = ['id' => '5', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'percent_done', 'name' => __('Percent done'), 'datatype' => 'number', 'unit' => '%', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100, 'step' => 5] |
/src/Project.php:559 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '13', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Father'), 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['condition' => [new QueryExpression('1=1')]]] |
/src/Project.php:698 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '18', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => '_virtual_effective_duration', 'name' => __('Effective duration'), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'nosearch' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosort' => true] |
/src/Project.php:671 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '17', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => '_virtual_planned_duration', 'name' => __('Planned duration'), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'nosearch' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosort' => true] |
/src/CommonITILValidation.php:1382 | 1 | $params = ['name' => '', 'id' => 0, 'entity' => $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'], 'right' => ['validate_request', 'validate_incident'], 'groups_id' => 0, 'users_id_validate' => [ ], 'applyto' => 'show_validator_field', 'display' => true, 'disabled' => false, 'width' => '100%', 'required' => false, 'rand' => mt_rand( ), ] |
/src/CommonITILValidation.php:1280 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '59', 'table' => 'glpi_users', 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => 'users_id_validate', 'name' => __('Approver'), 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'right' => (static::$itemtype == 'Ticket' ? ['validate_request', 'validate_incident'] : 'validate'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => static::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]]] |
/src/Project.php:103 | 1 | return (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::READALL) || (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::READMY) && (($this->fields["users_id"] === Session::getLoginUserID( )) || $this->isInTheManagerGroup( ) || $this->isInTheTeam( )))) |
/src/CommonITILValidation.php:1408 | 1 | $out = Dropdown::showFromArray("validatortype", ['user' => User::getTypeName(1), 'group' => Group::getTypeName(1)], ['value' => $type, 'display_emptychoice' => true, 'display' => false, 'disabled' => $params['disabled'], 'rand' => $params['rand'], 'width' => $params['width'], 'required' => $params['required'], ]) |
/src/CommonITILValidation.php:1235 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '56', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'submission_date', 'name' => __('Request date'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/CommonITILValidation.php:1221 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '55', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'status', 'datatype' => 'specific', 'name' => __('Approval status'), 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/CommonITILValidation.php:1261 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '58', 'table' => 'glpi_users', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => _n('Requester', 'Requesters', 1), 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'right' => (static::$itemtype == 'Ticket' ? 'create_ticket_validate' : 'create_validate'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => static::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]]] |
/src/CommonITILValidation.php:1248 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '57', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'validation_date', 'name' => __('Approval date'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/CommonITILValidation.php:1172 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '51', 'table' => getTableForItemType(static::$itemtype), 'field' => 'validation_percent', 'name' => __('Minimum validation required'), 'datatype' => 'number', 'unit' => '%', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100, 'step' => 50] |
/src/CommonITILValidation.php:195 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['users_id_validate'], 'FROM' => static::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => [static::$items_id => $items_id, 'users_id_validate' => Session::getLoginUserID( )], 'START' => 0, 'LIMIT' => 1]) |
/src/CommonITILValidation.php:1207 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '54', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'comment_validation', 'name' => __('Approval comments'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'htmltext' => true, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/CommonITILValidation.php:1193 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '53', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'comment_submission', 'name' => __('Request comments'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'htmltext' => true, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Project.php:994 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '117', 'table' => ProjectTask::getTable( ), 'field' => 'percent_done', 'name' => __('Percent done'), 'datatype' => 'number', 'unit' => '%', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100, 'step' => 5, 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Project.php:980 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '116', 'table' => ProjectTask::getTable( ), 'field' => 'date_mod', 'name' => __('Last update'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Project.php:1026 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '119', 'table' => ProjectTask::getTable( ), 'field' => 'plan_end_date', 'name' => __('Planned end date'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Project.php:1012 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '118', 'table' => ProjectTask::getTable( ), 'field' => 'plan_start_date', 'name' => __('Planned start date'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Project.php:924 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '113', 'table' => ProjectState::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => _x('item', 'State'), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'item_revert', 'specific_itemtype' => 'ProjectState', 'beforejoin' => ['table' => ProjectTask::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', ]]]] |
/src/Project.php:910 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '112', 'table' => ProjectTask::getTable( ), 'field' => 'content', 'name' => __('Description'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Project.php:966 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '115', 'table' => ProjectTask::getTable( ), 'field' => 'date_creation', 'name' => __('Creation date'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Project.php:945 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '114', 'table' => ProjectTaskType::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'item_revert', 'specific_itemtype' => 'ProjectTaskType', 'beforejoin' => ['table' => ProjectTask::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', ]]]] |
/src/Project.php:853 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '89', 'table' => Supplier::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => Supplier::getTypeName(2), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item_revert', 'specific_itemtype' => 'Supplier', 'beforejoin' => ['table' => ProjectTeam::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', ]]]] |
/src/Project.php:834 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '88', 'table' => Group::getTable( ), 'field' => 'completename', 'name' => Group::getTypeName(2), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item_revert', 'specific_itemtype' => 'Group', 'beforejoin' => ['table' => ProjectTeam::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', ]]]] |
/src/Project.php:896 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '111', 'table' => ProjectTask::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Name'), 'datatype' => 'string', 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Project.php:872 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '90', 'table' => Contact::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => Contact::getTypeName(2), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item_revert', 'specific_itemtype' => 'Contact', 'beforejoin' => ['table' => ProjectTeam::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', ]]]] |
/src/Project.php:762 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '91', 'table' => ProjectCost::getTable( ), 'field' => 'totalcost', 'name' => __('Total cost'), 'datatype' => 'decimal', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'specific_itemtype' => 'ProjectCost', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.projects_id' => new QueryExpression($DB->quoteName(''))], 'beforejoin' => ['table' => $this->getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], ], ], 'computation' => '(SUM(' . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.cost') . '))', 'nometa' => true, ] |
/src/Project.php:726 | 4 | $tab[] = ['id' => '50', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'template_name', 'name' => __('Template name'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, ] |
/src/Project.php:815 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '87', 'table' => User::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => User::getTypeName(2), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item_revert', 'specific_itemtype' => 'User', 'beforejoin' => ['table' => ProjectTeam::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', ]]]] |
/src/Project.php:793 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => $index, 'table' => Itil_Project::getTable( ), 'field' => 'id', 'name' => $label, 'datatype' => 'count', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => "AND NEWTABLE.`itemtype` = '$itil_type'"]] |
/src/State.php:337 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '25', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_peripheral', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), Peripheral::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/State.php:329 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '24', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_printer', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), Printer::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/State.php:353 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '27', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_networkequipment', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), NetworkEquipment::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/State.php:345 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '26', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_phone', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), Phone::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/State.php:301 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '21', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_computer', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), Computer::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/NotificationTargetSavedSearch_Alert.php:142 | 1 | $data = ['name' => $user->getName( ), 'email' => $user->getDefaultEmail( ), 'language' => $user->getField('language'), 'users_id' => $user->getID( ), 'usertype' => $usertype] |
/src/State.php:321 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '23', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_monitor', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), Monitor::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/State.php:309 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '22', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_softwareversion', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), SoftwareVersion::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/RuleCollection.php:2302 | 1 | $dictionnaries[] = ['type' => _n('Type', 'Types', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'entries' => [['label' => ComputerType::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'link' => 'ruledictionnarycomputertype.php', 'icon' => ComputerType::getIcon( ), ], ['label' => MonitorType::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'link' => 'ruledictionnarymonitortype.php', 'icon' => MonitorType::getIcon( ), ], ['label' => PrinterType::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'link' => 'ruledictionnaryprintertype.php', 'icon' => PrinterType::getIcon( ), ], ['label' => CommonDeviceType::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'link' => 'ruledictionnaryperipheraltype.php', 'icon' => CommonDeviceType::getIcon( ), ], ['label' => NetworkEquipmentType::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'link' => 'ruledictionnarynetworkequipmenttype.php', 'icon' => NetworkEquipmentType::getIcon( ), ], ['label' => PhoneType::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'link' => 'ruledictionnaryphonetype.php', 'icon' => PhoneType::getIcon( ), ]]] |
/src/RuleCollection.php:2269 | 1 | $dictionnaries[] = ['type' => _n('Model', 'Models', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'entries' => [['label' => ComputerModel::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'link' => 'ruledictionnarycomputermodel.php', 'icon' => ComputerModel::getIcon( ), ], ['label' => MonitorModel::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'link' => 'ruledictionnarymonitormodel.php', 'icon' => MonitorModel::getIcon( ), ], ['label' => PrinterModel::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'link' => 'ruledictionnaryprintermodel.php', 'icon' => PrinterModel::getIcon( ), ], ['label' => CommonDeviceModel::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'link' => 'ruledictionnaryperipheralmodel.php', 'icon' => CommonDeviceModel::getIcon( ), ], ['label' => NetworkEquipmentModel::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'link' => 'ruledictionnarynetworkequipmentmodel.php', 'icon' => NetworkEquipmentModel::getIcon( ), ], ['label' => PhoneModel::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'link' => 'ruledictionnaryphonemodel.php', 'icon' => PhoneModel::getIcon( ), ]]] |
/src/NotificationTargetSavedSearch_Alert.php:98 | 1 | $tags = ['savedsearch.action' => _n('Event', 'Events', 1), '' => __('Name'), 'savedsearch.message' => __('Message'), '' => __('ID'), 'savedsearch.count' => __('Number of results'), 'savedsearch.type' => __('Item type'), 'savedsearch.url' => __('Load saved search')] |
/src/RuleCollection.php:2335 | 1 | $dictionnaries[] = ['type' => OperatingSystem::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'entries' => [['label' => OperatingSystem::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'link' => 'ruledictionnaryoperatingsystem.php', 'icon' => OperatingSystem::getIcon( ), ], ['label' => OperatingSystemServicePack::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'link' => 'ruledictionnaryoperatingsystemservicepack.php', 'icon' => OperatingSystemServicePack::getIcon( ), ], ['label' => OperatingSystemVersion::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'link' => 'ruledictionnaryoperatingsystemversion.php', 'icon' => OperatingSystemVersion::getIcon( ), ], ['label' => OperatingSystemArchitecture::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'link' => 'ruledictionnaryoperatingsystemarchitecture.php', 'icon' => OperatingSystemArchitecture::getIcon( ), ]]] |
/src/RuleCollection.php:897 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id', 'ranking'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_rules', 'WHERE' => ['sub_type' => $this->getRuleClassName( ), ['ranking' => ['>=', $rank]], ['ranking' => ['<', $old_rank]]]]) |
/src/RuleCollection.php:878 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id', 'ranking'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_rules', 'WHERE' => ['sub_type' => $this->getRuleClassName( ), ['ranking' => ['>', $old_rank]], ['ranking' => ['<=', $rank]]]]) |
/src/RuleCollection.php:2043 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'glpi_rulecriterias.criteria', 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_rulecriterias', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_rules' => ['ON' => ['glpi_rulecriterias' => 'rules_id', 'glpi_rules' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_rules.is_active' => 1, 'glpi_rules.sub_type' => $this->getRuleClassName( )]]) |
/src/RuleCollection.php:1803 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'glpi_rulecriterias.criteria', 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_rulecriterias', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_rules' => ['ON' => ['glpi_rulecriterias' => 'rules_id', 'glpi_rules' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_rules.is_active' => 1, 'glpi_rules.sub_type' => $this->getRuleClassName( )] + $limit]) |
/src/NetworkPortType.php:111 | 1 | $template = ['entities_id' => 0, 'is_recursive' => 0, 'value_decimal' => 0, 'name' => null, 'comment' => null, 'is_importable' => 0, 'instantiation_type' => null, 'date_creation' => $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime'], 'date_mod' => $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime']] |
/src/NetworkPortType.php:49 | 1 | return [['name' => 'value_decimal', 'label' => __('Decimal'), 'type' => 'integer', 'max' => 1000], ['name' => 'is_importable', 'label' => __('Import'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'instantiation_type', 'label' => __('Instanciation type'), 'type' => 'itemtypename', 'itemtype_list' => 'networkport_instantiations', ]] |
/src/ITILFollowupTemplate.php:54 | 1 | return [['name' => 'requesttypes_id', 'label' => __('Source of followup'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'is_private', 'label' => __('Private'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'content', 'label' => __('Content'), 'type' => 'tinymce', 'disable_images' => true, ]] |
/src/NetworkPortType.php:135 | 1 | $row = array_merge($template, ['value_decimal' => (int) $iftype['decimal'], 'name' => $iftype['name'], 'comment' => trim($iftype['description'] . ' ' . $iftype['references']), 'is_importable' => $importable, 'instantiation_type' => $instanciation]) |
/src/State.php:473 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '37', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_appliance', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), Appliance::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/State.php:461 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '36', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_contract', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), Contract::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/State.php:497 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '39', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_databaseinstance', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), DatabaseInstance::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/State.php:485 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '38', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_cable', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), Cable::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/State.php:425 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '33', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_pdu', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), PDU::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/State.php:413 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '32', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_enclosure', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), Enclosure::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/State.php:449 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '35', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_passivedcequipment', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), PassiveDCEquipment::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/State.php:437 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '34', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_cluster', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), Cluster::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/State.php:377 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '29', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_certificate', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), Certificate::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/State.php:365 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '28', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_softwarelicense', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), SoftwareLicense::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/State.php:401 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '31', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_line', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), Line::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/State.php:389 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '30', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_visible_rack', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), Rack::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), 'datatype' => 'bool'] |
/src/IPAddress.php:1196 | 1 | $criteria['INNER JOIN'] = $criteria['INNER JOIN'] + ['glpi_networknames AS NAME' => ['ON' => ['NAME' => 'id', 'ADDR' => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['NAME.itemtype' => 'NetworkPort']]]], 'glpi_networkports AS PORT' => ['ON' => ['NAME' => 'items_id', 'PORT' => 'id', ['AND' => ['PORT.itemtype' => $itemtype]]]], "$table AS ITEM" => ['ON' => ['ITEM' => 'id', 'PORT' => 'items_id']]] |
/src/IPAddress.php:1148 | 1 | $main_criteria = ['SELECT' => ['ADDR.binary_0 AS binary_0', 'ADDR.binary_1 AS binary_1', 'ADDR.binary_2 AS binary_2', 'ADDR.binary_3 AS binary_3', ' AS ip', ' AS id', 'ADDR.itemtype AS addr_item_type', 'ADDR.items_id AS addr_item_id', 'glpi_entities.completename AS entity', ], 'FROM' => 'glpi_ipaddresses_ipnetworks AS LINK', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_ipaddresses AS ADDR' => ['ON' => ['ADDR' => 'id', 'LINK' => 'ipaddresses_id', ['AND' => ['ADDR.itemtype' => 'NetworkName', 'ADDR.is_deleted' => 0]]]]], 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_entities' => ['ON' => ['ADDR' => 'entities_id', 'glpi_entities' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['LINK.ipnetworks_id' => $item->getID( ), ]] |
/src/IPAddress.php:1261 | 1 | $criteria['SELECT'] = array_merge($criteria['SELECT'], [' AS name_id', new \QueryExpression("NULL AS " . $DB->quoteName('port_id')), new \QueryExpression('NULL AS ' . $DB->quoteName('item_id')), new \QueryExpression("NULL AS " . $DB->quoteName('item_type'))]) |
/src/IPAddress.php:1234 | 1 | $criteria['INNER JOIN'] = $criteria['INNER JOIN'] + ['glpi_networknames AS NAME' => ['ON' => ['NAME' => 'id', 'ADDR' => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['NAME.itemtype' => 'NetworkPort']]]], 'glpi_networkports AS PORT' => ['ON' => ['NAME' => 'items_id', 'PORT' => 'id', ['AND' => ['NOT' => ['PORT.itemtype' => $CFG_GLPI['networkport_types']]]]]]] |
/src/RuleDictionnarySoftwareCollection.php:437 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', 'COUNT' => 'glpi_softwareversions.softwares_id AS cpt'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_softwares', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => ['ON' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => 'softwares_id', 'glpi_softwares' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['' => $soft_ids, 'is_deleted' => 0], 'GROUPBY' => '', 'HAVING' => ['cpt' => 0]]) |
/src/RuleDictionnarySoftwareCollection.php:255 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', ' AS name', 'gs.entities_id AS entities_id', ' AS manufacturer'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_softwares AS gs', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_manufacturers AS gm' => ['ON' => ['gs' => 'manufacturers_id', 'gm' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['gs.is_template' => 0, '' => $ID]]) |
/src/Item_DeviceControl.php:48 | 4 | return ['serial' => parent::getSpecificities('serial'), 'otherserial' => parent::getSpecificities('otherserial'), 'locations_id' => parent::getSpecificities('locations_id'), 'states_id' => parent::getSpecificities('states_id'), 'busID' => parent::getSpecificities('busID')] |
/src/RuleDictionnarySoftwareCollection.php:502 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['gcs_2.*'], 'FROM' => $item_softwareversion_table, 'LEFT JOIN' => ["{$item_softwareversion_table} AS gcs_2" => ['FKEY' => ['gcs_2' => 'items_id', $item_softwareversion_table => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['gcs_2.itemtype' => $item_softwareversion_table . '.itemtype']]]]], 'WHERE' => ["{$item_softwareversion_table}.softwareversions_id" => $new_versionID, 'gcs_2.softwareversions_id' => $version_id]]) |
/src/Item_OperatingSystem.php:555 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '48', 'table' => 'glpi_operatingsystemkernelversions', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => _n('Kernel version', 'Kernel versions', 1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_items_operatingsystems', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', 'specific_itemtype' => $itemtype]]]] |
/src/Item_OperatingSystem.php:532 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '64', 'table' => 'glpi_operatingsystemkernels', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => _n('Kernel', 'Kernels', 1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_operatingsystemkernelversions', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_items_operatingsystems', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', 'specific_itemtype' => $itemtype]]]]]] |
/src/DocumentType.php:45 | 1 | return [['name' => 'icon', 'label' => __('Icon'), 'type' => 'icon'], ['name' => 'is_uploadable', 'label' => __('Authorized upload'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'ext', 'label' => __('Extension'), 'type' => 'text', 'comment' => __('May be a regular expression')], ['name' => 'mime', 'label' => __('MIME type'), 'type' => 'text']] |
/src/Item_OperatingSystem.php:573 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '63', 'table' => 'glpi_operatingsystemeditions', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => _n('Edition', 'Editions', 1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_items_operatingsystems', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', 'specific_itemtype' => $itemtype]]]] |
/src/Item_OperatingSystem.php:452 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '46', 'table' => 'glpi_operatingsystemversions', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => _n('Version', 'Versions', 1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_items_operatingsystems', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', 'specific_itemtype' => $itemtype]]]] |
/src/Item_OperatingSystem.php:434 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '45', 'table' => 'glpi_operatingsystems', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Name'), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_items_operatingsystems', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', 'specific_itemtype' => $itemtype]]]] |
/src/Item_OperatingSystem.php:514 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '61', 'table' => 'glpi_operatingsystemarchitectures', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => _n('Architecture', 'Architectures', 1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_items_operatingsystems', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', 'specific_itemtype' => $itemtype]]]] |
/src/Item_OperatingSystem.php:470 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '41', 'table' => 'glpi_operatingsystemservicepacks', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => OperatingSystemServicePack::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_items_operatingsystems', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', 'specific_itemtype' => $itemtype]]]] |
/src/CronTask.php:1147 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['OR' => [['itemtype' => ['LIKE', sprintf('Plugin%s', $plugin) . '%']], ['itemtype' => ['LIKE', addslashes(sprintf('GlpiPlugin\\\\%s\\\\', $plugin)) . '%']]]]]) |
/src/CronTask.php:520 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => 'glpi_crontasklogs', 'WHERE' => ['crontasks_id' => $this->fields['id'], 'state' => [CronTaskLog::STATE_STOP, CronTaskLog::STATE_ERROR], ], 'ORDER' => 'id DESC', 'LIMIT' => $threshold * 2]) |
/src/CronTask.php:1352 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => 'glpi_crontasklogs', 'WHERE' => ['crontasks_id' => $this->fields['id'], 'state' => [CronTaskLog::STATE_STOP, CronTaskLog::STATE_ERROR], ], 'ORDER' => 'id DESC', 'START' => (int) $start, 'LIMIT' => (int) $_SESSION['glpilist_limit']]) |
/src/CronTask.php:1216 | 1 | $data = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['MIN' => ['date AS datemin', 'elapsed AS elapsedmin', 'volume AS volmin'], 'MAX' => ['elapsed AS elapsedmax', 'volume AS volmax'], 'SUM' => ['elapsed AS elapsedtot', 'volume AS voltot'], 'AVG' => ['elapsed AS elapsedavg', 'volume AS volavg']], 'FROM' => CronTaskLog::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['crontasks_id' => $this->fields['id'], 'state' => CronTaskLog::STATE_STOP]])->current( ) |
/src/CronTask.php:367 | 1 | return $log->add(['crontasks_id' => $this->fields['id'], 'date' => $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime'], 'content' => addslashes($content), 'crontasklogs_id' => $this->startlog, 'state' => CronTaskLog::STATE_RUN, 'volume' => $this->volume, 'elapsed' => (microtime(true) - $this->timer)]) |
/src/CronTask.php:251 | 1 | $this->startlog = $log->add(['crontasks_id' => $this->fields['id'], 'date' => $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime'], 'content' => addslashes($txt), 'crontasklogs_id' => 0, 'state' => CronTaskLog::STATE_START, 'volume' => 0, 'elapsed' => 0]) |
/src/CronTask.php:469 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['*', new \QueryExpression("LOCATE('Plugin', " . $DB->quoteName('itemtype') . ") AS ISPLUGIN")], 'FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => $WHERE, 'ORDER' => ['ISPLUGIN', new \QueryExpression('unix_timestamp(' . $DB->quoteName('lastrun') . ')+' . $DB->quoteName('frequency') . '')]]) |
/src/CronTask.php:445 | 1 | $WHERE[] = ['OR' => [['AND' => [['hourmin' => ['<', new QueryExpression($DB->quoteName('hourmax'))]], 'hourmin' => ['<=', $hour_criteria], 'hourmax' => ['>', $hour_criteria]]], ['AND' => ['hourmin' => ['>', new QueryExpression($DB->quoteName('hourmax'))], 'OR' => ['hourmin' => ['<=', $hour_criteria], 'hourmax' => ['>', $hour_criteria]]]]]] |
/src/DisplayPreference.php:618 | 1 | $massiveactionparams = ['width' => 400, 'height' => 200, 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'specific_actions' => [__CLASS__ . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'delete_for_user' => _x('button', 'Delete permanently')], 'extraparams' => ['massive_action_fields' => ['users_id']]] |
/src/CronTask.php:227 | 1 | $result = $DB->update($this->getTable( ), ['state' => self::STATE_RUNNING, 'lastrun' => new \QueryExpression('DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),\'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:00\')')], ['id' => $this->fields['id'], 'NOT' => ['state' => self::STATE_RUNNING]]) |
/src/DisplayPreference.php:57 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['MAX' => 'rank AS maxrank'], 'FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $input['itemtype'], 'users_id' => $input['users_id']]])->current( ) |
/src/IPAddress.php:1394 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['items_id' => $item->getID( ), 'itemtype' => $item->getType( ), 'is_deleted' => 0]]) |
/src/DisplayPreference.php:238 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id', 'rank'], 'FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $input['itemtype'], 'users_id' => $input["users_id"]] + $where, 'ORDER' => $order, 'LIMIT' => 1])->current( ) |
/src/DisplayPreference.php:120 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $itemtype, 'OR' => [['users_id' => $user_id], ['users_id' => 0]]], 'ORDER' => ['users_id', 'rank']]) |
/src/Project.php:2532 | 1 | $rights = ['create_item' => self::canCreate( ) || ProjectTask::canCreate( ), 'delete_item' => self::canDelete( ) || ProjectTask::canDelete( ), 'create_column' => (bool) ProjectState::canCreate( ), 'modify_view' => $ID == 0 || $project->canModifyGlobalState( ), 'order_card' => (bool) $project->canOrderKanbanCard($ID), 'create_card_limited_columns' => $canmodify_view ? [ ] : [0]] |
/src/Project.php:2480 | 1 | $supported_itemtypes['ProjectTask'] = ['name' => ProjectTask::getTypeName(1), 'icon' => ProjectTask::getIcon( ), 'fields' => ['projects_id' => ['type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $ID], 'name' => ['placeholder' => __('Name')], 'content' => ['placeholder' => __('Content'), 'type' => 'textarea'], 'projecttasktemplates_id' => ['type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 0], 'projecttasks_id' => ['type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 0], 'entities_id' => ['type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $ID > 0 ? $project->fields["entities_id"] : $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'], ], 'is_recursive' => ['type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 0]], 'team_itemtypes' => ProjectTask::getTeamItemtypes( ), 'team_roles' => $team_roles, ] |
/src/Rack.php:270 | 10 | $tab[] = ['id' => '61', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'template_name', 'name' => __('Template name'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, ] |
/src/Rack.php:85 | 1 | return [['id' => 'rack', 'name' => _n('Rack', 'Racks', Session::getPluralNumber( ))], ['id' => '180', 'table' => Rack::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Name'), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => Item_Rack::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', 'specific_itemtype' => $itemtype]]]], ['id' => '181', 'table' => Item_Rack::getTable( ), 'field' => 'position', 'name' => __('Position'), 'datatype' => 'number', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', 'specific_itemtype' => $itemtype]], ] |
/src/Project.php:2081 | 1 | $request = ['SELECT' => ['glpi_projects.*', 'glpi_projectstates.is_finished'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_projects', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_projectstates' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_projects' => 'projectstates_id', 'glpi_projectstates' => 'id']]] + $project_visibility['LEFT JOIN'], 'WHERE' => $project_visibility['WHERE'], ] |
/src/Project.php:2013 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(array_merge_recursive(['SELECT' => ['', '', 'glpi_projects.is_deleted', 'glpi_projectstates.is_finished'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_projects', 'LEFT JOIN' => $joins, 'WHERE' => $criteria], self::getVisibilityCriteria( ))) |
/src/Project.php:2437 | 1 | $supported_itemtypes['Project'] = ['name' => Project::getTypeName(1), 'icon' => Project::getIcon( ), 'fields' => ['projects_id' => ['type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $ID], 'name' => ['placeholder' => __('Name')], 'content' => ['placeholder' => __('Content'), 'type' => 'textarea'], 'users_id' => ['type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $_SESSION['glpiID']], 'entities_id' => ['type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $ID > 0 ? $project->fields["entities_id"] : $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'], ], 'is_recursive' => ['type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 0]], 'team_itemtypes' => Project::getTeamItemtypes( ), 'team_roles' => $team_roles, ] |
/src/Project.php:2300 | 1 | $card = ['id' => "{$itemtype}-{$item['id']}", 'title' => '<span class="pointer">' . $item['name'] . '</span>', 'title_tooltip' => Html::resume_text(RichText::getTextFromHtml($item['content'] ?? "", false, true), 100), 'is_deleted' => $item['is_deleted'] ?? false, ] |
/src/Project.php:1118 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '126', 'table' => ProjectTask::getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_milestone', 'name' => __('Milestone'), 'datatype' => 'bool', 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Project.php:1104 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '125', 'table' => ProjectTask::getTable( ), 'field' => 'comment', 'name' => __('Comments'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Project.php:1949 | 1 | $todisplay[$real_begin . '#' . $real_end . '#project' . $project->getID( )] = ['id' => $project->getID( ), 'name' => $project->fields['name'], 'link' => $project->getLink( ), 'desc' => $project->fields['content'], 'percent' => isset($project->fields['percent_done']) ? $project->fields['percent_done'] : 0, 'type' => 'project', 'from' => $real_begin, 'to' => $real_end] |
/src/Project.php:1353 | 1 | $eigth_column = sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), $eigth_column, Html::showToolTip($item->fields['content'], ['display' => false, 'applyto' => $item->getType( ) . $item->fields["id"] . $rand])) |
/src/Project.php:1054 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '122', 'table' => ProjectTask::getTable( ), 'field' => 'real_end_date', 'name' => __('Real end date'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Project.php:1040 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '120', 'table' => ProjectTask::getTable( ), 'field' => 'real_start_date', 'name' => __('Real start date'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Project.php:1085 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '124', 'table' => ProjectTask::getTable( ), 'field' => 'effective_duration', 'name' => __('Effective duration'), 'datatype' => 'timestamp', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100 * HOUR_TIMESTAMP, 'step' => HOUR_TIMESTAMP, 'addfirstminutes' => true, 'inhours' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Project.php:1066 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '123', 'table' => ProjectTask::getTable( ), 'field' => 'planned_duration', 'name' => __('Planned Duration'), 'datatype' => 'timestamp', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100 * HOUR_TIMESTAMP, 'step' => HOUR_TIMESTAMP, 'addfirstminutes' => true, 'inhours' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/RuleMatchedLog.php:166 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['items_id' => $items_id, 'itemtype' => $itemtype], 'ORDER' => 'date DESC', 'START' => 30, 'LIMIT' => '50000']) |
/src/Monitor.php:485 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '129', 'table' => 'glpi_computers_items', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of monitors'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.itemtype' => 'Monitor']]] |
/src/Item_OperatingSystem.php:88 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS assocID', '', ' AS version', ' AS architecture', ' AS servicepack'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_items_operatingsystems', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_operatingsystems' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_operatingsystems' => 'operatingsystems_id', 'glpi_operatingsystems' => 'id']], 'glpi_operatingsystemservicepacks' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_operatingsystems' => 'operatingsystemservicepacks_id', 'glpi_operatingsystemservicepacks' => 'id']], 'glpi_operatingsystemarchitectures' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_operatingsystems' => 'operatingsystemarchitectures_id', 'glpi_operatingsystemarchitectures' => 'id']], 'glpi_operatingsystemversions' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_operatingsystems' => 'operatingsystemversions_id', 'glpi_operatingsystemversions' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_items_operatingsystems.itemtype' => $item->getType( ), 'glpi_items_operatingsystems.items_id' => $item->getID( )], 'ORDERBY' => "$sort $order"]) |
/src/RuleMatchedLog.php:245 | 1 | $params = ['FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $itemtype, 'items_id' => intval($items_id)], 'ORDER' => 'date DESC', 'START' => (int) $start, 'LIMIT' => (int) $_SESSION['glpilist_limit']] |
/src/ITILFollowup.php:813 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '93', 'table' => 'glpi_users', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Writer'), 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'right' => 'all', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => static::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', 'condition' => $followup_condition]]]] |
/src/ITILFollowup.php:798 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '91', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_private', 'name' => __('Private followup'), 'datatype' => 'bool', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', 'condition' => $followup_condition]] |
/src/Monitor.php:433 | 10 | $tab[] = ['id' => '61', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'template_name', 'name' => __('Template name'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, ] |
/src/ITILFollowup.php:1092 | 1 | $central_profiles = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'total', 'FROM' => Profile::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['interface' => 'central', 'id' => new QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => ['profiles_id'], 'FROM' => Profile_User::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['users_id' => $user_id]])]]) |
/src/ITILFollowup.php:750 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '36', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'date', 'name' => _n('Date', 'Dates', 1), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', 'condition' => $followup_condition]] |
/src/ITILFollowup.php:734 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '25', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'content', 'name' => __('Description'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'splititems' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', 'condition' => $followup_condition], 'datatype' => 'text', 'htmltext' => true] |
/src/ITILFollowup.php:779 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '29', 'table' => 'glpi_requesttypes', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => RequestType::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => static::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', 'condition' => $followup_condition]]]] |
/src/ITILFollowup.php:764 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '27', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of followups'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', 'condition' => $followup_condition]] |
/src/ITILFollowup.php:100 | 1 | return (Session::haveRightsOr(self::$rightname, [self::SEEPUBLIC, self::SEEPRIVATE]) || Session::haveRight('ticket', Ticket::OWN)) || Session::haveRight('ticket', READ) || Session::haveRight('change', READ) || Session::haveRight('problem', READ) |
/src/Rack.php:889 | 1 | return "<div class='grid-stack-item room_orientation_" . $cell['room_orientation'] . "' gs-id='" . $cell['id'] . "' gs-locked='true' gs-h='1' gs-w='1' gs-x='" . $cell['_x'] . "' gs-y='" . $cell['_y'] . "'> <div class='grid-stack-item-content' style='background-color: $bgcolor; color: $fgcolor;'> <a href='" . $rack->getLinkURL( ) . "' style='color: $fgcolor'>" . $cell['name'] . "</a> <span class='tipcontent'> <span> <label>" . __('name') . ":</label>" . $cell['name'] . " </span> <span> <label>" . __('serial') . ":</label>" . $cell['serial'] . " </span> <span> <label>" . __('Inventory number') . ":</label>" . $cell['otherserial'] . " </span> </span> </div><!-- // .grid-stack-item-content --> </div>" |
/src/ITILFollowup.php:209 | 1 | return (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::UPDATEALL) || $itilobject->isUser(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || (isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && $itilobject->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, $_SESSION['glpigroups']))) |
/src/ITILFollowup.php:110 | 1 | return Session::haveRight('change', UPDATE) || Session::haveRight('problem', UPDATE) || (Session::haveRightsOr(self::$rightname, [self::ADDALLTICKET, self::ADDMYTICKET, self::ADDGROUPTICKET]) || Session::haveRight('ticket', Ticket::OWN)) |
/src/Html.php:1796 | 2 | $options = ['interval' => ($CFG_GLPI['notifications_ajax_check_interval'] ? $CFG_GLPI['notifications_ajax_check_interval'] : 5) * 1000, 'sound' => $CFG_GLPI['notifications_ajax_sound'] ? $CFG_GLPI['notifications_ajax_sound'] : false, 'icon' => ($CFG_GLPI["notifications_ajax_icon_url"] ? $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . $CFG_GLPI['notifications_ajax_icon_url'] : false), 'user_id' => Session::getLoginUserID( )] |
/src/Html.php:1618 | 1 | $menu['tickets'] = ['default' => '/front/ticket.php', 'title' => _n('Ticket', 'Tickets', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'icon' => Ticket::getIcon( ), 'content' => ['ticket' => ['links' => ['add' => '/front/helpdesk.public.php?create_ticket=1', 'search' => Ticket::getSearchURL( ), 'lists' => '', ]]]] |
/src/Html.php:2689 | 1 | $out .= Ajax::createModalWindow('modal_massiveaction_window' . $identifier, $url, ['title' => $p['title'], 'extraparams' => $p['extraparams'], 'width' => $p['width'], 'height' => $p['height'], 'js_modal_fields' => $js_modal_fields, 'display' => false, 'modal_class' => "modal-xl", ]) |
/src/Html.php:2052 | 1 | return ['is_debug_active' => $_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] == Session::DEBUG_MODE, 'is_impersonate_active' => Session::isImpersonateActive( ), 'founded_new_version' => $founded_new_version, 'user' => $user instanceof User ? $user : null, 'platform' => $platform, ] |
/src/ITILCategory.php:273 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '98', 'table' => 'glpi_changes', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of changes'), 'datatype' => 'count', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/ITILCategory.php:260 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '78', 'table' => 'glpi_problems', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of problems'), 'datatype' => 'count', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Html.php:1420 | 1 | $menu += ['management' => ['title' => __('Management'), 'types' => ['SoftwareLicense', 'Budget', 'Supplier', 'Contact', 'Contract', 'Document', 'Line', 'Certificate', 'Datacenter', 'Cluster', 'Domain', 'Appliance', 'Database'], 'icon' => 'ti ti-wallet'], 'tools' => ['title' => __('Tools'), 'types' => ['Project', 'Reminder', 'RSSFeed', 'KnowbaseItem', 'ReservationItem', 'Report', 'MigrationCleaner', 'SavedSearch', 'Impact'], 'icon' => 'ti ti-briefcase'], 'plugins' => ['title' => _n('Plugin', 'Plugins', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'types' => [ ], 'icon' => 'ti ti-puzzle'], 'admin' => ['title' => __('Administration'), 'types' => ['User', 'Group', 'Entity', 'Rule', 'Profile', 'QueuedNotification', 'Glpi\\Event', 'Glpi\Inventory\Inventory'], 'icon' => 'ti ti-shield-check'], 'config' => ['title' => __('Setup'), 'types' => ['CommonDropdown', 'CommonDevice', 'Notification', 'SLM', 'Config', 'FieldUnicity', 'CronTask', 'Auth', 'MailCollector', 'Link', 'Plugin'], 'icon' => 'ti ti-settings'], 'preference' => ['title' => __('My settings'), 'default' => '/front/preference.php', 'icon' => 'fas fa-user-cog', 'display' => false, ], ] |
/src/Html.php:1388 | 1 | $menu = ['assets' => ['title' => _n('Asset', 'Assets', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'types' => array_merge(['Computer', 'Monitor', 'Software', 'NetworkEquipment', 'Peripheral', 'Printer', 'CartridgeItem', 'ConsumableItem', 'Phone', 'Rack', 'Enclosure', 'PDU', 'PassiveDCEquipment', 'Unmanaged', 'Cable'], $CFG_GLPI['devices_in_menu']), 'icon' => 'ti ti-package'], ] |
/src/ITILCategory.php:47 | 1 | $tab = [['name' => $this->getForeignKeyField( ), 'label' => __('As child of'), 'type' => 'parent', 'list' => false, ], ['name' => 'users_id', 'label' => __('Technician in charge of the hardware'), 'type' => 'UserDropdown', 'right' => 'own_ticket', 'list' => true, ], ['name' => 'groups_id', 'label' => __('Group in charge of the hardware'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'condition' => ['is_assign' => 1], 'list' => true, ], ['name' => 'knowbaseitemcategories_id', 'label' => __('Knowledge base'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'list' => true, ], ['name' => 'code', 'label' => __('Code representing the ticket category'), 'type' => 'text', 'list' => false, ], ['name' => 'is_helpdeskvisible', 'label' => __('Visible in the simplified interface'), 'type' => 'bool', 'list' => true, ], ['name' => 'is_incident', 'label' => __('Visible for an incident'), 'type' => 'bool', 'list' => true, ], ['name' => 'is_request', 'label' => __('Visible for a request'), 'type' => 'bool', 'list' => true, ], ] |
/src/TaskTemplate.php:57 | 1 | return [['name' => 'content', 'label' => __('Content'), 'type' => 'tinymce', 'rows' => 10], ['name' => 'taskcategories_id', 'label' => TaskCategory::getTypeName(1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'state', 'label' => __('Status'), 'type' => 'state'], ['name' => 'is_private', 'label' => __('Private'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'actiontime', 'label' => __('Duration'), 'type' => 'actiontime'], ['name' => 'users_id_tech', 'label' => __('By'), 'type' => 'users_id_tech'], ['name' => 'groups_id_tech', 'label' => Group::getTypeName(1), 'type' => 'groups_id_tech'], ] |
/src/ITILCategory.php:247 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '77', 'table' => 'glpi_tickets', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of tickets'), 'datatype' => 'count', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/ITILCategory.php:111 | 1 | $tab = array_merge($tab, [['name' => 'is_change', 'label' => __('Visible for a change'), 'type' => 'bool', 'list' => true, ], ['name' => 'tickettemplates_id_demand', 'label' => __('Template for a request'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'list' => true, ], ['name' => 'tickettemplates_id_incident', 'label' => __('Template for an incident'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'list' => true, ], ['name' => 'changetemplates_id', 'label' => __('Template for a change'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'list' => true, ], ['name' => 'problemtemplates_id', 'label' => __('Template for a problem'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'list' => true, ], ]) |
/src/PlanningRecall.php:112 | 1 | return $this->getFromDBByCrit([$this->getTable( ) . '.itemtype' => $itemtype, $this->getTable( ) . '.items_id' => $items_id, $this->getTable( ) . '.users_id' => $users_id]) |
/src/Ticket_Contract.php:133 | 1 | $massiveactionparams = ['num_displayed' => min($_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], $numrows), 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'specific_actions' => ['purge' => _x('button', 'Delete permanently'), ], 'extraparams' => [$item_a_fkey => $item->getID( )], 'width' => 1000, 'height' => 500] |
/src/CommonITILActor.php:120 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => [static::getItilObjectForeignKey( ) => $items_id, 'alternative_email' => $email], 'START' => 0, 'LIMIT' => 1]) |
/src/PlanningRecall.php:397 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'glpi_planningrecalls.*', 'FROM' => 'glpi_planningrecalls', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_alerts' => ['ON' => ['glpi_planningrecalls' => 'id', 'glpi_alerts' => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['glpi_alerts.itemtype' => 'PlanningRecall', 'glpi_alerts.type' => Alert::ACTION]]]]], 'WHERE' => ['NOT' => ['glpi_planningrecalls.when' => null], 'glpi_planningrecalls.when' => ['<', new \QueryExpression('NOW()')], '' => null]]) |
/src/Datacenter.php:137 | 1 | return [['id' => 'datacenter', 'name' => _n('Data center', 'Data centers', Session::getPluralNumber( ))], ['id' => '178', 'table' => $itemtype::getTable( ), 'field' => '_virtual_datacenter_position', 'additionalfields' => ['id', 'name'], 'name' => __('Data center position'), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'nosearch' => true, 'nosort' => true, 'massiveaction' => false], ] |
/src/NetworkPortWifi.php:266 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '158', 'table' => 'glpi_wifinetworks', 'field' => 'essid', 'name' => __('ESSID'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'standard', 'beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_networkportwifis', 'joinparams' => $joinparams]]] |
/src/Reservation.php:260 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => $where + ['reservationitems_id' => $this->fields['reservationitems_id'], 'end' => ['>', $this->fields['begin']], 'begin' => ['<', $this->fields['end']]]])->current( ) |
/src/Datacenter.php:179 | 1 | return ['dcroom' => ['title' => DCRoom::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'page' => DCRoom::getSearchURL(false), 'icon' => DCRoom::getIcon( ), 'links' => ['add' => '/front/dcroom.form.php', 'search' => '/front/dcroom.php', ]]] |
/src/ImpactItem.php:54 | 1 | $it = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', ], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['glpi_impactitems.itemtype' => get_class($item), 'glpi_impactitems.items_id' => $item->fields['id'], ]]) |
/src/Html.php:6347 | 2 | $options = ['interval' => ($CFG_GLPI['notifications_ajax_check_interval'] ? $CFG_GLPI['notifications_ajax_check_interval'] : 5) * 1000, 'sound' => $CFG_GLPI['notifications_ajax_sound'] ? $CFG_GLPI['notifications_ajax_sound'] : false, 'icon' => ($CFG_GLPI["notifications_ajax_icon_url"] ? $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . $CFG_GLPI['notifications_ajax_icon_url'] : false), 'user_id' => Session::getLoginUserID( )] |
/src/NetworkPortWifi.php:250 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '157', 'table' => 'glpi_wifinetworks', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => WifiNetwork::getTypeName(1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'standard', 'beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_networkportwifis', 'joinparams' => $joinparams]]] |
/src/NetworkPortWifi.php:145 | 3 | $tab[] = ['id' => '10', 'table' => NetworkPort::getTable( ), 'field' => 'mac', 'datatype' => 'mac', 'name' => __('MAC'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'empty']] |
/src/Html.php:5542 | 1 | $display .= "<input id='fileupload{$p['rand']}' type='file' name='_uploader_" . $p['name'] . "[]' class='form-control' $required data-url='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/fileupload.php' data-form-data='{\"name\": \"_uploader_" . $p['name'] . "\", \"showfilesize\": \"" . $p['showfilesize'] . "\"}'" . ($p['multiple'] ? " multiple='multiple'" : "") . ($p['onlyimages'] ? " accept='.gif,.png,.jpg,.jpeg'" : "") . ">" |
/src/Html.php:5128 | 1 | $select .= sprintf('<option value="%1$s"%2$s>%3$s</option>', self::cleanInputText($key), ($selected != false && ($key == $selected || is_array($selected) && in_array($key, $selected))) ? ' selected="selected"' : '', Html::entities_deep($value)) |
/src/Html.php:5992 | 1 | return "glpi_confirm({ title: '" . Toolbox::addslashes_deep($title) . "', message: '" . Toolbox::addslashes_deep($msg) . "', confirm_callback: function() { " . ($yesCallback !== null ? '(' . $yesCallback . ')()' : '') . " }, cancel_callback: function() { " . ($noCallback !== null ? '(' . $noCallback . ')()' : '') . " }, }); " |
/src/Html.php:5566 | 1 | $display .= Html::scriptBlock(" $(function() { var fileindex{$p['rand']} = 0; $('#fileupload{$p['rand']}').fileupload({ dataType: 'json', pasteZone: " . ($p['pasteZone'] !== false ? "$('#{$p['pasteZone']}')" : "false") . ", dropZone: " . ($p['dropZone'] !== false ? "$('#{$p['dropZone']}')" : "false") . ", acceptFileTypes: " . ($p['onlyimages'] ? "/(\.|\/)(gif|jpe?g|png)$/i" : DocumentType::getUploadableFilePattern( )) . ", maxFileSize: {$max_file_size}, maxChunkSize: {$max_chunk_size}, add: function (e, data) { // randomize filename for (var i = 0; i < data.files.length; i++) { data.files[i].uploadName = uniqid('', true) + data.files[i].name; } // call default handler $, e, data); }, done: function (event, data) { handleUploadedFile( data.files, // files as blob data.result._uploader_{$p['name']}, // response from '/ajax/fileupload.php' '{$p['name']}', $('#{$p['filecontainer']}'), '{$p['editor_id']}' ); }, fail: function (e, data) { const err = 'responseText' in data.jqXHR && data.jqXHR.responseText.length > 0 ? data.jqXHR.responseText : data.jqXHR.statusText; alert(err); }, processfail: function (e, data) { $.each( data.files, function(index, file) { if (file.error) { $('#progress{$p['rand']}').show(); $('#progress{$p['rand']} .uploadbar') .text(file.error) .css('width', '100%'); return; } } ); }, messages: { acceptFileTypes: __('Filetype not allowed'), maxFileSize: __('File is too big'), }, $progressall_js }); });") |
/src/Html.php:2943 | 1 | $p = ['value' => '', 'maybeempty' => true, 'canedit' => true, 'mindate' => '', 'maxdate' => '', 'mintime' => '', 'maxtime' => '', 'timestep' => -1, 'showyear' => true, 'display' => true, 'rand' => mt_rand( ), 'required' => false, 'on_change' => '', ] |
/src/Html.php:2767 | 1 | $p = ['value' => '', 'defaultDate' => '', 'maybeempty' => true, 'canedit' => true, 'min' => '', 'max' => '', 'showyear' => false, 'display' => true, 'range' => false, 'rand' => mt_rand( ), 'calendar_btn' => true, 'clear_btn' => true, 'yearrange' => '', 'multiple' => false, 'size' => 10, 'required' => false, 'placeholder' => '', 'on_change' => '', ] |
/src/Html.php:3830 | 1 | $js = <<<JS $(function() { var is_dark = $('html').css('--is-dark').trim() === 'true'; var richtext_layout = "{$_SESSION['glpirichtext_layout']}"; // init editor tinyMCE.init(Object.assign({ selector: '#{$name}', plugins: {$pluginsjs}, // Appearance skin_url: is_dark ? CFG_GLPI['root_doc']+'/public/lib/tinymce/skins/ui/oxide-dark' : CFG_GLPI['root_doc']+'/public/lib/tinymce/skins/ui/oxide', body_class: 'rich_text_container', content_css: '{$content_css}', min_height: '150px', resize: true, // disable path indicator in bottom bar elementpath: false, // inline toolbar configuration menubar: false, toolbar: richtext_layout == 'classic' ? 'styleselect | bold italic | forecolor backcolor | bullist numlist outdent indent | emoticons table link image | code fullscreen' : false, quickbars_insert_toolbar: richtext_layout == 'inline' ? 'emoticons quicktable quickimage quicklink | bullist numlist | outdent indent ' : false, quickbars_selection_toolbar: richtext_layout == 'inline' ? 'bold italic | styleselect | forecolor backcolor ' : false, contextmenu: 'emoticons table image link | undo redo | code fullscreen', // Content settings entity_encoding: 'raw', invalid_elements: '{$invalid_elements}', paste_data_images: true, readonly: {$readonlyjs}, relative_urls: false, remove_script_host: false, // Misc options browser_spellcheck: true, cache_suffix: '{$cache_suffix}', setup: function(editor) { // "required" state handling if ($('#$name').attr('required') == 'required') { $('#$name').removeAttr('required'); // Necessary to bypass browser validation editor.on('submit', function (e) { if ($('#$name').val() == '') { alert(__('The description field is mandatory')); e.preventDefault(); // Prevent other events to run // Needed to not break single submit forms e.stopPropagation(); } }); editor.on('keyup', function (e) {; if ($('#$name').val() == '') { $(editor.container).addClass('required'); } else { $(editor.container).removeClass('required'); } }); editor.on('init', function (e) { if (strip_tags($('#$name').val()) == '') { $(editor.container).addClass('required'); } }); editor.on('paste', function (e) { // Remove required on paste event // This is only needed when pasting with right click (context menu) // Pasting with Ctrl+V is already handled by keyup event above $(editor.container).removeClass('required'); }); } editor.on('Change', function (e) { // Nothing fancy here. Since this is only used for tracking unsaved changes, // we want to keep the logic in common.js with the other form input events. onTinyMCEChange(e); }); // ctrl + enter submit the parent form editor.addShortcut('ctrl+13', 'submit', function() {; submitparentForm($('#$name')); }); } }, {$language_opts})); }); JS |
/src/Html.php:3080 | 1 | $p = ['value' => '', 'maybeempty' => true, 'canedit' => true, 'mintime' => '', 'maxtime' => '', 'timestep' => -1, 'display' => true, 'rand' => mt_rand( ), 'required' => false, 'on_change' => '', ] |
/src/NotificationTargetProjectTask.php:443 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'glpi_documents.*', 'FROM' => 'glpi_documents', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_documents_items' => ['ON' => ['glpi_documents_items' => 'documents_id', 'glpi_documents' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_documents_items.itemtype' => 'ProjectTask', 'glpi_documents_items.items_id' => $item->fields['id']]]) |
/src/Supplier.php:518 | 1 | $opt = ['order' => 'ASC', 'is_deleted' => 0, 'reset' => 'reset', 'start' => 0, 'sort' => 80, 'criteria' => [0 => ['value' => '$$$$' . $instID, 'searchtype' => 'contains', 'field' => 53]]] |
/src/NotificationTargetProjectTask.php:587 | 1 | $tags = ['' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), __('ID')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), 'ticket.url' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), ('URL')), 'ticket.title' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), __('Title')), 'ticket.content' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Ticket::getTypeName(1), __('Description')), 'projecttask.projecturl' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Project::getTypeName(1), __('URL')), 'document.url' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('URL')), 'document.downloadurl' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('Download URL')), 'document.heading' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('Heading')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('ID')), 'document.filename' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('File')), 'document.weblink' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('Web link')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('Name')), 'projecttask.urldocument' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), __('URL')), 'projecttask.entity' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Complete name')), 'projecttask.shortentity' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Name')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Team member', 'Team members', 1), __('Name')), 'teammember.itemtype' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Team member', 'Team members', 1), _n('Type', 'Types', 1))] |
/src/NotificationTargetProjectTask.php:511 | 1 | $tags_all = ['projecttask.url' => __('URL'), 'projecttask.action' => _n('Event', 'Events', 1), '' => __('Name'), 'projecttask.project' => Project::getTypeName(1), 'projecttask.description' => __('Description'), 'projecttask.comments' => __('Comments'), 'projecttask.creationdate' => __('Creation date'), 'projecttask.lastupdatedate' => __('Last update'), 'projecttask.planstartdate' => __('Planned start date'), 'projecttask.planenddate' => __('Planned end date'), 'projecttask.realstartdate' => __('Real start date'), 'projecttask.realenddate' => __('Real end date'), 'projecttask.father' => __('Father'), 'projecttask.createbyuser' => __('Writer'), 'projecttask.type' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'projecttask.state' => _x('item', 'State'), 'projecttask.percent' => __('Percent done'), 'projecttask.plannedduration' => __('Planned duration'), 'projecttask.effectiveduration' => __('Effective duration'), 'projecttask.ticketsduration' => __('Tickets duration'), 'projecttask.totalduration' => __('Total duration'), 'projecttask.numberoftasks' => _x('quantity', 'Number of tasks'), 'projecttask.numberofteammembers' => _x('quantity', 'Number of team members'), '' => __('Opening date'), '' => __('Name'), 'task.description' => __('Description'), 'task.comments' => __('Comments'), 'task.creationdate' => __('Creation date'), 'task.lastupdatedate' => __('Last update'), 'task.type' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'task.state' => _x('item', 'State'), 'task.percent' => __('Percent done'), 'task.planstartdate' => __('Planned start date'), 'task.planenddate' => __('Planned end date'), 'task.realstartdate' => __('Real start date'), 'task.realenddate' => __('Real end date'), 'projecttask.numberoflogs' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), _x('quantity', 'Number of items')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), 'projecttask.log.user' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), User::getTypeName(1)), 'projecttask.log.field' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), _n('Field', 'Fields', 1)), 'projecttask.log.content' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), _x('name', 'Update')), 'projecttask.numberoftickets' => _x('quantity', 'Number of tickets'), 'projecttask.numberofdocuments' => _x('quantity', 'Number of documents'), ] |
/src/NotificationTargetFieldUnicity.php:78 | 1 | $tags = ['unicity.message' => __('Message'), 'unicity.action_user' => __('Doer'), 'unicity.action_type' => __('Intended action'), '' => _n('Date', 'Dates', 1), 'unicity.itemtype' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'unicity.entity' => Entity::getTypeName(1), 'unicity.action' => __('Alert on duplicate record')] |
/src/ConsumableItem.php:436 | 1 | $item = ['consID' => $this->fields['id'], 'entity' => $this->fields['entities_id'], 'ref' => $this->fields['ref'], 'name' => $this->fields['name'], 'threshold' => $this->fields['alarm_threshold']] |
/src/Supplier.php:316 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '29', 'table' => 'glpi_contracts', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => _n('Associated contract', 'Associated contracts', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_contracts_suppliers', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]]] |
/src/Supplier.php:271 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '8', 'table' => 'glpi_contacts', 'field' => 'completename', 'name' => _n('Associated contact', 'Associated contacts', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'massiveaction' => false, 'computation' => "CONCAT(" . $DB->quoteName("TABLE.$name1") . ", ' ', " . $DB->quoteName("TABLE.$name2") . ")", 'computationgroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_contacts_suppliers', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]]] |
/src/ConsumableItem.php:201 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '17', 'table' => 'glpi_consumables', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => __('Number of used consumables'), 'datatype' => 'count', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NOT' => ['NEWTABLE.date_out' => null]]]] |
/src/ConsumableItem.php:188 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '9', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => '_virtual', 'linkfield' => '_virtual', 'name' => _n('Consumable', 'Consumables', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nosort' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['alarm_threshold']] |
/src/ConsumableItem.php:312 | 1 | $alerts_result = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS consID', 'glpi_consumableitems.entities_id AS entity', 'glpi_consumableitems.ref AS ref', ' AS name', 'glpi_consumableitems.alarm_threshold AS threshold', ' AS alertID', '', ], 'FROM' => ConsumableItem::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_alerts' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_alerts' => 'items_id', 'glpi_consumableitems' => 'id', ['AND' => ['glpi_alerts.itemtype' => 'ConsumableItem'], ], ]]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_consumableitems.is_deleted' => 0, 'glpi_consumableitems.alarm_threshold' => ['>=', 0], 'glpi_consumableitems.entities_id' => $entity, 'OR' => [['' => null], ['' => ['<', new QueryExpression('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL ' . $repeat . ' second')]], ], ], ]) |
/src/ConsumableItem.php:216 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '19', 'table' => 'glpi_consumables', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => __('Number of new consumables'), 'datatype' => 'count', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.date_out' => null]]] |
/src/CronTask.php:1669 | 2 | $tab[] = ['id' => '8', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'itemtype', 'name' => __('Item type'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'itemtypename', 'types' => self::getUsedItemtypes( )] |
/src/CronTask.php:1621 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '3', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'description', 'name' => __('Description'), 'nosearch' => true, 'nosort' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'text', 'computation' => $DB->quoteName('')] |
/src/CronTask.php:2018 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['state' => self::STATE_RUNNING, 'OR' => [new \QueryExpression('unix_timestamp(' . $DB->quoteName('lastrun') . ') + 2 * ' . $DB->quoteName('frequency') . ' < unix_timestamp(now())'), new \QueryExpression('unix_timestamp(' . $DB->quoteName('lastrun') . ') + 2 * ' . HOUR_TIMESTAMP . ' < unix_timestamp(now())')]]]) |
/src/CronTask.php:1707 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '19', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'logs_lifetime', 'name' => __('Number of days this action logs are stored'), 'datatype' => 'integer', 'min' => 10, 'max' => 360, 'step' => 10, 'toadd' => ['0' => 'Infinite']] |
/src/ComputerAntivirus.php:157 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '168', 'table' => 'glpi_computerantiviruses', 'field' => 'antivirus_version', 'name' => _n('Version', 'Versions', 1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'text', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/CommonDBConnexity.php:509 | 1 | return ['reaffect' => false, 'itemtypes' => [ ], 'normalized' => ['affect' => ['affect'], 'unaffect' => ['unaffect']], 'action_name' => ['affect' => _x('button', 'Associate'), 'unaffect' => _x('button', 'Dissociate')]] |
/src/ComputerAntivirus.php:185 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '170', 'table' => 'glpi_computerantiviruses', 'field' => 'is_uptodate', 'linkfield' => '', 'name' => __('Is up to date'), 'datatype' => 'bool', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'searchtype' => ['equals']] |
/src/ComputerAntivirus.php:170 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '169', 'table' => 'glpi_computerantiviruses', 'field' => 'is_active', 'linkfield' => '', 'name' => __('Active'), 'datatype' => 'bool', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'searchtype' => ['equals']] |
/src/NotificationTargetCertificate.php:98 | 1 | $this->data['certificates'][] = ['' => $certificate_data['name'], '##certificate.serial##' => $certificate_data['serial'], '##certificate.expirationdate##' => Html::convDate($certificate_data["date_expiration"]), '##certificate.url##' => $this->formatURL($options['additionnaloption']['usertype'], "Certificate_" . $id), ] |
/src/Socket.php:582 | 1 | $iter = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => getTableForItemType(Socket::getType( )), 'WHERE' => ['networkports_id' => $this->fields['networkports_id'], ['NOT' => ['id' => $this->fields['id']]]]]) |
/src/IPAddress_IPNetwork.php:73 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [new \QueryExpression($DB->quoteValue($ipnetworks_id) . ' AS ' . $DB->quoteName('ipnetworks_id')), 'id AS ipaddresses_id'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_ipaddresses', 'WHERE' => $network->getCriteriaForMatchingElement('glpi_ipaddresses', 'binary', 'version'), 'GROUP' => 'id']) |
/src/RuleDictionnaryPrinterCollection.php:218 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', '', 'glpi_printers.entities_id AS entities_id', 'glpi_printers.is_global AS is_global', ' AS manufacturer'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_printers', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_manufacturers' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_printers' => 'manufacturers_id', 'glpi_manufacturers' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_printers.is_template' => 0, '' => $IDs]]) |
/src/Socket.php:416 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '1310', 'table' => Socket::getTable( ), 'field' => 'id', 'name' => Socket::getTypeName(0), 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', ], 'datatype' => 'dropdown'] |
/src/Socket.php:374 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '8', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'items_id', 'name' => __('Associated item ID'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'specific', 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype']] |
/src/Socket.php:447 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '1312', 'table' => Socket::getTable( ), 'field' => 'wiring_side', 'name' => __('Wiring side'), 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', ], 'datatype' => 'specific'] |
/src/Socket.php:428 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '1311', 'table' => SocketModel::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => SocketModel::getTypeName(0), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => self::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']]]] |
/src/NotificationTargetProjectTask.php:684 | 1 | $tags = ['log' => __('Historical'), 'tasks' => _n('Task', 'Tasks', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'tickets' => _n('Ticket', 'Tickets', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'teammembers' => _n('Team member', 'Team members', Session::getPluralNumber( ))] |
/src/NotificationTargetProjectTask.php:668 | 1 | $tags = ['projecttask.entity' => Entity::getTypeName(1), 'projecttask.log' => __('Historical'), 'projecttask.tasks' => _n('Task', 'Tasks', Session::getPluralNumber( )), '' => ProjectTeam::getTypeName(1), '' => _n('Ticket', 'Tickets', Session::getPluralNumber( ))] |
/src/Socket.php:359 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '7', 'table' => Socket::getTable( ), 'field' => 'itemtype', 'name' => _n('Associated item type', 'Associated item types', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'itemtypename', 'itemtype_list' => 'socket_types', 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype'], 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/NotificationTargetInfocom.php:86 | 1 | $tags = ['infocom.action' => _n('Event', 'Events', 1), 'infocom.itemtype' => __('Item type'), 'infocom.item' => _n('Associated item', 'Associated items', 1), 'infocom.expirationdate' => __('Expiration date'), 'infocom.entity' => Entity::getTypeName(1)] |
/src/Profile.php:1798 | 1 | $rights = [['itemtype' => 'Rule', 'label' => __('Authorizations assignment rules'), 'field' => 'rule_ldap'], ['itemtype' => 'RuleImportAsset', 'label' => __('Rules for assigning a computer to an entity'), 'field' => 'rule_import'], ['itemtype' => 'RuleMailCollector', 'label' => __('Rules for assigning a ticket created through a mails receiver'), 'field' => 'rule_mailcollector'], ['itemtype' => 'RuleSoftwareCategory', 'label' => __('Rules for assigning a category to a software'), 'field' => 'rule_softwarecategories'], ['itemtype' => 'RuleTicket', 'label' => __('Business rules for tickets (entity)'), 'field' => 'rule_ticket', 'row_class' => 'tab_bg_2'], ['itemtype' => 'RuleAsset', 'label' => __('Business rules for assets'), 'field' => 'rule_asset', 'row_class' => 'tab_bg_2'], ['itemtype' => 'Transfer', 'label' => __('Transfer'), 'field' => 'transfer']] |
/src/Profile.php:1763 | 1 | $rights = [['itemtype' => 'User', 'label' => User::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'user', 'row_class' => 'tab_bg_2'], ['itemtype' => 'Entity', 'label' => Entity::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'entity'], ['itemtype' => 'Group', 'label' => Group::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'group'], ['itemtype' => 'Profile', 'label' => Profile::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'profile'], ['itemtype' => 'QueuedNotification', 'label' => __('Notification queue'), 'field' => 'queuednotification'], ['itemtype' => 'Glpi\Inventory\Conf', 'label' => __('Inventory'), 'field' => 'inventory'], ['itemtype' => 'Log', 'label' => Log::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'logs']] |
/src/Profile.php:1891 | 1 | $rights = [['itemtype' => 'Config', 'label' => __('General setup'), 'field' => 'config'], ['rights' => [READ => __('Read'), UPDATE => __('Update')], 'label' => __('Personalization'), 'field' => 'personalization'], ['itemtype' => 'Glpi\Dashboard\Grid', 'label' => __('All dashboards'), 'field' => 'dashboard'], ['itemtype' => 'DisplayPreference', 'label' => __('Search result display'), 'field' => 'search_config'], ['itemtype' => 'Item_Devices', 'label' => _n('Component', 'Components', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'device'], ['rights' => $dropdown_rights, 'label' => _n('Global dropdown', 'Global dropdowns', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'dropdown'], __('Entity dropdowns'), ['itemtype' => 'Location', 'label' => Location::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'location'], ['itemtype' => 'ITILCategory', 'label' => _n('Ticket category', 'Ticket categories', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'itilcategory'], ['itemtype' => 'KnowbaseItemCategory', 'label' => _n('Knowledge base category', 'Knowledge base categories', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'knowbasecategory'], ['itemtype' => 'TaskCategory', 'label' => _n('Task category', 'Task categories', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'taskcategory'], ['itemtype' => 'State', 'label' => _n('Status of items', 'Statuses of items', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'state'], ['itemtype' => 'ITILFollowupTemplate', 'label' => _n('Followup template', 'Followup templates', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'itilfollowuptemplate'], ['itemtype' => 'SolutionTemplate', 'label' => _n('Solution template', 'Solution templates', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'solutiontemplate'], ['itemtype' => 'Calendar', 'label' => _n('Calendar', 'Calendars', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'calendar'], ['itemtype' => 'DocumentType', 'label' => DocumentType::getTypeName(1), 'field' => 'typedoc'], ['itemtype' => 'Link', 'label' => _n('External link', 'External links', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'link'], ['itemtype' => 'Notification', 'label' => _n('Notification', 'Notifications', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'notification'], ['itemtype' => 'SLM', 'label' => __('SLM'), 'field' => 'slm'], ['itemtype' => 'LineOperator', 'label' => _n('Line operator', 'Line operators', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'lineoperator']] |
/src/Profile.php:1832 | 1 | $rights = [['itemtype' => 'RuleDictionnaryDropdown', 'label' => __('Dropdowns dictionary'), 'field' => 'rule_dictionnary_dropdown'], ['itemtype' => 'RuleDictionnarySoftware', 'label' => __('Software dictionary'), 'field' => 'rule_dictionnary_software'], ['itemtype' => 'RuleDictionnaryPrinter', 'label' => __('Printers dictionnary'), 'field' => 'rule_dictionnary_printer']] |
/src/Profile.php:1368 | 1 | $rights = [['itemtype' => 'Ticket', 'label' => _n('Ticket', 'Tickets', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'ticket'], ['itemtype' => 'TicketCost', 'label' => _n('Ticket cost', 'Ticket costs', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'ticketcost'], ['itemtype' => 'TicketRecurrent', 'label' => __('Recurrent tickets'), 'field' => 'ticketrecurrent']] |
/src/Profile.php:1353 | 1 | $rights = [['itemtype' => 'TicketTemplate', 'label' => _n('Template', 'Templates', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'itiltemplate'], ['itemtype' => 'PendingReason', 'label' => PendingReason::getTypeName(0), 'field' => 'pendingreason'], ] |
/src/Profile.php:1472 | 1 | $rights = [['itemtype' => 'Change', 'label' => _n('Change', 'Changes', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'change'], ['itemtype' => 'ChangeValidation', 'label' => _n('Validation', 'Validations', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'changevalidation'], ['itemtype' => RecurrentChange::class, 'label' => RecurrentChange::getTypeName(2), 'field' => RecurrentChange::$rightname]] |
/src/Profile.php:1384 | 1 | $rights = [['itemtype' => 'ITILFollowup', 'label' => _n('Followup', 'Followups', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'followup'], ['itemtype' => 'TicketTask', 'label' => _n('Task', 'Tasks', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'task']] |
/src/Profile.php:1109 | 1 | $rights = [['itemtype' => 'SoftwareLicense', 'label' => SoftwareLicense::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'license'], ['itemtype' => 'Contact', 'label' => _n('Contact', 'Contacts', Session::getPluralNumber( )) . " / " . _n('Supplier', 'Suppliers', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'contact_enterprise'], ['itemtype' => 'Document', 'label' => Document::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'document'], ['itemtype' => 'Contract', 'label' => _n('Contract', 'Contracts', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'contract'], ['itemtype' => 'Infocom', 'label' => __('Financial and administratives information'), 'field' => 'infocom'], ['itemtype' => 'Budget', 'label' => Budget::getTypeName(1), 'field' => 'budget'], ['itemtype' => 'Line', 'label' => Line::getTypeName(1), 'field' => 'line'], ['itemtype' => 'Certificate', 'label' => _n('Certificate', 'Certificates', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'certificate'], ['itemtype' => 'Datacenter', 'label' => Datacenter::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'datacenter'], ['itemtype' => 'Cluster', 'label' => Cluster::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'cluster'], ['itemtype' => 'Domain', 'label' => _n('Domain', 'Domains', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'domain'], ['itemtype' => 'Appliance', 'label' => Appliance::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'appliance'], ['itemtype' => 'DatabaseInstance', 'label' => Database::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'database'], ['itemtype' => 'Cable', 'label' => __('Cable management'), 'field' => 'cable_management'], ] |
/src/Profile.php:1009 | 1 | $rights = [['itemtype' => 'Computer', 'label' => _n('Computer', 'Computers', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'computer'], ['itemtype' => 'Monitor', 'label' => _n('Monitor', 'Monitors', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'monitor'], ['itemtype' => 'Software', 'label' => _n('Software', 'Software', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'software'], ['itemtype' => 'NetworkEquipment', 'label' => _n('Network', 'Networks', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'networking'], ['itemtype' => 'Printer', 'label' => _n('Printer', 'Printers', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'printer'], ['itemtype' => 'Cartridge', 'label' => _n('Cartridge', 'Cartridges', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'cartridge'], ['itemtype' => 'Consumable', 'label' => _n('Consumable', 'Consumables', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'consumable'], ['itemtype' => 'Phone', 'label' => Phone::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'phone'], ['itemtype' => 'Peripheral', 'label' => Peripheral::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'peripheral'], ['itemtype' => 'NetworkName', 'label' => __('Internet'), 'field' => 'internet'], ['itemtype' => 'DeviceSimcard', 'label' => __('Simcard PIN/PUK'), 'field' => 'devicesimcard_pinpuk', 'rights' => [READ => __('Read'), UPDATE => __('Update')]]] |
/src/Profile.php:1266 | 1 | $rights = [['itemtype' => 'Project', 'label' => _n('Project', 'Projects', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'project'], ['itemtype' => 'ProjectTask', 'label' => _n('Task', 'Task', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'projecttask']] |
/src/Profile.php:1238 | 1 | $rights = [['itemtype' => 'Reminder', 'label' => _n('Public reminder', 'Public reminders', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'reminder_public'], ['itemtype' => 'RSSFeed', 'label' => _n('Public RSS feed', 'Public RSS feeds', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'rssfeed_public'], ['itemtype' => 'SavedSearch', 'label' => _n('Public saved search', 'Public saved searches', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'bookmark_public'], ['itemtype' => 'Report', 'label' => _n('Report', 'Reports', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'reports'], ['itemtype' => 'KnowbaseItem', 'label' => __('Knowledge base'), 'field' => 'knowbase'], ['itemtype' => 'ReservationItem', 'label' => __('Administration of reservations'), 'field' => 'reservation']] |
/src/CommonITILCost.php:284 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '44', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'cost_material', 'name' => __('Material cost'), 'datatype' => 'decimal', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'computation' => '(SUM(' . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.cost_material') . ') / COUNT(' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')) * COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')', 'nometa' => true, ] |
/src/CommonITILCost.php:265 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '43', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'cost_fixed', 'name' => __('Fixed cost'), 'datatype' => 'decimal', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'computation' => '(SUM(' . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.cost_fixed') . ') / COUNT(' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')) * COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')', 'nometa' => true, ] |
/src/Profile.php:949 | 1 | $rights = [['rights' => Profile::getRightsFor('KnowbaseItem', 'helpdesk'), 'label' => __('FAQ'), 'field' => 'knowbase'], ['rights' => Profile::getRightsFor('ReservationItem', 'helpdesk'), 'label' => _n('Reservation', 'Reservations', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'reservation'], ['rights' => Profile::getRightsFor('Reminder', 'helpdesk'), 'label' => _n('Public reminder', 'Public reminders', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'reminder_public'], ['rights' => Profile::getRightsFor('RSSFeed', 'helpdesk'), 'label' => _n('Public RSS feed', 'Public RSS feeds', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'rssfeed_public']] |
/src/Profile.php:799 | 1 | $rights = [['rights' => Profile::getRightsFor('Ticket', 'helpdesk'), 'label' => _n('Ticket', 'Tickets', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'ticket'], ['rights' => Profile::getRightsFor('ITILFollowup', 'helpdesk'), 'label' => _n('Followup', 'Followups', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'followup'], ['rights' => Profile::getRightsFor('TicketTask', 'helpdesk'), 'label' => _n('Task', 'Tasks', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'task'], ['rights' => Profile::getRightsFor('TicketValidation', 'helpdesk'), 'label' => _n('Validation', 'Validations', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'field' => 'ticketvalidation']] |
/src/Profile.php:2351 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '33', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => __('Financial and administratives information'), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Infocom', 'rightname' => 'infocom', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'infocom']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2337 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '32', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Contract', 'Contracts', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Contract', 'rightname' => 'contract', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'contract']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2384 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '34', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => __('Knowledge base'), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'KnowbaseItem', 'rightname' => 'knowbase', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'knowbase']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2365 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '101', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => Budget::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Budget', 'rightname' => 'budget', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'budget']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2290 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '129', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => __('Internet'), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'NetworkName', 'rightname' => 'internet', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'internet']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2276 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '28', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => Phone::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Phone', 'rightname' => 'phone', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'phone']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2323 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '31', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => Document::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Document', 'rightname' => 'document', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'document']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2309 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '30', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => Contact::getTypeName(1) . " / " . Supplier::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Contact', 'rightname' => 'contact_entreprise', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'contact_enterprise']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2234 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '25', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => Peripheral::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Peripheral', 'rightname' => 'peripheral', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'peripheral']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2220 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '24', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Printer', 'Printers', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Printer', 'rightname' => 'printer', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'printer']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2262 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '27', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Consumable', 'Consumables', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Consumable', 'rightname' => 'consumable', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'consumable']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2248 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '26', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Cartridge', 'Cartridges', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Cartridge', 'rightname' => 'cartridge', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'cartridge']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2178 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '21', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Monitor', 'Monitors', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Monitor', 'rightname' => 'monitor', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'monitor']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2164 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '20', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Computer', 'Computers', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Computer', 'rightname' => 'computer', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'computer']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2206 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '23', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Network', 'Networks', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Network', 'rightname' => 'networking', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'networking']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2192 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '22', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Software', 'Software', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Software', 'rightname' => 'software', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'software']]] |
/src/DevicePci.php:54 | 1 | return array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'none', 'label' => RegisteredID::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) . RegisteredID::showAddChildButtonForItemForm($this, '_registeredID', null, false), 'type' => 'registeredIDChooser'], ['name' => 'devicepcimodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue']]) |
/src/KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory.php:70 | 1 | $criteria = ['FROM' => [$kbi_cat_table], 'FIELDS' => [$kbi_cat_table => '*'], 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_knowbaseitems' => ['ON' => [$kbi_cat_table => 'knowbaseitems_id', 'glpi_knowbaseitems' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => [ ], 'GROUPBY' => [$kbi_cat_table . '.id']] |
/src/Vlan.php:174 | 1 | $content .= Html::showToolTip(sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('ID TAG'), $vlan->fields['tag']) . "<br>" . sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Comments'), $vlan->fields['comment']), ['display' => false]) |
/src/DevicePci.php:94 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '95', 'table' => 'glpi_devicepcis', 'field' => 'designation', 'name' => __('Other component'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'string', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_items_devicepcis', 'joinparams' => $main_joinparams]]] |
/src/NotificationTargetContract.php:169 | 1 | $tags = ['contract.action' => _n('Event', 'Events', 1), '' => __('Name'), 'contract.number' => _x('phone', 'Number'), 'contract.items.number' => _x('quantity', 'Number of items'), 'contract.items' => __('Device list'), 'contract.type' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'contract.entity' => Entity::getTypeName(1), 'contract.states' => __('Status'), 'contract.time' => sprintf(__('%1$s / %2$s'), __('Contract expired since the'), __('Contract with notice since the'))] |
/src/QueuedNotification.php:524 | 1 | $base_query = ['FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['is_deleted' => 0, 'mode' => 'TOFILL', 'send_time' => ['<', $send_time], ] + $extra_where, 'ORDER' => 'send_time ASC', 'START' => 0, 'LIMIT' => $limit] |
/src/Location.php:427 | 1 | $itemtype_criteria = ['SELECT' => ["$", new \QueryExpression($DB->quoteValue($itemtype) . ' AS ' . $DB->quoteName('type')), ], 'FROM' => $table, 'WHERE' => ["$table.locations_id" => $locations_id, ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($table, 'entities_id')] |
/src/Location.php:52 | 1 | return [['name' => $this->getForeignKeyField( ), 'label' => __('As child of'), 'type' => 'parent', 'list' => false], ['name' => 'address', 'label' => __('Address'), 'type' => 'text', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'postcode', 'label' => __('Postal code'), 'type' => 'text', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'town', 'label' => __('Town'), 'type' => 'text', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'state', 'label' => _x('location', 'State'), 'type' => 'text', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'country', 'label' => __('Country'), 'type' => 'text', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'building', 'label' => __('Building number'), 'type' => 'text', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'room', 'label' => __('Room number'), 'type' => 'text', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'setlocation', 'type' => 'setlocation', 'label' => __('Location on map'), 'list' => false], ['name' => 'latitude', 'label' => __('Latitude'), 'type' => 'text', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'longitude', 'label' => __('Longitude'), 'type' => 'text', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'altitude', 'label' => __('Altitude'), 'type' => 'text', 'list' => true]] |
/src/Reservation.php:1150 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['begin', 'end', 'items_id', 'glpi_reservationitems.entities_id', 'users_id', 'glpi_reservations.comment', 'reservationitems_id', 'completename'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_reservations', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_reservationitems' => ['ON' => ['glpi_reservationitems' => 'id', 'glpi_reservations' => 'reservationitems_id']], 'glpi_entities' => ['ON' => ['glpi_reservationitems' => 'entities_id', 'glpi_entities' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['end' => ['<=', $now], 'users_id' => $ID], 'ORDERBY' => 'begin DESC']) |
/src/Reservation.php:1068 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['begin', 'end', 'items_id', 'glpi_reservationitems.entities_id', 'users_id', 'glpi_reservations.comment', 'reservationitems_id', 'completename'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_reservations', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_reservationitems' => ['ON' => ['glpi_reservationitems' => 'id', 'glpi_reservations' => 'reservationitems_id']], 'glpi_entities' => ['ON' => ['glpi_reservationitems' => 'entities_id', 'glpi_entities' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['end' => ['>', $now], 'users_id' => $ID], 'ORDERBY' => 'begin']) |
/src/QueuedNotification.php:178 | 1 | $criteria = ['FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['is_deleted' => 0, 'itemtype' => $input['itemtype'], 'items_id' => $input['items_id'], 'entities_id' => $input['entities_id'], 'notificationtemplates_id' => $input['notificationtemplates_id'], 'recipient' => $input['recipient']]] |
/src/NotificationTargetUser.php:76 | 1 | $data = ['name' => $this->obj->getName( ), 'email' => $this->obj->getDefaultEmail( ), 'language' => $this->obj->getField('language'), 'usertype' => $usertype] |
/src/Reservation.php:502 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ["$", "$res_table.begin", "$res_table.end", "$res_table.comment", "$res_table.users_id", "$res_i_table.items_id", "$res_i_table.itemtype", ], 'FROM' => $res_table, 'INNER JOIN' => [$res_i_table => ['ON' => [$res_i_table => 'id', $res_table => 'reservationitems_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['end' => ['>', $start], 'begin' => ['<', $end], ] + $where]) |
/src/Reservation.php:281 | 1 | return (!empty($this->fields["begin"]) && !empty($this->fields["end"]) && (strtotime($this->fields["begin"]) < strtotime($this->fields["end"]))) |
/src/Reservation.php:633 | 1 | return $reservation->update(['id' => (int) $event['id'], 'begin' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($event['start'])), 'end' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($event['end'])), ]) |
/src/Reservation.php:550 | 1 | $events[] = ['id' => $data['id'], 'resourceId' => $data['itemtype'] . "-" . $data['items_id'], 'start' => $data['begin'], 'end' => $data['end'], 'comment' => $data['comment'] . $canedit_admin || $my_item ? "\n" . sprintf(__("Reserved by %s"), $username) : "", 'title' => $params['reservationitems_id'] ? "" : $name, 'icon' => $item->getIcon( ), 'description' => $item->getTypeName( ), 'itemtype' => $data['itemtype'], 'items_id' => $data['items_id'], 'color' => Toolbox::getColorForString($name), 'ajaxurl' => Reservation::getFormURLWithID($data['id']), 'editable' => $editable, '_editable' => $editable, ] |
/src/CommonITILCost.php:209 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '48', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'totalcost', 'name' => __('Total cost'), 'datatype' => 'decimal', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'computation' => '(SUM(' . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.actiontime') . ' * ' . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.cost_time') . '/' . HOUR_TIMESTAMP . ' + ' . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.cost_fixed') . ' + ' . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.cost_material') . ') / COUNT(' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')) * COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')', 'nometa' => true, ] |
/src/NotificationTargetConsumableItem.php:92 | 1 | $tags = ['consumable.action' => _n('Event', 'Events', 1), 'consumable.reference' => __('Reference'), 'consumable.item' => ConsumableItem::getTypeName(1), 'consumable.remaining' => __('Remaining'), 'consumable.stock_target' => __('Stock target'), 'consumable.to_order' => __('To order'), 'consumable.entity' => Entity::getTypeName(1)] |
/src/CommonITILCost.php:251 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '49', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'actiontime', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Duration')), 'datatype' => 'timestamp', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/CommonITILCost.php:231 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '42', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => 'cost_time', 'name' => __('Time cost'), 'datatype' => 'decimal', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'computation' => '(SUM(' . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.actiontime') . ' * ' . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.cost_time') . '/' . HOUR_TIMESTAMP . ') / COUNT(' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')) * COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')', 'nometa' => true, ] |
/src/Dropdown.php:3411 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ["$", "$ AS name", "$table.serial AS serial", "$table.otherserial AS otherserial", "$table.entities_id AS entities_id"], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $table, 'WHERE' => $where, 'ORDERBY' => ['entities_id', 'name ASC'], 'LIMIT' => $limit, 'START' => $start] |
/src/Dropdown.php:3084 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ["$table.*", new \QueryExpression("CONCAT(,' - ', AS $field")], 'FROM' => $table, 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_softwares' => ['ON' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'softwares_id', 'glpi_softwares' => 'id']]]] |
/src/PlanningExternalEventTemplate.php:59 | 1 | return [['name' => 'state', 'label' => __('Status'), 'type' => 'planningstate', ], ['name' => 'planningeventcategories_id', 'label' => _n('Category', 'Categories', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'background', 'label' => __('Background event'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'plan', 'label' => _n('Calendar', 'Calendars', 1), 'type' => 'plan', ], ['name' => 'rrule', 'label' => __('Repeat'), 'type' => 'rrule', ], ['name' => 'text', 'label' => __('Description'), 'type' => 'tinymce', ]] |
/src/Dropdown.php:3946 | 1 | $results[] = ['id' => "User_$ID", 'text' => $text, 'title' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $text, $user['name']), 'itemtype' => "User", 'items_id' => $ID, 'use_notification' => strlen($user['default_email'] ?? "") > 0 ? 1 : 0, 'alternative_email' => $user['default_email'], ] |
/src/Dropdown.php:1682 | 1 | $param = ['value' => $p['value'], 'valuename' => $valuename, 'width' => $p['width'], 'on_change' => $p['on_change'], 'used' => $p['used'], 'unit' => $p['unit'], 'min' => $p['min'], 'max' => $p['max'], 'step' => $p['step'], 'toadd' => $p['toadd'], 'specific_tags' => $p['specific_tags'], 'class' => $p['class']] |
/src/Dropdown.php:1645 | 1 | $p = ['value' => 0, 'rand' => mt_rand( ), 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100, 'step' => 1, 'toadd' => [ ], 'unit' => '', 'display' => true, 'width' => '', 'on_change' => '', 'used' => [ ], 'specific_tags' => [ ], 'class' => "form-select", ] |
/src/Dropdown.php:3069 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ["$table.entities_id", new \QueryExpression("CONCAT(IFNULL(" . $DB->quoteName('name') . ",''),' ',IFNULL(" . $DB->quoteName('firstname') . ",'')) AS " . $DB->quoteName($field)), "$table.comment", "$"], 'FROM' => $table] |
/src/Dropdown.php:1904 | 1 | return Dropdown::showFromArray($myname, $values, ['value' => $params['value'], 'display' => $params['display'], 'width' => $params['width'], 'display_emptychoice' => $params['display_emptychoice'], 'rand' => $params['rand'], 'emptylabel' => $params['emptylabel'], 'class' => $params['class'], ]) |
/src/Dropdown.php:1003 | 1 | $optgroup = [__('Common') => ['Location' => null, 'State' => null, 'Manufacturer' => null, 'Blacklist' => null, 'BlacklistedMailContent' => null], __('Assistance') => ['ITILCategory' => null, 'TaskCategory' => null, 'TaskTemplate' => null, 'SolutionType' => null, 'SolutionTemplate' => null, 'RequestType' => null, 'ITILFollowupTemplate' => null, 'ProjectState' => null, 'ProjectType' => null, 'ProjectTaskType' => null, 'ProjectTaskTemplate' => null, 'PlanningExternalEventTemplate' => null, 'PlanningEventCategory' => null, 'PendingReason' => null, ], _n('Type', 'Types', Session::getPluralNumber( )) => ['ComputerType' => null, 'NetworkEquipmentType' => null, 'PrinterType' => null, 'MonitorType' => null, 'PeripheralType' => null, 'PhoneType' => null, 'SoftwareLicenseType' => null, 'CartridgeItemType' => null, 'ConsumableItemType' => null, 'ContractType' => null, 'ContactType' => null, 'DeviceGenericType' => null, 'DeviceSensorType' => null, 'DeviceMemoryType' => null, 'SupplierType' => null, 'InterfaceType' => null, 'DeviceCaseType' => null, 'PhonePowerSupply' => null, 'Filesystem' => null, 'CertificateType' => null, 'BudgetType' => null, 'DeviceSimcardType' => null, 'LineType' => null, 'RackType' => null, 'PDUType' => null, 'PassiveDCEquipmentType' => null, 'ClusterType' => null, 'DatabaseInstanceType' => null], _n('Model', 'Models', Session::getPluralNumber( )) => ['ComputerModel' => null, 'NetworkEquipmentModel' => null, 'PrinterModel' => null, 'MonitorModel' => null, 'PeripheralModel' => null, 'PhoneModel' => null, 'DeviceCameraModel' => null, 'DeviceCaseModel' => null, 'DeviceControlModel' => null, 'DeviceDriveModel' => null, 'DeviceGenericModel' => null, 'DeviceGraphicCardModel' => null, 'DeviceHardDriveModel' => null, 'DeviceMemoryModel' => null, 'DeviceMotherboardModel' => null, 'DeviceNetworkCardModel' => null, 'DevicePciModel' => null, 'DevicePowerSupplyModel' => null, 'DeviceProcessorModel' => null, 'DeviceSoundCardModel' => null, 'DeviceSensorModel' => null, 'RackModel' => null, 'EnclosureModel' => null, 'PDUModel' => null, 'PassiveDCEquipmentModel' => null, ], _n('Virtual machine', 'Virtual machines', Session::getPluralNumber( )) => ['VirtualMachineType' => null, 'VirtualMachineSystem' => null, 'VirtualMachineState' => null], __('Management') => ['DocumentCategory' => null, 'DocumentType' => null, 'BusinessCriticity' => null], __('Tools') => ['KnowbaseItemCategory' => null], _n('Calendar', 'Calendars', 1) => ['Calendar' => null, 'Holiday' => null], OperatingSystem::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) => ['OperatingSystem' => null, 'OperatingSystemVersion' => null, 'OperatingSystemServicePack' => null, 'OperatingSystemArchitecture' => null, 'OperatingSystemEdition' => null, 'OperatingSystemKernel' => null, 'OperatingSystemKernelVersion' => null, 'AutoUpdateSystem' => null], __('Networking') => ['NetworkInterface' => null, 'Network' => null, 'NetworkPortType' => null, 'Vlan' => null, 'LineOperator' => null, 'DomainType' => null, 'DomainRelation' => null, 'DomainRecordType' => null, 'NetworkPortFiberchannelType' => null, ], __('Cable management') => ['CableType' => null, 'CableStrand' => null, SocketModel::class => null, ], __('Internet') => ['IPNetwork' => null, 'FQDN' => null, 'WifiNetwork' => null, 'NetworkName' => null], _n('Software', 'Software', 1) => ['SoftwareCategory' => null], User::getTypeName(1) => ['UserTitle' => null, 'UserCategory' => null], __('Authorizations assignment rules') => ['RuleRightParameter' => null], __('Fields unicity') => ['Fieldblacklist' => null], __('External authentications') => ['SsoVariable' => null], __('Power management') => ['Plug' => null], __('Appliances') => ['ApplianceType' => null, 'ApplianceEnvironment' => null, ], DeviceCamera::getTypeName(1) => ['Resolution' => null, 'ImageFormat' => null], __('Others') => ['USBVendor' => null, 'PCIVendor' => null]] |
/src/Dropdown.php:213 | 1 | $p = ['width' => $params['width'], 'itemtype' => $itemtype, 'display_emptychoice' => $params['display_emptychoice'], 'placeholder' => $params['placeholder'], 'displaywith' => $params['displaywith'], 'emptylabel' => $params['emptylabel'], 'condition' => $params['condition'], 'used' => $params['used'], 'toadd' => $params['toadd'], 'entity_restrict' => ($entity_restrict = (is_array($params['entity']) ? json_encode(array_values($params['entity'])) : $params['entity'])), 'on_change' => $params['on_change'], 'permit_select_parent' => $params['permit_select_parent'], 'specific_tags' => $params['specific_tags'], 'class' => $params['class'], '_idor_token' => Session::getNewIDORToken($itemtype, ['entity_restrict' => $entity_restrict, ]), 'order' => $params['order'] ?? null, 'parent_id_field' => $params['parent_id_field'], 'multiple' => $params['multiple'] ?? false, ] |
/src/Dropdown.php:1548 | 1 | $select = self::showItemType($params['itemtypes'], ['checkright' => $params['checkright'], 'name' => $params['itemtype_name'], 'emptylabel' => $params['emptylabel'], 'display' => $params['display'], 'rand' => $params['rand'], ]) |
/src/Dropdown.php:1486 | 1 | return Dropdown::showFromArray($params['name'], $options, ['value' => $params['value'], 'on_change' => $params['on_change'], 'toupdate' => $params['toupdate'], 'display_emptychoice' => $params['display_emptychoice'], 'emptylabel' => $params['emptylabel'], 'display' => $params['display'], 'rand' => $params['rand'], ]) |
/src/Phone.php:370 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '32', 'table' => 'glpi_devicefirmwares', 'field' => 'version', 'name' => _n('Firmware', 'Firmware', 1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_items_devicefirmwares', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', 'specific_itemtype' => 'Phone']]]] |
/src/DBmysql.php:835 | 1 | $query = ['SELECT' => ['table_schema as TABLE_SCHEMA', 'table_name as TABLE_NAME', 'column_name as COLUMN_NAME', 'constraint_name as CONSTRAINT_NAME', 'referenced_table_name as REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME', 'referenced_column_name as REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME', 'ordinal_position as ORDINAL_POSITION', ], 'FROM' => 'information_schema.key_column_usage', 'WHERE' => ['referenced_table_schema' => $this->dbdefault, 'referenced_table_name' => ['LIKE', 'glpi\_%'], ], 'ORDER' => ['TABLE_NAME']] |
/src/Phone.php:485 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '132', 'table' => 'glpi_computers_items', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of phones'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.itemtype' => 'Phone']]] |
/src/Phone.php:434 | 10 | $tab[] = ['id' => '61', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'template_name', 'name' => __('Template name'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, ] |
/src/DBmysql.php:677 | 1 | $columns_query = ['SELECT' => ['information_schema.columns.table_name as TABLE_NAME'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'information_schema.columns', 'INNER JOIN' => ['information_schema.tables' => ['FKEY' => ['information_schema.tables' => 'table_name', 'information_schema.columns' => 'table_name', ['AND' => ['information_schema.tables.table_schema' => new QueryExpression($this->quoteName('information_schema.columns.table_schema')), ]], ]]], 'WHERE' => ['information_schema.tables.table_schema' => $this->dbdefault, 'information_schema.tables.table_name' => ['LIKE', 'glpi\_%'], 'information_schema.tables.table_type' => 'BASE TABLE', ['NOT' => ['information_schema.columns.collation_name' => null]], ['NOT' => ['information_schema.columns.collation_name' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci']]], ] |
/src/DBmysql.php:664 | 1 | $tables_query = ['SELECT' => ['information_schema.tables.table_name as TABLE_NAME'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'information_schema.tables', 'WHERE' => ['information_schema.tables.table_schema' => $this->dbdefault, 'information_schema.tables.table_name' => ['LIKE', 'glpi\_%'], 'information_schema.tables.table_type' => 'BASE TABLE', ['NOT' => ['information_schema.tables.table_collation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci']], ], ] |
/src/DBmysql.php:779 | 1 | $query = ['SELECT' => ['information_schema.columns.table_name as TABLE_NAME', 'information_schema.columns.column_name as COLUMN_NAME', 'information_schema.columns.data_type as DATA_TYPE', 'information_schema.columns.column_default as COLUMN_DEFAULT', 'information_schema.columns.is_nullable as IS_NULLABLE', 'information_schema.columns.extra as EXTRA', ], 'FROM' => 'information_schema.columns', 'INNER JOIN' => ['information_schema.tables' => ['FKEY' => ['information_schema.tables' => 'table_name', 'information_schema.columns' => 'table_name', ['AND' => ['information_schema.tables.table_schema' => new QueryExpression($this->quoteName('information_schema.columns.table_schema')), ]], ]]], 'WHERE' => ['information_schema.tables.table_schema' => $this->dbdefault, 'information_schema.tables.table_name' => ['LIKE', 'glpi\_%'], 'information_schema.tables.table_type' => 'BASE TABLE', ['OR' => [['information_schema.columns.column_name' => 'id'], ['information_schema.columns.column_name' => ['LIKE', '%\_id']], ['information_schema.columns.column_name' => ['LIKE', '%\_id\_%']], ], ], 'information_schema.columns.data_type' => ['tinyint', 'smallint', 'mediumint', 'int', 'bigint'], ['NOT' => ['information_schema.columns.column_type' => ['LIKE', '%unsigned%']]], ], 'ORDER' => ['TABLE_NAME']] |
/src/DBmysql.php:732 | 1 | $query = ['SELECT' => ['information_schema.columns.table_name as TABLE_NAME'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'information_schema.columns', 'INNER JOIN' => ['information_schema.tables' => ['FKEY' => ['information_schema.tables' => 'table_name', 'information_schema.columns' => 'table_name', ['AND' => ['information_schema.tables.table_schema' => new QueryExpression($this->quoteName('information_schema.columns.table_schema')), ]], ]]], 'WHERE' => ['information_schema.tables.table_schema' => $this->dbdefault, 'information_schema.tables.table_name' => ['LIKE', 'glpi\_%'], 'information_schema.tables.table_type' => 'BASE TABLE', 'information_schema.columns.data_type' => 'datetime', ], 'ORDER' => ['TABLE_NAME']] |
/src/ProjectTaskTemplate.php:55 | 1 | return [['name' => 'projectstates_id', 'label' => _x('item', 'State'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'projecttasktypes_id', 'label' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'projecttasks_id', 'label' => __('As child of'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'percent_done', 'label' => __('Percent done'), 'type' => 'percent_done'], ['name' => 'is_milestone', 'label' => __('Milestone'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'plan_start_date', 'label' => __('Planned start date'), 'type' => 'datetime'], ['name' => 'real_start_date', 'label' => __('Real start date'), 'type' => 'datetime'], ['name' => 'plan_end_date', 'label' => __('Planned end date'), 'type' => 'datetime'], ['name' => 'real_end_date', 'label' => __('Real end date'), 'type' => 'datetime'], ['name' => 'planned_duration', 'label' => __('Planned duration'), 'type' => 'actiontime'], ['name' => 'effective_duration', 'label' => __('Effective duration'), 'type' => 'actiontime'], ['name' => 'description', 'label' => __('Description'), 'type' => 'tinymce'], ['name' => 'comments', 'label' => __('Comments'), 'type' => 'textarea'], ] |
/src/PassiveDCEquipment.php:176 | 10 | $tab[] = ['id' => '61', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'template_name', 'name' => __('Template name'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, ] |
/src/Consumable.php:728 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['COUNT' => '* AS count', 'consumableitems_id', ], 'FROM' => 'glpi_consumables', 'WHERE' => ['date_out' => null, 'consumableitems_id' => new \QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => 'glpi_consumableitems', 'WHERE' => getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_consumableitems')])], 'GROUP' => ['consumableitems_id']]) |
/src/Consumable.php:703 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['COUNT' => ['* AS count'], 'consumableitems_id', 'itemtype', 'items_id'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_consumables', 'WHERE' => ['NOT' => ['date_out' => null], 'consumableitems_id' => new \QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => 'glpi_consumableitems', 'WHERE' => getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_consumableitems')])], 'GROUP' => ['itemtype', 'items_id', 'consumableitems_id']]) |
/src/Profile.php:2982 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '120', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Public RSS feed', 'Public RSS feeds', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'RSSFeed', 'rightname' => 'rssfeed_public', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'rssfeed_public']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2968 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '64', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Public saved search', 'Public saved searches', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'SavedSearch', 'rightname' => 'bookmark_public', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'bookmark_public']]] |
/src/Profile.php:3377 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_profiles' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_profilerights' => 'profiles_id', 'glpi_profiles' => 'id', ]], 'glpi_profiles_users' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_profiles_users' => 'profiles_id', 'glpi_profiles' => 'id', ['AND' => ['glpi_profiles_users.users_id' => $user_id], ], ]], ], 'WHERE' => ['' => $rightname, 'glpi_profilerights.rights' => ['&', $rightvalue], ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_profiles_users', '', $entity_id, true), ]) |
/src/Profile.php:3268 | 1 | return [0 => Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE, pow(2, Ticket::HELPDESK_MY_HARDWARE) => __('My devices'), pow(2, Ticket::HELPDESK_ALL_HARDWARE) => __('All items'), pow(2, Ticket::HELPDESK_MY_HARDWARE) + pow(2, Ticket::HELPDESK_ALL_HARDWARE) => __('My devices and all items')] |
/src/ComputerVirtualMachine.php:579 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '161', 'table' => 'glpi_virtualmachinestates', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => _n('State', 'States', 1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => self::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]]] |
/src/ComputerVirtualMachine.php:566 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '160', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Name'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/ComputerVirtualMachine.php:615 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '163', 'table' => 'glpi_virtualmachinetypes', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => VirtualMachineType::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => self::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]]] |
/src/ComputerVirtualMachine.php:597 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '162', 'table' => 'glpi_virtualmachinesystems', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => VirtualMachineSystem::getTypeName(1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => self::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]]] |
/src/CommonDBTM.php:5598 | 1 | $data = ['incidents' => iterator_to_array($ticket->getActiveTicketsForItem(get_class($this), $this->getID( ), Ticket::INCIDENT_TYPE), false), 'requests' => iterator_to_array($ticket->getActiveTicketsForItem(get_class($this), $this->getID( ), Ticket::DEMAND_TYPE), false), 'changes' => iterator_to_array($change->getActiveChangesForItem(get_class($this), $this->getID( )), false), 'problems' => iterator_to_array($problem->getActiveProblemsForItem(get_class($this), $this->getID( )), false)] |
/src/CommonDBTM.php:4434 | 1 | $params = ['action_type' => $add, 'action_user' => getUserName(Session::getLoginUserID( )), 'entities_id' => $entities_id, 'itemtype' => get_class($this), 'date' => $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime'], 'refuse' => $fields['action_refuse'], 'label' => $message, 'field' => $fields, 'double' => $doubles] |
/src/Item_DeviceCamera_ImageResolution.php:100 | 1 | $items = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [self::getTable( ) . '.*', ImageResolution::getTable( ) . '.is_video'], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => [ImageResolution::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [ImageResolution::getTable( ) => 'id', self::getTable( ) => 'imageresolutions_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['item_devicecameras_id' => $camera->getID( )]]) |
/src/Log.php:168 | 1 | $changes = [$id_search_option, addslashes(sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Dropdown::getDropdownName($val2["table"], $oldval), $oldval)), addslashes(sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Dropdown::getDropdownName($val2["table"], $values[$key]), $values[$key]))] |
/src/Enclosure.php:204 | 10 | $tab[] = ['id' => '61', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'template_name', 'name' => __('Template name'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, ] |
/src/RuleImportAsset.php:87 | 1 | $criteria = ['entities_id' => ['table' => 'glpi_entities', 'field' => 'entities_id', 'name' => __('Target entity for the asset'), 'linkfield' => 'entities_id', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'is_global' => false, 'allow_condition' => [Rule::PATTERN_IS, Rule::PATTERN_IS_NOT, Rule::PATTERN_CONTAIN, Rule::PATTERN_NOT_CONTAIN, Rule::PATTERN_BEGIN, Rule::PATTERN_END, Rule::REGEX_MATCH, Rule::REGEX_NOT_MATCH], ], 'states_id' => ['table' => 'glpi_states', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Having the status'), 'linkfield' => 'state', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'is_global' => true, 'allow_condition' => [Rule::PATTERN_IS, Rule::PATTERN_IS_NOT]], 'model' => ['name' => sprintf('%s > %s', _n('Asset', 'Assets', 1), _n('Model', 'Models', 1)), ], 'manufacturer' => ['name' => Manufacturer::getTypeName(1)], 'mac' => ['name' => sprintf('%s > %s > %s', _n('Asset', 'Assets', 1), NetworkPort::getTypename(1), __('MAC')), ], 'ip' => ['name' => sprintf('%s > %s > %s', _n('Asset', 'Assets', 1), NetworkPort::getTypename(1), __('IP')), ], 'ifdescr' => ['name' => sprintf('%s > %s > %s', _n('Asset', 'Assets', 1), NetworkPort::getTypename(1), __('Port description'))], 'ifnumber' => ['name' => sprintf('%s > %s > %s', _n('Asset', 'Assets', 1), NetworkPort::getTypename(1), _n('Port number', 'Ports number', 1)), ], 'serial' => ['name' => sprintf('%s > %s', _n('Asset', 'Assets', 1), __('Serial number')), ], 'uuid' => ['name' => sprintf('%s > %s', _n('Asset', 'Assets', 1), __('UUID')), ], 'device_id' => ['name' => sprintf('%s > %s', Agent::getTypeName(1), __('Device_id')), ], 'mskey' => ['name' => sprintf('%s > %s', _n('Asset', 'Assets', 1), __('Serial of the operating system')), ], 'name' => ['name' => sprintf('%s > %s', _n('Asset', 'Assets', 1), __('Name')), ], 'tag' => ['name' => sprintf('%s > %s', Agent::getTypeName(1), __('Inventory tag')), ], 'osname' => ['name' => sprintf('%s > %s', _n('Asset', 'Assets', 1), OperatingSystem::getTypeName(1)), ], 'itemtype' => ['name' => sprintf('%s > %s', _n('Asset', 'Assets', 1), __('Item type')), 'type' => 'dropdown_inventory_itemtype', 'is_global' => false, 'allow_condition' => [Rule::PATTERN_IS, Rule::PATTERN_IS_NOT, Rule::PATTERN_EXISTS, Rule::PATTERN_DOES_NOT_EXISTS, ], ], 'domains_id' => ['table' => 'glpi_domains', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => sprintf('%s > %s', _n('Asset', 'Assets', 1), Domain::getTypeName(1)), 'linkfield' => 'domain', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'is_global' => false, ], 'linked_item' => ['name' => __('Linked asset', 'Linked assets', 1), 'type' => 'yesno', 'allow_condition' => [Rule::PATTERN_FIND]], 'entityrestrict' => ['name' => sprintf('%s > %s', __('General'), __('Restrict search in defined entity')), 'allow_condition' => [self::PATTERN_ENTITY_RESTRICT], ], 'link_criteria_port' => ['name' => sprintf('%s > %s', __('General'), __('Restrict criteria to same network port')), 'allow_condition' => [self::PATTERN_NETWORK_PORT_RESTRICT], 'is_global' => true], 'only_these_criteria' => ['name' => sprintf('%s > %s', __('General'), __('Only criteria of this rule in data')), 'allow_condition' => [self::PATTERN_ONLY_CRITERIA_RULE], 'is_global' => true], 'partial' => ['name' => __('Is partial'), 'type' => 'yesno', 'allow_condition' => [Rule::PATTERN_IS, Rule::PATTERN_IS_NOT]]] |
/src/CommonDBTM.php:1716 | 1 | $stmt = $DB->prepare($DB->buildInsert($lockedfield->getTable( ), ['itemtype' => $this->getType( ), 'items_id' => $this->fields['id'], 'date_creation' => $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"], 'field' => new QueryParam( )])) |
/src/CommonDBTM.php:299 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => [$this->getTable( ) . '.' . $this->getIndexName( ) => Toolbox::cleanInteger($ID)], 'LIMIT' => 1]) |
/src/OlaLevel_Ticket.php:107 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => '', 'FROM' => 'glpi_olalevels_tickets', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_olalevels' => ['ON' => ['glpi_olalevels_tickets' => 'olalevels_id', 'glpi_olalevels' => 'id']], 'glpi_olas' => ['ON' => ['glpi_olalevels' => 'olas_id', 'glpi_olas' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_olalevels_tickets.tickets_id' => $tickets_id, 'glpi_olas.type' => $olaType]]) |
/src/OlaLevel_Ticket.php:62 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [static::getTable( ) . '.id'], 'FROM' => static::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_olalevels' => ['FKEY' => [static::getTable( ) => 'olalevels_id', 'glpi_olalevels' => 'id']], 'glpi_olas' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_olalevels' => 'olas_id', 'glpi_olas' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => [static::getTable( ) . '.tickets_id' => $ID, 'glpi_olas.type' => $olaType], 'LIMIT' => 1]) |
/src/OlaLevel_Ticket.php:324 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => 'glpi_olalevels_tickets.*', 'FROM' => 'glpi_olalevels_tickets', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_olalevels' => ['ON' => ['glpi_olalevels_tickets' => 'olalevels_id', 'glpi_olalevels' => 'id']], 'glpi_olas' => ['ON' => ['glpi_olalevels' => 'olas_id', 'glpi_olas' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['' => ['<', new \QueryExpression('NOW()')], 'glpi_olalevels_tickets.tickets_id' => $tickets_id, 'glpi_olas.type' => $olaType]] |
/src/OlaLevel_Ticket.php:167 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_olalevels_tickets.*', 'glpi_olas.type AS type'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_olalevels_tickets', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_olalevels' => ['ON' => ['glpi_olalevels_tickets' => 'olalevels_id', 'glpi_olalevels' => 'id']], 'glpi_olas' => ['ON' => ['glpi_olalevels' => 'olas_id', 'glpi_olas' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['' => ['<', new \QueryExpression('NOW()')]]]) |
/src/Profile.php:2596 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '49', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => __('Rules for assigning a computer to an entity'), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'RuleImportAsset', 'rightname' => 'rule_import', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'rule_import']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2582 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '105', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => __('Rules for assigning a ticket created through a mails receiver'), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'RuleMailCollector', 'rightname' => 'rule_mailcollector', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'rule_mailcollector']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2624 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '51', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => __('Rules for assigning a category to a software'), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'RuleSoftwareCategory', 'rightname' => 'rule_softwarecategories', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'rule_softwarecategories']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2610 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '50', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => __('Authorizations assignment rules'), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Rule', 'rightname' => 'rule_ldap', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'rule_ldap']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2533 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '52', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => __('Search result user display'), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'DisplayPreference', 'rightname' => 'search_config', 'noread' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'search_config']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2518 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '109', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => __('Personalization'), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Config', 'rightname' => 'personalization', 'noread' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'personalization']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2567 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '48', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => __('Business rules for tickets'), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'RuleTicket', 'rightname' => 'rule_ticket', 'nowrite' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'rule_ticket']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2548 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '107', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Calendar', 'Calendars', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Calendar', 'rightname' => 'calendar', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'calendar']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2475 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '45', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => DocumentType::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'DocumentType', 'rightname' => 'typedoc', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'typedoc']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2461 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '106', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Notification', 'Notifications', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Notification', 'rightname' => 'notification', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'notification']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2503 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '47', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => __('General setup'), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Config', 'rightname' => 'config', 'noread' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'config']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2489 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '46', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('External link', 'External links', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Link', 'rightname' => 'link', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'link']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2412 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '38', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Report', 'Reports', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Report', 'rightname' => 'reports', 'nowrite' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'reports']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2398 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '36', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Reservation', 'Reservations', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'ReservationItem', 'rightname' => 'reservation', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'reservation']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2446 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '44', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Component', 'Components', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Item_Devices', 'rightname' => 'device', 'noread' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'device']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2432 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '42', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Dropdown', 'Dropdowns', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'DropdownTranslation', 'rightname' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'dropdown']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2899 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '112', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => Problem::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Problem', 'rightname' => 'problem', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'problem']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2826 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '119', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Ticket cost', 'Ticket costs', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'TicketCost', 'rightname' => 'ticketcost', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'ticketcost']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2954 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '63', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Public reminder', 'Public reminders', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Reminder', 'rightname' => 'reminder_public', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'reminder_public']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2923 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '115', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Change', 'Changes', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Change', 'rightname' => 'change', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'change']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2784 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '103', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Ticket template', 'Ticket templates', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'TicketTemplate', 'rightname' => 'tickettemplate', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'tickettemplate']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2756 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '102', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => __('Create a ticket'), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Ticket', 'rightname' => 'ticket', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'ticket']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2812 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '85', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => __('Statistics'), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Stat', 'rightname' => 'statistic', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'statistic']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2798 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '79', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => __('Planning'), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Planning', 'rightname' => 'planning', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'planning']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2708 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '59', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => Entity::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Entity', 'rightname' => 'entity', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'entity']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2694 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '58', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => Group::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Group', 'rightname' => 'group', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'group']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2736 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '61', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => _n('Log', 'Logs', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Log', 'rightname' => 'logs', 'nowrite' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'logs']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2722 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '60', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => __('Transfer'), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Transfer', 'rightname' => 'transfer', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'transfer']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2652 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '91', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => __('Dropdowns dictionary'), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'RuleDictionnaryDropdown', 'rightname' => 'rule_dictionnary_dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'rule_dictionnary_dropdown']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2638 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '90', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => __('Software dictionary'), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'RuleDictionnarySoftware', 'rightname' => 'rule_dictionnary_software', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'rule_dictionnary_software']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2680 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '56', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => User::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'User', 'rightname' => 'user', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'user']]] |
/src/Profile.php:2666 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '55', 'table' => 'glpi_profilerights', 'field' => 'rights', 'name' => self::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'right', 'rightclass' => 'Profile', 'rightname' => 'profile', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['' => 'profile']]] |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:619 | 1 | $criteria = array_merge_recursive(['INNER JOIN' => [User::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [$tasktable => 'users_id_tech', User::getTable( ) => 'id']]]], $this->getDistinctUserCriteria( ) + $this->getProfileJoinCriteria( )) |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:572 | 1 | $criteria = array_merge_recursive(['INNER JOIN' => [User::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [$tasktable => 'users_id', User::getTable( ) => 'id']]]], $this->getDistinctUserCriteria( ) + $this->getProfileJoinCriteria( )) |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:726 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => 'glpi_profiles_users', 'WHERE' => ['users_id' => $data['users_id'], 'profiles_id' => $this->private_profiles] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_profiles_users', 'entities_id', $this->getEntity( ), true)])->current( ) |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:660 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => $tasktable, 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_groups' => ['ON' => ['glpi_groups' => 'id', $tasktable => 'groups_id_tech']]], 'WHERE' => ["$" => $options['task_id']]]) |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:458 | 1 | $criteria = ['LEFT JOIN' => [User::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [$validationtable => 'users_id_validate', User::getTable( ) => 'id']]]] + $this->getDistinctUserCriteria( ) + $this->getProfileJoinCriteria( ) |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:417 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS email', ' AS name'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $supplierlinktable, 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_suppliers' => ['ON' => [$supplierlinktable => 'suppliers_id', 'glpi_suppliers' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ["$supplierlinktable.$fkfield" => $this->obj->getID( )]]) |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:525 | 1 | $criteria = array_merge_recursive(['INNER JOIN' => [User::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [$followuptable => 'users_id', User::getTable( ) => 'id']]]], $this->getDistinctUserCriteria( ) + $this->getProfileJoinCriteria( )) |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:491 | 1 | $criteria = ['LEFT JOIN' => [User::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [$validationtable => 'users_id', User::getTable( ) => 'id']]]] + $this->getDistinctUserCriteria( ) + $this->getProfileJoinCriteria( ) |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:122 | 1 | $events = ['requester_user' => __('New user in requesters'), 'requester_group' => __('New group in requesters'), 'observer_user' => __('New user in observers'), 'observer_group' => __('New group in observers'), 'assign_user' => __('New user in assignees'), 'assign_group' => __('New group in assignees'), 'assign_supplier' => __('New supplier in assignees'), 'add_task' => __('New task'), 'update_task' => __('Update of a task'), 'delete_task' => __('Deletion of a task'), 'add_followup' => __("New followup"), 'update_followup' => __('Update of a followup'), 'delete_followup' => __('Deletion of a followup'), 'user_mention' => __('User mentionned'), ] |
/src/Problem.php:1613 | 1 | return $DB->request(['SELECT' => [$this->getTable( ) . '.id', $this->getTable( ) . '.name', $this->getTable( ) . '.priority', ], 'FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_items_problems' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_problems' => 'problems_id', $this->getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_items_problems.itemtype' => $itemtype, 'glpi_items_problems.items_id' => $items_id, $this->getTable( ) . '.is_deleted' => 0, 'NOT' => [$this->getTable( ) . '.status' => array_merge($this->getSolvedStatusArray( ), $this->getClosedStatusArray( ))]]]) |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:213 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'alternative_email', 'FROM' => $userlinktable, 'WHERE' => [$fkfield => $this->obj->fields['id'], 'users_id' => 0, 'use_notification' => 1, 'type' => $type]]) |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:159 | 1 | $criteria = ['LEFT JOIN' => [User::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [$userlinktable => 'users_id', User::getTable( ) => 'id']]]] + $this->getDistinctUserCriteria( ) + $this->getProfileJoinCriteria( ) |
/src/Problem.php:1205 | 1 | $twig_params = ['title' => ['link' => $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/problem.php?" . Toolbox::append_params($options), 'text' => self::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'icon' => self::getIcon( ), ], 'items' => [ ]] |
/src/Problem.php:1080 | 1 | $link = sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), $link, Html::showToolTip(RichText::getEnhancedHtml($problem->fields['content']), ['applyto' => 'problem' . $problem->fields["id"] . $rand, 'display' => false])) |
/src/Problem.php:1559 | 1 | return ['_users_id_requester' => Session::getLoginUserID( ), '_users_id_requester_notif' => ['use_notification' => $default_use_notif, 'alternative_email' => ''], '_groups_id_requester' => 0, '_users_id_assign' => 0, '_users_id_assign_notif' => ['use_notification' => $default_use_notif, 'alternative_email' => ''], '_groups_id_assign' => 0, '_users_id_observer' => 0, '_users_id_observer_notif' => ['use_notification' => $default_use_notif, 'alternative_email' => ''], '_suppliers_id_assign_notif' => ['use_notification' => $default_use_notif, 'alternative_email' => ''], '_groups_id_observer' => 0, '_suppliers_id_assign' => 0, 'priority' => 3, 'urgency' => 3, 'impact' => 3, 'content' => '', 'name' => '', 'entities_id' => $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'], 'itilcategories_id' => 0, 'actiontime' => 0, '_add_validation' => 0, 'users_id_validate' => [ ], '_tasktemplates_id' => [ ], 'items_id' => 0, '_actors' => [ ], ] |
/src/Problem.php:1317 | 1 | $link = printf(__('%1$s %2$s'), $link, Html::showToolTip(RichText::getEnhancedHtml($problem->fields['content']), ['applyto' => 'problem' . $problem->fields["id"] . $rand, 'display' => false])) |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:684 | 1 | return ((Session::haveRight("followup", ITILFollowup::ADDMYTICKET) && ($this->isUser(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || (isset($this->fields["users_id_recipient"]) && ($this->fields["users_id_recipient"] == Session::getLoginUserID( ))))) || (Session::haveRight("followup", ITILFollowup::ADD_AS_OBSERVER) && $this->isUser(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER, Session::getLoginUserID( ))) || Session::haveRight('followup', ITILFollowup::ADDALLTICKET) || (Session::haveRight('followup', ITILFollowup::ADDGROUPTICKET) && isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && $this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, $_SESSION['glpigroups'])) || $this->isUser(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || (isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && $this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, $_SESSION['glpigroups'])) || $this->isValidator(Session::getLoginUserID( ))) |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:669 | 1 | return (($this->fields["users_id_recipient"] === Session::getLoginUserID( )) || $this->isUser(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || (isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && $this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, $_SESSION["glpigroups"]))) |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:767 | 1 | return ((Session::haveRight(static::$rightname, UPDATE) || $this->isUser(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || (isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && $this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, $_SESSION["glpigroups"]))) && static::isAllowedStatus($this->fields['status'], self::SOLVED)) |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:750 | 1 | return ((Session::haveRight(static::$rightname, UPDATE) || $this->isUser(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || (isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && $this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, $_SESSION["glpigroups"]))) && static::isAllowedStatus($this->fields['status'], self::SOLVED) && !in_array($this->fields['status'], $this->getClosedStatusArray( ))) |
/src/NetworkPortFiberchannel.php:373 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '62', 'table' => 'glpi_sockets', 'field' => 'name', 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Network fiber socket'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'linkfield' => 'networkports_id', 'beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_networkportfiberchannels', 'joinparams' => $joinparams]]] |
/src/NetworkPortFiberchannel.php:306 | 2 | $tmp = [0 => '', 10 => sprintf(__('%d Mbit/s'), 10), 100 => sprintf(__('%d Mbit/s'), 100), 1000 => sprintf(__('%d Gbit/s'), 1), 10000 => sprintf(__('%d Gbit/s'), 10)] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:380 | 1 | $tt = $this->getITILTemplateToUse($options['template_preview'] ?? 0, $this->getType( ), ($ID ? $this->fields['itilcategories_id'] : $options['itilcategories_id']), ($ID ? $this->fields['entities_id'] : $options['entities_id'])) |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:233 | 1 | $actors[] = ['items_id' => $supplier_obj->fields['id'], 'itemtype' => 'Supplier', 'text' => $supplier_obj->fields['name'], 'title' => $supplier_obj->fields['name'], 'use_notification' => strlen($supplier_obj->fields['email']) > 0, 'alternative_email' => $supplier_obj->fields['email'], ] |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:1921 | 1 | $tags = [$objettype . '.urlapprove' => __('Web link to approval the solution'), $objettype . '.entity' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Complete name')), $objettype . '.shortentity' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Name')), $objettype . '.numberoflogs' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), _x('quantity', 'Number of items')), $objettype . '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), _n('Date', 'Dates', 1)), $objettype . '.log.user' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), User::getTypeName(1)), $objettype . '.log.field' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), _n('Field', 'Fields', 1)), $objettype . '.log.content' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Historical'), _x('name', 'Update')), 'document.url' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('URL')), 'document.downloadurl' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('Download URL')), 'document.heading' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('Heading')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('ID')), 'document.filename' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('File')), 'document.weblink' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('Web link')), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(1), __('Name')), $objettype . '.urldocument' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Document::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), __('URL'))] |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:1902 | 1 | $tags = [$objettype . '.days' => _n('Day', 'Days', Session::getPluralNumber( )), $objettype . '.attribution' => __('Assigned to'), $objettype . '.entity' => Entity::getTypeName(1), $objettype . '.nocategoryassigned' => __('No defined category'), $objettype . '.log' => __('Historical'), $objettype . '.tasks' => _n('Task', 'Tasks', Session::getPluralNumber( )), $objettype . '.costs' => _n('Cost', 'Costs', Session::getPluralNumber( )), $objettype . '.timelineitems' => sprintf(__('Processing %1$s'), strtolower($objettype))] |
/src/NetworkPortFiberchannel.php:209 | 3 | $tab[] = ['id' => '10', 'table' => NetworkPort::getTable( ), 'field' => 'mac', 'datatype' => 'mac', 'name' => __('MAC'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'empty']] |
/src/DeviceSimcard.php:47 | 1 | return array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'devicesimcardtypes_id', 'label' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'voltage', 'label' => __('Voltage'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'unit' => 'mV'], ['name' => 'allow_voip', 'label' => __('Allow VOIP'), 'type' => 'bool'], ]) |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:1461 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'glpi_documents.*', 'FROM' => 'glpi_documents', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_documents_items' => ['ON' => ['glpi_documents_items' => 'documents_id', 'glpi_documents' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => [$item->getAssociatedDocumentsCriteria( ), 'timeline_position' => ['>', CommonITILObject::NO_TIMELINE], ]]) |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:749 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => Profile_User::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['users_id' => $data['users_id'], 'profiles_id' => $this->central_profiles] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(Profile_User::getTable( ), 'entities_id', $this->getEntity( ), true)])->current( ) |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:1884 | 1 | $tags = ['log' => __('Historical'), 'followups' => _n('Followup', 'Followups', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'tasks' => _n('Task', 'Tasks', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'costs' => _n('Cost', 'Costs', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'authors' => _n('Requester', 'Requesters', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'suppliers' => _n('Supplier', 'Suppliers', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'timelineitems' => sprintf(__('Processing %1$s'), strtolower($objettype))] |
/src/NotificationTargetCommonITILObject.php:1686 | 1 | $tags = [$objettype . '.id' => __('ID'), $objettype . '.title' => __('Title'), $objettype . '.url' => __('URL'), $objettype . '.category' => _n('Category', 'Categories', 1), $objettype . '.content' => __('Description'), $objettype . '.description' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), $this->obj->getTypeName(1), __('Description')), $objettype . '.status' => __('Status'), $objettype . '.urgency' => __('Urgency'), $objettype . '.impact' => __('Impact'), $objettype . '.priority' => __('Priority'), $objettype . '.time' => __('Total duration'), $objettype . '.creationdate' => __('Opening date'), $objettype . '.closedate' => __('Closing date'), $objettype . '.solvedate' => __('Date of solving'), $objettype . '.duedate' => __('Time to resolve'), $objettype . '.authors' => _n('Requester', 'Requesters', Session::getPluralNumber( )), '' => __('Requester ID'), '' => _n('Requester', 'Requesters', 1), 'author.location' => __('Requester location'), '' => __('Mobile phone'), '' => Phone::getTypeName(1), 'author.phone2' => __('Phone 2'), '' => _n('Email', 'Emails', 1), 'author.title' => _x('person', 'Title'), 'author.category' => _n('Category', 'Categories', 1), $objettype . '.suppliers' => _n('Supplier', 'Suppliers', Session::getPluralNumber( )), '' => __('Supplier ID'), '' => Supplier::getTypeName(1), '' => Phone::getTypeName(1), 'supplier.fax' => __('Fax'), '' => __('Website'), '' => _n('Email', 'Emails', 1), 'supplier.address' => __('Address'), 'supplier.postcode' => __('Postal code'), '' => __('City'), 'supplier.state' => _x('location', 'State'), '' => __('Country'), 'supplier.comments' => _n('Comment', 'Comments', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'supplier.type' => SupplierType::getTypeName(1), $objettype . '.openbyuser' => __('Writer'), $objettype . '.lastupdater' => __('Last updater'), $objettype . '.assigntousers' => __('Assigned to technicians'), $objettype . '.assigntosupplier' => __('Assigned to a supplier'), $objettype . '.groups' => _n('Requester group', 'Requester groups', Session::getPluralNumber( )), $objettype . '.observergroups' => _n('Watcher group', 'Watcher groups', Session::getPluralNumber( )), $objettype . '.assigntogroups' => __('Assigned to groups'), $objettype . '.solution.type' => SolutionType::getTypeName(1), $objettype . '.solution.description' => ITILSolution::getTypeName(1), $objettype . '.observerusers' => _n('Watcher', 'Watchers', Session::getPluralNumber( )), $objettype . '.action' => _n('Event', 'Events', 1), '' => __('Opening date'), 'followup.isprivate' => __('Private'), '' => __('Writer'), 'followup.description' => __('Description'), 'followup.requesttype' => RequestType::getTypeName(1), $objettype . '.numberoffollowups' => _x('quantity', 'Number of followups'), $objettype . '.numberofunresolved' => __('Number of unresolved items'), $objettype . '.numberofdocuments' => _x('quantity', 'Number of documents'), $objettype . '.costtime' => __('Time cost'), $objettype . '.costfixed' => __('Fixed cost'), $objettype . '.costmaterial' => __('Material cost'), $objettype . '.totalcost' => __('Total cost'), $objettype . '.numberofcosts' => __('Number of costs'), '' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Name')), 'cost.comment' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Comments')), 'cost.datebegin' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Begin date')), 'cost.dateend' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('End date')), 'cost.time' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Duration')), 'cost.costtime' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Time cost')), 'cost.costfixed' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Fixed cost')), 'cost.costmaterial' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Material cost')), 'cost.totalcost' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Total cost')), 'cost.budget' => sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), Budget::getTypeName(1)), '' => __('Writer'), 'task.isprivate' => __('Private'), '' => __('Opening date'), 'task.description' => __('Description'), 'task.categoryid' => __('Category id'), 'task.category' => _n('Category', 'Categories', 1), 'task.categorycomment' => __('Category comment'), 'task.time' => __('Total duration'), 'task.user' => __('User assigned to task'), '' => __('Group assigned to task'), 'task.begin' => __('Start date'), 'task.end' => __('End date'), 'task.status' => __('Status'), $objettype . '.numberoftasks' => _x('quantity', 'Number of tasks'), $objettype . '' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), Phone::getTypeName(1)), $objettype . '.entity.fax' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Fax')), $objettype . '' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Website')), $objettype . '' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), _n('Email', 'Emails', 1)), $objettype . '.entity.address' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Address')), $objettype . '.entity.postcode' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Postal code')), $objettype . '' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('City')), $objettype . '.entity.state' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), _x('location', 'State')), $objettype . '' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), Entity::getTypeName(1), __('Country')), '' => __('Writer'), '' => __('Opening date'), 'timelineitems.type' => __('Internal type'), 'timelineitems.typename' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'timelineitems.description' => __('Description'), 'timelineitems.position' => __('Position'), ] |
/src/CommonITILRecurrent.php:157 | 1 | return [['name' => 'is_active', 'label' => __('Active'), 'type' => 'bool', 'list' => false], ['name' => static::getTemplateClass( )::getForeignKeyField( ), 'label' => static::getTemplateClass( )::getTypeName(1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'begin_date', 'label' => __('Start date'), 'type' => 'datetime', 'list' => false], ['name' => 'end_date', 'label' => __('End date'), 'type' => 'datetime', 'list' => false], ['name' => 'periodicity', 'label' => __('Periodicity'), 'type' => 'specific_timestamp', 'min' => DAY_TIMESTAMP, 'step' => DAY_TIMESTAMP, 'max' => 2 * MONTH_TIMESTAMP], ['name' => 'create_before', 'label' => __('Preliminary creation'), 'type' => 'timestamp', 'max' => 7 * DAY_TIMESTAMP, 'step' => HOUR_TIMESTAMP], ['name' => 'calendars_id', 'label' => _n('Calendar', 'Calendars', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'list' => true], ] |
/src/Computer.php:547 | 2 | $tab[] = ['id' => '65', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'template_name', 'name' => __('Template name'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, ] |
/src/CommonITILRecurrent.php:608 | 1 | $input = ['id' => $this->getId( ), 'next_creation_date' => $this->computeNextCreationDate($this->fields['begin_date'], $this->fields['end_date'], $this->fields['periodicity'], $this->fields['create_before'], $this->fields['calendars_id'])] |
/src/CommonITILRecurrent.php:288 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '12', 'table' => static::getTemplateClass( )::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => static::getTemplateClass( )::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'itemlink'] |
/src/Computer.php:200 | 1 | $items_result = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['items_id'], 'FROM' => Computer_Item::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $type, 'computers_id' => $this->fields["id"], 'is_deleted' => 0]]) |
/src/SavedSearch.php:1155 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'FIELDS' => ['id', 'query', 'itemtype', 'type'], 'WHERE' => ['last_execution_date' => ['<', $lastdate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')]]]) |
/src/Computer.php:348 | 1 | $actions += ['Item_OperatingSystem' . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'update' => OperatingSystem::getTypeName( ), 'Computer_Item' . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'add' => "<i class='fa-fw ti ti-plug'></i>" . _x('button', 'Connect'), 'Item_SoftwareVersion' . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'add' => "<i class='fa-fw fas fa-laptop-medical'></i>" . _x('button', 'Install'), 'Item_SoftwareLicense' . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'add' => "<i class='fa-fw " . SoftwareLicense::getIcon( ) . "'></i>" . _x('button', 'Add a license'), ] |
/src/Computer.php:234 | 1 | $devices_result = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id'], 'FROM' => $item::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => self::getType( ), 'items_id' => $this->fields["id"], 'is_deleted' => 0]]) |
/src/SavedSearch.php:253 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => 11, 'table' => SavedSearch_User::getTable( ), 'field' => 'users_id', 'name' => __('Default'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => "AND NEWTABLE.users_id = " . Session::getLoginUserID( )], 'datatype' => 'specific', 'searchtype' => [0 => 'equals', 1 => 'notequals'], ] |
/src/SavedSearch.php:227 | 2 | $tab[] = ['id' => '8', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'itemtype', 'name' => __('Item type'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'itemtypename', 'types' => self::getUsedItemtypes( )] |
/src/SavedSearch.php:787 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ["$table.*", "$ AS is_default"], 'FROM' => $table, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$utable => ['ON' => [$utable => 'savedsearches_id', $table => 'id', ['AND' => ["$table.itemtype" => new \QueryExpression("$utable.itemtype"), "$utable.users_id" => Session::getLoginUserID( )]]]]], 'WHERE' => ['OR' => [["$table.is_private" => 0, ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($table, '', '', true), "$table.users_id" => Session::getLoginUserID( )]], 'ORDERBY' => ['itemtype', 'name']] |
/src/SavedSearch.php:727 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => 'glpi_savedsearches_users', 'WHERE' => ['users_id' => Session::getLoginUserID( ), 'savedsearches_id' => $ID, 'itemtype' => $this->fields['itemtype']]]) |
/src/ComputerVirtualMachine.php:646 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '165', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'ram', 'name' => _n('Memory', 'Memories', 1), 'datatype' => 'string', 'unit' => 'auto', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/ComputerVirtualMachine.php:633 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '164', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'vcpu', 'name' => __('processor number'), 'datatype' => 'number', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/ComputerVirtualMachine.php:672 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '179', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'comment', 'name' => __('Virtual machine Comment'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'string', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/ComputerVirtualMachine.php:660 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '166', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'uuid', 'name' => __('UUID'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Problem.php:713 | 1 | $tab = [self::INCOMING => _x('status', 'New'), self::ACCEPTED => _x('status', 'Accepted'), self::ASSIGNED => _x('status', 'Processing (assigned)'), self::PLANNED => _x('status', 'Processing (planned)'), self::WAITING => __('Pending'), self::SOLVED => _x('status', 'Solved'), self::OBSERVED => __('Under observation'), self::CLOSED => _x('status', 'Closed')] |
/src/Problem.php:631 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '204', 'table' => Problem::getTable( ), 'field' => 'date', 'name' => __('Opening date'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => Problem_Ticket::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', ]]]] |
/src/Problem.php:1004 | 2 | $twig_params = ['class' => 'table table-borderless table-striped table-hover card-table', 'header_rows' => [[['colspan' => 3, 'content' => $main_header]], [['content' => __('ID'), 'style' => 'width: 75px'], ['content' => _n('Requester', 'Requesters', 1), 'style' => 'width: 20%'], __('Description')]], 'rows' => [ ]] |
/src/Problem.php:870 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [''], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_problems', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_problems_users' => ['ON' => ['glpi_problems_users' => 'problems_id', 'glpi_problems' => 'id']], 'glpi_groups_problems' => ['ON' => ['glpi_groups_problems' => 'problems_id', 'glpi_problems' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => $WHERE + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_problems'), 'ORDERBY' => 'date_mod DESC'] |
/src/Problem.php:575 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '201', 'table' => Problem::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => Problem::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => Problem_Ticket::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', ]]]] |
/src/Problem.php:561 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '200', 'table' => 'glpi_problems_tickets', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of problems'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Problem.php:613 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '203', 'table' => Problem::getTable( ), 'field' => 'solvedate', 'name' => __('Resolution date'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => Problem_Ticket::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', ]]]] |
/src/Problem.php:593 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '202', 'table' => Problem::getTable( ), 'field' => 'status', 'name' => __('Status'), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'searchequalsonfield' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => Problem_Ticket::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', ]]]] |
/src/Problem.php:449 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '13', 'table' => 'glpi_items_problems', 'field' => 'items_id', 'name' => _n('Associated element', 'Associated elements', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'comments' => true, 'nosort' => true, 'nosearch' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype'], 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/Problem.php:435 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '63', 'table' => 'glpi_items_problems', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of items'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Problem.php:533 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '141', 'table' => 'glpi_problems_tickets', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of tickets'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Problem.php:466 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '131', 'table' => 'glpi_items_problems', 'field' => 'itemtype', 'name' => _n('Associated item type', 'Associated item types', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'itemtypename', 'itemtype_list' => 'ticket_types', 'nosort' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype'], 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/Problem.php:79 | 2 | return (self::isAllowedStatus($this->fields['status'], self::SOLVED) && !in_array($this->fields['status'], $this->getClosedStatusArray( )) && (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, UPDATE) || (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::READMY) && ($this->isUser(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || (isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && $this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, $_SESSION["glpigroups"])))))) |
/src/RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection.php:150 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [' AS idmanu', ' AS manufacturer', $this->item_table . '.id', $this->item_table . '.name AS name', $this->item_table . '.comment'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $this->item_table, 'INNER JOIN' => [$model_table => ['ON' => [$this->item_table => 'id', $model_table => $model_field]]], 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_manufacturers' => ['ON' => ['glpi_manufacturers' => 'id', $model_table => 'manufacturers_id']]]] |
/src/Problem.php:153 | 2 | return Session::haveRight('followup', CREATE) && in_array($this->fields["status"], $this->getClosedStatusArray( )) && ($this->isAllowedStatus($this->fields['status'], self::INCOMING) || $this->isAllowedStatus($this->fields['status'], self::ASSIGNED)) |
/src/Problem.php:110 | 2 | return (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::READALL) || (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::READMY) && ($this->isUser(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || $this->isUser(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || (isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && ($this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, $_SESSION["glpigroups"]) || $this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER, $_SESSION["glpigroups"]))) || ($this->isUser(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || (isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && $this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, $_SESSION["glpigroups"])))))) |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:7444 | 1 | $menu = [$tplclass => ['title' => $tplclass::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'page' => $tplclass::getSearchURL(false), 'icon' => $tplclass::getIcon( ), 'links' => ['search' => $tplclass::getSearchURL(false), ], ], ] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:7382 | 1 | $row = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => $table, 'WHERE' => [$this->getForeignKeyField( ) => $this->fields['id']] + $RESTRICT])->current( ) |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:7800 | 1 | $or_crits[] = [Document_Item::getTableField('itemtype') => ITILFollowup::getType( ), Document_Item::getTableField('items_id') => new QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => ITILFollowup::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => $fup_crits, ]), ] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:7697 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ["$table.*", 'glpi_itilcategories.completename AS catname'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $table, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$gtable => ['ON' => [$table => 'id', $gtable => $fk]], $utable => ['ON' => [$table => 'id', $utable => $fk]], $stable => ['ON' => [$table => 'id', $stable => $fk]], 'glpi_itilcategories' => ['ON' => [$table => 'itilcategories_id', 'glpi_itilcategories' => 'id']], $itable => ['ON' => [$table => 'id', $itable => $fk]]], 'ORDERBY' => "$table.date_mod DESC"] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:7270 | 1 | $subquery1 = new \QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => [' AS users_id', 'tu.type AS type'], 'FROM' => "$users_table AS tu", 'LEFT JOIN' => [User::getTable( ) . ' AS usr' => ['ON' => ['tu' => 'users_id', 'usr' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ["tu.$fk" => $this->getID( )]]) |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:7178 | 1 | $timeline["Log_" . $log_item['id']] = ['type' => 'Log', 'class' => 'text-muted d-none', 'item' => ['id' => $log_item['id'], 'content' => $content, 'date' => $log_item['date_mod'], 'users_id' => 0, 'can_edit' => false, 'timeline_position' => self::TIMELINE_LEFT, ]] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:7350 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => 'glpi_itilfollowups', 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $this->getType( ), 'items_id' => $this->fields['id']] + $RESTRICT])->current( ) |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:7289 | 1 | $subquery2 = new \QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => [' AS users_id', 'gt.type AS type'], 'FROM' => "$groups_table AS gt", 'LEFT JOIN' => [Group_User::getTable( ) . ' AS gu' => ['ON' => ['gu' => 'groups_id', 'gt' => 'groups_id']], User::getTable( ) . ' AS usr' => ['ON' => ['gu' => 'users_id', 'usr' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ["gt.$fk" => $this->getID( )]]) |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:7031 | 1 | $timeline["ITILSolution_" . $solution_item['id']] = ['type' => 'Solution', 'itiltype' => 'Solution', 'item' => ['id' => $solution_item['id'], 'content' => $solution_item['content'], 'date' => $solution_item['date_creation'], 'users_id' => $solution_item['users_id'], 'solutiontypes_id' => $solution_item['solutiontypes_id'], 'can_edit' => $objType::canUpdate( ) && $this->canSolve( ), 'timeline_position' => self::TIMELINE_RIGHT, 'users_id_editor' => $solution_item['users_id_editor'], 'date_mod' => $solution_item['date_mod'], 'users_id_approval' => $solution_item['users_id_approval'], 'date_approval' => $solution_item['date_approval'], 'status' => $solution_item['status']]] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:6866 | 1 | $itemtypes['document'] = ['type' => 'Document_Item', 'class' => Document_Item::class, 'icon' => Document_Item::getIcon( ), 'label' => _x('button', 'Add a document'), 'template' => 'components/itilobject/timeline/form_document_item.html.twig', 'item' => new Document_Item( ), 'hide_in_menu' => true] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:7089 | 1 | $timeline[$valitation_obj::getType( ) . "_" . $validations_id] = ['type' => $validation_class, 'item' => ['id' => $validations_id, 'date' => $validation['validation_date'], 'content' => __('Validation request answer') . " : " . _sx('status', ucfirst($validation_class::getStatus($validation['status']))), 'comment_validation' => $validation['comment_validation'], 'users_id' => $validation['users_id_validate'], 'status' => "status_" . $validation['status'], 'can_edit' => $validation['users_id_validate'] === Session::getLoginUserID( ), 'timeline_position' => $validation['timeline_position'], ], 'class' => 'validation-answer', 'itiltype' => 'Validation', 'item_action' => 'validation-answer', ] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:7067 | 1 | $timeline[$request_key] = ['type' => $validation_class, 'item' => ['id' => $validations_id, 'date' => $validation['submission_date'], 'content' => __('Validation request') . " <i class='ti ti-arrow-right'></i><i class='ti ti-user text-muted me-1'></i>" . $user->getlink( ), 'comment_submission' => $validation['comment_submission'], 'users_id' => $validation['users_id'], 'can_edit' => $canedit, 'can_answer' => $cananswer, 'users_id_validate' => $validation['users_id_validate'], 'timeline_position' => $validation['timeline_position']], 'itiltype' => 'Validation', 'class' => 'validation-request ' . ($validation['status'] == CommonITILValidation::WAITING ? "validation-waiting" : "") . ($validation['status'] == CommonITILValidation::ACCEPTED ? "validation-accepted" : "") . ($validation['status'] == CommonITILValidation::REFUSED ? "validation-refused" : ""), 'item_action' => 'validation-request', ] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:6206 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ['', 'glpi_groups.completename'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $ctable, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$linktable => ['ON' => [$linktable => $this->getForeignKeyField( ), $ctable => 'id', ['AND' => ["$linktable.type" => CommonITILActor::ASSIGN]]]], 'glpi_groups' => ['ON' => [$linktable => 'groups_id', 'glpi_groups' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ["$ctable.is_deleted" => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($ctable), 'ORDERBY' => ['glpi_groups.completename']] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:6137 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [' AS suppliers_id_assign', ' AS name'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $ctable, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$linktable => ['ON' => [$linktable => $this->getForeignKeyField( ), $ctable => 'id', ['AND' => ["$linktable.type" => CommonITILActor::ASSIGN]]]], 'glpi_suppliers' => ['ON' => [$linktable => 'suppliers_id', 'glpi_suppliers' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ["$ctable.is_deleted" => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($ctable), 'ORDERBY' => ['name']] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:6491 | 1 | $name_column = sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), $name_column, Html::showToolTip(RichText::getEnhancedHtml($item->fields['content']), ['display' => false, 'applyto' => $item->getType( ) . $item->fields["id"] . $rand])) |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:6479 | 1 | $name_column = sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), "<a id='" . $item->getType( ) . $item->fields["id"] . "$rand' href=\"" . $item->getLinkURL( ) . "\">$name_column</a>", sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $item->numberOfFollowups($showprivate), $item->numberOfTasks($showprivate))) |
/src/DeviceProcessor.php:227 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '17', 'table' => 'glpi_deviceprocessors', 'field' => 'designation', 'name' => self::getTypeName(1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'string', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_items_deviceprocessors', 'joinparams' => $main_joinparams]]] |
/src/DeviceProcessor.php:48 | 1 | return array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'frequency_default', 'label' => __('Frequency by default'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'unit' => __('MHz'), ], ['name' => 'frequence', 'label' => __('Frequency'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'unit' => __('MHz'), ], ['name' => 'nbcores_default', 'label' => __('Number of cores'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, ], ['name' => 'nbthreads_default', 'label' => __('Number of threads'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, ], ['name' => 'deviceprocessormodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', ]]) |
/src/DeviceProcessor.php:260 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '34', 'table' => 'glpi_items_deviceprocessors', 'field' => 'nbthreads', 'name' => __('processor: number of threads'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'number', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => $main_joinparams, 'computation' => 'SUM(' . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.nbthreads') . ') * COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $DB->quoteName('') . ') / COUNT(*)', 'nometa' => true, ] |
/src/DeviceProcessor.php:244 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '18', 'table' => 'glpi_items_deviceprocessors', 'field' => 'nbcores', 'name' => __('processor: number of cores'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'number', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => $main_joinparams, 'computation' => 'SUM(' . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.nbcores') . ') * COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $DB->quoteName('') . ') / COUNT(*)', 'nometa' => true, ] |
/src/RequestType.php:46 | 1 | return [['name' => 'is_active', 'label' => __('Active'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'is_helpdesk_default', 'label' => __('Default for tickets'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'is_followup_default', 'label' => __('Default for followups'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'is_mail_default', 'label' => __('Default for mail recipients'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'is_mailfollowup_default', 'label' => __('Default for followup mail recipients'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'is_ticketheader', 'label' => __('Request source visible for tickets'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'is_itilfollowup', 'label' => __('Request source visible for followups'), 'type' => 'bool'], ] |
/src/Item_DeviceBattery.php:47 | 1 | return ['serial' => parent::getSpecificities('serial'), 'otherserial' => parent::getSpecificities('otherserial'), 'locations_id' => parent::getSpecificities('locations_id'), 'states_id' => parent::getSpecificities('states_id'), 'manufacturing_date' => ['long name' => __('Manufacturing date'), 'short name' => _n('Date', 'Dates', 1), 'size' => 10, 'datatype' => 'date', 'id' => 20, ], 'real_capacity' => ['long name' => __('Real capacity (mWh)'), 'short name' => __('Real capacity'), 'size' => 10, 'id' => 21, 'datatype' => 'progressbar', 'max' => 'capacity', ]] |
/src/ITILTemplatePredefinedField.php:305 | 1 | $paramsmassaction = ['id_field' => '__VALUE__', 'itemtype' => static::$itiltype, 'inline' => true, 'submitname' => _sx('button', 'Add'), 'options' => ['relative_dates' => 1, 'with_time' => 1, 'with_days' => 0, 'with_specific_date' => 0, 'itemlink_as_string' => 1, 'entity' => $tt->getEntityID( )]] |
/src/ITILTemplatePredefinedField.php:92 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => [static::$items_id => $this->fields[static::$items_id], 'num' => $items_id_id]]) |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:8564 | 1 | $supported_itemtypes[static::class] = ['name' => static::getTypeName(1), 'icon' => static::getIcon( ), 'fields' => ['name' => ['placeholder' => __('Name')], 'content' => ['placeholder' => __('Content'), 'type' => 'textarea'], 'users_id' => ['type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $_SESSION['glpiID']]], 'team_itemtypes' => static::getTeamItemtypes( ), 'team_roles' => $team_roles, ] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:8467 | 1 | $card = ['id' => "{$itemtype}-{$item['id']}", 'title' => Html::link($item['name'], $itemtype::getFormURLWithID($item['id'])), 'title_tooltip' => Html::resume_text(RichText::getTextFromHtml($item['content'], false, true), 100), 'is_deleted' => $item['is_deleted'] ?? false, ] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:8818 | 1 | $member = ['itemtype' => $itemtype, 'items_id' => $items_id, 'role' => $data['type'], 'name' => $data['name'], 'realname' => $data['realname'], 'firstname' => $data['firstname'], 'display_name' => formatUserName($items_id, $data['name'], $data['realname'], $data['firstname'])] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:8803 | 1 | $it = $DB->request(['SELECT' => $select, 'FROM' => $link_class::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => [static::getForeignKeyField( ) => $this->getID( )], 'LEFT JOIN' => [$itemtype::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [$itemtype::getTable( ) => 'id', $link_class::getTable( ) => $itemtype::getForeignKeyField( )]]]]) |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:7832 | 1 | $or_crits[] = [Document_Item::getTableField('itemtype') => $validation_class::getType( ), Document_Item::getTableField('items_id') => new QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => $validation_class::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => [$validation_class::getTableField($validation_class::$items_id) => $this->getID( ), ], ]), ] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:7814 | 1 | $or_crits[] = [Document_Item::getTableField('itemtype') => ITILSolution::getType( ), Document_Item::getTableField('items_id') => new QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => ITILSolution::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => [ITILSolution::getTableField('itemtype') => $this->getType( ), ITILSolution::getTableField('items_id') => $this->getID( ), ], ]), ] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:8382 | 1 | $link_iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => new \QueryUnion([['SELECT' => [new QueryExpression($DB->quoteName('tickets_id_1') . ' AS ' . $DB->quoteName('tickets_id')), 'status'], 'FROM' => $tt_table, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$ticket_table => ['ON' => [$ticket_table => 'id', $tt_table => 'tickets_id_1']]], 'WHERE' => ['tickets_id_1' => $data['id'], 'link' => Ticket_Ticket::PARENT_OF]], ['SELECT' => [new QueryExpression($DB->quoteName('tickets_id_2') . ' AS ' . $DB->quoteName('tickets_id')), 'status'], 'FROM' => $tt_table, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$ticket_table => ['ON' => [$ticket_table => 'id', $tt_table => 'tickets_id_1']]], 'WHERE' => ['tickets_id_2' => $data['id'], 'link' => Ticket_Ticket::SON_OF]]])]) |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:7915 | 1 | $assets = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ["itemtype", "items_id"], 'FROM' => static::getItemsTable( ), 'WHERE' => [$this->getForeignKeyField( ) => $this->getID( )]]) |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4481 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '66', 'table' => 'glpi_users', 'field' => 'name', 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'right' => 'all', 'name' => _n('Watcher', 'Watchers', 1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => getTableForItemType($this->userlinkclass), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.type' => CommonITILActor::OBSERVER]]]]] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4427 | 1 | $newtab = ['id' => '71', 'table' => 'glpi_groups', 'field' => 'completename', 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'name' => _n('Requester group', 'Requester groups', 1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'condition' => ['is_requester' => 1], 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => getTableForItemType($this->grouplinkclass), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.type' => CommonITILActor::REQUESTER]]]]] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4526 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '5', 'table' => 'glpi_users', 'field' => 'name', 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'right' => 'own_ticket', 'name' => __('Technician'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => getTableForItemType($this->userlinkclass), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.type' => CommonITILActor::ASSIGN]]]]] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4501 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '65', 'table' => 'glpi_groups', 'field' => 'completename', 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'name' => _n('Watcher group', 'Watcher groups', 1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'condition' => ['is_watcher' => 1], 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => getTableForItemType($this->grouplinkclass), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.type' => CommonITILActor::OBSERVER]]]]] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4299 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '38', 'table' => ITILSolution::getTable( ), 'field' => 'status', 'name' => __('Any solution status'), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'searchtype' => ['equals', 'notequals'], 'searchequalsonfield' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4285 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '24', 'table' => ITILSolution::getTable( ), 'field' => 'content', 'name' => ITILSolution::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'text', 'htmltext' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4399 | 1 | $newtab = ['id' => '4', 'table' => 'glpi_users', 'field' => 'name', 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'right' => 'all', 'name' => _n('Requester', 'Requesters', 1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => getTableForItemType($this->userlinkclass), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.type' => CommonITILActor::REQUESTER]]]]] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4314 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '39', 'table' => ITILSolution::getTable( ), 'field' => 'status', 'name' => __('Last solution status'), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'searchtype' => ['equals', 'notequals'], 'searchequalsonfield' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', 'condition' => ['' => ['=', new QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => ITILSolution::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => [ITILSolution::getTable( ) . '.items_id' => new QueryExpression($DB->quoteName('')), ITILSolution::getTable( ) . '.itemtype' => static::getType( )], 'ORDER' => ITILSolution::getTable( ) . '.id DESC', 'LIMIT' => 1])]]]] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4209 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '142', 'table' => 'glpi_documents', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => Document::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'items_id', 'beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_documents_items', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']]]] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4121 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '82', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'is_late', 'name' => __('Time to resolve exceeded'), 'datatype' => 'bool', 'massiveaction' => false, 'computation' => self::generateSLAOLAComputation('time_to_resolve')] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4267 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '23', 'table' => 'glpi_solutiontypes', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => SolutionType::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => ITILSolution::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', ]]]] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4231 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '400', 'table' => PendingReason::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => PendingReason::getTypeName(1), 'massiveaction' => false, 'searchtype' => ['equals', 'notequals'], 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'items_id', 'beforejoin' => ['table' => PendingReason_Item::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']]]] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:3867 | 1 | $types = [0 => Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE, CommonITILActor::REQUESTER => _n('Requester', 'Requesters', 1), CommonITILActor::OBSERVER => _n('Watcher', 'Watchers', 1), CommonITILActor::ASSIGN => __('Assigned to')] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:1107 | 1 | return countElementsInTable([$itemtable, $linktable], ["$linktable.$itemfk" => new \QueryExpression(DBmysql::quoteName("$")), "$linktable.$field" => $id, "$linktable.type" => $role, "$itemtable.is_deleted" => 0, "NOT" => ["$itemtable.status" => array_merge($this->getSolvedStatusArray( ), $this->getClosedStatusArray( ))]] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($itemtable)) |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4100 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '18', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'time_to_resolve', 'name' => __('Time to resolve'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'maybefuture' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'additionalfields' => ['solvedate', 'status']] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4016 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '1', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Title'), 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'searchtype' => 'contains', 'massiveaction' => false, 'additionalfields' => ['id', 'content', 'status']] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:5915 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => 'solutiontypes_id', 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => ITILSolution::getTable( ), 'INNER JOIN' => [$ctable => ['ON' => [ITILSolution::getTable( ) => 'items_id', $ctable => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => [ITILSolution::getTable( ) . ".itemtype" => $this->getType( ), "$ctable.is_deleted" => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($ctable), 'ORDERBY' => 'solutiontypes_id'] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:5669 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => "glpi_users.$field", 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $ctable, 'INNER JOIN' => [$linktable => ['ON' => [$linktable => $this->getForeignKeyField( ), $ctable => 'id']], 'glpi_users' => ['ON' => [$linktable => 'users_id', 'glpi_users' => 'id']]], 'LEFT JOIN' => [$table => ['ON' => ['glpi_users' => $field, $table => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ["$ctable.is_deleted" => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($ctable), 'ORDERBY' => ["glpi_users.$field"]] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:6045 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [' AS users_id', ' AS name', 'glpi_users.realname AS realname', 'glpi_users.firstname AS firstname'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $ctable, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$linktable => ['ON' => [$linktable => $this->getForeignKeyField( ), $ctable => 'id']], 'glpi_users' => ['ON' => [$linktable => 'users_id', 'glpi_users' => 'id']], 'glpi_profiles_users' => ['ON' => ['glpi_users' => 'id', 'glpi_profiles_users' => 'users_id']], 'glpi_profiles' => ['ON' => ['glpi_profiles' => 'id', 'glpi_profiles_users' => 'profiles_id']], 'glpi_profilerights' => ['ON' => ['glpi_profiles' => 'id', 'glpi_profilerights' => 'profiles_id']]], 'WHERE' => ["$ctable.is_deleted" => 0, '' => 'ticket', 'glpi_profilerights.rights' => ['&', Ticket::OWN], "$linktable.users_id" => ['<>', 0], ['NOT' => ["$linktable.users_id" => null]]] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($ctable), 'ORDERBY' => ['realname', 'firstname', 'name']] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:5971 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [' AS users_id', ' AS name', 'glpi_users.realname AS realname', 'glpi_users.firstname AS firstname'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $ctable, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$linktable => ['ON' => [$linktable => $this->getForeignKeyField( ), $ctable => 'id', ['AND' => ["$linktable.type" => CommonITILActor::ASSIGN]]]], 'glpi_users' => ['ON' => [$linktable => 'users_id', 'glpi_users' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ["$ctable.is_deleted" => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($ctable), 'ORDERBY' => ['realname', 'firstname', 'name']] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:5440 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [' AS users_id', ' AS name', 'glpi_users.realname AS realname', 'glpi_users.firstname AS firstname'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $ctable, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$linktable => ['ON' => [$linktable => $this->getForeignKeyField( ), $ctable => 'id', ['AND' => ["$linktable.type" => CommonITILActor::REQUESTER]]]]], 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_users' => ['ON' => [$linktable => 'users_id', 'glpi_users' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ["$ctable.is_deleted" => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($ctable), 'ORDERBY' => ['realname', 'firstname', 'name']] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:5009 | 1 | $options2 = ['criteria' => [['field' => 4, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'value' => $options["_users_id_" . $typename], 'link' => 'AND', ], ['field' => 12, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'value' => 'notold', 'link' => 'AND', ], ], 'reset' => 'reset', ] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:5588 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ['', 'glpi_groups.completename'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $ctable, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$linktable => ['ON' => [$linktable => $this->getForeignKeyField( ), $ctable => 'id', ['AND' => ["$linktable.type" => CommonITILActor::REQUESTER]]]]], 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_groups' => ['ON' => [$linktable => 'groups_id', 'glpi_groups' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ["$ctable.is_deleted" => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($ctable), 'ORDERBY' => ['glpi_groups.completename']] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:5518 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [' AS user_id', ' AS name', 'glpi_users.realname AS realname', 'glpi_users.firstname AS firstname'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => $ctable, 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_users' => ['ON' => [$ctable => 'users_id_recipient', 'glpi_users' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ["$ctable.is_deleted" => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($ctable), 'ORDERBY' => ['realname', 'firstname', 'name']] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4639 | 1 | return 'IF(' . $DB->quoteName($table . '.' . $type) . ' IS NOT NULL AND ' . $DB->quoteName($table . '.status') . ' <> 4 AND (' . $DB->quoteName($table . '.solvedate') . ' > ' . $DB->quoteName($table . '.' . $type) . ' OR (' . $DB->quoteName($table . '.solvedate') . ' IS NULL AND ' . $DB->quoteName($table . '.' . $type) . ' < NOW())), 1, 0)' |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4626 | 1 | return 'IF(' . $DB->quoteName($table . '.' . $type) . ' IS NOT NULL AND ' . $DB->quoteName($table . '.status') . ' <> ' . self::WAITING . ' AND (' . $DB->quoteName($table . '.takeintoaccount_delay_stat') . ' > TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, ' . $DB->quoteName($table . '.date') . ', ' . $DB->quoteName($table . '.' . $type) . ') OR (' . $DB->quoteName($table . '.takeintoaccount_delay_stat') . ' = 0 AND ' . $DB->quoteName($table . '.' . $type) . ' < NOW())), 1, 0)' |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4961 | 1 | $paramscomment = ['value' => '__VALUE__', 'field' => "_users_id_" . $typename . "_notif", '_user_index' => $params['_user_index'], 'allow_email' => $type == CommonITILActor::REQUESTER || $type == CommonITILActor::OBSERVER, 'use_notification' => $options["_users_id_" . $typename . "_notif"]['use_notification']] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4867 | 1 | $params = ['type' => '__VALUE__', 'actortype' => $typename, 'itemtype' => $this->getType( ), 'allow_email' => (($type == CommonITILActor::OBSERVER) || $type == CommonITILActor::REQUESTER), 'entity_restrict' => $entities_id, 'use_notif' => Entity::getUsedConfig('is_notif_enable_default', $entities_id, '', 1)] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4565 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '8', 'table' => 'glpi_groups', 'field' => 'completename', 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Technician group'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'condition' => ['is_assign' => 1], 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => getTableForItemType($this->grouplinkclass), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.type' => CommonITILActor::ASSIGN]]]]] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4546 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '6', 'table' => 'glpi_suppliers', 'field' => 'name', 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'name' => __('Assigned to a supplier'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => getTableForItemType($this->supplierlinkclass), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.type' => CommonITILActor::ASSIGN]]]]] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4603 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '34', 'table' => getTableForItemType($this->userlinkclass), 'field' => 'alternative_email', 'name' => __('Email for followup'), 'datatype' => 'email', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.type' => CommonITILActor::REQUESTER]]] |
/src/CommonITILObject.php:4590 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '35', 'table' => getTableForItemType($this->userlinkclass), 'field' => 'use_notification', 'name' => __('Email followup'), 'datatype' => 'bool', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.type' => CommonITILActor::REQUESTER]]] |
/src/Budget.php:480 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [$item->getTable( ) . '.*', '', 'glpi_infocoms.value'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_infocoms', 'INNER JOIN' => [$item->getTable( ) => ['ON' => [$item->getTable( ) => 'id', 'glpi_infocoms' => 'items_id']], 'glpi_cartridgeitems' => ['ON' => [$item->getTable( ) => 'cartridgeitems_id', 'glpi_cartridgeitems' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_infocoms.itemtype' => $itemtype, 'glpi_infocoms.budgets_id' => $budgets_id] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($item->getTable( )), 'ORDERBY' => ['entities_id', '']] |
/src/Budget.php:450 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [$item->getTable( ) . '.id', $item->getTable( ) . '.entities_id', 'SUM' => 'glpi_projectcosts.cost AS value'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_projectcosts', 'INNER JOIN' => [$item->getTable( ) => ['ON' => [$item->getTable( ) => 'id', 'glpi_projectcosts' => 'projects_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_projectcosts.budgets_id' => $budgets_id] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($item->getTable( )), 'GROUPBY' => [$item->getTable( ) . '.id', $item->getTable( ) . '.entities_id'], 'ORDERBY' => [$item->getTable( ) . '.entities_id', $item->getTable( ) . '.name']] |
/src/Budget.php:546 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [$item->getTable( ) . '.*', 'glpi_infocoms.value', ], 'FROM' => 'glpi_infocoms', 'INNER JOIN' => [$item->getTable( ) => ['ON' => [$item->getTable( ) => 'id', 'glpi_infocoms' => 'items_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_infocoms.itemtype' => $itemtype, 'glpi_infocoms.budgets_id' => $budgets_id] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($item->getTable( )), 'ORDERBY' => [$item->getTable( ) . '.entities_id']] |
/src/Budget.php:513 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [$item->getTable( ) . '.*', '', 'glpi_infocoms.value'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_infocoms', 'INNER JOIN' => [$item->getTable( ) => ['ON' => [$item->getTable( ) => 'id', 'glpi_infocoms' => 'items_id']], 'glpi_consumableitems' => ['ON' => [$item->getTable( ) => 'consumableitems_id', 'glpi_consumableitems' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_infocoms.itemtype' => $itemtype, 'glpi_infocoms.budgets_id' => $budgets_id] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($item->getTable( )), 'ORDERBY' => ['entities_id', '']] |
/src/Budget.php:380 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [$item->getTable( ) . '.id', $item->getTable( ) . '.entities_id', 'SUM' => 'glpi_contractcosts.cost AS value'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_contractcosts', 'INNER JOIN' => [$item->getTable( ) => ['ON' => [$item->getTable( ) => 'id', 'glpi_contractcosts' => 'contracts_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_contractcosts.budgets_id' => $budgets_id, $item->getTable( ) . '.is_template' => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($item->getTable( )), 'GROUPBY' => [$item->getTable( ) . '.id', $item->getTable( ) . '.entities_id'], 'ORDERBY' => [$item->getTable( ) . '.entities_id', $item->getTable( ) . '.name']] |
/src/Budget.php:329 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'itemtype', 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_infocoms', 'WHERE' => ['budgets_id' => $budgets_id, 'NOT' => ['itemtype' => ['ConsumableItem', 'CartridgeItem', 'Software']]], 'ORDER' => 'itemtype']) |
/src/Budget.php:420 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [$item->getTable( ) . '.id', $item->getTable( ) . '.entities_id', $sum], 'FROM' => $costtable, 'INNER JOIN' => [$item->getTable( ) => ['ON' => [$item->getTable( ) => 'id', $costtable => $item->getForeignKeyField( )]]], 'WHERE' => [$costtable . '.budgets_id' => $budgets_id] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($item->getTable( )), 'GROUPBY' => [$item->getTable( ) . '.id', $item->getTable( ) . '.entities_id'], 'ORDERBY' => [$item->getTable( ) . '.entities_id', $item->getTable( ) . '.name']] |
/src/Budget.php:415 | 1 | $sum = new QueryExpression("SUM(" . $DB->quoteName("$costtable.actiontime") . " * " . $DB->quoteName("$costtable.cost_time") . "/" . HOUR_TIMESTAMP . " + " . $DB->quoteName("$costtable.cost_fixed") . " + " . $DB->quoteName("$costtable.cost_material") . ") AS " . $DB->quoteName('value')) |
/src/Notification.php:402 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '4', 'table' => 'glpi_notificationtemplates', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => _n('Notification template', 'Notification templates', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => Notification_NotificationTemplate::getTable( ), 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]]] |
/src/Notification.php:385 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '3', 'table' => Notification_NotificationTemplate::getTable( ), 'field' => 'mode', 'name' => __('Notification method'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'searchequalsonfield' => true, 'datatype' => 'specific', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'searchtype' => ['0' => 'equals', '1' => 'notequals']] |
/src/Budget.php:276 | 4 | $tab[] = ['id' => '50', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'template_name', 'name' => __('Template name'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, ] |
/src/Notification.php:641 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [Notification::getTable( ) . '.*', Notification_NotificationTemplate::getTable( ) . '.mode', Notification_NotificationTemplate::getTable( ) . '.notificationtemplates_id'], 'FROM' => Notification::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => [Entity::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [Entity::getTable( ) => 'id', Notification::getTable( ) => 'entities_id']], Notification_NotificationTemplate::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [Notification_NotificationTemplate::getTable( ) => 'notifications_id', Notification::getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => [Notification::getTable( ) . '.itemtype' => $itemtype, Notification::getTable( ) . '.event' => $event, Notification::getTable( ) . '.is_active' => 1, ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(Notification::getTable( ), 'entities_id', $entity, true), 'ORDER' => Entity::getTable( ) . '.level DESC'] |
/src/KnowbaseItem.php:2087 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '9', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'view', 'name' => _n('View', 'Views', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'integer', 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/KnowbaseItem.php:2027 | 1 | $output .= Html::link(Html::resume_text($name, 80), KnowbaseItem::getFormURLWithID($data["id"]), ['class' => $data['is_faq'] ? 'faq' : 'knowbase', 'title' => $data['is_faq'] ? __s("This item is part of the FAQ") : '']) |
/src/Notification.php:369 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '2', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'event', 'name' => _n('Event', 'Events', 1), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'specific', 'additionalfields' => ['itemtype'], 'searchtype' => ['equals', 'notequals']] |
/src/KnowbaseItem.php:2267 | 1 | $ids = $DB->request(['SELECT' => self::getTable( ) . '.id', 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_knowbaseitems_knowbaseitemcategories' => ['ON' => ['glpi_knowbaseitems_knowbaseitemcategories' => 'knowbaseitems_id', 'glpi_knowbaseitems' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_knowbaseitems_knowbaseitemcategories.knowbaseitemcategories_id' => $category_id], ]) |
/src/Entity.php:1154 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '47', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'tickettemplates_id', 'name' => _n('Ticket template', 'Ticket templates', 1), 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'datatype' => 'specific', 'additionalfields' => ['tickettemplates_strategy']] |
/src/Entity.php:888 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '60', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'delay_send_emails', 'name' => __('Delay to send email notifications'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'datatype' => 'number', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 60, 'step' => 1, 'unit' => 'minute', 'toadd' => [self::CONFIG_PARENT => __('Inheritance of the parent entity')]] |
/src/Entity.php:1184 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '59', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'autopurge_delay', 'name' => __('Automatic purge of closed tickets after'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'datatype' => 'number', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 3650, 'step' => 1, 'unit' => 'day', 'toadd' => [self::CONFIG_PARENT => __('Inheritance of the parent entity'), self::CONFIG_NEVER => __('Never'), 0 => __('Immediatly')]] |
/src/Entity.php:1165 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '33', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'autoclose_delay', 'name' => __('Automatic closing of solved tickets after'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'datatype' => 'number', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 99, 'step' => 1, 'unit' => 'day', 'toadd' => [self::CONFIG_PARENT => __('Inheritance of the parent entity'), self::CONFIG_NEVER => __('Never'), 0 => __('Immediatly')]] |
/src/NetworkPortInstantiation.php:788 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', '', 'port.mac'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_networkports AS port', 'WHERE' => ['items_id' => $lastItem->getID( ), 'itemtype' => $lastItem->getType( ), 'instantiation_type' => $netport_type], 'ORDER' => ['logical_number', 'name']]) |
/src/NetworkPortInstantiation.php:558 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [' AS link_id', 'device.designation AS name'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_devicenetworkcards AS device', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_items_devicenetworkcards AS link' => ['ON' => ['link' => 'devicenetworkcards_id', 'device' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['link.items_id' => $lastItem->getID( ), 'link.itemtype' => $lastItem->getType( )]] |
/src/DeviceSoundCard.php:152 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '12', 'table' => 'glpi_devicesoundcards', 'field' => 'designation', 'name' => static::getTypeName(1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'string', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_items_devicesoundcards', 'joinparams' => $main_joinparams]]] |
/src/DeviceSoundCard.php:50 | 1 | return array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'type', 'label' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'none', 'label' => RegisteredID::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) . RegisteredID::showAddChildButtonForItemForm($this, '_registeredID', null, false), 'type' => 'registeredIDChooser'], ['name' => 'devicesoundcardmodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue']]) |
/src/Budget.php:786 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [$table . '.entities_id', 'SUM' => 'glpi_infocoms.value AS sumvalue', ], 'FROM' => $table, 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_infocoms' => ['ON' => [$table => 'id', 'glpi_infocoms' => 'items_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_infocoms.itemtype' => $itemtype, 'glpi_infocoms.budgets_id' => $budgets_id] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($table, 'entities_id'), 'GROUPBY' => [$table . '.entities_id']] |
/src/Budget.php:762 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [$item->getTable( ) . '.entities_id', $sum], 'FROM' => $costtable, 'INNER JOIN' => [$table => ['ON' => [$table => 'id', $costtable => $item->getForeignKeyField( )]]], 'WHERE' => [$costtable . '.budgets_id' => $budgets_id] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($table, 'entities_id'), 'GROUPBY' => [$item->getTable( ) . '.entities_id']] |
/src/NetworkPortInstantiation.php:345 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => new \QueryUnion([['SELECT' => 'networkports_id', 'FROM' => 'glpi_networkportaliases', 'WHERE' => ['networkports_id_alias' => $netport->getID( )]], ['SELECT' => 'networkports_id', 'FROM' => 'glpi_networkportaggregates', 'WHERE' => ['networkports_id_list' => ['LIKE', '%"' . $netport->getID( ) . '"%']]]], false, 'networkports')]) |
/src/NetworkPortInstantiation.php:159 | 1 | return ['mac' => ['name' => __('MAC'), 'default' => true], 'vlans' => ['name' => Vlan::getTypeName(1), 'default' => false], 'virtual_ports' => ['name' => __('Virtual ports'), 'default' => false], 'port_opposite' => ['name' => __('Opposite link'), 'default' => false]] |
/src/Budget.php:705 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [$table . '.entities_id', 'SUM' => 'glpi_contractcosts.cost AS sumvalue'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_contractcosts', 'INNER JOIN' => [$table => ['ON' => [$table => 'id', 'glpi_contractcosts' => 'contracts_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_contractcosts.budgets_id' => $budgets_id] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($table, 'entities_id'), 'GROUPBY' => [$table . '.entities_id']] |
/src/Budget.php:589 | 1 | $opt = ['order' => 'ASC', 'is_deleted' => 0, 'reset' => 'reset', 'start' => 0, 'sort' => 80, 'criteria' => [0 => ['value' => '$$$$' . $budgets_id, 'searchtype' => 'contains', 'field' => 50]]] |
/src/Budget.php:757 | 1 | $sum = new QueryExpression("SUM(" . $DB->quoteName("$costtable.actiontime") . " * " . $DB->quoteName("$costtable.cost_time") . "/" . HOUR_TIMESTAMP . " + " . $DB->quoteName("$costtable.cost_fixed") . " + " . $DB->quoteName("$costtable.cost_material") . ") AS " . $DB->quoteName('sumvalue')) |
/src/Budget.php:730 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [$table . '.entities_id', 'SUM' => 'glpi_projectcosts.cost AS sumvalue'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_projectcosts', 'INNER JOIN' => [$table => ['ON' => [$table => 'id', 'glpi_projectcosts' => 'projects_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_projectcosts.budgets_id' => $budgets_id] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($table, 'entities_id'), 'GROUPBY' => [$item->getTable( ) . '.entities_id']] |
/src/DropdownTranslation.php:397 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => getTableForItemType(__CLASS__), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $DB->escape($item->getType( )), 'items_id' => $item->getID( ), 'field' => ['<>', 'completename']], 'ORDER' => ['language ASC']]) |
/src/Item_DeviceHardDrive.php:47 | 1 | return ['capacity' => ['long name' => sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), __('Capacity'), __('Mio')), 'short name' => __('Capacity'), 'size' => 10, 'id' => 20, ], 'serial' => parent::getSpecificities('serial'), 'otherserial' => parent::getSpecificities('otherserial'), 'locations_id' => parent::getSpecificities('locations_id'), 'states_id' => parent::getSpecificities('states_id'), 'busID' => parent::getSpecificities('busID')] |
/src/DropdownTranslation.php:630 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['value'], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $itemtype, 'items_id' => $ID, 'field' => $field, 'language' => $language]]) |
/src/DropdownTranslation.php:576 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'field', 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $DB->escape($item->getType( )), 'items_id' => $item->getID( ), 'language' => $language]]) |
/src/MailCollector.php:578 | 1 | $collector->fields['host'] = Toolbox::constructMailServerConfig(['mail_server' => $connect_config['address'], 'server_port' => $connect_config['port'], 'server_type' => !empty($connect_config['type']) ? '/' . $connect_config['type'] : '', 'server_ssl' => $connect_config['ssl'] ? '/ssl' : '', 'server_cert' => $connect_config['validate-cert'] ? '/validate-cert' : '/novalidate-cert', 'server_tls' => $connect_config['tls'] ? '/tls' : '', 'server_rsh' => $connect_config['norsh'] ? '/norsh' : '', 'server_secure' => $connect_config['secure'] ? '/secure' : '', 'server_debug' => $connect_config['debug'] ? '/debug' : '', 'server_mailbox' => $collector->fields[self::REFUSED_FOLDER], ]) |
/src/CartridgeItem.php:579 | 1 | $item = ['cartID' => $this->fields['id'], 'entity' => $this->fields['entities_id'], 'ref' => $this->fields['ref'], 'name' => $this->fields['name'], 'threshold' => $this->fields['alarm_threshold']] |
/src/MailCollector.php:1477 | 1 | $mail_details = ['from' => Toolbox::strtolower($sender_email), 'subject' => $subject, 'reply-to' => $reply_to_addr !== null ? Toolbox::strtolower($reply_to_addr) : null, 'to' => $to !== null ? Toolbox::strtolower($to) : null, 'message_id' => $message->getHeader('message_id')->getFieldValue( ), 'tos' => $tos, 'ccs' => $ccs, 'date' => $date] |
/src/MailCollector.php:1343 | 1 | $params = ['host' => $config['address'], 'user' => $this->fields['login'], 'password' => (new GLPIKey( ))->decrypt($this->fields['passwd']), 'port' => $config['port']] |
/src/CartridgeItem.php:345 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '40', 'table' => 'glpi_printermodels', 'field' => 'name', 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'name' => _n('Printer model', 'Printer models', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_cartridgeitems_printermodels', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]]] |
/src/CartridgeItem.php:278 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '19', 'table' => 'glpi_cartridges', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => __('Number of new cartridges'), 'datatype' => 'count', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.date_use' => null, 'NEWTABLE.date_out' => null]]] |
/src/CartridgeItem.php:510 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['COUNT' => '* AS cpt', 'glpi_locations.completename AS location', 'glpi_cartridgeitems.ref AS ref', ' AS name', ' AS tID'], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_cartridgeitems_printermodels' => ['ON' => ['glpi_cartridgeitems_printermodels' => 'cartridgeitems_id', 'glpi_cartridgeitems' => 'id']], 'glpi_cartridges' => ['ON' => ['glpi_cartridgeitems' => 'id', 'glpi_cartridges' => 'cartridgeitems_id', ['AND' => ['glpi_cartridges.date_use' => null]]]]], 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_locations' => ['ON' => ['glpi_cartridgeitems' => 'locations_id', 'glpi_locations' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_cartridgeitems_printermodels.printermodels_id' => $printer->fields['printermodels_id']] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_cartridgeitems', '', $printer->fields['entities_id'], true), 'GROUPBY' => 'tID', 'ORDERBY' => ['name', 'ref']]) |
/src/CartridgeItem.php:393 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS cartID', 'glpi_cartridgeitems.entities_id AS entity', 'glpi_cartridgeitems.ref AS ref', ' AS name', 'glpi_cartridgeitems.alarm_threshold AS threshold', ' AS alertID', '', ], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_alerts' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_alerts' => 'items_id', 'glpi_cartridgeitems' => 'id', ['AND' => ['glpi_alerts.itemtype' => 'CartridgeItem'], ], ]]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_cartridgeitems.is_deleted' => 0, 'glpi_cartridgeitems.alarm_threshold' => ['>=', 0], 'glpi_cartridgeitems.entities_id' => $entity, 'OR' => [['' => null], ['' => ['<', new QueryExpression('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL ' . $repeat . ' second')]], ], ], ]) |
/src/CartridgeItem.php:234 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '9', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => '_virtual', 'name' => _n('Cartridge', 'Cartridges', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nosort' => true, 'additionalfields' => ['alarm_threshold']] |
/src/DeviceProcessor.php:276 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '36', 'table' => 'glpi_items_deviceprocessors', 'field' => 'frequency', 'name' => __('Processor frequency'), 'unit' => 'MHz', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'number', 'width' => 100, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => $main_joinparams, 'computation' => 'SUM(' . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.frequency') . ') / COUNT(' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')', 'nometa' => true, ] |
/src/CartridgeItem.php:263 | 2 | $tab[] = ['id' => '18', 'table' => 'glpi_cartridges', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => __('Number of worn cartridges'), 'datatype' => 'count', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NOT' => ['NEWTABLE.date_out' => null]]]] |
/src/CartridgeItem.php:246 | 2 | $tab[] = ['id' => '17', 'table' => 'glpi_cartridges', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => __('Number of used cartridges'), 'datatype' => 'count', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NOT' => ['NEWTABLE.date_use' => null], 'NEWTABLE.date_out' => null]]] |
/src/KnowbaseItem.php:1089 | 1 | $header_end .= "<th $colspan" . ($sort == "$key" ? " class='order_$order'" : '') . ">" . "<a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"sort=$key&order=" . (($order == "ASC") ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "&start=0\");'>$val</a></th>" |
/src/KnowbaseItem.php:160 | 1 | return (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::KNOWBASEADMIN) || (Session::getCurrentInterface( ) == "central" && $this->fields['users_id'] == Session::getLoginUserID( )) || ((($this->fields["is_faq"] && Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::PUBLISHFAQ)) || (!$this->fields["is_faq"] && Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, UPDATE))) && $this->haveVisibilityAccess( ))) |
/src/KnowbaseItem.php:1499 | 1 | $visibility_crit = [['OR' => [['glpi_knowbaseitems.begin_date' => null], ['glpi_knowbaseitems.begin_date' => ['<', new QueryExpression('NOW()')]]]], ['OR' => [['glpi_knowbaseitems.end_date' => null], ['glpi_knowbaseitems.end_date' => ['>', new QueryExpression('NOW()')]]]]] |
/src/KnowbaseItem.php:1331 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ['glpi_knowbaseitems.*', 'glpi_knowbaseitems_knowbaseitemcategories.knowbaseitemcategories_id', new QueryExpression('GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ' . $DB->quoteName('glpi_knowbaseitemcategories.completename') . ') AS category'), new QueryExpression('COUNT(' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')' . ' + COUNT(' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')' . ' + COUNT(' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')' . ' + COUNT(' . $DB->quoteName('') . ') AS ' . $DB->quoteName('visibility_count'))], 'FROM' => 'glpi_knowbaseitems', 'WHERE' => [ ], 'LEFT JOIN' => [ ], 'GROUPBY' => ['']] |
/src/NotificationTarget.php:1425 | 1 | $count = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'INNER JOIN' => [Notification::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [Notification::getTable( ) => 'id', self::getTable( ) => 'notifications_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['type' => [Notification::SUPERVISOR_GROUP_TYPE, Notification::GROUP_TYPE], 'items_id' => $group->getID( )] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(Notification::getTable( ), '', '', true)])->current( ) |
/src/NotificationTarget.php:1284 | 1 | return ['INNER JOIN' => [Profile_User::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [Profile_User::getTable( ) => 'users_id', User::getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(Profile_User::getTable( ), 'entities_id', $this->getEntity( ), true)] |
/src/KnowbaseItem.php:149 | 1 | return ((Session::haveRightsOr(self::$rightname, [READ, self::READFAQ]) && $this->haveVisibilityAccess( )) || ((Session::getLoginUserID( ) === false) && $this->isPubliclyVisible( ))) |
/src/NotificationTarget.php:1465 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [Notification::getTable( ) . '.id'], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'INNER JOIN' => [Notification::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [self::getTable( ) => 'notifications_id', Notification::getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['type' => [Notification::SUPERVISOR_GROUP_TYPE, Notification::GROUP_TYPE], 'items_id' => $group->getID( )] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(Notification::getTable( ), '', '', true)]) |
/src/NotificationTarget.php:265 | 1 | return sprintf('GLPI_%s-%s-%s.%s.%s@%s', Config::getUuid('notification'), $this->obj->getType( ), $this->obj->getField('id'), time( ), rand( ), php_uname('n')) |
/src/NetworkAlias.php:437 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS alias_id', ' AS alias', ' AS address_id', 'glpi_networkaliases.comment AS comment'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_networkaliases', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_networknames' => ['ON' => ['glpi_networkaliases' => 'networknames_id', 'glpi_networknames' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_networkaliases.fqdns_id' => $item->getID( )], 'ORDERBY' => $order, 'LIMIT' => $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], 'START' => $start]) |
/src/NotificationTarget.php:926 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id', 'name'], 'FROM' => Group::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['is_usergroup' => 1, 'is_notify' => 1] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_groups', 'entities_id', $entity, true), 'ORDER' => 'name']) |
/src/NotificationTarget.php:793 | 1 | $criteria['INNER JOIN'] = array_merge([User::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [Group_User::getTable( ) => 'users_id', User::getTable( ) => 'id']], Group::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [Group_User::getTable( ) => 'groups_id', Group::getTable( ) => 'id']]], $criteria['INNER JOIN']) |
/src/DomainRecord.php:513 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'record.*', 'FROM' => self::getTable( ) . ' AS record', 'WHERE' => ['domains_id' => $instID], 'LEFT JOIN' => [DomainRecordType::getTable( ) . ' AS rtype' => ['ON' => ['rtype' => 'id', 'record' => 'domainrecordtypes_id']]], 'ORDER' => [' ASC', ' ASC']]) |
/src/DropdownTranslation.php:676 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id'], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $itemtype, 'items_id' => $ID, 'language' => $language, 'field' => $field]]) |
/src/NetworkPort_Vlan.php:223 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' as assocID', 'glpi_networkports_vlans.tagged', 'glpi_networkports.*'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_networkports_vlans', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_networkports' => ['ON' => ['glpi_networkports_vlans' => 'networkports_id', 'glpi_networkports' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['vlans_id' => $ID]]) |
/src/NetworkPort_Vlan.php:103 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' as assocID', 'glpi_networkports_vlans.tagged', 'glpi_vlans.*'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_networkports_vlans', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_vlans' => ['ON' => ['glpi_networkports_vlans' => 'vlans_id', 'glpi_vlans' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['networkports_id' => $ID]]) |
/src/ManualLink.php:225 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => 'glpi_manuallinks', 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $item->fields[$item->getIndexName( )], ], 'ORDERBY' => 'name']) |
/src/Cartridge.php:1069 | 1 | $massiveactionparams = ['num_displayed' => min($_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], $number), 'specific_actions' => $actions, 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'rand' => $rand, 'extraparams' => ['maxpages' => $printer->fields['last_pages_counter']]] |
/src/NetworkPort.php:470 | 1 | $input = array_merge(['networkports_id' => $this->fields['id'], 'ifinbytes' => $this->fields['ifinbytes'] ?? 0, 'ifoutbytes' => $this->fields['ifoutbytes'] ?? 0, 'ifinerrors' => $this->fields['ifinerrors'] ?? 0, 'ifouterrors' => $this->fields['ifouterrors'] ?? 0, ], $unicity_input) |
/src/ManualLink.php:308 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '146', 'table' => static::getTable( ), 'field' => '_virtual', 'name' => self::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'additionalfields' => ['id', 'name', 'url', 'open_window', 'icon', ], 'forcegroupby' => true, 'nosearch' => true, 'nosort' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item', ], ] |
/src/Cartridge.php:607 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['printers_id' => $pID, 'NOT' => ['date_out' => null]]])->current( ) |
/src/Cartridge.php:582 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['cartridgeitems_id' => $tID, 'NOT' => ['date_out' => null]]])->current( ) |
/src/Cartridge.php:988 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS tID', 'glpi_cartridgeitems.is_deleted', 'glpi_cartridgeitems.ref AS ref', ' AS type', '', 'glpi_cartridges.pages AS pages', 'glpi_cartridges.date_use AS date_use', 'glpi_cartridges.date_out AS date_out', 'glpi_cartridges.date_in AS date_in', ' AS typename'], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_cartridgeitems' => ['FKEY' => [self::getTable( ) => 'cartridgeitems_id', 'glpi_cartridgeitems' => 'id']], 'glpi_cartridgeitemtypes' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_cartridgeitems' => 'cartridgeitemtypes_id', 'glpi_cartridgeitemtypes' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => $where, 'ORDER' => ['glpi_cartridges.date_out ASC', 'glpi_cartridges.date_use DESC', 'glpi_cartridges.date_in', ]]) |
/src/Cartridge.php:750 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_cartridges.*', ' AS printID', ' AS printname', 'glpi_printers.init_pages_counter'], 'FROM' => self::gettable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_printers' => ['FKEY' => [self::getTable( ) => 'printers_id', 'glpi_printers' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => $where, 'ORDER' => $order]) |
/src/NotificationTargetCartridgeItem.php:92 | 1 | $tags = ['cartridge.action' => _n('Event', 'Events', 1), 'cartridge.reference' => __('Reference'), 'cartridge.item' => CartridgeItem::getTypeName(1), 'cartridge.remaining' => __('Remaining'), 'cartridge.stock_target' => __('Stock target'), 'cartridge.to_order' => __('To order'), 'cartridge.url' => __('URL'), 'cartridge.entity' => Entity::getTypeName(1)] |
/src/Migration.php:1445 | 1 | $itemtype_column_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['table_name AS TABLE_NAME', 'column_name AS COLUMN_NAME', ], 'FROM' => 'information_schema.columns', 'WHERE' => ['table_schema' => $DB->dbdefault, 'table_name' => ['LIKE', 'glpi\_%'], 'OR' => [['column_name' => 'itemtype'], ['column_name' => ['LIKE', 'itemtype_%']], ], ], 'ORDER' => 'TABLE_NAME', ]) |
/src/Cartridge.php:558 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['printers_id' => $pID, 'date_out' => null, 'NOT' => ['date_use' => null]]])->current( ) |
/src/Cartridge.php:529 | 1 | $row = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id'], 'COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => 'glpi_cartridges', 'WHERE' => ['cartridgeitems_id' => $tID, 'date_out' => null, 'NOT' => ['date_use' => null]]])->current( ) |
/src/Migration.php:684 | 1 | $message = sprintf(__('Unable to rename table %1$s (%2$s) to %3$s (%4$s)!'), $oldtable, ($DB->tableExists($oldtable) ? __('ok') : __('nok')), $newtable, ($DB->tableExists($newtable) ? __('nok') : __('ok'))) |
/src/SoftwareLicense.php:1065 | 1 | $header_end .= "<th" . (!is_array($sort) && $sort == "$key" ? " class='order_$order'" : '') . ">" . "<a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"sort=$key&order=" . (($order == "ASC") ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "&start=0\");'>$val</a></th>" |
/src/Migration.php:1379 | 1 | $fkey_column_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['table_name AS TABLE_NAME', 'column_name AS COLUMN_NAME', ], 'FROM' => 'information_schema.columns', 'WHERE' => ['table_schema' => $DB->dbdefault, 'table_name' => ['LIKE', 'glpi\_%'], 'OR' => [['column_name' => $old_fkey], ['column_name' => ['LIKE', $old_fkey . '_%']], ], ], 'ORDER' => 'TABLE_NAME', ]) |
/src/Migration.php:1143 | 1 | $prof_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => '', 'FROM' => 'glpi_profiles', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_profilerights' => ['ON' => ['glpi_profilerights' => 'profiles_id', 'glpi_profiles' => 'id', ['AND' => ['' => $name]]]], ], 'WHERE' => ['' => null, ]]) |
/src/Contract.php:239 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '129', 'table' => 'glpi_contracttypes', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_contracts', 'joinparams' => $joinparams]]] |
/src/Contract.php:203 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '139', 'table' => 'glpi_contracts_items', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of contracts'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']] |
/src/Contract.php:267 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '131', 'table' => 'glpi_contracts', 'field' => 'periodicity', 'name' => __('Periodicity'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => $joinparams, 'datatype' => 'number', 'min' => '12', 'max' => '60', 'step' => '12', 'toadd' => [0 => Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE, 1 => sprintf(_n('%d month', '%d months', 1), 1), 2 => sprintf(_n('%d month', '%d months', 2), 2), 3 => sprintf(_n('%d month', '%d months', 3), 3), 6 => sprintf(_n('%d month', '%d months', 6), 6)], 'unit' => 'month'] |
/src/Contract.php:254 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '130', 'table' => 'glpi_contracts', 'field' => 'duration', 'name' => __('Duration'), 'datatype' => 'number', 'max' => '120', 'unit' => 'month', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => $joinparams] |
/src/NetworkPort.php:1812 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['FROM' => Unmanaged::getTable( ), 'COUNT' => 'cpt', 'INNER JOIN' => [$this->getTable( ) => ['ON' => [$this->getTable( ) => 'items_id', Unmanaged::getTable( ) => 'id', ['AND' => [$this->getTable( ) . '.itemtype' => Unmanaged::getType( )]]]]], 'WHERE' => ['hub' => 1, $this->getTable( ) . '.id' => $opposite]])->current( ) |
/src/NetworkPort.php:1614 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '38', 'table' => Vlan::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => Vlan::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => $netportjoin]] |
/src/LineOperator.php:102 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['mcc' => $input['mcc'], 'mnc' => $input['mnc']]])->current( ) |
/src/LineOperator.php:52 | 1 | return [['name' => 'mcc', 'label' => __('Mobile Country Code'), 'type' => 'integer', 'list' => true], ['name' => 'mnc', 'label' => __('Mobile Network Code'), 'type' => 'integer', 'list' => true], ] |
/src/NetworkPort.php:1134 | 1 | $hub_equipments = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['unm.*', 'netp.mac'], 'FROM' => Unmanaged::getTable( ) . ' AS unm', 'INNER JOIN' => [NetworkPort::getTable( ) . ' AS netp' => ['ON' => ['netp' => 'items_id', 'unm' => 'id', ['AND' => ['netp.itemtype' => $device2->getType( )]]]]], 'WHERE' => ['netp.itemtype' => $device2->getType( ), '' => $list_ports]]) |
/src/NetworkPort.php:1061 | 1 | $vlans = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [NetworkPort_Vlan::getTable( ) . '.id', Vlan::getTable( ) . '.name', NetworkPort_Vlan::getTable( ) . '.tagged', Vlan::getTable( ) . '.tag', ], 'FROM' => NetworkPort_Vlan::getTable( ), 'INNER JOIN' => [Vlan::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [NetworkPort_Vlan::getTable( ) => 'vlans_id', Vlan::getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['networkports_id' => $port['id']]]) |
/src/NetworkPort.php:1436 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '88', 'table' => 'glpi_vlans', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => Vlan::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => $netportjoin]] |
/src/NetworkPort.php:1245 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'ipa.*', 'FROM' => IPAddress::getTable( ) . ' AS ipa', 'INNER JOIN' => [NetworkName::getTable( ) . ' AS netname' => ['ON' => ['ipa' => 'items_id', 'netname' => 'id', ['AND' => ['ipa.itemtype' => 'NetworkName']]]]], 'WHERE' => ['netname.items_id' => $items_id, 'netname.itemtype' => $itemtype]]) |
/src/NetworkPort.php:609 | 1 | $options[__('Internet information')] = ['names' => ['name' => NetworkName::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'default' => false], 'aliases' => ['name' => NetworkAlias::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'default' => false], 'ipaddresses' => ['name' => IPAddress::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'default' => true], 'ipnetworks' => ['name' => IPNetwork::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'default' => true]] |
/src/NetworkPort.php:596 | 1 | $options[__('Global displays')] = ['characteristics' => ['name' => __('Characteristics'), 'default' => true], 'internet' => ['name' => __('Internet information'), 'default' => true], 'dynamic_import' => ['name' => __('Automatic inventory'), 'default' => false]] |
/src/NetworkPort.php:684 | 1 | $criteria = ['FROM' => $netport->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['items_id' => $item->getID( ), 'itemtype' => $item->getType( ), ['OR' => [['name' => ['!=', __('Management')]], ['name' => null]]]]] |
/src/NetworkPort.php:659 | 1 | $aggegate_iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => $netport->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $item->getID( )], 'ORDER' => 'logical_number']) |
/src/DBmysqlIterator.php:708 | 1 | return (is_numeric($t1) ? DBmysql::quoteName($f1) : DBmysql::quoteName($t1) . '.' . DBmysql::quoteName($f1)) . ' = ' . (is_numeric($t2) ? DBmysql::quoteName($f2) : DBmysql::quoteName($t2) . '.' . DBmysql::quoteName($f2)) |
/src/Contract_Item.php:524 | 1 | $opt = ['order' => 'ASC', 'is_deleted' => 0, 'reset' => 'reset', 'start' => 0, 'sort' => 80, 'criteria' => [0 => ['value' => '$$$$' . $instID, 'searchtype' => 'contains', 'field' => 29]]] |
/src/Printer.php:525 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '9', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => '_virtual', 'linkfield' => '_virtual', 'name' => _n('Cartridge', 'Cartridges', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nosort' => true] |
/src/Printer.php:161 | 2 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ['itemtype', new QueryExpression('GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ' . $DB->quoteName('items_id') . ') AS ' . $DB->quoteName('ids'))], 'FROM' => 'glpi_networkports_networkports', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_networkports' => ['ON' => ['glpi_networkports_networkports' => $endb, 'glpi_networkports' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_networkports_networkports.' . $enda => new QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => 'glpi_networkports', 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $this->getType( ), 'items_id' => $ID]])], 'GROUPBY' => 'itemtype'] |
/src/Group_User.php:129 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_users.*', ' AS IDD', ' AS linkid', 'glpi_groups_users.is_dynamic AS is_dynamic', 'glpi_groups_users.is_manager AS is_manager', 'glpi_groups_users.is_userdelegate AS is_userdelegate'], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => [User::getTable( ) => ['FKEY' => [User::getTable( ) => 'id', self::getTable( ) => 'users_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_groups_users.groups_id' => $groups_id] + $condition, 'ORDER' => '']) |
/src/Group_User.php:82 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_groups.*', ' AS IDD', ' AS linkid', 'glpi_groups_users.is_dynamic AS is_dynamic', 'glpi_groups_users.is_manager AS is_manager', 'glpi_groups_users.is_userdelegate AS is_userdelegate'], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => [Group::getTable( ) => ['FKEY' => [Group::getTable( ) => 'id', self::getTable( ) => 'groups_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_groups_users.users_id' => $users_id] + $condition, 'ORDER' => '']) |
/src/ITILTemplateHiddenField.php:83 | 2 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => $this->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => [static::$items_id => $this->fields[static::$itiltype], 'num' => $items_id_id]]) |
/src/Group_User.php:398 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', ' AS linkid', 'glpi_groups_users.groups_id', 'glpi_groups_users.is_dynamic AS is_dynamic', 'glpi_groups_users.is_manager AS is_manager', 'glpi_groups_users.is_userdelegate AS is_userdelegate'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => [User::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [self::getTable( ) => 'users_id', User::getTable( ) => 'id']], $pu_table => ['ON' => [$pu_table => 'users_id', User::getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => [self::getTable( ) . '.groups_id' => $restrict, 'OR' => ["$pu_table.entities_id" => null] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($pu_table, '', $entityrestrict, 1)], 'ORDERBY' => [User::getTable( ) . '.realname', User::getTable( ) . '.firstname', User::getTable( ) . '.name']]) |
/src/DbUtils.php:1783 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [new \QueryExpression("CAST(SUBSTRING(" . $DB->quoteName('code') . ", $pos, $len) AS " . "unsigned) AS " . $DB->quoteName('no'))], 'FROM' => new \QueryUnion($subqueries, false, 'codes')] |
/src/DbUtils.php:1655 | 1 | $user_params = array_merge($user_params, ['email' => UserEmail::getDefaultForUser($ID), 'phone' => $data["phone"], 'mobile' => $data["mobile"], 'locations_id' => $data['locations_id'], 'usertitles_id' => $data['usertitles_id'], 'usercategories_id' => $data['usercategories_id'], ]) |
/src/NotificationTemplate.php:302 | 1 | $lang['content_html'] = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" ''>" . "<html> <head> <META http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'> <title>" . Html::entities_deep($lang['subject']) . "</title> <style type='text/css'> " . $this->fields['css'] . " </style> </head> <body>\n" . (!empty($add_header) ? $add_header . "\n<br><br>" : '') . $template_datas['content_html'] . "<br><br>-- \n<br>" . $signature_html . "<br>$footer_string" . "<br><br>\n" . (!empty($add_footer) ? $add_footer . "\n<br><br>" : '') . "\n</body></html>" |
/src/DbUtils.php:1794 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [new \QueryExpression("CAST(SUBSTRING(" . $DB->quoteName($field) . ", $pos, $len) AS " . "unsigned) AS " . $DB->quoteName('no'))], 'FROM' => $table, 'WHERE' => [$field => ['LIKE', $like]]] |
/src/Entity.php:1336 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '51', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'linkfield' => 'entities_id_software', 'name' => __('Entity for software creation'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'datatype' => 'specific', 'additionalfields' => ['entities_strategy_software']] |
/src/Entity.php:1223 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '36', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'calendars_id', 'name' => _n('Calendar', 'Calendars', 1), 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'datatype' => 'specific', 'additionalfields' => ['calendars_strategy']] |
/src/Entity.php:3768 | 1 | $tab = [0 => __('No autofill'), Infocom::COPY_BUY_DATE => __('Copy the date of purchase'), Infocom::COPY_ORDER_DATE => __('Copy the order date'), Infocom::COPY_DELIVERY_DATE => __('Copy the delivery date'), self::CONFIG_PARENT => __('Inheritance of the parent entity')] |
/src/Entity.php:3206 | 1 | $entities_query = ['SELECT' => ['id', 'entities_id', $fieldref], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['id' => array_merge([$entities_id], getAncestorsOf(self::getTable( ), $entities_id))]] |
/src/SoftwareLicense.php:911 | 1 | $columns = ['name' => __('Name'), 'entity' => Entity::getTypeName(1), 'serial' => __('Serial number'), 'number' => _x('quantity', 'Number'), '_affected' => __('Affected items'), 'typename' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'buyname' => __('Purchase version'), 'usename' => __('Version in use'), 'expire' => __('Expiration'), 'statename' => __('Status')] |
/src/SoftwareLicense.php:867 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['SUM' => 'number AS numsum'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_softwarelicenses', 'WHERE' => ['softwares_id' => $softwares_id, 'is_template' => 0, 'number' => ['>', 0]] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_softwarelicenses', '', '', true)])->current( ) |
/src/SoftwareLicense.php:1034 | 1 | $massiveactionparams = ['num_displayed' => min($_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], $num_displayed), 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'extraparams' => ['options' => ['' => ['condition' => $DB->quoteName("glpi_softwareversions.softwares_id") . " = $softwares_id"], '' => ['itemlink_as_string' => true]]]] |
/src/SoftwareLicense.php:976 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses.*', ' AS buyname', ' AS usename', 'glpi_entities.completename AS entity', ' AS typename', ' AS statename'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_softwarelicenses', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_softwareversions AS buyvers' => ['ON' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'softwareversions_id_buy', 'buyvers' => 'id']], 'glpi_softwareversions AS usevers' => ['ON' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'softwareversions_id_use', 'usevers' => 'id']], 'glpi_entities' => ['ON' => ['glpi_entities' => 'id', 'glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'entities_id']], 'glpi_softwarelicensetypes' => ['ON' => ['glpi_softwarelicensetypes' => 'id', 'glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'softwarelicensetypes_id']], 'glpi_states' => ['ON' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'states_id', 'glpi_states' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses.softwares_id' => $softwares_id, 'glpi_softwarelicenses.is_template' => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_softwarelicenses', '', '', true), 'ORDERBY' => $sort, 'START' => (int) $start, 'LIMIT' => (int) $_SESSION['glpilist_limit']]) |
/src/SoftwareLicense.php:627 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '164', 'table' => 'glpi_softwarelicensetypes', 'field' => 'name', 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'name' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_softwarelicenses', 'joinparams' => $licjoinexpire]]] |
/src/SoftwareLicense.php:563 | 1 | $licjoinexpire = ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => array_merge(getEntitiesRestrictCriteria("NEWTABLE", '', '', true), ['NEWTABLE.is_template' => 0, 'OR' => [['NEWTABLE.expire' => null], ['NEWTABLE.expire' => ['>', new QueryExpression('NOW()')]]]])] |
/src/SoftwareLicense.php:719 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses.*', ' AS softname'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_softwarelicenses', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_softwares' => ['ON' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'softwares_id', 'glpi_softwares' => 'id']]], 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_alerts' => ['ON' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'id', 'glpi_alerts' => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['glpi_alerts.itemtype' => 'SoftwareLicense']]]]], 'WHERE' => ['' => null, 'NOT' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses.expire' => null], new QueryExpression('DATEDIFF(' . $DB->quoteName('glpi_softwarelicenses.expire') . ', CURDATE()) < ' . $before), 'glpi_softwares.is_template' => 0, 'glpi_softwares.is_deleted' => 0, 'glpi_softwares.entities_id' => $entity]] |
/src/SoftwareLicense.php:654 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '166', 'table' => 'glpi_softwarelicenses', 'field' => 'expire', 'name' => __('Expiration'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'date', 'emptylabel' => __('Never expire'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => $licjoinexpire] |
/src/SoftwareLicense.php:369 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '4', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'number', 'name' => __('Number'), 'datatype' => 'number', 'max' => 100, 'toadd' => ['-1' => 'Unlimited']] |
/src/Printer.php:740 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['manufacturers_id' => $manufacturer_id, 'name' => $name, ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(self::getTable, 'entities_id', $entity, true)]) |
/src/SoftwareLicense.php:492 | 10 | $tab[] = ['id' => '61', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'template_name', 'name' => __('Template name'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, ] |
/src/SoftwareLicense.php:445 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '13', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'completename', 'name' => __('Father'), 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => ['condition' => [new QueryExpression("1=1")]]] |
/src/Printer.php:554 | 2 | $tab[] = ['id' => '18', 'table' => 'glpi_cartridges', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => __('Number of worn cartridges'), 'datatype' => 'count', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NOT' => ['NEWTABLE.date_out' => null]]]] |
/src/Printer.php:537 | 2 | $tab[] = ['id' => '17', 'table' => 'glpi_cartridges', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => __('Number of used cartridges'), 'datatype' => 'count', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NOT' => ['NEWTABLE.date_use' => null], 'NEWTABLE.date_out' => null]]] |
/src/Printer.php:658 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '131', 'table' => 'glpi_computers_items', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of printers'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.itemtype' => 'Printer']]] |
/src/Printer.php:605 | 10 | $tab[] = ['id' => '61', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'template_name', 'name' => __('Template name'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, ] |
/src/Planning.php:2027 | 1 | $new_event = array_merge($new_event, ['start' => $next_date->format('c'), 'end' => $next_date->add(new DateInterval("PT" . ($ms_duration / 1000) . "S"))->format('c'), ]) |
/src/Planning.php:1933 | 1 | $new_event = ['title' => $event['name'], 'content' => $content, 'tooltip' => $tooltip, 'start' => $begin, 'end' => $end, 'duration' => $ms_duration, '_duration' => $ms_duration, '_editable' => $event['editable'], 'rendering' => isset($event['background']) && $event['background'] && !$_SESSION['glpi_plannings']['filters']['OnlyBgEvents']['display'] ? 'background' : '', 'color' => (empty($event['color']) ? Planning::$palette_bg[$index_color] : $event['color']), 'borderColor' => (empty($event['event_type_color']) ? self::getPaletteColor('ev', $event['itemtype']) : $event['event_type_color']), 'textColor' => Planning::$palette_fg[$index_color], 'typeColor' => (empty($event['event_type_color']) ? self::getPaletteColor('ev', $event['itemtype']) : $event['event_type_color']), 'url' => $event['url'] ?? "", 'ajaxurl' => $event['ajaxurl'] ?? "", 'itemtype' => $event['itemtype'] ?? "", 'parentitemtype' => $event['parentitemtype'] ?? "", 'items_id' => $event['id'] ?? "", 'resourceId' => $event['resourceId'] ?? "", 'priority' => $event['priority'] ?? "", 'state' => $event['state'] ?? "", ] |
/src/Stat.php:103 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id', 'name'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_groups', 'WHERE' => ['OR' => ['id' => $parent, 'groups_id' => $parent], $is_field => 1] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria("glpi_groups", '', '', true), 'ORDER' => 'completename']) |
/src/Planning.php:2203 | 1 | $raw_events[] = ['users_id' => Session::getLoginUserID( ), 'name' => $title, 'tooltip' => trim($title . "\n" . $description), 'content' => $description, 'begin' => $begin_dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'end' => $end_dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'event_type_color' => $planning_params['color'], 'color' => $planning_params['color'], 'rrule' => $vcomp->RRULE instanceof Recur ? current($vcomp->RRULE->getJsonValue( )) : null, 'editable' => false, 'resourceId' => $planning_id, ] |
/src/Item_RemoteManagement.php:281 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '181', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'type', 'name' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'width' => 1000, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']] |
/src/Item_RemoteManagement.php:268 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '180', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'remoteid', 'name' => __('ID'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'itemtype_item']] |
/src/Planning.php:1237 | 1 | $users = Group_User::getGroupUsers($params['groups_id'], ['glpi_users.is_active' => 1, 'glpi_users.is_deleted' => 0, ['OR' => [['glpi_users.begin_date' => null], ['glpi_users.begin_date' => ['<', new QueryExpression('NOW()')]], ], ], ['OR' => [['glpi_users.end_date' => null], ['glpi_users.end_date' => ['>', new QueryExpression('NOW()')]], ]]]) |
/src/Planning.php:152 | 1 | return ['external' => ['title' => PlanningExternalEvent::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'page' => PlanningExternalEvent::getSearchURL(false), 'links' => ['add' => '/front/planningexternalevent.form.php', 'search' => '/front/planningexternalevent.php', ] + static::getAdditionalMenuLinks( )]] |
/src/SlaLevel_Ticket.php:102 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => '', 'FROM' => 'glpi_slalevels_tickets', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_slalevels' => ['ON' => ['glpi_slalevels_tickets' => 'slalevels_id', 'glpi_slalevels' => 'id']], 'glpi_slas' => ['ON' => ['glpi_slalevels' => 'slas_id', 'glpi_slas' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_slalevels_tickets.tickets_id' => $tickets_id, 'glpi_slas.type' => $slaType]]) |
/src/SlaLevel_Ticket.php:57 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [static::getTable( ) . '.id'], 'FROM' => static::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_slalevels' => ['FKEY' => [static::getTable( ) => 'slalevels_id', 'glpi_slalevels' => 'id']], 'glpi_slas' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_slalevels' => 'slas_id', 'glpi_slas' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => [static::getTable( ) . '.tickets_id' => $ID, 'glpi_slas.type' => $slaType], 'LIMIT' => 1]) |
/src/SlaLevel_Ticket.php:317 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => 'glpi_slalevels_tickets.*', 'FROM' => 'glpi_slalevels_tickets', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_slalevels' => ['ON' => ['glpi_slalevels_tickets' => 'slalevels_id', 'glpi_slalevels' => 'id']], 'glpi_slas' => ['ON' => ['glpi_slalevels' => 'slas_id', 'glpi_slas' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['' => ['<', new \QueryExpression('NOW()')], 'glpi_slalevels_tickets.tickets_id' => $tickets_id, 'glpi_slas.type' => $slaType]] |
/src/SlaLevel_Ticket.php:162 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_slalevels_tickets.*', 'glpi_slas.type AS type', ], 'FROM' => 'glpi_slalevels_tickets', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_slalevels' => ['ON' => ['glpi_slalevels_tickets' => 'slalevels_id', 'glpi_slalevels' => 'id']], 'glpi_slas' => ['ON' => ['glpi_slalevels' => 'slas_id', 'glpi_slas' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['' => ['<', new \QueryExpression('NOW()')]]]) |
/src/Report.php:272 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ['COUNT' => '* AS count', "$ AS name"], 'FROM' => $table_item, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$type_table => ['ON' => [$table_item => $typefield, $type_table => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ["$table_item.is_deleted" => 0, "$table_item.is_template" => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($table_item), 'GROUPBY' => "$"] |
/src/Report.php:232 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['COUNT' => '* AS count', ' AS name'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_items_operatingsystems', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_operatingsystems' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_operatingsystems' => 'operatingsystems_id', 'glpi_operatingsystems' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['is_deleted' => 0], 'GROUPBY' => '']) |
/src/NotificationTargetSoftwareLicense.php:83 | 1 | $tags = ['license.expirationdate' => __('Expiration date'), 'license.item' => _n('Software', 'Software', 1), '' => __('Name'), 'license.serial' => __('Serial number'), 'license.entity' => Entity::getTypeName(1), 'license.url' => __('URL'), 'license.action' => _n('Event', 'Events', 1)] |
/src/Report.php:359 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => array_merge(['PORT_1.itemtype AS itemtype_1', 'PORT_1.items_id AS items_id_1', ' AS id_1', ' AS port_1', 'PORT_1.mac AS mac_1', 'PORT_1.logical_number AS logical_1', new QueryExpression('GROUP_CONCAT(' . $DB->quoteName('') . ' SEPARATOR ' . $DB->quote(',') . ') AS ' . $DB->quoteName('ip_1')), 'PORT_2.itemtype AS itemtype_2', 'PORT_2.items_id AS items_id_2', ' AS id_2', ' AS port_2', 'PORT_2.mac AS mac_2', new QueryExpression('GROUP_CONCAT(' . $DB->quoteName('') . ' SEPARATOR ' . $DB->quote(',') . ') AS ' . $DB->quoteName('ip_2'))], $select), 'FROM' => $from, 'INNER JOIN' => $innerjoin + ['glpi_networkports AS PORT_1' => ['ON' => $joincrit]], 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_networknames AS NAME_1' => ['ON' => ['PORT_1' => 'id', 'NAME_1' => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['NAME_1.itemtype' => 'NetworkPort', 'NAME_1.is_deleted' => 0]]]], 'glpi_ipaddresses AS ADDR_1' => ['ON' => ['NAME_1' => 'id', 'ADDR_1' => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['ADDR_1.itemtype' => 'NetworkName', 'ADDR_1.is_deleted' => 0]]]], 'glpi_networkports_networkports AS LINK' => ['ON' => ['LINK' => 'networkports_id_1', 'PORT_1' => 'id', ['OR' => ['LINK.networkports_id_2' => new QueryExpression($DB->quoteName(''))]]]], 'glpi_networkports AS PORT_2' => ['ON' => ['PORT_2' => 'id', new QueryExpression('IF(' . $DB->quoteName('LINK.networkports_id_1') . ' = ' . $DB->quoteName('') . ', ' . $DB->quoteName('LINK.networkports_id_2') . ', ' . $DB->quoteName('LINK.networkports_id_1') . ')')]], 'glpi_networknames AS NAME_2' => ['ON' => ['PORT_2' => 'id', 'NAME_2' => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['NAME_2.itemtype' => 'NetworkPort', 'NAME_2.is_deleted' => 0]]]], 'glpi_ipaddresses AS ADDR_2' => ['ON' => ['NAME_2' => 'id', 'ADDR_2' => 'items_id', ['AND' => ['ADDR_2.itemtype' => 'NetworkName', 'ADDR_2.is_deleted' => 0]]]]] + $leftjoin, 'WHERE' => $where, 'GROUPBY' => ['']] |
/src/Software.php:624 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '4', 'table' => 'glpi_operatingsystems', 'field' => 'name', 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'name' => OperatingSystem::getTypeName(1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_softwareversions', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]], ] |
/src/Software.php:593 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '31', 'table' => 'glpi_states', 'field' => 'completename', 'name' => __('Status'), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_softwareversions', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]], ] |
/src/Software.php:827 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', 'glpi_softwares.is_deleted'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_softwares', 'WHERE' => ['name' => $name, 'manufacturers_id' => $manufacturer_id, 'is_template' => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_softwares', 'entities_id', $entity, true)]) |
/src/Software.php:699 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', ''], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_softwares', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses' => ['ON' => ['glpi_softwarelicenses' => 'softwares_id', 'glpi_softwares' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_softwares.is_deleted' => 0, 'glpi_softwares.is_template' => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_softwarelicenses', 'entities_id', $entity_restrict, true), 'ORDERBY' => '']) |
/src/Software.php:538 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '73', 'table' => 'glpi_items_softwareversions', 'field' => 'date_install', 'name' => __('Installation date'), 'datatype' => 'date', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_softwareversions', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], ], 'condition' => "AND NEWTABLE.`is_deleted_item` = 0 AND NEWTABLE.`is_deleted` = 0 AND NEWTABLE.`is_template_item` = 0", ]] |
/src/Software.php:508 | 1 | $newtab = ['id' => '72', 'table' => 'glpi_items_softwareversions', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of installations'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child', 'beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_softwareversions', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], ], 'condition' => ['NEWTABLE.is_deleted_item' => 0, 'NEWTABLE.is_deleted' => 0, 'NEWTABLE.is_template_item' => 0]]] |
/src/Software.php:579 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '6', 'table' => 'glpi_softwareversions', 'field' => 'arch', 'name' => _n('Architecture', 'Architectures', 1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'displaywith' => ['softwares_id'], 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'datatype' => 'dropdown'] |
/src/Software.php:565 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '5', 'table' => 'glpi_softwareversions', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Name'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'displaywith' => ['softwares_id'], 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'datatype' => 'dropdown'] |
/src/SolutionTemplate.php:56 | 1 | return [['name' => 'solutiontypes_id', 'label' => SolutionType::getTypeName(1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'list' => true, ], ['name' => 'content', 'label' => __('Content'), 'type' => 'tinymce', 'disable_images' => true, ]] |
/src/Stat.php:1571 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_items_tickets.itemtype', 'glpi_items_tickets.items_id', 'COUNT' => '* AS NB'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_tickets', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => 'tickets_id', 'glpi_tickets' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['date' => ['<=', $date2], '' => ['>=', $date1], 'glpi_items_tickets.itemtype' => ['<>', ''], 'glpi_items_tickets.items_id' => ['>', 0]] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_tickets'), 'GROUP' => ['glpi_items_tickets.itemtype', 'glpi_items_tickets.items_id'], 'ORDER' => 'NB DESC']) |
/src/Software.php:453 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '64', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'template_name', 'name' => __('Template name'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, ] |
/src/ChangeTask.php:102 | 1 | return (Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, parent::ADDALLITEM) || Session::haveRight('change', UPDATE) || (Session::haveRight('change', Change::READMY) && ($change->isUser(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || (isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && $change->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, $_SESSION['glpigroups']))))) |
/src/Stat.php:629 | 1 | $link = "<a href='stat.graph.php?id=" . $value[$i]['id'] . "&date1=$date1&date2=$date2&itemtype=$itemtype&type=$type" . (!empty($value2) ? "&champ=$value2" : "") . "'>" . "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/stats_item.png' alt=''>" . "</a>" |
/src/Stat.php:1135 | 1 | $INNERJOIN = ['glpi_computers' => ['ON' => ['glpi_computers' => 'id', $linkedtable => 'items_id']], $devtable => ['ON' => ['glpi_computers' => 'id', $devtable => 'computers_id', ['AND' => ["$devtable.$fkname" => $value]]]]] |
/src/Contract.php:770 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '41', 'table' => 'glpi_contractcosts', 'field' => 'cost', 'name' => _n('Cost', 'Costs', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'datatype' => 'decimal', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Contract.php:751 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '11', 'table' => 'glpi_contractcosts', 'field' => 'totalcost', 'name' => __('Total cost'), 'datatype' => 'decimal', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'computation' => '(SUM(' . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.cost') . ') / COUNT(' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')) * COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')', 'nometa' => true, ] |
/src/Contract.php:796 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '43', 'table' => 'glpi_contractcosts', 'field' => 'end_date', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('End date')), 'datatype' => 'date', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Contract.php:783 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '42', 'table' => 'glpi_contractcosts', 'field' => 'begin_date', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Begin date')), 'datatype' => 'date', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Contract.php:694 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '72', 'table' => 'glpi_contracts_items', 'field' => 'id', 'name' => _x('quantity', 'Number of items'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'count', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']] |
/src/Contract.php:643 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '13', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'expire_notice', 'name' => __('Expiration date + notice'), 'datatype' => 'date_delay', 'datafields' => ['1' => 'begin_date', '2' => 'duration', '3' => 'notice'], 'searchunit' => 'DAY', 'delayunit' => 'MONTH', 'maybefuture' => true, 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/Contract.php:730 | 4 | $tab[] = ['id' => '50', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'template_name', 'name' => __('Template name'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, ] |
/src/Contract.php:708 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '29', 'table' => 'glpi_suppliers', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => _n('Associated supplier', 'Associated suppliers', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_contracts_suppliers', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]]] |
/src/Contract.php:569 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '21', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'periodicity', 'name' => __('Periodicity'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'number', 'min' => 12, 'max' => 60, 'step' => 12, 'toadd' => [0 => Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE, 1 => sprintf(_n('%d month', '%d months', 1), 1), 2 => sprintf(_n('%d month', '%d months', 2), 2), 3 => sprintf(_n('%d month', '%d months', 3), 3), 6 => sprintf(_n('%d month', '%d months', 6), 6)], 'unit' => 'month'] |
/src/Contract.php:543 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '20', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'end_date', 'name' => __('End date'), 'datatype' => 'date_delay', 'datafields' => ['1' => 'begin_date', '2' => 'duration'], 'searchunit' => 'MONTH', 'delayunit' => 'MONTH', 'maybefuture' => true, 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/Contract.php:627 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '12', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'expire', 'name' => __('Expiration'), 'datatype' => 'date_delay', 'datafields' => ['1' => 'begin_date', '2' => 'duration'], 'searchunit' => 'DAY', 'delayunit' => 'MONTH', 'maybefuture' => true, 'massiveaction' => false] |
/src/Contract.php:589 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '22', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'billing', 'name' => __('Invoice period'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'number', 'min' => 12, 'max' => 60, 'step' => 12, 'toadd' => [0 => Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE, 1 => sprintf(_n('%d month', '%d months', 1), 1), 2 => sprintf(_n('%d month', '%d months', 2), 2), 3 => sprintf(_n('%d month', '%d months', 3), 3), 6 => sprintf(_n('%d month', '%d months', 6), 6)], 'unit' => 'month'] |
/src/Contract.php:331 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '135', 'table' => 'glpi_contracts', 'field' => 'notice', 'name' => __('Notice'), 'datatype' => 'number', 'max' => '120', 'unit' => 'month', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => $joinparams] |
/src/Contract.php:313 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '134', 'table' => 'glpi_contracts', 'field' => 'end_date', 'name' => __('End date'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'date_delay', 'maybefuture' => true, 'datafields' => ['1' => 'begin_date', '2' => 'duration'], 'searchunit' => 'MONTH', 'delayunit' => 'MONTH', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => $joinparams] |
/src/Contract.php:361 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '137', 'table' => 'glpi_contracts', 'field' => 'billing', 'name' => __('Invoice period'), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => $joinparams, 'datatype' => 'number', 'min' => '12', 'max' => '60', 'step' => '12', 'toadd' => [0 => Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE, 1 => sprintf(_n('%d month', '%d months', 1), 1), 2 => sprintf(_n('%d month', '%d months', 2), 2), 3 => sprintf(_n('%d month', '%d months', 3), 3), 6 => sprintf(_n('%d month', '%d months', 6), 6)], 'unit' => 'month'] |
/src/Contract.php:344 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '136', 'table' => 'glpi_contractcosts', 'field' => 'totalcost', 'name' => _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'usehaving' => true, 'datatype' => 'decimal', 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => $joinparamscost, 'computation' => '(SUM(' . $DB->quoteName('TABLE.cost') . ') / COUNT(' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')) * COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $DB->quoteName('') . ')', 'nometa' => true, ] |
/src/Contract.php:1607 | 1 | $names = [0 => Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE, pow(2, Alert::END) => __('End'), pow(2, Alert::NOTICE) => __('Notice'), (pow(2, Alert::END) + pow(2, Alert::NOTICE)) => __('End + Notice'), pow(2, Alert::PERIODICITY) => __('Period end'), pow(2, Alert::PERIODICITY) + pow(2, Alert::NOTICE) => __('Period end + Notice'), ] |
/src/Contract.php:1481 | 1 | return Dropdown::showFromArray($p['name'], $values, ['value' => $p['value'], 'on_change' => $p['on_change'], 'display' => $p['display'], 'display_emptychoice' => true, 'class' => $p['class'], 'width' => $p['width'], ]) |
/src/SoftwareVersion.php:315 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_softwareversions.*', ' AS sname'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_softwareversions', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_states' => ['ON' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => 'states_id', 'glpi_states' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['softwares_id' => $softwares_id], 'ORDERBY' => 'name']) |
/src/SoftwareVersion.php:244 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ['glpi_softwareversions.*', ' AS sname'], 'DISTINCT' => true, 'FROM' => 'glpi_softwareversions', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_states' => ['ON' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => 'states_id', 'glpi_states' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_softwareversions.softwares_id' => $p['softwares_id']], 'ORDERBY' => 'name'] |
/src/Contract.php:1128 | 1 | $query_end = ['SELECT' => ['glpi_contracts.*', ], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_alerts' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_alerts' => 'items_id', 'glpi_contracts' => 'id', ['AND' => ['glpi_alerts.itemtype' => 'Contract', 'glpi_alerts.type' => Alert::END, ], ], ]]], 'WHERE' => [['RAW' => [DBmysql::quoteName('glpi_contracts.alert') . ' & ' . pow(2, Alert::END) => ['>', 0]]], '' => null, 'glpi_contracts.is_deleted' => 0, ['NOT' => ['glpi_contracts.begin_date' => null], ], 'glpi_contracts.duration' => ['!=', 0], 'glpi_contracts.entities_id' => $entity, ['RAW' => ['DATEDIFF( ADDDATE( ' . DBmysql::quoteName('glpi_contracts.begin_date') . ', INTERVAL ' . DBmysql::quoteName('glpi_contracts.duration') . ' MONTH ), CURDATE() )' => ['<', $before]]], ], ] |
/src/Contract.php:1067 | 1 | $query_notice = ['SELECT' => ['glpi_contracts.*', ], 'FROM' => self::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_alerts' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_alerts' => 'items_id', 'glpi_contracts' => 'id', ['AND' => ['glpi_alerts.itemtype' => 'Contract', 'glpi_alerts.type' => Alert::NOTICE, ], ], ]]], 'WHERE' => [['RAW' => [DBmysql::quoteName('glpi_contracts.alert') . ' & ' . pow(2, Alert::NOTICE) => ['>', 0]]], '' => null, 'glpi_contracts.is_deleted' => 0, ['NOT' => ['glpi_contracts.begin_date' => null], ], 'glpi_contracts.duration' => ['!=', 0], 'glpi_contracts.notice' => ['!=', 0], 'glpi_contracts.entities_id' => $entity, ['RAW' => ['DATEDIFF( ADDDATE( ' . DBmysql::quoteName('glpi_contracts.begin_date') . ', INTERVAL ' . DBmysql::quoteName('glpi_contracts.duration') . ' MONTH ), CURDATE() )' => ['>', 0]]], ['RAW' => ['DATEDIFF( ADDDATE( ' . DBmysql::quoteName('glpi_contracts.begin_date') . ', INTERVAL ( ' . DBmysql::quoteName('glpi_contracts.duration') . ' - ' . DBmysql::quoteName('glpi_contracts.notice') . ' ) MONTH ), CURDATE() )' => ['<', $before]]], ], ] |
/src/Contract.php:1425 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => 'glpi_contracts.*', 'FROM' => 'glpi_contracts', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_entities' => ['ON' => ['glpi_contracts' => 'entities_id', 'glpi_entities' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => array_merge(['glpi_contracts.is_deleted' => 0, 'glpi_contracts.is_template' => 0], $WHERE), 'ORDERBY' => ['glpi_entities.completename', ' ASC', 'glpi_contracts.begin_date DESC']]) |
/src/Contract.php:1379 | 1 | $p = ['name' => 'contracts_id', 'value' => '', 'entity' => '', 'rand' => mt_rand( ), 'entity_sons' => false, 'used' => [ ], 'nochecklimit' => false, 'on_change' => '', 'display' => true, 'expired' => false, 'toadd' => [ ], 'class' => "form-select", 'width' => "", 'hide_if_no_elements' => false, ] |
/src/Contract.php:899 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => $table, 'WHERE' => ['is_deleted' => 0, 'notice' => ['<>', 0], new \QueryExpression('DATEDIFF(ADDDATE(' . $DB->quoteName("begin_date") . ', INTERVAL (' . $DB->quoteName("duration") . '-' . $DB->quoteName('notice') . ') MONTH),CURDATE())>0'), new \QueryExpression('DATEDIFF(ADDDATE(' . $DB->quoteName("begin_date") . ', INTERVAL (' . $DB->quoteName("duration") . '-' . $DB->quoteName('notice') . ') MONTH),CURDATE())<=7')] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($table)])->current( ) |
/src/Contract.php:887 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => $table, 'WHERE' => ['is_deleted' => 0, new \QueryExpression('DATEDIFF(ADDDATE(' . $DB->quoteName("begin_date") . ', INTERVAL ' . $DB->quoteName("duration") . ' MONTH),CURDATE())>7'), new \QueryExpression('DATEDIFF(ADDDATE(' . $DB->quoteName("begin_date") . ', INTERVAL ' . $DB->quoteName("duration") . ' MONTH),CURDATE())<30')] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($table)])->current( ) |
/src/Contract.php:1013 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => '', 'FROM' => 'glpi_suppliers', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_contracts_suppliers' => ['ON' => ['glpi_contracts_suppliers' => 'suppliers_id', 'glpi_suppliers' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['contracts_id' => $this->fields['id']]]) |
/src/Contract.php:912 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => $table, 'WHERE' => ['is_deleted' => 0, 'notice' => ['<>', 0], new \QueryExpression('DATEDIFF(ADDDATE(' . $DB->quoteName("begin_date") . ', INTERVAL (' . $DB->quoteName("duration") . '-' . $DB->quoteName('notice') . ') MONTH),CURDATE())>7'), new \QueryExpression('DATEDIFF(ADDDATE(' . $DB->quoteName("begin_date") . ', INTERVAL (' . $DB->quoteName("duration") . '-' . $DB->quoteName('notice') . ') MONTH),CURDATE())<30')] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($table)])->current( ) |
/src/Contract.php:822 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '45', 'table' => 'glpi_budgets', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), Budget::getTypeName(1)), 'datatype' => 'dropdown', 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_contractcosts', 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child']]]] |
/src/Contract.php:809 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '44', 'table' => 'glpi_contractcosts', 'field' => 'name', 'name' => sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), _n('Cost', 'Costs', 1), __('Name')), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'joinparams' => ['jointype' => 'child'], 'datatype' => 'dropdown'] |
/src/Contract.php:875 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => $table, 'WHERE' => ['is_deleted' => 0, new \QueryExpression('DATEDIFF(ADDDATE(' . $DB->quoteName("begin_date") . ', INTERVAL ' . $DB->quoteName("duration") . ' MONTH),CURDATE())>0'), new \QueryExpression('DATEDIFF(ADDDATE(' . $DB->quoteName("begin_date") . ', INTERVAL ' . $DB->quoteName("duration") . ' MONTH),CURDATE())<=7')] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($table)])->current( ) |
/src/Contract.php:863 | 1 | $result = $DB->request(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => $table, 'WHERE' => ['is_deleted' => 0, new \QueryExpression('DATEDIFF(ADDDATE(' . $DB->quoteName("begin_date") . ', INTERVAL ' . $DB->quoteName("duration") . ' MONTH),CURDATE())>-30'), new \QueryExpression('DATEDIFF(ADDDATE(' . $DB->quoteName("begin_date") . ', INTERVAL ' . $DB->quoteName("duration") . ' MONTH),CURDATE())<0')] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($table)])->current( ) |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:476 | 1 | $query_criteria = ['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'SELECT' => [new QueryExpression("$friendlyName as `username`"), "$", new QueryExpression("$slaState as `sla_state`"), ], 'FROM' => $table, 'INNER JOIN' => ["$ticketUserTable as ul" => ['FKEY' => ['ul' => 'tickets_id', $table => 'id', ['AND' => ["ul.type" => Ticket_User::ASSIGN]]], ], $userTable => ['FKEY' => [$userTable => 'id', 'ul' => 'users_id', ], ], ], 'WHERE' => ["$table.is_deleted" => 0, ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($table), 'GROUPBY' => ['sla_state', "$", ], 'ORDER' => ['sla_state DESC', 'cpt DESC', "$", ]] |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:278 | 1 | $search_criteria = array_merge([$notold], [['link' => 'AND', 'criteria' => [['field' => 82, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'value' => 1, ], ['link' => 'OR', 'field' => 182, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'value' => 1, ], ['link' => 'OR', 'field' => 159, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'value' => 1, ], ['link' => 'OR', 'field' => 187, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'value' => 1, ]]]]) |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:814 | 1 | $criteria = array_merge_recursive(['SELECT' => ["$fk_table.$name AS fk_name", "$ AS fk_id", 'COUNT DISTINCT' => "$ AS cpt", ], 'FROM' => $c_table, $params['join_key'] => [$fk_table => ['ON' => [$fk_table => 'id', $c_table => getForeignKeyFieldForItemType($fk_itemtype), ]]], 'GROUPBY' => "$fk_table.$name", 'ORDERBY' => "cpt DESC", 'LIMIT' => $params['limit'], ], count($where) ? ['WHERE' => $where] : [ ], self::getFiltersCriteria($c_table, $params['apply_filters']), $item instanceof Ticket ? Ticket::getCriteriaFromProfile( ) : [ ]) |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:621 | 1 | $query_criteria = ['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'SELECT' => ["$", new QueryExpression("$slaState as `sla_state`"), ], 'FROM' => $table, 'INNER JOIN' => ["$ticketGroupTable as gl" => ['FKEY' => ['gl' => 'tickets_id', $table => 'id', ['AND' => ["gl.type" => Ticket_User::ASSIGN]]], ], $groupTable => ['FKEY' => [$groupTable => 'id', 'gl' => 'groups_id', ], ], ], 'WHERE' => ["$table.is_deleted" => 0, ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($table), 'GROUPBY' => ['sla_state', "$", ], 'ORDER' => ['sla_state DESC', 'cpt DESC', "$", ]] |
/src/Dashboard/Filter.php:185 | 1 | $field = $itemtype::dropdown(['name' => $fieldname, 'value' => $value, 'rand' => $rand, 'display' => false, 'display_emptychoice' => false, 'emptylabel' => '', 'placeholder' => $label, 'on_change' => "on_change_{$rand}()", 'allowClear' => true, 'width' => ''] + $add_params) |
/src/Dashboard/Filter.php:62 | 1 | $filters = ['dates' => __("Creation date"), 'dates_mod' => __("Last update"), 'itilcategory' => ITILCategory::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'requesttype' => RequestType::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'location' => Location::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'manufacturer' => Manufacturer::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'group_tech' => __("Technician group"), 'user_tech' => __("Technician"), ] |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:100 | 1 | $request = ['SELECT' => ['COUNT DISTINCT' => $item::getTableField($item::getIndexName( )) . ' as cpt'], 'FROM' => $i_table, 'INNER JOIN' => [Profile_User::getTable( ) => ['FKEY' => [Profile_User::getTable( ) => 'users_id', User::getTable( ) => 'id', ]]], 'WHERE' => $where] |
/src/Dashboard/Item.php:92 | 1 | $query_items = $DB->buildInsert(self::getTable( ), ['dashboards_dashboards_id' => new \QueryParam( ), 'gridstack_id' => new \QueryParam( ), 'card_id' => new \QueryParam( ), 'x' => new \QueryParam( ), 'y' => new \QueryParam( ), 'width' => new \QueryParam( ), 'height' => new \QueryParam( ), 'card_options' => new \QueryParam( ), ]) |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:1352 | 1 | $cards["bn_count_tickets_expired_by_tech_group"] = ['widgettype' => ['hBars', 'stackedHBars'], 'itemtype' => "\\Ticket", 'group' => __('Assistance'), 'label' => sprintf(__("Number of tickets by SLA status and technician group")), 'provider' => "Glpi\\Dashboard\\Provider::nbTicketsByAgreementStatusAndTechnicianGroup", 'filters' => ['dates', 'dates_mod', 'itilcategory', 'group_tech', 'requesttype', 'location']] |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:1340 | 1 | $cards["bn_count_tickets_expired_by_tech"] = ['widgettype' => ['hBars', 'stackedHBars'], 'itemtype' => "\\Ticket", 'group' => __('Assistance'), 'label' => sprintf(__("Number of tickets by SLA status and technician")), 'provider' => "Glpi\\Dashboard\\Provider::nbTicketsByAgreementStatusAndTechnician", 'filters' => ['dates', 'dates_mod', 'itilcategory', 'user_tech', 'requesttype', 'location']] |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:1395 | 1 | $cards["top_ticket_$type"] = ['widgettype' => ['pie', 'donut', 'halfpie', 'halfdonut', 'summaryNumbers', 'multipleNumber', 'bar', 'hbar'], 'itemtype' => "\\Ticket", 'group' => __('Assistance'), 'label' => $label, 'provider' => "Glpi\\Dashboard\\Provider::nbTicketsActor", 'args' => ['case' => $type, ], 'filters' => ['dates', 'dates_mod', 'itilcategory', 'group_tech', 'user_tech', 'requesttype', 'location']] |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:1372 | 1 | $cards["top_ticket_$itemtype"] = ['widgettype' => ['summaryNumbers', 'pie', 'donut', 'halfpie', 'halfdonut', 'multipleNumber', 'bar', 'hbar'], 'itemtype' => "\\Ticket", 'group' => __('Assistance'), 'label' => $label, 'provider' => "Glpi\\Dashboard\\Provider::multipleNumberTicketBy$itemtype", 'filters' => ['dates', 'dates_mod', 'itilcategory', 'group_tech', 'user_tech', 'requesttype', 'location']] |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:1303 | 1 | $cards["ticket_status"] = ['widgettype' => ['lines', 'areas', 'bars', 'stackedbars'], 'itemtype' => "\\Ticket", 'group' => __('Assistance'), 'label' => __("Tickets status by month"), 'provider' => "Glpi\\Dashboard\\Provider::getTicketsStatus", 'filters' => ['dates', 'dates_mod', 'itilcategory', 'group_tech', 'user_tech', 'requesttype', 'location']] |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:1291 | 1 | $cards["ticket_evolution"] = ['widgettype' => ['lines', 'areas', 'bars', 'stackedbars'], 'itemtype' => "\\Ticket", 'group' => __('Assistance'), 'label' => __("Evolution of ticket in the past year"), 'provider' => "Glpi\\Dashboard\\Provider::getTicketsEvolution", 'filters' => ['dates', 'dates_mod', 'itilcategory', 'group_tech', 'user_tech', 'requesttype', 'location']] |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:1327 | 1 | $cards["tickets_summary"] = ['widgettype' => ['summaryNumbers', 'multipleNumber', 'bar', 'hbar'], 'itemtype' => "\\Ticket", 'group' => __('Assistance'), 'label' => __("Tickets summary"), 'provider' => "Glpi\\Dashboard\\Provider::getTicketSummary", 'filters' => ['dates', 'dates_mod', 'itilcategory', 'group_tech', 'user_tech', 'requesttype', 'location']] |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:1315 | 1 | $cards["ticket_times"] = ['widgettype' => ['lines', 'areas', 'bars', 'stackedbars'], 'itemtype' => "\\Ticket", 'group' => __('Assistance'), 'label' => __("Tickets times (in hours)"), 'provider' => "Glpi\\Dashboard\\Provider::averageTicketTimes", 'filters' => ['dates', 'dates_mod', 'itilcategory', 'group_tech', 'user_tech', 'requesttype', 'location']] |
/src/Dashboard/Widget.php:363 | 1 | $default = ['data' => [ ], 'label' => '', 'alt' => '', 'color' => '', 'icon' => '', 'limit' => 99999, 'use_gradient' => false, 'class' => "multiple-numbers", 'filters' => [ ], 'rand' => mt_rand( ), ] |
/src/Dashboard/Widget.php:297 | 1 | $html = <<<HTML <style> #{$p['id']} { background-color: {$p['color']}; color: {$fg_color}; } #{$p['id']}:hover { background-color: {$fg_hover_color}; border: 1px solid {$fg_hover_border}; } .theme-dark #{$p['id']} { background-color: {$fg_color}; color: {$p['color']}; } .theme-dark #{$p['id']}:hover { background-color: {$fg_hover_color}; color: {$fg_color}; border: 1px solid {$fg_hover_border}; } </style> <a {$href} id="{$p['id']}" class="card big-number $class" title="{$p['alt']}"> <span class="content">$formatted_number</span> <div class="label" title="{$label}">{$label}</div> <i class="main-icon {$p['icon']}"></i> </a> HTML |
/src/Dashboard/Widget.php:511 | 1 | $default = ['data' => [ ], 'label' => '', 'alt' => '', 'color' => '', 'icon' => '', 'donut' => false, 'half' => false, 'use_gradient' => false, 'limit' => 99999, 'filters' => [ ], 'rand' => mt_rand( ), ] |
/src/Dashboard/Widget.php:456 | 1 | $html = <<<HTML <style> {$palette_style} #chart-{$p['rand']} { background-color: {$p['color']}; color: {$fg_color}; } .theme-dark #chart-{$p['rand']} { background-color: {$fg_color}; color: {$p['color']}; } </style> <div class="card $class" id="chart-{$p['rand']}" title="{$p['alt']}"> <div class='scrollable'> <div class='table'> {$numbers_html} </div> </div> <span class="main-label">{$p['label']}</span> <i class="main-icon {$p['icon']}" style="color: {$fg_color}"></i> </div> HTML |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:1506 | 1 | $data = ['labels' => [ ], 'series' => [['name' => __("Time to own"), 'data' => [ ]], ['name' => __("Waiting time"), 'data' => [ ]], ['name' => __("Time to resolve"), 'data' => [ ]], ['name' => __("Time to close"), 'data' => [ ]]]] |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:1485 | 1 | $criteria = array_merge_recursive(['SELECT' => [new QueryExpression("DATE_FORMAT(" . $DBread->quoteName("date") . ", '%Y-%m') AS period"), new QueryExpression("AVG(" . $DBread->quoteName("takeintoaccount_delay_stat") . ") AS avg_takeintoaccount_delay_stat"), new QueryExpression("AVG(" . $DBread->quoteName("waiting_duration") . ") AS avg_waiting_duration"), new QueryExpression("AVG(" . $DBread->quoteName("solve_delay_stat") . ") AS avg_solve_delay_stat"), new QueryExpression("AVG(" . $DBread->quoteName("close_delay_stat") . ") AS close_delay_stat"), ], 'FROM' => $t_table, 'WHERE' => ['is_deleted' => 0, ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($t_table), 'ORDER' => 'period ASC', 'GROUP' => ['period']], Ticket::getCriteriaFromProfile( ), self::getFiltersCriteria($t_table, $params['apply_filters'])) |
/src/Dashboard/Widget.php:64 | 1 | $types = ['pie' => ['label' => __("Pie"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::pie', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/pie.png', 'gradient' => true, 'limit' => true, 'width' => 3, 'height' => 3, ], 'donut' => ['label' => __("Donut"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::donut', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/donut.png', 'gradient' => true, 'limit' => true, 'width' => 3, 'height' => 3, ], 'halfpie' => ['label' => __("Half pie"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::halfPie', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/halfpie.png', 'gradient' => true, 'limit' => true, 'width' => 3, 'height' => 2, ], 'halfdonut' => ['label' => __("Half donut"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::halfDonut', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/halfdonut.png', 'gradient' => true, 'limit' => true, 'width' => 3, 'height' => 2, ], 'bar' => ['label' => __("Bars"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::simpleBar', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/bar.png', 'gradient' => true, 'limit' => true, 'pointlbl' => true, 'width' => 4, 'height' => 3, ], 'line' => ['label' => \Line::getTypeName(1), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::simpleLine', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/line.png', 'limit' => true, 'pointlbl' => true, 'width' => 4, 'height' => 3, ], 'lines' => ['label' => __("Multiple lines"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::multipleLines', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/line.png', 'gradient' => true, 'limit' => true, 'pointlbl' => true, 'width' => 4, 'height' => 3, ], 'area' => ['label' => __("Area"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::simpleArea', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/area.png', 'limit' => true, 'pointlbl' => true, 'width' => 4, 'height' => 3, ], 'areas' => ['label' => __("Multiple areas"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::multipleAreas', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/area.png', 'gradient' => true, 'limit' => true, 'pointlbl' => true, 'width' => 5, 'height' => 3, ], 'bars' => ['label' => __("Multiple bars"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::multipleBars', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/bar.png', 'gradient' => true, 'limit' => true, 'pointlbl' => true, 'width' => 5, 'height' => 3, ], 'hBars' => ['label' => __("Multiple horizontal bars"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::multipleHBars', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/hbar.png', 'gradient' => true, 'limit' => true, 'pointlbl' => true, 'width' => 5, 'height' => 3, ], 'stackedbars' => ['label' => __("Stacked bars"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::StackedBars', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/stacked.png', 'gradient' => true, 'limit' => true, 'pointlbl' => true, 'width' => 4, 'height' => 3, ], 'stackedHBars' => ['label' => __("Horizontal stacked bars"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::stackedHBars', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/hstacked.png', 'gradient' => true, 'limit' => true, 'pointlbl' => true, 'width' => 4, 'height' => 3, ], 'hbar' => ['label' => __("Horizontal bars"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::simpleHbar', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/hbar.png', 'gradient' => true, 'limit' => true, 'pointlbl' => true, 'width' => 3, 'height' => 4, ], 'bigNumber' => ['label' => __("Big number"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::bigNumber', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/bignumber.png', ], 'multipleNumber' => ['label' => __("Multiple numbers"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::multipleNumber', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/multiplenumbers.png', 'limit' => true, 'gradient' => true, 'width' => 3, 'height' => 3, ], 'markdown' => ['label' => __("Editable markdown"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::markdown', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/markdown.png', 'width' => 4, 'height' => 4, ], 'searchShowList' => ['label' => __("Search result"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::searchShowList', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/table.png', 'limit' => true, 'width' => 5, 'height' => 4, ], 'summaryNumbers' => ['label' => __("Summary numbers"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::summaryNumber', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/summarynumber.png', 'limit' => true, 'gradient' => true, 'width' => 4, 'height' => 2, ], 'articleList' => ['label' => __("List of articles"), 'function' => 'Glpi\\Dashboard\\Widget::articleList', 'image' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/pics/charts/articles.png', 'limit' => true, 'width' => 3, 'height' => 4, ], ] |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:1569 | 1 | return ['data' => [['number' => $incoming['number'], 'label' => __("New"), 'url' => $incoming['url'], 'color' => '#3bc519', ], ['number' => $assigned['number'], 'label' => __("Assigned"), 'url' => $assigned['url'], 'color' => '#f1cd29', ], ['number' => $waiting['number'], 'label' => __("Pending"), 'url' => $waiting['url'], 'color' => '#f1a129', ], ['number' => $tovalidate['number'], 'label' => __("To validate"), 'url' => $tovalidate['url'], 'color' => '#266ae9', ], ['number' => $solved['number'], 'label' => __("Solved"), 'url' => $solved['url'], 'color' => '#edc949', ], ['number' => $closed['number'], 'label' => __("Closed"), 'url' => $closed['url'], 'color' => '#555555', ]], 'label' => $params['label'], 'icon' => $params['icon'], ] |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:1260 | 1 | $s_criteria = ['criteria' => [['link' => 'AND', 'field' => 12, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'value' => null], ['link' => 'AND', 'field' => 15, 'searchtype' => 'morethan', 'value' => null], ['link' => 'AND', 'field' => 15, 'searchtype' => 'lessthan', 'value' => null], self::getSearchFiltersCriteria($t_table, $params['apply_filters'])], 'reset' => 'reset'] |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:1223 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => [new QueryExpression("FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(" . $DB->quoteName("{$t_table}") . "),'%Y-%m') AS period"), new QueryExpression("SUM(IF({$t_table}_distinct.status = " . Ticket::INCOMING . ", 1, 0)) as " . $DB->quoteValue(_x('status', 'New'))), new QueryExpression("SUM(IF({$t_table}_distinct.status = " . Ticket::ASSIGNED . ", 1, 0)) as " . $DB->quoteValue(_x('status', 'Processing (assigned)'))), new QueryExpression("SUM(IF({$t_table}_distinct.status = " . Ticket::PLANNED . ", 1, 0)) as " . $DB->quoteValue(_x('status', 'Processing (planned)'))), new QueryExpression("SUM(IF({$t_table}_distinct.status = " . Ticket::WAITING . ", 1, 0)) as " . $DB->quoteValue(__('Pending'))), new QueryExpression("SUM(IF({$t_table}_distinct.status = " . Ticket::SOLVED . ", 1, 0)) as " . $DB->quoteValue(_x('status', 'Solved'))), new QueryExpression("SUM(IF({$t_table}_distinct.status = " . Ticket::CLOSED . ", 1, 0)) as " . $DB->quoteValue(_x('status', 'Closed'))), ], 'FROM' => new QuerySubQuery($sub_query, "{$t_table}_distinct"), 'ORDER' => 'period ASC', 'GROUP' => ['period']] |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:1450 | 1 | $data[] = ['number' => $result['nb_tickets'], 'label' => $result['first'] . " " . ($result['second'] ?? ""), 'url' => Ticket::getSearchURL( ) . "?" . Toolbox::append_params($s_criteria), ] |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:1400 | 1 | $criteria = array_merge_recursive(['SELECT' => array_merge(['COUNT DISTINCT' => "$ AS nb_tickets", "$ as actor_id", ], $n_fields), 'FROM' => $t_table, 'INNER JOIN' => [$li_table => ['ON' => [$li_table => getForeignKeyFieldForItemType("Ticket"), $t_table => 'id', ['AND' => ["$li_table.type" => $type]]]], $ug_table => ['ON' => [$li_table => getForeignKeyFieldForTable($ug_table), $ug_table => 'id']]], 'GROUPBY' => "$", 'ORDER' => 'nb_tickets DESC', 'WHERE' => $where + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($t_table), ], Ticket::getCriteriaFromProfile( ), self::getFiltersCriteria($t_table, $params['apply_filters'])) |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:958 | 1 | $criteria = array_merge_recursive(['SELECT' => ['COUNT DISTINCT' => "$ as nb_tickets", new QueryExpression("DATE_FORMAT(" . $DB->quoteName("date") . ", '%Y-%m') AS ticket_month")], 'FROM' => $t_table, 'WHERE' => ["$t_table.is_deleted" => 0, ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($t_table), 'GROUPBY' => 'ticket_month', 'ORDER' => 'ticket_month ASC'], Ticket::getCriteriaFromProfile( ), self::getFiltersCriteria($t_table, $params['apply_filters'])) |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:911 | 1 | $data[] = ['date' => $line['date'] ?? '', 'label' => $line['name'] ?? '', 'content' => $line['text'] ?? '', 'author' => User::getFriendlyNameById($line['users_id'] ?? 0), 'url' => $item::getFormURLWithID($line['id']), ] |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:1209 | 1 | $sub_query = array_merge_recursive(['DISTINCT' => true, 'SELECT' => ["$t_table.*"], 'FROM' => $t_table, 'WHERE' => ["$t_table.is_deleted" => 0, ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($t_table), ], Ticket::getCriteriaFromProfile( ), self::getFiltersCriteria($t_table, $params['apply_filters'])) |
/src/Dashboard/Provider.php:1050 | 1 | $series = ['inter_total' => ['name' => _nx('ticket', 'Opened', 'Opened', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'search' => ['criteria' => [['link' => 'AND', 'field' => 15, 'searchtype' => 'morethan', 'value' => null], ['link' => 'AND', 'field' => 15, 'searchtype' => 'lessthan', 'value' => null], self::getSearchFiltersCriteria($t_table, $params['apply_filters']), ], 'reset' => 'reset']], 'inter_solved' => ['name' => _nx('ticket', 'Solved', 'Solved', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'search' => ['criteria' => [['link' => 'AND', 'field' => 17, 'searchtype' => 'morethan', 'value' => null], ['link' => 'AND', 'field' => 17, 'searchtype' => 'lessthan', 'value' => null], self::getSearchFiltersCriteria($t_table, $params['apply_filters']), ], 'reset' => 'reset']], 'inter_solved_late' => ['name' => __('Late'), 'search' => ['criteria' => [['link' => 'AND', 'field' => 17, 'searchtype' => 'morethan', 'value' => null], ['link' => 'AND', 'field' => 17, 'searchtype' => 'lessthan', 'value' => null], ['link' => 'AND', 'field' => 82, 'searchtype' => 'equals', 'value' => 1], self::getSearchFiltersCriteria($t_table, $params['apply_filters']), ], 'reset' => 'reset']], 'inter_closed' => ['name' => __('Closed'), 'search' => ['criteria' => [['link' => 'AND', 'field' => 16, 'searchtype' => 'morethan', 'value' => null], ['link' => 'AND', 'field' => 16, 'searchtype' => 'lessthan', 'value' => null], self::getSearchFiltersCriteria($t_table, $params['apply_filters']), ], 'reset' => 'reset']], ] |
/src/Features/PlanningEvent.php:791 | 1 | $out .= "<div>" . Dropdown::showFromArray('rrule[byday]', ['MO' => __('Monday'), 'TU' => __('Tuesday'), 'WE' => __('Wednesday'), 'TH' => __('Thursday'), 'FR' => __('Friday'), 'SA' => __('Saturday'), 'SU' => __('Sunday'), ], ['values' => $rrule['byday'], 'rand' => $rand, 'display' => false, 'display_emptychoice' => true, 'width' => '100%', 'multiple' => true, ]) . "</div>" |
/src/Features/PlanningEvent.php:756 | 1 | $display_ar = $rrule['freq'] == null || !($rrule['interval'] > 1 || $rrule['until'] != null || count($rrule['byday']) > 0 || count($rrule['bymonth']) > 0) ? "none" : "table" |
/src/Features/PlanningEvent.php:931 | 1 | $tab = [['id' => 'common', 'name' => self::GetTypeName( )], ['id' => '1', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => __('Name'), 'datatype' => 'itemlink', 'massiveaction' => false, ], ['id' => '2', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'id', 'name' => __('ID'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'number'], ['id' => '80', 'table' => 'glpi_entities', 'field' => 'completename', 'name' => Entity::getTypeName(1), 'datatype' => 'dropdown'], ['id' => '3', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'state', 'name' => __('Status'), 'datatype' => 'specific', 'massiveaction' => false, 'searchtype' => ['equals', 'notequals']], ['id' => '4', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'text', 'name' => __('Description'), 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'text', 'htmltext' => true], ['id' => '5', 'table' => PlanningEventCategory::getTable( ), 'field' => 'name', 'name' => PlanningEventCategory::getTypeName( ), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'datatype' => 'dropdown'], ['id' => '6', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'background', 'name' => __('Background event'), 'datatype' => 'bool'], ['id' => '10', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'rrule', 'name' => __('Repeat'), 'datatype' => 'text'], ['id' => '19', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'date_mod', 'name' => __('Last update'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'massiveaction' => false], ['id' => '121', 'table' => self::getTable( ), 'field' => 'date_creation', 'name' => __('Creation date'), 'datatype' => 'datetime', 'massiveaction' => false]] |
/src/Features/PlanningEvent.php:811 | 1 | $out .= "<div>" . Dropdown::showFromArray('rrule[bymonth]', [1 => __('January'), 2 => __('February'), 3 => __('March'), 4 => __('April'), 5 => __('May'), 6 => __('June'), 7 => __('July'), 8 => __('August'), 9 => __('September'), 10 => __('October'), 11 => __('November'), 12 => __('December'), ], ['values' => $rrule['bymonth'], 'rand' => $rand, 'display' => false, 'display_emptychoice' => true, 'width' => '100%', 'multiple' => true, ]) . "</div>" |
/src/Marketplace/Api/Plugins.php:110 | 1 | $options['headers'] = array_merge_recursive(['Accept' => 'application/json', 'User-Agent' => GLPINetwork::getGlpiUserAgent( ), 'X-Registration-Key' => GLPINetwork::getRegistrationKey( ), 'X-Glpi-Network-Uid' => GLPINetwork::getGlpiNetworkUid( ), ], $options['headers'] ?? [ ]) |
/src/Marketplace/View.php:535 | 1 | $card = <<<HTML <li class="plugin {$plugin_state}" data-key="{$plugin_key}"> <div class="main"> <span class="icon">{$icon}</span> <span class="details"> <h3 class="title">{$name}</h3> $network <p class="description">{$description}</p> </span> <span class="buttons"> {$buttons} </span> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="misc-left"> <div class="note">{$stars}</div> <div class="links"> {$home_url} {$issues_url} {$readme_url} </div> </span> <span class='misc-right'> <div class="license">{$licence}</div> <div class="authors" title="{$authors_title}">{$authors}</div> <div class="version">{$version}</div> </span> </div> </li> HTML |
/src/Features/PlanningEvent.php:742 | 1 | $out .= Dropdown::showFromArray('rrule[freq]', [null => __("Never"), 'daily' => __("Each day"), 'weekly' => __("Each week"), 'monthly' => __("Each month"), 'yearly' => __("Each year"), ], ['value' => strtolower($rrule['freq'] ?? ""), 'rand' => $rand, 'display' => false, 'on_change' => "$(\"#toggle_ar\").toggle($(\"#dropdown_rrule_freq_$rand\").val().length > 0)"]) |
/src/Features/PlanningEvent.php:565 | 1 | $events[$key] = ['color' => $options['color'], 'event_type_color' => $options['event_type_color'], 'event_cat_color' => $data['cat_color'] ?? "", 'itemtype' => $itemtype, $item_fk => $data['id'], 'id' => $data['id'], 'users_id' => $data["users_id"], 'state' => $data["state"], 'background' => $has_bg ? $data['background'] : false, 'name' => Sanitizer::unsanitize($data['name']), 'text' => $data['text'] !== null ? RichText::getSafeHtml($data['text']) : '', 'ajaxurl' => $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/planning.php" . "?action=edit_event_form" . "&itemtype=$itemtype" . "&id=" . $data['id'] . "&url=$url", 'editable' => $event_obj->canUpdateItem( ), 'url' => $url, 'begin' => !$is_rrule && (strcmp($begin, $data["begin"]) > 0) ? $begin : $data["begin"], 'end' => !$is_rrule && (strcmp($end, $data["end"]) < 0) ? $end : $data["end"], 'rrule' => isset($data['rrule']) && !empty($data['rrule']) ? json_decode($data['rrule'], true) : [ ]] |
/src/PDU.php:173 | 10 | $tab[] = ['id' => '61', 'table' => $this->getTable( ), 'field' => 'template_name', 'name' => __('Template name'), 'datatype' => 'text', 'massiveaction' => false, 'nosearch' => true, 'nodisplay' => true, ] |
/src/NetworkPortConnectionLog.php:149 | 1 | $cport_link = sprintf("<a href='%1\$s'>%2\$s</a>", $cport->getFormURLWithID($cport->fields['id']), (trim($cport->fields['name']) == '' ? __('Without name') : $cport->fields['name'])) |
/src/Marketplace/View.php:377 | 1 | $sort_controls = " <select class='sort-control form-select form-select-sm'> <option value='sort-alpha-asc' " . ($sort == "sort-alpha-asc" ? "selected" : "") . " data-icon='fa-fw fa-lg ti ti-sort-ascending-letters'> " . __("Alpha ASC") . " </option> <option value='sort-alpha-desc' " . ($sort == "sort-alpha-desc" ? "selected" : "") . " data-icon='fa-fw fa-lg ti ti-sort-descending-letters'> " . __("Alpha DESC") . " </option> <option value='sort-dl' " . ($sort == "sort-dl'" ? "selected" : "") . " data-icon='fa-fw fa-lg ti ti-cloud-download'> " . __("Most popular") . " </option> <option value='sort-update' " . ($sort == "sort-update'" ? "selected" : "") . " data-icon='fa-fw fas fa-lg fa-history'> " . __("Last updated") . " </option> <option value='sort-added' " . ($sort == "sort-added'" ? "selected" : "") . " data-icon='fa-fw fa-lg ti ti-calendar-time'> " . __("Most recent") . " </option> <option value='sort-note' " . ($sort == "sort-note'" ? "selected" : "") . " data-icon='fa-fw fa-lg ti ti-star'> " . __("Best notes") . " </option> </select>" |
/src/Marketplace/View.php:232 | 1 | $clean_plugin = ['key' => $key, 'name' => $plugin['name'], 'logo_url' => $apidata['logo_url'] ?? "", 'description' => $apidata['descriptions'][0]['short_description'] ?? "", 'authors' => $apidata['authors'] ?? [['id' => 'all', 'name' => $plugin['author'] ?? ""]], 'license' => $apidata['license'] ?? $plugin['license'] ?? "", 'note' => $apidata['note'] ?? -1, 'homepage_url' => $apidata['homepage_url'] ?? "", 'issues_url' => $apidata['issues_url'] ?? "", 'readme_url' => $apidata['readme_url'] ?? "", 'version' => $plugin['version'] ?? "", ] |
/src/Software.php:974 | 1 | $massiveactionparams = ['num_displayed' => min($_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], $nb), 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'specific_actions' => [__CLASS__ . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'merge' => __('Merge')], 'item' => $this] |
/src/Software.php:940 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', '', 'glpi_entities.completename AS entity'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_softwares', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_entities' => ['ON' => ['glpi_softwares' => 'entities_id', 'glpi_entities' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['' => ['!=', $ID], '' => addslashes($this->fields['name']), 'glpi_softwares.is_deleted' => 0, 'glpi_softwares.is_template' => 0] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_softwares', 'entities_id', getSonsOf("glpi_entities", $this->fields["entities_id"]), false), 'ORDERBY' => 'entity']) |
/src/DeviceMotherboard.php:143 | 1 | $tab[] = ['id' => '14', 'table' => 'glpi_devicemotherboards', 'field' => 'designation', 'name' => static::getTypeName(1), 'forcegroupby' => true, 'massiveaction' => false, 'datatype' => 'string', 'joinparams' => ['beforejoin' => ['table' => 'glpi_items_devicemotherboards', 'joinparams' => $main_joinparams]]] |
/src/DeviceMotherboard.php:48 | 1 | return array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'chipset', 'label' => __('Chipset'), 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'devicemotherboardmodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue']]) |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:1240 | 1 | $cards["bn_count_tickets_$case"] = ['widgettype' => ["bigNumber"], 'itemtype' => "\\Ticket", 'group' => __('Assistance'), 'label' => sprintf(__("Number of %s"), $label), 'provider' => "Glpi\\Dashboard\\Provider::nbTicketsGeneric", 'args' => ['case' => $case, 'params' => ['validation_check_user' => true, ]], 'cache' => false, 'filters' => ['dates', 'dates_mod', 'itilcategory', 'group_tech', 'user_tech', 'requesttype', 'location']] |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:1228 | 1 | $tickets_cases = ['late' => __("Late tickets"), 'waiting_validation' => __("Tickets waiting for your approval"), 'notold' => __('Not solved tickets'), 'incoming' => __("New tickets"), 'waiting' => __('Pending tickets'), 'assigned' => __('Assigned tickets'), 'planned' => __('Planned tickets'), 'solved' => __('Solved tickets'), 'closed' => __('Closed tickets'), ] |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:1279 | 1 | $cards["nb_opened_ticket"] = ['widgettype' => ['line', 'area', 'bar'], 'itemtype' => "\\Ticket", 'group' => __('Assistance'), 'label' => __("Number of tickets by month"), 'provider' => "Glpi\\Dashboard\\Provider::ticketsOpened", 'filters' => ['dates', 'dates_mod', 'itilcategory', 'group_tech', 'user_tech', 'requesttype', 'location']] |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:1259 | 1 | $cards["table_count_tickets_$case"] = ['widgettype' => ["searchShowList"], 'itemtype' => "\\Ticket", 'group' => __('Assistance'), 'label' => sprintf(__("List of %s"), $label), 'provider' => "Glpi\\Dashboard\\Provider::nbTicketsGeneric", 'args' => ['case' => $case, 'params' => ['validation_check_user' => true, ]], 'filters' => ['dates', 'dates_mod', 'itilcategory', 'group_tech', 'user_tech', 'requesttype', 'location']] |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:1162 | 1 | $cards["bn_count_$clean_itemtype"] = ['widgettype' => ["bigNumber"], 'group' => _n('Device', 'Devices', 1), 'itemtype' => "\\$itemtype", 'label' => sprintf(__("Number of %s"), $itemtype::getTypeName( )), 'provider' => "Glpi\\Dashboard\\Provider::bigNumber$itemtype", 'filters' => array_merge(['dates', 'dates_mod', ], $add_filters_fct($itemtype::getTable( )))] |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:1149 | 1 | $cards["count_" . $itemtype . "_" . $fk_itemtype] = ['widgettype' => ['summaryNumbers', 'multipleNumber', 'pie', 'donut', 'halfpie', 'halfdonut', 'bar', 'hbar'], 'itemtype' => "\\$itemtype", 'group' => _n('Device', 'Devices', 1), 'label' => $label, 'provider' => "Glpi\\Dashboard\\Provider::multipleNumber" . $itemtype . "By" . $fk_itemtype, 'filters' => array_merge(['dates', 'dates_mod', ], $add_filters_fct($itemtype::getTable( )))] |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:1214 | 1 | $cards["count_" . $itemtype . "_" . $fk_itemtype] = ['widgettype' => ['summaryNumbers', 'multipleNumber', 'pie', 'donut', 'halfpie', 'halfdonut', 'bar', 'hbar'], 'itemtype' => "\\Computer", 'group' => _n('Asset', 'Assets', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'label' => $label, 'provider' => "Glpi\\Dashboard\\Provider::multipleNumber" . $itemtype . "By" . $fk_itemtype, 'filters' => array_merge(['dates', 'dates_mod', ], $add_filters_fct($itemtype::getTable( )))] |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:1177 | 1 | $cards["bn_count_$clean_itemtype"] = ['widgettype' => ["bigNumber"], 'group' => _n('Device', 'Devices', 1), 'itemtype' => "\\$itemtype", 'label' => sprintf(__("Number of type of %s"), $itemtype::getTypeName( )), 'provider' => "Glpi\\Dashboard\\Provider::bigNumber$itemtype", 'filters' => array_merge(['dates', 'dates_mod', ], $add_filters_fct($itemtype::getTable( )))] |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:417 | 1 | $js = <<<JAVASCRIPT $(function () { Dashboard.display({ current: '{$this->current}', cols: {$this->grid_cols}, rows: {$this->grid_rows}, cell_margin: {$this->cell_margin}, rand: '{$rand}', embed: {$embed_str}, ajax_cards: {$ajax_cards}, all_cards: {$cards_json}, all_widgets: {$all_widgets_json}, context: "{$this->context}", cache_key: "{$cache_key}", }) }); JAVASCRIPT |
/src/Gantt/ProjectDAO.php:48 | 1 | $input = ['name' => $project->text, 'comment' => $project->comment, 'projects_id' => $project->parent, 'date' => $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime'], 'plan_start_date' => $project->start_date, 'plan_end_date' => $project->end_date, 'priority' => 3, 'projectstates_id' => 1, 'users_id' => \Session::getLoginUserID( ), 'show_on_global_gantt' => 1] |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:1127 | 1 | $cards["bn_count_$clean_itemtype"] = ['widgettype' => ["bigNumber"], 'group' => $firstlvl, 'itemtype' => "\\$itemtype", 'label' => sprintf(__("Number of %s"), $itemtype::getTypeName( )), 'provider' => "Glpi\\Dashboard\\Provider::bigNumber$itemtype", 'filters' => array_merge(['dates', 'dates_mod', ], $add_filters_fct($itemtype::getTable( )))] |
/src/Dashboard/Grid.php:836 | 1 | $values = ['profiles_id' => self::$all_dashboards[$this->current]['rights']['profiles_id'] ?? [ ], 'entities_id' => self::$all_dashboards[$this->current]['rights']['entities_id'] ?? [ ], 'users_id' => self::$all_dashboards[$this->current]['rights']['users_id'] ?? [ ], 'groups_id' => self::$all_dashboards[$this->current]['rights']['groups_id'] ?? [ ], ] |
/src/Features/TreeBrowse.php:189 | 1 | $items_subquery = new QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => ['COUNT DISTINCT' => $itemtype::getTableField('id') . ' as cpt'], 'FROM' => $itemtype::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => [$itemtype::getTableField($cat_fk) => new QueryExpression($DB->quoteName($cat_itemtype::getTableField('id'))), $itemtype::getTableField('id') => $ids, ]], 'items_count') |
/src/Features/Inventoriable.php:239 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id'], 'FROM' => Agent::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $this->getType( ), 'items_id' => $this->fields['id']], 'ORDERBY' => ['last_contact DESC'], 'LIMIT' => 1]) |
/src/Gantt/TaskDAO.php:59 | 1 | $input = ['name' => $task->text, 'projects_id' => $projectId, 'projecttasks_id' => ($parentTask != null) ? $parentTask->fields["id"] : 0, 'percent_done' => ($task->progress * 100), 'plan_start_date' => $task->start_date, 'plan_end_date' => $task->end_date, 'is_milestone' => ($task->type == "milestone") ? 1 : 0] |
/src/Features/TreeBrowse.php:239 | 1 | $no_cat_count = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['COUNT DISTINCT' => $itemtype::getTableField('id') . ' as cpt'], 'FROM' => $itemtype::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => [$itemtype::getTableField($cat_fk) => 0, $itemtype::getTableField('id') => $ids, ]])->current( ) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/Software.php:757 | 1 | $insert_query = $DB->buildInsert('glpi_items_softwareversions', ['itemtype' => $this->item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $this->item->fields['id'], 'softwareversions_id' => new QueryParam( ), 'is_dynamic' => new QueryParam( ), 'entities_id' => new QueryParam( ), 'date_install' => new QueryParam( )]) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/Software.php:538 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ['id', 'name', 'arch', 'softwares_id', 'operatingsystems_id'], 'FROM' => \SoftwareVersion::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['entities_id' => $entities_id, 'name' => new QueryParam( ), 'arch' => new QueryParam( ), 'softwares_id' => new QueryParam( ), 'operatingsystems_id' => new QueryParam( )]] |
/src/Api/API.php:718 | 1 | $soft_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_softwares.softwarecategories_id', ' AS softwares_id', ' AS softwareversions_id', 'glpi_items_softwareversions.is_dynamic', 'glpi_softwareversions.states_id', 'glpi_softwares.is_valid'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_items_softwareversions', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_softwareversions' => 'softwareversions_id', 'glpi_softwareversions' => 'id']], 'glpi_softwares' => ['ON' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => 'softwares_id', 'glpi_softwares' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_items_softwareversions.items_id' => $id, 'glpi_items_softwareversions.itemtype' => $itemtype, 'glpi_items_softwareversions.is_deleted' => 0], 'ORDERBY' => ['', '']]) |
/src/Api/API.php:680 | 1 | $fs_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS fsname', 'glpi_items_disks.*'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_items_disks', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_filesystems' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_disks' => 'filesystems_id', 'glpi_filesystems' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['items_id' => $id, 'itemtype' => $itemtype, 'is_deleted' => 0]]) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/Software.php:429 | 1 | return $this->getCompareKey([Toolbox::slugify($val->name), $with_version ? strtolower($val->version) : '', strtolower($val->arch ?? ''), $val->manufacturers_id, $val->entities_id, $this->getOsForKey($val)]) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/Software.php:261 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' as sid', '', ' AS version', 'glpi_softwareversions.arch', 'glpi_softwares.manufacturers_id', 'glpi_softwareversions.entities_id', 'glpi_softwareversions.operatingsystems_id', ], 'FROM' => 'glpi_items_softwareversions', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => ['ON' => ['glpi_items_softwareversions' => 'softwareversions_id', 'glpi_softwareversions' => 'id']], 'glpi_softwares' => ['ON' => ['glpi_softwareversions' => 'softwares_id', 'glpi_softwares' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_items_softwareversions.items_id' => $this->item->fields['id'], 'glpi_items_softwareversions.itemtype' => $this->item->getType( ), 'glpi_items_softwareversions.is_dynamic' => 1]]) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/Software.php:482 | 1 | $criteria = ['SELECT' => ['id', 'name', 'manufacturers_id'], 'FROM' => \Software::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['entities_id' => $entities_id, 'name' => new QueryParam( ), 'manufacturers_id' => new QueryParam( )]] |
/src/Inventory/Asset/Software.php:448 | 1 | return $this->getCompareKey([Toolbox::slugify($val->name), strtolower($val->version), strtolower($val->arch ?? ''), $val->entities_id, $this->getOsForKey($val)]) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryNetworkPort.php:198 | 1 | $criteria = ['COUNT' => 'cnt', 'FROM' => IPNetwork::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['entities_id' => $this->entities_id, 'address' => new QueryParam( ), 'netmask' => new QueryParam( ), 'gateway' => new QueryParam( ), ]] |
/src/Inventory/Asset/NetworkPort.php:325 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ["$", "$", "$vtable.tag", "$pvtable.tagged", ], 'FROM' => $pvtable, 'LEFT JOIN' => [$vtable => ['ON' => [$vtable => 'id', $pvtable => 'vlans_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['networkports_id' => $netports_id]]) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryNetworkPort.php:338 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id', 'name', 'mac', 'instantiation_type', 'logical_number'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_networkports', 'WHERE' => ['items_id' => $this->items_id, 'itemtype' => $this->itemtype, 'is_dynamic' => 1]]) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/InventoryNetworkPort.php:230 | 1 | $input = ['name' => sprintf('%s/%s - %s', $port->subnet, $port->netmask, $port->gateway), 'network' => sprintf('%s/%s', $port->subnet, $port->netmask), 'gateway' => $port->gateway, 'entities_id' => $this->entities_id] |
/src/Inventory/Asset/Printer.php:229 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', ' AS link_id'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_computers_items', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_printers' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_printers' => 'id', 'glpi_computers_items' => 'items_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => 'Printer', 'computers_id' => $this->item->fields['id'], 'entities_id' => $entities_id, 'glpi_computers_items.is_dynamic' => 1, 'glpi_printers.is_global' => 0]]) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/Antivirus.php:88 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id', 'name', 'antivirus_version', 'is_dynamic'], 'FROM' => ComputerAntivirus::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['computers_id' => $this->item->fields['id']]]) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/Cartridge.php:69 | 1 | $colors = ['black' => __('Black'), 'cyan' => __('Cyan'), 'cyanlight' => __('Light cyan'), 'magenta' => __('Magenta'), 'magentalight' => __('Light magenta'), 'yellow' => __('Yellow'), 'grey' => __('Grey'), 'darkgrey' => __('Dark grey'), 'gray' => __('Grey'), 'darkgray' => __('Dark grey')] |
/src/Inventory/Asset/Cartridge.php:53 | 1 | $types = ['toner' => __('Toner'), 'drum' => __('Drum'), 'cartridge' => _n('Cartridge', 'Cartridges', 1), 'wastetoner' => __('Waste bin'), 'maintenancekit' => __('Maintenance kit'), 'fuserkit' => __('Fuser kit'), 'transferkit' => __('Transfer kit'), 'cleaningkit' => __('Cleaning kit'), 'developer' => __('Developer'), 'photoconductor' => __('Photoconductor')] |
/src/Api/API.php:3028 | 1 | $data['NetworkName'] = ['id' => $data_netn['networknames_id'], 'name' => $data_netn['networkname'], 'fqdns_id' => $data_netn['fqdns_id'], 'FQDN' => ['id' => $data_netn['fqdns_id'], 'name' => $data_netn['fqdn_name'], 'fqdn' => $data_netn['fqdn']], 'IPAddress' => $ipadresses] |
/src/Api/API.php:2993 | 1 | $ipnet_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', 'ipnet.completename', '', 'ipnet.address', 'ipnet.netmask', 'ipnet.gateway', 'ipnet.ipnetworks_id', 'ipnet.comment'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_ipnetworks AS ipnet', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_ipaddresses_ipnetworks AS ipadnet' => ['ON' => ['ipadnet' => 'ipnetworks_id', 'ipnet' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['ipadnet.ipaddresses_id' => $ipadress[0]]]) |
/src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/CommonITILObjectParameters.php:92 | 1 | $values = ['id' => $fields['id'], 'ref' => "#" . $fields['id'], 'link' => $commonitil->getLink( ), 'name' => $fields['name'], 'content' => $fields['content'], 'date' => $fields['date'], 'solvedate' => $fields['solvedate'], 'closedate' => $fields['closedate'], 'status' => $commonitil::getStatus($fields['status']), 'urgency' => $commonitil::getUrgencyName($fields['urgency']), 'impact' => $commonitil::getImpactName($fields['impact']), 'priority' => $commonitil::getPriorityName($fields['priority']), ] |
/src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/CommonITILObjectParameters.php:59 | 1 | return [new AttributeParameter("id", __('ID')), new AttributeParameter("ref", __("Reference (# + id)")), new AttributeParameter("link", _n('Link', 'Links', 1), "raw"), new AttributeParameter("name", __('Title')), new AttributeParameter("content", __('Description'), "raw"), new AttributeParameter("date", __('Opening date'), 'date("d/m/y H:i")'), new AttributeParameter("solvedate", __('Resolution date'), 'date("d/m/y H:i")'), new AttributeParameter("closedate", __('Closing date'), 'date("d/m/y H:i")'), new AttributeParameter("status", __('Status')), new AttributeParameter("urgency", __('Urgency')), new AttributeParameter("impact", __('Impact')), new AttributeParameter("priority", __('Priority')), new ObjectParameter(new EntityParameters( )), new ObjectParameter(new ITILCategoryParameters( )), new ArrayParameter("requesters.users", new UserParameters( ), _n('Requester', 'Requesters', Session::getPluralNumber( ))), new ArrayParameter("observers.users", new UserParameters( ), _n('Watcher', 'Watchers', Session::getPluralNumber( ))), new ArrayParameter("assignees.users", new UserParameters( ), _n('Assignee', 'Assignees', Session::getPluralNumber( ))), new ArrayParameter("requesters.groups", new GroupParameters( ), _n('Requester group', 'Requester groups', Session::getPluralNumber( ))), new ArrayParameter("observers.groups", new GroupParameters( ), _n('Watcher group', 'Watcher groups', Session::getPluralNumber( ))), new ArrayParameter("assignees.groups", new GroupParameters( ), _n('Assigned group', 'Assigned groups', Session::getPluralNumber( ))), new ArrayParameter("assignees.suppliers", new SupplierParameters( ), _n('Assigned supplier', 'Assigned suppliers', Session::getPluralNumber( ))), ] |
/src/Api/API.php:2893 | 1 | $netp_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS netport_id', 'netp.entities_id', 'netp.is_recursive', 'netp.logical_number', '', 'netp.mac', 'netp.comment', 'netp.is_dynamic', 'netp_subtable.*'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_networkports AS netp', 'LEFT JOIN' => ["$netport_table AS netp_subtable" => ['ON' => ['netp_subtable' => 'networkports_id', 'netp' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['netp.instantiation_type' => $networkport_type, 'netp.items_id' => $id, 'netp.itemtype' => $itemtype, 'netp.is_deleted' => 0]]) |
/src/Api/API.php:1688 | 1 | $cleaned_data = ['totalcount' => $rawdata['data']['totalcount'], 'count' => count($rawdata['data']['rows']), 'sort' => $rawdata['search']['sort'], 'order' => $rawdata['search']['order']] |
/src/Api/API.php:2929 | 1 | $netn_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [$concat_expr, ' AS networknames_id', ' AS networkname', 'netn.fqdns_id', ' AS fqdn_name', 'fqdn.fqdn'], 'FROM' => ['glpi_networknames AS netn'], 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_ipaddresses AS ipadr' => ['ON' => ['ipadr' => 'items_id', 'netn' => 'id', ['AND' => ['ipadr.itemtype' => 'NetworkName']]]], 'glpi_fqdns AS fqdn' => ['ON' => ['fqdn' => 'id', 'netn' => 'fqdns_id']], 'glpi_ipaddresses_ipnetworks AS ipadnet' => ['ON' => ['ipadnet' => 'ipaddresses_id', 'ipadr' => 'id']], 'glpi_ipnetworks AS ipnet' => ['ON' => ['ipnet' => 'id', 'ipadnet' => 'ipnetworks_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['netn.itemtype' => 'NetworkPort', 'netn.items_id' => $data['netport_id']], 'GROUPBY' => ['', '', 'netn.fqdns_id', '', 'fqdn.fqdn']]) |
/src/Api/API.php:2925 | 1 | $concat_expr = new QueryExpression("GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(" . $DB->quoteName('') . ", " . $DB->quoteValue(Search::SHORTSEP) . " , " . $DB->quoteName('') . ") SEPARATOR " . $DB->quoteValue(Search::LONGSEP) . ") AS " . $DB->quoteName('ipadresses')) |
/src/Api/API.php:1209 | 1 | $join .= " LEFT JOIN " . $DB->quoteName($parentTable) . " ON " . $DB->quoteName("itemtype") . "=" . $DB->quoteValue($itemtype) . " AND " . $DB->quoteName("$parentTable.items_id") . " = " . $DB->quoteName("$") |
/src/Api/API.php:1198 | 1 | $where .= " AND " . $DB->quoteName("$table.itemtype") . " = " . $DB->quoteValue($this->parameters['parent_itemtype']) . " AND " . $DB->quoteName("$table.items_id") . " = " . (int) $this->parameters['parent_id'] |
/src/Api/API.php:1426 | 1 | $cleaned_soptions[$sID] = ['name' => $option['name'], 'table' => $option['table'], 'field' => $option['field'], 'datatype' => isset($option['datatype']) ? $option['datatype'] : "", 'nosearch' => isset($option['nosearch']) ? $option['nosearch'] : false, 'nodisplay' => isset($option['nodisplay']) ? $option['nodisplay'] : false, 'available_searchtypes' => $available_searchtypes] |
/src/Api/API.php:1267 | 1 | $query = "SELECT DISTINCT " . $DB->quoteName("$") . ", " . $DB->quoteName("$table.*") . " FROM " . $DB->quoteName($table) . " $join WHERE $where ORDER BY " . $DB->quoteName($params['sort']) . " " . $params['order'] . " LIMIT " . (int) $params['start'] . ", " . (int) $params['list_limit'] |
/src/Api/API.php:830 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['glpi_contracts_items.*'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_contracts_items', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_contracts' => ['ON' => ['glpi_contracts_items' => 'contracts_id', 'glpi_contracts' => 'id']], 'glpi_entities' => ['ON' => ['glpi_contracts_items' => 'entities_id', 'glpi_entities' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_contracts_items.items_id' => $id, 'glpi_contracts_items.itemtype' => $itemtype] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria('glpi_contracts', '', '', true), 'ORDERBY' => '']) |
/src/Api/API.php:769 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS assoc_id', 'glpi_computers_items.computers_id AS assoc_computers_id', 'glpi_computers_items.itemtype AS assoc_itemtype', 'glpi_computers_items.items_id AS assoc_items_id', 'glpi_computers_items.is_dynamic AS assoc_is_dynamic', "$connect_table.*"], 'FROM' => 'glpi_computers_items', 'LEFT JOIN' => [$connect_table => ['ON' => ['glpi_computers_items' => 'items_id', $connect_table => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['computers_id' => $id, 'itemtype' => $connect_type, 'glpi_computers_items.is_deleted' => 0]]) |
/src/Api/API.php:1103 | 1 | $default = ['expand_dropdowns' => false, 'get_hateoas' => true, 'only_id' => false, 'range' => "0-" . $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], 'sort' => "id", 'order' => "ASC", 'searchText' => null, 'is_deleted' => false, 'add_keys_names' => [ ], 'with_networkports' => false, ] |
/src/Api/API.php:883 | 1 | $doc_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [' AS assocID', 'glpi_documents_items.date_creation AS assocdate', ' AS entityID', 'glpi_entities.completename AS entity', 'glpi_documentcategories.completename AS headings', 'glpi_documents.*'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_documents_items', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_documents' => ['ON' => ['glpi_documents_items' => 'documents_id', 'glpi_documents' => 'id']], 'glpi_entities' => ['ON' => ['glpi_documents' => 'entities_id', 'glpi_entities' => 'id']], 'glpi_documentcategories' => ['ON' => ['glpi_documents' => 'documentcategories_id', 'glpi_documentcategories' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => $doc_criteria, ]) |
/src/Stat/Data/Sglobal/StatDataTicketNumber.php:54 | 2 | $this->series = [['name' => _nx('ticket', 'Opened', 'Opened', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'data' => $total, ], ['name' => _nx('ticket', 'Solved', 'Solved', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'data' => $solved, ], ['name' => __('Late'), 'data' => $closed, ], ['name' => __('Closed'), 'data' => $late, ]] |
/src/Stat/Data/Graph/StatDataTicketAverageTime.php:51 | 2 | $this->series = [['name' => _nx('ticket', 'Opened', 'Opened', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'data' => $total, ], ['name' => _nx('ticket', 'Solved', 'Solved', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'data' => $solved, ], ['name' => __('Late'), 'data' => $closed, ], ['name' => __('Closed'), 'data' => $late, ]] |
/src/Csv/PlanningCsv.php:116 | 1 | $lines[] = ['actor' => $user->getFriendlyName( ), 'title' => $val['name'], 'itemtype' => $itemtype->getTypeName(1), 'items_id' => $val[$itemtype->getForeignKeyField( )], 'begindate' => $dateBegin->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'enddate' => $dateEnd->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')] |
/src/Stat/Data/Sglobal/StatDataSatisfaction.php:52 | 1 | $this->series = [['name' => _nx('survey', 'Opened', 'Opened', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'data' => $opensatisfaction, ], ['name' => _nx('survey', 'Answered', 'Answered', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'data' => $answersatisfaction, ]] |
/src/Dashboard/Widget.php:1894 | 1 | $html = <<<HTML <style> #chart-{$p['rand']} .line { background-color: $bg_color_2; } #chart-{$p['rand']} .fa-eye { color: {$fg_color}; } </style> <div class="card {$class}" id="chart-{$p['rand']}" title="{$p['alt']}" style="background-color: {$p['color']}; color: {$fg_color}"> <div class='scrollable'> <ul class='list'> {$list_html} </ul> </div> <span class="main-label"> {$p['label']} $view_all </span> <i class="main-icon {$p['icon']}" style="color: {$fg_color}"></i> </div> HTML |
/src/Dashboard/Widget.php:1815 | 1 | $default = ['data' => [ ], 'label' => '', 'alt' => '', 'url' => '', 'color' => '', 'icon' => '', 'limit' => 99999, 'class' => "articles-list", 'rand' => mt_rand( ), 'filters' => [ ], ] |
/src/Stat/Data/Graph/StatDataSatisfactionSurvey.php:49 | 1 | $this->series = [['name' => _nx('survey', 'Opened', 'Opened', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'data' => $opensatisfaction], ['name' => _nx('survey', 'Answered', 'Answered', Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'data' => $answersatisfaction, ]] |
/src/System/Status/StatusChecker.php:478 | 1 | $stuck_crontasks = getAllDataFromTable('glpi_crontasks', ['state' => CronTask::STATE_RUNNING, 'OR' => [new \QueryExpression('(unix_timestamp(' . DBmysql::quoteName('lastrun') . ') + 2 * ' . DBmysql::quoteName('frequency') . ' < unix_timestamp(now()))'), new \QueryExpression('(unix_timestamp(' . DBmysql::quoteName('lastrun') . ') + 2 * ' . HOUR_TIMESTAMP . ' < unix_timestamp(now()))')]]) |
/src/Dashboard/Widget.php:1444 | 1 | $defaults = ['data' => [ ], 'label' => '', 'alt' => '', 'color' => '', 'icon' => '', 'area' => false, 'legend' => false, 'multiple' => false, 'use_gradient' => false, 'point_labels' => false, 'limit' => 99999, 'filters' => [ ], 'rand' => mt_rand( ), ] |
/src/Dashboard/Widget.php:1148 | 1 | $js = <<<JAVASCRIPT $(function () { var chart = new Chartist.Bar('#{$chart_id} .chart', { labels: {$json_labels}, series: {$json_series}, }, { width: '100%', height: '{$height}', seriesBarDistance: 10, chartPadding: 0, $distributed_options $horizontal_options $vertical_options $stack_options plugins: [ $legend_options Chartist.plugins.tooltip({ appendToBody: true, class: 'dashboard-tooltip' }) ] }); var is_horizontal = chart.options.horizontalBars; var is_vertical = !is_horizontal; var is_stacked = chart.options.stackBars; var nb_elements =; var nb_series =; var bar_margin = chart.options.seriesBarDistance; var point_labels = {$point_labels} var is_multiple = {$is_multiple} if (!chart.options.stackBars && > 0 &&[0].hasOwnProperty('data')) { nb_elements = nb_elements *; bar_margin += 1; } chart.on('draw', function(data) { if (data.type === 'bar') { // set url redirecting on bar var url = _.get(data, 'series['+data.index+'].url') || _.get(data, '['+data.index+'].url') || _.get(data, 'series.url') || ""; if (url.length > 0) { data.element.attr({ 'data-clickable': true }); data.element._node.onclick = function() { if (!Dashboard.edit_mode) { window.location = url; } } } var chart_height = data.chartRect.height(); var chart_width = data.chartRect.width(); var stroke_width = chart_width / nb_elements; if (is_horizontal) { stroke_width = chart_height / nb_elements; } if (!chart.options.stackBars && > 0 && is_vertical) { stroke_width -= bar_margin * nb_elements; } else { stroke_width -= bar_margin; } data.element.attr({ 'style': 'stroke-width: '+stroke_width+'px' }); var axis_anim = 'y'; if ({$is_horizontal}) { axis_anim = 'x'; } var animate_properties = { opacity: { dur: {$animation_duration}, from: 0, to: 1, easing: Chartist.Svg.Easing.easeOutQuint } }; animate_properties[axis_anim+'2'] = { dur: {$animation_duration}, from: data[axis_anim+'1'], to: data[axis_anim+'2'], easing: Chartist.Svg.Easing.easeOutQuint }; data.element.animate(animate_properties); // append labels var display_labels = true; var labelX = 0; var labelY = 0; var value = data.element.attr('ct:value').toString(); var text_anchor = 'middle'; if (is_vertical) { labelX = data.x2; labelY = data.y2 + 15; if (is_multiple) { labelY = data.y2 - 5; } else if (data.y1 - data.y2 < 18) { display_labels = false; } } if (is_horizontal) { var word_width = value.length * 5 + 5; var bar_width = 0; if (value > 0) { labelX = data.x2 - word_width; bar_width = data.x2 - data.x1; } else { labelX = data.x2 + word_width; bar_width = data.x1 - data.x2; } labelY = data.y2; // don't display label if width too short if (bar_width < word_width) { display_labels = false; } } if (is_stacked) { labelY = data.y2 + 15; // don't display label if height too short if (is_horizontal) { if (data.x2 - data.x1 < 15) { display_labels = false; } } else { if (data.y1 - data.y2 < 15) { display_labels = false; } } } // don't display label if value is not relevant if (value == 0 || !point_labels) { display_labels = false; } if (display_labels) { label = new Chartist.Svg('text'); label.text(value); label.addClass("ct-barlabel"); label.attr({ x: labelX, y: labelY, 'text-anchor': text_anchor }); return; } } }); chart.on('created', function(bar) { $('#{$chart_id} .ct-series') .mouseover(function() { $(this).siblings().children().css('stroke-opacity', "0.2"); }) .mouseout(function() { $(this).siblings().children().css('stroke-opacity', "1"); }); }); }); JAVASCRIPT |
/src/Dashboard/Widget.php:1740 | 1 | $default = ['url' => '', 'label' => '', 'alt' => '', 'color' => '', 'icon' => '', 's_criteria' => '', 'itemtype' => '', 'limit' => $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], 'rand' => mt_rand( ), 'filters' => [ ], ] |
/src/Dashboard/Widget.php:1520 | 1 | $html = <<<HTML <style> /** fix chrome resizing height when animating svg (don't know why) **/ #{$chart_id} .ct-chart-line { min-height: $height; } #{$chart_id} { background-color: {$p['color']}; color: {$fg_color} } .theme-dark #{$chart_id} { background-color: {$dark_bg_color}; color: {$dark_fg_color}; } #{$chart_id} .ct-label { color: {$fg_color}; } .theme-dark #{$chart_id} .ct-label { color: {$dark_fg_color}; } #{$chart_id} .ct-grid { stroke: {$line_color}; } .theme-dark #{$chart_id} .ct-grid { stroke: {$dark_line_color}; } #{$chart_id} .ct-circle { stroke: {$p['color']}; stroke-width: 3; } #{$chart_id} .ct-circle + .ct-label { stroke: {$p['color']}; } {$palette_style} </style> <div class="card g-chart $class" id="{$chart_id}"> <div class="chart ct-chart"></div> <span class="main-label">{$p['label']}</span> <i class="main-icon {$p['icon']}"></i> </div> HTML |
/src/Dashboard/Widget.php:652 | 1 | $js = <<<JAVASCRIPT $(function () { var chart = new Chartist.Pie('#{$chart_id} .chart', { labels: {$labels}, series: {$series}, }, { width: 'calc(100% - 5px)', height: 'calc({$height} - 5px)', chartPadding: {$chartPadding}, donut: {$donut}, $donut_opts $half_opts donutWidth: '50%', plugins: [ Chartist.plugins.tooltip({ appendToBody: true, class: 'dashboard-tooltip' }) ] }); chart.on('draw', function(data) { // animate if (data.type === 'slice') { // set url redirecting on slice var url = _.get(data, 'series.url') || ""; if (url.length > 0) { data.element.attr({ 'data-clickable': true }); data.element._node.onclick = function() { if (!Dashboard.edit_mode) { window.location = url; } } } // Get the total path length in order to use for dash array animation var pathLength = data.element._node.getTotalLength(); // Set a dasharray that matches the path length as prerequisite to animate dashoffset data.element.attr({ 'stroke-dasharray': pathLength + 'px ' + pathLength + 'px' }); // Create animation definition while also assigning an ID to the animation for later sync usage var animationDefinition = { 'stroke-dashoffset': { id: 'anim' + data.index, dur: {$animation_duration}, from: -pathLength + 'px', to: '0px', easing: Chartist.Svg.Easing.easeOutQuint, // We need to use `fill: 'freeze'` otherwise our animation will fall back to initial (not visible) fill: 'freeze' } }; // We need to set an initial value before the animation starts as we are not in guided mode which would do that for us data.element.attr({ 'stroke-dashoffset': -pathLength + 'px' }); // We can't use guided mode as the animations need to rely on setting begin manually // See data.element.animate(animationDefinition, false); } // donut center label if (data.type === 'label') { if (data.index === 0) { var width = data.element.root().width() / 2; var height = data.element.root().height() / 2; var fontsize = ((height / {$height_divider}) / (1.3 * "{$total_txt}".length)); data.element.attr({ dx: width, dy: height - ($chartPadding / 2), 'style': 'font-size: '+fontsize, }); // apend real total var text = new Chartist.Svg('title'); text.text("{$total}"); data.element.append(text); } else { data.element.remove(); } } // fade others bars on one mouseouver chart.on('created', function(bar) { $('#{$chart_id} .ct-series') .mouseover(function() { $(this).parent().children().addClass('disable-animation'); $(this).addClass('mouseover'); $(this).siblings() .addClass('notmouseover'); $('#{$chart_id} .ct-label') .addClass('fade'); }) .mouseout(function() { $(this).removeClass('mouseover'); $(this).siblings() .removeClass('notmouseover'); $('#{$chart_id} .ct-label') .removeClass('fade'); }); }); }); }); JAVASCRIPT |
/src/Dashboard/Widget.php:568 | 1 | $html = <<<HTML <style> #{$chart_id} { background-color: {$p['color']}; color: {$fg_color} } .theme-dark #{$chart_id} { background-color: {$dark_bg_color}; color: {$dark_fg_color}; } #{$chart_id} .ct-label { fill: {$fg_color}; color: {$fg_color}; } .theme-dark #{$chart_id} .ct-label { fill: {$dark_fg_color}; color: {$dark_fg_color}; } {$palette_style} </style> <div class="card g-chart {$class}" id="{$chart_id}"> <div class="chart ct-chart">{$no_data_html}</div> <span class="main-label">{$p['label']}</span> <i class="main-icon {$p['icon']}"></i> </div> HTML |
/src/Dashboard/Widget.php:1064 | 1 | $html = <<<HTML <style> #{$chart_id} { background-color: {$p['color']}; color: {$fg_color} } .theme-dark #{$chart_id} { background-color: {$dark_bg_color}; color: {$dark_fg_color}; } #{$chart_id} .ct-label { color: {$fg_color}; } .theme-dark #{$chart_id} .ct-label { color: {$dark_fg_color}; } #{$chart_id} .ct-grid { stroke: {$line_color}; } .theme-dark #{$chart_id} .ct-grid { stroke: {$dark_line_color}; } /** fix chrome resizing height when animating svg (don't know why) **/ #{$chart_id} .ct-chart-bar { min-height: $height; } {$palette_style} </style> <div class="card g-chart $class" id="{$chart_id}"> <div class="chart ct-chart">$no_data_html</div> <span class="main-label">{$p['label']}</span> <i class="main-icon {$p['icon']}"></i> </div> HTML |
/src/Dashboard/Widget.php:981 | 1 | $defaults = ['label' => '', 'alt' => '', 'color' => '', 'icon' => '', 'legend' => false, 'multiple' => false, 'stacked' => false, 'horizontal' => false, 'distributed' => false, 'use_gradient' => false, 'point_labels' => false, 'limit' => 99999, 'filters' => [ ], 'rand' => mt_rand( ), ] |
/src/Inventory/Asset/MainAsset.php:690 | 1 | $inputrulelog = ['date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'rules_id' => $rules_id, 'items_id' => $items_id, 'itemtype' => $itemtype, 'agents_id' => $this->agent->fields['id'], 'method' => $this->request_query ?? Request::INVENT_QUERY] |
/src/Inventory/Asset/MainAsset.php:536 | 1 | $refused_input = ['name' => $input['name'], 'itemtype' => $input['itemtype'], 'serial' => $input['serial'] ?? '', 'ip' => $input['ip'] ?? '', 'mac' => $input['mac'] ?? '', 'uuid' => $input['uuid'] ?? '', 'rules_id' => $input['rules_id'], 'entities_id' => $input['entities_id'], 'autoupdatesystems_id' => $input['autoupdatesystems_id']] |
/src/Inventory/Asset/Device.php:128 | 1 | $itemdevice_data = \Toolbox::addslashes_deep([$fk => $device_id, 'itemtype' => $this->item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $this->item->fields['id'], 'is_dynamic' => 1] + (array) $val) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/Device.php:67 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ["$itemdevicetable.$fk", "is_dynamic"], 'FROM' => $itemdevicetable, 'WHERE' => ["$itemdevicetable.items_id" => $this->item->fields['id'], "$itemdevicetable.itemtype" => $this->item->getType( )]]) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/Peripheral.php:189 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', ' AS link_id', 'glpi_computers_items.is_dynamic', ], 'FROM' => 'glpi_computers_items', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_peripherals' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_peripherals' => 'id', 'glpi_computers_items' => 'items_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => 'Peripheral', 'computers_id' => $this->item->fields['id'], 'entities_id' => $this->entities_id, 'glpi_peripherals.is_global' => 0]]) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/VirtualMachine.php:189 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id', 'name', 'uuid', 'virtualmachinesystems_id'], 'FROM' => ComputerVirtualMachine::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['computers_id' => $this->item->fields['id'], 'is_dynamic' => 1]]) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/Monitor.php:100 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['', ' AS link_id'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_computers_items', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_monitors' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_monitors' => 'id', 'glpi_computers_items' => 'items_id']]], 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => 'Monitor', 'computers_id' => $this->item->getID( ), 'entities_id' => $this->entities_id, 'glpi_computers_items.is_dynamic' => 1, 'glpi_monitors.is_global' => 0]]) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/RemoteManagement.php:82 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id', 'remoteid', 'type', 'is_dynamic'], 'FROM' => Item_RemoteManagement::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $this->item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $this->item->fields['id']]]) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/DatabaseInstance.php:82 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id', 'name', 'is_dynamic'], 'FROM' => GDatabaseInstance::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $this->item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $this->item->fields['id']]]) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/OperatingSystem.php:148 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => $ios->getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $this->item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $this->item->fields['id'], 'NOT' => ['id' => $ios->fields['id']]]]) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/Volume.php:124 | 1 | $iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => ['id', 'name', 'device', 'mountpoint', 'is_dynamic'], 'FROM' => Item_Disk::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['items_id' => $this->item->fields['id'], 'itemtype' => $this->item->getType( )]]) |
/src/Inventory/Asset/DatabaseInstance.php:116 | 1 | $input = ['itemtype' => 'DatabaseInstance', 'name' => $val->name ?? '', 'entities_id' => $this->item->fields['entities_id'], 'linked_item' => ['itemtype' => $this->item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $this->item->fields['id']]] |
/src/Inventory/Inventory.php:458 | 1 | $menu['options']['agent'] = ['icon' => Agent::getIcon( ), 'title' => Agent::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'page' => Agent::getSearchURL(false), 'links' => ['search' => '/front/agent.php', ] + $links] |
/src/Inventory/Inventory.php:180 | 1 | $this->metadata = ['deviceid' => $this->raw_data->deviceid, 'version' => $this->raw_data->version ?? $this->raw_data->content->versionclient ?? null, 'itemtype' => $this->raw_data->itemtype ?? 'Computer', ] |
/src/Inventory/Asset/OperatingSystem.php:112 | 1 | $input_os = ['itemtype' => $this->item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $this->item->fields['id'], 'operatingsystemarchitectures_id' => $val->operatingsystemarchitectures_id ?? 0, 'operatingsystemkernelversions_id' => $val->operatingsystemkernelversions_id ?? 0, 'operatingsystems_id' => $val->operatingsystems_id, 'operatingsystemversions_id' => $val->operatingsystemversions_id ?? 0, 'operatingsystemservicepacks_id' => $val->operatingsystemservicepacks_id ?? 0, 'licenseid' => $val->licenseid ?? '', 'license_number' => $val->license_number ?? '', 'is_dynamic' => 1, 'entities_id' => $this->item->fields['entities_id']] |
/src/Inventory/Inventory.php:487 | 1 | $menu['options']['snmpcredential'] = ['icon' => SNMPCredential::getIcon( ), 'title' => SNMPCredential::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )), 'page' => SNMPCredential::getSearchURL(false), 'links' => ['add' => '/front/snmpcredential.form.php', 'search' => '/front/snmpcredential.php', ] + $links] |
/src/Console/Migration/TimestampsCommand.php:94 | 1 | $col_iterator = $this->db->request(['SELECT' => ['table_name AS TABLE_NAME', 'column_name AS COLUMN_NAME', 'column_default AS COLUMN_DEFAULT', 'column_comment AS COLUMN_COMMENT', 'is_nullable AS IS_NULLABLE', ], 'FROM' => 'information_schema.columns', 'WHERE' => ['table_schema' => $this->db->dbdefault, 'table_name' => $table['TABLE_NAME'], 'data_type' => 'datetime']]) |
/src/Console/Migration/BuildMissingTimestampsCommand.php:56 | 1 | $tables_iterator = $this->db->request(['SELECT' => ['table_name AS TABLE_NAME', 'column_name AS COLUMN_NAME', ], 'FROM' => 'information_schema.columns', 'WHERE' => ['table_schema' => $this->db->dbdefault, 'table_name' => ['LIKE', 'glpi\_%'], 'column_name' => ['date_creation', 'date_mod'], ], 'ORDER' => ['table_name', 'column_name'], ]) |
/src/Console/Migration/AppliancesPluginToCoreCommand.php:584 | 1 | $appt_fields = Sanitizer::sanitize(['id' => $type['id'], 'entities_id' => $type['entities_id'], 'is_recursive' => $type['is_recursive'], 'name' => $type['name'], 'comment' => $type['comment'], 'externalidentifier' => $type['externalid']]) |
/src/Console/Migration/AppliancesPluginToCoreCommand.php:508 | 1 | $app_fields = Sanitizer::sanitize(['id' => $appliance['id'], 'entities_id' => $appliance['entities_id'], 'is_recursive' => $appliance['is_recursive'], 'name' => $appliance['name'], 'is_deleted' => $appliance['is_deleted'], 'appliancetypes_id' => $appliance['plugin_appliances_appliancetypes_id'], 'comment' => $appliance['comment'], 'locations_id' => $appliance['locations_id'], 'manufacturers_id' => '0', 'applianceenvironments_id' => $appliance['plugin_appliances_environments_id'], 'users_id' => $appliance['users_id'], 'users_id_tech' => $appliance['users_id_tech'], 'groups_id' => $appliance['groups_id'], 'groups_id_tech' => $appliance['groups_id_tech'], 'date_mod' => $appliance['date_mod'], 'is_helpdesk_visible' => $appliance['is_helpdesk_visible'], 'states_id' => $appliance['states_id'], 'externalidentifier' => $appliance['externalid'], 'serial' => $appliance['serial'], 'otherserial' => $appliance['otherserial']]) |
/src/Console/Migration/UnsignedKeysCommand.php:138 | 1 | $query = sprintf('ALTER TABLE %s MODIFY COLUMN %s %s unsigned %s %s %s', $this->db->quoteName($table_name), $this->db->quoteName($column_name), $data_type, $nullable ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL', $default !== null || $nullable ? sprintf('DEFAULT %s', $this->db->quoteValue($default)) : '', $extra) |
/src/Console/Migration/AppliancesPluginToCoreCommand.php:626 | 1 | $iterator = $this->db->request(['SELECT' => ['rel.*', 'app.relationtype'], 'FROM' => 'glpi_plugin_appliances_relations AS rel', 'INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_plugin_appliances_appliances_items AS items' => ['ON' => ['items' => 'id', 'rel' => 'plugin_appliances_appliances_items_id']], 'glpi_plugin_appliances_appliances AS app' => ['ON' => ['app' => 'id', 'items' => 'plugin_appliances_appliances_id']]]]) |
/src/Console/Migration/DomainsPluginToCoreCommand.php:218 | 1 | $domain = $this->storeItem(Domain::class, $core_domain_id, Toolbox::addslashes_deep(['name' => $domain_data['name'], 'entities_id' => $domain_data['entities_id'], 'is_recursive' => $domain_data['is_recursive'], 'domaintypes_id' => $mapped_type !== null ? $mapped_type->getID( ) : 0, 'date_domaincreation' => $domain_data['date_creation'], 'date_expiration' => $domain_data['date_expiration'], 'users_id_tech' => $domain_data['users_id_tech'], 'groups_id_tech' => $domain_data['groups_id_tech'], 'comment' => $domain_data['comment'], 'date_mod' => $domain_data['date_mod'], 'is_deleted' => $domain_data['is_deleted']]), $progress_bar) |
/src/Console/Migration/AbstractPluginToCoreCommand.php:390 | 1 | $infocom_input += ['itemtype' => $item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $item->getID( ), 'entities_id' => $item->fields['entities_id'] ?? 0, 'is_recursive' => $item->fields['is_recursive'] ?? 0, ] |
/src/Console/Migration/AppliancesPluginToCoreCommand.php:321 | 1 | $itemtypes_tables = [Item_Ticket::getTable( ), Item_Problem::getTable( ), Change_Item::getTable( ), Item_Project::getTable( ), Log::getTable( ), Infocom::getTable( ), Document_Item::getTable( ), Contract_Item::getTable( ), KnowbaseItem_Item::getTable( ), ] |
/src/Console/Migration/AppliancesPluginToCoreCommand.php:268 | 1 | return $this->createApplianceTypes( ) && $this->createApplianceEnvironments( ) && $this->createApplianceRelations( ) && $this->createApplianceItems( ) && $this->createAppliances( ) && $this->updateItemtypes( ) && $this->updateProfilesApplianceRights( ) |
/src/Console/Migration/RacksPluginToCoreCommand.php:1337 | 1 | $item_input = $item_input + ['racks_id' => null !== $rack ? $rack->fields['id'] : 0, 'position' => $position, 'hpos' => 0, 'bgcolor' => '#69CEBA', 'orientation' => ($old_item['faces_id'] == 1 ? Rack::FRONT : Rack::REAR), ] |
/src/Console/Migration/RacksPluginToCoreCommand.php:1181 | 1 | $rack_fields = Sanitizer::sanitize(['name' => $old_rack['name'], 'comment' => "Imported from rack plugin", 'entities_id' => $old_rack['entities_id'], 'is_recursive' => $old_rack['is_recursive'], 'locations_id' => $old_rack['locations_id'], 'serial' => $old_rack['serial'], 'rackmodels_id' => null !== $rackmodel ? $rackmodel->fields['id'] : 0, 'manufacturers_id' => $old_rack['manufacturers_id'], 'racktypes_id' => null !== $racktype ? $racktype->fields['id'] : 0, 'states_id' => null !== $rackstate ? $rackstate->fields['id'] : 0, 'users_id_tech' => $old_rack['users_id_tech'], 'groups_id_tech' => $old_rack['groups_id_tech'], 'width' => (int) $old_rack['width'], 'height' => (int) $old_rack['height'], 'depth' => (int) $old_rack['depth'], 'max_weight' => (int) $old_rack['weight'], 'number_units' => $old_rack['rack_size'], 'is_template' => $old_rack['is_template'], 'template_name' => $old_rack['template_name'], 'is_deleted' => $old_rack['is_deleted'], 'dcrooms_id' => $room_id, 'bgcolor' => "#FEC95C", ]) |
/src/Console/Migration/DatabasesPluginToCoreCommand.php:493 | 1 | $instance = $this->storeItem(DatabaseInstance::class, $core_instance_id, Toolbox::addslashes_deep(['entities_id' => $instance_data['entities_id'], 'is_recursive' => $instance_data['is_recursive'], 'name' => $instance_data['name'], 'is_deleted' => $instance_data['is_deleted'], 'is_active' => 1, 'databaseinstancetypes_id' => $mapped_type !== null ? $mapped_type->getID( ) : 0, 'databaseinstancecategories_id' => $mapped_category !== null ? $mapped_category->getID( ) : 0, 'comment' => $instance_data['comment'], 'locations_id' => $instance_data['locations_id'], 'manufacturers_id' => $instance_data['manufacturers_id'], 'users_id_tech' => $instance_data['users_id'], 'groups_id_tech' => $instance_data['groups_id'], 'date_mod' => $instance_data['date_mod'], 'is_helpdesk_visible' => $instance_data['is_helpdesk_visible'], 'states_id' => 0, 'is_dynamic' => 0, ])) |
/src/Console/Migration/DatabasesPluginToCoreCommand.php:403 | 1 | $database = $this->storeItem(Database::class, $core_database_id, Toolbox::addslashes_deep(['entities_id' => $database_data['entities_id'], 'is_recursive' => $database_data['is_recursive'], 'name' => $database_data['name'], 'is_deleted' => 0, 'is_active' => 1, 'databaseinstances_id' => $mapped_instance !== null ? $mapped_instance->getID( ) : 0, ])) |
/src/Ticket.php:739 | 1 | countElementsInTable(['glpi_tickets', 'glpi_groups_tickets'], ['glpi_groups_tickets.tickets_id' => new \QueryExpression(DBmysql::quoteName('')), 'glpi_groups_tickets.groups_id' => $item->getID( ), 'glpi_groups_tickets.type' => CommonITILActor::REQUESTER] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(self::getTable( ))) |
/src/Ticket.php:694 | 1 | countElementsInTable(['glpi_tickets', 'glpi_tickets_users'], ['glpi_tickets_users.tickets_id' => new \QueryExpression(DBmysql::quoteName('')), 'glpi_tickets_users.users_id' => $item->getID( ), 'glpi_tickets_users.type' => CommonITILActor::REQUESTER] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(self::getTable( ))) |
/src/Ticket.php:4776 | 1 | array_merge($WHERE, ['glpi_tickets.status' => self::CLOSED, ['OR' => ['glpi_entities.inquest_duration' => 0, new \QueryExpression('DATEDIFF(ADDDATE(' . $DB->quoteName('glpi_ticketsatisfactions.date_begin') . ', INTERVAL ' . $DB->quoteName('glpi_entities.inquest_duration') . ' DAY), CURDATE()) > 0')]], 'glpi_ticketsatisfactions.date_answered' => null]) |
/src/Ticket.php:752 | 1 | countElementsInTable('glpi_items_tickets', ['INNER JOIN' => ['glpi_tickets' => ['FKEY' => ['glpi_items_tickets' => 'tickets_id', 'glpi_tickets' => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => ['itemtype' => $item->getType( ), 'items_id' => $item->getID( ), 'is_deleted' => 0]]) |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:484 | 1 | array_replace(['content' => Sanitizer::sanitize($template->getRenderedContent($parent_item)), 'taskcategories_id' => $template->fields['taskcategories_id'], 'actiontime' => $template->fields['actiontime'], 'state' => $template->fields['state'], 'is_private' => $template->fields['is_private'], 'users_id_tech' => $template->fields['users_id_tech'], 'groups_id_tech' => $template->fields['groups_id_tech'], ], $input) |
/src/DeviceControl.php:50 | 1 | array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'is_raid', 'label' => __('RAID'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'interfacetypes_id', 'label' => __('Interface'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'devicecontrolmodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'none', 'label' => RegisteredID::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) . RegisteredID::showAddChildButtonForItemForm($this, '_registeredID', null, false), 'type' => 'registeredIDChooser']]) |
/src/Impact.php:102 | 1 | count($DB->request(['FROM' => ImpactRelation::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['OR' => [['itemtype_source' => get_class($item), 'items_id_source' => $item->fields['id'], ], ['itemtype_impacted' => get_class($item), 'items_id_impacted' => $item->fields['id'], 'itemtype_source' => self::getEnabledItemtypes( )]]]])) |
/src/DeviceHardDrive.php:48 | 1 | array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'capacity_default', 'label' => __('Capacity by default'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'unit' => __('Mio')], ['name' => 'rpm', 'label' => __('Rpm'), 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'cache', 'label' => __('Cache'), 'type' => 'text', 'unit' => __('Mio')], ['name' => 'deviceharddrivemodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'interfacetypes_id', 'label' => __('Interface'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue']]) |
/src/Certificate.php:749 | 1 | sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_entities', $entity), sprintf(__('Certificate %1$s expired on %2$s'), $certificate->fields['name'] . (!empty($certificate->fields['serial']) ? ' - ' . $certificate->fields['serial'] : ''), Html::convDate($certificate->fields['date_expiration']))) |
/src/CalendarSegment.php:123 | 1 | getAllDataFromTable('glpi_calendarsegments', ['calendars_id' => $calendars_id, ['day' => ['>=', $begin_day]], ['day' => ['<=', $end_day]], ['OR' => ['begin' => ['<', $end_time], 'day' => ['<', $end_day]]], ['OR' => ['end' => ['>=', $begin_time], 'day' => ['>', $begin_day]]]]) |
/src/Knowbase.php:309 | 1 | array_merge_recursive(['SELECT' => ['COUNT DISTINCT' => KnowbaseItem::getTableField('id') . ' as cpt'], 'FROM' => KnowbaseItem::getTable( ), 'LEFT JOIN' => [KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory::getTable( ) => KnowbaseItem::getForeignKeyField( ), KnowbaseItem::getTable( ) => 'id']], KnowbaseItemCategory::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory::getTable( ) => KnowbaseItemCategory::getForeignKeyField( ), KnowbaseItemCategory::getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => [KnowbaseItemCategory::getTableField('id') => null, ]], $kbitem_visibility_crit) |
/src/Knowbase.php:240 | 1 | array_merge_recursive(['SELECT' => ['COUNT DISTINCT' => KnowbaseItem::getTableField('id') . ' as cpt'], 'FROM' => KnowbaseItem::getTable( ), 'INNER JOIN' => [KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory::getTable( ) => KnowbaseItem::getForeignKeyField( ), KnowbaseItem::getTable( ) => 'id']]], 'WHERE' => [KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory::getTableField($cat_fk) => new QueryExpression($DB->quoteName(KnowbaseItemCategory::getTableField('id'))), ]], $kbitem_visibility_crit) |
/src/Document.php:775 | 1 | array_merge_recursive(['COUNT' => 'cpt', 'FROM' => 'glpi_documents_items', 'LEFT JOIN' => ['glpi_reminders' => ['ON' => ['glpi_documents_items' => 'items_id', 'glpi_reminders' => 'id', ['AND' => ['glpi_documents_items.itemtype' => 'Reminder']]]]], 'WHERE' => ['glpi_documents_items.documents_id' => $this->fields['id']]], Reminder::getVisibilityCriteria( )) |
/src/DeviceGraphicCard.php:48 | 1 | array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'chipset', 'label' => __('Chipset'), 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'memory_default', 'label' => __('Memory by default'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'unit' => __('Mio')], ['name' => 'interfacetypes_id', 'label' => __('Interface'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'none', 'label' => RegisteredID::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) . RegisteredID::showAddChildButtonForItemForm($this, '_registeredID', null, false), 'type' => 'registeredIDChooser'], ['name' => 'devicegraphiccardmodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue']]) |
/src/Application/View/Extension/ItemtypeExtension.php:66 | 1 | return [new TwigFunction('get_item', [$this, 'getItem']), new TwigFunction('get_item_comment', [$this, 'getItemComment']), new TwigFunction('get_item_link', [$this, 'getItemLink'], ['is_safe' => ['html']]), new TwigFunction('get_item_name', [$this, 'getItemName']), ] |
/src/Application/View/Extension/ItemtypeExtension.php:54 | 1 | return [new TwigFilter('itemtype_class', [$this, 'getItemtypeClass']), new TwigFilter('itemtype_dropdown', [$this, 'getItemtypeDropdown'], ['is_safe' => ['html']]), new TwigFilter('itemtype_form_path', [$this, 'getItemtypeFormPath']), new TwigFilter('itemtype_icon', [$this, 'getItemtypeIcon']), new TwigFilter('itemtype_name', [$this, 'getItemtypeName']), new TwigFilter('itemtype_search_path', [$this, 'getItemtypeSearchPath']), ] |
/src/CalDAV/Server.php:59 | 1 | $tree = [new DAV\SimpleCollection(Principal::PRINCIPALS_ROOT, [new DAVACL\PrincipalCollection($principalBackend, Principal::PREFIX_GROUPS), new DAVACL\PrincipalCollection($principalBackend, Principal::PREFIX_USERS), ]), new DAV\SimpleCollection(Calendar::CALENDAR_ROOT, [new CalendarRoot($principalBackend, $calendarBackend, Principal::PREFIX_GROUPS), new CalendarRoot($principalBackend, $calendarBackend, Principal::PREFIX_USERS), ]), ] |
/src/Application/View/Extension/FrontEndAssetsExtension.php:51 | 1 | return [new TwigFunction('asset_path', [$this, 'assetPath']), new TwigFunction('css_path', [$this, 'cssPath']), new TwigFunction('js_path', [$this, 'jsPath']), new TwigFunction('custom_css', [$this, 'customCss'], ['is_safe' => ['html']]), new TwigFunction('locales_js', [$this, 'localesJs'], ['is_safe' => ['html']]), ] |
/src/Application/View/Extension/SessionExtension.php:50 | 1 | return [new TwigFunction('can_view_all_entities', [Session::class, 'canViewAllEntities']), new TwigFunction('get_current_interface', [$this, 'getCurrentInterface']), new TwigFunction('get_current_user', [$this, 'getCurrentUser']), new TwigFunction('has_access_to_entity', [Session::class, 'haveAccessToEntity']), new TwigFunction('has_access_to_user_entities', [$this, 'hasAccessToUserEntities']), new TwigFunction('has_profile_right', [Session::class, 'haveRight']), new TwigFunction('has_itemtype_right', [$this, 'hasItemtypeRight']), new TwigFunction('is_multi_entities_mode', [Session::class, 'isMultiEntitiesMode']), new TwigFunction('pull_messages', [$this, 'pullMessages']), new TwigFunction('session', [$this, 'session']), new TwigFunction('user_pref', [$this, 'userPref']), ] |
/src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/UserParameters.php:96 | 1 | $values = ['id' => $fields['id'], 'login' => $fields['name'], 'fullname' => $user->getFriendlyName( ), 'email' => UserEmail::getDefaultForUser($fields['id']), 'phone' => $fields['phone'], 'phone2' => $fields['phone2'], 'mobile' => $fields['mobile'], 'firstname' => $fields['firstname'], 'realname' => $fields['realname'], ] |
/src/Application/View/Extension/I18nExtension.php:48 | 1 | return [new TwigFunction('__', '__'), new TwigFunction('_n', '_n'), new TwigFunction('_x', '_x'), new TwigFunction('_nx', '_nx'), new TwigFunction('get_current_locale', [$this, 'getCurrentLocale']), new TwigFunction('get_plural_number', [Session::class, 'getPluralNumber']), ] |
/src/Application/View/Extension/DataHelpersExtension.php:50 | 1 | return [new TwigFilter('formatted_datetime', [$this, 'getFormattedDatetime']), new TwigFilter('formatted_duration', [$this, 'getFormattedDuration']), new TwigFilter('formatted_number', [$this, 'getFormattedNumber']), new TwigFilter('html_to_text', [$this, 'getTextFromHtml']), new TwigFilter('picture_url', [$this, 'getPictureUrl']), new TwigFilter('relative_datetime', [$this, 'getRelativeDatetime']), new TwigFilter('safe_html', [$this, 'getSafeHtml'], ['is_safe' => ['html']]), new TwigFilter('verbatim_value', [$this, 'getVerbatimValue']), new TwigFilter('shortcut', [$this, 'underlineShortcutLetter'], ['is_safe' => ['html']]), new TwigFilter('enhanced_html', [$this, 'getEnhancedHtml'], ['is_safe' => ['html']]), new TwigFilter('truncate_left', [$this, 'truncateLeft']), ] |
/src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/KnowbaseItemParameters.php:65 | 1 | return [new AttributeParameter("id", __('ID')), new AttributeParameter("name", __('Subject')), new AttributeParameter("answer", __('Content'), "raw"), new AttributeParameter("link", _n('Link', 'Links', 1), "raw"), ] |
/src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/AssetParameters.php:67 | 1 | return [new AttributeParameter("id", __('ID')), new AttributeParameter("name", __('Name')), new AttributeParameter("itemtype", __('Itemtype')), new AttributeParameter("serial", __('Serial number')), new ObjectParameter(new EntityParameters( )), ] |
/src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/UserParameters.php:71 | 1 | return [new AttributeParameter("id", __('ID')), new AttributeParameter("login", __('Login')), new AttributeParameter("fullname", __('Full name')), new AttributeParameter("email", _n('Email', 'Emails', 1)), new AttributeParameter("phone", _n('Phone', 'Phones', 1)), new AttributeParameter("phone2", __('Phone 2')), new AttributeParameter("mobile", __('Mobile')), new AttributeParameter("firstname", __('First name')), new AttributeParameter("realname", __('Surname')), new AttributeParameter("responsible", __('Responsible')), new ObjectParameter(new LocationParameters( )), new ObjectParameter(new UserTitleParameters( )), new ObjectParameter(new UserCategoryParameters( )), new ArrayParameter('used_items', new AssetParameters( ), "Used items"), ] |
/src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/TicketParameters.php:76 | 1 | return array_merge(parent::getAvailableParameters( ), [new AttributeParameter("type", _n('Type', 'Types', 1)), new AttributeParameter("global_validation", _n('Approval', 'Approvals', 1)), new AttributeParameter("tto", __('Time to own'), 'date("d/m/y H:i")'), new AttributeParameter("ttr", __('Time to resolve'), 'date("d/m/y H:i")'), new ObjectParameter(new SLAParameters( ), 'sla_tto'), new ObjectParameter(new SLAParameters( ), 'sla_ttr'), new ObjectParameter(new OLAParameters( ), 'ola_tto'), new ObjectParameter(new OLAParameters( ), 'ola_ttr'), new ObjectParameter(new RequestTypeParameters( )), new ObjectParameter(new LocationParameters( )), new ArrayParameter("knowbaseitems", new KnowbaseItemParameters( ), KnowbaseItem_Item::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), new ArrayParameter("assets", new AssetParameters( ), Item_Ticket::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( ))), ]) |
/src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/LevelAgreementParameters.php:65 | 1 | return ['id' => $fields['id'], 'name' => $fields['name'], 'type' => LevelAgreement::getOneTypeName($fields['type']), 'duration' => $fields['number_time'], 'unit' => strtolower(LevelAgreement::getDefinitionTimeLabel($fields['definition_time'])), ] |
/src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/LevelAgreementParameters.php:50 | 1 | return [new AttributeParameter("id", __('ID')), new AttributeParameter("name", __('Name')), new AttributeParameter("type", _n('Type', 'Types', 1)), new AttributeParameter("duration", __('Duration')), new AttributeParameter("unit", __('Duration unit')), ] |
/src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/SupplierParameters.php:86 | 1 | return ['id' => $fields['id'], 'name' => $fields['name'], 'address' => $fields['address'], 'city' => $fields['town'], 'postcode' => $fields['postcode'], 'state' => $fields['state'], 'country' => $fields['country'], 'phone' => $fields['phonenumber'], 'fax' => $fields['fax'], 'email' => $fields['email'], 'website' => $fields['website'], ] |
/src/ContentTemplates/Parameters/SupplierParameters.php:65 | 1 | return [new AttributeParameter("id", __('ID')), new AttributeParameter("name", __('Name')), new AttributeParameter("address", __('Address')), new AttributeParameter("city", __('City')), new AttributeParameter("postcode", __('Postal code')), new AttributeParameter("state", _x('location', 'State')), new AttributeParameter("country", __('Country')), new AttributeParameter("phone", _n('Phone', 'Phones', 1)), new AttributeParameter("fax", __('Fax')), new AttributeParameter("email", _n('Email', 'Emails', 1)), new AttributeParameter("website", __('Website')), ] |
/src/Console/Migration/RacksPluginToCoreCommand.php:443 | 1 | $failure = (!$this->importItemsSpecifications( ) && !$skip_errors) || (!$this->importRackModels( ) && !$skip_errors) || (!$this->importRackTypes( ) && !$skip_errors) || (!$this->importRackStates( ) && !$skip_errors) || (!$this->importRooms( ) && !$skip_errors) || (!$this->importRacks( ) && !$skip_errors) || (!$this->importRackItems( ) && !$skip_errors) |
/src/Console/Task/UnlockCommand.php:100 | 1 | $task_iterator = $this->db->request(['SELECT' => ['id', new QueryExpression('CONCAT(' . $this->db->quoteName('itemtype') . ', ' . $this->db->quoteValue('::') . ', ' . $this->db->quoteName('name') . ') AS ' . $this->db->quoteName('task'))], 'FROM' => CronTask::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['state' => CronTask::STATE_RUNNING, new QueryExpression('UNIX_TIMESTAMP(' . $this->db->quoteName('lastrun') . ') + ' . $delay . ' < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())')]]) |
/src/Console/Migration/RacksPluginToCoreCommand.php:744 | 1 | $model_input = ['id' => $model->fields['id'], 'required_units' => $spec['size'], 'depth' => ($spec['length'] == 1 ? 1 : 0.5), 'weight' => $spec['weight'], 'is_half_rack' => 0, 'power_connections' => $spec['nb_alim'], ] |
/src/Console/Migration/RacksPluginToCoreCommand.php:531 | 1 | $answer = $question_helper->ask($this->input, $this->output, new ChoiceQuestion(sprintf(__('Where do you want to import "%s"?'), $model_label), [self::OTHER_TYPE_CHOICE_COMPUTER => Computer::getTypeName(1), self::OTHER_TYPE_CHOICE_NETWORKEQUIPEMENT => NetworkEquipment::getTypeName(1), self::OTHER_TYPE_CHOICE_PERIPHERAL => Peripheral::getTypeName(1), self::OTHER_TYPE_CHOICE_PDU => PDU::getTypeName(1), self::OTHER_TYPE_CHOICE_MONITOR => Monitor::getTypeName(1), self::OTHER_TYPE_CHOICE_PASSIVEDCEQUIPEMENT => PassiveDCEquipment::getTypeName(1), self::OTHER_TYPE_CHOICE_IGNORE => __('Ignore (default)'), ], self::OTHER_TYPE_CHOICE_IGNORE)) |
/src/Console/Database/CheckSchemaIntegrityCommand.php:125 | 1 | $checker = new DatabaseSchemaIntegrityChecker($this->db, $input->getOption('strict'), !$input->getOption('check-all-migrations') && !$input->getOption('check-innodb-migration'), !$input->getOption('check-all-migrations') && !$input->getOption('check-timestamps-migration'), !$input->getOption('check-all-migrations') && !$input->getOption('check-utf8mb4-migration'), !$input->getOption('check-all-migrations') && !$input->getOption('check-dynamic-row-format-migration'), !$input->getOption('check-all-migrations') && !$input->getOption('check-unsigned-keys-migration')) |
/src/Console/Application.php:124 | 1 | $definition = new InputDefinition([new InputArgument('command', InputArgument::REQUIRED, __('The command to execute')), new InputOption('--help', '-h', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, __('Display this help message')), new InputOption('--quiet', '-q', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, __('Do not output any message')), new InputOption('--verbose', '-v|vv|vvv', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, __('Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug')), new InputOption('--version', '-V', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, __('Display this application version')), new InputOption('--ansi', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, __('Force ANSI output')), new InputOption('--no-ansi', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, __('Disable ANSI output')), new InputOption('--no-interaction', '-n', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, __('Do not ask any interactive question')), new InputOption('--config-dir', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, __('Configuration directory to use')), new InputOption('--no-plugins', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, __('Disable GLPI plugins (unless commands forces plugins loading)')), new InputOption('--lang', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, __('Output language (default value is existing GLPI "language" configuration or "en_GB")'))]) |
/src/Console/Ldap/SynchronizeUsersCommand.php:281 | 1 | $users = AuthLDAP::getAllUsers(['authldaps_id' => $server_id, 'mode' => $action, 'ldap_filter' => null !== $ldap_filter ? $ldap_filter : '', 'script' => true, 'begin_date' => null !== $begin_date ? $begin_date : '', 'end_date' => null !== $end_date ? $end_date : '', ], $results, $limitexceeded) |
/src/Console/Cache/ConfigureCommand.php:110 | 1 | $help_lines = [sprintf(__('Valid cache systems are: %s.'), '<comment>' . implode('</comment>, <comment>', $adapters) . '</comment>'), '', sprintf(__('%s DSN format: %s'), $adapters[CacheManager::SCHEME_MEMCACHED], 'memcached://[user:pass@][ip|host|socket[:port]][?weight=int]'), sprintf(__('%s DSN format: %s'), $adapters[CacheManager::SCHEME_REDIS], 'redis://[pass@][ip|host|socket[:port]][/db-index]'), sprintf(__('%s DSN format: %s'), $adapters[CacheManager::SCHEME_REDISS], 'rediss://[pass@][ip|host|socket[:port]][/db-index]'), '', __('Cache namespace can be use to ensure either separation or sharing of multiple GLPI instances data on same cache system.'), ] |
/src/CalDAV/Backend/Calendar.php:81 | 1 | $calendars_params = [$principal_calendar_key => ['key' => $principal_calendar_key, 'uri' => self::BASE_CALENDAR_URI, 'principaluri' => $principalPath, 'name' => $principal_item->getName( ), 'desc' => sprintf(__('Calendar of %s'), $principal_item->getFriendlyName( )), 'color' => null, ]] |
/src/CalDAV/Backend/Principal.php:267 | 1 | return ['id' => $user_fields['id'], 'uri' => $this->getUserPrincipalUri($user_fields['name']), Property::USERNAME => $user_fields['name'], Property::DISPLAY_NAME => formatUserName($user_fields['id'], $user_fields['name'], $user_fields['realname'], $user_fields['firstname']), Property::PRIMARY_EMAIL => \UserEmail::getDefaultForUser($user_fields['id']), Property::CAL_USER_TYPE => 'INDIVIDUAL', ] |
/src/CalDAV/Backend/Calendar.php:134 | 1 | $calendars[] = ['id' => $key, 'uri' => $calendar_data['uri'], 'principaluri' => $calendar_data['principaluri'], Property::DISPLAY_NAME => $calendar_data['name'], Property::CAL_COLOR => $calendar_data['color'], Property::CAL_DESCRIPTION => $calendar_data['desc'], Property::CAL_SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS => new SupportedCalendarComponentSet($CFG_GLPI['caldav_supported_components']), Property::RESOURCE_TYPE => new ResourceType(['{DAV:}collection', '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar']), ] |
/src/CalDAV/Backend/Calendar.php:119 | 1 | $calendars_params[$key] = ['key' => $key, 'uri' => \User::class === get_class($calendar_principal) ? $calendar_principal->fields['name'] : $key, 'principaluri' => $this->getPrincipalUri($calendar_principal), 'name' => $calendar_principal->getName( ), 'desc' => sprintf(__('Calendar of %s'), $calendar_principal->getFriendlyName( )), 'color' => $calendar_params['color'], ] |
/src/CalDAV/Backend/Principal.php:148 | 1 | $users_iterator = $DB->request(['SELECT' => [\User::getTableField('name')], 'FROM' => \User::getTable( ), 'INNER JOIN' => [\Group_User::getTable( ) => ['ON' => [\User::getTable( ) => 'id', \Group_User::getTable( ) => 'users_id', ], ], ], 'WHERE' => [\Group_User::getTableField('groups_id') => $group_id, ]]) |
/src/CalDAV/Backend/Principal.php:130 | 1 | $groups_iterator = $DB->request(['FROM' => \Group::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['is_task' => 1, 'groups_id' => $group_id, ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(\Group::getTable( ), 'entities_id', $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities'], true), ]) |
/src/CalDAV/Backend/Principal.php:197 | 1 | $groups_query['INNER JOIN'][\Group_User::getTable( )] = ['ON' => [\Group::getTable( ) => 'id', \Group_User::getTable( ) => 'groups_id', ['AND' => [\Group_User::getTableField('users_id') => new \QuerySubQuery(['SELECT' => 'id', 'FROM' => \User::getTable( ), 'WHERE' => ['name' => $this->getUsernameFromPrincipalUri($path)], ]), ], ], ]] |
/src/CalDAV/Backend/Principal.php:177 | 1 | $groups_query = ['SELECT' => [\Group::getTableField('id')], 'FROM' => \Group::getTable( ), 'INNER JOIN' => [ ], 'WHERE' => ['is_task' => 1, ] + getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(\Group::getTable( ), 'entities_id', $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities'], true), ] |
/install/migrations/update_9.4.x_to_9.5.0.php:1760 | 1 | if(count($rule->criterias) == count($prev_criteria) && count($rule->criterias) == $matching_criteria && count($rule->actions) == count($prev_actions) && count($rule->actions) == $matching_actions) { /**/ } |
/src/DeviceDrive.php:48 | 1 | array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'is_writer', 'label' => __('Writing ability'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'speed', 'label' => __('Speed'), 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'interfacetypes_id', 'label' => __('Interface'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'devicedrivemodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue']]) |
/src/DevicePowerSupply.php:48 | 1 | array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'is_atx', 'label' => __('ATX'), 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'power', 'label' => __('Power'), 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'devicepowersupplymodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue']]) |
/src/DeviceCamera.php:59 | 1 | array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'devicecameramodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'flashunit', 'label' => __('Flashunit'), 'type' => 'bool', ], ['name' => 'lensfacing', 'label' => __('Lensfacing'), 'type' => 'text', ], ['name' => 'orientation', 'label' => __('Orientation'), 'type' => 'text', ], ['name' => 'focallength', 'label' => __('Focal length'), 'type' => 'text', ], ['name' => 'sensorsize', 'label' => __('Sensor size'), 'type' => 'text', ], ['name' => 'support', 'label' => __('Support'), 'type' => 'text', ]]) |
/src/User.php:4142 | 1 | array_merge($WHERE, ['glpi_users.is_deleted' => 0, 'glpi_users.is_active' => 1, ['OR' => [['glpi_users.begin_date' => null], ['glpi_users.begin_date' => ['<', new QueryExpression('NOW()')]]]], ['OR' => [['glpi_users.end_date' => null], ['glpi_users.end_date' => ['>', new QueryExpression('NOW()')]]]]]) |
/src/DeviceNetworkCard.php:65 | 1 | array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'mac_default', 'label' => __('MAC address by default'), 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'bandwidth', 'label' => __('Flow'), 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'devicenetworkcardmodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'none', 'label' => RegisteredID::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) . RegisteredID::showAddChildButtonForItemForm($this, '_registeredID', null, false), 'type' => 'registeredIDChooser']]) |
/src/Appliance_Item_Relation.php:248 | 1 | json_encode(" <form action='{$form_url}' method='POST'> <p>" . Dropdown::showSelectItemFromItemtypes(['items_id_name' => 'items_id', 'itemtypes' => Appliance_Item_Relation::getTypes(true), 'entity_restrict' => ($item->fields['is_recursive'] ?? false) ? getSonsOf('glpi_entities', $item->fields['entities_id']) : $item->fields['entities_id'], 'checkright' => true, 'display' => false, ]) . "</p> <input type='hidden' name='appliances_items_id'> " . Html::submit(_x('button', "Add"), ['name' => 'add']) . " " . Html::closeForm(false)) |
/src/DeviceMemory.php:48 | 1 | array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'size_default', 'label' => __('Size by default'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'unit' => __('Mio')], ['name' => 'frequence', 'label' => __('Frequency'), 'type' => 'text', 'unit' => __('MHz')], ['name' => 'devicememorytypes_id', 'label' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'devicememorymodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue']]) |
/src/DeviceBattery.php:46 | 1 | array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'devicebatterytypes_id', 'label' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'capacity', 'label' => __('Capacity'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'unit' => __('mWh')], ['name' => 'voltage', 'label' => __('Voltage'), 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 0, 'unit' => __('mV')]]) |
/src/DeviceFirmware.php:47 | 1 | array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'devicefirmwaretypes_id', 'label' => _n('Type', 'Types', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue'], ['name' => 'date', 'label' => __('Release date'), 'type' => 'date'], ['name' => 'version', 'label' => _n('Version', 'Versions', 1), 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'devicefirmwaremodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue']]) |
/src/DevicePci.php:54 | 1 | array_merge(parent::getAdditionalFields( ), [['name' => 'none', 'label' => RegisteredID::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber( )) . RegisteredID::showAddChildButtonForItemForm($this, '_registeredID', null, false), 'type' => 'registeredIDChooser'], ['name' => 'devicepcimodels_id', 'label' => _n('Model', 'Models', 1), 'type' => 'dropdownValue']]) |
/src/IPAddress.php:1261 | 1 | array_merge($criteria['SELECT'], [' AS name_id', new \QueryExpression("NULL AS " . $DB->quoteName('port_id')), new \QueryExpression('NULL AS ' . $DB->quoteName('item_id')), new \QueryExpression("NULL AS " . $DB->quoteName('item_type'))]) |
/src/ITILCategory.php:111 | 1 | array_merge($tab, [['name' => 'is_change', 'label' => __('Visible for a change'), 'type' => 'bool', 'list' => true, ], ['name' => 'tickettemplates_id_demand', 'label' => __('Template for a request'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'list' => true, ], ['name' => 'tickettemplates_id_incident', 'label' => __('Template for an incident'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'list' => true, ], ['name' => 'changetemplates_id', 'label' => __('Template for a change'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'list' => true, ], ['name' => 'problemtemplates_id', 'label' => __('Template for a problem'), 'type' => 'dropdownValue', 'list' => true, ], ]) |
/src/Ticket.php:5680 | 1 | if($item->getID( ) && !$item->isDeleted( ) && Ticket::isPossibleToAssignType($item->getType( )) && self::canCreate( ) && !(!empty($withtemplate) && ($withtemplate == 2)) && (!isset($item->fields['is_template']) || ($item->fields['is_template'] == 0))) { /**/ } |
/src/Ticket.php:1997 | 1 | if((isset($this->input["plan"]) && count($this->input["plan"])) || (isset($this->input["actiontime"]) && ($this->input["actiontime"] > 0))) { /**/ } |
/src/RuleTicket.php:233 | 1 | if($action->fields["field"] === 'slas_id_ttr' || $action->fields["field"] === 'slas_id_tto' || $action->fields["field"] === 'olas_id_ttr' || $action->fields["field"] === 'olas_id_tto') { /**/ } |
/src/Ticket.php:5700 | 1 | if($item->getID( ) && ($item->getType( ) == 'User') && self::canCreate( ) && !(!empty($withtemplate) && ($withtemplate == 2))) { /**/ } |
/src/Ticket.php:1659 | 3 | if(isset($this->input["status"]) && $this->input["status"] && in_array("status", $this->updates) && in_array($this->input["status"], $this->getClosedStatusArray( ))) { /**/ } |
/src/Ticket.php:1650 | 3 | if(isset($this->input["status"]) && $this->input["status"] && in_array("status", $this->updates) && in_array($this->input["status"], $this->getSolvedStatusArray( ))) { /**/ } |
/src/Ticket.php:1698 | 1 | if(in_array("status", $this->updates) && in_array($this->input["status"], $this->getClosedStatusArray( )) && ($delay == 0) && ($rate > 0) && (mt_rand(1, 100) <= $rate)) { /**/ } |
/src/Ticket.php:1668 | 1 | if((isset($this->input['solvedate']) && ($this->input['solvedate'] == 'NULL') && isset($this->oldvalues['solvedate']) && $this->oldvalues['solvedate']) && (isset($this->input['status']) && ($this->input['status'] != $this->oldvalues['status']) && ($this->oldvalues['status'] == self::SOLVED))) { /**/ } |
/src/Ticket.php:1011 | 1 | if((!Session::haveRightsOr(self::$rightname, [self::STEAL, self::OWN])) || !isset($input["_itil_assign"]['users_id']) || ($input["_itil_assign"]['users_id'] != Session::getLoginUserID( ))) { /**/ } |
/src/Ticket.php:985 | 1 | if((isset($input['urgency']) && $input['urgency'] != $this->fields['urgency']) || (isset($input['impact']) && $input['impact'] != $this->fields['impact']) && ($canpriority && !isset($input['priority']) || !$canpriority)) { /**/ } |
/src/Ticket.php:1582 | 1 | if(isset($this->input['status']) && in_array('status', $this->updates) && (in_array($this->input['status'], $this->getSolvedStatusArray( )) || in_array($this->input['status'], $this->getClosedStatusArray( )))) { /**/ } |
/src/Ticket.php:1020 | 1 | if(!Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::STEAL) || !isset($input["_itil_assign"]['users_id']) || ($input["_itil_assign"]['users_id'] != Session::getLoginUserID( ))) { /**/ } |
/src/Ticket.php:185 | 2 | if(isset($this->fields['is_deleted']) && ($this->fields['is_deleted'] == 1) || isset($this->fields['status']) && in_array($this->fields['status'], $this->getClosedStatusArray( ))) { /**/ } |
/src/Session.php:106 | 1 | if(!$auth->user->fields['is_deleted'] && ($auth->user->fields['is_active'] && (($auth->user->fields['begin_date'] < $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"]) || is_null($auth->user->fields['begin_date'])) && (($auth->user->fields['end_date'] > $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"]) || is_null($auth->user->fields['end_date'])))) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/Ticket.php:617 | 1 | if(Session::getCurrentInterface( ) == "helpdesk" && (!($this->isUser(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || $this->fields["users_id_recipient"] === Session::getLoginUserID( )) || $this->numberOfFollowups( ) > 0 || $this->numberOfTasks( ) > 0 || $this->fields["date"] != $this->fields["date_mod"])) { /**/ } |
/src/Ticket.php:198 | 2 | if(isset($this->fields['is_deleted']) && $this->fields['is_deleted'] == 1 || isset($this->fields['status']) && in_array($this->fields['status'], $this->getClosedStatusArray( ))) { /**/ } |
/src/Infocom.php:437 | 1 | if((!is_null($budget->fields['begin_date']) && $this->fields['buy_date'] < $budget->fields['begin_date']) || (!is_null($budget->fields['end_date']) && ($this->fields['buy_date'] > $budget->fields['end_date']))) { /**/ } |
/src/Infocom.php:430 | 1 | if((in_array('budgets_id', $this->updates) || in_array('buy_date', $this->updates)) && $this->fields['budgets_id'] && ($budget = getItemForItemtype('Budget')) && $budget->getFromDB($this->fields['budgets_id'])) { /**/ } |
/src/Computer_Item.php:118 | 1 | if(($CFG_GLPI["is_user_autoupdate"] && ($comp->fields['users_id'] != $item->getField('users_id'))) || ($CFG_GLPI["is_group_autoupdate"] && ($comp->fields['groups_id'] != $item->getField('groups_id')))) { /**/ } |
/src/PDU_Rack.php:146 | 1 | if(in_array($side, [self::SIDE_LEFT, self::SIDE_RIGHT]) && ($position > $rack->fields['number_units'] || $position + $required_units > $rack->fields['number_units'] + 1)) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/User.php:3243 | 1 | if(Session::getLoginUserID( ) === (int) $this->input['id'] && !Session::haveRight("user", UPDATE) && !strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "/front/login.php") && isset($this->fields["authtype"])) { /**/ } |
/src/User.php:1461 | 1 | if(isset($this->fields["authtype"]) && isset($this->input["_emails"]) && (($this->fields["authtype"] == Auth::LDAP) || Auth::isAlternateAuth($this->fields['authtype']) || ($this->fields["authtype"] == Auth::MAIL))) { /**/ } |
/src/Infocom.php:420 | 1 | if((isset($this->oldvalues['warranty_date']) && ($this->oldvalues['warranty_date'] < $this->fields['warranty_date'])) || (isset($this->oldvalues['warranty_duration']) && ($this->oldvalues['warranty_duration'] < $this->fields['warranty_duration']))) { /**/ } |
/src/User.php:5308 | 1 | if(($user->fields['begin_date'] !== null && $user->fields['begin_date'] < $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime']) || ($user->fields['end_date'] !== null && $user->fields['end_date'] > $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime'])) { /**/ } |
/src/User.php:890 | 1 | if(isset($input['id']) && !Auth::checkPassword($input['password'], $this->fields['password']) && Config::validatePassword($input["password"]) && (($input['id'] == Session::getLoginUserID( )) || $this->currentUserHaveMoreRightThan($input['id']) || (($input['password_forget_token'] == $this->fields['password_forget_token']) && (abs(strtotime($_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"]) - strtotime($this->fields['password_forget_token_date'])) < DAY_TIMESTAMP)))) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/User.php:127 | 1 | if(isset($this->input['_profiles_id']) && ($this->input['_profiles_id'] > 0) && Profile::currentUserHaveMoreRightThan([$this->input['_profiles_id']]) && isset($this->input['_entities_id']) && Session::haveAccessToEntity($this->input['_entities_id'])) { /**/ } |
/src/User.php:1302 | 1 | if(isset($this->fields["authtype"]) && (($this->fields["authtype"] == Auth::LDAP) || ($this->fields["authtype"] == Auth::NOT_YET_AUTHENTIFIED && !empty($this->fields["auths_id"])) || Auth::isAlternateAuth($this->fields['authtype']))) { /**/ } |
/src/User.php:1229 | 1 | if(isset($this->fields["authtype"]) && isset($this->input["_groups"]) && (($this->fields["authtype"] == Auth::LDAP) || Auth::isAlternateAuth($this->fields['authtype']))) { /**/ } |
/src/Appliance_Item_Relation.php:122 | 2 | if(($this->isNewItem( ) && (!isset($input[self::$items_id_1]) || empty($input[self::$items_id_1]))) || (isset($input[self::$items_id_1]) && empty($input[self::$items_id_1]))) { /**/ } |
/src/Document.php:1174 | 2 | if(isset($input['current_filepath']) && !empty($input['current_filepath']) && is_file(GLPI_DOC_DIR . "/" . $input['current_filepath']) && (countElementsInTable('glpi_documents', ['sha1sum' => sha1_file(GLPI_DOC_DIR . "/" . $input['current_filepath'])]) <= 1)) { /**/ } |
/src/Document.php:335 | 1 | if(isset($this->input["items_id"]) && isset($this->input["itemtype"]) && (($this->input["items_id"] > 0) || (($this->input["items_id"] == 0) && ($this->input["itemtype"] == 'Entity'))) && !empty($this->input["itemtype"])) { /**/ } |
/src/NotificationEventMailing.php:181 | 1 | if($item !== false && ($current->fields['items_id'] > 0 || ($current->fields['itemtype'] == Entity::class && $current->fields['items_id'] == 0)) && $item->getFromDB($current->fields['items_id'])) { /**/ } |
/src/Document.php:1274 | 2 | if(isset($input['current_filepath']) && !empty($input['current_filepath']) && is_file(GLPI_DOC_DIR . "/" . $input['current_filepath']) && (countElementsInTable('glpi_documents', ['sha1sum' => sha1_file(GLPI_DOC_DIR . "/" . $input['current_filepath'])]) <= 1)) { /**/ } |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:3926 | 1 | if(self::connectToServer($authldap->getField('host'), $authldap->getField('port'), $authldap->getField('rootdn'), (new GLPIKey( ))->decrypt($authldap->getField('rootdn_passwd')), $authldap->getField('use_tls'), $authldap->getField('deref_option'), $authldap->getField('tls_certfile'), $authldap->getField('tls_keyfile'), $authldap->getField('use_bind'), $authldap->getField('timeout'))) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/AuthLDAP.php:3716 | 1 | if((isset($_SESSION['ldap_import']['begin_date']) && !empty($_SESSION['ldap_import']['begin_date'])) || (isset($_SESSION['ldap_import']['end_date']) && !empty($_SESSION['ldap_import']['end_date']))) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/Document.php:173 | 1 | if(is_file(GLPI_DOC_DIR . "/" . $this->fields["filepath"]) && !is_dir(GLPI_DOC_DIR . "/" . $this->fields["filepath"]) && (countElementsInTable($this->getTable( ), ['sha1sum' => $this->fields["sha1sum"]]) <= 1)) { /**/ } |
/src/Appliance_Item.php:406 | 2 | if(($this->isNewItem( ) && (!isset($input[self::$items_id_1]) || empty($input[self::$items_id_1]))) || (isset($input[self::$items_id_1]) && empty($input[self::$items_id_1]))) { /**/ } |
/front/pluginimage.send.php:62 | 1 | if((basename($_GET["name"]) != $_GET["name"]) || (basename($_GET["plugin"]) != $_GET["plugin"]) || !str_starts_with(realpath($filepath), realpath(GLPI_PLUGIN_DOC_DIR)) || !Document::isImage($filepath)) { /**/ } |
/front/ldap.import.php:61 | 1 | if(isset($_SESSION['ldap_import']['authldaps_id']) && ($_SESSION['ldap_import']['authldaps_id'] != NOT_AVAILABLE) && (isset($_POST['search']) || isset($_GET['start']) || isset($_POST['glpilist_limit']))) { /**/ } |
/src/Change.php:311 | 3 | if(isset($this->input["status"]) && $this->input["status"] && in_array("status", $this->updates) && in_array($this->input["status"], $this->getSolvedStatusArray( ))) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:655 | 1 | if(!empty($this->fields['begin']) && $this->input["_job"]->isStatusExists(CommonITILObject::PLANNED) && (($this->input["_job"]->fields["status"] == CommonITILObject::INCOMING) || ($this->input["_job"]->fields["status"] == CommonITILObject::ASSIGNED))) { /**/ } |
/src/Change.php:773 | 1 | if($item->getID( ) && Change::isPossibleToAssignType($item->getType( )) && self::canCreate( ) && !(!empty($withtemplate) && $withtemplate == 2) && (!isset($item->fields['is_template']) || $item->fields['is_template'] == 0)) { /**/ } |
/src/Change.php:319 | 3 | if(isset($this->input["status"]) && $this->input["status"] && in_array("status", $this->updates) && in_array($this->input["status"], $this->getClosedStatusArray( ))) { /**/ } |
/src/Document_Item.php:293 | 1 | if(Document::canView( ) || ($item->getType( ) == 'Ticket') || ($item->getType( ) == 'Reminder') || ($item->getType( ) == 'KnowbaseItem')) { /**/ } |
/src/Rule.php:218 | 1 | if(Session::haveRight("rule_ldap", READ) || Session::haveRight("rule_import", READ) || Session::haveRight("rule_ticket", READ) || Session::haveRight("rule_softwarecategories", READ) || Session::haveRight("rule_mailcollector", READ)) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILTask.php:425 | 1 | if(!empty($this->fields['begin']) && $item->isStatusExists(CommonITILObject::PLANNED) && (($item->fields["status"] == CommonITILObject::INCOMING) || ($item->fields["status"] == CommonITILObject::ASSIGNED))) { /**/ } |
/src/Document_Item.php:538 | 1 | if(($item->getType( ) != 'Ticket') && ($item->getType( ) != 'KnowbaseItem') && ($item->getType( ) != 'Reminder') && !Document::canView( )) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonGLPI.php:326 | 1 | if(($_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] == Session::DEBUG_MODE) && (!$this->isNewItem( ) || $this->showdebug) && (method_exists($class, 'showDebug') || Infocom::canApplyOn($class) || in_array($class, $CFG_GLPI["reservation_types"]))) { /**/ } |
/src/DomainRecordType.php:301 | 1 | if(!is_array($field) || !array_key_exists('key', $field) || !is_string($field['key']) || !array_key_exists('label', $field) || !is_string($field['label']) || (array_key_exists('placeholder', $field) && !is_string($field['placeholder'])) || (array_key_exists('quote_value', $field) && !is_bool($field['quote_value'])) || (array_key_exists('is_fqdn', $field) && !is_bool($field['is_fqdn'])) || count(array_diff(array_keys($field), ['key', 'label', 'placeholder', 'quote_value', 'is_fqdn'])) > 0) { /**/ } |
/src/FQDNLabel.php:285 | 1 | if(isset($tab[0]) && (($tab[0] instanceof NetworkName) || ($tab[0] instanceof NetworkPort) || $tab[0]->isDeleted( ) || $tab[0]->isTemplate( ) || ($tab[0]->getEntityID( ) != $entity))) { /**/ } |
/src/ProblemTask.php:133 | 1 | if(($this->fields["users_id"] != Session::getLoginUserID( )) && !Session::haveRight('problem', UPDATE) && !Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, parent::UPDATEALL)) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonTreeDropdown.php:587 | 1 | if((($fk == 'entities_id') && in_array($data['id'], $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities'])) || !$entity_assign || (($fk != 'entities_id') && in_array($data['entities_id'], $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities']))) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/CommonTreeDropdown.php:132 | 1 | if(isset($input[$this->getForeignKeyField( )]) && !$this->isNewID($input[$this->getForeignKeyField( )]) && $parent->getFromDB($input[$this->getForeignKeyField( )])) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/Auth.php:897 | 1 | if(empty($login_auth) || $this->user->fields["authtype"] == $this::CAS || $this->user->fields["authtype"] == $this::EXTERNAL || $this->user->fields["authtype"] == $this::LDAP) { /**/ } |
/src/TicketTask.php:102 | 1 | if(Session::getCurrentInterface( ) == "central" && ($this->fields["users_id"] === Session::getLoginUserID( )) || ($this->fields["users_id_tech"] === Session::getLoginUserID( ))) { /**/ } |
/src/Profile.php:424 | 1 | if(($this->fields['profile'] & UPDATE) && isset($input['profile']) && !($input['profile'] & UPDATE) && (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", ['name' => 'profile', 'rights' => ['&', UPDATE]]))) { /**/ } |
/src/Dropdown.php:2504 | 1 | if(isset($post["entity_restrict"]) && !is_array($post["entity_restrict"]) && (substr($post["entity_restrict"], 0, 1) === '[') && (substr($post["entity_restrict"], -1) === ']')) { /**/ } |
/src/Profile.php:3477 | 1 | if(is_array($info) && ((!empty($info['itemtype'])) || (!empty($info['rights']))) && (!empty($info['label'])) && (!empty($info['field']))) { /**/ } |
/src/Html.php:3205 | 1 | if(($value != 'NOW') && ($value != 'TODAY') && !preg_match("/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}.*/", $value) && !strstr($value, 'HOUR') && !strstr($value, 'MINUTE') && !strstr($value, 'DAY') && !strstr($value, 'WEEK') && !strstr($value, 'MONTH') && !strstr($value, 'YEAR')) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILActor.php:420 | 1 | if(!isset($this->input['_from_object']) && in_array($item->fields["status"], $item->getNewStatusArray( )) && in_array(CommonITILObject::ASSIGNED, array_keys($item->getAllStatusArray( )))) { /**/ } |
/src/ProfileRight.php:341 | 1 | if(isset($_SESSION['glpiactiveprofile']['id']) && $_SESSION['glpiactiveprofile']['id'] == $this->fields['profiles_id'] && (!isset($_SESSION['glpiactiveprofile'][$this->fields['name']]) || $_SESSION['glpiactiveprofile'][$this->fields['name']] != $this->fields['rights'])) { /**/ } |
/src/QueuedNotification.php:171 | 1 | if($item instanceof CommonDBTM && $item->deduplicate_queued_notifications && isset($input['entities_id']) && ($input['entities_id'] >= 0) && isset($input['items_id']) && ($input['items_id'] >= 0) && isset($input['notificationtemplates_id']) && !empty($input['notificationtemplates_id']) && isset($input['recipient'])) { /**/ } |
/src/RuleDictionnaryPrinterCollection.php:192 | 1 | if((isset($res_rule["name"]) && ($res_rule["name"] != $input["name"])) || (isset($res_rule["manufacturer"]) && ($res_rule["manufacturer"] != '')) || (isset($res_rule['is_global']) && ($res_rule['is_global'] != ''))) { /**/ } |
/src/DisplayPreference.php:511 | 2 | if(Session::isMultiEntitiesMode( ) && (isset($CFG_GLPI["union_search_type"][$itemtype]) || ($item && $item->maybeRecursive( )) || (count($_SESSION["glpiactiveentities"]) > 1)) && isset($searchopt[80])) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonITILActor.php:309 | 1 | if(($item->countSuppliers(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) == 0) && ($item->countUsers(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) == 0) && ($item->countGroups(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) == 0) && ($item->fields['status'] != CommonITILObject::CLOSED) && ($item->fields['status'] != CommonITILObject::SOLVED)) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/CommonDBConnexity.php:308 | 1 | if(!$new_item->can(-1, CREATE, $input) || !$this->can($this->getID( ), DELETE) || !$this->can($this->getID( ), PURGE)) { /**/ } |
/src/IPAddress.php:1016 | 1 | if(isset($tab[0]) && (($tab[0] instanceof NetworkName) || ($tab[0] instanceof IPAddress) || ($tab[0] instanceof NetworkPort) || $tab[0]->isDeleted( ) || $tab[0]->isTemplate( ) || ($tab[0]->getEntityID( ) != $entity))) { /**/ } |
/src/IPAddress.php:459 | 1 | if((!isset($array[$binaryField . "_0"]) || !is_numeric($array[$binaryField . "_0"])) || (!isset($array[$binaryField . "_1"]) || !is_numeric($array[$binaryField . "_0"])) || (!isset($array[$binaryField . "_2"]) || !is_numeric($array[$binaryField . "_0"])) || (!isset($array[$binaryField . "_3"]) || !is_numeric($array[$binaryField . "_0"]))) { /**/ } |
/src/DisplayPreference.php:357 | 2 | if(Session::isMultiEntitiesMode( ) && (isset($CFG_GLPI["union_search_type"][$itemtype]) || ($item && $item->maybeRecursive( )) || (count($_SESSION["glpiactiveentities"]) > 1)) && isset($searchopt[80])) { /**/ } |
/src/IPAddress.php:1061 | 1 | if(!is_array($this->binary) || (count($this->binary) != 4) || (count($ipaddress->binary) != 4) || ($this->version != $ipaddress->version)) { /**/ } |
/src/Problem.php:267 | 3 | if(isset($this->input["status"]) && $this->input["status"] && in_array("status", $this->updates) && in_array($this->input["status"], $this->getSolvedStatusArray( ))) { /**/ } |
/src/SavedSearch.php:1235 | 1 | if(($force === true) || (($this->fields['do_count'] == self::COUNT_YES) || ($this->fields['do_count'] == self::COUNT_AUTO) && ($this->getField('last_execution_time') != null) && ($this->fields['last_execution_time'] <= $CFG_GLPI['max_time_for_count']))) { /**/ } |
/src/Problem.php:1430 | 1 | if($item->getID( ) && Problem::isPossibleToAssignType($item->getType( )) && self::canCreate( ) && !(!empty($withtemplate) && $withtemplate == 2) && (!isset($item->fields['is_template']) || $item->fields['is_template'] == 0)) { /**/ } |
/src/Problem.php:275 | 3 | if(isset($this->input["status"]) && $this->input["status"] && in_array("status", $this->updates) && in_array($this->input["status"], $this->getClosedStatusArray( ))) { /**/ } |
/src/Log.php:156 | 1 | if(($val2['linkfield'] == $key && $real_type === $item->getType( )) || ($key == $val2['field'] && $val2['table'] == $item->getTable( ))) { /**/ } |
/src/CommonDBTM.php:5472 | 1 | if($len > 8 && Toolbox::substr($value, 0, 4) === '<' && Toolbox::substr($value, $len - 4, 4) === '>' && preg_match("/\\#{1,10}/", Toolbox::substr($value, 4, $len - 8))) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/SavedSearch.php:563 | 1 | if(isset($val['field']) && $val['field'] != 'view' && $val['field'] != 'all' && (!isset($opt[$val['field']]) || (isset($opt[$val['field']]['nosearch']) && $opt[$val['field']]['nosearch']))) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/CommonDBTM.php:2529 | 1 | if(($this->getType( ) > 0) && countElementsInTable(['glpi_documents_items', 'glpi_documents'], ['glpi_documents_items.items_id' => $ID, 'glpi_documents_items.itemtype' => $this->getType( ), 'FKEY' => ['glpi_documents_items' => 'documents_id', 'glpi_documents' => 'id'], 'NOT' => ['glpi_documents.entities_id' => $entities]]) > '0') { /**/ } |
/src/CommonDBTM.php:5409 | 1 | if(isset($input[$options['content_field']]) && strpos($input[$options['content_field']], $doc->fields["tag"]) !== false && strpos($doc->fields['mime'], 'image/') !== false) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/CommonDBTM.php:4349 | 1 | if(isset($this->input[$field]) && (((getTableNameForForeignKeyField($field) == '') && ($this->input[$field] != '')) || ((getTableNameForForeignKeyField($field) != '') && ($this->input[$field] > 0))) && !Fieldblacklist::isFieldBlacklisted(get_class($this), $entities_id, $field, $this->input[$field])) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/CommonDBTM.php:2469 | 1 | if(countElementsInTable([$tablename, $itemtable], ["$tablename.$field" => $ID, "$tablename.$typefield" => $itemtype, 'FKEY' => [$tablename => $devfield, $itemtable => 'id'], 'NOT' => [$itemtable . '.entities_id' => $entities]]) > '0') { /**/ } |
/src/CommonDBTM.php:2508 | 2 | if(countElementsInTable([$tablename, $othertable], ["$tablename.$field" => $ID, 'FKEY' => [$tablename => $otherfield, $othertable => 'id'], 'NOT' => [$othertable . '.entities_id' => $entities]]) > '0') { /**/ } |
/src/CommonDBTM.php:2494 | 2 | if(countElementsInTable([$tablename, $othertable], ["$tablename.$field" => $ID, 'FKEY' => [$tablename => $otherfield, $othertable => 'id'], 'NOT' => [$othertable . '.entities_id' => $entities]]) > '0') { /**/ } |
/src/Search.php:4090 | 1 | if($meta || (isset($searchopt[$ID]["forcegroupby"]) && $searchopt[$ID]["forcegroupby"] && (!isset($searchopt[$ID]["computation"]) || isset($searchopt[$ID]["computationgroupby"]) && $searchopt[$ID]["computationgroupby"]))) { /**/ } |
/src/Search.php:3845 | 1 | if((($itemtype == 'Ticket') || ($itemtype == 'Problem')) && isset($searchopt[$ID]['joinparams']['beforejoin']['table']) && (($searchopt[$ID]['joinparams']['beforejoin']['table'] == 'glpi_tickets_users') || ($searchopt[$ID]['joinparams']['beforejoin']['table'] == 'glpi_problems_users') || ($searchopt[$ID]['joinparams']['beforejoin']['table'] == 'glpi_changes_users'))) { /**/ } |
/src/Search.php:5075 | 1 | if((!isset($searchopt[$ID]['searchequalsonfield']) || !$searchopt[$ID]['searchequalsonfield']) && ($itemtype == AllAssets::getType( ) || $table != $itemtype::getTable( ))) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/Search.php:4634 | 1 | if(isset($searchopt[$ID]["joinparams"]["beforejoin"]["table"]) && isset($searchopt[$ID]["joinparams"]["beforejoin"]["joinparams"]) && (($searchopt[$ID]["joinparams"]["beforejoin"]["table"] == 'glpi_tickets_users') || ($searchopt[$ID]["joinparams"]["beforejoin"]["table"] == 'glpi_problems_users') || ($searchopt[$ID]["joinparams"]["beforejoin"]["table"] == 'glpi_changes_users'))) { /**/ } |
/src/Search.php:1292 | 1 | if(!isset($criterion['itemtype']) || empty($criterion['itemtype']) || !isset($criterion['meta']) || !$criterion['meta'] || !isset($criterion['value']) || strlen($criterion['value']) <= 0) { /**/ } |
/src/Transfer.php:1896 | 1 | if((countElementsInTable("glpi_softwarelicenses", ['softwareversions_id_buy' => $old]) == 0) && (countElementsInTable("glpi_softwarelicenses", ['softwareversions_id_use' => $old]) == 0) && (countElementsInTable("glpi_items_softwareversions", ['softwareversions_id' => $old]) == 0)) { /**/ } |
/src/Search.php:3771 | 1 | if(((($is_fkey_composite_on_self || $table != $orig_table) && (!isset($CFG_GLPI["union_search_type"][$itemtype]) || ($CFG_GLPI["union_search_type"][$itemtype] != $table))) || !empty($complexjoin)) && ($searchopt[$ID]["linkfield"] != getForeignKeyFieldForTable($table))) { /**/ } |
/src/Search.php:3678 | 1 | if(Session::isMultiEntitiesMode( ) && $entity_check && (isset($CFG_GLPI["union_search_type"][$itemtype]) || ($item && $item->maybeRecursive( )) || isset($_SESSION['glpiactiveentities']) && (count($_SESSION["glpiactiveentities"]) > 1))) { /**/ } |
/src/ObjectLock.php:518 | 1 | if((Session::getCurrentInterface( ) == "central") && isset($CFG_GLPI["lock_use_lock_item"]) && $CFG_GLPI["lock_use_lock_item"] && ($CFG_GLPI["lock_lockprofile_id"] > 0) && in_array($itemtype, $CFG_GLPI['lock_item_list']) && Session::haveRightsOr($itemtype::$rightname, [UPDATE, DELETE, PURGE, UPDATENOTE]) && !$template) { /**/ } |
/src/ObjectLock.php:418 | 1 | if($CFG_GLPI["lock_use_lock_item"] && ($CFG_GLPI["lock_lockprofile_id"] > 0) && Session::getCurrentInterface( ) == 'central' && in_array($this->itemtype, $CFG_GLPI['lock_item_list']) && $this->getFromDBByCrit(['itemtype' => $this->itemtype, 'items_id' => $this->itemid])) { /**/ } |
/src/ObjectLock.php:580 | 1 | if((Session::getCurrentInterface( ) == "central") && isset($CFG_GLPI["lock_use_lock_item"]) && $CFG_GLPI["lock_use_lock_item"] && ($CFG_GLPI["lock_lockprofile_id"] > 0) && in_array($itemtype, $CFG_GLPI['lock_item_list'])) { /**/ } |
/src/TicketSatisfaction.php:90 | 1 | if($ticket->isUser(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, Session::getLoginUserID( )) || ($ticket->fields["users_id_recipient"] === Session::getLoginUserID( ) && Session::haveRight('ticket', Ticket::SURVEY)) || (isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && $ticket->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, $_SESSION["glpigroups"]))) { /**/ } |
/src/Toolbox.php:2430 | 1 | if(!isset($url['host']) || (($url['host'] != $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) && (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER']) || ($url['host'] != $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER'])))) { /**/ } |
/src/ObjectLock.php:340 | 1 | if(!($gotIt = $this->getFromDBByCrit(['itemtype' => $this->itemtype, 'items_id' => $this->itemid])) && $id = $this->add(['itemtype' => $this->itemtype, 'items_id' => $this->itemid, 'users_id' => Session::getLoginUserID( )])) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/MassiveAction.php:1510 | 1 | if(($link_entity_type < 0) || ($link_entity_type == $item->getEntityID( )) || ($ent->fields["is_recursive"] && in_array($link_entity_type, getAncestorsOf("glpi_entities", $item->getEntityID( ))))) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/ITILFollowup.php:312 | 1 | if(($parentitem->countUsers(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) > 0) || ($parentitem->countGroups(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) > 0) || ($parentitem->countSuppliers(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) > 0)) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/ITILFollowup.php:304 | 1 | if(isset($this->input["_reopen"]) && $this->input["_reopen"] && in_array($parentitem->fields["status"], $parentitem::getReopenableStatusArray( )) && $this->input['_status'] == $parentitem->fields["status"] && !$is_set_pending) { /**/ } |
/src/RuleDictionnarySoftwareCollection.php:335 | 1 | if((isset($res_rule["name"]) && (strtolower($res_rule["name"]) != strtolower($name))) || (!isset($res_rule["name"]) && isset($res_rule['new_entities_id']) && in_array($res_rule['new_entities_id'], getAncestorsOf('glpi_entities', $entity)))) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/RuleDictionnarySoftwareCollection.php:180 | 1 | if((isset($res_rule["name"]) && (strtolower($res_rule["name"]) != strtolower($input["name"]))) || (isset($res_rule["version"]) && ($res_rule["version"] != '')) || (isset($res_rule['new_entities_id']) && ($res_rule['new_entities_id'] != $input['entities_id'])) || (isset($res_rule['is_helpdesk_visible']) && ($res_rule['is_helpdesk_visible'] != $input['helpdesk'])) || (isset($res_rule['manufacturer']) && ($res_rule['manufacturer'] != $input['manufacturer'])) || (isset($res_rule['softwarecategories_id']) && ($res_rule['softwarecategories_id'] != $input['softwarecategories_id']))) { /**/ } |
/src/Project.php:1442 | 1 | if(isset($input['real_start_date']) && !empty($input['real_start_date']) && isset($input['real_end_date']) && !empty($input['real_end_date']) && (($input['real_end_date'] < $input['real_start_date']) || empty($input['real_start_date']))) { /**/ } |
/src/Project.php:1428 | 1 | if(isset($input['plan_start_date']) && !empty($input['plan_start_date']) && isset($input['plan_end_date']) && !empty($input['plan_end_date']) && (($input['plan_end_date'] < $input['plan_start_date']) || empty($input['plan_start_date']))) { /**/ } |
/src/ITILFollowup.php:158 | 1 | if(!$itilobject->can($this->getField('items_id'), READ) || in_array($itilobject->fields['status'], $itilobject->getClosedStatusArray( )) && !$itilobject->canReopen( )) { /**/ } |
/src/Project.php:2419 | 1 | if(($ID <= 0 && !Project::canView( )) || ($ID > 0 && (!$project->getFromDB($ID) || !$project->canView( )))) { /**/ } |
/src/Config.php:2453 | 1 | if((strcasecmp($lang, $ID) == 0) || (strcasecmp($altLang, $ID) == 0) || (strcasecmp($lang, $language[2]) == 0) || (strcasecmp($lang, $language[3]) == 0)) { /**/ } |
/src/Search.php:6948 | 1 | if($itemtype == 'Ticket' && Session::getCurrentInterface( ) == 'helpdesk' && $orig_id == 8 && !empty($anon_name = Group::getAnonymizedName($itemtype::getById($data['id'])->getEntityId( )))) { /**/ } |
/src/RuleCollection.php:1032 | 1 | if(($action['action_type'] == "assign") && (strpos($action['field'], '_id') !== false) && !(($action['field'] == "entities_id") && ($action['value'] == 0))) { /**/ } |
/src/NotificationTargetObjectLock.php:149 | 1 | if(isset($_SESSION['glpiID']) && ($_SESSION['glpiID'] > 0) && isset($_SESSION['glpilock_directunlock_notification']) && ($_SESSION['glpilock_directunlock_notification'] > 0) && $mails->getFromDBByCrit(['users_id' => $_SESSION['glpiID'], 'is_default' => 1])) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/Search.php:6226 | 1 | if(Session::getCurrentInterface( ) == 'helpdesk' && $orig_id == 5 && !empty($anon_name = User::getAnonymizedNameForUser($data[$ID][$k]['name'], $itemtype::getById($data['id'])->getEntityId( )))) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/Search.php:6213 | 1 | if((isset($data[$ID][$k]['name']) && ($data[$ID][$k]['name'] > 0)) || (isset($data[$ID][$k][2]) && ($data[$ID][$k][2] != ''))) { /**/ } |
/src/Search.php:6364 | 1 | if(isset($data[$ID][$k]['name']) && (strlen(trim($data[$ID][$k]['name'])) > 0) && !in_array($data[$ID][$k]['name'] . "-" . $data[$ID][$k]['profiles_id'], $added)) { /**/ } |
/src/Search.php:6318 | 1 | if(strlen(trim($data[$ID][$k]['name'])) > 0 && !in_array($data[$ID][$k]['name'] . "-" . $data[$ID][$k]['entities_id'], $added)) { /**/ } |