List of all printf(), sprintf(), etc. formats strings mentioned in the code..
Value | Count | File:Line |
"S3::listBuckets(): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::getBucket(): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::putBucket({$bucket}, {$acl}, {$location}): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::deleteBucket({$bucket}): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::putObject(): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::getObject({$bucket}, {$uri}): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::getObjectInfo({$bucket}, {$uri}): [%s] %s" | 1 |
'/%s/%s' | 1 |
"S3::copyObject({$srcBucket}, {$srcUri}, {$bucket}, {$uri}): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::setBucketRedirect({$bucket}, {$location}): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::setBucketLogging({$bucket}, {$targetBucket}): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::getBucketLogging({$bucket}): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::getBucketLocation({$bucket}): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::setAccessControlPolicy({$bucket}, {$uri}): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::getAccessControlPolicy({$bucket}, {$uri}): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::deleteObject(): [%s] %s" | 1 |
($https ? 'https' : 'http') . '://%s/%s?AWSAccessKeyId=%s&Expires=%u&Signature=%s' | 1 |
"S3::createDistribution({$bucket}, " . (int) $enabled . ", [], '$comment'): %s" | 1 |
"S3::createDistribution({$bucket}, " . (int) $enabled . ", [], '$comment'): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::getDistribution($distributionId): %s" | 1 |
"S3::getDistribution($distributionId): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::updateDistribution({$dist['id']}): %s" | 1 |
"S3::updateDistribution({$dist['id']}): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::deleteDistribution({$dist['id']}): %s" | 1 |
"S3::deleteDistribution({$dist['id']}): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::invalidateDistribution(): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::invalidate('{$distributionId}',{$paths}): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::getDistributionInvalidationList(): [%s] %s" | 1 |
"S3::getDistributionInvalidationList('{$distributionId}'): [%s]" | 1 |
'%s:%s' | 1 |
"The action menu for '%s' is not open" | 1 |
'#category-listing .listitem-category[data-id="%d"] > div' | 1 |
'#course-listing .listitem-course[data-id="%d"] > div' | 1 |
'#category-listing .listitem-category[data-id="%d"] .listitem-category[data-id="%d"]' | 1 |
'#category-listing .listitem-category[data-id="%d"][data-visible="1"]' | 1 |
'#category-listing .listitem-category[data-id="%d"][data-visible="0"]' | 1 |
'#course-listing .listitem-course[data-id="%d"][data-visible="1"]' | 1 |
'#course-listing .listitem-course[data-id="%d"][data-visible="0"]' | 1 |
'#course-listing .listitem-course[data-id="%d"][data-visible]' | 1 |
'#category-listing .listitem-category[data-id="%d"][data-visible]' | 1 |
'Member %s does not exist' | 1 |
'3 event %d' | 1 |
'repeat %d' | 1 |
'/%s.*%s/s' | 1 |
'%04o' | 1 |
'%s (%s)' | 1 |
'Unable to generate message : %s' | 1 |
'otpauth://%s/%s?%s' | 1 |
'Parameter "%s" does not exist' | 1 |
'The "%s" digest is not supported.' | 1 |
'tool_usertours_%d_%d_%s' | 1 |
'.block-region .block_%s' | 1 |
'block_%s' | 1 |
'%s <%s>' | 1 |
"{%d+}\r\n" | 1 |
"Could not connect to %s:%d: %s" | 1 |
"Wrong startup greeting (%s:%d): %s" | 1 |
"Empty startup greeting (%s:%d)" | 1 |
'<0.%d>' | 1 |
'%s (%s %s)' | 1 |
'A%04d' | 1 |
"{%d}\r\n%s" | 1 |
'[%s] %s' | 1 |
" %s: %s;" | 1 |
'%04d-%02d-%02d 00:00:00' | 1 |
"NOT {$whereactive}" | 1 |
"NOT {$wheresuspended}" | 1 |
'%.' . $answerlength . 'F' | 1 |
"%s_%06d" | 1 |
'Deprecated call. Please rename your renderables render method from %s to %s.' | 1 |
"[$bar] %3.1f%% %-22s\n" | 1 |
"%-80s\n" | 1 |
"] %3.1f%%\n$msg\n" | 1 |
"%s.%10d" | 1 |
'%.' . $decimalplaces . 'f' | 1 |
"_%2x" | 1 |
'(%s)' | 1 |
'Lock-Token: <%s>' | 1 |
'Authorization: Basic %s' | 1 |
'Authorization: Bearer %s' | 1 |
'%08d' | 1 |
'/CS%d ' | 1 |
'CS %F SCN' | 1 |
'%F %F %F ' | 1 |
'%F %F %F %F ' | 1 |
'BT /F%d %F Tf ET' | 1 |
'%F %F %F %F re %s ' | 1 |
'BT %F Tz ET ' | 1 |
'BT %F Tc ET ' | 1 |
'BT %d Tr %F w ET ' | 1 |
'BT %F Tw ET ' | 1 |
'BT %F %F Td [(%s)] TJ ET' | 1 |
' BT %F %F Td [(%s)] TJ ET' | 1 |
'%F %F %F %F re S ' | 1 |
'The options argument should be an Array, or stdclass. %s passed.' | 1 |
' viewBox="0 0 %F %F" ' | 1 |
'q %F 0 0 %F %F %F cm /I%u Do Q' | 1 |
'/ByteRange[0 %u %u %u]' | 1 |
'%.1F' | 1 |
' [%F %F %F %F]' | 1 |
' %F %F %F' | 1 |
'%04u-%04u' | 1 |
' /A [%F %F]' | 1 |
'%06u' | 1 |
' /BBox [%F %F %F %F]' | 1 |
'/C1 [%F %F %F %F] ' | 1 |
' /OpenAction [' . $this->page_obj_id[1] . ' 0 R /XYZ null null %F]' | 1 |
' [%03d]' | 1 |
'0000000000 %05d f ' | 1 |
'%010d 00000 n ' | 1 |
"%u" | 1 |
"%x" | 1 |
'[%s] %F d' | 1 |
'%F %F m' | 1 |
'%F %F l' | 1 |
'%F %F %F %F re %s' | 1 |
'%F %F %F %F %F %F c' | 1 |
'%F %F %F %F v' | 1 |
'%F %F %F %F y' | 1 |
'[%u 0 R /XYZ %F %F null]' | 1 |
'/Dest [%u 0 R /XYZ %F %F null]' | 1 |
' /F %d' | 1 |
' /C [%F %F %F]' | 1 |
"ftcpdfdocsaved=this.addField('%s','%s',%d,[%F,%F,%F,%F]);" | 1 |
"f" . $name . "=this.addField('%s','%s',%u,[%F,%F,%F,%F]);" | 1 |
'q %s BT /F%d %F Tf %F %F Td (' . chr(108) . ') Tj ET Q' | 1 |
'q %s BT /F%d %F Tf %F %F Td (' . chr(109) . ') Tj ET Q' | 1 |
'q %s BT /F%d %F Tf %F %F Td (' . chr(110) . ') Tj ET Q' | 1 |
'q %s BT /F%d %F Tf %F %F Td (' . chr(111) . ') Tj ET Q' | 1 |
'LYR%03d' | 1 |
'/GS%d gs' | 1 |
' %F %F %F %F re W n' | 1 |
' %F 0 0 %F %F %F cm' | 1 |
'/Coords [%F %F %F %F]' | 1 |
'/Coords [%F %F 0 %F %F %F]' | 1 |
'/CS%d cs %F scn' | 1 |
'/CS%d CS %F SCN' | 1 |
'%2s' | 1 |
'1 0 0 1 %F 0 cm' | 1 |
'%F Tw' | 1 |
'SVG Error: %s at line %d' | 1 |
'%F 0 0 %F %F %F cm' | 1 |
"['RGB',%F,%F,%F]" | 1 |
'%02s' | 1 |
'%032b' | 1 |
'#%02X' | 1 |
'%08b' | 1 |
'%010d' | 1 |
"PEAR destructor called, class=%s\n" | 1 |
'[%s: message="%s" code=%d mode=callback ' . 'callback=%s prefix="%s" info="%s"]' | 1 |
'[%s: message="%s" code=%d mode=%s level=%s ' . 'prefix="%s" info="%s"]' | 1 |
'image%d%s' | 1 |
'Invalid hex color for chart series (color: "%s")' | 1 |
'%02X%02X%02X' | 1 |
"%0{$size}d" | 1 |
"%{$size}.{$decimals}E" | 1 |
'%s0%s' | 1 |
'0%s%%' | 1 |
'_-%s%s%s0%s%s%s_-' | 1 |
'0%sE+00' | 1 |
'%s%s%s0%s%s%s' | 1 |
'\$€£¥%s' | 1 |
'%.1Fpt' | 1 |
'%s%d' | 1 |
'%s Functions:' | 1 |
'Function: %s()' | 1 |
'Function: %s() - %s.' | 1 |
'%s() Result is ' | 1 |
"%s %s%04d" | 1 |
'Invalid scheme: "%s". Allowed values: "mail", "sendmail", "qmail", "smtp", "smtps".' | 1 |
'Unknown option: "%s". Allowed values: "%s"' | 1 |
'%s (From): %s' | 1 |
'-f%s' | 1 |
' =%s' | 1 |
'<%s@%s>' | 1 |
'Content-Type: %s; charset=%s' | 1 |
'--%s%s' | 1 |
'Content-Type: %s; name=%s%s' | 1 |
'Content-Type: %s%s' | 1 |
'Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s%s' | 1 |
'Content-Disposition: %s; filename=%s%s' | 1 |
'Content-Disposition: %s%s' | 1 |
'--%s--%s' | 1 |
',%s%s%s=%s' | 1 |
' and %s%s%s=%s ' | 1 |
',%s%s%s' | 1 |
"Array Of Values: [%s]" | 1 |
'<code class="adodb-debug">%s</code>' | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(%s) FROM %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM %s" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s' | 1 |
"%4d" | 1 |
'%5d' | 1 |
" %2.1f " | 1 |
"<p>%s: '%s' not implemented for driver '%s'</p>" | 1 |
'%s%02d%02d' | 1 |
'SHOW INDEXES FROM `%s`' | 1 |
'SHOW CREATE TABLE `%s`' | 1 |
"DATEADD (second, %s, %s) FROM RDB\$DATABASE" | 1 |
'PRAGMA table_info([%s]);' | 1 |
'No Procedure of name %s available' | 1 |
'No columns of name %s available' | 1 |
'%s is not a valid OUT parameter name' | 1 |
'%s is not a valid IN parameter name' | 1 |
"SELECT name,sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name='%s'" | 1 |
"%s at line %d. " | 1 |
'form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"' | 1 |
'Redirect URI, %s, does not use one of the allowed redirect protocols: %s' | 1 |
'GuzzleHttp/%d' | 1 |
'Argument 2 to %s::log() must be of type %s' | 1 |
'HTTP/%s %d %s' | 1 |
'cURL error %s: %s (%s)' | 1 |
' for %s' | 1 |
'Directory %s does not exist for sink value of %s' | 1 |
"The scheme '%s' is not supported." | 1 |
'Connection refused for URI %s' | 1 |
"Could not resolve IPv4 address for host '%s'" | 1 |
"Could not resolve IPv6 address for host '%s'" | 1 |
'%s: `%s %s` resulted in a `%s %s` response' | 1 |
'%.' . $precision . 'f%%' | 1 |
' is invalid XML, likely due to invalid characters. XML error: %s at line %d, column %d' | 1 |
'%s(): Argument #1 ($cache) must be of type %s|false' | 1 |
'%s(): Argument #3 ($cache_name_function) must be of type %s' | 1 |
'Using the method "set_registry()" without implementing "%s" is deprecated since SimplePie 1.8.0, implement "%s" in "%s".' | 1 |
'%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x' | 1 |
'%03d' | 1 |
'%d-01 Sunday' | 1 |
'%d-01 Monday' | 1 |
'Format "%s" is unknown in time format' | 1 |
'' | 1 |
'%s/%s/%s/%s' | 1 |
'Blocked %s [user %d]' | 1 |
'Exception caught while creating plan for user %d from template %d. Message: %s' | 1 |
"Time taken %s, memory total: %s, Memory growth: %s, Memory peak: %s" | 1 |
'Blocked %s%s: %s' | 1 |
'%s [user %d]' | 1 |
'HTTP Error: %d %s for URI "%s"' | 1 |
"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n%s\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n" | 1 |
'[url=%s]%s[/url]' | 1 |
'<div><br>%s<br></div>' | 1 |
'resource(%d) of type (%s)' | 1 |
"Unknown LogLevel: '%s'" | 1 |
"Logger Error: '%s'" | 1 |
"Error fetching service account access token, message: '%s'" | 1 |
"Error fetching OAuth2 access token, message: '%s'" | 1 |
"Expiration time too far in future: %s" | 1 |
"Token used too early, %s < %s: %s" | 1 |
"Token used too late, %s > %s: %s" | 1 |
"Invalid issuer, %s not in %s: %s" | 1 |
"Wrong recipient, %s != %s:" | 1 |
"%s%s%s" | 1 |
'%s %s' | 1 |
'Attribute "%s" not found in object.' | 1 |
" - %s:\n %s\n\n" | 1 |
" %.03d violations of '%s' (severity: %s)\n%s\n" | 1 |
'Unknown key modifier: %s.' | 1 |
'!admin/cli/adhoc_task.php\W+--id=%d\W+--force!' | 1 |
'!admin/cli/adhoc_task.php\W+--classname=%s\W+--force!' | 1 |
'%s/trashdir/%s/%s' | 1 |
'%s/trashdir/%s' | 1 |
"File not found: %s" | 1 |
'Error executing "%s" on "%s"; %s' | 1 |
'There are no resources to iterate for the %s operation of %s' | 1 |
"%s was set to %s" | 1 |
"%s changed from %s to %s" | 1 |
'%s -> %s (%s)' | 1 |
'MD5 mismatch. Expected %s, found %s' | 1 |
'Attribute MD5 mismatch. Expected %s, found %s' | 1 |
'No Attribute MD5 found. Expected %s' | 1 |
"Found %d error%s while validating the input provided for the " . "%s operation:\n%s" | 1 |
'%0.6f' | 1 |
"exception '%s' with message '%s'\n\n%s" | 1 |
'%04x' | 1 |
'Unknown pragma: "%s".' | 1 |
'Unexpected closing tag: /%s on line %d' | 1 |
'Nesting error: %s (on line %d) vs. %s (on line %d)' | 1 |
'Missing closing tag: %s opened on line %d' | 1 |
'Unexpected id for findAnchoredDot: %s' | 1 |
'Invalid delimiters: %s' | 1 |
'Unclosed tag: %s on line %d' | 1 |
'Unclosed tag on line %d' | 1 |
'Unknown token type: %s' | 1 |
'{{= %s %s =}}' | 1 |
'$this->lambdaHelper->withDelimiters(%s)' | 1 |
', $indent . %s' | 1 |
'call_user_func($this->mustache->getEscape(), %s)' | 1 |
'htmlspecialchars(%s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
'The stream or file "%s" could not be opened.' | 1 |
"%s: %s\n" | 1 |
'Failed to create cache directory "%s".' | 1 |
'Failed to write cache file "%s".' | 1 |
'Failed to read source file "%s".' | 1 |
'FilesystemLoader baseDir must be a directory: %s' | 1 |
'Unknown template: %s' | 1 |
'Unknown helper: %s' | 1 |
'Unknown filter: %s' | 1 |
"Unable to create composer.phar\nPHP error: %s" | 1 |
"Unable to download composer.phar\ncURL error (%d): %s" | 1 |
"Unable to download composer.phar\n" . "404 http status code fetching $composerurl" | 1 |
'XML error %s: %s at line %d, column %d' | 1 |
'Unsupported simple value %d.' | 1 |
'Unknown major type %d.' | 1 |
'Unable to invoke the callable because no value was given for parameter %d ($%s)' | 1 |
'Cannot call %s() on %s because it is not a class nor a valid container entry' | 1 |
'Instance of %s is not a callable' | 1 |
'%s::%s() is not a callable.%s' | 1 |
"Object (\n class = %s\n)" | 1 |
'Value (\'%s\')' | 1 |
"#[Inject(['param' => 'value'])] expects \"value\" to be a string, %s given." | 1 |
'get(%s)' | 1 |
'Environment variable (' . \PHP_EOL . '%s' . \PHP_EOL . ')' | 1 |
"Error while parsing string expression for entry '%s': %s" | 1 |
'An unknown error occurred while parsing the string definition: \'%s\'' | 1 |
'Definition %s tries to add array entries but the previous definition is not an array' | 1 |
'method(%s)' | 1 |
'Cannot autowire entry "%s" because autowiring is disabled' | 1 |
'#[Inject] annotation on property %s::%s is malformed. %s' | 1 |
'#[Inject] found on property %s::%s but unable to guess what to inject, the type of the property does not look like a valid class or interface name' | 1 |
'#[Inject] found on property %s::%s but unable to guess what to inject, please add a type to the property' | 1 |
'Error while reading #[Injectable] on %s: %s' | 1 |
'Definition "%s" contains an error: %s' | 1 |
"Parameter with name '%s' could not be found. %s." | 1 |
'%s' . \PHP_EOL . 'Full definition:' . \PHP_EOL . '%s' | 1 |
' class = %s%s' | 1 |
'Object (' . \PHP_EOL . '%s' . \PHP_EOL . ')' | 1 |
\PHP_EOL . ' __construct(' . \PHP_EOL . ' %s' . \PHP_EOL . ' )' | 1 |
\PHP_EOL . ' $%s = %s' | 1 |
\PHP_EOL . ' %s(' . \PHP_EOL . ' %s' . \PHP_EOL . ' )' | 1 |
'$%s = %s' | 1 |
'$%s = (default value) %s' | 1 |
'$%s = #UNDEFINED#' | 1 |
'The decorator "%s" is not callable' | 1 |
'Error while resolving %s[%s]. %s' | 1 |
'Entry "%s" cannot be resolved: factory %s. Invokable classes cannot be automatically resolved if autowiring is disabled on the container, you need to enable autowiring or define the entry manually.' | 1 |
'Entry "%s" cannot be resolved: factory %s' | 1 |
'Entry "%s" cannot be resolved: the class doesn\'t exist' | 1 |
'Entry "%s" cannot be resolved: the class is not instantiable' | 1 |
'Error while injecting in %s::%s. %s' | 1 |
"The environment variable '%s' has not been defined" | 1 |
'$object = new %s(%s);' | 1 |
'$object->%s = %s;' | 1 |
'\DI\Definition\Resolver\ObjectCreator::setPrivatePropertyValue(%s, $object, \'%s\', %s);' | 1 |
'$object->%s(%s);' | 1 |
'Entry "%s" cannot be compiled: %s' | 1 |
'Entry "%s" cannot be compiled: anonymous classes cannot be compiled' | 1 |
'Error while creating temporary file in %s' | 1 |
'Error while writing to %s' | 1 |
'Error while renaming %s to %s' | 1 |
'Error while compiling %s. %s' | 1 |
'return call_user_func(%s, %s, $this->delegateContainer);' | 1 |
'Entry "%s" cannot be compiled. Invokable classes cannot be automatically resolved if autowiring is disabled on the container, you need to enable autowiring or define the entry manually.' | 1 |
'return $this->resolveFactory(%s, %s%s);' | 1 |
'Compilation directory does not exist and cannot be created: %s.' | 1 |
'Compilation directory is not writable: %s.' | 1 |
'Invalid value source "%s".' | 1 |
'Cannot convert the value of type "%s" to a Sass value.' | 1 |
'The "%s" method is deprecated. Use "compileString" instead.' | 1 |
'data:application/json,%s' | 1 |
'/*# sourceMappingURL=%s */' | 1 |
'Overriding the "%s" core function by extending the Compiler is deprecated and will be unsupported in 2.0. Remove the "%s::%s" method.' | 1 |
'Registering custom functions by extending the Compiler and using the lib* discovery mechanism is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0. Replace the "%s::%s" method with registering the "%s" function through "Compiler::registerFunction".' | 1 |
'#%02x%02x%02x' | 1 |
'Invalid output style "%s".' | 1 |
'The "%s" function is a core sass function. Overriding it with a custom implementation through "%s" is deprecated and won\'t be supported in ScssPhp 2.0 anymore.' | 1 |
'closure{%s:%s}' | 1 |
'Returning a file to import for CSS or external references in custom importer callables is deprecated and will not be supported anymore in ScssPhp 2.0. This behavior is not compliant with the Sass specification. Update your "%s" importer.' | 1 |
'The "%s" method is deprecated. Parsing will only support UTF-8 in ScssPhp 2.0. The non-UTF-8 parsing of ScssPhp 1.x is not spec compliant.' | 1 |
'Returning a PHP value from the "%s" custom function is deprecated. A sass value must be returned instead.' | 1 |
'Argument $%s was passed both by position and by name.' | 1 |
'Missing argument $%s' | 1 |
'Only %d %sargument%s allowed, but %d %s passed.' | 1 |
'"%s" is deprecated since 1.7.0.' | 1 |
'RGB parameters may not be passed along with %s parameters.' | 1 |
'#%02X%02X%02X%02X' | 1 |
'The "scssphp-glob" function is deprecated an will be removed in ScssPhp 2.0. Register your own alternative through "%s::registerFunction' | 1 |
'The directory "%s" does not exist. Cannot save the source map.' | 1 |
'Cannot save the source map to "%s"' | 1 |
'Expected %s to have no units.' | 1 |
'Expected %s to have unit "%s".' | 1 |
'The "%s" class is deprecated.' | 1 |
'%.0f' | 1 |
'Invalid node encountered: %s' | 1 |
'Expected one of the following: %s; found %s "%s"' | 1 |
'Argument %d of %s %s' | 1 |
'Type error: %s %s' | 1 |
'Unable to write the compiled PHP code to: %s (%s)' | 1 |
'\'%s\'.%s%s:\'%s\'.%s%s' | 1 |
' fo:text-align="%s" ' | 1 |
' fo:vertical-align="%s" ' | 1 |
' %s ' | 1 |
' fo:background-color="#%s" ' | 1 |
"%-{$defaultStringsCountPartLength}s" | 1 |
'<fills count="%d">' | 1 |
'<fill><patternFill patternType="solid"><fgColor rgb="%s"/></patternFill></fill>' | 1 |
' applyBorder="%d"' | 1 |
' horizontal="%s"' | 1 |
' vertical="%s"' | 1 |
'<color rgb="%s"/>' | 1 |
'<%s style="%s">%s</%s>' | 1 |
'\'%s\'!$%s$%s:$%s$%s' | 1 |
'%s%s:%s%s' | 1 |
'<dimension ref="%s"/>' | 1 |
'<autoFilter ref="%s"/>' | 1 |
'<mergeCell ref="%s:%s"/>' | 1 |
"%s format (%s = HTML, %s = MOODLE, %s = PLAIN, or %s = MARKDOWN)" | 1 |
'SELECT consumer_pk, name, consumer_key256, consumer_key, secret, lti_version, ' . 'consumer_name, consumer_version, consumer_guid, ' . 'profile, tool_proxy, settings, protected, enabled, ' . 'enable_from, enable_until, last_access, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONSUMER_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . "WHERE consumer_pk = %d" | 1 |
'SELECT consumer_pk, name, consumer_key256, consumer_key, secret, lti_version, ' . 'consumer_name, consumer_version, consumer_guid, ' . 'profile, tool_proxy, settings, protected, enabled, ' . 'enable_from, enable_until, last_access, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONSUMER_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . "WHERE consumer_key256 = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONSUMER_TABLE_NAME . ' (consumer_key256, consumer_key, name, ' . 'secret, lti_version, consumer_name, consumer_version, consumer_guid, profile, tool_proxy, settings, protected, enabled, ' . 'enable_from, enable_until, last_access, created, updated) ' . 'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
"UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONSUMER_TABLE_NAME . ' SET ' . 'consumer_key256 = %s, consumer_key = %s, ' . 'name = %s, secret= %s, lti_version = %s, consumer_name = %s, consumer_version = %s, consumer_guid = %s, ' . 'profile = %s, tool_proxy = %s, settings = %s, ' . 'protected = %d, enabled = %d, enable_from = %s, enable_until = %s, last_access = %s, updated = %s ' . 'WHERE consumer_pk = %d' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::NONCE_TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE consumer_pk = %d' | 1 |
'DELETE sk ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . ' sk ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON sk.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'WHERE rl.consumer_pk = %d' | 1 |
'DELETE sk ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . ' sk ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON sk.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ON rl.context_pk = c.context_pk ' . 'WHERE c.consumer_pk = %d' | 1 |
'DELETE u ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' u ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON u.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'WHERE rl.consumer_pk = %d' | 1 |
'DELETE u ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' u ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON u.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ON rl.context_pk = c.context_pk ' . 'WHERE c.consumer_pk = %d' | 1 |
"UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' prl ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON prl.primary_resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'SET prl.primary_resource_link_pk = NULL, prl.share_approved = NULL ' . 'WHERE rl.consumer_pk = %d' | 1 |
"UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' prl ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON prl.primary_resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ON rl.context_pk = c.context_pk ' . 'SET prl.primary_resource_link_pk = NULL, prl.share_approved = NULL ' . 'WHERE c.consumer_pk = %d' | 1 |
'DELETE rl ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ' . 'WHERE rl.consumer_pk = %d' | 1 |
'DELETE rl ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ON rl.context_pk = c.context_pk ' . 'WHERE c.consumer_pk = %d' | 1 |
'DELETE c ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ' . 'WHERE c.consumer_pk = %d' | 1 |
'DELETE c ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONSUMER_TABLE_NAME . ' c ' . 'WHERE c.consumer_pk = %d' | 1 |
'SELECT context_pk, consumer_pk, lti_context_id, type, settings, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (context_pk = %d)' | 1 |
'SELECT context_pk, consumer_pk, lti_context_id, type, settings, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (consumer_pk = %d) AND (lti_context_id = %s)' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' (consumer_pk, lti_context_id, ' . 'type, settings, created, updated) ' . 'VALUES (%d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
"UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' SET ' . 'lti_context_id = %s, type = %s, settings = %s, ' . 'updated = %s' . 'WHERE (consumer_pk = %d) AND (context_pk = %d)' | 1 |
'DELETE sk ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . ' sk ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON sk.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'WHERE rl.context_pk = %d' | 1 |
'DELETE u ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' u ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON u.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'WHERE rl.context_pk = %d' | 1 |
"UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' prl ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON prl.primary_resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'SET prl.primary_resource_link_pk = null, prl.share_approved = null ' . 'WHERE rl.context_pk = %d' | 1 |
'DELETE rl ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ' . 'WHERE rl.context_pk = %d' | 1 |
'DELETE c ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ' | 1 |
'SELECT resource_link_pk, context_pk, consumer_pk, lti_resource_link_id, settings, primary_resource_link_pk, share_approved, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (resource_link_pk = %d)' | 1 |
'SELECT resource_link_pk, context_pk, consumer_pk, lti_resource_link_id, settings, primary_resource_link_pk, share_approved, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (context_pk = %d) AND (lti_resource_link_id = %s)' | 1 |
'SELECT r.resource_link_pk, r.context_pk, r.consumer_pk, r.lti_resource_link_id, r.settings, r.primary_resource_link_pk, r.share_approved, r.created, r.updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' r LEFT OUTER JOIN ' . $this->dbTableNamePrefix . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ON r.context_pk = c.context_pk ' . ' WHERE ((r.consumer_pk = %d) OR (c.consumer_pk = %d)) AND (lti_resource_link_id = %s)' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' (consumer_pk, context_pk, ' . 'lti_resource_link_id, settings, primary_resource_link_pk, share_approved, created, updated) ' . 'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
"UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' SET ' . 'consumer_pk = %s, lti_resource_link_id = %s, settings = %s, ' . 'primary_resource_link_pk = %s, share_approved = %s, updated = %s ' . 'WHERE (context_pk = %s) AND (resource_link_pk = %d)' | 1 |
"UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' SET ' . 'context_pk = %s, lti_resource_link_id = %s, settings = %s, ' . 'primary_resource_link_pk = %s, share_approved = %s, updated = %s ' . 'WHERE (consumer_pk = %s) AND (resource_link_pk = %d)' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (resource_link_pk = %d)' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (resource_link_pk = %d)' | 1 |
"UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'SET primary_resource_link_pk = NULL ' . 'WHERE (primary_resource_link_pk = %d)' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (resource_link_pk = %s)' | 1 |
'SELECT u.user_pk, u.lti_result_sourcedid, u.lti_user_id, u.created, u.updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' AS u ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' AS rl ' . 'ON u.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . "WHERE (rl.resource_link_pk = %d) AND (rl.primary_resource_link_pk IS NULL)" | 1 |
'SELECT u.user_pk, u.lti_result_sourcedid, u.lti_user_id, u.created, u.updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' AS u ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' AS rl ' . 'ON u.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'WHERE ((rl.resource_link_pk = %d) AND (rl.primary_resource_link_pk IS NULL)) OR ' . '((rl.primary_resource_link_pk = %d) AND (share_approved = 1))' | 1 |
'SELECT consumer_pk, resource_link_pk, share_approved ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (primary_resource_link_pk = %d) ' . 'ORDER BY consumer_pk' | 1 |
"SELECT value AS T FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::NONCE_TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE (consumer_pk = %d) AND (value = %s)' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::NONCE_TABLE_NAME . " (consumer_pk, value, expires) VALUES (%d, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . '(share_key_id, resource_link_pk, auto_approve, expires) ' . "VALUES (%s, %d, {$approve}, '{$expires}')" | 1 |
'SELECT user_pk, resource_link_pk, lti_user_id, lti_result_sourcedid, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (user_pk = %d)' | 1 |
'SELECT user_pk, resource_link_pk, lti_user_id, lti_result_sourcedid, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (resource_link_pk = %d) AND (lti_user_id = %s)' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' (resource_link_pk, ' . 'lti_user_id, lti_result_sourcedid, created, updated) ' . 'VALUES (%d, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
"UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'SET lti_result_sourcedid = %s, updated = %s ' . 'WHERE (user_pk = %d)' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (user_pk = %d)' | 1 |
"'%s'" | 1 |
"%f" | 1 |
'Next token was expected to be an operand of type %s. Instead "%s" was found.' | 1 |
'%02x%02x%02x' | 1 |
"%s#/room/%s" | 1 |
"%s/%s" | 1 |
'XML error: %s at line %d, column %d' | 1 |
'missing file (%s) contenthash in backup for component %s' | 1 |
"%d courses" | 1 |
"%.7F" | 1 |
'%s%04x%04x%s' | 1 |
'%04x%04x' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM {badge_issued} WHERE %s = ?' | 1 |
"Processed %s posts" | 1 |
"Queued %d digests and %d messages for %s" | 1 |
"Queued %d digests, and %d individual tasks for %d post mails. " . "Unique users: %d (%d ignored)" | 1 |
'Invalid page orientation "%s"! Only "P" and "L" are allowed!' | 1 |
"BT /F%d %.2F Tf ET\n" | 1 |
'/BBox[0 0 %.2F %.2F]' | 1 |
'Invalid type in $file parameter (%s)' | 1 |
'No pdf reader with the given id (%s) exists.' | 1 |
'Box name is invalid: "%s"' | 1 |
"Page doesn't have a boundary box (%s)." | 1 |
'%.5F' | 1 |
'%.2F %.2F %.2F %.2F' | 1 |
'%.2F ' | 1 |
'/Dest [%d 0 R /XYZ 0 %.2F null]>>' | 1 |
'Offset (%s) out of range (length: %s)' | 1 |
'Unexpected data in xref table (%s)' | 1 |
'Unexpected end of cross reference. "trailer"-keyword expected, got: %s.' | 1 |
'Object (id:%s) not found.' | 1 |
'Object (id:%s) not found at location (%s).' | 1 |
'Wrong object found, got %s while %s was expected.' | 1 |
'Unsupported filter "%s".' | 1 |
'Array with %s entries expected.' | 1 |
'Page number "%s" out of available page range (1 - %s)' | 1 |
'FROM {glossary_entries} %s' | 1 |
'(%s.glossaryid = :gid OR %s.sourceglossaryid = :gid2)' | 1 |
'%s != 0 OR %s = :toapproveuserid' | 1 |
'%s != 0' | 1 |
'%s = 0' | 1 |
"(%s = :filterterma OR %s = :filtertermb)" | 1 |
'LEFT JOIN {glossary_alias} %s ON %s = %s' | 1 |
'JOIN {glossary_entries_categories} %s ON %s = %s' | 1 |
'JOIN {glossary_categories} %s ON %s = %s' | 1 |
'LEFT JOIN {glossary_entries_categories} %s ON %s = %s' | 1 |
'JOIN {glossary_entries_categories} %s ON %s = %s AND %s = :joincategoryid' | 1 |
"$join {user} %s ON %s = %s" | 1 |
"%02f" | 1 |
'%s-%s-%s' | 1 |
'%s[%s]' | 1 |
'moodle-mod_bigbluebuttonbn (%s)' | 1 |
"%s-%s-%s" | 1 |
"%s-%s-%s[%d]" | 1 |
"%s-%s" | 1 |
'(%s) %s' | 2 |
"S3::listDistributions(): [%s] %s" | 2 |
"S3::listOriginAccessIdentities(): [%s] %s" | 2 |
'/mod/%s/view.php' | 2 |
'1 event %d' | 2 |
'2 event %d' | 2 |
'<p>' . $lang->getShouldHaveBeenRedirected( ) . '</p>' | 2 |
" %s (%d)" | 2 |
'%.2f' | 2 |
"%7s %-12s %-9s %-20s %-52s\n" | 2 |
'%s.%s' | 2 |
'****** [%d]' | 2 |
'%04d-%02d-%02d%s' | 2 |
'table tbody tr td.commentcount a:contains("%s")' | 2 |
'table tbody tr td.questionusage a:contains("%s")' | 2 |
"%." . $regs[4] . 'f' | 2 |
'%.' . $length . 'g' | 2 |
"%s AND %s" | 2 |
'(objectClass=%s)' | 2 |
'%s %s %s' | 2 |
'Host: %s:%s' | 2 |
'User-Agent: %s' | 2 |
'cs %F scn' | 2 |
'The following options are not valid: %s' | 2 |
' %F' | 2 |
' /Dest [%u 0 R /XYZ 0 %F null]' | 2 |
'%F %F' | 2 |
'1 0 0 1 0 %F cm' | 2 |
'1 0 0 1 %F %F cm' | 2 |
'%05d' | 2 |
'CONDITIONAL %d' | 2 |
'#%s' | 2 |
'Directory "%s" was not created' | 2 |
'=%s' | 2 |
"%s\n%s\n %s %s \n%s\n" | 2 |
'%2.2f' | 2 |
'%12.4f' | 2 |
'%c%c%c' | 2 |
"<p>%s: '%s' using of undefined mode '%s'</p>" | 2 |
"%.1f" | 2 |
"<b>Run #%s:</b> %s" | 2 |
'%%%02X' | 2 |
'%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s' | 2 |
'%02u' | 2 |
'%s%s%s%s' | 2 |
"HTTP Error: Unable to connect: '%s'" | 2 |
'%s/filedir/%s' | 2 |
'%s() expects exactly 0 parameters, %d given' | 2 |
'%02x' | 2 |
'No directories can be created inside %s, check the directory permissions.' | 2 |
'Mismatched tag delimiters: %s on line %d' | 2 |
'%s/%s.php' | 2 |
'Unexpected logging level: %s' | 2 |
'%s is not a callable' | 2 |
'Entry "%s" decorates nothing: no previous definition with the same name was found' | 2 |
'Entry "%s" cannot be resolved: %s' | 2 |
'Error while injecting dependencies into %s: %s' | 2 |
'Parameter $%s of %s has no value defined or guessable' | 2 |
'The parameter "%s" of %s has no type defined or guessable. It has a default value, ' . 'but the default value can\'t be read through Reflection because it is a PHP internal class.' | 2 |
'No argument%s named $%s%s.' | 2 |
'Expected %s to be within %s%s and %s%3$s.' | 2 |
'q 0 J 1 w 0 j 0 G 0 g %.4F 0 0 %.4F %.4F %.4F cm /%s Do Q' | 2 |
'%.2F w' | 2 |
'BT /F%d %.2F Tf ET' | 2 |
'upper(%s)' | 2 |
'%01.4f' | 2 |
'Could not find actions menu for the activity "%s"' | 3 |
'%s%s%s' | 3 |
'%.' . $length . 'F' | 3 |
'Destination: http://%s%s' | 3 |
'%F ' | 3 |
'%F %F %F %F re f' | 3 |
'%F w' | 3 |
'%F %F %F' | 3 |
'%17b' | 3 |
'%04s' | 3 |
'%.4f' | 3 |
'%s (%s): %s' | 3 |
'%02X' | 3 |
'<p>Bad $rs in %s. Connection or SQL invalid. Try using $connection->debug=true;</p>' | 3 |
':%s' | 3 |
'% 2u' | 3 |
'Value (%s)' | 3 |
'Duplicate named argument $%s.' | 3 |
'%s/mod/forum/index.php?id=42' | 3 |
'%s/mod/forum/view.php?id=29' | 3 |
'%s/mod/forum/view.php?f=31' | 3 |
'%s/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=26&parent=99' | 3 |
'%s/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=26&parent=99' | 3 |
'%s/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=1040#9930' | 3 |
'%s/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=9304' | 3 |
"%s-%s-%s[0]" | 3 |
'tool_usertours_\d_%d_%s' | 4 |
'%F %F %F %F %F %F cm' | 4 |
'%04d' | 4 |
'%s_%d_%d' | 4 |
'%s: %s' | 4 |
"%.1f%%" | 4 |
'%s() expects exactly 1 parameter, %d given' | 4 |
'&#%d;' | 4 |
'Incompatible units %s and %s.' | 4 |
"% 10s| % -60s\n" | 5 |
"%02d" | 5 |
'The "%s" method is deprecated.' | 5 |
'%F %F %F %F' | 6 |
'/F%d %F Tf %s' | 6 |
'%u' | 6 |
'%s/%s' | 7 |
"XML error: %s at line %d" | 8 |
'%02d' | 8 |
'%F %F m ' | 16 |
"%.3f" | 23 |
'%F' | 24 |
'%F %F l ' | 28 |
'Event %d' | 35 |