List of all defined interfaces in the code..
Value | Count | File:Line |
packable | 1 |
predictor | 1 |
classifier | 1 |
analysable | 1 |
FilterInterface | 1 |
report | 1 |
datafield_provider | 1 |
regressor | 1 |
before_now | 1 |
after_now | 1 |
H5peditorStorage | 1 |
H5PFrameworkInterface | 1 |
workshop_strategy | 1 |
H5PEditorAjaxInterface | 1 |
cc_i_metadata_resource | 1 |
cc_i_metadata_manifest | 1 |
H5PFileStorage | 1 |
cc_i_metadata_file | 1 |
assignfeedback_provider | 1 |
assignfeedback_user_provider | 1 |
assignsubmission_provider | 1 |
assignsubmission_user_provider | 1 |
workshop_allocator | 1 |
workshopform_provider | 1 |
quizaccess_user_provider | 1 |
quizaccess_provider | 1 |
form_provider | 1 |
loggable | 1 |
communication_provider | 1 |
room_user_provider | 1 |
user_provider | 1 |
room_chat_provider | 1 |
converter_interface | 1 |
synchronise_provider | 1 |
cc_i_item | 1 |
cc_i_resource | 1 |
cc_i_manifest | 1 |
cc_i_organization | 1 |
processable | 1 |
annotable | 1 |
checksumable | 1 |
executable | 1 |
IMigrationDatabase | 1 |
ICache | 1 |
ICookie | 1 |
ILtiDeployment | 1 |
IMessageValidator | 1 |
ILtiRegistration | 1 |
IServiceRequest | 1 |
plugin_with_menuitems | 1 |
portfolio_provider | 1 |
Commentable | 1 |
AtRule | 1 |
Renderable | 1 |
Serializable | 1 |
Signer | 1 |
ILtiServiceConnector | 1 |
IDatabase | 1 |
RowIteratorInterface | 1 |
SheetWithVisibilityInterface | 1 |
SheetInterface | 1 |
CachingStrategyFactoryInterface | 1 |
CachingStrategyInterface | 1 |
FileSystemHelperInterface | 1 |
EscaperInterface | 1 |
WriterInterface | 1 |
WorksheetManagerInterface | 1 |
WorkbookManagerInterface | 1 |
FileSystemWithRootFolderHelperInterface | 1 |
plugin_with_buttons | 1 |
plugin_with_configuration | 1 |
SassException | 1 |
EventDispatcherInterface | 1 |
ListenerProviderInterface | 1 |
StoppableEventInterface | 1 |
ContainerInterface | 1 |
NotFoundExceptionInterface | 1 |
SheetIteratorInterface | 1 |
ContainerExceptionInterface | 1 |
Mustache_Loader_MutableLoader | 1 |
dynamic | 1 |
Mustache_Source | 1 |
plagiarism_user_provider | 1 |
Mustache_Exception | 1 |
plagiarism_provider | 1 |
FactoryInterface | 1 |
node | 1 |
Definition | 1 |
content_item_readonly_repository_interface | 1 |
InvokerInterface | 1 |
title | 1 |
ParameterResolver | 1 |
event_vault_interface | 1 |
DefinitionSource | 1 |
raw_event_retrieval_strategy_interface | 1 |
Autowiring | 1 |
description_interface | 1 |
ExtendsPreviousDefinition | 1 |
SelfResolvingDefinition | 1 |
DefinitionResolver | 1 |
RequestedEntry | 1 |
MutableDefinitionSource | 1 |
DefinitionHelper | 1 |
PartitionInterface | 1 |
SessionConnectionInterface | 1 |
BucketArnInterface | 1 |
MonitoringMiddlewareInterface | 1 |
settable_editor | 1 |
ProviderInterface | 1 |
CredentialsInterface | 1 |
Mustache_Cache | 1 |
Mustache_Logger | 1 |
Mustache_Loader | 1 |
behat_session_interface | 1 |
AccessPointArnInterface | 1 |
OutpostsArnInterface | 1 |
ArnInterface | 1 |
SignatureInterface | 1 |
AesStreamInterface | 1 |
MaterialsProviderInterface | 1 |
S3ClientInterface | 1 |
CipherMethod | 1 |
MetadataStrategyInterface | 1 |
TokenInterface | 1 |
AesStreamInterfaceV2 | 1 |
MaterialsProviderInterfaceV2 | 1 |
CommandInterface | 1 |
ResultInterface | 1 |
RefreshableTokenProviderInterface | 1 |
TokenAuthorization | 1 |
ResponseContainerInterface | 1 |
HashInterface | 1 |
ConfigurationProviderInterface | 1 |
file_progress | 1 |
tgz_extractor_handler | 1 |
AwsClientInterface | 1 |
MonitoringEventsInterface | 1 |
MarkdownInterface | 1 |
Google_Task_Retryable | 1 |
not_deprecated_interface | 1 |
deprecated_interface | 1 |
JWTExceptionWithPayloadInterface | 1 |
deprecated_callback_replacement | 1 |
described_hook | 1 |
discovery_agent | 1 |
manager | 1 |
sql_internal_table_reader | 1 |
sql_reader | 1 |
reader | 1 |
task_logger | 1 |
url_rewriter | 1 |
named_templatable | 1 |
lock_factory | 1 |
issuer_interface | 1 |
core_string_manager | 1 |
Base | 1 |
DataCache | 1 |
RegistryAware | 1 |
NameFilter | 1 |
iXHProfRuns | 1 |
SimplePie_Cache_Base | 1 |
CookieJarInterface | 1 |
GuzzleException | 1 |
BodySummarizerInterface | 1 |
CurlFactoryInterface | 1 |
MessageFormatterInterface | 1 |
RequestFactoryInterface | 1 |
OAuthTokenProvider | 1 |
UriFactoryInterface | 1 |
ServerRequestFactoryInterface | 1 |
StreamFactoryInterface | 1 |
UploadedFileFactoryInterface | 1 |
RequestExceptionInterface | 1 |
NetworkExceptionInterface | 1 |
ClientExceptionInterface | 1 |
InvalidArgumentException | 1 |
ResponseFactoryInterface | 1 |
CacheException | 1 |
ITextElement | 1 |
IReader | 1 |
IRenderer | 1 |
WizardInterface | 1 |
Wizard | 1 |
IValueBinder | 1 |
AddressRange | 1 |
Operand | 1 |
IWriter | 1 |
renderable | 1 |
templatable | 1 |
renderer_factory | 1 |
part_of_admin_tree | 1 |
parentable_part_of_admin_tree | 1 |
ConverterInterface | 1 |
IComparable | 1 |
IReadFilter | 1 |
question_response_files | 1 |
qtype_calculated_question_with_expressions | 1 |
question_response_answer_comparer | 1 |
question_grading_strategy | 1 |
webservice_server_interface | 1 |
webservice_test_client_interface | 1 |
question_variant_selection_strategy | 1 |
question_usage_observer | 1 |
filterable_items | 1 |
selectable_items | 1 |
unique_name | 1 |
unique_value | 1 |
question_automatically_gradable_with_countback | 1 |
question_automatically_gradable | 1 |
question_manually_gradable | 1 |
menuable_action | 1 |
advancedgrading_mapping | 1 |
fieldname_mapping | 1 |
favourite_repository_interface | 1 |
gradingform_provider_v2 | 1 |
be_checked | 1 |
be_disabled | 1 |
itemnumber_mapping | 1 |
be_readonly | 1 |
EncoderInterface | 1 |
import_strategy | 1 |
OTPInterface | 1 |
TOTPInterface | 1 |
action_interface | 1 |
action_event_interface | 1 |
event_collection_interface | 1 |
event_interface | 1 |
shared_data_provider | 1 |
core_userlist_provider | 1 |
deprecated | 1 |
manager_observer | 1 |
action_factory_interface | 1 |
times_interface | 1 |
proxy_interface | 1 |
create_update_form_mapper_interface | 1 |
event_mapper_interface | 1 |
event_factory_interface | 1 |
CAS_ProxiedService_Testable | 1 |
CAS_ProxiedService_Http | 1 |
LoggerAwareInterface | 1 |
object_factor | 1 |
linkable_settings_page | 1 |
AssertionFailedException | 1 |
gateway_interface | 1 |
CAS_ProxiedService | 1 |
customfield_provider | 1 |
CAS_Languages_LanguageInterface | 1 |
CAS_Exception | 1 |
CAS_Request_RequestInterface | 1 |
CAS_ServiceBaseUrl_Interface | 1 |
CAS_ProxyChain_Interface | 1 |
CAS_Request_MultiRequestInterface | 1 |
subplugin_provider | 1 |
subsystem_provider | 1 |
plugin_provider | 1 |
null_provider | 1 |
type | 1 |
shared_userlist_provider | 1 |
userlist_provider | 1 |
data_provider | 1 |
user_preference_provider | 1 |
context_aware_provider | 1 |
core_data_provider | 1 |
core_user_data_provider | 1 |
content_writer | 1 |
logstore_userlist_provider | 1 |
logstore_provider | 1 |
store | 1 |
writer | 1 |
ReaderInterface | 2 |
StyleManagerInterface | 2 |
LoggerInterface | 2 |
ServerRequestInterface | 2 |
StreamInterface | 2 |
UriInterface | 2 |
RequestInterface | 2 |
UploadedFileInterface | 2 |
MessageInterface | 2 |
ResponseInterface | 2 |
CacheInterface | 2 |
ClientInterface | 2 |
provider | 3 |
ConfigurationInterface | 9 |