List of all defined functions in the code..
Value | Count | File:Line |
ctype_alnum | 1 |
lens_ParseArgs | 1 |
_PEAR_call_destructors | 1 |
lens_ParseTest | 1 |
get_formatted_help_string | 1 |
getallheaders | 1 |
is_in_popup | 1 |
print_password_policy | 1 |
_adodb_getmenu_select | 1 |
_adodb_getmenu_option | 1 |
_adodb_getmenu | 1 |
_adodb_getmenu_gp | 1 |
adodb_transpose | 1 |
_adodb_replace | 1 |
adodb_strip_order_by | 1 |
adodb_probetypes | 1 |
obfuscate_mailto | 1 |
obfuscate_text | 1 |
obfuscate_email | 1 |
redirect | 1 |
notice | 1 |
print_grade_menu | 1 |
navmenulist | 1 |
fix_align_rtl | 1 |
right_to_left | 1 |
print_location_comment | 1 |
debugging | 1 |
set_debugging | 1 |
print_tabs | 1 |
print_maintenance_message | 1 |
rebuildnolinktag | 1 |
get_html_lang | 1 |
send_headers | 1 |
link_arrow_right | 1 |
link_arrow_left | 1 |
extract_draft_file_urls_from_text | 1 |
highlight | 1 |
highlightfast | 1 |
get_html_lang_attribute_value | 1 |
print_collapsible_region_end | 1 |
print_group_picture | 1 |
get_group_picture_url | 1 |
print_recent_activity_note | 1 |
get_accesshide | 1 |
get_separator | 1 |
print_collapsible_region | 1 |
print_collapsible_region_start | 1 |
trusttext_strip | 1 |
strip_pluginfile_content | 1 |
trusttext_trusted | 1 |
trusttext_pre_edit | 1 |
wikify_links | 1 |
strip_links | 1 |
format_module_intro | 1 |
format_text_email | 1 |
markdown_to_html | 1 |
text_to_html | 1 |
content_to_text | 1 |
html_to_text | 1 |
clean_text | 1 |
trusttext_active | 1 |
purify_html | 1 |
is_purify_html_necessary | 1 |
adodb_error_ifx | 1 |
adodb_error_oci8 | 1 |
adodb_error_odbc | 1 |
adodb_error_ibase | 1 |
adodb_error_mysql | 1 |
ADODB_Error_PEAR | 1 |
adodb_error_mssql | 1 |
adodb_error_sqlite | 1 |
adodb_date_test_strftime | 1 |
adodb_date_test | 1 |
ADODB_PEAR_Error | 1 |
adodb_date_test_date | 1 |
_adodb_is_leap_year | 1 |
adodb_is_leap_year | 1 |
adodb_time | 1 |
adodb_dow | 1 |
adodb_getmem | 1 |
rs2html | 1 |
adodb_log_sql | 1 |
adodb_microtime | 1 |
adodb_round | 1 |
ADODB_Error_Handler | 1 |
PivotTableSQL | 1 |
arr2html | 1 |
adodb_error_pg | 1 |
adodb_error | 1 |
adodb_errormsg | 1 |
adodb_throw | 1 |
rs2tabout | 1 |
_adodb_export | 1 |
ADODB_Setup | 1 |
_adodb_safedate | 1 |
_adodb_safedateq | 1 |
ADODB_TransMonitor | 1 |
ADOLoadDB | 1 |
ADOLoadCode | 1 |
NewADOConnection | 1 |
ADONewConnection | 1 |
_adodb_getdriver | 1 |
NewPerfMonitor | 1 |
newDataDictionary | 1 |
adodb_pr | 1 |
adodb_backtrace | 1 |
_adodb_pageexecute_all_rows | 1 |
_adodb_getcount | 1 |
_adodb_quote_fieldname | 1 |
_adodb_pageexecute_no_last_page | 1 |
adodb_key_exists | 1 |
_adodb_getupdatesql | 1 |
_adodb_column_sql_oci8 | 1 |
_adodb_getinsertsql | 1 |
_adodb_debug_execute | 1 |
_adodb_column_sql | 1 |
rs2csv | 1 |
_adodb_backtrace | 1 |
rs2csvout | 1 |
rs2csvfile | 1 |
rs2tabfile | 1 |
rs2tab | 1 |
init_metrics | 1 |
xhprof_get_possible_metrics | 1 |
xhprof_error | 1 |
profiling_get_import_run_schema | 1 |
profiling_get_import_main_schema | 1 |
profiling_export_package | 1 |
profiling_export_generate | 1 |
profiling_import_runs | 1 |
profiling_export_runs | 1 |
profiling_get_difference | 1 |
profiling_string_matches | 1 |
profiling_list_controls | 1 |
profiling_print_rundiff | 1 |
profiling_print_run | 1 |
profiling_urls | 1 |
profiling_get_script | 1 |
profiling_stop | 1 |
profiling_prune_old_runs | 1 |
profiling_start | 1 |
profiling_get_flag | 1 |
profiling_is_saved | 1 |
profiling_available | 1 |
json_encode | 1 |
profiling_is_running | 1 |
is_host_in_noproxy | 1 |
json_decode | 1 |
default_ca_bundle | 1 |
normalize_header_keys | 1 |
choose_handler | 1 |
headers_from_lines | 1 |
debug_resource | 1 |
_colontrack | 1 |
sqlsrv_log_set_subsystems | 1 |
_colonscope | 1 |
oci_lob_desc | 1 |
adodb_cmpr | 1 |
sqlsrv_log_set_severity | 1 |
sqlsrv_set_error_handling | 1 |
_colonparser | 1 |
adodb_pdo_type | 1 |
adodb_cmp | 1 |
ifx_props | 1 |
csv2rs | 1 |
_rs2serialize | 1 |
adodb_write_file | 1 |
adodb_gmstrftime | 1 |
adodb_strftime | 1 |
adodb_last_date_status | 1 |
RSFilter | 1 |
adodb_date2 | 1 |
adodb_date | 1 |
adodb_gmmktime | 1 |
adodb_mktime | 1 |
adodb_validdate | 1 |
_adodb_getdate | 1 |
adodb_tz_offset | 1 |
adodb_gmdate | 1 |
adodb_year_digit_check | 1 |
adodb_get_gmt_diff_ts | 1 |
adodb_get_gmt_diff | 1 |
adodb_getdate | 1 |
xmldb_antivirus_clamav_upgrade | 1 |
google_api_php_client_autoload | 1 |
get_google_client | 1 |
mb_strtoupper | 1 |
recurseFolders | 1 |
load_third_party_lib_list | 1 |
issue_info | 1 |
check_to_dos | 1 |
displayXHProfReport | 1 |
profiler_diff_report | 1 |
profiler_single_run_report | 1 |
symbol_report | 1 |
mb_strtolower | 1 |
mb_strlen | 1 |
mb_substr | 1 |
mb_internal_encoding | 1 |
full_report | 1 |
get_tooltip_attributes | 1 |
print_function_info | 1 |
print_flat_data | 1 |
print_source_link | 1 |
print_symbol_summary | 1 |
pc_info | 1 |
print_pc_array | 1 |
stat_description | 1 |
profiler_report | 1 |
xhprof_render_link | 1 |
sort_cbk | 1 |
print_td_num | 1 |
print_td_pct | 1 |
pct | 1 |
get_print_class | 1 |
xhprof_render_diff_image | 1 |
xhprof_generate_dot_script | 1 |
xhprof_render_image | 1 |
xhprof_get_content_by_run | 1 |
xhprof_count_format | 1 |
xhprof_include_js_css | 1 |
xhprof_render_actions | 1 |
xhprof_percent_format | 1 |
xhprof_get_bool_param | 1 |
xhprof_get_float_param | 1 |
xhprof_get_matching_functions | 1 |
xhprof_param_init | 1 |
xhprof_generate_mime_header | 1 |
xhprof_http_header | 1 |
xhprof_get_children_table | 1 |
xhprof_generate_image_by_dot | 1 |
xhprof_compute_diff | 1 |
xhprof_compute_inclusive_times | 1 |
xhprof_prune_run | 1 |
xhprof_array_set | 1 |
xhprof_array_unset | 1 |
xhprof_get_param_helper | 1 |
xhprof_get_string_param | 1 |
xhprof_get_uint_param | 1 |
xhprof_get_metrics | 1 |
xhprof_parse_parent_child | 1 |
xhprof_build_parent_child_key | 1 |
xhprof_valid_run | 1 |
xhprof_trim_run | 1 |
xhprof_normalize_metrics | 1 |
xhprof_aggregate_runs | 1 |
xhprof_compute_flat_info | 1 |
zip_print_extra | 1 |
zip_print_sizes | 1 |
filter | 1 |
constantly | 1 |
zip_print_method | 1 |
zip_print_name | 1 |
zip_dos2unixtime | 1 |
zip_print_general | 1 |
clear_compiled_json | 1 |
load_compiled_json | 1 |
recursive_dir_iterator | 1 |
dir_iterator | 1 |
flatmap | 1 |
map | 1 |
or_chain | 1 |
partition | 1 |
serialize | 1 |
manifest | 1 |
is_valid_hostname | 1 |
is_valid_hostlabel | 1 |
default_http_handler | 1 |
guzzle_major_version | 1 |
strip_fips_pseudo_regions | 1 |
mmdb_autoload | 1 |
rfc2445_fold | 1 |
rfc2445_unfold | 1 |
parse_ini_file | 1 |
boolean_value | 1 |
is_valid_epoch | 1 |
is_fips_pseudo_region | 1 |
simple_get_record_by_id | 1 |
noop | 1 |
fake_hooktest_old_callback | 1 |
fake_hooktest_current_callback | 1 |
attribute_helper_method_without | 1 |
attribute_helper_method_with | 1 |
deprecated_function | 1 |
not_deprecated_function | 1 |
print_result_line | 1 |
run_tests | 1 |
populate_test_database | 1 |
insert_context | 1 |
add | 1 |
env | 1 |
htmlpurifier_filter_extractstyleblocks_muteerrorhandler | 1 |
string | 1 |
xmldb_main_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_main_install | 1 |
upgrade_group_members_only | 1 |
upgrade_mysql_get_supported_tables | 1 |
upgrade_calculated_grade_items | 1 |
upgrade_extra_credit_weightoverride | 1 |
make_competence_scale | 1 |
make_default_scale | 1 |
upgrade_letter_boundary_needs_freeze | 1 |
upgrade_course_letter_boundary | 1 |
upgrade_fix_serialized_objects | 1 |
upgrade_standardise_score | 1 |
upgrade_delete_orphaned_file_records | 1 |
upgrade_core_licenses | 1 |
upgrade_calendar_site_status | 1 |
upgrade_calendar_events_status | 1 |
upgrade_calendar_events_fix_remaining | 1 |
upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace | 1 |
upgrade_calendar_events_get_teacherid | 1 |
upgrade_calendar_standard_events_fix | 1 |
upgrade_calendar_subscription_events_fix | 1 |
upgrade_calendar_action_events_fix | 1 |
upgrade_calendar_override_events_fix | 1 |
upgrade_add_item_to_usermenu | 1 |
upgrade_block_set_defaultregion | 1 |
upgrade_block_delete_instances | 1 |
upgrade_block_set_my_user_parent_context | 1 |
upgrade_fix_file_timestamps | 1 |
rfc2445_undo_value_formatting | 1 |
rfc2445_do_value_formatting | 1 |
rfc2445_is_valid_value | 1 |
rfc2445_is_xname | 1 |
behat_shutdown_function | 1 |
behat_error_handler | 1 |
behat_get_error_string | 1 |
behat_error | 1 |
behat_is_test_site | 1 |
behat_check_config_vars | 1 |
behat_clean_init_config | 1 |
behat_get_shutdown_process_errors | 1 |
cli_execute_parallel | 1 |
behat_get_run_process | 1 |
behat_is_requested_url | 1 |
behat_update_vars_for_process | 1 |
testing_fix_file_permissions | 1 |
testing_is_cygwin | 1 |
behat_get_command_flags | 1 |
testing_cli_argument_path | 1 |
testing_error | 1 |
testing_update_composer_dependencies | 1 |
testing_is_mingw | 1 |
testing_initdataroot | 1 |
value | 1 |
create | 1 |
testing_cli_fix_directory_separator | 1 |
phpunit_bootstrap_error | 1 |
decorate | 1 |
get | 1 |
autowire | 1 |
factory | 1 |
xmldb_fileconverter_unoconv_install | 1 |
fileconverter_googledrive_oauth2_system_scopes | 1 |
report_progress_extend_navigation_course | 1 |
report_progress_page_type_list | 1 |
user_preference_allow_ajax_update | 1 |
ajax_capture_output | 1 |
ajax_check_captured_output | 1 |
xmldb_portfolio_googledocs_upgrade | 1 |
atto_media_params_for_js | 1 |
xmldb_editor_atto_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_tiny_noautolink_install | 1 |
xmldb_editor_tiny_install | 1 |
atto_h5p_strings_for_js | 1 |
atto_managefiles_strings_for_js | 1 |
atto_managefiles_params_for_js | 1 |
atto_media_strings_for_js | 1 |
report_outline_extend_navigation_course | 1 |
report_outline_user_complete | 1 |
report_outline_can_access_user_report | 1 |
report_outline_extend_navigation_user | 1 |
report_outline_print_row | 1 |
xmldb_report_completion_install | 1 |
report_outline_user_outline | 1 |
report_outline_get_common_log_variables | 1 |
report_completion_extend_navigation_user | 1 |
report_completion_extend_navigation_course | 1 |
report_completion_page_type_list | 1 |
report_completion_can_access_user_report | 1 |
report_loglive_extend_navigation_course | 1 |
xmldb_report_progress_install | 1 |
report_courseoverview_print_chart | 1 |
report_loglive_supports_logstore | 1 |
atto_recordrtc_params_for_js | 1 |
atto_recordrtc_strings_for_js | 1 |
atto_collapse_params_for_js | 1 |
atto_collapse_get_fontawesome_icon_map | 1 |
atto_title_strings_for_js | 1 |
atto_collapse_strings_for_js | 1 |
xmldb_atto_equation_upgrade | 1 |
atto_backcolor_strings_for_js | 1 |
atto_equation_strings_for_js | 1 |
atto_equation_params_for_js | 1 |
atto_accessibilitychecker_strings_for_js | 1 |
atto_fontcolor_strings_for_js | 1 |
trigger_deprecation | 1 |
atto_indent_strings_for_js | 1 |
upgrade_add_foreign_key_and_indexes | 1 |
search | 1 |
atto_h5p_params_for_js | 1 |
atto_accessibilityhelper_strings_for_js | 1 |
atto_rtl_strings_for_js | 1 |
atto_charmap_strings_for_js | 1 |
atto_table_params_for_js | 1 |
atto_table_strings_for_js | 1 |
atto_link_strings_for_js | 1 |
atto_align_strings_for_js | 1 |
atto_emojipicker_params_for_js | 1 |
atto_emojipicker_strings_for_js | 1 |
atto_emoticon_params_for_js | 1 |
atto_emoticon_strings_for_js | 1 |
atto_image_strings_for_js | 1 |
atto_undo_strings_for_js | 1 |
xmldb_atto_recordrtc_upgrade | 1 |
atto_recordrtc_get_fontawesome_icon_map | 1 |
xmldb_communication_matrix_upgrade | 1 |
filter_emailprotect_alter_email | 1 |
filter_emailprotect_alter_mailto | 1 |
TexOutput | 1 |
execute | 1 |
report_stats_extend_navigation_course | 1 |
report_stats_extend_navigation_user | 1 |
report_stats_can_access_user_report | 1 |
report_stats_page_type_list | 1 |
report_stats_supports_logstore | 1 |
report_stats_myprofile_navigation | 1 |
xmldb_report_stats_install | 1 |
core_communication_pluginfile | 1 |
xmldb_filter_mathjaxloader_install | 1 |
xmldb_filter_emoticon_install | 1 |
xmldb_filter_mediaplugin_install | 1 |
xmldb_filter_mathjaxloader_upgrade | 1 |
filter_mediaplugin_perf_start | 1 |
xmldb_filter_mediaplugin_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_filter_glossary_install | 1 |
filter_mediaplugin_perf_stop | 1 |
filter_tex_sanitize_formula | 1 |
filter_tex_get_executable | 1 |
filter_tex_updatedcallback | 1 |
filter_tex_get_cmd | 1 |
xmldb_filter_tex_install | 1 |
filter_text_image | 1 |
xmldb_filter_activitynames_install | 1 |
xmldb_filter_tex_upgrade | 1 |
report_log_extend_navigation_course | 1 |
report_log_supports_logstore | 1 |
report_log_userall_data | 1 |
report_log_usertoday_data | 1 |
report_log_extend_navigation_module | 1 |
report_log_page_type_list | 1 |
report_log_extend_navigation_user | 1 |
report_log_can_access_user_report | 1 |
report_outline_myprofile_navigation | 1 |
xmldb_report_outline_install | 1 |
report_outline_page_type_list | 1 |
report_outline_supports_logstore | 1 |
report_log_userday | 1 |
report_log_print_mnet_selector_form | 1 |
report_log_print_graph | 1 |
report_log_usercourse | 1 |
xmldb_report_participation_install | 1 |
report_participation_supports_logstore | 1 |
report_participation_page_type_list | 1 |
report_participation_extend_navigation_course | 1 |
report_stats_print_chart | 1 |
report_stats_report | 1 |
report_stats_timeoptions | 1 |
report_stats_mode_menu | 1 |
report_participation_get_time_options | 1 |
report_participation_get_log_table_name | 1 |
xmldb_report_log_install | 1 |
report_log_myprofile_navigation | 1 |
report_participation_print_filter_form | 1 |
report_participation_get_action_options | 1 |
report_participation_get_crud_sql | 1 |
report_participation_get_action_sql | 1 |
optional_param | 1 |
optional_param_array | 1 |
validate_param | 1 |
clean_param_array | 1 |
clean_param | 1 |
is_rtl_compatible | 1 |
fix_utf8 | 1 |
is_number | 1 |
get_host_from_url | 1 |
html_is_blank | 1 |
set_config | 1 |
get_config | 1 |
unset_config | 1 |
unset_all_config_for_plugin | 1 |
get_users_from_config | 1 |
purge_all_caches | 1 |
soap_call | 1 |
soap_connect | 1 |
make_soap_fault | 1 |
soap_serve | 1 |
soap_encode | 1 |
get_last_soap_messages | 1 |
soap_encode_array | 1 |
soap_encode_object | 1 |
js_send_cached | 1 |
handle_soap_wsdl_request | 1 |
js_send_unmodified | 1 |
js_send_uncached | 1 |
js_send_css_not_found | 1 |
js_write_cache_file_content | 1 |
required_param_array | 1 |
required_param | 1 |
usergetdate | 1 |
usertime | 1 |
userdate_htmltime | 1 |
date_format_string | 1 |
usertimezone | 1 |
get_user_timezone | 1 |
get_time_interval_string | 1 |
usergetmidnight | 1 |
days_in_month | 1 |
dayofweek | 1 |
dst_offset_on | 1 |
find_day_in_month | 1 |
require_admin | 1 |
require_logout | 1 |
get_login_url | 1 |
require_login | 1 |
get_cache_flag | 1 |
get_cache_flags | 1 |
purge_other_caches | 1 |
purge_caches | 1 |
check_user_preferences_loaded | 1 |
gc_cache_flags | 1 |
unset_cache_flag | 1 |
set_cache_flag | 1 |
unset_user_preference | 1 |
set_user_preferences | 1 |
set_user_preference | 1 |
mark_user_preferences_changed | 1 |
userdate | 1 |
format_time | 1 |
make_timestamp | 1 |
get_user_preferences | 1 |
is_restored_user | 1 |
get_user_fieldnames | 1 |
get_newuser_language | 1 |
create_user_record | 1 |
is_enabled_auth | 1 |
get_auth_plugin | 1 |
get_enabled_auth_plugins | 1 |
is_internal_auth | 1 |
guest_user | 1 |
authenticate_user_login | 1 |
complete_user_login | 1 |
password_is_legacy_hash | 1 |
update_user_record | 1 |
update_user_record_by_id | 1 |
truncate_userinfo | 1 |
delete_user | 1 |
get_user_key | 1 |
delete_user_key | 1 |
user_not_fully_set_up | 1 |
update_user_login_times | 1 |
validate_user_key | 1 |
require_course_login | 1 |
create_user_key | 1 |
require_user_key_login | 1 |
username_load_fields_from_object | 1 |
fullname | 1 |
exists_auth_plugin | 1 |
order_in_string | 1 |
set_send_count | 1 |
over_bounce_threshold | 1 |
ismoving | 1 |
set_bounce_count | 1 |
send_confirmation_email | 1 |
send_password_change_confirmation_email | 1 |
setnew_password_and_mail | 1 |
reset_password_and_mail | 1 |
can_send_from_real_email_address | 1 |
generate_email_signoff | 1 |
generate_email_messageid | 1 |
email_to_user | 1 |
get_max_upload_file_size | 1 |
get_user_max_upload_file_size | 1 |
get_file_packer | 1 |
valid_uploaded_file | 1 |
get_file_storage | 1 |
get_file_browser | 1 |
send_password_change_info | 1 |
email_is_not_allowed | 1 |
set_login_session_preferences | 1 |
check_password_policy | 1 |
get_complete_user_data | 1 |
update_internal_user_password | 1 |
hash_internal_user_password | 1 |
validate_internal_user_password | 1 |
get_password_peppers | 1 |
calculate_entropy | 1 |
email_should_be_diverted | 1 |
get_mailer | 1 |
moodle_process_email | 1 |
generate_email_processing_address | 1 |
reset_course_userdata | 1 |
shift_course_mod_dates | 1 |
remove_course_contents | 1 |
delete_course | 1 |
component_callback_exists | 1 |
component_callback | 1 |
plugin_supports | 1 |
component_class_callback | 1 |
moodle_needs_upgrading | 1 |
check_php_version | 1 |
moodle_getlocale | 1 |
moodle_major_version | 1 |
rc4decrypt | 1 |
rc4encrypt | 1 |
is_valid_plugin_name | 1 |
endecrypt | 1 |
get_plugins_with_function | 1 |
get_plugin_list_with_function | 1 |
plugin_callback | 1 |
get_list_of_plugins | 1 |
force_current_language | 1 |
get_string_manager | 1 |
get_string | 1 |
get_strings | 1 |
print_string | 1 |
get_list_of_charsets | 1 |
get_list_of_themes | 1 |
get_emoticon_manager | 1 |
get_max_upload_sizes | 1 |
get_directory_list | 1 |
get_directory_size | 1 |
display_size | 1 |
clean_filename | 1 |
current_language | 1 |
fix_current_language | 1 |
get_parent_language | 1 |
fullclone | 1 |
ip_is_public | 1 |
cleanremoteaddr | 1 |
getremoteaddr | 1 |
rename_to_unused_name | 1 |
get_performance_info | 1 |
array_is_nested | 1 |
bounded_number | 1 |
address_in_subnet | 1 |
make_unique_id_code | 1 |
make_grades_menu | 1 |
make_menu_from_list | 1 |
remoteip_in_list | 1 |
cleardoubleslashes | 1 |
mtrace_exception | 1 |
mtrace | 1 |
format_float | 1 |
unformat_float | 1 |
getweek | 1 |
generate_password | 1 |
draw_rand_array | 1 |
microtime_diff | 1 |
swapshuffle | 1 |
swapshuffle_assoc | 1 |
count_letters | 1 |
random_string | 1 |
moodle_setlocale | 1 |
count_words | 1 |
shorten_filename | 1 |
shorten_filenames | 1 |
complex_random_string | 1 |
shorten_text | 1 |
badge_message_from_template | 1 |
badges_calculate_message_schedule | 1 |
badges_get_user_badges | 1 |
badges_get_badges | 1 |
exceeds_password_length | 1 |
site_is_public | 1 |
badges_notify_badge_award | 1 |
moodle_array_keys_filter | 1 |
unserialize_array | 1 |
get_course_display_name_for_list | 1 |
get_callable_name | 1 |
unserialize_object | 1 |
mnet_get_idp_jump_url | 1 |
set_mnet_remote_client | 1 |
get_default_home_page | 1 |
get_home_page | 1 |
check_consecutive_identical_characters | 1 |
partial | 1 |
get_mnet_environment | 1 |
get_mnet_remote_client | 1 |
in_object_vars | 1 |
object_array_unique | 1 |
is_primary_admin | 1 |
get_site_identifier | 1 |
is_mnet_remote_user | 1 |
setup_lang_from_browser | 1 |
is_proxybypass | 1 |
is_newnav | 1 |
remove_dir | 1 |
object_property_exists | 1 |
convert_to_array | 1 |
custom_script_path | 1 |
badge_award_criteria_competency_has_records_for_competencies | 1 |
badges_list_criteria | 1 |
badges_send_verification_email | 1 |
badges_external_delete_mapping | 1 |
badges_external_delete_mappings | 1 |
badges_external_create_mapping | 1 |
badges_external_get_mapping | 1 |
badges_disconnect_user_backpack | 1 |
badges_get_default_issuer | 1 |
badges_get_badge_api_versions | 1 |
badges_change_sortorder_backpacks | 1 |
badges_get_site_backpacks | 1 |
badges_get_site_primary_backpack | 1 |
badges_get_user_backpack | 1 |
badges_get_site_backpack | 1 |
badges_open_badges_backpack_api | 1 |
badges_save_external_backpack | 1 |
badges_save_backpack_credentials | 1 |
badges_update_site_backpack | 1 |
badges_delete_site_backpack | 1 |
badges_handle_course_deletion | 1 |
badges_create_site_backpack | 1 |
badges_download | 1 |
badges_user_has_backpack | 1 |
badges_bake | 1 |
get_backpack_settings | 1 |
badges_process_badge_image | 1 |
print_badge_image | 1 |
badges_add_course_navigation | 1 |
badges_award_handle_manual_criteria_review | 1 |
badges_get_badge_by_hash | 1 |
badges_prepare_badge_for_external | 1 |
badges_generate_badgr_open_url | 1 |
badges_verify_backpack | 1 |
badges_verify_site_backpack | 1 |
badge_assemble_notification | 1 |
enrol_is_enabled | 1 |
enrol_get_instances | 1 |
enrol_get_plugin | 1 |
enrol_get_plugins | 1 |
enrol_course_edit_form | 1 |
enrol_get_shared_courses | 1 |
enrol_sharing_course | 1 |
enrol_check_plugins | 1 |
enrol_get_my_courses | 1 |
enrol_add_course_navigation | 1 |
enrol_course_updated | 1 |
enrol_course_edit_validation | 1 |
enrol_get_course_description_texts | 1 |
enrol_get_users_courses | 1 |
enrol_get_course_info_icons | 1 |
enrol_get_courses_sortingsql | 1 |
enrol_get_all_users_courses | 1 |
enrol_user_delete | 1 |
enrol_get_course_users_roles | 1 |
enrol_user_sees_own_courses | 1 |
enrol_selfenrol_available | 1 |
enrol_get_enrolment_end | 1 |
enrol_course_delete | 1 |
enrol_try_internal_enrol | 1 |
get_enrolled_with_capabilities_join | 1 |
get_enrolled_sql | 1 |
enrol_accessing_via_instance | 1 |
is_enrolled | 1 |
get_enrolled_users | 1 |
get_enrolled_join | 1 |
enrol_send_welcome_email_options | 1 |
count_enrolled_users | 1 |
enrol_get_course_by_user_enrolment_id | 1 |
enrol_output_fragment_user_enrolment_form | 1 |
enrol_get_period_list | 1 |
enrol_get_course_users | 1 |
pear_handle_error | 1 |
enrol_calculate_duration | 1 |
tcpdf_init_k_font_path | 1 |
form_init_date_js | 1 |
ldap_getdefaults | 1 |
ldap_supported_usertypes | 1 |
ldap_connect_moodle | 1 |
ldap_isgroupmember | 1 |
ldap_find_userdn | 1 |
ldap_normalise_objectclass | 1 |
ldap_get_entries_moodle | 1 |
ldap_filter_addslashes | 1 |
ldap_get_dn_special_chars | 1 |
ldap_addslashes | 1 |
ldap_stripslashes | 1 |
ldap_paged_results_supported | 1 |
moodle_require_minimum_php_version | 1 |
moodle_minimum_php_version_is_met | 1 |
imagecopybicubic | 1 |
process_new_icon | 1 |
resize_image | 1 |
resize_image_from_image | 1 |
generate_image_thumbnail | 1 |
generate_image_thumbnail_from_string | 1 |
get_environment_for_version | 1 |
get_latest_version_available | 1 |
get_list_of_environment_versions | 1 |
load_environment_xml | 1 |
normalize_version | 1 |
environment_get_errors | 1 |
check_moodle_environment | 1 |
generate_image_thumbnail_from_image | 1 |
environment_check_pcre_unicode | 1 |
environment_check_php | 1 |
environment_check_moodle | 1 |
environment_custom_checks | 1 |
environment_check_php_settings | 1 |
environment_check_php_extensions | 1 |
environment_check | 1 |
environment_verify_plugin | 1 |
process_environment_result | 1 |
restrict_php_version_7 | 1 |
process_environment_messages | 1 |
get_level | 1 |
process_environment_bypass | 1 |
process_environment_restrict | 1 |
environment_check_unicode | 1 |
environment_check_database | 1 |
restrict_php_version_81 | 1 |
restrict_php_version_82 | 1 |
restrict_php_version_74 | 1 |
restrict_php_version_80 | 1 |
restrict_php_version_72 | 1 |
restrict_php_version_73 | 1 |
restrict_php_version | 1 |
restrict_php_version_71 | 1 |
min_get_slash_argument | 1 |
min_enable_zlib_compression | 1 |
min_get_maximum_revision | 1 |
min_get_minimum_revision | 1 |
min_optional_param | 1 |
restrict_php_version_83 | 1 |
min_fix_utf8 | 1 |
min_clean_param | 1 |
upgrade_plugin_savepoint | 1 |
upgrade_block_savepoint | 1 |
upgrade_component_updated | 1 |
upgrade_stale_php_files_present | 1 |
upgrade_set_timeout | 1 |
min_is_revision_valid_and_current | 1 |
upgrade_mod_savepoint | 1 |
upgrade_main_savepoint | 1 |
external_update_descriptions | 1 |
external_update_services | 1 |
upgrade_handle_exception | 1 |
upgrade_log | 1 |
upgrade_plugins | 1 |
upgrade_plugins_modules | 1 |
upgrade_plugins_blocks | 1 |
log_update_descriptions | 1 |
print_upgrade_separator | 1 |
print_upgrade_part_start | 1 |
print_upgrade_part_end | 1 |
upgrade_init_javascript | 1 |
upgrade_started | 1 |
upgrade_finished_handler | 1 |
upgrade_finished | 1 |
upgrade_setup_debug | 1 |
check_database_storage_engine | 1 |
check_slasharguments | 1 |
admin_mnet_method_get_docblock | 1 |
admin_mnet_method_get_help | 1 |
check_mysql_file_per_table | 1 |
check_mysql_large_prefix | 1 |
check_database_tables_row_format | 1 |
check_mysql_file_format | 1 |
install_core | 1 |
upgrade_core | 1 |
upgrade_language_pack | 1 |
upgrade_themes | 1 |
upgrade_plugin_mnet_functions | 1 |
admin_mnet_method_profile | 1 |
upgrade_noncore | 1 |
core_tables_exist | 1 |
check_admin_dir_usage | 1 |
check_max_input_vars | 1 |
check_libcurl_version | 1 |
check_tls_libraries | 1 |
message_send | 1 |
check_oracle_usage | 1 |
check_mod_assignment | 1 |
check_xmlrpc_usage | 1 |
check_igbinary322_version | 1 |
check_sixtyfour_bits | 1 |
check_is_https | 1 |
check_mysql_incomplete_unicode_support | 1 |
check_unoconv_version | 1 |
upgrade_install_plugins | 1 |
check_upgrade_key | 1 |
check_db_prefix_length | 1 |
message_handle_phpunit_redirection | 1 |
message_update_providers | 1 |
message_get_providers_from_db | 1 |
message_get_providers_for_user | 1 |
message_provider_uninstall | 1 |
message_get_providers_from_file | 1 |
external_generate_token | 1 |
message_processor_uninstall | 1 |
external_delete_descriptions | 1 |
external_create_service_token | 1 |
message_set_default_message_preference | 1 |
message_update_processors | 1 |
grade_needs_regrade_progress_bar | 1 |
grade_regrade_final_grades_if_required | 1 |
grade_update_outcomes | 1 |
grade_needs_regrade_final_grades | 1 |
editors_head_setup | 1 |
grade_update | 1 |
get_texteditor | 1 |
editors_get_available | 1 |
editors_get_preferred_format | 1 |
editors_get_enabled | 1 |
external_log_token_request | 1 |
editors_get_preferred_editor | 1 |
external_format_text | 1 |
external_generate_token_for_current_user | 1 |
external_validate_format | 1 |
external_format_string | 1 |
grade_grab_course_grades | 1 |
grade_regrade_final_grades | 1 |
grade_recover_history_grades | 1 |
grade_force_site_regrading | 1 |
grade_force_full_regrading | 1 |
grade_verify_idnumber | 1 |
grade_get_letters | 1 |
grade_get_categories_menu | 1 |
grade_format_gradevalue_letter | 1 |
grade_format_gradevalue_percentage | 1 |
grade_format_gradevalue_real | 1 |
grade_format_gradevalue | 1 |
grade_set_setting | 1 |
grade_get_settings | 1 |
grade_get_setting | 1 |
grade_get_grades | 1 |
s | 1 |
p | 1 |
addslashes_js | 1 |
strip_querystring | 1 |
grade_floatval | 1 |
grade_floats_different | 1 |
grade_floats_equal | 1 |
grade_get_date_for_user_grade | 1 |
grade_uninstalled_module | 1 |
grade_user_delete | 1 |
grade_user_unenrol | 1 |
grade_course_reset | 1 |
grade_update_mod_grades | 1 |
remove_grade_letters | 1 |
remove_course_grades | 1 |
grade_course_category_delete | 1 |
reset_text_filters_cache | 1 |
format_text | 1 |
replace_ampersands_not_followed_by_entity | 1 |
format_string | 1 |
validate_email | 1 |
page_get_doc_link_path | 1 |
format_text_menu | 1 |
get_file_argument | 1 |
break_up_long_words | 1 |
data_submitted | 1 |
page_doc_link | 1 |
close_window | 1 |
qualified_me | 1 |
me | 1 |
get_local_referer | 1 |
is_https | 1 |
filter_context_may_have_filter_settings | 1 |
filter_phrases | 1 |
filter_has_global_settings | 1 |
filter_has_local_settings | 1 |
filter_remove_duplicates | 1 |
filter_save_ignore_tags | 1 |
filter_prepare_phrases_for_filtering | 1 |
filter_prepare_phrase_for_replacement | 1 |
filter_preload_activities | 1 |
filter_get_available_in_context | 1 |
filter_get_all_local_settings | 1 |
filter_get_active_in_context | 1 |
filter_delete_all_for_filter | 1 |
filter_delete_all_for_context | 1 |
filter_get_global_states | 1 |
filter_get_all_states | 1 |
filter_get_local_config | 1 |
filter_unset_local_config | 1 |
filter_set_local_state | 1 |
filter_set_local_config | 1 |
filter_get_all_installed | 1 |
filter_set_global_state | 1 |
filter_get_active_state | 1 |
filter_is_enabled | 1 |
filter_get_globally_enabled | 1 |
filter_get_globally_enabled_filters_with_config | 1 |
filter_get_string_filters | 1 |
filter_set_applies_to_strings | 1 |
recaptcha_check_response | 1 |
recaptcha_get_challenge_html | 1 |
get_course_and_cm_from_cmid | 1 |
get_fast_modinfo | 1 |
rebuild_course_cache | 1 |
get_course_and_cm_from_instance | 1 |
filter_get_name | 1 |
xmlize | 1 |
resourcelib_get_displayoptions | 1 |
resourcelib_try_file_migration | 1 |
resourcelib_get_extension | 1 |
resourcelib_guess_url_mimetype | 1 |
resourcelib_embed_pdf | 1 |
resourcelib_embed_image | 1 |
recaptcha_lang | 1 |
resourcelib_embed_general | 1 |
portfolio_include_callback_file | 1 |
portfolio_rewrite_pluginfile_urls | 1 |
portfolio_format_text_options | 1 |
portfolio_rewrite_pluginfile_url_callback | 1 |
portfolio_existing_exports | 1 |
portfolio_existing_exports_by_plugin | 1 |
portfolio_export_pagesetup | 1 |
portfolio_export_type_to_id | 1 |
portfolio_expected_time_db | 1 |
portfolio_insane_notify_admins | 1 |
portfolio_expected_time_file | 1 |
portfolio_filesize_info | 1 |
portfolio_report_insane | 1 |
portfolio_export_rethrow_exception | 1 |
portfolio_plugin_sanity_check | 1 |
portfolio_instance_sanity_check | 1 |
portfolio_static_function | 1 |
portfolio_instance | 1 |
portfolio_format_object | 1 |
portfolio_most_specific_formats | 1 |
portfolio_format_is_abstract | 1 |
portfolio_supported_formats_intersect | 1 |
portfolio_format_from_mimetype | 1 |
portfolio_supported_formats | 1 |
portfolio_has_visible_instances | 1 |
portfolio_instances | 1 |
portfolio_instance_select | 1 |
core_myprofile_navigation | 1 |
display_auth_lock_options | 1 |
signup_is_enabled | 1 |
signup_get_user_confirmation_authplugin | 1 |
signup_setup_new_user | 1 |
signup_captcha_enabled | 1 |
login_captcha_enabled | 1 |
validate_login_captcha | 1 |
signup_validate_data | 1 |
login_attempt_valid | 1 |
login_attempt_failed | 1 |
login_lock_account | 1 |
login_unlock_account | 1 |
install_print_header | 1 |
install_print_footer | 1 |
install_cli_database | 1 |
login_is_lockedout | 1 |
install_helpbutton | 1 |
install_db_validate | 1 |
install_generate_configphp | 1 |
install_print_help_page | 1 |
install_guess_wwwroot | 1 |
get_safe_orderby_multiple | 1 |
install_init_dataroot | 1 |
install_ini_get_bool | 1 |
decompose_update_into_safe_changes | 1 |
update_field_with_unique_index | 1 |
get_safe_orderby | 1 |
get_max_courses_in_category | 1 |
print_object | 1 |
user_accesstime_log | 1 |
user_can_create_courses | 1 |
xmldb_debug | 1 |
instance_is_visible | 1 |
get_all_instances_in_course | 1 |
add_to_config_log | 1 |
get_log_manager | 1 |
hash_local_config_cache | 1 |
initialise_local_config_cache | 1 |
initialise_cfg | 1 |
setup_validate_php_configuration | 1 |
workaround_max_input_vars | 1 |
setup_get_remote_url | 1 |
initialise_fullme_cli | 1 |
initialise_fullme | 1 |
raise_memory_limit | 1 |
during_initial_install | 1 |
init_performance_info | 1 |
merge_query_params | 1 |
is_major_upgrade_required | 1 |
disable_output_buffering | 1 |
get_real_size | 1 |
reduce_memory_limit | 1 |
groups_get_course_data | 1 |
groups_user_groups_visible | 1 |
_group_verify_activegroup | 1 |
groups_cache_groupdata | 1 |
get_whoops | 1 |
default_exception_handler | 1 |
groups_get_groups_members | 1 |
groups_get_activity_shared_group_members | 1 |
is_early_init | 1 |
get_exception_info | 1 |
default_error_handler | 1 |
abort_all_db_transactions | 1 |
format_backtrace | 1 |
ini_get_bool | 1 |
generate_uuid | 1 |
get_docs_url | 1 |
groups_get_grouping_members | 1 |
groups_get_members | 1 |
groups_get_activity_groupmode | 1 |
groups_get_course_groupmode | 1 |
groups_list_to_menu | 1 |
groups_print_course_menu | 1 |
groups_allgroups_course_menu | 1 |
groups_sort_menu_options | 1 |
groups_get_course_group | 1 |
groups_print_activity_menu | 1 |
groups_get_activity_allowed_groups | 1 |
groups_get_activity_group | 1 |
groups_get_members_ids_sql | 1 |
groups_group_visible | 1 |
groups_get_members_join | 1 |
groups_get_names_concat_sql | 1 |
xsendfile | 1 |
groups_group_exists | 1 |
groups_get_group_name | 1 |
groups_get_grouping_name | 1 |
groups_get_group_by_name | 1 |
groups_get_group_by_idnumber | 1 |
groups_get_grouping_by_name | 1 |
groups_get_grouping_by_idnumber | 1 |
groups_get_group | 1 |
groups_get_grouping | 1 |
groups_get_all_groups | 1 |
groups_get_my_groups | 1 |
groups_get_user_groups | 1 |
groups_get_all_groupings | 1 |
groups_is_member | 1 |
groups_has_membership | 1 |
question_module_uses_questions | 1 |
question_page_type_list | 1 |
core_question_question_preview_pluginfile | 1 |
question_pluginfile | 1 |
question_rewrite_question_preview_urls | 1 |
question_rewrite_question_urls | 1 |
question_get_all_capabilities | 1 |
question_get_question_capabilities | 1 |
aggregate_completions | 1 |
completion_cron_aggregate | 1 |
completion_can_view_data | 1 |
is_latest | 1 |
get_next_version | 1 |
get_question_version | 1 |
get_question_bank_entry | 1 |
core_question_find_next_unused_idnumber | 1 |
question_get_top_categories_for_contexts | 1 |
question_make_default_categories | 1 |
question_get_default_category | 1 |
question_get_top_category | 1 |
print_question_icon | 1 |
sort_categories_by_tree | 1 |
get_question_options | 1 |
question_sort_tags | 1 |
question_edit_url | 1 |
question_extend_settings_navigation | 1 |
question_has_capability_on | 1 |
question_require_capability_on | 1 |
get_import_export_formats | 1 |
question_default_export_filename | 1 |
question_categorylist | 1 |
question_categorylist_parents | 1 |
question_delete_course_category | 1 |
question_delete_course | 1 |
question_delete_activity | 1 |
question_save_from_deletion | 1 |
delete_question_bank_entry | 1 |
question_category_in_use | 1 |
question_delete_context | 1 |
question_delete_question | 1 |
question_preload_questions | 1 |
question_move_category_to_context | 1 |
_tidy_question | 1 |
question_load_questions | 1 |
idnumber_exist_in_question_category | 1 |
question_move_question_tags_to_new_context | 1 |
move_question_set_references | 1 |
question_move_questions_to_category | 1 |
validateFtpSyntax | 1 |
plagiarism_get_links | 1 |
plagiarism_get_file_results | 1 |
plagiarism_update_status | 1 |
filter_save_tags | 1 |
filter_add_javascript | 1 |
validateUrlSyntax | 1 |
validateEmailSyntax | 1 |
questions_in_use | 1 |
question_context_has_any_questions | 1 |
match_grade_options | 1 |
question_category_delete_safe | 1 |
plagiarism_print_disclosure | 1 |
plagiarism_load_available_plugins | 1 |
question_reorder_qtypes | 1 |
question_save_qtype_order | 1 |
file_get_upload_error | 1 |
format_array_postdata_for_curlcall | 1 |
format_postdata_for_curlcall | 1 |
download_file_content | 1 |
get_mimetypes_array | 1 |
get_mimetype_for_sending | 1 |
mimeinfo | 1 |
mimeinfo_from_type | 1 |
file_replace_file_area_in_text | 1 |
file_copy_file_to_file_area | 1 |
file_save_draft_area_files | 1 |
file_rewrite_urls_to_pluginfile | 1 |
file_set_sortorder | 1 |
file_reset_sortorder | 1 |
file_postupdate_standard_editor | 1 |
file_prepare_standard_editor | 1 |
file_area_contains_subdirs | 1 |
file_encode_url | 1 |
file_prepare_draft_area | 1 |
file_get_unused_draft_itemid | 1 |
file_postupdate_standard_filemanager | 1 |
file_prepare_standard_filemanager | 1 |
css_send_cached_css_content | 1 |
css_send_cached_css | 1 |
css_write_file | 1 |
css_store_css | 1 |
css_send_css_not_found | 1 |
css_send_unmodified | 1 |
css_send_uncached_css | 1 |
css_send_temporary_css | 1 |
file_get_submitted_draft_itemid | 1 |
file_restore_source_field_from_draft_file | 1 |
file_get_drafarea_files | 1 |
file_get_all_files_in_draftarea | 1 |
file_remove_editor_orphaned_files | 1 |
file_merge_draft_areas | 1 |
file_get_file_area_info | 1 |
file_is_draft_area_limit_reached | 1 |
file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls | 1 |
file_get_draft_area_info | 1 |
file_correct_filepath | 1 |
file_get_drafarea_folders | 1 |
file_is_draft_areas_limit_reached | 1 |
file_get_user_used_space | 1 |
stats_get_base_monthly | 1 |
stats_get_base_weekly | 1 |
stats_get_next_week_start | 1 |
stats_get_next_day_start | 1 |
stats_cron_monthly | 1 |
stats_cron_weekly | 1 |
stats_get_base_daily | 1 |
stats_get_start_from | 1 |
stats_progress | 1 |
require_phpunit_isolation | 1 |
stats_cron_daily | 1 |
stats_run_query | 1 |
proxy_log_callback | 1 |
set_access_log_user | 1 |
stats_temp_table_drop | 1 |
stats_temp_table_setup | 1 |
stats_temp_table_fill | 1 |
stats_temp_table_clean | 1 |
stats_fix_zeros | 1 |
stats_compare_times | 1 |
stats_check_uptodate | 1 |
stats_temp_table_create | 1 |
stats_get_post_actions | 1 |
stats_get_action_names | 1 |
stats_get_time_options | 1 |
stats_get_report_options | 1 |
stats_get_next_month_start | 1 |
stats_clean_old | 1 |
stats_get_parameters | 1 |
stats_get_view_actions | 1 |
make_localcache_directory | 1 |
make_cache_directory | 1 |
make_temp_directory | 1 |
make_backup_temp_directory | 1 |
get_backup_temp_directory | 1 |
make_request_directory | 1 |
get_request_storage_directory | 1 |
make_upload_directory | 1 |
protect_directory | 1 |
make_writable_directory | 1 |
make_unique_writable_directory | 1 |
check_dir_exists | 1 |
upgrade_ensure_not_running | 1 |
redirect_if_major_upgrade_required | 1 |
require_sesskey | 1 |
is_moodle_cookie_secure | 1 |
set_moodle_cookie | 1 |
get_moodle_cookie | 1 |
block_method_result | 1 |
block_instance_by_id | 1 |
block_instance | 1 |
block_load_class | 1 |
matching_page_type_patterns | 1 |
matching_page_type_patterns_from_pattern | 1 |
generate_page_type_patterns | 1 |
default_page_type_list | 1 |
my_page_type_list | 1 |
mod_page_type_list | 1 |
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blocks_delete_instance | 1 |
blocks_name_allowed_in_format | 1 |
blocks_delete_all_for_context | 1 |
blocks_delete_instances | 1 |
blocks_get_record | 1 |
blocks_set_visibility | 1 |
blocks_parse_default_blocks_list | 1 |
blocks_find_block | 1 |
blocks_add_default_course_blocks | 1 |
blocks_get_default_site_course_blocks | 1 |
wasm_send_cached | 1 |
blocks_add_default_system_blocks | 1 |
wasm_send_unmodified | 1 |
wasm_send_uncached | 1 |
setup_DB | 1 |
wasm_write_cache_file_content | 1 |
admin_get_root | 1 |
admin_apply_default_settings | 1 |
admin_find_write_settings | 1 |
admin_write_settings | 1 |
any_new_admin_settings | 1 |
format_admin_setting | 1 |
admin_output_new_settings_by_page | 1 |
admin_search_settings_html | 1 |
confirm_sesskey | 1 |
sesskey | 1 |
db_replace | 1 |
db_should_replace | 1 |
rss_get_file_name | 1 |
rss_standard_header | 1 |
rss_add_items | 1 |
rss_standard_footer | 1 |
rss_delete_file | 1 |
rss_enabled_for_mod | 1 |
rss_save_file | 1 |
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rss_start_tag | 1 |
rss_end_tag | 1 |
rss_full_tag | 1 |
rss_add_enclosures | 1 |
rss_geterrorxmlfile | 1 |
rss_get_userid_from_token | 1 |
rss_get_token | 1 |
rss_delete_token | 1 |
uninstall_plugin | 1 |
tokenise_truncate_word | 1 |
drop_plugin_tables | 1 |
get_component_version | 1 |
tokenise_split | 1 |
tokenise_text | 1 |
tokenise_expand_cjk | 1 |
tokenise_simplify | 1 |
is_dataroot_insecure | 1 |
is_float_problem | 1 |
admin_externalpage_setup | 1 |
enable_cli_maintenance_mode | 1 |
get_db_directories | 1 |
get_used_table_names | 1 |
admin_critical_warnings_present | 1 |
set_cron_lock | 1 |
file_extension_in_typegroup | 1 |
file_mimetype_in_typegroup | 1 |
get_mimetype_description | 1 |
file_get_typegroup | 1 |
file_mimetype_icon | 1 |
file_extension_icon | 1 |
file_file_icon | 1 |
file_folder_icon | 1 |
send_temp_file_finished | 1 |
send_content_uncached | 1 |
readstring_accel | 1 |
send_temp_file | 1 |
readfile_allow_large | 1 |
readfile_accel | 1 |
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send_header_404 | 1 |
file_merge_files_from_draft_area_into_filearea | 1 |
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send_stored_file | 1 |
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rss_add_http_header | 1 |
file_pluginfile | 1 |
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file_is_svg_image_from_mimetype | 1 |
file_merge_draft_area_into_draft_area | 1 |
check_browser_version | 1 |
get_device_type | 1 |
get_device_type_list | 1 |
get_selected_theme_for_device_type | 1 |
context_instance_preload_sql | 1 |
get_related_contexts_string | 1 |
get_plugin_list_with_file | 1 |
check_browser_operating_system | 1 |
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get_user_courses_bycap | 1 |
get_role_context_caps | 1 |
get_courseid_from_context | 1 |
print_context_name | 1 |
mark_context_dirty | 1 |
delete_context | 1 |
get_context_url | 1 |
fetch_context_capabilities | 1 |
context_moved | 1 |
get_contextlevel_name | 1 |
context_instance_preload | 1 |
build_context_path | 1 |
cleanup_contexts | 1 |
preload_course_contexts | 1 |
rebuild_contexts | 1 |
get_parent_contextid | 1 |
get_parent_contexts | 1 |
create_contexts | 1 |
get_child_contexts | 1 |
can_use_rotated_text | 1 |
convert_tabrows_to_tree | 1 |
get_system_context | 1 |
get_context_instance_by_id | 1 |
coursetag_get_all_tags | 1 |
coursetag_get_jscript | 1 |
completion_cron | 1 |
coursetag_get_tags | 1 |
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is_web_crawler | 1 |
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update_timezone_records | 1 |
calculate_user_dst_table | 1 |
get_timezone_offset | 1 |
get_list_of_timezones | 1 |
calendar_normalize_tz | 1 |
get_user_timezone_offset | 1 |
profile_display_badges | 1 |
useredit_shared_definition_preferences | 1 |
message_current_user_is_involved | 1 |
enrol_cohort_search_cohorts | 1 |
enrol_cohort_enrol_all_users | 1 |
cohort_get_visible_list | 1 |
enrol_cohort_can_view_cohort | 1 |
enrol_cohort_get_cohorts | 1 |
coursemodule_visible_for_user | 1 |
ajaxenabled | 1 |
count_login_failures | 1 |
can_use_html_editor | 1 |
badges_get_issued_badge_info | 1 |
generate_email_supportuser | 1 |
get_browser_version_classes | 1 |
get_user_device_type | 1 |
set_user_device_type | 1 |
get_device_cfg_var_name | 1 |
textlib_get_instance | 1 |
get_generic_section_name | 1 |
get_all_sections | 1 |
add_mod_to_section | 1 |
get_all_mods | 1 |
get_course_section | 1 |
format_weeks_get_section_dates | 1 |
get_print_section_cm_text | 1 |
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navmenu | 1 |
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formerr | 1 |
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print_container | 1 |
notify | 1 |
print_container_end | 1 |
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print_continue | 1 |
print_course | 1 |
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get_courses_wmanagers | 1 |
convert_tree_to_html | 1 |
get_category_courses_array_recursively | 1 |
blog_get_context_url | 1 |
print_course_search | 1 |
print_my_moodle | 1 |
get_child_categories | 1 |
get_categories | 1 |
print_whole_category_list | 1 |
print_category_info | 1 |
print_remote_course | 1 |
print_remote_host | 1 |
course_category_hide | 1 |
move_category | 1 |
category_delete_full | 1 |
category_delete_move | 1 |
get_all_subcategories | 1 |
create_course_category | 1 |
get_course_category | 1 |
course_category_show | 1 |
print_overview | 1 |
print_section | 1 |
make_editing_buttons | 1 |
print_section_add_menus | 1 |
make_categories_list | 1 |
update_category_button | 1 |
delete_course_module | 1 |
print_recent_activity | 1 |
get_records_csv | 1 |
external_function_info | 1 |
css_is_colour | 1 |
put_records_csv | 1 |
course_get_cm_rename_action | 1 |
get_clam_error_code | 1 |
site_scale_used | 1 |
course_scale_used | 1 |
message_count_blocked_users | 1 |
message_count_messages | 1 |
message_get_recent_notifications | 1 |
message_contact_link | 1 |
css_sort_by_count | 1 |
css_is_width | 1 |
message_remove_url_params | 1 |
message_get_course_contexts | 1 |
events_trigger_legacy | 1 |
events_is_registered | 1 |
events_pending_count | 1 |
clam_message_admins | 1 |
events_update_definition | 1 |
events_cron | 1 |
calendar_wday_name | 1 |
calendar_preferences_button | 1 |
message_get_recent_conversations | 1 |
prevent_form_autofill_password | 1 |
get_logs | 1 |
get_logs_userday | 1 |
get_logs_usercourse | 1 |
build_logs_array | 1 |
calendar_get_mini | 1 |
get_user_access_sitewide | 1 |
dedupe_user_access | 1 |
load_role_access_by_context | 1 |
load_course_context | 1 |
calendar_cron | 1 |
calendar_print_month_selector | 1 |
calendar_get_block_upcoming | 1 |
message_get_contact_block_link | 1 |
message_mark_messages_read | 1 |
message_get_history | 1 |
message_get_contact_add_remove_link | 1 |
message_shorten_message | 1 |
message_get_fragment | 1 |
message_history_link | 1 |
message_search | 1 |
print_log_xls | 1 |
print_log_ods | 1 |
print_mnet_log | 1 |
print_log_csv | 1 |
message_is_user_blocked | 1 |
print_log | 1 |
message_can_post_message | 1 |
message_is_user_non_contact_blocked | 1 |
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tag_record_tagged_with | 1 |
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tag_set_flag | 1 |
tag_autocomplete | 1 |
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tag_print_management_box | 1 |
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tag_print_search_results | 1 |
tag_print_search_box | 1 |
tag_print_user_box | 1 |
tag_print_tagged_users_table | 1 |
tag_display_name | 1 |
tag_print_user_list | 1 |
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coursetag_get_records | 1 |
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coursetag_get_tagged_courses | 1 |
coursetag_delete_course_tags | 1 |
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tag_get_tags_array | 1 |
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tag_get_id | 1 |
tag_rename | 1 |
tag_delete_instance | 1 |
tag_find_records | 1 |
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tag_get_correlated | 1 |
events_process_queued_handler | 1 |
events_dispatch | 1 |
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tag_set_add | 1 |
tag_normalize | 1 |
tag_get_related_tags_csv | 1 |
tag_get_related_tags | 1 |
tag_delete | 1 |
tag_set_delete | 1 |
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tag_delete_instances | 1 |
tag_cleanup | 1 |
tag_find_tags | 1 |
tag_get_name | 1 |
tag_process_computed_correlation | 1 |
tag_cron | 1 |
add_indented_names | 1 |
flatten_category_tree | 1 |
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question_get_export_single_question_url | 1 |
question_make_export_url | 1 |
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question_preview_url | 1 |
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cron_prepare_core_renderer | 1 |
cron_trace_time_and_memory | 1 |
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cli_input | 1 |
cli_get_params | 1 |
cli_write | 1 |
cli_writeln | 1 |
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question_add_context_in_key | 1 |
question_category_select_menu | 1 |
get_categories_for_contexts | 1 |
has_all_capabilities | 1 |
has_any_capability | 1 |
is_siteadmin | 1 |
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get_role_definitions | 1 |
has_capability | 1 |
get_guest_role | 1 |
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accesslib_clear_all_caches | 1 |
get_role_access | 1 |
accesslib_clear_role_cache | 1 |
search_generate_text_SQL | 1 |
cli_ansi_format | 1 |
accesslib_clear_all_caches_for_unit_testing | 1 |
search_generate_SQL | 1 |
assign_legacy_capabilities | 1 |
is_safe_capability | 1 |
get_local_override | 1 |
get_context_info_array | 1 |
reload_all_capabilities | 1 |
load_temp_course_role | 1 |
remove_temp_course_roles | 1 |
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get_user_roles_sitewide_accessdata | 1 |
get_empty_accessdata | 1 |
get_user_accessdata | 1 |
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has_coursecontact_role | 1 |
has_capability_in_accessdata | 1 |
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require_all_capabilities | 1 |
message_delete_message | 1 |
message_can_delete_message | 1 |
message_mark_message_read | 1 |
message_get_contacts | 1 |
events_uninstall | 1 |
events_get_cached | 1 |
groups_get_all_groups_for_courses | 1 |
calendar_get_all_allowed_types | 1 |
allow_switch | 1 |
allow_assign | 1 |
allow_override | 1 |
calendar_get_upcoming | 1 |
message_get_blocked_users | 1 |
message_move_userfrom_unread2read | 1 |
question_is_only_toplevel_category_in_context | 1 |
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cron_bc_hack_plugin_functions | 1 |
get_module_metadata | 1 |
cron_run_single_task | 1 |
events_get_handlers | 1 |
get_roles_on_exact_context | 1 |
events_cleanup | 1 |
events_dequeue | 1 |
message_remove_contact | 1 |
message_unblock_contact | 1 |
get_roles_with_assignment_on_context | 1 |
message_add_contact | 1 |
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serialise_tool_proxy | 1 |
badges_local_backpack_js | 1 |
badges_setup_backpack_js | 1 |
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get_all_user_name_fields | 1 |
get_user_field_name | 1 |
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user_get_participants_sql | 1 |
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user_get_participants | 1 |
download_as_dataformat | 1 |
plagiarism_get_form_elements_module | 1 |
message_count_unread_messages | 1 |
make_categories_options | 1 |
course_purge_module_cache | 1 |
get_array_of_activities | 1 |
print_error | 1 |
cron_run | 1 |
cron_run_scheduled_tasks | 1 |
cron_run_adhoc_tasks | 1 |
cron_run_inner_scheduled_task | 1 |
cron_run_inner_adhoc_task | 1 |
profile_display_fields | 1 |
profile_edit_category | 1 |
profile_edit_field | 1 |
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calendar_import_icalendar_events | 1 |
grade_print_tabs | 1 |
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course_purge_section_cache | 1 |
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get_user_capability_course | 1 |
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role_get_name | 1 |
user_has_role_assignment | 1 |
get_users_from_role_on_context | 1 |
get_capabilities_from_role_on_context | 1 |
get_roles_with_override_on_context | 1 |
is_role_switched | 1 |
role_switch | 1 |
get_roles_with_caps_in_context | 1 |
get_roles_with_cap_in_context | 1 |
role_cap_duplicate | 1 |
switch_roles | 1 |
fix_role_sortorder | 1 |
component_level_changed | 1 |
role_fix_names | 1 |
role_get_names | 1 |
extract_suspended_users | 1 |
get_suspended_userids | 1 |
get_with_capability_sql | 1 |
template_reset_all_caches | 1 |
get_role_names_with_caps_in_context | 1 |
prohibit_is_removable | 1 |
role_change_permission | 1 |
get_sorted_contexts | 1 |
users_search_sql | 1 |
users_order_by_sql | 1 |
get_users | 1 |
get_users_listing | 1 |
js_reset_all_caches | 1 |
get_admin | 1 |
get_admins | 1 |
search_users | 1 |
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get_courses_search | 1 |
get_my_remotecourses | 1 |
_fix_course_cats | 1 |
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get_users_confirmed | 1 |
get_courses | 1 |
get_course | 1 |
get_coursemodule_from_instance | 1 |
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get_coursemodules_in_course | 1 |
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get_my_remotehosts | 1 |
get_course_mods | 1 |
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unassign_capability | 1 |
create_role | 1 |
delete_role | 1 |
role_unassign | 1 |
role_unassign_all | 1 |
get_roles_with_capability | 1 |
role_assign | 1 |
isguestuser | 1 |
is_guest | 1 |
mark_user_dirty | 1 |
isloggedin | 1 |
load_capability_def | 1 |
get_cached_capabilities | 1 |
is_viewing | 1 |
can_access_course | 1 |
update_capabilities | 1 |
reset_role_capabilities | 1 |
get_default_role_archetype_allows | 1 |
get_default_capabilities | 1 |
role_context_capabilities | 1 |
get_capability_docs_link | 1 |
get_all_risks | 1 |
capabilities_cleanup | 1 |
get_deprecated_capability_info | 1 |
get_capability_info | 1 |
is_inside_frontpage | 1 |
get_context_info_list | 1 |
get_profile_roles | 1 |
get_component_string | 1 |
get_capability_string | 1 |
get_all_capabilities | 1 |
get_roles_used_in_context | 1 |
get_user_roles_in_course | 1 |
user_can_assign | 1 |
get_all_roles | 1 |
get_archetype_roles | 1 |
get_users_roles | 1 |
get_user_roles | 1 |
get_user_roles_with_special | 1 |
core_role_set_override_allowed | 1 |
core_role_set_assign_allowed | 1 |
core_role_set_switch_allowed | 1 |
core_role_set_view_allowed | 1 |
get_assignable_roles | 1 |
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get_viewable_roles | 1 |
get_overridable_roles | 1 |
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get_default_enrol_roles | 1 |
get_default_contextlevels | 1 |
get_roles_for_contextlevels | 1 |
get_with_capability_join | 1 |
set_role_contextlevels | 1 |
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get_role_users | 1 |
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glossary_concept_exists | 1 |
glossary_can_view_entry | 1 |
glossary_get_entry_by_id | 1 |
glossary_get_entries_to_approve | 1 |
glossary_get_entries_by_term | 1 |
glossary_get_entries_by_search | 1 |
glossary_get_search_terms_sql | 1 |
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glossary_get_entries_by_author_id | 1 |
glossary_get_entries_by_author | 1 |
glossary_get_entries_by_category | 1 |
glossary_get_entries_by_date | 1 |
glossary_get_entries_by_letter | 1 |
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mod_glossary_can_update_entry | 1 |
mod_glossary_delete_entry | 1 |
glossary_show_entry_fullwithauthor | 1 |
mod_glossary_prepare_entry_for_edition | 1 |
glossary_show_entry_faq | 1 |
glossary_print_entry_fullwithauthor | 1 |
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glossary_update_instance | 1 |
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profile_move_category | 1 |
profile_list_datatypes | 1 |
profile_list_categories | 1 |
profile_save_category | 1 |
grade_get_course_grades | 1 |
core_contentbank_user_preferences | 1 |
user_profile_social_update_availability_structure | 1 |
user_profile_social_update_module_availability | 1 |
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user_profile_social_moveto_profilefield | 1 |
user_profile_social_create_info_category | 1 |
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get_profile_field_names | 1 |
profile_has_required_custom_fields_set | 1 |
profile_view | 1 |
profile_get_custom_field_data_by_shortname | 1 |
profile_save_custom_fields | 1 |
profile_load_custom_fields | 1 |
profile_get_custom_fields | 1 |
profile_user_record | 1 |
get_gradable_users | 1 |
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print_natural_aggregation_upgrade_notice | 1 |
grade_get_plugin_info | 1 |
hide_aggregatesubcats_upgrade_notice | 1 |
hide_gradebook_calculations_freeze_notice | 1 |
grade_upgrade_use_min_max_from_grade_grade | 1 |
grade_upgrade_use_min_max_from_grade_item | 1 |
hide_natural_aggregation_upgrade_notice | 1 |
grade_hide_min_max_grade_upgrade_notice | 1 |
print_graded_users_selector | 1 |
grade_get_graded_users_select | 1 |
grade_is_user_graded_in_activity | 1 |
grade_get_gradable_activities | 1 |
grade_get_course_grade | 1 |
grade_get_grade_items_for_activity | 1 |
format_csv | 1 |
grade_print_scale_link | 1 |
xmldb_gradereport_grader_upgrade | 1 |
gradereport_grader_get_report_link | 1 |
grade_report_user_settings_definition | 1 |
gradereport_singleview_get_report_link | 1 |
gradereport_user_myprofile_navigation | 1 |
grade_report_user_profilereport | 1 |
grade_button | 1 |
grade_build_nav | 1 |
get_grading_manager | 1 |
grade_extend_settings | 1 |
xmldb_gradingform_guide_upgrade | 1 |
gradingform_guide_get_fontawesome_icon_map | 1 |
get_grade_tree | 1 |
xmldb_gradingform_rubric_upgrade | 1 |
grade_import_commit | 1 |
get_unenrolled_users_in_import | 1 |
import_cleanup | 1 |
import_xml_grades | 1 |
blog_rss_get_url | 1 |
blog_rss_print_link | 1 |
blog_rss_add_http_header | 1 |
blog_rss_get_params | 1 |
gradereport_user_get_report_link | 1 |
xmldb_gradereport_user_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_gradereport_history_upgrade | 1 |
grade_report_overview_settings_definition | 1 |
gradereport_overview_myprofile_navigation | 1 |
xmldb_gradereport_overview_upgrade | 1 |
export_verify_grades | 1 |
get_new_importcode | 1 |
blog_is_enabled_for_user | 1 |
blog_delete_external_entries | 1 |
blog_sync_external_entries | 1 |
blog_remove_associations_for_module | 1 |
blog_get_options_for_module | 1 |
blog_get_options_for_course | 1 |
blog_get_options_for_user | 1 |
blog_get_all_options | 1 |
blog_rss_delete_file | 1 |
blog_rss_save_file | 1 |
blog_rss_file_name | 1 |
blog_rss_get_feed | 1 |
blog_remove_associations_for_course | 1 |
blog_remove_associations_for_user | 1 |
blog_user_can_view_user_entry | 1 |
blog_user_can_edit_entry | 1 |
mnet_get_public_key | 1 |
mnet_set_public_key | 1 |
blog_get_editor_options | 1 |
mnet_get_hostname_from_uri | 1 |
mnet_get_keypair | 1 |
mnet_generate_keypair | 1 |
mnet_sign_message | 1 |
mnet_encrypt_message | 1 |
blog_comment_permissions | 1 |
blog_comment_validate | 1 |
blog_get_headers | 1 |
blog_get_associated_count | 1 |
blog_get_tagged_posts | 1 |
blog_validate_access | 1 |
blog_page_type_list | 1 |
core_blog_myprofile_navigation | 1 |
tool_analytics_calculate_course_dates | 1 |
xmldb_tool_customlang_install | 1 |
xmldb_tool_customlang_upgrade | 1 |
multilangupgrade_impl | 1 |
tool_policy_get_fontawesome_icon_map | 1 |
tool_policy_output_fragment_accept_on_behalf | 1 |
xmldb_tool_policy_upgrade | 1 |
tool_uploadcourse_extend_navigation_category_settings | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_category_install | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_flatfile_install | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_flatfile_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_ldap_install | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_database_install | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_database_upgrade | 1 |
enrol_category_sync_course | 1 |
enrol_category_sync_full | 1 |
enrol_cohort_sync | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_mnet_upgrade | 1 |
enrol_cohort_create_new_group | 1 |
enrol_cohort_allow_group_member_remove | 1 |
enrol_meta_create_new_group | 1 |
enrol_meta_sync | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_meta_uninstall | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_meta_install | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_manual_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_manual_install | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_imsenterprise_install | 1 |
enrol_imsenterprise_allow_group_member_remove | 1 |
enrol_manual_migrate_plugin_enrolments | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_cohort_uninstall | 1 |
enrol_manual_output_fragment_enrol_users_form | 1 |
enrol_manual_get_potential_cohorts | 1 |
validateDescriptor | 1 |
launchInfo | 1 |
enrol_lti_verify_private_key | 1 |
getLMSDummyData | 1 |
enrol_lti_get_fontawesome_icon_map | 1 |
enrol_lti_pre_course_module_delete | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_imsenterprise_upgrade | 1 |
enrol_lti_extend_navigation_course | 1 |
handleOAuthBodyPOST | 1 |
sendOAuthBodyPOST | 1 |
do_post_request | 1 |
getLastOAuthBodyBaseString | 1 |
postLaunchHTML | 1 |
get_stringIMS | 1 |
signParameters | 1 |
signOnly | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_self_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_self_install | 1 |
enrol_self_get_fontawesome_icon_map | 1 |
enrol_self_check_group_enrolment_key | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_lti_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_lti_install | 1 |
is_basic_lti_request | 1 |
sendOAuthParamsPOST | 1 |
message_post_message | 1 |
message_format_contexturl | 1 |
message_format_message | 1 |
message_search_users | 1 |
message_format_message_text | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_guest_upgrade | 1 |
enrol_guest_get_fontawesome_icon_map | 1 |
xmldb_enrol_paypal_upgrade | 1 |
get_message_processors | 1 |
get_message_providers | 1 |
get_message_processor | 1 |
get_message_output_default_preferences | 1 |
translate_message_default_setting | 1 |
message_page_type_list | 1 |
message_get_messages | 1 |
message_output_fragment_processor_settings | 1 |
core_message_can_edit_message_profile | 1 |
core_message_user_preferences | 1 |
message_popup_render_navbar_output | 1 |
core_message_standard_after_main_region_html | 1 |
message_airnotifier_post_site_registration_confirmed | 1 |
xmldb_message_airnotifier_install | 1 |
xmldb_message_popup_install | 1 |
xmldb_message_popup_upgrade | 1 |
cancel_email_update | 1 |
useredit_setup_preference_page | 1 |
xmldb_message_email_install | 1 |
xmldb_message_email_upgrade | 1 |
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useredit_update_bounces | 1 |
useredit_load_preferences | 1 |
useredit_update_user_preference | 1 |
useredit_shared_definition | 1 |
useredit_get_required_name_fields | 1 |
useredit_update_trackforums | 1 |
useredit_update_interests | 1 |
user_update_user | 1 |
user_create_user | 1 |
useredit_get_disabled_name_fields | 1 |
useredit_get_enabled_name_fields | 1 |
user_get_user_details | 1 |
user_get_default_fields | 1 |
user_get_users_by_id | 1 |
user_delete_user | 1 |
user_count_login_failures | 1 |
user_page_type_list | 1 |
can_view_user_details_cap | 1 |
user_get_user_details_courses | 1 |
user_is_previously_used_password | 1 |
user_add_password_history | 1 |
user_get_user_navigation_info | 1 |
user_convert_text_to_menu_items | 1 |
tool_usertours_pluginfile | 1 |
xmldb_tool_usertours_install | 1 |
tool_usertours_get_fontawesome_icon_map | 1 |
tool_usertours_before_footer | 1 |
tool_mfa_after_require_login | 1 |
print_sequential_output | 1 |
tool_mfa_after_config | 1 |
tool_mfa_extend_navigation_user_settings | 1 |
xmldb_factor_auth_upgrade | 1 |
tool_mfa_pluginfile | 1 |
tool_usertours_extend_navigation_user | 1 |
tool_usertours_inplace_editable | 1 |
print_each_process_info | 1 |
get_status_lines_from_run_op | 1 |
print_process_start_info | 1 |
print_combined_run_output | 1 |
print_combined_drop_output | 1 |
print_combined_install_output | 1 |
print_update_step_output | 1 |
commands_to_execute | 1 |
tool_lp_coursemodule_edit_post_actions | 1 |
tool_lp_get_fontawesome_icon_map | 1 |
tool_lp_extend_navigation_category_settings | 1 |
tool_lp_coursemodule_standard_elements | 1 |
xmldb_tool_unsuproles_install | 1 |
signal_handler | 1 |
tool_lp_render_competency_summary | 1 |
tool_lp_competency_picker | 1 |
tool_langimport_preupgrade_update | 1 |
xmldb_tool_monitor_upgrade | 1 |
tool_monitor_get_user_courses | 1 |
tool_monitor_can_subscribe | 1 |
tool_lp_myprofile_navigation | 1 |
tool_lp_extend_navigation_user | 1 |
tool_capability_calculate_role_data | 1 |
filter_user | 1 |
print_user_list | 1 |
search_spammers | 1 |
core_admin_recurse_svgs | 1 |
tool_monitor_extend_navigation_user_settings | 1 |
tool_monitor_extend_navigation_frontpage | 1 |
tool_monitor_extend_navigation_course | 1 |
print_user_entry | 1 |
tool_policy_before_standard_top_of_body_html | 1 |
tool_policy_standard_footer_html | 1 |
tool_policy_pre_signup_requests | 1 |
tool_policy_pluginfile | 1 |
xmldb_logstore_database_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_logstore_standard_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_tool_cohortroles_upgrade | 1 |
tool_policy_myprofile_navigation | 1 |
tool_brickfield_get_fontawesome_icon_map | 1 |
xmldb_tool_brickfield_install | 1 |
xmldb_tool_log_install | 1 |
xmldb_tool_log_upgrade | 1 |
my_save_profile_image | 1 |
tool_task_status_checks | 1 |
tool_task_mtrace_wrapper | 1 |
tool_brickfield_extend_navigation_course | 1 |
my_mktempdir | 1 |
uu_check_custom_profile_data | 1 |
process_file | 1 |
process_directory | 1 |
uu_allowed_roles_cache | 1 |
uu_allowed_roles | 1 |
uu_pre_process_custom_profile_data | 1 |
uu_allowed_sysroles_cache | 1 |
uu_process_template | 1 |
uu_increment_username | 1 |
uu_supported_auths | 1 |
uu_process_template_callback | 1 |
tool_recyclebin_pre_course_category_delete | 1 |
tool_recyclebin_pre_course_delete | 1 |
uu_validate_user_upload_columns | 1 |
tool_recyclebin_get_fontawesome_icon_map | 1 |
tool_recyclebin_pre_course_module_delete | 1 |
tool_recyclebin_course_module_background_deletion_recommended | 1 |
tool_recyclebin_extend_navigation_course | 1 |
tool_recyclebin_extend_navigation_category_settings | 1 |
tool_mobile_pre_processor_message_send | 1 |
xmldb_tool_mobile_upgrade | 1 |
tool_mobile_myprofile_navigation | 1 |
tool_mobile_standard_footer_html | 1 |
tool_mobile_get_token | 1 |
tool_mobile_user_has_token | 1 |
xmldb_tool_moodlenet_upgrade | 1 |
tool_mobile_create_app_download_url | 1 |
tool_moodlenet_custom_chooser_footer | 1 |
xmldb_tool_moodlenet_install | 1 |
xmldb_tool_dataprivacy_upgrade | 1 |
generate_mnet_endpoint | 1 |
tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_selectcourses_form | 1 |
tool_dataprivacy_pluginfile | 1 |
tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_contextlevel_form | 1 |
tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_context_form | 1 |
tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_addcategory_form | 1 |
tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_addpurpose_form | 1 |
tool_dataprivacy_standard_footer_html | 1 |
tool_dataprivacy_myprofile_navigation | 1 |
tool_generator_pluginfile | 1 |
tool_dbtransfer_maintenance_callback | 1 |
tool_dbtransfer_create_maintenance_file | 1 |
tool_dbtransfer_get_drivers | 1 |
tool_dbtransfer_rebuild_target_log_actions | 1 |
tool_dbtransfer_transfer_database | 1 |
tool_dbtransfer_export_xml_database | 1 |
xmldb_tool_usertours_upgrade | 1 |
gettmpdir | 1 |
includeFile | 1 |
xmldb_auth_cas_install | 1 |
CAS_autoload | 1 |
get_ldap_assignable_role_names | 1 |
xmldb_auth_cas_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_auth_ldap_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_auth_ldap_install | 1 |
get_idp_list | 1 |
set_saml_cookie | 1 |
generate_cookie_value | 1 |
generate_cookie_array | 1 |
LogoutNotification | 1 |
appendCookieValue | 1 |
xmldb_auth_shibboleth_install | 1 |
auth_shibboleth_pluginfile | 1 |
calendar_is_valid_eventtype | 1 |
calendar_get_allowed_event_types | 1 |
calendar_internal_update_course_and_group_permission | 1 |
calendar_get_export_token | 1 |
calendar_get_export_import_link_params | 1 |
calendar_inplace_editable | 1 |
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create_standard_events | 1 |
create_action_event | 1 |
create_user_override_event | 1 |
create_group_override_event | 1 |
core_customfield_inplace_editable | 1 |
core_customfield_pluginfile | 1 |
customfield_date_get_fontawesome_icon_map | 1 |
customfield_textarea_pluginfile | 1 |
auth_cas_pluginfile | 1 |
calendar_get_icalendar | 1 |
calendar_delete_subscription | 1 |
calendar_add_icalendar_event | 1 |
calendar_add_subscription | 1 |
calendar_can_edit_subscription | 1 |
calendar_update_subscription | 1 |
calendar_update_subscription_events | 1 |
calendar_import_events_from_ical | 1 |
calendar_get_view | 1 |
calendar_get_legacy_events | 1 |
core_calendar_user_preferences | 1 |
calendar_get_calendar_context | 1 |
calendar_get_filter_types | 1 |
calendar_get_footer_options | 1 |
calendar_get_timestamp | 1 |
calendar_output_fragment_event_form | 1 |
calendar_view_event_allowed | 1 |
calendar_edit_event_allowed | 1 |
calendar_set_filters | 1 |
calendar_can_manage_non_user_event_in_system | 1 |
calendar_get_default_courses | 1 |
calendar_format_event_time | 1 |
calendar_can_manage_user_event | 1 |
calendar_delete_event_allowed | 1 |
calendar_set_event_type_display | 1 |
calendar_get_allowed_types | 1 |
calendar_format_event_location | 1 |
calendar_show_event_type | 1 |
calendar_get_pollinterval_choices | 1 |
calendar_get_eventtype_choices | 1 |
calendar_user_can_add_event | 1 |
calendar_add_event_allowed | 1 |
core_role_get_potential_user_selector | 1 |
get_spacer | 1 |
question_types_enable_disable_icons | 1 |
core_admin_pluginfile | 1 |
get_action_icon | 1 |
question_type_icon_html | 1 |
mysql_set_row_format | 1 |
mysql_get_column_collations | 1 |
core_admin_svgtool_noaspectratio | 1 |
core_admin_svgtool_ie9fix | 1 |
add_selection_all | 1 |
mysql_get_collations | 1 |
get_selection_data | 1 |
core_group_inplace_editable | 1 |
set_groups_messaging | 1 |
get_group_custom_fields_data | 1 |
get_grouping_custom_fields_data | 1 |
groups_unassign_grouping | 1 |
groups_get_members_by_role | 1 |
groups_calculate_role_people | 1 |
groups_sync_with_enrolment | 1 |
admin_searcharea_action_url | 1 |
portfolio_action_url | 1 |
admin_page_type_list | 1 |
core_reportbuilder_output_fragment_filters_form | 1 |
core_reportbuilder_output_fragment_audience_form | 1 |
core_reportbuilder_get_tagged_reports | 1 |
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groups_delete_grouping | 1 |
groups_delete_group | 1 |
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groups_update_group | 1 |
groups_update_group_icon | 1 |
groups_create_grouping | 1 |
groups_create_group | 1 |
groups_remove_member | 1 |
groups_assign_grouping | 1 |
groups_parse_name | 1 |
groups_get_potential_members | 1 |
groups_get_possible_roles | 1 |
groups_delete_groupings | 1 |
groups_delete_groups | 1 |
groups_delete_groupings_groups | 1 |
groups_delete_group_members | 1 |
xmldb_auth_manual_upgrade | 1 |
auth_lti_pre_user_delete | 1 |
xmldb_auth_mnet_install | 1 |
xmldb_auth_mnet_upgrade | 1 |
auth_oauth2_pre_user_delete | 1 |
xmldb_auth_oauth2_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_auth_shibboleth_upgrade | 1 |
auth_oauth2_extend_navigation_user_settings | 1 |
groups_add_member | 1 |
groups_remove_member_allowed | 1 |
xmldb_auth_none_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_auth_email_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_auth_db_upgrade | 1 |
auth_none_security_checks | 1 |
xmldb_auth_lti_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_auth_db_install | 1 |
core_course_core_calendar_get_valid_event_timestart_range | 1 |
core_course_inplace_editable | 1 |
course_get_tagged_courses | 1 |
course_view | 1 |
course_get_user_administration_options | 1 |
course_get_user_navigation_options | 1 |
course_get_tagged_course_modules | 1 |
core_course_drawer | 1 |
compare_activities_by_time_desc | 1 |
duplicate_module | 1 |
mod_duplicate_activity | 1 |
update_module | 1 |
course_change_sortorder_after_course | 1 |
course_change_sortorder_by_one | 1 |
course_change_visibility | 1 |
compare_activities_by_time_asc | 1 |
course_filter_courses_by_customfield | 1 |
course_check_module_updates_since | 1 |
course_filter_courses_by_timeline_classification | 1 |
course_filter_courses_by_favourites | 1 |
can_download_from_backup_filearea | 1 |
get_hidden_courses_on_timeline | 1 |
course_can_view_participants | 1 |
course_require_view_participants | 1 |
course_classify_for_timeline | 1 |
course_classify_end_date | 1 |
course_validate_dates | 1 |
course_check_updates | 1 |
course_get_enrolled_courses_for_logged_in_user | 1 |
course_get_enrolled_courses_for_logged_in_user_from_search | 1 |
course_classify_start_date | 1 |
course_classify_courses_for_timeline | 1 |
moveto_module | 1 |
reorder_sections | 1 |
course_get_cm_move | 1 |
course_get_cm_edit_actions | 1 |
course_allowed_module | 1 |
course_format_name | 1 |
get_section_name | 1 |
move_courses | 1 |
course_module_bulk_update_calendar_events | 1 |
course_module_update_calendar_events | 1 |
move_section_to | 1 |
course_module_calendar_event_update_process | 1 |
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course_delete_section | 1 |
course_can_delete_section | 1 |
course_update_section | 1 |
average_number_of_courses_modules | 1 |
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course_get_url | 1 |
create_module | 1 |
course_format_uses_sections | 1 |
course_format_ajax_support | 1 |
can_delete_course | 1 |
save_local_role_names | 1 |
course_overviewfiles_options | 1 |
create_course | 1 |
update_course | 1 |
average_number_of_participants | 1 |
calendar_get_events_by_id | 1 |
calendar_add_event_metadata | 1 |
calendar_sub_month | 1 |
calendar_events_by_day | 1 |
calendar_days_in_month | 1 |
calendar_add_month | 1 |
calendar_get_link_previous | 1 |
calendar_get_link_next | 1 |
calendar_time_representation | 1 |
calendar_get_link_href | 1 |
calendar_top_controls | 1 |
calendar_day_representation | 1 |
course_get_format | 1 |
tool_unittest_get_course_category_contents | 1 |
clean_param_if_not_null | 1 |
contract_value | 1 |
tool_unittest_pre_course_category_delete_move | 1 |
tool_unittest_pre_course_category_delete | 1 |
tool_unittest_can_course_category_delete_move | 1 |
tool_unittest_can_course_category_delete | 1 |
course_get_communication_instance_data | 1 |
course_get_courseimage | 1 |
course_section_view | 1 |
course_update_communication_instance_data | 1 |
course_get_course_dates_for_user_ids | 1 |
course_get_recent_courses | 1 |
course_output_fragment_new_base_form | 1 |
course_get_course_dates_for_user_id | 1 |
calendar_get_courselink | 1 |
calendar_get_module_cached | 1 |
calendar_get_course_cached | 1 |
calendar_get_group_cached | 1 |
calendar_get_events | 1 |
calendar_get_days | 1 |
calendar_get_subscription | 1 |
calendar_get_starting_weekday | 1 |
xmldb_format_weeks_upgrade | 1 |
format_topics_inplace_editable | 1 |
xmldb_format_topics_upgrade | 1 |
coursereport_page_type_list | 1 |
expand_value | 1 |
core_courseformat_output_fragment_cmitem | 1 |
core_courseformat_output_fragment_section | 1 |
format_weeks_inplace_editable | 1 |
xmldb_repository_onedrive_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_repository_user_install | 1 |
xmldb_repository_flickr_upgrade | 1 |
repository_onedrive_oauth2_system_scopes | 1 |
xmldb_repository_youtube_install | 1 |
url_to_absolute | 1 |
repository_filesystem_pluginfile | 1 |
xmldb_repository_contentbank_install | 1 |
join_url | 1 |
encode_url | 1 |
url_remove_dot_segments | 1 |
split_url | 1 |
extract_html_urls | 1 |
extract_css_urls | 1 |
xmldb_block_navigation_upgrade | 1 |
block_html_pluginfile | 1 |
block_html_global_db_replace | 1 |
block_html_get_path_from_pluginfile | 1 |
xmldb_block_html_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_block_calendar_upcoming_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_block_feedback_install | 1 |
xmldb_block_feedback_upgrade | 1 |
block_blog_tags_sort | 1 |
xmldb_block_course_summary_install | 1 |
xmldb_block_course_summary_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_block_tag_youtube_install | 1 |
xmldb_block_tag_youtube_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_block_completionstatus_upgrade | 1 |
block_recentlyaccesseditems_pre_course_module_delete | 1 |
block_recentlyaccesseditems_pre_course_delete | 1 |
xmldb_block_selfcompletion_install | 1 |
xmldb_block_recentlyaccesseditems_upgrade | 1 |
block_timeline_user_preferences | 1 |
xmldb_block_selfcompletion_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_block_timeline_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_block_timeline_install | 1 |
block_online_users_user_preferences | 1 |
xmldb_block_recentlyaccessedcourses_install | 1 |
xmldb_block_calendar_month_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_block_badges_upgrade | 1 |
repository_delete_selected_files | 1 |
initialise_filepicker | 1 |
repository_download_selected_files | 1 |
create_event_draft_file_deleted | 1 |
xmldb_repository_areafiles_install | 1 |
print_draft_area_tree | 1 |
set_coursemodule_name | 1 |
course_delete_module | 1 |
set_downloadcontent | 1 |
set_coursemodule_visible | 1 |
set_coursemodule_groupmode | 1 |
set_coursemodule_idnumber | 1 |
course_create_sections_if_missing | 1 |
course_add_cm_to_section | 1 |
course_module_flag_for_async_deletion | 1 |
core_competency_comment_add | 1 |
core_competency_comment_validate | 1 |
core_competency_comment_permissions | 1 |
xmldb_block_section_links_upgrade | 1 |
block_accessreview_user_preferences | 1 |
block_accessreview_get_fontawesome_icon_map | 1 |
xmldb_block_myoverview_upgrade | 1 |
block_myoverview_pre_course_delete | 1 |
block_myoverview_user_preferences | 1 |
block_comments_comment_display | 1 |
block_comments_comment_permissions | 1 |
block_comments_comment_validate | 1 |
xmldb_block_settings_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_block_recent_activity_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_block_rss_client_upgrade | 1 |
xmldb_block_rss_client_install | 1 |
core_competency_pluginfile | 1 |
set_section_visible | 1 |
get_category_or_system_context | 1 |
get_module_types_names | 1 |
course_set_marker | 1 |
add_course_module | 1 |
course_create_section | 1 |
print_course_request_buttons | 1 |
can_edit_in_category | 1 |
get_moduleinfo_data | 1 |
prepare_new_moduleinfo_data | 1 |
update_moduleinfo | 1 |
include_modulelib | 1 |
build_mnet_logs_array | 1 |
course_integrity_check | 1 |
dndupload_add_to_course | 1 |
make_log_url | 1 |
plugin_extend_coursemodule_edit_post_actions | 1 |
add_moduleinfo | 1 |
xmldb_repository_recent_install | 1 |
xmldb_repository_wikimedia_install | 1 |
can_update_moduleinfo | 1 |
can_add_moduleinfo | 1 |
set_moduleinfo_defaults | 1 |
edit_module_post_actions | 1 |
xmldb_repository_local_install | 1 |
xmldb_repository_url_install | 1 |
xmldb_repository_upload_install | 1 |
xmldb_repository_googledocs_upgrade | 1 |
repository_googledocs_oauth2_system_scopes | 1 |
xmldb_repository_dropbox_upgrade | 1 |
course_module_instance_pending_deletion | 1 |
delete_mod_from_section | 1 |
course_modules_pending_deletion | 1 |
mdie | 2 |
adodb_GetActiveRecordsClass | 2 |
ADODB_SetDatabaseAdapter | 2 |
logMsg | 2 |
default_user_agent | 2 |
describe_type | 2 |
outputText | 2 |
tex2image | 2 |
slasharguments | 2 |
is_url | 2 |
GetDepFiles | 2 |
GetDepFilesHTML | 2 |
raise_early_ws_exception | 2 |
print_report_tree | 2 |
sort_compare | 2 |
get_scorm_default | 3 |