Those literals are assigned then compared somewhere else in the code. When those literals are carrying a state, it is recommended to assign them to a constant, to ensure that both parts of the application use the same values..
Literal | Assignations | Comparisons |
5 |
- $CFG->debugsessionlock = 5
- $CFG->debugsqltrace = 5
- $CFG->draft_area_bucket_capacity = 5
- $SESSION->activegroup[$course->id][VISIBLEGROUPS][$course->defaultgroupingid] = 5
- $SESSION->mfa_redir_count = 5
- $USER->timezone = 5
- $allsettings->seb_quitpassword = 5
- $attributes['rows'] = 5
- $bbactivity->newfield = 5
- $cache = 5
- $category->droplow = 5
- $categorysize = 5
- $cell->colspan = 5
- $choices[5] = '5'
- $chunksize = 5
- $course->numsections = 5
- $course->roleid = 5
- $currentselect = 5
- $delay = 5
- $ecl = 5
- $exitnousersfound = 5
- $expected->userid = 5
- $fieldinfo['2']->id = 5
- $fld->scale = 5
- $formdata->mapfrom = 5
- $formdata->role_5 = 5
- $gap = 5
- $grade_item->sortorder = 5
- $gradecategoryitem->grademin = 5
- $gradeid = 5
- $graph->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] = 5
- $i = 5
- $inc = 5
- $instance->timemodified = 5
- $itemheight = 5
- $limit = 5
- $lines = 5
- $mBytes = 5
- $mState = 5
- $magnitude = 5
- $match->right[5] = 5
- $max_width = 5
- $maxattachments = 5
- $maxentries = 5
- $maxnumberofretries = 5
- $moduleinfo->warnafter = 5
- $ncourses = 5
- $nocourses = 5
- $nostudents = 5
- $numberofquestions = 5
- $numsections = 5
- $o['gidNumber'] = '5'
- $opt['mk']['tp'] = 5
- $options['CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS'] = 5
- $options['left'] = 5
- $options['top'] = 5
- $outlinetable->cellpadding = 5
- $params['assignsubmission_file_maxfiles'] = 5
- $params['maxattempts'] = 5
- $parcount = 5
- $pbarb->maxdisplay = 5
- $previewrows = 5
- $qdata->noanswers = 5
- $quiz->attempts = 5
- $quiz->questiondecimalpoints = 5
- $quiz->sumgrades = 5
- $record->defaultweight = 5
- $record->frequency = 5
- $record->minutes = 5
- $record['numsections'] = 5
- $repeatno = 5
- $replycount = 5
- $report = 5
- $rulerecord->frequency = 5
- $shareid = 5
- $showoptions['5'] = '5'
- $size = 5
- $slotnumber = 5
- $startDow = 5
- $table->cellpadding = 5
- $table->cellspacing = 5
- $textrendermode = 5
- $this->adoParameterType = 5
- $this->barcode_array['num_rows'] = 5
- $this->encryptdata['V'] = 5
- $this->refresh = 5
- $timeout = 5
- $user1['mnethostid'] = 5
- $usercount = 5
- $value = 5
- $x->timestamp = 5
- $endDoW >= 5
- $endDow >= 5
- $formdata->$operator != 5
- $formdata->$operator < 5
- $i < 5
- $i <= 5
- $i == 5
- $index < 5
- $j >= 5
- $j < 5
- $key == 5
- $key === 5
- $len > 5
- $len == 5
- $level === 5
- $max_attempts > 5
- $numComponents < 5
- $number >= 5
- $numtries > 5
- $operator != 5
- $operator < 5
- $page->data['qtype'] == 5
- $pageindex <= 5
- $partWeekDays > 5
- $perpage != 5
- $php_version[0] < 5
- $php_version[0] === 5
- $recursioncounter < 5
- $report == 5
- $size_and_length[0] >= 5
- $slot != 5
- $slot->slot > 5
- $slot->slot >= 5
- $startDoW >= 5
- $state === 5
- $sub < 5
- $this->encryptdata['V'] == 5
- $this->runLength[$i] >= 5
- $usercount >= 5
- $version === 5
- $version[0] === '5'
- $width_and_height[0] >= 5
- $x <= 5
- $y < 5
- $y <= 5
- $y == 5
2 |
- $CFG->coursecontact = '2'
- $CFG->debugsqltrace = 2
- $CFG->grade_minmaxtouse = 2
- $CFG->maxusersperpage = 2
- $USER->maildigest = 2
- $USER->policyagreed = 2
- $USER->timezone = 2
- $allsettings->seb_linkquitseb = 2
- $answer->correctanswerformat = 2
- $answer->correctanswerlength = 2
- $arrow_size = 2
- $aside = 2
- $aspectratio = 2
- $attr['rowspan'] = 2
- $b = 2
- $basedprovider['Fields to create']['fieldstoupdate'] = 2
- $basedprovider['Fields to create, remove and update']['fieldstoremove'] = 2
- $basedprovider['Fields to create, remove and update']['fieldstoupdate'] = 2
- $basedprovider['Fields to update']['fieldstoupdate'] = 2
- $bestmismatch = 2
- $bindIndex = 2
- $bit = 2
- $browserver = 2
- $bytesleft = 2
- $category->droplow = 2
- $categoryid = 2
- $cell->colspan = 2
- $choices[2] = '2'
- $conditiontype = 2
- $config->calculated_sortorder = '2'
- $config->ltiservice_gradesynchronization = 2
- $config['acceptgrades'] = 2
- $contextid = 2
- $course->idnumber = '2'
- $courseid = 2
- $created2->idnumber = '2'
- $data[2]['value'] = 2
- $data['realuserid'] = 2
- $dataobject->usermodified = 2
- $datarecords->userid = '2'
- $days = 2
- $dboptions['connecttimeout'] = 2
- $dd->rightchoices[2] = 2
- $defaultdecimals = 2
- $defaultvalues['expiry'] = 2
- $delayseconds = 2
- $dummy['itemid'] = 2
- $ecl = 2
- $enrolmentdata['addtogroup'] = 2
- $entry['action'] = 2
- $errorcode = 2
- $escaped = 2
- $essay->attachmentsrequired = 2
- $event->courseid = 2
- $eventdata['objectid'] = 2
- $exitmissinguserarg = 2
- $expectedq->defaultmark = 2
- $expectedqa->defaultmark = 2
- $expectedreturnedusers = 2
- $fakearea->contextid = 2
- $fakeattempt->attempt = 2
- $fakequestion->createdby = 2
- $fieldinfo['1']->id = 2
- $filerecord['sortorder'] = 2
- $flags->mailed = 2
- $fld->max_length = 2
- $form->numhints = 2
- $formdata->id = 2
- $forum2->numdiscussions = 2
- $fromform->correctanswerlength[0] = 2
- $fromform->correctanswerlength[1] = 2
- $fromform->correctanswerlength[2] = 2
- $fromform->defaultmark = 2
- $gi->grademin = 2
- $glossary->displayformat = 2
- $grade->finalgrade = 2
- $grade->rawgrade = 2
- $grade->usermodified = 2
- $grade_category->depth = 2
- $grade_item->sortorder = 2
- $h = 2
- $i = 2
- $iLength = 2
- $inc = 2
- $index = '2'
- $info->max_length = 2
- $info->scale = 2
- $instance->expirynotify = 2
- $instance->timemodified = 2
- $itemid = 2
- $itemid2 = 2
- $j = 2
- $key3 = 2
- $l = 2
- $length = 2
- $limit = 2
- $linenum = 2
- $mBytes = 2
- $mState = 2
- $magnitude = 2
- $majorversion = 2
- $mapping->newitemid = 2
- $maxdisplay = 2
- $maxlength = 2
- $min = 2
- $moddefaults->completion = 2
- $mode = 2
- $modelid = 2
- $moduleinfo->completionreplies = 2
- $moduleinfo->maxattachments = 2
- $moduleinfo->rsstype = 2
- $n = 2
- $nc = 2
- $new->weight = 2
- $newpagenumber = 2
- $nocourses = 2
- $nostudents = 2
- $numberqanda->q = 2
- $numbytes = 2
- $nv = 2
- $o['gidNumber'] = '2'
- $opt['mk']['tp'] = 2
- $opt['q'] = 2
- $override->groupid = 2
- $override->userid = 2
- $p = 2
- $pageheading->colspan = 2
- $params->dropbox_issuerid = '2'
- $params['page'] = 2
- $perpage = 2
- $picturescore = 2
- $potentiallevel = 2
- $previewonly = 2
- $q->answers[13]->correctanswerlength = 2
- $q->answers[14]->correctanswerlength = 2
- $q->answers[17]->correctanswerlength = 2
- $q->attachments = 2
- $q->attachmentsrequired = 2
- $q->createdby = '2'
- $q->defaultmark = 2
- $q->modifiedby = '2'
- $q->options->answers[0]->correctanswerlength = '2'
- $q->options->falseanswer = 2
- $qdata->defaultmark = 2
- $qdata->numhints = 2
- $qdata->options->falseanswer = 2
- $question->subquestions[2]->defaultmark = 2
- $quiz->decimalpoints = 2
- $quiz->questiondecimalpoints = 2
- $ratingoptions->scaleid = 2
- $rec2['xxx'] = 2
- $record->apiversion = 2
- $record->course = 2
- $record->depth = '2'
- $record->displayattemptstatus = 2
- $record->hidetoc = 2
- $record->lastruntime = 2
- $record->onenumber = 2
- $record->requiredentriestoview = 2
- $record->skipview = 2
- $record->userid = 2
- $record->xxxxx = 2
- $record['mnethostid'] = 2
- $recordingcount = 2
- $remaining = 2
- $repeatedoptions['correctanswerlength']['default'] = 2
- $repeatopts['testselect']['default'] = 2
- $required[$h] = 2
- $result->rawscore = 2
- $rez = 2
- $row->cells[0]->colspan = '2'
- $rule->userid = 2
- $sectionnumber = 2
- $sessiondata->userid = 2
- $severitynumber = 2
- $showoptions['2'] = '2'
- $slot->page = 2
- $slotfrom = 2
- $spacelen = 2
- $stage = 2
- $style['stretchtext'] = 2
- $table->cellpadding = 2
- $textrendermode = 2
- $this->_nbElements = 2
- $this->_xh['isf'] = 2
- $this->ctagLen = 2
- $this->database->requiredentries = 2
- $this->database->requiredentriestoview = 2
- $this->distance = 2
- $this->encryptdata['V'] = 2
- $this->lesson->maxanswers = 2
- $this->mytype = 2
- $this->n = 2
- $this->options['CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST'] = 2
- $this->otagLen = 2
- $this->properties['underline'] = 2
- $this->state = 2
- $this->success = 2
- $this->svggradients[$this->svggradientid]['type'] = 2
- $this->userid = 2
- $ti = 2
- $tolerancedays = 2
- $toptions->userid = 2
- $totalNbElements = 2
- $unsubscribedcount = 2
- $user2->lastname = '2'
- $user->id_number = 2
- $user->maildisplay = 2
- $userid = 2
- $userpicture->size = 2
- $val = 2
- $verifyhost = 2
- $version = 2
- $versions[2] = '2'
- $w = 2
- $warning['warningcode'] = '2'
- $weight = 2
- $wrongchoice = 2
- $xmlfile->filetype = 2
- $COURSE->legacyfiles != 2
- $_xh['isf'] == 2
- $a[2] != 2
- $admin->id != 2
- $allowindexing == 2
- $answercount < 2
- $attr == 2
- $c > 2
- $c == 2
- $changelevel <= 2
- $cid > 2
- $clientCopyMode < 2
- $col == 2
- $config['batch_size'] < 2
- $count != 2
- $count > 2
- $count < 2
- $count <= 2
- $count == 2
- $count === 2
- $course->legacyfiles != 2
- $course->legacyfiles == 2
- $ct == 2
- $cwr == 2
- $d10 == 2
- $data->duration == 2
- $data->expiry == 2
- $data->expirynotify == 2
- $data->popup == 2
- $data['correctanswerformat'][$key] == 2
- $data['duration'] == 2
- $data['expiry'] == 2
- $easy->options['_curl_retries'] == 2
- $escaped == 2
- $expirynotify == 2
- $field->id == 2
- $fields['expirynotify'] == 2
- $filterstatus == 2
- $flagvalue >= 2
- $form->synchronize == 2
- $format == 2
- $format === 2
- $formdata->$operator != 2
- $formulaLength < 2
- $from === 2
- $fsType == 2
- $grad['type'] == 2
- $gradient['type'] == 2
- $headercounter === 2
- $headerscount === 2
- $hideoddsections == 2
- $http === 2
- $i < 2
- $i == 2
- $k >= 2
- $key > 2
- $key == 2
- $key === 2
- $len == 2
- $length > 2
- $length < 2
- $length <= 2
- $ln == 2
- $lookupColumns !== 2
- $lookupRows === 2
- $maildigest == 2
- $matches[1] >= 2
- $mode == 2
- $month > 2
- $month <= 2
- $month === 2
- $n < 2
- $n == 2
- $nc < 2
- $nparams > 2
- $num_subtags == 2
- $numberOfFields == 2
- $numcols < 2
- $nv < 2
- $offset === 2
- $ok == 2
- $options[$permission] == 2
- $options["debug"] >= 2
- $optsize[$k] == 2
- $p == 2
- $perpage < 2
- $php_version[1] < 2
- $pl['opt']['be']['i'] <= 2
- $pl['opt']['q'] <= 2
- $places[$i] < 2
- $pos > 2
- $potentiallevel > 2
- $pvalue == 2
- $q->type == 2
- $qtype == 2
- $question->type == 2
- $question->type == "2"
- $questioncount < 2
- $radix < 2
- $raisehandcount >= 2
- $rawhour < 2
- $rawhour == 2
- $readOrder > 2
- $regenerate == 2
- $resize == 2
- $s > 2
- $script == 2
- $slot->slot <= 2
- $startMonth == 2
- $state === 2
- $stretch > 2
- $style == 2
- $subquestioncount < 2
- $tails > 2
- $tdiff <= 2
- $this->_numOfFields < 2
- $this->_xh['isf'] >= 2
- $this->course->legacyfiles != 2
- $this->debug > 2
- $this->encryptdata['V'] < 2
- $this->encryptdata['mode'] == 2
- $this->fetchMode <= 2
- $this->freezeRow < 2
- $this->mytype == 2
- $this->num_columns < 2
- $this->pdfa_version >= 2
- $this->pdfa_version < 2
- $this->state != 2
- $this->state == 2
- $this->success == 2
- $this->workshop->overallfeedbackmode == 2
- $token_len == 2
- $type == 2
- $underline == 2
- $value < 2
- $valuecount == 2
- $version < 2
- $version['LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION'] == 2
- $vlen == 2
- $x <= 2
- $xmldb_length > 2
- $years == 2
- 2 > $question->choose
- 2 == $mBytes
- '2' == $data['correctanswerformat'][$key]
9 |
- $addOffset = 9
- $allsettings->seb_showtime = 9
- $bitlen = 9
- $date2['month'] = 9
- $date4['month'] = 9
- $fieldinfo['4']->id = 9
- $grade_item->sortorder = 9
- $i = 9
- $info->max_length = 9
- $instance->timemodified = 9
- $maxlength = 9
- $record->gradeover = 9
- $this->bitsToGet = 9
- $toolproxy['id'] = 9
- $type['toolproxyid'] = 9
- $y = 9
- $errno == 9
- $i != 9
- $i !== 9
- $i < 9
- $i <= 9
- $in == 9
- $j < 9
- $key == 9
- $number >= 9
- $old->scale == 9
- $p > 9
- $quality > 9
- $this->version['version'] < 9
- $value <= 9
- $version >= 9
- $version < 9
- $version <= 9
- $xmldb_length > 9
7 |
- $COURSE->id = 7
- $allsettings->seb_showsebtaskbar = 7
- $attemptid = 7
- $coursesize = 7
- $d2->id = 7
- $date1['month'] = 7
- $date2['day'] = 7
- $date3['month'] = 7
- $date4['day'] = 7
- $exiterrordb = 7
- $fieldinfo['3']->id = 7
- $fileman->itemid = 7
- $grade_item->sortorder = 7
- $i = 7
- $info->scale = 7
- $instance->timemodified = 7
- $level = 7
- $limit = 7
- $nonotes = 7
- $q->maxwordlimit = 7
- $quizid = 7
- $record->onenumber = 7
- $sectionnumber = 7
- $textrendermode = 7
- $CFG->perfdebug > 7
- $color > 7
- $errno == 7
- $ftype == 7
- $i < 7
- $index <= 7
- $j < 7
- $key == 7
- $level > 7
- $mask > 7
- $old->scale == 7
- $p > 7
- $remain >= 7
- $size > 7
- $solrversion >= 7
- $version >= 7
- $version < 7
- $version === 7
- $y < 7
6 |
- $allsettings->seb_allowreloadinexam = 6
- $attributes['maxlength'] = 6
- $cache = 6
- $cell->colspan = 6
- $componentcell->colspan = 6
- $coursesize = 6
- $default = 6
- $detailssize = 6
- $dim->id = 6
- $exitinvalidstopflag = 6
- $form->noanswers = 6
- $fromform->noanswers = 6
- $grade->finalgrade = 6
- $grade->rawgrade = 6
- $grade_item->sortorder = 6
- $graph->parameter['x_inner_padding'] = 6
- $i = 6
- $iCodepointMaxLength = 6
- $instance->timemodified = 6
- $key = 6
- $mBytes = 6
- $maxlength = 6
- $new->weight = 6
- $numberofactivities = 6
- $numsections = 6
- $offset = 6
- $opt['mk']['tp'] = 6
- $sublen = 6
- $textrendermode = 6
- $this->blurRadius = 6
- $this->finalrecord[6]->id = 6
- $this->finalrecord[6]->userid = 6
- $this->gradients[$n]['type'] = 6
- $value = 6
- $weight = 6
- $a < 6
- $codelen > 6
- $display == 6
- $endDow >= 6
- $grad['type'] == 6
- $i >= 6
- $i < 6
- $i <= 6
- $index < 6
- $j < 6
- $j <= 6
- $key == 6
- $key === 6
- $len == 6
- $length !== 6
- $level > 6
- $metadata->ipVersion === 6
- $nameID == 6
- $old->scale <= 6
- $oldscaleid <= 6
- $pl['opt']['mk']['tp'] <= 6
- $remain >= 6
- $slot->slot < 6
- $slot->slot <= 6
- $sublen == 6
- $version === 6
- $x < 6
- $x == 6
- $xmldb_decimals < 6
- $xmldb_length > 6
- $y < 6
60 |
- $_min_power = 60
- $attributes['cols'] = 60
- $default = 60
- $delay = 60
- $expiration = 60
- $finalgrade = 60
- $grade->finalgrade = 60
- $grade['rawgrade'] = 60
- $lifetime = 60
- $max_execution_time = 60
- $quiz->graceperiod = 60
- $record->param2 = 60
- $record['param2'] = 60
- $rule->timewindow = 60
- $ruledata->timewindow = 60
- $s2grade = 60
- $this->refresh = 60
- $badge->expireperiod < 60
- $ch === 60
- $cols < 60
- $dotsonline == 60
- $excelTimestamp < 60
- $h < 60
- $i < 60
- $max_execution_time < 60
- $minute >= 60
- $minute == 60
- $plendiff < 60
- $s <= 60
- $second >= 60
- $second == 60
- $timeleft < 60
- 60 === $minutes
- 60 === $seconds
35 |
- $max_fontsize = 35
- $record->id = 35
- $record->param3 = 35
- $record['param3'] = 35
- $size = 35
- $CFG->branch >= 35
- $i <= 35
3 |
- $CFG->courseoverviewfileslimit = 3
- $CFG->maxcoursesincategory = 3
- $CFG->maxusersperpage = 3
- $USER->id = 3
- $allsettings->seb_userconfirmquit = 3
- $answer->correctanswerlength = 3
- $answer->tolerancetype = 3
- $areaid = 3
- $attr['rows'] = '3'
- $attributes['size'] = 3
- $basedprovider['Database with fields / Empty importer']['fieldstoremove'] = 3
- $basedprovider['Empty database / Importer with fields']['fieldstocreate'] = 3
- $basedprovider['Fields to remove']['fieldstoupdate'] = 3
- $basedprovider['Same fields']['fieldstoupdate'] = 3
- $blankrow->colspan = 3
- $browserver = 3
- $bytesleft = 3
- $cell->colspan = 3
- $channels = 3
- $choices[3] = '3'
- $column_index = 3
- $config->course = 3
- $contentid = 3
- $contents[$numberfield->field->id] = '3'
- $count = 3
- $course2['newsitems'] = 3
- $dash = 3
- $data->newfield = 3
- $data['sortorder'] = 3
- $delay = 3
- $ecl = 3
- $errorcode = 3
- $exittoomanyuserarg = 3
- $expected->userid = 3
- $expectedq->defaultmark = 3
- $expectedreturnedusers = 3
- $expired = 3
- $fakeattempt->attempt = 3
- $fakequestion->attachmentsrequired = 3
- $form->answer[3] = '3'
- $form->unitrole = '3'
- $formdata->role_3 = 3
- $fromform->attachments = 3
- $fromform->unitrole = '3'
- $grade->finalgrade = 3
- $grade->rawgrade = 3
- $grade_category->depth = 3
- $grade_item->plusfactor = 3
- $grade_item->sortorder = 3
- $gradeitem->grademin = 3
- $grademax = 3
- $greg_correction = 3
- $groupsnum = 3
- $h = 3
- $h5pcontentid = 3
- $i = 3
- $imsuser->lastname = '3'
- $instance->customint3 = 3
- $instance->timemodified = 3
- $itemid3 = 3
- $length = 3
- $logrecord->course = 3
- $lookBack = 3
- $mBytes = 3
- $mState = 3
- $magnitude = 3
- $mailer->Priority = 3
- $mailer->SMTPDebug = 3
- $majorversion = 3
- $mapping->parentitemid = 3
- $mode = 3
- $moduleinfo->completionposts = 3
- $nbChannels = 3
- $nbytes = 3
- $new->weight = 3
- $newsite->newsitems = 3
- $noaccess = 3
- $nocourses = 3
- $ns = 3
- $numberofelements = 3
- $numberqanda->a = 3
- $numbytes = 3
- $numteachers = 3
- $o['gidNumber'] = '3'
- $object->grade = 3
- $object->qid = 3
- $openssl_generations = 3
- $opt['mk']['tp'] = 3
- $options['showunits'] = 3
- $page = 3
- $parameters_size = 3
- $q->attachments = 3
- $q->minwordlimit = 3
- $q->noanswers = 3
- $q->options->answers[3]->answer = '3'
- $q->options->showunits = '3'
- $qdata->defaultmark = 3
- $qo->showunits = 3
- $quiz->attempts = 3
- $quiz->decimalpoints = 3
- $quiz->questiondecimalpoints = 3
- $rating2->rating = 3
- $record->course = 3
- $remaining = 3
- $rows = 3
- $sectionnumber = 3
- $severitynumber = 3
- $slot->page = 3
- $slotnumber = 3
- $table->cellpadding = 3
- $table->cellspacing = 3
- $textrendermode = 3
- $this->_xh['isf'] = 3
- $this->_xh['lv'] = 3
- $this->adoParameterType = 3
- $this->mytype = 3
- $this->question->defaultmark = 3
- $this->state = 3
- $this->svggradients[$this->svggradientid]['type'] = 3
- $ti = 3
- $unenrolcount = 3
- $usergrade = 3
- $userpicture->size = 3
- $version = 3
- $versions[3] = '3'
- $warning['warningcode'] = '3'
- $weight = 3
- $x->timestamp = 3
- $_xh['isf'] > 3
- $_xh['isf'] == 3
- $addtype > 3
- $answercount < 3
- $borderCount >= 3
- $bucketLen >= 3
- $c < 3
- $c <= 3
- $cntempty === 3
- $count != 3
- $count > 3
- $count < 3
- $countfailures[$sess] < 3
- $ct == 3
- $cws > 3
- $d10 == 3
- $field_length < 3
- $grad['type'] == 3
- $gradient['type'] != 3
- $gradient['type'] == 3
- $http === 3
- $i !== 3
- $i > 3
- $i >= 3
- $i < 3
- $i <= 3
- $i == 3
- $i === 3
- $idx <= 3
- $infos['offset_size'] == 3
- $j < 3
- $key == 3
- $key === 3
- $len < 3
- $len == 3
- $length !== 3
- $length > 3
- $length === 3
- $level > 3
- $loop < 3
- $luminosity < 3
- $mode == 3
- $n <= 3
- $nbytes < 3
- $nbytes == 3
- $numanswers > 3
- $orientation == 3
- $p >= 3
- $q->type < 3
- $question->type == "3"
- $rows < 3
- $s > 3
- $s == 3
- $slot->slot >= 3
- $slot->slot <= 3
- $state === 3
- $style > 3
- $sub < 3
- $subanswercount < 3
- $this->_xh['lv'] != 3
- $this->char >= 3
- $this->compstoreview['count'] > 3
- $this->config->ldap_version != 3
- $this->dialect == 3
- $this->encryptdata['mode'] < 3
- $this->encryptdata['mode'] == 3
- $this->mytype == 3
- $this->pdfa_version != 3
- $this->pdfa_version == 3
- $this->planstoreview['count'] > 3
- $this->pos < 3
- $this->state < 3
- $this->state == 3
- $this->textrendermode > 3
- $token_len == 3
- $x < 3
- $x <= 3
- $x == 3
- $y < 3
- $y <= 3
- $y == 3
- 3 > $ns
- 3 == $mBytes
25 |
- $CFG->digestmailtime = 25
- $config['concurrency'] = 25
- $data[$key]['value'] = 25
- $data['grade__idx_' . $i] = 25
- $data['weight__idx_' . $i] = 25
- $gradeitem->grademax = 25
- $pagesize = 25
- $record->newgradeitem = 25
- $ruledata->frequency = 25
- $sa1->id = 25
- $value->value = 25
- $config['batch_size'] > 25
- $i == 25
4 |
- $allsettings->seb_allowuserquitseb = 4
- $bbactivity->newfield = 4
- $category->droplow = 4
- $categorysize = 4
- $cell->colspan = 4
- $choices[4] = '4'
- $cnote['clientnoteid'] = 4
- $columnWidth = 4
- $course2['numsections'] = 4
- $coursesize = 4
- $data['norepeats'] = 4
- $date1['day'] = 4
- $date3['day'] = 4
- $detailssize = 4
- $ecl = 4
- $errorcode = 4
- $exitnosearchargs = 4
- $extendbase = 4
- $f = 4
- $fakeattempt->attempt = 4
- $fileman->itemid = 4
- $fkt = 4
- $fld->max_length = 4
- $fval = 4
- $grade_item->sortorder = 4
- $graph->parameter['legend_offset'] = 4
- $graph->parameter['y_max_left'] = 4
- $i = 4
- $info->max_length = 4
- $instance->timemodified = 4
- $item->gradepass = 4
- $lenIV = 4
- $length = 4
- $mBytes = 4
- $mState = 4
- $magnitude = 4
- $maxListElements = 4
- $maxlength = 4
- $message1['clientmsgid'] = 4
- $minorversion = 4
- $nbChannels = 4
- $nested_tags_level = 4
- $new->weight = 4
- $note1['clientnoteid'] = 4
- $numberofelements = 4
- $numberofstatusstudent = 4
- $numbytes = 4
- $o['gidNumber'] = '4'
- $opt['mk']['tp'] = 4
- $parameters_size = 4
- $params['page'] = 4
- $perpage = 4
- $q->noanswers = 4
- $quiz->questiondecimalpoints = 4
- $quiz->questionsperpage = 4
- $record->anothernumber = 4
- $record->itemid = 4
- $row = 4
- $start = 4
- $startdate = 4
- $style['hpadding'] = 4
- $style['padding'] = 4
- $style['stretchtext'] = 4
- $style['vpadding'] = 4
- $table->cellpadding = 4
- $textrendermode = 4
- $this->config->numberofrecentblogentries = 4
- $this->encryptdata['V'] = 4
- $truncatelength = 4
- $weight = 4
- $assert < 4
- $bands < 4
- $basis > 4
- $charscount >= 4
- $code[0] == '4'
- $count > 4
- $count <= 4
- $count == 4
- $cws < 4
- $field_length < 4
- $field_length == 4
- $file['error'] == 4
- $group_pos == 4
- $http === 4
- $i != 4
- $i > 4
- $i >= 4
- $i < 4
- $i <= 4
- $i == 4
- $j < 4
- $key == 4
- $key === 4
- $level === 4
- $matches[1] >= 4
- $max_chunk_size < 4
- $metadata->ipVersion === 4
- $mode == 4
- $nbChannels === 4
- $number >= 4
- $optsize[$k] == 4
- $page['contentformat'] > 4
- $parts[0][0] > '4'
- $remain >= 4
- $s < 4
- $size > 4
- $slot->slot >= 4
- $slot->slot <= 4
- $state === 4
- $status == 4
- $sub < 4
- $this->_numRequests > 4
- $this->encryptdata['V'] >= 4
- $this->encryptdata['V'] < 4
- $this->encryptdata['V'] == 4
- $this->instancedata[$cm->instance]->showresults == 4
- $this->metadata->ipVersion === 4
- $this->textrendermode < 4
- $value[0] >= '4'
- $xmldb_length > 4
- 4 < $mBytes
- 4 < $p10
- 4 == $mBytes
15 |
- $CFG->bigbluebuttonbn['poll_interval'] = 15
- $CFG->debug = 15
- $allsettings->seb_activateurlfiltering = 15
- $assignid = 15
- $date3['minute'] = 15
- $defaultoptions->responsefieldlines = 15
- $essay->maxwordlimit = 15
- $essay->minwordlimit = 15
- $essay->responsefieldlines = 15
- $expectedq->responsefieldlines = 15
- $fld->max_length = 15
- $grade->rawgrade = 15
- $grade_item->sortorder = 15
- $gradecategoryitem->grademin = 15
- $grades['rawgrade'] = 15
- $obj->prop3 = 15
- $question->responsefieldlines = 15
- $rule->frequency = 15
- $size = 15
- $this->barcode_array['num_cols'] = 15
- $threshold = 15
- $CFG->chat_refresh_userlist < 15
- $day < 15
- $discriminativeefficiency < 15
- $groupsize > 15
- $i < 15
- $lifetime > 15
- $object_length == 15
- $p > 15
- $tagwords >= 15
- $this->mod->indent > 15
- $type_len < 15
12 |
- $allsettings->seb_enableaudiocontrol = 12
- $b = 12
- $bitlen = 12
- $categorysize = 12
- $cell->colspan = 12
- $coursesize = 12
- $fakegrade->userid = 12
- $fld->max_length = 12
- $grade_item->sortorder = 12
- $grades['rawgrade'] = 12
- $i = 12
- $len = 12
- $maxlength = 12
- $newfontsize = 12
- $numsections = 12
- $numstudents = 12
- $offset = 12
- $options['fontsize'] = 12
- $qdata->id = 12
- $service->id = 12
- $size = 12
- $this->FontSizePt = 12
- $this->bitsToGet = 12
- $userage1 = 12
- $yrs = 12
- $a <= 12
- $datearray['hours'] < 12
- $datenow['mon'] == 12
- $datestamp['mon'] == 12
- $day != 12
- $endMonth == 12
- $hour > 12
- $hour >= 12
- $i < 12
- $i <= 12
- $key == 12
- $len > 12
- $len <= 12
- $len == 12
- $m > 12
- $m[1] <= 12
- $m[2] > 12
- $mon > 12
- $month > 12
- $month == 12
- $rr[4] < 12
- $rr[4] == 12
- $testVal2 < 12
- $testVal3 < 12
9999999999 |
- $record->instanceid = 9999999999
- $this->start = 9999999999
- $ue->ptimeend == 9999999999
- $ue->ptimestart == 9999999999
- $ue->timeend == 9999999999
- $ue->timestart == 9999999999
10000 |
- $attempt->timefinish = 10000
- $attempt->timestart = 10000
- $maxDepth = 10000
- $newcourse = 10000
- $numelements = 10000
- $nusers = 10000
- $quiz->timeopen = 10000
- $time = 10000
- $timenow = 10000
- $timestamp = 10000
- $data <= 10000
- $year >= 10000
10 |
- $CFG->maxeditingtime = 10
- $CFG->minbounces = 10
- $CFG->notifyloginthreshold = 10
- $SITE->id = 10
- $allsettings->seb_showkeyboardlayout = 10
- $args['retries']['default'] = 10
- $bitlen = 10
- $count = 10
- $course1['summaryformat'] = 10
- $courseid = 10
- $delnamesuffixlength = 10
- $dim->id = 10
- $dval = 10
- $essay->minwordlimit = 10
- $expectedq->minwordlimit = 10
- $fakegrade->userid = 10
- $fakequestion->responsefieldlines = 10
- $fieldcount = 10
- $form->calcmax[1] = 10
- $form->calcmax[2] = 10
- $fromform->responsefieldlines = 10
- $grade->finalgrade = 10
- $grade_category->droplow = 10
- $grade_grade->userid = 10
- $grade_item->grademin = 10
- $grade_item->sortorder = 10
- $grade_items[$i]->grademax = 10
- $gradeitems->grademax = 10
- $gradeover = 10
- $gradinggradeover = 10
- $h = 10
- $i = 10
- $instanceid = 10
- $last = 10
- $limit = 10
- $linewidth = 10
- $list['perpage'] = 10
- $moduleinfo->blockafter = 10
- $moduleinfo->rssarticles = 10
- $moduleinfo->scale = 10
- $multiple_alter_stmt[1]->length = 10
- $ncourses = 10
- $new->grade = 10
- $nrows = 10
- $numsections = 10
- $object->item1 = 10
- $observer->priority = 10
- $pagingbar->maxdisplay = 10
- $plugin->maturity = 10
- $precision = 10
- $previewlimit = 10
- $q->maxmark = 10
- $q->responsefieldlines = 10
- $qdata->options->minwordlimit = 10
- $quiz->attempts = 10
- $quiz->grade = 10
- $quiz->sumgrades = 10
- $record->course = 10
- $record->timecreated = 10
- $relatedtagslimit = 10
- $sortorder = 10
- $spellingscore = 10
- $student1rawgrade = 10
- $this->bitsToGet = 10
- $this->config->numberofbadges = 10
- $this->options['CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS'] = 10
- $timeout = 10
- $usergrade->grade = 10
- $weight = 10
- $window = 10
- $xmldb_length = 10
- $bands <= 10
- $c == 10
- $chars[($length - 1)] == 10
- $check == 10
- $day < 10
- $h < 10
- $hh < 10
- $hour < 10
- $hours < 10
- $i != 10
- $i > 10
- $i < 10
- $i <= 10
- $i == 10
- $in == 10
- $itemno <= 10
- $key == 10
- $len > 10
- $max > 10
- $min < 10
- $mins < 10
- $minutes < 10
- $month < 10
- $month == 10
- $n <= 10
- $numDigits > 10
- $number >= 10
- $p > 10
- $places > 10
- $recursion > 10
- $result->total > 10
- $sec < 10
- $seconds < 10
- $secs < 10
- $slot->slot <= 10
- $tagfieldcount > 10
- $this->timeout != 10
- $this->version['version'] < 10
- $time < 10
- $value == 10
- $width >= 10
- 10 <= $len
- self::$bp[$type] < 10
321 |
20 |
- $allsettings->seb_regexblocked = 20
- $cgi->grademax = 20
- $choices[20] = '20'
- $cmid = 20
- $connecttimeout = 20
- $expectedq->maxwordlimit = 20
- $gSQLBlockRows = 20
- $grade->finalgrade = 20
- $grade->rawgrade = 20
- $graph->parameter['x_axis_angle'] = 20
- $i = 20
- $limit = 20
- $max_sizing_ratio = 20
- $maxcoursesinquery = 20
- $new->grade = 20
- $pagesize = 20
- $qdata->options->maxwordlimit = 20
- $record->id = 20
- $record->timecreated = 20
- $size = 20
- $student2rawgrade = 20
- $sub->courseid = 20
- $this->_freq_update_records = 20
- $this->_time_rest_socket = 20
- $this->workshop->phase = 20
- $timeoutseconds = 20
- $bands > 20
- $i > 20
- $i < 20
- $i <= 20
- $len == 20
- $n <= 20
- $p > 20
- $slot->slot <= 20
- $space_left > 20
- $time < 20
- $totalinitials > 20
- $val === 20
- $vtype === '20'
- $x >= 20
100 |
- $BUFLINES = 100
- $CFG->debugsqltrace = 100
- $MAXLOOPS = 100
- $annotation2->x = 100
- $annotation2->y = 100
- $annotation->x = 100
- $annotation->y = 100
- $answer->grade = 100
- $bytesPerCycle = 100
- $category->grade_item_grademax = 100
- $category->grademax = 100
- $comment2->width = 100
- $comment2->y = 100
- $comment->width = 100
- $comment->x = 100
- $comment->y = 100
- $config->grade_modgrade_point = 100
- $defaultsetting = 100
- $diminfo[$dimid]->max = 100
- $diminfo[$dimid]->min = 100
- $fakeattempt->sumgrades = 100
- $feedback->maxgrade = 100
- $filesizelimit = 100
- $filtercondition['qperpage'] = 100
- $ggrade->rawgrademax = 100
- $gi->grademax = 100
- $grade->finalgrade = 100
- $grade->grade = 100
- $grade->rawgrade = 100
- $grade->rawgrademax = 100
- $grade_category->keephigh = 100
- $grade_grade->rawgrademax = 100
- $grade_item->grademax = 100
- $grade_raw->grademax = 100
- $gradegrade->rawgrademax = 100
- $grademax = 100
- $grades['rawgrade'] = 100
- $gradinggrade = 100
- $gradinggradeover = 100
- $i = 100
- $lesson->gradebetterthan = 100
- $letter->lowerboundary = '100'
- $limit = 100
- $max = 100
- $maxmark = 100
- $maxrand = 100
- $maxscore = 100
- $moduleinfo->grade = 100
- $new->grade = 100
- $now = 100
- $observer->priority = 100
- $priority = 100
- $quiz->timelimit = 100
- $rating1->scaleid = 100
- $rating2->rating = 100
- $rating2->scaleid = 100
- $record->grade = 100
- $record->scale = 100
- $size = 100
- $sub->id = 100
- $testsize = 100
- $this->errno = 100
- $this->height = 100
- $this->node->key = 100
- $this->options['CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS'] = 100
- $this->width = 100
- $timestamp = 100
- $val = 100
- $value = '100'
- $writelimit = 100
- $xLo = 100
- $zoomScale = 100
- $zoomScaleNormal = 100
- $answer['@']['fraction'] != 100
- $answer['@']['fraction'] == 100
- $boundary > 100
- $category->aggregation >= 100
- $defaultvalues['height'] <= 100
- $defaultvalues['width'] <= 100
- $fontSize < 100
- $gradecount > 100
- $gradinggrade > 100
- $i > 100
- $i < 100
- $i <= 100
- $i == 100
- $int > 100
- $lesson->gradebetterthan > 100
- $level->score == 100
- $limit < 100
- $number >= 100
- $p > 100
- $parcount > 100
- $percent > 100
- $percent >= 100
- $percent == 100
- $perpage !== '100'
- $points > 100
- $potentialmemberscount > 100
- $quality > 100
- $quiz->grade != 100
- $retries < 100
- $retries === 100
- $rr[1] <= 100
- $runningtotal >= 100
- $setvar->item(0)->nodeValue == '100'
- $statuscode != 100
- $statuscode == 100
- $subtotal > 100
- $suffix < 100
- $t < 100
- $this->font_stretching != 100
- $this->options['CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS'] > 100
- $this->size > 100
- $tmp == '100'
- $total >= 100
- $totalweight >= 100
- $val == 100
- $value <= 100
- $weight >= 100
- $xml->meta->statuscode != 100
- $y < 100
251 |
50 |
- $assigngrade->grade = 50
- $calculatedgradeitem->grademax = 50
- $chunksize = 50
- $count = 50
- $courseitem->gradepass = 50
- $datagrade = 50
- $essay->minwordlimit = 50
- $fakeattempt->sumgrades = 50
- $gi->grademax = 50
- $grade->finalgrade = 50
- $grade->grade = 50
- $grade->rawgrade = 50
- $grade['rawgrade'] = 50
- $grade_item->grademax = 50
- $grade_item->grademin = 50
- $grade_raw->grademax = 50
- $gradecategoryitem->grademax = 50
- $gradegrade->rawgrade = 50
- $gradeover = 50
- $gradinggradeover = 50
- $i = 50
- $max = 50
- $maxtocreate = 50
- $module->maturity = 50
- $perpage = 50
- $rating1->rating = 50
- $student1gradeinfo['grade'] = 50
- $student3gradeinfo['grade'] = 50
- $this->alpha = 50
- $trimlength = 50
- $userlimit = 50
- $ut = 50
- $answer->grade > 50
- $bands > 50
- $chunksize > 50
- $contactscount > 50
- $i < 50
- $i <= 50
- $level->score == 50
- $limitnum > 50
- $match[4] < 50
- $newgrade > 50
- $number >= 50
- $report > 50
- $requestcount > 50
- $this->size >= 50
- $workshop->phase == 50
2023100901 |
- $plugin->version = 2023100901
600 |
- $dw = 600
- $height = 600
- $lifetime = 600
- $maxw = 600
- $timelimit = 600
- $w = 600
- $waitsec = 600
- $code >= 600
- $this->info['http_code'] < 600
500 |
- $boundary = 500
- $chunksize = 500
- $code = 500
- $contentlengthlimit = 500
- $rows = 500
- $rule->timewindow = 500
- $ruleValue = 500
- $updaterule->timewindow = 500
- $nrows > 500
- $number >= 500
- $ruleValue > 500
- $styleValue >= 500
- $this->info['http_code'] >= 500
900 |
- $codewords[0] == 900
- $number >= 900
- $sequence_array[(count($sequence_array) - 1)][0] == 900
57 |
- $actualChar <= 57
- $chr <= 57
- $i <= 57
- $pattern[$j] <= 57
- $peek <= 57
400 |
- $code = 400
- $comment->width = 400
- $objgraph3->placementAdvice->displayHeight = 400
- $code < 400
- $info['http_code'] >= 400
- $info['http_code'] == 400
- $number >= 400
- $this->code >= 400
- $this->status < 400
- $this->status_code < 400
- $weight > 400
200 |
- $CFG->maxeditingtime = 200
- $annotation2->endx = 200
- $annotation2->endy = 200
- $annotation->endx = 200
- $annotation->endy = 200
- $code = 200
- $comment2->x = 200
- $maxbytes = 200
- $meta['statusCode'] = 200
- $objgraph2->placementAdvice->displayHeight = 200
- $observer->priority = 200
- $rule->timewindow = 200
- $this->_lock[$this->_parserid]['status'] = 200
- $this->code = 200
- $accountInfo['status'] !== 200
- $code < 200
- $code == 200
- $count < 200
- $curl->info['http_code'] != 200
- $curl->info['http_code'] !== 200
- $curlinfo['http_code'] != 200
- $curlinfo['http_code'] == 200
- $data['status'] !== 200
- $displaysize > 200
- $feed->status_code === 200
- $file->status_code === 200
- $i < 200
- $i <= 200
- $info['http_code'] != 200
- $info['http_code'] !== 200
- $info['http_code'] == 200
- $info['http_code'] === 200
- $position < 200
- $registration['status'] !== 200
- $response->code !== 200
- $response->info['http_code'] == 200
- $response->status->statusCode == 200
- $response['@metadata']['statusCode'] == 200
- $response['status'] !== 200
- $response['status'] === 200
- $response['status']['status-code'] == 200
- $rest->code !== 200
- $rest->code == 200
- $rest->response->code !== 200
- $status != 200
- $statusCode >= 200
- $statuscode !== 200
- $this->code >= 200
- $this->googleoauth->info['http_code'] !== 200
- $this->info['http_code'] != 200
- $this->info['http_code'] !== 200
- $this->info['http_code'] == 200
- $this->info['http_code'] === 200
- 200 == $code
99 |
- $CFG->forcetimezone = 99
- $USER->timezone = 99
- $course->category = 99
- $current = 99
- $grade_category->droplow = 99
- $grade_category->keephigh = 99
- $invalidsharetype = 99
- $maxfiles = 99
- $newvalue = 99
- $oldvalue = 99
- $q->id = 99
- $sc = 99
- $timezone = 99
- $tz = 99
- $CFG->forcetimezone != 99
- $CFG->forcetimezone == 99
- $CFG->timezone == 99
- $current == 99
- $currentvalue == 99
- $resp <= 99
- $this->debug == 99
- $tz == 99
- $user->timezone == 99
- $userorforcedtz != 99
- $userorforcedtz == 99
- $zthis->debug === 99
11 |
- $allsettings->seb_showwificontrol = 11
- $args['retries']['default'] = 11
- $bitlen = 11
- $chr['A'] = '11'
- $fakegrade->userid = 11
- $grade_item->sortorder = 11
- $rec1->fieldvalue = 11
- $student1grade = 11
- $this->adoParameterType = 11
- $this->bitsToGet = 11
- $user1->picture = 11
- $hour < 11
- $i < 11
- $i <= 11
- $key == 11
- $serverinfo['version'] > '11'
- $slot->slot >= 11
- $slot->slot < 11
- $status == 11
- @$this->version['version'] >= 11
1000 |
- $chunk_size = 1000
- $dw = 1000
- $gSQLBlockRows = 1000
- $gSQLMaxRows = 1000
- $grade_item->itemnumber = 1000
- $gradeitem->itemnumber = 1000
- $group1['visibility'] = 1000
- $group1data['visibility'] = 1000
- $limit = 1000
- $maxIterations = 1000
- $mindepth = 1000
- $numcalls = 1000
- $outcomegradeitem->itemnumber = 1000
- $quiz->delay1 = 1000
- $quiz->delay2 = 1000
- $quiz->graceperiod = 1000
- $remainingdirs = 1000
- $resourcelink->primaryResourceLinkId = 1000
- $this->node->get('demo3')->get('demo5')->type = 1000
- $timestamp = 1000
- $bulkinsert > 1000
- $bulkinsert < 1000
- $cid > 1000
- $currentconcept < 1000
- $currentint < 1000
- $i < 1000
- $intcurrent < 1000
- $itemnumber >= 1000
- $match[4] < 1000
- $nrows < 1000
- $number >= 1000
- $perpage <= 1000
- $tabRatio <= 1000
- $toearn->num < 1000
- $y < 1000
8 |
- $CFG->minpasswordlength = 8
- $addOffset = 8
- $allsettings->seb_showreloadbutton = 8
- $dim->id = 8
- $fld->max_length = 8
- $gi->aggregationcoef = 8
- $grade_item->sortorder = 8
- $info->max_length = 8
- $instance->timemodified = 8
- $limit = 8
- $majorsteps = 8
- $max = 8
- $maxecl = 8
- $new->weight = 8
- $object_offset = 8
- $position = 8
- $submitstate->event = 8
- $weight = 8
- $bit < 8
- $c != 8
- $count != 8
- $count > 8
- $count <= 8
- $curPrefix < 8
- $ecl > 8
- $i < 8
- $i <= 8
- $initialrolescount >= 8
- $j < 8
- $key == 8
- $len == 8
- $length > 8
- $matches[1] >= 8
- $matches[1] == 8
- $old->scale == 8
- $symsize > 8
- $type < 8
- $y < 8
300 |
- $objgraph2->placementAdvice->displayWidth = 300
- $rule->timewindow = 300
- $timeout = 300
- $timetoshowusers = 300
- $feed->status_code < 300
- $file->status_code < 300
- $h < 300
- $seconds < 300
- $status < 300
- $statusCode < 300
- $this->code < 300
- $this->status_code == 300
2023103000 |
- $plugin->version = 2023103000
404 |
- $code = 404
- $code = '404'
- $expected->code = 404
- $code == 404
- $curlinfo['http_code'] === 404
- $info['http_code'] === 404
- $response->info['http_code'] == 404
- $response->status != '404'
- $response['status'] === 404
- $rest->code !== 404
- $results->error->code !== 404
- $results->error->code === 404
- $this->curl->info['http_code'] === 404
401 |
- $accountInfo['status'] === 401
- $status === 401
21 |
- $allsettings->seb_templateid = 21
- $i = 21
- $userid = 21
40 |
- $grade2->finalgrade = 40
- $grade->finalgrade = 40
- $grade->grade = 40
- $grade->rawgrade = 40
- $grade_item->grademin = 40
- $grade_raw->rawgrade = 40
- $height = 40
- $i = 40
- $s1grade2 = 40
- $size = 40
- $this->encryptdata['Length'] = 40
- $ut = 40
- $val = 40
- $w = 40
- $i < 40
- $lines <= 40
- $number >= 40
- $numsections > 40
30 |
- $cols = 30
- $downloadtimeout = 30
- $endDay = 30
- $fakeattempt->sumgrades = 30
- $feedback->mingrade = 30
- $fmetric['StemH'] = 30
- $grade->finalgrade = 30
- $grade->grade = 30
- $grade_item->grademin = 30
- $grades['rawgrade'] = 30
- $item->grademin = 30
- $itemsize = 30
- $itemwidth = 30
- $limit = 30
- $lnamemax = 30
- $newphase = 30
- $pluginfo->pluginincompatible = 30
- $record->timecreated = 30
- $startDay = 30
- $this->config->rpc_negotiation_timeout = 30
- $this->options['CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT'] = 30
- $cols > 30
- $i < 30
- $i <= 30
- $size === 30
- $startDay != 30
- $timeleft < 30
-2 |
- $lastnomatch = -2
- $lastoption = -2
- $prevcid = -2
- $subq3->id = -2
- $this->currentgroup = -2
- $field->param2 == -2
- $fieldobj->param2 == -2
- $offset === -2
- $report->currentgroup == -2
- $size < -2
- $unauth_count != -2
- -2 > $p10
80 |
- $default_port = 80
- $forummax = 80
- $grade1->finalgrade = 80
- $item->gradepass = 80
- $mydav->port = 80
- $port = 80
- $post->totalscore = 80
- $s1grade = 80
- $s1grade1 = 80
- $this->config->numberoftags = 80
- $this->webdav_port = 80
- $url_parts['port'] = 80
- $webdavport = 80
- $len < 80
- $newname <= 80
- $port != 80
- $port == 80
- $this->port == 80
16 |
- $allsettings->seb_filterembeddedcontent = 16
- $cipherOptions['TagLength'] = 16
- $cols = 16
- $grade_item->sortorder = 16
- $i = 16
- $new->weight = 16
- $paramval = 16
- $userage3 = 16
- $weight = 16
- $chunks == 16
- $i < 16
- $plane <= 16
- $weight > 16
26 |
- $fakeattempt->uniqueid = 26
- $sa2->id = 26
13 |
- $a = 13
- $allsettings->seb_muteonstartup = 13
- $cm->course = 13
- $d3->id = 13
- $fakeattempt->uniqueid = 13
- $fakegrade->userid = 13
- $forum->course = 13
- $forum->id = 13
- $grade_item->sortorder = 13
- $iCodepointMaxLength = 13
- $msg = 13
- $student1grade = 13
- $student2grade = 13
- $tf->trueanswerid = 13
- $this->usageid = 13
- $bit_index < 13
- $byte < 13
- $cdec[$ck] == 13
- $chr == 13
- $i != 13
- $in == 13
- $len < 13
- $x < 13
2023112300 |
- $plugin->version = 2023112300
101 |
- $object->aid = 101
- $remotecourseid = 101
48 |
- $feedback->maxgrade = 48
- $i = 48
- $submissionid = 48
- $actualChar >= 48
- $chr >= 48
- $pattern[$j] >= 48
- $peek >= 48
19 |
- $allsettings->seb_expressionsblocked = 19
- $gradinggradeover = 19
0x10000 |
- $quiz->reviewcorrectness = 0x10000
- $quiz->reviewmaxmarks = 0x10000
- $quiz->reviewspecificfeedback = 0x10000
- $char < 0x10000
- $mUcs4 < 0x10000
- 0x10000 > $code
- 0x10000 <= $mUcs4
65 |
- $fakeattempt->uniqueid = 65
- $i = 65
- $logrecord1->remoteid = 65
- $logrecord2->remoteid = 65
- $logrecord->remoteid = 65
- $chr >= 65
- $easy->errno == 65
- $i < 65
- $peek >= 65
14 |
- $allsettings->seb_allowspellchecking = 14
- $fakegrade->userid = 14
- $grade_item->grademin = 14
- $grade_item->sortorder = 14
- $tf->falseanswerid = 14
- $userage2 = 14
- $fontsize >= 14
- $i < 14
- $i <= 14
9000 |
- $attempt->timefinish = 9000
2000 |
- $limit = 2000
- $quiz->delay1 = 2000
22 |
- $allsettings->seb_allowedbrowserexamkeys = 22
- $lnamemax = 22
- $rec2->fieldvalue = 22
- $filesize == 22
- $numsections > 22
- $status == 22
- $val === 22
18 |
- $allsettings->seb_regexallowed = 18
- $fld->max_length = 18
- $gi->aggregationcoef = 18
- $grade_grade->rawgrademin = 18
- $info->max_length = 18
- $length = 18
- $maxlength = 18
- $minlength = 18
- $params->rawgrademin = 18
- $fontsize >= 18
- $length > 18
- $minlength > 18
768 |
- $bytes = 768
- $height = 768
- $width = 768
256 |
- $cipherOptions['KeySize'] = 256
- $prev_index = 256
- $this->encryptdata['CF']['Length'] = 256
- $this->encryptdata['Length'] = 256
- $c < 256
- $char < 256
- $code === 256
- $i < 256
- $index == 256
- $prevCode === 256
- $prev_index == 256
- $uni < 256
70 |
- $fmetric['StemV'] = 70
- $forumgrade = 70
- $grade->finalgrade = 70
- $instance->grade = 70
- $maxdotsonline = 70
- $record->id = 70
- $val = 70
-3 |
- $grade_item->plusfactor = -3
- $subq2->id = -3
33 |
- $gradeitem->grademax = 33
- $license->sortorder = 33
120 |
- $CFG->curlcache = 120
- $CFG->repositorycacheexpire = 120
- $defaulttimelimit = 120
- $grade_item->grademax = 120
- $instance->timemodified = 120
160 |
- $c = 160
- $i = 160
- $val = 160
2147483647 |
- $length = 2147483647
- $xmin = 2147483647
- $ymin = 2147483647
- $filesize <= 2147483647
- $value <= 2147483647
255 |
- $c[$i] = 255
- $multiple_alter_stmt[0]->length = 255
- $b > 255
- $c[$i] > 255
- $ccom[$i] == 255
- $character > 255
- $chr <= 255
- $cid <= 255
- $color[3] === 255
- $colorComponent > 255
- $column->max_length > 255
- $field->param2 > 255
- $g > 255
- $i < 255
- $i <= 255
- $l < 255
- $len > 255
- $match > 255
- $match[5] <= 255
- $pad > 255
- $r > 255
- $stat['size'] <= 255
97 |
- $grade->rawgrade = 97
- $i = 97
94 |
443 |
- $default_port = 443
- $mydav->port = 443
- $port = 443
- $this->webdav_port = 443
- $url_parts['port'] = 443
- $webdavport = 443
- $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443
- $port == 443
- $this->port == 443
32 |
- $hmaclen = 32
- $i = 32
- $len = 32
- $mask = 32
- $record->id = 32
- $rows = 32
- $bitCount === 32
- $ccom[$i] >= 32
- $ccom[$i] < 32
- $char_id >= 32
- $chardata[$i]['char'] == 32
- $chr >= 32
- $chr == 32
- $i < 32
- $ii < 32
- $mask > 32
- $mask == 32
- $match[5] <= 32
- $options[$permission] <= 32
666 |
- $record->id = 666
- $record->onenumber = 666
- $this->contextid = 666
0x20 |
- $ordinalValue >= 0x20
- $value < 0x20
- 0x20 <= $mUcs4
42 |
- $dataid = 42
- $expectedq->responsefieldlines = 42
- $fakerecord->aliasedid = 42
- $groupid = 42
- $itemid = 42
- $qdata->options->responsefieldlines = 42
- $this->columnWidths[$sheetIndex][$column] = 42
- $chr == 42
- $stashed[42]->id === 42
365 |
- $_add_date = 365
- $tmpCalcAnnualBasis = 365
366 |
- $day > 366
- $pos > 366
- $set > 366
- $yday > 366
-12219321600 |
- $d < -12219321600
- $ret < -12219321600
86400 |
- $_day_power = 86400
- $day = 86400
- $delay = 86400
- $subscription->pollinterval = 86400
- $this->defaultunit = 86400
- $data['expirythreshold'] < 86400
- $delay > 86400
1970 |
- $a = 1970
- $lastyear = 1970
- $y < 1970
- $year >= 1970
- 1970 < $year
270 |
- $format['trans']['Di'] == 270
- $rotation >= 270
360 |
1048576 |
- $row > 1048576
- $start <= 1048576
- $val <= 1048576
0xffffffff |
- $high_word = 0xFFFFFFFF
- $notation = 0xffffffff
- $centralDirectoryStartOffsetOnDisk > 0xFFFFFFFF
- $centralend['offset'] === 0xFFFFFFFF
- $int > 0xFFFFFFFF
- $sizeOfCentralDirectory > 0xFFFFFFFF
- $this->compressedSize > 0xFFFFFFFF
- $this->startOffset > 0xFFFFFFFF
- $this->uncompressedSize > 0xFFFFFFFF
- $value > 0xFFFFFFFF
0xfdd0 |
44 |
23 |
- $date3['hour'] = 23
- $expectedarray->picture = 23
- $record->id = 23
- $student1grade = 23
- $userinfo->authorpicture = 23
- $userinfo->picture = 23
- $h <= 23
- $hour > 23
- $i < 23
- $i <= 23
62 |
- $rec1->{$intnearmax} = 62
- $chr == 62
- $next_level < 62
63 |
90 |
- $limit = 90
- $quality = 90
- $rating1->rating = 90
- $rows = 90
- $size = 90
- $angleInDegrees <= 90
- $angle_x >= 90
- $angle_y >= 90
- $assessment['grade'] == 90
- $axis_angle == 90
- $chr <= 90
- $format['trans']['Di'] == 90
- $i <= 90
- $number >= 90
- $peek <= 90
- $r > 90
- $rows > 90
- $textRotation > 90
8192 |
31 |
- $d > 31
- $datenow['mday'] == 31
- $datestamp['mday'] == 31
- $day > 31
- $endDay == 31
- $exp !== 31
- $i < 31
- $i <= 31
- $in <= 31
- $mday > 31
- $startDay == 31
- $t > 31
- $testVal1 < 31
64 |
- $bytelen = 64
- $desc['Flags'] = 64
45 |
- $c == 45
- $chars[$sep] == 45
- $i < 45
- $pc == 45
- $peek === 45
- $r < 45
128 |
- $MAXSTRLEN = 128
- $this->encryptdata['CF']['Length'] = 128
- $this->encryptdata['Length'] = 128
- $a['marker'] != 128
- $bitCount === 128
- $byte < 128
- $byte == 128
- $chr >= 128
- $code < 128
- $dec < 128
- $i < 128
- $ii < 128
- $len < 128
- $mask > 128
- $mask == 128
- $num < 128
- $ord < 128
- $range <= 128
- $rs->fields[4] == 128
65535 |
- $cid <= 65535
- $columns['smalltext']->max_length >= 65535
- $i <= 65535
- $this->port > 65535
512 |
- $leftover == 512
- $size > 512
700 |
- $fmetric['CapHeight'] = 700
- $weight = 700
29 |
- $day >= 29
- $day === 29
- $size < 29
- $size === 29
- $startDay == 29
- $t1[1] > 29
928 |
240 |
239 |
254 |
- $ccom[$i] <= 254
- $cw[($nd - 1)] != 254
- $pad > 254
2024011700 |
- $plugin->version = 2024011700
28 |
- $error_no == 28
- $startDay == 28
180 |
- $format['trans']['Di'] == 180
- $h < 180
- $i <= 180
10485760 |
- $compressionSize <= 10485760
- $value > 10485760
0x61 |
- $character < 0x61
- $integer >= 0x61
0x41 |
- $character < 0x41
- $integer >= 0x41
-99 |
- $zthis->debug !== -99
- $zthis->debug === -99
95 |
- $char_id <= 95
- $peek === 95
41 |
604800 |
- $subscription->pollinterval = 604800
201 |
- $copyresult == 201
- $http->status == 201
- $response != 201
- $responsecode == 201
- $responsecode === 201
- $responsecreateshare != 201
- $rest->code !== 201
- $result == 201
- $result['responsecode'] == 201
- $this->googleoauth->info['http_code'] === 201
3000 |
4096 |
- $errno == 4096
- $matches[1] <= 4096
24 |
- $arraySplit[0] > 24
- $attrs['image_height'] <= 24
- $attrs['image_width'] <= 24
- $i < 24
- $m <= 24
5000 |
1000000 |
- $moduleinfo->assignsubmission_file_maxsizebytes = 1000000
moodle |
- $CFG->dbname = 'moodle'
- $code = 'moodle'
- $component = 'Moodle'
- $component = 'moodle'
- $config->dbname = 'moodle'
- $eventdata->component = 'moodle'
- $eventdata->modulename = 'moodle'
- $extra->processor = 'moodle'
- $file = 'moodle'
- $hub->hubname = 'moodle'
- $icon->component = 'moodle'
- $iconcomponent = 'moodle'
- $message1->component = 'moodle'
- $message2->component = 'moodle'
- $message3->component = 'moodle'
- $message->component = "moodle"
- $message->component = 'moodle'
- $mnet_app->display_name = 'Moodle'
- $mnet_app->name = 'moodle'
- $modname = 'moodle'
- $modulelink = 'moodle'
- $name = 'Moodle'
- $plugin = 'moodle'
- $redirectby = 'Moodle'
- $requestparams['tool_consumer_info_product_family_code'] = 'moodle'
- $string['moodle'] = 'Moodle'
- $tabledata->component = 'moodle'
- $version = 'moodle'
- $webservice->component = 'moodle'
- $component != 'moodle'
- $component !== 'moodle'
- $component == 'moodle'
- $component === 'moodle'
- $eventdata->component !== 'moodle'
- $format == 'moodle'
- $function->component == 'moodle'
- $matches[2] === 'moodle'
- $module == 'moodle'
- $plugin == 'moodle'
- $plugin === 'moodle'
- $provider->component != 'moodle'
- $provider->component === 'moodle'
- $this->plugin === 'moodle'
- $type === 'moodle'
- $version == 'moodle'
- $version === 'moodle'
user |
- $CFG->grade_profilereport = 'user'
- $CFG->proxyuser = 'user'
- $USER->grade_last_report[$course->id] = 'user'
- $bbbfilerecord['component'] = 'user'
- $component = "user"
- $component = 'user'
- $context->datatype = 'user'
- $data->eventtype = "user"
- $data->eventtype = 'user'
- $event->eventtype = 'user'
- $file1->component = 'user'
- $file->component = 'user'
- $filerecord->component = 'user'
- $filerecord['component'] = 'user'
- $filtertype = 'user'
- $itemname = 'user'
- $itemtype = 'user'
- $itemtype1 = 'user'
- $mapping->itemname = 'user'
- $mode = "user"
- $newfilerecord['component'] = 'user'
- $record->component = 'user'
- $record->eventtype = 'user'
- $repositorypluginname = 'user'
- $string['mod_form_field_participant_list_type_user'] = 'User'
- $string['requestfor'] = 'User'
- $string['user'] = 'User'
- $string['view_message_user'] = 'User'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'user'
- $this->firstname = 'User'
- $this->type = 'user'
- $user1->firstname = 'User'
- $user2->firstname = 'User'
- $user3->firstname = 'User'
- $user4->firstname = 'User'
- $user5->firstname = 'User'
- $user->lastname = 'User'
- $userfilerecord->component = 'user'
- $warning['item'] = 'user'
- $bits[0] == 'user'
- $component !== 'user'
- $component === 'user'
- $data->component == 'user'
- $defaultrole->archetype === 'user'
- $event->eventtype !== 'user'
- $event->eventtype == 'user'
- $fileinfo['component'] == 'user'
- $info->oldfile->repositorytype === 'user'
- $itemtype !== 'user'
- $itemtype == 'user'
- $itemtype === 'user'
- $loggeduserrole === 'user'
- $mode != "user"
- $mode == 'user'
- $mode === 'user'
- $params['component'] == 'user'
- $params['item'] == 'user'
- $participant['selectiontype'] == 'user'
- $plugin == 'user'
- $properties->eventtype === 'user'
- $this->itemtype === 'user'
- $this->name === 'user'
- $this->type == 'user'
- $type == 'user'
- $type === 'user'
- $what == 'user'
web |
- $event->logextra['origin'] = 'web'
- $registrationresponse['application_type'] = 'web'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Web'
- $string['web'] = 'Web'
- $applicationtype !== 'web'
popup |
- $btn->type = 'popup'
- $name = 'popup'
- $popup->type = 'popup'
- $provider->name = 'popup'
- $displaymode !== 'popup'
- $displaymode == 'popup'
- $processor['name'] == 'popup'
instantmessage |
- $eventdata->name = 'instantmessage'
- $message1->name = 'instantmessage'
- $message2->name = 'instantmessage'
- $message3->name = 'instantmessage'
- $message->name = "instantmessage"
- $message->name = 'instantmessage'
- $tabledata->eventtype = 'instantmessage'
- $eventdata->name !== 'instantmessage'
- $provider->name == 'instantmessage'
mod_assign |
- $component = 'mod_assign'
- $eventdata->component = 'mod_assign'
- $plugin->component = 'mod_assign'
- $record2->plugin = 'mod_assign'
- $ruledata->plugin = 'mod_assign'
- $tabledata->component = 'mod_assign'
- $info->component === 'mod_assign'
google |
- $string['google_service'] = 'Google'
- $tabledata->contexturlname = 'google'
- $classPath[0] != 'Google'
localhost |
- $CFG->airnotifierurl = 'localhost'
- $CFG->dbhost = 'localhost'
- $record->webdav_server = 'localhost'
- $this->Host = 'localhost'
- $CFG->dbhost === 'localhost'
- $host === 'localhost'
- $this->Host !== 'localhost'
- $this->_rpId !== 'localhost'
- $this->dbhost != 'localhost'
- $this->dbhost === 'localhost'
test |
- $CFG->airnotifieraccesskey = 'test'
- $bbbfilerecord->source = 'test'
- $comment->text = 'test'
- $data->name = 'test'
- $data['name'] = 'test'
- $data['password'] = 'test'
- $dbname = 'test'
- $dbpass = 'test'
- $dbuser = 'test'
- $enrolmentdata['cohortidnumber'] = 'test'
- $enrolmentdata['groupname'] = 'test'
- $enrolmentdata['metacoursename'] = 'test'
- $enrolmentdata['role'] = 'test'
- $fielddata->name = 'Test'
- $file1->source = 'test'
- $file->source = 'test'
- $grouping1data['idnumber'] = 'TEST'
- $grouping2data['idnumber'] = 'TEST'
- $password = 'test'
- $questiondata->name = 'Test'
- $record->filearea = 'test'
- $record->source = 'test'
- $record->value = 'test'
- $rule->plugin = 'test'
- $subscription->name = 'test'
- $urecord1->lastname = "Test"
- $urecord2->lastname = "Test"
- $urecord3->lastname = "Test"
- $user->firstname = 'Test'
- $userfilerecord->source = 'test'
1 |
- $CFG->allowobjectembed = '1'
- $CFG->enabletrusttext = '1'
- $USER->timezone = '1'
- $_GET['num'] = '1'
- $_GET['treset'] = '1'
- $addoptions['1'] = '1'
- $addremoveoptions['1'] = '1'
- $applyAlignment = '1'
- $approved = '1'
- $badge->version = '1'
- $bbformdata->groupmode = '1'
- $choices[1] = '1'
- $cm->deletioninprogress = '1'
- $cm->effectivegroupmode = '1'
- $cm->groupmode = '1'
- $config->multichoice_sortorder = '1'
- $course->idnumber = '1'
- $created2->idnumber = '1'
- $data->$field = '1'
- $data->$override = '1'
- $data['published'] = '1'
- $displaynumber = '1'
- $edit = '1'
- $entry->attachment = '1'
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- $form->calclength[2] = '1'
- $form->correctanswer = '1'
- $form->feedback[0]['format'] = '1'
- $form->feedback[1]['format'] = '1'
- $form->feedback[2]['format'] = '1'
- $form->feedback[3]['format'] = '1'
- $form->feedback[4]['format'] = '1'
- $form->feedback[5]['format'] = '1'
- $form->feedbackfalse['format'] = '1'
- $form->feedbacktrue['format'] = '1'
- $form->generalfeedback['format'] = '1'
- $form->hint[0]['format'] = '1'
- $form->hint[1]['format'] = '1'
- $form->questiontext['format'] = '1'
- $form->unitgradingtypes = '1'
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- $formdata['selectdelete'] = '1'
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- $index = '1'
- $layout = '1'
- $message->notification = '1'
- $mocksub = '1'
- $modresource->maildisplay = '1'
- $noreplyuser->maildisplay = '1'
- $o['gidNumber'] = '1'
- $params['top'] = '1'
- $post->attachment = '1'
- $q->generalfeedbackformat = '1'
- $q->length = '1'
- $q->options->answers[0]->correctanswerformat = '1'
- $q->options->answers[0]->feedbackformat = '1'
- $q->options->answers[0]->tolerancetype = '1'
- $q->options->falseanswer = '1'
- $q->questiontextformat = '1'
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- $rec2['xx'] = '1'
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- $record->course = '1'
- $record->enableuserinstances = '1'
- $record->id = '1'
- $record->webdav_type = '1'
- $record['assessed'] = '1'
- $repeatedoptions['choicegroup']['default'] = '1'
- $repeatedoptions['draggroup']['default'] = '1'
- $response[$this->field($key)] = '1'
- $result = '1'
- $returnurlparams['unsigned'] = '1'
- $row = '1'
- $showoptions['1'] = '1'
- $step->data['-finish'] = '1'
- $supportuser->maildisplay = '1'
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- $this->formdata['selectdelete'] = '1'
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c |
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b |
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- $sequence[($key - 1)][0] != 'B'
- $sequence[($key - 1)][0] == 'B'
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d |
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? |
- $aOptions['E'] = '?'
- $aOptions['H'] = '?'
- $aOptions['I'] = '?'
- $aOptions['P'] = '?'
- $aOptions['S'] = '?'
- $aOptions['f'] = '?'
- $aOptions['p'] = '?'
- $aOptions['q'] = '?'
- $aOptions['r'] = '?'
- $aOptions['s'] = '?'
- $aOptions['u'] = '?'
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- $appendchar = '?'
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- $connector = '?'
- $data->fullname = '?'
- $file = '?'
- $function = '?'
- $glue = '?'
- $info->meta_type = '?'
- $line = '?'
- $mtime = '?'
- $param1 = '?'
- $param2 = '?'
- $param3 = '?'
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- $prefix = '?'
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- $title = '?'
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- $aOptions['F'] === '?'
- $aOptions['H'] === '?'
- $aOptions['R'] === '?'
- $aOptions['S'] === '?'
- $actual === '?'
- $c == '?'
- $category->fullname !== '?'
- $char === '?'
- $input === '?'
- $mtime === '?'
- $name == '?'
- $sco->parameters[0] == '?'
- $tag[1] === '?'
- $this->fullname == '?'
- $values[3] === '?'
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manual |
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- $courseenrolinstance->enrol == 'manual'
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email |
- $CFG->registerauth = 'email'
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- $expected['registerauth'] = 'email'
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- $CFG->registerauth == 'email'
- $CFG->registerauth === 'email'
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- $column === 'email'
- $processor['name'] == 'email'
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f1 |
- $file = 'f1'
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text/html |
- $content_type = 'text/html'
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f2 |
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mobile |
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Mobile'
airnotifier |
- $provider->name = 'airnotifier'
- $processor == 'airnotifier'
n |
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- $fmt = "n"
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- $opt['mk']['if']['sw'] = 'N'
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- $t == 'N'
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s |
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y |
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ltr |
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j |
- $string['cliansweryes'] = 'j'
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no |
- $defaultvalues['redirect'] = 'no'
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en |
- $ADODB_LANG = 'en'
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- $badge->language = 'en'
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- $course2['lang'] = 'en'
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- $glang = 'en'
- $lang = 'en'
- $langcode = 'en'
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- $CFG->lang == 'en'
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- $chardata[($i - 1)]['type'] == 'EN'
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- $chardata[$i]['eor'] == 'EN'
- $chardata[$i]['sor'] == 'EN'
- $chardata[$i]['type'] == 'EN'
- $chardata[$j]['type'] == 'EN'
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- $code == 'en'
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- $lang == 'en'
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- $this->current === 'en'
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- 'en' == $langdir
hr |
- $string['parentlanguage'] = 'hr'
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- $row === 'hr'
shibboleth |
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Shibboleth'
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- $user['auth'] = 'shibboleth'
- $USER->auth == 'shibboleth'
- $authsequence[0] != 'shibboleth'
draft |
- $bbbfilerecord['filearea'] = 'draft'
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- $filearea = 'draft'
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- $filerecord['filearea'] = 'draft'
- $record->filearea = 'draft'
- $sourcefilearea = 'draft'
- $string['filterdraft'] = 'Draft'
- $string['questionstatusdraft'] = 'Draft'
- $string['status0'] = 'Draft'
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- $blogentry->publishstate == 'draft'
- $entry->publishstate === 'draft'
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- $filearea == 'draft'
- $filearea === 'draft'
- $fileinfo['filearea'] == 'draft'
- $key != 'draft'
- $this->publishstate == 'draft'
/ |
- $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = '/'
- $bbbfilerecord->filepath = '/'
- $bbbfilerecord['filepath'] = '/'
- $curfilepath = '/'
- $definition['http']['requestUri'] = '/'
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- $dirname = "/"
- $dirnamewslash = "/"
- $dirseparator = '/'
- $draftpath = '/'
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- $file->filepath = '/'
- $filepath = "/"
- $filepath = '/'
- $filerecord->filepath = '/'
- $filerecord['filepath'] = '/'
- $find = '/'
- $get = '/'
- $input = '/'
- $newfilerecord['filepath'] = '/'
- $newuser['homeDirectory'] = '/'
- $o['homeDirectory'] = '/'
- $options->filepath = '/'
- $pagefile['filepath'] = '/'
- $pageurl = '/'
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- $parent_path = '/'
- $parents[$level] = '/'
- $path = '/'
- $path[$count] = '/'
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- $record->filepath = '/'
- $record['webdav_path'] = '/'
- $sco->parent = '/'
- $scoes->elements[$manifest][$organization][$identifier]->parent = '/'
- $separator = '/'
- $slash = "/"
- $slash = '/'
- $structure['filepath'] = '/'
- $structurefile['filepath'] = "/"
- $text = '/'
- $trail = '/'
- $url = '/'
- $userfilerecord->filepath = '/'
- $wantsurl = '/'
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- $activity->parent != '/'
- $activity->parent == '/'
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- $bits[$j] === '/'
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- $ch2 == '/'
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- $chr == '/'
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- $cookiePath === '/'
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- $draftpath !== '/'
- $draftpath === '/'
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- $filepath == '/'
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- $last[1] === '/'
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- $manifestAttributes->{'full-path'} == '/'
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- $objval[0] == '/'
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- $params['filepath'] === '/'
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- $parrent == '/'
- $parts['path'][0] != '/'
- $path != '/'
- $path !== '/'
- $path == '/'
- $path === '/'
- $path[0] != '/'
- $path[0] == '/'
- $path[0] === '/'
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- $r['path'][0] == '/'
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- $relative[0] === '/'
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- $sco->parent == '/'
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- $str == '/'
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- $tagname[0] == '/'
- $targetsco->parent != '/'
- $this->file_record->filepath === '/'
- $this->ipath[0] === '/'
- $this->path[0] === '/'
- $this->path[1] === '/'
- $uri->path[0] !== '/'
- $url[0] == '/'
- $v[0] == '/'
- $value[1] === '/'
- $vdc[0] == '/'
- '/' === $uriPath
username |
- $CFG->dbuser = 'username'
- $CFG->showuseridentity = 'username'
- $fieldrecord->name = 'Username'
- $mnetaccesscontrol->username = 'username'
- $string['messageinboundhostuser'] = 'Username'
- $string['username'] = 'Username'
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- $field == 'username'
- $key == 'username'
- $key === 'username'
- $localuserfield === 'username'
- $usertype['type'] != 'username'
language |
- $CFG->alternativefullnameformat = 'language'
- $CFG->fullnamedisplay = 'language'
- $nonexistingproperty = 'language'
- $string['auth_cas_language_key'] = 'Language'
- $string['editor:language'] = 'Language'
- $string['language'] = 'Language'
- $string['srclang'] = 'Language'
- $string['tiny:language'] = 'Language'
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- $CFG->fullnamedisplay === 'language'
- $name != 'language'
- $name == 'language'
- $nameformat == 'language'
- $template == 'language'
- 'language' == $name
firstname |
- $CFG->fullnamedisplay = 'firstname'
- $forder = 'FIRSTNAME'
- $returnfield = 'firstname'
- $sortkey = 'FIRSTNAME'
- $field === 'FIRSTNAME'
- $params['sort'] !== 'firstname'
- $sort == 'firstname'
- $sortkey != 'FIRSTNAME'
- $sortkey == 'FIRSTNAME'
social |
- $forumformat = 'social'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Social'
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- $format === 'social'
- $forum->type == 'social'
- $typevalue[0] == 'social'
checkbox |
- $attributes['type'] = 'checkbox'
- $attrs['type'] = 'checkbox'
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- $commercial->type = 'checkbox'
- $expectedattributes['type'] = 'checkbox'
- $field['type'] = 'checkbox'
- $fielddata->type = 'checkbox'
- $modification->type = 'checkbox'
- $option->attributes->type = 'checkbox'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Checkbox'
- $field->type == 'checkbox'
- $record['type'] == 'checkbox'
- $t !== 'checkbox'
- $t === 'checkbox'
de |
- $string['parentlanguage'] = 'de'
t |
- $align = 'T'
- $allowed = 'T'
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- $string['cliansweryes'] = 't'
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- $key['unique_key'] == 't'
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- $rawcolumn->attnotnull === 't'
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- $result->unlocked === 't'
- $row[1] == 't'
- $rs->fields[4] == 't'
- $rs->fields[5] == 't'
- $ttype == 'T'
- $ty == 'T'
- $value[8] == 'T'
x |
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- $d->x = 'x'
- $index = 'x'
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- $user1->lastname = 'X'
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- $char0 === 'X'
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- $column->meta_type == 'X'
- $column->meta_type === 'X'
- $columninfo['meta_type'] == 'X'
- $columns[$var]->meta_type === 'X'
- $dbcolumnsinfo[$xmldb_field->getName( )]->meta_type == 'X'
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- $info->meta_type == 'X'
- $info->meta_type === 'X'
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- $mailbox[4] == 'x'
- $mode === 'x'
- $mt == 'X'
- $oldmetatype == 'X'
- $subtags[0] == 'x'
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- $ty != 'X'
- $ty == 'X'
- $type === 'x'
- $xy == 'x'
- @$entity[2] === 'x'
rtl |
- $string['thisdirection'] = 'rtl'
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es |
- $CFG->country = 'ES'
- $country = 'ES'
- $string['parentlanguage'] = 'es'
- $chardata[$i]['type'] == 'ES'
submission |
- $cell->attributes['class'] = 'submission'
- $eventdata->name = 'submission'
- $itemname = 'submission'
- $string['grade_submission_name'] = 'Submission'
- $string['privacy:submissionpath'] = 'submission'
- $string['submission'] = 'Submission'
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- $activity->subtype == 'submission'
previous |
- $seq->sequencing = 'previous'
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- $string['prev'] = 'Previous'
- $string['previous'] = 'Previous'
- $string['tiny:previous'] = 'Previous'
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- $day = 'last'
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preview |
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- $string['preview'] = 'Preview'
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- $string['tblpreview'] = 'Preview'
- $string['tiny:preview'] = 'Preview'
- $string['view_recording_preview'] = 'Preview'
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- $qubaidorpreview === 'preview'
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first |
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- $day === 'first'
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title |
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- $string['tiny:title'] = 'Title'
- $string['title'] = 'Title'
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description |
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- $qo->qtype = 'description'
- $question->qtype = 'description'
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- $string['customintro'] = 'Description'
- $string['description'] = 'Description'
- $string['dimensiondescription'] = 'Description'
- $string['displaydescription'] = 'Description'
- $string['forumintro'] = 'Description'
- $string['intro'] = 'Description'
- $string['introduction'] = 'Description'
- $string['mod_form_field_intro'] = 'Description'
- $string['notification_instance_description'] = 'Description'
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- $string['pluginname'] = 'Description'
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- $string['view_recording_list_description'] = 'Description'
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length |
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- $td->attr['width'] = 'Length'
- $th->attr['height'] = 'Length'
- $th->attr['width'] = 'Length'
course |
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- $string['view_recording_course'] = 'Course'
- $string['view_recording_list_course'] = 'Course'
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- $eventtype === 'course'
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- $gradeitem->itemtype === 'course'
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- $itemtype == 'course'
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- $legacyevent->eventtype == 'course'
- $oldparam[0] == 'course'
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- $parent != 'course'
- $parent == 'course'
- $properties->eventtype === 'course'
- $sub->eventtype === 'course'
- $subscription->eventtype === 'course'
- $this->itemtype == 'course'
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- $this->other['eventtype'] == 'course'
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- $type === 'course'
date |
- $dbtype = 'DATE'
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- $fld->type = 'date'
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- $string['date'] = 'date'
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- $string['printdate'] = 'Date'
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- $string['timeapplied'] = 'Date'
- $string['timemodified'] = 'Date'
- $string['view_recording_date'] = 'Date'
- $string['view_recording_list_date'] = 'Date'
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name |
- $fielddetail->name = 'Name'
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- $string['dname'] = 'Name'
- $string['endpointname'] = 'Name'
- $string['entername'] = 'Name'
- $string['issuername'] = 'Name'
- $string['modulename'] = 'Name'
- $string['name'] = 'Name'
- $string['planname'] = 'Name'
- $string['policydocname'] = 'Name'
- $string['qname'] = 'name'
- $string['rename'] = 'Name'
- $string['shortname'] = 'Name'
- $string['templatename'] = 'Name'
- $string['tiny:name'] = 'Name'
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- $string['view_recording_name'] = 'Name'
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- $name !== 'name'
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tags |
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Tags'
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duration |
- $string['attemptduration'] = 'Duration'
- $string['duration'] = 'Duration'
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- $string['view_recording_list_duration'] = 'Duration'
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min |
- $aggregatestr = 'MIN'
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- $string['view_recording_duration_min'] = 'min'
- $lowercasedName === 'min'
recordings |
- $string['view_section_title_recordings'] = 'Recordings'
video |
- $allowedtypes = 'video'
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presentation |
- $bbbfilerecord->filearea = 'presentation'
- $string['view_recording_format_presentation'] = 'Presentation'
activity |
- $activity->type = 'activity'
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- $parts[1] === 'activity'
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- $type === 'activity'
and |
- $string['and'] = 'AND'
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- $methodName === 'and'
- $op !== 'and'
users |
- $a->setting = 'users'
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show |
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- $string['show'] = 'Show'
- $string['showfromothers'] = 'Show'
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- $this->mode == 'show'
hide |
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import |
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- $string['import'] = 'Import'
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- $type === 'import'
delete |
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- 'delete' == $step
configuration |
- $options['mode'] = 'configuration'
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video/mp4 |
- $mimetype = 'video/mp4'
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core |
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- $filerecord->component = 'core'
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- $rule->plugin = 'core'
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- $string['core'] = 'Core'
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- $this->component === 'core'
- $this->componenttype === 'core'
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- $type == 'core'
- $type === 'core'
transparent |
- $params['wmode'] = 'transparent'
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- $data == 'transparent'
- $value === 'TRANSPARENT'
[] |
- $bigbluebuttonbn->participants = "[]"
- $json = '[]'
- $result == '[]'
- '[]' == $token
true |
- $answertext = 'TRUE'
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- $env == 'url'
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- $field->type === 'url'
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- $key != "url"
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- $options->env != 'url'
- $prop == 'url'
- $record['type'] === 'url'
- $result['EncodingType'] === 'url'
- $returnto === 'url'
- $this->_form->_types[$key] == 'url'
- $this->field->param1 === 'url'
- $type === 'url'
editor |
- $defaultoptions->responseformat = 'editor'
- $dependencies[$key]['type'] = 'editor'
- $embedtype = 'editor'
- $essay->responseformat = 'editor'
- $expectedq->responseformat = 'editor'
- $fromform->responseformat = 'editor'
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- $image_options->env = 'editor'
- $link_options->env = 'editor'
- $media_options->env = 'editor'
- $options->env = 'editor'
- $q->responseformat = 'editor'
- $question->responseformat = 'editor'
- $subtitle_options->env = 'editor'
- $type = 'editor'
- $dependency['type'] === 'editor'
- $env !== 'editor'
- $fromId === 'editor'
- $fromid === 'editor'
- $type === 'editor'
cancel |
- $elementName = 'cancel'
- $string['cancel'] = 'Cancel'
- $string['editor:cancel'] = 'Cancel'
- $string['editor:cancellabel'] = 'Cancel'
- $string['tiny:cancel'] = 'Cancel'
- $key !== 'cancel'
- $key === 'cancel'
fields |
- $popfields['fieldshead'] = 'Fields'
- $string['areacontent'] = 'Fields'
- $string['fields'] = 'Fields'
- $commandparam == 'Fields'
- $key == 'Fields'
action |
- $levelcol = 'action'
- $string['action'] = 'Action'
- $string['tiny:action'] = 'Action'
comments |
- $_POST['plugin'] = 'comments'
- $data->strategy = 'comments'
- $grade->strategy = 'comments'
- $new->strategy = 'comments'
- $string['comment'] = 'Comments'
- $string['commentplural'] = 'Comments'
- $string['comments'] = 'Comments'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Comments'
- $string['requestcomments'] = 'Comments'
- $table = 'comments'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'comments'
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- $name == 'comments'
- $tab == 'comments'
- $type == 'comments'
comment |
- $state = 'COMMENT'
- $string['comment'] = 'Comment'
- $this->state = 'comment'
- $attributeArray['class'] === 'comment'
- $state == 'COMMENT'
columns |
- $string['columns'] = 'Columns'
- $string['columns'] = 'columns'
- $key == 'columns'
- $key === 'columns'
- $vdc[1] == 'Columns'
picture |
- $fieldrecord->type = 'picture'
- $imagefield->type = 'picture'
- $string['picture'] = 'Picture'
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- $param['field'] == 'picture'
- $record['type'] == 'picture'
file |
- $chapterindexfile['type'] = 'file'
- $fieldrecord->type = 'file'
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- $item->type = 'file'
- $mod_type = 'file'
- $pagefile['type'] = 'file'
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- $string['file'] = 'File'
- $string['modulename'] = 'File'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'File'
- $string['search:activity'] = 'File'
- $string['tiny:file'] = 'File'
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- $names[2] == 'file'
- $record['type'] == 'file'
- $target['scheme'] !== 'file'
- $this->sourceMetadata['scheme'] === 'file'
- $this->type == 'file'
- $type == 'file'
- 'file' == $type
image |
- $content = 'IMAGE'
- $imagefield->name = 'image'
- $question->drags[$dragindex]['dragitemtype'] = 'image'
- $string['checktype:image'] = 'Image'
- $string['fieldtypelabel'] = 'Image'
- $string['imagebuttontitle'] = 'Image'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Image'
- $string['wikiimage'] = 'Image'
- $formdata->drags[$dragno]['dragitemtype'] == 'image'
- $group->key === 'image'
- $key == 'image'
- $mime[0] == 'image'
- $t !== 'image'
- 'image' != $type
- 'image' == $type
pending |
- $data->statusicon = 'pending'
- $string['acceptancestatuspending'] = 'Pending'
- $string['numnotapproved'] = 'Pending'
- $string['pending'] = 'Pending'
- $string['registrationstatuspending'] = 'Pending'
- $string['statuspending'] = 'Pending'
- $data->payment_status != "Pending"
- $data->payment_status == "Pending"
other |
- $string['other'] = 'Other'
- $values['normalisedeventtype'] = 'other'
- $info['agent'] === 'other'
content |
- $expected->defaultregion = 'content'
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- $filearea = 'content'
- $string['areacontent'] = 'Content'
- $string['branch'] = 'Content'
- $string['branchtable'] = 'Content'
- $string['configcontent'] = 'Content'
- $string['content'] = 'Content'
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- $string['contentheader'] = 'Content'
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- $this->serviceName = 'content'
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- $file === 'content'
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- $filearea === 'content'
- $key === 'content'
- $sub_type === 'content'
- $type === 'content'
save |
- $string['editor:savelabel'] = 'Save'
- $string['save'] = 'Save'
- $string['setupsubmitcode'] = 'Save'
- $string['tiny:save'] = 'Save'
- $action == 'save'
- $action === 'save'
required |
- $args->publicKey->authenticatorSelection->residentKey = 'required'
- $buttonimg = 'required'
- $level = 'required'
- $string['required'] = 'Required'
- $stringid = 'required'
- $this->info['noscript']->content_model_type = 'required'
- $this->level = 'required'
- $requireResidentKey === 'required'
- $rule['type'] == 'required'
- $this->userverification === 'required'
- $type == 'required'
- 'required' == $type
search |
- $component = 'search'
- $filearea = 'search'
- $ret['login_btn_action'] = 'search'
- $string['search'] = 'Search'
- $string['tiny:search'] = 'Search'
- $this->_param['generator'] = 'search'
- $id === 'search'
- $mode == 'search'
- $mode === 'search'
- $section == 'search'
- $this->mode != 'search'
- $this->mode == 'search'
- $this->sMatchType === 'search'
templates |
- $string['templates'] = 'Templates'
- $string['tiny:templates'] = 'Templates'
- $currenttab == 'templates'
- $returntype != 'templates'
mod_data |
- $cmt->component = 'mod_data'
- $component = 'mod_data'
- $data->component = 'mod_data'
- $plugin->component = 'mod_data'
- $rating1->component = 'mod_data'
- $rating2->component = 'mod_data'
- $ratingdeloptions->component = 'mod_data'
- $ratingoptions->component = 'mod_data'
- $this->component = 'mod_data'
- $component != 'mod_data'
- $params['component'] != 'mod_data'
deleted |
- $question->qtype = 'deleted'
- $string['deleted'] = 'deleted'
- $string['source_deleted'] = 'Deleted'
- $string['statusdeleted'] = 'Deleted'
- $user3->email = 'deleted'
- $user4->email = 'deleted'
- $_COOKIE[$sessionname] == "deleted"
- $k === 'deleted'
- $key === 'deleted'
- $metadata['state'] == 'deleted'
- $question->qtype == 'deleted'
- $this->question->qtype == 'deleted'
download |
- $name = 'Download'
- $plugin = 'download'
- $string['download'] = 'Download'
- $string['downloadreport'] = 'Download'
- $source->exportformat == 'download'
encoding |
- $string['encoding'] = 'Encoding'
- $string['fileencoding'] = 'Encoding'
- $parameter === 'ENCODING'
excel |
- $options['download'] = 'Excel'
- $string['excel'] = 'Excel'
export |
- $_POST['action'] = 'export'
- $filerecord->filearea = 'export'
- $string['export'] = 'Export'
- $string['requesttypeexportshort'] = 'Export'
- $action === 'export'
- $filearea === 'export'
- $type === 'export'
height |
- $string['editor:height'] = 'height'
- $string['fieldheight'] = 'Height'
- $string['height'] = 'Height'
- $string['tiny:height'] = 'Height'
- $name == 'height'
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width |
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- $string['fieldwidth'] = 'Width'
- $string['textarea_width'] = 'Width'
- $string['tiny:width'] = 'Width'
- $string['width'] = 'Width'
- $name == 'width'
- $stylePair[0] == 'width'
footer |
- $string['footer'] = 'Footer'
- $string['tiny:footer'] = 'Footer'
- $type !== 'footer'
- $type === 'footer'
header |
- $logmethod = 'header'
- $string['header'] = 'Header'
- $string['tiny:header'] = 'Header'
- $this->_type = 'header'
- $this->headercell->attributes['class'] = 'header'
- $type = 'header'
- $h[0] == 'header'
- $location == 'header'
- $logmethod == 'header'
- $row[$i][0] == 'header'
- $type === 'header'
menu |
- $data['datatype'] === 'menu'
- $field->type == 'menu'
- $profilefield->field->datatype === 'menu'
- $record['type'] == 'menu'
data |
- $cell->attributes['class'] = 'data'
- $celldefault->attributes['class'] = 'data'
- $event->modulename = 'data'
- $filearea = 'data'
- $ratingoptions->modulename = 'data'
- $this->_xh['vt'] = 'data'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'data'
- $this->state = 'data'
- $event->modulename != 'data'
- $event->modulename === 'data'
- $module['modname'] == 'data'
- $status['modname'] == 'data'
- $this->_xh['vt'] != 'data'
database_entry |
- $cmt->area = 'database_entry'
- $comment->commentarea != 'database_entry'
- $comment_param->commentarea != 'database_entry'
- $commentarea == 'database_entry'
movedown |
- $action == 'movedown'
- $lastaction == 'movedown'
score |
- $string['score'] = 'Score'
- $string['score'] = 'score'
monologo |
- $icon = 'monologo'
- $icon->pix = 'monologo'
- $key = 'monologo'
error |
- $errors['formerrors'] = 'Error'
- $module = 'error'
- $msgtype = 'error'
- $notifytype = 'error'
- $plugintype = 'error'
- $result = 'error'
- $scoreclass = 'error'
- $scorm->version = 'ERROR'
- $severitylevel = 'Error'
- $strerror = 'Error'
- $string['ajaxerror'] = 'Error'
- $string['answererror'] = 'Error'
- $string['tiny:error'] = 'Error'
- $sty = 'error'
- $warning->module = 'error'
- $event['headers'][':message-type'] === 'error'
- $matchgrades == 'error'
- $module == 'error'
- $module === 'error'
- $this->messagetype === 'error'
- $type === 'error'
checked |
- $attr['checked'] = 'checked'
- $attributes['checked'] = 'CHECKED'
- $attributes['checked'] = 'checked'
- $attrs['checked'] = 'checked'
- $checkboxattributes['checked'] = 'checked'
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- $radioattrs['checked'] = 'checked'
- $radioparams['checked'] = 'checked'
- $trueattributes['checked'] = 'checked'
- $tag['attribute']['checked'] == 'checked'
radio |
- $expectedattributes['type'] = 'radio'
- $oldtyp = 'radio'
- $option->attributes->type = 'radio'
- $tdattributes['role'] = 'radio'
- $t !== 'radio'
- $t === 'radio'
rubric |
- $data->strategy = 'rubric'
- $grade->strategy = 'rubric'
- $new->strategy = 'rubric'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Rubric'
- $string['rubric'] = 'Rubric'
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- |
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- $a->realusername = '-'
- $aOptions['E'] = '-'
- $aOptions['F'] = '-'
- $aOptions['H'] = '-'
- $aOptions['I'] = '-'
- $aOptions['P'] = '-'
- $aOptions['R'] = '-'
- $aOptions['S'] = '-'
- $aOptions['f'] = '-'
- $aOptions['p'] = '-'
- $aOptions['q'] = '-'
- $aOptions['r'] = '-'
- $aOptions['s'] = '-'
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- $averageformatted = '-'
- $avg = '-'
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- $check = '-'
- $content = '-'
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- $data['lettergrade']['content'] = '-'
- $data['percentage']['content'] = '-'
- $data['rank']['content'] = '-'
- $data['weight']['content'] = '-'
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- $discovered = '-'
- $filearg = '-'
- $grade = '-'
- $grade->str_grade = '-'
- $grade->usergrade = '-'
- $gradename = '-'
- $lastdetail = '-'
- $lastverified = '-'
- $method = '-'
- $num1 = '-'
- $num2 = '-'
- $numunapprovedrecords = '-'
- $numviewscell->text = '-'
- $o = '-'
- $question->name = '-'
- $quiz->browsersecurity = '-'
- $range_from = '-'
- $range_to = '-'
- $secondsSign = '-'
- $selectedidp = '-'
- $sign = '-'
- $size = '-'
- $statusname = '-'
- $string['emptyvalue'] = '-'
- $string['nullgrade'] = '-'
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- $supportedreports = '-'
- $timetaken = "-"
- $trackedlink = '-'
- $unreadlink = '-'
- $username = '-'
- $version = '-'
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- $ch2 == '-'
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- $complexParts[8] === '-'
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- $matches[1] === '-'
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- $matches[3] === '-'
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- $name[0] == '-'
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- $value[0] == '-'
"" |
aggregationcoefextrasum |
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- $coefstring == 'aggregationcoefextrasum'
aggregationcoef |
- $coefstring = 'aggregationcoef'
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back |
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categories |
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- $expectedq->qtype = 'category'
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- $questiontype == 'category'
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- $type == 'category'
all |
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- $typeormode == 'all'
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- 'all' === $authorid
answer |
- $option->attributes->name = 'answer'
- $string['answer'] = 'Answer'
- $string['answerhdr'] = 'Answer'
attachments |
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- $string['attachments'] = 'Attachments'
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attachment |
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- $string['submissionattachment'] = 'Attachment'
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- $params['area'] == 'attachment'
- 'attachment' === $attachment[6]
glossary_entry |
- $args->area = 'glossary_entry'
- $cmt->area = 'glossary_entry'
- $comment->commentarea != 'glossary_entry'
- $comment_param->commentarea != 'glossary_entry'
letter |
- $mode = 'letter'
- $paperSize = 'LETTER'
- $string['letter'] = 'letter'
mod_glossary |
- $args->component = 'mod_glossary'
- $cmt->component = 'mod_glossary'
- $component = 'mod_glossary'
- $data->component = 'mod_glossary'
- $delopt->component = 'mod_glossary'
- $plugin->component = 'mod_glossary'
- $rating1->component = 'mod_glossary'
- $rating2->component = 'mod_glossary'
- $ratingdeloptions->component = 'mod_glossary'
- $ratingoptions->component = 'mod_glossary'
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glossary |
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u |
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- $user2->firstname = 'U'
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- $type[0] === 'u'
# |
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- $string[0] === '#'
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- $dir == 'asc'
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- $direction == 'asc'
- $direction === 'ASC'
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- $this->sortdirection == 'ASC'
- $this->sortorder == 'ASC'
desc |
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creation |
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lastname |
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userid |
- $pivotkey = 'userid'
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- $userfields['userid'] = 'userid'
. |
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- $newrecord->filename === '.'
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book_chapters |
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book |
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phpunit |
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none |
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settings |
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- $string['settings'] = 'Settings'
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outcome |
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index.html |
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compound |
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- $result->interactiontype == 'compound'
reset |
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mod_h5pactivity |
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h5pactivity |
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- $record->modname == 'h5pactivity'
choice |
- $event->modulename = 'choice'
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fail |
- $completiontype = 'fail'
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- $string['state:fail'] = 'Fail'
- $response->stat === 'fail'
- $this->parsed_response['stat'] == 'fail'
- $xml['stat'] == 'fail'
attempt |
- $string['attempt'] = 'Attempt'
- $string['attemptheader'] = 'Attempt'
- $string['attemptnumber'] = 'Attempt'
matching |
- $result->interactiontype = 'matching'
- $string['match'] = 'Matching'
- $string['matching'] = 'Matching'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Matching'
- $questiontype == 'matching'
- $rawquestion->qtype == 'Matching'
assign |
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- $type !== 'assign'
assignsubmission_file |
- $plugin->component = 'assignsubmission_file'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'assignsubmission_file'
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upload |
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submission_comments |
- $comment->commentarea = 'submission_comments'
- $commentarea = 'submission_comments'
- $options->area = 'submission_comments'
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uploadsingle |
- $uploadsingletype = 'uploadsingle'
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- $type == 'uploadsingle'
grade |
- $action = 'grade'
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- $itemtype === 'grade'
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- $type == 'grade'
status |
- $string['attemptstate'] = 'Status'
- $string['currentstatusexecution'] = 'Status'
- $string['questionstatus'] = 'Status'
- $string['registrationstatus'] = 'Status'
- $string['requeststatus'] = 'Status'
- $string['status'] = 'Status'
- $string['status'] = 'status'
- $cmd == 'STATUS'
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scale |
- $string['scale'] = 'Scale'
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graded |
- $string['graded'] = 'Graded'
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- $submission->status = 'graded'
- $summary->status = 'graded'
- $this->gradedorrated = 'graded'
- $summary->status == 'graded'
- $this->gradedorrated !== 'graded'
submit |
- $action = 'submit'
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- $string['workshop:submit'] = 'Submit'
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- 'submit' != $type
submission_comments_upgrade |
- $options->area = 'submission_comments_upgrade'
- $comment->commentarea == 'submission_comments_upgrade'
- $options->commentarea != 'submission_comments_upgrade'
grading |
- $data['returnaction'] = 'grading'
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- $params['action'] = 'grading'
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- $this->_type = 'grading'
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options |
- $string['gradingoptions'] = 'Options'
- $string['options'] = 'Options'
- $string['options_heading'] = 'Options'
marker |
- $string['marker'] = 'Marker'
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assignment |
- $expect = 'ASSIGNMENT'
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- $expect == 'ASSIGNMENT'
notifications |
- $string['notifications'] = 'Notifications'
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override |
- $string['override'] = 'Override'
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identifier |
- $string['recordid'] = 'Identifier'
- $string['serveridentifier'] = 'Identifier'
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clear |
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grades |
- $showing = 'grades'
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- $string['pluginname'] = 'Grades'
tool |
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- $string['tool'] = 'Tool'
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select |
- $fielddata->type = 'select'
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filter |
- $filtermethod = 'filter'
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feedback |
- $event->modulename = 'feedback'
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public |
- $access = 'public'
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p |
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m |
- $align = 'M'
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- $letter->letter = 'M'
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- $version === 'm'
- 'm' === $startUnit
en_us |
- $string['parentlanguage'] = 'en_us'
- $locale !== 'en_us'
- self::$localeLanguage !== 'en_us'
id |
- $belongsToId = 'id'
- $course->idnumber = 'id'
- $field = 'id'
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- $fields = "id"
- $fields = 'id'
- $hasManyId = 'id'
- $idalias = 'id'
- $myId = 'id'
- $record['equella_shareid'] = 'id'
- $sort = 'id'
- $string['id'] = 'ID'
- $string['tiny:id'] = 'ID'
- $string['trackid'] = 'ID'
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- $field == 'id'
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- $info->name === 'id'
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- $key != 'id'
- $key === 'id'
- $key1 === 'id'
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- $matches[5] === 'id'
- $member === 'id'
- $name === 'id'
- $param != "id"
- $prop == 'id'
- $property == 'id'
- $propertykey != 'id'
- $reffields[0] == 'id'
- $renameid !== 'id'
- $this->sortfield1 != 'id'
- $this->sortfield2 != 'id'
- $userfield == 'id'
- $usertype['type'] != 'id'
- $v[1] == 'ID'
fi |
- $string['parentlanguage'] = 'fi'
caption |
- $_GET['f_' . $captionfield->field->id] = 'caption'
- $badge->imagecaption = 'Caption'
- $string['caption'] = 'Caption'
- $string['tiny:caption'] = 'Caption'
- $node === 'caption'
- $node->nodeName === 'caption'
- $token['name'] === 'caption'
resources |
- $string['modulename'] = 'Resources'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Resources'
- $block['name'] == 'RESOURCES'
- $modname === 'resources'
addtemplate |
- $defaultemplate = 'addtemplate'
- $mode = 'addtemplate'
- $templatename == 'addtemplate'
singletemplate |
- $defaultemplate = 'singletemplate'
- $mode = 'singletemplate'
- $templatename = 'singletemplate'
- $templatename != 'singletemplate'
- $templatename == 'singletemplate'
- $templatename === 'singletemplate'
asearchtemplate |
- $defaultemplate = 'asearchtemplate'
- $templatename == 'asearchtemplate'
on |
- $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on'
- $chardata[$i]['type'] = 'ON'
- $edit = "on"
- $newattempt = 'on'
- $onvalue = 'On'
- $urlediting = 'on'
- $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != "on"
- $data == 'on'
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- $filepertable->value == 'ON'
- $largeprefix->value == 'ON'
- $login == 'on'
- $newattempt == 'on'
- $oldsetting == 'on'
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- $onoroff === 'on'
- $tempstr === 'on'
- $this->config->alt_login == 'on'
- $value == 'On'
- $value == 'on'
- $value === 'on'
- $var == 'on'
off |
- $attributes['autocomplete'] = 'off'
- $data = 'off'
- $defval = 'Off'
- $edit = "off"
- $newattempt = 'off'
- $opt['as'] = 'Off'
- $string['trackingoff'] = 'Off'
- $urlediting = 'off'
- $CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode !== 'off'
- $CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode == 'off'
- $CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode === 'off'
- $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off'
- $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'off'
- $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'OFF'
- $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'Off'
- $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'off'
- $attributes['autocomplete'] === 'off'
- $data['def'] !== 'Off'
- $newattempt !== 'off'
- $onoroff !== 'off'
- $tempstr === 'off'
- $value == 'Off'
- $var == 'off'
- 'off' == $CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode
listtemplate |
- $defaultemplate = 'listtemplate'
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- $templatename === 'listtemplate'
- $this->templatename == 'listtemplate'
- $this->templatename === 'listtemplate'
exportfile |
- $this->exportfilename = 'Exportfile'
time |
- $datecol = 'time'
- $fld->type = 'time'
- $string['time'] = 'Time'
- $string['totaltime'] = 'Time'
- $string['tracktime'] = 'Time'
summary |
- $string['course_summary_key'] = 'Summary'
- $string['policydocsummary'] = 'Summary'
- $string['summary'] = 'Summary'
- $string['tblchecksummary'] = 'Summary'
- $string['userevidencesummary'] = 'Summary'
- $area['area'] == 'summary'
- $courseattr == 'summary'
- $coursefield === 'summary'
- $filearea === 'summary'
- $key === 'summary'
- $name === 'summary'
survey |
- $event->modulename = 'survey'
- $string['modulename'] = 'Survey'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Survey'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'survey'
- $cm->modname != 'survey'
- $modulename == 'survey'
done |
- $completionstatus === 'Done'
questions |
- $filtercondition['tabname'] = 'questions'
- $params['tabname'] = 'questions'
- $string['essayquestions'] = 'Questions'
- $string['questions'] = 'Questions'
- $optionname != 'questions'
question |
- $args->area = 'question'
- $categorydata->area = 'question'
- $commentparams->commentarea = 'question'
- $component = 'question'
- $data->area = 'question'
- $itemname = 'question'
- $string['item_name'] = 'Question'
- $string['question'] = 'Question'
- $string['questionoption'] = 'Question'
- $tagparams['questionitemtype'] = 'question'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'question'
- $this->fileman->component = 'question'
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- $commentparam->commentarea != 'question'
- $component == 'question'
- $component === 'question'
- $data->component == 'question'
- $format === 'question'
- $record->item == "question"
- $accum = ' '
- $answer->min = ' '
- $approveselect = ' '
- $comment = " "
- $delim = ' '
- $filler = ' '
- $gap = ' '
- $groupselect = ' '
- $guest->lastname = ' '
- $lines[$key] = ' '
- $newversionview = ' '
- $oldversionview = ' '
- $prefix_value = ' '
- $s = ' '
- $searchselect = ' '
- $separator = ' '
- $slot->questiontext = ' '
- $spacer = ' '
- $string = ' '
- $tokens = ' '
- $txt = ' '
- $user->lastname = ' '
- $value = ' '
- $value[1] = ' '
- $char == ' '
- $char === ' '
- $delim !== ' '
- $dom[($key - 1)]['value'] == ' '
- $formula[$index] === ' '
- $item === ' '
- $line[0] === ' '
- $nextChar === ' '
- $operator !== ' '
- $q == ' '
- $query[$i] != ' '
- $query[$i] == ' '
- $selector[0][0] == ' '
- $str[3] === ' '
- $tag[0] === " "
- $text[$last][$last_len - 1] == ' '
- $text[$last][strlen($text[$last]) - 1] == ' '
- $v === ' '
- $value === ' '
- $x === ' '
- ' ' == $sign
single |
- $forum->type = 'single'
- $mode = 'single'
- $moduleinfo->type = 'single'
- $data['type'] === 'single'
- $forum->type == 'single'
- $forum->type === 'single'
- $forumcheck[$forumcm->instance]->type !== 'single'
- $forumrec->type == 'single'
- $forumto->type == 'single'
- $forumtype == 'single'
- $mode != 'single'
- $mode !== 'single'
- $mode == 'single'
- $templatename === 'single'
- $this->other['forumtype'] == 'single'
list |
- $definition['type'] = 'list'
- $mode = 'list'
- $string['editor:listlabel'] = 'List'
- $string['layoutlist'] = 'List'
- $string['list'] = 'List'
- $cmd == 'LIST'
- $currenttab == 'list'
- $returntype != 'list'
new |
- $action = 'new'
- $context = 'new'
- $formdata->mapping_6 = 'new'
- $mode = 'new'
- $params['action'] = 'new'
- $state = 'new'
- $status = 'new'
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- $displaystatus == 'new'
- $mode == 'new'
- $this->action == 'new'
display |
- $mode = 'display'
- $string['displayselect'] = 'Display'
- $string['showitems'] = 'Display'
- $mode !== 'display'
- $mode == 'display'
files |
- $data->type = 'Files'
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- $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Files'
- $string['userevidencefiles'] = 'Files'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'files'
- $key == 'files'
- $tab == 'files'
- $this->type == 'Files'
resource |
- $event->modulename = 'resource'
- $string['resource'] = 'Resource'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'resource'
- $class === 'resource'
- $item->nodeName == "resource"
- $module['modname'] == 'resource'
- $resource['name'] == 'RESOURCE'
- $value == 'RESOURCE'
active |
- $member->status = 'Active'
- $membership->status = 'Active'
- $string['active'] = 'Active'
- $string['legacyfilesactive'] = 'Active'
- $string['registrationstatusactive'] = 'Active'
- $string['status'] = 'Active'
- $string['status1'] = 'Active'
- $strname = 'active'
- $elementdata['status'] === 'active'
answers |
- $answersoption = 'answers'
- $string['answers'] = 'Answers'
- $string['dropdown_values'] = 'Answers'
folder |
- $event->modulename = 'folder'
- $filetype = 'folder'
- $item->type = 'folder'
- $name = 'folder'
- $string['modulename'] = 'Folder'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Folder'
- $string['search:activity'] = 'Folder'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'folder'
- $this->type = 'folder'
- $entrydata->{".tag"} === "folder"
- $file->type != 'folder'
- $file['type'] == 'folder'
ods |
- $options["download"] = "ods"
- $options["type"] = "ods"
- $options['download'] = 'ODS'
- $spreadsheetformat['ods'] = 'ods'
- $download == "ods"
- $download == 'ODS'
- $type == "ods"
- $type === 'ods'
xls |
- $options["download"] = "xls"
- $options["type"] = "xls"
- $download == "xls"
- $type == "xls"
txt |
- $attachname = 'txt'
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- $options["download"] = "txt"
- $options["type"] = "txt"
- $presentationformat['txt'] = 'txt'
numerical |
- $elename = 'numerical'
- $expectedq->qtype = 'numerical'
- $form->qtype = 'numerical'
- $q->qtype = 'numerical'
- $qdata->qtype = 'numerical'
- $qo->qtype = 'numerical'
- $question->qtype = 'numerical'
- $string['numerical'] = 'Numerical'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Numerical'
- $wrapped->qtype = 'numerical'
- $questiontype == 'numerical'
- $subquestion->qtype == 'numerical'
- $subtype == 'numerical'
- $this->questiondisplay->options->questions[$sub]->qtype == 'numerical'
multichoice |
- $elename = 'multichoice'
- $expectedq->qtype = 'multichoice'
- $mc->qtype = 'multichoice'
- $mcdata->qtype = 'multichoice'
- $qdata->qtype = 'multichoice'
- $qo->qtype = 'multichoice'
- $question->qtype = 'multichoice'
- $string['multichoice'] = 'Multichoice'
- $typ = 'multichoice'
- $wrapped->qtype = 'multichoice'
- $qtype !== 'multichoice'
- $question->qtype != 'multichoice'
- $questiontype == 'multichoice'
- $subq->qtype == 'multichoice'
- $subqdata->qtype == 'multichoice'
- $subquestion->qtype == 'multichoice'
- $subtype == 'multichoice'
- $this->questiondisplay->options->questions[$sub]->qtype == 'multichoice'
- $wrapped->qtype == 'multichoice'
lesson |
- $event->modulename = 'lesson'
- $eventdata->modulename = 'lesson'
- $string['modulename'] = 'Lesson'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Lesson'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'lesson'
- $event->modulename != 'lesson'
pages |
- $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Pages'
- $string['pages'] = 'Pages'
- $string['privacy:path:pages'] = 'Pages'
or |
- $conditioncombination = 'or'
- $string['editor:or'] = 'or'
- $string['or'] = 'OR'
- $string['tiny:or'] = 'OR'
- $conditioncombination == 'or'
- $op !== 'or'
review |
- $mode = 'review'
- $string['review'] = 'Review'
- $mode == 'review'
- $script === 'review'
response |
- $class = 'response'
- $string['response'] = 'Response'
- $string['response'] = 'response'
- $string['student_response'] = 'Response'
- $string['trackresponse'] = 'Response'
item |
- $context->datatype = 'item'
- $element['type'] = 'item'
- $file_record->filearea = 'item'
- $filearea = 'item'
- $treeleaf->itemtype = 'item'
- $type = 'item'
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- $b->itemtype == 'item'
- $child->nodeName === 'item'
- $child['type'] == 'item'
- $element['children'][$sortorder]['type'] == 'item'
- $element['type'] != 'item'
- $element['type'] == 'item'
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- $filearea === 'item'
- $item->nodeName == "item"
- $type == 'item'
report |
- $string['report'] = 'Report'
- $string['subplugintype_quiz'] = 'Report'
- $string['subplugintype_scormreport'] = 'Report'
- $active_type == 'report'
- $active_type === 'report'
- $compsa[0] == 'report'
- $compsb[0] == 'report'
- $plugintype != 'report'
- $plugintype == 'report'
unlock |
- $action == 'unlock'
- $data->operation == 'unlock'
duplicate |
- $duplicateparams['action'] = 'duplicate'
- $string['duplicate'] = 'Duplicate'
- $action !== 'duplicate'
- $action === 'duplicate'
mediafile |
- $this->fileman->filearea = 'mediafile'
- $filearea == 'mediafile'
- $filearea === 'mediafile'
fillerlast |
warning |
- $errnostr = 'Warning'
- $severitylevel = 'Warning'
- $status = 'warning'
- $string['warning'] = 'Warning'
- $string['warningstatus'] = 'Warning'
- $this->_type = 'warning'
- $this->messagetype === 'warning'
filler |
- $element['type'] == 'filler'
- $type == 'filler'
fillerfirst |
lesson_pages |
- $data->item = 'lesson_pages'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'lesson_pages'
- $record->item == "lesson_pages"
mod_lesson |
- $component = 'mod_lesson'
- $eventdata->component = 'mod_lesson'
- $plugin->component = 'mod_lesson'
- $event->component === 'mod_lesson'
page_answers |
- $filerecord['filearea'] = 'page_answers'
- $filearea === 'page_answers'
page_responses |
- $filerecord['filearea'] = 'page_responses'
- $filearea === 'page_responses'
completed |
- $string['complete'] = 'Completed'
- $string['completed'] = 'Completed'
- $string['completedon'] = 'Completed'
- $string['completionstatus_completed'] = 'Completed'
- $string['timecompleted'] = 'Completed'
- $string['uploadprogress'] = 'completed'
- $v->value = "completed"
- $value = 'completed'
- $action == 'completed'
- $data->payment_status != "Completed"
- $data->payment_status == "Completed"
- $rolluprulecond->cond != 'completed'
- $track->value == 'completed'
- $userdata->status == 'completed'
- $userdata['value'] == 'completed'
- $usertracks[$element]->status == 'completed'
- $usertracks[$setelement]->status == 'completed'
- $value == 'COMPLETED'
collapsed |
- $mode = 'collapsed'
- $string['collapsed'] = 'Collapsed'
- $edittype == 'Collapsed'
- $lessonview == 'collapsed'
essay |
- $data['qtype'] = 'essay'
- $expectedq->qtype = 'essay'
- $fakequestion->qtype = 'essay'
- $qdata->qtype = 'essay'
- $qo->qtype = 'essay'
- $question->qtype = 'essay'
- $string['essay'] = 'Essay'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Essay'
- $qtype == 'essay'
- $questiontype == 'essay'
continue |
- $seq->sequencing = 'continue'
- $string['continue'] = 'Continue'
- $string['guestconsent:continue'] = 'Continue'
- $string['loginsubmit'] = 'Continue'
- $string['next'] = 'Continue'
- $adlnavinterface['tagData'] == 'continue'
- $endspan = '</span>'
- $fontEnd = '</span>'
- $linkobject->hreftagend = '</span>'
readonly |
- $attributes['readonly'] = 'readonly'
- $attrs['readonly'] = 'readonly'
- $inputattributes['readonly'] = 'readonly'
- $matcher['attributes']['readonly'] = 'readonly'
- $type = 'readonly'
- $type !== 'readonly'
- $type == 'readonly'
i |
- $columninfo['meta_type'] = 'I'
- $displaynumber = 'i'
- $families[$family]['I'] = 'I'
- $font_style = 'I'
- $ignorecase = 'i'
- $info->meta_type = 'I'
- $newmssqlinttype = 'I'
- $oldmssqlinttype = 'I'
- $opt['h'] = 'i'
- $string['cliansweryes'] = 'i'
- $string['infoshort'] = 'i'
- $suffix = 'i'
- $type = 'I'
- $types[$i] = 'I'
- $action == 'I'
- $column->meta_type == 'I'
- $column->meta_type === 'I'
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'i'
- $fieldkeyindexinitial == 'i'
- $info->meta_type == 'I'
- $info->meta_type === 'I'
- $mailbox[0] == 'I'
- $mailbox[0] == 'i'
- $metacolumn->meta_type != 'I'
- $old_coltype == 'I'
- $oldmetatype == 'I'
- $results[0]->element->tagName == 'i'
- $subtags[0] == 'i'
- $suffix === 'i'
- $t == 'I'
- $ty != 'I'
- $typecode === 'i'
- 'i' !== $argument
print |
- $string['print'] = 'Print'
- $string['tiny:print'] = 'Print'
- $type == 'print'
- $type[1] == 'print'
special |
- $string['special'] = 'Special'
- $concept->concept === 'special'
- $hook == 'SPECIAL'
- $letter != 'SPECIAL'
- $letter == 'SPECIAL'
col |
- $categorycell->scope = 'col'
- $fieldheader->scope = 'col'
- $fillercell->attributes['scope'] = 'col'
- $itemcell->scope = 'col'
- $pageheading->scope = 'col'
- $studentheader->scope = 'col'
- $child->nodeName === 'col'
- $token['name'] === 'col'
stop |
exitall |
- $seq->termination = 'exitall'
- $adlnavinterface['tagData'] == 'exitAll'
retry |
- $seq->sequencing = 'retry'
- $state = 'retry'
resume |
- $string['resumetour'] = 'Resume'
- $userdata->entry = 'resume'
normal |
- $bm = 'Normal'
- $mode = 'normal'
- $status = 'normal'
- $string['methodnormal'] = 'Normal'
- $string['normal'] = 'Normal'
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- $aValues[0] !== 'normal'
- $h[0] == 'normal'
- $mode != 'normal'
- $mode !== 'normal'
- $mode == 'normal'
- $outoftime == 'normal'
- $parent == 'normal'
- $row[$i][0] == 'normal'
- $status !== 'normal'
- $type !== 'normal'
- $userdata->mode == 'normal'
- $userdata->{'cmi.exit'} == 'normal'
scorm_1.2 |
- $scoes->version = 'SCORM_1.2'
- $scormversion == 'scorm_1.2'
asset |
- $resources[$idref]['ADLCP:SCORMTYPE'] = 'asset'
- $scoes->elements[$manifest][$organization][$identifier]->scormtype = 'asset'
- $string['asset'] = 'Asset'
- $sco->scormtype == 'asset'
1.0 |
- $block['attrs']['MINPROGRESSMEASURE'] = '1.0'
- $form->fraction[0] = '1.0'
- $form->multiplier[0] = '1.0'
- $fromform->fraction[0] = '1.0'
- $fromform->multiplier[0] = '1.0'
- $needed_version = '1.0'
- $oauth_params['oauth_version'] = '1.0'
- $version = '1.0'
scorm_1.3 |
- $scoes->version = 'SCORM_1.3'
- $scormversion == 'scorm_1.3'
scorm |
- $data->activitytype = 'scorm'
- $event->modulename = 'scorm'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'scorm'
- $data->format == 'scorm'
- $event->modulename != 'scorm'
csv |
- $eventdata['other']['format'] = 'csv'
- $options['download'] = 'CSV'
- $rs->databaseType = 'csv'
- $spreadsheetformat['csv'] = 'csv'
- $dbtype == 'csv'
- $download == 'CSV'
- $encoding == 'csv'
- $format == 'csv'
scorm_12 |
- $scorm->version = 'scorm_12'
- $scormversion == 'scorm_12'
backward |
- $direction = 'backward'
- $seq->traversaldir = 'backward'
- $traverse = 'backward'
- $direction == 'backward'
- $prevdirection == 'backward'
- $request == 'backward'
- $traverse == 'backward'
forward |
- $seq->traversaldir = 'forward'
- $traverse = 'forward'
- $button == 'forward'
- $direction == 'forward'
- $mode == 'forward'
- $request == 'forward'
- $seq->traversaldir == 'forward'
- $traverse == 'forward'
unknown |
- $aggregationstatus = 'unknown'
- $author = 'unknown'
- $cond = 'unknown'
- $condit = 'unknown'
- $customentry->icon = 'unknown'
- $deletedcorelicenseshortname = 'unknown'
- $error = 'unknown'
- $mimeType = 'UNKNOWN'
- $mnethost->ip_address = 'UNKNOWN'
- $pid = 'UNKNOWN'
- $status = 'unknown'
- $string['state:unknown'] = 'Unknown'
- $this->ip_address = 'UNKNOWN'
- $b == 'unknown'
- $currentgrade->aggregationstatus !== 'unknown'
- $evaluate == 'unknown'
- $field->type === 'unknown'
- $hint['status'] != 'unknown'
- $qtype !== 'unknown'
- $rolluprulecond->cond != 'unknown'
- $rulecond->cond != 'unknown'
- $searchfield->type != 'unknown'
- $searchfield->type === 'unknown'
- $status == 'unknown'
- $this->type === 'unknown'
- $value == 'UNKNOWN'
navigation |
- $bc->attributes['role'] = 'navigation'
- $string['navigation'] = 'Navigation'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Navigation'
- $string['tour1_title_navigation'] = 'Navigation'
- $string['tour2_title_navigation'] = 'Navigation'
- $plugin === 'navigation'
- $section === 'navigation'
- $this->name === 'navigation'
interactions |
- $currenttab = 'interactions'
- $string['interactions'] = 'Interactions'
always |
- $string['always'] = 'Always'
- $string['forceattemptalways'] = 'Always'
- $dom[$key]['style']['page-break-after'] == 'always'
- $dom[$key]['style']['page-break-before'] == 'always'
incomplete |
- $string['incomplete'] = 'Incomplete'
- $action == 'incomplete'
- $r->value != 'incomplete'
- $tracktest->value == "incomplete"
- $usertrack->status == 'incomplete'
- $value == 'incomplete'
hidden |
- $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr']['visibility'] = 'hidden'
- $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr.row' . $row]['visibility'] = 'hidden'
- $enabledclass = 'hidden'
- $string['hidden'] = 'Hidden'
- $string['hiddenquestions'] = 'Hidden'
- $string['questionstatushidden'] = 'Hidden'
- $string['tiny:hidden'] = 'Hidden'
- $table->colclasses['3'] = 'hidden'
- $type = 'hidden'
- $svgstyle['visibility'] == 'hidden'
- $type == 'hidden'
- $type === 'hidden'
failed |
- $lessonstatus = 'failed'
- $state = 'failed'
- $string['failed'] = 'Failed'
- $checksumValidationInfo['status'] == "FAILED"
- $state === 'failed'
- $track->value == 'failed'
- $value == 'failed'
enter |
- $message = 'enter'
- $msg->message = 'enter'
- $string['enter'] = 'Enter'
- $message->message == 'enter'
browsed |
- $lessonstatus = 'browsed'
- $string['browsed'] = 'Browsed'
- $usertrack->status == 'browsed'
passed |
- $lessonstatus = 'passed'
- $string['completionstatus_passed'] = 'Passed'
- $string['passed'] = 'Passed'
- $string['status:success'] = 'Passed'
- $string['status:successalt'] = 'Passed'
- $track->value == 'passed'
- $userdata->status == 'passed'
- $usertracks[$element]->status == 'passed'
- $usertracks[$setelement]->status == 'passed'
- $value == 'passed'
results |
- $string['results'] = 'Results'
mode |
- $mode !== 'mode'
- $name == 'mode'
weight |
- $string['dimensionweight'] = 'Weight'
- $string['trackweight'] = 'Weight'
- $string['weight'] = 'Weight'
- $warning['item'] == 'weight'
objectives |
- $string['objectives'] = 'Objectives'
package |
- $filerecord['filearea'] = 'package'
- $string['packagehdr'] = 'Package'
- $this->fileman->filearea = 'package'
not attempted |
- $initlessonstatus = 'not attempted'
- $lessonstatus = 'not attempted'
- $scormsession->scorm_lessonstatus = 'not attempted'
- $string['notattempted'] = 'Not attempted'
- $initlessonstatus == 'not attempted'
- $track->value == 'not attempted'
value |
- $stackItemType = 'Value'
- $string['value'] = 'Value'
- $this->_xh['vt'] = 'value'
- $attr->name === "value"
- $datafield === 'value'
- $filearea === 'value'
- $k !== 'Value'
- $key != 'value'
- $name != 'VALUE'
- $name == 'VALUE'
- $output[$countOutputMinus1]['type'] === 'Value'
- $parameter == 'VALUE'
- $parameter === 'VALUE'
- $propertyName === 'value'
- $this->_xh['vt'] != 'value'
- $this->_xh['vt'] == 'value'
notattempted |
- $track->value = 'notattempted'
- $trackdata->status = 'notattempted'
- $usertrack->status = 'notattempted'
- $usertrack->status == 'notattempted'
suspended |
- $string['suspended'] = 'Suspended'
- $column === 'suspended'
- $k === 'suspended'
external |
- $data['scormtype'] = 'external'
- $CFG->grade_mygrades_report != 'external'
- $CFG->grade_mygrades_report == 'external'
- $setting == 'external'
- $setting === 'external'
- $supported != 'external'
- $supported !== 'external'
mod_forum |
- $component = "mod_forum"
- $component = 'mod_forum'
- $data->component = 'mod_forum'
- $delopt->component = 'mod_forum'
- $eventdata->component = 'mod_forum'
- $message1->component = 'mod_forum'
- $plugin->component = 'mod_forum'
- $rating1->component = 'mod_forum'
- $rating2->component = 'mod_forum'
- $ratingdeloptions->component = 'mod_forum'
- $ratingoptions->component = 'mod_forum'
- $this->component = 'mod_forum'
- $component != 'mod_forum'
- $info->component === 'mod_forum'
- $params['component'] != 'mod_forum'
forum |
- $event->modulename = 'forum'
- $expected->modulename = 'forum'
- $itemname = 'forum'
- $module = 'forum'
- $params['forum'] = 'forum'
- $string['forum'] = 'Forum'
- $string['gradeitem:forum'] = 'Forum'
- $string['modulename'] = 'Forum'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Forum'
- $testmodule = 'forum'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'forum'
- $tmpactivity->type = 'forum'
- $warning->module = 'forum'
- $PAGE->cm->modname === 'forum'
- $cm->modname == 'forum'
- $cm->modname === 'forum'
- $component === 'forum'
- $event->other['modulename'] === 'forum'
- $module['modname'] == 'forum'
- $modulename != 'forum'
- $status['modname'] == 'forum'
- $this->name === 'forum'
post |
- $data->ratingarea = 'post'
- $definition['http']['method'] = 'POST'
- $delopt->ratingarea = 'post'
- $filerecordinline['filearea'] = 'post'
- $formattributes['method'] = 'post'
- $method = 'post'
- $newfilerecord->filearea = 'post'
- $rating1->ratingarea = 'post'
- $rating2->ratingarea = 'post'
- $ratingdeloptions->ratingarea = 'post'
- $ratingoptions->ratingarea = 'post'
- $select->method = 'post'
- $selector->method = 'post'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'post'
- $this->form_mode = 'post'
- $this->tables['p'] = 'post'
- $warning['item'] = 'post'
- $action != 'post'
- $button->method === 'post'
- $command['method'] === 'post'
- $filearea !== 'post'
- $filearea === 'post'
- $method != 'post'
- $method !== 'post'
- $method == 'post'
- $method === 'POST'
- $params['ratingarea'] != 'post'
- $ratingarea != 'post'
- $this->method == 'post'
- $this->method === 'POST'
- $this->method === 'post'
reply |
- $class = 'reply'
- $string['reply'] = 'Reply'
flatfile |
- $instance->enrol === 'flatfile'
news |
- $forum->type = 'news'
- $forumformat = 'news'
- $record->type = 'news'
- $forum->type == 'news'
- $typevalue[0] == 'news'
posts |
- $eventdata->name = 'posts'
- $message1->name = 'posts'
- $string['posts'] = 'Posts'
- $mode !== 'posts'
- $mode == 'posts'
- $mode === 'posts'
shortname |
- $CFG->navsortmycoursessort = 'shortname'
- $formdata['shortname'] = 'Shortname'
- $sitenamedisplay = 'shortname'
- $sort = 'shortname'
- $coursefield === 'shortname'
- $field !== 'shortname'
- $field == 'shortname'
- $this->name === 'shortname'
sortorder |
- $CFG->navsortmycoursessort = 'sortorder'
- $sortfieldskeys[0] === 'sortorder'
- $sortpolicy === 'sortorder'
fullname |
- $CFG->navsortmycoursessort = 'fullname'
- $namekey = 'fullname'
- $coursefield === 'fullname'
- $element['name'] !== 'fullname'
- $element['name'] == 'fullname'
- $field !== 'fullname'
template |
- $file_record->filearea = 'template'
- $filearea = 'template'
- $string['content'] = 'Template'
- $string['template'] = 'Template'
- $string['template_key'] = 'Template'
- $string['tiny:template'] = 'Template'
- $filearea !== 'template'
- $filearea === 'template'
idnumber |
- $CFG->navsortmycoursessort = 'idnumber'
- $CFG->showuseridentity = 'idnumber'
- $data->idnumber = 'idnumber'
- $field = 'idnumber'
- $orderby = 'idnumber'
- $cohorttype['type'] != 'idnumber'
- $column === 'idnumber'
- $field !== 'idnumber'
- $field === 'idnumber'
- $fieldtosearch == 'idnumber'
enrol_meta |
- $plugin->component = 'enrol_meta'
- $event->other['component'] === 'enrol_meta'
lastaccess |
- $CFG->hiddenuserfields = 'lastaccess'
- $lastaccesscell->attributes['class'] = 'lastaccess'
- $orderbymap['default'] = 'lastaccess'
- $params['sort'] !== 'lastaccess'
- $sort == 'lastaccess'
cohortidnumber |
- $missingmandatoryfields = 'cohortidnumber'
- $itemtype === 'cohortidnumber'
mnet |
- $enrolment->enroltype = 'mnet'
- $newenrol->enroltype = 'mnet'
- $remoteuser->auth = 'mnet'
- $this->authtype = 'mnet'
- $this->enrolment->enroltype = 'mnet'
- $user->auth = 'mnet'
- $userdata['auth'] = 'mnet'
meta |
- $event->other['enrol'] === 'meta'
- $i->enrol == 'meta'
- $v === 'meta'
eachuser |
- $forum->type = 'eachuser'
- $forum->type == 'eachuser'
qanda |
- $forum->type == 'qanda'
- $taggeditem->type != 'qanda'
-1 |
- $action->attributes['tabindex'] = '-1'
- $attributes['tabindex'] = '-1'
- $data['answer'] = '-1'
- $e1 = '-1'
- $record['groupid'] = "-1"
- $response[$substep->add_prefix($ind)] = '-1'
- $data['grouping'] == '-1'
- $question->type == "-1"
- '-1' === $memoryLimitFormatted
editing |
- $editingtitle = 'editing'
- $string['editing'] = 'Editing'
locked |
- $string['customfield_islocked'] = 'Locked'
- $string['locked'] = 'Locked'
- $string['state:locked'] = 'Locked'
- $authplugin->config->{$configvariable} === 'locked'
- $key == 'locked'
frame |
- $data['options'] == 'frame'
- $token['name'] === 'frame'
https |
- $protocol = 'https'
- $rurl['scheme'] = 'https'
- $schema = 'https'
- $string['https'] = 'HTTPS'
- $method == 'https'
- $method === 'https'
- $parsed['scheme'] !== 'https'
- $parsedurl['scheme'] === 'https'
- $scheme == 'https'
- $scheme === 'https'
- $target['scheme'] != 'https'
- $this->endpointScheme !== 'https'
- $url['scheme'] !== 'https'
- $webdavendpoint['scheme'] === 'https'
- $wwwroot['scheme'] !== 'https'
- $wwwroot['scheme'] === 'https'
iframe |
- $newitem->placementAdvice->presentationDocumentTarget = 'iframe'
- $objgraph2->placementAdvice->presentationDocumentTarget = 'iframe'
- $objgraph->placementAdvice->presentationDocumentTarget = 'iframe'
- $target = 'iframe'
http |
- $protocol = 'http'
- $schema = 'http'
- $string['http'] = 'HTTP'
- $parsed['scheme'] !== 'http'
- $parsed['scheme'] === 'http'
- $rurl['scheme'] === 'http'
- $scheme == 'http'
- $webdavendpoint['scheme'] === 'http'
toolproxyregistrationrequest |
- $requestparams['lti_message_type'] = 'ToolProxyRegistrationRequest'
- $_POST['lti_message_type'] != 'ToolProxyRegistrationRequest'
- $_POST['lti_message_type'] == 'ToolProxyRegistrationRequest'
- $_POST['lti_message_type'] === 'ToolProxyRegistrationRequest'
- $messagetype != "ToolProxyRegistrationRequest"
plaintext |
- $auth->config->passtype = 'plaintext'
- $signature_method = "PLAINTEXT"
- $this->config->passtype === 'plaintext'
unread |
- $string['unread'] = 'Unread'
- $mark == 'unread'
- $messagedata['state'] == 'unread'
subject |
- $string['subject'] = 'Subject'
- $subject = 'subject'
- $type = 'subject'
optional |
- $address->content_model_type = 'optional'
- $blockquote->content_model_type = 'optional'
- $form->content_model_type = 'optional'
- $string['optional'] = 'optional'
- $string['policydocoptionalyes'] = 'Optional'
- $string['trackingoptional'] = 'Optional'
- $this->info['script']->content_model_type = 'optional'
lock |
- $string['notlocked'] = 'Lock'
- $action == 'lock'
- $data->operation == 'lock'
allow |
- $accessctrl = 'allow'
- $restriction_relationship = 'allow'
- $string['allow'] = 'Allow'
- $accessctrl != 'allow'
- $accessctrl == 'allow'
- $acl->accessctrl == 'allow'
- $aclrecord->accessctrl == 'allow'
- $form->accessctrl == 'allow'
accepted |
- $string['acceptancestatusaccepted'] = 'Accepted'
- $string['accepted'] = 'Accepted'
accept |
- $string['accept'] = 'Accept'
- $string['useracceptanceactionaccept'] = 'Accept'
- $action == 'accept'
- $action === 'accept'
- $data->action === 'accept'
token |
- $authmethod == 'token'
- $data['authmethod'] == 'token'
secret |
- $consumer->secret = 'secret'
- $data->secret = 'secret'
- $issuerdata->clientsecret = "Secret"
- $record->password = 'secret'
- $record['equella_url'] = 'secret'
- $record['secret'] = 'secret'
- $string['secret'] = 'Secret'
- $string['settings:aws:secret'] = 'Secret'
lti-2p0 |
- $requestparams['lti_version'] = 'LTI-2p0'
- $this->lti_version = 'LTI-2p0'
- $type['ltiversion'] = 'LTI-2p0'
- $_REQUEST["lti_version"] == "LTI-2p0"
lti-1p0 |
- $parms["lti_version"] = "LTI-1p0"
- $tool->ltiversion = 'LTI-1p0'
- $type['ltiversion'] = 'LTI-1p0'
- $_REQUEST["lti_version"] == "LTI-1p0"
lti |
- $event->modulename = 'lti'
- $instance->enrol = 'lti'
- $pluginname = 'lti'
- $string['basiclti'] = 'LTI'
- $string['filtername'] = 'LTI'
- $string['lti'] = 'LTI'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'LTI'
- $this->authtype = 'lti'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'lti'
- $user->auth = 'lti'
- $lineitem->itemmodule == 'lti'
- $user->auth != 'lti'
- $user->auth !== 'lti'
rtf |
- $docsformat['rtf'] = 'rtf'
private_key_jwt |
- $registrationresponse['token_endpoint_auth_method'] = 'private_key_jwt'
- $tokenendpointauthmethod !== 'private_key_jwt'
png |
- $convertformat = 'png'
- $drawingformat['png'] = 'png'
- $ext = 'png'
- $type = 'png'
ltideeplinkingrequest |
- $contentitemmessage['type'] = 'LtiDeepLinkingRequest'
- $value['type'] === 'LtiDeepLinkingRequest'
ltisubmissionreviewrequest |
- $msgtype = 'LtiSubmissionReviewRequest'
- $messagetype == 'LtiSubmissionReviewRequest'
root |
- $context = 'root'
- $fullpath = 'root'
- $id = 'root'
- $parent = 'root'
- $parentid = 'root'
- $string['root'] = 'Root'
- $block->type === 'root'
- $context === 'root'
- $localeinuse !== 'root'
- $parent != 'root'
- $v[1] == 'Root'
html |
- $blockname = 'html'
- $docsformat['html'] = 'html'
- $filter->target = 'html'
- $mod_type = 'html'
- $newblock = 'html'
- $string['html'] = 'HTML'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'HTML'
- $this->_type = 'html'
- $this->databuf['contentformat'] = 'html'
- $yuiconfig['type'] = 'html'
- $data['type'] === 'html'
- $editor == 'html'
- $enctype == 'html'
- $filter->target == 'html'
- $format != 'html'
- $format == 'html'
- $name == 'html'
- $namespace == 'HTML'
- $node->nodeName == 'html'
- $node->nodeName === 'html'
- $styleName != 'html'
- $subtype == 'HTML'
- $this->format != 'html'
- $this->format == 'html'
- $this->token['name'] === 'HTML'
- $token['name'] !== 'html'
- $token['name'] === 'html'
- $type == 'HTML'
- $type == 'html'
- $type === 'html'
- $version->contentformat != 'html'
- end($this->stack)->nodeName === 'html'
basic-lti-launch-request |
- $message->message_type = 'basic-lti-launch-request'
- $msgtype = 'basic-lti-launch-request'
- $parms["lti_message_type"] = "basic-lti-launch-request"
- $_POST['lti_message_type'] === 'basic-lti-launch-request'
- $_REQUEST["lti_message_type"] == "basic-lti-launch-request"
- $message->message_type == "basic-lti-launch-request"
- $message->message_type === 'basic-lti-launch-request'
- $messagetype != "basic-lti-launch-request"
- $messagetype === 'basic-lti-launch-request'
pdf |
- $docsformat['pdf'] = 'pdf'
- $drawingformat['pdf'] = 'pdf'
- $format = 'pdf'
- $presentationformat['pdf'] = 'pdf'
- $record['documentformat'] = 'pdf'
- $record['drawingformat'] = 'pdf'
- $record['presentationformat'] = 'pdf'
- $record['spreadsheetformat'] = 'pdf'
- $spreadsheetformat['pdf'] = 'pdf'
- $filter->target == 'pdf'
- $target == 'pdf'
default |
- $config->lineitemsubreviewurl = 'DEFAULT'
- $devicetype = 'default'
- $expected = 'default'
- $param->sortby = 'default'
- $resourcename = 'default'
- $string['auth_cas_curl_ssl_version_default'] = 'Default'
- $string['default'] = 'Default'
- $string['groupdefault'] = 'Default'
- $string['tiny:default'] = 'Default'
- $suitename = 'default'
- $this->config->user_type = 'default'
- $viewmode = 'default'
- $CFG->referrerpolicy !== 'default'
- $actualdevice == 'default'
- $currentdevice == 'default'
- $gbs->subreviewurl != 'DEFAULT'
- $glossary->approvaldisplayformat !== 'default'
- $lifetime === 'default'
- $mode === 'default'
- $param->sortby != 'default'
- $param->sortby == 'default'
- $pref_value == 'default'
- $region === "default"
- $res['Support'] === 'DEFAULT'
- $subreviewurl == 'DEFAULT'
- $subset === 'default'
- $suitename != 'default'
- $suitename !== "default"
- $suitename == 'default'
- $this->_devicetypeinuse != 'default'
- $this->viewmode === 'default'
- $url != 'DEFAULT'
- $viewmode !== 'default'
- $viewmode === 'default'
- $zoom == 'default'
reject |
- $deleteaction = 'reject'
- $string['reject'] = 'Reject'
application/rtf |
- $exporttype = 'application/rtf'
- $checktype == 'application/rtf'
toolproxy |
- $systemsetting->params['config_type'] = 'toolproxy'
- $this->id = 'toolproxy'
- $this->{'@type'} = 'ToolProxy'
- $type = 'ToolProxy'
- $json->{"@graph"}[0]->{"@type"} == 'ToolProxy'
tag |
- $component = 'tag'
- $string['tag'] = 'Tag'
- $tag = 'tag'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'tag'
- $bits[0] == 'tag'
- $component === 'tag'
- $itemtype === 'tag'
, |
- $sep = ','
- $separator = ','
- $this->tagSeparator = ','
- self::$localeArgumentSeparator = ','
- self::$thousandsSeparator = ','
- $c == ','
- $char === ','
- $list[1] === ','
- $nextchar != ','
- $op == ','
- $opCharacter === ','
- $thischar == ','
- $value[1] === ','
profile |
- $filearea === 'profile'
- $returnto === 'profile'
- $value === 'profile'
coursecode |
admin |
- $CFG->admin = 'admin'
- $admin = 'admin'
- $admin->username = 'admin'
- $config->admin = 'admin'
- $options['adminpass'] = 'admin'
- $options['adminuser'] = 'admin'
- $shortname = 'admin'
- $this->_legacyclass = 'admin'
- $this->serviceName = 'admin'
- $user->firstname = 'Admin'
- $CFG->admin !== 'admin'
- $CFG->admin === 'admin'
- $currentuser !== 'admin'
- $id === 'admin'
- $options['adminpass'] === 'admin'
- $options['adminuser'] !== 'admin'
- $path === 'admin'
- $role != 'admin'
- $role == 'admin'
- $rolename == 'admin'
- $tab == 'admin'
- $this->page->pagelayout === 'admin'
- $type === 'admin'
- $user->username == 'admin'
- $user->username === 'admin'
- $userloggedin === 'admin'
- $userrole === 'admin'
- $usertype == 'admin'
ignore |
- $imsname = 'ignore'
- $string['ignore'] = 'Ignore'
- $children !== 'ignore'
- $imsname == 'ignore'
embed |
- $allowedmethods = 'embed'
- $string['embed'] = 'Embed'
- $string['tiny:embed'] = 'Embed'
- $results[0]->element->tagName == 'embed'
redirect |
svg |
- $drawingformat['svg'] = 'svg'
- $ext = 'svg'
- $convertformat == 'svg'
- $imgtype == 'svg'
- $pathinfo['extension'] === 'svg'
- $type == 'svg'
editsubmission |
- $_GET['action'] = 'editsubmission'
- $action = 'editsubmission'
- $nextpageparams['action'] = 'editsubmission'
- $action == 'editsubmission'
savegradingresult |
- $nextpageparams['action'] = 'savegradingresult'
- $action == 'savegradingresult'
grantextension |
- $action = 'grantextension'
- $action == 'grantextension'
- $data->operation == 'grantextension'
quickgradingresult |
- $action = 'quickgradingresult'
- $action == 'quickgradingresult'
viewsubmitforgradingerror |
- $action = 'viewsubmitforgradingerror'
- $action == 'viewsubmitforgradingerror'
student |
- $course->rolename = 'student'
- $enrolmentdata['role'] = 'student'
- $shortname = 'student'
- $this->enrolment->rolename = 'student'
- $userdata['firstname'] = 'student'
- $action == "student"
- $allarchetype === 'student'
- $role == 'student'
- $role === 'student'
- $role->archetype === 'student'
editingteacher |
- $shortname = 'editingteacher'
- $allarchetype === 'editingteacher'
- $frontpagerole->archetype === 'editingteacher'
- $key == 'editingteacher'
- $role == 'editingteacher'
- $role->shortname == 'editingteacher'
teacher |
- $data['enrolment_1_role'] = 'teacher'
- $shortname = 'teacher'
- $allarchetype === 'teacher'
- $frontpagerole->archetype === 'teacher'
- $loginas == 'teacher'
- $role === 'teacher'
selection |
- $string['selection'] = 'Selection'
- $string['tiny:selection'] = 'Selection'
- $this->entries[$selectionid]->type = 'selection'
- $this->entries[$selectionid]->type != 'selection'
- $this->type == 'selection'
advanced |
- $string['advanced'] = 'Advanced'
- $string['advanced:toolshortname'] = 'Advanced'
- $string['librarygroup4'] = 'Advanced'
- $string['tiny:advanced'] = 'Advanced'
cohort |
- $pluginname = 'cohort'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Cohort'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'cohort'
- $component === 'cohort'
- $i->enrol == 'cohort'
manager |
- $managerrole = 'manager'
- $this->serviceName = 'manager'
- $type = 'manager'
- $userdata['firstname'] = 'Manager'
- $allarchetype === 'manager'
- $file != 'manager'
- $frontpagerole->archetype === 'manager'
setbatchmarkingallocation |
- $data['action'] = 'setbatchmarkingallocation'
- $action == 'setbatchmarkingallocation'
setbatchmarkingworkflowstate |
- $data['action'] = 'setbatchmarkingworkflowstate'
- $action == 'setbatchmarkingworkflowstate'
v |
- $_GET['tifirst'] = 'V'
- $this->darrow = 'v'
get |
- $method = 'get'
- $string['editor:contenttypegetbuttonlabel'] = 'Get'
- $action == 'get'
- $button->method === 'get'
- $command['method'] === 'get'
- $method !== 'get'
- $this->form_mode == 'get'
- $this->method !== 'GET'
- $this->method == 'get'
- $this->method === 'get'
- 'get' == $method
quiz |
- $event->modulename = 'quiz'
- $grade_item->itemmodule = 'quiz'
- $gradeitem->itemmodule = 'quiz'
- $moduleinfo->modulename = 'quiz'
- $params['modulename'] = 'quiz'
- $string['modulename'] = 'Quiz'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Quiz'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'quiz'
- $tmpactivity->type = 'quiz'
- $cm->modname === 'quiz'
- $event->modulename != 'quiz'
- $gradeitem->itemmodule === 'quiz'
- $modulename != 'quiz'
- $object->itemmodule !== 'quiz'
ok |
- $r->status = "OK"
- $string['editor:ok'] = 'OK'
- $string['judgementok'] = 'OK'
- $string['tiny:ok'] = 'Ok'
- $sty = 'ok'
- $data['Arizona'] == 'OK'
- $data['California'] == 'OK'
- $feedback['text'] === 'OK'
- $message === 'OK'
- $res == 'OK'
- $response->data->status === 'OK'
- $response->stat === 'ok'
- $response['status'] !== 'OK'
- $token['status'] == 'ok'
- $xml['stat'] == 'ok'
missingtype |
- $slot->qtype = 'missingtype'
- $data['qtype'] === 'missingtype'
- $qtypename == 'missingtype'
- $question->qtype === 'missingtype'
- $questionstat->question->qtype === 'missingtype'
- $requestedqtype == 'missingtype'
- $this->name === 'missingtype'
complete |
- $actiondata['data-action'] = 'complete'
- $button->stateclass = 'complete'
- $step->state = 'complete'
- $string['statuscomplete'] = 'Complete'
- $strname = 'complete'
- $mode !== 'complete'
- $mode === 'complete'
- $type === 'complete'
random |
- $question->parenttype = 'random'
- $question->qtype = 'random'
- $slot->qtype = 'random'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Random'
- $string['random'] = 'Random'
- $data->allocateby == 'random'
- $modelquality === 'random'
- $order == 'random'
- $orderby != 'random'
- $orderby === 'random'
- $pagingbar->order != 'random'
- $q['type'] !== 'random'
- $qtype !== 'random'
- $qtype == 'random'
- $question->qtype !== 'random'
- $question->qtype == 'random'
- $question->qtype === 'random'
- $questiondata->qtype != 'random'
- $questiondata->qtype == 'random'
- $questiondata->qtype === 'random'
- $questionstat->question->qtype != 'random'
- $questionstat->question->qtype == 'random'
- $questiontype == 'random'
- $slotdata->qtype != 'random'
- $slotquestion['type'] !== 'random'
- $structure->get_slot_by_number($slot)->qtype !== 'random'
- $this->question->qtype == 'random'
- $this->stats->for_slot($slot)->question->qtype == 'random'
- $this->stats->for_slot($step->slot)->question->qtype == 'random'
right_bracket |
- $expect = 'RIGHT_BRACKET'
- $expect == 'RIGHT_BRACKET'
chat |
- $event->modulename = 'chat'
- $string['modulename'] = 'Chat'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Chat'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'chat'
string_id |
left_bracket |
- $expect == 'LEFT_BRACKET'
string_var |
semicolon |
string_text |
header_js |
- $CFG->chat_method = 'header_js'
- $chatuser->version == 'header_js'
compact |
- $string['compact'] = 'Compact'
- $theme = 'compact'
- $currentrowformat == 'Compact'
- $format === 'Compact'
- $format === 'compact'
- $rs->row_format == 'Compact'
char |
- $fld->type = 'CHAR'
- $fld->type = 'char'
- $foundtype = 'char'
- $result = 'char'
- $foundtype === 'char'
- $rawcolumn->COLTYPE === 'CHAR'
stream |
- $objtype = 'stream'
- $string['normalstream'] = 'Stream'
- $element[0] == 'stream'
- $nextToken === 'stream'
label |
- $event->modulename = 'label'
- $formdata->modulename = 'label'
- $string['item_label'] = 'Label'
- $string['label'] = 'Label'
- $locatortype == 'label'
- $module['modname'] == 'label'
- $typ === 'label'
stats |
- $do = 'stats'
- $showing = 'stats'
- $mode === 'stats'
- $showing == 'stats'
component |
- $string['component'] = 'Component'
- $string['eventcomponent'] = 'Component'
- $string['headingcomponent'] = 'Component'
- $category === 'Component'
- $field == 'component'
- $k != 'component'
- $key == 'component'
- $name !== 'component'
string |
- $string['headingstringid'] = 'String'
- $this->data[$row][$col]->type = 'string'
- $type = 'string'
- $cell->type == 'string'
- $field['type'] === 'string'
- $format == 'string'
- $m['type'] == 'string'
- $pType == 'string'
- $typ == 'string'
- $type == 'string'
- $type === 'string'
graceperiod |
- $quiz->overduehandling = 'graceperiod'
- $attemptobj->get_quizobj( )->get_quiz( )->overduehandling == 'graceperiod'
- $data['overduehandling'] == 'graceperiod'
- $this->get_quiz( )->overduehandling === 'graceperiod'
- $this->quiz->overduehandling != 'graceperiod'
private |
- $def->status = 'private'
- $file1->filearea = 'private'
- $file->filearea = 'private'
- $filearea = 'private'
- $filerecord['filearea'] = 'private'
- $userfilerecord->filearea = 'private'
- $dataset->status == 'private'
- $filearea == 'private'
- $filearea === 'private'
- $fileinfo['filearea'] == 'private'
- $options['cacheability'] === 'private'
- $params['filearea'] == 'private'
- $value === 'PRIVATE'
access |
- $string['access'] = 'Access'
- $argProvider == 'access'
- $this->databaseType == 'access'
- $tt != 'ACCESS'
application/unknown |
- $mimetype = 'application/unknown'
- $official === 'application/unknown'
empty |
- $recipient = 'empty'
- $string['empty'] = 'Empty'
- $def->type == 'empty'
- $rs->dataProvider == 'empty'
- $type !== 'empty'
- $type === 'empty'
correct |
- $response->feedback = 'correct'
- $string['correct'] = 'Correct'
- $answer->title == 'correct'
- $fback->ident == 'correct'
- $response->feedback == 'correct'
- $response->title == 'correct'
- $usertrack->$element == 'correct'
basic |
- $record->webdav_auth = 'basic'
- $mode === 'basic'
- $this->_auth == 'basic'
calculated |
- $def->type = 'calculated'
- $qdata->qtype = 'calculated'
- $qo->qtype = 'calculated'
- $question->qtype = 'calculated'
- $string['calculated'] = 'Calculated'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Calculated'
- $question->qtype == 'calculated'
- $questiontype == 'calculated'
overdue |
- $string['overdue'] = 'Overdue'
- $string['stateoverdue'] = 'Overdue'
- $attempt->state == 'overdue'
xhtml |
- $string['xhtml'] = 'XHTML'
- $attribs['']['type'] === 'xhtml'
count |
- $aggregatestr = 'COUNT'
- $string['count'] = 'Count'
- $string['tiny:count'] = 'Count'
- $key === 'count'
- $this->sMatchType === 'count'
position |
- $string['position'] = 'Position'
- $key != 'position'
- $key == 'position'
- $property === 'position'
- $rule[0] == 'position'
incorrect |
- $string['incorrect'] = 'Incorrect'
- $fback->ident == 'incorrect'
enable |
- $action = 'enable'
- $string['auth_ntlmsso_enabled_key'] = 'Enable'
- $action == 'enable'
- $action === 'enable'
info |
- $mapping->info = 'info'
- $messagecol = 'info'
- $result = 'info'
- $string['extrainfo'] = 'Info'
- $string['info'] = 'Info'
- $string['infoheading'] = 'Info'
- $sty = 'info'
- $task->completed = 'info'
- $type = 'info'
- $task->completed === 'info'
- $this->messagetype === 'info'
- $v[1] == 'Info'
max |
- $aggregatestr = 'MAX'
- $string['max'] = 'Max'
- $lowercasedName === 'max'
free |
- $string['navmethod_free'] = 'Free'
- $attemptobj->get_quiz( )->navmethod == 'free'
- $navmethod == 'free'
- $value == 'FREE'
sequential |
- $string['navmethod_seq'] = 'Sequential'
- $data['navmethod'] === 'sequential'
parent |
- $excludedcats[$category->id] = 'parent'
- $out['enclosing'] = 'parent'
- $result['enclosing'] = 'parent'
- $string['parent'] = 'Parent'
- $string['parentcompetency'] = 'Parent'
- $type = "Parent"
- $cond['enclosing'] === 'parent'
- $id_start_ci === 'parent'
- $key != 'parent'
- $key == 'parent'
- $key === 'parent'
- $list1['enclosing'] !== 'parent'
- $list1['enclosing'] === 'parent'
- $list2['enclosing'] !== 'parent'
- $propertyName !== 'parent'
- $type === 'parent'
- $value == 'PARENT'
adaptive |
- $data->preferredbehaviour = 'adaptive'
- $quiz->preferredbehaviour == 'adaptive'
- $this->mode === 'adaptive'
securewindow |
- $data->browsersecurity = 'securewindow'
- $quiz->browsersecurity = 'securewindow'
- $quizobj->get_quiz( )->browsersecurity !== 'securewindow'
| |
- $USER->lastip = ''
- $quiz->subnet = ''
- $record['lastip'] = ''
adaptivenopenalty |
- $data->preferredbehaviour = 'adaptivenopenalty'
- $quiz->preferredbehaviour == 'adaptivenopenalty'
deferredfeedback |
- $data->preferredbehaviour = 'deferredfeedback'
- $this->behaviour = 'deferredfeedback'
- $data['preferredbehaviour'] != 'deferredfeedback'
- $quiz->preferredbehaviour == 'deferredfeedback'
wiki_page |
- $args->area = 'wiki_page'
- $cmt->area = 'wiki_page'
- $comment->commentarea != 'wiki_page'
- $comment_param->commentarea != 'wiki_page'
uid |
- $name = 'uid'
- $start = 'uid'
- $u = 'UID'
- $index_field != 'UID'
- $name == 'UID'
trainedmodel |
- $options['mode'] = 'trainedmodel'
- $mode == 'trainedmodel'
- $options['mode'] !== 'trainedmodel'
- $options['mode'] == 'trainedmodel'
- $this->evaluationmode != 'trainedmodel'
disable |
- $action == 'disable'
- $action === 'disable'
site |
- $data->eventtype = "site"
- $entry->publishstate = 'site'
- $entrydata->publishstate = 'site'
- $filtertype = 'site'
- $newentry->publishstate = 'site'
- $newpost->publishstate = 'site'
- $newsite->format = 'site'
- $note3['publishstate'] = 'site'
- $post->publishstate = 'site'
- $record->eventtype = 'site'
- $string['contextlevelname10'] = 'Site'
- $string['requestorigin'] = 'Site'
- $string['site'] = 'Site'
- $subscription->eventtype = 'site'
- $this->publishstate = 'site'
- $this->type = 'site'
- $COURSE == 'site'
- $COURSE->format == 'site'
- $course->format !== 'site'
- $course->format == 'site'
- $details->original_course_format === 'site'
- $endpoint == 'site'
- $entry->publishstate === 'site'
- $event->eventtype !== 'site'
- $event->eventtype === 'site'
- $originalcourseformat != 'site'
- $originalcourseformat == 'site'
- $properties->eventtype == 'site'
- $properties->eventtype === 'site'
- $return == 'site'
- $sub->eventtype === 'site'
- $subscription->eventtype === 'site'
- $this->name !== 'site'
create |
- $params['action'] = 'create'
- $string['create'] = 'Create'
- $string['create'] = 'create'
- $todo = 'create'
- $action != 'create'
- $action == 'create'
- $action === 'create'
- $permission == 'create'
- $todo == 'create'
load |
- $_POST['action'] = 'load'
- $string['load'] = 'Load'
execute |
- $_POST['mode'] = 'execute'
enrol |
- $plugintype = 'enrol'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'enrol'
frog |
- $newchar = 'frog'
- $querydata->q = 'frog'
- $quiz->password = 'frog'
- $sa2->questiontext = 'Frog'
- $data->firstname == 'frog'
row |
- $accessiblecell->scope = 'row'
- $attr['scope'] = 'row'
- $attributes['scope'] = 'row'
- $avgcell->scope = 'row'
- $cell->scope = "row"
- $cell->scope = 'row'
- $groupavgcell->scope = 'row'
- $headercell->scope = 'row'
- $rangecell->scope = 'row'
- $selectionType = 'ROW'
- $string['tiny:row'] = 'Row'
- $usercell->scope = 'row'
numeric |
- $attributes['inputmode'] = 'numeric'
- $fld->type = 'numeric'
- $item->type = 'numeric'
- $objtype = 'numeric'
- $repeateloptions['limit']['rule'] = 'numeric'
- $decpar[($kdc + 1)][0] == 'numeric'
- $fld->type == 'numeric'
- $rawcolumn->type === 'numeric'
- $sarr[($k + 1)][0] == 'numeric'
- $sdic[($k + 1)][0] == 'numeric'
collaborative |
- $data['wikimode'] = 'collaborative'
- $wiki->wikimode == 'collaborative'
vertical |
- $layoutclass = 'vertical'
- $string['vertical'] = 'Vertical'
horizontal |
- $layoutclass = 'horizontal'
- $string['horizontal'] = 'Horizontal'
- $centered === 'horizontal'
filename |
- $string['uploadname'] = "Filename"
- $field == 'filename'
- $field === 'filename'
- $key == 'filename'
- $label == 'filename'
individual |
- $data['wikimode'] = 'individual'
- $instance->wikimode == 'individual'
- $value == 'INDIVIDUAL'
- $wiki->wikimode == 'individual'
- $wikimode === 'individual'
map |
- $definition['type'] = 'map'
- $string['map'] = 'Map'
- $extension === 'map'
- $tab == 'map'
- $this->$keyDataType == 'map'
- 'map' == $this->$keyDataType
history |
- $USER->grade_last_report[$course->id] = 'history'
- $string['history'] = 'History'
- $string['history_action'] = 'History'
- $string['tiny:history'] = 'history'
restore |
- $course->deletesource = 'restore'
- $data['origin'] = 'restore'
- $string['restore'] = 'Restore'
- $this->coursebeingrestored->deletesource = 'restore'
- $action == 'restore'
- $course->deletesource == 'restore'
nwiki |
- $string['nwiki'] = 'NWiki'
- $editor == 'nwiki'
- $format == 'nwiki'
creole |
- $string['creole'] = 'Creole'
- $editor == 'creole'
- $format == 'creole'
format |
- $string['correctanswershowsformat'] = 'Format'
- $string['format'] = 'Format'
- $string['tiny:format'] = 'Format'
- $config['name'] == 'format'
- $field == 'format'
ul |
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'ul'
- $list_type == "ul"
- $prefix === 'ul'
ol |
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'ol'
- $list_type == 'ol'
- $tag['value'] == 'ol'
captcha |
- $string['captcha'] = 'Captcha'
bold |
- $css['font-weight'] = 'bold'
- $string['bold'] = 'Bold'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Bold'
- $string['tiny:bold'] = 'Bold'
- $style['font-weight'] = "bold"
- $style['font-weight'] = 'bold'
- $testresult['font_weight'] = "bold"
- $style['font-weight'] === 'bold'
- $styleValue === 'bold'
null |
- $approved = 'NULL'
- $catid = 'null'
- $consumerId = 'NULL'
- $contextId = 'NULL'
- $courseid = 'null'
- $dataValue = 'NULL'
- $default = "null"
- $fld->default_value = 'null'
- $objtype = 'null'
- $objval = 'null'
- $options['CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS'] = 'null'
- $params->default = "null"
- $parent = 'NULL'
- $primaryResourceLinkId = 'NULL'
- $result = 'NULL'
- $ruleconfig = "null"
- $this->_xh['vt'] = 'null'
- $v = 'NULL'
- $v = 'null'
- $value = 'NULL'
- $value = 'null'
- $accessToken == 'null'
- $arr['native_type'] <> "null"
- $arr['sqlsrv:decl_type'] <> "null"
- $attributes['value'] === 'null'
- $contextId !== 'NULL'
- $d != 'NULL'
- $d === 'null'
- $d['CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS'] === 'null'
- $data['timecreated'] !== 'null'
- $data['timeread'] !== 'null'
- $defaultSource === 'null'
- $info->default_value === 'NULL'
- $input !== 'null'
- $json === 'null'
- $keyword === 'null'
- $oldruleconfig == "null"
- $pType == 'null'
- $rawcolumn->DEFAULTVAL === 'NULL'
- $reference === 'NULL'
- $token === 'null'
- $tokenData['reference'] === 'NULL'
- $ts === 'null'
- $type == 'null'
- $type === 'NULL'
- 'null' == $token
pagebreak |
- $allitems[$itemids[$i]]->typ === 'pagebreak'
- $item->typ !== 'pagebreak'
- $item->typ === 'pagebreak'
- $typ != 'pagebreak'
- $typ === 'pagebreak'
apikey |
- $record['apikey'] = 'apikey'
check |
- $oldtyp = 'check'
- $string['tblcheck'] = 'Check'
- $this->prefs['auth_type'] = 'CHECK'
option |
- $string['option'] = 'Option'
- $this->stack[$elements_in_stack - 1]->nodeName === 'option'
- $token['name'] === 'option'
- end($this->stack)->nodeName === 'option'
cmi.core.lesson_status |
- $datamodel['lesson_status'] = 'cmi.core.lesson_status'
- $element = 'cmi.core.lesson_status'
- $element == 'cmi.core.lesson_status'
- $userdata['element'] == 'cmi.core.lesson_status'
cmi.core.score.raw |
- $datamodel['score'] = 'cmi.core.score.raw'
- $element = 'cmi.core.score.raw'
- $element == 'cmi.core.score.raw'
- $userdata['element'] == 'cmi.core.score.raw'
terminated |
- $scormsession->scormstatus = 'Terminated'
aicc |
- $scorm->version = 'AICC'
- $version = 'AICC'
yes |
- $commercial->value = 'yes'
- $defaultvalues['redirect'] = 'yes'
- $isallowed = 'yes'
- $modification->value = 'yes'
- $object->$string = 'Yes'
- $onvalue = 'Yes'
- $opt['as'] = 'Yes'
- $string['confirm_yes'] = 'Yes'
- $string['grade1default'] = 'Yes'
- $string['tiny:yes'] = 'Yes'
- $string['yes'] = 'yes'
- $yesexpected = 'Yes'
- $block->config->linkcategories == 'yes'
- $commercial == 'yes'
- $continue == 'yes'
- $data->grade_item_rescalegrades == 'yes'
- $data->grade_rescalegrades == 'yes'
- $data->rescalegrades == 'yes'
- $isminor !== 'yes'
- $isminor === 'yes'
- $linkexternal === 'yes'
- $modification == 'yes'
- $res['Support'] === 'YES'
- $rs->fields[2] != 'YES'
- $startlastseen == 'yes'
- $tempstr === 'yes'
- $this->block->config->enabledock == 'yes'
- $this->config->enabledock == 'yes'
- $this->config->enablehoverexpansion == 'yes'
- $this->config->linkcategories == 'yes'
running |
- $scormsession->scormstatus = 'Running'
- $status = 'Running'
- $status != 'Running'
- $status == 'Running'
not initialized |
- $SESSION->scorm->scormstatus = 'Not Initialized'
- $status = 'Not Initialized'
- $status == 'Not Initialized'
information |
- $string['info'] = 'Information'
- $string['infostatus'] = 'Information'
- $unitCategory !== 'Information'
exit |
- $msg->message = 'exit'
- $seq->sequencing = 'exit'
- $seq->termination = 'exit'
- $adlnavinterface['tagData'] == 'exit'
- $message->message == 'exit'
- $seq->sequencing == 'exit'
- $seq->termination == 'exit'
sco |
- $sco->scormtype == 'sco'
- $scorm->type == 'sco'
start |
- $lastState = 'start'
- $notifpile[$notifpath] = 'start'
- $position = 'start'
- $seq->sequencing = 'start'
- $state = 'start'
- $this->properties['align'] = 'start'
- $this->svgtextmode['text-anchor'] = 'start'
- $eleaction == 'start'
- $lastnotiftype != 'start'
- $lastpiletype != 'start'
- $this->svgtextmode['text-anchor'] != 'start'
- $value == 'START'
_ |
- $answer[0] == "_"
- $key[0] != '_'
- $key[0] == '_'
- $name[0] != '_'
- $name[0] == '_'
- $name[1] == '_'
- $op == '_'
- $shortname == '_'
- $token == "_"
! |
- $element = '!'
- $this->lispacer = '!'
- $char === '!'
- $condition[0] === '!'
- $listtype == '!'
- $string[0] == "!"
- $tag[1] === '!'
& |
- $connector = '&'
- $delim = '&'
- $p = '&'
- $paramSeparator = '&'
- $prefix = "&"
- $sep = '&'
- $separator = '&'
- $char === '&'
- $string[strlen($string) - 1] === '&'
read |
- $excludelockedcapsparams['capread'] = 'read'
- $string['read'] = 'Read'
- $string['read'] = 'read'
table-danger |
- $faildelaycell->attributes['class'] = 'table-danger'
- $failedcell->attributes['class'] = 'table-danger'
- $statusclass = 'table-danger'
- $faildelaycell->attributes['class'] == 'table-danger'
auto |
- $bracketed = 'auto'
- $changetracking = 'AUTO'
- $height = 'auto'
- $string['auto'] = 'Auto'
- $table->width = 'auto'
- $this->prefixMethod = 'AUTO'
- $width = 'auto'
- $CFG->lock_factory != 'auto'
- $bracketed === 'auto'
- $height === 'auto'
- $methodType == 'auto'
- $style['hpadding'] === 'auto'
- $style['padding'] === 'auto'
- $style['vpadding'] === 'auto'
- $this->parameter['x_axis_gridlines'] != 'auto'
- $this->parameter['x_axis_gridlines'] == 'auto'
- $this->response_charset_encoding == 'auto'
- $width === 'auto'
plugin |
- $string['plugin'] = 'Plugin'
core_course |
- $categorydata->component = 'core_course'
- $component = 'core_course'
- $data->item = 'core_course'
- $record->component = 'core_course'
- $component == 'core_course'
- $record->item == "core_course"
image/gif |
- $filetype = 'image/gif'
- $mime = 'image/gif'
- $mimetype = 'image/gif'
- $filerecord['mimetype'] == 'image/gif'
- $mimetype === 'image/gif'
middle |
- $align = "middle"
- $position = 'middle'
- $string['alignment_middle'] = 'Middle'
- $string['tiny:middle'] = 'Middle'
- $this->properties['v_align'] = 'middle'
- $align !== 'middle'
- $this->svgtextmode['text-anchor'] == 'middle'
backup |
- $component = 'backup'
- $eventdata->name = 'backup'
- $filearea = 'backup'
- $this->fileman->filearea = 'backup'
- $this->plugin = 'backup'
- $a->component === 'backup'
- $b->component === 'backup'
- $component == 'backup'
- $component === 'backup'
- $filearea !== 'backup'
- $filearea == 'backup'
- $filearea === 'backup'
- $setting->plugin === 'backup'
- $this->type == 'backup'
singleactivity |
- $data->format = 'singleactivity'
- $COURSE->format == 'singleactivity'
- $course->format !== 'singleactivity'
- $course->format == 'singleactivity'
- $courseformat === 'singleactivity'
- $courseformat->format == 'singleactivity'
- $this->page->course->format === 'singleactivity'
minmaxtouse |
- $settingname = 'minmaxtouse'
- $data->name == 'minmaxtouse'
- $key == 'minmaxtouse'
generalfeedback |
- $this->fileman->filearea = 'generalfeedback'
- $filearea == 'generalfeedback'
questiontext |
- $this->fileman->filearea = 'questiontext'
- $filearea == 'questiontext'
blog |
- $args->component = 'blog'
- $blogcell->attributes['class'] = 'blog'
- $cmt->component = 'blog'
- $componentname = 'blog'
- $newpost->module = 'blog'
- $post->module = 'blog'
- $this->module = 'blog'
- $component === 'blog'
- $forum->type === 'blog'
- $section === 'blog'
today |
- $filerecord->timecreated = 'today'
- $filerecord->timemodified = 'today'
- $mode = 'today'
- $string['daystoday'] = 'today'
- $mode !== 'today'
- $mode === 'today'
- $selecteddate === "today"
- $typeormode == 'today'
boost |
- $CFG->theme = 'boost'
- $THEME->name = 'boost'
- $string['configtitle'] = 'Boost'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Boost'
- $theme = 'boost'
- $user['theme'] = 'boost'
- $basetheme === 'boost'
- $theme->name === 'boost'
- $this->name === 'boost'
outline |
- $mode !== 'outline'
- $mode == "outline"
- $mode === 'outline'
site_errors |
- $selectedactivity = "site_errors"
- $modid === "site_errors"
- 'site_errors' === $modid
- 'site_errors' === $this->modid
timecreated |
- $sort = 'timecreated'
- $timefield = 'timecreated'
- $field !== 'timecreated'
- $field === 'timecreated'
- $key === 'timecreated'
logs |
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Logs'
- $string['privacy:path:logs'] = 'Logs'
bar |
- $_GET['foo'] = 'bar'
- $formdata->shortname = 'bar'
- $rotation == 'bar'
- $tag->name == 'bar'
foo |
- $formdata->fullname = 'foo'
objectframe |
- $mod_options = 'objectframe'
- $data['options'] == 'objectframe'
.. |
- $upDir = '..'
- $up_dir = '..'
- $directory == '..'
- $entry != ".."
- $entry == '..'
- $entry === '..'
- $file != '..'
- $file !== '..'
- $file <> ".."
- $file == '..'
- $file === '..'
- $filename != ".."
- $filename != '..'
- $filename === '..'
- $input === '..'
- $item != '..'
- $obj == '..'
- $object == '..'
- $param === '..'
- $part == '..'
- $pathArray[$i] == '..'
- $pathArray[0] != '..'
- $patharr[0] == '..'
- $section === '..'
- $seg == '..'
- $segment === '..'
- $stack[$i] == '..'
tree |
- $formdata2->shortname = 'tree'
utc |
- $CFG->timezone = 'UTC'
- $a = 'UTC'
- $modresource->timezone = 'UTC'
- $timezone = 'UTC'
- $timezone1 = 'UTC'
- $timezone2 = 'UTC'
- $tz = 'UTC'
- $utc = 'UTC'
defaultvalue |
- $expected = 'defaultvalue'
- $filearea === 'defaultvalue'
interactive |
- $preferredbehaviour == 'interactive'
self |
- $dist['trustedSigners'][''] = 'Self'
- $enrolment->enrol = 'self'
- $pluginname = 'self'
- $courseenrolinstance->enrol == "self"
- $i->enrol == 'self'
- $id_start_ci === 'self'
- $includes == 'self'
- $parameterClass === 'self'
put |
- $data['_method'] = 'PUT'
- $formData['_method'] = 'PUT'
- $action != 'put'
- $method === 'PUT'
- $this->method == 'put'
lti-1p0/lti-2p0 |
- $data->ltiversion = 'LTI-1p0/LTI-2p0'
- $tool->ltiversion != 'LTI-1p0/LTI-2p0'
debug |
- $result = 'debug'
- $this->YUI_config->groups['moodle']['filter'] = 'DEBUG'
- $log->type == 'debug'
- $opt != 'debug'
- $this->YUI_config->groups['moodle']['filter'] === 'DEBUG'
- $this->yui3loader->filter === 'DEBUG'
date_selector |
- $element = 'date_selector'
- $properties['element'] = 'date_selector'
- $this->_type = 'date_selector'
- $this->_options['type'] === 'date_selector'
- $this->attributes['type'] === 'date_selector'
application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
- $attributes['enctype'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
- $options['_conditional']['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
- $this->form_enctype = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
- $contenttype === 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
- $request_headers['Content-type'] == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
- $requestheaders['Content-type'] == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
choosebackupfile |
- $params['action'] = 'choosebackupfile'
- $action == 'choosebackupfile'
process |
- $notifpile[$notifpath] = 'process'
- $lastpiletype != 'process'
mod |
- $grade_item->itemtype = 'mod'
- $gradeitem->itemtype = 'mod'
- $moduleinfo->type = 'mod'
- $outcomegradeitem->itemtype = 'mod'
- $outcomeitem->itemtype = 'mod'
- $params->itemtype = 'mod'
- $plugintype = 'mod'
- $type = 'mod'
- $bits[0] == 'mod'
- $data['itemtype'] === 'mod'
- $element['object']->itemtype == 'mod'
- $gi->itemtype == 'mod'
- $grade_item->itemtype != 'mod'
- $grade_item->itemtype == 'mod'
- $gradeitem->itemtype != 'mod'
- $gradeitem->itemtype == 'mod'
- $history->itemtype === 'mod'
- $item->itemtype !== 'mod'
- $item->itemtype == 'mod'
- $item->itemtype === 'mod'
- $itemtype != 'mod'
- $itemtype == 'mod'
- $lineitem->itemtype == 'mod'
- $plugintype != 'mod'
- $plugintype == 'mod'
- $plugintype === 'mod'
- $this->assertions['plugintype'] === 'mod'
- $this->grade_item->itemtype != 'mod'
- $this->itemtype == 'mod'
- $type !== 'mod'
- $type == 'mod'
- $type === 'mod'
- $version['plugintype'] == 'mod'
automated |
- $filearea == 'automated'
- $filearea === 'automated'
- $params['filearea'] == 'automated'
- $viewer->filearea == 'automated'
original |
- $originallog->info = 'original'
- $originallog->url = 'original'
- $select == 'original'
- $size == "original"
- $size == 'original'
notifysuccess |
- $msgtype = 'notifysuccess'
- $notificationtype = 'notifysuccess'
- $type = 'notifysuccess'
- $type === 'notifysuccess'
editform |
- $task['code'] == 'editform'
notgraded |
- $submission->status = 'notgraded'
- $summary->status = 'notgraded'
- $summary->status == 'notgraded'
workshop |
- $base->modulename = 'workshop'
- $event->modulename = 'workshop'
- $string['modulename'] = 'Workshop'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Workshop'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'workshop'
- $tmpactivity->type = 'workshop'
- $workshop->modname = 'workshop'
- $modulename != 'workshop'
assessment |
- $currenttab = 'assessment'
- $string['assessment'] = 'Assessment'
- $string['grade_grading_name'] = 'Assessment'
- $tmpactivity->subtype = 'assessment'
- $activity->subtype == 'assessment'
- $params['mode'] != 'assessment'
- $this->mode == 'assessment'
- 'assessment' === $mode
icon |
- $string['editor:contenttypeiconalttext'] = 'Icon'
- $filearea !== 'icon'
- $filearea === 'icon'
- $image === 'icon'
use |
- $context = 'use'
- $lastState = 'use'
- $state = 'use'
- $string['editor:contenttypeusebuttonlabel'] = 'Use'
copy |
- $string['copy'] = 'Copy'
- $string['editor:copybutton'] = 'Copy'
- $string['tiny:copy'] = 'Copy'
metadata |
- $string['editor:metadata'] = 'Metadata'
- $string['metadata'] = 'Metadata'
- $data[++$i] === 'METADATA'
- $entrydata->{".tag"} == "metadata"
reload |
- $string['editor:reloadbuttonlabel'] = 'Reload'
- $string['reload'] = 'Reload'
messagecontactrequests |
- $message3->name = 'messagecontactrequests'
- $message->name = 'messagecontactrequests'
- $message->eventtype == 'messagecontactrequests'
success |
- $notifytype = 'success'
- $string['resultexecuted'] = 'Success'
- $result->returncode != 'SUCCESS'
- $result->returncode == 'SUCCESS'
- $result['Code'] !== 'Success'
- $state === 'success'
- $status !== 'success'
- $this->extNodes['imsx_POXHeader']['imsx_POXResponseHeaderInfo']['imsx_statusInfo']['imsx_codeMajor'] === 'success'
- $this->extNodes['statusinfo']['codemajor'] === 'Success'
- $this->messagetype === 'success'
- $type === 'success'
- $xml->returncode != 'SUCCESS'
- $xml->returncode == 'SUCCESS'
strict |
- $string['comparisonlevel3'] = 'strict'
- $CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode != 'strict'
- $CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode !== 'strict'
- $CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode == 'strict'
- $CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode === 'strict'
- $mode != 'strict'
dummy |
- $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'dummy'
- $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = 'dummy'
- $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = 'dummy'
- self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions[$function]['functionCall'][1] === 'DUMMY'
system |
- $contextstring = 'system'
- $result->type = 'system'
- $callstack[0] == 'system'
- $categorytype['type'] === 'system'
- $tt != 'SYSTEM'
criteria |
- $string['criteria'] = 'Criteria'
switchphase |
- $action->type = 'switchphase'
- $action->type === 'switchphase'
conclusion |
- $string['conclusion'] = 'Conclusion'
- $filearea !== 'conclusion'
- $filearea == 'conclusion'
- $filearea === 'conclusion'
e |
- $SESSION->mod_workshop->initialbarprefs['id-' . $contextid]['i_last'] = 'E'
- $string['clianswerno'] = 'e'
- $string['cliansweryes'] = 'e'
- $type[1] === 'e'
- $ut[$len - 2] != 'E'
; |
- $prefix = ";"
- $this->strippedSemicolon = ';'
- $attribs['style'][0] != ';'
- $char === ';'
- $d == ";"
- $e_name[$c - 1] !== ';'
- $e_name[$c] == ';'
- $endDSN != ';'
- $founddata === ';'
- $nextchar != ';'
- $style[$i] == ';'
- $thischar == ';'
- $token === ';'
- $value !== ';'
- $value[$i] == ';'
" |
- $delim = '"'
- $enclosure = '"'
- $quote = '"'
- $sQuote = '"'
- $this->csvenclosure = '"'
- $value[1] = '"'
- $char == '"'
- $char === '"'
- $f1['INDEX'][0] == '"'
- $first_char == '"'
- $font[0] === '"'
- $formula1[0] === '"'
- $items[$key][0] == '"'
- $items[$key][strlen($items[$key]) - 1] == '"'
- $name[0] == '"'
- $name[strlen($name) - 1] == '"'
- $p[0] === '"'
- $part[0] == '"'
- $quote === '"'
- $sBegin === '"'
- $same_string_quote === '"'
- $str[$i] == '"'
- $str[$pos + 1] == '"'
- $str[$pos] == '"'
- $tok === '"'
- $uri[0] == '"'
- $value[0] == '"'
- $value[1] === '"'
' |
- $delim = "'"
- $s2 = "'"
- $sQuote = "'"
- $value[1] = "'"
- $c == "'"
- $ch !== "'"
- $ch === "'"
- $char == "'"
- $char === "'"
- $f1['INDEX'][0] == "'"
- $first_char == "'"
- $font[0] === "'"
- $p[0] === "'"
- $quote === "'"
- $s[0] !== "'"
- $sBegin === "'"
- $style[$i] == "'"
- $tok === "'"
- $uri[0] == "'"
- $value[1] === "'"
: |
- $part = ':'
- $this->assignSeparator = ':'
- $address[$offset - 1] !== ':'
- $attrib[1] == ':'
- $c == ':'
- $char === ':'
- $date[1] == ':'
- $definedRange[$offset - 1] !== ':'
- $formula[$offset - 1] !== ':'
- $name[0] != ':'
- $name[0] === ':'
- $name[strlen($name) - 1] == ':'
- $path[1] !== ':'
- $q[0][0] == ':'
- $rangeStartCellRef === ':'
- $sdelim === ':'
- $string[$i] === ':'
- $string[1] == ':'
- $testPrevOp['value'] === ':'
- $this->buffer[$this->count + 1] === ':'
- $token == ':'
- $tokens[0][strlen($tokens[0]) - 1] == ':'
) |
- $endquote = ')'
- $post = ')'
- $char === ')'
- $closingParen === ')'
- $op == ')'
- $opCharacter === ')'
- $query[$i] == ')'
- $str[$i] == ')'
- $style[$i] == ")"
- $text[$i] === ')'
- $token == ')'
- $uri_string[$new_length] != ')'
[ |
- $color = '['
- $newRange = '['
- $out = '['
- $pre = '['
- $s = '['
- $c == '['
- $char == '['
- $char === '['
- $columnReference[0] == '['
- $columnReference[0] === '['
- $founddata === '['
- $objval[0] == '['
- $query[$i] == '['
- $rowReference[0] == '['
- $rowReference[0] === '['
- $string[0] === '['
- $text[$i] === '['
- $val[0] == '['
] |
- $actual === ']'
- $element[0] != ']'
- $founddata === ']'
- $query[$i] == ']'
- $string[$length - 1] === ']'
- $text[$i] === ']'
( |
- $pre = '('
- $q = "("
- $scheme = '('
- $sql = '('
- $whereclause = '('
- $ch == '('
- $char == '('
- $char === '('
- $line[0] == '('
- $o2['value'] !== '('
- $op == '('
- $op['value'] == '('
- $opCharacter === '('
- $q == "("
- $query[$i] == '('
- $raw[0] != '('
- $str[$begin] != '('
- $str[$i] == '('
- $style[$i] == "("
- $text[$i] === '('
bracket |
- $out['enclosing'] = 'bracket'
- $res['enclosing'] = 'bracket'
- $list1['enclosing'] === 'bracket'
- $list['enclosing'] === 'bracket'
- $value['enclosing'] === 'bracket'
function |
- $state = 'function'
- $this->env->marker = 'function'
- $text === 'function'
- $type == 'function'
- $type === 'Function'
- 'function' == $type
{ |
- $this->open = '{'
- $this->otagChar = '{'
- $char === '{'
- $val[0] == '{'
text/xml |
- $this->content_type = 'text/xml'
closure |
- $funcName = 'Closure'
- $lastState = 'closure'
- $plainFuncName = 'Closure'
- $state = 'closure'
phpvals |
- $this->valtyp = 'phpvals'
- $this->return_type == 'phpvals'
- $this->valtyp == 'phpvals'
xmlrpcvals |
- $client->return_type = 'xmlrpcvals'
- $this->valtyp = 'xmlrpcvals'
- $this->dmap[$_xh['method']]['parameters_type'] != 'xmlrpcvals'
- $this->functions_parameters_type != 'xmlrpcvals'
- $this->valtyp == 'xmlrpcvals'
xml |
- $client->return_type = 'xml'
- $format = "xml"
- $msg['Input'] = 'XML'
- $string['viewxml'] = 'XML'
- $this->valtyp = 'xml'
- $attribs['']['mode'] === 'xml'
- $enctype == 'xml'
- $methodvariables['moodlewsrestformat'] == 'xml'
- $returnType == 'xml'
- $this->return_type == 'xml'
- $this->valtyp == 'xml'
us-ascii |
- $destEncoding = 'US-ASCII'
- $encoding == 'US-ASCII'
- $input === 'US-ASCII'
utf-8 |
- $doc->encoding = "UTF-8"
- $doc->encoding = 'UTF-8'
- $document->encoding = 'UTF-8'
- $dom->encoding = "utf-8"
- $encoding = 'UTF-8'
- $encodings['UTF-8'] = 'UTF-8'
- $from = 'UTF-8'
- $mailer->CharSet = 'UTF-8'
- $srcEncoding = 'UTF-8'
- $this->CharSet = 'UTF-8'
- $this->config->extencoding = 'utf-8'
- $this->config->ldapencoding = 'utf-8'
- $this->dom->encoding = 'UTF-8'
- $this->encoding = 'UTF-8'
- $this->l['a_meta_charset'] = 'UTF-8'
- $charset !== 'UTF-8'
- $charset !== 'utf-8'
- $charset === 'utf-8'
- $dbenc == 'utf-8'
- $encoding === 'utf-8'
- $fromCS === 'utf-8'
- $in == 'utf-8'
- $output === 'UTF-8'
- $output_charset == 'UTF-8'
- $srcEncoding === 'UTF-8'
- $this->encoding !== 'utf-8'
- $this->encoding === 'utf-8'
- $this->inputEncoding !== 'UTF-8'
- $this->output_encoding !== 'UTF-8'
- $toCS === 'utf-8'
i8 |
- $name = 'i8'
- $newmssqlinttype = 'I8'
- $oldmssqlinttype = 'I8'
fake_component |
- $component = 'fake_component'
- $component != 'fake_component'
agent |
- $data->objectType = 'Agent'
- $data->objectType != 'Agent'
\x00 |
- $data[0] === "\x00"
- $this->SI2 === "\x00"
- $wsTitle[0] !== "\x00"
topics |
- $course2['format'] = 'topics'
- $course3['format'] = 'topics'
- $course->format = 'topics'
- $record['format'] = 'topics'
- $backupinfo->original_course_format !== 'topics'
- $course->format == 'topics'
- $dbcourse->format === 'topics'
z |
- $_GET['tilast'] = 'Z'
- $d->z = 'z'
- $ch <= "z"
- $ch <= 'Z'
- $ch <= 'z'
- $value[$pos - 1] != 'Z'
quiz grade item |
- $grade_item->itemname = 'Quiz grade item'
- $value->itemname == "Quiz grade item"
\\ |
- $dirseparator = '\\'
- $escape_char = '\\'
- $c == "\\"
- $ch == '\\'
- $ch === '\\'
- $char === '\\'
- $chr == '\\'
- $class[0] !== '\\'
- $class[0] === '\\'
- $current === '\\'
- $first == '\\'
- $id_start !== '\\'
- $id_start[0] !== '\\'
- $m[2] === '\\'
- $name[0] !== '\\'
- $nextchar != '\\'
- $ns[0] == '\\'
- $nsf !== '\\'
- $path[0] === '\\'
- $path[2] !== '\\'
- $pmid[($offset - 1)] == '\\'
- $prefix[0] !== '\\'
- $s[$count] !== '\\'
- $str[$i] == "\\"
- $str[$pos + 1] == "\\"
- $str[$pos] == "\\"
- $string[$i - 1] != "\\"
- $string[$i] === '\\'
- $string[$pos - 1] !== '\\'
- $string[$position - 1] === '\\'
- $style[$i - 1] != "\\"
- $text[$i - 1] === '\\'
- $this->replaceQuote[0] == '\\'
- $thischar == '\\'
- $value[$i] == '\\'
- '\\' !== $prefix[$length - 1]
windows |
- $CFG->ostype != 'WINDOWS'
- $CFG->ostype !== 'WINDOWS'
- $CFG->ostype == 'WINDOWS'
- $CFG->ostype === 'WINDOWS'
config |
- $table = 'config'
- $tables['config'] = 'config'
query |
- $this->_param['action'] = 'query'
- $paramSpec['location'] == 'query'
integer |
- $current_type = 'integer'
- $dbtype = 'INTEGER'
- $ret = 'integer'
- $current_type == 'integer'
- $format == 'integer'
- $t == 'INTEGER'
- $type == 'integer'
- $type === 'INTEGER'
- $type === 'integer'
- $value == 'INTEGER'
logout |
- $this->_param['action'] = 'logout'
- $action == 'logout'
- $userdata->{'cmi.exit'} == 'logout'
login |
- $action = 'login'
- $authtype = 'LOGIN'
- $params['other']['reason'] = 'login'
- $string['issuerusedforlogin'] = 'Login'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Login'
- $this->_param['action'] = 'login'
- $auth_method == 'LOGIN'
- $this->page->pagelayout == 'login'
- $type == 'LOGIN'
php |
- $this->_param['format'] = 'php'
- $extension != 'php'
- 'php' === $streamScheme
percentage |
- $current_type = 'percentage'
- $string['tblpercentage'] = 'Percentage'
- $this->svggradients[$this->svggradientid]['mode'] = 'percentage'
- $current_type == 'percentage'
- $gradient['mode'] == 'percentage'
ch |
- $opt['ft'] = 'Ch'
- $status = 'ch'
inherit |
- $result = 'inherit'
- $string['inherit'] = 'Inherit'
- $aValues[0] == 'inherit'
- $attribs[$key] == 'inherit'
- $attrval[1] == 'inherit'
- $data == 'inherit'
- $dom[$key]['listtype'] == 'inherit'
- $dom[$key]['text-indent'] == 'inherit'
embedded |
- $SESSION->forcepagelayout = 'embedded'
- $string === 'embedded'
- $this->page->pagelayout !== 'embedded'
adminsetuppending |
- $admin->password = 'adminsetuppending'
- $adminuser->password === 'adminsetuppending'
guest |
- $frm->password = 'guest'
- $frm->username = 'guest'
- $guest->username = 'guest'
- $USER->username === 'guest'
- $frm->username == 'guest'
- $guestrole->archetype === 'guest'
- $i->enrol == 'guest'
- $instance->enrol !== 'guest'
- $instance->enrol === 'guest'
- $loggeduserrole === 'guest'
- $options['adminuser'] !== 'guest'
- $options['adminuser'] === 'guest'
- $remote['username'] == 'guest'
- $role->archetype === 'guest'
- $user == 'guest'
- $user->username === 'guest'
- $userloggedin === 'guest'
- $username === 'guest'
- $usertype == 'guest'
- $value === 'guest'
src |
- $key = 'src'
- $srcattr = 'src'
- $token->attr['name'] == 'src'
img |
- $listtype = 'img'
- $tag = 'img'
- $token['name'] = 'img'
- $value = 'img'
- $child->nodeName === 'img'
- $dom[$key]['value'] !== 'img'
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'img'
- $results[0]->element->tagName == 'img'
- $token->name != 'img'
enclosure |
- $attributes['rel'] = 'enclosure'
- $link['attribs']['']['rel'] === 'enclosure'
roles |
- $string['roles'] = 'Roles'
- $table->id = 'roles'
span |
- $current->name === 'span'
- $mode === 'span'
- $tagname == 'span'
- $token->name !== 'span'
cas |
- $string['auth_cas_auth_service'] = 'CAS'
- $this->authtype = 'cas'
- $user2->auth = 'cas'
- $user->auth = 'cas'
color |
- $table->attr['bgcolor'] = 'Color'
- $td->attr['bgcolor'] = 'Color'
- $th->attr['bgcolor'] = 'Color'
- $tr->attr['bgcolor'] = 'Color'
- $attributeName == 'color'
- $elements === 'color'
- $k == 'color'
- $property === 'color'
- $property[0] === 'color'
- $propertyName === 'color'
strictblockquote |
- $r['blockquote#content_model_type'] = 'strictblockquote'
- $def->content_model_type != 'strictblockquote'
- $def->type == 'strictblockquote'
tagname |
} |
- $this->close = '}'
- $this->ctagChar = '}'
- $char === '}'
- $response[$pos - 1] == '}'
- $text[$i + 2] === '}'
- $this->buffer[$this->count - 1] !== '}'
- $this->buffer[$this->count] === '}'
- $token === '}'
both |
- $allowedmethods = 'both'
- $allowedtypes = 'both'
- $default = 'both'
- $record['supportedreturntypes'] = 'both'
- $string['both'] = 'Both'
- $allowedtypes === 'both'
- $centered === 'both'
- $mode == 'both'
- $type != 'both'
- $type == "both"
li |
- $ol->wrap = 'li'
- $ul->wrap = 'li'
- $child->nodeName === 'li'
- $dom[($key + 1)]['value'] != 'li'
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'li'
- $node->name === 'li'
- $token['name'] !== 'li'
application/x-shockwave-flash |
- $attr['type'] = 'application/x-shockwave-flash'
- $type = 'application/x-shockwave-flash'
- $mimetype !== 'application/x-shockwave-flash'
pre |
- $property = 'pre'
- $string['tiny:pre'] = 'Pre'
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'pre'
#pcdata |
- $this->info['script']->content_model = '#PCDATA'
internal |
- $attr['allownetworking'] = 'internal'
- $attr['value'] = 'internal'
- $auth->config->passtype = 'internal'
- $string['authenticator:internal'] = 'Internal'
- $setting == 'internal'
- $setting === 'internal'
- $supported == 'internal'
- $supported === 'internal'
- $this->config->passtype === 'internal'
movie |
- $token->attr['name'] == 'movie'
body |
- $string['tiny:body'] = 'Body'
- $child->nodeName === 'body'
- $name == 'BODY'
- $node->nodeName === 'body'
- $this->stack[1]->nodeName !== 'body'
- $token['name'] === 'body'
- end($this->stack)->nodeName !== 'body'
block |
- $component = 'block'
- $string['block'] = 'Block'
- $string['target_block'] = 'Block'
- $string['tiny:block'] = 'Block'
- $mode !== 'block'
- $name === 'block'
- $type == 'block'
- $type === 'block'
address |
- $string['tiny:address'] = 'Address'
- $node->tagName !== 'address'
audio |
- $allowedtypes = 'audio'
- $string['audio'] = 'Audio'
- $allowedtypes === 'audio'
- $mime === 'audio'
text/css |
- $mimetype = 'text/css'
- $this->mimetype = 'text/css'
- $mimetype == 'text/css'
- $mimetype === 'text/css'
application/javascript |
- $mimetype = 'application/javascript'
- $this->mimetype = 'application/javascript'
- $mimetype === 'application/javascript'
editor_atto |
- $component = 'editor_atto'
- $plugin->component = 'editor_atto'
editor_tiny |
- $plugin->component = 'editor_tiny'
size |
- $attr = 'SIZE'
- $string['size'] = 'Size'
- $string['tiny:size'] = 'Size'
- $index_field == 'SIZE'
- $property === 'size'
- $v[1] == 'Size'
xi |
- $string['xi'] = 'xi'
- $string['xi_caps'] = 'Xi'
alpha |
- $string['alpha'] = 'alpha'
- $string['alpha_caps'] = 'Alpha'
- $this->version = 'alpha'
- $function !== 'Alpha'
- $function !== 'alpha'
- $name === 'alpha'
- $propertyName === 'alpha'
table |
- $string['auth_dbtable_key'] = 'Table'
- $string['checktype:table'] = 'Table'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Table'
- $string['table'] = 'Table'
- $string['tiny:table'] = 'Table'
- $ttype = 'TABLE'
- $child->nodeName === 'table'
- $current === 'table'
- $def->type == 'table'
- $dom[($key - 1)]['value'] == 'table'
- $dom[$key - 1]['value'] == 'table'
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'table'
- $linkMethod == 'table'
- $node->nodeName === 'table'
- $node->tagName === 'table'
- $results[0]->element->tagName == 'table'
- $styleFamilyName === 'table'
- $table->tagName != 'table'
- $tag['value'] != 'table'
- $this->stack[$n]->nodeName === 'table'
- $token['name'] === 'table'
superscript |
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Superscript'
- $string['tiny:superscript'] = 'Superscript'
- $styleAttributeValue == 'Superscript'
- $vertAlign == 'superscript'
- $verticalAlign === 'superscript'
subscript |
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Subscript'
- $string['tiny:subscript'] = 'Subscript'
- $styleAttributeValue == 'Subscript'
- $vertAlign == 'subscript'
- $verticalAlign === 'subscript'
italic |
- $css['font-style'] = 'italic'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Italic'
- $string['tiny:italic'] = 'Italic'
- $style['font-style'] = "italic"
- $style['font-style'] = 'italic'
- $style['font-style'] === "italic"
- $styleValue === 'italic'
distinct |
- $parameter['bubble'] = 'distinct'
toolproxybinding |
- $type = 'ToolProxyBinding'
- $json->{"@graph"}[0]->{"@type"} == 'ToolProxyBinding'
ltilink |
- $json->{"@graph"}[0]->{"@type"} == 'LtiLink'
+ |
- $aOptions['F'] = '+'
- $aOptions['a'] = '+'
- $aOptions['u'] = '+'
- $daysSign = '+'
- $mod = '+'
- $secondsSign = '+'
- $attr['size'][0] == '+'
- $c == '+'
- $ch == '+'
- $char === '+'
- $dom[$key]['attribute']['size'][0] == '+'
- $integer[0] === '+'
- $line[0] != '+'
- $line[0] == '+'
- $m[0] === '+'
- $matches[1] === '+'
- $mod != '+'
- $opCharacter === '+'
- $value == '+'
- $value === '+'
- $value[0] != '+'
- $value[0] == '+'
area |
- $filearea = 'area'
- $string['area'] = 'Area'
- $string['stepsdefinitionscomponent'] = 'Area'
- $results[0]->element->tagName == 'area'
visible |
- $string['visible'] = 'Visible'
- $string['visiblequestions'] = 'Visible'
- $key != 'visible'
- $mode == 'visible'
- $name !== 'visible'
- $name === 'visible'
- $sheetState !== 'visible'
- $stylePair[1] == 'visible'
ext_submit |
- $ext_submit = "ext_submit"
legacy |
- $component = 'legacy'
- $filearea = 'legacy'
- $event->component === 'legacy'
- $result === 'legacy'
- $this->mode == 'legacy'
- $this->page->devicetypeinuse == 'legacy'
extends |
instanceof |
- $context === 'instanceof'
return_type |
- $context === 'return_type'
- $opt != 'return_type'
args |
style |
- $string['tiny:style'] = 'Style'
- $attrName == 'style'
- $attrName === 'style'
- $k != 'Style'
- $last->name == 'style'
- $token['name'] === 'style'
plugins |
- $string['tiny:plugins'] = 'Plugins'
preferences |
- $string['tiny:preferences'] = 'Preferences'
- $active_type === 'preferences'
inline |
- $string['tiny:inline'] = 'Inline'
- $disposition == 'inline'
- $disposition === 'inline'
- 'inline' === $attachment[6]
- 'inline' === $disposition
help |
- $string['tiny:help'] = 'Help'
double |
- $dbtype = 'DOUBLE'
- $fld->type = 'double'
- $string['tiny:double'] = 'Double'
- $type = 'double'
- $pType == 'double'
- $typ == 'double'
- $type == 'double'
- $type === 'double'
document |
- $string['tiny:document'] = 'Document'
- $group->key === 'document'
- $type === 'document'
font |
- $string['tiny:font'] = 'Font'
- $compiledName === 'font'
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'font'
flags |
- $string['tiny:flags'] = 'Flags'
- $key == 'Flags'
- $name == 'FLAGS'
circle |
- $string['shape_circle'] = 'Circle'
- $string['shape_circle_lowercase'] = 'circle'
- $string['tiny:circle'] = 'Circle'
- $after === 'circle'
- $before === 'circle'
class |
- $string['tiny:class'] = 'Class'
- $attr != 'class'
- $key == 'class'
- $name == 'class'
- $name === 'class'
div |
- $nametag = 'div'
- $string['tiny:div'] = 'Div'
- $node->tagName !== 'div'
- $opName == 'div'
- $tag['value'] == 'div'
- $tagname == 'div'
- $this->embedtype === 'div'
shared |
- $dataset->status == 'shared'
shortanswer |
- $expectedq->qtype = 'shortanswer'
- $q->qtype = 'shortanswer'
- $qdata->qtype = 'shortanswer'
- $qo->qtype = 'shortanswer'
- $question->qtype = 'shortanswer'
- $sa->qtype = 'shortanswer'
- $sadata->qtype = 'shortanswer'
- $wrapped->qtype = 'shortanswer'
- $questiontype == 'shortanswer'
- $subquestion->qtype == 'shortanswer'
- $subtype == 'shortanswer'
- $this->questiondisplay->options->questions[$sub]->qtype == 'shortanswer'
web_image |
- $CFG->courseoverviewfilesext = 'web_image'
- $group->key === 'web_image'
weeks |
- $course2['format'] = 'weeks'
- $course->format = 'weeks'
- $backupinfo->original_course_format !== 'weeks'
- $course->format == 'weeks'
xxx |
- $USER->timezone = 'xxx'
- $c1->idnumber = 'XXX'
- $filetype = 'xxx'
- $message->name = 'xxx'
- $ext === 'xxx'
- $extension === 'xxx'
- $filetype != 'xxx'
- $key === 'xxx'
qtype_ddimageortext |
- $plugin->component = 'qtype_ddimageortext'
- $component == 'qtype_ddimageortext'
button |
- $action['attributes']['role'] = 'button'
- $attributes['role'] = 'button'
- $primary->triggerrole = 'button'
- 'button' != $type
- 'button' == $type
word |
- $question->drags[$dragindex]['dragitemtype'] = 'word'
- $data['drags'][$choice - 1]['dragitemtype'] != 'word'
- $data['drags'][$dragindex]['dragitemtype'] == 'word'
ddimageortext |
- $fakequestion->qtype = 'ddimageortext'
- $question->qtype = 'ddimageortext'
- $data['@']['type'] != 'ddimageortext'
truefalse |
- $elename = 'truefalse'
- $expectedq->qtype = 'truefalse'
- $q->qtype = 'truefalse'
- $qdata->qtype = 'truefalse'
- $qo->qtype = 'truefalse'
- $qtype = 'truefalse'
- $question->qtype = 'truefalse'
- $q['type'] === 'truefalse'
- $questiontype == 'truefalse'
match |
- $elename = 'match'
- $expectedq->qtype = 'match'
- $q->qtype = 'match'
- $qdata->qtype = 'match'
- $qo->qtype = 'match'
- $question->qtype = 'match'
subquestions |
- $answersoption = 'subquestions'
- $optionname != 'subquestions'
qtype_match |
- $plugin->component = 'qtype_match'
- $component == 'qtype_match'
multianswer |
- $elename = 'multianswer'
- $expectedqa->qtype = 'multianswer'
- $qdata->qtype = 'multianswer'
- $qo->qtype = 'multianswer'
- $question->qtype = 'multianswer'
- $question->qtype != 'multianswer'
- $questiontype == 'multianswer'
summary_editor |
- $summaryfields = 'summary_editor'
- $field == 'summary_editor'
visibility |
- $excludedcats[$category->id] = 'visibility'
- $stylePair[0] == 'visibility'
menubar |
- $menu->attributes['role'] = 'menubar'
- $this->attributes['role'] = 'menubar'
- $attributes['role'] === 'menubar'
context |
- $excludedcats[$category->id] = 'context'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'context'
- $this->tables['ctx'] = 'context'
- $excludedcats[$parentid] != 'context'
- $key === 'context'
ddmarker |
- $fakequestion->qtype = 'ddmarker'
- $question->qtype = 'ddmarker'
- $data['@']['type'] != 'ddmarker'
qtype_ddmarker |
- $plugin->component = 'qtype_ddmarker'
- $component == 'qtype_ddmarker'
~ |
- $answertext = '~'
- $separator = '~'
- $c == '~'
- $element == '~'
- $emsg[0] != '~'
- $emsg[0] == '~'
- $opCharacter === '~'
- $token === '~'
- $value === '~'
= |
- $answer[0] == "="
- $answer[0] == '='
- $c[0] == "="
- $cellAddress[0] === '='
- $ch == '='
- $char === '='
- $convertedValue[0] === '='
- $definedNameValue[0] !== '='
- $expected === '='
- $first_char == '='
- $formula[0] != '='
- $founddata === '='
- $matches[2][0] == '='
- $matches[3][0] === '='
- $src[$srcLen - 1] === '='
- $this->formula[0] != '='
- $value[0] === '='
- '=' === $value[0]
datetime |
- $dbtype = 'DATETIME'
- $formdata['datatype'] = 'datetime'
- $result = 'datetime'
- $type === 'datetime'
- $val->xmlrpc_type == 'datetime'
02 |
response_attachments |
- $filearea = 'response_attachments'
- $filearea == 'response_attachments'
noinline |
- $essay->responseformat = 'noinline'
- $q->responseformat = 'noinline'
- $fromform['responseformat'] == 'noinline'
- $this->responseformat == 'noinline'
plain |
- $fromform->responseformat = 'plain'
- $q->responseformat = 'plain'
- $this->message_type = 'plain'
- $format == 'plain'
- $subtype == 'PLAIN'
- $type == 'PLAIN'
editorfilepicker |
- $fakequestion->responseformat = 'editorfilepicker'
- $fromform->responseformat = 'editorfilepicker'
- $q->responseformat = 'editorfilepicker'
- $this->responseformat == 'editorfilepicker'
- $this->responseformat === 'editorfilepicker'
calculatedsimple |
- $form->qtype = 'calculatedsimple'
- $q->qtype = 'calculatedsimple'
- $qo->qtype = 'calculatedsimple'
- $question->qtype == 'calculatedsimple'
- $questiontype == 'calculatedsimple'
calculatedmulti |
- $qo->qtype = 'calculatedmulti'
- $question['@']['type'] == 'calculatedmulti'
- $questiontype == 'calculatedmulti'
int |
- $dbtype = 'INT'
- $fld->type = 'INT'
- $info->type = 'int'
- $related['today'] = 'int'
- $result = 'int'
- $type = 'int'
- $expectedType === 'int'
- $fielddata['type'] === 'int'
- $offset != 'int'
- $offset == 'int'
- $pType == 'int'
- $type === 'INT'
- $type === 'int'
gregorian |
- $return = 'gregorian'
- $string['name'] = 'Gregorian'
- $this->name !== 'gregorian'
- $value === 'GREGORIAN'
day |
- $linkparams['view'] = 'day'
- $string['taskscheduleday'] = 'Day'
- $view == "day"
- $view === 'day'
qtype_essay |
- $plugin->component = 'qtype_essay'
- $component == 'qtype_essay'
avg |
- $aggregatestr = 'AVG'
- $avgrow->attributes['class'] = 'avg'
- $aggregatestr === 'AVG'
- $aggregationstring === 'AVG'
sectionname |
- $itemtype = 'sectionname'
- $itemtype === 'sectionname'
sectionnamenl |
- $itemtype = 'sectionnamenl'
- $itemtype === 'sectionnamenl'
numsections |
- $fieldnames['numsections'] = 'numsections'
uniform |
- $string['uniform'] = 'Uniform'
qtype_calculatedmulti |
- $plugin->component = 'qtype_calculatedmulti'
- $component == 'qtype_calculatedmulti'
loguniform |
- $string['loguniform'] = 'Loguniform'
td |
- $celltype = 'td'
- $tag = 'td'
- $tagtype = 'td'
- $child->nodeName !== 'td'
- $columnchild->tagName == 'td'
- $dom[$key]['value'] != 'td'
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'td'
- $node->nodeName === 'td'
- $strpiece[2][0] == 'Td'
- $td->tagName == 'td'
- $token['name'] === 'td'
struct |
epivals |
- $xmlrpcserver->functions_parameters_type = 'epivals'
- $this->functions_parameters_type == 'epivals'
array |
- $dbtype == 'array'
- $node['from'] == 'array'
- $rs->databaseType != 'array'
- $rs->databaseType == 'array'
- $this->$keyDataType == 'array'
- $this->_xh['valuestack'][$vscount - 1]['type'] == 'ARRAY'
- $type === 'array'
format_blog |
- $args->area = 'format_blog'
- $cmt->area = 'format_blog'
- $commentparam->commentarea != 'format_blog'
- $record->commentarea != 'format_blog'
blog_external |
- $newentry->module = 'blog_external'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'blog_external'
- $this->data->module == 'blog_external'
utf8 |
- $charset == 'utf8'
- $charset === 'utf8'
coursemodule |
- $eventparam['other']['associatetype'] = 'coursemodule'
- $this->other['associatetype'] !== 'coursemodule'
k |
- $string['cliansweryes'] = 'k'
- $suffix = 'k'
- $fieldkeyindexinitial == 'k'
nochange |
grader |
- $USER->grade_last_report[$course->id] = 'grader'
- $data->report = 'grader'
- $last = 'grader'
- $string['grader'] = 'Grader'
- $action == 'grader'
- $page == 'grader'
- $path_elements[2] == 'grader'
- $plugin == 'grader'
singleview |
- $USER->grade_last_report[$course->id] = 'singleview'
choose |
- $string['ajaxchoosescale'] = 'Choose'
- $nothingvalue === 'choose'
- $v === 'choose'
user_select |
- $itemtype = 'user_select'
- $params['item'] = 'user_select'
- $itemtype !== 'user_select'
- $itemtype == 'user_select'
- $itemtype === 'user_select'
grade_select |
- $itemtype = 'grade_select'
- $itemtype !== 'grade_select'
- $itemtype == 'grade_select'
- $itemtype === 'grade_select'
exclude |
- $string['exclude'] = 'Exclude'
- $type = "exclude"
- $field == 'exclude'
- $matches[1] === 'exclude'
aggregationcoefweight |
- $aggcoef = 'aggregationcoefweight'
- $this->coefstring = 'aggregationcoefweight'
- $aggcoef == 'aggregationcoefweight'
- $coefstring == 'aggregationcoefweight'
aggregationcoefextraweight |
- $aggcoef = 'aggregationcoefextraweight'
- $this->coefstring = 'aggregationcoefextraweight'
- $aggcoef == 'aggregationcoefextraweight'
- $coefstring == 'aggregationcoefextraweight'
courseitem |
- $categoryitemclass = 'courseitem'
- $child_array['type'] != 'courseitem'
- $child_array['type'] == 'courseitem'
- $children[0]['type'] === 'courseitem'
- $element['type'] != 'courseitem'
- $element['type'] == 'courseitem'
- $first_item['type'] == 'courseitem'
- $type == 'courseitem'
categoryitem |
- $categoryitemclass = 'categoryitem'
- $child_array['type'] != 'categoryitem'
- $child_array['type'] == 'categoryitem'
- $children[0]['type'] === 'categoryitem'
- $element['type'] != 'categoryitem'
- $element['type'] == 'categoryitem'
- $first_item['type'] == 'categoryitem'
- $type == 'categoryitem'
courses |
- $activekey = 'courses'
- $string['contextlevelname50'] = 'Courses'
- $string['filter_course'] = 'Courses'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Courses'
- $viewmode = 'courses'
- $branchid === 'courses'
- $browse === 'courses'
- $this->instanceid === 'courses'
- $this->viewmode === 'courses'
- $viewmode === 'courses'
h3 |
- $element->tagName === 'h3'
rated |
- $this->gradedorrated = 'rated'
- $this->gradedorrated !== 'rated'
subquestion_replacement |
- $subq->qtype = 'subquestion_replacement'
- $subqdata->qtype == 'subquestion_replacement'
- $subtype == 'subquestion_replacement'
- $this->savedquestiondisplay->options->questions[$sub]->qtype != 'subquestion_replacement'
gapselect |
- $elename = 'gapselect'
- $expectedq->qtype = 'gapselect'
- $fakequestion->qtype = 'gapselect'
- $gapselect->qtype = 'gapselect'
- $qdata->qtype = 'gapselect'
- $question->qtype = 'gapselect'
- $data['@']['type'] != 'gapselect'
ddwtos |
- $dd->qtype = 'ddwtos'
- $elename = 'ddwtos'
- $expectedq->qtype = 'ddwtos'
- $fakequestion->qtype = 'ddwtos'
- $qdata->qtype = 'ddwtos'
- $question->qtype = 'ddwtos'
- $data['@']['type'] != 'ddwtos'
qbank_comment |
- $args->component = 'qbank_comment'
- $commentparams->component = 'qbank_comment'
- $component = 'qbank_comment'
- $data->component = 'qbank_comment'
- $plugin->component = 'qbank_comment'
- $args->component != 'qbank_comment'
- $commentparam->component != 'qbank_comment'
- $componentname === 'qbank_comment'
qbank_managecategories |
- $plugin->component = 'qbank_managecategories'
- $componentname === 'qbank_managecategories'
core_question |
- $component = 'core_question'
- $tagparams['questioncomponent'] = 'core_question'
- $component == 'core_question'
nobody |
- $string['customfield_notvisible'] = 'Nobody'
qbank_deletequestion |
- $plugin->component = 'qbank_deletequestion'
- $componentname === 'qbank_deletequestion'
qbank_viewquestiontext |
- $plugin->component = 'qbank_viewquestiontext'
- $componentname === 'qbank_viewquestiontext'
withcategories |
- $withcategories = 'withcategories'
- $cattofile == 'withcategories'
withcontexts |
- $withcontexts = 'withcontexts'
- $contexttofile == 'withcontexts'
th |
- $celltype = 'th'
- $tag = 'th'
- $tagtype = 'th'
- $cellType == 'th'
- $child->nodeName !== 'th'
- $columnchild->tagName == 'th'
- $dom[$key]['value'] != 'th'
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'th'
- $node->nodeName === 'th'
- $results[0]->element->tagName == 'th'
- $results[1]->element->tagName == 'th'
- $rowchild->tagName == 'th'
- $tagtype == 'th'
- $td->tagName == 'th'
- $token['name'] === 'th'
module |
- $contextstring = 'module'
- $string['module'] = 'Module'
- $filter['contextlevel'] == 'module'
- $instance['contextlevel'] == 'module'
- $oldparam[0] == 'module'
- $table === 'module'
zapfdingbats |
- $font = 'zapfdingbats'
- $name = 'ZapfDingbats'
- $family == 'zapfdingbats'
http:// |
- $k_path_url = 'http://'
- $protocol = "http://"
- $protocol = 'http://'
- $exturl === 'http://'
- $url == 'http://'
- $value != 'http://'
manage |
- $currenttab = 'manage'
- $string['manage'] = 'Manage'
- $mode == 'manage'
- $permission == 'manage'
- $return === 'manage'
boolean |
- $format == 'boolean'
- $pType == 'boolean'
- $paramSpec['type'] == 'boolean'
- $requirement == 'boolean'
- $t == 'BOOLEAN'
- $typ == 'boolean'
- $type == 'boolean'
- $type === 'boolean'
- $value == 'BOOLEAN'
permissions |
- $currenttab = 'permissions'
- $parts[2] === 'permissions'
xoauth2 |
- $authtypeoptions['XOAUTH2'] = 'XOAUTH2'
- $configuration['options']['auth_type'] = 'XOAUTH2'
- $this->AuthType == 'XOAUTH2'
- $type == 'XOAUTH2'
endobj |
f |
- $mode = 'F'
- $op = 'f'
- $type = 'f'
- $column->meta_type == 'F'
- $column->meta_type === 'F'
- $dataType == 'F'
- $fieldkeyindexinitial == 'f'
- $key == 'F'
- $line[17] === 'f'
- $matches[3][0] == 'f'
- $oldmetatype == 'F'
- $op == 'f'
- $row[1] == 'f'
core_role |
- $component === 'core_role'
objref |
- $obj[0] == 'objref'
- $sarr[($k + 1)][0] == 'objref'
endstream |
- $token->value !== 'endstream'
socks5 |
- $CFG->proxytype = 'SOCKS5'
- $options['SOCKS5'] = 'SOCKS5'
- $CFG->proxytype == 'SOCKS5'
- $CFG->proxytype === 'SOCKS5'
competencies |
- $parentname = 'competencies'
- $returntype == 'competencies'
real |
- $dbtype = 'REAL'
- $ret = 'real'
- $n->nodeName == 'real'
- $this->ZoomMode == 'real'
- $zoom == 'real'
identity |
- $this->encryptdata['StmF'] = 'Identity'
- $this->encryptdata['StrF'] = 'Identity'
- $name->value !== 'Identity'
<< |
- $annots = '<<'
- $out = '<<'
- $objdata[($i - 1)][0] == '<<'
medium |
- $size = "medium"
- $size = 'medium'
- $width = 'medium'
marked |
- $pl['opt']['statemodel'] = 'Marked'
- $pl['opt']['statemodel'] == 'Marked'
0 g |
- $this->DrawColor = '0 G'
- $this->FillColor = '0 g'
- $this->TextColor = '0 g'
- $this->DrawColor !== '0 G'
- $this->FillColor !== '0 g'
norequiredcapability |
- $service->requiredcapability = "norequiredcapability"
- $servicedata->requiredcapability == "norequiredcapability"
devicecmyk |
- $colspace = 'DeviceCMYK'
- $this->gradients[$n]['colspace'] = 'DeviceCMYK'
- $info['cs'] == 'DeviceCMYK'
display.noprint |
- $prop['display'] = 'display.noPrint'
- $prop['display'] == 'display.noPrint'
q |
- $dynamicRuleType[0] == 'Q'
end |
- $position = 'end'
- $this->properties['align'] = 'end'
- $label == 'END'
- $this->svgtextmode['text-anchor'] == 'end'
- $value == 'END'
raw |
- $this->YUI_config->filter = 'RAW'
- $this->settingdata->paramtype = 'RAW'
- $qrtype == 'RAW'
- $this->yui3loader->filter === 'RAW'
down |
- $action === 'down'
- $dir == 'down'
- $dir === 'down'
- $direction == 'down'
- $move == 'down'
change |
- $string['change'] = 'Change'
field |
- $fielddata->name = 'Field'
- $fielddata->shortname = 'field'
- $string['field'] = 'Field'
- $type = 'field'
ymid |
xmid |
up |
- $action === 'up'
- $dir == 'up'
- $dir === 'up'
- $direction == 'up'
- $move == 'up'
key |
- $key = 'key'
- $string['key'] = 'Key'
- $string['settings:aws:key'] = 'Key'
- $column[5] == 'KEY'
- $ps->nodeName == 'key'
keys |
- $popfields['keyshead'] = 'Keys'
- $string['keys'] = 'Keys'
index |
- $string['index'] = 'Index'
- $bits[2] == 'index'
- $path == 'index'
- $v[1] == 'Index'
indexes |
- $popfields['indexeshead'] = 'Indexes'
- $string['indexes'] = 'Indexes'
- $commandparam == 'Indexes'
missing |
- $string['missing'] = 'Missing'
- $this->name === 'missing'
notification |
- $msgdata->name = 'notification'
- $method == 'notification'
tool_monitor |
- $component = 'tool_monitor'
- $msgdata->component = 'tool_monitor'
- $plugin->component = 'tool_monitor'
- $component === 'tool_monitor'
wrong |
- $string['wrong'] = 'Wrong'
- $feedback['text'] === 'Wrong'
meet |
- $aspect_ratio_ms = 'meet'
- $fit = 'meet'
^ |
- $this->lispacer = '^'
- $this->uarrow = '^'
- $listtype == '^'
- $name[0] === '^'
- $normalizedName[0] === '^'
- $this->lispacer != '^'
site-index |
- $bi->pagetypepattern = 'site-index'
- $homepagetype = 'site-index'
- $instance->pagetypepattern = 'site-index'
- $pagetypepattern = 'site-index'
- $this->_pagetype = 'site-index'
- $instance->pagetypepattern === 'site-index'
- $pagetype == 'site-index'
- $this->page->pagetype == 'site-index'
_fake |
- $bc->attributes['data-block'] = '_fake'
- $this->attributes['data-block'] == '_fake'
block_edit_form |
- $classname = 'block_edit_form'
- $formclass === 'block_edit_form'
@ |
- $numbers[49] = '@'
- self::$builtInFormats[49] = '@'
- $char === '@'
- $email[$i] != '@'
- $file[0] === '@'
- $imgsrc[0] === '@'
- $name[0] === '@'
- $normalizedName[0] === '@'
- $this->buffer[$this->count] === '@'
float |
- $dbtype = 'FLOAT'
- $fld->type = 'float'
- $info->type = 'float'
- $result = 'float'
- $this->_type = 'float'
- $this->data[$row][$col]->type = 'float'
- $cell->type == 'float'
- $rawcolumn->COLTYPE === 'FLOAT'
- $value == 'FLOAT'
event |
- $string['event'] = 'Event'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'event'
- $event['headers'][':message-type'] !== 'event'
- $name !== 'event'
- $parts[1] !== 'event'
instance |
- $string['moduleinstance'] = 'Instance'
- $string['tblinstance'] = 'Instance'
- $attr !== 'instance'
- $field == 'instance'
- $prop == 'instance'
coursehome |
- $flat->key = 'coursehome'
- $activenode->key == 'coursehome'
json |
- $params['format'] = 'json'
- $methodvariables['moodlewsrestformat'] == 'json'
- $responsetype == 'json'
- $this->format == 'json'
- $this->restformat == 'json'
oci |
frontpagesettings |
- $frontpage->id = 'frontpagesettings'
- $section == 'frontpagesettings'
8bit |
- $mailer->Encoding = "8bit"
text/plain |
- $mailer->ContentType = "text/plain"
- $mimetype !== 'text/plain'
- $mimetype == 'text/plain'
- $mimetype === 'text/plain'
- $this->file->headers['content-type'] === 'text/plain'
imagejpeg |
- $imagefnc === 'imagejpeg'
imagepng |
.png |
move |
- $field === 'move'
- $operation === 'move'
badge |
- $entity = "badge"
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'badge'
lang |
- $data['descriptiontype'] = 'lang'
- $fixlang = 'lang'
- $column === 'lang'
- $fieldname === 'lang'
helvetica |
- $family = 'helvetica'
- $name = 'Helvetica'
http/1.1 |
- $this->_protocol = 'HTTP/1.1'
- $http_version == 'HTTP/1.1'
- $response['status']['http-version'] == 'HTTP/1.1'
http/1.0 |
- $this->_protocol = 'HTTP/1.0'
- $http_version == 'HTTP/1.0'
- $response['status']['http-version'] == 'HTTP/1.0'
write |
- $this->_lock_cdata = 'write'
- $this->_ls_ref_cdata = 'write'
- $type = 'write'
- $acl['permission'] == 'WRITE'
- $cap->captype === 'write'
- $capinfo->captype === 'write'
- $connection_obj->type == 'write'
- $obj->type == 'write'
- $readwrite == 'write'
- $type !== 'write'
- $type == 'write'
collection |
- $this->_ls_ref_cdata = 'collection'
- $item['resourcetype'] != 'collection'
- $item['resourcetype'] == 'collection'
- $v['resourcetype'] == 'collection'
custom |
- $data['descriptiontype'] = 'custom'
- $string['custom_service'] = 'Custom'
- $string['source_custom'] = 'Custom'
- $subtype = 'custom'
- $def->type == 'custom'
- $scope == 'custom'
- $this->sMatchType === 'custom'
moodlenet |
- $string['moodlenet_service'] = 'MoodleNet'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'MoodleNet'
- $this->type == 'moodlenet'
plain.scss |
- $choices['plain.scss'] = 'plain.scss'
- $filename == 'plain.scss'
default.scss |
- $choices['default.scss'] = 'default.scss'
- $default = 'default.scss'
- $filename == 'default.scss'
image/png |
- $mime = 'image/png'
- $mimetype = 'image/png'
- $filerecord['mimetype'] == 'image/png'
- $mimetype === 'image/png'
image/jpeg |
- $mime = 'image/jpeg'
- $mimetype = 'image/jpeg'
- $mimetype === "image/jpeg"
- $mimetype === 'image/jpeg'
document/unknown |
- $mimetype = 'document/unknown'
- $type = 'document/unknown'
- $mimetype == 'document/unknown'
- $mimetype === 'document/unknown'
- $mimetypefromext !== 'document/unknown'
- $type === 'document/unknown'
image/svg+xml |
- $mime = 'image/svg+xml'
- $mimetype = 'image/svg+xml'
- $mimetype === 'image/svg+xml'
jpg |
- $ext = 'jpg'
- $format = 'jpg'
gif |
- $ext = 'gif'
- $type = 'gif'
moodle/site:managecontextlocks |
- $excludelockedcapsparams['managelockscap'] = 'moodle/site:managecontextlocks'
- $managecapability = 'moodle/site:managecontextlocks'
- $capinfo->name !== 'moodle/site:managecontextlocks'
theme |
- $string['filter_theme'] = 'Theme'
- $types[$k] = 'theme'
- $component != 'theme'
- $component === 'theme'
- $k === 'theme'
- $parts[0] === 'theme'
- $plugintype === 'theme'
- $subtype === 'theme'
- $this->assertions['plugintype'] === 'theme'
- $type == 'theme'
- $type === 'theme'
treeitem |
- $newtree[$key]->itemtype = 'treeitem'
- $a->itemtype == 'treeitem'
- $b->itemtype == 'treeitem'
no var |
- $treekey[clean_param($shortpath, PARAM_PATH)] = 'No var'
- $treekey[$gokey] !== 'No var'
month |
- $string['taskschedulemonth'] = 'Month'
- $userdatetype = 'month'
- $type == 'month'
- $view == "month"
- $viewmode === 'month'
f3 |
- $filename !== 'f3'
- $filename === 'f3'
ntlm |
- 'ntlm' === $options['auth'][2]
expiry |
- $string['auth_ldap_expiration_key'] = 'Expiry'
- $string['expiry'] = 'Expiry'
{0} |
date_time_selector |
- $element = 'date_time_selector'
- $this->_type = 'date_time_selector'
- $this->_options['type'] === 'date_time_selector'
- $this->attributes['type'] === 'date_time_selector'
\' |
my-index |
- $homepagetype = 'my-index'
- $pattern = 'my-index'
- $this->page->pagetype !== 'my-index'
aag |
- $groupmode == 'aag'
- $groupmode === 'aag'
unlocked |
- $lockvalue === 'unlocked'
onlogin |
- $auth->config->field_updatelocal_email = 'onlogin'
- $auth->config->field_updatelocal_profile_field_pet = 'onlogin'
- $confval === 'onlogin'
- $this->config->{$key} === 'onlogin'
- $this->config->{$match[0]} === 'onlogin'
md5 |
- $algo = 'md5'
- $auth->config->passtype = 'md5'
- $fn = 'md5'
- $algorithm === 'md5'
- $this->_digestchallenge['algorithm'] != 'MD5'
- $this->config->passtype === 'md5'
db |
- $name === 'DB'
- $pluginname === 'db'
webservice |
- $this->authtype = 'webservice'
- $USER->auth !== 'webservice'
zip |
- $extension == 'zip'
- $this->importfiletype !== 'zip'
- $this->importfiletype === 'zip'
.xxx |
- $cached[$mimetype] = '.xxx'
monthly |
- $param->table = 'monthly'
- $timestr == 'monthly'
- $vars['FREQ'] != 'MONTHLY'
weekly |
- $timestr == 'weekly'
- $vars['FREQ'] != 'WEEKLY'
daily |
- $timestr == 'daily'
- $vars['FREQ'] != 'DAILY'
apache |
sha1 |
- $auth->config->passtype = 'sha1'
- $this->config->passtype === 'sha1'
saltedcrypt |
- $auth->config->passtype = 'saltedcrypt'
- $this->config->passtype === 'saltedcrypt'
nologin |
- $params['other']['reason'] = 'nologin'
- $this->authtype = 'nologin'
- $auth == 'nologin'
- $eventdata->userto->auth === 'nologin'
- $existinguser->auth === 'nologin'
- $user->auth == 'nologin'
- $user->auth === 'nologin'
seen |
current |
- $page === 'current'
- $timesplitting === 'current'
needsgrading |
- $step->state = 'needsgrading'
course-* |
- $instance->pagetypepattern = 'course-*'
- $instance->pagetypepattern === 'course-*'
location |
- $querydata->order = 'location'
- $filters->order === 'location'
input |
contextid |
- $displaycolumns['contextid'] = 'contextid'
- $string['contextid'] = 'Contextid'
- $contextidentifier == 'contextid'
- $field == 'contextid'
- $key == 'contextid'
- $key === 'contextid'
- $property == 'contextid'
<> |
- $matches[2] == '<>'
- $matches['operator'] !== '<>'
behat |
- $exec = 'behat'
- $testsite = 'behat'
js |
- $enctype == 'js'
- $extension === 'js'
- $type === 'js'
css |
- $selector = 'css'
- $string['mobilecssurl'] = 'CSS'
- $type = 'css'
- $ext == 'css'
- $extension === 'css'
- $namespace == 'CSS'
- $type == 'CSS'
course_categories |
- $data->item = 'course_categories'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'course_categories'
- $componentinfo->tablename == 'course_categories'
- $record->item == "course_categories"
- $table == 'course_categories'
course_sections |
- $data->item = 'course_sections'
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'course_sections'
- $componentinfo->tablename == 'course_sections'
- $record->item == "course_sections"
course_modules |
- $this->data['objecttable'] = 'course_modules'
- $sampleorigin === 'course_modules'
- $tablename === 'course_modules'
point |
- $this->currentgradetype = 'point'
- $this->type = 'Point'
- $gradetype === 'point'
- $this->currentgradetype == 'point'
calendar |
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Calendar'
- $this->serviceName = 'calendar'
- $component === 'calendar'
- $section == 'calendar'
script |
- $this->serviceName = 'script'
- $last->name == 'script'
- $token['name'] === 'script'
- $tokens[$i]->name === 'script'
barracuda |
- $fileformat !== 'Barracuda'
xtradb |
- $engine !== 'xtradb'
- $engine === 'xtradb'
innodb |
- $engine !== 'innodb'
- $engine === 'innodb'
utf8mb4 |
- $charset == 'utf8mb4'
- $charset === 'utf8mb4'
to be generated |
- $user->password = 'to be generated'
- $user->password === 'to be generated'
\core\event\base |
- $observer['eventname'] = '\core\event\base'
- $eventname != '\core\event\base'
from |
- $direction === 'from'
- $field == 'FROM'
- 'from' > $limitlast
to |
langconfig |
- $component = 'langconfig'
- $component !== 'langconfig'
- $component === 'langconfig'
etc/gmt |
gmt |
local |
- $info->oldfile->repositorytype === 'local'
- $type === 'local'
post_clean |
- $filteroptions['stage'] = 'post_clean'
- $options['stage'] === 'post_clean'
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 |
- $result === '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0'
home |
- $currentnode->key === 'home'
toggle |
- $hide === 'toggle'
- $this->type === 'toggle'
wt |
- $metric = "wt"
- $prune_metric = "wt"
- $sort_col = "wt"
main() |
- $info['fn'] !== 'main()'
- $symbol == "main()"
chunked |
- $modify['set_headers']['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'
- $httpResponse['headers']['transfer-encoding'] == 'chunked'
binary |
- $charset == 'BINARY'
- $type == 'binary'
- $value == 'BINARY'
unique |
- $record['UNIQUENESS'] === 'UNIQUE'
- $row[1] == 'UNIQUE'
primary |
- $res->Key_name === 'PRIMARY'
- $row[2] == 'PRIMARY'
video/quicktime |
- $type = 'video/quicktime'
- $mimetype === 'video/quicktime'
video/x-flv |
- $mimetype === 'video/x-flv'
deny |
- $actiondata['data-action'] = 'deny'
- $restriction_relationship = 'deny'
- $string['deny'] = 'Deny'
- $accessctrl != 'deny'
- $accessctrl == 'deny'
- $acl->accessctrl == 'deny'
- $form->accessctrl == 'deny'
child |
run |
application/xhtml+xml |
- $content_type = 'application/xhtml+xml'
- $mimetype == 'application/xhtml+xml'
- $mimetype === 'application/xhtml+xml'
{{ |
}} |
- $ctag !== '}}'
- $this->ctag === '}}'
aggregationcoefextraweightsum |
- $this->coefstring = 'aggregationcoefextraweightsum'
- $aggcoef == 'aggregationcoefextraweightsum'
- $coefstring == 'aggregationcoefextraweightsum'
dropped |
- $alteredaggregationstatus[$drop] = 'dropped'
- $alteredaggregationstatus[$grade_grade->itemid] = 'dropped'
- $currentgrade->aggregationstatus !== 'dropped'
novalue |
- $alteredaggregationstatus[$itemid] = 'novalue'
- $currentgrade->aggregationstatus !== 'novalue'
used |
- $alteredaggregationstatus[$itemid] = 'used'
- $currentgrade->aggregationstatus === 'used'
- $hint['status'] != 'used'
extra |
- $alteredaggregationstatus[$itemid] = 'extra'
- $currentgrade->aggregationstatus !== 'extra'
s3-outposts |
- $cmd['@context']['signing_service'] = 's3-outposts'
- $data['service'] !== 's3-outposts'
us-east-1 |
- $args['region'] !== 'us-east-1'
- $locationConstraint === 'us-east-1'
- $region === 'us-east-1'
- 'us-east-1' !== $region
gzip |
- $command['@http']['headers']['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip'
- $contentEncoding == 'gzip'
- $encoding[0] === 'gzip'
- $httpResponse['headers']['content-encoding'] == 'gzip'
- $opts['request_compression'] == 'gzip'
- $this->requestHeaders['accept-encoding'] == "gzip"
apicallattempt |
- $event['Type'] = 'ApiCallAttempt'
- $current['Type'] === 'ApiCallAttempt'
- $event['Type'] === 'ApiCallAttempt'
timestamp |
- $dbtype = 'TIMESTAMP'
- $definition['type'] = 'timestamp'
- $fld->type = 'timestamp'
- $ftype = 'TIMESTAMP'
- $field != 'timestamp'
- $type === 'timestamp'
application/xml |
- $opts['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml'
- $official === 'application/xml'
- $this->response->headers['type'] == 'application/xml'
xpath |
named_exact |
- $selector = 'named_exact'
- $selector == 'named_exact'
- $selectortype !== 'named_exact'
named_partial |
- $selector = 'named_partial'
- $selector == 'named_partial'
- $selectortype !== 'named_partial'
v4-unsigned-body |
- $version = 'v4-unsigned-body'
- $operation['authtype'] == 'v4-unsigned-body'
v4a |
- $cmd['@context']['signature_version'] = 'v4a'
- $version = 'v4a'
- $c['@context']['signature_version'] == 'v4a'
bearer |
- $args['config']['signature_version'] = 'bearer'
- $version = 'bearer'
- $auth == 'bearer'
- $this->_auth == 'bearer'
country |
- $string['country'] = 'Country'
cannotunzipquotaexceeded |
- $processed[0] = 'cannotunzipquotaexceeded'
- $failed[0] == "cannotunzipquotaexceeded"
scheduled |
- $expected->plugin = 'scheduled'
- $string['scheduled'] = 'Scheduled'
- $row->type == 'scheduled'
- $runningtask->type == 'scheduled'
media |
- $string['checktype:media'] = 'Media'
- $dirName === 'media'
- $parameters['alt']['value'] == 'media'
- $parameters['uploadType']['value'] == 'media'
| |
- $CFG->proxyhost = ''
- $expected[$id1]->from = ''
- $expected[$id2]->from = ''
- $expected[$id3]->from = ''
- $expected[$id4]->from = ''
- $expected[$id5]->from = ''
- $CFG->dbhost === ''
- $this->dbhost === ''
userfullname |
- $nonexistingproperty = 'userfullname'
course-index-category |
- $pattern = 'course-index-category'
- $pagetype === 'course-index-category'
- $this->page->pagetype === 'course-index-category'
blob |
- $dbtype = 'BLOB'
- $fld->type = 'blob'
- $fld->type == 'BLOB'
- $fld->type == 'blob'
- $localFieldObjects[$localKey]->type == 'BLOB'
- $m['type'] == 'blob'
- $payloadShape['type'] === 'blob'
- $rawcolumn->COLTYPE === 'BLOB'
- $this->_cacheType[$i] == "BLOB"
tinyint |
varchar |
- $dbtype = 'VARCHAR'
- $fld->type = 'VARCHAR'
- $fld->type = 'varchar'
- $info->type = 'varchar'
- $o->type = 'VARCHAR'
- $rawcolumn->COLTYPE === 'VARCHAR'
- $rawcolumn->type === 'varchar'
longtext |
- $column->type === 'longtext'
clob |
- $blobtype == 'CLOB'
- $rawcolumn->COLTYPE === 'CLOB'
varchar2 |
- $rawcolumn->COLTYPE === 'VARCHAR2'
bigint |
- $metac->type == 'bigint'
- $type === 'BIGINT'
smallint |
- $metac->type == 'smallint'
- $type === 'SMALLINT'
mediumint |
bytea |
- $fld->type == 'bytea'
- $new_actual_type == 'BYTEA'
- $rawcolumn->type === 'bytea'
- $type == 'bytea'
nvarchar |
- $rawcolumn->COLTYPE === 'NVARCHAR'
page_comments |
- $args->area = 'page_comments'
- $args->commentarea != 'page_comments'
- $comment_param->commentarea != 'page_comments'
tab |
param |
- $token->name == "param"
- $token->name == 'param'
any |
- $string['anycollection'] = 'Any'
- $compMethod == 'any'
- $types[0] == 'any'
repository |
- $component = 'repository'
- $module == 'repository'
- $module === 'repository'
browse |
- $params['action'] = 'browse'
windows-1252 |
- $input === 'windows-1252'
multipart |
- $data['type'] = 'multipart'
- $parameters['uploadType']['value'] == 'multipart'
internaldate |
- $field == 'INTERNALDATE'
- $name == 'INTERNALDATE'
cram-md5 |
- $auth_method = 'CRAM-MD5'
sendmail |
- $this->Mailer = 'sendmail'
- 'sendmail' === $this->Mailer
qmail |
- $CFG->smtphosts == 'qmail'
- $this->Mailer === 'qmail'
- 'qmail' === $this->Mailer
smtp |
- $m->Mailer == 'smtp'
- $mailer->Mailer == 'smtp'
- $this->Mailer === 'smtp'
- 'smtp' === $this->Mailer
mail |
- 'mail' !== $this->Mailer
- 'mail' === $this->Mailer
filemanager |
- $params->env = 'filemanager'
- $this->_type = 'filemanager'
- $element->_type == 'filemanager'
- $elementtype == 'filemanager'
- $env == 'filemanager'
filetypes |
- $this->_type = 'filetypes'
- $element->_attributes['name'] === 'filetypes'
w |
sng |
dbl |
norm |
comment2 |
y-m-d h:i:s |
% |
- $colname = "%"
- $mask = '%'
- $schema = '%'
- $boundary[strlen($boundary) - 1] == '%'
- $ch == '%'
- $char === '%'
- $ihost[$position] === '%'
- $last_char !== '%'
- $line[0] == '%'
- $name[0] === '%'
- $normalizedName[0] === '%'
- $o['u'][0] == '%'
- $opCharacter != '%'
- $opCharacter === '%'
- $pl['txt'][0] == '%'
- $string[$i] !== '%'
- $string[$length - 1] !== '%'
- $token === '%'
- '%' === $part[0]
service |
- $issuerdata->name = "Service"
file_controlled_link |
- $filereturn->type = 'FILE_CONTROLLED_LINK'
- $source->type != 'FILE_CONTROLLED_LINK'
oci8 |
- $conn->dataProvider == 'oci8'
- $this->dataProvider == 'oci8'
- $zthis->dataProvider == 'oci8'
generic |
mysql |
- $current_vendor === 'mysql'
- $db != 'mysql'
- $dbfamily == 'mysql'
- $dbfamily === 'mysql'
- $family === 'mysql'
postgres |
- $dbfamily == 'postgres'
- $dbfamily === 'postgres'
adodb_log_sql |
- $connx->fnExecute = 'adodb_log_sql'
- $this->fnExecute = 'adodb_log_sql'
- $this->fnExecute === 'adodb_log_sql'
pdo |
- $this->dataProvider == 'pdo'
- $this->databaseType != 'pdo'
- $type === 'pdo'
object |
- $name == 'object'
- $node['from'] == 'object'
- $results[0]->element->tagName == 'object'
- $this->currentNesting[$nest]->name === 'object'
- $token->name == "object"
- $token->name == 'object'
- $typ == 'object'
- $type != 'object'
- $type == 'object'
- $type === 'object'
00 |
- $quizsettings['testnumber'] === '00'
- $tmp == '00'
- $version != "00"
nextcloud |
- $string['nextcloud'] = 'Nextcloud'
- $string['nextcloud_service'] = 'Nextcloud'
- $string['pluginname'] = 'Nextcloud'
- $this->type == 'nextcloud'
viewsql |
decline |
- $string['useracceptanceactiondecline'] = 'Decline'
- $action === 'decline'
- $data->action === 'decline'
oracle |
- $dbfamily == 'oracle'
- $dbfamily === 'oracle'
'' |
- $this->replaceQuote = "''"
api_key |
- $record['api_key'] = 'api_key'
tool_policy |
- $CFG->sitepolicyhandler = 'tool_policy'
- $component = 'tool_policy'
- $plugin->component = 'tool_policy'
- $CFG->sitepolicyhandler !== 'tool_policy'
- $CFG->sitepolicyhandler == 'tool_policy'
declined |
- $data->statusicon = 'declined'
- $string['acceptancestatusdeclined'] = 'Declined'
policy |
- $string['policydochdrpolicy'] = 'Policy'
defined name |
- $stackItemType = 'Defined Name'
- $operand1Data['type'] === 'Defined Name'
- $output[$countOutputMinus1]['type'] === 'Defined Name'
pruned branch |
- $branchStore[$storeKey] = 'Pruned branch'
- $storeValue === 'Pruned branch'
cell reference |
- $stackItemType = 'Cell Reference'
- $output[$countOutputMinus1]['type'] === 'Cell Reference'
setup |
- $string['setup'] = 'Setup'
- $mode !== 'setup'
- $mode == 'setup'
- $page == 'setup'
revoke |
- $string['revoke'] = 'Revoke'
- $action === 'revoke'
- $data->action === 'revoke'
xl |
- $string['shortsize_4'] = 'XL'
extension |
- $string['extension'] = 'Extension'
| |
- $CFG->wwwroot = ''
- $CFG->wwwroot === ''
avoid |
- $css["table.sheet$sheetIndex"]['break-inside'] = 'avoid'
- $css["table.sheet$sheetIndex"]['page-break-inside'] = 'avoid'
- $dom[$key]['style']['page-break-inside'] == 'avoid'
collapse |
- $css['table']['border-collapse'] = 'collapse'
- $prefname === 'collapse'
- $svgstyle['visibility'] == 'collapse'
indexed |
- $colspace == 'Indexed'
- $info['cs'] == 'Indexed'
truetypeunicode |
- $fmetric['type'] = 'TrueTypeUnicode'
- $fonttype = 'TrueTypeUnicode'
- $type = 'TrueTypeUnicode'
- $fmetric['type'] == 'TrueTypeUnicode'
- $this->CurrentFont['type'] == 'TrueTypeUnicode'
- $type == 'TrueTypeUnicode'
an |
- $chardata[$i]['type'] = 'AN'
- $chardata[($i + 1)]['type'] == 'AN'
- $chardata[($i - 1)]['type'] == 'AN'
- $chardata[$i]['eor'] == 'AN'
- $chardata[$i]['sor'] == 'AN'
- $chardata[$i]['type'] == 'AN'
cidfont0 |
- $fmetric['type'] = 'cidfont0'
- $type = 'cidfont0'
- $fmetric['type'] != 'cidfont0'
- $fmetric['type'] == 'cidfont0'
- $this->CurrentFont['type'] == 'cidfont0'
- $type == 'cidfont0'
objectboundingbox |
- $this->svggradients[$this->svggradientid]['gradientUnits'] = 'objectBoundingBox'
- $gradient['gradientUnits'] == 'objectBoundingBox'
measure |
- $this->svggradients[$this->svggradientid]['mode'] = 'measure'
- $gradient['mode'] == 'measure'
o |
- $dec[0] == 'o'
- $mailbox[3] == 'O'
- $mailbox[3] == 'o'
purpose |
- $string['purpose'] = 'Purpose'
- $element !== 'purpose'
- 'purpose' === $element
plan |
- $params->commentarea == 'plan'
user_competency |
- $cmt->area = 'user_competency'
- $params->commentarea == 'user_competency'
%@null@% |
- $defaults->bui_subpagepattern = '%@NULL@%'
- $data->bui_subpagepattern == '%@NULL@%'
truetype |
- $fmetric['type'] = 'TrueType'
- $fmetric['type'] == 'TrueType'
- $this->CurrentFont['type'] == 'TrueType'
- $type == 'TrueType'
type1 |
- $fmetric['type'] = 'Type1'
- $fonttype = 'Type1'
- $fmetric['type'] == 'Type1'
- $this->CurrentFont['type'] == 'Type1'
- $type == 'Type1'
cp1252 |
schemeclr |
prstclr |
3d |
- $dimensions != '3d'
- $dimensions == '3d'
myoverview |
- $expected['tool_mobile_disabledfeatures'] = 'myoverview'
- $block['name'] == 'myoverview'
- $ri->instance->blockname == 'myoverview'
tool_phpunit |
- $plugin->component = 'tool_phpunit'
- $info->component === 'tool_phpunit'
symbol |
- $family == 'symbol'
- $k == 'symbol'
pear_error |
static |
- $id_start_ci === 'static'
- $methodType == 'static'
- $type === 'static'
worksheet |
- $worksheetInfo[0]['worksheetName'] = 'Worksheet'
- $key == 'worksheet'
- $key === 'workSheet'