List of all SQL mentioned in the code..
Value | Count | File:Line |
'SELECT default_lesson_mode, interactions, objectives, time_from_lms, comments FROM sahs_lm WHERE id = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT EXISTS(" . "SELECT 1 FROM usr_pwassist WHERE pwassist_id = " . $ilDB->quote($hash, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ") AS hit" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_pwassist " . "WHERE pwassist_id = " . $ilDB->quote($pwassist_id, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_pwassist " . "WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_pwassist " . "WHERE pwassist_id = " . $ilDB->quote($pwassist_id, "text") . " " . "OR user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO usr_pwassist " . "(pwassist_id, expires, user_id, ctime) " . "VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_pwassist " . "WHERE pwassist_id = " . $ilDB->quote($pwassist_id, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_pwassist " . "WHERE expires < " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") | 1 |
'UPDATE rbac_operations SET op_order = ' . $ilDB->quote(2500, 'integer') . ' WHERE operation = ' . $ilDB->quote('edit_userassignment', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT at.*,ea.exc_id" . " FROM exc_assignment ea" . " JOIN il_exc_team at ON (at.ass_id =" . " WHERE ea.type = " . $ilDB->quote(4, "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM booking_entry ' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO booking_obj_assignment (booking_id,target_obj_id) ' . 'VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote($row->booking_id) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row->target_obj_id) . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_disk_quota" . " (owner_id, src_type, src_obj_id, src_size)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_owner_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("file", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($file_size, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_disk_quota" . " WHERE src_type = " . $ilDB->quote("file", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT od.owner, od.obj_id" . " FROM object_data od" . " JOIN object_reference_ws ref ON (ref.obj_id = od.obj_id)" . " JOIN tree_workspace t ON (t.child = ref.wsp_id)" . " WHERE od.type = " . $ilDB->quote("file", "text") . " AND t.tree = od.owner" | 1 |
"SELECT od.owner," . " FROM object_data od" . " JOIN object_reference_ws ref ON (ref.obj_id = od.obj_id)" . " JOIN tree_workspace t ON (t.child = ref.wsp_id)" . " JOIN il_blog_posting blp ON (blp.blog_id = od.obj_id)" . " JOIN file_usage fu ON (fu.usage_id =" . " WHERE fu.usage_type = " . $ilDB->quote("blp:pg", "text") . " AND fu.usage_hist_nr = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT od.owner," . " FROM object_data od" . " JOIN object_reference_ws ref ON (ref.obj_id = od.obj_id)" . " JOIN tree_workspace t ON (t.child = ref.wsp_id)" . " JOIN usr_portfolio_page prtf ON (prtf.portfolio_id = od.obj_id)" . " JOIN file_usage fu ON (fu.usage_id =" . " WHERE fu.usage_type = " . $ilDB->quote("prtf:pg", "text") . " AND fu.usage_hist_nr = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_disk_quota" . " (owner_id, src_type, src_obj_id, src_size)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_owner_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("mob", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($file_size, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_disk_quota" . " WHERE src_type = " . $ilDB->quote("mob", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT od.owner," . " FROM object_data od" . " JOIN object_reference_ws ref ON (ref.obj_id = od.obj_id)" . " JOIN tree_workspace t ON (t.child = ref.wsp_id)" . " JOIN il_blog_posting blp ON (blp.blog_id = od.obj_id)" . " JOIN mob_usage mu ON (mu.usage_id =" . " WHERE mu.usage_type = " . $ilDB->quote("blp:pg", "text") . " AND mu.usage_hist_nr = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT od.owner," . " FROM object_data od" . " JOIN object_reference_ws ref ON (ref.obj_id = od.obj_id)" . " JOIN tree_workspace t ON (t.child = ref.wsp_id)" . " JOIN usr_portfolio_page prtf ON (prtf.portfolio_id = od.obj_id)" . " JOIN mob_usage mu ON (mu.usage_id =" . " WHERE mu.usage_type = " . $ilDB->quote("prtf:pg", "text") . " AND mu.usage_hist_nr = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_disk_quota" . " WHERE src_type = " . $ilDB->quote("prtf", "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_disk_quota" . " WHERE src_type = " . $ilDB->quote("blog", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT od.owner, od.obj_id" . " FROM object_data od" . " JOIN usr_portfolio prtf ON ( = od.obj_id)" . " WHERE od.type = " . $ilDB->quote("prtf", "text") . " AND prtf.img IS NOT NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT od.owner, od.obj_id" . " FROM object_data od" . " JOIN object_reference_ws ref ON (ref.obj_id = od.obj_id)" . " JOIN tree_workspace t ON (t.child = ref.wsp_id)" . " JOIN il_blog blog ON ( = od.obj_id)" . " WHERE od.type = " . $ilDB->quote("blog", "text") . " AND blog.img IS NOT NULL" . " AND t.tree = od.owner" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_disk_quota" . " WHERE src_type = " . $ilDB->quote("tstv", "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_disk_quota" . " WHERE src_type = " . $ilDB->quote("excv", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT od.owner, od.obj_id, od.type" . " FROM object_data od" . " JOIN object_reference_ws ref ON (ref.obj_id = od.obj_id)" . " JOIN tree_workspace t ON (t.child = ref.wsp_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("od.type", array("tstv", "excv"), "", "text") . " AND t.tree = od.owner" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tax_node_assignment" | 1 |
"SELECT tax_tree_id FROM tax_tree " . " WHERE child = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["node_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE tax_node_assignment SET " . " tax_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec2["tax_tree_id"], "integer") . " WHERE node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["node_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE acl_ws SET tstamp = " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . " WHERE tstamp = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_portf_acl SET tstamp = " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . " WHERE tstamp = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET offline_mode = 'n'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'ps', 'Privacy security settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('ps', '__PrivacySecurity', 'Privacy and Security', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = 'ps'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations SET operation = 'export_member_data', " . "description = 'Export member data', " . "class = 'object'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id,ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','" . $new_ops_id . "')" | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_active SET tmplastindex = lastindex' | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_active SET lastindex = tmplastindex' | 1 |
"UPDATE page_object" . " SET parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote("cont", "text") . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("parent_type", array("cat", "crs", "fold", "grp", "root"), "", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE int_link" . " SET source_type = " . $ilDB->quote("cont:pg", "text") . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("source_type", array("cat:pg", "crs:pg", "fold:pg", "grp:pg", "root:pg"), "", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE page_style_usage" . " SET page_type = " . $ilDB->quote("cont", "text") . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("page_type", array("cat", "crs", "fold", "grp", "root"), "", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE page_pc_usage" . " SET usage_type = " . $ilDB->quote("cont:pg", "text") . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("usage_type", array("cat:pg", "crs:pg", "fold:pg", "grp:pg", "root:pg"), "", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE page_anchor" . " SET page_parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote("cont", "text") . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("page_parent_type", array("cat", "crs", "fold", "grp", "root"), "", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE page_question" . " SET page_parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote("cont", "text") . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("page_parent_type", array("cat", "crs", "fold", "grp", "root"), "", "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'nwss', 'News settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"UPDATE mob_usage" . " SET usage_type = " . $ilDB->quote("cont:pg", "text") . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("usage_type", array("cat:pg", "crs:pg", "fold:pg", "grp:pg", "root:pg"), "", "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('nwss', '__NewsSettings', 'News Settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"UPDATE file_usage" . " SET usage_type = " . $ilDB->quote("cont:pg", "text") . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("usage_type", array("cat:pg", "crs:pg", "fold:pg", "grp:pg", "root:pg"), "", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = 'nwss'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'feed', 'External Feed', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questions SET add_cont_edit_mode = %s WHERE add_cont_edit_mode IS NULL" | 1 |
'SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = ' . $ilDB->quote('view_learning_progress', 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'mcst', 'Media Cast', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ldap_server_settings " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM settings WHERE keyword LIKE('ldap_%')" | 1 |
"SELECT ce.cal_id" . " FROM cal_entries ce" . " JOIN cal_cat_assignments ccass ON (ccass.cal_id = ce.cal_id)" . " JOIN cal_categories ccat ON (ccat.cat_id = ccass.cat_id)" . " WHERE ccat.type = " . $ilDB->quote(4, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO ldap_server_settings SET " . "active = '" . $ldap_new['active'] . "', " . "name = '" . $ldap_new['name'] . "', " . "url = " . $this->db->quote($ldap_new['url']) . ", " . "version = " . $this->db->quote($ldap_new['version']) . ", " . "base_dn = '" . $ldap_new['basedn'] . "', " . "referrals = '" . $ldap_new['referrals'] . "', " . "tls = '" . $ldap_new['tls'] . "', " . "bind_type = '" . $ldap_new['bind_type'] . "', " . "bind_user = '" . $ldap_new['bind_user'] . "', " . "bind_pass = '" . $ldap_new['bind_pass'] . "', " . "search_base = '" . $ldap_new['search_base'] . "', " . "user_scope = '" . $ldap_new['user_scope'] . "', " . "user_attribute = '" . $ldap_new['user_attribute'] . "', " . "filter = '" . $ldap_new['filter'] . "' " | 1 |
"UPDATE cal_entries" . " SET subtitle = " . $ilDB->quote("#consultationhour#", "text") . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("cal_id", $entry_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations SET operation = 'copy', " . "description = 'Copy Object', " . "class = 'general', " . "op_order = '115'" | 1 |
'SELECT question_type_id, plugin FROM qpl_qst_type WHERE type_tag = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE qpl_qst_type SET plugin = %s WHERE question_type_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT MAX(question_type_id) maxid FROM qpl_qst_type' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO qpl_qst_type (question_type_id, type_tag, plugin) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_templates " . "WHERE type IN ('" . implode("','", $all_types) . "') " . "AND ops_id = 4 " . "ORDER BY rol_id,parent" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tmp_migration " . "WHERE obj_id = '" . $row->rol_id . "' " . "AND parent = '" . $row->parent . "' " . "AND type = '" . $row->type . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET " . "rol_id = '" . $row->rol_id . "', " . "type = '" . $row->type . "', " . "ops_id = '" . $ops_id . "', " . "parent = '" . $row->parent . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tmp_migration SET " . "obj_id = '" . $row->rol_id . "', " . "parent = '" . $row->parent . "', " . "type = '" . $row->type . "', " . "passed = '1'" | 1 |
"SELECT rol_id,ops_id,pa.ref_id AS ref_id FROM rbac_pa AS pa " . "JOIN object_reference AS obr ON pa.ref_id = obr.ref_id " . "JOIN object_data AS obd ON obr.obj_id = obd.obj_id " . "WHERE obd.type IN ('" . implode("','", $all_types) . "') " . "ORDER BY rol_id,pa.ref_id " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tmp_migration " . "WHERE rol_id = '" . $row->rol_id . "' " . "AND ref_id = '" . $row->ref_id . "' " . "AND passed = '1'" | 1 |
"UPDATE rbac_pa SET " . "ops_id = '" . addslashes(serialize($ops_ids)) . "' " . "WHERE rol_id = '" . $row->rol_id . "' " . "AND ref_id = '" . $row->ref_id . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tmp_migration SET " . "rol_id = '" . $row->rol_id . "', " . "ref_id = '" . $row->ref_id . "', " . "passed = '1'" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET ext_account = login WHERE auth_mode = 'radius'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations " . "SET operation = 'create_feed', description = 'create external feed'" | 1 |
'SELECT variable_id, range_min, range_max FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_var' | 1 |
'SELECT result_id, range_min, range_max FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_res' | 1 |
"UPDATE il_plugin SET last_update_version = %s WHERE name = %s AND slot_id = %s AND plugin_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id,user_id FROM cmi_custom GROUP BY obj_id, user_id" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id,user_id, max(c_timestamp) last_access FROM cmi_custom WHERE lvalue <> %s GROUP BY obj_id, user_id" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id,user_id,rvalue,c_timestamp FROM cmi_custom WHERE lvalue = %s GROUP BY obj_id, user_id, rvalue, c_timestamp" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id,user_id FROM scorm_tracking GROUP BY obj_id, user_id" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, user_id FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id=%s AND user_id=%s" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id,user_id, max(c_timestamp) last_access FROM scorm_tracking GROUP BY obj_id, user_id" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations " . "SET operation = 'create_mcst', class='create', description = 'create media cast'" | 1 |
"SELECT test_id, random_question_count FROM tst_tests WHERE question_set_type = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'pdts', 'Personal desktop settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('pdts', '__PersonalDesktopSettings', 'Personal Desktop Settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = 'pdts'" | 1 |
'SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ldap_server_settings`' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_questionpool" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(question_id) AS question_count FROM qpl_questions WHERE obj_fi = %s AND ISNULL(original_id) AND complete = '1'" | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET auto_suspend = 'n'" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questionpool SET questioncount = %s WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(answer_id) as max_id FROM tmp_svy_migration " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM survey_answer WHERE answer_id > $max_id ORDER BY answer_id" | 1 |
"SELECT FROM il_dcl_table WHERE not exists (SELECT FROM il_dcl_view WHERE il_dcl_view.table_id = AND il_dcl_view.type = " . $ilDB->quote(ilDataCollectionField::EXPORTABLE_VIEW, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM survey_finished WHERE survey_fi = %s AND anonymous_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM survey_finished WHERE survey_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_view (id, table_id, type, formtype) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($view_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($table_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(ilDataCollectionField::EXPORTABLE_VIEW, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT as view_id, viewdef.field, viewdef.field_order FROM il_dcl_viewdefinition viewdef" . " INNER JOIN il_dcl_view view ON viewdef.view_id = AND view.type = " . ilDataCollectionField::VIEW_VIEW . " INNER JOIN il_dcl_view view2 ON view.table_id = view2.table_id AND view2.type = " . ilDataCollectionField::EXPORTABLE_VIEW . " WHERE viewdef.is_set = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_answer SET active_fi = %s WHERE answer_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tmp_svy_migration (answer_id) VALUES (%s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_viewdefinition VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($res["view_id"], "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($res["field"], "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($res["field_order"], "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_pref SET value2 = value" | 1 |
"SELECT up1.usr_id as usr_id FROM usr_pref AS up1, usr_pref AS up2 " . " WHERE up1.keyword= " . $ilDB->quote("style") . " AND up1.value= " . $ilDB->quote("blueshadow") . " AND up2.keyword= " . $ilDB->quote("skin") . " AND up2.value= " . $ilDB->quote("default") . " AND up1.usr_id = up2.usr_id " | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_pref SET value = " . $ilDB->quote("default") . " WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($usr_rec["usr_id"]) . " AND keyword = " . $ilDB->quote("skin") | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_pref SET value = " . $ilDB->quote("delos") . " WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($usr_rec["usr_id"]) . " AND keyword = " . $ilDB->quote("style") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'recf'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta SET typ_id = '" . $recf_id . "', ops_id = 1" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta SET typ_id = '" . $recf_id . "', ops_id = 2" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta SET typ_id = '" . $recf_id . "', ops_id = 3" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta SET typ_id = '" . $recf_id . "', ops_id = 4" | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_members SET notification = '0'" | 1 |
'UPDATE qpl_fb_generic SET feedback_tmp = feedback' | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_members SET notification = '1' WHERE blocked = '1'" | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_members SET blocked = '0' WHERE (blocked = '1' OR blocked = '2' OR blocked = '4')" | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_members SET blocked = '1' WHERE blocked = '3'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_members WHERE blocked = 1" | 1 |
'UPDATE qpl_fb_specific SET feedback_tmp = feedback' | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE description = 'Member of course obj_no." . $obj_id . "'" | 1 |
'UPDATE qpl_hints SET hint_text_tmp = qht_hint_text' | 1 |
'UPDATE qpl_sol_sug SET value_tmp = value' | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_manual_fb SET feedback_tmp = feedback' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tax_node_assignment " . " WHERE item_type = " . $ilDB->quote("term", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM glossary_term " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["item_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE tax_node_assignment SET " . " obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($glo_id, "integer") . " WHERE node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["node_id"], "integer") . " AND component = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["component"], "text") . " AND item_type = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["item_type"], "text") . " AND item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["item_id"], "integer") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT lang_key, value, identifier" . " FROM lng_data" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("identifier", array("wsp_type_tstv", "wsp_type_excv"), "", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT type, obj_id, title" . " FROM object_data" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("type", array("tstv", "excv"), "", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data" . " SET title = " . $ilDB->quote($title, "text") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row["obj_id"]) | 1 |
"UPDATE object_reference SET deleted = NULL WHERE deleted = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ctrl_calls WHERE comp_prefix = " . $ilDB->quote('qpl_qst_formulaquestion', 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ctrl_classfile WHERE comp_prefix = " . $ilDB->quote('qpl_qst_formulaquestion', 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'rcrs', 'Remote Course Object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE title = " . $ilDB->quote($title, 'text') . " " . "AND type = " . $ilDB->quote('rolt', 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['obj_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_fa WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['obj_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_data WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['obj_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT sqo.question_id" . " FROM svy_question sqp" . " JOIN svy_question sqo ON (sqp.question_id = sqo.original_id)" . " JOIN object_data od ON (sqp.obj_fi = od.obj_id)" . " WHERE od.type <> " . $ilDB->quote("spl", "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations " . "SET operation = 'create_rcrs', description = 'create remote course'" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_question" . " SET original_id = NULL" . " WHERE question_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row["question_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET fourth_edition = 'n'" | 1 |
"UPDATE conditions SET ref_handling = 0 " . "WHERE target_type = 'st' OR trigger_type = 'crsg' " | 1 |
"SELECT id,target_obj_id FROM conditions " . "WHERE target_type = 'st'" | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id FROM object_reference AS obr " . "JOIN lm_data AS lm ON obr.obj_id = lm_id " . "WHERE lm.obj_id = " . $row->target_obj_id . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET ie_force_render = 'n'" | 1 |
"UPDATE conditions SET " . "target_ref_id = " . $row_ref->ref_id . ' ' . "WHERE id = " . $row->id . " " | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT target_ref_id AS ref FROM conditions " . "WHERE target_type != 'crs' AND target_type != 'st' " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM conditions " . "WHERE target_ref_id = " . $ref_id . " " . "AND target_type != 'st' " | 1 |
'Delete condition for ref_id = ' . $ref_id . ' (not inside of course)' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM copg_multilang" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'mds', 'Meta Data settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('mds', '__MetaDataSettings', 'Meta Data Settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO obj_content_master_lng " . "(obj_id, master_lang) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($rec["parent_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["master_lang"], "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = 'mds'" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(active_fi) AS max_id FROM tst_sequence" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_sequence WHERE active_fi = $startid" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_active WHERE active_id >= $startid ORDER BY active_id ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT purpose_id FROM pdfgen_purposes " . " WHERE service = %s AND purpose = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tst_sequence (active_fi, pass, sequence, postponed, hidden) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, NULL)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM pdfgen_renderer_avail WHERE " . " renderer = %s AND service = %s" | 1 |
"SHOW INDEXES FROM ut_access " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations SET operation = 'add_thread', " . "description = 'Add Threads', " . "class = 'object'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data " . "WHERE type ='typ' " . "AND title = 'frm' " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta " . "SET typ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($typ_id) . ", " . "ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($new_ops_id) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT map_id FROM pdfgen_map " . " WHERE service = %s AND purpose = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_templates " . "WHERE ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($add_post_id) . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates " . "SET rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['rol_id']) . ", " . "type = 'frm', " . "ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($new_ops_id) . ", " . "parent = " . $ilDB->quote($row['parent']) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations " . "WHERE operation = 'add_thread' " | 1 |
"SELECT rol_id,ops_id,pa.ref_id FROM object_data AS obd " . "JOIN object_reference as ore ON obd.obj_id = ore.obj_id " . "JOIN rbac_pa AS pa ON ore.ref_id = pa.ref_id " . "WHERE type = 'frm' " | 1 |
"UPDATE rbac_pa SET " . "ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote(serialize($operations)) . " " . "WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->rol_id) . " " . "AND ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->ref_id) . " " | 1 |
'select field_id, field_type, field_values from adv_mdf_definition ' . 'where field_type = 1 or field_type = 8 ' | 1 |
"UPDATE rbac_operations SET operation = 'add_post' WHERE operation = 'edit_post' " | 1 |
"UPDATE rbac_operations SET operation = 'moderate_frm' WHERE operation = 'delete_post' " | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(pass), active_fi FROM tst_test_result ORDER BY active_fi" | 1 |
'select * from adv_md_values_text ' . 'where field_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->field_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
"SELECT SUM(points) AS reachedpoints FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
'select * from adv_md_values_enum ' . 'where obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($val_row->obj_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . 'and sub_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($val_row->sub_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . 'and sub_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($val_row->sub_type, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'and field_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($val_row->field_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
'insert into adv_md_values_enum (obj_id, sub_type, sub_id, field_id, value_index, disabled) ' . 'values ( ' . $ilDB->quote($val_row->obj_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($val_row->sub_type, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($val_row->sub_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($val_row->field_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($pos, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($val_row->disabled, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ) ' | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = 'lngf'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = 'join' " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = 'leave' " | 1 |
'update adv_md_record set lang_default = ' . $ilDB->quote($default, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'where lang_default IS NULL' | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = '" . $type . "'" | 1 |
'select * from adv_md_record ' | 1 |
'select * from adv_md_record_int ' . 'where record_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->record_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . 'and lang_code = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->lang_default, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ta WHERE typ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($typ_id) . " AND ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($join_ops_id) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ta WHERE typ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($typ_id) . " AND ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($leave_ops_id) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote($type) . " AND ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($join_ops_id) | 1 |
'insert into adv_md_record_int (record_id, title, description, lang_code ) ' . 'values ( ' . $ilDB->quote($row->record_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row->title, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row->description, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row->lang_default, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ')' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote($type) . " AND ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($leave_ops_id) | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROm object_data " . "WHERE type = 'rolt' " . "AND title = 'Author' " . "OR title = 'Co-Author' " | 1 |
'select advf.field_id, lang_default, advf.title, advf.description from adv_mdf_definition advf ' . 'join adv_md_record advr on advf.record_id = advr.record_id ' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE " . "rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id) . " " . "AND type = 'root' " . "AND ops_id = 2 " . "AND parent = 8" | 1 |
'select * from adv_md_field_int ' . 'where field_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->field_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . 'and lang_code = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->lang_default, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET " . "rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id) . ", " . "type = 'root', " . "ops_id = 2, " . "parent = 8" | 1 |
'insert into adv_md_field_int (field_id, title, description, lang_code ) ' . 'values ( ' . $ilDB->quote($row->field_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row->title, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row->description, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row->lang_default, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ')' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE " . "rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id) . " " . "AND type = 'root' " . "AND ops_id = 3 " . "AND parent = 8" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET " . "rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id) . ", " . "type = 'root', " . "ops_id = 3, " . "parent = 8" | 1 |
'select advf.record_id, field_id, field_values, lang_default from adv_mdf_definition advf ' . 'join adv_md_record advr on advf.record_id = advr.record_id ' . ' ' . 'where ( field_type = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' or ' . 'field_type = ' . $ilDB->quote(8, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ) ' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'cmps', 'Component settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('cmps', '__ComponentSettings', 'Component Settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = 'cmps'" | 1 |
'insert into adv_mdf_enum (field_id, lang_code, idx, value ) ' . 'values ( ' . $ilDB->quote($row->field_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($lang, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($idx++, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($option, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ) ' | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data SET title = 'cals', description = 'Calendar Settings' WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'taxf'" | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data SET type = 'cals', title = 'Calendar Settings', description = 'Configure Calendar Settings here' WHERE type = 'taxf'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = 'create_tax'" | 1 |
"SELECT d.obj_id, r.ref_id" . " FROM object_data AS d" . " LEFT JOIN object_reference AS r ON r.obj_id=d.obj_id" . " WHERE type ='facs'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tree WHERE child=" . $ilDB->quote($ref_id) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_reference WHERE ref_id=" . $ilDB->quote($ref_id) | 1 |
"SELECT role_id, limit_relative_m, limit_relative_y FROM reg_access_limit WHERE limit_relative_y IS NOT NULL" | 1 |
"UPDATE reg_access_limit SET limit_relative_m = ? WHERE role_id = ?" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_data WHERE obj_id=" . $ilDB->quote($obj_id) | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data" . " WHERE type ='typ' AND title ='facs'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ta WHERE typ_id=" . $ilDB->quote($typ_id) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_data WHERE obj_id=" . $ilDB->quote($typ_id) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'facs', 'File Access settings object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('facs', '__File Access', 'File Access settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
'delete from log_components where component_id = ' . $ilDB->quote('btsk', ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_reference (obj_id) VALUES(" . $ilDB->quote($obj_id) . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, user_ident, user_name FROM cmix_settings" | 1 |
"INSERT IGNORE INTO write_event " . "(obj_id,parent_obj_id,usr_id,action,ts) " . "SELECT r1.obj_id,r2.obj_id,d.owner,'create',d.create_date " . "FROM object_data AS d " . "JOIN object_reference AS r1 ON d.obj_id=r1.obj_id " . "JOIN tree AS t ON t.child=r1.ref_id " . "JOIN object_reference as r2 on r2.ref_id=t.parent " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'svyf', 'Survey Settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('svyf', '__SurveySettings', 'Survey Settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"SELECT id, user_ident, user_name FROM lti_ext_provider" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = 'svyf'" | 1 |
"INSERT settings (module, keyword, value) VALUES ('survey', 'unlimited_invitation', '1')" | 1 |
"SELECT type_id, user_ident, user_name FROM cmix_lrs_types" | 1 |
"SELECT event_id,obj_id,title,description FROM event " | 1 |
"SELECT type FROM object_data WHERE obj_id = " . $course_obj_id | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id FROM object_reference WHERE obj_id = '" . $course_obj_id . "' " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('sess', " . $ilDB->quote($row->title) . ", " . $ilDB->quote($row->description) . ", 6, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_description SET obj_id = " . $session_obj_id . ", description = " . $ilDB->quote($row->description) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_reference (obj_id) VALUES('" . $session_obj_id . "')" | 1 |
"SELECT tree FROM tree WHERE child = " . $course_ref_id | 1 |
"UPDATE event SET obj_id = " . $session_obj_id . " " . "WHERE event_id = " . $row->event_id | 1 |
'update adv_md_record set lang_default = ' . $ilDB->quote($default, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'where lang_default = ' . $ilDB->quote('', ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) | 1 |
"UPDATE event_appointment SET event_id = " . $session_obj_id . " " . "WHERE event_id = " . $row->event_id . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE event_items SET event_id = " . $session_obj_id . " " . "WHERE event_id = " . $row->event_id . " " | 1 |
'select record_id from adv_md_record_int where lang_code = ' . $ilDB->quote('', ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) | 1 |
"UPDATE event_participants SET event_id = " . $session_obj_id . " " . "WHERE event_id = " . $row->event_id . " " | 1 |
'select record_id from adv_md_record_int where lang_code = ' . $ilDB->quote($default, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'and record_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->record_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_pa WHERE ref_id = " . $course_ref_id | 1 |
'delete from adv_md_record_int where lang_code = ' . $ilDB->quote('', ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'and record_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->record_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
'update adv_md_record_int set lang_code = ' . $ilDB->quote($default, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'where lang_code = ' . $ilDB->quote('', ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_pa SET " . "rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($pa_row->rol_id) . ", " . "ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote(serialize($new_ops)) . ", " . "ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($session_ref_id) . " " | 1 |
'select field_id from adv_md_field_int where lang_code = ' . $ilDB->quote('', ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations " . "SET operation = 'create_sess', description = 'create session',class = 'create'" | 1 |
'select field_id from adv_md_field_int where lang_code = ' . $ilDB->quote($default, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'and field_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->field_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
'delete from adv_md_field_int where lang_code = ' . $ilDB->quote('', ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'and field_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->field_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
'update adv_md_field_int set lang_code = ' . $ilDB->quote($default, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'where lang_code = ' . $ilDB->quote('', ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM grp_data " | 1 |
'select field_id, lang_code, idx from adv_mdf_enum ' . 'where lang_code = ' . $ilDB->quote('', ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) | 1 |
'select field_id, lang_code, idx from adv_mdf_enum where lang_code = ' . $ilDB->quote($default, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'and field_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->field_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . 'and idx = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->idx, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO grp_settings " . "SET obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->grp_id) . ", " . "information = '', " . "grp_type = 0, " . "registration_type = " . $ilDB->quote($row->register) . ", " . "registration_enabled = 1, " . "registration_unlimited = " . $unlimited . ", " . "registration_start = " . $ilDB->quote($start) . " , " . "registration_end = " . $ilDB->quote($row->expiration) . ", " . "registration_password = " . $ilDB->quote($row->password) . ", " . "registration_max_members = 0, " . "waiting_list = 0, " . "latitude = " . $ilDB->quote($row->latitude) . ", " . "longitude = " . $this->db->quote($row->longitude) . ", " . "location_zoom = " . $ilDB->quote($row->location_zoom) . ", " . "enablemap = " . $ilDB->quote($row->enable_group_map) . " " | 1 |
'delete from adv_mdf_enum where lang_code = ' . $ilDB->quote('', ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'and field_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->field_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . 'and idx = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->idx, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
'update adv_mdf_enum set lang_code = ' . $ilDB->quote($default, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'where lang_code = ' . $ilDB->quote('', ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) | 1 |
"SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(application_date) AS unix FROM grp_registration " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_subscribers " . "SET obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->grp_id) . ", " . "usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->user_id) . ", " . "sub_time = " . $ilDB->quote($row->unix) . ", " . "subject = " . $ilDB->quote($row->subject) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'sess'" | 1 |
"SELECT rol_id, parent, type FROM rbac_templates WHERE (type=%s OR type=%s) AND ops_id=%s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM event_appointment " | 1 |
"UPDATE event_appointment SET " . "start = " . $ilDB->quote(gmdate('Y-m-d', $row->starting_time)) . ", " . "end = " . $ilDB->quote(gmdate('Y-m-d', $row->ending_time)) . " " . "WHERE appointment_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->appointment_id) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT rol_id FROM rbac_templates WHERE rol_id = %s AND type = %s AND ops_id = %s AND parent = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE event_appointment SET " . "start = " . $ilDB->quote(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row->starting_time)) . ", " . "end = " . $ilDB->quote(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row->ending_time)) . " " . "WHERE appointment_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->appointment_id) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM container_sorting" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM container_sorting" | 1 |
"show index from il_meta_oer_stat where Key_name = 'PRIMARY'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_answer_matching" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_answer_matching_term (term_id, question_fi, term) VALUES (NULL, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_answer_matching SET answertext = '$newTermID' WHERE answer_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->answer_id) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'mcts', 'Mediacast settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('mcts', '__MediacastSettings', 'Mediacast Settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"UPDATE prg_usr_progress SET individual = 1 WHERE last_change_by IS NOT NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = 'mcts'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'wiki', 'Wiki', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations SET operation = 'edit_content', " . "description = 'Edit content', " . "class = 'object'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','" . $new_ops_id . "')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations " . "SET operation = 'create_wiki', class='create', description = 'create wiki'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations SET operation = 'edit_event', " . "description = 'Edit calendar event', " . "class = 'object'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'crs' " | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'grp' " | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'sess' " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_resource_stkh (id, class_name) SELECT DISTINCT stakeholder_id, stakeholder_class FROM il_resource_stkh_u;" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta SET typ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($cals) . ", ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($new_ops_id) . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta SET typ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($crs) . ", ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($new_ops_id) . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta SET typ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($grp) . ", ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($new_ops_id) . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta SET typ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($sess) . ", ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($new_ops_id) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT obd.obj_id AS obj_id ,title,od.description AS description,activation_type,activation_start,activation_end, " . "subscription_limitation_type,subscription_start,subscription_end FROM crs_settings AS cs " . "JOIN object_data as obd ON obd.obj_id = cs.obj_id " . "JOIN object_description AS od ON od.obj_id = obd.obj_id " . "WHERE subscription_limitation_type = 2 OR " . "activation_type = 2 " | 1 |
"UPDATE il_resource_info JOIN il_resource_revision ON il_resource_info.internal = il_resource_revision.internal SET il_resource_info.version_number = il_resource_revision.version_number " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_entries SET " . "title = " . $ilDB->quote($row->title) . ", " . "subtitle = " . $ilDB->quote('crs_cal_reg_start') . ", " . "description = " . $ilDB->quote($row->description) . ", " . "start = " . $ilDB->quote(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row->subscription_start)) . ", " . "end = " . $ilDB->quote(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row->subscription_start)) . ", " . "auto_generated = 1," . "context_id = 1, " . "translation_type = 1" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_entries SET " . "title = " . $ilDB->quote($row->title) . ", " . "subtitle = " . $ilDB->quote('crs_cal_reg_end') . ", " . "description = " . $ilDB->quote($row->description) . ", " . "start = " . $ilDB->quote(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row->subscription_end)) . ", " . "end = " . $ilDB->quote(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row->subscription_end)) . ", " . "auto_generated = 1," . "context_id = 2, " . "translation_type = 1" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_entries SET " . "title = " . $ilDB->quote($row->title) . ", " . "subtitle = " . $ilDB->quote('crs_cal_activation_start') . ", " . "description = " . $ilDB->quote($row->description) . ", " . "start = " . $ilDB->quote(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row->activation_start)) . ", " . "end = " . $ilDB->quote(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row->activation_start)) . ", " . "auto_generated = 1," . "context_id = 3, " . "translation_type = 1" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_entries SET " . "title = " . $ilDB->quote($row->title) . ", " . "subtitle = " . $ilDB->quote('crs_cal_activation_end') . ", " . "description = " . $ilDB->quote($row->description) . ", " . "start = " . $ilDB->quote(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row->activation_end)) . ", " . "end = " . $ilDB->quote(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row->activation_end)) . ", " . "auto_generated = 1," . "context_id = 3, " . "translation_type = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT obd.obj_id AS obj_id ,title,od.description AS description, " . "registration_type,registration_unlimited,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(registration_start) AS registration_start, " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(registration_end) AS registration_end " . "FROM grp_settings AS gs " . "JOIN object_data as obd ON obd.obj_id = gs.obj_id " . "JOIN object_description AS od ON obd.obj_id = od.obj_id " . "WHERE registration_type != -1 AND " . "registration_unlimited = 0 " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_entries SET " . "title = " . $ilDB->quote($row->title) . ", " . "subtitle = " . $ilDB->quote('grp_cal_reg_start') . ", " . "description = " . $ilDB->quote($row->description) . ", " . "start = " . $ilDB->quote(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row->registration_start)) . ", " . "end = " . $ilDB->quote(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row->registration_start)) . ", " . "auto_generated = 1," . "context_id = 1, " . "translation_type = 1" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM il_block_setting WHERE ' . $ilDB->like('type', 'text', 'pd%') | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(identification) AS amount FROM il_mm_items WHERE identification = %s;" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_mm_items WHERE identification = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_entries SET " . "title = " . $ilDB->quote($row->title) . ", " . "subtitle = " . $ilDB->quote('grp_cal_reg_end') . ", " . "description = " . $ilDB->quote($row->description) . ", " . "start = " . $ilDB->quote(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row->registration_end)) . ", " . "end = " . $ilDB->quote(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row->registration_end)) . ", " . "auto_generated = 1," . "context_id = 2, " . "translation_type = 1" | 1 |
'UPDATE pg_amd_page_list ' . 'SET sdata = ' . $ilDB->quote(serialize(serialize($data)), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . 'AND field_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($field_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE type = 'sess'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_templates " . "WHERE type = 'crs' " . "AND ops_id IN ('" . implode("','", $ops) . "') " | 1 |
'SELECT idx from adv_mdf_enum ' . 'WHERE value = ' . $ilDB->quote($value, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'AND field_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($field_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates " . "SET rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->rol_id) . ", " . "type = 'sess', " . "ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->ops_id) . ", " . "parent = " . $ilDB->quote($row->parent) . " " | 1 |
'SELECT idx from adv_mdf_enum ' . 'WHERE idx = ' . $ilDB->quote($value, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'AND field_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($field_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE type = 'crs' AND ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ops) . " " | 1 |
'SELECT id, pg.field_id, data, field_type FROM pg_amd_page_list pg ' . 'JOIN adv_mdf_definition adv ' . 'ON pg.field_id = adv.field_id ' . 'WHERE sdata IS null ' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE type = 'sess' AND ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ops) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_templates WHERE type = 'crs' AND ops_id = 4" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET " . "rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->rol_id) . ", " . "type = 'sess', " . "ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ops) . ", " . "parent = " . $ilDB->quote($row->parent) . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET " . "rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->rol_id) . ", " . "type = 'crs', " . "ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ops) . ", " . "parent = " . $ilDB->quote($row->parent) . " " | 1 |
'DELETE FROM desktop_item WHERE item_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rep_rec_content_role WHERE ref_id = %s' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE type = 'grp' AND ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ops) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_templates WHERE type = 'grp' AND ops_id = 4" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET " . "rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->rol_id) . ", " . "type = 'grp', " . "ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ops) . ", " . "parent = " . $ilDB->quote($row->parent) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id FROM object_data AS obd JOIN object_reference AS obr ON obd.obj_id = obr.obj_id WHERE type = 'crs' " . "OR type = 'grp' OR type = 'sess'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_pa WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->ref_id) . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE rbac_pa SET ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote(serialize($current_ops)) . " " . "WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($pa_row->rol_id) . " " . "AND ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($pa_row->ref_id) . " " | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmix_users WHERE usr_id = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT obd.obj_id AS obj_id ,obd.title,obd.description AS description,start,end, location,fulltime " . "FROM event AS e " . "JOIN object_data as obd ON obd.obj_id = e.obj_id " . "LEFT JOIN object_description AS od ON od.obj_id = obd.obj_id " . "JOIN event_appointment AS ea ON e.obj_id = ea.event_id " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_entries SET " . "title = " . $ilDB->quote($row->title) . ", " . "subtitle = '', " . "description = " . $ilDB->quote($row->description) . ", " . "fullday = " . $ilDB->quote($row->fulltime) . ", " . "start = " . $ilDB->quote($row->start) . ", " . "end = " . $ilDB->quote($row->end) . ", " . "auto_generated = 1," . "context_id = 1, " . "translation_type = 0 " | 1 |
"SELECT obd.obj_id,obd.title,obd.type FROM object_data AS obd " . "LEFT JOIN cal_categories AS cc on obd.obj_id = cc.obj_id AND cc.type = 2 " . "WHERE cc.obj_id IS NULL and obd.type = 'crs' " | 1 |
" INSERT IGNORE INTO adv_md_values_ltext (field_id, obj_id, `value`, value_index, disabled, sub_type, sub_id) SELECT val.field_id, val.obj_id, val.value, '', val.disabled, val.sub_type, val.sub_id FROM adv_md_values_text AS val ; " | 1 |
"SELECT obd.obj_id,obd.title,obd.type FROM object_data AS obd " . "LEFT JOIN cal_categories AS cc on obd.obj_id = cc.obj_id AND cc.type = 2 " . "WHERE cc.obj_id IS NULL and obd.type = 'grp' " | 1 |
" INSERT IGNORE INTO adv_md_values_ltext (field_id, obj_id, `value`, value_index, disabled, sub_type, sub_id) SELECT val.field_id, val.obj_id, val.value, field.lang_code, val.disabled, val.sub_type, val.sub_id FROM adv_md_values_text AS val JOIN adv_md_field_int AS field ON field.field_id = val.field_id ; " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation='create_dbk'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objective_qst " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->objective_id) . " " . "AND ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->ref_id) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT points FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = " . $ilDB->quote($qst_row->question_id) . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_objective_tst " . "SET tst_limit = " . $ilDB->quote($required) . " " . "WHERE test_objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->test_objective_id) . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_objective_tst SET tst_limit = " . $ilDB->quote($status[0]) . " " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($objective_id) . " " . "AND tst_status = 0 " | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_objective_tst SET tst_limit = " . $ilDB->quote($status[1]) . " " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($objective_id) . " " . "AND tst_status = 1 " | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id,registration_max_members FROM grp_settings " | 1 |
"UPDATE grp_settings SET registration_membership_limited = 1 WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id,subscription_max_members FROM crs_settings " | 1 |
"SELECT od.owner, prtf_id, pref.value public" . ", MIN(acl.object_id) acl_type" . " FROM usr_portfolio prtf" . " JOIN object_data od ON (od.obj_id =" . " AND od.type = " . $ilDB->quote("prtf", "text") . ")" . " LEFT JOIN usr_portf_acl acl ON (acl.node_id =" . " LEFT JOIN usr_pref pref ON (pref.usr_id = od.owner" . " AND pref.keyword = " . $ilDB->quote("public_profile", "text") . ")" . " WHERE prtf.is_default = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " GROUP BY od.owner,, pref.value" | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_settings SET subscription_membership_limitation = 1 WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ut_lp_event_collections " | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_portfolio" . " SET is_default = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($prtf_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id FROM event AS e " . "JOIN object_data AS od ON e.obj_id = od.obj_id " . "JOIN object_reference AS obr ON od.obj_id = obr.obj_id " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->item_id) . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_pref" . " SET value = " . $ilDB->quote($new_pref, "text") . " WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id, "integer") . " AND keyword = " . $ilDB->quote("public_profile", "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ut_lp_collections " . "WHERE item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($event_ref_id) . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO ut_lp_collections " . "SET obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($crs_obj_id) . ", " . "item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($event_ref_id) . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO usr_pref (usr_id, keyword, value) VALUES" . " (" . $ilDB->quote($user_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("public_profile", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($new_pref, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM payment_objects" | 1 |
"UPDATE payment_settings SET shop_enabled = 1" | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*), active_fi, pass FROM tst_pass_result GROUP BY active_fi, pass HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_pass_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s ORDER BY tstamp ASC" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_pass_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_test_random_question.pass, COUNT(tst_test_random_question.question_fi) AS qcount, " . "SUM(qpl_questions.points) AS qsum FROM tst_test_random_question, qpl_questions " . "WHERE tst_test_random_question.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id AND " . "tst_test_random_question.active_fi = %s and pass = %s GROUP BY tst_test_random_question.active_fi, " . "tst_test_random_question.pass" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(tst_test_question.question_fi) AS qcount, " . "SUM(qpl_questions.points) AS qsum FROM tst_test_question, qpl_questions, tst_active " . "WHERE tst_test_question.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id AND tst_test_question.test_fi = tst_active.test_fi AND " . "tst_active.active_id = %s GROUP BY tst_test_question.test_fi" | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*), active_fi, pass FROM tst_sequence GROUP BY active_fi, pass HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_sequence WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s ORDER BY tstamp DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_test_pass_result WHERE maxpoints = 0 AND questioncount = 0 AND answeredquestions = 0 AND workingtime = 0 ORDER BY active_fi, pass" | 1 |
"SELECT SUM(points) AS reachedpoints, COUNT(question_fi) AS answeredquestions FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT value from settings where module = ' . $ilDB->quote('common', 'text') . 'AND keyword = ' . $ilDB->quote('main_tree_impl', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT `style_id` FROM style_parameter" | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM style_parameter WHERE style_id='" . $row["style_id"] . "'" . " AND tag = 'div' AND class='" . $curr_class . "' AND parameter = '" . $curr_par . "'" | 1 |
"UPDATE style_parameter SET value='10px' WHERE id = '" . $row2["id"] . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_parameter (style_id, tag, class, parameter,value) VALUES " . "('" . $row["style_id"] . "','div','" . $curr_class . "','" . $curr_par . "','10px')" | 1 |
"UPDATE container_sorting SET parent_type = '',parent_id = 0" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM container_sorting_settings WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id) . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO container_sorting_settings SET " . "obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id) . ", " . "sort_mode = " . $ilDB->quote($sort) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT obr.obj_id AS parent_id,ci.obj_id AS item_id,position FROM crs_items AS ci " . "JOIN object_reference AS obr ON ci.parent_id = obr.ref_id " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM container_sorting WHERE " . "obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->parent_id) . " " . "AND child_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->item_id) . " " | 1 |
'SELECT active_fi, min(pass) pass FROM tst_pass_result WHERE pass < 0 GROUP BY active_fi' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO container_sorting " . "SET obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->parent_id) . ", " . "parent_type = '', " . "parent_id = 0, " . "child_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->item_id) . ", " . "position = " . $ilDB->quote($row->position) . " " | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_pass_result SET pass = pass + 1 WHERE active_fi = ?' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'crsr', 'Course Reference Object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_manual_fb SET pass = pass + 1 WHERE active_fi = ?' | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_sequence SET pass = pass + 1 WHERE active_fi = ?' | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_solutions SET pass = pass + 1 WHERE active_fi = ?' | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_times SET pass = pass + 1 WHERE active_fi = ?' | 1 |
'SELECT pass FROM tst_pass_result WHERE active_fi = ? ORDER BY pass' | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_pass_result SET pass = pass - 1 WHERE active_fi = ? AND pass > ?' | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_manual_fb SET pass = pass - 1 WHERE active_fi = ? AND pass > ?' | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_sequence SET pass = pass - 1 WHERE active_fi = ? AND pass > ?' | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_solutions SET pass = pass - 1 WHERE active_fi = ? AND pass > ?' | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_times SET pass = pass - 1 WHERE active_fi = ? AND pass > ?' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations " . "SET operation = 'create_crsr', description = 'create course reference'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'catr', 'Category Reference Object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
" SELECT tst_test_result.active_fi, tst_test_result.question_fi, tst_test_result.pass, MAX(test_result_id) keep_id FROM tst_test_result INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_active.active_id = tst_test_result.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_tests ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi INNER JOIN object_data ON object_data.obj_id = tst_tests.obj_fi WHERE object_data.type = %s GROUP BY tst_test_result.active_fi, tst_test_result.question_fi, tst_test_result.pass HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 " | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) num FROM ($groupQuery) tbl" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations " . "SET operation = 'create_catr', description = 'create category reference'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = ? AND pass = ? AND question_fi = ? AND test_result_id != ?" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='typ' and title='root'" | 1 |
"UPDATE rbac_operations SET class='create' " . "WHERE operation = 'create_rcrs' OR " . "operation = 'create_crsr' OR " . "operation = 'create_catr' " | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data " . "WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'catr'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tmp_tst_to_recalc WHERE active_fi = ? AND pass = ?" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data " . "WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'crsr'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ta WHERE typ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($cat_id) . " " . "AND ops_id = 3" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ta WHERE typ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($crs_id) . " " . "AND ops_id = 3" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = 'create_catr'" | 1 |
"SELECT pq.question_id FROM page_question pq JOIN qpl_qst_imagemap im ON (pq.question_id = im.question_fi) " . " WHERE pq.page_parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote("lm", "text") . " OR pq.page_parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote("sahs", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = 'create_crsr'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data " . "WHERE type = 'rolt' " . "AND title = 'Author' " . "OR title = 'Co-Author' " | 1 |
"SELECT obj_fi FROM qpl_questions " . " WHERE question_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["question_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_qst_imagemap SET " . " is_multiple_choice = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " WHERE question_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["question_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE " . "rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id) . " " . "AND type = 'catr' " . "AND ops_id = " . $ops_id . " " . "AND parent = 8" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET " . "rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id) . ", " . "type = 'catr', " . "ops_id = " . $ops_id . ", " . "parent = 8" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE " . "rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id) . " " . "AND type = 'crsr' " . "AND ops_id = " . $ops_id . " " . "AND parent = 8" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET " . "rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id) . ", " . "type = 'crsr', " . "ops_id = " . $ops_id . ", " . "parent = 8" | 1 |
'UPDATE qpl_questions SET question_text = " " WHERE question_id = ?' | 1 |
'SELECT question_id, question_text FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_type_fi = 3' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE " . "rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id) . " " . "AND type = 'cat' " . "AND ops_id = " . $ops_id . " " . "AND parent = 8" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET " . "rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id) . ", " . "type = 'cat', " . "ops_id = " . $ops_id . ", " . "parent = 8" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE " . "rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id) . " " . "AND type = 'root' " . "AND ops_id = " . $create_cat_id . " " . "AND parent = 8" | 1 |
'UPDATE qpl_qst_matching SET matching_mode = %s' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET " . "rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id) . ", " . "type = 'root', " . "ops_id = " . $create_cat_id . ", " . "parent = 8" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'tags', 'Tagging settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('tags', '__TaggingSettings', 'Tagging Settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = 'tags'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM dp_dates " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_entries " . "SET last_update = " . $ilDB->quote($changed) . ", " . "title = " . $ilDB->quote($row->shorttext) . ", " . "description = " . $ilDB->quote($row->text) . ", " . "start = " . $ilDB->quote($start) . ', ' . "end = " . $ilDB->quote($end) . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_recurrence_rules " . "SET cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($cal_id) . ", " . "cal_recurrence = 1, " . "freq_type = " . $ilDB->quote($freq) . ", " . "intervall = " . $ilDB->quote($int) . ", " . "freq_until_date = " . $ilDB->quote($until) . ", " . "freq_until_count = 30" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_reference " . "WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->group_ID) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_categories WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_id) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_categories " . "SET obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id) . ", " . "title = 'Personal Calendar', " . "color = '#DAE2FF', " . "type = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT cat_id FROM cal_categories " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id) . "AND title = 'Personal Calendar'" | 1 |
"SELECT field_id,field_type FROM adv_mdf_definition" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("field_type", array(3, 4), "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM adv_md_values_text" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("field_id", array_keys($field_map), "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_templates " . "WHERE type = 'sess' " . "AND ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote(4) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates " . "WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->rol_id) . " AND " . "type = 'sess' AND " . "ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote(6) . " AND " . "parent = " . $ilDB->quote($row->parent) . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM adv_md_values_text" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("field_id", array_keys($field_map), "", "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates " . "SET rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->rol_id) . ", " . "type = 'sess', " . "ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote(6) . ", " . "parent = " . $ilDB->quote($row->parent) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_templates " . "WHERE type = 'crs' " . "AND ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote(4) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates " . "WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->rol_id) . " AND " . "type = 'crs' AND " . "ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($create_id) . " AND " . "parent = " . $ilDB->quote($row->parent) . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates " . "SET rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->rol_id) . ", " . "type = 'crs', " . "ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($create_id) . ", " . "parent = " . $ilDB->quote($row->parent) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT rol_id,obr.ref_id FROM object_data obd " . "JOIN object_reference obr ON obd.obj_id = obr.obj_id " . "JOIN rbac_pa ON obr.ref_id = rbac_pa.ref_id " . "WHERE type = 'crs' " . "AND (ops_id LIKE " . $ilDB->quote("%i:" . $ops_id . "%") . " " . "OR ops_id LIKE" . $ilDB->quote("%:\"" . $ops_id . "\";%") . ") " | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = 'tax'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ta WHERE typ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($typ_id) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_data WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($typ_id) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_question_type WHERE type_tag = 'assFlashQuestion'" | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_tests SET skill_service = %s' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_type (type_tag, plugin) VALUES ('assFlashQuestion', '0')" | 1 |
"SELECT ta.ops_id from rbac_ta ta " . "LEFT JOIN rbac_operations op ON ta.ops_id = op.ops_id " . "WHERE op.ops_id IS NULL" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ta WHERE ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->ops_id) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'cert', 'Certificate settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('cert', '__CertificateSettings', 'Certificate Settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'lrss', 'Learning resources settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('lrss', '__LearningResourcesSettings', 'Learning Resources Settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = 'lrss'" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET show_grading_status = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET show_grading_mark = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_data WHERE type = ?" | 1 |
"UPDATE page_object SET active = ? WHERE " . "page_id = ? AND (parent_type = ? OR parent_type = ?) AND parent_id = ?" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_qst_essay SET keyword_relation = %s WHERE keyword_relation = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_parameter WHERE class = 'LMNavigation' AND tag = 'td'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_parameter WHERE class = 'LMNavigation' AND tag = 'div' " . "AND parameter = '" . $rec["parameter"] . "'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM style_parameter WHERE id = " . $rec["id"] | 1 |
"UPDATE style_parameter SET tag = 'div' WHERE id = " . $rec["id"] | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_char` SET type = 'media' WHERE `characteristic` = 'Media' OR `characteristic` = 'MediaCaption'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_parameter` SET type = 'media' WHERE `class` = 'Media' OR `class` = 'MediaCaption'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_parameter` SET type = 'media_caption' WHERE `class` = 'MediaCaption'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_parameter` SET tag = 'div' WHERE `class` = 'MediaCaption'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_char` SET type = 'media_cont', characteristic = 'MediaContainer' WHERE `characteristic` = 'Media'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_parameter` SET type = 'media_cont', class = 'MediaContainer' WHERE `class` = 'Media'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_char` SET type = 'page_fn' WHERE `characteristic` = 'Footnote'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_char` SET type = 'page_nav' WHERE `characteristic` = 'LMNavigation'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_char` SET type = 'page_title' WHERE `characteristic` = 'PageTitle'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_parameter` SET type = 'page_fn' WHERE `class` = 'Footnote'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_parameter` SET type = 'page_nav' WHERE `class` = 'LMNavigation'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_parameter` SET type = 'page_title' WHERE `class` = 'PageTitle'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_char` SET type = 'page_cont', characteristic = 'PageContainer' WHERE `characteristic` = 'Page'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_parameter` SET tag = 'table', type = 'page_cont', class = 'PageContainer' WHERE `class` = 'Page'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_char` SET type = 'sco_title' WHERE `characteristic` = 'Title' AND type = 'sco'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_parameter` SET type = 'sco_title' WHERE `class` = 'Title' AND type = 'sco'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_char` SET type = 'sco_desc' WHERE `characteristic` = 'Description' AND type = 'sco'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_parameter` SET type = 'sco_desc' WHERE `class` = 'Description' AND type = 'sco'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_char` SET type = 'sco_keyw' WHERE `characteristic` = 'Keywords' AND type = 'sco'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_parameter` SET type = 'sco_keyw' WHERE `class` = 'Keywords' AND type = 'sco'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_char` SET type = 'sco_obj' WHERE `characteristic` = 'Objective' AND type = 'sco'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_parameter` SET type = 'sco_obj' WHERE `class` = 'Objective' AND type = 'sco'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM `style_char` WHERE type = 'page_cont'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM `style_parameter` WHERE type = 'page_cont'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_char` SET characteristic = 'TextInput' WHERE type = 'qinput'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `style_parameter` SET class = 'TextInput' WHERE type = 'qinput'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_char WHERE type = ? AND style_id = ?" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO `style_char` (style_id, type, characteristic) VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($id) . "," . $ilDB->quote("qlinput") . "," . $ilDB->quote("LongTextInput") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_suggested_solutions" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_suggested_solutions SET type = ? WHERE suggested_solution_id = ?" | 1 |
"SHOW INDEXES FROM tst_test_result" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_fa WHERE parent = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE rbac_fa SET parent = ?, old_parent = ? WHERE rol_id = ? AND parent = ?" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_fa_temp (role_id, parent_id) VALUES(?, ?)" | 1 |
" SELECT f.*, t.parent grandparent FROM rbac_fa f INNER JOIN tree t ON t.child = f.parent LEFT JOIN rbac_fa_temp ON rbac_fa_temp.role_id = f.rol_id AND rbac_fa_temp.parent_id = old_parent WHERE f.parent != 8 AND rbac_fa_temp.role_id IS NULL ORDER BY f.rol_id, f.parent " | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE parent = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_answer_ordering" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_answer_ordering SET random_id = ? WHERE answer_id = ?" | 1 |
"UPDATE rbac_templates SET parent = ?, old_parent = ? WHERE rol_id = ? AND parent = ?" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates_temp (role_id, parent_id) VALUES(?, ?)" | 1 |
" SELECT f.*, t.parent grandparent FROM rbac_templates f INNER JOIN tree t ON t.child = f.parent LEFT JOIN rbac_templates_temp ON rbac_templates_temp.role_id = f.rol_id AND rbac_templates_temp.parent_id = old_parent WHERE f.parent != 8 AND rbac_templates_temp.role_id IS NULL ORDER BY f.rol_id, f.parent " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_custom_block" . " WHERE context_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote("cat", "text") . " AND context_sub_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote("tax", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_question_type SET question_type_id = ? WHERE type_tag = ? AND plugin = ?" | 1 |
"UPDATE read_event SET last_access2 = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_access)" | 1 |
' UPDATE usr_data SET passwd_enc_type = %s WHERE (SUBSTR(passwd, 1, 4) = %s OR SUBSTR(passwd, 1, 4) = %s) AND passwd IS NOT NULL ' | 1 |
' UPDATE usr_data SET passwd_enc_type = %s WHERE SUBSTR(passwd, 1, 4) != %s AND SUBSTR(passwd, 1, 4) != %s AND LENGTH(passwd) = 32 AND passwd IS NOT NULL ' | 1 |
"UPDATE container_sorting SET pos = 100 * position" | 1 |
'UPDATE event set reg_type = registration' | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(news_id) ma FROM payment_news" | 1 |
"SELECT id_questionpool, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM qpl_questionpool" | 1 |
'UPDATE frm_threads SET thr_author_id = thr_usr_id' | 1 |
'UPDATE frm_posts SET pos_author_id = pos_usr_id' | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questionpool SET tstamp = %s WHERE id_questionpool = %s" | 1 |
'UPDATE frm_threads SET thr_display_user_id = thr_usr_id' | 1 |
"SELECT range_id, lastchange + 0 timestamp14 FROM qpl_numeric_range" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_numeric_range SET tstamp = %s WHERE range_id = %s" | 1 |
'UPDATE frm_posts SET pos_display_user_id = pos_usr_id' | 1 |
"SELECT question_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14, created FROM qpl_questions" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questions SET tstamp = %s, tstampcreated = %s WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT suggested_solution_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM qpl_suggested_solutions" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_suggested_solutions SET tstamp = %s WHERE suggested_solution_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT answer_id, lastchange + 0 timestamp14 FROM qpl_answer_cloze" | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM settings WHERE module = 'google_maps' AND keyword = 'enable'" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_answer_cloze SET tstamp = %s WHERE answer_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO settings (module, keyword, value) VALUES ('maps', 'type', 'googlemaps')" | 1 |
"UPDATE settings SET module = 'maps' WHERE module = 'google_maps'" | 1 |
"UPDATE lng_data SET module = 'maps' WHERE module = 'gmaps'" | 1 |
"UPDATE lng_data SET identifier = 'maps_enable_maps_info' WHERE identifier = 'gmaps_enable_gmaps_info'" | 1 |
"UPDATE lng_data SET identifier = 'maps_enable_maps' WHERE identifier = 'gmaps_enable_gmaps'" | 1 |
"UPDATE lng_data SET identifier = 'maps_extt_maps' WHERE identifier = 'gmaps_extt_gmaps'" | 1 |
"UPDATE lng_data SET identifier = 'maps_latitude' WHERE identifier = 'gmaps_latitude'" | 1 |
"UPDATE lng_data SET identifier = 'maps_longitude' WHERE identifier = 'gmaps_longitude'" | 1 |
"UPDATE lng_data SET identifier = 'maps_lookup_address' WHERE identifier = 'gmaps_lookup_address'" | 1 |
"UPDATE lng_data SET identifier = 'maps_public_profile_info' WHERE identifier = 'gmaps_public_profile_info'" | 1 |
"SELECT answer_id, lastchange + 0 timestamp14 FROM qpl_answer_imagemap" | 1 |
"UPDATE lng_data SET identifier = 'maps_settings' WHERE identifier = 'gmaps_settings'" | 1 |
"UPDATE lng_data SET identifier = 'maps_std_location_desc' WHERE identifier = 'gmaps_std_location_desc'" | 1 |
"UPDATE lng_data SET identifier = 'maps_std_location' WHERE identifier = 'gmaps_std_location'" | 1 |
"UPDATE lng_data SET identifier = 'maps_zoom_level' WHERE identifier = 'gmaps_zoom_level'" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_answer_imagemap SET tstamp = %s WHERE answer_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT answer_id, lastchange + 0 timestamp14 FROM qpl_answer_matching" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_answer_matching SET tstamp = %s WHERE answer_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT answer_id, lastchange + 0 timestamp14 FROM qpl_answer_multiplechoice" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_answer_multiplechoice SET tstamp = %s WHERE answer_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT answer_id, lastchange + 0 timestamp14 FROM qpl_answer_ordering" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_answer_ordering SET tstamp = %s WHERE answer_id = %s" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO adm_settings_template ' . '(id, type, title, description, auto_generated) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($ilDB->nextId('adm_settings_template'), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('tst', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('il_astpl_loc_initial', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('il_astpl_loc_initial_desc', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
"SELECT answer_id, lastchange + 0 timestamp14 FROM qpl_answer_singlechoice" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_answer_singlechoice SET tstamp = %s WHERE answer_id = %s" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO adm_settings_template ' . '(id, type, title, description, auto_generated) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($ilDB->nextId('adm_settings_template'), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('tst', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('il_astpl_loc_qualified', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('il_astpl_loc_qualified_desc', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
"SELECT answer_id, lastchange + 0 timestamp14 FROM qpl_answer_textsubset" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_answer_textsubset SET tstamp = %s WHERE answer_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT feedback_id, lastchange + 0 timestamp14 FROM qpl_feedback_generic" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_feedback_generic SET tstamp = %s WHERE feedback_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT feedback_id, lastchange + 0 timestamp14 FROM qpl_feedback_imagemap" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_feedback_imagemap SET tstamp = %s WHERE feedback_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT feedback_id, lastchange + 0 timestamp14 FROM qpl_feedback_multiplechoice" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_feedback_multiplechoice SET tstamp = %s WHERE feedback_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT feedback_id, lastchange + 0 timestamp14 FROM qpl_feedback_singlechoice" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_feedback_singlechoice SET tstamp = %s WHERE feedback_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT active_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM tst_active" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_active SET tstamp = %s WHERE active_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT test_fi, user_fi, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM tst_invited_user" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_invited_user SET tstamp = %s WHERE test_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT manual_feedback_id, lastchange + 0 timestamp14 FROM tst_manual_feedback" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_manual_feedback SET tstamp = %s WHERE manual_feedback_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT mark_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM tst_mark" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_mark SET tstamp = %s WHERE mark_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT active_fi, pass, lastchange + 0 timestamp14 FROM tst_sequence" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_sequence SET tstamp = %s WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT solution_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM tst_solutions" | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_part_settings SET export_types = ' . $ilDB->quote(serialize(array('cat', 'crs', 'file', 'glo', 'grp', 'wiki', 'lm')), 'text') | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_part_settings SET import_types = ' . $ilDB->quote(serialize(array('cat', 'crs', 'file', 'glo', 'grp', 'wiki', 'lm')), 'text') | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_solutions SET tstamp = %s WHERE solution_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT test_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM tst_tests" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM usr_account_codes ' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO reg_registration_codes ' . '(code_id, code, role, generated_on, used, role_local, alimit, alimitdt, reg_enabled, ext_enabled ) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row->code, 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row->generated_on, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row->used, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($alimit, 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($a_limitdt, 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_test_defaults SET marks_tmp = marks' | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_test_defaults SET defaults_tmp = defaults' | 1 |
" SELECT active_fi, pass, sequence FROM tst_tests INNER JOIN tst_active ON test_fi = test_id INNER JOIN tst_sequence ON active_fi = active_id AND sequence IS NOT NULL WHERE question_set_type = %s " | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET tstamp = %s WHERE test_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT test_defaults_id, lastchange + 0 timestamp14 FROM tst_test_defaults" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_test_defaults SET tstamp = %s WHERE test_defaults_id = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT active_fi, pass, postponed FROM tst_tests INNER JOIN tst_active ON test_fi = test_id INNER JOIN tst_sequence ON active_fi = active_id AND postponed IS NOT NULL WHERE question_set_type = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT active_fi, pass, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM tst_test_pass_result" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_test_pass_result SET tstamp = %s WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT test_question_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM tst_test_question" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_test_question SET tstamp = %s WHERE test_question_id = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT active_fi, pass, hidden FROM tst_tests INNER JOIN tst_active ON test_fi = test_id INNER JOIN tst_sequence ON active_fi = active_id AND hidden IS NOT NULL WHERE question_set_type = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT test_random_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM tst_test_random" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_test_random SET tstamp = %s WHERE test_random_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT test_random_question_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM tst_test_random_question" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_test_random_question SET tstamp = %s WHERE test_random_question_id = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT test_fi, source_qpl_fi, source_qpl_title, answer_filter_enabled, tax_filter_enabled, order_tax FROM tst_dyn_quest_set_cfg GROUP BY test_fi, source_qpl_fi, source_qpl_title, answer_filter_enabled, tax_filter_enabled, order_tax HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 " | 1 |
"SELECT test_result_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM tst_test_result" | 1 |
" INSERT INTO tst_dyn_quest_set_cfg ( test_fi, source_qpl_fi, source_qpl_title, answer_filter_enabled, tax_filter_enabled, order_tax ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) " | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_test_result SET tstamp = %s WHERE test_result_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_dyn_quest_set_cfg WHERE $expressions" | 1 |
"SELECT times_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM tst_times" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_dcl_datatype_prop WHERE id = 14' | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_times SET tstamp = %s WHERE times_id = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_dcl_datatype_prop WHERE id = 15' | 1 |
"SELECT test_id, created FROM tst_tests" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM settings" . " WHERE module = " . $ilDB->quote("common", "text") . " AND keyword = " . $ilDB->quote("obj_dis_creation_rcrs", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET tstampcreated = %s WHERE test_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE frm_posts SET pos_update = pos_date WHERE pos_update IS NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT ass_log_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM ass_log" | 1 |
"UPDATE ass_log SET tstamp = %s WHERE ass_log_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT anonymous_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM survey_anonymous" | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_anonymous SET tstamp = %s WHERE anonymous_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT answer_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM survey_answer" | 1 |
'SELECT MAX(id) new_seq FROM il_bibl_settings' | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_answer SET tstamp = %s WHERE answer_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT category_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM survey_category" | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_category SET tstamp = %s WHERE category_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT finished_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM survey_finished" | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*), test_fi, user_fi, anonymous_id FROM tst_active GROUP BY user_fi, test_fi, anonymous_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 " | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_finished SET tstamp = %s WHERE finished_id = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT active_id, max_points, reached_points, passed FROM tst_active LEFT JOIN tst_result_cache ON active_fi = active_id WHERE test_fi = ? AND user_fi = ? AND anonymous_id IS NULL " | 1 |
" SELECT active_id, max_points, reached_points, passed FROM tst_active LEFT JOIN tst_result_cache ON active_fi = active_id WHERE test_fi = ? AND user_fi IS NULL AND anonymous_id = ? " | 1 |
" SELECT active_id, max_points, reached_points, passed FROM tst_active LEFT JOIN tst_result_cache ON active_fi = active_id WHERE test_fi = ? AND user_fi = ? AND anonymous_id = ? " | 1 |
"SELECT invited_group_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM survey_invited_group" | 1 |
" UPDATE tmp_active_fix SET active_id = ? WHERE test_fi = ? AND user_fi = ? AND anonymous_id = ? " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tmp_active_fix WHERE active_id IS NULL" | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_invited_group SET tstamp = %s WHERE invited_group_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT invited_user_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM survey_invited_user" | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_invited_user SET tstamp = %s WHERE invited_user_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT material_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM survey_material" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_active WHERE active_id != ? AND test_fi = ? AND user_fi = ? AND anonymous_id IS NULL" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_active WHERE active_id != ? AND test_fi = ? AND user_fi IS NULL AND anonymous_id = ?" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_active WHERE active_id != ? AND test_fi = ? AND user_fi = ? AND anonymous_id = ?" | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_material SET tstamp = %s WHERE material_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ut_lp_marks WHERE obj_id = ? AND usr_id = ?" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tmp_active_fix WHERE test_fi = ? AND user_fi = ? AND anonymous_id = ?" | 1 |
" SELECT tmp_active_fix.*, obj_fi FROM tmp_active_fix INNER JOIN tst_tests ON test_id = test_fi " | 1 |
"SELECT phrase_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM survey_phrase" | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_phrase SET tstamp = %s WHERE phrase_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT question_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM survey_question" | 1 |
'delete from ecs_course_assignments' | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_question SET tstamp = %s WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT,prtf.comments,od.type" . " FROM usr_portfolio prtf" . " JOIN object_data od ON ( = od.obj_id)" | 1 |
"SELECT questionblock_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM survey_questionblock" | 1 |
"SELECT id,notes comments" . " FROM il_blog" | 1 |
"SELECT,cobj.pub_notes comments,od.type" . " FROM content_object cobj" . " JOIN object_data od ON ( = od.obj_id)" | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_questionblock SET tstamp = %s WHERE questionblock_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT id,show_comments comments" . " FROM il_poll" | 1 |
"SELECT id_questionpool, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM survey_questionpool" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM note_settings" . " WHERE rep_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($item["id"], "integer") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " AND obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($item["type"], "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO note_settings" . " (rep_obj_id, obj_id, obj_type, activated)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($item["id"], "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($item["type"], "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_questionpool SET tstamp = %s WHERE id_questionpool = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT question_fi, lastchange + 0 timestamp14 FROM survey_question_matrix" | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_cms_data SET cms_id = cms_bak ' | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_question_matrix SET tstamp = %s WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_import SET econtent_id = econtent_id_bak ' | 1 |
"SELECT question_obligatory_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM survey_question_obligatory" | 1 |
'DELETE from cal_recurrence_rules WHERE cal_id IN ( select cal_id from cal_entries where is_milestone = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
'DELETE from qpl_a_cloze_combi_res' | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_question_obligatory SET tstamp = %s WHERE question_obligatory_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT relation_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM survey_relation" | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_relation SET tstamp = %s WHERE relation_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) cnt FROM settings WHERE module = %s AND keyword = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM settings WHERE module = %s AND keyword = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT survey_question_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM survey_survey_question" | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_survey_question SET tstamp = %s WHERE survey_question_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE settings " . "SET value = " . $ilDB->quote(1370, "text") . " WHERE module = " . $ilDB->quote("blga", "text") . " AND keyword = " . $ilDB->quote("banner_width", "text") . " AND value = " . $ilDB->quote(880, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT survey_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM survey_survey" | 1 |
"UPDATE settings " . "SET value = " . $ilDB->quote(1370, "text") . " WHERE module = " . $ilDB->quote("prfa", "text") . " AND keyword = " . $ilDB->quote("banner_width", "text") . " AND value = " . $ilDB->quote(880, "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_survey SET tstamp = %s WHERE survey_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT variable_id, " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("TIMESTAMP") . " + 0 timestamp14 FROM survey_variable" | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_variable SET tstamp = %s WHERE variable_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT survey_id, created FROM svy_svy" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_svy SET tstampcreated = %s WHERE survey_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_self_eval_level ORDER BY last_update ASC" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO skl_user_has_level " . "(level_id, user_id, status_date, skill_id, trigger_ref_id, trigger_obj_id, trigger_title, tref_id, trigger_obj_type, self_eval) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($rec["level_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["user_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["last_update"], "timestamp") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["skill_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["tref_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE skl_user_has_level SET " . " status_date = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["last_update"], "timestamp") . "," . " skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["skill_id"], "integer") . " WHERE level_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["level_id"], "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["user_id"], "integer") . " AND trigger_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["tref_id"], "integer") . " AND self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO skl_user_skill_level " . "(level_id, user_id, status_date, skill_id, trigger_ref_id, trigger_obj_id, trigger_title, tref_id, trigger_obj_type, self_eval, status, valid) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($rec["level_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["user_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["last_update"], "timestamp") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["skill_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["tref_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
'SELECT objective_id, ref_id, question_id FROM crs_objective_qst ' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM payment_prices" | 1 |
'UPDATE payment_prices SET price = %s WHERE price_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT points FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($qst_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT tst_limit FROM crs_objective_tst ' . 'WHERE objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($objective_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE crs_objective_tst ' . 'SET tst_limit_p = ' . $ilDB->quote($limit_p, 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($objective_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($tst_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET intro_enabled = %s WHERE LENGTH(introduction) > %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET intro_enabled = %s WHERE LENGTH(introduction) = %s OR LENGTH(introduction) IS NULL" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET starting_time_enabled = %s WHERE LENGTH(starting_time) > %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET starting_time_enabled = %s WHERE LENGTH(starting_time) = %s OR LENGTH(starting_time) IS NULL" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET ending_time_enabled = %s WHERE LENGTH(ending_time) > %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET ending_time_enabled = %s WHERE LENGTH(ending_time) = %s OR LENGTH(ending_time) IS NULL" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET password_enabled = %s WHERE LENGTH(password) > %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET password_enabled = %s WHERE LENGTH(password) = %s OR LENGTH(password) IS NULL" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET limit_users_enabled = %s WHERE allowedusers IS NOT NULL AND allowedusers > %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET limit_users_enabled = %s WHERE allowedusers IS NULL OR allowedusers <= %s" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO settings (module, keyword, value) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM addressbook WHERE login NOT IN(SELECT login FROM usr_data) AND email IS NULL' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM addressbook_mlist_ass WHERE addr_id NOT IN( SELECT addr_id FROM addressbook )' | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM ( SELECT login FROM usr_data GROUP BY login HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) duplicatelogins " | 1 |
" UPDATE tst_rnd_quest_set_qpls SET pool_title = ( COALESCE( (SELECT title FROM object_data WHERE obj_id = pool_fi), %s ) ) WHERE pool_title IS NULL OR pool_title = %s " | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET broken = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_active SET last_finished_pass = (tries - 1) WHERE last_finished_pass IS NULL" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_dcl_datatype_prop WHERE title = " . $ilDB->quote('allowed_file_types', 'text') | 1 |
'UPDATE qpl_questionpool SET skill_service = %s' | 1 |
" SELECT tst_skl_qst_assigns.*, tst_tests.obj_fi FROM tst_skl_qst_assigns INNER JOIN tst_tests ON test_id = test_fi " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_char WHERE " . "style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . " AND " . "characteristic = " . $ilDB->quote("FileListItemLink", "text") . " AND " . "type = " . $ilDB->quote("flist_a", "text") | 1 |
" SELECT DISTINCT tst_tests.test_id, obj_fi FROM tst_tests INNER JOIN tst_skl_thresholds ON test_fi = tst_tests.test_id LEFT JOIN tst_threshold_tmp ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_threshold_tmp.test_id WHERE tst_threshold_tmp.test_id IS NULL " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_char (style_id, type, characteristic)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("flist_a", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("FileListItemLink", "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT skill_base_fi, skill_tref_fi, SUM(skill_points) points_sum FROM qpl_qst_skl_assigns WHERE obj_fi = ? GROUP BY skill_base_fi, skill_tref_fi" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_skl_thresholds SET tmp = ROUND( ((threshold * 100) / ?), 0 ) WHERE test_fi = ? AND skill_base_fi = ? AND skill_tref_fi = ?" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_char WHERE " . "style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . " AND " . "characteristic = " . $ilDB->quote("Important", "text") . " AND " . "type = " . $ilDB->quote("text_inline", "text") | 1 |
" SELECT DISTINCT test_id, obj_id FROM tst_threshold_tmp INNER JOIN tst_skl_thresholds ON test_fi = test_id WHERE tmp IS NULL " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_char (style_id, type, characteristic)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("text_inline", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("Important", "text") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_skl_thresholds SET threshold = tmp" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_parameter (id, style_id, type, class, tag, parameter, value)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($nid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("text_inline", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("Important", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("span", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("text-decoration", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("underline", "text") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_qst_skl_assigns SET eval_mode = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_char WHERE " . "style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . " AND " . "characteristic = " . $ilDB->quote("Accent", "text") . " AND " . "type = " . $ilDB->quote("text_inline", "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_char (style_id, type, characteristic)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("text_inline", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("Accent", "text") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_parameter (id, style_id, type, class, tag, parameter, value)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($nid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("text_inline", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("Accent", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("span", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("color", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("#E000E0", "text") . ")" | 1 |
" SELECT DISTINCT(question_fi) FROM qpl_qst_skl_assigns LEFT JOIN qpl_questions ON question_fi = question_id WHERE question_id IS NULL " | 1 |
" DELETE FROM qpl_qst_skl_assigns WHERE $inDeletedQuestionIds " | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM qpl_qst_skl_assigns LEFT JOIN skl_tree_node ON skill_base_fi = obj_id WHERE type = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT obj_fi, question_fi, skill_base_fi, skill_tref_fi FROM qpl_qst_skl_assigns LEFT JOIN skl_tree_node ON skill_base_fi = obj_id WHERE type = %s' | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_qst_skl_assigns SET eval_mode = %s WHERE eval_mode IS NULL" | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM ( SELECT proom_id, user_id FROM chatroom_proomaccess GROUP BY proom_id, user_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) duplicateChatProoms " | 1 |
" SELECT proom_id, user_id FROM chatroom_proomaccess GROUP BY proom_id, user_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM chatroom_proomaccess WHERE proom_id = ? AND user_id = ?" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO chatroom_proomaccess (proom_id, user_id) VALUES(?, ?)" | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM ( SELECT user_id FROM mail_options GROUP BY user_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) duplicateMailOptions " | 1 |
" SELECT user_id FROM mail_options GROUP BY user_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM mail_options WHERE user_id = ?" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM mail_options WHERE user_id = ?" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO mail_options (user_id, linebreak, signature, incoming_type, cronjob_notification) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM ( SELECT psc_ps_fk, psc_pc_fk, psc_pcc_fk FROM payment_statistic_coup GROUP BY psc_ps_fk, psc_pc_fk, psc_pcc_fk HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) duplicatePaymentStatistics " | 1 |
" SELECT psc_ps_fk, psc_pc_fk, psc_pcc_fk FROM payment_statistic_coup GROUP BY psc_ps_fk, psc_pc_fk, psc_pcc_fk HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM payment_statistic_coup WHERE psc_ps_fk = ? AND psc_pc_fk = ? AND psc_pcc_fk = ?" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO payment_statistic_coup (psc_ps_fk, psc_pc_fk, psc_pcc_fk) VALUES(?, ?, ?)" | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM ( SELECT user_id FROM mail_saved GROUP BY user_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) duplicateMailSaved " | 1 |
" SELECT user_id FROM mail_saved GROUP BY user_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM mail_saved WHERE user_id = ?" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM mail_saved WHERE user_id = ?" | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM ( SELECT room_id, user_id FROM chatroom_bans GROUP BY room_id, user_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) duplicateChatroomBans " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_template WHERE " . "style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . " AND " . "temp_type = " . $ilDB->quote($st["type"], "text") . " AND " . "name = " . $ilDB->quote($st["name"], "text") | 1 |
" SELECT DISTINCT finalDuplicateChatroomBans.room_id, finalDuplicateChatroomBans.user_id, finalDuplicateChatroomBans.timestamp, finalDuplicateChatroomBans.remark FROM ( SELECT chatroom_bans.* FROM chatroom_bans INNER JOIN ( SELECT room_id, user_id, MAX(timestamp) ts FROM chatroom_bans GROUP BY room_id, user_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) duplicateChatroomBans ON duplicateChatroomBans.room_id = chatroom_bans.room_id AND duplicateChatroomBans.user_id = chatroom_bans.user_id AND duplicateChatroomBans.ts = chatroom_bans.timestamp ) finalDuplicateChatroomBans " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM chatroom_bans WHERE room_id = ? AND user_id = ?" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO chatroom_bans (room_id, user_id, timestamp, remark) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_template (id, style_id, name, temp_type)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($nid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($st["name"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($st["type"], "text") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_template_class (template_id, class_type, class)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($tid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($c["class_type"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($c["class"], "text") . ")" | 1 |
' SELECT chatroom_psessions.proom_id, chatroom_psessions.user_id, chatroom_psessions.connected, chatroom_psessions.disconnected FROM chatroom_psessions LEFT JOIN chatroom_psessionstmp ON chatroom_psessionstmp.proom_id = chatroom_psessions.proom_id AND chatroom_psessionstmp.user_id = chatroom_psessions.user_id AND chatroom_psessionstmp.connected = chatroom_psessions.connected AND chatroom_psessionstmp.disconnected = chatroom_psessions.disconnected WHERE chatroom_psessionstmp.psess_id IS NULL GROUP BY chatroom_psessions.proom_id, chatroom_psessions.user_id, chatroom_psessions.connected, chatroom_psessions.disconnected ' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO chatroom_psessionstmp (psess_id, proom_id, user_id, connected, disconnected) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(psess_id) mpsess_id FROM chatroom_psessions" | 1 |
' SELECT chatroom_sessions.room_id, chatroom_sessions.user_id, chatroom_sessions.connected, chatroom_sessions.disconnected, chatroom_sessions.userdata FROM chatroom_sessions LEFT JOIN chatroom_sessionstmp ON chatroom_sessionstmp.room_id = chatroom_sessions.room_id AND chatroom_sessionstmp.user_id = chatroom_sessions.user_id AND chatroom_sessionstmp.connected = chatroom_sessions.connected AND chatroom_sessionstmp.disconnected = chatroom_sessions.disconnected AND chatroom_sessionstmp.userdata = chatroom_sessions.userdata COLLATE utf8_general_ci WHERE chatroom_sessionstmp.sess_id IS NULL GROUP BY chatroom_sessions.room_id, chatroom_sessions.user_id, chatroom_sessions.connected, chatroom_sessions.disconnected, chatroom_sessions.userdata ' | 1 |
' SELECT chatroom_sessions.room_id, chatroom_sessions.user_id, chatroom_sessions.connected, chatroom_sessions.disconnected, chatroom_sessions.userdata FROM chatroom_sessions LEFT JOIN chatroom_sessionstmp ON chatroom_sessionstmp.room_id = chatroom_sessions.room_id AND chatroom_sessionstmp.user_id = chatroom_sessions.user_id AND chatroom_sessionstmp.connected = chatroom_sessions.connected AND chatroom_sessionstmp.disconnected = chatroom_sessions.disconnected AND chatroom_sessionstmp.userdata = chatroom_sessions.userdata WHERE chatroom_sessionstmp.sess_id IS NULL GROUP BY chatroom_sessions.room_id, chatroom_sessions.user_id, chatroom_sessions.connected, chatroom_sessions.disconnected, chatroom_sessions.userdata ' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO chatroom_sessionstmp (sess_id, room_id, user_id, connected, disconnected, userdata) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(sess_id) msess_id FROM chatroom_sessions" | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) dups_cnt FROM ( SELECT combination_id, question_fi, gap_fi, row_id FROM qpl_a_cloze_combi_res GROUP BY combination_id, question_fi, gap_fi, row_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) dups" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("mep", "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO mep_data " . "(id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
" SELECT combination_id, question_fi, gap_fi, row_id, COUNT(*) FROM qpl_a_cloze_combi_res LEFT JOIN dups_clozecombis_qst ON qst = question_fi WHERE qst IS NULL GROUP BY combination_id, question_fi, gap_fi, row_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 " | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) num FROM ( SELECT question_fi FROM qpl_a_cloze_combi_res WHERE question_fi = ? GROUP BY combination_id, question_fi, gap_fi, row_id ) numrows " | 1 |
" UPDATE dups_clozecombis_qst SET num = ? WHERE qst = ? " | 1 |
"SELECT qst FROM dups_clozecombis_qst WHERE num IS NULL" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM dups_clozecombis_rows WHERE question_fi = ?" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_a_cloze_combi_res WHERE question_fi = ? ORDER BY combination_id, row_id, gap_fi" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO dups_clozecombis_rows (combination_id, question_fi, gap_fi, answer, points, best_solution, row_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" | 1 |
" SELECT qst, num FROM dups_clozecombis_qst LEFT JOIN dups_clozecombis_rows ON question_fi = qst GROUP BY qst, num, question_fi HAVING COUNT(question_fi) < num " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM frm_thread_access " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM event_file" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tmp_migration WHERE obj_id = " . $row->file_id . " AND passed = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id,event.obj_id obj_id FROM event JOIN event_file ON event.event_id = event_file.event_id " . "JOIN object_reference ore ON event.obj_id = ore.obj_id " . "WHERE event.event_id = " . $row->event_id . " " | 1 |
"SELECT parent FROM tree WHERE child = " . $sess_row->ref_id | 1 |
"SELECT owner FROM object_data WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($sess_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (obj_id,type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES (" . $file_obj_id . ",'file', " . $ilDB->quote($row->file_name) . ",'', " . $owner . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . " ," . $ilDB->now( ) . ")" | 1 |
" DELETE FROM qpl_a_cloze_combi_res WHERE question_fi IN( SELECT DISTINCT question_fi FROM dups_clozecombis_rows ) " | 1 |
" INSERT INTO qpl_a_cloze_combi_res ( combination_id, question_fi, gap_fi, answer, points, best_solution, row_id ) SELECT combination_id, question_fi, gap_fi, answer, points, best_solution, row_id FROM dups_clozecombis_rows " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_description SET obj_id = " . $file_obj_id . ", description = ''" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_reference (ref_id,obj_id) VALUES('" . $file_ref_id . "','" . $file_obj_id . "')" | 1 |
"SELECT tree FROM tree WHERE child = " . $crs_ref_id | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_pa WHERE ref_id = " . $sess_ref_id | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_pa SET " . "rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($pa_row->rol_id) . ", " . "ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote(serialize($new_ops)) . ", " . "ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($file_ref_id) . " " | 1 |
' SELECT chatroom_history.room_id, chatroom_history.timestamp, chatroom_history.sub_room, chatroom_history.message FROM chatroom_history LEFT JOIN chatroom_historytmp ON chatroom_historytmp.room_id = chatroom_history.room_id AND chatroom_historytmp.timestamp = chatroom_history.timestamp AND chatroom_historytmp.sub_room = chatroom_history.sub_room AND chatroom_historytmp.message = chatroom_history.message COLLATE utf8_general_ci WHERE chatroom_historytmp.hist_id IS NULL GROUP BY chatroom_history.room_id, chatroom_history.timestamp, chatroom_history.sub_room, chatroom_history.message ' | 1 |
' SELECT chatroom_history.room_id, chatroom_history.timestamp, chatroom_history.sub_room, chatroom_history.message FROM chatroom_history LEFT JOIN chatroom_historytmp ON chatroom_historytmp.room_id = chatroom_history.room_id AND chatroom_historytmp.timestamp = chatroom_history.timestamp AND chatroom_historytmp.sub_room = chatroom_history.sub_room AND chatroom_historytmp.message = chatroom_history.message WHERE chatroom_historytmp.hist_id IS NULL GROUP BY chatroom_history.room_id, chatroom_history.timestamp, chatroom_history.sub_room, chatroom_history.message ' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO chatroom_historytmp (hist_id, room_id, timestamp, sub_room, message) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO file_data (file_id,file_name,file_type,file_size,version,f_mode) " . "VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($file_obj_id) . ", " . $ilDB->quote($row->file_name) . ", " . $ilDB->quote($row->file_type) . ", " . $ilDB->quote($row->file_size) . ", " . $ilDB->quote(1) . ", " . $ilDB->quote('object') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(hist_id) mhist_id FROM chatroom_history" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_meta_general (meta_general_id,rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type, " . "general_structure,title,title_language,coverage,coverage_language) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($file_obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($file_obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('file', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('Hierarchical', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($row->file_name, 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('en', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('en', 'text') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(smiley_id) msmiley_id FROM chatroom_smilies" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_meta_technical (meta_technical_id,rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type, " . "t_size,ir,ir_language,opr,opr_language,duration) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($file_obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($file_obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('file', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($row->file_size, 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('en', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('en', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('', 'text') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_meta_format (meta_format_id,rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type,format) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($file_obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($file_obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('file', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($row->file_type, 'text') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO event_items (event_id,item_id) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($sess_obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($file_ref_id, 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO history (id,obj_id,obj_type,action,hdate,usr_id,info_params) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($file_obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('file', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('create', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(ilUtil::now( ), 'timestamp') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($owner, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($row->file_name . ',1', 'text') . ")" | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(active_fi) cnt FROM ( SELECT active_fi FROM tst_addtime GROUP BY active_fi HAVING COUNT(active_fi) > 1 ) actives " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM event_file " . "WHERE file_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->file_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO sahs_sc13_tree_node (obj_id, title, type, slm_id) VALUES (1, 'Dummy top node for all trees.', '', 0)" | 1 |
" SELECT orig.active_fi FROM tst_addtime orig LEFT JOIN tst_addtime_tmp tmp ON tmp.active_fi = orig.active_fi WHERE tmp.active_fi IS NULL GROUP BY orig.active_fi HAVING COUNT(orig.active_fi) > 1 " | 1 |
" SELECT orig.* FROM tst_addtime_tmp tmp INNER JOIN tst_addtime orig ON orig.active_fi = tmp.active_fi WHERE tmp.additionaltime IS NULL AND tmp.tstamp IS NULL ORDER BY tmp.active_fi ASC, orig.tstamp ASC " | 1 |
" DELETE FROM tst_addtime WHERE active_fi IN( SELECT DISTINCT active_fi FROM tst_addtime_tmp ) " | 1 |
" INSERT INTO tst_addtime (active_fi, additionaltime, tstamp) SELECT active_fi, additionaltime, tstamp FROM tst_addtime_tmp " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO sahs_sc13_seq_templates (identifier,filename) values ('pretestpost','pretest_posttest.xml');" | 1 |
'DELETE from ctrl_calls' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO sahs_sc13_seq_templates (identifier,filename) values ('linearpath','linear_path.xml');" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO sahs_sc13_seq_templates (identifier,filename) values ('linearpathforward','linear_path_forward.xml');" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_dcl_table SET delete_by_owner = 1, edit_perm = 1, delete_perm = 1 WHERE edit_by_owner = 1" | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(active_fi) cnt FROM ( SELECT active_fi FROM tst_result_cache GROUP BY active_fi HAVING COUNT(active_fi) > 1 ) actives " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_seq_templates " . " WHERE identifier = " . $ilDB->quote(mandatoryoptions, "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO sahs_sc13_seq_templates (identifier,filename) values ('mandatoryoptions','mandatory_options.xml');" | 1 |
" SELECT active_fi FROM tst_result_cache GROUP BY active_fi HAVING COUNT(active_fi) > 1 " | 1 |
" DELETE FROM tst_result_cache WHERE active_fi IN( SELECT DISTINCT active_fi FROM tst_result_cache_tmp ) " | 1 |
" SELECT tmp.active_fi, pass_scoring FROM tst_result_cache_tmp tmp INNER JOIN tst_active ON active_id = tmp.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_tests ON test_id = test_fi LEFT JOIN tst_result_cache orig ON orig.active_fi = tmp.active_fi WHERE orig.active_fi IS NULL " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM page_layout" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM page_object WHERE(parent_type='stys');" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO page_layout(layout_id,title,description,active) values (1,'1A Simple text page with accompanying media','Example description',1);" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO page_object(page_id,parent_type,content) values (1,'stys','<PageObject><PageContent PCID=\"9f77db1d8a478497d69b99d938faa8ff\"><Paragraph Language=\"en\" Characteristic=\"Headline1\">Headline 1</Paragraph></PageContent><PageContent PCID=\"134d24457cbc90ea1bf1a1323d7c3a89\"><Table Language=\"en\" Border=\"0px\" CellPadding=\"2px\" CellSpacing=\"0px\" HorizontalAlign=\"Left\" Width=\"100%\"><TableRow PCID=\"ccade07caf9fd13e8c7012f29c9510be\"><TableData PCID=\"a4e417c08feebeafb1487e60a2e245a4\" Width=\"66%\"><PageContent PCID=\"1f77eb1d8a478497d69b99d938fda8f\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Text\" Height=\"500px\"/></PageContent></TableData><TableData PCID=\"46ac4936082485f457c7041278b5c5f5\"><PageContent PCID=\"2e77eb1d8a478497d69b99d938fda8e\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Media\" Height=\"300px\"/></PageContent></TableData> </TableRow></Table></PageContent></PageObject>');" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO page_layout(layout_id,title,active) values (2,'1C Text page with accompanying media and test',1);" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO page_object(page_id,parent_type,content) values (2,'stys','<PageObject><PageContent PCID=\"9f77db1d8a478497d69b99d938faa8ff\"><Paragraph Language=\"en\" Characteristic=\"Headline1\">Headline 1</Paragraph></PageContent><PageContent PCID=\"134d24457cbc90ea1bf1a1323d7c3a89\"><Table Language=\"en\" Border=\"0px\" CellPadding=\"2px\" CellSpacing=\"0px\" HorizontalAlign=\"Left\" Width=\"100%\"><TableRow PCID=\"ccade07caf9fd13e8c7012f29c9510be\"><TableData PCID=\"a4e417c08feebeafb1487e60a2e245a4\" Width=\"66%\"><PageContent PCID=\"1f77eb1d8a478497d69b99d938fda8f\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Text\" Height=\"300px\"/></PageContent><PageContent PCID=\"3f77eb1d8a478493d69b99d438fda8f\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Question\" Height=\"200px\"/></PageContent></TableData><TableData PCID=\"46ac4936082485f457c7041278b5c5f5\"><PageContent PCID=\"2e77eb1d8a478497d69b99d938fda8e\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Media\" Height=\"300px\"/></PageContent></TableData> </TableRow></Table></PageContent></PageObject>');" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO page_layout(layout_id,title,active) values (3,'1E Text page with accompanying media followed by test and text',1);" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO page_object(page_id,parent_type,content) values (3,'stys','<PageObject><PageContent PCID=\"9f77db1d8a478497d69b99d938faa8ff\"><Paragraph Language=\"en\" Characteristic=\"Headline1\">Headline 1</Paragraph></PageContent><PageContent PCID=\"134d24457cbc90ea1bf1a1323d7c3a89\"><Table Language=\"en\" Border=\"0px\" CellPadding=\"2px\" CellSpacing=\"0px\" HorizontalAlign=\"Left\" Width=\"100%\"><TableRow PCID=\"ccade07caf9fd13e8c7012f29c9510be\"><TableData PCID=\"a4e417c08feebeafb1487e60a2e245a4\" Width=\"66%\"><PageContent PCID=\"1f77eb1d8a478497d69b99d938fda8f\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Text\" Height=\"300px\"/></PageContent><PageContent PCID=\"3f77eb1d8a478493d69b99d438fda8f\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Question\" Height=\"200px\"/></PageContent><PageContent PCID=\"9b77eb1d8a478197d69b99d938fea8f\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Text\" Height=\"200px\"/></PageContent></TableData><TableData PCID=\"46ac4936082485f457c7041278b5c5f5\"><PageContent PCID=\"2e77eb1d8a478497d69b99d938fda8e\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Media\" Height=\"300px\"/></PageContent></TableData> </TableRow></Table></PageContent></PageObject>');" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO page_layout(layout_id,title,active) values (4,'2C Simple media page with accompanying text and test',1);" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM mail_obj_data WHERE obj_id = ? AND user_id = ?" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO page_object(page_id,parent_type,content) values (4,'stys','<PageObject><PageContent PCID=\"9f77db1d8a478497d69b99d938faa8ff\"><Paragraph Language=\"en\" Characteristic=\"Headline1\">Headline 1</Paragraph></PageContent><PageContent PCID=\"134d24457cbc90ea1bf1a1323d7c3a89\"><Table Language=\"en\" Border=\"0px\" CellPadding=\"2px\" CellSpacing=\"0px\" HorizontalAlign=\"Left\" Width=\"100%\"><TableRow PCID=\"ccade07caf9fd13e8c7012f29c9510be\"><TableData PCID=\"46ac4936082485f457c7041278b5c5f5\"><PageContent PCID=\"2e77eb1d8a478497d69b99d938fda8e\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Media\" Height=\"300px\"/></PageContent></TableData><TableData PCID=\"a4e417c08feebeafb1487e60a2e245a4\" Width=\"66%\"><PageContent PCID=\"1f77eb1d8a478497d69b99d938fda8f\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Text\" Height=\"300px\"/></PageContent><PageContent PCID=\"3f77eb1d8a478493d69b99d438fda8f\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Question\" Height=\"200px\"/></PageContent></TableData></TableRow></Table></PageContent></PageObject>');" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO page_layout(layout_id,title,active) values (5,'7C Vertical component navigation page with media and text',1);" | 1 |
"UPDATE mail SET folder_id = ? WHERE folder_id = ? AND user_id = ?" | 1 |
"UPDATE mail_tree SET child = ? WHERE child = ? AND tree = ?" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO page_object(page_id,parent_type,content) values (5,'stys','<PageObject><PageContent PCID=\"9f77db1d8a478497d69b99d938faa8ff\"><Paragraph Language=\"en\" Characteristic=\"Headline1\">Headline 1</Paragraph></PageContent><PageContent PCID=\"134d24457cbc90ea1bf1a1323d7c3a89\"><Table Language=\"en\" Border=\"0px\" CellPadding=\"2px\" CellSpacing=\"0px\" HorizontalAlign=\"Left\" Width=\"100%\"><TableRow PCID=\"ccade07caf9fd13e8c7012f29c9510be\"><TableData PCID=\"a4e417c08feebeafb1487e60a2e245a4\" Width=\"100%\"><PageContent PCID=\"1f77eb1d8a478497d69b99d938fda8f\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Text\" Height=\"300px\"/></PageContent></TableData> </TableRow><TableRow PCID=\"efade08caf9fd13e8c7012f29c9510be\"><TableData PCID=\"a4e417c08feebeafb1487e60a2e245a4\" Width=\"100%\"><PageContent PCID=\"124d24457cbc90ea1bf1a1323d7c3b89\"><Table Language=\"en\" Border=\"0px\" CellPadding=\"2px\" CellSpacing=\"0px\" HorizontalAlign=\"Left\" Width=\"100%\"><TableRow PCID=\"dfade09caf9fd13e8c7012f29c9510be\"><TableData PCID=\"e4e417c08feebeafb1487e60a2e245a5\" Width=\"33%\"><PageContent PCID=\"3e77eb1d8a478497d69b99d938fda8f\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Media\" Height=\"150px\"/></PageContent><PageContent PCID=\"4e77eb1d8a478497d69b99d938fda8e\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Text\" Height=\"250px\"/></PageContent></TableData><TableData PCID=\"a4e417c08feebeafb1487e60a2e245a5\" Width=\"33%\"><PageContent PCID=\"3a77eb1d8a478497d69b99d938fda8f\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Media\" Height=\"150px\"/></PageContent><PageContent PCID=\"4ea7eb1d8a478497d69b99d938fda8e\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Text\" Height=\"250px\"/></PageContent></TableData><TableData PCID=\"b4e417c08feebeafb1487e60a2e245a5\" Width=\"33%\"><PageContent PCID=\"3b77eb1d8a478497d69b99d938fda8f\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Media\" Height=\"150px\"/></PageContent><PageContent PCID=\"4b77eb1d8a478497d69b99d938fda8e\"><PlaceHolder ContentClass=\"Text\" Height=\"250px\"/></PageContent></TableData></TableRow></Table></PageContent></TableData></TableRow></Table></PageContent></PageObject>');" | 1 |
"UPDATE mail_tree SET parent = ? WHERE parent = ? AND tree = ?" | 1 |
" SELECT mail_obj_data.* FROM mail_obj_data INNER JOIN ( SELECT obj_id FROM mail_obj_data GROUP BY obj_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) duplicateMailFolders ON duplicateMailFolders.obj_id = mail_obj_data.obj_id ORDER BY mail_obj_data.obj_id " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM mail_attachment" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tmp_mail_migration WHERE mail_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO mail_tree_migr (usr_id) VALUES(?)" | 1 |
"SELECT mail_id FROM tmp_mail_migration WHERE mail_path = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT DISTINCT mail_tree.tree FROM mail_tree INNER JOIN ( SELECT child FROM mail_tree GROUP BY child HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) duplicateMailFolderNodes ON duplicateMailFolderNodes.child = mail_tree.child LEFT JOIN mail_tree_migr ON mail_tree_migr.usr_id = mail_tree.tree WHERE mail_tree_migr.usr_id IS NULL " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM mail_tree_migr WHERE usr_id = ?" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tmp_mail_migration (mail_id, mail_passed, mail_path) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT, a.tpl_id, od.obj_id , od.title FROM " . "(didactic_tpl_a a JOIN " . "(didactic_tpl_alr alr JOIN " . "object_data od " . "ON (alr.role_template_id = od.obj_id)) " . "ON ( = alr.action_id)) " . "WHERE a.type_id = " . $ilDB->quote(2, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM didactic_tpl_objs" | 1 |
"SELECT rol_id FROM rbac_fa " . "WHERE parent = " . $ilDB->quote($row["ref_id"], 'integer') . " AND assign = " . $ilDB->quote('y', 'text') | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data" . " SET title = " . $concat . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $roles, "", "integer") . " AND title = " . $ilDB->quote($name['role_title']) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_object WHERE" . " content LIKE '% Enabled=\"False\"%'" | 1 |
"UPDATE page_object SET inactive_elements = 1 WHERE" . " page_id = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_rec["page_id"], "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_rec["parent_type"], "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_object WHERE" . " content LIKE '%IntLink%'" | 1 |
"UPDATE page_object SET int_links = 1 WHERE" . " page_id = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_rec["page_id"], "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_rec["parent_type"], "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE role_data SET disk_quota = 9223372036854775807 " . "WHERE role_id = " . SYSTEM_ROLE_ID | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_parameter WHERE style_id = %s" . " AND tag = %s AND class = %s AND (parameter = %s " . $add . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_parameter (id, style_id, tag, class, parameter, value, type) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($pid, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($c["tag"], "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($c["class"], "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($p["par"], "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($p["value"], "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($c["type"], "text") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE style_data SET uptodate = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT question_fi FROM qpl_a_sc WHERE NOT ISNULL(imagefile)" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_qst_sc SET allow_images = %s WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT question_fi FROM qpl_a_mc WHERE NOT ISNULL(imagefile)" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_qst_mc SET allow_images = %s WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
'UPDATE addressbook_mlist SET createdate = NULL WHERE createdate = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE addressbook_mlist SET changedate = NULL WHERE changedate = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE cmi_comment SET c_timestamp = NULL WHERE c_timestamp = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE cmi_custom SET c_timestamp = NULL WHERE c_timestamp = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE cmi_node SET c_timestamp = NULL WHERE c_timestamp = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE ilinc_registration SET application_date = NULL WHERE application_date = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE mail SET send_time = NULL WHERE send_time = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE payment_coupons SET pc_from = NULL WHERE pc_from = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE payment_coupons SET pc_till = NULL WHERE pc_till = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE payment_coupons SET pc_last_changed = NULL WHERE pc_last_changed =%s' | 1 |
'UPDATE payment_coupons_track SET pct_date = NULL WHERE pct_date = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE payment_news SET creation_date = NULL WHERE creation_date = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE payment_news SET update_date = NULL WHERE update_date = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE scorm_tracking SET c_timestamp = NULL WHERE c_timestamp = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("itgr", "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO itgr_data " . "(id, hide_title) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE mail_template SET type = 'nacc'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO mep_item " . "(id, type, title, foreign_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($nid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("dummy", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("Dummy", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM mep_tree LEFT JOIN object_data ON child = obj_id" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO mep_item " . "(id, type, title, foreign_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($nid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["type"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["title"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["child"], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE mep_tree SET " . " child = " . $ilDB->quote($nid, "integer") . " WHERE mep_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["mep_id"], "integer") . " AND child = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["child"], "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE mep_tree SET " . " parent = " . $ilDB->quote($nid, "integer") . " WHERE mep_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["mep_id"], "integer") . " AND parent = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["child"], "integer") | 1 |
'UPDATE loc_settings SET it_type = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ' WHERE type = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE loc_settings SET qt_start = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' WHERE type = ' . $ilDB->quote(4, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE svy_question SET questiontype_fi = %s WHERE question_id IN (SELECT question_fi FROM svy_qst_nominal WHERE subtype = %s)' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM svy_qst_nominal WHERE subtype = %s' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO svy_qst_ordinal (question_fi, orientation) VALUES (%s, %s)' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM svy_qst_nominal WHERE subtype = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM udf_data" | 1 |
" SELECT first.item_id, first.user_id FROM desktop_item first WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT second.item_id, second.user_id FROM desktop_item second WHERE first.item_id = second.item_id AND first.user_id = second.user_id GROUP BY second.item_id, second.user_id HAVING COUNT(second.item_id) > 1 ) GROUP BY first.item_id, first.user_id " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO udf_text (usr_id, field_id, value) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($user_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($fid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($v, "text") . ")" | 1 |
" SELECT item_id, user_id FROM desktop_item_tmp " | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM desktop_item WHERE item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['item_id'], 'integer') . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['user_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM desktop_item WHERE" . " item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['item_id'], 'integer') . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['user_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO desktop_item (item_id,user_id,type,parameters) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($data['item_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['user_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['type'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['parameters'], 'text') . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_tag SET sub_obj_type = '-' " . " WHERE sub_obj_type = '' OR sub_obj_type IS NULL" | 1 |
"UPDATE ut_access SET ut_month = substr(acc_time, 1, 7)" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM addressbook_mlist_ass' | 1 |
" SELECT ud1.usr_id 'u1', ud2.usr_id 'u2' FROM addressbook a1 INNER JOIN usr_data ud1 ON ud1.usr_id = a1.user_id INNER JOIN usr_data ud2 ON ud2.login = a1.login INNER JOIN addressbook a2 ON a2.user_id = ud2.usr_id AND a2.login = ud1.login WHERE ud1.usr_id != ud2.usr_id " | 1 |
" SELECT ud1.usr_id 'u1', ud2.usr_id 'u2' FROM addressbook a1 INNER JOIN usr_data ud1 ON ud1.usr_id = a1.user_id INNER JOIN usr_data ud2 ON ud2.login = a1.login LEFT JOIN addressbook a2 ON a2.user_id = ud2.usr_id AND a2.login = ud1.login WHERE a2.addr_id IS NULL AND ud1.usr_id != ud2.usr_id " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_qst_type WHERE type_tag = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_qst_type (question_type_id, type_tag, plugin) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM rbac_log_old " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_log (log_id, user_id, created, ref_id, action, data)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['user_id'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['created'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['ref_id'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['action'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['data'], "text") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_log_old WHERE user_id = %s AND created = %s AND ref_id = %s AND action = %s" | 1 |
'UPDATE frm_threads SET thr_update = NULL WHERE thr_update = %s' | 1 |
"UPDATE object_reference SET deleted = NULL WHERE deleted = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'" | 1 |
'select * from rbac_templates GROUP BY rol_id, type, ops_id, parent ' . 'having count(*) > 1' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE rol_id = %s AND type = %s AND ops_id = %s AND parent = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id, type, ops_id, parent)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($row['rol_id'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['type'], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['ops_id'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['parent'], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
" SELECT first.template_id template_id, first.tab_id tab_id FROM adm_set_templ_hide_tab first WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT second.template_id, second.tab_id FROM adm_set_templ_hide_tab second WHERE first.template_id = second.template_id AND first.tab_id = second.tab_id GROUP BY second.template_id, second.tab_id HAVING COUNT(second.template_id) > 1 ) GROUP BY first.template_id, first.tab_id; " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM adm_set_templ_hide_tab WHERE template_id = %s AND tab_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO adm_set_templ_hide_tab (template_id, tab_id)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($row['template_id'], "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($row['tab_id'], "text") . ")" | 1 |
" SELECT first.template_id template_id, first.setting setting FROM adm_set_templ_value first WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT second.template_id, second.setting FROM adm_set_templ_value second WHERE first.template_id = second.template_id AND first.setting = second.setting GROUP BY second.template_id, second.setting HAVING COUNT(second.template_id) > 1 ) GROUP BY first.template_id, first.setting " | 1 |
" SELECT template_id, setting FROM adm_set_tpl_val_tmp " | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM adm_set_templ_value WHERE template_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['template_id'], 'integer') . " AND setting = " . $ilDB->quote($row['setting'], 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM adm_set_templ_value WHERE" . " template_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['template_id'], 'integer') . " AND setting = " . $ilDB->quote($row['setting'], 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO adm_set_templ_value (template_id,setting,value,hide) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($data['template_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['setting'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['value'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['hide'], 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM adm_set_tpl_val_tmp WHERE" . " template_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['template_id'], 'integer') . " AND setting = " . $ilDB->quote($row['setting'], 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT qpl_a_matching.*, qpl_questions.obj_fi FROM qpl_a_matching, qpl_questions WHERE qpl_a_matching.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id' | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM svy_times_old " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_times (id, finished_fi, entered_page, left_page, first_question)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['finished_fi'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['entered_page'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['left_page'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['first_question'], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
'UPDATE qpl_a_matching SET definition_fi = %s WHERE answer_id = %s' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_times_old WHERE finished_fi = %s AND entered_page = %s AND left_page = %s AND first_question = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT max(server_id) id FROM ldap_server_settings" | 1 |
"UPDATE ldap_role_assignments " . "SET server_id = " . $set->id . " WHERE server_id = 0" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(write_id) ma FROM write_event" | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM settings WHERE module = 'common' AND keyword = 'search_max_hits'" | 1 |
'UPDATE mail SET m_message_tmp = m_message' | 1 |
'SELECT child FROM tree group by child having count(child) > 1' | 1 |
'UPDATE mail_saved SET m_message_tmp = m_message' | 1 |
'UPDATE frm_posts SET pos_message_tmp = pos_message' | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM usr_data_multi_old " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO usr_data_multi (id, usr_id, field_id, value)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['usr_id'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['field_id'], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['value'], "text") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_data_multi_old WHERE usr_id = %s AND field_id = %s AND value = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT column_name FROM user_tab_columns " . "WHERE table_name = 'MAIL' " . "AND column_name = 'm_message' " | 1 |
"SELECT column_name FROM user_tab_columns " . "WHERE table_name = 'MAIL_SAVED' " . "AND column_name = 'm_message' " | 1 |
"SELECT column_name FROM user_tab_columns " . "WHERE table_name = 'FRM_POSTS' " . "AND column_name = 'pos_message' " | 1 |
'UPDATE scorm_tracking SET rvalue_tmp = rvalue' | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM xmlnestedset_old " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO xmlnestedset (ns_id, ns_book_fk, ns_type, ns_tag_fk, ns_l, ns_r)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['ns_book_fk'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['ns_type'], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['ns_tag_fk'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['ns_l'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['ns_r'], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
'UPDATE cmi_interaction SET learner_response_tmp = learner_response' | 1 |
'UPDATE qpl_questions SET question_text_tmp = question_text' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM xmlnestedset_old WHERE ns_book_fk = %s AND ns_type = %s AND ns_tag_fk = %s AND ns_l = %s AND ns_r = %s" | 1 |
'UPDATE svy_question SET questiontext_tmp = questiontext' | 1 |
"UPDATE catch_write_events SET ts = null WHERE ts = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET approve_date = null WHERE approve_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET agree_date = null WHERE agree_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'" | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM xmlnestedsettmp_old " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO xmlnestedsettmp (ns_id, ns_unique_id, ns_book_fk, ns_type, ns_tag_fk, ns_l, ns_r)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['ns_unique_id'], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['ns_book_fk'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['ns_type'], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['ns_tag_fk'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['ns_l'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['ns_r'], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM xmlnestedsettmp_old WHERE ns_unique_id = %s AND ns_book_fk = %s AND ns_type = %s AND ns_tag_fk = %s AND ns_l = %s AND ns_r = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT first.tag_fk tag_fk, first.param_name param_name FROM xmlparam first WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT second.tag_fk, second.param_name FROM xmlparam second WHERE first.tag_fk = second.tag_fk AND first.param_name = second.param_name GROUP BY second.tag_fk, second.param_name HAVING COUNT(second.tag_fk) > 1 ) GROUP BY first.tag_fk, first.param_name " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = " . $ilDB->quote("create_" . $t) | 1 |
" SELECT tag_fk, param_name FROM xmlparam_tmp " | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM xmlparam WHERE tag_fk = " . $ilDB->quote($row['tag_fk'], 'integer') . " AND param_name = " . $ilDB->quote($row['param_name'], 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta " . "(typ_id, ops_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($root_type_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($ops_id, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM xmlparam WHERE" . " tag_fk = " . $ilDB->quote($row['tag_fk'], 'integer') . " AND param_name = " . $ilDB->quote($row['param_name'], 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO xmlparam (tag_fk,param_name,param_value) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($data['tag_fk'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['param_name'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['param_value'], 'text') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = " . $ilDB->quote("create_fold") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM xmlparam_tmp WHERE" . " tag_fk = " . $ilDB->quote($row['tag_fk'], 'integer') . " AND param_name = " . $ilDB->quote($row['param_name'], 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ta " . " WHERE typ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($root_type_id, "integer") . " AND ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ops_id, "integer") | 1 |
'UPDATE payment_news SET news_content_tmp = news_content' | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_solutions SET authorized = %s" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM bookmark_social_bm' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO mail_tree_mod_migr (usr_id) VALUES(?)" | 1 |
" SELECT DISTINCT(mail_tree.tree) FROM mail_obj_data INNER JOIN mail_tree ON mail_tree.child = mail_obj_data.obj_id LEFT JOIN mail_tree_mod_migr ON mail_tree_mod_migr.usr_id = mail_tree.tree WHERE mail_tree.tree != mail_obj_data.user_id AND mail_tree_mod_migr.usr_id IS NULL " | 1 |
" SELECT DISTINCT(mail_obj_data.user_id) FROM mail_obj_data INNER JOIN mail_tree ON mail_tree.child = mail_obj_data.obj_id LEFT JOIN mail_tree_mod_migr ON mail_tree_mod_migr.usr_id = mail_obj_data.user_id WHERE mail_tree.tree != mail_obj_data.user_id AND mail_tree_mod_migr.usr_id IS NULL " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM mail_tree_mod_migr WHERE usr_id = ?" | 1 |
"UPDATE payment_erp SET save_copy=1, use_ean=1 WHERE erp_id=1" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE type = %s AND ops_id = %s' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO log_components (component_id) VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote('log_root', 'text') . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT obr.ref_id, obr.obj_id FROM object_reference obr ' . 'join object_data obd on obr.obj_id = obd.obj_id where (type = ' . $ilDB->quote('crs', 'text') . ' or type = ' . $ilDB->quote('grp', 'text') . ') ' . $ilDB->setLimit($limit, $offset) | 1 |
'select ua.usr_id from rbac_ua ua ' . 'left join obj_members om on ua.usr_id = om.usr_id ' . 'where om.usr_id IS NULL ' . 'and rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($rol_row->rol_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'and om.obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'select * from rbac_ua ua ' . 'left join obj_members om on ua.usr_id = om.usr_id ' . 'where om.usr_id IS NOT NULL ' . 'and rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($rol_row->rol_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'and om.obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_solutions SET value1_tmp = value1' | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_solutions SET value2_tmp = value2' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM mail_attachment WHERE " . str_replace('LIKE', 'NOT LIKE', $ilDB->like('path', 'text', '%\_%\_%')) | 1 |
'UPDATE svy_qst_matrixrows SET title_tmp = title' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO usr_pref (usr_id, keyword, value) VALUES(?, ?, ?)' | 1 |
'SELECT usr_data.usr_id FROM usr_data LEFT JOIN usr_pref ON usr_pref.usr_id = usr_data.usr_id AND usr_pref.keyword = %s WHERE usr_pref.keyword IS NULL AND ' . $notin | 1 |
'SELECT server_id FROM ldap_server_settings' | 1 |
'UPDATE usr_data SET auth_mode = ' . $ilDB->quote('ldap_' . (int) $server_id, 'text') . ' ' . 'WHERE auth_mode = ' . $ilDB->quote('ldap', 'text') | 1 |
" DELETE FROM tax_node_assignment WHERE node_id = %s AND component = %s AND obj_id = %s AND item_type = %s AND item_id = %s " | 1 |
" SELECT tax_node_assignment.* FROM tax_node_assignment LEFT JOIN qpl_questions ON question_id = item_id WHERE component = %s AND item_type = %s AND question_id IS NULL " | 1 |
"select cp_datamap.cp_node_id, cp_datamap.slm_id, cp_datamap.target_id from cp_datamap, adl_shared_data " . "WHERE cp_datamap.slm_id = adl_shared_data.slm_id AND cp_datamap.target_id = adl_shared_data.target_id" | 1 |
"UPDATE adl_shared_data SET cp_node_id = %s WHERE slm_id = %s AND target_id = %s" | 1 |
"delete from adl_shared_data WHERE cp_node_id = 0" | 1 |
"show index from sahs_sc13_seq_templ where Key_name = 'PRIMARY'" | 1 |
"show index from sahs_sc13_seq_tree where Key_name = 'PRIMARY'" | 1 |
"show index from sahs_sc13_tree where Key_name = 'PRIMARY'" | 1 |
"show index from scorm_tree where Key_name = 'PRIMARY'" | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM settings WHERE keyword = " . $ilDB->quote('pm_bill', 'text') | 1 |
"show index from cp_tree where Key_name = 'PRIMARY'" | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM settings WHERE keyword = " . $ilDB->quote('save_user_adr_bill', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM settings WHERE keyword = " . $ilDB->quote('pm_bmf', 'text') | 1 |
" SELECT sid, mid FROM ecs_part_settings GROUP BY sid, mid HAVING COUNT(sid) > 1 " | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM settings WHERE keyword = " . $ilDB->quote('save_user_adr_bmf', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM settings WHERE keyword = " . $ilDB->quote('pm_paypal', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM settings WHERE keyword = " . $ilDB->quote('save_user_adr_paypal', 'text') | 1 |
" SELECT sid, mid FROM ecs_part_settings_tmp " | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM ecs_part_settings WHERE sid = " . $ilDB->quote($row['sid'], 'integer') . " AND mid = " . $ilDB->quote($row['mid'], 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM settings WHERE keyword = " . $ilDB->quote('pm_epay', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM settings WHERE keyword = " . $ilDB->quote('save_user_adr_epay', 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ecs_part_settings WHERE" . " sid = " . $ilDB->quote($row['sid'], 'integer') . " AND mid = " . $ilDB->quote($row['mid'], 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO ecs_part_settings (sid, mid, export, import, import_type, title, cname, token, export_types, import_types, dtoken) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($data['sid'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['mid'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['export'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['import'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['import_type'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['title'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['cname'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['token'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['export_types'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['import_types'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['dtoken'], 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO payment_paymethods (pm_id, pm_title, pm_enabled, save_usr_adr) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM settings WHERE keyword = ' . $ilDB->quote('pm_bill', 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ecs_part_settings_tmp WHERE" . " sid = " . $ilDB->quote($row['sid'], 'integer') . " AND mid = " . $ilDB->quote($row['mid'], 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM settings WHERE keyword = ' . $ilDB->quote('pm_bmf', 'text') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM settings WHERE keyword = ' . $ilDB->quote('pm_paypal', 'text') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM settings WHERE keyword = ' . $ilDB->quote('pm_epay', 'text') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM settings WHERE keyword = ' . $ilDB->quote('save_user_adr_bill', 'text') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM settings WHERE keyword = ' . $ilDB->quote('save_user_adr_bmf', 'text') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM settings WHERE keyword = ' . $ilDB->quote('save_user_adr_paypal', 'text') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM settings WHERE keyword = ' . $ilDB->quote('save_user_adr_epay', 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT price from payment_statistic' | 1 |
'UPDATE payment_statistic SET price = %s, currency_unit = %s' | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM exc_team_log_old " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_exc_team_log (log_id, team_id, user_id, details, action, tstamp)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['team_id'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['user_id'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['details'], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['action'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['tstamp'], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
'SELECT currency_unit FROM payment_settings' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO payment_currencies (currency_id, unit) VALUES(%s,%s)' | 1 |
'UPDATE payment_prices SET currency = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE payment_statistic SET currency_unit = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM payment_statistic' | 1 |
'UPDATE payment_statistic SET price = NULL, discount = NULL' | 1 |
'UPDATE payment_statistic SET price = %s, discount = %s WHERE booking_id = %s' | 1 |
" SELECT wiki_id, page_id FROM il_wiki_imp_pages GROUP BY wiki_id, page_id HAVING COUNT(wiki_id) > 1 " | 1 |
" SELECT wiki_id, page_id FROM wiki_imp_pages_tmp " | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM il_wiki_imp_pages WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['wiki_id'], 'integer') . " AND page_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['page_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_wiki_imp_pages WHERE" . " wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['wiki_id'], 'integer') . " AND page_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['page_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_wiki_imp_pages (wiki_id, ord, indent, page_id) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($data['wiki_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['ord'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['indent'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['page_id'], 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM wiki_imp_pages_tmp WHERE" . " wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['wiki_id'], 'integer') . " AND page_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['page_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
" SELECT wiki_id, source_id, target_name FROM il_wiki_missing_page GROUP BY wiki_id, source_id, target_name HAVING COUNT(wiki_id) > 1 " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_wiki_missing_page WHERE" . " wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['wiki_id'], 'integer') . " AND source_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['source_id'], 'integer') . " AND target_name = " . $ilDB->quote($row['target_name'], 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_wiki_missing_page (wiki_id, source_id, target_name) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($row['wiki_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['source_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['target_name'], 'text') . ")" | 1 |
'UPDATE usr_pref SET value = ROUND(value / 60) WHERE keyword = %s AND value IS NOT NULL' | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT usr_id, lm_id FROM lo_access ORDER BY usr_id" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lo_access WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($r1["usr_id"], "integer") . " AND lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($r1["lm_id"], "integer") . " ORDER BY timestamp ASC" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM lo_access WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($r1["usr_id"], "integer") . " AND lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($r1["lm_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO lo_access " . "(timestamp, usr_id, lm_id, obj_id, lm_title) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($r["timestamp"], "timestamp") . "," . $ilDB->quote($r["usr_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($r["lm_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($r["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($r["lm_title"], "text") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO openid_provider (provider_id,enabled,name,url,image) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($ilDB->nextId('openid_provider'), 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote('MyOpenID', 'text') . ',' . $ilDB->quote('') . ',' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
" SELECT obj_id, yyyy, mm, dd, hh FROM obj_stat GROUP BY obj_id, yyyy, mm, dd, hh HAVING COUNT(obj_id) > 1 " | 1 |
" SELECT obj_id, yyyy, mm, dd, hh FROM obj_stat_tmpd " | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM obj_stat WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['obj_id'], 'integer') . " AND yyyy = " . $ilDB->quote($row['yyyy'], 'integer') . " AND mm = " . $ilDB->quote($row['mm'], 'integer') . " AND dd = " . $ilDB->quote($row['dd'], 'integer') . " AND hh = " . $ilDB->quote($row['hh'], 'integer') | 1 |
" DELETE FROM obj_stat WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['obj_id'], 'integer') . " AND yyyy = " . $ilDB->quote($row['yyyy'], 'integer') . " AND mm = " . $ilDB->quote($row['mm'], 'integer') . " AND dd = " . $ilDB->quote($row['dd'], 'integer') . " AND hh = " . $ilDB->quote($row['hh'], 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO obj_stat " . "(obj_id, obj_type, yyyy, mm, dd, hh, read_count, childs_read_count, spent_seconds, childs_spent_seconds) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($data['obj_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['obj_type'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['yyyy'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['mm'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['dd'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['hh'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['read_count'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['childs_read_count'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['spent_seconds'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['childs_spent_seconds'], 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_data" | 1 |
" DELETE FROM obj_stat_tmpd WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['obj_id'], 'integer') . " AND yyyy = " . $ilDB->quote($row['yyyy'], 'integer') . " AND mm = " . $ilDB->quote($row['mm'], 'integer') . " AND dd = " . $ilDB->quote($row['dd'], 'integer') . " AND hh = " . $ilDB->quote($row['hh'], 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_members " . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["exc_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO exc_mem_ass_status " . "(ass_id, usr_id, notice, returned, solved, status_time, sent, sent_time," . "feedback_time, feedback, status) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($rec["id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec2["usr_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec2["notice"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec2["returned"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec2["solved"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec2["status_time"], "timestamp") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec2["sent"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec2["sent_time"], "timestamp") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec2["feedback_time"], "timestamp") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec2["feedback"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec2["status"], "text") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_returned SET " . " ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["id"], "integer") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["exc_id"], "integer") | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM obj_stat_log_old " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO obj_stat_log " . "(log_id, obj_id, obj_type, tstamp, yyyy, mm, dd, hh, read_count, childs_read_count, spent_seconds, childs_spent_seconds) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['obj_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['obj_type'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['tstamp'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['yyyy'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['mm'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['dd'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['hh'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['read_count'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['childs_read_count'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['spent_seconds'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['childs_spent_seconds'], 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
" DELETE FROM obj_stat_log_old WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['obj_id'], 'integer') . " AND obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($row['obj_type'], 'integer') . " AND tstamp = " . $ilDB->quote($row['tstamp'], 'integer') . " AND yyyy = " . $ilDB->quote($row['yyyy'], 'integer') . " AND mm = " . $ilDB->quote($row['mm'], 'integer') . " AND dd = " . $ilDB->quote($row['dd'], 'integer') . " AND hh = " . $ilDB->quote($row['hh'], 'integer') . " AND read_count = " . $ilDB->quote($row['read_count'], 'integer') . " AND childs_read_count = " . $ilDB->quote($row['childs_read_count'], 'integer') . " AND spent_seconds = " . $ilDB->quote($row['spent_seconds'], 'integer') . " AND childs_spent_seconds = " . $ilDB->quote($row['childs_spent_seconds'], 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_usr_tutor SET " . " ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["id"], "integer") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["exc_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM exc_usr_tutor WHERE ass_id IS NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ut_lp_marks WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["exc_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT ass_id FROM exc_mem_ass_status WHERE " . "ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["id"], "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec2["usr_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_mem_ass_status SET " . " mark = " . $ilDB->quote($rec2["mark"], "text") . "," . " u_comment = " . $ilDB->quote($rec2["u_comment"], "text") . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["id"], "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec2["usr_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO exc_mem_ass_status (ass_id, usr_id, mark, u_comment) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($rec["id"], "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($rec2["usr_id"], "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($rec2["mark"], "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($rec2["u_comment"], "text") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_assignment SET " . " mandatory = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT, e.exc_id, o.title, e.title t2 FROM exc_assignment e JOIN object_data o" . " ON (e.exc_id = o.obj_id)" | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM obj_stat_tmp_old " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO obj_stat_tmp " . "(log_id, obj_id, obj_type, tstamp, yyyy, mm, dd, hh, read_count, childs_read_count, spent_seconds, childs_spent_seconds) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['obj_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['obj_type'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['tstamp'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['yyyy'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['mm'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['dd'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['hh'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['read_count'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['childs_read_count'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['spent_seconds'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['childs_spent_seconds'], 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_assignment SET " . " title = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["title"], "text") . " " . "WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["id"], "text") | 1 |
" DELETE FROM obj_stat_tmp_old WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['obj_id'], 'integer') . " AND yyyy = " . $ilDB->quote($row['yyyy'], 'integer') . " AND mm = " . $ilDB->quote($row['mm'], 'integer') . " AND dd = " . $ilDB->quote($row['dd'], 'integer') . " AND hh = " . $ilDB->quote($row['hh'], 'integer') . " AND read_count = " . $ilDB->quote($row['read_count'], 'integer') . " AND childs_read_count = " . $ilDB->quote($row['childs_read_count'], 'integer') . " AND spent_seconds = " . $ilDB->quote($row['spent_seconds'], 'integer') . " AND childs_spent_seconds = " . $ilDB->quote($row['childs_spent_seconds'], 'integer') | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM page_style_usage_old " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM page_style_usage" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO page_style_usage " . "(id, page_id, page_type, page_lang, page_nr, template, stype, sname) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['page_id'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['page_type'], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['page_lang'], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['page_nr'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['template'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['stype'], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['sname'], "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM personal_pc_clipboard ORDER BY user_id" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM personal_pc_clipboard WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($r1["user_id"], "integer") . " ORDER BY insert_time ASC" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM personal_pc_clipboard WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($r1["user_id"], "integer") | 1 |
" SELECT obj_id, item_id FROM ut_lp_collections GROUP BY obj_id, item_id HAVING COUNT(obj_id) > 1 " | 1 |
" SELECT obj_id, item_id FROM ut_lp_collections_tmp " | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM ut_lp_collections WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['obj_id'], 'integer') . " AND item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['item_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ut_lp_collections WHERE" . " obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['obj_id'], 'integer') . " AND item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['item_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO ut_lp_collections (obj_id, item_id, grouping_id, num_obligatory, active, lpmode) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($data['obj_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['item_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['grouping_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['num_obligatory'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['active'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['lpmode'], 'text') . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ut_lp_collections_tmp WHERE" . " obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['obj_id'], 'integer') . " AND item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['item_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
' INSERT INTO rbac_operations (ops_id, operation, description, class) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM ( SELECT slot_begin FROM usr_session_stats GROUP BY slot_begin HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) duplicateSessionStats " | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM usr_session_stats GROUP BY slot_begin HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_session_stats WHERE slot_begin = ? " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO usr_session_stats (" . "slot_begin" . ",slot_end" . ",active_min" . ",active_max" . ",active_avg" . ",active_end" . ",opened" . ",closed_manual" . ",closed_expire" . ",closed_idle" . ",closed_idle_first" . ",closed_limit" . ",closed_login" . ",max_sessions" . ",closed_misc" . ") VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" | 1 |
'SELECT ref_id FROM object_data ' . 'INNER JOIN object_reference ON object_reference.obj_id = object_data.obj_id ' . 'WHERE type = ' . $ilDB->quote('mail', 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT rol_id FROM rbac_fa ' . 'WHERE assign = ' . $ilDB->quote('y', 'text') . ' ' . 'AND parent = ' . $ilDB->quote(ROLE_FOLDER_ID, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations ' . 'WHERE operation = ' . $ilDB->quote('mail_to_global_roles', 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_pa ' . 'WHERE rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($role, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
" SELECT tstamp, maxval, user_id FROM usr_session_log GROUP BY tstamp, maxval, user_id HAVING COUNT(tstamp) > 1 " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_session_log WHERE" . " tstamp = " . $ilDB->quote($row['tstamp'], 'integer') . " AND maxval = " . $ilDB->quote($row['maxval'], 'integer') . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['user_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO usr_session_log (tstamp, maxval, user_id) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($row['tstamp'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['maxval'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['user_id'], 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
" SELECT template_id, class_type FROM style_template_class GROUP BY template_id, class_type HAVING COUNT(template_id) > 1 " | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM style_template_class WHERE template_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['template_id'], 'integer') . " AND class_type = " . $ilDB->quote($row['class_type'], 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM style_template_class WHERE" . " template_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['template_id'], 'integer') . " AND class_type = " . $ilDB->quote($row['class_type'], 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_template_class (template_id, class_type, class) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($row['template_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['class_type'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['class'], 'text') . ")" | 1 |
" SELECT folder_id, style_id FROM style_folder_styles GROUP BY folder_id, style_id HAVING COUNT(folder_id) > 1 " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM style_folder_styles WHERE" . " folder_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['folder_id'], 'integer') . " AND style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['style_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_folder_styles (folder_id, style_id) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($row['folder_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row['style_id'], 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
" SELECT med_item_id, name FROM mob_parameter GROUP BY med_item_id, name HAVING COUNT(med_item_id) > 1 " | 1 |
" SELECT med_item_id, name FROM mob_parameter_tmp " | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM mob_parameter WHERE med_item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['med_item_id'], 'integer') . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($row['name'], 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM mob_parameter WHERE" . " med_item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['med_item_id'], 'integer') . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($row['name'], 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO mob_parameter (med_item_id, name, value) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($data['med_item_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['name'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['value'], 'text') . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM mob_parameter_tmp WHERE" . " med_item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['med_item_id'], 'integer') . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($row['name'], 'text') | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM link_check_old " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO link_check (id, obj_id, page_id, url, parent_type, http_status_code, last_check)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['obj_id'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['page_id'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['url'], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['parent_type'], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['http_status_code'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row['last_check'], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM link_check_old WHERE obj_id = %s AND page_id = %s AND url = %s AND parent_type = %s AND http_status_code = %s AND last_check = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM ( SELECT lm_id, child FROM lm_tree GROUP BY lm_id, child HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) duplicateLMTree " | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM ( SELECT mep_id, child FROM mep_tree GROUP BY mep_id, child HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) duplicateMEPTree " | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM ( SELECT skl_tree_id, child FROM skl_tree GROUP BY skl_tree_id, child HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) duplicateSKLTree " | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM benchmark_old " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM benchmark_old WHERE cdate = %s AND module = %s AND benchmark = %s AND duration = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_user_skill_level ORDER BY status_date ASC" | 1 |
'UPDATE mail SET attachments_tmp = attachments' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_user_skill_level WHERE " . " skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["skill_id"], "integer") . " AND " . " tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["tref_id"], "integer") . " AND " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["user_id"], "integer") . " AND " . " status_date = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["status_date"], "datetime") . " AND " . " status = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["status"], "integer") . " AND " . " trigger_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["trigger_obj_id"], "integer") . " AND " . " self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["self_eval"], "integer") | 1 |
'UPDATE mail_saved SET attachments_tmp = attachments' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO skl_user_skill_level " . "(skill_id, tref_id, user_id, status_date, status, trigger_obj_id, self_eval, level_id, valid, trigger_ref_id, trigger_title, trigger_obj_type, unique_identifier) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($rec["skill_id"], "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($rec["tref_id"], "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($rec["user_id"], "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($rec["status_date"], "datetime") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($rec["status"], "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($rec["trigger_obj_id"], "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($rec["self_eval"], "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($rec["level_id"], "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($rec["valid"], "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($rec["trigger_ref_id"], "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($rec["trigger_title"], "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($rec["trigger_obj_type"], "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($rec["unique_identifier"], "text") . ")" | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_sequence SET sequence_tmp = sequence' | 1 |
'update usr_data set passwd = ' . $ilDB->quote('', 'text') . ' , auth_mode = ' . $ilDB->quote('local', 'text') . ', active = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' WHERE auth_mode = ' . $ilDB->quote('openid', 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM settings WHERE module = ' . $ilDB->quote('common', 'text') . ' AND keyword = ' . $ilDB->quote('mail_send_html', 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = %s' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations (operation,description,class,op_order) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote('add_consultation_hours', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('Add Consultation Hours Calendar', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('object', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(300, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
'SELECT ref_id FROM object_reference WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM tree WHERE child = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM object_reference WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_ta WHERE typ_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM page_style_usage WHERE page_type = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM page_history WHERE parent_type = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM page_object WHERE parent_type = %s' | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET starting_time_tmp = ? WHERE test_id = ?" | 1 |
"SELECT test_id, starting_time FROM tst_tests WHERE starting_time_tmp = " . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET ending_time_tmp = ? WHERE test_id = ?" | 1 |
"SELECT test_id, ending_time FROM tst_tests WHERE ending_time_tmp = " . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT field_id, inputformat, title, " . $backup_table_name . ".value FROM " . $backup_table_name . " LEFT JOIN il_dcl_datatype_prop ON = " . $backup_table_name . ".datatype_prop_id WHERE " . $backup_table_name . ".value IS NOT NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_dcl_datatype WHERE id = 12" | 1 |
'SELECT rol_id FROM rbac_fa WHERE parent = ' . $ilDB->quote(ROLE_FOLDER_ID, 'integer') . " AND assign='y'" | 1 |
'SELECT main_table_id FROM il_dcl_data' | 1 |
'UPDATE il_dcl_table SET table_order = 10, is_visible = 1 WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($rec['main_table_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT id, ref_id FROM il_dcl_table INNER JOIN object_reference ON (object_reference.obj_id = il_dcl_table.obj_id)' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_dcl_tableview WHERE table_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($rec['id']) | 1 |
'SELECT rol_id FROM rbac_fa WHERE parent = ' . $ilDB->quote($rec['ref_id'], 'integer') . " AND assign='y'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM bookmark_data WHERE " . " obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
'INSERT INTO il_dcl_tableview (id, table_id, title, roles, description, tableview_order) VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($rec['id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('Standardview', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(json_encode($roles), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(10, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO bookmark_data " . "(obj_id, user_id, title, description, target, type) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("dummy_folder", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("bmf", "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT il_dcl_view.table_id, tbl_visible.field, tbl_visible.is_set as visible, f.filterable FROM il_dcl_viewdefinition tbl_visible INNER JOIN il_dcl_view ON ( = tbl_visible.view_id AND il_dcl_view.type = 1) INNER JOIN (SELECT table_id, field, tbl_filterable.is_set as filterable FROM il_dcl_view INNER JOIN il_dcl_viewdefinition tbl_filterable ON ( = tbl_filterable.view_id AND il_dcl_view.type = 3)) f ON (f.field = tbl_visible.field AND f.table_id = il_dcl_view.table_id)" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO il_dcl_tview_set (id, tableview_id, field, visible, in_filter, filter_value, filter_changeable) VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($mapping[$rec['table_id']], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($rec['field'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($rec['visible'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($rec['filterable'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
"SELECT il_dcl_view.table_id, tbl_exportable.field, tbl_exportable.is_set as exportable, tbl_exportable.field_order FROM il_dcl_viewdefinition tbl_exportable INNER JOIN il_dcl_view ON ( = tbl_exportable.view_id AND il_dcl_view.type = 4)" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_dcl_tfield_set WHERE table_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($rec['table_id'], 'integer') . ' AND field = ' . $ilDB->quote($rec['field'], 'text') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO il_dcl_tfield_set (id, table_id, field, field_order, exportable) VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($rec['table_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($rec['field'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($rec['field_order'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($rec['exportable'], 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_char (style_id, type, characteristic, hide)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($st["type"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($st["class"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_dcl_view INNER JOIN page_object on ( = page_object.page_id) WHERE il_dcl_view.type = 0 AND page_object.parent_type = ' . $ilDB->quote('dclf', 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM page_object WHERE page_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($mapping[$rec['table_id']], 'integer') . ' AND parent_type = ' . $ilDB->quote('dclf', 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_parameter (id, style_id, type, class, tag, parameter, value)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($spid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($st["type"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($st["class"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($st["tag"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($par["name"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($par["value"], "text") . ")" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM page_object WHERE page_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($rec['id'], 'integer') . ' AND parent_type = ' . $ilDB->quote('dclf', 'text') | 1 |
'UPDATE page_object SET page_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($mapping[$rec['table_id']], 'integer') . ' WHERE page_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($rec['id'], 'integer') . ' AND page_object.parent_type = ' . $ilDB->quote('dclf', 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (obj_id,type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote('typ', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('book', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('Booking Manager', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(-1, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->now( ) . ", " . $ilDB->now( ) . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_svy" . " SET confirmation_mail = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " WHERE own_results_mail = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " AND confirmation_mail IS NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote('typ', 'text') . " AND title = " . $ilDB->quote('book', 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($typ_id, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($typ_id, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote(2, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($typ_id, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote(3, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($typ_id, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote(4, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM copg_section_t_old " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM copg_section_t_old WHERE page_id = %s AND parent_type = %s AND unix_ts = %s " | 1 |
'UPDATE rbac_operations SET op_order = ' . $ilDB->quote(9999, 'integer') . ' WHERE class = ' . $ilDB->quote('create', 'text') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO rbac_operations (ops_id, operation, class, description, op_order)' . ' VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote($ops_id, 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote('create_book', 'text') . ',' . $ilDB->quote('create', 'text') . ',' . $ilDB->quote('create booking pool', 'text') . ',' . $ilDB->quote(9999, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type=' . $ilDB->quote('typ', 'text') . ' AND title=' . $ilDB->quote($type, 'text') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote($typ_id, 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($ops_id, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
'UPDATE svy_category SET title_tmp = title' | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_settings SET view_mode = 0 WHERE view_mode = 3" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = " . $ilDB->quote('copy', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = " . $ilDB->quote($type, 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id,ops_id) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ops_id, 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = ' . $ilDB->quote('typ', 'text') . ' AND title = ' . $ilDB->quote('cals', 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = ' . $ilDB->quote('add_consultation_hours', 'text') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = ' . $ilDB->quote('add_consultation_hours', 'text') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_ta WHERE ops_id = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' AND typ_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($cals, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO rbac_operations (ops_id,operation,description,class,op_order) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($new_ops_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('add_consultation_hours', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('Add Consultation Hours Calendar', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('object', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(300, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM (" . "SELECT tree, child " . "FROM bookmark_tree " . "GROUP BY tree, child " . "HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) " . "duplicateBookmarkTree" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM bookmark_tree WHERE tree = " . $ilDB->quote($row["tree"], "integer") . " AND child = " . $ilDB->quote($row["child"], "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM bookmark_tree WHERE tree = " . $ilDB->quote($row["tree"], "integer") . " AND child = " . $ilDB->quote($row["child"], "integer") | 1 |
'INSERT INTO bookmark_tree (tree, child, parent, lft, rgt, depth) VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote($first['tree'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($first['child'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($first['parent'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($first['lft'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($first['rgt'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($first['depth'], 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
'UPDATE rbac_operations SET operation = ' . $ilDB->quote('create_usr', 'text') . ' WHERE operation = ' . $ilDB->quote('create_user', 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT booking_schedule_id,definition FROM booking_schedule' | 1 |
'SELECT survey_id, startdate FROM svy_svy' | 1 |
'UPDATE svy_svy SET startdate_tmp = %s WHERE survey_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT survey_id, enddate FROM svy_svy' | 1 |
'UPDATE svy_svy SET enddate_tmp = %s WHERE survey_id = %s' | 1 |
"UPDATE export_file_info SET filename = file_name " | 1 |
"SELECT rol_id FROM rbac_fa " . "WHERE assign = " . $ilDB->quote('y', 'text') . ' ' . "GROUP BY rol_id HAVING count(*) > 1" | 1 |
"SELECT depth, fa.parent parent FROM rbac_fa fa " . "JOIN tree t ON fa.parent = child " . "WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($role_id, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND assign = " . $ilDB->quote('y', 'text') . ' ' . "ORDER BY depth, fa.parent" | 1 |
"UPDATE rbac_fa SET assign = " . $ilDB->quote('n', 'text') . ' ' . "WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($role_id, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND parent = " . $ilDB->quote($assignable_row->parent, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_test_random SET sequence = test_random_id" | 1 |
"SELECT event_id,usr_id,mark,e_comment" . " FROM event_participants" . " WHERE mark IS NOT NULL OR e_comment IS NOT NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id,usr_id" . " FROM ut_lp_marks" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row["event_id"]) . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row["usr_id"]) | 1 |
'UPDATE mail_obj_data SET title = ' . $ilDB->quote('z_local', 'text') . ' ' . 'WHERE title != ' . $ilDB->quote('z_local', 'text') . ' AND m_type = ' . $ilDB->quote('local', 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM settings WHERE keyword = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("tst", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE ut_lp_marks SET " . " status_dirty = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($r["obj_id"], "integer") | 1 |
'UPDATE svy_svy SET mailaddresses_tmp = mailaddresses' | 1 |
'UPDATE svy_svy SET mailparticipantdata_tmp = mailparticipantdata' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_tree_node WHERE " . " type = " . $ilDB->quote("sco", "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO sahs_sc13_sco " . "(id, hide_obj_page) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT id, title, description" . " FROM didactic_tpl_settings" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO didactic_tpl_settings (id,enabled,type,title, description,info,auto_generated,exclusive_tpl) values( ' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('grp_closed', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('grp_closed_info', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
"SELECT max(id) mid FROM style_template" | 1 |
"UPDATE style_template_seq SET " . " sequence = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["mid"], "integer") | 1 |
'INSERT INTO didactic_tpl_sa (id, obj_type) values( ' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('grp', 'text') . ')' | 1 |
'select obj_id from object_data where type = ' . $ilDB->quote('rolt', 'text') . ' and title = ' . $ilDB->quote('il_grp_status_closed', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM didactic_tpl_settings " . "WHERE title = " . $ilDB->quote('grp_closed', 'text') . " AND description = " . $ilDB->quote('grp_closed_info', 'text') . " AND auto_generated = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT objr.obj_id obj_id, objr.ref_id ref_id " . "FROM (grp_settings grps JOIN object_reference objr ON (grps.obj_id = objr.obj_id)) " . "LEFT JOIN didactic_tpl_objs dtplo ON (dtplo.obj_id = objr.obj_id) " . "WHERE grps.grp_type = 1 " . "AND (dtplo.tpl_id IS NULL OR dtplo.tpl_id = 0)" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO didactic_tpl_objs (obj_id,tpl_id,ref_id) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($closed_grp, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row->ref_id, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
' SELECT booking_id, order_date, duration FROM payment_statistic WHERE duration > %s' | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data " . " WHERE type = 'rolt' AND title = " . $ilDB->quote($rolt_title, 'text') | 1 |
" INSERT INTO object_data (obj_id, type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = 'visible'" | 1 |
"SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = 'read'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_templates " . " WHERE ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($op_id, 'integer') . " AND rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($mass_member_tpl_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($mass_member_tpl_id) . ", 'mass', " . $ilDB->quote($op_id) . ", 8)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_fa VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($mass_member_tpl_id) . ", 8, 'n', 'n', 0)" | 1 |
"SELECT oref.ref_id FROM object_reference oref" . " JOIN object_data od ON (od.obj_id = oref.obj_id)" . " WHERE od.type = " . $ilDB->quote("bdga") | 1 |
"SELECT parent FROM tree" . " WHERE child = " . $ilDB->quote($bdga_ref_id, "int") . " AND tree.tree = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "int") | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(child) max_id FROM mail_tree" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(obj_id) max_id FROM mail_obj_data" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_question.question_id, svy_svy_qst.survey_fi FROM svy_question, svy_svy_qst WHERE svy_question.question_id = svy_svy_qst.question_fi" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_fi FROM svy_svy WHERE survey_id = " . $ilDB->quote($svy_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_question SET obj_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, "integer") . " WHERE question_id = " . $ilDB->quote($question_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_a_ordering SET order_position = solution_order" | 1 |
'UPDATE object_data SET type = ' . $ilDB->quote('iass', 'text') . ' WHERE type = ' . $ilDB->quote('mass', 'text') | 1 |
'UPDATE object_data SET title = ' . $ilDB->quote('il_iass_member', 'text') . ' WHERE type = ' . $ilDB->quote('rolt', 'text') . ' AND title =' . $ilDB->quote('il_mass_member', 'text') | 1 |
'UPDATE object_data SET title = REPLACE(title,' . $ilDB->quote('_mass_', 'text') . ',' . $ilDB->quote('_iass_', 'text') . ')' . ' WHERE type = ' . $ilDB->quote('role', 'text') . ' AND title LIKE ' . $ilDB->quote('il_mass_member_%', 'text') | 1 |
'UPDATE object_data SET title = ' . $ilDB->quote('iass', 'text') . ' ,description = ' . $ilDB->quote('Individual Assessment', 'text') . ' WHERE type = ' . $ilDB->quote('typ', 'text') . ' AND title = ' . $ilDB->quote('mass', 'text') | 1 |
'UPDATE rbac_templates SET type = ' . $ilDB->quote('iass', 'text') . ' WHERE type = ' . $ilDB->quote('mass', 'text') | 1 |
'UPDATE rbac_operations SET operation = ' . $ilDB->quote('create_iass', 'text') . ' ,description = ' . $ilDB->quote('Create Individual Assessment', 'text') . ' WHERE operation = ' . $ilDB->quote('create_mass', 'text') | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_question" . " INNER JOIN svy_qst_oblig" . " ON svy_question.question_id = svy_qst_oblig.question_fi" . " SET svy_question.obligatory = svy_qst_oblig.obligatory" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM settings WHERE ' . 'module = ' . $ilDB->quote('ecs', 'text') | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_a_mterm SET ident = term_id WHERE ident IS NULL" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ecs_server (server_id,active,protocol,server,port,auth_type,client_cert_path,ca_cert_path,' . 'key_path,key_password,cert_serial,polling_time,import_id,global_role,econtent_rcp,user_rcp,approval_rcp,duration) ' . 'VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote($ilDB->nextId('ecs_server'), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ecs['active'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ecs['protocol'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ecs['server'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ecs['port'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ecs['client_cert_path'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ecs['ca_cert_path'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ecs['key_path'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ecs['key_password'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ecs['cert_serial'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ecs['polling_time'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ecs['import_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ecs['global_role'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ecs['econtent_rcp'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ecs['user_rcp'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ecs['approval_rcp'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ecs['duration'], 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT obr.ref_id, obr.obj_id FROM object_reference obr ' . 'join object_data obd on obr.obj_id = obd.obj_id where (type = ' . $ilDB->quote('crs', 'text') . ' or type = ' . $ilDB->quote('grp', 'text') . ') ' | 1 |
'select ua.usr_id from rbac_ua ua ' . 'left join obj_members om on (ua.usr_id = om.usr_id and om.obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id, 'integer') . ') ' . 'where om.usr_id IS NULL ' . 'and rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($rol_row->rol_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'select usr_id from rbac_ua ' . 'where rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($rol_row->rol_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'delete from obj_members where admin = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' and tutor = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' and member = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_dcl_stloc1_value WHERE record_field_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row['record_field_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM il_dcl_stloc2_value WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row['id'], 'integer') | 1 |
'update grp_settings set registration_start = ' . $ilDB->quote(null, 'integer') . ', ' . 'registration_end = ' . $ilDB->quote(null, 'integer') . ' ' . 'where registration_unlimited = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') | 1 |
'update crs_settings set ' . 'sub_start = ' . $ilDB->quote(null, 'integer') . ', ' . 'sub_end = ' . $ilDB->quote(null, 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE sub_limitation_type != ' . $ilDB->quote(2, 'integer') | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_posts SET pos_activation_date = pos_date WHERE pos_status = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ' AND pos_activation_date is NULL' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_dcl_stloc2_value WHERE record_field_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row['record_field_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM il_dcl_stloc2_value WHERE record_field_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row['record_field_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE cmi_objective SET completion_status_tmp = completion_status' | 1 |
"UPDATE chatroom_settings SET online_status = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT obd.obj_id,ref_id,owner FROM object_data obd ' . 'join object_reference obr on obd.obj_id = obr.obj_id' . ' ' . 'where type = ' . $ilDB->quote('sess', 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data " . "(obj_id,type,title,description,owner,create_date,last_update) " . "VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote('role', "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote('il_sess_participant_' . $row->ref_id, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote('Participant of session obj_no.' . $row->obj_id, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row->owner, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . ")" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO role_data (role_id) VALUES (' . $id . ')' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO rbac_fa (rol_id,parent,assign,protected,blocked ) VALUES(' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row->ref_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('y', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('n', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) VALUES(' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('sess', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(2, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row->ref_id, 'integer') . ') ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_import SET server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->server_id) | 1 |
'INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) VALUES(' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('sess', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(3, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row->ref_id, 'integer') . ') ' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO rbac_pa (rol_id,ops_id,ref_id) VALUES(' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(serialize([2, 3]), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row->ref_id, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT usr_id from event_participants WHERE event_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_export SET server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->server_id) | 1 |
'INSERT INTO rbac_ua (usr_id,rol_id) VALUES(' . $ilDB->quote($user_row->usr_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data " . "(obj_id,type,title,description,owner,create_date,last_update) " . "VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote('rolt', "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote('il_sess_status_closed', "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote('Closed session template', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_fa VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($id) . ", 8, 'n', 'n', 0)" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO didactic_tpl_settings (id,enabled,type,title, description,info,auto_generated,exclusive_tpl) values( ' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('sess_closed', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('sess_closed_info', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO didactic_tpl_sa (id, obj_type) values( ' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('sess', 'text') . ')' | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_events SET server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->server_id) | 1 |
'select obj_id from object_data where type = ' . $ilDB->quote('rolt', 'text') . ' and title = ' . $ilDB->quote('il_sess_status_closed', 'text') | 1 |
"UPDATE style_parameter SET " . " tag = " . $ilDB->quote("div", "integer") . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("rte_node", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE style_parameter SET " . " tag = " . $ilDB->quote("div", "integer") . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("rte_status", "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_portfolio" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_portfolio_page" | 1 |
'select obd.obj_id, title, od.description from object_data obd left join object_description od on od.obj_id = obd.obj_id where type = ' . $ilDB->quote('sess', 'text') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO il_meta_general (meta_general_id, rbac_id, obj_id, obj_type, general_structure, title, title_language, coverage, coverage_language) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($meta_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($sess_info['obj_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($sess_info['obj_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('sess', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('Hierarchical', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($sess_info['title'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('en', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('en', 'text') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO il_meta_description (meta_description_id, rbac_id, obj_id, obj_type, parent_type, parent_id, description, description_language) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($meta_des_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($sess_info['obj_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($sess_info['obj_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('sess', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('meta_general', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($meta_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($sess_info['description'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('en', 'text') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data " . "(obj_id, type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($nid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("typ", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("skmg", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("Skill Management", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote(-1, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data " . "(obj_id, type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($nid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("skmg", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("__SkillManagement", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("Skill Management", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote(-1, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_reference " . "(ref_id, obj_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($nrid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($nid, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE " . " type = " . $ilDB->quote("typ", "text") . " AND " . " title = " . $ilDB->quote("skmg", "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO skl_tree_node " . "(obj_id, type, title, create_date) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($nid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("skrt", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("Skill Tree Root Node", "text") . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE notification SET " . " activated = " . $this->db->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT mapping_id FROM ecs_container_mapping ' | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = ' . $ilDB->quote('typ', 'text') . ' AND title = ' . $ilDB->quote('crs') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = ' . $ilDB->quote('create_crsr') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = ' . $ilDB->quote('create_catr') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM rbac_ta WHERE typ_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($typ_id, 'integer') . ' AND ops_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($crs_create_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id,ops_id) VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($typ_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($crs_create_id, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM rbac_ta WHERE typ_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($typ_id, 'integer') . ' AND ops_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($cat_create_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id,ops_id) VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($typ_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($cat_create_id, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_rnd_quest_set_qpls WHERE origin_tax_fi IS NOT NULL OR mapped_tax_fi IS NOT NULL" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_rnd_quest_set_qpls SET " . " origin_tax_fi = NULL, origin_node_fi = NULL, mapped_tax_fi = NULL, mapped_node_fi = NULL, " . " origin_tax_filter = " . $ilDB->quote($origin_tax_filter, 'text') . ", " . " mapped_tax_filter = " . $ilDB->quote($mapped_tax_filter, 'text') . " WHERE def_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->def_id) | 1 |
'UPDATE auth_ext_attr_mapping SET auth_mode = ' . $ilDB->quote('saml', 'text') | 1 |
"UPDATE notification_channels SET config_type = 'set_by_admin'" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id, type, ops_id, parent) VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote(4, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('chtr', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(2, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(8, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id, type, ops_id, parent) VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote(4, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('chtr', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(3, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(8, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("mep", "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO mep_data " . "(id, default_width, default_height) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(null, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(null, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE notification_types SET config_type = 'set_by_admin' WHERE type_name = 'chat_invitation'" | 1 |
"UPDATE notification_types SET config_type = 'set_by_admin' WHERE type_name = 'osd_maint'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'chta'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data " . "(obj_id, type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($typ_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("typ", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("chta", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("Chatroom Administration Type", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote(-1, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET open_mode = 5" | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET width = 950" | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET height = 650" | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET auto_continue = 'n'" | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET id_setting = 0" | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET name_setting = 0" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_dcl_datatype SET sort = (sort + 10) WHERE title in ('number', 'boolean', 'datetime')" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_dcl_datatype SET sort = (sort + 20) WHERE title not in ('text', 'number', 'boolean', 'datetime')" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_orgu_positions SET core_identifier = 0" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM didactic_tpl_objs' | 1 |
"SELECT object_data.obj_id, object_reference.ref_id FROM object_data INNER JOIN object_reference on object_data.obj_id = object_reference.obj_id WHERE ref_id = %s AND deleted IS null" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO role_data (role_id) VALUES (%s)' | 1 |
" INSERT INTO object_data (obj_id, type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($chat_modetator_tpl_id) . ", 'chtr', " . $ilDB->quote($op_id) . ", 8)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM settings " . " WHERE module = " . $ilDB->quote("notes", "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO note_settings " . "(rep_obj_id, obj_id, obj_type, activated) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote((int) $kw_arr[1], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $kw_arr[2], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($kw_arr[3], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM object_reference WHERE ref_id = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE chatroom_settings SET private_rooms_enabled = 1 WHERE object_id = %s' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($chat_modetator_tpl_id) . ", 'chtr', " . $ilDB->quote($op_id) . ", 8)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ta WHERE typ_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET sequencing = 'y'" | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET interactions = 'y'" | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET objectives = 'y'" | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET time_from_lms = 'n'" | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET comments = 'y'" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(user_id) FROM usr_ext_profile_page" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data" . " (obj_id,type,title,description,owner,create_date,last_update,import_id)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($portfolio_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("prtf", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("Default", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($user_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . $ilDB->quote("", "text") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO usr_portfolio (id,is_online,is_default)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($portfolio_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(true, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(true, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT, ext.title, pg.content FROM usr_ext_profile_page ext" . " JOIN page_object pg ON (pg.page_id =" . " WHERE ext.user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id, "integer") . " AND parent_type =" . $ilDB->quote("user", "text") . " AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY ext.order_nr" | 1 |
"SELECT id,exc_id FROM exc_assignment" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_svy SET pool_usage = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT test_fi) num_tst, COUNT(test_question_id) num_qst FROM tst_test_question WHERE test_fi IN( SELECT test_fi FROM tst_test_question GROUP BY test_fi HAVING COUNT(test_fi) < MAX(sequence) ) " | 1 |
" SELECT test_fi, test_question_id FROM tst_test_question WHERE test_fi IN( SELECT test_fi FROM tst_test_question GROUP BY test_fi HAVING COUNT(test_fi) < MAX(sequence) ) ORDER BY test_fi ASC, sequence ASC " | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET pool_usage = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT obj_id, title, description, role_id, usr_id FROM object_data INNER JOIN role_data role ON role.role_id = object_data.obj_id INNER JOIN rbac_ua on role.role_id = rol_id WHERE title LIKE '%il_orgu_superior%' OR title LIKE '%il_orgu_employee%' " | 1 |
" UPDATE il_dcl_stloc1_value SET value = NULL WHERE value = '[]' AND record_field_id IN ( SELECT FROM il_dcl_record_field rf INNER JOIN il_dcl_field f ON = rf.field_id WHERE f.datatype_id = 14 ) " | 1 |
"UPDATE il_orgu_permissions SET protected = 1 WHERE parent_id = -1" | 1 |
'UPDATE exc_mem_ass_status SET status=' . $ilDB->quote('notgraded', 'text') . ' WHERE status = ' . $ilDB->quote('', 'text') | 1 |
'select id from adm_settings_template ' . 'where title = ' . $ilDB->quote('il_astpl_loc_initial', 'text') . 'or title = ' . $ilDB->quote('il_astpl_loc_qualified', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id tst_type_id FROM object_data WHERE type = %s AND title = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT rol_id, parent FROM rbac_templates WHERE type = %s AND ops_id = %s" | 1 |
" INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id, type, ops_id, parent) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) " | 1 |
" SELECT rol_id FROM rbac_templates INNER JOIN object_data ON obj_id = rol_id AND object_data.type = %s WHERE rbac_templates.type = %s AND ops_id = %s " | 1 |
" SELECT oref.ref_id FROM object_data odat INNER JOIN object_reference oref ON oref.obj_id = odat.obj_id WHERE odat.type = %s " | 1 |
" UPDATE rbac_pa SET ops_id = ? WHERE rol_id = ? AND ref_id = ? " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_pa WHERE {$IN_roles} AND {$IN_tstrefs}" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tax_node " . "(obj_id, title, type, create_date, last_update, tax_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("Dummy top node for all tax trees.", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("", "text") . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_bibl_data" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_bibl_overview_model" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_orgu_ua WHERE user_id NOT IN (SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data)" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type = %s' | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_fb_specific SET question = %s WHERE question_fi NOT IN( SELECT question_id FROM qpl_questions INNER JOIN qpl_qst_type ON question_type_id = question_type_fi WHERE type_tag = %s )" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_fb_specific SET question = answer WHERE question_fi IN( SELECT question_id FROM qpl_questions INNER JOIN qpl_qst_type ON question_type_id = question_type_fi WHERE type_tag = %s )" | 1 |
'SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = ' . $ilDB->quote('create_chat', 'text') | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_fb_specific SET answer = %s WHERE question_fi IN( SELECT question_id FROM qpl_questions INNER JOIN qpl_qst_type ON question_type_id = question_type_fi WHERE type_tag = %s )" | 1 |
'SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = ' . $ilDB->quote('create_chtr', 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM rbac_pa WHERE ' . $ilDB->like('ops_id', 'text', '%i:' . $chat_id . ';%') | 1 |
'UPDATE rbac_pa SET ops_id = ? WHERE rol_id = ? AND ref_id = ?' | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_qst_cloze SET feedback_mode = %s" | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_tests SET follow_qst_answer_fixation = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM rbac_pa WHERE ' . $ilDB->like('ops_id', 'text', $like) | 1 |
" UPDATE qpl_fb_specific SET answer = %s WHERE question_fi IN( SELECT question_fi FROM qpl_qst_cloze WHERE feedback_mode = %s ) " | 1 |
'UPDATE rbac_ta SET ops_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($chatroom_id, 'integer') . ' WHERE ops_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($chat_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE rbac_templates SET ops_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($chatroom_id, 'integer') . ' WHERE ops_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($chat_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE rbac_templates SET type = ' . $ilDB->quote('chtr', 'text') . ' WHERE type = ' . $ilDB->quote('chat', 'text') | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET score_reporting = %s WHERE score_reporting = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT obd.obj_id, title, od.description FROM object_data obd ' . 'JOIN object_description od on obd.obj_id = od.obj_id ' . 'WHERE type = ' . $ilDB->quote('grp', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("tax", "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tax_data " . "(id, sorting_mode) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT t.child,t.parent,c.activation_start,c.activation_end" . " FROM crs_settings c" . " JOIN object_reference r ON (r.obj_id = c.obj_id)" . " JOIN tree t ON (r.ref_id = t.child)" . " LEFT JOIN crs_items i ON (i.obj_id = r.ref_id)" . " WHERE c.activation_type = " . $ilDB->quote(2, "integer") . " AND i.obj_id IS NULL" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO crs_items (parent_id,obj_id,timing_type,timing_start," . "timing_end,suggestion_start,suggestion_end,changeable,earliest_start," . "latest_end,visible,position) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($row["parent"], 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($row["child"], 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($row["activation_start"], 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($row["activation_end"], 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($ts_now, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($ts_now, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($ts_now, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($ts_latest, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM agreement_migr" | 1 |
"SELECT id,rep_obj_id" . " FROM note" . " WHERE obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote("pf", "text") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id" . " FROM usr_portfolio_page" . " WHERE portfolio_id = " . $ilDB->quote($nt["rep_obj_id"], "integer") . " AND type = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " ORDER BY order_nr ASC" | 1 |
"UPDATE note" . " SET obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote("pfpg", "text") . ", obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($pfpg[$nt["rep_obj_id"]], "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($nt["id"], "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM agreement_migr WHERE agr_type = %s AND agr_lng = %s" | 1 |
'UPDATE tos_versions SET doc_id = %s, title = %s WHERE lng = %s AND hash = %s' . $docTypeIn | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(id) num_docs FROM tos_documents' | 1 |
'SELECT lng, src FROM tos_versions WHERE title IS NULL GROUP BY lng, src' | 1 |
'UPDATE tos_versions SET title = %s WHERE lng = %s AND src = %s AND title IS NULL' | 1 |
" SELECT tos_acceptance_track.* FROM tos_acceptance_track INNER JOIN tos_versions ON = tos_acceptance_track.tosv_id WHERE tos_versions.doc_id = 0 AND tos_acceptance_track.criteria IS NULL AND tos_versions.lng IS NOT NULL " | 1 |
" SELECT tos_acceptance_track.* FROM tos_acceptance_track INNER JOIN tos_versions ON = tos_acceptance_track.tosv_id INNER JOIN tos_documents ON = tos_versions.doc_id INNER JOIN tos_criterion_to_doc ON tos_criterion_to_doc.doc_id = AND criterion_id = %s WHERE tos_versions.lng IS NOT NULL AND tos_acceptance_track.criteria IS NULL " | 1 |
" UPDATE tos_acceptance_track INNER JOIN tos_versions ON = tos_acceptance_track.tosv_id SET tos_acceptance_track.criteria = CONCAT(%s, CONCAT(tos_versions.lng, %s)) WHERE tos_versions.doc_id = 0 AND tos_acceptance_track.criteria IS NULL AND tos_versions.lng IS NOT NULL " | 1 |
" UPDATE tos_acceptance_track INNER JOIN tos_versions ON = tos_acceptance_track.tosv_id INNER JOIN tos_documents ON = tos_versions.doc_id INNER JOIN tos_criterion_to_doc ON tos_criterion_to_doc.doc_id = AND criterion_id = %s SET tos_acceptance_track.criteria = CONCAT(%s, CONCAT(tos_criterion_to_doc.criterion_value, %s)) WHERE tos_versions.lng IS NOT NULL AND tos_acceptance_track.criteria IS NULL " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_datatype (id, title, ildb_type, storage_location) " . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("integer", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("integer", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(2, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_datatype (id, title, ildb_type, storage_location) " . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote(2, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("text", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("text", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_datatype (id, title, ildb_type, storage_location) " . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote(3, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("reference", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("integer", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(2, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_datatype (id, title, ildb_type, storage_location) " . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote(4, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("boolean", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("integer", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(2, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_datatype (id, title, ildb_type, storage_location) " . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote(5, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("datetime", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("date", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(3, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT u.usr_id, u.last_login, min(r.first_access) first_access FROM usr_data u LEFT JOIN read_event r ON (u.usr_id = r.usr_id) GROUP BY u.usr_id, u.last_login" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_datatype_prop " . " (id, title, datatype_id, inputformat) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("length", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(2, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_datatype_prop " . " (id, title, datatype_id, inputformat) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote(2, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("regex", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(2, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(2, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_datatype_prop " . " (id, title, datatype_id, inputformat) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote(3, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("table_id", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(3, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM il_wiki_data" . " WHERE rating = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_wiki_data" . " SET rating_new = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $wiki_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_wiki_page" . " SET rating = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("wiki_id", $wiki_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_datatype (id, title, ildb_type, storage_location) " . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote(6, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("file", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("integer", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(2, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM booking_type" | 1 |
"UPDATE booking_object SET" . " pool_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row["pool_id"], "integer") | 1 |
" SELECT od.obj_id, COUNT(certificate_template.obj_id) as num_migrated_cer_templates FROM object_data od LEFT JOIN certificate_template ON certificate_template.obj_id = od.obj_id WHERE od.obj_id = ? GROUP BY od.obj_id " | 1 |
' SELECT mattorphaned.mail_id, mattorphaned.path FROM mail_attachment mattorphaned WHERE mattorphaned.mail_id NOT IN ( SELECT matt.mail_id FROM mail_attachment matt INNER JOIN mail ON mail.mail_id = matt.mail_id INNER JOIN usr_data ON usr_data.usr_id = mail.user_id )' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM mail_attachment WHERE mail_id = ?' | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(mail_id) cnt FROM mail_attachment WHERE path = ?' | 1 |
' DELETE m1 FROM mail m1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT mail.mail_id FROM mail LEFT JOIN usr_data ON usr_data.usr_id = mail.user_id WHERE usr_data.usr_id IS NULL ) m2 ON m2.mail_id = m1.mail_id' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM mail WHERE mail.mail_id IN ( SELECT mail.mail_id FROM mail LEFT JOIN usr_data ON usr_data.usr_id = mail.user_id WHERE usr_data.usr_id IS NULL )' | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(mail_id) cnt FROM mail_attachment WHERE ' . $ilDB->like('path', 'text', '?') | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(id) AS max_id FROM il_cert_cron_queue" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(id) AS max_id FROM il_cert_template" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(id) AS max_id FROM il_cert_user_cert" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(id) AS max_id FROM il_cert_bgtask_migr" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM syst_style_cat" | 1 |
'update object_data od set offline = ' . '(select if( activation_type = 0,1,0) from crs_settings ' . 'where obj_id = od.obj_id) where type = ' . $ilDB->quote('crs', 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data " . "(obj_id, type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("hlps", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("HelpSettings", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("Help Settings", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote(-1, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . ")" | 1 |
'update object_data od set offline = ' . '(select if( is_online = ' . $ilDB->quote('n', 'text') . ',1,0) from content_object ' . 'where id = od.obj_id) where type = ' . $ilDB->quote('lm', 'text') | 1 |
'update object_data od set offline = ' . '(select if( is_online = ' . $ilDB->quote('n', 'text') . ',1,0) from file_based_lm ' . 'where id = od.obj_id) where type = ' . $ilDB->quote('htlm', 'text') | 1 |
'update object_data od set offline = ' . '(select if( status = 0,1,0) from svy_svy ' . 'where obj_fi = od.obj_id) where type = ' . $ilDB->quote('svy', 'text') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = ' . $ilDB->quote($poll_type_id, 'text') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = ' . $ilDB->quote($dcl_type_id, 'text') | 1 |
'update object_data od set offline = ' . '(select if( online_status = 0,1,0) from tst_tests ' . 'where obj_fi = od.obj_id) where type = ' . $ilDB->quote('tst', 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id, type, ops_id, parent)" . PHP_EOL . "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
'update object_data od set offline = ' . '(select if( c_online = ' . $ilDB->quote('n', 'text') . ',1,0) from sahs_lm ' . 'where id = od.obj_id) where type = ' . $ilDB->quote('sahs', 'text') | 1 |
'UPDATE rbac_operations SET description = %s WHERE operation = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT question_fi, keywords, points FROM qpl_questions JOIN qpl_qst_essay ON qpl_questions.question_id = qpl_qst_essay.question_fi WHERE keywords IS NOT NULL' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO qpl_a_essay (answer_id, question_fi, answertext, points) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET auto_last_visited = 'n'" | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET check_values = 'y'" | 1 |
"UPDATE cmi_node SET additional_tables = 15" | 1 |
"DELETE from cmi_node where cp_node_id is null" | 1 |
"DELETE from cmi_node where user_id is null" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_parameter " . " WHERE type = %s AND tag = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_parameter " . " WHERE style_id = %s " . " AND tag = %s " . " AND class = %s " . " AND parameter = %s " . " AND type = %s " . " AND mq_id = %s " | 1 |
"UPDATE style_data SET uptodate = 0" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM grp_tree WHERE ref_id = '-1'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_reference " . "(ref_id,obj_id) VALUES (0,'" . $entry["child"] . "')" | 1 |
"UPDATE grp_data SET ref_id='" . $entry["ref_id"] . "' WHERE child='" . $entry["child"] . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM grp_tree" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM grp_tree" | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id FROM object_reference WHERE obj_id='" . $entry["parent"] . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO grp_tree (tree,child,parent,lft,rgt,depth,perm,ref_id) VALUES " . "('" . $entry["tree"] . "'," . "'" . $entry["ref_id"] . "'," . "'" . $entry["parent"] . "'," . "'" . $entry["lft"] . "'," . "'" . $entry["rgt"] . "'," . "'" . $entry["depth"] . "'," . "'" . $entry["perm"] . "'," . "'" . $entry["child"] . "')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'ldap', 'LDAP settings object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('ldap','LDAP settings','Folder contains all LDAP settings','-1',now(),now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_reference (obj_id) VALUES ('" . $obj_id . "')" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tree" . "WHERE child = '9' " . "AND tree = '1'" | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id FROM object_reference " . "LEFT JOIN object_data ON object_reference.obj_id=object_data.obj_id " . "WHERE object_data.type='ldap'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tree WHERE child = '" . $ref_id . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tree " . "WHERE child = '9' " . "AND tree = '1'" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM rbac_ua WHERE rol_id='3'" | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_tests SET autosave = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_ua WHERE usr_id='" . $id . "' AND rol_id='5'" | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_tests SET autosave_ival = ' . $ilDB->quote(30000, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ua (usr_id,rol_id) " . "VALUES " . "('" . $id . "','5')" | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data SET type='rolt', description='Role template for authors with write & create permissions.' WHERE obj_id='3'" | 1 |
"UPDATE rbac_fa SET assign='n' WHERE rol_id='3' AND parent='8'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_fa WHERE rol_id='3' AND parent!='8'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE rol_id='3' AND parent!='8'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ua WHERE rol_id='3'" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(ops_id) AS id FROM rbac_operations " . "WHERE operation IN('visible','read','write','create','delete','edit permission')" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data " . "WHERE type = 'typ' " . "AND title = 'exc'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta " . "SET typ_id = '" . $type_id . "', " . "ops_id = '" . $id . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE title = 'il_grp_member' " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE rol_id = '" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "' AND type = 'frm' AND ops_id = 5 " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE rol_id = '" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "' AND type = 'frm' AND ops_id = 6 " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) VALUES ('" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "','frm','9','" . $rol_fold["parent"] . "')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) VALUES ('" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "','glo','2','" . $rol_fold["parent"] . "')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) VALUES ('" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "','glo','3','" . $rol_fold["parent"] . "')" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE rol_id = '" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "' AND type = 'grp' AND ops_id = 4 " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) VALUES ('" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "','lm','2','" . $rol_fold["parent"] . "')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) VALUES ('" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "','lm','3','" . $rol_fold["parent"] . "')" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE rol_id = '" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "' AND type = 'slm' AND ops_id = 5 " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE rol_id = '" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "' AND type = 'slm' AND ops_id = 6 " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) VALUES ('" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "','frm','1','" . $rol_fold["parent"] . "')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) VALUES ('" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "','frm','4','" . $rol_fold["parent"] . "')" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO il_dcl_datatype_prop (id, datatype_id, title, inputformat) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s)' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) VALUES ('" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "','glo','1','" . $rol_fold["parent"] . "')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) VALUES ('" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "','glo','4','" . $rol_fold["parent"] . "')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) VALUES ('" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "','glo','7','" . $rol_fold["parent"] . "')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_datatype (id, title, ildb_type, storage_location) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote(7, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("rating", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("integer", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) VALUES ('" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "','glo','8','" . $rol_fold["parent"] . "')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) VALUES ('" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "','rolf','1','" . $rol_fold["parent"] . "')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) VALUES ('" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "','rolf','5','" . $rol_fold["parent"] . "')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) VALUES ('" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "','rolf','6','" . $rol_fold["parent"] . "')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'fold', 'Folder object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'file', 'File object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_datatype (id, title, ildb_type, storage_location) " . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote(8, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("ILIAS_reference", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("integer", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(2, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM settings" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_datatype (id, title, ildb_type, storage_location) " . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote(9, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("mob", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("integer", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(2, "text") . ")" | 1 |
" SELECT keyword, value FROM settings WHERE $_keyword_IN_keywords " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('setup_ok','1')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('nic_enabled','0')" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM settings WHERE $_keyword_IN_keywords" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_object WHERE content LIKE '%flit%'" | 1 |
"SELECT,orw.obj_id" . " FROM notification ntf" . " JOIN object_reference_ws orw ON ( = orw.wsp_id)" . " WHERE ntf.type = " . $ilDB->quote(4, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM notification" . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote(4, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("id", array_values($ntfmap), "", "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE page_object SET content = '" . addslashes($content) . "'" . " WHERE page_id = '" . $page_rec["page_id"] . "'" . " AND parent_type='" . $page_rec["parent_type"] . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id FROM object_reference " . "LEFT JOIN object_data ON object_reference.obj_id=object_data.obj_id " . "WHERE object_data.type = 'ldap'" | 1 |
"UPDATE notification" . " SET id = " . $ilDB->quote($ntf_obj_id, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($ntf_wsp_id, "integer") . " AND type = " . $ilDB->quote(4, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data " . "WHERE type='typ' AND title='file'" | 1 |
'SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = ' . $ilDB->quote('contribute', 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_pa WHERE ops_id='a:0:{}'" | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_pa.ops_id, rbac_pa.rol_id, rbac_pa.obj_id as ref_id, object_data.type FROM rbac_pa " . "LEFT JOIN object_reference ON rbac_pa.obj_id=object_reference.ref_id " . "LEFT JOIN object_data ON object_reference.obj_id=object_data.obj_id" | 1 |
"UPDATE style_parameter SET " . " tag = " . $ilDB->quote("div", "text") . " WHERE class = " . $ilDB->quote("PageFrame", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE style_parameter SET " . " tag = " . $ilDB->quote("div", "text") . " WHERE class = " . $ilDB->quote("PageContainer", "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM style_parameter WHERE " . " class = " . $ilDB->quote("PageFrame", "text") . " AND " . " parameter = " . $ilDB->quote("width", "text") . " AND " . " value = " . $ilDB->quote("100%", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data" . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("rolt", "text") . " AND title = " . $ilDB->quote("il_blog_contributor", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_templates" . " WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($blog_contributor_tpl_id, "integer") . " AND type = " . $ilDB->quote("blog", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT ta.typ_id,obj.title,ops.ops_id,ops.operation FROM rbac_ta AS ta " . "LEFT JOIN object_data AS obj ON obj.obj_id=ta.typ_id " . "LEFT JOIN rbac_operations AS ops ON ops.ops_id=ta.ops_id" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_fa" | 1 |
'UPDATE qpl_a_essay SET tmp_points = points' | 1 |
'UPDATE qpl_a_essay SET points = tmp_points' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ta WHERE ops_id=5" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_operations WHERE ops_id=5" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tree WHERE parent=0 AND tree <> 1" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'tst', 'Test object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data SET " . " type = " . $ilDB->quote("lm", "text") . "," . " import_id = " . $ilDB->quote("lm_migrated", "text") . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("dbk", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE page_object SET " . " parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote("lm", "text") . " WHERE parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote("dbk", "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'qpl', 'Question pool object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','27')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','28')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'chat', 'Chat object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations VALUES('29','create_chat','create chat object')" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND ( title = 'cat' OR title = 'grp') " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta VALUES('" . $row->obj_id . "','29')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'chac', 'Chat server config object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('chac', 'Chat server settings', 'Configure chat server settings here', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'recf', 'RecoveryFolder object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('recf', '__Restored Objects', 'Contains objects restored by recovery tool', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO settings (keyword,value) VALUES('recovery_folder_id','" . $row->id . "')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations VALUES('30','mail_visible','users can use mail system')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta VALUES('19','30')" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data NATURAL JOIN object_reference " . "WHERE type = 'mail'" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(rol_id) FROM rbac_pa" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'mep', 'Media pool object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'htlm', 'HTML LM object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type='htlm'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO file_based_lm (id, online) VALUES ('" . $row["obj_id"] . "', 'n')" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_questions WHERE cloze_type >= 0" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_answers SET cloze_type = %s WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data AS obj " . "LEFT JOIN object_reference AS ref ON obj.obj_id = ref.obj_id " . "LEFT JOIN grp_tree AS grp ON grp.child = ref.ref_id " . "WHERE obj.type = 'file'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tree WHERE child='" . $row->tree . "' AND tree='1'" | 1 |
" INSERT INTO object_reference (ref_id, obj_id) VALUES(" . $ilDB->quote($ref_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer') . ") " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM `qpl_questions` WHERE NOT isnull(start_tag)" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questions SET question_text = %s WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='typ' AND title='file'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','18')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','20')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','21')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','25')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','26')" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='rolt' AND title='il_grp_member'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='role' AND title LIKE 'il_grp_member%'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='rolt' AND title='il_grp_admin'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='role' AND title LIKE 'il_grp_admin%'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='adm'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_translation (obj_id, title, description, " . "lang_code, lang_default) VALUES ('" . $adm_id . "','Open Source eLearning'" . ",'','en','1')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'svy', 'Survey object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_fb_cloze" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_fb_errortext" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'spl', 'Question pool object (Survey)', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_fb_essay" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','42')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','43')" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_fb_imap" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='glo'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO glossary (id, online) VALUES ('" . $gl_rec["obj_id"] . "','y')" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_fb_matching" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','23')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','24')" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_fb_mc" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_fb_sc" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_datatype (id, title, ildb_type, storage_location) " . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote(10, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("referencelist", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote("integer", "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(2, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_dcl_datatype WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote(10, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_dcl_datatype_prop WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote(11, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_dcl_datatype SET sort = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " WHERE title=" . $ilDB->quote("text", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_dcl_datatype SET sort = " . $ilDB->quote(10, "integer") . " WHERE title=" . $ilDB->quote("integer", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_dcl_datatype SET sort = " . $ilDB->quote(20, "integer") . " WHERE title=" . $ilDB->quote("boolean", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_dcl_datatype SET sort = " . $ilDB->quote(30, "integer") . " WHERE title=" . $ilDB->quote("datetime", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_dcl_datatype SET sort = " . $ilDB->quote(40, "integer") . " WHERE title=" . $ilDB->quote("mob", "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'tax', 'Taxonomy object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_dcl_datatype SET sort = " . $ilDB->quote(50, "integer") . " WHERE title=" . $ilDB->quote("file", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_dcl_datatype SET sort = " . $ilDB->quote(60, "integer") . " WHERE title=" . $ilDB->quote("reference", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_dcl_datatype SET sort = " . $ilDB->quote(70, "integer") . " WHERE title=" . $ilDB->quote("ILIAS_reference", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_dcl_datatype SET sort = " . $ilDB->quote(80, "integer") . " WHERE title=" . $ilDB->quote("rating", "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations VALUES('44','create_tax','create taxonomy object')" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'adm' " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta VALUES('" . $row->obj_id . "','44')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'taxf', 'Taxonomy folder object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('taxf', 'Taxonomy folder', 'Configure taxonomy settings here', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
" SELECT qstq.question_fi FROM qpl_qst_essay qstq LEFT JOIN qpl_a_essay qsta ON qstq.question_fi = qsta.question_fi WHERE qsta.answer_id IS NULL " | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='typ' AND title='svy'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','45')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','46')" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data" | 1 |
"SELECT test_question_id, question_fi, test_fi FROM tst_test_question" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_questions (question_id, question_type_fi, ref_fi, title, comment, author, owner, question_text, working_time, shuffle, points, start_tag, end_tag, matching_type, ordering_type, cloze_type, choice_response, materials, image_file, params, complete, created, original_id, TIMESTAMP) VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, NULL)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_answers (answer_id, question_fi, name, shuffle, answertext, points, aorder, correctness, solution_order, matchingtext, matching_order, gap_id, cloze_type, coords, area, TIMESTAMP) VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, NULL)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_question_material WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_material (material_id, question_id, materials, materials_file, TIMESTAMP) VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, NULL)" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_test_question SET question_fi = %s WHERE test_question_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_solutions SET question_fi = %s WHERE test_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation='visible'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation='participate'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type='role' AND title='User'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type='role' AND title='Guest'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'trac', 'UserTracking object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('trac', '__User Tracking', 'System user tracking', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO settings (keyword,value) VALUES('sys_user_tracking_id','" . $row->id . "')" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = 'trac'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('rolt', 'il_crs_admin', 'Administrator template for course admins', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'rolt' AND title = 'il_crs_admin'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('rolt', 'il_crs_tutor', 'Tutor template for course tutors', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'rolt' AND title = 'il_crs_tutor'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('rolt', 'il_crs_member', 'Member template for course members', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'rolt' AND title = 'il_crs_member'" | 1 |
"SELECT object_reference.obj_id, tst_tests.obj_fi, tst_tests.test_id FROM object_reference, tst_tests WHERE tst_tests.obj_fi = object_reference.ref_id" | 1 |
"UPDATE `tst_tests` SET `obj_fi` = %s WHERE `test_id` = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT object_reference.obj_id, qpl_questions.obj_fi, qpl_questions.question_id FROM object_reference, qpl_questions WHERE qpl_questions.obj_fi = object_reference.ref_id" | 1 |
"UPDATE `qpl_questions` SET `obj_fi` = %s WHERE `question_id` = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_reference WHERE ref_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'ldap' LIMIT 1" | 1 |
"SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = 'create_file'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta VALUES('" . $obj_id . "','" . $ops_id . "')" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data " . "WHERE type = 'rolt' AND title = 'Author'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates " . "VALUES('" . $role_id . "','cat','" . $ops_id . "','" . ROLE_FOLDER_ID . "')" | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id FROM object_reference LEFT JOIN object_data ON object_data.obj_id = object_reference.obj_id WHERE object_data.type = 'auth'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tree WHERE child='" . $row->ref_id . "' AND parent='9'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tree WHERE child='" . $row->ref_id . "'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_reference WHERE ref_id='" . $row->ref_id . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT object_data VALUES('','typ','pays','Payment settings',-1,NOW(),NOW(),'')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data VALUES('','pays','Payment settings','Payment settings',-1,NOW(),NOW(),'')" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'pays'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta VALUES('" . $typ_id . "','1')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta VALUES('" . $typ_id . "','2')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta VALUES('" . $typ_id . "','3')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta VALUES('" . $typ_id . "','4')" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data " . "WHERE type='typ' AND title='alm'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_data WHERE type='typ' and title='alm'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data " . "WHERE type='typ' AND title='hlm'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_data WHERE type='typ' and title='hlm'" | 1 |
"SELECT object_reference.obj_id, survey_survey.obj_fi, survey_survey.survey_id FROM object_reference, survey_survey WHERE survey_survey.obj_fi = object_reference.ref_id" | 1 |
"UPDATE `survey_survey` SET `obj_fi` = %s WHERE `survey_id` = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT object_reference.obj_id, survey_question.obj_fi, survey_question.question_id FROM object_reference, survey_question WHERE survey_question.obj_fi = object_reference.ref_id" | 1 |
"UPDATE `survey_question` SET `obj_fi` = %s WHERE `question_id` = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data where type = 'slm' or type = 'alm' or type = 'hlm'" | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET type='$type' WHERE id ='" . $row["obj_id"] . "'" | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data SET type='sahs' WHERE obj_id ='" . $row["obj_id"] . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations " . "VALUES('','cat_administrate_users','Administrate local user')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations " . "VALUES('','read_users','read local users')" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'usrf'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta VALUES('" . $cat_id . "','" . $read_ops . "')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta VALUES('" . $cat_id . "','" . $admin_ops . "')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta VALUES('" . $usrf_id . "','" . $read_ops . "')" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET time_limit_owner = '7'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM survey_questionblock, survey_questionblock_question WHERE survey_questionblock_question.questionblock_fi = survey_questionblock.questionblock_id" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO survey_question_obligatory (question_obligatory_id, survey_fi, question_fi, obligatory, TIMESTAMP) VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, NULL)" | 1 |
"SELECT pos_pk,pos_usr_id,pos_thr_fk,pos_top_fk FROM frm_posts" | 1 |
"SELECT top_frm_fk FROM frm_data " . "WHERE top_pk = '" . $row1->pos_top_fk . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO frm_user_read " . "SET usr_id = '" . $row1->pos_usr_id . "', " . "obj_id = '" . $row2->top_frm_fk . "', " . "thread_id = '" . $row1->pos_thr_fk . "', " . "post_id = '" . $row1->pos_pk . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_answers.answer_id FROM qpl_answers, qpl_questions WHERE qpl_answers.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id AND qpl_questions.question_type_fi = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_answers.answer_id FROM qpl_answers, qpl_questions WHERE qpl_answers.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id AND qpl_questions.question_type_fi = 6" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_answers.answer_id FROM qpl_answers, qpl_questions WHERE qpl_answers.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id AND qpl_questions.question_type_fi = 6 AND qpl_answers.cloze_type = '1'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'assf', 'AssessmentFolder object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('assf', '__Test&Assessment', 'Test&Assessment Administration', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO settings (keyword,value) VALUES('sys_assessment_folder_id','" . $row->id . "')" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = 'assf'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_tree WHERE child > 1" | 1 |
"UPDATE page_object SET parent_id='" . $tree_rec["lm_id"] . "' WHERE page_id='" . $tree_rec["child"] . "' AND parent_type='lm'" | 1 |
"UPDATE lm_data SET lm_id='" . $tree_rec["lm_id"] . "' WHERE obj_id='" . $tree_rec["child"] . "' AND type='pg'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'styf', 'Style Folder', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('styf', 'System Style Folder', 'System Style Templates', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'icrs', 'iLinc course object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'icla', 'iLinc class room object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'crsg', 'Course grouping object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data SET title='stys', description='Style Settings'" . " WHERE title='styf' AND type='typ'" | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data SET type='stys', title = 'System Style Settings'," . " description = 'Manage system skin and style settings here' " . " WHERE type='styf' " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO settings (keyword, value) VALUES ('default_repository_view','flat')" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'usrf'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations " . "SET operation = 'push_desktop_items', description = 'Allow pushing desktop items'" | 1 |
"SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() as ops_id FROM rbac_operations " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta SET typ_id = '" . $type_id . "', ops_id = '" . $ops_id . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . "WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'crsg'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ta WHERE typ_id = '" . $ops_id . "'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM conditions WHERE operator = 'not_member'" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM crs_groupings' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'webr', 'Link resource object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','7')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','8')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations " . "SET operation = 'create_webr', description = 'create web resource'" | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id FROM object_reference WHERE obj_id = '" . $id . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'seas', 'Search settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('seas', 'Search settings', 'Search settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations SET operation = 'search', description = 'Allow using search'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'seas'" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM usr_search' | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questions SET points = %s WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type = 'mob' AND obj_id >= '" . $max_id . "' ORDER BY obj_id" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type = 'lm' AND obj_id >= '" . $max_id . "' ORDER BY obj_id" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_data WHERE lm_id = '" . $row->obj_id . "' AND (type = 'pg' OR type = 'st')" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type = 'glo' AND obj_id >= '" . $max_id . "' ORDER BY obj_id" | 1 |
"select as gdid,term from glossary_definition as gd, glossary_term as gt where gd.term_id =" . " and glo_id = '" . $row->obj_id . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type IN ('tst','svy','qpl','spl','crs','icla','icrs','sahs','htlm') AND obj_id >= '" . $max_id . "' ORDER BY obj_id" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_typical_age_range " | 1 |
"UPDATE il_meta_typical_age_range " . "SET typical_age_range_min = '" . (int) $min . "', " . "typical_age_range_max = '" . (int) $max . "' " . "WHERE meta_typical_age_range_id = '" . $row->meta_typical_age_range_id . "'" | 1 |
"UPDATE " . $table . " SET rbac_id = 0 WHERE obj_type = 'mob'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations SET operation = 'moderate', description = 'Moderate objects'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'chat'" | 1 |
"SELECT rol_id FROM rbac_fa " . "WHERE parent = '" . ROLE_FOLDER_ID . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id from object_data od ,object_reference as orf where od.obj_id = orf.obj_id and type = 'seas'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_operations where operation = 'search'" | 1 |
"SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_pa where rol_id = '" . $role_id . "' and ref_id = '" . $ref_id . "'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_pa WHERE rol_id = '" . $role_id . "' and ref_id = '" . $ref_id . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_pa SET rol_id = '" . $role_id . "', " . "ops_id = '" . addslashes(serialize($ops)) . "', " . "ref_id = '" . $ref_id . "'" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_meta_format SET parent_type = 'meta_technical'" | 1 |
"SELECT page_id,parent_id FROM page_object ORDER BY page_id,parent_id" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tmp_migration WHERE page_id = '" . $row->page_id . "' AND parent_id = '" . $row->parent_id . "' " . "AND passed = '1'" | 1 |
"SELECT content FROM page_object WHERE page_id = '" . $row->page_id . "' " . "AND parent_id = '" . $row->parent_id . "'" | 1 |
"UPDATE page_object SET content = '" . addslashes($new_content) . "' " . "WHERE page_id = '" . $row->page_id . "' AND parent_id = '" . $row->parent_id . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'extt', 'external tools settings', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data VALUES('','extt','External tools settings','Configuring external tools',-1,NOW(),NOW(),'')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations SET operation = 'create_icrs', description = 'create LearnLink Seminar'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title IN ('cat','grp','fold','crs')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations SET operation = 'create_icla', description = 'create LearnLink Seminar room'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title IN ('icrs')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $obj_id . "','" . $icla_ops_id . "')" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'icrs'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $obj_id . "','7')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $obj_id . "','8')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('rolt', 'il_icrs_admin', 'Administrator template for LearnLink Seminars', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('rolt', 'il_icrs_member', 'Member template for LearnLink Seminars', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'icla'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ta WHERE typ_id = '" . $obj_id . "'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE type = 'icla'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_data WHERE type = 'icla'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_data WHERE type = 'icrs'" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET ilinc_id = NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT content, page_id, parent_type FROM page_object " . "WHERE content LIKE '%MediaAlias OriginId%' AND parent_type='gdf'" | 1 |
"SELECT content, page_id, parent_type FROM page_object " . "WHERE content LIKE '%MediaAlias OriginId%' AND parent_type='qpl'" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id, referral_comment, hobby FROM usr_data" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET hobby = %s, referral_comment = %s WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT question_id, original_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE original_id > 0" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questions SET original_id = NULL WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT question_id, original_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questions SET original_id = %s WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT obd.obj_id as objid,obr.ref_id as refid FROM object_data as obd,object_reference as obr " . "WHERE obd.obj_id = obr.obj_id " . "AND type = 'chat'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data " . "(type,title,description,owner,create_date,last_update,import_id) " . "VALUES " . "('rolf','" . $row->objid . "','(ref_id " . $row->refid . ")'," . "'6',now(),now(),'')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data " . "(type,title,description,owner,create_date,last_update,import_id) " . "VALUES " . "('role','il_chat_moderator_" . $row->refid . "','" . "Moderator of chat obj_no." . $row->objid . "'," . "'6',now(),now(),'')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO role_data " . "(role_id,allow_register,assign_users) " . "VALUES " . "('" . $role_id . "','0','1')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('rolt', 'il_crs_non_member', 'Non-member template for course object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_reference " . "WHERE ref_id = '" . $a_id . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM chat_records " | 1 |
"UPDATE chat_records SET chat_id = '" . _lookupObjId($row->chat_id) . "' WHERE record_id = '" . $row->record_id . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM chat_room_messages " | 1 |
"UPDATE chat_room_messages SET chat_id = '" . _lookupObjId($row->chat_id) . "' WHERE entry_id = '" . $row->entry_id . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM chat_rooms " | 1 |
"UPDATE chat_rooms SET chat_id = '" . _lookupObjId($row->chat_id) . "' WHERE room_id = '" . $row->room_id . "'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM chat_user" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data LEFT JOIN object_reference USING(obj_id) WHERE type = 'chac'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data " . "(type,title,description,owner,create_date,last_update,import_id) " . "VALUES " . "('chat','Public chat','Public chat'," . "'6',now(),now(),'')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_reference " . "(obj_id) VALUES ('" . $chat_id . "')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data " . "(type,title,description,owner,create_date,last_update,import_id) " . "VALUES " . "('rolf','" . $chat_id . "','(ref_id " . $chat_ref_id . ")'," . "'6',now(),now(),'')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data " . "(type,title,description,owner,create_date,last_update,import_id) " . "VALUES " . "('role','il_chat_moderator_" . $chat_ref_id . "','Moderator of chat obj_no." . $chat_id . "'," . "'6',now(),now(),'')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO role_data set role_id = '" . $role_id . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type = 'qpl'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_questionpool (online, obj_fi) VALUES ('1', %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type = 'spl'" | 1 |
"SELECT id_questionpool FROM survey_questionpool WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO survey_questionpool (online, obj_fi) VALUES ('1', %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tree WHERE tree < 0" | 1 |
"UPDATE object_reference SET deleted=now() WHERE ref_id='" . $row["child"] . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT u1.usr_id, u1.value as skin, u2.value as style " . "FROM usr_pref AS u1, usr_pref AS u2 " . "WHERE u1.usr_id = u2.usr_id AND u1.keyword = 'skin' AND u2.keyword = 'style' " | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_pref SET value = 'default' WHERE " . " usr_id = '" . $row["usr_id"] . "' AND " . " keyword = 'skin'" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_pref SET value = 'delos' WHERE " . " usr_id = '" . $row["usr_id"] . "' AND " . " keyword = 'style'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . "WHERE type='sty' " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_data (id, uptodate) VALUES " . "('" . $row["obj_id"] . "','0')" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type='rolt' AND title IN ('il_crs_admin','il_icrs_admin','il_grp_admin','Local Administrator')" | 1 |
"UPDATE rbac_fa SET protected='y' WHERE rol_id='" . $row["obj_id"] . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM file_data" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM file_usage WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($row["file_id"]) | 1 |
"UPDATE file_data SET mode=" . $ilDB->quote("filelist") . " WHERE file_id = " . $row["file_id"] | 1 |
"SELECT file_type, title, description, obj_id, file_id, file_name, version" . " FROM file_data, object_data WHERE mode = 'object'" . " AND file_data.file_id = object_data.obj_id" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_operations" | 1 |
"UPDATE rbac_operations SET class='" . $perm_class . "' WHERE operation = '" . $row['operation'] . "'" | 1 |
"UPDATE rbac_operations SET op_order='100' WHERE operation='visible'" | 1 |
"UPDATE rbac_operations SET op_order='110' WHERE operation='read'" | 1 |
"UPDATE rbac_operations SET op_order='120' WHERE operation='write'" | 1 |
"UPDATE rbac_operations SET op_order='130' WHERE operation='delete'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations SET operation = 'edit_learning_progress', " . "description = 'edit learning progress', " . "class = 'object'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE title IN ('lm','dbk','sahs','htlm','tst','crs') " . "AND type = 'typ'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta SET typ_id = '" . $typ_id . "', " . "ops_id = '" . $new_ops_id . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE title IN ('il_crs_admin','Author','Local Administrator') " . "AND type = 'rolt'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET rol_id = '" . $rolt_id . "', " . "type = 'lm', " . "ops_id = '" . $new_ops_id . "', " . "parent = '" . ROLE_FOLDER_ID . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET rol_id = '" . $rolt_id . "', " . "type = 'tst', " . "ops_id = '" . $new_ops_id . "', " . "parent = '" . ROLE_FOLDER_ID . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET rol_id = '" . $rolt_id . "', " . "type = 'dbk', " . "ops_id = '" . $new_ops_id . "', " . "parent = '" . ROLE_FOLDER_ID . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET rol_id = '" . $rolt_id . "', " . "type = 'sahs', " . "ops_id = '" . $new_ops_id . "', " . "parent = '" . ROLE_FOLDER_ID . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET rol_id = '" . $rolt_id . "', " . "type = 'htlm', " . "ops_id = '" . $new_ops_id . "', " . "parent = '" . ROLE_FOLDER_ID . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET rol_id = '" . $rolt_id . "', " . "type = 'crs', " . "ops_id = '" . $new_ops_id . "', " . "parent = '" . ROLE_FOLDER_ID . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT ref_id FROM scorm_tracking" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_reference WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["ref_id"]) | 1 |
"UPDATE scorm_tracking SET ref_id= " . $ilDB->quote($rec2["obj_id"]) . " WHERE " . " ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["ref_id"]) | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT usr_id FROM usr_data" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO usr_defined_data " . "SET usr_id = '" . $row->usr_id . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT concat( tst_test_result.user_fi, '_', tst_test_result.test_fi ) " . ", tst_test_result.user_fi, tst_test_result.test_fi, tst_active.user_fi AS active1, " . "tst_active.test_fi AS active2, tst_tests.random_test FROM tst_tests, tst_test_result " . "LEFT JOIN tst_active ON concat( tst_active.user_fi, '_', tst_active.test_fi ) = " . "concat( tst_test_result.user_fi, '_', tst_test_result.test_fi ) " . "WHERE isnull( tst_active.user_fi ) " . "AND tst_test_result.test_fi = tst_tests.test_id" | 1 |
"SELECT test_random_question_id FROM tst_test_random_question WHERE test_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s AND pass = 0" | 1 |
"SELECT test_question_id FROM tst_test_question WHERE test_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(pass) AS maxpass FROM tst_test_random_question WHERE user_fi = %s AND test_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(pass) AS maxpass FROM tst_test_result WHERE user_fi = %s AND test_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tst_active (user_fi, test_fi, sequence, lastindex, tries) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT test_result_id FROM tst_test_result WHERE test_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_active WHERE tries > 1" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_active SET tries = %s WHERE active_id = %s" | 1 |
"Update step #662: set tst_active.tries from " . $row["tries"] . " to $tries for tst_active.active_id = " . $row["active_id"] | 1 |
"SELECT question_id, question_type_fi, textgap_rating FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_type_fi = 3 AND textgap_rating <> 'ci'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_multiplechoice (question_fi, shuffle, choice_response) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_cloze (question_fi, textgap_rating) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_matching (question_fi, shuffle, matching_type) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_ordering (question_fi, ordering_type) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_imagemap (question_fi, image_file) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_javaapplet (question_fi, image_file, params) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_essay (question_fi, maxNumOfChars, keywords, textgap_rating) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_numeric (question_fi, maxNumOfChars) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_textsubset (question_fi, textgap_rating, correctanswers) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM survey_question" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO survey_question_nominal (question_fi, subtype, orientation) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO survey_question_ordinal (question_fi, orientation) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO survey_question_metric (question_fi, subtype) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO survey_question_text (question_fi, maxchars) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_answers.*, qpl_questions.question_type_fi FROM qpl_answers, qpl_questions WHERE qpl_answers.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_answer_multiplechoice (question_fi, answertext, points, aorder, correctness) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_answer_cloze (question_fi, name, shuffle, answertext, points, aorder, correctness, gap_id, cloze_type) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_answer_matching (question_fi, answertext, points, aorder, matchingtext, matching_order) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_answer_ordering (question_fi, answertext, points, aorder, solution_order) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_answer_imagemap (question_fi, answertext, points, aorder, correctness, coords, area) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_answer_textsubset (question_fi, answertext, points, aorder) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM settings WHERE keyword='auto_registration'" | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM settings WHERE keyword='enable_registration'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO settings SET keyword = 'new_registration_type',value = '" . $reg_mode . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO reg_email_role_assignments SET domain = '', role = ''" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_answer_multiplechoice.*, qpl_question_multiplechoice.choice_response FROM qpl_answer_multiplechoice, qpl_question_multiplechoice WHERE qpl_answer_multiplechoice.question_fi = qpl_question_multiplechoice.question_fi" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_question_multiplechoice.*, qpl_questions.question_type_fi FROM qpl_question_multiplechoice, qpl_questions WHERE qpl_question_multiplechoice.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_singlechoice (question_fi, shuffle) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_question_multiplechoice WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_answer_multiplechoice.*, qpl_questions.question_type_fi FROM qpl_answer_multiplechoice, qpl_questions WHERE qpl_answer_multiplechoice.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_answer_singlechoice (question_fi, answertext, imagefile, points, aorder) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_answer_multiplechoice WHERE answer_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_active_qst_sol_settings.*, tst_active.active_id FROM tst_active_qst_sol_settings, tst_active WHERE tst_active_qst_sol_settings.test_fi = tst_active.test_fi AND tst_active_qst_sol_settings.user_fi = tst_active.user_fi" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_active_qst_sol_settings SET active_fi = %s WHERE test_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_solutions.*, tst_active.active_id FROM tst_solutions, tst_active WHERE tst_solutions.test_fi = tst_active.test_fi AND tst_solutions.user_fi = tst_active.user_fi" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_solutions SET active_fi = %s WHERE test_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_test_random_question.*, tst_active.active_id FROM tst_test_random_question, tst_active WHERE tst_test_random_question.test_fi = tst_active.test_fi AND tst_test_random_question.user_fi = tst_active.user_fi" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_test_random_question SET active_fi = %s WHERE test_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_test_result.*, tst_active.active_id FROM tst_test_result, tst_active WHERE tst_test_result.test_fi = tst_active.test_fi AND tst_test_result.user_fi = tst_active.user_fi" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_test_result SET active_fi = %s, TIMESTAMP = %s WHERE test_result_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'adve', 'Advanced editing object', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('adve', '__AdvancedEditing', 'Advanced Editing', -1, now(), now())" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO settings (keyword,value) VALUES('sys_advanced_editing_id','" . $row->id . "')" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = 'adve'" | 1 |
"SELECT ut.obj_id AS obj_id,type,item_id FROM ut_lp_collections AS ut INNER JOIN object_data AS od ON od.obj_id = ut.obj_id" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_reference WHERE obj_id = '" . $row->obj_id . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_reference WHERE obj_id = '" . $row->item_id . "'" | 1 |
"UPDATE ut_lp_collections " . "SET item_id = '" . $item_row->ref_id . "' " . "WHERE obj_id = '" . $row->obj_id . "' " . "AND item_id = '" . $row->item_id . "'" | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_settings " . "SET activation_type = '" . $type . "' " . "WHERE obj_id = '" . $row->obj_id . "'" | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_settings " . "SET subscription_limitation_type = '" . $type . "' " . "WHERE obj_id = '" . $row->obj_id . "'" | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_settings " . "SET view_mode = '" . $type . "' " . "WHERE obj_id = '" . $row->obj_id . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objective_status WHERE status = 0" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO crs_objective_status_pretest " . "SET objective_id = '" . $row->objective_id . "', " . "user_id = '" . $row->user_id . "'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objective_status " . "WHERE status = '0'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = 'edit_learning_progress'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE title IN ('exc','grp','fold') " . "AND type = 'typ'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta SET typ_id = '" . $typ_id . "', " . "ops_id = '" . $ops_id . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE title IN ('il_grp_admin','il_crs_admin','Author','Local Administrator') " . "AND type = 'rolt'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET rol_id = '" . $rolt_id . "', " . "type = 'grp', " . "ops_id = '" . $ops_id . "', " . "parent = '" . ROLE_FOLDER_ID . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET rol_id = '" . $rolt_id . "', " . "type = 'exc', " . "ops_id = '" . $ops_id . "', " . "parent = '" . ROLE_FOLDER_ID . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates SET rol_id = '" . $rolt_id . "', " . "type = 'fold', " . "ops_id = '" . $ops_id . "', " . "parent = '" . ROLE_FOLDER_ID . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT objective_id FROM crs_objectives " | 1 |
"SELECT objective_id FROM tmp_migration WHERE objective_id = '" . $row->objective_id . "' AND passed = '1'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objective_tst as ct JOIN crs_objective_qst as cq " . "ON (ct.objective_id = cq.objective_id AND ct.obj_id = cq.obj_id) " . "WHERE tst_status = '1' AND ct.objective_id = '" . $row->objective_id . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT SUM(points) as reachable FROM qpl_questions WHERE " . "question_id IN('" . implode("','", $data['questions']) . "')" | 1 |
"SELECT user_fi, MAX(points) as reached FROM tst_test_result JOIN tst_active ON active_fi = active_id " . "WHERE question_fi IN('" . implode("','", $data['questions']) . "') " . "GROUP BY question_fi,user_fi" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("lng") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lng_data WHERE lang_key = " . $ilDB->quote($lang_rec["title"]) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','17')" | 1 |
"SHOW COLUMNS FROM tst_tests" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='typ' AND title='tst'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','56')" | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_pa.* FROM rbac_pa, object_data, object_reference WHERE object_data.type = 'tst' AND object_reference.obj_id = object_data.obj_id AND rbac_pa.ref_id = object_reference.ref_id" | 1 |
"SHOW COLUMNS FROM survey_answer" | 1 |
"SHOW COLUMNS FROM survey_category" | 1 |
"SELECT questiontype_id FROM survey_questiontype WHERE type_tag = 'SurveyMatrixQuestion'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO `survey_questiontype` ( `questiontype_id` , `type_tag` , `TIMESTAMP` ) VALUES ( '5', 'SurveyMatrixQuestion', NOW( ) )" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM settings WHERE module = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT s.user_id FROM skl_personal_skill s LEFT JOIN usr_data u ON (s.user_id = u.usr_id) " . " WHERE u.usr_id IS NULL " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_personal_skill WHERE " . $ilDB->in("user_id", $user_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT s.user_id FROM skl_assigned_material s LEFT JOIN usr_data u ON (s.user_id = u.usr_id) " . " WHERE u.usr_id IS NULL " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_assigned_material WHERE " . $ilDB->in("user_id", $user_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT s.user_id FROM skl_profile_user s LEFT JOIN usr_data u ON (s.user_id = u.usr_id) " . " WHERE u.usr_id IS NULL " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_profile_user WHERE " . $ilDB->in("user_id", $user_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT s.user_id FROM skl_user_skill_level s LEFT JOIN usr_data u ON (s.user_id = u.usr_id) " . " WHERE u.usr_id IS NULL " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_user_skill_level WHERE " . $ilDB->in("user_id", $user_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT s.user_id FROM skl_user_has_level s LEFT JOIN usr_data u ON (s.user_id = u.usr_id) " . " WHERE u.usr_id IS NULL " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_user_has_level WHERE " . $ilDB->in("user_id", $user_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data as obj inner join object_reference as ref on ref.obj_id = obj.obj_id and ref.deleted is not null where type = 'orgu'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_data where obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec['obj_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_reference where obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec['obj_id'], 'integer') | 1 |
" SELECT frmpt.thr_fk FROM frm_posts_tree frmpt INNER JOIN frm_posts fp ON fp.pos_pk = frmpt.pos_fk WHERE frmpt.parent_pos = 0 GROUP BY frmpt.thr_fk HAVING COUNT(frmpt.fpt_pk) > 1 " | 1 |
" SELECT fp.*, fpt.fpt_pk, fpt.thr_fk, fpt.lft, fpt.rgt, fpt.fpt_date FROM frm_posts_tree fpt INNER JOIN frm_posts fp ON fp.pos_pk = fpt.pos_fk LEFT JOIN frm_thread_tree_mig ON frm_thread_tree_mig.thread_id = fpt.thr_fk WHERE fpt.parent_pos = 0 AND fpt.depth = 1 AND frm_thread_tree_mig.thread_id IS NULL " | 1 |
" UPDATE frm_posts_tree SET lft = lft + 1, rgt = rgt + 1, depth = depth + 1 WHERE thr_fk = %s " | 1 |
' INSERT INTO frm_posts_tree ( fpt_pk, thr_fk, pos_fk, parent_pos, lft, rgt, depth, fpt_date ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
" UPDATE frm_posts_tree SET parent_pos = %s WHERE thr_fk = %s AND fpt_pk = %s " | 1 |
'UPDATE qpl_questions SET lifecycle = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data" . " WHERE object_data.type = " . $ilDB->quote('rolt', 'text') . " AND title = " . $ilDB->quote('il_lso_member', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data" . " WHERE object_data.type = " . $ilDB->quote('rolt', 'text') . " AND title = " . $ilDB->quote('il_lso_admin', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT operation, ops_id FROM rbac_operations" | 1 |
'UPDATE lso_activation' . ' SET activation_start_ts = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(activation_start)' . ' WHERE activation_start IS NOT NULL' | 1 |
'UPDATE lso_activation' . ' SET activation_end_ts = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(activation_end)' . ' WHERE activation_end IS NOT NULL' | 1 |
"UPDATE post_conditions SET condition_operator = 'always' WHERE condition_type = 0" | 1 |
"UPDATE post_conditions SET condition_operator = 'finished' WHERE condition_type = 1" | 1 |
"UPDATE post_conditions SET condition_operator = 'passed' WHERE condition_type = 2" | 1 |
"UPDATE post_conditions SET condition_operator = 'failed' WHERE condition_type = 3" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM chatroom_admconfig" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE ops_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_ta WHERE ops_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_operations WHERE ops_id = %s' | 1 |
" SELECT qq.question_id qst_id, t.obj_fi tst_obj_id, qq.obj_fi qpl_obj_id FROM tst_tests t INNER JOIN tst_test_question tq ON t.test_id = tq.test_fi INNER JOIN qpl_questions qq ON qq.question_id = tq.question_fi WHERE t.question_set_type = 'FIXED_QUEST_SET' AND t.obj_fi != qq.obj_fi " | 1 |
" SELECT qq.question_id qst_id, t.obj_fi tst_obj_id, qq.obj_fi qpl_obj_id FROM tst_tests t INNER JOIN tst_rnd_cpy tq ON t.test_id = tq.tst_fi INNER JOIN qpl_questions qq ON qq.question_id = tq.qst_fi WHERE t.question_set_type = 'RANDOM_QUEST_SET' AND t.obj_fi != qq.obj_fi " | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(broken.qst_id) cnt FROM ( SELECT q1.qst_id FROM ( {$brokenFixedTestQuestionsQuery} ) q1 UNION SELECT q2.qst_id FROM ( {$brokenRandomTestQuestionsQuery} ) q2 ) broken " | 1 |
" SELECT q1.qst_id, q1.tst_obj_id, q1.qpl_obj_id FROM ( {$brokenFixedTestQuestionsQuery} ) q1 UNION SELECT q2.qst_id, q2.tst_obj_id, q2.qpl_obj_id FROM ( {$brokenRandomTestQuestionsQuery} ) q2 " | 1 |
" INSERT INTO {$tempTableName} (qst_id, tst_obj_id, qpl_obj_id) {$brokenQuestionSelectQuery} " | 1 |
" UPDATE qpl_questions SET obj_fi = ? WHERE obj_fi = ? AND question_id IN( SELECT qst_id FROM {$tempTableName} WHERE tst_obj_id = ? AND qpl_obj_id = ? ) " | 1 |
" DELETE FROM {$tempTableName} WHERE tst_obj_id = ? AND qpl_obj_id = ? " | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT tst_obj_id, qpl_obj_id FROM {$tempTableName}" | 1 |
' DELETE FROM il_bt_value WHERE id IN ( SELECT value_id FROM il_bt_value_to_task WHERE task_id IN ( SELECT id FROM il_bt_task WHERE ' . $ilDB->like('type', 'text', 'ilCertificateMigration%') . ' ) )' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM il_bt_value_to_task WHERE task_id IN ( SELECT id FROM il_bt_task WHERE ' . $ilDB->like('type', 'text', 'ilCertificateMigration%') . ' )' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM il_bt_task WHERE ' . $ilDB->like('type', 'text', 'ilCertificateMigration%') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM il_bt_bucket WHERE title = ' . $ilDB->quote('Certificate Migration', 'text') | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_manual_fb SET finalized_evaluation = %s WHERE feedback IS NOT NULL' | 1 |
"UPDATE il_mm_items SET identification = REPLACE(identification, %s, %s) WHERE identification LIKE %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_mm_items SET parent_identification = REPLACE(parent_identification, %s, %s) WHERE parent_identification LIKE %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_mm_translation SET id = REPLACE(id, %s, %s) WHERE id LIKE %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_mm_translation SET identification = REPLACE(id, %s, %s) WHERE identification LIKE %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_mm_actions SET identification = REPLACE(identification, %s, %s) WHERE identification LIKE %s" | 1 |
"SELECT prg_settings.obj_id FROM prg_settings" . " JOIN object_reference prg_ref ON prg_settings.obj_id = prg_ref.obj_id" . " JOIN tree ON parent = prg_ref.ref_id" . " LEFT JOIN object_reference child_ref ON tree.child = child_ref.ref_id" . " LEFT JOIN object_data child ON child_ref.obj_id = child.obj_id" . " WHERE lp_mode = 2 AND prg_ref.deleted IS NULL AND child.obj_id IS NULL" | 1 |
'UPDATE prg_settings SET lp_mode = 0 WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('obj_id', $to_adjust, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT prg_settings.obj_id FROM prg_settings" . " JOIN object_reference prg_ref ON prg_settings.obj_id = prg_ref.obj_id" . " JOIN tree ON parent = prg_ref.ref_id" . " JOIN object_reference child_ref ON tree.child = child_ref.ref_id" . " JOIN object_data child ON child_ref.obj_id = child.obj_id" . " WHERE lp_mode = 2 AND prg_ref.deleted IS NULL AND child.type = 'prg'" | 1 |
'UPDATE prg_settings SET lp_mode = 1 WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('obj_id', $to_adjust, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE skl_tree_node SET description = '' WHERE description IS NULL AND type IN ('scat', 'skll', 'sctp', 'sktp')" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_svy " . " WHERE invitation_mode = %s " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_inv_usr WHERE " . " survey_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT survey_fi, user_fi FROM svy_inv_usr " | 1 |
"UPDATE il_cert_template SET background_image_path = " . "REPLACE(" . "background_image_path , " . $ilDB->quote('//exercise/certificates//', 'text') . " , " . "CONCAT( CONCAT(" . $ilDB->quote('/', 'text') . ",obj_id)," . $ilDB->quote('/', 'text') . ") " . ") " . "WHERE background_image_path LIKE " . $ilDB->quote('%//background%', 'text') | 1 |
"UPDATE il_cert_template SET background_image_path = " . "REPLACE(" . "background_image_path , " . $ilDB->quote('//course/certificates//', 'text') . " , " . "CONCAT( CONCAT(" . $ilDB->quote('/', 'text') . ",obj_id)," . $ilDB->quote('/', 'text') . ") " . ") " . "WHERE background_image_path LIKE " . $ilDB->quote('%//background%', 'text') | 1 |
"UPDATE il_cert_template SET background_image_path = " . "REPLACE(" . "background_image_path , " . $ilDB->quote('//assessment/certificates//', 'text') . " , " . "CONCAT( CONCAT(" . $ilDB->quote('/', 'text') . ",obj_id)," . $ilDB->quote('/', 'text') . ") " . ") " . "WHERE background_image_path LIKE " . $ilDB->quote('%//background%', 'text') | 1 |
"UPDATE il_cert_template SET background_image_path = " . "REPLACE(" . "background_image_path , " . $ilDB->quote('//certificates/scorm//', 'text') . " , " . "CONCAT( CONCAT(" . $ilDB->quote('/', 'text') . ",obj_id)," . $ilDB->quote('/', 'text') . ") " . ") " . "WHERE background_image_path LIKE " . $ilDB->quote('%//background%', 'text') | 1 |
'select obj_id, crs_start, crs_end from crs_settings where crs_start IS NOT NULL or crs_end IS NOT NULL' | 1 |
'update crs_settings set ' . 'period_start = ' . $ilDB->quote($dtstart, \ilDBConstants::T_TIMESTAMP) . ', ' . 'period_end = ' . $ilDB->quote($dtend, \ilDBConstants::T_TIMESTAMP) . ' ' . 'where obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id, \ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
'select obj_id, grp_start, grp_end from grp_settings where grp_start IS NOT NULL or grp_end IS NOT NULL' | 1 |
'update grp_settings set ' . 'period_start = ' . $ilDB->quote($dtstart, \ilDBConstants::T_TIMESTAMP) . ', ' . 'period_end = ' . $ilDB->quote($dtend, \ilDBConstants::T_TIMESTAMP) . ' ' . 'where obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id, \ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
" UPDATE object_data odat SET offline = ( SELECT offline_status from cmix_settings cset WHERE cset.obj_id = odat.obj_id ) WHERE odat.type = %s " | 1 |
" UPDATE object_data odat SET offline = ( SELECT offline_status from lti_consumer_settings lset WHERE lset.obj_id = odat.obj_id ) WHERE odat.type = %s " | 1 |
'UPDATE prg_usr_progress' . ' JOIN prg_usr_assignments' . ' ON = prg_usr_progress.assignment_id' . ' SET prg_usr_progress.assignment_date = prg_usr_assignments.last_change' | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET info_screen = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_cert_template SET certificate_content_bu = certificate_content WHERE (certificate_content_bu IS NULL OR certificate_content_bu = '')" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_cert_user_cert SET certificate_content_bu = certificate_content WHERE (certificate_content_bu IS NULL OR certificate_content_bu = '')" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_cert_template WHERE certificate_content NOT LIKE '%[BACKGROUND_IMAGE]%'" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_cert_template SET certificate_content = ?, certificate_hash = ? WHERE id = ?" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_cert_user_cert WHERE certificate_content NOT LIKE '%[BACKGROUND_IMAGE]%'" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_cert_user_cert SET certificate_content = ? WHERE id = ?" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_ass_reminders " . " WHERE last_send > %s " | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ctrl_classfile WHERE class = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM pdfgen_renderer WHERE renderer = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM pdfgen_renderer_avail WHERE renderer = %s' | 1 |
'select obd.obj_id from object_data obd left join crs_reference_settings crs on obd.obj_id = crs.obj_id ' . 'where crs.obj_id IS NULL and type = ' . $ilDB->quote('crsr', \ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) | 1 |
'insert into crs_reference_settings (obj_id, member_update ) values (' . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id, \ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(0, \ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ')' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_description " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cron_job WHERE job_id = %s" | 1 |
'update object_data set offline = 1 where type = ' . $ilDB->quote('crs', \ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' and offline IS NULL' | 1 |
"SELECT profile_id, base_skill_id, tref_id, order_nr FROM skl_profile_level WHERE " . " profile_id = " . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, required FROM il_dcl_field" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_dcl_tview_set SET required_create = %s WHERE field = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_dcl_tview_set SET required_edit = %s WHERE field = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT id, is_locked FROM il_dcl_field" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_dcl_tview_set SET locked_create = %s WHERE field = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_dcl_tview_set SET locked_edit = %s WHERE field = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT id, skill_id, tref_id FROM cont_skills" | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM object_data o, webr_lists l WHERE o.type = 'webr' AND o.obj_id = l.webr_id " | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM object_data o WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM webr_items w WHERE w.webr_id = o.obj_id) <> 1 AND o.type = 'webr' " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO webr_lists (webr_id, title, description, create_date, last_update)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($row_items['obj_id'], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row_items['title'], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($row_items['description'], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . ")" | 1 |
'UPDATE pdfgen_map SET selected = "WkhtmlToPdf" WHERE selected = "PhantomJS" AND purpose = "PrintViewOfQuestions" AND service = "Test" ' | 1 |
'UPDATE pdfgen_map SET selected = "WkhtmlToPdf" WHERE selected = "PhantomJS" AND purpose = "UserResult" AND service = "Test" ' | 1 |
'UPDATE pdfgen_map SET preferred = "WkhtmlToPdf" WHERE service = "Test" ' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM pdfgen_renderer_avail WHERE service = "Test" AND renderer = "PhantomJS" ' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM pdfgen_renderer WHERE renderer = "PhantomJS" ' | 1 |
'UPDATE wiki_user_html_export SET start_ts = %s' | 1 |
'Select and configure authentication mode for all user accounts' | 1 |
'delete forum articles' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM scorm_tracking ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('user_id', $a_usr_ids, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'SELECT cp_node_id FROM cp_node ' . 'WHERE nodename = ' . $ilDB->quote('item', 'text') . ' ' . 'AND cp_node.slm_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_node ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('user_id', (array) $a_usr_ids, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('cp_node_id', $scos, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'Delete user progress data of objects. ' | 1 |
'SELECT usr_id, create_date, reg_hash FROM usr_data ' . 'WHERE active = 0 ' . 'AND reg_hash IS NOT NULL ' . 'AND usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($usr_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'SELECT usr_id, create_date, reg_hash FROM usr_data ' . 'WHERE active = 0 ' . 'AND reg_hash IS NOT NULL ' . 'AND usr_id != ' . $ilDB->quote($usr_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
"SELECT usr_data.*, usr_pref.value AS language FROM usr_data LEFT JOIN usr_pref ON usr_pref.usr_id = usr_data.usr_id AND usr_pref.keyword = " . $ilDB->quote("language", "text") . " WHERE 1 = 1 " . $query | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM usr_session " . "INNER JOIN usr_data ON usr_id = user_id WHERE session_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_tests.obj_fi FROM tst_active, tst_tests WHERE tst_active.active_id = %s AND tst_active.test_fi = tst_tests.test_id" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_times WHERE active_fi = %s ORDER BY started DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT user_fi, test_fi FROM tst_active WHERE active_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT anonymity FROM tst_tests WHERE test_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT question_fi, points FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
'Delete is not available for role folders.' | 1 |
"SELECT object_data.title, rbac_fa.* FROM object_data, rbac_ua, rbac_fa WHERE rbac_ua.rol_id IN ('%s') AND rbac_ua.rol_id = rbac_fa.rol_id AND object_data.obj_id = rbac_fa.rol_id AND rbac_ua.usr_id=" . $user_id | 1 |
'Update cookie ' . $newName . '=' . $newCookie['value'] | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM webr_params " . "WHERE webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_webr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND link_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_link_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO webr_params (param_id,webr_id,link_id,name,value) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_link_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getName( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getValue( ), 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM webr_params " . "WHERE param_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_param_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM webr_params WHERE link_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_link_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM webr_params WHERE webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_webr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM webr_items " . "WHERE webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_webr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND link_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_link_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE webr_items SET ' . 'title = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_title, 'text') . ' ' . 'WHERE link_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_link_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM webr_items " . "WHERE webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLinkResourceId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND link_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE webr_items " . "SET title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ", " . "description = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDescription( ), 'text') . ", " . "target = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTarget( ), 'text') . ", " . "active = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getActiveStatus( ), 'integer') . ", " . "valid = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getValidStatus( ), 'integer') . ", " . "disable_check = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDisableCheckStatus( ), 'integer') . ", " . "internal = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getInternal( ), 'integer') . ", " . "last_update = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLastUpdateDate( ), 'integer') . ", " . "last_check = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLastCheckDate( ), 'integer') . " " . "WHERE link_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLinkId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLinkResourceId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE webr_items " . "SET valid = " . $ilDB->quote($a_status, 'integer') . " " . "WHERE link_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLinkId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE webr_items " . "SET active = " . $ilDB->quote($a_status, 'integer') . " " . "WHERE link_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLinkId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE webr_items " . "SET disable_check = " . $ilDB->quote($a_status, 'integer') . " " . "WHERE link_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLinkId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE webr_items " . "SET last_check = " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), 'integer') . " " . "WHERE webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLinkResourceId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND disable_check = '0' " . "AND last_check < " . $ilDB->quote($time, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE webr_items " . "SET last_check = " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), 'integer') . " " . "WHERE webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLinkResourceId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND disable_check = '0' " | 1 |
"UPDATE webr_items " . "SET valid = '1' " . "WHERE disable_check = '0' " . "AND webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLinkResourceId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND last_check < " . $ilDB->quote($time, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE webr_items " . "SET valid = '1' " . "WHERE disable_check = '0' " . "AND webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLinkResourceId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO webr_items (link_id,title,description,target,active,disable_check," . "last_update,create_date,webr_id,valid,internal) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDescription( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTarget( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getActiveStatus( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDisableCheckStatus( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLastUpdateDate( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getCreateDate( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLinkResourceId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getValidStatus( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getInternal( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM webr_items " . "WHERE link_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_link_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM webr_items " . "WHERE webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLinkResourceId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND link_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_link_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT link_id FROM webr_items " . "WHERE webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_webr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM webr_items " . "WHERE webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLinkResourceId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM webr_items WHERE webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($webr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) num FROM webr_items " . "WHERE webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_webr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM webr_lists " . "WHERE webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getListResourceId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM webr_lists " . "WHERE webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getListResourceId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE webr_lists " . "SET title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ", " . "description = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDescription( ), 'text') . ", " . "last_update = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLastUpdateDate( ), 'integer') . " " . "WHERE webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getListResourceId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO webr_lists (title,description,last_update,create_date,webr_id) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDescription( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLastUpdateDate( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getCreateDate( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getListResourceId( ), 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM webr_lists" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM webr_items WHERE " . $ilDB->in("webr_id", $a_obj_ids, false, "integer") . " AND active = " . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT version, version_tstamp" . " FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT is_online FROM il_bibl_data WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_bibl_attribute WHERE il_bibl_attribute.entry_id IN " . "(SELECT FROM il_bibl_entry WHERE il_bibl_entry.data_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_bibl_data WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(a.value) FROM il_bibl_data AS d JOIN il_bibl_entry AS e ON e.data_id = JOIN il_bibl_attribute AS a on a.entry_id = WHERE = %s AND = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT (, e.type FROM il_bibl_entry AS e WHERE data_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT (, e.type FROM il_bibl_entry AS e JOIN il_bibl_attribute AS a ON a.entry_id = WHERE data_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(, il_bibl_data.file_type FROM il_bibl_data JOIN il_bibl_entry ON il_bibl_entry.data_id = JOIN il_bibl_attribute ON il_bibl_attribute.entry_id = WHERE = %s;" | 1 |
"UPDATE {$tablename} SET position = position + 1 WHERE data_type = %s AND position >= %s;" | 1 |
"UPDATE {$tablename} SET position = (@i := @i + 1) WHERE data_type = %s ORDER BY position" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(position) + 1 as next_position FROM {$tablename} WHERE data_type = %s;" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_dcl_data WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT stloc2.value AS ext_id, f." . $this->db->quoteIdentifier('datatype_id') . " FROM il_dcl_stloc2_value AS stloc2 " . "INNER JOIN il_dcl_record_field AS rf ON (rf." . $this->db->quoteIdentifier('id') . " = stloc2." . $this->db->quoteIdentifier('record_field_id') . ") " . "INNER JOIN il_dcl_field AS f ON (rf." . $this->db->quoteIdentifier('field_id') . " = f." . $this->db->quoteIdentifier('id') . ") " . "INNER JOIN il_dcl_table AS t ON (t." . $this->db->quoteIdentifier('id') . " = f." . $this->db->quoteIdentifier('table_id') . ") " . "WHERE t." . $this->db->quoteIdentifier('obj_id') . " = " . $this->db->quote($dcl_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND f.datatype_id IN (" . implode(',', array_keys($dependencies)) . ") AND stloc2." . $this->db->quoteIdentifier('value') . " IS NOT NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT page_id FROM page_object " . "WHERE parent_type = " . $this->db->quote('dclf', 'text') . " AND parent_id = " . $this->db->quote($dcl_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_dcl_data WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_dcl_data WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT id FROM il_dcl_table WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . $only_visible . ' ORDER BY -table_order DESC ' | 1 |
'SELECT id FROM il_dcl_table WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ' ORDER BY -table_order DESC ' | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM il_dcl_table WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " ORDER BY -table_order DESC" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_dcl_table WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer') . ' AND title = ' . $ilDB->quote($title, 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_dcl_table WHERE obj_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_rec['id'], 'integer') . ' ORDER BY id' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_dcl_record WHERE table_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_rec['id'], 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_dcl_field WHERE table_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_rec['id'], 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_dcl_tableview WHERE table_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_rec['id'], 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_dcl_tfield_set WHERE table_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_rec['id'], 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_dcl_field_prop WHERE field_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_rec['id'], 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_dcl_sel_opts WHERE field_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_rec['id'], 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT rf.*, d.storage_location FROM il_dcl_record_field AS rf' . ' INNER JOIN il_dcl_field AS f ON ( = rf.field_id)' . ' INNER JOIN il_dcl_datatype AS d ON (f.datatype_id = ' . ' WHERE rf.record_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_rec['id'], 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT AS record_field_id, st1.value AS value1, st2.value AS value2, st3.value AS value3 FROM il_dcl_record_field AS rf ' . 'LEFT JOIN il_dcl_stloc1_value AS st1 ON (st1.record_field_id = ' . 'LEFT JOIN il_dcl_stloc2_value AS st2 ON (st2.record_field_id = ' . 'LEFT JOIN il_dcl_stloc3_value AS st3 ON (st3.record_field_id = ' . 'WHERE rf.record_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_rec['id'], 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_dcl_tview_set WHERE tableview_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_rec['id'], 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_dcl_table WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_dcl_table WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_table (" . "id" . ", obj_id" . ", title" . ", add_perm" . ", edit_perm" . ", delete_perm" . ", edit_by_owner" . ", limited" . ", limit_start" . ", limit_end" . ", is_visible" . ", export_enabled" . ", import_enabled" . ", default_sort_field_id" . ", default_sort_field_order" . ", description" . ", public_comments" . ", view_own_records_perm" . ", delete_by_owner, save_confirmation , table_order ) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getAddPerm( ) ? 1 : 0, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getEditPerm( ) ? 1 : 0, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getDeletePerm( ) ? 1 : 0, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getEditByOwner( ) ? 1 : 0, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getLimited( ) ? 1 : 0, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getLimitStart( ), "timestamp") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getLimitEnd( ), "timestamp") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getIsVisible( ) ? 1 : 0, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getExportEnabled( ) ? 1 : 0, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getImportEnabled( ) ? 1 : 0, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getDefaultSortField( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getDefaultSortFieldOrder( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getDescription( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getPublicCommentsEnabled( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getViewOwnRecordsPerm( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getDeleteByOwner( ) ? 1 : 0, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getSaveConfirmation( ) ? 1 : 0, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getOrder( ), 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM il_dcl_record WHERE table_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT il_dcl_field.*, il_dcl_tfield_set.field_order FROM il_dcl_field INNER JOIN il_dcl_tfield_set ON ( il_dcl_tfield_set.field NOT IN ('owner', 'last_update', 'last_edit_by', 'id', 'create_date') AND il_dcl_tfield_set.table_id = il_dcl_field.table_id AND il_dcl_tfield_set.field = " . $ilDB->cast("", "text") . ") WHERE il_dcl_field.table_id = %s ORDER BY il_dcl_tfield_set.field_order ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_dcl_table WHERE id = " . $table_id | 1 |
'SELECT id FROM il_dcl_table WHERE title = ' . $ilDB->quote($title, 'text') . ' AND obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT MAX(table_order) AS table_order FROM il_dcl_table WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCollectionObject( )->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE il_dcl_table SET table_order = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->table_order, 'integer') . ' WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_dcl_field WHERE table_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer') . ' AND title = ' . $ilDB->quote($title, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT, record.owner" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_dcl_table WHERE obj_id = %s AND is_visible = 1" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_rating WHERE " . "obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getRecord( )->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . "obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote("dcl_record", "text") . " AND " . "sub_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getField( )->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->equals("sub_obj_type", "dcl_field", "text", true) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_dcl_record_field WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
" SELECT status_changed, status FROM ut_lp_marks WHERE usr_id = " . $usr_id . " AND obj_id = " . $obj_id | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_dcl_stloc" . $datatype->getStorageLocation( ) . "_value WHERE record_field_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_stloc" . $datatype->getStorageLocation( ) . "_value (value, record_field_id, id) VALUES" | 1 |
"SELECT stlocOrig.value AS value, ilias_object.title AS value_ref " | 1 |
"SELECT stlocOrig.value AS value, stlocRef.value AS value_ref " | 1 |
"SELECT stlocOrig.value AS value " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_dcl_stloc" . $datatype->getStorageLocation( ) . "_value WHERE record_field_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_dcl_datatype WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " ORDER BY sort" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_dcl_datatype ORDER BY sort" | 1 |
'SELECT value FROM lng_data WHERE identifier IN (' . $identifiers . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT value, identifier FROM lng_data WHERE identifier IN (' . $identifiers . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT id FROM il_dcl_field WHERE title = ' . $ilDB->quote($title, 'text') . ' AND table_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($table_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_dcl_field WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_field (" . "id" . ", table_id" . ", datatype_id" . ", title" . ", description" . ", is_unique" . " ) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTableId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getDatatypeId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getDescription( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->isUnique( ), "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_dcl_field_prop WHERE field_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_dcl_field WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "text") | 1 |
"Select * From il_dcl_record WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " ORDER BY id" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_record ( id, table_id, create_date, Last_update, owner, last_edit_by ) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTableId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getCreateDate( ), "timestamp") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getLastUpdate( ), "timestamp") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getOwner( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getLastEditBy( ), "integer") . " )" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_dcl_record WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_dcl_record_field WHERE field_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getField( )->getId( ), "integer") . " AND record_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRecord( )->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_record_field (id, record_id, field_id) VALUES (" . $this->db->quote($id, "integer") . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getRecord( )->getId( ), "integer") . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getField( )->getId( ), "text") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_dcl_record_field WHERE id = " . $this->db->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_dcl_stloc" . $storage_location . "_value WHERE record_field_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . static::TABLE_NAME . PHP_EOL . "WHERE obj_id = " . $this->database->quote($obj_id, "integer") . PHP_EOL | 1 |
"SELECT abstract, extro, abstract_image, extro_image, gallery" . PHP_EOL . "FROM " . static::TABLE_NAME . PHP_EOL . "WHERE obj_id = " . $this->database->quote($obj_id, "integer") . PHP_EOL | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . static::TABLE_NAME . PHP_EOL . "WHERE ref_id = " . $this->database->quote($ref_id, "integer") . PHP_EOL | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id, online, effective_online, activation_start_ts, activation_end_ts" . PHP_EOL . "FROM " . static::TABLE_NAME . PHP_EOL . "WHERE ref_id = " . $this->database->quote($ref_id, "integer") . PHP_EOL | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id, condition_operator, value" . PHP_EOL . "FROM " . static::TABLE_NAME . PHP_EOL . "WHERE ref_id IN (" . implode(',', $ref_ids) . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . static::TABLE_NAME . PHP_EOL . "WHERE ref_id IN (" . implode(',', $ref_ids) . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT login, firstname, lastname, title, usr_id, last_login" . PHP_EOL . "FROM usr_data " . PHP_EOL . "WHERE usr_id IN (" . implode(',', ilUtil::quoteArray($user_ids)) . ") " . PHP_EOL . $additional_where . PHP_EOL . "ORDER BY lastname, firstname" . PHP_EOL | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . static::TABLE_NAME . PHP_EOL . "WHERE lso_ref_id = " . $this->db->quote($lso_ref_id, "integer") . PHP_EOL | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id, current_item, states, first_access, last_access" . PHP_EOL . "FROM " . static::TABLE_NAME . PHP_EOL . "WHERE lso_ref_id = " . $this->db->quote($lso_ref_id, "integer") . PHP_EOL | 1 |
'SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data WHERE (active = 1 AND time_limit_unlimited = 1) OR (active = 1 AND time_limit_unlimited = 0 AND time_limit_from < %s AND time_limit_until > %s)' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ' . ilCourseConstants::CRON_TIMINGS_EXCEEDED_TABLE . ' (user_id, ref_id, sent) VALUES ' . ' (%s,%s,%s)' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ' . ilCourseConstants::CRON_TIMINGS_STARTED_TABLE . ' (user_id, ref_id, sent) VALUES ' . ' (%s,%s,%s)' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE ' . 'user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT show_members FROM crs_settings ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilDB']->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_settings " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_course_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND sub_notify = 1" | 1 |
'SELECT timing_mode FROM crs_settings ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT abo FROM crs_settings WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_settings WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_settings SET " . "syllabus = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSyllabus( ), 'text') . ", " . "contact_name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContactName( ), 'text') . ", " . "contact_responsibility = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContactResponsibility( ), 'text') . ", " . "contact_phone = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContactPhone( ), 'text') . ", " . "contact_email = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContactEmail( ), 'text') . ", " . "contact_consultation = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContactConsultation( ), 'text') . ", " . "activation_type = " . $ilDB->quote(!$this->getOfflineStatus( ), 'integer') . ", " . "sub_limitation_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSubscriptionLimitationType( ), 'integer') . ", " . "sub_start = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSubscriptionStart( ), 'integer') . ", " . "sub_end = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSubscriptionEnd( ), 'integer') . ", " . "sub_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSubscriptionType( ), 'integer') . ", " . "sub_password = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSubscriptionPassword( ), 'text') . ", " . "sub_mem_limit = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->isSubscriptionMembershipLimited( ), 'integer') . ", " . "sub_max_members = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSubscriptionMaxMembers( ), 'integer') . ", " . "sub_notify = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSubscriptionNotify( ), 'integer') . ", " . "view_mode = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getViewMode( ), 'integer') . ", " . 'timing_mode = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTimingMode( ), 'integer') . ', ' . "abo = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getAboStatus( ), 'integer') . ", " . "waiting_list = " . $ilDB->quote($this->enabledWaitingList( ), 'integer') . ", " . "important = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getImportantInformation( ), 'text') . ", " . 'target_group = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTargetGroup( ), \ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ', ' . "show_members = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getShowMembers( ), 'integer') . ", " . "show_members_export = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getShowMembersExport( ), 'integer') . ", " . "latitude = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLatitude( ), 'text') . ", " . "longitude = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLongitude( ), 'text') . ", " . "location_zoom = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLocationZoom( ), 'integer') . ", " . "enable_course_map = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getEnableCourseMap( ), 'integer') . ", " . 'session_limit = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isSessionLimitEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'session_prev = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getNumberOfPreviousSessions( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'session_next = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getNumberOfNextSessions( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'reg_ac_enabled = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isRegistrationAccessCodeEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'reg_ac = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRegistrationAccessCode( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'auto_notification = ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getAutoNotification( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'status_dt = ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getStatusDetermination( )) . ', ' . 'mail_members_type = ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getMailToMembersType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'period_start = ' . $ilDB->quote(\ilCalendarUtil::convertDateToUtcDBTimestamp($this->getCourseStart( )), \ilDBConstants::T_TIMESTAMP) . ', ' . 'period_end = ' . $ilDB->quote(\ilCalendarUtil::convertDateToUtcDBTimestamp($this->getCourseEnd( )), \ilDBConstants::T_TIMESTAMP) . ', ' . 'period_time_indication = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCourseStartTimeIndication( ) ? 1 : 0, \ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . 'auto_wait = ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->hasWaitingListAutoFill( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'leave_end = ' . $ilDB->quote(($this->getCancellationEnd( ) && !$this->getCancellationEnd( )->isNull( )) ? $this->getCancellationEnd( )->get(IL_CAL_UNIX) : null, 'integer') . ', ' . 'min_members = ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getSubscriptionMinMembers( ), 'integer') . ' ' . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . "" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO crs_settings (obj_id,syllabus,contact_name,contact_responsibility," . "contact_phone,contact_email,contact_consultation," . "sub_limitation_type,sub_start,sub_end,sub_type,sub_password,sub_mem_limit," . "sub_max_members,sub_notify,view_mode,timing_mode,abo," . "latitude,longitude,location_zoom,enable_course_map,waiting_list,show_members,show_members_export, " . "session_limit,session_prev,session_next, reg_ac_enabled, reg_ac, auto_notification, status_dt,mail_members_type) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSyllabus( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContactName( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContactResponsibility( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContactPhone( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContactEmail( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContactConsultation( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(IL_CRS_SUBSCRIPTION_DEACTIVATED, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSubscriptionStart( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSubscriptionEnd( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(IL_CRS_SUBSCRIPTION_DIRECT, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSubscriptionPassword( ), 'text') . ", " . "0, " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSubscriptionMaxMembers( ), 'integer') . ", " . "1, " . "0, " . $ilDB->quote(IL_CRS_VIEW_TIMING_ABSOLUTE, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->ABO_ENABLED, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLatitude( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLongitude( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLocationZoom( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getEnableCourseMap( ), 'integer') . ", " . "1, " . "1," . '0,' . $ilDB->quote($this->isSessionLimitEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getNumberOfPreviousSessions( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getNumberOfPreviousSessions( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isRegistrationAccessCodeEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRegistrationAccessCode( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getAutoNotification( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getStatusDetermination( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getMailToMembersType( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_settings WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . "" | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = ' . $ilDB->quote('rolt', 'text') . ' AND title = ' . $ilDB->quote('il_crs_non_member', 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_settings " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM crs_settings " . "WHERE reg_ac_enabled = " . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . " " . "AND reg_ac = " . $ilDB->quote($a_code, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT leave_end" . " FROM crs_settings" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_course_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, min_members" . " FROM crs_settings" . " WHERE min_members > " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " AND sub_mem_limit = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " AND ((leave_end IS NOT NULL" . " AND leave_end < " . $ilDB->quote($now, "text") . ")" . " OR (leave_end IS NULL" . " AND sub_end IS NOT NULL" . " AND sub_end < " . $ilDB->quote($now, "text") . "))" . " AND (period_start IS NULL OR period_start > " . $ilDB->quote($now, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT crs_id FROM crs_objectives " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_objective_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT passes from crs_objectives ' . 'WHERE objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_objective_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT title,description from crs_objectives ' . 'WHERE objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_objective_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objectives " . "WHERE crs_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->course_obj->getId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . "ORDER BY position " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO crs_objectives (crs_id,objective_id,active,title,description,position,created,passes) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($this->course_obj->getId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->isActive( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDescription( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->__getLastPosition( ) + 1, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getPasses( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_objectives " . "SET title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ", " . 'active = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isActive( ), 'integer') . ', ' . "description = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDescription( ), 'text') . ", " . 'passes = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPasses( ), 'integer') . ' ' . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->course_obj->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_objectives " . "SET position = " . $this->db->quote((string) $a_position, 'integer') . " " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objectives " . "WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->course_obj->getId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_objectives " . "SET position = position + 1 " . "WHERE position = " . $ilDB->quote($this->__getPosition( ) - 1, 'integer') . " " . "AND crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->course_obj->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_objectives " . "SET position = position - 1 " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->course_obj->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_objectives " . "SET position = position - 1 " . "WHERE position = " . $ilDB->quote($this->__getPosition( ) + 1, 'integer') . " " . "AND crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->course_obj->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_objectives " . "SET position = position + 1 " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->course_obj->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objectives " . "WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->course_obj->getId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_objectives " . "SET position = position - 1 " . "WHERE position > " . $ilDB->quote($this->__getPosition( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->course_obj->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(position) pos FROM crs_objectives " . "WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->course_obj->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT objective_id FROM crs_objectives " . "WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($course_id, 'integer') . " " . 'AND active = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ' ' . "ORDER BY position" | 1 |
"SELECT objective_id FROM crs_objectives " . "WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($course_id, 'integer') . " " . "ORDER BY position" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objective_lm WHERE " . $in | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objective_tst WHERE " . $in | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objective_qst WHERE " . $in | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objectives WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($course_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_data WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_groupings " . "WHERE crs_grp_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data " . "(obj_id, type,title,description,owner,create_date,last_update) " . "VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->type, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getDescription( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . ')' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO crs_groupings (crs_grp_id,crs_ref_id,crs_id,unique_field) " . "VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_course_ref_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_course_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUniqueField( ), 'text') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data " . "SET title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ", " . "description = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDescription( ), 'text') . " " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getType( ), 'text') . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_groupings " . "SET unique_field = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUniqueField( ), 'text') . " " . "WHERE crs_grp_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE conditions " . "SET value = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUniqueField( ), 'text') . " " . "WHERE trigger_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND trigger_type = 'crsg'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_groupings " . "WHERE crs_grp_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type = 'crsg' ORDER BY title" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_groupings " . "WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_course_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_groupings " . "WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_course_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(ref_id) ref_id FROM crs_objective_lm " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_objective_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(com.ref_id) ref_id FROM crs_objectives co " . "JOIN crs_objective_lm com ON co.objective_id = com.objective_id " . "JOIN object_reference obr ON com.ref_id = obr.ref_id " . "JOIN object_data obd ON obr.obj_id = obd.obj_id " . "WHERE co.crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_container_id, 'integer') . " " . "ORDER BY obd.title " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objective_lm " . "WHERE ref_id = " . $this->db->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND objective_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND type != 'st' AND type != 'pg' " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objective_lm " . "WHERE ref_id = " . $this->db->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND objective_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND (type = 'st' OR type = 'pg')" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objective_lm " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLMRefId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLMObjId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objective_lm " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLMRefId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO crs_objective_lm (lm_ass_id,objective_id,ref_id,obj_id,type) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLMRefId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLMObjId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getType( ), 'text') . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objective_lm " . "WHERE lm_ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($lm_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objective_lm " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND ref_id = " . $this->db->quote($ref_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objective_lm " . "WHERE ref_id = " . $this->db->quote($ref_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND objective_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objective_lm " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_objective_lm " . "SET position = " . $this->db->quote((string) $a_position, 'integer') . " " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND lm_ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ass_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT position,lm_ass_id,lm.ref_id,lm.obj_id,lm.type FROM crs_objective_lm lm " . "JOIN object_reference obr ON lm.ref_id = obr.ref_id " . "JOIN object_data obd ON obr.obj_id = obd.obj_id " . "LEFT JOIN lm_data lmd ON lmd.obj_id = lm.obj_id " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " . "ORDER BY position,obd.title,lmd.title" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_lm_history " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND crs_ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getCourseRefId( ), 'integer') . " " . "ORDER BY last_access " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_lm_history " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND crs_ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getCourseRefId( ), 'integer') . "" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_lm_history WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
" SELECT DISTINCT obd.obj_id, obd.type, obd2.title" . " FROM rbac_ua ua" . " JOIN rbac_fa fa ON (ua.rol_id = fa.rol_id)" . " JOIN object_reference obr ON (fa.parent = obr.ref_id)" . " JOIN object_data obd ON (obr.obj_id = obd.obj_id)" . " JOIN object_data obd2 ON (ua.rol_id = obd2.obj_id)" . " WHERE obd.type = " . $ilDB->quote("crs", "text") . " AND fa.assign = " . $ilDB->quote("y", "text") . " AND ua.usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("obd.obj_id", $a_obj_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT objective_id FROM crs_objective_status " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('objective_id', $objectives, false, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT objective_id FROM crs_objective_status " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('objective_id', $objectives, false, 'integer') . " " . "AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT objective_id FROM crs_objective_status_p " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('objective_id', $objectives, false, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objective_status " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('objective_id', $objectives, false, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objective_status_p " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('objective_id', $objectives, false, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( )) . "" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM loc_user_results " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('objective_id', $objectives, false, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( )) . "" | 1 |
"SELECT status FROM crs_objective_status " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_objective_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . "" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objective_status " . "WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objective_status_p " . "WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT q2.question_id qid,q2.objective_id ob FROM crs_objective_qst q1, " . "crs_objective_qst q2 " . "WHERE q1.question_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_question_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND q1.objective_id = q2.objective_id " | 1 |
"SELECT t.objective_id obj,t.ref_id ref, question_id,tst_status,tst_limit " . "FROM crs_objective_tst t JOIN crs_objective_qst q " . "ON (t.objective_id = q.objective_id AND t.ref_id = q.ref_id) " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('t.objective_id', $a_all_objectives, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT question_id,points FROM qpl_questions " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('question_id', (array) $objectives['all_questions'], false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT question_fi, MAX(points) as reached FROM tst_test_result " . "JOIN tst_active ON (active_id = active_fi) " . "WHERE user_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND " . $ilDB->in('question_fi', (array) $objectives['all_questions'], false, 'integer') . " " . "GROUP BY question_fi,user_fi" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(t1.crs_id) num,t1.crs_id FROM crs_objectives t1 " . "JOIN crs_objectives t2 WHERE t1.crs_id = t2.crs_id and " . $ilDB->in('t1.objective_id', $objective_ids, false, 'integer') . " " . "GROUP BY t1.crs_id" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(cs.objective_id) num_passed FROM crs_objective_status cs " . "JOIN crs_objectives co ON cs.objective_id = co.objective_id " . "WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->crs_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_start " . "WHERE crs_start_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_crs_start_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_start " . "WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND item_ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_ref_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO crs_start (crs_start_id,crs_id,item_ref_id) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_ref_id, 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_start " . "WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_start " . "WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT passed FROM obj_members " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE obj_members SET " . "passed = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_passed, 'integer') . ", " . "origin = " . $ilDB->quote($origin, 'integer') . ", " . "origin_ts = " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), 'integer') . " " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO obj_members (passed,obj_id,usr_id,notification,blocked,origin,origin_ts) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_passed, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($origin, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($origin_ts, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT origin, origin_ts" . " FROM obj_members" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT origin_ts FROM obj_members" . " WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, "integer") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND passed = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id,obj_id FROM obj_members" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("usr_id", $a_usr_ids, "", "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_obj_ids, "", "integer") . " AND passed = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_settings " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'SELECT sub_limitation_type, sub_start, sub_end, sub_mem_limit, sub_max_members FROM crs_settings ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) | 1 |
'SELECT period_start, period_end, period_time_indication FROM crs_settings ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO crs_file (file_id,course_id,file_name,file_size,file_type) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getCourseId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getFileName( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getFileSize( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getFileType( ), 'text') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_file " . "WHERE file_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getFileId( ), 'integer') . "" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_file " . "WHERE course_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_course_id, 'integer') . "" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_file " . "WHERE course_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_course_id, 'integer') . "" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_file WHERE file_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->file_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT objective_id FROM crs_objective_qst ' . 'WHERE question_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_qid, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT qst_ass_id FROM crs_objective_qst " . "WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_test_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_objective_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_objective_tst " . "SET tst_status = " . $this->db->quote($test['tst_status'], 'integer') . ", " . "tst_limit_p = " . $this->db->quote($test['tst_limit'], 'integer') . " " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $this->db->quote($a_new_objective, 'integer') . " " . "AND ref_id = " . $this->db->quote($new_test_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_objective_tst " . "SET tst_status = " . $this->db->quote($this->getTestStatus( ), 'integer') . " " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND ref_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getTestRefId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objective_tst " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestRefId( ), 'integer') . "" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_limit_p FROM crs_objective_tst " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND tst_status = " . $this->db->quote($this->getTestStatus( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO crs_objective_tst (test_objective_id,objective_id,ref_id,obj_id,tst_status,tst_limit_p) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestRefId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestObjId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestStatus( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($limit, 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objective_qst " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objective_tst " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_objective_tst " . "SET tst_limit_p = " . $ilDB->quote($a_limit, 'integer') . " " . "WHERE tst_status = " . $ilDB->quote($a_status, 'integer') . " " . "AND objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_objective_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_objective_tst " . "SET tst_status = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestStatus( ), 'integer') . ", " . "tst_limit_p = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestSuggestedLimit( ), 'integer') . " " . "WHERE test_objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_objective_id, 'integer') . "" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objective_tst cot " . "JOIN object_data obd ON cot.obj_id = obd.obj_id " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " . "ORDER BY title " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objective_tst " . "WHERE test_objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_test_objective_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_objective_tst " . "SET tst_limit = " . $this->db->quote($points, 'integer') . " " . "WHERE test_objective_id = " . $this->db->quote($test_data['test_objective_id'], 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objective_qst " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND question_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getQuestionId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO crs_objective_qst (qst_ass_id, objective_id,ref_id,obj_id,question_id) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestRefId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestObjId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getQuestionId( ), 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objective_qst " . "WHERE qst_ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($qst_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objective_qst " . "WHERE qst_ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($qst_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objective_qst " . "WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($test_rid, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($test_oid, 'integer') . " " . "AND objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'DELETE FROM crs_objective_tst ' . 'WHERE ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tst_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM crs_objective_qst ' . 'WHERE ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tst_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE from crs_objective_tst ' . 'WHERE objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tst_status = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_type, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE from crs_objective_tst ' . 'WHERE objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('ref_id', $deletable_refs, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objective_qst " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_objective_tst " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objective_tst " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objective_qst coq " . "JOIN qpl_questions qq ON coq.question_id = qq.question_id " . "WHERE objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . " " . "ORDER BY title" | 1 |
"SELECT co.objective_id FROM crs_objectives co JOIN " . "crs_objective_tst cot ON co.objective_id = cot.objective_id " . "WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_course_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT crs_qst.objective_id objective_id FROM crs_objective_qst crs_qst, crs_objectives crs_obj " . "WHERE crs_qst.objective_id = crs_obj.objective_id " . "AND crs_qst.objective_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_objective_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_tst_ref_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND question_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_question_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'SELECT question_id FROM crs_objective_qst ' . 'WHERE objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_objective, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_test_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT tst_limit_p FROM crs_objective_tst ' . 'WHERE objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_objective_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_test_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO crs_timings_planed (item_id,usr_id,planed_start,planed_end) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($this->getItemId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getPlanedStartingTime( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getPlanedEndingTime( ), 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_timings_planed " . "WHERE item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_timings_planed " . "WHERE item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_timings_planed " . "WHERE item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_timings_planed " . "WHERE item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_timings_planed " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_timings_planed " . "WHERE item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getItemId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'DELETE FROM crs_timings_user WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('ref_id', $this->item_ids, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT crsi.obj_id sub_ref_id, oref.ref_id, oref.obj_id, crsi.suggestion_start' . ',crsi.suggestion_end,crsi.changeable, crss.timing_mode' . ' FROM crs_settings crss' . ' JOIN object_reference oref ON (oref.obj_id = crss.obj_id AND oref.deleted IS NULL) ' . ' JOIN crs_items crsi ON (crsi.parent_id = oref.ref_id)' . ' JOIN object_reference iref ON (crsi.obj_id = iref.ref_id AND iref.deleted IS NULL) ' . ' WHERE crss.view_mode = ' . $ilDB->quote(ilCourseConstants::IL_CRS_VIEW_TIMING, 'integer') . ' AND ' . $ilDB->in('crss.obj_id', array_keys($course_members_map), false, 'integer') . ' AND crsi.timing_type = ' . $ilDB->quote(ilObjectActivation::TIMINGS_PRESETTING, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM crs_timings_user' . ' WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('usr_id', $a_user_ids, false, 'integer') . ' AND ' . $ilDB->in('ref_id', $user_relevant, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT oref.ref_id, oref.obj_id, od.type' . ' FROM object_reference oref' . ' JOIN object_data od ON (oref.obj_id = od.obj_id)' . ' WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('oref.ref_id', $a_ref_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'Delete event with disabled timing settings' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO crs_timings_usr_accept (crs_id,usr_id,visible,accept,remark) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($this->getCourseId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->isVisible( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->isAccepted( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getRemark( ), 'text') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_timings_usr_accept " . "WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_crs_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_timings_usr_accept " . "WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_crs_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_timings_usr_accept " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . "" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_timings_usr_accept " . "WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getCourseId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . "" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO crs_timings_user (ref_id, usr_id, sstart, ssend ) VALUES ( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRefId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getStart( )->get(IL_CAL_UNIX, 'integer')) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getEnd( )->get(IL_CAL_UNIX, 'integer')) . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'UPDATE crs_timings_user ' . 'SET sstart = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getStart( )->get(IL_CAL_UNIX, 'integer')) . ', ' . 'ssend = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getEnd( )->get(IL_CAL_UNIX, 'integer')) . ' ' . 'WHERE ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRefId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM crs_timings_user ' . ' ' . 'WHERE ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRefId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM crs_timings_user ' . 'WHERE ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRefId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT container_id FROM loc_tst_assignments ' . 'WHERE tst_ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM loc_tst_assignments ' . 'WHERE container_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_container_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT assignment_id FROM loc_tst_assignments ' . 'WHERE container_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getContainerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT objective_id FROM loc_tst_assignments ' . 'WHERE tst_ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM loc_settings ' . 'WHERE itest = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_trst_ref_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'OR qtest = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_trst_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO loc_settings ' . '(obj_id, it_type,itest,qtest,it_start,qt_type,qt_start,reset_results,passed_obj_mode) VALUES ( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getInitialTestType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getInitialTest( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getQualifiedTest( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isInitialTestStart( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getQualifyingTestType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isQualifyingTestStart( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isResetResultsEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPassedObjectiveMode( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ') ' | 1 |
'UPDATE loc_settings ' . ' ' . 'SET it_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getInitialTestType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'itest = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getInitialTest( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'qtest = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getQualifiedTest( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'it_start = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isInitialTestStart( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'qt_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getQualifyingTestType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'qt_start = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isQualifyingTestStart( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'reset_results = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isResetResultsEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'passed_obj_mode = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPassedObjectiveMode( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM loc_settings ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM loc_user_results ' . 'WHERE user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND course_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_course_obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_objective_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND type = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tst_type, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE loc_user_results ' . 'SET is_final = ' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilDB']->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE objective_id = ' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilDB']->quote($a_objective_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM loc_user_results" . " WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM loc_user_results" . " WHERE course_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_course_id, "integer") | 1 |
'DELETE FROM loc_user_results ' . 'WHERE course_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->course_obj_id) . ' ' . 'AND user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->user_id) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM loc_user_results" . " WHERE course_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_course_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("user_id", $a_user_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT objective_id" . " FROM loc_user_results" . " WHERE course_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->course_obj_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT *" . " FROM loc_user_results" . " WHERE course_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->course_obj_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT lor.objective_id, lor.user_id, lor.status, lor.is_final" . " FROM loc_user_results lor" . " JOIN crs_objectives cobj ON (cobj.objective_id = lor.objective_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("lor.objective_id", $a_objective_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT lor.objective_id, lor.user_id, lor.status, lor.type, lor.is_final" . " FROM loc_user_results lor" . " JOIN crs_objectives cobj ON (cobj.objective_id = lor.objective_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("lor.objective_id", $a_objective_ids, "", "integer") . " AND = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT objective_id FROM loc_user_results ' . 'WHERE course_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_container_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT lor.objective_id, lor.user_id, lor.status, lor.is_final, lor.tstamp, lor.course_id, cobj.title" . " FROM loc_user_results lor" . " JOIN crs_objectives cobj ON (cobj.objective_id = lor.objective_id)" . " WHERE lor.user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND lor.type = " . $ilDB->quote(self::TYPE_QUALIFIED, "integer") . " AND lor.tstamp >= " . $ilDB->quote($a_from_ts, "integer") . " AND lor.tstamp <= " . $ilDB->quote($a_to_ts, "integer") . " AND lor.status = " . $ilDB->quote(self::STATUS_COMPLETED, "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM loc_tst_run ' . 'WHERE test_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_test_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_objective_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM loc_tst_run ' . 'WHERE container_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_container_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM loc_tst_run ' . 'WHERE container_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_container_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND test_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_test_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'SELECT objective_id FROM loc_tst_run ' . 'WHERE container_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_container_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND test_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_test_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT objective_id FROM loc_tst_run ' . 'WHERE container_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_container_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND test_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_test_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM loc_tst_run ' . 'WHERE container_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getContainerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND test_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO loc_tst_run ' . '(container_id, user_id, test_id, objective_id,max_points,questions) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getContainerId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMaxPoints( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(serialize($this->getQuestions( )), 'text') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'UPDATE loc_tst_run SET ' . 'max_points = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMaxPoints( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'questions = ' . $ilDB->quote(serialize($this->getQuestions( )), 'text') . ' ' . 'WHERE container_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->container_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND test_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM loc_tst_run ' . 'WHERE container_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getContainerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND test_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT nr_of_tries FROM tst_tests ' . 'WHERE obj_fi = ' . $ilDB->quote(ilObject::_lookupObjId($a_test_ref_id), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM loc_rnd_qpl ' . 'WHERE container_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_container_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_objective_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tst_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_test_type, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM loc_rnd_qpl ' . 'WHERE container_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_container_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_objective_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tst_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_test_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM loc_rnd_qpl ' . 'WHERE container_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_container_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_objective_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tst_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_test_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tst_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_test_type, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT objective_id FROM loc_rnd_qpl ' . 'WHERE container_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_container_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND qp_seq = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_seq_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM loc_rnd_qpl ' . 'WHERE container_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getContainerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tst_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestType( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND qp_seq = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getQplSequence( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM loc_rnd_qpl ' . 'WHERE container_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getContainerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tst_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestType( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND qp_seq = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getQplSequence( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM loc_rnd_qpl ' . 'WHERE container_id = ' . $db->quote($a_course_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND objective_id = ' . $db->quote($a_objective_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tst_type = ' . $db->quote($a_tst_type, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO loc_rnd_qpl ' . '(container_id, objective_id, tst_type, tst_id, qp_seq, percentage) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getContainerId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getQplSequence( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getLimit( )) . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM loc_rnd_qpl ' . 'WHERE objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_objective_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO loc_tst_assignments (assignment_id, container_id, assignment_type, objective_id, tst_ref_id) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAssignmentId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getContainerId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAssignmentType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestRefId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ') ' | 1 |
'UPDATE loc_tst_assignments ' . 'SET container_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getContainerId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'assignment_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAssignmentType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'objective_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectiveId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'tst_ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestRefId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE assignment_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAssignmentId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM loc_tst_assignments ' . 'WHERE assignment_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAssignmentId( ), 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM loc_tst_assignments ' . 'WHERE assignment_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAssignmentId( ), 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_f_definitions " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_container_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_f_definitions " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND field_required = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT field_name FROM crs_f_definitions " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT field_id FROM crs_f_definitions " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_container_id, 'integer') . " " . "ORDER BY " . IL_CDF_SORT_ID | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_f_definitions " . "WHERE field_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_field_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO crs_f_definitions (field_id,obj_id,field_name,field_type,field_values,field_required,field_values_opt) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getName( ), "text") . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getType( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote(serialize($this->getValues( )), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->isRequired( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(serialize($this->getValueOptions( )), 'text') . ' ' . ") " | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_f_definitions " . "SET field_name = " . $this->db->quote($this->getName( ), 'text') . ", " . "field_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->getType( ), 'integer') . ", " . "field_values = " . $this->db->quote(serialize($this->getValues( )), 'text') . ", " . "field_required = " . $ilDB->quote($this->isRequired( ), 'integer') . ", " . 'field_values_opt = ' . $ilDB->quote(serialize($this->getValueOptions( )), 'text') . ' ' . "WHERE field_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_f_definitions " . "WHERE field_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_f_definitions " . "WHERE field_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_user_data " . $where | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) num_entries FROM crs_user_data " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND value != '' AND value IS NOT NULL " . $and . " " . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_user_data " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_user_data " . "WHERE field_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_field_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_user_data " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->user_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND field_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->field_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO crs_user_data (value,usr_id,field_id) " . "VALUES( " . $this->db->quote($this->getValue( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->user_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->field_id, 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_user_data " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->user_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND field_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->field_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE content_object SET stylesheet = %s WHERE id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM content_page_data WHERE content_page_id = %s' | 1 |
' INSERT INTO content_page_data ( content_page_id, stylesheet ) VALUES(%s, %s)' | 1 |
' UPDATE content_page_data SET stylesheet = %s WHERE content_page_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM content_page_metrics WHERE content_page_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM content_page_data WHERE content_page_id = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT page_id FROM page_object WHERE parent_id = %s AND parent_type = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM content_page_metrics WHERE content_page_id = %s AND page_id = %s AND lang = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM content_page_metrics WHERE content_page_id = %s AND page_id = %s AND lang = %s" | 1 |
'select member_update from crs_reference_settings where ' . 'obj_id = ' . $db->quote($obj_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
'INSERT INTO crs_reference_settings (obj_id, member_update ) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $this->db->quote($id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $this->db->quote((int) $this->isMemberUpdateEnabled( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM crs_reference_settings ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
'UPDATE crs_reference_settings ' . 'SET member_update = ' . $this->db->quote((int) $this->isMemberUpdateEnabled( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $this->db->quote((int) $this->getId( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
'DELETE FROM crs_reference_settings ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
" SELECT test_fi, skill_base_fi, skill_tref_fi, skill_level_fi, threshold FROM tst_skl_thresholds WHERE test_fi = %s " | 1 |
'SELECT 1 FROM tst_solutions WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tst_active WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ')' | 1 |
"SELECT active_fi, value1 FROM tst_solutions WHERE $is_upload_question AND $is_in_test" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_rnd_quest_set_cfg WHERE test_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_rnd_quest_set_cfg WHERE test_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM tst_rnd_quest_set_cfg WHERE test_fi = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT (MAX(orderindex) + 1) new_order_index FROM tst_seq_qst_tracking WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s " | 1 |
" DELETE FROM tst_seq_qst_postponed WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND $INquestions " | 1 |
" DELETE FROM tst_seq_qst_checked WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND $NOT_IN_checkedQuestions " | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data WHERE " . $this->user_criteria_field . " = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tst_pass_result (active_fi, pass, points, maxpoints, questioncount, answeredquestions, workingtime, tstamp) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tst_result_cache (active_fi, pass, max_points, reached_points, mark_short, mark_official, passed, failed, tstamp) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_solutions WHERE question_fi = %s AND $inActiveIds" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_qst_solved WHERE question_fi = %s AND $inActiveIds" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_test_result WHERE question_fi = %s AND $inActiveIds" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_pass_result WHERE $inActiveIds" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_result_cache WHERE $inActiveIds" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM $table WHERE question_fi = %s AND $inActiveIds" | 1 |
" SELECT active_id FROM tst_tests INNER JOIN tst_active ON test_fi = test_id WHERE $inTestObjIds " | 1 |
'SELECT count(solution_id) count FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($row['active_id']) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_active WHERE test_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_active.*, usr_data." . $user_criteria . " FROM tst_active, usr_data WHERE tst_active.test_fi = %s AND tst_active.user_fi = usr_data.usr_id" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_pass_result WHERE " . $ilDB->in('active_fi', $this->active_ids, false, 'integer') . " ORDER BY active_fi, pass" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_result_cache WHERE " . $ilDB->in('active_fi', $this->active_ids, false, 'integer') . " ORDER BY active_fi" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_sequence WHERE " . $ilDB->in('active_fi', $this->active_ids, false, 'integer') . " ORDER BY active_fi, pass" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_solutions WHERE " . $ilDB->in('active_fi', $this->active_ids, false, 'integer') . " ORDER BY solution_id" | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM tst_test_rnd_qst WHERE {$ilDB->in('active_fi', $this->active_ids, false, 'integer')} ORDER BY test_random_question_id " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_test_result WHERE " . $ilDB->in('active_fi', $this->active_ids, false, 'integer') . " ORDER BY active_fi" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_times WHERE " . $ilDB->in('active_fi', $this->active_ids, false, 'integer') . " ORDER BY active_fi" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_tests WHERE test_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET ects_output = %s, ects_a = %s, ects_b = %s, ects_c = %s, ects_d = %s, ects_e = %s, ects_fx = %s WHERE test_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET complete = %s WHERE test_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT active_id FROM tst_active WHERE test_fi = %s AND tries >= %s AND submitted = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT active_id FROM tst_active WHERE test_fi = %s AND tries < %s AND submitted = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT active_id FROM tst_active WHERE test_fi = %s AND submitted = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT question_fi, obligatory FROM tst_test_question WHERE test_fi = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT copy_id FROM tst_rnd_cpy WHERE tst_fi = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_questions.original_id FROM qpl_questions, tst_test_question WHERE qpl_questions.question_id = tst_test_question.question_fi AND qpl_questions.tstamp > 0 AND tst_test_question.test_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT question_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE original_id IS NULL $available $constraint_qpls AND owner > %s AND complete = %s $original_clause" | 1 |
"SELECT question_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE original_id IS NULL AND obj_fi = %s AND owner > %s AND complete = %s $original_clause" | 1 |
"SELECT test_result_id FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_tests WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_test_question.* FROM tst_test_question, qpl_questions WHERE tst_test_question.test_fi = %s AND qpl_questions.question_id = tst_test_question.question_fi ORDER BY sequence" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_tests.count_system FROM tst_tests, tst_active WHERE tst_active.active_id = %s AND tst_active.test_fi = tst_tests.test_id" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_tests.pass_scoring FROM tst_tests, tst_active WHERE tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi AND tst_active.active_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_tests.mc_scoring FROM tst_tests, tst_active WHERE tst_active.active_id = %s AND tst_active.test_fi = tst_tests.test_id" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_tests.score_cutting FROM tst_tests, tst_active WHERE tst_active.active_id = %s AND tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_tests.title_output FROM tst_tests, tst_active WHERE tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi AND tst_active.active_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_pref WHERE $IN_userIds AND keyword = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_solutions WHERE $IN_activeIds" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_qst_solved WHERE $IN_activeIds" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_test_result WHERE $IN_activeIds" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_pass_result WHERE $IN_activeIds" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_result_cache WHERE $IN_activeIds" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_sequence WHERE $IN_activeIds" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_times WHERE $IN_activeIds" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_test_rnd_qst WHERE $IN_activeIds" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_seq_qst_tracking WHERE $IN_activeIds" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_seq_qst_answstatus WHERE $IN_activeIds" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_seq_qst_postponed WHERE $IN_activeIds" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_seq_qst_checked WHERE $IN_activeIds" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_active WHERE $IN_activeIds" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(sequence) seq FROM tst_test_question WHERE test_fi=%s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tst_test_question (test_question_id, test_fi, question_fi, sequence, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_active WHERE test_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_questions.title FROM tst_test_question, qpl_questions WHERE tst_test_question.test_fi = %s AND tst_test_question.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id ORDER BY tst_test_question.sequence" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_questions.title, qpl_questions.question_id FROM tst_test_question, qpl_questions WHERE tst_test_question.test_fi = %s AND tst_test_question.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id ORDER BY tst_test_question.sequence" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_questions.*, qpl_qst_type.type_tag FROM qpl_questions, qpl_qst_type WHERE qpl_questions.question_id = %s AND qpl_questions.question_type_fi = qpl_qst_type.question_type_id" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_questions.original_id FROM qpl_questions, tst_test_rnd_qst WHERE tst_test_rnd_qst.active_fi = %s AND tst_test_rnd_qst.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id AND tst_test_rnd_qst.pass = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_questions.original_id FROM qpl_questions, tst_test_question WHERE tst_test_question.test_fi = %s AND tst_test_question.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_times SET finished = %s, tstamp = %s WHERE times_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_questions.* FROM qpl_questions, tst_test_rnd_qst WHERE tst_test_rnd_qst.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id AND tst_test_rnd_qst.active_fi = %s AND tst_test_rnd_qst.pass = %s AND " . $ilDB->in('qpl_questions.question_id', $this->questions, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_questions.* FROM qpl_questions, tst_test_question WHERE tst_test_question.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id AND " . $ilDB->in('qpl_questions.question_id', $this->questions, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT active_id FROM tst_active WHERE user_fi = %s AND test_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_active.active_id FROM tst_active WHERE user_fi = %s AND test_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(active_id) total FROM tst_active WHERE test_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_times.* FROM tst_active, tst_times WHERE tst_active.test_fi = %s AND tst_active.active_id = tst_times.active_fi AND tst_active.user_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_times.* FROM tst_active, tst_times WHERE tst_active.test_fi = %s AND tst_active.active_id = tst_times.active_fi ORDER BY tst_times.active_fi, tst_times.started" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_times.* FROM tst_active, tst_times WHERE tst_active.test_fi = %s AND tst_active.active_id = tst_times.active_fi AND tst_active.active_id = %s ORDER BY tst_times.active_fi, tst_times.started" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_times.* FROM tst_active, tst_times WHERE tst_active.test_fi = %s AND tst_active.active_id = tst_times.active_fi AND tst_active.active_id = %s ORDER BY tst_times.started" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_times.* FROM tst_active, tst_times WHERE tst_active.active_id = %s AND tst_active.active_id = tst_times.active_fi" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_active.active_id, usr_data.usr_id, usr_data.firstname, usr_data.lastname, usr_data.title, usr_data.login FROM tst_active LEFT JOIN usr_data ON tst_active.user_fi = usr_data.usr_id WHERE tst_active.test_fi = %s ORDER BY usr_data.lastname ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_active.active_id, usr_data.firstname, usr_data.lastname, usr_data.title FROM tst_active LEFT JOIN usr_data ON tst_active.user_fi = usr_data.usr_id WHERE tst_active.test_fi = %s ORDER BY usr_data.lastname " . strtoupper($name_sort_order) | 1 |
"SELECT tst_active.active_id, usr_data.login, usr_data.firstname, usr_data.lastname, usr_data.title FROM tst_active LEFT JOIN usr_data ON tst_active.user_fi = usr_data.usr_id WHERE tst_active.test_fi = %s ORDER BY usr_data.lastname " . strtoupper($name_sort_order) | 1 |
"SELECT tst_test_rnd_qst.sequence, tst_test_rnd_qst.question_fi, " . "tst_test_rnd_qst.pass, qpl_questions.points " . "FROM tst_test_rnd_qst, qpl_questions " . "WHERE tst_test_rnd_qst.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id " . "AND tst_test_rnd_qst.active_fi = %s ORDER BY tst_test_rnd_qst.sequence" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_test_rnd_qst.sequence, tst_test_rnd_qst.question_fi, " . "qpl_questions.points " . "FROM tst_test_rnd_qst, qpl_questions " . "WHERE tst_test_rnd_qst.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id " . "AND tst_test_rnd_qst.active_fi = %s AND tst_test_rnd_qst.pass = %s " . "ORDER BY tst_test_rnd_qst.sequence" | 1 |
" SELECT tst_test_rnd_qst.sequence, tst_test_rnd_qst.question_fi, qpl_questions.original_id, tst_test_rnd_qst.pass, qpl_questions.points, qpl_questions.title FROM tst_test_rnd_qst, qpl_questions WHERE tst_test_rnd_qst.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id AND tst_test_rnd_qst.pass = %s AND tst_test_rnd_qst.active_fi = %s ORDER BY tst_test_rnd_qst.sequence " | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM qpl_questions WHERE {$questionIdsCondition}" | 1 |
" SELECT tst_test_question.sequence, tst_test_question.question_fi, qpl_questions.points, qpl_questions.title, qpl_questions.original_id FROM tst_test_question, tst_active, qpl_questions WHERE tst_test_question.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id AND tst_active.active_id = %s AND tst_active.test_fi = tst_test_question.test_fi ORDER BY tst_test_question.sequence " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_sequence WHERE active_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_data.usr_id, usr_data.firstname, usr_data.lastname, usr_data.title, usr_data.login, " . "tst_test_result.*, qpl_questions.original_id, qpl_questions.title questiontitle, " . "qpl_questions.points maxpoints " . "FROM tst_test_result, qpl_questions, tst_active " . "LEFT JOIN usr_data ON tst_active.user_fi = usr_data.usr_id " . "WHERE tst_active.active_id = tst_test_result.active_fi " . "AND qpl_questions.question_id = tst_test_result.question_fi " . "AND tst_active.test_fi = %s " . "ORDER BY tst_active.active_id, tst_test_result.pass, tst_test_result.tstamp" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_data.usr_id, usr_data.firstname, usr_data.lastname, usr_data.title, usr_data.login, " . "tst_test_result.*, qpl_questions.original_id, qpl_questions.title questiontitle, " . "qpl_questions.points maxpoints " . "FROM tst_test_result, qpl_questions, tst_active " . "LEFT JOIN usr_data ON tst_active.user_fi = usr_data.usr_id " . "WHERE tst_active.active_id = tst_test_result.active_fi " . "AND qpl_questions.question_id = tst_test_result.question_fi " . "AND tst_active.test_fi = %s AND tst_active.active_id = %s" . "ORDER BY tst_active.active_id, tst_test_result.pass, tst_test_result.tstamp" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_times.* FROM tst_active, tst_times WHERE tst_active.test_fi = %s AND tst_active.active_id = tst_times.active_fi" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_tests.obj_fi FROM tst_tests, tst_active WHERE tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi AND tst_active.active_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT value1 FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_active.active_id, tst_active.tries, usr_id, %s login, %s lastname, %s firstname, tst_invited_user.clientip, " . "tst_active.submitted test_finished, matriculation, COALESCE(tst_active.last_finished_pass, -1) <> tst_active.last_started_pass unfinished_passes FROM usr_data, tst_invited_user " . "LEFT JOIN tst_active ON tst_active.user_fi = tst_invited_user.user_fi AND tst_active.test_fi = tst_invited_user.test_fi " . "WHERE tst_invited_user.test_fi = %s and tst_invited_user.user_fi=usr_data.usr_id AND usr_data.usr_id=%s " . "ORDER BY $order" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_active.active_id, usr_id, %s login, %s lastname, %s firstname, tst_invited_user.clientip, " . "tst_active.submitted test_finished, matriculation, COALESCE(tst_active.last_finished_pass, -1) <> tst_active.last_started_pass unfinished_passes FROM usr_data, tst_invited_user " . "LEFT JOIN tst_active ON tst_active.user_fi = tst_invited_user.user_fi AND tst_active.test_fi = tst_invited_user.test_fi " . "WHERE tst_invited_user.test_fi = %s and tst_invited_user.user_fi=usr_data.usr_id " . "ORDER BY $order" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_active.active_id, tst_active.tries, usr_id, login, lastname, firstname, tst_invited_user.clientip, " . "tst_active.submitted test_finished, matriculation, COALESCE(tst_active.last_finished_pass, -1) <> tst_active.last_started_pass unfinished_passes FROM usr_data, tst_invited_user " . "LEFT JOIN tst_active ON tst_active.user_fi = tst_invited_user.user_fi AND tst_active.test_fi = tst_invited_user.test_fi " . "WHERE tst_invited_user.test_fi = %s and tst_invited_user.user_fi=usr_data.usr_id AND usr_data.usr_id=%s " . "ORDER BY $order" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_active.active_id, tst_active.tries, usr_id, login, lastname, firstname, tst_invited_user.clientip, " . "tst_active.submitted test_finished, matriculation, COALESCE(tst_active.last_finished_pass, -1) <> tst_active.last_started_pass unfinished_passes FROM usr_data, tst_invited_user " . "LEFT JOIN tst_active ON tst_active.user_fi = tst_invited_user.user_fi AND tst_active.test_fi = tst_invited_user.test_fi " . "WHERE tst_invited_user.test_fi = %s and tst_invited_user.user_fi=usr_data.usr_id " . "ORDER BY $order" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id, %s login, %s lastname, %s firstname, client_ip clientip FROM usr_data WHERE " . $ilDB->in('usr_id', $ids, false, 'integer') . " ORDER BY login" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id, login, lastname, firstname, client_ip clientip FROM usr_data WHERE " . $ilDB->in('usr_id', $ids, false, 'integer') . " ORDER BY login" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tst_invited_user (test_fi, user_fi, clientip, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_invited_user SET clientip = %s, tstamp = %s WHERE test_fi=%s and user_fi=%s" | 1 |
"SELECT question_fi, solved FROM tst_qst_solved WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi=%s" | 1 |
"SELECT question_fi, solved FROM tst_qst_solved WHERE active_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_qst_solved WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tst_qst_solved (solved, question_fi, active_fi) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT submitted FROM tst_active WHERE active_id=%s AND submitted=%s" | 1 |
"SELECT submitted FROM tst_active WHERE test_fi=%s AND user_fi=%s AND submitted=%s" | 1 |
"SELECT tries FROM tst_active WHERE active_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(pass) maxpass FROM tst_pass_result WHERE active_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_times.started FROM tst_times WHERE tst_times.active_fi = %s AND tst_times.pass = %s ORDER BY tst_times.started" | 1 |
" SELECT DISTINCT tst_times.active_fi FROM tst_times INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_times.active_fi = tst_active.active_id AND ( tst_times.pass > tst_active.last_finished_pass OR tst_active.last_finished_pass IS NULL ) WHERE tst_times.tstamp > %s AND tst_active.test_fi = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT finished FROM tst_times WHERE active_fi = %s ORDER BY finished DESC" | 1 |
" SELECT MAX(tst_times.tstamp) as last_pass_access FROM tst_times WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s " | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET certificate_visibility = %s, tstamp = %s WHERE test_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT anonymity FROM tst_tests WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_test_defaults WHERE user_fi = %s ORDER BY name ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_test_defaults WHERE test_defaults_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_test_defaults WHERE test_defaults_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_manual_fb WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_manual_fb WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_manual_fb WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT t.obj_fi obj_id FROM tst_test_question q, tst_tests t WHERE q.test_fi = t.test_id AND q.question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT passed FROM tst_result_cache WHERE active_fi = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT tst_test_result.active_fi, tst_test_result.question_fi, tst_test_result.pass FROM tst_test_result INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_active.active_id = tst_test_result.active_fi AND tst_active.test_fi = %s INNER JOIN qpl_questions ON qpl_questions.question_id = tst_test_result.question_fi LEFT JOIN usr_data ON usr_data.usr_id = tst_active.user_fi WHERE tst_test_result.question_fi = %s ORDER BY usr_data.lastname ASC, usr_data.firstname ASC " | 1 |
'SELECT question_fi FROM tst_test_question WHERE test_fi = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_test_question SET sequence = %s WHERE test_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT sequence, test_fi FROM tst_test_question WHERE question_fi = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_test_question SET sequence = sequence + 1 WHERE sequence > %s AND test_fi = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_test_question SET sequence = %s WHERE question_fi = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT test_fi,MAX(pass) AS pass FROM tst_active" . " JOIN tst_pass_result ON (tst_pass_result.active_fi = tst_active.active_id)" . " WHERE user_fi=%s" . " GROUP BY test_fi" | 1 |
'SELECT obligatory FROM tst_test_question WHERE question_fi = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT obligations_answered FROM tst_pass_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT count(*) cnt FROM tst_test_question WHERE test_fi = %s AND obligatory = 1' | 1 |
"SELECT tst_times.active_fi, tst_times.started FROM tst_times, tst_active WHERE tst_times.active_fi = tst_active.active_id AND tst_active.test_fi = %s ORDER BY tst_times.tstamp DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_addtime.active_fi, tst_addtime.additionaltime FROM tst_addtime, tst_active WHERE tst_addtime.active_fi = tst_active.active_id AND tst_active.test_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT additionaltime FROM tst_addtime WHERE active_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT active_fi FROM tst_addtime WHERE active_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_addtime WHERE active_fi = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_active SET tries = %s, submitted = %s, submittimestamp = %s WHERE active_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tst_addtime (active_fi, additionaltime, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
' SELECT MAX(tst_pass_result.pass) + 1 max_res FROM tst_pass_result INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_active.active_id = tst_pass_result.active_fi WHERE test_fi = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTestId( ), 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
"SELECT question_set_type FROM tst_tests WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT obj_fi FROM tst_active INNER JOIN tst_tests ON test_id = test_fi WHERE user_fi = %s " | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(test_question_id) cnt FROM tst_test_question WHERE test_fi = %s ORDER BY sequence " | 1 |
' SELECT COUNT(tst_pass_result.workingtime) cnt FROM object_reference INNER JOIN tst_tests ON object_reference.obj_id = tst_tests.obj_fi INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi INNER JOIN tst_result_cache ON tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_pass_result ON tst_active.active_id = tst_pass_result.active_fi AND tst_pass_result.pass = tst_result_cache.pass INNER JOIN usr_data ON usr_data.usr_id = tst_active.user_fi WHERE object_reference.ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') . ' AND tst_active.user_fi != ' . $this->db->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' AND workingtime < ( SELECT workingtime FROM object_reference INNER JOIN tst_tests ON object_reference.obj_id = tst_tests.obj_fi INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi INNER JOIN tst_result_cache ON tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_pass_result ON tst_active.active_id = tst_pass_result.active_fi AND tst_pass_result.pass = tst_result_cache.pass WHERE object_reference.ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') . ' AND tst_active.user_fi = ' . $this->db->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' ) ' | 1 |
' SELECT tst_result_cache.*, round(reached_points/max_points*100) as percentage , tst_pass_result.workingtime, usr_id, usr_data.firstname, usr_data.lastname FROM object_reference INNER JOIN tst_tests ON object_reference.obj_id = tst_tests.obj_fi INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi INNER JOIN tst_result_cache ON tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_pass_result ON tst_active.active_id = tst_pass_result.active_fi AND tst_pass_result.pass = tst_result_cache.pass INNER JOIN usr_data ON usr_data.usr_id = tst_active.user_fi WHERE object_reference.ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') . ' AND tst_active.user_fi = ' . $this->db->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' UNION( SELECT tst_result_cache.*, round(reached_points/max_points*100) as percentage, tst_pass_result.workingtime, usr_id, usr_data.firstname, usr_data.lastname FROM object_reference INNER JOIN tst_tests ON object_reference.obj_id = tst_tests.obj_fi INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi INNER JOIN tst_result_cache ON tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_pass_result ON tst_active.active_id = tst_pass_result.active_fi AND tst_pass_result.pass = tst_result_cache.pass INNER JOIN usr_data ON usr_data.usr_id = tst_active.user_fi WHERE object_reference.ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') . ' AND tst_active.user_fi != ' . $this->db->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' AND workingtime >= ( SELECT tst_pass_result.workingtime FROM object_reference INNER JOIN tst_tests ON object_reference.obj_id = tst_tests.obj_fi INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi INNER JOIN tst_result_cache ON tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_pass_result ON tst_active.active_id = tst_pass_result.active_fi AND tst_pass_result.pass = tst_result_cache.pass WHERE object_reference.ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') . ' AND tst_active.user_fi = ' . $this->db->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' ) ORDER BY workingtime DESC LIMIT 0,3 ) UNION( SELECT tst_result_cache.*, round(reached_points/max_points*100) as percentage, tst_pass_result.workingtime, usr_id, usr_data.firstname, usr_data.lastname FROM object_reference INNER JOIN tst_tests ON object_reference.obj_id = tst_tests.obj_fi INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi INNER JOIN tst_result_cache ON tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_pass_result ON tst_active.active_id = tst_pass_result.active_fi AND tst_pass_result.pass = tst_result_cache.pass INNER JOIN usr_data ON usr_data.usr_id = tst_active.user_fi WHERE object_reference.ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') . ' AND tst_active.user_fi != ' . $this->db->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' AND workingtime < ( SELECT tst_pass_result.workingtime FROM object_reference INNER JOIN tst_tests ON object_reference.obj_id = tst_tests.obj_fi INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi INNER JOIN tst_result_cache ON tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_pass_result ON tst_active.active_id = tst_pass_result.active_fi AND tst_pass_result.pass = tst_result_cache.pass WHERE object_reference.ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') . ' AND tst_active.user_fi = ' . $this->db->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' ) ORDER BY workingtime DESC LIMIT 0,3 ) ORDER BY workingtime ASC LIMIT 0, 7 ' | 1 |
' SELECT tst_result_cache.*, round(points/maxpoints*100,2) as percentage, tst_pass_result.workingtime, usr_data.usr_id, usr_data.firstname, usr_data.lastname FROM object_reference INNER JOIN tst_tests ON object_reference.obj_id = tst_tests.obj_fi INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi INNER JOIN tst_result_cache ON tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_pass_result ON tst_active.active_id = tst_pass_result.active_fi AND tst_pass_result.pass = tst_result_cache.pass INNER JOIN usr_data ON usr_data.usr_id = tst_active.user_fi WHERE object_reference.ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') . ' ORDER BY percentage DESC' | 1 |
' SELECT tst_result_cache.*, round(points/maxpoints*100,2) as percentage, tst_pass_result.workingtime, usr_data.usr_id, usr_data.firstname, usr_data.lastname FROM object_reference INNER JOIN tst_tests ON object_reference.obj_id = tst_tests.obj_fi INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi INNER JOIN tst_result_cache ON tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_pass_result ON tst_active.active_id = tst_pass_result.active_fi AND tst_pass_result.pass = tst_result_cache.pass INNER JOIN usr_data ON usr_data.usr_id = tst_active.user_fi WHERE object_reference.ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') . ' ORDER BY workingtime ASC' | 1 |
' SELECT COUNT(tst_pass_result.workingtime) cnt FROM object_reference INNER JOIN tst_tests ON object_reference.obj_id = tst_tests.obj_fi INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi INNER JOIN tst_result_cache ON tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_pass_result ON tst_active.active_id = tst_pass_result.active_fi AND tst_pass_result.pass = tst_result_cache.pass INNER JOIN usr_data ON usr_data.usr_id = tst_active.user_fi WHERE object_reference.ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') . ' AND tst_active.user_fi != ' . $this->db->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' AND round(reached_points/max_points*100) >= ( SELECT round(reached_points/max_points*100) FROM object_reference INNER JOIN tst_tests ON object_reference.obj_id = tst_tests.obj_fi INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi INNER JOIN tst_result_cache ON tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_pass_result ON tst_active.active_id = tst_pass_result.active_fi AND tst_pass_result.pass = tst_result_cache.pass WHERE object_reference.ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') . ' AND tst_active.user_fi = ' . $this->db->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' ) ' | 1 |
' SELECT tst_result_cache.*, round(reached_points/max_points*100) as percentage , tst_pass_result.workingtime, usr_id, usr_data.firstname, usr_data.lastname FROM object_reference INNER JOIN tst_tests ON object_reference.obj_id = tst_tests.obj_fi INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi INNER JOIN tst_result_cache ON tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_pass_result ON tst_active.active_id = tst_pass_result.active_fi AND tst_pass_result.pass = tst_result_cache.pass INNER JOIN usr_data ON usr_data.usr_id = tst_active.user_fi WHERE object_reference.ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') . ' AND tst_active.user_fi = ' . $this->db->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' UNION( SELECT tst_result_cache.*, round(reached_points/max_points*100) as percentage, tst_pass_result.workingtime, usr_id, usr_data.firstname, usr_data.lastname FROM object_reference INNER JOIN tst_tests ON object_reference.obj_id = tst_tests.obj_fi INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi INNER JOIN tst_result_cache ON tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_pass_result ON tst_active.active_id = tst_pass_result.active_fi AND tst_pass_result.pass = tst_result_cache.pass INNER JOIN usr_data ON usr_data.usr_id = tst_active.user_fi WHERE object_reference.ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') . ' AND tst_active.user_fi != ' . $this->db->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' AND round(reached_points/max_points*100) >= ( SELECT round(reached_points/max_points*100) FROM object_reference INNER JOIN tst_tests ON object_reference.obj_id = tst_tests.obj_fi INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi INNER JOIN tst_result_cache ON tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_pass_result ON tst_active.active_id = tst_pass_result.active_fi AND tst_pass_result.pass = tst_result_cache.pass WHERE object_reference.ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') . ' AND tst_active.user_fi = ' . $this->db->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' ) ORDER BY round(reached_points/max_points*100) ASC LIMIT 0,3 ) UNION( SELECT tst_result_cache.*, round(reached_points/max_points*100) as percentage, tst_pass_result.workingtime, usr_id, usr_data.firstname, usr_data.lastname FROM object_reference INNER JOIN tst_tests ON object_reference.obj_id = tst_tests.obj_fi INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi INNER JOIN tst_result_cache ON tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_pass_result ON tst_active.active_id = tst_pass_result.active_fi AND tst_pass_result.pass = tst_result_cache.pass INNER JOIN usr_data ON usr_data.usr_id = tst_active.user_fi WHERE object_reference.ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') . ' AND tst_active.user_fi != ' . $this->db->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' AND round(reached_points/max_points*100) <= ( SELECT round(reached_points/max_points*100) FROM object_reference INNER JOIN tst_tests ON object_reference.obj_id = tst_tests.obj_fi INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi INNER JOIN tst_result_cache ON tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_pass_result ON tst_active.active_id = tst_pass_result.active_fi AND tst_pass_result.pass = tst_result_cache.pass WHERE object_reference.ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') . ' AND tst_active.user_fi = ' . $this->db->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' ) ORDER BY round(reached_points/max_points*100) ASC LIMIT 0,3 ) ORDER BY round(reached_points/max_points*100) DESC, tstamp ASC LIMIT 0, 7 ' | 1 |
" SELECT active_fi, pass FROM tst_active actives INNER JOIN tst_pass_result passes ON active_fi = active_id WHERE test_fi = %s " | 1 |
" SELECT test_fi, skill_base_fi, skill_tref_fi, skill_level_fi, threshold FROM tst_skl_thresholds WHERE test_fi = %s AND skill_base_fi = %s AND skill_tref_fi = %s AND skill_level_fi = %s " | 1 |
" DELETE FROM tst_skl_thresholds WHERE test_fi = %s AND skill_base_fi = %s AND skill_tref_fi = %s AND skill_level_fi = %s " | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM tst_skl_thresholds WHERE test_fi = %s AND skill_base_fi = %s AND skill_tref_fi = %s AND skill_level_fi = %s " | 1 |
'SELECT test_id, obj_fi, ending_time, ending_time_enabled, processing_time, enable_processing_time FROM tst_tests WHERE ' . $this->db->in('test_id', $this->test_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT tt.obj_fi" . " FROM tst_active ta" . " JOIN tst_tests tt ON (ta.test_fi = tt.test_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("tt.obj_fi", (array) $a_obj_ids, false, "integer") . " AND ta.user_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ass_log WHERE obj_fi = ' . $this->ilDB->quote($this->test_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tst_mark (mark_id, test_fi, short_name, official_name, minimum_level, passed, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_mark WHERE test_fi = %s ORDER BY minimum_level DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_mark.* FROM tst_mark, tst_tests WHERE tst_mark.test_fi = tst_tests.test_id AND tst_tests.obj_fi = %s ORDER BY minimum_level DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT question_fi FROM tst_test_question WHERE test_fi = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT question_fi, sequence FROM tst_test_question WHERE test_fi = %s ORDER BY sequence ASC " | 1 |
" SELECT tst_rnd_quest_set_qpls.*, odat.obj_id pool_id, odat.title actual_pool_title, tree.child FROM tst_rnd_quest_set_qpls LEFT JOIN object_data odat ON odat.obj_id = pool_fi LEFT JOIN object_reference oref ON oref.obj_id = pool_fi LEFT JOIN tree ON tree = %s AND child = oref.ref_id WHERE test_fi = %s ORDER BY sequence_pos ASC " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_rnd_quest_set_qpls WHERE test_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM tst_rnd_quest_set_qpls WHERE test_fi = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM tst_rnd_cpy WHERE tst_fi = %s' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_rnd_cpy WHERE tst_fi = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM tst_result_cache tres INNER JOIN tst_pass_result pres ON pres.active_fi = tres.active_fi AND pres.pass = tres.pass $closedScoringsOnly WHERE $IN_activeIds " | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_rnd_cpy SET qpl_fi = %s WHERE tst_fi = %s AND qpl_fi = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT DISTINCT tst_pass_result.* FROM tst_pass_result LEFT JOIN tst_test_result ON tst_pass_result.pass = tst_test_result.pass AND tst_pass_result.active_fi = tst_test_result.active_fi WHERE tst_pass_result.active_fi = %s ORDER BY tst_pass_result.pass " | 1 |
" SELECT last_finished_pass FROM tst_active WHERE active_id = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_dyn_quest_set_cfg WHERE test_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_dyn_quest_set_cfg WHERE test_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM tst_dyn_quest_set_cfg WHERE test_fi = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) num from qpl_questions WHERE obj_fi = %s AND original_id IS NULL " | 1 |
" SELECT obj_fi FROM tst_dyn_quest_set_cfg INNER JOIN tst_tests ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_dyn_quest_set_cfg.test_fi WHERE source_qpl_fi = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_rnd_quest_set_qpls WHERE def_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_rnd_quest_set_qpls WHERE def_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_test_question.* FROM tst_test_question, qpl_questions, tst_active WHERE tst_active.active_id = %s AND tst_test_question.test_fi = tst_active.test_fi AND qpl_questions.question_id = tst_test_question.question_fi ORDER BY tst_test_question.sequence" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_sequence WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT question_fi FROM tst_seq_qst_presented WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT question_fi FROM tst_seq_qst_optional WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_seq_qst_optional WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND $NOT_IN_questions" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_pass_result.*, tst_tests.pass_scoring, tst_tests.test_id FROM tst_pass_result, tst_active, tst_tests WHERE tst_active.test_fi = tst_tests.test_id AND tst_active.user_fi = %s AND tst_tests.obj_fi = %s AND tst_pass_result.active_fi = tst_active.active_id ORDER BY tst_pass_result.pass" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_pass_result.*, tst_tests.pass_scoring FROM tst_pass_result, tst_active, tst_tests WHERE tst_active.test_fi = tst_tests.test_id AND tst_active.user_fi = %s AND tst_tests.obj_fi = %s AND tst_pass_result.active_fi = tst_active.active_id ORDER BY tst_pass_result.pass" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_result_cache.* FROM tst_result_cache, tst_active, tst_tests " . "WHERE tst_active.test_fi = tst_tests.test_id AND tst_active.user_fi = %s " . "AND tst_tests.obj_fi = %s AND tst_result_cache.active_fi = tst_active.active_id" | 1 |
"SELECT complete FROM tst_tests WHERE obj_fi=%s" | 1 |
" SELECT DISTINCT t.obj_fi FROM tst_tests t INNER JOIN tst_rnd_quest_set_qpls r ON t.test_id = r.test_fi WHERE r.pool_fi = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT tst_tests.* FROM tst_tests WHERE tst_tests.obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_invited_user WHERE test_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT tst_active.active_id, COUNT(tst_sequence.active_fi) sequences, tst_active.last_finished_pass, CASE WHEN (tst_tests.nr_of_tries - 1) = tst_active.last_finished_pass THEN '1' ELSE '0' END is_last_pass FROM tst_tests INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_active.test_fi = tst_tests.test_id LEFT JOIN tst_sequence ON tst_sequence.active_fi = tst_active.active_id WHERE tst_tests.obj_fi = %s GROUP BY tst_active.active_id " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO ass_log (ass_log_id, user_fi, obj_fi, logtext, question_fi, original_fi, test_only, ref_id, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(obj_fi) logcount FROM ass_log WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ass_log WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_test_result WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) num_manual_scorings FROM tst_test_result tres INNER JOIN tst_active tact ON tact.active_id = tres.active_fi AND tact.test_fi = %s WHERE tres.manual = 1 " | 1 |
" SELECT tst_active.tries, tst_active.last_finished_pass, tst_sequence.pass FROM tst_active LEFT JOIN tst_sequence ON tst_sequence.active_fi = tst_active.active_id AND tst_sequence.pass = tst_active.tries WHERE tst_active.active_id = {$ilDB->quote($active_fi, 'integer')} " | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_active SET tries = ' . $ilDB->quote($tries - 1, 'integer') . ', last_finished_pass = ' . $ilDB->quote($lastFinishedPass - 1, 'integer') . ' WHERE active_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($active_fi, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_manual_fb SET pass = pass - 1 WHERE active_fi = ' . $ilDB->quote($active_fi, 'integer') . ' AND pass > ' . $ilDB->quote($pass, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_pass_result SET pass = pass - 1 WHERE active_fi = ' . $ilDB->quote($active_fi, 'integer') . ' AND pass > ' . $ilDB->quote($pass, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_sequence SET pass = pass - 1 WHERE active_fi = ' . $ilDB->quote($active_fi, 'integer') . ' AND pass > ' . $ilDB->quote($pass, 'integer') | 1 |
" DELETE FROM $table WHERE active_fi = {$ilDB->quote($active_fi, 'integer')} AND pass = {$ilDB->quote($pass, 'integer')} " | 1 |
" UPDATE $table SET pass = pass - 1 WHERE active_fi = {$ilDB->quote($active_fi, 'integer')} AND pass > {$ilDB->quote($pass, 'integer')} " | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_solutions SET pass = pass - 1 WHERE active_fi = ' . $ilDB->quote($active_fi, 'integer') . ' AND pass > ' . $ilDB->quote($pass, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_test_result SET pass = pass - 1 WHERE active_fi = ' . $ilDB->quote($active_fi, 'integer') . ' AND pass > ' . $ilDB->quote($pass, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE qpl_hint_tracking SET qhtr_pass = qhtr_pass - 1 WHERE qhtr_active_fi = ' . $ilDB->quote($active_fi, 'integer') . ' AND qhtr_pass > ' . $ilDB->quote($pass, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE tst_times SET pass = pass - 1 WHERE active_fi = ' . $ilDB->quote($active_fi, 'integer') . ' AND pass > ' . $ilDB->quote($pass, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT start_lock FROM tst_active WHERE active_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT anonymous_id FROM tst_active WHERE test_fi = %s AND anonymous_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT file_id FROM file_data WHERE rid = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data SET offline = 1 WHERE obj_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM file_data WHERE file_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO file_data (file_id, file_name, file_type, file_size, version, rating, f_mode) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM file_data WHERE file_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM file_usage" . " WHERE usage_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . " AND usage_id= " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") . " AND usage_lang= " . $ilDB->quote($a_usage_lang, "text") . $and_hist | 1 |
"DELETE FROM file_usage WHERE usage_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . " AND usage_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_id, "integer") . " AND usage_lang= " . $ilDB->quote($a_usage_lang, "text") . " AND usage_hist_nr = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_usage_hist_nr, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM file_usage WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM file_usage WHERE " . "usage_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_id, "integer") . " AND " . "usage_type = " . $ilDB->quote((string) $a_type, "text") . " AND " . $lstr . "usage_hist_nr = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_usage_hist_nr, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT version FROM file_data WHERE file_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT file_size FROM file_data WHERE file_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id,max(hdate) latest" . " FROM history" . " WHERE obj_type = " . $DIC->database( )->quote("file", "text") . " AND " . $DIC->database( )->in("obj_id", $a_obj_ids, "", "integer") . " GROUP BY obj_id" | 1 |
"SELECT file_size, version, file_id, page_count, rid" . " FROM file_data" . " WHERE " . $DIC->database( )->in("file_id", $a_obj_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT rid, file_id FROM file_data WHERE rid IS NOT NULL AND rid !='' AND " . $DIC->database( )->in('file_id', $a_obj_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT file_id FROM file_data WHERE (rid IS NULL OR rid = '') AND (file_id != '' AND file_id IS NOT NULL) LIMIT 1;" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(file_id) AS amount FROM file_data WHERE rid IS NULL OR rid = '';" | 1 |
'UPDATE file_data SET rid = %s WHERE file_id = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT rid FROM file_data WHERE file_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type='file'" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) cnt " . " FROM " . ilStudyProgrammeAssignmentDBRepository::TABLE . " WHERE root_prg_id = " . $root_id | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) cnt " . " FROM " . ilStudyProgrammeAssignmentDBRepository::TABLE . " WHERE id = " . $ass1->getId( ) | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) cnt " . " FROM " . ilStudyProgrammeSettingsDBRepository::TABLE . " WHERE obj_id = " . $this->root_object_obj_id | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . ilStudyProgrammeTypeDBRepository::AMD_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->in(ilStudyProgrammeTypeDBRepository::FIELD_ID, array_map(function ($amd) { /**/ } , self::$created_amd), false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . ilStudyProgrammeTypeDBRepository::TYPE_TRANSLATION_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->in(ilStudyProgrammeTypeDBRepository::FIELD_ID, array_map(function ($amd) { /**/ } , self::$created_tt), false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . ilStudyProgrammeAssignmentDBRepository::TABLE . ' WHERE' . ' ' . $db->in(ilStudyProgrammeAssignmentDBRepository::FIELD_ID, array_keys(self::$created), false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . ilStudyProgrammeProgressDBRepository::TABLE . ' WHERE' . ' ' . $db->in(ilStudyProgrammeProgressDBRepository::FIELD_ID, array_keys(self::$created), false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT count( as cnt" . PHP_EOL | 1 |
"Update LP Settings of Course References" | 1 |
"SELECT distinct od.obj_id AS objid " . PHP_EOL . "FROM object_reference oref " . PHP_EOL . "JOIN object_data od ON od.obj_id = oref.obj_id AND od.type = 'crsr'" . PHP_EOL . "JOIN tree ON oref.ref_id = tree.child" . PHP_EOL . "JOIN tree t2 ON t2.path > tree.path" . PHP_EOL . "JOIN object_reference oref2 ON oref2.ref_id = t2.child" . PHP_EOL . "JOIN object_data od2 ON od2.obj_id = oref2.obj_id AND od2.type = 'prg'" . PHP_EOL . "WHERE od.obj_id NOT IN (" . PHP_EOL . "SELECT obj_id FROM ut_lp_settings WHERE obj_type = 'crsr' AND u_mode = " . ilLPObjSettings::LP_MODE_COURSE_REFERENCE . PHP_EOL . ")" . PHP_EOL . "LIMIT 1" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ut_lp_settings WHERE obj_id = ' . (int) $row['objid'] | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ut_lp_settings (obj_id, obj_type, u_mode)' . PHP_EOL . 'VALUES (' . (int) $row['objid'] . ', "crsr", ' . ilLPObjSettings::LP_MODE_COURSE_REFERENCE . ');' | 1 |
"SELECT count(distinct od.obj_id) AS cnt " . PHP_EOL . "FROM object_reference oref " . PHP_EOL . "JOIN object_data od ON od.obj_id = oref.obj_id AND od.type = 'crsr'" . PHP_EOL . "JOIN tree ON oref.ref_id = tree.child" . PHP_EOL . "JOIN tree t2 ON t2.path > tree.path" . PHP_EOL . "JOIN object_reference oref2 ON oref2.ref_id = t2.child" . PHP_EOL . "JOIN object_data od2 ON od2.obj_id = oref2.obj_id AND od2.type = 'prg'" . PHP_EOL . "WHERE od.obj_id NOT IN (" . PHP_EOL . "SELECT obj_id FROM ut_lp_settings WHERE obj_type = 'crsr' AND u_mode = " . ilLPObjSettings::LP_MODE_COURSE_REFERENCE . PHP_EOL . ")" | 1 |
'SELECT ' . self::FIELD_SUBTYPE_ID . ' ,' . self::FIELD_STATUS . ' ,' . self::FIELD_POINTS . ' ,' . self::FIELD_LP_MODE . ' ,' . self::FIELD_LAST_CHANGED . ' ,' . self::FIELD_OBJ_ID . ' ,' . self::FIELD_DEADLINE_PERIOD . ' ,' . self::FIELD_DEADLINE_DATE . ' ,' . self::FIELD_VALIDITY_QUALIFICATION_PERIOD . ' ,' . self::FIELD_VALIDITY_QUALIFICATION_DATE . ' ,' . self::FIELD_VQ_RESTART_PERIOD . ', ' . self::FIELD_SEND_RE_ASSIGNED_MAIL . ', ' . self::FIELD_SEND_INFO_TO_RE_ASSIGN_MAIL . ', ' . self::FIELD_SEND_RISKY_TO_FAIL_MAIL . ' FROM ' . self::TABLE . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_SUBTYPE_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($type_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT ' . self::FIELD_SUBTYPE_ID . ', ' . self::FIELD_STATUS . ', ' . self::FIELD_POINTS . ', ' . self::FIELD_LP_MODE . ', ' . self::FIELD_LAST_CHANGED . ', ' . self::FIELD_OBJ_ID . ', ' . self::FIELD_DEADLINE_PERIOD . ', ' . self::FIELD_DEADLINE_DATE . ', ' . self::FIELD_VALIDITY_QUALIFICATION_PERIOD . ', ' . self::FIELD_VALIDITY_QUALIFICATION_DATE . ', ' . self::FIELD_VQ_RESTART_PERIOD . ', ' . self::FIELD_RM_NOT_RESTARTED_BY_USER_DAY . ', ' . self::FIELD_PROC_ENDS_NOT_SUCCESSFUL . ', ' . self::FIELD_SEND_RE_ASSIGNED_MAIL . ', ' . self::FIELD_SEND_INFO_TO_RE_ASSIGN_MAIL . ', ' . self::FIELD_SEND_RISKY_TO_FAIL_MAIL . ' FROM ' . self::TABLE . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_OBJ_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TABLE . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_OBJ_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT ' . self::FIELD_OBJ_ID . ' FROM ' . self::TABLE . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_OBJ_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT ' . self::FIELD_OBJ_ID . ', ' . self::FIELD_PROC_ENDS_NOT_SUCCESSFUL . ' FROM ' . self::TABLE . PHP_EOL . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_STATUS . ' = ' . ilStudyProgrammeSettings::STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND ' . self::FIELD_PROC_ENDS_NOT_SUCCESSFUL . ' IS NOT NULL' | 1 |
'SELECT ' . self::FIELD_OBJ_ID . ', ' . self::FIELD_RM_NOT_RESTARTED_BY_USER_DAY . ' FROM ' . self::TABLE . PHP_EOL . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_STATUS . ' = ' . ilStudyProgrammeSettings::STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND ' . self::FIELD_RM_NOT_RESTARTED_BY_USER_DAY . ' IS NOT NULL' | 1 |
'SELECT ' . self::FIELD_OBJ_ID . ', ' . self::FIELD_VQ_RESTART_PERIOD . ' FROM ' . self::TABLE . PHP_EOL . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_STATUS . ' = ' . ilStudyProgrammeSettings::STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND ' . self::FIELD_VQ_RESTART_PERIOD . ' > 0' | 1 |
'SELECT ' . self::FIELD_PRG_OBJ_ID . ',' . self::FIELD_CAT_REF_ID . ',' . self::FIELD_EDITOR_ID . ',' . self::FIELD_LAST_EDITED . PHP_EOL . 'FROM ' . self::TABLE . PHP_EOL . 'WHERE ' . self::FIELD_PRG_OBJ_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($prg_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TABLE . PHP_EOL . 'WHERE prg_obj_id = ' . $ac->getPrgObjId( ) . PHP_EOL . 'AND cat_ref_id = ' . $ac->getCategoryRefId( ) | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TABLE . PHP_EOL . 'WHERE prg_obj_id = ' . $this->db->quote($prg_obj_id, 'integer') . PHP_EOL . 'AND cat_ref_id IN (' . $ids . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT ' . self::FIELD_PRG_OBJ_ID . PHP_EOL . 'FROM ' . self::TABLE . ' prgs' . PHP_EOL . 'INNER JOIN object_reference oref ON ' . 'prgs.' . self::FIELD_PRG_OBJ_ID . ' = oref.obj_id' . PHP_EOL . 'WHERE ' . self::FIELD_CAT_REF_ID . ' = ' . $ilDB->quote($cat_ref_id, 'integer') . PHP_EOL . 'AND oref.deleted IS NULL' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . self::TYPE_TABLE . ' SET' . ' ' . self::FIELD_DEFAULT_LANG . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($row[self::FIELD_DEFAULT_LANG], 'text') . ' ,' . self::FIELD_OWNER . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($row[self::FIELD_OWNER], 'integer') . ' ,' . self::FIELD_CREATE_DATE . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($row[self::FIELD_CREATE_DATE], 'text') . ' ,' . self::FIELD_LAST_UPDATE . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($row[self::FIELD_LAST_UPDATE], 'text') . ' ,' . self::FIELD_ICON . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($row[self::FIELD_ICON], 'text') . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($row[self::FIELD_ID], 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . self::AMD_TABLE . ' SET' . ' ' . self::FIELD_REC_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($row[self::FIELD_REC_ID], 'integer') . ' ,' . self::FIELD_TYPE_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($row[self::FIELD_TYPE_ID], 'integer') . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($row[self::FIELD_ID], 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . self::TYPE_TRANSLATION_TABLE . ' SET' . ' ' . self::FIELD_PRG_TYPE_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($row[self::FIELD_PRG_TYPE_ID], 'integer') . ' ,' . self::FIELD_LANG . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($row[self::FIELD_LANG], 'text') . ' ,' . self::FIELD_MEMBER . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($row[self::FIELD_MEMBER], 'text') . ' ,' . self::FIELD_VALUE . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($row[self::FIELD_VALUE], 'text') . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($row[self::FIELD_ID], 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TYPE_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_ID . ' = ' . $type->getId( ) | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TYPE_TRANSLATION_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_PRG_TYPE_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($type_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::AMD_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_TYPE_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($type_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::AMD_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($rec->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TYPE_TRANSLATION_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($tt->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TYPE_TRANSLATION_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_REC_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($type_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT ' . self::FIELD_REC_ID . ' FROM ' . self::AMD_TABLE | 1 |
'SELECT ' . self::FIELD_ID . ', ' . self::FIELD_USR_ID . ', ' . self::FIELD_ROOT_PRG_ID . ', ' . self::FIELD_LAST_CHANGE . ', ' . self::FIELD_LAST_CHANGE_BY . ', ' . self::FIELD_RESTART_DATE . ', ' . self::FIELD_RESTARTED_ASSIGNMENT_ID . PHP_EOL . ' FROM ' . self::TABLE . PHP_EOL | 1 |
'SELECT ' . self::FIELD_ID . ', ' . self::FIELD_USR_ID . ', ' . self::FIELD_ROOT_PRG_ID . ', ' . self::FIELD_LAST_CHANGE . ', ' . self::FIELD_LAST_CHANGE_BY . ', ' . self::FIELD_RESTART_DATE . ', ' . self::FIELD_RESTARTED_ASSIGNMENT_ID . ' FROM ' . self::TABLE . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_USR_ID . ' = ' . $usr_id . ' ORDER BY ' . self::FIELD_ROOT_PRG_ID . ', ' . self::FIELD_ID | 1 |
'SELECT ' . self::FIELD_ID . ' ,' . self::FIELD_USR_ID . ' ,' . self::FIELD_ROOT_PRG_ID . ' ,' . self::FIELD_LAST_CHANGE . ' ,' . self::FIELD_LAST_CHANGE_BY . ' ,' . self::FIELD_RESTART_DATE . ' ,' . self::FIELD_RESTARTED_ASSIGNMENT_ID . ' FROM ' . self::TABLE . ' WHERE TRUE' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . self::TABLE . ' SET' . ' ' . self::FIELD_USR_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($values[self::FIELD_USR_ID], 'integer') . ' ,' . self::FIELD_ROOT_PRG_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($values[self::FIELD_ROOT_PRG_ID], 'integer') . ' ,' . self::FIELD_LAST_CHANGE . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($values[self::FIELD_LAST_CHANGE], 'text') . ' ,' . self::FIELD_LAST_CHANGE_BY . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($values[self::FIELD_LAST_CHANGE_BY], 'integer') . ' ,' . self::FIELD_RESTART_DATE . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($values[self::FIELD_RESTART_DATE], 'timestamp') . ' ,' . self::FIELD_RESTARTED_ASSIGNMENT_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($values[self::FIELD_RESTARTED_ASSIGNMENT_ID], 'integer') . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($values[self::FIELD_ID], 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TABLE . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TABLE . PHP_EOL . 'WHERE ' . self::FIELD_ROOT_PRG_ID . '=' . $this->db->quote($prg_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TABLE . PHP_EOL . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_ASSIGNMENT_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($assignment_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT ' . self::FIELD_ID . ', ' . self::FIELD_ASSIGNMENT_ID . ', ' . self::FIELD_PRG_ID . ', ' . self::FIELD_USR_ID . ', ' . self::FIELD_STATUS . ', ' . self::FIELD_POINTS . ', ' . self::FIELD_POINTS_CUR . ', ' . self::FIELD_COMPLETION_BY . ', ' . self::FIELD_LAST_CHANGE . ', ' . self::FIELD_LAST_CHANGE_BY . ', ' . self::FIELD_ASSIGNMENT_DATE . ', ' . self::FIELD_COMPLETION_DATE . ', ' . self::FIELD_DEADLINE . ', ' . self::FIELD_VQ_DATE . ', ' . self::FIELD_INVALIDATED . ', ' . self::FIELD_IS_INDIVIDUAL . ' FROM ' . self::TABLE | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TABLE . PHP_EOL . 'WHERE ' . self::FIELD_ASSIGNMENT_ID . PHP_EOL . 'NOT IN (' . PHP_EOL . 'SELECT ' . $this->db->quoteIdentifier($assignment_id_field) . ' FROM ' . $this->db->quoteIdentifier($assignment_table) . PHP_EOL . ');' . PHP_EOL | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TABLE . PHP_EOL . ' WHERE ' . self::FIELD_PRG_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($prg_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT ' . self::FIELD_PRG_OBJ_ID . ',' . self::FIELD_SOURCE_TYPE . ',' . self::FIELD_SOURCE_ID . ',' . self::FIELD_ENABLED . ',' . self::FIELD_EDITOR_ID . ',' . self::FIELD_LAST_EDITED . PHP_EOL . 'FROM ' . self::TABLE . PHP_EOL . 'WHERE ' . self::FIELD_PRG_OBJ_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($prg_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TABLE . PHP_EOL . 'WHERE prg_obj_id = ' . $ams->getPrgObjId( ) . PHP_EOL . 'AND ' . self::FIELD_SOURCE_TYPE . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($ams->getSourceType( ), 'string') . PHP_EOL . 'AND ' . self::FIELD_SOURCE_ID . ' = ' . $ams->getSourceId( ) | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TABLE . PHP_EOL . 'WHERE prg_obj_id = ' . $this->db->quote($prg_obj_id, 'integer') . PHP_EOL . 'AND ' . self::FIELD_SOURCE_TYPE . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($source_type, 'string') . PHP_EOL . 'AND ' . self::FIELD_SOURCE_ID . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($source_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT ' . self::FIELD_PRG_OBJ_ID . PHP_EOL . 'FROM ' . self::TABLE . ' prgs' . PHP_EOL . 'INNER JOIN object_reference oref ON ' . 'prgs.' . self::FIELD_PRG_OBJ_ID . ' = oref.obj_id' . PHP_EOL . 'WHERE ' . self::FIELD_SOURCE_TYPE . ' = ' . $ilDB->quote($source_type, 'text') . PHP_EOL . 'AND ' . self::FIELD_SOURCE_ID . ' = ' . $ilDB->quote($source_id, 'integer') . PHP_EOL . 'AND ' . self::FIELD_ENABLED . ' = 1' . PHP_EOL . 'AND oref.deleted IS NULL' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM grp_settings " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'SELECT registration_type, registration_enabled, registration_unlimited, registration_start, ' . 'registration_end, registration_mem_limit, registration_max_members FROM grp_settings ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) | 1 |
'SELECT period_start, period_end, period_time_indication FROM grp_settings ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) | 1 |
"SELECT grp_type FROM grp_settings " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO grp_settings (obj_id,information,grp_type,registration_type,registration_enabled," . "registration_unlimited,registration_start,registration_end,registration_password,registration_mem_limit," . "registration_max_members,waiting_list,latitude,longitude,location_zoom,enablemap,reg_ac_enabled,reg_ac,view_mode,mail_members_type," . "leave_end,registration_min_members,auto_wait, grp_start, grp_end, auto_notification, session_limit, session_prev, session_next) " . "VALUES(" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getInformation( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getGroupType( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getRegistrationType( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(($this->isRegistrationEnabled( ) ? 1 : 0), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(($this->isRegistrationUnlimited( ) ? 1 : 0), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(($this->getRegistrationStart( ) && !$this->getRegistrationStart( )->isNull( )) ? $this->getRegistrationStart( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '') : null, 'timestamp') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(($this->getRegistrationEnd( ) && !$this->getRegistrationEnd( )->isNull( )) ? $this->getRegistrationEnd( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '') : null, 'timestamp') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getPassword( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->isMembershipLimited( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMaxMembers( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->isWaitingListEnabled( ) ? 1 : 0, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLatitude( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLongitude( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLocationZoom( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getEnableGroupMap( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->isRegistrationAccessCodeEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRegistrationAccessCode( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->view_mode, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMailToMembersType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(($this->getCancellationEnd( ) && !$this->getCancellationEnd( )->isNull( )) ? $this->getCancellationEnd( )->get(IL_CAL_UNIX) : null, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMinMembers( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->hasWaitingListAutoFill( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getStart( ) instanceof ilDate ? $this->getStart( )->get(IL_CAL_UNIX) : null, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getEnd( ) instanceof ilDate ? $this->getEnd( )->get(IL_CAL_UNIX) : null, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAutoNotification( ), \ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isSessionLimitEnabled( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getNumberOfPreviousSessions( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getNumberOfNextSessions( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ')' | 1 |
"UPDATE grp_settings " . "SET information = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getInformation( ), 'text') . ", " . "grp_type = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getGroupType( ), 'integer') . ", " . "registration_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getRegistrationType( ), 'integer') . ", " . "registration_enabled = " . $ilDB->quote($this->isRegistrationEnabled( ) ? 1 : 0, 'integer') . ", " . "registration_unlimited = " . $ilDB->quote($this->isRegistrationUnlimited( ) ? 1 : 0, 'integer') . ", " . "registration_start = " . $ilDB->quote(($this->getRegistrationStart( ) && !$this->getRegistrationStart( )->isNull( )) ? $this->getRegistrationStart( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '') : null, 'timestamp') . ", " . "registration_end = " . $ilDB->quote(($this->getRegistrationEnd( ) && !$this->getRegistrationEnd( )->isNull( )) ? $this->getRegistrationEnd( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '') : null, 'timestamp') . ", " . "registration_password = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getPassword( ), 'text') . ", " . "registration_mem_limit = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->isMembershipLimited( ), 'integer') . ", " . "registration_max_members = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMaxMembers( ), 'integer') . ", " . "waiting_list = " . $ilDB->quote($this->isWaitingListEnabled( ) ? 1 : 0, 'integer') . ", " . "latitude = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLatitude( ), 'text') . ", " . "longitude = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLongitude( ), 'text') . ", " . "location_zoom = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLocationZoom( ), 'integer') . ", " . "enablemap = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getEnableGroupMap( ), 'integer') . ", " . 'reg_ac_enabled = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isRegistrationAccessCodeEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'reg_ac = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRegistrationAccessCode( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'view_mode = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->view_mode, 'integer') . ', ' . 'mail_members_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMailToMembersType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'leave_end = ' . $ilDB->quote(($this->getCancellationEnd( ) && !$this->getCancellationEnd( )->isNull( )) ? $this->getCancellationEnd( )->get(IL_CAL_UNIX) : null, 'integer') . ', ' . "registration_min_members = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMinMembers( ), 'integer') . ", " . "auto_wait = " . $ilDB->quote($this->hasWaitingListAutoFill( ), 'integer') . ", " . "show_members = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getShowMembers( ), 'integer') . ", " . 'period_start = ' . $ilDB->quote(\ilCalendarUtil::convertDateToUtcDBTimestamp($this->getStart( )), \ilDBConstants::T_TIMESTAMP) . ', ' . 'period_end = ' . $ilDB->quote(\ilCalendarUtil::convertDateToUtcDBTimestamp($this->getEnd( )), \ilDBConstants::T_TIMESTAMP) . ', ' . 'period_time_indication = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getStartTimeIndication( ) ? 1 : 0, \ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . 'auto_notification = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAutoNotification( ), \ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . 'session_limit = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isSessionLimitEnabled( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . 'session_prev = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getNumberOfPreviousSessions( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . 'session_next = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getNumberOfNextSessions( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM grp_settings " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM grp_settings " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT login,firstname,lastname,title,usr_id,last_login " . "FROM usr_data " . "WHERE usr_id IN (" . implode(',', ilUtil::quoteArray($a_mem_ids)) . ") " | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = ' . $ilDB->quote('rolt', 'text') . ' AND title = ' . $ilDB->quote('il_grp_status_closed', 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = ' . $ilDB->quote('rolt', 'text') . ' AND title = ' . $ilDB->quote('il_grp_status_open', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE title = " . $ilDB->quote($a_title, 'text') . " AND type = 'grp'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_data as ud " . "WHERE usr_id IN (" . implode(",", ilUtil::quoteArray($members)) . ") " . $and | 1 |
'SELECT view_mode FROM grp_settings ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM grp_settings " . "WHERE reg_ac_enabled = " . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . " " . "AND reg_ac = " . $ilDB->quote($a_code, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT leave_end" . " FROM grp_settings" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_group_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, registration_min_members" . " FROM grp_settings" . " WHERE registration_min_members > " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " AND registration_mem_limit = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " AND ((leave_end IS NOT NULL" . " AND leave_end < " . $ilDB->quote($now, "integer") . ")" . " OR (leave_end IS NULL" . " AND registration_end IS NOT NULL" . " AND registration_end < " . $ilDB->quote($now_date, "text") . "))" . " AND (period_start IS NULL OR period_start > " . $ilDB->quote($now, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
'SELECT show_members FROM grp_settings' . ' WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
" SELECT DISTINCT obd.obj_id, obd.type, obd2.title" . " FROM rbac_ua ua" . " JOIN rbac_fa fa ON (ua.rol_id = fa.rol_id)" . " JOIN object_reference obr ON (fa.parent = obr.ref_id)" . " JOIN object_data obd ON (obr.obj_id = obd.obj_id)" . " JOIN object_data obd2 ON (ua.rol_id = obd2.obj_id)" . " WHERE obd.type = " . $ilDB->quote("grp", "text") . " AND fa.assign = " . $ilDB->quote("y", "text") . " AND ua.usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("obd.obj_id", $a_obj_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT orgu_id, AS type_id FROM orgu_data INNER JOIN orgu_types AS ot ON ( = orgu_data.orgu_type_id) WHERE ot.icon IS NOT NULL' | 1 |
"SELECT o.obj_id, r.ref_id FROM object_data o INNER JOIN object_reference r ON r.obj_id = o.obj_id WHERE title = " . $ilDB->quote('__OrgUnitAdministration', 'text') . "" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_translation WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE orgu_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE object_translation SET " | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id, rol_id FROM rbac_ua WHERE " . $this->db->in("rol_id", $ref_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT object_data.obj_id, object_reference.ref_id, object_data.title, object_data.type, rbac_pa.ops_id, rbac_operations.ops_id as op_id FROM object_data INNER JOIN rbac_operations ON rbac_operations.operation = " . $this->db->quote($operation, "text") . " INNER JOIN rbac_ua ON rbac_ua.usr_id = " . $this->db->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . " INNER JOIN rbac_pa ON rbac_pa.rol_id = rbac_ua.rol_id AND rbac_pa.ops_id LIKE CONCAT('%', rbac_operations.ops_id, '%') INNER JOIN object_reference ON object_reference.ref_id = rbac_pa.ref_id WHERE object_data.obj_id = object_reference.obj_id AND object_data.type = 'orgu'" | 1 |
"SELECT object_data.obj_id, object_data.title, object_data.type, rbac_pa.ops_id FROM object_data INNER JOIN rbac_ua ON rbac_ua.usr_id = " . $this->db->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . " INNER JOIN rbac_pa ON rbac_pa.rol_id = rbac_ua.rol_id AND rbac_pa.ops_id LIKE CONCAT('%', " . $this->db->quote($operation_id, "integer") . ", '%') INNER JOIN rbac_fa ON rbac_fa.rol_id = rbac_ua.rol_id INNER JOIN tree ON tree.child = rbac_fa.parent INNER JOIN object_reference ON object_reference.ref_id = tree.parent WHERE object_data.obj_id = object_reference.obj_id AND object_data.type = 'orgu'" | 1 |
"SELECT orgu.obj_id, refr.ref_id FROM object_data orgu INNER JOIN object_reference refr ON refr.obj_id = orgu.obj_id INNER JOIN object_data roles ON roles.title LIKE CONCAT('il_orgu_employee_',refr.ref_id) OR roles.title LIKE CONCAT('il_orgu_superior_',refr.ref_id) INNER JOIN rbac_ua rbac ON rbac.usr_id = " . $this->db->quote($user_id, "integer") . " AND roles.obj_id = rbac.rol_id WHERE orgu.type = 'orgu'" | 1 |
"SELECT object_reference.ref_id FROM rbac_ua JOIN rbac_fa ON rbac_fa.rol_id = rbac_ua.rol_id JOIN object_reference ON rbac_fa.parent = object_reference.ref_id JOIN object_data ON object_data.obj_id = object_reference.obj_id WHERE rbac_ua.usr_id = " . $this->db->quote($user_id, 'integer') . " AND object_data.type = 'orgu';" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, title FROM object_data WHERE type = 'role' AND title LIKE 'il_orgu_" . $role . "%'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . "INNER JOIN object_reference as ref on ref.obj_id = object_data.obj_id and ref.deleted is null " . 'WHERE object_data.type = "orgu" and import_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($external_id, "text") . " " . "ORDER BY create_date DESC" | 1 |
'select * from orgu_obj_pos_settings ' . 'where obj_id = ' . $db->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE from orgu_obj_pos_settings ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'select * from orgu_obj_pos_settings ' . 'where obj_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM orgu_obj_type_settings ' . 'WHERE obj_type = ' . $this->db->quote($this->type, 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT lang FROM ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE orgu_type_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_orgu_type_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE orgu_type_id != ' . $ilDB->quote($a_orgu_type_id, 'integer') . ' AND member = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_member, 'text') . ' AND lang = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_lang, 'text') . ' AND value = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_value, 'text') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE orgu_type_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getOrguTypeId( ), 'integer') . ' AND lang = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getLang( ), 'text') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE orgu_type_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_orgu_type_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE orgu_type_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->orgu_type_id, 'integer') . ' AND lang = ' . $this->db->quote($this->lang, 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT id FROM ' . self::TABLE_NAME | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM orgu_types_adv_md_rec WHERE type_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM orgu_data WHERE orgu_type_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT orgu_id FROM orgu_data od ' . 'JOIN object_reference oref ON oref.obj_id = od.orgu_id ' . 'WHERE od.orgu_type_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ' AND oref.deleted IS NULL' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM orgu_types_adv_md_rec WHERE type_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM orgu_types_adv_md_rec WHERE type_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ' AND rec_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_record_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_data WHERE usr_id = " . $this->dic->database( )->quote($user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT orgu_ua.orgu_id AS orgu_id, orgu_ua.user_id AS empl_usr_id, orgu_ua2.user_id as sup_usr_id, as sup_email, superior.second_email as sup_second_email, superior.login as sup_login FROM il_orgu_ua as orgu_ua, il_orgu_ua as orgu_ua2 inner join usr_data as superior on superior.usr_id = orgu_ua2.user_id WHERE orgu_ua.orgu_id = orgu_ua2.orgu_id and orgu_ua.user_id <> orgu_ua2.user_id and orgu_ua.position_id = " . \ilOrgUnitPosition::CORE_POSITION_EMPLOYEE . " and orgu_ua2.position_id = " . \ilOrgUnitPosition::CORE_POSITION_SUPERIOR . " AND " . $DIC->database( )->in('orgu_ua.user_id', $user_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_data WHERE " . $this->dic->database( )->in('usr_id', $user_ids, false, 'int') | 1 |
"SELECT " . $ilDB->groupConcat("path", $separator) . " AS orgus FROM orgu_usr_assignements WHERE user_id = %s GROUP BY user_id;" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in('ref_id', $ref_ids, true, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM object_reference JOIN object_data ON object_reference.obj_id = object_data.obj_id AND deleted IS NULL WHERE object_data.type = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data WHERE email = ' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT, il_orgu_positions.* FROM il_orgu_positions LEFT JOIN il_orgu_ua ON = il_orgu_ua.position_id WHERE il_orgu_ua.user_id IS NOT NULL OR il_orgu_positions.core_position = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT, il_orgu_positions.* FROM il_orgu_positions LEFT JOIN il_orgu_ua ON = il_orgu_ua.position_id AND il_orgu_ua.orgu_id = %s WHERE il_orgu_ua.user_id IS NOT NULL OR core_position = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT orgu_ua.orgu_id AS orgu_id, orgu_ua.user_id AS empl, orgu_ua2.user_id as sup FROM il_orgu_ua as orgu_ua, il_orgu_ua as orgu_ua2 WHERE orgu_ua.orgu_id = orgu_ua2.orgu_id and orgu_ua.user_id <> orgu_ua2.user_id and orgu_ua.position_id = " . ilOrgUnitPosition::CORE_POSITION_EMPLOYEE . " and orgu_ua2.position_id = " . ilOrgUnitPosition::CORE_POSITION_SUPERIOR . " AND " . $DIC->database( )->in('orgu_ua.user_id', $arr_empl_user_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT @OP_ID:= CONCAT("%\"",operation_id, "\"%") FROM il_orgu_op_contexts JOIN il_orgu_operations ON il_orgu_operations.context_id = WHERE il_orgu_op_contexts.context IN(\'crs\', \'object\') AND operation_string = \'viewmembers\';' | 1 |
'SELECT @CONTEXT_TYPE:= object_data.type FROM object_reference JOIN object_data ON object_data.obj_id = object_reference.obj_id WHERE object_reference.ref_id = %s;' | 1 |
'SELECT @OP_ID:= CONCAT("%\"", il_orgu_operations.operation_id, "%\"") FROM il_orgu_operations JOIN il_orgu_op_contexts ON il_orgu_op_contexts.context = @CONTEXT_TYPE -- AND = il_orgu_operations.context_id WHERE il_orgu_operations.operation_string = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_orgu_permissions WHERE operations LIKE @OP_ID AND position_id = %s;' | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_qpl SET isonline = %s, tstamp = %s WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_qpl (id_questionpool, isonline, obj_fi, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT question_id FROM svy_question WHERE obj_fi = %s AND original_id IS NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_qtype.type_tag FROM svy_question, svy_qtype WHERE svy_question.questiontype_fi = svy_qtype.questiontype_id AND svy_question.question_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT answer_id FROM svy_answer WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_svy.* FROM svy_svy, svy_svy_qst WHERE svy_svy_qst.survey_fi = svy_svy.survey_id AND svy_svy_qst.question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_question.*, svy_qtype.type_tag, svy_qtype.plugin FROM svy_question, svy_qtype WHERE svy_question.questiontype_fi = svy_qtype.questiontype_id AND svy_question.tstamp > 0 AND " . $ilDB->in('svy_question.question_id', $question_array, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT svy_question.*, svy_qtype.type_tag, svy_qtype.plugin FROM svy_question, svy_qtype WHERE svy_question.original_id IS NULL AND svy_question.tstamp > 0 AND svy_question.questiontype_fi = svy_qtype.questiontype_id AND svy_question.obj_fi = %s" . $where | 1 |
"SELECT question_id FROM svy_question WHERE obj_fi = %s AND svy_question.tstamp > 0 AND original_id IS NULL" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_qpl SET isonline = %s WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT isonline FROM svy_qpl WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_qtype ORDER BY type_tag" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_qtype" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_fi, isonline FROM svy_qpl" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_question.*, svy_qtype.type_tag FROM svy_question, svy_qtype " . "WHERE svy_question.questiontype_fi = svy_qtype.questiontype_id " . "AND svy_question.tstamp > 0 AND " . $ilDB->in('svy_question.question_id', $question_ids, false, 'integer') . " " . "ORDER BY svy_question.title" | 1 |
"SELECT question_id FROM svy_question WHERE owner_fi = %s AND tstamp = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_question SET obj_fi = %s WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_question" . " SET obligatory = " . $ilDB->quote($status, "integer") . " WHERE question_id = " . $ilDB->quote($question_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_phrase WHERE defaultvalue = %s OR owner_fi = %s ORDER BY title" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_phrase WHERE " . $ilDB->in('phrase_id', $phrase_array, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_phrase_cat WHERE " . $ilDB->in('phrase_fi', $phrase_array, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_phrase SET title = %s, tstamp = %s WHERE phrase_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_phrase_cat WHERE phrase_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_category.title, svy_category.neutral, svy_phrase_cat.sequence FROM svy_phrase_cat, svy_category WHERE svy_phrase_cat.phrase_fi = %s AND svy_phrase_cat.category_fi = svy_category.category_id ORDER BY svy_phrase_cat.sequence ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_phrase.title FROM svy_phrase WHERE svy_phrase.phrase_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_variable.* FROM svy_variable WHERE svy_variable.question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " (question_fi, subtype) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_variable (variable_id, category_fi, question_fi, value1, value2, sequence, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_category.* FROM svy_category, svy_phrase_cat WHERE svy_phrase_cat.category_fi = svy_category.category_id AND svy_phrase_cat.phrase_fi = %s AND (svy_category.owner_fi = 0 OR svy_category.owner_fi = %s) ORDER BY svy_phrase_cat.sequence" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " (question_fi, orientation) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"DELETE from svy_variable before the INSERT into svy_variable. if scale > 0 we get scale value else we get null" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_variable category_fi= " . $category_id . " question_fi= " . $this->getId( ) . " value1= " . ($i + 1) . " other= " . $cat->other . " sequence= " . $i . " scale =" . $debug_scale | 1 |
"INSERT svy_answer answer_id=" . $next_id . " question_fi=" . $this->getId( ) . " active_fi=" . $active_id . " value=" . $debug_value . " textanswer=" . $debug_answer | 1 |
"SELECT SUM(max_sum_score) sum_sum_score FROM (SELECT MAX(scale) max_sum_score FROM svy_svy_qst sq " . "JOIN svy_question q ON (sq.question_fi = q.question_id) " . "JOIN svy_variable v ON (v.question_fi = q.question_id) " . "WHERE sq.survey_fi = %s AND q.questiontype_fi = %s " . "GROUP BY (q.question_id)) x" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_category.* FROM svy_category, svy_phrase_cat WHERE svy_phrase_cat.category_fi = svy_category.category_id AND svy_phrase_cat.phrase_fi = %s AND (svy_category.owner_fi = %s OR svy_category.owner_fi = %s) ORDER BY svy_phrase_cat.sequence" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_qst_matrixrows WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY sequence" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " ( question_fi, subtype, column_separators, row_separators, neutral_column_separator,column_placeholders, legend, singleline_row_caption, repeat_column_header, column_header_position, random_rows, column_order, column_images, row_images, bipolar_adjective1, bipolar_adjective2, layout, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"UPDATE " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " SET bipolar_adjective1 = %s, bipolar_adjective2 = %s WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_category (category_id, title, defaultvalue, owner_fi, neutral, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_qst_matrixrows (id_svy_qst_matrixrows, title, label, other, sequence, question_fi) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"UPDATE " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " SET layout = %s WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(scale) max_sum_score, q.question_id FROM svy_svy_qst sq " . "JOIN svy_question q ON (sq.question_fi = q.question_id) " . "JOIN svy_variable v ON (v.question_fi = q.question_id) " . "WHERE sq.survey_fi = %s AND q.questiontype_fi = %s " . "GROUP BY (q.question_id)" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(mr.id_svy_qst_matrixrows) cnt_rows, q.question_id FROM svy_svy_qst sq " . "JOIN svy_question q ON (sq.question_fi = q.question_id) " . "JOIN svy_qst_matrixrows mr ON (mr.question_fi = q.question_id) " . "WHERE sq.survey_fi = %s AND q.questiontype_fi = %s " . "GROUP BY (q.question_id)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " (question_fi, maxchars, width, height) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT question_id FROM svy_question WHERE title = %s$refwhere" | 1 |
"SELECT complete FROM svy_question WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_question question_id=" . $question_id | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_question SET complete = %s, tstamp = %s WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_question id=" . $this->getId( ) . " SET: title=" . $this->getTitle( ) . " ..." | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_material " . "(material_id, question_fi, internal_link, import_id, material_title, tstamp," . "text_material, external_link, file_material, material_type) " . "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_question (question_id, questiontype_fi, " . "obj_fi, owner_fi, title, description, author, questiontext, obligatory, complete, " . "created, original_id, tstamp) VALUES " . "(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_question question_id= " . $next_id . " questiontype_fi= " . $this->getQuestionTypeID( ) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_category (category_id, title, neutral, owner_fi, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_category id=" . $next_id | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_answer WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_constraint WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT constraint_fi FROM svy_qst_constraint WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_qst_constraint WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_qblk_qst WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_svy_qst WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_question WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_question" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_question" . " SET original_id = NULL" . " WHERE original_id = " . $ilDB->quote($question_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT type_tag FROM svy_question, svy_qtype WHERE svy_question.question_id = %s AND svy_question.questiontype_fi = svy_qtype.questiontype_id" | 1 |
"SELECT title FROM svy_question WHERE svy_question.question_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_question WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_material WHERE question_fi = " . $this->getOriginalId( ) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_material (material_id, question_fi, internal_link, import_id, material_title, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT svy_material material_id=" . $next_id . " question_fi=" . $this->getOriginalId( ) | 1 |
"SELECT title FROM svy_phrase WHERE phrase_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT phrase_id FROM svy_phrase WHERE title = %s AND owner_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT question_id FROM svy_question WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_material SET internal_link = %s, tstamp = %s WHERE material_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_question" . " SET original_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_original_id, "integer") . "," . " obj_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($a_object_id, "integer") . " WHERE question_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_question_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT q.question_id,s.obj_fi" . " FROM svy_question q" . " JOIN svy_svy_qst sq ON (sq.question_fi = q.question_id)" . " JOIN svy_svy s ON (s.survey_id = sq.survey_fi)" . " WHERE original_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT svy_svy.obj_fi FROM svy_svy_qst" . " JOIN svy_svy ON (svy_svy.survey_id = svy_svy_qst.survey_fi)" . " WHERE svy_svy_qst.question_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($a_question_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_fi FROM svy_question " . " WHERE question_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_qid, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT survey_fi" . " FROM svy_svy_qst" . " WHERE question_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->question->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT finished_id FROM svy_finished" . " WHERE survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " (question_fi, orientation, use_min_answers, nr_min_answers, nr_max_answers) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT SUM(scale) sum_sum_score FROM svy_svy_qst sq " . "JOIN svy_question q ON (sq.question_fi = q.question_id) " . "JOIN svy_variable v ON (v.question_fi = q.question_id) " . "WHERE sq.survey_fi = %s AND q.questiontype_fi = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM wfld_user_setting " . " WHERE user_id = %s " . " AND wfld_id = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM wfld_user_setting " . " WHERE user_id = %s " . " AND " . $db->in("wfld_id", $wfld_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
' SELECT DISTINCT sco_id FROM scorm_tracking WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT last_access FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id, last_access, lastname, firstname FROM sahs_user st ' . 'JOIN usr_data ud ON st.user_id = ud.usr_id ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT user_id, package_attempts FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id, module_version FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'SELECT module_version FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM scorm_tracking WHERE user_id = %s AND sco_id = %s AND obj_id = %s ORDER BY lvalue' | 1 |
' SELECT DISTINCT sco_id FROM scorm_tracking WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s AND sco_id <> %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM scorm_tracking WHERE obj_id = %s AND sco_id = %s AND user_id = %s AND lvalue <> %s AND (lvalue = %s OR lvalue = %s OR lvalue = %s)' | 1 |
' SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM scorm_tracking WHERE obj_id = %s AND sco_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM scorm_tracking WHERE obj_id = %s AND sco_id = %s AND user_id = %s AND (lvalue = %s OR lvalue = %s OR lvalue = %s)' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM scorm_tracking WHERE user_id = %s AND sco_id = %s AND lvalue = %s AND obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM scorm_tracking WHERE user_id = %s AND sco_id = %s AND lvalue = %s AND obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM usr_data WHERE(login=%s)' | 1 |
' SELECT obj_id FROM sc_item,scorm_tree WHERE (obj_id = child AND identifierref = %s AND slm_id = %s)' | 1 |
'SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data WHERE(email=%s)' | 1 |
' SELECT scorm_object.obj_id, scorm_object.title, scorm_object.c_type, scorm_object.slm_id, scorm_object.obj_id scoid FROM scorm_object,sc_item,sc_resource WHERE(scorm_object.slm_id = %s AND scorm_object.obj_id = sc_item.obj_id AND sc_item.identifierref = sc_resource.import_id AND sc_resource.scormtype = %s) GROUP BY scorm_object.obj_id, scorm_object.title, scorm_object.c_type, scorm_object.slm_id, scorm_object.obj_id ' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM scorm_tracking WHERE (user_id = %s AND obj_id = %s AND ' . $ilDB->in('sco_id', $scos, false, 'integer') . ' AND ((lvalue = %s AND ' . $ilDB->like('rvalue', 'clob', 'completed') . ') OR (lvalue = %s AND ' . $ilDB->like('rvalue', 'clob', 'passed') . ')))' | 1 |
' SELECT scorm_object.obj_id, scorm_object.title, scorm_object.c_type, scorm_object.slm_id, scorm_object.obj_id scoid FROM scorm_object, sc_item,sc_resource WHERE(scorm_object.slm_id = %s AND scorm_object.obj_id = sc_item.obj_id AND sc_item.identifierref = sc_resource.import_id AND sc_resource.scormtype = %s ) GROUP BY scorm_object.obj_id, scorm_object.title, scorm_object.c_type, scorm_object.slm_id, scorm_object.obj_id' | 1 |
' SELECT sco_id FROM scorm_tracking WHERE (user_id = %s AND obj_id = %s AND ' . $ilDB->in('sco_id', $scos, false, 'integer') . ' AND ((lvalue = %s AND ' . $ilDB->like('rvalue', 'clob', 'completed') . ') OR (lvalue = %s AND ' . $ilDB->like('rvalue', 'clob', 'passed') . ') ) )' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM scorm_tracking WHERE user_id = %s' | 1 |
" SELECT lvalue, rvalue FROM scorm_tracking WHERE sco_id = %s AND user_id = %s AND (lvalue = 'cmi.core.score.raw' OR lvalue = 'cmi.core.score.max')" | 1 |
'SELECT last_visited FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM scorm_tracking WHERE user_id = %s AND obj_id = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM sahs_user WHERE user_id = %s AND obj_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM scorm_tracking WHERE user_id = %s AND sco_id = %s AND obj_id = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT " . implode(",", $columns) . " FROM " . $this->db_table | 1 |
"SELECT title,description FROM object_data" | 1 |
'SELECT offline_mode FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT offline_mode FROM sahs_lm WHERE id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id, title FROM scorm_object WHERE slm_id = %s AND c_type = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id, sco_id, rvalue ' . 'FROM scorm_tracking ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('sco_id', $a_sco, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND lvalue=%s' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id, sco_id, rvalue ' . 'FROM scorm_tracking ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('sco_id', $a_sco, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND lvalue = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id, st.obj_id, sco_id, identifierref, c_timestamp, lvalue, rvalue ' . 'FROM scorm_tracking st ' . 'JOIN sc_item si ON st.sco_id = si.obj_id ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('sco_id', $a_sco, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY ' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id, sco_id, max(c_timestamp) as c_timestamp ' . 'FROM scorm_tracking ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('sco_id', $a_sco, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'GROUP BY user_id, sco_id ' . 'ORDER BY ' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id, sco_id, lvalue, c_timestamp ' . 'FROM scorm_tracking ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s AND ' . $ilDB->in('sco_id', $a_sco, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND left(lvalue,17) = %s ' . 'ORDER BY ' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id, sco_id, lvalue, c_timestamp ' . 'FROM scorm_tracking ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s AND ' . $ilDB->in('sco_id', $a_sco, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND left(lvalue,15) = %s ' . 'ORDER BY ' | 1 |
'SELECT count(distinct(scorm_object.obj_id)) counter ' . 'FROM scorm_object, sc_item, sc_resource ' . 'WHERE scorm_object.slm_id = %s ' . 'AND scorm_object.obj_id = sc_item.obj_id ' . 'AND sc_item.identifierref = sc_resource.import_id ' . 'AND (sc_resource.scormtype = %s OR sc_resource.scormtype is null)' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id, count(distinct(SCO_ID)) counter ' . 'FROM scorm_tracking ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND SCO_ID > 0 ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'GROUP BY user_id' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id, count(*) counter ' . 'FROM scorm_tracking ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s AND lvalue = %s AND rvalue like %s ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'GROUP BY user_id' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id=%s AND user_id=%s' | 1 |
'SELECT default_lesson_mode, interactions, objectives, comments, time_from_lms FROM sahs_lm WHERE id = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE sahs_user SET first_access=%s, last_access=%s, last_status_change=%s, last_visited=%s, module_version=%s WHERE obj_id=%s AND user_id=%s' | 1 |
'UPDATE sahs_user SET offline_mode=%s WHERE obj_id=%s AND user_id=%s' | 1 |
'SELECT offline_mode FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id=%s AND user_id=%s' | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) cnt FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id=%s AND offline_mode = 'offline'" | 1 |
"SELECT user_id, lastname, firstname FROM sahs_user, usr_data " . "WHERE sahs_user.obj_id=%s AND sahs_user.offline_mode = 'offline' AND sahs_user.user_id=usr_data.usr_id" | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_user SET offline_mode='online' WHERE obj_id=%s AND user_id=%s" | 1 |
"SELECT id,c_type" . " FROM sahs_lm" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_obj_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id" . " FROM sahs_user" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $types["scorm2004"], "", "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id" . " FROM scorm_tracking" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $types["scorm"], "", "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, "integer") . " AND lvalue = " . $ilDB->quote("cmi.core.lesson_status", "text") | 1 |
' INSERT INTO sahs_lm (id, api_adapter, c_type, editable, seq_exp_mode,localization) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)' | 1 |
'SELECT localization FROM sahs_lm WHERE id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT c_type FROM sahs_lm WHERE id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT question_tries FROM sahs_lm WHERE id = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT minnormalmeasure FROM cp_objective, cp_node" . " WHERE satisfiedbymeasure=1 AND minnormalmeasure is not null AND cp_objective.cp_node_id=cp_node.cp_node_id AND" . " slm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getID( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT masteryscore FROM sc_item,scorm_object" . " WHERE sc_item.masteryscore is not null AND sc_item.obj_id=scorm_object.obj_id AND" . " slm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getID( ), "integer") | 1 |
' UPDATE sahs_lm SET api_adapter = %s, api_func_prefix = %s, auto_review = %s, default_lesson_mode = %s, c_type = %s, stylesheet = %s, editable = %s, max_attempt = %s, module_version = %s, credit = %s, glossary = %s, question_tries = %s, unlimited_session = %s, no_menu = %s, hide_navig = %s, fourth_edition =%s, sequencing = %s, interactions = %s, objectives = %s, comments = %s, time_from_lms = %s, debug = %s, localization = %s, seq_exp_mode = %s, debugpw = %s, open_mode = %s, width = %s, height = %s, auto_continue = %s, auto_last_visited = %s, check_values = %s, offline_mode = %s, auto_suspend = %s, ie_force_render = %s, mastery_score = %s, id_setting = %s, name_setting = %s WHERE id = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT id FROM sahs_lm WHERE " . " glossary = " . $ilDB->quote($a_glo_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT glossary FROM sahs_lm WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_slm_id, "integer") | 1 |
'DELETE FROM sahs_lm WHERE id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT aicc_object.obj_id FROM aicc_object, aicc_units WHERE aicc_object.obj_id = aicc_units.obj_id AND aicc_object.slm_id = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM aicc_units WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT aicc_object.obj_id FROM aicc_object, aicc_course WHERE aicc_object.obj_id = aicc_course.obj_id AND aicc_object.slm_id = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM aicc_course WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM aicc_object WHERE slm_id = %s' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM scorm_tracking WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( )) | 1 |
'DELETE FROM scorm_tracking WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( )) | 1 |
"Insert - L:" . $insert["left"] . ",R:" . $insert["right"] . ",sahs_id:" . $sahs_id . ",user_id:" . $user_id . "\n" | 1 |
' SELECT rvalue FROM scorm_tracking WHERE user_id = %s AND sco_id = %s AND lvalue = %s AND obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE sahs_user SET last_visited=%s, last_access = %s, sco_total_time_sec=%s, status=%s, percentage_completed=%s, package_attempts=%s WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT package_attempts, total_time_sec, sco_total_time_sec, time_from_lms FROM sahs_user, sahs_lm ' . 'WHERE sahs_user.obj_id = %s AND sahs_user.user_id = %s AND sahs_user.obj_id =' | 1 |
' SELECT sco_id, rvalue FROM scorm_tracking WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s AND lvalue = %s AND sco_id <> %s' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id,sco_id FROM scorm_tracking WHERE ' . $in . ' AND obj_id = %s GROUP BY user_id, sco_id' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id,sco_id FROM scorm_tracking WHERE sco_id = %s AND obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT(user_id) FROM scorm_tracking WHERE ' . $in . ' AND obj_id = %s AND lvalue = %s AND (' . $ilDB->like('rvalue', 'clob', 'completed') . ' OR ' . $ilDB->like('rvalue', 'clob', 'passed') . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT(user_id) FROM scorm_tracking WHERE sco_id = %s AND obj_id = %s AND lvalue = %s AND (' . $ilDB->like('rvalue', 'clob', 'completed') . ' OR ' . $ilDB->like('rvalue', 'clob', 'passed') . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id, MAX(c_timestamp) tst ' . 'FROM scorm_tracking ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'GROUP BY user_id' | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM scorm_tracking WHERE obj_id = %s AND lvalue = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT DISTINCT(user_id) FROM scorm_tracking WHERE ' . $in . ' AND obj_id = %s AND lvalue = %s AND ' . $ilDB->like('rvalue', 'clob', 'failed') . ' ' | 1 |
' SELECT DISTINCT(user_id) FROM scorm_tracking WHERE sco_id = %s AND obj_id = %s AND lvalue = %s AND ' . $ilDB->like('rvalue', 'clob', 'failed') . ' ' | 1 |
' SELECT user_id, COUNT(user_id) completed FROM scorm_tracking WHERE ' . $in . ' AND obj_id = %s AND lvalue = %s AND (' . $ilDB->like('rvalue', 'clob', 'completed') . ' OR ' . $ilDB->like('rvalue', 'clob', 'passed') . ') GROUP BY user_id' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM scorm_tracking WHERE ' . $in . ' AND obj_id = %s AND lvalue = %s ' | 1 |
'UPDATE sahs_user SET last_visited = %s, hash_end =%s, last_access = %s WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM sc_resource WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT href FROM sc_resource_file WHERE res_id = %s ORDER BY nr' | 1 |
'SELECT identifierref FROM sc_resource_dependen WHERE res_id = %s ORDER BY nr' | 1 |
'SELECT scormtype FROM sc_resource WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
' INSERT INTO sc_resource (obj_id, import_id, resourcetype, scormtype, href, xml_base) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
' INSERT INTO sc_resource_file (id,res_id, href, nr) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
' INSERT INTO sc_resource_dependen (id, res_id, identifierref, nr) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
' UPDATE sc_resource SET import_id = %s, resourcetype = %s, scormtype = %s, href = %s, xml_base = %s WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO sc_resource_file (id, res_id, href, nr) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
' INSERT INTO sc_resource_dependen (id, res_id, identifierref, nr) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s) ' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM sc_resource WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM scorm_object WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
" SELECT sit.obj_id id FROM scorm_object sob, sc_item sit WHERE sob.slm_id = %s AND sob.obj_id = sit.obj_id AND sit.identifierref IS NOT NULL" | 1 |
' INSERT INTO scorm_object (obj_id,title, c_type, slm_id) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s) ' | 1 |
' UPDATE scorm_object SET title = %s, c_type = %s, slm_id = %s WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM scorm_object WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT c_type FROM scorm_object WHERE obj_id = %s AND slm_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT sc_item.obj_id,prereq_type,prerequisites,maxtimeallowed,timelimitaction,datafromlms,masteryscore FROM sc_item, scorm_object WHERE scorm_object.obj_id=sc_item.obj_id AND scorm_object.c_type = %s AND scorm_object.slm_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT sco_id,lvalue,rvalue FROM scorm_tracking ' . 'WHERE user_id = %s AND obj_id = %s ' . "AND sco_id > 0 AND lvalue != 'cmi.core.entry' AND lvalue != 'cmi.core.session_time'" | 1 |
" SELECT sc_resource.obj_id FROM scorm_tree, sc_resource WHERE scorm_tree.slm_id=%s AND sc_resource.obj_id=scorm_tree.child" | 1 |
"SELECT scorm_tree.lft, scorm_tree.child, CASE WHEN sc_resource.scormtype = 'asset' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS asset, sc_resource.href FROM scorm_tree, sc_resource, sc_item WHERE scorm_tree.slm_id=%s AND sc_item.obj_id=scorm_tree.child AND sc_resource.import_id=sc_item.identifierref AND sc_resource.obj_id in (" . $s_resourceIds . ") ORDER BY scorm_tree.lft" | 1 |
"SELECT scorm_tree.child, scorm_tree.depth-3 depth, scorm_object.title, scorm_object.c_type FROM scorm_tree, scorm_object WHERE scorm_object.obj_id=scorm_tree.child AND scorm_tree.slm_id=%s AND (scorm_object.c_type='sor' OR scorm_object.c_type='sit') ORDER BY scorm_tree.lft" | 1 |
'SELECT last_visited, sco_total_time_sec, total_time_sec FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT count(*) cnt FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO sahs_user (obj_id, user_id, hash, hash_end) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
'UPDATE sahs_user SET hash = %s, hash_end = %s WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT default_organization FROM sc_organizations WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
' INSERT INTO sc_organizations (obj_id, default_organization) VALUES (%s, %s)' | 1 |
' UPDATE sc_organizations SET default_organization = %s WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM sc_organizations WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM sc_manifest WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
' INSERT INTO sc_manifest (obj_id, import_id, version, xml_base) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)' | 1 |
' UPDATE sc_manifest SET import_id = %s, version = %s, xml_base = %s WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM sc_manifest WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM scorm_tracking WHERE user_id = %s AND sco_id = %s AND obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM sc_item WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM sc_item WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM scorm_tracking WHERE sco_id = %s AND obj_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT obj_id FROM scorm_object WHERE slm_id = %s AND c_type = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT title FROM scorm_object WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM " . $this->table_tree . " " . $this->buildJoin( ) . "WHERE parent = %s " . "AND " . $this->table_tree . "." . $this->tree_pk . " = %s " . $order_clause | 1 |
'SELECT import_id, structure FROM sc_organization WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO sc_organization (obj_id, import_id, structure) VALUES(%s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
'UPDATE sc_organization SET import_id = %s, structure = %s WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM sc_organization WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT xml_base FROM sc_resources WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO sc_resources (obj_id, xml_base) VALUES (%s, %s)' | 1 |
' UPDATE sc_resources SET xml_base = %s WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM sc_resources WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lti_ext_provider WHERE id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM lti_ext_provider WHERE id = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM lti_consumer_results' . ' WHERE id = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM lti_consumer_results' . ' WHERE obj_id = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . ' AND usr_id = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM lti_consumer_results' . ' WHERE obj_id = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($objId, 'integer') | 1 |
" SELECT lti_ext_provider.availability, lti_consumer_settings.mastery_score FROM lti_ext_provider, lti_consumer_settings WHERE = lti_consumer_settings.provider_id AND lti_consumer_settings.obj_id = %s " | 1 |
" SELECT lti_ext_provider.provider_key, lti_ext_provider.provider_secret, lti_consumer_settings.launch_key, lti_consumer_settings.launch_secret FROM lti_ext_provider, lti_consumer_settings WHERE = lti_consumer_settings.provider_id AND lti_consumer_settings.obj_id = %s " | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM lti_ext_provider WHERE {$this->getWhereExpression( )} " | 1 |
" SELECT 'untrashed' query, oset.provider_id, COUNT(oset.obj_id) cnt FROM lti_consumer_settings oset INNER JOIN object_reference oref ON oref.obj_id = oset.obj_id AND oref.deleted IS NULL GROUP BY oset.provider_id UNION SELECT 'trashed' query, oset.provider_id, COUNT(oset.obj_id) cnt FROM lti_consumer_settings oset INNER JOIN object_reference oref ON oref.obj_id = oset.obj_id AND oref.deleted IS NOT NULL GROUP BY oset.provider_id " | 1 |
"SELECT oset.obj_id AS obj_id, oref.ref_id AS ref_id, oref.deleted as trashed, odata.title AS title" . " FROM lti_consumer_settings oset, object_reference oref, object_data odata" . " WHERE oset.provider_id = " . $pId . " AND oref.obj_id = oset.obj_id" . " AND odata.obj_id = oset.obj_id" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM {$this->dbTableName( )} WHERE obj_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM mep_data " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO mep_data " . "(id, default_width, default_height, for_translation) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDefaultWidth( ), "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDefaultHeight( ), "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getForTranslation( ), "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE mep_data SET " . " default_width = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDefaultWidth( ), "integer") . "," . " default_height = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDefaultHeight( ), "integer") . "," . " for_translation = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getForTranslation( ), "integer") . " " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT mep_tree.*, object_data.* " . "FROM mep_tree JOIN mep_item ON (mep_tree.child = mep_item.obj_id) " . " JOIN object_data ON (mep_item.foreign_id = object_data.obj_id) " | 1 |
"SELECT foreign_id as id FROM " . " mep_tree JOIN mep_item ON (mep_tree.child = mep_item.obj_id) " . " JOIN object_data ON (mep_item.foreign_id = object_data.obj_id) " . " WHERE mep_tree.mep_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") . " AND mep_item.type = " . $ilDB->quote("mob", "text") . " AND object_data.type = " . $ilDB->quote("mob", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT media_item.format f FROM mep_tree " . " JOIN mep_item ON (mep_item.obj_id = mep_tree.child) " . " JOIN object_data ON (mep_item.foreign_id = object_data.obj_id) " . " JOIN media_item ON (media_item.mob_id = object_data.obj_id) " . " WHERE mep_tree.mep_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND object_data.type = " . $ilDB->quote("mob", "text") . " ORDER BY f" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM mep_tree JOIN mep_item ON (child = obj_id) WHERE " . " foreign_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_foreign_id, "integer") . " AND mep_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_pool_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM mep_tree WHERE child = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, "integer") . " AND mep_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_pool_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_pc_usage WHERE pc_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") . " AND pc_type = " . $ilDB->quote("incl", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT mep_id FROM mep_tree JOIN mep_item ON (child = obj_id) WHERE mep_item.obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") . " AND mep_item.type = " . $ilDB->quote("pg", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT mep_id, child " . " ,parent,depth,type,title,foreign_id " . " FROM mep_tree JOIN mep_item ON (child = obj_id) " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("mep_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") . " ORDER BY depth" | 1 |
"SELECT mep_id, child " . " ,parent,depth,type,title,foreign_id, import_id " . " FROM mep_tree JOIN mep_item ON (child = obj_id) " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("mep_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") . $type . " ORDER BY depth" | 1 |
"SELECT for_translation FROM mep_data WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["mep_id"], true) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO mep_item " . "(obj_id, type, foreign_id, title, import_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($nid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getType( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getForeignId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getImportId( ), "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM mep_item WHERE " . "obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE mep_item SET " . " type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getType( ), "text") . "," . " foreign_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getForeignId( ), "integer") . "," . " title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . " import_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getImportId( ), "text") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM mep_item WHERE " . " obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT " . $a_field . " FROM mep_item WHERE " . " obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE mep_item SET " . " title = " . $ilDB->quote($title, "text") . " WHERE foreign_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj, "integer") . " AND type = " . $ilDB->quote("mob", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM mep_tree " . " WHERE child = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT mep_tree.child as id" . " FROM mep_tree JOIN mep_item ON (mep_tree.child = mep_item.obj_id) WHERE " . " mep_tree.mep_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") . " AND " . " mep_item.type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT id, is_online FROM il_wiki_data WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM pg_amd_page_list" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($data_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM pg_amd_page_list" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_data_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM pg_amd_page_list" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($old_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id,title FROM il_wiki_page" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $found_ids, "", "integer") . " ORDER BY title" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM pg_amd_page_list" . " WHERE field_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_field_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT ts FROM " . $a_table . " WHERE " . $primary | 1 |
"UPDATE " . $a_table . " SET " . $values . " WHERE " . $primary | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . $a_table . " (" . $columns . ")" . " VALUES (" . $values . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * " . " FROM wiki_stat_page" . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_page_obj->getWikiId( ), "integer") . " AND page_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_page_obj->getId( ), "integer") . " ORDER BY ts DESC" | 1 |
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"SELECT ts_day, " . sprintf($a_aggr_value, $a_field) . " " . $a_field | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(ts_day) last_day, MIN(ts_day) first_day" . " FROM " . $a_table . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") . " AND " . $a_sub_field . " = " . $ilDB->quote($a_sub_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(" . $a_field . ") latest" . " FROM " . $a_table . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") . " AND ts_day < " . $ilDB->quote($a_day_from, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT ts_day, " . sprintf($a_aggr_value, $a_field) . " " . $a_field . " FROM (" . " SELECT ts_day, " . sprintf($a_aggr_sub, $a_field) . " " . $a_field . " FROM " . $a_table . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") . " AND ts_day >= " . $ilDB->quote($a_day_from, "text") . " AND ts_day <= " . $ilDB->quote($a_day_to, "text") . " AND " . $a_field . " > " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " AND " . $a_field . " IS NOT NULL" | 1 |
" SELECT *" . " FROM (" . " SELECT " . $a_aggr_by . ", MAX(deleted) deleted, MAX(ts_day) last_day, MIN(ts_day) first_day" . " FROM " . $a_table . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") . " GROUP BY " . $a_aggr_by . ") aggr_sub" . " WHERE first_day <= " . $ilDB->quote($a_day_to, "text") . " AND (last_day >= " . $ilDB->quote($a_day_from, "text") . " OR deleted = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
" SELECT ts_day, " . $a_aggr_by . ", " . sprintf($a_aggr_sub, $a_field) . " " . $a_field . " FROM " . $a_table . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") . " AND ts_day >= " . $ilDB->quote($a_day_from, "text") . " AND ts_day <= " . $ilDB->quote($a_day_to, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT ts_day, COUNT(DISTINCT(page_id)) num_changed_pages" . " FROM wiki_stat_page_user" . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") . " AND ts_day >= " . $ilDB->quote($a_day_from, "text") . " AND ts_day <= " . $ilDB->quote($a_day_to, "text") . " AND changes > " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " AND changes IS NOT NULL" . " GROUP BY ts_day" . " ORDER BY ts_day" | 1 |
"SELECT ts_day, AVG(num_changed_pages) num_changed_pages" . " FROM (" . " SELECT ts_day, COUNT(DISTINCT(page_id)) num_changed_pages" . " FROM wiki_stat_page_user" . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") . " AND ts_day >= " . $ilDB->quote($a_day_from, "text") . " AND ts_day <= " . $ilDB->quote($a_day_to, "text") . " AND changes > " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " AND changes IS NOT NULL" . " GROUP BY ts_day, user_id" . ") aggr_user" . " GROUP BY ts_day" . " ORDER BY ts_day" | 1 |
"SELECT ts_day, COUNT(DISTINCT(user_id)) num_changed_users" . " FROM wiki_stat_page_user" . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") . " AND ts_day >= " . $ilDB->quote($a_day_from, "text") . " AND ts_day <= " . $ilDB->quote($a_day_to, "text") . " AND changes > " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " AND changes IS NOT NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT ts_day, AVG(num_changed_users) num_changed_users" . " FROM (" . " SELECT ts_day, COUNT(DISTINCT(user_id)) num_changed_users" . " FROM wiki_stat_page_user" . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") . " AND ts_day >= " . $ilDB->quote($a_day_from, "text") . " AND ts_day <= " . $ilDB->quote($a_day_to, "text") . " AND changes > " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " AND changes IS NOT NULL" . " GROUP BY ts_day, page_id" . ") aggr_user" . " GROUP BY ts_day" . " ORDER BY ts_day" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(SUBSTR(ts_day, 1, 7)) " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("month") . " FROM wiki_stat_page_user" . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") . " AND ts_day IS NOT NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM wiki_user_html_export " . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->wiki->getId( ), "integer") . " AND with_comments = " . $this->db->quote($this->with_comments, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO wiki_user_html_export " . "(wiki_id, usr_id, progress, start_ts, status, with_comments) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->wiki->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->user->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($ts, "timestamp") . "," . $ilDB->quote(self::RUNNING, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->with_comments, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE wiki_user_html_export SET " . " start_ts = " . $ilDB->quote($ts, "timestamp") . "," . " usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->user->getId( ), "integer") . "," . " progress = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . "," . " status = " . $ilDB->quote(self::RUNNING, "integer") . " WHERE status = " . $ilDB->quote(self::NOT_RUNNING, "integer") . " AND wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->wiki->getId( ), "integer") . " AND with_comments = " . $ilDB->quote($this->with_comments, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE wiki_user_html_export SET " . " progress = " . $this->db->quote((int) $a_progress, "integer") . "," . " status = " . $this->db->quote((int) $a_status, "integer") . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->wiki->getId( ), "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->user->getId( ), "integer") . " AND with_comments = " . $this->db->quote($this->with_comments, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT progress, status FROM wiki_user_html_export " . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->wiki->getId( ), "integer") . " AND with_comments = " . $this->db->quote($this->with_comments, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM il_wiki_page " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_wiki_page (" . "id" . ", title" . ", wiki_id" . ", blocked" . ", rating" . ", hide_adv_md" . " ) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getWikiId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getBlocked( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getRating( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->isAdvancedMetadataHidden( ), "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_wiki_page SET " . " title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . ",wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getWikiId( ), "integer") . ",blocked = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getBlocked( ), "integer") . ",rating = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getRating( ), "integer") . ",hide_adv_md = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->isAdvancedMetadataHidden( ), "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"update news" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_wiki_page WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_wiki_page" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_wiki_missing_page " . " WHERE wiki_id = %s AND source_id = %s AND target_name = %s " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_wiki_missing_page " . "(wiki_id, source_id, target_name) VALUES " . "(%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_wiki_page" . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_wiki_page" . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") . " AND title = " . $ilDB->quote($a_title, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_wiki_page" . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY title" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_wiki_page wp, page_object p" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("", $ids, false, "integer") . " AND = p.page_id AND p.parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote("wpg", "text") . " AND wp.wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY title" | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) cnt FROM il_wiki_page" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $ids, false, "integer") . " AND wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") . " GROUP BY wiki_id" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_wiki_missing_page WHERE " . " wiki_id = %s AND target_name = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_wiki_missing_page WHERE " . " wiki_id = %s AND target_name = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_wiki_missing_page WHERE " . " wiki_id = %s AND source_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_wiki_missing_page WHERE" . " wiki_id = %s AND source_id = %s AND target_name = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_wiki_missing_page (wiki_id, source_id, target_name)" . " VALUES (%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"SELECT wp.*, po.view_cnt as cnt FROM il_wiki_page wp, page_object po" . " WHERE wp.wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") . " AND = po.page_id " . " AND po.parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote("wpg", "text") . " " . " ORDER BY po.view_cnt" | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM il_wiki_page" . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT title FROM il_wiki_page" . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT " . $ilDB->quote($t1, "text") . " = " . $ilDB->quote($t2, "text") . " isequal" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT title FROM il_wiki_page" . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->like("title", "text", "%" . $a_term . "%") . " ORDER by title" | 1 |
"SELECT status FROM il_wiki_contributor " . "WHERE wiki_id = %s and user_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT status_time FROM il_wiki_contributor " . "WHERE wiki_id = %s and user_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_wiki_contributor WHERE " . " wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_wiki_contributor (status, wiki_id, user_id, status_time) " . "VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"SELECT t.wiki_id, t.wpage_id, p.title, t.new_pages, t.add_to_page FROM wiki_page_template t JOIN il_wiki_page p ON " . " (t.wpage_id = " . " WHERE t.wiki_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->wiki_id, "integer") . $and | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM wiki_page_template " . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->wiki_id, "integer") . " AND wpage_id = " . $this->db->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO wiki_page_template " . "(wiki_id, wpage_id, new_pages, add_to_page) VALUES (" . $this->db->quote($this->wiki_id, "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($a_id, "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($a_new_pages, "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($a_add_to_page, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE wiki_page_template SET " . " new_pages = " . $this->db->quote($a_new_pages, "integer") . "," . " add_to_page = " . $this->db->quote($a_add_to_page, "integer") . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->wiki_id, "integer") . " AND wpage_id = " . $this->db->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM wiki_page_template WHERE " . " wiki_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->wiki_id, "integer") . " AND wpage_id = " . $this->db->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT t.wpage_id" . " FROM wiki_page_template t" . " JOIN il_wiki_page p ON " . " (t.wpage_id = " . " WHERE t.wiki_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->wiki_id, "integer") . " AND = " . $this->db->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_wiki_data WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_wiki_data" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM il_wiki_data WHERE short = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT $a_field FROM il_wiki_data WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_wiki_data SET " . " startpage = " . $ilDB->quote(ilWikiUtil::makeDbTitle($a_name), "text") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_wiki_imp_pages WHERE " . " wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY ord ASC " | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(ord) as m FROM il_wiki_imp_pages WHERE " . " wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_wiki_imp_pages " . "(wiki_id, ord, indent, page_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_nr, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_indent, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_page_id, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_wiki_imp_pages WHERE " . " wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . " page_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_page_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_wiki_imp_pages WHERE " . " wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND page_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_wiki_imp_pages SET " . " ord = " . $ilDB->quote($ord, "integer") . "," . " indent = " . $ilDB->quote($v["indent"], "integer") . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($v["wiki_id"], "integer") . " AND page_id = " . $ilDB->quote($v["page_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_wiki_imp_pages SET " . " ord = " . $ilDB->quote($ord, "integer") . ", indent = " . $ilDB->quote($v["indent"], "integer") . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($v["wiki_id"], "integer") . " AND page_id = " . $ilDB->quote($v["page_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, title, description," . " startpage start_page, short, rating, introduction" . " FROM il_wiki_data JOIN object_data ON ( = object_data.obj_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, title, description," . " startpage start_page, short, rating, introduction," . " public_notes, page_toc, rating_side, rating_new, rating_ext" . " FROM il_wiki_data JOIN object_data ON ( = object_data.obj_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, title, description," . " startpage start_page, short, rating, rating_overall, introduction," . " public_notes, page_toc, rating_side, rating_new, rating_ext" . " FROM il_wiki_data JOIN object_data ON ( = object_data.obj_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, title, description," . " startpage start_page, short, rating, rating_overall, introduction," . " public_notes, page_toc, rating_side, rating_new, rating_ext, link_md_values" . " FROM il_wiki_data JOIN object_data ON ( = object_data.obj_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, title, description," . " startpage start_page, short, rating, rating_overall, introduction," . " public_notes, page_toc, rating_side, rating_new, rating_ext, link_md_values, empty_page_templ" . " FROM il_wiki_data JOIN object_data ON ( = object_data.obj_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, title, wiki_id" . " FROM il_wiki_page" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("wiki_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM wiki_page_template " . " WHERE wiki_id = %s " . " AND wpage_id = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT wiki_id, page_id, ord, indent " . " FROM il_wiki_imp_pages " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("wiki_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"update status: " . $cnt | 1 |
"SELECT pl_namespace, pl_title FROM ! LEFT JOIN ! ON pl_namespace=page_namespace AND pl_title=page_title WHERE pl_from=? AND page_namespace IS NULL !" | 1 |
"UPDATE $categorylinks SET cl_sortkey=" . $dbw->addQuotes($nt->getPrefixedText( )) . " WHERE cl_from=" . $dbw->addQuotes($pageid) . " AND cl_sortkey=" . $dbw->addQuotes($this->getPrefixedText( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM $categorylinks" . " WHERE cl_from='$titlekey'" . " AND cl_from <> '0'" . " ORDER BY cl_sortkey" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_blog" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_blog (id,ppic,rss_active,approval" . ",abs_shorten,abs_shorten_len,abs_image,abs_img_width,abs_img_height" . ",keywords,authors,nav_mode,nav_list_mon_with_post,ov_post) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(true, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(true, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(false, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->hasAbstractShorten( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getAbstractShortenLength( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->hasAbstractImage( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getAbstractImageWidth( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getAbstractImageHeight( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->hasKeywords( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->hasAuthors( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getNavMode( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getNavModeListMonthsWithPostings( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getOverviewPostings( ), "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_blog" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_blog" . " SET ppic = " . $ilDB->quote($this->hasProfilePicture( ), "integer") . ",bg_color = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getBackgroundColor( ), "text") . ",font_color = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getFontcolor( ), "text") . ",img = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getImage( ), "text") . ",rss_active = " . $ilDB->quote($this->hasRSS( ), "integer") . ",approval = " . $ilDB->quote($this->hasApproval( ), "integer") . ",abs_shorten = " . $ilDB->quote($this->hasAbstractShorten( ), "integer") . ",abs_shorten_len = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getAbstractShortenLength( ), "integer") . ",abs_image = " . $ilDB->quote($this->hasAbstractImage( ), "integer") . ",abs_img_width = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getAbstractImageWidth( ), "integer") . ",abs_img_height = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getAbstractImageHeight( ), "integer") . ",keywords = " . $ilDB->quote($this->hasKeywords( ), "integer") . ",authors = " . $ilDB->quote($this->hasAuthors( ), "integer") . ",nav_mode = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getNavMode( ), "integer") . ",nav_list_mon_with_post = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getNavModeListMonthsWithPostings( ), "integer") . ",nav_list_mon = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getNavModeListMonths( ), "integer") . ",ov_post = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getOverviewPostings( ), "integer") . ",nav_order = " . $ilDB->quote(implode(";", $this->getOrder( )), "text") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT,od.title,od.description," . "bl.notes,bl.bg_color,bl.font_color,bl.img,bl.ppic,bl.rss_active,bl.approval" . " FROM il_blog bl" . " JOIN object_data od ON (od.obj_id =" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("", $a_ids, false, "integer") . " AND od.type = " . $ilDB->quote("blog", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT,od.title,od.description," . "bl.bg_color,bl.font_color,bl.img,bl.ppic,bl.rss_active,bl.approval," . "bl.abs_shorten,bl.abs_shorten_len,bl.abs_image,bl.abs_img_width,bl.abs_img_height," . "bl.nav_mode,bl.nav_list_post,bl.nav_list_mon,bl.keywords,bl.authors,bl.nav_order," . "bl.ov_post" . " FROM il_blog bl" . " JOIN object_data od ON (od.obj_id =" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("", $a_ids, false, "integer") . " AND od.type = " . $ilDB->quote("blog", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT,od.title,od.description," . "bl.bg_color,bl.font_color,bl.img,bl.ppic,bl.rss_active,bl.approval," . "bl.abs_shorten,bl.abs_shorten_len,bl.abs_image,bl.abs_img_width,bl.abs_img_height," . "bl.nav_mode,bl.nav_list_mon_with_post,bl.nav_list_mon,bl.keywords,bl.authors,bl.nav_order," . "bl.ov_post" . " FROM il_blog bl" . " JOIN object_data od ON (od.obj_id =" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("", $a_ids, false, "integer") . " AND od.type = " . $ilDB->quote("blog", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT id,blog_id,title,created,author,approved,last_withdrawn" . " FROM il_blog_posting WHERE " . $ilDB->in("blog_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_blog_posting (id, title, blog_id, created, author, approved, last_withdrawn)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getBlogId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($created, "timestamp") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getAuthor( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->isApproved( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getWithdrawn( ), "timestamp") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_blog_posting SET" . " title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . ",created = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getCreated( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME), "timestamp") . ",approved =" . $ilDB->quote($this->isApproved( ), "integer") . ",last_withdrawn =" . $ilDB->quote($this->getWithdrawn( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME), "timestamp") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_blog_posting" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_blog_posting" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_blog_posting" . " WHERE blog_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_blog_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT blog_id FROM il_blog_posting" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_posting_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_blog_posting" . " WHERE blog_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_blog_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY created DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM il_blog_posting" . " WHERE blog_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_blog_id, "integer") . " AND id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_posting_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(blog_id)" . " FROM il_blog_posting" . " WHERE author = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id) | 1 |
"SELECT $a_field FROM il_blog_posting " . " WHERE id = " . $db->quote($a_posting_id, "integer") | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_posts INNER JOIN frm_posts_tree ON pos_fk = pos_pk WHERE pos_pk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_posts_tree INNER JOIN frm_posts ON pos_pk = pos_fk WHERE pos_status = %s AND lft < %s AND rgt > %s AND thr_fk = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT pos_pk FROM frm_posts_tree treea " . "INNER JOIN frm_posts_tree treeb ON treeb.thr_fk = treea.thr_fk " . "AND treeb.lft BETWEEN treea.lft AND treea.rgt " . "INNER JOIN frm_posts ON pos_pk = treeb.pos_fk " . "WHERE treea.pos_fk = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT pos_pk FROM frm_posts " . "INNER JOIN frm_posts_tree ON pos_fk = pos_pk " . "WHERE lft < %s AND rgt > %s AND thr_fk = %s" | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_user_read WHERE usr_id = %s AND post_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_posts_tree WHERE lft > %s AND rgt < %s AND thr_fk = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE frm_posts SET pos_thr_fk = %s WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $conditions) | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_settings WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT anonymized FROM frm_settings WHERE obj_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT admin_force_noti FROM frm_settings WHERE obj_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT user_toggle_noti FROM frm_settings WHERE obj_id = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM frm_data WHERE ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM frm_threads WHERE ' | 1 |
' SELECT frm_posts.*, usr_data.lastname FROM frm_posts, usr_data WHERE pos_pk = %s AND pos_display_user_id = usr_id' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_posts WHERE pos_pk = %s' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_threads SET thr_num_posts = thr_num_posts + 1, thr_last_post = %s WHERE thr_pk = %s' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_data SET top_num_posts = top_num_posts + 1, top_last_post = %s WHERE top_pk = %s' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_data SET top_num_threads = top_num_threads + 1 WHERE top_pk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT pos_thr_fk, pos_pk FROM frm_posts WHERE pos_top_fk = %s ORDER BY pos_date DESC' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_data SET top_num_posts = top_num_posts - %s, top_num_threads = top_num_threads - %s, visits = visits - %s, top_last_post = %s WHERE top_pk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT pos_thr_fk, pos_pk FROM frm_posts WHERE pos_top_fk = %s ORDER BY pos_date DESC' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_data SET top_num_posts = top_num_posts + %s, top_num_threads = top_num_threads + %s, visits = visits + %s, top_last_post = %s WHERE top_pk = %s' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_posts SET pos_cens_com = %s, pos_cens_date = %s, pos_cens = %s, update_user = %s WHERE pos_pk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_posts WHERE pos_pk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM frm_posts INNER JOIN frm_posts_tree ON pos_pk = pos_fk WHERE frm_posts_tree.parent_pos != 0 AND pos_thr_fk = ' . $this->db->quote($p_node['pos_thr_fk'], 'integer') . ' AND pos_status = ' . $this->db->quote(1, 'integer') | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_threads WHERE thr_pk = %s' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_data SET top_num_threads = top_num_threads - 1 WHERE top_frm_fk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_posts WHERE pos_thr_fk = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_posts WHERE pos_thr_fk = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_posts WHERE pos_pk = %s' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_threads SET thr_num_posts = thr_num_posts - %s WHERE thr_pk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_posts WHERE pos_thr_fk = %s ORDER BY pos_date DESC' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_threads SET thr_last_post = %s WHERE thr_pk = %s' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_data SET top_num_posts = top_num_posts - %s WHERE top_frm_fk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_posts, frm_data WHERE pos_top_fk = top_pk AND top_frm_fk = %s ORDER BY pos_date DESC' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_data SET top_last_post = %s WHERE top_frm_fk = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(thr_pk)) cnt FROM frm_threads {$cnt_join_type} JOIN frm_posts ON pos_thr_fk = thr_pk {$cnt_active_pos_query} WHERE thr_top_fk = %s {$excluded_ids_condition} " | 1 |
' SELECT frm_posts.* FROM frm_posts INNER JOIN ( SELECT pos_thr_fk, MAX(iposts.pos_date) i_pos_date FROM frm_posts iposts WHERE ' . $this->db->in('iposts.pos_thr_fk', $threadIds, false, 'integer') . ' ' . $inner_last_active_post_condition . ' GROUP BY pos_thr_fk ) opost ON frm_posts.pos_thr_fk = opost.pos_thr_fk AND frm_posts.pos_date = opost.i_pos_date' | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(f.pos_display_user_id) ranking, u.login, p.value, u.lastname, u.firstname FROM frm_posts f INNER JOIN frm_posts_tree t ON f.pos_pk = t.pos_fk INNER JOIN frm_threads th ON t.thr_fk = th.thr_pk INNER JOIN usr_data u ON u.usr_id = f.pos_display_user_id INNER JOIN frm_data d ON d.top_pk = f.pos_top_fk LEFT JOIN usr_pref p ON p.usr_id = u.usr_id AND p.keyword = %s WHERE 1 = 1 AND t.parent_pos != 0" | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_posts_tree WHERE thr_fk = %s AND parent_pos = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_data INNER JOIN frm_posts ON pos_top_fk = top_pk INNER JOIN frm_posts_tree tree1 ON tree1.pos_fk = frm_posts.pos_pk AND tree1.parent_pos != 0 WHERE top_frm_fk = %s AND pos_author_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_data INNER JOIN frm_posts ON pos_top_fk = top_pk INNER JOIN frm_posts_tree tree1 ON tree1.pos_fk = frm_posts.pos_pk AND tree1.parent_pos != 0 WHERE top_frm_fk = %s AND (pos_status = %s OR (pos_status = %s AND pos_author_id = %s ) ) AND pos_author_id = %s' | 1 |
' INSERT INTO frm_posts_tree ( fpt_pk, thr_fk, pos_fk, parent_pos, lft, rgt, depth, fpt_date ) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s )' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_posts_tree WHERE pos_fk = %s AND thr_fk = %s' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_posts_tree SET lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft + 2 ELSE lft END, rgt = CASE WHEN rgt > %s THEN rgt + 2 ELSE rgt END WHERE thr_fk = %s' | 1 |
' INSERT INTO frm_posts_tree ( fpt_pk, thr_fk, pos_fk, parent_pos, lft, rgt, depth, fpt_date ) VALUES(%s,%s,%s, %s, %s, %s,%s, %s)' | 1 |
' SELECT depth FROM frm_posts_tree WHERE pos_fk = %s AND thr_fk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_posts, frm_posts_tree WHERE pos_pk = pos_fk AND parent_pos = %s AND thr_fk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_posts, frm_posts_tree WHERE pos_pk = pos_fk AND pos_pk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_posts_tree WHERE thr_fk = %s AND pos_fk = %s AND parent_pos = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_posts_tree WHERE lft BETWEEN %s AND %s AND thr_fk = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_posts_tree WHERE lft BETWEEN %s AND %s AND thr_fk = %s' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_posts_tree SET lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft - %s ELSE lft END, rgt = CASE WHEN rgt > %s THEN rgt - %s ELSE rgt END WHERE thr_fk = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->dbTable . ' SET visits = visits + 1 WHERE ' | 1 |
' SELECT frm_notification.thread_id FROM frm_data, frm_notification, frm_threads WHERE frm_notification.user_id = %s AND frm_notification.thread_id = frm_threads.thr_pk AND frm_threads.thr_top_fk = frm_data.top_pk AND frm_data.top_frm_fk = %s GROUP BY frm_notification.thread_id' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_notification WHERE user_id = %s AND thread_id IN (' | 1 |
' INSERT INTO frm_notification ( notification_id, user_id, frm_id ) VALUES(%s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_notification WHERE user_id = %s AND frm_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM frm_notification WHERE user_id = %s AND frm_id = %s' | 1 |
' INSERT INTO frm_notification ( notification_id, user_id, thread_id ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
' SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM frm_notification WHERE user_id = %s AND thread_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_threads JOIN frm_data ON top_pk = thr_top_fk WHERE top_frm_fk = %s ORDER BY %s' | 1 |
' SELECT top_frm_fk FROM frm_data WHERE top_pk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT pos_top_fk, pos_thr_fk, pos_pk FROM frm_posts, frm_data WHERE pos_top_fk = top_pk AND top_frm_fk = %s ORDER BY pos_date DESC' | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(pos_pk) cnt FROM frm_posts WHERE pos_top_fk = " . $this->db->quote($this->lastHandledForumId, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(thr_pk) cnt FROM frm_threads WHERE thr_top_fk = " . $this->db->quote($this->lastHandledForumId, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE frm_data SET top_last_post = %s, top_num_posts = %s, top_num_threads = %s, top_usr_id = %s WHERE top_frm_fk = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE frm_threads SET thr_last_post = %s WHERE thr_pk = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT od.obj_id, ud.login FROM object_data od INNER JOIN usr_data ud ON od.obj_id = ud.usr_id' | 1 |
"SELECT top_pk FROM frm_data WHERE top_frm_fk = " . $this->db->quote($this->forum->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT pos_thr_fk FROM frm_posts WHERE pos_pk = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT top_frm_fk, pos_pk FROM frm_posts p JOIN frm_data d ON d.top_pk = p.pos_top_fk WHERE top_frm_fk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM object_data od INNER JOIN frm_data ON top_frm_fk = od.obj_id LEFT JOIN frm_settings fs ON fs.obj_id = od.obj_id WHERE od.obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->forum_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT frm_threads.* " . " FROM frm_threads " . " INNER JOIN frm_data ON top_pk = thr_top_fk " . 'WHERE top_frm_fk = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->forum_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT frm_posts.*, frm_posts_tree.* FROM frm_posts INNER JOIN frm_data ON top_pk = pos_top_fk INNER JOIN frm_posts_tree ON pos_fk = pos_pk WHERE pos_thr_fk = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->thr_pk, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
' SELECT admin_force_noti FROM frm_notification WHERE user_id = %s AND frm_id = %s AND user_id_noti > %s ' | 1 |
' SELECT user_toggle_noti FROM frm_notification WHERE user_id = %s AND frm_id = %s AND user_id_noti > %s' | 1 |
' INSERT INTO frm_notification (notification_id, user_id, frm_id, admin_force_noti, user_toggle_noti, user_id_noti) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_notification WHERE user_id = %s AND frm_id = %s AND admin_force_noti = %s AND user_id_noti > %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_notification WHERE user_id = %s AND frm_id = %s AND admin_force_noti = %s AND user_toggle_noti = %s AND user_id_noti > %s' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_notification SET user_toggle_noti = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND frm_id = %s AND admin_force_noti = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_notification WHERE frm_id = %s AND admin_force_noti = %s' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_notification SET admin_force_noti = %s, user_toggle_noti = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND frm_id = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_notification WHERE frm_id = %s AND user_id_noti > %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_notification WHERE frm_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT notification_id, user_id FROM frm_notification WHERE frm_id = %s AND thread_id = %s ORDER BY user_id ASC' | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM frm_notification WHERE frm_id = %s AND thread_id = %s ORDER BY user_id ASC' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM frm_notification WHERE notification_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_notification WHERE user_id = %s AND frm_id = %s AND admin_force_noti = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE frm_data SET top_mods = ' . $this->db->quote($role_id, 'integer') . ' WHERE top_frm_fk = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
' SELECT thr_subject FROM frm_threads WHERE thr_pk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT top_pk FROM frm_data WHERE top_frm_fk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT COUNT(pos_pk) num_posts FROM frm_posts LEFT JOIN frm_posts_tree ON frm_posts_tree.pos_fk = pos_pk WHERE pos_top_fk = %s' . ($ignoreRoot ? ' AND parent_pos != 0 ' : '') | 1 |
' SELECT COUNT(post_id) count_read FROM frm_user_read WHERE obj_id = %s AND usr_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT COUNT(pos_pk) num_posts FROM frm_posts LEFT JOIN frm_posts_tree ON frm_posts_tree.pos_fk = pos_pk WHERE pos_thr_fk = %s' . ($ignoreRoot ? ' AND parent_pos != 0 ' : '') | 1 |
' SELECT COUNT(post_id) count_read FROM frm_user_read WHERE obj_id = %s AND usr_id = %s AND thread_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_posts WHERE pos_thr_fk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_data, frm_threads WHERE top_frm_fk = %s AND top_pk = thr_top_fk' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_user_read WHERE usr_id = %s AND obj_id = %s AND thread_id = %s AND post_id = %s' | 1 |
' INSERT INTO frm_user_read ( usr_id, obj_id, thread_id, post_id ) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_user_read WHERE usr_id = %s AND post_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_user_read WHERE usr_id = %s AND post_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_thread_access WHERE usr_id = %s AND obj_id = %s AND thread_id = %s' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_thread_access SET access_old = access_last WHERE usr_id = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM frm_thread_access " . " WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, "integer") | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_thread_access WHERE access_last < %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_user_read WHERE usr_id = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_thread_access WHERE usr_id = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_notification WHERE user_id = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_user_read WHERE post_id = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_thread_access WHERE thread_id = %s' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_data SET top_name = %s, top_description = %s, top_update = %s, update_user = %s WHERE top_frm_fk =%s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM frm_posts_tree WHERE ' . $this->db->in('thr_fk', $thread_ids_to_delete, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM frm_posts WHERE ' . $this->db->in('pos_thr_fk', $thread_ids_to_delete, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM frm_threads WHERE ' . $this->db->in('thr_pk', $thread_ids_to_delete, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM frm_data WHERE top_frm_fk = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM frm_settings WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM frm_user_read WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM frm_thread_access WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM frm_notification WHERE ' . $this->db->in('thread_id', $thread_ids_to_delete, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM frm_notification WHERE frm_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM frm_posts_deleted WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT draft_id FROM frm_posts_drafts WHERE forum_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE title = %s' | 1 |
' INSERT INTO frm_data ( top_pk, top_frm_fk, top_name, top_description, top_num_posts, top_num_threads, top_last_post, top_mods, top_date, top_usr_id ) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(frm_posts.pos_pk) cnt FROM frm_posts INNER JOIN frm_posts_tree tree1 ON tree1.pos_fk = frm_posts.pos_pk AND tree1.parent_pos != 0 INNER JOIN frm_threads ON frm_posts.pos_thr_fk = frm_threads.thr_pk WHERE frm_threads.thr_top_fk = %s $act_clause " | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM frm_posts INNER JOIN frm_posts_tree tree1 ON tree1.pos_fk = frm_posts.pos_pk AND tree1.parent_pos != 0 WHERE pos_top_fk = %s $act_clause ORDER BY pos_date DESC " | 1 |
" SELECT t1.pos_display_user_id, t1.update_user FROM frm_posts t1 INNER JOIN frm_posts_tree tree1 ON tree1.pos_fk = t1.pos_pk AND tree1.parent_pos != 0 INNER JOIN ( SELECT t3.pos_thr_fk, MAX(t3.pos_date) pos_date FROM frm_posts t3 INNER JOIN frm_posts_tree tree2 ON tree2.pos_fk = t3.pos_pk AND tree2.parent_pos != 0 WHERE $inner_in $act_inner_clause GROUP BY t3.pos_thr_fk ) t2 ON t2.pos_thr_fk = t1.pos_thr_fk AND t2.pos_date = t1.pos_date WHERE $in $act_clause GROUP BY t1.pos_thr_fk, t1.pos_display_user_id, t1.update_user " | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(is_sticky) num_sticky FROM frm_threads INNER JOIN frm_data ON top_pk = thr_top_fk WHERE frm_data.top_frm_fk = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ' AND is_sticky = ' . $this->db->quote(1, 'integer') | 1 |
" SELECT ud.usr_id, od.create_date, login, firstname, lastname, ud.title, gender, pprof.value public_profile, pgen.value public_gender, pup.value public_upload FROM usr_data ud INNER JOIN object_data od ON od.obj_id = ud.usr_id LEFT JOIN usr_pref pprof ON pprof.usr_id = ud.usr_id AND pprof.keyword = %s LEFT JOIN usr_pref pgen ON pgen.usr_id = ud.usr_id AND pgen.keyword = %s LEFT JOIN usr_pref pup ON pup.usr_id = ud.usr_id AND pup.keyword = %s WHERE $in " | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_threads SET thr_top_fk = %s, thr_subject = %s, thr_update = %s, thr_num_posts = %s, thr_last_post = %s, avg_rating = %s WHERE thr_pk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT frm_threads.*, top_frm_fk frm_obj_id FROM frm_threads INNER JOIN frm_data ON top_pk = thr_top_fk WHERE thr_pk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_posts_tree WHERE thr_fk = %s AND parent_pos != %s AND depth = %s ORDER BY rgt DESC' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_threads SET visits = visits + 1 WHERE thr_pk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM frm_posts INNER JOIN frm_posts_tree ON frm_posts_tree.pos_fk = pos_pk WHERE pos_thr_fk = %s' . ($ignoreRoot ? ' AND parent_pos != 0 ' : '') | 1 |
' SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM frm_posts INNER JOIN frm_posts_tree ON frm_posts_tree.pos_fk = pos_pk WHERE (pos_status = %s OR (pos_status = %s AND pos_display_user_id = %s)) AND pos_thr_fk = %s' . ($ignoreRoot ? ' AND parent_pos != 0 ' : '') | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_posts INNER JOIN frm_posts_tree ON pos_fk = pos_pk WHERE parent_pos = %s AND thr_fk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT pos_pk FROM frm_posts WHERE pos_thr_fk = %s ORDER BY pos_date DESC' | 1 |
' SELECT pos_pk FROM frm_posts WHERE pos_thr_fk = %s AND (pos_status = %s OR (pos_status = %s AND pos_display_user_id = %s)) ORDER BY pos_date DESC' | 1 |
' SELECT pos_pk FROM frm_posts WHERE pos_thr_fk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT is_author_moderator, pos_author_id, pos_pk, fpt_date, rgt, pos_top_fk, pos_thr_fk, pos_display_user_id, pos_usr_alias, pos_subject, pos_status, pos_message, pos_date, pos_update, update_user, pos_cens, pos_cens_com, notify, import_name, fpt_pk, parent_pos, lft, depth, (CASE WHEN fur.post_id IS NULL ' . ($this->user->getId( ) == ANONYMOUS_USER_ID ? ' AND 1 = 2 ' : '') . ' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) post_read, firstname, lastname, title, login FROM frm_posts_tree INNER JOIN frm_posts ON pos_fk = pos_pk LEFT JOIN usr_data ON pos_display_user_id = usr_id LEFT JOIN frm_user_read fur ON fur.thread_id = pos_thr_fk AND fur.post_id = pos_pk AND fur.usr_id = %s WHERE lft > %s AND lft < %s AND thr_fk = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_user_read WHERE obj_id = %s AND thread_id =%s' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_user_read SET obj_id = %s WHERE thread_id = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_thread_access WHERE obj_id = %s AND thread_id =%s' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_thread_access SET obj_id = %s WHERE thread_id =%s' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_posts SET pos_top_fk = %s WHERE pos_thr_fk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM frm_posts WHERE pos_thr_fk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT COUNT(notification_id) cnt FROM frm_notification WHERE user_id = %s AND thread_id = %s' | 1 |
' INSERT INTO frm_notification ( notification_id, user_id, thread_id ) VALUES(%s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM frm_notification WHERE user_id = %s AND thread_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT thr_subject FROM frm_threads WHERE thr_pk = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT thr_top_fk FROM frm_threads WHERE thr_pk = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT thr_date FROM frm_threads WHERE thr_pk = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM frm_posts_drafts WHERE post_author_id = %s AND post_id = %s AND draft_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM frm_posts_drafts WHERE post_author_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM frm_posts_drafts WHERE post_author_id = %s AND thread_id = %s' . $orderColumn . $orderDirection | 1 |
'DELETE FROM frm_posts_drafts WHERE draft_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT draft_id FROM frm_posts_drafts WHERE ' . $this->db->in('post_id', $post_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT draft_id FROM frm_posts_drafts WHERE post_author_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM frm_drafts_history WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('draft_id', $draft_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM frm_posts_drafts WHERE post_author_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT COUNT(draft_id) num_drafts, thread_id FROM frm_posts_drafts WHERE forum_id = %s AND post_author_id = %s GROUP BY thread_id' | 1 |
' UPDATE frm_posts_drafts SET forum_id = %s WHERE forum_id = %s AND ' . $ilDB->in('thread_id', $thread_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM frm_posts_drafts WHERE post_author_id = %s AND forum_id = %s AND thread_id = %s AND post_id = %s ORDER BY post_date DESC' | 1 |
' SELECT thr_subject FROM frm_threads WHERE thr_pk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT top_pk, top_name, frm_settings.anonymized FROM frm_data INNER JOIN frm_settings ON top_frm_fk = frm_settings.obj_id WHERE top_frm_fk = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT frm_notification.user_id FROM frm_notification, frm_data WHERE frm_data.top_pk = %s AND frm_notification.frm_id = frm_data.top_frm_fk AND frm_notification.user_id != %s GROUP BY frm_notification.user_id' | 1 |
' SELECT frm_notification.user_id FROM frm_notification INNER JOIN frm_threads ON frm_threads.thr_pk = frm_notification.thread_id WHERE frm_notification.thread_id = %s AND frm_notification.user_id != %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM frm_drafts_history WHERE draft_id = %s ORDER BY draft_date DESC' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM frm_drafts_history WHERE history_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM frm_drafts_history WHERE draft_id = %s ORDER BY history_id ASC' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM frm_drafts_history WHERE draft_id = %s ORDER BY history_id DESC' | 1 |
' SELECT frm_drafts_history.history_id, frm_drafts_history.draft_id FROM frm_posts_drafts INNER JOIN frm_drafts_history ON frm_posts_drafts.draft_id WHERE ' . $this->db->in('post_id', $post_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT history_id FROM frm_drafts_history WHERE ' . $this->db->in('draft_id', $draft_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM frm_posts_deleted WHERE ' . $this->ilDB->in('deleted_id', self::$deleted_ids_cache, false, 'integer') | 1 |
' SELECT frm_threads.thr_subject thr_subject, frm_data.top_name top_name, frm_data.top_frm_fk obj_id, frm_notification.user_id user_id, frm_threads.thr_pk thread_id, frm_posts.* FROM frm_notification, frm_posts, frm_threads, frm_data, frm_posts_tree WHERE frm_posts.pos_thr_fk = frm_threads.thr_pk AND ' . $condition . ' AND ((frm_threads.thr_top_fk = frm_data.top_pk AND frm_data.top_frm_fk = frm_notification.frm_id) OR (frm_threads.thr_pk = frm_notification.thread_id AND frm_data.top_pk = frm_threads.thr_top_fk) ) AND frm_posts.pos_display_user_id != frm_notification.user_id AND frm_posts_tree.pos_fk = frm_posts.pos_pk AND frm_posts_tree.parent_pos != 0 ORDER BY frm_posts.pos_date ASC' | 1 |
' SELECT frm_posts_deleted.thread_title thr_subject, frm_posts_deleted.forum_title top_name, frm_posts_deleted.obj_id obj_id, frm_notification.user_id user_id, frm_posts_deleted.pos_display_user_id, frm_posts_deleted.pos_usr_alias, frm_posts_deleted.deleted_id, frm_posts_deleted.post_date pos_date, frm_posts_deleted.post_title pos_subject, frm_posts_deleted.post_message pos_message, frm_posts_deleted.deleted_by FROM frm_notification, frm_posts_deleted WHERE ( frm_posts_deleted.obj_id = frm_notification.frm_id OR frm_posts_deleted.thread_id = frm_notification.thread_id) AND frm_posts_deleted.pos_display_user_id != frm_notification.user_id AND frm_posts_deleted.is_thread_deleted = %s ORDER BY frm_posts_deleted.post_date ASC' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM frm_posts_deleted WHERE deleted_id > %s' | 1 |
' SELECT frm.top_name, thr.thr_subject, pos.pos_subject FROM frm_data frm INNER JOIN frm_threads thr ON frm.top_pk = thr.thr_top_fk INNER JOIN frm_posts pos ON thr.thr_pk = pos.pos_thr_fk WHERE pos_pk = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT online_status FROM chatroom_settings WHERE object_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT object_id FROM chatroom_settings WHERE room_type=' . $DIC->database( )->quote('default', 'text') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM chatroom_users WHERE chatroom_users.room_id IN (SELECT chatroom_settings.room_id FROM chatroom_settings WHERE chatroom_settings.object_id = %s)' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM chatroom_history WHERE chatroom_history.room_id IN (SELECT chatroom_settings.room_id FROM chatroom_settings WHERE chatroom_settings.object_id = %s)' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM chatroom_bans WHERE chatroom_bans.room_id IN (SELECT chatroom_settings.room_id FROM chatroom_settings WHERE chatroom_settings.object_id = %s)' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM chatroom_sessions WHERE chatroom_sessions.room_id IN (SELECT chatroom_settings.room_id FROM chatroom_settings WHERE chatroom_settings.object_id = %s)' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM chatroom_proomaccess WHERE chatroom_proomaccess.proom_id IN ( SELECT chatroom_prooms.proom_id FROM chatroom_prooms WHERE chatroom_prooms.parent_id IN ( SELECT chatroom_settings.room_id FROM chatroom_settings WHERE chatroom_settings.object_id = %s ) )' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM chatroom_psessions WHERE chatroom_psessions.proom_id IN ( SELECT chatroom_prooms.proom_id FROM chatroom_prooms WHERE chatroom_prooms.parent_id IN ( SELECT chatroom_settings.room_id FROM chatroom_settings WHERE chatroom_settings.object_id = %s ) )' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM chatroom_prooms WHERE chatroom_prooms.parent_id IN (SELECT chatroom_settings.room_id FROM chatroom_settings WHERE chatroom_settings.object_id = %s)' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM chatroom_settings WHERE object_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM chatroom_users WHERE ' . $DIC->database( )->like('userdata', 'text', '%"login":"' . $username . '%') . ' AND room_id = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($this->room->getRoomId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
' SELECT userdata FROM chatroom_users WHERE ' . $DIC->database( )->in('user_id', $usrIds, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM object_data ' . 'WHERE type = ' . $ilDB->quote('typ', 'text') . ' ' . 'AND title = ' . $ilDB->quote('chtr', 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($typ_id, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($ops_id, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type = ' . $ilDB->quote('chta', 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_reference (ref_id, obj_id) VALUES(" . $ilDB->quote($ref_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
'SELECT object_data.obj_id, ref_id, lft, rgt FROM object_data INNER JOIN object_reference ON object_reference.obj_id = object_data.obj_id INNER JOIN tree ON child = ref_id WHERE type = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM tree INNER JOIN object_reference ON ref_id = child INNER JOIN object_data ON object_data.obj_id = object_reference.obj_id WHERE lft BETWEEN %s AND %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM chatroom_settings WHERE room_type = ' . $ilDB->quote('default', 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM chatroom_settings WHERE room_type = ' . $ilDB->quote('default', 'text') | 1 |
" SELECT object_data.obj_id, object_reference.ref_id FROM object_data INNER JOIN object_reference ON object_reference.obj_id = object_data.obj_id WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote('chta', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data LEFT JOIN chatroom_settings ON object_id = obj_id WHERE type = %s AND room_id IS NULL" | 1 |
" SELECT object_data.obj_id, object_reference.ref_id FROM object_data INNER JOIN object_reference ON object_reference.obj_id = object_data.obj_id WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote('chta', 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . self::$settingsTable | 1 |
"SELECT smiley_id, smiley_keywords, smiley_path FROM chatroom_smilies" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM chatroom_smilies WHERE " . implode(" OR ", $sql_parts) | 1 |
"SELECT smiley_id, smiley_keywords, smiley_path FROM chatroom_smilies WHERE " | 1 |
"UPDATE chatroom_smilies SET smiley_keywords = %s WHERE smiley_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE chatroom_smilies SET smiley_path = %s WHERE smiley_id = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT smiley_id, smiley_keywords, smiley_path FROM chatroom_smilies WHERE smiley_id = %s " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM chatroom_smilies WHERE smiley_id = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . self::$settingsTable . ' WHERE object_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . self::$settingsTable . ' WHERE room_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::$userTable | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . self::$privateRoomsTable . ' SET closed = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote(time( ), 'integer') . ' WHERE closed = 0 OR closed IS NULL' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . self::$privateSessionsTable . ' SET disconnected = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote(time( ), 'integer') . ' WHERE disconnected = 0' | 1 |
' SELECT private_rooms.proom_id id, MIN(disconnected) min_disconnected, MAX(disconnected) max_disconnected FROM ' . self::$privateSessionsTable . ' private_sessions INNER JOIN ' . self::$privateRoomsTable . ' private_rooms ON private_sessions.proom_id = private_rooms.proom_id WHERE closed = 0 GROUP BY private_rooms.proom_id HAVING MIN(disconnected) > 0 AND MAX(disconnected) < %s' | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT proom_id, room_id, object_id FROM ' . self::$privateRoomsTable . ' INNER JOIN ' . self::$settingsTable . ' ON parent_id = room_id ' . ' WHERE ' . $DIC->database( )->in('proom_id', $rooms, false, 'integer') | 1 |
' SELECT od.obj_id, od.title, ore.ref_id, od.type, odp.title parent_title FROM object_data od INNER JOIN object_reference ore ON ore.obj_id = od.obj_id INNER JOIN tree t ON t.child = ore.ref_id INNER JOIN tree p ON p.child = t.parent INNER JOIN object_reference orep ON orep.ref_id = p.child INNER JOIN object_data odp ON odp.obj_id = orep.obj_id INNER JOIN object_reference pre ON pre.ref_id = t.parent INNER JOIN object_data pod ON pod.obj_id = pre.obj_id ' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id FROM ' . self::$userTable . ' WHERE room_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT ' . ($only_data ? 'userdata' : '*') . ' FROM ' . self::$userTable . ' WHERE room_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . self::$userTable . ' WHERE room_id = %s AND ' . $DIC->database( )->in('user_id', $userIds, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT proom_id FROM ' . self::$privateRoomsTable . ' WHERE parent_id = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . self::$privateSessionsTable . ' SET disconnected = %s WHERE ' . $DIC->database( )->in('user_id', $userIds, false, 'integer') . ' AND ' . $DIC->database( )->in('proom_id', $prooms, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::$privateSessionsTable . ' WHERE ' . $DIC->database( )->in('user_id', $userIds, false, 'integer') . ' AND ' . $DIC->database( )->in('proom_id', $prooms, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::$userTable . ' WHERE room_id = %s AND ' . $DIC->database( )->in('user_id', $userIds, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT count(user_id) as cnt FROM ' . self::$userTable . ' WHERE room_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT count(user_id) cnt FROM ' . self::$privateRoomsAccessTable . ' WHERE proom_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT count(*) cnt FROM ' . self::$privateRoomsTable . ' WHERE proom_id = %s AND owner = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT historyTable.* ' . 'FROM ' . self::$historyTable . ' historyTable ' . $join . ' ' . 'WHERE historyTable.room_id = ' . $this->getRoomId( ) | 1 |
'SELECT proom_id, title FROM ' . self::$privateRoomsTable . ' WHERE proom_id IN ( SELECT proom_id FROM ' . self::$privateSessionsTable . ' WHERE connected >= %s AND disconnected <= %s AND user_id = %s ) AND parent_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::$banTable . ' WHERE room_id = %s AND ' . $DIC->database( )->in('user_id', $user_id, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(user_id) cnt FROM ' . self::$banTable . ' WHERE user_id = %s AND room_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT chb.* FROM ' . self::$banTable . ' chb INNER JOIN usr_data ud ON chb.user_id = ud.usr_id WHERE chb.room_id = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . self::$sessionTable . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($user->getUserId( ), 'integer') . ' ORDER BY connected DESC' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . self::$sessionTable . ' WHERE room_id = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($this->getRoomId( ), 'integer') . ' ORDER BY connected DESC' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . self::$privateRoomsTable . ' SET closed = %s WHERE proom_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT proom_id FROM ' . self::$privateRoomsTable . ' WHERE proom_id = %s AND owner = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT title FROM ' . self::$privateRoomsTable . ' WHERE proom_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT roomtable.title, roomtable.proom_id, accesstable.user_id id, roomtable.owner rowner FROM ' . self::$privateRoomsTable . ' roomtable LEFT JOIN ' . self::$privateRoomsAccessTable . ' accesstable ON roomtable.proom_id = accesstable.proom_id AND accesstable.user_id = %s WHERE parent_id = %s AND (closed = 0 OR closed IS NULL) AND (accesstable.user_id IS NOT NULL OR roomtable.owner = %s)' | 1 |
' SELECT chatroom_users.user_id FROM ' . self::$privateSessionsTable . ' INNER JOIN chatroom_users ON chatroom_users.user_id = ' . self::$privateSessionsTable . '.user_id WHERE proom_id = %s AND disconnected = 0 ' | 1 |
'SELECT proom_id id FROM ' . self::$privateSessionsTable . ' WHERE user_id = %s AND proom_id = %s AND disconnected = 0' | 1 |
'SELECT count(user_id) as cnt FROM ' . self::$userTable . ' WHERE room_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . self::$privateRoomsTable . ' WHERE parent_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id FROM ' . self::$privateRoomsAccessTable . ' WHERE proom_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT title FROM ' . self::$privateRoomsTable . ' WHERE parent_id = %s and closed = 0' | 1 |
" SELECT room_id, od.title, objr.ref_id FROM object_data od INNER JOIN " . self::$settingsTable . " ON object_id = od.obj_id INNER JOIN object_reference objr ON objr.obj_id = od.obj_id AND objr.deleted IS NULL INNER JOIN tree ON tree.child = objr.ref_id AND tree.tree = %s WHERE od.type = %s " | 1 |
" SELECT proom_id, parent_id FROM " . self::$privateRoomsTable . " WHERE parent_id = %s AND owner = %s AND closed = 0 " | 1 |
" SELECT objr.ref_id FROM object_reference objr INNER JOIN chatroom_settings cs ON cs.object_id = objr.obj_id INNER JOIN object_data od ON od.obj_id = cs.object_id WHERE cs.room_id = %s " | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . self::$historyTable . ' WHERE room_id = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($this->roomId, 'integer') . ' AND sub_room = 0 AND ( (' . $DIC->database( )->like('message', 'text', '%"type":"message"%') . ' AND NOT ' . $DIC->database( )->like('message', 'text', '%"public":0%') . ') OR ' . $DIC->database( )->like('message', 'text', '%"target":{%"id":"' . $chatuser->getUserId( ) . '"%') . ' OR ' . $DIC->database( )->like('message', 'text', '%"from":{"id":' . $chatuser->getUserId( ) . '%') . ' ) ORDER BY timestamp DESC' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . self::$historyTable . ' WHERE room_id = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($this->roomId, 'integer') . ' AND sub_room = 0 AND ' . $DIC->database( )->like('message', 'text', '%"type":"notice"%') . ' AND timestamp <= ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($results[0]->timestamp, 'integer') . ' AND timestamp >= ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($results[$result_count - 1]->timestamp, 'integer') . ' ORDER BY timestamp DESC' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::$historyTable . ' WHERE room_id = %s AND sub_room = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::$privateSessionsTable . ' WHERE proom_id = %s AND disconnected < %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::$sessionTable . ' WHERE room_id = %s AND disconnected < %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM chatroom_admconfig' | 1 |
'SELECT FROM exc_assignment ass LEFT JOIN exc_idl idl ON ( = idl.ass_id AND idl.member_id = %s) WHERE ' . $db->in("ass.exc_id", $exc_ids, false, "integer") . ' AND (( ass.deadline_mode = %s AND (ass.start_time IS NULL OR ass.start_time < %s ) AND (ass.time_stamp IS NULL OR ass.time_stamp > %s OR ass.deadline2 > %s OR idl.tstamp > %s)) ) OR ( ass.deadline_mode = %s AND (idl.starting_ts > 0) AND (idl.starting_ts + (ass.relative_deadline * 24 * 60 * 60) > %s) )' | 1 |
'SELECT, COUNT(*) open_grading FROM exc_mem_ass_status st LEFT JOIN exc_assignment ass ON (st.ass_id = WHERE ' . $db->in("ass.exc_id", $exc_ids, false, "integer") . ' AND st.status = %s AND st.returned = %s GROUP BY (' | 1 |
'SELECT, count(*) nr_given, ass.peer_dl, ass.peer_min, max(idl.tstamp) maxidl, max(peer.tstamp) maxpeer FROM exc_assignment ass LEFT JOIN exc_assignment_peer peer ON ( = peer.ass_id) LEFT JOIN exc_idl idl ON ( = idl.ass_id) WHERE ' . $db->in("ass.exc_id", $exc_ids, false, "integer") . ' AND ass.deadline_mode = %s AND ass.time_stamp < %s AND (ass.deadline2 < %s OR ass.deadline2 IS NULL) AND ass.peer = %s AND (peer.giver_id = %s) AND (ass.peer_dl > %s OR ass.peer_dl IS NULL) AND (peer.is_valid = %s) GROUP BY ( HAVING (ass.peer_min > nr_given) AND (maxidl < %s OR maxidl IS NULL) ' | 1 |
'SELECT, count(*) nr_given, ass.peer_dl, ass.peer_min, max(idl.tstamp) maxidl, max(peer.tstamp) maxpeer FROM exc_assignment ass LEFT JOIN exc_assignment_peer peer ON ( = peer.ass_id) LEFT JOIN exc_idl idl ON ( = idl.ass_id) WHERE ' . $db->in("ass.exc_id", $exc_ids, false, "integer") . ' AND ass.deadline_mode = %s AND ass.time_stamp < %s AND (ass.deadline2 < %s OR ass.deadline2 IS NULL) AND ass.peer = %s AND (peer.giver_id IS NULL) AND (ass.peer_dl > %s OR ass.peer_dl IS NULL) AND (peer.tstamp IS NULL) GROUP BY ( HAVING (maxpeer IS NULL) AND (maxidl < %s OR maxidl IS NULL) ' | 1 |
"SELECT *" . " FROM exc_crit_cat" . " WHERE parent = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY pos" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(pos) pos" . " FROM exc_crit_cat" . " WHERE parent = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getParent( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT *" . " FROM exc_crit_cat" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM exc_crit_cat" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT exc_data.obj_id id, title, description," . " pass_mode, pass_nr, show_submissions" . " FROM exc_data JOIN object_data ON (exc_data.obj_id = object_data.obj_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("exc_data.obj_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT exc_data.obj_id id, title, description," . " pass_mode, pass_nr, show_submissions, compl_by_submission" . " FROM exc_data JOIN object_data ON (exc_data.obj_id = object_data.obj_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("exc_data.obj_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT exc_data.obj_id id, title, description," . " pass_mode, pass_nr, show_submissions, compl_by_submission, tfeedback,nr_mandatory_random" . " FROM exc_data JOIN object_data ON (exc_data.obj_id = object_data.obj_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("exc_data.obj_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, exc_id exercise_id, time_stamp deadline, " . " instruction, title, start_time, mandatory, order_nr" . " FROM exc_assignment" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("exc_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, exc_id exercise_id, type, time_stamp deadline," . " instruction, title, start_time, mandatory, order_nr, peer, peer_min, peer_dl peer_deadline," . " fb_file feedback_file, fb_cron feedback_cron, fb_date feedback_date" . " FROM exc_assignment" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("exc_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, exc_id exercise_id, type, time_stamp deadline," . " instruction, title, start_time, mandatory, order_nr, peer, peer_min, peer_dl peer_deadline," . " peer_file, peer_prsl peer_personal, fb_file feedback_file, fb_cron feedback_cron, fb_date feedback_date" . " FROM exc_assignment" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("exc_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, exc_id exercise_id, type, time_stamp deadline, deadline2," . " instruction, title, start_time, mandatory, order_nr, team_tutor, max_file, peer, peer_min," . " peer_dl peer_deadline, peer_file, peer_prsl peer_personal, peer_char, peer_unlock, peer_valid," . " peer_text, peer_rating, peer_crit_cat, fb_file feedback_file, fb_cron feedback_cron, fb_date feedback_date," . " fb_date_custom, rel_deadline_last_subm, deadline_mode, relative_deadline" . " FROM exc_assignment" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("exc_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, parent, title, pos" . " FROM exc_crit_cat" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("parent", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, parent, type, title" . ", descr, pos, required, def" . " FROM exc_crit" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("parent", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, assignment_id, filename, order_nr" . " FROM exc_ass_file_order" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("assignment_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT type, ass_id, exc_id, status, start, end, freq, last_send, template_id" . " FROM exc_ass_reminders" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("ass_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT status, start, freq, end, last_send, template_id" . " FROM exc_ass_reminders" . " WHERE type ='" . $this->rmd_type . "'" . " AND ass_id = " . $this->ass_id . " AND exc_id = " . $this->exc_id | 1 |
"SELECT last_send_day, ass_id, exc_id, status, start, freq, end, type, last_send, template_id" . " FROM exc_ass_reminders" . " WHERE status = 1" . " AND start <= " . $now . " AND end > " . ($now - 86400) . $and_type | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_ass_reminders" . " SET last_send = " . $this->db->quote(time( ), 'integer') . " , last_send_day = " . $this->db->quote($today, 'date') . " WHERE type = " . $this->db->quote($reminder["reminder_type"], 'text') . " AND ass_id = " . $this->db->quote($reminder["ass_id"], 'integer') . " AND exc_id = " . $this->db->quote($reminder["exc_id"], 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM exc_ass_reminders" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $a_ass_id | 1 |
"DELETE FROM exc_data " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_data " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, status FROM exc_members" . " WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND (status = " . $ilDB->quote("passed", "text") . " OR status = " . $ilDB->quote("failed", "text") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_data SET certificate_visibility = %s WHERE obj_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO exc_returned " . "(returned_id, obj_id, user_id, filename, filetitle, mimetype, ts, ass_id, late, team_id) " . "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_returned WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ass_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_returned WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ass_id, "integer") . " AND user_id IN (" . implode(',', $a_users) . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_returned" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getAssignment( )->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT exc_returned.returned_id AS id " . "FROM exc_usr_tutor, exc_returned " . "WHERE exc_returned.ass_id = exc_usr_tutor.ass_id " . " AND exc_returned.user_id = exc_usr_tutor.usr_id " . " AND exc_returned.ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getAssignment( )->getId( ), "integer") . $where . " AND exc_usr_tutor.tutor_id = " . $ilDB->quote($tutor, "integer") . " AND exc_usr_tutor.download_time < exc_returned.ts " | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id" . " FROM exc_returned" . " WHERE returned_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_returned_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, ass_id" . " FROM exc_returned" . " WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND filetitle = " . $ilDB->quote($a_filetitle, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_returned" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("returned_id", $file_id_array, false, "integer") . $where | 1 |
"DELETE FROM exc_returned" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("returned_id", $file_id_array, false, "integer") . $where | 1 |
"SELECT download_time FROM exc_usr_tutor WHERE " . " ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getAssignment( )->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("usr_id", $a_user_ids, "", "integer") . " AND " . " tutor_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM exc_usr_tutor " . "WHERE ass_id = %s AND usr_id = %s AND tutor_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO exc_usr_tutor (ass_id, obj_id, usr_id, tutor_id, download_time) VALUES " . "(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id,user_id,ts FROM exc_returned" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->assignment->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . $this->getTableUserWhere(true) . " AND (filename IS NOT NULL OR atext IS NOT NULL)" . " AND ts IS NOT NULL" . " ORDER BY ts DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT web_dir_access_time FROM exc_returned" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->assignment->getId( ), "integer") . " AND (filename IS NOT NULL OR atext IS NOT NULL)" . " AND web_dir_access_time IS NOT NULL" . " AND " . $this->getTableUserWhere(true) . " ORDER BY web_dir_access_time DESC" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO exc_returned " . "(returned_id, obj_id, user_id, filetitle, ass_id, ts, atext, late, team_id) " . "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM exc_returned" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->assignment->getExerciseId( ), "integer") . " AND " . $this->getTableUserWhere(false) . " AND ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->assignment->getId( ), "integer") . " AND returned_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_returned_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_returned" . " SET atext = " . $ilDB->quote($a_text, "text") . ", ts = " . $ilDB->quote(ilUtil::now( ), "timestamp") . ", late = " . $ilDB->quote($this->isLate( ), "integer") . " WHERE returned_id = " . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_returned r LEFT JOIN exc_assignment a" . " ON (r.ass_id = " . " WHERE r.filetitle = " . $db->quote($a_filename, "string") | 1 |
"SELECT user_id FROM exc_returned WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ass_id, "integer") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_exercise_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_exc_team" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM il_exc_team" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_assignment_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT user_id" . " FROM il_exc_team" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->assignment_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_exc_team" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->assignment_id, "integer") . " AND id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_exc_team" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ass_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_exc_team_log" . " WHERE team_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") . " ORDER BY tstamp DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT l.team_id as id FROM il_exc_team_log as l LEFT JOIN il_exc_team as t ON (l.team_id = WHERE IS NULL;" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_exc_team_log" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("team_id", $obsolete_teams, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, time_stamp, deadline2, peer_dl" . " FROM exc_assignment WHERE exc_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND (time_stamp > " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . " OR (peer_dl > " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . " AND peer > " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . "))" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_idl " . " WHERE ass_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->ass_id, "integer") . " AND member_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->participant_id, "integer") . " AND is_team = " . $this->db->quote($this->is_team, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM exc_idl " . " WHERE ass_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->ass_id, "integer") . " AND member_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->participant_id, "integer") . " AND is_team = " . $this->db->quote($this->is_team, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_idl" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ass_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id" . " FROM exc_members" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_obj_ids, "", "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, "integer") | 1 |
" SELECT id, order_nr FROM exc_ass_file_order WHERE assignment_id = {$db->quote($a_ass_id, 'integer')} AND filename = {$db->quote($a_file_data['entry'], 'string')} " | 1 |
"SELECT tstamp FROM exc_idl" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND member_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND is_team = " . $ilDB->quote($is_team, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(tstamp) FROM exc_idl" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_assignment " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM exc_assignment WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT filename, order_nr, id FROM exc_ass_file_order " . " WHERE assignment_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(order_nr) mnr FROM exc_assignment " . " WHERE exc_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_exc_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM exc_assignment " . "WHERE start_time <= " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), 'integer') . ' ' . "AND time_stamp >= " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), 'integer') . ' ' . "AND id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ass_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT exc_id FROM exc_assignment " . "WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ass_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT " . $a_field . " FROM exc_assignment " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_assignment SET " . " order_nr = " . $ilDB->quote($nr, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $k, "integer") . " AND exc_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_ex_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM exc_assignment " . " WHERE exc_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ex_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY time_stamp ASC" | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_assignment SET " . " order_nr = " . $ilDB->quote($nr, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["id"], "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) cntm FROM exc_assignment " . " WHERE exc_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ex_id, "integer") . " AND mandatory = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) cntm FROM exc_assignment " . " WHERE exc_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ex_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_assignment " . " WHERE exc_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ex_id, "integer") . " AND id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ass_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT exc_mem_ass_status.status_time, exc_returned.ts " . "FROM exc_mem_ass_status, exc_returned " . "WHERE exc_mem_ass_status.status_time < exc_returned.ts " . "AND NOT exc_mem_ass_status.status_time IS NULL " . "AND exc_returned.ass_id = exc_mem_ass_status.ass_id " . "AND exc_returned.user_id = exc_mem_ass_status.usr_id " . "AND exc_returned.ass_id=" . $ilDB->quote($ass_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("exc_returned.user_id", $user_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT ud.usr_id, ud.lastname, ud.firstname, ud.login" . " FROM exc_members excm" . " JOIN usr_data ud ON (ud.usr_id = excm.usr_id)" . " WHERE excm.obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getExerciseId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_mem_ass_status " . "WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_mem_ass_status " . "WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . $and_grade | 1 |
"SELECT id,fb_file,time_stamp,deadline2,fb_date FROM exc_assignment" . " WHERE fb_cron = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " AND (fb_date = " . $ilDB->quote(self::FEEDBACK_DATE_DEADLINE, "integer") . " AND time_stamp IS NOT NULL" . " AND time_stamp > " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " AND time_stamp < " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . " AND fb_cron_done = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . ") OR (fb_date = " . $ilDB->quote(self::FEEDBACK_DATE_CUSTOM, "integer") . " AND fb_date_custom IS NOT NULL" . " AND fb_date_custom > " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " AND fb_date_custom < " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . " AND fb_cron_done = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT fb_cron_done" . " FROM exc_assignment" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ass_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_assignment" . " SET fb_cron_done = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ass_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_returned" . " SET late = " . $ilDB->quote($late, "integer") . " WHERE returned_id = " . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_idl" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_ass_file_order SET " . " order_nr = " . $db->quote($nr, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $db->quote((int) $k, "integer") . " AND assignment_id = " . $db->quote((int) $a_ass_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO exc_ass_file_order " . "(id, assignment_id, filename, order_nr) VALUES (" . $db->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $db->quote($a_ass_id, "integer") . "," . $db->quote($filename, "text") . "," . $db->quote($order, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM exc_ass_file_order " . "WHERE filename = " . $db->quote($v, "string") . " AND assignment_id = " . $db->quote($a_ass_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM exc_ass_file_order" . " WHERE assignment_id = " . $db->quote((int) $a_ass_id, 'integer') . " AND filename = " . $db->quote($a_new_name, 'string') | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_ass_file_order SET" . " filename = " . $db->quote($a_new_name, 'string') . " WHERE assignment_id = " . $db->quote((int) $a_ass_id, 'integer') . " AND filename = " . $db->quote($a_old_name, 'string') | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM exc_ass_file_order" . " WHERE assignment_id = " . $db->quote((int) $a_ass_id, 'integer') . " AND filename = " . $db->quote($a_filename, 'string') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_ass_file_order " . " WHERE assignment_id = " . $db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " ORDER BY order_nr" | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_ass_file_order SET " . " order_nr = " . $db->quote($order_nr, "integer") . " WHERE assignment_id = " . $db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND id = " . $db->quote($rec["id"], "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM exc_ass_file_order " . " WHERE assignment_id = " . $db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND id = " . $db->quote($rec["id"], "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT max(order_nr) as max_order FROM exc_ass_file_order WHERE assignment_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT *" . " FROM exc_crit" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT *" . " FROM exc_crit" . " WHERE parent = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY pos" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(pos) pos" . " FROM exc_crit" . " WHERE parent = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getParent( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM exc_crit" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) cnt" . " FROM exc_assignment_peer" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->assignment_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(user_id)" . " FROM exc_returned" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->assignment_id, "integer") . " AND (filename IS NOT NULL OR atext IS NOT NULL)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO exc_assignment_peer" . " (ass_id, giver_id, peer_id)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->assignment_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($rater_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($peer_id, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM exc_assignment_peer" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->assignment_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT *" . " FROM exc_assignment_peer" . " WHERE giver_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->assignment_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY peer_id" | 1 |
"SELECT *" . " FROM exc_assignment_peer" . " WHERE peer_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->assignment_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY peer_id" | 1 |
"SELECT *" . " FROM exc_assignment_peer" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->assignment_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY peer_id" | 1 |
"SELECT ass_id" . " FROM exc_assignment_peer" . " WHERE giver_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . " AND peer_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_peer_id, "integer") . " AND ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->assignment_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_assignment_peer" . " SET tstamp = " . $ilDB->quote(ilUtil::now( ), "timestamp") . " WHERE giver_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . " AND peer_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_peer_id, "integer") . " AND ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->assignment_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_assignment_peer" . " SET tstamp = " . $ilDB->quote(ilUtil::now( ), "timestamp") . ",pcomment = " . $ilDB->quote(serialize($a_values), "text") . ",is_valid = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $valid, "integer") . " WHERE giver_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . " AND peer_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_peer_id, "integer") . " AND ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->assignment_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT *" . " FROM exc_assignment_peer" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->assignment_id, "integer") . " AND giver_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(user_id)) cnt" . " FROM exc_returned" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->assignment_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(giver_id) FROM exc_assignment_peer " . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ass_id, "integer") . " AND tstamp is NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_mem_ass_status" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->ass_id, "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT fb_cron, fb_date, fb_file" . " FROM exc_assignment" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->ass_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) AS cnt" . " FROM exc_mem_ass_status" . " WHERE NOT sent_time IS NULL" . " AND ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ass_id, "integer") | 1 |
"Delete dir: " . dirname($path) | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(max_num) AS max" . " FROM (SELECT COUNT(user_id) AS max_num FROM exc_returned" . " WHERE obj_id=" . $a_obj_id . ". AND ass_id=" . $a_ass_id . $and . " AND mimetype IS NOT NULL" . " GROUP BY user_id) AS COUNTS" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id" . " FROM exc_mem_ass_status" . " WHERE ass_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->assignment->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_mandatory_random " . " WHERE usr_id = %s " . " AND exc_id = %s " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM exc_mandatory_random WHERE " . " exc_id = %s" . " AND usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT obj_id FROM exc_members " . " WHERE usr_id = %s " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO exc_members (obj_id, usr_id, status, sent, feedback) " . " VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO exc_members " . " (obj_id, usr_id, notice, returned, status, feedback, sent) VALUES " . " (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM exc_members WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(excm.usr_id) ud" . " FROM exc_members excm" . " JOIN object_data od ON (od.obj_id = excm.usr_id)" . " WHERE excm.obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND od.type = " . $ilDB->quote("usr", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT status FROM exc_members " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_members SET " . " status = " . $ilDB->quote($a_status, "text") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE exc_members SET " . " returned = " . $ilDB->quote($a_status, "integer") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(usr_id) as ud FROM exc_members " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " " . "AND returned = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(usr_id) FROM exc_members WHERE " . " obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . " returned = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " AND " . " usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(usr_id) FROM exc_members " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " " . "AND status = " . $ilDB->quote("passed", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(usr_id) FROM exc_members " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " " . "AND status = " . $ilDB->quote("failed", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT user_id FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE returned_id = " . $this->db->quote($submission_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE ass_id = " . $this->db->quote($ass_id, "integer") . " AND (filename IS NOT NULL OR atext IS NOT NULL)" . " AND ts IS NOT NULL" | 1 |
"UPDATE " . self::TABLE_NAME . " SET web_dir_access_time = " . $this->db->quote(ilUtil::now( ), "timestamp") . " WHERE ass_id = " . $this->db->quote($assignment_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $this->db->quote($member_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote('adm', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT title FROM object_translation " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') . " " . "AND lang_default = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT title FROM object_translation " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') . " " . "AND lang_code = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getCurrentLanguage( ), 'text') . " " . "AND NOT lang_default = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT title,description FROM object_translation " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') . " " . "AND lang_default = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT title,description FROM object_translation " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') . " " . "AND lang_code = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getPref("language"), 'text') . " " . "AND NOT lang_default = 1" | 1 |
'SELECT type FROM object_data od' . ' JOIN object_reference ref ON (od.obj_id = ref.obj_id)' . ' JOIN tree ON (tree.child = ref.ref_id)' . ' WHERE tree.tree < 1' . ' GROUP BY type' | 1 |
"SELECT is_online FROM il_cld_data " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT auth_complete FROM il_cld_data " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_cld_data " . "(id, is_online, service, root_folder, root_id, owner_id, auth_complete) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("", "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getOwnerId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("", "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_cld_data " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_cld_data SET " . " is_online = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getOnline( ), "integer") . "," . " service = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getServiceName( ), "text") . "," . " root_folder = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getRootFolder( ), "text") . "," . " root_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getRootId( ), "text") . "," . " owner_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getOwnerId( ), "integer") . "," . " auth_complete = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getAuthComplete( ), "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_cld_data WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT config_value FROM " . $this->table_name . " WHERE config_key = " . $ilDB->quote($key, "text") | 1 |
"show tables like '" . $this->getTableName( ) . "'" | 1 |
" UPDATE {$tableName} SET privacy_ident = %s, privacy_name = %s, only_moveon = %s, achieved = %s, answered = %s, completed = %s, failed = %s, initialized = %s, passed = %s, progressed = %s, satisfied = %s, c_terminated = %s, hide_data = %s, c_timestamp = %s, duration = %s, no_substatements = %s WHERE lrs_type_id = %s " | 1 |
" UPDATE {$tableName} SET bypass_proxy = %s WHERE lrs_type_id = %s " | 1 |
" SELECT DISTINCT s.obj_id FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " s INNER JOIN " . self::DB_USERS_TABLE_NAME . " u ON u.obj_id = s.obj_id WHERE bypass_proxy = %s " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::DB_RESULTS_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT registration FROM " . self::DB_USERS_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE obj_id = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) untrashed FROM cmix_settings s INNER JOIN object_reference r ON r.obj_id = s.obj_id AND r.deleted IS NULL WHERE s.lrs_type_id = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) counter FROM " . ilCmiXapiLrsType::getDbTableName( ) . " WHERE availability = " . $ilDB->quote(ilCmiXapiLrsType::AVAILABILITY_CREATE, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE obj_id = %s AND usr_id = %s AND privacy_ident = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE obj_id = %s AND usr_ident = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_ident FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE obj_id = %s AND usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE obj_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($objId, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) cnt FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE obj_id = %s AND usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) cnt FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE obj_id = %s AND usr_id = %s AND privacy_ident = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT DISTINCT cu.obj_id FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " cu INNER JOIN object_data od ON od.obj_id = cu.obj_id AND od.type = 'cmix' WHERE cu.proxy_success != %s " | 1 |
"UPDATE " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " SET fetched_until = %s WHERE $IN_objIds" | 1 |
" SELECT cu.obj_id FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " cu {$TYPE_JOIN} WHERE cu.usr_id = {$DIC->database( )->quote($usrId, 'integer')} " | 1 |
"SELECT usr_ident FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE " . $DIC->database( )->like('usr_ident', 'text', $id . '@%') | 1 |
" DELETE FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE obj_id = %s AND usr_id = %s " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE valid_until < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE token = %s AND valid_until > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE obj_id = %s AND ref_id = %s AND usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT cmi5_session FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE usr_id = %s AND obj_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT cmi5_session FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE usr_id = %s AND obj_id = %s AND ref_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE type_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE type_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id id, title, description " . " FROM object_data " . "WHERE " . $DIC->database( )->in("obj_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT " . implode(",", array_keys($this->_element_db_mapping)) . " " | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM cmix_results WHERE obj_id = %s AND usr_id = %s " | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM cmix_results' . ' WHERE obj_id = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($objId, 'integer') | 1 |
'update lp for object (' . $this->object->getId( ) . ')' | 1 |
"SELECT {$this->table_prefix}_settings.lrs_type_id, {$this->table_prefix}_settings.only_moveon, {$this->table_prefix}_settings.achieved, {$this->table_prefix}_settings.answered, {$this->table_prefix}_settings.completed, {$this->table_prefix}_settings.failed, {$this->table_prefix}_settings.initialized, {$this->table_prefix}_settings.passed, {$this->table_prefix}_settings.progressed, {$this->table_prefix}_settings.satisfied, {$this->table_prefix}_settings.c_terminated, {$this->table_prefix}_settings.hide_data, {$this->table_prefix}_settings.c_timestamp, {$this->table_prefix}_settings.duration, {$this->table_prefix}_settings.no_substatements, {$this->table_prefix}_settings.privacy_ident FROM {$this->table_prefix}_settings, {$this->table_prefix}_token WHERE {$this->table_prefix}_settings.obj_id = {$this->table_prefix}_token.obj_id AND {$this->table_prefix}_token.token = " . $db->quote($this->token, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT " . $a_key . " FROM itgr_data " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id id, title, description " . " FROM object_data " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id id, title, description, hide_title, behaviour " . " FROM object_data JOIN itgr_data ON (object_data.obj_id =" . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT item_group_id itgr_id, item_ref_id item_id" . " FROM item_group_item " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("item_group_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM item_group_item " . "WHERE item_group_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getItemGroupId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO item_group_item (item_group_id,item_ref_id) " . "VALUES( " . $this->db->quote($this->getItemGroupId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($item, 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM item_group_item " . " WHERE item_group_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getItemGroupId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT item_ref_id FROM item_group_item " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('item_group_id', $itgr_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO usr_portf_acl (node_id, object_id, extended_data, tstamp)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_object_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_extended_data, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_portf_acl" . " WHERE node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT object_id FROM usr_portf_acl" . " WHERE node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT object_id FROM usr_portf_acl" . " WHERE node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . " AND object_id = " . $ilDB->quote(ilWorkspaceAccessGUI::PERMISSION_REGISTERED, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT object_id FROM usr_portf_acl" . " WHERE node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . " AND object_id = " . $ilDB->quote(ilWorkspaceAccessGUI::PERMISSION_ALL, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT object_id FROM usr_portf_acl" . " WHERE node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . " AND object_id = " . $ilDB->quote(ilWorkspaceAccessGUI::PERMISSION_ALL_PASSWORD, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj.obj_id" . " FROM object_data obj" . " JOIN usr_portfolio prtf ON ( = obj.obj_id)" . " JOIN usr_portf_acl acl ON (acl.node_id = obj.obj_id)" . " WHERE obj.owner = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(obj.owner), u.lastname, u.firstname, u.title" . " FROM object_data obj" . " JOIN usr_portfolio prtf ON ( = obj.obj_id)" . " JOIN usr_portf_acl acl ON (acl.node_id = obj.obj_id)" . " JOIN usr_data u on (u.usr_id = obj.owner)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("acl.object_id", $obj_ids, "", "integer") . " AND obj.owner <> " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . " AND prtf.is_online = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " ORDER BY u.lastname, u.firstname, u.title" | 1 |
"SELECT obj.obj_id, obj.owner" . " FROM object_data obj" . " JOIN usr_portfolio prtf ON ( = obj.obj_id)" . " JOIN usr_portf_acl acl ON (acl.node_id = obj.obj_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("acl.object_id", $obj_ids, "", "integer") . " AND obj.owner = " . $ilDB->quote($a_owner_id, "integer") . " AND prtf.is_online = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj.obj_id, obj.owner, obj.title" . " FROM object_data obj" . " JOIN usr_portfolio prtf ON ( = obj.obj_id)" . " JOIN usr_portf_acl acl ON (acl.node_id = obj.obj_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("acl.object_id", $obj_ids, "", "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("obj.owner", $a_owner_ids, "", "integer") . " AND prtf.is_online = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj.obj_id,obj.title,obj.owner" . ",acl.object_id acl_type, acl.tstamp acl_date" . " FROM object_data obj" . " JOIN usr_portfolio prtf ON ( = obj.obj_id)" . " JOIN usr_portf_acl acl ON (acl.node_id = obj.obj_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("acl.object_id", $obj_ids, "", "integer") . " AND obj.owner <> " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . " AND obj.type = " . $ilDB->quote("prtf", "text") . " AND prtf.is_online = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT extended_data FROM usr_portf_acl" . " WHERE node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . " AND object_id = " . $ilDB->quote(ilWorkspaceAccessGUI::PERMISSION_ALL_PASSWORD, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT,od.title,od.description," . "prtf.comments,prtf.bg_color,prtf.font_color,prtf.img,prtf.ppic" . " FROM usr_portfolio prtf" . " JOIN object_data od ON (od.obj_id =" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("", $a_ids, false, "integer") . " AND od.type = " . $ilDB->quote("prtt", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT,od.title,od.description," . "prtf.bg_color,prtf.font_color,prtf.img,prtf.ppic" . " FROM usr_portfolio prtf" . " JOIN object_data od ON (od.obj_id =" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("", $a_ids, false, "integer") . " AND od.type = " . $ilDB->quote("prtt", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT id,portfolio_id,title,order_nr,type" . " FROM usr_portfolio_page" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("portfolio_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT is_online" . " FROM usr_portfolio" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_portfolio" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO usr_portfolio (id,is_online)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_portfolio" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, is_online FROM usr_portfolio WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(order_nr) m FROM usr_portfolio_page" . " WHERE portfolio_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_portfolio_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_portfolio_page" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_portfolio_page" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT " . $a_prop . " FROM usr_portfolio_page" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_portfolio_page" . " WHERE portfolio_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_portfolio_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY order_nr" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_portfolio_page SET " . " order_nr = " . $ilDB->quote($cnt, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($p["id"], "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_portfolio_page" . " WHERE title = " . $ilDB->quote($a_blog_id, "text") . " AND type = " . $ilDB->quote(self::TYPE_BLOG, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_portfolio" . " SET is_default = " . $ilDB->quote(false, "integer") . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $all, "", "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_portfolio" . " SET is_default = " . $ilDB->quote(true, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_portfolio_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT up.*,od.title,od.description" . " FROM usr_portfolio up" . " JOIN object_data od ON ( = od.obj_id)" . " WHERE od.owner = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND od.type = " . $ilDB->quote("prtf", "text") . " ORDER BY od.title" | 1 |
"SELECT FROM usr_portfolio up" . " JOIN object_data od ON ( = od.obj_id)" . " WHERE od.owner = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND up.is_default = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT o.title, o.description,, g.virtual, pres_mode, snippet_length, show_tax, glo_menu_active" . " FROM glossary g JOIN object_data o " . " ON ( = o.obj_id) " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT r.term_id, r.glo_id, t.term, t.language " . "FROM glo_term_reference r JOIN glossary_term t ON (r.term_id = " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("r.glo_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, term_id, short_text, nr, short_text_dirty" . " FROM glossary_definition " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("term_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT glo_id, field_id, order_nr" . " FROM glo_advmd_col_order " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("glo_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM glo_glossaries " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT term_id FROM glo_term_reference " . " WHERE glo_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getGlossaryId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM glo_term_reference WHERE " . " glo_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getGlossaryId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM glo_term_reference WHERE " . " term_id = " . $db->quote($a_term_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM glo_term_reference " . " WHERE glo_id = " . $db->quote($a_glossary_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM glo_term_reference " . " WHERE " . $db->in("glo_id", $a_glo_id, false, "integer") . " AND term_id = " . $db->quote($a_term_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT glo_id FROM glo_term_reference " . " WHERE term_id = " . $db->quote($a_term_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT max(nr) AS max_nr FROM glossary_definition WHERE term_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTermId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO glossary_definition (id, term_id, short_text, nr, short_text_dirty)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTermId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getShortText( ), "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(($max + 1), "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getShortTextDirty( ), "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT nr FROM glossary_definition WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE glossary_definition SET " . " nr = nr - 1 " . " WHERE term_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTermId( ), "integer") . " " . " AND nr > " . $ilDB->quote($this->getNr( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM glossary_definition " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE glossary_definition SET " . " nr = nr + 1 " . " WHERE term_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTermId( ), "integer") . " " . " AND nr = " . $ilDB->quote(($this->getNr( ) - 1), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE glossary_definition SET " . " nr = nr - 1 " . " WHERE term_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTermId( ), "integer") . " " . " AND id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT max(nr) as max_nr FROM glossary_definition WHERE term_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTermId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE glossary_definition SET " . " nr = nr - 1 " . " WHERE term_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTermId( ), "integer") . " " . " AND nr = " . $ilDB->quote(($this->getNr( ) + 1), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE glossary_definition SET " . " nr = nr + 1 " . " WHERE term_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTermId( ), "integer") . " " . " AND id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE glossary_definition SET " . " term_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTermId( ), "integer") . ", " . " nr = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getNr( ), "integer") . ", " . " short_text = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getShortText( ), "text") . ", " . " short_text_dirty = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getShortTextDirty( ), "integer") . " " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM glossary_definition WHERE term_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_term_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY nr" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM glossary_definition WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_def_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE glossary_definition SET " . " short_text_dirty = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " WHERE term_id = " . $ilDB->quote($term_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE glossary_definition SET " . " short_text_dirty = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM glo_advmd_col_order " . " WHERE glo_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->glo_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY order_nr" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM glo_advmd_col_order WHERE " . " glo_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->glo_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO glo_advmd_col_order " . "(glo_id, field_id, order_nr) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->glo_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($c["id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($nr += 10, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM glossary_term WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM glossary_term WHERE import_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_import_id, "text") . " ORDER BY create_date DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM glossary_term WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO glossary_term (id, glo_id, term, language, import_id, create_date, last_update)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getGlossaryId( ), "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->term, "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->language, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getImportId( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . ", " . $ilDB->now( ) . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM glossary_term " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE glossary_term SET " . " glo_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getGlossaryId( ), "integer") . ", " . " term = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTerm( ), "text") . ", " . " import_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getImportId( ), "text") . ", " . " language = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLanguage( ), "text") . ", " . " last_update = " . $ilDB->now( ) . " " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(gt.term),, gt.glo_id, gt.language FROM glossary_term gt " . $join . " WHERE " . $where . $searchterm . " ORDER BY term" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT " . $ilDB->upper($ilDB->substr("term", 1, 1)) . " let FROM glossary_term WHERE " . $where . " ORDER BY let" | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM glossary_term WHERE " . " glo_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_glo_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM glossary WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, is_online FROM glossary WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM glossary WHERE id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM glo_glossaries " . " WHERE id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT is_online FROM glossary WHERE id = " . $db->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT $a_property FROM glossary WHERE id = " . $db->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM glo_glossaries WHERE " . " id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM glo_glossaries " . " WHERE id = " . $db->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM glossary WHERE id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM glossary " . " WHERE " . $this->db->in("id", $glo_ids, false, "integer") . " AND is_online = " . $this->db->quote("y", "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_media_cast_data (" . " id" . ", is_online" . ", public_files" . ", downloadable" . ", def_access" . ", sortmode" . ", viewmode" . " ) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getOnline( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getPublicFiles( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getDownloadable( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getDefaultAccess( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getOrder( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getViewMode( ), "text") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_media_cast_data SET " . " is_online = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getOnline( ), "integer") . ", public_files = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getPublicFiles( ), "integer") . ", downloadable = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getDownloadable( ), "integer") . ", def_access = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getDefaultAccess( ), "integer") . ", sortmode = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getOrder( ), "integer") . ", viewmode = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getViewMode( ), "text") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_media_cast_data WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_media_cast_data" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_media_cast_data_ord" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT item_id FROM il_media_cast_data_ord" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " ORDER BY pos" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_media_cast_data_ord (obj_id,item_id,pos)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($item_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($pos, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT id, title, description, " . " public_files, downloadable, def_access default_access" . " FROM il_media_cast_data JOIN object_data ON ( = object_data.obj_id) " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, title, description, " . " public_files, downloadable, def_access default_access, sortmode, viewmode" . " FROM il_media_cast_data JOIN object_data ON ( = object_data.obj_id) " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_media_cast_data_ord" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") . " ORDER BY pos" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM iass_settings WHERE obj_id = 100000000' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM iass_info_settings WHERE obj_id = 100000000' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM iass_members WHERE obj_id = 100000000' | 1 |
"SELECT content, record_template, event_time_place_required, file_required\n" . " FROM " . self::IASS_SETTINGS_TABLE . "\n" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT contact, responsibility, phone, mails, consultation_hours" . " FROM " . self::IASS_SETTINGS_INFO_TABLE . " WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::IASS_SETTINGS_TABLE . " WHERE obj_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::IASS_SETTINGS_INFO_TABLE . " WHERE obj_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::MEMBERS_TABLE . " WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($obj->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT " . "iassme.obj_id," . "iassme.usr_id," . "iassme.examiner_id," . "iassme.record," . "iassme.internal_note," . "iassme.notify," . "iassme.notification_ts," . "iassme.learning_progress," . "iassme.finalized," . "," . "iassme.event_time," . "iassme.user_view_file," . "iassme.file_name," . "iassme.changer_id," . "iassme.change_time," . "usr.lastname AS user_lastname," . "ex.login AS examiner_login" . " FROM " . self::MEMBERS_TABLE . " iassme\n" . " JOIN usr_data usr ON iassme.usr_id = usr.usr_id\n" . " LEFT JOIN usr_data ex ON iassme.examiner_id = ex.usr_id\n" | 1 |
"SELECT ex.firstname as " . ilIndividualAssessmentMembers::FIELD_EXAMINER_FIRSTNAME . " , ex.lastname as " . ilIndividualAssessmentMembers::FIELD_EXAMINER_LASTNAME . " , ud.firstname as " . ilIndividualAssessmentMembers::FIELD_CHANGER_FIRSTNAME . " , ud.lastname as " . ilIndividualAssessmentMembers::FIELD_CHANGER_LASTNAME . " ,usr.firstname as " . ilIndividualAssessmentMembers::FIELD_FIRSTNAME . " ,usr.lastname as " . ilIndividualAssessmentMembers::FIELD_LASTNAME . " ,usr.login as " . ilIndividualAssessmentMembers::FIELD_LOGIN . " ,iassme." . ilIndividualAssessmentMembers::FIELD_FILE_NAME . " ,iassme.obj_id, iassme.usr_id, iassme.examiner_id, iassme.record, iassme.internal_note, iassme.notify" . " ,iassme.notification_ts, iassme.learning_progress, iassme.finalized," . " ,iassme.event_time, iassme.changer_id, iassme.change_time\n" . " FROM iass_members iassme" . " JOIN usr_data usr ON iassme.usr_id = usr.usr_id" . " LEFT JOIN usr_data ex ON iassme.examiner_id = ex.usr_id" . " LEFT JOIN usr_data ud ON iassme.changer_id = ud.usr_id" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::MEMBERS_TABLE . "\n" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($iass->getId( ), 'integer') . "\n" . " AND usr_id = " . $this->db->quote($record[ilIndividualAssessmentMembers::FIELD_USR_ID], 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT survey_id, enddate FROM svy_svy " . " WHERE " . $db->in("survey_id", $survey_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT survey_id, obj_fi FROM svy_svy " . " WHERE " . $db->in("survey_id", $survey_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT startdate, enddate, anonymize, survey_id FROM svy_svy " . " WHERE " . $db->in("survey_id", $survey_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_invitation WHERE " . " survey_id = %s AND user_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT user_id FROM svy_invitation " . " WHERE survey_id = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT survey_id FROM svy_invitation " . " WHERE user_id = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT svy_question.*, svy_qtype.type_tag, object_reference.ref_id FROM " . "svy_question, svy_qtype, object_reference WHERE svy_question.questiontype_fi = svy_qtype.questiontype_id " . "AND svy_question.original_id IS NULL AND svy_question.obj_fi = object_reference.obj_id AND " . "svy_question.obj_fi > 0$str_where" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_svy WHERE survey_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT questionblock_fi FROM svy_qblk_qst WHERE survey_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_qblk WHERE " . $ilDB->in('questionblock_id', $questionblocks, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_qblk_qst WHERE survey_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_anonymous WHERE survey_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_finished WHERE survey_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT finished_id, user_fi FROM svy_finished WHERE finished_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_finished WHERE finished_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_svy SET complete = %s, tstamp = %s WHERE survey_id = %s" | 1 |
"insert question, id:" . $question_id | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_svy_qst (survey_question_id, survey_fi, question_fi, sequence, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_svy_qst " . " WHERE survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND question_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($a_question_fi, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT svy_qblk.title, svy_qblk.show_questiontext, svy_qblk.show_blocktitle," . " svy_qblk_qst.question_fi FROM svy_qblk, svy_qblk_qst, svy_svy_qst" . " WHERE svy_qblk.questionblock_id = svy_qblk_qst.questionblock_fi" . " AND svy_svy_qst.question_fi = svy_qblk_qst.question_fi" . " AND svy_qblk.questionblock_id = %s" . " ORDER BY svy_svy_qst.sequence" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_settings WHERE settings_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_settings WHERE usr_id = %s AND keyword = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT survey_question_id,question_fi,sequence" . " FROM svy_svy_qst WHERE survey_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_svy_qst" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("survey_question_id", $del_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_svy_qst" . " (survey_question_id, survey_fi, question_fi, heading, sequence, tstamp)" . " VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"insert svy_svy_qst, id:" . $next_id . ", fi: " . $fi . ", seq:" . $seq | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_svy_qst" . " SET sequence = " . $ilDB->quote($seq, "integer") . ", tstamp = " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . " WHERE survey_question_id = " . $ilDB->quote($update[$fi], "integer") | 1 |
"update svy_svy_qst, id:" . $update[$fi] . ", fi: " . $fi . ", seq:" . $seq | 1 |
"SELECT anonymous_id FROM svy_finished WHERE anonymous_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT type_tag FROM svy_question, svy_qtype WHERE svy_question.question_id = %s AND " . "svy_question.questiontype_fi = svy_qtype.questiontype_id" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_svy_qst" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("survey_question_id", $to_delete_ids, false, "integer") . " AND survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_qblk_qst " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("question_fi", $fis, true, "integer") . " AND survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_svy_qst " . " WHERE survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " ORDER BY sequence" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_svy_qst SET " . " sequence = " . $ilDB->quote($seq++, "integer") . " WHERE survey_question_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["survey_question_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT svy_question.original_id FROM svy_question, svy_svy_qst WHERE " . "svy_svy_qst.survey_fi = %s AND svy_svy_qst.question_fi = svy_question.question_id" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_qst_constraint WHERE question_fi = %s AND survey_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_qblk_qst WHERE questionblock_fi = %s AND survey_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_qblk_qst " . " WHERE survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND question_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($a_question_fi, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT svy_question.title, svy_qblk_qst.question_fi, svy_qblk_qst.survey_fi FROM " . "svy_qblk, svy_qblk_qst, svy_question WHERE svy_qblk.questionblock_id = svy_qblk_qst.questionblock_fi AND " . "svy_question.question_id = svy_qblk_qst.question_fi AND svy_qblk.questionblock_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT question_fi, sequence FROM svy_svy_qst WHERE survey_fi = %s ORDER BY sequence" | 1 |
"SELECT a.question_fi FROM svy_qblk_qst a JOIN svy_svy_qst b ON (a.question_fi = b.question_fi) " . " WHERE a.questionblock_fi = %s ORDER BY b.sequence" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_qblk WHERE questionblock_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_qblk (questionblock_id, title, show_questiontext," . " show_blocktitle, owner_fi, tstamp, compress_view) " . "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_qblk (questionblock_id, title, show_questiontext," . " show_blocktitle, owner_fi, tstamp, compress_view) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_qblk SET title = %s, show_questiontext = %s," . " show_blocktitle = %s, compress_view = %s WHERE questionblock_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_qst_constraint WHERE constraint_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_qtype.type_tag, svy_qtype.plugin, svy_question.question_id, " . "svy_svy_qst.heading FROM svy_qtype, svy_question, svy_svy_qst WHERE svy_svy_qst.survey_fi = %s AND " . "svy_svy_qst.question_fi = svy_question.question_id AND svy_question.questiontype_fi = svy_qtype.questiontype_id " . "ORDER BY svy_svy_qst.sequence" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_qblk.*, svy_qblk_qst.question_fi FROM svy_qblk, svy_qblk_qst WHERE " . "svy_qblk.questionblock_id = svy_qblk_qst.questionblock_fi AND svy_qblk_qst.survey_fi = %s " . "AND " . $ilDB->in('svy_qblk_qst.question_fi', array_keys($all_questions), false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT svy_variable.*, svy_category.title FROM svy_variable, svy_category " . "WHERE svy_variable.question_fi = %s AND svy_variable.category_fi = svy_category.category_id " . "ORDER BY sequence ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_svy_qst WHERE survey_fi = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_question" . " SET obligatory = " . $ilDB->quote($obligatory, "integer") . " WHERE question_id = " . $ilDB->quote($question_fi, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT svy_question.*, svy_qtype.type_tag, svy_svy_qst.heading FROM " . "svy_question, svy_qtype, svy_svy_qst WHERE svy_svy_qst.survey_fi = %s AND " . "svy_svy_qst.question_fi = svy_question.question_id AND svy_question.questiontype_fi = svy_qtype.questiontype_id " . "ORDER BY svy_svy_qst.sequence" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_qblk.*, svy_qblk_qst.question_fi FROM svy_qblk, svy_qblk_qst " . "WHERE svy_qblk.questionblock_id = svy_qblk_qst.questionblock_fi AND svy_qblk_qst.survey_fi = %s " . "AND " . $ilDB->in('svy_qblk_qst.question_fi', array_keys($all_questions), false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT svy_constraint.*, svy_relation.*, svy_qst_constraint.question_fi ref_question_fi FROM svy_qst_constraint, svy_constraint, " . "svy_relation WHERE svy_constraint.relation_fi = svy_relation.relation_id AND " . "svy_qst_constraint.constraint_fi = svy_constraint.constraint_id AND svy_constraint.constraint_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_constraint.*, svy_relation.* FROM svy_qst_constraint, svy_constraint, svy_relation " . "WHERE svy_constraint.relation_fi = svy_relation.relation_id AND " . "svy_qst_constraint.constraint_fi = svy_constraint.constraint_id AND svy_qst_constraint.question_fi = %s " . "AND svy_qst_constraint.survey_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_qst_constraint.question_fi as for_question, svy_constraint.*, svy_relation.* " . "FROM svy_qst_constraint, svy_constraint, svy_relation WHERE svy_constraint.relation_fi = svy_relation.relation_id " . "AND svy_qst_constraint.constraint_fi = svy_constraint.constraint_id AND svy_qst_constraint.survey_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_variable.*, svy_category.title FROM svy_variable LEFT JOIN " . "svy_category ON svy_variable.category_fi = svy_category.category_id WHERE svy_variable.question_fi = %s " . "ORDER BY svy_variable.sequence" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_constraint (constraint_id, question_fi, relation_fi, value, conjunction) VALUES " . "(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_qst_constraint (question_constraint_id, survey_fi, question_fi, " . "constraint_fi) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_constraint SET question_fi = %s, relation_fi = %s, value = %s, conjunction = %s " . "WHERE constraint_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_constraint SET conjunction = %s " . "WHERE constraint_id IN (SELECT constraint_fi FROM svy_qst_constraint WHERE svy_qst_constraint.question_fi = %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_relation" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_answer WHERE question_fi = %s AND active_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_answer WHERE question_fi = %s AND active_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_finished (finished_id, survey_fi, user_fi, anonymous_id, state, tstamp, appr_id) " . "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_finished SET state = %s, tstamp = %s" . " WHERE survey_fi = %s AND finished_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_finished SET lastpage = %s WHERE finished_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_finished" . " WHERE survey_fi = %s AND anonymous_id = %s AND appr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_finished" . " WHERE survey_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s AND appr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT finished_id FROM svy_finished" . " WHERE survey_fi = %s AND anonymous_id = %s AND appr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT finished_id FROM svy_finished" . " WHERE survey_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s AND appr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT lastpage FROM svy_finished WHERE finished_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_finished WHERE survey_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_finished WHERE finished_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_answer WHERE active_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_question.*, svy_qtype.type_tag, svy_qtype.plugin, object_reference.ref_id" . " FROM svy_question, svy_qtype, object_reference" . " WHERE svy_question.original_id IS NULL" . $forbidden . $existing . " AND svy_question.obj_fi = object_reference.obj_id AND svy_question.tstamp > 0" . " AND svy_question.questiontype_fi = svy_qtype.questiontype_id " . $where | 1 |
"SELECT svy_qblk.*, svy_svy.obj_fi FROM svy_qblk , svy_qblk_qst, svy_svy WHERE " . "svy_qblk.questionblock_id = svy_qblk_qst.questionblock_fi AND svy_svy.survey_id = svy_qblk_qst.survey_fi " . "$where GROUP BY svy_qblk.questionblock_id, svy_qblk.title, svy_qblk.show_questiontext, svy_qblk.show_blocktitle, " . "svy_qblk.owner_fi, svy_qblk.tstamp, svy_svy.obj_fi" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_qblk_qst WHERE survey_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_qblk_qst (qblk_qst_id, survey_fi, questionblock_fi, question_fi) " . "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_svy_qst WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT anonymous_id FROM svy_anonymous WHERE survey_key = %s AND survey_fi = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_anonymous" . " SET user_key = " . $ilDB->quote(md5($user_id), "text") . " WHERE survey_key = " . $ilDB->quote($code, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT finished_id FROM svy_finished WHERE anonymous_id = %s AND survey_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_anonymous.*, svy_finished.state" . " FROM svy_anonymous" . " LEFT JOIN svy_finished ON (svy_anonymous.survey_key = svy_finished.anonymous_id)" . " WHERE svy_anonymous.survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND svy_anonymous.user_key IS NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT svy_anonymous.*, svy_finished.state" . " FROM svy_anonymous" . " LEFT JOIN svy_finished ON (svy_anonymous.survey_key = svy_finished.anonymous_id)" . " WHERE svy_anonymous.survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT finished_id FROM svy_finished WHERE survey_fi = %s AND anonymous_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT anonymous_id FROM svy_anonymous WHERE survey_fi = %s AND survey_key = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_anonymous (anonymous_id, survey_key, survey_fi, tstamp) " . "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_anonymous SET sent = %s WHERE survey_fi = %s AND externaldata IS NOT NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT survey_key code, externaldata, sent FROM svy_anonymous WHERE survey_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT state FROM svy_finished WHERE survey_fi = %s AND anonymous_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_anonymous WHERE survey_fi = %s AND survey_key = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT survey_key FROM svy_anonymous WHERE survey_fi = %s AND user_key = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_anonymous (anonymous_id, survey_key, survey_fi, user_key, tstamp) " . "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT tstamp FROM svy_answer WHERE active_fi = %s ORDER BY tstamp DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT tstamp FROM svy_finished WHERE finished_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id, login, lastname, firstname FROM usr_data WHERE " . $ilDB->in('usr_id', $ids, false, 'integer') . " ORDER BY login" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_times (id, finished_fi, entered_page, left_page, first_question) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s,%s)" | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_times SET left_page = %s WHERE finished_fi = %s AND entered_page = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_times WHERE finished_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT user_id" . " FROM svy_360_appr" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT has_closed" . " FROM svy_360_appr" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_360_appr" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT user_id" . " FROM svy_360_rater" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND appr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_360_appr" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT user_id" . " FROM svy_360_rater" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND anonymous_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_anonymous_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_360_rater" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND appr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_appraisee_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND anonymous_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_anonymous_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_360_rater" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND appr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_appraisee_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT appr_id FROM svy_360_rater" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT anonymous_id FROM svy_anonymous" . " WHERE survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND survey_key = " . $ilDB->quote($a_code, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_finished" . " WHERE survey_fi =" . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND appr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($appr_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT sf.anonymous_id FROM svy_finished sf" . " WHERE sf.survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND sf.user_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT user_fi FROM svy_finished" . " WHERE survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND anonymous_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_code, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT finished_id, user_fi FROM svy_finished" . " WHERE survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND appr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_appr_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT finished_id, user_fi FROM svy_finished" . " WHERE survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND appr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_appr_id, "integer") . " AND user_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rat_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT finished_id, user_fi FROM svy_finished" . " WHERE survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND user_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_360_rater" . " SET mail_sent = " . $ilDB->quote($a_tstamp, "integer") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND appr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_appraisee_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND anonymous_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_anonymous_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_360_appr" . " SET has_closed = " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_360_appr" . " SET has_closed = " . $ilDB->quote(null, "integer") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) numall FROM svy_finished" . " WHERE survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND state = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("user_fi", $user_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT user_fi FROM svy_finished" . " WHERE survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") . " AND state = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "text") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("user_fi", $user_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_fi FROM svy_svy" . " WHERE tutor_res_cron IS NULL" . " AND tutor_res_status = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " AND enddate < " . $ilDB->quote(date("Ymd000000"), "text") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_fi FROM svy_svy" . " WHERE tutor_res_status = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " AND enddate < " . $ilDB->quote(date("Ymd000000"), "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE svy_svy" . " SET tutor_res_cron = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " WHERE survey_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT ss.obj_fi" . " FROM svy_finished sf" . " JOIN svy_svy ss ON (ss.survey_id = sf.survey_fi)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("ss.obj_fi", $a_obj_ids, "", "integer") . " AND sf.user_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT finished_id FROM svy_finished WHERE user_fi = %s AND survey_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT anonymize FROM svy_svy WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT survey_id FROM svy_svy WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_finished, svy_anonymous WHERE svy_finished.survey_fi = %s " . "AND svy_finished.survey_fi = svy_anonymous.survey_fi AND svy_anonymous.user_key = %s " . "AND svy_anonymous.survey_key = svy_finished.anonymous_id" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_finished WHERE survey_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT mode FROM svy_svy" . " WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT mode FROM svy_svy" . " WHERE obj_fi = %s AND mode = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO svy_svy_qst (survey_question_id, survey_fi," . "question_fi, sequence, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT survey_fi, appr_id FROM svy_finished " . " WHERE user_fi = %s AND state = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_quest_skill " . " WHERE survey_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->survey->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_quest_skill " . " WHERE q_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_question_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM svy_quest_skill WHERE " . " q_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_question_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_quest_skill " . " WHERE base_skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_skill_id, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND survey_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->survey->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_skill_threshold " . " WHERE survey_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->survey->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_skill_threshold " . " WHERE survey_id = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT * " . " FROM svy_quest_skill WHERE " . $ilDB->in("survey_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * " . " FROM svy_skill_threshold WHERE " . $ilDB->in("survey_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, appr_id FROM svy_360_rater " . " WHERE user_id = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, user_id FROM svy_360_appr " . " WHERE " . $db->in("obj_id", $survey_ids, false, "integer") . "AND has_closed = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT obj_id FROM svy_360_appr " . "WHERE user_id = %s " . "AND has_closed = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_tree WHERE child = " . $ilDB->quote($a_st_id, "integer") . " AND lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lm_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_tree WHERE child = " . $ilDB->quote($tree_node["parent"], "integer") . " AND lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lm_id, "integer") | 1 |
"Insert Chapter From Clipboard" | 1 |
"SELECT lm_data.obj_id" . " FROM lm_data" . " JOIN lm_tree ON (lm_tree.child = lm_data.obj_id)" . " JOIN page_object ON (page_object.page_id = lm_data.obj_id AND page_object.parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote("lm", "text") . ")" . " WHERE lm_tree.lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->tree_id, "integer") . " AND lm_data.type = " . $ilDB->quote("pg", "text") . " AND = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " ORDER BY lm_tree.rgt DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT count(pq.question_id) cnt " | 1 |
"SELECT pq.page_id, pq.question_id " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lo_access WHERE " . "usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND " . "lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, lm_id FROM lo_access WHERE " . "usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("lm_id", $a_ref_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM lm_read_event" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_page_id, "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE lm_read_event SET" . " read_count = read_count + 1 " . " , last_access = " . $ilDB->quote($now, "integer") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_page_id, "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lo_access WHERE " . "usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->user_id, "integer") . " AND " . "lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->lm_ref_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM lm_read_event" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $parent_st_ids, "", "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE lm_read_event SET" . " read_count = read_count + " . $ilDB->quote($read_diff, "integer") . " , spent_seconds = spent_seconds + " . $ilDB->quote($time_diff, "integer") . " , last_access = " . $ilDB->quote($now, "integer") . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $parent_st_ids, "", "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_read_event " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $this->lm_obj_ids, false, "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO lm_menu (id, lm_id,link_type,title,target,link_ref_id, active) " . "VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getObjId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getLinkType( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTarget( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getLinkRefId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getActive( ), "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_menu " . "WHERE lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->lm_id, "integer") . $and | 1 |
"DELETE FROM lm_menu WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE lm_menu SET " . " link_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLinkType( ), "text") . "," . " title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . " target = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTarget( ), "text") . "," . " link_ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getLinkRefId( ), "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getEntryId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_menu WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE lm_menu SET " . "active = CASE " . "WHEN " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_entries, false, "integer") . " " . "THEN " . $ilDB->quote("y", "text") . " " . "ELSE " . $ilDB->quote("n", "text") . " " . "END " . "WHERE lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->lm_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_menu " . " WHERE lm_id = %s " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM lm_menu WHERE " . " id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_data_transl " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND lang = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLang( ), "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO lm_data_transl " . "(id, lang, title, short_title, create_date, last_update) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getLang( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getShortTitle( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE lm_data_transl SET " . " title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . " short_title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getShortTitle( ), "text") . "," . " last_update = " . $ilDB->now( ) . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND lang = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLang( ), "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_data_transl " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") . " AND lang = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lang, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_data_transl " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_source_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_data WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_data " . " WHERE lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lm_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT " . $a_field . " FROM lm_data WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT type FROM lm_data WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . $and | 1 |
"UPDATE lm_data SET " . " title = " . $ilDB->quote($a_title, "text") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE lm_data " . "SET " . "import_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_import_id, "text") . "," . "last_update = " . $ilDB->now( ) . " " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO lm_data (obj_id, title, type, layout, lm_id, import_id, short_title, create_date) " . "VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getType( ), "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLayout( ), "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLMId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getImportId( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getShortTitle( ), "text") . ", " . $ilDB->now( ) . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE lm_data SET " . " lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLMId( ), "integer") . " ,title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . " ,short_title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getShortTitle( ), "text") . " ,layout = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLayout( ), "text") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM lm_data " . "WHERE lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_cont_obj_id, "integer") . " " . "AND type = 'st'" | 1 |
"UPDATE lm_data SET " . "public_access = CASE " . "WHEN " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_pages, false, "integer") . " " . "THEN " . $ilDB->quote("y", "text") . "ELSE " . $ilDB->quote("n", "text") . "END " . "WHERE lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_cont_obj_id, "integer") . " " . "AND " . $ilDB->in("type", array("pg", "st"), false, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT public_access_mode FROM content_object WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($lm_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT public_access FROM lm_data WHERE obj_id=" . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM lm_data WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM lm_data WHERE import_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_import_id, "text") . " " . " ORDER BY create_date DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_data WHERE import_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_import_id, "text") . " " . $where . " ORDER BY create_date DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_data " . "WHERE lm_id= " . $ilDB->quote($lm_id, "integer") . " " . $type_str . " " . "ORDER BY title" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_data " . "WHERE lm_id= " . $ilDB->quote($a_cobj->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT lm_id FROM lm_data WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE lm_data SET " . " layout = " . $ilDB->quote($a_layout, "text") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE lm_data SET " . " layout = " . $ilDB->quote($a_layout, "text") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($c["child"], "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT layout FROM lm_data WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM lm_data " . " WHERE lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lm_id, "integer") . $and | 1 |
"SELECT t.child, d.obj_id, d.title, d.short_title FROM lm_data d LEFT JOIN lm_tree t ON (d.obj_id = t.child) WHERE d.lm_id = " . $db->quote($a_lm_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY t.lft, d.title" | 1 |
"SELECT t.child, d.obj_id, tr.title, tr.short_title, d.title default_title, d.short_title default_short_title FROM lm_data d " . " LEFT JOIN lm_tree t ON (d.obj_id = t.child) " . " LEFT JOIN lm_data_transl tr ON ( = d.obj_id AND tr.lang=" . $db->quote($a_lang, "text") . ") WHERE d.lm_id = " . $db->quote($a_lm_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY t.lft, d.title" | 1 |
"UPDATE lm_data SET " . " short_title = " . $db->quote($a_short_title, "text") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $db->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, title, description," . " default_layout, page_header, toc_active, lm_menu_active, toc_mode, print_view_active, numbering," . " hist_user_comments, public_access_mode, header_page, footer_page, layout_per_page, rating, " . " hide_head_foot_print, disable_def_feedback, rating_pages, store_tries, restrict_forw_nav, progr_icons, stylesheet style_id" . " FROM content_object JOIN object_data ON ( = object_data.obj_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, title, description," . " default_layout, page_header, toc_active, lm_menu_active, toc_mode, print_view_active, numbering," . " hist_user_comments, public_access_mode, no_glo_appendix, header_page, footer_page, layout_per_page, rating, " . " hide_head_foot_print, disable_def_feedback, rating_pages, store_tries, restrict_forw_nav, progr_icons, stylesheet style_id" . " FROM content_object JOIN object_data ON ( = object_data.obj_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT lm_tree.lm_id, child, parent, depth, type, title, short_title, public_access, active, layout, import_id" . " FROM lm_tree JOIN lm_data ON (lm_tree.child = lm_data.obj_id)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("lm_tree.lm_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") . " ORDER BY lft" | 1 |
"SELECT for_translation FROM content_object WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["lm_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT lm_id, type, title, short_title, public_access, active, layout, import_id, obj_id child FROM lm_data " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("lm_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $obj_ids, true, "integer") . " AND type = " . $ilDB->quote("pg", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT for_translation FROM content_object WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec3["lm_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT lm_id, link_type, title, target, link_ref_id, active" . " FROM lm_menu " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("lm_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, lang, title, short_title" . " FROM lm_data_transl " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_glossaries " . " WHERE lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO lm_glossaries " . "(lm_id, glo_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($glo_id, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM content_object WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM lm_menu WHERE lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE content_object SET " . " stylesheet = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_style_id, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE content_object SET " . " header_page = " . $ilDB->quote($a_page_id, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lm_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE content_object SET " . " footer_page = " . $ilDB->quote($a_page_id, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lm_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT stylesheet FROM content_object, style_data " . " WHERE content_object.stylesheet = " . " AND style_data.standard = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " AND content_object.stylesheet > " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE content_object SET " . " stylesheet = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_to_style, "integer") . " WHERE stylesheet = " . $ilDB->quote($style_rec["stylesheet"], "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE content_object SET " . " stylesheet = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_to_style, "integer") . " WHERE stylesheet = " . $ilDB->quote($a_from_style, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT " . $a_field . " FROM content_object " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT stylesheet FROM content_object " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_cont_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM content_object " . " WHERE stylesheet = " . $ilDB->quote($a_style_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT disable_def_feedback FROM content_object " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT store_tries FROM content_object " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM content_object " . " WHERE stylesheet = " . $ilDB->quote($a_style_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM content_object, style_data " . " WHERE stylesheet = " . " AND standard = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM content_object " . " WHERE stylesheet = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE content_object SET " . " stylesheet = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " WHERE stylesheet = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_style_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM content_object WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE content_object SET " . " default_layout = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLayout( ), "text") . ", " . " stylesheet = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getStyleSheetId( ), "integer") . "," . " page_header = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getPageHeader( ), "text") . "," . " toc_mode = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTOCMode( ), "text") . "," . " toc_active = " . $ilDB->quote(ilUtil::tf2yn($this->isActiveTOC( )), "text") . "," . " numbering = " . $ilDB->quote(ilUtil::tf2yn($this->isActiveNumbering( )), "text") . "," . " print_view_active = " . $ilDB->quote(ilUtil::tf2yn($this->isActivePrintView( )), "text") . "," . " no_glo_appendix = " . $ilDB->quote(ilUtil::tf2yn($this->isActivePreventGlossaryAppendix( )), "text") . "," . " hide_head_foot_print = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getHideHeaderFooterPrint( ), "integer") . "," . " downloads_active = " . $ilDB->quote(ilUtil::tf2yn($this->isActiveDownloads( )), "text") . "," . " downloads_public_active = " . $ilDB->quote(ilUtil::tf2yn($this->isActiveDownloadsPublic( )), "text") . "," . " clean_frames = " . $ilDB->quote(ilUtil::tf2yn($this->cleanFrames( )), "text") . "," . " hist_user_comments = " . $ilDB->quote(ilUtil::tf2yn($this->isActiveHistoryUserComments( )), "text") . "," . " public_access_mode = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getPublicAccessMode( ), "text") . "," . " public_xml_file = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getPublicExportFile("xml"), "text") . "," . " public_html_file = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getPublicExportFile("html"), "text") . "," . " public_scorm_file = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getPublicExportFile("scorm"), "text") . "," . " header_page = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getHeaderPage( ), "integer") . "," . " footer_page = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getFooterPage( ), "integer") . "," . " lm_menu_active = " . $ilDB->quote(ilUtil::tf2yn($this->isActiveLMMenu( )), "text") . ", " . " layout_per_page = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLayoutPerPage( ), "integer") . ", " . " rating = " . $ilDB->quote($this->hasRating( ), "integer") . ", " . " rating_pages = " . $ilDB->quote($this->hasRatingPages( ), "integer") . ", " . " disable_def_feedback = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDisableDefaultFeedback( ), "integer") . ", " . " progr_icons = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getProgressIcons( ), "integer") . ", " . " store_tries = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getStoreTries( ), "integer") . ", " . " restrict_forw_nav = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getRestrictForwardNavigation( ), "integer") . ", " . " for_translation = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getForTranslation( ), "integer") . " " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO content_object (id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT l1.lm_id" . " FROM lm_tree l1" . " JOIN lm_tree l2 ON ( l1.child = l2.parent" . " AND l1.lm_id = l2.lm_id )" . " JOIN lm_data ON ( l1.child = lm_data.obj_id )" . " WHERE (l2.lft < l1.lft" . " OR l2.rgt > l1.rgt OR l2.lft > l1.rgt OR l2.rgt < l1.lft)" . " AND l1.lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " ORDER BY lm_data.create_date DESC" | 1 |
"UPDATE lm_tree SET " . " child = " . $ilDB->quote($pg_copy->getId( ), "integer") . " WHERE child = " . $ilDB->quote($cobj->getId( ), "integer") . " AND lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE lm_tree SET " . " child = " . $ilDB->quote($st_copy->getId( ), "integer") . " WHERE child = " . $ilDB->quote($cobj->getId( ), "integer") . " AND lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE lm_tree SET " . " parent = " . $ilDB->quote($st_copy->getId( ), "integer") . " WHERE parent = " . $ilDB->quote($cobj->getId( ), "integer") . " AND lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT l1.child, l1.lft l1lft, l1.rgt l1rgt, l2.parent, l2.lft l2lft, l2.rgt l2rgt" . " FROM lm_tree l1" . " JOIN lm_tree l2 ON ( l1.child = l2.parent" . " AND l1.lm_id = l2.lm_id )" . " JOIN lm_data ON ( l1.child = lm_data.obj_id )" . " WHERE (l2.lft < l1.lft" . " OR l2.rgt > l1.rgt OR l2.lft > l1.rgt OR l2.rgt < l1.lft)" . " AND l1.lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " ORDER BY lm_data.create_date DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_tree " . " WHERE child = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_glossaries " . " WHERE lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lm_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT startfile FROM file_based_lm WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, startfile FROM file_based_lm WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_obj_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, title, description, " . " startfile start_file " . " FROM file_based_lm JOIN object_data ON ( = object_data.obj_id) " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE file_based_lm SET " . " startfile = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getStartFile( ), "text") . " " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM file_based_lm WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO file_based_lm (id, startfile) VALUES " . " (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getID( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getStartfile( ), "text") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM file_based_lm WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getID( ), "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT participant_id FROM booking_member' . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->participant_id, 'integer') . ' AND booking_pool_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->booking_pool_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO booking_member' . ' (participant_id, user_id, booking_pool_id, assigner_user_id)' . ' VALUES (' . $this->db->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ',' . $this->db->quote($this->participant_id, 'integer') . ',' . $this->db->quote($this->booking_pool_id, 'integer') . ',' . $this->db->quote($assigner_id, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT bm.user_id, bm.booking_pool_id, br.object_id, bo.title, br.status' . ' FROM booking_member bm' . ' LEFT JOIN booking_reservation br ON (bm.user_id = br.user_id)' . ' LEFT JOIN booking_object bo ON (br.object_id = bo.booking_object_id AND bo.pool_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_booking_pool, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM booking_member WHERE booking_pool_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_booking_pool_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT ud.usr_id,ud.lastname,ud.firstname,ud.login" . " FROM usr_data ud " . " RIGHT JOIN booking_member m ON (ud.usr_id = m.user_id)" . " WHERE ud.usr_id <> " . $ilDB->quote(ANONYMOUS_USER_ID, "integer") . " AND m.booking_pool_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_pool_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY ud.lastname,ud.firstname" | 1 |
"SELECT booking_pool_id FROM booking_settings " . " WHERE schedule_type = %s " . " AND pref_deadline < %s " . " AND pref_booking_hash = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM booking_preferences " . " WHERE book_pool_id = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM booking_preferences " . " WHERE book_pool_id = %s " . " AND user_id = %s " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM booking_preferences WHERE " . " book_pool_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM booking_preferences WHERE " . " book_pool_id = %s" . " AND user_id = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT title,raster,rent_min,rent_max,auto_break,' . 'deadline,av_from,av_to' . ' FROM booking_schedule' . ' WHERE booking_schedule_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT day_id,slot_id,times' . ' FROM booking_schedule_slot' . ' WHERE booking_schedule_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO booking_schedule' . ' (booking_schedule_id,title,pool_id,raster,rent_min,rent_max,auto_break,' . 'deadline,av_from,av_to)' . ' VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote($this->id, 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPoolId( ), 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRaster( ), 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMinRental( ), 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMaxRental( ), 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAutoBreak( ), 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($this->getDeadline( ), 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($av_from, 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($av_to, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
'UPDATE booking_schedule' . ' SET title = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ', pool_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPoolId( ), 'integer') . ', raster = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRaster( ), 'integer') . ', rent_min = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMinRental( ), 'integer') . ', rent_max = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMaxRental( ), 'integer') . ', auto_break = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAutoBreak( ), 'integer') . ', deadline = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getDeadline( ), 'integer') . ', av_from = ' . $ilDB->quote($av_from, 'integer') . ', av_to = ' . $ilDB->quote($av_to, 'integer') . ' WHERE booking_schedule_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM booking_schedule_slot' . ' WHERE booking_schedule_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT booking_schedule_id" . " FROM booking_schedule" . " WHERE pool_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_pool_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT s.booking_schedule_id,s.title,' . 'MAX(o.schedule_id) AS object_has_schedule' . ' FROM booking_schedule s' . ' LEFT JOIN booking_object o ON (s.booking_schedule_id = o.schedule_id)' . ' WHERE s.pool_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_pool_id, 'integer') . ' GROUP BY s.booking_schedule_id,s.title' . ' ORDER BY s.title' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM booking_schedule' . ' WHERE booking_schedule_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT booking_pool_id, pool_offline FROM booking_settings WHERE " . $ilDB->in("booking_pool_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM booking_settings' . ' WHERE booking_pool_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM booking_settings " . " WHERE reminder_status = %s " . " AND reminder_day > %s " . " AND pool_offline = %s " | 1 |
'DELETE FROM booking_settings' . ' WHERE booking_pool_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM booking_schedule' . ' WHERE pool_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT booking_object_id FROM booking_object' . ' WHERE pool_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM booking_reservation' . ' WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('object_id', $objects, '', 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM booking_object' . ' WHERE pool_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT pool_offline" . " FROM booking_settings" . " WHERE booking_pool_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT count(user_id) total" . " FROM booking_reservation" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in('object_id', $booking_pool_objects, false, 'integer') . " AND user_id = " . $a_user_id . " AND (status IS NULL OR status <> " . ilBookingReservation::STATUS_CANCELLED . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT bm.user_id user_id' . ' FROM booking_member bm' . ' WHERE bm.booking_pool_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($pool_id, 'integer') . ' AND bm.user_id NOT IN (' . 'SELECT user_id' . ' FROM booking_reservation' . ' WHERE object_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_object_id, 'integer') . ' AND (status IS NULL OR status <> ' . ilBookingReservation::STATUS_CANCELLED . '))' | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(*) cnt' . ' FROM booking_reservation r' . ' JOIN booking_object o ON (o.booking_object_id = r.object_id)' . ' WHERE (status IS NULL OR status <> ' . $ilDB->quote(self::STATUS_CANCELLED, 'integer') . ')' . ' AND r.object_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT user_id, status, date_from, date_to' . ' FROM booking_reservation' . ' WHERE ((date_from <= ' . $now . ' AND date_to >= ' . $now . ')' . ' OR date_from > ' . $now . ')' . ' AND (status <> ' . $ilDB->quote(self::STATUS_CANCELLED, 'integer') . ' OR STATUS IS NULL) AND object_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_object_id, 'integer') . ' ORDER BY date_from' | 1 |
'SELECT booking_reservation_id FROM booking_reservation' . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' AND object_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_object_id, 'integer') . ' AND (status <> ' . $ilDB->quote(self::STATUS_CANCELLED, 'integer') . ' OR STATUS IS NULL)' | 1 |
'SELECT r.*,o.title' . ' FROM booking_reservation r' . ' JOIN booking_object o ON (o.booking_object_id = r.object_id)' | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(*) AS counter' . ' FROM booking_reservation r' . ' JOIN booking_object o ON (o.booking_object_id = r.object_id)' | 1 |
"SELECT ud.usr_id,ud.lastname,ud.firstname,ud.login" . " FROM usr_data ud " . " LEFT JOIN booking_reservation r ON (r.user_id = ud.usr_id)" . " WHERE ud.usr_id <> " . $ilDB->quote(ANONYMOUS_USER_ID, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("r.object_id", $a_object_ids, "", "integer") . " ORDER BY ud.lastname,ud.firstname" | 1 |
'UPDATE booking_reservation' . ' SET status = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_status, 'integer') . ' WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('booking_reservation_id', $a_ids, '', 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT ce.cal_id FROM cal_entries ce" . " JOIN cal_cat_assignments cca ON ce.cal_id = cca.cal_id" . " JOIN cal_categories cc ON cca.cat_id = cc.cat_id" . " JOIN booking_reservation br ON ce.context_id = br.booking_reservation_id" . " WHERE cc.obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . " AND br.user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . " AND cc.type = " . $ilDB->quote(ilCalendarCategory::TYPE_BOOK, 'integer') . " AND ce.context_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT booking_reservation_id" . " FROM booking_reservation" . " WHERE object_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND date_from = " . $ilDB->quote($a_from, "integer") . " AND date_to = " . $ilDB->quote($a_to, "integer") . " AND (status IS NULL" . " OR status <> " . $ilDB->quote(self::STATUS_CANCELLED, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
'SELECT *' . ' FROM booking_reservation' . ' WHERE booking_reservation_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO booking_reservation' . ' (booking_reservation_id,user_id,assigner_id,object_id,context_obj_id,date_from,date_to,status,group_id)' . ' VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($user_id, 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($assigner_id, 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($object_id, 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($context_obj_id, 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($from, 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($to, 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($status, 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($group_id, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
'UPDATE booking_reservation' . ' SET object_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($object_id, 'text') . ', user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($user_id, 'integer') . ', assigner_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($assigner_id, 'integer') . ', date_from = ' . $ilDB->quote($from, 'integer') . ', date_to = ' . $ilDB->quote($to, 'integer') . ', status = ' . $ilDB->quote($status, 'integer') . ', group_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($group_id, 'integer') . ', context_obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($context_obj_id, 'integer') . ' WHERE booking_reservation_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM booking_reservation' . ' WHERE booking_reservation_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT count(*) cnt, object_id' . ' FROM booking_reservation' . ' WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('object_id', $ids, '', 'integer') . $date . ' AND (status IS NULL OR status <> ' . $ilDB->quote(ilBookingReservation::STATUS_CANCELLED, 'integer') . ')' . ' AND date_from <= ' . $to . ' AND date_to >= ' . $from . ' GROUP BY object_id' | 1 |
'SELECT r.*, o.title, o.pool_id' . ' FROM booking_reservation r' . ' JOIN booking_object o ON (o.booking_object_id = r.object_id)' | 1 |
'SELECT *' . ' FROM booking_object' . ' WHERE booking_object_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT *' . ' FROM booking_object' . ' WHERE pool_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_pool_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT count(*) as count' . ' FROM booking_object' . ' WHERE pool_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_pool_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT booking_object_id" . " FROM booking_object" . " WHERE pool_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_pool_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM booking_object' . ' WHERE booking_object_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT booking_object_id,nr_items" . " FROM booking_object" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("booking_object_id", $a_obj_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT pool_id FROM booking_object " . " WHERE booking_object_id = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT title FROM booking_object " . " WHERE booking_object_id = %s " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE " . " obj_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " " . " WHERE obj_id = %s " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " (question_fi, width, height, applet, params) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_a_mc WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY aorder ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT answer_id, aorder FROM qpl_a_mc WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_a_mc WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_a_mc (answer_id, question_fi, answertext, points, points_unchecked, aorder, imagefile, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
" SELECT SUM(points) points_for_checked_answers FROM qpl_a_mc WHERE question_fi = %s AND points > 0 " | 1 |
" UPDATE tst_test_question SET obligatory = 0 WHERE $test_question_id__IN__updateTestQuestionIds " | 1 |
"SELECT value1+1 as value1 FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_a_imagemap WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_a_imagemap (answer_id, question_fi, answertext, points, aorder, coords, area, points_unchecked) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " (question_fi, image_file, is_multiple_choice) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_a_imagemap WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY aorder ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT value1+1 as value1 FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND question_fi = %s AND step IS NULL" | 1 |
" SELECT qpl_questions.question_id FROM qpl_questions INNER JOIN object_data ON object_data.obj_id = qpl_questions.obj_fi AND $INtypes WHERE qpl_questions.owner = %s AND qpl_questions.tstamp = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_a_textsubset WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY aorder ASC" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " (question_fi, textgap_rating, correctanswers) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_a_textsubset WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_a_textsubset (answer_id, question_fi, answertext, points, aorder, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT value1 FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND question_fi = %s AND step = %s ORDER BY solution_id" | 1 |
"SELECT value1 FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND question_fi = %s ORDER BY solution_id" | 1 |
" DELETE FROM qpl_hint_tracking WHERE $__question_fi__IN__questionIds " | 1 |
" DELETE FROM qpl_hint_tracking WHERE $__active_fi__IN__activeIds " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = ? AND question_fi = ? AND pass = ?" | 1 |
" SELECT pass, points, value1, value2 FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = ? AND question_fi = ? AND pass < ? ORDER BY pass DESC " | 1 |
" INSERT INTO tst_solutions ( solution_id, active_fi, question_fi, pass, tstamp, points, value1, value2 ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = ? AND question_fi = ? AND pass = ?" | 1 |
" SELECT points, manual, hint_count, hint_points, answered FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = ? AND question_fi = ? AND pass = ? " | 1 |
" INSERT INTO tst_test_result ( test_result_id, active_fi, question_fi, pass, tstamp, points, manual, hint_count, hint_points, answered ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM {$this->getAnswerTableName( )} WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY position ASC" | 1 |
'SELECT factor FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_unit WHERE unit_id = %s' | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM qpl_qst_skl_sol_expr WHERE question_fi = %s AND skill_base_fi = %s AND skill_tref_fi = %s " | 1 |
" DELETE FROM qpl_qst_skl_sol_expr WHERE question_fi = %s AND skill_base_fi = %s AND skill_tref_fi = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_questions WHERE obj_fi = %s AND title = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_questions.*, qpl_qst_type.type_tag FROM qpl_qst_type, qpl_questions WHERE qpl_questions.question_id = %s AND qpl_questions.question_type_fi = qpl_qst_type.question_type_id" | 1 |
"SELECT suggested_solution_id FROM qpl_sol_sug WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_sol_sug WHERE question_fi = %s AND subquestion_index = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
" DELETE FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_result_cache WHERE active_fi = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND step = %s AND authorized = %s ORDER BY solution_id" | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND authorized = %s ORDER BY solution_id " | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(qpl_questions.question_id) question_count FROM qpl_questions, tst_test_question WHERE qpl_questions.original_id = %s AND qpl_questions.question_id = tst_test_question.question_fi" | 1 |
" SELECT tst_active.test_fi FROM qpl_questions INNER JOIN tst_test_rnd_qst ON tst_test_rnd_qst.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_active.active_id = tst_test_rnd_qst.active_fi WHERE qpl_questions.original_id = %s GROUP BY tst_active.test_fi" | 1 |
"SELECT original_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_qst_type.type_tag FROM qpl_qst_type, qpl_questions WHERE qpl_questions.question_id = %s AND qpl_questions.question_type_fi = qpl_qst_type.question_type_id" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_test_question WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT title FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT title FROM qpl_questions WHERE qpl_questions.question_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT external_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questions SET tstamp = %s, original_id = %s WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questions SET tstamp = %s, original_id = NULL WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_sol_sug WHERE question_fi = %s AND subquestion_index = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_sol_sug SET internal_link = %s WHERE suggested_solution_id = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(dupl.question_id) cnt FROM qpl_questions dupl INNER JOIN qpl_questions orig ON orig.question_id = dupl.original_id WHERE dupl.question_id = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT question_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT question_id FROM qpl_questions INNER JOIN object_data ON obj_fi = obj_id WHERE question_id = %s AND type = 'qpl'" | 1 |
"SELECT test_random_question_id FROM tst_test_rnd_qst WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT solution_id FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(question_fi) FROM tst_test_result JOIN tst_active " . "ON (active_id = active_fi) " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('question_fi', $a_question_ids, false, 'integer') . " AND user_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT points FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_test_result SET points = %s, manual = %s, tstamp = %s WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT question_type_id FROM qpl_qst_type WHERE type_tag = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_hints WHERE qht_question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_hints WHERE qht_question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT question_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE original_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_tests.obj_fi FROM tst_tests, tst_test_question WHERE tst_test_question.question_fi = %s AND tst_test_question.test_fi = tst_tests.test_id" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_tests.obj_fi FROM tst_tests, tst_test_rnd_qst, tst_active WHERE tst_test_rnd_qst.active_fi = tst_active.active_id AND tst_test_rnd_qst.question_fi = %s AND tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi" | 1 |
"SELECT question_fi FROM tst_test_question WHERE question_fi = %s AND test_fi = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT qpl_questions.*, {$this->getAdditionalTableName( )}.* FROM qpl_questions LEFT JOIN {$this->getAdditionalTableName( )} ON {$this->getAdditionalTableName( )}.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id WHERE qpl_questions.question_id = %s " | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND step = %s AND authorized = %s " | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND authorized = %s " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_solutions WHERE solution_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_solutions WHERE solution_id = %s" | 1 |
" DELETE FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND step = %s AND authorized = %s " | 1 |
" DELETE FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND authorized = %s " | 1 |
" DELETE FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND authorized = %s AND $valuesCondition " | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(step) max_step FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND question_fi = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT authorized, COUNT(*) cnt FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tst_solutions WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
" DELETE FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s " | 1 |
" DELETE FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s " | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND $IN_questionIds " | 1 |
" SELECT question_fi FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND $IN_questionIds " | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s " | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questions SET tstamp = %s WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT user_fi FROM tst_active ' . PHP_EOL . 'JOIN tst_test_question ON tst_test_question.test_fi = tst_active.test_fi ' . PHP_EOL . 'JOIN qpl_questions ON qpl_questions.question_id = tst_test_question.question_fi ' . PHP_EOL . 'WHERE qpl_questions.obj_fi = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
" SELECT obj_fi, question_fi, skill_base_fi, skill_tref_fi, skill_points, eval_mode FROM qpl_qst_skl_assigns WHERE {$this->getWhereConditions( )} " | 1 |
" SELECT tst_solutions.solution_id, tst_solutions.pass, tst_solutions.active_fi, tst_solutions.question_fi, tst_solutions.value1, tst_solutions.value2, tst_solutions.tstamp FROM tst_solutions, tst_active, qpl_questions WHERE tst_solutions.active_fi = tst_active.active_id AND tst_solutions.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id AND tst_solutions.question_fi = %s AND tst_active.test_fi = %s ORDER BY tst_solutions.active_fi, tst_solutions.tstamp " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_num_range WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY aorder ASC" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " (question_fi, maxnumofchars) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_num_range WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_num_range (range_id, question_fi, lowerlimit, upperlimit, points, aorder, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_a_sc WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY aorder ASC" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " (question_fi, shuffle, allow_images, thumb_size) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT answer_id, aorder FROM qpl_a_sc WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_a_sc WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_a_sc (answer_id, question_fi, answertext, points, aorder, imagefile, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND question_fi = %s AND step = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND question_fi = %s" | 1 |
" DELETE FROM qpl_hints WHERE qht_hint_id = %s " | 1 |
' SELECT result_type FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_res WHERE question_fi = %s AND result = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_res_unit WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY result' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_a_errortext WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_a_errortext (answer_id, question_fi, text_wrong, text_correct, points, sequence) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " (question_fi, errortext, textsize, points_wrong) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_a_errortext WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY sequence ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT value1+1 as value1 FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND question_fi = %s AND step = ( SELECT MAX(step) FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND question_fi = %s )" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " (question_fi, ordering_type, thumb_geometry, element_height) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT value1, value2 FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND question_fi = %s AND step = %s ORDER BY value1 ASC " | 1 |
"SELECT value1, value2 FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND question_fi = %s ORDER BY value1 ASC " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " (question_fi, ordertext, textsize) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
" DELETE FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_var WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_qpl_qst_fq_res_unit (result_unit_id, question_fi, result, unit_fi) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_questions.* FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_var WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_res WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_res_unit WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT solution_id FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND question_fi = %s AND authorized = %s AND " . $ilDB->like('value1', 'clob', $matches[1]) | 1 |
"SELECT solution_id FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND question_fi = %s AND authorized = %s AND " . $ilDB->like('value1', 'clob', $matches[1] . "_unit") | 1 |
" SELECT authorized, COUNT(*) cnt FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($activeId, 'integer') . " AND question_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " AND pass = " . $ilDB->quote($pass, 'integer') . " AND value1 like '\$r%' AND value2 is not null AND value2 <> '' " | 1 |
" DELETE FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($activeId, 'integer') . " AND question_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " AND pass = " . $ilDB->quote($pass, 'integer') . " AND value1 like '\$r%' " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_var WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_unit WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " (question_fi, image_file, params) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat WHERE category_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT category FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat WHERE category_id = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_unit WHERE category_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT unit_fi FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_res_unit WHERE unit_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT unit_fi FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_var WHERE unit_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT unit_fi FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_res WHERE unit_fi = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT unit_id FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_unit WHERE category_fi = %s' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_unit WHERE unit_id = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT units.*, il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat.category, baseunits.unit baseunit_title FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_unit units INNER JOIN il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat ON il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat.category_id = units.category_fi LEFT JOIN il_qpl_qst_fq_unit baseunits ON baseunits.unit_id = units.baseunit_fi ORDER BY il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat.category, units.sequence" | 1 |
" SELECT units.*, baseunits.unit baseunit_title FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_unit units INNER JOIN il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat ON il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat.category_id = units.category_fi LEFT JOIN il_qpl_qst_fq_unit baseunits ON baseunits.unit_id = units.baseunit_fi WHERE il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat.category_id = %s ORDER BY units.sequence" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat WHERE question_fi > %s ORDER BY category" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY category" | 1 |
' UPDATE il_qpl_qst_fq_unit SET sequence = %s WHERE unit_id = %s AND question_fi = %s ' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_var WHERE unit_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_res WHERE unit_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_unit WHERE baseunit_fi = %s AND category_fi != %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_unit WHERE baseunit_fi = %s AND unit_id != %s" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat WHERE category_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat WHERE category = %s AND question_fi = %s AND category_id != %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat SET category = %s WHERE question_fi = %s AND category_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT category FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat WHERE category = %s AND question_fi = %s' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat (category_id, category, question_fi) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat WHERE question_fi = %s OR question_fi = %s ORDER BY category" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat WHERE category_id = %s' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO il_qpl_qst_fq_unit (unit_id, unit, factor, baseunit_fi, category_fi, sequence, question_fi) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
'SELECT unit_id FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_unit WHERE unit_id = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE il_qpl_qst_fq_unit SET unit = %s, factor = %s, baseunit_fi = %s, category_fi = %s, sequence = %s WHERE unit_id = %s AND question_fi = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_ucat WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
" DELETE FROM qpl_hints WHERE $__qht_question_fi__IN__questionIds " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " (question_fi, long_menu_text, feedback_setting, min_auto_complete, identical_scoring) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM {$this->getAnswerTableName( )} WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY gap_number, position ASC" | 1 |
'SELECT gap_number, answer_text FROM ' . $this->getAnswerTableName( ) . ' WHERE question_fi = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT answer_text FROM ' . $this->getAnswerTableName( ) . ' WHERE question_fi = %s AND gap_number = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT points FROM ' . $this->getAnswerTableName( ) . ' WHERE question_fi = %s AND gap_number = %s GROUP BY gap_number, points' | 1 |
" SELECT authorized, COUNT(*) cnt FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($activeId, 'integer') . " AND question_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " AND pass = " . $ilDB->quote($pass, 'integer') . " AND value2 <> '-1' " | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . $this->getAnswerTableName( ) . ' WHERE question_fi = %s' | 1 |
" SELECT obj_fi, question_fi, skill_base_fi, skill_tref_fi, skill_points, eval_mode FROM qpl_qst_skl_assigns WHERE obj_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND skill_base_fi = %s AND skill_tref_fi = %s " | 1 |
" DELETE FROM qpl_qst_skl_assigns WHERE obj_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND skill_base_fi = %s AND skill_tref_fi = %s " | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM qpl_qst_skl_assigns WHERE obj_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND skill_base_fi = %s AND skill_tref_fi = %s " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_a_mterm WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_a_mdef WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_a_matching WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_a_matching (answer_id, question_fi, points, term_fi, definition_fi) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_a_mterm WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY term_id ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_a_mdef WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY def_id ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_a_matching WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY answer_id" | 1 |
"SELECT ident FROM qpl_a_mdef WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY def_id" | 1 |
"SELECT ident FROM qpl_a_mterm WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY term_id" | 1 |
' SELECT combinations.combination_id, combinations.gap_fi, combinations.answer, combinations.row_id, combinations.points, combinations.best_solution, combinations.question_fi, cloze.cloze_type FROM qpl_a_cloze_combi_res AS combinations INNER JOIN qpl_a_cloze AS cloze WHERE combinations.question_fi = cloze.question_fi AND combinations.gap_fi = cloze.gap_id AND combinations.question_fi = %s ORDER BY combination_id, row_id, gap_fi ASC ' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM qpl_a_cloze_combi_res WHERE question_fi = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM qpl_a_cloze_combi_res WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY gap_fi ASC' | 1 |
'SELECT gap_fi, combination_id FROM ' . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier('qpl_a_cloze_combi_res') . ' WHERE question_fi = %s GROUP BY gap_fi, combination_id' | 1 |
'SELECT combination_id, points FROM qpl_a_cloze_combi_res WHERE question_fi = %s AND best_solution=1 GROUP BY combination_id, points' | 1 |
'SELECT combination_id, points FROM qpl_a_cloze_combi_res WHERE question_fi = %s AND combination_id = %s AND best_solution=1 GROUP BY combination_id, points' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM qpl_a_cloze_combi_res WHERE question_fi = %s AND best_solution=1 ORDER BY gap_fi' | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_test_result SET points = %s WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_a_essay (answer_id, question_fi, answertext, points) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_a_essay (answer_id, question_fi, answertext, points) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
' SELECT count(solution_id) cnt FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = ' . $this->db->quote($active_id, 'int') . ' AND question_fi = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'int') . ' AND authorized = ' . $this->db->quote(0, 'int') | 1 |
' SELECT value1 FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = ' . $this->db->quote($active_id, 'int') . ' AND question_fi = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'int') . ' AND authorized = ' . $this->db->quote(0, 'int') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " (question_fi, maxsize, allowedextensions, compl_by_submission) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND authorized = %s AND value1 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY tstamp" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_solutions WHERE solution_id = %s AND authorized = %s" | 1 |
" SELECT tst_solutions.solution_id FROM tst_solutions, tst_active, qpl_questions WHERE tst_solutions.active_fi = tst_active.active_id AND tst_solutions.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id AND tst_solutions.question_fi = %s AND tst_active.test_fi = %s AND tst_solutions.value1 is not null" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_a_cloze WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY gap_id, aorder ASC" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_a_cloze WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_a_cloze (answer_id, question_fi, gap_id, answertext, points, aorder, cloze_type, gap_size) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_a_cloze (answer_id, question_fi, gap_id, answertext, points, aorder, cloze_type, shuffle) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_a_cloze (answer_id, question_fi, gap_id, answertext, points, aorder, cloze_type, lowerlimit, upperlimit, gap_size) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
" SELECT sol.value1+1 as val, sol.value2, cloze.cloze_type FROM tst_solutions sol INNER JOIN qpl_a_cloze cloze ON cloze.gap_id = value1 AND cloze.question_fi = sol.question_fi WHERE sol.active_fi = %s AND sol.pass = %s AND sol.question_fi = %s AND sol.step = %s GROUP BY sol.solution_id, sol.value1+1, sol.value2, cloze.cloze_type " | 1 |
" SELECT sol.value1+1 as val, sol.value2, cloze.cloze_type FROM tst_solutions sol INNER JOIN qpl_a_cloze cloze ON cloze.gap_id = value1 AND cloze.question_fi = sol.question_fi WHERE sol.active_fi = %s AND sol.pass = %s AND sol.question_fi = %s GROUP BY sol.solution_id, sol.value1+1, sol.value2, cloze.cloze_type " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_questionpool WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_qst_type.type_tag FROM qpl_questions, qpl_qst_type WHERE qpl_questions.question_type_fi = qpl_qst_type.question_type_id AND qpl_questions.question_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(solution_id) solution_count FROM tst_solutions WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_questions.*, qpl_qst_type.type_tag, qpl_qst_type.plugin, qpl_questions.tstamp updated FROM qpl_questions, qpl_qst_type WHERE qpl_questions.original_id IS NULL AND qpl_questions.tstamp > 0 AND qpl_questions.question_type_fi = qpl_qst_type.question_type_id AND qpl_questions.obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT question_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE obj_fi = %s AND qpl_questions.tstamp > 0 AND original_id IS NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT question_id, qpl_qst_type.type_tag, qpl_qst_type.plugin FROM qpl_questions, qpl_qst_type WHERE original_id IS NULL AND qpl_questions.tstamp > 0 AND obj_fi = %s AND complete = %s AND qpl_questions.question_type_fi = qpl_qst_type.question_type_id" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(question_id) question_count FROM qpl_questions WHERE obj_fi = %s AND qpl_questions.tstamp > 0 AND original_id IS NULL AND complete = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(question_id) question_count FROM qpl_questions WHERE obj_fi = %s AND qpl_questions.tstamp > 0 AND original_id IS NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_questionpool.isonline FROM qpl_questionpool,object_reference WHERE object_reference.ref_id = %s AND object_reference.obj_id = qpl_questionpool.obj_fi" | 1 |
"SELECT isonline FROM qpl_questionpool WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT count(DISTINCT qpl_questions.points) equal_points FROM qpl_questions, object_reference WHERE object_reference.ref_id = %s AND qpl_questions.tstamp > 0 AND object_reference.obj_id = qpl_questions.obj_fi AND qpl_questions.original_id IS NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT count(DISTINCT points) equal_points FROM qpl_questions WHERE obj_fi = %s AND qpl_questions.tstamp > 0 AND qpl_questions.original_id IS NULL" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questions SET obj_fi = %s WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_solutions SET question_fi = %s WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_test_rnd_qst SET question_fi = %s WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_test_result SET question_fi = %s WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE ass_log SET question_fi = %s WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_questionpool.*, object_data.title FROM qpl_questionpool, object_data WHERE " . "qpl_questionpool.obj_fi = object_data.obj_id AND $in ORDER BY object_data.title" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_questionpool.*, object_data.title FROM qpl_questionpool, object_data WHERE " . "qpl_questionpool.obj_fi = object_data.obj_id AND $in AND qpl_questionpool.isonline = %s " . "ORDER BY object_data.title" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_questions.question_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE qpl_questions.original_id IS NULL AND qpl_questions.tstamp > 0 AND qpl_questions.obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT type_tag FROM qpl_qst_type WHERE question_type_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT qpl_questions.*, qpl_qst_type.* FROM qpl_questions, qpl_qst_type WHERE qpl_questions.original_id IS NULL AND qpl_questions.obj_fi = %s AND qpl_questions.tstamp > 0 AND qpl_questions.question_type_fi = qpl_qst_type.question_type_id" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questionpool SET questioncount = %s, tstamp = %s WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM {$this->getGenericFeedbackTableName( )} WHERE question_fi = %s AND correctness = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT answer FROM {$this->getSpecificFeedbackTableName( )} WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT feedback_id FROM {$this->getGenericFeedbackTableName( )} WHERE question_fi = %s AND correctness = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(feedback_id) cnt FROM {$this->getGenericFeedbackTableName( )} WHERE question_fi = %s AND feedback_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT feedback_setting FROM {$this->getSpecificQuestionTableName( )} WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT feedback_id, question, answer FROM {$this->getSpecificFeedbackTableName( )} WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT feedback_mode FROM {$this->questionOBJ->getAdditionalTableName( )} WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM {$this->getSpecificFeedbackTableName( )} WHERE {$IN_feedbackIds}" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM {$this->getSpecificFeedbackTableName( )} WHERE question_fi = %s AND question = %s AND answer = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT feedback FROM {$this->getSpecificFeedbackTableName( )} WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT feedback_id FROM {$this->getSpecificFeedbackTableName( )} WHERE question_fi = %s AND question = %s AND answer = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT feedback_id, feedback FROM {$this->getSpecificFeedbackTableName( )} WHERE " . $this->db->in('feedback_id', $feedback_ids, false, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(feedback_id) cnt FROM {$this->getSpecificFeedbackTableName( )} WHERE question_fi = %s AND feedback_id = %s" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TABLE_NAME_ANSWERS . PHP_EOL . 'WHERE question_fi = ' . $question_id | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id id, title, description url " . " FROM object_data " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_external_feed_block (" . " id" . ", feed_url" . " ) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getFeedUrl( ), "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_external_feed_block WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_external_feed_block SET " . " feed_url = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getFeedUrl( ), "text") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_external_feed_block" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT,od.title,od.description," . "pl.question,pl.image,pl.view_results" . " FROM il_poll pl" . " JOIN object_data od ON (od.obj_id =" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("", $a_ids, false, "integer") . " AND od.type = " . $ilDB->quote("poll", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT,od.title,od.description" . ",pl.question,pl.image,pl.view_results,pl.show_results_as" . ",pl.max_answers,pl.result_sort,pl.non_anon,pl.period,pl.period_begin,pl.period_end" . " FROM il_poll pl" . " JOIN object_data od ON (od.obj_id =" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("", $a_ids, false, "integer") . " AND od.type = " . $ilDB->quote("poll", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT id,poll_id,answer,pos" . " FROM il_poll_answer WHERE " . $ilDB->in("poll_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_poll" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_poll" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_poll_answer" . " WHERE poll_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " ORDER BY pos ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_poll_answer" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT max(pos) pos" . " FROM il_poll_answer" . " WHERE poll_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_poll_vote" . " WHERE answer_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_poll_answer" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_poll_answer" . " WHERE poll_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_poll_vote" . " WHERE poll_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT user_id" . " FROM il_poll_vote" . " WHERE poll_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(user_id)) cnt" . " FROM il_poll_vote" . " WHERE poll_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT answer_id, count(*) cnt" . " FROM il_poll_vote" . " WHERE poll_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " GROUP BY answer_id" | 1 |
"SELECT answer_id, user_id, firstname, lastname, login" . " FROM il_poll_vote" . " JOIN usr_data ON (usr_data.usr_id = il_poll_vote.user_id)" . " WHERE poll_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_poll" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
'UPDATE sahs_user SET total_time_sec = %s, last_visited = %s, hash_end =%s, last_access = %s WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE sahs_user SET last_visited = %s, hash_end =%s, last_access = %s WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT cmi_node_id FROM cmi_node WHERE cp_node_id = %s and user_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_comment WHERE cmi_node_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_correct_response WHERE cmi_interaction_id IN ( SELECT cmi_interaction.cmi_interaction_id FROM cmi_interaction WHERE cmi_interaction.cmi_node_id = %s)' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_interaction WHERE cmi_node_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_objective WHERE cmi_node_id = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE sahs_user SET sco_total_time_sec=%s, status=%s, percentage_completed=%s WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT user_id FROM cmi_gobjective WHERE objective_id =%s AND user_id = %s AND scope_id = %s' | 1 |
' INSERT INTO cmi_gobjective (user_id, status, scope_id, measure, satisfied, objective_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
' UPDATE cmi_gobjective SET status = %s, measure = %s, satisfied = %s WHERE objective_id = %s AND user_id = %s AND scope_id = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT global_to_system FROM cp_package WHERE obj_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT objective_id FROM cmi_gobjective WHERE user_id = %s AND scope_id = %s AND objective_id IN ($existing_key_template)" | 1 |
"UPDATE cmi_gobjective SET satisfied=%s, measure=%s, score_raw=%s, score_min=%s, score_max=%s, completion_status=%s, progress_measure=%s WHERE objective_id = %s AND user_id = %s AND scope_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cmi_gobjective (user_id, satisfied, measure, scope_id, status, objective_id, score_raw, score_min, score_max, progress_measure, completion_status) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
' SELECT MAX(c_timestamp) last_access FROM cmi_node, cp_node WHERE cmi_node.cp_node_id = cp_node.cp_node_id AND cp_node.slm_id = %s AND user_id = %s GROUP BY c_timestamp' | 1 |
' SELECT DISTINCT cmi_node.cp_node_id id FROM cp_node, cmi_node WHERE slm_id = %s AND cp_node.cp_node_id = cmi_node.cp_node_id ORDER BY cmi_node.cp_node_id ' | 1 |
' SELECT c_timestamp last_access, total_time, success_status, completion_status, c_raw, scaled, cp_node_id FROM cmi_node WHERE cp_node_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT package_attempts FROM sahs_user WHERE user_id = %s AND obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT module_version FROM sahs_user WHERE user_id = %s AND obj_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT completion_status, success_status, user_id FROM cmi_node WHERE cp_node_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO cmi_node (cp_node_id,user_id,completion_status,c_timestamp,cmi_node_id) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)' | 1 |
' SELECT distinct(cp_node.cp_node_id) FROM cp_node,cp_resource,cp_item WHERE cp_item.cp_node_id = cp_node.cp_node_id AND cp_item.resourceid = AND scormtype = %s AND nodename = %s AND cp_node.slm_id = %s ' | 1 |
' SELECT cp_node.cp_node_id FROM cp_node,cp_resource,cp_item WHERE cp_item.cp_node_id = cp_node.cp_node_id AND cp_item.resourceid = AND scormtype = %s AND nodename = %s AND cp_node.slm_id = %s ' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM cmi_node WHERE (user_id= %s AND cp_node_id= %s AND (completion_status=%s OR success_status=%s))' | 1 |
' SELECT cp_node.cp_node_id FROM cp_node,cp_resource,cp_item WHERE cp_item.cp_node_id = cp_node.cp_node_id AND cp_item.resourceid = AND scormtype = %s AND nodename = %s AND cp_node.slm_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM cmi_node WHERE (user_id= %s AND cp_node_id= %s AND (completion_status = %s OR success_status = %s))' | 1 |
"SELECT cp_node.cp_node_id FROM cp_node,cp_resource,cp_item WHERE" . " cp_item.cp_node_id=cp_node.cp_node_id AND cp_item.resourceId = AND scormType='sco' AND nodeName='item' AND cp_node.slm_id = %s GROUP BY cp_node.cp_node_id" | 1 |
"SELECT scaled FROM cmi_node WHERE (user_id = %s AND cp_node_id = %s)" | 1 |
' SELECT cp_item.* FROM cp_node, cp_item WHERE slm_id = %s AND cp_node.cp_node_id = cp_item.cp_node_id ORDER BY cp_node.cp_node_id ' | 1 |
' SELECT cp_resource.* FROM cp_node, cp_resource WHERE slm_id = %s AND cp_node.cp_node_id = cp_resource.cp_node_id AND = %s ' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM cp_item WHERE cp_node_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT cp_node.cp_node_id ' . 'FROM cp_node, cp_resource, cp_item ' . 'WHERE cp_item.cp_node_id = cp_node.cp_node_id ' . 'AND cp_item.resourceId = ' . 'AND scormType = ' . $ilDB->quote('sco', 'text') . ' ' . 'AND nodeName = ' . $ilDB->quote('item', 'text') . ' ' . 'AND cp_node.slm_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'GROUP BY cp_node.cp_node_id' | 1 |
'SELECT c_max FROM cmi_node WHERE (user_id = %s AND cp_node_id = %s)' | 1 |
"SELECT c_raw, c_max, scaled FROM cmi_node WHERE (user_id = %s AND cp_node_id = %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT content FROM page_layout WHERE layout_id=" . $ilDB->quote($this->layout_id) | 1 |
'SELECT title FROM page_layout WHERE layout_id = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_layout WHERE (active=1) ORDER BY title " | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM cp_package WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT xmldata FROM cp_package WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM cp_package WHERE obj_id = %s AND c_identifier = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE cp_package ' . 'SET persistprevattempts = %s, c_settings = %s ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s AND c_identifier= %s' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO cp_package (obj_id, c_identifier, persistprevattempts, c_settings) ' . 'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO cp_node (cp_node_id, slm_id, nodename) ' . 'VALUES (%s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO cp_tree (child, depth, lft, obj_id, parent, rgt) ' . 'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
'UPDATE cp_tree SET rgt = %s WHERE child = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT cp_node.cp_node_id FROM cp_node WHERE cp_node.slm_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . strtolower($t) . ' WHERE ' . $in | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cp_tree WHERE cp_tree.obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cp_node WHERE cp_node.slm_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cp_package WHERE cp_package.obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT cp_item.cp_node_id, cp_item.title ' . 'FROM cp_item, cmi_node, cp_node ' . 'WHERE cp_node.slm_id = %s ' . 'AND cp_item.cp_node_id = cmi_node.cp_node_id ' . 'AND cp_node.cp_node_id = cmi_node.cp_node_id ' . 'GROUP BY cp_item.cp_node_id, cp_item.title' | 1 |
'SELECT cmi_node.user_id, cmi_node.cp_node_id, cmi_interaction.cmi_interaction_id,, cmi_interaction.description, cmi_interaction.weighting, cmi_interaction.c_type, cmi_interaction.result, cmi_interaction.latency, cmi_interaction.c_timestamp, cmi_interaction.learner_response, cmi_interaction.cmi_interaction_id, cmi_interaction.cmi_node_id FROM cmi_interaction, cmi_node WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cp_node_id', $a_sco, false, 'integer') . ' AND ' . $ilDB->in('cmi_node.user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' AND cmi_node.cmi_node_id = cmi_interaction.cmi_node_id ORDER BY ' | 1 |
'SELECT cmi_node.user_id, cmi_node.cp_node_id, cmi_objective.cmi_objective_id,, cmi_objective.description, cmi_objective.completion_status, cmi_objective.progress_measure, cmi_objective.success_status, cmi_objective.scaled, cmi_objective.c_max, cmi_objective.c_min, cmi_objective.c_raw, cmi_objective.scope FROM cmi_objective, cmi_node WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cp_node_id', $a_sco, false, 'integer') . ' AND ' . $ilDB->in('cmi_node.user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' AND cmi_node.cmi_node_id = cmi_objective.cmi_node_id AND cmi_interaction_id is null ORDER BY ' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id, scope_id, status, satisfied, measure, score_raw as c_raw, score_min as c_min, score_max as c_max, completion_status, progress_measure FROM cmi_gobjective WHERE scope_id = %s AND ' . $ilDB->in('user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' ORDER BY user_id, scope_id' | 1 |
'SELECT cmi_node.cp_node_id,, count(*) as counter FROM cmi_interaction, cmi_node WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cp_node_id', $a_sco, false, 'integer') . ' AND ' . $ilDB->in('cmi_node.user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' AND cmi_node.cmi_node_id = cmi_interaction.cmi_node_id AND cmi_interaction.result = %s GROUP BY cmi_node.cp_node_id,' | 1 |
'SELECT cmi_node.cp_node_id,, cmi_interaction.description, count(*) as counter_all FROM cmi_interaction, cmi_node WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cp_node_id', $a_sco, false, 'integer') . ' AND ' . $ilDB->in('cmi_node.user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' AND cmi_node.cmi_node_id = cmi_interaction.cmi_node_id GROUP BY cmi_node.cp_node_id,,cmi_interaction.description' | 1 |
'SELECT cmi_node.user_id, cmi_node.cp_node_id, count(*) as counter FROM cmi_interaction, cmi_node WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cp_node_id', $a_sco, false, 'integer') . ' AND ' . $ilDB->in('cmi_node.user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' AND cmi_node.cmi_node_id = cmi_interaction.cmi_node_id AND cmi_interaction.result = %s GROUP BY cmi_node.user_id,cmi_node.cp_node_id' | 1 |
'SELECT cmi_node.user_id, cmi_node.cp_node_id, count(*) as counter FROM cmi_interaction, cmi_node WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cp_node_id', $a_sco, false, 'integer') . ' AND ' . $ilDB->in('cmi_node.user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' AND cmi_node.cmi_node_id = cmi_interaction.cmi_node_id AND cmi_interaction.result <> %s AND cmi_interaction.result <> %s GROUP BY cmi_node.user_id,cmi_node.cp_node_id' | 1 |
'SELECT cmi_node.cp_node_id, cmi_interaction.cmi_interaction_id,, cmi_interaction.description FROM cmi_interaction, cmi_node WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cp_node_id', $a_sco, false, 'integer') . ' AND ' . $ilDB->in('cmi_node.user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' AND cmi_node.cmi_node_id = cmi_interaction.cmi_node_id ORDER BY ' | 1 |
'SELECT cmi_node.user_id, cmi_node.cp_node_id, cmi_interaction.cmi_interaction_id,, cmi_interaction.result, cmi_interaction.description FROM cmi_interaction, cmi_node WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cp_node_id', $a_sco, false, 'integer') . ' AND ' . $ilDB->in('cmi_node.user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' AND cmi_node.cmi_node_id = cmi_interaction.cmi_node_id ORDER BY ' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id, cp_node_id ' . 'FROM cmi_node ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cp_node_id', $a_sco, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY ' | 1 |
'SELECT count(distinct(cp_node.cp_node_id)) counter ' . 'FROM cp_node, cp_resource, cp_item ' . 'WHERE cp_item.cp_node_id = cp_node.cp_node_id ' . 'AND cp_item.resourceid = AND scormtype = %s ' . 'AND nodename = %s AND cp_node.slm_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id, count(*) counter ' . 'FROM cmi_node, cp_node ' . 'WHERE cmi_node.cp_node_id = cp_node.cp_node_id ' . 'AND cp_node.slm_id = %s ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'GROUP BY user_id' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id, count(*) counter ' . 'FROM cmi_node, cp_node ' . 'WHERE cmi_node.cp_node_id = cp_node.cp_node_id ' . 'AND cp_node.slm_id = %s ' . "AND cmi_node.completion_status = 'completed' " . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'GROUP BY user_id' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id, count(*) counter ' . 'FROM cmi_node, cp_node ' . 'WHERE cmi_node.cp_node_id = cp_node.cp_node_id ' . 'AND cp_node.slm_id = %s ' . "AND cmi_node.success_status = 'passed' " . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'GROUP BY user_id' | 1 |
' SELECT cmi_node.user_id user_id, COUNT(user_id) completed FROM cp_node, cmi_node WHERE ' . $in . $omit_failed . ' AND cp_node.cp_node_id = cmi_node.cp_node_id AND cp_node.slm_id = %s AND completion_status = %s GROUP BY cmi_node.user_id' | 1 |
' SELECT user_id, status, satisfied FROM cmi_gobjective WHERE objective_id = %s AND scope_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT status, satisfied FROM cmi_gobjective WHERE objective_id = %s AND scope_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM cmi_gobjective WHERE objective_id = %s AND scope_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT cp_node.cp_node_id id, cmi_node.user_id user_id, cmi_node.completion_status completion, cmi_node.success_status success FROM cp_node, cmi_node WHERE ' . $in . ' AND cp_node.cp_node_id = cmi_node.cp_node_id AND cp_node.slm_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT time_from_lms FROM sahs_lm WHERE id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT package_attempts, sco_total_time_sec, total_time_sec FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT total_time FROM cmi_node WHERE cp_node_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE sahs_user SET sco_total_time_sec=%s WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_tree_node WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_sc13_tree_node SET " . " title = " . $ilDB->quote($a_title, "text") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_sc13_tree_node " . "SET " . "import_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_import_id, "text") . "," . "last_update = " . $ilDB->now( ) . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO sahs_sc13_tree_node (obj_id, title, type, slm_id, import_id, create_date) " . "VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getType( ), "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSLMId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getImportId( ), "text") . ", " . $ilDB->now( ) . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_sc13_tree_node SET " . " slm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSLMId( ), "integer") . " ,title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM sahs_sc13_tree_node WHERE obj_id= " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_tree_node WHERE import_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_import_id, "text") . " " . " ORDER BY create_date DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_tree_node " . "WHERE slm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_slm_object->getId( ), "integer") . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_tree_node WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") . "" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO sahs_sc13_sco " . "(id, hide_obj_page) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getHideObjectivePage( ), "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_sco WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_sc13_sco SET " . " hide_obj_page = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getHideObjectivePage( ), "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM sahs_sc13_sco WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT activitytree FROM cp_package WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT data FROM cp_suspend WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cp_suspend WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM cp_suspend WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT objective_id, scope_id, satisfied, measure, user_id, score_min, score_max, score_raw, completion_status, progress_measure ' . 'FROM cmi_gobjective, cp_node, cp_mapinfo ' . 'WHERE (cmi_gobjective.objective_id <> %s AND cmi_gobjective.status IS NULL ' . 'AND cp_node.slm_id = %s AND cp_node.nodename = %s ' . 'AND cp_node.cp_node_id = cp_mapinfo.cp_node_id ' . 'AND cmi_gobjective.objective_id = cp_mapinfo.targetobjectiveid) ' . 'GROUP BY objective_id, scope_id, satisfied, measure, user_id, score_min, score_max, score_raw, completion_status, progress_measure' | 1 |
'SELECT target_id, read_shared_data, write_shared_data ' . 'FROM cp_datamap ' . 'WHERE slm_id = %s ' . 'AND sco_node_id = %s ' . 'GROUP BY target_id, read_shared_data, write_shared_data' | 1 |
'SELECT target_id, store ' . 'FROM adl_shared_data ' . 'WHERE user_id = %s ' . 'AND slm_id = %s ' . 'AND target_id IN (' . $paramTemplate . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT dm.target_id, ' . 'FROM cp_datamap dm ' . 'LEFT JOIN adl_shared_data sd ' . 'ON(dm.slm_id = sd.slm_id AND dm.target_id = sd.target_id) ' . 'WHERE sco_node_id = %s ' . 'AND dm.slm_id = %s ' . 'AND write_shared_data = 1 ' . 'AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE adl_shared_data ' . 'SET store = %s ' . 'WHERE user_id = %s ' . 'AND target_id = %s ' . 'AND slm_id = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT write_shared_data, cp_node_id ' . 'FROM cp_datamap ' . 'WHERE target_id = %s ' . 'AND slm_id = %s ' . 'AND sco_node_id = %s' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO adl_shared_data (slm_id, user_id, target_id, store, cp_node_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
'SELECT cmi_node.* FROM cmi_node INNER JOIN cp_node ON cmi_node.cp_node_id = cp_node.cp_node_id WHERE cmi_node.user_id = %s AND cp_node.slm_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT cmi_comment.cmi_comment_id, cmi_comment.cmi_node_id, cmi_comment.c_comment, cmi_comment.c_timestamp, cmi_comment.location, cmi_comment.sourceislms FROM cmi_comment INNER JOIN cmi_node ON cmi_node.cmi_node_id = cmi_comment.cmi_node_id INNER JOIN cp_node ON cp_node.cp_node_id = cmi_node.cp_node_id WHERE cmi_node.user_id = %s AND cp_node.slm_id = %s ORDER BY cmi_comment.cmi_comment_id' | 1 |
'SELECT cmi_correct_response.* FROM cmi_correct_response INNER JOIN cmi_interaction ON cmi_interaction.cmi_interaction_id = cmi_correct_response.cmi_interaction_id INNER JOIN cmi_node ON cmi_node.cmi_node_id = cmi_interaction.cmi_node_id INNER JOIN cp_node ON cp_node.cp_node_id = cmi_node.cp_node_id WHERE cmi_node.user_id = %s AND cp_node.slm_id = %s ORDER BY cmi_correct_response.cmi_correct_resp_id' | 1 |
'SELECT cmi_interaction.cmi_interaction_id, cmi_interaction.cmi_node_id, cmi_interaction.description,, cmi_interaction.latency, cmi_interaction.learner_response, cmi_interaction.result, cmi_interaction.c_timestamp, cmi_interaction.c_type, cmi_interaction.weighting FROM cmi_interaction INNER JOIN cmi_node ON cmi_node.cmi_node_id = cmi_interaction.cmi_node_id INNER JOIN cp_node ON cp_node.cp_node_id = cmi_node.cp_node_id WHERE cmi_node.user_id = %s AND cp_node.slm_id = %s ORDER BY cmi_interaction.cmi_interaction_id' | 1 |
'SELECT cmi_objective.cmi_interaction_id, cmi_objective.cmi_node_id, cmi_objective.cmi_objective_id, cmi_objective.completion_status, cmi_objective.description,, cmi_objective.c_max, cmi_objective.c_min, cmi_objective.c_raw, cmi_objective.scaled, cmi_objective.progress_measure, cmi_objective.success_status, cmi_objective.scope FROM cmi_objective INNER JOIN cmi_node ON cmi_node.cmi_node_id = cmi_objective.cmi_node_id INNER JOIN cp_node ON cp_node.cp_node_id = cmi_node.cp_node_id WHERE cmi_node.user_id = %s AND cp_node.slm_id = %s ORDER BY cmi_objective.cmi_objective_id' | 1 |
'SELECT usr_data.usr_id user_id, CONCAT(CONCAT(COALESCE(usr_data.firstname, \'\'), \' \'), COALESCE(usr_data.lastname, \'\')) learner_name, slm_id , sahs_lm.default_lesson_mode "mode", FROM usr_data, cp_package INNER JOIN sahs_lm ON cp_package.obj_id = WHERE usr_data.usr_id = %s AND = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT module_version FROM sahs_lm WHERE id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT shared_data_global_to_system FROM cp_package WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT data FROM cp_suspend WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM adl_shared_data WHERE slm_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT ' . $fieldList . ' FROM cmi_node,cp_node,cp_item WHERE cp_node.slm_id = %s AND cp_node.cp_node_id = cp_item.cp_node_id AND = %s AND cmi_node.cp_node_id = cp_item.cp_node_id AND cmi_node.user_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT cmi_node.cmi_node_id FROM cmi_node, cp_node WHERE cp_node.slm_id = %s AND cmi_node.cp_node_id = cp_node.cp_node_id' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_custom WHERE obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_gobjective WHERE scope_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_gobjective WHERE scope_id = %s AND objective_id in (' . $s_globalObjectiveId . ')' | 1 |
' SELECT cmi_node.cmi_node_id FROM cmi_node, cp_node WHERE cmi_node.user_id = %s AND cmi_node.cp_node_id = cp_node.cp_node_id' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_custom WHERE user_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_gobjective WHERE user_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT cmi_node.cmi_node_id FROM cmi_node, cp_node WHERE cmi_node.user_id = %s AND cmi_node.cp_node_id = cp_node.cp_node_id AND cp_node.slm_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_custom WHERE user_id = %s AND obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM sahs_user WHERE user_id = %s AND obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_gobjective WHERE user_id = %s AND scope_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_gobjective WHERE user_id = %s AND scope_id = %s AND objective_id in (' . $s_globalObjectiveId . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT cmi_interaction_id FROM cmi_interaction WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cmi_interaction.cmi_node_id', $cmi_node_values, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_correct_response WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cmi_correct_response.cmi_interaction_id', $cmi_inode_values, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_objective WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cmi_objective.cmi_interaction_id', $cmi_inode_values, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_objective WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cmi_objective.cmi_node_id', $cmi_node_values, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_interaction WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cmi_interaction.cmi_node_id', $cmi_node_values, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_comment WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cmi_comment.cmi_node_id', $cmi_node_values, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_node WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cmi_node.cmi_node_id', $cmi_node_values, false, 'integer') | 1 |
' SELECT targetobjectiveid FROM cp_mapinfo, cp_node WHERE cp_node.slm_id = %s AND cp_node.nodename = %s AND cp_mapinfo.cp_node_id = cp_node.cp_node_id' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO sahs_sc13_seq_rule (seqnodeid,type,action)" . " values(" . $this->db->quote($this->seqNodeId, "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->type, "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->action, "text") . ");" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO sahs_sc13_seq_node (seqnodeid, tree_node_id,nodename)" . " values(" . $this->db->quote($next_id, "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->treenodeId, "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->nodeName, "text") . ");" | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_sc13_seq_node SET " . "tree_node_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->treenodeId, "integer") . "," . "nodename=" . $this->db->quote($this->nodeName, "text") . " WHERE seqnodeid=" . $this->db->quote($a_seq_node_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO sahs_sc13_seq_mapinfo (seqnodeid,targetobjectiveid,readsatisfiedstatus,readnormalizedmeasure,writesatisfiedstatus,writemormalizedmeasure)" . " values(" . $this->db->quote($this->seqNodeId, "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->targetObjectiveID, "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->readSatisfiedStatus, "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->readNormalizedMeasure, "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->writeSatisfiedStatus, "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->writeNormalizedMeasure, "integer") . ");" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_seq_mapinfo WHERE seqnodeid=" . $ilDB->quote($a_seq_node_id, "integer") . ";" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_seq_item WHERE sahs_sc13_tree_node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . " AND rootlevel = " . $ilDB->quote(false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_seq_item WHERE (sahs_sc13_tree_node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->treeNodeId, "integer") . " AND rootlevel =" . $ilDB->quote($this->rootLevel, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM sahs_sc13_seq_item" . " WHERE (sahs_sc13_tree_node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->treeNodeId, "integer") . " AND rootlevel=" . $ilDB->quote($this->rootLevel, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO sahs_sc13_seq_cond (seqnodeid,referencedobjective,cond,measurethreshold,operator)" . " values(" . $this->db->quote($this->seqNodeId, "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->referencedObjective, "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->condition, "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->measureThreshold, "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->operator, "text") . ");" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_seq_templts ORDER BY identifier" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO sahs_sc13_seq_assign (identifier, sahs_sc13_tree_node_id) VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($this->getIdentifier( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->sahs_sc13_treeId, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO sahs_sc13_seq_templ (seqnodeid,id)" . " values(" . $this->db->quote($this->seqNodeId, "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->id, "text") . ");" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_seq_templts WHERE identifier = " . $ilDB->quote($a_identifier, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_seq_assign WHERE sahs_sc13_tree_node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_chapter_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_seq_tree WHERE (child = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSeqNodeId( ), "integer") . " AND importid=" . $ilDB->quote($this->getImportIdent( ), "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_seq_seq WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSequencingId( ), "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_seq_seq WHERE (id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSequencingId( ), "text") . " AND importid=" . $ilDB->quote($this->getImportIdent( ), "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT registration,obj_id FROM event " | 1 |
"SELECT event_id, registered FROM event_participants WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM event_items ei ' . 'JOIN tree ON item_id = child ' . 'WHERE event_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_sess_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree > 0' | 1 |
"SELECT ev.obj_id id, od.title title, od.description description, " . " location, tutor_name, tutor_email, tutor_phone, details, registration, " . " e_start event_start, e_end event_end, starting_time, ending_time, fulltime " . " FROM event ev JOIN object_data od ON (ev.obj_id = od.obj_id) " . " JOIN event_appointment ea ON (ev.obj_id = ea.event_id) " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("ev.obj_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT ev.obj_id id, od.title title, odes.description description, " . " location, tutor_name, tutor_email, tutor_phone, details, reg_type registration, " . " reg_limited limited_registration, reg_waiting_list waiting_list, " . " reg_limit_users limit_users, " . " e_start event_start, e_end event_end, starting_time, ending_time, fulltime " . " FROM event ev JOIN object_data od ON (ev.obj_id = od.obj_id) " . " JOIN event_appointment ea ON (ev.obj_id = ea.event_id) " . " JOIN object_description odes ON (ev.obj_id = odes.obj_id) " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("ev.obj_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT ev.obj_id id, od.title title, odes.description description, " . " location, tutor_name, tutor_email, tutor_phone, details, reg_type registration, " . " reg_limited limited_registration, reg_waiting_list waiting_list, reg_auto_wait auto_wait, " . " reg_limit_users limit_users, reg_min_users min_users, " . " e_start event_start, e_end event_end, starting_time, ending_time, fulltime " . " FROM event ev JOIN object_data od ON (ev.obj_id = od.obj_id) " . " JOIN event_appointment ea ON (ev.obj_id = ea.event_id) " . " JOIN object_description odes ON (ev.obj_id = odes.obj_id) " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("ev.obj_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT ev.obj_id id, od.title title, odes.description description, " . " location, tutor_name, tutor_email, tutor_phone, details, reg_type registration, " . " reg_limited limited_registration, reg_waiting_list waiting_list, reg_auto_wait auto_wait, " . " reg_limit_users limit_users, reg_min_users min_users, " . " e_start event_start, e_end event_end, starting_time, ending_time, fulltime, mail_members, show_members " . " FROM event ev JOIN object_data od ON (ev.obj_id = od.obj_id) " . " JOIN event_appointment ea ON (ev.obj_id = ea.event_id) " . " JOIN object_description odes ON (ev.obj_id = odes.obj_id) " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("ev.obj_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT ev.obj_id id, od.title title, odes.description description, " . " location, tutor_name, tutor_email, tutor_phone, details, reg_type registration, " . " reg_limited limited_registration, reg_waiting_list waiting_list, reg_auto_wait auto_wait, " . " reg_limit_users limit_users, reg_min_users min_users, " . " e_start event_start, e_end event_end, starting_time, ending_time, fulltime, mail_members, show_members, " . " show_cannot_part, reg_notification registration_notification_enabled, " . " notification_opt registration_notification_option " . " FROM event ev JOIN object_data od ON (ev.obj_id = od.obj_id) " . " JOIN event_appointment ea ON (ev.obj_id = ea.event_id) " . " JOIN object_description odes ON (ev.obj_id = odes.obj_id) " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("ev.obj_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT event_id session_id, item_id " . " FROM event_items " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("event_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT reg_type FROM event " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM event " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO event (event_id,obj_id,location,tutor_name,tutor_phone,tutor_email,details,registration, " . 'reg_type, reg_limit_users, reg_limited, reg_waiting_list, reg_min_users, reg_auto_wait,show_members,mail_members, reg_notification, notification_opt, show_cannot_part) ' . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getLocation( ), 'text') . "," . $this->db->quote($this->getName( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getPhone( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getEmail( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getDetails( ), 'text') . "," . $this->db->quote($this->enabledRegistrationForUsers( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getRegistrationType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getRegistrationMaxUsers( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->isRegistrationUserLimitEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->isRegistrationWaitingListEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getRegistrationMinUsers( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->hasWaitingListAutoFill( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getShowMembers( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getMailToMembersType( ), 'integer') . ',' . $this->db->quote($this->isRegistrationNotificationEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getRegistrationNotificationOption( ), 'text') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->isCannotParticipateOptionEnabled( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE event SET " . "location = " . $this->db->quote($this->getLocation( ), 'text') . "," . "tutor_name = " . $this->db->quote($this->getName( ), 'text') . ", " . "tutor_phone = " . $this->db->quote($this->getPhone( ), 'text') . ", " . "tutor_email = " . $this->db->quote($this->getEmail( ), 'text') . ", " . "details = " . $this->db->quote($this->getDetails( ), 'text') . ", " . "registration = " . $this->db->quote($this->enabledRegistrationForUsers( ), 'integer') . ", " . "reg_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRegistrationType( ), 'integer') . ", " . "reg_limited = " . $this->db->quote($this->isRegistrationUserLimitEnabled( ), 'integer') . ", " . "reg_limit_users = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRegistrationMaxUsers( ), 'integer') . ", " . "reg_min_users = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRegistrationMinUsers( ), 'integer') . ", " . "reg_waiting_list = " . $this->db->quote($this->isRegistrationWaitingListEnabled( ), 'integer') . ", " . "reg_auto_wait = " . $this->db->quote($this->hasWaitingListAutoFill( ), 'integer') . ", " . 'show_members = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getShowMembers( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'mail_members = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getMailToMembersType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . "reg_auto_wait = " . $this->db->quote($this->hasWaitingListAutoFill( ), 'integer') . ", " . "reg_notification = " . $this->db->quote($this->isRegistrationNotificationEnabled( ), 'integer') . ", " . "notification_opt = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRegistrationNotificationOption( ), 'text') . ", " . 'show_cannot_part = ' . $this->db->quote($this->isCannotParticipateOptionEnabled( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . "WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM event " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM event WHERE " . "obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO event_file (file_id,event_id,file_name,file_size,file_type) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSessionId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getFileName( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getFileSize( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getFileType( ), 'text') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM event_file " . "WHERE file_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getFileId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM event_file " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_event_id, 'integer') . "" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM event_file " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_event_id, 'integer') . "" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM event_file WHERE file_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->file_id, 'integer') . "" | 1 |
'update event_participants set excused = ' . $this->db->quote($a_status, \ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . 'where event_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->event_id, \ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' and ' . 'usr_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_usr_id, \ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM event_participants " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getEventId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO event_participants (event_id,usr_id,registered,participated,contact,notification_enabled, excused " . ") VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($this->getEventId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getRegistered( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getParticipated( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getContact( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isNotificationEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getExcused( ), 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE event_participants " . "SET participated = " . $ilDB->quote($a_status, 'integer') . " " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_event_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO event_participants (registered,participated,event_id,usr_id) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_status, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_event_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM event_participants " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_event_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND registered = " . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM event_participants " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_event_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND participated = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT participated FROM event_participants " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_event_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE event_participants " . "SET registered = '1' " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_event_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO event_participants (registered,participated,event_id,usr_id) " . "VALUES( " . "1, " . "0, " . $ilDB->quote($a_event_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE event_participants " . "SET registered = 0 " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_event_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO event_participants (registered,participated,event_id,usr_id) " . "VALUES( " . "0, " . "0, " . $ilDB->quote($a_event_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM event_participants " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_event_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM event_participants " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM event_participants " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getEventId( )) . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM event_items " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_event_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM event_items WHERE " . $this->db->in('item_id', $a_items, false, 'integer') . " AND event_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->event_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO event_items (event_id,item_id) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($this->getEventId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($item, 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT item_id FROM event_items " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('event_id', $session_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM event_items " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_event_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM event_items " . "WHERE item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'SELECT e.event_id,e_start FROM event_items e ' . 'JOIN event_appointment ea ON e.event_id = ea.event_id ' . 'WHERE item_id = ' . $db->quote($item_ref_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY (e_start)' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM event_items " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getEventId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM event_items " . "WHERE item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->item_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM event_appointment " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT event_id FROM event_appointment " . "WHERE e_start > " . $ilDB->quote($now->get(IL_CAL_DATE, 'timestamp')) . ' ' . "AND e_start < " . $ilDB->quote($tomorrow->get(IL_CAL_DATE, 'timestamp')) . ' ' . "AND " . $ilDB->in('event_id', $obj_ids, false, 'integer') . ' ' . "ORDER BY e_start " | 1 |
"SELECT event_id FROM event_appointment " . "WHERE e_start > " . $ilDB->now( ) . " " . "AND " . $ilDB->in('event_id', $obj_ids, false, 'integer') . " " . "ORDER BY e_start " | 1 |
"SELECT event_id FROM event_appointment " . "WHERE e_start < " . $ilDB->now( ) . " " . "AND " . $ilDB->in('event_id', $obj_ids, false, 'integer') . " " . "ORDER BY e_start DESC " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO event_appointment (appointment_id,event_id,e_start,e_end,fulltime) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSessionId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getStart( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', 'UTC'), 'timestamp') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getEnd( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', 'UTC'), 'timestamp') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->enabledFullTime( ), 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE event_appointment " . "SET event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSessionId( ), 'integer') . ", " . "e_start = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getStart( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', 'UTC'), 'timestamp') . ", " . "e_end = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getEnd( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', 'UTC'), 'timestamp') . ", " . "fulltime = " . $ilDB->quote($this->enabledFullTime( ), 'integer') . " " . "WHERE appointment_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getAppointmentId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM event_appointment " . "WHERE appointment_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_appointment_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM event_appointment " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_event_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM event_appointment " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_event_id, 'integer') . " " . "ORDER BY starting_time" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM event_appointment " . "WHERE appointment_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getAppointmentId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ' . $this->_getTable( ) . ' (pgt_iou, pgt) VALUES (:pgt_iou, :pgt)' | 1 |
'SELECT pgt FROM ' . $this->_getTable( ) . ' WHERE pgt_iou = :pgt_iou' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . $this->_getTable( ) . ' WHERE pgt_iou = :pgt_iou' | 1 |
'select tree from tree ' . 'where child = ' . $db->quote($node_id, \ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . 'WHERE parent = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_node, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->tree_id, 'integer' . ' ' . 'ORDER BY lft') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . $this->buildJoin( ) . "WHERE parent = %s " . "AND " . $this->table_tree . "." . $this->tree_pk . " = %s " . $order_clause | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . $this->table_tree . " " . $this->buildJoin( ) . "WHERE parent = %s " . "AND " . $this->table_tree . "." . $this->tree_pk . " = %s " . "AND " . $this->table_obj_data . ".type = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . $this->table_tree . " " . $this->buildJoin( ) . "WHERE parent = %s " . "AND " . $this->table_tree . "." . $this->tree_pk . " = %s " . "AND " . $this->table_obj_data . ".type = %s " . "ORDER BY " . $this->table_tree . ".lft" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . $this->buildJoin( ) . 'WHERE parent = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $this->table_tree . '.' . $this->tree_pk . ' = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' . $filter . $order_clause | 1 |
'DELETE from tree ' . 'WHERE tree = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND child = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_source_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'Delete tree with node ' . $a_node | 1 |
'SELECT * ' . 'FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . $this->buildJoin( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $inClause . ' ' . 'AND ' . $this->table_tree . '.' . $this->tree_pk . ' = ' . $this->ilDB->quote($this->tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY depth' | 1 |
'SELECT t.depth, t.parent, t.child ' . 'FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' t ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in("child", $a_node_ids, false, "integer") . 'AND ' . $this->tree_pk . ' = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->tree_id, "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT t.depth, t.parent, t.child, d.' . $this->obj_pk . ' obj_id, d.type, d.title ' . 'FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' t ' . $joinClause . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $inClause . ' ' . 'AND t.depth <= ' . (count($titlePath) + count($nodePath)) . ' ' . 'AND t.tree = 1 ' . 'ORDER BY t.depth, t.child ASC' | 1 |
'SELECT t.depth,t.parent,t.child,d.obj_id,d.type,d.title ' . 'FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' t ' . 'JOIN ' . $this->table_obj_reference . ' r ON r.ref_id = t.child ' . 'JOIN ' . $this->table_obj_data . ' d ON d.obj_id = r.obj_id ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('t.child', $data, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY t.depth ' | 1 |
'SELECT lft,rgt FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->tree_pk . ' = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->tree_pk . ' = %s ' . 'ORDER BY lft' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_obj_reference . ' WHERE ' . $this->ref_pk . ' = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT MAX(depth) depth FROM ' . $this->table_tree | 1 |
'SELECT depth FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . 'WHERE child = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT depth FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . 'WHERE child = %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->tree_pk . ' = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . 'WHERE child = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . $this->buildJoin( ) . 'WHERE ' . $this->table_tree . '.child = %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->table_tree . '.' . $this->tree_pk . ' = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT title,description FROM object_translation ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND lang_code = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->table_tree . '.child = %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->table_tree . '.' . $this->tree_pk . ' = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' s, ' . $this->table_tree . ' v ' . $innerjoin . 'WHERE s.child = %s ' . 'AND s.parent = v.child ' . 'AND s.' . $this->tree_pk . ' = %s ' . 'AND v.' . $this->tree_pk . ' = %s' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ' . $this->table_tree . ' (' . $this->tree_pk . ', child,parent,lft,rgt,depth) ' . 'VALUES ' . '(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . $this->buildJoin( ) . 'WHERE ' . $this->table_obj_data . '.type = ' . $this->ilDB->quote($a_type, 'text') . 'AND ' . $this->table_tree . '.' . $this->tree_pk . ' = ' . $this->ilDB->quote($this->tree_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' WHERE ' . $this->tree_pk . ' = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT ' . $this->tree_pk . ' FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . 'WHERE child = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT ' . $this->tree_pk . ', child FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in("child", $a_node_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . $this->buildJoin( ) . 'WHERE ' . $this->table_tree . '.' . $this->tree_pk . ' < %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->table_tree . '.parent = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT ' . $this->table_obj_data . '.obj_id FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . $this->buildJoin( ) . 'WHERE ' . $this->table_tree . '.' . $this->tree_pk . ' < ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in($this->table_obj_data . '.obj_id', $a_obj_ids, '', 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT parent FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . 'WHERE child = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT parent FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . 'WHERE child = %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->tree_pk . ' = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT lft FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . 'WHERE child = %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->tree_pk . ' = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT count(*) cnt FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . $this->buildJoin( ) . 'WHERE lft <= %s ' . 'AND type = %s ' . 'AND parent = %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->table_tree . '.' . $this->tree_pk . ' = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT count(*) cnt FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . $this->buildJoin( ) . 'WHERE lft <= %s ' . 'AND parent = %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->table_tree . '.' . $this->tree_pk . ' = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT child FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . 'WHERE parent = %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->tree_pk . ' = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . $this->buildJoin( ) . 'WHERE lft > %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->table_obj_data . '.type = %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->table_tree . '.' . $this->tree_pk . ' = %s ' . 'ORDER BY lft ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . $this->buildJoin( ) . 'WHERE lft > %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->table_tree . '.' . $this->tree_pk . ' = %s ' . 'ORDER BY lft ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . $this->buildJoin( ) . 'WHERE lft < %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->table_obj_data . '.type = %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->table_tree . '.' . $this->tree_pk . ' = %s ' . 'ORDER BY lft DESC' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . $this->buildJoin( ) . 'WHERE lft < %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->table_tree . '.' . $this->tree_pk . ' = %s ' . 'ORDER BY lft DESC' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->table_tree . ' SET lft = %s WHERE child = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->table_tree . ' SET lft = %s WHERE child = %s AND tree = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . 'WHERE parent = ' . $ilDB->quote($node_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY lft' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->table_tree . ' SET rgt = %s WHERE child = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->table_tree . ' SET rgt = %s WHERE child = %s AND tree = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . $a_db_table . ' ' . 'WHERE tree = %s ' . 'AND child = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . 'WHERE child = %s ' . 'AND tree = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . 'WHERE parent = %s ' | 1 |
"SELECT " . $fields . " FROM " . $this->getTreeTable( ) . " " . $this->buildJoin( ) . " WHERE " . $this->getTableReference( ) . "." . $this->ref_pk . " IN (" . $query . ")" . " AND " . $ilDB->in($this->getObjectDataTable( ) . "." . $this->obj_pk, $a_obj_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
'DELETE FROM tree where ' . 'child = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT(o.type) ' . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier('type') . ' FROM tree t JOIN object_reference r ON child = r.ref_id ' . 'JOIN object_data o on r.obj_id = o.obj_id ' . 'WHERE tree < ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND child = -tree ' . 'GROUP BY o.type' | 1 |
'select tree,child,parent from tree ' . 'where ' . $this->db->in('child', $ref_ids, false, \ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
'select parent from tree ' . 'where child = ' . $this->db->quote($deleted_node, \ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . 'and tree = ' . $this->db->quote($deleted_node * -1, \ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
'select distinct(type) obj_type from object_data obd ' . 'join object_reference obr on obd.obj_id = obr.obj_id ' . 'where ref_id in (' . $subtreequery . ' ' . ') ' | 1 |
'select ref_id, obd.obj_id, type, title, description, deleted, deleted_by ' | 1 |
'select count(ref_id) max_entries ' | 1 |
'SELECT child FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE path BETWEEN ' . $ilDB->quote($node['path'], 'text') . ' AND ' . $ilDB->quote($node['path'] . '.Z', 'text') . ' ' . 'AND child != %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT ' . $fields . ' ' . 'FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . $join . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . '.path ' . 'BETWEEN ' . $ilDB->quote($a_node['path'], 'text') . ' AND ' . $ilDB->quote($a_node['path'] . '.Z', 'text') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . '.' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' < 0 ' . $type_str . ' ' . 'ORDER BY ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . '.path' | 1 |
'SELECT ' . $fields . ' ' . 'FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . $join . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . '.path ' . 'BETWEEN ' . $ilDB->quote($a_node['path'], 'text') . ' AND ' . $ilDB->quote($a_node['path'] . '.Z', 'text') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . '.' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTree( )->getTreeId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . $type_str . ' ' . 'ORDER BY ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . '.path' | 1 |
'SELECT path FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE child = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_endnode, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'SELECT parent, depth, path FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE child = %s ' . ' ' . 'AND ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . '.child = %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . '.' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s ' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE path BETWEEN ' . $ilDB->quote($row['path'], 'text') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->quote($row['path'] . '.Z', 'text') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTree( )->getTreeId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
' UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'SET tree = %s' . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s ' . 'AND path BETWEEN %s AND %s' | 1 |
'SELECT depth, child, parent, path FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('child', array($a_source_id, $a_target_id), false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTree( )->getTreeId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT MAX(depth) max_depth ' . 'FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE path BETWEEN %s AND %s' . ' ' . 'AND tree = %s ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'SET parent = CASE WHEN parent = ' . $ilDB->quote($source_parent, 'integer') . ' ' . 'THEN ' . $ilDB->quote($a_target_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'ELSE parent END, path = ' . $ilDB->concat(array(array($ilDB->quote($target_path, 'text'), 'text'), array($ilDB->substr('path', strrpos('.' . $source_path, '.')), 'text'))) . ' ' . ',depth = depth + ' . $ilDB->quote($depth_diff, 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE path BETWEEN ' . $ilDB->quote($source_path, 'text') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->quote($source_path . '.Z', 'text') . ' ' | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT * FROM tree WHERE parent = %s' | 1 |
' UPDATE tree SET path = CONCAT(COALESCE(' . $ilDB->quote($parentPath, 'text') . ', \'\'), COALESCE( ' . $ilDB->cast("child", "text") . ' , \'\')) WHERE parent = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT child FROM tree WHERE parent = %s' | 1 |
" SELECT t1." . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ", t1.path FROM " . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . " t1 WHERE t1.child = " . $ilDB->quote($a_endnode_id, 'integer') . $treeClause1 | 1 |
"SELECT t2." . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ", t2.child child, type, t2.path path " . "FROM " . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . " t2 " . "JOIN " . $this->getTree( )->getTableReference( ) . " obr ON t2.child = obr.ref_id " . "JOIN " . $this->getTree( )->getObjectDataTable( ) . " obd ON obr.obj_id = obd.obj_id " . "WHERE t2.path BETWEEN " . $ilDB->quote($path, 'text') . " AND " . $ilDB->quote($path . '.Z', 'text') . $treeClause2 . ' ' . "ORDER BY t2.path" | 1 |
'select child from ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' child where not exists ' . '( ' . 'select child from ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' parent where child.parent = parent.child and ' . '(child.path BETWEEN parent.path AND CONCAT(parent.path,' . $ilDB->quote('Z', 'text') . ') )' . ')' . 'and ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeId( ) . ' and child <> 1' | 1 |
'SELECT child FROM tree first ' . 'WHERE EXISTS ( ' . 'SELECT child FROM tree second WHERE first.child = second.child ' . 'GROUP BY child HAVING COUNT(child) > 1 ) ' . 'ORDER BY depth DESC' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM tree WHERE child = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_child, 'integer') . ' AND tree = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM object_reference WHERE ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_child, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT title, description, type FROM object_data ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($ref_row->obj_id) | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM tree WHERE tree = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND child = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_childs, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM tree first ' . 'WHERE EXISTS ( ' . 'SELECT child FROM tree second WHERE first.child = second.child ' . 'GROUP BY child HAVING COUNT(child) > 1 ) ' . 'AND child = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_duplicate_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY depth DESC' | 1 |
'SELECT child FROM tree ' . 'WHERE parent = ' . $ilDB->quote($dup_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree = ' . $ilDB->quote($tree_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM tree ' . 'WHERE child = ' . $ilDB->quote($dup_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree = ' . $ilDB->quote($tree_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'select child from tree child where not exists ' . '( ' . 'select child from tree parent where child.parent = parent.child and (parent.lft < child.lft) and (parent.rgt > child.rgt) ' . ')' . 'and tree = 1 and child <> 1' | 1 |
'SELECT child, count(child) num FROM tree ' . 'GROUP BY child ' . 'HAVING count(child) > 1' | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM object_reference ' . 'WHERE ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT type, title FROM object_data ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM object_reference WHERE ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT ref_id FROM object_reference ' . 'LEFT JOIN tree ON ref_id = child ' . 'WHERE child IS NULL' | 1 |
'SELECT tree, child FROM tree ' . 'WHERE child = ' . $ilDB->quote($ref_id) | 1 |
'SELECT child FROM tree ' . 'WHERE parent = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT tree, child FROM tree ' . 'WHERE child = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->child) | 1 |
'DELETE from tree ' . 'WHERE tree = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id) . ' ' . 'AND child = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id) | 1 |
'SELECT child FROM tree ' . 'LEFT JOIN object_reference ON child = ref_id ' . 'WHERE ref_id IS NULL' | 1 |
'SELECT s.child FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' s, ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' t ' . 'WHERE t.child = %s ' . 'AND s.lft > t.lft ' . 'AND s.rgt < t.rgt ' . 'AND s.' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT ' . $fields . ' ' . "FROM " . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . " " . $join . ' ' . "WHERE " . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . '.lft ' . 'BETWEEN ' . $ilDB->quote($a_node['lft'], 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->quote($a_node['rgt'], 'integer') . ' ' . "AND " . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . "." . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' < 0 ' . $type_str . ' ' . "ORDER BY " . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ".lft" | 1 |
'SELECT ' . $fields . ' ' . "FROM " . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . " " . $join . ' ' . "WHERE " . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . '.lft ' . 'BETWEEN ' . $ilDB->quote($a_node['lft'], 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->quote($a_node['rgt'], 'integer') . ' ' . "AND " . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . "." . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . " = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTree( )->getTreeId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . $type_str . ' ' . "ORDER BY " . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ".lft" | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft + 2 ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt > %s THEN rgt + 2 ELSE rgt END ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft + 2 ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt > %s THEN rgt + 2 ELSE rgt END ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT rgt,lft,parent FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE child = %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT MAX(rgt) max_rgt FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE parent = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT MAX(rgt) max_rgt FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE parent = %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft + %s ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt >= %s THEN rgt + %s ELSE rgt END ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft + %s ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt >= %s THEN rgt + %s ELSE rgt END ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE child = %s ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft + 2 ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt >= %s THEN rgt + 2 ELSE rgt END ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft + 2 ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt >= %s THEN rgt + 2 ELSE rgt END ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft + 2 ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt > %s THEN rgt + 2 ELSE rgt END ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft + 2 ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt > %s THEN rgt + 2 ELSE rgt END ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' (' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ',child,parent,lft,rgt,depth) ' . 'VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE child = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTree( )->getTreeId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE lft BETWEEN %s AND %s ' . 'AND rgt BETWEEN %s AND %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft - %s ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt > %s THEN rgt - %s ELSE rgt END ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft - %s ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt > %s THEN rgt - %s ELSE rgt END ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'SET tree = ' . $ilDB->quote(-1 * $node['child'], 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTree( )->getTreeId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND lft BETWEEN ' . $ilDB->quote($node['lft'], 'integer') . ' AND ' . $ilDB->quote($node['rgt'], 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'SELECT ' . $qSelect . ' ' . 'FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' t0 ' . $qJoin . ' ' . 'WHERE t0.child = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT ' . $qSelect . ' ' . 'FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' t0 ' . $qJoin . ' ' . 'WHERE t0.' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s ' . 'AND t0.child = %s ' | 1 |
"SELECT T2.child " . "FROM " . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . " T1, " . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . " T2 " . "WHERE T1.child = %s " . "AND T1.lft BETWEEN T2.lft AND T2.rgt " . "ORDER BY T2.depth" | 1 |
"SELECT T2.child " . "FROM " . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . " T1, " . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . " T2 " . "WHERE T1.child = %s " . "AND T1.lft BETWEEN T2.lft AND T2.rgt " . "AND T1." . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . " = %s " . "AND T2." . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . " = %s " . "ORDER BY T2.depth" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE ( child = %s OR child = %s ) ' . 'AND ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft + %s ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt >= %s THEN rgt + %s ELSE rgt END ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'parent = CASE WHEN parent = %s THEN %s ELSE parent END, ' . 'rgt = rgt + %s, ' . 'lft = lft + %s, ' . 'depth = depth + %s ' . 'WHERE lft >= %s ' . 'AND rgt <= %s ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft >= %s THEN lft - %s ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt >= %s THEN rgt - %s ELSE rgt END ' | 1 |
"SELECT t2.lft lft, t2.rgt rgt, t2.child child, type " . "FROM " . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . " t1 " . "JOIN " . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . " t2 ON (t2.lft BETWEEN t1.lft AND t1.rgt) " . "JOIN " . $this->getTree( )->getTableReference( ) . " obr ON t2.child = obr.ref_id " . "JOIN " . $this->getTree( )->getObjectDataTable( ) . " obd ON obr.obj_id = obd.obj_id " . "WHERE t1.child = " . $ilDB->quote($a_endnode_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND t1." . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . " = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTree( )->getTreeId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND t2." . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . " = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTree( )->getTreeId( ), 'integer') . " " . "ORDER BY t2.lft" | 1 |
'select child from ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' child where not exists ' . '( ' . 'select child from ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' parent where child.parent = parent.child and (parent.lft < child.lft) and (parent.rgt > child.rgt) ' . ')' . 'and ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeId( ) . ' and child <> 1' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM osc_conversation WHERE ' . $this->db->in('id', $conversationIds, false, 'text') | 1 |
" SELECT osc_messages.* FROM osc_messages WHERE osc_messages.conversation_id = %s AND {$this->db->in('osc_messages.user_id', $participantIds, false, 'text')} ORDER BY osc_messages.timestamp DESC " | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT(conversation_id) FROM osc_activity WHERE user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT(conversation_id) FROM osc_messages WHERE user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT(participants) FROM osc_conversation WHERE ' . $in | 1 |
'Show login page' | 1 |
'delete from ' . $this->getTable( ) . ' ' . 'where ' . $this->buildPrimaryWhere( ) | 1 |
'delete from ' . $this->getTable( ) . ' ' . 'where ' . $this->buildPrimaryWhere( ) . ' ' . 'and value_index != ' . $this->db->quote('', ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) | 1 |
"SELECT " . $this->getElementId( ) . " FROM " . $this->getSubTableName( ) . " WHERE " . $this->buildPrimaryWhere( ) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . $this->properties->getTable( ) . " WHERE " . $this->properties->buildPrimaryWhere( ) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . $this->properties->getTable( ) . " WHERE " . $this->properties->buildPrimaryWhere( ) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . $table . " WHERE " . $this->properties->buildPrimaryWhere( ) | 1 |
"SELECT " . $this->getElementIdColumn( ) . " FROM " . $table . " WHERE " . $this->properties->buildPrimaryWhere( ) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . $table . " WHERE " . $this->properties->buildPrimaryWhere( ) . " AND " . $ilDB->in($this->getElementIdColumn( ), $element_ids, "", $this->element_column_type) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . $a_table . "_" . $table . " WHERE " . $where | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . $a_table . "_" . $found . " WHERE " . $where | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . $sub_table . " WHERE " . $where | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . $a_table . "_" . $found . " WHERE " . $where | 1 |
'insert into ' . $table_name . ' ( ' | 1 |
"UPDATE " . $a_table . "_" . $found . " SET " . $value_col . "=" . $ilDB->quote($a_value, $type_map[$found]) . " WHERE " . $where | 1 |
"SELECT *" . $a_additional_fields . " FROM " . $a_table . "_" . $found . " WHERE field_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_field_id, "integer") . " AND " . $a_condition | 1 |
'SELECT is_online FROM il_db_tests_atom WHERE id = ' . $this->ilDBInterfaceGalera->quote(1, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT is_online FROM il_db_tests_atom WHERE id = ' . $this->ilDBInterfaceInnoDB->quote(1, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_db_tests_atom' | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(" . $this->il_db->quoteIdentifier($seq_field) . ") ma FROM " . $this->il_db->quoteIdentifier($a_table) . "" | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM `" . $a_table_name . "`" | 1 |
"UPDATE `" . $a_table . "` SET `" . $uf . "` = null WHERE `" . $uf . "` = ''" | 1 |
"UPDATE `" . $a_table . "` SET `" . $uf . "` = null WHERE `" . $uf . "` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'" | 1 |
"UPDATE `" . $a_table . "` SET `" . $uf . "` = null WHERE `" . $uf . "` = '0000-00-00'" | 1 |
"SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . $a_table_name . "`" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(`" . strtolower($a_auto_inc_field) . "`) ma FROM `" . $a_table . "`" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(table_name) FROM abstraction_progress " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . $this->quoteIdentifier($table_name) . " (" . $fields . ") VALUES (" . $values . ")" | 1 |
'Insert requires table fields' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' (' . $cols . ') VALUES (' . $values . ')' | 1 |
'Update requires table fields' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET ' . $set . $where | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . $table . $where | 1 |
'SELECT ' . $cols . ' FROM ' . $table . $where | 1 |
"SELECT VERSION() AS version" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . $a_table . " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $delwhere) | 1 |
"SELECT NEXTVAL('$sequence_name')" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO $sequence_name ($seqcol_name) VALUES (NULL)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM $sequence_name WHERE $seqcol_name < $value" | 1 |
"SELECT a.attname AS name, t.typname AS type, CASE a.attlen WHEN -1 THEN CASE t.typname WHEN 'numeric' THEN (a.atttypmod / 65536) WHEN 'decimal' THEN (a.atttypmod / 65536) WHEN 'money' THEN (a.atttypmod / 65536) ELSE CASE a.atttypmod WHEN -1 THEN NULL ELSE a.atttypmod - 4 END END ELSE a.attlen END AS length, CASE t.typname WHEN 'numeric' THEN (a.atttypmod % 65536) - 4 WHEN 'decimal' THEN (a.atttypmod % 65536) - 4 WHEN 'money' THEN (a.atttypmod % 65536) - 4 ELSE 0 END AS scale, a.attnotnull, a.atttypmod, a.atthasdef, (SELECT substring(pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid) for 128) FROM pg_attrdef d WHERE d.adrelid = a.attrelid AND d.adnum = a.attnum AND a.atthasdef ) as default FROM pg_attribute a, pg_class c, pg_type t WHERE c.relname = " . $db->quote($table, 'text') . " AND a.atttypid = t.oid AND c.oid = a.attrelid AND NOT a.attisdropped AND a.attnum > 0 AND a.attname = " . $db->quote($field_name, 'text') . " ORDER BY a.attnum" | 1 |
'SELECT relname, indkey FROM pg_index, pg_class' | 1 |
'SELECT relname, indisunique, indisprimary, indkey FROM pg_index, pg_class' | 1 |
"SELECT trg.tgname AS trigger_name, tbl.relname AS table_name, CASE WHEN p.proname IS NOT NULL THEN 'EXECUTE PROCEDURE ' || p.proname || '();' ELSE '' END AS trigger_body, CASE trg.tgtype & cast(2 as int2) WHEN 0 THEN 'AFTER' ELSE 'BEFORE' END AS trigger_type, CASE trg.tgtype & cast(28 as int2) WHEN 16 THEN 'UPDATE' WHEN 8 THEN 'DELETE' WHEN 4 THEN 'INSERT' WHEN 20 THEN 'INSERT, UPDATE' WHEN 28 THEN 'INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE' WHEN 24 THEN 'UPDATE, DELETE' WHEN 12 THEN 'INSERT, DELETE' END AS trigger_event, trg.tgenabled AS trigger_enabled, obj_description(trg.oid, 'pg_trigger') AS trigger_comment FROM pg_trigger trg, pg_class tbl, pg_proc p WHERE trg.tgrelid = tbl.oid AND trg.tgfoid = p.oid AND trg.tgname = " . $db->quote($trigger, 'text') | 1 |
"SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table LIKE " . $this->db_instance->quote($field_name) | 1 |
'SHOW TABLES ' . ($database ? ' IN ' . $database : '') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO $sequence_name ($seqcol_name) VALUES (" . ($start - 1) . ')' | 1 |
"SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table" | 1 |
'SELECT c.relname AS "Name"' . ' FROM pg_class c, pg_user u' . ' WHERE c.relowner = u.usesysid' . " AND c.relkind = 'r'" . ' AND NOT EXISTS' . ' (SELECT 1 FROM pg_views' . ' WHERE viewname = c.relname)' . " AND c.relname !~ '^(pg_|sql_)'" . ' UNION' . ' SELECT c.relname AS "Name"' . ' FROM pg_class c' . " WHERE c.relkind = 'r'" . ' AND NOT EXISTS' . ' (SELECT 1 FROM pg_views' . ' WHERE viewname = c.relname)' . ' AND NOT EXISTS' . ' (SELECT 1 FROM pg_user' . ' WHERE usesysid = c.relowner)' . " AND c.relname !~ '^pg_'" | 1 |
"select * from $table" | 1 |
"SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'S' AND relnamespace IN" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM container_reference " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id FROM object_reference obr " . "JOIN container_reference cr ON obr.obj_id = cr.target_obj_id " . "WHERE cr.obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT title,title_type FROM container_reference cr ' . 'JOIN object_data od ON cr.obj_id = od.obj_id ' . 'WHERE cr.obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT title FROM object_data od " . "JOIN container_reference cr ON target_obj_id = od.obj_id " . "WHERE cr.obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM container_reference " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO container_reference (obj_id, target_obj_id, title_type) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTargetId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitleType( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT target_obj_id FROM container_reference " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM reg_access_limit " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM reg_access_limit " . "WHERE role_id = " . $this->db->quote($key, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO reg_access_limit (role_id,limit_mode,limit_absolute," . "limit_relative_d,limit_relative_m) " . "VALUES( " . $this->db->quote($key, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($data['mode'], 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($data['absolute']) . ", " . $this->db->quote($data['relative_d']) . ", " . $this->db->quote($data['relative_m']) . " " . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(generated_on) genr FROM " . self::DB_TABLE . " ORDER BY genr" | 1 |
'SELECT code_id FROM reg_registration_codes ' . 'WHERE used = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND reg_enabled = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND code = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_code, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT role FROM " . self::DB_TABLE . " WHERE code = " . $ilDB->quote($code, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT role, role_local, alimit, alimitdt, reg_enabled, ext_enabled" . " FROM " . self::DB_TABLE . " WHERE code = " . $ilDB->quote($code, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM reg_er_assignments " . "WHERE role = " . $ilDB->quote($role_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM reg_er_assignments " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO reg_er_assignments (assignment_id,domain,role) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($assignment['domain'], 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($assignment['role'], 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM reg_er_assignments " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_new_item_grp" . " (id, pos, type) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($seq, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($pos, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(self::NEW_ITEM_GROUP_TYPE_SEPARATOR, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_new_item_grp" . " (id, titles, pos, type) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($seq, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(serialize($a_titles), "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($pos, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(self::NEW_ITEM_GROUP_TYPE_GROUP, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_new_item_grp" . " SET titles = " . $ilDB->quote(serialize($a_titles), "text") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_new_item_grp" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_new_item_grp ORDER BY pos" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_new_item_grp" . " SET pos = " . $ilDB->quote($pos, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT tree FROM tree WHERE parent= " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . " AND tree < 0" | 1 |
"SELECT child" . " FROM tree" . " JOIN object_reference ref ON (tree.child = ref.ref_id)" . " JOIN object_data od ON (od.obj_id = ref.obj_id)" . " WHERE tree.tree < " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " AND od.type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id" . " FROM object_data " . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("typ", "text") . " AND title = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_data" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($type_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ta" . " WHERE typ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($type_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_operations" . " WHERE ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($create_ops_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates" . " WHERE ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($create_ops_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT object_data.*, ref_id FROM object_data " . "LEFT JOIN object_reference ON object_data.obj_id = object_reference.obj_id " . "LEFT JOIN tree ON object_reference.ref_id = tree.child " . "WHERE tree.child IS NULL " . "AND (object_reference.obj_id IS NOT NULL " . " OR object_data.type <> 'file' AND " . $ilDB->in('object_data.type', $this->rbac_object_types, false, 'text') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT object_data.*, ref_id FROM object_data " . "LEFT JOIN object_reference ON object_data.obj_id = object_reference.obj_id " . "LEFT JOIN tree ON object_reference.ref_id = tree.child " . "WHERE object_reference.ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote(RECOVERY_FOLDER_ID, 'integer') . " " . "AND object_data.type='rolf'" | 1 |
"SELECT object_data.*, ref_id FROM object_data " . "LEFT JOIN object_reference ON object_data.obj_id = object_reference.obj_id " . "LEFT JOIN tree ON object_reference.ref_id = tree.child " . "WHERE object_reference.ref_id =" . $ilDB->quote(RECOVERY_FOLDER_ID) . " " . "AND object_data.type='rolf'" | 1 |
"SELECT object_reference.* FROM object_reference " . "LEFT JOIN object_data ON object_data.obj_id = object_reference.obj_id " . "WHERE object_data.obj_id IS NULL " . "OR " . $ilDB->in('object_data.type', $this->rbac_object_types, true, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT tree.*,object_reference.ref_id FROM tree " . "LEFT JOIN object_reference ON tree.child = object_reference.ref_id " . "LEFT JOIN object_data ON object_reference.obj_id = object_data.obj_id " . "WHERE object_reference.ref_id IS NULL or object_data.obj_id IS NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT T1.tree,T1.child,T1.parent," . "T2.tree deleted,T2.parent grandparent " . "FROM tree T1 " . "LEFT JOIN tree T2 ON T2.child=T1.parent " . "WHERE (T2.tree!=1 OR T2.tree IS NULL) AND T1.parent!=0" | 1 |
"SELECT object_data.*,tree.tree,tree.child,tree.parent,deleted " . "FROM object_data " . "LEFT JOIN object_reference ON object_data.obj_id=object_reference.obj_id " . "LEFT JOIN tree ON tree.child=object_reference.ref_id " . " WHERE tree != 1 " . " ORDER BY deleted" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_reference WHERE ref_id= " . $this->db->quote($entry["ref_id"], 'integer') . " AND obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($entry["obj_id"], 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tree WHERE child='" . $entry["child"] . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_reference (ref_id,obj_id) " . "VALUES (" . $next_id | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tree WHERE tree!=1" | 1 |
'SELECT child FROM tree GROUP BY child HAVING COUNT(*) > 1' | 1 |
"SELECT tree.*,ref.ref_id,dat.obj_id objobj_id,ref.obj_id refobj_id,ref.deleted,dat.* " . "FROM tree " . "RIGHT JOIN object_reference ref ON tree.child = ref.ref_id " . "RIGHT JOIN object_data dat ON ref.obj_id = dat.obj_id " . "ORDER BY tree, lft, type, dat.title" | 1 |
"SELECT child FROM mep_tree " | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(obj_id) FROM object_reference_ws" | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM usr_portfolio" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("typ", "text") . " AND title = " . $ilDB->quote($type, "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data " . "(obj_id, type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($t_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("typ", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($type, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("Plugin " . $this->getPluginName( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote(-1, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(ilUtil::now( ), "timestamp") . "," . $ilDB->quote(ilUtil::now( ), "timestamp") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_ta " . " WHERE typ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($t_id, "integer") . " AND ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($op, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta " . "(typ_id, ops_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($t_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($op, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_operations " . " WHERE class = " . $ilDB->quote("create", "text") . " AND operation = " . $ilDB->quote("create_" . $type, "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_operations " . "(ops_id, operation, description, class) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($create_ops_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("create_" . $type, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("create " . $type, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("create", "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data " . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("typ", "text") . " AND title = " . $ilDB->quote($par_type, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_ta " . " WHERE typ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . " AND ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($create_ops_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta " . "(typ_id, ops_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($create_ops_id, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM desktop_item WHERE " . "item_id = %s AND type = %s AND user_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO desktop_item (item_id, type, user_id, parameters) VALUES " . " (%s,%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM desktop_item WHERE " . " item_id = %s AND user_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT obj.obj_id, obj.description, oref.ref_id, obj.title, obj.type " . " FROM desktop_item it, object_reference oref " . ", object_data obj" . " WHERE " . "it.item_id = oref.ref_id AND " . "oref.obj_id = obj.obj_id AND " . "it.user_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT obj.obj_id, obj.description, oref.ref_id, obj.title FROM desktop_item it, object_reference oref " . ", object_data obj WHERE " . "it.item_id = oref.ref_id AND " . "oref.obj_id = obj.obj_id AND " . "it.type = %s AND " . "it.user_id = %s " . "ORDER BY title" | 1 |
"SELECT item_id FROM desktop_item WHERE " . "item_id = %s AND user_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT item_id FROM desktop_item WHERE " . $db->in("item_id", $load_ref_ids, false, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $db->quote($user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM desktop_item WHERE " . " item_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM desktop_item WHERE " . " user_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rep_rec_content_role WHERE " . " role_id = %s AND ref_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rep_rec_content_obj WHERE " . " user_id = %s AND ref_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rep_rec_content_obj WHERE " . " ref_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rep_rec_content_role WHERE " . " ref_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rep_rec_content_obj WHERE " . " user_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rep_rec_content_role WHERE " . " role_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rep_rec_content_obj " . " WHERE user_id = %s AND ref_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT ref_id FROM rep_rec_content_role " . " WHERE " . $db->in("role_id", $role_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM like_data WHERE " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") . " AND sub_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_sub_obj_id, "integer") . " AND sub_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_sub_obj_type, "text") . " AND news_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_news_id, "integer") . " AND like_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_like_type, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM like_data " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_obj_ids, false, "integer") . " ORDER by exp_ts DESC" | 1 |
' INSERT INTO addressbook_mlist ( ml_id, user_id, title, description, createdate, changedate, lmode ) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
' UPDATE addressbook_mlist SET title = %s, description = %s, changedate = %s, lmode = %s WHERE ml_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM addressbook_mlist WHERE ml_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM addressbook_mlist WHERE ml_id = %s AND user_id =%s' | 1 |
'SELECT a_id, usr_data.usr_id FROM addressbook_mlist_ass INNER JOIN usr_data ON usr_data.usr_id = addressbook_mlist_ass.usr_id WHERE ml_id = %s' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO addressbook_mlist_ass (a_id, ml_id, usr_id) VALUES(%s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM addressbook_mlist_ass WHERE a_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM addressbook_mlist_ass WHERE ml_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM addressbook_mlist WHERE ml_id = %s AND user_id =%s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM addressbook_mlist_ass WHERE usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM addressbook_mlist WHERE user_id = %s' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM buddylist WHERE usr_id = %s OR buddy_usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM buddylist_requests WHERE usr_id = %s OR buddy_usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM buddylist WHERE usr_id = %s AND buddy_usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM buddylist WHERE buddy_usr_id = %s AND usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM buddylist_requests WHERE usr_id = %s AND buddy_usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM buddylist_requests WHERE buddy_usr_id = %s AND usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_rating_cat" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT max(pos) pos FROM il_rating_cat" . " WHERE parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getParentId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_rating" . " WHERE category_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_rating_cat" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_rating_cat" . " WHERE parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_obj_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY pos" | 1 |
"SELECT id, parent_id, title," . " description, pos" . " FROM il_rating_cat" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("parent_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_rating WHERE " . "user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND " . "obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . "obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") . " AND " . "sub_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_sub_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->equals("sub_obj_type", $a_sub_obj_type, "text", true) . " AND " . "category_id = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_rating WHERE " . "user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND " . "obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . "obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") . " AND " . "sub_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_sub_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->equals("sub_obj_type", $a_sub_obj_type, "text", true) . " AND " . "category_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_category_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_rating (user_id, obj_id, obj_type," . "sub_obj_id, sub_obj_type, category_id, rating, tstamp) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_obj_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_sub_obj_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_sub_obj_type, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_category_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_rating, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_rating WHERE " . "user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND " . "obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . "obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") . " AND " . "sub_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_sub_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->equals("sub_obj_type", $a_sub_obj_type, "text", true) | 1 |
"SELECT AVG(rating) av FROM il_rating WHERE " . "user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND " . "obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . "obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") . " AND " . "sub_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_sub_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->equals("sub_obj_type", $a_sub_obj_type, "text", true) | 1 |
"SELECT AVG(rating) av FROM il_rating" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT sub_obj_id, sub_obj_type, rating, category_id, user_id, tstamp " . "FROM il_rating WHERE " . "obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . "obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") . " ORDER BY tstamp" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, obj_type, user_id, AVG(rating) av" . " FROM il_rating" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_obj_ids, "", "integer") . " AND sub_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " GROUP BY obj_id, obj_type, user_id" | 1 |
"SELECT file_id, rating" . " FROM file_data" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("file_id", $a_obj_ids, "", 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT id, rating_overall" . " FROM il_wiki_data" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_obj_ids, "", 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT id, rating" . " FROM content_object" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_obj_ids, "", 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT cat_id FROM cal_categories " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND type = " . $ilDB->quote(ilCalendarCategory::TYPE_OBJ, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_categories " . "WHERE cat_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_cal_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND type = " . $ilDB->quote(ilCalendarCategory::TYPE_USR, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_categories " . "WHERE type = " . $this->db->quote(ilCalendarCategory::TYPE_GLOBAL, 'integer') . " " . $in . "ORDER BY title " | 1 |
"SELECT cat_id FROM cal_categories " . "WHERE type = " . $this->db->quote(ilCalendarCategory::TYPE_USR, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($ilUser->getId( ), 'integer') . " " . $in | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_categories " . "WHERE type = " . $this->db->quote(ilCalendarCategory::TYPE_USR, 'integer') . " " . "AND " . $ilDB->in('cat_id', $cat_ids, false, 'integer') . " " . "ORDER BY title " | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT(cc.cat_id) FROM booking_entry be ' . 'LEFT JOIN booking_obj_assignment bo ON be.booking_id = bo.booking_id ' . 'JOIN cal_entries ce ON be.booking_id = ce.context_id ' . 'JOIN cal_cat_assignments ca ON ce.cal_id = ca.cal_id ' . 'JOIN cal_categories cc ON ca.cat_id = cc.cat_id ' . 'WHERE ((bo.target_obj_id IS NULL) OR bo.target_obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($target_obj_id, 'integer') . ' ) ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM cal_categories ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cat_id', $categories, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_categories cc " . "WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote(ilCalendarCategory::TYPE_CH, 'integer') . ' ' . $filter | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_categories " . "WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote(ilCalendarCategory::TYPE_BOOK, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_categories " . "WHERE type = " . $this->db->quote(ilCalendarCategory::TYPE_OBJ, 'integer') . " " . "AND " . $ilDB->in('obj_id', $a_obj_ids, false, 'integer') . " " . "ORDER BY title " | 1 |
"SELECT od2.obj_id sess_id, od1.obj_id crs_id,cat_id, or2.ref_id sess_ref_id FROM object_data od1 " . "JOIN object_reference or1 ON od1.obj_id = or1.obj_id " . "JOIN tree t ON or1.ref_id = t.parent " . "JOIN object_reference or2 ON t.child = or2.ref_id " . "JOIN object_data od2 ON or2.obj_id = od2.obj_id " . "JOIN cal_categories cc ON od2.obj_id = cc.obj_id " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('od2.type', array('sess', 'exc'), false, 'text') . "AND (od1.type = 'crs' OR od1.type = 'grp') " . "AND " . $ilDB->in('od1.obj_id', $course_ids, false, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND or2.deleted IS NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_categories " . "WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote(ilCalendarCategory::TYPE_USR, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT cat_id, obj_id, title, color, type " . " FROM cal_categories " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("cat_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT cat_id, cal_id entry_id " . " FROM cal_cat_assignments " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("cat_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT cal_id id, title, subtitle, description, location, fullday, " . " starta, enda, informations, auto_generated, context_id, translation_type, is_milestone, completion, notification " . " FROM cal_entries " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("cal_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT rule_id, cal_id entry_id, cal_recurrence, freq_type, freq_until_date, freq_until_count, " . " intervall, byday, byweekno, bymonth, bymonthday, byyearday, bysetpos, weekstart " . " FROM cal_recurrence_rules " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("cal_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_auth_token " . "WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND selection = " . $ilDB->quote($a_selection, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND calendar = " . $ilDB->quote($a_calendar, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_auth_token " . "WHERE hash = " . $ilDB->quote($a_token, 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_auth_token (user_id,hash,selection,calendar) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getToken( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getSelectionType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCalendar( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_auth_token " . "WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM cal_auth_token ' . 'WHERE user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND hash = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getToken( ), 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_shared WHERE cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_cal_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_shared WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM cal_shared ' . "WHERE cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_calendar_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_shared " . "WHERE obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote(self::TYPE_USR, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "ORDER BY create_date" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_shared " . "WHERE obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote(self::TYPE_ROLE, 'integer') . " " . "AND " . $ilDB->in('obj_id', $assigned_roles, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_shared (cal_id,obj_id,obj_type,create_date,writable) " . "VALUES ( " . $this->db->quote($this->getCalendarId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($a_type, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->now( ) . ", " . $this->db->quote((int) $a_writable, 'integer') . ' ' . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_shared WHERE cal_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getCalendarId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_shared WHERE cal_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getCalendarId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_entries " . "WHERE cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_entry_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE cal_entries " . "SET title = " . $this->db->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ", " . "last_update = " . $ilDB->quote($utc_timestamp, 'timestamp') . ", " . "subtitle = " . $this->db->quote($this->getSubtitle( ), 'text') . ", " . "description = " . $this->db->quote($this->getDescription( ), 'text') . ", " . "location = " . $this->db->quote($this->getLocation( ), 'text') . ", " . "fullday = " . $ilDB->quote($this->isFullday( ) ? 1 : 0, 'integer') . ", " . "starta = " . $this->db->quote($this->getStart( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', 'UTC'), 'timestamp') . ", " . "enda = " . $this->db->quote($this->getEnd( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', 'UTC'), 'timestamp') . ", " . "informations = " . $this->db->quote($this->getFurtherInformations( ), 'text') . ", " . "auto_generated = " . $this->db->quote($this->isAutoGenerated( ), 'integer') . ", " . "translation_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->getTranslationType( ), 'integer') . ", " . "context_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getContextId( ), 'integer') . ", " . 'context_info = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getContextInfo( ), 'text') . ', ' . "completion = " . $this->db->quote($this->getCompletion( ), 'integer') . ", " . "is_milestone = " . $this->db->quote($this->isMilestone( ) ? 1 : 0, 'integer') . ", " . 'notification = ' . $this->db->quote($this->isNotificationEnabled( ) ? 1 : 0, 'integer') . ' ' . "WHERE cal_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getEntryId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_entries (cal_id,title,last_update,subtitle,description,location,fullday,starta,enda, " . "informations,auto_generated,context_id,context_info,translation_type, completion, is_milestone, notification) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($utc_timestamp, 'timestamp') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getSubtitle( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getDescription( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getLocation( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->isFullday( ) ? 1 : 0, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getStart( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', 'UTC'), 'timestamp') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getEnd( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', 'UTC'), 'timestamp') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getFurtherInformations( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->isAutoGenerated( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getContextId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getContextInfo( ), 'text') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getTranslationType( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getCompletion( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->isMilestone( ) ? 1 : 0, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->isNotificationEnabled( ) ? 1 : 0, 'integer') . ' ' . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_entries " . "WHERE cal_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getEntryId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_entries WHERE cal_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getEntryId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_entry_responsible WHERE cal_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_entry_responsible (cal_id, user_id) " . " VALUES (%s,%s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_entry_responsible WHERE cal_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT cat_id FROM cal_categories " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND type = " . $ilDB->quote(self::TYPE_OBJ, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_cat_assignments " . 'WHERE cat_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_category_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_categories (cat_id,obj_id,color,type,title,loc_type,remote_url,remote_user,remote_pass,remote_sync) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getColor( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getType( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getLocationType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getRemoteUrl( ), 'text') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getRemoteUser( ), 'text') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getRemotePass( ), 'text') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getRemoteSyncLastExecution( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', ilTimeZone::UTC), 'timestamp') . ' ' . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE cal_categories " . "SET obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ", " . "color = " . $this->db->quote($this->getColor( ), 'text') . ", " . "type = " . $this->db->quote($this->getType( ), 'integer') . ", " . "title = " . $this->db->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ", " . "loc_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->getLocationType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . "remote_url = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRemoteUrl( ), 'text') . ', ' . "remote_user = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRemoteUser( ), 'text') . ', ' . "remote_pass = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRemotePass( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'remote_sync = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getRemoteSyncLastExecution( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', ilTimeZone::UTC), 'timestamp') . ' ' . "WHERE cat_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->cat_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_categories " . "WHERE cat_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->cat_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_categories " . "WHERE cat_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getCategoryID( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id FROM object_reference obr " . "JOIN object_data obd ON obd.obj_id = obr.obj_id " . "WHERE type = 'cals'" | 1 |
"SELECT cal_id FROM cal_shared_status " . "WHERE status = " . $ilDB->quote(self::STATUS_ACCEPTED, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_shared_status " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_calendar_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_shared_status " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_shared_status " . "WHERE cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_calendar_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_shared_status " . "WHERE cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_calendar_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_shared_status " . "WHERE cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_calendar_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND " . $ilDB->in('usr_id', $assigned_users, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_shared_status (cal_id,usr_id,status) " . "VALUES ( " . $this->db->quote($a_calendar_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->usr_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote(self::STATUS_ACCEPTED, 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_shared_status (cal_id,usr_id,status) " . "VALUES ( " . $this->db->quote($a_calendar_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->usr_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote(self::STATUS_DECLINED, 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_shared_status " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->usr_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT excl_id FROM cal_rec_exclusion " . "WHERE cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_cal_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_rec_exclusion " . "WHERE cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_cal_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_cat_visibility " . "WHERE cat_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_cat_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_cat_visibility " . "WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_cat_visibility (user_id, cat_id, obj_id, visible) " . "VALUES ( " . $this->db->quote($this->user_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($hidden, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote(self::HIDDEN, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_cat_visibility (user_id, cat_id, obj_id, visible) " . "VALUES ( " . $this->db->quote($this->user_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($visible, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote(self::VISIBLE, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_cat_visibility " . "WHERE user_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->user_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND cat_id = " . $this->db->quote($a_cat_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_cat_visibility " . "WHERE user_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->user_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_cat_visibility " . "WHERE user_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->user_id, 'integer') . " " . " AND obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cal_notification ' . 'WHERE user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cal_notification ' . 'WHERE cal_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_cal_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO cal_notification ' . '(notification_id,cal_id, user_type, user_id, email) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $ilDB->quote($ilDB->nextId('cal_notification'), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getEntryId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $rcp['type'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $rcp['usr_id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($rcp['email'], 'text') . ')' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cal_notification ' . 'WHERE cal_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getEntryId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM cal_notification ' . 'WHERE cal_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getEntryId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_recurrence_rules " . "WHERE cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_cal_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_recurrence_rules (rule_id,cal_id,cal_recurrence,freq_type,freq_until_date,freq_until_count,intervall, " . "byday,byweekno,bymonth,bymonthday,byyearday,bysetpos,weekstart) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->cal_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote((string) $this->getFrequenceType( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($until_date, 'timestamp') . ", " . $this->db->quote((int) $this->getFrequenceUntilCount( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote((int) $this->getInterval( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote((string) $this->getBYDAY( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote((string) $this->getBYWEEKNO( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote((string) $this->getBYMONTH( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote((string) $this->getBYMONTHDAY( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote((string) $this->getBYYEARDAY( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote((string) $this->getBYSETPOS( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote((string) $this->getWeekstart( ), 'text') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE cal_recurrence_rules SET " . "cal_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->cal_id, 'integer') . ", " . "cal_recurrence = 1," . "freq_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->getFrequenceType( ), 'text') . ", " . "freq_until_date = " . $this->db->quote($until_date, 'timestamp') . ", " . "freq_until_count = " . $this->db->quote($this->getFrequenceUntilCount( ), 'integer') . ", " . "intervall = " . $this->db->quote($this->getInterval( ), 'integer') . ", " . "byday = " . $this->db->quote($this->getBYDAY( ), 'text') . ", " . "byweekno = " . $this->db->quote($this->getBYWEEKNO( ), 'text') . ", " . "bymonth = " . $this->db->quote($this->getBYMONTH( ), 'text') . ", " . "bymonthday = " . $this->db->quote($this->getBYMONTHDAY( ), 'text') . ", " . "byyearday = " . $this->db->quote($this->getBYYEARDAY( ), 'text') . ", " . "bysetpos = " . $this->db->quote($this->getBYSETPOS( ), 'text') . ", " . "weekstart = " . $this->db->quote($this->getWeekstart( ), 'text') . " " . "WHERE rule_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->recurrence_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_recurrence_rules " . "WHERE rule_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->recurrence_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_recurrence_rules " . "WHERE rule_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->recurrence_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT cat.cat_id,cat.color, ass.cal_id FROM cal_categories cat " . "JOIN cal_cat_assignments ass ON cat.cat_id = ass.cat_id " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('cat.cat_id', $this->categories->getCategories(true), false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT rule_id FROM cal_recurrence_rules " . "WHERE cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_cal_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_registrations " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_registrations " . "WHERE cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_cal_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_registrations (cal_id,usr_id,dstart,dend) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($this->getAppointmentId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($start->get(IL_CAL_UNIX), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($end->get(IL_CAL_UNIX), 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_registrations " . "WHERE cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getAppointmentId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND dstart = " . $ilDB->quote($start->get(IL_CAL_UNIX), 'integer') . ' ' . "AND dend = " . $ilDB->quote($end->get(IL_CAL_UNIX), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_registrations WHERE cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getAppointmentId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT ce.cal_id cal_id FROM cal_entries ce " . "JOIN cal_cat_assignments ca ON ca.cal_id = ce.cal_id " . "WHERE last_update > " . $ilDB->quote($start->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME), 'timestamp') . " " . "AND " . $ilDB->in('ca.cat_id', $cats, false, 'integer') . ' ' . "ORDER BY last_update" | 1 |
"SELECT ce.cal_id cal_id" . " FROM cal_entries ce" . " LEFT JOIN cal_recurrence_rules crr ON (ce.cal_id = crr.cal_id)" . " JOIN cal_cat_assignments ca ON (ca.cal_id = ce.cal_id)" | 1 |
"SELECT cat_id FROM cal_categories " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_rec_exclusion (excl_id,cal_id,excl_date) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id = $ilDB->nextId('cal_rec_exclusion'), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getEntryId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getDate( )->get(IL_CAL_DATE, '', 'UTC'), 'timestamp') . ')' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_rec_exclusion WHERE excl_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT cat_id FROM cal_cat_assignments " . "WHERE cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_cal_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_cat_assignments " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('cal_id', $a_cal_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_cat_assignments " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('cat_id', $a_cat_id, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(*) num FROM cal_cat_assignments ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cat_id', $a_cat_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT ce.cal_id FROM cal_categories cc " . "JOIN cal_cat_assignments cca ON cc.cat_id = cca.cat_id " . "JOIN cal_entries ce ON cca.cal_id = ce.cal_id " . "WHERE auto_generated = 1 " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_cat_assignments " . "WHERE cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_app_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_cat_assignments " . "WHERE cat_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_cat_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cal_cat_assignments (cal_id,cat_id) " . "VALUES ( " . $this->db->quote($this->cal_entry_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($a_cal_cat_id, 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_cat_assignments " . "WHERE cal_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->cal_entry_id, 'integer') . ", " . "AND cat_id = " . $this->db->quote($a_cat_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cal_cat_assignments " . "WHERE cal_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->cal_entry_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cal_cat_assignments " . "WHERE cal_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->cal_entry_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT ce.cal_id FROM cal_entries ce" . " JOIN cal_cat_assignments cca ON ce.cal_id = cca.cal_id" . " JOIN cal_categories cc ON cca.cat_id = cc.cat_id" . " JOIN booking_entry be ON ce.context_id = be.booking_id" . " WHERE cc.obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . $owner . " AND cc.type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT ce.cal_id FROM cal_entries ce ' . 'JOIN cal_cat_assignments ca ON ce.cal_id = ca.cal_id ' . 'JOIN cal_categories cc ON ca.cat_id = cc.cat_id ' . 'JOIN booking_entry be ON ce.context_id = be.booking_id ' . 'WHERE cc.obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cc.type = ' . $ilDB->quote($type, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND be.booking_group = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ch_group_id, 'integer') . ' ' . $start_limit . ' ' . 'ORDER BY ce.starta ' | 1 |
'SELECT admin_id FROM cal_ch_settings' . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($user_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cal_ch_settings' . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO cal_ch_settings (user_id, admin_id)' . ' VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($user_id, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT user_id FROM cal_ch_settings' . ' WHERE admin_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM booking_user ' . 'JOIN cal_entries ON entry_id = cal_id ' . 'WHERE notification_sent = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND starta > ' . $ilDB->quote($now->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', ilTimeZone::UTC), 'timestamp') . ' ' . 'AND starta <= ' . $ilDB->quote($limit->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', ilTimeZone::UTC), 'timestamp') | 1 |
'UPDATE booking_user ' . 'SET notification_sent = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->user_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND entry_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->entry_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'select ce.cal_id from cal_entries ce ' . 'join cal_cat_assignments cca on ce.cal_id = cca.cal_id ' . 'join cal_categories cc on cca.cat_id = cc.cat_id ' . 'where context_id = ' . $db->quote($booking->getId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'and starta = ' . $db->quote($start->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', \ilTimeZone::UTC), \ilDBConstants::T_TIMESTAMP) . ' ' . 'and enda = ' . $db->quote($end->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', \ilTimeZone::UTC), \ilDBConstants::T_TIMESTAMP) . ' ' . 'and type = ' . $db->quote(\ilCalendarCategory::TYPE_CH, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT user_id FROM cal_ch_settings ' . 'WHERE admin_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO cal_ch_group (grp_id,usr_id,multiple_assignments,title) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getGroupId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMaxAssignments( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ')' | 1 |
'UPDATE cal_ch_group SET ' . 'usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'multiple_assignments = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMaxAssignments( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'title = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ' ' . 'WHERE grp_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getGroupId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM cal_ch_group ' . 'WHERE grp_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getGroupId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM cal_ch_group ' . 'WHERE grp_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getGroupId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT grp_id FROM cal_ch_group ' . 'WHERE usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(grp_id) num FROM cal_ch_group ' . 'WHERE usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'GROUP BY grp_id' | 1 |
'SELECT title from cal_ch_group ' . 'WHERE grp_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_group_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT multiple_assignments from cal_ch_group ' . 'WHERE grp_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_group_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'Update failed: ' . $e1->getMessage( ) | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_part_settings ' . 'SET ' . 'sid = ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'mid = ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getMid( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'export = ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->isExportEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'import = ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->isImportEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'import_type = ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getImportType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'title = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'cname = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCommunityName( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'token = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isTokenEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'dtoken = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isDeprecatedTokenEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'export_types = ' . $ilDB->quote(serialize($this->getExportTypes( )), 'text') . ', ' . 'import_types = ' . $ilDB->quote(serialize($this->getImportTypes( )), 'text') . ' ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getMid( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ecs_part_settings ' . '(sid,mid,export,import,import_type,title,cname,token,dtoken,export_types, import_types) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMid( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->isExportEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->isImportEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getImportType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCommunityName( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isTokenEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isDeprecatedTokenEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(serialize($this->getExportTypes( )), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(serialize($this->getImportTypes( )), 'text') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_part_settings ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMid( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ecs_part_settings ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMid( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_data_mapping ' . 'SET advmd_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAdvMDId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mapping_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMappingType( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ecs_field = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getECSField( ), 'text') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ecs_data_mapping (sid,mapping_type,ecs_field,advmd_id) ' . 'VALUES(' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMappingType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getECSField( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAdvMDId( ), 'integer') . ' ) ' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_data_mapping' . ' WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * from ecs_import ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND econtent_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_econtent_id, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM ecs_import " . "WHERE content_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_content_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND mid = " . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . " " . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM ecs_import " . "WHERE content_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_content_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * from ecs_import ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND content_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_content_id, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ecs_import ei JOIN object_data obd ON ei.obj_id = obd.obj_id " . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id) . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('type', ilECSUtils::getPossibleRemoteTypes( ), false, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ecs_import " . "WHERE mid = " . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . " " . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ecs_import WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ecs_import WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM ecs_import WHERE econtent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_econtent_id, 'text') . " " . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM ecs_import " . "WHERE econtent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_econtent_id, 'text') . " " . "AND mid = " . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . " " . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ecs_emport WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) . " " . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT mid FROM ecs_import WHERE econtent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_econtent_id, 'text') . " " . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ecs_import " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_import ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_import ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('econtent_id', (array) $a_econtent_ids, false, 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ecs_import " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " " . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO ecs_import (obj_id,mid,econtent_id,sub_id,server_id,content_id) " . "VALUES ( " . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->mid, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->econtent_id, 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getSubId( ), 'text') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getContentId( ), 'text') . ' ' . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ecs_import WHERE " . "obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " " . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_import SET server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE from ecs_data_mapping ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ecs_data_mapping ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServer( )->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
"SELECT econtent_id,obj_id FROM ecs_export " . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM ecs_export " | 1 |
"SELECT e.obj_id FROM ecs_export e" . " JOIN object_data o ON (e.obj_id = o.obj_id)" . " WHERE o.type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM ecs_export " . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ecs_export ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ecs_export WHERE " . $ilDB->in('econtent_id', $a_ids, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_export ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM ecs_export " . "WHERE econtent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_econtent_id, 'integer') . " " . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ecs_export " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " " . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( )) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO ecs_export (server_id,obj_id,econtent_id) " . "VALUES ( " . $this->db->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getEContentId( ), 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ecs_export WHERE " . "obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " AND " . 'server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_export' . ' WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT server_id FROM ecs_server ' . 'WHERE active = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY title ' | 1 |
'SELECT server_id FROM ecs_server ' . 'WHERE active = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY title ' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_container_mapping WHERE mapping_id = %s ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_container_mapping SET ' . 'container_id = %s, ' . 'field_name = %s, ' . 'mapping_type = %s, ' . 'mapping_value = %s, ' . 'date_range_start = %s,' . 'date_range_end = %s ' . 'WHERE mapping_id = %s' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ecs_container_mapping ' . '(mapping_id,container_id,field_name,mapping_type,mapping_value,date_range_start,date_range_end) ' . 'VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ecs_container_mapping WHERE mapping_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_community ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT sid,cid FROM ecs_community ' | 1 |
'SELECT mid FROM ecs_part_settings ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT sid,mid,export_types FROM ecs_part_settings ep ' . 'JOIN ecs_server es ON ep.sid = es.server_id ' . 'WHERE export = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND active = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY cname,es.title' | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT(sid) FROM ecs_part_settings ep ' . 'JOIN ecs_server es ON ep.sid = es.server_id ' . 'WHERE export = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND active = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'DELETE from ecs_part_settings ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT mid FROM ecs_part_settings ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND import_type = ' . $ilDB->quote(ilECSParticipantSetting::IMPORT_CMS) | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ecs_part_settings ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'Show ecs settings.' | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) count FROM ecs_server" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ecs_server (server_id,active,title,protocol,server,port,auth_type,client_cert_path,ca_cert_path,' . 'key_path,key_password,cert_serial,polling_time,import_id,global_role,econtent_rcp,user_rcp,approval_rcp,duration,auth_user,auth_pass) ' . 'VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->isEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getProtocol( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServer( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPort( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAuthType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getClientCertPath( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCACertPath( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getKeyPath( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getKeyPassword( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCertSerialNumber( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPollingTime( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getImportId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getGlobalRole( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getEContentRecipientsAsString( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserRecipientsAsString( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getApprovalRecipientsAsString( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getDuration( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAuthUser( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAuthPass( ), 'text') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_server SET ' . 'server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'active = ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->isEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'title = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'protocol = ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getProtocol( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'server = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServer( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'port = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPort( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'auth_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAuthType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'client_cert_path = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getClientCertPath( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'ca_cert_path = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCACertPath( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'key_path = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getKeyPath( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'key_password = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getKeyPassword( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'cert_serial = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCertSerialNumber( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'polling_time = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPollingTime( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'import_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getImportId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'global_role = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getGlobalRole( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'econtent_rcp = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getEContentRecipientsAsString( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'user_rcp = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserRecipientsAsString( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'approval_rcp = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getApprovalRecipientsAsString( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'duration = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getDuration( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'auth_user = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAuthUser( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'auth_pass = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAuthPass( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'auth_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAuthType( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_server ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ecs_server ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data WHERE auth_mode = 'ecs' " . "AND time_limit_until < " . time( ) . " " . "AND time_limit_unlimited = 0 " . "AND (time_limit_until - time_limit_from) < 7200" | 1 |
'UPDATE settings SET ' . 'value = ' . $ilDB->quote(time( ) + $this->settings->getPollingTime( ), 'text') . ' ' . 'WHERE module = ' . $ilDB->quote('ecs', 'text') . ' ' . 'AND keyword = ' . $ilDB->quote('next_execution_' . $this->settings->getServerId( ), 'text') . ' ' . 'AND value < ' . $ilDB->quote(time( ), 'text') | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_community ' . 'SET own_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getOwnId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'cname = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCommunityName( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'mids = ' . $ilDB->quote(serialize($this->getMids( )), 'text') . ' ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCommunityId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ecs_community (sid,cid,own_id,cname,mids) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCommunityId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getOwnId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCommunityName( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(serialize($this->getMids( )), 'text') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ecs_community ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCommunityId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_community' . ' WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT container_id FROM ecs_container_mapping " | 1 |
'SELECT eru_id FROM ecs_remote_user ' . 'WHERE usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT eru_id FROM ecs_remote_user ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMid( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_remote_user SET ' . 'sid = ' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilDB']->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'mid = ' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilDB']->quote($this->getMid( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'usr_id = ' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilDB']->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'remote_usr_id = ' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilDB']->quote($this->getRemoteUserId( ), 'text') . ' ' . 'WHERE eru_id = ' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilDB']->quote($this->getId( )) | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ecs_remote_user (eru_id, sid, mid, usr_id, remote_usr_id) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilDB']->quote($next_id) . ', ' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilDB']->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilDB']->quote($this->getMid( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilDB']->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'text') . ', ' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilDB']->quote($this->getRemoteUserId( ), 'text') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ecs_remote_user ' . 'WHERE eru_id = ' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilDB']->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT organization FROM " . static::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT mid FROM " . static::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . $this->getTableName( ) . " WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . $this->getTableName( ) . " WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'Update failed: ' . $e2->getMessage( ) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ecs_events " . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServer( )->getServerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ecs_events " . "WHERE " . $this->db->in("type", $a_types, "", "text") . ' ' . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServer( )->getServerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ecs_events " . "WHERE type = " . $this->db->quote(self::TYPE_EXPORTED, 'text') . ' ' . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServer( )->getServerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_events ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ecs_events " . "WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote($type, 'integer') . " " . "AND id = " . $ilDB->quote($ev->getRessourceId( ), 'integer') . " " . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServer( )->getServerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT ecs_events (event_id,type,id,op,server_id) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($ilDB->nextId('ecs_events'), 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($type, 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ev->getRessourceId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ev->getStatus( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServer( )->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
"UPDATE ecs_events " . "SET op = " . $ilDB->quote($ev->getStatus( ), 'text') . " " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($event_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND type = ' . $ilDB->quote($type) . ' ' . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServer( )->getServerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO ecs_events (event_id,type,id,op,server_id) " . "VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($a_type, 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($a_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($a_op, 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getServer( )->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE ecs_events " . "SET op = " . $this->db->quote($a_operation, 'text') . " " . "WHERE type = " . $this->db->quote($a_type, 'text') . " " . "AND id = " . $this->db->quote($a_id, 'integer') . " " . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServer( )->getServerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ecs_events " . "WHERE event_id = " . $this->db->quote($a_event_id, 'integer') . " " . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServer( )->getServerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ecs_events " . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServer( )->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY event_id' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ecs_cms_tree ' . '(tree,child,parent,lft,rgt,depth) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $ilDB->quote($tree, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($a_child, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(100, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ' )' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_cms_tree ' . 'WHERE tree = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(*) num FROM ecs_cms_tree WHERE tree = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT child FROM ecs_cms_tree WHERE tree = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(*) num FROM ecs_cms_data ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT ed.obj_id obj_id FROM ecs_cms_data ed ' . 'LEFT JOIN ecs_cms_tree et ON ed.obj_id = et.child ' . 'WHERE et.child IS NULL ' . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid) . ' ' . 'AND tree_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id) | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM ecs_cms_data ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cms_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($cms_id, 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT tree_id FROM ecs_cms_data ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cms_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($cms_id, 'text') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY tree_id ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ecs_cms_data ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT term FROM ecs_cms_data ' . 'JOIN ecs_cms_tree ON obj_id = child ' . 'WHERE tree = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY depth' | 1 |
'SELECT status,deleted FROM ecs_cms_data ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT status FROM ecs_cms_data ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cms_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($cms_id, 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT cms_id FROM ecs_cms_data ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('obj_id', $a_obj_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT cms_id FROM ecs_cms_data ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_cms_data ' . 'SET status = ' . $ilDB->quote($status, 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('cms_id', $cms_ids, false, 'text') | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_cms_data ' . 'SET status = ' . $ilDB->quote($status, 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_cms_data ' . 'SET deleted = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_deleted_flag, 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT(tree_id) tid FROM ecs_cms_data ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ecs_cms_data (obj_id,server_id,mid,tree_id,cms_id,title,term,status,deleted) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->server_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->mid, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->tree_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->cms_id, 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->title, 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->term, 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->status, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->deleted, 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
"UPDATE ecs_cms_data SET " . 'title = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->title, 'text') . ', ' . 'term = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->term, 'text') . ', ' . 'status = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->status, 'text') . ', ' . 'deleted = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isDeleted( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ecs_cms_data " . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ecs_cms_data " . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ecs_cms_data " . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ecs_cms_data ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT ref_id FROM ecs_node_mapping_a ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cs_root = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ref_id > 0' | 1 |
'SELECT title_update, position_update, tree_update FROM ecs_node_mapping_a ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cs_root = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cs_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT cs_id FROM ecs_node_mapping_a ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cs_root = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ref_id > 0' | 1 |
'SELECT depth FROM ecs_node_mapping_a ' . 'JOIN ecs_cms_tree ON (tree = cs_root AND child = cs_id) ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cs_root = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'SELECT title_update FROM ecs_node_mapping_a ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cs_root = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cs_id = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_node_mapping_a ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id) . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cs_root = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('cs_id', $cs_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_node_mapping_a ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id) . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cs_root = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ecs_node_mapping_a (server_id,mid,cs_root,cs_id,ref_id,obj_id,title_update,position_update,tree_update) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMemberId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTreeId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCSId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRefId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isTitleUpdateEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isPositionUpdateEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isTreeUpdateEnabled( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_node_mapping_a ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMemberId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cs_root = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTreeId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cs_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCSId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ecs_node_mapping_a ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMemberId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cs_root = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTreeId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cs_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCSId( ), 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_node_mapping_a' . ' WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ecs_crs_mapping_atts ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY id' | 1 |
'SELECT attribute FROM ecs_cmap_rule ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_sid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY rid ' | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT(ref_id) ref_id, rid FROM ecs_cmap_rule ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_sid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'GROUP BY ref_id' . ' ' . 'ORDER BY rid' | 1 |
'SELECT rid FROM ecs_cmap_rule ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_sid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT ref_id FROM ecs_cmap_rule ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_sid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT rid FROM ecs_cmap_rule ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_sid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND attribute = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_att, 'text') | 1 |
'DELETE from ecs_cmap_rule ' . 'WHERE rid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRuleId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ecs_cmap_rule ' . '(rid,sid,mid,attribute,ref_id,is_filter,filter,create_subdir,subdir_type,directory) ' . 'VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRuleId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMid( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAttribute( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRefId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isFilterEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getFilter( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isSubdirCreationEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getSubDirectoryType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getDirectory( ), 'text') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_cmap_rule ' . ' ' . 'SET ' . 'attribute = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getAttribute( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRefId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'is_filter = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isFilterEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'filter = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getFilter( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'create_subdir = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isSubdirCreationEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'subdir_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getSubDirectoryType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'directory = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getDirectory( ), 'text') . ' ' . 'WHERE rid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRuleId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * from ecs_cmap_rule ' . ' ' . 'WHERE rid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRuleId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT id FROM ecs_course_assignments ' . 'WHERE usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'text') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_course_assignments ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_course_assignments ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT usr_id FROM ecs_course_assignments ' . 'WHERE cms_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_cms_id, 'integer') . ' ' . $cms_sub_id_query . 'AND obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT id FROM ecs_course_assignments ' . 'WHERE cms_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_cms_id, 'integer') . ' ' . $cms_sub_id_query . 'AND obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'text') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ecs_course_assignments ' . '(id,sid,mid,cms_id,cms_sub_id,obj_id,usr_id,status) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServer( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMid( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCmsId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCmsSubId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getUid( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getStatus( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'UPDATE ecs_course_assignments ' . 'SET ' . 'sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServer( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMid( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'cms_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCmsId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'cms_sub_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getCmsSubId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getUid( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'status = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getStatus( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_course_assignments ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ecs_course_assignments ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ecs_crs_mapping_atts " . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ecs_crs_mapping_atts (id,sid,mid,name) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMid( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getName( ), 'text') . ' ' . ') ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ecs_crs_mapping_atts ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM $table WHERE " . "component = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponent( ), "text") . " AND " . "name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getName( ), "text") . " AND " . "expire_time > " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . " AND " . "ilias_version = " . $ilDB->quote(ILIAS_VERSION_NUMERIC, "text") . " AND " . "entry_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM $table WHERE " . " ilias_version <> " . $ilDB->quote(ILIAS_VERSION_NUMERIC, "text") . " OR expire_time < " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . $table . " WHERE " . " entry_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "text") . " AND component = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponent( ), "text") . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getName( ), "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_templ_ref " . " WHERE skl_node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO skl_templ_ref " . "(skl_node_id, templ_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getSkillTemplateId( ), "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE skl_templ_ref SET " . " templ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSkillTemplateId( ), "integer") . " WHERE skl_node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_templ_ref WHERE " . " skl_node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT templ_id FROM skl_templ_ref WHERE skl_node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_templ_ref " . " WHERE templ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_template_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT t.child, t.parent, t.lft, n.order_nr FROM skl_tree t JOIN skl_tree_node n ON (t.child = n.obj_id)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_profile " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_profile_level " . " WHERE profile_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO skl_profile " . "(id, title, description, ref_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getDescription( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getRefId( ), "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE skl_profile SET " . " title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . " description = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDescription( ), "text") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getRefId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_profile_user WHERE " . " profile_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_profile_role WHERE " . " profile_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_profile WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_profile WHERE " . " ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE skl_profile_level SET " . " order_nr = " . $ilDB->quote(($cnt * 10), "integer") . " WHERE base_skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($id_arr[0], "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($id_arr[1], "integer") . " AND profile_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT profile_id, base_skill_id, tref_id, order_nr FROM skl_profile_level WHERE " . " profile_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " ORDER BY order_nr ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(order_nr) mnr FROM skl_profile_level WHERE " . " profile_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_profile " . " ORDER BY title " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_profile " . " WHERE ref_id = 0 " . " ORDER BY title " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_profile " . " WHERE ref_id = " . $a_ref_id . " ORDER BY title " | 1 |
"SELECT " . $a_field . " FROM skl_profile " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_profile_user " . " WHERE profile_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_profile_user WHERE " . " profile_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_profile_user WHERE " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT, p.title FROM skl_profile_user u JOIN skl_profile p " . " ON (u.profile_id = " . " WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY p.title ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) ucnt FROM skl_profile_user " . " WHERE profile_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_profile_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_profile_role " . " WHERE profile_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_profile_role WHERE " . " profile_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND role_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_profile_role WHERE " . " role_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT, p.title FROM skl_profile_role r JOIN skl_profile p " . " ON (r.profile_id = " . " WHERE r.role_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY p.title ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT, p.title FROM skl_profile_role r JOIN skl_profile p " . " ON (r.profile_id = " . " WHERE r.role_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, "integer") . " AND p.ref_id = 0" . " ORDER BY p.title ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT, p.title FROM skl_profile_role r JOIN skl_profile p " . " ON (r.profile_id = " . " WHERE r.role_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, "integer") . " AND p.ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY p.title ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) rcnt FROM skl_profile_role " . " WHERE profile_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_profile_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_tree_node WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT $a_field FROM skl_tree_node WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_tree_node WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE skl_tree_node SET " . " title = " . $ilDB->quote($a_title, "text") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE skl_tree_node SET " . " description = " . $ilDB->quote($a_description, "clob") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE skl_tree_node SET " . " order_nr = " . $ilDB->quote($a_nr, "integer") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO skl_tree_node (obj_id, title, description, type, create_date, self_eval, order_nr, status, creation_date, import_id) " . "VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getDescription( ), "clob") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getType( ), "text") . ", " . $ilDB->now( ) . ", " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getSelfEvaluation( ), "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getOrderNr( ), "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getStatus( ), "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->now( ) . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getImportId( ), "text") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE skl_tree_node SET " . " title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . " ,description = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDescription( ), "clob") . " ,self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getSelfEvaluation( ), "integer") . " ,order_nr = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getOrderNr( ), "integer") . " ,status = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getStatus( ), "integer") . " ,import_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getImportId( ), "text") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_tree_node WHERE obj_id= " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, title FROM skl_tree_node WHERE " . " self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote(true, "integer") . " ORDER BY TITLE " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_tree_node " . " WHERE self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * " . " FROM skl_tree_node" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->like("title", "text", "%" . $a_term . "%") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_usage WHERE " . " obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_skill_id, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_tref_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_usage WHERE " . " obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM skl_usage " . " WHERE skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_skill_id, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_tref_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT " . $a_key_field . ", " . $a_skill_field . ", " . $a_tref_field . " FROM " . $a_table . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_skill_resource " . " WHERE base_skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getBaseSkillId( ), "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTemplateRefId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_skill_resource WHERE " . " base_skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getBaseSkillId( ), "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getTemplateRefId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO skl_skill_resource " . "(base_skill_id, tref_id, level_id, rep_ref_id, imparting, ltrigger) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getBaseSkillId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getTemplateRefId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $level_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $ref_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $r["imparting"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $r["trigger"], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_skill_resource " . " WHERE rep_ref_id = " . $db->quote($a_ref_id, "integer") . " AND ltrigger = " . $db->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_personal_skill " . " WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_personal_skill " . " WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND skill_node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_skill_node_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO skl_personal_skill " . "(user_id, skill_node_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_skill_node_id, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_personal_skill WHERE " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND skill_node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_skill_node_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_personal_skill WHERE " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_assigned_material " . " WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND top_skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_top_skill, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_basic_skill, "integer") . " AND level_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_level, "integer") . " AND wsp_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wsp_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO skl_assigned_material " . "(user_id, top_skill_id, tref_id, skill_id, level_id, wsp_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_top_skill, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_basic_skill, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_level, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_wsp_id, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_assigned_material " . " WHERE level_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_level, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM skl_assigned_material " . " WHERE level_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_level, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_assigned_material WHERE " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND level_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_level_id, "integer") . " AND wsp_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wsp_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_assigned_material WHERE " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT skill_node_id, user_id FROM skl_personal_skill " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("skill_node_id", $pskill_ids, false, "integer") . " GROUP BY skill_node_id, user_id" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_self_eval WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_self_eval_level WHERE " . " self_eval_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO skl_self_eval " . "(id, user_id, top_skill_id, created, last_update) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTopSkillId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE skl_self_eval SET " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), "integer") . ", top_skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTopSkillId( ), "integer") . ", last_update = " . $ilDB->now( ) . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_self_eval WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_self_eval WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user, "integer") . " " . "ORDER BY last_update DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT $a_prop FROM skl_self_eval WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_user_has_level WHERE " . " skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($skill_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE skl_user_skill_level SET " . " level_id = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . "," . " next_level_fulfilment = " . $ilDB->quote(0.0, "float") . "," . " status_date = " . $ilDB->quote($now, "timestamp") . " WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND status_date = " . $ilDB->quote($status_date, "timestamp") . " AND skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_skill_id, "integer") . " AND status = " . $ilDB->quote(ilBasicSkill::ACHIEVED, "integer") . " AND trigger_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($trigger_obj_id, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote($a_self_eval, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO skl_user_skill_level " . "(level_id, user_id, tref_id, status_date, skill_id, status, valid, trigger_ref_id," . "trigger_obj_id, trigger_obj_type, trigger_title, self_eval, unique_identifier," . "next_level_fulfilment) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($now, "timestamp") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_skill_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(ilBasicSkill::ACHIEVED, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_trigger_ref_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($trigger_obj_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_self_eval, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote(0.0, "float") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_user_has_level WHERE " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_skill_id, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND trigger_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($trigger_obj_id, "integer") . " AND self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote($a_self_eval, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_user_skill_level WHERE " . "skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_skill_id, "integer") . " AND " . "user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND " . "tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND " . "trigger_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($trigger_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . "self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " ORDER BY status_date DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_user_skill_level " . " WHERE status_date >= " . $ilDB->quote($a_timestamp, "timestamp") . " AND valid = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " AND status = " . $ilDB->quote(ilBasicSkill::ACHIEVED, "integer") . " AND self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote($a_self_eval, "integer") . $to . $user . " ORDER BY user_id, status_date ASC " | 1 |
"UPDATE skl_user_skill_level SET " . " level_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_level_id, "integer") . "," . " status_date = " . $ilDB->quote($now, "timestamp") . "," . " next_level_fulfilment = " . $ilDB->quote((float) $a_next_level_fulfilment, "float") . " WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND status_date = " . $ilDB->quote($status_date, "timestamp") . " AND skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($skill_id, "integer") . " AND status = " . $ilDB->quote($a_status, "integer") . " AND trigger_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($trigger_obj_id, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote($a_self_eval, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_user_skill_level WHERE " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($skill_id, "integer") . " AND trigger_ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($trigger_ref_id, "integer") . " AND trigger_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($trigger_obj_id, "integer") . " AND self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote($a_self_eval, "integer") . " AND unique_identifier = " . $ilDB->quote($a_unique_identifier, "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO skl_user_skill_level " . "(level_id, user_id, tref_id, status_date, skill_id, status, valid, trigger_ref_id," . "trigger_obj_id, trigger_obj_type, trigger_title, self_eval, unique_identifier," . "next_level_fulfilment) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_level_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($now, "timestamp") . "," . $ilDB->quote($skill_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_status, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($trigger_ref_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($trigger_obj_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($trigger_type, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($trigger_title, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_self_eval, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_unique_identifier, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote((float) $a_next_level_fulfilment, "float") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_user_has_level WHERE " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($skill_id, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND trigger_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($trigger_obj_id, "integer") . " AND self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote($a_self_eval, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO skl_user_has_level " . "(level_id, user_id, tref_id, status_date, skill_id, trigger_ref_id, trigger_obj_id, trigger_obj_type," . "trigger_title, self_eval, next_level_fulfilment) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_level_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_tref_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($now, "timestamp") . "," . $ilDB->quote($skill_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($trigger_ref_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($trigger_obj_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($trigger_type, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($trigger_title, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_self_eval, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((float) $a_next_level_fulfilment, "float") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_user_skill_level WHERE " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND trigger_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_trigger_obj_id, "integer") . " AND self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote($a_self_eval, "integer") . " AND unique_identifier = " . $ilDB->quote($a_unique_identifier, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_user_has_level WHERE " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND trigger_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_trigger_obj_id, "integer") . " AND self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote($a_self_eval, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_user_skill_level WHERE " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_user_has_level WHERE " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT level_id FROM skl_user_has_level " . " WHERE trigger_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . " AND skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($skill_id, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote($a_self_eval, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_user_has_level " . " WHERE skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($skill_id, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote($a_self_eval, "integer") . " ORDER BY status_date DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_user_skill_level " . " WHERE skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($skill_id, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . $by . " ORDER BY status_date DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT level_id FROM skl_user_has_level " . " WHERE trigger_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_object_id, "integer") . " AND skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($skill_id, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote($a_self_eval, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT level_id FROM skl_user_has_level " . " WHERE skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($skill_id, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote($a_self_eval, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT level_id FROM skl_user_has_level " . " WHERE skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_skill_id, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT level_id FROM skl_user_has_level " . " WHERE trigger_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_object_id, "integer") . " AND skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($skill_id, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote($a_self_eval, "integer") . " ORDER BY status_date DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT status_date FROM skl_user_has_level " . " WHERE trigger_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_object_id, "integer") . " AND skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($skill_id, "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_tref_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND self_eval = " . $ilDB->quote($a_self_eval, "integer") . " ORDER BY status_date DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_tree_node WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_templ_ref " . " WHERE skl_node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($s["child"], "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id level_id, skill_id, nr, title, description" . " FROM skl_level WHERE " . $ilDB->in("skill_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") . " ORDER BY skill_id ASC, nr ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT id, title, description" . " FROM skl_profile WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_profile " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $profile_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT profile_id, base_skill_id, tref_id, level_id" . " FROM skl_profile_level WHERE " . $ilDB->in("profile_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT profile_id, base_skill_id, tref_id, level_id, order_nr" . " FROM skl_profile_level WHERE " . $ilDB->in("profile_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(templ_id) FROM skl_templ_ref " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("skl_node_id", $ref_nodes, false, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_level WHERE " . " skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($skill_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(nr) mnr FROM skl_level WHERE " . " skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($skill_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_level WHERE " . " skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($skill_id, "integer") . $and . " ORDER BY nr" | 1 |
"SELECT $a_prop FROM skl_level WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE skl_level SET " . " nr = " . $ilDB->quote($cnt, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM skl_level WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, nr FROM skl_level WHERE " . " skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($skill_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY nr ASC" | 1 |
"UPDATE skl_level SET " . " nr = " . $ilDB->quote($cnt, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["id"], "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_level WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_level_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_tree_node n JOIN skl_tree t ON (n.obj_id = t.child) " . " WHERE n.import_id = " . $ilDB->quote("il_" . ((int) $a_source_inst_id) . "_sktr_" . $a_tref_import_id, "text") . " ORDER BY n.creation_date DESC " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_tree_node n JOIN skl_tree t ON (n.obj_id = t.child) " . " WHERE n.import_id = " . $ilDB->quote("il_" . ((int) $a_source_inst_id) . "_" . $skill_node_type . "_" . $a_skill_import_id, "text") . " ORDER BY n.creation_date DESC " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM skl_level l JOIN skl_tree t ON (l.skill_id = t.child) " . " WHERE l.import_id = " . $ilDB->quote("il_" . ((int) $a_source_inst_id) . "_sklv_" . $a_level_import_id, "text") . " ORDER BY l.creation_date DESC " | 1 |
' DELETE FROM il_cert_template WHERE id = 10 AND obj_id = 200' | 1 |
'UPDATE il_cert_template SET currently_active = 1 WHERE id = 30' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM il_cert_cron_queue WHERE id = 30' | 1 |
'UPDATE il_cert_template SET currently_active = ' . $this->database->quote($currentlyActive, 'integer') . ' WHERE id = ' . $this->database->quote($certificateTemplate->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM il_cert_template WHERE id = ' . $this->database->quote($templateId, 'integer') . ' ORDER BY version ASC' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM il_cert_template WHERE obj_id = ' . $this->database->quote($objId, 'integer') . ' AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY version ASC' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM il_cert_template WHERE obj_id = ' . $this->database->quote($objId, 'integer') . ' AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY id DESC ' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM il_cert_template WHERE obj_id = ' . $this->database->quote($objId, 'integer') . ' AND deleted = 0 AND currently_active = 1 ' | 1 |
' UPDATE il_cert_template SET deleted = 1, currently_active = 0 WHERE id = ' . $this->database->quote($templateId, 'integer') . ' AND obj_id = ' . $this->database->quote($objectId, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE il_cert_template SET currently_active = 1 WHERE id = ' . $this->database->quote($previousCertificate->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
' SELECT il_cert_template.* FROM il_cert_template INNER JOIN object_data od ON od.obj_id = il_cert_template.obj_id WHERE obj_type = ' . $this->database->quote($type, 'text') . ' AND currently_active = 1 ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_cert_template WHERE obj_id = ' . $this->database->quote($objId, 'integer') . ' ORDER BY id ASC ' | 1 |
' UPDATE il_cert_template SET currently_active = 0 WHERE obj_id = ' . $this->database->quote($objId, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE il_cert_template SET background_image_path = %s WHERE currently_active = 1 AND (background_image_path = %s OR background_image_path = %s )' | 1 |
'SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM il_cert_template WHERE background_image_path = %s AND currently_active = 1) AS does_exist' | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM il_certificate WHERE obj_id = ' . $this->database->quote($objectId, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM il_certificate WHERE obj_id = ' . $this->database->quote($objId, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT, il_cert_user_cert.obj_type, il_cert_user_cert.thumbnail_image_path, il_cert_user_cert.acquired_timestamp, usr_data.firstname, usr_data.lastname, il_cert_user_cert.obj_id, (CASE WHEN (trans.title IS NOT NULL AND LENGTH(trans.title) > 0) THEN trans.title WHEN (object_data.title IS NOT NULL AND LENGTH(object_data.title) > 0) THEN object_data.title WHEN (object_data_del.title IS NOT NULL AND LENGTH(object_data_del.title) > 0) THEN object_data_del.title ELSE ' . $this->database->quote($this->defaultTitle, 'text') . ' END ) as title, (CASE WHEN (trans.description IS NOT NULL AND LENGTH(trans.description) > 0) THEN trans.description WHEN (object_data.description IS NOT NULL AND LENGTH(object_data.description) > 0) THEN object_data.description WHEN (object_data_del.description IS NOT NULL AND LENGTH(object_data_del.description) > 0) THEN object_data_del.description ELSE "" END ) as description FROM il_cert_user_cert LEFT JOIN object_data ON object_data.obj_id = il_cert_user_cert.obj_id LEFT JOIN object_translation trans ON trans.obj_id = object_data.obj_id AND trans.lang_code = ' . $this->database->quote($params['language'], 'text') . ' LEFT JOIN object_data_del ON object_data_del.obj_id = il_cert_user_cert.obj_id LEFT JOIN usr_data ON usr_data.usr_id = il_cert_user_cert.user_id WHERE user_id = ' . $this->database->quote($userId, 'integer') . ' AND currently_active = 1' | 1 |
' SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM il_cert_user_cert WHERE user_id = ' . $this->database->quote($userId, 'integer') . ' AND currently_active = 1' | 1 |
' SELECT il_cert_user_cert.pattern_certificate_id, il_cert_user_cert.obj_id, il_cert_user_cert.obj_type, il_cert_user_cert.user_id, il_cert_user_cert.user_name, il_cert_user_cert.acquired_timestamp, il_cert_user_cert.certificate_content, il_cert_user_cert.template_values, il_cert_user_cert.valid_until, il_cert_user_cert.version, il_cert_user_cert.ilias_version, il_cert_user_cert.currently_active, il_cert_user_cert.background_image_path,, il_cert_user_cert.thumbnail_image_path, (CASE WHEN (object_data.title IS NULL) THEN CASE WHEN (object_data_del.title IS NULL) THEN ' . $this->database->quote($this->defaultTitle, 'text') . ' ELSE object_data_del.title END ELSE object_data.title END ) as title FROM il_cert_user_cert LEFT JOIN object_data ON object_data.obj_id = il_cert_user_cert.obj_id LEFT JOIN object_data_del ON object_data_del.obj_id = il_cert_user_cert.obj_id WHERE user_id = ' . $this->database->quote($userId, 'integer') . ' AND currently_active = 1' | 1 |
' SELECT il_cert_user_cert.pattern_certificate_id, il_cert_user_cert.obj_id, il_cert_user_cert.obj_type, il_cert_user_cert.user_id, il_cert_user_cert.user_name, il_cert_user_cert.acquired_timestamp, il_cert_user_cert.certificate_content, il_cert_user_cert.template_values, il_cert_user_cert.valid_until, il_cert_user_cert.version, il_cert_user_cert.ilias_version, il_cert_user_cert.currently_active, il_cert_user_cert.background_image_path,, il_cert_user_cert.thumbnail_image_path, (CASE WHEN (object_data.title IS NULL) THEN CASE WHEN (object_data_del.title IS NULL) THEN ' . $this->database->quote($this->defaultTitle, 'text') . ' ELSE object_data_del.title END ELSE object_data.title END ) as title FROM il_cert_user_cert LEFT JOIN object_data ON object_data.obj_id = il_cert_user_cert.obj_id LEFT JOIN object_data_del ON object_data_del.obj_id = il_cert_user_cert.obj_id WHERE user_id = ' . $this->database->quote($userId, 'integer') . ' AND currently_active = 1 AND acquired_timestamp >= ' . $this->database->quote($startTimestamp, 'integer') . ' AND acquired_timestamp <= ' . $this->database->quote($endTimeStamp, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_cert_user_cert WHERE user_id = ' . $this->database->quote($userId, 'integer') . ' AND obj_id = ' . $this->database->quote($objectId, 'integer') . ' AND currently_active = 1' | 1 |
'SELECT il_cert_user_cert.pattern_certificate_id, il_cert_user_cert.obj_id, il_cert_user_cert.obj_type, il_cert_user_cert.user_id, il_cert_user_cert.user_name, il_cert_user_cert.acquired_timestamp, il_cert_user_cert.certificate_content, il_cert_user_cert.template_values, il_cert_user_cert.valid_until, il_cert_user_cert.version, il_cert_user_cert.ilias_version, il_cert_user_cert.currently_active, il_cert_user_cert.background_image_path,, il_cert_user_cert.thumbnail_image_path, usr_data.lastname, (CASE WHEN (object_data.title IS NULL) THEN CASE WHEN (object_data_del.title IS NULL) THEN ' . $this->database->quote($this->defaultTitle, 'text') . ' ELSE object_data_del.title END ELSE object_data.title END ) as title FROM il_cert_user_cert LEFT JOIN object_data ON object_data.obj_id = il_cert_user_cert.obj_id LEFT JOIN object_data_del ON object_data_del.obj_id = il_cert_user_cert.obj_id LEFT JOIN usr_data ON usr_data.usr_id = il_cert_user_cert.user_id WHERE il_cert_user_cert.user_id = ' . $this->database->quote($userId, 'integer') . ' AND il_cert_user_cert.obj_id = ' . $this->database->quote($objectId, 'integer') . ' AND il_cert_user_cert.currently_active = 1' | 1 |
'SELECT il_cert_user_cert.pattern_certificate_id, il_cert_user_cert.obj_id, il_cert_user_cert.obj_type, il_cert_user_cert.user_id, il_cert_user_cert.user_name, il_cert_user_cert.acquired_timestamp, il_cert_user_cert.certificate_content, il_cert_user_cert.template_values, il_cert_user_cert.valid_until, il_cert_user_cert.version, il_cert_user_cert.ilias_version, il_cert_user_cert.currently_active, il_cert_user_cert.background_image_path,, il_cert_user_cert.thumbnail_image_path, (CASE WHEN (object_data.title IS NULL) THEN CASE WHEN (object_data_del.title IS NULL) THEN ' . $this->database->quote($this->defaultTitle, 'text') . ' ELSE object_data_del.title END ELSE object_data.title END ) as title FROM il_cert_user_cert LEFT JOIN object_data ON object_data.obj_id = il_cert_user_cert.obj_id LEFT JOIN object_data_del ON object_data_del.obj_id = il_cert_user_cert.obj_id WHERE user_id = ' . $this->database->quote($userId, 'integer') . ' AND obj_type = ' . $this->database->quote($type, 'text') . ' AND currently_active = 1' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_cert_user_cert WHERE id = ' . $this->database->quote($id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM il_cert_user_cert WHERE user_id = ' . $this->database->quote($userId, 'integer') . ' AND ' . $inStatementObjectIds . ' AND currently_active = ' . $this->database->quote(1, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT user_id FROM il_cert_user_cert WHERE obj_id = ' . $this->database->quote($objectId, 'integer') . ' AND currently_active = ' . $this->database->quote(1, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM il_cert_user_cert WHERE user_id = ' . $this->database->quote($userId, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_cert_user_cert WHERE user_id = ' . $this->database->quote($userId, 'integer') . ' AND obj_id = ' . $this->database->quote($objId, 'integer') | 1 |
' UPDATE il_cert_user_cert SET currently_active = 0 WHERE obj_id = ' . $this->database->quote($objId, 'integer') . ' AND user_id = ' . $this->database->quote($userId, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM il_cert_user_cert WHERE background_image_path = %s AND currently_active = 1) AS does_exist' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM il_cert_cron_queue WHERE id = ' . $this->database->quote($id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_cert_cron_queue' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM il_cert_cron_queue WHERE usr_id = ' . $this->database->quote($user_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT record_id id" . " FROM adv_md_record" | 1 |
"SELECT field_id id" . " FROM adv_mdf_definition" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM adv_md_substitutions WHERE obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->type, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT active,field_id,amfd.title FROM adv_md_record amr " . "JOIN adv_md_record_objs amro ON amr.record_id = amro.record_id " . "JOIN adv_mdf_definition amfd ON amr.record_id = amfd.record_id " . "WHERE active = 1 " . "AND obj_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->type, 'text') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM adv_md_substitutions " . "WHERE obj_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->type, 'text') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(amr.record_id) FROM adv_md_record amr " . "JOIN adv_mdf_definition amfd ON amr.record_id = amfd.record_id " . "WHERE searchable = 1 AND active = 1 " | 1 |
"SELECT title FROM adv_md_record " . "WHERE record_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_record_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT record_id FROM adv_md_record " . "WHERE import_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ilias_id, 'text') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(obj_type) FROM adv_md_record_objs amo " . "JOIN adv_md_record amr ON amo.record_id = amr.record_id " . "WHERE active = 1 " | 1 |
"SELECT record_id FROM adv_md_record ORDER BY gpos " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM adv_md_record_objs WHERE sub_type=" . $ilDB->quote("-", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT amro.record_id record_id FROM adv_md_record_objs amro " . "JOIN adv_md_record amr ON amr.record_id = amro.record_id " . "WHERE active = 1 " . "AND obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, 'text') . " " . "AND sub_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_sub_type, 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM adv_md_record " . "WHERE record_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_record_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM adv_md_record_objs " . "WHERE record_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_record_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO adv_md_record (record_id,import_id,active,title,description,parent_obj,lang_default) " . "VALUES(" . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getImportId( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->isActive( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getDescription( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getParentObject( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote((string) $this->getDefaultLanguage( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE adv_md_record " . "SET import_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->generateImportId( ), 'text') . " " . "WHERE record_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->record_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO adv_md_record_objs (record_id,obj_type,sub_type,optional) " . "VALUES( " . $this->db->quote($this->getRecordId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($type["obj_type"], 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($type["sub_type"], 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($type["optional"], 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE adv_md_record " . "SET active = " . $this->db->quote($this->isActive( ), 'integer') . ", " . "title = " . $this->db->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ", " . "description = " . $this->db->quote($this->getDescription( ), 'text') . ", " . 'gpos = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getGlobalPosition( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'lang_default = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getDefaultLanguage( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . "WHERE record_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRecordId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM adv_md_record_objs " . "WHERE record_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRecordId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO adv_md_record_objs (record_id,obj_type,sub_type,optional) " . "VALUES ( " . $this->db->quote($this->getRecordId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($type["obj_type"], 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($type["sub_type"], 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($type["optional"], 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM adv_md_record " . "WHERE record_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRecordId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM adv_md_record_objs " . "WHERE record_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRecordId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'SELECT scope_id FROM adv_md_record_scope ' . 'WHERE record_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->record_id) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM adv_md_obj_rec_select WHERE " . " obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND sub_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_sub_type, "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO adv_md_obj_rec_select " . "(obj_id, rec_id, sub_type) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($r, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_sub_type, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM adv_md_obj_rec_select " . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND sub_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_sub_type, "text") | 1 |
'INSERT INTO adv_md_record_scope (scope_id, record_id, ref_id) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $this->db->quote($this->scope_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->record_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->ref_id, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
'Update entry.' | 1 |
'UPDATE adv_md_record_scope ' . 'SET ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->ref_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE scope_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->scope_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM adv_md_record_scope ' . 'WHERE scope_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->scope_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM adv_md_record_scope ' . 'WHERE record_id = ' . $db->quote($a_record_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM adv_md_record_scope ' . 'WHERE scope_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->scope_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO adv_md_record_obj_ord (record_id, obj_id, position ) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $this->db->quote($this->record_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->position, 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM adv_md_record_obj_ord WHERE ' . 'record_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->record_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND obj_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM adv_mdf_definition" . " WHERE record_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_record_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT amf.* FROM adv_md_record_objs aro" . " JOIN adv_md_record amr ON aro.record_id = amr.record_id" . " JOIN adv_mdf_definition amf ON aro.record_id = amf.record_id" . " WHERE obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT field_id, field_type FROM adv_mdf_definition" . " WHERE import_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_import_id, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT field_id FROM adv_md_record amr" . " JOIN adv_mdf_definition amfd ON (amr.record_id = amfd.record_id)" . " WHERE active = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " AND searchable = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT max(position) pos" . " FROM adv_mdf_definition" . " WHERE record_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getRecordId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM adv_mdf_definition" . " WHERE field_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_field_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM adv_mdf_definition" . " WHERE field_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getFieldId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id,type" . " FROM object_data" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $obj_ids, "", "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("type", $a_object_types, "", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT amro.*" . " FROM adv_md_record_objs amro" . " JOIN adv_md_record amr ON (amr.record_id = amro.record_id)" . " WHERE active = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT record_id FROM adv_md_record" . " WHERE record_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_record_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM adv_md_record_objs" . " WHERE record_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_record_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM adv_md_record" . " WHERE record_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_record_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT field_id FROM adv_mdf_definition" . " WHERE field_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_field_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT max(position) pos" . " FROM adv_mdf_definition" . " WHERE record_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_record_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM adv_mdf_definition" . " WHERE field_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_field_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM adv_md_substitutions" . " WHERE obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") | 1 |
'DELETE FROM adv_md_record_obj_ord ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $this->db->quote($obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT record_id, position FROM adv_md_record_obj_ord ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $this->db->quote($obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'delete from adv_mdf_enum ' . 'where field_id = ' . $db->quote($this->getFieldId( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
'insert into adv_mdf_enum (field_id, lang_code, idx, value )' . 'values ( ' . $db->quote($this->getFieldId( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $db->quote($lang_key, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ', ' . $db->quote($idx, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $db->quote($option, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ')' | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id,type" . " FROM object_data" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", array_keys($obj_ids), "", "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("type", $a_object_types, "", "text") | 1 |
'select ref_id from object_reference obr join object_data obd on obr.obj_id = obd.obj_id ' . 'where ' . $db->like('title', 'text', $a_value . '%') | 1 |
'update ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'set title = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getTitle( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ', ' . 'description = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getDescription( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'where record_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getRecordId( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . 'and lang_code = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getLangKey( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) | 1 |
'delete from ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'where record_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getRecordId( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' and ' . 'lang_code = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getLangKey( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) | 1 |
'insert into ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' (record_id, title, lang_code, description) ' . 'values ( ' . $this->db->quote($this->getRecordId( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getTitle( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getLangKey( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getDescription( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'select * from ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'where field_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getFieldId( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . 'and lang_code = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getLangKey( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' | 1 |
'update ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'set title = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getTitle( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ', ' . 'description = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getDescription( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'where field_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getFieldId( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . 'and lang_code = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getLangKey( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) | 1 |
'delete from ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'where field_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getFieldId( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' and ' . 'lang_code = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getLangKey( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) | 1 |
'insert into ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' (field_id, title, lang_code, description) ' . 'values ( ' . $this->db->quote($this->getFieldId( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getTitle( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getLangKey( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getDescription( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'select * from ' . ilAdvancedMDRecordTranslation::TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'where record_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getRecordId( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
'select fi.field_id tfield, de.field_id ofield, fi.title, fi.description, ri.lang_code ' . 'from adv_md_record_int ri join adv_mdf_definition de on ri.record_id = de.record_id ' . 'left join adv_md_field_int fi on (ri.lang_code = fi.lang_code and de.field_id = fi.field_id) ' . 'where ri.record_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getRecordId( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_qst_answer WHERE " . " qst_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") . " AND " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
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"SELECT count(user_id) usr_cnt FROM page_qst_answer WHERE " . " qst_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_q_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT count(user_id) usr_cnt FROM page_qst_answer WHERE " . " qst_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_q_id, "integer") . " AND " . " passed = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " AND " . " try = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT count(user_id) usr_cnt FROM page_qst_answer WHERE " . " qst_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_q_id, "integer") . " AND " . " passed = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " AND " . " try = " . $ilDB->quote(2, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT count(user_id) usr_cnt FROM page_qst_answer WHERE " . " qst_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_q_id, "integer") . " AND " . " passed = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " AND " . " try >= " . $ilDB->quote(3, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_qst_answer WHERE " . $qst . $and | 1 |
"UPDATE page_qst_answer SET " . " try = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . "," . " passed = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . "," . " points = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . "," . " unlocked = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " WHERE qst_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_q_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE page_qst_answer SET " . " unlocked = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " WHERE qst_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_q_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM page_pc_usage WHERE usage_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usage_type, "text") . " AND usage_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_usage_id, "integer") . " AND usage_lang = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lang, "text") . $and_hist . " AND pc_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_pc_type, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_pc_usage " . " WHERE pc_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_pc_type, "text") . " AND pc_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_pc_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT pc_type, pc_id FROM page_pc_usage WHERE " . " usage_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usage_id, "integer") . " AND " . " usage_lang = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lang, "text") . " AND " . " usage_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usage_type, "text") . $hist_str | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_object" . " WHERE page_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->id, "integer") . " AND parent_type=" . $this->db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . " AND lang = " . $this->db->quote($this->getLanguage( ), "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_history" . " WHERE page_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->id, "integer") . " AND parent_type=" . $this->db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . " AND nr = " . $this->db->quote((int) $this->old_nr, "integer") . " AND lang = " . $this->db->quote($this->getLanguage( ), "text") | 1 |
"SELECT page_id FROM page_object WHERE page_id = " . $db->quote($a_id, "integer") . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($a_parent_type, "text") . $and_lang | 1 |
"SELECT page_id, parent_type, lang, active, activation_start, activation_end, show_activation_info FROM page_object " . " WHERE parent_id = " . $db->quote($a_parent_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE page_object SET active = %s, activation_start = %s, " . " activation_end = %s WHERE page_id = %s" . " AND parent_type = %s AND lang = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE page_object SET active = %s WHERE page_id = %s" . " AND parent_type = %s AND lang = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT active, activation_start, activation_end, show_activation_info FROM page_object WHERE page_id = %s" . " AND parent_type = %s AND lang = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT parent_id FROM page_object WHERE page_id = " . $db->quote($a_id, "integer") . " " . "AND parent_type=" . $db->quote($a_type, "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE page_object SET parent_id = %s WHERE page_id = %s" . " AND parent_type = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_object WHERE " . "page_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . "parent_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . " AND " . "lang = " . $this->db->quote($this->getLanguage( ), "text") | 1 |
"SELECT max(nr) as mnr FROM page_history WHERE " . "page_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . "parent_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . " AND " . "lang = " . $this->db->quote($this->getLanguage( ), "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM page_history WHERE " . "page_id = %s AND parent_type = %s AND hdate = %s AND lang = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM page_object " . "WHERE page_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND parent_type= " . $this->db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO page_style_usage " . "(id, page_id, page_type, page_lang, page_nr, template, stype, sname) VALUES (" . $this->db->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->getLanguage( ), "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($a_old_nr, "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($u["template"], "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($u["stype"], "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($u["sname"], "text") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM page_style_usage WHERE " . " page_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND page_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . " AND page_lang = " . $this->db->quote($this->getLanguage( ), "text") . $and_old_nr | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_object WHERE page_id = " . $db->quote($a_id, "integer") . " AND " . " parent_type = " . $db->quote($a_parent_type, "text") . " AND " . " lang = " . $db->quote($a_lang, "text") . " AND " . " inactive_elements = " . $db->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_history " . " WHERE page_id = " . $db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . " AND lang = " . $db->quote($this->getLanguage( ), "text") . " ORDER BY hdate DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_history " . " WHERE page_id = %s " . " AND parent_type = %s " . " AND nr = %s" . " AND lang = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(nr) mnr FROM page_history " . " WHERE page_id = " . $db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . " AND lang = " . $db->quote($this->getLanguage( ), "text") . $and_nr | 1 |
"SELECT MIN(nr) mnr FROM page_history " . " WHERE page_id = " . $db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . " AND lang = " . $db->quote($this->getLanguage( ), "text") . " AND nr > " . $db->quote((int) $a_nr, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_history " . " WHERE page_id = " . $db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . " AND lang = " . $db->quote($this->getLanguage( ), "text") . " AND nr = " . $db->quote((int) $a_nr, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT page_id, last_change hdate, parent_type, parent_id, last_change_user user_id, content, lang FROM page_object " . " WHERE page_id = " . $db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . " AND lang = " . $db->quote($this->getLanguage( ), "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE page_object " . " SET view_cnt = view_cnt + 1 " . " WHERE page_id = " . $db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . " AND lang = " . $db->quote($this->getLanguage( ), "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_object " . " WHERE parent_id = " . $db->quote($a_parent_id, "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($a_parent_type, "text") . " AND last_change >= " . $db->quote($limit_ts, "timestamp") . $and_lang | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_history " . " WHERE parent_id = " . $db->quote($a_parent_id, "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($a_parent_type, "text") . $and_str . $and_lang | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_object " . " WHERE parent_id = " . $db->quote($a_parent_id, "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($a_parent_type, "text") . $and_lang | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_object " . " WHERE parent_id = " . $db->quote($a_parent_id, "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($a_parent_type, "text") . $and_lang . " ORDER BY created DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT last_change_user, lang, page_id FROM page_object " . " WHERE parent_id = %s AND parent_type = %s " . " AND last_change_user != %s" . $and_lang | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) as cnt, lang, page_id, user_id FROM page_history " . " WHERE parent_id = %s AND parent_type = %s AND user_id != %s " . $and_lang . " GROUP BY page_id, user_id, lang " | 1 |
"SELECT last_change_user, lang FROM page_object " . " WHERE page_id = %s AND parent_type = %s " . " AND last_change_user != %s" . $and_lang | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) as cnt, lang, page_id, user_id FROM page_history " . " WHERE page_id = %s AND parent_type = %s AND user_id != %s " . $and_lang . " GROUP BY user_id, page_id, lang " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_object " . " WHERE parent_id = " . $db->quote($a_parent_id, "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($a_parent_type, "text") . " AND int_links = " . $db->quote(1, "integer") . $and_lang | 1 |
"SELECT lang FROM page_object " . " WHERE page_id = " . $db->quote($a_id, "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($a_parent_type, "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE page_object SET " . " edit_lock_user = " . $db->quote($user->getId( ), "integer") . "," . " edit_lock_ts = " . $db->quote($ts, "integer") . " WHERE (edit_lock_user = " . $db->quote($user->getId( ), "integer") . " OR " . " edit_lock_ts < " . $db->quote(time( ) - ($min * 60), "integer") . ") " . " AND page_id = " . $db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE page_object SET " . " edit_lock_user = " . $db->quote($user->getId( ), "integer") . "," . " edit_lock_ts = 0" . " WHERE edit_lock_user = " . $db->quote($user->getId( ), "integer") . " AND page_id = " . $db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") | 1 |
"SELECT edit_lock_user, edit_lock_ts FROM page_object " . " WHERE page_id = " . $db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") | 1 |
"SELECT last_change FROM page_object " . " WHERE parent_id = " . $db->quote($a_parent_id, "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($a_parent_type, "text") . $and_lang . " ORDER BY last_change DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT page_id, is_empty FROM page_object WHERE page_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") . " " . "AND parent_type= " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type, "text") . $and_lang | 1 |
"SELECT page_id, active, activation_start, activation_end, show_activation_info FROM page_object WHERE " . $db->in("page_id", $ids, false, "integer") . " AND parent_type = %s AND lang = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM copg_multilang " . " WHERE parent_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . " AND parent_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getParentId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM copg_multilang_lang " . " WHERE parent_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . " AND parent_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getParentId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM copg_multilang " . " WHERE parent_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . " AND parent_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getParentId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM copg_multilang_lang " . " WHERE parent_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . " AND parent_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getParentId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO copg_multilang " . "(parent_type, parent_id, master_lang) VALUES (" . $this->db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->getParentId( ), "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->getMasterLanguage( ), "text") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO copg_multilang_lang " . "(parent_type, parent_id, lang) VALUES (" . $this->db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->getParentId( ), "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($lang, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM copg_section_timings WHERE " . " page_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_page->getId( ), "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_page->getParentType( ), "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM copg_section_timings " . " WHERE page_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_page->getId( ), "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_page->getParentType( ), "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM copg_pobj_def " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM copg_pc_def ORDER BY order_nr" | 1 |
"SELECT layout_id id, title, description, " . " style_id, special_page " . " FROM page_layout " . "WHERE " . $db->in("layout_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM page_editor_settings WHERE " . "settings_grp = " . $ilDB->quote($a_grp, "text") . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_name, "text") | 1 |
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"SELECT value FROM page_editor_settings " . " WHERE settings_grp = " . $ilDB->quote($a_grp, "text") . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_name, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM page_anchor WHERE " . " page_parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type, "text") . " AND page_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_page_id, "integer") . " AND page_lang = " . $ilDB->quote($a_page_lang, "text") | 1 |
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"SELECT * FROM page_anchor " . " WHERE page_parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type, "text") . " AND page_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_page_id, "integer") . $and_lang | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_question WHERE page_parent_type = %s " . " AND page_id = %s AND page_lang = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_question " . " WHERE question_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_q_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM copg_pc_def" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM copg_pobj_def" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO copg_pc_def " . "(pc_type, name, component, directory, int_links, style_classes, xsl, def_enabled, top_item, order_nr) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["pc_type"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["name"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_comp, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["directory"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["int_links"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["style_classes"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["xsl"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["def_enabled"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["top_item"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["order_nr"], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO copg_pobj_def " . "(parent_type, class_name, component, directory) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["parent_type"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["class_name"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_comp, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["directory"], "text") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE page_layout SET active=" . $ilDB->quote($a_setting, "integer") . " WHERE layout_id =" . $ilDB->quote($this->layout_id, "integer") | 1 |
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"SELECT * FROM page_layout WHERE layout_id =" . $ilDB->quote($this->layout_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_layout $add ORDER BY title " | 1 |
"SELECT layout_id FROM page_layout $add ORDER BY title " | 1 |
'UPDATE booking_entry SET booking_group = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE booking_group = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_group_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT entry_id FROM booking_user ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('entry_id', $a_app_ids, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO booking_entry (booking_id,obj_id,deadline,num_bookings,booking_group) ' . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getDeadlineHours( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getNumberOfBookings( ), 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($this->getBookingGroup( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ") " | 1 |
"UPDATE booking_entry SET " . " obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ", " . " deadline = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDeadlineHours( ), 'integer') . ", " . " num_bookings = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getNumberOfBookings( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'booking_group = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getBookingGroup( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE booking_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM booking_entry " . "WHERE booking_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM booking_entry " . "WHERE booking_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM booking_obj_assignment ' . 'WHERE booking_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT(context_id) FROM cal_entries e' . ' JOIN cal_cat_assignments a ON (e.cal_id = a.cal_id)' . ' JOIN cal_categories c ON (a.cat_id = c.cat_id) WHERE c.type = ' . $ilDB->quote(ilCalendarCategory::TYPE_CH, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM booking_entry WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('booking_id', $used, true, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM booking_obj_assignment WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('booking_id', $used, true, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT(obj_id) FROM booking_entry be ' . 'JOIN booking_obj_assignment bo ON be.booking_id = bo.booking_id ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('obj_id', $a_obj_ids, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND bo.target_obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_target_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT(obj_id) FROM booking_entry be ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('obj_id', $a_obj_ids, false, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'SELECT be.obj_id bobj FROM booking_entry be ' . 'JOIN booking_obj_assignment bo ON be.booking_id = bo.booking_id ' . 'JOIN cal_entries ce on be.booking_id = ce.context_id ' . 'JOIN cal_cat_assignments cca on ce.cal_id = cca.cal_id ' . 'JOIN cal_categories cc on cca.cat_id = cc.cat_id ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('be.obj_id', (array) $a_user_ids, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('bo.target_obj_id', (array) $a_obj_id, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cc.obj_id = be.obj_id ' . 'AND cc.type = ' . $ilDB->quote(ilCalendarCategory::TYPE_CH, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'SELECT be.obj_id bobj FROM booking_entry be ' . 'LEFT JOIN booking_obj_assignment bo ON be.booking_id = bo.booking_id ' . 'JOIN cal_entries ce on be.booking_id = ce.context_id ' . 'JOIN cal_cat_assignments cca on ce.cal_id = cca.cal_id ' . 'JOIN cal_categories cc on cca.cat_id = cc.cat_id ' . 'WHERE bo.booking_id IS NULL ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('be.obj_id', (array) $a_user_ids, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cc.obj_id = be.obj_id ' . 'AND cc.type = ' . $ilDB->quote(ilCalendarCategory::TYPE_CH, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
'SELECT be.booking_id FROM booking_entry be ' . 'JOIN booking_obj_assignment bo ON be.booking_id = bo.booking_id ' . 'WHERE bo.target_obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' . $user_restriction | 1 |
'SELECT * from booking_user ' . 'WHERE entry_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_entry_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE booking_user SET ' . 'booking_message = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_message, 'text') . ' ' . 'WHERE entry_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_entry_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(*) AS counter FROM booking_user' . ' WHERE entry_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_entry_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT user_id FROM booking_user' . ' WHERE entry_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_entry_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT user_id FROM booking_user ' . 'WHERE entry_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_app_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT bu.user_id, starta, enda FROM booking_user bu ' . 'JOIN cal_entries ca ON entry_id = ca.cal_id ' . 'JOIN booking_entry be ON context_id = booking_id ' . 'JOIN booking_obj_assignment bo ON be.booking_id = bo.booking_id ' . 'WHERE bo.target_obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND be.obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id) . ' ' . 'ORDER BY starta' | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(*) AS counter FROM booking_user' . ' WHERE entry_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_entry_id, 'integer') . ' AND user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO booking_user (entry_id, user_id, tstamp)' . ' VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote($a_entry_id, 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote(time( ), 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM booking_user ' . 'WHERE entry_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_entry_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT user_id FROM notification" . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote($type, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id, "integer") . " AND id = " . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . " AND activated = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT user_id FROM notification" . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote($type, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id, "integer") . " AND id = " . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . " AND activated = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT user_id FROM notification" . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote($type, "integer") . " AND id = " . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . " AND activated = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("user_id", $recipients, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT user_id FROM notification" . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote($type, "integer") . " AND id = " . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("user_id", $recipients, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT user_id FROM notification" . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote($type, "integer") . " AND id = " . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . " AND activated = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT user_id FROM notification " . " WHERE type = %s AND id = %s AND " . $ilDB->in("user_id", $user_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE notification" . " SET last_mail = " . $ilDB->quote(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "timestamp") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM notification" . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote($type, "integer") . " AND id = " . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM notification" . " WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM notification " . " WHERE type = %s " . " AND user_id = %s " . " AND activated = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM obj_noti_settings " . " WHERE obj_id = " . $db->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM obj_noti_settings WHERE " . " obj_id = " . $db->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
'Show errors' | 1 |
'Show repaired HTML/XML' | 1 |
'Select the priority level for the Accessibility validator, or 0 to disable the Accessibility checks. More info at: <a href=""></a>' | 1 |
'Select input/output format. You may select the option "XHTML" if you want to convert a HTML document to XHTML automatically.' | 1 |
"Select a language to run a spell checking on your document, or select 'no' to disable it. Please note that repeated errors on the same line aren't reported." | 1 |
" SELECT mail_id FROM mail_cron_orphaned LEFT JOIN mail_obj_data mdata ON mdata.obj_id = folder_id WHERE ts_do_delete <= %s AND ((mdata.m_type = %s OR mdata.m_type = %s) OR mdata.obj_id IS NULL)" | 1 |
" SELECT mail_id FROM mail_cron_orphaned WHERE ts_do_delete <= %s" | 1 |
" SELECT mail_id FROM mail m INNER JOIN mail_obj_data mdata ON obj_id = folder_id WHERE send_time <= %s" | 1 |
" SELECT ud.usr_id, login, firstname, lastname, title, gender, pprof.value public_profile,pup.value public_upload, pupgen.value public_gender FROM usr_data ud LEFT JOIN usr_pref pprof ON pprof.usr_id = ud.usr_id AND pprof.keyword = %s LEFT JOIN usr_pref pupgen ON pupgen.usr_id = ud.usr_id AND pupgen.keyword = %s LEFT JOIN usr_pref pup ON pup.usr_id = ud.usr_id AND pup.keyword = %s WHERE $in " | 1 |
" SELECT DISTINCT mail.rcp_to login FROM mail WHERE " . $this->db->like('mail.rcp_to', 'text', $this->quoted_term) . " AND sender_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->user_id, 'integer') . " AND mail.sender_id = mail.user_id" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ' . $this->table_mail_obj_data . ' (obj_id, user_id, title, m_type) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s)' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->table_mail_obj_data . ' SET title = %s WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM ' . $this->table_mail_obj_data . ' WHERE user_id = %s AND title = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id, title FROM ' . $this->table_mail_obj_data . ' WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . $this->table_mail_obj_data . ' WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_mail_obj_data . ' WHERE user_id = %s AND obj_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' WHERE child = %s AND tree = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id, m_type FROM ' . $this->table_mail_obj_data . ' WHERE user_id = %s AND title = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ', ' . $this->table_mail_obj_data | 1 |
'DELETE FROM mail_obj_data WHERE user_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM mail_options WHERE user_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM mail_saved WHERE user_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM mail_tree WHERE tree = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM mail WHERE user_id = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE mail SET sender_id = %s, import_name = %s WHERE sender_id = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT sender_id, m_subject, mail_id, m_status, send_time " . "FROM {$this->table_mail} " . "LEFT JOIN object_data ON obj_id = sender_id " . "WHERE user_id = %s AND folder_id = %s " . "AND ((sender_id > 0 AND sender_id IS NOT NULL AND obj_id IS NOT NULL) OR (sender_id = 0 OR sender_id IS NULL))" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$this->table_mail} WHERE user_id = %s AND folder_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM {$this->table_mail} WHERE user_id = %s AND mail_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE {$this->table_mail} " . "INNER JOIN mail_obj_data " . "ON mail_obj_data.obj_id = %s AND mail_obj_data.user_id = %s " . "SET {$this->table_mail}.folder_id = mail_obj_data.obj_id " . "WHERE {$this->table_mail}.user_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM {$this->table_mail} WHERE user_id = %s AND mail_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM {$this->table_mail_saved} WHERE user_id = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT id FROM mail_tpl_ctx WHERE component = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_component, 'text') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM mail_tpl_ctx WHERE component = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_component, 'text') . ' AND id = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($id, 'text') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM mail_tpl_ctx WHERE component = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_component, 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM mail_tpl_ctx' | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM mail_tpl_ctx WHERE id = %s" | 1 |
' SELECT object_reference.ref_id FROM object_reference, tree, object_data WHERE tree.parent = %s AND object_data.type = %s AND object_reference.ref_id = tree.child AND object_reference.obj_id = object_data.obj_id' | 1 |
' SELECT COUNT(mail_id) cnt, MAX(send_time) send_time FROM mail WHERE folder_id = %s AND user_id = %s AND m_status = %s ' | 1 |
' SELECT COUNT(mail_id) cnt, MAX(m.send_time) send_time FROM mail m INNER JOIN mail_obj_data mo ON mo.user_id = m.user_id AND mo.obj_id = m.folder_id AND mo.m_type = %s WHERE m.user_id = %s AND m.m_status = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT mail.* FROM mail_options INNER JOIN mail ON mail.user_id = mail_options.user_id INNER JOIN mail_obj_data ON mail_obj_data.obj_id = mail.folder_id INNER JOIN usr_data ud ON ud.usr_id = mail.user_id WHERE mail_options.cronjob_notification = %s AND mail.send_time >= %s AND mail.m_status = %s AND = %s' | 1 |
" SELECT m.mail_id, m.user_id, m.folder_id, m.send_time, m.m_subject, mdata.title FROM mail m LEFT JOIN mail_obj_data mdata ON mdata.obj_id = m.folder_id LEFT JOIN mail_cron_orphaned mco ON mco.mail_id = m.mail_id WHERE mco.mail_id IS NULL AND m.send_time <= %s " | 1 |
'SELECT mail_options.cronjob_notification,' | 1 |
'SELECT cronjob_notification FROM mail_options WHERE user_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(mail_id) cnt FROM mail ' . 'LEFT JOIN usr_data ON usr_id = sender_id ' . 'WHERE user_id = %s ' . 'AND ((sender_id > 0 AND sender_id IS NOT NULL AND usr_id IS NOT NULL) OR (sender_id = 0 OR sender_id IS NULL)) ' . 'AND folder_id = %s ' . $filter_qry | 1 |
'SELECT mail.*' . $sortColumn . ' ' . $firstnameSelection . ' FROM mail ' . 'LEFT JOIN usr_data ON usr_id = sender_id ' . 'AND ((sender_id > 0 AND sender_id IS NOT NULL AND usr_id IS NOT NULL) OR (sender_id = 0 OR sender_id IS NULL)) ' . 'WHERE user_id = %s ' . $filter_qry . ' ' . 'AND folder_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM mail_attachment WHERE path = ?' | 1 |
' SELECT path, COUNT(mail_id) cnt_mail_ids FROM mail_attachment WHERE ' . $this->db->in('mail_id', $this->collector->getMailIdsToDelete( ), false, 'integer') . ' GROUP BY path' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM mail_attachment WHERE ' . $this->db->in('mail_id', $this->collector->getMailIdsToDelete( ), false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM mail WHERE ' . $this->db->in('mail_id', $this->collector->getMailIdsToDelete( ), false, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM mail_cron_orphaned WHERE ' . $this->db->in('mail_id', $this->collector->getMailIdsToDelete( ), false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT path FROM mail_attachment WHERE mail_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT path FROM mail_attachment WHERE mail_id = " . $this->db->quote($mailId, 'integer') | 1 |
' INSERT INTO mail_attachment ( mail_id, path) VALUES (%s, %s)' | 1 |
"SELECT path FROM mail_attachment WHERE mail_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_mail_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(mail_id) count_mail_id FROM mail_attachment WHERE path = " . $ilDB->quote($path, 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM mail_attachment WHERE mail_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT path " . "FROM mail_attachment ma " . "JOIN mail m ON ma.mail_id=m.mail_id " . "WHERE m.user_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($user_id) | 1 |
' SELECT DISTINCT(ma1.path) FROM mail_attachment ma1 INNER JOIN mail ON mail.mail_id = ma1.mail_id WHERE mail.user_id = %s AND (SELECT COUNT(tmp.path) FROM mail_attachment tmp WHERE tmp.path = ma1.path) = 1 ' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO mail_cron_orphaned (mail_id, folder_id, ts_do_delete) VALUES (?, ?, ?)' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM mail_man_tpl' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM mail_man_tpl WHERE tpl_id = %s' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM mail_man_tpl WHERE ' . $this->db->in('tpl_id', $templateIds, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT t.tree " . "FROM rbac_fa fa " . "JOIN tree t ON t.child = fa.parent " . "WHERE fa.rol_id = " . $this->db->quote($role_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND fa.assign = 'y' " . "AND t.tree = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT dat.obj_id " . "FROM object_data dat " . "JOIN rbac_fa fa ON fa.rol_id = dat.obj_id " . "JOIN tree t ON t.child = fa.parent " . "WHERE dat.title =" . $this->db->quote($local_part, 'text') . " " . "AND dat.type = 'role' " . "AND fa.assign = 'y' " . "AND t.tree = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT rdat.obj_id " . "FROM object_data odat " . "JOIN object_reference oref ON oref.obj_id = odat.obj_id " . "JOIN tree otree ON otree.child = oref.ref_id " . "JOIN rbac_fa rfa ON rfa.parent = otree.child " . "JOIN object_data rdat ON rdat.obj_id = rfa.rol_id " . "WHERE odat.title = " . $this->db->quote($domain, 'text') . " " . "AND otree.tree = 1 " . "AND rfa.assign = 'y' " . "AND rdat.title LIKE " . $this->db->quote('%' . preg_replace('/([_%])/', '\\\\$1', $local_part) . '%', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT dat.obj_id " . "FROM object_data dat " . "JOIN object_reference ref ON ref.obj_id = dat.obj_id " . "JOIN tree t ON t.child = ref.ref_id " . "WHERE dat.title = " . $this->db->quote($domain, 'text') . " " . "AND dat.type = 'role' " . "AND t.tree = 1 " | 1 |
"SELECT rdat.title role_title,odat.title object_title, " . " oref.ref_id object_ref " . "FROM object_data rdat " . "JOIN rbac_fa fa ON fa.rol_id = rdat.obj_id " . "JOIN tree rtree ON rtree.child = fa.parent " . "JOIN object_reference oref ON oref.ref_id = rtree.child " . "JOIN object_data odat ON odat.obj_id = oref.obj_id " . "WHERE rdat.obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->roleId, 'integer') . " " . "AND fa.assign = 'y' " | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT dat.obj_id) count " . "FROM object_data dat " . "JOIN object_reference ref ON ref.obj_id = dat.obj_id " . "JOIN tree ON tree.child = ref.ref_id " . "WHERE title = " . $this->db->quote($object_title, 'text') . " " . "AND tree.tree = 1 " | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT dat.obj_id) count " . "FROM object_data dat " . "JOIN object_reference ref ON ref.obj_id = dat.obj_id " . "JOIN tree ON tree.child = ref.ref_id " . "WHERE title = " . $this->db->quote($local_part, 'text') . " " . "AND tree.tree = 1 " | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(rd.obj_id) count " . "FROM object_data rd " . "JOIN rbac_fa fa ON rd.obj_id = fa.rol_id " . "JOIN tree t ON t.child = fa.parent " . "WHERE fa.assign = 'y' " . "AND t.child = " . $this->db->quote($object_ref, 'integer') . " " . "AND rd.title LIKE " . $this->db->quote('%' . preg_replace('/([_%])/', '\\\\$1', $local_part) . '%', 'text') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT title FROM object_data WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->roleId, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT ref.ref_id FROM object_reference AS ref LEFT JOIN object_data AS data ON data.obj_id = ref.obj_id WHERE data.type='adm';" | 1 |
"SELECT ref.ref_id FROM object_reference AS ref LEFT JOIN object_data AS data ON data.obj_id = ref.obj_id WHERE data.type='mail';" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM acc_cache WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM acc_cache WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT tree FROM tree WHERE child= " . $this->ilias->db->quote($this->getRefId( )) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT o1.title role,o2.title container FROM object_data o1 " . "JOIN rbac_fa fa ON o1.obj_id = rol_id " . "JOIN tree t1 ON fa.parent = t1.child " . "JOIN object_reference obr ON ref_id = t1.parent " . "JOIN object_data o2 ON obr.obj_id = o2.obj_id " . "WHERE o1.type = 'role' " . "AND assign = 'y' " . "AND " . $ilDB->like('o1.title', 'text', '%' . $a_str . '%') . " " . "AND fa.parent != 8 " . "ORDER BY role,container" | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id, title FROM object_data ode " . "JOIN object_reference ore ON ode.obj_id = ore.obj_id " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->like('title', 'text', $a_str . '%') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY title' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_log (log_id, user_id, created, ref_id, action, data)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_action, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(serialize($a_diff), "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rbac_log WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, "integer") . implode('', $where) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_log WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, "integer") . implode('', $where) . " ORDER BY created DESC" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_log WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_log WHERE created < " . $ilDB->quote(strtotime("-" . $max . "months"), "integer") | 1 |
'UPDATE rbac_fa set blocked = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_blocked_status, 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND parent = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ua WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ua " . "WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_pa " . "WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_templates ' . 'WHERE rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_fa ' . 'WHERE rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_fa ' . 'WHERE rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') . ' ' . $clause | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_templates ' . 'WHERE rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') . ' ' . $clause | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(*) num FROM rbac_ua ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('rol_id', (array) $a_limited_roles, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ua (usr_id, rol_id) " . "VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ua (usr_id, rol_id) " . "VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ua " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_pa (rol_id, ops_id, ref_id) " . "VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($ops_ids, 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_pa " . "WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . $and1 | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_pa ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('rol_id', $role_ids, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_pa " . "WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_pa ' . 'WHERE ref_id IN ' . '( ' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['tree']->getSubTreeQuery($a_ref_id, array('child')) . ' ) ' . 'AND rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_templates ' . 'WHERE parent IN ( ' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['tree']->getSubTreeQuery($a_ref_id, array('child')) . ' ) ' . 'AND rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_fa ' . 'WHERE parent IN ( ' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['tree']->getSubTreeQuery($a_ref_id, array('child')) . ' ) ' . 'AND rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_pa " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('ref_id', $a_ref_ids, false, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM rbac_templates ' . 'WHERE rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_source_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND parent = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_source_parent, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) ' . 'VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote($a_dest_id, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($op['type'], 'text') . "," . $ilDB->quote($op['ops_id'], 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_dest_parent, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT s1.type, s1.ops_id " . "FROM rbac_templates s1, rbac_templates s2 " . "WHERE s1.rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_source1_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND s1.parent = " . $ilDB->quote($a_source1_parent, 'integer') . " " . "AND s2.rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_source2_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND s2.parent = " . $ilDB->quote($a_source2_parent, 'integer') . " " . "AND s1.type = s2.type " . "AND s1.ops_id = s2.ops_id" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) ' . 'VALUES (?,?,?,?)' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_templates ' . 'WHERE rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_dest_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND type = ' . $ilDB->quote($type, 'text') . ' ' . 'AND ops_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($op, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND parent = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_dest_parent, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_templates ' . 'WHERE rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND parent = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . ' ' . $and_type | 1 |
'SELECT rol_id FROM rbac_fa ' . 'WHERE rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND parent = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_parent, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO rbac_fa (rol_id, parent, assign, protected) ' . 'VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) " . "VALUES(" . $ilDB->quote($a_type_id, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_ops_id, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ta " . "WHERE typ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ops_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE rbac_fa ' . 'SET protected = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_value, 'text') . ' ' . 'WHERE rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data " . " WHERE type=" . $ilDB->quote("rolt", "text") . " AND title=" . $ilDB->quote($a_tpl_name, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT assign_users FROM role_data WHERE role_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM role_data WHERE role_id= " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE role_data SET " . "allow_register= " . $ilDB->quote($this->allow_register, 'integer') . ", " . "assign_users = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getAssignUsersStatus( ), 'integer') . " " . "WHERE role_id= " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO role_data " . "(role_id,allow_register,assign_users) " . "VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($this->id, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getAllowRegister( ), 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getAssignUsersStatus( ), 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM role_data " . "JOIN object_data ON object_data.obj_id = role_data.role_id " . "WHERE allow_register = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM role_data " . " WHERE role_id =" . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM role_data WHERE role_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE role_data SET " . "auth_mode= " . $ilDB->quote($auth_mode, 'text') . " " . "WHERE role_id= " . $ilDB->quote($role_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT auth_mode FROM role_data " . "WHERE role_id= " . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM role_data " . "WHERE auth_mode = " . $ilDB->quote($a_auth_mode, 'text') | 1 |
"UPDATE role_data SET auth_mode = 'default' WHERE auth_mode = " . $ilDB->quote($a_auth_mode, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(obj_id) obj_id FROM object_data " . "WHERE title =" . $ilDB->quote($a_title) . " " . "AND type IN('role','rolt')" . $clause . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . "JOIN rbac_fa ON obj_id = rol_id " . $where . "AND object_data.obj_id = rbac_fa.rol_id " . "AND rbac_fa.parent = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . "JOIN rbac_fa ON obj_id = rol_id " . $where . "AND rbac_fa.assign = 'y' " | 1 |
'SELECT rol_id FROM rbac_fa fa ' . 'JOIN tree t1 ON t1.child = fa.parent ' . 'JOIN object_data obd ON fa.rol_id = obd.obj_id ' . 'WHERE assign = ' . $ilDB->quote('y', 'text') . ' ' . 'AND obd.type = ' . $ilDB->quote('role', 'text') . ' ' . 'AND t1.child IN (' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['tree']->getSubTreeQuery($ref_id, array('child')) . ' ' . ') ' | 1 |
"SELECT fa.*, rd.* " . "FROM object_data rd " . "JOIN rbac_fa fa ON rd.obj_id = fa.rol_id " . "WHERE fa.assign = 'y' " . "AND fa.parent = " . $this->ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'select count(distinct(ua.usr_id)) as num from rbac_ua ua ' . 'join object_data on ua.usr_id = obj_id ' . 'join usr_data ud on ua.usr_id = ud.usr_id ' . 'where ' . $ilDB->in('rol_id', $a_roles, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM rbac_ua WHERE rol_id= " . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM rbac_ua WHERE " . "rol_id= " . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id= " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id) | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM rbac_ua WHERE " . $ilDB->in('rol_id', $a_role_ids, false, 'integer') . " AND usr_id= " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id) | 1 |
"SELECT rol_id FROM rbac_ua WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT ua.rol_id FROM rbac_ua ua " . "JOIN rbac_fa fa ON ua.rol_id = fa.rol_id " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND parent = " . $ilDB->quote(ROLE_FOLDER_ID) . " " . "AND assign = 'y' " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_fa " . "WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_fa WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND assign = " . $ilDB->quote('y', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT parent FROM rbac_fa " . "WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') . " " . $where . " " | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM rbac_fa ' . 'WHERE rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND parent = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM rbac_operations ORDER BY ops_id ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM rbac_operations WHERE ops_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($ops_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT ops_id,type FROM rbac_templates " . "WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM rbac_pa ' . 'WHERE ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
"SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_templates " . "WHERE type =" . $ilDB->quote($a_type, 'text') . " " . "AND rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_pa " . "WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM rbac_ta ta JOIN rbac_operations o ON ta.ops_id = o.ops_id ' . 'WHERE typ_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_typ_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY op_order' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, 'text') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT ro.ops_id FROM rbac_operations ro " . "JOIN rbac_ta rt ON ro.ops_id = rt.ops_id " . "JOIN object_data od ON rt.typ_id = od.obj_id " . "WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote('typ', 'text') . " " . "AND title = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, 'text') . " " . $condition . " " . "ORDER BY op_order " | 1 |
'SELECT parent p FROM rbac_fa ' . 'WHERE assign = ' . $ilDB->quote('n', 'text') . ' ' . 'AND rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
"SELECT tree FROM tree WHERE child =" . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . "JOIN rbac_fa ON obj_id = rol_id " . $where . "AND rbac_fa.assign = " . $ilDB->quote($assign, 'text') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data " . "WHERE title=" . $ilDB->quote($a_type, 'text') . " AND type='typ'" | 1 |
'SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('operation', $operations, false, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT ops_id, operation FROM rbac_operations" | 1 |
'SELECT ops_id, operation FROM rbac_operations ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('operation', $operations, false, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT protected FROM rbac_fa " . "WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'SELECT blocked from rbac_fa ' . 'WHERE rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND parent = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT parent from rbac_fa ' . 'WHERE rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND blocked = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM rbac_operations ' . 'JOIN rbac_ta ON rbac_operations.ops_id = rbac_ta.ops_id ' . 'JOIN object_data ON rbac_ta.typ_id = object_data.obj_id ' . 'WHERE object_data.title = %s ' . 'AND object_data.type = %s ' . 'ORDER BY op_order ASC' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM rbac_operations ORDER BY op_order ASC' | 1 |
'SELECT obr.obj_id FROM rbac_fa rfa ' . 'JOIN object_reference obr ON rfa.parent = obr.ref_id ' . 'WHERE assign = ' . $ilDB->quote('y', 'text') . ' ' . 'AND rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND deleted IS NULL' | 1 |
'SELECT parent p_ref FROM rbac_fa ' . 'WHERE rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND assign = ' . $ilDB->quote('y', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . "JOIN rbac_fa ON object_data.obj_id = rbac_fa.rol_id " . $where . "AND rbac_fa.assign = 'y' " . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('object_data.obj_id', $role_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT ta.typ_id, obj.title, ops.ops_id, ops.operation FROM rbac_ta ta ' . 'JOIN object_data obj ON obj.obj_id = ta.typ_id ' . 'JOIN rbac_operations ops ON ops.ops_id = ta.ops_id ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM rbac_fa ' . 'WHERE rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') . ' ' . $and | 1 |
"SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_pa JOIN rbac_ua " . "ON (rbac_pa.rol_id = rbac_ua.rol_id) " . "WHERE rbac_ua.usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND rbac_pa.ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT operation FROM rbac_operations " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("ops_id", $all_ops, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_starting_point WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_starting_point" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_starting_point WHERE rule_options LIKE %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO usr_starting_point (id, starting_point, starting_object, position, rule_type, rule_options, calendar_view, calendar_period) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
'UPDATE usr_starting_point SET starting_point = %s, starting_object = %s, position = %s, rule_type = %s, rule_options = %s, calendar_view = %s, calendar_period = %s WHERE id = %s' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_starting_point WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT max(position) as max_order FROM usr_starting_point" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_starting_point SET" . " position = " . $ilDB->quote($nr, 'integer') . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_pa " . "WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_pa " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("ref_id", $ref_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations ' . 'WHERE operation = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_operation, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_pa " . "WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rol_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO link_check_report (obj_id,usr_id) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM link_check_report " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM link_check_report " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM link_check_report " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM link_check_report " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM link_check_report " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM link_check_report " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM link_check " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(last_check) last_check FROM link_check " | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(last_check) last_check FROM link_check " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_object " . "WHERE parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( )) . " " . "AND parent_type = 'lm'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM page_object " . "WHERE parent_type = 'lm'" | 1 |
"SELECT email FROM usr_data WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_pref " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, "integer") . " " . "AND keyword = " . $ilDB->quote('language', "text") | 1 |
"SELECT title FROM object_data " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lm_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT lm_id FROM lm_data " . "WHERE obj_id = '" . $a_page_id . "'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO link_check (id, obj_id,page_id,url,parent_type,http_status_code,last_check) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($link['obj_id'], 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($link['page_id'], 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(substr($link['complete'], 0, 255), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($link['type'], 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($link['http_status_code'] ? $link['http_status_code'] : 0, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM link_check " . "WHERE page_id = " . $ilDB->quote($link['page_id'], 'integer') . " " . "AND url = " . $ilDB->quote(substr($link['complete'], 0, 255), 'text') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM link_check" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM link_check " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ldap_rg_mapping " . "WHERE mapping_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getMappingId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ldap_rg_mapping " . "WHERE mapping_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getMappingId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE ldap_rg_mapping " . "SET server_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ", " . "url = " . $this->db->quote($this->getURL( ), 'text') . ", " . "dn =" . $this->db->quote($this->getDN( ), 'text') . ", " . "member_attribute = " . $this->db->quote($this->getMemberAttribute( ), 'text') . ", " . "member_isdn = " . $this->db->quote($this->getMemberISDN( ), 'integer') . ", " . "role = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRole( ), 'integer') . ", " . "mapping_info = " . $this->db->quote($this->getMappingInfo( ), 'text') . ", " . "mapping_info_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->getMappingInfoType( ), 'integer') . " " . "WHERE mapping_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getMappingId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO ldap_rg_mapping (mapping_id,server_id,url,dn,member_attribute,member_isdn,role,mapping_info,mapping_info_type) " . "VALUES ( " . $this->db->quote($this->getMappingId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getURL( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getDN( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getMemberAttribute( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getMemberISDN( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getRole( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getMappingInfo( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getMappingInfoType( ), 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(role_id) FROM ldap_role_assignments " . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(att_name) " . "FROM ldap_role_assignments " . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT rule_id,add_on_update,remove_on_update FROM ldap_role_assignments " . "WHERE (add_on_update = 1 OR remove_on_update = 1) " . 'AND server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT rule_id FROM ldap_role_assignments " . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT COUNT(*) num FROM ldap_role_assignments ' . 'WHERE add_on_update = 1 ' . 'OR remove_on_update = 1 ' | 1 |
"SELECT rule_id FROM ldap_role_assignments " . "WHERE server_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO ldap_role_assignments (server_id,rule_id,type,dn,attribute,isdn,att_name,att_value,role_id, " . "add_on_update, remove_on_update, plugin_id ) " . "VALUES( " . $this->db->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getType( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getDN( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getMemberAttribute( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->isMemberAttributeDN( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getAttributeName( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getAttributeValue( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getRoleId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->isAddOnUpdateEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->isRemoveOnUpdateEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getPluginId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE ldap_role_assignments " . "SET server_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ", " . "type = " . $this->db->quote($this->getType( ), 'integer') . ", " . "dn = " . $this->db->quote($this->getDN( ), 'text') . ", " . "attribute = " . $this->db->quote($this->getMemberAttribute( ), 'text') . ", " . "isdn = " . $this->db->quote($this->isMemberAttributeDN( ), 'integer') . ", " . "att_name = " . $this->db->quote($this->getAttributeName( ), 'text') . ", " . "att_value = " . $this->db->quote($this->getAttributeValue( ), 'text') . ", " . "role_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRoleId( ), 'integer') . ", " . "add_on_update = " . $this->db->quote($this->isAddOnUpdateEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'remove_on_update = ' . $this->db->quote($this->isRemoveOnUpdateEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'plugin_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getPluginId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . "WHERE rule_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRuleId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ldap_role_assignments " . "WHERE rule_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRuleId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ldap_role_assignments " . "WHERE rule_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRuleId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ldap_rg_mapping " . "WHERE role = " . $ilDB->quote($a_role_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ldap_rg_mapping " . "WHERE server_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT rgm.* FROM ldap_rg_mapping rgm JOIN ldap_server_settings lss " . "ON rgm.server_id = lss.server_id " . "WHERE = 1 " . "AND lss.role_sync_active = 1 " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO ldap_rg_mapping (mapping_id,server_id,url,dn,member_attribute,member_isdn,role,mapping_info,mapping_info_type) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($data['url'], 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($data['dn'], 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($data['member_attribute'], 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($data['member_isdn'], 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($data['role'], 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($data['info'], 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($data['info_type'], 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE ldap_rg_mapping " . "SET server_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ", " . "url = " . $this->db->quote($data['url'], 'text') . ", " . "dn =" . $this->db->quote($data['dn'], 'text') . ", " . "member_attribute = " . $this->db->quote($data['member_attribute'], 'text') . ", " . "member_isdn = " . $this->db->quote($data['member_isdn'], 'integer') . ", " . "role = " . $this->db->quote($data['role'], 'integer') . ", " . "mapping_info = " . $this->db->quote($data['info'], 'text') . ", " . "mapping_info_type = " . $this->db->quote($data['info_type'], 'integer') . " " . "WHERE mapping_id = " . $this->db->quote($mapping_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ldap_rg_mapping " . "WHERE server_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND mapping_id = " . $this->db->quote($a_mapping_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ldap_rg_mapping LEFT JOIN object_data " . "ON role = obj_id " . "WHERE server_id =" . $this->db->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . "ORDER BY title,dn" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ldap_attribute_mapping " . "WHERE server_id =" . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM ldap_attribute_mapping " . "WHERE server_id =" . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND keyword = " . $ilDB->quote('global_role', 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT perform_update FROM ldap_attribute_mapping ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND perform_update = 1' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO ldap_attribute_mapping (server_id,keyword,value,perform_update) " . "VALUES( " . $this->db->quote($this->server_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($keyword, 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($options['value'], 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($options['performUpdate'], 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ldap_attribute_mapping " . "WHERE server_id =" . $this->db->quote($this->server_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'UPDATE ldap_server_settings SET ' . 'url = ' . $ilDB->quote(implode(',', $all_urls), 'text') . ' ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT server_id FROM ldap_server_settings " . "WHERE active = 1 AND authentication = 1 " . "ORDER BY name " | 1 |
"SELECT server_id FROM ldap_server_settings " . "WHERE active = 1 " . "AND sync_per_cron = 1 " . "ORDER BY name" | 1 |
"SELECT server_id FROM ldap_server_settings " . "WHERE active = 1 " . "AND role_sync_active = 1 " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ldap_server_settings ORDER BY name" | 1 |
"SELECT server_id FROM ldap_server_settings " . "WHERE active = " . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . " " . "AND authentication = " . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . " " . "AND ( authentication_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_auth_mode, 'integer') . " " . "OR authentication_type = " . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT server_id FROM ldap_server_settings " . "WHERE authentication_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_auth_mode, 'integer') . " " . "AND authentication = " . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT server_id FROM ldap_server_settings " . "WHERE authentication_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_auth_mode, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'UPDATE ldap_server_settings ' . 'SET authentication_type = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE authentication_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_authmode, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE ldap_server_settings " . 'SET authentication_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_auth_mode, 'integer') . " " . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ldap_server_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ldap_server_settings (server_id,active,name,url,version,base_dn,referrals,tls,bind_type,bind_user,bind_pass,' . 'search_base,user_scope,user_attribute,filter,group_dn,group_scope,group_filter,group_member,group_memberisdn,group_name,' . 'group_attribute,group_optional,group_user_filter,sync_on_login,sync_per_cron,role_sync_active,role_bind_dn,role_bind_pass,migration, ' . 'authentication,authentication_type,username_filter, escape_dn) ' . 'VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)' | 1 |
"UPDATE ldap_server_settings SET " . "active = " . $this->db->quote($this->isActive( ), 'integer') . ", " . "name = " . $this->db->quote($this->getName( ), 'text') . ", " . "url = " . $this->db->quote($this->getUrlString( ), 'text') . ", " . "version = " . $this->db->quote($this->getVersion( ), 'integer') . ", " . "base_dn = " . $this->db->quote($this->getBaseDN( ), 'text') . ", " . "referrals = " . $this->db->quote($this->isActiveReferrer( ), 'integer') . ", " . "tls = " . $this->db->quote($this->isActiveTLS( ), 'integer') . ", " . "bind_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->getBindingType( ), 'integer') . ", " . "bind_user = " . $this->db->quote($this->getBindUser( ), 'text') . ", " . "bind_pass = " . $this->db->quote($this->getBindPassword( ), 'text') . ", " . "search_base = " . $this->db->quote($this->getSearchBase( ), 'text') . ", " . "user_scope = " . $this->db->quote($this->getUserScope( ), 'integer') . ", " . "user_attribute = " . $this->db->quote($this->getUserAttribute( ), 'text') . ", " . "filter = " . $this->db->quote($this->getFilter( ), 'text') . ", " . "group_dn = " . $this->db->quote($this->getGroupDN( ), 'text') . ", " . "group_scope = " . $this->db->quote($this->getGroupScope( ), 'integer') . ", " . "group_filter = " . $this->db->quote($this->getGroupFilter( ), 'text') . ", " . "group_member = " . $this->db->quote($this->getGroupMember( ), 'text') . ", " . "group_memberisdn =" . $this->db->quote((int) $this->enabledGroupMemberIsDN( ), 'integer') . ", " . "group_name = " . $this->db->quote($this->getGroupName( ), 'text') . ", " . "group_attribute = " . $this->db->quote($this->getGroupAttribute( ), 'text') . ", " . "group_optional = " . $this->db->quote((int) $this->isMembershipOptional( ), 'integer') . ", " . "group_user_filter = " . $this->db->quote($this->getGroupUserFilter( ), 'text') . ", " . "sync_on_login = " . $this->db->quote(($this->enabledSyncOnLogin( ) ? 1 : 0), 'integer') . ", " . "sync_per_cron = " . $this->db->quote(($this->enabledSyncPerCron( ) ? 1 : 0), 'integer') . ", " . "role_sync_active = " . $this->db->quote($this->enabledRoleSynchronization( ), 'integer') . ", " . "role_bind_dn = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRoleBindDN( ), 'text') . ", " . "role_bind_pass = " . $this->db->quote($this->getRoleBindPassword( ), 'text') . ", " . "migration = " . $this->db->quote((int) $this->isAccountMigrationEnabled( ), 'integer') . ", " . 'authentication = ' . $this->db->quote((int) $this->isAuthenticationEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'authentication_type = ' . $this->db->quote((int) $this->getAuthenticationMapping( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ", username_filter = " . $this->db->quote($this->getUsernameFilter( ), "text") . " " . ", escape_dn = " . $this->db->quote($this->enabledEscapeDN( ) ? 1 : 0, 'integer') . " " . "WHERE server_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ldap_server_settings " . "WHERE server_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ldap_server_settings WHERE server_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->server_id) . "" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT usr_id FROM obj_members " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $groups_and_courses_of_user, false, "integer") . ' ' . 'AND (admin > ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . 'OR tutor > ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . 'OR member > ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data " | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT(usr_id) FROM rbac_ua ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('rol_id', $lrol, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(orgu_ua.orgu_id) AS 'cnt' FROM il_orgu_permissions AS perm INNER JOIN il_orgu_ua AS orgu_ua ON orgu_ua.position_id = perm.position_id INNER JOIN il_orgu_op_contexts AS contexts on = perm.context_id AND contexts.context is not NULL WHERE orgu_ua.user_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($user_id, 'integer') . " AND perm.operations is not NULL AND perm.parent_id = -1" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(orgu_ua.orgu_id) AS cnt FROM il_orgu_permissions AS perm INNER JOIN il_orgu_ua AS orgu_ua ON orgu_ua.position_id = perm.position_id INNER JOIN il_orgu_op_contexts AS contexts on = perm.context_id AND contexts.context = '" . $context . "' and orgu_ua.user_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($user_id, 'integer') . " AND perm.operations LIKE '%\"" . $operation->getOperationId( ) . "\"%' WHERE perm.parent_id = -1" | 1 |
'SELECT usr_id FROM ' . $tmp_table_name | 1 |
"SELECT " . $tmp_orgu_members . ".user_id AS usr_id FROM " . $tmp_orgu_members . " INNER JOIN il_orgu_ua AS orgu_ua_current_user on orgu_ua_current_user.user_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($user_id, 'integer') . " INNER JOIN il_orgu_authority AS auth ON auth.position_id = orgu_ua_current_user.position_id " . $position_limitation . " WHERE ( /* Identische OrgUnit wie Current User; Nicht Rekursiv; Fixe Position */ (orgu_ua_current_user.orgu_id = " . $tmp_orgu_members . ".orgu_id AND auth.scope = 1 AND auth.over = " . $tmp_orgu_members . ".user_position_id AND auth.over <> -1 ) OR /* Identische OrgUnit wie Current User; Nicht Rekursiv; Position egal */ (orgu_ua_current_user.orgu_id = " . $tmp_orgu_members . ".orgu_id AND auth.scope = 1 AND auth.over = -1) OR /* Kinder OrgUnit wie Current User */ ( ( " . $tmp_orgu_members . ".orgu_id = orgu_ua_current_user.orgu_id OR " . $tmp_orgu_members . ".tree_path LIKE CONCAT(\"%.\",orgu_ua_current_user.orgu_id ,\".%\") OR " . $tmp_orgu_members . ".tree_path LIKE CONCAT(\"%.\",orgu_ua_current_user.orgu_id ) ) AND ( ( ( /* Gleiche Position */ auth.over = " . $tmp_orgu_members . ".user_position_id AND auth.over <> -1 ) OR ( /* Position Egal */ auth.over = -1 ) ) AND auth.scope = 2 ) ) )" | 1 |
'select ' . ($return_ref_id ? 'object_reference.ref_id' : 'object_data.obj_id') . ' from object_data ' . 'inner join object_reference on object_reference.obj_id = object_data.obj_id ' . 'where type = "' . $context . '" ' . 'AND object_reference.ref_id not in ' . ' (SELECT parent_id FROM il_orgu_permissions ' . ' where position_id = ' . $position_id . ' and context_id = ' . $context_id . ' and operations not like \'%"' . $operation_id . '"%\' and parent_id <> -1)' | 1 |
'SELECT parent_id as ref_id FROM il_orgu_permissions ' | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM il_orgu_permissions INNER JOIN object_reference ON object_reference.ref_id = il_orgu_permissions.parent_id ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_orgu_permissions ' . ' WHERE context_id = ' . $context_id . ' ' . 'AND operations LIKE \'%"' . $operation_id . '"%\' ' . 'AND position_id = ' . $position_id . ' ' . 'AND parent_id = -1' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $tmp_table_name | 1 |
'SELECT crs_ref.ref_id AS crs_ref_id, crs.title AS crs_title, reg_status, lp_status, usr_data.usr_id AS usr_id, usr_data.login AS usr_login, usr_data.lastname AS usr_lastname, usr_data.firstname AS usr_firstname, AS usr_email FROM ( SELECT reg.obj_id, reg.usr_id, ' . ilMStListCourse::MEMBERSHIP_STATUS_REGISTERED . ' AS reg_status, lp.status AS lp_status FROM obj_members AS reg LEFT JOIN ut_lp_marks AS lp on lp.obj_id = reg.obj_id AND lp.usr_id = reg.usr_id WHERE ' . $this->dic->database( )->in('reg.usr_id', $arr_usr_ids, false, 'integer') . ' AND (reg.admin > 0 OR reg.tutor > 0 OR reg.member > 0) UNION SELECT obj_id, usr_id, ' . ilMStListCourse::MEMBERSHIP_STATUS_WAITINGLIST . ' AS reg_status, 0 AS lp_status FROM crs_waiting_list AS waiting WHERE ' . $this->dic->database( )->in('waiting.usr_id', $arr_usr_ids, false, 'integer') . ' UNION SELECT obj_id, usr_id, ' . ilMStListCourse::MEMBERSHIP_STATUS_REQUESTED . ' AS reg_status, 0 AS lp_status FROM il_subscribers AS requested WHERE ' . $this->dic->database( )->in('requested.usr_id', $arr_usr_ids, false, 'integer') . ' ) AS memb INNER JOIN object_data AS crs on crs.obj_id = memb.obj_id AND crs.type = ' . $this->dic->database( )->quote(ilMyStaffAccess::COURSE_CONTEXT, 'text') . ' INNER JOIN object_reference AS crs_ref on crs_ref.obj_id = crs.obj_id AND crs_ref.deleted IS NULL INNER JOIN usr_data on usr_data.usr_id = memb.usr_id' | 1 |
'SELECT sktree.title as skill_title, skill_node_id, ulvl.trigger_obj_id, user_id, login, firstname, lastname, email, lvl.title as skill_level' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO acl_ws (node_id, object_id, extended_data, tstamp)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_object_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_extended_data, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM acl_ws" . " WHERE node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT object_id FROM acl_ws" . " WHERE node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT object_id FROM acl_ws" . " WHERE node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . " AND object_id = " . $ilDB->quote(ilWorkspaceAccessGUI::PERMISSION_REGISTERED, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT object_id FROM acl_ws" . " WHERE node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . " AND object_id = " . $ilDB->quote(ilWorkspaceAccessGUI::PERMISSION_ALL, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT object_id FROM acl_ws" . " WHERE node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . " AND object_id = " . $ilDB->quote(ilWorkspaceAccessGUI::PERMISSION_ALL_PASSWORD, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(obj.owner), u.lastname, u.firstname, u.title" . " FROM object_data obj" . " JOIN object_reference_ws ref ON (obj.obj_id = ref.obj_id)" . " JOIN tree_workspace tree ON (tree.child = ref.wsp_id)" . " JOIN acl_ws acl ON (acl.node_id = tree.child)" . " JOIN usr_data u on (u.usr_id = obj.owner)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("acl.object_id", $obj_ids, "", "integer") . " AND obj.owner <> " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . " ORDER BY u.lastname, u.firstname, u.title" | 1 |
"SELECT ref.wsp_id,obj.obj_id" . " FROM object_data obj" . " JOIN object_reference_ws ref ON (obj.obj_id = ref.obj_id)" . " JOIN tree_workspace tree ON (tree.child = ref.wsp_id)" . " JOIN acl_ws acl ON (acl.node_id = tree.child)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("acl.object_id", $obj_ids, "", "integer") . " AND obj.owner = " . $ilDB->quote($a_owner_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT ref.wsp_id,obj.obj_id,obj.type,obj.title,obj.owner," . "acl.object_id acl_type, acl.tstamp acl_date" . " FROM object_data obj" . " JOIN object_reference_ws ref ON (obj.obj_id = ref.obj_id)" . " JOIN tree_workspace tree ON (tree.child = ref.wsp_id)" . " JOIN acl_ws acl ON (acl.node_id = tree.child)" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("acl.object_id", $obj_ids, "", "integer") . " AND obj.owner <> " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM acl_ws" . " WHERE node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . " AND object_id = " . $ilDB->quote(ilWorkspaceAccessGUI::PERMISSION_ALL_PASSWORD, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT ref.wsp_id,obj.obj_id" . " FROM object_data obj" . " JOIN object_reference_ws ref ON (obj.obj_id = ref.obj_id)" . " JOIN tree_workspace tree ON (tree.child = ref.wsp_id)" . " JOIN acl_ws acl ON (acl.node_id = tree.child)" . " WHERE obj.owner = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj.obj_id, obj.type, obj.title" . " FROM object_reference_ws ref" . " JOIN tree_workspace tree ON (tree.child = ref.wsp_id)" . " JOIN object_data obj ON (ref.obj_id = obj.obj_id)" . " WHERE ref.wsp_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT " . $this->obj_pk . " FROM " . $this->table_obj_reference . " WHERE " . $this->ref_pk . " = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT " . $this->ref_pk . " FROM " . $this->table_obj_reference . " WHERE " . $this->obj_pk . " = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT tree" . " FROM " . $this->table_obj_reference . " JOIN " . $this->table_tree . " ON (" . $this->table_obj_reference . "." . $this->ref_pk . " = " . $this->table_tree . ".child)" . " WHERE " . $this->ref_pk . " = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . $this->table_obj_reference . " WHERE " . $this->ref_pk . " = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT last_visited FROM usr_data " . " WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_component' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_object_def' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_object_subobj' | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT(id) AS sid, parent, il_object_def.* FROM il_object_def, il_object_subobj WHERE NOT (' . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier('system') . ' = 1) AND NOT (sideblock = 1) AND subobj = id' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_pluginslot' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_plugin' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_object_group' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_object_sub_type' | 1 |
"UPDATE il_plugin SET db_version = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getDBVersion( ), "integer") . " WHERE component_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentType( ), "text") . " AND component_name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentName( ), "text") . " AND slot_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSlotId( ), "text") . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getPluginName( ), "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_plugin (component_type, component_name, slot_id, name)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_ctype, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_cname, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_slot_id, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_pname, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_plugin SET plugin_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "text") . " WHERE component_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentType( ), "text") . " AND component_name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentName( ), "text") . " AND slot_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSlotId( ), "text") . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getPluginName( ), "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_plugin SET active = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " WHERE component_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentType( ), "text") . " AND component_name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentName( ), "text") . " AND slot_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSlotId( ), "text") . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getPluginName( ), "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_plugin SET active = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " WHERE component_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentType( ), "text") . " AND component_name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentName( ), "text") . " AND slot_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSlotId( ), "text") . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getPluginName( ), "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM lng_data" . " WHERE module = " . $ilDB->quote($prefix, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM lng_modules" . " WHERE module = " . $ilDB->quote($prefix, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_plugin" . " WHERE component_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentType( ), "text") . " AND component_name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentName( ), "text") . " AND slot_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSlotId( ), "text") . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getPluginName( ), "text") | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ctrl_classfile WHERE comp_prefix=%s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ctrl_calls WHERE comp_prefix=%s' | 1 |
"UPDATE il_plugin SET last_update_version = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getVersion( ), "text") . " WHERE component_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentType( ), "text") . " AND component_name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentName( ), "text") . " AND slot_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSlotId( ), "text") . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getPluginName( ), "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_plugin WHERE" . " component_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ctype, "text") . " AND" . " component_name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_cname, "text") . " AND" . " slot_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_slot_id, "text") . " AND" . " name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_pname, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT name FROM il_plugin " . " WHERE component_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ctype, "text") . " AND component_name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_cname, "text") . " AND slot_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_slot_id, "text") . " AND plugin_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_plugin_id, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT plugin_id FROM il_plugin " . " WHERE component_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ctype, "text") . " AND component_name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_cname, "text") . " AND slot_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_slot_id, "text") . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_plugin_name, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT component_type, component_name, slot_id FROM il_plugin " . " WHERE plugin_id = " . $ilDB->quote($id, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_event_handling WHERE component = " . $ilDB->quote($component, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_plugin WHERE " . " component_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->ctype, "text") . " AND component_name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->cname, "text") . " AND slot_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->slot_id, "text") . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->pname, "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_plugin (component_type,component_name,slot_id," . "name, id, last_update_version, current_version, ilias_min_version," . " ilias_max_version, active) VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($this->ctype, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->cname, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->slot_id, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->pname, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["id"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote("0.0.0", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["version"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["ilias_min_version"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["ilias_max_version"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_plugin SET " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["id"], "text") . "," . " current_version = " . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["version"], "text") . "," . " ilias_min_version = " . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["ilias_min_version"], "text") . "," . " ilias_max_version = " . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["ilias_max_version"], "text") . " WHERE " . " component_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->ctype, "text") . " AND component_name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->cname, "text") . " AND slot_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->slot_id, "text") . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->pname, "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_event_handling (component, type, id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($component, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["type"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_attribs["id"], "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT db_version FROM il_plugin " . " WHERE component_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->ctype, "text") . " AND component_name = " . $this->db->quote($this->cname, "text") . " AND slot_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->slot_id, "text") . " AND name = " . $this->db->quote($this->pname, "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_plugin SET db_version = " . $this->db->quote((int) $a_version, "integer") . " WHERE component_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->ctype, "text") . " AND component_name = " . $this->db->quote($this->cname, "text") . " AND slot_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->slot_id, "text") . " AND name = " . $this->db->quote($this->pname, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_component WHERE type = %s " . " AND name = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT name from il_component ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_component_id, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_component" | 1 |
"Update plugin $this->plugin_name." | 1 |
"DELETE FROM module_class" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO module_class (module, class, dir) " . "VALUES (%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM service_class" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO service_class (service, class, dir) " . "VALUES (%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_object_def" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_object_subobj" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_object_group" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_pluginslot" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_component" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_event_handling WHERE component NOT LIKE 'Plugins/%'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_object_sub_type" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_object_def WHERE id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_object_subobj WHERE parent = %s OR subobj = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_object_def (id, class_name, component,location," . "checkbox,inherit,translate,devmode,allow_link,allow_copy,rbac,default_pos," . "default_pres_pos,sideblock,grp," . $this->db->quoteIdentifier("system") . ",export,repository,workspace,administration," . "amet,orgunit_permissions,lti_provider,offline_handling) VALUES " . "(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_object_group (id, name, default_pres_pos) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_pluginslot (component, id, name) VALUES (" . $this->db->quote($this->current_component, "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($a_attribs["id"], "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($a_attribs["name"], "text") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_event_handling (component, type, id) VALUES (" . $this->db->quote($component, "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($a_attribs["type"], "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($a_attribs["id"], "text") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_object_sub_type " . "(obj_type, sub_type, amet) VALUES (" . $this->db->quote($this->current_object, "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($a_attribs["id"], "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($a_attribs["amet"], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"Update plugin language $this->plugin_name." | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lng_modules " . "WHERE lang_key = " . $ilDB->quote($lang_key, "text") . " AND module = " . $ilDB->quote($a_module, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lng_data WHERE module = %s " . "AND lang_key = %s AND identifier = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM object_data ' . ' ' . 'WHERE title = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_lang_key, 'text') . ' ' . 'AND type = ' . $ilDB->quote('lng', 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_data " . "WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("lng", "text") . " " . "AND title = " . $ilDB->quote($lang_key, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lng_modules WHERE " . " lang_key = " . $this->ilDB->quote($this->key, "text") . " AND module = " . $this->ilDB->quote($module, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT module, lang_array FROM lng_modules WHERE lang_key = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT module, lang_array FROM lng_modules WHERE lang_key = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(local_change) last_change FROM lng_data " . "WHERE lang_key = %s AND local_change IS NOT NULL" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lng_data WHERE lang_key = %s AND module = %s AND local_change IS NOT NULL" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM lng_modules WHERE lang_key = %s AND module = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT lang_array FROM lng_modules WHERE lang_key = %s AND module = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE lng_data " . "SET value = %s, local_change = %s, remarks = %s " . "WHERE module = %s AND identifier = %s AND lang_key = %s " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM lng_data " . "WHERE module = %s AND identifier = %s AND lang_key = %s " | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_pref SET " . "value = " . $ilDB->quote($this->lang_default, "text") . " " . "WHERE keyword = " . $ilDB->quote('language', "text") . " " . "AND value = " . $ilDB->quote($lang_key, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM usr_data ud JOIN usr_pref up" . " ON ud.usr_id = up.usr_id " . " WHERE up.value = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lang, "text") . " AND up.keyword = " . $ilDB->quote("language", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM usr_data ud LEFT JOIN usr_pref up" . " ON (ud.usr_id = up.usr_id AND up.keyword = " . $ilDB->quote("language", "text") . ")" . " WHERE up.value IS NULL " | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT module FROM lng_data WHERE " . " lang_key = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lang_key, "text") . " order by module" | 1 |
"SELECT module, identifier, remarks" . " FROM lng_data" . " WHERE lang_key = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lang_key, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lng_data WHERE" . " lang_key = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lang_key, "text") . " " | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id FROM object_reference r, object_data d" . " WHERE r.obj_id = d.obj_id AND d.type = " . $ilDB->quote("lngf", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data " . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("lng", "text") . " AND title = " . $ilDB->quote($a_key, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT lang_array FROM lng_modules" . " WHERE lang_key = " . $ilDB->quote($lang_key, "text") . " AND module = " . $ilDB->quote($mod, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT module, identifier FROM lng_log " | 1 |
"SELECT module, identifier FROM lng_data WHERE lang_key = " . $this->db->quote("en", "text") . " ORDER BY module, identifier" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data " . "(obj_id,type,title,description,owner,create_date,last_update) " . "VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($lid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("lng", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($lang_key, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($itype, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote('-1', "integer") . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data SET " . "description = " . $ilDB->quote($ld, "text") . ", " . "last_update = " . $ilDB->now( ) . " " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($val["obj_id"], "integer") . " " . "AND type = " . $ilDB->quote("lng", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data SET " . "description = " . $ilDB->quote("not_installed", "text") . ", " . "last_update = " . $ilDB->now( ) . " " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($val["obj_id"], "integer") . " " . "AND type = " . $ilDB->quote("lng", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . "WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("lng", "text") . " " . "AND " . $ilDB->like("description", "text", 'installed%') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . "WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("lng", "text") . " " . "AND description = " . $ilDB->quote('installed_local', "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . "WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("lng", "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM lng_modules WHERE lang_key = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lang_key, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lng_modules WHERE " . " lang_key = " . $ilDB->quote($lang_key, "text") . " AND module = " . $ilDB->quote($module, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT o.title, o.description, o.obj_id id" . " FROM object_data o " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("o.obj_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT style_id, name, value" . " FROM style_setting " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("style_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT style_id, type, characteristic, hide" . " FROM style_char " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("style_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT style_id, tag, class, parameter, value, type, mq_id, custom" . " FROM style_parameter " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("style_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT style_id, color_name, color_code" . " FROM style_color " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("style_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, style_id, order_nr, mquery m_query" . " FROM sty_media_query " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("style_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, style_id, name, preview, temp_type" . " FROM style_template " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("style_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT template_id, class_type, class" . " FROM style_template_class " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("template_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, style_id" . " FROM style_usage " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("style_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE style_data SET uptodate = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_up_to_date, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT uptodate FROM style_data " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE style_data SET standard = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_std, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE style_data SET category = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_scope, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE style_data SET active = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_active, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_data " . " WHERE standard = 1" . $and_str | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_data" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_parameter WHERE style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_from_style, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_char WHERE style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_from_style, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_parameter (id, style_id, tag, class, parameter, value, type, mq_id, custom) VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($sty["tag"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($sty["class"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($sty["parameter"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($sty["value"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($sty["type"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $mq_mapping[$sty["mq_id"]], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($sty["custom"], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_char (style_id, type, characteristic) VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($char["type"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($char["characteristic"], "text") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM style_char WHERE style_id = %s AND type = %s AND characteristic = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM style_parameter WHERE style_id = %s AND tag = %s AND type = %s AND class = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT style_id FROM style_char WHERE style_id = %s AND characteristic = %s AND type = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_char (style_id, type, characteristic, hide)" . " VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s) " | 1 |
"UPDATE style_char SET " . " hide = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_hide, "integer") . " WHERE style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . " type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . " AND " . " characteristic = " . $ilDB->quote($a_char, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT hide FROM style_char " . " WHERE style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . " type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . " AND " . " characteristic = " . $ilDB->quote($a_char, "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_parameter (id,style_id, type, tag, class, parameter, value, mq_id, custom) VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($tag[0], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($tag[1], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_par, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($value, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_mq_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_custom, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM style_parameter WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM style_parameter WHERE " . " style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . " tag = " . $ilDB->quote($a_tag, "text") . " AND " . " class = " . $ilDB->quote($a_class, "text") . " AND " . " mq_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_mq_id, "integer") . " AND " . " custom = " . $ilDB->quote($a_custom, "integer") . " AND " . " " . $ilDB->equals("type", $a_type, "text", true) . " AND " . " parameter = " . $ilDB->quote($a_par, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM style_parameter WHERE " . " style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . " tag = " . $ilDB->quote($a_tag, "text") . " AND " . " class = " . $ilDB->quote($a_class, "text") . " AND " . " mq_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_mq_id, "integer") . " AND " . " custom = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " AND " . " " . $ilDB->equals("type", $a_type, "text", true) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM style_parameter WHERE " . " style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . " class = " . $ilDB->quote($a_class, "text") . " AND " . " " . $ilDB->equals("type", $a_type, "text", true) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM style_parameter WHERE style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM sty_media_query WHERE " . " style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM style_data WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_parameter WHERE style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " ORDER BY tag, class, type, mq_id " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_data WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_char WHERE style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " ORDER BY type ASC, characteristic ASC" | 1 |
"UPDATE style_data " . "SET category = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getScope( ), "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE style_parameter SET VALUE = " . $ilDB->quote($a_value, "text") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_parameter WHERE " . " style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($style_id, "integer") . " AND " . " tag = " . $ilDB->quote($a_tag, "text") . " AND " . " class = " . $ilDB->quote($a_class, "text") . " AND " . " mq_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_mq_id, "integer") . " AND " . " custom = " . $ilDB->quote($a_custom, "integer") . " AND " . " " . $ilDB->equals("type", $a_type, "text", true) . " AND " . " parameter = " . $ilDB->quote($a_par, "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE style_parameter SET " . " value = " . $ilDB->quote($a_val, "text") . " WHERE " . " style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($style_id, "integer") . " AND " . " tag = " . $ilDB->quote($a_tag, "text") . " AND " . " class = " . $ilDB->quote($a_class, "text") . " AND " . " mq_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_mq_id, "integer") . " AND " . " custom = " . $ilDB->quote($a_custom, "integer") . " AND " . " " . $ilDB->equals("type", $a_type, "text", true) . " AND " . " parameter = " . $ilDB->quote($a_par, "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_parameter (id, value, style_id, tag, class, type, parameter, mq_id, custom) VALUES " . " (" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_val, "text") . "," . " " . $ilDB->quote($style_id, "integer") . "," . " " . $ilDB->quote($a_tag, "text") . "," . " " . $ilDB->quote($a_class, "text") . "," . " " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . "," . " " . $ilDB->quote($a_par, "text") . "," . " " . $ilDB->quote($a_mq_id, "integer") . "," . " " . $ilDB->quote($a_custom, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_parameter (id,style_id, tag, class, parameter, type, value, custom) VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($tag["tag"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($tag["class"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($tag["parameter"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($tag["type"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($tag["value"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote((bool) $tag["custom"], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_data (id, uptodate) VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . ", 0)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_parameter (id, style_id, type, class, tag, parameter, value) " . " VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"UPDATE style_char SET type = ? WHERE characteristic = ?" . " AND style_id = ? " | 1 |
"UPDATE style_parameter SET type = ? WHERE class = ?" . " AND style_id = ? " | 1 |
"UPDATE style_parameter SET tag = ? WHERE class = ?" . " AND style_id = ? " | 1 |
"UPDATE style_char SET characteristic = ? WHERE characteristic = ?" . " AND style_id = ? " | 1 |
"UPDATE style_parameter SET class = ? WHERE class = ?" . " AND style_id = ? " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM style_char WHERE type = ?" . " AND style_id = ? " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM style_parameter WHERE type = ?" . " AND style_id = ? " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_parameter " . " (id, style_id, tag, class, parameter, value, type) VALUES " . " (%s, %s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) " | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM style_parameter WHERE style_id = %s" . " AND tag = %s AND class= %s AND parameter = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE style_parameter SET value= %s WHERE id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_parameter " . "(id, style_id, tag, class, parameter,value) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"UPDATE style_parameter SET tag = %s WHERE tag = %s and style_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_color WHERE " . "style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " " . "ORDER BY color_name" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_color (style_id, color_name, color_code)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_name, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_code, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE style_color SET " . "color_name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_new_name, "text") . ", " . "color_code = " . $ilDB->quote($a_code, "text") . " WHERE style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND color_name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_name, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_parameter " . " WHERE style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND (" . " parameter = " . $ilDB->quote("background-color", "text") . " OR " . " parameter = " . $ilDB->quote("color", "text") . " OR " . " parameter = " . $ilDB->quote("border-color", "text") . " OR " . " parameter = " . $ilDB->quote("border-top-color", "text") . " OR " . " parameter = " . $ilDB->quote("border-bottom-color", "text") . " OR " . " parameter = " . $ilDB->quote("border-left-color", "text") . " OR " . " parameter = " . $ilDB->quote("border-right-color", "text") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM style_color WHERE " . " style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . " color_name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_name, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_color WHERE " . "style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . "color_name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_color_name, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT color_code FROM style_color WHERE " . " style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . " color_name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_name, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM sty_media_query WHERE " . "style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " " . "ORDER BY order_nr" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO sty_media_query (id, style_id, mquery, order_nr)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_mquery, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($order_nr, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT max(order_nr) mnr FROM sty_media_query " . " WHERE style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE sty_media_query SET " . " mquery = " . $ilDB->quote($a_mquery, "text") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM sty_media_query " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM sty_media_query WHERE " . " style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE sty_media_query SET " . " order_nr = " . $ilDB->quote($cnt, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($mq["id"], "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_template WHERE " . "style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . "temp_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . " " . "ORDER BY name" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_template_class WHERE " . "template_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_tid, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_template " . "(id, style_id, name, temp_type)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($tid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_name, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_template_class " . "(template_id, class_type, class)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($tid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($t, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($c, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE style_template SET " . "name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_name, "text") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_t_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_template_class " . "(template_id, class_type, class)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_t_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($t, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($c, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_template_class " . "(template_id, class_type, class)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_t_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_class, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_template WHERE " . "style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . "name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_template_name, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_template WHERE " . "style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " " . " AND id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_t_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT name FROM style_template WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_t_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE style_template SET " . "preview = " . $ilDB->quote($a_preview_html, "text") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_t_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT preview FROM style_template " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_t_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM style_template " . " WHERE style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_style_id, "integer") . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_name, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM style_template WHERE " . " style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_t_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM style_setting WHERE " . " style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_name, "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_setting " . "(style_id, name, value) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_name, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_value, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM style_setting " . " WHERE style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_name, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT style_id FROM style_usage " . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT obj_id FROM style_usage " . " WHERE style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_style_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM style_folder_styles" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_folder_styles (folder_id, style_id) VALUES" . "(" . $ilDB->quote((int) 0, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote((int) $style["id"], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM style_folder_styles JOIN style_data ON (style_id =" | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) cnt FROM settings_deactivated_s" . " WHERE skin = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_skin, "text") . " AND style = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_style, "text") . " " | 1 |
"INSERT into settings_deactivated_s" . " (skin, style) VALUES " . " (" . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_skin, "text") . "," . " " . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_style, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM settings_deactivated_s" . " WHERE skin = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_skin, "text") . " AND style = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_style, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT substyle, category_ref_id FROM syst_style_cat " . " WHERE skin_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_skin_id, "text") . " AND style_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_style_id, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT substyle, category_ref_id FROM syst_style_cat " . " WHERE skin_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_skin_id, "text") . " AND substyle = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_sub_style_id, "text") . " AND style_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_style_id, "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO syst_style_cat " . "(skin_id, style_id, substyle, category_ref_id) VALUES (" . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_skin_id, "text") . "," . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_style_id, "text") . "," . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_substyle, "text") . "," . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_ref_id, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM syst_style_cat WHERE " . " skin_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_skin_id, "text") . " AND style_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_style_id, "text") . " AND substyle = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_substyle, "text") . " AND category_ref_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_ref_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM syst_style_cat WHERE " . " skin_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_skin_id, "text") . " AND style_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_style_id, "text") . " AND substyle = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($a_substyle, "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE syst_style_cat " . " SET skin_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($new_skin_id, "text") . ", style_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($new_style_id, "text") . " WHERE skin_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($old_skin_id, "text") . " AND style_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($old_style_id, "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE syst_style_cat " . " SET substyle = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($new_substyle_id, "text") . " WHERE substyle = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($old_substyle_id, "text") | 1 |
" UPDATE usr_data SET passwd_policy_reset = %s WHERE (auth_mode = %s $defaultAuthModeCondition)" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id id, login username, firstname, lastname, " . " title, birthday, gender, institution, department, street, city, zipcode, country, sel_country, " . " phone_office, phone_home, phone_mobile, fax, email, hobby, referral_comment, matriculation, " . " delicious, latitude, longitude, loc_zoom" . " FROM usr_data u " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("u.usr_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id id, login username, firstname, lastname, " . " title, birthday, gender, institution, department, street, city, zipcode, country, sel_country, " . " phone_office, phone_home, phone_mobile, fax, email, hobby, referral_comment, matriculation, " . " latitude, longitude, loc_zoom" . " FROM usr_data u " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("u.usr_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id id, login username, firstname, lastname, " . " title, birthday, gender, institution, department, street, city, zipcode, country, sel_country, " . " phone_office, phone_home, phone_mobile, fax, email, second_email, hobby, referral_comment, matriculation, " . " latitude, longitude, loc_zoom" . " FROM usr_data u " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("u.usr_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_pref " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("keyword", $prefs, false, "text") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("usr_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_data_multi" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("usr_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT object_data.title, object_data.description, rbac_fa.* " . "FROM object_data, rbac_ua, rbac_fa WHERE rbac_ua.usr_id = %s " . "AND rbac_ua.rol_id = rbac_fa.rol_id AND object_data.obj_id = rbac_fa.rol_id" | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM usr_pref WHERE usr_id = %s AND keyword = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT field_id FROM udf_definition" . " WHERE field_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_field_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM udf_definition" . " WHERE field_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_field_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM udf_definition" . " WHERE field_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_field_id, "integer") | 1 |
" SELECT usr_pref.*, ud.login, ud.firstname, ud.lastname FROM usr_data ud LEFT JOIN usr_pref ON usr_pref.usr_id = ud.usr_id AND $in WHERE ud.usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM settings WHERE " . $ilDB->like("keyword", "text", '%usr_settings_export_%') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_pref WHERE keyword = " . $ilDB->quote('language', 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_data_multi" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_data.* FROM usr_data " . " ORDER BY usr_data.lastname, usr_data.firstname" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM mail_template " . " WHERE type='nacc' AND lang = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lang, 'text') | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET time_limit_owner = " . $ilDB->quote($a_new_id, "integer") . " " . "WHERE time_limit_owner = " . $ilDB->quote($a_old_id, "integer") . " " | 1 |
"SELECT count(usr_data.usr_id) cnt" . " FROM usr_data" | 1 |
"SELECT " . implode(",", $sql_fields) . " FROM usr_data" . $join | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_data_multi" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("usr_id", $usr_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM udf_definition " . "WHERE field_name = " . $this->db->quote($a_field_name, 'text') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM udf_definition " . "WHERE field_id = " . $this->db->quote($a_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM udf_definition " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM udf_text " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('usr_id', $a_user_ids, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('field_id', $a_field_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM udf_text WHERE " . " usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM udf_clob WHERE " . " usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM udf_text WHERE " . " field_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_field_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM udf_clob WHERE " . " field_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_field_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE udf_text SET value = " . $ilDB->quote("", "text") . " WHERE " . " field_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_field_id, "integer") . " AND value = " . $ilDB->quote($a_value, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM udf_text " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->usr_id, 'integer') . "" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM udf_clob " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->usr_id, 'integer') . "" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(time_limit_owner) as parent_id FROM usr_data " | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data " . $where | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_data " . "WHERE usr_id= %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET agree_date = " . $ilDB->now( ) . " WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT " . $a_field . " FROM usr_data WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT title, firstname, lastname FROM usr_data WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_data WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data WHERE login = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("login", $a_user_str, false, "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET " . "last_login = " . $ilDB->now( ) . " WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET " . "first_login = " . $ilDB->now( ) . " WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
'UPDATE usr_data SET passwd = %s, passwd_enc_type = %s, passwd_salt = %s WHERE usr_id = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM loginname_history WHERE login = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT login, history_date FROM loginname_history WHERE usr_id = %s ORDER BY history_date DESC' | 1 |
' UPDATE usr_data SET login = %s WHERE usr_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM usr_pref WHERE usr_id = %s AND keyword = %s' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_pref WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_pref WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, "integer") . " " . "AND keyword = " . $ilDB->quote($a_keyword, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_data WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM bookmark_tree WHERE tree = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM bookmark_data WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT matriculation FROM usr_data " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id) | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM usr_pref WHERE usr_id= " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, "integer") . " AND keyword = " . $ilDB->quote('language', "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data " . " SET ext_account = %s WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data " . " SET auth_mode = %s WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data ' . 'WHERE active = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET last_password_change = %s " . "WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET last_password_change = 0 " . "WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
' SELECT COUNT(*) session_count FROM usr_session WHERE user_id = %s AND expires > %s AND session_id != %s ' | 1 |
"SELECT active FROM usr_data WHERE login= %s" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data " . "WHERE email = %s and active = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT login FROM usr_data " . "WHERE email = %s and active = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_data.usr_id, usr_data.login, usr_data.firstname, usr_data.lastname,, FROM usr_data " | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT usr_data.usr_id,usr_data.login,usr_data.firstname,usr_data.lastname, " . "FROM object_data,rbac_ua,usr_data " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->like("object_data.title", "text", "%" . substr($a_search_str, 5) . "%") . " AND object_data.type = 'role' " . "AND rbac_ua.rol_id = object_data.obj_id " . "AND usr_data.usr_id = rbac_ua.usr_id " . "AND rbac_ua.usr_id != " . $ilDB->quote(ANONYMOUS_USER_ID, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT login FROM usr_data WHERE " . $ilDB->in('usr_id', array(ANONYMOUS_USER_ID), true, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_data WHERE " . $ilDB->in("usr_id", $a_user_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT " . $select . " FROM usr_data " | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM usr_pref up1, usr_pref up2 " . " WHERE up1.keyword= " . $ilDB->quote("style", "text") . " AND up1.value= " . $ilDB->quote($a_style, "text") . " AND up2.keyword= " . $ilDB->quote("skin", "text") . " AND up2.value= " . $ilDB->quote($a_skin, "text") . " AND up1.usr_id = up2.usr_id " | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT up1.value style, up2.value skin FROM usr_pref up1, usr_pref up2 " . " WHERE up1.keyword = " . $ilDB->quote("style", "text") . " AND up2.keyword = " . $ilDB->quote("skin", "text") . " AND up1.usr_id = up2.usr_id" | 1 |
"SELECT up1.usr_id usr_id FROM usr_pref up1, usr_pref up2 " . " WHERE up1.keyword= " . $ilDB->quote("style", "text") . " AND up1.value= " . $ilDB->quote($a_from_style, "text") . " AND up2.keyword= " . $ilDB->quote("skin", "text") . " AND up2.value= " . $ilDB->quote($a_from_skin, "text") . " AND up1.usr_id = up2.usr_id " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM personal_clipboard WHERE " . "parent = %s AND item_id = %s AND type = %s AND user_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO personal_clipboard " . "(item_id, type, user_id, title, parent, insert_time, order_nr) VALUES " . " (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"UPDATE personal_clipboard SET insert_time = %s " . "WHERE user_id = %s AND item_id = %s AND type = %s AND parent = 0" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(insert_time) mtime FROM personal_pc_clipboard " . " WHERE user_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM personal_pc_clipboard " . " WHERE user_id = %s AND insert_time = %s ORDER BY order_nr ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM personal_clipboard WHERE " . "parent = %s AND type = %s AND user_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM personal_clipboard WHERE " . "type = %s AND user_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM personal_clipboard WHERE " . "user_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM personal_clipboard WHERE " . "user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " " . $type_str . $par . " ORDER BY order_nr" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM personal_clipboard WHERE " . "user_id = %s AND parent = %s AND insert_time = %s " . " ORDER BY order_nr" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM personal_clipboard WHERE " . "item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") . " AND " . "type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM personal_clipboard WHERE " . "item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, "integer") . " AND type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . " " . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE import_id = " . $ilDB->quote($i2_id, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT login,usr_id,ext_account,auth_mode FROM usr_data " . "WHERE auth_mode = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET active = 1, inactivation_date = NULL WHERE " . $ilDB->in("usr_id", $a_usr_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET active = 0 WHERE $usrId_IN_usrIds" | 1 |
" UPDATE usr_data SET inactivation_date = %s WHERE inactivation_date IS NULL AND $usrId_IN_usrIds " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_data WHERE " . " ext_account = %s AND auth_mode = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT login FROM usr_data " . "WHERE login = %s AND auth_mode = %s AND (ext_account IS NULL OR ext_account = '') " | 1 |
"SELECT login FROM usr_data WHERE " . " ext_account = %s AND auth_mode = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT login FROM usr_data " . "WHERE login = %s AND (ext_account IS NULL OR ext_account = '') AND auth_mode = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) AS cnt, auth_mode FROM usr_data " . "GROUP BY auth_mode" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_data WHERE " . " email = %s AND (auth_mode = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT feed_hash from usr_data WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET feed_hash = %s" . " WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT login, usr_id FROM usr_data " . "WHERE login = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_data " . "WHERE ext_account = %s AND auth_mode = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_data.*, usr_pref.value AS language FROM usr_data LEFT JOIN usr_pref ON usr_pref.usr_id = usr_data.usr_id AND usr_pref.keyword = %s WHERE " . $ilDB->in("usr_data.usr_id", $ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT usr_data.*, usr_pref.value AS language FROM usr_data LEFT JOIN usr_pref ON usr_pref.usr_id = usr_data.usr_id and usr_pref.keyword = %s WHERE 1 = 1 " | 1 |
"SELECT usr_data.*, usr_pref.value AS language FROM usr_data LEFT JOIN usr_pref ON usr_pref.usr_id = usr_data.usr_id AND usr_pref.keyword = %s WHERE " . $ilDB->in("usr_data.usr_id", $a_mem_ids, false, "integer") . " AND usr_data.usr_id != %s" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_data.*, usr_pref.value AS language FROM usr_data LEFT JOIN usr_pref ON usr_pref.usr_id = usr_data.usr_id AND usr_pref.keyword = %s WHERE " . $ilDB->in("usr_data.usr_id", $ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_pref WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM usr_pref " . " WHERE keyword = " . $ilDB->quote($a_keyword, "text") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("usr_id", $a_user_ids, false, "integer") . " AND value = " . $ilDB->quote($a_val, "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET login_attempts = 0 WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT login_attempts FROM usr_data WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET login_attempts = (login_attempts + 1) WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET active = 0, inactivation_date = %s WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM loginname_history WHERE usr_id = %s AND login = %s AND history_date = %s' | 1 |
' INSERT INTO loginname_history (usr_id, login, history_date) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
" SELECT COUNT(user_id) num, user_id, firstname, lastname, title, login, last_login, MAX(ctime) ctime, context, agree_date FROM usr_session LEFT JOIN usr_data u ON user_id = u.usr_id LEFT JOIN usr_pref p ON (p.usr_id = u.usr_id AND p.keyword = %s) {$where} GROUP BY user_id, firstname, lastname, title, login, last_login, context, agree_date ORDER BY lastname, firstname " | 1 |
' SELECT COUNT(usr_id) cnt FROM usr_data WHERE reg_hash = %s' | 1 |
' SELECT usr_id, create_date FROM usr_data WHERE reg_hash = %s' | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data WHERE last_login IS NOT NULL AND last_login < %s" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data WHERE last_login IS NULL AND create_date < %s" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data WHERE $field < %s AND active = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET last_login = %s WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET first_login = %s WHERE usr_id = %s AND first_login IS NULL" | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data SET owner = 0 " . "WHERE owner = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT " . $ilDB->upper($ilDB->substr("lastname", 1, 1)) . " let" . " FROM usr_data" . " WHERE usr_id <> " . $ilDB->quote(ANONYMOUS_USER_ID, "integer") . ($user_ids !== null ? " AND " . $ilDB->in('usr_id', $user_ids, false, "integer") : "") . " ORDER BY let" | 1 |
'SELECT count(*) num FROM object_data od ' . 'JOIN usr_data ud ON obj_id = usr_id ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('obj_id', $a_usr_ids, false, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
" UPDATE usr_data SET inactivation_date = $NOW WHERE inactivation_date IS NULL AND $usrId_IN_usrIds " | 1 |
" UPDATE usr_data SET inactivation_date = NULL WHERE $usrId_IN_usrIds " | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data " . " WHERE agree_date " . $date_is . $users | 1 |
"SELECT field_id,value" . " FROM usr_data_multi" . " WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " ORDER BY value" | 1 |
"INSERT usr_data_multi" . " (id,usr_id,field_id,value) VALUES" . " (" . $ilDB->quote($uniq_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($id, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($value, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_data_multi" . " WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(value)" . " FROM usr_data_multi" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->like("value", "text", "%" . $a_term . "%") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_pref " . " WHERE keyword = " . $ilDB->quote("public_profile", "text") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("usr_id", $a_user_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_data,usr_pref " . "WHERE time_limit_message = '0' " . "AND time_limit_unlimited = '0' " . "AND time_limit_from < " . $ilDB->quote($now, "integer") . " " . "AND time_limit_until > " . $ilDB->quote($now, "integer") . " " . "AND time_limit_until < " . $ilDB->quote($two_weeks_in_seconds, "integer") . " " . "AND usr_data.usr_id = usr_pref.usr_id " . "AND keyword = " . $ilDB->quote("language", "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET time_limit_message = '1' WHERE usr_id = '" . $data['usr_id'] . "'" | 1 |
'SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data ' . 'WHERE (reg_hash IS NOT NULL AND reg_hash != %s)' . 'AND active = %s ' . 'AND create_date < %s' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO " . self::TABLE_NAME . " (usr_id, ts) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id,ts FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME | 1 |
"SELECT ts FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(generated) AS generated FROM " . self::DB_TABLE . " ORDER BY generated" | 1 |
"SELECT valid_until FROM " . self::DB_TABLE . " WHERE code = " . $ilDB->quote($code, "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO usr_form_settings (user_id,id,settings) " . "VALUES( " . $this->db->quote($this->user_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->id, 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote(serialize($this->settings), 'text') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_form_settings" . " WHERE user_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->user_id, 'integer') . " AND id = " . $this->db->quote($this->id, 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_form_settings" . " WHERE user_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->user_id, 'integer') . " AND id = " . $this->db->quote($this->id, 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_form_settings" . " WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_form_settings" . " WHERE id = " . $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilDB']->quote($a_id, 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_form_settings " . 'WHERE ' . $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilDB']->like('id', 'text', $a_prefix . '%') | 1 |
"SELECT field_id id" . " FROM udf_definition" | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM usr_pref " . " WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " and keyword = " . $ilDB->quote("public_profile", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('time_limit_owner', $this->folder_ids, false, 'integer') . " " . "AND " . $ilDB->in('usr_id', $a_user_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"Update last prompt date for user :" . $this->user->getId( ) | 1 |
"SELECT first_login, last_profile_prompt FROM usr_data " . " WHERE usr_id = %s " | 1 |
'SELECT `new_email` FROM `' . self::TABLE_NAME . '` WHERE `token` = %s AND `valid_until` >= %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM `' . self::TABLE_NAME . '` WHERE `token` = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM `' . self::TABLE_NAME . '` WHERE `valid_until` <= %s' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM user_action_activation" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_tag WHERE " . "user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND " . "obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . "obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") . " AND " . "sub_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_sub_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->equals("sub_obj_type", $a_sub_obj_type, "text", true) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_tag (user_id, obj_id, obj_type," . "sub_obj_id, sub_obj_type, tag) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_sub_obj_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_sub_obj_type, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($tag, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_tag WHERE " . "user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND " . "obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . "obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") . " AND " . "sub_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_sub_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->equals("sub_obj_type", $a_sub_obj_type, "text", true) . " ORDER BY tag ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT count(user_id) as cnt, tag FROM il_tag WHERE " . "obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . "obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") . " AND " . "sub_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_sub_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->equals("sub_obj_type", $a_sub_obj_type, "text", true) . $online_str . "GROUP BY tag ORDER BY tag ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) as cnt, tag FROM il_tag WHERE " . "user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " " . $online_str . " GROUP BY tag ORDER BY cnt DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_tag WHERE " . "user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND tag = " . $ilDB->quote($a_tag, "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_tag SET is_offline = %s " . "WHERE " . "obj_id = %s AND " . "obj_type = %s AND " . "sub_obj_id = %s AND " . $ilDB->equals("sub_obj_type", $a_sub_obj_type, "text", true) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_tag " . "WHERE " . "obj_id = %s AND " . "obj_type = %s AND " . "sub_obj_id = %s AND " . $ilDB->equals("sub_obj_type", $a_sub_obj_type, "text", true) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_tag " . "WHERE " . "user_id = %s AND " . "obj_id = %s AND " . "obj_type = %s AND " . "sub_obj_id = %s AND " . $ilDB->equals("sub_obj_type", $a_sub_obj_type, "text", true) . " AND " . "tag = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT user_id, firstname, lastname FROM il_tag JOIN usr_data ON (user_id = usr_id) " . " WHERE LOWER(tag) = LOWER(" . $ilDB->quote($a_tag, "text") . ")" . " ORDER BY lastname, firstname" | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) c, obj_id FROM il_tag WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_obj_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, obj_type, tag, user_id" . " FROM il_tag" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", array_keys($a_obj_ids), false, "integer") . " AND is_offline = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, obj_type" . " FROM il_tag" . " WHERE tag = " . $ilDB->quote($a_tag, "text") . " AND is_offline = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, tag, user_id" . " FROM il_tag" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_obj_ids, false, "integer") . " AND is_offline = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) num FROM usr_search " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND search_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->search_type, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_search " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND search_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->search_type, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_search " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND ( search_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->search_type, 'integer') . ' ' . "OR search_type = " . $ilDB->quote(self::LAST_QUERY, 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_search " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND search_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->search_type, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT obj_fi " . $locate . "FROM tst_tests " . $where | 1 |
"SELECT obj_fi " . $locate . "FROM qpl_questions " . $where | 1 |
"SELECT obj_fi " . $locate . "FROM svy_svy " . $where | 1 |
"SELECT obj_fi " . $locate . "FROM svy_question " . $where | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id " . $locate . "FROM usr_data " . $where | 1 |
"SELECT thr_pk,top_frm_fk frm_id " . $locate . "FROM frm_threads,frm_data " . "WHERE top_pk = thr_top_fk " . $and | 1 |
"SELECT top_frm_fk frm_id,pos_thr_fk,pos_pk " . $locate . "FROM frm_posts,frm_data " . "WHERE pos_top_fk = top_pk " . $and | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id,type " . $locate . "FROM object_data " . $where . " " . $cdate . ' ' . $in . ' ' . "ORDER BY obj_id DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT id, context_obj_id, context_obj_type " . $locate . "FROM il_news_item " . $where | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, obj_type FROM search_command_queue " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($element->getObjId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($element->getObjType( ), 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO search_command_queue (obj_id,obj_type,sub_id,sub_type,command,last_update,finished) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($element->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($element->getObjType( ), 'text') . ", " . "0, " . "''," . $ilDB->quote($element->getCommand( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->now( ) . ", " . "0 " . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE search_command_queue " . "SET command = " . $ilDB->quote($element->getCommand( ), 'text') . ", " . "last_update = " . $ilDB->now( ) . ", " . "finished = " . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . " " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($element->getObjId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($element->getObjType( ), 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id,type " . $locate . "FROM object_data " . $where . " " . $and . ' ' . "ORDER BY obj_id DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id,obj_type,obj_id " . $locate . " " . "FROM il_meta_general " . "WHERE obj_type " . $this->__getInStatement($this->getFilter( )) . " " . $and | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type FROM il_meta_language " . "WHERE language = " . $ilDB->quote($this->options['lom_language'], 'text') . " " . "AND obj_type " . $this->__getInStatement($this->getFilter( )) . ' ' . "AND parent_type = 'meta_general'" | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type FROM il_meta_contribute " . "WHERE role = " . $ilDB->quote($this->options['lom_role'], 'text') . " " . "AND obj_type " . $this->__getInStatement($this->getFilter( )) | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type " . $locate . "FROM il_meta_entity " . $where . " " . $and . ' ' | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type FROM il_meta_requirement " | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type FROM il_meta_educational " | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type FROM il_meta_typical_age_range " . "WHERE typical_age_range_min >= '" . (int) $this->options['typ_age_1'] . "' " . "AND typical_age_range_max <= '" . (int) $this->options['typ_age_2'] . "'" | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type FROM il_meta_rights " | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type FROM il_meta_classification " | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type " . $locate . "FROM il_meta_taxon " . $where . " " . $and . ' ' | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type " . $locate . "FROM il_meta_keyword " . $where . " " . $and . ' ' | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type " . $locate . "FROM il_meta_lifecycle " . $where . " " . $and . ' ' | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type FROM il_meta_format " . "WHERE format LIKE(" . $ilDB->quote($this->options['lom_format']) . ") " . "AND obj_type " . $this->__getInStatement($this->getFilter( )) | 1 |
"SELECT title, obj_id FROM object_data WHERE " . $ilDB->like('title', 'text', $a_str . "%") . " AND " . $ilDB->in('type', $object_types, false, 'text') . " ORDER BY title" | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type, keyword FROM il_meta_keyword WHERE " . $ilDB->like('keyword', 'text', $a_str . "%") . " AND " . $ilDB->in('obj_type', $object_types, false, 'text') . " ORDER BY keyword" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_search " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND search_type = 0 " | 1 |
"SELECT search_result FROM usr_search " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT exc_id, id " . $locate . "FROM exc_assignment " . $where | 1 |
"SELECT page_id,parent_id,parent_type " . $locate . "FROM page_object, il_wiki_page " . $where . "AND = page_object.page_id " . $in | 1 |
"SELECT mep_id,obj_id " . $locate . "FROM mep_tree JOIN mep_item ON child = obj_id " . $and | 1 |
"SELECT mep_id, child " . $locate . "FROM mep_item mi " . "JOIN mep_tree ON mi.obj_id = child " . "JOIN il_meta_keyword mk ON foreign_id = mk.obj_id " . $and . "AND obj_type = 'mob'" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id " . $locate . "FROM udf_text " . $where | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type " . $locate . "FROM il_meta_entity " . $where . " " . $in . ' ' | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type " . $locate . "FROM il_meta_keyword " . $where . " " . $in . ' ' | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type " . $locate . "FROM il_meta_general " . $where . " " . $in . ' ' | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id,obj_id,obj_type " . $locate . "FROM il_meta_description " . $where . " " . $in . ' ' | 1 |
"SELECT page_id,parent_id,parent_type " . $locate . "FROM page_object, lm_data " . $where . "AND obj_id = page_id " . $in | 1 |
"SELECT webr_id, link_id " . $locate . "FROM webr_items " . $where | 1 |
"SELECT object_reference.ref_id as ref_id FROM object_reference,tree,object_data " . "WHERE tree.parent = " . $ilDB->quote(SYSTEM_FOLDER_ID, 'integer') . " " . "AND object_data.type = 'seas' " . "AND object_reference.ref_id = tree.child " . "AND object_reference.obj_id = object_data.obj_id" | 1 |
"SELECT glo_id, " . $locate . "FROM glossary_term gt JOIN " . "glossary_definition ON ( = glossary_definition.term_id) " . $where | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id " . $locate . "FROM usr_data_multi " . $where | 1 |
'SELECT user_id ' . 'FROM ' . self::ORG_ASSIGNMENTS_TABLE . ' ' . $where | 1 |
'SELECT object_reference.ref_id FROM object_reference, tree, object_data WHERE tree.parent = %s AND object_data.type = %s AND object_reference.ref_id = tree.child AND object_reference.obj_id = object_data.obj_id' | 1 |
" SELECT DISTINCT od.obj_id, objr.ref_id, ( CASE WHEN (trans.title IS NOT NULL AND trans.title != '') THEN trans.title ELSE od.title END ) title, ( CASE WHEN (trans.description IS NOT NULL AND trans.description != '') THEN trans.description ELSE od.description END ) description, od.type, t.parent, tp.lft parent_lft, ( CASE WHEN od.type = 'crs' THEN crs_settings.period_start ELSE grp_settings.period_start END ) period_start, ( CASE WHEN od.type = 'crs' THEN crs_settings.period_end ELSE grp_settings.period_end END ) period_end, ( CASE WHEN od.type = 'crs' THEN crs_settings.period_time_indication ELSE grp_settings.period_time_indication END ) period_has_time FROM rbac_ua ua INNER JOIN rbac_fa fa ON fa.rol_id = ua.rol_id AND fa.assign = %s INNER JOIN object_reference objr ON objr.ref_id = fa.parent INNER JOIN object_data od ON od.obj_id = objr.obj_id $odObjTypes INNER JOIN tree t ON t.child = objr.ref_id AND t.tree = %s AND t.parent != %s INNER JOIN tree tp ON tp.child = t.parent LEFT JOIN grp_settings ON grp_settings.obj_id = od.obj_id LEFT JOIN crs_settings ON crs_settings.obj_id = od.obj_id LEFT JOIN object_translation trans ON trans.obj_id = od.obj_id AND trans.lang_code = %s WHERE ua.usr_id = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data " . "WHERE title = " . $ilDB->quote($a_group_name, "text") . " " . "AND type = " . $ilDB->quote("grp", "text") . $clause | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id FROM object_reference obr LEFT JOIN object_data obd ON obr.obj_id = obd.obj_id " . "LEFT JOIN tree ON obr.ref_id = tree.child " . $where . "AND tree = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(obr.ref_id),obr.obj_id,type FROM object_reference obr " . "JOIN object_data obd ON obd.obj_id = obr.obj_id " . "LEFT JOIN rbac_pa ON obr.ref_id = rbac_pa.ref_id " . $where . $and . "AND (" . $ilDB->like("ops_id", "text", "%i:" . $ops_id . "%") . " " . "OR " . $ilDB->like("ops_id", "text", "%:\"" . $ops_id . "\";%") . ")) " . $check_owner | 1 |
"SELECT (" . $ilDB->quote("A", "text") . " = " . $ilDB->quote("Ä", "text") . ") t FROM DUAL " | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, AVG(duration) AS avg_dur, benchmark," . " MIN(duration) AS min_dur, MAX(duration) AS max_dur" . " FROM benchmark" . " WHERE module = " . $ilDB->quote($a_module, "text") . " " . " GROUP BY benchmark" . " ORDER BY benchmark" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM benchmark" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT module FROM benchmark" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM benchmark" | 1 |
"SELECT sort_mode,sort_direction,new_items_position,new_items_order " . "FROM container_sorting_set " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_old_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM container_sorting_set " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_new_id) . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO container_sorting_set " . "(obj_id,sort_mode, sort_direction, new_items_position, new_items_order) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($a_new_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($row["sort_mode"], 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($row["sort_direction"], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row["new_items_position"], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row["new_items_order"], 'integer') . ' ' . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM container_sorting_set " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO container_sorting_set " . "(obj_id,sort_mode, sort_direction, new_items_position, new_items_order) " . "VALUES ( " . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->sort_mode, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->sort_direction, 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->new_items_position, 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->new_items_order, 'integer') . ' ' . ")" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM container_sorting_set WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM container_sorting_set " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM container_settings WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') . " AND " . " keyword = " . $ilDB->quote($a_keyword, 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM container_settings WHERE " . "id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND keyword = " . $ilDB->quote($a_keyword, 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO container_settings (id, keyword, value) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_keyword, 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_value, 'text') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM container_settings WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM container_settings WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"Update Container, id: " . $this->getId( ) | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data " . " WHERE " . $db->in("obj_id", $obj_ids, false, "integer") . " AND type = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data " . " WHERE " . $db->in("obj_id", $obj_ids, false, "integer") . " AND " . $online_where | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(obj_id) FROM obj_members m JOIN usr_data u ON (u.usr_id = m.usr_id) " . " WHERE " . $db->in("m.obj_id", $obj_ids, false, "integer") . " AND " . $db->like("u.lastname", "text", $val) . " AND = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(rbac_id) FROM il_meta_rights " . " WHERE " . $db->in("rbac_id", $obj_ids, false, "integer") . " AND description = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM container_sorting WHERE " . "obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM container_sorting_bl " . " WHERE obj_id = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM container_sorting " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM container_sorting " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($target_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND child_id = " . $ilDB->quote($mappings[$row->child_id], 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($row->parent_type, 'text') . ' ' . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $new_parent_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO container_sorting (obj_id,child_id,position,parent_type,parent_id) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($target_obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($mappings[$row->child_id], 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($row->position, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($row->parent_type, 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote((int) $new_parent_id, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT block_ids" . " FROM container_sorting_bl" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM container_sorting " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " ORDER BY position" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_start" . " WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . " ORDER BY pos, crs_start_id" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_start" . " WHERE crs_start_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_crs_start_id, 'integer') . " AND crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_start" . " WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . " AND item_ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_start" . " WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . " AND item_ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT max(pos) pos FROM crs_start" . " WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO crs_start" . " (crs_start_id,crs_id,item_ref_id,pos)" . " VALUES" . " (" . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_ref_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($max_pos, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_start" . " WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_start" . " SET pos = " . $ilDB->quote($a_pos, "integer") . " WHERE crs_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . " AND crs_start_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_start_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT crs_start_id FROM crs_start ' . 'WHERE crs_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_container_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND item_ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_item_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT spr.profile_id, spr.role_id, sp.title FROM skl_profile_role spr INNER JOIN skl_profile sp " . " ON spr.profile_id = " . " WHERE sp.ref_id <> 0 " . " AND role_id = " . $db->quote($this->getMemberRoleId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT spr.profile_id, spr.role_id, sp.title FROM skl_profile_role spr INNER JOIN skl_profile sp " . " ON spr.profile_id = " . " WHERE sp.ref_id = 0 " . " AND role_id = " . $db->quote($this->getMemberRoleId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE spr FROM skl_profile_role spr INNER JOIN skl_profile sp " . " ON spr.profile_id = " . " WHERE sp.ref_id = 0 " . " AND role_id = " . $db->quote($this->getMemberRoleId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO skl_profile_role " . "(role_id, profile_id) VALUES (" . $db->quote($this->getMemberRoleId( ), "integer") . "," . $db->quote($p["profile_id"], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cont_skills " . " WHERE id = " . $db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cont_skills WHERE " . " id = " . $db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cont_skills " . "(id, skill_id, tref_id) VALUES (" . $db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $db->quote($s["skill_id"], "integer") . "," . $db->quote($s["tref_id"], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cont_member_skills " . " WHERE obj_id = " . $db->quote($this->getObjId( ), "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $db->quote($this->getUserId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cont_member_skills " . "(obj_id, user_id, skill_id, tref_id, level_id, published) VALUES (" . $db->quote($this->getObjId( ), "integer") . "," . $db->quote($this->getUserId( ), "integer") . "," . $db->quote($sk[0], "integer") . "," . $db->quote($sk[1], "integer") . "," . $db->quote($v, "integer") . "," . $db->quote(0, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cont_member_skills WHERE " . " obj_id = " . $db->quote($this->getObjId( ), "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $db->quote($this->getUserId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE cont_member_skills SET " . " published = " . $db->quote(1, "integer") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $db->quote($this->getObjId( ), "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $db->quote($this->getUserId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cont_filter_field " . " WHERE ref_id = %s " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cont_filter_field WHERE " . " ref_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_verification" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT service, purpose FROM pdfgen_purposes ORDER BY service, purpose' | 1 |
'SELECT service, purpose, preferred, selected FROM pdfgen_map' | 1 |
'SELECT renderer, service, purpose FROM pdfgen_renderer_avail' | 1 |
'SELECT config FROM pdfgen_conf WHERE renderer = ' . $ilDB->quote($renderer, 'text') . ' AND service = ' . $ilDB->quote($service, 'text') . ' AND purpose = ' . $ilDB->quote($purpose, 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT path FROM pdfgen_renderer WHERE renderer = ' . $ilDB->quote($renderer, 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT preferred, selected FROM pdfgen_map WHERE service = ' . $ilDB->quote($service, 'text') . ' AND purpose=' . $ilDB->quote($purpose, 'text') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::PURPOSE_PURPOSES_TABLE . " WHERE service = " . $ilDB->quote($service, "txt") . " AND purpose = " . $ilDB->quote($purpose, "txt") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::PURPOSE_MAP_TABLE . " WHERE service = " . $ilDB->quote($service, "txt") . " AND purpose = " . $ilDB->quote($purpose, "txt") . " AND preferred = " . $ilDB->quote($preferred, "txt") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::PURPOSE_PURPOSES_TABLE . " WHERE service = " . $ilDB->quote($service, "txt") | 1 |
'SELECT count(*) num FROM ' . self::PURPOSE_PURPOSES_TABLE . ' WHERE service = ' . $ilDB->quote($service, 'text') . ' AND purpose = ' . $ilDB->quote($purpose, 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT purpose FROM ' . self::PURPOSE_PURPOSES_TABLE . ' WHERE service = ' . $ilDB->quote($service, 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT service FROM ' . self::PURPOSE_PURPOSES_TABLE . ' GROUP BY service' | 1 |
'SELECT service, purpose, preferred FROM ' . self::PURPOSE_MAP_TABLE . ' GROUP BY service, purpose, preferred having count(*) > 1' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM note WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM note WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM note WHERE " . " rep_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_rep_obj_id, "integer") . $sub_where . " AND type = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_type, "integer") . $author_where . $news_where . " ORDER BY creation_date " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM note WHERE " . " rep_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_rep_obj_id, "integer") . $sub_where . " AND type = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_type, "integer") . " ORDER BY creation_date " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM note WHERE " . " type = " . $ilDB->quote((int) IL_NOTE_PRIVATE, "integer") . " AND author = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . " AND (no_repository IS NULL OR no_repository < " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ")" . " ORDER BY creation_date DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT rep_obj_id FROM note WHERE " . " type = " . $ilDB->quote((int) IL_NOTE_PRIVATE, "integer") . " AND author = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . " AND (no_repository IS NULL OR no_repository < " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ")" . " ORDER BY rep_obj_id" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT rep_obj_id FROM note WHERE " . " type = " . $ilDB->quote((int) IL_NOTE_PUBLIC, "integer") . " AND author = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . " AND (no_repository IS NULL OR no_repository < " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ")" . " ORDER BY rep_obj_id" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT rep_obj_id FROM note WHERE " . $ilDB->in("rep_obj_id", $obj_ids, false, "integer") . " AND (no_repository IS NULL OR no_repository < " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT count(DISTINCT author) cnt FROM note WHERE " . "rep_obj_id = %s AND obj_id = %s AND obj_type = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT count(id) c, rep_obj_id, type FROM note WHERE " . " ((type = " . $ilDB->quote(IL_NOTE_PRIVATE, "integer") . " AND " . "author = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . ") OR " . " type = " . $ilDB->quote(IL_NOTE_PUBLIC, "integer") . ") AND " . $ilDB->in("rep_obj_id", $a_rep_obj_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT count(id) c, rep_obj_id, type FROM note WHERE " . " ((type = " . $ilDB->quote(IL_NOTE_PRIVATE, "integer") . " AND " . "author = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . ") OR " . " type = " . $ilDB->quote(IL_NOTE_PUBLIC, "integer") . ") AND " . " rep_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rep_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE note_settings SET " . " activated = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_activate, "integer") . " WHERE rep_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_rep_obj_id, "integer") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO note_settings " . "(rep_obj_id, obj_id, obj_type, activated) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_rep_obj_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_obj_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM note_settings " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("rep_obj_id", $a_rep_obj_ids, false, "integer") . " AND obj_id = 0 " | 1 |
"SELECT id, rep_obj_id, obj_id, obj_type, type, " . " author, note_text, creation_date, label, subject, no_repository " . " FROM note " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("author", $a_ids, false, "integer") . " AND obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote("pd", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT author FROM note " . " WHERE rep_obj_id = %s " . " AND type = %s " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM int_link WHERE source_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_source_type, "text") . " AND source_id=" . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_source_id, "integer") . $lang_where | 1 |
"DELETE FROM int_link WHERE target_type = %s " . " AND target_id = %s AND target_inst = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM int_link WHERE " . "target_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_target_type, "text") . " AND " . "target_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_target_id, "integer") . " AND " . "target_inst = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_target_inst, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM int_link WHERE " . "source_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_source_type, "text") . " AND " . "source_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_source_id, "integer") . $lang_where | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_news_item WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) cnt " . "FROM il_news_item " . "WHERE " . "context_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjId( ), "integer") . " AND context_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjType( ), "text") . " AND context_sub_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextSubObjId( ), "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->equals("context_sub_obj_type", $this->getContextSubObjType( ), "text", true) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * " . "FROM il_news_item " . "WHERE " . "context_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjId( ), "integer") . " AND context_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjType( ), "text") . " AND context_sub_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextSubObjId( ), "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->equals("context_sub_obj_type", $this->getContextSubObjType( ), "text", true) . " ORDER BY creation_date ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT * " . "FROM il_news_item " . " WHERE " . "context_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjId( ), "integer") . " AND context_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjType( ), "text") . $and . " ORDER BY " . $ordering | 1 |
"SELECT il_news_item.* " . ", il_news_read.user_id user_read " . "FROM il_news_item LEFT JOIN il_news_read " . "ON = il_news_read.news_id AND " . " il_news_read.user_id = " . $ilDB->quote(ilNewsItem::getPrivateFeedId( ), "integer") . " WHERE " . "context_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjId( ), "integer") . " AND context_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjType( ), "text") . $and . " ORDER BY " . $ordering | 1 |
"SELECT il_news_item.* " . ", il_news_read.user_id as user_read " . "FROM il_news_item LEFT JOIN il_news_read " . "ON = il_news_read.news_id AND " . " il_news_read.user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . " WHERE " . "context_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjId( ), "integer") . " AND context_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjType( ), "text") . $and . " ORDER BY " . $ordering | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_news_item " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_news_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id,context_obj_id,context_obj_type" . " FROM il_news_item" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("context_obj_id", array_keys($objects), false, "integer") . " AND creation_date >= " . $ilDB->quote($limit_ts, "timestamp") | 1 |
"SELECT * " . "FROM il_news_item " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("context_obj_id", $ids, false, "integer") . " " . $and . " ORDER BY creation_date DESC " | 1 |
"SELECT il_news_item.* " . ", il_news_read.user_id as user_read " . "FROM il_news_item LEFT JOIN il_news_read " . "ON = il_news_read.news_id AND " . " il_news_read.user_id = " . $ilDB->quote(ilNewsItem::getPrivateFeedId( ), "integer") . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("context_obj_id", $ids, false, "integer") . " " . $and . " ORDER BY creation_date DESC " | 1 |
"SELECT il_news_item.* " . ", il_news_read.user_id as user_read " . "FROM il_news_item LEFT JOIN il_news_read " . "ON = il_news_read.news_id AND " . " il_news_read.user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id, "integer") . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("context_obj_id", $ids, false, "integer") . " " . $and . " ORDER BY creation_date DESC " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_news_read (user_id, news_id) VALUES (" . " WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND news_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_news_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_news_read " . " WHERE news_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_news_item" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_news_item" . " WHERE context_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_context_obj_id, "integer") . " AND context_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_context_obj_type, "text") . $and | 1 |
"SELECT title FROM il_news_item WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_news_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT visibility FROM il_news_item WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_news_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT mob_id FROM il_news_item WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_news_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(context_obj_id) AS obj_id FROM il_news_item" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("context_obj_id", $a_obj_ids, false, "integer") . " " . $and | 1 |
"SELECT context_obj_type, content_is_lang_var, title FROM il_news_item WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_news_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * " . "FROM il_news_item " . "WHERE " . "context_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_context_obj_id, "integer") . " AND context_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_context_obj_type, "text") . " AND context_sub_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_context_sub_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->equals("context_sub_obj_type", $a_context_sub_obj_type, "text", true) | 1 |
"SELECT id, update_date " . "FROM il_news_item " . "WHERE " . "context_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_context_obj_id, "integer") . " AND context_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_context_obj_type, "text") . " AND context_sub_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_context_sub_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->equals("context_sub_obj_type", $a_context_sub_obj_type, "text", true) . " ORDER BY update_date DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT * " . "FROM il_news_item " . "WHERE " . " mob_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_mob_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * " . "FROM il_news_item " . "WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_news_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_news_item SET " . " mob_cnt_download = " . $ilDB->quote($cnt, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_news_item SET " . " mob_cnt_play = " . $ilDB->quote($cnt, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM il_news_item " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $news_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_news_subscription WHERE " . " ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, "integer") . " " . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_news_subscription (ref_id, user_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_news_subscription WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_news_subscription WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_news_subscription WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, title, content, priority," . " context_obj_id, context_obj_type, context_sub_obj_id, context_sub_obj_type, " . " content_type, visibility, content_long, content_is_lang_var, mob_id, playtime" . " FROM il_news_item " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data_del" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_object_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_object_def" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_object_subobj WHERE " . $ilDB->in('parent', $defIds, false, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_object_sub_type " | 1 |
"SELECT count(obj_id) cnt FROM object_translation WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote(ROOT_FOLDER_ID, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_object_def WHERE component = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT component FROM il_object_def WHERE id = %s" | 1 |
'Update copy progress: ' . json_encode($json) | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(ut_lp_collections.obj_id) obj_id" . " FROM object_reference" . " JOIN ut_lp_collections ON" . " (" . $ilDB->in("object_reference.ref_id", $ref_ids, "", "integer") . " AND object_reference.ref_id = ut_lp_collections.item_id)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ut_lp_collections" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("item_id", $ref_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT ut_lp_collections.obj_id obj_id FROM " . "object_reference JOIN ut_lp_collections ON " . "(object_reference.obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") . " AND object_reference.ref_id = ut_lp_collections.item_id)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ut_lp_collections" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . " AND item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
" SELECT obj_id, type" . " FROM object_data" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_obj_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id" . " FROM read_event" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $find_by_parent, "", "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ut_lp_defaults" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ut_lp_defaults" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data,object_reference " . "WHERE object_reference.obj_id = object_data.obj_id " . "AND object_reference.ref_id = %s " | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_items SET " . "timing_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTimingType( ), 'integer') . ", " . "timing_start = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getTimingStart( ), 'integer') . ", " . "timing_end = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getTimingEnd( ), 'integer') . ", " . "suggestion_start = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getSuggestionStart( ), 'integer') . ", " . "suggestion_end = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getSuggestionEnd( ), 'integer') . ", " . "changeable = " . $ilDB->quote($this->enabledChangeable( ), 'integer') . ", " . 'suggestion_start_rel = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getSuggestionStartRelative( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'suggestion_end_rel = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getSuggestionEndRelative( ), 'integer') . ', ' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_items" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_ref_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO crs_items (parent_id,obj_id,timing_type,timing_start,timing_end," . "suggestion_start,suggestion_end, " . "changeable,visible,suggestion_start_rel, suggestion_end_rel, position) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($parent_id, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_item["timing_type"], 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_item["timing_start"], 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_item["timing_end"], 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_item["suggestion_start"], 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_item["suggestion_end"], 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_item["changeable"], 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_item["visible"], 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_item["suggestion_start_rel"], 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_item['suggestion_end_rel'], 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_items " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_items " . "WHERE parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_items " . "WHERE timing_type = " . $ilDB->quote(self::TIMINGS_PRESETTING, 'integer') . " " . "AND " . $ilDB->in('obj_id', $ref_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_items " . "WHERE timing_type = " . $ilDB->quote(self::TIMINGS_PRESETTING, 'integer') . " " . "AND changeable = " . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . " " . "AND " . $ilDB->in('obj_id', $ref_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM crs_items ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, title, description," . " lang_code, lang_default" . " FROM object_translation" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, master_lang" . " FROM obj_content_master_lng" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data, object_reference WHERE object_data.obj_id=object_reference.obj_id " . "AND object_reference.ref_id= " . $ilDB->quote($this->ref_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_description WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT title,description FROM object_translation " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, 'integer') . " " . "AND lang_code = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getCurrentLanguage( ), 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . "WHERE import_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_import_id, "text") . " " . "ORDER BY create_date DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT import_id FROM object_data " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data " . "(obj_id,type,title,description,offline,owner,create_date,last_update,import_id) " . "VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->type, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getDescription( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->supportsOfflineHandling( ) ? $this->getOfflineStatus( ) : null, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($owner, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getImportId( ), "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT last_update, create_date FROM object_data" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data " . "SET " . "title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . "description = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDescription( ), "text") . ", " . 'offline = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->supportsOfflineHandling( ) ? $this->getOfflineStatus( ) : null, 'integer') . ', ' . "import_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getImportId( ), "text") . "," . "last_update = " . $ilDB->now( ) . " " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_description WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data " . "SET " . "owner = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getOwner( ), "integer") . ", " . "last_update = " . $ilDB->now( ) . " " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE import_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_import_id, "text") . " ORDER BY create_date DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_reference WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE title = " . $ilDB->quote($title, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE " . $ilDB->like("title", "text", '%' . $title . '%') | 1 |
"SELECT max(last_update) as last_update FROM object_data " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_objs, false, "integer") . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE object_reference SET " . 'deleted = ' . $ilDB->now( ) . ', ' . 'deleted_by = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_deleted_by, \ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . "WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE object_reference SET ' . 'deleted = ' . $ilDB->now( ) . ', ' . 'deleted_by = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('ref_id', (array) $a_ref_ids, false, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
"UPDATE object_reference SET deleted = " . $ilDB->quote(null, 'timestamp') . ', ' . 'deleted_by = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, \ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . " WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT deleted FROM object_reference" . " WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data " . "SET " . "title = " . $ilDB->quote($a_title, "text") . "," . "last_update = " . $ilDB->now( ) . " " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data " . "SET " . "description = " . $ilDB->quote($desc, "text") . "," . "last_update = " . $ilDB->now( ) . " " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_description WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE object_data " . "SET " . "import_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_import_id, "text") . "," . "last_update = " . $ilDB->now( ) . " " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_reference " . "(ref_id, obj_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($this->id, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(ref_id) num FROM object_reference " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_data " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_description WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM dav_property " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_reference " . "WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getRefId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . "LEFT JOIN object_reference ON object_reference.obj_id=object_data.obj_id " . "WHERE object_reference.ref_id= " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE obj_id=" . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . $where_clause . $order | 1 |
"SELECT obj_data.title obj_title,path_data.title path_title,child FROM tree " . "JOIN object_reference obj_ref ON child = obj_ref.ref_id " . "JOIN object_data obj_data ON obj_ref.obj_id = obj_data.obj_id " . "JOIN object_reference path_ref ON parent = path_ref.ref_id " . "JOIN object_data path_data ON path_ref.obj_id = path_data.obj_id " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("child", $a_ref_ids, false, "integer") . " " . "ORDER BY obj_data.title " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO dav_property (obj_id,node_id,ns,name,value) " . "SELECT " . $ilDB->quote($new_obj->getId( ), 'integer') . ",node_id,ns,name,value " . "FROM dav_property " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_description" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_obj_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT od.obj_id,od.type,od.title FROM object_data od" . " JOIN object_reference oref ON(oref.obj_id = od.obj_id)" . " JOIN tree ON (tree.child = oref.ref_id)" | 1 |
"SELECT oref.obj_id, od.type, od.title FROM object_data od" . " JOIN container_reference oref ON (od.obj_id = oref.target_obj_id)" . " AND " . $ilDB->in("oref.obj_id", $missing_obj_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT create_date FROM object_data " . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM obj_content_master_lng " . " WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_translation " . " WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM object_translation " . " WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO obj_content_master_lng " . "(obj_id, master_lang, fallback_lang) VALUES (" . $this->db->quote($this->getObjId( ), "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->getMasterLanguage( ), "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->getFallbackLanguage( ), "text") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_translation " . "(obj_id, title, description, lang_code, lang_default) VALUES (" . $this->db->quote($this->getObjId( ), "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($trans["title"], "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($trans["description"], "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($l, "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($trans["lang_default"], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_reference WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT object_data.*, object_description.description as long_description " . "FROM object_data LEFT JOIN object_description ON object_data.obj_id = object_description.obj_id " . "WHERE object_data.obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT title,description FROM object_translation " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND lang_code = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lang, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT object_data.*, object_description.description as long_description " . "FROM object_data LEFT JOIN object_description ON object_data.obj_id = object_description.obj_id " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('object_data.obj_id', $a_obj_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, title, description FROM object_translation " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('obj_id', $obj_ids, false, 'integer') . " " . "AND lang_code = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lang, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id, obj_id FROM object_reference " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('ref_id', $a_ref_ids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data,object_reference " . "WHERE object_reference.obj_id = object_data.obj_id " . " AND object_data.type=" . $ilDB->quote($object_type, 'text') . " AND object_data.owner = " . $ilDB->quote($owner_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data,object_reference " . "WHERE object_reference.obj_id = object_data.obj_id " . "AND object_reference.ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . "LEFT JOIN object_reference ON object_data.obj_id=object_reference.obj_id " . "WHERE object_reference.ref_id=" . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM lti_ext_consumer_otype WHERE consumer_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_consumer_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO lti_ext_consumer_otype (consumer_id, object_type) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT object_type FROM lti_ext_consumer_otype WHERE consumer_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_consumer_id, "integer") | 1 |
'select id from lti_ext_consumer join lti_ext_consumer_otype on id = consumer_id ' . 'WHERE active = ' . $db->quote(1, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND object_type = ' . $db->quote($a_type, 'text') | 1 |
'select distinct(id) id from lti_ext_consumer join lti_ext_consumer_otype on id = consumer_id ' . 'WHERE active = ' . $db->quote(1, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND object_type = ' . $db->quote($a_type, 'text') | 1 |
' SELECT object_reference.ref_id FROM object_reference, tree, object_data WHERE tree.parent = %s AND object_data.type = %s AND object_reference.ref_id = tree.child AND object_reference.obj_id = object_data.obj_id' | 1 |
'select ref_id, title from lti2_consumer join lti_ext_consumer ' . 'on id = ext_consumer_id where enabled = ' . $db->quote(1, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT consumer_pk, name, consumer_key256, consumer_key, secret, lti_version, ' . 'consumer_name, consumer_version, consumer_guid, ' . 'profile, tool_proxy, settings, protected, enabled, ' . 'enable_from, enable_until, last_access, created, updated ' . 'FROM lti2_consumer WHERE ' | 1 |
'SELECT * from lti2_consumer where id = ' . $ilDB->quote($consumer->getExtConsumerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * from lti_ext_consumer where id = ' . $ilDB->quote($consumer->getExtConsumerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT consumer_pk, name, consumer_key256, consumer_key, secret, lti_version, ' . 'consumer_name, consumer_version, consumer_guid, ' . 'profile, tool_proxy, settings, protected, enabled, ' . 'enable_from, enable_until, last_access, created, updated, ' . 'ext_consumer_id, ref_id ' . 'FROM lti2_consumer ' . 'WHERE ' | 1 |
'SELECT consumer_pk from lti2_consumer ' . 'WHERE ext_consumer_id = ' . $db->quote($consumer->getExtConsumerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ref_id = ' . $db->quote($consumer->getRefId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO lti2_consumer (consumer_key256, consumer_key, name, ' . 'secret, lti_version, consumer_name, consumer_version, consumer_guid, profile, tool_proxy, settings, protected, enabled, ' . 'enable_from, enable_until, last_access, created, updated, consumer_pk) ' . 'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO lti_ext_consumer (title, description, prefix, user_language, role, id, active) ' . 'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
'update lti_ext_consumer set ' . 'title = ' . $ilDB->quote($consumer->getTitle( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'description = ' . $ilDB->quote($consumer->getDescription( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'prefix = ' . $ilDB->quote($consumer->getPrefix( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'user_language = ' . $ilDB->quote($consumer->getLanguage( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'role = ' . $ilDB->quote($consumer->getRole( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'active = ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $consumer->getActive( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'where id = ' . $ilDB->quote($consumer->getExtConsumerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO lti2_consumer (consumer_key256, consumer_key, name, ' . 'secret, lti_version, consumer_name, consumer_version, consumer_guid, profile, tool_proxy, settings, protected, enabled, ' . 'enable_from, enable_until, last_access, created, updated, consumer_pk,ext_consumer_id,ref_id) ' . 'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM lti_ext_consumer WHERE id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM lti_ext_consumer_otype WHERE consumer_id = %s' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::NONCE_TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE consumer_pk = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE sk ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . ' sk ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON sk.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'WHERE rl.consumer_pk = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE sk ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . ' sk ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON sk.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ON rl.context_pk = c.context_pk ' . 'WHERE c.consumer_pk = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE u ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' u ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON u.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'WHERE rl.consumer_pk = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE u ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' u ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON u.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ON rl.context_pk = c.context_pk ' . 'WHERE c.consumer_pk = %s' | 1 |
"UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' prl ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON prl.primary_resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'SET prl.primary_resource_link_pk = NULL, prl.share_approved = NULL ' . 'WHERE rl.consumer_pk = %s' | 1 |
"UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' prl ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON prl.primary_resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ON rl.context_pk = c.context_pk ' . 'SET prl.primary_resource_link_pk = NULL, prl.share_approved = NULL ' . 'WHERE c.consumer_pk = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE rl ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ' . 'WHERE rl.consumer_pk = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE rl ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ON rl.context_pk = c.context_pk ' . 'WHERE c.consumer_pk = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE c ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ' . 'WHERE c.consumer_pk = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE c ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::CONSUMER_TABLE_NAME . ' c ' . 'WHERE c.consumer_pk = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * from lti_ext_consumer ' | 1 |
'SELECT consumer_pk, name, consumer_key256, consumer_key, secret, lti_version, ' . 'consumer_name, consumer_version, consumer_guid, ' . 'profile, tool_proxy, settings, protected, enabled, ' . 'enable_from, enable_until, last_access, created, updated, ' . 'title, description, prefix, user_language, role, local_role_always_member, default_skin ' . 'FROM lti2_consumer, lti_ext_consumer ' . 'WHERE = consumer_pk' | 1 |
'SELECT context_pk, consumer_pk, lti_context_id, settings, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (context_pk = %s)' | 1 |
'SELECT context_pk, consumer_pk, lti_context_id, settings, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (consumer_pk = %s) AND (lti_context_id = %s)' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' (context_pk, consumer_pk, lti_context_id, ' . 'settings, created, updated) ' . 'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
"UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' SET ' . 'lti_context_id = %s, settings = %s, ' . 'updated = %s' . 'WHERE (consumer_pk = %s) AND (context_pk = %s)' | 1 |
'DELETE sk ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . ' sk ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON sk.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'WHERE rl.context_pk = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE u ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' u ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON u.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'WHERE rl.context_pk = %s' | 1 |
"UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' prl ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON prl.primary_resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'SET prl.primary_resource_link_pk = null, prl.share_approved = null ' . 'WHERE rl.context_pk = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE rl ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ' . 'WHERE rl.context_pk = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE c ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ' . 'WHERE c.context_pk = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT resource_link_pk, context_pk, consumer_pk, lti_resource_link_id, settings, primary_resource_link_pk, share_approved, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (resource_link_pk = %s)' | 1 |
'SELECT resource_link_pk, context_pk, consumer_pk, lti_resource_link_id, settings, primary_resource_link_pk, share_approved, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (context_pk = %s) AND (lti_resource_link_id = %s)' | 1 |
'SELECT r.resource_link_pk, r.context_pk, r.consumer_pk, r.lti_resource_link_id, r.settings, r.primary_resource_link_pk, r.share_approved, r.created, r.updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' r LEFT OUTER JOIN ' . $this->dbTableNamePrefix . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ON r.context_pk = c.context_pk ' . ' WHERE ((r.consumer_pk = %s) OR (c.consumer_pk = %s)) AND (lti_resource_link_id = %s)' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' (resource_link_pk, consumer_pk, context_pk, ' . 'lti_resource_link_id, settings, primary_resource_link_pk, share_approved, created, updated) ' . 'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 1 |
"UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' SET ' . 'consumer_pk = %s, lti_resource_link_id = %s, settings = %s, ' . 'primary_resource_link_pk = %s, share_approved = %s, updated = %s ' . 'WHERE (context_pk = %s) AND (resource_link_pk = %s)' | 1 |
"UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' SET ' . 'context_pk = %s, lti_resource_link_id = %s, settings = %s, ' . 'primary_resource_link_pk = %s, share_approved = %s, updated = %s ' . 'WHERE (consumer_pk = %s) AND (resource_link_pk = %s)' | 1 |
'Update resource link with query: ' . $query | 1 |
"DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (resource_link_pk = %s)' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (resource_link_pk = %s)' | 1 |
"UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'SET primary_resource_link_pk = NULL ' . 'WHERE (primary_resource_link_pk = %s)' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (resource_link_pk = %s)' | 1 |
'SELECT consumer_pk, resource_link_pk, share_approved ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (primary_resource_link_pk = %s) ' . 'ORDER BY consumer_pk' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::NONCE_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE expires <= %s" | 1 |
"SELECT value AS T FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::NONCE_TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE (consumer_pk = %s) AND (value = %s)' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::NONCE_TABLE_NAME . " (consumer_pk, value, expires) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE expires <= '%s'" | 1 |
'SELECT resource_link_pk, auto_approve, expires ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . "WHERE share_key_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . '(share_key_id, resource_link_pk, auto_approve, expires) ' . "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE share_key_id = %s" | 1 |
'SELECT user_pk, resource_link_pk, lti_user_id, lti_result_sourcedid, created, updated ' . 'FROM ' . $this->dbTableNamePrefix . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE user_pk = ' . $ilDB->quote($user->getRecordId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT user_pk, resource_link_pk, lti_user_id, lti_result_sourcedid, created, updated ' . 'FROM ' . $this->dbTableNamePrefix . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE resource_link_pk = ' . $ilDB->quote($user->getResourceLink( )->getRecordId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND lti_user_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($user->getId(ToolProvider\ToolProvider::ID_SCOPE_ID_ONLY), 'text') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ' . $this->dbTableNamePrefix . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . '(user_pk,resource_link_pk,lti_user_id, lti_result_sourcedid, created, updated) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($user->getRecordId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($user->getResourceLink( )->getRecordId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($user->getId(ToolProvider\ToolProvider::ID_SCOPE_ID_ONLY), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($user->ltiResultSourcedId, 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($now, 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($now, 'text') . ')' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->dbTableNamePrefix . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'SET lti_result_sourcedid = ' . $ilDB->quote($user->ltiResultSourcedId, 'text') . ', ' . 'updated = ' . $ilDB->quote($now, 'text') . ' ' . 'WHERE user_pk = ' . $ilDB->quote($user->getRecordId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE from ' . $this->dbTableNamePrefix . ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE user_pk = ' . $ilDB->quote($user->getRecordId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'select rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'from lti2_user_result ur join lti2_resource_link rl on rl.resource_link_pk = ur.resource_link_pk ' . 'join lti2_consumer c on rl.consumer_pk = c.consumer_pk ' . 'join lti_ext_consumer ec on c.ext_consumer_id = ' . 'where c.enabled = ' . $db->quote(1, 'integer') . ' ' . 'and ref_id = ' . $db->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'and ur.lti_user_id = ' . $db->quote($a_lti_user, 'text') . ' ' . 'and = ' . $db->quote($a_ext_consumer, 'integer') | 1 |
'select lti_user_id, rl.resource_link_pk,, ref_id ' . 'from lti2_resource_link rl join lti2_user_result ur on rl.resource_link_pk = ur.resource_link_pk ' . 'join lti2_consumer c on rl.consumer_pk = c.consumer_pk ' . 'join lti_ext_consumer ec on ext_consumer_id = ' . 'where c.enabled = ' . $db->quote(1, 'integer') . ' ' . 'and rl.updated > ' . $db->quote($since->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME), 'timestamp') | 1 |
'SELECT consumer_pk from lti2_consumer where consumer_key256 = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_oauth_consumer_key, 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT prefix from lti_ext_consumer where id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_lti_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT role from lti_ext_consumer where id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_lti_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'Update of lti user with uid: ' . $user_obj->getId( ) . ' and login: ' . $user_obj->getLogin( ) | 1 |
'SELECT consumer_pk from lti2_consumer where enabled = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT distinct(consumer_pk) consumer_pk from lti2_consumer' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM lti_int_provider_obj ' . 'WHERE ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->ref_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ext_consumer_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getConsumerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO lti_int_provider_obj ' . '(ref_id,ext_consumer_id,admin,tutor,member) VALUES( ' . $this->db->quote($this->ref_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getConsumerId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getAdminRole( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getTutorRole( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getMemberRole( ), 'integer') . ' )' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM lti_int_provider_obj ' . 'WHERE ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->ref_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ext_consumer_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getConsumerId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM table_templates " . " WHERE name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_name, "text") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND context = " . $ilDB->quote($a_context, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM table_templates " . " WHERE name = " . $ilDB->quote($a_name, "text") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND context = " . $ilDB->quote($a_context, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT name FROM table_templates " . " WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND context = " . $ilDB->quote($a_context, "text") . " ORDER BY name" | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM table_properties " . " WHERE table_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_table_id, "text") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND property = " . $ilDB->quote($a_property, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tax_node WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tax_node (obj_id, title, type, create_date, order_nr, tax_id) " . "VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getType( ), "text") . ", " . $ilDB->now( ) . ", " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getOrderNr( ), "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getTaxonomyId( ), "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE tax_node SET " . " title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . " ,order_nr = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getOrderNr( ), "integer") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tax_node WHERE obj_id= " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT $a_field FROM tax_node WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE tax_node SET " . " order_nr = " . $ilDB->quote($a_order_nr, "integer") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE tax_node SET " . " title = " . $ilDB->quote($a_title, "text") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tax_data " . "(id, sorting_mode, item_sorting) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getSortingMode( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getItemSorting( ), "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tax_data WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tax_data " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE tax_data SET " . " sorting_mode = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getSortingMode( ), "integer") . ", " . " item_sorting = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getItemSorting( ), "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT tax_id FROM tax_usage " . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tax_usage WHERE " . " tax_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT " . $a_field . " FROM tax_data " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT oref.ref_id, od.obj_id, od.type obj_type, od.title obj_title," . " tu.tax_id, od2.title tax_title, cs.value tax_status" . " FROM object_data od" . " JOIN object_reference oref ON (od.obj_id = oref.obj_id)" . " JOIN tax_usage tu ON (tu.obj_id = od.obj_id)" . " JOIN object_data od2 ON (od2.obj_id = tu.tax_id)" . " LEFT JOIN container_settings cs ON ( = od.obj_id AND keyword = " . $ilDB->quote(ilObjectServiceSettingsGUI::TAXONOMIES, "text") . ")" . " WHERE od.type = " . $ilDB->quote("cat", "text") . " AND tu.tax_id > " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, title, description, " . " sorting_mode" . " FROM tax_data JOIN object_data ON ( = object_data.obj_id) " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT tax_id, obj_id " . " FROM tax_usage " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("tax_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT tax_id, child " . " ,parent,depth,type,title,order_nr " . " FROM tax_tree JOIN tax_node ON (child = obj_id) " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("tax_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") . " ORDER BY depth" | 1 |
"SELECT node_id, component, item_type, item_id " . " FROM tax_node_assignment " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("node_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tax_node_assignment " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("node_id", $a_node_id, false, "integer") . " AND tax_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTaxonomyId( ), "integer") . " AND component = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentId( ), "text") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectId( ), "integer") . " AND item_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getItemType( ), "text") . " ORDER BY order_nr ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tax_node_assignment " . " WHERE node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . " AND tax_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTaxonomyId( ), "integer") . " AND component = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentId( ), "text") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectId( ), "integer") . " AND item_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getItemType( ), "text") . " ORDER BY order_nr ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tax_node_assignment" . " WHERE component = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentId( ), "text") . " AND item_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getItemType( ), "text") . " AND item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, "integer") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectId( ), "integer") . " AND tax_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTaxonomyId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT item_id FROM tax_node_assignment " . " WHERE component = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentId( ), "text") . " AND item_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getItemType( ), "text") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectId( ), "integer") . " AND node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . " AND tax_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTaxonomyId( ), "integer") . " AND item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tax_node_assignment WHERE " . " component = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentId( ), "text") . " AND item_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getItemType( ), "text") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectId( ), "integer") . " AND item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, "integer") . " AND node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . " AND tax_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTaxonomyId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT max(order_nr) mnr FROM tax_node_assignment " . " WHERE component = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentId( ), "text") . " AND item_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getItemType( ), "text") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectId( ), "integer") . " AND node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . " AND tax_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTaxonomyId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE tax_node_assignment SET " . " order_nr = " . $ilDB->quote($a_order_nr, "integer") . " WHERE component = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentId( ), "text") . " AND item_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getItemType( ), "text") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectId( ), "integer") . " AND node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . " AND item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, "integer") . " AND tax_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTaxonomyId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tax_node_assignment WHERE " . " component = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentId( ), "text") . " AND item_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getItemType( ), "text") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectId( ), "integer") . " AND item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, "integer") . " AND tax_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTaxonomyId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tax_node_assignment WHERE " . " node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . " AND component = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentId( ), "text") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectId( ), "integer") . " AND item_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getItemType( ), "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM tax_node_assignment WHERE " . " node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tax_node_assignment " . " WHERE component = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentId( ), "text") . " AND item_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getItemType( ), "text") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectId( ), "integer") . " AND node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . " AND tax_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTaxonomyId( ), "integer") . " ORDER BY order_nr ASC" | 1 |
"UPDATE tax_node_assignment SET " . " order_nr = " . $ilDB->quote($cnt, "integer") . " WHERE component = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentId( ), "text") . " AND item_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getItemType( ), "text") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjectId( ), "integer") . " AND node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") . " AND tax_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTaxonomyId( ), "integer") . " AND item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["item_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tax_node_assignment" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("node_id", $a_node_ids, "", "integer") . " AND tax_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_tax_id, "integer") . " AND item_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_type, "text") . " ORDER BY order_nr ASC" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ctrl_calls WHERE comp_prefix = \"\"" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ctrl_classfile WHERE comp_prefix = \"$my_comp_prefix\"" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ctrl_calls WHERE comp_prefix = \"$my_comp_prefix\"" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_component WHERE name = " . $ilDB->quote($module, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ctrl_calls WHERE parent = " . $ilDB->quote(strtolower($a_class), "text") . " ORDER BY child" | 1 |
"SELECT token FROM il_request_token WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . " AND session_id = " . $ilDB->quote(session_id( ), "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_request_token WHERE " . " stamp < " . $ilDB->quote($dt->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME), "timestamp") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_request_token (user_id, token, stamp, session_id) VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->rtoken, "text") . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . $ilDB->quote(session_id( ), "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_request_token WHERE " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . " token = " . $ilDB->quote($_GET[self::IL_RTOKEN_NAME]) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_request_token WHERE " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId( ), "integer") . " AND " . " session_id != " . $ilDB->quote(session_id( ), "text") . " AND " . " stamp < " . $ilDB->quote($dt->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME), "timestamp") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ctrl_calls WHERE " . " parent = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent, "text") . " AND " . " child = " . $ilDB->quote($a_child, "text") . " AND " . " comp_prefix = " . $ilDB->quote($a_comp_prefix, "text") | 1 |
"INSERT IGNORE INTO ctrl_calls " . "(parent, child, comp_prefix) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_parent, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_child, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_comp_prefix, "text") . ")" | 1 |
'SELECT module_class.*, LOWER(module_class.class) lower_class FROM module_class' | 1 |
'SELECT service_class.*, LOWER(service_class.class) lower_class FROM service_class' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ctrl_calls' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ctrl_classfile' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ctrl_calls WHERE " . $ilDB->equals("comp_prefix", "", "text", true) | 1 |
"INSERT IGNORE INTO ctrl_classfile (class, filename, comp_prefix, plugin_path) " . " VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"INSERT IGNORE INTO ctrl_calls (parent, child, comp_prefix) " . "VALUES (%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"UPDATE ctrl_classfile SET " . " cid = " . $ilDB->quote("", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ctrl_classfile " | 1 |
"UPDATE ctrl_classfile SET " . " cid = " . $ilDB->quote($cid, "text") . " WHERE class = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["class"], "text") | 1 |
'SELECT hidden_status FROM conditions ' . 'WHERE target_ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_target_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT target_ref_id ref FROM conditions " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM conditions " . "WHERE target_ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_target_ref_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND target_type != 'st' " | 1 |
'INSERT INTO conditions (condition_id,target_ref_id,target_obj_id,target_type,' . 'trigger_ref_id,trigger_obj_id,trigger_type,operator,value,ref_handling,obligatory,hidden_status) ' . 'VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ',' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTargetRefId( ), 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTargetObjId( ), 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTargetType( ), 'text') . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTriggerRefId( ), 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTriggerObjId( ), 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTriggerType( ), 'text') . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getOperator( ), 'text') . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getValue( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getReferenceHandlingType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObligatory( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getHiddenStatus( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM conditions " . "WHERE target_ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTargetRefId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND target_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTargetObjId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND trigger_ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTriggerRefId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND trigger_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTriggerObjId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND operator = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getOperator( ), 'text') | 1 |
"UPDATE conditions SET " . "target_ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTargetRefId( ), 'integer') . ", " . "operator = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getOperator( ), 'text') . ", " . "value = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getValue( ), 'text') . ", " . "ref_handling = " . $this->db->quote($this->getReferenceHandlingType( ), 'integer') . ", " . 'obligatory = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getObligatory( ), 'integer') . ' ' . "WHERE condition_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE conditions SET ' . 'hidden_status = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_status, 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE target_ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTargetRefId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE conditions SET " . 'obligatory = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_status, 'integer') . ' ' . "WHERE condition_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM conditions WHERE " . "target_ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . " " . "OR trigger_ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM conditions WHERE " . "target_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "OR trigger_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM conditions " . "WHERE condition_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'select count(*) num from conditions ' . 'where trigger_obj_id = ' . $db->quote($a_trigger_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . 'and trigger_type = ' . $db->quote($a_trigger_obj_type, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM conditions " . "WHERE trigger_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_trigger_id, 'integer') . " " . " AND trigger_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_trigger_obj_type, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM conditions " . "WHERE target_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_target_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . " AND target_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_target_type, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM conditions " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("target_obj_id", $a_obj_ids, false, "integer") . " AND target_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM conditions " . "WHERE condition_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT max(num_obligatory) obl from conditions WHERE ' . 'target_ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_target_ref_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND target_obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_target_obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'GROUP BY (num_obligatory)' | 1 |
'UPDATE conditions ' . 'SET num_obligatory = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_num, 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE target_ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_target_ref_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND target_obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_target_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM conditions WHERE " . "trigger_ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($trigger_obj->getRefId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND target_ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($target_obj->getRefId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM history WHERE " . " obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . " obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") . " ORDER BY hdate DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM history WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . "obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") . " ORDER BY hdate DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT h.*, l.title as title FROM history h, lm_data l WHERE " . " l.lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . " l.obj_id = h.obj_id AND " . " (h.obj_type=" . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type . ":pg", "text") . " OR h.obj_type=" . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type . ":st", "text") . ") " . " ORDER BY h.hdate DESC" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM history WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM history WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_src_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM history WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_hist_entry_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM history WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_hist_entry_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(question_type_id) cnt FROM qpl_qst_type WHERE ctrl_class = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(question_id) cnt FROM qpl_questions WHERE obj_fi = %s AND title = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_translations " . " WHERE id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjId( ), "integer") . " AND id_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->getType( ), "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_translations " . " WHERE id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjId( ), "integer") . " AND id_type = " . $this->db->quote($this->getType( ), "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_translations " . "(id, id_type, title, description, lang_code, lang_default) VALUES (" . $this->db->quote($this->getObjId( ), "integer") . "," . $this->db->quote($this->getType( ), "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($trans["title"], "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($trans["description"], "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($l, "text") . "," . $this->db->quote($trans["lang_default"], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM mob_usage" . " WHERE usage_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . " AND usage_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") . " AND usage_lang = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lang, "text") . $and_hist | 1 |
"DELETE FROM mob_usage WHERE usage_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . " AND usage_id= " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") . " AND usage_lang = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lang, "text") . $and_hist | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM mob_usage WHERE " . "usage_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . " AND " . "usage_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") . $lstr . $hist_str | 1 |
"DELETE FROM mob_usage WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_mob_id, "integer") . " AND " . " usage_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . " AND " . " usage_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_id, "integer") . " AND " . " usage_lang = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lang, "text") . " AND " . " usage_hist_nr = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_usage_hist_nr, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT usage_type, usage_id, usage_lang" . $hist_str . " FROM mob_usage WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT mep_id FROM mep_tree JOIN mep_item ON (child = obj_id) WHERE mep_item.foreign_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") . " AND mep_item.type = " . $ilDB->quote("mob", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT mob_id FROM media_item it, map_area area " . " WHERE area.item_id = " . " AND area.link_type = " . $ilDB->quote("int", "text") . " " . " AND = " . $ilDB->quote("il__mob_" . $a_id, "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO map_area (item_id, nr, shape, " . "coords, link_type, title, href, target, type, highlight_mode, highlight_class, target_frame) " . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getItemId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getNr( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getShape( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getCoords( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getLinkType( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getHref( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTarget( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getType( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getHighlightMode( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getHighlightClass( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTargetFrame( ), "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT max(nr) AS max_nr FROM map_area WHERE item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM map_area WHERE item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getItemId( ), "integer") . " AND nr = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getNr( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE map_area SET shape = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getShape( ), "text") . ", coords = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getCoords( ), "text") . ", link_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLinkType( ), "text") . ", title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . ", href = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getHref( ), "text") . ", target = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTarget( ), "text") . ", type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getType( ), "text") . ", highlight_mode = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getHighlightMode( ), "text") . ", highlight_class = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getHighlightClass( ), "text") . ", target_frame = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTargetFrame( ), "text") . " WHERE item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getItemId( ), "integer") . " AND nr = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getNr( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE map_area SET " . "target = " . $ilDB->quote($new_target, "text") . " " . "WHERE item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($item_id, "integer") . " AND nr = " . $ilDB->quote($nr, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM map_area WHERE " . " link_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . " AND target = " . $ilDB->quote($a_target, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT item_id mi_id, nr" . " ,shape, coords, link_type, title, href, target, type, target_frame, " . " highlight_mode, highlight_class" . " FROM map_area " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("item_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") . " ORDER BY nr" | 1 |
"SELECT med_item_id mi_id, name, value" . " FROM mob_parameter " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("med_item_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO media_item (id,mob_id, purpose, location, " . "location_type, format, width, " . "height, halign, caption, nr, text_representation, upload_hash, duration) VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($item_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getMobId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getPurpose( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getLocation( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getLocationType( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getFormat( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getWidth( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getHeight( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getHAlign( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getCaption( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getNr( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTextRepresentation( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getUploadHash( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getDuration( ), "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO mob_parameter (med_item_id, name, value) VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($item_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($name, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($value, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE media_item SET " . " mob_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMobId( ), "integer") . "," . " purpose = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getPurpose( ), "text") . "," . " location = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLocation( ), "text") . "," . " location_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getLocationType( ), "text") . "," . " format = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getFormat( ), "text") . "," . " width = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getWidth( ), "text") . "," . " height = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getHeight( ), "text") . "," . " halign = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getHAlign( ), "text") . "," . " caption = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getCaption( ), "text") . "," . " nr = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getNr( ), "integer") . "," . " text_representation = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTextRepresentation( ), "text") . "," . " upload_hash = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUploadHash( ), "text") . "," . " duration = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getDuration( ), "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM mob_parameter WHERE med_item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO mob_parameter (med_item_id, name, value) VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($name, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($value, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO mob_parameter (med_item_id, name, value) VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_name, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_value, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM media_item WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM media_item WHERE mob_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMobId( ), "integer") . " " . "AND nr=" . $ilDB->quote($this->getNr( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM mob_parameter WHERE med_item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE media_item SET tried_thumb = " . $ilDB->quote($a_tried, "text") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM media_item WHERE mob_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_mob_id, "integer") . " " . "AND purpose = " . $ilDB->quote($a_purpose, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM media_item WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_med_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM media_item WHERE mob_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_mobId, "integer") . " " . "AND purpose=" . $ilDB->quote($a_purpose, "text") . " ORDER BY nr" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM media_item WHERE mob_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_mob->getId( ), "integer") . " " . "ORDER BY nr" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM mob_parameter WHERE med_item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($item_rec["id"], "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM media_item WHERE mob_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_mob_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM mob_parameter WHERE med_item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($item_rec["id"], "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM map_area WHERE item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($item_rec["id"], "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM media_item WHERE mob_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_mob_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM media_item WHERE mob_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_mob_id, "integer") . " " . "ORDER BY nr" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM media_item WHERE mob_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_mob_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY nr" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM media_item " . " WHERE upload_hash = %s " | 1 |
'INSERT INTO didactic_tpl_abr (action_id,filter_type) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getActionId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getFilterType( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM didactic_tpl_abr ' . 'WHERE action_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getActionId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM didactic_tpl_abr ' . 'WHERE action_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getActionId( )) | 1 |
'SELECT title FROM didactic_tpl_settings ' . 'WHERE title = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_orig_title, 'text') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO didactic_tpl_alp (action_id,filter_type,template_type,template_id) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getActionId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getFilterType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRoleTemplateType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRoleTemplateId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM didactic_tpl_alp ' . 'WHERE action_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getActionId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM didactic_tpl_alp ' . 'WHERE action_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getActionId( )) | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM object_data ' . 'WHERE title = ' . $ilDB->quote($rolt_title, 'text') . ' ' . 'AND type = ' . $ilDB->quote('rolt', 'text') | 1 |
'select distinct (obj_type) from didactic_tpl_sa ' . 'group by obj_type' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM didactic_tpl_settings ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO didactic_tpl_settings (id,enabled,title,description,info,type,auto_generated,exclusive_tpl,icon_ide) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getDescription( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getInfo( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->isAutoGenerated( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->isExclusive( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote((string) $this->getIconIdentifier( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO didactic_tpl_sa (id,obj_type) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, 'text') . ')' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO didactic_tpl_en (id,node) ' . 'VALUES ' . implode(', ', $values) | 1 |
'DELETE FROM didactic_tpl_en ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM didactic_tpl_en ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE didactic_tpl_settings ' . 'SET ' . 'enabled = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->isEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'title = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'description = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getDescription( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'info = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getInfo( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'type = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'exclusive_tpl = ' . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->isExclusive( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'icon_ide = ' . $ilDB->quote((string) $this->getIconIdentifier( ), ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM didactic_tpl_settings dtpl ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM didactic_tpl_sa ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT tpl_id FROM didactic_tpl_objs ' . 'WHERE ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM didactic_tpl_objs ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM didactic_tpl_objs ' . 'WHERE tpl_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tpl_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM didactic_tpl_objs ' . 'WHERE ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO didactic_tpl_objs (ref_id,obj_id,tpl_id) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tpl_id, 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM didactic_tpl_objs ' . 'WHERE tpl_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tpl_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'select * from didactic_tpl_objs ' . 'where ' . $db->in('tpl_id', $template_ids, false, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
'SELECT auto_generated FROM didactic_tpl_settings ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_src, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE didactic_tpl_settings ' . 'SET ' . 'auto_generated = ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ' WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_dest, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE didactic_tpl_settings ' . 'SET ' . 'auto_generated = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_src, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT pattern_id,pattern_type FROM didactic_tpl_fp ' . 'WHERE parent_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id) . ' ' . 'AND parent_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type, 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT id, type_id FROM didactic_tpl_a ' . 'WHERE tpl_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tpl_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO didactic_tpl_alr (action_id,role_template_id) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getActionId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getRoleTemplateId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ') ' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM didactic_tpl_alr ' . 'WHERE action_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getActionId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM didactic_tpl_alr ' . 'WHERE action_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getActionId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO didactic_tpl_a (id, tpl_id, type_id) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getActionId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getTemplateId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getType( ), 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM didactic_tpl_a ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getActionId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM didactic_tpl_a ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getActionId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE didactic_tpl_fp ' . 'SET ' . 'pattern_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPatterType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'pattern_sub_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPatternSubType( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'pattern = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPattern( ), 'text') . ' ' . 'parent_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getParentId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'parent_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getParentType( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'WHERE pattern_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPatternId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO didactic_tpl_fp (pattern_id,pattern_type,pattern_sub_type,pattern,parent_id,parent_type) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPatternId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPatterType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPatternSubType( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPattern( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getParentId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getParentType( ), 'text') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM didactic_tpl_fp ' . 'WHERE pattern_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPatternId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM didactic_tpl_fp ' . 'WHERE pattern_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getPatternId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM ut_lp_marks WHERE " . " obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . " status_dirty = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT count(usr_id) cnt FROM ut_lp_marks WHERE " . " obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("usr_id", $a_users, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id,status,status_dirty FROM ut_lp_marks WHERE " . " obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . " usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE ut_lp_marks SET " . " status = " . $ilDB->quote($a_status, "integer") . "," . " status_changed = " . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . " status_dirty = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE ut_lp_marks SET " . " status_dirty = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE ut_lp_marks SET " . " percentage = " . $ilDB->quote($a_percentage, "integer") . " WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
'Update dependecies is ' . ($update_dependencies ? 'true' : 'false') | 1 |
'update dependencies' | 1 |
"SELECT ut_lp_collections.obj_id obj_id FROM " . "object_reference JOIN ut_lp_collections ON " . "(object_reference.obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND object_reference.ref_id = ut_lp_collections.item_id)" | 1 |
'update references' | 1 |
'select obj_id from container_reference ' . 'where target_obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id, status FROM ut_lp_marks WHERE " . " obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . " usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE ut_lp_marks SET " . " status_dirty = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT percentage FROM ut_lp_marks WHERE " . " status_dirty = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id, status, status_dirty FROM ut_lp_marks" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND status = " . $ilDB->quote($a_status, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT status, status_dirty, obj_id FROM ut_lp_marks" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_obj_ids, "", "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT online_time FROM ut_online WHERE usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT access_time FROM ut_online WHERE usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ut_online (usr_id, access_time) VALUES (%s, %s)' | 1 |
'SELECT access_time FROM ut_online WHERE usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($user->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE ut_online SET online_time = online_time + %s, access_time = %s WHERE usr_id = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE ut_online SET access_time = %s WHERE usr_id = %s' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ut_lp_marks " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE ut_lp_marks " . "SET mark = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMark( ), 'text') . ", " . "u_comment = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComment( ), 'text') . ", " . "completed = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getCompleted( ), 'integer') . " " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ut_lp_marks " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id, 'integer') . " AND status = " . $ilDB->quote(ilLPStatus::LP_STATUS_COMPLETED_NUM, 'integer') . " AND status_changed >= " . $ilDB->quote($from, "timestamp") . " AND status_changed <= " . $ilDB->quote($to, "timestamp") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ut_lp_marks " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO ut_lp_marks (mark,u_comment, completed,obj_id,usr_id) " . "VALUES( " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMark( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComment( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getCompleted( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ut_lp_marks" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("usr_id", $a_user_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM ut_lp_marks" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
'DELETE FROM read_event WHERE usr_id = %s ' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM write_event WHERE usr_id = %s ' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ut_lp_marks WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ut_online WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT r2.obj_id par_obj_id FROM object_reference r1 ' . 'JOIN tree t ON t.child = r1.ref_id ' . 'JOIN object_reference r2 ON r2.ref_id = t.parent ' . 'WHERE r1.obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO write_event ' . '(write_id, obj_id, parent_obj_id, usr_id, action, ts) VALUES ' . '(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, ' . $ilDB->now( ) . ')' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO write_event ' . '(write_id, obj_id, parent_obj_id, usr_id, action, ts) ' . 'VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,' . $ilDB->now( ) . ')' | 1 |
'UPDATE read_event SET ' . $read_count . 'spent_seconds = %s, ' . 'last_access = %s ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id = %s ' | 1 |
'UPDATE read_event SET ' . 'childs_read_count = childs_read_count + %s ,' . 'childs_spent_seconds = childs_spent_seconds + %s ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id = %s ' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO obj_stat_tmp" . " SELECT * FROM obj_stat_log" . " WHERE tstamp < " . $ilDB->quote($a_now, "timestamp") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM obj_stat_log" . " WHERE tstamp < " . $ilDB->quote($a_now, "timestamp") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, obj_type, yyyy, mm, dd, hh, SUM(read_count) AS read_count," . " SUM(childs_read_count) AS childs_read_count, SUM(spent_seconds) AS spent_seconds," . " SUM(childs_spent_seconds) AS childs_spent_seconds" . " FROM obj_stat_tmp" . " GROUP BY obj_id, obj_type, yyyy, mm, dd, hh" | 1 |
"SELECT read_count, childs_read_count, spent_seconds," . "childs_spent_seconds" . " FROM obj_stat" . " WHERE " . $where_sql | 1 |
"DELETE FROM obj_stat_tmp" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM catch_write_events " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM write_event ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id <> %s ' . 'ORDER BY ts DESC' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM write_event ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id <> %s ' . 'AND ts >= %s ' . 'ORDER BY ts DESC' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM write_event ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id <> %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM write_event ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id <> %s ' . 'AND ts > %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM read_event ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'ORDER BY last_access DESC' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM read_event ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id = %s ' . 'ORDER BY last_access DESC' | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT(usr_id) usr FROM read_event ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM read_event WHERE " . "obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . "usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT r1.obj_id,r2.obj_id p,d.owner,%s,d.create_date ' . 'FROM object_data d ' . 'LEFT JOIN write_event w ON d.obj_id = w.obj_id ' . 'JOIN object_reference r1 ON d.obj_id=r1.obj_id ' . 'JOIN tree t ON t.child=r1.ref_id ' . 'JOIN object_reference r2 on r2.ref_id=t.parent ' . 'WHERE w.obj_id IS NULL' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO write_event ' . '(write_id, obj_id,parent_obj_id,usr_id,action,ts) VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote($nid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["p"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["owner"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote("create", "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["create_date"], "timestamp") . ')' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM write_event WHERE obj_id = %s ' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM read_event WHERE obj_id = %s ' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM read_event" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM read_event" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("usr_id", $a_user_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM read_event" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
'UPDATE read_event SET first_access=%s, last_access = %s WHERE obj_id=%s AND usr_id=%s' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO ut_lp_settings (obj_id,obj_type,u_mode,visits) " . "VALUES( " . $this->db->quote($a_new_obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjType( ), 'text') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getMode( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getVisits( ), 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ut_lp_settings WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"UPDATE ut_lp_settings SET u_mode = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMode( ), 'integer') . ", " . "visits = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getVisits( ), 'integer') . " " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO ut_lp_settings (obj_id,obj_type,u_mode,visits) " . "VALUES(" . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjType( ), 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMode( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->getVisits( ), 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ut_lp_settings WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT visits FROM ut_lp_settings " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, u_mode FROM ut_lp_settings" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_obj_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT u_mode FROM ut_lp_settings" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ut_lp_settings" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, view_mode FROM crs_settings" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $obj_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT object_data.obj_id, title, CASE WHEN status IS NULL THEN " . ilLPStatus::LP_STATUS_NOT_ATTEMPTED_NUM . " ELSE status END AS status," . " status_changed, percentage, read_count+childs_read_count AS read_count, spent_seconds+childs_spent_seconds AS spent_seconds," . " u_mode, type, visits, mark, u_comment" . " FROM object_data" . " LEFT JOIN ut_lp_settings ON (ut_lp_settings.obj_id = object_data.obj_id)" . " LEFT JOIN read_event ON (read_event.obj_id = object_data.obj_id AND read_event.usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . ")" . " LEFT JOIN ut_lp_marks ON (ut_lp_marks.obj_id = object_data.obj_id AND ut_lp_marks.usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . ")" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("object_data.obj_id", $obj_ids, false, "integer") . " ORDER BY title" | 1 |
"SELECT crs_id, crs_objectives.objective_id AS obj_id, title," . $ilDB->quote("lobj", "text") . " AS type" . " FROM crs_objectives" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("crs_objectives.objective_id", $a_objective_ids, false, "integer") . " AND active = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " ORDER BY position" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id, field_id, value FROM udf_text WHERE " . $ilDB->in("field_id", $a_udf, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM usr_pref WHERE keyword = " . $ilDB->quote("public_profile", "text") . " AND value = " . $ilDB->quote("y", "text") . " OR value = " . $ilDB->quote("g", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id,keyword FROM usr_pref WHERE " . $ilDB->like("keyword", "text", "public_%", false) . " AND value = " . $ilDB->quote("y", "text") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("usr_id", $all_public, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, title, e_start, e_end, CASE WHEN participated = 1 THEN 2 WHEN registered = 1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END AS status," . " mark, e_comment" . " FROM event" . " JOIN event_appointment ON (event.obj_id = event_appointment.event_id)" . " LEFT JOIN event_participants ON (event_participants.event_id = event.obj_id AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . ")" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $obj_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id,title,type FROM object_data" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $objects["object_ids"], false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) AS counter, " . $field . $alias . " " . $base_query . " GROUP BY " . $field . $having . " ORDER BY counter DESC" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(" . $count_field . ") AS cnt" . $item["query"] | 1 |
"SELECT " . implode(",", $item["fields"]) . $item["query"] | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM loc_user_results" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("objective_id", $objective_ids, "", "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("user_id", $a_users, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id," . $column . ",SUM(read_count) read_count,SUM(childs_read_count) childs_read_count," . "SUM(spent_seconds) spent_seconds,SUM(childs_spent_seconds) childs_spent_seconds" . " FROM obj_stat" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $obj_ids, "", "integer") . " AND yyyy = " . $ilDB->quote($a_year, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id," . $column . ",SUM(counter) counter" . " FROM obj_user_stat" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $obj_ids, "", "integer") . " AND yyyy = " . $ilDB->quote($a_year, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT " . $tree->table_obj_data . ".obj_id," . $tree->table_obj_data . ".type," . $tree->table_tree . "." . $tree->tree_pk . "," . $tree->table_obj_reference . ".ref_id" . " FROM " . $tree->table_tree . " " . $tree->buildJoin( ) . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in($tree->table_obj_data . ".type", $types, "", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT od.obj_id,oref.wsp_id,od.type" . " FROM tree_workspace wst" . " JOIN object_reference_ws oref ON (oref.wsp_id = wst.child)" . " JOIN object_data od ON (oref.obj_id = od.obj_id)" . " WHERE od.type = " . $ilDB->quote("blog", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT od.obj_id" . " FROM usr_portfolio prtf" . " JOIN object_data od ON (od.obj_id =" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id,hh,SUM(read_count) read_count,SUM(childs_read_count) childs_read_count," . "SUM(spent_seconds) spent_seconds,SUM(childs_spent_seconds) childs_spent_seconds" . " FROM obj_stat" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $obj_ids, "", "integer") . " AND yyyy = " . $ilDB->quote($a_year, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) AS COUNTER,yyyy,mm" . " FROM obj_stat" . " GROUP BY yyyy, mm" . " ORDER BY yyyy DESC, mm DESC" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM obj_stat" . " WHERE " . $date_compare | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . $table . " WHERE fulldate >= " . $ilDB->quote($from, "integer") . " AND fulldate <= " . $ilDB->quote($to, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT r.ref_id,r.obj_id" . " FROM object_data o" . " JOIN object_reference r ON (o.obj_id = r.obj_id)" . " JOIN tree t ON (t.child = r.ref_id)" . " WHERE t.tree = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) counter, MIN(tstamp) tstamp" . " FROM obj_stat_log" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id," . $column . "," . "MIN(mem_cnt) mem_cnt_min,AVG(mem_cnt) mem_cnt_avg, MAX(mem_cnt) mem_cnt_max," . "MIN(in_progress) in_progress_min,AVG(in_progress) in_progress_avg,MAX(in_progress) in_progress_max," . "MIN(completed) completed_min,AVG(completed) completed_avg,MAX(completed) completed_max," . "MIN(failed) failed_min,AVG(failed) failed_avg,MAX(failed) failed_max," . "MIN(not_attempted) not_attempted_min,AVG(not_attempted) not_attempted_avg,MAX(not_attempted) not_attempted_max" . " FROM obj_lp_stat" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_obj_ids, "", "integer") . " AND yyyy = " . $ilDB->quote($a_year, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT type,yyyy,mm," . $agg . "(cnt_objects) cnt_objects," . $agg . "(cnt_references) cnt_references," . "" . $agg . "(cnt_deleted) cnt_deleted FROM obj_type_stat" . " WHERE yyyy = " . $ilDB->quote($a_year, "integer") . " GROUP BY type,yyyy,mm" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM obj_lp_stat WHERE" . " obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($crs_id, "integer") . " AND fulldate = " . $ilDB->quote(date("Ymd", $this->date), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM obj_type_stat WHERE" . " type = " . $ilDB->quote($type, "text") . " AND fulldate = " . $ilDB->quote(date("Ymd", $this->date), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(usr_id)) counter,obj_id FROM read_event" . " WHERE last_access >= " . $ilDB->quote($this->date, "integer") . " AND last_access <= " . $ilDB->quote($to, "integer") . " GROUP BY obj_id" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM obj_user_stat" . " WHERE fulldate = " . $ilDB->quote(date("Ymd", $this->date), "integer") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row["obj_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ut_lp_marks " . " WHERE status_changed >= " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTimestamp( ), "timestamp") | 1 |
"SELECT utc.item_id, obd.type" . " FROM ut_lp_collections utc" . " JOIN object_reference obr ON item_id = ref_id" . " JOIN object_data obd ON obr.obj_id = obd.obj_id" . " WHERE utc.obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND active = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " ORDER BY title" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO ut_lp_collections" . " (obj_id, lpmode, item_id, grouping_id, num_obligatory, active)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->mode, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ut_lp_collections " . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") . " AND item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, "integer") . " AND grouping_id = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT item_id FROM ut_lp_collections" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND grouping_id > " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT grouping_id FROM ut_lp_collections" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("item_id", $a_item_ids, false, "integer") . " AND grouping_id > " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE ut_lp_collections" . " SET active = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("grouping_id", $grouping_ids, false, "integer") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE ut_lp_collections" . " SET active = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("grouping_id", $grouping_ids, false, "integer") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT item_id FROM ut_lp_collections" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("grouping_id", $grouping_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(grouping_id) grp FROM ut_lp_collections" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") . " GROUP BY obj_id" | 1 |
"UPDATE ut_lp_collections SET" . " grouping_id = " . $ilDB->quote($grp_id, "integer") . ", num_obligatory = " . $ilDB->quote($a_num_obligatory, "integer") . ", active = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("item_id", $all_item_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE ut_lp_collections" . " SET grouping_id = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . ", num_obligatory = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("grouping_id", $grouping_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT count(obj_id) num FROM ut_lp_collections" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") . " AND grouping_id = " . $ilDB->quote($grouping_id, 'integer') . " GROUP BY obj_id" | 1 |
"UPDATE ut_lp_collections" . " SET num_obligatory = " . $ilDB->quote($num, "integer") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") . " AND grouping_id = " . $ilDB->quote($grouping_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT grouping_id FROM ut_lp_collections" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") . " AND item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($item_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT item_id, num_obligatory FROM ut_lp_collections" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") . " AND grouping_id = " . $ilDB->quote($grouping_id, "integer") | 1 |
" SELECT * FROM ut_lp_collections" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") . " AND active = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT import_id, identifierref FROM sc_item WHERE obj_id = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($item_a_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT import_id, identifierref FROM sc_item WHERE obj_id = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($item_b_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT id, resourceid FROM cp_item WHERE cp_node_id = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($item_a_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT id, resourceid FROM cp_item WHERE cp_node_id = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($item_b_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM ut_lp_collections" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ut_lp_collections" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ut_lp_coll_manual" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO ut_lp_collections" . " (obj_id, lpmode, item_id)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->mode, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM ut_lp_collections" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, "integer") . " AND item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id,usr_id,spent_seconds" . " FROM lm_read_event" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $chapter_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
'select status,usr_id from ut_lp_marks ' . 'where obj_id = ' . $database->quote($this->target_obj_id, \ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) | 1 |
"SELECT lm_data.obj_id" . " FROM lm_data" . " JOIN lm_tree ON (lm_tree.child = lm_data.obj_id)" . " WHERE lm_tree.lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND lm_data.type = " . $ilDB->quote("pg", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, usr_id" . " FROM lm_read_event" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $all_page_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
" SELECT tst_active.active_id, tst_active.tries, count(tst_sequence.active_fi) " . $ilDB->quoteIdentifier("sequences") . ", tst_active.last_finished_pass, CASE WHEN (tst_tests.nr_of_tries - 1) = tst_active.last_finished_pass THEN '1' ELSE '0' END is_last_pass FROM tst_active LEFT JOIN tst_sequence ON tst_sequence.active_fi = tst_active.active_id LEFT JOIN tst_tests ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi WHERE tst_active.user_fi = {$ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer")} AND tst_active.test_fi = {$ilDB->quote(ilObjTestAccess::_getTestIDFromObjectID($a_obj_id))} GROUP BY tst_active.active_id, tst_active.tries, is_last_pass " | 1 |
"SELECT tst_result_cache.*, tst_active.user_fi FROM " . "tst_result_cache JOIN tst_active ON (tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi)" . " JOIN tst_tests ON (tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi) " . " WHERE tst_tests.obj_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND tst_active.user_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT survey_id FROM svy_svy" . " WHERE obj_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) | 1 |
"SELECT user_fi FROM svy_finished fin" . " WHERE fin.survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($survey_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, usr_id FROM read_event" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $res["items"], "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM read_event" . " WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $items, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id" . " FROM ut_lp_marks" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND status = " . $ilDB->quote($a_status, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT status" . " FROM ut_lp_marks" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT percentage" . " FROM ut_lp_marks" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT subitem_id, completed, usr_id, last_change" . " FROM ut_lp_coll_manual" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE ut_lp_coll_manual SET " . " completed = " . $ilDB->quote(in_array($item_id, $a_completed), "integer") . " , last_change = " . $ilDB->quote($now, "integer") . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND subitem_id = " . $ilDB->quote($item_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO ut_lp_coll_manual" . "(obj_id,usr_id,subitem_id,completed,last_change)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . " , " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " , " . $ilDB->quote($item_id, "integer") . " , " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " , " . $ilDB->quote($now, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
" SELECT active_id, user_fi, COUNT(tst_sequence.active_fi) sequences FROM tst_active LEFT JOIN tst_sequence ON tst_sequence.active_fi = tst_active.active_id WHERE tries = {$ilDB->quote(0, "integer")} AND test_fi = {$ilDB->quote(ilObjTestAccess::_getTestIDFromObjectID($a_obj_id), "integer")} GROUP BY active_id, user_fi HAVING COUNT(tst_sequence.active_fi) > {$ilDB->quote(0, "integer")} " | 1 |
" SELECT active_id, user_fi, COUNT(tst_sequence.active_fi) sequences FROM tst_active LEFT JOIN tst_sequence ON tst_sequence.active_fi = tst_active.active_id WHERE tries > {$ilDB->quote(0, "integer")} AND test_fi = {$ilDB->quote(ilObjTestAccess::_getTestIDFromObjectID($a_obj_id))} GROUP BY active_id, user_fi HAVING COUNT(tst_sequence.active_fi) > {$ilDB->quote(0, "integer")} " | 1 |
" SELECT active_id, user_fi, COUNT(tst_sequence.active_fi) sequences FROM tst_active LEFT JOIN tst_sequence ON tst_sequence.active_fi = tst_active.active_id WHERE test_fi = {$ilDB->quote(ilObjTestAccess::_getTestIDFromObjectID($a_obj_id))} GROUP BY active_id, user_fi HAVING COUNT(tst_sequence.active_fi) = {$ilDB->quote(0, "integer")} " | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT user_fi FROM tst_active" . " WHERE test_fi = " . $ilDB->quote(ilObjTestAccess::_getTestIDFromObjectID($a_obj_id)) | 1 |
" SELECT active_id, user_fi, tries, COUNT(tst_sequence.active_fi) sequences FROM tst_active LEFT JOIN tst_sequence ON tst_sequence.active_fi = tst_active.active_id WHERE user_fi = {$ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer")} AND test_fi = {$ilDB->quote(ilObjTestAccess::_getTestIDFromObjectID($a_obj_id))} GROUP BY active_id, user_fi, tries " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objectives WHERE " . $in | 1 |
"SELECT max(sorting) as max_sort FROM " . $this->db->quoteIdentifier(self::TABLE_MOUNT_INSTRUCTIONS) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . $this->db->quoteIdentifier(self::TABLE_MOUNT_INSTRUCTIONS) . " WHERE id=" . $this->db->quote($id, 'int') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . $this->db->quoteIdentifier(self::TABLE_MOUNT_INSTRUCTIONS) . " ORDER BY sorting" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . $this->db->quoteIdentifier(self::TABLE_MOUNT_INSTRUCTIONS) . ' WHERE id=' . $this->db->quote($id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM $this->locks_table WHERE token = " . $this->db->quote($token, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM $this->lock_table" . " WHERE token = " . $this->db->quote($token, 'text') . " AND expires > " . $this->db->quote(time( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM $this->lock_table WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($obj_id, 'integer') . " AND expires > " . $this->db->quote(time( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM $this->lock_table WHERE token = " . $this->db->quote($token, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM $this->lock_table WHERE expires < " . $this->db->quote(time( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $ar->getConnectorContainerName( ) . ' ' . ' WHERE ' . arFieldCache::getPrimaryFieldName($ar) . ' = ' . $ilDB->quote($ar->getPrimaryFieldValue( ), arFieldCache::getPrimaryFieldType($ar)) | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . $ar->getConnectorContainerName( ) . ' WHERE ' . arFieldCache::getPrimaryFieldName($ar) . ' = ' . $ilDB->quote($ar->getPrimaryFieldValue( ), arFieldCache::getPrimaryFieldType($ar)) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM $table_seq" | 1 |
"SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table_name WHERE Field = '$column_name'" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO $table_name VALUES ($values)" | 1 |
"UPDATE $table_name SET " | 1 |
'SELECT ' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM preview_data WHERE obj_id=%s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM preview_data WHERE obj_id=%s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM adm_settings_template WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM adm_set_templ_value WHERE " . " template_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM adm_set_templ_hide_tab WHERE " . " template_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO adm_set_templ_value " . "(template_id, setting, value, hide) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($s, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($set["value"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($set["hide"], "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO adm_set_templ_hide_tab " . "(template_id, tab_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($tab_id, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM adm_settings_template WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM adm_settings_template " . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . " ORDER BY title" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM adm_settings_template " . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . 'AND auto_generated = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . " ORDER BY title" | 1 |
"SELECT $a_prop FROM adm_settings_template WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM settings WHERE module=" . $ilDB->quote($this->module, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM settings WHERE module = " . $ilDB->quote($this->module, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT keyword FROM settings" . " WHERE module = " . $ilDB->quote($this->module, "text") . " AND " . $ilDB->like("keyword", "text", $a_like) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM settings WHERE keyword = " . $ilDB->quote($a_keyword, "text") . " AND module = " . $ilDB->quote($this->module, "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE sahs_lm SET debug = 'n'" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM settings WHERE LENGTH(value) > " . $ilDB->quote($a_limit, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT sub_items.*, top_items.position AS parent_position FROM il_mm_items AS sub_items LEFT JOIN il_mm_items AS top_items ON top_items.identification = sub_items.parent_identification WHERE sub_items.parent_identification != '' ORDER BY top_items.position, parent_identification, sub_items.position ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM copy_wizard_options " . "WHERE copy_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_copy_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(copy_id) latest FROM copy_wizard_options " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM copy_wizard_options " . "WHERE copy_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->copy_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND source_id = " . $this->db->quote($a_source_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM copy_wizard_options " . "WHERE copy_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->copy_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND source_id = -2 " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM copy_wizard_options " . "WHERE copy_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getCopyId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND source_id = -2 " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM copy_wizard_options " . "WHERE copy_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->copy_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM copy_wizard_options " . "WHERE copy_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->copy_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT MAX(export_id) exp FROM export_options ' . 'GROUP BY export_id ' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO export_options (export_id,keyword,ref_id,obj_id,value) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($exp_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(self::KEY_INIT, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(pos) position FROM export_options" | 1 |
'INSERT INTO export_options (export_id,keyword,ref_id,obj_id,value,pos) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getExportId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($a_keyword, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($a_value, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($pos, 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
"DELETE FROM export_options " . "WHERE export_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getExportId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM export_options " . "WHERE export_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getExportId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . "ORDER BY pos" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM export_file_info " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND export_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, 'text') . ' ' . "ORDER BY create_date DESC" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM export_file_info WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) | 1 |
'select * from export_file_info ' . 'where obj_id = ' . $db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'and export_type = ' . $db->quote($this->getExportType( ), 'text') . ' ' . 'and filename = ' . $db->quote($this->getFilename( ), 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO export_file_info (obj_id, export_type, filename, version, create_date) " . "VALUES ( " . $db->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $db->quote($this->getExportType( ), 'text') . ', ' . $db->quote($this->getFilename( ), 'text') . ', ' . $db->quote($this->getVersion( ), 'text') . ', ' . $db->quote($this->getCreationDate( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', ilTimeZone::UTC), 'timestamp') . ' ' . ")" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM export_file_info ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND filename = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getFilename( ), 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM export_file_info " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . "AND export_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getExportType( ), 'text') . ' ' . "AND filename = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getFilename( ), 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT rule_id FROM shib_role_assignment ORDER BY rule_id" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) num FROM shib_role_assignment " | 1 |
"SELECT rule_id,add_on_update,remove_on_update FROM shib_role_assignment " . "WHERE add_on_update = 1 OR remove_on_update = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT rule_id,add_on_update FROM shib_role_assignment WHERE add_on_update = 1" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE rule_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getRuleId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' (rule_id,role_id,name,value,plugin,plugin_id,add_on_update,remove_on_update ) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $this->db->quote($next_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getRoleId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getName( ), 'text') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getValue( ), 'text') . ', ' . $this->db->quote((int) $this->isPluginActive( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote((int) $this->getPluginId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote((int) $this->isAddOnUpdateEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote((int) $this->isRemoveOnUpdateEnabled( ), 'integer') . ') ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'SET role_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getRoleId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'name = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getName( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'value = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getValue( ), 'text') . ', ' . 'plugin = ' . $this->db->quote((int) $this->isPluginActive( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'plugin_id = ' . $this->db->quote((int) $this->getPluginId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'add_on_update = ' . $this->db->quote((int) $this->isAddOnUpdateEnabled( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'remove_on_update = ' . $this->db->quote((int) $this->isRemoveOnUpdateEnabled( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE rule_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getRuleId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE rule_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getRuleId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data WHERE login = ' . $ilDB->quote($login, 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data WHERE ext_account = ' . $ilDB->quote($ext_id, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM acc_access_key " . " WHERE lang_key = " . $ilDB->quote($lang_key, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM acc_access_key " . " WHERE lang_key = " . $ilDB->quote($lang_key, "text") . " AND function_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_func_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM acc_access_key WHERE " . "lang_key = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lang_key, "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO acc_access_key " . "(lang_key, function_id, access_key) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_lang_key, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($func_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(strtolower(trim($acc_key)), "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM xhtml_page WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT content FROM xhtml_page WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT save_content FROM xhtml_page WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM sysc_tasks ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO sysc_tasks (id,grp_id,status,identifier) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getGroupId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getStatus( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getIdentifier( ), 'text') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'UPDATE sysc_tasks SET ' . 'last_update = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getLastUpdate( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', ilTimeZone::UTC), 'timestamp') . ', ' . 'status = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getStatus( ), 'integer') . ', ' . 'identifier = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getIdentifier( ), 'text') . ' ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT child,tree FROM tree t JOIN object_reference r ON child = r.ref_id ' . 'JOIN object_data o on r.obj_id = o.obj_id ' . 'WHERE tree < ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND child = -tree ' | 1 |
'SELECT child,tree FROM tree t JOIN object_reference r ON child = r.ref_id ' . 'JOIN object_data o on r.obj_id = o.obj_id ' | 1 |
'select identifier from sysc_tasks ' . 'where id = ' . $db->quote($a_task_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT grp_id FROM sysc_tasks ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_task_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT MAX(last_update) last_update FROM sysc_tasks ' . 'WHERE status = ' . $ilDB->quote(ilSCTask::STATUS_FAILED, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND grp_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_grp_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT id, grp_id FROM sysc_tasks ' . 'ORDER BY id ' | 1 |
'SELECT id FROM sysc_groups ' . 'WHERE component = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_component_id, 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT id FROM sysc_groups ' . 'ORDER BY id ' | 1 |
'SELECT component FROM sysc_groups ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM sysc_groups ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO sysc_groups (id,component,status) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentId( ), 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getStatus( ), 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
' DELETE c1 FROM chatroom_settings c1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT chatroom_settings.room_id FROM chatroom_settings LEFT JOIN object_data ON object_data.obj_id = chatroom_settings.object_id WHERE object_data.obj_id IS NULL ) c2 ON c2.room_id = c1.room_id' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM chatroom_settings WHERE chatroom_settings.room_id IN ( SELECT chatroom_settings.room_id FROM chatroom_settings LEFT JOIN object_data ON object_data.obj_id = chatroom_settings.object_id WHERE object_data.obj_id IS NULL )' | 1 |
' DELETE c1 FROM chatroom_prooms c1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT chatroom_prooms.proom_id FROM chatroom_prooms LEFT JOIN chatroom_settings ON chatroom_settings.room_id = chatroom_prooms.parent_id WHERE chatroom_settings.room_id IS NULL ) c2 ON c2.proom_id = c1.proom_id' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM chatroom_prooms WHERE chatroom_prooms.proom_id IN ( SELECT c1.proom_id FROM chatroom_prooms c1 LEFT JOIN chatroom_settings ON chatroom_settings.room_id = CAST(c1.parent_id as INT) WHERE chatroom_settings.room_id IS NULL )' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM chatroom_prooms WHERE chatroom_prooms.proom_id IN ( SELECT c1.proom_id FROM chatroom_prooms c1 LEFT JOIN chatroom_settings ON chatroom_settings.room_id = c1.parent_id WHERE chatroom_settings.room_id IS NULL )' | 1 |
' DELETE c1 FROM chatroom_bans c1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT chatroom_bans.room_id FROM chatroom_bans LEFT JOIN chatroom_settings ON chatroom_settings.room_id = chatroom_bans.room_id WHERE chatroom_settings.room_id IS NULL ) c2 ON c2.room_id = c1.room_id' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM chatroom_bans WHERE chatroom_bans.room_id IN ( SELECT chatroom_bans.room_id FROM chatroom_bans LEFT JOIN chatroom_settings ON chatroom_settings.room_id = chatroom_bans.room_id WHERE chatroom_settings.room_id IS NULL )' | 1 |
' DELETE c1 FROM chatroom_history c1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT chatroom_history.room_id FROM chatroom_history LEFT JOIN chatroom_settings ON chatroom_settings.room_id = chatroom_history.room_id WHERE chatroom_settings.room_id IS NULL ) c2 ON c2.room_id = c1.room_id' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM chatroom_history WHERE chatroom_history.room_id IN ( SELECT chatroom_history.room_id FROM chatroom_history LEFT JOIN chatroom_settings ON chatroom_settings.room_id = chatroom_history.room_id WHERE chatroom_settings.room_id IS NULL )' | 1 |
' DELETE c1 FROM chatroom_users c1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT chatroom_users.room_id FROM chatroom_users LEFT JOIN chatroom_settings ON chatroom_settings.room_id = chatroom_users.room_id WHERE chatroom_settings.room_id IS NULL ) c2 ON c2.room_id = c1.room_id' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM chatroom_users WHERE chatroom_users.room_id IN ( SELECT chatroom_users.room_id FROM chatroom_history LEFT JOIN chatroom_settings ON chatroom_settings.room_id = chatroom_users.room_id WHERE chatroom_settings.room_id IS NULL )' | 1 |
' DELETE c1 FROM chatroom_sessions c1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT chatroom_sessions.room_id FROM chatroom_sessions LEFT JOIN chatroom_settings ON chatroom_settings.room_id = chatroom_sessions.room_id WHERE chatroom_settings.room_id IS NULL ) c2 ON c2.room_id = c1.room_id' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM chatroom_sessions WHERE chatroom_sessions.room_id IN ( SELECT chatroom_sessions.room_id FROM chatroom_history LEFT JOIN chatroom_settings ON chatroom_settings.room_id = chatroom_sessions.room_id WHERE chatroom_settings.room_id IS NULL )' | 1 |
' DELETE c1 FROM chatroom_psessions c1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT chatroom_psessions.proom_id FROM chatroom_psessions LEFT JOIN chatroom_prooms ON chatroom_prooms.proom_id = chatroom_psessions.proom_id WHERE chatroom_prooms.proom_id IS NULL ) c2 ON c2.proom_id = c1.proom_id' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM chatroom_psessions WHERE chatroom_psessions.proom_id IN ( SELECT chatroom_psessions.proom_id FROM chatroom_history LEFT JOIN chatroom_prooms ON chatroom_prooms.proom_id = chatroom_psessions.proom_id WHERE chatroom_prooms.proom_id IS NULL )' | 1 |
' DELETE c1 FROM chatroom_proomaccess c1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT chatroom_proomaccess.proom_id FROM chatroom_proomaccess LEFT JOIN chatroom_prooms ON chatroom_prooms.proom_id = chatroom_proomaccess.proom_id WHERE chatroom_prooms.proom_id IS NULL ) c2 ON c2.proom_id = c1.proom_id' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM chatroom_proomaccess WHERE chatroom_proomaccess.proom_id IN ( SELECT chatroom_proomaccess.proom_id FROM chatroom_history LEFT JOIN chatroom_prooms ON chatroom_prooms.proom_id = chatroom_proomaccess.proom_id WHERE chatroom_prooms.proom_id IS NULL )' | 1 |
' DELETE c1 FROM chatroom_history c1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT chatroom_history.sub_room FROM chatroom_history LEFT JOIN chatroom_prooms ON chatroom_prooms.proom_id = chatroom_history.sub_room WHERE chatroom_prooms.proom_id IS NULL AND chatroom_history.sub_room > 0 ) c2 ON c2.sub_room = c1.sub_room' | 1 |
' DELETE FROM chatroom_history WHERE chatroom_history.sub_room IN ( SELECT chatroom_history.sub_room FROM chatroom_history LEFT JOIN chatroom_prooms ON chatroom_prooms.proom_id = chatroom_history.sub_room WHERE chatroom_prooms.proom_id IS NULL AND chatroom_history.sub_room > 0 )' | 1 |
'SELECT tree FROM ' . self::$table_tree . ' GROUP BY tree' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . self::$table_tree . ' SET lft = %s WHERE child = %s AND tree = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . self::$table_tree . ' SET rgt = %s WHERE child = %s AND tree = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . self::$table_tree . ' WHERE parent = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_node, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tree = ' . $ilDB->quote(self::$tree_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . $table . " " . "WHERE obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, 'text') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_description " . "WHERE meta_description_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_description " . "WHERE meta_description_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_typical_age_range " . "WHERE meta_typical_age_range_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_typical_age_range " . "WHERE meta_typical_age_range_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_typical_age_range_id FROM il_meta_typical_age_range " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id) . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type) . "" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_taxon " . "WHERE meta_taxon_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_taxon " . "WHERE meta_taxon_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_taxon_id FROM il_meta_taxon " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id) . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_identifier " . "WHERE meta_identifier_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_identifier " . "WHERE meta_identifier_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_identifier_id FROM il_meta_identifier " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id) . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_requirement " . "WHERE meta_requirement_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_requirement " . "WHERE meta_requirement_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_requirement_id FROM il_meta_requirement " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id) . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type) . " " . "AND or_composite_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_or_composite_id) | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(or_composite_id) AS orc FROM il_meta_requirement " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getRBACId( )) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( )) . " " . "GROUP BY or_composite_id" | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(or_composite_id) AS or_composite_id FROM il_meta_requirement " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id) . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type) . " " . "AND or_composite_id > 0 " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_keyword " . "WHERE meta_keyword_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_keyword " . "WHERE meta_keyword_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_keyword_id FROM il_meta_keyword " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id) . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_technical " . "WHERE meta_technical_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_technical " . "WHERE meta_technical_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_technical_id FROM il_meta_technical " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_contribute " . "WHERE meta_contribute_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_contribute " . "WHERE meta_contribute_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_contribute_id FROM il_meta_contribute " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id) . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_location " . "WHERE meta_location_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_location " . "WHERE meta_location_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_location_id FROM il_meta_location " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id) . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_language " . "WHERE meta_language_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_language " . "WHERE meta_language_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_language_id FROM il_meta_language " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id) . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_general " . "WHERE meta_general_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_general " . "WHERE meta_general_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_general_id FROM il_meta_general " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_format " . "WHERE meta_format_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_format " . "WHERE meta_format_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_format_id FROM il_meta_format " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_meta_data " . "WHERE meta_meta_data_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_meta_data " . "WHERE meta_meta_data_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_meta_data_id FROM il_meta_meta_data " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_entity " . "WHERE meta_entity_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_entity " . "WHERE meta_entity_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_entity_id FROM il_meta_entity " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id) . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_relation " . "WHERE meta_relation_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_relation " . "WHERE meta_relation_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_relation_id FROM il_meta_relation " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_classification " . "WHERE meta_classification_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_classification " . "WHERE meta_classification_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_classification_id FROM il_meta_classification " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_educational " . "WHERE meta_educational_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_educational_id FROM il_meta_educational " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_taxon_path " . "WHERE meta_taxon_path_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_taxon_path " . "WHERE meta_taxon_path_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_taxon_path_id FROM il_meta_taxon_path " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id) . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_annotation " . "WHERE meta_annotation_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_annotation " . "WHERE meta_annotation_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_annotation_id FROM il_meta_annotation " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_rights " . "WHERE meta_rights_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_rights " . "WHERE meta_rights_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_rights_id FROM il_meta_rights " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_lifecycle " . "WHERE meta_lifecycle_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_lifecycle " . "WHERE meta_lifecycle_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_lifecycle_id FROM il_meta_lifecycle " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . $table . " " . "WHERE obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type) . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_identifier_ " . "WHERE meta_identifier__id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_identifier_ " . "WHERE meta_identifier__id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 1 |
"SELECT meta_identifier__id FROM il_meta_identifier_ " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id) . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type) | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_parameter " . " (style_id, tag, class, parameter, value, type) VALUES " . " (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO style_parameter (style_id, type, class, tag, parameter, value) " . " VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . $table . " " . $where | 1 |
"UPDATE $table " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO xmltags ( tag_name,tag_depth ) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($name) . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->DEPTH) . ") " | 1 |
"UPDATE NestedSetTemp SET ns_r=ns_r+2 WHERE ns_r >= " . $ilDB->quote($this->LEFT) . " AND ns_book_fk = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id) . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO NestedSetTemp (ns_book_fk,ns_type,ns_tag_fk,ns_l,ns_r) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id) . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_type) . "," . $ilDB->quote($pk) . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->LEFT) . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->RIGHT) . ") " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO xmlparam ( tag_fk,param_name,param_value ) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($pk) . "," . $ilDB->quote($key) . "," . $ilDB->quote($val) . ") " | 1 |
"UPDATE xmlvalue SET tag_value = concat(tag_value," . $ilDB->quote($data) . ") WHERE tag_value_pk = " . $ilDB->quote($value_pk) . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO xmlvalue (tag_fk,tag_value) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($tag_pk) . "," . $ilDB->quote($data) . ") " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM NestedSetTemp" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO xmlnestedset SELECT * FROM NestedSetTemp" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM xmlnestedset,xmltags WHERE ns_tag_fk = tag_pk AND ns_book_fk = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_id) . " AND ns_type = " . $ilDB->quote($type) . " ORDER BY ns_l" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM xmlparam WHERE tag_fk = " . $ilDB->quote($row[tag_pk]) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM xmlnestedset,xmltags WHERE ns_book_fk = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_id) . " AND ns_type =" . $ilDB->quote($obj_type) . " AND ns_tag_fk=tag_pk ORDER BY ns_l" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM xmlnestedset,xmltags WHERE ns_book_fk = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id) . " AND ns_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_type) . " AND ns_l = " . $ilDB->quote($this->LEFT) . " AND ns_r = " . $ilDB->quote($this->RIGHT) . " AND ns_tag_fk = tag_pk" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM xmlnestedset WHERE ns_book_fk = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id) . " AND ns_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_type) . " AND ns_l = " . $ilDB->quote($this->LEFT) . " AND ns_r = " . $ilDB->quote($this->RIGHT) | 1 |
"UPDATE xmltags SET tag_name= " . $ilDB->quote($tagName) . " WHERE tag_pk = " . $ilDB->quote($row["ns_tag_fk"]) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM xmlnestedset,xmltags WHERE ns_tag_fk = tag_pk AND ns_book_fk = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id) . " AND ns_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_type) . " AND ns_l >= " . $ilDB->quote($this->LEFT) . " AND ns_r <= " . $ilDB->quote($this->RIGHT) . " AND tag_depth = " . $ilDB->quote(($this->DEPTH + 1)) . " ORDER BY ns_l" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM xmlnestedset,xmltags LEFT JOIN xmlvalue ON xmltags.tag_pk=xmlvalue.tag_fk WHERE ns_tag_fk = tag_pk AND ns_book_fk = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id) . " AND ns_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_type) . " AND ns_l >= " . $ilDB->quote($this->LEFT) . " AND ns_r <= " . $ilDB->quote($this->RIGHT) . " AND tag_depth = " . $ilDB->quote(($this->DEPTH + 1)) . " AND tag_name = 'TAGVALUE' ORDER BY ns_l" | 1 |
"UPDATE xmlvalue SET tag_value = " . $ilDB->quote($value) . " WHERE tag_value_pk = " . $ilDB->quote($row["tag_value_pk"]) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM xmlnestedset WHERE ns_book_fk = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id) . " AND ns_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_type) . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM xmlparam WHERE tag_fk = " . $ilDB->quote($row["ns_tag_fk"]) . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM xmlvalue WHERE tag_fk = " . $ilDB->quote($row["ns_tag_fk"]) . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM xmltags WHERE tag_pk = " . $ilDB->quote($row["ns_tag_fk"]) . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM xmlnestedset WHERE ns_book_fk = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id) . " AND ns_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_type) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT ns_tag_fk FROM xmlnestedset " . "WHERE ns_book_fk " . $in | 1 |
"DELETE FROM xmlnestedset WHERE ns_book_fk " . $in | 1 |
"DELETE FROM xmlparam WHERE tag_fk " . $in | 1 |
"DELETE FROM xmlvalue WHERE tag_fk " . $in | 1 |
"DELETE FROM xmltags WHERE tag_pk " . $in | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM lm_data WHERE lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) . " " | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_ta WHERE ' . 'typ_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($type_id, 'integer') . ' AND ' . 'ops_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ops_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE ' . 'type = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_type, 'text') . ' AND ' . 'ops_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ops_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT ops_id' . ' FROM rbac_operations' . ' WHERE operation = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_operation, 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM object_data' . ' WHERE type = ' . $ilDB->quote('typ', 'text') . ' AND title = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_type, 'text') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO object_data " . "(obj_id, type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_title, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_title, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote(-1, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . "," . $ilDB->now( ) . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT rpa.*" . " FROM rbac_pa rpa" . " JOIN object_reference ref ON (ref.ref_id = rpa.ref_id)" . " JOIN object_data od ON (od.obj_id = ref.obj_id AND od.type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type) . ")" . " WHERE (" . $ilDB->like("ops_id", "text", "%i:" . $a_source_op_id . "%") . " OR " . $ilDB->like("ops_id", "text", "%:\"" . $a_source_op_id . "\";%") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE rbac_pa" . " SET ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote(serialize($ops), "text") . " WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row["rol_id"], "integer") . " AND ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row["ref_id"], "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT rol_id, parent, ops_id" . " FROM rbac_templates" . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") . " AND (ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_source_op_id, "integer") . " OR ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_target_op_id) . ")" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates" . " (rol_id, type, ops_id, parent)" . " VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($role_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_target_op_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($parent_id, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $a_table_name . ' SET ' . $tmp_column_name . ' = ' . $a_column_name | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = %s AND obj_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT exc_assignment.exc_id, exc_assignment.peer_crit_cat,, exc_assignment_peer.giver_id, exc_assignment_peer.peer_id" . " FROM exc_assignment_peer, exc_assignment" . " WHERE = exc_assignment_peer.ass_id" . " AND (exc_assignment.peer_file = 1 OR exc_assignment.peer_crit_cat > 0)" . " AND exc_assignment_peer.tstamp IS NOT null" | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM exc_crit " . " WHERE parent = " . $ilDB->quote($row['peer_crit_cat'], "integer") . " AND type = " . $ilDB->quote('file', 'text') | 1 |
" DELETE FROM tst_result_cache WHERE active_fi = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(pass) maxpass FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT data FROM usr_session WHERE session_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_session_id, "text") | 1 |
'SELECT expires FROM usr_session WHERE session_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_session_id, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT 1 FROM usr_session WHERE session_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_session_id, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_session WHERE session_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_session_id, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_session WHERE " . $ilDB->in("session_id", $a_session_id, "", "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_session WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT session_id,expires FROM usr_session WHERE expires < " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_session WHERE " . "session_id = " . $ilDB->quote($new_session, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_session " . "WHERE session_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_session_id, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM usr_session" . " WHERE remote_addr = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ip, "text") . " AND user_id > 0" | 1 |
"SELECT count(session_id) AS num_sessions FROM usr_session " . "WHERE expires > %s " . "AND " . $ilDB->in('type', $a_types, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT session_id,expires FROM usr_session WHERE expires >= %s " . "AND (expires - %s) < (%s - %s) " . "AND " . $ilDB->in('type', $a_types, false, 'integer') . " ORDER BY expires" | 1 |
"SELECT session_id,expires FROM usr_session WHERE " . "(ctime - createtime) < %s " . "AND (%s - createtime) > %s " . "AND " . $ilDB->in('type', $a_types, false, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT session_id, expires FROM usr_session " . "WHERE session_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT login FROM usr_data WHERE login = " . $ilDB->quote($c_login) | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM usr_sess_istorage " . " WHERE session_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->session_id, "text") . " AND component_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->component_id, "text") . " AND vkey = " . $ilDB->quote($a_key, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_sess_istorage WHERE session_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_session_id, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_sess_istorage WHERE " . $ilDB->in("session_id", $a_session_id, "", "text") | 1 |
' SELECT expires, user_id, data FROM usr_session WHERE MD5(session_id) = %s ' | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_session_stats_raw" . " SET end_time = " . $ilDB->quote($end_time, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_session_stats_raw" . " SET end_time = " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_session_stats_raw" . " SET end_time = " . $ilDB->quote($ts, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(slot_end) previous_slot_end" . " FROM usr_session_stats" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) counter FROM usr_session_stats_raw" . " WHERE (end_time IS NULL OR end_time >= " . $ilDB->quote($a_time, "integer") . ")" . " AND start_time <= " . $ilDB->quote($a_time, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("type", ilSessionControl::$session_types_controlled, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT start_time,end_time,end_context FROM usr_session_stats_raw" . " WHERE start_time <= " . $ilDB->quote($a_end, "integer") . " AND (end_time IS NULL OR end_time >= " . $ilDB->quote($a_begin, "integer") . ")" . " AND " . $ilDB->in("type", ilSessionControl::$session_types_controlled, false, "integer") . " ORDER BY start_time" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_session_stats_raw" . " WHERE start_time <= " . $ilDB->quote($cut, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT max(slot_end) latest FROM usr_session_stats" . " WHERE active_max >= max_sessions" . " AND max_sessions > " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT SUM(slot_end-slot_begin) dur FROM usr_session_stats" . " WHERE active_max >= max_sessions" . " AND max_sessions > " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " AND slot_end > " . $ilDB->quote($a_from, "integer") . " AND slot_begin < " . $ilDB->quote($a_to, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT SUM(opened) opened, SUM(closed_manual) closed_manual," . " SUM(closed_expire) closed_expire, SUM(closed_idle) closed_idle," . " SUM(closed_idle_first) closed_idle_first, SUM(closed_limit) closed_limit," . " SUM(closed_login) closed_login, SUM(closed_misc) closed_misc" . " FROM usr_session_stats" . " WHERE slot_end > " . $ilDB->quote($a_from, "integer") . " AND slot_begin < " . $ilDB->quote($a_to, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT slot_begin, slot_end, active_min, active_max, active_avg," . " max_sessions" . " FROM usr_session_stats" . " WHERE slot_end > " . $ilDB->quote($a_from, "integer") . " AND slot_begin < " . $ilDB->quote($a_to, "integer") . " ORDER BY slot_begin" | 1 |
"SELECT max(slot_end) latest FROM usr_session_stats" | 1 |
"SELECT maxval FROM usr_session_log" . " WHERE tstamp <= " . $ilDB->quote($a_timestamp, "integer") . " ORDER BY tstamp DESC" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM auth_ext_attr_mapping WHERE auth_mode = %s AND auth_src_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM auth_ext_attr_mapping WHERE auth_mode = %s AND auth_src_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT href_id FROM il_meta_oer_stat ' | 1 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM il_meta_oer_stat ' . 'WHERE href_id = ' . $db->quote($a_href_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO il_meta_oer_stat ' . '(obj_id, href_id, blocked ) ' . 'VALUES (' . $this->db->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->getHarvestRefId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->isBlocked( ), 'integer') . ')' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM il_meta_oer_stat ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_meta_oer_stat ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_keyword" . $where . "ORDER BY meta_keyword_id DESC" | 1 |
"Insert General " . print_r($fields, true) | 1 |
"SELECT format as forma from il_meta_format GROUP BY format" | 1 |
'SELECT rbac_id FROM il_meta_rights ' . 'WHERE ' . $db->in('obj_type', $a_types, false, 'text') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $db->in('description', $a_copyright, false, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT entry_id FROM il_md_cpr_selections ORDER BY is_default DESC, position ASC" | 1 |
"SELECT title FROM il_md_cpr_selections " . "WHERE entry_id = " . $ilDB->quote($entry_id) . " " | 1 |
"SELECT copyright FROM il_md_cpr_selections " . "WHERE entry_id = " . $ilDB->quote($entry_id) . " " | 1 |
'SELECT entry_id FROM il_md_cpr_selections ' . 'WHERE copyright = ' . $db->quote($copyright_text, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT is_default FROM il_md_cpr_selections " . "WHERE entry_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->entry_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT entry_id FROM il_md_cpr_selections " . "WHERE is_default = " . $db->quote(1, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT count(entry_id) total FROM il_md_cpr_selections" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_md_cpr_selections " . "WHERE entry_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getEntryId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_md_cpr_selections " . "WHERE entry_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->entry_id, 'integer') . " " . "ORDER BY is_default DESC, position ASC " | 1 |
"SELECT count(meta_rights_id) used FROM il_meta_rights " . "WHERE description = " . $ilDB->quote('il_copyright_entry__' . IL_INST_ID . '__' . $this->getEntryId( ), 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT obj_type FROM il_meta_rights " . "WHERE description = " . $this->db->quote('il_copyright_entry__' . IL_INST_ID . '__' . $this->copyright_id, 'text') . " AND rbac_id = obj_id" | 1 |
"SELECT rbac_id, obj_id, obj_type FROM il_meta_rights " . "WHERE description = " . $this->db->quote('il_copyright_entry__' . IL_INST_ID . '__' . $this->copyright_id, 'text') . ' AND rbac_id != ' . $this->db->quote(0, 'integer') . " GROUP BY rbac_id" | 1 |
"SELECT count(rbac_id) total FROM il_meta_rights " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $this->db->quote($a_rbac_id) . " AND rbac_id <> obj_id" | 1 |
'update called' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM log_components ' . 'WHERE component_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponentId( ), 'text') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM log_components ' . 'WHERE component_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_component_id, 'text') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO log_components (component_id) ' . 'VALUES (' . $ilDB->quote($a_component_id, 'text') . ')' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM log_components ' | 1 |
'SELECT notification_osd_id, serialized, valid_until, visible_for, type FROM ' . ilNotificationSetupHelper::$tbl_notification_osd_handler . ' WHERE usr_id = %s AND (valid_until = 0 OR valid_until > ' . $ilDB->quote(time( ), 'integer') . ') AND time_added > %s' | 1 |
'SELECT usr_id FROM ' . ilNotificationSetupHelper::$tbl_notification_osd_handler . ' WHERE notification_osd_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . ilNotificationSetupHelper::$tbl_notification_osd_handler . ' WHERE notification_osd_id = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . ilNotificationSetupHelper::$tbl_notification_osd_handler . ' WHERE valid_until < ' . $ilDB->quote(time( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT usr_id, module, channel FROM ' . ilNotificationSetupHelper::$tbl_userconfig . ' WHERE module=%s AND ' . $this->db->in('usr_id', $this->userids, false, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT identifier, lang_key, value FROM lng_data WHERE (' . join(') OR (', $where) . ')' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . ilNotificationSetupHelper::$tbl_userconfig . ' WHERE usr_id=%s AND ' . $ilDB->in('module', array_keys($types), false, 'text') . ' AND ' . $ilDB->in('channel', array_keys($channels), false, 'text') | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . ilNotificationSetupHelper::$tbl_userconfig . ' WHERE usr_id=%s' | 1 |
'SELECT module, channel FROM ' . ilNotificationSetupHelper::$tbl_userconfig . ' WHERE usr_id = %s' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ' . ilNotificationSetupHelper::$tbl_notification_queue . ' (notification_id, usr_id, valid_until, visible_for) ' . ' (SELECT %s, usr_id, %s, %s FROM ' . ilNotificationSetupHelper::$tbl_userlistener . ' WHERE disabled = 0 AND module = %s AND sender_id = %s)' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . ilNotificationSetupHelper::$tbl_notification_data . ' WHERE notification_id = ?' | 1 |
'SELECT usr_id FROM ' . ilNotificationSetupHelper::$tbl_userlistener . ' WHERE disabled = 0 AND module = %s AND sender_id = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . ilNotificationSetupHelper::$tbl_userlistener . ' SET disabled = 1 WHERE module = %s AND sender_id = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . ilNotificationSetupHelper::$tbl_userlistener . ' SET disabled = 0 WHERE module = %s AND sender_id = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT channel_name, title, description, class, include, config_type FROM ' . ilNotificationSetupHelper::$tbl_notification_channels | 1 |
'SELECT type_name, title, description, notification_group, config_type FROM ' . ilNotificationSetupHelper::$tbl_notification_types | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . ilNotificationSetupHelper::$tbl_notification_types . ' SET config_type = %s WHERE type_name = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . ilNotificationSetupHelper::$tbl_notification_channels . ' SET config_type = %s WHERE channel_name = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT usr_id, value FROM usr_pref WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('usr_id', $userid, false, 'integer') . ' AND keyword="use_custom_notification_setting" AND value="1"' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM tos_acceptance_track WHERE usr_id = ' . $entity->getUserId( ) | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET agree_date = NULL WHERE $in" | 1 |
' SELECT tos_versions.*, tos_acceptance_track.ts accepted_ts, tos_acceptance_track.criteria, tos_acceptance_track.usr_id FROM tos_acceptance_track INNER JOIN tos_versions ON id = tosv_id WHERE usr_id = %s ORDER BY tos_acceptance_track.ts DESC ' | 1 |
' SELECT * FROM tos_versions WHERE id = %s ' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM tos_acceptance_track WHERE usr_id = ' . $this->db->quote($entity->getUserId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT obd.obj_id,obr.ref_id,ua.usr_id FROM rbac_ua ua " . "JOIN rbac_fa fa ON ua.rol_id = fa.rol_id " . "JOIN object_reference obr ON fa.parent = obr.ref_id " . "JOIN object_data obd ON obr.obj_id = obd.obj_id " . $j2 . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obd.type", $a_type, false, "text") . "AND fa.assign = 'y' " . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('ua.usr_id', $a_user_ids, false, 'integer') . ' ' . $a2 | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT obd.obj_id,obr.ref_id FROM rbac_ua ua " . "JOIN rbac_fa fa ON ua.rol_id = fa.rol_id " . "JOIN object_reference obr ON fa.parent = obr.ref_id " . "JOIN object_data obd ON obr.obj_id = obd.obj_id " . $j2 . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obd.type", $a_type, false, "text") . ' ' . "AND fa.assign = 'y' " . "AND ua.usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . 'AND obr.deleted IS NULL ' . $a2 | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM obj_members " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND blocked = " . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM obj_members " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND passed = '1'" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM obj_members " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_subscribers " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . "" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM crs_waiting_list ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM obj_members WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . "" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_subscribers WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . "" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM obj_members " . "WHERE notification = 1 " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id) . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE obj_members SET " . "blocked = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_blocked, 'integer') . " " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO obj_members (blocked,obj_id,usr_id,notification,passed) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_blocked, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM obj_members " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM usr_data ud " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('usr_id', $this->getParticipants( ), false, 'integer') . " " . $and | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM il_subscribers " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "ORDER BY sub_time " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_subscribers (usr_id,obj_id,subject,sub_time) " . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote('', 'text') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), 'integer') . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_subscribers " . "SET sub_time = " . $ilDB->quote($a_subtime, 'integer') . " " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE il_subscribers " . "SET subject = " . $ilDB->quote($a_subject, 'text') . " " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_subscribers " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('usr_id', (array) $a_usr_ids, false, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_subscribers " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . "" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_subscribers " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . "" | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM il_subscribers " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "ORDER BY sub_time " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_subscribers " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . "" | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM il_subscribers ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT obd.obj_id,obr.ref_id FROM rbac_ua ua " . "JOIN rbac_fa fa ON ua.rol_id = fa.rol_id " . "JOIN object_reference obr ON fa.parent = obr.ref_id " . "JOIN object_data obd ON obr.obj_id = obd.obj_id " . $j2 . "WHERE obd.type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, 'text') . " " . "AND fa.assign = 'y' " . "AND ua.usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . $a2 | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id, usr_id FROM obj_members " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $obj_ids, false, "integer") . " AND contact = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT count(usr_id) num from crs_waiting_list WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_waiting_list WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_waiting_list WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_waiting_list " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"INSERT INTO crs_waiting_list (obj_id,usr_id,sub_time) " . "VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE crs_waiting_list " . "SET sub_time = " . $ilDB->quote($a_subtime, 'integer') . " " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM crs_waiting_list " . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . " " . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id " . "FROM crs_waiting_list " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id, obj_id " . "FROM crs_waiting_list " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $a_obj_ids, false, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("usr_id", $a_usr_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_waiting_list " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . " ORDER BY sub_time" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM member_agreement " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM member_agreement " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND accepted = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM member_agreement " . "WHERE accepted = 1" | 1 |
"SELECT accepted FROM member_agreement " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM member_agreement " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND accepted = 1 " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM member_agreement " . "WHERE usr_id =" . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM member_agreement " . "WHERE obj_id =" . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"UPDATE member_agreement SET accepted = 0 " | 1 |
"UPDATE member_agreement " . "SET accepted = 0 " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_container_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
"INSERT INTO member_agreement (usr_id,obj_id,accepted,acceptance_time) " . "VALUES( " . $this->db->quote($this->user_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote((int) $this->isAccepted( ), 'integer') . ", " . $this->db->quote($this->getAcceptanceTime( ), 'integer') . " " . ")" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM member_agreement " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->user_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM member_agreement " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->user_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM obj_user_data_hist ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'INSERT INTO obj_user_data_hist (obj_id, usr_id, update_user, editing_time) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->user_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getUpdateUser( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getEditingTime( )->get(IL_CAL_DATETIME, '', ilTimeZone::UTC)) . ' ' . ')' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM obj_user_data_hist ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->user_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM obj_user_data_hist ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->user_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT count(*) num FROM obj_members ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE obj_members SET ' . $update_string . ' ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 1 |
'DELETE from obj_members ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND admin = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND tutor = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND member = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM obj_members ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id) . ' ' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM obj_members " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " " . 'AND usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
"SELECT nmode mode" . " FROM member_noti" . " WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->ref_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT *" . " FROM member_noti_user" . " WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->ref_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM member_noti" . " WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->ref_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM member_noti_user" . " WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->ref_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM usr_pref" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->like("keyword", "text", "grpcrs_ntf_" . $this->ref_id) | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id" . " FROM usr_pref" . " WHERE keyword = " . $ilDB->quote("grpcrs_ntf_" . $this->ref_id, "text") . " AND value = " . $ilDB->quote(self::VALUE_ON, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT usr_id" . " FROM usr_pref" . " WHERE keyword = " . $ilDB->quote("grpcrs_ntf_" . $this->ref_id, "text") . " AND value = " . $ilDB->quote(self::VALUE_OFF, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(keyword) keyword" . " FROM usr_pref" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->like("keyword", "text", "grpcrs_ntf_%") . " AND value = " . $ilDB->quote("1", "text") | 1 |
"SELECT ref_id" . " FROM member_noti" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM member_noti " . " WHERE ref_id = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT chap, component, screen_id, screen_sub_id, perm " . " FROM help_map " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("chap", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, tt_text, tt_id, comp, lang FROM help_tooltip" | 1 |
"SELECT tt_text FROM help_tooltip " . " WHERE tt_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_tt_id, "text") . " AND module_id = " . $ilDB->quote($module_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT tt_text FROM help_tooltip " . " WHERE tt_id = " . $ilDB->quote($gen_tt_id, "text") . " AND module_id = " . $ilDB->quote($module_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM help_tooltip" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO help_tooltip " . "(id, tt_text, tt_id, comp,module_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($nid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_text, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_tt_id, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($comp, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_module_id, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE help_tooltip SET " . " tt_text = " . $ilDB->quote($a_text, "text") . ", " . " tt_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_tt_id, "text") . ", " . " comp = " . $ilDB->quote($comp, "text") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT DISTINCT comp FROM help_tooltip " . " WHERE module_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_module_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY comp " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM help_tooltip WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM help_tooltip WHERE " . " module_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO help_module " . "(id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($id, "integer") . ")" | 1 |
"UPDATE help_module SET " . " lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lm_id, "integer") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM help_module" | 1 |
"SELECT lm_id FROM help_module " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM help_module WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM help_module " . " WHERE lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lm_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM help_map WHERE " . " chap = " . $ilDB->quote($a_chap, "integer") . " AND module_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_module_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM help_map " . " WHERE chap = " . $ilDB->quote($a_chap, "integer") . " AND module_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_module_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY component, screen_id, screen_sub_id" | 1 |
"SELECT chap, perm FROM help_map JOIN lm_tree" . " ON (help_map.chap = lm_tree.child) " . " WHERE (component = " . $ilDB->quote($sc_id[0], "text") . " OR component = " . $ilDB->quote("*", "text") . ")" . " AND screen_id = " . $ilDB->quote($sc_id[1], "text") . " AND screen_sub_id = " . $ilDB->quote($sc_id[2], "text") . " AND module_id = " . $ilDB->quote($module, "integer") . " ORDER BY lm_tree.lft" | 1 |
"SELECT chap, perm FROM help_map " . " WHERE (component = " . $ilDB->quote($sc_id[0], "text") . " OR component = " . $ilDB->quote("*", "text") . ")" . " AND screen_id = " . $ilDB->quote($sc_id[1], "text") . " AND screen_sub_id = " . $ilDB->quote($sc_id[2], "text") . " AND module_id = " . $ilDB->quote($module, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM help_map WHERE " . " module_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE cron_job SET" . " running_ts = " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . " , alive_ts = " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . " WHERE job_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_job_data["job_id"], "text") | 1 |
"SELECT job_id, schedule_type, component, class, path FROM cron_job" . " WHERE job_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_job->getId( ), "text") | 1 |
'UPDATE cron_job SET component = %s, class = %s, path = %s WHERE job_id = %s' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO cron_job (job_id, component, class, path)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_job->getId( ), "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_component, "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_class, "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_path, "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT job_id FROM cron_job" . " WHERE component = " . $ilDB->quote($a_component, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cron_job" . " WHERE component = " . $ilDB->quote($a_component, "text") . " AND job_id = " . $ilDB->quote($job_id, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM cron_job" . " WHERE component = " . $ilDB->quote($a_component, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM cron_job" | 1 |
"UPDATE cron_job" . " SET running_ts = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " , alive_ts = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " , job_result_ts = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " WHERE job_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_job->getId( ), "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE cron_job SET " . " job_status = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . " , job_status_user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id, "integer") . " , job_status_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_manual, "integer") . " , job_status_ts = " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . " WHERE job_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_job->getId( ), "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE cron_job SET " . " job_status = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " , job_status_user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id, "integer") . " , job_status_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_manual, "integer") . " , job_status_ts = " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . " WHERE job_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_job->getId( ), "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE cron_job SET " . " job_result_status = " . $ilDB->quote($a_result->getStatus( ), "integer") . " , job_result_user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id, "integer") . " , job_result_code = " . $ilDB->quote($a_result->getCode( ), "text") . " , job_result_message = " . $ilDB->quote($a_result->getMessage( ), "text") . " , job_result_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_manual, "integer") . " , job_result_ts = " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . " , job_result_dur = " . $ilDB->quote($a_result->getDuration( ) * 1000, "integer") . " WHERE job_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_job->getId( ), "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE cron_job SET " . " schedule_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_schedule_type, "integer") . " , schedule_value = " . $ilDB->quote($a_schedule_value, "integer") . " WHERE job_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_job->getId( ), "text") | 1 |
"UPDATE cron_job SET " . " alive_ts = " . $ilDB->quote(time( ), "integer") . " WHERE job_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_job_id, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT " . self::IDENTIFICATION . " FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE " . self::IDENTIFICATION . " = %s AND stakeholder_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT id FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME_REL . " WHERE id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE " . self::IDENTIFICATION . " = %s AND stakeholder_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT class_name, stakeholder_id FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " JOIN " . self::TABLE_NAME_REL . " ON stakeholder_id = id WHERE " . self::IDENTIFICATION . " = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT rid, class_name, stakeholder_id FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " JOIN " . self::TABLE_NAME_REL . " ON stakeholder_id = id WHERE " . $this->db->in(self::IDENTIFICATION, $identification_strings, false, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE " . self::IDENTIFICATION . " = %s AND version_number = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT " . self::IDENTIFICATION . ", storage_id FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE " . self::IDENTIFICATION . " = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT " . self::IDENTIFICATION . " FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE " . self::IDENTIFICATION . " = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE " . self::IDENTIFICATION . " = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT rid, storage_id FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE " . $this->db->in(self::IDENTIFICATION, $identification_strings, false, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT *, il_resource_revision.title AS revision_title FROM il_resource_revision JOIN il_resource_info ON il_resource_revision.rid = il_resource_info.rid AND il_resource_info.version_number = il_resource_revision.version_number JOIN il_resource ON il_resource_revision.rid = il_resource.rid JOIN il_resource_stkh_u ON il_resource_stkh_u.rid = il_resource.rid JOIN il_resource_stkh ON il_resource_stkh_u.stakeholder_id = WHERE " . $this->db->in('il_resource_revision.rid', $requested, false, 'text') | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE " . self::IDENTIFICATION . " = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT rid FROM il_resource WHERE storage_id = %s LIMIT 1" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(rid) as old_storage FROM il_resource WHERE storage_id != %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_event_handling" . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("listen", "text") | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_custom_block (" . " id" . ", context_obj_id" . ", context_obj_type" . ", context_sub_obj_id" . ", context_sub_obj_type" . ", type" . ", title" . " ) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjType( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextSubObjId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextSubObjType( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getType( ), "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . ")" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_custom_block WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"UPDATE il_custom_block SET " . " context_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjId( ), "integer") . ", context_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjType( ), "text") . ", context_sub_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextSubObjId( ), "integer") . ", context_sub_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextSubObjType( ), "text") . ", type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getType( ), "text") . ", title = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getTitle( ), "text") . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_custom_block" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT id, context_obj_id, context_obj_type, context_sub_obj_id, context_sub_obj_type, type, title " . "FROM il_custom_block " . "WHERE " . "context_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjId( ), "integer") . " AND context_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjType( ), "text") . " AND context_sub_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextSubObjId( ), "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->equals("context_sub_obj_type", $this->getContextSubObjType( ), "text", true) | 1 |
"SELECT id, context_obj_id, context_obj_type, context_sub_obj_id, context_sub_obj_type, type, title " . "FROM il_custom_block " . "WHERE " . "context_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjId( ), "integer") . " AND context_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjType( ), "text") | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) as cnt " . "FROM il_custom_block " . "WHERE " . "context_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjId( ), "integer") . " AND context_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextObjType( ), "text") . " AND context_sub_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getContextSubObjId( ), "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->equals("context_sub_obj_type", $this->getContextSubObjType( ), "text", true) . " AND type = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getType( ), "text") . "" | 1 |
"SELECT id, context_obj_id, context_obj_type, context_sub_obj_id, context_sub_obj_type, type, title " . "FROM il_custom_block " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("context_obj_id", $a_context_obj_ids, "", "integer") . " AND context_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_context_obj_type, "text") . " ORDER BY title" | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM il_block_setting WHERE type = %s " . "AND user_id = %s AND setting = %s AND block_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT type, setting, value FROM il_block_setting WHERE " . " user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id, "integer") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("type", $blocks, false, "text") . " AND " . $ilDB->in("setting", $settings, false, "text") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_block_setting WHERE type = %s AND user_id = %s AND block_id = %s AND setting = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_block_setting (type, user_id, setting, block_id, value) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_block_setting WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_block_setting WHERE block_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_block_id, "integer") . " AND type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_block_type, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_block_setting " . " WHERE block_id = %s AND type = %s AND user_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT count(*) cnt FROM badge_user_badge " . " WHERE user_id = %s AND tstamp >= %s" | 1 |
"SELECT max(tstamp) maxts FROM badge_user_badge " . " WHERE user_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM badge_user_badge" . " WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY pos" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM badge_user_badge" . " WHERE badge_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_badge_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM badge_user_badge" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("badge_id", $badge_ids, "", "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM badge_user_badge" . " WHERE badge_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_badge_id, "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM badge_user_badge" . " WHERE badge_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getBadgeId( ), "integer") . " AND user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getUserId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT bdg.parent_id, ub.tstamp, bdg.title FROM badge_user_badge ub JOIN badge_badge bdg" . " ON (ub.badge_id = " . " WHERE ub.user_id = %s AND ub.tstamp >= %s AND ub.tstamp <= %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM badge_image_templ_type" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM badge_image_template" . " ORDER BY title" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM badge_image_template" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM badge_image_templ_type" . " WHERE tmpl_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM badge_image_template" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM badge_image_templ_type" . " WHERE tmpl_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM il_component" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "text") | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM badge_badge" . " WHERE parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id) | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM badge_badge" . " WHERE type_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type_id) . " ORDER BY title" | 1 |
"SELECT bb.*, od.title parent_title, od.type parent_type" . " FROM badge_badge bb" . " JOIN object_data od ON (bb.parent_id = od.obj_id)" . " WHERE od.type <> " . $ilDB->quote("bdga", "text") . $where | 1 |
"SELECT bb.*, od.title parent_title, od.type parent_type" . " FROM badge_badge bb" . " JOIN object_data_del od ON (bb.parent_id = od.obj_id)" . " WHERE od.type <> " . $ilDB->quote("bdga", "text") . $where | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM badge_badge" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 1 |
"DELETE FROM badge_badge" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM saml_idp_settings WHERE idp_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getIdpId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'UPDATE usr_data SET auth_mode = %s WHERE auth_mode = %s' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM saml_idp_settings WHERE idp_id = ' . $this->db->quote($this->getIdpId( ), 'integer') | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM saml_idp_settings' | 1 |
'show the hidden tool' | 1 |
'Show Card' | 1 |
'Show me some Series' | 1 |
'Show Listing' | 1 |
'Show Close Button Demo' | 1 |
'Delete Items' | 1 |
'Delete ' . $item | 1 |
'Show Modal' | 1 |
'Show Text' | 1 |
'Show Texts' | 1 |
'Show some fancy images and texts' | 1 |
'Show Form' | 1 |
'Show some fancy images' | 1 |
'Show Image' | 1 |
'Show an interruptive Item' | 1 |
"Update ILIAS" | 1 |
"Update complete. Thanks and have fun!" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_bt_bucket WHERE user_id = %s AND (state = %s OR state = %s)" | 1 |
"UPDATE il_resource SET storage_id = %s WHERE rid = %s LIMIT 1" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questions SET points = ? WHERE question_id = ?" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO il_disk_quota" . " (owner_id, src_type, src_obj_id, src_size)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_owner_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($file_size, "integer") . ")" | 2 |
'Delete Files' | 2 |
'Delete Folders' | 2 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET question_set_type = %s WHERE random_test = %s" | 2 |
"SHOW COLUMNS FROM survey_question_matrix" | 2 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'file' ORDER BY obj_id" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM tmp_migration WHERE obj_id = " . $file_id . " AND passed = 1" | 2 |
"UPDATE file_data SET file_size = '" . $size . "' " . "WHERE file_id = " . $file_id | 2 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = 'feed'" | 2 |
"UPDATE adm_set_templ_value SET setting = %s, value = %s WHERE setting = %s AND value = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(event_id) as event_ids FROM event_file" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM tmp_migration WHERE obj_id = " . $event_id . " AND passed = 1" | 2 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(archive_id) as archive_ids,archive_name,course_id FROM crs_archives" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM tmp_migration WHERE obj_id = " . $archive_id . " AND passed = 1" | 2 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = 'mcst'" | 2 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = '" . $type . "'" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta SET typ_id = '" . $row->obj_id . "', ops_id = '" . $ops_id . "'" | 2 |
'SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ldap_role_group_mapping`' | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_tests" | 2 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET results_presentation = %s WHERE test_id = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT availability_id FROM pdfgen_renderer_avail " . " WHERE renderer = %s AND service = %s AND purpose = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations " . "WHERE operation = 'edit_post' " | 2 |
'select value from settings where module = ' . $ilDB->quote('common', ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ' . 'and keyword = ' . $ilDB->quote('language', ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) | 2 |
'insert into adv_mdf_enum (field_id, lang_code, idx, value ) ' . 'values ( ' . $ilDB->quote($row->field_id, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($row->lang_default, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($idx++, ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($option, ilDBConstants::T_TEXT) . ' ) ' | 2 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES ('typ', 'sess', 'Session object', -1, now(), now())" | 2 |
"show index from cmi_gobjective where Key_name = 'PRIMARY'" | 2 |
"show index from cp_suspend where Key_name = 'PRIMARY'" | 2 |
"SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT DISTINCT question_fi FROM qpl_answer_matching" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_solutions WHERE question_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_answer_matching WHERE question_fi = %s AND aorder = %s" | 2 |
"UPDATE tst_solutions SET value1 = %s WHERE solution_id = %s" | 2 |
"UPDATE il_cert_cron_queue SET adapter_class = " . $ilDB->quote('ilTestPlaceholderValues', 'text') . " WHERE adapter_class = " . $ilDB->quote('ilTestPlaceHolderValues', 'text') | 2 |
"UPDATE il_cert_cron_queue SET adapter_class = " . $ilDB->quote('ilExercisePlaceholderValues', 'text') . " WHERE adapter_class = " . $ilDB->quote('ilExercisePlaceHolderValues', 'text') | 2 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = 'wiki'" | 2 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'cals' " | 2 |
"INSERT INTO cal_categories SET " . "obj_id = " . $row->obj_id . ", " . "title = " . $ilDB->quote($row->title) . ", " . "color = '" . $color . "', " . "type = 2" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM settings WHERE module = 'MathJax' AND keyword = 'enable' AND VALUE = '1'" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_objective_tst " | 2 |
"SELECT tst_tests.random_test FROM tst_tests, tst_active WHERE tst_active.active_id = %s AND tst_active.test_fi = tst_tests.test_id" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','" . $copy_id . "')" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO cal_category_assignments " . "SET cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($cal_id) . ", " . "cat_id = " . $ilDB->quote($cat_id) | 2 |
"SELECT rol_id,obr.ref_id FROM object_data obd " . "JOIN object_reference obr ON obd.obj_id = obr.obj_id " . "JOIN rbac_pa ON obr.ref_id = rbac_pa.ref_id " . "WHERE type = 'sess' " . "AND (ops_id LIKE " . $ilDB->quote("%i:" . $ops_id . "%") . " " . "OR ops_id LIKE" . $ilDB->quote("%:\"" . $ops_id . "\";%") . ") " | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = 'create_sess'" | 2 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' " . " AND title = 'cert'" | 2 |
"UPDATE `style_char` SET type = 'media_caption' WHERE `characteristic` = 'MediaCaption'" | 2 |
"SELECT object_data.type FROM object_reference INNER JOIN object_data ON object_data.obj_id = object_reference.obj_id WHERE ref_id = ?" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_question_type WHERE type_tag = 'assOrderingHorizontal'" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_type (question_type_id, type_tag, plugin) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_question_type WHERE type_tag = 'assFileUpload'" | 2 |
'SELECT cp_mapinfo.targetobjectiveid FROM cp_package, cp_mapinfo, cp_node WHERE cp_package.global_to_system = 0 AND cp_package.obj_id = cp_node.slm_id AND cp_node.cp_node_id = cp_mapinfo.cp_node_id GROUP BY cp_mapinfo.targetobjectiveid' | 2 |
'SELECT cp_mapinfo.targetobjectiveid, cp_package.obj_id FROM cp_package, cp_mapinfo, cp_node WHERE cp_package.global_to_system = 0 AND cp_package.obj_id = cp_node.slm_id AND cp_node.cp_node_id = cp_mapinfo.cp_node_id' | 2 |
'SELECT cp_mapinfo.targetobjectiveid, cp_package.obj_id FROM cp_package, cp_mapinfo, cp_node WHERE cp_package.global_to_system = 1 AND cp_package.obj_id = cp_node.slm_id AND cp_node.cp_node_id = cp_mapinfo.cp_node_id' | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM cmi_gobjective WHERE scope_id = %s AND objective_id = %s" | 2 |
'SELECT user_id FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id=%s AND user_id=%s' | 2 |
'SELECT user_id FROM cmi_gobjective WHERE scope_id=%s AND user_id=%s AND objective_id=%s' | 2 |
"INSERT INTO cmi_gobjective (user_id, satisfied, measure, scope_id, status, objective_id, score_raw, score_min, score_max, progress_measure, completion_status) VALUES" . " (" . $ilDB->quote($a_t['user_id'], "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_t['satisfied'], "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_t['measure'], "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_o[$z], "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_t['status'], "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_t['objective_id'], "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_t['score_raw'], "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_t['score_min'], "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_t['score_max'], "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_t['progress_measure'], "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_t['completion_status'], "text") . ")" | 2 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(field_id) fid FROM udf_definition" | 2 |
'DELETE FROM cmi_gobjective WHERE scope_id = %s AND objective_id = %s' | 2 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM qpl_qst_type WHERE type_tag = %s" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO style_char (style_id, type, characteristic)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($st["type"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($st["class"], "text") . ")" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO style_parameter (id, style_id, type, class, tag, parameter, value)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($nid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($st["type"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($st["class"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($st["tag"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($par["name"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($par["value"], "text") . ")" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM mep_data " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") | 2 |
"UPDATE frm_thread_access SET " . " access_old_ts = " . $ilDB->quote(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $rec["access_old"]), "timestamp") . " WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["usr_id"], "integer") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . " AND thread_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["thread_id"], "integer") | 2 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM ( SELECT obj_id FROM mail_obj_data GROUP BY obj_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) duplicateMailFolders " | 2 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM ( SELECT child FROM mail_tree GROUP BY child HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) duplicateMailFolderNodes " | 2 |
"DELETE FROM mail_tree WHERE tree = ?" | 2 |
"SELECT obj_id, title, m_type FROM mail_obj_data WHERE user_id = ?" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO mail_tree (tree, child, parent, lft, rgt, depth) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" | 2 |
"SELECT rgt, lft, parent FROM mail_tree WHERE child = ? AND tree = ?" | 2 |
"UPDATE mail_tree SET lft = CASE WHEN lft > ? THEN lft + 2 ELSE lft END, rgt = CASE WHEN rgt >= ? THEN rgt + 2 ELSE rgt END WHERE tree = ?" | 2 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM mail_tree_migr" | 2 |
"UPDATE mail_attachment SET path = %s WHERE mail_id = %s" | 2 |
'UPDATE frm_data SET top_date = NULL WHERE top_date = %s' | 2 |
'UPDATE frm_data SET top_update = NULL WHERE top_update = %s' | 2 |
'UPDATE frm_posts SET pos_date = NULL WHERE pos_date = %s' | 2 |
'UPDATE frm_posts SET pos_update = NULL WHERE pos_update = %s' | 2 |
'UPDATE frm_posts_tree SET fpt_date= NULL WHERE fpt_date= %s' | 2 |
'UPDATE frm_threads SET thr_date = NULL WHERE thr_date = %s' | 2 |
'UPDATE frm_thread_access SET access_old_ts = NULL WHERE access_old_ts = %s' | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM mep_item JOIN mep_tree ON (mep_item.obj_id = mep_tree.child) " . " WHERE mep_item.type = " . $ilDB->quote("pg", "text") | 2 |
"UPDATE page_object SET " . " parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["mep_id"], "integer") . " WHERE parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote("mep", "text") . " AND page_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") | 2 |
'Delete Wiki Pages' | 2 |
'UPDATE svy_qtype SET type_tag = %s WHERE type_tag = %s' | 2 |
"UPDATE bookmark_social_bm " . "SET sbm_icon=%s WHERE sbm_title=%s" | 2 |
'SELECT * FROM notification_usercfg WHERE usr_id = %s AND module = %s AND channel = %s' | 2 |
'INSERT INTO qpl_a_mdef (def_id, question_fi, definition, morder, picture) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . " WHERE type = " . $ilDB->quote("typ", "text") . " AND title = " . $ilDB->quote("root", "text") | 2 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT ref_id FROM object_reference WHERE obj_id = %s" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM crs_items WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ref_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM crs_items WHERE parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ref_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_log WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ref_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_pa WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ref_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM desktop_item WHERE item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ref_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM conditions WHERE target_ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ref_id, 'integer') . " OR trigger_ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ref_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM didactic_tpl_objs WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ref_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM tree WHERE child = " . $ilDB->quote($ref_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM object_reference WHERE ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ref_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_news_item WHERE context_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, "integer") . " AND context_obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_type, "text") | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_block_setting WHERE block_id = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, "integer") . " AND type = " . $ilDB->quote("news", "text") | 2 |
"DELETE FROM ut_lp_settings WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM ecs_import WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM dav_property WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM didactic_tpl_objs WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM object_description WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM object_data WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ta WHERE typ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($type_id, "integer") | 2 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($create_ops_id, "integer") | 2 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_operations WHERE ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($create_ops_id, "integer") | 2 |
"DELETE FROM object_data WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($type_id, "integer") | 2 |
"INSERT INTO payment_erp (erp_id, erp_short, name, description, url) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO payment_erps (erps_id, erp_id, active, settings) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 2 |
" SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM mail_obj_data INNER JOIN mail_tree ON mail_tree.child = mail_obj_data.obj_id WHERE mail_tree.tree != mail_obj_data.user_id " | 2 |
"INSERT INTO payment_erps (erp_id, erps_id, active, settings) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 2 |
'SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = %s' | 2 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_ta WHERE typ_id = %s AND ops_id = %s' | 2 |
'SELECT * FROM payment_settings' | 2 |
'update obj_members set admin = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ', ' . 'tutor = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ', member = ' . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') | 2 |
'select rol_id, title from rbac_fa ' . 'join object_data on rol_id = obj_id ' . 'where parent = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->ref_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'and assign = ' . $ilDB->quote('y', 'text') | 2 |
'insert into obj_members (obj_id, usr_id) ' . 'values(' . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($ua_row->usr_id, 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 2 |
'update obj_members ' . 'set admin = admin + ' . $ilDB->quote($admin, 'integer') . ', ' . 'tutor = tutor + ' . $ilDB->quote($tutor, 'integer') . ', ' . 'member = member + ' . $ilDB->quote($member, 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($ua_row->usr_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
" SELECT id, type FROM il_verification GROUP BY id, type HAVING COUNT(id) > 1 " | 2 |
" SELECT id, type FROM il_verification_tmp " | 2 |
" SELECT * FROM il_verification WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['id'], 'integer') . " AND type = " . $ilDB->quote($row['type'], 'text') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_verification WHERE" . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['id'], 'integer') . " AND type = " . $ilDB->quote($row['type'], 'text') | 2 |
"INSERT INTO il_verification (id, type, parameters, raw_data) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote($data['id'], 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['type'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['parameters'], 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($data['raw_data'], 'text') . ")" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_verification_tmp WHERE" . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($row['id'], 'integer') . " AND type = " . $ilDB->quote($row['type'], 'text') | 2 |
'UPDATE mail SET rcp_to_tmp = rcp_to' | 2 |
'UPDATE mail SET rcp_cc_tmp = rcp_cc' | 2 |
'UPDATE mail SET rcp_bcc_tmp = rcp_bcc' | 2 |
'UPDATE mail_saved SET rcp_to_tmp = rcp_to' | 2 |
'UPDATE mail_saved SET rcp_cc_tmp = rcp_cc' | 2 |
'UPDATE mail_saved SET rcp_bcc_tmp = rcp_bcc' | 2 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_pa ' . 'WHERE rol_id = %s ' . 'AND ref_id = %s' | 2 |
'DELETE FROM object_data WHERE obj_id = %s' | 2 |
"UPDATE rbac_operations SET " . 'op_order = ' . $ilDB->quote($order, 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE operation = ' . $ilDB->quote($op, 'text') . ' ' | 2 |
"UPDATE ut_lp_marks SET " . " status_dirty = " . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") | 2 |
'DELETE FROM usr_pref WHERE keyword = %s' | 2 |
'INSERT INTO didactic_tpl_a (id, tpl_id, type_id) values( ' . $ilDB->quote($aid, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ')' | 2 |
'INSERT INTO didactic_tpl_alp (action_id, filter_type, template_type, template_id) values( ' . $ilDB->quote($aid, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(3, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(2, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($closed_id, 'integer') . ')' | 2 |
'INSERT INTO didactic_tpl_fp (pattern_id, pattern_type, pattern_sub_type, pattern, parent_id, parent_type ) values( ' . $ilDB->quote($fid, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('.*', 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($aid, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote('action', 'text') . ')' | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM style_char " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->like("characteristic", "text", "%:hover%") | 2 |
"DELETE FROM style_char WHERE " . " characteristic = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["characteristic"], "text") | 2 |
"SELECT value FROM settings WHERE module = %s AND keyword = %s" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta " . "(typ_id, ops_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($typ_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(1, "integer") . ")" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta " . "(typ_id, ops_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($typ_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(2, "integer") . ")" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta " . "(typ_id, ops_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($typ_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(3, "integer") . ")" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta " . "(typ_id, ops_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($typ_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote(4, "integer") . ")" | 2 |
"SELECT object_data.obj_id, object_reference.ref_id FROM object_data INNER JOIN object_reference on object_data.obj_id = object_reference.obj_id WHERE type = 'chta'" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_a_essay WHERE question_fi = %s" | 2 |
" UPDATE tos_acceptance_track SET tos_acceptance_track.criteria = CONCAT(%s, CONCAT(tos_versions.lng, %s)) WHERE tos_acceptance_track.tosv_id = %s AND tos_acceptance_track.usr_id = %s AND tos_acceptance_track.ts = %s " | 2 |
"INSERT INTO object_reference " . "(obj_id, ref_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($ref_id, "integer") . ")" | 2 |
'SELECT mapping_id FROM ecs_container_mapping' | 2 |
'UPDATE rbac_operations SET operation = %s WHERE operation = %s' | 2 |
"UPDATE tree SET " . "lft = CASE " . "WHEN lft > " . $left . " " . "THEN lft + 2 " . "ELSE lft " . "END, " . "rgt = CASE " . "WHEN rgt > " . $left . " " . "THEN rgt + 2 " . "ELSE rgt " . "END " . "WHERE tree = '1'" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO tree (tree,child,parent,lft,rgt,depth) " . "VALUES " . "('1','" . $ref_id . "','9','" . $lft . "','" . $rgt . "','2')" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE rol_id = '" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "' AND type = 'crs'" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) VALUES ('" . $tpl["obj_id"] . "','grp','5','" . $rol_fold["parent"] . "')" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM style_parameter WHERE " . " class = " . $ilDB->quote("PageContainer", "text") . " AND " . " parameter = " . $ilDB->quote("width", "text") . " AND " . " value = " . $ilDB->quote("100%", "text") | 2 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $row->id . "','6')" | 2 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='typ' AND title='cat'" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','31')" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','32')" | 2 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='typ' AND title='fold'" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','22')" | 2 |
'INSERT INTO il_bibl_overview_model (ovm_id, filetype, literature_type, pattern) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)' | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_answers WHERE question_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'cat'" | 2 |
"SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_ta WHERE typ_id = '20'" | 2 |
"insert into rbac_ta VALUES('38', '" . $ops_id . "')" | 2 |
"insert into rbac_ta VALUES('39', '" . $ops_id . "')" | 2 |
"SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS ops_id" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type = 'webr'" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_questions" | 2 |
"SELECT question_id, question_type_fi FROM qpl_questions" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO tmp_migration SET page_id = '" . $row->page_id . "', parent_id = '" . $row->parent_id . "', passed = 1" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_fa WHERE parent = '" . $rolf["ref_id"] . "'" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM object_data WHERE obj_id = '" . $rolf["obj_id"] . "'" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM object_reference WHERE ref_id = '" . $rolf["ref_id"] . "'" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM object_data WHERE obj_id = '" . $node["obj_id"] . "'" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM object_reference WHERE ref_id = '" . $node["ref_id"] . "'" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO object_reference " . "(obj_id) VALUES ('" . $rolf_id . "')" | 2 |
"SELECT id_questionpool FROM qpl_questionpool WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 2 |
"UPDATE qpl_answer_multiplechoice SET points = %s, points_unchecked = %s WHERE answer_id = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations" . " WHERE operation IN ('" . implode("', '", $perms) . "')" | 2 |
"UPDATE skl_profile_level SET " . " order_nr = " . $ilDB->quote(($cnt * 10), "integer") . " WHERE profile_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["profile_id"], "integer") . " AND base_skill_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["base_skill_id"], "integer") . " AND tref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["tref_id"], "integer") | 2 |
"DELETE FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT tst_tests.use_previous_answers FROM tst_tests, tst_active WHERE tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi AND tst_active.active_id = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT MAX(pass) maxpass FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT firstname, lastname, title, login FROM usr_data WHERE usr_id = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM webr_items " . "WHERE webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_webr_id, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND active = " . $ilDB->quote(1, 'integer') . ' ' | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM webr_lists " . "WHERE webr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_webr_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_dcl_stloc" . $storage_location . "_value WHERE record_field_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->id, "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT view_mode FROM crs_settings WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') . " " | 2 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='rolt' AND title='il_crs_non_member'" | 2 |
"SELECT tst_test_rnd_qst.* FROM tst_test_rnd_qst, qpl_questions WHERE tst_test_rnd_qst.active_fi = %s AND qpl_questions.question_id = tst_test_rnd_qst.question_fi AND tst_test_rnd_qst.pass = %s ORDER BY sequence" | 2 |
"SELECT tst_test_rnd_qst.* FROM tst_test_rnd_qst, qpl_questions WHERE tst_test_rnd_qst.active_fi = %s AND qpl_questions.question_id = tst_test_rnd_qst.question_fi AND tst_test_rnd_qst.pass = 0 ORDER BY sequence" | 2 |
"SELECT test_random_question_id FROM tst_test_rnd_qst WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT question_fi FROM tst_seq_qst_checked WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO tst_test_result (test_result_id, active_fi, question_fi, points, pass, manual, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO tst_times (times_id, active_fi, started, finished, pass, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM tst_mark WHERE test_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(qpl_qst_type.type_tag) foundtypes FROM qpl_questions, tst_test_result, qpl_qst_type, tst_active WHERE tst_test_result.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id AND qpl_questions.question_type_fi = qpl_qst_type.question_type_id AND tst_test_result.active_fi = tst_active.active_id AND tst_active.test_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT question_fi FROM tst_test_question WHERE test_fi = %s ORDER BY sequence" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM tst_test_question WHERE test_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_test_question WHERE test_fi=%s AND question_fi=%s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_test_question WHERE test_fi=%s AND sequence=%s" | 2 |
"SELECT type_tag FROM qpl_questions, qpl_qst_type WHERE qpl_questions.question_id = %s AND qpl_questions.question_type_fi = qpl_qst_type.question_type_id" | 2 |
"SELECT question_fi FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s GROUP BY question_fi" | 2 |
"SELECT active_id FROM tst_active WHERE user_fi = %s AND test_fi = %s AND anonymous_id = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT tst_test_question.sequence, tst_test_question.question_fi, " . "qpl_questions.points " . "FROM tst_test_question, tst_active, qpl_questions " . "WHERE tst_test_question.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id " . "AND tst_active.active_id = %s AND tst_active.test_fi = tst_test_question.test_fi" | 2 |
"SELECT test_id FROM tst_tests WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT question_text FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM tst_invited_user WHERE test_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_pass_result WHERE active_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT COUNT(question_id) cnt FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s AND obj_fi = %s" | 2 |
'SELECT exam_id FROM tst_pass_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s' | 2 |
" SELECT tseq.* FROM tst_active tac INNER JOIN tst_sequence tseq ON tseq.active_fi = tac.active_id WHERE tac.test_fi = %s " | 2 |
' SELECT COUNT(tst_pass_result.workingtime) cnt FROM object_reference INNER JOIN tst_tests ON object_reference.obj_id = tst_tests.obj_fi INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi INNER JOIN tst_result_cache ON tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi INNER JOIN tst_pass_result ON tst_active.active_id = tst_pass_result.active_fi AND tst_pass_result.pass = tst_result_cache.pass INNER JOIN usr_data ON usr_data.usr_id = tst_active.user_fi WHERE object_reference.ref_id = ' . $this->db->quote($a_test_ref_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT tst_mark.* FROM tst_active, tst_mark, tst_tests WHERE tst_mark.test_fi = tst_tests.test_id AND tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi AND tst_active.active_id = %s ORDER BY minimum_level DESC" | 2 |
'SELECT question_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE obj_fi = %s AND complete = %s AND original_id IS NULL' | 2 |
"SELECT passed_once FROM tst_result_cache WHERE active_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT tst_active.active_id FROM tst_active, tst_tests WHERE tst_active.test_fi = tst_tests.test_id AND tst_active.user_fi = %s AND tst_tests.obj_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT tst_result_cache.*, tst_active.user_fi FROM tst_result_cache, tst_active WHERE tst_active.active_id = tst_result_cache.active_fi AND " . $ilDB->in('active_fi', $all_participants, false, 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM ass_log WHERE obj_fi = %s AND tstamp > %s AND tstamp < %s AND test_only = %s ORDER BY tstamp" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM ass_log WHERE obj_fi = %s AND tstamp > %s AND tstamp < %s ORDER BY tstamp" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM file_data WHERE file_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, 'integer') | 2 |
'DELETE FROM ' . self::TABLE . PHP_EOL . 'WHERE prg_obj_id = ' . $this->db->quote($prg_obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='rolt' AND title='il_grp_status_closed'" | 2 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='rolt' AND title='il_grp_status_open'" | 2 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . self::TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE orgu_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM object_translation WHERE obj_id= " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " AND lang_code = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lang, 'text') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_orgu_ua WHERE user_id = " . $DIC->database( )->quote($user_id, "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_qpl WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT svy_category.* FROM svy_category, svy_phrase_cat WHERE svy_phrase_cat.category_fi = svy_category.category_id AND svy_phrase_cat.phrase_fi = %s ORDER BY svy_phrase_cat.sequence" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO svy_phrase_cat (phrase_category_id, phrase_fi, category_fi, sequence) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 2 |
"SELECT questiontype_id FROM svy_qtype WHERE type_tag = %s" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO svy_phrase_cat (phrase_category_id, phrase_fi, category_fi, sequence, other, scale) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 2 |
"SELECT title, category_id FROM svy_category WHERE title = %s AND neutral = %s AND owner_fi = %s" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM svy_qst_matrixrows WHERE question_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT svy_answer.* FROM svy_answer" . " JOIN svy_finished ON (svy_finished.finished_id = svy_answer.active_fi)" . " WHERE svy_answer.question_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->question->getId( ), "integer") . " AND svy_finished.survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") | 2 |
'DELETE FROM sahs_user WHERE user_id = %s' | 2 |
'SELECT * FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer') . ' AND ' . $ilDB->in('user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' ORDER BY user_id' | 2 |
'DELETE FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id = %s' | 2 |
' SELECT * FROM scorm_tracking WHERE user_id = %s AND sco_id = %s AND lvalue = %s AND obj_id = %s' | 2 |
'SELECT sco_id, rvalue FROM scorm_tracking WHERE ' . $in . ' AND obj_id = %s AND lvalue = %s AND user_id = %s' | 2 |
'select hash from sahs_user where obj_id=%s AND user_id=%s AND hash_end>%s' | 2 |
'SELECT ob.obj_id id FROM sc_resource res, scorm_object ob WHERE ob.obj_id = res.obj_id AND res.import_id = %s AND ob.slm_id = %s' | 2 |
'DELETE FROM sc_resource_file WHERE res_id = %s' | 2 |
'DELETE FROM sc_resource_dependen WHERE res_id = %s' | 2 |
'SELECT package_attempts,count(*) cnt FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s GROUP BY package_attempts' | 2 |
'INSERT INTO sahs_user (obj_id,user_id,package_attempts,module_version,last_access) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)' | 2 |
'UPDATE sahs_user SET package_attempts = %s, module_version = %s, last_access=%s WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s ' | 2 |
' SELECT lvalue, rvalue FROM scorm_tracking WHERE sco_id = %s AND user_id = %s AND obj_id = %s' | 2 |
"SELECT id, title, description, " . " default_width, default_height" . " FROM mep_data JOIN object_data ON ( = object_data.obj_id) " . "WHERE " . $ilDB->in("id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_wiki_data WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_wiki_page" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_page_id, "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT wiki_id FROM il_wiki_page" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_page_id, "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT id, title, wiki_id," . " blocked, rating" . " FROM il_wiki_page" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("wiki_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 2 |
" SELECT frmd.top_pk, objr.ref_id, objr.obj_id FROM object_reference objr INNER JOIN frm_data frmd ON frmd.top_frm_fk = objr.obj_id WHERE $in " | 2 |
' UPDATE frm_threads SET is_sticky = %s WHERE thr_pk = %s' | 2 |
' UPDATE frm_threads SET is_closed = %s WHERE thr_pk = %s' | 2 |
'SELECT * FROM frm_posts_drafts WHERE draft_id = %s' | 2 |
'SELECT * FROM frm_drafts_history WHERE history_id = %s' | 2 |
'DELETE FROM frm_posts_drafts WHERE ' . $this->db->in('draft_id', $draft_ids, false, 'integer') | 2 |
'SELECT object_id FROM chatroom_settings WHERE room_type=default' | 2 |
'DELETE FROM object_data WHERE type = %s AND title = %s' | 2 |
" SELECT * FROM chatroom_admconfig WHERE instance_id = %s" | 2 |
" DELETE FROM chatroom_admconfig WHERE instance_id = %s" | 2 |
" INSERT INTO chatroom_admconfig (instance_id, server_settings, default_config, client_settings) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 2 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . self::$settingsTable . ' WHERE instance_id = ' . $DIC->database( )->quote($this->config_id, 'integer') | 2 |
" INSERT INTO chatroom_smilies (smiley_id, smiley_keywords, smiley_path) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM exc_crit" . " WHERE parent = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id, "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_assignment " . " WHERE exc_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_exc_id, "integer") . " ORDER BY order_nr ASC" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM exc_members " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), "integer") . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, "integer") . " " | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM exc_members " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE obj_id = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM " . ilCmiXapiLrsType::getDbTableName( ) | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE obj_id = %s AND usr_id = %s" | 2 |
" DELETE FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE obj_id = %s AND ref_id = %s AND usr_id = %s " | 2 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM usr_data" . " WHERE (" . $ilDB->like("login", "text", "%" . $a_filter["user"] . "%") . " " . "OR " . $ilDB->like("firstname", "text", "%" . $a_filter["user"] . "%") . " " . "OR " . $ilDB->like("lastname", "text", "%" . $a_filter["user"] . "%") . " " . "OR " . $ilDB->like("email", "text", "%" . $a_filter["user"] . "%") . ")" | 2 |
"SELECT id, glo_id, term, language" . " FROM glossary_term " . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("glo_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_media_cast_data WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id) | 2 |
"SELECT finished_id FROM svy_finished WHERE survey_fi = %s" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM svy_answer WHERE active_fi = %s" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM svy_times WHERE finished_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_finished" . " WHERE survey_fi = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getSurveyId( ), "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT survey_question_id FROM svy_svy_qst WHERE survey_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_svy WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_svy_qst WHERE survey_fi = %s ORDER BY sequence" | 2 |
"SELECT constraint_fi FROM svy_qst_constraint WHERE question_fi = %s AND survey_fi = %s" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM svy_qblk WHERE questionblock_id = %s" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM svy_qblk_qst WHERE questionblock_fi = %s AND survey_fi = %s" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO svy_qblk_qst (qblk_qst_id, survey_fi, questionblock_fi, " . "question_fi) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 2 |
"UPDATE svy_svy_qst SET heading=%s WHERE survey_fi=%s AND question_fi=%s" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO svy_anonymous (anonymous_id, survey_key, survey_fi, externaldata, tstamp) " . "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 2 |
"SELECT survey_fi FROM svy_finished " . " WHERE user_fi = %s AND state = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_data WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 2 |
"DELETE FROM lm_glossaries WHERE " . " lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_tree WHERE lm_tree.lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_data WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($node["child"], "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_data WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($node["parent"], "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT DISTINCT l1.lm_id" . " FROM lm_tree l1" . " JOIN lm_tree l2 ON ( l1.child = l2.child AND l1.lm_id <> l2.lm_id )" . " JOIN lm_data ON (l1.child = lm_data.obj_id)" . " WHERE l1.child <> 1" . " AND l1.lm_id <> lm_data.lm_id" . " AND l1.lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT DISTINCT l1.child " . " FROM lm_tree l1" . " JOIN lm_tree l2 ON ( l1.child = l2.child AND l1.lm_id <> l2.lm_id )" . " JOIN lm_data ON (l1.child = lm_data.obj_id)" . " WHERE l1.child <> 1" . " AND l1.lm_id <> lm_data.lm_id" . " AND l1.lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM lm_data " . " WHERE lm_id = %s AND type = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT pref_booking_hash FROM booking_settings " . " WHERE booking_pool_id = %s " | 2 |
"SELECT thumb_size FROM " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " WHERE question_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_fb_specific WHERE question_fi = %s" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_fb_specific (feedback_id, question_fi, answer, tstamp, feedback, question) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 2 |
"SELECT value1+1 as value1 FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND question_fi = %s AND step = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT test_fi FROM tst_active WHERE active_id = %s" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM $table WHERE question_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT question_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE original_id = %s OR question_id = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_test_result WHERE " . $ilDB->in('question_fi', $found_id, false, 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT value1 FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND question_fi = %s AND step = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT value1 FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND question_fi = %s" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_res WHERE question_fi = %s" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_res_unit WHERE question_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT value1, value2 FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND question_fi = %s AND step = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT value1, value2 FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s AND question_fi = %s" | 2 |
'INSERT INTO qpl_a_cloze_combi_res (combination_id, question_fi, gap_fi, row_id, answer, points, best_solution) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_a_essay WHERE question_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT qpl_questions.*, qpl_qst_type.type_tag FROM qpl_questions, qpl_qst_type WHERE qpl_questions.question_type_fi = qpl_qst_type.question_type_id AND " . $ilDB->in('qpl_questions.question_id', $question_ids, false, 'integer') . " ORDER BY qpl_questions.title" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM {$this->getGenericFeedbackTableName( )} WHERE question_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM {$this->getGenericFeedbackTableName( )} WHERE question_fi = %s" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM {$this->getSpecificFeedbackTableName( )} WHERE question_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM {$this->getSpecificFeedbackTableName( )} WHERE question_fi = %s" | 2 |
'SELECT cp_node_id FROM cp_node WHERE nodename = %s AND cp_node.slm_id = %s' | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_tree_node WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 2 |
'SELECT user_id, cp_node_id, ' . 'audio_captioning, audio_level, completion_status, completion_threshold, credit, delivery_speed, ' . 'c_entry, c_exit, c_language, location as c_location, c_mode, progress_measure, c_max, c_min, c_raw, scaled, ' . 'scaled_passing_score, session_time, success_status, total_time, c_timestamp, suspend_data, launch_data ' . 'FROM cmi_node ' . 'WHERE ' . $ilDB->in('cp_node_id', $a_sco, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->in('user_id', $a_user, false, 'integer') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY ' | 2 |
'SELECT cp_node.cp_node_id id, cmi_node.completion_status completion, cmi_node.success_status success FROM cp_node, cmi_node WHERE ' . $in . ' AND cp_node.cp_node_id = cmi_node.cp_node_id AND cp_node.slm_id = %s AND cmi_node.user_id = %s' | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_tree_node WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM style_parameter WHERE " . "style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . " AND " . "type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . " AND " . "class = " . $ilDB->quote($a_orig_class, "text") . " AND " . "tag = " . $ilDB->quote($a_tag, "text") | 2 |
"INSERT INTO style_parameter (id, style_id, type, class, tag, parameter, value)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($spid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec3["type"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_class, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_tag, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec3["parameter"], "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec3["value"], "text") . ")" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO style_parameter (id, style_id, type, class, tag, parameter, value)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($spid, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_class, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_tag, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($k, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($v, "text") . ")" | 2 |
'SELECT jsdata FROM cp_package WHERE obj_id = %s' | 2 |
"SELECT object_reference.ref_id FROM object_reference,tree,object_data " . "WHERE tree.parent = " . $ilDB->quote(SYSTEM_FOLDER_ID, 'integer') . " " . "AND object_data.type = 'ps' " . "AND object_reference.ref_id = tree.child " . "AND object_reference.obj_id = object_data.obj_id" | 2 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_obj_data . ' WHERE ' . $this->obj_pk . ' = %s' | 2 |
'SELECT lft FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->table_tree . '.child = %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->table_tree . '.' . $this->tree_pk . ' = %s ' | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM " . $a_table . "_" . $table . " WHERE " . $where | 2 |
"SHOW INDEX FROM " . $a_table | 2 |
"SHOW TABLES LIKE :table_name" | 2 |
"UPDATE " . $this->quoteIdentifier($table_name) . " SET " | 2 |
"SHOW INDEX FROM $table /*!50002 WHERE Key_name = %s */" | 2 |
"SHOW INDEX FROM $table" | 2 |
"SELECT indexrelid FROM pg_index, pg_class" | 2 |
"SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE oid IN ($subquery)" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM container_reference " . "WHERE target_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_target_id, 'integer') . " " | 2 |
"DELETE FROM container_reference " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " " | 2 |
"SELECT code_id FROM " . self::DB_TABLE . " WHERE code = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM " . self::DB_TABLE . $where | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM " . self::DB_TABLE . $where | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM " . self::DB_TABLE . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("code_id", $ids, false, "integer") | 2 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::DB_TABLE . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("code_id", $ids, false, "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT code FROM " . self::DB_TABLE . $where . " ORDER BY code_id" | 2 |
"SELECT used FROM " . self::DB_TABLE . " WHERE code = " . $ilDB->quote($code, "text") | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_tests WHERE obj_fi=%s" | 2 |
"SELECT max(pos) mpos FROM il_new_item_grp" | 2 |
"SELECT object_data.*, ref_id FROM object_data " . "LEFT JOIN object_reference ON object_data.obj_id = object_reference.obj_id " . "LEFT JOIN tree ON object_reference.ref_id = tree.child " . "WHERE (object_reference.obj_id IS NULL OR tree.child IS NULL) " . "AND object_data.type='rolf'" | 2 |
"SELECT ref_id FROM rep_rec_content_obj " . " WHERE user_id = %s AND declined = %s" | 2 |
'DELETE FROM ecs_events' . ' WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') | 2 |
'SELECT * FROM ecs_data_mapping ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getServerId( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mapping_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getMappingType( ), 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ecs_field = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getECSField( ), 'text') | 2 |
'SELECT * FROM ecs_export ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
'SELECT cs_id FROM ecs_node_mapping_a ' . 'WHERE server_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_server_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND cs_root = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_tree_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 2 |
'SELECT rid FROM ecs_cmap_rule ' . 'WHERE sid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_sid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND mid = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_mid, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND ref_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY rid' | 2 |
"DELETE FROM $table WHERE " . "component = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getComponent( ), "text") . " AND name = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getName( ), "text") | 2 |
"DELETE FROM skl_profile_level WHERE " . " profile_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 2 |
"DELETE FROM skl_templ_ref WHERE " . " templ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 2 |
"INSERT INTO skl_self_eval_level " . "(self_eval_id, skill_id, level_id) VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($skill_id, "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($level_id, "integer") . ")" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM skl_self_eval_level WHERE " . " self_eval_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT field_type" . " FROM adv_mdf_definition" . " WHERE field_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_field_id, "integer") | 2 |
'select * from adv_mdf_enum ' . 'where field_id = ' . $db->quote($this->getFieldId( ), ilDBConstants::T_INTEGER) . ' ' . 'order by idx' | 2 |
"SELECT active, activation_start, activation_end FROM page_object WHERE page_id = %s" . " AND parent_type = %s AND lang = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM page_history " . " WHERE page_id = " . $db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") . " AND lang = " . $db->quote($this->getLanguage( ), "text") . " AND nr = " . $db->quote((int) $row["mnr"], "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT edit_lock_user FROM page_object " . " WHERE page_id = " . $db->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . " AND parent_type = " . $db->quote($this->getParentType( ), "text") | 2 |
"DELETE FROM page_question WHERE page_parent_type = %s " . " AND page_id = %s AND page_lang = %s" | 2 |
'INSERT INTO booking_obj_assignment (booking_id, target_obj_id) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 2 |
'DELETE FROM booking_obj_assignment ' . 'WHERE booking_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
'INSERT INTO ' . $this->table_mail_obj_data . ' (obj_id, user_id, title, m_type) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)' | 2 |
"SELECT b.* FROM {$this->table_mail} a" | 2 |
"UPDATE {$this->table_mail} SET m_status = %s WHERE user_id = %s " | 2 |
'DELETE FROM mail_cron_orphaned' | 2 |
'SELECT ' . $select_part | 2 |
"SELECT ref.ref_id FROM object_reference AS ref LEFT JOIN object_data AS data ON data.obj_id = ref.obj_id WHERE data.type='seas';" | 2 |
'DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE rol_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_dest_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND parent = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_dest_parent, 'integer') | 2 |
'INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) ' . 'VALUES( ' . $ilDB->quote($a_dest_id, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($type, 'text') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($op, 'integer') . ', ' . $ilDB->quote($a_dest_parent, 'integer') . ' ' . ')' | 2 |
"SELECT rol_id FROM rbac_fa " . "WHERE parent = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, 'integer') . " " . $and | 2 |
"SELECT server_id FROM ldap_server_settings ORDER BY name" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM ((" . implode(') UNION (', $arr_query) . ")) as a_table" | 2 |
"Update needed." | 2 |
"INSERT INTO il_component (type, name, id) " . "VALUES (%s,%s,%s)" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO il_object_subobj (parent, subobj, mmax) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO lng_data (module,identifier,lang_key,value,local_change,remarks) VALUES " | 2 |
"INSERT INTO lng_modules (module, lang_key, lang_array) VALUES " | 2 |
"DELETE FROM lng_modules WHERE lang_key = %s AND $inModulesToDelete" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM lng_data WHERE lang_key = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lang_key, "text") | 2 |
"DELETE FROM lng_data WHERE lang_key = " . $ilDB->quote($a_lang_key, "text") . " AND local_change IS NULL" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM lng_modules WHERE lang_key = " . $ilDB->quote($this->key, "text") | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM lng_data WHERE lang_key = %s " . "AND local_change >= %s AND local_change <= %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM lng_modules " . "WHERE lang_key = %s AND module = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM style_data " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 2 |
"INSERT INTO style_data (id, uptodate, category) VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") . ", 0," . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getScope( ), "integer") . ")" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM style_char WHERE style_id = %s " . "AND type = %s AND characteristic = %s" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO style_char (style_id, type, characteristic) " . " VALUES (%s,%s,%s) " | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM style_parameter WHERE style_id = %s " . "AND type = %s AND class = %s AND tag = %s AND parameter = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT DISTINCT style_id, tag, class FROM style_parameter WHERE " . $ilDB->equals("type", "", "text", true) . " " . $add_str | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM style_char " . " WHERE style_id = %s AND type = %s AND characteristic = %s" | 2 |
"INSERT INTO style_char " . " (style_id, type, characteristic) VALUES " . " (%s,%s,%s) " | 2 |
"UPDATE style_parameter SET type = %s " . " WHERE style_id = %s AND class = %s AND " . $ilDB->equals("type", "", "text", true) | 2 |
"UPDATE style_parameter SET type = %s " . " WHERE style_id = %s AND (class = %s OR class = %s) AND " . $ilDB->equals("type", "", "text", true) | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM style_parameter " . " WHERE style_id = %s AND class = %s AND type = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM style_parameter " . " WHERE style_id = %s AND tag = %s AND class = %s AND type = %s AND parameter = %s" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM style_template_class WHERE " . "template_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_t_id, "integer") | 2 |
' UPDATE usr_data SET reg_hash = %s WHERE usr_id = %s' | 2 |
"SELECT page_id, page_namespace, page_title" | 2 |
"SELECT " . $a_id_name . " FROM " . $a_table . " " . $where . "ORDER BY " . $a_field | 2 |
"DELETE FROM benchmark" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM container_sorting_set " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_verification" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 2 |
'DELETE FROM pdfgen_conf WHERE renderer = ' . $ilDB->quote($renderer, 'text') . ' AND service = ' . $ilDB->quote($service, 'text') . ' AND purpose = ' . $ilDB->quote($purpose, 'text') | 2 |
'SELECT service, purpose FROM ' . self::PURPOSE_PURPOSES_TABLE . ' GROUP BY service, purpose having count(*) > 1' | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM note WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_id, "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM note_settings " . " WHERE rep_obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_rep_obj_id, "integer") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_obj_id, "integer") . " AND obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, "text") | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_object_group" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_items" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_ref_id, "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT last_update FROM object_data" . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 2 |
"DELETE FROM obj_content_master_lng " . " WHERE obj_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->getObjId( ), "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
'UPDATE lti2_consumer SET ' . 'consumer_key256 = %s, consumer_key = %s, name = %s, ' . 'secret= %s, lti_version = %s, consumer_name = %s, consumer_version = %s, consumer_guid = %s, ' . 'profile = %s, tool_proxy = %s, settings = %s, protected = %s, enabled = %s, ' . 'enable_from = %s, enable_until = %s, last_access = %s, updated = %s ' . 'WHERE consumer_pk = %s' | 2 |
"SELECT tax_tree_id FROM tax_tree " . " WHERE child = " . $ilDB->quote($a_node_id, "integer") | 2 |
"DELETE FROM ctrl_classfile WHERE comp_prefix = \"\"" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM ctrl_calls WHERE comp_prefix IS NULL" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM ctrl_classfile WHERE comp_prefix = " . $ilDB->quote($this->comp_prefix, "text") | 2 |
"DELETE FROM ctrl_classfile WHERE " . $ilDB->equals("comp_prefix", "", "text", true) | 2 |
"DELETE FROM ctrl_calls WHERE comp_prefix = " . $ilDB->quote($this->comp_prefix, "text") | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM map_area WHERE item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT id, mob_id, width, height, halign," . "caption, nr, purpose, location, location_type, format, text_representation" . " FROM media_item WHERE " . $ilDB->in("mob_id", $a_ids, false, "integer") | 2 |
'SELECT FROM didactic_tpl_settings dtpl ' | 2 |
'DELETE FROM didactic_tpl_sa ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT status FROM ut_lp_marks WHERE " . " status_dirty = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 2 |
"SELECT status_changed FROM ut_lp_marks WHERE " . " status_dirty = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer") . " AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") | 2 |
'SELECT * FROM read_event ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id = %s ' | 2 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) AS counter FROM obj_stat_log" | 2 |
"SELECT ts " . "FROM catch_write_events " . "WHERE obj_id=" . $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id=" . $ilDB->quote($usr_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(usr_id) user_id FROM ut_lp_marks " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND completed = '1' " | 2 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM ut_lp_marks " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND completed = '1' " | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM " . $this->db->quoteIdentifier(self::TABLE_MOUNT_INSTRUCTIONS) . " WHERE lng=" . $this->db->quote($language, 'text') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM adm_set_templ_value WHERE " . " template_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 2 |
"DELETE FROM adm_set_templ_hide_tab WHERE " . " template_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 2 |
"UPDATE settings SET value2 = value" | 2 |
"SELECT {$select} FROM {$from} {$where}" | 2 |
"SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM ({$query}) subquery" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_taxon " . "WHERE meta_taxon_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_taxon " . "WHERE meta_taxon_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_taxon_id FROM il_meta_taxon " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type, 'text') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_technical " . "WHERE meta_technical_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_technical " . "WHERE meta_technical_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') . " " | 2 |
"SELECT meta_technical_id FROM il_meta_technical " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_requirement " . "WHERE meta_requirement_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_requirement " . "WHERE meta_requirement_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_requirement_id FROM il_meta_requirement " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type, 'text') . " " . "AND or_composite_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_or_composite_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT MAX(or_composite_id) orc FROM il_meta_requirement " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getRBACId( ), 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( ), 'integer') . " " | 2 |
"SELECT DISTINCT(or_composite_id) or_composite_id FROM il_meta_requirement " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type, 'text') . " " . "AND or_composite_id > 0 " | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_annotation " . "WHERE meta_annotation_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_annotation " . "WHERE meta_annotation_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_annotation_id FROM il_meta_annotation " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_keyword " . "WHERE meta_keyword_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_keyword " . "WHERE meta_keyword_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_keyword_id FROM il_meta_keyword " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type, 'text') . " " . "ORDER BY meta_keyword_id " | 2 |
"SELECT keyword,keyword_language " . "FROM il_meta_keyword " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, 'text') . " " | 2 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM il_meta_keyword " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND obj_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_type, 'text') . ' ' . $qs | 2 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM il_meta_keyword " . 'WHERE obj_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_type, 'text') . ' ' . $qs | 2 |
"SELECT DISTINCT keyword FROM il_meta_keyword " . 'WHERE obj_type = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_type, 'text') . ' ' . 'AND ' . $ilDB->like('keyword', 'text', '%' . trim($a_query) . '%') . ' ' | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_keyword " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . ' ' . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_description " . "WHERE meta_description_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_description " . "WHERE meta_description_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_relation " . "WHERE meta_relation_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_relation " . "WHERE meta_relation_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_relation_id FROM il_meta_relation " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_identifier_ " . "WHERE meta_identifier__id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_identifier_ " . "WHERE meta_identifier__id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_identifier__id FROM il_meta_identifier_ " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type, 'text') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_taxon_path " . "WHERE meta_taxon_path_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_taxon_path " . "WHERE meta_taxon_path_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_taxon_path_id FROM il_meta_taxon_path " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type, 'text') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_tar " . "WHERE meta_tar_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_tar " . "WHERE meta_tar_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_tar_id FROM il_meta_tar " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type, 'text') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_lifecycle " . "WHERE meta_lifecycle_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_lifecycle " . "WHERE meta_lifecycle_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_lifecycle_id FROM il_meta_lifecycle " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_rights " . "WHERE meta_rights_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_rights " . "WHERE meta_rights_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT description FROM il_meta_rights " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 2 |
"SELECT meta_rights_id FROM il_meta_rights " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_general " . "WHERE meta_general_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_general " . "WHERE meta_general_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_general_id FROM il_meta_general " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_educational " . "WHERE meta_educational_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_educational_id FROM il_meta_educational " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT typical_learning_time FROM il_meta_educational " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_classification " . "WHERE meta_classification_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_classification " . "WHERE meta_classification_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_classification_id FROM il_meta_classification " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_format " . "WHERE meta_format_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_format " . "WHERE meta_format_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_format_id FROM il_meta_format " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_meta_data " . "WHERE meta_meta_data_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_meta_data " . "WHERE meta_meta_data_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_meta_data_id FROM il_meta_meta_data " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_contribute " . "WHERE meta_contribute_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_contribute " . "WHERE meta_contribute_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_contribute_id FROM il_meta_contribute " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type, 'text') | 2 |
"SELECT entity,ent.parent_type,role FROM il_meta_entity ent " . "JOIN il_meta_contribute con ON ent.parent_id = con.meta_contribute_id " . "WHERE ent.rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND ent.obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_location " . "WHERE meta_location_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_location " . "WHERE meta_location_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_location_id FROM il_meta_location " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type, 'text') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_identifier " . "WHERE meta_identifier_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_identifier " . "WHERE meta_identifier_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_identifier_id FROM il_meta_identifier " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type, 'text') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_identifier_id, catalog, entry FROM il_meta_identifier " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, 'text') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_identifier_id, catalog, entry, obj_id FROM il_meta_identifier " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_identifier_id, obj_id FROM il_meta_identifier " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " AND obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, 'text') . " AND catalog = " . $ilDB->quote($a_catalog, 'text') . " AND entry = " . $ilDB->quote($a_entry, 'text') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_identifier " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " AND obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, 'text') . " AND catalog = " . $ilDB->quote($a_catalog, 'text') . " AND entry = " . $ilDB->quote($a_entry, 'text') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_entity " . "WHERE meta_entity_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_entity " . "WHERE meta_entity_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_entity_id FROM il_meta_entity " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type, 'text') . " " . "ORDER BY meta_entity_id " | 2 |
"SELECT language FROM il_meta_language " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_type, 'text') . " " . "AND parent_type = 'meta_general' " . "ORDER BY meta_language_id " | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_language " . "WHERE meta_language_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM il_meta_language " . "WHERE meta_language_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( ), 'integer') | 2 |
"SELECT meta_language_id FROM il_meta_language " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type, 'text') | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM file_data WHERE file_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id) | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM xmlvalue WHERE tag_fk = " . $ilDB->quote($row[tag_pk]) . " " | 2 |
'SELECT * FROM rbac_ta' . ' WHERE typ_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_type_id, 'integer') . ' AND ops_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ops_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"DELETE FROM obj_members " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') | 2 |
'UPDATE obj_members SET ' . 'contact = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_contact, 'integer') . ' ' . 'WHERE obj_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND usr_id = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"UPDATE obj_members SET " . "notification = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_notification, 'integer') . " " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 2 |
"INSERT INTO obj_members (notification,obj_id,usr_id,passed,blocked) " . "VALUES ( " . $ilDB->quote((int) $a_notification, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ", " . $ilDB->quote(0, 'integer') . ")" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM il_subscribers " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM help_module " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer") | 2 |
"UPDATE cron_job SET" . " running_ts = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " , alive_ts = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") . " WHERE job_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_job_data["job_id"], "text") | 2 |
"SELECT " . self::IDENTIFICATION . " FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE " . self::IDENTIFICATION . " = %s AND version_number = %s" | 2 |
"DELETE FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE " . self::IDENTIFICATION . " = %s AND version_number = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE " . $this->db->in(self::IDENTIFICATION, $identification_strings, false, 'text') | 2 |
'Show Popover' | 2 |
" UPDATE qpl_qst_essay SET keyword_relation = %s WHERE $questionId__IN__questionIds " | 3 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (obj_id, type, title, description," . " owner, create_date, last_update) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 3 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_fa (rol_id, parent, assign, protected)" . " VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 3 |
"SELECT obj_id,user_id,rvalue FROM cmi_custom WHERE lvalue = %s GROUP BY obj_id, user_id, rvalue" | 3 |
"SELECT obj_id,user_id,rvalue FROM scorm_tracking WHERE lvalue = %s" | 3 |
"DELETE FROM scorm_tracking WHERE lvalue = %s AND obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s" | 3 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='typ' and title='fold'" | 3 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES" . " (" . $ilDB->quote($typ_id) . ",'1')" . ", (" . $ilDB->quote($typ_id) . ",'2')" . ", (" . $ilDB->quote($typ_id) . ",'3')" . ", (" . $ilDB->quote($typ_id) . ",'4')" | 3 |
"SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = 'copy'" | 3 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = 'typ' AND title = 'sess'" | 3 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES" . " (" . $ilDB->quote($typ_id) . ",'" . $ops_id . "')" | 3 |
"SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = 'edit_event'" | 3 |
"UPDATE settings SET value=%s WHERE module='MathJax' AND keyword='path_to_mathjax' AND value=%s" | 3 |
"INSERT INTO cal_categories SET " . "obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->obj_id) . ", " . "title = " . $ilDB->quote($row->title) . ", " . "color = '" . $color . "', " . "type = 2" | 3 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_times WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s ORDER BY started" | 3 |
"DELETE FROM tst_sequence WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 3 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_pa WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rol_id) . ' ' . "AND ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ref_id) | 3 |
"UPDATE rbac_pa SET " . "ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ops) . ' ' . "WHERE rol_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rol_id) . ' ' . "AND ref_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ref_id) | 3 |
"SELECT MAX(question_type_id) maxid FROM qpl_question_type" | 3 |
"SELECT DISTINCT table_name FROM abstraction_progress WHERE step = " . $ilDB->quote(80, "integer") | 3 |
"SELECT MAX(question_type_id) maxid FROM qpl_qst_type" | 3 |
"SELECT * FROM style_char WHERE " . "style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . " AND " . "characteristic = " . $ilDB->quote($st["class"], "text") . " AND " . "type = " . $ilDB->quote($st["type"], "text") | 3 |
"INSERT INTO mail_obj_data (obj_id, user_id, title, m_type) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)" | 3 |
"UPDATE style_char SET type = %s WHERE type = %s AND characteristic = %s" | 3 |
"SELECT ops_id" . " FROM rbac_operations " . " WHERE class = " . $ilDB->quote("create", "text") . " AND operation = " . $ilDB->quote("create_" . $a_type, "text") | 3 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ta" . " WHERE typ_id = " . $ilDB->quote($parent_type_id, "integer") . " AND ops_id = " . $ilDB->quote($create_ops_id, "integer") | 3 |
"SELECT usr_id FROM mail_tree_mod_migr" | 3 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = %s AND title = %s' | 3 |
'INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES (%s, %s)' | 3 |
'DELETE FROM cron_job WHERE job_id = %s' | 3 |
'SELECT server_id FROM ecs_server' | 3 |
'SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = ' . $ilDB->quote('moderate', 'text') | 3 |
' SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = %s AND title = %s' | 3 |
"SELECT ops_id FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = %s AND class = %s" | 3 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE title = 'il_grp_admin' " | 3 |
'UPDATE il_dcl_datatype_prop SET inputformat = %s WHERE title = %s' | 3 |
"DELETE FROM rbac_ta WHERE typ_id='" . $row->obj_id . "'" | 3 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='typ' AND title='grp'" | 3 |
"INSERT INTO object_reference (obj_id) VALUES('" . $obj_id . "')" | 3 |
"UPDATE qpl_answers SET correctness = '1', points = 0 WHERE answer_id = %s AND correctness = '0'" | 3 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $obj_id . "','" . $ops_id . "')" | 3 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_answers WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY gap_id, aorder ASC" | 3 |
"SELECT DISTINCT test_fi FROM tst_solutions WHERE question_fi = %s" | 3 |
"SELECT DISTINCT user_fi FROM tst_solutions WHERE test_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s" | 3 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_solutions WHERE test_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s" | 3 |
"INSERT INTO tmp_migration SET obj_id = '" . $row->obj_id . "', passed = 1" | 3 |
"SELECT points FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s" | 3 |
"SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() as obj_id" | 3 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data" . " WHERE object_data.type = " . $ilDB->quote('rolt', 'text') . " AND title = " . $ilDB->quote($template, 'text') | 3 |
"SELECT user_fi FROM tst_active WHERE active_id = %s" | 3 |
"SELECT tst_tests.random_test FROM tst_active, tst_tests WHERE tst_active.active_id = %s AND tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi" | 3 |
'SELECT obj_fi FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s' | 3 |
"UPDATE tst_active SET submitted = %s, submittimestamp = %s WHERE active_id = %s" | 3 |
"SELECT obj_fi FROM tst_tests WHERE test_id = %s" | 3 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_mark WHERE test_fi = %s ORDER BY minimum_level" | 3 |
"SELECT tst_result_cache.* FROM tst_result_cache, tst_active, tst_tests WHERE tst_active.test_fi = tst_tests.test_id AND tst_active.user_fi = %s AND tst_tests.obj_fi = %s AND tst_result_cache.active_fi = tst_active.active_id" | 3 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_active WHERE user_fi = %s AND test_fi = %s" | 3 |
"SELECT obj_fi FROM svy_question WHERE question_id = %s" | 3 |
"INSERT INTO svy_phrase (phrase_id, title, defaultvalue, owner_fi, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 3 |
"SELECT svy_variable.*, svy_category.title, svy_category.neutral FROM svy_variable, svy_category WHERE svy_variable.question_fi = %s AND svy_variable.category_fi = svy_category.category_id ORDER BY sequence ASC" | 3 |
"INSERT INTO svy_variable (variable_id, category_fi, question_fi, value1, other, sequence, scale, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 3 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_material WHERE question_fi = %s" | 3 |
"DELETE FROM svy_material WHERE question_fi = %s" | 3 |
"DELETE FROM svy_constraint WHERE constraint_id = %s" | 3 |
'SELECT * FROM sahs_lm WHERE id = %s' | 3 |
'DELETE FROM frm_drafts_history WHERE ' . $this->db->in('draft_id', $draft_ids, false, 'integer') | 3 |
"SELECT * FROM glossary_term WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($term_id, "integer") | 3 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_sol_sug WHERE question_fi = %s" | 3 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_sol_sug WHERE question_fi = %s" | 3 |
"DELETE FROM tst_solutions WHERE solution_id = %s AND authorized = %s" | 3 |
'SELECT * FROM il_qpl_qst_fq_unit WHERE category_fi = %s' | 3 |
' SELECT * FROM cmi_gobjective WHERE scope_id = %s AND objective_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 3 |
'SELECT global_to_system FROM cp_package WHERE obj_id = %s' | 3 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE child = %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s ' | 3 |
"SELECT * FROM " . $this->il_db->quoteIdentifier($a_table) | 3 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='role';" | 3 |
"SELECT * FROM ut_lp_marks " . "WHERE usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') | 3 |
"SELECT meta_description_id FROM il_meta_description " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_rbac_id) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) . " " . "AND parent_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_id) . " " . "AND parent_type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_parent_type) . " " . "ORDER BY meta_description_id" | 3 |
"DELETE FROM il_meta_educational " . "WHERE meta_educational_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getMetaId( )) | 3 |
"DELETE FROM " . $table . " " . "WHERE rbac_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getRBACId( )) . " " . "AND obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getObjId( )) | 3 |
'SELECT id FROM tos_versions WHERE hash = %s AND doc_id = %s' | 3 |
"SELECT * FROM obj_members " . "WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->obj_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') | 3 |
"Show $range_length entries starting at $range_offset" | 3 |
"DELETE FROM cmi_custom WHERE lvalue = %s AND obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s" | 4 |
'UPDATE il_bibl_overview_model SET filetype = %s, literature_type = %s, pattern = %s WHERE ovm_id = %s' | 4 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='typ' and title='grp'" | 4 |
"SELECT * FROM crs_settings " | 4 |
"UPDATE style_data SET " . " uptodate = " . $ilDB->quote(0, "integer") | 4 |
"UPDATE style_parameter SET tag = %s, type = %s WHERE tag = %s AND class = %s" | 4 |
"INSERT INTO bookmark_social_bm (sbm_id, sbm_title, sbm_link, sbm_icon, sbm_active) " . "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 4 |
"SELECT parent FROM rbac_templates WHERE rol_id = " . $tpl["obj_id"] | 4 |
"SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() as ops_id" | 4 |
"SELECT MAX(obj_id) as max_id FROM tmp_migration " | 4 |
"SELECT * FROM tmp_migration WHERE obj_id = '" . $row->obj_id . "' AND passed = '1'" | 4 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_tests WHERE test_id = %s" | 4 |
"UPDATE tst_test_question SET sequence=%s WHERE test_question_id=%s" | 4 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_active WHERE active_id = %s" | 4 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_qst_type" | 4 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_active WHERE user_fi = %s AND test_fi = %s AND anonymous_id = %s" | 4 |
"SELECT * FROM object_translation WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . " ORDER BY lang_default DESC" | 4 |
"DELETE FROM object_translation WHERE obj_id= " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') | 4 |
"INSERT INTO object_translation " . "(obj_id,title,description,lang_code,lang_default) " . "VALUES " . "(" . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), 'integer') . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_title, 'text') . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_desc, 'text') . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_lang, 'text') . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_lang_default, 'integer') . ")" | 4 |
"INSERT INTO svy_category (category_id, title, defaultvalue, owner_fi, tstamp, neutral) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 4 |
'SELECT package_attempts FROM sahs_user WHERE obj_id = %s AND user_id = %s' | 4 |
"SELECT id FROM il_wiki_page" . " WHERE wiki_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_wiki_id, "integer") . " AND title = " . $ilDB->quote($a_title, "text") | 4 |
"SELECT * FROM glossary_definition WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->id, "integer") | 4 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_svy WHERE obj_fi=%s" | 4 |
"SELECT obj_fi FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s" | 4 |
"SELECT * FROM style_char WHERE " . "style_id = " . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . " AND " . "characteristic = " . $ilDB->quote($a_class, "text") . " AND " . "type = " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") | 4 |
"INSERT INTO style_char (style_id, type, characteristic, hide)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_class, "text") . "," . $ilDB->quote($a_hide, "integer") . ")" | 4 |
"SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_seq_item WHERE sahs_sc13_tree_node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId( ), "integer") | 4 |
"SELECT * FROM event_participants " . "WHERE event_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_event_id, 'integer') . " " . "AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, 'integer') . " " | 4 |
'SELECT obj_id FROM ' . $this->table_mail_obj_data . ' WHERE user_id = %s AND m_type = %s' | 4 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='typ' and title='crs'" | 5 |
"SELECT id, exc_id FROM exc_assignment" | 5 |
"SELECT svy_question.*, " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . ".* FROM svy_question, " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " WHERE svy_question.question_id = %s AND svy_question.question_id = " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . ".question_fi" | 5 |
"SELECT svy_question.*, " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . ".* FROM svy_question LEFT JOIN " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " ON " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . ".question_fi = svy_question.question_id WHERE svy_question.question_id = %s" | 5 |
"DELETE FROM svy_variable WHERE question_fi = %s" | 5 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type = %s AND title = %s" | 6 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $row->id . "','1')" | 6 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $row->id . "','2')" | 6 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $row->id . "','3')" | 6 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $row->id . "','4')" | 6 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id, type, ops_id, parent) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 6 |
"SELECT * FROM " . self::DB_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, 'integer') . " " | 6 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id, type, ops_id, parent)" . " VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 7 |
"SELECT obj_id, user_id FROM sahs_user where " . $lvalField . " is not null" | 7 |
"INSERT INTO cal_category_assignments " . "SET cal_id = " . $ilDB->quote($cal_id) . ", cat_id = " . $ilDB->quote($cat_id) . " " | 7 |
'DELETE FROM settings WHERE keyword = %s' | 8 |
"INSERT INTO il_dcl_datatype_prop (id,datatype_id,title,inputformat) VALUES " . " (%s,%s,%s,%s)" | 8 |
"SELECT * FROM rbac_operations WHERE operation = 'copy'" | 9 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_data WHERE type='typ' and title='cat'" | 9 |
"INSERT INTO object_reference (ref_id, obj_id) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 12 |
"SELECT qpl_questions.*, " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . ".* FROM qpl_questions LEFT JOIN " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " ON " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . ".question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id WHERE qpl_questions.question_id = %s" | 14 |
"SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE type = 'sty'" | 16 |
"INSERT INTO object_reference (obj_id) VALUES('" . $row->id . "')" | 18 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','6')" | 19 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','" . $ops_id . "')" | 20 |
"DELETE FROM " . $this->getAdditionalTableName( ) . " WHERE question_fi = %s" | 20 |
"INSERT INTO object_data (obj_id, type, title, description, owner, create_date, last_update) " . "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 23 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','1')" | 33 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','2')" | 33 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','3')" | 33 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES ('" . $typ_id . "','4')" | 33 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 36 |
"SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() as id" | 45 |
"INSERT INTO bookmark_social_bm (sbm_id, sbm_title, sbm_link, sbm_icon, sbm_active) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 90 |