List of all printf(), sprintf(), etc. formats strings mentioned in the code..
Value | Count | File:Line |
"%04X " | 1 |
" %20s %6.1fms %12s bytes/s (%s)\n" | 1 |
"%04x " | 1 |
"%04X" | 1 |
"%02X,%02X" | 1 |
"%02X,%02X,%02X" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(question_id) AS question_count FROM qpl_questions WHERE obj_fi = %s AND ISNULL(original_id) AND complete = '1'" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questionpool SET questioncount = %s WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM survey_finished WHERE survey_fi = %s AND anonymous_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM survey_finished WHERE survey_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE survey_answer SET active_fi = %s WHERE answer_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tmp_svy_migration (answer_id) VALUES (%s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tst_sequence (active_fi, pass, sequence, postponed, hidden) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, NULL)" | 1 |
"SELECT SUM(points) AS reachedpoints FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
"REPLACE INTO tst_test_pass_result SET active_fi = %s, pass = %s, points = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_answer_matching_term (term_id, question_fi, term) VALUES (NULL, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_answer_matching SET answertext = '$newTermID' WHERE answer_id = " . $ilDB->quote($row->answer_id) | 1 |
"SELECT tst_tests.random_test FROM tst_tests, tst_active WHERE tst_active.active_id = %s AND tst_active.test_fi = tst_tests.test_id" | 1 |
"SELECT tst_test_random_question.pass, COUNT(tst_test_random_question.question_fi) AS qcount, " . "SUM(qpl_questions.points) AS qsum FROM tst_test_random_question, qpl_questions " . "WHERE tst_test_random_question.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id AND " . "tst_test_random_question.active_fi = %s and pass = %s GROUP BY tst_test_random_question.active_fi, " . "tst_test_random_question.pass" | 1 |
"SELECT COUNT(tst_test_question.question_fi) AS qcount, " . "SUM(qpl_questions.points) AS qsum FROM tst_test_question, qpl_questions, tst_active " . "WHERE tst_test_question.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id AND tst_test_question.test_fi = tst_active.test_fi AND " . "tst_active.active_id = %s GROUP BY tst_test_question.test_fi" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_times WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s ORDER BY started" | 1 |
"SELECT SUM(points) AS reachedpoints, COUNT(question_fi) AS answeredquestions FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
"REPLACE INTO tst_test_pass_result SET active_fi = %s, pass = %s, points = %s, maxpoints = %s, questioncount = %s, answeredquestions = %s, workingtime = %s" | 1 |
"DB Step %s: Deleted folder %s of user %s ." | 1 |
"DB Step %s: Created new folder %s for user %s ." | 1 |
"DB Step %s: Moved mails from %s to %s for user %s ." | 1 |
"DB Step %s: Changed child in table 'mail_tree' from %s to %s for tree %s ." | 1 |
"DB Step %s: Changed parent in table 'mail_tree' from %s to %s for tree %s ." | 1 |
"DB Step %s: Detected duplicate entries (field: child) in table 'mail_tree' for user (field: tree) %s ." | 1 |
"DB Step %s: Detected wrong child in table 'mail_tree' for user (field: tree) %s ." | 1 |
"DB Step %s: Detected missing child in table 'mail_tree' for user (field: tree) %s ." | 1 |
'Created agreement migration table: agreement_migr' | 1 |
"DB Step %s: Skipped 'Terms of Service' migration, path '%s' not found or not a directory" | 1 |
"DB Step %s: Skipped 'Terms of Service' migration, path '%s' is not readable" | 1 |
"DB Step %s: Started migration of %s user agreement file '%s'" | 1 |
"DB Step %s: Ignored migration of %s user agreement file '%s' because the basename is not valid" | 1 |
"DB Step %s: Ignored migration of %s user agreement file '%s' because it has been already migrated" | 1 |
"DB Step %s: Created new document with id %s and title '%s' for file '%s'" | 1 |
"DB Step %s: Created new language criterion assignment with id %s and value '%s' to document with id %s for file '%s'" | 1 |
"DB Step %s: Migrated %s user agreement file '%s'" | 1 |
"DB Step %s: %s" | 1 |
'Dropped agreement migration table: agreement_migr' | 1 |
"Started certificate template XML file migration" | 1 |
"Started migration for object type directory: %s" | 1 |
"Found certificate template XML file (type: %s): %s" | 1 |
"Could not extract valid obj_id, cannot migrate certificate XML template file: %s" | 1 |
"Extracted obj_id %s from certificate file: %s" | 1 |
"Could not find an existing ILIAS object for obj_id %s, cannot migrate file: %s" | 1 |
"Successfully migrated certificate template XML file for obj_id: %s/type: %s/id: %s" | 1 |
"Empty content, cannot migrate certificate XML template file: %s" | 1 |
"Finished migration for directory: %s" | 1 |
"Finished certificate template (%s templates created) XML file migration%s" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_answers SET cloze_type = %s WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questions SET question_text = %s WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_questions (question_id, question_type_fi, ref_fi, title, comment, author, owner, question_text, working_time, shuffle, points, start_tag, end_tag, matching_type, ordering_type, cloze_type, choice_response, materials, image_file, params, complete, created, original_id, TIMESTAMP) VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, NULL)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_answers (answer_id, question_fi, name, shuffle, answertext, points, aorder, correctness, solution_order, matchingtext, matching_order, gap_id, cloze_type, coords, area, TIMESTAMP) VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, NULL)" | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_question_material WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_material (material_id, question_id, materials, materials_file, TIMESTAMP) VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, NULL)" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_test_question SET question_fi = %s WHERE test_question_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_solutions SET question_fi = %s WHERE test_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE `tst_tests` SET `obj_fi` = %s WHERE `test_id` = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE `qpl_questions` SET `obj_fi` = %s WHERE `question_id` = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT obj_id FROM object_reference WHERE ref_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE `survey_survey` SET `obj_fi` = %s WHERE `survey_id` = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE `survey_question` SET `obj_fi` = %s WHERE `question_id` = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO survey_question_obligatory (question_obligatory_id, survey_fi, question_fi, obligatory, TIMESTAMP) VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, NULL)" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questions SET points = %s WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE usr_data SET hobby = %s, referral_comment = %s WHERE usr_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questions SET original_id = NULL WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT question_id, original_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE qpl_questions SET original_id = %s WHERE question_id = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT id_questionpool FROM qpl_questionpool WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_questionpool (online, obj_fi) VALUES ('1', %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT id_questionpool FROM survey_questionpool WHERE obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO survey_questionpool (online, obj_fi) VALUES ('1', %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT test_random_question_id FROM tst_test_random_question WHERE test_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s AND pass = 0" | 1 |
"SELECT test_question_id FROM tst_test_question WHERE test_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(pass) AS maxpass FROM tst_test_random_question WHERE user_fi = %s AND test_fi = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(pass) AS maxpass FROM tst_test_result WHERE user_fi = %s AND test_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO tst_active (user_fi, test_fi, sequence, lastindex, tries) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"SELECT test_result_id FROM tst_test_result WHERE test_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s AND pass = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_active SET tries = %s WHERE active_id = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_multiplechoice (question_fi, shuffle, choice_response) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_cloze (question_fi, textgap_rating) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_matching (question_fi, shuffle, matching_type) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_ordering (question_fi, ordering_type) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_imagemap (question_fi, image_file) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_javaapplet (question_fi, image_file, params) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_essay (question_fi, maxNumOfChars, keywords, textgap_rating) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_numeric (question_fi, maxNumOfChars) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_textsubset (question_fi, textgap_rating, correctanswers) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO survey_question_nominal (question_fi, subtype, orientation) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO survey_question_ordinal (question_fi, orientation) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO survey_question_metric (question_fi, subtype) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO survey_question_text (question_fi, maxchars) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_answer_multiplechoice (question_fi, answertext, points, aorder, correctness) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_answer_cloze (question_fi, name, shuffle, answertext, points, aorder, correctness, gap_id, cloze_type) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_answer_matching (question_fi, answertext, points, aorder, matchingtext, matching_order) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_answer_ordering (question_fi, answertext, points, aorder, solution_order) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_answer_imagemap (question_fi, answertext, points, aorder, correctness, coords, area) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_answer_textsubset (question_fi, answertext, points, aorder) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_question_singlechoice (question_fi, shuffle) VALUES (%s, %s)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_question_multiplechoice WHERE question_fi = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO qpl_answer_singlechoice (question_fi, answertext, imagefile, points, aorder) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM qpl_answer_multiplechoice WHERE answer_id = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_active_qst_sol_settings SET active_fi = %s WHERE test_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_solutions SET active_fi = %s WHERE test_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_test_random_question SET active_fi = %s WHERE test_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE tst_test_result SET active_fi = %s, TIMESTAMP = %s WHERE test_result_id = %s" | 1 |
"REPLACE INTO rbac_pa (rol_id,ops_id,ref_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
'Created thread migration table: frm_thread_tree_mig' | 1 |
"Started migration of thread with id %s" | 1 |
"Cannot migrate forum tree for thread id %s in database update step %s" | 1 |
"Created gaps in tree for thread with id %s in database update step %s" | 1 |
"Created new root posting with id %s in thread with id %s in database update step %s" | 1 |
"Created new tree root with id %s in thread with id %s in database update step %s" | 1 |
"Set parent to %s for posting with id %s in thread with id %s in database update step %s" | 1 |
'Dropped thread migration table: frm_thread_tree_mig' | 1 |
"PEAR destructor called, class=%s\n" | 1 |
'[%s: message="%s" code=%d mode=callback ' . 'callback=%s prefix="%s" info="%s"]' | 1 |
'[%s: message="%s" code=%d mode=%s level=%s ' . 'prefix="%s" info="%s"]' | 1 |
"SELECT object_data.title, rbac_fa.* FROM object_data, rbac_ua, rbac_fa WHERE rbac_ua.rol_id IN ('%s') AND rbac_ua.rol_id = rbac_fa.rol_id AND object_data.obj_id = rbac_fa.rol_id AND rbac_ua.usr_id=" . $user_id | 1 |
'%06d' | 1 |
'%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ' | 1 |
'XML error parsing XML schema on line %d: %s' | 1 |
"%08d" | 1 |
"%08x" | 1 |
'XML error parsing WSDL from %s on line %d: %s' | 1 |
"%.0lf" | 1 |
'XML error parsing SOAP payload on line %d: %s' | 1 |
"%.1f" | 1 |
'Could not manipulate page editor link XML: %s / Error Message: %s' | 1 |
"Could not find content page page metrics for page with page id %s and language %s for parent with id %s" | 1 |
"%02d:%02d:00" | 1 |
"%2.2f " | 1 |
"%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d" | 1 |
"<short>%s</short><official>%s</official><percentage>%.2f</percentage><passed>%d</passed>" | 1 |
"%0{$this->maxOrderValueLength}d" | 1 |
"%'.03d" | 1 |
' ' . $this->lng->txt('tst_msg_rand_quest_set_stage_pool_last_sync') | 1 |
"goto.php?target=tst_%s&client_id=" . CLIENT_ID | 1 |
"goto.php?target=cat_%s&client_id=" . CLIENT_ID | 1 |
"%.2f%%" | 1 |
'%.2f' | 1 |
' ' . $lng->txt('copy_n_of_suffix') | 1 |
'PRG, UserNotRestarted: user %s\'s qualification is about to expire at progress %s (prg obj_id %s)' | 1 |
'%s, progress-id %s' | 1 |
'PRG, RiskyToFail: user %s at progress %s (prg obj_id %s)' | 1 |
'PRG, RestartAssignments: progress %s is not root of assignment %s. skipping.' | 1 |
'PRG, RestartAssignments: user %s\'s assignment %s is being restarted (Programme %s)' | 1 |
'<li>%s (%s)</li>' | 1 |
" AND obj_fi = %s" | 1 |
"Score for %s is now %s" | 1 |
'<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />' | 1 |
" AND (iposts.pos_status = %s OR (iposts.pos_status = %s AND iposts.pos_author_id = %s)) " | 1 |
'Delegating notification transport to mail service for recipients: %s' | 1 |
'Will send %s notification(s) to: %s' | 1 |
"Could not find history object for id %s" | 1 |
'Current memory usage: %s' | 1 |
'Threshold for forum event determination is: %s' | 1 |
'The recipient with id %s has no "read" permission for object with id %s' | 1 |
'Trying to send forum notifications for posting id "%s", type "%s" and recipients: %s' | 1 |
"Sent notifications ... " | 1 |
'Delegating notification transport to mail service for recipient "%s" ...' | 1 |
'The Setter "%s" does not exist' | 1 |
'The Getter "%s" does not exist' | 1 |
'The expected value "%s" is not equals to "%s"' | 1 |
'The actual return value is not an instance of "%s"' | 1 |
'The actual return value is not a type of "%s"' | 1 |
'%s%s:%s%s/%s/%s' | 1 |
'%s%s:%s%s/%s/%s/%s' | 1 |
'%s%s%s/%s/%s' | 1 |
'%s%s%s/%s/%s/%s' | 1 |
'%s_%d' | 1 |
'%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x' | 1 |
"INSERT INTO exc_returned " . "(returned_id, obj_id, user_id, filename, filetitle, mimetype, ts, ass_id, late, team_id) " . "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO exc_returned " . "(returned_id, obj_id, user_id, filetitle, ass_id, ts, atext, late, team_id) " . "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | 1 |
'%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s' | 1 |
'%s: %s' | 1 |
'HTTP/%s %d%s' | 1 |
'ilLMObject::_writePublicAccessStatus(): Invalid parameter! $a_cont_obj_id is empty' | 1 |
'ilLMObject::_isPagePublic(): Invalid parameter! $a_node_id is empty' | 1 |
"(" . $this->lng->txt("checkbox_checked") . " = $resulttextchecked, " . $this->lng->txt("checkbox_unchecked") . " = $resulttextunchecked)" | 1 |
"Unkown Identifier %s" | 1 |
"%d Bytes" | 1 |
"The passed chunk size is not a valid/supported integer: %s" | 1 |
'The parser is unable to parse the condition "%s"' | 1 |
'The Question with index "Q%s" is not reachable from this node' | 1 |
'The Current Question does not have an answer with the index "%s"' | 1 |
'The Question with index "Q%s" does not have an answer with the index "%s" ' | 1 |
'The value "%s" does not exist for the current question' | 1 |
'The value "%s" does not exist for the answer with index "%s" of the current question' | 1 |
'The value "%s" does not exist for the question Q%s' | 1 |
'The value "%s" does not exist for the question Q%s[%s]' | 1 |
'The operator "%s" is not supported' | 1 |
'The expression "%s" is not supported by the current question' | 1 |
'The expression "%s" is not supported by the question with index "Q%s"' | 1 |
'There is a bracket "%s" missing in the condition' | 1 |
'Duplicate key "%s" in condition' | 1 |
'The expression "%s" is not supported' | 1 |
'The expression at position "%s" is not valid' | 1 |
'The Question with index "Q%s" does not exist' | 1 |
'The expression "%s" is not supported by the operator "%s"' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_tree . ' ' . $this->buildJoin( ) . "WHERE parent = %s " . "AND " . $this->table_tree . "." . $this->tree_pk . " = %s " . $order_clause | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . $this->table_tree . " " . $this->buildJoin( ) . "WHERE parent = %s " . "AND " . $this->table_tree . "." . $this->tree_pk . " = %s " . "AND " . $this->table_obj_data . ".type = %s " | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM " . $this->table_tree . " " . $this->buildJoin( ) . "WHERE parent = %s " . "AND " . $this->table_tree . "." . $this->tree_pk . " = %s " . "AND " . $this->table_obj_data . ".type = %s " . "ORDER BY " . $this->table_tree . ".lft" | 1 |
'Invalid parameters! $a_node_id: %s $a_parent_id: %s' | 1 |
'Operation not allowed on main tree! $a_tree_if: %s $a_node_id: %s' | 1 |
'Tried to delete root node! $a_tree: %s $a_child: %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft + 2 ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt > %s THEN rgt + 2 ELSE rgt END ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft + 2 ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt > %s THEN rgt + 2 ELSE rgt END ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT rgt,lft,parent FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE child = %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s' | 1 |
'SELECT MAX(rgt) max_rgt FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE parent = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT MAX(rgt) max_rgt FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE parent = %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft + %s ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt >= %s THEN rgt + %s ELSE rgt END ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft + %s ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt >= %s THEN rgt + %s ELSE rgt END ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE child = %s ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft + 2 ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt >= %s THEN rgt + 2 ELSE rgt END ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft + 2 ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt >= %s THEN rgt + 2 ELSE rgt END ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft + 2 ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt > %s THEN rgt + 2 ELSE rgt END ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft + 2 ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt > %s THEN rgt + 2 ELSE rgt END ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' (' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ',child,parent,lft,rgt,depth) ' . 'VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE lft BETWEEN %s AND %s ' . 'AND rgt BETWEEN %s AND %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft - %s ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt > %s THEN rgt - %s ELSE rgt END ' | 1 |
'UPDATE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' SET ' . 'lft = CASE WHEN lft > %s THEN lft - %s ELSE lft END, ' . 'rgt = CASE WHEN rgt > %s THEN rgt - %s ELSE rgt END ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s ' | 1 |
'Authentication successful. Redirecting to starting page: %s' | 1 |
'Requested SAML logout: %s' | 1 |
'Found exactly one active IDP with id %s: %s' | 1 |
'Stored relevant IDP id in session: %s' | 1 |
'Internal SAML IDP id fetched from session: %s' | 1 |
'Searching active ILIAS IDP by entity id "%s" results in: %s' | 1 |
'Retrieved "target" parameter: %s' | 1 |
"[%s]\r\n" | 1 |
"\r\n[%s]\r\n" | 1 |
"%s = %s\r\n" | 1 |
"[%s]\n" | 1 |
"\n[%s]\n" | 1 |
"%s = %s\n" | 1 |
'Could not process password assistance form (reason: no user found) %s / %s' | 1 |
'Could not process password assistance form (reason: account without email addresses): %s / %s' | 1 |
'Could not process password assistance form (reason: account email addresses differ from input): %s / %s' | 1 |
'Could not process password assistance form (reason: not permitted for accounts using external authentication sources): %s / %s' | 1 |
'Could not process password assistance form (reason: not permitted for system user or anonymous): %s / %s' | 1 |
'Could not sent username assistance emails to (reason: no user found): %s' | 1 |
'%s_idx' | 1 |
'%s_seq' | 1 |
"Trying to send configurable email dependent welcome email to user %s (id: %s|language: %s) ..." | 1 |
"Either subject or email missing, trying to determine email configuration via default language: %s" | 1 |
"Did not find any valid email configuration, skipping attempt ..." | 1 |
"Attaching '%s' as '%s' ..." | 1 |
"Not attachments configured for this email configuration ..." | 1 |
"Missing email address, did not send account registration mail for user %s (id: %s) ..." | 1 |
"Sending language variable dependent welcome email to user %s (id: %s|language: %s) as fallback ..." | 1 |
'%s::removeInvalidReferences(): Started...' | 1 |
'%s::removeInvalidReferences(): Reference %s removed' | 1 |
'%s::removeInvalidChilds(): Started...' | 1 |
'%s::removeInvalidChilds(): Entry child=%s removed' | 1 |
'%s::removeInvalidRolefolders(): Started...' | 1 |
'%s::restoreMissingObjects(): Started...' | 1 |
'%s::restoreReference(): new reference %s for obj_id %s created' | 1 |
'%s::restoreUnboundObjects(): Started...' | 1 |
'%s::restoreTrash(): Started...' | 1 |
'%s::restoreTrash(): Removed all trees with tree id <> 1' | 1 |
'%s::restoreDeletedObjects()): Started...' | 1 |
'%s::restoreSubTrees(): Started...' | 1 |
'%s::purgeTrash(): Started...' | 1 |
'%s::purgeUnboundObjects(): Started...' | 1 |
'%s::purgeMissingObjects(): Started...' | 1 |
'%s::purgeObjects(): Removing object (id:%s ref:%s)' | 1 |
'%s::initGapsInTree(): Started...' | 1 |
"<br/>Parameter details:" | 1 |
"%s not supported for form property type %s" | 1 |
"You cannot perform a state transition for the anonymous user (id: %s)" | 1 |
"You cannot perform a state transition for a non existing user (id: %s)" | 1 |
"You cannot create an instance for the anonymous user (id: %s)" | 1 |
"You cannot add the anonymous user to the list (id: %s)" | 1 |
"You cannot add a non existing user (id: %s)" | 1 |
"Could not find an element for key: %s" | 1 |
"Could not store the client salt in: %s. Please contact an administrator." | 1 |
'%1$02d' | 1 |
"Certificate evaluation triggered, received 'completed' learning progress for: usr_id: %s/obj_id: %s/type: %s" | 1 |
"Did not find an active certificate template for case: usr_id: %s/obj_id: %s/type: %s" | 1 |
"Object type ($type) is not of interest, skipping certificate evaluation for this object" | 1 |
"No dependent course certificate template configuration found for child object: usr_id: %s/obj_id: %s/ref_id: %s/type: %s" | 1 |
'All relevant data sources for the user certificates for user(user_id: "%s" deleted)' | 1 |
"Could not upload certificate background image from '%s' to temporary file '%s' (name: '%s')" | 1 |
"Could not convert certificate background image from '%s' as JPEG to '%s', trying fallbacj ..." | 1 |
"Could not upload certificate background image from '%s' to final file '%s' (name: '%s')" | 1 |
"Final background image '%s' does not exist or is empty" | 1 |
'Will not start cron job, because the mode is not set as cron job. Current Mode in settings: "%s"' | 1 |
'Generated %s certificate(s) in run. Result: %s' | 1 |
'Fetch certificate template for user id: "%s" and object id: "%s" and template id: "%s"' | 1 |
'The given object id: "%s" could not be referred to an actual object' | 1 |
'Object type: "%s"' | 1 |
'Values for placeholders: "%s"' | 1 |
'The user_id "%s" does NOT reference a user' | 1 |
'The type "%s" is currently not supported for certificates' | 1 |
'START - Fetch certificate template with id: "%s"' | 1 |
'No template with id "%s" found' | 1 |
'START - Fetch multiple certificate templates for object: "%s"' | 1 |
'END - Fetching of certificate templates for object: "%s" with "%s" results' | 1 |
'END - Found NO active certificate for: "%s"' | 1 |
'NO active certificate template found for: "%s"' | 1 |
'START - Fetch previous active certificate template for object: "%s"' | 1 |
'Latest version active certificate template for object: "%s"' | 1 |
'START - Set deleted flag for certificate template("%s") for object: "%s"' | 1 |
'END - Deleted flag set fo certificate template("%s") for object: "%s"' | 1 |
'START - Activate previous certificate template for object: "%s"' | 1 |
'END - Previous certificate updated for object: "%s"' | 1 |
'START - Fetch all active certificate templates for object type: "%s"' | 1 |
'END - All certificate templates for object type: "%s": "%s"' | 1 |
'START - Fetch first create certificate template for object: "%s"' | 1 |
'END - Found first create certificate template for object: "%s"' | 1 |
'START - Deactivate previous certificate template for object: "%s"' | 1 |
'END - Certificate template deactivated for object: "%s"' | 1 |
'START - Update all default background image paths from "%s" to "%s"' | 1 |
'END - Updated %s certificate templates using old path' | 1 |
'The types "%s" and "%s" for cloning does not match' | 1 |
'All active certificates for user: "%s" total: "%s"' | 1 |
'END - Actual results: "%s"' | 1 |
'User "%s" tried to access certificate: "%s"' | 1 |
'END - Save certificate with following values: %s' | 1 |
'START - Fetching all active certificates for user: "%s" and type: "%s"' | 1 |
'END - Fetching all active certificates for user: "%s" and type: "%s"' | 1 |
'START - Fetch certificate by id: "%s"' | 1 |
'END - Fetch certificate by id: "%s"' | 1 |
'START - Fetch certificate for user("%s") and ids: "%s"' | 1 |
'START - Fetch certificate for object("%s")"' | 1 |
'START - Delete certificate for user("%s")"' | 1 |
'END - Successfully deleted certificate for user("%s")"' | 1 |
'START - fetching all certificates of object(user id: "%s", object id: "%s")' | 1 |
'Certificate found: "%s")' | 1 |
'Certificate: "%s"' | 1 |
'END - fetching all certificates of object(user id: "%s", object id: "%s")' | 1 |
'START - fetching of latest certificates of object(user id: "%s", object id: "%s")' | 1 |
'END - fetching of latest certificates of object(user id: "%s", object id: "%s") with version "%s"' | 1 |
'START - deactivating previous certificates for user id: "%s" and object id: "%s"' | 1 |
'END - deactivating previous certificates for user id: "%s" and object id: "%s"' | 1 |
'The type "%s" is currently not defined for certificates' | 1 |
'Save queue entry with following values: %s' | 1 |
'END - Added entry to queue' | 1 |
'START - Remove entry(id: "%s") from queue' | 1 |
'END - Entry(id: "%s") deleted from queue' | 1 |
'Queue entry found: "%s"' | 1 |
'END - All queue entries fetched(Total: "%s")' | 1 |
'START - Remove entries for user(user_id: "%s") from queue' | 1 |
'END - Entries for user(user_id: "%s") deleted from queue' | 1 |
'Certificate File does not exist in "%s"' | 1 |
'%2.2f' | 1 |
$GLOBALS['error'][$number] . "\n" | 1 |
'User with gender "%s" and %s superiors' | 1 |
"Parsed TO user ids from given recipients for serial letter notification: %s" | 1 |
"Parsed CC/BCC user ids from given recipients for serial letter notification: %s" | 1 |
"Parsed TO/CC/BCC user ids from given recipients: %s" | 1 |
"Skipped recipient with id %s (User not found)" | 1 |
"Skipped recipient with id %s (Accepted User Agreement:%s|Expired Account:%s)" | 1 |
"Recipient with id %s will only receive external emails sent to: %s" | 1 |
"Recipient with id %s will additionally receive external emails " . "(because the user wants to receive it externally, or the user cannot access " . "the internal mail system) sent to: %s" | 1 |
"Recipient with id %s is does not want to receive external emails" | 1 |
"Recipient with id %s is inactive and will not receive external emails" | 1 |
"Started parsing of recipient string: %s" | 1 |
"Parsed addresses: %s" | 1 |
"Could not find a mail template context with id: %s" | 1 |
'Parameter $parentGui must be ilCtrl enabled by implementing executeCommand(), %s given.' | 1 |
'%s has been called with invalid context id: %s.' | 1 |
"Deleted all scheduled mail deletions because a reminder should't be sent (login: %s|usr_id: %s) anymore!" | 1 |
'Started mail deletion job with threshold: %s day(s)' | 1 |
'Finished mail deletion job with threshold: %s day(s)' | 1 |
"The passed argument must be null or of type 'ilMailMimeTransport', %s given!" | 1 |
"(CASE WHEN (profpref.value = %s OR profpref.value = %s) THEN firstname ELSE '' END) firstname" | 1 |
"(CASE WHEN (profpref.value = %s OR profpref.value = %s) THEN lastname ELSE '' END) lastname" | 1 |
"(CASE WHEN ((profpref.value = %s OR profpref.value = %s) AND pubemail.value = %s) THEN email ELSE '' END) email" | 1 |
"Attachment file '%s' deleted" | 1 |
"Attachment file '%s' for mail_id could not be deleted " . "due to missing file system permissions" | 1 |
'Deleted mail_ids: %s' | 1 |
'Deleted mail_cron_orphaned mail_ids: %s' | 1 |
"Could not find template by id: %s" | 1 |
'The mails per task MUST be a positive integer, "%s" given' | 1 |
'Mail delivery to recipients: "%s" CC: "%s" BCC: "%s" From sender: "%s"' | 1 |
'Input: %s' | 1 |
"Found the following group member user ids for address (object title) '%s' and obj_id %s: %s" | 1 |
"Did not find any group object for address (object title) '%s'" | 1 |
"Mailing list not valid: '%s'" | 1 |
"Found the following user ids for address (mailing list title) '%s': %s" | 1 |
"Did not find any user ids for address (mailing list title) '%s'" | 1 |
"Address '%s' not valid. Found id %s, but user can't use mail system and wants to receive emails only internally." | 1 |
"Found the following user ids for address (login) '%s': %s" | 1 |
"Did not find any user account for address (login) '%s'" | 1 |
"Found the following role ids for address '%s': %s" | 1 |
"Found the following user ids for roles determined by address '%s': %s" | 1 |
"Did not find any assigned users for roles determined by '%s'" | 1 |
"Did not find any role (and user ids) for address '%s'" | 1 |
'Suppressed delegation of external email delivery according to global setting.' | 1 |
"Trying to delegate external email delivery:" . " Initiated by: %s (%s) " . "| To: %s | CC: %s | BCC: %s | Subject: %s " . "| From: %s / %s " . "| ReplyTo: %s / %s " . "| EnvelopeFrom: %s" | 1 |
"Mail Alternative Body: %s" | 1 |
"Mail Body: %s" | 1 |
'Successfully delegated external mail delivery' | 1 |
'... with most recent errors: %s' | 1 |
'Could not deliver external email: %s' | 1 |
'%s::doRBACCheck(): No operations given! $a_ref_id: %s' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO rbac_fa (rol_id, parent, assign, protected) ' . 'VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)' | 1 |
'%s::isDeleted(): Role folder with ref_id %s not found!' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM rbac_operations ' . 'JOIN rbac_ta ON rbac_operations.ops_id = rbac_ta.ops_id ' . 'JOIN object_data ON rbac_ta.typ_id = object_data.obj_id ' . 'WHERE object_data.title = %s ' . 'AND object_data.type = %s ' . 'ORDER BY op_order ASC' | 1 |
'(%s=%s)' | 1 |
'DN: %s, Filter: %s, Scope: %s' | 1 |
'(&(%s=%s)(%s=%s)%s)' | 1 |
"SELECT * FROM lng_data WHERE module = %s " . "AND lang_key = %s AND identifier = %s" | 1 |
"SELECT MAX(local_change) last_change FROM lng_data " . "WHERE lang_key = %s AND local_change IS NOT NULL" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM lng_modules WHERE lang_key = %s AND module = %s" | 1 |
"UPDATE lng_data " . "SET value = %s, local_change = %s, remarks = %s " . "WHERE module = %s AND identifier = %s AND lang_key = %s " | 1 |
"DELETE FROM lng_data " . "WHERE module = %s AND identifier = %s AND lang_key = %s " | 1 |
'Cannot create language detector instance for type %s!' | 1 |
'"password_encoder" must be set in %s.' | 1 |
'"encoder_factory" must be instance of ilUserPasswordEncoderFactory and set in %s.' | 1 |
"SELECT object_data.title, object_data.description, rbac_fa.* " . "FROM object_data, rbac_ua, rbac_fa WHERE rbac_ua.usr_id = %s " . "AND rbac_ua.rol_id = rbac_fa.rol_id AND object_data.obj_id = rbac_fa.rol_id" | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM usr_pref WHERE usr_id = %s AND keyword = %s" | 1 |
"%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d" | 1 |
"Deleting user account with id %s (login: %s)" | 1 |
'%s user(s) deleted' | 1 |
'One of the passed encoders is not valid: %s.' | 1 |
'The encoder "%s" was not configured.' | 1 |
"%04d-%02d-%02d" | 1 |
'The math adapter %s is not valid, please refer to a class implementing %s' | 1 |
'The math adapter class %s is not valid, please refer to a class implementing %s' | 1 |
'Virus found in file "%s"!' | 1 |
'Virus detected in %s' | 1 |
'<a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener">' | 1 |
"%010d" | 1 |
'%08X' | 1 |
'&#%d;' | 1 |
'&#x%x;' | 1 |
"%04d" | 1 |
'%s::clipboardObject(): Illegal access. Clipboard variable is empty!' | 1 |
"INSERT IGNORE INTO ctrl_classfile (class, filename, comp_prefix, plugin_path) " . " VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
"INSERT IGNORE INTO ctrl_calls (parent, child, comp_prefix) " . "VALUES (%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
'HTML_Template_ITX Warning: %s [File: %s, Line: %d]' | 1 |
'@<!--\s+BEGIN\s+%s\s+-->(.*)<!--\s+END\s+%s\s+-->@sm' | 1 |
"obj_id: %s, user id: %s, object: %s" | 1 |
'DELETE FROM read_event WHERE usr_id = %s ' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM write_event WHERE usr_id = %s ' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO write_event ' . '(write_id, obj_id, parent_obj_id, usr_id, action, ts) VALUES ' . '(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, ' . $ilDB->now( ) . ')' | 1 |
'INSERT INTO write_event ' . '(write_id, obj_id, parent_obj_id, usr_id, action, ts) ' . 'VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,' . $ilDB->now( ) . ')' | 1 |
'UPDATE read_event SET ' . $read_count . 'spent_seconds = %s, ' . 'last_access = %s ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id = %s ' | 1 |
'UPDATE read_event SET ' . 'childs_read_count = childs_read_count + %s ,' . 'childs_spent_seconds = childs_spent_seconds + %s ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM write_event ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id <> %s ' . 'ORDER BY ts DESC' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM write_event ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id <> %s ' . 'AND ts >= %s ' . 'ORDER BY ts DESC' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM write_event ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id <> %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM write_event ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id <> %s ' . 'AND ts > %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM read_event ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'ORDER BY last_access DESC' | 1 |
'SELECT * FROM read_event ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id = %s ' . 'ORDER BY last_access DESC' | 1 |
'SELECT DISTINCT(usr_id) usr FROM read_event ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' | 1 |
'SELECT r1.obj_id,r2.obj_id p,d.owner,%s,d.create_date ' . 'FROM object_data d ' . 'LEFT JOIN write_event w ON d.obj_id = w.obj_id ' . 'JOIN object_reference r1 ON d.obj_id=r1.obj_id ' . 'JOIN tree t ON t.child=r1.ref_id ' . 'JOIN object_reference r2 on r2.ref_id=t.parent ' . 'WHERE w.obj_id IS NULL' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM write_event WHERE obj_id = %s ' | 1 |
'DELETE FROM read_event WHERE obj_id = %s ' | 1 |
"%dh%02dm" | 1 |
"-dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=%d -sDEVICE=pngalpha -dEPSCrop -r72 -o %s %s" | 1 |
"%s -background white -flatten -resize %s -quality %d -sharpen 0x0.5 %s" | 1 |
'Login observer called for SOAP authentication request of ext_account "%s" and auth_mode "%s".' | 1 |
'Could not find any accessibility control concept document for the passed user (id: %s|login: %s)' | 1 |
'module = %s AND identifier = %s' | 1 |
$this->lng->txt('withdrawal_mail_info') . $this->lng->txt('withdrawal_mail_text') | 1 |
'Checking reevaluation of Terms of Service for user "%s" (id: %s) ...' | 1 |
'Terms of Service disabled, resigning not required ...' | 1 |
'User is not included for Terms of Service acceptance, resigning not required ...' | 1 |
'Reevaluation of documents is not enabled, resigning not required ...' | 1 |
'Terms of Service currently not accepted by user, resigning not required ...' | 1 |
'No signable Terms of Service document found, resigning not required ...' | 1 |
'No signed Terms of Service document found, resigning not required ...' | 1 |
'Current user values do still match historized criteria, resigning not required ...' | 1 |
'Current user values do not match historized criteria, resigning required ...' | 1 |
'Could not find any terms of service document for the passed user (id: %s|login: %s)' | 1 |
"Unexpected element found, given %s, expected instanceof '%s'" | 1 |
"Unexpected element found, given %s, expected array with keys 'id' and 'value'" | 1 |
"Please pass a value of type 'boolean' to specify whether the form is not to be validated when it is submitted" | 1 |
"Invalid form target passed, must be one of these: %s" | 1 |
"Invalid form method passed, must be one of these: %s" | 1 |
"Invalid form enc type passed, must be one of these: %s" | 1 |
"The form action must be of type 'string'" | 1 |
"The form id must be of type 'string'" | 1 |
"The initial value of the button must be of type 'string'" | 1 |
"The name of the button must be of type 'string'" | 1 |
"Invalid button type passed, must be one of these: %s" | 1 |
"Cannot set menu items, element at index '%s' is not of type 'ilSplitButtonItem'" | 1 |
'Set last datetime to: %s' | 1 |
'Verification of last run datetime (read from database): %s' | 1 |
"Received event '%s' from component '%s'." | 1 |
"SELECT value FROM il_block_setting WHERE type = %s " . "AND user_id = %s AND setting = %s AND block_id = %s" | 1 |
"DELETE FROM il_block_setting WHERE type = %s AND user_id = %s AND block_id = %s AND setting = %s" | 1 |
"INSERT INTO il_block_setting (type, user_id, setting, block_id, value) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" | 1 |
'Could not find unique SAML attribute for the configured identifier: %s' | 1 |
'Login observer called for SAML authentication request of ext_account "%s" and auth_mode "%s".' | 1 |
'Target set to: %s' | 1 |
'Found user "%s" for ext_account "%s" in ILIAS database.' | 1 |
'SAML user synchronisation is enabled, so update existing user "%s" with ext_account "%s".' | 1 |
'SAML Switched auth_mode of user with login "%s" and ext_account "%s" to "%s".' | 1 |
'SAML Could not switch auth_mode of user with login "%s" and ext_account "%s" to "%s".' | 1 |
'Authentication succeeded: Found internal login "%s for ext_account "%s" and auth_mode "%s".' | 1 |
'Could not find an existing user for ext_account "%s" for any relevant auth_mode.' | 1 |
'SAML user synchronisation is enabled, so determine action for ext_account "%s" and auth_mode "%s".' | 1 |
'Account migration is enabled, so redirecting ext_account "%s" to account migration screen.' | 1 |
'Created new user account with login "%s" and ext_account "%s".' | 1 |
'Started import of user "%s" with ext_account "%s" and auth_mode "%s".' | 1 |
"Could not parse a scalar value based on the user attribute mapping '%s' -> '%s'." | 1 |
'The SVG file contains malicious code. (%s).' | 1 |
'Don\'t understand "%s" as a number test.' | 1 |
'Invalid number "%s".' | 1 |
'Invalid operator "%s".' | 1 |
'Don\'t understand "%s" as a date test.' | 1 |
'"%s" is not a valid date.' | 1 |
'The value "%s" can not be transformed into an integer' | 1 |
'The value "%s" could not be transformed into boolean.' | 1 |
'The array key "%s" must be a string' | 1 |
'Could not find value for key "%s"' | 1 |
'The array "%s" ist empty' | 1 |
'Matching value "%s" not found' | 1 |
'The length of given value "%s" does not match with the given transformations' | 1 |
'The value "%s" could not be transformed into null' | 1 |
'The value "%s" could not be transformed into a string' | 1 |
'Value "%s" could not be transformed.' | 1 |
'The value MUST be of type "%s"' | 1 |
'Could not find transformation for array key "%s"' | 1 |
'There is no entry "%s" defined in the transformation array' | 1 |
"Invalid modification %s in %s (Line %s). %s" | 1 |
'The value "%s" is not an alphanumeric value.' | 1 |
'The value "%s" is not a positive integer' | 1 |
"Can't add already existing version number: %s" | 1 |
"%02X" | 2 |
"UPDATE tst_tests SET results_presentation = %s WHERE test_id = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_solutions WHERE question_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_answer_matching WHERE question_fi = %s AND aorder = %s" | 2 |
"UPDATE tst_solutions SET value1 = %s WHERE solution_id = %s" | 2 |
"Parent of role with id %s is not a 'rolf' (obj_id: %s, type: %s), so skip record" | 2 |
"Could not migrate record with role_id %s and parent id %s because the grandparent is 0" | 2 |
"Migrated record with role_id %s and parent id %s to parent with id %s" | 2 |
"DB Step %s: Found %s duplicates in table 'mail_tree'." | 2 |
"DB Step %s: Started 'mail_tree' migration for user %s. Deleted all records referring this user (field: tree)" | 2 |
"DB Step %s, iteration %s: Created 'mail_obj_data' record (missing folder type): %s, %s, %s, %s ." | 2 |
"DB Step %s, iteration %s: Created root node with id %s for user %s in 'mail_tree'." | 2 |
"DB Step %s, iteration %s: No root folder found for user %s . Skipped user." | 2 |
"DB Step %s, iteration %s: Created node with id %s (lft: %s | rgt: %s) for user %s in 'mail_tree'." | 2 |
"DB Step %s, iteration %s: No custom folder root found for user %s . Skipped user." | 2 |
"DB Step %s, iteration %s: Created custom folder node with id %s (lft: %s | rgt: %s) for user % in 'mail_tree'." | 2 |
"DB Step %s, iteration %s: Finished 'mail_tree' migration for user %s ." | 2 |
"DB Step %s: Deleted object reference of type %s with ref_id %s." | 2 |
"DB Step %s: Deleted object of type %s with obj_id %s." | 2 |
"DB Step %s: Deleted rbac_templates create operation with ops_id %s for object type %s with obj_id %s." | 2 |
"DB Step %s: Deleted create operation with ops_id %s for object type %s with obj_id %s." | 2 |
"DB Step %s: Deleted object type %s with obj_id %s." | 2 |
"Already created a database based certificate template for obj_id %s, cannot migrate file: %s" | 2 |
"Cannot migrate directory, exception raised: %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_answers WHERE question_fi = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_tests WHERE test_id = %s" | 2 |
"SELECT points FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s" | 2 |
"UPDATE qpl_answer_multiplechoice SET points = %s, points_unchecked = %s WHERE answer_id = %s" | 2 |
'<a href="%s">%s</a>' | 2 |
"%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" | 2 |
"P%dY%dM%dDT%dH%dM%dS" | 2 |
'Could not find directory: %s' | 2 |
'%d%03d' | 2 |
'Setting subject to: %s' | 2 |
'Building permanent with parameters %s' | 2 |
'Link built: %s' | 2 |
'Sending notifications for %s "%s" events ...' | 2 |
'Sent notifications for %s ...' | 2 |
'%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d' | 2 |
"%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:00" | 2 |
"%.1f KB" | 2 |
'<p>' . $lang->getShouldHaveBeenRedirected( ) . '</p>' | 2 |
"Did not find any email configuration for language '%s' at all, skipping attempt ..." | 2 |
"Welcome email sent" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_tests WHERE obj_fi=%s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM svy_svy WHERE obj_fi=%s" | 2 |
"Could not find a class for object type: %s" | 2 |
"Could not find a class location for object type: %s" | 2 |
"Costs: %s" | 2 |
'%02d:%02d' | 2 |
"Trigger persisting certificate achievement for: usr_id: %s/obj_id: %s/type: %s/template_id: %s" | 2 |
"Did not trigger certificate achievement for inactive template: usr_id: %s/obj_id: %s/type: %s/template_id: %s" | 2 |
'START - Fetch currently active certificate template for object: "%s"' | 2 |
'END - Found active certificate for: "%s"' | 2 |
'START - Checking if any certificate template uses background image path "%s"' | 2 |
'Actual results: "%s"' | 2 |
'END - All active certificates for user: "%s" total: "%s"' | 2 |
'START - Fetching all active certificates for user: "%s" and object: "%s"' | 2 |
'Active certificate values: %s' | 2 |
'END -Found active user certificate for user: "%s" and object: "%s"' | 2 |
'There is no active entry for user id: "%s" and object id: "%s"' | 2 |
'%.1f' | 2 |
"Attachment directory '%s' deleted" | 2 |
"(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)," | 2 |
"(%s,%s,%s)," | 2 |
"DELETE FROM lng_modules WHERE lang_key = %s AND $inModulesToDelete" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM lng_data WHERE lang_key = %s " . "AND local_change >= %s AND local_change <= %s" | 2 |
"SELECT * FROM lng_modules " . "WHERE lang_key = %s AND module = %s" | 2 |
"XML error: %s at line %d" | 2 |
'File "%s" not readable.' | 2 |
'File "%s" not found.' | 2 |
'No virus found in file "%s".' | 2 |
'SELECT * FROM read_event ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id = %s ' | 2 |
'Evaluating document for user "%s" (id: %s) ...' | 2 |
'%s matching document(s) found' | 2 |
"Cannot attach duplicate criterion with criterion typeIdent %s and value: %s" | 2 |
"Could not find any criterion with criterion typeIdent %s and value: %s" | 2 |
"Did not find criterion type by ident: %s" | 2 |
'Evaluating criteria for document "%s" (id: %s) and user "%s" (id: %s)' | 2 |
'Criterion of type "%s", configured with %s evaluated: %s' | 2 |
"Unexpected element found, given %s, expected array" | 2 |
'The passed argument %s is invalid!' | 2 |
"Exception: %s" | 2 |
'Could not find ext_account "%s" for auth_mode "%s".' | 2 |
"Configured external attribute of mapping '%s' -> '%s' does not exist in SAML attribute data." | 2 |
"%.03f" | 2 |
'Invalid pattern given: %s' | 2 |
'The value "%s" could not be transformed into an float' | 2 |
'The array must contain only "%s" instances' | 2 |
'The value "%s" is no array.' | 2 |
'The given values(count: "%s") does not match with the given transformations("%s")' | 2 |
"UPDATE qpl_answers SET correctness = '1', points = 0 WHERE answer_id = %s AND correctness = '0'" | 3 |
"SELECT * FROM qpl_answers WHERE question_fi = %s ORDER BY gap_id, aorder ASC" | 3 |
"SELECT DISTINCT test_fi FROM tst_solutions WHERE question_fi = %s" | 3 |
"SELECT DISTINCT user_fi FROM tst_solutions WHERE test_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s" | 3 |
"SELECT * FROM tst_solutions WHERE test_fi = %s AND user_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s" | 3 |
"REPLACE tst_test_result (user_fi, test_fi, question_fi, points) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 3 |
"Could not clone source image '%s' to '%s' (srcQuestionId: %s|tgtQuestionId: %s|srcParentObjId: %s|tgtParentObjId: %s)" | 3 |
"Could not clone thumbnail source image '%s' to '%s' (srcQuestionId: %s|tgtQuestionId: %s|srcParentObjId: %s|tgtParentObjId: %s)" | 3 |
"%." . $resObj->getPrecision( ) . "f" | 3 |
'User with ID "%s" does not exist.' | 3 |
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreeTable( ) . ' ' . 'WHERE child = %s ' . 'AND ' . $this->getTree( )->getTreePk( ) . ' = %s ' | 3 |
'START - Fetching all active certificates for user: "%s"' | 3 |
'Fetched certificate: "%s"' | 3 |
'(&(%s=%s)%s)' | 3 |
"%d%%" | 3 |
"%e" | 4 |
"%'.02d" | 4 |
'%s:%s' | 4 |
'./login.php?cmd=force_login&lang=%s' | 4 |
"Division of %s by %s not possible!" | 4 |
'%d' | 4 |
'Trying to find ext_account "%s" for auth_mode "%s".' | 4 |
'The array MUST contain only "%s" instances' | 4 |
"%03d" | 5 |
'%0.2f %%' | 5 |
"width: %.2F%s!important" | 5 |
"width: %.2f%s!important" | 5 |
"Received event '%s' for posting with id %s (subject: %s|ref_id: %s)" | 5 |
'%s%s:%s' | 5 |
"INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id, type, ops_id, parent) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" | 6 |
"%.1f MB" | 6 |
"(%s " . $this->lng->txt("points") . ")" | 6 |
"(%s " . $this->lng->txt("point") . ")" | 6 |
'%02d' | 6 |
'Invalid directory given: %s' | 6 |
'Invalid comparator given: %s' | 6 |
"AVG(%s)" | 9 |
"%2.2f" | 10 |
'%02d:00' | 10 |
"%02d" | 11 |
"%02d:%02d:%02d" | 15 |
"%.2f" | 16 |
"" | 16 |
"-" . $a_topic . "-" | 16 |
"P0Y0M0DT%dH%dM%dS" | 18 |
"SUM(%s)" | 18 |
"%d" | 21 |
"%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d" | 22 |
"MAX(%s)" | 26 |