List of all defined functions in the code..
Value | Count | File:Line |
with_value | 1 |
with_required | 1 |
settings | 1 |
note | 1 |
apply | 1 |
with_novelty | 1 |
dislike | 1 |
xslt_process | 1 |
disclosure | 1 |
multiple_glyphs | 1 |
xslt_create | 1 |
with_js | 1 |
xslt_error | 1 |
xslt_free | 1 |
calendar | 1 |
close | 1 |
remove | 1 |
eyeopen | 1 |
eyeclosed | 1 |
expand | 1 |
next_glyph | 1 |
like | 1 |
show_modal_on_button_click_async_rendered | 1 |
attachment | 1 |
show_modal_on_button_click | 1 |
comment | 1 |
show_a_single_text | 1 |
mail_example | 1 |
show_multiple_texts | 1 |
love | 1 |
show_different_page_types | 1 |
notification | 1 |
show_form_in_modal | 1 |
back | 1 |
show_the_same_modal_with_different_buttons | 1 |
sad | 1 |
with_signal | 1 |
no_pages | 1 |
many_pages | 1 |
many_pages_dropdown | 1 |
inside_panel | 1 |
_Base | 1 |
small | 1 |
with_error | 1 |
with_limits | 1 |
with_required_sub_inputs | 1 |
numeric_inputs | 1 |
getDemoEntryAdministration | 1 |
getDemoEntryOrganisation | 1 |
with_link_title | 1 |
getDemoEntryCommunication | 1 |
getDemoEntryAchievements | 1 |
with_shy_properties | 1 |
ten_items | 1 |
with_aggregates | 1 |
loremIpsum | 1 |
with_lead_icon | 1 |
getDemoEntryTools | 1 |
closable | 1 |
reached_100_percent | 1 |
drilldown | 1 |
no_score_yet | 1 |
toBulky | 1 |
with_shy_title | 1 |
with_label | 1 |
headline | 1 |
base_with_value | 1 |
with_keys | 1 |
base_with_data | 1 |
with_required_input | 1 |
data_processing | 1 |
getUIContent | 1 |
ui | 1 |
ui_mainbar | 1 |
pagedemoFooter | 1 |
getUIMainbar | 1 |
pagedemoMetabar | 1 |
pagedemoContent | 1 |
pagedemoMainbar | 1 |
getDemoEntryRepository | 1 |
_initIliasForPreview | 1 |
getDemoEntryPersonalWorkspace | 1 |
pagedemoCrumbs | 1 |
buildMetabarWithNotifications | 1 |
mainbar | 1 |
standard | 1 |
disabled_icon | 1 |
std_course_icon | 1 |
std_icons | 1 |
listindent | 1 |
laugh | 1 |
listoutdent | 1 |
help | 1 |
bulletlist | 1 |
login | 1 |
base_text_block | 1 |
with_listings | 1 |
with_view_controls | 1 |
legacy | 1 |
up | 1 |
down | 1 |
angry | 1 |
add | 1 |
tag_example | 1 |
briefcase | 1 |
filter | 1 |
show_multi_step_modal | 1 |
with_footer | 1 |
with_contraints | 1 |
with_card | 1 |
with_list_actions | 1 |
usuallyDoneByGlobalScreenProbablyIgnore | 1 |
language | 1 |
extended_notifications | 1 |
collapse | 1 |
buildMetabar | 1 |
metabar | 1 |
more | 1 |
pageFooterDemoMainbar | 1 |
sort_ascending | 1 |
pageFooterDemoCrumbs | 1 |
search | 1 |
pageFooterDemoMetabar | 1 |
time_glyph | 1 |
pageFooterDemoContent | 1 |
pageFooterDemoFooter | 1 |
db_pwassist_create_id | 1 |
footer | 1 |
db_pwassist_session_close | 1 |
glyph_reset | 1 |
pageFooterDemo2Footer | 1 |
db_pwassist_session_open | 1 |
footer_with_modals | 1 |
getPhpSourceCodePositionInfo | 1 |
sort_descending | 1 |
cf | 1 |
numberedlist | 1 |
show_a_single_image | 1 |
pr | 1 |
logout | 1 |
show_multiple_images | 1 |
vd | 1 |
astounded | 1 |
show_a_modal_which_cannot_be_closed_with_the_keyboard | 1 |
datecmp | 1 |
gettmpdir | 1 |
sortResults | 1 |
send | 1 |
iso8601_to_timestamp | 1 |
usleepWindows | 1 |
_PEAR_call_destructors | 1 |
timestamp_to_iso8601 | 1 |
magpie_error | 1 |
_fetch_remote_file | 1 |
error | 1 |
debug | 1 |
referralRebind | 1 |
fetch_rss | 1 |
common_header | 1 |
common_footer | 1 |
writeCtrlClassEntry | 1 |
dirRek | 1 |
getWorkingTimeOfParticipantForPass | 1 |
getQuestionCountAndPointsForPassOfParticipant | 1 |
lookupRandomTestFromActiveId | 1 |
migrateData | 1 |
migrate | 1 |
build_container_for_setup | 1 |
hash_directory | 1 |
vendor_hash | 1 |
composer_lock_hash | 1 |
returnMarkup | 1 |
setupILIASDatabase | 1 |
toTuple | 1 |
getTextgapPoints | 1 |
getNrOfResultsForPass | 1 |
_lookupObjId | 1 |
benchTime | 1 |
benchmarkForm | 1 |
codepointToUtf8 | 1 |
hexSequenceToUtf8 | 1 |
testNFKC | 1 |
testNFKD | 1 |
testInvariant | 1 |
benchmarkTest | 1 |
quotaHandleMob | 1 |
quotaHandleFileStorage | 1 |
quotaHandleVerification | 1 |
setup_exit | 1 |
utf8ToHexSequence | 1 |
utf8ToCodepoint | 1 |
escapeSingleString | 1 |
quotaHandleFile | 1 |
testLine | 1 |
show_card_in_popover | 1 |
showDiffs | 1 |
callbackCompat | 1 |
callbackCanonical | 1 |
randomString | 1 |
wfMsg | 1 |
donorm | 1 |
testNFC | 1 |
verbosify | 1 |
testNFD | 1 |
modal | 1 |
testCleanUp | 1 |
testNormals | 1 |
show_popover_with_different_positions | 1 |
reportResults | 1 |
show_popover_with_vertical_scrollbars | 1 |
with_divider_with_label | 1 |
with_divider | 1 |
with_buttons_and_links | 1 |
info | 1 |
failure | 1 |
success | 1 |
confirmation | 1 |
toDictionary | 1 |
with_object_icon_and_certificate | 1 |
with_object_icon | 1 |
with_object_icon_and_actions | 1 |
with_sections | 1 |
with_object_icon_and_progressmeter_mini | 1 |
with_title_action | 1 |
isValidSession | 1 |
showResult | 1 |
xl_card | 1 |
wfUrlProtocols | 1 |
breadcrumbs | 1 |
wfProfileOut | 1 |
modeinfo | 1 |
multiple | 1 |
long_text | 1 |
combined | 1 |
expandable | 1 |
primitive | 1 |
expandable_async_repo | 1 |
toRecord | 1 |
expandable2 | 1 |
toNewObject | 1 |
ilMDConvert | 1 |
estimatedReadingTime | 1 |
with_aria_label | 1 |
parallel | 1 |
series | 1 |
simpleWithLink | 1 |
repository | 1 |
bylined | 1 |
is_server_error | 1 |
map_attrs | 1 |
array_change_key_case | 1 |
parse_w3cdtf | 1 |
wfProfileIn | 1 |
init | 1 |
server_side_error | 1 |
with_restricted_file_types_and_custom_message | 1 |
dropzone_in_dropzone | 1 |
db_pwassist_session_read | 1 |
restrict_max_files_and_file_size | 1 |
staticxmlerror | 1 |
included_data1 | 1 |
included_data | 1 |
db_pwassist_session_find | 1 |
db_pwassist_session_write | 1 |
with_usage_in_legacy_form | 1 |
db_pwassist_session_destroy | 1 |
with_custom_file_metadata | 1 |
db_pwassist_session_gc | 1 |
base1 | 1 |
environment | 1 |
with_additional_on_load_code | 1 |
show_popover_with_dynamic_changing_content | 1 |
show_popover_with_async_loaded_content | 1 |
decorative | 1 |
is_client_error | 1 |
with_signal_action | 1 |
with_string_action | 1 |
is_redirect | 1 |
is_error | 1 |
std_outlined_icons | 1 |
is_info | 1 |
default_icon | 1 |
is_success | 1 |
custom_icon | 1 |
_response_to_rss | 1 |
sample | 2 |
foo | 2 |
bar | 2 |
user_reached_required | 2 |
only_comparison_value | 2 |
async | 2 |
in_form | 2 |
with_lead_image | 2 |
with_lead_text | 2 |
with_viewcontrollers | 2 |
user | 2 |
with_js_binding | 2 |
with_load_anim | 2 |
xpath_new_context | 2 |
pretty | 2 |
toList | 2 |
simple | 2 |
xpath_eval | 2 |
domxml_open_mem | 2 |
domxml_open_file | 2 |
maximum_configuration | 3 |
with_actions | 4 |
unavailable_action | 5 |
engaged | 5 |
disabled | 8 |
base | 68 |