Those literals are assigned then compared somewhere else in the code. When those literals are carrying a state, it is recommended to assign them to a constant, to ensure that both parts of the application use the same values..
Literal | Assignations | Comparisons |
2 |
- $a_batch = 2
- $batch = 2
- $bits = 2
- $check_disc_free = 2
- $cnt = 2
- $cnt_col = 2
- $col = 2
- $colours[$pdbk] = 2
- $colours[$varPdbk] = 2
- $colspan = 2
- $counter = 2
- $expected = 2
- $expected = '2'
- $i = 2
- $ident = 2
- $int = 2
- $item["width"] = 2
- $length = 2
- $level = 2
- $name = 2
- $next = 2
- $nth_copy = 2
- $ov_row = 2
- $precision = 2
- $reg_mode = 2
- $remaining = 2
- $result = 2
- $row = 2
- $s = 2
- $sort = 2
- $sort_str = "2"
- $spider->connection->width = 2
- $this->ARCHIVE_READ = 2
- $this->EXPORT_VERSION = "2"
- $this->SEARCH_GROUP = 2
- $this->WARNING = 2
- $this->feedback_setting = 2
- $this->leading_context_lines = 2
- $this->linewidth_inner = 2
- $this->mTextLoaded = 2
- $this->splitter = 2
- $this->title_output = 2
- $this->trailing_context_lines = 2
- $type = 2
- $value = 2
- $values['kind'] = 2
- $wait = 2
- $withdrawalType = 2
- self::$setting[$key] = 2
- $_GET['example'] == 2
- $_GET['modal_nr'] === '2'
- $_GET['ui_mainbar'] == '2'
- $_POST["usage"] == 2
- $a_add_time == 2
- $a_buttons_section == 2
- $a_node["depth"] == 2
- $availableSpace < 2
- $cnt_coords < 2
- $cnt_coords == 2
- $colours[$pdbk] == 2
- $data["Status"] == "2"
- $gui == 2
- $h["level"] == 2
- $i > 2
- $i < 2
- $i <= 2
- $ilUser->prefs["store_last_visited"] == 2
- $ipages[$k]["indent"] == 2
- $label === "2"
- $length <= 2
- $length == 2
- $length == '2'
- $level == 2
- $nodeDepth == 2
- $num === 2
- $qpl_mode == 2
- $row->activation_type == 2
- $row->subscription_limitation_type == 2
- $row["question_type_fi"] == 2
- $scope == 2
- $size < 2
- $sk_step <= 2
- $st_step <= 2
- $step > 2
- $this->mTextLoaded == 2
- $toclevel == 2
- $val == 2
- $wgInterwikiScopes >= 2
- $x === 2
- 2 === $withdrawalType
4 |
- $bits = 4
- $expected = 4
- $i = 4
- $ident = 4
- $int = 4
- $length = 4
- $loop = 4
- $num_assignments = 4
- $ops_id = 4
- $remaining = 4
- $settings["shib_user_default_role"] = 4
- $this->default_role = 4
- $this->linewidth_outer = 4
- $this->mailer->SMTPDebug = 4
- $this->splitter = 4
- $_GET['example'] == 4
- $_SERVER['argc'] < 4
- $a_filter == 4
- $costs < 4
- $costs_default > 4
- $costs_target > 4
- $length > 4
- $length == 4
- $loop < 4
- $numExistingSolutionRecords >= 4
- $numMatches >= 4
- $sk_step <= 4
- $this->_numRequests > 4
- $this->data[$k]["Sortmode"] == 4
10 |
- $cnt = 10
- $count = 10
- $expected = 10
- $expectedSorting = 10
- $expectedSortingValueExistingDocuments = 10
- $font_size = 10
- $hits_per_page = 10
- $len = 10
- $max = 10
- $nr = 10
- $obj_id = 10
- $object->sorting = 10
- $objectId = 10
- $offset = 10
- $ord = 10
- $order = 10
- $order_nr = 10
- $order_val = 10
- $position_count = 10
- $spider->legs->legStartAngle = 10
- $this->prefs["hits_per_page"] = 10
- $userId = 10
- $val = 10
- $a_month < 10
- $a_value >= 10
- $autosave < 10
- $cnt <= 10
- $hits_per_page < 10
- $i >= 10
- $i < 10
- $i <= 10
- $loop < 10
- $month < 10
- $sk_step <= 10
- $st_step <= 10
- $this->object->textsize >= 10
- $v == 10
200 |
- $configuration->dropdownMaxItems = 200
- $width = 200
- $responseObject->status == 200
- $sc >= 200
- $sc < 200
- $status != 200
- $status === 200
- $status_info->status == 200
- $this->cnt_lmobj > 200
100 |
- $a_value = 100
- $current_percent = 100
- $current_percents = 100
- $expected = 100
- $height = 100
- $limit = 100
- $minimum_percentage = 100
- $minimum_percents = 100
- $per = 100
- $percentage = 100
- $percentage_completed = 100
- $required_percent = 100
- $st_factor = 100
- $this->ref_id = 100
- $userId = 100
- $_POST['count'] >= 100
- $i < 100
- $i <= 100
- $limit_p >= 100
- $minimum_level <= 100
- $percentage != 100
- $sc >= 100
500 |
- $limit = 500
- $max_chars = 500
- $this->chart_width = 500
- $num == 500
- $rnd == 500
- $sc >= 500
- $sc < 500
12 |
- $element_id = 12
- $font_size = 12
- $loop2 = 12
- $a_month == 12
- $i <= 12
- $month <= 12
- $prev_month == 12
- $st_step <= 12
- $this->id < 12
15 |
- $a_options['auto_complete_size'] = 15
- $font_size = 15
- $raster = 15
- $day < 15
- $day == 15
- $st_step <= 15
3 |
- $batch = 3
- $bits = 3
- $counter = 3
- $expected = '3'
- $i = 3
- $ident = 3
- $js_files["./js/pager.js"] = 3
- $js_files["./js/pure.js"] = 3
- $js_files["./js/questions_" . $this->getId( ) . ".js"] = 3
- $js_files["./js/scorm.js"] = 3
- $length = 3
- $level = 3
- $max_exponent = 3
- $min_limit = 3
- $name = 3
- $num_assignments = 3
- $number_of_davable_children = 3
- $options["accessibility-check"] = 3
- $orientation = 3
- $reg_mode = 3
- $remaining = 3
- $s = 3
- $subtype = 3
- $this->EXPORT_VERSION = "3"
- $this->MESSAGE = 3
- $this->SEARCH_COURSE = 3
- $this->securimage->num_lines = 3
- $this->splitter = 3
- $threshold = 3
- $type = 3
- $_GET['example'] == 3
- $_POST["usage"] == 3
- $a_batch > 3
- $a_buttons_section == 3
- $a_length < 3
- $a_node['depth'] < 3
- $better_participants >= 3
- $cd_step <= 3
- $cnt_coords < 3
- $data["Status"] == "3"
- $field_map[$row["field_id"]] == 3
- $h["level"] == 3
- $i < 3
- $i <= 3
- $i == 3
- $i_check > 3
- $i_set > 3
- $idSetting > 3
- $len > 3
- $length == 3
- $level < 3
- $mod < 3
- $node['depth'] < 3
- $nodeDepth == 3
- $num != 3
- $qpl_mode == 3
- $question_title == 3
- $ret == 3
- $storage_location == 3
- $subtype < 3
- $test >= 3
- $wgInterwikiScopes >= 3
50 |
- $configuration->suggestionLimit = 50
- $expected = 50
- $i = 50
- $max_items = 50
- $percentage_passed = 50
- $this->gap = 50
- $this->textwidth = 50
5 |
- $a_rating = 5
- $bits = 5
- $expected['cnt'] = 5
- $expectedValueIndex = 5
- $field_part_limit = 5
- $kc = 5
- $length = 5
- $max = 5
- $number_of_children = 5
- $offset = 5
- $points = 5
- $remaining = 5
- $this->textheight = 5
- $value = 5
- $_SESSION['filtered_roles'] > 5
- $a_filter == 5
- $a_rating > 5
- $cd_step <= 5
- $counter == 5
- $i < 5
- $i <= 5
- $om == 5
- $ret > 5
- $st_step <= 5
- 5 === $result
8 |
- $chosen_day = 8
- $cost = 8
- $globalRoleFolderId = 8
- $ipos = 8
- $length = 8
- $position = 8
- $this->show_summary = 8
- $a_type > 8
- $loop < 8
- $row->field_type == 8
- $server_info['major'] < 8
- $sk_step <= 8
- $st_step <= 8
- $unirstep <= 8
9 |
- $chosen_day = 9
6 |
- $account->id = 6
- $bits = 6
- $i = 6
- $ilias_mock->account->id = 6
- $int = 6
- $kr = 6
- $number_days_previous_month = 6
- $object->last_modified_usr_id = 6
- $object->owner_usr_id = 6
- $ops_id = 6
- $r = 6
- $this->maxchars = 6
- $this->size = 6
- $this->usr_id = 6
- $userId = 6
- $usr = 6
- $cd_step <= 6
- $sk_step <= 6
- $st_step <= 6
- $unirstep <= 6
- $user["usr_id"] != 6
26 |
- $last54Hotfix >= 26
- $se_db <= 26
400 |
- $a_height = 400
- $this->height = 400
- $http_status >= 400
- $sc >= 400
- $sc < 400
-2 |
- $_SESSION['phpCAS']['unauth_count'] = -2
- $i = -2
- $j = -2
- $_SESSION['phpCAS']['unauth_count'] != -2
24 |
- $_POST['rbac_log_age'] = 24
- $i < 24
- $i <= 24
- $loop < 24
42 |
- $changed = 42
- $expected = 42
47 |
7 |
- $day = 7
- $kc = 7
- $question_id = 7
- $this->NOTIFY_ADMINS = 7
- $check_window_logic <= 7
- $column < 7
- $day_diff == 7
- $i < 7
- $i_check > 7
- $i_set > 7
- $loop < 7
- $row["question_type_fi"] < 7
- $st_step <= 7
99999 |
60 |
- $settings['osd_intervall'] = 60
- $i <= 60
- $max_str_len > 60
- $se_db <= 60
11 |
80 |
- $port = 80
- $this->port = 80
- $SERVER_PORT == 80
- $i <= 80
- $server_port != 80
443 |
- $port = 443
- $this->port = 443
0xfffe |
0xffff |
20 |
- $configuration->maxItems = 20
- $cut = 20
- $height = 20
- $max_limit = 20
- $a_height < 20
- $i < 20
- $i <= 20
- $ret == 20
- $se_db <= 20
- $st_step <= 20
30 |
- $depth > 30
- $ilLog->current_log_level == 30
- $max_str_len > 30
0xc0 |
- $n >= 0xc0
- $n < 0xc0
- $second < 0xc0
- $third < 0xc0
0x80 |
- $second = 0x80
- $third = 0x80
- $codepoint < 0x80
- $i < 0x80
- $n > 0x80
- $n >= 0x80
- $n < 0x80
14 |
16 |
300 |
- $http_status >= 300
- $sc >= 300
- $sc < 300
- $time_left < 300
101 |
9999 |
- $a_limit == 9999
- $hits_option == 9999
- $k == 9999
- $this->limit == 9999
1000 |
- $cut < 1000
- $i < 1000
- $loop < 1000
- $row >= 1000
- $this->fields[$f]['length'] >= 1000
_blank |
- $frame = '_blank'
- $link->attributes->getNamedItem('LinkTarget')->nodeValue = '_blank'
- $ltarget = "_blank"
- $nframe = "_blank"
- $a_frame != "_blank"
- $nframe != "_blank"
- $this->requested_frame != "_blank"
- $this->requested_frame == "_blank"
- '_blank' === $target
glossary |
- $a_cmd = "glossary"
- $a_target = "Glossary"
- $attrs["Type"] = "Glossary"
- $target_frame = "Glossary"
- $targetframe = "Glossary"
- $a_attribs["Type"] == "Glossary"
- $attribs["TargetFrame"] == "Glossary"
- $targetframe == "Glossary"
media |
- $a_cmd = "media"
- $ctype = "media"
- $mode = "media"
- $type = "media"
- |
- $_GET["subCmd"] = "-"
- $a_field_value = "-"
- $a_lang = "-"
- $a_obj_type = "-"
- $a_page_lang = "-"
- $a_sub_obj_type = "-"
- $a_sub_type = "-"
- $at["sub_type"] = "-"
- $author = "-"
- $finished = "-"
- $id2[0] = "-"
- $id2[1] = "-"
- $id[1] = "-"
- $kw_arr[3] = "-"
- $lang = "-"
- $last = "-"
- $lstr = "-"
- $nameFamily = '-'
- $nameFull = '-'
- $nameGiven = '-'
- $rec['prg_validity'] = '-'
- $result = '-'
- $row['anonymous_id'] = '-'
- $sc_id[1] = "-"
- $sc_id[2] = "-"
- $snippet_lang = "-"
- $status[0] = "-"
- $string = '-'
- $subtype = "-"
- $this->concrete_lang = "-"
- $this->lang = "-"
- $this->sub_type = "-"
- $usrName = '-'
- $val = "-"
- $value = "-"
- $_POST['idp_selection'] != '-'
- $a_lang != "-"
- $a_lang == "-"
- $a_page_lang == "-"
- $adv_subtype == "-"
- $c == "-"
- $exp_sign === '-'
- $file != "-"
- $identification != '-'
- $inFileName == '-'
- $lang != "-"
- $lstr != "-"
- $num_sign === '-'
- $op == '-'
- $outFileName == '-'
- $parent_lang == "-"
- $query == '-'
- $range == '-'
- $range[0] == '-'
- $rec["perm"] != "-"
- $rec["screen_id"] == "-"
- $rec["screen_sub_id"] == "-"
- $rec["sub_obj_type"] == "-"
- $record["sub_type"] == "-"
- $row1['anonymous_id'] == '-'
- $row['anonymous_id'] == '-'
- $sub_obj_type == "-"
- $t != "-"
- $this->default_title == "-"
- $this->lang != "-"
- $this->sub_type != "-"
- $this->sub_type == "-"
- $translation === "-"
- $value == "-"
_top |
- $buttonTarget = "_top"
- $command['frame'] = '_top'
- $frame_target = "_top"
- $ltarget = "_top"
- $def_command["frame"] == "_top"
page |
- $a_cmd = "page"
- $cmd = "page"
- $parameter_name = 'page'
- $type = "page"
- $_POST["ptype"] == "page"
- $_POST["sel_type"] == "page"
- $a_cmd == "page"
- $a_node["type"] == "page"
- $item_type == "page"
- $parts[0] == "page"
- $tag[0]["class"] == "Page"
- $val[0] == "page"
htlm |
- $a_entity == "htlm"
- $a_node["type"] == "htlm"
- $a_type == "htlm"
- $t_arr[0] != "htlm"
- $type != 'htlm'
show |
- $cmd = "show"
- $cmd = 'show'
lm |
- $_SESSION["link_new_type"] = "lm"
- $_SESSION["search_link_type"] = "lm"
- $a_node["type"] = "lm"
- $search = "lm"
- $source_parent_type = "lm"
- $this->type = "lm"
- $type = "lm"
- $_SESSION["search_link_type"] == "lm"
- $a_entity == "lm"
- $a_node["type"] == "lm"
- $a_obj_type == "lm"
- $a_source_parent_type == "lm"
- $a_type == "lm"
- $a_type == 'lm'
- $anyObjParentType == "lm"
- $node['type'] == 'lm'
- $pinfo["parent_type"] == "lm"
- $t_arr[0] != "lm"
- $t_arr[0] == "lm"
- $this->coType == "lm"
- $type == "lm"
- $type[0] == 'lm'
gethtml |
- $a_list_cmd != "gethtml"
- $cmd != "gethtml"
illmpresentationgui |
- $_GET["baseClass"] = "ilLMPresentationGUI"
- $_GET['baseClass'] = 'ilLMPresentationGUI'
- $gui_class == "ilLMPresentationGUI"
resume |
infoscreen |
- $_GET["cmd"] = "infoScreen"
- $_GET['cmd'] = 'infoScreen'
- $cmd = "infoScreen"
- $cmd = 'infoScreen'
- $a_cmd == "infoScreen"
- $cmd != "infoScreen"
- $cmd != 'infoScreen'
- $cmd == "infoScreen"
create |
- $cmd = "create"
- $dispatchEvent = "create"
- $perm_class = 'create'
- $preset = "CREATE"
- $a_action == 'create'
- $a_attribs['action'] == 'Create'
- $a_class != 'create'
- $a_class == 'create'
- $a_file_action != 'create'
- $a_mode != "create"
- $a_mode != 'create'
- $a_mode == "create"
- $a_mode == 'create'
- $a_perm == "create"
- $a_permission != "create"
- $action == "create"
- $action == 'create'
- $cmd != "create"
- $cmd != 'create'
- $cmd == "create"
- $cmd === 'create'
- $com[0] == "create"
- $mode != 'create'
- $mode === 'create'
- $operation == "create"
y |
- $_POST["item"][$this->requested_obj_id] = "y"
- $_POST["item"][1] = "y"
- $_SESSION["il_feed_js"] = "y"
- $append_footnotes = "y"
- $assign = "y"
- $current = "y"
- $disable_auto_margins = "y"
- $enable_split_next = "y"
- $new_pref = "y"
- $prefs["public_" . $field] = "y"
- $prefs["public_" . $name] = "y"
- $user_setting_notes_by_type = "y"
- $user_setting_notes_public_all = "y"
- $values["fullscreen"] = "y"
- $_GET["reloadTree"] == "y"
- $_POST["editable"] == 'y'
- $_POST["full_derive_caption"] == "y"
- $_POST["full_derive_parameters"] == "y"
- $_POST["full_derive_size"] == "y"
- $_POST["full_derive_text_representation"] == "y"
- $_POST["fullscreen"] == "y"
- $_POST["st_derive_caption"] == "y"
- $_POST["st_derive_parameters"] == "y"
- $_POST["st_derive_size"] == "y"
- $_POST["st_derive_text_representation"] == "y"
- $_POST["validate"] == "y"
- $_POST['send_mail'] != 'y'
- $_POST['send_mail'] == 'y'
- $_SESSION["il_feed_js"] != "y"
- $_SESSION["il_feed_js"] == "y"
- $a_assign != "y"
- $current != "y"
- $entry["active"] == "y"
- $next == 'Y'
- $next == 'y'
- $node["public_access"] == "y"
- $pp === 'y'
- $prefs["public_" . $key] == "y"
- $prefs["public_udf_" . $definition["field_id"]] == "y"
- $profile_visibility === 'y'
- $public_profile != 'y'
- $public_profile == 'y'
- $public_profile === 'y'
- $public_upload != 'y'
- $rbacrow["assign"] != "y"
- $rec["value"] == "y"
- $role['assign'] == 'y'
- $role_data['assign'] == 'y'
- $role_info['assign'] == 'y'
- $role_info['protected'] == 'y'
- $row->assign == 'y'
- $row->public_title == "y"
- $row["comments"] == "y"
- $row['value'] === 'y'
- $sess_feed_js == "y"
- $this->filter["subm"] == "y"
- $this->object->prefs['bs_allow_to_contact_me'] == 'y'
- $this->object->prefs['chat_osc_accept_msg'] == 'y'
- $this->object->prefs['send_info_mails'] == 'y'
- $this->show_details == 'y'
- $this->user->prefs['bs_allow_to_contact_me'] == 'y'
- $user_profile_prefs["public_profile"] == "y"
- $val["assign"] == "y"
- $val["protected"] == "y"
- $validate == "y"
- $values["full_derive_size"] == "y"
- $values["st_derive_size"] == "y"
- 'y' == $rec['email_value']
- 'y' == $rec['second_email_value']
pageobject |
- $app_name = "PageObject"
- $link_type = "PageObject"
- $obj_type = "PageObject"
- $area["Type"] == "PageObject"
- $curr_name == "PageObject"
- $type == "PageObject"
png |
- $ext = 'PNG'
- $format = "png"
- $suffix = "png"
- $this->output = 'png'
- $extension == "png"
- $suffix == "png"
gif |
- $ext = 'GIF'
- $suffix = "gif"
1 |
- $approved = '1'
- $complete = "1"
- $data[1] = "1"
- $data[2] = "1"
- $expected = '1'
- $node_hier_id = "1"
- $passed = "1"
- $sort_str = "1"
- $str = "1"
- $this->correctness = "1"
- $this->enable_processing_time = "1"
- $HTTPS == '1'
- $_GET["jsApi"] == "1"
- $_GET["lmmovecopy"] == "1"
- $_GET['modal_nr'] === '1'
- $_GET['new_footer_2_ui'] == '1'
- $_GET['new_footer_ui'] == '1'
- $_GET['new_ui'] == '1'
- $_GET['replaced'] == '1'
- $_GET['returned_from_mail'] == '1'
- $_GET['ui_mainbar'] == '1'
- $_POST[self::F_USE_NESTED] === "1"
- $_POST["chb"]["course_export_" . $field] == "1"
- $_POST["shib"]["active"] != "1"
- $_POST["shib"]["update_" . $field] != "1"
- $_POST['enable_versioning_webdav'] == '1'
- $_POST['enable_webdav'] == '1'
- $_POST['notification_type'] == "1"
- $_POST['shib']['activate_new'] == '1'
- $_POST['shib']['auth_allow_local'] == '1'
- $a_num == "1"
- $a_source_node == "1"
- $a_val != "1"
- $column["width"] == "1"
- $data["Status"] == "1"
- $enabled == '1'
- $fixState === '1'
- $item['Page'] == "1"
- $item['StartPage'] == "1"
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- $post[self::F_USE_NESTED] === "1"
- $prop === '1'
- $questiondata['manual'] == '1'
- $rec["value"] == "1"
- $row["value"] == "1"
- $save_user_adr == '1'
- $sec == "1"
- $stored_val == "1"
- $this->items[$serialize]['active'] === '1'
- $this->params[self::RENDER_INPUT_BASE . $input_id] === "1"
- $value != "1"
- $value == '1'
0 |
- $_POST["shib"]["update_" . $field] = "0"
- $a_use_placeholders = '0'
- $adder = "0"
- $approved = '0'
- $attrs['minnumber'] = '0'
- $complete = "0"
- $folderId = '0'
- $launchId = '0'
- $matriculation = '0'
- $old['hide_shop_info'] = '0'
- $old['inc_current_value'] = '0'
- $old['inc_reset_period'] = '0'
- $old['inc_start_value'] = '0'
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definition |
image |
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book |
12345 |
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test |
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--- |
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delete |
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image/jpeg |
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, |
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( |
- $elem !== '('
- $op == '('
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2004 |
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3rd |
unknown |
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4th |
all |
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choose |
completed |
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feed |
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base64 |
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ilrepositorygui |
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- $_GET['baseClass'] = 'ilRepositoryGUI'
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poll |
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green |
application/json |
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? |
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sco |
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\n |
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document |
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default |
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scorm |
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| |
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./ |
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unique |
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ilias |
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* |
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- $this->getMailer( )->CharSet = 'utf-8'
- $this->xml_encoding == 'UTF-8'
. |
- $a_dec_point = "."
- $delim = '.'
- $indent_str = "."
- $path = "."
- $sep = "."
- $subdir = "."
- $c == "."
- $dbkey === '.'
- $dirfile == '.'
- $dirname === '.'
- $e == "."
- $e["entry"] != "."
- $e["entry"] == "."
- $entry != "."
- $entry === '.'
- $entry["entry"] == "."
- $exp_file == '.'
- $file != "."
- $file != '.'
- $file !== "."
- $file == "."
- $file == '.'
- $filedir == '.'
- $locale_info['decimal_point'] != '.'
- $o === "."
- $object != "."
- $path == "."
- $pi["dirname"] != "."
- $prefix === '.'
- $q_entry != "."
- $sourcefile == "."
- '.' !== $firstChar
- '.' === $skin_name
settings |
- $_GET["admin_mode"] = "settings"
- $cmd = "settings"
- $cmd = 'settings'
- $commandParts[0] = 'settings'
- $commandParts[1] = 'settings'
- self::$user_field["roles"]["group"] = "settings"
- $_GET["admin_mode"] == "settings"
- $a_cmd == "settings"
- $a_cmd == 'settings'
- $a_main_tab == "settings"
- $a_main_tab == 'settings'
- $a_section == 'settings'
- $cmd != "settings"
- $p["group"] == "settings"
sess |
- $a_entity == "sess"
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- $a_item_data['type'] == 'sess'
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- $a_obj_type == "sess"
- $info['obj_type'] == 'sess'
- $item["type"] == "sess"
- $item['type'] == 'sess'
- $item_data["type"] == "sess"
- $obj_info['obj_type'] == 'sess'
- $obj_row[0] == 'sess'
- $object["type"] != "sess"
- $r['type'] == 'sess'
- $rec["type"] == "sess"
- $result["type"] == "sess"
- $t == "sess"
- $t_arr[0] != "sess"
- $type == "sess"
- $type == 'sess'
- $type === 'sess'
view |
- $_GET['cmd'] = 'view'
- $cmd = "view"
- $cmd = 'view'
- $commandParts[0] = 'view'
- $a_cmd != 'view'
- $cmd == "view"
- $cmd == 'view'
- $cmd === 'view'
git |
- $parts[0] = "git"
- $t_type = "git"
- $target_type = "git"
- $int_link["type"] == "git"
- $l["type"] == "git"
- $link["type"] == "git"
- $t_arr[0] != "git"
- $t_arr[0] == "git"
- $type == "git"
date |
- $a = "date"
- $type = "date"
- $type = 'date'
- $def["type"] == "date"
- $params['order_field'] === 'date'
timestamp |
- $type = "timestamp"
- $type = 'timestamp'
- $def["type"] == "timestamp"
primary |
- $index_data[$key_name] !== 'PRIMARY'
edit |
- $cmd = "edit"
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- $cmd == "edit"
- $cmd == 'edit'
- $cmd === 'edit'
- $id[2] == "edit"
- $item["lang_var"] == "edit"
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integer |
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- $col[0] == 'integer'
- $def["type"] == "integer"
- $lvalType == "integer"
- $tt == 'integer'
- $type == 'integer'
decimal |
- $def["type"] == "decimal"
- $type == 'decimal'
boolean |
- $type == 'boolean'
- $uqType == 'boolean'
no_changes |
- $this->updateMsg = "no_changes"
- $dbupdate->updateMsg == "no_changes"
sql |
php |
- $mode == "php"
- pathinfo($example_path)["extension"] == "php"
done |
- $response->status = "done"
- self::$init_done = "done"
- self::$init_done == "done"
mmon |
- $this->display_mode = "mmon"
- $this->display_mode != "mmon"
- $this->display_mode !== "mmon"
rcrs |
- $sel_type = "rcrs"
- $this->type = "rcrs"
- $this->type = 'rcrs'
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- $this->type == 'rcrs'
overview |
- $cmd = "overview"
- $cmd = 'overview'
- $_GET['page'] == 'overview'
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mygroups |
- $_GET['view'] = 'mygroups'
- $mode["view"] = "mygroups"
- $_GET["view"] == "mygroups"
group |
- $mode["long"] = "group"
- $mode["long"] = 'group'
- $nodes['type'] == 'group'
role |
- $_GET["type"] = "role"
- $data['type'] = 'role'
- $this->type = "role"
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- $entry['type'] == 'role'
- $object_data['type'] == 'role'
- $par["type"] == 'role'
- $set['type'] == 'role'
- $this->obj_type == "role"
- $type == 'role'
- 'role' === $type
usr |
- $_SESSION['rep_search_type'] = 'usr'
- $data['type'] = 'usr'
- $lngVariablePrefix = 'usr'
- $row['type'] = 'usr'
- $this->type = "usr"
- $a_data['type'] == 'usr'
- $fields[2] != 'usr'
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- $this->search_type == 'usr'
- $type != "usr"
- $type == 'usr'
mycourses |
- $_GET['view'] = 'mycourses'
- $mode["view"] = "mycourses"
- $_GET["view"] == "mycourses"
mail |
- $context = 'mail'
- $mapping_rule['email'] = 'mail'
- $this->table_mail = 'mail'
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- $this->type = 'mail'
- $_GET["ref"] == "mail"
- $_GET['ref'] == 'mail'
- $context == "mail"
- $this->context == "mail"
- $this->context == 'mail'
- 'mail' == $context
grp_members |
- $mode["view"] = "grp_members"
- $_GET["view"] == "grp_members"
grp |
- $mode["short"] = "grp"
- $mode["short"] = 'grp'
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- $parent_obj_type = 'grp'
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- $obj_type == "grp"
- $obj_type == 'grp'
- $obj_type === 'grp'
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- $ptype == "grp"
- $role["object_type"] == "grp"
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- $this->categories_info[$cat_id]['obj_type'] == 'grp'
- $this->obj_type == "grp"
- $this->parent_type == 'grp'
- $this->type == 'grp'
- $this->type === 'grp'
- $type == "grp"
- $type == 'grp'
crs |
- $mode["short"] = "crs"
- $mode["short"] = 'crs'
- $parent_container_type = "crs"
- $parent_obj_type = 'crs'
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- $this->type = "crs"
- $this->type = 'crs'
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- $a_parameters['type'] != 'crs'
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- $node_type == "crs"
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- $obj_type == "crs"
- $obj_type == 'crs'
- $obj_type === 'crs'
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- $rec["type"] == "crs"
- $role["object_type"] == "crs"
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- $target_type != 'crs'
- $this->categories_info[$cat_id]['obj_type'] == 'crs'
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- $this->parent_type == 'crs'
- $this->type == 'crs'
- $this->type === 'crs'
- $type == "crs"
- $type == 'crs'
- $type === 'crs'
- $v["type"] == "crs"
- 'crs' === $iliasType
- 'crs' === $type
repositoryitem |
- $a_type == "RepositoryItem"
- $r["Type"] == "RepositoryItem"
- $type != "RepositoryItem"
- $type == "RepositoryItem"
crs_members |
- $mode["view"] = "crs_members"
- $_GET["view"] == "crs_members"
scat |
- $a_type = "scat"
- $type = "scat"
skll |
- $a_type = "skll"
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- $type = "skll"
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- $child["type"] == "skll"
- $item_type == "skll"
- $type == "skll"
hit |
- $this->last_access = "hit"
ecs |
- $newUser["auth_mode"] = "ecs"
accomplished |
- $accomplished = 'accomplished'
- $accomplished == 'accomplished'
sktp |
- $skill_node_type = "sktp"
- $a_type == "sktp"
- $item_type == "sktp"
- $obj_type == "sktp"
- $type == "sktp"
skmg |
- $this->type = "skmg"
- $this->type = 'skmg'
- $a_entity == "skmg"
- $pc["type"] == "skmg"
or |
templates |
basic |
- $mode = "basic"
- $proxyauthtype = 'basic'
- $authtype == 'basic'
- $mode == "basic"
- $this->authtype == 'basic'
- $this->proxy['authtype'] == 'basic'
certificate |
- $basename = 'Certificate'
- $authtype == 'certificate'
- $this->authtype != 'certificate'
- $this->authtype == 'certificate'
id |
- $default_sort_title = 'id'
- $attribute === 'id'
- $key == "Id"
- $key == 'id'
asc |
- $a_order_dir = "asc"
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- $params['order_direction'] = 'ASC'
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- $this->order_direction = "asc"
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- $options['sort']['direction'] === "asc"
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- $this->order_direction == "asc"
gap |
- $this->mode != "gap"
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update |
- $action = "update"
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- $this->action = "Update"
- $_POST["news_action"] == "update"
- $a_action == "update"
- $a_action == 'update'
- $a_attribs['action'] == 'Update'
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- $a_mode == "update"
- $a_mode == 'update'
- $action == "update"
- $this->action != "Update"
- $this->action == "Update"
0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
- $start = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
- $this->value = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
- $value = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
- $a_changedate == '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
- $def["default"] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
- $row->expiration == '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
- $this->cdata == "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
- $value == '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
max_per_object |
- $this->gap_mode = "max_per_object"
- $this->gap_mode == "max_per_object"
dcl |
- $t_arr[0] != "dcl"
- $type == "dcl"
max_per_type |
- $this->gap_mode = "max_per_type"
- $this->gap_mode == "max_per_type"
grpr |
- $a_obj_type == "grpr"
- $data['type'] == 'grpr'
jump2usersgallery |
- $back_cmd = 'jump2UsersGallery'
- $cmd == 'jump2UsersGallery'
exc |
- $this->type = "exc"
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- $info['obj_type'] == 'exc'
- $obj_info['obj_type'] == 'exc'
- $t_arr[0] != "exc"
- 'exc' === $iliasType
= |
- $escape = "="
- $operators['opt_id'] = '='
list |
- $cmd = "list"
- $s_char = "List"
- $_POST[$this->getPostVar( ) . "_mode_type"] == "list"
standard |
- $a_purpose = "Standard"
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- $class = "Standard"
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- $purpose != "Standard"
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div |
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text_block |
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loc |
- $sorting != "loc"
- $sorting == "loc"
insertnew |
- $_SESSION["cont_file_insert"] = "insertNew"
- $_SESSION["cont_media_insert"] = "insertNew"
- $_GET["subCmd"] == "insertNew"
insertfromworkspace |
- $_SESSION["cont_file_insert"] = "insertFromWorkspace"
- $_GET["subCmd"] == "insertFromWorkspace"
insertfromrepository |
- $_SESSION["cont_file_insert"] = "insertFromRepository"
- $_GET["subCmd"] == "insertFromRepository"
code |
- $a_attribs["Characteristic"] == "Code"
- $char != "Code"
insert |
- $cmd = "insert"
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- $com[0] == "insert"
- $this->action != "Insert"
- $this->action == "Insert"
enable |
i |
- $c_storeSessionTime = 'i'
- $emp = "I"
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- $state == 'i'
b |
- $encoding = "b"
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- $state == 'b'
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scheduled |
- $activation = "scheduled"
- $_POST["activation"] == "scheduled"
deactivated |
- $activation = "deactivated"
- $_POST["activation"] == "deactivated"
fullscreen |
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table |
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section |
- $param = "Section"
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haccordion |
vaccordion |
file |
- $message[18] = 'File'
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- $f["type"] == 'file'
- $file['type'] == "file"
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- $type != 'file'
- $type == 'file'
- $wsdl_props['scheme'] == 'file'
wpage |
- $a_target == "wpage"
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- $t_arr[1] == "wpage"
mob |
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- $a_type == "mob"
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- $link["type"] == "mob"
- $node["type"] == "mob"
- $obj["type"] == "mob"
- $type == "mob"
ppage |
- $target["type"] == "ppage"
user |
- $returnData["cols"] = 'user'
- $returnData["default"] = 'user'
- $t_type = "user"
- $a_mode == 'user'
- $a_set['id'] != 'user'
- $param == 'user'
mediaobject |
- $link_type = "MediaObject"
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- $a_type == "MediaObject"
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- $link["Type"] == "MediaObject"
- $node_name == "MediaObject"
- $this->requested_obj_type != "MediaObject"
- $type == "MediaObject"
new |
- $_GET["type"] = "new"
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- $targetframe != "New"
- $targetframe == "New"
- 'new' === $type
glossaryitem |
- $link_type = "GlossaryItem"
- $e["Type"] == "GlossaryItem"
par |
editlinkedmedia |
- $_GET["pgEdMediaMode"] = "editLinkedMedia"
- $_GET["pgEdMediaMode"] != "editLinkedMedia"
- $_GET["pgEdMediaMode"] == "editLinkedMedia"
- $cmd == "editLinkedMedia"
sec |
- $file_extension = "sec"
- $types["sec"] = "sec"
certificate_persistent_option |
- $option = 'certificate_persistent_option'
- 'certificate_persistent_option' === $option
forward |
backward |
both |
- $move_type = "both"
- $state = 'both'
folder |
- $this->pool_view = "folder"
- $this->pool_view == "folder"
insertfrompool |
- $_SESSION["cont_media_insert"] = "insertFromPool"
- $_GET["subCmd"] == "insertFromPool"
true |
- $aria_pressed = 'true'
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- $attributes[arFieldList::IS_NOTNULL] = 'true'
- $attributes[arFieldList::IS_PRIMARY] = 'true'
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- $attr->value == 'true'
- $attributes[self::HAS_FIELD] === 'true'
- $attrs['nillable'] != 'true'
- $logdata->result == "true"
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- $this->cdata != "true"
- $this->currActive == "true"
- $this->currActive == 'true'
- $this->http( )->request( )->getQueryParams( )[self::IS_ASYNC] === "true"
- $v === "true"
- $value == 'true'
; |
- $id_sep = ";"
- $sep = ";"
- $separator = ";"
- $split_char = ';'
no |
- $_POST[$this->getPostVar( ) . "_mode"] == "no"
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- $field->Null == 'NO'
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full |
- $_REQUEST['repair'] == 'full'
language |
- $_GET["sort_by"] = "language"
- $field = "language"
- $message[24] = 'Language'
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- $a_order_field == "language"
- 'language' === $a_column
errors |
url |
- $this->goto_caption = "url"
- $key != "url"
- $meta["URL_ISBN_ISSN"]["Type"] == "URL"
attach |
- $a_attribs['action'] == "Attach"
- $a_attribs['action'] == 'Attach'
- $action == "Attach"
- 'attach' === $type
search_res |
- $_GET["type"] = "search_res"
sys |
- $lngVariablePrefix = 'sys'
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other |
- $a_http_post_files["type"] = "other"
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- $current_group == "other"
rolf |
- $a_node["type"] == "rolf"
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- $node['type'] == 'rolf'
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- $type == "rolf"
- $type == 'rolf'
rolt |
- $entry['type'] == 'rolt'
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- $type == 'rolt'
- $val["type"] == "rolt"
perm |
- $cmd = "perm"
- $commandParts[0] = 'perm'
reply |
serverlist |
linked |
- $a_role_list[$key]["role_type"] = "linked"
- $role['role_type'] != "linked"
o |
- $mapping_rule['institution'] = 'o'
- $this->condition[$this->index] == 'o'
template |
- $a_role_list[$key]["role_type"] = "template"
prtf |
- $object_data["type"] = "prtf"
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- $this->filter["obj_type"] = "prtf"
- $this->type = "prtf"
- $a_type == "prtf"
- $this->filter["type"] != "prtf"
_ |
- $additional = '_'
- $rawServiceId = '_'
- $c === '_'
- $k[0] == '_'
- $op == '_'
- $this->mDbkeyform == '_'
- $token == "_"
yes |
- $this->feedbackswitch = "Yes"
- $this->hintswitch = "Yes"
- $this->solutionswitch = "Yes"
- $a_attribs['blocked'] == 'Yes'
- $a_attribs['contact'] == 'Yes'
- $a_attribs['enabled'] == 'Yes'
- $a_attribs['notification'] == 'Yes'
- $a_attribs['passed'] == 'Yes'
- $a_attribs['searchable'] == 'Yes'
- $a_attribs['showMembers'] == 'Yes'
- $a_attribs['waitingList'] == 'Yes'
- $column['null'] !== 'YES'
base |
- $options['groupscope'] = 'base'
- $request->getQueryParams( )['example_name'] == 'base'
file_not_found |
- $languages[$lang_key]["info"] = "file_not_found"
- $lang_data["info"] == "file_not_found"
new_language |
- $a_languages[$lang_key]["info"] = "new_language"
- $languages[$lang_key]["info"] = "new_language"
- $lang_data["info"] == "new_language"
lng |
- $_POST["skcust"] == "lng"
modules |
services |
- $_GET[self::P_CTYPE] === "Services"
- $levels[4] == 'Services'
tst |
- $block_id = "tst"
- $this->type = "tst"
- $a_entity == 'tst'
- $a_item_data['type'] == 'tst'
- $a_item_type == 'tst'
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- $level_entry["trigger_obj_type"] == "tst"
- $objectType == 'tst'
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- $this->coType != "tst"
- $this->options['type'] == 'tst'
- $type !== 'tst'
- $type == "tst"
- $type == 'tst'
- 'tst' === $iliasType
usr_id |
- $user_criteria = 'usr_id'
- $f != "usr_id"
- $field != 'usr_id'
00:00:00 |
- $totalWorkingTime = '00:00:00'
- $a_set["playtime"] != "00:00:00"
- $duration != "00:00:00"
ilsharedresourcegui |
- $_GET["baseClass"] = "ilsharedresourceGUI"
- $_GET["baseClass"] != "ilsharedresourceGUI"
outcorrectsolution |
- $command_solution_details = "outCorrectSolution"
- $_GET['cmd'] != 'outCorrectSolution'
cat |
- $a_entity == "cat"
- $a_obj_type == "cat"
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- $node["type"] == "cat"
- $obj_type == "cat"
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- $parent_type == "cat"
- $t_arr[0] != "cat"
- $type == "cat"
render |
- $_GET["cmd"] = "render"
- $cmd = "render"
- $_GET["cmd"] == "render"
- $cmd == "render"
- $cmd == 'render'
- $cmd === 'render'
copy |
- $_SESSION['clipboard']['cmd'] = "copy"
- $_SESSION['clipboard']['cmd'] = 'copy'
- $attribs["mode"] = "COPY"
- $_SESSION["clipboard"]["cmd"] != "copy"
- $_SESSION["clipboard"]["cmd"] == "copy"
- $_SESSION["clipboard"]["cmd"] == 'copy'
- $a_attribs["mode"] == "COPY"
- $cmd != "copy"
- $cmd == "copy"
- $command != "copy"
- $command == 'copy'
- $data["mode"] == "copy"
- $edit->type != 'copy'
- $edit->type == 'copy'
- $item["cmd"] == "copy"
- $last_cmd == "copy"
- $mode == "copy"
- $s == "COPY"
cut |
- $_SESSION['clipboard']['cmd'] = 'cut'
- $_SESSION["clipboard"]["cmd"] == "cut"
- $_SESSION['clipboard']['cmd'] == 'cut'
- $cmd != "cut"
- $command == 'cut'
- $data["mode"] == "cut"
- $last_cmd == "cut"
- $mode == "cut"
- $mode == 'cut'
wfld |
- $child["type"] == "wfld"
- $object_type == "wfld"
- $root["type"] != "wfld"
- $wsp_type == "wfld"
plus |
- $this->format_options["$parent_index"]["tab"][($tab - 2)] = 'plus'
minus |
- $this->format_options["$parent_index"]["tab"][($tab - 2)] = 'minus'
checked |
- $checked == "checked"
- $filter == "checked"
- $filter_value == "checked"
- $option["checked"] == "checked"
- $v === 'checked'
- $value == "checked"
- $value === "checked"
login |
- $_GET["sort_by"] = "login"
- $a_order_field = "login"
- $result_field = 'login'
- $this->order_field = "login"
- $this->result_field = 'login'
- $username = 'login'
- $a_key == 'login'
- $c == 'login'
- $field['db'] == 'login'
- $page == "login"
- $script === 'login'
- 'login' === $placeholder_id
__ilias |
- $ou_parent_id = "__ILIAS"
- $ou_parent_id == "__ILIAS"
reference_id |
- $ou_parent_id_type = "reference_id"
orgu |
- $this->type = "orgu"
- $this->type = 'orgu'
- $child["type"] == "orgu"
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- $object["type"] == "orgu"
- $t_arr[0] !== 'orgu'
join |
- $a_cmd != 'join'
- $a_permission == 'join'
- $cmd == 'join'
disabled |
- $attr["disabled"] = "disabled"
- $attrs['type'] = 'disabled'
- $ops_status = 'disabled'
- $request->getQueryParams( )['example_name'] == 'disabled'
- $status == 'disabled'
- $types[$notification->getType( )]['config_type'] != 'disabled'
open |
- $attrs['type'] = 'open'
- $found = 'open'
- $found == 'open'
- $this->group_data['type'] == 'open'
password |
- $attr['registrationType'] = 'Password'
- $attrs['type'] = 'password'
closed |
- $attrs['type'] = 'closed'
- $this->group_data['type'] == 'closed'
prg |
- $this->target_type = 'prg'
- $this->type = "prg"
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- $parent_data["type"] === "prg"
- $parent_type == "prg"
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s |
- $c_storeSessionTime = 's'
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false |
- $aria_pressed = 'false'
- $b_autoContinue = 'false'
- $b_autoLastVisited = 'false'
- $b_autoReview = 'false'
- $b_autoSuspend = 'false'
- $b_checkSetValues = 'false'
- $b_debug = 'false'
- $b_messageLog = 'false'
- $b_readInteractions = 'false'
- $b_sessionDeactivated = 'false'
- $b_storeInteractions = 'false'
- $b_storeObjectives = 'false'
- $value = 'false'
- $attr->value == 'false'
- $b_readInteractions == 'false'
- $command['enable_anonymous'] == 'false'
- $dataGlobalToSystem == "false"
- $objectivesGlobalToSystem == "false"
- $this->cdata != "false"
- $v === "false"
- $value == 'false'
-1 |
- $i_lessonScoreMax = '-1'
- $key_suffix = "-1"
passed |
- $overall_stat = "passed"
- $status = "passed"
- $status = 'passed'
- $this->status = "passed"
- $txt_passed_official = "passed"
- $txt_passed_short = "passed"
- $cond["operator"] == "passed"
- $ex_stat == "passed"
- $oldResultStatus == 'passed'
- $re_value["cmi.core.lesson_status"] == "passed"
- $rec["rvalue"] != "passed"
- $rec["rvalue"] == "passed"
- $rec["success"] == "passed"
- $row["status"] == "passed"
- $row["success"] == "passed"
- $row["success_status"] == "passed"
- $stat == "passed"
status |
- $c != "status"
- $c != 'status'
- $c == "status"
- $c == 'status'
- $id != "status"
- $id === "status"
- $key == "status"
fold |
- $a_type == "fold"
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- $node["type"] == "fold"
- $obj["type"] == "fold"
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- $type !== "fold"
- $type == "fold"
ilscormofflinemodegui |
- $next_class = "ilscormofflinemodegui"
- $next_class != "ilscormofflinemodegui"
ilsahseditgui |
- $_GET["baseClass"] = "ilSAHSEditGUI"
- $_GET['baseClass'] = 'ilSAHSEditGUI'
- $gui_class == "ilSAHSEditGUI"
scorm2004 |
- $status_info['subtype'] = "scorm2004"
- $subType = "scorm2004"
- $subtype != "scorm2004"
- $subtype == "scorm2004"
- $this->type == "scorm2004"
- $this->type == 'scorm2004'
- $type == "scorm2004"
online |
- $this->offlineMode = "online"
- $this->offlineMode = 'online'
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- $a_ecs_content->status == 'online'
- $offline_mode == "online"
frm |
- $a_context_obj_type == "frm"
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- $this->type != "frm"
- 'frm' === $a_entity
showthreads |
- $subtab == 'showThreads'
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- 'showThreads' == $this->parent_cmd
post |
- $_GET['cmd'] = 'post'
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- $cmd === 'post'
- $method === "post"
- $this->entity == 'post'
- $this->request_method == "POST"
thread |
- $this->entity == 'thread'
content |
- $this->entity = 'content'
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desc |
- $array_sortorder = "desc"
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- $this->order_direction = "desc"
- $this->sort_order = "desc"
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- $array_sortorder == "desc"
- $options['sort']['direction'] === "desc"
- $this->order_dir != "desc"
- $this->order_dir == "desc"
showreply |
- $this->requestAction = 'showreply'
- $action == 'showreply'
- 'showreply' === $this->action
chtr |
- $t_arr[0] != 'chtr'
- 'chtr' === $a_entity
username |
- $username = 'username'
- $value = 'userName'
- $f != "username"
- $field == "username"
- $k != "username"
- 'username' == $field
master |
http |
- $SCHEME = 'http'
- $protocol = 'http'
- $settings['protocol'] = 'http'
- $link['scheme'] !== 'http'
- $scheme == 'http'
- $this->scheme == 'http'
- $wsdl_props['scheme'] == 'http'
info |
- $settings['log_level'] = 'info'
- $a_cmd == 'info'
- $logdata->action != 'INFO'
repository |
- $localSettings['room_type'][1] = 'repository'
- $_GET["admin_mode"] != "repository"
- $_GET["admin_mode"] != 'repository'
- $_GET['admin_mode'] == 'repository'
- $component_name == "Repository"
mep |
- $_GET["pg_type"] === "mep"
- $a_entity == "mep"
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- $param[0] == "mep"
- $this->options['type'] == 'mep'
- $this->parent_type[$this->base_link_type] == "mep"
root |
- $row['component'] = 'Root'
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- $key_localpart == 'root'
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- $t != "root"
- $type != "root"
- $type == "root"
- $type == 'root'
- 'root' != $data['m_type']
- 'root' != $this->login
- 'root' == $data['m_type']
- 'root' === $user['login']
wiki |
- $a_entity == "wiki"
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pdfexport |
printview |
html |
- $_POST['selected_cmd'] == 'html'
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blp |
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blog |
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preview |
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- $a_cmd == 'preview'
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- $cmd == "preview"
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add |
- $_POST['cmd']['create'] = 'add'
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- $action == 'add'
- $edit->type == 'add'
thr_subject |
- $params['order_column'] == 'thr_subject'
forum |
catr |
- $a_obj_type == "catr"
- $data['type'] == 'catr'
p |
- $a_type = "p"
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- $suffix = 'p'
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- $tlt = 'P'
- $a_details_figure == "p"
- $duration === 'P'
- $statusChar == "p"
- $this->mLastSection != 'p'
cancel |
- $response->status = "cancel"
cmix |
- $this->table_prefix = "cmix"
- $this->type = "cmix"
adm |
- $role_name = 'adm'
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- $node["type"] == "adm"
- $object["type"] == "adm"
- $subtype == 'adm'
- $type == 'adm'
- $val["type"] == "adm"
session |
- $_GET["mode"] = "session"
- $storage = "session"
- $_GET["mode"] != "session"
g |
- $current != "g"
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- $public_profile === 'g'
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- $row['value'] === 'g'
- 'g' == $row['value']
prtt |
- $a_entity == "prtt"
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p2t |
t2p |
itgr |
- $_POST["res_type"] != "itgr"
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- $item_data['type'] == 'itgr'
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- $rtype["name"] != "itgr"
- $t == "itgr"
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+ |
- $end_marker = "+"
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- $a_type == '+'
- $exp_sign === '+'
- $first_character != '+'
- $first_character == '+'
- $num_sign === '+'
- $op == '+'
- $tz_mod == '+'
add_file |
kick |
- $_REQUEST['handledAction'] != 'kick'
https |
- $SCHEME = 'https'
- $protocol = 'https'
- $link['scheme'] !== 'https'
- $scheme == 'https'
- $settings['protocol'] === 'https'
- $target['scheme'] != 'https'
- $this->scheme == 'https'
- $u['scheme'] == 'https'
- $wsdl_props['scheme'] == 'https'
members |
- $back_cmd = "members"
- $cmd = 'members'
- $a_cmd == "members"
- $a_cmd == 'members'
- $type == "members"
notgraded |
- $overall_stat = "notgraded"
- $status = 'notgraded'
- $this->status = "notgraded"
- $astatus == "notgraded"
- $stat == "notgraded"
- $status != "notgraded"
save |
- $_POST["news_action"] == "save"
- $a_mode == "save"
- $action != "save"
- $action == 'save'
- $cmd == "save"
- $cmd === 'save'
std |
- $_SESSION["il_cntr_editor"] = "std"
- $this->mode = "std"
- $_SESSION["il_cntr_editor"] != "std"
svy:html |
- $mob["type"] = "svy:html"
- $mob["type"] == "svy:html"
svy |
- $a_entity == "svy"
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wsrt |
- $parent["type"] == "wsrt"
- $root["type"] != "wsrt"
- $this->type != "wsrt"
listdefinitions |
- $_GET["cmd"] = "listDefinitions"
- $cmd != "listDefinitions"
presentation |
- $a_outputmode = "presentation"
- $par["type"] = "Presentation"
- $a_mode == "presentation"
- $outputmode != "presentation"
iass |
- $this->type = "iass"
- $this->type = 'iass'
- $a_entity == "iass"
- $a_obj_type == "iass"
localfile |
- $locationType = "LocalFile"
reference |
- $locationType = "Reference"
- $type = "Reference"
- $values["full_type"] = "Reference"
- $values["standard_type"] = "Reference"
- $_POST["full_type"] == "Reference"
- $_POST["standard_type"] == "Reference"
- $locationType == "Reference"
- $this->loc_type == "Reference"
x |
- $selectedanswer = "x"
- $val = "x"
gzip |
- $attribs["mode"] = "GZIP"
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- $this->incoming_headers['content-encoding'] == 'gzip'
rest |
- $attribs['mode'] = "REST"
- $a_attribs['mode'] == 'REST'
zlib |
- $attribs["mode"] = "ZLIB"
- $a_attribs["mode"] == "ZLIB"
package_attempts |
- $lval = "package_attempts"
- $data['Key'] == "package_attempts"
absolute |
- $data['mode'] == 'absolute'
relative |
- $data['mode'] == 'relative'
- $limit == "relative"
crsr |
- $this->type = "crsr"
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- $subtype === 'crsr'
- $type == "crsr"
read |
- $this->visible_on_pd_mode = "read"
- $a_permission == "read"
- $a_permission == 'read'
- $mail['m_status'] === 'read'
- $permission == 'read'
- 'read' === $type
soapaction |
- $k != 'soapAction'
- $k == 'soapaction'
iso-8859-1 |
- $this->xml_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1'
- $encoding != 'ISO-8859-1'
\r\n |
- $eol = "\r\n"
- $lb = "\r\n"
| |
- $encodingStyle = ''
- $ns == ''
encoded |
rpc |
- $style == 'rpc'
- $this->opData['style'] == 'rpc'
.. |
- $delim = ".."
- $delim = '..'
- $module_path = ".."
- $_GET["newdir"] == ".."
- $_POST["file"][0] == ".."
- $a_set["entry"] == ".."
- $c == ".."
- $dbkey === '..'
- $delim == '..'
- $dirfile == '..'
- $e == ".."
- $e["entry"] != ".."
- $e["entry"] == ".."
- $entry != ".."
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- $entry["entry"] == ".."
- $entry['entry'] === '..'
- $exp_file == '..'
- $file != ".."
- $file != '..'
- $file !== ".."
- $file == ".."
- $file == '..'
- $filedir == '..'
- $new_subdir == ".."
- $o === ".."
- $object != ".."
- $q_entry != ".."
- $sourcefile == ".."
- '..' === $skin_name
t |
- $pos = 'T'
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- $column['atthasdef'] === 't'
- $column['attnotnull'] == 't'
- $row['indisprimary'] == 't'
- $row['indisunique'] == 't'
off |
- $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off'
- $http->request( )->getServerParams( )['HTTPS'] !== 'off'
> |
array |
- $args[$i] = "array"
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- $this->message[$pos]['type'] = 'array'
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- $qid == 'Array'
- $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] == 'array'
- $this->message[$parent]['type'] == 'array'
- $this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'Array'
- $this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'array'
- $type == 'array'
- $typeDef['phpType'] == 'array'
- $uqType == 'Array'
common |
getobject |
- $this->mode = "getObject"
- $this->parent_obj->mode != "getObject"
- $this->parent_obj->mode == "getObject"
active |
- $color_two_class = 'active'
- $running = "active"
- $arr_filter['activation'] == 'active'
__global__ |
- $block = "__global__"
- $this->activeBlock = "__global__"
- $this->currentBlock = '__global__'
async |
- $options['type'] = 'async'
element |
- $elementortype = 'element'
- $this->elements[$attrs['name']]['typeClass'] = 'element'
- $name == 'element'
- $typeDef['typeClass'] == 'element'
service |
- $this->status = 'service'
- $a_name == "service"
- $key != "service"
mem |
- $a_add == "mem"
- $add == "mem"
output |
- $this->opStatus = 'output'
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- $direction == 'output'
- $donnie == 'output'
- $key == "output"
input |
- $this->opStatus = 'input'
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- $direction == 'input'
- $donnie == 'input'
- $this->file_name === 'input'
schema |
- $this->status == 'schema'
- $type == "schema"
get |
- $tr->request_method = 'GET'
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- $mode == "get"
qualified |
- $this->wsdl->schemas[$schemaTargetNamespace][0]->schemaInfo['elementFormDefault'] = 'qualified'
- $typeDef['form'] == 'qualified'
submit |
- $_POST['cmd'] == 'submit'
- $_POST['sbmt'] == 'submit'
| |
- $this->namespaces[$tt_prefix] = ''
- $ns == ''
- $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] == ''
- $type_ns == ''
forceexp |
- $this->format_options["$parent_index"]["tab"][($tab - 2)] = 'forceexp'
type |
- $a == 'type'
- $aName != 'type'
- $k != "type"
- $key == "type"
- $key_localpart == 'type'
struct |
- $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'struct'
- $this->message[$pos]['type'] = 'struct'
- $a_entity != 'struct'
- $a_entity == 'struct'
- $phpType != 'struct'
- $phpType == 'struct'
- $typeDef['phpType'] == 'struct'
envelope |
- $this->status = 'envelope'
- $name == 'Envelope'
- $tree_response->localName != 'Envelope'
body |
- $name == 'Body'
- $this->status == 'body'
ts |
- $params['order_field'] = 'ts'
- $params['order_field'] == 'ts'
- 'ts' === $column
not |
header |
- $name == 'Header'
- $this->status == 'header'
criteria |
soap |
- $this->bindingType = 'soap'
- $this->endpointType = 'soap'
- $usrData['auth_mode'] = 'soap'
meta_contribute |
- $subs['Contribute'] = 'meta_contribute'
- $row->parent_type == 'meta_contribute'
soap12 |
- $this->bindingType = 'soap12'
showgeneralsettings |
- $cmd = "showGeneralSettings"
- $a_cmd == 'showGeneralSettings'
wsdl |
- $proxy->endpointType = 'wsdl'
- $this->endpointType = 'wsdl'
- $this->endpointType != 'wsdl'
- $this->endpointType == 'wsdl'
avg |
- $function == "AVG"
- $type != "avg"
saml |
firstname |
- $attributeKey = 'firstname'
- $field['db'] == 'firstname'
- $row['user_name'] == 'firstname'
bdga |
- $a_obj_type != "bdga"
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- $parent["type"] == "bdga"
- $this->parent_obj_type != "bdga"
- $this->parent_type != "bdga"
email |
- $email = "EMAIL"
- $recipient->type = "email"
- $type == 'email'
- 'email' == $field
xlsx |
- $_POST['format'] == 'xlsx'
- $type == 'xlsx'
added |
- $this->course_members_array[$id_data['usr_id']] = "added"
- $_POST["scope"] == 'added'
tagvalue |
- $this->lastTag = "TAGVALUE"
- $row[tag_name] == "TAGVALUE"
- $this->lastTag == "TAGVALUE"
crsg |
- $condition['trigger_type'] == 'crsg'
webr |
- $t_arr[0] != "webr"
- $this->options['type'] == 'webr'
export |
- $cmd = "export"
- $filename = "export"
- $selected = "EXPORT"
- $a_cmd != "export"
- $a_cmd === "export"
- $prop == "export"
- $selected == "EXPORT"
- $this->scorm_mode != "export"
- $type != 'export'
- $type == 'export'
bibl |
surveysinglechoicequestion |
- $type = 'SurveySingleChoiceQuestion'
- $page["type_tag"] === "SurveySingleChoiceQuestion"
lobj |
ilobjlanguageextgui |
- $next_class = "ilobjlanguageextgui"
- $_GET['cmdClass'] == 'ilobjlanguageextgui'
author |
issn |
- $meta["URL_ISBN_ISSN"]["Type"] == "ISSN"
isbn |
- $meta["URL_ISBN_ISSN"]["Type"] == "ISBN"
omit |
editmaps |
recf |
tax |
- $_REQUEST["new_type"] = "tax"
- $this->type = "tax"
ilobjscorm2004learningmodulegui |
- $class = "ilObjSCORM2004LearningModuleGUI"
- $next_class != "ilobjscorm2004learningmodulegui"
subset |
- $_REQUEST["list_mode"] = "subset"
ilobjscormlearningmodulegui |
- $class = "ilObjSCORMLearningModuleGUI"
- $next_class != "ilobjscormlearningmodulegui"
original |
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- $_POST["standard_size"] == "original"
edit_link |
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- $_SESSION["il_map_edit_mode"] != "edit_link"
edit_shape |
- $_SESSION["il_map_edit_mode"] = "edit_shape"
- $_SESSION["il_map_edit_mode"] != "edit_shape"
attachment |
- $disposition = "attachment"
- $disposition == "attachment"
row_type_1 |
- $this->cur_row_type = "row_type_1"
- $this->cur_row_type == "row_type_1"
lang_size_bytes |
- $scaled_unit = 'lang_size_bytes'
- $scaled_unit == 'lang_size_bytes'
portrait |
- $orientation = 'Portrait'
- $orientation == 'Portrait'
comments |
- $c == 'comments'
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notes |
- $this->only != "notes"
- $this->only == "notes"
tblrow1 |
- $css_row == 'tblrow1'
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- $this->css_row == "tblrow1"
question |
- $a_set["type"] == "question"
- $a_type == "question"
rss |
db |
- $this->root_trans_type = "db"
- $a_group !== "db"
- $translation_type == "db"
wsp |
- $_GET["ref"] != "wsp"
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- $t_arr[2] == "wsp"
big |
objf |
enabled |
- $status == 'enabled'
- $val == "enabled"
log |
- $a_cmd == 'log'
- $fnn == 'log'
svg |
- $extension == "svg"
- $suffix == "svg"
image/png |
calendar |
- $all[self::START_PD_CALENDAR] = 'calendar'
ildashboardgui |
- $_GET["baseClass"] = "ilDashboardGUI"
- $_GET['baseClass'] = 'ildashboardgui'
- $_GET["baseClass"] != "ilDashboardGUI"
- $_GET['baseClass'] === 'ilDashboardGUI'
small |
- $usr_data["set"][$k]["access_class"] = "small"
- $a_size == "small"
- $size === 'small'
in_results |
- $this->search_mode = 'in_results'
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- $this->search_mode == 'in_results'
close |
- $found = 'close'
- $headers['Connection'] = 'close'
- $_POST['selected_cmd'] == 'close'
- $found == 'close'
string |
- $this->input_type = 'string'
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- $uqType == 'string'
td |
pmid |
multipart/form-data |
- $this->_submit_type = "multipart/form-data"
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link |
- $_SESSION["clipboard"]["cmd"] == "link"
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- $s == "LINK"
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- $types[0] == "link"
ie |
- $this->BROWSER_AGENT = 'IE'
- $this->BROWSER_AGENT == 'IE'
/> |
- $brace == '/>'
- $close === '/>'
pipe |
pre |
- $current_type = "pre"
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- $current_type == "pre"
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- $this->mLastSection == 'pre'
unit |
sty |
- $_GET["new_type"] == "sty"
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- $new_type != "sty"
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style |
- $attribute == 'style'
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xxx |
- $c["type"] == "xxx"
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activate |
- $_POST["selectedAction"] = "activate"
- $cmd != "activate"
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ext |
- $_POST["link_mode"] == "ext"
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center |
iladministrationgui |
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- $_GET["baseClass"] == "ilAdministrationGUI"
- $_REQUEST['baseClass'] == 'ilAdministrationGUI'
- $next_class != "iladministrationgui"
- $next_class == "iladministrationgui"
scalar |
- $this->elements[$type]['phpType'] = 'scalar'
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- $this->simpleTypes[$this->currentSimpleType]['phpType'] = 'scalar'
- $typeDef['phpType'] = 'scalar'
ignore |
- $local_role_id !== "ignore"
simpletype |
- $this->simpleTypes[$attrs['name']]['typeClass'] = 'simpleType'
- $typeDef['typeClass'] = 'simpleType'
ilpublicuserprofilegui |
- $_GET["baseClass"] = "ilPublicUserProfileGUI"
- $_GET["cmdClass"] = "ilpublicuserprofilegui"
- $_GET["baseClass"] != "ilPublicUserProfileGUI"
complextype |
- $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['typeClass'] = 'complexType'
unqualified |
- $this->schemaInfo['attributeFormDefault'] = 'unqualified'
- $this->schemaInfo['elementFormDefault'] = 'unqualified'
- $attrs['form'] == 'unqualified'