Class Visibility Suggestions

Below, is a summary of all classes and their component's visiblity. Whenever a visibility is set and used at the right level, a green star is presented. Whenever it is set to a level, but could be updated to another, red and orange stars are mentioned. .

  Name Value None (public) Public Protected Private Constant
class AbstractAdapter
 $apcuSupported<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractConfigurator
 $valuePreProcessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $definition<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractDumper
 $defaultOutput<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $line<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lineDumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $outputStream<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decimalPoint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $indentPad<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $flags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $charset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractFailedMessagesCommand
 $failureTransports<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $phpSerializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $globalFailureReceiverName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractHeader
 PHRASE_PATTERN'(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])?(\((?:(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])|(?:(?:[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x19\x7F]|[\x21-\x27\x2A-\x5B\x5D-\x7E])|(?:\\[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x7F])|(?1)))*(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])?\)))*(?:(?:(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])?(\((?:(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])|(?:(?:[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x19\x7F]|[\x21-\x27\x2A-\x5B\x5D-\x7E])|(?:\\[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x7F])|(?1)))*(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])?\)))|(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])))?[a-zA-Z0-9!#\$%&\'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`\{\}\|~]+(?:(?:(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])?(\((?:(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])|(?:(?:[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x19\x7F]|[\x21-\x27\x2A-\x5B\x5D-\x7E])|(?:\\[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x7F])|(?1)))*(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])?\)))*(?:(?:(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])?(\((?:(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])|(?:(?:[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x19\x7F]|[\x21-\x27\x2A-\x5B\x5D-\x7E])|(?:\\[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x7F])|(?1)))*(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])?\)))|(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])))?)|(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])?(\((?:(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])|(?:(?:[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x19\x7F]|[\x21-\x27\x2A-\x5B\x5D-\x7E])|(?:\\[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x7F])|(?1)))*(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])?\)))*(?:(?:(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])?(\((?:(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])|(?:(?:[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x19\x7F]|[\x21-\x27\x2A-\x5B\x5D-\x7E])|(?:\\[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x7F])|(?1)))*(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])?\)))|(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])))?"((?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])?(?:(?:[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x19\x7F]|[\x21\x23-\x5B\x5D-\x7E])|(?:\\[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x7F])))*(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])?"(?:(?:(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])?(\((?:(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])|(?:(?:[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x19\x7F]|[\x21-\x27\x2A-\x5B\x5D-\x7E])|(?:\\[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x7F])|(?1)))*(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])?\)))*(?:(?:(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])?(\((?:(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])|(?:(?:[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x19\x7F]|[\x21-\x27\x2A-\x5B\x5D-\x7E])|(?:\\[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x7F])|(?1)))*(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])?\)))|(?:(?:[ \t]*(?:\r\n))?[ \t])))?))+?)'    
 $encoder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lineLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lang<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $charset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractLoader
 $namespaces<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namedArgumentsCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractNormalizer
 $defaultContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classMetadataFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nameConverter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractObjectNormalizer
 $classDiscriminatorResolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $typesCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributesCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $objectClassResolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyTypeExtractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractOperation
 $source<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $target<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $result<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $domains<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractRedisSessionHandlerTestCase
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $redisClient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractRendererEngine
 $defaultThemes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $themes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $useDefaultThemes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resources<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resourceHierarchyLevels<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractSessionListener
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sessionOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractString
 $string<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignoreCase<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractTagAwareAdapter
class AbstractTransport
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $host<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $port<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractUnicodeString
 FOLD_FROM['İ', 'µ', 'ſ', "\xCD\x85", 'ς', 'ϐ', 'ϑ', 'ϕ', 'ϖ', 'ϰ', 'ϱ', 'ϵ', 'ẛ', "\xE1\xBE\xBE", 'ß', 'ʼn', 'ǰ', 'ΐ', 'ΰ', 'և', 'ẖ', 'ẗ', 'ẘ', 'ẙ', 'ẚ', 'ẞ', 'ὐ', 'ὒ', 'ὔ', 'ὖ', 'ᾀ', 'ᾁ', 'ᾂ', 'ᾃ', 'ᾄ', 'ᾅ', 'ᾆ', 'ᾇ', 'ᾈ', 'ᾉ', 'ᾊ', 'ᾋ', 'ᾌ', 'ᾍ', 'ᾎ', 'ᾏ', 'ᾐ', 'ᾑ', 'ᾒ', 'ᾓ', 'ᾔ', 'ᾕ', 'ᾖ', 'ᾗ', 'ᾘ', 'ᾙ', 'ᾚ', 'ᾛ', 'ᾜ', 'ᾝ', 'ᾞ', 'ᾟ', 'ᾠ', 'ᾡ', 'ᾢ', 'ᾣ', 'ᾤ', 'ᾥ', 'ᾦ', 'ᾧ', 'ᾨ', 'ᾩ', 'ᾪ', 'ᾫ', 'ᾬ', 'ᾭ', 'ᾮ', 'ᾯ', 'ᾲ', 'ᾳ', 'ᾴ', 'ᾶ', 'ᾷ', 'ᾼ', 'ῂ', 'ῃ', 'ῄ', 'ῆ', 'ῇ', 'ῌ', 'ῒ', 'ῖ', 'ῗ', 'ῢ', 'ῤ', 'ῦ', 'ῧ', 'ῲ', 'ῳ', 'ῴ', 'ῶ', 'ῷ', 'ῼ', 'ff', 'fi', 'fl', 'ffi', 'ffl', 'ſt', 'st', 'ﬓ', 'ﬔ', 'ﬕ', 'ﬖ', 'ﬗ']    
 FOLD_TO['i̇', 'μ', 's', 'ι', 'σ', 'β', 'θ', 'φ', 'π', 'κ', 'ρ', 'ε', 'ṡ', 'ι', 'ss', 'ʼn', 'ǰ', 'ΐ', 'ΰ', 'եւ', 'ẖ', 'ẗ', 'ẘ', 'ẙ', 'aʾ', 'ss', 'ὐ', 'ὒ', 'ὔ', 'ὖ', 'ἀι', 'ἁι', 'ἂι', 'ἃι', 'ἄι', 'ἅι', 'ἆι', 'ἇι', 'ἀι', 'ἁι', 'ἂι', 'ἃι', 'ἄι', 'ἅι', 'ἆι', 'ἇι', 'ἠι', 'ἡι', 'ἢι', 'ἣι', 'ἤι', 'ἥι', 'ἦι', 'ἧι', 'ἠι', 'ἡι', 'ἢι', 'ἣι', 'ἤι', 'ἥι', 'ἦι', 'ἧι', 'ὠι', 'ὡι', 'ὢι', 'ὣι', 'ὤι', 'ὥι', 'ὦι', 'ὧι', 'ὠι', 'ὡι', 'ὢι', 'ὣι', 'ὤι', 'ὥι', 'ὦι', 'ὧι', 'ὰι', 'αι', 'άι', 'ᾶ', 'ᾶι', 'αι', 'ὴι', 'ηι', 'ήι', 'ῆ', 'ῆι', 'ηι', 'ῒ', 'ῖ', 'ῗ', 'ῢ', 'ῤ', 'ῦ', 'ῧ', 'ὼι', 'ωι', 'ώι', 'ῶ', 'ῶι', 'ωι', 'ff', 'fi', 'fl', 'ffi', 'ffl', 'st', 'st', 'մն', 'մե', 'մի', 'վն', 'մխ']    
 TRANSLIT_FROM['Æ', 'Ð', 'Ø', 'Þ', 'ß', 'æ', 'ð', 'ø', 'þ', 'Đ', 'đ', 'Ħ', 'ħ', 'ı', 'ĸ', 'Ŀ', 'ŀ', 'Ł', 'ł', 'ʼn', 'Ŋ', 'ŋ', 'Œ', 'œ', 'Ŧ', 'ŧ', 'ƀ', 'Ɓ', 'Ƃ', 'ƃ', 'Ƈ', 'ƈ', 'Ɖ', 'Ɗ', 'Ƌ', 'ƌ', 'Ɛ', 'Ƒ', 'ƒ', 'Ɠ', 'ƕ', 'Ɩ', 'Ɨ', 'Ƙ', 'ƙ', 'ƚ', 'Ɲ', 'ƞ', 'Ƣ', 'ƣ', 'Ƥ', 'ƥ', 'ƫ', 'Ƭ', 'ƭ', 'Ʈ', 'Ʋ', 'Ƴ', 'ƴ', 'Ƶ', 'ƶ', 'DŽ', 'Dž', 'dž', 'Ǥ', 'ǥ', 'ȡ', 'Ȥ', 'ȥ', 'ȴ', 'ȵ', 'ȶ', 'ȷ', 'ȸ', 'ȹ', 'Ⱥ', 'Ȼ', 'ȼ', 'Ƚ', 'Ⱦ', 'ȿ', 'ɀ', 'Ƀ', 'Ʉ', 'Ɇ', 'ɇ', 'Ɉ', 'ɉ', 'Ɍ', 'ɍ', 'Ɏ', 'ɏ', 'ɓ', 'ɕ', 'ɖ', 'ɗ', 'ɛ', 'ɟ', 'ɠ', 'ɡ', 'ɢ', 'ɦ', 'ɧ', 'ɨ', 'ɪ', 'ɫ', 'ɬ', 'ɭ', 'ɱ', 'ɲ', 'ɳ', 'ɴ', 'ɶ', 'ɼ', 'ɽ', 'ɾ', 'ʀ', 'ʂ', 'ʈ', 'ʉ', 'ʋ', 'ʏ', 'ʐ', 'ʑ', 'ʙ', 'ʛ', 'ʜ', 'ʝ', 'ʟ', 'ʠ', 'ʣ', 'ʥ', 'ʦ', 'ʪ', 'ʫ', 'ᴀ', 'ᴁ', 'ᴃ', 'ᴄ', 'ᴅ', 'ᴆ', 'ᴇ', 'ᴊ', 'ᴋ', 'ᴌ', 'ᴍ', 'ᴏ', 'ᴘ', 'ᴛ', 'ᴜ', 'ᴠ', 'ᴡ', 'ᴢ', 'ᵫ', 'ᵬ', 'ᵭ', 'ᵮ', 'ᵯ', 'ᵰ', 'ᵱ', 'ᵲ', 'ᵳ', 'ᵴ', 'ᵵ', 'ᵶ', 'ᵺ', 'ᵻ', 'ᵽ', 'ᵾ', 'ᶀ', 'ᶁ', 'ᶂ', 'ᶃ', 'ᶄ', 'ᶅ', 'ᶆ', 'ᶇ', 'ᶈ', 'ᶉ', 'ᶊ', 'ᶌ', 'ᶍ', 'ᶎ', 'ᶏ', 'ᶑ', 'ᶒ', 'ᶓ', 'ᶖ', 'ᶙ', 'ẚ', 'ẜ', 'ẝ', 'ẞ', 'Ỻ', 'ỻ', 'Ỽ', 'ỽ', 'Ỿ', 'ỿ', '©', '®', '₠', '₢', '₣', '₤', '₧', '₺', '₹', 'ℌ', '℞', '㎧', '㎮', '㏆', '㏗', '㏞', '㏟', '¼', '½', '¾', '⅓', '⅔', '⅕', '⅖', '⅗', '⅘', '⅙', '⅚', '⅛', '⅜', '⅝', '⅞', '⅟', '〇', '‘', '’', '‚', '‛', '“', '”', '„', '‟', '′', '″', '〝', '〞', '«', '»', '‹', '›', '‐', '‑', '‒', '–', '—', '―', '︱', '︲', '﹘', '‖', '⁄', '⁅', '⁆', '⁎', '、', '。', '〈', '〉', '《', '》', '〔', '〕', '〘', '〙', '〚', '〛', '︑', '︒', '︹', '︺', '︽', '︾', '︿', '﹀', '﹑', '﹝', '﹞', '⦅', '⦆', '。', '、', '×', '÷', '−', '∕', '∖', '∣', '∥', '≪', '≫', '⦅', '⦆']    
 TRANSLIT_TO['AE', 'D', 'O', 'TH', 'ss', 'ae', 'd', 'o', 'th', 'D', 'd', 'H', 'h', 'i', 'q', 'L', 'l', 'L', 'l', '\'n', 'N', 'n', 'OE', 'oe', 'T', 't', 'b', 'B', 'B', 'b', 'C', 'c', 'D', 'D', 'D', 'd', 'E', 'F', 'f', 'G', 'hv', 'I', 'I', 'K', 'k', 'l', 'N', 'n', 'OI', 'oi', 'P', 'p', 't', 'T', 't', 'T', 'V', 'Y', 'y', 'Z', 'z', 'DZ', 'Dz', 'dz', 'G', 'g', 'd', 'Z', 'z', 'l', 'n', 't', 'j', 'db', 'qp', 'A', 'C', 'c', 'L', 'T', 's', 'z', 'B', 'U', 'E', 'e', 'J', 'j', 'R', 'r', 'Y', 'y', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'd', 'e', 'j', 'g', 'g', 'G', 'h', 'h', 'i', 'I', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'n', 'N', 'OE', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'R', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'Y', 'z', 'z', 'B', 'G', 'H', 'j', 'L', 'q', 'dz', 'dz', 'ts', 'ls', 'lz', 'A', 'AE', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'D', 'E', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'O', 'P', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'Z', 'ue', 'b', 'd', 'f', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'r', 'r', 's', 't', 'z', 'th', 'I', 'p', 'U', 'b', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'r', 's', 'v', 'x', 'z', 'a', 'd', 'e', 'e', 'i', 'u', 'a', 's', 's', 'SS', 'LL', 'll', 'V', 'v', 'Y', 'y', '(C)', '(R)', 'CE', 'Cr', 'Fr.', 'L.', 'Pts', 'TL', 'Rs', 'x', 'Rx', 'm/s', 'rad/s', 'C/kg', 'pH', 'V/m', 'A/m', ' 1/4', ' 1/2', ' 3/4', ' 1/3', ' 2/3', ' 1/5', ' 2/5', ' 3/5', ' 4/5', ' 1/6', ' 5/6', ' 1/8', ' 3/8', ' 5/8', ' 7/8', ' 1/', '0', '\'', '\'', ',', '\'', '"', '"', ',,', '"', '\'', '"', '"', '"', '<<', '>>', '<', '>', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '||', '/', '[', ']', '*', ',', '.', '<', '>', '<<', '>>', '[', ']', '[', ']', '[', ']', ',', '.', '[', ']', '<<', '>>', '<', '>', ',', '[', ']', '((', '))', '.', ',', '*', '/', '-', '/', '\\', '|', '||', '<<', '>>', '((', '))']    
 $transliterators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tableZero<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tableWide<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AccessDecisionManager
 VALID_VOTES[VoterInterface::ACCESS_GRANTED => true, VoterInterface::ACCESS_DENIED => true, VoterInterface::ACCESS_ABSTAIN => true, ]    
 $voters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $votersCacheAttributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $votersCacheObject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $strategy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AccessTokenFactory
 $tokenHandlerFactories<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Address
 $validator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $encoder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $address<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Alias
 DEFAULT_DEPRECATION_TEMPLATE'The "%alias_id%" service alias is deprecated. You should stop using it, as it will be removed in the future.'    
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $public<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deprecation<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AliasConfigurator
class AllMySmsTransport
 $login<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $apiKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmpHttpClient
 OPTIONS_DEFAULTSHttpClientInterface::OPTIONS_DEFAULTS + ['crypto_method' => \STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_2_CLIENT, ]    
 $defaultOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $emptyDefaults<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $multi<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmqpCaster
class ApplicationDescription
 $application<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $showHidden<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespaces<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $commands<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $aliases<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArgumentMetadata
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isVariadic<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hasDefaultValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isNullable<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AsciiSlugger
 LOCALE_TO_TRANSLITERATOR_ID['am' => 'Amharic-Latin', 'ar' => 'Arabic-Latin', 'az' => 'Azerbaijani-Latin', 'be' => 'Belarusian-Latin', 'bg' => 'Bulgarian-Latin', 'bn' => 'Bengali-Latin', 'de' => 'de-ASCII', 'el' => 'Greek-Latin', 'fa' => 'Persian-Latin', 'he' => 'Hebrew-Latin', 'hy' => 'Armenian-Latin', 'ka' => 'Georgian-Latin', 'kk' => 'Kazakh-Latin', 'ky' => 'Kirghiz-Latin', 'ko' => 'Korean-Latin', 'mk' => 'Macedonian-Latin', 'mn' => 'Mongolian-Latin', 'or' => 'Oriya-Latin', 'ps' => 'Pashto-Latin', 'ru' => 'Russian-Latin', 'sr' => 'Serbian-Latin', 'sr_Cyrl' => 'Serbian-Latin', 'th' => 'Thai-Latin', 'tk' => 'Turkmen-Latin', 'uk' => 'Ukrainian-Latin', 'uz' => 'Uzbek-Latin', 'zh' => 'Han-Latin', ]    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $symbolsMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $emoji<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transliterators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AssetMapper
 $manifestData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mapperRepository<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mappedAssetFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $compiledConfigReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AssetMapperDevServerSubscriber
 EXTENSIONS_MAP['aac' => 'audio/aac', 'abw' => 'application/x-abiword', 'arc' => 'application/x-freearc', 'avif' => 'image/avif', 'avi' => 'video/x-msvideo', 'azw' => 'application/', 'bin' => 'application/octet-stream', 'bmp' => 'image/bmp', 'bz' => 'application/x-bzip', 'bz2' => 'application/x-bzip2', 'cda' => 'application/x-cdf', 'csh' => 'application/x-csh', 'css' => 'text/css', 'csv' => 'text/csv', 'doc' => 'application/msword', 'docx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'eot' => 'application/', 'epub' => 'application/epub+zip', 'gz' => 'application/gzip', 'gif' => 'image/gif', 'htm' => 'text/html', 'html' => 'text/html', 'ico' => 'image/', 'ics' => 'text/calendar', 'jar' => 'application/java-archive', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'js' => 'text/javascript', 'json' => 'application/json', 'jsonld' => 'application/ld+json', 'mid' => 'audio/midi', 'midi' => 'audio/midi', 'mjs' => 'text/javascript', 'mp3' => 'audio/mpeg', 'mp4' => 'video/mp4', 'mpeg' => 'video/mpeg', 'mpkg' => 'application/', 'odp' => 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation', 'ods' => 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet', 'odt' => 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', 'oga' => 'audio/ogg', 'ogv' => 'video/ogg', 'ogx' => 'application/ogg', 'opus' => 'audio/opus', 'otf' => 'font/otf', 'png' => 'image/png', 'pdf' => 'application/pdf', 'php' => 'application/x-httpd-php', 'ppt' => 'application/', 'pptx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation', 'rar' => 'application/vnd.rar', 'rtf' => 'application/rtf', 'sh' => 'application/x-sh', 'svg' => 'image/svg+xml', 'tar' => 'application/x-tar', 'tif' => 'image/tiff', 'tiff' => 'image/tiff', 'ts' => 'video/mp2t', 'ttf' => 'font/ttf', 'txt' => 'text/plain', 'vsd' => 'application/vnd.visio', 'wav' => 'audio/wav', 'weba' => 'audio/webm', 'webm' => 'video/webm', 'webp' => 'image/webp', 'woff' => 'font/woff', 'woff2' => 'font/woff2', ]    
 $publicPrefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extensionsMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $assetMapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cacheMapCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $profiler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AssetsInstallCommand
 METHOD_ABSOLUTE_SYMLINK'absolute symlink'    
 METHOD_RELATIVE_SYMLINK'relative symlink'    
 $filesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $projectDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AsyncResponse
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $info<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $passthru<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stream<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $yieldedState<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AtLeastOneOf
 $constraints<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageCollection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $includeInternalMessages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AttributeLoader
 KNOWN_ATTRIBUTES[DiscriminatorMap::class, Groups::class, Ignore::class, MaxDepth::class, SerializedName::class, SerializedPath::class, Context::class, ]    
class AuthenticatedVoter
 $authenticationTrustResolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AuthenticationEvents
 ALIASES[AuthenticationSuccessEvent::class => self::AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS, ]    
class AuthorShare
 $author<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AutoMappingStrategy
class B
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BackedEnumNormalizer
class BandwidthTransport
 $username<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accountId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $applicationId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $priority<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BandwidthTransportFactory
class BaseNode
 $placeholderUniquePrefixes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $placeholders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizationClosures<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizedTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $finalValidationClosures<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowOverwrite<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $required<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deprecation<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $equivalentValues<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pathSeparator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handlingPlaceholder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BaseTypeTestCase
class Bic
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ibanMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $iban<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ibanPropertyPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BicValidator
 BIC_COUNTRY_TO_IBAN_COUNTRY_MAP['GF' => 'FR', 'PF' => 'FR', 'TF' => 'FR', 'GP' => 'FR', 'MQ' => 'FR', 'YT' => 'FR', 'NC' => 'FR', 'RE' => 'FR', 'BL' => 'FR', 'MF' => 'FR', 'PM' => 'FR', 'WF' => 'FR', 'JE' => 'GB', 'IM' => 'GB', 'GG' => 'GB', 'VG' => 'GB', 'AX' => 'FI', 'IC' => 'ES', 'EA' => 'ES', ]    
 $propertyAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BinaryNode
 FUNCTIONS['**' => 'pow', '..' => 'range', 'in' => '\\in_array', 'not in' => '!\\in_array', 'contains' => 'str_contains', 'starts with' => 'str_starts_with', 'ends with' => 'str_ends_with', ]    
 OPERATORS['~' => '.', 'and' => '&&', 'or' => '||', ]    
class BinaryUtil
 BASE10['' => '0123456789', 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ]    
 BASE58['' => '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz', 1 => 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 'A' => 9, 'B' => 10, 'C' => 11, 'D' => 12, 'E' => 13, 'F' => 14, 'G' => 15, 'H' => 16, 'J' => 17, 'K' => 18, 'L' => 19, 'M' => 20, 'N' => 21, 'P' => 22, 'Q' => 23, 'R' => 24, 'S' => 25, 'T' => 26, 'U' => 27, 'V' => 28, 'W' => 29, 'X' => 30, 'Y' => 31, 'Z' => 32, 'a' => 33, 'b' => 34, 'c' => 35, 'd' => 36, 'e' => 37, 'f' => 38, 'g' => 39, 'h' => 40, 'i' => 41, 'j' => 42, 'k' => 43, 'm' => 44, 'n' => 45, 'o' => 46, 'p' => 47, 'q' => 48, 'r' => 49, 's' => 50, 't' => 51, 'u' => 52, 'v' => 53, 'w' => 54, 'x' => 55, 'y' => 56, 'z' => 57, ]    
class BirthdayTypeTest
class Blank
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BooleanToStringTransformerTest
 $transformer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BootstrapFlashMessageImportanceMapper
 IMPORTANCE_MAP[Notification::IMPORTANCE_URGENT => 'danger', Notification::IMPORTANCE_HIGH => 'warning', Notification::IMPORTANCE_MEDIUM => 'info', Notification::IMPORTANCE_LOW => 'success', ]    
class BoundArgument
 $sequence<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $identifier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $used<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BrevoTransport
 $apiKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sender<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Builder
 TARGET_DIR__DIR__ . '/../data/transliterator/emoji/'    
class BundleEntryReaderTest
 DATA['Entries' => ['Foo' => 'Bar', 'Bar' => 'Baz', ], 'Foo' => 'Bar', 'Version' => '2.0', ]    
 FALLBACK_DATA['Entries' => ['Foo' => 'Foo', 'Bam' => 'Lah', ], 'Baz' => 'Foo', 'Version' => '1.0', ]    
 MERGED_DATA['Entries' => ['Foo' => 'Bar', 'Bar' => 'Baz', ], 'Baz' => 'Foo', 'Version' => '2.0', 'Foo' => 'Bar', ]    
 $reader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $readerImpl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ButtonTypeTest
class ByteString
class CacheAttributeController
class CacheDataCollectorTest
class CacheItem
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isHit<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expiry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $newMetadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $innerItem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $poolHash<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isTaggable<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CardScheme
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $schemes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CascadingStrategy
class Caster
 $classProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Category
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChainDecoderTest
 $chainDecoder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decoder1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decoder2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChainEncoderTest
 $chainEncoder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $encoder1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $encoder2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CharacterStream
 UTF8_LENGTH_MAP["\x00" => 1, "\x01" => 1, "\x02" => 1, "\x03" => 1, "\x04" => 1, "\x05" => 1, "\x06" => 1, "\x07" => 1, "\x08" => 1, "\x09" => 1, "\x0a" => 1, "\x0b" => 1, "\x0c" => 1, "\x0d" => 1, "\x0e" => 1, "\x0f" => 1, "\x10" => 1, "\x11" => 1, "\x12" => 1, "\x13" => 1, "\x14" => 1, "\x15" => 1, "\x16" => 1, "\x17" => 1, "\x18" => 1, "\x19" => 1, "\x1a" => 1, "\x1b" => 1, "\x1c" => 1, "\x1d" => 1, "\x1e" => 1, "\x1f" => 1, "\x20" => 1, "\x21" => 1, "\x22" => 1, "\x23" => 1, "\x24" => 1, "\x25" => 1, "\x26" => 1, "\x27" => 1, "\x28" => 1, "\x29" => 1, "\x2a" => 1, "\x2b" => 1, "\x2c" => 1, "\x2d" => 1, "\x2e" => 1, "\x2f" => 1, "\x30" => 1, "\x31" => 1, "\x32" => 1, "\x33" => 1, "\x34" => 1, "\x35" => 1, "\x36" => 1, "\x37" => 1, "\x38" => 1, "\x39" => 1, "\x3a" => 1, "\x3b" => 1, "\x3c" => 1, "\x3d" => 1, "\x3e" => 1, "\x3f" => 1, "\x40" => 1, "\x41" => 1, "\x42" => 1, "\x43" => 1, "\x44" => 1, "\x45" => 1, "\x46" => 1, "\x47" => 1, "\x48" => 1, "\x49" => 1, "\x4a" => 1, "\x4b" => 1, "\x4c" => 1, "\x4d" => 1, "\x4e" => 1, "\x4f" => 1, "\x50" => 1, "\x51" => 1, "\x52" => 1, "\x53" => 1, "\x54" => 1, "\x55" => 1, "\x56" => 1, "\x57" => 1, "\x58" => 1, "\x59" => 1, "\x5a" => 1, "\x5b" => 1, "\x5c" => 1, "\x5d" => 1, "\x5e" => 1, "\x5f" => 1, "\x60" => 1, "\x61" => 1, "\x62" => 1, "\x63" => 1, "\x64" => 1, "\x65" => 1, "\x66" => 1, "\x67" => 1, "\x68" => 1, "\x69" => 1, "\x6a" => 1, "\x6b" => 1, "\x6c" => 1, "\x6d" => 1, "\x6e" => 1, "\x6f" => 1, "\x70" => 1, "\x71" => 1, "\x72" => 1, "\x73" => 1, "\x74" => 1, "\x75" => 1, "\x76" => 1, "\x77" => 1, "\x78" => 1, "\x79" => 1, "\x7a" => 1, "\x7b" => 1, "\x7c" => 1, "\x7d" => 1, "\x7e" => 1, "\x7f" => 1, "\x80" => 0, "\x81" => 0, "\x82" => 0, "\x83" => 0, "\x84" => 0, "\x85" => 0, "\x86" => 0, "\x87" => 0, "\x88" => 0, "\x89" => 0, "\x8a" => 0, "\x8b" => 0, "\x8c" => 0, "\x8d" => 0, "\x8e" => 0, "\x8f" => 0, "\x90" => 0, "\x91" => 0, "\x92" => 0, "\x93" => 0, "\x94" => 0, "\x95" => 0, "\x96" => 0, "\x97" => 0, "\x98" => 0, "\x99" => 0, "\x9a" => 0, "\x9b" => 0, "\x9c" => 0, "\x9d" => 0, "\x9e" => 0, "\x9f" => 0, "\xa0" => 0, "\xa1" => 0, "\xa2" => 0, "\xa3" => 0, "\xa4" => 0, "\xa5" => 0, "\xa6" => 0, "\xa7" => 0, "\xa8" => 0, "\xa9" => 0, "\xaa" => 0, "\xab" => 0, "\xac" => 0, "\xad" => 0, "\xae" => 0, "\xaf" => 0, "\xb0" => 0, "\xb1" => 0, "\xb2" => 0, "\xb3" => 0, "\xb4" => 0, "\xb5" => 0, "\xb6" => 0, "\xb7" => 0, "\xb8" => 0, "\xb9" => 0, "\xba" => 0, "\xbb" => 0, "\xbc" => 0, "\xbd" => 0, "\xbe" => 0, "\xbf" => 0, "\xc0" => 2, "\xc1" => 2, "\xc2" => 2, "\xc3" => 2, "\xc4" => 2, "\xc5" => 2, "\xc6" => 2, "\xc7" => 2, "\xc8" => 2, "\xc9" => 2, "\xca" => 2, "\xcb" => 2, "\xcc" => 2, "\xcd" => 2, "\xce" => 2, "\xcf" => 2, "\xd0" => 2, "\xd1" => 2, "\xd2" => 2, "\xd3" => 2, "\xd4" => 2, "\xd5" => 2, "\xd6" => 2, "\xd7" => 2, "\xd8" => 2, "\xd9" => 2, "\xda" => 2, "\xdb" => 2, "\xdc" => 2, "\xdd" => 2, "\xde" => 2, "\xdf" => 2, "\xe0" => 3, "\xe1" => 3, "\xe2" => 3, "\xe3" => 3, "\xe4" => 3, "\xe5" => 3, "\xe6" => 3, "\xe7" => 3, "\xe8" => 3, "\xe9" => 3, "\xea" => 3, "\xeb" => 3, "\xec" => 3, "\xed" => 3, "\xee" => 3, "\xef" => 3, "\xf0" => 4, "\xf1" => 4, "\xf2" => 4, "\xf3" => 4, "\xf4" => 4, "\xf5" => 4, "\xf6" => 4, "\xf7" => 4, "\xf8" => 5, "\xf9" => 5, "\xfa" => 5, "\xfb" => 5, "\xfc" => 6, "\xfd" => 6, "\xfe" => 0, "\xff" => 0, ]    
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dataSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $map<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $charCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentPos<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fixedWidth<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChatworkTransport
 $apiToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $roomId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChatworkTransportFactory
class CheckTypeDeclarationsPass
 BUILTIN_TYPES['array' => true, 'bool' => true, 'callable' => true, 'float' => true, 'int' => true, 'iterable' => true, 'object' => true, 'string' => true, ]    
 SCALAR_TYPES['int' => true, 'float' => true, 'bool' => true, 'string' => true, ]    
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoload<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $skippedIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressionLanguage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CheckboxTypeTest
class ChildMagicClass
 LAZY_OBJECT_PROPERTY_SCOPES["\0" . self::class . "\0" . 'data' => [self::class, 'data', null], "\0" . self::class . "\0" . 'lazyObjectState' => [self::class, 'lazyObjectState', null], "\0" . parent::class . "\0" . 'data' => [parent::class, 'data', null], 'cloneCounter' => [self::class, 'cloneCounter', null], 'data' => [self::class, 'data', null], 'lazyObjectState' => [self::class, 'lazyObjectState', null], ]    
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Choice
 $choices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $callback<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $multiple<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $strict<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $min<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $max<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $multipleMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $minMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $match<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChoiceTypeTest
 $choices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scalarChoices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $booleanChoicesWithNull<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $numericChoicesFlipped<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $objectChoices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $groupedChoices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChoiceTypeTranslationTest
 $choices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Cidr
 NET_MAXES[Ip::ALL => 128, Ip::V4 => 32, Ip::V6 => 128, ]    
 $version<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $netmaskRangeViolationMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $netmaskMin<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $netmaskMax<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClassMetadataTest
 $metadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClearSiteDataLogoutListener
 $cookieValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClickSendTransport
 $apiUsername<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $apiKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $source<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $listId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fromEmail<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClickSendTransportFactory
class ClickatellTransport
 $authToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Collection
 $fields<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowExtraFields<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowMissingFields<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extraFieldsMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $missingFieldsMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CollectionTypeTest
class Color
 AVAILABLE_OPTIONS['bold' => ['set' => 1, 'unset' => 22], 'underscore' => ['set' => 4, 'unset' => 24], 'blink' => ['set' => 5, 'unset' => 25], 'reverse' => ['set' => 7, 'unset' => 27], 'conceal' => ['set' => 8, 'unset' => 28], ]    
 BRIGHT_COLORS['gray' => 0, 'bright-red' => 1, 'bright-green' => 2, 'bright-yellow' => 3, 'bright-blue' => 4, 'bright-magenta' => 5, 'bright-cyan' => 6, 'bright-white' => 7, ]    
 COLORS['black' => 0, 'red' => 1, 'green' => 2, 'yellow' => 3, 'blue' => 4, 'magenta' => 5, 'cyan' => 6, 'white' => 7, 'default' => 9, ]    
 $foreground<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $background<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ColorType
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ColorTypeTest
class Command
 $application<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $processTitle<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $aliases<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $definition<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hidden<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $help<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $description<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fullDefinition<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignoreValidationErrors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $code<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $synopsis<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $usages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $helperSet<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompleteCommand
 $completionOutputs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isDebug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompletionInput
 $tokens<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentIndex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $completionType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $completionName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $completionValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Connection
 ARGUMENTS_AS_INTEGER['x-delay', 'x-expires', 'x-max-length', 'x-max-length-bytes', 'x-max-priority', 'x-message-ttl', ]    
 AVAILABLE_EXCHANGE_OPTIONS['name', 'type', 'default_publish_routing_key', 'flags', 'arguments', ]    
 AVAILABLE_OPTIONS['host', 'port', 'vhost', 'user', 'login', 'password', 'queues', 'exchange', 'delay', 'auto_setup', 'retry', 'persistent', 'frame_max', 'channel_max', 'heartbeat', 'read_timeout', 'write_timeout', 'confirm_timeout', 'connect_timeout', 'rpc_timeout', 'cacert', 'cert', 'key', 'verify', 'sasl_method', 'connection_name', ]    
 AVAILABLE_QUEUE_OPTIONS['binding_keys', 'binding_arguments', 'flags', 'arguments', ]    
 $connectionOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exchangeOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $queuesOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $amqpFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoSetupExchange<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoSetupDelayExchange<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $amqpChannel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $amqpExchange<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $amqpQueues<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $amqpDelayExchange<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastActivityTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Connection
 $configuration<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentResponse<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $buffer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $queueUrl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Connection
 DEFAULT_OPTIONS['host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'stream' => 'messages', 'group' => 'symfony', 'consumer' => 'consumer', 'auto_setup' => true, 'delete_after_ack' => true, 'delete_after_reject' => true, 'stream_max_entries' => 0, 'dbindex' => 0, 'redeliver_timeout' => 3600, 'claim_interval' => 60000, 'lazy' => false, 'auth' => null, 'serializer' => 1, 'sentinel_master' => null, 'timeout' => 0.0, 'read_timeout' => 0.0, 'retry_interval' => 0, 'persistent_id' => null, 'ssl' => null, ]    
 $redis<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stream<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $queue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $group<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $consumer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoSetup<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxEntries<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $redeliverTimeout<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nextClaim<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $claimInterval<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deleteAfterAck<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deleteAfterReject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $couldHavePendingMessages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Connection
 $configuration<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $driverConnection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $queueEmptiedAt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoSetup<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Connection
 DEFAULT_OPTIONS['tube_name' => PheanstalkInterface::DEFAULT_TUBE, 'timeout' => 0, 'ttr' => 90, ]    
 $configuration<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tube<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timeout<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ttr<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Connection
 PRECONNECT_OPTIONS[ConnectionOptions::DEBUG_LEVEL, ConnectionOptions::X_TLS_CACERTDIR, ConnectionOptions::X_TLS_CACERTFILE, ConnectionOptions::X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, ]    
 $bound<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConnectionOptions
class ConnectionTest
class ConnectionTest
class ConsoleCommandEvent
 $commandShouldRun<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsoleCommandProcessorTest
 TEST_ARGUMENTS['test' => 'argument']    
 TEST_OPTIONS['test' => 'option']    
class ConsoleEvents
 ALIASES[ConsoleCommandEvent::class => self::COMMAND, ConsoleErrorEvent::class => self::ERROR, ConsoleSignalEvent::class => self::SIGNAL, ConsoleTerminateEvent::class => self::TERMINATE, ]    
class ConsoleFormatter
 LEVEL_COLOR_MAP[Level::Debug->value => 'fg=white', Level::Info->value => 'fg=green', Level::Notice->value => 'fg=blue', Level::Warning->value => 'fg=cyan', Level::Error->value => 'fg=yellow', Level::Critical->value => 'fg=red', Level::Alert->value => 'fg=red', Level::Emergency->value => 'fg=white;bg=red', ]    
 SIMPLE_FORMAT"%datetime% %start_tag%%level_name%%end_tag% <comment>[%channel%]</> %message%%context%%extra%\n"    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cloner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $outputBuffer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsoleLogger
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $verbosityLevelMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $formatLevelMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errored<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Constraint
 $payload<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $groups<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintValidator
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintViolationListNormalizer
 $defaultContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nameConverter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContactEveryoneTransport
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $diffusionName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $category<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContainerBuilder
 INTERNAL_TYPES['int' => true, 'float' => true, 'string' => true, 'bool' => true, 'resource' => true, 'object' => true, 'array' => true, 'null' => true, 'callable' => true, 'iterable' => true, 'mixed' => true, ]    
 $extensions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extensionsByNs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $definitions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $aliasDefinitions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resources<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extensionConfigs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $compiler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $trackResources<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $proxyInstantiator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressionLanguage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressionLanguageProviders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $usedTags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $envPlaceholders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $envCounters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $vendors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pathsInVendor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoconfiguredInstanceof<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoconfiguredAttributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $removedIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $removedBindingIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classReflectors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContainerConfigurator
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $instanceof<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $anonymousCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $env<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Cookie
 DATE_FORMATS['D, d M Y H:i:s T', 'D, d-M-y H:i:s T', 'D, d-M-Y H:i:s T', 'D, d-m-y H:i:s T', 'D, d-m-Y H:i:s T', 'D M j G:i:s Y', 'D M d H:i:s Y T', ]    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expires<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $domain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $secure<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httponly<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rawValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $samesite<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Cookie
 RESERVED_CHARS_FROM['=', ',', ';', ' ', "\t", "\r", "\n", "\v", "\f"]    
 RESERVED_CHARS_LIST"=,; \t\r\n\v\f"    
 RESERVED_CHARS_TO['%3D', '%2C', '%3B', '%20', '%09', '%0D', '%0A', '%0B', '%0C']    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $domain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expire<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $secure<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpOnly<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $raw<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sameSite<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $partitioned<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $secureDefault<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CouchbaseBucketAdapter
 VALID_DSN_OPTIONS['operationTimeout', 'configTimeout', 'configNodeTimeout', 'n1qlTimeout', 'httpTimeout', 'configDelay', 'htconfigIdleTimeout', 'durabilityInterval', 'durabilityTimeout', ]    
 $bucket<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $marshaller<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CouchbaseCollectionAdapter
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $marshaller<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Count
 $minMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exactMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $divisibleByMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $min<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $max<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $divisibleBy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CountriesTest
 ALPHA2_TO_ALPHA3['AW' => 'ABW', 'AF' => 'AFG', 'AO' => 'AGO', 'AI' => 'AIA', 'AX' => 'ALA', 'AL' => 'ALB', 'AD' => 'AND', 'AE' => 'ARE', 'AR' => 'ARG', 'AM' => 'ARM', 'AS' => 'ASM', 'AQ' => 'ATA', 'TF' => 'ATF', 'AG' => 'ATG', 'AU' => 'AUS', 'AT' => 'AUT', 'AZ' => 'AZE', 'BI' => 'BDI', 'BE' => 'BEL', 'BJ' => 'BEN', 'BQ' => 'BES', 'BF' => 'BFA', 'BD' => 'BGD', 'BG' => 'BGR', 'BH' => 'BHR', 'BS' => 'BHS', 'BA' => 'BIH', 'BL' => 'BLM', 'BY' => 'BLR', 'BZ' => 'BLZ', 'BM' => 'BMU', 'BO' => 'BOL', 'BR' => 'BRA', 'BB' => 'BRB', 'BN' => 'BRN', 'BT' => 'BTN', 'BV' => 'BVT', 'BW' => 'BWA', 'CF' => 'CAF', 'CA' => 'CAN', 'CC' => 'CCK', 'CH' => 'CHE', 'CL' => 'CHL', 'CN' => 'CHN', 'CI' => 'CIV', 'CM' => 'CMR', 'CD' => 'COD', 'CG' => 'COG', 'CK' => 'COK', 'CO' => 'COL', 'KM' => 'COM', 'CV' => 'CPV', 'CR' => 'CRI', 'CU' => 'CUB', 'CW' => 'CUW', 'CX' => 'CXR', 'KY' => 'CYM', 'CY' => 'CYP', 'CZ' => 'CZE', 'DE' => 'DEU', 'DJ' => 'DJI', 'DM' => 'DMA', 'DK' => 'DNK', 'DO' => 'DOM', 'DZ' => 'DZA', 'EC' => 'ECU', 'EG' => 'EGY', 'ER' => 'ERI', 'EH' => 'ESH', 'ES' => 'ESP', 'EE' => 'EST', 'ET' => 'ETH', 'FI' => 'FIN', 'FJ' => 'FJI', 'FK' => 'FLK', 'FR' => 'FRA', 'FO' => 'FRO', 'FM' => 'FSM', 'GA' => 'GAB', 'GB' => 'GBR', 'GE' => 'GEO', 'GG' => 'GGY', 'GH' => 'GHA', 'GI' => 'GIB', 'GN' => 'GIN', 'GP' => 'GLP', 'GM' => 'GMB', 'GW' => 'GNB', 'GQ' => 'GNQ', 'GR' => 'GRC', 'GD' => 'GRD', 'GL' => 'GRL', 'GT' => 'GTM', 'GF' => 'GUF', 'GU' => 'GUM', 'GY' => 'GUY', 'HK' => 'HKG', 'HM' => 'HMD', 'HN' => 'HND', 'HR' => 'HRV', 'HT' => 'HTI', 'HU' => 'HUN', 'ID' => 'IDN', 'IM' => 'IMN', 'IN' => 'IND', 'IO' => 'IOT', 'IE' => 'IRL', 'IR' => 'IRN', 'IQ' => 'IRQ', 'IS' => 'ISL', 'IL' => 'ISR', 'IT' => 'ITA', 'JM' => 'JAM', 'JE' => 'JEY', 'JO' => 'JOR', 'JP' => 'JPN', 'KZ' => 'KAZ', 'KE' => 'KEN', 'KG' => 'KGZ', 'KH' => 'KHM', 'KI' => 'KIR', 'KN' => 'KNA', 'KR' => 'KOR', 'KW' => 'KWT', 'LA' => 'LAO', 'LB' => 'LBN', 'LR' => 'LBR', 'LY' => 'LBY', 'LC' => 'LCA', 'LI' => 'LIE', 'LK' => 'LKA', 'LS' => 'LSO', 'LT' => 'LTU', 'LU' => 'LUX', 'LV' => 'LVA', 'MO' => 'MAC', 'MF' => 'MAF', 'MA' => 'MAR', 'MC' => 'MCO', 'MD' => 'MDA', 'MG' => 'MDG', 'MV' => 'MDV', 'MX' => 'MEX', 'MH' => 'MHL', 'MK' => 'MKD', 'ML' => 'MLI', 'MT' => 'MLT', 'MM' => 'MMR', 'ME' => 'MNE', 'MN' => 'MNG', 'MP' => 'MNP', 'MZ' => 'MOZ', 'MR' => 'MRT', 'MS' => 'MSR', 'MQ' => 'MTQ', 'MU' => 'MUS', 'MW' => 'MWI', 'MY' => 'MYS', 'YT' => 'MYT', 'NA' => 'NAM', 'NC' => 'NCL', 'NE' => 'NER', 'NF' => 'NFK', 'NG' => 'NGA', 'NI' => 'NIC', 'NU' => 'NIU', 'NL' => 'NLD', 'NO' => 'NOR', 'NP' => 'NPL', 'NR' => 'NRU', 'NZ' => 'NZL', 'OM' => 'OMN', 'PK' => 'PAK', 'PA' => 'PAN', 'PN' => 'PCN', 'PE' => 'PER', 'PH' => 'PHL', 'PW' => 'PLW', 'PG' => 'PNG', 'PL' => 'POL', 'PR' => 'PRI', 'KP' => 'PRK', 'PT' => 'PRT', 'PY' => 'PRY', 'PS' => 'PSE', 'PF' => 'PYF', 'QA' => 'QAT', 'RE' => 'REU', 'RO' => 'ROU', 'RU' => 'RUS', 'RW' => 'RWA', 'SA' => 'SAU', 'SD' => 'SDN', 'SN' => 'SEN', 'SG' => 'SGP', 'GS' => 'SGS', 'SH' => 'SHN', 'SJ' => 'SJM', 'SB' => 'SLB', 'SL' => 'SLE', 'SV' => 'SLV', 'SM' => 'SMR', 'SO' => 'SOM', 'PM' => 'SPM', 'RS' => 'SRB', 'SS' => 'SSD', 'ST' => 'STP', 'SR' => 'SUR', 'SK' => 'SVK', 'SI' => 'SVN', 'SE' => 'SWE', 'SZ' => 'SWZ', 'SX' => 'SXM', 'SC' => 'SYC', 'SY' => 'SYR', 'TC' => 'TCA', 'TD' => 'TCD', 'TG' => 'TGO', 'TH' => 'THA', 'TJ' => 'TJK', 'TK' => 'TKL', 'TM' => 'TKM', 'TL' => 'TLS', 'TO' => 'TON', 'TT' => 'TTO', 'TN' => 'TUN', 'TR' => 'TUR', 'TV' => 'TUV', 'TW' => 'TWN', 'TZ' => 'TZA', 'UG' => 'UGA', 'UA' => 'UKR', 'UM' => 'UMI', 'UY' => 'URY', 'US' => 'USA', 'UZ' => 'UZB', 'VA' => 'VAT', 'VC' => 'VCT', 'VE' => 'VEN', 'VG' => 'VGB', 'VI' => 'VIR', 'VN' => 'VNM', 'VU' => 'VUT', 'WF' => 'WLF', 'WS' => 'WSM', 'YE' => 'YEM', 'ZA' => 'ZAF', 'ZM' => 'ZMB', 'ZW' => 'ZWE', ]    
 ALPHA2_TO_NUMERIC['AA' => '958', 'AD' => '020', 'AE' => '784', 'AF' => '004', 'AG' => '028', 'AI' => '660', 'AL' => '008', 'AM' => '051', 'AO' => '024', 'AQ' => '010', 'AR' => '032', 'AS' => '016', 'AT' => '040', 'AU' => '036', 'AW' => '533', 'AX' => '248', 'AZ' => '031', 'BA' => '070', 'BB' => '052', 'BD' => '050', 'BE' => '056', 'BF' => '854', 'BG' => '100', 'BH' => '048', 'BI' => '108', 'BJ' => '204', 'BL' => '652', 'BM' => '060', 'BN' => '096', 'BO' => '068', 'BQ' => '535', 'BR' => '076', 'BS' => '044', 'BT' => '064', 'BV' => '074', 'BW' => '072', 'BY' => '112', 'BZ' => '084', 'CA' => '124', 'CC' => '166', 'CD' => '180', 'CF' => '140', 'CG' => '178', 'CH' => '756', 'CI' => '384', 'CK' => '184', 'CL' => '152', 'CM' => '120', 'CN' => '156', 'CO' => '170', 'CR' => '188', 'CU' => '192', 'CV' => '132', 'CW' => '531', 'CX' => '162', 'CY' => '196', 'CZ' => '203', 'DE' => '276', 'DJ' => '262', 'DK' => '208', 'DM' => '212', 'DO' => '214', 'DZ' => '012', 'EC' => '218', 'EE' => '233', 'EG' => '818', 'EH' => '732', 'ER' => '232', 'ES' => '724', 'ET' => '231', 'FI' => '246', 'FJ' => '242', 'FK' => '238', 'FM' => '583', 'FO' => '234', 'FR' => '250', 'GA' => '266', 'GB' => '826', 'GD' => '308', 'GE' => '268', 'GF' => '254', 'GG' => '831', 'GH' => '288', 'GI' => '292', 'GL' => '304', 'GM' => '270', 'GN' => '324', 'GP' => '312', 'GQ' => '226', 'GR' => '300', 'GS' => '239', 'GT' => '320', 'GU' => '316', 'GW' => '624', 'GY' => '328', 'HK' => '344', 'HM' => '334', 'HN' => '340', 'HR' => '191', 'HT' => '332', 'HU' => '348', 'ID' => '360', 'IE' => '372', 'IL' => '376', 'IM' => '833', 'IN' => '356', 'IO' => '086', 'IQ' => '368', 'IR' => '364', 'IS' => '352', 'IT' => '380', 'JE' => '832', 'JM' => '388', 'JO' => '400', 'JP' => '392', 'KE' => '404', 'KG' => '417', 'KH' => '116', 'KI' => '296', 'KM' => '174', 'KN' => '659', 'KP' => '408', 'KR' => '410', 'KW' => '414', 'KY' => '136', 'KZ' => '398', 'LA' => '418', 'LB' => '422', 'LC' => '662', 'LI' => '438', 'LK' => '144', 'LR' => '430', 'LS' => '426', 'LT' => '440', 'LU' => '442', 'LV' => '428', 'LY' => '434', 'MA' => '504', 'MC' => '492', 'MD' => '498', 'ME' => '499', 'MF' => '663', 'MG' => '450', 'MH' => '584', 'MK' => '807', 'ML' => '466', 'MM' => '104', 'MN' => '496', 'MO' => '446', 'MP' => '580', 'MQ' => '474', 'MR' => '478', 'MS' => '500', 'MT' => '470', 'MU' => '480', 'MV' => '462', 'MW' => '454', 'MX' => '484', 'MY' => '458', 'MZ' => '508', 'NA' => '516', 'NC' => '540', 'NE' => '562', 'NF' => '574', 'NG' => '566', 'NI' => '558', 'NL' => '528', 'NO' => '578', 'NP' => '524', 'NR' => '520', 'NU' => '570', 'NZ' => '554', 'OM' => '512', 'PA' => '591', 'PE' => '604', 'PF' => '258', 'PG' => '598', 'PH' => '608', 'PK' => '586', 'PL' => '616', 'PM' => '666', 'PN' => '612', 'PR' => '630', 'PS' => '275', 'PT' => '620', 'PW' => '585', 'PY' => '600', 'QA' => '634', 'QM' => '959', 'QN' => '960', 'QP' => '962', 'QQ' => '963', 'QR' => '964', 'QS' => '965', 'QT' => '966', 'QV' => '968', 'QW' => '969', 'QX' => '970', 'QY' => '971', 'QZ' => '972', 'RE' => '638', 'RO' => '642', 'RS' => '688', 'RU' => '643', 'RW' => '646', 'SA' => '682', 'SB' => '090', 'SC' => '690', 'SD' => '729', 'SE' => '752', 'SG' => '702', 'SH' => '654', 'SI' => '705', 'SJ' => '744', 'SK' => '703', 'SL' => '694', 'SM' => '674', 'SN' => '686', 'SO' => '706', 'SR' => '740', 'SS' => '728', 'ST' => '678', 'SV' => '222', 'SX' => '534', 'SY' => '760', 'SZ' => '748', 'TC' => '796', 'TD' => '148', 'TF' => '260', 'TG' => '768', 'TH' => '764', 'TJ' => '762', 'TK' => '772', 'TL' => '626', 'TM' => '795', 'TN' => '788', 'TO' => '776', 'TR' => '792', 'TT' => '780', 'TV' => '798', 'TW' => '158', 'TZ' => '834', 'UA' => '804', 'UG' => '800', 'UM' => '581', 'US' => '840', 'UY' => '858', 'UZ' => '860', 'VA' => '336', 'VC' => '670', 'VE' => '862', 'VG' => '092', 'VI' => '850', 'VN' => '704', 'VU' => '548', 'WF' => '876', 'WS' => '882', 'XC' => '975', 'XD' => '976', 'XE' => '977', 'XF' => '978', 'XG' => '979', 'XH' => '980', 'XI' => '981', 'XJ' => '982', 'XL' => '984', 'XM' => '985', 'XN' => '986', 'XO' => '987', 'XP' => '988', 'XQ' => '989', 'XR' => '990', 'XS' => '991', 'XT' => '992', 'XU' => '993', 'XV' => '994', 'XW' => '995', 'XX' => '996', 'XY' => '997', 'XZ' => '998', 'YE' => '887', 'YT' => '175', 'ZA' => '710', 'ZM' => '894', 'ZW' => '716', ]    
 COUNTRIES['AD', 'AE', 'AF', 'AG', 'AI', 'AL', 'AM', 'AO', 'AQ', 'AR', 'AS', 'AT', 'AU', 'AW', 'AX', 'AZ', 'BA', 'BB', 'BD', 'BE', 'BF', 'BG', 'BH', 'BI', 'BJ', 'BL', 'BM', 'BN', 'BO', 'BQ', 'BR', 'BS', 'BT', 'BV', 'BW', 'BY', 'BZ', 'CA', 'CC', 'CD', 'CF', 'CG', 'CH', 'CI', 'CK', 'CL', 'CM', 'CN', 'CO', 'CR', 'CU', 'CV', 'CW', 'CX', 'CY', 'CZ', 'DE', 'DJ', 'DK', 'DM', 'DO', 'DZ', 'EC', 'EE', 'EG', 'EH', 'ER', 'ES', 'ET', 'FI', 'FJ', 'FK', 'FM', 'FO', 'FR', 'GA', 'GB', 'GD', 'GE', 'GF', 'GG', 'GH', 'GI', 'GL', 'GM', 'GN', 'GP', 'GQ', 'GR', 'GS', 'GT', 'GU', 'GW', 'GY', 'HK', 'HM', 'HN', 'HR', 'HT', 'HU', 'ID', 'IE', 'IL', 'IM', 'IN', 'IO', 'IQ', 'IR', 'IS', 'IT', 'JE', 'JM', 'JO', 'JP', 'KE', 'KG', 'KH', 'KI', 'KM', 'KN', 'KP', 'KR', 'KW', 'KY', 'KZ', 'LA', 'LB', 'LC', 'LI', 'LK', 'LR', 'LS', 'LT', 'LU', 'LV', 'LY', 'MA', 'MC', 'MD', 'ME', 'MF', 'MG', 'MH', 'MK', 'ML', 'MM', 'MN', 'MO', 'MP', 'MQ', 'MR', 'MS', 'MT', 'MU', 'MV', 'MW', 'MX', 'MY', 'MZ', 'NA', 'NC', 'NE', 'NF', 'NG', 'NI', 'NL', 'NO', 'NP', 'NR', 'NU', 'NZ', 'OM', 'PA', 'PE', 'PF', 'PG', 'PH', 'PK', 'PL', 'PM', 'PN', 'PR', 'PS', 'PT', 'PW', 'PY', 'QA', 'RE', 'RO', 'RS', 'RU', 'RW', 'SA', 'SB', 'SC', 'SD', 'SE', 'SG', 'SH', 'SI', 'SJ', 'SK', 'SL', 'SM', 'SN', 'SO', 'SR', 'SS', 'ST', 'SV', 'SX', 'SY', 'SZ', 'TC', 'TD', 'TF', 'TG', 'TH', 'TJ', 'TK', 'TL', 'TM', 'TN', 'TO', 'TR', 'TT', 'TV', 'TW', 'TZ', 'UA', 'UG', 'UM', 'US', 'UY', 'UZ', 'VA', 'VC', 'VE', 'VG', 'VI', 'VN', 'VU', 'WF', 'WS', 'YE', 'YT', 'ZA', 'ZM', 'ZW', ]    
class Country
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $alpha3<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CountryTypeTest
class CronExpressionTrigger
 HASH_ALIAS_MAP['#hourly' => '# * * * *', '#daily' => '# # * * *', '#weekly' => '# # * * #', '#weekly@midnight' => '# #(0-2) * * #', '#monthly' => '# # # * *', '#monthly@midnight' => '# #(0-2) # * *', '#annually' => '# # # # *', '#annually@midnight' => '# #(0-2) # # *', '#yearly' => '# # # # *', '#yearly@midnight' => '# #(0-2) # # *', '#midnight' => '# #(0-2) * * *', ]    
 HASH_RANGES[[0, 59], [0, 23], [1, 28], [1, 12], [0, 6], ]    
 $timezone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expression<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CrowdinProviderFactory
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $xliffFileDumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CssAssetUrlCompiler
 $missingImportMode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CssColor
 $validationModes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $formats<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CssColorValidator
class CsvEncoder
 FORMULAS_START_CHARACTERS['=', '-', '+', '@', "\t", "\r"]    
 $defaultContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CurlHttpClient
 OPTIONS_DEFAULTSHttpClientInterface::OPTIONS_DEFAULTS + ['crypto_method' => \STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_2_CLIENT, ]    
 $defaultOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $emptyDefaults<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxHostConnections<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxPendingPushes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $multi<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Currencies
class CurrenciesTest
 ALPHA3_TO_NUMERIC['AFA' => 4, 'ALK' => 8, 'ALL' => 8, 'DZD' => 12, 'ADP' => 20, 'AON' => 24, 'AOK' => 24, 'AZM' => 31, 'ARA' => 32, 'ARP' => 32, 'ARS' => 32, 'AUD' => 36, 'ATS' => 40, 'BSD' => 44, 'BHD' => 48, 'BDT' => 50, 'AMD' => 51, 'BBD' => 52, 'BEF' => 56, 'BMD' => 60, 'BTN' => 64, 'BOB' => 68, 'BOP' => 68, 'BAD' => 70, 'BWP' => 72, 'BRN' => 76, 'BRE' => 76, 'BRC' => 76, 'BRB' => 76, 'BZD' => 84, 'SBD' => 90, 'BND' => 96, 'BGL' => 100, 'MMK' => 104, 'BUK' => 104, 'BIF' => 108, 'BYB' => 112, 'KHR' => 116, 'CAD' => 124, 'CVE' => 132, 'KYD' => 136, 'LKR' => 144, 'CLP' => 152, 'CNY' => 156, 'COP' => 170, 'KMF' => 174, 'ZRZ' => 180, 'ZRN' => 180, 'CRC' => 188, 'HRK' => 191, 'HRD' => 191, 'CUP' => 192, 'CYP' => 196, 'CSK' => 200, 'CZK' => 203, 'DKK' => 208, 'DOP' => 214, 'ECS' => 218, 'SVC' => 222, 'GQE' => 226, 'ETB' => 230, 'ERN' => 232, 'EEK' => 233, 'FKP' => 238, 'FJD' => 242, 'FIM' => 246, 'FRF' => 250, 'DJF' => 262, 'GEK' => 268, 'GMD' => 270, 'DEM' => 276, 'DDM' => 278, 'GHC' => 288, 'GIP' => 292, 'GRD' => 300, 'GTQ' => 320, 'GNS' => 324, 'GNF' => 324, 'GYD' => 328, 'HTG' => 332, 'HNL' => 340, 'HKD' => 344, 'HUF' => 348, 'ISJ' => 352, 'ISK' => 352, 'INR' => 356, 'IDR' => 360, 'IRR' => 364, 'IQD' => 368, 'IEP' => 372, 'ILP' => 376, 'ILR' => 376, 'ILS' => 376, 'ITL' => 380, 'JMD' => 388, 'JPY' => 392, 'KZT' => 398, 'JOD' => 400, 'KES' => 404, 'KPW' => 408, 'KRW' => 410, 'KWD' => 414, 'KGS' => 417, 'LAK' => 418, 'LBP' => 422, 'LSL' => 426, 'LVR' => 428, 'LVL' => 428, 'LRD' => 430, 'LYD' => 434, 'LTL' => 440, 'LTT' => 440, 'LUF' => 442, 'MOP' => 446, 'MGF' => 450, 'MWK' => 454, 'MYR' => 458, 'MVR' => 462, 'MLF' => 466, 'MTL' => 470, 'MTP' => 470, 'MRO' => 478, 'MUR' => 480, 'MXP' => 484, 'MXN' => 484, 'MNT' => 496, 'MDL' => 498, 'MAD' => 504, 'MZE' => 508, 'MZM' => 508, 'OMR' => 512, 'NAD' => 516, 'NPR' => 524, 'NLG' => 528, 'ANG' => 532, 'AWG' => 533, 'VUV' => 548, 'NZD' => 554, 'NIC' => 558, 'NIO' => 558, 'NGN' => 566, 'NOK' => 578, 'PKR' => 586, 'PAB' => 590, 'PGK' => 598, 'PYG' => 600, 'PEI' => 604, 'PES' => 604, 'PEN' => 604, 'PHP' => 608, 'PLZ' => 616, 'PTE' => 620, 'GWP' => 624, 'GWE' => 624, 'TPE' => 626, 'QAR' => 634, 'ROL' => 642, 'RUB' => 643, 'RWF' => 646, 'SHP' => 654, 'STD' => 678, 'SAR' => 682, 'SCR' => 690, 'SLL' => 694, 'SGD' => 702, 'SKK' => 703, 'VND' => 704, 'SIT' => 705, 'SOS' => 706, 'ZAR' => 710, 'ZWD' => 716, 'RHD' => 716, 'YDD' => 720, 'ESP' => 724, 'SSP' => 728, 'SDD' => 736, 'SDP' => 736, 'SRG' => 740, 'SZL' => 748, 'SEK' => 752, 'CHF' => 756, 'SYP' => 760, 'TJR' => 762, 'THB' => 764, 'TOP' => 776, 'TTD' => 780, 'AED' => 784, 'TND' => 788, 'TRL' => 792, 'TMM' => 795, 'UGX' => 800, 'UGS' => 800, 'UAK' => 804, 'MKD' => 807, 'RUR' => 810, 'SUR' => 810, 'EGP' => 818, 'GBP' => 826, 'TZS' => 834, 'USD' => 840, 'UYP' => 858, 'UYU' => 858, 'UZS' => 860, 'VEB' => 862, 'WST' => 882, 'YER' => 886, 'YUN' => 890, 'YUD' => 890, 'YUM' => 891, 'CSD' => 891, 'ZMK' => 894, 'TWD' => 901, 'SLE' => 925, 'VED' => 926, 'UYW' => 927, 'VES' => 928, 'MRU' => 929, 'STN' => 930, 'CUC' => 931, 'ZWL' => 932, 'BYN' => 933, 'TMT' => 934, 'ZWR' => 935, 'GHS' => 936, 'VEF' => 937, 'SDG' => 938, 'UYI' => 940, 'RSD' => 941, 'MZN' => 943, 'AZN' => 944, 'RON' => 946, 'CHE' => 947, 'CHW' => 948, 'TRY' => 949, 'XAF' => 950, 'XCD' => 951, 'XOF' => 952, 'XPF' => 953, 'XEU' => 954, 'ZMW' => 967, 'SRD' => 968, 'MGA' => 969, 'COU' => 970, 'AFN' => 971, 'TJS' => 972, 'AOA' => 973, 'BYR' => 974, 'BGN' => 975, 'CDF' => 976, 'BAM' => 977, 'EUR' => 978, 'MXV' => 979, 'UAH' => 980, 'GEL' => 981, 'AOR' => 982, 'ECV' => 983, 'BOV' => 984, 'PLN' => 985, 'BRL' => 986, 'BRR' => 987, 'LUL' => 988, 'LUC' => 989, 'CLF' => 990, 'ZAL' => 991, 'BEL' => 992, 'BEC' => 993, 'ESB' => 995, 'ESA' => 996, 'USN' => 997, 'USS' => 998, ]    
 CURRENCIES['ADP', 'AED', 'AFA', 'AFN', 'ALK', 'ALL', 'AMD', 'ANG', 'AOA', 'AOK', 'AON', 'AOR', 'ARA', 'ARL', 'ARM', 'ARP', 'ARS', 'ATS', 'AUD', 'AWG', 'AZM', 'AZN', 'BAD', 'BAM', 'BAN', 'BBD', 'BDT', 'BEC', 'BEF', 'BEL', 'BGL', 'BGM', 'BGN', 'BGO', 'BHD', 'BIF', 'BMD', 'BND', 'BOB', 'BOL', 'BOP', 'BOV', 'BRB', 'BRC', 'BRE', 'BRL', 'BRN', 'BRR', 'BRZ', 'BSD', 'BTN', 'BUK', 'BWP', 'BYB', 'BYN', 'BYR', 'BZD', 'CAD', 'CDF', 'CHE', 'CHF', 'CHW', 'CLE', 'CLF', 'CLP', 'CNH', 'CNX', 'CNY', 'COP', 'COU', 'CRC', 'CSD', 'CSK', 'CUC', 'CUP', 'CVE', 'CYP', 'CZK', 'DDM', 'DEM', 'DJF', 'DKK', 'DOP', 'DZD', 'ECS', 'ECV', 'EEK', 'EGP', 'ERN', 'ESA', 'ESB', 'ESP', 'ETB', 'EUR', 'FIM', 'FJD', 'FKP', 'FRF', 'GBP', 'GEK', 'GEL', 'GHC', 'GHS', 'GIP', 'GMD', 'GNF', 'GNS', 'GQE', 'GRD', 'GTQ', 'GWE', 'GWP', 'GYD', 'HKD', 'HNL', 'HRD', 'HRK', 'HTG', 'HUF', 'IDR', 'IEP', 'ILP', 'ILR', 'ILS', 'INR', 'IQD', 'IRR', 'ISJ', 'ISK', 'ITL', 'JMD', 'JOD', 'JPY', 'KES', 'KGS', 'KHR', 'KMF', 'KPW', 'KRH', 'KRO', 'KRW', 'KWD', 'KYD', 'KZT', 'LAK', 'LBP', 'LKR', 'LRD', 'LSL', 'LTL', 'LTT', 'LUC', 'LUF', 'LUL', 'LVL', 'LVR', 'LYD', 'MAD', 'MAF', 'MCF', 'MDC', 'MDL', 'MGA', 'MGF', 'MKD', 'MKN', 'MLF', 'MMK', 'MNT', 'MOP', 'MRO', 'MRU', 'MTL', 'MTP', 'MUR', 'MVP', 'MVR', 'MWK', 'MXN', 'MXP', 'MXV', 'MYR', 'MZE', 'MZM', 'MZN', 'NAD', 'NGN', 'NIC', 'NIO', 'NLG', 'NOK', 'NPR', 'NZD', 'OMR', 'PAB', 'PEI', 'PEN', 'PES', 'PGK', 'PHP', 'PKR', 'PLN', 'PLZ', 'PTE', 'PYG', 'QAR', 'RHD', 'ROL', 'RON', 'RSD', 'RUB', 'RUR', 'RWF', 'SAR', 'SBD', 'SCR', 'SDD', 'SDG', 'SDP', 'SEK', 'SGD', 'SHP', 'SIT', 'SKK', 'SLE', 'SLL', 'SOS', 'SRD', 'SRG', 'SSP', 'STD', 'STN', 'SUR', 'SVC', 'SYP', 'SZL', 'THB', 'TJR', 'TJS', 'TMM', 'TMT', 'TND', 'TOP', 'TPE', 'TRL', 'TRY', 'TTD', 'TWD', 'TZS', 'UAH', 'UAK', 'UGS', 'UGX', 'USD', 'USN', 'USS', 'UYI', 'UYP', 'UYU', 'UYW', 'UZS', 'VEB', 'VED', 'VEF', 'VES', 'VND', 'VNN', 'VUV', 'WST', 'XAF', 'XCD', 'XEU', 'XFO', 'XFU', 'XOF', 'XPF', 'XRE', 'YDD', 'YER', 'YUD', 'YUM', 'YUN', 'YUR', 'ZAL', 'ZAR', 'ZMK', 'ZMW', 'ZRN', 'ZRZ', 'ZWD', 'ZWL', 'ZWR', ]    
class Currency
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CurrencyDataGenerator
 DENYLIST['XBA' => true, 'XBB' => true, 'XBC' => true, 'XBD' => true, 'XUA' => true, 'XAU' => true, 'XAG' => true, 'XPT' => true, 'XPD' => true, 'XSU' => true, 'XDR' => true, 'XTS' => true, 'XXX' => true, ]    
 $currencyCodes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CurrencyTypeTest
class Cursor
 $depth<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $refIndex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $softRefTo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $softRefCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $softRefHandle<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hardRefTo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hardRefCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hardRefHandle<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hashType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hashKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hashKeyIsBinary<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hashIndex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hashLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hashCut<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stop<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attr<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $skipChildren<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DOMCaster
class DataCollectorTranslator
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DataUriNormalizer
 SUPPORTED_TYPES[\SplFileInfo::class => true, \SplFileObject::class => true, File::class => true, ]    
 $mimeTypeGuesser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DataUriNormalizerTest
 TEST_TXT_CONTENT"Kévin Dunglas\n"    
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Date
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateCaster
class DateIntervalNormalizer
 $defaultContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateIntervalToArrayTransformer
 AVAILABLE_FIELDS[self::YEARS => 'y', self::MONTHS => 'm', self::DAYS => 'd', self::HOURS => 'h', self::MINUTES => 'i', self::SECONDS => 's', self::INVERT => 'r', ]    
 $fields<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pad<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateIntervalType
 TIME_PARTS['years', 'months', 'weeks', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', ]    
 WIDGETS['text' => TextType::class, 'integer' => IntegerType::class, 'choice' => ChoiceType::class, ]    
class DateIntervalTypeTest
class DateTime
 $format<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateTimeNormalizer
 SUPPORTED_TYPES[\DateTimeInterface::class => true, \DateTimeImmutable::class => true, \DateTime::class => true, ]    
 $defaultContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateTimeToHtml5LocalDateTimeTransformer
 $withSeconds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateTimeType
 ACCEPTED_FORMATS[\IntlDateFormatter::FULL, \IntlDateFormatter::LONG, \IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM, \IntlDateFormatter::SHORT, ]    
class DateTimeTypeTest
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateType
 ACCEPTED_FORMATS[\IntlDateFormatter::FULL, \IntlDateFormatter::LONG, \IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM, \IntlDateFormatter::SHORT, ]    
 WIDGETS['text' => TextType::class, 'choice' => ChoiceType::class, ]    
class DateTypeTest
 $defaultTimezone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateValidator
class DebugClassLoader
 BUILTIN_RETURN_TYPES['void' => true, 'array' => true, 'false' => true, 'bool' => true, 'callable' => true, 'float' => true, 'int' => true, 'iterable' => true, 'object' => true, 'string' => true, 'self' => true, 'parent' => true, 'mixed' => true, 'static' => true, 'null' => true, 'true' => true, 'never' => true, ]    
 MAGIC_METHODS['__isset' => 'bool', '__sleep' => 'array', '__toString' => 'string', '__debugInfo' => 'array', '__serialize' => 'array', '__set' => 'void', '__unset' => 'void', '__unserialize' => 'void', '__wakeup' => 'void', ]    
 SPECIAL_RETURN_TYPES['void' => 'void', 'null' => 'null', 'resource' => 'resource', 'boolean' => 'bool', 'true' => 'true', 'false' => 'false', 'integer' => 'int', 'array' => 'array', 'bool' => 'bool', 'callable' => 'callable', 'float' => 'float', 'int' => 'int', 'iterable' => 'iterable', 'object' => 'object', 'string' => 'string', 'self' => 'self', 'parent' => 'parent', 'mixed' => 'mixed', 'static' => 'static', '$this' => 'static', 'list' => 'array', 'class-string' => 'string', 'never' => 'never', ]    
 $classLoader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isFinder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loaded<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $patchTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $caseCheck<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $checkedClasses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $final<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $finalMethods<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $finalProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $finalConstants<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deprecated<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $internal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $internalMethods<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $annotatedParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $darwinCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $method<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $returnTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $methodTraits<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fileOffsets<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DebugFormatterHelper
 COLORS['black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white', 'default']    
 $started<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $count<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DefaultFlashMessageImportanceMapper
 IMPORTANCE_MAP[Notification::IMPORTANCE_URGENT => 'notification', Notification::IMPORTANCE_HIGH => 'notification', Notification::IMPORTANCE_MEDIUM => 'notification', Notification::IMPORTANCE_LOW => 'notification', ]    
class DefaultsConfigurator
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Definition
 DEFAULT_DEPRECATION_TEMPLATE'The "%service_id%" service is deprecated. You should stop using it, as it will be removed in the future.'    
 $class<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $shared<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deprecation<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $properties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $calls<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $instanceof<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoconfigured<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $configurator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $public<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $synthetic<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $abstract<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lazy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decoratedService<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autowired<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $changes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bindings<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arguments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $innerServiceId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decorationOnInvalid<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Deprecation
 $trace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $languageDeprecation<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $originClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $originMethod<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $triggeringFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $triggeringClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $vendors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $internalPaths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $originalFilesStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DeprecationErrorHandler
 $mode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $configuration<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deprecationGroups<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isRegistered<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errorHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DisallowRobotsIndexingListener
class DiscordAuthorEmbedObject
class DiscordEmbed
class DiscordFieldEmbedObject
class DiscordFooterEmbedObject
class DiscordTransport
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $webhookId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DivisibleBy
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DkimSigner
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $domainName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $selector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineDbalAdapter
 $marshaller<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $conn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $platformName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $table<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $idCol<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dataCol<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lifetimeCol<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timeCol<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineFooType
class DoctrineReceiver
 $retryingSafetyCounter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Dotenv
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cursor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lineno<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $end<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $values<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $envKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debugKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prodEnvs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $usePutenv<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyUnionType
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $d<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $e<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $f<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $g<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Email
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Email
 PRIORITY_MAP[self::PRIORITY_HIGHEST => 'Highest', self::PRIORITY_HIGH => 'High', self::PRIORITY_NORMAL => 'Normal', self::PRIORITY_LOW => 'Low', self::PRIORITY_LOWEST => 'Lowest', ]    
 $text<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $textCharset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $html<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $htmlCharset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attachments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cachedBody<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EmailValidator
 $defaultMode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EmojiTransliterator
 REVERSEABLE_IDS['emoji-github' => 'github-emoji', 'emoji-slack' => 'slack-emoji', 'github-emoji' => 'emoji-github', 'slack-emoji' => 'emoji-slack', ]    
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EngagespotTransport
 $apiKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $campaignName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EnglishInflector
 PLURAL_MAP[['a', 1, true, true, ['on', 'um']], ['ea', 2, true, true, 'a'], ['secivres', 8, true, true, 'service'], ['eci', 3, false, true, 'ouse'], ['esee', 4, false, true, 'oose'], ['i', 1, true, true, 'us'], ['nem', 3, true, true, 'man'], ['nerdlihc', 8, true, true, 'child'], ['nexo', 4, false, false, 'ox'], ['seci', 4, false, true, ['ex', 'ix', 'ice']], ['sedoc', 5, false, true, 'code'], ['seifles', 7, true, true, 'selfie'], ['seibmoz', 7, true, true, 'zombie'], ['seivom', 6, true, true, 'movie'], ['seman', 5, true, false, 'name'], ['sesutcep', 8, true, true, 'pectus'], ['teef', 4, true, true, 'foot'], ['eseeg', 5, true, true, 'goose'], ['hteet', 5, true, true, 'tooth'], ['swen', 4, true, true, 'news'], ['seires', 6, true, true, 'series'], ['sei', 3, false, true, 'y'], ['sess', 4, true, false, 'ss'], ['sesutats', 8, true, true, 'status'], ['ses', 3, true, true, ['s', 'se', 'sis']], ['sevit', 5, true, true, 'tive'], ['sevird', 6, false, true, 'drive'], ['sevi', 4, false, true, 'ife'], ['sevom', 5, true, true, 'move'], ['sev', 3, true, true, ['f', 've', 'ff']], ['sexa', 4, false, false, ['ax', 'axe', 'axis']], ['sex', 3, true, false, 'x'], ['sezz', 4, true, false, 'z'], ['suae', 4, false, true, 'eau'], ['see', 3, true, true, 'ee'], ['segd', 4, true, true, 'dge'], ['se', 2, true, true, ['', 'e']], ['sutats', 6, true, true, 'status'], ['s', 1, true, true, ''], ['xuae', 4, false, true, 'eau'], ['elpoep', 6, true, true, 'person'], ]    
 SINGULAR_MAP[['sixa', 4, false, false, 'axes'], ['airetirc', 8, false, false, 'criterion'], ['aluben', 6, false, false, 'nebulae'], ['dlihc', 5, true, true, 'children'], ['eci', 3, false, true, 'ices'], ['ecivres', 7, true, true, 'services'], ['efi', 3, false, true, 'ives'], ['eifles', 6, true, true, 'selfies'], ['eivom', 5, true, true, 'movies'], ['esuol', 5, false, true, 'lice'], ['esuom', 5, false, true, 'mice'], ['esoo', 4, false, true, 'eese'], ['es', 2, true, true, 'ses'], ['esoog', 5, true, true, 'geese'], ['ev', 2, true, true, 'ves'], ['evird', 5, false, true, 'drives'], ['evit', 4, true, true, 'tives'], ['evom', 4, true, true, 'moves'], ['ffats', 5, true, true, 'staves'], ['ff', 2, true, true, 'ffs'], ['f', 1, true, true, ['fs', 'ves']], ['hc', 2, true, true, 'ches'], ['hs', 2, true, true, 'shes'], ['htoot', 5, true, true, 'teeth'], ['mubla', 5, true, true, 'albums'], ['mu', 2, true, true, 'a'], ['nam', 3, true, true, 'men'], ['nosrep', 6, true, true, ['persons', 'people']], ['noi', 3, true, true, 'ions'], ['nop', 3, true, true, 'pons'], ['nos', 3, true, true, 'sons'], ['noc', 3, true, true, 'cons'], ['no', 2, true, true, 'a'], ['ohce', 4, true, true, 'echoes'], ['oreh', 4, true, true, 'heroes'], ['salta', 5, true, true, 'atlases'], ['siri', 4, true, true, 'irises'], ['sis', 3, true, true, 'ses'], ['ss', 2, true, false, 'sses'], ['suballys', 8, true, true, 'syllabi'], ['sub', 3, true, true, 'buses'], ['suc', 3, true, true, 'cuses'], ['supmacoppih', 11, false, false, 'hippocampi'], ['sup', 3, true, true, 'puses'], ['sutats', 6, true, true, ['status', 'statuses']], ['sutcep', 6, true, true, 'pectuses'], ['su', 2, true, true, 'i'], ['swen', 4, true, true, 'news'], ['toof', 4, true, true, 'feet'], ['uae', 3, false, true, ['eaus', 'eaux']], ['xo', 2, false, false, 'oxen'], ['xaoh', 4, true, false, 'hoaxes'], ['xedni', 5, false, true, ['indicies', 'indexes']], ['xo', 2, false, true, 'oxes'], ['x', 1, true, false, ['cies', 'xes']], ['xi', 2, false, true, 'ices'], ['y', 1, false, true, 'ies'], ['ziuq', 4, true, false, 'quizzes'], ['z', 1, true, true, 'zes'], ]    
 UNINFLECTED['', 'atad', 'reed', 'tnempiuqe', 'kcabdeef', 'hsif', 'htlaeh', 'yrotsih', 'ofni', 'noitamrofni', 'yenom', 'esoom', 'seires', 'peehs', 'seiceps', 'ciffart', 'tfarcria', ]    
class EntityTypePerformanceTest
 $em<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EntityTypeTest
 $em<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $emRegistry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EntryPointStub
class EnumTypeTest
class EnvVarProcessorTest
class EqualTo
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Escaper
 ESCAPED['\\\\', '\\"', '\\\\', '\\"', '\\0', '\\x01', '\\x02', '\\x03', '\\x04', '\\x05', '\\x06', '\\a', '\\b', '\\t', '\\n', '\\v', '\\f', '\\r', '\\x0e', '\\x0f', '\\x10', '\\x11', '\\x12', '\\x13', '\\x14', '\\x15', '\\x16', '\\x17', '\\x18', '\\x19', '\\x1a', '\\e', '\\x1c', '\\x1d', '\\x1e', '\\x1f', '\\x7f', '\\N', '\\_', '\\L', '\\P', ]    
 ESCAPEES['\\', '\\\\', '\\"', '"', "\x00", "\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x06", "\x07", "\x08", "\x09", "\x0a", "\x0b", "\x0c", "\x0d", "\x0e", "\x0f", "\x10", "\x11", "\x12", "\x13", "\x14", "\x15", "\x16", "\x17", "\x18", "\x19", "\x1a", "\x1b", "\x1c", "\x1d", "\x1e", "\x1f", "\x7f", "\xc2\x85", "\xc2\xa0", "\xe2\x80\xa8", "\xe2\x80\xa9", ]    
class EsendexTransport
 $email<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accountReference<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EventDispatcherDebugCommand
 $dispatchers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EventDispatcherTest
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $listener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExpoTransport
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExprBuilder
 $allowedTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ifPart<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $thenPart<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $node<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Expression
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expression<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $values<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $negate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExpressionSyntax
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $service<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowedVariables<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExtendsDeprecatedClassFromOtherVendor
class FFICaster
class FakeChatEmailTransport
 $mailer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $to<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FakeChatLoggerTransport
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FakeSmsEmailTransport
 $mailer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $to<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FakeSmsLoggerTransport
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class File
 $binaryFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mimeTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filenameMaxLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extensions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notFoundMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notReadableMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxSizeMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mimeTypesMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extensionsMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $disallowEmptyMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filenameTooLongMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $uploadIniSizeErrorMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $uploadFormSizeErrorMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $uploadPartialErrorMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $uploadNoFileErrorMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $uploadNoTmpDirErrorMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $uploadCantWriteErrorMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $uploadExtensionErrorMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $uploadErrorMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileBag
 FILE_KEYS['error', 'name', 'size', 'tmp_name', 'type']    
class FileLoader
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isLoadingInstanceof<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $instanceof<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $interfaces<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $singlyImplemented<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $aliases<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoRegisterAliasesForSinglyImplementedInterfaces<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileType
 SUFFIXES[1 => 'bytes', self::KIB_BYTES => 'KiB', self::MIB_BYTES => 'MiB', ]    
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileTypeFilterIterator
 $mode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileTypeTest
class FileValidator
 SUFFICES[1 => 'bytes', self::KB_BYTES => 'kB', self::MB_BYTES => 'MB', self::KIB_BYTES => 'KiB', self::MIB_BYTES => 'MiB', ]    
class FilesystemTagAwareAdapter
class FinalConstants
class FinalConstants2
class Finder
 $mode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $names<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notNames<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exclude<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pruneFilters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $depths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sizes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $followLinks<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $reverseSorting<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sort<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignore<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dirs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dates<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $iterators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $contains<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notContains<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $paths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notPaths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignoreUnreadableDirs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $vcsPatterns<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FirebaseTransport
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FirewallAwareLoginLinkHandler
class FirewallAwareRememberMeHandler
class FirewallMapTest
class Foo
class FooLazyClassGhost2108fce
class FooProxy4048957
class Form
class FormErrorIterator
 $form<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormErrorNormalizer
class FormEvents
 ALIASES[PreSubmitEvent::class => self::PRE_SUBMIT, SubmitEvent::class => self::SUBMIT, PostSubmitEvent::class => self::POST_SUBMIT, PreSetDataEvent::class => self::PRE_SET_DATA, PostSetDataEvent::class => self::POST_SET_DATA, ]    
class FormLoginFactory
class FormRenderer
 $engine<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $csrfTokenManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $blockNameHierarchyMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hierarchyLevelMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $variableStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormTypeTest
class FortySixElksTransport
 $apiUsername<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $apiPassword<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FreeMobileTransport
 $login<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $phone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FrenchInflector
 PLURALIZE_REGEXP[['/(s|x|z)$/i', '\1'], ['/(eau)$/i', '\1x'], ['/^(landau)$/i', '\1s'], ['/(au)$/i', '\1x'], ['/^(pneu|bleu|émeu)$/i', '\1s'], ['/(eu)$/i', '\1x'], ['/^(bal|carnaval|caracal|chacal|choral|corral|étal|festival|récital|val)$/i', '\1s'], ['/al$/i', '\1aux'], ['/^(aspir|b|cor|ém|ferm|soupir|trav|vant|vitr)ail$/i', '\1aux'], ['/^(bij|caill|ch|gen|hib|jouj|p)ou$/i', '\1oux'], ['/^(cinquante|soixante|mille)$/i', '\1'], ['/^(mon|ma)(sieur|dame|demoiselle|seigneur)$/', 'mes\2s'], ['/^(Mon|Ma)(sieur|dame|demoiselle|seigneur)$/', 'Mes\2s'], ]    
 SINGULARIZE_REGEXP[['/((aspir|b|cor|ém|ferm|soupir|trav|vant|vitr))aux$/i', '\1ail'], ['/(eau)x$/i', '\1'], ['/(amir|anim|arsen|boc|can|capit|capor|chev|crist|génér|hopit|hôpit|idé|journ|littor|loc|m|mét|minér|princip|radic|termin)aux$/i', '\1al'], ['/(au)x$/i', '\1'], ['/(eu)x$/i', '\1'], ['/(bij|caill|ch|gen|hib|jouj|p)oux$/i', '\1ou'], ['/^mes(dame|demoiselle)s$/', 'ma\1'], ['/^Mes(dame|demoiselle)s$/', 'Ma\1'], ['/^mes(sieur|seigneur)s$/', 'mon\1'], ['/^Mes(sieur|seigneur)s$/', 'Mon\1'], ['/s$/i', ''], ]    
class FromCallableConfigurator
 $serviceConfigurator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GatewayApiTransport
 $authToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GenericRetryStrategy
 DEFAULT_RETRY_STATUS_CODES[0 => self::IDEMPOTENT_METHODS, 423, 425, 429, 500 => self::IDEMPOTENT_METHODS, 502, 503, 504 => self::IDEMPOTENT_METHODS, 507 => self::IDEMPOTENT_METHODS, 510 => self::IDEMPOTENT_METHODS, ]    
 $statusCodes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $delayMs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $multiplier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxDelayMs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $jitter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GetAttrNode
class GetterMetadataTest
class GitRepositoryTest
 $targetDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GithubActionReporter
 ESCAPED_DATA['%' => '%25', "\r" => '%0D', "\n" => '%0A', ]    
 ESCAPED_PROPERTIES['%' => '%25', "\r" => '%0D', "\n" => '%0A', ':' => '%3A', ',' => '%2C', ]    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GitterTransport
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $roomId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GoIpTransportFactory
class GoogleChatTransport
 $space<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $threadKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GreaterThan
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GreaterThanOrEqual
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Guess
 $confidence<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HeaderBag
 $headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cacheControl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HeaderUtils
class Headers
 HEADER_CLASS_MAP['date' => DateHeader::class, 'from' => MailboxListHeader::class, 'sender' => MailboxHeader::class, 'reply-to' => MailboxListHeader::class, 'to' => MailboxListHeader::class, 'cc' => MailboxListHeader::class, 'bcc' => MailboxListHeader::class, 'message-id' => IdentificationHeader::class, 'in-reply-to' => [UnstructuredHeader::class, IdentificationHeader::class], 'references' => [UnstructuredHeader::class, IdentificationHeader::class], 'return-path' => PathHeader::class, ]    
 UNIQUE_HEADERS['date', 'from', 'sender', 'reply-to', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'message-id', 'in-reply-to', 'references', 'subject', ]    
 $headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lineLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Hostname
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requireTld<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HostnameValidator
 RESERVED_TLDS['example', 'invalid', 'localhost', 'test', ]    
class HtmlErrorRenderer
 GHOST_ADDONS['02-14' => self::GHOST_HEART, '02-29' => self::GHOST_PLUS, '10-18' => self::GHOST_GIFT, ]    
 GHOST_GIFT'M124.00534057617188,5.3606138080358505 C124.40059661865234,4.644828304648399 125.1237564086914,3.712414965033531 123.88127899169922,3.487462028861046 C123.53517150878906,3.3097832053899765 123.18894958496094,2.9953975528478622 122.8432846069336,3.345616325736046 C122.07421112060547,3.649444565176964 121.40750122070312,4.074306473135948 122.2164306640625,4.869479164481163 C122.57514953613281,5.3830065578222275 122.90142822265625,6.503447040915489 123.3077621459961,6.626829609274864 C123.55027770996094,6.210384353995323 123.7774658203125,5.785196766257286 124.00534057617188,5.3606138080358505 zM122.30630493164062,7.336987480521202 C121.60028076171875,6.076864704489708 121.03211975097656,4.72498320043087 120.16796875,3.562500938773155 C119.11695098876953,2.44033907353878 117.04605865478516,2.940566048026085 116.57544708251953,4.387995228171349 C115.95028686523438,5.819030746817589 117.2991714477539,7.527640804648399 118.826171875,7.348545059561729 C119.98493194580078,7.367936596274376 121.15027618408203,7.420116886496544 122.30630493164062,7.336987480521202 zM128.1732177734375,7.379541382193565 C129.67486572265625,7.17823551595211 130.53842163085938,5.287807449698448 129.68344116210938,4.032590612769127 C128.92578125,2.693056806921959 126.74605560302734,2.6463639587163925 125.98509216308594,4.007616028189659 C125.32617950439453,5.108129009604454 124.75428009033203,6.258124336600304 124.14962768554688,7.388818249106407 C125.48638916015625,7.465229496359825 126.8357162475586,7.447416767477989 128.1732177734375,7.379541382193565 zM130.6601104736328,8.991325363516808 C131.17202758789062,8.540884003043175 133.1543731689453,8.009847149252892 131.65304565429688,7.582054600119591 C131.2811279296875,7.476506695151329 130.84751892089844,6.99234913289547 130.5132598876953,7.124847874045372 C129.78744506835938,8.02728746831417 128.67140197753906,8.55669592320919 127.50616455078125,8.501235947012901 C127.27806091308594,8.576229080557823 126.11459350585938,8.38720129430294 126.428955078125,8.601900085806847 C127.25099182128906,9.070617660880089 128.0523223876953,9.579657539725304 128.902587890625,9.995706543326378 C129.49813842773438,9.678531631827354 130.0761260986328,9.329126343131065 130.6601104736328,8.991325363516808 zM118.96446990966797,9.246344551444054 C119.4022445678711,8.991325363516808 119.84001922607422,8.736305221915245 120.27779388427734,8.481284126639366 C118.93965911865234,8.414779648184776 117.40827941894531,8.607666000723839 116.39698791503906,7.531384453177452 C116.11186981201172,7.212117180228233 115.83845520019531,6.846597656607628 115.44329071044922,7.248530372977257 C114.96995544433594,7.574637398123741 113.5140609741211,7.908811077475548 114.63501739501953,8.306883797049522 C115.61112976074219,8.883499130606651 116.58037567138672,9.474181160330772 117.58061218261719,10.008124336600304 C118.05723571777344,9.784612640738487 118.50651550292969,9.5052699893713 118.96446990966797,9.246344551444054 zM125.38018035888672,12.091858848929405 C125.9474868774414,11.636047348380089 127.32159423828125,11.201767906546593 127.36749267578125,10.712632164359093 C126.08487701416016,9.974547371268272 124.83960723876953,9.152772888541222 123.49772644042969,8.528907760977745 C123.03594207763672,8.353693947196007 122.66152954101562,8.623294815421104 122.28982543945312,8.857431396842003 C121.19065856933594,9.51122473180294 120.06505584716797,10.12446115911007 119.00167083740234,10.835315689444542 C120.39238739013672,11.69529627263546 121.79983520507812,12.529837593436241 123.22095489501953,13.338589653372765 C123.94580841064453,12.932025894522667 124.66128540039062,12.508862480521202 125.38018035888672,12.091858848929405 zM131.07164001464844,13.514615997672081 C131.66018676757812,13.143282875418663 132.2487335205078,12.771927818655968 132.8372802734375,12.400571808218956 C132.8324737548828,11.156818374991417 132.8523406982422,9.912529930472374 132.81829833984375,8.669195160269737 C131.63046264648438,9.332009300589561 130.45948791503906,10.027913078665733 129.30828857421875,10.752535805106163 C129.182373046875,12.035354599356651 129.24623107910156,13.33940313756466 129.27359008789062,14.628684982657433 C129.88104248046875,14.27079389989376 130.4737548828125,13.888019546866417 131.07164001464844,13.514640793204308 zM117.26847839355469,12.731024727225304 C117.32825469970703,11.67083452641964 117.45709991455078,10.46224020421505 116.17853546142578,10.148179039359093 C115.37110900878906,9.77159021794796 114.25194549560547,8.806716904044151 113.62991333007812,8.81639002263546 C113.61052703857422,10.0110072940588 113.62078857421875,11.20585821568966 113.61869049072266,12.400571808218956 C114.81139373779297,13.144886955618858 115.98292541503906,13.925040230154991 117.20137023925781,14.626662239432335 C117.31951141357422,14.010867103934288 117.24227905273438,13.35805033147335 117.26847839355469,12.731024727225304 zM125.80937957763672,16.836034759879112 C126.51483917236328,16.390663132071495 127.22030639648438,15.945291504263878 127.92576599121094,15.49991987645626 C127.92250061035156,14.215868934988976 127.97560119628906,12.929980263113976 127.91757202148438,11.647302612662315 C127.14225769042969,11.869626984000206 126.25550079345703,12.556857094168663 125.43866729736328,12.983742699027061 C124.82704162597656,13.342005714774132 124.21542358398438,13.700271591544151 123.60379028320312,14.05853746831417 C123.61585235595703,15.429577812552452 123.57081604003906,16.803131088614464 123.64839172363281,18.172149643301964 C124.37957000732422,17.744937881827354 125.09130859375,17.284801468253136 125.80937957763672,16.836034759879112 zM122.8521499633789,16.115344032645226 C122.8521499633789,15.429741844534874 122.8521499633789,14.744139656424522 122.8521499633789,14.05853746831417 C121.43595123291016,13.230924591422081 120.02428436279297,12.395455345511436 118.60256958007812,11.577354416251183 C118.52394104003906,12.888403877615929 118.56887817382812,14.204405769705772 118.55702209472656,15.517732605338097 C119.97289276123047,16.4041957706213 121.37410736083984,17.314891800284386 122.80789947509766,18.172149643301964 C122.86368560791016,17.488990768790245 122.84332275390625,16.800363525748253 122.8521499633789,16.115344032645226 zM131.10684204101562,18.871450409293175 C131.68399047851562,18.48711584508419 132.2611541748047,18.10278509557247 132.8383026123047,17.718475326895714 C132.81423950195312,16.499977096915245 132.89776611328125,15.264989838004112 132.77627563476562,14.05993078649044 C131.5760040283203,14.744719490408897 130.41763305664062,15.524359688162804 129.23875427246094,16.255397781729698 C129.26707458496094,17.516149505972862 129.18060302734375,18.791316971182823 129.3108367919922,20.041303619742393 C129.91973876953125,19.667551025748253 130.51010131835938,19.264152511954308 131.10684204101562,18.871450409293175 zM117.2557373046875,18.188333496451378 C117.25104522705078,17.549470886588097 117.24633026123047,16.91058538854122 117.24163055419922,16.271720871329308 C116.04924774169922,15.525708183646202 114.87187957763672,14.75476549565792 113.66158294677734,14.038097366690636 C113.5858383178711,15.262084946036339 113.62901306152344,16.49083898961544 113.61761474609375,17.717010483145714 C114.82051086425781,18.513254150748253 116.00987243652344,19.330610260367393 117.22888946533203,20.101993545889854 C117.27559661865234,19.466014847159386 117.25241088867188,18.825733169913292 117.2557373046875,18.188333496451378 zM125.8398666381836,22.38675306737423 C126.54049682617188,21.921453461050987 127.24110412597656,21.456151947379112 127.94172668457031,20.99083136022091 C127.94009399414062,19.693386062979698 127.96646118164062,18.395381912589073 127.93160247802734,17.098379120230675 C126.50540924072266,17.97775076329708 125.08877563476562,18.873308166861534 123.68258666992188,19.78428266942501 C123.52366638183594,21.03710363805294 123.626708984375,22.32878302037716 123.62647247314453,23.595300659537315 C124.06291198730469,23.86113165318966 125.1788101196289,22.68297766149044 125.8398666381836,22.38675306737423 zM122.8521499633789,21.83134649693966 C122.76741790771484,20.936696991324425 123.21651458740234,19.67745779454708 122.0794677734375,19.330633148550987 C120.93280029296875,18.604360565543175 119.7907485961914,17.870157226920128 118.62899780273438,17.16818617284298 C118.45966339111328,18.396427139639854 118.63676452636719,19.675991043448448 118.50668334960938,20.919256195425987 C119.89984130859375,21.92635916173458 121.32942199707031,22.88914106786251 122.78502655029297,23.803510650992393 C122.90177917480469,23.1627406924963 122.82917022705078,22.48402212560177 122.8521499633789,21.83134649693966 zM117.9798355102539,21.59483526647091 C116.28416442871094,20.46288488805294 114.58848571777344,19.330957397818565 112.892822265625,18.199007019400597 C112.89473724365234,14.705654129385948 112.84647369384766,11.211485847830772 112.90847778320312,7.718807205557823 C113.7575912475586,7.194885239005089 114.66117858886719,6.765397056937218 115.5350341796875,6.284702762961388 C114.97061157226562,4.668964847922325 115.78496551513672,2.7054970115423203 117.42159271240234,2.1007001250982285 C118.79354095458984,1.537783369421959 120.44731903076172,2.0457767099142075 121.32200622558594,3.23083733022213 C121.95732116699219,2.9050118774175644 122.59264373779297,2.5791852325201035 123.22796630859375,2.253336176276207 C123.86669921875,2.5821153968572617 124.50543975830078,2.9108948558568954 125.1441650390625,3.23967407643795 C126.05941009521484,2.154020771384239 127.62747192382812,1.5344576686620712 128.986328125,2.1429056972265244 C130.61741638183594,2.716217741370201 131.50650024414062,4.675290569663048 130.9215545654297,6.2884936183691025 C131.8018341064453,6.78548763692379 132.7589111328125,7.1738648265600204 133.5660400390625,7.780336365103722 C133.60182189941406,11.252970680594444 133.56637573242188,14.726140961050987 133.5631103515625,18.199007019400597 C130.18914794921875,20.431867584586143 126.86984252929688,22.74994657933712 123.44108581542969,24.897907242178917 C122.44406127929688,24.897628769278526 121.5834732055664,23.815067276358604 120.65831756591797,23.37616156041622 C119.76387023925781,22.784828171133995 118.87168884277344,22.19007681310177 117.9798355102539,21.59483526647091 z'    
 GHOST_HEART'M125.91386369681868,8.305165958366445 C128.95033202169043,-0.40540639102854037 140.8469835342744,8.305165958366445 125.91386369681868,19.504526138305664 C110.98208663272044,8.305165958366445 122.87795231771452,-0.40540639102854037 125.91386369681868,8.305165958366445 z'    
 GHOST_PLUS'M111.36824226379395,8.969108581542969 L118.69175148010254,8.969108581542969 L118.69175148010254,1.6455793380737305 L126.20429420471191,1.6455793380737305 L126.20429420471191,8.969108581542969 L133.52781105041504,8.969108581542969 L133.52781105041504,16.481630325317383 L126.20429420471191,16.481630325317383 L126.20429420471191,23.805158615112305 L118.69175148010254,23.805158615112305 L118.69175148010254,16.481630325317383 L111.36824226379395,16.481630325317383 z'    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $charset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fileLinkFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $projectDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $outputBuffer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $template<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpBasicFactory
class HttpCache
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $store<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $surrogate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $surrogateCacheStrategy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $traces<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpClientTraitTest
class Iban
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IbanValidator
 FORMATS['AD' => 'AD\d{2}\d{4}\d{4}[\dA-Z]{12}', 'AE' => 'AE\d{2}\d{3}\d{16}', 'AL' => 'AL\d{2}\d{8}[\dA-Z]{16}', 'AO' => 'AO\d{2}\d{21}', 'AT' => 'AT\d{2}\d{5}\d{11}', 'AX' => 'FI\d{2}\d{3}\d{11}', 'AZ' => 'AZ\d{2}[A-Z]{4}[\dA-Z]{20}', 'BA' => 'BA\d{2}\d{3}\d{3}\d{8}\d{2}', 'BE' => 'BE\d{2}\d{3}\d{7}\d{2}', 'BF' => 'BF\d{2}[\dA-Z]{2}\d{22}', 'BG' => 'BG\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{4}\d{2}[\dA-Z]{8}', 'BH' => 'BH\d{2}[A-Z]{4}[\dA-Z]{14}', 'BI' => 'BI\d{2}\d{5}\d{5}\d{11}\d{2}', 'BJ' => 'BJ\d{2}[\dA-Z]{2}\d{22}', 'BL' => 'FR\d{2}\d{5}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{11}\d{2}', 'BR' => 'BR\d{2}\d{8}\d{5}\d{10}[A-Z]{1}[\dA-Z]{1}', 'BY' => 'BY\d{2}[\dA-Z]{4}\d{4}[\dA-Z]{16}', 'CF' => 'CF\d{2}\d{23}', 'CG' => 'CG\d{2}\d{23}', 'CH' => 'CH\d{2}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{12}', 'CI' => 'CI\d{2}[A-Z]{1}\d{23}', 'CM' => 'CM\d{2}\d{23}', 'CR' => 'CR\d{2}\d{4}\d{14}', 'CV' => 'CV\d{2}\d{21}', 'CY' => 'CY\d{2}\d{3}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{16}', 'CZ' => 'CZ\d{2}\d{4}\d{6}\d{10}', 'DE' => 'DE\d{2}\d{8}\d{10}', 'DJ' => 'DJ\d{2}\d{5}\d{5}\d{11}\d{2}', 'DK' => 'DK\d{2}\d{4}\d{9}\d{1}', 'DO' => 'DO\d{2}[\dA-Z]{4}\d{20}', 'DZ' => 'DZ\d{2}\d{22}', 'EE' => 'EE\d{2}\d{2}\d{2}\d{11}\d{1}', 'EG' => 'EG\d{2}\d{4}\d{4}\d{17}', 'ES' => 'ES\d{2}\d{4}\d{4}\d{1}\d{1}\d{10}', 'FI' => 'FI\d{2}\d{3}\d{11}', 'FO' => 'FO\d{2}\d{4}\d{9}\d{1}', 'FR' => 'FR\d{2}\d{5}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{11}\d{2}', 'GA' => 'GA\d{2}\d{23}', 'GB' => 'GB\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{6}\d{8}', 'GE' => 'GE\d{2}[A-Z]{2}\d{16}', 'GF' => 'FR\d{2}\d{5}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{11}\d{2}', 'GG' => 'GB\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{6}\d{8}', 'GI' => 'GI\d{2}[A-Z]{4}[\dA-Z]{15}', 'GL' => 'GL\d{2}\d{4}\d{9}\d{1}', 'GP' => 'FR\d{2}\d{5}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{11}\d{2}', 'GQ' => 'GQ\d{2}\d{23}', 'GR' => 'GR\d{2}\d{3}\d{4}[\dA-Z]{16}', 'GT' => 'GT\d{2}[\dA-Z]{4}[\dA-Z]{20}', 'GW' => 'GW\d{2}[\dA-Z]{2}\d{19}', 'HN' => 'HN\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{20}', 'HR' => 'HR\d{2}\d{7}\d{10}', 'HU' => 'HU\d{2}\d{3}\d{4}\d{1}\d{15}\d{1}', 'IE' => 'IE\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{6}\d{8}', 'IL' => 'IL\d{2}\d{3}\d{3}\d{13}', 'IM' => 'GB\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{6}\d{8}', 'IQ' => 'IQ\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{3}\d{12}', 'IR' => 'IR\d{2}\d{22}', 'IS' => 'IS\d{2}\d{4}\d{2}\d{6}\d{10}', 'IT' => 'IT\d{2}[A-Z]{1}\d{5}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{12}', 'JE' => 'GB\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{6}\d{8}', 'JO' => 'JO\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{4}[\dA-Z]{18}', 'KM' => 'KM\d{2}\d{23}', 'KW' => 'KW\d{2}[A-Z]{4}[\dA-Z]{22}', 'KZ' => 'KZ\d{2}\d{3}[\dA-Z]{13}', 'LB' => 'LB\d{2}\d{4}[\dA-Z]{20}', 'LC' => 'LC\d{2}[A-Z]{4}[\dA-Z]{24}', 'LI' => 'LI\d{2}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{12}', 'LT' => 'LT\d{2}\d{5}\d{11}', 'LU' => 'LU\d{2}\d{3}[\dA-Z]{13}', 'LV' => 'LV\d{2}[A-Z]{4}[\dA-Z]{13}', 'LY' => 'LY\d{2}\d{3}\d{3}\d{15}', 'MA' => 'MA\d{2}\d{24}', 'MC' => 'MC\d{2}\d{5}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{11}\d{2}', 'MD' => 'MD\d{2}[\dA-Z]{2}[\dA-Z]{18}', 'ME' => 'ME\d{2}\d{3}\d{13}\d{2}', 'MF' => 'FR\d{2}\d{5}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{11}\d{2}', 'MG' => 'MG\d{2}\d{23}', 'MK' => 'MK\d{2}\d{3}[\dA-Z]{10}\d{2}', 'ML' => 'ML\d{2}[\dA-Z]{2}\d{22}', 'MQ' => 'FR\d{2}\d{5}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{11}\d{2}', 'MR' => 'MR\d{2}\d{5}\d{5}\d{11}\d{2}', 'MT' => 'MT\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{18}', 'MU' => 'MU\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{2}\d{2}\d{12}\d{3}[A-Z]{3}', 'MZ' => 'MZ\d{2}\d{21}', 'NC' => 'FR\d{2}\d{5}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{11}\d{2}', 'NE' => 'NE\d{2}[A-Z]{2}\d{22}', 'NI' => 'NI\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{24}', 'NL' => 'NL\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{10}', 'NO' => 'NO\d{2}\d{4}\d{6}\d{1}', 'PF' => 'FR\d{2}\d{5}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{11}\d{2}', 'PK' => 'PK\d{2}[A-Z]{4}[\dA-Z]{16}', 'PL' => 'PL\d{2}\d{8}\d{16}', 'PM' => 'FR\d{2}\d{5}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{11}\d{2}', 'PS' => 'PS\d{2}[A-Z]{4}[\dA-Z]{21}', 'PT' => 'PT\d{2}\d{4}\d{4}\d{11}\d{2}', 'QA' => 'QA\d{2}[A-Z]{4}[\dA-Z]{21}', 'RE' => 'FR\d{2}\d{5}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{11}\d{2}', 'RO' => 'RO\d{2}[A-Z]{4}[\dA-Z]{16}', 'RS' => 'RS\d{2}\d{3}\d{13}\d{2}', 'RU' => 'RU\d{2}\d{9}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{15}', 'SA' => 'SA\d{2}\d{2}[\dA-Z]{18}', 'SC' => 'SC\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{2}\d{2}\d{16}[A-Z]{3}', 'SD' => 'SD\d{2}\d{2}\d{12}', 'SE' => 'SE\d{2}\d{3}\d{16}\d{1}', 'SI' => 'SI\d{2}\d{5}\d{8}\d{2}', 'SK' => 'SK\d{2}\d{4}\d{6}\d{10}', 'SM' => 'SM\d{2}[A-Z]{1}\d{5}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{12}', 'SN' => 'SN\d{2}[A-Z]{2}\d{22}', 'SO' => 'SO\d{2}\d{4}\d{3}\d{12}', 'ST' => 'ST\d{2}\d{4}\d{4}\d{11}\d{2}', 'SV' => 'SV\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{20}', 'TD' => 'TD\d{2}\d{23}', 'TF' => 'FR\d{2}\d{5}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{11}\d{2}', 'TG' => 'TG\d{2}[A-Z]{2}\d{22}', 'TL' => 'TL\d{2}\d{3}\d{14}\d{2}', 'TN' => 'TN\d{2}\d{2}\d{3}\d{13}\d{2}', 'TR' => 'TR\d{2}\d{5}\d{1}[\dA-Z]{16}', 'UA' => 'UA\d{2}\d{6}[\dA-Z]{19}', 'VA' => 'VA\d{2}\d{3}\d{15}', 'VG' => 'VG\d{2}[A-Z]{4}\d{16}', 'WF' => 'FR\d{2}\d{5}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{11}\d{2}', 'XK' => 'XK\d{2}\d{4}\d{10}\d{2}', 'YT' => 'FR\d{2}\d{5}\d{5}[\dA-Z]{11}\d{2}', ]    
class IdenticalTo
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Image
 $mimeTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
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 $maxWidth<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
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 $minRatio<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $minPixels<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxPixels<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowSquare<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowLandscape<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowPortrait<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $detectCorrupted<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mimeTypesMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sizeNotDetectedMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxWidthMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $minWidthMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxHeightMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $minHeightMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $minPixelsMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxPixelsMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxRatioMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $minRatioMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowSquareMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowLandscapeMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowPortraitMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $corruptedMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapAuditCommand
 SEVERITY_COLORS['critical' => 'red', 'high' => 'red', 'medium' => 'yellow', 'low' => 'default', 'unknown' => 'default', ]    
 $io<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $importMapAuditor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapAuditor
 $httpClient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $configReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapGenerator
 $assetMapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $compiledConfigReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $importMapConfigReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapOutdatedCommand
 COLOR_MAPPING['update-possible' => 'yellow', 'semver-safe-update' => 'red', ]    
 $updateChecker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapRenderer
 $importMapGenerator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $assetPackages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $charset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $polyfillImportName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scriptAttributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapUpdateChecker
 $importMapConfigReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpClient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapVersionChecker
 $httpClient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $importMapConfigReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $packageDownloader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InfobipApiTransport
 HEADER_TO_MESSAGE['X-Infobip-IntermediateReport' => 'intermediateReport', 'X-Infobip-NotifyUrl' => 'notifyUrl', 'X-Infobip-NotifyContentType' => 'notifyContentType', 'X-Infobip-MessageId' => 'messageId', 'X-Infobip-Track' => 'track', ]    
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InfobipApiTransportTest
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpClient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Inline
 $parsedLineNumber<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parsedFilename<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exceptionOnInvalidType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $objectSupport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $objectForMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $constantSupport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InlineServiceConfigurator
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowParent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InputArgument
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $default<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $suggestedValues<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $description<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InputOption
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $shortcut<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $default<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $suggestedValues<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $description<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InstanceofConfigurator
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IntegerTypeTest
 $previousLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Intl
 $icuVersion<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $icuDataVersion<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Ip
 VERSIONS[self::V4, self::V6, self::ALL, self::V4_NO_PRIV, self::V6_NO_PRIV, self::ALL_NO_PRIV, self::V4_NO_RES, self::V6_NO_RES, self::ALL_NO_RES, self::V4_ONLY_PUBLIC, self::V6_ONLY_PUBLIC, self::ALL_ONLY_PUBLIC, ]    
 $version<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IpUtils
 PRIVATE_SUBNETS['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '::1/128', 'fc00::/7', 'fe80::/10', '::ffff:0:0/96', '::/128', ]    
 $checkedIps<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IqsmsTransport
 $login<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IsFalse
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IsNull
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IsTrue
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Isbn
 $isbn10Message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isbn13Message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bothIsbnMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IsendproTransport
 $keyid<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $noStop<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sandbox<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Isin
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Issn
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $caseSensitive<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requireHyphen<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JavaScriptImportPathCompiler
 IMPORT_PATTERN'/ ^(?:\/\/.*) # Lines that start with comments | (?: \'(?:[^\'\\\\\n]|\\\\.)*+\' # Strings enclosed in single quotes | "(?:[^"\\\\\n]|\\\\.)*+" # Strings enclosed in double quotes ) | (?: # Import statements (script captured) import\s* (?: (?:\*\s*as\s+\w+|\s+[\w\s{},*]+) \s*from\s* )? | \bimport\( ) \s*[\'"`](\.\/[^\'"`\n]++|(\.\.\/)*+[^\'"`\n]++)[\'"`]\s*[;\)] ? /mx'    
 $importMapConfigReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $missingImportMode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JsDelivrEsmResolver
 $httpClient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Json
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JsonDecode
 $defaultContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JsonEncode
 $defaultContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JsonEncoder
 $encodingImpl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decodingImpl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JsonLoginFactory
class JsonResponse
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $callback<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $encodingOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class KazInfoTehTransport
 $username<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sender<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Kernel
 $bundles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $environment<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $booted<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $startTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $projectDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $warmupDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStackSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resetServices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $freshCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class KernelEvents
 ALIASES[ControllerArgumentsEvent::class => self::CONTROLLER_ARGUMENTS, ControllerEvent::class => self::CONTROLLER, ResponseEvent::class => self::RESPONSE, FinishRequestEvent::class => self::FINISH_REQUEST, RequestEvent::class => self::REQUEST, ViewEvent::class => self::VIEW, ExceptionEvent::class => self::EXCEPTION, TerminateEvent::class => self::TERMINATE, ]    
class Language
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $alpha3<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LanguageDataGenerator
 DENYLIST['root' => true, 'mul' => true, 'mis' => true, 'und' => true, 'zxx' => true, ]    
 PREFERRED_ALPHA2_TO_ALPHA3_MAPPING['ak' => 'aka', 'ar' => 'ara', 'ay' => 'aym', 'az' => 'aze', 'bo' => 'bod', 'cr' => 'cre', 'cs' => 'ces', 'cy' => 'cym', 'de' => 'deu', 'dz' => 'dzo', 'el' => 'ell', 'et' => 'est', 'eu' => 'eus', 'fa' => 'fas', 'ff' => 'ful', 'fr' => 'fra', 'gn' => 'grn', 'hy' => 'hye', 'hr' => 'hrv', 'ik' => 'ipk', 'is' => 'isl', 'iu' => 'iku', 'ka' => 'kat', 'kr' => 'kau', 'kg' => 'kon', 'kv' => 'kom', 'ku' => 'kur', 'lv' => 'lav', 'mg' => 'mlg', 'mi' => 'mri', 'mk' => 'mkd', 'mn' => 'mon', 'ms' => 'msa', 'my' => 'mya', 'nb' => 'nob', 'ne' => 'nep', 'nl' => 'nld', 'oj' => 'oji', 'om' => 'orm', 'or' => 'ori', 'ps' => 'pus', 'qu' => 'que', 'ro' => 'ron', 'sc' => 'srd', 'sk' => 'slk', 'sq' => 'sqi', 'sr' => 'srp', 'sw' => 'swa', 'uz' => 'uzb', 'yi' => 'yid', 'za' => 'zha', 'zh' => 'zho', ]    
 $languageCodes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LanguageTypeTest
class LanguagesTest
 ALPHA2_TO_ALPHA3['aa' => 'aar', 'ab' => 'abk', 'af' => 'afr', 'ak' => 'aka', 'am' => 'amh', 'ar' => 'ara', 'an' => 'arg', 'as' => 'asm', 'av' => 'ava', 'ae' => 'ave', 'ay' => 'aym', 'az' => 'aze', 'ba' => 'bak', 'bm' => 'bam', 'be' => 'bel', 'bn' => 'ben', 'bi' => 'bis', 'bo' => 'bod', 'bs' => 'bos', 'br' => 'bre', 'bg' => 'bul', 'ca' => 'cat', 'cs' => 'ces', 'ch' => 'cha', 'ce' => 'che', 'cu' => 'chu', 'cv' => 'chv', 'kw' => 'cor', 'co' => 'cos', 'cr' => 'cre', 'cy' => 'cym', 'da' => 'dan', 'de' => 'deu', 'dv' => 'div', 'dz' => 'dzo', 'el' => 'ell', 'en' => 'eng', 'eo' => 'epo', 'et' => 'est', 'eu' => 'eus', 'ee' => 'ewe', 'fo' => 'fao', 'fa' => 'fas', 'fj' => 'fij', 'fi' => 'fin', 'fr' => 'fra', 'fy' => 'fry', 'ff' => 'ful', 'gd' => 'gla', 'ga' => 'gle', 'gl' => 'glg', 'gv' => 'glv', 'gn' => 'grn', 'gu' => 'guj', 'ht' => 'hat', 'ha' => 'hau', 'he' => 'heb', 'hz' => 'her', 'hi' => 'hin', 'ho' => 'hmo', 'hr' => 'hrv', 'hu' => 'hun', 'hy' => 'hye', 'ig' => 'ibo', 'io' => 'ido', 'ii' => 'iii', 'iu' => 'iku', 'ie' => 'ile', 'ia' => 'ina', 'id' => 'ind', 'ik' => 'ipk', 'is' => 'isl', 'it' => 'ita', 'jv' => 'jav', 'ja' => 'jpn', 'kl' => 'kal', 'kn' => 'kan', 'ks' => 'kas', 'ka' => 'kat', 'kr' => 'kau', 'kk' => 'kaz', 'km' => 'khm', 'ki' => 'kik', 'rw' => 'kin', 'ky' => 'kir', 'kv' => 'kom', 'kg' => 'kon', 'ko' => 'kor', 'kj' => 'kua', 'ku' => 'kur', 'lo' => 'lao', 'la' => 'lat', 'lv' => 'lav', 'li' => 'lim', 'ln' => 'lin', 'lt' => 'lit', 'lb' => 'ltz', 'lu' => 'lub', 'lg' => 'lug', 'mh' => 'mah', 'ml' => 'mal', 'mr' => 'mar', 'mk' => 'mkd', 'mg' => 'mlg', 'mt' => 'mlt', 'mn' => 'mon', 'mi' => 'mri', 'ms' => 'msa', 'my' => 'mya', 'na' => 'nau', 'nv' => 'nav', 'nr' => 'nbl', 'nd' => 'nde', 'ng' => 'ndo', 'ne' => 'nep', 'nl' => 'nld', 'nn' => 'nno', 'nb' => 'nob', 'no' => 'nor', 'ny' => 'nya', 'oc' => 'oci', 'oj' => 'oji', 'or' => 'ori', 'om' => 'orm', 'os' => 'oss', 'pa' => 'pan', 'pi' => 'pli', 'pl' => 'pol', 'pt' => 'por', 'ps' => 'pus', 'qu' => 'que', 'rm' => 'roh', 'ro' => 'ron', 'rn' => 'run', 'ru' => 'rus', 'sg' => 'sag', 'sa' => 'san', 'si' => 'sin', 'sk' => 'slk', 'sl' => 'slv', 'se' => 'sme', 'sm' => 'smo', 'sn' => 'sna', 'sd' => 'snd', 'so' => 'som', 'st' => 'sot', 'es' => 'spa', 'sq' => 'sqi', 'sc' => 'srd', 'sr' => 'srp', 'ss' => 'ssw', 'su' => 'sun', 'sw' => 'swa', 'sv' => 'swe', 'ty' => 'tah', 'ta' => 'tam', 'tt' => 'tat', 'te' => 'tel', 'tg' => 'tgk', 'th' => 'tha', 'ti' => 'tir', 'to' => 'ton', 'tn' => 'tsn', 'ts' => 'tso', 'tk' => 'tuk', 'tr' => 'tur', 'ug' => 'uig', 'uk' => 'ukr', 'ur' => 'urd', 'uz' => 'uzb', 've' => 'ven', 'vi' => 'vie', 'vo' => 'vol', 'wa' => 'wln', 'wo' => 'wol', 'xh' => 'xho', 'yi' => 'yid', 'yo' => 'yor', 'za' => 'zha', 'zh' => 'zho', 'zu' => 'zul', ]    
 ALPHA3_CODES['aar', 'abk', 'ace', 'ach', 'ada', 'ady', 'aeb', 'afh', 'afr', 'agq', 'ain', 'ajp', 'aka', 'akk', 'akz', 'ale', 'aln', 'alt', 'amh', 'ang', 'ann', 'anp', 'apc', 'ara', 'arc', 'arg', 'arn', 'aro', 'arp', 'arq', 'ars', 'arw', 'ary', 'arz', 'asa', 'ase', 'asm', 'ast', 'atj', 'ava', 'ave', 'avk', 'awa', 'aym', 'aze', 'bak', 'bal', 'bam', 'ban', 'bar', 'bas', 'bax', 'bbc', 'bbj', 'bej', 'bel', 'bem', 'ben', 'bew', 'bez', 'bfd', 'bfq', 'bgc', 'bgn', 'bho', 'bih', 'bik', 'bin', 'bis', 'bjn', 'bkm', 'bla', 'blo', 'blt', 'bod', 'bos', 'bpy', 'bqi', 'bra', 'bre', 'brh', 'brx', 'bss', 'bua', 'bug', 'bul', 'bum', 'byn', 'byv', 'cad', 'car', 'cat', 'cay', 'cch', 'ccp', 'ceb', 'ces', 'cgg', 'cha', 'chb', 'che', 'chg', 'chk', 'chm', 'chn', 'cho', 'chp', 'chr', 'chu', 'chv', 'chy', 'cic', 'ckb', 'clc', 'cop', 'cor', 'cos', 'cps', 'cre', 'crg', 'crh', 'crj', 'crk', 'crl', 'crm', 'crr', 'crs', 'csb', 'csw', 'cwd', 'cym', 'dak', 'dan', 'dar', 'dav', 'del', 'den', 'deu', 'dgr', 'din', 'div', 'dje', 'doi', 'dsb', 'dtp', 'dua', 'dum', 'dyo', 'dyu', 'dzg', 'dzo', 'ebu', 'efi', 'egl', 'egy', 'eka', 'ell', 'elx', 'eng', 'enm', 'epo', 'est', 'esu', 'eus', 'ewe', 'ewo', 'ext', 'fan', 'fao', 'fas', 'fat', 'fij', 'fil', 'fin', 'fit', 'fon', 'fra', 'frc', 'frm', 'fro', 'frp', 'frr', 'frs', 'fry', 'ful', 'fur', 'gaa', 'gag', 'gan', 'gay', 'gba', 'gbz', 'gez', 'gil', 'gla', 'gle', 'glg', 'glk', 'glv', 'gmh', 'goh', 'gom', 'gon', 'gor', 'got', 'grb', 'grc', 'grn', 'gsw', 'guc', 'guj', 'gur', 'guz', 'gwi', 'hai', 'hak', 'hat', 'hau', 'haw', 'hax', 'hbs', 'hdn', 'heb', 'her', 'hif', 'hil', 'hin', 'hit', 'hmn', 'hmo', 'hnj', 'hrv', 'hsb', 'hsn', 'hun', 'hup', 'hur', 'hye', 'iba', 'ibb', 'ibo', 'ido', 'iii', 'ike', 'ikt', 'iku', 'ile', 'ilo', 'ina', 'ind', 'inh', 'ipk', 'isl', 'ita', 'izh', 'jam', 'jav', 'jbo', 'jgo', 'jmc', 'jpn', 'jpr', 'jrb', 'jut', 'kaa', 'kab', 'kac', 'kaj', 'kal', 'kam', 'kan', 'kas', 'kat', 'kau', 'kaw', 'kaz', 'kbd', 'kbl', 'kcg', 'kde', 'kea', 'ken', 'kfo', 'kgp', 'kha', 'khm', 'kho', 'khq', 'khw', 'kik', 'kin', 'kir', 'kiu', 'kkj', 'kln', 'kmb', 'koi', 'kok', 'kom', 'kon', 'kor', 'kos', 'kpe', 'krc', 'kri', 'krj', 'krl', 'kru', 'ksb', 'ksf', 'ksh', 'kua', 'kum', 'kur', 'kut', 'kwk', 'kxv', 'lad', 'lag', 'lah', 'lam', 'lao', 'lat', 'lav', 'lez', 'lfn', 'lij', 'lil', 'lim', 'lin', 'lit', 'liv', 'lkt', 'lmo', 'lol', 'lou', 'loz', 'lrc', 'lsm', 'ltg', 'ltz', 'lua', 'lub', 'lug', 'lui', 'lun', 'luo', 'lus', 'luy', 'lzh', 'lzz', 'mad', 'maf', 'mag', 'mah', 'mai', 'mak', 'mal', 'man', 'mar', 'mas', 'mde', 'mdf', 'mdr', 'men', 'mer', 'mfe', 'mga', 'mgh', 'mgo', 'mic', 'min', 'mkd', 'mlg', 'mlt', 'mnc', 'mni', 'moe', 'moh', 'mol', 'mon', 'mos', 'mri', 'mrj', 'msa', 'mua', 'mus', 'mwl', 'mwr', 'mwv', 'mya', 'mye', 'myv', 'mzn', 'nan', 'nap', 'naq', 'nau', 'nav', 'nbl', 'nde', 'ndo', 'nds', 'nep', 'new', 'nia', 'niu', 'njo', 'nld', 'nmg', 'nnh', 'nno', 'nob', 'nog', 'non', 'nor', 'nov', 'nqo', 'nso', 'nus', 'nwc', 'nya', 'nym', 'nyn', 'nyo', 'nzi', 'oci', 'ojb', 'ojc', 'ojg', 'oji', 'ojs', 'ojw', 'oka', 'ori', 'orm', 'osa', 'oss', 'ota', 'pag', 'pal', 'pam', 'pan', 'pap', 'pau', 'pcd', 'pcm', 'pdc', 'pdt', 'peo', 'pfl', 'phn', 'pis', 'pli', 'pms', 'pnt', 'pol', 'pon', 'por', 'pqm', 'prg', 'pro', 'prs', 'pus', 'quc', 'que', 'qug', 'raj', 'rap', 'rar', 'rgn', 'rhg', 'rif', 'rof', 'roh', 'rom', 'ron', 'rtm', 'rue', 'rug', 'run', 'rup', 'rus', 'rwk', 'sad', 'sag', 'sah', 'sam', 'san', 'saq', 'sas', 'sat', 'saz', 'sba', 'sbp', 'scn', 'sco', 'sdc', 'sdh', 'see', 'seh', 'sei', 'sel', 'ses', 'sga', 'sgs', 'shi', 'shn', 'shu', 'sid', 'sin', 'skr', 'slh', 'sli', 'slk', 'slv', 'sly', 'sma', 'sme', 'smj', 'smn', 'smo', 'sms', 'sna', 'snd', 'snk', 'sog', 'som', 'sot', 'spa', 'sqi', 'srd', 'srn', 'srp', 'srr', 'ssw', 'ssy', 'stq', 'str', 'suk', 'sun', 'sus', 'sux', 'swa', 'swb', 'swc', 'swe', 'syc', 'syr', 'szl', 'tah', 'tam', 'tat', 'tce', 'tcy', 'tel', 'tem', 'teo', 'ter', 'tet', 'tgk', 'tgl', 'tgx', 'tha', 'tht', 'tig', 'tir', 'tiv', 'tkl', 'tkr', 'tlh', 'tli', 'tly', 'tmh', 'tog', 'tok', 'ton', 'tpi', 'tru', 'trv', 'trw', 'tsd', 'tsi', 'tsn', 'tso', 'ttm', 'ttt', 'tuk', 'tum', 'tur', 'tvl', 'twi', 'twq', 'tyv', 'tzm', 'udm', 'uga', 'uig', 'ukr', 'umb', 'urd', 'uzb', 'vai', 'vec', 'ven', 'vep', 'vie', 'vls', 'vmf', 'vmw', 'vol', 'vot', 'vro', 'vun', 'wae', 'wal', 'war', 'was', 'wbp', 'wln', 'wol', 'wuu', 'xal', 'xho', 'xmf', 'xnr', 'xog', 'yao', 'yap', 'yav', 'ybb', 'yid', 'yor', 'yrl', 'yue', 'zap', 'zbl', 'zea', 'zen', 'zgh', 'zha', 'zho', 'zul', 'zun', 'zza', ]    
 ALPHA3_TO_ALPHA2['aar' => 'aa', 'abk' => 'ab', 'ave' => 'ae', 'afr' => 'af', 'aka' => 'ak', 'twi' => 'ak', 'amh' => 'am', 'arg' => 'an', 'ara' => 'ar', 'asm' => 'as', 'ava' => 'av', 'aym' => 'ay', 'aze' => 'az', 'bak' => 'ba', 'bel' => 'be', 'bul' => 'bg', 'bis' => 'bi', 'bam' => 'bm', 'ben' => 'bn', 'bod' => 'bo', 'tib' => 'bo', 'bre' => 'br', 'bos' => 'bs', 'cat' => 'ca', 'che' => 'ce', 'cha' => 'ch', 'cos' => 'co', 'cre' => 'cr', 'ces' => 'cs', 'cze' => 'cs', 'chu' => 'cu', 'chv' => 'cv', 'cym' => 'cy', 'wel' => 'cy', 'dan' => 'da', 'deu' => 'de', 'ger' => 'de', 'div' => 'dv', 'dzo' => 'dz', 'ewe' => 'ee', 'ell' => 'el', 'gre' => 'el', 'eng' => 'en', 'epo' => 'eo', 'spa' => 'es', 'est' => 'et', 'baq' => 'eu', 'eus' => 'eu', 'fas' => 'fa', 'per' => 'fa', 'ful' => 'ff', 'fin' => 'fi', 'fij' => 'fj', 'fao' => 'fo', 'fra' => 'fr', 'fre' => 'fr', 'fry' => 'fy', 'gle' => 'ga', 'gla' => 'gd', 'glg' => 'gl', 'grn' => 'gn', 'guj' => 'gu', 'glv' => 'gv', 'hau' => 'ha', 'heb' => 'he', 'hin' => 'hi', 'hmo' => 'ho', 'hrv' => 'hr', 'hat' => 'ht', 'hun' => 'hu', 'arm' => 'hy', 'hye' => 'hy', 'her' => 'hz', 'ina' => 'ia', 'ind' => 'id', 'ile' => 'ie', 'ibo' => 'ig', 'iii' => 'ii', 'ipk' => 'ik', 'ido' => 'io', 'ice' => 'is', 'isl' => 'is', 'ita' => 'it', 'iku' => 'iu', 'jpn' => 'ja', 'jav' => 'jv', 'geo' => 'ka', 'kat' => 'ka', 'kon' => 'kg', 'kik' => 'ki', 'kua' => 'kj', 'kaz' => 'kk', 'kal' => 'kl', 'khm' => 'km', 'kan' => 'kn', 'kor' => 'ko', 'kau' => 'kr', 'kas' => 'ks', 'kur' => 'ku', 'kom' => 'kv', 'cor' => 'kw', 'kir' => 'ky', 'lat' => 'la', 'ltz' => 'lb', 'lug' => 'lg', 'lim' => 'li', 'lin' => 'ln', 'lao' => 'lo', 'lit' => 'lt', 'lub' => 'lu', 'lav' => 'lv', 'mlg' => 'mg', 'mah' => 'mh', 'mao' => 'mi', 'mri' => 'mi', 'mac' => 'mk', 'mkd' => 'mk', 'mal' => 'ml', 'mon' => 'mn', 'mar' => 'mr', 'may' => 'ms', 'msa' => 'ms', 'mlt' => 'mt', 'bur' => 'my', 'mya' => 'my', 'nau' => 'na', 'nob' => 'nb', 'nde' => 'nd', 'nep' => 'ne', 'ndo' => 'ng', 'dut' => 'nl', 'nld' => 'nl', 'nno' => 'nn', 'nor' => 'no', 'nbl' => 'nr', 'nav' => 'nv', 'nya' => 'ny', 'oci' => 'oc', 'oji' => 'oj', 'orm' => 'om', 'ori' => 'or', 'oss' => 'os', 'pan' => 'pa', 'pli' => 'pi', 'pol' => 'pl', 'pus' => 'ps', 'por' => 'pt', 'que' => 'qu', 'roh' => 'rm', 'run' => 'rn', 'mol' => 'ro', 'ron' => 'ro', 'rum' => 'ro', 'rus' => 'ru', 'kin' => 'rw', 'san' => 'sa', 'srd' => 'sc', 'snd' => 'sd', 'sme' => 'se', 'sag' => 'sg', 'sin' => 'si', 'slk' => 'sk', 'slo' => 'sk', 'slv' => 'sl', 'smo' => 'sm', 'sna' => 'sn', 'som' => 'so', 'alb' => 'sq', 'sqi' => 'sq', 'srp' => 'sr', 'ssw' => 'ss', 'sot' => 'st', 'sun' => 'su', 'swe' => 'sv', 'swa' => 'sw', 'tam' => 'ta', 'tel' => 'te', 'tgk' => 'tg', 'tha' => 'th', 'tir' => 'ti', 'tuk' => 'tk', 'tsn' => 'tn', 'ton' => 'to', 'tur' => 'tr', 'tso' => 'ts', 'tat' => 'tt', 'tah' => 'ty', 'uig' => 'ug', 'ukr' => 'uk', 'urd' => 'ur', 'uzb' => 'uz', 'ven' => 've', 'vie' => 'vi', 'vol' => 'vo', 'wln' => 'wa', 'wol' => 'wo', 'xho' => 'xh', 'yid' => 'yi', 'yor' => 'yo', 'zha' => 'za', 'chi' => 'zh', 'zho' => 'zh', 'zul' => 'zu', ]    
 LANGUAGES['aa', 'ab', 'ace', 'ach', 'ada', 'ady', 'ae', 'aeb', 'af', 'afh', 'agq', 'ain', 'ajp', 'ak', 'akk', 'akz', 'ale', 'aln', 'alt', 'am', 'an', 'ang', 'ann', 'anp', 'apc', 'ar', 'arc', 'arn', 'aro', 'arp', 'arq', 'ars', 'arw', 'ary', 'arz', 'as', 'asa', 'ase', 'ast', 'atj', 'av', 'avk', 'awa', 'ay', 'az', 'ba', 'bal', 'ban', 'bar', 'bas', 'bax', 'bbc', 'bbj', 'be', 'bej', 'bem', 'bew', 'bez', 'bfd', 'bfq', 'bg', 'bgc', 'bgn', 'bho', 'bi', 'bik', 'bin', 'bjn', 'bkm', 'bla', 'blo', 'blt', 'bm', 'bn', 'bo', 'bpy', 'bqi', 'br', 'bra', 'brh', 'brx', 'bs', 'bss', 'bua', 'bug', 'bum', 'byn', 'byv', 'ca', 'cad', 'car', 'cay', 'cch', 'ccp', 'ce', 'ceb', 'cgg', 'ch', 'chb', 'chg', 'chk', 'chm', 'chn', 'cho', 'chp', 'chr', 'chy', 'cic', 'ckb', 'clc', 'co', 'cop', 'cps', 'cr', 'crg', 'crh', 'crj', 'crk', 'crl', 'crm', 'crr', 'crs', 'cs', 'csb', 'csw', 'cu', 'cv', 'cwd', 'cy', 'da', 'dak', 'dar', 'dav', 'de', 'del', 'den', 'dgr', 'din', 'dje', 'doi', 'dsb', 'dtp', 'dua', 'dum', 'dv', 'dyo', 'dyu', 'dz', 'dzg', 'ebu', 'ee', 'efi', 'egl', 'egy', 'eka', 'el', 'elx', 'en', 'enm', 'eo', 'es', 'esu', 'et', 'eu', 'ewo', 'ext', 'fa', 'fan', 'fat', 'ff', 'fi', 'fil', 'fit', 'fj', 'fo', 'fon', 'fr', 'frc', 'frm', 'fro', 'frp', 'frr', 'frs', 'fur', 'fy', 'ga', 'gaa', 'gag', 'gan', 'gay', 'gba', 'gbz', 'gd', 'gez', 'gil', 'gl', 'glk', 'gmh', 'gn', 'goh', 'gom', 'gon', 'gor', 'got', 'grb', 'grc', 'gsw', 'gu', 'guc', 'gur', 'guz', 'gv', 'gwi', 'ha', 'hai', 'hak', 'haw', 'hax', 'hdn', 'he', 'hi', 'hif', 'hil', 'hit', 'hmn', 'hnj', 'ho', 'hr', 'hsb', 'hsn', 'ht', 'hu', 'hup', 'hur', 'hy', 'hz', 'ia', 'iba', 'ibb', 'id', 'ie', 'ig', 'ii', 'ik', 'ike', 'ikt', 'ilo', 'inh', 'io', 'is', 'it', 'iu', 'izh', 'ja', 'jam', 'jbo', 'jgo', 'jmc', 'jpr', 'jrb', 'jut', 'jv', 'ka', 'kaa', 'kab', 'kac', 'kaj', 'kam', 'kaw', 'kbd', 'kbl', 'kcg', 'kde', 'kea', 'ken', 'kfo', 'kg', 'kgp', 'kha', 'kho', 'khq', 'khw', 'ki', 'kiu', 'kj', 'kk', 'kkj', 'kl', 'kln', 'km', 'kmb', 'kn', 'ko', 'koi', 'kok', 'kos', 'kpe', 'kr', 'krc', 'kri', 'krj', 'krl', 'kru', 'ks', 'ksb', 'ksf', 'ksh', 'ku', 'kum', 'kut', 'kv', 'kw', 'kwk', 'kxv', 'ky', 'la', 'lad', 'lag', 'lah', 'lam', 'lb', 'lez', 'lfn', 'lg', 'li', 'lij', 'lil', 'liv', 'lkt', 'lmo', 'ln', 'lo', 'lol', 'lou', 'loz', 'lrc', 'lsm', 'lt', 'ltg', 'lu', 'lua', 'lui', 'lun', 'luo', 'lus', 'luy', 'lv', 'lzh', 'lzz', 'mad', 'maf', 'mag', 'mai', 'mak', 'man', 'mas', 'mde', 'mdf', 'mdr', 'men', 'mer', 'mfe', 'mg', 'mga', 'mgh', 'mgo', 'mh', 'mi', 'mic', 'min', 'mk', 'ml', 'mn', 'mnc', 'mni', 'moe', 'moh', 'mos', 'mr', 'mrj', 'ms', 'mt', 'mua', 'mus', 'mwl', 'mwr', 'mwv', 'my', 'mye', 'myv', 'mzn', 'na', 'nan', 'nap', 'naq', 'nb', 'nd', 'nds', 'ne', 'new', 'ng', 'nia', 'niu', 'njo', 'nl', 'nmg', 'nn', 'nnh', 'no', 'nog', 'non', 'nov', 'nqo', 'nr', 'nso', 'nus', 'nv', 'nwc', 'ny', 'nym', 'nyn', 'nyo', 'nzi', 'oc', 'oj', 'ojb', 'ojc', 'ojg', 'ojs', 'ojw', 'oka', 'om', 'or', 'os', 'osa', 'ota', 'pa', 'pag', 'pal', 'pam', 'pap', 'pau', 'pcd', 'pcm', 'pdc', 'pdt', 'peo', 'pfl', 'phn', 'pi', 'pis', 'pl', 'pms', 'pnt', 'pon', 'pqm', 'prg', 'pro', 'ps', 'pt', 'qu', 'quc', 'qug', 'raj', 'rap', 'rar', 'rgn', 'rhg', 'rif', 'rm', 'rn', 'ro', 'rof', 'rom', 'rtm', 'ru', 'rue', 'rug', 'rup', 'rw', 'rwk', 'sa', 'sad', 'sah', 'sam', 'saq', 'sas', 'sat', 'saz', 'sba', 'sbp', 'sc', 'scn', 'sco', 'sd', 'sdc', 'sdh', 'se', 'see', 'seh', 'sei', 'sel', 'ses', 'sg', 'sga', 'sgs', 'sh', 'shi', 'shn', 'shu', 'si', 'sid', 'sk', 'skr', 'sl', 'slh', 'sli', 'sly', 'sm', 'sma', 'smj', 'smn', 'sms', 'sn', 'snk', 'so', 'sog', 'sq', 'sr', 'srn', 'srr', 'ss', 'ssy', 'st', 'stq', 'str', 'su', 'suk', 'sus', 'sux', 'sv', 'sw', 'swb', 'syc', 'syr', 'szl', 'ta', 'tce', 'tcy', 'te', 'tem', 'teo', 'ter', 'tet', 'tg', 'tgx', 'th', 'tht', 'ti', 'tig', 'tiv', 'tk', 'tkl', 'tkr', 'tl', 'tlh', 'tli', 'tly', 'tmh', 'tn', 'to', 'tog', 'tok', 'tpi', 'tr', 'tru', 'trv', 'trw', 'ts', 'tsd', 'tsi', 'tt', 'ttm', 'ttt', 'tum', 'tvl', 'tw', 'twq', 'ty', 'tyv', 'tzm', 'udm', 'ug', 'uga', 'uk', 'umb', 'ur', 'uz', 'vai', 've', 'vec', 'vep', 'vi', 'vls', 'vmf', 'vmw', 'vo', 'vot', 'vro', 'vun', 'wa', 'wae', 'wal', 'war', 'was', 'wbp', 'wo', 'wuu', 'xal', 'xh', 'xmf', 'xnr', 'xog', 'yao', 'yap', 'yav', 'ybb', 'yi', 'yo', 'yrl', 'yue', 'za', 'zap', 'zbl', 'zea', 'zen', 'zgh', 'zh', 'zu', 'zun', 'zza', ]    
class LazyLoadingMetadataFactoryTest
class LazyObjectState
 $skippedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $status<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $realInstance<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Length
 $maxMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $minMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exactMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $charsetMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $max<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $min<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $charset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $countUnit<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LessThan
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LessThanOrEqual
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LifecycleStateShare
 $lifecycleState<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LightSmsTransport
 ERROR_CODES[1 => 'Missing Signature', 2 => 'Login not specified', 3 => 'Text not specified', 4 => 'Phone number not specified', 5 => 'Sender not specified', 6 => 'Invalid signature', 7 => 'Invalid login', 8 => 'Invalid sender name', 9 => 'Sender name not registered', 10 => 'Sender name not approved', 11 => 'There are forbidden words in the text', 12 => 'Error in SMS sending', 13 => 'Phone number is in the blackist. SMS sending to this number is forbidden.', 14 => 'There are more than 50 numbers in the request', 15 => 'List not specified', 16 => 'Invalid phone number', 17 => 'SMS ID not specified', 18 => 'Status not obtained', 19 => 'Empty response', 20 => 'The number already exists', 21 => 'No name', 22 => 'Template already exists', 23 => 'Missing Month (Format: YYYY-MM)', 24 => 'Timestamp not specified', 25 => 'Error in access to the list', 26 => 'There are no numbers in the list', 27 => 'No valid numbers', 28 => 'Missing start date (Format: YYYY-MM-DD)', 29 => 'Missing end date (Format: YYYY-MM-DD)', 30 => 'No date (format: YYYY-MM-DD)', 31 => 'Closing direction to the user', 32 => 'Not enough money', 33 => 'Missing phone number', 34 => 'Phone is in stop list', 35 => 'Not enough money', 36 => 'Cannot obtain information about phone', 37 => 'Base Id is not set', 38 => 'Phone number already exists in this database', 39 => 'Phone number does not exist in this database', 999 => 'Unknown Error', ]    
 $login<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LineNotifyTransport
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LineNotifyTransportFactory
class Link
 $href<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LinkedInTransport
 $authToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accountId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Locale
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $canonicalize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LocaleTypeTest
class LocoProviderFactory
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translatorBag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Logger
 LEVELS[LogLevel::DEBUG => 0, LogLevel::INFO => 1, LogLevel::NOTICE => 2, LogLevel::WARNING => 3, LogLevel::ERROR => 4, LogLevel::CRITICAL => 5, LogLevel::ALERT => 6, LogLevel::EMERGENCY => 7, ]    
 PRIORITIES[LogLevel::DEBUG => 100, LogLevel::INFO => 200, LogLevel::NOTICE => 250, LogLevel::WARNING => 300, LogLevel::ERROR => 400, LogLevel::CRITICAL => 500, LogLevel::ALERT => 550, LogLevel::EMERGENCY => 600, ]    
 $minLevelIndex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $formatter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errorCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handle<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoginLinkFactory
class LokaliseProvider
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $endpoint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LokaliseProviderFactory
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LotsOfAttributes
 SOME_CONSTANT'some value'    
 $someProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Luhn
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MailPaceApiTransport
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MailerDeliveryEvent
 $reason<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MailerEngagementEvent
class MailgunApiTransport
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $domain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $region<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MailgunHttpTransport
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $domain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $region<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MailgunPayloadConverter
 MAILGUN_SPECIFIC_DROPPED_CODES[605, 606, 607, 625, ]    
class MailjetApiTransport
 FORBIDDEN_HEADERS['Date', 'X-CSA-Complaints', 'Message-Id', 'X-MJ-StatisticsContactsListID', 'DomainKey-Status', 'Received-SPF', 'Authentication-Results', 'Received', 'From', 'Sender', 'Subject', 'To', 'Cc', 'Bcc', 'Reply-To', 'Return-Path', 'Delivered-To', 'DKIM-Signature', 'X-Feedback-Id', 'X-Mailjet-Segmentation', 'List-Id', 'X-MJ-MID', 'X-MJ-ErrorMessage', 'X-Mailjet-Debug', 'User-Agent', 'X-Mailer', 'X-MJ-WorkflowID', ]    
 HEADER_TO_MESSAGE['X-MJ-TemplateLanguage' => ['TemplateLanguage', 'bool'], 'X-MJ-TemplateID' => ['TemplateID', 'int'], 'X-MJ-TemplateErrorReporting' => ['TemplateErrorReporting', 'json'], 'X-MJ-TemplateErrorDeliver' => ['TemplateErrorDeliver', 'bool'], 'X-MJ-Vars' => ['Variables', 'json'], 'X-MJ-CustomID' => ['CustomID', 'string'], 'X-MJ-EventPayload' => ['EventPayload', 'string'], 'X-Mailjet-Campaign' => ['CustomCampaign', 'string'], 'X-Mailjet-DeduplicateCampaign' => ['DeduplicateCampaign', 'bool'], 'X-Mailjet-Prio' => ['Priority', 'int'], 'X-Mailjet-TrackClick' => ['TrackClick', 'string'], 'X-Mailjet-TrackOpen' => ['TrackOpen', 'string'], ]    
 $privateKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $publicKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sandbox<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MailjetApiTransportTest
class MailjetTransport
 $authToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MainConfiguration
 $factories<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userProviderFactories<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MandrillApiTransport
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MandrillHttpTransport
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MappedAssetFactory
 $assetsCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $assetsBeingCreated<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $assetsPathResolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $compiler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $vendorDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MaxUuid
class MemcachedAdapter
 RESERVED_MEMCACHED" \n\r\t\v\f\0"    
 $marshaller<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lazyClient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MemcachedSessionHandlerTest
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $memcached<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MermaidDumper
 $direction<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transitionType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $linkCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessageBirdTransport
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessageListener
 DEFAULT_RULES['from' => self::HEADER_SET_IF_EMPTY, 'return-path' => self::HEADER_SET_IF_EMPTY, 'reply-to' => self::HEADER_ADD, 'to' => self::HEADER_SET_IF_EMPTY, 'cc' => self::HEADER_ADD, 'bcc' => self::HEADER_ADD, ]    
 $headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $headerRules<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $renderer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessageMediaTransport
 $apiKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $apiSecret<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessengerTransportDoctrineSchemaListener
 PROCESSING_TABLE_FLAGself::class . ':processing'    
 $transports<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MetadataBag
 $meta<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $storageKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastUsed<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $updateThreshold<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MicrosoftTeamsOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MicrosoftTeamsTransport
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MimeTypes
 MAP['application/acrobat' => ['pdf'], 'application/andrew-inset' => ['ez'], 'application/annodex' => ['anx'], 'application/applixware' => ['aw'], 'application/atom+xml' => ['atom'], 'application/atomcat+xml' => ['atomcat'], 'application/atomdeleted+xml' => ['atomdeleted'], 'application/atomsvc+xml' => ['atomsvc'], 'application/atsc-dwd+xml' => ['dwd'], 'application/atsc-held+xml' => ['held'], 'application/atsc-rsat+xml' => ['rsat'], 'application/bat' => ['bat'], 'application/bdoc' => ['bdoc'], 'application/bzip2' => ['bz2', 'bz'], 'application/calendar+xml' => ['xcs'], 'application/cbor' => ['cbor'], 'application/ccxml+xml' => ['ccxml'], 'application/cdfx+xml' => ['cdfx'], 'application/cdmi-capability' => ['cdmia'], 'application/cdmi-container' => ['cdmic'], 'application/cdmi-domain' => ['cdmid'], 'application/cdmi-object' => ['cdmio'], 'application/cdmi-queue' => ['cdmiq'], 'application/cdr' => ['cdr'], 'application/coreldraw' => ['cdr'], 'application/cpl+xml' => ['cpl'], 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'application/xcap-error+xml'], 'xfdf' => ['application/vnd.adobe.xfdf'], 'xfdl' => ['application/vnd.xfdl'], 'xhe' => ['audio/usac'], 'xht' => ['application/xhtml+xml'], 'xhtml' => ['application/xhtml+xml'], 'xhvml' => ['application/xv+xml'], 'xi' => ['audio/x-xi'], 'xif' => ['image/vnd.xiff'], 'xla' => ['application/msexcel', 'application/', 'application/x-msexcel', 'zz-application/zz-winassoc-xls'], 'xlam' => ['application/'], 'xlc' => ['application/msexcel', 'application/', 'application/x-msexcel', 'zz-application/zz-winassoc-xls'], 'xld' => ['application/msexcel', 'application/', 'application/x-msexcel', 'zz-application/zz-winassoc-xls'], 'xlf' => ['application/x-xliff', 'application/x-xliff+xml', 'application/xliff+xml'], 'xliff' => ['application/x-xliff', 'application/xliff+xml'], 'xll' => ['application/msexcel', 'application/', 'application/x-msexcel', 'zz-application/zz-winassoc-xls'], 'xlm' => ['application/msexcel', 'application/', 'application/x-msexcel', 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'image/x-xpm'], 'xpr' => ['application/'], 'xps' => ['application/', 'application/xps'], 'xpw' => ['application/vnd.intercon.formnet'], 'xpx' => ['application/vnd.intercon.formnet'], 'xsd' => ['application/xml', 'text/xml'], 'xsl' => ['application/xml', 'application/xslt+xml'], 'xslfo' => ['text/x-xslfo'], 'xslt' => ['application/xslt+xml'], 'xsm' => ['application/vnd.syncml+xml'], 'xspf' => ['application/x-xspf+xml', 'application/xspf+xml'], 'xul' => ['application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml'], 'xvm' => ['application/xv+xml'], 'xvml' => ['application/xv+xml'], 'xwd' => ['image/x-xwindowdump'], 'xyz' => ['chemical/x-xyz'], 'xz' => ['application/x-xz'], 'yaml' => ['application/yaml', 'application/x-yaml', 'text/x-yaml', 'text/yaml'], 'yang' => ['application/yang'], 'yin' => ['application/yin+xml'], 'yml' => ['application/yaml', 'application/x-yaml', 'text/x-yaml', 'text/yaml'], 'ymp' => ['text/x-suse-ymp'], 'yt' => ['application/', 'video/'], 'z1' => ['application/x-zmachine'], 'z2' => ['application/x-zmachine'], 'z3' => ['application/x-zmachine'], 'z4' => ['application/x-zmachine'], 'z5' => ['application/x-zmachine'], 'z6' => ['application/x-zmachine'], 'z64' => ['application/x-n64-rom'], 'z7' => ['application/x-zmachine'], 'z8' => ['application/x-zmachine'], 'zabw' => ['application/x-abiword'], 'zaz' => ['application/vnd.zzazz.deck+xml'], 'zim' => ['application/x-openzim'], 'zip' => ['application/zip', 'application/x-zip', 'application/x-zip-compressed'], 'zipx' => ['application/x-zip', 'application/x-zip-compressed', 'application/zip'], 'zir' => ['application/vnd.zul'], 'zirz' => ['application/vnd.zul'], 'zmm' => ['application/vnd.handheld-entertainment+xml'], 'zoo' => ['application/x-zoo'], 'zpaq' => ['application/x-zpaq'], 'zsav' => ['application/x-spss-sav', 'application/x-spss-savefile'], 'zst' => ['application/zstd'], 'zz' => ['application/zlib'], ]    
 $extensions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mimeTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $guessers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $default<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MoFileLoader
class MobytOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MobytTransport
 $accountSid<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $typeQuality<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MockSplFileInfo
 $contents<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $relativePath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $relativePathname<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MoneyTypeTest
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MongoDbSessionHandlerTest
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $manager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MultiChoiceInput
 STYLES['expanded', 'normal', ]    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NativeHttpClient
 OPTIONS_DEFAULTSHttpClientInterface::OPTIONS_DEFAULTS + ['crypto_method' => \STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_2_CLIENT, ]    
 $defaultOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $emptyDefaults<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $multi<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NativeRequestHandler
 FILE_KEYS['error', 'name', 'size', 'tmp_name', 'type', ]    
 $serverParams<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NativeSessionTokenStorage
 $sessionStarted<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NativeSessionTokenStorageTest
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NilUuid
class NoSuspiciousCharacters
 $restrictionLevelMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $invisibleMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mixedNumbersMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hiddenOverlayMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $checks<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $restrictionLevel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locales<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NoSuspiciousCharactersValidator
 CHECK_ERROR[self::CHECK_RESTRICTION_LEVEL => ['code' => NoSuspiciousCharacters::RESTRICTION_LEVEL_ERROR, 'messageProperty' => 'restrictionLevelMessage', ], NoSuspiciousCharacters::CHECK_INVISIBLE => ['code' => NoSuspiciousCharacters::INVISIBLE_ERROR, 'messageProperty' => 'invisibleMessage', ], self::CHECK_CHAR_LIMIT => ['code' => NoSuspiciousCharacters::RESTRICTION_LEVEL_ERROR, 'messageProperty' => 'restrictionLevelMessage', ], NoSuspiciousCharacters::CHECK_MIXED_NUMBERS => ['code' => NoSuspiciousCharacters::MIXED_NUMBERS_ERROR, 'messageProperty' => 'mixedNumbersMessage', ], NoSuspiciousCharacters::CHECK_HIDDEN_OVERLAY => ['code' => NoSuspiciousCharacters::HIDDEN_OVERLAY_ERROR, 'messageProperty' => 'hiddenOverlayMessage', ], ]    
 $defaultLocales<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Node
 VOID_ELEMENTS['area' => true, 'base' => true, 'br' => true, 'col' => true, 'embed' => true, 'hr' => true, 'img' => true, 'input' => true, 'keygen' => true, 'link' => true, 'meta' => true, 'param' => true, 'source' => true, 'track' => true, 'wbr' => true, ]    
 $parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tagName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $children<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NodeExtension
 $flags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotBlank
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowNull<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotCompromisedPassword
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $threshold<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $skipOnError<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotCompromisedPasswordValidator
 $httpClient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $charset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $endpoint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotCompromisedPasswordValidatorTest
 RETURN['35E033023A46402F94CFB4F654C5BFE44A1:1', '35F079CECCC31812288257CD770AA7968D7:53', '36039744C253F9B2A4E90CBEDB02EBFB82D:5', '273CA8A2A78C9B2D724144F4FAF4D221C86:6', '3686792BBC66A72D40D928ED15621124CFE:7', '36EEC709091B810AA240179A44317ED415C:2', 'EE6EB9C0DFA0F07098CEDB11ECC7AFF9D4E:0', 'FC9F37E51AACD6B692A62769267590D46B8:0', ]    
class NotEqualTo
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotIdenticalTo
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotNull
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Notification
 LEVELS[LogLevel::DEBUG => 100, LogLevel::INFO => 200, LogLevel::NOTICE => 250, LogLevel::WARNING => 300, LogLevel::ERROR => 400, LogLevel::CRITICAL => 500, LogLevel::ALERT => 550, LogLevel::EMERGENCY => 600, ]    
 $channels<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $subject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $content<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $emoji<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exception<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exceptionAsString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $importance<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotificationEmail
 $theme<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rendered<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NovuTransport
 $apiKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NovuTransportFactory
class NtfyOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NtfyTransport
 $user<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $topic<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $secureHttp<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NumberTypeTest
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OctopushTransport
 $userLogin<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $apiKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OidcTokenHandlerTest
 AUDIENCE'Symfony OIDC'    
class OneSignalTransport
 $appId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $apiKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultRecipientId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OpenUriAction
 OPERATING_SYSTEMS['android', 'default', 'iOS', 'windows', ]    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OptionsResolver
 VALIDATION_FUNCTIONS['bool' => 'is_bool', 'boolean' => 'is_bool', 'int' => 'is_int', 'integer' => 'is_int', 'long' => 'is_int', 'float' => 'is_float', 'double' => 'is_float', 'real' => 'is_float', 'numeric' => 'is_numeric', 'string' => 'is_string', 'scalar' => 'is_scalar', 'array' => 'is_array', 'iterable' => 'is_iterable', 'countable' => 'is_countable', 'callable' => 'is_callable', 'object' => 'is_object', 'resource' => 'is_resource', ]    
 $defined<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaults<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nested<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $required<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resolved<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowedValues<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowedTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $info<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lazy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $calling<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deprecated<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $given<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locked<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parentsOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prototype<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prototypeIndex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignoreUndefined<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OrangeSmsTransport
 $clientID<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $clientSecret<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $senderName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OutputWrapper
 TAG_OPEN_REGEX_SEGMENT'[a-z](?:[^\\\\<>]*+ | \\\\.)*'    
 $allowCutUrls<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OverrideFinalConstant
class OverrideFinalConstant81
class OvhCloudTransport
 $applicationKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $applicationSecret<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $consumerKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serviceName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sender<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $noStopClause<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PackageUpdateInfo
 $packageName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentVersion<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $latestVersion<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $updateType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PagerDutyTransport
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ParameterizedHeader
 $encoder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ParametersConfigurator
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Parser
 REFERENCE_PATTERN'#^&(?P<ref>[^ ]++) *+(?P<value>.*)#u'    
 $filename<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $offset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $numberOfParsedLines<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $totalNumberOfLines<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lines<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentLineNb<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentLine<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $refs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $skippedLineNumbers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locallySkippedLineNumbers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $refsBeingParsed<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Parser
 $stream<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $unaryOperators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $binaryOperators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $functions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $names<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PassConfig
 $mergePass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $afterRemovingPasses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $beforeOptimizationPasses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $beforeRemovingPasses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $optimizationPasses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $removingPasses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PasswordStrength
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $minScore<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PasswordTypeTest
class Path
 $buffer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bufferSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PdoAdapter
 $marshaller<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $conn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dsn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $driver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serverVersion<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $table<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $idCol<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dataCol<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lifetimeCol<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timeCol<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $username<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connectionOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PdoCaster
class PdoSessionHandler
 $pdo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dsn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $driver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $table<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $idCol<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dataCol<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lifetimeCol<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timeCol<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ttl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $username<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connectionOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lockMode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $unlockStatements<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sessionExpired<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inTransaction<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $gcCalled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PercentToLocalizedStringTransformer
 $types<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $roundingMode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $html5Format<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PercentTypeTest
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PgSqlCaster
 PARAM_CODES['server_encoding', 'client_encoding', 'is_superuser', 'session_authorization', 'DateStyle', 'TimeZone', 'IntervalStyle', 'integer_datetimes', 'application_name', 'standard_conforming_strings', ]    
class PhpAstExtractorTest
class PhpDocExtractor
 $docBlocks<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $contexts<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $docBlockFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $contextFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $phpDocTypeHelper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mutatorPrefixes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessorPrefixes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arrayMutatorPrefixes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpDumper
 $definitionVariables<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $referenceVariables<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $variableCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inlinedDefinitions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serviceCalls<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $reservedVariables<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressionLanguage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $targetDirRegex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $targetDirMaxMatches<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $docStar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serviceIdToMethodNameMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $usedMethodNames<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $asFiles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hotPathTag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $preloadTags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inlineFactories<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inlineRequires<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inlinedRequires<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $circularReferences<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $singleUsePrivateIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $preload<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $addGetService<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locatedIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serviceLocatorTag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exportedVariables<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baseClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $class<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $proxyDumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hasProxyDumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpStanExtractor
 $phpDocParser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lexer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nameScopeFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $docBlocks<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $phpStanTypeHelper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mutatorPrefixes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessorPrefixes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arrayMutatorPrefixes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhraseProviderFactory
 READ_CONFIG_DEFAULT['file_format' => 'symfony_xliff', 'include_empty_translations' => '1', 'tags' => [ ], 'format_options' => ['enclose_in_cdata' => '1', ], ]    
 WRITE_CONFIG_DEFAULT['file_format' => 'symfony_xliff', 'update_translations' => '1', ]    
 $httpClient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $xliffFileDumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PlantUmlDumper
 DEFAULT_OPTIONS['skinparams' => ['titleBorderRoundCorner' => 15, 'titleBorderThickness' => 2, 'state' => ['BackgroundColor' . self::INITIAL => '#87b741', 'BackgroundColor' . self::MARKED => '#3887C6', 'BorderColor' => '#3887C6', 'BorderColor' . self::MARKED => 'Black', 'FontColor' . self::MARKED => 'White', ], 'agent' => ['BackgroundColor' => '#ffffff', 'BorderColor' => '#3887C6', ], ], ]    
 $transitionType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PlivoTransport
 $authId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PlivoTransportFactory
class PostgreSqlConnection
 DEFAULT_OPTIONSparent::DEFAULT_OPTIONS + ['check_delayed_interval' => 60000, 'get_notify_timeout' => 0, ]    
class PostmarkApiTransport
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageStream<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProblemNormalizer
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Process
 $callback<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $commandline<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cwd<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $env<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $input<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $starttime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastOutputTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timeout<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $idleTimeout<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exitcode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fallbackStatus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $processInformation<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $outputDisabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stdout<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stderr<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $process<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $status<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $incrementalOutputOffset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $incrementalErrorOutputOffset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $processPipes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $latestSignal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cachedExitCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sigchild<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exitCodes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProcessTimedOutException
 $process<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timeoutType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProgressBar
 $barWidth<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $barChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $emptyBarChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $progressChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $format<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $internalFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $redrawFreq<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $writeCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastWriteTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $minSecondsBetweenRedraws<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxSecondsBetweenRedraws<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $step<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $startingStep<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $max<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $startTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stepWidth<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $percent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $overwrite<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $terminal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $previousMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cursor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $placeholders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $formatters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $formats<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProgressIndicator
 FORMATS['normal' => ' %indicator% %message%', 'normal_no_ansi' => ' %message%', 'verbose' => ' %indicator% %message% (%elapsed:6s%)', 'verbose_no_ansi' => ' %message% (%elapsed:6s%)', 'very_verbose' => ' %indicator% %message% (%elapsed:6s%, %memory:6s%)', 'very_verbose_no_ansi' => ' %message% (%elapsed:6s%, %memory:6s%)', ]    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $startTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $format<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $indicatorValues<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $indicatorCurrent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $indicatorChangeInterval<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $indicatorUpdateTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $started<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $formatters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProjectServiceContainer
 DEPRECATED_PARAMETERS['foo_class' => ['symfony/test', '6.3', 'The parameter "%s" is deprecated.', 'foo_class'], ]    
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loadedDynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $getService<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyAccessor
 RESULT_PROTO[self::VALUE => null]    
 $magicMethodsFlags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignoreInvalidIndices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignoreInvalidProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cacheItemPool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyPathCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $readInfoExtractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $writeInfoExtractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $readPropertyCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $writePropertyCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyMetadataTest
class PropertyNormalizer
class PropertyPath
 $elements<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $length<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isIndex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isNullSafe<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pathAsString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyPathBuilderTest
 $builder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyReadInfo
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $visibility<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $static<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $byRef<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyWriteInfo
 $adderInfo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $removerInfo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $visibility<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $static<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PrototypeConfigurator
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resource<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $excludes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowParent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PseudoLocalizationTranslator
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accents<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expansionFactor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $brackets<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parseHTML<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $localizableHTMLAttributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Psr16Adapter
 $miss<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PsrServerRequestResolver
 SUPPORTED_TYPES[ServerRequestInterface::class => true, RequestInterface::class => true, MessageInterface::class => true, ]    
 $httpMessageFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PushoverOptions
 PRIORITIES[-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]    
 SOUNDS['pushover', 'bike', 'bugle', 'cashregister', 'classical', 'cosmic', 'falling', 'gamelan', 'incoming', 'intermission', 'magic', 'mechanical', 'pianobar', 'siren', 'spacealarm', 'tugboat', 'alien', 'climb', 'persistent', 'echo', 'vibrate', 'none', ]    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PushoverTransport
 $userKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $appToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class QpEncoder
 QP_MAP[0 => '=00', 1 => '=01', 2 => '=02', 3 => '=03', 4 => '=04', 5 => '=05', 6 => '=06', 7 => '=07', 8 => '=08', 9 => '=09', 10 => '=0A', 11 => '=0B', 12 => '=0C', 13 => '=0D', 14 => '=0E', 15 => '=0F', 16 => '=10', 17 => '=11', 18 => '=12', 19 => '=13', 20 => '=14', 21 => '=15', 22 => '=16', 23 => '=17', 24 => '=18', 25 => '=19', 26 => '=1A', 27 => '=1B', 28 => '=1C', 29 => '=1D', 30 => '=1E', 31 => '=1F', 32 => '=20', 33 => '=21', 34 => '=22', 35 => '=23', 36 => '=24', 37 => '=25', 38 => '=26', 39 => '=27', 40 => '=28', 41 => '=29', 42 => '=2A', 43 => '=2B', 44 => '=2C', 45 => '=2D', 46 => '=2E', 47 => '=2F', 48 => '=30', 49 => '=31', 50 => '=32', 51 => '=33', 52 => '=34', 53 => '=35', 54 => '=36', 55 => '=37', 56 => '=38', 57 => '=39', 58 => '=3A', 59 => '=3B', 60 => '=3C', 61 => '=3D', 62 => '=3E', 63 => '=3F', 64 => '=40', 65 => '=41', 66 => '=42', 67 => '=43', 68 => '=44', 69 => '=45', 70 => '=46', 71 => '=47', 72 => '=48', 73 => '=49', 74 => '=4A', 75 => '=4B', 76 => '=4C', 77 => '=4D', 78 => '=4E', 79 => '=4F', 80 => '=50', 81 => '=51', 82 => '=52', 83 => '=53', 84 => '=54', 85 => '=55', 86 => '=56', 87 => '=57', 88 => '=58', 89 => '=59', 90 => '=5A', 91 => '=5B', 92 => '=5C', 93 => '=5D', 94 => '=5E', 95 => '=5F', 96 => '=60', 97 => '=61', 98 => '=62', 99 => '=63', 100 => '=64', 101 => '=65', 102 => '=66', 103 => '=67', 104 => '=68', 105 => '=69', 106 => '=6A', 107 => '=6B', 108 => '=6C', 109 => '=6D', 110 => '=6E', 111 => '=6F', 112 => '=70', 113 => '=71', 114 => '=72', 115 => '=73', 116 => '=74', 117 => '=75', 118 => '=76', 119 => '=77', 120 => '=78', 121 => '=79', 122 => '=7A', 123 => '=7B', 124 => '=7C', 125 => '=7D', 126 => '=7E', 127 => '=7F', 128 => '=80', 129 => '=81', 130 => '=82', 131 => '=83', 132 => '=84', 133 => '=85', 134 => '=86', 135 => '=87', 136 => '=88', 137 => '=89', 138 => '=8A', 139 => '=8B', 140 => '=8C', 141 => '=8D', 142 => '=8E', 143 => '=8F', 144 => '=90', 145 => '=91', 146 => '=92', 147 => '=93', 148 => '=94', 149 => '=95', 150 => '=96', 151 => '=97', 152 => '=98', 153 => '=99', 154 => '=9A', 155 => '=9B', 156 => '=9C', 157 => '=9D', 158 => '=9E', 159 => '=9F', 160 => '=A0', 161 => '=A1', 162 => '=A2', 163 => '=A3', 164 => '=A4', 165 => '=A5', 166 => '=A6', 167 => '=A7', 168 => '=A8', 169 => '=A9', 170 => '=AA', 171 => '=AB', 172 => '=AC', 173 => '=AD', 174 => '=AE', 175 => '=AF', 176 => '=B0', 177 => '=B1', 178 => '=B2', 179 => '=B3', 180 => '=B4', 181 => '=B5', 182 => '=B6', 183 => '=B7', 184 => '=B8', 185 => '=B9', 186 => '=BA', 187 => '=BB', 188 => '=BC', 189 => '=BD', 190 => '=BE', 191 => '=BF', 192 => '=C0', 193 => '=C1', 194 => '=C2', 195 => '=C3', 196 => '=C4', 197 => '=C5', 198 => '=C6', 199 => '=C7', 200 => '=C8', 201 => '=C9', 202 => '=CA', 203 => '=CB', 204 => '=CC', 205 => '=CD', 206 => '=CE', 207 => '=CF', 208 => '=D0', 209 => '=D1', 210 => '=D2', 211 => '=D3', 212 => '=D4', 213 => '=D5', 214 => '=D6', 215 => '=D7', 216 => '=D8', 217 => '=D9', 218 => '=DA', 219 => '=DB', 220 => '=DC', 221 => '=DD', 222 => '=DE', 223 => '=DF', 224 => '=E0', 225 => '=E1', 226 => '=E2', 227 => '=E3', 228 => '=E4', 229 => '=E5', 230 => '=E6', 231 => '=E7', 232 => '=E8', 233 => '=E9', 234 => '=EA', 235 => '=EB', 236 => '=EC', 237 => '=ED', 238 => '=EE', 239 => '=EF', 240 => '=F0', 241 => '=F1', 242 => '=F2', 243 => '=F3', 244 => '=F4', 245 => '=F5', 246 => '=F6', 247 => '=F7', 248 => '=F8', 249 => '=F9', 250 => '=FA', 251 => '=FB', 252 => '=FC', 253 => '=FD', 254 => '=FE', 255 => '=FF', ]    
 $safeMapShare<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $safeMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Query
 $results<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serverctrls<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class QueryAccessTokenExtractor
 $parameter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Range
 $notInRangeMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $minMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $invalidMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $invalidDateTimeMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $min<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $minPropertyPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $max<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxPropertyPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RdKafkaCasterTest
 $hasBroker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $broker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RecursiveValidatorTest
 $metadataFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $referenceMetadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Redis5Proxy
class Redis6Proxy
class RedisCaster
 COMPRESSION_MODES[0 => 'NONE', 1 => 'LZF', ]    
 MODES[0 => 'ATOMIC', 1 => 'MULTI', 2 => 'PIPELINE', ]    
 SERIALIZERS[0 => 'NONE', 1 => 'PHP', 2 => 'IGBINARY', ]    
class RedisCluster5Proxy
class RedisCluster6Proxy
class RedisTagAwareAdapter
 $redisEvictionPolicy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RedlinkTransport
 $apiToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $appToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $version<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ReflectionCaster
 EXTRA_MAP['docComment' => 'getDocComment', 'extension' => 'getExtensionName', 'isDisabled' => 'isDisabled', 'isDeprecated' => 'isDeprecated', 'isInternal' => 'isInternal', 'isUserDefined' => 'isUserDefined', 'isGenerator' => 'isGenerator', 'isVariadic' => 'isVariadic', ]    
 UNSET_CLOSURE_FILE_INFO['Closure' => __CLASS__ . '::unsetClosureFileInfo']    
class ReflectionExtractor
 ALLOW_MAGIC_GET1 << 0    
 ALLOW_MAGIC_SET1 << 1    
 MAP_TYPES['integer' => Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_INT, 'boolean' => Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_BOOL, 'double' => Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_FLOAT, ]    
 $defaultMutatorPrefixes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultAccessorPrefixes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultArrayMutatorPrefixes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mutatorPrefixes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessorPrefixes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arrayMutatorPrefixes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enableConstructorExtraction<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $methodReflectionFlags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $magicMethodsFlags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyReflectionFlags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inflector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arrayMutatorPrefixesFirst<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arrayMutatorPrefixesLast<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Regex
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $htmlPattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $match<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RegionDataGenerator
 DENYLIST['AC' => true, 'CP' => true, 'CQ' => true, 'DG' => true, 'EA' => true, 'EU' => true, 'EZ' => true, 'IC' => true, 'TA' => true, 'UN' => true, 'QO' => true, 'XA' => true, 'XB' => true, 'XK' => true, 'ZZ' => true, ]    
 PREFERRED_ALPHA2_TO_ALPHA3_MAPPING['CD' => 'COD', 'DE' => 'DEU', 'FR' => 'FRA', 'MM' => 'MMR', 'TL' => 'TLS', 'YE' => 'YEM', ]    
 WITHDRAWN_CODES[128, 200, 216, 230, 249, 278, 280, 396, 488, 530, 532, 536, 582, 590, 658, 720, 736, 810, 849, 872, 886, 890, 891, ]    
 $regionCodes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RegisterEnvVarProcessorsPass
 ALLOWED_TYPES['array', 'bool', 'float', 'int', 'string', \BackedEnum::class]    
class RegisterGlobalSecurityEventListenersPass
 EVENT_BUBBLING_EVENTS[CheckPassportEvent::class, LoginFailureEvent::class, LoginSuccessEvent::class, LogoutEvent::class, AuthenticationTokenCreatedEvent::class, AuthenticationSuccessEvent::class, InteractiveLoginEvent::class, TokenDeauthenticatedEvent::class, AuthenticationEvents::AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS, SecurityEvents::INTERACTIVE_LOGIN, ]    
class RelayProxy
class RememberMeDetails
 $userFqcn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userIdentifier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expires<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RememberMeFactory
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RemoteUserFactory
class RepeatedTypeTest
 $form<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ReplaceDecoratedRememberMeHandlerPass
class Request
 $trustedProxies<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $trustedHostPatterns<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $trustedHosts<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpMethodParameterOverride<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $query<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $server<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $files<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cookies<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $content<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $languages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $charsets<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $encodings<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $acceptableContentTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pathInfo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestUri<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baseUrl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $basePath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $method<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $format<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $session<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $formats<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $preferredFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isHostValid<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isForwardedValid<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isSafeContentPreferred<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $trustedValuesCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $trustedHeaderSet<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isIisRewrite<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RequestPayloadValueResolver
 CONTEXT_DENORMALIZE['disable_type_enforcement' => true, 'collect_denormalization_errors' => true, ]    
 CONTEXT_DESERIALIZE['collect_denormalization_errors' => true, ]    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResolveNoPreloadPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resolvedIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResourceBundleTestCase
 LOCALES['af', 'af_NA', 'af_ZA', 'ak', 'ak_GH', 'am', 'am_ET', 'ar', 'ar_001', 'ar_AE', 'ar_BH', 'ar_DJ', 'ar_DZ', 'ar_EG', 'ar_EH', 'ar_ER', 'ar_IL', 'ar_IQ', 'ar_JO', 'ar_KM', 'ar_KW', 'ar_LB', 'ar_LY', 'ar_MA', 'ar_MR', 'ar_OM', 'ar_PS', 'ar_QA', 'ar_SA', 'ar_SD', 'ar_SO', 'ar_SS', 'ar_SY', 'ar_TD', 'ar_TN', 'ar_YE', 'as', 'as_IN', 'az', 'az_AZ', 'az_Cyrl', 'az_Cyrl_AZ', 'az_Latn', 'az_Latn_AZ', 'be', 'be_BY', 'bg', 'bg_BG', 'bm', 'bm_ML', 'bn', 'bn_BD', 'bn_IN', 'bo', 'bo_CN', 'bo_IN', 'br', 'br_FR', 'bs', 'bs_BA', 'bs_Cyrl', 'bs_Cyrl_BA', 'bs_Latn', 'bs_Latn_BA', 'ca', 'ca_AD', 'ca_ES', 'ca_FR', 'ca_IT', 'ce', 'ce_RU', 'cs', 'cs_CZ', 'cv', 'cv_RU', 'cy', 'cy_GB', 'da', 'da_DK', 'da_GL', 'de', 'de_AT', 'de_BE', 'de_CH', 'de_DE', 'de_IT', 'de_LI', 'de_LU', 'dz', 'dz_BT', 'ee', 'ee_GH', 'ee_TG', 'el', 'el_CY', 'el_GR', 'en', 'en_001', 'en_150', 'en_AE', 'en_AG', 'en_AI', 'en_AS', 'en_AT', 'en_AU', 'en_BB', 'en_BE', 'en_BI', 'en_BM', 'en_BS', 'en_BW', 'en_BZ', 'en_CA', 'en_CC', 'en_CH', 'en_CK', 'en_CM', 'en_CX', 'en_CY', 'en_DE', 'en_DG', 'en_DK', 'en_DM', 'en_ER', 'en_FI', 'en_FJ', 'en_FK', 'en_FM', 'en_GB', 'en_GD', 'en_GG', 'en_GH', 'en_GI', 'en_GM', 'en_GU', 'en_GY', 'en_HK', 'en_ID', 'en_IE', 'en_IL', 'en_IM', 'en_IN', 'en_IO', 'en_JE', 'en_JM', 'en_KE', 'en_KI', 'en_KN', 'en_KY', 'en_LC', 'en_LR', 'en_LS', 'en_MG', 'en_MH', 'en_MO', 'en_MP', 'en_MS', 'en_MT', 'en_MU', 'en_MV', 'en_MW', 'en_MY', 'en_NA', 'en_NF', 'en_NG', 'en_NH', 'en_NL', 'en_NR', 'en_NU', 'en_NZ', 'en_PG', 'en_PH', 'en_PK', 'en_PN', 'en_PR', 'en_PW', 'en_RH', 'en_RW', 'en_SB', 'en_SC', 'en_SD', 'en_SE', 'en_SG', 'en_SH', 'en_SI', 'en_SL', 'en_SS', 'en_SX', 'en_SZ', 'en_TC', 'en_TK', 'en_TO', 'en_TT', 'en_TV', 'en_TZ', 'en_UG', 'en_UM', 'en_US', 'en_US_POSIX', 'en_VC', 'en_VG', 'en_VI', 'en_VU', 'en_WS', 'en_ZA', 'en_ZM', 'en_ZW', 'eo', 'eo_001', 'es', 'es_419', 'es_AR', 'es_BO', 'es_BR', 'es_BZ', 'es_CL', 'es_CO', 'es_CR', 'es_CU', 'es_DO', 'es_EA', 'es_EC', 'es_ES', 'es_GQ', 'es_GT', 'es_HN', 'es_IC', 'es_MX', 'es_NI', 'es_PA', 'es_PE', 'es_PH', 'es_PR', 'es_PY', 'es_SV', 'es_US', 'es_UY', 'es_VE', 'et', 'et_EE', 'eu', 'eu_ES', 'fa', 'fa_AF', 'fa_IR', 'ff', 'ff_Adlm', 'ff_Adlm_BF', 'ff_Adlm_CM', 'ff_Adlm_GH', 'ff_Adlm_GM', 'ff_Adlm_GN', 'ff_Adlm_GW', 'ff_Adlm_LR', 'ff_Adlm_MR', 'ff_Adlm_NE', 'ff_Adlm_NG', 'ff_Adlm_SL', 'ff_Adlm_SN', 'ff_CM', 'ff_GN', 'ff_Latn', 'ff_Latn_BF', 'ff_Latn_CM', 'ff_Latn_GH', 'ff_Latn_GM', 'ff_Latn_GN', 'ff_Latn_GW', 'ff_Latn_LR', 'ff_Latn_MR', 'ff_Latn_NE', 'ff_Latn_NG', 'ff_Latn_SL', 'ff_Latn_SN', 'ff_MR', 'ff_SN', 'fi', 'fi_FI', 'fo', 'fo_DK', 'fo_FO', 'fr', 'fr_BE', 'fr_BF', 'fr_BI', 'fr_BJ', 'fr_BL', 'fr_CA', 'fr_CD', 'fr_CF', 'fr_CG', 'fr_CH', 'fr_CI', 'fr_CM', 'fr_DJ', 'fr_DZ', 'fr_FR', 'fr_GA', 'fr_GF', 'fr_GN', 'fr_GP', 'fr_GQ', 'fr_HT', 'fr_KM', 'fr_LU', 'fr_MA', 'fr_MC', 'fr_MF', 'fr_MG', 'fr_ML', 'fr_MQ', 'fr_MR', 'fr_MU', 'fr_NC', 'fr_NE', 'fr_PF', 'fr_PM', 'fr_RE', 'fr_RW', 'fr_SC', 'fr_SN', 'fr_SY', 'fr_TD', 'fr_TG', 'fr_TN', 'fr_VU', 'fr_WF', 'fr_YT', 'fy', 'fy_NL', 'ga', 'ga_GB', 'ga_IE', 'gd', 'gd_GB', 'gl', 'gl_ES', 'gu', 'gu_IN', 'gv', 'gv_IM', 'ha', 'ha_GH', 'ha_NE', 'ha_NG', 'he', 'he_IL', 'hi', 'hi_IN', 'hi_Latn', 'hi_Latn_IN', 'hr', 'hr_BA', 'hr_HR', 'hu', 'hu_HU', 'hy', 'hy_AM', 'ia', 'ia_001', 'id', 'id_ID', 'ie', 'ie_EE', 'ig', 'ig_NG', 'ii', 'ii_CN', 'in', 'in_ID', 'is', 'is_IS', 'it', 'it_CH', 'it_IT', 'it_SM', 'it_VA', 'iw', 'iw_IL', 'ja', 'ja_JP', 'ja_JP_TRADITIONAL', 'jv', 'jv_ID', 'ka', 'ka_GE', 'ki', 'ki_KE', 'kk', 'kk_KZ', 'kl', 'kl_GL', 'km', 'km_KH', 'kn', 'kn_IN', 'ko', 'ko_CN', 'ko_KP', 'ko_KR', 'ks', 'ks_Arab', 'ks_Arab_IN', 'ks_Deva', 'ks_Deva_IN', 'ks_IN', 'ku', 'ku_TR', 'kw', 'kw_GB', 'ky', 'ky_KG', 'lb', 'lb_LU', 'lg', 'lg_UG', 'ln', 'ln_AO', 'ln_CD', 'ln_CF', 'ln_CG', 'lo', 'lo_LA', 'lt', 'lt_LT', 'lu', 'lu_CD', 'lv', 'lv_LV', 'mg', 'mg_MG', 'mi', 'mi_NZ', 'mk', 'mk_MK', 'ml', 'ml_IN', 'mn', 'mn_MN', 'mo', 'mr', 'mr_IN', 'ms', 'ms_BN', 'ms_ID', 'ms_MY', 'ms_SG', 'mt', 'mt_MT', 'my', 'my_MM', 'nb', 'nb_NO', 'nb_SJ', 'nd', 'nd_ZW', 'ne', 'ne_IN', 'ne_NP', 'nl', 'nl_AW', 'nl_BE', 'nl_BQ', 'nl_CW', 'nl_NL', 'nl_SR', 'nl_SX', 'nn', 'nn_NO', 'no', 'no_NO', 'no_NO_NY', 'oc', 'oc_ES', 'oc_FR', 'om', 'om_ET', 'om_KE', 'or', 'or_IN', 'os', 'os_GE', 'os_RU', 'pa', 'pa_Arab', 'pa_Arab_PK', 'pa_Guru', 'pa_Guru_IN', 'pa_IN', 'pa_PK', 'pl', 'pl_PL', 'ps', 'ps_AF', 'ps_PK', 'pt', 'pt_AO', 'pt_BR', 'pt_CH', 'pt_CV', 'pt_GQ', 'pt_GW', 'pt_LU', 'pt_MO', 'pt_MZ', 'pt_PT', 'pt_ST', 'pt_TL', 'qu', 'qu_BO', 'qu_EC', 'qu_PE', 'rm', 'rm_CH', 'rn', 'rn_BI', 'ro', 'ro_MD', 'ro_RO', 'ru', 'ru_BY', 'ru_KG', 'ru_KZ', 'ru_MD', 'ru_RU', 'ru_UA', 'rw', 'rw_RW', 'sa', 'sa_IN', 'sc', 'sc_IT', 'sd', 'sd_Arab', 'sd_Arab_PK', 'sd_Deva', 'sd_Deva_IN', 'sd_IN', 'sd_PK', 'se', 'se_FI', 'se_NO', 'se_SE', 'sg', 'sg_CF', 'sh', 'sh_BA', 'sh_CS', 'sh_YU', 'si', 'si_LK', 'sk', 'sk_SK', 'sl', 'sl_SI', 'sn', 'sn_ZW', 'so', 'so_DJ', 'so_ET', 'so_KE', 'so_SO', 'sq', 'sq_AL', 'sq_MK', 'sq_XK', 'sr', 'sr_BA', 'sr_CS', 'sr_Cyrl', 'sr_Cyrl_BA', 'sr_Cyrl_CS', 'sr_Cyrl_ME', 'sr_Cyrl_RS', 'sr_Cyrl_XK', 'sr_Cyrl_YU', 'sr_Latn', 'sr_Latn_BA', 'sr_Latn_CS', 'sr_Latn_ME', 'sr_Latn_RS', 'sr_Latn_XK', 'sr_Latn_YU', 'sr_ME', 'sr_RS', 'sr_XK', 'sr_YU', 'su', 'su_ID', 'su_Latn', 'su_Latn_ID', 'sv', 'sv_AX', 'sv_FI', 'sv_SE', 'sw', 'sw_CD', 'sw_KE', 'sw_TZ', 'sw_UG', 'ta', 'ta_IN', 'ta_LK', 'ta_MY', 'ta_SG', 'te', 'te_IN', 'tg', 'tg_TJ', 'th', 'th_TH', 'th_TH_TRADITIONAL', 'ti', 'ti_ER', 'ti_ET', 'tk', 'tk_TM', 'tl', 'tl_PH', 'to', 'to_TO', 'tr', 'tr_CY', 'tr_TR', 'tt', 'tt_RU', 'ug', 'ug_CN', 'uk', 'uk_UA', 'ur', 'ur_IN', 'ur_PK', 'uz', 'uz_AF', 'uz_Arab', 'uz_Arab_AF', 'uz_Cyrl', 'uz_Cyrl_UZ', 'uz_Latn', 'uz_Latn_UZ', 'uz_UZ', 'vi', 'vi_VN', 'wo', 'wo_SN', 'xh', 'xh_ZA', 'yi', 'yi_UA', 'yo', 'yo_BJ', 'yo_NG', 'za', 'za_CN', 'zh', 'zh_CN', 'zh_HK', 'zh_Hans', 'zh_Hans_CN', 'zh_Hans_HK', 'zh_Hans_MO', 'zh_Hans_SG', 'zh_Hant', 'zh_Hant_HK', 'zh_Hant_MO', 'zh_Hant_TW', 'zh_MO', 'zh_SG', 'zh_TW', 'zu', 'zu_ZA', ]    
 LOCALE_ALIASES['az_AZ' => 'az_Latn_AZ', 'bs_BA' => 'bs_Latn_BA', 'en_NH' => 'en_VU', 'en_RH' => 'en_ZW', 'ff_CM' => 'ff_Latn_CM', 'ff_GN' => 'ff_Latn_GN', 'ff_MR' => 'ff_Latn_MR', 'ff_SN' => 'ff_Latn_SN', 'in' => 'id', 'in_ID' => 'id_ID', 'iw' => 'he', 'iw_IL' => 'he_IL', 'ks_IN' => 'ks_Arab_IN', 'mo' => 'ro', 'no_NO' => 'no', 'no_NO_NY' => 'nn_NO', 'pa_IN' => 'pa_Guru_IN', 'pa_PK' => 'pa_Arab_PK', 'sd_IN' => 'sd_Deva_IN', 'sd_PK' => 'sd_Arab_PK', 'sh' => 'sr_Latn', 'sh_BA' => 'sr_Latn_BA', 'sh_CS' => 'sr_Latn_RS', 'sh_YU' => 'sr_Latn_RS', 'sr_BA' => 'sr_Cyrl_BA', 'sr_CS' => 'sr_RS', 'sr_Cyrl_CS' => 'sr_Cyrl_RS', 'sr_Cyrl_YU' => 'sr_Cyrl_RS', 'sr_Latn_CS' => 'sr_Latn_RS', 'sr_Latn_YU' => 'sr_Latn_RS', 'sr_ME' => 'sr_Latn_ME', 'sr_RS' => 'sr_Cyrl_RS', 'sr_XK' => 'sr_Cyrl_XK', 'sr_YU' => 'sr_RS', 'su_ID' => 'su_Latn_ID', 'tl' => 'fil', 'tl_PH' => 'fil_PH', 'uz_AF' => 'uz_Arab_AF', 'uz_UZ' => 'uz_Latn_UZ', 'zh_CN' => 'zh_Hans_CN', 'zh_HK' => 'zh_Hant_HK', 'zh_MO' => 'zh_Hant_MO', 'zh_SG' => 'zh_Hans_SG', 'zh_TW' => 'zh_Hant_TW', ]    
 $rootLocales<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Response
 HTTP_RESPONSE_CACHE_CONTROL_DIRECTIVES['must_revalidate' => false, 'no_cache' => false, 'no_store' => false, 'no_transform' => false, 'public' => false, 'private' => false, 'proxy_revalidate' => false, 'max_age' => true, 's_maxage' => true, 'stale_if_error' => true, 'stale_while_revalidate' => true, 'immutable' => false, 'last_modified' => true, 'etag' => true, ]    
 $headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $content<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $version<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $statusCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $statusText<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $charset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $statusTexts<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sentHeaders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResponseCacheStrategy
 INHERIT_DIRECTIVES['public', 'immutable']    
 OVERRIDE_DIRECTIVES['private', 'no-cache', 'no-store', 'no-transform', 'must-revalidate', 'proxy-revalidate']    
 $embeddedResponses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isNotCacheableResponseEmbedded<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $age<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastModified<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $flagDirectives<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ageDirectives<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResponseHeaderBag
 $computedCacheControl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cookies<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $headerNames<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResponseListener
class RingCentralTransport
 $apiToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RingCentralTransportFactory
class RocketChatTransport
 $accessToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $chatChannel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RouteCompiler
class RouteProcessorTest
 TEST_PARAMS['param1' => 'value1']    
class ScalewayApiTransport
 $projectId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $region<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ScriptDataGenerator
 DENYLIST['Zzzz' => true, ]    
 $scriptCodes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SecurityEvents
 ALIASES[InteractiveLoginEvent::class => self::INTERACTIVE_LOGIN, SwitchUserEvent::class => self::SWITCH_USER, ]    
class SecurityRequestAttributes
class SendberryTransport
 $username<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SendgridApiTransport
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SendmailTransportTest
 FAKE_FAILING_SENDMAIL__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/fake-failing-sendmail.php -t'    
 FAKE_SENDMAIL__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/fake-sendmail.php -t'    
 $argsPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Serializer
 SCALAR_TYPES['int' => true, 'bool' => true, 'float' => true, 'string' => true, ]    
 $encoder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decoder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $denormalizerCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizerCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Serializer
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $format<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServerDumperTest
class ServerLogCommand
 BG_COLOR['black', 'blue', 'cyan', 'green', 'magenta', 'red', 'white', 'yellow']    
 $el<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServiceConfigurator
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $instanceof<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowParent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $destructed<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServicesConfigurator
 $defaults<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $instanceof<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $anonymousHash<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $anonymousCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SessionAuthenticationStrategy
 $strategy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $csrfTokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SessionTokenStorage
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SessionTokenStorageTest
 $session<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ShareContentShare
 ALL[self::ARTICLE, self::IMAGE, self::NONE, self::RICH, self::VIDEO, self::LEARNING_COURSE, self::JOB, self::QUESTION, self::ANSWER, self::CAROUSEL, self::TOPIC, self::NATIVE_DOCUMENT, self::URN_REFERENCE, self::LIVE_VIDEO, ]    
class ShareMediaShare
 ALL[self::LEARN_MORE, self::APPLY_NOW, self::DOWNLOAD, self::GET_QUOTE, self::SIGN_UP, self::SUBSCRIBE, self::REGISTER, ]    
class SimpleTextinTransport
 $apiKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SimpleTextinTransportFactory
class SinchTransport
 $accountSid<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SlackContextBlock
class SlackHeaderBlock
class SlackOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SlackTransport
 $accessToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $chatChannel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Sms77Transport
 $apiKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SmsBiurasTransport
 ERROR_CODES[1 => 'The message was processed and sent to the mobile operator. But delivery confirmations have not yet been returned.', 2 => 'SMS not delivered.', 3 => 'The SMS message was successfully delivered to the recipient.', 4 => 'The message was sent and expired because it could not be delivered to the recipient during its validity period (48 hours according to our default platform).', 5 => 'The message was received but the operator returned "Rejected" as the final status.', 6 => 'Missing parameters, check that you are using all required parameters.', 7 => ' Wrong apikey or uid.', 8 => 'Sender ID - "from". Must be approved by an administrator.', 9 => 'Balance insufficient, please top up the account.', 10 => 'Bad date format for schedule parameter. Ex: urlencode("2021-03-11 12:00").', 999 => 'Unknown Error', ]    
 $uid<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $apiKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $testMode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SmsEvent
 $phone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SmsFactorTransport
 $tokenApi<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sender<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pushType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SmsapiTransport
 $authToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fast<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $test<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SmscTransport
 $login<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SmsmodeTransport
 $apiKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SmsmodeTransportFactory
class SortableIterator
 $iterator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sort<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SourceMappingUrlsCompiler
 SOURCE_MAPPING_PATTERN'/^(\/\/|\/\*)# sourceMappingURL=(.+\.map)/m'    
class Specificity
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SplCaster
 SPL_FILE_OBJECT_FLAGS[\SplFileObject::DROP_NEW_LINE => 'DROP_NEW_LINE', \SplFileObject::READ_AHEAD => 'READ_AHEAD', \SplFileObject::SKIP_EMPTY => 'SKIP_EMPTY', \SplFileObject::READ_CSV => 'READ_CSV', ]    
class SpotHitTransport
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $smsLong<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $smsLongNBr<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StopWorkerOnRestartSignalListener
 $cachePool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $workerStartedAt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StopwatchEventTest
class StopwatchTest
class StreamedJsonResponse
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $encodingOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StringInput
class StringSanitizer
 LOWERCASE['ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', ]    
 REPLACEMENTS[['&quot;', '+', '=', '@', '`', '<', '>', '+', '=', '@', '`', ], ['&#34;', '&#43;', '&#61;', '&#64;', '&#96;', '&#xFF1C;', '&#xFF1E;', '&#xFF0B;', '&#xFF1D;', '&#xFF20;', '&#xFF40;', ], ]    
class Stub
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $class<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cut<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handle<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $refCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $position<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attr<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SubmitTypeTest
class SuggestMissingPackageSubscriber
 PACKAGES['doctrine' => ['fixtures' => ['DoctrineFixturesBundle', 'doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle --dev'], 'mongodb' => ['DoctrineMongoDBBundle', 'doctrine/mongodb-odm-bundle'], '_default' => ['Doctrine ORM', 'symfony/orm-pack'], ], 'make' => ['_default' => ['MakerBundle', 'symfony/maker-bundle --dev'], ], 'server' => ['_default' => ['Debug Bundle', 'symfony/debug-bundle --dev'], ], ]    
class SwitchUserListener
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $provider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userChecker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $firewallName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessDecisionManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $usernameParameter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $role<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stateless<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $urlGenerator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $targetRoute<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SymfonyCaster
 REQUEST_GETTERS['pathInfo' => 'getPathInfo', 'requestUri' => 'getRequestUri', 'baseUrl' => 'getBaseUrl', 'basePath' => 'getBasePath', 'method' => 'getMethod', 'format' => 'getRequestFormat', ]    
class SymfonyStyle
 $input<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $questionHelper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $progressBar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lineLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bufferedOutput<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Table
 $headerTitle<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $footerTitle<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rows<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $effectiveColumnWidths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $numberOfColumns<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $style<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $columnStyles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $columnWidths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $columnMaxWidths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rendered<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $displayOrientation<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $styles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TableCellStyle
 ALIGN_MAP['left' => \STR_PAD_RIGHT, 'center' => \STR_PAD_BOTH, 'right' => \STR_PAD_LEFT, ]    
 TAG_OPTIONS['fg', 'bg', 'options', ]    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TagAwareAdapter
 $deferred<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $knownTagVersions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $knownTagVersionsTtl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $setCacheItemTags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $setTagVersions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $getTagsByKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $saveTags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TelegramOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TelegramTransport
 EXCLUSIVE_OPTIONS['message_id', 'callback_query_id', 'photo', 'location', 'audio', 'document', 'video', 'animation', 'venue', 'contact', 'sticker', ]    
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $chatChannel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TelegramTransportTest
 FIXTURE_FILE__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/image.png'    
class TelnyxTransport
 $apiKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messagingProfileId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TentativeTypes
 RETURN_TYPES['CURLFile' => ['getFilename' => 'string', 'getMimeType' => 'string', 'getPostFilename' => 'string', 'setMimeType' => 'void', 'setPostFilename' => 'void', ], 'DateTimeInterface' => ['format' => 'string', 'getTimezone' => 'DateTimeZone|false', 'getOffset' => 'int', 'getTimestamp' => 'int', 'diff' => 'DateInterval', '__wakeup' => 'void', ], 'DateTime' => ['__wakeup' => 'void', '__set_state' => 'DateTime', 'createFromImmutable' => 'static', 'createFromFormat' => 'DateTime|false', 'getLastErrors' => 'array|false', 'format' => 'string', 'modify' => 'DateTime|false', 'add' => 'DateTime', 'sub' => 'DateTime', 'getTimezone' => 'DateTimeZone|false', 'setTimezone' => 'DateTime', 'getOffset' => 'int', 'setTime' => 'DateTime', 'setDate' => 'DateTime', 'setISODate' => 'DateTime', 'setTimestamp' => 'DateTime', 'getTimestamp' => 'int', 'diff' => 'DateInterval', ], 'DateTimeImmutable' => ['__wakeup' => 'void', '__set_state' => 'DateTimeImmutable', 'createFromFormat' => 'DateTimeImmutable|false', 'getLastErrors' => 'array|false', 'format' => 'string', 'getTimezone' => 'DateTimeZone|false', 'getOffset' => 'int', 'getTimestamp' => 'int', 'diff' => 'DateInterval', 'modify' => 'DateTimeImmutable|false', 'add' => 'DateTimeImmutable', 'sub' => 'DateTimeImmutable', 'setTimezone' => 'DateTimeImmutable', 'setTime' => 'DateTimeImmutable', 'setDate' => 'DateTimeImmutable', 'setISODate' => 'DateTimeImmutable', 'setTimestamp' => 'DateTimeImmutable', 'createFromMutable' => 'static', ], 'DateTimeZone' => ['getName' => 'string', 'getOffset' => 'int', 'getTransitions' => 'array|false', 'getLocation' => 'array|false', 'listAbbreviations' => 'array', 'listIdentifiers' => 'array', '__wakeup' => 'void', '__set_state' => 'DateTimeZone', ], 'DateInterval' => ['createFromDateString' => 'DateInterval|false', 'format' => 'string', '__wakeup' => 'void', '__set_state' => 'DateInterval', ], 'DatePeriod' => ['getStartDate' => 'DateTimeInterface', 'getEndDate' => 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=> 'int', 'isCorrupted' => 'bool', '__debugInfo' => 'array', ], 'SplMinHeap' => ['compare' => 'int', ], 'SplMaxHeap' => ['compare' => 'int', ], 'EmptyIterator' => ['current' => 'never', 'next' => 'void', 'key' => 'never', 'valid' => 'false', 'rewind' => 'void', ], 'CallbackFilterIterator' => ['accept' => 'bool', ], 'RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator' => ['hasChildren' => 'bool', 'getChildren' => 'RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator', ], 'RecursiveIterator' => ['hasChildren' => 'bool', 'getChildren' => '?RecursiveIterator', ], 'RecursiveIteratorIterator' => ['rewind' => 'void', 'valid' => 'bool', 'key' => 'mixed', 'current' => 'mixed', 'next' => 'void', 'getDepth' => 'int', 'getSubIterator' => '?RecursiveIterator', 'getInnerIterator' => 'RecursiveIterator', 'beginIteration' => 'void', 'endIteration' => 'void', 'callHasChildren' => 'bool', 'callGetChildren' => '?RecursiveIterator', 'beginChildren' => 'void', 'endChildren' => 'void', 'nextElement' => 'void', 'setMaxDepth' => 'void', 'getMaxDepth' => 'int|false', ], 'OuterIterator' => ['getInnerIterator' => '?Iterator', ], 'IteratorIterator' => ['getInnerIterator' => '?Iterator', 'rewind' => 'void', 'valid' => 'bool', 'key' => 'mixed', 'current' => 'mixed', 'next' => 'void', ], 'FilterIterator' => ['accept' => 'bool', 'rewind' => 'void', 'next' => 'void', ], 'RecursiveFilterIterator' => ['hasChildren' => 'bool', 'getChildren' => '?RecursiveFilterIterator', ], 'ParentIterator' => ['accept' => 'bool', ], 'SeekableIterator' => ['seek' => 'void', ], 'LimitIterator' => ['rewind' => 'void', 'valid' => 'bool', 'next' => 'void', 'seek' => 'int', 'getPosition' => 'int', ], 'CachingIterator' => ['rewind' => 'void', 'valid' => 'bool', 'next' => 'void', 'hasNext' => 'bool', 'getFlags' => 'int', 'setFlags' => 'void', 'offsetGet' => 'mixed', 'offsetSet' => 'void', 'offsetUnset' => 'void', 'offsetExists' => 'bool', 'getCache' => 'array', 'count' => 'int', ], 'RecursiveCachingIterator' => ['hasChildren' => 'bool', 'getChildren' => '?RecursiveCachingIterator', ], 'NoRewindIterator' => ['rewind' => 'void', 'valid' => 'bool', 'key' => 'mixed', 'current' => 'mixed', 'next' => 'void', ], 'AppendIterator' => ['append' => 'void', 'rewind' => 'void', 'valid' => 'bool', 'current' => 'mixed', 'next' => 'void', 'getIteratorIndex' => '?int', 'getArrayIterator' => 'ArrayIterator', ], 'InfiniteIterator' => ['next' => 'void', ], 'RegexIterator' => ['accept' => 'bool', 'getMode' => 'int', 'setMode' => 'void', 'getFlags' => 'int', 'setFlags' => 'void', 'getRegex' => 'string', 'getPregFlags' => 'int', 'setPregFlags' => 'void', ], 'RecursiveRegexIterator' => ['accept' => 'bool', 'hasChildren' => 'bool', 'getChildren' => 'RecursiveRegexIterator', ], 'RecursiveTreeIterator' => ['key' => 'mixed', 'current' => 'mixed', 'getPrefix' => 'string', 'setPostfix' => 'void', 'setPrefixPart' => 'void', 'getEntry' => 'string', 'getPostfix' => 'string', ], 'SplObserver' => ['update' => 'void', ], 'SplSubject' => ['attach' => 'void', 'detach' => 'void', 'notify' => 'void', ], 'SplObjectStorage' => ['attach' => 'void', 'detach' => 'void', 'contains' => 'bool', 'addAll' => 'int', 'removeAll' => 'int', 'removeAllExcept' => 'int', 'getInfo' => 'mixed', 'setInfo' => 'void', 'count' => 'int', 'rewind' => 'void', 'valid' => 'bool', 'key' => 'int', 'current' => 'object', 'next' => 'void', 'unserialize' => 'void', 'serialize' => 'string', 'offsetExists' => 'bool', 'offsetGet' => 'mixed', 'offsetSet' => 'void', 'offsetUnset' => 'void', 'getHash' => 'string', '__serialize' => 'array', '__unserialize' => 'void', '__debugInfo' => 'array', ], 'MultipleIterator' => ['getFlags' => 'int', 'setFlags' => 'void', 'attachIterator' => 'void', 'detachIterator' => 'void', 'containsIterator' => 'bool', 'countIterators' => 'int', 'rewind' => 'void', 'valid' => 'bool', 'key' => 'array', 'current' => 'array', 'next' => 'void', '__debugInfo' => 'array', ], 'SQLite3' => ['open' => 'void', 'version' => 'array', 'lastInsertRowID' => 'int', 'lastErrorCode' => 'int', 'lastExtendedErrorCode' => 'int', 'lastErrorMsg' => 'string', 'changes' => 'int', 'busyTimeout' => 'bool', 'loadExtension' => 'bool', 'backup' => 'bool', 'escapeString' => 'string', 'prepare' => 'SQLite3Stmt|false', 'exec' => 'bool', 'query' => 'SQLite3Result|false', 'querySingle' => 'mixed', 'createFunction' => 'bool', 'createAggregate' => 'bool', 'createCollation' => 'bool', 'enableExceptions' => 'bool', 'enableExtendedResultCodes' => 'bool', 'setAuthorizer' => 'bool', ], 'SQLite3Stmt' => ['bindParam' => 'bool', 'bindValue' => 'bool', 'clear' => 'bool', 'close' => 'bool', 'execute' => 'SQLite3Result|false', 'getSQL' => 'string|false', 'paramCount' => 'int', 'readOnly' => 'bool', 'reset' => 'bool', ], 'SQLite3Result' => ['numColumns' => 'int', 'columnName' => 'string|false', 'columnType' => 'int|false', 'fetchArray' => 'array|false', 'reset' => 'bool', ], 'Directory' => ['close' => 'void', 'rewind' => 'void', 'read' => 'string|false', ], 'php_user_filter' => ['filter' => 'int', 'onCreate' => 'bool', 'onClose' => 'void', ], 'tidy' => ['getOpt' => 'string|int|bool', 'cleanRepair' => 'bool', 'parseFile' => 'bool', 'parseString' => 'bool', 'repairString' => 'string|false', 'repairFile' => 'string|false', 'diagnose' => 'bool', 'getRelease' => 'string', 'getConfig' => 'array', 'getStatus' => 'int', 'getHtmlVer' => 'int', 'getOptDoc' => 'string|false', 'isXhtml' => 'bool', 'isXml' => 'bool', 'root' => '?tidyNode', 'head' => '?tidyNode', 'html' => '?tidyNode', 'body' => '?tidyNode', ], 'XMLReader' => ['getAttribute' => '?string', 'getAttributeNo' => '?string', 'getAttributeNs' => '?string', 'getParserProperty' => 'bool', 'isValid' => 'bool', 'lookupNamespace' => '?string', 'moveToAttribute' => 'bool', 'moveToAttributeNo' => 'bool', 'moveToAttributeNs' => 'bool', 'moveToElement' => 'bool', 'moveToFirstAttribute' => 'bool', 'moveToNextAttribute' => 'bool', 'read' => 'bool', 'next' => 'bool', 'readInnerXml' => 'string', 'readOuterXml' => 'string', 'readString' => 'string', 'setSchema' => 'bool', 'setParserProperty' => 'bool', 'setRelaxNGSchema' => 'bool', 'setRelaxNGSchemaSource' => 'bool', 'expand' => 'DOMNode|false', ], 'XMLWriter' => ['openUri' => 'bool', 'openMemory' => 'bool', 'setIndent' => 'bool', 'setIndentString' => 'bool', 'startComment' => 'bool', 'endComment' => 'bool', 'startAttribute' => 'bool', 'endAttribute' => 'bool', 'writeAttribute' => 'bool', 'startAttributeNs' => 'bool', 'writeAttributeNs' => 'bool', 'startElement' => 'bool', 'endElement' => 'bool', 'fullEndElement' => 'bool', 'startElementNs' => 'bool', 'writeElement' => 'bool', 'writeElementNs' => 'bool', 'startPi' => 'bool', 'endPi' => 'bool', 'writePi' => 'bool', 'startCdata' => 'bool', 'endCdata' => 'bool', 'writeCdata' => 'bool', 'text' => 'bool', 'writeRaw' => 'bool', 'startDocument' => 'bool', 'endDocument' => 'bool', 'writeComment' => 'bool', 'startDtd' => 'bool', 'endDtd' => 'bool', 'writeDtd' => 'bool', 'startDtdElement' => 'bool', 'endDtdElement' => 'bool', 'writeDtdElement' => 'bool', 'startDtdAttlist' => 'bool', 'endDtdAttlist' => 'bool', 'writeDtdAttlist' => 'bool', 'startDtdEntity' => 'bool', 'endDtdEntity' => 'bool', 'writeDtdEntity' => 'bool', 'outputMemory' => 'string', 'flush' => 'string|int', ], 'XSLTProcessor' => ['importStylesheet' => 'bool', 'transformToDoc' => 'DOMDocument|false', 'transformToUri' => 'int', 'transformToXml' => 'string|null|false', 'setParameter' => 'bool', 'getParameter' => 'string|false', 'removeParameter' => 'bool', 'hasExsltSupport' => 'bool', 'registerPHPFunctions' => 'void', 'setSecurityPrefs' => 'int', 'getSecurityPrefs' => 'int', ], 'ZipArchive' => ['open' => 'bool|int', 'setPassword' => 'bool', 'close' => 'bool', 'count' => 'int', 'getStatusString' => 'string', 'addEmptyDir' => 'bool', 'addFromString' => 'bool', 'addFile' => 'bool', 'replaceFile' => 'bool', 'addGlob' => 'array|false', 'addPattern' => 'array|false', 'renameIndex' => 'bool', 'renameName' => 'bool', 'setArchiveComment' => 'bool', 'getArchiveComment' => 'string|false', 'setCommentIndex' => 'bool', 'setCommentName' => 'bool', 'setMtimeIndex' => 'bool', 'setMtimeName' => 'bool', 'getCommentIndex' => 'string|false', 'getCommentName' => 'string|false', 'deleteIndex' => 'bool', 'deleteName' => 'bool', 'statName' => 'array|false', 'statIndex' => 'array|false', 'locateName' => 'int|false', 'getNameIndex' => 'string|false', 'unchangeArchive' => 'bool', 'unchangeAll' => 'bool', 'unchangeIndex' => 'bool', 'unchangeName' => 'bool', 'extractTo' => 'bool', 'getFromName' => 'string|false', 'getFromIndex' => 'string|false', 'setExternalAttributesName' => 'bool', 'setExternalAttributesIndex' => 'bool', 'getExternalAttributesName' => 'bool', 'getExternalAttributesIndex' => 'bool', 'setCompressionName' => 'bool', 'setCompressionIndex' => 'bool', 'setEncryptionName' => 'bool', 'setEncryptionIndex' => 'bool', 'registerProgressCallback' => 'bool', 'registerCancelCallback' => 'bool', ], 'Exception' => ['__wakeup' => 'void', ], 'Error' => ['__wakeup' => 'void', ], 'IteratorAggregate' => ['getIterator' => 'Traversable', ], 'Iterator' => ['current' => 'mixed', 'next' => 'void', 'key' => 'mixed', 'valid' => 'bool', 'rewind' => 'void', ], 'ArrayAccess' => ['offsetExists' => 'bool', 'offsetGet' => 'mixed', 'offsetSet' => 'void', 'offsetUnset' => 'void', ], 'Countable' => ['count' => 'int', ], ]    
class TermiiTransport
 $apiKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $channel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TermiiTransportFactory
class Terminal
 $colorMode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $width<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $height<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TextTypeTest
class Time
 $withSeconds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TimeType
 WIDGETS['text' => TextType::class, 'choice' => ChoiceType::class, ]    
class TimeTypeTest
class TimeValidator
class Timezone
 $zone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $countryCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $intlCompatible<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TimezoneTypeTest
class TimezonesTest
 ZONES['Africa/Abidjan', 'Africa/Accra', 'Africa/Addis_Ababa', 'Africa/Algiers', 'Africa/Asmera', 'Africa/Bamako', 'Africa/Bangui', 'Africa/Banjul', 'Africa/Bissau', 'Africa/Blantyre', 'Africa/Brazzaville', 'Africa/Bujumbura', 'Africa/Cairo', 'Africa/Casablanca', 'Africa/Ceuta', 'Africa/Conakry', 'Africa/Dakar', 'Africa/Dar_es_Salaam', 'Africa/Djibouti', 'Africa/Douala', 'Africa/El_Aaiun', 'Africa/Freetown', 'Africa/Gaborone', 'Africa/Harare', 'Africa/Johannesburg', 'Africa/Juba', 'Africa/Kampala', 'Africa/Khartoum', 'Africa/Kigali', 'Africa/Kinshasa', 'Africa/Lagos', 'Africa/Libreville', 'Africa/Lome', 'Africa/Luanda', 'Africa/Lubumbashi', 'Africa/Lusaka', 'Africa/Malabo', 'Africa/Maputo', 'Africa/Maseru', 'Africa/Mbabane', 'Africa/Mogadishu', 'Africa/Monrovia', 'Africa/Nairobi', 'Africa/Ndjamena', 'Africa/Niamey', 'Africa/Nouakchott', 'Africa/Ouagadougou', 'Africa/Porto-Novo', 'Africa/Sao_Tome', 'Africa/Tripoli', 'Africa/Tunis', 'Africa/Windhoek', 'America/Adak', 'America/Anchorage', 'America/Anguilla', 'America/Antigua', 'America/Araguaina', 'America/Argentina/La_Rioja', 'America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos', 'America/Argentina/Salta', 'America/Argentina/San_Juan', 'America/Argentina/San_Luis', 'America/Argentina/Tucuman', 'America/Argentina/Ushuaia', 'America/Aruba', 'America/Asuncion', 'America/Bahia', 'America/Bahia_Banderas', 'America/Barbados', 'America/Belem', 'America/Belize', 'America/Blanc-Sablon', 'America/Boa_Vista', 'America/Bogota', 'America/Boise', 'America/Buenos_Aires', 'America/Cambridge_Bay', 'America/Campo_Grande', 'America/Cancun', 'America/Caracas', 'America/Catamarca', 'America/Cayenne', 'America/Cayman', 'America/Chicago', 'America/Chihuahua', 'America/Ciudad_Juarez', 'America/Coral_Harbour', 'America/Cordoba', 'America/Costa_Rica', 'America/Creston', 'America/Cuiaba', 'America/Curacao', 'America/Danmarkshavn', 'America/Dawson', 'America/Dawson_Creek', 'America/Denver', 'America/Detroit', 'America/Dominica', 'America/Edmonton', 'America/Eirunepe', 'America/El_Salvador', 'America/Fort_Nelson', 'America/Fortaleza', 'America/Glace_Bay', 'America/Godthab', 'America/Goose_Bay', 'America/Grand_Turk', 'America/Grenada', 'America/Guadeloupe', 'America/Guatemala', 'America/Guayaquil', 'America/Guyana', 'America/Halifax', 'America/Havana', 'America/Hermosillo', 'America/Indiana/Knox', 'America/Indiana/Marengo', 'America/Indiana/Petersburg', 'America/Indiana/Tell_City', 'America/Indiana/Vevay', 'America/Indiana/Vincennes', 'America/Indiana/Winamac', 'America/Indianapolis', 'America/Inuvik', 'America/Iqaluit', 'America/Jamaica', 'America/Jujuy', 'America/Juneau', 'America/Kentucky/Monticello', 'America/Kralendijk', 'America/La_Paz', 'America/Lima', 'America/Los_Angeles', 'America/Louisville', 'America/Lower_Princes', 'America/Maceio', 'America/Managua', 'America/Manaus', 'America/Marigot', 'America/Martinique', 'America/Matamoros', 'America/Mazatlan', 'America/Mendoza', 'America/Menominee', 'America/Merida', 'America/Metlakatla', 'America/Mexico_City', 'America/Miquelon', 'America/Moncton', 'America/Monterrey', 'America/Montevideo', 'America/Montserrat', 'America/Nassau', 'America/New_York', 'America/Nome', 'America/Noronha', 'America/North_Dakota/Beulah', 'America/North_Dakota/Center', 'America/North_Dakota/New_Salem', 'America/Ojinaga', 'America/Panama', 'America/Paramaribo', 'America/Phoenix', 'America/Port-au-Prince', 'America/Port_of_Spain', 'America/Porto_Velho', 'America/Puerto_Rico', 'America/Punta_Arenas', 'America/Rankin_Inlet', 'America/Recife', 'America/Regina', 'America/Resolute', 'America/Rio_Branco', 'America/Santarem', 'America/Santiago', 'America/Santo_Domingo', 'America/Sao_Paulo', 'America/Scoresbysund', 'America/Sitka', 'America/St_Barthelemy', 'America/St_Johns', 'America/St_Kitts', 'America/St_Lucia', 'America/St_Thomas', 'America/St_Vincent', 'America/Swift_Current', 'America/Tegucigalpa', 'America/Thule', 'America/Tijuana', 'America/Toronto', 'America/Tortola', 'America/Vancouver', 'America/Whitehorse', 'America/Winnipeg', 'America/Yakutat', 'Antarctica/Casey', 'Antarctica/Davis', 'Antarctica/DumontDUrville', 'Antarctica/Macquarie', 'Antarctica/Mawson', 'Antarctica/McMurdo', 'Antarctica/Palmer', 'Antarctica/Rothera', 'Antarctica/Syowa', 'Antarctica/Troll', 'Antarctica/Vostok', 'Arctic/Longyearbyen', 'Asia/Aden', 'Asia/Almaty', 'Asia/Amman', 'Asia/Anadyr', 'Asia/Aqtau', 'Asia/Aqtobe', 'Asia/Ashgabat', 'Asia/Atyrau', 'Asia/Baghdad', 'Asia/Bahrain', 'Asia/Baku', 'Asia/Bangkok', 'Asia/Barnaul', 'Asia/Beirut', 'Asia/Bishkek', 'Asia/Brunei', 'Asia/Calcutta', 'Asia/Chita', 'Asia/Choibalsan', 'Asia/Colombo', 'Asia/Damascus', 'Asia/Dhaka', 'Asia/Dili', 'Asia/Dubai', 'Asia/Dushanbe', 'Asia/Famagusta', 'Asia/Gaza', 'Asia/Hebron', 'Asia/Hong_Kong', 'Asia/Hovd', 'Asia/Irkutsk', 'Asia/Jakarta', 'Asia/Jayapura', 'Asia/Jerusalem', 'Asia/Kabul', 'Asia/Kamchatka', 'Asia/Karachi', 'Asia/Katmandu', 'Asia/Khandyga', 'Asia/Krasnoyarsk', 'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur', 'Asia/Kuching', 'Asia/Kuwait', 'Asia/Macau', 'Asia/Magadan', 'Asia/Makassar', 'Asia/Manila', 'Asia/Muscat', 'Asia/Nicosia', 'Asia/Novokuznetsk', 'Asia/Novosibirsk', 'Asia/Omsk', 'Asia/Oral', 'Asia/Phnom_Penh', 'Asia/Pontianak', 'Asia/Pyongyang', 'Asia/Qatar', 'Asia/Qostanay', 'Asia/Qyzylorda', 'Asia/Rangoon', 'Asia/Riyadh', 'Asia/Saigon', 'Asia/Sakhalin', 'Asia/Samarkand', 'Asia/Seoul', 'Asia/Shanghai', 'Asia/Singapore', 'Asia/Srednekolymsk', 'Asia/Taipei', 'Asia/Tashkent', 'Asia/Tbilisi', 'Asia/Tehran', 'Asia/Thimphu', 'Asia/Tokyo', 'Asia/Tomsk', 'Asia/Ulaanbaatar', 'Asia/Urumqi', 'Asia/Ust-Nera', 'Asia/Vientiane', 'Asia/Vladivostok', 'Asia/Yakutsk', 'Asia/Yekaterinburg', 'Asia/Yerevan', 'Atlantic/Azores', 'Atlantic/Bermuda', 'Atlantic/Canary', 'Atlantic/Cape_Verde', 'Atlantic/Faeroe', 'Atlantic/Madeira', 'Atlantic/Reykjavik', 'Atlantic/South_Georgia', 'Atlantic/St_Helena', 'Atlantic/Stanley', 'Australia/Adelaide', 'Australia/Brisbane', 'Australia/Broken_Hill', 'Australia/Darwin', 'Australia/Eucla', 'Australia/Hobart', 'Australia/Lindeman', 'Australia/Lord_Howe', 'Australia/Melbourne', 'Australia/Perth', 'Australia/Sydney', 'CST6CDT', 'EST5EDT', 'Etc/GMT', 'Etc/UTC', 'Europe/Amsterdam', 'Europe/Andorra', 'Europe/Astrakhan', 'Europe/Athens', 'Europe/Belgrade', 'Europe/Berlin', 'Europe/Bratislava', 'Europe/Brussels', 'Europe/Bucharest', 'Europe/Budapest', 'Europe/Busingen', 'Europe/Chisinau', 'Europe/Copenhagen', 'Europe/Dublin', 'Europe/Gibraltar', 'Europe/Guernsey', 'Europe/Helsinki', 'Europe/Isle_of_Man', 'Europe/Istanbul', 'Europe/Jersey', 'Europe/Kaliningrad', 'Europe/Kiev', 'Europe/Kirov', 'Europe/Lisbon', 'Europe/Ljubljana', 'Europe/London', 'Europe/Luxembourg', 'Europe/Madrid', 'Europe/Malta', 'Europe/Mariehamn', 'Europe/Minsk', 'Europe/Monaco', 'Europe/Moscow', 'Europe/Oslo', 'Europe/Paris', 'Europe/Podgorica', 'Europe/Prague', 'Europe/Riga', 'Europe/Rome', 'Europe/Samara', 'Europe/San_Marino', 'Europe/Sarajevo', 'Europe/Saratov', 'Europe/Simferopol', 'Europe/Skopje', 'Europe/Sofia', 'Europe/Stockholm', 'Europe/Tallinn', 'Europe/Tirane', 'Europe/Ulyanovsk', 'Europe/Vaduz', 'Europe/Vatican', 'Europe/Vienna', 'Europe/Vilnius', 'Europe/Volgograd', 'Europe/Warsaw', 'Europe/Zagreb', 'Europe/Zurich', 'Indian/Antananarivo', 'Indian/Chagos', 'Indian/Christmas', 'Indian/Cocos', 'Indian/Comoro', 'Indian/Kerguelen', 'Indian/Mahe', 'Indian/Maldives', 'Indian/Mauritius', 'Indian/Mayotte', 'Indian/Reunion', 'MST7MDT', 'PST8PDT', 'Pacific/Apia', 'Pacific/Auckland', 'Pacific/Bougainville', 'Pacific/Chatham', 'Pacific/Easter', 'Pacific/Efate', 'Pacific/Enderbury', 'Pacific/Fakaofo', 'Pacific/Fiji', 'Pacific/Funafuti', 'Pacific/Galapagos', 'Pacific/Gambier', 'Pacific/Guadalcanal', 'Pacific/Guam', 'Pacific/Honolulu', 'Pacific/Kiritimati', 'Pacific/Kosrae', 'Pacific/Kwajalein', 'Pacific/Majuro', 'Pacific/Marquesas', 'Pacific/Midway', 'Pacific/Nauru', 'Pacific/Niue', 'Pacific/Norfolk', 'Pacific/Noumea', 'Pacific/Pago_Pago', 'Pacific/Palau', 'Pacific/Pitcairn', 'Pacific/Ponape', 'Pacific/Port_Moresby', 'Pacific/Rarotonga', 'Pacific/Saipan', 'Pacific/Tahiti', 'Pacific/Tarawa', 'Pacific/Tongatapu', 'Pacific/Truk', 'Pacific/Wake', 'Pacific/Wallis', ]    
 ZONES_NO_COUNTRY['Antarctica/Troll', 'CST6CDT', 'EST5EDT', 'MST7MDT', 'PST8PDT', 'Etc/GMT', 'Etc/UTC', ]    
class Token
 EOF_TYPE'end of expression'    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cursor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Token
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $position<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableSerializer
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dataCollector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableUrlMatcher
 $traces<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TransitionBlocker
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $code<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslatableNormalizer
 $defaultContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationDebugCommand
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $reader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultTransPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultViewsPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transPaths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $codePaths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enabledLocales<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationNodeVisitor
 $enabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationUpdateCommand
 FORMATS['xlf12' => ['xlf', '1.2'], 'xlf20' => ['xlf', '2.0'], ]    
 SORT_ORDERS[self::ASC, self::DESC]    
 $writer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $reader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultTransPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultViewsPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transPaths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $codePaths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enabledLocales<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Transport
 FACTORY_CLASSES[BrevoTransportFactory::class, GmailTransportFactory::class, InfobipTransportFactory::class, MailerSendTransportFactory::class, MailgunTransportFactory::class, MailjetTransportFactory::class, MailPaceTransportFactory::class, MandrillTransportFactory::class, PostmarkTransportFactory::class, ScalewayTransportFactory::class, SendgridTransportFactory::class, SesTransportFactory::class, ]    
 $factories<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Transport
 FACTORY_CLASSES[Bridge\AllMySms\AllMySmsTransportFactory::class, Bridge\AmazonSns\AmazonSnsTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Bandwidth\BandwidthTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Brevo\BrevoTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Chatwork\ChatworkTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Clickatell\ClickatellTransportFactory::class, Bridge\ClickSend\ClickSendTransportFactory::class, Bridge\ContactEveryone\ContactEveryoneTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Discord\DiscordTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Engagespot\EngagespotTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Esendex\EsendexTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Expo\ExpoTransportFactory::class, Bridge\FakeChat\FakeChatTransportFactory::class, Bridge\FakeSms\FakeSmsTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Firebase\FirebaseTransportFactory::class, Bridge\FortySixElks\FortySixElksTransportFactory::class, Bridge\FreeMobile\FreeMobileTransportFactory::class, Bridge\GatewayApi\GatewayApiTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Gitter\GitterTransportFactory::class, Bridge\GoIp\GoIpTransportFactory::class, Bridge\GoogleChat\GoogleChatTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Infobip\InfobipTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Iqsms\IqsmsTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Isendpro\IsendproTransportFactory::class, Bridge\KazInfoTeh\KazInfoTehTransportFactory::class, Bridge\LightSms\LightSmsTransportFactory::class, Bridge\LineNotify\LineNotifyTransportFactory::class, Bridge\LinkedIn\LinkedInTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Mailjet\MailjetTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Mastodon\MastodonTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Mattermost\MattermostTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Mercure\MercureTransportFactory::class, Bridge\MessageBird\MessageBirdTransportFactory::class, Bridge\MessageMedia\MessageMediaTransportFactory::class, Bridge\MicrosoftTeams\MicrosoftTeamsTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Mobyt\MobytTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Novu\NovuTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Ntfy\NtfyTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Octopush\OctopushTransportFactory::class, Bridge\OneSignal\OneSignalTransportFactory::class, Bridge\OrangeSms\OrangeSmsTransportFactory::class, Bridge\OvhCloud\OvhCloudTransportFactory::class, Bridge\PagerDuty\PagerDutyTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Plivo\PlivoTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Pushover\PushoverTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Redlink\RedlinkTransportFactory::class, Bridge\RingCentral\RingCentralTransportFactory::class, Bridge\RocketChat\RocketChatTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Sendberry\SendberryTransportFactory::class, Bridge\SimpleTextin\SimpleTextinTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Sinch\SinchTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Slack\SlackTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Sms77\Sms77TransportFactory::class, Bridge\Smsapi\SmsapiTransportFactory::class, Bridge\SmsBiuras\SmsBiurasTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Smsc\SmscTransportFactory::class, Bridge\SmsFactor\SmsFactorTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Smsmode\SmsmodeTransportFactory::class, Bridge\SpotHit\SpotHitTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Telegram\TelegramTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Telnyx\TelnyxTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Termii\TermiiTransportFactory::class, Bridge\TurboSms\TurboSmsTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Twilio\TwilioTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Twitter\TwitterTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Vonage\VonageTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Yunpian\YunpianTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Zendesk\ZendeskTransportFactory::class, Bridge\Zulip\ZulipTransportFactory::class, ]    
 $factories<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TransportFactoryTestCase
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TransportTestCase
class TraversalStrategy
class TurboSmsTransport
 $authToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TwigExtractorTest
class TwilioTransport
 $accountSid<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TwitterOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TwitterTransport
 $nonce<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $apiKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $apiSecret<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessSecret<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Type
 $builtinTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $builtinCollectionTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $builtinType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nullable<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $class<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $collection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $collectionKeyType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $collectionValueType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Type
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TypeValidator
 VALIDATION_FUNCTIONS['bool' => 'is_bool', 'boolean' => 'is_bool', 'int' => 'is_int', 'integer' => 'is_int', 'long' => 'is_int', 'float' => 'is_float', 'double' => 'is_float', 'real' => 'is_float', 'number' => 'is_int || is_float && !is_nan', 'finite-float' => 'is_float && is_finite', 'finite-number' => 'is_int || is_float && is_finite', 'numeric' => 'is_numeric', 'string' => 'is_string', 'scalar' => 'is_scalar', 'array' => 'is_array', 'iterable' => 'is_iterable', 'countable' => 'is_countable', 'callable' => 'is_callable', 'object' => 'is_object', 'resource' => 'is_resource', 'null' => 'is_null', 'alnum' => 'ctype_alnum', 'alpha' => 'ctype_alpha', 'cntrl' => 'ctype_cntrl', 'digit' => 'ctype_digit', 'graph' => 'ctype_graph', 'lower' => 'ctype_lower', 'print' => 'ctype_print', 'punct' => 'ctype_punct', 'space' => 'ctype_space', 'upper' => 'ctype_upper', 'xdigit' => 'ctype_xdigit', ]    
class UidNormalizer
 $defaultContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Ulid
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Ulid
 $time<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rand<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UlidType
class UlidTypeTest
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UlidTypeTest
class UnaryNode
 OPERATORS['!' => '!', 'not' => '!', '+' => '+', '-' => '-', ]    
class UndefinedCallableHandler
 FILTER_COMPONENTS['humanize' => 'form', 'form_encode_currency' => 'form', 'trans' => 'translation', 'sanitize_html' => 'html-sanitizer', 'yaml_encode' => 'yaml', 'yaml_dump' => 'yaml', ]    
 FULL_STACK_ENABLE['html-sanitizer' => 'enable "framework.html_sanitizer"', 'form' => 'enable "framework.form"', 'security-core' => 'add the "SecurityBundle"', 'security-http' => 'add the "SecurityBundle"', 'web-link' => 'enable "framework.web_link"', 'workflow' => 'enable "framework.workflows"', ]    
 FUNCTION_COMPONENTS['asset' => 'asset', 'asset_version' => 'asset', 'importmap' => 'asset-mapper', 'dump' => 'debug-bundle', 'encore_entry_link_tags' => 'webpack-encore-bundle', 'encore_entry_script_tags' => 'webpack-encore-bundle', 'expression' => 'expression-language', 'form_widget' => 'form', 'form_errors' => 'form', 'form_label' => 'form', 'form_help' => 'form', 'form_row' => 'form', 'form_rest' => 'form', 'form' => 'form', 'form_start' => 'form', 'form_end' => 'form', 'csrf_token' => 'form', 'form_parent' => 'form', 'field_name' => 'form', 'field_value' => 'form', 'field_label' => 'form', 'field_help' => 'form', 'field_errors' => 'form', 'field_choices' => 'form', 'logout_url' => 'security-http', 'logout_path' => 'security-http', 'is_granted' => 'security-core', 'link' => 'web-link', 'preload' => 'web-link', 'dns_prefetch' => 'web-link', 'preconnect' => 'web-link', 'prefetch' => 'web-link', 'prerender' => 'web-link', 'workflow_can' => 'workflow', 'workflow_transitions' => 'workflow', 'workflow_transition' => 'workflow', 'workflow_has_marked_place' => 'workflow', 'workflow_marked_places' => 'workflow', 'workflow_metadata' => 'workflow', 'workflow_transition_blockers' => 'workflow', ]    
class Unescaper
class Unique
 $fields<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UniqueEntity
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $service<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $em<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $entityClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $repositoryMethod<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fields<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errorPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignoreNull<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UniqueEntityValidatorTest
 $em<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $registry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $repository<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $repositoryFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UnsupportedSchemeException
 SCHEME_TO_PACKAGE_MAP['allmysms' => ['class' => Bridge\AllMySms\AllMySmsTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/all-my-sms-notifier', ], 'bandwidth' => ['class' => Bridge\Bandwidth\BandwidthTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/bandwidth-notifier', ], 'brevo' => ['class' => Bridge\Brevo\BrevoTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/brevo-notifier', ], 'chatwork' => ['class' => Bridge\Chatwork\ChatworkTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/chatwork-notifier', ], 'clickatell' => ['class' => Bridge\Clickatell\ClickatellTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/clickatell-notifier', ], 'clicksend' => ['class' => Bridge\ClickSend\ClickSendTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/click-send-notifier', ], 'contact-everyone' => ['class' => Bridge\ContactEveryone\ContactEveryoneTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/contact-everyone-notifier', ], 'discord' => ['class' => Bridge\Discord\DiscordTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/discord-notifier', ], 'engagespot' => ['class' => Bridge\Engagespot\EngagespotTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/engagespot-notifier', ], 'esendex' => ['class' => Bridge\Esendex\EsendexTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/esendex-notifier', ], 'expo' => ['class' => Bridge\Expo\ExpoTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/expo-notifier', ], 'fakechat' => ['class' => Bridge\FakeChat\FakeChatTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/fake-chat-notifier', ], 'fakesms' => ['class' => Bridge\FakeSms\FakeSmsTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/fake-sms-notifier', ], 'firebase' => ['class' => Bridge\Firebase\FirebaseTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/firebase-notifier', ], 'forty-six-elks' => ['class' => Bridge\FortySixElks\FortySixElksTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/forty-six-elks-notifier', ], 'freemobile' => ['class' => Bridge\FreeMobile\FreeMobileTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/free-mobile-notifier', ], 'gatewayapi' => ['class' => Bridge\GatewayApi\GatewayApiTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/gateway-api-notifier', ], 'gitter' => ['class' => Bridge\Gitter\GitterTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/gitter-notifier', ], 'goip' => ['class' => Bridge\GoIp\GoIpTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/go-ip-notifier', ], 'googlechat' => ['class' => Bridge\GoogleChat\GoogleChatTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/google-chat-notifier', ], 'infobip' => ['class' => Bridge\Infobip\InfobipTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/infobip-notifier', ], 'iqsms' => ['class' => Bridge\Iqsms\IqsmsTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/iqsms-notifier', ], 'isendpro' => ['class' => Bridge\Isendpro\IsendproTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/isendpro-notifier', ], 'kaz-info-teh' => ['class' => Bridge\KazInfoTeh\KazInfoTehTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/symfony/kaz-info-teh-notifier', ], 'lightsms' => ['class' => Bridge\LightSms\LightSmsTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/light-sms-notifier', ], 'linenotify' => ['class' => Bridge\LineNotify\LineNotifyTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/line-notify-notifier', ], 'linkedin' => ['class' => Bridge\LinkedIn\LinkedInTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/linked-in-notifier', ], 'mailjet' => ['class' => Bridge\Mailjet\MailjetTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/mailjet-notifier', ], 'mastodon' => ['class' => Bridge\Mastodon\MastodonTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/mastodon-notifier', ], 'mattermost' => ['class' => Bridge\Mattermost\MattermostTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/mattermost-notifier', ], 'mercure' => ['class' => Bridge\Mercure\MercureTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/mercure-notifier', ], 'messagebird' => ['class' => Bridge\MessageBird\MessageBirdTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/message-bird-notifier', ], 'messagemedia' => ['class' => Bridge\MessageMedia\MessageMediaTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/message-media-notifier', ], 'microsoftteams' => ['class' => Bridge\MicrosoftTeams\MicrosoftTeamsTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/microsoft-teams-notifier', ], 'mobyt' => ['class' => Bridge\Mobyt\MobytTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/mobyt-notifier', ], 'novu' => ['class' => Bridge\Novu\NovuTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/novu-notifier', ], 'ntfy' => ['class' => Bridge\Ntfy\NtfyTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/ntfy-notifier', ], 'octopush' => ['class' => Bridge\Octopush\OctopushTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/octopush-notifier', ], 'onesignal' => ['class' => Bridge\OneSignal\OneSignalTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/one-signal-notifier', ], 'orange-sms' => ['class' => Bridge\OrangeSms\OrangeSmsTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/orange-sms-notifier', ], 'ovhcloud' => ['class' => Bridge\OvhCloud\OvhCloudTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/ovh-cloud-notifier', ], 'pagerduty' => ['class' => Bridge\PagerDuty\PagerDutyTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/pager-duty-notifier', ], 'plivo' => ['class' => Bridge\Plivo\PlivoTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/plivo-notifier', ], 'pushover' => ['class' => Bridge\Pushover\PushoverTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/pushover-notifier', ], 'redlink' => ['class' => Bridge\Redlink\RedlinkTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/redlink-notifier', ], 'ringcentral' => ['class' => Bridge\RingCentral\RingCentralTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/ring-central-notifier', ], 'rocketchat' => ['class' => Bridge\RocketChat\RocketChatTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/rocket-chat-notifier', ], 'sendberry' => ['class' => Bridge\Sendberry\SendberryTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/sendberry-notifier', ], 'simpletextin' => ['class' => Bridge\SimpleTextin\SimpleTextinTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/simple-textin-notifier', ], 'sinch' => ['class' => Bridge\Sinch\SinchTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/sinch-notifier', ], 'slack' => ['class' => Bridge\Slack\SlackTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/slack-notifier', ], 'sms77' => ['class' => Bridge\Sms77\Sms77TransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/sms77-notifier', ], 'smsapi' => ['class' => Bridge\Smsapi\SmsapiTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/smsapi-notifier', ], 'smsbiuras' => ['class' => Bridge\SmsBiuras\SmsBiurasTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/sms-biuras-notifier', ], 'smsc' => ['class' => Bridge\Smsc\SmscTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/smsc-notifier', ], 'sms-factor' => ['class' => Bridge\SmsFactor\SmsFactorTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/sms-factor-notifier', ], 'smsmode' => ['class' => Bridge\Smsmode\SmsmodeTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/smsmode-notifier', ], 'sns' => ['class' => Bridge\AmazonSns\AmazonSnsTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/amazon-sns-notifier', ], 'spothit' => ['class' => Bridge\SpotHit\SpotHitTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/spot-hit-notifier', ], 'telegram' => ['class' => Bridge\Telegram\TelegramTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/telegram-notifier', ], 'telnyx' => ['class' => Bridge\Telnyx\TelnyxTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/telnyx-notifier', ], 'termii' => ['class' => Bridge\Termii\TermiiTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/termii-notifier', ], 'turbosms' => ['class' => Bridge\TurboSms\TurboSmsTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/turbo-sms-notifier', ], 'twilio' => ['class' => Bridge\Twilio\TwilioTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/twilio-notifier', ], 'twitter' => ['class' => Bridge\Twitter\TwitterTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/twitter-notifier', ], 'vonage' => ['class' => Bridge\Vonage\VonageTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/vonage-notifier', ], 'yunpian' => ['class' => Bridge\Yunpian\YunpianTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/yunpian-notifier', ], 'zendesk' => ['class' => Bridge\Zendesk\ZendeskTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/zendesk-notifier', ], 'zulip' => ['class' => Bridge\Zulip\ZulipTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/zulip-notifier', ], ]    
class UnsupportedSchemeException
 SCHEME_TO_PACKAGE_MAP['brevo' => ['class' => Bridge\Brevo\Transport\BrevoTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/brevo-mailer', ], 'gmail' => ['class' => Bridge\Google\Transport\GmailTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/google-mailer', ], 'infobip' => ['class' => Bridge\Infobip\Transport\InfobipTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/infobip-mailer', ], 'mailersend' => ['class' => Bridge\MailerSend\Transport\MailerSendTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/mailersend-mailer', ], 'mailgun' => ['class' => Bridge\Mailgun\Transport\MailgunTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/mailgun-mailer', ], 'mailjet' => ['class' => Bridge\Mailjet\Transport\MailjetTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/mailjet-mailer', ], 'mailpace' => ['class' => Bridge\MailPace\Transport\MailPaceTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/mail-pace-mailer', ], 'mandrill' => ['class' => Bridge\Mailchimp\Transport\MandrillTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/mailchimp-mailer', ], 'postmark' => ['class' => Bridge\Postmark\Transport\PostmarkTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/postmark-mailer', ], 'scaleway' => ['class' => Bridge\Scaleway\Transport\ScalewayTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/scaleway-mailer', ], 'sendgrid' => ['class' => Bridge\Sendgrid\Transport\SendgridTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/sendgrid-mailer', ], 'ses' => ['class' => Bridge\Amazon\Transport\SesTransportFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/amazon-mailer', ], ]    
class UnsupportedSchemeException
 SCHEME_TO_PACKAGE_MAP['crowdin' => ['class' => Bridge\Crowdin\CrowdinProviderFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/crowdin-translation-provider', ], 'loco' => ['class' => Bridge\Loco\LocoProviderFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/loco-translation-provider', ], 'lokalise' => ['class' => Bridge\Lokalise\LokaliseProviderFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/lokalise-translation-provider', ], 'phrase' => ['class' => Bridge\Phrase\PhraseProviderFactory::class, 'package' => 'symfony/phrase-translation-provider', ], ]    
class UnusedTagsPass
 KNOWN_TAGS['asset_mapper.compiler', 'assets.package', 'auto_alias', 'cache.pool', 'cache.pool.clearer', 'cache.taggable', 'chatter.transport_factory', 'config_cache.resource_checker', 'console.command', 'container.env_var_loader', 'container.env_var_processor', 'container.excluded', 'container.hot_path', 'container.no_preload', 'container.preload', 'container.private', 'container.reversible', 'container.service_locator', 'container.service_locator_context', 'container.service_subscriber', 'container.stack', 'controller.argument_value_resolver', 'controller.service_arguments', 'controller.targeted_value_resolver', 'data_collector', 'event_dispatcher.dispatcher', 'form.type', 'form.type_extension', 'form.type_guesser', 'html_sanitizer', 'http_client.client', 'kernel.cache_clearer', 'kernel.cache_warmer', 'kernel.event_listener', 'kernel.event_subscriber', 'kernel.fragment_renderer', 'kernel.locale_aware', 'kernel.reset', 'ldap', 'mailer.transport_factory', 'messenger.bus', 'messenger.message_handler', 'messenger.receiver', 'messenger.transport_factory', 'mime.mime_type_guesser', 'monolog.logger', '', 'property_info.access_extractor', 'property_info.initializable_extractor', 'property_info.list_extractor', 'property_info.type_extractor', 'proxy', 'remote_event.consumer', 'routing.condition_service', 'routing.expression_language_function', 'routing.expression_language_provider', 'routing.loader', 'routing.route_loader', 'scheduler.schedule_provider', 'scheduler.task', 'security.authenticator.login_linker', 'security.expression_language_provider', 'security.remember_me_handler', 'security.voter', 'serializer.encoder', 'serializer.normalizer', 'texter.transport_factory', 'translation.dumper', 'translation.extractor', 'translation.extractor.visitor', 'translation.loader', 'translation.provider_factory', 'twig.extension', 'twig.loader', 'twig.runtime', 'validator.auto_mapper', 'validator.constraint_validator', 'validator.group_provider', 'validator.initializer', 'workflow', ]    
class UnwrappingDenormalizer
 $propertyAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UpdateOperation
 $operationType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $values<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attribute<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UriSafeTokenGeneratorTest
 $bytes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $generator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Url
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $protocols<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $relativeProtocol<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UrlGenerator
 QUERY_FRAGMENT_DECODED['%2F' => '/', '%252F' => '%2F', '%3F' => '?', '%40' => '@', '%3A' => ':', '%21' => '!', '%3B' => ';', '%2C' => ',', '%2A' => '*', ]    
 $routes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $strictRequirements<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decodedChars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UrlMatcher
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allow<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowSchemes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $routes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressionLanguage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressionLanguageProviders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UrlTypeTest
class UrlValidator
 PATTERN'~^ (%s):// # protocol (((?:[\_\.\pL\pN-]|%%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})+:)?((?:[\_\.\pL\pN-]|%%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})+)@)? # basic auth ( (?: (?:xn--[a-z0-9-]++\.)*+xn--[a-z0-9-]++ # a domain name using punycode | (?:[\pL\pN\pS\pM\-\_]++\.)+[\pL\pN\pM]++ # a multi-level domain name | [a-z0-9\-\_]++ # a single-level domain name )\.? | # or \d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3} # an IP address | # or \[ (?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):){6})(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})))|(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:25[0-5]|(?:[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])?[0-9]))\.){3}(?:(?:25[0-5]|(?:[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])?[0-9])))))))|(?:(?:::(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):){5})(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})))|(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:25[0-5]|(?:[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])?[0-9]))\.){3}(?:(?:25[0-5]|(?:[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])?[0-9])))))))|(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})))?::(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):){4})(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})))|(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:25[0-5]|(?:[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])?[0-9]))\.){3}(?:(?:25[0-5]|(?:[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])?[0-9])))))))|(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):){0,1}(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})))?::(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):){3})(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})))|(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:25[0-5]|(?:[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])?[0-9]))\.){3}(?:(?:25[0-5]|(?:[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])?[0-9])))))))|(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):){0,2}(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})))?::(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):){2})(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})))|(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:25[0-5]|(?:[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])?[0-9]))\.){3}(?:(?:25[0-5]|(?:[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])?[0-9])))))))|(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):){0,3}(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})))?::(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):)(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})))|(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:25[0-5]|(?:[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])?[0-9]))\.){3}(?:(?:25[0-5]|(?:[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])?[0-9])))))))|(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):){0,4}(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})))?::)(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})))|(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:25[0-5]|(?:[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])?[0-9]))\.){3}(?:(?:25[0-5]|(?:[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])?[0-9])))))))|(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):){0,5}(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})))?::)(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})))|(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})):){0,6}(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4})))?::)))) \] # an IPv6 address ) (:[0-9]+)? # a port (optional) (?:/ (?:[\pL\pN\-._\~!$&\'()*+,;=:@]|%%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})* )* # a path (?:\? (?:[\pL\pN\-._\~!$&\'\[\]()*+,;=:@/?]|%%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})* )? # a query (optional) (?:\# (?:[\pL\pN\-._\~!$&\'()*+,;=:@/?]|%%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})* )? # a fragment (optional) $~ixu'    
class UserBadge
 $userIdentifier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userLoader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $user<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UserPassword
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $service<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UserPasswordValidatorTestCase
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hasher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hasherFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Utf8RouteCompiler
class Uuid
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $strict<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $versions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Uuid
class UuidTest
class UuidType
class UuidTypeTest
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UuidTypeTest
class UuidV1
 $clockSeq<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UuidV3
class UuidV4
class UuidV5
class UuidV6
 $node<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UuidV7
 $time<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rand<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $seed<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $seedParts<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $seedIndex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UuidV8
class UuidValidator
class ValidateEnvPlaceholdersPass
 TYPE_FIXTURES['array' => [ ], 'bool' => false, 'float' => 0.0, 'int' => 0, 'string' => '']    
 $extensionConfig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValidatorTypeGuesserTest
 $guesser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadataFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ViolationMapperTest
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageTemplate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $params<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class VisibilityShare
class VonageTransport
 $apiKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $apiSecret<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class W3CReference
 ATTRIBUTES['abbr' => true, 'accept' => true, 'accept-charset' => true, 'accesskey' => true, 'action' => true, 'align' => true, 'alink' => true, 'allow' => true, 'allowfullscreen' => true, 'allowpaymentrequest' => false, 'alt' => true, 'anchor' => true, 'archive' => true, 'as' => true, 'async' => false, 'autocapitalize' => false, 'autocomplete' => false, 'autocorrect' => false, 'autofocus' => false, 'autopictureinpicture' => false, 'autoplay' => false, 'axis' => true, 'background' => false, 'behavior' => true, 'bgcolor' => false, 'border' => false, 'bordercolor' => false, 'capture' => true, 'cellpadding' => true, 'cellspacing' => true, 'challenge' => true, 'char' => true, 'charoff' => true, 'charset' => true, 'checked' => false, 'cite' => true, 'class' => false, 'classid' => false, 'clear' => true, 'code' => true, 'codebase' => true, 'codetype' => true, 'color' => false, 'cols' => true, 'colspan' => true, 'compact' => true, 'content' => true, 'contenteditable' => false, 'controls' => true, 'controlslist' => true, 'conversiondestination' => true, 'coords' => true, 'crossorigin' => true, 'csp' => true, 'data' => true, 'datetime' => true, 'declare' => true, 'decoding' => true, 'default' => true, 'defer' => true, 'dir' => true, 'direction' => true, 'dirname' => true, 'disabled' => true, 'disablepictureinpicture' => true, 'disableremoteplayback' => true, 'disallowdocumentaccess' => true, 'download' => true, 'draggable' => true, 'elementtiming' => true, 'enctype' => true, 'end' => true, 'enterkeyhint' => true, 'event' => true, 'exportparts' => true, 'face' => true, 'for' => true, 'form' => false, 'formaction' => false, 'formenctype' => false, 'formmethod' => false, 'formnovalidate' => false, 'formtarget' => false, 'frame' => false, 'frameborder' => false, 'headers' => true, 'height' => true, 'hidden' => false, 'high' => true, 'href' => true, 'hreflang' => true, 'hreftranslate' => true, 'hspace' => true, 'http-equiv' => false, 'id' => true, 'imagesizes' => true, 'imagesrcset' => true, 'importance' => true, 'impressiondata' => true, 'impressionexpiry' => true, 'incremental' => true, 'inert' => true, 'inputmode' => true, 'integrity' => true, 'invisible' => true, 'is' => true, 'ismap' => true, 'keytype' => true, 'kind' => true, 'label' => true, 'lang' => true, 'language' => true, 'latencyhint' => true, 'leftmargin' => true, 'link' => true, 'list' => true, 'loading' => true, 'longdesc' => true, 'loop' => true, 'low' => true, 'lowsrc' => true, 'manifest' => true, 'marginheight' => true, 'marginwidth' => true, 'max' => true, 'maxlength' => true, 'mayscript' => true, 'media' => true, 'method' => true, 'min' => true, 'minlength' => true, 'multiple' => true, 'muted' => true, 'name' => true, 'nohref' => true, 'nomodule' => true, 'nonce' => true, 'noresize' => true, 'noshade' => true, 'novalidate' => true, 'nowrap' => true, 'object' => true, 'open' => true, 'optimum' => true, 'part' => true, 'pattern' => true, 'ping' => false, 'placeholder' => true, 'playsinline' => true, 'policy' => true, 'poster' => true, 'preload' => true, 'pseudo' => true, 'readonly' => true, 'referrerpolicy' => true, 'rel' => true, 'reportingorigin' => true, 'required' => true, 'resources' => true, 'rev' => true, 'reversed' => true, 'role' => true, 'rows' => true, 'rowspan' => true, 'rules' => true, 'sandbox' => true, 'scheme' => true, 'scope' => true, 'scopes' => true, 'scrollamount' => true, 'scrolldelay' => true, 'scrolling' => true, 'select' => false, 'selected' => false, 'shadowroot' => true, 'shadowrootdelegatesfocus' => true, 'shape' => true, 'size' => true, 'sizes' => true, 'slot' => true, 'span' => true, 'spellcheck' => true, 'src' => true, 'srcdoc' => true, 'srclang' => true, 'srcset' => true, 'standby' => true, 'start' => true, 'step' => true, 'style' => false, 'summary' => true, 'tabindex' => true, 'target' => true, 'text' => true, 'title' => true, 'topmargin' => true, 'translate' => true, 'truespeed' => true, 'trusttoken' => true, 'type' => true, 'usemap' => true, 'valign' => true, 'value' => false, 'valuetype' => true, 'version' => true, 'virtualkeyboardpolicy' => true, 'vlink' => false, 'vspace' => true, 'webkitdirectory' => true, 'width' => true, 'wrap' => true, ]    
 BODY_ELEMENTS['a' => true, 'abbr' => true, 'acronym' => true, 'address' => true, 'area' => true, 'article' => true, 'aside' => true, 'audio' => true, 'b' => true, 'basefont' => true, 'bdi' => true, 'bdo' => true, 'bgsound' => false, 'big' => true, 'blockquote' => true, 'body' => true, 'br' => true, 'button' => true, 'canvas' => true, 'caption' => true, 'center' => true, 'cite' => true, 'code' => true, 'col' => true, 'colgroup' => true, 'command' => true, 'data' => true, 'datalist' => true, 'dd' => true, 'del' => true, 'details' => true, 'dfn' => true, 'dialog' => true, 'dir' => true, 'div' => true, 'dl' => true, 'dt' => true, 'em' => true, 'fieldset' => true, 'figcaption' => true, 'figure' => true, 'font' => true, 'footer' => true, 'form' => false, 'h1' => true, 'h2' => true, 'h3' => true, 'h4' => true, 'h5' => true, 'h6' => true, 'header' => true, 'hgroup' => true, 'hr' => true, 'html' => true, 'i' => true, 'image' => true, 'img' => true, 'input' => false, 'ins' => true, 'kbd' => true, 'keygen' => true, 'label' => true, 'layer' => true, 'legend' => true, 'li' => true, 'listing' => true, 'main' => true, 'map' => true, 'mark' => true, 'marquee' => true, 'menu' => true, 'meter' => true, 'nav' => true, 'nobr' => true, 'ol' => true, 'optgroup' => true, 'option' => true, 'output' => true, 'p' => true, 'picture' => true, 'plaintext' => true, 'popup' => true, 'portal' => true, 'pre' => true, 'progress' => true, 'q' => true, 'rb' => true, 'rp' => true, 'rt' => true, 'rtc' => true, 'ruby' => true, 's' => true, 'samp' => true, 'section' => true, 'select' => false, 'selectmenu' => false, 'slot' => true, 'small' => true, 'source' => true, 'span' => true, 'strike' => true, 'strong' => true, 'sub' => true, 'summary' => true, 'sup' => true, 'table' => true, 'tbody' => true, 'td' => true, 'template' => true, 'textarea' => false, 'tfoot' => true, 'th' => true, 'thead' => true, 'time' => true, 'tr' => true, 'track' => true, 'tt' => true, 'u' => true, 'ul' => true, 'var' => true, 'video' => true, 'wbr' => true, 'xmp' => true, ]    
 CONTEXTS_MAP['head' => self::CONTEXT_HEAD, 'textarea' => self::CONTEXT_TEXT, 'title' => self::CONTEXT_TEXT, ]    
 HEAD_ELEMENTS['head' => true, 'link' => true, 'meta' => true, 'style' => false, 'title' => true, ]    
class W3CReferenceTest
 STANDARD_RESOURCES['elements' => '', 'attributes' => '', ]    
class WebDebugToolbarListener
 $twig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $urlGenerator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $interceptRedirects<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $excludedAjaxPaths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cspHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dumpDataCollector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WeekType
 WIDGETS['text' => IntegerType::class, 'choice' => ChoiceType::class, ]    
class WeekTypeTest
class WitherProxy580fe0f
 LAZY_OBJECT_PROPERTY_SCOPES['foo' => [parent::class, 'foo', null], ]    
class WitherProxyDd381be
 LAZY_OBJECT_PROPERTY_SCOPES['foo' => [parent::class, 'foo', null], ]    
class Workflow
 DEFAULT_INITIAL_CONTEXT['initial' => true]    
 $definition<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $markingStore<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eventsToDispatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WorkflowDumpCommand
 DUMP_FORMAT_OPTIONS['puml', 'mermaid', 'dot', ]    
 $workflows<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WorkflowEvents
 ALIASES[GuardEvent::class => self::GUARD, LeaveEvent::class => self::LEAVE, TransitionEvent::class => self::TRANSITION, EnterEvent::class => self::ENTER, EnteredEvent::class => self::ENTERED, CompletedEvent::class => self::COMPLETED, AnnounceEvent::class => self::ANNOUNCE, ]    
class X509Factory
class XmlEncoder
 $defaultContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class XmlFileLoader
class XmlFileLoader
 $autoRegisterAliasesForSinglyImplementedInterfaces<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class XmlReaderCaster
class XmlResourceCaster
class Yaml
class YamlEncoder
 $dumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class YamlFileLoader
 AVAILABLE_KEYS['resource', 'type', 'prefix', 'path', 'host', 'schemes', 'methods', 'defaults', 'requirements', 'options', 'condition', 'controller', 'name_prefix', 'trailing_slash_on_root', 'locale', 'format', 'utf8', 'exclude', 'stateless', ]    
 $yamlParser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class YamlFileLoader
 DEFAULTS_KEYWORDS['public' => 'public', 'tags' => 'tags', 'autowire' => 'autowire', 'autoconfigure' => 'autoconfigure', 'bind' => 'bind', ]    
 INSTANCEOF_KEYWORDS['shared' => 'shared', 'lazy' => 'lazy', 'public' => 'public', 'properties' => 'properties', 'configurator' => 'configurator', 'calls' => 'calls', 'tags' => 'tags', 'autowire' => 'autowire', 'bind' => 'bind', 'constructor' => 'constructor', ]    
 PROTOTYPE_KEYWORDS['resource' => 'resource', 'namespace' => 'namespace', 'exclude' => 'exclude', 'parent' => 'parent', 'shared' => 'shared', 'lazy' => 'lazy', 'public' => 'public', 'abstract' => 'abstract', 'deprecated' => 'deprecated', 'factory' => 'factory', 'arguments' => 'arguments', 'properties' => 'properties', 'configurator' => 'configurator', 'calls' => 'calls', 'tags' => 'tags', 'autowire' => 'autowire', 'autoconfigure' => 'autoconfigure', 'bind' => 'bind', 'constructor' => 'constructor', ]    
 SERVICE_KEYWORDS['alias' => 'alias', 'parent' => 'parent', 'class' => 'class', 'shared' => 'shared', 'synthetic' => 'synthetic', 'lazy' => 'lazy', 'public' => 'public', 'abstract' => 'abstract', 'deprecated' => 'deprecated', 'factory' => 'factory', 'file' => 'file', 'arguments' => 'arguments', 'properties' => 'properties', 'configurator' => 'configurator', 'calls' => 'calls', 'tags' => 'tags', 'decorates' => 'decorates', 'decoration_inner_name' => 'decoration_inner_name', 'decoration_priority' => 'decoration_priority', 'decoration_on_invalid' => 'decoration_on_invalid', 'autowire' => 'autowire', 'autoconfigure' => 'autoconfigure', 'bind' => 'bind', 'constructor' => 'constructor', ]    
 $autoRegisterAliasesForSinglyImplementedInterfaces<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $yamlParser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $anonymousServicesCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $anonymousServicesSuffix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class YunpianTransport
 $apiKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class objectProxy8ac8e9a
class stdClassGhost2fc7938
class stdClassProxy2fc7938
class ©
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ManagerRegistry
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContainerAwareEventManager
 $listeners<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialized<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initializedSubscribers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initializedHashMapping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $methods<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectParameter
 $stringable<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $class<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $object<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $error<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineDataCollector
 $connections<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $managers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $registry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debugDataHolder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Connection
 $debugDataHolder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connectionName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Driver
 $debugDataHolder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connectionName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Statement
 $query<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debugDataHolder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connectionName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DebugDataHolder
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Query
 $params<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $types<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $start<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $duration<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sql<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Middleware
 $debugDataHolder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connectionName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Connection
 $nestingLevel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debugDataHolder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connectionName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Statement
 $query<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debugDataHolder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connectionName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineOrmExtension
 $registry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser
 $registry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ORMQueryBuilderLoader
 $queryBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IdReader
 $singleId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $intId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $idField<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $associationIdReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $om<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classMetadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineChoiceLoader
 $class<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $manager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $idReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $objectLoader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineType
 $registry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $idReaders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $entityLoaders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineInitializer
 $registry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineLoader
 $entityManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classValidatorRegexp<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UniqueEntityValidator
 $registry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MapEntity
 $class<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $objectManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expr<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mapping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exclude<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stripNull<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $evictCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EntityUserProvider
 $class<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $registry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classOrAlias<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $property<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $managerName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineTokenProvider
 $conn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineExtractor
 $entityManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EntityValueResolver
 $registry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressionLanguage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaults<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContainerAwareEventManagerTest
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $evm<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MyListener
 $calledByInvokeCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $calledByEventNameCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MySubscriber
 $calledSubscribedEventsCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $listenedEvents<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestRepositoryFactory
 $repositoryList<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MiddlewareTest
 $debugDataHolder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $conn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineChoiceLoaderTest
 $om<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $repository<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $class<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $idReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $objectLoader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $obj1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $obj2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $obj3<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CollectionToArrayTransformerTest
 $transformer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MergeDoctrineCollectionListenerTest
 $collection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UniqueEntityDummyOne
 $email<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UniqueEntityDummyTwo
 $isbn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UniqueEntityDummyThree
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $uuid<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineWithEmbedded
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $embedded<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineEnum
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enumString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enumInt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enumStringArray<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enumIntArray<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enumCustom<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineRelation
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rguid<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $customType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $buzField<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dummyRelation<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $generatedValueRelation<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineDummy
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $indexedRguid<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $indexedBar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $indexedFoo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $indexedBaz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $guid<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $time<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timeImmutable<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dateInterval<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $jsonArray<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $simpleArray<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $float<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decimal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $binary<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $customFoo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bigint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notMapped<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $indexedByDt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $indexedByCustomType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $indexedBuz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $json<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dummyGeneratedValueList<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineGeneratedValue
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $valueId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $relationList<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Foo
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineEmbeddable
 $field<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineTransactionMiddlewareTest
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $entityManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $middleware<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineOpenTransactionLoggerMiddlewareTest
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $entityManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $middleware<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineCloseConnectionMiddlewareTest
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $entityManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $managerRegistry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $middleware<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $entityManagerName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrinePingConnectionMiddlewareTest
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $entityManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $managerRegistry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $middleware<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $entityManagerName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompositeIntIdEntity
 $id1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $id2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UlidIdEntity
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompositeStringIdEntity
 $id1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $id2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SingleStringIdEntity
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineLoaderEmbed
 $embeddedMaxLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nestedEmbedded<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EmbeddedIdentifierEntity
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineLoaderEnum
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enumString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enumInt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SingleIntIdNoToStringEntity
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoubleNameEntity
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GroupableEntity
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $groupName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SingleIntIdStringWrapperNameEntity
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class User
 $id1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $id2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineLoaderNoAutoMappingEntity
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoMappingExplicitlyEnabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Person
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SingleIntIdEntity
 $phoneNumbers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GuidIdEntity
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AssociationEntity2
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $single<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $composite<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineLoaderNestedEmbed
 $nestedEmbeddedMaxLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UuidIdEntity
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AssociationEntity
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $single<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $composite<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SingleAssociationToIntIdEntity
 $entity<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineLoaderParentEntity
 $publicParentMaxLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $privateParentMaxLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoubleNullableNameEntity
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompositeObjectNoToStringIdEntity
 $objectOne<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $objectTwo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SingleStringCastableIdEntity
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StringCastableObjectIdentity
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineLoaderEntity
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mergedMaxLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $alreadyMappedMaxLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $unique<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $alreadyMappedUnique<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $embedded<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $textField<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $guidField<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $simpleArrayField<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $noAutoMapping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BaseUser
 $enabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $username<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UuidIdEntity
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Identifier
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StringWrapper
 $string<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Person
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Person
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Address
 $street<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $zipCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $city<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Person
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Person
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Person
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Address
 $street<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $zipCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $city<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Person
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Person
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Person
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Person
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Person
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Entity
 $prop1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prop2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineExtensionTest
 $extension<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProxyCacheWarmer
 $registry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractDoctrineMiddleware
 $managerRegistry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $entityManagerName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineClearEntityManagerWorkerSubscriber
 $managerRegistry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineOpenTransactionLoggerMiddleware
 $isHandling<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PdoSessionHandlerSchemaListener
 $sessionHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineDbalCacheAdapterSchemaListener
 $dbalAdapters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LockStoreSchemaListener
 $stores<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RememberMeTokenProviderDoctrineSchemaListener
 $rememberMeHandlers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UlidGenerator
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UuidGenerator
 $protoFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $entityGetter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractDoctrineExtension
 $aliasMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $drivers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EntityFactory
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $providerId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RegisterEventListenersAndSubscribersPass
 $connections<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eventManagers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connectionsParameter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $managerTemplate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tagPrefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineValidationPass
 $managerType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RegisterMappingsPass
 $driver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespaces<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $managerParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $driverPattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enabledParameter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $configurationPattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $registerAliasMethodName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $aliasMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DnsMock
 $hosts<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dnsTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CoverageListener
 $sutFqcnResolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $warningOnSutNotFound<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClassExistsMock
 $classes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enums<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClockMock
 $now<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DeprecationGroup
 $count<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deprecationNotices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Configuration
 $thresholds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $regex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $verboseOutput<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignoreDeprecationPatterns<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $generateBaseline<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baselineFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baselineDeprecations<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DeprecationNotice
 $count<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $countsByCaller<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DeprecationTest
 $vendorDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prefixDirsPsr4<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConfigurationTest
 $files<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ComposerAutoloaderInitFake
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ComposerAutoloaderInitFakeBis
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BarCov
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SymfonyTestsListenerTrait
 $expectedDeprecations<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $previousErrorHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $gatheredDeprecations<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $globallyEnabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $state<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $skippedFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $wasSkipped<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isSkipped<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $runsInSeparateProcess<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $checkNumAssertions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SymfonyTestsListenerForV7
 $trait<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Response
 $statusCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Stream
 $eof<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stringContent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Uri
 $scheme<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userInfo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $host<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $port<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $query<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fragment<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $uriString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UploadedFile
 $filePath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $size<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $error<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $clientFileName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $clientMediaType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServerRequest
 $uri<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestTarget<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $method<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $server<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cookies<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $query<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $uploadedFiles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Message
 $version<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $body<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PsrRequestController
 $responseFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $streamFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpFoundationFactoryTest
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tmpDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PsrHttpFactoryTest
 $tmpDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpFoundationFactory
 $responseBufferMaxLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UploadedFile
 $test<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $psrUploadedFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PsrHttpFactory
 $serverRequestFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $streamFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $uploadedFileFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $responseFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PsrResponseListener
 $httpFoundationFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MailerHandler
 $mailer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageTemplate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsoleHandler
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $verbosityLevelMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $consoleFormatterOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServerLogHandler
 $host<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $socket<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotifierHandler
 $notifier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FirePHPHandler
 $headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChromePhpHandler
 $headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ElasticsearchLogstashHandler
 $endpoint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $index<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $elasticsearchVersion<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $responses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpCodeActivationStrategy
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exclusions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotFoundActivationStrategy
 $exclude<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RouteProcessor
 $routeData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $includeParams<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsoleCommandProcessor
 $commandData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $includeArguments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $includeOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractTokenProcessor
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DebugProcessor
 $records<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errorCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MailerHandlerTest
 $mailer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class VarDumperFormatter
 $cloner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AppVariable
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $environment<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $localeSwitcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enabledLocales<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TwigDataCollector
 $profile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $twig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $computed<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TwigRendererEngine
 $environment<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $template<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AssetExtension
 $packages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationExtension
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translationNodeVisitor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProfilerExtension
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $events<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DumpExtension
 $cloner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpKernelRuntime
 $handler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fragmentUriGenerator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WebLinkExtension
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SerializerRuntime
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CsrfRuntime
 $csrfTokenManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SecurityExtension
 $securityChecker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $impersonateUrlGenerator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LogoutUrlExtension
 $generator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapRuntime
 $importMapRenderer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormExtension
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RoutingExtension
 $generator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StopwatchExtension
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpFoundationExtension
 $urlHelper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WorkflowExtension
 $workflowRegistry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HtmlSanitizerExtension
 $sanitizers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultSanitizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Template
 $template<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $vars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stream<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationDefaultDomainNodeVisitor
 $scope<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Scope
 $parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $left<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormLayoutTestCase
 $renderer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TwigExtractor
 $defaultDomain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $twig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AppVariableTest
 $appVariable<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WebLinkExtensionTest
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extension<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormExtensionBootstrap3HorizontalLayoutTest
 $testableFeatures<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractLayoutTestCase
 $csrfTokenManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $testableFeatures<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormExtensionBootstrap4HorizontalLayoutTest
 $testableFeatures<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WorkflowExtensionTest
 $extension<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $t1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Subject
 $marking<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormExtensionFieldHelpersTest
 $rawExtension<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translatorExtension<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $view<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormExtensionBootstrap5HorizontalLayoutTest
 $testableFeatures<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SerializerModelFixture
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $title<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationDefaultDomainNodeVisitorTest
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $domain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LintCommandTest
 $files<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TwigErrorRenderer
 $twig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fallbackErrorRenderer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WrappedTemplatedEmail
 $twig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TemplatedEmail
 $htmlTemplate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $textTemplate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BodyRenderer
 $twig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $converter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $localeSwitcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LintCommand
 $format<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $twig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namePatterns<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DebugCommand
 $twig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $projectDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bundlesMetadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $twigDefaultPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filesystemLoaders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fileLinkFormatter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StopwatchTokenParser
 $stopwatchIsAvailable<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DumpNode
 $varPrefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TemplateAttributeListener
 $twig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestHttpServer
 $process<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslatorTest
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Event
 $propagationStopped<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ParentTestService2
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SubscribedService
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nullable<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpClientKernel
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpKernel
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $argumentResolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handleAllThrowables<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpKernelBrowser
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $catchExceptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DumpDataCollector
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fileLinkFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dataCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isCollected<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $clonesCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $clonesIndex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rootRefs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $charset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sourceContextProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $webMode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RouterDataCollector
 $controllers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TimeDataCollector
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RequestDataCollector
 $controllers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sessionUsages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DataCollector
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cloner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoggerDataCollector
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $containerPathPrefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentRequest<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $processedLogs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConfigDataCollector
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EventDataCollector
 $dispatchers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentRequest<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultDispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AsTargetedValueResolver
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Cache
 $expires<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $smaxage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $public<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mustRevalidate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $vary<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastModified<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $etag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxStale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $staleWhileRevalidate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $staleIfError<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MapQueryString
 $metadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializationContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validationGroups<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validationFailedStatusCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WithHttpStatus
 $statusCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MapDateTime
 $format<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MapRequestPayload
 $metadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $acceptFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializationContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validationGroups<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validationFailedStatusCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WithLogLevel
 $level<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValueResolver
 $resolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $disabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MapQueryParameter
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $flags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileLocator
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChainCacheClearer
 $clearers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Psr6CacheClearer
 $pools<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Logger
 $logs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestKernel
 $terminateCalled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CustomProjectDirKernel
 $warmedUp<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $warmedUpBuildDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $buildContainer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpKernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArgumentMetadataFactoryTest
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChainCacheClearerTest
 $cacheDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CacheWarmerTest
 $cacheFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestCacheWarmer
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Post
 $title<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class QueryParameterValueResolverTest
 $resolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateTimeValueResolverTest
 $defaultTimezone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RequestPayload
 $title<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $price<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class QueryPayload
 $page<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class User
 $email<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Bar
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Foo
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FragmentHandlerTest
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SubRequestHandlerTest
 $globalState<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestSubRequestHandlerKernel
 $assertCallback<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StoreTest
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $store<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestHttpKernel
 $body<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $status<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $called<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $customizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $catch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $backendRequest<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestKernel
 $terminateCalled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpCacheTestCase
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $caches<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cacheConfig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $responses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $catch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $esi<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $store<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestMultipleHttpKernel
 $bodies<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $statuses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $called<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $backendRequest<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoggerTest
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tmpFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResettableService
 $counter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyResettableService
 $counter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UsePropertyInDestruct
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MultiResettableService
 $resetFirstCounter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resetSecondCounter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class KernelForTest
 $fakeContainer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClearableService
 $counter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WithPublicObjectProperty
 $parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CloneVarDataCollector
 $varToClone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Foo
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Bar
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileProfilerStorageTest
 $tmpDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProfilerTest
 $tmp<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContainerAwareRegisterTestController
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResponseListenerTest
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LocaleAwareListenerTest
 $listener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $localeAwareService<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AddRequestFormatsListenerTest
 $listener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RouterListenerTest
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LocaleListenerTest
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CacheAttributeListenerTest
 $listener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $event<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CacheWarmerAggregate
 $warmers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deprecationLogsFilepath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $optionalsEnabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $onlyOptionalsEnabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Bundle
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extension<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractBundle
 $extensionAlias<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BundleExtension
 $subject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $alias<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArgumentResolver
 $argumentMetadataFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $argumentValueResolvers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namedResolvers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ControllerReference
 $controller<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $query<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ErrorController
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $controller<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errorRenderer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContainerControllerResolver
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableArgumentResolver
 $resolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ControllerResolver
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowedControllerTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowedControllerAttributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableControllerResolver
 $resolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServiceValueResolver
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateTimeValueResolver
 $clock<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotTaggedControllerValueResolver
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableValueResolver
 $inner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InlineFragmentRenderer
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractSurrogateFragmentRenderer
 $surrogate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inlineStrategy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FragmentUriGenerator
 $fragmentPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HIncludeFragmentRenderer
 $globalDefaultTemplate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $twig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $charset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FragmentHandler
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $renderers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RoutableFragmentRenderer
 $fragmentPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Store
 $root<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $keyCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locks<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractSurrogate
 $contentTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DebugLoggerConfigurator
 $processor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileProfilerStorage
 $folder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Profile
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $collectors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ip<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $method<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $url<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $time<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $statusCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $virtualType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $children<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Profiler
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $collectors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initiallyEnabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServicesResetter
 $resettableServices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resetMethods<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MergeExtensionConfigurationPass
 $extensions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AddAnnotatedClassesToCachePass
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Extension
 $annotatedClasses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyLoadingFragmentHandler
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialized<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpException
 $statusCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ControllerEvent
 $controller<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $controllerReflector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExceptionEvent
 $throwable<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowCustomResponseCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResponseEvent
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TerminateEvent
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ControllerArgumentsEvent
 $controllerEvent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arguments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namedArguments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class KernelEvent
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RequestEvent
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ViewEvent
 $controllerArgumentsEvent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $controllerResult<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class VirtualRequestStack
 $decorated<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ErrorHandlerConfigurator
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deprecationLogger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $levels<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $throwAt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scream<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scope<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResponseListener
 $charset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $addContentLanguageHeader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LocaleListener
 $router<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $useAcceptLanguageHeader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enabledLocales<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FragmentListener
 $signer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fragmentPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CacheAttributeListener
 $lastModified<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $etags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressionLanguage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AddRequestFormatsListener
 $formats<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProfilerListener
 $profiler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $matcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $onlyException<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $onlyMainRequests<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exception<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $profiles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $collectParameter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parents<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SurrogateListener
 $surrogate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DebugHandlersListener
 $earlyHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exceptionHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $webMode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $firstCall<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hasTerminatedWithException<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LocaleAwareListener
 $localeAwareServices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DumpListener
 $cloner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ErrorListener
 $controller<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exceptionsMapping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RouterListener
 $matcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $projectDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Subscriber
 $url<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $secret<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Transport
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $body<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HeadersConfigurator
 $eventHeaderName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $idHeaderName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JsonBodyConfigurator
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HeaderSignatureConfigurator
 $algo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signatureHeaderName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WebhookController
 $parsers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SendWebhookHandler
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SendWebhookMessage
 $subscriber<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $event<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RequestParser
 $algo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signatureHeaderName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eventHeaderName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $idHeaderName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormEvent
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $form<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ButtonBuilder
 $locked<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $disabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormFactoryBuilder
 $forceCoreExtension<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resolvedTypeFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extensions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $types<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $typeExtensions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $typeGuessers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormTypeGuesserChain
 $guessers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SubmitButton
 $clicked<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormView
 $vars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $children<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rendered<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $methodRendered<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResolvedFormType
 $innerType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $typeExtensions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $optionsResolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ReversedTransformer
 $reversedTransformer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormConfigBuilder
 $locked<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nativeRequestHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mapped<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $byReference<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inheritData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $compound<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $viewTransformers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $modelTransformers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dataMapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $required<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $disabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errorBubbling<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $emptyData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dataClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dataLocked<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $formFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $action<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $method<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoInitialize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isEmptyCallback<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PreloadedExtension
 $types<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $typeExtensions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $typeGuesser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractExtension
 $types<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $typeExtensions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $typeGuesser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $typeGuesserLoaded<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormError
 $messageTemplate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messagePluralization<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cause<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $origin<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormFactory
 $registry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CallbackTransformer
 $transform<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $reverseTransform<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Form
 $config<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $children<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $submitted<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $clickedButton<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $modelData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $viewData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extraData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transformationFailure<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultDataSet<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lockSetData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inheritData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormRegistry
 $extensions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $types<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $guesser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resolvedTypeFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $checkedTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Button
 $parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $config<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $submitted<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormBuilder
 $children<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $unresolvedChildren<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DataCollectorExtension
 $dataCollector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormDataCollector
 $dataExtractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dataByForm<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dataByView<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $formsByView<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy
 $proxiedType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dataCollector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResolvedTypeFactoryDataCollectorProxy
 $proxiedFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dataCollector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DataCollectorTypeExtension
 $listener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DataCollectorListener
 $dataCollector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CoreExtension
 $propertyAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $choiceListFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DataMapper
 $dataAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MoneyToLocalizedStringTransformer
 $divisor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IntlTimeZoneToStringTransformer
 $multiple<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChoicesToValuesTransformer
 $choiceList<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BooleanToStringTransformer
 $trueValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $falseValues<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BaseDateTimeTransformer
 $formats<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inputTimezone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $outputTimezone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DataTransformerChain
 $transformers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer
 $grouping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $roundingMode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValueToDuplicatesTransformer
 $keys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateIntervalToStringTransformer
 $format<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateTimeToStringTransformer
 $generateFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parseFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArrayToPartsTransformer
 $partMapping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateTimeZoneToStringTransformer
 $multiple<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateTimeToLocalizedStringTransformer
 $dateFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timeFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $calendar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StringToFloatTransformer
 $scale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChoiceToValueTransformer
 $choiceList<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateTimeToArrayTransformer
 $pad<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fields<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $referenceDate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TransformationFailureExtension
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormType
 $dataMapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MoneyType
 $patterns<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChoiceType
 $choiceListFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyPathAccessor
 $propertyAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChainAccessor
 $accessors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TransformationFailureListener
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FixUrlProtocolListener
 $defaultProtocol<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResizeFormListener
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prototypeOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowAdd<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowDelete<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deleteEmpty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MergeCollectionListener
 $allowAdd<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowDelete<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValidatorExtension
 $validator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $formRenderer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $legacyErrorMessages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValidatorTypeGuesser
 $metadataFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ViolationMapper
 $formRenderer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowNonSynchronized<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MappingRule
 $origin<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $targetPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ViolationPath
 $elements<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isIndex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mapsForm<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pathAsString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $length<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RelativePath
 $root<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormValidator
 $resolvedGroups<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormTypeValidatorExtension
 $validator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $violationMapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $legacyErrorMessages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UploadValidatorExtension
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translationDomain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValidationListener
 $validator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $violationMapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CsrfExtension
 $tokenManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translationDomain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormTypeCsrfExtension
 $defaultTokenManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultEnabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultFieldName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translationDomain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serverParams<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CsrfValidationListener
 $fieldName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tokenManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tokenId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errorMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translationDomain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serverParams<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HtmlSanitizerExtension
 $sanitizers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultSanitizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TextTypeHtmlSanitizerExtension
 $sanitizers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultSanitizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DependencyInjectionExtension
 $guesser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $guesserLoaded<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $typeContainer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $typeExtensionServices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $guesserServices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PasswordHasherExtension
 $passwordHasherListener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PasswordTypePasswordHasherExtension
 $passwordHasherListener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormTypePasswordHasherExtension
 $passwordHasherListener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PasswordHasherListener
 $passwords<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $passwordHasher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpFoundationRequestHandler
 $serverParams<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormTypeHttpFoundationExtension
 $requestHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormIntegrationTestCase
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormPerformanceTestCase
 $maxRunningTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TypeTestCase
 $builder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OrderedHashMap
 $elements<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $orderedKeys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $managedCursors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OrderedHashMapIterator
 $elements<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $orderedKeys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cursor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cursorId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $managedCursors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $current<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServerParams
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OptionsResolverWrapper
 $undefined<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NativeRequestHandlerTest
 $serverBackup<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormFactoryBuilderTest
 $registry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SimpleFormTest_Countable
 $count<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SimpleFormTest_Traversable
 $iterator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SimpleFormTest
 $form<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompoundFormTest
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $form<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResolvedFormTypeTest
 $calls<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parentType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extension1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extension2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parentResolvedType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resolvedType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $formFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UsageTrackingFormTypeExtension
 $defaultOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormFactoryTest
 $guesser1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $guesser2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $registry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConfigurableFormTypeGuesser
 $typeGuess<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requiredGuess<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxLengthGuess<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $patternGuess<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractRequestHandlerTestCase
 $requestHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serverParams<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormRegistryTest
 $registry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extension1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extension2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormBuilderTest
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $builder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormDataExtractorTest
 $dataExtractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormDataCollectorTest
 $dataCollector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $form<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $childForm<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $view<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $childView<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DataCollectorExtensionTest
 $extension<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DataCollectorTypeExtensionTest
 $extension<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DataMapperTest
 $mapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyPerson
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValueToDuplicatesTransformerTest
 $transformer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PercentToLocalizedStringTransformerTest
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateTimeToLocalizedStringTransformerTest
 $dateTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dateTimeWithoutSeconds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialTestCaseUseException<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialTestCaseErrorLevel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChoiceToValueTransformerTest
 $transformer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transformerWithNull<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MoneyToLocalizedStringTransformerTest
 $previousLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NumberToLocalizedStringTransformerTest
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateTimeToRfc3339TransformerTest
 $dateTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dateTimeWithoutSeconds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChoicesToValuesTransformerTest
 $transformer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transformerWithNull<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IntegerToLocalizedStringTransformerTest
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArrayToPartsTransformerTest
 $transformer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormTest_AuthorWithoutRefSetter
 $reference<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $referenceCopy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Money
 $amount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currency<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResizeFormListenerTest
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $form<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MergeCollectionListenerTestCase
 $form<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValidatorTypeGuesserTest_TestClass
 $property<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormValidatorTest
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormValidatorFunctionalTest
 $validator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $formFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Foo
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Review
 $rating<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $title<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $author<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Customer
 $email<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValidationListenerTest
 $validator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $listener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageTemplate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $params<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyValidator
 $violation<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormTypeCsrfExtensionTest
 $tokenManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CsrfValidationListenerTest
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tokenManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $form<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PasswordTypePasswordHasherExtensionTest
 $passwordHasher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyServerParams
 $size<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractChoiceListTestCase
 $list<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $choices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $values<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $structuredValues<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $keys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $choice1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $choice2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $choice3<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $choice4<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value3<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value4<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $key1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $key2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $key3<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $key4<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArrayChoiceListTest
 $object<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IntlCallbackChoiceLoaderTest
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $choices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $choiceValues<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lazyChoiceList<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CallbackChoiceLoaderTest
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $choices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $choiceValues<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lazyChoiceList<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CachingFactoryDecoratorTest
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DefaultChoiceListFactoryTest
 $obj1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $obj2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $obj3<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $obj4<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $list<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DefaultChoiceListFactoryTest_Castable
 $property<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyAccessDecoratorTest
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FixedFilterListener
 $mapping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FixedDataTransformer
 $mapping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TypehintedPropertiesCar
 $engine<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $color<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestExtension
 $types<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extensions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $guesser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Map
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class User
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FixedTranslator
 $translations<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CustomArrayObject
 $array<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Author
 $firstName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $australian<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $child<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $readPermissions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $privateProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyChoiceTypeExtension
 $extendedType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChoiceTypeExtension
 $extendedType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractDescriptorTestCase
 $colSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArrayChoiceList
 $choices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $structuredValues<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $originalKeys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $valueCallback<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyChoiceList
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FilterChoiceLoaderDecorator
 $decoratedLoader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractChoiceLoader
 $choices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CallbackChoiceLoader
 $callback<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChoiceGroupView
 $label<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $choices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChoiceView
 $label<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attr<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $labelTranslationParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChoiceListView
 $choices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $preferredChoices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CachingFactoryDecorator
 $decoratedFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lists<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $views<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyAccessDecorator
 $decoratedFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractStaticOption
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $option<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValueGuess
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TypeGuess
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DebugCommand
 $formRegistry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespaces<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $types<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extensions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $guessers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fileLinkFormatter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TransformationFailedException
 $invalidMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $invalidMessageParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TextDescriptor
 $fileLinkFormatter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Descriptor
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ownOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $overriddenOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parentOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extensionOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requiredOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parents<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extensions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RetryableHttpClient
 $strategy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxRetries<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baseUris<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NoPrivateNetworkHttpClient
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $subnets<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttplugClient
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $responseFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $streamFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $promisePool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $waitLoop<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ScopingHttpClient
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultOptionsByRegexp<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultRegexp<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MockHttpClient
 $responseFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestsCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CachingHttpClient
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableHttpClient
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tracedRequests<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UriTemplateHttpClient
 $expander<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultVars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EventSourceHttpClient
 $reconnectionTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Psr18Client
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $responseFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $streamFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Psr18NetworkException
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Psr18RequestException
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpClientDataCollector
 $clients<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NativeResponse
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $url<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $onProgress<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $remaining<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $buffer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $multi<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pauseExpiry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmpResponse
 $nextId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $multi<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $onProgress<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $delay<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MockResponse
 $body<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestUrl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestMethod<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mainMulti<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $idSequence<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StreamWrapper
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $content<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handle<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $blocking<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timeout<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eof<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $offset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AsyncContext
 $passthru<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $info<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $content<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $offset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableResponse
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $content<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $event<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttplugPromise
 $promise<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CurlResponse
 $multi<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debugBuffer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResponseStream
 $generator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InformationalChunk
 $status<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServerSentEvent
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $retry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $jsonData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ErrorChunk
 $didThrow<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $offset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errorMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $error<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DataChunk
 $offset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $content<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HarFileResponseFactory
 $archiveFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestLogger
 $logs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpClientTestCase
 $vulcainStarted<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HarFileResponseFactoryTest
 $fixtureDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmpListener
 $info<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pinSha256<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $onProgress<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handle<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PushedResponse
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestHeaders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parentOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handle<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttplugWaitLoop
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $promisePool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $responseFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $streamFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CurlClientState
 $handle<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $share<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $performing<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pushedResponses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dnsCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pauseExpiries<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $execCounter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $curlVersion<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NativeClientState
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxHostConnections<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $responseCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dnsCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sleep<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hosts<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClientState
 $handlesActivity<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $openHandles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastTimeout<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmpBody
 $body<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $info<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $onProgress<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $offset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $length<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $uploaded<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmpResolver
 $dnsMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmpClientState
 $dnsCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $responseCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pushedResponses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $clients<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $clientConfigurator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxHostConnections<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxPendingPushes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Canary
 $canceller<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DnsCache
 $hostnames<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $removals<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $evictions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PingWebhookMessage
 $method<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $url<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $throw<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PingWebhookMessageHandler
 $httpClient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SerializerDataCollector
 $collected<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClassDiscriminatorFromClassMetadata
 $mappingForMappedObjectCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classMetadataFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClassMetadata
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributesMetadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $reflClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classDiscriminatorMapping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClassDiscriminatorMapping
 $typeProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $typesMapping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AttributeMetadata
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $groups<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxDepth<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializedName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializedPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignore<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizationContexts<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $denormalizationContexts<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileLoader
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class YamlFileLoader
 $yamlParser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class XmlFileLoader
 $classes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoaderChain
 $loaders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClassMetadataFactory
 $loadedClasses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CacheClassMetadataFactory
 $loadedClasses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decorated<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cacheItemPool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompiledClassMetadataFactory
 $compiledClassMetadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loadedClasses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classMetadataFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SerializedName
 $serializedName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Context
 $groups<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizationContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $denormalizationContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DiscriminatorMap
 $typeProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mapping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SerializedPath
 $serializedPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MaxDepth
 $maxDepth<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Groups
 $groups<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChainEncoder
 $encoderByFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $encoders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChainDecoder
 $decoderByFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decoders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Zoo
 $animals<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ZooImmutable
 $animals<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ZooWithKeyTypes
 $animalsInt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $animalsString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $animalsUnion<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $animalsGenerics<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Animal
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Model
 $title<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $numbers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Foo
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Bar
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyUnionType
 $changed<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyATypeForUnion
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyBTypeForUnion
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyCTypeForUnion
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyUnionWithAAndCAndB
 $v<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Baz
 $list<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $settings<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyList
 $list<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class YamlFileLoaderTest
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AttributeLoaderTest
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class XmlFileLoaderTest
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClassMetadataFactoryCompilerTest
 $dumpPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyClassOne
 $code<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SerializerContextBuilderTest
 $contextBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CsvEncoderContextBuilderTest
 $contextBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JsonEncoderContextBuilderTest
 $contextBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class YamlEncoderContextBuilderTest
 $contextBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class XmlEncoderContextBuilderTest
 $contextBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateIntervalNormalizerContextBuilderTest
 $contextBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BackedEnumNormalizerContextBuilderTest
 $contextBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractNormalizerContextBuilderTest
 $contextBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyNormalizerContextBuilderTest
 $contextBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UidNormalizerContextBuilderTest
 $contextBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProblemNormalizerContextBuilderTest
 $contextBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UnwrappingDenormalizerContextBuilderTest
 $contextBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormErrorNormalizerContextBuilderTest
 $contextBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractObjectNormalizerContextBuilderTest
 $contextBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintViolationListNormalizerContextBuilderTest
 $contextBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateTimeNormalizerContextBuilderTest
 $contextBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JsonDecodeTest
 $decode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class XmlEncoderTest
 $encoder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exampleDateTimeString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CsvEncoderTest
 $encoder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JsonEncoderTest
 $encoder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JsonEncodeTest
 $encode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NestedPathAndName
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooImplementationDummy
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Php80WithPromotedTypedConstructor
 $bool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $string<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $int<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TrueBuiltInDummy
 $true<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NullableConstructorArgumentDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyPrivatePropertyWithoutGetter
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyMessageNumberTwo
 $three<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nested<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ToBeProxyfiedDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ScalarDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $xmlFoo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class VariadicConstructorTypedArgsDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Php80Dummy
 $canBeFalseOrString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyCircularReferenceDummy
 $me<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Dummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $qux<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotSerializedConstructorArgumentDummy
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class VariadicConstructorArgsDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertySiblingHolder
 $sibling0<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sibling1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sibling2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertySibling
 $coopTilleuls<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StaticConstructorDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $quz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OtherSerializedNameDummy
 $buz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyFirstChildQuux
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyNullableInt
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyObjectWithEnumProperty
 $get<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NullableOptionalConstructorArgumentDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyWithObjectOrNull
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummySecondChildQuux
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Php74Dummy
 $uninitializedProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initializedProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EnvelopedMessage
 $text<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DeepObjectPopulateParentDummy
 $child<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Php80WithOptionalConstructorParameter
 $one<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $two<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $three<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EnvelopeNormalizer
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyWithWithVariadicParameterConstructor
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Php74DummyPrivate
 $uninitializedProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initializedProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyWithNotNormalizable
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyObjectWithEnumConstructor
 $get<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FalseBuiltInDummy
 $false<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyWithStringObject
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DeepObjectPopulateChildDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectCollectionPropertyDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraversableDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SiblingHolder
 $sibling0<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sibling1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sibling2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Php74Full
 $string<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $int<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $float<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dateTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dateTimeImmutable<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dateTimeZone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $splFileInfo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $uuid<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $array<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $collection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $php74FullWithConstructor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $php74FullWithTypedConstructor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dummyMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nestedObject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $anotherCollection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestFoo
 $int<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyWithObjectOrBool
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyString
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyMessageNumberOne
 $one<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $two<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WithTypedConstructor
 $string<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $int<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EnvelopeObject
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SerializedNameDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $quux<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $child<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContextDummyPromotedProperties
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $overriddenParentProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractDummySecondChild
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $quux<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SerializedPathInConstructorDummy
 $three<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IgnoreDummy
 $notIgnored<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignored1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignored2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MaxDepthDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $child<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClassWithIgnoreAttribute
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IgnoreDummyAdditionalGetter
 $myValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GroupDummyChild
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SerializedPathDummy
 $three<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $seven<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IgnoreDummyAdditionalGetterWithoutIgnoreAnnotations
 $myValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GroupDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $quux<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fooBar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $symfony<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GroupDummyParent
 $kevin<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $coopTilleuls<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContextDummyParent
 $parentProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $overriddenParentProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Entity45016
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractDummyFirstChild
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $quux<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClassWithIgnoreAnnotation
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GroupClassDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContextDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $overriddenParentProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateTimeZoneNormalizerTest
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslatableNormalizerTest
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Dummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AlreadyPopulatedNestedDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DuplicateValueNestedDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NestedDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $quux<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notfoo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NestedDummyWithConstructor
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $quux<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notfoo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SnakeCaseNestedDummy
 $fooBar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractNestedDummyWithConstructorAndDiscriminator
 $notfoo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FirstNestedDummyWithConstructorAndDiscriminator
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SecondNestedDummyWithConstructorAndDiscriminator
 $quux<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DuplicateKeyNestedDummy
 $quux<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notquux<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectDummyWithContextAttributeAndSerializedPath
 $propertyWithPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectDummyWithContextAttributeSkipNullValues
 $propertyWithoutNullSkipNullValues<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyWithNullSkipNullValues<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyWithPlainObject
 $plainObject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectWithBasicProperties
 $boolTrue1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $boolFalse1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $boolTrue2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $boolFalse2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $int1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $int2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $float1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $float2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $float3<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $floatNaN<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $floatInf<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $floatNegInf<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StringCollection
 $children<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyCollection
 $children<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyChild
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class XmlScalarDummy
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SerializerCollectionDummy
 $normalizers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArrayDenormalizerDummy
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyWithEnumUnion
 $enum<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintViolationListNormalizerTest
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JsonSerializableNormalizerTest
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UnwrappinDenormalizerTest
 $denormalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UidNormalizerTest
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateIntervalNormalizerTest
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProblemNormalizerTest
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectNormalizerTest
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProxyObjectDummy
 $unwantedProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectConstructorDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectConstructorOptionalArgsDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectConstructorArgsWithDefaultValueDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectWithStaticPropertiesAndMethods
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectOuter
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $date<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inners<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectInner
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyWithConstructorObject
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JsonNumber
 $number<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyWithConstructorObjectAndDefaultValue
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectWithUpperCaseAttributeNames
 $Foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $Bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyWithNullableConstructorObject
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectDummyWithIgnoreAttributeAndPrivateProperty
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignored<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $private<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GetSetMethodNormalizerTest
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GetSetDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $camelCase<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $object<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $staticObject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GetConstructorDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GetConstructorOptionalArgsDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GetConstructorArgsWithDefaultValueDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectConstructorArgsWithPrivateMutatorDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectWithPrivateSetterDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectWithJustStaticSetterDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectWithHasGetterDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectWithMagicMethod
 $active<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GetSetMethodDiscriminatedDummyOne
 $url<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GetSetMethodDiscriminatedDummyTwo
 $url<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GetSetDummyParent
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GetSetDummyWithOptionalAndMultipleSetterArgs
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyNormalizerTest
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyDummy
 $outOfScope<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $camelCase<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyConstructorDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StaticPropertyDummy
 $property<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyParentDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RootDummy
 $children<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $grandChildren<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $intMatrix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyDiscriminatedDummyOne
 $url<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyDiscriminatedDummyTwo
 $url<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractDummyValue
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyNotNullableObjectValue
 $object<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nullObject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyNullableObjectValue
 $object<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nullObject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyNullableAbstractObjectValue
 $object<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nullObject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyMapOfStringToNullableObject
 $map<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyMapOfStringToObject
 $map<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyMapOfStringToNullableAbstractObject
 $map<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyMapOfStringToNotNullableAbstractObject
 $map<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CustomNormalizerTest
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BackedEnumNormalizerTest
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormErrorNormalizerTest
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $form<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArrayDenormalizerTest
 $denormalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArrayDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractNormalizerTest
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classMetadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateTimeNormalizerTest
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TypeEnforcementNumberObject
 $number<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectDummyWithContextAttribute
 $propertyWithSerializedName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyWithoutSerializedName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContextMetadataDummy
 $date<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContextChildMetadataDummy
 $date<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClassAndPropertyContextMetadataDummy
 $date<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContextMetadataNamingDummy
 $createdAt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TypedPropertiesObject
 $unInitialized<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialized<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialized2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstructorArgumentsObject
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectInner
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $camelCase<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $object<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $go<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectOuter
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $date<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inners<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CallbacksObject
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompiledClassMetadataCacheWarmer
 $classesToCompile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classMetadataFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classMetadataFactoryCompiler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectPropertyListExtractor
 $propertyListExtractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $objectClassResolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MetadataAwareNameConverter
 $normalizeCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $denormalizeCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributesMetadataCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadataFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fallbackNameConverter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CamelCaseToSnakeCaseNameConverter
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lowerCamelCase<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DebugCommand
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MimeMessageNormalizer
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $headerClassMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $headersProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectNormalizer
 $reflectionCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isReadableCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isWritableCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyInfoExtractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $writeInfoExtractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $objectClassResolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GetSetMethodNormalizer
 $reflectionCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $setterAccessibleCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MissingConstructorArgumentsException
 $missingArguments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $class<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotNormalizableValueException
 $currentType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expectedTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $useMessageForUser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PartialDenormalizationException
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExtraAttributesException
 $extraAttributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableEncoder
 $encoder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dataCollector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableNormalizer
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dataCollector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DotenvDumpCommand
 $projectDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultEnv<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DebugCommand
 $defaultName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultDescription<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $kernelEnvironment<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $projectDirectory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormatException
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormatExceptionContext
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lineno<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cursor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintViolation
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageTemplate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $plural<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $root<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $invalidValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $constraint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $code<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cause<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintValidatorFactory
 $validators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintViolationList
 $violations<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValidatorBuilder
 $initializers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loaders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $xmlMappings<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $yamlMappings<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $methodMappings<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enableAttributeMapping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadataFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validatorFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $groupProviderLocator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mappingCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translationDomain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValidatorDataCollector
 $validator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GenericMetadata
 $constraints<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $constraintsByGroup<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cascadingStrategy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $traversalStrategy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoMappingStrategy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClassMetadata
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultGroup<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $members<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $properties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $getters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $groupSequence<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $groupSequenceProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $groupProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $traversalStrategy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $reflClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MemberMetadata
 $class<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $property<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $reflMember<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileLoader
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class YamlFileLoader
 $classes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $yamlParser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class XmlFileLoader
 $classes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoaderChain
 $loaders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StaticMethodLoader
 $methodName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyInfoLoader
 $listExtractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $typeExtractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessExtractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classValidatorRegexp<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyLoadingMetadataFactory
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loadedClasses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExecutionContextFactory
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translationDomain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExecutionContext
 $validator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $root<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translationDomain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $violations<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $object<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $group<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $constraint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validatedObjects<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validatedConstraints<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initializedObjects<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cachedObjectsRefs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RecursiveValidator
 $contextFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadataFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validatorFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $objectInitializers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $groupProviderLocator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyProperty
 $propertyValueCallback<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableValidator
 $validator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $collectedData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RecursiveContextualValidator
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultPropertyPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultGroups<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadataFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validatorFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $objectInitializers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $groupProviderLocator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $group<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $object<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $root<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $constraint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultTimezone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expectedViolations<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $call<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintViolationAssertion
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $assertions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $invalidValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $plural<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $code<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $constraint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cause<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AssertingContextualValidator
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expectNoValidate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $atPathCalls<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expectedAtPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validateCalls<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expectedValidate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class All
 $constraints<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GroupSequenceProvider
 $provider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PositiveOrZero
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Cascade
 $exclude<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExpressionSyntaxValidator
 $expressionLanguage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GroupSequence
 $groups<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cascadedGroup<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NegativeOrZero
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Existence
 $constraints<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class When
 $expression<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $constraints<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $values<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PasswordStrengthValidator
 $passwordStrengthEstimator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Negative
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CardSchemeValidator
 $schemes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RangeValidator
 $propertyAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Valid
 $traverse<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractComparisonValidator
 $propertyAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Traverse
 $traverse<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Compound
 $constraints<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractComparison
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Positive
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Callback
 $callback<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WhenValidator
 $expressionLanguage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Sequentially
 $constraints<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExpressionValidator
 $expressionLanguage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintViolationListTest
 $list<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValidatorBuilderTest
 $builder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MemberMetadataTest
 $metadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyCompositeConstraint
 $nested<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClassCompositeConstraint
 $nested<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StaticMethodLoaderTest
 $errorLevel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StaticLoaderEntity
 $invokedWith<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintWithNamedArguments
 $choices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyClassTwo
 $code<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $email<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dummyClassOne<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyClassOne
 $code<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $email<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dummyClassTwo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UuidDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExpressionConstraintNested
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Data
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TypeValidatorTest
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Foo
 $fooBar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooBar
 $fooBarBaz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooBarBaz
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotEqualToDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IbanDummy
 $iban<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotBlankDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileValidatorTestCase
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IsinDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LuhnDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IsbnDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CurrencyDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EqualToDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChoiceDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stringIndexed<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IdenticalToDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotIdenticalToDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExpressionSyntaxDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UlidDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HostnameDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConcreteComposite
 $constraints<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NegativeOrZeroDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LengthDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EmailDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Limit
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MinMax
 $min<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $max<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DivisibleByDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImageDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CountDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IpDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LanguageValidatorTest
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PositiveDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotCompromisedPasswordDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NegativeDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TimezoneDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TypeDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RegexDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LessThanDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JsonDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LocaleDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CidrDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CssColorDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CurrencyValidatorTest
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LanguageDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GreaterThanDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LessThanOrEqualDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CardSchemeDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateTimeDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UrlDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IssnDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CountryValidatorTest
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GreaterThanOrEqualDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BicComparisonTestClass
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BicDummy
 $bic1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bic2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $iban<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CountryDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValidDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExpressionDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImageValidatorTest
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $image<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $imageLandscape<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $imagePortrait<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $image4By3<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $image16By9<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $imageCorrupted<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notAnImage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PositiveOrZeroDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ComparisonTest_Class
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ForwardingOptionCompound
 $min<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TimeDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UniqueDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $d<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WhenTestWithAttributes
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $qux<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChildB
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $childA<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChildA
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $childB<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EntityStaticVehicle
 $wheels<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Entity_81
 $title<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Countable
 $content<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintWithValueAsDefault
 $property<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CascadedChild
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyInfoLoaderEntity
 $nullableString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $string<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scalar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $object<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $collection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $collectionOfUnknown<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $alreadyMappedType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $alreadyMappedNotNull<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $alreadyMappedNotBlank<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $alreadyPartiallyMappedCollection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $readOnly<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $noAutoMapping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ToString
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CascadingEntityIntersection
 $classes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintChoiceWithPreset
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CascadingEntityUnion
 $classes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classAndArray<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classAndNull<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arrayAndNull<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classAndArrayAndNull<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scalarAndNull<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classAndScalar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arrayAndScalar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintA
 $property1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $property2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Reference
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $privateValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractPropertyGetter
 $property<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintWithRequiredArgument
 $requiredArg<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintC
 $option1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FilesLoader
 $timesCalled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintWithValue
 $property<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintWithTypedProperty
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CustomArrayObject
 $array<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FakeMetadataFactory
 $metadatas<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyInfoLoaderNoAutoMappingEntity
 $string<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoMappingExplicitlyEnabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Entity_74_Proxy
 $notUnset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CascadingEntity
 $scalar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requiredChild<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $optionalChild<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $staticChild<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $children<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EntityWithGroupedConstraintOnMethods
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintWithStaticProperty
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Entity_74
 $uninitialized<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FailingConstraint
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GroupProviderDto
 $firstName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GroupSequenceProviderEntity
 $firstName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sequence<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EntityParent
 $firstName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $internal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $child<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $other<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Entity
 $firstName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $childA<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $childB<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $reference<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $reference2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $internal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialized<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $other<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintViolationBuilderTest
 $root<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $violations<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageTemplate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $builder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DebugCommand
 $validator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintViolationBuilder
 $violations<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $root<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $invalidValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translationDomain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $plural<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $constraint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $code<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cause<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InvalidOptionsException
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MissingOptionsException
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValidationFailedException
 $violations<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UnexpectedValueException
 $expectedType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompoundLimiter
 $limiters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Reservation
 $timeToAct<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rateLimit<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RateLimit
 $availableTokens<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $retryAfter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accepted<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $limit<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RateLimiterFactory
 $config<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lockFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompoundLimiterTest
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyWindow
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expirationTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CacheStorageTest
 $pool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FixedWindowLimiterTest
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TokenBucketLimiterTest
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SlidingWindowLimiterTest
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CacheStorage
 $pool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InMemoryStorage
 $buckets<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MaxWaitDurationExceededException
 $rateLimit<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RateLimitExceededException
 $rateLimit<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FixedWindowLimiter
 $limit<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $interval<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SlidingWindowLimiter
 $limit<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $interval<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TokenBucket
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tokens<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $burstSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SlidingWindow
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hitCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hitCountForLastWindow<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $intervalInSeconds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $windowEndAt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Window
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hitCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $intervalInSeconds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Rate
 $refillTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $refillAmount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TokenBucketLimiter
 $maxBurst<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Psr16Cache
 $createCacheItem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cacheItemPrototype<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $packCacheItem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LockRegistry
 $openedFiles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lockedFiles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signalingException<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signalingCallback<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $files<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CacheDataCollector
 $instances<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RedisClusterNodeProxy
 $host<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $redis<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProxyAdapterAndRedisAdapterTest
 $skippedTests<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PdoAdapterTest
 $dbFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ApcuAdapterTest
 $skippedTests<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Psr16AdapterTest
 $skippedTests<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpArrayAdapterWithFallbackTest
 $skippedTests<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MemcachedAdapterTest
 $skippedTests<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineDbalAdapterTest
 $dbFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpArrayAdapterTest
 $skippedTests<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpArrayAdapterWrapper
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpFilesAdapterTest
 $skippedTests<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CouchbaseBucketAdapterTest
 $skippedTests<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArrayAdapterTest
 $skippedTests<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpFilesAdapterAppendOnlyTest
 $skippedTests<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableAdapterTest
 $skippedTests<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractRedisAdapterTestCase
 $skippedTests<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $redis<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CouchbaseCollectionAdapterTest
 $skippedTests<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProxyAdapterTest
 $skippedTests<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestingArrayAdapter
 $item<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestLogger
 $records<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExternalAdapter
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StringableTag
 $tag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SodiumMarshallerTest
 $decryptionKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CachePoolPassTest
 $cachePoolPass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProxyAdapter
 $namespace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespaceLen<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $poolHash<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLifetime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $createCacheItem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $setInnerItem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ApcuAdapter
 $marshaller<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableAdapter
 $pool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $calls<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableAdapterEvent
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $start<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $end<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $result<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hits<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $misses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArrayAdapter
 $storeSerialized<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $values<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expiries<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLifetime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxLifetime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxItems<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $createCacheItem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NullAdapter
 $createCacheItem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpFilesAdapter
 $includeHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $appendOnly<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $values<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $files<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $startTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $valuesCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyValue
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChainAdapter
 $adapters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $adapterCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLifetime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $syncItem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpArrayAdapter
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $keys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $values<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $createCacheItem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $valuesCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EarlyExpirationHandler
 $reverseContainer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $processedNonces<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EarlyExpirationMessage
 $item<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $callback<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EarlyExpirationDispatcher
 $bus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $reverseContainer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $callbackWrapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DefaultMarshaller
 $useIgbinarySerialize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $throwOnSerializationFailure<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DeflateMarshaller
 $marshaller<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TagAwareMarshaller
 $marshaller<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SodiumMarshaller
 $marshaller<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decryptionKeys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Package
 $versionStrategy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PathPackage
 $basePath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Packages
 $defaultPackage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $packages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UrlPackage
 $baseUrls<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sslPackage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RequestStackContext
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $basePath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $secure<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StaticVersionStrategy
 $version<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $format<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JsonManifestVersionStrategy
 $manifestPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $manifestData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpClient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $strictMode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AssetNotFoundException
 $alternatives<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResourceBundle
 $entryReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Locale
 $defaultFallback<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GitRepository
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GzipStreamWrapper
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handle<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Response
 $content<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $status<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $jsonData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IntlTest
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ScriptsTest
 $scripts<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RingBufferTest
 $buffer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LocaleScannerTest
 $directory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scanner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpBundleReaderTest
 $reader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JsonBundleReaderTest
 $reader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IntlBundleReaderTest
 $reader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JsonBundleWriterTest
 $writer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $directory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpBundleWriterTest
 $writer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $directory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TextBundleWriterTest
 $writer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $directory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RingBuffer
 $values<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $indices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cursor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $size<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle
 $bundleImpl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BundleEntryReader
 $reader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $localeAliases<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BufferedBundleReader
 $reader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $buffer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GenrbCompiler
 $genrb<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GeneratorConfig
 $sourceDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $icuVersion<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bundleWriters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractDataGenerator
 $compiler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dirName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LocaleDataGenerator
 $locales<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $localeAliases<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $localeParents<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TimezoneDataGenerator
 $zoneIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $zoneToCountryMapping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $localeAliases<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LocaleSwitcher
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $localeAwareServices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslatableMessage
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $domain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Translator
 $catalogues<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fallbackLocales<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loaders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resources<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $formatter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cacheDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cacheVary<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $configCacheFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parentLocales<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hasIntlFormatter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessageCatalogue
 $messages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $catalogueMetadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resources<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fallbackCatalogue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslatorBag
 $catalogues<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoggingTranslator
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationReader
 $loaders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationDataCollector
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProviderTestCase
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $xliffFileDumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translatorBag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProviderFactoryTestCase
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $xliffFileDumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translatorBag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhraseProvider
 $phraseLocales<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpClient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $xliffFileDumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $endpoint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $readConfig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $writeConfig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isFallbackLocaleEnabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhraseProviderTest
 $httpClient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $xliffFileDumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $endpoint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $readConfig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $writeConfig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhraseProviderFactoryTest
 $httpClient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $xliffFileDumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CrowdinProvider
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $xliffFileDumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $endpoint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LocoProvider
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $endpoint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translatorBag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IdentityTranslatorTest
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslatorCacheTest
 $tmpDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslatorTest
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StringClass
 $str<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LocaleSwitcherTest
 $intlLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyLocaleAware
 $locale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Foo
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar3<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isbn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isbn2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationPushCommandTest
 $colSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationProviderTestCase
 $fs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translationAppDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $files<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class XliffLintCommandTest
 $files<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationPullCommandTest
 $colSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DataCollectorTranslatorPassTest
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dataCollectorTranslatorPass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServiceProperties
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FilteringProvider
 $provider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locales<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $domains<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Dsn
 $scheme<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $host<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $user<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $port<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $originalDsn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationProviderCollectionFactory
 $factories<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enabledLocales<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationProviderCollection
 $providers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpAstExtractor
 $parser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $visitors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChainExtractor
 $extractors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractVisitor
 $catalogue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messagePrefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstraintVisitor
 $constraintClassNames<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IntlFormatter
 $hasMessageFormatter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessageFormatter
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $intlFormatter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationWriter
 $dumpers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class YamlFileLoader
 $yamlParser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpFileLoader
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CsvFileLoader
 $delimiter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enclosure<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $escape<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class XliffLintCommand
 $format<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $displayCorrectFiles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $directoryIteratorProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isReadableProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requireStrictFileNames<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationPullCommand
 $providerCollection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $writer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $reader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transPaths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enabledLocales<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationPushCommand
 $providers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $reader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transPaths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enabledLocales<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslatorPathsPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $level<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $paths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $definitions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $controllers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProviderException
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class XliffFileDumper
 $extension<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CsvFileDumper
 $delimiter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enclosure<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileDumper
 $relativePathTemplate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IcuResFileDumper
 $relativePathTemplate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class YamlFileDumper
 $extension<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Texter
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Chatter
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Notifier
 $adminRecipients<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $channels<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $policy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotificationDataCollector
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RoundRobinTransport
 $deadTransports<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transports<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $retryPeriod<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cursor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FailoverTransport
 $currentTransport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Dsn
 $scheme<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $host<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $user<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $port<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $originalDsn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractTransportFactory
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Transports
 $transports<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NullTransport
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotificationTransportIsEqual
 $expectedText<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotificationSubjectContains
 $expectedText<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotificationCount
 $expectedValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $queued<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GoIpTransport
 $username<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $simSlot<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GoIpOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InfobipTransport
 $authToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BandwidthOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChatworkMessageBodyBuilder
 $to<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $body<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $selfUnread<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChatworkOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MercureTransportFactory
 $registry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MercureTransport
 $hub<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hubId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $topics<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MercureOptions
 $topics<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $private<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $retry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClickSendOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DiscordOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractDiscordEmbed
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractDiscordEmbedObject
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessageBirdOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RedlinkOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MastodonOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MastodonTransport
 $accessToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SmsmodeOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PagerDutyOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EsendexOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AllMySmsOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FakeSmsTransportFactory
 $mailer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestLogger
 $logs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OneSignalOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ZulipTransport
 $email<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $channel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ZulipOptions
 $topic<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $recipient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExpoOptions
 $to<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NovuSubscriberRecipient
 $subscriberId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $firstName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $email<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $phone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $avatar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $overrides<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NovuOptions
 $subscriberId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $firstName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $email<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $phone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $avatar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $overrides<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FakeChatTransportFactory
 $mailer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestLogger
 $logs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PlivoOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FirebaseOptions
 $to<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ZendeskTransport
 $email<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ZendeskOptions
 $priority<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractTelegramReplyMarkup
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractKeyboardButton
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmazonSnsTransport
 $snsClient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmazonSnsOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $recipient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GoogleChatOptions
 $threadKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SlackSentMessage
 $channelId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractSlackBlockElement
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractSlackBlock
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MattermostOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MattermostTransport
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $channel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GatewayApiOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EngagespotOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContactEveryoneOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RingCentralOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RocketChatOptions
 $channel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attachments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $payload<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TermiiOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessageMediaOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LinkedInOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractLinkedInShare
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TwilioOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Section
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Fact
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Activity
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Image
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpPostAction
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InvokeAddInCommandAction
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ActionCard
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TextInput
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateInput
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractInput
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Header
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TexterTest
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChatterTest
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NullTransportFactoryTest
 $nullTransportFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyMailer
 $sentMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NullMessage
 $decoratedMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PushMessage
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $subject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $content<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notification<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SentMessage
 $original<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EmailMessage
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $envelope<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notification<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SmsMessage
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $subject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $phone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notification<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChatMessage
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $subject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notification<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EmailChannel
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $envelope<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BrowserChannel
 $stack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChannelPolicy
 $policy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractChannel
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessageHandler
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TransportException
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IncompleteDsnException
 $dsn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SentMessageEvent
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotificationEvents
 $events<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transports<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessageEvent
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $queued<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FailedMessageEvent
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $error<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotificationLoggerListener
 $events<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SendFailedMessageToNotifierListener
 $notifier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResourceCheckerConfigCache
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resourceCheckers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConfigCache
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileLocator
 $paths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConfigCacheFactory
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResourceCheckerConfigCacheFactory
 $resourceCheckers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConfigCacheTest
 $cacheFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResourceCheckerConfigCacheTest
 $cacheFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestFileLoader
 $supports<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestEventSubscriber
 $subscribedEvents<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestServiceSubscriber
 $subscribedServices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestServiceWithStaticProperty
 $initializedObject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DirectoryResourceTest
 $directory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResourceStub
 $fresh<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileResourceTest
 $resource<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $time<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileExistenceResourceTest
 $resource<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $time<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GeneratedConfigTest
 $tempDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArrayExtraKeysConfig
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BazConfig
 $_extraKeys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooConfig
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $qux<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_extraKeys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BarConfig
 $corge<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $grault<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_extraKeys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AddToListConfig
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messenger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessengerConfig
 $routing<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $receiving<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslatorConfig
 $fallbacks<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sources<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $books<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BooksConfig
 $page<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PageConfig
 $number<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $content<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RoutingConfig
 $senders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ReceivingConfig
 $priority<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $color<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PlaceholdersConfig
 $enabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $favoriteFloat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $goodIntegers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ScalarNormalizedTypesConfig
 $simpleArray<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $keyedArray<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $object<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $listObject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $keyedListObject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nested<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NestedConfig
 $nestedObject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nestedListObject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class KeyedListObjectConfig
 $enabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $settings<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ListObjectConfig
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ObjectConfig
 $enabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dateFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $removeUsedContextFields<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NestedObjectConfig
 $enabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NestedListObjectConfig
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PrimitiveTypesConfig
 $booleanNode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enumNode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $floatNode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $integerNode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scalarNode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scalarNodeWithDefault<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class VariableTypeConfig
 $anyValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NodeInitialValuesConfig
 $someCleverName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messenger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SomeCleverNameConfig
 $first<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $second<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $third<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessengerConfig
 $transports<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TransportsConfig
 $dsn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $_usedProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Loader
 $resolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $env<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileLoader
 $loading<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ParamConfigurator
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoaderResolver
 $loaders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NumericNode
 $min<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $max<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Configuration
 $subject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $alias<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PrototypedArrayNode
 $prototype<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $keyAttribute<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $removeKeyAttribute<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $minNumberOfElements<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultChildren<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $valuePrototypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EnumNode
 $values<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArrayNode
 $xmlRemappings<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $children<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowFalse<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowNewKeys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $addIfNotSet<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $performDeepMerging<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignoreExtraKeys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $removeExtraKeys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizeKeys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class VariableNode
 $defaultValueSet<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowEmptyValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DefinitionFileLoader
 $treeBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DefinitionConfigurator
 $treeBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EnumNodeDefinition
 $values<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MergeBuilder
 $allowFalse<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowOverwrite<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $node<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NumericNodeDefinition
 $min<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $max<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NodeBuilder
 $parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nodeMapping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArrayNodeDefinition
 $performDeepMerging<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignoreExtraKeys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $removeExtraKeys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $children<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prototype<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $atLeastOne<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowNewKeys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $removeKeyItem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $addDefaults<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $addDefaultChildren<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nodeBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizeKeys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValidationBuilder
 $rules<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $node<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TreeBuilder
 $tree<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $root<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NormalizationBuilder
 $before<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $declaredTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $remappings<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $node<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NodeDefinition
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalization<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validation<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $default<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $required<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deprecation<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $merge<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowEmptyValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nullEquivalent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $trueEquivalent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $falseEquivalent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pathSeparator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InvalidConfigurationException
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $containsHints<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class YamlReferenceDumper
 $reference<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class XmlReferenceDumper
 $reference<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileResource
 $resource<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ReflectionClassResource
 $files<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $className<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classReflector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $excludedVendors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hash<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SelfCheckingResourceChecker
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ComposerResource
 $vendors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $runtimeVendors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileExistenceResource
 $resource<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exists<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClassExistenceResource
 $resource<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exists<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoloadLevel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoloadedClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $existsCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DirectoryResource
 $resource<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GlobResource
 $prefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $recursive<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hash<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $forExclusion<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $excludedPrefixes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $globBrace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Method
 $content<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClassBuilder
 $namespace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $properties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $methods<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $require<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $use<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $implements<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowExtraKeys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Property
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $originalName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $array<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scalarsAllowed<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $content<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConfigBuilderGenerator
 $classes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $outputDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileLocatorFileNotFoundException
 $paths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SwitchUserRole
 $deprecationTriggered<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $source<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Role
 $role<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RoleHierarchy
 $map<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hierarchy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UserPasswordValidator
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hasherFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExpiredSignatureStorage
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lifetime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SignatureHasher
 $propertyAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signatureProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $secret<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expiredSignaturesStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxUses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UserPasswordDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AuthorizationCheckerTest
 $accessDecisionManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authorizationChecker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class VoterTest
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChildCustomUserMessageAuthenticationException
 $childMember<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConcreteToken
 $credentials<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CustomUser
 $username<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $roles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OidcUser
 $additionalClaims<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userIdentifier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $roles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sub<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $givenName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $familyName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $middleName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nickname<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $preferredUsername<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $profile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $picture<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $website<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $email<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $emailVerified<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $gender<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $birthdate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $zoneinfo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $phoneNumber<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $phoneNumberVerified<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $address<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $updatedAt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChainUserChecker
 $checkers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InMemoryUser
 $username<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $roles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InMemoryUserProvider
 $users<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChainUserProvider
 $providers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableAccessDecisionManager
 $manager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $strategy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $voters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decisionLog<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentLog<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AuthorizationChecker
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessDecisionManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExpressionVoter
 $expressionLanguage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $trustResolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authChecker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $roleHierarchy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RoleHierarchyVoter
 $roleHierarchy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableVoter
 $voter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eventDispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RoleVoter
 $prefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PriorityStrategy
 $allowIfAllAbstainDecisions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UnanimousStrategy
 $allowIfAllAbstainDecisions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AffirmativeStrategy
 $allowIfAllAbstainDecisions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsensusStrategy
 $allowIfAllAbstainDecisions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowIfEqualGrantedDeniedDecisions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AccessDeniedException
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $subject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyResponseException
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException
 $messageKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TooManyLoginAttemptsAuthenticationException
 $threshold<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AccountStatusException
 $user<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CustomUserMessageAccountStatusException
 $messageKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AuthenticationException
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UserNotFoundException
 $identifier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractToken
 $user<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $roleNames<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RememberMeToken
 $secret<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $firewallName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SwitchUserToken
 $originalToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $originatedFromUri<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PreAuthenticatedToken
 $firewallName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UsernamePasswordToken
 $firewallName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UsageTrackingTokenStorage
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enableUsageTracking<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TokenStorage
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InMemoryTokenProvider
 $tokens<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CacheTokenVerifier
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $outdatedTokenTtl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cacheKeyPrefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PersistentToken
 $class<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userIdentifier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $series<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tokenValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastUsed<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AuthenticationEvent
 $authenticationToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class VoteEvent
 $voter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $subject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $vote<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CsrfToken
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CsrfTokenManager
 $generator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UriSafeTokenGenerator
 $entropy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FirewallMap
 $map<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Firewall
 $map<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exceptionListeners<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpUtils
 $urlGenerator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $urlMatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $domainRegexp<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $secureDomainRegexp<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AccessMap
 $map<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ParameterBagUtils
 $propertyAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DefaultLoginRateLimiter
 $globalFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $localFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $secret<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IsGranted
 $attribute<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $subject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $statusCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exceptionCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HeaderAccessTokenExtractor
 $regex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $headerParameter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tokenType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChainAccessTokenExtractor
 $accessTokenExtractors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormEncodedBodyExtractor
 $parameter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OidcUserInfoTokenHandler
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $claim<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OidcTokenHandler
 $signatureAlgorithm<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $jwk<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $audience<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $issuers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $claim<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $clock<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LogoutUrlGeneratorTest
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $generator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotSupportingUserProvider
 $throwsUnsupportedException<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SupportingUserProvider
 $refreshedUser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CustomToken
 $user<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $roles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SwitchUserListenerTest
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userChecker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessDecisionManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $event<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SignatureRememberMeHandlerTest
 $signatureHasher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PersistentRememberMeHandlerTest
 $tokenProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummySupportsAuthenticator
 $supports<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConcreteFormAuthenticator
 $loginUrl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JsonLoginAuthenticatorTest
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class X509AuthenticatorTest
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpBasicAuthenticatorTest
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RememberMeAuthenticatorTest
 $rememberMeHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormLoginAuthenticatorTest
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $successHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $failureHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InMemoryAccessTokenHandler
 $accessTokens<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AccessTokenAuthenticatorTest
 $accessTokenHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessTokenExtractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoginLinkAuthenticatorTest
 $loginLinkHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $successHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $failureHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChainedAccessTokenExtractorsTest
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessTokenHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormEncodedBodyAccessTokenAuthenticatorTest
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessTokenHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class QueryAccessTokenAuthenticatorTest
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessTokenHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HeaderAccessTokenAuthenticatorTest
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessTokenHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoginLinkHandlerTest
 $router<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expiredLinkStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expiredLinkCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestLoginLinkHandlerUser
 $username<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $emailProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $passwordProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastAuthenticatedAt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestLoginLinkHandlerUserProvider
 $users<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandlerTest
 $httpKernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpUtils<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $session<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exception<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AuthenticatorManagerTest
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eventDispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $user<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RememberMeListenerTest
 $rememberMeHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $listener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoginThrottlingListenerTest
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $listener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CheckRememberMeConditionsListenerTest
 $listener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SessionStrategyListenerTest
 $sessionAuthenticationStrategy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $listener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PasswordMigratingListenerTest
 $hasherFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $listener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $user<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CsrfProtectionListenerTest
 $csrfTokenManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $listener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CheckCredentialsListenerTest
 $hasherFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $listener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $user<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UserProviderListenerTest
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $listener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UserCheckerListenerTest
 $userChecker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $listener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $user<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LogoutUrlGenerator
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $router<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $listeners<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentFirewallName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentFirewallContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AccessListener
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessDecisionManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $map<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContextListener
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sessionKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userProviders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $registered<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $trustResolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sessionTrackerEnabler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AuthenticatorManagerListener
 $authenticatorManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExceptionListener
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $firewallName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessDeniedHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticationEntryPoint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticationTrustResolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errorPage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpUtils<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stateless<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChannelListener
 $map<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpPort<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpsPort<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LogoutListener
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpUtils<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $csrfTokenManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eventDispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SecurityTokenValueResolver
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UserValueResolver
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PersistentRememberMeHandler
 $tokenProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tokenVerifier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractRememberMeHandler
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SignatureRememberMeHandler
 $signatureHasher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FallbackUserLoader
 $inner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpBasicAuthenticator
 $realmName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoginLinkAuthenticator
 $loginLinkHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpUtils<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $successHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $failureHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JsonLoginAuthenticator
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpUtils<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $successHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $failureHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class X509Authenticator
 $userKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $credentialsKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $credentialUserIdentifier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AccessTokenAuthenticator
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessTokenHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessTokenExtractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $successHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $failureHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $realm<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RemoteUserAuthenticator
 $userKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormLoginAuthenticator
 $httpUtils<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $successHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $failureHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpKernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractPreAuthenticatedAuthenticator
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $firewallName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RememberMeAuthenticator
 $rememberMeHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $secret<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cookieName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PostAuthenticationToken
 $firewallName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Passport
 $user<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $badges<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CustomCredentials
 $customCredentialsChecker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $credentials<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resolved<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PasswordCredentials
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resolved<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CsrfTokenBadge
 $resolved<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $csrfTokenId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $csrfToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PasswordUpgradeBadge
 $plaintextPassword<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $passwordUpgrader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RememberMeBadge
 $enabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableAuthenticator
 $passport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $duration<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stub<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticated<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableAuthenticatorManagerListener
 $authenticationManagerListener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticatorsInfo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hasVardumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoginLinkDetails
 $url<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expiresAt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoginLinkHandler
 $urlGenerator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signatureHasher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoginLinkNotification
 $loginLinkDetails<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler
 $httpKernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpUtils<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CustomAuthenticationSuccessHandler
 $handler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AuthenticationUtils
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CustomAuthenticationFailureHandler
 $handler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AuthenticatorManager
 $authenticators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eventDispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eraseCredentials<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $firewallName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hideUserNotFoundExceptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requiredBadges<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler
 $httpUtils<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $firewallName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoginFailureEvent
 $exception<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $firewallName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $passport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoginSuccessEvent
 $authenticator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $passport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticatedToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $previousToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $firewallName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyResponseEvent
 $event<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SwitchUserEvent
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $targetUser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AuthenticationTokenCreatedEvent
 $authenticatedToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $passport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CheckPassportEvent
 $authenticator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $passport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InteractiveLoginEvent
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticationToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LogoutEvent
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TokenDeauthenticatedEvent
 $originalToken<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImpersonateUrlGenerator
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $firewallMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DefaultLogoutListener
 $httpUtils<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $targetUrl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PasswordMigratingListener
 $hasherFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RememberMeListener
 $rememberMeHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoginThrottlingListener
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $limiter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UserProviderListener
 $userProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CookieClearingLogoutListener
 $cookies<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CheckCredentialsListener
 $hasherFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SessionStrategyListener
 $sessionAuthenticationStrategy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CsrfTokenClearingLogoutListener
 $csrfTokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UserCheckerListener
 $userChecker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IsGrantedAttributeListener
 $authChecker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressionLanguage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CsrfProtectionListener
 $csrfTokenManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CheckRememberMeConditionsListener
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Expression
 $expression<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExpressionFunction
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $compiler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $evaluator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ParsedExpression
 $nodes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SerializedParsedExpression
 $nodes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExpressionLanguage
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lexer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $compiler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $functions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Compiler
 $source<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $functions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TokenStream
 $current<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tokens<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $position<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expression<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LexerTest
 $lexer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Obj
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Node
 $nodes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstantNode
 $isNullSafe<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isIdentifier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArrayNode
 $index<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractUid
 $uid<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GenerateUuidCommand
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GenerateUlidCommand
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TimeBasedUuidFactory
 $class<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $node<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UuidFactory
 $defaultClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timeBasedClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nameBasedClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $randomBasedClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timeBasedNode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nameBasedNamespace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RandomBasedUuidFactory
 $class<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NameBasedUuidFactory
 $class<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Entry
 $dn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lowerMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Ldap
 $adapter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LdapUser
 $entry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $identifier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $roles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extraFields<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LdapAuthenticator
 $authenticator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ldapServiceId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dnString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $searchDn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $searchPassword<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $queryString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LdapBadge
 $resolved<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ldapServiceId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dnString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $searchDn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $searchPassword<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $queryString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CheckLdapCredentialsListener
 $ldapLocator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LdapUserProvider
 $ldap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baseDn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $searchDn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $searchPassword<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultRoles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $uidKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultSearch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $passwordAttribute<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extraFields<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LdapTest
 $adapter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ldap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CheckLdapCredentialsListenerTest
 $ldap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LdapManagerTest
 $adapter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractConnection
 $config<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractQuery
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $query<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EntryManager
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Adapter
 $config<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $entryManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Collection
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $search<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $entries<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyInfoCacheExtractor
 $arrayCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyInfoExtractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cacheItemPool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyInfoExtractor
 $listExtractors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $typeExtractors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $descriptionExtractors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessExtractors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initializableExtractors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NameScope
 $calledClassName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $uses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractPropertyInfoExtractorTest
 $propertyInfo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpDocExtractorTest
 $extractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EmptyDocBlock
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SerializerExtractorTest
 $extractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstructorExtractorTest
 $extractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpStanExtractorTest
 $extractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $phpDocExtractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ReflectionExtractorTest
 $extractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyNamespace
 $dummy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IntRangeDummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PseudoTypesDummy
 $classString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classStringGeneric<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $htmlEscapedString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lowercaseString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nonEmptyLowercaseString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nonEmptyString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $numericString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $traitString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $positiveInt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $literalString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Php80Dummy
 $mixedProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $promoted<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $promotedAndMutated<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $promotedWithDocComment<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $promotedWithDocCommentAndType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $collection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Php81Dummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AdderRemoverDummy
 $analyses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $feet<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SnakeCaseDummy
 $snake_property<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $snake_readOnly<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $snake_method<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Dummy
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $collection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nestedCollection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mixedCollection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $B<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $Id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $Guid<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $g<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $h<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $i<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $j<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nullableCollectionOfNonNullableElements<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nonNullableCollectionOfNullableElements<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nullableCollectionOfMultipleNonNullableElementTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $xTotals<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $YT<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $emptyVar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $iteratorCollection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $iteratorCollectionWithKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nestedIterators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arrayWithKeys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arrayWithKeysAndComplexValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arrayOfMixed<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $listOfStrings<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parentAnnotation<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Php74Dummy
 $dummy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nullableBoolProp<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stringCollection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nullableWithDefault<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $collection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PseudoTypeDummy
 $unknownPseudoType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstructorDummy
 $timezone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $date<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dateTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Php82Dummy
 $nil<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $false<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $true<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $someCollection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DockBlockFallback
 $pub<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $protAcc<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $protMut<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ParentDummy
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $foo2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $foo3<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $foo4<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $foo5<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $files<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyTypeStatic<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parentAnnotationNoParent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rootDummyItems<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rootDummyItem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpStanPseudoTypesDummy
 $negativeInt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nonEmptyArray<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nonEmptyList<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $interfaceString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scalar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arrayKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $number<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $numeric<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $double<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Php80PromotedDummy
 $promoted<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InvalidDummy
 $pub<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IgnorePropertyDummy
 $visibleProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignoredProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DefaultValue
 $defaultInt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultFloat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultArray<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultNull<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Dummy
 $property<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SerializerExtractor
 $classMetadataFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConstructorExtractor
 $extractors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EventDispatcher
 $listeners<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sorted<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $optimized<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImmutableEventDispatcher
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GenericEvent
 $subject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arguments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AsEventListener
 $event<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $method<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $priority<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestEventListener
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $preFooInvoked<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $postFooInvoked<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestWithDispatcher
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $invoked<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GenericEventTest
 $event<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $subject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImmutableEventDispatcherTest
 $innerDispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RegisterListenersPass
 $hotPathEvents<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $noPreloadEvents<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExtractingEventDispatcher
 $listeners<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $aliases<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $subscriber<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AddEventAliasesPass
 $eventAliases<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableEventDispatcher
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $callStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $wrappedListeners<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $orphanedEvents<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentRequestHash<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WrappedListener
 $listener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $optimizedListener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $called<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stoppedPropagation<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pretty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $callableRef<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stub<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $priority<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hasClassStub<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SymfonyRuntime
 $input<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $console<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $command<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GenericRuntime
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClosureRunner
 $closure<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResponseRunner
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsoleApplicationRunner
 $application<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultEnv<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $input<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpKernelRunner
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestKernel
 $var<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ComposerPlugin
 $composer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $io<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $activated<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClosureResolver
 $closure<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arguments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Key
 $resource<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expiringTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $state<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializable<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Lock
 $dirty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $store<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ttl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoRelease<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LockFactory
 $store<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PdoStoreTest
 $dbFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony51Store
 $redis<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineDbalStoreTest
 $dbFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CombinedStoreTest
 $strategy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $store1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $store2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $store<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UnanimousStrategyTest
 $strategy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsensusStrategyTest
 $strategy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineDbalPostgreSqlStore
 $conn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $storeRegistry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PdoStore
 $conn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dsn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $driver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $username<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connectionOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InMemoryStore
 $locks<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $readLocks<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FlockStore
 $lockPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CombinedStore
 $stores<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $strategy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ZookeeperStore
 $zookeeper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MongoDbStore
 $manager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $uri<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialTtl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RedisStore
 $supportTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $redis<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialTtl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MemcachedStore
 $memcached<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialTtl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $useExtendedReturn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineDbalStore
 $conn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PostgreSqlStore
 $conn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dsn<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $username<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connectionOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $storeRegistry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RecurringMessage
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $trigger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $provider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Scheduler
 $generators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $index<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $shouldStop<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handlers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $clock<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Schedule
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lock<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $state<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $shouldRestart<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StaticMessageProvider
 $messages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $description<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CallbackMessageProvider
 $callback<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $description<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CallbackTrigger
 $callback<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $description<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PeriodicalTrigger
 $intervalInSeconds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $until<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $period<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $description<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $interval<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JitterTrigger
 $trigger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxSeconds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExcludeTimeTrigger
 $inner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $until<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractDecoratedTrigger
 $inner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AsPeriodicTask
 $frequency<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $until<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $jitter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arguments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $schedule<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $method<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transports<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AsSchedule
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AsCronTask
 $expression<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timezone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $jitter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arguments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $schedule<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $method<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transports<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Handler
 $count<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scheduler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $clock<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SomeScheduleProvider
 $messages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestEventListener
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $preInvoked<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $postInvoked<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $failureInvoked<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Checkpoint
 $from<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $time<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $index<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $reset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lock<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessageGenerator
 $schedule<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $triggerHeap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $waitUntil<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scheduleProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $clock<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $checkpoint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessageContext
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $trigger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $triggeredAt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nextTriggerAt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TriggerHeap
 $time<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServiceCallMessage
 $serviceId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $method<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arguments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ScheduledStamp
 $messageContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SchedulerTransportFactory
 $scheduleProviders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $clock<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SchedulerTransport
 $messageGenerator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServiceCallMessageHandler
 $serviceLocator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DebugCommand
 $scheduleNames<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $schedules<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FailureEvent
 $shouldIgnore<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $schedule<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $error<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PreRunEvent
 $shouldCancel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $schedule<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PostRunEvent
 $schedule<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DispatchSchedulerEventListener
 $scheduleProviderLocator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eventDispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Mailer
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SentMessage
 $original<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $raw<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $envelope<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Envelope
 $sender<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $recipients<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DelayedEnvelope
 $senderSet<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $recipientsSet<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessageDataCollector
 $events<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractHttpTransport
 $host<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $port<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RoundRobinTransport
 $deadTransports<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transports<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $retryPeriod<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cursor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FailoverTransport
 $currentTransport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Dsn
 $scheme<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $host<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $user<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $port<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractTransportFactory
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Transports
 $transports<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $default<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SendmailTransport
 $command<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stream<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractTransport
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastSent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EsmtpTransport
 $authenticators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $username<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $capabilities<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SmtpTransport
 $started<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $restartThreshold<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $restartThresholdSleep<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $restartCounter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pingThreshold<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastMessageTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stream<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $domain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractStream
 $stream<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $in<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $out<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $err<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SocketStream
 $url<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $host<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $port<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timeout<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tls<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sourceIp<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $streamContextOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProcessStream
 $command<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EmailCount
 $expectedValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $queued<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PostmarkRequestParser
 $converter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowedIPs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PostmarkSmtpTransport
 $messageStream<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SesHttpAsyncAwsTransport
 $sesClient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SendgridRequestParser
 $converter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MailjetRequestParser
 $converter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MailerSendApiTransport
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MailgunRequestParser
 $converter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BrevoRequestParser
 $converter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BrevoApiTransport
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyTransport
 $host<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NativeTransportFactoryTest
 $fakeConfiguration<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyStream
 $nextResponse<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $commands<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $closed<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessageHandler
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SendEmailMessage
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $envelope<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MailerTestCommand
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TransportException
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpTransportException
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessageEvents
 $events<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transports<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SentMessageEvent
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessageEvent
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $envelope<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $queued<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rejected<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stamps<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FailedMessageEvent
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $error<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MetadataHeader
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EnvelopeListener
 $sender<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $recipients<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessageLoggerListener
 $events<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Filesystem
 $lastError<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PathTest
 $storedEnv<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FilesystemTestCase
 $longPathNamesWindows<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $workspace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $umask<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $linkOnWindows<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $symlinkOnWindows<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MockStream
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IOException
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GenericLinkProvider
 $links<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpHeaderSerializerTest
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AddLinkHeaderListener
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyPathIterator
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyAccessorBuilder
 $magicMethods<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $throwExceptionOnInvalidIndex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $throwExceptionOnInvalidPropertyPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cacheItemPool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $readInfoExtractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $writeInfoExtractor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyPathBuilder
 $elements<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isIndex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyAccessorArrayAccessTestCase
 $propertyAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestPluralAdderRemoverAndSetter
 $emails<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestPluralAdderRemoverAndSetterSameSingularAndPlural
 $aircraft<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyAccessorTest
 $propertyAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyAccessorBuilderTest
 $builder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PropertyAccessorCollectionTestCase_Car
 $axes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestClassIsWritable
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TypeHinted
 $date<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $countable<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestPublicPropertyGetterOnObject
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestClassTypedProperty
 $publicProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Ticket5775Object
 $property<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UninitializedObjectProperty
 $uninitialized<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $privateUninitialized<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestClassSetValue
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UninitializedProperty
 $uninitialized<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $privateUninitialized<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestSingularAndPluralProps
 $email<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $emails<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraversableArrayObject
 $array<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestClassMagicCall
 $magicCallProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestPublicPropertyGetterOnObjectMagicGet
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UninitializedPrivateProperty
 $uninitialized<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NonTraversableArrayObject
 $array<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestClassMagicGet
 $magicProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $publicProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestClass
 $publicProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $protectedProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $privateProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $publicAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $publicMethodAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $publicGetSetter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $publicAccessorWithDefaultValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $publicAccessorWithRequiredAndDefaultValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $publicAccessorWithMoreRequiredParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $publicIsAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $publicHasAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $publicCanAccessor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $publicGetter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $date<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Foo
 $prot<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $priv<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ro<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Bar
 $priv<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MyWakeup
 $sub<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bis<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $def<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PrivateConstructor
 $prop<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MyPrivateValue
 $prot<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $priv<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MyArrayObject
 $unused<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GoodNight
 $good<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractClass
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Php74Serializable
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class __UnserializeButNo__Serialize
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class __SerializeButNo__Unserialize
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooReadonly
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooSerializable
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SimpleObject
 $property<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyClass
 $public<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MagicClass
 $destructCounter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cloneCounter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ReadOnlyClass
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClassWithUninitializedObjectProperty
 $property<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChildTestClass
 $public<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $publicReadonly<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $protected<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $protectedReadonly<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $private<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestClass
 $public<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $protected<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $protectedReadonly<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $private<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ReadOnlyClass
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestOverwritePropClass
 $dep<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $count<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FinalPublicClass
 $count<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestClass
 $dep<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyObjectRegistry
 $classReflectors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultProperties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classResetters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classAccessors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parentMethods<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $noInitializerState<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Values
 $values<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Hydrator
 $hydrators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $simpleHydrators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyScopes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $registry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $values<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $properties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $wakeups<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Registry
 $reflectors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prototypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $factories<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cloneable<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $instantiableWithoutConstructor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Reference
 $count<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpBrowser
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class History
 $stack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $position<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Request
 $uri<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $method<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $files<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cookies<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $server<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $content<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractBrowser
 $history<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cookieJar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $server<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $internalRequest<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $internalResponse<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $response<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $crawler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $useHtml5Parser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $insulated<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $redirect<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $followRedirects<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $followMetaRefresh<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxRedirects<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $redirectCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $redirects<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isMainRequest<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CookieJar
 $cookieJar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BrowserHasCookie
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $domain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BrowserCookieValueSame
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $raw<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $domain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestClient
 $nextResponse<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nextScript<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestHttpClient
 $nextResponse<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nextScript<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BufferingLogger
 $logs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ErrorHandler
 $levels<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loggers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $thrownErrors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scopedErrors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tracedErrors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $screamedErrors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loggedErrors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $configureException<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isRecursive<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isRoot<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exceptionHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bootstrappingLogger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $reservedMemory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $silencedErrorCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $silencedErrorCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exitCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DebugClassLoaderTest
 $patchTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errorReporting<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OverrideFinalProperty
 $pub<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prot<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $priv<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $implicitlyFinal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $typedSoNotFinal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deprecated<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ErrorHandlerThatUsesThePreviousOne
 $previous<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OverrideOutsideFinalProperty
 $final<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notImplicitlyFinalBecauseNotInSymfony<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deprecated<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FinalProperty
 $pub<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prot<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $priv<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notOverriden<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $implicitlyFinal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $typedSoNotFinal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deprecated<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OutsideFinalProperty
 $final<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notImplicitlyFinalBecauseNotInSymfony<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notOverriden<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deprecated<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OverrideFinalPropertySameNamespace
 $pub<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SerializerErrorRenderer
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $format<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fallbackErrorRenderer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileLinkFormatter
 $fileLinkFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baseDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $urlFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FatalError
 $error<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FlattenException
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $code<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $previous<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $trace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $traceAsString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $class<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $statusCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $statusText<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $line<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $asString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dataRepresentation<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SilencedErrorContext
 $count<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $severity<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $line<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $trace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Envelope
 $stamps<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableMessageBus
 $decoratedBus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatchedMessages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Worker
 $shouldStop<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $acks<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $unacks<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $receivers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eventDispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rateLimiters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $clock<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessageBus
 $middlewareAggregate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RoutableMessageBus
 $busLocator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fallbackBus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WorkerMetadata
 $metadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessengerDataCollector
 $traceableBuses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Acknowledger
 $handlerClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $error<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $result<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HandlersLocator
 $handlers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RedispatchMessageHandler
 $bus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HandlerDescriptor
 $handler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $batchHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableMiddleware
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $busName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eventCategory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableStack
 $stack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $busName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eventCategory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentEvent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AddBusNameStampMiddleware
 $busName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StackMiddleware
 $stack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $offset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MiddlewareStack
 $iterator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HandleMessageMiddleware
 $handlersLocator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowNoHandlers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RouterContextMiddleware
 $router<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SendMessageMiddleware
 $sendersLocator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eventDispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowNoSenders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DispatchAfterCurrentBusMiddleware
 $queue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isRootDispatchCallRunning<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class QueuedEnvelope
 $envelope<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ActivationMiddleware
 $inner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $activated<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValidationMiddleware
 $validator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TransportFactory
 $factories<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpSerializer
 $acceptPhpIncompleteClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SendersLocator
 $sendersMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sendersLocator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InMemoryTransportFactory
 $createdTransports<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InMemoryTransport
 $sent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $acknowledged<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rejected<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $queue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nextId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $availableAt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $clock<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SingleMessageReceiver
 $receiver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $envelope<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hasReceived<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SyncTransport
 $messageBus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SyncTransportFactory
 $messageBus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AsMessageHandler
 $bus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fromTransport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $method<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $priority<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MultiplierRetryStrategy
 $maxRetries<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $delayMilliseconds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $multiplier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxDelayMilliseconds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RedisReceiver
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RedisReceivedStamp
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RedisTransport
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $receiver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sender<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RedisSender
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RedisExtIntegrationTest
 $redis<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyMessage
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExternalMessage
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmqpReceiver
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmqpTransport
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $receiver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sender<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmqpStamp
 $routingKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $flags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isRetryAttempt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmqpSender
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmqpReceivedStamp
 $amqpEnvelope<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $queueName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestAmqpFactory
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $channel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $queue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exchange<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyMessage
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineSender
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineTransportFactory
 $registry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineTransport
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $receiver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sender<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineReceivedStamp
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrinePostgreSqlRegularIntegrationTest
 $driverConnection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrineIntegrationTest
 $driverConnection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrinePostgreSqlIntegrationTest
 $driverConnection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DoctrinePostgreSqlPgbouncerIntegrationTest
 $driverConnection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyMessage
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BeanstalkdSender
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BeanstalkdTransport
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $receiver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sender<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BeanstalkdReceivedStamp
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tube<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BeanstalkdReceiver
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyMessage
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmazonSqsXrayTraceHeaderStamp
 $traceId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmazonSqsSender
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmazonSqsReceivedStamp
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmazonSqsTransportFactory
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmazonSqsReceiver
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmazonSqsTransport
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $receiver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sender<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmazonSqsFifoStamp
 $messageGroupId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageDeduplicationId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WithMessageDeduplicationIdAndMessageGroupIdMessage
 $messageGroupId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageDeduplicationId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WithMessageDeduplicationIdMessage
 $messageDeduplicationId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WithMessageGroupIdMessage
 $messageGroupId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AmazonSqsTransportTest
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $receiver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sender<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyMessage
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyFailureTestSenderAndReceiver
 $messagesWaiting<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyTestHandler
 $timesCalled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $shouldThrow<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyBatchHandler
 $processedMessages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessengerDataCollectorTest
 $dumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyEvent
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DispatchingMiddleware
 $bus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FlattenExceptionNormalizerTest
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InMemoryTransportTest
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializeTransport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InMemoryTransportFactoryTest
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyMessage
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResettableDummyReceiver
 $hasBeenReset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyReceiver
 $deliveriesOfEnvelopes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $acknowledgedEnvelopes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rejectedEnvelopes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $acknowledgeCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rejectCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StatsCommandTest
 $command<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FailedMessagesShowCommandTest
 $colSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DebugCommandTest
 $colSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RedispatchMessage
 $envelope<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transportNames<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DelayStamp
 $delay<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FlushBatchHandlersStamp
 $force<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AckStamp
 $ack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BusNameStamp
 $busName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NoAutoAckStamp
 $handlerDescriptor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SentStamp
 $senderClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $senderAlias<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ReceivedStamp
 $transportName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RedeliveryStamp
 $retryCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $redeliveredAt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TransportMessageIdStamp
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HandlerArgumentsStamp
 $additionalArguments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SerializedMessageStamp
 $serializedMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TransportNamesStamp
 $transportNames<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HandledStamp
 $result<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handlerName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RouterContextStamp
 $baseUrl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $method<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $host<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scheme<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpPort<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpsPort<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pathInfo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $queryString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SerializerStamp
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValidationStamp
 $groups<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SentToFailureTransportStamp
 $originalReceiverName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ErrorDetailsStamp
 $exceptionClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exceptionCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exceptionMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $flattenException<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsumeMessagesCommand
 $routableBus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $receiverLocator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eventDispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $receiverNames<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resetServicesListener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $busIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rateLimiterLocator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signals<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $worker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FailedMessagesRetryCommand
 $eventDispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageBus<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signals<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $shouldStop<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $forceExit<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $worker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SetupTransportsCommand
 $transportLocator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transportNames<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StatsCommand
 $transportLocator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transportNames<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DebugCommand
 $mapping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StopWorkersCommand
 $restartSignalCachePool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HandlerFailedException
 $envelope<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValidationFailedException
 $violations<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $violatingMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DelayedMessageHandlingException
 $exceptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WorkerMessageFailedEvent
 $throwable<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $willRetry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SendMessageToTransportsEvent
 $envelope<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $senders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WorkerStoppedEvent
 $worker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractWorkerMessageEvent
 $envelope<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $receiverName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WorkerStartedEvent
 $worker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WorkerMessageReceivedEvent
 $shouldHandle<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WorkerRunningEvent
 $worker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isWorkerIdle<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WorkerRateLimitedEvent
 $limiter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transportName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StopWorkerOnMemoryLimitListener
 $memoryLimit<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $memoryResolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StopWorkerOnMessageLimitListener
 $maximumNumberOfMessages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $receivedMessages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SendFailedMessageToFailureTransportListener
 $failureSenders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StopWorkerOnCustomStopExceptionListener
 $stop<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResetServicesListener
 $servicesResetter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StopWorkerOnTimeLimitListener
 $timeLimitInSeconds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $endTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StopWorkerOnFailureLimitListener
 $maximumNumberOfFailures<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $failedMessages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SendFailedMessageForRetryListener
 $sendersLocator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $retryStrategyLocator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eventDispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $historySize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Semaphore
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $store<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ttlInSecond<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoRelease<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dirty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Key
 $resource<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $limit<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $weight<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expiringTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $state<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SemaphoreFactory
 $store<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RedisStore
 $redis<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SplFileInfo
 $relativePath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $relativePathname<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Comparator
 $target<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $operator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RealIteratorTestCase
 $tmpDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $files<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class VcsIgnoredFilterIteratorTest
 $tmpDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Iterator
 $values<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyIterator
 $iteratorFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class VcsIgnoredFilterIterator
 $baseDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $gitignoreFilesCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignoredPathsCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MultiplePcreFilterIterator
 $matchRegexps<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $noMatchRegexps<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SizeRangeFilterIterator
 $comparators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateRangeFilterIterator
 $comparators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CustomFilterIterator
 $filters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RecursiveDirectoryIterator
 $ignoreUnreadableDirs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignoreFirstRewind<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rootPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $subPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $directorySeparator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExcludeDirectoryFilterIterator
 $iterator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isRecursive<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $excludedDirs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $excludedPattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pruneFilters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DepthRangeFilterIterator
 $minDepth<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Registry
 $workflows<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DefinitionBuilder
 $places<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transitions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialPlaces<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadataStore<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Marking
 $places<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Definition
 $places<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transitions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialPlaces<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadataStore<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TransitionBlockerList
 $blockers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Transition
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $froms<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tos<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WorkflowDataCollector
 $workflows<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eventDispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fileLinkFormatter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WorkflowValidator
 $singlePlace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RegistryTest
 $registry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EventDispatcherMock
 $dispatchedEvents<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Subject
 $marking<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SubjectWithType
 $marking<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SubjectWithProperties
 $marking<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $place<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WorkflowGuardListenerPassTest
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $compilerPass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InMemoryMetadataStoreTest
 $store<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transition<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableWorkflowTest
 $innerWorkflow<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $traceableWorkflow<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Logger
 $logs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GuardListenerTest
 $authenticationChecker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $listener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $configuration<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InstanceOfSupportStrategy
 $className<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MethodMarkingStore
 $getters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $setters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $singleState<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $property<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NotEnabledTransitionException
 $transitionBlockerList<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TransitionException
 $subject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transitionName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $workflow<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Event
 $subject<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $marking<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transition<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $workflow<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GuardEvent
 $transitionBlockerList<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InMemoryMetadataStore
 $workflowMetadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $placesMetadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transitionsMetadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GraphvizDumper
 $defaultOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableWorkflow
 $calls<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $workflow<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GuardListener
 $configuration<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressionLanguage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authorizationChecker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $trustResolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $roleHierarchy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GuardExpression
 $transition<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expression<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AuditTrailListener
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Stopwatch
 $morePrecision<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sections<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $activeSections<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Section
 $events<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $origin<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $morePrecision<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $children<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StopwatchPeriod
 $start<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $end<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $memory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StopwatchEvent
 $periods<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $origin<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $category<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $morePrecision<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $started<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RemoteEvent
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $payload<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AsRemoteEventConsumer
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsumeRemoteEventHandler
 $consumers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsumeRemoteEventMessage
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $event<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractMailerEvent
 $date<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $email<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadata<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractUriElement
 $node<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $method<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentUri<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Crawler
 $uri<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultNamespacePrefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespaces<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cachedNamespaces<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baseHref<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $document<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nodes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isHtml<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $html5Parser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormFieldRegistry
 $fields<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $base<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Form
 $button<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fields<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baseHref<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CrawlerSelectorCount
 $count<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $selector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CrawlerSelectorTextSame
 $selector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expectedText<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CrawlerSelectorTextContains
 $selector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expectedText<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hasNode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nodeText<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CrawlerSelectorAttributeValueSame
 $selector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attribute<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expectedText<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CrawlerSelectorExists
 $selector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CrawlerAnySelectorTextSame
 $selector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expectedText<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CrawlerAnySelectorTextContains
 $selector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expectedText<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hasNode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormField
 $node<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $document<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $xpath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $disabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChoiceFormField
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $multiple<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validationDisabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Dumper
 $indentation<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ParserTest
 $parser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DumperTest
 $parser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $array<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class A
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LintCommandTest
 $files<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LintCommand
 $parser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $format<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $displayCorrectFiles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $directoryIteratorProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isReadableProvider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ParseException
 $parsedFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parsedLine<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $snippet<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rawMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TaggedValue
 $tag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileBinaryMimeTypeGuesser
 $cmd<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RawMessage
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isGeneratorClosed<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileinfoMimeTypeGuesser
 $magicFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Message
 $headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $body<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DkimOptions
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SMimeSigner
 $signCertificate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signPrivateKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extraCerts<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SMimeEncrypter
 $certs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cipher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EmailTextBodyContains
 $expectedText<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EmailHeaderSame
 $headerName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expectedValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EmailSubjectContains
 $expectedSubjectValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EmailHasHeader
 $headerName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EmailAddressContains
 $headerName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expectedValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EmailHtmlBodyContains
 $expectedText<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EmailAttachmentCount
 $expectedValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $transport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SMimeTestCase
 $samplesDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DkimSignerTest
 $pk<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Rfc2231EncoderTest
 $rfc2045Token<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ParameterizedHeaderTest
 $lang<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LeagueHtmlToMarkdownConverter
 $converter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DataPart
 $_parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filename<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mediaType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cid<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TextPart
 $_headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $encoders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $body<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $charset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $subtype<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $disposition<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $encoding<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $seekable<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessagePart
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractMultipartPart
 $boundary<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parts<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractPart
 $headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SMimePart
 $_headers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $body<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $subtype<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class File
 $mimeTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filename<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RelatedPart
 $mainPart<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FormDataPart
 $fields<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MailboxHeader
 $address<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UnstructuredHeader
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MailboxListHeader
 $addresses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateHeader
 $dateTime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PathHeader
 $address<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IdentificationHeader
 $ids<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $idsAsAddresses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OptionConfigurator
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OptionsResolverTest
 $resolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OptionsResolverIntrospector
 $get<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyString
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WcswidthDataGenerator
 $outDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $client<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompiledRoute
 $variables<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tokens<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $staticPrefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $regex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pathVariables<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hostVariables<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hostRegex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hostTokens<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RequestContext
 $baseUrl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pathInfo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $method<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $host<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scheme<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpPort<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpsPort<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $queryString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RouteCollection
 $routes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $aliases<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resources<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $priorities<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Route
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $host<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $schemes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $methods<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaults<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requirements<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $condition<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $compiled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Router
 $matcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $generator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $collection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resource<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $configCacheFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressionLanguageProviders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Alias
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deprecation<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Route
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $localizedPaths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $methods<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $schemes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requirements<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaults<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $host<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $condition<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $priority<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $env<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RouterTest
 $router<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cacheDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExpressionLanguageProviderTest
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressionLanguage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompiledUrlMatcherDumperTest
 $dumpPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StringableObjectWithPublicProperty
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NonStringableObjectWithPublicProperty
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompiledUrlGeneratorDumperTest
 $routeCollection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $generatorDumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $testTmpFilepath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $largeTestTmpFilepath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AttributeDirectoryLoaderTest
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classLoader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AttributeClassLoaderTest
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestObjectLoader
 $loaderMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestObjectLoaderRouteService
 $collection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $env<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AttributeFileLoaderTest
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classLoader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DirectoryLoaderTest
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableAttributeClassLoader
 $foundClasses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooAttributes
 $class<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExpressionLanguageProvider
 $functions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompiledUrlMatcherDumper
 $expressionLanguage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signalingException<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressionLanguageProviders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MatcherDumper
 $routes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StaticPrefixCollection
 $prefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $staticPrefixes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prefixes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $items<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompiledUrlGenerator
 $compiledRoutes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultLocale<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GeneratorDumper
 $routes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EnumRequirement
 $requirement<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AttributeFileLoader
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Psr4DirectoryLoader
 $currentDirectory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AttributeClassLoader
 $routeAnnotationClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultRouteIndex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $env<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContainerLoader
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RouteConfigurator
 $parentConfigurator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CollectionConfigurator
 $parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parentConfigurator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parentPrefixes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $host<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AliasConfigurator
 $alias<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RoutingConfigurator
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $env<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportConfigurator
 $parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MissingMandatoryParametersException
 $routeName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $missingParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MethodNotAllowedException
 $allowedMethods<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HtmlSanitizer
 $config<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $domVisitors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HtmlSanitizerConfig
 $blockedElements<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowedElements<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $forcedAttributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowedLinkSchemes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowedLinkHosts<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowRelativeLinks<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowedMediaSchemes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowedMediaHosts<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $allowRelativeMedias<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $forceHttpsUrls<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributeSanitizers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxInputLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MastermindsParser
 $defaultOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DomVisitor
 $config<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $elementsConfig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $forcedAttributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributeSanitizers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Cursor
 $node<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BlockedNode
 $parentNode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $children<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DocumentNode
 $children<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TextNode
 $parentNode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $text<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CssSelectorConverter
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $xmlCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $htmlCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class XPathExpr
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $element<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $condition<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Translator
 $mainParser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $shortcutParsers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extensions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nodeTranslators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $combinationTranslators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $functionTranslators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pseudoClassTranslators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributeMatchingTranslators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Parser
 $tokenizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Reader
 $source<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $length<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $position<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TokenStream
 $tokens<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $used<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cursor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $peeked<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $peeking<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IdentifierHandler
 $patterns<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $escaping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StringHandler
 $patterns<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $escaping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HashHandler
 $patterns<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $escaping<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NumberHandler
 $patterns<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TokenizerEscaping
 $patterns<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Tokenizer
 $handlers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TokenizerPatterns
 $unicodeEscapePattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $simpleEscapePattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $newLineEscapePattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $escapePattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stringEscapePattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nonAsciiPattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nmCharPattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nmStartPattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $identifierPattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hashPattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $numberPattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $quotedStringPattern<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClassNode
 $selector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FunctionNode
 $selector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arguments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractNode
 $nodeName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PseudoNode
 $selector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $identifier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ElementNode
 $namespace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $element<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HashNode
 $selector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AttributeNode
 $selector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attribute<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $operator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NegationNode
 $selector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $subSelector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SelectorNode
 $tree<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pseudoElement<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CombinedSelectorNode
 $selector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $combinator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $subSelector<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class VarDumper
 $handler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class VarCloner
 $arrayCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractCloner
 $defaultCasters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxItems<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxString<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $minDepth<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $casters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prevErrorHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classInfo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Data
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $position<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxDepth<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxItemsPerDepth<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $useRefHandles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FrameStub
 $keepArgs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inTraceStub<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExceptionCaster
 $srcContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $traceArgs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errorTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $framesCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LinkStub
 $inVendor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $vendorRoots<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $composerRoots<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MemcachedCaster
 $optionConstants<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceStub
 $keepArgs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sliceOffset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sliceLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $numberingOffset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CutArrayStub
 $preservedSubset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArgsStub
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EnumStub
 $dumpKeys<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MyStub
 $myProp<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MyArrayIterator
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class XmlReaderCasterTest
 $reader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CasterTest
 $referenceArray<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class A
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $b<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $c<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class B
 $d<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $e<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $f<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateCasterTest
 $previousTimezone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Php81Enums
 $e1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $e2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MyAttribute
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extra<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ReflectionNamedTypeFixture
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ReflectionUnionTypeWithIntersectionFixture
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Php74
 $p1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $p2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $p3<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DumbFoo
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ReflectionUnionTypeFixture
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DateTimeChild
 $addedProperty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class __TwigTemplate_VarDumperFixture_u75a09
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ReflectionIntersectionTypeFixture
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CliDescriptorTest
 $timezone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prevTerminalEmulator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HtmlDescriptorTest
 $timezone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Connection
 $host<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $contextProviders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $socket<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DumpServer
 $host<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $socket<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServerDumpCommand
 $server<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $descriptors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CliDescriptor
 $dumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastIdentifier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HtmlDescriptor
 $dumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialized<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServerDumper
 $connection<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $wrappedDumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CliDumper
 $defaultColors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultOutput<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $colors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxStringWidth<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $styles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $controlCharsRx<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $controlCharsMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $unicodeCharsRx<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $collapseNextHash<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expandNextHash<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $displayOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handlesHrefGracefully<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContextualizedDumper
 $wrappedDumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $contextProviders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HtmlDumper
 $defaultOutput<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $themes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dumpHeader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dumpPrefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dumpSuffix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dumpId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $colors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $headerIsDumped<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastDepth<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $displayOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extraDisplayOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RequestContextProvider
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cloner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SourceContextProvider
 $limit<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $charset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $projectDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fileLinkFormatter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AssetMapperCompiler
 $assetMapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $assetCompilers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $assetMapperFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MappedAsset
 $sourcePath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $publicPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $publicPathWithoutDigest<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $publicExtension<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $content<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $digest<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isPredigested<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isVendor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dependencies<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fileDependencies<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $javaScriptImports<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logicalPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AssetMapperRepository
 $absolutePaths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $paths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $projectRootDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $excludedPathPatterns<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $excludeDotFiles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompiledAssetMapperConfigReader
 $directory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MapperAwareAssetPackage
 $innerPackage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $assetMapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PublicAssetsPathResolver
 $publicPrefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LocalPublicAssetsFilesystem
 $filesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $publicDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AssetMapperTest
 $mappedAssetFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompiledAssetMapperConfigReaderTest
 $filesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $writableRoot<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LocalPublicAssetsFilesystemTest
 $filesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $writableRoot<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AssetMapperCompileCommandTest
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CachedMappedAssetFactoryTest
 $filesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cacheDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MappedAssetFactoryTest
 $assetMapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapConfigReaderTest
 $filesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapAuditorTest
 $importMapConfigReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpClient<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $importMapAuditor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RemotePackageStorageTest
 $filesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $writableRoot<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapGeneratorTest
 $assetMapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $compiledConfigReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $configReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $importMapGenerator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $writableRoot<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapManagerTest
 $assetMapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $packageResolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $configReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $remotePackageDownloader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $importMapManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $writableRoot<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RemotePackageDownloaderTest
 $filesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $writableRoot<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapUpdateCheckerTest
 $importMapConfigReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $updateChecker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DebugAssetMapperCommand
 $didShortenPaths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $assetMapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $assetMapperRepository<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $projectDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AssetMapperCompileCommand
 $compiledConfigReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $assetMapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $importMapGenerator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $assetsFilesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $projectDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isDebug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eventDispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapUpdateCommand
 $importMapManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $importMapVersionChecker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapInstallCommand
 $packageDownloader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $projectDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapRemoveCommand
 $importMapManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapRequireCommand
 $importMapManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $importMapVersionChecker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CircularAssetsException
 $mappedAsset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PreAssetsCompileEvent
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CachedMappedAssetFactory
 $innerFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cacheDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapManager
 $assetMapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $importMapConfigReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $packageDownloader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class JavaScriptImport
 $importName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $assetLogicalPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $assetSourcePath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isLazy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $addImplicitlyToImportMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapConfigReader
 $rootImportMapEntries<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $importMapConfigPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $remotePackageStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapPackageAudit
 $package<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $version<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $vulnerabilities<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PackageVersionProblem
 $packageName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dependencyPackageName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requiredVersionConstraint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $installedVersion<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapEntry
 $importName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isEntrypoint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $version<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $packageModuleSpecifier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapPackageAuditVulnerability
 $ghsaId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cveId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $url<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $summary<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $severity<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $vulnerableVersionRange<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $firstPatchedVersion<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RemotePackageStorage
 $vendorDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ImportMapEntries
 $entries<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PackageRequireOptions
 $importName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $packageModuleSpecifier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $versionConstraint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $entrypoint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RemotePackageDownloader
 $installed<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $remotePackageStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $importMapConfigReader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $packageResolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResolvedImportMapPackage
 $requireOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $version<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EnvVarProcessor
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loaders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loadedVars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExpressionLanguageProvider
 $serviceCompiler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $getEnv<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Container
 $parameterBag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $services<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $privates<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fileMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $methodMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $factories<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $aliases<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loading<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resolving<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $syntheticIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $envCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $compiled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $getEnv<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $make<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ReverseContainer
 $serviceContainer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $reversibleLocator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tagName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $getServiceId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Variable
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChildDefinition
 $parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Reference
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $invalidBehavior<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServiceLocator
 $externalId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TypedReference
 $type<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Parameter
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Extension
 $processedConfigs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Autoconfigure
 $tags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $calls<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bind<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lazy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $public<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $shared<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autowire<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $properties<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $configurator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $constructor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AsDecorator
 $decorates<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $priority<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $onInvalid<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AsTaggedItem
 $index<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $priority<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Target
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class When
 $env<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TaggedIterator
 $tag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $indexAttribute<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultIndexMethod<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultPriorityMethod<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exclude<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $excludeSelf<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Autowire
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lazy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TaggedLocator
 $tag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $indexAttribute<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultIndexMethod<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultPriorityMethod<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exclude<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $excludeSelf<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AsAlias
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $public<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContainerParametersResourceChecker
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContainerParametersResource
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractArgument
 $text<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RewindableGenerator
 $generator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $count<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServiceLocatorArgument
 $values<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $taggedIteratorArgument<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IteratorArgument
 $values<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyClosure
 $service<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initializer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TaggedIteratorArgument
 $tag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $indexAttribute<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultIndexMethod<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultPriorityMethod<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $needsIndexes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exclude<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $excludeSelf<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServiceLocator
 $factory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serviceMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serviceTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServiceClosureArgument
 $values<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProjectServiceContainer
 $__bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $__foo_bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $__foo_baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $__internal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SomeServiceSubscriber
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class E
 $first<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $second<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CrossCheckTest
 $fixturesPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContainerParametersResourceTest
 $resource<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContainerParametersResourceCheckerTest
 $resource<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resourceChecker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContainerBagTest
 $parameterBag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $containerBag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoaderResolverTest
 $fixturesPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resolver<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class YamlFileLoaderTest
 $fixturesPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FileLoaderTest
 $fixturesPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class XmlFileLoaderTest
 $fixturesPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IniFileLoaderTest
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DirectoryLoaderTest
 $fixturesPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooBarTaggedClass
 $param<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CaseSensitiveClass
 $identifier<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BarFactory
 $bars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TaggedLocatorConsumerWithDefaultIndexMethodAndWithDefaultPriorityMethod
 $locator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TaggedService3
 $sum<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hasBeenConfigured<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TaggedLocatorConsumerWithoutIndex
 $locator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TaggedLocatorConsumer
 $locator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooBarTaggedForDefaultPriorityClass
 $param<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TaggedService4
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $param1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StaticConstructorAutoconfigure
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TaggedLocatorConsumerConsumer
 $locatorConsumer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooClassWithEnumAttribute
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TaggedLocatorConsumerWithDefaultPriorityMethod
 $locator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StdClassDecorator
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WitherStaticReturnType
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SimilarArgumentsDummy
 $class1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $class2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooWithAbstractArgument
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TaggedIteratorConsumer
 $param<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TaggedConsumerWithExclude
 $items<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AcmeConfig
 $color<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nested<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TaggedLocatorConsumerWithDefaultIndexMethod
 $locator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TaggedLocatorConsumerWithServiceSubscriber
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $locator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TaggedIteratorConsumerWithDefaultPriorityMethod
 $param<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AutowireLocatorConsumer
 $locator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TaggedIteratorConsumerWithDefaultIndexMethod
 $param<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TaggedIteratorConsumerWithDefaultIndexMethodAndWithDefaultPriorityMethod
 $param<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Bar
 $quz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CustomParameterAttribute
 $someAttribute<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $priority<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CustomMethodAttribute
 $someAttribute<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $priority<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CustomAutoconfiguration
 $someAttribute<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $priority<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CustomPropertyAttribute
 $someAttribute<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $priority<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Foo
 $counter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooVoid
 $counter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UnderscoreNamedArgument
 $now_datetime<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Wither
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StaticConstructor
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BarClass
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BazClass
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BarUserClass
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MethodCallClass
 $simple<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $complex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $callPassed<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyContext
 $lazyValues<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lazyEmptyValues<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FactoryCircular
 $services<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FoobarCircular
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooCircular
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BarCircular
 $foobar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AutowireProperty
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AutowireAttribute
 $service<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expression<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nullableValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serviceAsValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressionAsValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rawValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $escapedRawValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $customAutowire<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $invalid<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AutowireAttributeNullFallback
 $required<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $optional<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooClass
 $qux<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $moo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $otherInstances<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialized<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $configured<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $called<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arguments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PrototypeStaticConstructorAsArgument
 $prototypeStaticConstructor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_Rot13Parameters
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $getService<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loadedDynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_Almost_Circular_Public
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_DefaultParameters
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loadedDynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_Callable_Adapter_Consumer
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_Inline_Self_Ref
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Service_Wither_Annotation
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_JsonParameters
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loadedDynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Errored_Definition
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loadedDynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProjectServiceContainer
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Service_Locator_Argument
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $getService<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Service_CurrentFactoryInlining
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_UrlParameters
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loadedDynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Service_Wither_Lazy
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_Deep_Graph
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_Closure_Proxy
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Service_Wither_Lazy_Non_Shared
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Service_Non_Shared_Lazy
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_Uninitialized_Reference
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_EnvParameters
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loadedDynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_Autowire_Closure
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_Base64Parameters
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loadedDynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_QueryStringParameters
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loadedDynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_Lazy_Autowire_Attribute
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_CsvParameters
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loadedDynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_Unsupported_Characters
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loadedDynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dynamicParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Service_Wither
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Service_WitherStaticReturnType
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_Lazy_Closure
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_Almost_Circular_Private
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BarMethodCall
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BarOptionalArgumentNotNull
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Wobble
 $waldo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BarOptionalArgument
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Bar
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IntersectionDummy
 $fg<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Dummy
 $a<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UnionDummy
 $de<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExtensionCompilerPassTest
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyExtension
 $alias<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPassTest
 $compilerPass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fooDefinition<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EnvExtension
 $configuration<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $config<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServiceSubscriberStub
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DecoratedServiceSubscriber
 $inner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DecoratedServiceLocator
 $locator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TagCollector
 $collectedTags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Locator
 $locator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpDumperTest
 $fixturesPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooForDeepGraph
 $bClone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyClosureConsumer
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $buz<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyServiceConsumer
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CallableAdapterConsumer
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GraphvizDumperTest
 $fixturesPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class XmlDumperTest
 $fixturesPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class YamlDumperTest
 $fixturesPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EnvPlaceholderParameterBag
 $envPlaceholderUniquePrefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $envPlaceholders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $unusedEnvPlaceholders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $providedTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $counter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ParameterBag
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resolved<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deprecatedParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContainerBag
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FrozenParameterBag
 $deprecatedParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpFileLoader
 $autoRegisterAliasesForSinglyImplementedInterfaces<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $generator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClosureLoader
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ReferenceConfigurator
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $invalidBehavior<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EnvConfigurator
 $stack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractServiceConfigurator
 $parent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultTags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyServiceDumper
 $salt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ParameterCircularReferenceException
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ParameterNotFoundException
 $key<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sourceId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sourceKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $alternatives<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $nonNestedAlternative<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServiceCircularReferenceException
 $serviceId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServiceNotFoundException
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sourceId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $alternatives<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AutowiringFailedException
 $serviceId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $messageCallback<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DecoratorServicePass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResolveInvalidReferencesPass
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signalingException<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RegisterAutoconfigureAttributesPass
 $registerForAutoconfiguration<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServiceReferenceGraph
 $nodes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServiceReferenceGraphNode
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inEdges<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $outEdges<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InlineServiceDefinitionsPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $analyzingPass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cloningIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connectedIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notInlinedIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inlinedIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $notInlinableIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $graph<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResolveFactoryClassPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResolveBindingsPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $usedBindings<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $unusedBindings<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errorMessages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RegisterReverseContainerPass
 $beforeRemoving<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractRecursivePass
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $processExpressions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressionLanguage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inExpression<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AliasDeprecatedPublicServicesPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $aliases<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResolveReferencesToAliasesPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CheckArgumentsValidityPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $throwExceptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AttributeAutoconfigurationPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $classAttributeConfigurators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $methodAttributeConfigurators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $propertyAttributeConfigurators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parameterAttributeConfigurators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AutowireRequiredPropertiesPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResolveNamedArgumentsPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MergeExtensionConfigurationParameterBag
 $processedEnvPlaceholders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MergeExtensionConfigurationContainerBuilder
 $extensionClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServiceReferenceGraphEdge
 $sourceNode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $destNode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lazy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $weak<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $byConstructor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DefinitionErrorExceptionPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $erroredDefinitions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sourceReferences<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RemoveUnusedDefinitionsPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $connectedIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AutowirePass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $types<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ambiguousServiceTypes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autowiringAliases<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastFailure<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $throwOnAutowiringException<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decoratedClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decoratedId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $methodCalls<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultArgument<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $getPreviousValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decoratedMethodIndex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decoratedMethodArgumentIndex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $typesClone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServiceLocatorTagPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResolveTaggedIteratorArgumentPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResolveEnvPlaceholdersPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CheckCircularReferencesPass
 $currentPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $checkedNodes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serviceLocatorContextIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RemoveBuildParametersPass
 $removedParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resolveArrays<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $throwOnResolveException<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CheckReferenceValidityPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RegisterServiceSubscribersPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResolveHotPathPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resolvedIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResolveServiceSubscribersPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serviceLocator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $replacements<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResolveChildDefinitionsPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Compiler
 $passConfig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $log<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $serviceReferenceGraph<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AnalyzeServiceReferencesPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $graph<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentDefinition<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $onlyConstructorArguments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hasProxyDumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lazy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $byConstructor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $byFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $definitions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $aliases<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AutowireRequiredMethodsPass
 $skipScalars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class GraphvizDumper
 $nodes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $edges<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class YamlDumper
 $dumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class XmlDumper
 $document<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Dumper
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SodiumPasswordHasher
 $opsLimit<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $memLimit<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UserPasswordHasher
 $hasherFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Pbkdf2PasswordHasher
 $algorithm<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $encodeHashAsBase64<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $iterations<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $length<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $encodedLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NativePasswordHasher
 $algorithm<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MessageDigestPasswordHasher
 $algorithm<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $encodeHashAsBase64<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $iterations<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hashLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PlaintextPasswordHasher
 $ignorePasswordCase<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MigratingPasswordHasher
 $bestHasher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $extraHashers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PasswordHasherFactory
 $passwordHashers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HasherAwareUser
 $hasherName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestLegacyPasswordAuthenticatedUser
 $username<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $salt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $roles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestPasswordAuthenticatedUser
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UserPasswordHashCommandTest
 $passwordHasherCommandTester<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $colSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UserPasswordHashCommand
 $hasherFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userClasses<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MockClock
 $now<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Clock
 $globalClock<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $clock<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timezone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MonotonicClock
 $sOffset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $usOffset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timezone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NativeClock
 $timezone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ClockBeforeClassTest
 $clock<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StreamedResponse
 $callback<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $streamed<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $headersSent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BinaryFileResponse
 $trustXSendfileTypeHeader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $file<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $offset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxlen<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $deleteFileAfterSend<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $chunkSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AcceptHeader
 $items<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sorted<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RequestStack
 $requests<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RedirectResponse
 $targetUrl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ParameterBag
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AcceptHeaderItem
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $quality<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $index<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UrlHelper
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestContext<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChainRequestMatcher
 $matchers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UriSigner
 $secret<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parameter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResponseCookieValueSame
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $domain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResponseHasCookie
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $path<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $domain<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResponseHeaderLocationSame
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expectedValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResponseStatusCodeSame
 $statusCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResponseHasHeader
 $headerName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RequestAttributeValueSame
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResponseFormatSame
 $request<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $format<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResponseHeaderSame
 $headerName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expectedValue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UploadedFile
 $test<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $originalName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $mimeType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $error<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MethodRequestMatcher
 $methods<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PathRequestMatcher
 $regexp<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PortRequestMatcher
 $port<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HostRequestMatcher
 $regexp<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AttributesRequestMatcher
 $regexps<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExpressionRequestMatcher
 $language<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expression<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SchemeRequestMatcher
 $schemes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class IpsRequestMatcher
 $ips<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ResponseFunctionalTest
 $server<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MockAbstractRequestRateLimiter
 $limiters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FakeFile
 $realpath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SessionTest
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $session<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AttributeBagTest
 $array<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpBridgeSessionStorageTest
 $savePath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialSessionSaveHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialSessionSavePath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MockArraySessionStorageTest
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $flashes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MetadataBagTest
 $bag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $array<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NativeSessionStorageTest
 $savePath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialSessionSaveHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialSessionSavePath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MockFileSessionStorageTest
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sessionDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractSessionHandlerTest
 $server<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MarshallingSessionHandlerTest
 $handler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $marshaller<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MigratingSessionHandlerTest
 $dualHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $currentHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $writeOnlyHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PdoSessionHandlerTest
 $dbFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MockPdo
 $prepareResult<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $driverName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errorMode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestSessionHandler
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sessionId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SessionHandlerProxyTest
 $mock<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $proxy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractProxyTest
 $proxy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AutoExpireFlashBagTest
 $array<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FlashBagTest
 $array<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Session
 $storage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $flashName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attributeName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $usageIndex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $usageReporter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SessionFactory
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $storageFactory<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $usageReporter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SessionBagProxy
 $bag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $usageIndex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $usageReporter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AttributeBag
 $attributes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $storageKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NativeSessionStorage
 $bags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $started<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $closed<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $saveHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadataBag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MockFileSessionStorageFactory
 $savePath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metaBag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NativeSessionStorageFactory
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metaBag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $secure<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MockFileSessionStorage
 $savePath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpBridgeSessionStorageFactory
 $handler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metaBag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $secure<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MockArraySessionStorage
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $started<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $closed<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $data<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $metadataBag<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bags<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractSessionHandler
 $sessionName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prefetchId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prefetchData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $newSessionId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $igbinaryEmptyData<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MarshallingSessionHandler
 $handler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $marshaller<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MigratingSessionHandler
 $currentHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $writeOnlyHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MongoDbSessionHandler
 $manager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namespace<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ttl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RedisSessionHandler
 $prefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ttl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $redis<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StrictSessionHandler
 $handler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $doDestroy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MemcachedSessionHandler
 $memcached<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ttl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SessionHandlerProxy
 $handler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractProxy
 $wrapper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $saveHandlerName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AutoExpireFlashBag
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $flashes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $storageKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FlashBag
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $flashes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $storageKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExecutableFinder
 $suffixes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InputStream
 $onEmpty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $input<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $open<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpExecutableFinder
 $executableFinder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProcessTest
 $phpBin<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $process<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sigchild<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PhpSubprocessTest
 $phpBin<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UnixPipes
 $ttyMode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ptyMode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $haveReadSupport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WindowsPipes
 $files<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fileHandles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lockHandles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $readBytes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $haveReadSupport<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractPipes
 $pipes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $inputBuffer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $input<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $blocked<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastError<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RunProcessContext
 $exitCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errorOutput<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RunProcessMessage
 $command<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cwd<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $env<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $input<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timeout<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProcessSignaledException
 $process<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProcessFailedException
 $process<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RunProcessFailedException
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Cursor
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $input<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Application
 $commands<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $wantHelps<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $runningCommand<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $version<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $commandLoader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $catchExceptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $catchErrors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoExit<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $definition<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $helperSet<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $terminal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultCommand<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $singleCommand<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $initialized<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signalRegistry<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signalsToDispatchEvent<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SingleCommandApplication
 $version<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autoExit<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $running<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AsCommand
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $description<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArrayInput
 $parameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArgvInput
 $tokens<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parsed<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InputDefinition
 $arguments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requiredCount<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastArrayArgument<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lastOptionalArgument<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $negations<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $shortcuts<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Input
 $definition<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stream<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arguments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $interactive<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TerminalTest
 $colSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lineSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ansiCon<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ApplicationTest
 $fixturesPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $colSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BaseSignableCommand
 $signaled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exitCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signalHandlers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loop<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $emitsSignal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $signal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TerminatableWithEventCommand
 $shouldContinue<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SignalEventSubscriber
 $signaled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EventTraceSubscriber
 $observedEvents<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CursorTest
 $stream<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsoleLoggerTest
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InputDefinitionTest
 $fixtures<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $multi<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $foo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $foo1<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $foo2<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsoleSectionOutputTest
 $stream<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestOutput
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StreamOutputTest
 $stream<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SymfonyStyleTest
 $command<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tester<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $colSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StringChoice
 $string<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class QuestionTest
 $question<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ApplicationTesterTest
 $application<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tester<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CommandTesterTest
 $command<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tester<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooSubnamespaced2Command
 $input<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooCommand
 $input<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooSubnamespaced1Command
 $input<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FooOptCommand
 $input<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Foo1Command
 $input<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FoobarCommand
 $input<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LockableTraitTest
 $fixturesPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CommandTest
 $fixturesPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MyAnnotatedCommand
 $defaultName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultDescription<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompleteCommandTest
 $command<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $application<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $tester<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AutocompleteValues
 $values<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TableTest
 $stream<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProgressBarTest
 $colSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DescribedCommand
 $initCounter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TrimmedBufferOutput
 $maxLength<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $buffer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class BufferedOutput
 $buffer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Output
 $verbosity<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $formatter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsoleSectionOutput
 $content<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $lines<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sections<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $terminal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxHeight<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsoleOutput
 $stderr<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $consoleSectionOutputs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NullOutput
 $formatter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StreamOutput
 $stream<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Suggestion
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $description<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CompletionSuggestions
 $valueSuggestions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $optionSuggestions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OutputStyle
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ChoiceQuestion
 $choices<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $multiselect<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $prompt<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $errorMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Question
 $question<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $attempts<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hidden<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hiddenFallback<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $autocompleterCallback<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $validator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $default<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $normalizer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $trimmable<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $multiline<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConfirmationQuestion
 $trueAnswerRegex<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OutputFormatterStyle
 $color<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $foreground<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $background<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $href<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handlesHrefGracefully<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OutputFormatter
 $decorated<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $styles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $styleStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class NullOutputFormatter
 $style<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class OutputFormatterStyleStack
 $styles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $emptyStyle<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RunCommandMessage
 $input<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $throwOnFailure<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $catchExceptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RunCommandContext
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exitCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RunCommandMessageHandler
 $application<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SignalRegistry
 $signalHandlers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SignalMap
 $map<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContainerCommandLoader
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $commandMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FactoryCommandLoader
 $factories<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Descriptor
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ReStructuredTextDescriptor
 $partChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $chapterChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sectionChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $subsectionChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $subsubsectionChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $paragraphsChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $visibleNamespaces<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CommandTester
 $command<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ApplicationTester
 $application<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CommandCompletionTester
 $command<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableCommand
 $command<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exitCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $interruptedBySignal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $ignoreValidation<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isInteractive<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $duration<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $maxMemoryUsage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $input<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $arguments<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $interactiveInputs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handledSignals<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyCommand
 $command<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $isEnabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HelpCommand
 $command<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DumpCompletionCommand
 $supportedShells<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TableStyle
 $paddingChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $horizontalOutsideBorderChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $horizontalInsideBorderChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $verticalOutsideBorderChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $verticalInsideBorderChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $crossingChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $crossingTopRightChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $crossingTopMidChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $crossingTopLeftChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $crossingMidRightChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $crossingBottomRightChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $crossingBottomMidChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $crossingBottomLeftChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $crossingMidLeftChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $crossingTopLeftBottomChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $crossingTopMidBottomChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $crossingTopRightBottomChar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $headerTitleFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $footerTitleFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cellHeaderFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cellRowFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cellRowContentFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $borderFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $padType<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TableRows
 $generator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TableCell
 $value<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HelperSet
 $helpers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Dumper
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $dumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cloner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $handler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class InputAwareHelper
 $input<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class QuestionHelper
 $inputStream<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stty<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stdinIsInteractive<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Helper
 $helperSet<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DescriptorHelper
 $descriptors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RunCommandFailedException
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CommandNotFoundException
 $alternatives<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsoleTerminateEvent
 $exitCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $interruptingSignal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsoleErrorEvent
 $error<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exitCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsoleEvent
 $command<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $input<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsoleSignalEvent
 $handlingSignal<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exitCode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CliRequest
 $command<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ErrorListener
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Security
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SecurityDataCollector
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $roleHierarchy<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logoutUrlGenerator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessDecisionManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $firewallMap<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $firewall<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $hasVarDumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LazyFirewallContext
 $tokenStorage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FirewallContext
 $listeners<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $exceptionListener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logoutListener<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $config<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FirewallMap
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $map<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FirewallConfig
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userChecker<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestMatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $securityEnabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stateless<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $provider<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $context<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $entryPoint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessDeniedHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accessDeniedUrl<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $switchUser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logout<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MainConfigurationTest
 $minimalConfig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractFactoryTest
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MakeFirewallsEventDispatcherTraceablePassTest
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RegisterGlobalSecurityEventListenersPassTest
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UserWithoutEquatable
 $username<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $password<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accountNonExpired<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $credentialsNonExpired<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $accountNonLocked<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $roles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ForceLoginController
 $authenticator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $security<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LogoutController
 $checkCsrf<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $security<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AppKernel
 $varDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $testCase<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rootConfig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UserLoginType
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoginController
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AutowiredServices
 $accessDecisionManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestSubscriber
 $calledMethods<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class UserChangingUserProvider
 $inner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $changePassword<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class StaticTokenProvider
 $db<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $kernelClass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ArrayUserProvider
 $users<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ApiAuthenticator
 $selfLoadingUser<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoginFormAuthenticator
 $urlGenerator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RequestTrackerSubscriber
 $lastRequest<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LocalizedFormFailureHandler
 $router<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LoginController
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LocalizedController
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExpressionCacheWarmer
 $expressions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressionLanguage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DecoratedRememberMeHandler
 $handler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DebugFirewallCommand
 $firewallNames<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $contexts<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $eventDispatchers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticators<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LogoutRouteLoader
 $logoutUris<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parameterName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SecurityExtension
 $requestMatchers<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $contextListeners<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $factories<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $sortedFactories<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $userProviderFactories<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractFactory
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultSuccessHandlerOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultFailureHandlerOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TraceableFirewallListener
 $wrappedListeners<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $authenticatorsInfo<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FirewallListener
 $map<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logoutUrlGenerator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class VoteListener
 $traceableAccessDecisionManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TemplateIterator
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $templates<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $paths<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultPath<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $namePatterns<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TwigLoaderPassTest
 $builder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $chainLoader<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pass<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TemplateCacheWarmer
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $twig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $iterator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class EnvironmentConfigurator
 $dateFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $intervalFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $timezone<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decimals<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decimalPoint<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $thousandsSeparator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class KernelBrowser
 $hasPerformedRequest<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $profiler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $reboot<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class KernelTestCase
 $class<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $booted<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestBrowserToken
 $firewallName<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestContainer
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $privateServicesLocatorId<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $renamedIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Translator
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $loaderIds<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resourceLocales<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resources<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $resourceFiles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $scannedDirectories<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $enabledLocales<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SodiumVault
 $encryptionKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $decryptionKey<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pathPrefix<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $secretsDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DotenvVault
 $dotenvFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractVault
 $lastMessage<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslatorTest
 $tmpDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DotenvVaultTest
 $envFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SodiumVaultTest
 $secretsDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConfigBuilderCacheWarmerTest
 $varDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestKernel
 $varDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestSecurityExtension
 $factories<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestAbstractController
 $throwOnUnexpectedService<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Person
 $eyeColor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Author
 $eyeColor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyMessage
 $message<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummySchedule
 $recurringMessages<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DummyTask
 $calls<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Person
 $eyeColor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SubCategory
 $main<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Author
 $eyeColor<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Article
 $category<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class YamlLintCommandTest
 $files<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationUpdateCommandTest
 $fs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translationDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CachePoolDeleteCommandTest
 $cachePool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class XliffLintCommandTest
 $files<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationUpdateCommandCompletionTest
 $fs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translationDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CachePoolClearCommandTest
 $cachePool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationDebugCommandTest
 $fs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translationDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CacheClearCommandTest
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AboutCommandTest
 $fs<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FrameworkExtensionTestCase
 $containerCache<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Foo
 $bars<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Bar
 $id<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RouterDebugCommandTest
 $application<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class QueryString
 $filter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Filter
 $status<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $quantity<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RequestBody
 $comment<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $approved<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationDebugCommandTest
 $application<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AppKernel
 $varDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $testCase<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $rootConfig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PrivateService
 $inner<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class PublicService
 $nonPublicService<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $privateService<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AutowiredServices
 $dispatcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cachePool<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TransSubscriberService
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TransMethodCallsService
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TransPropertyService
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TransConstructArgService
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SecurityController
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Bar
 $bar<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SubRequestController
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SubRequestServiceResolutionController
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SessionController
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TestExtension
 $customConfig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Configuration
 $customConfig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SlugConstructArgService
 $slugger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class LegacyPerson
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $age<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ModernPerson
 $name<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $age<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConcreteMicroKernel
 $cacheDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MicroKernelTraitTest
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class MinimalKernel
 $cacheDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FlexStyleMicroKernel
 $cacheDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractDescriptorTestCase
 $colSize<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TextDescriptorTest
 $fileLinkFormatter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ValidatorCacheWarmer
 $validatorBuilder<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConfigBuilderCacheWarmer
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $logger<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractPhpFileCacheWarmer
 $phpArrayFile<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RouterCacheWarmer
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TranslationsCacheWarmer
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $translator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SerializerCacheWarmer
 $loaders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CachePoolClearerCacheWarmer
 $poolClearer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $pools<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class AbstractController
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TemplateController
 $twig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RedirectController
 $router<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpPort<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $httpsPort<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class HttpCache
 $cacheDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $store<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $surrogate<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $options<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SecretsListCommand
 $vault<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $localVault<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CachePoolInvalidateTagsCommand
 $pools<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $poolNames<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SecretsRemoveCommand
 $vault<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $localVault<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CacheClearCommand
 $cacheClearer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $filesystem<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SecretsDecryptToLocalCommand
 $vault<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $localVault<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RouterDebugCommand
 $router<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $fileLinkFormatter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CachePoolPruneCommand
 $pools<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CachePoolClearCommand
 $poolClearer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $poolNames<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContainerLintCommand
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SecretsEncryptFromLocalCommand
 $vault<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $localVault<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DebugAutowiringCommand
 $fileLinkFormatter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CacheWarmupCommand
 $cacheWarmer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CachePoolListCommand
 $poolNames<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SecretsGenerateKeysCommand
 $vault<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $localVault<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CachePoolDeleteCommand
 $poolClearer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $poolNames<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RouterMatchCommand
 $router<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressionLanguageProviders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class SecretsSetCommand
 $vault<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $localVault<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Router
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $collectedParameters<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $paramFetcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class DelegatingLoader
 $loading<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultOptions<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $defaultRequirements<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Configuration
 $debug<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class FrameworkExtension
 $configsEnabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Application
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $commandsRegistered<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $registrationErrors<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TextDescriptor
 $fileLinkFormatter<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class Descriptor
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ConsoleProfilerListener
 $error<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $profiles<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $parents<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $profiler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $requestStack<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stopwatch<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cliMode<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $urlGenerator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TemplateManagerTest
 $twigEnvironment<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $profiler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $templateManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WebProfilerExtensionTest
 $kernel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $container<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ProfilerController
 $templateManager<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $generator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $profiler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $twig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $templates<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cspHandler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $baseDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ExceptionPanelController
 $errorRenderer<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $profiler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class RouterController
 $profiler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $twig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $matcher<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $routes<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $expressionLanguageProviders<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ContentSecurityPolicyHandler
 $nonceGenerator<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $cspDisabled<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class TemplateManager
 $twig<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $templates<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $profiler<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class CodeExtension
 $fileLinkFormat<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $charset<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $projectDir<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class WebProfilerExtension
 $dumper<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $output<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
 $stackLevel<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>    
class ServerDumpPlaceholderCommand
 $replacedCommand<?php /*A*//*B*/ ?>