List of all defined interfaces in the code..
Value | Count | File:Line |
ClearableErrorsInterface | 1 |
FormFactoryInterface | 1 |
RequestParserInterface | 1 |
ClickableInterface | 1 |
RequestConfiguratorInterface | 1 |
RequestHandlerInterface | 1 |
FormExtensionInterface | 1 |
FormTypeInterface | 1 |
DataTransformerInterface | 1 |
ButtonTypeInterface | 1 |
FormTypeGuesserInterface | 1 |
FormTypeExtensionInterface | 1 |
ResolvedFormTypeFactoryInterface | 1 |
DataAccessorInterface | 1 |
FormRegistryInterface | 1 |
FormRendererEngineInterface | 1 |
FormFactoryBuilderInterface | 1 |
FormConfigInterface | 1 |
ResolvedFormTypeInterface | 1 |
ViolationMapperInterface | 1 |
FormDataCollectorInterface | 1 |
FormDataExtractorInterface | 1 |
SubmitButtonTypeInterface | 1 |
FormConfigBuilderInterface | 1 |
FormRendererInterface | 1 |
DataMapperInterface | 1 |
LocaleAwareInterface | 1 |
ServiceSubscriberInterface | 1 |
ResetInterface | 1 |
CacheInterface | 1 |
TagAwareCacheInterface | 1 |
TranslatableInterface | 1 |
RebootableInterface | 1 |
LateDataCollectorInterface | 1 |
DataCollectorInterface | 1 |
ArgumentMetadataFactoryInterface | 1 |
ServiceProviderInterface | 1 |
TerminableInterface | 1 |
KernelInterface | 1 |
HttpKernelInterface | 1 |
BundleInterface | 1 |
CacheWarmerInterface | 1 |
ControllerResolverInterface | 1 |
ArgumentResolverInterface | 1 |
SerializerDenormalizer | 1 |
CacheClearerInterface | 1 |
WarmableInterface | 1 |
StoreInterface | 1 |
ResponseCacheStrategyInterface | 1 |
ProfilerStorageInterface | 1 |
DebugLoggerInterface | 1 |
FragmentUriGeneratorInterface | 1 |
ValueResolverInterface | 1 |
SurrogateInterface | 1 |
FragmentRendererInterface | 1 |
ExistingInterface | 1 |
ExistingInterfaceReal | 1 |
EntityLoaderInterface | 1 |
UserLoaderInterface | 1 |
HttpClientInterface | 1 |
ResponseStreamInterface | 1 |
HttpMessageFactoryInterface | 1 |
HttpFoundationFactoryInterface | 1 |
ServerExceptionInterface | 1 |
ResponseInterface | 1 |
ChunkInterface | 1 |
TimeoutExceptionInterface | 1 |
RedirectionExceptionInterface | 1 |
ItemInterface | 1 |
CallbackInterface | 1 |
ClientExceptionInterface | 1 |
DecodingExceptionInterface | 1 |
SlackBlockElementInterface | 1 |
SlackBlockInterface | 1 |
DiscordEmbedObjectInterface | 1 |
DiscordEmbedInterface | 1 |
EmailNotificationInterface | 1 |
ChatNotificationInterface | 1 |
SmsNotificationInterface | 1 |
PushNotificationInterface | 1 |
EmailRecipientInterface | 1 |
SmsRecipientInterface | 1 |
RecipientInterface | 1 |
TexterInterface | 1 |
NotifierInterface | 1 |
ChatterInterface | 1 |
ConfigCacheFactoryInterface | 1 |
ResourceCheckerInterface | 1 |
ConfigCacheInterface | 1 |
FileLocatorInterface | 1 |
ChannelPolicyInterface | 1 |
ChannelInterface | 1 |
MessageOptionsInterface | 1 |
MessageInterface | 1 |
FlashMessageImportanceMapperInterface | 1 |
FromNotificationInterface | 1 |
ActionInterface | 1 |
SectionInterface | 1 |
ActionCardCompatibleActionInterface | 1 |
BundleWriterInterface | 1 |
BundleReaderInterface | 1 |
BundleCompilerInterface | 1 |
VersionStrategyInterface | 1 |
ContextInterface | 1 |
BundleEntryReaderInterface | 1 |
TagAwareAdapterInterface | 1 |
PackageInterface | 1 |
MarshallerInterface | 1 |
StorageInterface | 1 |
LimiterStateInterface | 1 |
ResettableInterface | 1 |
PruneableInterface | 1 |
OperationInterface | 1 |
ProviderExceptionInterface | 1 |
IntlFormatterInterface | 1 |
MessageFormatterInterface | 1 |
TranslationWriterInterface | 1 |
TranslationReaderInterface | 1 |
ProviderFactoryInterface | 1 |
ProviderInterface | 1 |
ExtractorInterface | 1 |
MetadataAwareInterface | 1 |
MessageCatalogueInterface | 1 |
CatalogueMetadataAwareInterface | 1 |
TranslatorBagInterface | 1 |
ConstraintViolationInterface | 1 |
GroupSequenceProviderInterface | 1 |
GroupProviderInterface | 1 |
ConstraintValidatorFactoryInterface | 1 |
PropertyMetadataInterface | 1 |
ConstraintValidatorInterface | 1 |
ConstraintViolationListInterface | 1 |
NormalizableInterface | 1 |
DenormalizerInterface | 1 |
DenormalizerAwareInterface | 1 |
NormalizerAwareInterface | 1 |
ObjectInitializerInterface | 1 |
NormalizerInterface | 1 |
EntityParentInterface | 1 |
PropertyGetterInterface | 1 |
EntityInterfaceB | 1 |
EntityInterfaceA | 1 |
LimiterInterface | 1 |
ChildGetterInterface | 1 |
ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface | 1 |
MetadataFactoryInterface | 1 |
ExecutionContextFactoryInterface | 1 |
MetadataInterface | 1 |
ValidatorInterface | 1 |
StaticLoaderInterface | 1 |
ExecutionContextInterface | 1 |
ContextualValidatorInterface | 1 |
SerializerAwareInterface | 1 |
ClassDiscriminatorResolverInterface | 1 |
AttributeMetadataInterface | 1 |
ContextBuilderInterface | 1 |
ClassMetadataFactoryInterface | 1 |
AuthorInterface | 1 |
ChoiceLoaderInterface | 1 |
ChoiceListInterface | 1 |
ChoiceListFactoryInterface | 1 |
StreamableInterface | 1 |
GroupDummyInterface | 1 |
GetSetMethodDummyInterface | 1 |
PropertyDummyInterface | 1 |
ObjectPropertyListExtractorInterface | 1 |
NameConverterInterface | 1 |
AdvancedNameConverterInterface | 1 |
DenormalizableInterface | 1 |
ContextAwareDecoderInterface | 1 |
DecoderInterface | 1 |
ContextAwareEncoderInterface | 1 |
NormalizationAwareInterface | 1 |
NormalizerAwareNormalizer | 1 |
DenormalizerAwareDenormalizer | 1 |
FooDummyInterface | 1 |
AuthenticationTrustResolverInterface | 1 |
AccessDecisionStrategyInterface | 1 |
CacheableVoterInterface | 1 |
VoterInterface | 1 |
AccessDecisionManagerInterface | 1 |
AuthorizationCheckerInterface | 1 |
UserCheckerInterface | 1 |
PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface | 1 |
EquatableInterface | 1 |
PasswordUpgraderInterface | 1 |
LegacyPasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface | 1 |
UserProviderInterface | 1 |
UserInterface | 1 |
AttributesBasedUserProviderInterface | 1 |
RoleHierarchyInterface | 1 |
ConfigBuilderInterface | 1 |
ConfigBuilderGeneratorInterface | 1 |
SelfCheckingResourceInterface | 1 |
ResourceInterface | 1 |
NodeParentInterface | 1 |
ParentNodeDefinitionInterface | 1 |
ConfigurationInterface | 1 |
BuilderAwareInterface | 1 |
PrototypeNodeInterface | 1 |
LoaderResolverInterface | 1 |
ConfigurableInterface | 1 |
DirectoryAwareLoaderInterface | 1 |
Validator | 1 |
DummyInterface | 1 |
TimeBasedUidInterface | 1 |
ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface | 1 |
ConnectionInterface | 1 |
LdapInterface | 1 |
AuthenticationSuccessHandlerInterface | 1 |
AuthenticationFailureHandlerInterface | 1 |
SessionAuthenticationStrategyInterface | 1 |
UserAuthenticatorInterface | 1 |
LoginLinkHandlerInterface | 1 |
AccessDeniedHandlerInterface | 1 |
AuthenticatorManagerInterface | 1 |
InvalidLoginLinkExceptionInterface | 1 |
InteractiveAuthenticatorInterface | 1 |
BadgeInterface | 1 |
CredentialsInterface | 1 |
AccessTokenHandlerInterface | 1 |
FirewallListenerInterface | 1 |
RememberMeHandlerInterface | 1 |
AuthenticationEntryPointInterface | 1 |
TokenGeneratorInterface | 1 |
FirewallMapInterface | 1 |
AccessMapInterface | 1 |
AccessTokenExtractorInterface | 1 |
TokenProviderInterface | 1 |
CsrfTokenManagerInterface | 1 |
ClearableTokenStorageInterface | 1 |
TokenInterface | 1 |
PersistentTokenInterface | 1 |
TokenVerifierInterface | 1 |
ScheduleProviderInterface | 1 |
StrategyInterface | 1 |
LockInterface | 1 |
MessageGeneratorInterface | 1 |
MessageProviderInterface | 1 |
TriggerInterface | 1 |
StatefulTriggerInterface | 1 |
SharedLockStoreInterface | 1 |
RuntimeInterface | 1 |
ResolverInterface | 1 |
RunnerInterface | 1 |
BlockingStoreInterface | 1 |
SharedLockInterface | 1 |
BlockingSharedLockStoreInterface | 1 |
PropertyReadInfoExtractorInterface | 1 |
PropertyInitializableExtractorInterface | 1 |
PropertyTypeExtractorInterface | 1 |
PropertyDescriptionExtractorInterface | 1 |
EventSubscriberInterface | 1 |
PropertyListExtractorInterface | 1 |
ConstructorArgumentTypeExtractorInterface | 1 |
CollectionInterface | 1 |
QueryInterface | 1 |
EntryManagerInterface | 1 |
PropertyWriteInfoExtractorInterface | 1 |
PropertyAccessExtractorInterface | 1 |
PropertyInfoExtractorInterface | 1 |
NonDeprecatedInterface | 1 |
InternalInterface | 1 |
ReturnTypeInterface | 1 |
OutsideInterface | 1 |
FinalConstantsInterface | 1 |
InterfaceWithAnnotatedParameters | 1 |
ErrorRendererInterface | 1 |
FinalConstantsInterface2 | 1 |
TestForProxyHelperInterface2 | 1 |
ErrorEnhancerInterface | 1 |
ReturnTypeParentInterface | 1 |
VirtualSubInterface | 1 |
DeprecatedInterface | 1 |
VirtualInterface | 1 |
IOExceptionInterface | 1 |
PropertyPathInterface | 1 |
PropertyPathIteratorInterface | 1 |
PropertyAccessorInterface | 1 |
LazyObjectInterface | 1 |
TestForProxyHelperInterface1 | 1 |
CheckpointInterface | 1 |
MailerInterface | 1 |
NonSendableStampInterface | 1 |
StopWorkerExceptionInterface | 1 |
StampInterface | 1 |
DummyFooBarStampInterface | 1 |
DummyNothingImplementsMeStampInterface | 1 |
MessageGroupAwareInterface | 1 |
MessageDeduplicationAwareInterface | 1 |
RecoverableExceptionInterface | 1 |
SemaphoreInterface | 1 |
EnvelopeAwareExceptionInterface | 1 |
UnrecoverableExceptionInterface | 1 |
WrappedExceptionsInterface | 1 |
SetupableTransportInterface | 1 |
MiddlewareInterface | 1 |
StackInterface | 1 |
HandlersLocatorInterface | 1 |
BatchHandlerInterface | 1 |
MessageBusInterface | 1 |
ListableReceiverInterface | 1 |
QueueReceiverInterface | 1 |
ReceiverInterface | 1 |
MessageCountAwareInterface | 1 |
SendersLocatorInterface | 1 |
SenderInterface | 1 |
HeaderInterface | 1 |
Options | 1 |
InflectorInterface | 1 |
AddressEncoderInterface | 1 |
HtmlToTextConverterInterface | 1 |
RouteCompilerInterface | 1 |
CustomRouteLoader | 1 |
IrrelevantInterface | 1 |
SluggerInterface | 1 |
RequestContextAwareInterface | 1 |
RouterInterface | 1 |
MetadataStoreInterface | 1 |
PayloadConverterInterface | 1 |
DefinitionValidatorInterface | 1 |
WorkflowInterface | 1 |
MarkingStoreInterface | 1 |
WorkflowSupportStrategyInterface | 1 |
MimeTypesInterface | 1 |
MimeTypeGuesserInterface | 1 |
ContentEncoderInterface | 1 |
MimeHeaderEncoderInterface | 1 |
ConsumerInterface | 1 |
BodyRendererInterface | 1 |
ClonerInterface | 1 |
ContextProviderInterface | 1 |
AssetMapperInterface | 1 |
DumpDescriptorInterface | 1 |
DataDumperInterface | 1 |
AssetCompilerInterface | 1 |
PublicAssetsFilesystemInterface | 1 |
PublicAssetsPathResolverInterface | 1 |
EnvVarProcessorInterface | 1 |
ContainerInterface | 1 |
MappedAssetFactoryInterface | 1 |
PackageResolverInterface | 1 |
ConfigurableRequirementsInterface | 1 |
MatcherDumperInterface | 1 |
UrlMatcherInterface | 1 |
RedirectableUrlMatcherInterface | 1 |
HtmlSanitizerInterface | 1 |
GeneratorDumperInterface | 1 |
UrlGeneratorInterface | 1 |
AttributeSanitizerInterface | 1 |
HandlerInterface | 1 |
EInterface | 1 |
IInterface | 1 |
CollisionInterface | 1 |
DecoratorInterface | 1 |
SingleMethodInterface | 1 |
YetAnotherInterface | 1 |
AsDecoratorInterface | 1 |
I1 | 1 |
PortInterface | 1 |
PrototypeStaticConstructorInterface | 1 |
WaldoInterface | 1 |
ParameterBagInterface | 1 |
ContainerBagInterface | 1 |
EnvVarLoaderInterface | 1 |
TaggedContainerInterface | 1 |
ConfigurableExtensionInterface | 1 |
ConfigurationExtensionInterface | 1 |
PrependExtensionInterface | 1 |
X | 1 |
ArgumentInterface | 1 |
AutoconfiguredInterface2 | 1 |
AutoconfiguredInterface | 1 |
AliasFooInterface | 1 |
AnotherInterface | 1 |
AliasBarInterface | 1 |
DInterface | 1 |
AInterface | 1 |
RequestRateLimiterInterface | 1 |
testRouterInterfaceWithoutWarmebleInterface | 1 |
RouteLoaderInterface | 1 |
OutputFormatterInterface | 1 |
OutputFormatterStyleInterface | 1 |
CommandLoaderInterface | 1 |
WrappableOutputFormatterInterface | 1 |
SignalableCommandInterface | 1 |
DescriptorInterface | 1 |
HelperInterface | 1 |
UserProviderFactoryInterface | 1 |
TokenHandlerFactoryInterface | 1 |
FirewallListenerFactoryInterface | 1 |
AuthenticatorFactoryInterface | 1 |
TemplateAwareDataCollectorInterface | 1 |
StatelessAuthenticatorFactoryInterface | 1 |
testRouterInterfaceWithWarmebleInterface | 1 |
TestAuthenticatorFactoryInterface | 1 |
SessionBagInterface | 1 |
AttributeBagInterface | 1 |
SessionFactoryInterface | 1 |
SessionInterface | 1 |
FlashBagInterface | 1 |
PipesInterface | 1 |
SessionStorageInterface | 1 |
SessionStorageFactoryInterface | 1 |
InputAwareInterface | 1 |
StreamableInputInterface | 1 |
CompletionOutputInterface | 1 |
StyleInterface | 1 |
ConsoleOutputInterface | 1 |
OutputInterface | 1 |
CompilerPassInterface | 1 |
InstantiatorInterface | 1 |
UserPasswordHasherInterface | 1 |
PasswordHasherAwareInterface | 1 |
LegacyPasswordHasherInterface | 1 |
PasswordHasherInterface | 1 |
ClockInterface | 1 |
PasswordHasherFactoryInterface | 1 |
FlashBagAwareSessionInterface | 1 |
RequestExceptionInterface | 1 |
PeekableRequestRateLimiterInterface | 1 |
HttpExceptionInterface | 2 |
FormInterface | 2 |
FormBuilderInterface | 2 |
EventDispatcherInterface | 2 |
TranslatorInterface | 2 |
InputInterface | 2 |
AdapterInterface | 2 |
ClassMetadataInterface | 2 |
SerializerInterface | 2 |
RetryStrategyInterface | 2 |
EncoderInterface | 2 |
AuthenticatorInterface | 2 |
TokenStorageInterface | 2 |
PersistingStoreInterface | 2 |
RequestMatcherInterface | 2 |
ParserInterface | 2 |
ExtensionInterface | 2 |
BarInterface | 2 |
FooInterface | 3 |
TransportExceptionInterface | 3 |
TransportFactoryInterface | 3 |
DummyMessageInterface | 3 |
NodeInterface | 3 |
TransportInterface | 4 |
LoaderInterface | 4 |
DumperInterface | 5 |
ExceptionInterface | 34 |