This is the list of classes, interfaces, traits and enumerations with the same name. They may be in different namespaces, yet this leads to easy confusion.
CITE | Count | Types | Namespaces |
Statement | 2 |
Query | 2 |
UuidType | 2 |
UlidType | 2 |
UlidTypeTest | 2 |
UuidTypeTest | 2 |
UuidIdEntity | 2 |
Entity | 2 |
Command | 2 |
Stream | 2 |
Kernel | 2 |
ControllerTest | 2 |
SecurityExtension | 2 |
HttpFoundationExtension | 2 |
CsrfExtension | 2 |
HtmlSanitizerExtension | 2 |
Subject | 2 |
LintCommandTest | 2 |
HttpClientTestCase | 2 |
Event | 2 |
Required | 2 |
ServiceLocatorTest | 2 |
RouterDataCollector | 2 |
FileLocator | 2 |
TestController | 2 |
TestHttpKernel | 2 |
KernelForTest | 2 |
RouterDataCollectorTest | 2 |
FileLocatorTest | 2 |
ControllerResolverTest | 2 |
InvokableController | 2 |
TestAbstractController | 2 |
TestEntityValueResolver | 2 |
Post | 2 |
TestCustomUid | 2 |
TestAbstractCustomUid | 2 |
DummyTest | 2 |
TestClient | 2 |
ProfilerTest | 2 |
MergeExtensionConfigurationPassTest | 2 |
WithTarget | 2 |
CustomAutowire | 2 |
TraceableEventDispatcherTest | 2 |
ResponseListenerTest | 2 |
ErrorListenerTest | 2 |
CacheAttributeListenerTest | 2 |
ControllerResolver | 2 |
HttpCache | 2 |
MergeExtensionConfigurationPass | 2 |
Extension | 2 |
TraceableEventDispatcher | 2 |
ResponseListener | 2 |
ErrorListener | 2 |
AbstractExtensionTest | 2 |
TestExtension | 2 |
CustomArrayObject | 2 |
AmbiguousType | 2 |
InvalidConfigurationException | 2 |
HttpClientTest | 2 |
ClassMetadata | 2 |
AttributeLoader | 2 |
LoaderChain | 2 |
SerializedName | 2 |
Ignore | 2 |
Context | 2 |
DiscriminatorMap | 2 |
SerializedPath | 2 |
MaxDepth | 2 |
Groups | 2 |
DummyUnionType | 2 |
ClassMetadataTest | 2 |
AttributeLoaderTest | 2 |
DummyClassOne | 2 |
Php80Dummy | 2 |
Php74Dummy | 2 |
ObjectOuter | 2 |
ObjectInner | 2 |
MappingException | 2 |
FilesLoader | 2 |
Expression | 2 |
2 |
| |
Ulid | 2 |
Uuid | 2 |
When | 2 |
Locale | 2 |
PropertyPath | 2 |
UuidTest | 2 |
Data | 2 |
FileTest | 2 |
UlidTest | 2 |
EmailTest | 2 |
TypeTest | 2 |
LocaleTest | 2 |
ExpressionTest | 2 |
PropertyPathTest | 2 |
InvalidOptionsException | 2 |
MissingOptionsException | 2 |
ValidationFailedException | 2 |
NotUnserializable | 2 |
CacheException | 2 |
IniFileLoaderTest | 2 |
XliffLintCommandTest | 2 |
IniFileLoader | 2 |
XliffLintCommand | 2 |
MissingRequiredOptionException | 2 |
RoundRobinTransport | 2 |
FailoverTransport | 2 |
AbstractTransportFactory | 2 |
Transports | 2 |
NullTransport | 2 |
AbstractTransport | 2 |
NullTransportFactory | 2 |
TransportFactoryTestCase | 2 |
InfobipTransportFactory | 2 |
MailjetTransportFactory | 2 |
MailjetTransportFactoryTest | 2 |
BrevoTransportFactory | 2 |
BrevoTransportFactoryTest | 2 |
Section | 2 |
TransportsTest | 2 |
FailoverTransportTest | 2 |
NullTransportTest | 2 |
NullTransportFactoryTest | 2 |
SentMessage | 2 |
MessageHandler | 2 |
SentMessageEvent | 2 |
MessageEvent | 2 |
FailedMessageEvent | 2 |
LoaderResolverTest | 2 |
DelegatingLoaderTest | 2 |
FileLoaderTest | 2 |
TestFileLoader | 2 |
ArrayNodeTest | 2 |
NodeBuilder | 2 |
VariableNodeDefinition | 2 |
TestEventSubscriber | 2 |
TestServiceSubscriber | 2 |
MessengerConfig | 2 |
NestedConfig | 2 |
DelegatingLoader | 2 |
ArrayNode | 2 |
InvalidDefinitionException | 2 |
Property | 2 |
InvalidSignatureException | 2 |
DummyVoter | 2 |
ExpressionLanguageTest | 2 |
UnanimousStrategyTest | 2 |
ConsensusStrategyTest | 2 |
UnanimousStrategy | 2 |
ConsensusStrategy | 2 |
TokenNotFoundException | 2 |
FirewallMap | 2 |
FirewallMapTest | 2 |
DummyAuthenticator | 2 |
TestPasswordAuthenticatedUser | 2 |
Token | 2 |
Compiler | 2 |
TokenStream | 2 |
FunctionNodeTest | 2 |
AbstractNodeTestCase | 2 |
FunctionNode | 2 |
Node | 2 |
TestAuthenticator | 2 |
TestEventListener | 2 |
WrappedListener | 2 |
Key | 2 |
StoreFactoryTest | 2 |
AbstractStoreTestCase | 2 |
RedisClusterStoreTest | 2 |
RelayStoreTest | 2 |
AbstractRedisStoreTestCase | 2 |
RedisArrayStoreTest | 2 |
RedisStoreTest | 2 |
PredisStoreTest | 2 |
Client | 2 |
StoreFactory | 2 |
RedisStore | 2 |
SchedulerTest | 2 |
Container | 2 |
Envelope | 2 |
MailerTest | 2 |
EnvelopeTest | 2 |
FileNotFoundException | 2 |
Link | 2 |
LinkTest | 2 |
Hydrator | 2 |
PrivateConstructor | 2 |
AbstractClass | 2 |
Php82NullStandaloneReturnType | 2 |
Registry | 2 |
Cookie | 2 |
Request | 2 |
CookieTest | 2 |
ResponseTest | 2 |
RequestTest | 2 |
SecondMessage | 2 |
DummyReceiver | 2 |
Definition | 2 |
DefinitionTest | 2 |
Subject1 | 2 |
Subject2 | 2 |
GraphvizDumperTest | 2 |
GraphvizDumper | 2 |
DumperTest | 2 |
NoConfigurationException | 2 |
FunctionsTest | 2 |
Router | 2 |
Alias | 2 |
RouteTest | 2 |
RouterTest | 2 |
StringableObject | 2 |
GlobFileLoaderTest | 2 |
GlobFileLoaderWithoutImport | 2 |
ClosureLoaderTest | 2 |
DirectoryLoaderTest | 2 |
RedirectableUrlMatcher | 2 |
InvokableFQCNAliasConflictController | 2 |
BarClass | 2 |
EncodingClass | 2 |
FooController | 2 |
MyController | 2 |
AddExpressionLanguageProvidersPassTest | 2 |
ProtectedPhpFileLoader | 2 |
DirectoryLoader | 2 |
ClosureLoader | 2 |
AliasConfigurator | 2 |
AddExpressionLanguageProvidersPass | 2 |
ServiceLocator | 2 |
ParameterBagTest | 2 |
TestContainer | 2 |
F | 2 |
G | 2 |
stdClassGhost2fc7938 | 2 |
| |
ParameterBag | 2 |
SessionTest | 2 |
TestSessionHandler | 2 |
Application | 2 |
ApplicationTest | 2 |
TableCell | 2 |
MarkdownDescriptorTest | 2 |
XmlDescriptorTest | 2 |
ObjectsProvider | 2 |
XmlDescriptor | 2 |
MarkdownDescriptor | 2 |
TestSubscriber | 2 |
AbstractWebTestCase | 2 |
AutowiringTypesTest | 2 |
AppKernel | 2 |
LoginController | 2 |
AutowiredServices | 2 |
JsonAuthenticationSuccessHandler | 2 |
JsonAuthenticationFailureHandler | 2 |
ProfileController | 2 |
SecurityController | 2 |
CachePoolClearCommandTest | 2 |
TranslationDebugCommandTest | 2 |
TestAppKernel | 2 |
ProfilerController | 2 |
WebProfilerExtensionTest | 2 |
WebProfilerExtension | 2 |
HttpExceptionInterface | 2 |
TranslatorInterface | 2 |
EventDispatcherInterface | 2 |
FormInterface | 2 |
FormBuilderInterface | 2 |
RetryStrategyInterface | 2 |
SerializerInterface | 2 |
ClassMetadataInterface | 2 |
EncoderInterface | 2 |
AdapterInterface | 2 |
InputInterface | 2 |
TokenStorageInterface | 2 |
AuthenticatorInterface | 2 |
PersistingStoreInterface | 2 |
RequestMatcherInterface | 2 |
ParserInterface | 2 |
ExtensionInterface | 2 |
BarInterface | 2 |
FooBackedEnum | 2 |
FooEnum | 2 |
ExpectDeprecationTrait | 2 |
LazyObjectTrait | 2 |
User | 3 |
Address | 3 |
Response | 3 |
UploadedFile | 3 |
Message | 3 |
LintCommand | 3 |
Logger | 3 |
DummyController | 3 |
Baz | 3 |
Transport | 3 |
AbstractExtension | 3 |
Form | 3 |
TranslationFilesTest | 3 |
Type | 3 |
Author | 3 |
AbstractDescriptorTestCase | 3 |
TextDescriptorTest | 3 |
JsonDescriptorTest | 3 |
AccessException | 3 |
TextDescriptor | 3 |
Descriptor | 3 |
JsonDescriptor | 3 |
DescriptorHelper | 3 |
JsonException | 3 |
Serializer | 3 |
SerializerTest | 3 |
File | 3 |
Collection | 3 |
Image | 3 |
ImageTest | 3 |
Reference | 3 |
Translator | 3 |
DsnTest | 3 |
PhpFileLoaderTest | 3 |
UnsupportedSchemeExceptionTest | 3 |
Dsn | 3 |
PhpFileLoader | 3 |
UnsupportedSchemeException | 3 |
IncompleteDsnException | 3 |
GlobFileLoader | 3 |
AccessDeniedException | 3 |
Parser | 3 |
ParserTest | 3 |
Adapter | 3 |
TestClass | 3 |
ReadOnlyClass | 3 |
ParseException | 3 |
Dumper | 3 |
Route | 3 |
BazClass | 3 |
FooClass | 3 |
Cursor | 3 |
C | 3 |
D | 3 |
E | 3 |
SecurityTest | 3 |
TestBundle | 3 |
TestCase | 3 |
TransportExceptionInterface | 3 |
FooInterface | 3 |
DummyMessageInterface | 3 |
TransportFactoryInterface | 3 |
NodeInterface | 3 |
Suit | 3 |
TestEnum | 3 |
ConstraintTrait | 3 |
ConfigurationTest | 4 |
DeprecatedClass | 4 |
TranslatorTest | 4 |
FooType | 4 |
TransportException | 4 |
XmlFileLoader | 4 |
XmlFileLoaderTest | 4 |
UnexpectedValueException | 4 |
ExpressionLanguageProvider | 4 |
CallableClass | 4 |
ExpressionLanguage | 4 |
TransportInterface | 4 |
LoaderInterface | 4 |
FooUnitEnum | 4 |
TestKernel | 5 |
TestLogger | 5 |
OutOfBoundsException | 5 |
UnexpectedTypeException | 5 |
FileLoader | 5 |
YamlFileLoader | 5 |
YamlFileLoaderTest | 5 |
B | 5 |
A | 5 |
DumperInterface | 5 |
BadMethodCallException | 6 |
ConnectionTest | 6 |
DebugCommandTest | 7 |
DebugCommand | 7 |
Dummy | 7 |
DummyMessage | 8 |
Connection | 9 |
Bar | 10 |
Configuration | 11 |
Person | 13 |
Foo | 14 |
LogicException | 25 |
RuntimeException | 25 |
InvalidArgumentException | 29 |
ProjectServiceContainer | 34 |
ExceptionInterface | 34 |
anonymous-class | 271 |