List of all defined interfaces in the code..
Value | Count | File:Line |
ChangePasswordPageInterface | 1 |
CompletePageInterface | 1 |
SelectShippingPageInterface | 1 |
AddressPageInterface | 1 |
SummaryPageInterface | 1 |
SelectPaymentPageInterface | 1 |
ProfileUpdatePageInterface | 1 |
RegisterPageInterface | 1 |
WellKnownPasswordChangePageInterface | 1 |
VerificationPageInterface | 1 |
ContactPageInterface | 1 |
ThankYouPageInterface | 1 |
MainPageInterface | 1 |
HomePageInterface | 1 |
ErrorPageInterface | 1 |
HistoryPageInterface | 1 |
UpdateSimpleProductPageInterface | 1 |
CreateConfigurableProductPageInterface | 1 |
IndexPerTaxonPageInterface | 1 |
CreateSimpleProductPageInterface | 1 |
UpdateConfigurableProductPageInterface | 1 |
PaypalExpressCheckoutPageInterface | 1 |
BrowserElementInterface | 1 |
CartWidgetElementInterface | 1 |
RegisterElementInterface | 1 |
MenuElementInterface | 1 |
CheckoutSubtotalElementInterface | 1 |
FormElementInterface | 1 |
ShippingAddressInCheckoutRequiredElementInterface | 1 |
TopBarElementInterface | 1 |
PricingElementInterface | 1 |
ResetElementInterface | 1 |
ShopBillingDataElementInterface | 1 |
AssociationsElementInterface | 1 |
VariantsElementInterface | 1 |
AttributesElementInterface | 1 |
DetailsElementInterface | 1 |
ShippingElementInterface | 1 |
OptionsElementInterface | 1 |
MediaElementInterface | 1 |
MoreDetailsElementInterface | 1 |
SharedSecurityServiceInterface | 1 |
SharedStorageInterface | 1 |
VerticalMenuElementInterface | 1 |
TaxonomyElementInterface | 1 |
CreateForParentPageInterface | 1 |
ImpersonateUserPageInterface | 1 |
CartActions | 1 |
OrderTransitions | 1 |
PromotionCouponFactoryInterface | 1 |
PromotionRuleInterface | 1 |
ConfigurablePromotionElementInterface | 1 |
CatalogPromotionActionInterface | 1 |
PromotionActionInterface | 1 |
CountablePromotionSubjectInterface | 1 |
PromotionSubjectInterface | 1 |
PromotionCouponAwarePromotionSubjectInterface | 1 |
CatalogPromotionTranslationInterface | 1 |
PromotionActionCommandInterface | 1 |
AdjustableInterface | 1 |
OrderAwareInterface | 1 |
AdjustmentsAggregatorInterface | 1 |
OrderModifierInterface | 1 |
OrderProcessorInterface | 1 |
CartContextInterface | 1 |
OrderItemQuantityModifierInterface | 1 |
SyliusCartEvents | 1 |
ExpiredCartsRemoverInterface | 1 |
CurrentPageResolverInterface | 1 |
JavaScriptTestHelperInterface | 1 |
ResponseCheckerInterface | 1 |
ApiSecurityClientInterface | 1 |
NotificationAccessorInterface | 1 |
ImageExistenceCheckerInterface | 1 |
MockerInterface | 1 |
TableAccessorInterface | 1 |
CookieSetterInterface | 1 |
RememberMeAwareSecurityServiceInterface | 1 |
EmailCheckerInterface | 1 |
ChannelContextSetterInterface | 1 |
ResponseLoaderInterface | 1 |
SessionManagerInterface | 1 |
SecurityServiceInterface | 1 |
NotificationCheckerInterface | 1 |
PromotionCouponGeneratorInstructionInterface | 1 |
PromotionCouponGeneratorInterface | 1 |
GenerationPolicyInterface | 1 |
PromotionApplicatorInterface | 1 |
PromotionCouponEligibilityCheckerInterface | 1 |
PromotionProcessorInterface | 1 |
PreQualifiedPromotionsProviderInterface | 1 |
CatalogPromotionRepositoryInterface | 1 |
PromotionCouponRepositoryInterface | 1 |
PromotionEligibilityCheckerInterface | 1 |
RequestInterface | 1 |
ApiClientInterface | 1 |
ContentTypeGuideInterface | 1 |
RequestFactoryInterface | 1 |
LocaleStorageInterface | 1 |
PaymentRepositoryInterface | 1 |
ProductReviewRepositoryInterface | 1 |
OrderItemUnitRepositoryInterface | 1 |
ShopperContextInterface | 1 |
AvatarImageRepositoryInterface | 1 |
ShippingCategoryRepositoryInterface | 1 |
ProductAssociationRepositoryInterface | 1 |
OrderShippingTransitions | 1 |
OrderShippingStates | 1 |
OrderCheckoutTransitions | 1 |
OrderCheckoutStates | 1 |
OrderPaymentStates | 1 |
ProductReviewTransitions | 1 |
OrderPaymentTransitions | 1 |
SyliusLocaleEvents | 1 |
AdjustmentFactoryInterface | 1 |
OrderItemUnitFactoryInterface | 1 |
LocaleContextInterface | 1 |
StateResolverInterface | 1 |
LocaleProviderInterface | 1 |
LocaleConverterInterface | 1 |
LocalesAwareInterface | 1 |
LocaleInterface | 1 |
OrderItemNamesSetterInterface | 1 |
PositionerInterface | 1 |
ShipmentRepositoryInterface | 1 |
CustomerRepositoryInterface | 1 |
AddressRepositoryInterface | 1 |
ProductTaxonRepositoryInterface | 1 |
OrderPromotionsUsageModifierInterface | 1 |
ProductInPromotionRuleCheckerInterface | 1 |
TaxonInPromotionRuleCheckerInterface | 1 |
ProductAwareRuleUpdaterInterface | 1 |
TaxonAwareRuleUpdaterInterface | 1 |
FilterInterface | 1 |
UnitsPromotionAdjustmentsApplicatorInterface | 1 |
ImageUploaderInterface | 1 |
SalesSummaryInterface | 1 |
CartStorageInterface | 1 |
TaxCalculationStrategyInterface | 1 |
OrderTaxesApplicatorInterface | 1 |
OrderInventoryOperatorInterface | 1 |
ImagePathGeneratorInterface | 1 |
SalesDataProviderInterface | 1 |
DashboardStatisticsProviderInterface | 1 |
ChannelPricingInterface | 1 |
ProductImagesAwareInterface | 1 |
ProductReviewerInterface | 1 |
ProductVariantPriceCalculatorInterface | 1 |
TestPromotionFactoryInterface | 1 |
ProductVariantPricesCalculatorInterface | 1 |
CLIContextCheckerInterface | 1 |
OrderShippingMethodSelectionRequirementCheckerInterface | 1 |
DefaultChannelFactoryInterface | 1 |
OrderPaymentMethodSelectionRequirementCheckerInterface | 1 |
OrderPaymentProviderInterface | 1 |
ProductVariantsPricesProviderInterface | 1 |
InvoiceNumberGeneratorInterface | 1 |
OrderPaymentsRemoverInterface | 1 |
UnpaidOrdersStateUpdaterInterface | 1 |
FilesystemAdapterInterface | 1 |
ZoneProviderInterface | 1 |
CatalogPromotionVariantsProviderInterface | 1 |
PositionAwareInterface | 1 |
ShopBillingDataInterface | 1 |
ProductTaxonInterface | 1 |
ImagesAwareInterface | 1 |
ShopUserInterface | 1 |
ProductImageInterface | 1 |
MinimumPriceDistributorInterface | 1 |
ProportionalIntegerDistributorInterface | 1 |
ReviewableProductInterface | 1 |
TaxonImageInterface | 1 |
ImageInterface | 1 |
ProductTaxonsAwareInterface | 1 |
AdminUserInterface | 1 |
AvatarImageInterface | 1 |
ImageAwareInterface | 1 |
PaymentMethodTranslationInterface | 1 |
PaymentTransitions | 1 |
AttributeFactoryInterface | 1 |
AttributeValueInterface | 1 |
AttributeTranslationInterface | 1 |
AttributeSubjectInterface | 1 |
PasswordUpdaterInterface | 1 |
CanonicalizerInterface | 1 |
UserRepositoryInterface | 1 |
DefaultPaymentMethodResolverInterface | 1 |
PaymentMethodsResolverInterface | 1 |
PaymentFactoryInterface | 1 |
PaymentsSubjectInterface | 1 |
CustomerAfterCheckoutFactoryInterface | 1 |
PromotionRuleFactoryInterface | 1 |
PaymentMethodFactoryInterface | 1 |
PromotionActionFactoryInterface | 1 |
OrderTokenAssignerInterface | 1 |
CurrencyStorageInterface | 1 |
IntegerDistributorInterface | 1 |
CreatedByGuestFlagResolverInterface | 1 |
AttributeTypeInterface | 1 |
AttributeInterface | 1 |
CustomerAddressAdderInterface | 1 |
CustomerStatisticsProviderInterface | 1 |
TaxationAddressResolverInterface | 1 |
OrderAddressesSaverInterface | 1 |
CartItemFactoryInterface | 1 |
AddressFactoryInterface | 1 |
ShippingCategoryInterface | 1 |
DefaultCalculators | 1 |
DelegatingCalculatorInterface | 1 |
ShippingSubjectInterface | 1 |
ShippingMethodRuleInterface | 1 |
ShipmentUnitInterface | 1 |
ShippableInterface | 1 |
ConfigurableShippingMethodElementInterface | 1 |
ShippingMethodTranslationInterface | 1 |
CredentialsHolderInterface | 1 |
UserOAuthInterface | 1 |
UserInterface | 1 |
UserAwareInterface | 1 |
UserPasswordHasherInterface | 1 |
UserPasswordEncoderInterface | 1 |
UniquenessCheckerInterface | 1 |
GeneratorInterface | 1 |
TaxableInterface | 1 |
TaxRateResolverInterface | 1 |
ShipmentTransitions | 1 |
TaxCategoryRepositoryInterface | 1 |
TaxRateDateEligibilityCheckerInterface | 1 |
TaxCategoryInterface | 1 |
ProductOptionValueTranslationInterface | 1 |
ProductOptionTranslationInterface | 1 |
ProductVariantGeneratorInterface | 1 |
SlugGeneratorInterface | 1 |
ProductAttributeTranslationInterface | 1 |
ProductOptionRepositoryInterface | 1 |
ShippingMethodsResolverInterface | 1 |
DefaultShippingMethodResolverInterface | 1 |
ProductVariantsParityCheckerInterface | 1 |
ProductAttributeValueRepositoryInterface | 1 |
ProductAssociationTypeRepositoryInterface | 1 |
TaxonSlugGeneratorInterface | 1 |
TaxonTranslationInterface | 1 |
TaxonsAwareInterface | 1 |
TaxonFactoryInterface | 1 |
ReviewableRatingCalculatorInterface | 1 |
ReviewInterface | 1 |
ReviewerInterface | 1 |
ChannelRepositoryInterface | 1 |
ChannelContextInterface | 1 |
RequestResolverInterface | 1 |
ChannelsAwareInterface | 1 |
ChannelAwareInterface | 1 |
ChannelFactoryInterface | 1 |
TaxonRepositoryInterface | 1 |
ProductAssociationTypeTranslationInterface | 1 |
ProductAssociationTypeInterface | 1 |
ProductAttributeInterface | 1 |
ProductFactoryInterface | 1 |
ProductVariantFactoryInterface | 1 |
AvailableProductOptionValuesResolverInterface | 1 |
ProductVariantResolverInterface | 1 |
ProductAssociationInterface | 1 |
ProductOptionInterface | 1 |
ProductAttributeValueInterface | 1 |
ProductVariantTranslationInterface | 1 |
ProductOptionValueInterface | 1 |
ExchangeRateInterface | 1 |
CurrenciesAwareInterface | 1 |
CurrencyInterface | 1 |
CurrencyNameConverterInterface | 1 |
CurrencyConverterInterface | 1 |
CurrencyContextInterface | 1 |
ExchangeRateRepositoryInterface | 1 |
InventoryUnitInterface | 1 |
StockableInterface | 1 |
AvailabilityCheckerInterface | 1 |
ReviewFactoryInterface | 1 |
ReviewableInterface | 1 |
OrderNumberGeneratorInterface | 1 |
OrderNumberAssignerInterface | 1 |
AddToCartCommandFactoryInterface | 1 |
FakeChannelCodeProviderInterface | 1 |
LocaleHelperInterface | 1 |
CurrencyHelperInterface | 1 |
SyliusExpiredCartsEvents | 1 |
AddToCartCommandInterface | 1 |
ResolveNextRouteInterface | 1 |
ResolveNextRouteFactoryInterface | 1 |
GetStatusFactoryInterface | 1 |
ReviewableRatingUpdaterInterface | 1 |
CustomerAwareInterface | 1 |
PaymentDescriptionProviderInterface | 1 |
GatewayConfigInterface | 1 |
PaymentSecurityTokenInterface | 1 |
CustomerContextInterface | 1 |
ZoneFactoryInterface | 1 |
CustomerGroupInterface | 1 |
ZoneInterface | 1 |
ProvinceInterface | 1 |
CountryInterface | 1 |
ZoneMatcherInterface | 1 |
ProvinceNamingProviderInterface | 1 |
ZoneMemberInterface | 1 |
CountryNameConverterInterface | 1 |
AddressComparatorInterface | 1 |
ZoneDeletionCheckerInterface | 1 |
CountryProvincesDeletionCheckerInterface | 1 |
UserEvents | 1 |
UserReloaderInterface | 1 |
UserLoginInterface | 1 |
FixtureUserInterface | 1 |
UserProviderInterface | 1 |
StatisticsDataProviderInterface | 1 |
ShipmentEmailManagerInterface | 1 |
ActionValidatorInterface | 1 |
ScopeValidatorInterface | 1 |
DiscountApplicationCriteriaInterface | 1 |
EligibleCatalogPromotionsProviderInterface | 1 |
ConvertMoneyHelperInterface | 1 |
MoneyFormatterInterface | 1 |
CriteriaInterface | 1 |
FormatMoneyHelperInterface | 1 |
ReviewerReviewsRemoverInterface | 1 |
CatalogPromotionAnnouncerInterface | 1 |
TaxonTreeRepositoryInterface | 1 |
OrderPromotionsIntegrityCheckerInterface | 1 |
VariantInScopeCheckerInterface | 1 |
ProductVariantForCatalogPromotionEligibilityInterface | 1 |
ActionBasedPriceCalculatorInterface | 1 |
CatalogPromotionPriceCalculatorInterface | 1 |
CatalogPromotionEligibilityCheckerInterface | 1 |
CatalogPromotionClearerInterface | 1 |
CatalogPromotionRemovalProcessorInterface | 1 |
ProductCatalogPromotionsProcessorInterface | 1 |
ApplyCatalogPromotionsOnVariantsCommandDispatcherInterface | 1 |
AllProductVariantsCatalogPromotionsProcessorInterface | 1 |
CatalogPromotionStateProcessorInterface | 1 |
ProductVariantCatalogPromotionsProcessorInterface | 1 |
UserPasswordResetterInterface | 1 |
UserImpersonatorInterface | 1 |
ChannelBasedProductTranslationProviderInterface | 1 |
CustomerProviderInterface | 1 |
ActionBasedDiscountApplicatorInterface | 1 |
CatalogPromotionApplicatorInterface | 1 |
DelayStampCalculatorInterface | 1 |
ExampleFactoryInterface | 1 |
SectionProviderInterface | 1 |
UriBasedSectionResolverInterface | 1 |
RequirementsCheckerInterface | 1 |
SectionInterface | 1 |
Emails | 1 |
ResetPasswordDispatcherInterface | 1 |
CheckoutStateUrlGeneratorInterface | 1 |
FilterStorageInterface | 1 |
TemplateBlockRegistryInterface | 1 |
ContextProviderInterface | 1 |
SampleInterface | 1 |
TemplateBlockRendererInterface | 1 |
TemplateEventRendererInterface | 1 |
OrderIntegrityCheckerInterface | 1 |
DateTimeProvider | 1 |
ShippingDateAssignerInterface | 1 |
ProductReviewStateMachineTransitionApplicatorInterface | 1 |
ArchivingShippingMethodApplicatorInterface | 1 |
OrderStateMachineTransitionApplicatorInterface | 1 |
PaymentStateMachineTransitionApplicatorInterface | 1 |
OrderPromotionCodeAssignerInterface | 1 |
LocaleSwitcherInterface | 1 |
OrderItemsSubtotalCalculatorInterface | 1 |
ContactEmailManagerInterface | 1 |
ShopUserIdAwareInterface | 1 |
PaymentMethodCodeAwareInterface | 1 |
LoggedInCustomerEmailIfNotSetAwareInterface | 1 |
SubresourceIdAwareInterface | 1 |
OrderTokenValueAwareInterface | 1 |
ChannelCodeAwareInterface | 1 |
ShipmentIdAwareInterface | 1 |
CommandAwareDataTransformerInterface | 1 |
PathPrefixes | 1 |
CompositePaymentConfigurationProviderInterface | 1 |
PathPrefixProviderInterface | 1 |
ProductImageFilterProviderInterface | 1 |
LocaleCodeAwareInterface | 1 |
CommandDataTransformerInterface | 1 |
IriToIdentifierConversionAwareInterface | 1 |
CustomerEmailAwareInterface | 1 |
UserContextInterface | 1 |
ApiResourceConfigurationMergerInterface | 1 |
OrderAddressModifierInterface | 1 |
IriToIdentifierConverterInterface | 1 |
PaymentConfigurationProviderInterface | 1 |
AppliedCouponEligibilityCheckerInterface | 1 |
AddressMapperInterface | 1 |
PaymentMethodChangerInterface | 1 |
CurrencySetupInterface | 1 |
DatabaseSetupCommandsProviderInterface | 1 |
LocaleSetupInterface | 1 |
ChannelSetupInterface | 1 |
CustomerResolverInterface | 1 |
ResourceMetadataPropertyValueResolverInteface | 1 |
IpAssignerInterface | 1 |
OrderFactoryInterface | 1 |
RequestPasswordResetPageInterface | 2 |
LoginPageInterface | 2 |
DashboardPageInterface | 2 |
ResetPasswordPageInterface | 2 |
GeneratePageInterface | 2 |
FilterElementInterface | 2 |
PromotionCouponInterface | 2 |
CatalogPromotionScopeInterface | 2 |
CatalogPromotionInterface | 2 |
PromotionInterface | 2 |
OrderItemUnitInterface | 2 |
OrderSequenceInterface | 2 |
OrderItemInterface | 2 |
AdjustmentInterface | 2 |
OrderInterface | 2 |
OrderItemRepositoryInterface | 2 |
OrderRepositoryInterface | 2 |
RuleCheckerInterface | 2 |
PromotionRepositoryInterface | 2 |
PaymentMethodRepositoryInterface | 2 |
ShippingMethodRepositoryInterface | 2 |
ProductRepositoryInterface | 2 |
ProductVariantRepositoryInterface | 2 |
ProductTranslationInterface | 2 |
TaxonInterface | 2 |
PaymentInterface | 2 |
CustomerInterface | 2 |
AddressInterface | 2 |
PaymentMethodInterface | 2 |
ProductInterface | 2 |
ChannelInterface | 2 |
ProductVariantInterface | 2 |
ShippingMethodInterface | 2 |
Scope | 2 |
TaxRateInterface | 2 |
ShipmentInterface | 2 |
ShippingMethodEligibilityCheckerInterface | 2 |
CalculatorInterface | 2 |
OrderEmailManagerInterface | 3 |
ShowPageInterface | 8 |
IndexPageInterface | 22 |
UpdatePageInterface | 25 |
CreatePageInterface | 25 |