This is the list of classes, interfaces, traits and enumerations with the same name. They may be in different namespaces, yet this leads to easy confusion.
CITE | Count | Types | Namespaces |
Version20190109095211 | 2 |
Version20170913125128 | 2 |
Version20200202104152 | 2 |
Version20170217141621 | 2 |
Version20170301135010 | 2 |
Version20170103120334 | 2 |
Version20170201094058 | 2 |
Version20170220150813 | 2 |
Version20161221133514 | 2 |
Version20161220092422 | 2 |
Version20170120164250 | 2 |
Version20161223091334 | 2 |
Version20170214104908 | 2 |
Version20170117075436 | 2 |
Version20161209095131 | 2 |
Version20190204092544 | 2 |
Version20170208102345 | 2 |
Version20190607135638 | 2 |
Version20170110120125 | 2 |
Version20180226142349 | 2 |
Version20161202011555 | 2 |
Version20161214153137 | 2 |
Version20170327135945 | 2 |
Version20171003103916 | 2 |
Version20170824124122 | 2 |
Version20170303170201 | 2 |
Version20170208103250 | 2 |
Version20190109160409 | 2 |
Version20170518123056 | 2 |
Version20200122082429 | 2 |
Version20161219160441 | 2 |
Version20170206141520 | 2 |
Version20170124221955 | 2 |
Version20170215143031 | 2 |
Version20200325075815 | 2 |
Version20200916093101 | 2 |
Version20190416073011 | 2 |
Version20200110132702 | 2 |
Version20191024065651 | 2 |
Version20170214095710 | 2 |
Version20170116215417 | 2 |
Version20180102140039 | 2 |
Version20170109143010 | 2 |
Version20170223071604 | 2 |
Version20161215103325 | 2 |
Version20161223164558 | 2 |
Version20200309172908 | 2 |
Version20170401200415 | 2 |
Version20170206122839 | 2 |
Version20170321131352 | 2 |
ResetPasswordPage | 2 |
LoginPage | 2 |
RequestPasswordResetPage | 2 |
DashboardPage | 2 |
GeneratePage | 2 |
EmailContext | 2 |
ContactContext | 2 |
RegistrationContext | 2 |
HomepageContext | 2 |
ManagingZonesContext | 2 |
ManagingProductReviewsContext | 2 |
ManagingTaxCategoriesContext | 2 |
ManagingExchangeRatesContext | 2 |
BrowsingCatalogPromotionProductVariantsContext | 2 |
RemovingProductContext | 2 |
ManagingShippingCategoriesContext | 2 |
ManagingCurrenciesContext | 2 |
ManagingCatalogPromotionsContext | 2 |
ManagingCustomerGroupsContext | 2 |
ManagingProductAssociationTypesContext | 2 |
ManagingChannelsContext | 2 |
ManagingProductVariantsContext | 2 |
ManagingLocalesContext | 2 |
NotificationContext | 2 |
ResettingPasswordContext | 2 |
ManagingTaxonsContext | 2 |
ManagingProductOptionsContext | 2 |
ManagingCountriesContext | 2 |
ManagingPromotionCouponsContext | 2 |
ManagingAdministratorsContext | 2 |
ZoneContext | 2 |
ShippingCategoryContext | 2 |
CustomerGroupContext | 2 |
AdminUserContext | 2 |
ProductOptionContext | 2 |
PaymentContext | 2 |
CatalogPromotionContext | 2 |
ProductVariantContext | 2 |
SecurityContext | 2 |
FilterElement | 2 |
UploadedImagePathGeneratorSpec | 2 |
UploadedImagePathGenerator | 2 |
ItemTotalRuleChecker | 2 |
ItemTotalRuleCheckerSpec | 2 |
CatalogPromotionSpec | 2 |
CatalogPromotionScopeSpec | 2 |
PromotionCouponSpec | 2 |
CatalogPromotionAction | 2 |
PromotionCoupon | 2 |
CatalogPromotion | 2 |
Promotion | 2 |
AdjustmentSpec | 2 |
OrderSequenceSpec | 2 |
OrderSpec | 2 |
OrderItemSpec | 2 |
OrderItemUnitSpec | 2 |
Adjustment | 2 |
Order | 2 |
OrderItem | 2 |
OrderSequence | 2 |
OrderItemUnit | 2 |
TaxonFilter | 2 |
TaxonFilterSpec | 2 |
PerUnitRateCalculatorSpec | 2 |
FlatRateCalculatorSpec | 2 |
OrderInventoryOperatorSpec | 2 |
ProductSpec | 2 |
ShipmentSpec | 2 |
PaymentMethodSpec | 2 |
CustomerSpec | 2 |
TaxonSpec | 2 |
ShippingMethodSpec | 2 |
ChannelSpec | 2 |
TaxRateSpec | 2 |
ProductTranslationSpec | 2 |
ProductVariantSpec | 2 |
ChannelFactorySpec | 2 |
DefaultPaymentMethodResolverSpec | 2 |
DefaultShippingMethodResolverSpec | 2 |
FlatRateCalculator | 2 |
PerUnitRateCalculator | 2 |
OrderInventoryOperator | 2 |
PaymentMethod | 2 |
Shipment | 2 |
Product | 2 |
Address | 2 |
ShippingMethod | 2 |
Payment | 2 |
Customer | 2 |
ProductTranslation | 2 |
Channel | 2 |
ProductVariant | 2 |
TaxRate | 2 |
ChannelFactory | 2 |
DefaultShippingMethodResolver | 2 |
DefaultPaymentMethodResolver | 2 |
SelectAttributeType | 2 |
TextAttributeType | 2 |
TextareaAttributeType | 2 |
DateAttributeType | 2 |
DatetimeAttributeType | 2 |
IntegerAttributeType | 2 |
PercentAttributeType | 2 |
CheckboxAttributeType | 2 |
CompositeMethodsResolverSpec | 2 |
CompositeMethodsResolver | 2 |
DelegatingCalculator | 2 |
DelegatingCalculatorSpec | 2 |
ProductAssociationType | 2 |
ResolveNextRouteActionSpec | 2 |
ConvertPaymentActionSpec | 2 |
ResolveNextRouteAction | 2 |
ConvertPaymentAction | 2 |
LoadMetadataSubscriberSpec | 2 |
LoadMetadataSubscriber | 2 |
SequentialOrderNumberGeneratorSpec | 2 |
OrderController | 2 |
OrderItemRepository | 2 |
OrderRepository | 2 |
SequentialOrderNumberGenerator | 2 |
AddressType | 2 |
PasswordReset | 2 |
PasswordResetRequest | 2 |
UserPasswordEncoderSpec | 2 |
PasswordUpdaterListenerSpec | 2 |
Emails | 2 |
SecurityController | 2 |
UserRepository | 2 |
PasswordUpdaterListener | 2 |
MailerListener | 2 |
RemoveCatalogPromotionAction | 2 |
AbstractConfigurationCollectionType | 2 |
CatalogPromotionActionTypeTest | 2 |
PromotionRepository | 2 |
RegisterRuleCheckersPass | 2 |
PaymentType | 2 |
PaymentMethodRepository | 2 |
ForVariantsScopeValidator | 2 |
ForProductsScopeValidator | 2 |
ForTaxonsScopeValidator | 2 |
FixedDiscountActionValidator | 2 |
ShipmentType | 2 |
OrderProductEligibility | 2 |
UniqueReviewerEmail | 2 |
OrderPaymentMethodEligibilityValidator | 2 |
OrderShippingMethodEligibilityValidator | 2 |
OrderShippingMethodEligibility | 2 |
UniqueReviewerEmailValidator | 2 |
OrderPaymentMethodEligibility | 2 |
OrderProductEligibilityValidator | 2 |
ResetPasswordHandler | 2 |
SendResetPasswordEmailHandler | 2 |
ForVariantsScopeValidatorSpec | 2 |
ForProductsScopeValidatorSpec | 2 |
ForTaxonsScopeValidatorSpec | 2 |
FixedDiscountActionValidatorSpec | 2 |
UniqueReviewerEmailValidatorSpec | 2 |
OrderShippingMethodEligibilityValidatorSpec | 2 |
ResetPasswordHandlerSpec | 2 |
SendResetPasswordEmailHandlerSpec | 2 |
SendResetPasswordEmail | 2 |
ResetPassword | 2 |
ProductRepository | 2 |
ProductVariantRepository | 2 |
ShippingMethodRepository | 2 |
ProductOptionRepository | 2 |
RegisterCalculatorsPassTest | 2 |
RegisterCalculatorsPass | 2 |
DashboardPageInterface | 2 |
ResetPasswordPageInterface | 2 |
RequestPasswordResetPageInterface | 2 |
LoginPageInterface | 2 |
GeneratePageInterface | 2 |
FilterElementInterface | 2 |
PromotionRepositoryInterface | 2 |
RuleCheckerInterface | 2 |
PromotionInterface | 2 |
CatalogPromotionInterface | 2 |
CatalogPromotionScopeInterface | 2 |
PromotionCouponInterface | 2 |
OrderItemRepositoryInterface | 2 |
OrderRepositoryInterface | 2 |
OrderInterface | 2 |
OrderItemInterface | 2 |
AdjustmentInterface | 2 |
OrderSequenceInterface | 2 |
OrderItemUnitInterface | 2 |
ShippingMethodRepositoryInterface | 2 |
PaymentMethodRepositoryInterface | 2 |
ProductVariantRepositoryInterface | 2 |
ProductRepositoryInterface | 2 |
PaymentInterface | 2 |
TaxonInterface | 2 |
ProductTranslationInterface | 2 |
ShippingMethodInterface | 2 |
Scope | 2 |
TaxRateInterface | 2 |
ShipmentInterface | 2 |
CustomerInterface | 2 |
AddressInterface | 2 |
PaymentMethodInterface | 2 |
ChannelInterface | 2 |
ProductInterface | 2 |
ProductVariantInterface | 2 |
CalculatorInterface | 2 |
ShippingMethodEligibilityCheckerInterface | 2 |
UserContext | 3 |
ThemeContext | 3 |
ProductAttributeContext | 3 |
CheckoutContext | 3 |
ManagingOrdersContext | 3 |
ManagingPaymentsContext | 3 |
ManagingProductsContext | 3 |
ManagingPromotionsContext | 3 |
ManagingShipmentsContext | 3 |
ManagingShippingMethodsContext | 3 |
ExchangeRateContext | 3 |
PromotionContext | 3 |
AddressContext | 3 |
OrderContext | 3 |
CatalogPromotionScope | 3 |
Taxon | 3 |
SendResetPasswordEmailHandlerTest | 3 |
OrderEmailManagerSpec | 3 |
OrderEmailManager | 3 |
ConfigurationTest | 3 |
OrderEmailManagerInterface | 3 |
ProductContext | 4 |
CurrencyContext | 4 |
LoginContext | 4 |
ProductReviewContext | 4 |
CustomerContext | 5 |
ChannelContext | 5 |
LocaleContext | 5 |
Kernel | 6 |
CartContext | 7 |
ShowPage | 8 |
ShowPageInterface | 8 |
AppKernel | 17 |
| |
IndexPage | 22 |
IndexPageInterface | 22 |
Configuration | 23 |
CreatePage | 25 |
UpdatePage | 25 |
CreatePageInterface | 25 |
UpdatePageInterface | 25 |
anonymous-class | 29 |