This is the list of error messages, as found in die() and exit() expressions.
Message | File | Line |
sprintf('Using "%s" to add blocks to the templates is deprecated since Sylius 1.7 and will be removed in Sylius 2.0. Use "sylius_ui" configuration instead.', self::class) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UiBundle/Block/BlockEventListener.php | 27 |
'The "Sylius\Bundle\ShippingBundle\Provider\Calendar" class is deprecated since Sylius 1.11 and will be removed in 2.0. Use "Sylius\Calendar\Provider\Calendar" instead.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ShippingBundle/Provider/Calendar.php | 17 |
sprintf('Passing a "Sylius\Bundle\ShippingBundle\Provider\DateTimeProvider" to "%s" constructor is deprecated since Sylius 1.11 and will be prohibited in 2.0. Use "Sylius\Calendar\Provider\DateTimeProviderInterface" instead.', self::class) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ShippingBundle/Assigner/ShippingDateAssigner.php | 26 |
sprintf('Not passing a $slugGenerator to %s constructor is deprecated since Sylius 1.11 and will be prohibited in Sylius 2.0.', self::class) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ProductBundle/Controller/ProductSlugController.php | 27 |
sprintf('Passing an instance of %s as constructor argument for %s is deprecated as of Sylius 1.12 and will be removed in 2.0. Pass an instance of %s instead.', SessionInterface::class, self::class, RequestStack::class) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ProductBundle/Form/EventSubscriber/GenerateProductVariantsSubscriber.php | 34 |
sprintf('Not passing an instance of %s to %s constructor is deprecated since Sylius 1.8 and will be removed in Sylius 2.0.', DecoratedOrderEmailManagerInterface::class, self::class, ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ShopBundle/EmailManager/OrderEmailManager.php | 30 |
sprintf('Passing an array or an instance of "%s" as 5th parameter of the constructor of "%s" is deprecated since API Platform 2.5, pass an array instead', FormatsProviderInterface::class, __CLASS__, ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/ApiPlatform/Bridge/Symfony/Bundle/Action/SwaggerUiAction.php | 76 |
sprintf('Not passing locale code into %s::%s is deprecated since Sylius 1.7', __CLASS__, __METHOD__) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ShopBundle/EmailManager/ContactEmailManager.php | 40 |
sprintf('Not passing channel into %s::%s is deprecated since Sylius 1.7', __CLASS__, __METHOD__) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ShopBundle/EmailManager/ContactEmailManager.php | 34 |
'The "Sylius\Bundle\ShopBundle\Twig\OrderTaxesTotalExtension" class is deprecated since Sylius 1.12 and will be removed in 2.0. Use methods "getTaxExcludedTotal" and "getTaxIncludedTotal" from "Sylius\Component\Core\Model\Order" instead.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ShopBundle/Twig/OrderTaxesTotalExtension.php | 23 |
'Not passing a calculator is deprecated since 1.6. Argument will no longer be optional from 2.0.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ShopBundle/Twig/OrderItemsSubtotalExtension.php | 33 |
sprintf('Passing Gaufrette\FilesystemInterface as a first argument in %s constructor is deprecated since Sylius 1.12 and will be not possible in Sylius 2.0.', self::class, ) | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Uploader/ImageUploader.php | 42 |
sprintf('Not passing a $fileLocator or/and $imageUploader to %s constructor is deprecated since Sylius 1.6 and will be removed in Sylius 2.0.', self::class) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/Factory/AdminUserExampleFactory.php | 46 |
'Importing files from Sylius/Sylius\'s "app/config" directory is deprecated since Sylius 1.3.' | /app/config/_container_deprecation.php | 18 |
'It is deprecated since Sylius 1.3 to pass indexed array as an image definition. ' . 'Please use associative array with "path" and "type" keys instead.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/Factory/ProductExampleFactory.php | 241 |
'Importing files from Sylius/Sylius\'s "app/config" directory is deprecated since Sylius 1.3.' | /app/config/_routing_deprecation.php | 20 |
sprintf('Not passing a $couponFactory to %s constructor is deprecated since Sylius 1.8 and will be removed in Sylius 2.0.', self::class) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/Factory/PromotionExampleFactory.php | 49 |
'The "TestAppKernel" class located at "app/TestAppKernel.php" is deprecated since Sylius 1.3. Use "Kernel" class located at "src/Kernel.php" instead.' | /app/TestAppKernel.php | 18 |
sprintf('Not passing a $avatarImageFactory to %s constructor is deprecated since Sylius 1.10 and will be removed in Sylius 2.0.', self::class) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/Factory/AdminUserExampleFactory.php | 50 |
sprintf('Passing root directory to "%s" constructor as the second argument is deprecated since 1.2 ' . 'and this argument will be removed in 2.0.', self::class, ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Installer/Requirement/FilesystemRequirements.php | 28 |
sprintf('Using "%s" as Symfony kernel is deprecated since Sylius 1.3. Please migrate to Symfony 4 directory structure. Upgrade guide:', self::class) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Application/Kernel.php | 51 |
'Not passing availableProductOptionValuesResolver thru constructor is deprecated in Sylius 1.8 and ' . 'it will be removed in Sylius 2.0' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ProductBundle/Form/Type/ProductOptionValueChoiceType.php | 32 |
sprintf('Callback "%s" was renamed to "%s". The old name will be removed in Sylius 2.0, use the new name to override it.', 'winzou_state_machine.sylius_order.callbacks.after.sylis_cancel_order', 'winzou_state_machine.sylius_order.callbacks.after.sylius_cancel_order', ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/BackwardsCompatibility/CancelOrderStateMachineCallbackPass.php | 32 |
'This method is deprecated since Sylius 1.12 and it will be removed in Sylius 2.0. Please use `isCreatedByGuest` instead.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Model/Order.php | 481 |
'This method is deprecated since Sylius 1.12 and it will be removed in Sylius 2.0. This flag should be changed only through `setCustomerWithAuthorization` method.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Model/Order.php | 488 |
'Not passing createdByGuestFlagResolver through constructor is deprecated in Sylius 1.10.9 and it will be prohibited in Sylius 2.0' | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Cart/Context/ShopBasedCartContext.php | 50 |
sprintf('Not passing a $taxationAddressResolver to %s constructor is deprecated since Sylius 1.11 and will be removed in Sylius 2.0.', self::class) | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/OrderProcessing/OrderTaxesProcessor.php | 40 |
sprintf('Not passing an $imagePathGenerator to %s constructor is deprecated since Sylius 1.6 and will be not possible in Sylius 2.0.', self::class, ) | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Uploader/ImageUploader.php | 51 |
'Not passing CommandBasedContextCheckedInterface explicitly as the third argument is deprecated since 1.11 and will be prohibited in 2.0.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Translation/TranslatableEntityLocaleAssigner.php | 32 |
'Not passing a logger is deprecated since 1.7' | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Updater/UnpaidOrdersStateUpdater.php | 35 |
sprintf('The "%s" class is deprecated since Sylius 1.12 and will be removed in 2.0. Use "%s" instead.', self::class, FlysystemFilesystemAdapter::class, ) | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Filesystem/Adapter/GaufretteFilesystemAdapter.php | 26 |
'Not passing TaxRateDateEligibilityCheckerInterface through constructor is deprecated in Sylius 1.12 and it will be prohibited in Sylius 2.0' | /src/Sylius/Component/Taxation/Resolver/TaxRateResolver.php | 28 |
'This class is deprecated since Sylius 1.12 and will be removed in 2.0. Copy these constants if you use them.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Shipping/ShipmentUnitTransitions.php | 16 |
sprintf('The "%s" interface is deprecated since Sylius 1.8, use "%s" instead.', ShippingMethodEligibilityCheckerInterface::class, NewShippingMethodEligibilityCheckerInterface::class) | /src/Sylius/Component/Shipping/Checker/ShippingMethodEligibilityCheckerInterface.php | 21 |
sprintf('The "%s" class is deprecated since Sylius 1.8, use "%s" instead.', 'Sylius\Component\Shipping\Checker\ShippingMethodEligibilityChecker', 'Sylius\Component\Shipping\Checker\Eligibility\CompositeShippingMethodEligibilityChecker') | /src/Sylius/Component/Shipping/Checker/ShippingMethodEligibilityChecker.php | 19 |
sprintf('Passing a "Sylius\Component\Core\Calculator\ProductVariantPriceCalculatorInterface" to "%s" constructor is deprecated since Sylius 1.11 and will be prohibited in 2.0. Use "Sylius\Component\Core\Calculator\ProductVariantPricesCalculatorInterface" instead.', self::class) | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/OrderProcessing/OrderPricesRecalculator.php | 29 |
'Not passing ShippingMethodsResolverInterface explicitly is deprecated since 1.2 and will be prohibited in 2.0' | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/OrderProcessing/OrderShipmentProcessor.php | 35 |
'Not passing adjustments types explicitly is deprecated since 1.2 and will be prohibited in 2.0' | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/OrderProcessing/OrderAdjustmentsClearer.php | 28 |
sprintf('This class is deprecated since Sylius 1.2 and will be removed in 2.0. "%s" should be used instead.', EligibleDefaultShippingMethodResolver::class) | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Resolver/DefaultShippingMethodResolver.php | 25 |
'Passing RouterInterface as the fourth argument is deprecated since 1.4 and will be prohibited in 2.0' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/AdminBundle/Controller/ImpersonateUserController.php | 41 |
sprintf('Not passing a $formFactory to %s constructor is deprecated since Sylius 1.11 and will be prohibited in Sylius 2.0.', self::class) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UserBundle/Controller/SecurityController.php | 35 |
'The "BookProductFixture" class is deprecated since Sylius 1.5 Use new product fixtures class located at "src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/" instead.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/BookProductFixture.php | 16 |
sprintf('Not passing an $addressComparator to "%s" constructor is deprecated since Sylius 1.8 and will be impossible in Sylius 2.0.', __CLASS__, ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Form/Type/Checkout/AddressType.php | 44 |
'Not passing LocaleContextInterface explicitly as the second argument is deprecated since 1.4 and will be prohibited in 2.0' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/LocaleBundle/Templating/Helper/LocaleHelper.php | 28 |
'Passing previous exception as the first argument is deprecated since 1.2 and will be prohibited since 2.0.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Channel/Context/ChannelNotFoundException.php | 23 |
sprintf('Not passing a $authenticationUtils to %s constructor is deprecated since Sylius 1.11 and will be prohibited in Sylius 2.0.', self::class) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UserBundle/Controller/SecurityController.php | 31 |
'Not passing scopeTypes thru constructor is deprecated in Sylius 1.5 and it will be removed in Sylius 2.0' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/AddressingBundle/Form/Type/ZoneChoiceType.php | 28 |
'Passing RouterInterface as the sixth argument is deprecated since 1.8 and will be prohibited in 2.0' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/Factory/ChannelExampleFactory.php | 58 |
'Passing RouterInterface as the fifth argument is deprecated since 1.8 and will be prohibited in 2.0' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/Factory/ChannelExampleFactory.php | 54 |
sprintf('Not passing a $taxCategoryRepository to %s constructor is deprecated since Sylius 1.6 and will be removed in Sylius 2.0.', self::class) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/Factory/ProductExampleFactory.php | 69 |
sprintf('Not passing a $taxCategoryRepository to %s constructor is deprecated since Sylius 1.4 and will be removed in Sylius 2.0.', self::class) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/Factory/ShippingMethodExampleFactory.php | 48 |
'The "StickerProductFixture" class is deprecated since Sylius 1.5 Use new product fixtures class located at "src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/" instead.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/StickerProductFixture.php | 16 |
'The "MugProductFixture" class is deprecated since Sylius 1.5 Use new product fixtures class located at "src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/" instead.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/MugProductFixture.php | 19 |
'Use orderExampleFactory. OrderFixture is deprecated since 1.6 and will be prohibited since 2.0.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/OrderFixture.php | 80 |
'The "TshirtProductFixture" class is deprecated since Sylius 1.5 Use new product fixtures class located at "src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/" instead.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/TshirtProductFixture.php | 19 |
'Sylius was not able to find the cart, as there is no logged in user.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/spec/Context/CustomerAndChannelBasedCartContextSpec.php | 85 |
'Sylius was not able to find the cart for currently logged in user.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/spec/Context/CustomerAndChannelBasedCartContextSpec.php | 71 |
sprintf('Currency "%s" is not available! The available ones are: "%s".', $currencyCode, implode('", "', $availableCurrenciesCodes), ) | /src/Sylius/Component/Currency/Context/CurrencyNotFoundException.php | 38 |
sprintf('Currency "%s" is disabled!', $currencyCode) | /src/Sylius/Component/Currency/Context/CurrencyNotFoundException.php | 30 |
'Sylius was not able to find the cart, as there is no passed token value.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/spec/Context/TokenValueBasedCartContextSpec.php | 87 |
'The main request is not an API request.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/spec/Context/TokenValueBasedCartContextSpec.php | 72 |
'There is no main request on request stack.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/spec/Context/TokenValueBasedCartContextSpec.php | 57 |
'Sylius was not able to find the cart, as there is no current channel.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/spec/Context/CustomerAndChannelBasedCartContextSpec.php | 95 |
sprintf('Locale "%s" cannot be found!', $localeCode) | /src/Sylius/Component/Locale/Context/LocaleNotFoundException.php | 25 |
'Sylius was not able to find the cart for passed token value.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/spec/Context/TokenValueBasedCartContextSpec.php | 104 |
sprintf('Currency "%s" cannot be found!', $currencyCode) | /src/Sylius/Component/Currency/Context/CurrencyNotFoundException.php | 25 |
sprintf('Product variant %s has no price defined for channel %s', $productVariant->getDescriptor( ), $channel->getName( )) | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Exception/MissingChannelConfigurationException.php | 28 |
sprintf('Customer with email "%s" does not exist.', $email) | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Exception/CustomerNotFoundException.php | 25 |
sprintf('Locale "%s" is not available! The available ones are: "%s".', $localeCode, implode('", "', $availableLocalesCodes), ) | /src/Sylius/Component/Locale/Context/LocaleNotFoundException.php | 30 |
'Not recognized price type' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Ui/Shop/ProductContext.php | 416 |
sprintf('Vertical menu should not contain %s element', $menuItem) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Ui/Shop/ProductContext.php | 887 |
'Get shipping total should throw an exception!' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Ui/Shop/CartContext.php | 232 |
'Get promotion total should throw an exception!' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Ui/Shop/CartContext.php | 248 |
'Order should have at least one shipment.' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Ui/EmailContext.php | 179 |
sprintf('There is no notification with "%s". Got "%s"', $expectedNotification, $hasNotifications) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Ui/PaypalContext.php | 113 |
sprintf('Cannot find "%s" token, check if you are after proper checkout steps', $name) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Page/External/PaypalExpressCheckoutPage.php | 95 |
'Delete account should throw an exception!' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Ui/CustomerContext.php | 45 |
'Dashboard has been openned, but it shouldn\'t as customer should not be logged in' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Ui/Shop/AccountContext.php | 501 |
sprintf('Expected "%s" not to be in "%s"', $currencyCode, implode('", "', $this->homePage->getAvailableCurrencies( )), ) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Ui/Shop/CurrencyContext.php | 64 |
sprintf('Menu should not contain %s element', $menuItem) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Ui/Shop/HomepageContext.php | 89 |
sprintf('Expected "%s" not to be in "%s"', $locale, implode('", "', $this->homePage->getAvailableLocales( )), ) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Ui/Shop/LocaleContext.php | 78 |
'The page should not be able to open.' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Ui/Shop/LocaleContext.php | 94 |
sprintf('Expected to be on "%s" but found "%s" instead', $this->getUrl($urlParameters), $this->getSession( )->getCurrentUrl( )) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Page/External/PaypalExpressCheckoutPage.php | 56 |
sprintf('Cannot find pricing row for variant "%s" in channel "%s"', $variantName, $channelName) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Page/Admin/Product/ShowPage.php | 112 |
sprintf('PriorityQueue expects an internal queue of type SplPriorityQueue; received "%s"', get_class($this->queue)) | /etc/psalm/LaminasPriorityQueueStub.php | 328 |
'Please run "composer require symfony/dotenv" to load the ".env" files configuring the application.' | /config/bootstrap.php | 15 |
'SYMFONY_VERSION environment variable is not set.' | /RoboFile.php | 56 |
'The option have not been created yet so you cannot access proxy methods.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Product/Model/ProductOptionValue.php | 87 |
'Cannot calculate charge for shipment without a defined shipping method.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Shipping/Calculator/DelegatingCalculator.php | 28 |
sprintf('The algorithm "%s" is not supported.', $this->algorithm) | /src/Sylius/Component/User/Security/UserPbkdf2PasswordEncoder.php | 76 |
'The attribute is undefined, so you cannot access proxy methods.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Attribute/Model/AttributeValue.php | 206 |
'Sylius was not able to prepare the cart.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Cart/Context/ShopBasedCartContext.php | 73 |
sprintf('Interval "%s" not supported.', $interval->asString( )) | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Dashboard/SalesDataProvider.php | 145 |
sprintf('Channel %s has no amount defined for shipping method %s', $subject->getOrder( )->getChannel( )->getName( ), $subject->getMethod( )->getName( ), ) | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Shipping/Calculator/PerUnitRateCalculator.php | 35 |
sprintf('Channel %s has no amount defined for shipping method %s', $subject->getOrder( )->getChannel( )->getName( ), $subject->getMethod( )->getName( ), ) | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Shipping/Calculator/FlatRateCalculator.php | 34 |
'Order should have at least one shipment.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Taxation/Applicator/OrderShipmentTaxesApplicator.php | 43 |
'Order has no channel, but it should.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Provider/ActivePromotionsByChannelProvider.php | 36 |
sprintf('No message spooled with recipient "%s" and content "%s"', $recipient, $message, ) | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Test/SwiftmailerAssertionTrait.php | 60 |
sprintf('No message spooled with recipient "%s"', $recipient) | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Test/SwiftmailerAssertionTrait.php | 40 |
'No locale is set for current channel!' | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/Locale/LocaleStorage.php | 35 |
sprintf('Cannot find name for "%s" locale code', $code) | /src/Sylius/Component/Locale/Converter/LocaleConverter.php | 37 |
'createNew' | /src/Sylius/Component/Order/Factory/OrderItemUnitFactory.php | 34 |
'This order item unit is assigned to a different order item.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Order/Model/OrderItem.php | 171 |
sprintf('None of the available locales is acceptable: "%s".', implode('", "', $this->availableLocalesCodes), ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/LocaleBundle/Context/RequestHeaderBasedLocaleContext.php | 57 |
'Sylius was not able to find the cart in session' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/OrderBundle/Context/SessionBasedCartContext.php | 34 |
'No locale attribute is set on the master request.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/LocaleBundle/Context/RequestBasedLocaleContext.php | 36 |
'No main request available.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/LocaleBundle/Context/RequestHeaderBasedLocaleContext.php | 41 |
'Tagged gateway configuration type needs to have `type` and `label` attributes.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/PayumBundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/RegisterGatewayConfigTypePass.php | 35 |
'No main request available.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/LocaleBundle/Context/RequestBasedLocaleContext.php | 31 |
'Storage not support composite primary ids' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/PayumBundle/Storage/DoctrineStorage.php | 62 |
sprintf('Order with token "%s" does not exist.', $tokenValue) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/PayumBundle/Controller/PayumController.php | 61 |
sprintf('Unexpected zone type "%s".', $type) | /src/Sylius/Component/Addressing/Matcher/ZoneMatcher.php | 96 |
'Wrong zone type supplied.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Addressing/Model/Zone.php | 91 |
sprintf('Currency "%s" not found! Available names: %s.', $name, implode(', ', $names), ) | /src/Sylius/Component/Currency/Converter/CurrencyNameConverter.php | 26 |
sprintf('Country "%s" not found! Available names: %s.', $name, implode(', ', $names), ) | /src/Sylius/Component/Addressing/Converter/CountryNameConverter.php | 26 |
'There are not any requests on request stack' | /src/Sylius/Component/Channel/Context/RequestBased/ChannelContext.php | 50 |
'Channel was not found for given request' | /src/Sylius/Component/Channel/Context/RequestBased/ChannelContext.php | 59 |
'The option have not been created yet so you cannot access proxy methods.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Product/Model/ProductOptionValue.php | 101 |
sprintf('Cannot resolve available product option values. Option "%s" does not belong to product "%s".', $productOption->getCode( ), $product->getCode( ), ) | /src/Sylius/Component/Product/Resolver/AvailableProductOptionValuesResolver.php | 27 |
sprintf('At least one user type should implement %s', UserInterface::class) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UserBundle/Command/AbstractRoleCommand.php | 34 |
'You must configure the logout path to be handled by the firewall.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UserBundle/Controller/SecurityController.php | 86 |
'The value cannot be blank.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UserBundle/Command/AbstractRoleCommand.php | 68 |
'The email you entered is invalid.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UserBundle/Command/AbstractRoleCommand.php | 55 |
'You have to be registered user to access this section.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UserBundle/Controller/UserController.php | 45 |
sprintf('User with ID "%d" could not be refreshed.', $user->getId( )) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UserBundle/Provider/AbstractUserProvider.php | 72 |
'You must configure the check path to be handled by the firewall.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UserBundle/Controller/SecurityController.php | 78 |
'Token not found.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UserBundle/Controller/UserController.php | 90 |
sprintf('Username "%s" does not exist.', $username) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UserBundle/Provider/AbstractUserProvider.php | 42 |
'Unauthenticated token' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UserBundle/Security/UserLogin.php | 46 |
sprintf('Instances of "%s" are not supported.', $user::class) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UserBundle/Provider/AbstractUserProvider.php | 64 |
sprintf('User must implement "%s".', SyliusUserInterface::class) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UserBundle/Provider/AbstractUserProvider.php | 58 |
'ProvinceAddressConstraintValidator can only validate instances of "Sylius\Component\Addressing\Model\AddressInterface"' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/AddressingBundle/Validator/Constraints/ProvinceAddressConstraintValidator.php | 34 |
'Sylius was not able to find the cart in session' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/OrderBundle/Context/SessionBasedCartContext.php | 42 |
sprintf('Using the "%s" class with "%s" argument is prohibited since Sylius 1.12, use "%s" service instead.', self::class, PasswordHasherFactoryInterface::class, UserPasswordHasher::class, ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UserBundle/Security/UserPasswordEncoder.php | 35 |
'Requested country does not exist.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/AddressingBundle/Controller/ProvinceController.php | 44 |
'Tagged rule checker `' . $id . '` needs to have `type`, `form_type` and `label` attributes.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/PromotionBundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/RegisterRuleCheckersPass.php | 35 |
'Tagged catalog promotion price calculator `' . $id . '` needs to have `type` attribute.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/PromotionBundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/SetCatalogPromotionActionTypesPass.php | 27 |
'Tagged catalog promotion variant checker `' . $id . '` needs to have `type` attribute.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/PromotionBundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/SetCatalogPromotionScopeTypesPass.php | 27 |
sprintf('Taxon with id %d does not exist.', $id) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/TaxonomyBundle/Controller/TaxonPositionController.php | 60 |
'Token not found' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/AdminBundle/Action/Account/RenderResetPasswordPageAction.php | 50 |
'No promotion id given.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/PromotionBundle/Controller/PromotionCouponController.php | 34 |
'Promotion not found.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/PromotionBundle/Controller/PromotionCouponController.php | 38 |
'Tagged promotion action `' . $id . '` needs to have `type`, `form_type` and `label` attributes.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/PromotionBundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/RegisterPromotionActionsPass.php | 35 |
'The catalog promotion has not been found' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/AdminBundle/Controller/RemoveCatalogPromotionAction.php | 36 |
'The catalog promotion has not been found' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/AdminBundle/Controller/RemoveCatalogPromotionAction.php | 48 |
sprintf('The shipment with id %s has not been found', $shipmentId) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/AdminBundle/Action/ResendShipmentConfirmationEmailAction.php | 56 |
sprintf('The order with id %s has not been found', $orderId) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/AdminBundle/Action/ResendOrderConfirmationEmailAction.php | 56 |
sprintf('Could not find user identified by email "%s"', $email) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UserBundle/Command/AbstractRoleCommand.php | 109 |
sprintf('User type %s misconfigured.', $userType) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UserBundle/Command/AbstractRoleCommand.php | 149 |
'In order to use this subscriber, your class has to implement UserInterface' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UserBundle/EventListener/UserLastLoginSubscriber.php | 72 |
'Please run "composer require symfony/dotenv" to load the ".env" files configuring the application.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/AdminBundle/test/config/bootstrap.php | 25 |
sprintf('Could not find variant with option "%s" set to "%s"', $productOption, $productOptionValue) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/CartContext.php | 166 |
'Expected a value other than null.' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/ProductAttributeContext.php | 124 |
sprintf('Cannot find %s/%s exchange rate.', $sourceCurrencyCode, $targetCurrencyCode) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/ExchangeRateContext.php | 81 |
'Order should have at least one shipment.' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/EmailContext.php | 182 |
sprintf('Could not find item with option "%s" set to "%s"', $optionName, $optionValue) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/CartContext.php | 735 |
sprintf('The product %s does not exist', $productName) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/CartContext.php | 462 |
sprintf('The product %s does not exist', $productName) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/CartContext.php | 443 |
sprintf('The product %s does not exist', $productName) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/CartContext.php | 424 |
'It should not be possible to complete checkout shipping step.' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Ui/Shop/Checkout/CheckoutShippingContext.php | 212 |
'It is impossible to go to shipping step from current page.' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Ui/Shop/CheckoutContext.php | 179 |
'It is impossible to go to addressing step from current page.' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Ui/Shop/CheckoutContext.php | 159 |
sprintf('Value "%s" not found in attribute %s', $value, $attribute->getName( ), ) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Setup/ProductAttributeContext.php | 192 |
'Choose name should throw an exception!' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Ui/Admin/ManagingCountriesContext.php | 150 |
'It should not be possible to complete checkout complete step.' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Ui/Shop/Checkout/CheckoutCompleteContext.php | 369 |
'It should not be possible to complete checkout payment step.' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Ui/Shop/Checkout/CheckoutPaymentContext.php | 164 |
'There is no product with given name.' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/OrderContext.php | 165 |
'Expected array to have variant key, but this key is missing. Current array: ' . json_encode($item) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/OrderContext.php | 410 |
sprintf('There is no product association with name %s.', $productAssociationTypeName) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/ProductContext.php | 768 |
sprintf('There is menu item %s but it should not be', $unexpectedMenuItem) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/HomepageContext.php | 112 |
'There is no product with given name.' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Admin/ManagingOrdersContext.php | 227 |
'There is no payment with given data.' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Admin/ManagingPaymentsContext.php | 125 |
'Couldn\'t find given payment method for this order' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/CheckoutContext.php | 711 |
'Couldn\'t find given shipping method for this order' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/CheckoutContext.php | 728 |
'Expected array to have variant key and variant to have product, but one these keys is missing. Current array: ' . serialize($item) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/CartContext.php | 846 |
'Expected array to have variant key and variant to have product, but one these keys is missing. Current array: ' . serialize($item) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/CartContext.php | 860 |
sprintf('The product %s does not exist', $productName) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/CartContext.php | 753 |
sprintf('The product %s does not exist', $productName) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/CartContext.php | 772 |
'Expected product does not exist' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/CartContext.php | 984 |
sprintf('Price for product %s had not been found', $product->getName( )) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/CartContext.php | 1002 |
'Invalid item data' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/CartContext.php | 941 |
'Invalid item data' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Shop/CartContext.php | 957 |
sprintf('There is no "%s" latest resource!', $this->latestKey) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/SharedStorage.php | 52 |
sprintf('There is no current resource for "%s"!', $key) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/SharedStorage.php | 25 |
sprintf('Something went wrong, file %s is empty', $source) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/ResponseLoader.php | 86 |
sprintf('File %s does not exist', $source) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/ResponseLoader.php | 74 |
sprintf('Given source %s is a folder!', $source) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/ResponseLoader.php | 110 |
sprintf('Something went wrong, cannot open %s', $source) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/ResponseLoader.php | 98 |
sprintf('No resource associated to "%s".', $iri) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/Converter/IriConverter.php | 91 |
sprintf('No route matches "%s".', $iri) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/Converter/IriConverter.php | 87 |
sprintf('There is no "%s" action with %f', PercentageDiscountPriceCalculator::TYPE, $amount) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Admin/ManagingCatalogPromotionsContext.php | 991 |
sprintf('There is no "%s" action with %d for "%s" channel', FixedDiscountPriceCalculator::TYPE, $amount, $channel->getName( ), ) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Admin/ManagingCatalogPromotionsContext.php | 967 |
'The given order has no shipping adjustment with proper amount and method' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Domain/ManagingOrdersContext.php | 173 |
'There is no shipment with given data' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Api/Admin/ManagingShipmentsContext.php | 237 |
'Price string should not have more than 2 decimal digits.' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Transform/LexicalContext.php | 50 |
'The given order has no shipping adjustment with proper amount and method' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Domain/ManagingOrdersContext.php | 189 |
sprintf("Toggleable element state is '%s' but expected '%s'.", $toggleableElement->isChecked( ) ? 'true' : 'false', $expectedState ? 'true' : 'false', ) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Behaviour/Toggles.php | 52 |
sprintf('Cannot find variant "%s" %s / "%s" %s within product "%s"', $value1, $option1, $value2, $option2, $product->getCode( ), ) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Context/Transform/ProductVariantContext.php | 144 |
'Could not find row with given fields' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/Accessor/TableAccessor.php | 26 |
'Could not find any row with given fields' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/Accessor/TableAccessor.php | 35 |
sprintf('Could not find column with index %d', $columnIndex) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/Accessor/TableAccessor.php | 45 |
sprintf('Column with name "%s" not found!', $fieldName) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/Accessor/TableAccessor.php | 183 |
'Time has run out and the assertion has not passed yet.' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/Helper/JavaScriptTestHelper.php | 89 |
'Route name could not be matched to provided pages.' | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/Resolver/CurrentPageResolver.php | 44 |
'Given adjustable object class is not supported.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Order/Model/Adjustment.php | 236 |
'Adjustment is locked and cannot be modified.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Order/Model/Adjustment.php | 245 |
sprintf('The iri "%s" references a collection not an item.', $iri) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/Converter/IriConverter.php | 95 |
sprintf('Item not found for "%s".', $iri) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/Converter/IriConverter.php | 115 |
sprintf('Item not found for "%s".', $iri) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/Converter/IriConverter.php | 122 |
sprintf('Unable to generate an IRI for the item of type "%s"', $resourceClass) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/Converter/IriConverter.php | 135 |
sprintf('Unable to generate an IRI for the item of type "%s"', $resourceClass) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/Converter/IriConverter.php | 155 |
sprintf('Unable to generate an IRI for "%s".', $resourceClass) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/Converter/IriConverter.php | 174 |
sprintf('Unable to generate an IRI for "%s".', $resourceClass) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/Converter/IriConverter.php | 193 |
sprintf('Unable to generate an IRI for "%s".', $resourceClass) | /src/Sylius/Behat/Service/Converter/IriConverter.php | 205 |
sprintf('No resource associated to "%s".', $iri) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/Converter/IriToIdentifierConverter.php | 54 |
sprintf('%s does not support subresources', self::class) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/Converter/IriToIdentifierConverter.php | 66 |
'The main request is not an API request.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/Context/TokenValueBasedCartContext.php | 64 |
sprintf('No route matches "%s".', $iri) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/Converter/IriToIdentifierConverter.php | 50 |
'Sylius was not able to find the cart for passed token value.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/Context/TokenValueBasedCartContext.php | 45 |
'There is no main request on request stack.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/Context/TokenValueBasedCartContext.php | 55 |
sprintf('User with email "%s" is already registered.', $command->email) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/CommandHandler/Account/RegisterShopUserHandler.php | 52 |
'Sylius was not able to find the cart, as there is no passed token value.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/Context/TokenValueBasedCartContext.php | 40 |
'Requested method is not allowed.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/Doctrine/QueryCollectionExtension/AddressesExtension.php | 66 |
'JWT Token not found' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/DataPersister/AddressDataPersister.php | 41 |
'Requested method is not allowed.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/Doctrine/QueryItemExtension/AddressItemExtension.php | 83 |
'JWT Token not found' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/Doctrine/QueryCollectionExtension/AddressesExtension.php | 46 |
'Not Found' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/Controller/GetProductBySlugAction.php | 47 |
'JWT Token not found' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/Doctrine/QueryItemExtension/AddressItemExtension.php | 50 |
'Payment method can not be set' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/Changer/PaymentMethodChanger.php | 57 |
'Please run "composer require symfony/dotenv" to load the ".env" files configuring the application.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/Tests/Application/config/bootstrap.php | 25 |
sprintf('Trying to overwrite block "%s" with block "%s".', $this->name, $block->name, ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UiBundle/Registry/TemplateBlock.php | 69 |
sprintf('There is no template defined for block "%s" in event "%s".', $this->name, $this->eventName, ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UiBundle/Registry/TemplateBlock.php | 41 |
'You must configure the logout path to be handled by the firewall.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UiBundle/Controller/SecurityController.php | 68 |
'You must configure the check path to be handled by the firewall.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UiBundle/Controller/SecurityController.php | 63 |
'Tagged taxation calculators needs to have `calculator` attribute.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/TaxationBundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/RegisterCalculatorsPass.php | 34 |
'Cannot delete a product that is in use by a promotion rule.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/EventSubscriber/ProductDeletionEventSubscriber.php | 46 |
'Route not found' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/EventSubscriber/KernelRequestEventSubscriber.php | 43 |
'JWT Token not found' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/DataPersister/AddressDataPersister.php | 62 |
'Tagged shipping calculators needs to have `calculator` and `label` attributes.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ShippingBundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/RegisterCalculatorsPass.php | 35 |
'Tagged shipping methods resolvers need to have `type` and `label` attributes.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ShippingBundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/RegisterShippingMethodsResolversPass.php | 34 |
'Tagged shipping method rule checker `' . $id . '` needs to have `type`, `form_type` and `label` attributes.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ShippingBundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/RegisterRuleCheckersPass.php | 36 |
'Tagged attribute type needs to have `attribute_type`, `label` and `form_type` attributes.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/AttributeBundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/RegisterAttributeTypePass.php | 35 |
sprintf('Catalog promotion with code "%s" cannot be removed as it is not in an inactive state.', $catalogPromotion->getCode( ), ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/CatalogPromotion/CommandHandler/RemoveInactiveCatalogPromotionHandler.php | 42 |
sprintf('Catalog promotion with code "%s" cannot be removed as it is now being processed.', $catalogPromotionCode, ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/CatalogPromotion/Processor/CatalogPromotionRemovalProcessor.php | 55 |
'Cannot generate slug without a name' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/TaxonomyBundle/Controller/TaxonSlugController.php | 38 |
'Tagged payment methods resolvers need to have `type` and `label` attributes.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/PaymentBundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/RegisterPaymentMethodsResolversPass.php | 34 |
sprintf('Expected "%s", but got "%s"', $expectedType, get_debug_type($value), ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Form/DataTransformer/ProductTaxonToTaxonTransformer.php | 72 |
'Sylius was not able to find the cart in session' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Context/SessionAndChannelBasedCartContext.php | 41 |
'Invalid catalog promotion state.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/CatalogPromotion/Processor/CatalogPromotionRemovalProcessor.php | 62 |
'Catalog promotion with given code does not exist.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/CatalogPromotion/Processor/CatalogPromotionRemovalProcessor.php | 86 |
'Sylius was not able to find the cart, as there is no logged in user.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Context/CustomerAndChannelBasedCartContext.php | 46 |
'Sylius was not able to find the cart for currently logged in user.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Context/CustomerAndChannelBasedCartContext.php | 52 |
'Sylius was not able to find the cart in session' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Context/SessionAndChannelBasedCartContext.php | 48 |
'Sylius was not able to find the cart, as there is no current channel.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Context/CustomerAndChannelBasedCartContext.php | 41 |
sprintf('An exception was thrown during loading zone "%s" with code "%s"!', $zoneName, $zoneCode, ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/GeographicalFixture.php | 156 |
'Cannot resolve zone type!' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/GeographicalFixture.php | 191 |
'Email is null or not provided' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/OAuth/UserProvider.php | 76 |
sprintf("The field '%s' is not mapped by Doctrine, so it cannot be validated.", $enabledPropertyPath) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Validator/Constraints/HasEnabledEntityValidator.php | 134 |
sprintf('Could not find zone "%s", defined ones are: %s!', $zoneCode, implode(', ', array_keys($options['zones'])), ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/GeographicalFixture.php | 242 |
sprintf('Could not find province "%s", defined ones are: %s!', $provinceCode, implode(', ', $options['provinces']), ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/GeographicalFixture.php | 231 |
sprintf('Could not find country "%s", defined ones are: %s!', $countryCode, implode(', ', $options['countries']), ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/GeographicalFixture.php | 215 |
'Cannot resolve zone members!' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/GeographicalFixture.php | 203 |
sprintf('Country has defined provinces, but %s is not one of them', $provinceName) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/Factory/AddressExampleFactory.php | 153 |
sprintf('Provided province code is not valid for "%s"', $country->getName( )) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/Factory/AddressExampleFactory.php | 124 |
sprintf('No entities found of type %s', $repository->getClassName( )) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/OptionsResolver/LazyOption.php | 178 |
sprintf('The %s resource for field %s with value %s was not found', $repository->getClassName( ), $field, $previousValue, ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/OptionsResolver/LazyOption.php | 155 |
sprintf('You have no enabled products at the channel "%s", but they are required to create an orders for that channel', $channel->getCode( ), ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/Factory/OrderExampleFactory.php | 141 |
'Cannot define coupons for promotion that is not coupon based' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/Factory/PromotionExampleFactory.php | 146 |
'You must configure a $couponFactory' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/Factory/PromotionExampleFactory.php | 142 |
'You must configure a $fileLocator or/and $imageUploader' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/Factory/AdminUserExampleFactory.php | 105 |
sprintf('Platform "%s" is not supported!', get_class($platform)) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Doctrine/DQL/Week.php | 51 |
sprintf('The position "%s" is invalid.', $newProductTaxonPosition) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Controller/ProductTaxonController.php | 102 |
'Password reset token has expired' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Security/UserPasswordResetter.php | 40 |
sprintf('You have no shipping method available for the channel with code "%s", but they are required to proceed an order', $channel->getCode( ), ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Fixture/Factory/OrderExampleFactory.php | 200 |
sprintf('Platform "%s" is not supported!', get_class($platform)) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Doctrine/DQL/Day.php | 51 |
sprintf('Platform "%s" is not supported!', get_class($platform)) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Doctrine/DQL/Month.php | 51 |
sprintf('Platform "%s" is not supported!', get_class($platform)) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Doctrine/DQL/Hour.php | 51 |
sprintf('Platform "%s" is not supported!', get_class($platform)) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Doctrine/DQL/Year.php | 51 |
0 | /RoboFile.php | 42 |
1 | /RoboFile.php | 42 |
'Could not generate' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/PromotionBundle/Tests/Command/GenerateCouponsCommandTest.php | 127 |
sprintf('Cannot resolve available product option values. Option "%s" does not belong to product "%s".', self::PRODUCT_OPTION_CODE, self::PRODUCT_CODE, ) | /src/Sylius/Component/Product/spec/Resolver/AvailableProductOptionValuesResolverSpec.php | 52 |
'Number of targets must be bigger than 0.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/spec/Distributor/IntegerDistributorSpec.php | 42 |
'Order has no channel, but it should.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Core/spec/Provider/ActivePromotionsByChannelProviderSpec.php | 76 |
'Third' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Tests/Listener/CircularDependencyBreakingErrorListenerTest.php | 70 |
'Fourth' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Tests/Listener/CircularDependencyBreakingErrorListenerTest.php | 69 |
'First' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Tests/Listener/CircularDependencyBreakingErrorListenerTest.php | 36 |
'Second' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Tests/Listener/CircularDependencyBreakingErrorListenerTest.php | 35 |
'Delayed message exception' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/spec/DataPersister/MessengerDataPersisterSpec.php | 49 |
'Delayed message exception' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/spec/DataPersister/MessengerDataPersisterSpec.php | 66 |
'Delayed message exception' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/spec/DataPersister/MessengerDataPersisterSpec.php | 54 |
'This order item unit is assigned to a different order item.' | /src/Sylius/Component/Order/spec/Model/OrderItemSpec.php | 168 |
'Delayed message exception' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/spec/DataPersister/MessengerDataPersisterSpec.php | 70 |
'You must configure the check path to be handled by the firewall.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UiBundle/spec/Controller/SecurityControllerSpec.php | 95 |
'You must configure the logout path to be handled by the firewall.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/UiBundle/spec/Controller/SecurityControllerSpec.php | 103 |
'Second' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Tests/Listener/CircularDependencyBreakingErrorListenerTest.php | 109 |
'First' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Tests/Listener/CircularDependencyBreakingErrorListenerTest.php | 110 |
'Second' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Tests/Listener/CircularDependencyBreakingErrorListenerTest.php | 71 |
'First' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Tests/Listener/CircularDependencyBreakingErrorListenerTest.php | 72 |
'Delayed message exception' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/spec/DataPersister/MessengerDataPersisterSpec.php | 47 |
'Passwords do not match.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/CommandHandler/Account/ChangeShopUserPasswordHandler.php | 35 |
sprintf('There is no shop user with %s email verification token', $command->token) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/CommandHandler/Account/VerifyCustomerAccountHandler.php | 39 |
'Cart with given token value could not be found' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/CommandHandler/Cart/BlameCartHandler.php | 46 |
'There is an assigned customer to this cart' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/CommandHandler/Cart/BlameCartHandler.php | 50 |
sprintf('Cannot pick up cart, locale code "%s" does not exist.', $localeCode, ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/CommandHandler/Cart/PickupCartHandler.php | 107 |
'There is currently no customer with given email' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/CommandHandler/Cart/BlameCartHandler.php | 39 |
'Visitor should provide an email' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/CommandHandler/Catalog/AddProductReviewHandler.php | 46 |
'Payment method can not be set' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/CommandHandler/Checkout/ChoosePaymentMethodHandler.php | 81 |
sprintf('Resource "%s" not found.', $resourceClass) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/ApiPlatform/Factory/MergingExtractorResourceMetadataFactory.php | 89 |
sprintf('Request does not have the following required fields specified: %s.', implode(', ', $missingFields)) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/Serializer/CommandDenormalizer.php | 70 |
sprintf('The operation "%s" cannot be found in the Swagger specification.', $swaggerData['operationId']) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/ApiPlatform/Bridge/Symfony/Bundle/Action/SwaggerUiAction.php | 171 |
sprintf('No %s route associated with the type "%s".', $operationType, $resourceClass) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/ApiPlatform/Bridge/Symfony/Routing/RouteNameResolver.php | 98 |
sprintf('Each object passed as option list must implement "%s"', ProductOptionInterface::class) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ProductBundle/Form/Type/ProductOptionValueCollectionType.php | 44 |
sprintf('Invalid child property value type for property "%s", expected array', $propertyName, ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/ApiPlatform/ResourceMetadataPropertyValueResolver.php | 47 |
'You must specify the "product" option when "only_available_values" is true.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ProductBundle/Form/Type/ProductOptionValueChoiceType.php | 49 |
sprintf('Cannot provide only available values in "%s" because a "%s" is required but ' . 'none has been set.', __CLASS__, AvailableProductOptionValuesResolverInterface::class, ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ProductBundle/Form/Type/ProductOptionValueChoiceType.php | 55 |
sprintf('Variant "%s" not found for product %s', !empty($optionValues[0]) ? $optionValues[0]->getCode( ) : '', $this->product->getCode( ), ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/ProductBundle/Form/DataTransformer/ProductVariantToProductOptionsTransformer.php | 81 |
'Tagged tax calculation strategies need to have `type` and `label` attributes.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/RegisterTaxCalculationStrategiesPass.php | 37 |
sprintf('Invalid filesystem adapter "%s" provided.', $config['filesystem']['adapter'], ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/DependencyInjection/SyliusCoreExtension.php | 84 |
'This command terminated with a permission error.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Installer/Executor/CommandExecutor.php | 44 |
'Unable to get schema manager.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Installer/Provider/DatabaseSetupCommandsProvider.php | 103 |
sprintf('Set "%s" writable and run command "<comment>%s</comment>"', realpath(dirname($directory)), $this->name, ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Installer/Checker/CommandDirectoryChecker.php | 66 |
sprintf('Create directory "%s" and run command "<comment>%s</comment>"', realpath($directory), $this->name, ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Installer/Checker/CommandDirectoryChecker.php | 43 |
sprintf('Users will expect the alias of the default extension of a plugin to be the underscored version of the plugin name ("%s"). You can override "Bundle::getContainerExtension()" if you want to use "%s" or another alias.', $expectedAlias, $extension->getAlias( ), ) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Application/SyliusPluginTrait.php | 55 |
sprintf('Extension %s must implement %s.', $extension::class, ExtensionInterface::class) | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Application/SyliusPluginTrait.php | 47 |
'Some system requirements are not fulfilled. Please check output messages and fix them.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Command/CheckRequirementsCommand.php | 42 |
'Ups, something went wrong during deleting a resource, please try again.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Doctrine/ORM/Handler/ResourceDeleteHandler.php | 55 |
'Cannot delete, the resource is in use.' | /src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Doctrine/ORM/Handler/ResourceDeleteHandler.php | 45 |