This is the list of error messages, as found in die() and exit() expressions.
Message | File | Line |
"internal error" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 455 |
"undefined variable '$token'" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 449 |
"DolDeprecationHandler: Accessing deprecated property '" . $name . "' on class " . get_class($this) . ". Use '" . $newProperty . "' instead." . self::getCallerInfoString( ) | /htdocs/core/class/doldeprecationhandler.class.php | 140 |
'It looks like the mbstring extension is not enabled. ' . 'UTF-8 strings will not properly be encoded. Ask your system ' . 'administrator to enable the mbstring extension, or write to ' . ' if you have any questions.' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/Util/Util.php | 80 |
"DolDeprecationHandler: Undefined property '" . $name . "'." . self::getCallerInfoString( ) | /htdocs/core/class/doldeprecationhandler.class.php | 123 |
'Undefined property: ' . static::class . '::$' . $name | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/Service/AbstractServiceFactory.php | 65 |
"Calling deprecated method '" . $name . "' on class " . get_class($this) . ". Use '" . $newMethod . "' instead." . self::getCallerInfoString( ) | /htdocs/core/class/doldeprecationhandler.class.php | 168 |
'mb_str_split() expects parameter 1 to be string, ' . \gettype($string) . ' given' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php | 545 |
"DolDeprecationHandler: Undefined property '" . $name . "'." . self::getCallerInfoString( ) | /htdocs/core/class/doldeprecationhandler.class.php | 149 |
'The length of each segment must be greater than zero' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php | 552 |
"Call to undefined method '" . $name . "'." . self::getCallerInfoString( ) | /htdocs/core/class/doldeprecationhandler.class.php | 176 |
"Replacement method '" . $newMethod . "' not implemented." | /htdocs/core/class/doldeprecationhandler.class.php | 173 |
"internal error" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 435 |
"internal error" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 422 |
'mb_decode_numericentity() expects parameter 3 to be string, ' . \gettype($s) . ' given' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php | 154 |
'mb_decode_numericentity() expects parameter 1 to be string, ' . \gettype($s) . ' given' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php | 144 |
'mb_encode_mimeheader() is bugged. Please use iconv_mime_encode() instead' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php | 138 |
($package || $version ? "Since $package $version: " : '') . ($args ? vsprintf($message, $args) : $message) | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/symfony/deprecation-contracts/function.php | 25 |
__METHOD__ . ': Empty delimiter' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php | 504 |
"DolDeprecationHandler: Undefined property '" . $name . "'" . self::getCallerInfoString( ) | /htdocs/core/class/doldeprecationhandler.class.php | 61 |
'mb_encode_numericentity() expects parameter 4 to be boolean, ' . \gettype($s) . ' given' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php | 220 |
"DolDeprecationHandler: Accessing deprecated property '" . $name . "' on class " . get_class($this) . ". Use '" . $newProperty . "' instead." . self::getCallerInfoString( ) | /htdocs/core/class/doldeprecationhandler.class.php | 51 |
'mb_encode_numericentity() expects parameter 3 to be string, ' . \gettype($s) . ' given' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php | 214 |
"DolDeprecationHandler: Undefined property '" . $name . "'" . self::getCallerInfoString( ) | /htdocs/core/class/doldeprecationhandler.class.php | 92 |
'mb_encode_numericentity() expects parameter 1 to be string, ' . \gettype($s) . ' given' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php | 204 |
'Composer detected issues in your platform: ' . implode(' ', $issues) | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/composer/platform_check.php | 23 |
"Print connector was not finalized. Did you forget to close the printer?" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/RawbtPrintConnector.php | 49 |
"Print connector was not finalized. Did you forget to close the printer?" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/CupsPrintConnector.php | 67 |
"Print connector was not finalized. Did you forget to close the printer?" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/DummyPrintConnector.php | 48 |
$function . '(): Argument of type int will be interpreted as string in the future' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/symfony/polyfill-ctype/Ctype.php | 223 |
"Since 2.61.0, it's deprecated to compare a date to true or false, meaning of such comparison is ambiguous and will no longer be possible in 3.0.0, you should explicitly pass 'now' or make an other check to eliminate boolean values." | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Comparison.php | 1096 |
"Since 2.61.0, it's deprecated to compare a date to null, meaning of such comparison is ambiguous and will no longer be possible in 3.0.0, you should explicitly pass 'now' or make an other check to eliminate null values." | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Comparison.php | 1089 |
'getRawData only returns the first dataset loaded, which may not be what you expect. Use getAllRawData() instead which returns all datasets for all autoloaders present in the process.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/composer/InstalledVersions.php | 264 |
_("_stringUri: Printer URI is not set: die") | /htdocs/includes/printipp/ExtendedPrintIPP.php | 1307 |
_("_stringUri: Printer URI is not set: die") | /htdocs/includes/printipp/ExtendedPrintIPP.php | 1324 |
_("_stringJob: Printer URI is not set: die") | /htdocs/includes/printipp/ExtendedPrintIPP.php | 1454 |
_("_stringUri: Document URI is not set: die") | /htdocs/includes/printipp/ExtendedPrintIPP.php | 1542 |
_("_stringJob: Printer URI is not set: die") | /htdocs/includes/printipp/ExtendedPrintIPP.php | 1580 |
'Call to undefined method ' . $method | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/EsmtpTransport.php | 324 |
"Print connector was not finalized. Did you forget to close the printer?" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/WindowsPrintConnector.php | 164 |
"Print connector was not finalized. Did you forget to close the printer?" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/FilePrintConnector.php | 44 |
sprintf(_('SetAttribute: Tag "%s": cannot set attribute'), $attribute) | /htdocs/includes/printipp/BasicIPP.php | 1885 |
sprintf(_('SetAttribute: Tag "%s": cannot set attribute'), $attribute) | /htdocs/includes/printipp/BasicIPP.php | 1910 |
sprintf(_('SetAttribute: Tag "%s": cannot set attribute'), $attribute) | /htdocs/includes/printipp/BasicIPP.php | 1935 |
_("purgeJobs: Printer URI is not set: die") | /htdocs/includes/printipp/ExtendedPrintIPP.php | 136 |
_("createJob: Printer URI is not set: die") | /htdocs/includes/printipp/ExtendedPrintIPP.php | 234 |
_("pausePrinter: Printer URI is not set: die") | /htdocs/includes/printipp/ExtendedPrintIPP.php | 549 |
_("resumePrinter: Printer URI is not set: die") | /htdocs/includes/printipp/ExtendedPrintIPP.php | 651 |
_("_stringUri: Document URI is not set: die") | /htdocs/includes/printipp/ExtendedPrintIPP.php | 1287 |
sprintf(_('Reset Error %s'), $error) | /htdocs/includes/printipp/PrintIPP.php | 816 |
sprintf(_('Setting Error %s'), $error) | /htdocs/includes/printipp/PrintIPP.php | 810 |
sprintf(_('unsetAttribute: Tag "%s" is not a printer or a job attribute'), $attribute) | /htdocs/includes/printipp/BasicIPP.php | 601 |
sprintf(_('SetAttribute: Tag "%s" is not a printer or a job attribute'), $attribute) | /htdocs/includes/printipp/BasicIPP.php | 560 |
sprintf(_("server responds %s"), $server_response) | /htdocs/includes/printipp/BasicIPP.php | 1183 |
"No Response From Server" | /htdocs/includes/printipp/BasicIPP.php | 1170 |
_("Values must be between -2147483648 and 2147483647: assuming '0'") | /htdocs/includes/printipp/BasicIPP.php | 1801 |
_("_stringJob: Printer URI is not set: die") | /htdocs/includes/printipp/BasicIPP.php | 1471 |
'OLE stream not found' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/OLE/ChainedBlockStream.php | 63 |
'Only reading is supported' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/OLE/ChainedBlockStream.php | 53 |
_("_stringJob: Printer URI is not set: die") | /htdocs/includes/printipp/PrintIPP.php | 376 |
_("_stringJob: Printer URI is not set: die") | /htdocs/includes/printipp/PrintIPP.php | 218 |
_("getJobAttributes: Job URI is not set, die.") | /htdocs/includes/printipp/PrintIPP.php | 639 |
_("getJobs: Printer URI is not set: die") | /htdocs/includes/printipp/PrintIPP.php | 477 |
_('not a valid attribute group: ') . $attributes_group | /htdocs/includes/printipp/PrintIPP.php | 731 |
_("getJobs: Printer URI is not set: die") | /htdocs/includes/printipp/PrintIPP.php | 660 |
'Trend(): Number of elements in coordinate arrays do not match.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/Trend/Trend.php | 63 |
'getRawData only returns the first dataset loaded, which may not be what you expect. Use getAllRawData() instead which returns all datasets for all autoloaders present in the process.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/composer/InstalledVersions.php | 262 |
'Composer detected issues in your platform: ' . implode(' ', $issues) | /htdocs/includes/sabre/composer/platform_check.php | 23 |
"cannot assign to constant '$matches[1]'" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 162 |
"unexpected ','" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 308 |
"unexpected ','" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 315 |
"undefined variable '$token' in function definition" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 187 |
"cannot redefine built-in function '$matches[1]()'" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 174 |
"operator '$op' lacks operand" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 354 |
"an unexpected error occurred" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 350 |
"internal error" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 389 |
"expecting ')'" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 365 |
"unexpected operator '$op'" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 348 |
"unexpected ')'" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 346 |
"wrong number of arguments ($arg_count given, 1 expected)" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 293 |
"unexpected ')'" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 282 |
"internal error" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 300 |
"wrong number of arguments ($arg_count given, " . count($this->f[$fnn]['args']) . " expected)" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 297 |
"division by zero" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 406 |
"internal error" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 392 |
"illegal character '_'" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 263 |
"illegal character '" . $matches[0] . "'" | /htdocs/core/class/evalmath.class.php | 250 |
$protocol . " is an unsupported protocol" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Client.php | 340 |
'Unable to extract timestamp and signatures from header' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/WebhookSignature.php | 32 |
'Timestamp outside the tolerance zone' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/WebhookSignature.php | 68 |
'errorHandlerCallback' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Calculation/ExceptionHandler.php | 12 |
0 | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php | 475 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 1191 |
'No signatures found matching the expected signature for payload' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/WebhookSignature.php | 59 |
'No signatures found with expected scheme' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/WebhookSignature.php | 39 |
'This resource only supports valid vCard or jCard data. Parse error: ' . $e->getMessage( ) | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CardDAV/Plugin.php | 331 |
'Unknown resourceType for this collection' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CardDAV/AddressBookHome.php | 160 |
'Addressbook with name \'' . $name . '\' could not be found' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CardDAV/AddressBookHome.php | 131 |
'Creating new collections in this collection is not supported' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CardDAV/AddressBookHome.php | 112 |
'Creating new files in this collection is not supported' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CardDAV/AddressBookHome.php | 100 |
'Requested uri (' . $this->getUrl( ) . ') is out of base uri (' . $this->getBaseUrl( ) . ')' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/http/lib/Request.php | 184 |
'The _SERVER array must have a REQUEST_METHOD key' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/http/lib/Sapi.php | 233 |
'The _SERVER array must have a REQUEST_URI key' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/http/lib/Sapi.php | 229 |
'You can only include 1 {' . Plugin::NS_CARDDAV . '}filter element' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CardDAV/Xml/Request/AddressBookQueryReport.php | 150 |
'Unknown property: ' . $property | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CardDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 165 |
'Renaming addressbooks is not yet supported' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CardDAV/AddressBook.php | 162 |
'Creating collections in addressbooks is not allowed' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CardDAV/AddressBook.php | 121 |
'Card not found' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CardDAV/AddressBook.php | 67 |
'The addressbook-query report is not supported on this url with Depth: 0' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CardDAV/Plugin.php | 407 |
'Validation error in vCard: ' . $message['message'] | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CardDAV/Plugin.php | 369 |
'This collection can only support vcard objects.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CardDAV/Plugin.php | 335 |
'Expected ' . implode(' or ', $rootElementName) . ' but received ' . $result['name'] . ' as the root element' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/xml/lib/Service.php | 183 |
'"' . get_class($object) . '" is not a registered value object class. Register your class with mapValueObject.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/xml/lib/Service.php | 272 |
'The input element to parse is empty. Do not attempt to parse' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/xml/lib/Service.php | 122 |
'The input element to parse is empty. Do not attempt to parse' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/xml/lib/Service.php | 166 |
400 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 785 |
400 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 804 |
404 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 669 |
500 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 682 |
'The writer cannot serialize values of type: ' . gettype($value) | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/xml/lib/Serializer/functions.php | 206 |
'The HTTP status code must be exactly 3 digits' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/http/lib/Response.php | 163 |
'The writer does not know how to serialize arrays with keys of type: ' . gettype($name) | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/xml/lib/Serializer/functions.php | 200 |
'The writer cannot serialize objects of class: ' . get_class($value) | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/xml/lib/Serializer/functions.php | 204 |
'We hit the end of the document prematurely. This likely means that some parser "eats" too many elements. Do not attempt to continue parsing.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/xml/lib/Reader.php | 183 |
'Could not use this type as a deserializer: ' . $type . ' for element: ' . $name | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/xml/lib/Reader.php | 305 |
'\'' . $str . '\' is not a valid clark-notation formatted string' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/xml/lib/Service.php | 296 |
'This should never happen (famous last words)' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/xml/lib/Reader.php | 153 |
403 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 462 |
500 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 448 |
403 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 471 |
404 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 467 |
403 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 421 |
500 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 200 |
403 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 430 |
404 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 426 |
403 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 623 |
404 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 605 |
403 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 663 |
500 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 635 |
403 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 549 |
500 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 475 |
403 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 599 |
503 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 580 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 569 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 589 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 639 |
400 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 724 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 509 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 529 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 548 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 553 |
403 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 113 |
400 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 133 |
503 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 162 |
403 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 177 |
400 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 740 |
403 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 80 |
404 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 85 |
403 | /htdocs/expensereport/class/api_expensereports.class.php | 89 |
'The destination may not be part of the same subtree as the source path.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 771 |
'Source and destination uri are identical.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 768 |
'The destination node already exists, and the overwrite header is set to false' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 759 |
'The destination node is not found' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 750 |
'Parent node is not a collection' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 1176 |
'Parent node does not exist' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 1171 |
'Files can only be created as children of collections' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 1085 |
'Files cannot be created in non-existent collections' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 1081 |
'An If-Match header was specified, but none of the specified ETags matched.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 1331 |
'An If-Match header was specified and the resource did not exist' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 1304 |
'The {DAV:}resourcetype you specified is not supported here.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 1207 |
'The resource you tried to create already exists' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 1184 |
'The resource already exists, and an If-None-Match header was supplied' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/TemporaryFileFilterPlugin.php | 220 |
'Failed to find a valid token/etag combination for ' . $uri | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 1483 |
'An If-Unmodified-Since header was specified, but the entity has been changed since the specified date.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 1423 |
'An If-None-Match header was specified, but the ETag matched (or * was specified).' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 1377 |
'Permission denied to . and ..' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/FS/Collection.php | 72 |
'Collation type: ' . $collation . ' is not supported' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/StringUtil.php | 50 |
'Principal not found' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/PrincipalBackend/PDO.php | 416 |
'File could not be located' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/FS/Collection.php | 69 |
'An xml body is required for lock requests' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Locks/Plugin.php | 202 |
'A callback sent to handle() did not return an int or a bool' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/PropPatch.php | 270 |
'Match-type: ' . $matchType . ' is not supported' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/StringUtil.php | 63 |
reset($existingLocks) | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Locks/Plugin.php | 200 |
'The REQUEST_URI (' . $uri . ') did not end with the contents of PATH_INFO (' . $pathInfo . '). This server might be misconfigured.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 387 |
'No subsystem set a valid HTTP status code. Something must have interrupted the request without providing further detail.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 487 |
'A callback sent to handle() did not return an array or a bool' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/PropPatch.php | 314 |
'Invalid argument passed to constructor. Argument must either be an instance of Sabre\\DAV\\Tree, Sabre\\DAV\\INode, an array or null' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 227 |
'The HTTP Overwrite header should be either T or F' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 739 |
'The destination node is not a collection' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 746 |
'Requested uri (' . $uri . ') is out of base uri (' . $this->getBaseUri( ) . ')' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 576 |
'The destination header was not supplied' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php | 725 |
'The principal-match report is only defined on Depth: 0' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Plugin.php | 1202 |
'The specified uri (' . $newAce['principal'] . ') is not a principal' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Plugin.php | 1174 |
'Depth must be 0' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Plugin.php | 1426 |
'This report is only defined when Depth: 0' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Plugin.php | 1375 |
'Could not fetch ACL rules for this path' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Plugin.php | 1470 |
'The {DAV:}acl-principal-prop-set REPORT only supports Depth 0' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Plugin.php | 1461 |
'The href argument must be specified for the HREF principal type.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Xml/Property/Principal.php | 68 |
'Only resources of type {DAV:}principal may be created here' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/PrincipalCollection.php | 65 |
'Each {DAV:}ace element must have one {DAV:}principal element' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Xml/Property/Acl.php | 178 |
'Unknown or unsupported principal type: ' . $tree['name'] | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Xml/Property/Principal.php | 183 |
'The {DAV:}property-search element must contain one {DAV:}match and one {DAV:}prop element' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Xml/Request/PrincipalPropertySearchReport.php | 105 |
'Every {DAV:}ace element must have a {DAV:}grant element. {DAV:}deny is not yet supported' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Xml/Property/Acl.php | 200 |
'The {DAV:}principal-search-property-set element must be empty' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Xml/Request/PrincipalSearchPropertySetReport.php | 48 |
'The {DAV:}principal-property-search report must contain at least 1 {DAV:}property-search element' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Xml/Request/PrincipalPropertySearchReport.php | 117 |
'Principal not found' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/PrincipalBackend/PDO.php | 379 |
'Principal not found' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/PrincipalBackend/PDO.php | 355 |
'The "test" attribute must be one of "allof" or "anyof"' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CardDAV/Xml/Request/AddressBookQueryReport.php | 155 |
'Unknown match-type: ' . $matchType | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CardDAV/Xml/Filter/PropFilter.php | 80 |
'Unknown match-type: ' . $matchType | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CardDAV/Xml/Filter/ParamFilter.php | 71 |
'Setting ACL is not supported on this node' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/ACLTrait.php | 75 |
'The principal properties must at least contain the \'uri\' key' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Principal.php | 49 |
'Listing members of this collection is disabled' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/AbstractPrincipalCollection.php | 93 |
'Principal with name ' . $name . ' not found' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/AbstractPrincipalCollection.php | 116 |
implode(', ', $reasons) . '. Login was needed for privilege: ' . implode(', ', $failed) . ' on ' . $uri | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Plugin.php | 217 |
'The Auth plugin must be loaded before the ACL plugin if you want to allow unauthenticated access.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Plugin.php | 770 |
'The group-member-set property MUST be an instance of Sabre\DAV\Property\HrefList or null' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Plugin.php | 1048 |
'XML body expected in ACL request' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Plugin.php | 1114 |
'This node does not support the ACL method' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Plugin.php | 1127 |
'This resource contained a protected {DAV:}ace, but this privilege did not occur in the ACL request' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Plugin.php | 1153 |
'The privilege you specified (' . $newAce['privilege'] . ') is not recognized by this server' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Plugin.php | 1160 |
'The privilege you specified (' . $newAce['privilege'] . ') is an abstract privilege' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Plugin.php | 1164 |
'The specified principal (' . $newAce['principal'] . ') does not exist' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAVACL/Plugin.php | 1171 |
400 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 428 |
400 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 450 |
404 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 366 |
500 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 379 |
500 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 331 |
403 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 360 |
404 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 299 |
403 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 319 |
503 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 274 |
403 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 293 |
500 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 191 |
403 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 243 |
403 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 172 |
404 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 178 |
403 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 146 |
500 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 157 |
404 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 131 |
403 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 125 |
503 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 108 |
403 | /htdocs/salaries/class/api_salaries.class.php | 78 |
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400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1769 |
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400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1708 |
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400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1669 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1664 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1633 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1584 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1588 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1601 |
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400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1531 |
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400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1575 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1578 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1468 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1474 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1516 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1523 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1451 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1454 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1458 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1463 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1408 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1404 |
405 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1418 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1413 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1374 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1369 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1401 |
405 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1379 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1359 |
405 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1332 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1365 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1362 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1318 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1315 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1327 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1322 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 413 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 432 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 383 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 387 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 488 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 493 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 438 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 462 |
404 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 312 |
405 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 316 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 270 |
403 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 308 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 372 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 376 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 356 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 359 |
403 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 224 |
404 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 220 |
403 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 215 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 200 |
403 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 266 |
404 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 262 |
403 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 258 |
500 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 245 |
403 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 77 |
404 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 73 |
403 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 68 |
400 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 637 |
403 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 182 |
503 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 167 |
400 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 140 |
403 | /htdocs/mrp/class/api_mos.class.php | 102 |
403 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 498 |
404 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 502 |
403 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 506 |
500 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 510 |
403 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 534 |
404 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 538 |
403 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 542 |
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403 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 400 |
404 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 405 |
403 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 409 |
500 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 431 |
403 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 449 |
404 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 454 |
403 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 458 |
500 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 480 |
403 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 242 |
503 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 212 |
503 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 304 |
400 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 277 |
500 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 343 |
403 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 323 |
500 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 381 |
403 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 361 |
404 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 85 |
403 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 80 |
403 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 111 |
403 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 89 |
403 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 120 |
404 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 116 |
400 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 185 |
403 | /htdocs/recruitment/class/api_recruitments.class.php | 150 |
500 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 322 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 345 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 348 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 351 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 190 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 237 |
503 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 280 |
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400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 392 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 398 |
405 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 403 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 420 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 357 |
405 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 362 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 386 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 389 |
304 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 507 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 465 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 533 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 527 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 429 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 425 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 461 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 456 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 585 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 581 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 620 |
500 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 595 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 541 |
500 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 537 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 575 |
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500 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 379 |
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404 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 375 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 338 |
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500 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 318 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 332 |
503 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 538 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 559 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 506 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 512 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 460 |
503 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 478 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 443 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 449 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 644 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 638 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 632 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 608 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 602 |
503 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 580 |
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404 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 565 |
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404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 139 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 134 |
500 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 684 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 680 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 674 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 668 |
503 | /htdocs/compta/bank/class/api_bankaccounts.class.php | 651 |
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404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 973 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 977 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1005 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1009 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1013 |
304 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1018 |
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404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1027 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1031 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1054 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1058 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1062 |
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404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1076 |
500 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1070 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1099 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1080 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1108 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1104 |
500 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1118 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1115 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1147 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1142 |
500 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1155 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1151 |
500 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1279 |
500 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1202 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1312 |
500 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 1286 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 632 |
405 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 639 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 623 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 627 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 662 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 692 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 653 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 658 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 720 |
500 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 725 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 712 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 716 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 769 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 773 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 727 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 764 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 860 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 856 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 852 |
400 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 824 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 900 |
403 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 874 |
404 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 870 |
500 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 865 |
500 | /htdocs/compta/facture/class/api_invoices.class.php | 916 |
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404 | /htdocs/commande/class/api_orders.class.php | 127 |
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'The value must either be specified as "transparent" or "opaque"' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Xml/Property/ScheduleCalendarTransp.php | 49 |
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400 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 596 |
"failed to parse passed in variable $name: $strValue" | /htdocs/core/class/lessc.class.php | 2184 |
'load error: failed to find ' . $fname | /htdocs/core/class/lessc.class.php | 2233 |
"nothing to parse" | /htdocs/core/class/lessc.class.php | 2346 |
'parse error: unclosed block' | /htdocs/core/class/lessc.class.php | 2736 |
"$msg: failed at `$m[1]` $loc" | /htdocs/core/class/lessc.class.php | 4143 |
"$msg: $loc" | /htdocs/core/class/lessc.class.php | 4145 |
'No SMS Engine defined' | /htdocs/core/class/CSMSFile.class.php | 113 |
'Log handler does not extend LogHandler' | /htdocs/core/class/conf.class.php | 1182 |
'The element ' . $element . ' is not supported for uploading file. dir_output is unknown.' | /htdocs/core/class/fileupload.class.php | 68 |
'If $fk_element = null or $element = null you must specify upload_dir on $options' | /htdocs/core/class/fileupload.class.php | 164 |
'The directory ' . $this->options['upload_dir'] . ' doesn\'t exists' | /htdocs/core/class/fileupload.class.php | 167 |
'The directory ' . $this->options['upload_dir'] . ' is not writable' | /htdocs/core/class/fileupload.class.php | 170 |
'Incorrect log level' | /htdocs/core/lib/functions.lib.php | 2122 |
'Parameter 1 $thirdparty is not a Societe nor Contact' | /htdocs/core/lib/pdf.lib.php | 417 |
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400 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 249 |
403 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 227 |
403 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 195 |
404 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 191 |
403 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 107 |
403 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 84 |
404 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 80 |
403 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 70 |
404 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 146 |
403 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 140 |
403 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 117 |
404 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 113 |
'Missing log handler file ' . $handler . '.php' | /htdocs/install/inc.php | 390 |
'Log handler does not extend LogHandler' | /htdocs/install/inc.php | 396 |
'Missing log handler file ' . $handler . '.php' | /htdocs/install/inc.php | 505 |
'Log handler does not extend LogHandler' | /htdocs/install/inc.php | 511 |
404 | /htdocs/accountancy/class/api_accountancy.class.php | 106 |
404 | /htdocs/accountancy/class/api_accountancy.class.php | 131 |
500 | /htdocs/accountancy/class/api_accountancy.class.php | 226 |
500 | /htdocs/accountancy/class/api_accountancy.class.php | 270 |
500 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 851 |
400 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 878 |
403 | /htdocs/accountancy/class/api_accountancy.class.php | 96 |
404 | /htdocs/accountancy/class/api_accountancy.class.php | 102 |
500 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 818 |
403 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 837 |
404 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 842 |
403 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 846 |
403 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 780 |
500 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 759 |
403 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 790 |
404 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 786 |
503 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 695 |
403 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 683 |
403 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 743 |
503 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 723 |
403 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 643 |
503 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 618 |
403 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 653 |
404 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 649 |
403 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 578 |
404 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 550 |
403 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 610 |
404 | /htdocs/adherents/class/api_members.class.php | 584 |
500 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 490 |
400 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 580 |
403 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 466 |
500 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 478 |
403 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 457 |
404 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 462 |
404 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 411 |
403 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 415 |
500 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 385 |
403 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 406 |
404 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 361 |
403 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 365 |
403 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 329 |
403 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 356 |
403 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 320 |
404 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 325 |
500 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 294 |
403 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 290 |
404 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 286 |
403 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 282 |
500 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 265 |
403 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 237 |
404 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 233 |
403 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 228 |
500 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 209 |
403 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 191 |
503 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 173 |
400 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 146 |
403 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 108 |
403 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 81 |
404 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 77 |
403 | /htdocs/bom/class/api_boms.class.php | 72 |
403 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 184 |
503 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 169 |
500 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 220 |
403 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 408 |
404 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 413 |
403 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 417 |
405 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 431 |
403 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 445 |
404 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 450 |
403 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 454 |
500 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 472 |
403 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 486 |
404 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 490 |
403 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 494 |
500 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 498 |
403 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 531 |
404 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 535 |
403 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 539 |
500 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 547 |
304 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 544 |
404 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 658 |
403 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 653 |
304 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 667 |
403 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 662 |
400 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 739 |
500 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 670 |
403 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/class/api_mymodule.class.php | 79 |
403 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/class/api_mymodule.class.php | 76 |
403 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/class/api_mymodule.class.php | 115 |
404 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/class/api_mymodule.class.php | 84 |
503 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/class/api_mymodule.class.php | 180 |
400 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/class/api_mymodule.class.php | 153 |
500 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/class/api_mymodule.class.php | 227 |
403 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/class/api_mymodule.class.php | 200 |
404 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/class/api_mymodule.class.php | 313 |
409 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/class/api_mymodule.class.php | 317 |
403 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/class/api_mymodule.class.php | 305 |
403 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/class/api_mymodule.class.php | 308 |
404 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/class/api_mymodule.class.php | 256 |
500 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/class/api_mymodule.class.php | 285 |
403 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/class/api_mymodule.class.php | 248 |
403 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/class/api_mymodule.class.php | 251 |
403 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 127 |
404 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 148 |
503 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 103 |
404 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 123 |
403 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 61 |
503 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 73 |
500 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/class/api_mymodule.class.php | 319 |
400 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/class/api_mymodule.class.php | 347 |
500 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 229 |
403 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 212 |
400 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 208 |
400 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 205 |
500 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 181 |
403 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 177 |
404 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 173 |
403 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 152 |
403 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 329 |
500 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 304 |
404 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 300 |
403 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 295 |
500 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 278 |
404 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 261 |
403 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 256 |
500 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 235 |
404 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 74 |
403 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 78 |
403 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 109 |
400 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 142 |
400 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 334 |
404 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 339 |
500 | /htdocs/multicurrency/class/api_multicurrencies.class.php | 344 |
403 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 69 |
404 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 232 |
403 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 236 |
403 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 259 |
404 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 264 |
503 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 172 |
403 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 187 |
500 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 209 |
403 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 227 |
404 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 385 |
403 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 380 |
403 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 418 |
403 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 389 |
403 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 317 |
403 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 268 |
403 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 326 |
404 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 322 |
405 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 476 |
403 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 467 |
404 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 495 |
403 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 490 |
403 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 427 |
404 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 423 |
404 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 463 |
403 | /htdocs/contrat/class/api_contracts.class.php | 458 |
'Could not determine which URL to request: ' . "class instance has invalid ID: {$id}" | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/ApplicationFeeRefund.php | 42 |
'empty_values got unexpected object type: ' . \get_class($obj) | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/StripeObject.php | 573 |
"Cannot save property `{$key}` containing an API resource of type " . \get_class($value) . ". It doesn't appear to be persisted and is " . 'not marked as `saveWithParent`.' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/StripeObject.php | 419 |
'You cannot set \'' . $k . '\'to an empty string. ' . 'We interpret empty strings as NULL in requests. ' . 'You may set obj->' . $k . ' = NULL to delete the property' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/StripeObject.php | 141 |
"Could not determine which URL to request: class instance has invalid ID: {$id}" | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/CustomerBalanceTransaction.php | 58 |
"Could not parse list url into parts: {$url}" | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/Collection.php | 302 |
'Expected type ' . \Stripe\Collection::class . ', got "' . \get_class($obj) . '" instead.' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/Collection.php | 87 |
'Could not determine which URL to request: ' . "class instance has invalid ID: {$id}" | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/Capability.php | 43 |
'Could not determine which URL to request: ' . "class instance has invalid ID: {$id}" | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/Person.php | 79 |
'You cannot delete an item from an array, you must instead set a new array' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/Account.php | 139 |
"Could not parse list url into parts: {$url}" | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/SearchResult.php | 224 |
'Expected type ' . \Stripe\SearchResult::class . ', got "' . \get_class($obj) . '" instead.' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/SearchResult.php | 99 |
"Cannot set {$k} on this object. HINT: you can't set: " . \implode(', ', static::getPermanentAttributes( )->toArray( )) | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/StripeObject.php | 134 |
'Could not determine which URL to request: ' . "class instance has invalid ID: {$id}" | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/TransferReversal.php | 53 |
'Only plainfile resource streams are supported' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/ApiRequestor.php | 528 |
'Attempted to upload a resource that is not a stream' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/ApiRequestor.php | 521 |
'stripe_account must be null or a string' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/BaseStripeClient.php | 280 |
'stripe_version must be null or a string' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/BaseStripeClient.php | 285 |
'api_key must be null or a string' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/BaseStripeClient.php | 258 |
'client_id must be null or a string' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/BaseStripeClient.php | 275 |
'files_base must be a string' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/BaseStripeClient.php | 300 |
'Found unknown key(s) in configuration array: ' . $invalidKeys | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/BaseStripeClient.php | 309 |
'api_base must be a string' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/BaseStripeClient.php | 290 |
'connect_base must be a string' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/BaseStripeClient.php | 295 |
'Foobar' | /htdocs/includes/symfony/var-dumper/Tests/Fixtures/Twig.php | 21 |
'Unable to convert a non-UTF-8 string to UTF-8: required function iconv() does not exist. You should install ext-iconv or symfony/polyfill-iconv.' | /htdocs/includes/symfony/var-dumper/Dumper/AbstractDumper.php | 189 |
"failed to fetch messages" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Query/Query.php | 192 |
sprintf('Unexpected Stub type: %s', $item->type) | /htdocs/includes/symfony/var-dumper/Cloner/Data.php | 224 |
"Could not determine which URL to request: class instance has invalid ID: {$id}" | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/TaxId.php | 98 |
'$config must be a string or an array' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/BaseStripeClient.php | 55 |
"No such method exists: $name" | /htdocs/includes/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib/Mobile_Detect.php | 1291 |
'stripe_version must be specified to create an ephemeral key' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/EphemeralKey.php | 37 |
'unique id not found' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Connection/Protocols/ImapProtocol.php | 690 |
'the single id was not found in response' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Connection/Protocols/ImapProtocol.php | 625 |
'idle failed' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Connection/Protocols/ImapProtocol.php | 993 |
'message number not found' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Connection/Protocols/ImapProtocol.php | 708 |
"Method " . self::class . '::' . $method . '() is not supported' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Support/Masks/Mask.php | 89 |
'failed to write - connection closed?' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Connection/Protocols/ImapProtocol.php | 1003 |
"failed to fetch messages" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Query/Query.php | 190 |
"Method " . self::class . '::' . $method . '() is not supported' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Query/WhereQuery.php | 97 |
'failed to enable TLS' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Connection/Protocols/ImapProtocol.php | 95 |
'connection failed' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Connection/Protocols/ImapProtocol.php | 81 |
'failed to write - connection closed?' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Connection/Protocols/ImapProtocol.php | 296 |
'failed to read - connection closed?' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Connection/Protocols/ImapProtocol.php | 109 |
'failed to write - connection closed?' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Connection/Protocols/ImapProtocol.php | 309 |
'failed to send literal string' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Connection/Protocols/ImapProtocol.php | 299 |
"failed to authenticate" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Connection/Protocols/ImapProtocol.php | 416 |
"failed to authenticate" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Connection/Protocols/ImapProtocol.php | 380 |
"connection setup failed - authenticate" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Client.php | 377 |
"failed to fetch any folders" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Client.php | 480 |
"Unknown mask provided: " . $mask | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Client.php | 642 |
"Unknown mask provided: " . $mask | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Client.php | 668 |
"Segmentation fault prevented. Folders starts with an illegal char '.'." | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Connection/Protocols/LegacyProtocol.php | 196 |
\imap_last_error( ) | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Connection/Protocols/LegacyProtocol.php | 327 |
'Failed to set stream timeout' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Connection/Protocols/Protocol.php | 200 |
'connection refused' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Connection/Protocols/ImapProtocol.php | 75 |
"Unknown mask provided: " . $default_config['message'] | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Client.php | 249 |
"Unknown mask provided: " . $config['masks']['attachment'] | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Client.php | 256 |
"Unknown mask provided: " . $default_config['attachment'] | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Client.php | 262 |
"Unknown mask provided: " . $default_config['message'] | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Client.php | 269 |
"Unknown mask provided: " . $default_config['attachment'] | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Client.php | 275 |
"connection setup failed - no imap function" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Client.php | 340 |
"connection setup failed - connect exception" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Client.php | 352 |
"connection setup failed - run exception" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Client.php | 354 |
"Unknown mask provided: " . $config['masks']['message'] | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Client.php | 243 |
"Unknown mask provided: " . $mask | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Message.php | 1265 |
"flag could not be removed" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Message.php | 1040 |
"flag could not be set" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Message.php | 1012 |
"no content found" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Message.php | 486 |
"failed to fetch content" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Message.php | 483 |
"flag could not be fetched" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Message.php | 457 |
"no headers found" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Message.php | 408 |
"Method " . self::class . '::' . $method . '() is not supported' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Message.php | 312 |
"Unknown mask provided: " . $mask | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Attachment.php | 342 |
"Method " . self::class . '::' . $method . '() is not supported' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Attachment.php | 139 |
"no content found" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Structure.php | 156 |
"Invalid message date. ID:" . $this->get("message_id") | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Header.php | 736 |
"Method " . self::class . '::' . $method . '() is not supported' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/src/Header.php | 94 |
"Property [{$key}] does not exist on this collection instance." | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/collections/Traits/EnumeratesValues.php | 969 |
sprintf("%s::reduceMany expects reducer to return an array, but got a '%s' instead.", class_basename(static::class), gettype($result)) | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/collections/Traits/EnumeratesValues.php | 807 |
sprintf('Method %s::%s does not exist.', static::class, $method) | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/macroable/Traits/Macroable.php | 113 |
"You requested {$requested} items, but there are only {$count} items available." | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/collections/Arr.php | 555 |
'A facade root has not been set.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/Facades/Facade.php | 258 |
sprintf('Method %s::%s does not exist.', static::class, $method) | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/macroable/Traits/Macroable.php | 87 |
'In order to use the Auth::routes() method, please install the laravel/ui package.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/Facades/Auth.php | 60 |
'Facade does not implement getFacadeAccessor method.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/Facades/Facade.php | 178 |
'No notifiable given.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/Testing/Fakes/NotificationFake.php | 63 |
'No notifiable given.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/Testing/Fakes/NotificationFake.php | 131 |
'The first parameter of the given Closure is missing a type hint.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/Traits/ReflectsClosures.php | 62 |
sprintf('Call to undefined method %s::%s()', static::class, $method) | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/Testing/Fakes/QueueFake.php | 410 |
'The first parameter of the given Closure is missing a type hint.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/Traits/ReflectsClosures.php | 30 |
'The given Closure has no parameters.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/Traits/ReflectsClosures.php | 58 |
sprintf('Call to undefined method %s::%s()', static::class, $method) | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/Traits/ForwardsCalls.php | 71 |
'The given Closure has no parameters.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/Traits/ReflectsClosures.php | 26 |
"Instance [{$name}] does not specify a driver." | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/MultipleInstanceManager.php | 107 |
"Instance driver [{$config['driver']}] is not supported." | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/MultipleInstanceManager.php | 118 |
'Invalid date creation handler. Please provide a class name, callable, or Carbon factory.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/DateFactory.php | 132 |
"Driver [$driver] not supported." | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/Manager.php | 109 |
"Instance [{$name}] is not defined." | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/MultipleInstanceManager.php | 103 |
'The database configuration URL is malformed.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/ConfigurationUrlParser.php | 141 |
"Unable to find parameter [{$parameterName}] in pagination item." | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/pagination/Cursor.php | 47 |
'Argument #1 ($substitute_character) must be "none", "long", "entity" or a valid codepoint' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php | 609 |
sprintf('Unable to resolve NULL driver for [%s].', static::class) | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/Manager.php | 71 |
'Only arrays and objects are supported when cursor paginating items.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/pagination/AbstractCursorPaginator.php | 226 |
sprintf('Argument #1 ($encoding) must be a valid encoding, "%s" given', $encoding) | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php | 367 |
sprintf('Argument 1 passed to get_resource_id() must be of the type resource, %s given', get_debug_type($res)) | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/symfony/polyfill-php80/Php80.php | 63 |
'Argument #2 ($length) must be greater than 0' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php | 556 |
sprintf('Argument #1 ($language) must be a valid language, "%s" given', $lang) | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php | 388 |
"Format $code not supported for creation." | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Creator.php | 845 |
implode(PHP_EOL, $lastErrors['errors']) | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Creator.php | 679 |
'Unable to add unit ' . var_export(\func_get_args( ), true) | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Units.php | 314 |
"Invalid unit for real timestamp add/sub: '$unit'" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Units.php | 129 |
$message . 'DateTime or DateTimeInterface, ' . (\is_object($date) ? \get_class($date) : \gettype($date)) . ' given' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Date.php | 730 |
sprintf('%s class', static::class) | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Date.php | 1132 |
sprintf('%s::%s', static::class, $method) | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Date.php | 2410 |
"Could not parse '$time': " . $exception->getMessage( ) | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Creator.php | 193 |
"Invalid serialized value: $value" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Serialization.php | 92 |
'Translator does not implement ' . TranslatorInterface::class . ' and ' . TranslatorBagInterface::class . '. ' . (\is_object($translator) ? \get_class($translator) : \gettype($translator)) . ' has been given.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Localization.php | 179 |
"Timezone ID '$timezone' is invalid" . ($suggestion && $suggestion !== $timezone ? ", did you mean '$suggestion'?" : '.') . "\n" . "It must be one of the IDs from DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(),\n" . 'For the record, hours/minutes offset are relevant only for a particular moment, ' . 'but not as a default timezone.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Test.php | 216 |
'Precision unit expected among: minute, second, millisecond and microsecond.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Converter.php | 217 |
'Could not calculate period end after iterating ' . static::END_MAX_ATTEMPTS . ' times.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonPeriod.php | 1874 |
'Could not find next valid date.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonPeriod.php | 2535 |
"$className has not the instance() method needed to cast the date." | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Cast.php | 38 |
'Rounding is only possible with single unit intervals.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/IntervalRounding.php | 48 |
'Invalid end date.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonPeriod.php | 1297 |
"$className has not the instance() method needed to cast the date." | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonPeriod.php | 1518 |
"Endless period can't be converted to array nor counted." | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonPeriod.php | 1580 |
"Could not calculate period end without either explicit end or recurrences.\n" . "If you're looking for a forever-period, use ->setRecurrences(INF)." | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonPeriod.php | 1839 |
"'$expected'" | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonInterval.php | 596 |
'end of string' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonInterval.php | 608 |
'Unknown timezone for offset ' . $this->getOffset($date ?: Carbon::now($this)) . ' seconds.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonTimeZone.php | 239 |
'number' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonInterval.php | 585 |
'This type of data cannot be added/subtracted.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonInterval.php | 1925 |
$method . ' not allowed on ' . static::class | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/TranslatorImmutable.php | 96 |
sprintf('Invalid part %s in definition %s', $part, $intervalDefinition) | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonInterval.php | 864 |
"$className is not a sub-class of $mainClass." | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonInterval.php | 890 |
'Invalid constructor parameters.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonPeriod.php | 679 |
'Invalid interval.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonPeriod.php | 840 |
'Argument 1 passed to ' . $class . '::' . __METHOD__ . '() ' . 'must be an instance of DatePeriod or ' . $class . ', ' . ($type === 'object' ? 'instance of ' . \get_class($period) : $type) . ' given.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonPeriod.php | 386 |
"Invalid ISO 8601 specification: $iso." | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonPeriod.php | 498 |
'Invalid number of recurrences.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonPeriod.php | 1241 |
'Invalid start date.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonPeriod.php | 1272 |
'Empty interval is not accepted.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonPeriod.php | 844 |
'Invalid options.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonPeriod.php | 896 |
"Failed to create temp file for printing." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/CupsPrintConnector.php | 82 |
"'$dest' is not a printer on this system. " . "Printers are: [" . implode(", ", $valid) . "]" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/CupsPrintConnector.php | 54 |
"You do not have any printers installed on " . "this system via CUPS. Check 'lpr -a'." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/CupsPrintConnector.php | 49 |
"PrintConnector has been closed, cannot send output." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/FilePrintConnector.php | 78 |
"URI sheme is not supported: {$protocol}://" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/UriPrintConnector.php | 40 |
"Malformed connector URI: {$uri}" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/UriPrintConnector.php | 24 |
"Command $cmd failed: $errorStr" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/CupsPrintConnector.php | 131 |
"Command '$cmd' failed to start." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/CupsPrintConnector.php | 120 |
'Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/composer/InstalledVersions.php | 224 |
'Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/composer/InstalledVersions.php | 203 |
'Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/composer/InstalledVersions.php | 182 |
'Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/composer/InstalledVersions.php | 161 |
'Unknown or bad timezone (' . ($objectDump ?: $object) . ')' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonTimeZone.php | 109 |
"$className has not the instance() method needed to cast the date." | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonTimeZone.php | 72 |
'Absolute timezone offset cannot be greater than 100.' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/CarbonTimeZone.php | 30 |
'Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed' | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/composer/InstalledVersions.php | 241 |
"Not attached to a printer." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintBuffers/EscposPrintBuffer.php | 122 |
"ImagePrintBuffer requires the imagick extension" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintBuffers/ImagePrintBuffer.php | 40 |
"Not attached to a printer." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintBuffers/ImagePrintBuffer.php | 49 |
"Not attached to a printer." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintBuffers/ImagePrintBuffer.php | 66 |
"Not attached to a printer." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintBuffers/ImagePrintBuffer.php | 108 |
"Cannot initialise NetworkPrintConnector: " . $errstr | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/NetworkPrintConnector.php | 38 |
"WindowsPrintConnector can only be " . "used to print to a local printer ('" . $dest . "') on a Windows computer." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/WindowsPrintConnector.php | 120 |
"Printer '" . $dest . "' is not a valid " . "printer name. Use local port (LPT1, COM1, etc) or smb://computer/printer notation." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/WindowsPrintConnector.php | 155 |
"Failed to print. Command \"$redactedCommand\" " . "failed with exit code $retval: " . trim($errorStr) . trim($outputStr) | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/WindowsPrintConnector.php | 230 |
"Mac printing not implemented." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/WindowsPrintConnector.php | 243 |
"Failed to print. Command \"$redactedCommand\" " . "failed with exit code $retval: " . trim($errorStr) | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/WindowsPrintConnector.php | 283 |
"Failed to create temp file for printing." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/WindowsPrintConnector.php | 290 |
"Failed to copy file to printer" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/WindowsPrintConnector.php | 294 |
"Failed to write file to printer at " . $this->printerName | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/WindowsPrintConnector.php | 300 |
"Cannot initialise FilePrintConnector." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/FilePrintConnector.php | 37 |
"PrintConnector has been closed, cannot read input." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors/FilePrintConnector.php | 65 |
"This buffer is already attached to a printer." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/Printer.php | 928 |
"Invalid mode" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/Printer.php | 767 |
"wrapperSendGraphicsData: m and fn must be one character each." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/Printer.php | 1055 |
"wrapperSend2dCodeData: cn and fn must be one character each." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/Printer.php | 1038 |
"$argument given to $source must be a float, but '$test' was given." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/Printer.php | 1126 |
"Argument to $source must be a boolean" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/Printer.php | 1110 |
"$argument given to $source must be a number, but '$test' was given." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/Printer.php | 1159 |
"$argument given to $source must be in range $min to $max, but $test was given." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/Printer.php | 1129 |
"$argument given to $source is invalid. It should match regex '$regex', but '$test' was given." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/Printer.php | 1194 |
"$argument given to $source must be in $rangeStr, but $test was given." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/Printer.php | 1178 |
"Input must be UTF-8" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/Experimental/Unifont/UnifontPrintBuffer.php | 52 |
"Could not read $unifontFilename" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/Experimental/Unifont/UnifontPrintBuffer.php | 20 |
"Not attached to a printer." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintBuffers/EscposPrintBuffer.php | 65 |
"Code point $codePoint not available" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/Experimental/Unifont/FontMap.php | 41 |
"Input must be UTF-8" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintBuffers/EscposPrintBuffer.php | 91 |
"Not attached to a printer." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintBuffers/EscposPrintBuffer.php | 86 |
"Bug in " . __FUNCTION__ . ", wrong number of bytes." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/EscposImage.php | 305 |
"Bug in " . __FUNCTION__ . ", wrong number of bytes." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/EscposImage.php | 383 |
__FUNCTION__ . " requires 'gd' extension." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/GdEscposImage.php | 64 |
__FUNCTION__ . " requires imagick extension." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/ImagickEscposImage.php | 217 |
"Image format not supported in GD" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/GdEscposImage.php | 48 |
"Failed to load image." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/GdEscposImage.php | 62 |
400 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 507 |
400 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 718 |
"QR codes are not supported on your printer." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/Printer.php | 714 |
"There is no code table $table allowed by this printer's capability profile." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/Printer.php | 739 |
"The CapabilityProfile '$profileName' does not exist. Try one that does exist, such as $suggestionsStr." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/CapabilityProfile.php | 289 |
"PDF417 codes are not supported on your printer." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/Printer.php | 662 |
"No suitable EscposImage implementation found for '$filename'." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/EscposImage.php | 461 |
"Cannot encode this code page" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/CodePage.php | 97 |
"File '$filename' does not exist, or is not readable." | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/EscposImage.php | 433 |
"'$implementation' is not a known EscposImage implementation" | /htdocs/includes/mike42/escpos-php/src/Mike42/Escpos/EscposImage.php | 458 |
'Expecting date and time in `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS` format, such as `' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . '`' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 315 |
'Expecting date in `YYYY-MM-DD` format, such as `' . date("Y-m-d") . '`' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 287 |
'Expecting url in `` format' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 259 |
'Expecting IP address in IPV6 or IPV4 format' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 236 |
'Expecting email in `` format' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 215 |
'Expecting phone number, a numeric value ' . 'with optional `+` prefix' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 191 |
'Expecting color as hexadecimal digits.' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 171 |
'Expecting only hexadecimal digits.' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 152 |
400 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 495 |
400 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 490 |
400 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 478 |
400 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 468 |
400 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 436 |
'Expecting unix timestamp, such as ' . time( ) | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 400 |
'Expecting time in 12 hour format, such as `08:00AM` and `10:05:11`' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 377 |
'Expecting time in `HH:MM:SS` format, such as `' . date("H:i:s") . '`' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 353 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Format/HtmlFormat.php | 501 |
400 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Format/XmlFormat.php | 212 |
400 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Format/XmlFormat.php | 238 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Format/CsvFormat.php | 65 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Format/HtmlFormat.php | 261 |
'The views directory `' . self::$viewPath . '` should exist with read permission.' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Format/HtmlFormat.php | 357 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Format/HtmlFormat.php | 426 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Format/HtmlFormat.php | 441 |
'Expecting only alphabetic characters.' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 61 |
'Expecting a Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) string.' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 84 |
'Expecting only alpha numeric characters.' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 108 |
'Expecting only printable characters.' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Data/Validator.php | 132 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Format/DependentFormat.php | 44 |
'Rate Limit time unit should be ' . implode('|', array_keys(static::$units)) . '.' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Filter/RateLimit.php | 96 |
'`Defaults::$userIdentifierClass` must implement `iIdentifyUser` interface' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Filter/RateLimit.php | 118 |
429 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Filter/RateLimit.php | 137 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/UI/Forms.php | 138 |
'Error parsing embedded JSON data' . " $str" | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/CommentParser.php | 365 |
403 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/UI/Forms.php | 482 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/UI/Forms.php | 146 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Routes.php | 706 |
'@property comment is not properly defined in ' . $className . ' class' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Routes.php | 650 |
'Inline pattern tag should follow {@pattern /REGEX_PATTERN_HERE/} format and can optionally include PCRE modifiers following the ending `/`' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/CommentParser.php | 327 |
'The cache directory `' . self::$cacheDir . '` should exist with write permission.' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/HumanReadableCache.php | 125 |
400 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Format/JsonFormat.php | 158 |
400 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Format/JsonFormat.php | 154 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Format/DependentMultiFormat.php | 27 |
'Error encoding/decoding JSON: ' . $message | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Format/JsonFormat.php | 275 |
413 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Format/UploadFormat.php | 87 |
403 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Format/UploadFormat.php | 84 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Format/UploadFormat.php | 106 |
403 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Format/UploadFormat.php | 91 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 278 |
'Invalid format class; must implement ' . 'iFormat interface' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 405 |
403 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 426 |
'Invalid format class; must implement ' . 'iFormat interface' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 453 |
403 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 589 |
404 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 677 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 760 |
406 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 848 |
'Error during file export: manifest.xml' | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 744 |
"headers already sent ($filename at $linenum)" | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 800 |
"headers already sent ($filename at $linenum)" | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 925 |
'Permission execute convert script : ' . $command | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 944 |
'ODT to PDF convert fail (option MAIN_ODT_AS_PDF is ' . $conf->global->MAIN_ODT_AS_PDF . ', command was ' . $command . ', retval=' . $retval . ') : ' . $errorstring | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 950 |
'Zip extension not loaded - check your php settings, PHP5.2 minimum with zip extension is required for using PhpZipProxy' | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/zip/PhpZipProxy.php | 28 |
'PclZip class not loaded - PclZip library is required for using PclZipProxy' | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/zip/PclZipProxy.php | 32 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 294 |
404 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/PassThrough.php | 42 |
'APC is not available for use as Restler Cache. Please make sure the module is installed.' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/ApcCache.php | 50 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/PassThrough.php | 49 |
403 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/PassThrough.php | 44 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Routes.php | 82 |
404 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Resources.php | 389 |
404 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Routes.php | 381 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Routes.php | 98 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 926 |
406 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 876 |
403 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 949 |
403 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 936 |
401 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 964 |
500 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 959 |
'version should be an integer greater than 0' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 1259 |
'`Defaults::$validatorClass` must implement `iValidate` interface' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 1030 |
'Unable to set the hash algorithm, must be one of rsa-sha1 or rsa-sha256 (%s given).' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Signers/DKIMSigner.php | 303 |
'Unable to load DKIM Private Key [' . openssl_error_string( ) . ']' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Signers/DKIMSigner.php | 675 |
sprintf('Failed to encrypt S/Mime message. Error: "%s".', openssl_error_string( )) | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Signers/SMimeSigner.php | 335 |
'Unable to set sha256 as it is not supported by OpenSSL.' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Signers/DKIMSigner.php | 299 |
"Invalid image" | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/Segment.php | 251 |
'child ' . $prop . ' does not exist' | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/Segment.php | 280 |
'Unable to sign DKIM Hash [' . openssl_error_string( ) . ']' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Signers/DKIMSigner.php | 680 |
'Non-ASCII characters not supported in local-part' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/AddressEncoder/IdnAddressEncoder.php | 40 |
'OpenDKIM Error: ' . $this->dkimHandler->getError( ) | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Signers/OpenDKIMSigner.php | 48 |
'Unable to force signature timestamp [' . openssl_error_string( ) . ']' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Signers/OpenDKIMSigner.php | 69 |
'Failed to create cache directory ' . $cacheDir | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/KeyCache/DiskKeyCache.php | 242 |
'php-opendkim extension not found' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Signers/OpenDKIMSigner.php | 35 |
'Unable to sign DomainKey Hash [' . openssl_error_string( ) . ']' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Signers/DomainKeySigner.php | 502 |
sprintf('Failed to sign S/Mime message. Error: "%s".', openssl_error_string( )) | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Signers/SMimeSigner.php | 278 |
'Invalid new line sequence in mail found \n without preceding \r' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Signers/DomainKeySigner.php | 440 |
'Unable to load DomainKey Private Key [' . openssl_error_string( ) . ']' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Signers/DomainKeySigner.php | 497 |
"'" . $segment . "' segment not found in the document. The tag [!-- BEGIN xxx --] or [!-- END xxx --] is not present into content file." | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 686 |
$segment->getName( ) . 'cannot be parsed, has it been set yet ?' | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 629 |
"Invalid image" | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 501 |
"Nothing to parse - Check that the styles.xml file is correctly formed in source file '$filename'" | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 118 |
'Error during file export addFromString styles' | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 734 |
'Error during file export addFromString meta' | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 731 |
'Error during file export addFromString content' | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 728 |
'Permission denied : can\'t create ' . $file | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 702 |
$this->config['ZIP_PROXY'] . ' class not found - check your php settings' | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 100 |
'Temporary directory ' . $this->config['PATH_TO_TMP'] . ' must exists' | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 87 |
'Configuration data must be provided as array' | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 72 |
"method $meth nor var $meth exist" | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/Segment.php | 295 |
"Nothing to parse - Check that the meta.xml file is correctly formed in source file '$filename'" | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 115 |
"Something is wrong with META-INF/manifest.xml in source file '$filename'" | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 112 |
"Nothing to parse - Check that the content.xml file is correctly formed in source file '$filename'" | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 109 |
"Error while Opening the file '$filename' - Check your odt filename" | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/odf.php | 106 |
sprintf('POP3 command failed [%s]', trim($response ?? '')) | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Plugins/PopBeforeSmtpPlugin.php | 223 |
'The path cannot be empty' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/ByteStream/FileByteStream.php | 45 |
'Unable to open file for reading [' . $this->path . ']' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/ByteStream/FileByteStream.php | 131 |
'Unable to open file for writing [' . $this->path . ']' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/ByteStream/FileByteStream.php | 148 |
sprintf('Failed to connect to POP3 host [%s]', trim($greeting ?? '')) | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Plugins/PopBeforeSmtpPlugin.php | 140 |
sprintf('POP3 host [%s] connection could not be stopped', $this->host) | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Plugins/PopBeforeSmtpPlugin.php | 163 |
sprintf('Failed to write command [%s] to POP3 host', trim($command ?? '')) | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Plugins/PopBeforeSmtpPlugin.php | 208 |
sprintf('Failed to read from POP3 host after command [%s]', trim($command ?? '')) | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Plugins/PopBeforeSmtpPlugin.php | 212 |
'Auth mode ' . $mode . ' is invalid' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/Esmtp/AuthHandler.php | 266 |
'The OpenSSL extension must be enabled to use the NTLM authenticator.' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/Esmtp/Auth/NTLMAuthenticator.php | 41 |
'The BCMath functions must be enabled to use the NTLM authenticator.' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/Esmtp/Auth/NTLMAuthenticator.php | 45 |
sprintf('Failed to connect to POP3 host [%s]: %s', $this->host, $errstr) | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Plugins/PopBeforeSmtpPlugin.php | 135 |
'Expected response code ' . implode('/', $wanted) . ' but got an empty response' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php | 447 |
'Expected response code ' . implode('/', $wanted) . ' but got code "' . $code . '", with message "' . $response . '"' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php | 459 |
'Cannot serialize ' . __CLASS__ | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php | 534 |
'Cannot unserialize ' . __CLASS__ | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php | 539 |
'Invalid mode [' . $mode . '] used to set nsKey=' . $nsKey . ', itemKey=' . $itemKey | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/KeyCache/ArrayKeyCache.php | 94 |
'Invalid mode [' . $mode . '] used to set nsKey=' . $nsKey . ', itemKey=' . $itemKey | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/KeyCache/ArrayKeyCache.php | 65 |
'Invalid mode [' . $mode . '] used to set nsKey=' . $nsKey . ', itemKey=' . $itemKey | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/KeyCache/DiskKeyCache.php | 112 |
'Invalid mode [' . $mode . '] used to set nsKey=' . $nsKey . ', itemKey=' . $itemKey | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/KeyCache/DiskKeyCache.php | 83 |
'Address in mailbox given [' . $address . '] does not comply with RFC 2822, 3.6.2.' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Mime/Headers/MailboxHeader.php | 355 |
sprintf('Charset "%s" not supported. NativeQpContentEncoder only supports "utf-8"', $this->charset) | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Mime/ContentEncoder/NativeQpContentEncoder.php | 90 |
'Invalid ID given <' . $id . '>' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Mime/Headers/IdentificationHeader.php | 186 |
'Address set in PathHeader does not comply with addr-spec of RFC 2822.' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Mime/Headers/PathHeader.php | 150 |
'Cannot unserialize ' . __CLASS__ | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/ByteStream/TemporaryFileByteStream.php | 50 |
'Cannot serialize ' . __CLASS__ | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/ByteStream/TemporaryFileByteStream.php | 45 |
sprintf('Charset "%s" not supported. NativeQpContentEncoder only supports "utf-8"', $this->charset) | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Mime/ContentEncoder/NativeQpContentEncoder.php | 54 |
'Mime boundary set is not RFC 2046 compliant.' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Mime/SimpleMimeEntity.php | 698 |
'Unable to open file for copying [' . $this->path . ']' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/ByteStream/FileByteStream.php | 204 |
'Unable to copy the file to make it seekable, sys_temp_dir is not writable, php://memory not available' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/ByteStream/FileByteStream.php | 198 |
'Failed to get temporary file content.' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/ByteStream/TemporaryFileByteStream.php | 30 |
'Failed to retrieve temporary file name.' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/ByteStream/TemporaryFileByteStream.php | 21 |
sprintf("job status: %s", $this->serveroutput->status) | /htdocs/includes/printipp/PrintIPP.php | 125 |
sprintf("http error: %s", $e->getMessage( )) | /htdocs/includes/printipp/BasicIPP.php | 845 |
'Tolerance must be greater than zero.' | /htdocs/includes/markrogoyski/math-php/src/NumericalAnalysis/RootFinding/Validation.php | 22 |
'Start point and end point of interval cannot be the same.' | /htdocs/includes/markrogoyski/math-php/src/NumericalAnalysis/RootFinding/Validation.php | 37 |
'Invalid parameters passed.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xlsx/ContentTypes.php | 246 |
sprintf('Directory "%s" was not created', $tempFolder) | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Helper/Sample.php | 145 |
"File $pFile does not exist" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xlsx/ContentTypes.php | 203 |
'Invalid parameters passed.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xlsx/ContentTypes.php | 224 |
'Chart is not yet implemented' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xlsx/Chart.php | 1019 |
'Invalid parameters passed.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xlsx/Rels.php | 436 |
'Invalid parameters passed.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xlsx/Workbook.php | 234 |
'Invalid parameters passed.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xlsx/Drawing.php | 283 |
'Writing of error not implemented yet.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Ods/Content.php | 203 |
'Writing of inline not implemented yet.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Ods/Content.php | 226 |
"$bitmap: compression not supported in bitmap image.\n" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Worksheet.php | 2559 |
'No formula2' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Worksheet.php | 2885 |
'Cannot send message without a sender address' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php | 195 |
'Unsupported sendmail command flags [' . $command . ']. ' . 'Must be one of "-bs" or "-t" but can include additional flags.' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/SendmailTransport.php | 145 |
'Process could not be started [' . $err . ']' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/StreamBuffer.php | 294 |
'Connection could not be established with host ' . $this->params['host'] . ' :' . $msg | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/StreamBuffer.php | 261 |
'Connection to ' . $this->getReadConnectionDescription( ) . ' Timed Out' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/StreamBuffer.php | 194 |
'Connection to ' . $this->getReadConnectionDescription( ) . ' Timed Out' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/StreamBuffer.php | 166 |
'All Transports in LoadBalancedTransport failed, or no Transports available' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/LoadBalancedTransport.php | 149 |
'All Transports in FailoverTransport failed, or no Transports available' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/FailoverTransport.php | 83 |
'Unable to connect with TLS encryption' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/EsmtpTransport.php | 349 |
sprintf('Unable to create a file for enqueuing Message in "%s".', $this->path) | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/FileSpool.php | 111 |
sprintf('Unable to create path "%s".', $this->path) | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/FileSpool.php | 42 |
'Component must first be registered by calling register()' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/DependencyContainer.php | 349 |
'Cannot lookup dependency "' . $itemName . '" since it is not registered.' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/DependencyContainer.php | 104 |
sprintf('The %s class requires the Intl extension.', __CLASS__) | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/egulias/email-validator/EmailValidator/Validation/DNSCheckValidation.php | 33 |
sprintf('The %s class requires the Intl extension.', __CLASS__) | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/egulias/email-validator/EmailValidator/Validation/SpoofCheckValidation.php | 20 |
$type . ' not found' | /htdocs/includes/swiftmailer/egulias/email-validator/EmailValidator/EmailLexer.php | 154 |
'No PhpSpreadsheet assigned.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Ods.php | 162 |
"Could not open $pFilename for writing." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Ods.php | 142 |
'Could not open ' . $pFilename . ' for writing.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xlsx.php | 218 |
"Could not open file $pFilename for writing." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Csv.php | 97 |
"Could not copy temporary zip file $pFilename to $originalFilename." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xlsx.php | 416 |
"Could not close zip file $pFilename." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xlsx.php | 410 |
'No Spreadsheet object assigned.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xlsx.php | 438 |
'PhpSpreadsheet object unassigned.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xlsx.php | 421 |
'String is too long' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Parser.php | 569 |
"Unknown token $token" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Parser.php | 532 |
"Unknown class $class" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Parser.php | 630 |
'Unknown range separator' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Parser.php | 614 |
"Unknown sheet name $sheet_name2 in formula" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Parser.php | 767 |
"Unknown sheet name $sheet_name1 in formula" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Parser.php | 763 |
"Column in: $cell greater than 255" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Parser.php | 848 |
"Unknown sheet name $ext_ref in formula" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Parser.php | 777 |
"Row in: $cell greater than 65536 " | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Parser.php | 851 |
"Row in: $range greater than 65536 " | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Parser.php | 889 |
"')' token expected." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Parser.php | 1250 |
'Syntax error: ' . $this->currentToken . ', lookahead: ' . $this->lookAhead . ', current char: ' . $this->currentCharacter | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Parser.php | 1311 |
"Syntax error: comma expected in function $function, arg #{$num_args}" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Parser.php | 1332 |
"Function $function() doesn't exist" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Parser.php | 1343 |
"Incorrect number of arguments in function $function() " | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Parser.php | 1348 |
'Required floating point format not supported on this platform.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/BIFFwriter.php | 99 |
'Rows or columns overflow! Excel5 has limit to 65535 rows and 255 columns. Use XLSX instead.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Worksheet.php | 406 |
"Couldn't import $bitmap" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Worksheet.php | 2500 |
"$bitmap doesn't contain enough data.\n" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Worksheet.php | 2508 |
"$bitmap doesn't appear to be a valid bitmap image.\n" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Worksheet.php | 2514 |
"$bitmap: largest image width supported is 65k.\n" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Worksheet.php | 2538 |
"$bitmap: largest image height supported is 65k.\n" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Worksheet.php | 2541 |
"$bitmap isn't a 24bit true color bitmap.\n" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Worksheet.php | 2548 |
"$bitmap: only 1 plane supported in bitmap image.\n" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Worksheet.php | 2551 |
'Invalid numeric value for datatype Numeric' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Cell.php | 221 |
'Value could not be bound to cell.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Cell.php | 185 |
'Value could not be bound to cell.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Cell.php | 113 |
"Can't open $filename. It may be in use or protected." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/OLE/PPS/Root.php | 115 |
'Cannot get data validation for cell that is not bound to a worksheet' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Cell.php | 388 |
'Cannot check for data validation when cell is not bound to a worksheet' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Cell.php | 372 |
$this->getWorksheet( )->getTitle( ) . '!' . $this->getCoordinate( ) . ' -> ' . $ex->getMessage( ) | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Cell.php | 278 |
'Invalid datatype: ' . $pDataType | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Cell.php | 239 |
'Cannot set hyperlink for cell that is not bound to a worksheet' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Cell.php | 470 |
'Cannot get hyperlink for cell that is not bound to a worksheet' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Cell.php | 452 |
'Cannot check for hyperlink when cell is not bound to a worksheet' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Cell.php | 436 |
'Cannot set data validation for cell that is not bound to a worksheet' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Cell.php | 406 |
'Cell coordinate string can not be a range of cells' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Coordinate.php | 70 |
'Invalid cell coordinate ' . $pCoordinateString | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Coordinate.php | 42 |
'Cell coordinate can not be zero-length string' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Coordinate.php | 39 |
'Cell coordinate string can not be a range of cells' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Coordinate.php | 37 |
'Column string index can not be ' . ((isset($pString[0])) ? 'longer than 3 characters' : 'empty') | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Coordinate.php | 292 |
'Invalid range: "' . $cellBlock . '"' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Coordinate.php | 517 |
'Cell coordinate string can not be a range of cells' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Coordinate.php | 101 |
'Range does not contain any information' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/Coordinate.php | 156 |
"Token with id $pId does not exist." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Calculation/FormulaParser.php | 106 |
'Invalid character detected' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Calculation/MathTrig.php | 105 |
'Cloning the calculation engine is not allowed!' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Calculation/Calculation.php | 2323 |
'Invalid parameter passed: formula' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Calculation/FormulaParser.php | 72 |
"Directory does not exist: $pValue" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Pdf.php | 234 |
"Could not open file $pFilename for writing." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Pdf.php | 260 |
'Saving images in xls requires gd extension' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls.php | 457 |
"Could not open file $pFilename for writing." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Html.php | 169 |
"Could not close zip file $pFilename." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Ods.php | 110 |
"Could not copy temporary zip file $pFilename to $originalFilename." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Ods.php | 116 |
"Directory does not exist: $pDirectory" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/BaseWriter.php | 75 |
'PhpSpreadsheet object unassigned.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Ods.php | 83 |
'Invalid datatype for chart data series values' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Chart/DataSeriesValues.php | 125 |
'Invalid rule type for column AutoFilter Rule.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/AutoFilter/Column/Rule.php | 380 |
'Cannot get shared component for a pseudo-border.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Style/Border.php | 84 |
sprintf('Invalid hex color for chart series (color: "%s")', $color) | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Chart/DataSeriesValues.php | 257 |
'Invalid rule type for column AutoFilter Rule.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/AutoFilter/Column/Rule.php | 270 |
'Invalid rule connection for column AutoFilter.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/AutoFilter/Column.php | 213 |
'Invalid operator for column AutoFilter Rule.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/AutoFilter/Column/Rule.php | 348 |
'Invalid rule value for column AutoFilter Rule.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/AutoFilter/Column/Rule.php | 312 |
'Can only get pseudo-border for supervisor.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Style/Borders.php | 360 |
'Can only get pseudo-border for supervisor.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Style/Borders.php | 344 |
'Could not open "' . $filename . '" for reading.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/File.php | 141 |
'File "' . $filename . '" does not exist.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/File.php | 137 |
'Can only get pseudo-border for supervisor.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Style/Borders.php | 296 |
'Text rotation should be a value between -90 and 90.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Style/Alignment.php | 290 |
'Can only get pseudo-border for supervisor.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Style/Borders.php | 328 |
'Can only get pseudo-border for supervisor.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Style/Borders.php | 312 |
'The filename ' . $pFilename . ' is not recognised as an OLE file' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/OLERead.php | 111 |
'Parameter pos=' . $pos . ' is invalid.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/OLERead.php | 331 |
'GD library needs to be enabled' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/Font.php | 286 |
'Valid directory to TrueType Font files not specified' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/Font.php | 404 |
"Can't open file $file" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/OLE.php | 124 |
"File doesn't seem to be an OLE container." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/OLE.php | 130 |
'Only Little-Endian encoding is supported.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/OLE.php | 135 |
'Expecting 8 byte string' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/OLE.php | 549 |
'Code page 720 not supported.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/CodePage.php | 27 |
'Code page 32769 not supported.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/CodePage.php | 129 |
'Unknown codepage: ' . $codePage | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/CodePage.php | 136 |
"Can't create temporary file." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/OLE/PPS/Root.php | 109 |
'Unknown font name "' . $name . '". Cannot map to TrueType font file' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/Font.php | 509 |
'TrueType Font file not found' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/Font.php | 518 |
'Invalid timezone' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/Date.php | 146 |
'Invalid timezone ' . $timezone | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/TimeZone.php | 72 |
'No cell coordinate specified.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 1647 |
'Style is not a conditional style' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 1599 |
'Cell coordinate must not be absolute.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 1333 |
'Cell coordinate can not be a range of cells.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 1331 |
'Named range ' . $namedRange->getName( ) . ' is not accessible from within sheet ' . $this->getTitle( ) | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 1320 |
'Cell coordinate must not be absolute.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 1223 |
'Cell coordinate can not be a range of cells.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 1221 |
'Maximum ' . self::SHEET_TITLE_MAXIMUM_LENGTH . ' characters allowed in sheet title.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 470 |
'Columns can only be inserted before at least column A (1).' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 2102 |
'Column references should not be numeric.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 2080 |
'Rows can only be inserted before at least row 1.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 2058 |
'Freeze pane can not be set on a range of cells.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 1995 |
'Cell range ' . $pRange . ' not known as protected.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 1867 |
'Merge can only be removed from a range of cells.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 1759 |
'Cell range ' . $pRange . ' not known as merged.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 1756 |
'Merge must be set on a range of cells.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 1713 |
'Named Range ' . $pNamedRange . ' does not exist.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 2636 |
'Scale must not be negative' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/PageSetup.php | 340 |
'Cell coordinate string must not be absolute.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 2361 |
'Cell coordinate can not be zero-length string.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 2363 |
'Columns to be deleted should at least start from column A (1)' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 2197 |
'Cell coordinate string can not be a range of cells.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 2359 |
'Rows to be deleted should at least start from row 1.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 2118 |
'Column references should not be numeric.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 2154 |
'Invalid method for setting print range.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/PageSetup.php | 716 |
'Invalid filter type for column AutoFilter.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/AutoFilter/Column.php | 181 |
'Invalid index for setting print range.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/PageSetup.php | 696 |
'Invalid index for setting print range.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/PageSetup.php | 710 |
'Cell coordinate must be a range of cells.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/PageSetup.php | 681 |
'Cell coordinate must not be absolute.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/PageSetup.php | 683 |
'Requested Print Area does not exist' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/PageSetup.php | 606 |
'Cell coordinate must not specify a worksheet.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/PageSetup.php | 679 |
'Outline level must range between 0 and 7.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Dimension.php | 95 |
"File $pValue not found!" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Drawing.php | 94 |
'Column is not within the autofilter range.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/AutoFilter.php | 222 |
'Column is outside of current autofilter range.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/AutoFilter.php | 148 |
"Row $row is out of range ({$this->startRow} - {$this->endRow})" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/RowIterator.php | 110 |
"Start row ({$startRow}) is beyond highest row ({$this->subject->getHighestRow( )})" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/RowIterator.php | 72 |
"Cell entry {$pCoord} no longer exists in cache. This probably means that the cache was cleared by someone else." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Collection/Cells.php | 454 |
"Failed to store cell {$this->currentCoordinate} in cache" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Collection/Cells.php | 397 |
'No autofilter range is defined.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/AutoFilter.php | 142 |
'Autofilter must be set on a range of cells.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/AutoFilter.php | 100 |
$pFilename . ' is an Invalid Spreadsheet file.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Slk.php | 207 |
'Suspicious Double-encoded XML, spreadsheet file load() aborted to prevent XXE/XEE attacks' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Security/XmlScanner.php | 105 |
'Detected use of ENTITY in XML, spreadsheet file load() aborted to prevent XXE/XEE attacks' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Security/XmlScanner.php | 131 |
'Failed to copy cells in cache' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Collection/Cells.php | 340 |
'Unable to read data from {$pFilename}' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Ods.php | 279 |
$pFilename . ' is an Invalid Spreadsheet file.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Csv.php | 283 |
$pFilename . ' is an Invalid Spreadsheet file.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Csv.php | 350 |
$pFilename . ' is an Invalid Spreadsheet file.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Slk.php | 118 |
'Failed to load content as a DOM Document' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Html.php | 621 |
'Could not open ' . $pFilename . ' for reading! Error opening file.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Ods.php | 98 |
'Could not open ' . $pFilename . ' for reading! Error opening file.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Ods.php | 154 |
"Could not open {$pFilename} for reading! Error opening file." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Ods.php | 268 |
'Deleted sheet reference' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xls.php | 7481 |
'Xls reader only supports internal sheets in formulas' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xls.php | 7511 |
$pFilename . ' is an Invalid HTML file.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Html.php | 592 |
'Failed to load ' . $pFilename . ' as a DOM Document' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Html.php | 600 |
'Invalid character found in sheet title' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 465 |
'Maximum ' . self::SHEET_TITLE_MAXIMUM_LENGTH . ' characters allowed in sheet code name.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 446 |
'Invalid character found in sheet code name' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 441 |
'Sheet code name cannot be empty.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/Worksheet.php | 435 |
'A Worksheet has already been assigned. Drawings can only exist on one \\PhpOffice\\PhpSpreadsheet\\Worksheet.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/BaseDrawing.php | 234 |
"Column $column is out of range ({$this->startColumnIndex} - {$this->endColumnIndex})" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/ColumnIterator.php | 115 |
"Start column ({$startColumn}) is beyond highest column ({$this->worksheet->getHighestColumn( )})" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/ColumnIterator.php | 75 |
'No cells exist within the specified range' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/RowCellIterator.php | 201 |
'No cells exist within the specified range' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/RowCellIterator.php | 195 |
'In "IterateOnlyExistingCells" mode and Cell does not exist' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/RowCellIterator.php | 106 |
"Column $column is out of range ({$this->startColumnIndex} - {$this->endColumnIndex})" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/RowCellIterator.php | 104 |
'No cells exist within the specified range' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/ColumnCellIterator.php | 193 |
'No cells exist within the specified range' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/ColumnCellIterator.php | 186 |
'In "IterateOnlyExistingCells" mode and Cell does not exist' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/ColumnCellIterator.php | 104 |
"Row $row is out of range ({$this->startRow} - {$this->endRow})" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/ColumnCellIterator.php | 102 |
'Invalid sheetview layout type.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/SheetView.php | 179 |
'Scale must be greater than or equal to 1.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/SheetView.php | 91 |
'Scale must be greater than or equal to 1.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/SheetView.php | 122 |
"Workbook already contains a worksheet named '{$pSheet->getTitle( )}'. Rename this worksheet first." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Spreadsheet.php | 626 |
'Parameters can not be null.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/NamedRange.php | 59 |
"Your requested sheet index: {$pIndex} is out of bounds. The actual number of sheets is {$numSheets}." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Spreadsheet.php | 696 |
"You tried to remove a sheet by the out of bounds index: {$pIndex}. The actual number of sheets is {$numSheets}." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Spreadsheet.php | 669 |
"You tried to set a sheet active by the out of bounds index: {$pIndex}. The actual number of sheets is {$numSheets}." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Spreadsheet.php | 815 |
'Sheet does not exist.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Spreadsheet.php | 749 |
"Workbook already contains a worksheet named '{$pSheet->getTitle( )}'. Rename the external sheet first." | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Spreadsheet.php | 872 |
'Workbook does not contain sheet:' . $pValue | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Spreadsheet.php | 840 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Redmine.php | 80 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Redmine.php | 78 |
'Error in retrieving token.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/ScoopIt.php | 64 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/ScoopIt.php | 62 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/ScoopIt.php | 80 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/ScoopIt.php | 78 |
'Chart renderer must implement ' . IRenderer::class | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Settings.php | 70 |
'Composer autoloader could not be found. Install dependencies with `composer install` and try again.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/Bootstrap.php | 22 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $errors->error_name . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Xing.php | 81 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/FiveHundredPx.php | 82 |
'Error in retrieving token.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/FiveHundredPx.php | 86 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/FiveHundredPx.php | 100 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/FiveHundredPx.php | 103 |
'baseApiUri is a required argument.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Redmine.php | 26 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Redmine.php | 62 |
'Error in retrieving token.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Redmine.php | 64 |
'Invalid response. OAuth Token data not set: ' . $responseBody | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Twitter.php | 107 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Yahoo.php | 92 |
'Error in retrieving token.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Yahoo.php | 94 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Yahoo.php | 108 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Yahoo.php | 110 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Xing.php | 62 |
'Error in retrieving token.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Xing.php | 64 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Xing.php | 79 |
'Unrecognized function in formula' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xls.php | 6588 |
'Unrecognized attribute flag in tAttr token' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xls.php | 5737 |
'Unrecognized space type in tAttrSpace token' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xls.php | 5726 |
'Not BIFF8. Can only read BIFF8 formulas' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xls.php | 4038 |
'Not a cell range address' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xls.php | 7250 |
'Not a cell range address' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xls.php | 7209 |
'Unrecognized token ' . sprintf('%02X', $id) . ' in formula' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xls.php | 7092 |
'Unrecognized function in formula' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xls.php | 6958 |
'Could not open file ' . $pFilename . ' for reading.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/BaseReader.php | 157 |
$pFilename . ' is an Invalid Spreadsheet file.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xml.php | 311 |
$pFilename . ' is an Invalid Spreadsheet file.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xml.php | 138 |
'Cannot load invalid XML file: ' . $pFilename | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xml.php | 119 |
'Decryption password incorrect' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xls.php | 1836 |
'Unexpected file pass record length' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xls.php | 1827 |
'Cannot read this Excel file. Version is too old.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xls.php | 1786 |
'XOr encryption not supported' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Xls.php | 1346 |
'Registered readers must implement ' . Reader\IReader::class | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/IOFactory.php | 223 |
'$functionCall is of type ' . gettype($functionCall) . '. string or array expected' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/DocumentGenerator.php | 78 |
'Unable to identify a reader for this file' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/IOFactory.php | 151 |
'Registered writers must implement ' . Writer\IWriter::class | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/IOFactory.php | 208 |
'Cloning a Singleton is not allowed!' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/ReferenceHelper.php | 908 |
'gzlib library is not enabled' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Reader/Gnumeric.php | 59 |
'Only cell ranges may be passed to this method.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/ReferenceHelper.php | 834 |
'Only single cell references may be passed to this method.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/ReferenceHelper.php | 874 |
'CellStyleXf index is out of bounds.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Spreadsheet.php | 1197 |
'First sheet index must be a positive integer.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Spreadsheet.php | 1416 |
'No default style found for this workbook' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Spreadsheet.php | 1080 |
'CellXf index is out of bounds.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Spreadsheet.php | 1104 |
"No writer found for type $writerType" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/IOFactory.php | 50 |
"No reader found for type $readerType" | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/IOFactory.php | 71 |
'Invalid visibility value.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Spreadsheet.php | 1459 |
'Tab ratio must be between 0 and 1000.' | /htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Spreadsheet.php | 1487 |
'Token not found in redis' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Storage/Redis.php | 57 |
'State not found in redis' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Storage/Redis.php | 139 |
'Token not stored' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Storage/Memory.php | 39 |
'State not stored' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Storage/Memory.php | 94 |
'Token not found in session, are you sure you stored it?' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Storage/SymfonySession.php | 46 |
'State not found in session, are you sure you stored it?' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Storage/SymfonySession.php | 126 |
'Token not found in session, are you sure you stored it?' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Storage/Session.php | 63 |
'State not found in session, are you sure you stored it?' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Storage/Session.php | 155 |
'Invalid URI: http|https scheme required' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Http/Uri/Uri.php | 86 |
'No body expected for "GET" request.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Http/Client/StreamClient.php | 39 |
'Failed to request resource. HTTP Code: ' . ((isset($http_response_header[0])) ? $http_response_header[0] : 'No response') | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Http/Client/StreamClient.php | 70 |
'No body expected for "GET" request.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Http/Client/CurlClient.php | 76 |
'Token not found in db, are you sure you stored it?' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Storage/DoliStorage.php | 98 |
'State not found in db, are you sure you stored it?' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Storage/DoliStorage.php | 268 |
'Could not detect URI path from superglobal' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Http/Uri/UriFactory.php | 102 |
"Invalid URI: $uri" | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Http/Uri/Uri.php | 82 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['name'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Paypal.php | 84 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['message'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Paypal.php | 82 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Facebook.php | 167 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Facebook.php | 165 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Vkontakte.php | 80 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Google.php | 190 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Paypal.php | 80 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Vkontakte.php | 82 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Box.php | 69 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Box.php | 67 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/RunKeeper.php | 93 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/RunKeeper.php | 91 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Amazon.php | 74 |
"Redirect uri is mandatory for this request" | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Facebook.php | 193 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Amazon.php | 78 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error_description'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Amazon.php | 76 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Tumblr.php | 80 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Flickr.php | 50 |
'Error in retrieving token.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Tumblr.php | 64 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Tumblr.php | 78 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/BitBucket.php | 80 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Tumblr.php | 62 |
'Error in retrieving token.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/BitBucket.php | 64 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/BitBucket.php | 78 |
'Unable to parse response: ' . $responseBody | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Twitter.php | 103 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Twitter.php | 105 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Twitter.php | 87 |
'Error in retrieving token.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Twitter.php | 89 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Flickr.php | 63 |
sprintf("'%s' is not a correct Twitter authorization endpoint.", $endpoint) | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Twitter.php | 65 |
'Error in retrieving token.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Flickr.php | 52 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Flickr.php | 61 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/FitBit.php | 62 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/QuickBooks.php | 88 |
'Error in retrieving token.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/QuickBooks.php | 74 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/QuickBooks.php | 71 |
'Unsupported hashing algorithm (' . $this->algorithm . ') used.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Signature/Signature.php | 128 |
'An absolute URI must be passed to ServiceInterface::request as no baseApiUri is set.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Service/AbstractService.php | 58 |
'cURL Error # ' . $errNo . ': ' . $errStr | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Http/Client/CurlClient.php | 135 |
'Failed to request resource.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/Common/Http/Client/CurlClient.php | 133 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/BitBucket.php | 62 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Etsy.php | 90 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Etsy.php | 88 |
'Error in retrieving token.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Etsy.php | 74 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/Etsy.php | 72 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/FitBit.php | 80 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/FitBit.php | 78 |
'Error in retrieving token.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth1/Service/FitBit.php | 64 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/DeviantArt.php | 75 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/DeviantArt.php | 77 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Foursquare.php | 55 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Foursquare.php | 57 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Dropbox.php | 92 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Dropbox.php | 94 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Microsoft.php | 120 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Microsoft.php | 122 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Strava.php | 101 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error_description'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Strava.php | 104 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Strava.php | 108 |
'Invalid approuvalPrompt, expected either auto or force.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Strava.php | 135 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Hubic.php | 96 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Hubic.php | 99 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Netatmo.php | 94 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Netatmo.php | 97 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Instagram.php | 70 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Pocket.php | 113 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Harvest.php | 87 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Instagram.php | 72 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Yammer.php | 61 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Harvest.php | 89 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Vimeo.php | 111 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Yammer.php | 63 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Vimeo.php | 118 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error_description'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Vimeo.php | 114 |
sprintf('Token expired on %s at %s', date('m/d/Y', $token->getEndOfLife( )), date('h:i:s A', $token->getEndOfLife( ))) | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/AbstractService.php | 158 |
'Scope ' . $scope . ' is not valid for service ' . get_class($this) | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/AbstractService.php | 60 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/JawboneUP.php | 125 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/JawboneUP.php | 123 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/GitHub.php | 175 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/GitHub.php | 173 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/EveOnline.php | 69 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error_description'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/EveOnline.php | 71 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Reddit.php | 83 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Reddit.php | 85 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/ParrotFlowerPower.php | 89 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Yahoo.php | 45 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/EveOnline.php | 73 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/ParrotFlowerPower.php | 86 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Ustream.php | 71 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Bitrix24.php | 97 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Yahoo.php | 48 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Ustream.php | 69 |
'Invalid approuvalPrompt, expected either auto or force.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Google.php | 155 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Google.php | 188 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Bitrix24.php | 99 |
'Invalid accessType, expected either online or offline' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Google.php | 144 |
'Error in retrieving code.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Buffer.php | 106 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Buffer.php | 104 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '" : "' . $data['error_description'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/WordPress.php | 91 |
'Unable to parse response: "' . (isset($responseBody) ? $responseBody : 'NULL') . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/WordPress.php | 89 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/SoundCloud.php | 55 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/SoundCloud.php | 53 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Buffer.php | 139 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Buffer.php | 137 |
sprintf('Error in retrieving token: "%s"', isset($data['error_description']) ? $data['error_description'] : $data['error']) | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Dailymotion.php | 98 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Dailymotion.php | 95 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Linkedin.php | 84 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Linkedin.php | 82 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Nest.php | 86 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Nest.php | 83 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Bitly.php | 63 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Bitly.php | 61 |
'Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/composer/InstalledVersions.php | 180 |
'Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/composer/InstalledVersions.php | 201 |
"A non-empty PSR-4 prefix must end with a namespace separator." | /htdocs/includes/sabre/composer/ClassLoader.php | 307 |
'Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/composer/InstalledVersions.php | 159 |
'You must pass a generator function' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/event/lib/coroutine.php | 59 |
"A non-empty PSR-4 prefix must end with a namespace separator." | /htdocs/includes/sabre/composer/ClassLoader.php | 252 |
'This promise is already resolved, and you\'re not allowed to resolve a promise more than once' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/event/lib/Promise.php | 152 |
'There were no more events in the loop. This promise will never be fulfilled.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/event/lib/Promise.php | 180 |
'Invalid, or could not parse URI' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/uri/lib/functions.php | 352 |
'This promise is already resolved, and you\'re not allowed to resolve a promise more than once' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/event/lib/Promise.php | 137 |
'End of input stream, or no input supplied' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/XML.php | 85 |
'Unsupported XML standard' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/XML.php | 107 |
'Invalid Mimedir file. Line starting at ' . $this->startLine . ' did not follow iCalendar/vCard conventions' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/MimeDir.php | 431 |
'Unsupported CHARSET: ' . $propObj['CHARSET'] | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/MimeDir.php | 472 |
'Invalid Mimedir file. Line starting at ' . $this->startLine . ' did not follow iCalendar/vCard conventions' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/MimeDir.php | 386 |
'This code should not be reachable' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/MimeDir.php | 420 |
"Invalid KML" | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/adapters/KML.class.php | 153 |
"Cannot Read Geometry From KML: " . $text | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/adapters/KML.class.php | 71 |
"Invalid KML: " . $text | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/adapters/KML.class.php | 64 |
'Unknown error in Google Reverse Geocoder' | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/adapters/GoogleGeocode.class.php | 118 |
'Error in Google Reverse Geocoder: ' . $this->result->status | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/adapters/GoogleGeocode.class.php | 117 |
'Unknown error in Google Geocoder' | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/adapters/GoogleGeocode.class.php | 78 |
'Error in Google Geocoder: ' . $this->result->status | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/adapters/GoogleGeocode.class.php | 77 |
"Invalid / Empty GeoRSS" | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/adapters/GeoRSS.class.php | 81 |
"Cannot Read Geometry From GeoRSS: " . $text | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/adapters/GeoRSS.class.php | 63 |
"Invalid GeoRSS: " . $text | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/adapters/GeoRSS.class.php | 56 |
'Only NDR (little endian) SKB format is supported at the moment' | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/adapters/WKB.class.php | 54 |
'Cannot read empty WKB geometry. Found ' . gettype($wkb) | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/adapters/WKB.class.php | 38 |
'geoPHP could not find an adapter of type ' . htmlentities($type) | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/ | 73 |
'Call to undefined method ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $method . '()' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/psr/log/Psr/Log/Test/TestLogger.php | 139 |
'Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/composer/InstalledVersions.php | 239 |
'Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/composer/InstalledVersions.php | 222 |
'TCPDF ERROR: ' . $msg | /htdocs/includes/tecnickcom/tcpdf/tcpdf.php | 2993 |
'TCPDF_PARSER ERROR: ' . $msg | /htdocs/includes/tecnickcom/tcpdf/include/tcpdf_filters.php | 474 |
sprintf('Service class %s does not exist.', $className) | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/ServiceFactory.php | 74 |
sprintf('Service class %s must implement ServiceInterface.', $className) | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/ServiceFactory.php | 87 |
"Cannot create a collection with non-geometries" | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/geometry/Collection.class.php | 29 |
"Cannot construct Point. x and y should be numeric" | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/geometry/Point.class.php | 32 |
"Cannot construct Point. z should be numeric" | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/geometry/Point.class.php | 38 |
'TCPDF_PARSER ERROR: ' . $msg | /htdocs/includes/tecnickcom/tcpdf/tcpdf_parser.php | 807 |
"Cannot Read Geometry From GPX: " . $text | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/adapters/GPX.class.php | 64 |
"Invalid / Empty GPX" | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/adapters/GPX.class.php | 80 |
"Cannot construct a LineString with a single point" | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/geometry/LineString.class.php | 19 |
"Component geometries must be passed as an array" | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/geometry/Collection.class.php | 23 |
'Invalid JSON' | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/adapters/GeoJSON.class.php | 24 |
'Invalid JSON' | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/adapters/GeoJSON.class.php | 27 |
'Invalid GeoJSON: GeometryCollection with no component geometries' | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/adapters/GeoJSON.class.php | 117 |
"Invalid GPX: " . $text | /htdocs/includes/geoPHP/lib/adapters/GPX.class.php | 57 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Pocket.php | 81 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Mailchimp.php | 65 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Pocket.php | 111 |
'Error in retrieving code.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Pocket.php | 83 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Heroku.php | 81 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Delicious.php | 86 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Mailchimp.php | 63 |
sprintf('Error in retrieving token: "%s"', isset($data['error_description']) ? $data['error_description'] : $data['error']) | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Heroku.php | 84 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Salesforce.php | 64 |
'Error in retrieving token.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Salesforce.php | 50 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Delicious.php | 83 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Salesforce.php | 66 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Spotify.php | 75 |
'Scopes passed to ServiceFactory::createService but an OAuth1 service was requested.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/ServiceFactory.php | 234 |
'Unable to parse response.' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Salesforce.php | 48 |
'Error in retrieving token: "' . $data['error'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/Spotify.php | 77 |
'Too many arguments' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Cli.php | 205 |
'Unknown command: ' . $positional[0] | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Cli.php | 209 |
'Unknown option: ' . $name | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Cli.php | 190 |
'Inputfile is a required argument' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Cli.php | 201 |
'You can not remove objects from an ElementList' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/ElementList.php | 44 |
'The second argument must not be specified, when passing a VObject Node' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Component.php | 109 |
'You cannot convert a ' . strtolower($vObj->name) . ' to ' . $this->format | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Cli.php | 434 |
'You can not add new objects to an ElementList' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/ElementList.php | 31 |
'The end-date must be larger than the start-date' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Xml/Filter/CompFilter.php | 85 |
'The ' . $r . ' field is required when creating a subscription node' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Subscriptions/Subscription.php | 58 |
'The end-date must be larger than the start-date when expanding calendar-data' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Xml/Filter/CalendarData.php | 72 |
'You cannot add time-range filters on the VCALENDAR component' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Xml/Filter/CompFilter.php | 78 |
'Unknown format: ' . $value | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Cli.php | 154 |
'Unknown format: ' . $value | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Cli.php | 186 |
'You can only pass strings or \\Sabre\\VObject\\Component arguments to setObjects' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/FreeBusyGenerator.php | 148 |
'Unsupported VALUE parameter for ' . $name . ' property. You supplied "' . $parameters['VALUE'] . '"' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Document.php | 216 |
'Invalid vCard date-time string: ' . $date | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/DateTimeParser.php | 315 |
'The supplied iCalendar duration value is incorrect: ' . $duration | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/DateTimeParser.php | 101 |
'The supplied iCalendar date value is incorrect: ' . $date | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/DateTimeParser.php | 80 |
'The supplied iCalendar date value is incorrect: ' . $date | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/DateTimeParser.php | 70 |
'You can only use vCard 3.0 or 4.0 for the target version' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/VCardConverter.php | 42 |
'Only vCard 2.1, 3.0 and 4.0 are supported for the input data' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/VCardConverter.php | 39 |
'Invalid vCard date-time string: ' . $date | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/DateTimeParser.php | 524 |
'Invalid vCard time string: ' . $date | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/DateTimeParser.php | 415 |
'We were unable to determine the correct PHP timezone for tzid: ' . $tzid | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/TimeZoneUtil.php | 106 |
'Starting sabre/vobject 4.0 the children property is now protected. You should use the children() method instead' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Component.php | 440 |
'The item you passed to remove() was not a child of this component' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Component.php | 164 |
'The first argument must either be a \\Sabre\\VObject\\Node or a string' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Component.php | 116 |
'The supplied iCalendar datetime value is incorrect: ' . $dt | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/DateTimeParser.php | 50 |
'The supplied iCalendar datetime value is incorrect: ' . $dt | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/DateTimeParser.php | 40 |
'You can only pass strings or \\Sabre\\VObject\\Component\\VCard arguments to setObjects' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/BirthdayCalendarGenerator.php | 77 |
'String could not be parsed as \\Sabre\\VObject\\Component\\VCard by setObjects' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/BirthdayCalendarGenerator.php | 70 |
'Unknown value for FREQ=' . strtoupper($value) | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Recur/RRuleIterator.php | 736 |
strtoupper($key) . ' in RRULE must be a positive integer!' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Recur/RRuleIterator.php | 761 |
'Invalid part in BYDAY clause: ' . $part | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Recur/RRuleIterator.php | 783 |
'BYYEARDAY in RRULE must have value(s) from 1 to 366, or -366 to -1!' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Recur/RRuleIterator.php | 797 |
'BYWEEKNO in RRULE must have value(s) from 1 to 53, or -53 to -1!' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Recur/RRuleIterator.php | 806 |
'BYMONTH in RRULE must have value(s) between 1 and 12!' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Recur/RRuleIterator.php | 815 |
'Not supported: ' . strtoupper($key) | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Recur/RRuleIterator.php | 829 |
'The argument must either be a string or an array with only one child' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Property/Binary.php | 44 |
'If a calendar contained more than one event, they must have the same UID.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/ITip/Broker.php | 833 |
'An event MUST have a DTSTART property.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/ITip/Broker.php | 838 |
'Every instance of the event must have the same organizer.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/ITip/Broker.php | 847 |
'The UID argument is required when a VCALENDAR is passed to this constructor' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Recur/EventIterator.php | 112 |
'No events found in this calendar' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Recur/EventIterator.php | 115 |
'This VCALENDAR did not have an event with UID: ' . $uid | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Recur/EventIterator.php | 139 |
'This recurrence rule does not generate any valid instances' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Recur/EventIterator.php | 192 |
'Recurring events are only allowed to generate ' . Settings::$maxRecurrences | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Recur/EventIterator.php | 306 |
'This parser can only read from strings or streams.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/MimeDir.php | 135 |
'Unsupported encoding. (Supported encodings: ' . implode(', ', self::$SUPPORTED_CHARSETS) . ')' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/MimeDir.php | 110 |
'Invalid MimeDir file. expected: "END:' . $this->root->name . '" got: "END:' . $name . '"' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/MimeDir.php | 186 |
'This parser only supports VCARD and VCALENDAR files' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/MimeDir.php | 163 |
'Invalid MimeDir file. expected: "END:' . $component->name . '" got: "END:' . $name . '"' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/MimeDir.php | 221 |
'Invalid MimeDir file. Unexpected component: "' . $line . '" in document type ' . $this->root->name | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/MimeDir.php | 203 |
'Error reading from input stream' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/MimeDir.php | 291 |
'End of document reached prematurely' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/MimeDir.php | 288 |
'You must either pass a string, or a key=>value array' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Property/ICalendar/Recur.php | 64 |
'Only one value allowed' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Property/VCard/DateAndOrTime.php | 52 |
'The supplied input contained non-VCARD data.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Splitter/VCard.php | 66 |
'Supplied input could not be parsed as VCALENDAR.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Splitter/ICalendar.php | 51 |
'time-range filters on VALARM components are only supported when they are a child of VTODO or VEVENT' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Component/VAlarm.php | 51 |
'Every VEVENT object must have a UID property' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Component/VCalendar.php | 322 |
'The root component must either be a vcalendar, or a vcard' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/Json.php | 72 |
'End of input stream, or no input supplied' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/Json.php | 57 |
'Renaming calendars is not yet supported' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Calendar.php | 218 |
'Creating collections in calendar objects is not allowed' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Calendar.php | 180 |
'Calendar object not found' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Calendar.php | 108 |
'You cannot create a time-range filter on a ' . $component->name . ' component' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/CalendarQueryValidator.php | 351 |
'time-range filters are currently not supported on ' . $component->name . ' components' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/CalendarQueryValidator.php | 340 |
'The objectData argument must contain an \'uri\' property' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/CalendarObject.php | 58 |
'Validation error in iCalendar: ' . $message['message'] | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Plugin.php | 873 |
'iCalendar objects must at least have a component of type ' . implode(', ', $supportedComponents) | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Plugin.php | 840 |
'The generic "sharing" plugin must be loaded before the caldav sharing plugin. Call $server->addPlugin(new \Sabre\DAV\Sharing\Plugin()); before this one.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/SharingPlugin.php | 76 |
'Sharing support is not implemented by this backend.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/CalendarHome.php | 327 |
'You can only create calendars and subscriptions in this collection' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/CalendarHome.php | 253 |
'This backend does not support subscriptions' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/CalendarHome.php | 247 |
'Unknown resourceType: ' . $rt | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/CalendarHome.php | 238 |
'Node with name \'' . $name . '\' could not be found' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/CalendarHome.php | 158 |
'Creating new collections in this collection is not supported' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/CalendarHome.php | 116 |
'Creating new files in this collection is not supported' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/CalendarHome.php | 104 |
'Permission denied to create file (filename ' . $name . ')' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Principal/User.php | 33 |
'Permission denied to create directory' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Principal/User.php | 45 |
'Permission denied to delete node' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Principal/ProxyWrite.php | 73 |
'Permission denied to rename file' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Principal/ProxyWrite.php | 85 |
'If you\'d like to expand recurrences, you must specify both a start= and end= parameter.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/ICSExportPlugin.php | 126 |
'You are not allowed to search for components of type: ' . $queryParams['componentType'] . ' here' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/ICSExportPlugin.php | 133 |
'The start= parameter must contain a unix timestamp' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/ICSExportPlugin.php | 114 |
'The end= parameter must contain a unix timestamp' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/ICSExportPlugin.php | 120 |
'A METHOD property must be specified in iTIP messages' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Plugin.php | 714 |
'We only support VFREEBUSY (REQUEST) on this endpoint' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Plugin.php | 731 |
'The request body must be a valid iCalendar object. Parse error: ' . $e->getMessage( ) | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Plugin.php | 694 |
'We expected at least one VTODO, VJOURNAL, VFREEBUSY or VEVENT component' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Plugin.php | 708 |
'Permission denied to delete node' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Principal/ProxyRead.php | 73 |
'Permission denied to rename file' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Principal/ProxyRead.php | 85 |
'Node with name ' . $name . ' was not found' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Principal/User.php | 59 |
'Node with name ' . $name . ' was not found' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Principal/User.php | 69 |
'The ' . $sccs . ' property must be of type: \Sabre\CalDAV\Xml\Property\SupportedCalendarComponentSet' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 245 |
'Updating scheduling objects is not supported' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Schedule/SchedulingObject.php | 67 |
'The value passed to $calendarId is expected to be an array with a calendarId and an instanceId' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 340 |
'The value passed to $calendarId is expected to be an array with a calendarId and an instanceId' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 296 |
'You must at least specify 1 attendee' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Plugin.php | 759 |
'The organizer in the request did not match any of the addresses for the owner of this inbox' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Plugin.php | 755 |
'The objectData argument must contain an \'uri\' property' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Schedule/SchedulingObject.php | 38 |
'DTSTART and DTEND must both be specified' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Plugin.php | 768 |
'Calendar objects must have a VJOURNAL, VEVENT or VTODO component' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 633 |
'The value passed to $calendarId is expected to be an array with a calendarId and an instanceId' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 587 |
'The value passed to $calendarId is expected to be an array with a calendarId and an instanceId' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 765 |
'The value passed to $calendarId is expected to be an array with a calendarId and an instanceId' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 700 |
'The value passed to $calendarId is expected to be an array with a calendarId and an instanceId' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 451 |
'The value passed to $calendarId is expected to be an array with a calendarId and an instanceId' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 409 |
'The value passed to $calendarId is expected to be an array with a calendarId and an instanceId' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 541 |
'The value passed to $calendarId is expected to be an array with a calendarId and an instanceId' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 489 |
'Not implemented' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 1485 |
'supported-calendar-component-set must have at least one CALDAV:comp element' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Xml/Property/SupportedCalendarComponentSet.php | 113 |
$item . ' is a required constructor option' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Xml/Notification/Invite.php | 157 |
'Unknown option: ' . $key | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Xml/Notification/Invite.php | 163 |
'The value passed to $calendarId is expected to be an array with a calendarId and an instanceId' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 947 |
'The {}source property is required when creating subscriptions' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 1144 |
'The value passed to $calendarId is expected to be an array with a calendarId and an instanceId' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 1332 |
'The value passed to getInvites() is expected to be an array with a calendarId and an instanceId' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 1441 |
'The freebusy report must have a time-range element' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Xml/Request/FreeBusyQueryReport.php | 76 |
'The {}hosturl/{DAV:}href element must exist' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Xml/Request/InviteReply.php | 140 |
'The end-date must be larger than the start-date' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Xml/Filter/PropFilter.php | 79 |
'The "start" and "end" attributes are required when expanding calendar-data' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Xml/Filter/CalendarData.php | 69 |
$item . ' is a required constructor option' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Xml/Notification/InviteReply.php | 106 |
'Unknown option: ' . $key | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Xml/Notification/InviteReply.php | 112 |
'Only one top-level comp-filter may be defined' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Xml/Request/CalendarQueryReport.php | 117 |
'The {' . Plugin::NS_CALDAV . '}filter element is required for this request' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Xml/Request/CalendarQueryReport.php | 127 |
'File not found: ' . $name . ' in \'' . $this->getName( ) . '\'' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/SimpleCollection.php | 97 |
'Children must be specified as strings, arrays or instances of Sabre\DAV\INode' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/SimpleCollection.php | 53 |
'Permission denied to read this file' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/File.php | 54 |
'Permission denied to change data' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/File.php | 42 |
'File not found: ' . $name | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Collection.php | 42 |
'Could not find node at path: ' . $path | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Tree.php | 70 |
'Permission denied to rename file' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Node.php | 49 |
'Permission denied to delete node' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Node.php | 37 |
'The end offset (' . $range[1] . ') is lower than the start offset (' . $range[0] . ')' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/CorePlugin.php | 162 |
'The start offset (' . $range[0] . ') exceeded the size of the entity (' . $nodeSize . ')' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/CorePlugin.php | 159 |
'Permission denied to create directory' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Collection.php | 104 |
'Permission denied to create file (filename ' . $name . ')' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Collection.php | 92 |
'PUT is not allowed on non-files.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/CorePlugin.php | 490 |
'This server is not compatible with OS/X finder. Consider using a different WebDAV client or webserver.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/CorePlugin.php | 471 |
'Content-Range on PUT requests are forbidden.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/CorePlugin.php | 442 |
'The start offset (' . $start . ') exceeded the size of the entity (' . $consumed . ')' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/CorePlugin.php | 183 |
'A baseUri must be provided' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Client.php | 119 |
'PROPPATCH failed. The following properties errored: ' . implode(', ', $errorProperties) | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Client.php | 355 |
'The request body for the MKCOL request must have an xml Content-Type' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/CorePlugin.php | 537 |
'The mkcol request must include a {DAV:}resourcetype property' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/CorePlugin.php | 549 |
reset($mustLocks) | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Locks/Plugin.php | 504 |
'Sharing is not allowed on this node' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Sharing/Plugin.php | 115 |
'No lock token was supplied' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Locks/Plugin.php | 260 |
'Invalid HTTP timeout header' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Locks/Plugin.php | 360 |
'The "access" POST parameter is required' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Sharing/Plugin.php | 288 |
'The "access" POST must be readwrite, read or no-access' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Sharing/Plugin.php | 298 |
'Unexpected document type: ' . $documentType . ' for this Content-Type' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Sharing/Plugin.php | 192 |
'The "href" POST parameter is required' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Sharing/Plugin.php | 285 |
'The authentication backend did not return a correct value from the check() method.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Auth/Plugin.php | 185 |
'The returned value from getDigestHash must be a string or null' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Auth/Backend/AbstractDigest.php | 116 |
implode(', ', $authResult[1]) | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Auth/Plugin.php | 152 |
'No authentication backends were configured on this server.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Auth/Plugin.php | 175 |
'Malformed htdigest file. Invalid md5 hash' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Auth/Backend/File.php | 56 |
'Malformed htdigest file. Every line should contain 2 colons' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Auth/Backend/File.php | 51 |
'Invalid value for {DAV:}share-access element' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Xml/Property/ShareAccess.php | 133 |
'Reportname must be in clark-notation' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Xml/Property/SupportedReportSet.php | 66 |
'Every {DAV:}sharee must have a {DAV:}href child-element' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Xml/Element/Sharee.php | 172 |
'Unknown property: ' . $k | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Xml/Element/Sharee.php | 94 |
'Could not use this type as a deserializer: ' . $type | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Xml/Element/Prop.php | 99 |
'Every {DAV:}sharee must have a {DAV:}share-access child element' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Xml/Element/Sharee.php | 183 |
'Path does not exist, or escaping from the base path was detected' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Browser/Plugin.php | 553 |
'The ' . $elem . ' element in the {DAV:}sync-collection report is required' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Xml/Request/SyncCollectionReport.php | 91 |
'The target resource does not support the PATCH method.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/PartialUpdate/Plugin.php | 115 |
'Path does not exist, or escaping from the base path was detected' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Browser/Plugin.php | 559 |
'Unknown Content-Type header "' . $contentType . '"' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/PartialUpdate/Plugin.php | 129 |
'No valid "X-Update-Range" found in the headers' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/PartialUpdate/Plugin.php | 121 |
'The end offset (' . $range[2] . ') is lower than the start offset (' . $range[1] . ')' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/PartialUpdate/Plugin.php | 143 |
'A Content-Length header is required' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/PartialUpdate/Plugin.php | 134 |
'Actual data length (' . $len . ') is not consistent with begin (' . $range[1] . ') and end (' . $range[2] . ') offsets' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/PartialUpdate/Plugin.php | 146 |
'Permission denied to . and ..' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/FSExt/Directory.php | 48 |
'Permission denied to . and ..' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/FSExt/Directory.php | 70 |
'File could not be located' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/FSExt/Directory.php | 94 |
'Permission denied to . and ..' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/FSExt/Directory.php | 97 |
'Permission denied to . and ..' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/FSExt/Directory.php | 116 |
'The {DAV:}sync-collection REPORT is not supported on this url.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Sync/Plugin.php | 105 |
'No sync information is available at this node' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Sync/Plugin.php | 109 |
'Invalid or unknown sync token' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Sync/Plugin.php | 116 |
'Invalid or unknown sync token' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Sync/Plugin.php | 124 |
'This node cannot be renamed' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/FS/Node.php | 75 |
'File with name ' . $path . ' could not be located' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/FS/Directory.php | 79 |
'A calendar-query REPORT on a calendar with a Depth: 0 is undefined. Set Depth to 1' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Plugin.php | 591 |
'The free-busy-query REPORT is only implemented on calendars' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Plugin.php | 648 |
'This resource only supports valid iCalendar 2.0 data. Parse error: ' . $e->getMessage( ) | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Plugin.php | 806 |
'This collection can only support iCalendar objects.' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/sabre/dav/lib/CalDAV/Plugin.php | 810 |
400 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1066 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1063 |
405 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1038 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1026 |
400 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1022 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1019 |
503 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 990 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 972 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 967 |
400 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 963 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 959 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 929 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 924 |
400 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 920 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 916 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 888 |
400 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 879 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 883 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 847 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 875 |
400 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 838 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 842 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 805 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 834 |
400 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 796 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 800 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 766 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 792 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 759 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 763 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 749 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 754 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 721 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 716 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 728 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 725 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 680 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 675 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 711 |
503 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 688 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 644 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 639 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 651 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 648 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 610 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 606 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 634 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 613 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 566 |
503 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 574 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 596 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 601 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 531 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 536 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 539 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 561 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 497 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 502 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 505 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 527 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 463 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 467 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 472 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 493 |
501 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 442 |
501 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 438 |
409 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 407 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 405 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 459 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 454 |
400 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 450 |
501 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 446 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 371 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 367 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 361 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 357 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 399 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 396 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 392 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 377 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 290 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 295 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 251 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 267 |
400 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 348 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 352 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 299 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 327 |
'Bad parameters given' | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/class/PSWebServiceLibrary.class.php | 476 |
'Bad parameters given' | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/class/PSWebServiceLibrary.class.php | 520 |
'Bad parameters given' | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/class/PSWebServiceLibrary.class.php | 399 |
'Bad parameters given' | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/class/PSWebServiceLibrary.class.php | 440 |
503 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 234 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 237 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 141 |
400 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 202 |
sprintf($error_label, $request['status_code'], $error_message) | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/class/PSWebServiceLibrary.class.php | 139 |
'This call to PrestaShop Web Services returned an unexpected HTTP status of:' . $request['status_code'] | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/class/PSWebServiceLibrary.class.php | 126 |
'This library is not compatible with this version of PrestaShop. Please upgrade/downgrade this library' | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/class/PSWebServiceLibrary.class.php | 224 |
'Bad HTTP response ' . $response . curl_error($session) | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/class/PSWebServiceLibrary.class.php | 200 |
'HTTP XML response is not parsable: ' . $msg | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/class/PSWebServiceLibrary.class.php | 303 |
'CURL Error: ' . curl_error($session) | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/class/PSWebServiceLibrary.class.php | 235 |
'Bad parameters given' | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/class/PSWebServiceLibrary.class.php | 337 |
'HTTP response is empty' | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/class/PSWebServiceLibrary.class.php | 307 |
"Not enough options for control '$name'" | /htdocs/includes/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/JavascriptRenderer.php | 414 |
"DebugBar[] is read-only" | /htdocs/includes/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/DebugBar.php | 495 |
"AggregatedCollector[] is read-only" | /htdocs/includes/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/DataCollector/AggregatedCollector.php | 160 |
"Failed stopping measure '$name' because it hasn't been started" | /htdocs/includes/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/DataCollector/TimeDataCollector.php | 95 |
"'DoctrineCollector' requires an 'EntityManager' or 'DebugStack' object" | /htdocs/includes/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/Bridge/DoctrineCollector.php | 48 |
"AggregatedCollector[] is read-only" | /htdocs/includes/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/DataCollector/AggregatedCollector.php | 188 |
'Please activate the PHP extension \'curl\' to allow use of PrestaShop webservice library' | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/class/PSWebServiceLibrary.class.php | 79 |
"Failed to refresh access token: " . $e->getMessage( ) | /htdocs/admin/emailcollector_card.php | 459 |
"DebugBar must have a storage backend to use OpenHandler" | /htdocs/includes/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/OpenHandler.php | 27 |
"Invalid operation '{$request['op']}'" | /htdocs/includes/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/OpenHandler.php | 51 |
"Missing 'id' parameter in 'get' operation" | /htdocs/includes/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/OpenHandler.php | 104 |
"'__meta' is a reserved name and cannot be used as a collector name" | /htdocs/includes/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/DebugBar.php | 62 |
"'{$collector->getName( )}' is already a registered collector" | /htdocs/includes/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/DebugBar.php | 65 |
"'$name' is not a registered collector" | /htdocs/includes/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/DebugBar.php | 92 |
"Session must be started before using stack data in the debug bar" | /htdocs/includes/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/DebugBar.php | 447 |
"DebugBar[] is read-only" | /htdocs/includes/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/DebugBar.php | 477 |
'Expected type ' . \Stripe\Collection::class . ', got "' . \get_class($obj) . '" instead.' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/ApiOperations/All.php | 29 |
'Expected type ' . \Stripe\SearchResult::class . ', got "' . \get_class($obj) . '" instead.' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/ApiOperations/Search.php | 29 |
'Non-array value returned by defaultOptions CurlClient callback' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/HttpClient/CurlClient.php | 204 |
'Issuing a GET request with a file parameter' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/HttpClient/CurlClient.php | 215 |
"Unrecognized method {$method}" | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/HttpClient/CurlClient.php | 233 |
'DefaultLogger does not currently implement context. Please implement if you need it.' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/Util/DefaultLogger.php | 20 |
'Use `api_base`, not `connect_base`' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/Service/OAuthService.php | 132 |
'stripe_version must be specified to create an ephemeral key' | /htdocs/includes/stripe/stripe-php/lib/Service/EphemeralKeyService.php | 38 |
404 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 303 |
403 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 307 |
403 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 288 |
403 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 299 |
404 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 252 |
403 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 256 |
403 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 239 |
403 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 242 |
400 | /htdocs/comm/propal/class/api_proposals.class.php | 200 |
503 | /htdocs/comm/propal/class/api_proposals.class.php | 235 |
403 | /htdocs/comm/propal/class/api_proposals.class.php | 135 |
403 | /htdocs/comm/propal/class/api_proposals.class.php | 166 |
403 | /htdocs/comm/propal/class/api_proposals.class.php | 126 |
404 | /htdocs/comm/propal/class/api_proposals.class.php | 131 |
500 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 311 |
400 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 334 |
404 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 79 |
403 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 67 |
400 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 593 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 548 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 545 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 541 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 536 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 531 |
500 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 222 |
403 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 198 |
403 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 195 |
503 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 180 |
400 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 151 |
403 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 113 |
403 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 87 |
403 | /htdocs/comm/action/class/api_agendaevents.class.php | 83 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 415 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 418 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 424 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 428 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 381 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 385 |
400 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 408 |
400 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 411 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 496 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 501 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 505 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 508 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 437 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 461 |
503 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 469 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 491 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 182 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 138 |
503 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 264 |
400 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 224 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 90 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 86 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 134 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 124 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 335 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 331 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 377 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 364 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 283 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 267 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 326 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 304 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1813 |
409 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1821 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1778 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1806 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1872 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1879 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1840 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1865 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1923 |
400 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1984 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1899 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1912 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 2030 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_contacts.class.php | 76 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 2017 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 2026 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1540 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1526 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1487 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1483 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1591 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1576 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1572 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1553 |
409 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1683 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1676 |
422 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1652 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1648 |
409 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1751 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1742 |
422 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1721 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1712 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1254 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1272 |
400 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1275 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1279 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1296 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1314 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1347 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1350 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1367 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1378 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1398 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1401 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1409 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1431 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1450 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1462 |
405 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1082 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1070 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1103 |
400 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1100 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1121 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1106 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1168 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1136 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1182 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1171 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1205 |
500 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1186 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1235 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1217 |
403 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1246 |
404 | /htdocs/societe/class/api_thirdparties.class.php | 1238 |
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403 | /htdocs/supplier_proposal/class/api_supplier_proposals.class.php | 162 |
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403 | /htdocs/product/stock/class/api_warehouses.class.php | 251 |
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401 | /htdocs/api/class/api_access.class.php | 175 |
401 | /htdocs/api/class/api_access.class.php | 183 |
401 | /htdocs/api/class/api_access.class.php | 191 |
401 | /htdocs/api/class/api_access.class.php | 199 |
401 | /htdocs/api/class/api_access.class.php | 219 |
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403 | /htdocs/api/class/api_login.class.php | 122 |
403 | /htdocs/api/class/api_login.class.php | 134 |
500 | /htdocs/api/class/api_login.class.php | 142 |
403 | /htdocs/api/class/api_login.class.php | 150 |
403 | /htdocs/api/class/api_login.class.php | 152 |
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400 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 809 |
503 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 834 |
400 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 1008 |
503 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 1035 |
400 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 942 |
503 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 969 |
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400 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 217 |
403 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 205 |
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400 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 392 |
503 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 313 |
400 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 281 |
503 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 242 |
503 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 601 |
503 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 529 |
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503 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 422 |
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403 | /htdocs/projet/class/api_projects.class.php | 338 |
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403 | /htdocs/projet/class/api_projects.class.php | 539 |
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403 | /htdocs/projet/class/api_projects.class.php | 548 |
403 | /htdocs/ticket/class/api_tickets.class.php | 131 |
400 | /htdocs/ticket/class/api_tickets.class.php | 136 |
'API request failed with status code ' . $response['http_code'] | /htdocs/ai/class/ai.class.php | 172 |
'Mime string encoding conversion failed' | /htdocs/emailcollector/class/emailcollector.class.php | 3676 |
'The AI service ' . $this->apiService . ' is not yet supported for the type of request ' . $function | /htdocs/ai/class/ai.class.php | 134 |
'API request failed. No http received' | /htdocs/ai/class/ai.class.php | 169 |
400 | /htdocs/fichinter/class/api_interventions.class.php | 424 |
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403 | /htdocs/ticket/class/api_tickets.class.php | 289 |
403 | /htdocs/ticket/class/api_tickets.class.php | 206 |
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404 | /htdocs/api/class/api_documents.class.php | 340 |
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503 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 1857 |
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503 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 1735 |
400 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 1710 |
503 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 1676 |
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503 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 2290 |
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503 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 2175 |
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503 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 1986 |
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503 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 2049 |
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400 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 1884 |
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403 | /htdocs/api/class/api_documents.class.php | 92 |
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403 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 2666 |
404 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 2644 |
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400 | /htdocs/api/class/api_documents.class.php | 66 |
500 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 2402 |
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500 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 2615 |
500 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 2414 |
403 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 2324 |
400 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 2321 |
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403 | /htdocs/api/class/api_setup.class.php | 2348 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 396 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 391 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 386 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 381 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 438 |
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500 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 408 |
400 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 400 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 457 |
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403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 442 |
400 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 476 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 472 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 467 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 462 |
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403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 518 |
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500 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 488 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 533 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 538 |
404 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 523 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 528 |
400 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 552 |
500 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 559 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 543 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 548 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 592 |
404 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 597 |
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403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 588 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 607 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 602 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 617 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 612 |
400 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 626 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 622 |
500 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 636 |
500 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 633 |
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500 | /htdocs/partnership/class/api_partnerships.class.php | 262 |
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500 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 256 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 197 |
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500 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 213 |
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403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 326 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 328 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 330 |
404 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 273 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 277 |
500 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 281 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 320 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 362 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 366 |
404 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 371 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 376 |
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403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 334 |
403 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 336 |
600 | /htdocs/categories/class/api_categories.class.php | 342 |
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404 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 73 |
403 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 68 |
"Security injection exception: $message" | /htdocs/ | 284 |
400 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 139 |
403 | /htdocs/expedition/class/api_shipments.class.php | 105 |
'' . $msg | /htdocs/includes/symfony/var-dumper/Tests/Caster/ExceptionCasterTest.php | 27 |
"mapAPIClasses failed. " . $e->getMessage( ) | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 1527 |
'Fail' | /htdocs/includes/Psr/Log/Test/LoggerInterfaceTest.php | 125 |
'Fail' | /htdocs/includes/sabre/psr/log/Psr/Log/Test/LoggerInterfaceTest.php | 130 |
"addAPIClass('$className') failed. " . $e->getMessage( ) | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 1388 |
0 | /htdocs/core/lib/security.lib.php | 1260 |
1 | /htdocs/core/lib/security.lib.php | 1188 |
'DOL_DEFAULT_TTF_BOLD must de defined with full path to a TTF font.' | /htdocs/core/lib/barcode.lib.php | 49 |
'Error: Class SimpleOpenID requires curl extension to work' | /htdocs/core/class/openid.class.php | 43 |
1 | /htdocs/asset/tpl/linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | 23 |
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1 | /htdocs/asset/tpl/accountancy_codes_view.tpl.php | 31 |
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1 | /htdocs/asset/tpl/depreciation_view.tpl.php | 30 |
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1 | /htdocs/fourn/commande/tpl/linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | 22 |
1 | /htdocs/mrp/tpl/linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | 24 |
strtoupper($_SESSION['SMP_CURRENT_PAYMENT']) | /htdocs/takepos/smpcb.php | 45 |
1 | /htdocs/compta/facture/tpl/linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | 24 |
1 | /htdocs/mrp/tpl/originproductline.tpl.php | 23 |
'<strong>TCPDF_PARSER ERROR: </strong>' . $msg | /htdocs/includes/tcpdi/tcpdi_parser.php | 1390 |
'<strong>TCPDF_PARSER ERROR: </strong>' . $msg | /htdocs/includes/tecnickcom/tcpdf/tcpdf_parser.php | 805 |
1 | /htdocs/expensereport/card.php | 2691 |
1 | /htdocs/expensereport/tpl/linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | 23 |
0 | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Restler.php | 731 |
'' | /htdocs/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/Redirect.php | 51 |
'<strong>TCPDF ERROR: </strong>' . $msg | /htdocs/includes/tecnickcom/tcpdf/tcpdf.php | 2991 |
'Abort ' . basename(__FILE__) . ' : Missing zlib extensions' | /htdocs/includes/odtphp/zip/pclzip/pclzip.lib.php | 220 |
'WSDL ERROR: ' . $err | /htdocs/includes/nusoap/lib/nusoap.php | 3791 |
'You cannot bind to an external WSDL file, and register methods outside of it! Please choose either WSDL or no WSDL.' | /htdocs/includes/nusoap/lib/nusoap.php | 4557 |
1 | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/support/Stringable.php | 992 |
1 | /htdocs/includes/webklex/php-imap/vendor/illuminate/collections/Traits/EnumeratesValues.php | 217 |
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1 | /htdocs/core/tpl/extrafields_list_search_input.tpl.php | 8 |
"Sorry, no content" | /htdocs/core/class/smtps.class.php | 1626 |
"Sorry, no content" | /htdocs/core/class/smtps.class.php | 1754 |
0 | /htdocs/install/step1.php | 781 |
1 | /htdocs/install/step2.php | 578 |
0 | /htdocs/install/step2.php | 576 |
1 | /htdocs/install/step4.php | 113 |
0 | /htdocs/install/step4.php | 111 |
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1 | /htdocs/install/step5.php | 549 |
1 | /htdocs/accountancy/tpl/export_journal.tpl.php | 27 |
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1 | /htdocs/install/inc.php | 188 |
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1 | /htdocs/install/upgrade.php | 419 |
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1 | /htdocs/install/upgrade2.php | 728 |
1 | /htdocs/install/step1.php | 783 |
1 | /htdocs/bom/tpl/objectline_view.tpl.php | 52 |
1 | /htdocs/bom/tpl/objectline_edit.tpl.php | 40 |
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-1 | /htdocs/install/doctemplates/websites/website_template-homesubmenu/containers/wrapper.php | 183 |
"Sample file for website module. Can't be called directly." | /htdocs/install/doctemplates/websites/website_template-stellar/containers/wrapper.php | 6 |
"Sample file for website module. Can't be called directly." | /htdocs/install/doctemplates/websites/website_template-homesubmenu/containers/wrapper.php | 6 |
-1 | /htdocs/install/doctemplates/websites/website_template-homesubmenu/containers/wrapper.php | 176 |
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1 | /htdocs/core/tpl/admin_extrafields_edit.tpl.php | 32 |
0 | /htdocs/core/multicompany_page.php | 73 |
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"Include of main fails" | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/admin/about.php | 51 |
"Include of main fails" | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/admin/setup.php | 51 |
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1 | /htdocs/adherents/canvas/default/tpl/adherentcard_view.tpl.php | 22 |
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-1 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/scripts/mymodule.php | 120 |
0 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/scripts/mymodule.php | 61 |
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0 | /htdocs/accountancy/bookkeeping/export.php | 730 |
1 | /htdocs/adherents/canvas/default/tpl/adherentcard_create.tpl.php | 22 |
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1 | /htdocs/contact/canvas/default/tpl/contactcard_edit.tpl.php | 21 |
1 | /htdocs/contact/canvas/default/tpl/contactcard_view.tpl.php | 21 |
0 | /scripts/invoices/rebuild_merge_pdf.php | 53 |
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1 | /scripts/invoices/rebuild_merge_pdf.php | 230 |
0 | /scripts/invoices/rebuild_merge_pdf.php | 240 |
1 | /scripts/invoices/email_unpaid_invoices_to_customers.php | 88 |
0 | /scripts/invoices/email_unpaid_invoices_to_customers.php | 228 |
1 | /scripts/invoices/email_unpaid_invoices_to_customers.php | 40 |
1 | /scripts/invoices/email_unpaid_invoices_to_customers.php | 50 |
1 | /scripts/invoices/rebuild_merge_pdf.php | 74 |
1 | /scripts/invoices/rebuild_merge_pdf.php | 142 |
1 | /scripts/invoices/rebuild_merge_pdf.php | 37 |
1 | /scripts/invoices/rebuild_merge_pdf.php | 69 |
1 | /scripts/invoices/rebuild_merge_pdf.php | 221 |
1 | /scripts/invoices/rebuild_merge_pdf.php | 226 |
1 | /scripts/invoices/rebuild_merge_pdf.php | 165 |
1 | /scripts/invoices/rebuild_merge_pdf.php | 214 |
0 | /scripts/bank/export-bank-receipts.php | 409 |
1 | /scripts/bank/export-bank-receipts.php | 235 |
1 | /scripts/bank/export-bank-receipts.php | 129 |
1 | /scripts/bank/export-bank-receipts.php | 118 |
1 | /scripts/contracts/email_expire_services_to_customers.php | 50 |
1 | /scripts/contracts/email_expire_services_to_customers.php | 40 |
1 | /scripts/bank/export-bank-receipts.php | 417 |
0 | /scripts/bank/export-bank-receipts.php | 413 |
1 | /scripts/invoices/email_unpaid_invoices_to_representatives.php | 84 |
1 | /scripts/invoices/email_unpaid_invoices_to_representatives.php | 49 |
1 | /scripts/invoices/email_unpaid_invoices_to_representatives.php | 40 |
1 | /scripts/invoices/email_unpaid_invoices_to_customers.php | 233 |
1 | /scripts/bank/export-bank-receipts.php | 72 |
1 | /scripts/bank/export-bank-receipts.php | 37 |
1 | /scripts/invoices/email_unpaid_invoices_to_representatives.php | 189 |
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0 | /htdocs/api/index.php | 437 |
0 | /htdocs/api/admin/explorer_withredoc.php | 36 |
'Must be call by steelsheet' | /htdocs/theme/eldy/ | 12 |
'Must be call by steelsheet' | /htdocs/theme/eldy/ | 3 |
'Must be call by steelsheet' | /htdocs/theme/eldy/ | 3 |
'Must be call by stylesheet' | /htdocs/theme/eldy/ | 25 |
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"Include of main fails" | /htdocs/api/index.php | 90 |
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0 | /scripts/emailings/reset-invalid-emails.php | 58 |
1 | /scripts/emailings/mailing-send.php | 79 |
1 | /scripts/emailings/mailing-send.php | 45 |
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1 | /scripts/emailings/mailing-send.php | 101 |
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'BLOCKEDLOG_AUTHORITY_URL not set' | /htdocs/blockedlog/ajax/check_signature.php | 48 |
0 | /htdocs/dav/fileserver.php | 80 |
1 | /scripts/emailings/reset-invalid-emails.php | 46 |
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1 | /scripts/emailings/reset-invalid-emails.php | 62 |
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'Must be call by steelsheet' | /htdocs/theme/eldy/ | 26 |
'Must be call by steelsheet' | /htdocs/theme/eldy/ | 3 |
'Must be call by stylesheet' | /htdocs/theme/eldy/ | 25 |
'Must be call by steelsheet' | /htdocs/theme/eldy/ | 3 |
'Must be call by steelsheet' | /htdocs/theme/eldy/ | 3 |
'Must be call by steelsheet' | /htdocs/theme/eldy/ | 3 |
'Must be call by steelsheet' | /htdocs/theme/md/ | 2 |
'Must be call by steelsheet' | /htdocs/theme/md/ | 3 |
'Must be call by steelsheet' | /htdocs/theme/md/ | 3 |
'Must be call by steelsheet' | /htdocs/theme/md/ | 3 |
'Must be call by steelsheet' | /htdocs/theme/md/ | 3 |
'Must be call by steelsheet' | /htdocs/theme/md/ | 3 |
'Must be call by steelsheet' | /htdocs/theme/md/ | 3 |
1 | /htdocs/hrm/core/tpl/skilldet.fiche.tpl.php | 6 |
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1 | /htdocs/hrm/core/tpl/objectline_view.tpl.php | 48 |
0 | /htdocs/admin/system/filecheck.php | 39 |
'Unable to prepare a socket' | /htdocs/admin/system/xdebug.php | 87 |
1 | /htdocs/eventorganization/tpl/linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | 23 |
-1 | /htdocs/societe/card.php | 868 |
'not possible' | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/class/dolistore.class.php | 211 |
'Bad ID' | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/ajax/image.php | 63 |
'Bad auth key' | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/ajax/image.php | 65 |
'Can not access to ' . getDolGlobalString('MAIN_MODULE_DOLISTORE_API_SRV') | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/ajax/image.php | 67 |
'Bad ID' | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/class/dolistore.class.php | 107 |
'Bad auth key' | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/class/dolistore.class.php | 109 |
'Bad ID' | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/class/dolistore.class.php | 190 |
'Bad auth key' | /htdocs/admin/dolistore/class/dolistore.class.php | 192 |
'You must specify a name when you register an operation' | /htdocs/includes/nusoap/lib/nusoap.php | 4560 |
'You must provide an array for operation inputs' | /htdocs/includes/nusoap/lib/nusoap.php | 4563 |
'You must provide an array for operation outputs' | /htdocs/includes/nusoap/lib/nusoap.php | 4566 |
"$partType has no namespace!" | /htdocs/includes/nusoap/lib/nusoap.php | 5702 |
1 | /htdocs/product/canvas/service/tpl/card_edit.tpl.php | 21 |
1 | /htdocs/product/canvas/product/tpl/card_create.tpl.php | 21 |
1 | /htdocs/product/canvas/service/tpl/card_create.tpl.php | 21 |
1 | /htdocs/product/canvas/service/tpl/card_view.tpl.php | 21 |
0 | /htdocs/imports/import.php | 304 |
"Applicative disconnection should be useless when connection was made in mode " . $_SESSION["dol_authmode"] | /htdocs/user/logout.php | 53 |
1 | /htdocs/product/canvas/product/tpl/card_view.tpl.php | 21 |
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1 | /htdocs/societe/canvas/individual/tpl/card_view.tpl.php | 21 |
1 | /htdocs/societe/canvas/individual/tpl/card_edit.tpl.php | 22 |
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1 | /htdocs/societe/canvas/individual/tpl/card_create.tpl.php | 22 |
1 | /htdocs/societe/canvas/company/tpl/card_edit.tpl.php | 22 |
1 | /htdocs/societe/tpl/linesalesrepresentative.tpl.php | 21 |
1 | /htdocs/societe/canvas/company/tpl/card_create.tpl.php | 22 |
1 | /htdocs/societe/canvas/company/tpl/card_view.tpl.php | 21 |
1 | /dev/initdata/import-users.php | 98 |
1 | /dev/initdata/import-users.php | 103 |
-1 | /dev/initdata/import-users.php | 73 |
-1 | /dev/initdata/import-users.php | 78 |
-1 | /dev/initdata/import-products.php | 78 |
1 | /dev/initdata/import-products.php | 98 |
0 | /dev/initdata/import-users.php | 51 |
-1 | /dev/initdata/import-products.php | 73 |
-1 | /build/generate_filelist_xml.php | 150 |
0 | /build/generate_filelist_xml.php | 271 |
1 | /dev/initdata/import-products.php | 103 |
0 | /dev/initdata/import-products.php | 51 |
1 | /scripts/website/migrate-news-joomla2dolibarr.php | 119 |
1 | /scripts/website/migrate-news-joomla2dolibarr.php | 101 |
1 | /scripts/website/migrate-news-joomla2dolibarr.php | 93 |
1 | /scripts/website/migrate-news-joomla2dolibarr.php | 77 |
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1 | /scripts/website/migrate-news-joomla2dolibarr.php | 124 |
1 | /scripts/contracts/email_expire_services_to_representatives.php | 49 |
1 | /scripts/contracts/email_expire_services_to_representatives.php | 40 |
1 | /scripts/contracts/email_expire_services_to_customers.php | 230 |
0 | /scripts/contracts/email_expire_services_to_customers.php | 225 |
1 | /scripts/website/migrate-news-joomla2dolibarr.php | 58 |
1 | /scripts/website/migrate-news-joomla2dolibarr.php | 36 |
1 | /scripts/contracts/email_expire_services_to_representatives.php | 179 |
0 | /scripts/contracts/email_expire_services_to_representatives.php | 174 |
1 | /scripts/user/sync_groups_dolibarr2ldap.php | 38 |
1 | /scripts/user/sync_groups_dolibarr2ldap.php | 43 |
1 | /scripts/user/sync_users_dolibarr2ldap.php | 43 |
0 | /scripts/user/sync_users_dolibarr2ldap.php | 53 |
1 | /scripts/user/sync_users_ldap2dolibarr.php | 94 |
1 | /scripts/user/sync_users_ldap2dolibarr.php | 145 |
0 | /scripts/user/sync_groups_dolibarr2ldap.php | 53 |
1 | /scripts/user/sync_users_ldap2dolibarr.php | 38 |
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1 | /scripts/user/sync_groups_ldap2dolibarr.php | 76 |
1 | /scripts/user/sync_groups_ldap2dolibarr.php | 126 |
1 | /scripts/product/regenerate_thumbs.php | 71 |
1 | /scripts/product/regenerate_thumbs.php | 37 |
2 | /scripts/product/regenerate_thumbs.php | 84 |
1 | /scripts/product/regenerate_thumbs.php | 80 |
1 | /scripts/withdrawals/build_withdrawal_file.php | 37 |
0 | /scripts/product/regenerate_thumbs.php | 56 |
0 | /scripts/withdrawals/build_withdrawal_file.php | 81 |
1 | /scripts/withdrawals/build_withdrawal_file.php | 73 |
0 | /scripts/user/sync_users_ldap2dolibarr.php | 50 |
1 | /scripts/user/sync_users_ldap2dolibarr.php | 172 |
1 | /scripts/user/migrate_picture_path.php | 71 |
1 | /scripts/user/migrate_picture_path.php | 38 |
1 | /scripts/product/migrate_picture_path.php | 38 |
0 | /scripts/user/migrate_picture_path.php | 56 |
0 | /scripts/product/migrate_picture_path.php | 56 |
1 | /scripts/product/migrate_picture_path.php | 71 |
0 | /scripts/members/sync_members_types_dolibarr2ldap.php | 55 |
1 | /scripts/members/sync_members_ldap2dolibarr.php | 38 |
1 | /scripts/members/sync_members_ldap2dolibarr.php | 101 |
1 | /scripts/members/sync_members_ldap2dolibarr.php | 145 |
-2 | /scripts/members/sync_members_ldap2dolibarr.php | 149 |
1 | /scripts/members/sync_members_ldap2dolibarr.php | 154 |
1 | /scripts/members/sync_members_ldap2dolibarr.php | 186 |
0 | /scripts/members/sync_members_ldap2dolibarr.php | 51 |
1 | /scripts/doc/regenerate_docs.php | 37 |
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1 | /scripts/doc/regenerate_docs.php | 81 |
2 | /scripts/doc/regenerate_docs.php | 85 |
0 | /scripts/doc/regenerate_docs.php | 56 |
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1 | /scripts/members/sync_members_types_dolibarr2ldap.php | 44 |
1 | /scripts/members/sync_members_types_dolibarr2ldap.php | 77 |
1 | /scripts/cron/cron_run_jobs.php | 106 |
1 | /scripts/cron/cron_run_jobs.php | 100 |
1 | /scripts/cron/cron_run_jobs.php | 75 |
1 | /scripts/cron/cron_run_jobs.php | 69 |
1 | /scripts/cron/cron_run_jobs.php | 59 |
0 | /scripts/members/sync_members_types_ldap2dolibarr.php | 52 |
1 | /scripts/members/sync_members_types_ldap2dolibarr.php | 127 |
1 | /scripts/members/sync_members_types_ldap2dolibarr.php | 96 |
1 | /scripts/members/sync_members_types_ldap2dolibarr.php | 76 |
1 | /scripts/members/sync_members_types_ldap2dolibarr.php | 40 |
0 | /scripts/members/sync_members_dolibarr2ldap.php | 49 |
1 | /scripts/members/sync_members_dolibarr2ldap.php | 141 |
1 | /scripts/members/sync_members_dolibarr2ldap.php | 136 |
1 | /scripts/members/sync_members_dolibarr2ldap.php | 76 |
1 | /scripts/members/sync_members_dolibarr2ldap.php | 65 |
1 | /scripts/members/sync_members_dolibarr2ldap.php | 38 |
0 | /scripts/company/sync_contacts_dolibarr2ldap.php | 48 |
0 | /dev/tools/apstats.php | 58 |
1 | /scripts/company/sync_contacts_dolibarr2ldap.php | 64 |
1 | /scripts/company/sync_contacts_dolibarr2ldap.php | 77 |
0 | /scripts/cron/cron_run_jobs.php | 299 |
1 | /scripts/company/sync_contacts_dolibarr2ldap.php | 38 |
1 | /scripts/cron/cron_run_jobs.php | 278 |
1 | /scripts/cron/cron_run_jobs.php | 297 |
1 | /scripts/cron/cron_run_jobs.php | 220 |
1 | /scripts/cron/cron_run_jobs.php | 254 |
1 | /scripts/cron/cron_run_jobs.php | 183 |
3 | /dev/translation/strip_language_file.php | 120 |
"Include of main fails" | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/mymoduleindex.php | 56 |
2 | /dev/translation/strip_language_file.php | 106 |
"Include of main fails" | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/myobject_agenda.php | 73 |
0 | /dev/translation/strip_language_file.php | 58 |
1 | /dev/translation/strip_language_file.php | 68 |
0 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/index.php | 3109 |
5 | /dev/translation/strip_language_file.php | 220 |
"Include of main fails" | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/myobject_note.php | 76 |
5 | /dev/translation/strip_language_file.php | 166 |
"Include of main fails" | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/myobject_document.php | 75 |
6 | /dev/translation/strip_language_file.php | 173 |
"Include of main fails" | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/myobject_contact.php | 54 |
3 | /dev/translation/strip_language_file.php | 113 |
"Include of main fails" | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/myobject_card.php | 77 |
-1 | /dev/initdata/purge-data.php | 34 |
1 | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/core/tpl/linkedobjectblock_myobject.tpl.php | 21 |
6 | /dev/translation/strip_language_file.php | 227 |
"Include of main fails" | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/css/mymodule.css.php | 76 |
7 | /dev/translation/strip_language_file.php | 327 |
"Include of main fails" | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/myobject_list.php | 77 |
8 | /dev/translation/strip_language_file.php | 335 |
1 | /htdocs/expedition/tpl/linkedobjectblock.tpl.php | 22 |
-1 | /dev/initdata/purge-data.php | 213 |
-1 | /dev/initdata/purge-data.php | 204 |
-1 | /dev/initdata/purge-data.php | 195 |
"Include of main fails" | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/js/mymodule.js.php | 84 |
-1 | /dev/initdata/purge-data.php | 189 |
"Include of main fails" | /htdocs/modulebuilder/template/admin/myobject_extrafields.php | 55 |
"Failed to include file\n" | /dev/initdemo/updatedemo.php | 61 |
-1 | /dev/initdemo/updatedemo.php | 75 |
1 | /dev/tools/apstats.php | 68 |
1 | /dev/tools/updatelicense.php | 128 |
-1 | /dev/initdemo/sftpget_and_loaddump.php | 87 |
1 | /dev/initdemo/sftpget_and_loaddump.php | 102 |
0 | /dev/initdemo/updatedemo.php | 146 |
"Failed to include file\n" | /dev/initdemo/sftpget_and_loaddump.php | 66 |
0 | /dev/initdemo/sftpget_and_loaddump.php | 150 |
-1 | /dev/initdata/import-thirdparties.php | 73 |
-5 | /dev/initdemo/sftpget_and_loaddump.php | 109 |
-6 | /dev/initdemo/sftpget_and_loaddump.php | 146 |
1 | /dev/initdata/import-thirdparties.php | 103 |
0 | /dev/initdata/import-thirdparties.php | 51 |
-1 | /dev/initdata/import-thirdparties.php | 78 |
1 | /dev/initdata/import-thirdparties.php | 98 |
1 | /scripts/cron/cron_run_jobs.php | 135 |
1 | /scripts/cron/cron_run_jobs.php | 111 |
2 | /scripts/cron/cron_run_jobs.php | 174 |
1 | /scripts/cron/cron_run_jobs.php | 140 |
1 | /scripts/cron/cron_run_jobs.php | 215 |