This is the list of classes, interfaces, traits and enumerations with the same name. They may be in different namespaces, yet this leads to easy confusion.
CITE | Count | Types | Namespaces |
Calendar | 2 |
Writer | 2 |
Service | 2 |
ParseException | 2 |
KeyValue | 2 |
SupportedCollationSet | 2 |
PropFilter | 2 |
ParamFilter | 2 |
Principal | 2 |
StringUtil | 2 |
PropFind | 2 |
PropPatch | 2 |
MkCol | 2 |
UUIDUtil | 2 |
IMAP | 2 |
Lock | 2 |
Directory | 2 |
InviteReply | 2 |
ICalendar | 2 |
VCard | 2 |
InstalledVersions | 2 |
NullLogger | 2 |
AbstractLogger | 2 |
LoggerInterfaceTest | 2 |
DummyTest | 2 |
Yahoo | 2 |
Redis | 2 |
Memory | 2 |
Ods | 2 |
Csv | 2 |
Xlsx | 2 |
Color | 2 |
Border | 2 |
AutoFilter | 2 |
Theme | 2 |
Styles | 2 |
PageSetup | 2 |
Protection | 2 |
Column | 2 |
Rule | 2 |
Title | 2 |
Style | 2 |
CodePage | 2 |
Database | 2 |
ExceptionHandler | 2 |
Workbook | 2 |
WriterPart | 2 |
InvalidAuthCredentials | 2 |
Explorer | 2 |
Flash | 2 |
Compose | 2 |
ExplorerInfo | 2 |
Restler | 2 |
ApcCache | 2 |
PassThrough | 2 |
Scope | 2 |
RestException | 2 |
MemcacheCache | 2 |
EventDispatcher | 2 |
Resources | 2 |
Routes | 2 |
Defaults | 2 |
HumanReadableCache | 2 |
CommentParser | 2 |
Emmet | 2 |
Nav | 2 |
Tags | 2 |
FormStyles | 2 |
Forms | 2 |
UrlEncodedFormat | 2 |
UploadFormat | 2 |
YamlFormat | 2 |
TsvFormat | 2 |
JsonFormat | 2 |
DependentMultiFormat | 2 |
HtmlFormat | 2 |
XmlFormat | 2 |
JsFormat | 2 |
PlistFormat | 2 |
CsvFormat | 2 |
DependentFormat | 2 |
Format | 2 |
MultiFormat | 2 |
AmfFormat | 2 |
RateLimit | 2 |
ValidationInfo | 2 |
Obj | 2 |
ValueObject | 2 |
Invalid | 2 |
ApiMethodInfo | 2 |
LazyTranslator | 2 |
AbstractReflectionMacro | 2 |
LazyMacro | 2 |
Carbon | 2 |
Translator | 2 |
Macro | 2 |
ServiceProvider | 2 |
PhpToken | 2 |
Attribute | 2 |
Cursor | 2 |
Paginator | 2 |
CursorPaginator | 2 |
LengthAwarePaginator | 2 |
LockTimeoutException | 2 |
MessageBag | 2 |
Stringable | 2 |
Gate | 2 |
Queue | 2 |
View | 2 |
Address | 2 |
Header | 2 |
RuntimeException | 2 |
nusoap_client_mime | 2 |
| |
soapclientmime | 2 |
| |
nusoap_server_mime | 2 |
| |
nusoapservermime | 2 |
| |
nusoap_base | 2 |
| |
nusoap_fault | 2 |
| |
soap_fault | 2 |
| |
nusoap_xmlschema | 2 |
| |
XMLSchema | 2 |
| |
soapval | 2 |
| |
soap_transport_http | 2 |
| |
nusoap_server | 2 |
| |
soap_server | 2 |
| |
wsdl | 2 |
| |
nusoap_parser | 2 |
| |
soap_parser | 2 |
| |
nusoap_client | 2 |
| |
nusoap_wsdlcache | 2 |
| |
wsdlcache | 2 |
| |
Mail_mime | 2 |
| |
Mail_mimePart | 2 |
| |
PaymentMethod | 2 |
RequestTelemetry | 2 |
CountrySpec | 2 |
StripeClient | 2 |
EphemeralKey | 2 |
Payout | 2 |
Refund | 2 |
TaxId | 2 |
PaymentIntent | 2 |
SetupAttempt | 2 |
PaymentLink | 2 |
BaseStripeClient | 2 |
Token | 2 |
ApiResource | 2 |
Discount | 2 |
Charge | 2 |
OAuthErrorObject | 2 |
Review | 2 |
Topup | 2 |
WebhookSignature | 2 |
AccountLink | 2 |
RecipientTransfer | 2 |
SearchResult | 2 |
OAuth | 2 |
FundingInstructions | 2 |
TaxCode | 2 |
SingletonApiResource | 2 |
Person | 2 |
SourceTransaction | 2 |
SubscriptionItem | 2 |
InvoiceItem | 2 |
ApiRequestor | 2 |
SetupIntent | 2 |
TransferReversal | 2 |
Transfer | 2 |
StripeObject | 2 |
CreditNote | 2 |
ErrorObject | 2 |
Customer | 2 |
ApplicationFeeRefund | 2 |
Capability | 2 |
InvoiceLineItem | 2 |
Price | 2 |
Webhook | 2 |
ApiResponse | 2 |
Quote | 2 |
WebhookEndpoint | 2 |
Invoice | 2 |
Balance | 2 |
PromotionCode | 2 |
UsageRecord | 2 |
LineItem | 2 |
CreditNoteLineItem | 2 |
CustomerBalanceTransaction | 2 |
ShippingRate | 2 |
ExchangeRate | 2 |
Source | 2 |
BalanceTransaction | 2 |
TaxRate | 2 |
BankAccount | 2 |
LoginLink | 2 |
CashBalance | 2 |
Coupon | 2 |
Mandate | 2 |
SubscriptionSchedule | 2 |
UsageRecordSummary | 2 |
Plan | 2 |
ApplicationFee | 2 |
CustomerCashBalanceTransaction | 2 |
ApplePayDomain | 2 |
FileLink | 2 |
ReportRun | 2 |
ReportType | 2 |
VerificationSession | 2 |
VerificationReport | 2 |
ObjectTypes | 2 |
DefaultLogger | 2 |
RequestOptions | 2 |
Set | 2 |
ApiVersion | 2 |
CaseInsensitiveArray | 2 |
RandomGenerator | 2 |
AccountOwner | 2 |
AccountOwnership | 2 |
TestClock | 2 |
CardDetails | 2 |
Cardholder | 2 |
Authorization | 2 |
ConnectionToken | 2 |
ScheduledQueryRun | 2 |
TopupService | 2 |
PriceService | 2 |
OAuthService | 2 |
PaymentIntentService | 2 |
TransferService | 2 |
AccountLinkService | 2 |
AbstractServiceFactory | 2 |
FileLinkService | 2 |
TaxCodeService | 2 |
ApplicationFeeService | 2 |
SubscriptionScheduleService | 2 |
ApplePayDomainService | 2 |
BalanceService | 2 |
PromotionCodeService | 2 |
SubscriptionService | 2 |
EventService | 2 |
FileService | 2 |
BalanceTransactionService | 2 |
PaymentLinkService | 2 |
ReviewService | 2 |
SourceService | 2 |
WebhookEndpointService | 2 |
SetupAttemptService | 2 |
TokenService | 2 |
CreditNoteService | 2 |
ShippingRateService | 2 |
QuoteService | 2 |
CouponService | 2 |
SubscriptionItemService | 2 |
InvoiceItemService | 2 |
CoreServiceFactory | 2 |
MandateService | 2 |
PlanService | 2 |
SetupIntentService | 2 |
ExchangeRateService | 2 |
EphemeralKeyService | 2 |
TaxRateService | 2 |
InvoiceService | 2 |
ChargeService | 2 |
PayoutService | 2 |
PaymentMethodService | 2 |
CountrySpecService | 2 |
ReportRunService | 2 |
ReportingServiceFactory | 2 |
ReportTypeService | 2 |
VerificationSessionService | 2 |
IdentityServiceFactory | 2 |
VerificationReportService | 2 |
FinancialConnectionsServiceFactory | 2 |
TestHelpersServiceFactory | 2 |
TestClockService | 2 |
CardholderService | 2 |
AuthorizationService | 2 |
ConnectionTokenService | 2 |
LocationService | 2 |
BillingPortalServiceFactory | 2 |
CheckoutServiceFactory | 2 |
SigmaServiceFactory | 2 |
ScheduledQueryRunService | 2 |
TransactionEntryService | 2 |
CreditReversalService | 2 |
FinancialAccountService | 2 |
DebitReversalService | 2 |
EarlyFraudWarningService | 2 |
ValueListService | 2 |
ValueListItemService | 2 |
RadarServiceFactory | 2 |
SecretService | 2 |
AppsServiceFactory | 2 |
FinancialAccountFeatures | 2 |
ReceivedDebit | 2 |
DebitReversal | 2 |
OutboundPayment | 2 |
TransactionEntry | 2 |
ReceivedCredit | 2 |
CreditReversal | 2 |
InboundTransfer | 2 |
FinancialAccount | 2 |
OutboundTransfer | 2 |
ValueListItem | 2 |
ValueList | 2 |
EarlyFraudWarning | 2 |
Secret | 2 |
UnknownApiErrorException | 2 |
PermissionException | 2 |
UnexpectedValueException | 2 |
SignatureVerificationException | 2 |
RateLimitException | 2 |
IdempotencyException | 2 |
ApiErrorException | 2 |
ApiConnectionException | 2 |
CardException | 2 |
UnsupportedResponseTypeException | 2 |
UnknownOAuthErrorException | 2 |
InvalidClientException | 2 |
UnsupportedGrantTypeException | 2 |
InvalidGrantException | 2 |
OAuthErrorException | 2 |
Job | 2 |
HtmlOutput | 2 |
Country | 2 |
City | 2 |
SyncSupport | 2 |
ICollection | 2 |
INode | 2 |
iProvideMultiVersionApi | 2 |
iCompose | 2 |
iCache | 2 |
iUseAuthentication | 2 |
iFilter | 2 |
iIdentifyUser | 2 |
iDecodeStream | 2 |
iFormat | 2 |
iValueObject | 2 |
iValidate | 2 |
Repository | 2 |
Application | 2 |
Renderable | 2 |
Kernel | 2 |
BaseStripeClientInterface | 2 |
StripeStreamingClientInterface | 2 |
StripeClientInterface | 2 |
StreamingClientInterface | 2 |
LoggerAwareTrait | 2 |
LoggerTrait | 2 |
Update | 2 |
Retrieve | 2 |
All | 2 |
SingletonRetrieve | 2 |
Create | 2 |
NestedResource | 2 |
Search | 2 |
Delete | 2 |
MenuManager | 3 |
| |
Uri | 3 |
Response | 3 |
Message | 3 |
Invite | 3 |
Settings | 3 |
DateTime | 3 |
Parser | 3 |
InvalidScopeException | 3 |
AutoLoader | 3 |
CurlClient | 3 |
Xls | 3 |
Html | 3 |
Escher | 3 |
Chart | 3 |
Drawing | 3 |
Worksheet | 3 |
Font | 3 |
Redirect | 3 |
Arr | 3 |
Product | 3 |
Stripe | 3 |
Location | 3 |
ProductService | 3 |
BadMethodCallException | 3 |
HttpException | 3 |
TokenInterface | 3 |
ServiceInterface | 3 |
ClientInterface | 3 |
Dispatcher | 3 |
Subscription | 4 |
Comment | 4 |
AbstractBackend | 4 |
Node | 4 |
User | 4 |
Text | 4 |
Properties | 4 |
Validator | 4 |
Event | 4 |
Dispute | 4 |
Transaction | 4 |
Configuration | 4 |
DisputeService | 4 |
AccountService | 4 |
RefundService | 4 |
CustomerService | 4 |
CardService | 4 |
IssuingServiceFactory | 4 |
TerminalServiceFactory | 4 |
ReaderService | 4 |
ReceivedCreditService | 4 |
InboundTransferService | 4 |
OutboundPaymentService | 4 |
ReceivedDebitService | 4 |
TreasuryServiceFactory | 4 |
OutboundTransferService | 4 |
TransactionService | 4 |
ConfigurationService | 4 |
AuthenticationException | 4 |
LoggerInterface | 4 |
iAuthenticate | 4 |
Account | 5 |
Reader | 5 |
Request | 5 |
Card | 5 |
Date | 5 |
InvalidArgumentException | 5 |
AbstractService | 5 |
Util | 5 |
ExceptionInterface | 5 |
Version | 6 |
Client | 6 |
PDO | 6 |
SessionService | 6 |
InvalidRequestException | 6 |
BackendInterface | 6 |
pdf_standard | 7 |
| |
Collection | 8 |
Exception | 8 |
Session | 9 |
File | 11 |
Factory | 12 |
Plugin | 14 |