Those literals are assigned then compared somewhere else in the code. When those literals are carrying a state, it is recommended to assign them to a constant, to ensure that both parts of the application use the same values..
Literal | Assignations | Comparisons |
4 |
- $NBLINES = 4
- $args = 4
- $b = 4
- $barcodeData = '4'
- $base = 4
- $choix = 4
- $colspan = 4
- $columnWidth = 4
- $columns = 4
- $com->socid = 4
- $f = 4
- $filterStatus = '4'
- $fval = 4
- $height_trackingnumber = 4
- $kase = 4
- $lenIV = 4
- $length = 4
- $line->qty_shipped = 4
- $mode_search = 4
- $n = 4
- $nbofyear = 4
- $newstatus = 4
- $numbytes = 4
- $obj->socid = 4
- $offset = 4
- $opt['mk']['tp'] = 4
- $prevquarter = 4
- $row = 4
- $rowspan = 4
- $search_type = '4'
- $showline = 4
- $size = 4
- $style['hpadding'] = 4
- $style['padding'] = 4
- $style['stretchtext'] = 4
- $style['vpadding'] = 4
- $tab2_hl = 4
- $tab3_height = 4
- $tab4_sl = 4
- $tab_hl = 4
- $tableau[0][2] = 4
- $tableau[1][1] = 4
- $tableau[2][0] = 4
- $tableau[3][9] = 4
- $tableau[4][8] = 4
- $tableau[5][7] = 4
- $tableau[6][10] = 4
- $tableau[6][6] = 4
- $tableau[7][5] = 4
- $tableau[8][4] = 4
- $tableau[9][3] = 4
- $textrendermode = 4
- $this->encryptdata['V'] = 4
- $this->tpl['nblines'] = 4
- $this->weight = 4
- $useinecm = 4
- $weather->level = 4
- $Line['indent'] >= 4
- $array_contact['status'] == 4
- $array_query['type_of_target'] == 4
- $base == 4
- $basis > 4
- $case == 4
- $charscount >= 4
- $choix == 4
- $countFonts < 4
- $cws < 4
- $displayMode == 4
- $displayMode === 4
- $dix[$i] == 4
- $extrafields->attributes["product_fournisseur_price"]['list'][$key] == 4
- $field_length < 4
- $field_length == 4
- $fmtRuns[$i - 1]['fontIndex'] < 4
- $format == 4
- $frequency == 4
- $group_pos == 4
- $i >= 4
- $i < 4
- $i <= 4
- $i == 4
- $idprof == 4
- $j < 4
- $length < 4
- $line->special_code != "4"
- $line->special_code == 4
- $line->special_code == "4"
- $line->statut == 4
- $method == 4
- $mode != 4
- $mode == 4
- $nature == 4
- $nextquarter < 4
- $number >= 4
- $obj->statut == 4
- $object->fk_statut == 4
- $object->nature == 4
- $object->statut == 4
- $object->type == 4
- $objp->nature == 4
- $objp->statut >= 4
- $objp->statut == 4
- $p->encoding == 4
- $pad != 4
- $q == 4
- $relativity == 4
- $remain >= 4
- $ret == 4
- $search_status == "4"
- $search_type == '4'
- $selected == '4'
- $status == 4
- $step == 4
- $this->encryptdata['V'] >= 4
- $this->encryptdata['V'] < 4
- $this->encryptdata['V'] == 4
- $this->nature == 4
- $this->origin_object->statut == 4
- $this->textrendermode < 4
- $top > 4
- $type != '4'
- $type == '4'
- $type_of_target == 4
- $useinecm == 4
- $weekday >= 4
- $weekday < 4
- $yearlen == 4
- self::$PHPIntSize === 4
80 |
- $heightforphotref = 80
- $maxnbofchar = 80
- $moduleposition = '80'
- $quality = 80
- $tab3_width = 80
- $this->numero = 80
- $this->port = 80
- $this->posxtotalht = 80
- $this->posxtva = 80
- $width = 80
- $SERVER_PORT == 80
- $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] === 80
- $len < 80
- $port != '80'
- $port == '80'
- $this->port === 80
220 |
- $height = 220
- $heightforinfotot = 220
122 |
- $idtouse = 122
- $this->posxup = 122
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 122
- $char == 122
- $chr <= 122
- $newstringnumentity <= 122
99 |
- $measuring_units[99] = 99
- $this->fk_statut = 99
- $this->posxtva = 99
- $this->status = 99
- $i <= 99
- $maskraz == 99
- $number > 99
- $object->fk_statut == 99
- $object->status == 99
- $search_projectstatus == 99
- $search_status == 99
- $selected == 99
- $weight_units == 99
25 |
- $Yoff = 25
- $id = 25
- $nbp = 25
- $port = 25
- $this->global->MAILING_LIMIT_SENDBYWEB = 25
- $this->numero = 25
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 25
90 |
- $Xoff = 90
- $blSocX = 90
- $deg = 90
- $exifAngle = 90
- $latE = 90
- $line->total_ht = 90
- $maxlat = 90
- $tab_top = 90
- $this->posxtva = 90
- $widthrecbox = 90
- $angle <= 90
- $angle_x >= 90
- $angle_y >= 90
- $chr <= 90
- $format['trans']['Di'] == 90
- $newstringnumentity <= 90
- $number >= 90
- $pValue <= 90
- $unit < 90
8 |
- $MAXDEC = 8
- $bit = 8
- $colspan = 8
- $defaultColWidth = 8
- $heightforinfotot = 8
- $length = 8
- $maxcategbydefaultforthisdevice = 8
- $min = 8
- $nbrows = 8
- $p_header['compression'] = 8
- $rc = 8
- $saltlen = 8
- $savnbfield = 8
- $size = 8
- $tableau[0][4] = 8
- $tableau[1][3] = 8
- $tableau[2][10] = 8
- $tableau[2][2] = 8
- $tableau[3][1] = 8
- $tableau[4][0] = 8
- $tableau[5][9] = 8
- $tableau[6][8] = 8
- $tableau[7][7] = 8
- $tableau[8][6] = 8
- $tableau[9][5] = 8
- $this->global->MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_SHOWN = 8
- $totalSize = 8
- $width = 8
- $bit >= 8
- $bit < 8
- $dix[$i] == 8
- $i >= 8
- $i < 8
- $iter_day < 8
- $j < 8
- $len == 8
- $object->status < 8
- $objp->nature == 8
- $symsize > 8
- $v_header['compression'] != 8
- $width != 8
- $y < 8
40 |
- $hautcadre = 40
- $heightforinfotot = 40
- $maxlengthname = 40
- $posy = 40
- $tab_top_newpage = 40
- $this->encryptdata['Length'] = 40
- $this->line_per_page = 40
- $this->numero = 40
- $ut = 40
- $val = 40
- $w = 40
5 |
- $_SESSION["nbrecases"] = 5
- $_SESSION["nbrecaseshoraires"] = 5
- $actioncomm->type_id = 5
- $barcodeData = '5'
- $blockAlign = 5
- $choix = 5
- $colspan = 5
- $columns = 5
- $conf->global->AGENDA_EXT_NB = 5
- $conf->global->PRODUIT_MULTIPRICES_LIMIT = 5
- $displayMode = 5
- $formlength = 5
- $length = 5
- $limit = 5
- $line->qty_asked = 5
- $max = 5
- $maxLatestEditCount = 5
- $maxRedirection = 5
- $max_year = 5
- $maxreclevel = 5
- $n = 5
- $nbbyrow = 5
- $nbp = 5
- $numendworkingday = 5
- $opt['mk']['tp'] = 5
- $rank = 5
- $rc = 5
- $rowspan = 5
- $savnbfield = 5
- $size = 5
- $soc->remise_percent = 5
- $tab3_height = 5
- $tableau[0][9] = 5
- $tableau[1][8] = 5
- $tableau[2][7] = 5
- $tableau[3][6] = 5
- $tableau[4][5] = 5
- $tableau[5][10] = 5
- $tableau[5][4] = 5
- $tableau[6][3] = 5
- $tableau[7][2] = 5
- $tableau[8][1] = 5
- $tableau[9][0] = 5
- $textrendermode = 5
- $this->barcode_array['num_rows'] = 5
- $this->encryptdata['V'] = 5
- $this->global->MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_UNIT = 5
- $this->global->PRODUIT_MULTIPRICES_LIMIT = 5
- $this->length = 5
- $this->line_height = 5
- $this->position = 5
- $this->status = 5
- $this->tabTitleHeight = 5
- $timeout = 5
- $tocopy = 5
- $useinecm = 5
- $_SESSION["nbrecaseshoraires"] == 5
- $_value <= 5
- $displayMode === 5
- $dix[$i] == 5
- $enabled != 5
- $endDoW >= 5
- $expensereportstatic->status == 5
- $file['error'] > 5
- $format == 5
- $i > 5
- $i < 5
- $i <= 5
- $j < 5
- $jour_semaine == 5
- $len == 5
- $length < 5
- $mode == 5
- $nameorder == 5
- $nature == 5
- $number >= 5
- $obj->status != 5
- $obj->statut < 5
- $object->nature == 5
- $object->status == 5
- $object->statut == 5
- $object->type == 5
- $objp->nature == 5
- $partWeekDays > 5
- $result < 5
- $search_status == "5"
- $status == 5
- $step == 5
- $this->encryptdata['V'] == 5
- $this->nature == 5
- $this->runLength[$i] >= 5
- $this->status != 5
- $this->statut < 5
- $type == '5'
- $useinecm == 5
- $visibility_abs == 5
- $y < 5
42 |
- $posy = 42
- $tab_top = 42
- $this->columnWidths[$sheetIndex][$column] = 42
- $this->numero = 42
- $this->posxpaymenttype = 42
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 42
100 |
- $MAX = 100
- $clamp = 100
- $conf->global->MAIN_AGENDA_EXPORT_PAST_DELAY = 100
- $deposit_percent = 100
- $event->percentage = 100
- $line1->total_ht = 100
- $line->multicurrency_total_ht = 100
- $line->price = 100
- $line->remise_percent = 100
- $line->subprice = 100
- $line->total_ht = 100
- $max = 100
- $percent = 100
- $posx = 100
- $protection = 100
- $selected = '100'
- $situation_percent = 100
- $this->amount = 100
- $this->maxrun = 100
- $this->numero = 100
- $this->percentage = 100
- $this->posxtype = 100
- $this->situation_percent = 100
- $val = 100
- $w = 100
- $widthrecbox = 100
- $xLo = 100
- $zoomScale = 100
- $zoomScaleNormal = 100
- $zoomscaleInNormalView = 100
- $act->percentage < 100
- $actionstatic->percentage < 100
- $complete == 100
- $counter > 100
- $deposit_percent > 100
- $histo[$key]['percent'] >= 100
- $histo[$key]['percent'] < 100
- $i > 100
- $i >= 100
- $i < 100
- $i == 100
- $iter < 100
- $limit < 100
- $line->situation_percent < 100
- $number >= 100
- $obj->percent < 100
- $obj->percent == 100
- $object->percentage < 100
- $object->progress >= 100
- $objp->percentage < 100
- $percent > 100
- $percent >= 100
- $percent < 100
- $percentage == 100
- $quality > 100
- $reduction == 100
- $search_status == '100'
- $selected < 100
- $selected == 100
- $situation_percent > 100
- $status == '100'
- $statusCode < 100
- $subtotal > 100
- $syear < 100
- $t < 100
- $task->progress >= 100
- $this->font_stretching != 100
- $this->lines[$i]->situation_percent == 100
- $this->percentage > 100
- $this->progress < 100
- $this->situation_percent > 100
- $timezone >= 100
- $tmp == '100'
- $totalnboflines > 100
- $valuestandardinvoice > 100
- $valuestandardinvoice < 100
50 |
- $blSocW = 50
- $emailcollectoroperation->position = 50
- $height = 50
- $heightforframes = 50
- $heightforinfotot = 50
- $heightmenu = 50
- $line->remise_percent = 50
- $line->total_ht = 50
- $max = 50
- $n = 50
- $posy = 50
- $quality = 50
- $tab_top = 50
- $this->alpha = 50
- $this->cle_rib = '50'
- $this->heightforinfotot = 50
- $this->module_position = '50'
- $this->numero = 50
- $this->posxlabel = 50
- $ut = 50
- $i < 50
- $key == '50'
- $moduleposition == '50'
- $number >= 50
- $object->volume_units < 50
- $rang > 50
- $search_status == '50'
- $status == '50'
- $syear >= 50
- $syear < 50
- $volumeUnit < 50
- $volume_units < 50
- $weight_units < 50
180 |
- $deg = 180
- $error = 180
- $exifAngle = 180
- $lonE = 180
- $maxlon = 180
- $maxwidthloginblock = 180
- $this->postotalht = 180
- $this->postotalttc = 180
- $this->posxtotalttc = 180
- $angle <= 180
- $format['trans']['Di'] == 180
20 |
- $MAXFTP = 20
- $MAXLEVEL = 20
- $colwidth = 20
- $hautcadre = 20
- $line->total_tva = 20
- $line->tva_tx = 20
- $line->vatrate = 20
- $max = 20
- $maxloop = 20
- $offset = 20
- $options['per_page'] = 20
- $p_header['version'] = 20
- $this->numero = 20
- $viewline = 20
- $i > 20
- $i < 20
- $nblines < 20
- $p > 20
- $phan_nblines < 20
- $protection > 20
- $tens < 20
15 |
- $max = 15
- $rowHeight = 15
- $this->barcode_array['num_cols'] = 15
- $this->global->MAIN_SIZE_LISTE_LIMIT = 15
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 15
- $this->wref = 15
- $timeout = 15
- $tmplength = 15
- $xfIndex = 15
65 |
- $tab_top = 65
- $this->posxreffacture = 65
- $chr >= 65
- $i < 65
- $newstringnumentity >= 65
3 |
- $a = 3
- $accessLevel = 3
- $allowedmethodtopostusername = 3
- $args = 3
- $attempts = 3
- $blockAlign = 3
- $channels = 3
- $choix = 3
- $colorindex = 3
- $cols = 3
- $colspan = 3
- $companystatic->client = 3
- $conf->global->AGENDA_MAX_EVENTS_DAY_VIEW = 3
- $dash = 3
- $editColspan = 3
- $facture->type = 3
- $forceall = 3
- $getnomurlparam = 3
- $h = 3
- $height = 3
- $i = 3
- $kase = 3
- $level = 3
- $manifest->manifest_version = 3
- $n = 3
- $nb_prev_month = 3
- $nbcols = 3
- $nbletter = 3
- $nbofmonth = 3
- $nbofperiod = 3
- $new_echeance->fk_typepayment = 3
- $newclient = 3
- $newstatus = 3
- $ns = 3
- $numaction = 3
- $numbytes = 3
- $numlt = 3
- $object->client = 3
- $object->cond_reglement_id = 3
- $object->fields['reason_decline_or_cancel']['visible'] = 3
- $object->fk_statut = 3
- $object->mode_reglement_id = 3
- $opt['mk']['tp'] = 3
- $pai->paiementid = 3
- $paiement->paiementid = 3
- $pnnAct = 3
- $posm = 3
- $posy = 3
- $prefix = '3'
- $printer->orderprinter = 3
- $rc = 3
- $rowspan = 3
- $selected = 3
- $selected = '3'
- $showline = 3
- $size = 3
- $special_code = 3
- $status = 3
- $statut = 3
- $statut = '3'
- $tableau[0][8] = 3
- $tableau[1][7] = 3
- $tableau[2][6] = 3
- $tableau[3][5] = 3
- $tableau[4][4] = 3
- $tableau[5][3] = 3
- $tableau[6][2] = 3
- $tableau[7][10] = 3
- $tableau[7][1] = 3
- $tableau[8][0] = 3
- $tableau[9][9] = 3
- $textrendermode = 3
- $this->activePane = 3
- $this->client = 3
- $this->dimension = 3
- $this->global->MAIN_SIZE_SHORTLIST_LIMIT = 3
- $this->line->special_code = 3
- $this->log_type = 3
- $this->object->client = 3
- $this->state = 3
- $this->svggradients[$this->svggradientid]['type'] = 3
- $this->weight_units = 3
- $ti = 3
- $type = 3
- $verticalBytes = 3
- $visibility = 3
- $warningLevel = 3
- $weather->level = 3
- $width = 3
- $_type <= 3
- $_value <= 3
- $addlinktonotes == 3
- $annee < 3
- $c < 3
- $case == 3
- $choix == 3
- $count > 3
- $ct == 3
- $cws > 3
- $displayMode == 3
- $displayMode === 3
- $dix[$i] == 3
- $enabled == 3
- $extrafields->attributes["product_fournisseur_price"]['list'][$key] != 3
- $extrafields->attributes["product_fournisseur_price"]['list'][$key] == 3
- $fichinter->statut < 3
- $field_length < 3
- $forceall == 3
- $forceunitoutput == 3
- $format == 3
- $grad['type'] == 3
- $gradient['type'] != 3
- $gradient['type'] == 3
- $h == 3
- $hidelabel == 3
- $i > 3
- $i >= 3
- $i < 3
- $i <= 3
- $i == 3
- $id == 3
- $idprof == 3
- $invoice->type == 3
- $left > 3
- $length == 3
- $level > 3
- $level >= 3
- $level == 3
- $line->special_code != 3
- $line->special_code == 3
- $lipre->statut == 3
- $loop < 3
- $m == 3
- $method == 3
- $mode == 3
- $nameorder == 3
- $nature == 3
- $nbOpenDay <= 3
- $nblot == 3
- $nbofgraph == 3
- $nbofsalesrepresentative > 3
- $newprefix == '3'
- $notabletag == 3
- $notabs != 3
- $notabs == 3
- $numaction == '3'
- $obj->client == 3
- $obj->fk_statut < 3
- $obj->fk_statut == 3
- $obj->status == 3
- $obj->statut == 3
- $obj->type == 3
- $object->client == 3
- $object->lines[$i]->special_code == 3
- $object->nature == 3
- $object->status < 3
- $object->status == 3
- $object->statut == 3
- $object->thirdparty->client == 3
- $object->type == 3
- $objectlink->statut != 3
- $objp->client == 3
- $objp->nature == 3
- $order['status'] == 3
- $outputmode == 3
- $p >= 3
- $p->encoding == 3
- $p_mode == 3
- $parameters['special_code'] > 3
- $posy == 3
- $predefined == 3
- $prod_arbo->type == 3
- $project->accept_conference_suggestions == 3
- $pt > 3
- $q == 3
- $relativity == 3
- $rescomp < 3
- $scriptonly == 3
- $search_status <= 3
- $search_status == 3
- $search_status == '3'
- $search_type == '3'
- $search_type_mouvement == "3"
- $selected == 3
- $showdetails == 3
- $showempty == 3
- $special_code == 3
- $status == 3
- $status == '3'
- $statut == '3'
- $step == 3
- $strictw3c == 3
- $style > 3
- $this->_msgPriority != 3
- $this->client == 3
- $this->dimension == 3
- $this->encryptdata['mode'] < 3
- $this->encryptdata['mode'] == 3
- $this->fieldValue == 3
- $this->ldapProtocolVersion === '3'
- $this->pdfa_version != 3
- $this->pdfa_version == 3
- $this->state < 3
- $this->state == 3
- $this->textrendermode > 3
- $tooltipon == 3
- $type == 3
- $type == '3'
- $type_of_target == 3
- $user_remise == 3
- $variant_filter == 3
- $withcode == 3
- $x < 3
- $x == 3
- $xnbp == 3
- $y < 3
- $y == 3
- 3 > $ns
10 |
- $MAX = 10
- $MAXEVENT = 10
- $MAXLINES = 10
- $_SESSION["nbrecaseshoraires"] = 10
- $base = 10
- $bitlen = 10
- $boundsheet_length = 10
- $colspan = 10
- $conf->global->MAIN_USE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 10
- $cursor = 10
- $dval = 10
- $factor = 10
- $fontRenderCorrection = 10
- $h = 10
- $heightoftitleline = 10
- $i = 10
- $limit = 10
- $line1->total_tva = 10
- $line->qty = 10
- $line->qty_asked = 10
- $line->remise_percent = 10
- $line->total_tva = 10
- $mailingdelay = 10
- $max = 10
- $maxsizeint = 10
- $min_year = 10
- $myproduct->price = '10'
- $myproduct->weight = 10
- $nbmax = 10
- $pValue = 10
- $p_header['version_extracted'] = 10
- $param['xforimgstart'] = 10
- $priorityA = 10
- $priorityB = 10
- $progress_width = 10
- $r = 10
- $radix = 10
- $rowspan = 10
- $showsize = 10
- $size = 10
- $this->amount_ht = 10
- $this->first_subscription_amount = 10
- $this->global->MAIN_USE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 10
- $this->last_subscription_amount = 10
- $this->module_position = '10'
- $this->numero = 10
- $this->progress = 10
- $vat = 10
- $_SESSION["nbrecaseshoraires"] < 10
- $bytes[1] == 10
- $c == 10
- $chars[($length - 1)] == 10
- $check == 10
- $check_digit < 10
- $chequeo == 10
- $codePoint == 10
- $error >= 10
- $hour < 10
- $hourstring < 10
- $i != 10
- $i >= 10
- $i < 10
- $i <= 10
- $i == 10
- $id != 10
- $iter == 10
- $j < 10
- $key == 10
- $len > 10
- $level > 10
- $min < 10
- $minstring < 10
- $num == 10
- $number >= 10
- $objp->mois == "10"
- $ordchar != 10
- $p > 10
- $precision === 10
- $result == 10
- $second < 10
- $tmpwidth > 10
-3 |
- $error = -3
- $errorflag = -3
- $measuring_units[-1] = -3
- $operande1 = -3
- $operande2 = -3
- $result = -3
- $conciliate == -3
- $forceunitoutput == -3
- $isErasable == -3
- $mode == -3
- $notab == -3
- $res == -3
- $rescode == -3
- $result != -3
- $result == -3
- $ret == -3
- $search_status != -3
- $search_status == -3
- $withpicto == -3
- $withpictoimg == -3
-2 |
- $data[$key]['fk_menu'] = -2
- $error = -2
- $errorflag = -2
- $linktocreatetimeBtnStatus = -2
- $measuring_units[-1] = -2
- $object->fields['fk_disposal_type']['visible'] = -2
- $operande1 = -2
- $operande2 = -2
- $pos = -2
- $prevcid = -2
- $result = -2
- $ret = -2
- $this->errno = -2
- $visible = -2
- $action == -2
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- $result == -2
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2 |
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- $tableau[2][3] = 2
- $tableau[3][2] = 2
- $tableau[4][1] = 2
- $tableau[5][0] = 2
- $tableau[6][9] = 2
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- $_FILES['userfile']['error'][$key] == 2
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- $gradient['type'] == 2
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- $menu['user'] == 2
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- $pl['opt']['q'] <= 2
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- 2 == $currentMonth
- 2 === $cdoId
- @$force_install_noedit == 2
30 |
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6 |
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- $tableau[1][2] = 6
- $tableau[2][1] = 6
- $tableau[3][0] = 6
- $tableau[4][10] = 6
- $tableau[4][9] = 6
- $tableau[5][8] = 6
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- $mode == 6
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- $type == '6'
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- $useinecm == 6
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- $x == 6
- $y < 6
95 |
- $left = 95
- $tab_top = 95
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- $this->posxtva = 95
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- $left > 95
- $top > 95
11 |
- $bitlen = 11
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-100 |
- $line->subprice = -100
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- $up = -100
-4 |
- $error = -4
- $errorflag = -4
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- $operande2 = -4
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- $res == -4
- $rescode == -4
- $result == -4
- $search_status == -4
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9 |
- $GLOBALS['_transient']['static']['nusoap_base']['globalDebugLevel'] = 9
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- $tableau[1][10] = 9
- $tableau[2][9] = 9
- $tableau[3][8] = 9
- $tableau[4][7] = 9
- $tableau[5][6] = 9
- $tableau[6][5] = 9
- $tableau[7][4] = 9
- $tableau[8][3] = 9
- $tableau[9][2] = 9
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- $i <= 9
- $j < 9
- $line->product_type != 9
- $line->product_type < 9
- $line->product_type == 9
- $lines[$i]->product_type != 9
- $lines[$i]->product_type == 9
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- $newinvoiceline->product_type == 9
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- $request_data->product_type == 9
- $this->lines[$i]->product_type != 9
- $this->lines[$i]->product_type == 9
- $version >= 9
- $version <= 9
-99 |
7 |
- $DoW = 7
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- $tableau[1][5] = 7
- $tableau[2][4] = 7
- $tableau[3][10] = 7
- $tableau[3][3] = 7
- $tableau[4][2] = 7
- $tableau[5][1] = 7
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- $object->statut == 7
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- $version < 7
- $y < 7
900 |
- $cachetime = 900
- $position = 900
60 |
- $heightforphotref = 60
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- $excelTimestamp < 60
- $fincreneau[1] < 60
- $heures[2] < 60
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- $minute >= 60
- $minute == 60
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- $object->unitfrequency == "60"
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- $second > 60
- $second >= 60
- $second == 60
12 |
- $_SESSION["mois"] = 12
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- $prevmonth = 12
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- $_SESSION["mois"] == 12
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- $endMonth == 12
- $endmonth > 12
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- $i < 12
- $i <= 12
- $i == 12
- $j > 12
- $j < 12
- $len > 12
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- $m > 12
- $maskraz > 12
- $mois > 12
- $mois == 12
- $month > 12
- $month <= 12
- $month == 12
- $month_date > 12
- $monthnext > 12
- $nextmonth > 12
- $objp->mois == "12"
- $startmonth > 12
- $testVal2 < 12
- $testVal3 < 12
- $tmparray['hours'] == 12
200 |
- $HEIGHT = '200'
- $code = 200
- $code = '200'
- $line->multicurrency_total_ht = 200
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- $status == 200
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- $tmpresult['http_code'] != 200
- $userinfo_response['http_code'] == 200
-6 |
- $measuring_units[-2] = -6
- $measuring_units[-3] = -6
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98 |
- $measuring_units[98] = 98
1000 |
- $dw = 1000
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- $protection <= 1000
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- $txtva >= 1000
53 |
- $end_d = 53
- $numeroSemaine = 53
- $this->numero = 53
- $numeroSemaine == 53
- static::create($this->year, 12, 28, 0, 0, 0, $this->tz)->weekOfYear === 53
54 |
- $blW = 54
- $this->numero = 54
61 |
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 61
62 |
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 62
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64 |
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76 |
- $maxLineLength = 76
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- 76 < $maxLineLength
75 |
- $maxLineLength = 75
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256 |
- $prev_index = 256
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- $this->encryptdata['Length'] = 256
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- $uni < 256
24 |
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- $heures[2] < 24
- $hour > 24
- $hour >= 24
- $hour == 24
- $i < 24
- $planes_and_bitcount[2] != 24
26 |
- $divisor = 26
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 26
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- $version <= 26
27 |
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 27
28 |
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 28
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- $startDay == 28
241 |
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 241
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- $tmpchr >= 241
19 |
- $showsize = 19
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 19
92 |
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 92
- $mysoc->forme_juridique_code == 92
500 |
- $code = 500
- $dw = 500
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- $styleValue >= 500
94 |
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 94
301 |
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 301
- $http_code == 301
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55 |
- $this->numero = 55
- $val = 55
250 |
- $ccom[$i] <= 250
- $size > 250
13 |
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 13
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- $chr == 13
- $codePoint == 13
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- $i < 13
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- $m == 13
- $mois < 13
- $ordchar != 13
16 |
- $ivlen = 16
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10000 |
- $MAXLINES = 10000
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- $this->capital = 10000
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210 |
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32 |
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- $ccom[$i] < 32
- $char_id >= 32
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- $dec == 32
- $filesize[0] != 32
- $i < 32
- $id == 32
- $ivlen > 32
- $options[$permission] <= 32
- $ord >= 32
- $ordchar < 32
31 |
- $cidoffset = 31
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- $value_parsed > 31
50000 |
255 |
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254 |
- $cw = 254
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- $pad > 254
251 |
- $this->rights[$r][self::KEY_ID] = 251
34 |
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 34
57 |
- $chr <= 57
- $lastColor < 57
- $pattern[$j] <= 57
511 |
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 511
109 |
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 109
45 |
- $shy_replacement = 45
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 45
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- $pc == 45
400 |
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- $_SESSION['dol_screenwidth'] < 400
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- $status >= 400
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4000 |
- $aValue >= 4000
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229 |
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 229
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- $startMonthDay <= 229
126 |
- $this->rights[$r][0] = 126
- $ascii > 126
- $dec > 126
- $ord <= 126
- $ordchar > 126
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173 |
- $this->rights[3][0] = 173
127 |
- $c > 127
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- $color < 127
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- $num < 127
160 |
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501 |
800 |
- $_SESSION["dol_screenheight"] > 800
-165 |
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100000 |
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- $obj->module_position < 100000
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360 |
- $clamp = 360
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0x40 |
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0x41 |
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202 |
- $this->result[$propertyName] = 202
48 |
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-90 |
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100000000 |
8192 |
128 |
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- $this->encryptdata['Length'] = 128
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2147483647 |
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123 |
- $b = 123
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65535 |
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- 65535 < $split_length
0x80 |
- $tag >= 0x80
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0x0d |
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9999 |
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- $year > 9999
443 |
- $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != 443
- $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == 443
- $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443
- $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] === 443
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405 |
404 |
- $status == 404
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- 404 === $status
- 404 === $stuff[0]
- 404 === $this->result[$propertyName][0]
302 |
- $http_code == 302
- $http_status == 302
97 |
- $chr >= 97
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0x3f |
- $colorIdx = 0x3F
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- $colorIdxFg = 0x3F
0x2f |
- $colorIdx = 0x2F
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0x38 |
- $colorIdx = 0x38
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23 |
- $begin_h > 23
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300 |
- $this->volume = 300
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- $rcode < 300
- $response['http_code'] < 300
0x09 |
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0x08 |
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0x02 |
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0x03 |
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0x05 |
- $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x05
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- $operatorType = 0x05
- $type = 0x05
0x06 |
- $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x06
- $operator = 0x06
- $operatorType = 0x06
- $type = 0x06
0x07 |
- $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x07
- $operator = 0x07
- $operatorType = 0x07
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0x002b |
0xf |
0x7fff |
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0x0a |
- $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x0A
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0x0c |
- $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x0C
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0x0b |
- $blockFillPatternStyle = 0x0B
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0x0f |
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0x1e |
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- $colorIdxBg = 0x1E
- $colorIdxFg = 0x1E
- $dataProp['type']['data'] == 0x1E
0x1f |
- $colorIdx = 0x1F
- $colorIdxBg = 0x1F
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0x20 |
- $colorIdx = 0x20
- $colorIdxBg = 0x20
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0x22 |
- $colorIdx = 0x22
- $colorIdxBg = 0x22
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0x24 |
- $colorIdx = 0x24
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0x14 |
- $colorIdx = 0x14
- $colorIdxBg = 0x14
- $colorIdxFg = 0x14
0x15 |
- $colorIdx = 0x15
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0x17 |
- $colorIdx = 0x17
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49 |
270 |
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-5 |
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- $operande2 = -5
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\n |
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- $s[$count + 1] == "\n"
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; |
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\t |
- "\t" !== $c
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general_ledger |
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notyet |
- $in_bookkeeping = 'notyet'
- $in_bookkeeping == 'notyet'
other |
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c |
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select |
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d |
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g |
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f |
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\r\n |
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000 |
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+ |
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000000 |
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, |
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- $search_valuebilled == '1'
- $seq[$i] == '1'
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- $societe->localtax2_assuj == "1"
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- $type == '1'
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- $user->conf->THEME_ELDY_USE_CHECKED === '1'
- $user->conf->THEME_ELDY_USE_HOVER === '1'
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- $check = '-'
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edit |
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setup |
- $head[$h][2] = 'setup'
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label |
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country |
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- $fieldnamekey = 'Country'
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asc |
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- $sortorder == 'ASC'
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create |
- $action = "create"
- $action = 'create'
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- $this->rights[$r][5] = 'create'
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- $action != 'create'
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- $action == "create"
- $action == 'create'
- $action === 'create'
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- $params['family'] == 'create'
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help |
- $picto = 'help'
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accountingaccount |
- $objectclass = 'AccountingAccount'
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list |
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warning |
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% |
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desc |
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eecwithoutvatnumber |
- $suggestedaccountingaccountbydefaultfor = 'eecwithoutvatnumber'
- $suggestedaccountingaccountfor = 'eecwithoutvatnumber'
- $suggestedaccountingaccountbydefaultfor == 'eecwithoutvatnumber'
- $suggestedaccountingaccountfor != 'eecwithoutvatnumber'
- $suggestedaccountingaccountfor == 'eecwithoutvatnumber'
eec |
- $suggestedaccountingaccountbydefaultfor = 'eec'
- $suggestedaccountingaccountfor = 'eec'
- $suggestedaccountingaccountbydefaultfor == 'eec'
- $suggestedaccountingaccountfor == 'eec'
export |
- $suggestedaccountingaccountbydefaultfor = 'export'
- $suggestedaccountingaccountfor = 'export'
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- $this->rights[$r][5] = 'export'
- $this->rights[$r][self::KEY_SECOND_LEVEL] = 'export'
- $this->rights[5][4] = 'export'
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- $suggestedaccountingaccountbydefaultfor == 'export'
- $suggestedaccountingaccountfor == 'export'
eecwithvat |
- $suggestedaccountingaccountbydefaultfor = 'eecwithvat'
- $suggestedaccountingaccountfor = 'eecwithvat'
- $suggestedaccountingaccountbydefaultfor == 'eecwithvat'
- $suggestedaccountingaccountfor == 'eecwithvat'
thirdparty |
- $entry->nature = 'thirdparty'
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- $fieldstosearchall['s.nom'] = "ThirdParty"
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- $modelmail = 'thirdparty'
- $objectlabel = 'ThirdParty'
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- $obj->source_type == 'thirdparty'
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- $type == 'thirdparty'
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active |
- $active = 'active'
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sold |
- $accline->fk_type = 'SOLD'
- $const_name = "SOLD"
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- $objp->fk_type == 'SOLD'
buy |
- $const_name = "BUY"
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- $type == 'buy'
delete |
- $action = 'delete'
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- $sql = "DELETE"
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'delete'
- $this->rights[$r][5] = 'delete'
- $this->rights[$r][self::KEY_SECOND_LEVEL] = 'delete'
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- $action == "delete"
- $action == 'delete'
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- $newaction == 'delete'
- $permlevel1 == 'delete'
- $permlevel2 == 'delete'
- $postorget == 'DELETE'
- $subaction == 'delete'
- 'delete' === $method
createfromclone |
- $action = 'createfromclone'
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- $clone_project->context['createfromclone'] = 'createfromclone'
- $clone_task->context['createfromclone'] = 'createfromclone'
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- $object->context['createfromclone'] = 'createfromclone'
- $objecttmp->context['createfromclone'] = 'createfromclone'
- $this->context['createfromclone'] = 'createfromclone'
- $action == 'createfromclone'
- $this->context['createfromclone'] == 'createfromclone'
customer |
- $elementtype = 'customer'
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- $mode == 'customer'
- $moduleobject == 'customer'
- $option == 'customer'
- $this->type == 'customer'
- $type == "customer"
- $type == 'customer'
deposit |
- $labelshort = "Deposit"
- $suggestedaccountingaccountfor = 'deposit'
- $type_fac = 'Deposit'
bookkeepingrecordalreadyexists |
- $this->error = 'BookkeepingRecordAlreadyExists'
- $bookkeeping->error == 'BookkeepingRecordAlreadyExists'
rowid |
- $fieldid = 'rowid'
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position |
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- $value == 'position'
type |
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- $name = 'TYPE'
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- $fieldlist[$field] == 'type'
- $fieldnamekey == 'type'
- $key == 'type'
- $key_localpart == 'type'
- $property == 'type'
- $tmp[0] == 'TYPE'
- $v[1] == 'Type'
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note |
- $class = "note"
- $field = 'note'
- $fieldnamekey = 'Note'
- $head[$h][2] = 'note'
- $head[$tab][2] = 'note'
- $myproduct->note = 'Note'
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- $pictowithouttext == 'note'
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- $value == 'note'
- 'note' === $style
code |
- $field = 'code'
- $fieldnamekey = 'Code'
- $function = 'CODE'
- $label_type = 'code'
- $params['response_type'] = 'code'
- $sortfield = 'code'
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- $fieldnamekey == 'code'
- $key == "code"
- $keycode == 'code'
- $label_type == 'code'
- $mode == 'code'
- $type == 'code'
- $value != 'code'
- $value == 'code'
activate |
disable |
- $action == 'disable'
- $massaction == 'disable'
country_id |
- $fieldname = 'country_id'
- $fieldlist[$field] == 'country_id'
- $value == 'country_id'
accountancy_code_sell |
- $accountancy_field_name = "accountancy_code_sell"
- $field = 'accountancy_code_sell'
- $fieldlist[$field] == 'accountancy_code_sell'
- $value == 'accountancy_code_sell'
accountancy_code_buy |
- $accountancy_field_name = "accountancy_code_buy"
- $field = 'accountancy_code_buy'
- $fieldlist[$field] == 'accountancy_code_buy'
- $value == 'accountancy_code_buy'
accountancy_sell |
- $accounting_product_mode = 'ACCOUNTANCY_SELL'
- $accounting_product_mode == 'ACCOUNTANCY_SELL'
withoutvalidaccount |
- $search_current_account_valid = 'withoutvalidaccount'
- $search_current_account_valid == 'withoutvalidaccount'
pcg_version |
- $fieldnamekey = 'Pcg_version'
- $tablib[31] = "Pcg_version"
- $fieldlist[$field] == 'pcg_version'
- $fieldnamekey == 'pcg_version'
- $value == 'pcg_version'
-1 |
- $search_current_account_valid = '-1'
- $societe->code_client = '-1'
- $societe->code_fournisseur = '-1'
- $this->code_fournisseur = '-1'
- $this->lastresult = '-1'
- $value = '-1'
- $account_number == '-1'
- $accountancy_code == '-1'
- $accountancy_code_buy == '-1'
- $accountancy_code_buy_export == '-1'
- $accountancy_code_buy_intra == '-1'
- $accountancy_code_sell == '-1'
- $accountancy_code_sell_export == '-1'
- $accountancy_code_sell_intra == '-1'
- $accountingaccount_number == '-1'
- $catParent == '-1'
- $color == '-1'
- $conf->file->mailing_limit_sendbyweb != '-1'
- $crit != '-1'
- $crit !== '-1'
- $currency->code == '-1'
- $emailcollectoroperation->type == '-1'
- $filter_category != '-1'
- $filter_category_customer != '-1'
- $filter_category_supplier != '-1'
- $filter_lang != '-1'
- $filtertype != '-1'
- $forcemorphy == '-1'
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- $journal_code == '-1'
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- $numaction == '-1'
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- $object->type == '-1'
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- $product_id != '-1'
- $provider != '-1'
- $receiver == '-1'
- $receivercc == '-1'
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- $search_categ_supplier != '-1'
- $search_categ_thirdparty != '-1'
- $search_code != '-1'
- $search_conciliated != '-1'
- $search_country != '-1'
- $search_current_account_valid != '-1'
- $search_employee != '-1'
- $search_filter != '-1'
- $search_fk_project != '-1'
- $search_fk_status != '-1'
- $search_fk_user != '-1'
- $search_gender != '-1'
- $search_lang != '-1'
- $search_legalform != '-1'
- $search_morphy != '-1'
- $search_nature != '-1'
- $search_onpurchase != '-1'
- $search_onsell != '-1'
- $search_payment_mode != '-1'
- $search_payment_term != '-1'
- $search_price_level != '-1'
- $search_recurring != '-1'
- $search_sale != '-1'
- $search_staff != '-1'
- $search_status != '-1'
- $search_subtype != '-1'
- $search_type != '-1'
- $search_type_mouvement != '-1'
- $search_type_template != '-1'
- $search_type_thirdparty != '-1'
- $search_version != '-1'
- $search_warehouse != '-1'
- $search_warehouse_categ != '-1'
- $selected != '-1'
- $selected == '-1'
- $socid !== "-1"
- $status != '-1'
- $status == '-1'
- $statut == '-1'
- $this->array_options["options_" . $key] == '-1'
- $this->category_code == '-1'
- $this->code_fournisseur == '-1'
- $this->numero_compte == '-1'
- $this->pcg_type == '-1'
- $type != '-1'
- $v == '-1'
- $val['checked'] == '-1'
- $value == '-1'
- $value_key == '-1'
- $values[$key] == '-1'
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- $websitekey == '-1'
balance |
- $action = "balance"
- $filename = 'balance'
- $totalarray['pos'][$totalarray['nbfield']] = 'balance'
- $type_export = 'balance'
expensereport |
- $elementPicto = 'expensereport'
- $elementtype = 'expensereport'
- $head[$h][2] = 'expensereport'
- $keyforelement = 'expensereport'
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- $modelmail = 'expensereport'
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- $data['item'] == 'ExpenseReport'
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- $objectobj->element == 'expensereport'
- $objecttmp->element == 'expensereport'
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- $type == 'expensereport'
update |
- $_POST['action'] = 'update'
- $action = 'update'
- $actionforadd = 'update'
- $formticket->action = 'update'
- $this->formHiddenInputs['action'] = 'update'
- $action != "update"
- $action != 'update'
- $action == "update"
- $action == 'update'
- $action === 'update'
- $newaction == 'update'
f.rowid |
permission_denied |
- $errorcode = 'PERMISSION_DENIED'
- $user_status_code == "PERMISSION_DENIED"
not_found |
- $status_code == "NOT_FOUND"
rpc |
- $style = "rpc"
- $styledoc = 'rpc'
- $style == 'rpc'
- $this->opData['style'] == 'rpc'
utf-8 |
- $character_set_client = "UTF-8"
- $conf->file->character_set_client = "utf-8"
- $conf->global->EXPORT_CSV_FORCE_CHARSET = 'UTF-8'
- $fromEncoding = 'UTF-8'
- $liste[$i]['charset'] = 'UTF-8'
- $liste[$i]['description'] = 'UTF-8'
- $outputencoding = 'UTF-8'
- $outputlangs->charset_output = 'UTF-8'
- $server->soap_defencoding = 'UTF-8'
- $soap_client->soap_defencoding = 'UTF-8'
- $soapclient->soap_defencoding = 'utf-8'
- $soapclient->xml_encoding = 'utf-8'
- $soapclient_order->soap_defencoding = 'UTF-8'
- $soapclient_product->soap_defencoding = 'UTF-8'
- $soapclient_user->soap_defencoding = 'UTF-8'
- $stringencoding = 'UTF-8'
- $this->file->character_set_client = 'UTF-8'
- $tmp = 'utf-8'
- $charset != 'UTF-8'
- $charset !== 'UTF-8'
- $charset == 'UTF-8'
- $conf->file->character_set_client == 'UTF-8'
- $decoder === 'utf-8'
- $pagecodefrom == 'UTF-8'
- $pagecodeto == 'UTF-8'
- $this->_outputpagecode == 'UTF-8'
- $this->charset == 'utf-8'
- $this->charset_output == 'UTF-8'
- $this->inputEncoding !== 'UTF-8'
- $this->xml_encoding == 'UTF-8'
- $to == 'UTF-8'
- 'UTF-8' !== $encoding
- 'UTF-8' !== $fromEncoding
- 'UTF-8' === $charset
- 'UTF-8' === $encoding
- 'UTF-8' === $normalizedEncoding
- 'utf-8' !== $this->charset
- 'utf-8' === $this->charset
ko |
- $arrayresult['code'] = 'KO'
- $errorcode = 'KO'
- $resultstring = 'KO'
- $statusofrecord = 'KO'
- $votestatus = 'ko'
societe |
- $element = 'societe'
- $elementtype = 'societe'
- $keyforselect = 'societe'
- $module = 'societe'
- $moduledirforclass = 'societe'
- $modulepart = 'societe'
- $objectclass = 'Societe'
- $sub_type = "societe"
- $this->dirmodule = 'societe'
- $this->rights_class = 'societe'
- $type = 'societe'
- $element == 'societe'
- $feature == 'societe'
- $module == 'societe'
- $modulepart == 'societe'
- $object->element == 'societe'
- $object->table_element == 'societe'
- $objectobj->element == 'societe'
- $objecttmp->element != 'societe'
- $objecttmp->element == 'societe'
- $prefixforautocompletemode == 'societe'
- $this->element != 'societe'
- $this->element == 'societe'
- $tmparray[1] == "societe"
- $tmparray[1] == 'societe'
- $type == 'societe'
encoded |
- $styleuse = 'encoded'
- $use = "encoded"
rss |
- $event->type_picto = 'rss'
- $extension = 'rss'
- $format = 'rss'
- $rss->_format = 'rss'
- $this->_format = 'rss'
- $this->picto = 'rss'
- $el == 'rss'
- $format == 'rss'
- $rss->_format == 'rss'
- $this->_format == 'rss'
facture_fourn |
- $elementtype = 'facture_fourn'
- $invoicetable = 'facture_fourn'
- $keyforselect = 'facture_fourn'
- $sharedentity = 'facture_fourn'
- $sourcetable = 'facture_fourn'
- $table = 'facture_fourn'
- $table_element = 'facture_fourn'
- $targettable = 'facture_fourn'
- $modulepart == 'facture_fourn'
- $table == "facture_fourn"
- $table === 'facture_fourn'
- $this->element == 'facture_fourn'
livraison |
- $origin = 'livraison'
- $sourcetable = 'livraison'
- $targettable = 'livraison'
- $action == 'livraison'
- $modulepart == 'livraison'
commande_fournisseur |
- $element_doc = 'commande_fournisseur'
- $elementtype = 'commande_fournisseur'
- $keyforselect = 'commande_fournisseur'
- $modulepart = 'commande_fournisseur'
- $origin = 'commande_fournisseur'
- $sourcetable = 'commande_fournisseur'
- $table = 'commande_fournisseur'
- $table_element = 'commande_fournisseur'
- $targettable = 'commande_fournisseur'
- $feature == 'commande_fournisseur'
- $modulepart == 'commande_fournisseur'
- $object->table_element == 'commande_fournisseur'
- $table == "commande_fournisseur"
- $tablename == 'commande_fournisseur'
commande |
- $classname = 'Commande'
- $element = 'commande'
- $elementtype = 'commande'
- $feature = 'commande'
- $feature2 = 'commande'
- $keyforselect = 'commande'
- $module = 'commande'
- $moduledirforclass = 'commande'
- $modulepart = 'commande'
- $myobject = 'commande'
- $newmodule->rights[$r][4] = 'commande'
- $object->origin = 'commande'
- $objectclass = 'Commande'
- $objecttmp->origin = 'commande'
- $origin = 'commande'
- $originforcontact = 'commande'
- $subdir = 'commande'
- $subelement = 'commande'
- $table = 'commande'
- $table_element = 'commande'
- $this->origin = 'commande'
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'commande'
- $this->rights_class = 'commande'
- $action == 'commande'
- $charge->metadata->dol_type == "commande"
- $element == 'commande'
- $elementEn == 'commande'
- $elementType == 'commande'
- $expedition->origin == 'commande'
- $fromElement == 'commande'
- $mode == 'commande'
- $moduleName == 'commande'
- $modulepart == 'commande'
- $newclassname == 'Commande'
- $newelement == 'commande'
- $notifiedevent['elementtype'] == 'commande'
- $obj->element == 'commande'
- $obj->perms == 'commande'
- $object->element != 'commande'
- $object->element == 'commande'
- $object->element === 'commande'
- $object->origin == 'commande'
- $objectclass == 'Commande'
- $objecttype == 'commande'
- $origin == "commande"
- $origin == 'commande'
- $subdir == 'commande'
- $this->element == 'commande'
- $this->elementtype == 'commande'
- $this->origin == 'commande'
- $tmpobject->origin == 'commande'
- $typeobject == 'commande'
- $typeobject === 'commande'
commandedet |
- $elementtype = 'commandedet'
- $keyforselect = 'commandedet'
- $table_element_line == 'commandedet'
- $this->table_element_line == 'commandedet'
project |
- $element = 'project'
- $elementtype = 'project'
- $eventorganization = 'project'
- $head[$h][2] = 'project'
- $head[$tab][2] = 'project'
- $keyforelement = 'project'
- $modelmail = "project"
- $modelmail = 'project'
- $modulepart = 'project'
- $objectclass = 'Project'
- $objectlabel = 'Project'
- $origin_element = 'project'
- $parentClass = 'Project'
- $parentObject = 'project'
- $picto = 'project'
- $this->export_entities_array[$r]['p.ref'] = 'project'
- $this->export_entities_array[$r]['t.fk_project'] = 'project'
- $this->import_icon[$r] = 'project'
- $this->picto = 'project'
- $type = 'project'
- $typetext = 'project'
- $_SESSION["mainmenu"] == "project"
- $element == 'project'
- $elementType == 'project'
- $elementtype == 'project'
- $feature == 'project'
- $features == 'project'
- $key == 'project'
- $mainmenu == 'project'
- $module == 'project'
- $moduleobject == 'project'
- $modulepart == 'project'
- $object->element != "project"
- $object->element == 'project'
- $objectclass == 'Project'
- $objecttype == 'project'
- $operation['type'] == 'project'
- $option == 'project'
- $origin != 'project'
- $origin == 'project'
- $origin_type == 'project'
- $sourcetype == 'project'
- $subelement != 'project'
- $this->element === 'project'
- $this->param['models'] == 'project'
- $type == 'project'
- $typeelement == 'project'
int |
- $format = 'int'
- $function = 'INT'
- $pictoType = 'int'
- $this->type = 'int'
- $tt = 'int'
- $typedb = 'int'
- $extrafields->attributes[$elementtype]['type'][$key] == 'int'
- $field_desc['type'] == 'int'
- $format == 'int'
- $info->type != 'int'
- $info->type == 'int'
- $reg[1] == 'int'
- $type == 'int'
text |
- $format = 'text'
- $function = 'TEXT'
- $propertyType = 'text'
- $selectmode = 'text'
- $this->export_TypeFields_array[$r]['p.ref'] = 'Text'
- $this->export_TypeFields_array[$r]['sm.batch'] = 'Text'
- $this->setup->datatype = 'TEXT'
- $this->type = 'text'
- $type = 'text'
- $typeFilter = "Text"
- $typedb = 'text'
- $extrafields->attributes[$elementtype]['type'][$key] == 'text'
- $field_desc['type'] != 'text'
- $field_desc['type'] == 'text'
- $field_info['type'] == 'text'
- $format == 'text'
- $info['type'] == 'text'
- $input['type'] == 'text'
- $name == 'text'
- $template != 'text'
- $this->setup->datatype != "TEXT"
- $this->setup->datatype == "TEXT"
- $type != 'text'
- $type == 'text'
- $typefield == 'Text'
- $typehour != 'text'
- $typehour == 'text'
- $val['type'] == 'text'
- 'text' == $type
varchar |
- $pictoType = 'varchar'
- $type = 'varchar'
- $typedb = 'varchar'
- $extrafields->attributes[$elementtype]['type'][$key] == 'varchar'
- $field_desc['type'] == 'varchar'
- $reg[1] == 'varchar'
- $type == 'varchar'
expedition |
- $classfile = 'expedition'
- $classname = 'Expedition'
- $elementtype = 'expedition'
- $keyforselect = 'expedition'
- $module = 'expedition'
- $moduledirforclass = 'expedition'
- $modulepart = 'expedition'
- $myobject = 'expedition'
- $objectclass = 'Expedition'
- $origin = 'expedition'
- $sourcetable = 'expedition'
- $subelement = 'expedition'
- $table_element = 'expedition'
- $targettable = 'expedition'
- $this->rights_class = 'expedition'
- $tplpath = 'expedition'
- $element == 'expedition'
- $feature == 'expedition'
- $mode == 'expedition'
- $modulepart == 'expedition'
- $newclassname == 'Expedition'
- $object->origin == 'expedition'
- $objecttype == 'expedition'
- $option == 'expedition'
- $source == 'expedition'
- $type == 'expedition'
read |
- $crud = "read"
- $read = 'read'
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'read'
- $this->rights[$r][5] = 'read'
- $this->rights[$r][self::KEY_SECOND_LEVEL] = 'read'
- $this->rights[1][4] = 'read'
- $crud != "read"
- $mode == 'read'
- $permlevel1 == 'read'
- $permlevel2 == 'read'
- $perms == 'read'
- $subperms == 'read'
margin |
- $picto = 'margin'
- $this->picto = 'margin'
- $tmpname = 'margin'
null |
- $color = 'null'
- $fk_account = 'NULL'
- $fk_prev_id = 'null'
- $null = 'null'
- $objtype = 'null'
- $objval = 'null'
- $row[$j] = 'NULL'
- $shipping_method_id = 'NULL'
- $tmpescaped = 'NULL'
- $value = 'null'
- $values[$key] = 'null'
- $warehouse_id = 'NULL'
- $color == 'null'
- $field_desc['default'] == 'null'
- $fk_account == 'NULL'
- $listvalues[$socialkey] == "null"
- $name === 'null'
- $shipping_method_id == 'NULL'
- $tmpvalue == 'null'
- $token_str !== 'null'
- $values[$key] === 'NULL'
- $warehouse_id == 'NULL'
double |
- $pictoType = 'double'
- $type = 'double'
- $typedb = 'double'
- $extrafields->attributes[$elementtype]['type'][$key] == 'double'
- $field_info['type'] == 'double'
- $type == 'double'
- $val['type'] == 'double'
superadmin |
- $newuser->lastname = 'SuperAdmin'
- $option == 'superadmin'
- $type == 'superadmin'
set |
- $action == "set"
- $action == 'set'
- $action === 'set'
- $argv[1] == "set"
- $mode != 'set'
- $mode == 'set'
- $reg[1] === 'set'
- $regforregex[1] == 'SET'
- $regs[1] == 'set'
dolibarr |
- $application = 'Dolibarr'
- $dolibarr_main_authentication = 'dolibarr'
- $force_install_database = 'dolibarr'
- $this->label_lib = 'Dolibarr'
- $this->lastname = 'DOLIBARR'
- $this->version = 'dolibarr'
- $way = 'dolibarr'
- $TDir[$i] == 'dolibarr'
- $dolibarr_main_authentication != 'dolibarr'
- $mode == 'dolibarr'
- $newversion == 'dolibarr'
- $objMod->editor_name != 'dolibarr'
- $this->version == 'dolibarr'
- $type == 'dolibarr'
- $way == 'dolibarr'
mysqli |
- $conf->db->type = 'mysqli'
- $dolibarr_main_db_type = 'mysqli'
- $force_install_type = 'mysqli'
- $conf->db->type == 'mysqli'
- $db->type == "mysqli"
- $db->type == 'mysqli'
- $db_type == 'mysqli'
- $defaultype == 'mysqli'
- $dolibarr_main_db_type == "mysqli"
- $dolibarr_main_db_type == 'mysqli'
- $type == 'mysqli'
moduser |
standard |
- $dateformatinput2 = 'standard'
- $distrib = 'standard'
- $dolibarr_main_distrib = 'standard'
- $gen = 'standard'
- $mode = 'standard'
- $modele = 'standard'
- $sendcontext = 'standard'
- $this->const[$r][2] = "standard"
- $this->encryptdata['Filter'] = 'Standard'
- $this->global->USER_PASSWORD_GENERATED = 'standard'
- $this->id = "standard"
- $this->name = "standard"
- $format == 'standard'
- $grouping == 'standard'
- $mode == 'standard'
- $obj->doc_template_name == 'standard'
mysql |
- $databasefortest = 'mysql'
- $defaultype = 'mysql'
- $dolibarr_main_db_type = 'mysql'
- $conf->db->type == 'mysql'
- $databasefortest == 'mysql'
- $db->type == "mysql"
- $db->type == 'mysql'
- $db_type == 'mysql'
- $dolibarr_main_db_type == 'mysql'
- $label == 'MySQL'
- $type == 'mysql'
- $what == 'mysql'
master |
- $databasefortest = 'master'
- 'master' !== $instance['id']
- 'master' === $instanceId
- 'master' === $recurId
utf8 |
- $clientmustbe = 'utf8'
- $conf->db->character_set = 'utf8'
- $defaultCharacterSet = 'utf8'
- $clientmustbe != 'utf8'
- 'UTF8' === $charset
- 'UTF8' === $encoding
llx_ |
- $dolibarr_main_db_prefix = 'llx_'
- $force_install_prefix = 'llx_'
- $dolibarr_main_db_prefix != 'llx_'
root |
- $base = 'root'
- $force_install_databaselogin = 'root'
- $force_install_databasepass = 'root'
- $force_install_databaserootlogin = 'root'
- $force_install_databaserootpass = 'root'
- $grabimagesinto == 'root'
- $id == 'root'
- $key_localpart != 'root'
- $key_localpart == 'root'
- $regbis[2] != 'root'
- $v[1] == 'Root'
admin |
- $force_install_dolibarrlogin = 'admin'
- static::$role = 'admin'
- $field == 'admin'
- $type == 'admin'
- $typeinput == 'admin'
- static::$role == 'admin'
facturedet |
- $elementtype = 'facturedet'
- $invoicedettable = 'facturedet'
- $keyforselect = 'facturedet'
- $table1 = 'facturedet'
- $table2 = 'facturedet'
- $tabledet = 'facturedet'
- $table_element_line == 'facturedet'
- $this->table_element_line == 'facturedet'
upgrade |
sqlite3 |
- $conf->db->type == 'sqlite3'
- $db_type === 'sqlite3'
- $dolibarr_main_db_type == "sqlite3"
- $this->db->type == 'sqlite3'
- $type == 'sqlite3'
. |
- $dec = '.'
- $delim = '.'
- $msg = '.'
- $resultstring = '.'
- self::$decimalSeparator = '.'
- $char != "."
- $dirName == '.'
- $dnsRecord['target'] === '.'
- $file != "."
- $file != '.'
- $file == '.'
- $file['name'] != '.'
- $file_name[0] !== '.'
- $fontdir == '.'
- $img[0] == '.'
- $item != "."
- $item != '.'
- $p_dir == '.'
- $p_path == '.'
- $sFile != '.'
- $strnumber[$i] == '.'
- $tValue[1] !== '.'
- $this->lookAhead !== '.'
- $thousand != '.'
- $thousand == '.'
- $thumb == '.'
- $v_item_handler == '.'
- $v_list[$i] == "."
- '.' == $name
- '.' == $token
[] |
- $obj->socialnetworks = '[]'
module |
- $fieldnamekey = 'Module'
- $object->element = 'module'
- $this->export_fields_array[$r]['f.module_source'] = 'Module'
- $fieldlist[$field] == 'module'
- $fieldnamekey == 'module'
- $key == 'module'
- $typecalendar == 'module'
- $value == 'module'
member |
- $elementtype = 'member'
- $keyforelement = 'member'
- $model = 'member'
- $modelmail = "member"
- $modelmail = 'member'
- $modulepart = 'member'
- $newsource = 'member'
- $newtype = 'member'
- $this->picto = 'member'
- $tmpsource = 'member'
- $type = 'member'
- $typeforonlinepayment = 'member'
- $typetext = 'member'
- $element == 'member'
- $elementType == 'member'
- $feature == 'member'
- $features == 'member'
- $links[$key]['type'] == 'member'
- $managedfor != 'member'
- $managedfor == "member"
- $managedfor == 'member'
- $mode == 'member'
- $module == 'member'
- $modulepart == 'member'
- $notifiedevent['elementtype'] == 'member'
- $obj->source_type == 'member'
- $object->element == 'member'
- $objecttype == 'member'
- $permlevel1 == 'member'
- $source == 'member'
- $sourcetype == 'member'
- $tabtoadd == 'member'
- $tabtype[$key] == 'member'
- $this->param["models"] == 'member'
- $type == 'member'
- 'MEMBER' === $property->name
ticket |
- $actioncomm->elementtype = 'ticket'
- $elementtype = 'ticket'
- $head[$h][2] = 'ticket'
- $keyforclass = 'Ticket'
- $keyforelement = 'ticket'
- $keyforselect = 'ticket'
- $modelmail = "ticket"
- $modulepart = 'ticket'
- $objectclass = 'Ticket'
- $objectlabel = 'Ticket'
- $picto = 'ticket'
- $sendcontext = 'ticket'
- $this->export_icon[$r] = 'ticket'
- $this->family = "ticket"
- $this->picto = 'ticket'
- $this->rights_class = 'ticket'
- $type = 'ticket'
- $_SESSION["mainmenu"] == "ticket"
- $feature != 'ticket'
- $fk_element_type == "ticket"
- $modulepart == "ticket"
- $modulepart == 'ticket'
- $object->element == 'ticket'
- $object->elementtype != "ticket"
- $object->elementtype == 'ticket'
- $object->table_element != 'ticket'
- $operation['type'] == 'ticket'
- $reg[1] == 'ticket'
0 |
- $_POST[$keycode] = '0'
- $_POST["localtax1"] = '0'
- $_POST["localtax2"] = '0'
- $a = '0'
- $actioncode = '0'
- $aphour = '0'
- $apmin = '0'
- $barcodeData = '0'
- $cn = '0'
- $conf->global->ASTERISK_INDICATIF = "0"
- $cursor = "0"
- $data[$xi][$fieldforybis] = '0'
- $distinctfkuser['0'] = '0'
- $familyinfo[$familykey]['position'] = '0'
- $fieldValue = '0'
- $filtertype = '0'
- $forcedroundingmode = '0'
- $iptocheck = '0'
- $list = '0'
- $listofprojectcontacttype[0] = '0'
- $listofprojectcontacttypeexternal[0] = '0'
- $listoftaskcontacttype[0] = '0'
- $localtax1_type = '0'
- $localtax2_type = '0'
- $localtaxtype1 = '0'
- $localtaxtype2 = '0'
- $manual = "0"
- $menuToAdd['enabled'] = "0"
- $newval = '0'
- $no = "0"
- $obj->$alias = '0'
- $p2hour = '0'
- $p2min = '0'
- $percent = '0'
- $place = "0"
- $positiverates = '0'
- $prefix = '0'
- $replacement = '0'
- $reponsesadd[$cleinsertion] = '0'
- $s = '0'
- $sErrorNumber = '0'
- $search_type = '0'
- $servicestatus = '0'
- $sqlCommandesCli = '0'
- $sqlCommandesFourn = '0'
- $sqlExpeditionsCli = '0'
- $sqlProductionToConsume = '0'
- $sqlProductionToProduce = '0'
- $sqlReceptionFourn = '0'
- $tasks[$taskcursor]['task_milestone'] = '0'
- $this->const[$r][2] = "0"
- $this->errno = '0'
- $this->field = '0'
- $this->field_line = '0'
- $this->global->AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_TYPE = '0'
- $this->length = '0'
- $this->localtax1_type = '0'
- $this->localtax2_type = '0'
- $this->messages[$customResponseTagName] = '0'
- $this->messages[$name] = '0'
- $this->ref = '0'
- $tone = '0'
- $type = '0'
- $visible = '0'
- self::$builtInFormats[1] = '0'
- $ValueField == '0'
- $active === '0'
- $argv[3] !== '0'
- $argv[4] !== '0'
- $attributes[$name] === '0'
- $attrs['minOccurs'] != '0'
- $attrs['minOccurs'] <> '0'
- $cent_c == '0'
- $complete == '0'
- $crit != '0'
- $crit == '0'
- $dix_c == '0'
- $entity != '0'
- $forcedroundingmode == '0'
- $fuser->conf->THEME_ELDY_USE_CHECKED == '0'
- $fuser->conf->THEME_ELDY_USE_HOVER == '0'
- $gvaluepossiblekey == '0'
- $id == '0'
- $idtype != '0'
- $input['value'] != '0'
- $key == '0'
- $massaction === '0'
- $mysoc->tva_assuj != '0'
- $new_array_options[$key] == '0'
- $newprefix == '0'
- $newval == '0'
- $numaction == '0'
- $obj->box_order == '0'
- $obj->code == '0'
- $objfieldforg == '0'
- $price_ht === '0'
- $price_ht_devise === '0'
- $price_ttc === '0'
- $productFournisseur->fourn_remise_percent != "0"
- $rateinput === '0'
- $resarray['result'] != '0'
- $search[$key] === '0'
- $search_accountparent == '0'
- $search_conciliated !== '0'
- $search_conciliated === '0'
- $search_priv != '0'
- $search_priv == '0'
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- $search_status == "0"
- $search_status == '0'
- $search_type == '0'
- $search_type_mouvement == "0"
- $search_valuebilled == '0'
- $section === '0'
- $selected == '0'
- $seller->tva_assuj == "0"
- $shade != '0'
- $socid == '0'
- $societe_vendeuse->tva_assuj == "0"
- $status == '0'
- $status_batch !== '0'
- $statut == '0'
- $tValue[0] === '0'
- $text !== '0'
- $this->datep != '0'
- $this->entity != '0'
- $this->params === '0'
- $this->sens == '0'
- $tmp == '0'
- $tmpcrit !== '0'
- $tmpumask === '0'
- $tmpykey[2] == '0'
- $type == '0'
- $user->conf->THEME_ELDY_USE_CHECKED === '0'
- $user->conf->THEME_ELDY_USE_HOVER === '0'
- $v != '0'
- $v == '0'
- $val != '0'
- $val['default'] === '0'
- $value != '0'
- $value !== '0'
- $value == '0'
- $visibility === "0"
- $xlabel == '0'
- $yearoffsettype === '0'
- '0' == $currentHour
search_options_ |
- $search_options_pattern = 'search_options_'
- $keyprefix != 'search_options_'
core |
- $this->family = "core"
- $type = 'core'
- $filterorigmodule != 'core'
- $search_nature == 'core'
- $this->CurrentFont['type'] == 'core'
- $type != 'core'
- $type == 'core'
eventorganization |
- $module = 'eventorganization'
- $moduledir = 'eventorganization'
- $modulepart = 'eventorganization'
- $this->family = "eventorganization"
- $this->rights_class = 'eventorganization'
- $tplpath = 'eventorganization'
- $feature == 'eventorganization'
- $option == 'eventorganization'
- $tmparray[1] == 'eventorganization'
action |
- $elementPicto = 'action'
- $keyforelement = 'action'
- $object_type = 'action'
- $this->picto = 'action'
- $type = 'action'
- $element == 'action'
- $elementType == "action"
- $histo[$key]['type'] == 'action'
- $module == 'action'
- $modulepart == 'action'
- $obj->element == 'action'
- $obj->type == 'action'
- $object->element == 'action'
- $object->element_type == 'action'
- $objstat->element == 'action'
email |
- $actionCommReminder->typeremind = 'email'
- $actioncode = 'EMAIL'
- $column = 'email'
- $key = "EMAIL"
- $login_claim = 'email'
- $sortfield = "email"
- $this->picto = 'email'
- $usernamecol2 = 'email'
- $key == 'EMAIL'
- $mode == 'email'
- $obj->type == 'email'
- $object->fields[$field]['type'] == 'email'
- $propertytooverwrite == 'email'
- $remindertype == 'email'
- $type == 'email'
agenda |
- $element = 'agenda'
- $event['type'] = 'agenda'
- $feature = 'agenda'
- $head[$h][2] = 'agenda'
- $head[$tab][2] = 'agenda'
- $module = 'agenda'
- $modulename = 'agenda'
- $modulepart = 'agenda'
- $this->family = "agenda"
- $this->rights_class = 'agenda'
- $feature === 'agenda'
- $features == 'agenda'
- $key == 'agenda'
- $moduleobject == 'agenda'
- $modulepart == 'agenda'
- $notifiedevent['elementtype'] == 'agenda'
- $option == 'agenda'
- $type == 'agenda'
ac_oth_auto |
- $actioncomm->type_code = 'AC_OTH_AUTO'
- $actiontypecode = 'AC_OTH_AUTO'
- $object->actiontypecode = 'AC_OTH_AUTO'
- $selected = 'AC_OTH_AUTO'
- $actioncode == 'AC_OTH_AUTO'
- $actionstatic->type_code != 'AC_OTH_AUTO'
- $actionstatic->type_code == 'AC_OTH_AUTO'
- $code == 'AC_OTH_AUTO'
- $event->type_code == 'AC_OTH_AUTO'
- $obj->code == 'AC_OTH_AUTO'
- $obj->type_code == 'AC_OTH_AUTO'
- $object->type_code != 'AC_OTH_AUTO'
- $this->type_code != 'AC_OTH_AUTO'
contrat |
- $elementtype = 'contrat'
- $keyforselect = 'contrat'
- $module = 'contrat'
- $moduledirforclass = 'contrat'
- $modulepart = 'contrat'
- $myobject = 'contrat'
- $object->origin = 'contrat'
- $objectclass = 'Contrat'
- $subelement = 'contrat'
- $this->rights_class = 'contrat'
- $action != 'contrat'
- $action == 'contrat'
- $modulepart == 'contrat'
- $obj->element == 'contrat'
- $object->element == 'contrat'
- $objecttype == 'contrat'
- $origin == 'contrat'
- $srcobject->element == 'contrat'
- $this->element == 'contrat'
- $this->elementtype == 'contrat'
propal |
- $classname = 'Propal'
- $elementtype = 'propal'
- $keyforelement = 'propal'
- $keyforselect = 'propal'
- $module = 'propal'
- $moduleNameInConf = 'propal'
- $modulename = 'propal'
- $modulenameforenabled = 'propal'
- $modulepart = 'propal'
- $object_type = 'propal'
- $objectclass = 'Propal'
- $part = 'propal'
- $permlevel1 = 'propal'
- $picto = 'propal'
- $subelement = 'propal'
- $table = 'propal'
- $table_element = 'propal'
- $this->picto = 'propal'
- $type = 'propal'
- $element == 'propal'
- $elementType == 'propal'
- $fromElement == 'propal'
- $graphfiles == 'propal'
- $key == 'propal'
- $mode == 'propal'
- $module == 'propal'
- $modulepart == 'propal'
- $newclassname == 'Propal'
- $notifiedevent['elementtype'] == 'propal'
- $obj->element == 'propal'
- $obj->module == 'propal'
- $object->element == 'propal'
- $objectclass == 'Propal'
- $objecttype == 'propal'
- $origin == 'propal'
- $this->element == 'propal'
- $type_element == 'propal'
- $typeobject == 'propal'
- $typeobject === 'propal'
ficheinter |
- $element = 'ficheinter'
- $head[$h][2] = 'ficheinter'
- $keyforperm = 'ficheinter'
- $module = 'ficheinter'
- $modulepart = 'ficheinter'
- $newelement = 'ficheinter'
- $object_type = 'ficheinter'
- $subelement = 'ficheinter'
- $this->rights_class = 'ficheinter'
- $type = 'ficheinter'
- $typeforonlinepayment = 'ficheinter'
- $module == 'ficheinter'
- $moduleobject == 'ficheinter'
- $modulepart == 'ficheinter'
- $notifiedevent['elementtype'] == 'ficheinter'
- $objecttype == 'ficheinter'
fournisseur.commande |
- $classfile = 'fournisseur.commande'
- $subelement = 'fournisseur.commande'
- $classname == 'Fournisseur.commande'
fourn |
- $element = 'fourn'
- $moduledirforclass = 'fourn'
- $this->doc_type = "fourn"
- $mode == 'fourn'
- $this->doc_type == 'fourn'
note_public |
- $keyforbreak = 'note_public'
- $note_public = 'note_public'
- $fieldname == 'note_public'
ecm |
- $head[$h][2] = 'ecm'
- $module = 'ecm'
- $modulepart = 'ecm'
- $this->family = "ecm"
- $this->rights_class = 'ecm'
- $feature == 'ecm'
- $module == 'ecm'
- $modulepart != 'ecm'
- $modulepart == 'ecm'
note_private |
- $note_private = 'note_private'
- $field == 'note_private'
- $fieldname == 'note_private'
- $key == "note_private"
file_manager |
- $action = 'file_manager'
- $head[$h][2] = 'file_manager'
- $action != 'file_manager'
- $action == 'file_manager'
noajax |
numeric |
- $objtype = 'numeric'
- $this->export_TypeFields_array[$r]['t.fk_invoice'] = 'Numeric'
- $this->export_TypeFields_array[$r]['t.fk_project'] = 'Numeric'
- $this->export_TypeFields_array[$r]['t.fk_soc'] = 'Numeric'
- $typeFilter = "Numeric"
- $typeofdata = 'numeric'
- $decpar[($kdc + 1)][0] == 'numeric'
- $objimport->array_import_convertvalue[0][$val]['rule'] == 'numeric'
- $sarr[($k + 1)][0] == 'numeric'
- $sdic[($k + 1)][0] == 'numeric'
- $type == 'numeric'
date |
- $event->DTSTART['VALUE'] = 'DATE'
- $format = 'date'
- $function = 'DATE'
- $propertyParameters['value'] = 'DATE'
- $sortfield = "date"
- $sortfield = 'date'
- $typeFilter = "Date"
- $extrafields->attributes[$elementtype]['type'][$key] == 'date'
- $extrafields->attributes[$object->table_element]['type'][$key] == 'date'
- $field_info['type'] == 'date'
- $format == 'date'
- $info['type'] == 'date'
- $input['type'] == 'date'
- $obj->dayrule != 'date'
- $object->fields[$key]['type'] == 'date'
- $sortcriteria == 'date'
- $sortfield == "date"
- $sortfield == 'date'
- $typ == 'date'
- $type == 'date'
- $val['type'] == 'date'
- 'date' === $propertyType
t |
- $align = 'T'
- $function = 'T'
- $keyforalias = 't'
- $overwrite = 'T'
- $tablealiastouse = 't'
- $tmpfield[0] != 't'
- $type == 't'
- 't' === $itemParts[0]
boolean |
- $objtype = 'boolean'
- $tag = "boolean"
- $typeFilter = "Boolean"
- $extrafields->attributes[$elementtype]['type'][$key] == 'boolean'
- $field_info['type'] == 'boolean'
- $fieldsentry['type'] == 'boolean'
- $format == 'boolean'
- $object->fields[$field]['type'] == 'boolean'
- $object->fields[$key]['type'] == 'boolean'
- $p->type == 'boolean'
- $type == 'boolean'
- $uqType == 'boolean'
- $val['type'] == 'boolean'
(prov) |
- $field_value = '(PROV)'
- $object->$key = '(PROV)'
- $this->ref = '(PROV)'
- $field_info['default'] == '(PROV)'
- $this->fields['ref']['default'] == '(PROV)'
- $val['default'] == '(PROV)'
unknown |
- $author = 'unknown'
- $ecmfile->gen_or_uploaded = 'unknown'
- $element = 'unknown'
- $labelStatus = 'Unknown'
- $labelStatusShort = 'Unknown'
- $labellong = "Unknown"
- $mimeType = 'UNKNOWN'
- $modulepart = 'unknown'
- $month = 'unknown'
- $name = 'unknown'
- $object->gen_or_uploaded = 'unknown'
- $os = 'unknown'
- $param = 'Unknown'
- $phone = 'unknown'
- $result = 'unknown'
- $specialstring = 'unknown'
- $tabpay[$obj->rowid]['type'] = 'unknown'
- $tabtype[$obj->rowid] = 'unknown'
- $tag = "unknown"
- $this->version = 'unknown'
- $typetext = 'unknown'
- $v_result = 'Unknown'
- $a == 'unknown'
- $modulepart != "unknown"
- $modulepart != 'unknown'
- $modulepart == 'unknown'
- $tabtype[$key] == 'unknown'
- 'Unknown' === $type
system |
- $typecalendar == 'system'
stripelive |
- $service = 'StripeLive'
- $tmpservice = 'StripeLive'
- $companypaymentmodetemp->ext_payment_site == 'StripeLive'
- $rib->ext_payment_site == 'StripeLive'
- $service == 'StripeLive'
stripe |
- $listofval['stripe'] = 'Stripe'
- $paymentmethod = 'stripe'
- $servicename = 'Stripe'
- $societeaccount->site = 'stripe'
- $this->family = 'stripe'
- $this->picto = 'stripe'
- $this->rights_class = 'stripe'
- $validpaymentmethod['stripe'] = 'stripe'
- $paymentmethod == 'stripe'
- $paymentmethod === 'stripe'
company |
- $head[$h][2] = 'company'
- $keyforelement = 'company'
- $nophoto = 'company'
- $picto = 'company'
- $prefixforautocompletemode = 'company'
- $this->export_entities_array[$r]['t.fk_soc'] = 'company'
- $this->export_icon[$r] = 'company'
- $this->import_icon[$r] = 'company'
- $this->picto = 'company'
- $type = 'company'
- $fromtype === 'company'
- $links[$key]['type'] == 'company'
- $module == 'company'
- $modulepart == 'company'
- $nophoto == 'company'
- $prefixforautocompletemode == 'company'
- $this->fromtype === 'company'
edit_extras |
- $action != 'edit_extras'
- $action == 'edit_extras'
presend |
- $action = 'presend'
- $massaction = 'presend'
- $action != "presend"
- $action != 'presend'
- $action == "presend"
- $action == 'presend'
- $massaction != 'presend'
- $massaction == 'presend'
- $newaction == 'presend'
lines |
- $key == 'lines'
- $this->type[$firstlot] == 'lines'
- $this->type[$i] == 'lines'
graph |
- $head[$h][2] = 'graph'
- $mode = 'graph'
= |
- $condition = '='
- $data = '='
- $escape = "="
- $escape = '='
- $operator = '='
- $prepend = '='
- $Line['text'][0] === '='
- $condition == '='
- $formula[0] != '='
- $formula[0] == '='
- $op == "="
- $pValue[0] === '='
- $this->currentToken == '='
- $this->formula[0] != '='
- $this->lookAhead === '='
- $yearoffsettype != '='
auto |
- $cryptType = 'auto'
- $dolibarr_auto_user = 'auto'
- $login = 'auto'
- $srclang = 'auto'
- $thirdparty->code_client = 'auto'
- $thirdparty->code_fournisseur = 'auto'
- $thirdpartystatic->code_client = 'auto'
- $thirdpartystatic->code_fournisseur = 'auto'
- $codelang != 'auto'
- $codelang == 'auto'
- $cryptType == 'auto'
- $currency_code == 'auto'
- $file == 'auto'
- $forcedroundingmode == 'auto'
- $gm === 'auto'
- $locale === 'auto'
- $mode == 'auto'
- $mode === 'auto'
- $model == 'auto'
- $object->conf->MAIN_LANG_DEFAULT == 'auto'
- $params['display'] == 'auto'
- $savrelease != 'auto'
- $selected == 'auto'
- $selected === 'auto'
- $srclang == 'auto'
- $style['hpadding'] === 'auto'
- $style['padding'] === 'auto'
- $style['vpadding'] === 'auto'
- $this->_library == 'auto'
- $this->code_client === 'auto'
- $this->code_fournisseur === 'auto'
- $this->conf->MAIN_LANG_DEFAULT != 'auto'
- $this->global->MAIN_SERVER_TZ != 'auto'
- $this->ref == 'auto'
- $tmpver[0] == 'auto'
- $type == 'auto'
- $tzoutput === 'auto'
fournisseur |
- $arrayconv['supplier_invoice'] = 'fournisseur'
- $arrayconv['supplier_order'] = 'fournisseur'
- $element = 'fournisseur'
- $feature = 'fournisseur'
- $features = 'fournisseur'
- $module = 'fournisseur'
- $modulename = 'fournisseur'
- $newelement = 'fournisseur'
- $sub_type = "fournisseur"
- $this->rights_class = 'fournisseur'
- $type = 'fournisseur'
- $features == 'fournisseur'
- $module == 'fournisseur'
- $moduleobject == 'fournisseur'
- $obj->module == 'fournisseur'
- $type == 'fournisseur'
00000000 |
- $selectedDate != "00000000"
proposal_supplier_sentbymail |
project_sentbymail |
- $triggername = 'PROJECT_SENTBYMAIL'
- $triggersendname = 'PROJECT_SENTBYMAIL'
order_supplier_sentbymail |
- $triggersendname = 'ORDER_SUPPLIER_SENTBYMAIL'
bill_supplier_sentbymail |
- $triggersendname = 'BILL_SUPPLIER_SENTBYMAIL'
bill_sentbymail |
- $triggername = 'BILL_SENTBYMAIL'
- $triggersendname = 'BILL_SENTBYMAIL'
- $action == 'BILL_SENTBYMAIL'
- $action === 'BILL_SENTBYMAIL'
shipping_sentbymail |
- $triggername = 'SHIPPING_SENTBYMAIL'
- $triggersendname = 'SHIPPING_SENTBYMAIL'
contract_sentbymail |
- $triggername = 'CONTRACT_SENTBYMAIL'
- $triggersendname = 'CONTRACT_SENTBYMAIL'
order_sentbymail |
- $triggername = 'ORDER_SENTBYMAIL'
- $triggersendname = 'ORDER_SENTBYMAIL'
- $action == 'ORDER_SENTBYMAIL'
duration |
- $keyforbreak = 'duration'
- $totalarray['type'][$totalarray['nbfield']] = 'duration'
- $field_info['type'] == 'duration'
- $info['type'] == 'duration'
- $key == 'duration'
- $object->fields[$key]['type'] == 'duration'
- $totalarray['type'][$i] == 'duration'
- $type == 'duration'
bom |
- $keyforclass = 'BOM'
- $keyforelement = 'bom'
- $modelmail = "bom"
- $modelmail = 'bom'
- $modulepart = 'bom'
- $objectclass = 'BOM'
- $this->export_icon[$r] = 'bom'
- $this->picto = 'bom'
- $this->rights_class = 'bom'
- $type = 'bom'
- $modulepart == 'bom'
- $object->element == 'bom'
name |
- $sortfield = "name"
- $sortfield = 'name'
- $aName != 'name'
- $key == "name"
- $key == 'name'
- $mode == 'name'
- $propertytooverwrite == 'name'
- $sortfield == "name"
- $sortfield == 'name'
card |
- $companypaymentmode->type = 'card'
- $head[$h][2] = 'card'
- $head[$tab][2] = 'card'
- $hselected = 'card'
- $server->xml->namespaceMap[self::NS_CARDDAV] = 'card'
- $charge->payment_method_details->type == 'card'
- $charge->source->type == 'card'
- $companypaymentmode->type != 'card'
- $display_type == 'card'
- $key == 'card'
- $mode == 'card'
- $obj->type == 'card'
- $object->type == 'card'
- $pay == 'card'
- $paymentTypeCode == "card"
- $paymentTypeCodeInDolibarr == 'card'
- $src->object == 'card'
- $src->type == 'card'
- $this->code == "CARD"
document |
- $head[$h][2] = 'document'
- $this->rights_class = 'document'
- $option == 'document'
- $style == 'document'
ctc |
con |
pro |
- $query == "pro"
- $reg[1] == 'pro'
ord |
inv |
company_sentbymail |
- $triggername = 'COMPANY_SENTBYMAIL'
- $triggersendname = 'COMPANY_SENTBYMAIL'
product |
- $classkeyforcache = 'Product'
- $elementtype = 'product'
- $featureforlistofmodule = 'product'
- $field = "product"
- $function = 'PRODUCT'
- $keyforelement = 'product'
- $keyforselect = 'product'
- $modelmail = "product"
- $module = 'product'
- $modulepart = 'product'
- $objectclass = 'Product'
- $picto = 'product'
- $stdobject->element = 'product'
- $subelement = 'product'
- $table = "product"
- $table_element = 'product'
- $this->name = "product"
- $this->picto = 'product'
- $this->src_object_type = 'product'
- $this->type = 'product'
- $type = 'product'
- $typetext = 'product'
- $_GET["modulepart"] == 'product'
- $argv[1] != 'product'
- $argv[1] == 'product'
- $element == 'product'
- $element_prop['module'] == 'product'
- $features == 'product'
- $mode == 'product'
- $module == "product"
- $module == 'product'
- $modulepart == 'product'
- $object->element == 'product'
- $object->element === 'product'
- $prefixforautocompletemode == 'product'
- $table == 'product'
- $this->element == 'product'
- $this->table_element == 'product'
- $this->type == 'product'
- $type == 'product'
- $val['type'] == 'product'
ttc |
- $base_price_type = 'TTC'
- $price_base_type = 'TTC'
- $product['price_base_type'] = 'TTC'
- $produit->price_base_type = 'TTC'
- $multicurrency_price_base_type == 'TTC'
- $new_type == 'TTC'
- $newbasetype == 'TTC'
- $newobject->price_base_type == 'TTC'
- $newpricebase == 'TTC'
- $obj->price_base_type == 'TTC'
- $object->multiprices_base_type[$i] == 'TTC'
- $object->multiprices_base_type[$soc->price_level] == 'TTC'
- $object->multiprices_base_type[1] == 'TTC'
- $object->price_base_type == 'TTC'
- $objp->price_base_type == 'TTC'
- $price_base_type != 'TTC'
- $price_base_type == 'TTC'
- $prodcustprice->price_base_type == 'TTC'
- $productpricescache[$obj->rowid][$key]['price_base_type'] == 'TTC'
- $this->price_base_type != 'TTC'
- $this->price_base_type == 'TTC'
- $this->product->multiprices_base_type[$key] == 'TTC'
- $this->product->price_base_type == 'TTC'
refused |
- $errorcode = 'REFUSED'
- $message = 'refused'
- $triggerName[9] = 'REFUSED'
- $message == 'refused'
- $status == 'refused'
actioncomm |
- $dbtablename = 'actioncomm'
- $elementtype = 'actioncomm'
- $keyforselect = 'actioncomm'
- $objectclass = 'ActionComm'
- $subelement = 'Actioncomm'
- $table_element = 'actioncomm'
- $elementType == "actioncomm"
- $tableName == "actioncomm"
- $tablename != 'actioncomm'
- $tablename == 'actioncomm'
- $this->MAP_OBJ_TABLE[$type] == "actioncomm"
- $this->table_element == 'actioncomm'
- $type == "actioncomm"
socpeople |
- $elementtype = 'socpeople'
- $keyforselect = 'socpeople'
- $table_element = 'socpeople'
- $element == 'socpeople'
- $modulepart == 'socpeople'
ht |
- $base_price_type = 'HT'
- $myproduct->price_base_type = 'HT'
- $object->multiprices_base_type[$i] = "HT"
- $price_base_type = 'HT'
- $product['price_base_type'] = 'HT'
- $this->fourn_price_base_type = 'HT'
- $line->price_base_type == 'HT'
- $newobject->price_base_type == 'HT'
- $object->multiprices_base_type[$i] == 'HT'
- $object->price_base_type == 'HT'
- $objp2->price_base_type == 'HT'
- $objp->custprice_base_type == 'HT'
- $objp->price_base_type == 'HT'
- $price_base_type != 'HT'
- $price_base_type == 'HT'
- $priceforthequantityarray['price_base_type'] == 'HT'
db_error_record_already_exists |
- $clone_project->error == 'DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS'
- $clone_task->error == 'DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS'
- $db->lasterrno != 'DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS'
- $db->lasterrno == 'DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS'
- $object->errno == 'DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS'
- $object->error == 'DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS'
- $objectsrc->error == 'DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS'
- $objexport->errno == 'DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS'
- $objimport->errno == 'DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS'
- $tasksToAffect->error == 'DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS'
- $this->category->error != 'DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS'
s |
- $aliastablesociete = 's'
- $minimumUnit = 's'
- $op = 'S'
- $op = 's'
- $opt['mk']['if']['sw'] = 'S'
- $style = 'S'
- $chardata[$i]['type'] == 'S'
- $chardata[$j]['type'] == 'S'
- $dataType == 's'
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 's'
- $duration_unit == 's'
- $k[0] == 's'
- $key == 'S'
- $style['position'] == 'S'
contract |
- $actioncomm->elementtype = 'contract'
- $element = 'contract'
- $head[$h][2] = 'contract'
- $keyforelement = 'contract'
- $modelmail = "contract"
- $modelmail = 'contract'
- $modulepart = 'contract'
- $newclassname = 'Contract'
- $table_element = 'contract'
- $this->elementtype = 'contract'
- $this->export_icon[$r] = 'contract'
- $this->picto = 'contract'
- $type = 'contract'
- $typeforonlinepayment = 'contract'
- $element == 'contract'
- $elementType == 'contract'
- $mode == 'contract'
- $module == 'contract'
- $modulepart == 'contract'
- $object->element == 'contract'
- $objecttype == 'contract'
- $source == 'contract'
- $subelement != 'contract'
- $type == 'contract'
- $type_element != 'contract'
- $type_element == 'contract'
commandefournisseur |
- $classname = 'CommandeFournisseur'
- $object->origin = 'CommandeFournisseur'
- $objectclass = 'CommandeFournisseur'
- $origin = 'commandeFournisseur'
- $classname == 'CommandeFournisseur'
- $objectclass == 'CommandeFournisseur'
- $this->origin == 'commandeFournisseur'
- $typeobject == 'CommandeFournisseur'
order_supplier |
- $element = 'order_supplier'
- $object_type = 'order_supplier'
- $objecttmp->origin = 'order_supplier'
- $origin = 'order_supplier'
- $type = 'order_supplier'
- $element != 'order_supplier'
- $element == 'order_supplier'
- $elementType == 'order_supplier'
- $element_doc === 'order_supplier'
- $elementtype == 'order_supplier'
- $key == "order_supplier"
- $key == 'order_supplier'
- $module == 'order_supplier'
- $modulepart == 'order_supplier'
- $notifiedevent['elementtype'] == 'order_supplier'
- $obj->module == 'order_supplier'
- $object->element != 'order_supplier'
- $object->element == 'order_supplier'
- $object->element === 'order_supplier'
- $objectobj->element == 'order_supplier'
- $objecttype == 'order_supplier'
- $origin == 'order_supplier'
- $sourcetype == 'order_supplier'
- $targettype == 'order_supplier'
- $this->element == 'order_supplier'
- $this->origin == 'order_supplier'
fk_project |
- $parentForeignKey = 'fk_project'
- $projectkey = "fk_project"
projet |
- $element = 'projet'
- $elementtype = 'projet'
- $feature = 'projet'
- $features = 'projet'
- $keyforselect = 'projet'
- $module = 'projet'
- $moduledirforclass = 'projet'
- $modulename = 'projet'
- $modulepart = 'projet'
- $parentElement = 'projet'
- $table_element = 'projet'
- $this->rights_class = 'projet'
- $element == 'projet'
- $feature == 'projet'
- $modulepart == 'projet'
div |
- $tag = 'div'
- $tag->tag = 'div'
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tr |
- $tag->tag = 'tr'
- $tagtype = 'tr'
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'tr'
td |
- $cellType = 'td'
- $tag = 'td'
- $tag->tag = 'td'
- $tagtype_dyn = 'td'
- $dom[$key]['value'] != 'td'
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'td'
- $strpiece[2][0] == 'Td'
- $tag == 'td'
{} |
- $centroidjson = '{}'
- $geojson = '{}'
- $result = "{}"
- $centroidjson != '{}'
- $geojson != '{}'
- '{}' === $json
right |
- $align = 'right'
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- $class = 'right'
- $classtd = 'right'
- $css['.f']['text-align'] = 'right'
- $css['.n']['text-align'] = 'right'
- $cssstring = "right"
- $dom[$key]['attribute']['pagebreak'] = 'right'
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- $dom[$key]['attribute']['pagebreak'] == 'right'
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- $trunc == 'right'
contact |
- $classfile = 'contact'
- $element = 'contact'
- $elementtype = 'contact'
- $feature = 'contact'
- $head[$h][2] = 'contact'
- $keyforelement = 'contact'
- $modelmail = "contact"
- $modelmail = 'contact'
- $modulepart = 'contact'
- $objectclass = 'Contact'
- $objectlabel = 'Contact'
- $subelement = 'contact'
- $this->export_icon[$r] = 'contact'
- $this->import_icon[$r] = 'contact'
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'contact'
- $typetext = 'contact'
- $action == 'contact'
- $element == 'contact'
- $elementType == 'contact'
- $elementtype == 'contact'
- $feature == 'contact'
- $module == 'contact'
- $moduleobject == 'contact'
- $modulepart == 'contact'
- $obj->source_type == 'contact'
- $object->element == 'contact'
- $objectobj->element == 'contact'
- $objecttmp->element == 'contact'
- $option == 'contact'
- $origin == 'contact'
- $socobject->element == 'contact'
- $this->element == 'contact'
- $this->totype == 'contact'
- $type == "contact"
- $type == 'contact'
- $val == 'contact'
point |
- $extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element]['type'][$attributeKey] == 'point'
- $extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element]['type'][$name] == 'point'
- $return_type == 'point'
- $tmp->type == 'Point'
- $type == 'point'
polygon |
- $extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element]['type'][$attributeKey] == 'polygon'
- $extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element]['type'][$name] == 'polygon'
- $return_type == 'polygon'
- $tmp->type == 'Polygon'
- $type == 'polygon'
separate |
- $extrafields->attributes[$element]['type'][$key] != 'separate'
- $extrafields->attributes[$extrafieldsobjectkey]['type'][$key] == 'separate'
- $extrafields->attributes[$object->table_element]['type'][$key] != 'separate'
- $extrafields->attributes[$object->table_element]['type'][$key] == 'separate'
- $extrafields->attributes[$object->table_element]['type'][$tmpkeyextra] == 'separate'
- $extrafields->attributes[$objectlist->table_element]['type'][$key] != 'separate'
- $extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element]['type'][$attributeKey] != 'separate'
- $extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element]['type'][$key] != 'separate'
- $extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element]['type'][$key] == 'separate'
- $extrafields->attributes['facture']['type'][$key] != 'separate'
- $extrafields->attributes['projet']['type'][$key] != 'separate'
- $extrafields->attributes['projet_task']['type'][$key] != 'separate'
- $key_type == 'separate'
- $obj->type != 'separate'
- $tab->type != 'separate'
- $type != 'separate'
- $type == 'separate'
- $val['type'] == 'separate'
allfilesold |
- $choice != 'allfilesold'
- $choice == 'allfilesold'
'' |
* |
- $data = '*'
- $fname = '*'
- $op = '*'
- $value = '*'
- $chars[$j + 1] === '*'
- $chars[$j] === '*'
- $expectedArgumentCount != '*'
- $file[0] === '*'
- $filename != '*'
- $lasttag == '*'
- $o['u'][0] == '*'
- $obj->language != '*'
- $op == '*'
- $operande1 == '*'
- $operande2 == '*'
- $page[0] == '*'
- $pl['txt'][0] == '*'
- $project_year_filter != "*"
- $segment === '*'
- $tables == '*'
- $this->currentToken == '*'
- $to === "*"
- Defaults::$accessControlAllowOrigin == '*'
- '*' !== $ifMatch
- '*' !== $proposal['subType']
- '*' !== $proposal['type']
- '*' === $eventName[\strlen($eventName) - 1]
- '*' === $ifNoneMatch
- '*' === $k[1]
- '*' === $mimeType
en_us |
- $lEnglish = 'en_US'
- $langofdir = 'en_US'
- $srclang = 'en_US'
- $this->global->MAIN_LANG_DEFAULT = "en_US"
- $locale != 'en_us'
- $outputlangs->defaultlang == 'en_US'
- $this->defaultlang != "en_US"
- self::$localeLanguage !== 'en_us'
payment |
- $head[$h][2] = 'payment'
- $mode = 'payment'
- $modeforaddpayment = 'payment'
- $picto = 'payment'
- $reg[1] = 'Payment'
- $this->global->TAX_MODE_BUY_SERVICE = 'payment'
- $this->global->TAX_MODE_SELL_SERVICE = 'payment'
- $this->picto = 'payment'
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- $valuebuyservice = 'payment'
- $valuesellproduct = 'payment'
- $valuesellservice = 'payment'
- $element == 'payment'
- $feature == 'payment'
- $links[$key]['type'] == 'payment'
- $mode == 'payment'
- $obj->type == 'payment'
- $obj->typeop_payment == 'payment'
- $object->element == 'payment'
- $tabtype[$key] == 'payment'
- $this->element == 'payment'
- $this->element === 'payment'
- $typerecord == 'payment'
invoice |
- $actioncomm->elementtype = 'invoice'
- $element = 'invoice'
- $elementEn = 'invoice'
- $fk_element_type = 'invoice'
- $head[$h][2] = 'invoice'
- $keyforelement = 'invoice'
- $link_title = 'Invoice'
- $moduleNameEn = 'invoice'
- $moduleSourceName = 'Invoice'
- $modulepart = 'invoice'
- $newelement = 'invoice'
- $this->elementtype = 'invoice'
- $this->export_entities_array[$r]['t.fk_invoice'] = 'invoice'
- $this->export_icon[$r] = 'invoice'
- $this->global->TAX_MODE_BUY_PRODUCT = 'invoice'
- $this->global->TAX_MODE_SELL_PRODUCT = 'invoice'
- $tradinvoice = "Invoice"
- $type = 'invoice'
- $typeforonlinepayment = 'invoice'
- $valuebuyproduct = 'invoice'
- $valuebuyservice = 'invoice'
- $valuesellproduct = 'invoice'
- $valuesellservice = 'invoice'
- $charge->metadata->dol_type == "invoice"
- $data['item'] == 'Invoice'
- $element == 'invoice'
- $elementEn == 'invoice'
- $elementType == 'invoice'
- $invoice->element == 'invoice'
- $key == 'invoice'
- $mobilepage != "invoice"
- $mobilepage == "invoice"
- $module == 'invoice'
- $moduleobject == 'invoice'
- $modulepart == 'invoice'
- $obj->module == 'invoice'
- $objecttmp->element == 'invoice'
- $objecttype == 'invoice'
- $option == 'invoice'
- $origin == 'invoice'
- $source == 'invoice'
- $subdir == 'invoice'
- $table == 'invoice'
- $this->element == 'invoice'
- $this->param["models"] == 'invoice'
- $tmpobj->family == 'invoice'
- $type == 'invoice'
- $type_element == 'invoice'
recettes-depenses |
- $modecompta = "RECETTES-DEPENSES"
- $modecompta = 'RECETTES-DEPENSES'
- $modecompta == "RECETTES-DEPENSES"
- $modecompta == 'RECETTES-DEPENSES'
eldy |
- $conf->theme = 'eldy'
- $theme = 'eldy'
- $this->global->MAIN_THEME = "eldy"
supplier_proposal |
- $classfile = 'supplier_proposal'
- $element = 'supplier_proposal'
- $elementtype = 'supplier_proposal'
- $module = 'supplier_proposal'
- $moduleNameInConf = 'supplier_proposal'
- $moduledirforclass = 'supplier_proposal'
- $modulename = 'supplier_proposal'
- $modulenameforenabled = 'supplier_proposal'
- $modulepart = 'supplier_proposal'
- $picto = 'supplier_proposal'
- $subelement = 'supplier_proposal'
- $table = 'supplier_proposal'
- $this->picto = 'supplier_proposal'
- $this->rights_class = 'supplier_proposal'
- $type = 'supplier_proposal'
- $elementType == 'supplier_proposal'
- $featureforlistofmodule == 'supplier_proposal'
- $module == 'supplier_proposal'
- $moduleobject == 'supplier_proposal'
- $modulepart == 'supplier_proposal'
- $obj->element != 'supplier_proposal'
- $object->element == 'supplier_proposal'
- $objecttype != 'supplier_proposal'
- $objecttype == 'supplier_proposal'
- $origin == 'supplier_proposal'
- $reg[1] == 'supplier_proposal'
- $tablename == 'supplier_proposal'
- $this->element == 'supplier_proposal'
- $type_element != 'supplier_proposal'
- $type_element == 'supplier_proposal'
eur |
- $selected = 'EUR'
- $this->export_examplevalues_array[$r]['f.multicurrency_code'] = 'EUR'
- $this->global->MAIN_MONNAIE = 'EUR'
- $conf->currency == 'EUR'
tabs |
- $head2[$h][2] = 'tabs'
- $partname = 'tabs'
id |
- $dbt_select = 'id'
- $field = 'id'
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- $tabrowid[DICT_CHARGESOCIALES] = "id"
- $tabrowid[DICT_EFFECTIF] = "id"
- $tabrowid[DICT_HRM_PUBLIC_HOLIDAY] = "id"
- $tabrowid[DICT_PAIEMENT] = "id"
- $tabrowid[DICT_STCOMM] = "id"
- $tabrowid[DICT_STCOMMCONTACT] = "id"
- $tabrowid[DICT_TYPENT] = "id"
- $tabrowid[DICT_TYPE_FEES] = "id"
- $this->prefixdeposit = 'ID'
- $dbt_select != 'id'
- $field == 'id'
- $key == "id"
- $key == 'id'
- $mode == 'id'
- $propertytooverwrite == 'id'
- $shipToCountryCode == 'ID'
- $sortfield == "id"
- $v[1] == 'ID'
libelle |
- $fieldlist[$field] == 'libelle'
- $fieldnamekey == 'libelle'
- $value == 'libelle'
disabled |
- $dir_phan = 'disabled'
- $disable = 'disabled'
- $disabled = 'disabled'
- $head[$h][5] = 'disabled'
- $optionmc = 'disabled'
- $dir_phan != 'disabled'
- $dirphpstan != 'disabled'
- $dirscc != 'disabled'
- $search_status == 'disabled'
\r |
- $this->bodyCanonLastChar = "\r"
- $this->eol = "\r"
- $c == "\r"
- $formula[$index] == "\r"
- "\r" !== $c[$ltrim]
- "\r" == $string[0]
- "\r" == $this->bodyCanonLastChar
manual |
- $dataforintent["capture_method"] = "manual"
- $dataforintent["confirmation_method"] = "manual"
- $manual = "manual"
- $selected == 'manual'
- $value != 'manual'
b |
- $align = 'B'
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- $newProperty['ENCODING'] = 'b'
- $op = 'B'
- $op = 'b'
- $opt['mk']['if']['sw'] = 'B'
- $chardata[$i]['type'] == 'B'
- $chardata[$j]['type'] == 'B'
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'b'
- $encoding == 'B'
- $op == 'B'
- $sequence[($key + 1)][0] != 'B'
- $sequence[($key - 1)][0] != 'B'
- $sequence[($key - 1)][0] == 'B'
- $valign == 'B'
a |
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- $opt['mk']['if']['sw'] = 'A'
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- $this->rights[$r][2] = 'a'
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- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'a'
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- $object->format == "A"
- $sequence[($key - 1)][0] != 'A'
- $sequence[($key - 1)][0] == 'A'
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text/plain |
- $headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
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- $headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/plain'
" |
- $delim = '"'
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- $operand[0] == '"'
- $this->lookAhead !== '"'
- $tmp == '"'
- $tok == '"'
- $token[0] == '"'
- $value[0] == '"'
- $value[strlen($value) - 1] == '"'
- $word[0] != '"'
- $word[0] == '"'
- $word[strlen($word) - 1] != '"'
- $word[strlen($word) - 1] == '"'
- '"' === $match['paramValue'][0]
- '"' === $part
' |
- $char == "'"
- $listofnum != "'"
- $tok == "'"
rest |
ckeditor |
- $defaulteditor = 'ckeditor'
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textarea |
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ace |
- $okforextendededitor != 'ace'
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md5 |
- $selected = 'md5'
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- $type == 'md5'
- $type === 'md5'
openldap |
- $type !== 'openldap'
- $type == 'openldap'
ref |
- $field = 'ref'
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- $key == 'ref'
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- 'ref' === $style
user |
- $capture = 'user'
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- $head[$h][2] = 'user'
- $item->picto = 'user'
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- $modelmail = 'user'
- $module = 'user'
- $modulepart = 'user'
- $objectclass = 'User'
- $objectlabel = 'User'
- $this->import_icon[$r] = 'user'
- $this->rights[$r][self::KEY_FIRST_LEVEL] = 'user'
- $this->rights_class = 'user'
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- $typetext = 'user'
- $argv[1] != 'user'
- $argv[1] == 'user'
- $element == 'user'
- $elementTable == 'user'
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- $feature == 'user'
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- $mode == 'user'
- $module == 'user'
- $modulepart == 'user'
- $obj->module == 'user'
- $obj->perms == 'user'
- $obj->source_type == 'user'
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- $object->element == 'user'
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- $objecttype == "user"
- $objecttype == 'user'
- $perm[0] == 'user'
- $reg[1] == 'User'
- $subfeature == 'user'
- $this->element == 'user'
- $this->fromtype == 'user'
- $this->fromtype === 'user'
- $typecalendar == 'user'
add |
- $action = 'add'
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- $this->action = 'add'
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- $action != 'add'
- $action == "add"
- $action == 'add'
- $action === 'add'
- $context == 'add'
- $listofreferent[$key]['margin'] == 'add'
- $margin === 'add'
- $mode != 'add'
- $mode == 'add'
- $newaction == 'add'
- $parameters['mode'] == 'add'
- $save_label == 'Add'
l |
- $align = 'L'
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- $chardir = 'L'
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- $talign = 'L'
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- $chardata[($i - 1)]['type'] == 'L'
- $chardata[$i]['eor'] == 'L'
- $chardata[$i]['sor'] == 'L'
- $chardata[$i]['type'] == 'L'
- $chardata[$j]['type'] == 'L'
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del |
- $action == 'del'
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'del'
text/html |
- $headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html'
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- $contenttype == 'text/html'
- $headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/html'
login |
- $_GET['keyforprovider'] = 'Login'
- $conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_SMTPS_AUTH_TYPE = 'LOGIN'
- $context->controller = 'login'
- $focus_element = 'login'
- $head[$h][2] = 'login'
- $landingPage = 'Login'
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- $keyforprovider != 'Login'
- $mode == 'login'
fichinter |
- $elementtype = 'fichinter'
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- $modulepart == 'fichinter'
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- $object->element == 'fichinter'
- $objecttype == "fichinter"
- $objecttype == 'fichinter'
- $source == 'fichinter'
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- $this->element == 'fichinter'
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- $type_element == 'fichinter'
reception |
- $elementtype = 'reception'
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- $keyforselect = 'reception'
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- $objectclass = 'Reception'
- $objecttmp->origin = 'reception'
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- $type = 'reception'
- $module == 'reception'
- $modulepart == 'reception'
- $object->element == 'reception'
- $object->origin == 'reception'
- $objecttype == 'reception'
- $origin == 'reception'
- $reg[1] == 'reception'
- $this->element == 'reception'
- $type != 'reception'
delivery |
- $elementtype = 'delivery'
- $head[$h][2] = 'delivery'
- $modulepart = 'delivery'
- $myobject = 'delivery'
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- $type = 'delivery'
- $elementType == 'delivery'
- $modulepart == 'delivery'
- $object->element == 'delivery'
- $objecttype == 'delivery'
- $origin == 'delivery'
- $sourcetype == 'delivery'
- $targettype == 'delivery'
- $this->element == 'delivery'
produit |
- $element = 'produit'
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- $featureforlistofmodule == 'produit'
- $modulepart == 'produit'
no |
- $no = "no"
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- $showaccountdetail == 'no'
- $tokens[0] == 'NO'
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mrp |
- $features = 'mrp'
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yes |
- $erreur_ajout_date = "yes"
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- $yesno = 'Yes'
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- $confirm == "yes"
- $confirm == 'yes'
- $confirm === 'yes'
- $obj->Null == 'YES'
- $report_include_loan == 'yes'
- $report_include_varpay == 'yes'
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- 'yes' === $elem['attributes']['negate-condition']
info |
- $function = 'INFO'
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- $head[$tab][2] = 'info'
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- $type == 'info'
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html |
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combo |
get |
- $httpMethod = 'GET'
- $method = 'GET'
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- $httpMethod == 'GET'
- $method != 'GET'
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- $postconfirmas == 'GET'
- $this->form_mode == 'get'
- $this->requestMethod == 'GET'
- $this->request_method != 'GET'
- 'GET' === $method
- 'get' === $method
service |
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- $module == 'service'
- $modulepart == 'service'
- $obj->typecontainer == 'service'
creditnote |
- $labelshort = "CreditNote"
- $type_fac = 'CreditNote'
short |
customer_invoice |
- $bookkeeping->doc_type = 'customer_invoice'
- $type = 'customer_invoice'
- $line->doc_type == 'customer_invoice'
supplier_invoice |
- $bookkeeping->doc_type = 'supplier_invoice'
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dayhour |
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string |
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- $value[0] == "string"
- 'string' === $type
ok |
- $arrayresult['code'] = 'OK'
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- $p_header['status'] = 'ok'
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- $tokens[0] == 'OK'
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- $v_header_list[$i]['status'] == 'ok'
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failed |
- $charge->status = 'failed'
- $charge->status == 'failed'
- $payout->status == 'failed'
- $txn->status == 'failed'
nature |
- $fieldlist[$field] == 'nature'
__project_name__ |
- $substitutionarray['__PROJECT_NAME__'] = '__PROJECT_NAME__'
- $key == '__PROJECT_NAME__'
send |
- $formmail->param["action"] = "send"
- $formmail->param['action'] = 'send'
- $formsms->param["action"] = "send"
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- $this->rights[$r][5] = 'send'
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- $action == 'send'
- $newaction == 'send'
paiement |
- $paymenttable = 'paiement'
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- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'paiement'
paiementfourn |
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facture |
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- $moduleobject == 'facture'
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- $objectobj->element == 'facture'
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- $this->element === 'facture'
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real |
- $mode == 'real'
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mymodule |
- $moduledir = 'mymodule'
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myobject |
- $firstobjectname = 'myobject'
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- $obj != 'myobject'
- $parameters['features'] == 'myobject'
generic |
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- $this->picto = 'generic'
- $tmpobject->element = 'generic'
order |
- $elementEn = 'order'
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- $this->picto = 'order'
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- $elementEn == 'order'
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- $source == 'order'
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notconfigured |
- $numExample = 'NotConfigured'
- $this->error = 'NotConfigured'
- $invoice->error == 'NotConfigured'
- $nextval == 'NotConfigured'
- $this->error != 'NotConfigured'
- $tmp == 'NotConfigured'
odt |
target |
- $mode = 'target'
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- $objectclass = 'Target'
- $objectlabel = 'Target'
modulesetup |
home |
- $_SESSION["mainmenu"] = "home"
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/ |
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- '/' === $this->path
- '/' === $uriParts['path']
specimen |
- $line->label = 'Specimen'
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pdf |
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editref |
internal |
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newobjectifnoobj |
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initmodule |
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- $module == 'initmodule'
description |
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editline |
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workstation |
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desc,desc |
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wiki |
local |
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notdefined |
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- $accounttoshow == 'NotDefined'
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- $this->numero_compte == 'NotDefined'
write |
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- $this->rights[$r][5] = 'write'
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none |
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newobject |
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deleteobject |
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deletemodule |
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link |
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- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'link'
- $type = 'link'
- $attributeType == 'link'
- $el == 'link'
- $extrafields->attributes[$elementtype]['type'][$key] == 'link'
- $extrafields->attributes[$object->table_element]['type'][$extrafieldKey] == 'link'
- $extrafields->attributes[$object->table_element]['type'][$key] == 'link'
- $extrafields->attributes[$objectforfieldstmp->table_element]['type'][$key] == 'link'
- $pl['opt']['subtype'] !== 'Link'
- $type == 'link'
datetime |
- $pictoType = 'datetime'
- $tag = "datetime"
- $extrafields->attributes[$elementtype]['type'][$key] == 'datetime'
- $extrafields->attributes[$object->table_element]['type'][$key] == 'datetime'
- $field_info['type'] == 'datetime'
- $info['type'] == 'datetime'
- $input['type'] == 'datetime'
- $object->fields[$key]['type'] == 'datetime'
- $type == 'datetime'
- $typeofdata == 'datetime'
- $val['type'] == 'datetime'
shipping_send |
- $model = 'shipping_send'
- $modelmail = "shipping_send"
- $modelmail = 'shipping_send'
- $this->param['models'] == 'shipping_send'
- $type_template == 'shipping_send'
specifications |
- $head2[$h][2] = 'specifications'
buildpackage |
- $head2[$h][2] = 'buildpackage'
css |
- $head2[$h][2] = 'css'
- $head[$h][2] = 'css'
- $srclang = 'css'
- $key == 'css'
- $mode == 'css'
- $pageid == 'css'
- $tab == 'css'
js |
- $head2[$h][2] = 'js'
- $srclang = 'js'
- $format == 'js'
- $key == 'js'
- $mode === "js"
- $reg[1] != 'js'
- $tab == 'js'
cli |
cron |
- $head2[$h][2] = 'cron'
- $modelmail = "cron"
- $module = 'cron'
- $table_element = 'cron'
- $this->picto = 'cron'
- $this->rights_class = 'cron'
- $mode == "cron"
- $tab == 'cron'
widgets |
- $head2[$h][2] = 'widgets'
triggers |
- $head2[$h][2] = 'triggers'
exportimport |
- $head2[$h][2] = 'exportimport'
emailings |
- $head2[$h][2] = 'emailings'
permissions |
- $head2[$h][2] = 'permissions'
- $option == 'permissions'
- $tab == 'permissions'
hooks |
- $key == 'hooks'
- $tab == 'hooks'
menus |
objects |
- $head2[$h][2] = 'objects'
dictionaries |
- $head2[$h][2] = 'dictionaries'
languages |
- $head2[$h][2] = 'languages'
classifyclose |
- $action = 'classifyclose'
- $massaction == 'classifyclose'
sendings |
- $objectlabel = 'Sendings'
batch |
- $keyforelement = 'batch'
- $modebatch = "batch"
- $this->export_fields_array[$r]['sm.batch'] = 'Batch'
- $type = 'batch'
- $fieldKey == 'batch'
- $key == 'batch'
- $modebatch == "batch"
dispatch |
- $head[$h][2] = 'dispatch'
- $type = 'dispatch'
barcode |
- $field = 'barcode'
- $modebatch = "barcode"
- $this->picto = 'barcode'
- $this->rights_class = 'barcode'
- $_GET["modulepart"] == 'barcode'
- $mode == "barcode"
- $modebatch == "barcode"
- $modulepart != 'barcode'
- $modulepart == 'barcode'
newdictionary |
- $head3[$h][2] = 'newdictionary'
- $tabdic != 'newdictionary'
- $tabdic == 'newdictionary'
fk_facture_source is null or (description like '(deposit)%' and description not like '(excess received)%') |
- $filterabsolutediscount = "fk_facture_source IS NULL OR (description LIKE '(DEPOSIT)%' AND description NOT LIKE '(EXCESS RECEIVED)%')"
- $filter != "fk_facture_source IS NULL OR (description LIKE '(DEPOSIT)%' AND description NOT LIKE '(EXCESS RECEIVED)%')"
- $filter == "fk_facture_source IS NULL OR (description LIKE '(DEPOSIT)%' AND description NOT LIKE '(EXCESS RECEIVED)%')"
fk_facture_source is null |
- $filterabsolutediscount = "fk_facture_source IS NULL"
- $filter == "fk_facture_source IS NULL"
afternoon |
- $endhalfdayinmonth = 'afternoon'
- $endhalfdaykey = "Afternoon"
- $starthalfdaykey = "Afternoon"
- $starthalfday == 'afternoon'
morning |
- $endhalfdaykey = "Morning"
- $starthalfdayinmonth = 'morning'
- $starthalfdaykey = "Morning"
success |
- $objStd->status = 'success'
- $rep->response_status = 'success'
- $response = "success"
- $response["code"] = "SUCCESS"
- $resultcomment = 'Success'
- $return->result = 'success'
error |
- $classname = 'error'
- $found = 'Error'
- $levels['ERR'] = 'error'
- $mime = 'error'
- $objStd->status = 'error'
- $p_entry['status'] = "error"
- $rep->response_status = 'error'
- $response["code"] = "ERROR"
- $resultcode = 'error'
- $resultcomment = 'Error'
- $return->result = 'error'
- $cssforerror == 'error'
- $style == 'error'
holiday |
- $elementtype = 'holiday'
- $event->type = 'holiday'
- $event->type_code = 'HOLIDAY'
- $event->type_picto = 'holiday'
- $event['category'] = "Holiday"
- $head[$h][2] = 'holiday'
- $keyforelement = 'holiday'
- $keyforselect = 'holiday'
- $modulepart = 'holiday'
- $object_type = 'holiday'
- $objectclass = 'Holiday'
- $objectlabel = 'Holiday'
- $this->export_icon[$r] = 'holiday'
- $this->picto = 'holiday'
- $this->rights_class = 'holiday'
- $type = 'holiday'
- $a->type_code === 'HOLIDAY'
- $b->type_code === 'HOLIDAY'
- $event->type == 'holiday'
- $event->type_code == 'HOLIDAY'
- $feature == 'holiday'
- $leftmenu == "holiday"
- $module == 'holiday'
- $modulepart == 'holiday'
- $objectclass == 'Holiday'
- $objectobj->element == 'holiday'
- $objecttmp->element == 'holiday'
- $option == 'holiday'
refuse |
t.rowid |
hierarchyme |
- $criteriaforfilter = 'hierarchyme'
- $include = 'hierarchyme'
- $include_users = 'hierarchyme'
- $includeonly = 'hierarchyme'
- $include == 'hierarchyme'
adherent_type |
- $classfile = 'adherent_type'
- $elementtype = 'adherent_type'
- $subelement = 'adherent_type'
- $table_element = 'adherent_type'
- $elementType == 'adherent_type'
- $object->element == 'adherent_type'
paybox |
- $listofval['paybox'] = 'Paybox'
- $servicename = 'PayBox'
- $this->rights_class = 'paybox'
- $validpaymentmethod['paybox'] = 'paybox'
- $paymentmethod == 'paybox'
- $paymentmethod === 'paybox'
paypal |
- $listofval['paypal'] = 'PayPal'
- $servicename = 'PayPal'
- $this->rights_class = 'paypal'
- $validpaymentmethod['paypal'] = 'paypal'
- $paymentmethod == 'paypal'
- $paymentmethod === 'paypal'
adherent |
- $element = 'adherent'
- $elementtype = 'adherent'
- $feature = 'adherent'
- $features = 'adherent'
- $keyforselect = 'adherent'
- $module = 'adherent'
- $modulepart = 'adherent'
- $myobject = 'adherent'
- $newelement = 'adherent'
- $objectclass = 'Adherent'
- $permlevel1 = 'adherent'
- $subelement = 'adherent'
- $table_element = 'adherent'
- $this->rights_class = 'adherent'
- $feature == 'adherent'
- $moduleobject == 'adherent'
- $modulepart == 'adherent'
- $object->element == 'adherent'
subscription |
- $head[$h][2] = 'subscription'
- $modelmail = "subscription"
- $objectclass = 'Subscription'
- $objectlabel = 'Subscription'
- $this->field = 'subscription'
- $action == 'subscription'
- $features == 'subscription'
- $object->element == 'subscription'
- $objecttype == 'subscription'
- $option == 'subscription'
- $this->element == 'subscription'
- $this->element === 'subscription'
man |
- $object->gender == 'man'
- $user->gender == 'man'
mor |
- $morphy = 'mor'
- $this->morphy = 'mor'
- $don->morphy == 'mor'
- $member->morphy == 'mor'
- $morphy != 'mor'
- $morphy == 'mor'
- $obj->code == 'mor'
- $object->morphy == 'mor'
- $objp->morphy == 'mor'
- $this->morphy == 'mor'
fr |
- $soc->country_code = 'FR'
- $this->country_code = 'FR'
- $country_code == 'FR'
- $fromcompany->country_code != 'FR'
- $mysoc->country_code != 'FR'
- $mysoc->country_code == 'FR'
- $soc->country_code == 'FR'
- $societe->country_code != 'FR'
- $thirdparty->country_code == 'FR'
- $this->emetteur->country_code == 'FR'
- $tmparray['code'] == 'FR'
contact_modify |
- $triggermodname = 'CONTACT_MODIFY'
- $action == 'CONTACT_MODIFY'
addsubscription |
- $action = 'addsubscription'
- $action != 'addsubscription'
- $action == 'addsubscription'
phy |
- $member->morphy = 'phy'
- $morphy = 'phy'
- $member->morphy == 'phy'
- $morphy == 'phy'
- $obj->code == 'phy'
- $object->morphy == 'phy'
- $objp->morphy == 'phy'
members |
- $fk_mainmenu = "members"
- $head[$h][2] = 'members'
- $objectlabel = 'Members'
- $this->import_label[$r] = "Members"
- $_SESSION["mainmenu"] == "members"
- $mainmenu == 'members'
- $moduleobject == 'members'
- $type == 'members'
products |
- $objectlabel = 'Products'
- $opt['resource'] = 'products'
- $this->export_label[$r] = "Products"
- $this->family = "products"
- $this->import_label[$r] = "Products"
- $_SESSION["mainmenu"] == "products"
- $mainmenu == 'products'
- $mobilepage == "products"
services |
- $head[$h][2] = 'services'
- $objectlabel = 'Services'
- $this->export_label[$r] = "Services"
- $restrictlist == 'services'
facture_fourn_det |
- $elementtype = 'facture_fourn_det'
- $invoicedettable = 'facture_fourn_det'
- $keyforselect = 'facture_fourn_det'
- $tabledet = 'facture_fourn_det'
- $table_element_line == 'facture_fourn_det'
- $this->table_element_line == 'facture_fourn_det'
na |
- $defval = 'na'
- $function = 'NA'
- $psiId = 'NA'
- $complete == 'na'
- $search_status == 'na'
- $status == 'na'
- $status === 'na'
deb |
- $this->exporttype = 'deb'
integer |
- $tag = "integer"
- $type = 'integer'
- $format == 'integer'
- $object->type == 'integer'
- $this->type == 'integer'
- $tmp[0] == 'integer'
- $tmptype[0] == 'integer'
- $tt == 'integer'
- $type == 'integer'
- $val['type'] == 'integer'
contacts |
- $blocname = 'contacts'
- $head[$h][2] = 'contacts'
- $moduleobject == 'contacts'
- $targettype == 'contacts'
- $type == 'contacts'
unactivateline |
- $tmpaction = 'unactivateline'
- $action != 'unactivateline'
- $action == 'unactivateline'
- $tmpaction == 'unactivateline'
activateline |
- $tmpaction = 'activateline'
- $action != 'activateline'
- $action == 'activateline'
- $tmpaction == 'activateline'
and |
- $clause = "AND"
- $function = 'AND'
- $matchCondition[1] == "AND"
- $matchCondition[3] == "AND"
- $op == "and"
technicalid |
- $val['label'] != 'TechnicalID'
editvalidator |
- $action = 'editvalidator'
- $action != 'editvalidator'
- $action == 'editvalidator'
between |
- $filter_op1 = ' BETWEEN '
- $filter_op2 = ' BETWEEN '
- $filter_opcloture = ' BETWEEN '
- $filter_opouvertureprevue = ' BETWEEN '
- $filter_op1 != ' BETWEEN '
- $filter_op1 == ' BETWEEN '
- $filter_op2 != ' BETWEEN '
- $filter_op2 == ' BETWEEN '
- $filter_opcloture != ' BETWEEN '
- $filter_opcloture == ' BETWEEN '
- $filter_opouvertureprevue != ' BETWEEN '
- $filter_opouvertureprevue == ' BETWEEN '
checked |
- $alertchecked = 'checked'
- $allow_comments = 'checked'
- $allow_spy = 'checked'
- $checked = 'checked'
- $cochemail = "checked"
- $default = "checked"
- $draftchecked = "checked"
- $includeproductswithoutdesiredqtychecked = 'checked'
- $tag['attribute']['checked'] == 'checked'
contracts |
- $objectlabel = 'Contracts'
- $key == 'contracts'
- $leftmenu == "contracts"
- $moduleobject == 'contracts'
classic |
- $layout = 'classic'
- $this->format = 'classic'
- $conf->browser->layout != 'classic'
- $conf->browser->layout == 'classic'
- $type == 'classic'
preview |
- $action = 'preview'
- $head[1][2] = 'preview'
- $action != 'preview'
- $action == 'preview'
- $context != 'preview'
- $context == 'preview'
- $option == 'preview'
contratdet |
- $elementtype = 'contratdet'
- $keyforselect = 'contratdet'
- $table_element_line == 'contratdet'
- $this->table_element_line == 'contratdet'
journal |
- $filename = 'journal'
- $head[$h][2] = 'journal'
- $type_export = 'journal'
csv |
- $data_type = 'csv'
- $this->extension = 'csv'
- $this->id = 'csv'
- $this->label = 'Csv'
- $ext != 'csv'
- $ext == 'csv'
- $model == 'csv'
- $moduleid == 'csv'
bookkeeping |
- $data_type = 'bookkeeping'
- $modecompta = 'BOOKKEEPING'
- $objectclass = 'Bookkeeping'
- $objectlabel = 'Bookkeeping'
- $modecompta != 'BOOKKEEPING'
- $modecompta == "BOOKKEEPING"
- $modecompta == 'BOOKKEEPING'
- $type == 'bookkeeping'
somelinesarenotbound |
- $errorforinvoice[$obj->fk_expensereport] = 'somelinesarenotbound'
- $errorforinvoice[$obj->fk_facture_fourn] = 'somelinesarenotbound'
- $element['error'] == 'somelinesarenotbound'
- $errorforinvoice[$key] == 'somelinesarenotbound'
expense_report |
- $bookkeeping->doc_type = 'expense_report'
- $type = 'expense_report'
- $element == 'expense_report'
- $line->doc_type == 'expense_report'
- $notifiedevent['elementtype'] == 'expense_report'
bank |
- $bookkeeping->doc_type = 'bank'
- $elementtype = 'bank'
- $head[$h][2] = 'bank'
- $module = 'bank'
- $modulepart = 'bank'
- $nature = "bank"
- $type = 'bank'
- $_SESSION["mainmenu"] == "bank"
- $features == 'bank'
- $line->doc_type == 'bank'
- $mainmenu == 'bank'
- $modulepart == 'bank'
invoice_supplier |
- $actioncomm->elementtype = 'invoice_supplier'
- $element = 'invoice_supplier'
- $modulepart = 'invoice_supplier'
- $type = 'invoice_supplier'
- $element != 'invoice_supplier'
- $element == 'invoice_supplier'
- $elementType == 'invoice_supplier'
- $element_doc === 'invoice_supplier'
- $invoice->element == 'invoice_supplier'
- $module == 'invoice_supplier'
- $modulepart == 'invoice_supplier'
- $obj->module == 'invoice_supplier'
- $object->element == 'invoice_supplier'
- $objectobj->element == 'invoice_supplier'
- $objecttmp->element == 'invoice_supplier'
- $objecttype == 'invoice_supplier'
- $sourcetype == 'invoice_supplier'
- $targettype == 'invoice_supplier'
- $this->element != 'invoice_supplier'
- $this->element == 'invoice_supplier'
- $this->element === 'invoice_supplier'
- $tmpobj->family == 'invoice_supplier'
t.numero_compte |
- $sortfield = "t.numero_compte"
- $key == 't.numero_compte'
confirm_delete |
- $actiontodelete = 'confirm_delete'
- $action == "confirm_delete"
- $action == 'confirm_delete'
export_file |
confirm_update |
- $action = 'confirm_update'
- $action == "confirm_update"
woman |
- $object->gender == 'woman'
- $user->gender == 'woman'
public |
- $head[$h][2] = 'public'
- $info["phpgwContactAccess"] = "public"
- $parameters['tpl_context'] = 'public'
- $tpl_context != "public"
- $tpl_context == "public"
- $value == 'public'
- 'public' === $style
n |
- $dos = 'N'
- $function = 'N'
- $info["phpgwContactTypeId"] = 'n'
- $op = 'n'
- $opt['h'] = 'N'
- $opt['mk']['if']['sw'] = 'N'
- $char2 == 'N'
- $chardata[$i]['type'] == 'N'
- $dos != 'N'
- $matches[3][0] == 'n'
suppliers |
- $head[$h][2] = 'suppliers'
- $info["businessCategory"] = "Suppliers"
- $key == 'suppliers'
- $mode == 'suppliers'
prospects |
- $info["businessCategory"] = "Prospects"
customers |
- $info["businessCategory"] = "Customers"
- $key == 'customers'
- $mode == 'customers'
default |
- $actionType = 'default'
- $conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_SENDMODE_EMAILING = 'default'
- $conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_SENDMODE_TICKET = 'default'
- $context->controller = 'default'
- $head[$h][2] = 'default'
- $ret->label = 'default'
- $style = 'default'
- $this->controller = 'default'
- $titlealt = 'default'
- $connectionName == 'default'
- $force_entity != 'default'
- $mode == 'default'
- $smtpContextSendMode != 'default'
- $subset === 'default'
- $target == 'default'
- $template->label != 'default'
- $titlealt == "default"
- $titlealt == 'default'
- $zoom == 'default'
- 'default' !== $color
- 'default' === $class
supplier |
- $elementtype = 'supplier'
- $head[$h][2] = 'supplier'
- $mode = 'supplier'
- $option = 'supplier'
- $option_link = 'supplier'
- $thirdTypeSelect = 'supplier'
- $type = 'supplier'
- $typetext = 'supplier'
- $invoice_type != 'supplier'
- $invoice_type == 'supplier'
- $key == 'supplier'
- $mode == 'supplier'
- $option == 'supplier'
- $type == "supplier"
- $type == 'supplier'
print |
- $optioncss = "print"
- $optioncss = 'print'
- $optioncss != "print"
- $optioncss == 'print'
- $type[1] == 'print'
takepos |
- $creditnote->module_source = 'takepos'
- $invoice->module_source = 'takepos'
- $moduleName = 'takepos'
- $moduleSourceName = 'Takepos'
- $this->rights_class = 'takepos'
- $contextpage != 'takepos'
- $contextpage == 'takepos'
- $invoice->module_source == 'takepos'
- $object->module_source == 'takepos'
- $object->posmodule == "takepos"
- $this->module_source == 'takepos'
f.datef |
- $dateprint = 'f.datef'
- $sortfield = "f.datef"
- $sortfield = 'f.datef'
socialcontribution |
- $reg[1] = 'SocialContribution'
- $reg[1] == 'socialcontribution'
_ |
- $char = '_'
- $separator = "_"
- $methodUrl[0] == '_'
- $name[0] == '_'
- $op == '_'
- $token == "_"
payment_loan |
- $links[$key]['type'] == 'payment_loan'
- $mode == 'payment_loan'
- $tabtype[$key] == 'payment_loan'
- $typerecord == 'payment_loan'
loan |
- $modulepart = 'loan'
- $this->rights_class = 'loan'
- $key == 'loan'
- $links[$key]['type'] == 'loan'
- $type == 'loan'
knowledgemanagement |
- $moduledir = 'knowledgemanagement'
- $modulepart = 'knowledgemanagement'
- $this->picto = 'knowledgemanagement'
- $this->rights_class = 'knowledgemanagement'
- $type = 'knowledgemanagement'
- $modulepart == 'knowledgemanagement'
knowledgerecord |
- $modelmail = "knowledgerecord"
- $modelmail = 'knowledgerecord'
- $objectclass = 'KnowledgeRecord'
- $objectlabel = 'KnowledgeRecord'
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'knowledgerecord'
- $type = 'knowledgerecord'
- $myTmpObjectKey == 'KnowledgeRecord'
w |
- $newmodule->rights[$r][2] = 'w'
- $this->rights[$r][2] = 'w'
- $this->rights[2][2] = 'w'
- $duration_unit == 'w'
- $this->duration_unit == 'w'
- $this->object->duration_unit == 'w'
- $v[1] == 'W'
creer |
- $lire = 'creer'
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'creer'
- $this->rights[$r][5] = 'creer'
- $this->rights[$r][self::KEY_SECOND_LEVEL] = 'creer'
- $this->rights[2][4] = 'creer'
- $obj->subperms == 'creer'
- $permlevel1 == 'creer'
lire |
- $lire = 'lire'
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'lire'
- $this->rights[$r][5] = 'lire'
- $this->rights[$r][self::KEY_SECOND_LEVEL] = 'lire'
- $this->rights[1][4] = 'lire'
- $obj->perms == 'lire'
- $perms == 'lire'
- $subperms == 'lire'
availabilities |
- $modelmail = "availabilities"
- $modelmail = 'availabilities'
- $objectclass = 'Availabilities'
- $objectlabel = 'Availabilities'
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'availabilities'
- $myTmpObjectKey == 'Availabilities'
experimental |
- $this->version = 'experimental'
- $box->version == 'experimental'
- $modCodeMember->version == 'experimental'
- $modCodeProduct->version == 'experimental'
- $modCodeTiers->version == 'experimental'
- $module->version == 'experimental'
- $newversion == 'experimental'
- $objMod->version != 'experimental'
- $objMod->version == 'experimental'
- $search_version == 'experimental'
- $this->version == 'experimental'
- $val->version == 'experimental'
projects |
- $defaulttopiclang = 'projects'
- $this->family = "projects"
- $this->import_code[$r] = 'projects'
- $moduleobject == 'projects'
websitepage |
- $classfile = 'websitepage'
- $classname = 'Websitepage'
- $keyforclass = 'WebsitePage'
- $objectclass = 'WebsitePage'
- $subelement = 'websitepage'
- $elementType == 'websitepage'
- $object->element == 'websitepage'
website |
- $head[$h][2] = 'website'
- $keyforelement = 'Website'
- $module = 'website'
- $this->picto = 'website'
- $this->rights_class = 'website'
- $features == 'website'
- $mainmenu != 'website'
- $modulepart == 'website'
unit |
- $this->export_fields_array[$r]['p.fk_unit'] = 'Unit'
- $this->import_fields_array[$r]['p.fk_unit'] = 'Unit'
supprimer |
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'supprimer'
- $this->rights[$r][5] = 'supprimer'
- $this->rights[$r][self::KEY_SECOND_LEVEL] = 'supprimer'
- $this->rights[3][4] = 'supprimer'
- $this->rights[4][4] = 'supprimer'
- $permlevel1 == 'supprimer'
prelevement |
- $head[$h][2] = 'prelevement'
- $modulepart = 'prelevement'
- $this->rights_class = 'prelevement'
- $feature == 'prelevement'
- $modulepart == 'prelevement'
sepamandate |
- $this->const[$r][2] = "sepamandate"
- $this->name = "sepamandate"
- $last_modelpdf == 'sepamandate'
- $modele == 'sepamandate'
entity |
- $entitycol = 'entity'
- $this->export_fields_array[$r]['ac.entity'] = 'Entity'
- $this->export_fields_array[$r]['c.entity'] = 'Entity'
- $this->export_fields_array[$r]['f.entity'] = 'Entity'
- $this->export_fields_array[$r]['s.entity'] = 'Entity'
- $field == 'entity'
- $fieldname == 'entity'
- $key == 'entity'
- $key === 'entity'
- $value == 'entity'
- 'entity' === $c
bookmark |
- $modelmail = "bookmark"
- $objectclass = 'Bookmark'
- $objectlabel = 'Bookmark'
- $this->info_box_head['subpicto'] = 'bookmark'
- $this->picto = 'bookmark'
- $this->rights_class = 'bookmark'
mod_codeproduct_leopard |
- $this->const[$r][2] = "mod_codeproduct_leopard"
- $module != 'mod_codeproduct_leopard'
development |
- $this->version = 'development'
- $box->version == 'development'
- $modCodeMember->version == 'development'
- $modCodeProduct->version == 'development'
- $modCodeTiers->version == 'development'
- $module->version == 'development'
- $newversion == 'development'
- $objMod->version != 'development'
- $objMod->version == 'development'
- $search_version == 'development'
- $this->version == 'development'
- $val->version == 'development'
dolibarr_deprecated |
- $this->version = 'dolibarr_deprecated'
- $this->version == 'dolibarr_deprecated'
api |
- $moduledirforclass = 'api'
- $this->rights_class = 'api'
- $moduledirforclass != 'api'
- $tmpmodule != 'api'
shipment |
- $elementPicto = 'shipment'
- $head[$h][2] = 'shipment'
- $keyforelement = 'shipment'
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'shipment'
- $modulepart == 'shipment'
- $objecttype == 'shipment'
shipments |
- $this->export_label[$r] = 'Shipments'
- $moduleobject == 'shipments'
validate |
- $this->rights[$r][5] = 'validate'
- $action == 'validate'
- $info->type != 'validate'
- $massaction == 'validate'
product_price_uniq |
- $current_rule = 'PRODUCT_PRICE_UNIQ'
- $this->const[$r][0] = "PRODUCT_PRICE_UNIQ"
- $princingrules == 'PRODUCT_PRICE_UNIQ'
accounting |
- $module = 'accounting'
- $this->rights_class = 'accounting'
- $moduleobject == 'accounting'
accountancy |
- $moduledirforclass = 'accountancy'
- $this->picto = 'accountancy'
- $titlepicto = 'accountancy'
- $_SESSION["mainmenu"] == "accountancy"
- $mainmenu == 'accountancy'
- $option == 'accountancy'
variouspayment |
- $this->export_label[$r] = 'VariousPayment'
- $data['item'] == 'VariousPayment'
cheque |
- $paycode = 'CHEQUE'
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'cheque'
- $feature == 'cheque'
- $key == 'cheque'
- $pay == 'cheque'
banque |
- $features = 'banque'
- $modulepart = "banque"
- $modulepart = 'banque'
- $this->rights_class = 'banque'
- $feature == 'banque'
- $module == 'banque'
- $moduleobject == 'banque'
- $modulepart == 'banque'
- $obj->module == 'banque'
fiscalyear |
- $subelement = 'fiscalyear'
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'fiscalyear'
- $elementType == 'fiscalyear'
- $period == 'fiscalyear'
- $subfeature == 'fiscalyear'
currency |
- $this->export_fields_array[$r]['c.multicurrency_code'] = 'Currency'
- $this->export_fields_array[$r]['f.multicurrency_code'] = 'Currency'
- $this->import_fields_array[$r]['c.multicurrency_code'] = 'Currency'
- $this->import_fields_array[$r]['cd.multicurrency_code'] = 'Currency'
- $this->import_fields_array[$r]['f.multicurrency_code'] = 'Currency'
- $this->import_fields_array[$r]['fd.multicurrency_code'] = 'Currency'
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'currency'
- $numorcurrency == 'currency'
companies |
- $fk_mainmenu = "companies"
- $_SESSION["mainmenu"] == "companies"
- $mainmenu == 'companies'
partnership |
- $elementtype = 'partnership'
- $modulepart = 'partnership'
- $objectclass = 'Partnership'
- $objectlabel = 'Partnership'
- $this->picto = 'partnership'
- $this->rights_class = 'partnership'
- $type = 'partnership'
- $myTmpObjectKey == 'Partnership'
- $object->element == 'partnership'
- $objectobj->element == 'partnership'
- $objecttmp->element == 'partnership'
paymentbybanktransfer |
- $labeltoshow = 'PaymentByBankTransfer'
- $modulenametoshow = "PaymentByBankTransfer"
- $modulepart = 'paymentbybanktransfer'
- $this->rights_class = 'paymentbybanktransfer'
- $feature == 'paymentbybanktransfer'
bom_bomline |
- $elementtype = 'bom_bomline'
- $keyforselect = 'bom_bomline'
- $table_element_line == 'bom_bomline'
05 |
- $this->module_position = '05'
group |
- $head[$h][2] = 'group'
- $modelmail = "group"
- $this->picto = 'group'
- $type = 'group'
- $mode == 'group'
- 'group' === $propertyName
password |
- $focus_element = 'password'
- $sendcontext = 'password'
- $this->rights[$r][self::KEY_SECOND_LEVEL] = 'password'
- $this->type = 'password'
- $action == 'password'
- $extrafields->attributes[$elementtype]['type'][$attributekey] == 'password'
- $extrafields->attributes[$elementtype]['type'][$key] == 'password'
- $extrafields->attributes[$this->table_element]['type'][$key] == 'password'
- $input['type'] == 'password'
- $obj->subperms == 'password'
- $object->fields[$field]['type'] == 'password'
- $p->name == 'password'
- $this->type == 'password'
- $type == 'password'
self |
- $this->rights[$r][self::KEY_FIRST_LEVEL] = 'self'
all |
- $filterValue = 'all'
- $idorcode = 'all'
- $menu->menu_handler = 'all'
- $menu_handler_top = 'all'
- $this->menu_handler = 'all'
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'all'
- $this->rights[$r][5] = 'all'
- $tmpleftmenu = 'all'
- $argv[2] != 'all'
- $conf->global->MAIN_SHOW_STATE_CODE === 'all'
- $cursoroption != 'all'
- $date != 'all'
- $date == 'all'
- $element == 'all'
- $elementtype != 'all'
- $field == 'all'
- $filesToProcess == 'all'
- $filter_category != 'all'
- $filter_category_customer != 'all'
- $filter_category_supplier != 'all'
- $format == 'all'
- $id != 'all'
- $idthirdparty != 'all'
- $key != 'all'
- $key == 'all'
- $leftmenu == 'all'
- $menu->menu_handler == 'all'
- $num != "all"
- $option != 'all'
- $paymentmode != 'all'
- $preselected == 'all'
- $search_opp_status == 'all'
- $showaccountdetail == 'all'
- $showproject == 'all'
- $source != 'all'
- $source == 'all'
- $this->_destlang == 'all'
- $this->opp_status == 'all'
- $type == 'all'
- $type[1] == 'all'
- $types == "all"
- $valuetoshow == 'all'
- $withcode === 'all'
- 'all' === $type
propale |
- $element = 'propale'
- $modulepart = 'propale'
- $newelement = 'propale'
- $this->rights_class = 'propale'
- $mode == "propale"
- $module == 'propale'
- $moduleNameInConf === 'propale'
- $modulekeyname == 'propale'
- $modulename == 'propale'
- $moduleobject == 'propale'
- $modulepart == 'propale'
- $part == 'propale'
- $part === 'propale'
- $permlevel1 == 'propale'
- $subdir == 'propale'
close |
- $prefix = 'close'
- $this->rights[$r][5] = 'close'
- $action != 'close'
- $action == "close"
- $action == 'close'
- $massaction != 'close'
- $massaction == 'close'
propaldet |
- $elementtype = 'propaldet'
- $keyforselect = 'propaldet'
- $elementType == 'propaldet'
- $table_element_line == 'propaldet'
- $this->table_element_line == 'propaldet'
proposals |
- $objectlabel = 'Proposals'
- $this->import_label[$r] = 'Proposals'
- $moduleobject == 'proposals'
approve2 |
- $newmodule->rights[$r][5] = 'approve2'
- $this->rights[$r][5] = 'approve2'
commande_fournisseurdet |
- $element = 'commande_fournisseurdet'
- $elementtype = 'commande_fournisseurdet'
- $keyforselect = 'commande_fournisseurdet'
- $table_element = 'commande_fournisseurdet'
- $elementType == 'commande_fournisseurdet'
- $table_element_line == 'commande_fournisseurdet'
- $this->table_element_line == 'commande_fournisseurdet'
supplierinvoices |
- $objectlabel = 'SupplierInvoices'
- $this->import_label[$r] = "SupplierInvoices"
- $moduleobject == 'supplierinvoices'
stock |
- $fieldtosortcurrentstock = 'stock'
- $head[$h][2] = 'stock'
- $module = 'stock'
- $modulepart = 'stock'
- $myobject = 'stock'
- $sortfield = 'stock'
- $this->import_icon[$r] = "stock"
- $this->picto = 'stock'
- $this->rights_class = 'stock'
- $totalarray['type'][$totalarray['nbfield']] = 'stock'
- $type = 'stock'
- $elementType == 'stock'
- $moduleobject == 'stock'
- $modulepart == 'stock'
- $object->element == 'stock'
- $objecttype == 'stock'
- $option == 'stock'
- $sortfield == 'stock'
margins |
- $this->rights_class = 'margins'
intervention |
- $elementPicto = 'intervention'
- $keyforelement = 'intervention'
- $modelmail = "intervention"
- $modulenameforenabled = 'intervention'
- $newclassname = 'Intervention'
- $picto = 'intervention'
- $this->picto = "intervention"
- $key == 'intervention'
- $object->element == 'intervention'
recruitment |
- $moduledir = 'recruitment'
- $modulepart = 'recruitment'
- $this->rights_class = 'recruitment'
- $modulepart == 'recruitment'
modulebuilder |
- $this->rights_class = 'modulebuilder'
- $feature == 'modulebuilder'
check |
- $this->rights[$r][5] = 'check'
- $mode == "check"
- $obj->subperms == 'check'
commande_advance |
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'commande_advance'
- $obj->perms == 'commande_advance'
receptionner |
- $this->rights[$r][5] = 'receptionner'
- $obj->subperms == 'receptionner'
invoices |
- $head[$h][2] = 'invoices'
- $objectlabel = 'Invoices'
- $this->import_label[$r] = "Invoices"
- $graphfiles == 'invoices'
- $key == 'invoices'
- $moduleobject == 'invoices'
reopen |
- $this->rights[$r][5] = 'reopen'
- $action == "reopen"
- $action == 'reopen'
- $massaction == 'reopen'
import |
- $modulepart = 'import'
- $this->rights_class = 'import'
- $feature == 'import'
- $modulepart == 'import'
resource |
- $elementtype = 'resource'
- $head[$h][2] = 'resource'
- $keyforelement = 'resource'
- $keyforselect = 'resource'
- $module = 'resource'
- $modulepart = 'resource'
- $picto = 'resource'
- $table_element = 'resource'
- $this->import_icon[$r] = 'resource'
- $this->picto = 'resource'
- $this->rights_class = 'resource'
- $elementType == 'resource'
execute |
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'execute'
adherent_etiquette_type |
- $this->const[$r][0] = "ADHERENT_ETIQUETTE_TYPE"
warehouse |
- $keyforelement = 'warehouse'
- $keyforselect = 'warehouse'
- $modelmail = "warehouse"
- $objectlabel = 'Warehouse'
- $this->export_icon[$r] = "warehouse"
- $this->import_icon[$r] = "warehouse"
warehouses |
- $this->export_label[$r] = "Warehouses"
- $this->import_label[$r] = "Warehouses"
- $moduleobject == 'warehouses'
06 |
- $this->module_position = '06'
movement |
- $element = 'movement'
- $modulepart = 'movement'
- $this->export_entities_array[$r]['sm.batch'] = 'movement'
- $this->export_icon[$r] = "movement"
- $type = 'movement'
- $modulepart == 'movement'
stockmovements |
- $this->export_label[$r] = "StockMovements"
- $moduleobject == 'stockmovements'
mouvement |
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'mouvement'
- $modulepart == 'mouvement'
hrm |
- $moduledir = 'hrm'
- $modulepart = 'hrm'
- $this->description = "HRM"
- $this->picto = 'hrm'
- $this->rights_class = 'hrm'
- $_SESSION["mainmenu"] == "hrm"
- $mainmenu == 'hrm'
- $modulepart == 'hrm'
fckeditor |
- $this->rights_class = 'fckeditor'
- $modulepart == 'fckeditor'
don |
- $elementtype = 'don'
- $moduledirforclass = 'don'
- $modulepart = "don"
- $modulepart = 'don'
- $this->rights_class = 'don'
- $moduleobject == 'don'
- $tablename == 'don'
- $this->element === 'don'
yesno |
- $this->const[$r][1] = "yesno"
- $this->type = 'yesno'
- $listofanswers[$i]['format'] == 'yesno'
- $obj->type == 'yesno'
- $this->type == 'yesno'
- $val['type'] == 'yesno'
donation |
- $this->picto = 'donation'
- $type = 'donation'
- $data['item'] == 'Donation'
- $modulepart == 'donation'
- $source == 'donation'
- $this->element === 'donation'
- $type == 'donation'
tax |
- $module = 'tax'
- $modulepart = "tax"
- $modulepart = 'tax'
- $this->import_icon[$r] = 'tax'
- $this->rights_class = 'tax'
- $features == 'tax'
- $module == 'tax'
- $modulepart == 'tax'
- $modulepartsuffix != 'tax'
receptiondet_batch |
- $elementtype = 'receptiondet_batch'
- $keyforselect = 'receptiondet_batch'
- $elementTable == 'receptiondet_batch'
receptions |
- $objectlabel = 'Receptions'
- $this->export_label[$r] = 'Receptions'
- $leftmenu == "receptions"
true |
- $client_str = 'true'
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- $dom[$key]['attribute']['nobr'] = 'true'
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- $prop['password'] = 'true'
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- $cfHeaders['HTTP_CLOUDFRONT_IS_MOBILE_VIEWER'] === 'true'
- $cfHeaders['HTTP_CLOUDFRONT_IS_TABLET_VIEWER'] === 'true'
- $data['is_valid'] == "true"
- $data['oauth_callback_confirmed'] != 'true'
- $data['oauth_callback_confirmed'] !== 'true'
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- $prop['Radio'] == 'true'
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- $prop['password'] == 'true'
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- $value === 'TRUE'
- $value === 'true'
- $var === 'true'
- 'true' === $rheaders['stripe-should-retry']
- 'true' === $value
categorie |
- $elementtype = 'categorie'
- $module = 'categorie'
- $subelement = 'categorie'
- $table_element = 'categorie'
- $this->rights_class = 'categorie'
- $InfoFieldList[0] == 'categorie'
- $element == 'categorie'
- $elementtype == 'categorie'
- $moduleobject == 'categorie'
- $modulepart == 'categorie'
- $table_element == 'categorie'
category |
- $this->cats[$obj->rowid]['picto'] = 'category'
- $this->picto = 'category'
- $elementType == 'category'
- $elemtype == 'category'
- $key == 'category'
- $moduleobject == 'category'
- $modulepart == 'category'
- $object->element == 'category'
- $option == 'category'
09 |
- $this->module_position = '09'
voir |
- $this->rights[$r][5] = 'voir'
client |
- $this->doc_type = "client"
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'client'
- $key == 'client'
- $permlevel1 == 'client'
- $this->doc_type == 'client'
- 'CLIENT' === $eventInfo['organizerScheduleAgent']
approve |
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'approve'
- $action == 'approve'
- $massaction == 'approve'
ai |
- $this->rights_class = 'ai'
- $imgtype == 'ai'
- $type == 'ai'
printer |
- $pictowithouttext == 'printer'
compta |
- $head[$h][2] = 'compta'
- $this->rights_class = 'compta'
oauth |
- $this->rights_class = 'oauth'
- $this->authentication == "oauth"
lot |
- $picto = 'lot'
- $this->picto = 'lot'
productbatch |
- $module = 'productbatch'
- $this->rights_class = 'productbatch'
- $features == 'productbatch'
deplacement |
- $modulepart = 'deplacement'
- $this->rights_class = 'deplacement'
- $modulepart == 'deplacement'
task |
- $modelmail = "task"
- $myobject = 'task'
- $object->elementtype = 'task'
- $objectclass = 'Task'
- $subelement = 'task'
- $this->import_icon[$r] = 'task'
- $timespent->elementtype = 'task'
- $feature == 'task'
- $moduleobject == 'task'
- $modulepart == 'task'
- $object->elementtype == 'task'
- $objectclass == "Task"
- $objecttype == 'task'
- $option == 'task'
- $typeelement == 'task'
time |
- $function = 'TIME'
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'time'
- $measuring_style == 'time'
- $unit->unit_type == 'time'
- 'time' === $key
projet_task |
- $elementtype = 'projet_task'
- $extrafieldsobjectkey = 'projet_task'
- $feature = 'projet_task'
- $keyforselect = 'projet_task'
- $table_element = 'projet_task'
- $table_element == 'projet_task'
- $table_element_line == 'projet_task'
- $tablename != 'projet_task'
- $tablename == 'projet_task'
ban |
- $this->name = "ban"
- $this->type = "ban"
- $this->type = 'ban'
- $companypaymentmode->type != 'ban'
- $companypaymentmode->type == 'ban'
- $obj->type == 'ban'
- $option == 'ban'
- $paymentTypeCode == "ban"
- $paymentTypeCodeInDolibarr == 'ban'
product_batch |
- $modulepart = 'product_batch'
- $type = 'product_batch'
- $modulepart == 'product_batch'
supplier_payment |
- $modulepart = 'supplier_payment'
- $type = 'supplier_payment'
- $modulepart == 'supplier_payment'
euros |
microsoft |
- $genericstring = 'MICROSOFT'
- $keybeforeprovider == 'MICROSOFT'
mailing |
- $advTarget->type_element = 'mailing'
- $classfile = 'mailing'
- $classname = 'Mailing'
- $modelmail = "mailing"
- $module = 'mailing'
- $objectclass = 'Mailing'
- $objectlabel = 'Mailing'
- $this->rights_class = 'mailing'
- $elementTable == 'mailing'
- $elementType == 'mailing'
- $histo[$key]['type'] == 'mailing'
- $object->table_element == 'mailing'
- $objecttype == 'mailing'
shipping |
- $head[$h][2] = 'shipping'
- $module = 'shipping'
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- $type = 'shipping'
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- $elementType == 'shipping'
- $feature == 'shipping'
- $module == 'shipping'
- $notifiedevent['elementtype'] == 'shipping'
- $obj->module == 'shipping'
- $object->element != 'shipping'
- $object->element == 'shipping'
- $object->element === 'shipping'
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- $origin == 'shipping'
- $originforcontact == 'shipping'
- $reg[1] == 'shipping'
- $sourcetype == 'shipping'
- $srcobject->element == 'shipping'
- $targettype == 'shipping'
- $this->element == 'shipping'
- $type != 'shipping'
u |
- $this->rights[1][2] = 'u'
- $apply_to == 'U'
- $charAt == 'u'
- $dec[0] == 'u'
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'u'
- $lines[$j] == 'U'
- $type == 'u'
statut |
- $action = 'statut'
- $class_key = 'statut'
- $fieldstatus = "statut"
- $action != 'statut'
- $action == 'statut'
- $field == 'statut'
- $key == 'statut'
- $search_key == 'statut'
status |
- $fieldstatus = "status"
- $fieldstatus = 'status'
- $search_key = 'status'
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- $class_key == 'status'
- $field == 'status'
- $key == 'status'
fk_statut |
- $fieldstatus = "fk_statut"
- $statusfield = 'fk_statut'
fichinter_classify_billed |
- $trigger['code'] == 'FICHINTER_CLASSIFY_BILLED'
fichinter_classify_unbilled |
- $trigger['code'] == 'FICHINTER_CLASSIFY_UNBILLED'
facturerec |
- $classname = 'FactureRec'
- $origin = 'facturerec'
- $element == 'facturerec'
- $elementType == 'facturerec'
- $features == 'facturerec'
- $module == 'facturerec'
- $object->element == 'facturerec'
- $objecttype == 'facturerec'
localtax2 |
- $fieldlocaltax2 = 'localtax2'
company_modify |
- $trigger_name = 'COMPANY_MODIFY'
- $triggerkey = 'COMPANY_MODIFY'
- $action == 'COMPANY_MODIFY'
fk_user_modif |
- $fieldusermod = "fk_user_modif"
- $fieldname == 'fk_user_modif'
- $key == 'fk_user_modif'
localtax1 |
- $fieldlocaltax1 = 'localtax1'
- $field == 'localtax1'
- $value == 'localtax1'
tva |
- $action = "tva"
- $fieldtva = 'tva'
- $objectclass = 'Tva'
- $objectlabel = 'Tva'
- $table_element = 'tva'
- $total_tva = 'tva'
- $elementType == 'tva'
- $modulepart == 'tva'
sellist |
- $extrafields->attributes[$elementtype]['type'][$key] == 'sellist'
- $object->fields[$field]['type'] == 'sellist'
- $type == 'sellist'
chkbxlst |
categories |
- $element = 'categories'
- $label = 'Categories'
- $moduledirforclass = 'categories'
- $opt2['resource'] = 'categories'
- $opt['resource'] = 'categories'
- $table_element = 'categories'
- $action != 'categories'
- $action == 'categories'
short_label |
- $label_type = 'short_label'
- $label_type == 'short_label'
- $mode == 'short_label'
- $value == 'short_label'
public=1 |
- $filtertype == 'public=1'
free |
- $moline->origin_type = 'free'
- $typeforonlinepayment = 'free'
- $line->origin_type == 'free'
- $prod_entry_mode != 'free'
- $prod_entry_mode == 'free'
- $type == 'free'
- 'FREE' === $busyType
- 'FREE' === $fbType
line |
- $array_key = "line"
- $type = 'line'
firstname |
- $tmparray['__FIRSTNAME__'] = 'Firstname'
lastname |
- $sortfield = "lastname"
- $tmparray['__LASTNAME__'] = 'Lastname'
top |
- $borderPosition == 'top'
- $menu->type == 'top'
- $mode == 'top'
- $val['type'] == 'top'
nolink |
- $option != 'nolink'
- $option !== 'nolink'
- $option == 'nolink'
- $option === 'nolink'
atom |
- $rss->_format = 'atom'
- $this->_format = 'atom'
- $rss->_format == 'atom'
- $this->_format == 'atom'
builddoc |
- $action = 'builddoc'
- $forname = 'builddoc'
- $action == 'builddoc'
- $massaction == "builddoc"
- $massaction == 'builddoc'
output |
- $hooktype = 'output'
- $this->opStatus = 'output'
- $direction != 'output'
- $direction == 'output'
- $donnie == 'output'
- $mode == 'output'
- 'Output' === $h['stream_type']
produit|service |
- $newmodulepart = 'produit|service'
- $feature == 'produit|service'
- $modulepart == 'produit|service'
fullname |
- $sortfield = "fullname"
- $sortref = "fullname"
- $key == 'fullname'
- $sortfield == "fullname"
ecm_files |
- $elementtype = 'ecm_files'
- $table_element_line = 'ecm_files'
- $table_element_line == 'ecm_files'
- $this->table_element == 'ecm_files'
bar |
- $foo->bar = 'bar'
- $head[$h][2] = 'bar'
- $type = 'bar'
- $rotation == 'bar'
- $type == 'bar'
color |
- $this->fieldAttr['type'] = 'color'
- $this->type = 'color'
- $args[0] == 'color'
- $attributeName == 'color'
- $color[0] === 'color'
- $this->type == 'color'
- $value == 'color'
securekey |
- $this->type = 'securekey'
- $this->type == 'securekey'
- $val['type'] == 'securekey'
title |
- $alreadyfound = 'title'
- $this->type = 'title'
- $fieldid == 'title'
- $this->type != 'title'
- $this->type == 'title'
multiselect |
- $this->type = 'multiselect'
- $this->type == 'multiselect'
selectuser |
- $this->type = 'selectUser'
- $this->type == 'selectUser'
selectbankaccount |
- $this->type = 'selectBankAccount'
- $this->type == 'selectBankAccount'
genericpassword |
- $this->type = 'genericpassword'
- $this->type == 'genericpassword'
addreplace |
- $hooktype == 'addreplace'
ssl |
- $secure = 'ssl'
- $transport = 'ssl'
- $encryption == "ssl"
- $this->imap_encryption == 'ssl'
- $this->scheme == 'ssl'
url |
- $hyperlinkType = 'URL'
- $key = "URL"
- $fname == 'url'
- $importPath[1] == "url"
- $type == 'url'
- 'URL' === $this->name
cidfromdata |
- $this->html_images[$i]["type"] = 'cidfromdata'
- $this->html_images[$i]['type'] == 'cidfromdata'
- $val['type'] == 'cidfromdata'
tls |
- $encryption == "tls"
- 'tls' == $encryption
nogi |
#ffffff |
- $color = '#FFFFFF'
tel |
ac_oth |
- $labeltype = 'AC_OTH'
- $selected = 'AC_OTH'
- $this->type_code = 'AC_OTH'
- $actioncode == 'AC_OTH'
- $code == 'AC_OTH'
- $obj->code != 'AC_OTH'
translation |
- $head[$h][2] = 'translation'
- $tmp['__(AnyTranslationKey)__'] = 'Translation'
- $function == 'translation'
cash |
- $head[$h][2] = 'cash'
- $paycode = 'CASH'
- $key != 'cash'
- $key == 'cash'
- $pay == 'cash'
- $paycode == 'CASH'
template |
- $head[$h][2] = 'template'
config |
- $head[$h][2] = 'config'
- $mode = 'config'
e6edf0 |
? |
- $count = '?'
- $string = '?'
- $t = '?'
- $chars[$j + 1] === '?'
- $chars[$j] === '?'
- $moreParams[0] !== '?'
png |
- $mode = "png"
- $mode = 'png'
- $newProperty['TYPE'] = 'PNG'
isbn |
- $encoding == "ISBN"
- $encoding == 'ISBN'
test |
- $action = 'test'
- $head[$h][2] = 'test'
- $testlabel = 'test'
- $trackid = 'test'
- $action == 'test'
- $mode == 'test'
- $module != "test"
disposal |
- $head[$h][2] = 'disposal'
chargesociales |
- $dbtablename = "chargesociales"
- $feature = "chargesociales"
- $objectclass = 'ChargeSociales'
- $objectlabel = 'ChargeSociales'
- $table_element = 'chargesociales'
- $elementType == 'chargesociales'
- $tablename == 'chargesociales'
supplierproposal |
- $classname = 'SupplierProposal'
- $element = 'supplierproposal'
- $featureforlistofmodule = 'supplierproposal'
- $objectclass = 'SupplierProposal'
- $subelement = 'supplierproposal'
- $module == 'supplierproposal'
- $moduleNameInConf === 'supplierproposal'
- $modulename == 'supplierproposal'
- $moduleobject == 'supplierproposal'
- $objectclass == 'SupplierProposal'
file |
- $famime = 'file'
- $head[$h][2] = 'file'
- $pictowithouttext = 'file'
- $sortfield = 'file'
- $v_descr['type'] = 'file'
- $filesarray[$key]['type'] == 'file'
- $p_filedescr['type'] == 'file'
- $p_filedescr_list[$j]['type'] == 'file'
- $type == "File"
- $type == 'file'
- $wsdl_props['scheme'] == 'file'
- 'file' === $parts['scheme']
dashboard |
- $head[$h][2] = 'dashboard'
marketplace |
- $head[$h][2] = 'marketplace'
develop |
- $head[$h][2] = 'develop'
- $version = 'develop'
deploy |
memberstypes |
- $head[$h][2] = 'memberstypes'
- $moduleobject == 'memberstypes'
common |
- $_GET["modulepart"] == 'common'
- $mode == 'common'
- $modulepart == 'common'
- $noescapetags == 'common'
users |
- $head[$h][2] = 'users'
- $this->tableName = 'users'
- $leftmenu == "users"
- $modulepart == 'users'
- $type == 'users'
createform |
- $defaultValues->type = 'createform'
- $head[$h][2] = 'createform'
sortorder |
- $fieldnamekey = 'SortOrder'
- $head[$h][2] = 'sortorder'
- $fieldlist[$field] == 'sortorder'
- $fieldnamekey == 'sortorder'
- $keycode == 'sortorder'
- $mode != 'sortorder'
- $mode == 'sortorder'
- $paramname == 'sortorder'
- $value == 'sortorder'
focus |
mandatory |
- $head[$h][2] = 'mandatory'
- $mode != 'mandatory'
- $mode == 'mandatory'
- $v_requested_options[$key] == 'mandatory'
feature |
- $input->type == 'Feature'
- $mode == 'feature'
changelog |
- $head[$h][2] = 'changelog'
searchkey |
- $head[$h][2] = 'searchkey'
overwrite |
- $head[$h][2] = 'overwrite'
photos |
- $file == 'photos'
- $filearray[0]['level1name'] == 'photos'
resources |
- $head[$h][2] = 'resources'
- $objectlabel = 'Resources'
movements |
- $head[$h][2] = 'movements'
- $objectlabel = 'Movements'
firstadmin |
- $logintouse = 'firstadmin'
- $userlogin == 'firstadmin'
day |
- $displaydate = "day"
- $format = 'day'
- $function = 'DAY'
- $normalizedUnit = 'day'
- $usehourmin = 'day'
- $format == 'day'
- $inputType == 'day'
- $mode == 'day'
- $reg[1] == 'DAY'
- $typeofdata == 'day'
- $unit === 'day'
supplierorder |
- $head[$h][2] = 'supplierorder'
- $object->origin == "supplierorder"
- $origin == 'supplierorder'
supplierinvoice |
- $head[$h][2] = 'supplierinvoice'
- $link_title = 'SupplierInvoice'
- $tradinvoice = "SupplierInvoice"
- $data['item'] == 'SupplierInvoice'
content |
- $algo = 'content'
- $htmlname = 'content'
- $el == 'content'
- $field == 'content'
- $fieldlist[$field] == 'content'
- $keycode == 'content'
- $tmpfieldlist == 'content'
- $type == 'content'
delivery_note |
- $module = 'delivery_note'
- $elementType == 'delivery_note'
- $module == 'delivery_note'
mo |
- $classfile = 'mo'
- $classname = 'Mo'
- $modelmail = "mo"
- $modelmail = 'mo'
- $myobject = 'mo'
- $objectclass = 'Mo'
- $objectlabel = 'Mo'
- $stockmove->origin_type = 'mo'
- $elementType == 'mo'
- $features == 'mo'
- $object->element == 'mo'
- $objecttype == 'mo'
inventory |
- $elementtype = 'inventory'
- $modelmail = "inventory"
- $modelmail = 'inventory'
- $myobject = 'inventory'
- $nature = "inventory"
- $objectclass = 'Inventory'
- $objectlabel = 'Inventory'
- $elementType == 'inventory'
- $nature == 'inventory'
- $object->element == 'inventory'
- $objecttype == 'inventory'
facturefournisseur |
- $classname = 'FactureFournisseur'
- $objectclass = 'FactureFournisseur'
- $objectclass == 'FactureFournisseur'
productlot |
- $classfile = 'productlot'
- $classname = 'Productlot'
- $element = 'productlot'
- $modelmail = "productlot"
- $myobject = 'productlot'
- $objectclass = 'ProductLot'
- $elementType == 'productlot'
- $object->element == 'productlot'
- $objecttype == 'productlot'
entrepot |
- $classfile = 'entrepot'
- $classname = 'Entrepot'
- $elementtype = 'entrepot'
- $objectclass = 'Entrepot'
- $table_element = 'entrepot'
- $elementType == 'entrepot'
# |
- $deleteHref = '#'
- $head[$h][0] = '#'
- $p[$part]['href'] = '#'
- $return = '#'
- $this->lispacer = '#'
- $url = '#'
- $Line['text'][$level] === '#'
- $blob[$i + 1] == '#'
- $color[0] != '#'
- $dataValue[0] == '#'
- $imglink[0] == '#'
- $key[0] == '#'
- $listtype == '#'
- $menuval['url'] != '#'
- $o['u'][0] == '#'
- $operand[0] == '#'
- $pl['txt'][0] == '#'
- $token[0] == '#'
- $url[0] == '#'
- $value[0] == '#'
- '#' !== $v[0]
- '#' == $token
salaries |
- $module = 'salaries'
- $moduledirforclass = 'salaries'
- $modulepart = "salaries"
- $modulepart = 'salaries'
- $objectlabel = 'Salaries'
- $this->rights_class = 'salaries'
- $feature == 'salaries'
- $module == 'salaries'
- $modulepart == 'salaries'
{ |
- $fullPath[$tLen + 1] != '{'
- $json[$i] == '{'
- $parts[$i][0] == '{'
- $str[0] == '{'
- $token[0] == '{'
- '{' !== $childElementName[0]
- '{' !== $name[0]
- '{' !== $rEl[0]
- '{' === $ace['principal'][0]
- '{' === $name[0]
- '{' === $privilege['principal'][0]
- '{' === $propName[0]
- '{' === $varName[0]
[ |
- $color = '['
- $out = '['
- $output = '['
- $s = '['
- $Excerpt['text'][1] !== '['
- $Line['text'][0] === '['
- $char == '['
- $char === '['
- $columnReference[0] == '['
- $json[$i] == '['
- $objval[0] == '['
- $rowReference[0] == '['
- $this->buffer[$this->count] != "["
- '[' == $t
price |
- $expected_name = 'price'
- $head[$h][2] = 'price'
- $totalarray['type'][$totalarray['nbfield']] = 'price'
- $extrafields->attributes[$object->table_element]['type'][$key] == 'price'
- $field == 'price'
- $field_info['type'] == 'price'
- $fieldlist[$field] == 'price'
- $tab == 'price'
- $type == 'price'
- $val['type'] == 'price'
- $value == 'price'
tzserver |
- $gm === 'tzserver'
- $mode == 'tzserver'
- $tzoutput == 'tzserver'
p |
- $default_orientation = 'P'
- $deltastring = 'P'
- $duration = 'P'
- $opt['h'] = 'P'
- $opt['mk']['if']['s'] = 'P'
- $orientation = 'P'
- $dataType == 'P'
- $type == "p"
- $type == 'p'
- 'P' === $date[0]
- 'P' === $date[1]
- 'P' === $duration
- 'P' === $end[0]
- 'P' === $value[0][1][0]
gmt |
- $forcetimezone == 'gmt'
- $gm == 'gmt'
- $mode == 'gmt'
doctemplateswebsite |
- $modulepart = 'doctemplateswebsite'
- $modulepart == 'doctemplateswebsite'
.. |
- $delim = '..'
- $relpath = '..'
- $delim == '..'
- $file != ".."
- $file != '..'
- $file == '..'
- $file['name'] != '..'
- $item != ".."
- $item != '..'
- $pathArray[$i] == '..'
- $pathArray[0] != '..'
- $sFile != '..'
- $thumb == '..'
- $v_item_handler == '..'
- $v_list[$i] == ".."
- '..' == $name
todo |
- $this->labelStatus[1] = 'ToDo'
- $this->labelStatusShort[1] = 'ToDo'
- $tododone = 'todo'
- $donetodo != 'todo'
- $donetodo == 'todo'
- $search_status == 'todo'
- $selected == 'todo'
- $sql != 'TODO'
- $sql == 'TODO'
- $status == 'todo'
... |
- $end = '...'
- $variadic = '...'
th |
- $cellType = 'th'
- $tag = 'th'
- $cellType == 'th'
- $dom[$key]['value'] != 'th'
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'th'
ac_email |
- $actioncomm->code = 'AC_EMAIL'
- $actiontypecode = 'AC_EMAIL'
- $type = 'AC_EMAIL'
- $actionstatic->type_code == 'AC_EMAIL'
- $this->type_code == 'AC_EMAIL'
ac_tel |
- $actionstatic->type_code == 'AC_TEL'
- $addlink == 'AC_TEL'
- $histo[$key]['acode'] == 'AC_TEL'
- $object->type_code == 'AC_TEL'
- $this->type_code == 'AC_TEL'
ac_fax |
- $actionstatic->type_code == 'AC_FAX'
- $addlink == 'AC_FAX'
- $this->type_code == 'AC_FAX'
supplier_order |
- $element = 'supplier_order'
- $elementPicto = 'supplier_order'
- $modulepart = 'supplier_order'
- $picto = 'supplier_order'
- $this->origin_type = 'supplier_order'
- $modulepart == 'supplier_order'
- $object->origin == 'supplier_order'
- $objecttype == 'supplier_order'
- $origin == 'supplier_order'
- $reg[1] == 'supplier_order'
- $tablename == 'supplier_order'
- $this->element == 'supplier_order'
- $type_element == 'supplier_order'
daytextshort |
- $format == 'daytextshort'
userphoto |
- $modulepart = 'userphoto'
- $modulepart == 'userphoto'
memberphoto |
- $modulepart = 'memberphoto'
- $modulepart == 'memberphoto'
phone |
- $layout = 'phone'
- $this->picto = 'phone'
- $conf->browser->layout != 'phone'
- $conf->browser->layout == 'phone'
- $extrafields->attributes[$object->table_element]['type'][$key] == 'phone'
- $key == 'phone'
- $type == 'phone'
- $withpicto == 'phone'
\\n |
ie |
- $browsername == 'ie'
- $conf->browser->name == 'ie'
chrome |
- $conf->browser->name == 'chrome'
lynxlinks |
- $conf->browser->name == 'lynxlinks'
firefox |
- $conf->browser->name == 'firefox'
macintosh |
- $conf->browser->os === 'macintosh'
install |
files |
- $dir = 'files'
- $type = 'files'
upload |
- $download = 'upload'
- $this->rights[$r][4] = 'upload'
download |
tax-vat |
- $module == 'tax-vat'
- $modulepart == 'tax-vat'
zstd |
- $compression == 'zstd'
- $mode == 'zstd'
gzip |
- $this->headers['content-encoding'] == 'gzip'
- $this->incoming_headers['content-encoding'] == 'gzip'
copy |
- $ecmfile->gen_or_uploaded = 'copy'
file-o |
- $pictowithouttext == 'file-o'
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet |
- $mime = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet'
- $mimeType === 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet'
application/pdf |
- $mime = 'application/pdf'
- $TFile['type'][$i] == 'application/pdf'
image/png |
- $icon->type = "image/png"
- $mime = 'image/png'
- $_FILES['addedfile']['type'] != 'image/png'
cs |
- $server->xml->namespaceMap[self::NS_CALENDARSERVER] = 'cs'
- $srclang = 'cs'
- $chardata[$i]['type'] == 'CS'
h |
- $argument_name === 'h'
- $dom[$key]['value'][0] == 'h'
- $duration_unit == 'h'
- $this->duration_unit == 'h'
- $this->object->duration_unit == 'h'
php |
- $srclang = 'php'
- static::$template = 'php'
- $geoipversion != 'php'
- $geoipversion == 'php'
- $srclang == 'php'
- 'PHP' === $h['wrapper_type']
xml |
- $name = "Xml"
- $propertyName = 'xml'
- $srclang = 'xml'
md |
- $srclang = 'md'
- $theme = 'md'
- $conf->theme == 'md'
- $srclang == 'md'
lang |
- $field == 'lang'
- $field_key == 'lang'
- $fieldlist[$field] == 'lang'
- $key == "lang"
- $key == 'lang'
- $keyname == 'lang'
- $path_file['extension'] == 'lang'
- $srclang == 'lang'
- $value != 'lang'
- $value == 'lang'
__project_ref__ |
- $substitutionarray['__PROJECT_REF__'] = '__PROJECT_REF__'
- $key == '__PROJECT_REF__'
__project_id__ |
- $substitutionarray['__PROJECT_ID__'] = '__PROJECT_ID__'
dolresource |
- $modulepart = 'dolresource'
- $objectclass = 'Dolresource'
- $subelement = 'dolresource'
- $elementType == 'dolresource'
- $modulepart == 'dolresource'
- $object->resource_type == 'dolresource'
- $resource_type == 'dolresource'
- $resourceclass != 'Dolresource'
mrp_mo |
- $elementtype = 'mrp_mo'
- $keyforelement = 'mrp_mo'
- $keyforselect = 'mrp_mo'
- $table_element = 'mrp_mo'
- $object->table_element == 'mrp_mo'
allhourmin |
- $plannedworkloadoutputformat = 'allhourmin'
- $timespentoutputformat = 'allhourmin'
salary |
- $elementtype = 'salary'
- $head[$h][2] = 'salary'
- $link_picto = 'salary'
- $modelmail = "salary"
- $modelmail = 'salary'
- $objectclass = 'Salary'
- $picto = 'salary'
- $this->element = 'salary'
- $this->table_element = 'salary'
- $elementType == 'salary'
- $links[$key]['type'] == 'salary'
- $object->element == 'salary'
- $sourcetype != 'salary'
- $sourcetype == 'salary'
- $tablename == 'salary'
- $tmpobj->family == 'salary'
- $type !== 'salary'
- $type == 'salary'
- $type === 'salary'
emailsenderprofile |
- $classfile = 'emailsenderprofile'
- $classname = 'EmailSenderProfile'
- $objectclass = 'EmailSenderProfile'
- $objectlabel = 'EmailSenderProfile'
- $elementType == 'emailsenderprofile'
conferenceorboothattendee |
- $classfile = 'conferenceorboothattendee'
- $classname = 'ConferenceOrBoothAttendee'
- $keyforclass = 'ConferenceOrBoothAttendee'
- $keyforelement = 'conferenceorboothattendee'
- $keyforselect = 'conferenceorboothattendee'
- $modelmail = 'conferenceorboothattendee'
- $objectclass = 'ConferenceOrBoothAttendee'
- $objectlabel = 'ConferenceOrBoothAttendee'
- $elementType == 'conferenceorboothattendee'
- $object->element == 'conferenceorboothattendee'
- $objectobj->element == 'conferenceorboothattendee'
- $objecttmp->element == 'conferenceorboothattendee'
- $objecttype == 'conferenceorboothattendee'
conferenceorbooth |
- $classfile = 'conferenceorbooth'
- $classname = 'ConferenceOrBooth'
- $head[$h][2] = 'conferenceorbooth'
- $modelmail = "conferenceorbooth"
- $modelmail = 'conferenceorbooth'
- $objectclass = 'ConferenceOrBooth'
- $objectlabel = 'ConferenceOrBooth'
- $tab = 'conferenceorbooth'
- $this->picto = 'conferenceorbooth'
- $elementType == 'conferenceorbooth'
- $myTmpObjectKey == 'ConferenceOrBooth'
- $objecttype == 'conferenceorbooth'
( |
- $predefinedgroupwhere = "("
- $return_sql_criteria = '('
- $sepa = "("
- $tmpescaped2 = '('
- $tmptxt = '('
- $char == '('
- $o2['value'] != '('
- $op == '('
- $op === '('
- $op['value'] == '('
- $opCharacter == '('
- $this->buffer[$this->count] != "("
- $this->currentToken === '('
- $this->lookAhead === '('
- $token[0] == '('
- '(' === $tzid[0]
tasks |
- $head[$h][2] = 'tasks'
- $objectlabel = 'Tasks'
- $tab = 'tasks'
- $this->boxlabel = "Tasks"
timespent |
- $head[$h][2] = 'timespent'
- $tab = 'timespent'
- $this->name = "timespent"
element |
- $elementortype = 'element'
- $head[$h][2] = 'element'
- $this->elements[$attrs['name']]['typeClass'] = 'element'
- $name == 'element'
- $typeDef['typeClass'] == 'element'
- $value == 'element'
index |
- $function = 'INDEX'
- $head[$h][2] = 'index'
- $path = 'index'
- $style = 'index'
- $call['methodName'] == 'index'
- $fullPath == 'index'
- $id == 'index'
- $methodUrl == 'index'
- $option == 'index'
- $restler->url == 'index'
- $v[1] == 'Index'
bad_credentials |
- $errorcode = 'BAD_CREDENTIALS'
- $user_status_code == "BAD_CREDENTIALS"
messaging |
- $_SESSION['ticket-view-type'] = "messaging"
- $ticketViewType = "messaging"
- $ticketViewType == "messaging"
valid |
- $statusofrecord = 'Valid'
- $validpaymentmethod['paybox'] = 'valid'
- $validpaymentmethod['paypal'] = 'valid'
- $validpaymentmethod['stripe'] = 'valid'
- $action != 'valid'
- $action == "valid"
- $action == 'valid'
hidden |
- $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr']['visibility'] = 'hidden'
- $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr.row' . $row]['visibility'] = 'hidden'
- $lastlevel0 = 'hidden'
- $lastlevel[0] = 'hidden'
- $morecss = 'hidden'
- $elementCardAccess == 'hidden'
- $input['type'] == 'hidden'
- $morecss != 'hidden'
- $svgstyle['visibility'] == 'hidden'
enabled |
- $lastlevel0 = 'enabled'
- $lastlevel2[$val2['level']] = 'enabled'
- $lastlevel[0] = 'enabled'
- $endpoint->status == 'enabled'
- $lastlevel0 == 'enabled'
- $lastlevel2[$levelcursor] != 'enabled'
hasnew |
mainmenu |
various |
- $lastcurrencycode = 'various'
- $nature = "various"
- $lastcurrencycode != 'various'
tva_tx |
mm |
helvetica |
- $family = 'helvetica'
- $font = 'Helvetica'
- $name = 'Helvetica'
mos |
- $this->export_label[$r] = 'MOs'
- $this->import_label[$r] = 'MOs'
creances-dettes |
- $modecompta = "CREANCES-DETTES"
- $modecompta = 'CREANCES-DETTES'
- $accounting_mode != 'CREANCES-DETTES'
- $accounting_mode == 'CREANCES-DETTES'
- $modecompta != 'CREANCES-DETTES'
- $modecompta == "CREANCES-DETTES"
- $modecompta == 'CREANCES-DETTES'
dml |
bookkeepingcollected |
folder |
- $this->picto = 'folder'
- $v_descr['type'] = 'folder'
- $p_filedescr['type'] == 'folder'
- $p_filedescr_list[$j]['type'] == 'folder'
- $v_descr['type'] == 'folder'
ftp |
- $this->rights_class = 'ftp'
- $allowedscheme == 'ftp'
- $feature == 'ftp'
- $mainmenu == 'ftp'
projectid |
- $optionLink = 'projectid'
- $this->export_fields_array[$r]['t.fk_project'] = 'ProjectId'
annuler |
- $this->rights[$r][5] = 'annuler'
project_task |
- $actioncomm->elementtype = 'project_task'
- $modulepart = 'project_task'
- $type = 'project_task'
- $element == 'project_task'
- $elementType == 'project_task'
- $key == 'project_task'
- $module == 'project_task'
- $modulepart == 'project_task'
- $object->element == 'project_task'
- $type != 'project_task'
- $type == 'project_task'
presend_addmessage |
- $action = 'presend_addmessage'
- $action != "presend_addmessage"
- $action != 'presend_addmessage'
- $action == 'presend_addmessage'
zip |
- $ext = 'zip'
- $fieldstosearchall[''] = "Zip"
- $name = "zip"
- $buildzip == 'zip'
- $compression == 'zip'
- $fileinfo["extension"] == "zip"
- $mode == 'zip'
- $sortfield == 'zip'
town |
- $fieldstosearchall[''] = "Town"
- $this->town = 'Town'
t.datec |
- $sortfield = "t.datec"
- $sortfield = 't.datec'
add_message |
- $action = 'add_message'
- $formticket->action = "add_message"
- $action != "add_message"
- $action != 'add_message'
- $action == "add_message"
- $action == 'add_message'
interventions |
- $classfile = 'interventions'
- $objectlabel = 'Interventions'
- $moduleobject == 'interventions'
openall |
- $search['fk_statut'] == 'openall'
ticket_msg_private |
- $actioncomm->code = 'TICKET_MSG_PRIVATE'
- $object->code = 'TICKET_MSG_PRIVATE'
- $object->code == 'TICKET_MSG_PRIVATE'
ticket_msg |
- $actioncomm->code = 'TICKET_MSG'
- $object->code = 'TICKET_MSG'
- $actioncomm->code == "TICKET_MSG"
- $actionstatic->code == 'TICKET_MSG'
- $obj->code == 'TICKET_MSG'
- $object->code == 'TICKET_MSG'
medias |
- $module = 'medias'
- $modulepart = 'medias'
- $_GET["modulepart"] == 'medias'
- $module != 'medias'
- $module == 'medias'
- $modulepart == 'medias'
- $modulepart === 'medias'
%photo% |
- $txtforsticker = "%PHOTO%"
- $textleft == '%PHOTO%'
- $textright == '%PHOTO%'
confirmed |
- $action == 'confirmed'
- $force_collation_from_conf_on_tables == 'confirmed'
- $force_utf8_on_tables == 'confirmed'
- $force_utf8mb4_on_tables == 'confirmed'
- $rebuild_sequence == 'confirmed'
- $repair_link_dispatch_lines_supplier_order_lines == 'confirmed'
bank_account |
- $elementtype = 'bank_account'
- $picto = 'bank_account'
- $typetext = 'bank_account'
- $board->id == 'bank_account'
- $elementType == 'bank_account'
- $this->element == 'bank_account'
- $type == 'bank_account'
fk_soc |
- $fieldname == 'fk_soc'
- $fk_element == 'fk_soc'
- $key == "fk_soc"
- $obj->Field == 'fk_soc'
vevent |
- $componentType = 'VEVENT'
- $message->component = 'VEVENT'
- $type = "VEVENT"
- $type = 'VEVENT'
- $type == 'VEVENT'
- 'VEVENT' !== $itipMessage->component
- 'VEVENT' == $componentType
- 'VEVENT' === $child->name
- 'VEVENT' === $component->parent->name
- 'VEVENT' === $componentType
- 'VEVENT' === $parentComponent->name
vtodo |
- $type = "VTODO"
- $type = 'VTODO'
- 'VTODO' === $parentComponent->name
s.nom |
u.lastname |
- $sortfield = "u.lastname"
- $sortfield == 'u.lastname'
search |
- $action = 'search'
- $function = 'SEARCH'
- $action == "search"
- $action == 'search'
- $ids[0] == 'SEARCH'
- $mode == 'search'
init |
- $mode = "init"
- $object->password = 'init'
- $mode != "init"
- $mode == "init"
notequal |
- $typeofcomparison = 'NotEqual'
- $typeofcomparison == 'NotEqual'
greater |
- $key = 'greater'
- $typeofcomparison = 'Greater'
- $typeofcomparison == 'Greater'
greaterorequal |
- $typeofcomparison = 'GreaterOrEqual'
- $typeofcomparison == 'GreaterOrEqual'
smaller |
- $typeofcomparison = 'Smaller'
- $rule['type'] == 'smaller'
- $typeofcomparison == 'Smaller'
smallerorequal |
- $typeofcomparison = 'SmallerOrEqual'
- $typeofcomparison == 'SmallerOrEqual'
notidentical |
- $typeofcomparison = 'NotIdentical'
- $typeofcomparison == 'NotIdentical'
equal |
- $key = 'equal'
- $typeofcomparison = 'Equal'
- $typeofcomparison == 'Equal'
86400 |
- $this->unitfrequency = '86400'
- $cron['unitfrequency'] == "86400"
- $obj->unitfrequency == "86400"
- $object->unitfrequency == "86400"
cronjob |
- $objectclass = 'CronJob'
- $objectlabel = 'CronJob'
- $elementTable == 'cronjob'
- $elementType == 'cronjob'
sha512 |
- $conf->global->PAYBOX_HASH = 'sha512'
dir |
- $file["type"] == "dir"
- $filesarray[$key]['type'] == 'dir'
facture_rec |
- $elementtype = 'facture_rec'
- $objecttype = 'facture_rec'
- $elementTable == 'facture_rec'
- $table === 'facture_rec'
facture_send |
- $model = 'facture_send'
- $modelmail = "facture_send"
- $modelmail = 'facture_send'
- $this->param["models"] == 'facture_send'
- $this->param['models'] == 'facture_send'
- $type_template == 'facture_send'
badcustomer |
- $close[$i]['code'] = 'badcustomer'
- $close[1]['code'] = 'badcustomer'
- $object->close_code == 'badcustomer'
abandon |
- $close[2]['code'] = 'abandon'
- $action == 'abandon'
- $object->close_code == 'abandon'
discount_vat |
- $close[$i]['code'] = 'discount_vat'
- $facturestatic->close_code == 'discount_vat'
- $object->close_code == 'discount_vat'
- $this->close_code == 'discount_vat'
(credit_note) |
- $discount->description = '(CREDIT_NOTE)'
- $desc == '(CREDIT_NOTE)'
- $discount->description == '(CREDIT_NOTE)'
- $line->desc == '(CREDIT_NOTE)'
- $line->description == '(CREDIT_NOTE)'
- $objp->description == '(CREDIT_NOTE)'
facturedet_rec |
- $elementtype = 'facturedet_rec'
- $table_element_line == 'facturedet_rec'
- $this->table_element_line == 'facturedet_rec'
dbit |
crdt |
bank-transfer |
- $newtype = 'bank-transfer'
- $mode != 'bank-transfer'
- $obj->type == 'bank-transfer'
- $object->type != 'bank-transfer'
- $object->type == 'bank-transfer'
- $savtype == 'bank-transfer'
- $this->type == 'bank-transfer'
- $type != 'bank-transfer'
- $type !== 'bank-transfer'
- $type == 'bank-transfer'
fk_invoice_supplier_source is null |
- $filterabsolutediscount = "fk_invoice_supplier_source IS NULL"
- $filter == "fk_invoice_supplier_source IS NULL"
fk_invoice_supplier_source is null or (description like '(deposit)%' and description not like '(excess paid)%') |
- $filterabsolutediscount = "fk_invoice_supplier_source IS NULL OR (description LIKE '(DEPOSIT)%' AND description NOT LIKE '(EXCESS PAID)%')"
- $filter != "fk_invoice_supplier_source IS NULL OR (description LIKE '(DEPOSIT)%' AND description NOT LIKE '(EXCESS PAID)%')"
- $filter == "fk_invoice_supplier_source IS NULL OR (description LIKE '(DEPOSIT)%' AND description NOT LIKE '(EXCESS PAID)%')"
makepayment |
- $massaction == 'makepayment'
(excess received) |
- $discount->description = '(EXCESS RECEIVED)'
- $desc == '(EXCESS RECEIVED)'
- $line->desc == '(EXCESS RECEIVED)'
- $line->description == '(EXCESS RECEIVED)'
- $objp->description == '(EXCESS RECEIVED)'
(deposit) |
- $descline = '(DEPOSIT)'
- $discount->description = '(DEPOSIT)'
- $desc == '(DEPOSIT)'
- $discount->description == '(DEPOSIT)'
- $factureDet->desc == "(DEPOSIT)"
- $line->desc == '(DEPOSIT)'
- $line->description == '(DEPOSIT)'
- $objp->description == '(DEPOSIT)'
editinvoicedate |
- $action = 'editinvoicedate'
- $action != 'editinvoicedate'
- $action == 'editinvoicedate'
liq |
- $paycode = 'LIQ'
- $typefrom = 'LIQ'
- $typeto = 'LIQ'
- $line1 == "LIQ"
- $modepaymentcode == 'LIQ'
- $oper != 'LIQ'
- $pay == 'LIQ'
- $paycode == 'LIQ'
- $row->code == "LIQ"
banktransfert |
- $links[$key]['type'] == 'banktransfert'
- $tabtype[$key] == 'banktransfert'
vir |
- $paiement->paiementcode = 'VIR'
- $typeto = 'VIR'
- $modepaymentcode == 'VIR'
- $object->mode_reglement_code != 'VIR'
- $object->mode_reglement_code == 'VIR'
- $objecttmp->mode_reglement_code != 'VIR'
pre |
- $paiement->paiementcode = 'PRE'
- $paymentTypeCode = "PRE"
- $typefrom = 'PRE'
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'pre'
- $modepaymentcode == 'PRE'
- $object->mode_reglement_code == "PRE"
- $object->mode_reglement_code == 'PRE'
- $objecttmp->mode_reglement_code != 'PRE'
- $paymentTypeCode == "PRE"
variable |
- $pricesell = 'Variable'
- $typedeposit = 'variable'
- $part[0] == "variable"
- $typeamount == 'variable'
- $typedeposit == 'variable'
- $value[0] == "variable"
rejet |
credit-transfer |
- $addbankurl = 'credit-transfer'
- $type != 'credit-transfer'
payment_supplier |
- $mode = 'payment_supplier'
- $modeforaddpayment = 'payment_supplier'
- $element == 'payment_supplier'
- $feature == 'payment_supplier'
- $links[$key]['type'] == 'payment_supplier'
- $mode == 'payment_supplier'
- $obj->type == 'payment_supplier'
- $obj->typeop_payment_supplier == 'payment_supplier'
- $object->element == 'payment_supplier'
- $tabtype[$key] == 'payment_supplier'
- $this->element == 'payment_supplier'
- $this->element === 'payment_supplier'
- $typerecord == 'payment_supplier'
payment_salary |
- $modeforaddpayment = 'payment_salary'
- $table = 'payment_salary'
- $type_link = 'payment_salary'
- $elementType == 'payment_salary'
- $links[$key]['type'] == 'payment_salary'
- $mode == 'payment_salary'
- $object->element == 'payment_salary'
- $tabtype[$key] == 'payment_salary'
- $this->element == 'payment_salary'
- $type_link == 'payment_salary'
- $typerecord == 'payment_salary'
- $v['type'] == 'payment_salary'
withdraw |
- $modulenametoshow = "Withdraw"
- $element == 'withdraw'
- $leftmenu == "withdraw"
- $links[$key]['type'] == 'withdraw'
- $option == 'withdraw'
datec |
- $fieldname == 'datec'
- $key == "datec"
err |
- $rshort = 'Err'
- $votestatus = 'err'
hierarchy |
- $include = 'hierarchy'
- $mode = 'hierarchy'
- $include == 'hierarchy'
- $mode == 'hierarchy'
amount |
- $newsortfield = 'amount'
- $row_array['key'] = "Amount"
- $this->field = 'amount'
- $totalarray['pos'][$checkedCount] = 'amount'
- $totalarray['pos'][$totalarray['nbfield']] = 'amount'
direct-debit |
- $addbankurl = 'direct-debit'
- $type != 'direct-debit'
- $type == 'direct-debit'
(supplierinvoicepayment) |
- $labelforaddpayment = '(SupplierInvoicePayment)'
- $obj->label == '(SupplierInvoicePayment)'
- $ref == '(SupplierInvoicePayment)'
(customerinvoicepayment) |
- $label = '(CustomerInvoicePayment)'
- $labelforaddpayment = '(CustomerInvoicePayment)'
- $obj->label == '(CustomerInvoicePayment)'
- $ref == '(CustomerInvoicePayment)'
recep |
- $this->cond_reglement_code = 'RECEP'
(customerinvoicepaymentback) |
- $label = '(CustomerInvoicePaymentBack)'
- $obj->label == '(CustomerInvoicePaymentBack)'
- $ref == '(CustomerInvoicePaymentBack)'
cashcontrol |
- $head[0][2] = 'cashcontrol'
- $modelmail = "cashcontrol"
- $objectclass = 'CashControl'
- $objectlabel = 'CashControl'
- $object->element == 'cashcontrol'
- $this->element == 'cashcontrol'
- $this->element === 'cashcontrol'
b.datev,b.dateo,b.rowid |
- $sortfield = 'b.datev,b.dateo,b.rowid'
- $sortfield == 'b.datev,b.dateo,b.rowid'
sell |
- $parameters["direction"] = 'sell'
- $direction == 'sell'
- $type == 'sell'
start |
- $action = 'start'
- $position = 'start'
- $this->svgtextmode['text-anchor'] = 'start'
- $action == "start"
- $action == 'start'
- $this->svgtextmode['text-anchor'] != 'start'
- 'START' === $related
order_send |
- $model = 'order_send'
- $modelmail = "order_send"
- $modelmail = 'order_send'
- $this->param["models"] == 'order_send'
- $this->param['models'] == 'order_send'
- $type_template == 'order_send'
nom |
pr.ref |
confirm_createbills |
- $action = 'confirm_createbills'
- $massaction != 'confirm_createbills'
- $massaction == 'confirm_createbills'
orders |
- $key == 'orders'
- $leftmenu == "orders"
- $moduleobject == 'orders'
chq |
- $paycode = 'CHQ'
- $this->mode_reglement_code = 'CHQ'
- $this->type = 'CHQ'
- $type = 'CHQ'
- $modepaymentcode == 'CHQ'
- $object->mode_reglement_code != 'CHQ'
- $object->mode_reglement_code == 'CHQ'
- $object->type_code == 'CHQ'
- $objp->code == 'CHQ'
- $pay == "CHQ"
- $paycode == 'CHQ'
- $paymentobj->paiementcode == 'CHQ'
- $type == 'CHQ'
- $val == 'CHQ'
vat |
- $modelmail = "vat"
- $modelmail = 'vat'
- $parameters["type"] = 'vat'
- $links[$key]['type'] == 'vat'
- $profIDtype === 'VAT'
- $tmpobj->family == 'vat'
fk_tva |
payment_vat |
- $links[$key]['type'] == 'payment_vat'
- $mode == 'payment_vat'
- $tabtype[$key] == 'payment_vat'
- $typerecord == 'payment_vat'
number |
- $c[0] == "number"
- $exp[0] == "number"
- $info->type != 'number'
- $object->type == 'number'
- $value[0] == "number"
payment_sc |
- $type_link = 'payment_sc'
- $feature == 'payment_sc'
- $features == 'payment_sc'
- $links[$key]['type'] == 'payment_sc'
- $mode == 'payment_sc'
- $type_link == 'payment_sc'
addline |
- $action = 'addline'
- $actiontouse = 'addline'
- $action != 'addline'
- $action == "addline"
- $action == 'addline'
desc,desc,desc |
- $sortorder = 'DESC,DESC,DESC'
- $sortorder = 'desc,desc,desc'
- $sortorder == 'desc,desc,desc'
showalltime |
facture_fournisseur |
- $element_doc = 'facture_fournisseur'
- $modulepart = "facture_fournisseur"
- $modulepart = 'facture_fournisseur'
- $modulepart == 'facture_fournisseur'
sc |
- $links[$key]['type'] == 'sc'
- $typerecord == 'sc'
- $v['type'] == 'sc'
confirm_approve |
- $action = 'confirm_approve'
- $action == "confirm_approve"
- $action == 'confirm_approve'
createorder |
- $action != 'createorder'
- $action == 'createorder'
indexnotexpanded |
- $option = 'indexnotexpanded'
- $option == 'indexnotexpanded'
indexexpanded |
- $option = 'indexexpanded'
- $option == 'indexexpanded'
directory |
validated |
- $triggerName[1] = 'VALIDATED'
- $option == 'validated'
- $status == 'validated'
approved |
- $triggerName[2] = 'APPROVED'
canceled |
- $triggerName[6] = 'CANCELED'
- $triggerName[7] = 'CANCELED'
- $value = 'canceled'
- $action == 'canceled'
- $payout->status == 'canceled'
p.rowid |
invoice_supplier_send |
- $modelmail = "invoice_supplier_send"
- $modelmail = 'invoice_supplier_send'
- $this->param['models'] == 'invoice_supplier_send'
- $type_template == 'invoice_supplier_send'
draft |
- $this->labelStatus[0] = 'Draft'
- $this->labelStatusShort[0] = 'Draft'
- $triggerName[0] = 'DRAFT'
- $value = 'draft'
- $obj['code'] == 'Draft'
- $status == 'draft'
badsupplier |
- $close[$i]['code'] = 'badsupplier'
- $close[1]['code'] = 'badsupplier'
- $object->close_code == 'badsupplier'
facture_fourn_rec |
- $elementtype = 'facture_fourn_rec'
- $objecttype = 'facture_fourn_rec'
- $table === 'facture_fourn_rec'
(excess paid) |
- $discount->description = '(EXCESS PAID)'
- $desc == '(EXCESS PAID)'
- $line->desc == '(EXCESS PAID)'
- $line->description == '(EXCESS PAID)'
- $objp->description == '(EXCESS PAID)'
confirm_createsupplierbills |
- $action = 'confirm_createsupplierbills'
- $massaction != 'confirm_createsupplierbills'
- $massaction == 'confirm_createsupplierbills'
supplierorders |
- $objectlabel = 'SupplierOrders'
- $moduleobject == 'supplierorders'
order_supplier_send |
- $model = 'order_supplier_send'
- $modelmail = "order_supplier_send"
- $modelmail = 'order_supplier_send'
- $this->param['models'] == 'order_supplier_send'
- $type_template == 'order_supplier_send'
accountancy_code_supplier |
- $typethirdparty = 'accountancy_code_supplier'
- $keymin == 'accountancy_code_supplier'
accountancy_code_customer |
- $typethirdparty = 'accountancy_code_customer'
daytext |
in |
- $this->prefixinvoice = 'IN'
- $mysoc->country_code == 'IN'
- $object->thirdparty->country_code == 'IN'
- $operator == 'IN'
- $seller_country_code == 'IN'
- $thirdparty->country_code == 'IN'
- $unit == 'in'
chequereceipt |
- $module == 'chequereceipt'
- $modulepart == 'chequereceipt'
empty |
- $this->warnings[$warning]['type'] = 'EMPTY'
- $argument_name === 'empty'
- $data_string == 'EMPTY'
- $key == 'empty'
xlsx |
- $this->extension = 'xlsx'
- $this->id = 'xlsx'
- $format == 'xlsx'
- $model == 'xlsx'
excel2007 |
type1 |
- $fmetric['type'] = 'Type1'
- $fonttype = 'Type1'
- $spacetype = 'type1'
- $type = 'Type1'
- $fmetric['type'] == 'Type1'
- $this->CurrentFont['type'] == 'Type1'
- $type == 'Type1'
truetypeunicode |
- $fmetric['type'] = 'TrueTypeUnicode'
- $fonttype = 'TrueTypeUnicode'
- $type = 'TrueTypeUnicode'
- $fmetric['type'] == 'TrueTypeUnicode'
- $this->CurrentFont['type'] == 'TrueTypeUnicode'
- $type == 'TrueTypeUnicode'
onecolumn |
- $layout_mode = 'OneColumn'
- $input['type'] == 'onecolumn'
http |
- $SCHEME = 'http'
- $mode = 'http'
- $protocol = 'http'
- $_SESSION["dol_authmode"] != 'http'
- $_SESSION["dol_authmode"] == 'http'
- $allowedscheme == 'http'
- $this->scheme == 'http'
- $wsdl_props['scheme'] == 'http'
- 'http' === $this->scheme
truetype |
- $fmetric['type'] = 'TrueType'
- $fmetric['type'] == 'TrueType'
- $this->CurrentFont['type'] == 'TrueType'
- $type == 'TrueType'
cp1252 |
- $codePage = 'CP1252'
- $enc = 'cp1252'
- $this->codepage = 'CP1252'
- $enc != 'cp1252'
- 'CP1252' !== $this->charset
cidfont0 |
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jpeg |
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on |
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zapfdingbats |
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\x80 |
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soap |
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ln |
sign |
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> |
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<> |
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: |
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<= |
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< |
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workbook |
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find |
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weekday |
offset |
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or |
rate |
- $fieldnamekey = 'Rate'
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max |
row |
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count |
min |
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small |
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clean |
replace |
columns |
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now |
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year |
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3d |
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worksheet |
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db |
- $php_session_save_handler == 'db'
mode |
payment_expensereport |
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strict |
- $output['handling'] = 'strict'
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minimal |
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- 'minimal' === $prefer['return']
auth |
- $qop = "auth"
- $qop = 'auth'
head |
- $method == 'HEAD'
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https |
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allof |
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- 'allof' === $test
text/vcard |
auth-int |
- 'auth-int' === $this->digestParts['qop']
anyof |
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digest |
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medium |
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busy |
application/calendar+json |
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- 'application/calendar+json' === $report->contentType
reply |
- $icalMsg->METHOD = 'REPLY'
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- $vcalendar->METHOD = 'REPLY'
- 'REPLY' !== $eventInfo['organizerForceSend']
- 'REPLY' === $iTipMessage->method
transparent |
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mimedir |
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vcard |
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vcalendar |
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anniversary |
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cancel |
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declined |
- $instances[$exDate]['newstatus'] = 'DECLINED'
- 'DECLINED' !== $instances['master']['newstatus']
request |
- $message->method = 'REQUEST'
- 'REQUEST' === $attendee['forceSend']
- 'REQUEST' === $method
cancelled |
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- 'CANCELLED' === $eventInfo['status']
- 'CANCELLED' === $status
gif |
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float |
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server |
- $organizerScheduleAgent = 'SERVER'
>> |
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endobj |
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] |
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- $json[$i] == ']'
- ']' == $v
period |
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-- |
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obj |
objref |
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stream |
<< |
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marked |
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normal |
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display.noprint |
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off |
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k |
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bottom |
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reset |
- $_GET['action'] != 'reset'
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img |
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! |
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application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
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post |
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- $rm == 'POST'
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decimal |
px |
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objectboundingbox |
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meet |
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xmid |
ymid |
editsource |
- $action != 'editsource'
- $action == 'editsource'
createpagefromclone |
- $action = 'createpagefromclone'
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editcontent |
- $action != 'editcontent'
- $action == 'editcontent'
editmeta |
editcss |
createcontainer |
- $action = 'createcontainer'
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- $action == 'createcontainer'
replacesite |
- $action = 'replacesite'
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- $mode == 'replacesite'
createsite |
- $action != 'createsite'
- $action == 'createsite'
importsite |
- $action = 'importsite'
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page |
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fk_warehouse |
- $keyforbreak = 'fk_warehouse'
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toconsume |
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- $obj->role == 'toconsume'
toproduce |
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- $moLine->role == 'toproduce'
- $obj->role == 'toproduce'
consumed |
- $moline->role = 'consumed'
setbatch |
cb |
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- $paymentTypeCode == "CB"
production |
- $head[$h][2] = 'production'
produced |
- $moline->role = 'produced'
updateline |
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- $action == 'updateline'
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new |
- $action = 'new'
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- $action == "new"
- $action == 'new'
bookcal_calendar |
- $elementtype = 'bookcal_calendar'
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- $event->type == 'bookcal_calendar'
salaire |
- $newtype = 'salaire'
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- $type = 'salaire'
recruitmentcandidature |
- $modelmail = "recruitmentcandidature"
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- $object->element === 'recruitmentcandidature'
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- $reg[1] == 'recruitmentcandidature'
makeofferordecline |
- $action = 'makeofferordecline'
- $action == 'makeofferordecline'
create_user |
- $action == 'create_user'
- $newaction == 'create_user'
closeas |
setashome |
editmenu |
exportsite |
deletesite |
vfreebusy |
- 'VFREEBUSY' === $componentType
location |
- $this->location = 'Location'
opaque |
- $event['transparency'] = 'OPAQUE'
- $icalevent['TRANSP'] == "OPAQUE"
actionsreport |
- $modulepart = 'actionsreport'
- $modulepart == 'actionsreport'
propal_sentbymail |
- $triggersendname = 'PROPAL_SENTBYMAIL'
- $action == 'PROPAL_SENTBYMAIL'
propal_send |
- $model = 'propal_send'
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- $modelmail = 'propal_send'
- $this->param['models'] == 'propal_send'
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propal_classify_billed |
propal_close_refused |
- $trigger_name = 'PROPAL_CLOSE_REFUSED'
propal_close_signed |
- $trigger_name = 'PROPAL_CLOSE_SIGNED'
- $action == 'PROPAL_CLOSE_SIGNED'
actions |
show_month |
- $mode == "show_month"
- $mode == 'show_month'
show_peruser |
- $mode != 'show_peruser'
- $mode == 'show_peruser'
peruser_notbusy |
- $style1 = 'peruser_notbusy'
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- $style3 = 'peruser_notbusy'
- $style4 = 'peruser_notbusy'
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- $style2 == 'peruser_notbusy'
- $style3 == 'peruser_notbusy'
- $style4 == 'peruser_notbusy'
show_day |
- $mode != 'show_day'
- $mode == 'show_day'
show_week |
- $mode != 'show_week'
- $mode == "show_week"
- $mode == 'show_week'
birthday |
- $event->type_code = 'BIRTHDAY'
- $event->type_code != 'BIRTHDAY'
- $event->type_code == 'BIRTHDAY'
- $option == 'birthday'
birthdate |
- $event->type = 'birthdate'
- $event->type_picto = 'birthdate'
- $event->type == 'birthdate'
showifmore |
icalevent |
- $event->type = 'icalevent'
- $event->type_code = "ICALEVENT"
- $event->type_code != 'ICALEVENT'
- $event->type_code == 'ICALEVENT'
show_pertype |
show_year |
event |
- $event['type'] = 'event'
- $type = 'event'
- $modulepart == 'event'
- $type === "event"
) |
- $char == ')'
- $instr[$len - 3] == ")"
- $op == ')'
- $opCharacter == ')'
- $this->currentToken !== ')'
- $token[strlen($token) - 1] == ')'
prospect |
ticket_msg_private_sentbymail |
ticket_msg_sentbymail |
- $object->code = 'TICKET_MSG_SENTBYMAIL'
- $object->code == 'TICKET_MSG_SENTBYMAIL'
createcard |
- $action != 'createcard'
- $action == 'createcard'
addcard |
- $actionforadd = 'addcard'
iban |
bic |
updatecard |
- $actionforadd = 'updatecard'
add_customer_price |
- $action = 'add_customer_price'
- $action == 'add_customer_price'
soc.nom |
fk_soc@societe |
- $this->ismultientitymanaged = 'fk_soc@societe'
- $objecttmp->ismultientitymanaged === 'fk_soc@societe'
frst |
- $this->frstrecur = 'FRST'
- $fac[12] != 'FRST'
- $format == 'FRST'
- $object->frstrecur == 'FRST'
presend_attendees |
- $massaction = 'presend_attendees'
- $massaction != 'presend_attendees'
boothlocation |
- $sourcetouse = 'boothlocation'
- $source == 'boothlocation'
- $type == 'boothlocation'
poslist |
- $contextpage != 'poslist'
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1,3 |
- $search_type == '1,3'
- $selected == '1,3'
2,3 |
- $search_type == '2,3'
- $selected == '2,3'
societeaccount |
- $modelmail = "societeaccount"
- $element_prop['module'] == 'societeaccount'
gd |
0.0 |
editor |
fichinter_send |
- $model = 'fichinter_send'
- $modelmail = 'fichinter_send'
- $type_template == 'fichinter_send'
ecm_directories |
- $elementtype = 'ecm_directories'
- $object->element == 'ecm_directories'
testmember |
- $testlabel = 'testmember'
xml_not_available |
- $sfurl = 'xml_not_available'
- $sfurl == 'xml_not_available'
c_productbatch_qcstatus |
- $tabname[DICT_PRODUCTBATCH_QCSTATUS] = "c_productbatch_qcstatus"
- $tabname[$id] == 'c_productbatch_qcstatus'
c_input_method |
- $tabname[DICT_INPUT_METHOD] = "c_input_method"
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c_availability |
- $tabname[DICT_AVAILABILITY] = "c_availability"
- $tabname[$id] == 'c_availability'
c_input_reason |
- $tabname[DICT_INPUT_REASON] = "c_input_reason"
- $tabname[$id] == 'c_input_reason'
c_revenuestamp |
- $tabname[DICT_REVENUESTAMP] = "c_revenuestamp"
- $tabname[$id] != "c_revenuestamp"
c_stcomm |
- $tabname[DICT_STCOMM] = "c_stcomm"
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c_exp_tax_cat |
- $tabname[DICT_EXP_TAX_CAT] = "c_exp_tax_cat"
- $tabname[$id] == 'c_exp_tax_cat'
c_units |
- $tabname[DICT_UNITS] = "c_units"
- $tabname[$id] == 'c_units'
- $tabname[GETPOSTINT("id")] == 'c_units'
c_product_nature |
- $tabname[DICT_PRODUCT_NATURE] = "c_product_nature"
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- $tabname[$id] == 'c_product_nature'
t.code |
unicode |
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deductible |
- $fieldnamekey = 'Deductible'
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expdev |
- $specialstring = 'expdev'
options |
- $this->requestMethod == 'OPTIONS'
testuser |
testsearchuser |
- $testlabel = 'testsearchuser'
- $action == 'testsearchuser'
c_country |
- $tabname[DICT_COUNTRY] = "c_country"
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- $tabname[$id] == 'c_country'
c_civility |
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- $tabname == 'c_civility'
- $tabname[$id] == 'c_civility'
c_actioncomm |
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- $tabname[$id] == 'c_actioncomm'
c_typent |
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- $tabname[$id] == 'c_typent'
c_currencies |
- $tabname[DICT_CURRENCIES] = "c_currencies"
- $tabname[$id] == 'c_currencies'
c_type_contact |
- $tabname[DICT_TYPE_CONTACT] = "c_type_contact"
- $tabname[$id] == 'c_type_contact'
c_payment_term |
- $tabname[DICT_PAYMENT_TERM] = "c_payment_term"
- $tabname == 'c_payment_term'
- $tabname[$id] == 'c_payment_term'
c_paiement |
- $tabname[DICT_PAIEMENT] = "c_paiement"
- $tabname == 'c_paiement'
- $tabname[$id] == "c_paiement"
- $tabname[$id] == 'c_paiement'
c_paper_format |
- $tabname[DICT_PAPER_FORMAT] = "c_paper_format"
- $tabname[$id] == 'c_paper_format'
c_prospectlevel |
- $tabname[DICT_PROSPECTLEVEL] = "c_prospectlevel"
- $tabname[$id] == 'c_prospectlevel'
c_type_fees |
- $tabname[DICT_TYPE_FEES] = "c_type_fees"
- $tabname[$id] == 'c_type_fees'
- $this->table_element == 'c_type_fees'
c_shipment_mode |
- $tabname[DICT_SHIPMENT_MODE] = "c_shipment_mode"
- $tabname[$id] == 'c_shipment_mode'
topic |
- $field == 'topic'
- $fieldlist[$field] == 'topic'
- $fieldnamekey == 'topic'
- $tmpfieldlist == 'topic'
- $value == 'topic'
private |
- $fieldnamekey = 'Private'
- $style = 'private'
- $fieldlist[$field] == 'private'
- $fieldnamekey == 'private'
- $metadata['access'] == 'private'
- $value == 'private'
- $zone == 'private'
- 'private' === $style
langcode |
- $keycode = 'langcode'
- $keyname = 'langcode'
- $keycode != 'langcode'
- $keycode == 'langcode'
type_template |
- $keyforobj = 'type_template'
- $fieldlist[$field] == 'type_template'
- $fieldnamekey == 'type_template'
- $sortfieldtouse == 'type_template'
- $value == 'type_template'
testhtml |
body |
- $copy['metadata']['param'][$i][$dataName]['from'] = 'body'
- $formmail->param["models"] = "body"
- $formsms->param["models"] = "body"
- $from = 'body'
- $r->paramType = 'body'
- $this->status = 'body'
- $from == 'body'
- $m[$dataName]['from'] == 'body'
- $name == 'Body'
- $p->paramType == 'body'
- $rule['type'] == 'body'
- $this->param["models"] == 'body'
- $this->status == 'body'
- $type_template == 'body'
- 'body' == $info->from
testgroup |
testsearchgroup |
- $testlabel = 'testsearchgroup'
- $action == 'testsearchgroup'
mail |
- $conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_SENDMODE = 'mail'
- $sendingmode = 'mail'
- $sendingmode != 'mail'
- $sendingmode == 'mail'
- $this->sendmode == 'mail'
- $type == 'mail'
emailcollector_emailcollectoraction |
- $table_element_line = 'emailcollector_emailcollectoraction'
- $table_element_line == 'emailcollector_emailcollectoraction'
updateoperation |
- $action = 'updateoperation'
- $action == 'updateoperation'
delete_entry |
- $action == 'delete_entry'
facture_fourn_det_rec |
- $elementtype = 'facture_fourn_det_rec'
- $table_element_line == 'facture_fourn_det_rec'
- $this->table_element_line == 'facture_fourn_det_rec'
mrp_production |
- $elementtype = 'mrp_production'
- $table_element_line == 'mrp_production'
emailing |
- $sendcontext = 'emailing'
- $trackidfoundintorecipienttype = 'emailing'
- $mode == 'emailing'
- $this->sendcontext == 'emailing'
multipart/form-data |
- $defaultHeaders['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'
- $t['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data'
- 'multipart/form-data' !== $contentType
7bit |
- $this->_build_params['html_encoding'] = '7bit'
- $this->_build_params['text_encoding'] = '7bit'
- $this->_encoding = '7bit'
- $this->_build_params['html_encoding'] == '7bit'
- $this->_build_params['text_encoding'] == '7bit'
testmembertype |
- $testlabel = 'testmembertype'
- $action == 'testmembertype'
literal |
- $this->opData['output']['use'] == 'literal'
- $use == 'literal'
envelope |
- $this->status = 'envelope'
- $name == 'Envelope'
- $this->status == 'envelope'
wsdl |
- $proxy->endpointType = 'wsdl'
- $this->endpointType = 'wsdl'
- $this->endpointType != 'wsdl'
- $this->endpointType == 'wsdl'
method |
- $cron['jobtype'] == 'method'
- $obj->jobtype == 'method'
- $selected == 'method'
- $this->jobtype == 'method'
struct |
- $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'struct'
- $this->message[$pos]['type'] = 'struct'
- $phpType != 'struct'
- $phpType == 'struct'
- $typeDef['phpType'] == 'struct'
array |
- $child['type'] = 'array'
- $m['type'] = 'array'
- $metadata['return']['type'] = 'array'
- $object->type = 'array'
- $operation->responseClass = 'Array'
- $properties[$key]['type'] = 'Array'
- $r['type'] = 'array'
- $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'array'
- $this->message[$pos]['type'] = 'array'
- $type = 'Array'
- $c['type'] == 'array'
- $info->type != 'array'
- $info->type == 'array'
- $info['type'] == 'array'
- $n[0]->dataType == 'Array'
- $p == 'array'
- $p->type == 'array'
- $p['type'] == 'array'
- $phpType == 'array'
- $return_type == 'array'
- $s === 'Array'
- $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] == 'array'
- $this->message[$parent]['type'] == 'array'
- $this->message[$pos]['type'] != 'array'
- $this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'Array'
- $this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'array'
- $type == 'Array'
- $type == 'array'
- $typeDef['phpType'] == 'array'
- $uqType == 'Array'
- 'array' === $type
header |
- $name == 'Header'
- $rule['type'] == 'header'
- $this->status == 'header'
quoted-printable |
- $this->_build_params['html_encoding'] = 'quoted-printable'
- $this->_build_params['text_encoding'] = 'quoted-printable'
- $encoding == 'quoted-printable'
base64 |
- $params['encoding'] = 'base64'
- $encoding == 'base64'
- $fileencoding == 'base64'
- $type == 'base64'
- 'BASE64' === $fromEncoding
- 'BASE64' === $toEncoding
us-ascii |
- $this->xml_encoding = 'US-ASCII'
soap12 |
- $this->bindingType = 'soap12'
| |
- $encodingStyle = ''
- $ns == ''
schema |
- $this->status == 'schema'
- $type == "schema"
qualified |
- $attrs['form'] = 'qualified'
- $this->wsdl->schemas[$schemaTargetNamespace][0]->schemaInfo['elementFormDefault'] = 'qualified'
- $typeDef['form'] == 'qualified'
input |
- $this->opStatus = 'input'
- $direction != 'input'
- $direction == 'input'
- $donnie == 'input'
| |
- $this->namespaces[$tt_prefix] = ''
- $ns == ''
- $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] == ''
- $type_ns == ''
soapaction |
- $k != 'soapAction'
- $k == 'soapaction'
simpletype |
- $this->simpleTypes[$attrs['name']]['typeClass'] = 'simpleType'
- $typeDef['typeClass'] = 'simpleType'
scalar |
- $this->elements[$type]['phpType'] = 'scalar'
- $this->simpleTypes[$attrs['name']]['phpType'] = 'scalar'
- $this->simpleTypes[$this->currentSimpleType]['phpType'] = 'scalar'
- $typeDef['phpType'] = 'scalar'
8bit |
- $params['encoding'] = '8bit'
attachment |
- $params['disposition'] = 'attachment'
complextype |
- $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['typeClass'] = 'complexType'
unqualified |
- $this->schemaInfo['attributeFormDefault'] = 'unqualified'
- $this->schemaInfo['elementFormDefault'] = 'unqualified'
- $attrs['form'] == 'unqualified'
const |
closed |
- $stub->class = 'Closed'
- $this->class = 'Closed'
- $this->labelStatus[1] = 'Closed'
- $this->labelStatusShort[1] = 'Closed'
- $type = 'closed'
- $mode == 'closed'
- $search_status === 'closed'
protected |
- $metadata['access'] == 'protected'
- 'protected' === $style
meta |
- $type == 'meta'
- 'meta' === $style
inf |
microsecond |
week |
- $name === 'week'
- $normalizedUnit === 'week'
isnext |
- $sixFirstLetters = 'isNext'
- $sixFirstLetters === 'isNext'
micro |
dayz |
flags |
- $key == 'Flags'
- $token[2][0] != 'FLAGS'
- $tokens[0] == 'FLAGS'
image |
- $el == 'image'
- $links[$i][2] == 'image'
- $mime[0] == 'image'
- $textonlink === 'image'
- $type == 'image'
debug |
li |
- $dom[($key + 1)]['value'] != 'li'
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'li'
mixed |
required |
- $r['required'] = 'required'
- $name == 'required'
- $property == 'required'
path |
- $copy['metadata']['param'][$i][$dataName]['from'] = 'path'
- $from = 'path'
- $from == 'path'
- $keyparam == 'PATH'
- $keyparam == 'Path'
- $p[$dataName]['from'] == 'path'
- $v->from == 'path'
- $vc->from == 'path'
object |
- $info->type = 'Object'
- $r->dataType = 'Object'
- $type = 'Object'
- $n[0]->dataType == 'Object'
- $type === 'object'
- 'object' === $type
\\ |
- $char === '\\'
- $json[$c - 1] != '\\'
- $json[$i - 1] != "\\"
- $m[2] == '\\'
- $pmid[($offset - 1)] == '\\'
- $s[$count] != '\\'
- $string[$i - 1] != "\\"
- '\\' !== $prefix[$length - 1]
aborted |
- $p_entry['status'] = "aborted"
- $value = 'aborted'
- $p_entry['status'] == "aborted"
path_creation_fail |
- $p_entry['status'] = "path_creation_fail"
- $val['status'] == 'path_creation_fail'
write_protected |
- $p_entry['status'] = "write_protected"
- $val['status'] == 'write_protected'
relaxed |
- $this->bodyCanon = 'relaxed'
- $this->headerCanon = 'relaxed'
- 'relaxed' == $canon
- 'relaxed' == $this->bodyCanon
simple |
- $this->bodyCanon = 'simple'
- $this->canon = 'simple'
- $this->headerCanon = 'simple'
- 'simple' != $this->bodyCanon
- 'simple' != $this->headerCanon
- 'simple' == $this->bodyCanon
- 'simple' == $this->headerCanon
virtual_file |
- $v_descr['type'] = 'virtual_file'
- $p_filedescr['type'] == 'virtual_file'
- $p_filedescr_list[$j]['type'] != 'virtual_file'
- $p_filedescr_list[$j]['type'] == 'virtual_file'
00 |
rsa-sha1 |
- $this->hashAlgorithm = 'rsa-sha1'
- 'rsa-sha1' == $this->hashAlgorithm
nofws |
- 'nofws' == $canon
- 'nofws' == $this->canon
successfull-ok |
- $this->serveroutput->status = "successfull-ok"
- $this->serveroutput->status == "successfull-ok"
strong |
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'strong'
em |
- $dom[$key]['value'] == 'em'
- $value[2] == "em"
binary |
- $this->setup->datatype = 'BINARY'
completed |
- $this->labelStatusShort[3] = 'Completed'
- $this->response_completed[(count($this->response_completed) - 1)] = "completed"
- $value = 'completed'
- $which_jobs == 'completed'
job-attributes |
- $this->serveroutput->response[$j]['attributes'] = "job-attributes"
- $this->serveroutput->response[$i]['attributes'] == "job-attributes"
landscape |
- $this->orientation == 'Landscape'
processing |
- $paymentintent->status === 'processing'
pending |
- $payout->status == 'pending'
- $txn->status == 'pending'
charset |
- $attributeName === 'charset'
- $key == 'CHARSET'
keyword |
dbl |
sng |
bold |
- $css['font-weight'] = 'bold'
italic |
- $css['font-style'] = 'italic'
collapse |
- $css['table']['border-collapse'] = 'collapse'
- $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' .column' . $column]['visibility'] = 'collapse'
- $svgstyle['visibility'] == 'collapse'
always |
- $css['table']['page-break-after'] = 'always'
- $dom[$key]['style']['page-break-after'] == 'always'
- $dom[$key]['style']['page-break-before'] == 'always'
pruned branch |
- $branchStore[$storeKey] = 'Pruned branch'
- $storeValue === 'Pruned branch'
@ |
- self::$builtInFormats[49] = '@'
- $file[0] === '@'
- $imgsrc[0] === '@'
- $line[0] == '@'
- $name[0] !== '@'
- $this->buffer[$this->count] == "@"
- '@' !== $v[0]
- '@' == $t
255,255,255 |
- $colorbackbody = '255,255,255'
- $colorbacklineimpair1 = '255,255,255'
- $colorbacklineimpair2 = '255,255,255'
- $colorbacktabcard1 = '255,255,255'
- $colorbackvmenu1 = '255,255,255'
- $conf->global->THEME_ELDY_BACKTABCARD1 = '255,255,255'
- $user->conf->THEME_ELDY_USE_CHECKED === '255,255,255'
- $user->conf->THEME_ELDY_USE_HOVER === '255,255,255'
#fff |
- $thisBadgeBackgroundColor = "#fff"
fichinter_sentbymail |
- $triggersendname = 'FICHINTER_SENTBYMAIL'
anonymize |
sole |
billing |
- $_SESSION["mainmenu"] == "billing"
- $mainmenu == 'billing'
custom |
- $period == 'custom'
- $this->Tformat['paper-size'] != 'custom'
recordevent |
- $operation['type'] = 'recordevent'
- $operation['type'] == 'recordevent'
ms |
job |
- $modelmail = "job"
- $modelmail = 'job'
- $objectclass = 'Job'
- $objectlabel = 'Job'
- $objecttype = 'job'
- $objecttype == 'job'
- $objecttype === 'job'
danger |
running |
- $this->labelStatus[2] = 'Running'
- $this->labelStatusShort[2] = 'Running'
(donationpayment) |
- $label = '(DonationPayment)'
- $ref == '(DonationPayment)'
invoiceonly |
bankdirect |
bankviainvoice |
- $option = 'bankviainvoice'
- $option == 'bankviainvoice'
usd |
refusepropal |
- $action == 'refusepropal'
proposal |
- $mode == 'proposal'
- $modulepart == 'proposal'
- $origin == 'proposal'
- $reg[1] == 'proposal'
- $source == 'proposal'
- $subdir == 'proposal'
- $this->element == 'proposal'
- $type == 'proposal'
organizedeventregistration |
- $sourcetouse = 'organizedeventregistration'
- $source == 'organizedeventregistration'
afteradd |
ac_rdv |
- $actioncomm->type = 'AC_RDV'
- $actionstatic->type_code == 'AC_RDV'
- $object->type_code == 'AC_RDV'
- $this->type_code == 'AC_RDV'
dolibarrcalendar |
- $shortfilename = 'dolibarrcalendar'
- $shortfilename == 'dolibarrcalendar'
ical |
- $format == 'ical'
- $format === "ical"
view_ticket |
create_ticket |
- $action = 'create_ticket'
- $formticket->action = 'create_ticket'
- $action == 'create_ticket'
infos_success |
- $action = "infos_success"
- $action != "infos_success"
userphotopublic |
- $modulepart = 'userphotopublic'
- $_GET["modulepart"] == 'userphotopublic'
- $modulepart == 'userphotopublic'
addcontact_confirm |
- $action = 'addcontact_confirm'
- $action == 'addcontact_confirm'
minus |
- $listofreferent[trim($value)]['margin'] = 'minus'
- $listofreferent[$key]['margin'] == 'minus'
- $margin === "minus"
- $margin === 'minus'
createtime |
- $action !== 'createtime'
- $action == 'createtime'
01 |
- $TFirstDays[reset($TWeek)] = '01'
- $bank == '01'
- $objp->mois == "01"
- $weekNb == '01'
opened |
- $this->labelStatus[self::STATUS_OPEN_ALL] = 'Opened'
- $mode == 'opened'
- $search_expired == 'opened'
- $search_status === 'opened'
reception_sentbymail |
- $triggersendname = 'RECEPTION_SENTBYMAIL'
supplier_proposal_send |
- $modelmail = "supplier_proposal_send"
- $modelmail = 'supplier_proposal_send'
- $this->param['models'] == 'supplier_proposal_send'
- $type_template == 'supplier_proposal_send'
proposal_supplier_close_signed |
supplier_proposaldet |
- $elementtype = 'supplier_proposaldet'
- $table_element_line == 'supplier_proposaldet'
- $this->table_element_line == 'supplier_proposaldet'
supplierproposals |
- $objectlabel = 'SupplierProposals'
- $moduleobject == 'supplierproposals'
proposal_supplier_close_refused |
correction |
transfert |
mouvementstock |
- $objectclass = 'MouvementStock'
- $objectlabel = 'MouvementStock'
- 'MouvementStock' == $classname
lotserial |
- $objectlabel = 'LotSerial'
stock_reel |
- $fieldtosortcurrentstock = 'stock_reel'
- $sortfield = 'stock_reel'
- $field == 'stock_reel'
- $sortfield == 'stock_reel'
edit_price |
- $action != 'edit_price'
- $action == "edit_price"
- $action == 'edit_price'
productlist |
- $contextpage = 'productlist'
- $contextpage != 'productlist'
eatby |
- $columnName == 'eatby'
- $onlyFieldName == 'eatby'
servicelist |
- $contextpage = 'servicelist'
- $contextpage != 'servicelist'
sellby |
- $columnName == 'sellby'
- $onlyFieldName == 'sellby'
qty |
clone |
- $action == 'clone'
- $action === 'clone'
errorproductalreadyexists |
- $this->error = "ErrorProductAlreadyExists"
- $clone->error == 'ErrorProductAlreadyExists'
- $newproduct->error != 'ErrorProductAlreadyExists'
- $object->error == 'ErrorProductAlreadyExists'
stock_mouvement |
- $elementtype = 'stock_mouvement'
- $tablename != 'stock_mouvement'
- $tablename == 'stock_mouvement'
- $type == 'stock_mouvement'
re-edit |
- $action != 're-edit'
- $action == 're-edit'
product_association |
- $table_element_line = 'product_association'
- $table_element_line == 'product_association'
create_price |
- $action != 'create_price'
- $action == 'create_price'
invalidhtmlstringcantbecleaned |
- $this->error = 'InvalidHTMLStringCantBeCleaned'
- $result == 'InvalidHTMLStringCantBeCleaned'
guess |
- $modetoautofillmapping = 'guess'
- $modetoautofillmapping == 'guess'
session |
- $modetoautofillmapping = 'session'
- $modetoautofillmapping == 'session'
allmodules |
- $whereforadd = 'allmodules'
- $wherefordel = 'allmodules'
- $allmodule == 'allmodules'
- $whereforadd != 'allmodules'
- $wherefordel != 'allmodules'
usergroup |
- $elementtype = 'usergroup'
- $objectclass = 'UserGroup'
- $objectlabel = 'UserGroup'
- $elementType == 'usergroup'
- $feature != 'usergroup'
- $feature == 'usergroup'
- $modulepart == 'usergroup'
- $object->element == 'usergroup'
usernotfound |
- $this->error = "USERNOTFOUND"
- $edituser->error == 'USERNOTFOUND'