List of all printf(), sprintf(), etc. formats strings mentioned in the code..
Value | Count | File:Line |
'<warning>Writing %1$s into cache failed after %2$u of %3$u bytes written, only %4$s bytes of free space available</warning>' | 1 |
"<warning>Package %s is abandoned, you should avoid using it. %s.</warning>" | 1 |
"<info>%d package%s you are using %s looking for funding.</info>" | 1 |
"<info>Lock file operations: %d install%s, %d update%s, %d removal%s</info>" | 1 |
"<info>Package operations: %d install%s, %d update%s, %d removal%s</info>" | 1 |
'Found package <info>%s</info> (<comment>%s</comment>) in file <info>%s</info>' | 1 |
'The GitHub repository URL %s is invalid.' | 1 |
'https://%s/%s/%s/tree/%s' | 1 |
'<error>GitHub API limit (%d calls/hr) is exhausted. You are already authorized so you have to wait until %s before doing more requests</error>' | 1 |
'hg clone --noupdate -- %s %s' | 1 |
'hg cat -r %s -- %s' | 1 |
'hg log --template "{date|rfc3339date}" -r %s' | 1 |
'hg identify -- %s' | 1 |
'The Bitbucket repository URL %s is invalid. It must be the HTTPS URL of a Bitbucket repository.' | 1 |
'' | 1 |
'https://%s/%s/%s/src' | 1 |
'https://%s/%s/%s/src/%s/?at=%s' | 1 |
'' | 1 |
'' | 1 |
'' | 1 |
'%s:%s' | 1 |
'git show %s' | 1 |
'git -c log.showSignature=false log -1 --format=%%at %s' | 1 |
'The GitLab repository URL %s is invalid. It must be the HTTP URL of a GitLab project.' | 1 |
'%s/-/tree/%s' | 1 |
'%s/-/issues' | 1 |
'%02X' | 1 |
'fossil cat -r %s -- %s' | 1 |
'License "%s" is a deprecated SPDX license identifier, use "' . str_replace('+', '', $license) . '-or-later" instead' | 1 |
'License "%s" is a deprecated SPDX license identifier, use "' . $license . '-only" or "' . $license . '-or-later" instead' | 1 |
'License "%s" is a deprecated SPDX license identifier, see' | 1 |
'Name "%s" does not match the best practice (e.g. lower-cased/with-dashes). We suggest using "%s" instead. As such you will not be able to submit it to Packagist.' | 1 |
'The package "%s" is pointing to a commit-ref, this is bad practice and can cause unforeseen issues.' | 1 |
'Description for non-existent script "%s" found in "scripts-descriptions"' | 1 |
'Aliases for non-existent script "%s" found in "scripts-aliases"' | 1 |
'git remote set-url origin -- %s && git remote update --prune origin && git remote set-url origin -- %s && git gc --auto' | 1 |
'git clone --mirror -- %s %s' | 1 |
'git rev-parse --quiet --verify %s' | 1 |
'git remote set-url origin -- %s && git remote show origin && git remote set-url origin -- %s' | 1 |
'%s %s%s -- %s' | 1 |
' %s--username %s --password %s ' | 1 |
'GitHub API limit (%d calls/hr) is exhausted, could not fetch ' . $url . '. ' . $message . ' You can also wait until %s for the rate limit to reset.' | 1 |
'xcopy %s %s /E /I /Q /Y' | 1 |
'mv %s %s' | 1 |
'Function %s is not available on non-Windows platform' | 1 |
'Cannot junction to "%s" as it is not a directory.' | 1 |
'mklink /J %s %s' | 1 |
'Failed to create junction to "%s" at "%s".' | 1 |
'%s is not a junction and thus cannot be removed as one' | 1 |
'Tokens will be stored in plain text in "%s" for future use by Composer.' | 1 |
'A token will be created and stored in "%s", your password will never be stored' | 1 |
'to create a consumer. It will be stored in "%s" for future use by Composer.' | 1 |
'User-Agent: Composer/%s (%s; %s; %s; %s%s%s)' | 1 |
'IP "%s" is blocked for "%s".' | 1 |
'unsupported `%s` syntax' | 1 |
'%s%s%s:%d' | 1 |
'The file "%s" is not writable.' | 1 |
'The file "%s" is not readable.' | 1 |
'<warning>You made a reference to a non-existent script %s</warning>' | 1 |
'<error>Script %s was called via %s</error>' | 1 |
'> %s' | 1 |
'> %s: %s::%s' | 1 |
'> %s::%s' | 1 |
"Circular call to script handler '%s' detected" | 1 |
'[%.1fMiB/%.2fs] %s' | 1 |
"<warning>Warning: You should avoid overwriting already defined auth settings for %s.</warning>" | 1 |
'Unknown downloader type: %s. Available types: %s.' | 1 |
'Downloader "%s" is a %s type downloader and can not be used to download %s for package %s' | 1 |
'fossil update -- %s' | 1 |
'fossil pull && fossil up %s' | 1 |
'fossil timeline -t ci -W 0 -n 0 before %s' | 1 |
'hg clone -- %s %s' | 1 |
'hg up -- %s' | 1 |
'hg pull -- %s && hg up -- %s' | 1 |
'hg log -r %s:%s --style compact' | 1 |
' <error>' . $package->getPrettyName( ) . ' has modified file%s:</error>' | 1 |
' <info>' . $remainingChanges . ' more file%s modified, choose "v" to view the full list</info>' | 1 |
'svn info --non-interactive --xml -- %s' | 1 |
'svn log -r%s:%s --incremental' | 1 |
'Source path "%s" is not found for package %s' | 1 |
'Package %s cannot install to "%s" inside its source at "%s"' | 1 |
'Junctioning from %s' | 1 |
'Dependency resolution completed in %.3f seconds' | 1 |
'Symlinking from %s' | 1 |
'Symlink from "%s" to "%s" failed!' | 1 |
'%sMirroring from %s' | 1 |
' Cloning to cache at %s' | 1 |
'git diff --name-status %s...%s --' | 1 |
'git checkout ' . $force . '-B %s %s -- && git reset --hard %2$s --' | 1 |
'git checkout %s --' | 1 |
'git checkout ' . $force . '-B %s %s --' | 1 |
'git reset --hard %s --' | 1 |
'git checkout ' . $force . '%s -- && git reset --hard %1$s --' | 1 |
'git remote set-url origin -- %s' | 1 |
'git remote set-url --push origin -- %s' | 1 |
'git log %s..%s --pretty=format:"%%h - %%an: %%s"' . GitUtil::getNoShowSignatureFlag($this->process) | 1 |
"File '%s' already exists." | 1 |
"Zip archive '%s' is inconsistent." | 1 |
"Invalid argument (%s)" | 1 |
"Malloc failure (%s)" | 1 |
"No such zip file: '%s'" | 1 |
"'%s' is not a zip archive." | 1 |
"Can't open zip file: %s" | 1 |
"Zip read error (%s)" | 1 |
"Zip seek error (%s)" | 1 |
"'%s' is a corrupted zip archive (0 bytes), try again." | 1 |
"'%s' is not a valid zip archive, got error code: %s" | 1 |
'Pool optimizer completed in %.3f seconds' | 1 |
'<info>Found %s package versions referenced in your dependency graph. %s (%d%%) were optimized away.</info>' | 1 |
" public static $%s = %s;\n\n" | 1 |
'<?php return %s;' | 1 |
'<info> - %s.%s: %s</info>' | 1 |
"<comment>%s</comment>" | 1 |
' <info>%s</info>' | 1 |
' <href=%s>%s</>' | 1 |
'Use %s instead' | 1 |
'<warning>Abandoned. %s.</warning>' | 1 |
' <info>%5s</info> %s %s' | 1 |
'Found <info>%s</info> packages matching <info>%s</info>' | 1 |
'Package %s has requirements incompatible with your PHP version, PHP extensions and Composer version' . $this->getPlatformExceptionDetails($candidate, $platformRepo) | 1 |
'Could not find a version of package %s matching your minimum-stability (%s). Require it with an explicit version constraint allowing its desired stability.' | 1 |
'Could not find package %s in any version matching your PHP version, PHP extensions and Composer version' . $this->getPlatformExceptionDetails($candidate, $platformRepo) . '%s' | 1 |
"Could not find package %s. It was however found via repository search, which indicates a consistency issue with the repository." | 1 |
"Could not find package %s.\n\nDid you mean " . (count($similar) > 1 ? 'one of these' : 'this') . "?\n %s" | 1 |
'Could not find a matching version of package %s. Check the package spelling, your version constraint and that the package is available in a stability which matches your minimum-stability (%s).' | 1 |
'Package %s is abandoned, you should avoid using it. %s.' | 1 |
'<warning>Attention: This package is abandoned and no longer maintained.%s</warning>' | 1 |
'%s (%s) (OSI approved) %s' | 1 |
'%s (%s) %s' | 1 |
'%sāā<%s>%s</%s> %s' | 1 |
'%sāā<%s>%s</%s> %s %s' | 1 |
'The src folder name "%s" is invalid. Please add a relative path with tailing forward slash. [A-Za-z0-9_-/]+/' | 1 |
'{^/?%s(/\*?)?$}' | 1 |
'Script "%s" cannot be run with this command' | 1 |
'Script "%s" is not defined in this package' | 1 |
'File "%s" cannot be found in the current directory' | 1 |
'"%s" is an invalid value' | 1 |
'"%s" is an invalid value' . ($validation ? ' (' . $validation . ')' : '') | 1 |
'%s is an invalid value' . ($validation ? ' (' . $validation . ')' : '') | 1 |
'Unsupported format "%s". See help for supported formats.' | 1 |
'Would you like to continue and update the above package%s [<comment>yes</comment>]? ' | 1 |
' From <comment>%s</comment> to <comment>%s</comment>' | 1 |
'Could not find package "%s" in your project' | 1 |
' in versions %smatching %s' | 1 |
'<info>There is no installed package depending on "%s"%s</info>' | 1 |
'<info>%s</info> %s %s' | 1 |
'%s (%s)' | 1 |
'<%s>%s</%1$s> %s' | 1 |
'%s <%s>%s</%2$s> %s' | 1 |
"%s%s%s (%s) %s" | 1 |
'%s %s %s (%s)' | 1 |
'<info>You are already using the latest available Composer version %s (%s channel).</info>' | 1 |
'%s/%s-%s%s' | 1 |
"Upgrading to version <info>%s</info> (%s channel)." | 1 |
'Use <info>composer self-update --rollback</info> to return to version <comment>%s</comment>' | 1 |
"Rolling back to version <info>%s</info>." | 1 |
'<error>Root package \'%s\' cannot require itself in its composer.json</error>' | 1 |
'%s is currently present in the %s key and you ran the command %s the --dev flag, which will move it to the %s key.' | 1 |
'<info>Do you want to move %s?</info> [<comment>no</comment>]? ' | 1 |
'<info>Do you want to re-run the command %s --dev?</info> [<comment>yes</comment>]? ' | 1 |
'<comment>Github has a rate limit on their API. ' . 'You currently have <options=bold>%u</options=bold> ' . 'out of <options=bold>%u</options=bold> requests left.' . PHP_EOL . 'See and also' . PHP_EOL . '</comment>' | 1 |
'Composer version: <comment>%s</comment>' | 1 |
'PHP version: <comment>%s</comment>' | 1 |
'PHP binary path: <comment>%s</comment>' | 1 |
"DiagnoseCommand: Unknown error type \"%s\". Please report at" | 1 |
"DiagnoseCommand: Unknown warning type \"%s\". Please report at" | 1 |
'PlatformRequirementFilter: Unknown $boolOrList parameter %s. Please report at' | 1 |
'<comment>%s</comment> suggests:' | 1 |
'<comment>%s</comment> is suggested by:' | 1 |
'<error>Found %d abandoned package%s:</error>' | 1 |
'%s is abandoned. %s.' | 1 |
'Link %s has been misconfigured and had no prettyConstraint given.' | 1 |
'Package "%s" has no version or name and can not be locked' | 1 |
'Package "%s" cannot be added to repository "%s" as it is already in repository "%s".' | 1 |
'{^%s$}i' | 1 |
'%s' | 1 |
'{^(?:%s)$}iD' | 1 |
'No archiver found to support %s format' | 1 |
'Can not compress to %s format' | 1 |
'License %s must not contain extra spaces, make sure to trim it.' | 1 |
'License %s is not a valid SPDX license identifier, see if you use an open license.' . PHP_EOL . 'If the software is closed-source, you may use "proprietary" as license.' | 1 |
"Package %s's source key should be specified as {\"type\": ..., \"url\": ..., \"reference\": ...},\n%s given." | 1 |
"Package %s's dist key should be specified as " . "{\"type\": ..., \"url\": ..., \"reference\": ..., \"shasum\": ...},\n%s given." | 1 |
"Composer could not detect the root package (%s) version, defaulting to '1.0.0'. See" | 1 |
'Root package \'%s\' cannot require itself in its composer.json' . PHP_EOL . 'Did you accidentally name your root package after an external package?' | 1 |
"JsonLoader: Unknown \$json parameter %s. Please report at" | 1 |
'Running %s (%s) with %s on %s' | 1 |
'<warning>Warning: This development build of Composer is over 60 days old. It is recommended to update it by running "%s self-update" to get the latest version.</warning>' | 1 |
'<error>PHP temp directory (%s) does not exist or is not writable to Composer. Set sys_temp_dir in your php.ini</error>' | 1 |
'<info>PHP</info> version <comment>%s</comment> (%s)' | 1 |
'<info>%s</info> version <comment>%s%s</comment> %s' | 1 |
'Closure for option "%s" must return an array. Got "%s".' | 1 |
'Closure for argument "%s" must return an array. Got "%s".' | 1 |
'%d.%d.%d' | 2 |
"<warning>Warning: the packages key '%s' doesn't match the name defined in the package metadata '%s' in repository %s</warning>" | 2 |
'https://%s/%s/%s/issues' | 2 |
'%s?%s' | 2 |
'fossil clone -- %s %s' | 2 |
'fossil open --nested -- %s' | 2 |
'rmdir /S /Q %s' | 2 |
'rm -rf %s' | 2 |
'$from (%s) and $to (%s) must be absolute paths.' | 2 |
'Following redirect (%u) %s' | 2 |
' using proxy (%s)' | 2 |
'%s%s:%d' | 2 |
'<error>Script %s handling the %s event returned with error code ' . $exitCode . '</error>' | 2 |
"%s/%s" | 2 |
'[%s] <comment>%s</comment> %s' | 2 |
'%s <%s>' | 2 |
' - <info>%s</info>' . ($reason ? ': %s' : '') | 2 |
"Could not create archive '%s' from '%s': %s" | 2 |
'> %s: %s' | 3 |
'Unsupported format "%s". See help for supported formats.' | 3 |
'Using version <info>%s</info> for <info>%s</info>' | 3 |
'<info>%s</info>' | 3 |
' (%s)' | 3 |