Here is the list of the most complex expressions used in the code. A complex expression is an expression that requires more than 20 tokens to be build.
Literal arrays are omitted.
File | Count | Expression |
/src/Composer/Command/AuditCommand.php:68 | 1 | min(255, $auditor->audit($this->getIO( ), $repoSet, $packages, $this->getAuditFormat($input, 'format'), false, $auditConfig['ignore'] ?? [ ], $auditConfig['abandoned'] ?? Auditor::ABANDONED_FAIL)) |
/src/Composer/Console/Application.php:587 | 1 | array_merge(parent::getDefaultCommands( ), [new Command\AboutCommand( ), new Command\ConfigCommand( ), new Command\DependsCommand( ), new Command\ProhibitsCommand( ), new Command\InitCommand( ), new Command\InstallCommand( ), new Command\CreateProjectCommand( ), new Command\UpdateCommand( ), new Command\SearchCommand( ), new Command\ValidateCommand( ), new Command\AuditCommand( ), new Command\ShowCommand( ), new Command\SuggestsCommand( ), new Command\RequireCommand( ), new Command\DumpAutoloadCommand( ), new Command\StatusCommand( ), new Command\ArchiveCommand( ), new Command\DiagnoseCommand( ), new Command\RunScriptCommand( ), new Command\LicensesCommand( ), new Command\GlobalCommand( ), new Command\ClearCacheCommand( ), new Command\RemoveCommand( ), new Command\HomeCommand( ), new Command\ExecCommand( ), new Command\OutdatedCommand( ), new Command\CheckPlatformReqsCommand( ), new Command\FundCommand( ), new Command\ReinstallCommand( ), new Command\BumpCommand( ), ]) |
/src/Composer/SelfUpdate/Keys.php:26 | 1 | implode(' ', [substr($hash, 0, 8), substr($hash, 8, 8), substr($hash, 16, 8), substr($hash, 24, 8), '', substr($hash, 32, 8), substr($hash, 40, 8), substr($hash, 48, 8), substr($hash, 56, 8), ]) |
/src/Composer/Command/ArchiveCommand.php:98 | 1 | $returnCode = $this->archive($this->getIO( ), $config, $input->getArgument('package'), $input->getArgument('version'), $format, $dir, $input->getOption('file'), $input->getOption('ignore-filters'), $composer) |
/src/Composer/Command/AuditCommand.php:68 | 1 | return min(255, $auditor->audit($this->getIO( ), $repoSet, $packages, $this->getAuditFormat($input, 'format'), false, $auditConfig['ignore'] ?? [ ], $auditConfig['abandoned'] ?? Auditor::ABANDONED_FAIL)) |
/src/Composer/Command/PackageDiscoveryTrait.php:437 | 1 | $details[] = $candidate->getPrettyName( ) . ' ' . $candidate->getPrettyVersion( ) . ' requires ' . $link->getTarget( ) . ' ' . $link->getPrettyConstraint( ) . ' but it is disabled by your platform config. Enable it again with "composer config platform.' . $link->getTarget( ) . ' --unset".' |
/src/Composer/Command/ScriptAliasCommand.php:87 | 1 | return $composer->getEventDispatcher( )->dispatchScript($this->script, $input->getOption('dev') || !$input->getOption('no-dev'), $args['args'], ['script-alias-input' => Preg::replace('{^\S+ ?}', '', $input->__toString( ), 1)]) |
/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Problem.php:552 | 1 | return ["- Root composer.json requires $packageName" . self::constraintToText($constraint) . ', it is ', 'satisfiable by ' . self::getPackageList($nextRepoPackages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint) . ' from ' . $nextRepo->getRepoName( ) . ' but ' . self::getPackageList($higherRepoPackages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint) . ' from ' . reset($higherRepoPackages)->getRepository( )->getRepoName( ) . ' has higher repository priority. The packages from the higher priority repository do not match your ' . $reason . ' and are therefore not installable. That repository is canonical so the lower priority repo\'s packages are not installable. See for details and assistance.'] |
/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Problem.php:570 | 1 | return ' ' . $constraint->getPrettyString( ) . ' (exact version match: ' . (count($versions) > 1 ? implode(', ', array_slice($versions, 0, -1)) . ' or ' . end($versions) : $versions[0]) . ')' |
/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Operation/MarkAliasInstalledOperation.php:49 | 1 | return 'Marking <info>' . $this->package->getPrettyName( ) . '</info> (<comment>' . $this->package->getFullPrettyVersion( ) . '</comment>) as installed, alias of <info>' . $this->package->getAliasOf( )->getPrettyName( ) . '</info> (<comment>' . $this->package->getAliasOf( )->getFullPrettyVersion( ) . '</comment>)' |
/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Operation/MarkAliasUninstalledOperation.php:49 | 1 | return 'Marking <info>' . $this->package->getPrettyName( ) . '</info> (<comment>' . $this->package->getFullPrettyVersion( ) . '</comment>) as uninstalled, alias of <info>' . $this->package->getAliasOf( )->getPrettyName( ) . '</info> (<comment>' . $this->package->getAliasOf( )->getFullPrettyVersion( ) . '</comment>)' |
/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Problem.php:316 | 1 | return ["- Root composer.json requires $packageName" . self::constraintToText($constraint) . ', ', 'found ' . self::getPackageList($packages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint) . ' but ' . (self::hasMultipleNames($packages) ? 'these do' : 'it does') . ' not match your minimum-stability.'] |
/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Problem.php:343 | 1 | return ["- Root composer.json requires $packageName" . self::constraintToText($constraint) . ', ', 'found ' . self::getPackageList($packages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint) . ' but ' . (self::hasMultipleNames($packages) ? 'these do' : 'it does') . ' not match the constraint.' . $suffix] |
/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Problem.php:528 | 1 | return ["- Root composer.json requires $packageName" . self::constraintToText($constraint) . ', it is ', 'satisfiable by ' . self::getPackageList($nextRepoPackages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint) . ' from ' . $nextRepo->getRepoName( ) . ' but ' . $topPackage->getPrettyName( ) . ' is the root package and cannot be modified. See for details and assistance.', ] |
/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Problem.php:547 | 1 | return ["- Root composer.json requires $packageName" . self::constraintToText($constraint) . ', ', 'found ' . self::getPackageList($higherRepoPackages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint) . ' but ' . ($singular ? 'it does' : 'these do') . ' not match your ' . $reason . ' and ' . ($singular ? 'is' : 'are') . ' therefore not installable. ' . $suggestion, ] |
/src/Composer/Json/JsonManipulator.php:463 | 1 | $this->contents = Preg::replace('#' . $match[1] . '\}$#', addcslashes(',' . $this->newline . $this->indent . JsonFile::encode($key) . ': ' . $content . $this->newline . '}', '\\$'), $this->contents) |
/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Problem.php:274 | 1 | return ["- Root composer.json requires $packageName" . self::constraintToText($constraint) . ', ', 'found ' . self::getPackageList($packages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint) . ' but ' . (self::hasMultipleNames($packages) ? 'these conflict' : 'it conflicts') . ' with your root composer.json require (' . $rootReqs[$packageName]->getPrettyString( ) . ').'] |
/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Problem.php:284 | 1 | return ["- Root composer.json requires $packageName" . self::constraintToText($constraint) . ', ', 'found ' . self::getPackageList($packages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint) . ' but ' . (self::hasMultipleNames($packages) ? 'these conflict' : 'it conflicts') . ' with your temporary update constraint (' . $packageName . ':' . $tempReqs[$packageName]->getPrettyString( ) . ').'] |
/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Problem.php:306 | 1 | return ["- Root composer.json requires $packageName" . self::constraintToText($constraint) . ', ', 'found ' . self::getPackageList($packages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint) . ' but these were not loaded, likely because ' . (self::hasMultipleNames($packages) ? 'they conflict' : 'it conflicts') . ' with another require.'] |
/src/Composer/Json/JsonManipulator.php:94 | 1 | $links = Preg::replace('{' . preg_quote($match[1]) . '$}', addcslashes(',' . $this->newline . $this->indent . $this->indent . JsonFile::encode($package) . ': ' . JsonFile::encode($constraint) . $match[1], '\\$'), $links) |
/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Decisions.php:64 | 1 | return ((isset($this->decisionMap[$packageId]) && $this->decisionMap[$packageId] > 0 && $literal < 0) || (isset($this->decisionMap[$packageId]) && $this->decisionMap[$packageId] < 0 && $literal > 0)) |
/src/Composer/Json/JsonManipulator.php:309 | 1 | $children = Preg::replace('#^{' . $whitespace . '#', addcslashes('{' . $whitespace . JsonFile::encode($name) . ': ' . $this->format($value, 1) . ',' . $this->newline . $this->indent . $this->indent, '\\$'), $children) |
/src/Composer/Json/JsonManipulator.php:298 | 1 | $children = Preg::replace('#' . $whitespace . '}$#', addcslashes(',' . $this->newline . $this->indent . $this->indent . JsonFile::encode($name) . ': ' . $this->format($value, 1) . $whitespace . '}', '\\$'), $children) |
/src/Composer/Downloader/GitDownloader.php:123 | 1 | return str_replace(['%url%', '%path%', '%cachePath%', '%sanitizedUrl%'], [ProcessExecutor::escape($url), ProcessExecutor::escape($path), ProcessExecutor::escape($cachePath), ProcessExecutor::escape(Preg::replace('{://([^@]+?):(.+?)@}', '://', $url)), ], $command) |
/src/Composer/Downloader/FileDownloader.php:322 | 1 | $dirsToCleanUp = [$path, $this->config->get('vendor-dir') . '/' . explode('/', $package->getPrettyName( ))[0], $this->config->get('vendor-dir') . '/composer/', $this->config->get('vendor-dir'), ] |
/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Decisions.php:54 | 1 | return ($literal > 0 && isset($this->decisionMap[$packageId]) && $this->decisionMap[$packageId] > 0 || $literal < 0 && isset($this->decisionMap[$packageId]) && $this->decisionMap[$packageId] < 0) |
/src/Composer/Downloader/GitDownloader.php:181 | 1 | return str_replace(['%url%', '%ref%', '%cachePath%', '%sanitizedUrl%'], [ProcessExecutor::escape($url), ProcessExecutor::escape($ref . '^{commit}'), ProcessExecutor::escape($cachePath), ProcessExecutor::escape(Preg::replace('{://([^@]+?):(.+?)@}', '://', $url)), ], $command) |
/src/Composer/Util/Http/CurlDownloader.php:244 | 1 | $this->jobs[(int) $curlHandle] = ['url' => $url, 'origin' => $origin, 'attributes' => $attributes, 'options' => $originalOptions, 'progress' => $progress, 'curlHandle' => $curlHandle, 'filename' => $copyTo, 'headerHandle' => $headerHandle, 'bodyHandle' => $bodyHandle, 'resolve' => $resolve, 'reject' => $reject, 'primaryIp' => '', ] |
/src/Composer/Util/StreamContextFactory.php:140 | 1 | $ciphers = implode(':', ['ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'DHE-DSS-AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'kEDH+AESGCM', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA', 'DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256', 'DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA', 'DHE-DSS-AES128-SHA256', 'DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256', 'DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA', 'DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'AES128-SHA256', 'AES256-SHA256', 'AES128-SHA', 'AES256-SHA', 'AES', 'CAMELLIA', 'DES-CBC3-SHA', '!aNULL', '!eNULL', '!EXPORT', '!DES', '!RC4', '!MD5', '!PSK', '!aECDH', '!EDH-DSS-DES-CBC3-SHA', '!EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA', '!KRB5-DES-CBC3-SHA', ]) |
/src/Composer/SelfUpdate/Keys.php:26 | 1 | return implode(' ', [substr($hash, 0, 8), substr($hash, 8, 8), substr($hash, 16, 8), substr($hash, 24, 8), '', substr($hash, 32, 8), substr($hash, 40, 8), substr($hash, 48, 8), substr($hash, 56, 8), ]) |
/src/Composer/Util/Http/CurlDownloader.php:541 | 1 | $result = $this->authHelper->promptAuthIfNeeded($job['url'], $job['origin'], $response->getStatusCode( ), $response->getStatusMessage( ), $response->getHeaders( ), $job['attributes']['retries']) |
/src/Composer/Repository/FilesystemRepository.php:379 | 1 | return ['name' => $package->getName( ), 'pretty_version' => $data['pretty_version'], 'version' => $data['version'], 'reference' => $data['reference'], 'type' => $data['type'], 'install_path' => $data['install_path'], 'aliases' => $data['aliases'], 'dev' => $devMode, ] |
/src/Composer/Repository/FilesystemRepository.php:357 | 1 | $data = ['pretty_version' => $package->getPrettyVersion( ), 'version' => $package->getVersion( ), 'reference' => $reference, 'type' => $package->getType( ), 'install_path' => $installPath, 'aliases' => [ ], 'dev_requirement' => isset($devPackages[$package->getName( )]), ] |
/src/Composer/Util/StreamContextFactory.php:118 | 1 | $options['http']['header'][] = sprintf('User-Agent: Composer/%s (%s; %s; %s; %s%s%s)', Composer::getVersion( ), function_exists('php_uname') ? php_uname('s') : 'Unknown', function_exists('php_uname') ? php_uname('r') : 'Unknown', $phpVersion, $httpVersion, $platformPhpVersion ? '; Platform-PHP ' . $platformPhpVersion : '', Platform::getEnv('CI') ? '; CI' : '') |
/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitLabDriver.php:106 | 1 | $this->scheme = in_array($match['scheme'], ['https', 'http'], true) ? $match['scheme'] : (isset($this->repoConfig['secure-http']) && $this->repoConfig['secure-http'] === false ? 'http' : 'https') |
/src/Composer/Repository/VcsRepository.php:81 | 1 | $this->drivers = $drivers ?: ['github' => 'Composer\Repository\Vcs\GitHubDriver', 'gitlab' => 'Composer\Repository\Vcs\GitLabDriver', 'bitbucket' => 'Composer\Repository\Vcs\GitBitbucketDriver', 'git-bitbucket' => 'Composer\Repository\Vcs\GitBitbucketDriver', 'git' => 'Composer\Repository\Vcs\GitDriver', 'hg' => 'Composer\Repository\Vcs\HgDriver', 'perforce' => 'Composer\Repository\Vcs\PerforceDriver', 'fossil' => 'Composer\Repository\Vcs\FossilDriver', 'svn' => 'Composer\Repository\Vcs\SvnDriver', ] |
/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php:1266 | 1 | $this->securityAdvisoryConfig = ['metadata' => $data['security-advisories']['metadata'] ?? false, 'api-url' => isset($data['security-advisories']['api-url']) && is_string($data['security-advisories']['api-url']) ? $this->canonicalizeUrl($data['security-advisories']['api-url']) : null, ] |
/src/Composer/Advisory/Auditor.php:258 | 1 | $row = [$advisory->packageName, $this->getSeverity($advisory), $this->getCVE($advisory), $advisory->title, $this->getURL($advisory), $advisory->affectedVersions->getPrettyString( ), $advisory->reportedAt->format(DATE_ATOM), ] |
/src/Composer/Console/Application.php:476 | 1 | if((($df = disk_free_space($dir = $config->get('home'))) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree) || (($df = disk_free_space($dir = $config->get('vendor-dir'))) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree) || (($df = disk_free_space($dir = sys_get_temp_dir( ))) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree)) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Command/DiagnoseCommand.php:414 | 1 | if((($df = @disk_free_space($dir = $config->get('home'))) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree) || (($df = @disk_free_space($dir = $config->get('vendor-dir'))) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree)) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Installer/InstallationManager.php:421 | 1 | if($this->outputProgress && $this->io instanceof ConsoleIO && !Platform::getEnv('CI') && !$this->io->isDebug( ) && count($promises) > 1) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Package/Locker.php:491 | 1 | if(0 === $this->process->execute('git log -n1 --pretty=%ct ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($sourceRef) . GitUtil::getNoShowSignatureFlag($this->process), $output, $path) && Preg::isMatch('{^\s*\d+\s*$}', $output)) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Package/Version/VersionParser.php:57 | 1 | if(false === strpos($pair, ' ') && isset($pairs[$i + 1]) && false === strpos($pairs[$i + 1], '/') && !Preg::isMatch('{(?<=[a-z0-9_/-])\*|\*(?=[a-z0-9_/-])}i', $pairs[$i + 1]) && !PlatformRepository::isPlatformPackage($pairs[$i + 1])) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/PoolBuilder.php:434 | 1 | if(in_array($package->getType( ), $this->ignoredTypes, true) || ($this->allowedTypes !== null && !in_array($package->getType( ), $this->allowedTypes, true))) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Command/ShowCommand.php:348 | 1 | if($input->getOption('outdated') && $input->getOption('strict') && null !== $latestPackage && $latestPackage->getFullPrettyVersion( ) !== $package->getFullPrettyVersion( ) && (!$latestPackage instanceof CompletePackageInterface || !$latestPackage->isAbandoned( ))) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Command/ShowCommand.php:435 | 1 | if(!isset($packages[$type][$package->getName( )]) || !is_object($packages[$type][$package->getName( )]) || version_compare($packages[$type][$package->getName( )]->getVersion( ), $package->getVersion( ), '<')) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php:189 | 1 | if(($configFile === 'composer.json' || $configFile === './composer.json') && !file_exists($configFile) && realpath(Platform::getCwd( )) === realpath($this->config->get('home'))) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Downloader/FileDownloader.php:179 | 1 | if($this->cache !== null && ($checksum === null || $checksum === '' || $checksum === $this->cache->sha1($cacheKey)) && $this->cache->copyTo($cacheKey, $fileName)) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/RuleSetGenerator.php:299 | 1 | if(!isset($this->addedMap[$package->id]) && $package instanceof AliasPackage && ($package->isRootPackageAlias( ) || isset($this->addedMap[$package->getAliasOf( )->id]))) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Transaction.php:164 | 1 | if($package->getVersion( ) !== $presentPackageMap[$package->getName( )]->getVersion( ) || $package->getDistReference( ) !== $presentPackageMap[$package->getName( )]->getDistReference( ) || $package->getSourceReference( ) !== $presentPackageMap[$package->getName( )]->getSourceReference( )) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/PoolBuilder.php:246 | 1 | if($package->getRepository( ) instanceof RootPackageRepository || $package->getRepository( ) instanceof PlatformRepository || StabilityFilter::isPackageAcceptable($this->acceptableStabilities, $this->stabilityFlags, $package->getNames( ), $package->getStability( ))) { /**/ } else { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Util/Http/CurlDownloader.php:424 | 1 | if((!isset($job['options']['http']['method']) || $job['options']['http']['method'] === 'GET') && in_array($statusCode, [423, 425, 500, 502, 503, 504, 507, 510], true) && $job['attributes']['retries'] < $this->maxRetries) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Util/Http/CurlDownloader.php:484 | 1 | if(isset($this->jobs[$i]['options']['prevent_ip_access_callable']) && is_callable($this->jobs[$i]['options']['prevent_ip_access_callable']) && $this->jobs[$i]['options']['prevent_ip_access_callable']($progress['primary_ip'])) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Util/Http/CurlDownloader.php:552 | 1 | if($job['origin'] === '' && !$this->authHelper->isPublicBitBucketDownload($job['url']) && substr($job['url'], -4) === '.zip' && (!$locationHeader || substr($locationHeader, -4) !== '.zip') && Preg::isMatch('{^text/html\b}i', $response->getHeader('content-type'))) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Downloader/DownloadManager.php:411 | 1 | if($prevPackage && in_array($prevPackage->getInstallationSource( ), $sources, true) && !(!$prevPackage->isDev( ) && $prevPackage->getInstallationSource( ) === 'dist' && $package->isDev( ))) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Util/Http/CurlDownloader.php:336 | 1 | if((!isset($job['options']['http']['method']) || $job['options']['http']['method'] === 'GET') && (in_array($errno, [7, 16, 92, 6], true) || (in_array($errno, [56, 35], true) && str_contains((string) $error, 'Connection reset by peer'))) && $job['attributes']['retries'] < $this->maxRetries) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Util/RemoteFilesystem.php:371 | 1 | if($originUrl === '' && !$this->authHelper->isPublicBitBucketDownload($fileUrl) && substr($fileUrl, -4) === '.zip' && (!$locationHeader || substr(parse_url($locationHeader, PHP_URL_PATH), -4) !== '.zip') && $contentType && Preg::isMatch('{^text/html\b}i', $contentType)) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Util/Git.php:107 | 1 | if(Preg::isMatchStrictGroups('{^git@' . self::getGitHubDomainsRegex($this->config) . ':(.+?)\.git$}i', $url, $match) || Preg::isMatchStrictGroups('{^https?://' . self::getGitHubDomainsRegex($this->config) . '/(.*?)(?:\.git)?$}i', $url, $match)) { /**/ } elseif(Preg::isMatchStrictGroups('{^https://(bitbucket\.org)/(.*?)(?:\.git)?$}i', $url, $match)) { /**/ } elseif(Preg::isMatchStrictGroups('{^(git)@' . self::getGitLabDomainsRegex($this->config) . ':(.+?\.git)$}i', $url, $match) || Preg::isMatchStrictGroups('{^(https?)://' . self::getGitLabDomainsRegex($this->config) . '/(.*)}i', $url, $match)) { /**/ } elseif($this->isAuthenticationFailure($url, $match)) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Util/Git.php:174 | 1 | elseif(Preg::isMatchStrictGroups('{^(git)@' . self::getGitLabDomainsRegex($this->config) . ':(.+?\.git)$}i', $url, $match) || Preg::isMatchStrictGroups('{^(https?)://' . self::getGitLabDomainsRegex($this->config) . '/(.*)}i', $url, $match)) { /**/ } elseif($this->isAuthenticationFailure($url, $match)) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Util/Git.php:319 | 1 | if(null !== $branches && !Preg::isMatch('{^[\s*]*v?' . preg_quote($branch) . '$}m', $branches) && null !== $tags && !Preg::isMatch('{^[\s*]*' . preg_quote($branch) . '$}m', $tags)) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Installer.php:982 | 1 | if($package->getRepository( ) !== $platformRepo || !isset($provided[$package->getName( )]) || !$provided[$package->getName( )]->getConstraint( )->matches(new Constraint('=', $package->getVersion( )))) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Repository/ArrayRepository.php:68 | 1 | if((!$packageNameMap[$package->getName( )] || $packageNameMap[$package->getName( )]->matches(new Constraint('==', $package->getVersion( )))) && StabilityFilter::isPackageAcceptable($acceptableStabilities, $stabilityFlags, $package->getNames( ), $package->getStability( )) && !isset($alreadyLoaded[$package->getName( )][$package->getVersion( )])) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Repository/ArrayRepository.php:171 | 1 | if(Preg::isMatch($regex, $name) || ($mode === self::SEARCH_FULLTEXT && $package instanceof CompletePackageInterface && Preg::isMatch($regex, implode(' ', (array) $package->getKeywords( )) . ' ' . $package->getDescription( )))) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitBitbucketDriver.php:398 | 1 | if(in_array($e->getCode( ), [403, 404], true) || (401 === $e->getCode( ) && strpos($e->getMessage( ), 'Could not authenticate against') === 0)) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Installer.php:558 | 1 | if($this->updateMirrors && $operation->getInitialPackage( )->getName( ) === $operation->getTargetPackage( )->getName( ) && $operation->getInitialPackage( )->getVersion( ) === $operation->getTargetPackage( )->getVersion( )) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Cache.php:95 | 1 | if(!$this->readOnly && ((!is_dir($this->root) && !Silencer::call('mkdir', $this->root, 0777, true)) || !is_writable($this->root))) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Console/Application.php:195 | 1 | if($io->isInteractive( ) && null === $newWorkDir && !in_array($commandName, ['', 'list', 'init', 'about', 'help', 'diagnose', 'self-update', 'global', 'create-project', 'outdated'], true) && !file_exists(Factory::getComposerFile( )) && ($useParentDirIfNoJsonAvailable = $this->getUseParentDirConfigValue( )) !== false) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Package/Loader/ValidatingArrayLoader.php:292 | 1 | elseif(($this->flags & self::CHECK_STRICT_CONSTRAINTS) && 'require' === $linkType && $linkConstraint instanceof Constraint && in_array($linkConstraint->getOperator( ), ['==', '='], true) && (new Constraint('>=', ''))->matches($linkConstraint)) { /**/ } |
/src/Composer/Command/CheckPlatformReqsCommand.php:123 | 1 | $reqResults[] = [$candidate->getName( ) === $require ? $candidate->getPrettyName( ) : $require, $candidateConstraint->getPrettyString( ), $link, '<error>failed</error>', $candidate->getName( ) === $require ? '' : '<comment>provided by ' . $candidate->getPrettyName( ) . '</comment>', ] |
/src/Composer/Installer.php:434 | 1 | return $auditor->audit($this->io, $repoSet, $packages, $this->auditFormat, true, $auditConfig['ignore'] ?? [ ], $auditConfig['abandoned'] ?? Auditor::ABANDONED_FAIL) > 0 && $this->errorOnAudit ? self::ERROR_AUDIT_FAILED : 0 |
/src/Composer/Command/CheckPlatformReqsCommand.php:136 | 1 | $results[] = [$candidate->getName( ) === $require ? $candidate->getPrettyName( ) : $require, $candidateConstraint->getPrettyString( ), null, '<info>success</info>', $candidate->getName( ) === $require ? '' : '<comment>provided by ' . $candidate->getPrettyName( ) . '</comment>', ] |
/src/Composer/Installer.php:631 | 1 | $updatedLock = $this->locker->setLockData($lockTransaction->getNewLockPackages(false, $this->updateMirrors), $lockTransaction->getNewLockPackages(true, $this->updateMirrors), $platformReqs, $platformDevReqs, $lockTransaction->getAliases($aliases), $this->package->getMinimumStability( ), $this->package->getStabilityFlags( ), $this->preferStable || $this->package->getPreferStable( ), $this->preferLowest, $this->config->get('platform') ?: [ ], $this->writeLock && $this->executeOperations) |
/src/Composer/Command/CheckPlatformReqsCommand.php:185 | 1 | $rows[] = ["name" => $platformPackage, "version" => $version, "status" => strip_tags($status), "failed_requirement" => $link instanceof Link ? ['source' => $link->getSource( ), 'type' => $link->getDescription( ), 'target' => $link->getTarget( ), 'constraint' => $link->getPrettyConstraint( ), ] : null, "provider" => $provider === '' ? null : strip_tags($provider), ] |
/src/Composer/Command/CheckPlatformReqsCommand.php:198 | 1 | $rows[] = [$platformPackage, $version, $link, $link ? sprintf('%s %s %s (%s)', $link->getSource( ), $link->getDescription( ), $link->getTarget( ), $link->getPrettyConstraint( )) : '', rtrim($status . ' ' . $provider), ] |
/src/Composer/Factory.php:585 | 1 | $binaryInstaller = new Installer\BinaryInstaller($io, rtrim($composer->getConfig( )->get('bin-dir'), '/'), $composer->getConfig( )->get('bin-compat'), $fs, rtrim($composer->getConfig( )->get('vendor-dir'), '/')) |
/src/Composer/Command/CreateProjectCommand.php:153 | 1 | return $this->installProject($io, $config, $input, $input->getArgument('package'), $input->getArgument('directory'), $input->getArgument('version'), $input->getOption('stability'), $preferSource, $preferDist, !$input->getOption('no-dev'), \count($input->getOption('repository')) > 0 ? $input->getOption('repository') : $input->getOption('repository-url'), $input->getOption('no-plugins'), $input->getOption('no-scripts'), $input->getOption('no-progress'), $input->getOption('no-install'), $this->getPlatformRequirementFilter($input), !$input->getOption('no-secure-http'), $input->getOption('add-repository')) |
/src/Composer/Command/HomeCommand.php:158 | 1 | return array_merge([new RootPackageRepository(clone $composer->getPackage( ))], [$composer->getRepositoryManager( )->getLocalRepository( )], $composer->getRepositoryManager( )->getRepositories( )) |
/src/Composer/Command/ShowCommand.php:1019 | 1 | $json = ['name' => $package->getPrettyName( ), 'description' => $package->getDescription( ), 'keywords' => $package->getKeywords( ) ?: [ ], 'type' => $package->getType( ), 'homepage' => $package->getHomepage( ), 'names' => $package->getNames( ), ] |
/src/Composer/Installer.php:1097 | 1 | return new static($io, $composer->getConfig( ), $composer->getPackage( ), $composer->getDownloadManager( ), $composer->getRepositoryManager( ), $composer->getLocker( ), $composer->getInstallationManager( ), $composer->getEventDispatcher( ), $composer->getAutoloadGenerator( )) |
/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php:372 | 1 | $uniqueConfigValues = ['process-timeout' => ['is_numeric', 'intval'], 'use-include-path' => [$booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer], 'use-github-api' => [$booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer], 'preferred-install' => [static function ($val) : bool { /**/ } , static function ($val) { /**/ } , ], 'gitlab-protocol' => [static function ($val) : bool { /**/ } , static function ($val) { /**/ } , ], 'store-auths' => [static function ($val) : bool { /**/ } , static function ($val) { /**/ } , ], 'notify-on-install' => [$booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer], 'vendor-dir' => ['is_string', static function ($val) { /**/ } ], 'bin-dir' => ['is_string', static function ($val) { /**/ } ], 'archive-dir' => ['is_string', static function ($val) { /**/ } ], 'archive-format' => ['is_string', static function ($val) { /**/ } ], 'data-dir' => ['is_string', static function ($val) { /**/ } ], 'cache-dir' => ['is_string', static function ($val) { /**/ } ], 'cache-files-dir' => ['is_string', static function ($val) { /**/ } ], 'cache-repo-dir' => ['is_string', static function ($val) { /**/ } ], 'cache-vcs-dir' => ['is_string', static function ($val) { /**/ } ], 'cache-ttl' => ['is_numeric', 'intval'], 'cache-files-ttl' => ['is_numeric', 'intval'], 'cache-files-maxsize' => [static function ($val) : bool { /**/ } , static function ($val) { /**/ } , ], 'bin-compat' => [static function ($val) : bool { /**/ } , static function ($val) { /**/ } , ], 'discard-changes' => [static function ($val) : bool { /**/ } , static function ($val) { /**/ } , ], 'autoloader-suffix' => ['is_string', static function ($val) { /**/ } ], 'sort-packages' => [$booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer], 'optimize-autoloader' => [$booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer], 'classmap-authoritative' => [$booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer], 'apcu-autoloader' => [$booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer], 'prepend-autoloader' => [$booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer], 'disable-tls' => [$booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer], 'secure-http' => [$booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer], 'cafile' => [static function ($val) : bool { /**/ } , static function ($val) { /**/ } , ], 'capath' => [static function ($val) : bool { /**/ } , static function ($val) { /**/ } , ], 'github-expose-hostname' => [$booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer], 'htaccess-protect' => [$booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer], 'lock' => [$booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer], 'allow-plugins' => [$booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer], 'platform-check' => [static function ($val) : bool { /**/ } , static function ($val) { /**/ } , ], 'use-parent-dir' => [static function ($val) : bool { /**/ } , static function ($val) { /**/ } , ], 'audit.abandoned' => [static function ($val) : bool { /**/ } , static function ($val) { /**/ } , ], ] |
/src/Composer/PHPStan/RuleReasonDataReturnTypeExtension.php:50 | 1 | $types = [Rule::RULE_ROOT_REQUIRE => new ConstantArrayType([new ConstantStringType('packageName'), new ConstantStringType('constraint')], [new StringType, new ObjectType(ConstraintInterface::class)]), Rule::RULE_FIXED => new ConstantArrayType([new ConstantStringType('package')], [new ObjectType(BasePackage::class)]), Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_CONFLICT => new ObjectType(Link::class), Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_REQUIRES => new ObjectType(Link::class), Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_SAME_NAME => TypeCombinator::intersect(new StringType, new AccessoryNonEmptyStringType( )), Rule::RULE_LEARNED => new IntegerType( ), Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_ALIAS => new ObjectType(BasePackage::class), Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_INVERSE_ALIAS => new ObjectType(BasePackage::class), ] |
/src/Composer/Package/Locker.php:359 | 1 | $lock = ['_readme' => ['This file locks the dependencies of your project to a known state', 'Read more about it at', 'This file is @gener' . 'ated automatically', ], 'content-hash' => $this->contentHash, 'packages' => null, 'packages-dev' => null, 'aliases' => $aliases, 'minimum-stability' => $minimumStability, 'stability-flags' => $stabilityFlags, 'prefer-stable' => $preferStable, 'prefer-lowest' => $preferLowest, ] |
/src/Composer/Package/Loader/RootPackageLoader.php:211 | 1 | $aliases[] = ['package' => strtolower($reqName), 'version' => $this->versionParser->normalize($match[1], $reqVersion), 'alias' => $match[2], 'alias_normalized' => $this->versionParser->normalize($match[2], $reqVersion), ] |
/src/Composer/Console/Application.php:241 | 1 | $mayNeedPluginCommand = false === $input->hasParameterOption(['--version', '-V']) && (false === $commandName || in_array($commandName, ['', 'list', 'help'], true) || ($commandName === '_complete' && !$isNonAllowedRoot)) |
/src/Composer/Console/Application.php:587 | 1 | $commands = array_merge(parent::getDefaultCommands( ), [new Command\AboutCommand( ), new Command\ConfigCommand( ), new Command\DependsCommand( ), new Command\ProhibitsCommand( ), new Command\InitCommand( ), new Command\InstallCommand( ), new Command\CreateProjectCommand( ), new Command\UpdateCommand( ), new Command\SearchCommand( ), new Command\ValidateCommand( ), new Command\AuditCommand( ), new Command\ShowCommand( ), new Command\SuggestsCommand( ), new Command\RequireCommand( ), new Command\DumpAutoloadCommand( ), new Command\StatusCommand( ), new Command\ArchiveCommand( ), new Command\DiagnoseCommand( ), new Command\RunScriptCommand( ), new Command\LicensesCommand( ), new Command\GlobalCommand( ), new Command\ClearCacheCommand( ), new Command\RemoveCommand( ), new Command\HomeCommand( ), new Command\ExecCommand( ), new Command\OutdatedCommand( ), new Command\CheckPlatformReqsCommand( ), new Command\FundCommand( ), new Command\ReinstallCommand( ), new Command\BumpCommand( ), ]) |
/src/Composer/Installer/LibraryInstaller.php:65 | 1 | $this->binaryInstaller = $binaryInstaller ?: new BinaryInstaller($this->io, rtrim($composer->getConfig( )->get('bin-dir'), '/'), $composer->getConfig( )->get('bin-compat'), $this->filesystem, $this->vendorDir) |
/src/Composer/Advisory/SecurityAdvisory.php:76 | 1 | return new IgnoredSecurityAdvisory($this->packageName, $this->advisoryId, $this->affectedVersions, $this->title, $this->sources, $this->reportedAt, $this->cve, $this->link, $ignoreReason, $this->severity) |
/src/Composer/Advisory/PartialSecurityAdvisory.php:47 | 1 | return new SecurityAdvisory($packageName, $data['advisoryId'], $constraint, $data['title'], $data['sources'], new \DateTimeImmutable($data['reportedAt'], new \DateTimeZone('UTC')), $data['cve'] ?? null, $data['link'] ?? null, $data['severity'] ?? null) |