List of all defined classes in the code..
Value | Count | File:Line |
Request | 1 |
MultiConflictRule | 1 |
ZipDownloader | 1 |
Pool | 1 |
ScriptEvents | 1 |
GzipDownloader | 1 |
PoolOptimizer | 1 |
RuleSetGenerator | 1 |
JsonFormatter | 1 |
JsonValidationException | 1 |
StrictConfirmationQuestion | 1 |
Transaction | 1 |
JsonManipulator | 1 |
Decisions | 1 |
JsonFile | 1 |
FileDownloader | 1 |
TransportException | 1 |
HgDownloader | 1 |
SvnDownloader | 1 |
PathDownloader | 1 |
PerforceDownloader | 1 |
ArchiveDownloader | 1 |
PharDownloader | 1 |
GitDownloader | 1 |
SolverProblemsException | 1 |
Rule | 1 |
Rule2Literals | 1 |
RuleWatchNode | 1 |
RuleSet | 1 |
SolverBugException | 1 |
DefaultPolicy | 1 |
PreCommandRunEvent | 1 |
PluginEvents | 1 |
CommandEvent | 1 |
PluginBlockedException | 1 |
PreFileDownloadEvent | 1 |
PluginManager | 1 |
PrePoolCreateEvent | 1 |
PostFileDownloadEvent | 1 |
VcsDownloader | 1 |
RarDownloader | 1 |
DownloadManager | 1 |
FilesystemException | 1 |
FossilDownloader | 1 |
TarDownloader | 1 |
XzDownloader | 1 |
MaxFileSizeExceededException | 1 |
CurlDownloader | 1 |
CurlResponse | 1 |
ProxyItem | 1 |
JsonConfigSource | 1 |
Versions | 1 |
Keys | 1 |
ScriptExecutionException | 1 |
EventDispatcher | 1 |
Runtime | 1 |
HhvmDetector | 1 |
Version | 1 |
BufferIO | 1 |
ConsoleIO | 1 |
BaseIO | 1 |
NullIO | 1 |
PlatformRequirementFilterFactory | 1 |
IgnoreNothingPlatformRequirementFilter | 1 |
IgnoreListPlatformRequirementFilter | 1 |
IgnoreAllPlatformRequirementFilter | 1 |
ExecCommand | 1 |
AboutCommand | 1 |
GlobalCommand | 1 |
DiagnoseCommand | 1 |
MetapackageInstaller | 1 |
LibraryInstaller | 1 |
InstallerEvent | 1 |
PackageEvent | 1 |
InstallerEvents | 1 |
PluginInstaller | 1 |
BinaryInstaller | 1 |
PackageEvents | 1 |
LicensesCommand | 1 |
UpdateCommand | 1 |
RunScriptCommand | 1 |
ConfigCommand | 1 |
InstallCommand | 1 |
InitCommand | 1 |
RemoveCommand | 1 |
ShowCommand | 1 |
RequireCommand | 1 |
ClearCacheCommand | 1 |
CheckPlatformReqsCommand | 1 |
SelfUpdateCommand | 1 |
DependsCommand | 1 |
ProhibitsCommand | 1 |
StatusCommand | 1 |
BaseDependencyCommand | 1 |
ArchiveCommand | 1 |
BumpCommand | 1 |
ValidateCommand | 1 |
AuditCommand | 1 |
ClassMapGenerator | 1 |
ClassLoader | 1 |
SearchCommand | 1 |
SuggestsCommand | 1 |
DumpAutoloadCommand | 1 |
OutdatedCommand | 1 |
ReinstallCommand | 1 |
HomeCommand | 1 |
ScriptAliasCommand | 1 |
FundCommand | 1 |
BaseCommand | 1 |
CreateProjectCommand | 1 |
LockTransaction | 1 |
Solver | 1 |
Problem | 1 |
RuleSetIterator | 1 |
LocalRepoTransaction | 1 |
RuleWatchGraph | 1 |
GenericRule | 1 |
PoolBuilder | 1 |
SolverOperation | 1 |
UninstallOperation | 1 |
MarkAliasUninstalledOperation | 1 |
AutoloadGenerator | 1 |
RuleWatchChain | 1 |
InstallOperation | 1 |
MarkAliasInstalledOperation | 1 |
UpdateOperation | 1 |
Composer | 1 |
InstalledVersions | 1 |
RuleReasonDataReturnTypeExtension | 1 |
ConfigReturnTypeExtension | 1 |
Installer | 1 |
Compiler | 1 |
Response | 1 |
RequestProxy | 1 |
Loop | 1 |
ProxyManager | 1 |
ErrorHandler | 1 |
SyncHelper | 1 |
Hg | 1 |
RemoteFilesystem | 1 |
MetadataMinifier | 1 |
ProcessExecutor | 1 |
Url | 1 |
Perforce | 1 |
StreamContextFactory | 1 |
TlsHelper | 1 |
IniHelper | 1 |
Platform | 1 |
HttpDownloader | 1 |
Bitbucket | 1 |
GitLab | 1 |
GitHub | 1 |
Tar | 1 |
Filesystem | 1 |
Silencer | 1 |
Zip | 1 |
AuthHelper | 1 |
PackageInfo | 1 |
ComposerMirror | 1 |
NoProxyPattern | 1 |
Svn | 1 |
Git | 1 |
ConfigValidator | 1 |
PackageSorter | 1 |
GitBitbucketDriver | 1 |
GitDriver | 1 |
GitLabDriver | 1 |
FossilDriver | 1 |
VcsDriver | 1 |
SvnDriver | 1 |
HgDriver | 1 |
PerforceDriver | 1 |
FilesystemRepository | 1 |
InstalledArrayRepository | 1 |
InvalidRepositoryException | 1 |
GitHubDriver | 1 |
RepositoryManager | 1 |
PathRepository | 1 |
FilterRepository | 1 |
InstalledRepository | 1 |
RepositorySet | 1 |
PearRepository | 1 |
RootPackageRepository | 1 |
ArtifactRepository | 1 |
WritableArrayRepository | 1 |
ArrayRepository | 1 |
ComposerRepository | 1 |
VcsRepository | 1 |
RepositoryUtils | 1 |
RepositoryFactory | 1 |
CompositeRepository | 1 |
RepositorySecurityException | 1 |
PackageRepository | 1 |
InstalledFilesystemRepository | 1 |
Factory | 1 |
Cache | 1 |
PartialComposer | 1 |
Config | 1 |
ArrayLoader | 1 |
RootPackageLoader | 1 |
ValidatingArrayLoader | 1 |
InvalidPackageException | 1 |
ArrayDumper | 1 |
Application | 1 |
JsonLoader | 1 |
Comparer | 1 |
InputArgument | 1 |
InputOption | 1 |
GithubActionError | 1 |
HtmlOutputFormatter | 1 |
CompletePackage | 1 |
RootAliasPackage | 1 |
ArchiveManager | 1 |
RootPackage | 1 |
PharArchiver | 1 |
ArchivableFilesFinder | 1 |
ArchivableFilesFilter | 1 |
BaseExcludeFilter | 1 |
ComposerExcludeFilter | 1 |
GitExcludeFilter | 1 |
VersionBumper | 1 |
ZipArchiver | 1 |
VersionGuesser | 1 |
StabilityFilter | 1 |
VersionParser | 1 |
VersionSelector | 1 |
ProjectInstaller | 1 |
SuggestedPackagesReporter | 1 |
InstallationManager | 1 |
NoopInstaller | 1 |
SecurityAdvisory | 1 |
PartialSecurityAdvisory | 1 |
Auditor | 1 |
IgnoredSecurityAdvisory | 1 |
IrrecoverableDownloadException | 1 |
NoSslException | 1 |
Package | 1 |
Link | 1 |
CompleteAliasPackage | 1 |
AliasPackage | 1 |
Locker | 1 |
BasePackage | 1 |
LockArrayRepository | 1 |
PlatformRepository | 1 |
Event | 2 |