List of all defined functions in the code..
Value | Count | File:Line |
lang | 1 |
ordinal_format | 1 |
set_realpath | 1 |
word_is_countable | 1 |
is_countable | 1 |
underscore | 1 |
humanize | 1 |
plural | 1 |
camelize | 1 |
octal_permissions | 1 |
singular | 1 |
reduce_multiples | 1 |
random_string | 1 |
increment_string | 1 |
alternator | 1 |
strip_slashes | 1 |
strip_quotes | 1 |
quotes_to_entities | 1 |
reduce_double_slashes | 1 |
highlight_phrase | 1 |
convert_accented_characters | 1 |
word_wrap | 1 |
ellipsize | 1 |
ascii_to_entities | 1 |
entities_to_ascii | 1 |
word_censor | 1 |
highlight_code | 1 |
get_file_info | 1 |
get_dir_file_info | 1 |
symbolic_permissions | 1 |
get_mime_by_extension | 1 |
write_file | 1 |
delete_cookie | 1 |
get_filenames | 1 |
delete_files | 1 |
directory_map | 1 |
xml_convert | 1 |
get_cookie | 1 |
set_cookie | 1 |
nl2br_except_pre | 1 |
byte_format | 1 |
entity_decode | 1 |
auto_typography | 1 |
form_fieldset_close | 1 |
form_close | 1 |
form_label | 1 |
form_fieldset | 1 |
form_reset | 1 |
form_button | 1 |
form_radio | 1 |
form_submit | 1 |
_parse_form_attributes | 1 |
_attributes_to_string | 1 |
form_error | 1 |
validation_errors | 1 |
set_checkbox | 1 |
set_radio | 1 |
set_value | 1 |
set_select | 1 |
form_open_multipart | 1 |
form_open | 1 |
redirect | 1 |
url_title | 1 |
prep_url | 1 |
auto_link | 1 |
safe_mailto | 1 |
mailto | 1 |
form_checkbox | 1 |
form_dropdown | 1 |
form_multiselect | 1 |
form_textarea | 1 |
form_upload | 1 |
form_password | 1 |
form_input | 1 |
form_hidden | 1 |
meta | 1 |
element | 1 |
random_element | 1 |
elements | 1 |
_list | 1 |
img | 1 |
doctype | 1 |
link_tag | 1 |
strip_image_tags | 1 |
encode_php_tags | 1 |
word_limiter | 1 |
character_limiter | 1 |
force_download | 1 |
create_captcha | 1 |
xss_clean | 1 |
sanitize_filename | 1 |
local_to_gmt | 1 |
days_in_month | 1 |
mysql_to_unix | 1 |
gmt_to_local | 1 |
now | 1 |
_get_validation_object | 1 |
timespan | 1 |
mdate | 1 |
heading | 1 |
hash_pbkdf2 | 1 |
array_column | 1 |
function_usable | 1 |
hash_equals | 1 |
html_escape | 1 |
_stringify_attributes | 1 |
_shutdown_handler | 1 |
remove_invisible_characters | 1 |
_error_handler | 1 |
_exception_handler | 1 |
log_message | 1 |
set_status_header | 1 |
show_error | 1 |
show_404 | 1 |
is_https | 1 |
is_cli | 1 |
anchor_popup | 1 |
anchor | 1 |
index_page | 1 |
uri_string | 1 |
current_url | 1 |
base_url | 1 |
site_url | 1 |
is_false | 1 |
is_true | 1 |
password_verify | 1 |
password_needs_rehash | 1 |
password_hash | 1 |
password_get_info | 1 |
mb_substr | 1 |
mb_strpos | 1 |
mb_strlen | 1 |
get_config | 1 |
is_loaded | 1 |
get_mimes | 1 |
config_item | 1 |
is_php | 1 |
get_instance | 1 |
load_class | 1 |
is_really_writable | 1 |
DB | 1 |
odbc_fetch_object | 1 |
odbc_fetch_array | 1 |
timezone_menu | 1 |
timezones | 1 |
unix_to_human | 1 |
human_to_unix | 1 |
ul | 1 |
ol | 1 |
date_range | 1 |