Here is the list of the most complex expressions used in the code. A complex expression is an expression that requires more than 20 tokens to be build.
Literal arrays are omitted.
File | Count | Expression |
/system/libraries/Session/Session_driver.php:154 | 1 | setcookie($this->_config['cookie_name'], '', array('expires' => 1, 'path' => $this->_config['cookie_path'], 'domain' => $this->_config['cookie_domain'], 'secure' => $this->_config['cookie_secure'], 'httponly' => TRUE, 'samesite' => $this->_config['cookie_samesite'])) |
/system/libraries/Session/Session.php:160 | 1 | setcookie($this->_config['cookie_name'], session_id( ), array('expires' => $expires, 'path' => $this->_config['cookie_path'], 'domain' => $this->_config['cookie_domain'], 'secure' => $this->_config['cookie_secure'], 'httponly' => TRUE, 'samesite' => $this->_config['cookie_samesite'])) |
/system/core/Security.php:295 | 1 | header('Set-Cookie: ' . $this->_csrf_cookie_name . '=' . $this->_csrf_hash . '; Expires=' . gmdate('D, d-M-Y H:i:s T', $expire) . '; Max-Age=' . $this->_csrf_expire . '; Path=' . rawurlencode(config_item('cookie_path')) . ($domain === '' ? '' : '; Domain=' . $domain) . ($secure_cookie ? '; Secure' : '') . (config_item('cookie_httponly') ? '; HttpOnly' : '') . '; SameSite=Strict') |
/system/helpers/inflector_helper.php:240 | 1 | return !in_array(strtolower($word), array('audio', 'bison', 'chassis', 'compensation', 'coreopsis', 'data', 'deer', 'education', 'emoji', 'equipment', 'fish', 'furniture', 'gold', 'information', 'knowledge', 'love', 'rain', 'money', 'moose', 'nutrition', 'offspring', 'plankton', 'pokemon', 'police', 'rice', 'series', 'sheep', 'species', 'swine', 'traffic', 'wheat')) |
/system/database/DB_forge.php:801 | 1 | return $this->db->escape_identifiers($field['name']) . ' ' . $field['type'] . $field['length'] . $field['unsigned'] . $field['default'] . $field['null'] . $field['auto_increment'] . $field['unique'] |
/system/database/DB_forge.php:1016 | 1 | $sqls[] = 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this->db->escape_identifiers($table . '_' . implode('_', $this->keys[$i])) . ' ON ' . $this->db->escape_identifiers($table) . ' (' . implode(', ', $this->db->escape_identifiers($this->keys[$i])) . ');' |
/system/database/DB.php:119 | 1 | $params = array('dbdriver' => $dsn['scheme'], 'hostname' => isset($dsn['host']) ? rawurldecode($dsn['host']) : '', 'port' => isset($dsn['port']) ? rawurldecode($dsn['port']) : '', 'username' => isset($dsn['user']) ? rawurldecode($dsn['user']) : '', 'password' => isset($dsn['pass']) ? rawurldecode($dsn['pass']) : '', 'database' => isset($dsn['path']) ? rawurldecode(substr($dsn['path'], 1)) : '') |
/system/database/DB_driver.php:957 | 2 | $c = preg_match_all('/' . preg_quote($this->bind_marker, '/') . '/i', str_replace($matches[0], str_replace($this->bind_marker, str_repeat(' ', $ml), $matches[0]), $sql, $c), $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) |
/system/database/DB_forge.php:538 | 1 | $result = $this->db->query(sprintf($this->_rename_table, $this->db->escape_identifiers($this->db->dbprefix . $table_name), $this->db->escape_identifiers($this->db->dbprefix . $new_table_name))) |
/system/database/DB_forge.php:717 | 1 | $field = array('name' => $key, 'new_name' => isset($attributes['NAME']) ? $attributes['NAME'] : NULL, 'type' => isset($attributes['TYPE']) ? $attributes['TYPE'] : NULL, 'length' => '', 'unsigned' => '', 'null' => NULL, 'unique' => '', 'default' => '', 'auto_increment' => '', '_literal' => FALSE) |
/system/database/drivers/pdo/subdrivers/pdo_dblib_driver.php:306 | 4 | return 'SELECT ' . $select . " FROM (\n\n" . preg_replace('/^(SELECT( DISTINCT)?)/i', '\\1 ROW_NUMBER() OVER(' . trim($orderby) . ') AS ' . $this->escape_identifiers('CI_rownum') . ', ', $sql) . "\n\n) " . $this->escape_identifiers('CI_subquery') . "\nWHERE " . $this->escape_identifiers('CI_rownum') . ' BETWEEN ' . ($this->qb_offset + 1) . ' AND ' . $limit |
/system/database/drivers/pdo/subdrivers/pdo_cubrid_forge.php:222 | 5 | $sql .= ",\n\tKEY " . $this->db->escape_identifiers(implode('_', $this->keys[$i])) . ' (' . implode(', ', $this->db->escape_identifiers($this->keys[$i])) . ')' |
/system/database/drivers/pdo/subdrivers/pdo_mysql_forge.php:248 | 5 | $sql .= ",\n\tKEY " . $this->db->escape_identifiers(implode('_', $this->keys[$i])) . ' (' . implode(', ', $this->db->escape_identifiers($this->keys[$i])) . ')' |
/system/database/drivers/pdo/subdrivers/pdo_mysql_forge.php:203 | 3 | return $this->db->escape_identifiers($field['name']) . (empty($field['new_name']) ? '' : ' ' . $this->db->escape_identifiers($field['new_name'])) . ' ' . $field['type'] . $field['length'] . $field['unsigned'] . $field['null'] . $field['default'] . $field['auto_increment'] . $field['unique'] . (empty($field['comment']) ? '' : ' COMMENT ' . $field['comment']) . $extra_clause |
/system/database/drivers/pdo/subdrivers/pdo_sqlsrv_driver.php:338 | 4 | return 'SELECT ' . $select . " FROM (\n\n" . preg_replace('/^(SELECT( DISTINCT)?)/i', '\\1 ROW_NUMBER() OVER(' . trim($orderby) . ') AS ' . $this->escape_identifiers('CI_rownum') . ', ', $sql) . "\n\n) " . $this->escape_identifiers('CI_subquery') . "\nWHERE " . $this->escape_identifiers('CI_rownum') . ' BETWEEN ' . ($this->qb_offset + 1) . ' AND ' . $limit |
/system/database/drivers/sqlsrv/sqlsrv_driver.php:500 | 4 | return 'SELECT ' . $select . " FROM (\n\n" . preg_replace('/^(SELECT( DISTINCT)?)/i', '\\1 ROW_NUMBER() OVER(' . trim($orderby) . ') AS ' . $this->escape_identifiers('CI_rownum') . ', ', $sql) . "\n\n) " . $this->escape_identifiers('CI_subquery') . "\nWHERE " . $this->escape_identifiers('CI_rownum') . ' BETWEEN ' . ($this->qb_offset + 1) . ' AND ' . $limit |
/system/database/drivers/pdo/subdrivers/pdo_cubrid_forge.php:149 | 2 | return $this->db->escape_identifiers($field['name']) . (empty($field['new_name']) ? '' : ' ' . $this->db->escape_identifiers($field['new_name'])) . ' ' . $field['type'] . $field['length'] . $field['unsigned'] . $field['null'] . $field['default'] . $field['auto_increment'] . $field['unique'] . $extra_clause |
/system/database/drivers/pdo/subdrivers/pdo_oci_forge.php:170 | 2 | return $this->db->escape_identifiers($field['name']) . ' ' . $field['type'] . $field['length'] . $field['unsigned'] . $field['default'] . $field['auto_increment'] . $field['null'] . $field['unique'] |
/system/database/DB_query_builder.php:2550 | 1 | $this->qb_groupby[$i] = ($this->qb_groupby[$i]['escape'] === FALSE OR $this->_is_literal($this->qb_groupby[$i]['field'])) ? $this->qb_groupby[$i]['field'] : $this->protect_identifiers($this->qb_groupby[$i]['field']) |
/system/database/DB_query_builder.php:2476 | 1 | $this->{$qb_key}[$i] = $this->{$qb_key}[$i]['condition'] . (isset($this->{$qb_key}[$i]['value']) ? ' ' . $this->{$qb_key}[$i]['value'] : '') |
/system/database/drivers/sqlsrv/sqlsrv_driver.php:192 | 1 | return ($this->scrollable === FALSE OR $this->is_write_type($sql)) ? sqlsrv_query($this->conn_id, $sql) : sqlsrv_query($this->conn_id, $sql, NULL, array('Scrollable' => $this->scrollable)) |
/system/database/drivers/sqlsrv/sqlsrv_driver.php:128 | 1 | $connection = array('UID' => empty($this->username) ? '' : $this->username, 'PWD' => empty($this->password) ? '' : $this->password, 'Database' => $this->database, 'ConnectionPooling' => ($pooling === TRUE) ? 1 : 0, 'CharacterSet' => $charset, 'Encrypt' => ($this->encrypt === TRUE) ? 1 : 0, 'ReturnDatesAsStrings' => 1) |
/system/database/DB_query_builder.php:578 | 1 | $cond .= preg_match("/(\(*)?([\[\]\w\.'-]+)" . preg_quote($operator) . "(.*)/i", $conditions[$i], $match) ? $match[1] . $this->protect_identifiers($match[2]) . $operator . $this->protect_identifiers($match[3]) : $conditions[$i] |
/system/database/DB_driver.php:1476 | 1 | return 'UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $valstr) . $this->_compile_wh('qb_where') . $this->_compile_order_by( ) . ($this->qb_limit !== FALSE ? ' LIMIT ' . $this->qb_limit : '') |
/system/database/DB_query_builder.php:1488 | 1 | $result = ($this->qb_distinct === TRUE OR !empty($this->qb_groupby) OR !empty($this->qb_cache_groupby) OR !empty($this->qb_having) OR $this->qb_limit OR $this->qb_offset) ? $this->query($this->_count_string . $this->protect_identifiers('numrows') . "\nFROM (\n" . $this->_compile_select( ) . "\n) CI_count_all_results") : $this->query($this->_compile_select($this->_count_string . $this->protect_identifiers('numrows'))) |
/system/database/DB_query_builder.php:1307 | 1 | $qb_orderby[] = ($direction === '' && preg_match('/\s+(ASC|DESC)$/i', rtrim($field), $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) ? array('field' => ltrim(substr($field, 0, $match[0][1])), 'direction' => ' ' . $match[1][0], 'escape' => TRUE) : array('field' => trim($field), 'direction' => $direction, 'escape' => TRUE) |
/system/database/drivers/cubrid/cubrid_forge.php:149 | 2 | return $this->db->escape_identifiers($field['name']) . (empty($field['new_name']) ? '' : ' ' . $this->db->escape_identifiers($field['new_name'])) . ' ' . $field['type'] . $field['length'] . $field['unsigned'] . $field['null'] . $field['default'] . $field['auto_increment'] . $field['unique'] . $extra_clause |
/system/database/drivers/cubrid/cubrid_driver.php:131 | 1 | return ($this->username !== '') ? $func($this->hostname, $this->port, $this->database, $this->username, $this->password) : $func($this->hostname, $this->port, $this->database) |
/system/database/drivers/cubrid/cubrid_driver.php:125 | 1 | return ($matches[2] === '' && $matches[3] === '' && $this->username !== '' && $this->password !== '') ? $func($this->dsn, $this->username, $this->password) : $func($this->dsn) |
/system/database/drivers/pdo/subdrivers/pdo_firebird_forge.php:159 | 2 | $sqls[] = 'UPDATE "RDB$RELATION_FIELDS" SET "RDB$NULL_FLAG" = ' . ($field[$i]['null'] === TRUE ? 'NULL' : '1') . ' WHERE "RDB$FIELD_NAME" = ' . $this->db->escape($field[$i]['name']) . ' AND "RDB$RELATION_NAME" = ' . $this->db->escape($table) |
/system/database/drivers/odbc/odbc_driver.php:178 | 2 | $c = preg_match_all('/' . preg_quote($this->bind_marker, '/') . '/i', str_replace($matches[0], str_replace($this->bind_marker, str_repeat(' ', $ml), $matches[0]), $sql, $c), $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) |
/system/database/drivers/oci8/oci8_forge.php:179 | 2 | return $this->db->escape_identifiers($field['name']) . ' ' . $field['type'] . $field['length'] . $field['unsigned'] . $field['default'] . $field['auto_increment'] . $field['null'] . $field['unique'] |
/system/database/drivers/oci8/oci8_driver.php:189 | 1 | $this->dsn = $this->hostname . ((!empty($this->port) && ctype_digit($this->port)) ? ':' . $this->port : '') . ($this->database !== '' ? '/' . ltrim($this->database, '/') : '') |
/system/database/drivers/cubrid/cubrid_forge.php:222 | 5 | $sql .= ",\n\tKEY " . $this->db->escape_identifiers(implode('_', $this->keys[$i])) . ' (' . implode(', ', $this->db->escape_identifiers($this->keys[$i])) . ')' |
/system/database/drivers/mysqli/mysqli_forge.php:191 | 3 | return $this->db->escape_identifiers($field['name']) . (empty($field['new_name']) ? '' : ' ' . $this->db->escape_identifiers($field['new_name'])) . ' ' . $field['type'] . $field['length'] . $field['unsigned'] . $field['null'] . $field['default'] . $field['auto_increment'] . $field['unique'] . (empty($field['comment']) ? '' : ' COMMENT ' . $field['comment']) . $extra_clause |
/system/database/drivers/mysql/mysql_forge.php:234 | 5 | $sql .= ",\n\tKEY " . $this->db->escape_identifiers(implode('_', $this->keys[$i])) . ' (' . implode(', ', $this->db->escape_identifiers($this->keys[$i])) . ')' |
/system/database/drivers/mysql/mysql_forge.php:189 | 3 | return $this->db->escape_identifiers($field['name']) . (empty($field['new_name']) ? '' : ' ' . $this->db->escape_identifiers($field['new_name'])) . ' ' . $field['type'] . $field['length'] . $field['unsigned'] . $field['null'] . $field['default'] . $field['auto_increment'] . $field['unique'] . (empty($field['comment']) ? '' : ' COMMENT ' . $field['comment']) . $extra_clause |
/system/database/drivers/sqlite3/sqlite3_driver.php:218 | 1 | return 'SELECT "NAME" FROM "SQLITE_MASTER" WHERE "TYPE" = \'table\'' . (($prefix_limit !== FALSE && $this->dbprefix != '') ? ' AND "NAME" LIKE \'' . $this->escape_like_str($this->dbprefix) . '%\' ' . sprintf($this->_like_escape_str, $this->_like_escape_chr) : '') |
/system/database/drivers/mssql/mssql_driver.php:463 | 4 | return 'SELECT ' . $select . " FROM (\n\n" . preg_replace('/^(SELECT( DISTINCT)?)/i', '\\1 ROW_NUMBER() OVER(' . trim($orderby) . ') AS ' . $this->escape_identifiers('CI_rownum') . ', ', $sql) . "\n\n) " . $this->escape_identifiers('CI_subquery') . "\nWHERE " . $this->escape_identifiers('CI_rownum') . ' BETWEEN ' . ($this->qb_offset + 1) . ' AND ' . $limit |
/system/database/drivers/ibase/ibase_driver.php:89 | 1 | return ($persistent === TRUE) ? ibase_pconnect($this->hostname . ':' . $this->database, $this->username, $this->password, $this->char_set) : ibase_connect($this->hostname . ':' . $this->database, $this->username, $this->password, $this->char_set) |
/system/database/drivers/ibase/ibase_forge.php:173 | 2 | $sqls[] = 'UPDATE "RDB$RELATION_FIELDS" SET "RDB$NULL_FLAG" = ' . ($field[$i]['null'] === TRUE ? 'NULL' : '1') . ' WHERE "RDB$FIELD_NAME" = ' . $this->db->escape($field[$i]['name']) . ' AND "RDB$RELATION_NAME" = ' . $this->db->escape($table) |
/system/database/drivers/mysqli/mysqli_forge.php:236 | 5 | $sql .= ",\n\tKEY " . $this->db->escape_identifiers(implode('_', $this->keys[$i])) . ' (' . implode(', ', $this->db->escape_identifiers($this->keys[$i])) . ')' |
/system/libraries/Email.php:1289 | 1 | $body .= $this->_get_mime_message( ) . $this->newline . $this->newline . '--' . $boundary . $this->newline . 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=' . $this->charset . $this->newline . 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: ' . $this->_get_encoding( ) . $this->newline . $this->newline . $this->_get_alt_message( ) . $this->newline . $this->newline . '--' . $boundary . $this->newline . 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $this->charset . $this->newline . 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable' . $this->newline . $this->newline |
/system/libraries/Email.php:1329 | 1 | $body .= $this->_get_mime_message( ) . $this->newline . $this->newline . '--' . $boundary . $this->newline . 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=' . $this->charset . $this->newline . 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: ' . $this->_get_encoding( ) . $this->newline . $this->newline . $this->_body . $this->newline . $this->newline |
/system/core/Security.php:232 | 1 | $valid = isset($_POST[$this->_csrf_token_name], $_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name]) && is_string($_POST[$this->_csrf_token_name]) && is_string($_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name]) && hash_equals($_POST[$this->_csrf_token_name], $_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name]) |
/system/core/compat/password.php:77 | 1 | return (strlen($hash) < 60 OR sscanf($hash, '$2y$%d', $hash) !== 1) ? array('algo' => 0, 'algoName' => 'unknown', 'options' => array( )) : array('algo' => 1, 'algoName' => 'bcrypt', 'options' => array('cost' => $hash)) |
/system/libraries/Email.php:1451 | 1 | $body .= '--' . $boundary . $this->newline . 'Content-Type: ' . $this->_attachments[$i]['type'] . '; name="' . $name . '"' . $this->newline . 'Content-Disposition: ' . $this->_attachments[$i]['disposition'] . ';' . $this->newline . 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . $this->newline . (empty($this->_attachments[$i]['cid']) ? '' : 'Content-ID: <' . $this->_attachments[$i]['cid'] . '>' . $this->newline) . $this->newline . $this->_attachments[$i]['content'] . $this->newline |
/system/libraries/Email.php:1628 | 1 | $chr = ($this->charset === 'UTF-8' && ICONV_ENABLED === TRUE) ? '=' . implode('=', str_split(strtoupper(bin2hex(iconv_substr($str, $i, 1, $this->charset))), 2)) : '=' . strtoupper(bin2hex($str[$i])) |
/system/libraries/Email.php:1375 | 1 | $body .= $this->_get_mime_message( ) . $this->newline . $this->newline . '--' . $last_boundary . $this->newline . 'Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="' . $alt_boundary . '"' . $this->newline . $this->newline . '--' . $alt_boundary . $this->newline . 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=' . $this->charset . $this->newline . 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: ' . $this->_get_encoding( ) . $this->newline . $this->newline . $this->_get_alt_message( ) . $this->newline . $this->newline . '--' . $alt_boundary . $this->newline . 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $this->charset . $this->newline . 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable' . $this->newline . $this->newline . $this->_prep_quoted_printable($this->_body) . $this->newline . $this->newline . '--' . $alt_boundary . '--' . $this->newline . $this->newline |
/system/libraries/Email.php:1447 | 1 | $name = isset($this->_attachments[$i]['name'][1]) ? $this->_attachments[$i]['name'][1] : basename($this->_attachments[$i]['name'][0]) |
/system/libraries/Encryption.php:725 | 1 | $params['handle'] = ($params['cipher'] !== $this->_cipher OR $params['mode'] !== $this->_mode) ? $this->{'_' . $this->_driver . '_get_handle'}($params['cipher'], $params['mode']) : $this->_handle |
/system/libraries/Zip.php:168 | 1 | return array('file_mtime' => ($date['hours'] << 11) + ($date['minutes'] << 5) + $date['seconds'] / 2, 'file_mdate' => (($date['year'] - 1980) << 9) + ($date['mon'] << 5) + $date['mday']) |
/system/libraries/Encryption.php:662 | 1 | return isset($this->_cipher, $this->_mode, $this->_key, $this->_handle) ? array('handle' => $this->_handle, 'cipher' => $this->_cipher, 'mode' => $this->_mode, 'key' => NULL, 'base64' => TRUE, 'hmac_digest' => 'sha512', 'hmac_key' => NULL) : FALSE |
/system/libraries/Encryption.php:714 | 1 | $params = array('handle' => NULL, 'cipher' => $params['cipher'], 'mode' => $params['mode'], 'key' => $params['key'], 'base64' => isset($params['raw_data']) ? !$params['raw_data'] : FALSE, 'hmac_digest' => $params['hmac_digest'], 'hmac_key' => $params['hmac_key']) |
/system/libraries/Zip.php:273 | 1 | $this->zipdata .= "\x50\x4b\x03\x04\x14\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00" . pack('v', $file_mtime) . pack('v', $file_mdate) . pack('V', $crc32) . pack('V', $compressed_size) . pack('V', $uncompressed_size) . pack('v', self::strlen($filepath)) . pack('v', 0) . $filepath . $gzdata |
/system/database/DB_forge.php:907 | 1 | if(isset($attributes['TYPE']) && (stripos($attributes['TYPE'], 'time') !== FALSE OR stripos($attributes['TYPE'], 'date') !== FALSE) && (stripos($attributes['DEFAULT'], 'time') !== FALSE OR stripos($attributes['DEFAULT'], 'date') !== FALSE)) { /**/ } |
/system/database/drivers/pdo/subdrivers/pdo_oci_forge.php:154 | 2 | if(!empty($attributes['AUTO_INCREMENT']) && $attributes['AUTO_INCREMENT'] === TRUE && stripos($field['type'], 'number') !== FALSE && version_compare($this->db->version( ), '12.1', '>=')) { /**/ } |
/system/database/drivers/pdo/subdrivers/pdo_mysql_driver.php:182 | 1 | if(($pdo = parent::db_connect($persistent)) !== FALSE && !empty($ssl) && version_compare($pdo->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION), '5.7.3', '<=') && empty($pdo->query("SHOW STATUS LIKE 'ssl_cipher'")->fetchObject( )->Value)) { /**/ } |
/system/database/drivers/oci8/oci8_driver.php:179 | 1 | elseif($this->hostname !== '' && strpos($this->hostname, '/') === FALSE && strpos($this->hostname, ':') === FALSE && ((!empty($this->port) && ctype_digit($this->port)) OR $this->database !== '')) { /**/ } |
/system/database/drivers/oci8/oci8_forge.php:163 | 2 | if(!empty($attributes['AUTO_INCREMENT']) && $attributes['AUTO_INCREMENT'] === TRUE && stripos($field['type'], 'number') !== FALSE && version_compare($this->db->version( ), '12.1', '>=')) { /**/ } |
/system/libraries/Form_validation.php:707 | 1 | if(($postdata === NULL OR ($allow_arrays === FALSE && $postdata === '')) && $callback === FALSE && $callable === FALSE && !in_array($rule, array('required', 'isset', 'matches'), TRUE)) { /**/ } |
/system/libraries/Image_lib.php:1625 | 1 | if(($this->width === 0 && $this->height === 0) OR $this->orig_width === 0 OR $this->orig_height === 0 OR (!ctype_digit((string) $this->width) && !ctype_digit((string) $this->height)) OR !ctype_digit((string) $this->orig_width) OR !ctype_digit((string) $this->orig_height)) { /**/ } |
/system/libraries/Email.php:1672 | 1 | if(empty($this->_recipients) && !isset($this->_headers['To']) && empty($this->_bcc_array) && !isset($this->_headers['Bcc']) && !isset($this->_headers['Cc'])) { /**/ } |
/system/core/Log.php:182 | 1 | if((!isset($this->_levels[$level]) OR ($this->_levels[$level] > $this->_threshold)) && !isset($this->_threshold_array[$this->_levels[$level]])) { /**/ } |
/system/libraries/Session/drivers/Session_memcached_driver.php:221 | 1 | elseif($this->_memcached->touch($key, $this->_config['expiration']) OR ($this->_memcached->getResultCode( ) === Memcached::RES_NOTFOUND && $this->_memcached->set($key, $session_data, $this->_config['expiration']))) { /**/ } |
/system/libraries/Session/Session.php:127 | 1 | if(isset($_COOKIE[$this->_config['cookie_name']]) && (!is_string($_COOKIE[$this->_config['cookie_name']]) OR !preg_match('#\A' . $this->_sid_regexp . '\z#', $_COOKIE[$this->_config['cookie_name']]))) { /**/ } |
/system/libraries/Profiler.php:163 | 1 | if(preg_match('/(.+?)_end$/i', $key, $match) && isset($this->CI->benchmark->marker[$match[1] . '_end'], $this->CI->benchmark->marker[$match[1] . '_start'])) { /**/ } |
/system/libraries/Xmlrpcs.php:352 | 1 | elseif(($objectCall && (!method_exists($method_parts[0], $method_parts[1]) OR !(new ReflectionMethod($method_parts[0], $method_parts[1]))->isPublic( ))) OR (!$objectCall && !is_callable($this->methods[$methName]['function']))) { /**/ } |
/system/helpers/date_helper.php:592 | 1 | if((!ctype_digit((string) $unix_start) && ($unix_start = @strtotime($unix_start)) === FALSE) OR (!ctype_digit((string) $mixed) && ($is_unix === FALSE OR ($mixed = @strtotime($mixed)) === FALSE)) OR ($is_unix === TRUE && $mixed < $unix_start)) { /**/ } |
/system/libraries/Session/drivers/Session_files_driver.php:385 | 1 | if(!preg_match($pattern, $file) OR !is_file($this->_config['save_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file) OR ($mtime = filemtime($this->_config['save_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)) === FALSE OR $mtime > $ts) { /**/ } |
/system/helpers/file_helper.php:410 | 1 | $symbolic .= (($perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-') . (($perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-') . (($perms & 0x0001) ? (($perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x') : (($perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-')) |
/system/helpers/file_helper.php:405 | 1 | $symbolic .= (($perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-') . (($perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-') . (($perms & 0x0008) ? (($perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x') : (($perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-')) |
/system/helpers/file_helper.php:400 | 1 | $symbolic .= (($perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-') . (($perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-') . (($perms & 0x0040) ? (($perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x') : (($perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-')) |
/system/helpers/text_helper.php:227 | 1 | $out .= chr(224 + (($digits - ($digits % 4096)) / 4096)) . chr(128 + ((($digits % 4096) - ($digits % 64)) / 64)) . chr(128 + ($digits % 64)) |
/system/helpers/text_helper.php:174 | 3 | $number = ($count === 3) ? (($temp[0] % 16) * 4096) + (($temp[1] % 64) * 64) + ($temp[2] % 64) : (($temp[0] % 32) * 64) + ($temp[1] % 64) |
/system/helpers/date_helper.php:352 | 1 | return mktime(substr($time, 8, 2), substr($time, 10, 2), substr($time, 12, 2), substr($time, 4, 2), substr($time, 6, 2), substr($time, 0, 4)) |
/system/helpers/form_helper.php:697 | 1 | $value = (isset($CI->form_validation) && is_object($CI->form_validation) && $CI->form_validation->has_rule($field)) ? $CI->form_validation->set_value($field, $default) : $CI->input->post($field, FALSE) |
/system/helpers/url_helper.php:343 | 3 | $number = ($count === 3) ? (($temp[0] % 16) * 4096) + (($temp[1] % 64) * 64) + ($temp[2] % 64) : (($temp[0] % 32) * 64) + ($temp[1] % 64) |
/system/libraries/Session/drivers/Session_redis_driver.php:193 | 1 | $connected = isset($this->_config['save_path']['path']) ? $redis->connect($this->_config['save_path']['path']) : $redis->connect($this->_config['save_path']['host'], $this->_config['save_path']['port'], $this->_config['save_path']['timeout']) |
/system/libraries/Session/Session_driver.php:154 | 1 | return setcookie($this->_config['cookie_name'], '', array('expires' => 1, 'path' => $this->_config['cookie_path'], 'domain' => $this->_config['cookie_domain'], 'secure' => $this->_config['cookie_secure'], 'httponly' => TRUE, 'samesite' => $this->_config['cookie_samesite'])) |
/system/libraries/Profiler.php:520 | 1 | $output = '<fieldset id="ci_profiler_csession" style="border:1px solid #000;padding:6px 10px 10px 10px;margin:20px 0 20px 0;background-color:#eee;">' . '<legend style="color:#000;"> ' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_session_data') . ' (<span style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="var s=document.getElementById(\'ci_profiler_session_data\').style;s.display=s.display==\'none\'?\'\':\'none\';this.innerHTML=this.innerHTML==\'' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_show') . '\'?\'' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_hide') . '\':\'' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_show') . '\';">' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_show') . '</span>)</legend>' . '<table style="width:100%;display:none;" id="ci_profiler_session_data">' |
/system/libraries/Profiler.php:480 | 1 | $output = "\n\n" . '<fieldset id="ci_profiler_config" style="border:1px solid #000;padding:6px 10px 10px 10px;margin:20px 0 20px 0;background-color:#eee;">' . "\n" . '<legend style="color:#000;"> ' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_config') . ' (<span style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="var s=document.getElementById(\'ci_profiler_config_table\').style;s.display=s.display==\'none\'?\'\':\'none\';this.innerHTML=this.innerHTML==\'' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_show') . '\'?\'' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_hide') . '\':\'' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_show') . '\';">' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_show') . "</span>)</legend>\n\n\n" . '<table style="width:100%;display:none;" id="ci_profiler_config_table">' . "\n" |
/system/libraries/Profiler.php:452 | 1 | $output = "\n\n" . '<fieldset id="ci_profiler_http_headers" style="border:1px solid #000;padding:6px 10px 10px 10px;margin:20px 0 20px 0;background-color:#eee;">' . "\n" . '<legend style="color:#000;"> ' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_headers') . ' (<span style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="var s=document.getElementById(\'ci_profiler_httpheaders_table\').style;s.display=s.display==\'none\'?\'\':\'none\';this.innerHTML=this.innerHTML==\'' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_show') . '\'?\'' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_hide') . '\':\'' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_show') . '\';">' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_show') . "</span>)</legend>\n\n\n" . '<table style="width:100%;display:none;" id="ci_profiler_httpheaders_table">' . "\n" |
/system/libraries/Profiler.php:432 | 1 | return "\n\n" . '<fieldset id="ci_profiler_memory_usage" style="border:1px solid #5a0099;padding:6px 10px 10px 10px;margin:20px 0 20px 0;background-color:#eee;">' . "\n" . '<legend style="color:#5a0099;"> ' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_memory_usage') . " </legend>\n" . '<div style="color:#5a0099;font-weight:normal;padding:4px 0 4px 0;">' . (($usage = memory_get_usage( )) != '' ? number_format($usage) . ' bytes' : $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_no_memory')) . '</div></fieldset>' |
/system/libraries/Profiler.php:413 | 1 | return "\n\n" . '<fieldset id="ci_profiler_controller_info" style="border:1px solid #995300;padding:6px 10px 10px 10px;margin:20px 0 20px 0;background-color:#eee;">' . "\n" . '<legend style="color:#995300;"> ' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_controller_info') . " </legend>\n" . '<div style="color:#995300;font-weight:normal;padding:4px 0 4px 0;">' . $this->CI->router->class . '/' . $this->CI->router->method . '</div></fieldset>' |
/system/libraries/Profiler.php:395 | 1 | return "\n\n" . '<fieldset id="ci_profiler_uri_string" style="border:1px solid #000;padding:6px 10px 10px 10px;margin:20px 0 20px 0;background-color:#eee;">' . "\n" . '<legend style="color:#000;"> ' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_uri_string') . " </legend>\n" . '<div style="color:#000;font-weight:normal;padding:4px 0 4px 0;">' . ($this->CI->uri->uri_string === '' ? $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_no_uri') : $this->CI->uri->uri_string) . '</div></fieldset>' |
/system/libraries/Profiler.php:254 | 1 | $show_hide_js = '(<span style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="var s=document.getElementById(\'ci_profiler_queries_db_' . $count . '\').style;s.display=s.display==\'none\'?\'\':\'none\';this.innerHTML=this.innerHTML==\'' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_show') . '\'?\'' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_hide') . '\':\'' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_show') . '\';">' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_show') . '</span>)' |
/system/libraries/Profiler.php:257 | 1 | $output .= '<fieldset style="border:1px solid #0000FF;padding:6px 10px 10px 10px;margin:20px 0 20px 0;background-color:#eee;">' . "\n" . '<legend style="color:#0000FF;"> ' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_database') . ': ' . $db->database . ' (' . $name . ') ' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_queries') . ': ' . count($db->queries) . ' (' . $total_time . ') ' . $show_hide_js . "</legend>\n\n\n" . '<table style="width:100%;' . $hide_queries . '" id="ci_profiler_queries_db_' . $count . "\">\n" |
/system/libraries/Unit_test.php:338 | 1 | return array('file' => (isset($back[1]['file']) ? $back[1]['file'] : ''), 'line' => (isset($back[1]['line']) ? $back[1]['line'] : '')) |
/system/libraries/Profiler.php:250 | 1 | $show_hide_js = '(<span style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="var s=document.getElementById(\'ci_profiler_queries_db_' . $count . '\').style;s.display=s.display==\'none\'?\'\':\'none\';this.innerHTML=this.innerHTML==\'' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_hide') . '\'?\'' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_show') . '\':\'' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_hide') . '\';">' . $this->CI->lang->line('profiler_section_hide') . '</span>)' |
/system/libraries/Trackback.php:515 | 3 | $number = ($count === 3) ? (($temp[0] % 16) * 4096) + (($temp[1] % 64) * 64) + ($temp[2] % 64) : (($temp[0] % 32) * 64) + ($temp[1] % 64) |
/system/libraries/Unit_test.php:169 | 1 | $report = array('test_name' => $test_name, 'test_datatype' => gettype($test), 'res_datatype' => $extype, 'result' => ($result === TRUE) ? 'passed' : 'failed', 'file' => $back['file'], 'line' => $back['line'], 'notes' => $notes) |
/system/libraries/Form_validation.php:1123 | 1 | return isset($this->CI->db) ? ($this->CI->db->limit(1)->get_where($table, array($field => $str))->num_rows( ) === 0) : FALSE |
/system/libraries/Xmlrpcs.php:151 | 1 | $this->methods = array('system.listMethods' => array('function' => 'this.listMethods', 'signature' => array(array($this->xmlrpcArray, $this->xmlrpcString), array($this->xmlrpcArray)), 'docstring' => 'Returns an array of available methods on this server'), 'system.methodHelp' => array('function' => 'this.methodHelp', 'signature' => array(array($this->xmlrpcString, $this->xmlrpcString)), 'docstring' => 'Returns a documentation string for the specified method'), 'system.methodSignature' => array('function' => 'this.methodSignature', 'signature' => array(array($this->xmlrpcArray, $this->xmlrpcString)), 'docstring' => 'Returns an array describing the return type and required parameters of a method'), 'system.multicall' => array('function' => 'this.multicall', 'signature' => array(array($this->xmlrpcArray, $this->xmlrpcArray)), 'docstring' => 'Combine multiple RPC calls in one request. See$1208 for details')) |
/system/libraries/Calendar.php:365 | 1 | return ($this->CI->lang->line($month_names[$month]) === FALSE) ? ucfirst(substr($month_names[$month], 4)) : $this->CI->lang->line($month_names[$month]) |
/system/libraries/Calendar.php:404 | 1 | $days[] = ($this->CI->lang->line('cal_' . $day_names[$i]) === FALSE) ? ucfirst($day_names[$i]) : $this->CI->lang->line('cal_' . $day_names[$i]) |
/system/libraries/Xmlrpc.php:731 | 1 | $op = 'POST ' . $this->path . ' HTTP/1.0' . $r . 'Host: ' . $this->server . $r . 'Content-Type: text/xml' . $r . (isset($this->username, $this->password) ? 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($this->username . ':' . $this->password) . $r : '') . 'User-Agent: ' . $this->xmlrpcName . $r . 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($msg->payload) . $r . $r . $msg->payload |
/system/libraries/Upload.php:600 | 1 | $data = array('file_name' => $this->file_name, 'file_type' => $this->file_type, 'file_path' => $this->upload_path, 'full_path' => $this->upload_path . $this->file_name, 'raw_name' => substr($this->file_name, 0, -strlen($this->file_ext)), 'orig_name' => $this->orig_name, 'client_name' => $this->client_name, 'file_ext' => $this->file_ext, 'file_size' => $this->file_size, 'is_image' => $this->is_image( ), 'image_width' => $this->image_width, 'image_height' => $this->image_height, 'image_type' => $this->image_type, 'image_size_str' => $this->image_size_str, ) |
/system/libraries/Image_lib.php:483 | 1 | $val = (strlen($matches[1]) === 6) ? '#' . $matches[1] : '#' . $matches[1][0] . $matches[1][0] . $matches[1][1] . $matches[1][1] . $matches[1][2] . $matches[1][2] |
/system/libraries/Xmlrpc.php:270 | 1 | $this->xmlrpcTypes = array($this->xmlrpcI4 => '1', $this->xmlrpcInt => '1', $this->xmlrpcBoolean => '1', $this->xmlrpcString => '1', $this->xmlrpcDouble => '1', $this->xmlrpcDateTime => '1', $this->xmlrpcBase64 => '1', $this->xmlrpcArray => '2', $this->xmlrpcStruct => '3') |
/system/libraries/Zip.php:411 | 1 | $footer = $this->directory . "\x50\x4b\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00" . pack('v', $this->entries) . pack('v', $this->entries) . pack('V', self::strlen($this->directory)) . pack('V', self::strlen($this->zipdata)) . "\x00\x00" |
/system/libraries/Typography.php:232 | 1 | $table = array('/(<p[^>*?]>)<p>/' => '$1', '#(</p>)+#' => '</p>', '/(<p>\W*<p>)+/' => '<p>', '#<p></p><(' . $this->block_elements . ')#' => '<$1', '#( \s*)+<(' . $this->block_elements . ')#' => ' <$2', '/\{@TAG\}/' => '<', '/\{@DQ\}/' => '"', '/\{@SQ\}/' => "'", '/\{@DD\}/' => '--', '/\{@NBS\}/' => ' ', "/><p>\n/" => ">\n<p>", '#</p></#' => "</p>\n</") |
/system/libraries/Zip.php:203 | 1 | $this->directory .= "\x50\x4b\x01\x02\x00\x00\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" . pack('v', $file_mtime) . pack('v', $file_mdate) . pack('V', 0) . pack('V', 0) . pack('V', 0) . pack('v', self::strlen($dir)) . pack('v', 0) . pack('v', 0) . pack('v', 0) . pack('v', 0) . pack('V', 16) . pack('V', $this->offset) . $dir |
/system/libraries/Zip.php:188 | 1 | $this->zipdata .= "\x50\x4b\x03\x04\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" . pack('v', $file_mtime) . pack('v', $file_mdate) . pack('V', 0) . pack('V', 0) . pack('V', 0) . pack('v', self::strlen($dir)) . pack('v', 0) . $dir . pack('V', 0) . pack('V', 0) . pack('V', 0) |
/system/libraries/Zip.php:285 | 1 | $this->directory .= "\x50\x4b\x01\x02\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00" . pack('v', $file_mtime) . pack('v', $file_mdate) . pack('V', $crc32) . pack('V', $compressed_size) . pack('V', $uncompressed_size) . pack('v', self::strlen($filepath)) . pack('v', 0) . pack('v', 0) . pack('v', 0) . pack('v', 0) . pack('V', 32) . pack('V', $this->offset) . $filepath |