SQL Inventory

List of all SQL mentioned in the code..

"SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs WHERE site_id = %d"1
  • /wp-seo-main.php
' SELECT %i, %i FROM ' . $wpdb->options . ' WHERE %i IN ( ' . implode(',', array_fill(0, count($option_names), '%s')) . ' ) '1
  • /inc/class-upgrade-history.php
" SELECT `a`.* FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} AS a WHERE `a`.`meta_key` = %s AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT DISTINCT `post_id` , count( `meta_id` ) AS count FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} AS b WHERE `a`.`post_id` = `b`.`post_id` AND `meta_key` LIKE %s AND `meta_key` <> %s GROUP BY `post_id` ) ;"1
  • /inc/class-wpseo-meta.php
" SELECT `a`.* FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} AS a WHERE `a`.`meta_key` = %s AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT DISTINCT `post_id` , count( `meta_id` ) AS count FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} AS b WHERE `a`.`post_id` = `b`.`post_id` AND ( `meta_key` = %s OR `meta_key` = %s ) GROUP BY `post_id` ) ;"1
  • /inc/class-wpseo-meta.php
"SELECT meta_id FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE " . implode(' OR ', $query) . ';'1
  • /inc/class-wpseo-meta.php
"DELETE FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_id IN( " . implode(',', $meta_ids) . ' )'1
  • /inc/class-wpseo-meta.php
"SELECT meta_id, meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = %s"1
  • /inc/class-wpseo-meta.php
'DELETE FROM %i WHERE %i LIKE %s AND autoload IN ("on", "yes")'1
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
'UPDATE ' . $wpdb->postmeta . ' SET meta_key = %s WHERE meta_key = "yst_is_cornerstone"'1
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
' SELECT %i, %i FROM %i WHERE %i = %s AND %i LIKE %s '1
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
"DELETE FROM %i WHERE %i = '_yst_content_links_processed'"1
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
"UPDATE $wpdb->usermeta SET meta_key = 'wpseo_noindex_author' WHERE meta_key = 'wpseo_excludeauthorsitemap'"1
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
"UPDATE $wpdb->postmeta SET meta_key = '_yoast_wpseo_is_cornerstone' WHERE meta_key = '_yst_is_cornerstone'"1
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
'DELETE FROM %i WHERE %i = %s'1
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
"DELETE FROM %i WHERE %i = 'term' AND %i IN (" . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($private_taxonomies), '%s')) . ')'1
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
"UPDATE %i SET %i = NULL WHERE %i = 'post' AND %i = 'attachment'"1
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
'SELECT %i FROM %i WHERE %i = %s'1
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
"DELETE FROM %i WHERE %i = 'post' AND %i IS NOT NULL"1
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
"DELETE FROM %i WHERE %i = 'post' AND %i IS NOT NULL AND %i NOT IN ( " . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($included_post_types), '%s')) . ' )'1
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
"DELETE FROM %i WHERE %i = 'term' AND %i IS NOT NULL"1
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
"DELETE FROM %i WHERE %i = 'term' AND %i IS NOT NULL AND %i NOT IN ( " . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($included_taxonomies), '%s')) . ' )'1
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
"DELETE FROM %i WHERE %i = 'unindexed' AND %i NOT IN ( 'home-page', 'date-archive', 'post-type-archive', 'system-page' ) AND %i IS NULL"1
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
"DELETE FROM %i WHERE %i = 'user'"1
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
'DELETE FROM %i WHERE %i IN ( ' . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($filtered_duplicates), '%d')) . ' ) AND id NOT IN ( ' . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($filtered_duplicates), '%d')) . ' ) AND object_type = %s'1
  • /inc/class-upgrade.php
"SELECT DISTINCT meta_key FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key NOT BETWEEN '_' AND '_z' AND SUBSTRING(meta_key, 1, 1) != '_' LIMIT %d"1
  • /inc/class-wpseo-custom-fields.php
'DELETE FROM %i WHERE ' . implode(' OR ', array_fill(0, count($where), '%s'))1
  • /inc/sitemaps/class-sitemaps-cache-validator.php
' SELECT %i, MAX(%i) AS %i FROM %i WHERE %i IN (' . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($post_statuses), '%s')) . ') AND %i IN (' . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($post_type_names), '%s')) . ') GROUP BY %i ORDER BY %i DESC '1
  • /inc/sitemaps/class-sitemaps.php
' SELECT MAX(p.%i) AS lastmod FROM %i AS p INNER JOIN %i AS term_rel ON term_rel.%i = p.%i INNER JOIN %i AS term_tax ON term_tax.%i = term_rel.%i AND term_tax.%i = %s AND term_tax.%i = %d WHERE p.%i IN (' . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($post_statuses), '%s')) . ") AND p.%i = '' "1
  • /inc/sitemaps/class-taxonomy-sitemap-provider.php
" SELECT COUNT({$wpdb->posts}.ID) FROM {$wpdb->posts} {$join_filter} {$where} {$where_filter} "1
  • /inc/sitemaps/class-post-type-sitemap-provider.php
" SELECT l.ID, post_title, post_content, post_name, post_parent, post_author, post_status, post_modified_gmt, post_date, post_date_gmt FROM ( SELECT {$wpdb->posts}.ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} {$join_filter} {$where} {$where_filter} ORDER BY {$wpdb->posts}.post_modified ASC LIMIT %d OFFSET %d ) o JOIN {$wpdb->posts} l ON l.ID = o.ID "1
  • /inc/sitemaps/class-post-type-sitemap-provider.php
' SELECT %i FROM ( SELECT @rownum:=0 ) init JOIN %i USE INDEX( %i ) WHERE %i IN (' . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($post_statuses), '%s')) . ') AND %i = %s AND ( @rownum:=@rownum+1 ) %% %d = 0 ORDER BY %i ASC '1
  • /inc/sitemaps/class-post-type-sitemap-provider.php
'Show %s in search results?'1
  • /admin/class-yoast-form.php
"SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM {$subquery} WHERE post_status IN (" . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($states), '%s')) . ')'1
  • /admin/class-bulk-editor-list-table.php
" SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM {$subquery} WHERE post_status = %s "1
  • /admin/class-bulk-editor-list-table.php
"SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM {$subquery} WHERE post_status IN ('trash') "1
  • /admin/class-bulk-editor-list-table.php
"SELECT DISTINCT post_type FROM {$subquery} WHERE post_status IN (" . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($states), '%s')) . ') ORDER BY post_type ASC'1
  • /admin/class-bulk-editor-list-table.php
'Show All Content Types'1
  • /admin/class-bulk-editor-list-table.php
"SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM {$subquery} WHERE post_status IN ({$all_states}) {$post_type_clause} "1
  • /admin/class-bulk-editor-list-table.php
" SELECT ID, post_title, post_type, post_status, post_modified, post_date FROM {$subquery} WHERE post_status IN ({$all_states}) $post_type_clause ORDER BY {$orderby} {$order} LIMIT %d,%d "1
  • /admin/class-bulk-editor-list-table.php
"SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE {$where}"1
  • /admin/class-bulk-editor-list-table.php
'INSERT INTO `%1$s` (%2$s) VALUES ( %3$s ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE %4$s'1
  • /admin/class-database-proxy.php
"SELECT COUNT( 1 ) FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE post_id IN( SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = %s ) AND meta_key = %s AND meta_value = '1' "1
  • /admin/filters/class-cornerstone-filter.php
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name LIKE 'wpseo_category_%'"1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-import-wpseo.php
"DELETE FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key LIKE '_wpseo_edit_%'"1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-import-wpseo.php
"SELECT post_id AS identifier FROM {$this->table_name} WHERE blog_id = %d"1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-import-squirrly.php
"SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$this->table_name}'"1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-import-squirrly.php
"SELECT seo FROM {$this->table_name} WHERE blog_id = %d AND " . $query_where1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-import-squirrly.php
"DELETE FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = %s"1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-import-woothemes-seo.php
"SELECT URL AS identifier FROM {$this->table_name} WHERE blog_id = %d"1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-import-premium-seo-pack.php
'SELECT meta_value FROM tmp_meta_table WHERE meta_value LIKE %s'1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-import-aioseo-v4.php
"DELETE FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key LIKE %s"1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-abstract-plugin-importer.php
"SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key IN ( " . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($meta_keys), '%s')) . ' )'1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-abstract-plugin-importer.php
"DELETE FROM tmp_meta_table WHERE post_id IN ( SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = %s )"1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-abstract-plugin-importer.php
'UPDATE tmp_meta_table SET meta_id = NULL'1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-abstract-plugin-importer.php
'UPDATE tmp_meta_table SET meta_key = %s'1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-abstract-plugin-importer.php
"INSERT INTO {$wpdb->postmeta} SELECT * FROM tmp_meta_table"1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-abstract-plugin-importer.php
'UPDATE tmp_meta_table SET meta_value = %s WHERE meta_value = %s'1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-abstract-plugin-importer.php
"DELETE FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key LIKE '_seop_%'"1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-import-seopressor.php
"UPDATE $wpdb->postmeta SET meta_value = REPLACE( meta_value, '%', '%%' ) WHERE meta_key IN ( 'rank_math_description', 'rank_math_title' )"1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-import-rankmath.php
"UPDATE $wpdb->postmeta SET meta_value = REPLACE( meta_value, '%%', '%' ) WHERE meta_key IN ( 'rank_math_description', 'rank_math_title' )"1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-import-rankmath.php
"SELECT post_id, meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'rank_math_robots'"1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-import-rankmath.php
"DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE 'rank-math-%'"1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-import-rankmath.php
"DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE '%rank_math%'"1
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-import-rankmath.php
'Show this item.'1
  • /admin/views/partial-notifications-template.php
  • /lib/orm.php
"UPDATE {$this->quote_identifier($this->table_name)} SET"1
  • /lib/orm.php
  • /lib/migrations/adapter.php
"SELECT * FROM $table LIMIT 1"1
  • /lib/migrations/adapter.php
  • /lib/migrations/adapter.php
  • /lib/migrations/adapter.php
'SELECT version FROM %s'1
  • /lib/migrations/adapter.php
"INSERT INTO %s (version) VALUES ('%s')"1
  • /lib/migrations/adapter.php
"DELETE FROM %s WHERE version = '%s'"1
  • /lib/migrations/adapter.php
' SELECT MAX(p.%i) AS last_modified, MIN(p.%i) AS published_at FROM %i AS p WHERE p.%i IN (' . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($post_statuses), '%s')) . ") AND p.%i = '' AND p.%i = %s "1
  • /src/builders/indexable-post-type-archive-builder.php
' SELECT MAX(p.%i) AS last_modified, MIN(p.%i) AS published_at FROM %i AS p WHERE p.%i IN (' . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($post_statuses), '%s')) . ") AND p.%i = '' AND p.%i = %d "1
  • /src/builders/indexable-author-builder.php
' SELECT MAX(p.%i) AS last_modified, MIN(p.%i) AS published_at FROM %i AS p INNER JOIN %i AS term_rel ON term_rel.%i = p.%i INNER JOIN %i AS term_tax ON term_tax.%i = term_rel.%i AND term_tax.%i = %s AND term_tax.%i = %d WHERE p.%i IN (' . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($post_statuses), '%s')) . ") AND p.%i = '' "1
  • /src/builders/indexable-term-builder.php
' SELECT MAX(p.%i) AS last_modified, MIN(p.%i) AS published_at FROM %i AS p WHERE p.%i IN (' . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($post_statuses), '%s')) . ") AND p.%i = '' AND p.%i = 'post' "1
  • /src/builders/indexable-home-page-builder.php
'DELETE FROM ' . $this->get_indexable_hierarchy_table_name( )1
  • /src/config/migrations/20200428123747_BreadcrumbTitleAndHierarchyReset.php
' UPDATE ' . Model::get_table_name('Indexable') . ' SET has_ancestors = 1 WHERE id IN ( SELECT indexable_id FROM ' . Model::get_table_name('Indexable_Hierarchy') . ' ) '1
  • /src/config/migrations/20200609154515_AddHasAncestorsColumn.php
'DELETE wyi FROM ' . $table_name . ' wyi INNER JOIN ' . $table_name . ' wyi2 WHERE wyi2.object_id = wyi.object_id AND wyi2.object_type = wyi.object_type AND wyi2.id < wyi.id;'1
  • /src/config/migrations/20200507054848_DeleteDuplicateIndexables.php
"DELETE FROM $indexable_table WHERE object_type = %s AND object_sub_type = %s ORDER BY id LIMIT %d"1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
"DELETE FROM $indexable_table WHERE object_type = 'post' AND post_status = %s ORDER BY id LIMIT %d"1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
"DELETE FROM $indexable_table WHERE object_type = 'post' AND object_sub_type IS NOT NULL LIMIT %d"1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
"DELETE FROM $indexable_table WHERE object_type = 'post' AND object_sub_type IS NOT NULL AND object_sub_type NOT IN ( " . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($included_post_types), '%s')) . ' ) LIMIT %d'1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
"DELETE FROM $indexable_table WHERE object_type = 'term' AND object_sub_type IS NOT NULL LIMIT %d"1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
"DELETE FROM $indexable_table WHERE object_type = 'term' AND object_sub_type IS NOT NULL AND object_sub_type NOT IN ( " . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($included_taxonomies), '%s')) . ' ) LIMIT %d'1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
"DELETE FROM $indexable_table WHERE object_type = 'post-type-archive' AND object_sub_type IS NOT NULL LIMIT %d"1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
"DELETE FROM $indexable_table WHERE object_type = 'post-type-archive' AND object_sub_type IS NOT NULL AND object_sub_type NOT IN ( " . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($post_archives), '%s')) . ' ) LIMIT %d'1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
"DELETE FROM $indexable_table WHERE object_type = 'user' LIMIT %d"1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
"DELETE FROM $indexable_table WHERE object_type = 'user' AND object_id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT post_author FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type IN ( " . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($author_archive_post_types), '%s')) . ' ) AND post_status IN ( ' . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($viewable_post_stati), '%s')) . ' ) ) LIMIT %d'1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
"SELECT count(*) FROM $indexable_table WHERE object_type = 'user' AND object_id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT post_author FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type IN ( " . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($author_archive_post_types), '%s')) . ' ) AND post_status IN ( ' . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($viewable_post_stati), '%s')) . ' ) )'1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
" SELECT indexable_table.object_id FROM {$indexable_table} indexable_table LEFT JOIN {$source_table} AS source_table ON indexable_table.object_id = source_table.{$source_identifier} WHERE source_table.{$source_identifier} IS NULL AND indexable_table.object_id IS NOT NULL AND indexable_table.object_type = '{$object_type}' LIMIT %d"1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
"DELETE FROM $indexable_table WHERE object_type = '{$object_type}' AND object_id IN( " . \implode(',', $orphans) . ' )'1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
" SELECT indexable_table.object_id FROM {$indexable_table} indexable_table LEFT JOIN {$source_table} AS source_table ON indexable_table.object_id = source_table.ID WHERE source_table.ID IS NULL AND indexable_table.object_id IS NOT NULL AND indexable_table.object_type = 'user' LIMIT %d"1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
"DELETE FROM $indexable_table WHERE object_type = 'user' AND object_id IN( " . \implode(',', $orphans) . ' )'1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
" SELECT count(*) FROM {$indexable_table} indexable_table LEFT JOIN {$source_table} AS source_table ON indexable_table.object_id = source_table.{$source_identifier} WHERE source_table.{$source_identifier} IS NULL AND indexable_table.object_id IS NOT NULL AND indexable_table.object_type = '{$object_type}'"1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
" SELECT count(*) FROM {$indexable_table} indexable_table LEFT JOIN {$source_table} AS source_table ON indexable_table.object_id = source_table.ID WHERE source_table.ID IS NULL AND indexable_table.object_id IS NOT NULL AND indexable_table.object_type = 'user'"1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
" SELECT table_to_clean.{$column} FROM {$table} table_to_clean LEFT JOIN {$indexable_table} AS indexable_table ON table_to_clean.{$column} = indexable_table.id WHERE indexable_table.id IS NULL AND table_to_clean.{$column} IS NOT NULL LIMIT %d"1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
"DELETE FROM $table WHERE {$column} IN( " . \implode(',', $orphans) . ' )'1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
" SELECT count(*) FROM {$table} table_to_clean LEFT JOIN {$indexable_table} AS indexable_table ON table_to_clean.{$column} = indexable_table.id WHERE indexable_table.id IS NULL AND table_to_clean.{$column} IS NOT NULL"1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
" SELECT {$indexable_table}.author_id, {$posts_table}.post_author FROM {$indexable_table} JOIN {$posts_table} on {$indexable_table}.object_id = {$posts_table}.id WHERE object_type='post' AND {$indexable_table}.author_id <> {$posts_table}.post_author ORDER BY {$indexable_table}.author_id LIMIT %d"1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
" UPDATE {$indexable_table} SET {$indexable_table}.author_id = {$new_author_id} WHERE {$indexable_table}.author_id = {$old_author_id} AND object_type='post' LIMIT %d"1
  • /src/repositories/indexable-cleanup-repository.php
'DELETE FROM %i WHERE meta_key IN ( ' . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($meta_keys), '%s')) . ' ) AND meta_value = "" ORDER BY user_id LIMIT %d'1
  • /src/user-meta/infrastructure/cleanup-repository.php
'Show debug information'1
  • /src/presenters/admin/migration-error-presenter.php
" SELECT {$select['fields']} FROM %i AS I WHERE ( I.post_status = 'publish' OR I.post_status IS NULL ) AND I.object_type = 'post' AND I.object_sub_type = %s AND ( I.is_robots_noindex IS NULL OR I.is_robots_noindex <> 1 )"1
  • /src/dashboard/infrastructure/score-results/seo-score-results/seo-score-results-collector.php
" SELECT {$select['fields']} FROM %i AS I WHERE ( I.post_status = 'publish' OR I.post_status IS NULL ) AND I.object_type IN ('post') AND I.object_sub_type = %s AND ( I.is_robots_noindex IS NULL OR I.is_robots_noindex <> 1 ) AND I.object_id IN ( SELECT object_id FROM %i WHERE term_taxonomy_id = %d )"1
  • /src/dashboard/infrastructure/score-results/seo-score-results/seo-score-results-collector.php
" SELECT {$select['fields']} FROM %i AS I WHERE ( I.post_status = 'publish' OR I.post_status IS NULL ) AND I.object_type = 'post' AND I.object_sub_type = %s"1
  • /src/dashboard/infrastructure/score-results/readability-score-results/readability-score-results-collector.php
" SELECT {$select['fields']} FROM %i AS I WHERE ( I.post_status = 'publish' OR I.post_status IS NULL ) AND I.object_type = 'post' AND I.object_sub_type = %s AND I.object_id IN ( SELECT object_id FROM %i WHERE term_taxonomy_id = %d )"1
  • /src/dashboard/infrastructure/score-results/readability-score-results/readability-score-results-collector.php
'Select SEO plugin'1
  • /src/integrations/admin/import-integration.php
'Update to the latest version of %s'1
  • /src/integrations/admin/workouts-integration.php
'Update %s'1
  • /src/integrations/admin/workouts-integration.php
'SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM %i WHERE term_id IN( ' . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, (\count($child_object_ids)), '%s')) . ' )'1
  • /src/integrations/watchers/indexable-ancestor-watcher.php
'SELECT DISTINCT object_id FROM %i WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN( ' . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($term_taxonomy_ids), '%s')) . ' )'1
  • /src/integrations/watchers/indexable-ancestor-watcher.php
" DELETE FROM %i WHERE indexable_id IN( SELECT id FROM %i WHERE object_type = 'post' AND object_sub_type IN( " . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($post_types), '%s')) . ' ) )'1
  • /src/integrations/watchers/option-titles-watcher.php
" SELECT COUNT(T.term_id) FROM {$this->wpdb->term_taxonomy} AS T LEFT JOIN $indexable_table AS I ON T.term_id = I.object_id AND I.object_type = 'term' AND I.link_count IS NOT NULL WHERE I.object_id IS NULL AND T.taxonomy IN ($placeholders)"1
  • /src/actions/indexing/term-link-indexing-action.php
" SELECT T.term_id, T.description FROM {$this->wpdb->term_taxonomy} AS T LEFT JOIN $indexable_table AS I ON T.term_id = I.object_id AND I.object_type = 'term' AND I.link_count IS NOT NULL WHERE I.object_id IS NULL AND T.taxonomy IN (" . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($public_taxonomies), '%s')) . ") $limit_query"1
  • /src/actions/indexing/term-link-indexing-action.php
" SELECT COUNT(term_id) FROM {$taxonomy_table} AS T LEFT JOIN $indexable_table AS I ON T.term_id = I.object_id AND I.object_type = 'term' AND I.version = %d WHERE I.object_id IS NULL AND taxonomy IN ($taxonomies_placeholders)"1
  • /src/actions/indexing/indexable-term-indexation-action.php
" SELECT term_id FROM {$taxonomy_table} AS T LEFT JOIN $indexable_table AS I ON T.term_id = I.object_id AND I.object_type = 'term' AND I.version = %d WHERE I.object_id IS NULL AND taxonomy IN ($placeholders) $limit_query"1
  • /src/actions/indexing/indexable-term-indexation-action.php
" SELECT COUNT(P.ID) FROM {$this->wpdb->posts} AS P WHERE P.post_type IN (" . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($post_types), '%s')) . ') AND P.post_status NOT IN (' . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($excluded_post_statuses), '%s')) . ") AND P.ID not in ( SELECT I.object_id from $indexable_table as I WHERE I.object_type = 'post' AND I.version = %d )"1
  • /src/actions/indexing/indexable-post-indexation-action.php
" SELECT P.ID FROM {$this->wpdb->posts} AS P WHERE P.post_type IN (" . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($post_types), '%s')) . ') AND P.post_status NOT IN (' . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($excluded_post_statuses), '%s')) . ") AND P.ID not in ( SELECT I.object_id from $indexable_table as I WHERE I.object_type = 'post' AND I.version = %d ) $limit_query"1
  • /src/actions/indexing/indexable-post-indexation-action.php
"SELECT COUNT(P.ID) FROM {$this->wpdb->posts} AS P LEFT JOIN $indexable_table AS I ON P.ID = I.object_id AND I.link_count IS NOT NULL AND I.object_type = 'post' LEFT JOIN $links_table AS L ON L.post_id = P.ID AND L.target_indexable_id IS NULL AND L.type = 'internal' AND L.target_post_id IS NOT NULL AND L.target_post_id != 0 WHERE ( I.object_id IS NULL OR L.post_id IS NOT NULL ) AND P.post_status = 'publish' AND P.post_type IN (" . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($public_post_types), '%s')) . ')'1
  • /src/actions/indexing/post-link-indexing-action.php
" SELECT P.ID, P.post_content FROM {$this->wpdb->posts} AS P LEFT JOIN $indexable_table AS I ON P.ID = I.object_id AND I.link_count IS NOT NULL AND I.object_type = 'post' LEFT JOIN $links_table AS L ON L.post_id = P.ID AND L.target_indexable_id IS NULL AND L.type = 'internal' AND L.target_post_id IS NOT NULL AND L.target_post_id != 0 WHERE ( I.object_id IS NULL OR L.post_id IS NOT NULL ) AND P.post_status = 'publish' AND P.post_type IN (" . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($public_post_types), '%s')) . ") $limit_query"1
  • /src/actions/indexing/post-link-indexing-action.php
"DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE meta_key IN (" . \implode(', ', \array_fill(0, \count($meta_keys_to_delete), '%s')) . ')'1
  • /src/actions/importing/aioseo/aioseo-cleanup-action.php
  • /src/actions/importing/aioseo/aioseo-cleanup-action.php
  • /src/actions/importing/aioseo/aioseo-validate-data-action.php
"SELECT {$select_statement} FROM {$table} WHERE id > %d ORDER BY id{$limit_statement}"1
  • /src/actions/importing/aioseo/aioseo-posts-importing-action.php
"SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$table}'"1
  • /src/helpers/wpdb-helper.php
"DELETE FROM $indexable_table WHERE object_type = 'post' AND object_sub_type = 'attachment'"1
  • /src/helpers/attachment-cleanup-helper.php
"UPDATE $links_table SET target_indexable_id = NULL WHERE type = 'image-in'"1
  • /src/helpers/attachment-cleanup-helper.php
'UPDATE tmp_meta_table SET meta_value = REPLACE( meta_value, %s, %s )'2
  • /admin/import/plugins/class-import-aioseo-v4.php (2)
  • /lib/orm.php (2)
  • /lib/orm.php (2)