Compatibility By Version

We have determined 4 PHP versions. The compatible estimations are PHP 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5. .

8.2+ Checks Property Existence
8.0+ Php 8.0 Only TypeHints
8.0- Mismatch Parameter Name
7.4+ Typed Property Usage
7.1+ Const Visibility Usage
7.1+ List Short Syntax
7.1+ Use Nullable Type
7.0+ Declare strict_types Usage
7.0+ Return Type Usage
7.0+ Scalar Type Usage
7.0+ Unserialize Second Arg
5.6+ Ellipsis Usage
5.6+ Constant Scalar Expressions
5.5+ Empty With Expression
5.5+ Try With Finally
8.4+ Has Property Hook
8.4+ New Without Parenthesis
8.4- Implicit Nullable Type
8.3+ get_class() Without Argument
8.3+ Inherited Class Constant Visibility
8.3+ Final Traits Are Final
8.3+ Typed Class Constants Usage
8.3- Redeclared Static Variable
8.3+ Static Variable Can Default To Arbitrary Expression
8.3+ New Dynamic Class Constant Syntax
8.3+ Readonly Property Changed By Cloning
8.2+ Cannot Call Static Trait Method Directly
8.2+ class_alias() Supports Internal Classes
8.2+ Constants In Traits
8.2+ Use Enum Case In Constant Expression
8.2- PHP 8.2 New Types
8.1+ PHP 8.1 Types
8.1+ PHP 8.1 Resources Turned Into Objects
8.1+ Named Arguments And Variadic
8.1+ PHP 8.1 Types
8.1+ Can't Overload Constants
8.1+ Clone Constant
8.1+ Intersection Type
8.1+ Nested Attributes
8.1+ Enum Usage
8.1+ Final Constant
8.1+ Never Type Usage
8.1+ Mixed Type Usage
8.1+ First Class Callable
8.1+ New Initializers
8.1- PHP 8.1 Removed Functions
8.1- PHP 8.1 Removed Directives
8.1- PHP 8.1 Removed Constants
8.1- Void Is Not A Reference
8.0- PHP 8.0 Removed Directives
8.0- Unsupported Types With Operators
8.0+ String Int Comparison
8.0- The Mixed Keyword
8.0+ Array_Map() Passes By Value
8.0+ Negative Start Index In Array
8.0+ Uses PHP 8 Match()
8.0+ Final Private Methods
8.0+ Anonymous Catch
8.0+ Multiple Type Cases In Switch
8.0+ No Max On Empty Array
8.0+ Signature Trailing Comma
8.0+ Reserved Match Keyword
8.0+ Union Type
8.0+ Php 8.0 Variable Syntax Tweaks
8.0+ Throw Was An Expression
8.0- New Functions In PHP 8.0
8.0- PHP 8.0 Removed Functions
8.0- PHP 8.0 Removed Constants
8.0- Cast (unset) Usage
8.0- Old Style Constructor
8.0- Wrong Optional Parameter
8.0- $php_errormsg Usage
8.0+ PHP 80 Named Parameter Variadic
8.0- PHP 8.0 Resources Turned Into Objects
7.4- Avoid get_object_vars()
7.4- PHP 7.4 Removed Directives
7.4- __toString() Throws Exception
7.4- Nested Ternary Without Parenthesis
7.4+ Use Covariance
7.4+ Use Contravariance
7.4- PHP 74 New Directives
7.4+ Spread Operator For Array
7.4+ Unpacking Inside Arrays
7.4+ curl_version() Has No Argument
7.4+ PHP 7.4 Removed Functions
7.4+ PHP 7.4 Constant Deprecation
7.4+ PHP 7.4 Reserved Keyword
7.4+ Use Arrow Functions
7.4+ Numeric Literal Separator
7.4+ Curly-Bracketed Arrays Are Not Supported
7.4+ Coalesce Equal
7.4+ Concat And Addition
7.3- New Functions In PHP 7.3
7.3+ List With Reference
7.3+ Case Insensitive Constants
7.3+ Flexible Heredoc
7.3+ PHP 7.3 Last Empty Argument
7.2- PHP 7.2 Deprecations
7.2- Php 7.2 New Class
7.2- New Constants In PHP 7.2
7.2- New Functions In PHP 7.2
7.2- PHP 7.2 Object Keyword
7.2- PHP 7.2 Removed Functions
7.2+ Cant Inherit Abstract Method
7.2+ Child Class Removes Type
7.2+ Group Use Trailing Comma
7.1- Negative Offset On String
7.1- Php 7.1 New Class
7.1- New Functions In PHP 7.1
7.1- Invalid Octal In String
7.1+ List With Keys
7.1+ PHP 7.1 Removed Directives
7.0- Abstract Static Methods
7.0- Null On New
7.0- Using $this Outside A Class
7.0- ext/apc
7.0- ext/mysql
7.0- Multiple Definition Of The Same Argument
7.0- Empty List
7.0- Foreach Don't Change Pointer
7.0- Simple Global Variable
7.0- No List With String
7.0- PHP 7.0 New Classes
7.0- New Functions In PHP 7.0
7.0- PHP 7.0 New Interfaces
7.0- PHP 7.0 Removed Functions
7.0- Reserved Keywords In PHP 7
7.0- Break Outside Loop
7.0- Switch With Too Many Default
7.0- Malformed Octal
7.0- preg_replace With Option e
7.0+ Anonymous Classes
7.0+ ext/php-ast
7.0+ Coalesce
7.0+ Define Constants With Array
7.0+ No String With Append
7.0+ PHP 7.0 Removed Directives
7.0+ Php7 Relaxed Keyword
7.0+ Unicode Escape Syntax
7.0+ Use session_start() Options
7.0+ Yield From Usage
7.0+ isset() With Constants
7.0+ Parenthesis As Parameter
5.6- New Functions In PHP 5.6
5.6- crypt() Without Salt
5.6+ Use Const And Functions
5.6+ __debugInfo() Usage
5.6+ Exponent Usage
5.5- New Functions In PHP 5.5
5.5- Functions Removed In PHP 5.5
5.5+ Cant Use Return Value In Write Context
5.5+ Const With Array
5.5+ Use password_hash()
5.5+ ::class
5.5+ Foreach With list()
5.4- Closure May Use $this
5.4- Hash Algorithms Incompatible With PHP 5.4/5.5
5.4- Functions Removed In PHP 5.4
5.4- Break With 0
5.4- Break With Non Integer
5.4- Calltime Pass By Reference
5.4+ Methodcall On New
5.4+ Binary Glossary
5.3- New Functions In PHP 5.4