List of all Regex mentioned in the code..
Value | Count | File:Line |
"/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_]/" | 1 |
'#^/?' . $pattern . '/?$#' | 1 |
'/max-age=([0-9]+)/' | 1 |
'/[^0-9a-z\.\-\_]/i' | 1 |
"/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\s]/" | 1 |
"/[^a-zA-Z\-_\s]/" | 1 |
'/[a-z]{2}_[A-Z]{2}/' | 1 |
'/<link href=["\']{1}([^"]+)["\']{1} rel=["\']{1}hub["\']{1}[\s]*\/?>/i' | 1 |
'/<link rel=["\']{1}hub["\']{1} href=["\']{1}([^"]+)["\']{1}[\s]*\/?>/i' | 1 |
'/<atom:link href=["\']{1}([^"]+)["\']{1} rel=["\']{1}hub["\']{1}[\s]*\/?>/i' | 1 |
'/<atom:link rel=["\']{1}hub["\']{1} href=["\']{1}([^"]+)["\']{1}[\s]*\/?>/i' | 1 |
'#<link[^>]+type="application/rss\+xml"[^>]*>#is' | 1 |
'#<link[^>]+type="application/atom\+xml"[^>]*>#is' | 1 |
'/<atom:link[^>]+href="([^"]+)"[^>]*rel="self"[^>]*>/i' | 1 |
'/<atom:link[^>]+rel="self"[^>]*href="([^"]+)"[^>]*>/i' | 1 |
'/file\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\//' | 1 |
"/page-tag-([\w_]+)/i" | 1 |
'/(?<!=)(?<!["\'])((ht|f)tps?:\/\/[^\s<>"\']+)/i' | 1 |
'/(?<=^|[\>\s\n])(\#[\p{L}0-9\_]+)/u' | 1 |
'/\#[0-9]{1,3}$/' | 1 |
'/\#[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}$/' | 1 |
'/android/i' | 1 |
'/ipad/i' | 1 |
'/ipod/i' | 1 |
'/iphone/i' | 1 |
'/blackberry/i' | 1 |
'/webkit/i' | 1 |
'/windows phone/i' | 1 |
'/windows ce/i' | 1 |
'/opera mini/i' | 1 |
'/opera/i' | 1 |
'/msie/i' | 1 |
'/\s([a-z])/' | 1 |
'/\s/' | 1 |
'/Bearer\s(\S+)/' | 1 |
'#^/?' . $regex_string . '/?$#' | 1 |
'|https?://[a-z\.0-9]+|' | 1 |
"/([^A-Za-z0-9%\p{L}\-\_ ])/u" | 1 |
"/[ ]+/u" | 1 |
"/[^a-zA-Z0-9\/_| -]/u" | 1 |
"/[\/_| -]+/u" | 1 |
'/(?<=^|>|\s)(\#[A-Za-z0-9\_]+)/iu' | 1 |
'/\R+/' | 1 |
'/^(https?:\/\/\/)/u' | 1 |
'~\b(?:f|ht)tps?://[^\s]+\b~i' | 1 |
'/text\/(html|plain)+/' | 1 |
"|https?://([a-z]+\.)?twitter\.com/(#!/)?@?([^/]*)|" | 1 |
"|@([^\s^\)]+)|" | 1 |
'/[a-z\d._%\+\-]+@[a-z\d.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}\b/i' | 1 |
"/<title>(.*)<\/title>/siU" | 1 |
'#' . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getDisplayURL( ) . "file\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)+#" | 1 |
"~" . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->url . 'profile/([A-Za-z0-9]+)?~' | 1 |
"#<title>(.*?)</title>#siu" | 1 |
'/\s+/u' | 1 |
'/^(www\.|m\.)?(.+?)(\.com|\.org|\.net)?$/' | 1 |
'/^https?:\/\//' | 1 |
"/@[a-z0-9_]+/i" | 1 |
"/https?:\/\/(www\.)?twitter\.com\/(#!\/)?@?([^\/]*)/" | 1 |
'/https?:\/\/([^\s]+\.[^\s\.]+\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif))/i' | 1 |
'/archive\.org\/embed\/([a-z0-9\-\_]+)/i' | 1 |
'/bitchute\.com\/video\/([a-z0-9\-\_]+)/i' | 1 |
'/(youtube\.com|youtu\.be)\/watch\?v=([a-z0-9\-\_]+)/i' | 1 |
'/(youtube\.com|youtu\.be)\/c\/([a-z0-9\-\_]+)/i' | 1 |
'/(youtube\.com|youtu\.be)\/channel\/([a-z0-9\-\_]+)/i' | 1 |
'/(youtube\.com|youtu\.be)\/user\/([a-z0-9\-\_]+)/i' | 1 |
'/(youtube\.com|youtu\.be)\/([a-z0-9\-\_]+)/i' | 1 |
'/vimeo\.com\/([0-9]+)/i' | 1 |
'/https?:\/\/(www\.)?instagram\.com\/p\/([A-Za-z0-9\-\_]+)\/?/i' | 1 |
'/(?<!=)(?<!["\'])((ht|f)tps?:\/\/[^\s<>"\'\)]+)/i' | 1 |
"/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/" | 1 |
"/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_\.]/" | 2 |
'#href="([^"]+)"#i' | 2 |
'/\W+/' | 2 |
'/([\/=]+)/' | 2 |
'/(?<=^|[\>\s\n\.])(\@[\w0-9\_]+)/i' | 2 |
'/[a-z\d._%+-]+@[a-z\d.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}\b/i' | 2 |
'/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,}$/' | 2 |
"/\@[a-z0-9_]+/i" | 2 |
'#<br\s*/?>#i' | 2 |
'/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/' | 3 |
'/^_[A-Z0-9\/]+/i' | 3 |
'@\\\\([\w]+)$@' | 6 |
'/^(https?:\/\/\/)/' | 8 |