Complex expressions

Here is the list of the most complex expressions used in the code. A complex expression is an expression that requires more than 20 tokens to be build.

Literal arrays are omitted.

File Count Expression
/Idno/Common/Entity.php:9241$attachments[] = ['_id' => $file['_id'], 'url' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->url . 'file/' . $file['_id'] . '/' . urlencode($file['filename']), 'mime-type' => $file['mime_type'], 'length' => $file['length'], 'filename' => $file['filename'], ]
/Idno/Common/Entity.php:10141$image = (object) ['type' => ucfirst(explode('/', $attachment['mime-type'])[0]), 'mediaType' => $attachment['mime-type'], 'url' => $attachment['url'], 'name' => $this->getShortDescription( )]
/Idno/Core/Bonita/Forms.php:1211$debug = ['action' => $action, 'time' => $time, 'site_secret' => \Idno\Core\TokenProvider::truncateToken(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->site_secret), 'session_id' => \Idno\Core\TokenProvider::truncateToken(session_id( )), 'token' => \Idno\Core\TokenProvider::truncateToken($hmac), ]
/Idno/Common/Page.php:3551$debug = ['time' => $ts, 'token' => \Idno\Core\TokenProvider::truncateToken($tk), 'action' => $ta, 'site_secret' => \Idno\Core\TokenProvider::truncateToken(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->site_secret), 'session_id' => \Idno\Core\TokenProvider::truncateToken(session_id( )), 'expected-token' => \Idno\Core\TokenProvider::truncateToken(\Idno\Core\Bonita\Forms::token($ta, $ts)), 'expected-token-no-action' => \Idno\Core\TokenProvider::truncateToken(\Idno\Core\Bonita\Forms::token('', $ts))]
/Idno/Core/Templating/Urls.php:2021return (substr($url, 0, 7) == 'http://' || substr($url, 0, 8) == 'https://' || substr($url, 0, 1) == '@' || substr($url, 0, 7) == 'mailto:' || substr($url, 0, 4) == 'tel:' || substr($url, 0, 4) == 'sms:' || substr($url, 0, 6) == 'skype:' || substr($url, 0, 5) == 'xmpp:' || substr($url, 0, 4) == 'sip:' || substr($url, 0, 4) == 'ssh:' || substr($url, 0, 8) == 'spotify:' || substr($url, 0, 8) == 'bitcoin:' || substr($url, 0, 9) == 'ethereum:' || substr($url, 0, 4) == 'ssb:' || substr($url, 0, 9) == 'facetime:') ? $url : 'http://' . $url
/Idno/Core/Templating/Parsing.php:1321return \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->events( )->triggerEvent("template/parseusers", ['in_reply_to' => $in_reply_to, 'in_reply_to_domain' => parse_url($in_reply_to, PHP_URL_HOST), 'username' => ltrim($matches[1], '@'), 'match' => $url], $url)
/Idno/Core/Migration.php:1321$attachments[$key]['url'] = '../files/' . Idno::site( )->config( )->pathHost( ) . '/' . $id[0] . '/' . $id[1] . '/' . $id[2] . '/' . $id[3] . '/' . $id . '.file'
/Idno/Core/Migration.php:1331$data_file = $file_path . 'uploads/' . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->pathHost( ) . '/' . $id[0] . '/' . $id[1] . '/' . $id[2] . '/' . $id[3] . '/' . $id . '.data'
/Idno/Files/LocalFileSystem.php:1273$upload_file = $path . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getFileBaseDirName( ) . '/' . $id[0] . '/' . $id[1] . '/' . $id[2] . '/' . $id[3] . '/' . $id . '.file'
/Idno/Files/LocalFileSystem.php:1283$data_file = $path . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getFileBaseDirName( ) . '/' . $id[0] . '/' . $id[1] . '/' . $id[2] . '/' . $id[3] . '/' . $id . '.data'
/Idno/Files/LocalFileSystem.php:773$upload_file = $path . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getFileBaseDirName( ) . '/' . $id[0] . '/' . $id[1] . '/' . $id[2] . '/' . $id[3] . '/' . $id . '.file'
/Idno/Files/LocalFileSystem.php:783$data_file = $path . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getFileBaseDirName( ) . '/' . $id[0] . '/' . $id[1] . '/' . $id[2] . '/' . $id[3] . '/' . $id . '.data'
/Idno/Files/LocalFileSystem.php:333$upload_file = $path . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getFileBaseDirName( ) . '/' . $id[0] . '/' . $id[1] . '/' . $id[2] . '/' . $id[3] . '/' . $id . '.file'
/Idno/Files/LocalFileSystem.php:343$data_file = $path . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getFileBaseDirName( ) . '/' . $id[0] . '/' . $id[1] . '/' . $id[2] . '/' . $id[3] . '/' . $id . '.data'
/Idno/Common/Entity.php:19061$object = array('id' => "" . $this->getID( ), 'uuid' => $this->getUUID( ), 'content' => strip_tags($this->getDescription( )), 'formattedContent' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->template( )->autop($this->getDescription( )), 'displayName' => $this->getTitle( ), 'objectType' => $this->getActivityStreamsObjectType( ), 'published' => date(\DateTime::RFC3339, $this->created), 'updated' => date(\DateTime::RFC3339, $this->updated), 'url' => $this->getURL( ))
/Idno/Common/Entity.php:19511$object['attachments'][] = ['filename' => $attachment['filename'], 'url' => preg_replace('/^(https?:\/\/\/)/u', \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->url, $attachment['url']), 'mime-type' => $attachment['mime-type'], 'length' => $attachment['length']]
/Idno/Core/Hub.php:1061if(!empty(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->hub_settings['auth_token']) && !empty(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->hub_settings['secret'])) { /**/ }
/Idno/Pages/Account/Settings/Feedback.php:321$results = Webservice::post('', array('url' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getURL( ), 'title' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getTitle( ), 'version' => \Idno\Core\Version::version( ), 'public' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->isPublicSite( ), 'hub' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->known_hub, 'email' => $email, 'message' => $message))
/Idno/Core/Plugins.php:3241if((file_exists(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->path . '/IdnoPlugins/' . $plugin)) || (!empty(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->external_plugin_path) && file_exists(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->external_plugin_path . '/IdnoPlugins/' . $plugin)) || (!empty($host) && file_exists(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->path . '/hosts/' . $host . '/IdnoPlugins/' . $plugin))) { /**/ }
/Idno/Pages/Service/Notifications/NewNotifications.php:551return ['title' => $notif->getMessage( ), 'body' => $body, 'icon' => $annotation['owner_image'], 'created' => date('c', $notif->created), 'link' => (empty($notif->url)) ? \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getDisplayURL( ) . 'account/notifications' : $notif->link]
/Idno/Pages/Account/Register.php:421$t->body = $t->__(array('email' => $email, 'code' => $code, 'set_name' => $set_name, 'messages' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->session( )->getAndFlushMessages( )))->draw('onboarding/register')
/Idno/Pages/Account/Notifications.php:411$page = Idno::site( )->template( )->__(['title' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->language( )->_('Notifications'), 'body' => $body, ])->drawPage(false)
/Idno/Pages/Admin/Themes.php:181$t->body = $t->__(array('themes_stored' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->themes( )->getStored( ), 'theme' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->themes( )->get( ), ))->draw('admin/themes')
/Idno/Pages/Admin/Plugins.php:191$t->body = $t->__(array('plugins_stored' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->plugins( )->getStored( ), 'plugins_loaded' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->plugins( )->getLoaded( ), ))->draw('admin/plugins')
/Idno/Files/FileSystem.php:661$array = [UPLOAD_ERR_OK => $language->_('There is no error, the file uploaded with success'), UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => $language->_('The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini'), UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE => $language->_('The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'), UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => $language->_('The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'), UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => $language->_('No file was uploaded'), UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => $language->_('Missing a temporary folder'), UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE => $language->_('Failed to write file to disk.'), UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION => $language->_('A PHP extension stopped the file upload.'), ]
/Idno/Pages/File/Mint.php:381$upload_url = Idno::site( )->events( )->triggerEvent('file/upload/getuploadurl', ['name' => $name, 'type' => $type, 'size' => $size], Idno::site( )->config( )->getDisplayURL( ) . '/file/upload/' . $file->getID( ))
/Idno/Common/Entity.php:22691if(!$this->addAnnotation($mention['type'], $mentions['owner']['name'], $mentions['owner']['url'], $mentions['owner']['photo'], $mention['content'], $permalink, $mention['created'], $mention['title'], $mention['fields'])) { /**/ }
/IdnoPlugins/Checkin/Checkin.php:1861$json = ["@context" => "", "@type" => "CheckInAction", 'agent' => ["@type" => "Person", "name" => $this->getOwner( )->getName( )], 'location' => ['@type' => 'Place', 'address' => $this->address, 'name' => $this->placename, "geo" => ["@type" => "GeoCoordinates", "latitude" => $this->lat( ), "longitude" => $this->long( )], ], ]
/Idno/Data/MySQL.php:2711if($statement->execute(array(':uuid' => $array['uuid'], ':id' => $array['_id'], ':siteid' => $array['siteid'], ':owner' => $array['owner'], ':subtype' => $array['entity_subtype'], ':contents' => $contents, ':publish_status' => $array['publish_status'], ':created' => $array['created']))) { /**/ }
/IdnoPlugins/Photo/Photo.php:2371$json = ["@context" => "", "@type" => 'Photograph', 'dateCreated' => date('c', $this->getCreatedTime( )), 'datePublished' => date('c', $this->getCreatedTime( )), 'author' => ["@type" => "Person", "name" => $this->getOwner( )->getName( )], 'name' => $this->getTitle( ), 'description' => $this->body, 'url' => $this->getUrl( ), 'mainEntityOfPage' => $this->getUrl( ), ]
/Idno/Common/Page.php:7183if(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->session( )->isAPIRequest( ) || \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->actions( )->validateToken($this->currentUrl( ), false) || \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->actions( )->validateToken('', false)) { /**/ } else { /**/ }
/IdnoPlugins/Text/Entry.php:1691$json = ["@context" => "", "@type" => 'BlogPosting', 'dateCreated' => date('c', $this->getCreatedTime( )), 'datePublished' => date('c', $this->getCreatedTime( )), 'author' => ["@type" => "Person", "name" => $this->getOwner( )->getName( )], 'headline' => $this->getTitle( ), 'description' => $this->getShortDescription( ), 'text' => $this->body, 'url' => $this->getUrl( ), 'image' => $this->getIcon( )]
/Idno/Common/Page.php:9981if(!static::isSSL( ) && empty(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->ignore_ssl_gatekeeper) && \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->hasSSL( )) { /**/ }
/IdnoPlugins/Checkin/Checkin.php:151return \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->language( )->_('Checked into %s', [$this->canSeePreciseLocation( ) && $this->placename ? $this->placename : \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->language( )->_('somewhere near...')])
/Idno/Common/Page.php:4073if(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->session( )->isAPIRequest( ) || \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->actions( )->validateToken($this->currentUrl( ), false) || \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->actions( )->validateToken('', false)) { /**/ } else { /**/ }
/IdnoPlugins/IndiePub/Pages/IndieAuth/Token.php:531$indieauth_tokens[$token] = array('me' => $verified['me'], 'redirect_uri' => $redirect_uri, 'scope' => $verified['scope'], 'client_id' => $client_id, 'issued_at' => time( ), 'nonce' => mt_rand(1000000, pow(2, 30)))
/Idno/Common/Page.php:6293if(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->session( )->isAPIRequest( ) || \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->actions( )->validateToken($this->currentUrl( ), false) || \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->actions( )->validateToken('', false)) { /**/ } else { /**/ }
/IdnoPlugins/Status/Pages/Edit.php:271$edit_body = $t->__(array('object' => $object, 'url' => $this->getInput('url'), 'body' => $this->getInput('body'), 'tags' => $this->getInput('tags')))->draw('entity/Status/edit')
/Idno/Entities/User.php:511$links = [['rel' => 'self', 'type' => 'application/activity+json', 'href' => $user->getActivityPubActorID( )], ['rel' => '', 'type' => parent::getMediaMimeType($user->getIcon( )), 'href' => $user->getIcon( )], ['rel' => '', 'type' => 'text/html', 'href' => $user->getURL( )]]
/Idno/Core/DefaultTemplate.php:1511if(strpos(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->currentPage( )->currentUrl( ), \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getDisplayURL( ) . $url . '/') === 0) { /**/ }
/IdnoPlugins/IndiePub/Pages/IndieAuth/Auth.php:461$t->body = $t->__(array('me' => $me_prime, 'client_id' => $client_id, 'pretty_id' => preg_replace('/^https?:\/\//', '', $client_id), 'scope' => $scope, 'redirect_uri' => $redirect_uri, 'state' => $state, ))->draw('indiepub/auth')
/Idno/Entities/User.php:9191if($groups = \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->db( )->getRecords(array('uuid' => true), array('entity_subtype' => 'Idno\\Entities\\AccessGroup', $permission => $this->getUUID( )), PHP_INT_MAX, 0)) { /**/ }
/templates/default/content/syndication.tpl.php:571$button = $this->__(array('service' => $service, 'disabled' => $disabled, 'selected' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->events( )->triggerEvent('syndication/selected/' . $service, ['service' => $service, 'reply-to' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->currentPage( )->getInput('share_url')], false)))->draw('content/syndication/button')
/IdnoPlugins/IndiePub/Pages/IndieAuth/Token.php:631if(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->session( )->isLoggedOn( ) && $user->getUUID( ) == \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->session( )->currentUser( )->getUUID( )) { /**/ }
/templates/default/robot/wizard.tpl.php:71$twitterurl = "" . urlencode(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->language( )->_("Check out my new @withknown site!")) . "&url=" . urlencode(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getDisplayURL( )) . "&source=webclient"
/Idno/Pages/Session/Login.php:431if(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->session( )->isLoggedOn( ) && \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->template( )->getTemplateType( ) != 'default' && $this->isSSL( )) { /**/ }
/templates/default/content/syndication.tpl.php:351$preselect = \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->events( )->triggerEvent('syndication/selected/' . $service, ['service' => $service, 'username' => $account['username'], 'reply-to' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->currentPage( )->getInput('share_url'), 'syndicated-to' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->currentPage( )->getInput('syndicatedto'), ], false)
/Idno/Entities/User.php:1031if(empty($user->notifications['email']) || $user->notifications['email'] == 'all' || ($user->notifications['email'] == 'comment' && in_array($notification->type, array('comment', 'reply')))) { /**/ }
/templates/default/content/syndication.tpl.php:441$button .= $this->__(['service' => $service, 'disabled' => $disabled, 'username' => $account['username'], 'name' => $account['name'], 'details' => $account, 'selected' => $preselect, ])->draw('content/syndication/account')
/Idno/Pages/Account/Register.php:841if(!(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->emailIsBlocked($email)) && !($emailuser = \Idno\Entities\User::getByEmail($email)) && !($handleuser = \Idno\Entities\User::getByHandle($handle)) && !empty($handle) && strlen($handle) <= 32 && preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,}$/', $handle) && !substr_count($handle, '/') && $password == $password2 && \Idno\Entities\User::checkNewPasswordStrength($password) && \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->events( )->triggerEvent('user/register/validate', ['name' => $name, 'handle' => $handle, 'email' => $email, 'password' => $password, 'password2' => $password2], true)) { /**/ } else { /**/ }
/templates/default/shell/structured-data.tpl.php:131$jsonld = ["@context" => "", "@type" => "WebSite", "url" => $currentPage->currentUrl( ), "name" => $vars['title'], "description" => $vars['description'], "publisher" => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->title, "potentialAction" => ["@type" => "SearchAction", "target" => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getDisplayURL( ) . "content/all/?q={search_term}", "query-input" => "required name=search_term"]]
/Idno/Pages/Account/Settings/Following/Bookmarklet.php:1361if((!$new_user = \Idno\Entities\User::getByUUID($uuid)) && (!$new_user = \Idno\Entities\User::getByProfileURL($uuid)) && (!$new_user = \Idno\Entities\RemoteUser::getByUUID($uuid)) && (!$new_user = \Idno\Entities\RemoteUser::getByProfileURL($uuid))) { /**/ } else { /**/ }
/templates/default/shell/opengraph.tpl.php:151$opengraph = array('og:type' => 'website', 'og:title' => htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($vars['title']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), 'og:site_name' => htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->title), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), 'og:image' => $currentPage->getIcon( ))
/Idno/Pages/Admin/Themes.php:361if((preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/', $theme) && (file_exists(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->path . '/Themes/' . $theme) || (!empty($host) && (file_exists(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->path . '/hosts/' . $host . '/Themes/' . $theme))))) || $theme == 'default' || $theme == '') { /**/ }
/IdnoPlugins/Media/Media.php:1911$json = ["@context" => "", "name" => $this->getTitle( ), "@id" => $this->getUUID( ), "datePublished" => date('c', $this->getCreatedTime( )), "description" => $this->body, "uploadDate" => date('c', $this->getCreatedTime( )), 'author' => ["@type" => "Person", "name" => $this->getOwner( )->getName( )], 'encodingFormat' => $this->media_type, ]
/Idno/Pages/Admin/Users.php:1451if(!($emailuser = \Idno\Entities\User::getByEmail($email)) && !($handleuser = \Idno\Entities\User::getByHandle($handle)) && !empty($handle) && strlen($handle) <= 32 && !substr_count($handle, '/')) { /**/ } else { /**/ }
/templates/default/js/known.tpl.php:141$known = ['session' => ['loggedIn' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->session( )->isLoggedIn( ), 'admin' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->session( )->isAdmin( )], 'config' => ['displayUrl' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getDisplayURL( ), 'staticUrl' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getStaticURL( ), 'debug' => !empty(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->debug)], 'page' => ['currentUrl' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->currentPage( )->currentUrl( ), 'currentUrlFragments' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->currentPage( )->currentUrl(true), ], ]
/Themes/Fauvists/templates/default/content/create.tpl.php:481if(empty($vars['items']) && sizeof($vars['contentTypes']) <= 1 && \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->session( )->isLoggedIn( ) && \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->session( )->currentUser( )->isAdmin( )) { /**/ }
/templates/activitypub/shell.tpl.php:411$note = Type::create('Note', ['@context' => ['', ], 'id' => $vars['object']->getUUID( ), 'url' => ($vars['object']->getURL( )), 'attributedTo' => $vars['object']->getActivityPubActorID( ), 'to' => $vars['object']->getAddressedTo( ), 'published' => $vars['object']->getPublishedTime( ), 'content' => $vars['object']->getFormattedContent( ), 'tag' => $vars['object']->getHashTagObjects( ), ])
/warmup/CLI/CLIInstaller.php:2381$ini_file = $this->buildConfig(['dbname' => $this->config['mysql_name'], 'dbpass' => $this->config['mysql_pass'], 'dbuser' => $this->config['mysql_user'], 'dbhost' => $this->config['mysql_host'], 'uploadpath' => $this->config['upload_path'], 'database' => $this->config['database'], ])
/templates/default/settings-shell/toolbar/logged-in.tpl.php:121if((strpos(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->currentPage( )->currentUrl( ), \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getDisplayURL( ) . 'account/') !== false) && (strpos(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->currentPage( )->currentUrl( ), \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getDisplayURL( ) . 'account/notifications') === false)) /**//*B*/ ?>
/templates/activitypub/shell.tpl.php:103$e = ['class' => get_class($vars['exception']), 'message' => $vars['exception']->getMessage( ), 'file' => $vars['exception']->getFile( ), 'line' => $vars['exception']->getLine( )]
/templates/default/settings-shell/toolbar/logged-in.tpl.php:171if(strpos(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->currentPage( )->currentUrl( ), \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getDisplayURL( ) . 'admin/') !== false) /**//*B*/ ?>
/templates/activitypub/shell.tpl.php:231$person = Type::create('Person', ['@context' => ['', '', ], 'id' => $vars['user']->getActivityPubActorID( ), 'url' => ($vars['user']->getAuthorURL( )), 'preferredUsername' => $vars['user']->getHandle( ), 'name' => $vars['user']->getAuthorName( ), 'summary' => $vars['user']->getDescription( ), 'icon' => $vars['user']->getIconObject( ), 'inbox' => $vars['user']->getActivityPubActorID( ) . '/inbox', 'publicKey' => $vars['user']->getPublicKey( ), ])
/templates/default/settings-shell.tpl.php:311if(strpos(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->currentPage( )->currentUrl( ), \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getDisplayURL( ) . 'admin/') !== false) { /**/ } else { /**/ }
/templates/json/shell.tpl.php:113$e = ['class' => get_class($vars['exception']), 'message' => $vars['exception']->getMessage( ), 'file' => $vars['exception']->getFile( ), 'line' => $vars['exception']->getLine( )]
/templates/default/settings-shell/toolbar/logged-in.tpl.php:21if(strpos(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->currentPage( )->currentUrl( ), \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getDisplayURL( ) . 'account/notifications') !== false) /**//*B*/ ?>
/templates/jsonp/shell.tpl.php:173$e = ['class' => get_class($vars['exception']), 'message' => $vars['exception']->getMessage( ), 'file' => $vars['exception']->getFile( ), 'line' => $vars['exception']->getLine( )]
/IdnoPlugins/Bridgy/Pages/Check.php:481if(!empty($hcard['properties']['bridgy-account-status']) && $hcard['properties']['bridgy-account-status'][0] == 'enabled' && !empty($hcard['properties']['bridgy-listen-status']) && $hcard['properties']['bridgy-listen-status'][0] == 'enabled') { /**/ }
/templates/default/robot/wizard.tpl.php:91$two_abc = \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->language( )->_(" That was a great update. Why not <%s>share your new website on Facebook</a> and <a href=\"%s\">Twitter</a> so your friends know about it?\n\nI bet you've got some great photos. <%s>Try posting one</a>!", ["a href=\"$facebookurl\" target=\"blank\" onclick=\"'$facebookurl', 'newwindow', 'width=600, height=350'); return false;\"", $twitterurl, "a href=\"#\" onclick=\"event.preventDefault(); contentCreateForm('photo', '" . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getDisplayURL( ) . "photo/edit/'); return false;\""])
/IdnoPlugins/Webhooks/Main.php:921if(!empty(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->webhook_syndication) || (\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->session( )->isLoggedIn( ) && !empty(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->session( )->currentUser( )->webhook_syndication))) { /**/ }
/templates/default/chrome/manifest.tpl.php:141$manifest = ['name' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getTitle( ), 'short_name' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getTitle( ), 'icons' => [ ], 'start_url' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getDisplayURL( ) . 'session/login', 'display' => 'standalone', 'scope' => $scope]
/Tests/API/UploadTest.php:191$result = \Idno\Core\Webservice::post($endpoint, ['title' => 'A Photo upload', 'body' => "Uploading a pretty picture via the api", 'photo' => \Idno\Core\WebserviceFile::createFromCurlString("@" . dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . self::$file . ";filename=Photo.jpg;type=image/jpeg")], ['Accept: application/json', 'X-KNOWN-USERNAME: ' . $user->handle, 'X-KNOWN-SIGNATURE: ' . base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', '/photo/edit', $user->getAPIkey( ), true)), ])
/Idno/Core/MentionClient.php:411return ['code' => $response['response'], 'headers' => self::_parse_headers(isset($response['header']) ? $response['header'] : ''), 'body' => $response['content'], 'url' => $response['effective_url']]
/Tests/Core/GatekeeperTest.php:502$result = \Idno\Core\Webservice::get(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->url . 'admin/', [ ], ['X-KNOWN-USERNAME: ' . $user->handle, 'X-KNOWN-SIGNATURE: ' . base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', '/admin/', $user->getAPIkey( ), true)), ])
/Idno/Core/Migration.php:6241file_put_contents($rss_path . 'template.rss.fragment', $rss_theme->__(array('title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'body' => $rss_theme->__(array('items' => $feed, 'offset' => 0, 'count' => sizeof($feed), 'subject' => [ ], 'base_url' => $base_url))->draw('pages/home'), ))->drawPage(false))
/Tests/Core/GatekeeperTest.php:662$result = \Idno\Core\Webservice::get(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->url . 'admin/', [ ], ['X-KNOWN-USERNAME: ' . $user->handle, 'X-KNOWN-SIGNATURE: ' . base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', '/admin/', $user->getAPIkey( ), true)), ])
/IdnoPlugins/Status/templates/default/entity/Status.tpl.php:141nl2br($this->parseURLs($this->parseHashtags($this->parseUsers(htmlentities(html_entity_decode($vars['object']->body), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . $tags, $vars['object']->inreplyto)), $rel))
/Idno/Files/LocalFileSystem.php:1312foreach(array($path . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getFileBaseDirName( ), $path . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->host . '/' . $id[0], $path . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->host . '/' . $id[0] . '/' . $id[1], $path . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->host . '/' . $id[0] . '/' . $id[1] . '/' . $id[2], $path . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->host . '/' . $id[0] . '/' . $id[1] . '/' . $id[2] . '/' . $id[3]) as $up_path) { /**/ }
/Idno/Core/Migration.php:711json_encode(['url' => Idno::site( )->config( )->getURL( ), 'title' => Idno::site( )->config( )->getTitle( ), 'version' => \Idno\Core\Version::version( ), 'build' => \Idno\Core\Version::build( ), ], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)
/Tests/Core/GatekeeperTest.php:221$result = \Idno\Core\Webservice::get(\Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->url . 'account/settings/', [ ], ['X-KNOWN-USERNAME: ' . $user->handle, 'X-KNOWN-SIGNATURE: ' . base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', '/account/settings/', $user->getAPIkey( ), true)), ])
/Idno/Core/Migration.php:1391file_put_contents($file_path . 'uploads/' . Idno::site( )->config( )->pathHost( ) . '/' . $id[0] . '/' . $id[1] . '/' . $id[2] . '/' . $id[3] . '/' . $id . '.file', $data)
/Idno/Core/Migration.php:1341foreach(array($file_path . 'uploads/' . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->pathHost( ), $file_path . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->pathHost( ) . '/' . $id[0], $file_path . 'uploads/' . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->pathHost( ) . '/' . $id[0] . '/' . $id[1], $file_path . 'uploads/' . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->pathHost( ) . '/' . $id[0] . '/' . $id[1] . '/' . $id[2], $file_path . 'uploads/' . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->pathHost( ) . '/' . $id[0] . '/' . $id[1] . '/' . $id[2] . '/' . $id[3]) as $up_path) { /**/ }
/Idno/Core/Webservice.php:1331curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->cookie_jar . md5($user->getUUID( ) . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->site_secret))
/Idno/Files/LocalFileSystem.php:812foreach(array($path . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getFileBaseDirName( ), $path . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->host . '/' . $id[0], $path . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->host . '/' . $id[0] . '/' . $id[1], $path . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->host . '/' . $id[0] . '/' . $id[1] . '/' . $id[2], $path . \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->host . '/' . $id[0] . '/' . $id[1] . '/' . $id[2] . '/' . $id[3]) as $up_path) { /**/ }
/Idno/Core/Migration.php:701file_put_contents($dir . $name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'known.json', json_encode(['url' => Idno::site( )->config( )->getURL( ), 'title' => Idno::site( )->config( )->getTitle( ), 'version' => \Idno\Core\Version::version( ), 'build' => \Idno\Core\Version::build( ), ], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT))
/Idno/Core/PubSubHubbub.php:941$return = Webservice::post($following->pubsub_hub, array('hub.callback' => Idno::site( )->config( )->url . 'pubsub/callback/' . $user->getID( ) . '/' . $following->getID( ), 'hub.mode' => 'subscribe', 'hub.verify' => 'async', 'hub.topic' => $feed, ))
/Idno/Core/PubSubHubbub.php:1371$return = Webservice::post($following->pubsub_hub, array('hub.callback' => Idno::site( )->config( )->url . 'pubsub/callback/' . $user->getID( ) . '/' . $following->getID( ), 'hub.mode' => 'unsubscribe', 'hub.verify' => 'async', 'hub.topic' => $following->pubsub_self))
/Idno/Core/Idno.php:6531$icons['defaults'] = ['default' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getStaticURL( ) . 'gfx/logos/logo_k.png', 'default_16' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getStaticURL( ) . 'gfx/logos/logo_k_16.png', 'default_32' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getStaticURL( ) . 'gfx/logos/logo_k_32.png', 'default_36' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getStaticURL( ) . 'gfx/logos/logo_k_36.png', 'default_48' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getStaticURL( ) . 'gfx/logos/logo_k_48.png', 'default_64' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getStaticURL( ) . 'gfx/logos/logo_k_64.png', 'default_96' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getStaticURL( ) . 'gfx/logos/logo_k_96.png', 'default_57' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getStaticURL( ) . 'gfx/logos/apple-icon-57x57.png', 'default_72' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getStaticURL( ) . 'gfx/logos/apple-icon-72x72.png', 'default_114' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getStaticURL( ) . 'gfx/logos/apple-icon-114x114.png', 'default_144' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getStaticURL( ) . 'gfx/logos/apple-icon-144x144.png', 'default_192' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getStaticURL( ) . 'gfx/logos/logo_k_192.png', ]
/Idno/Core/Installer.php:1851$defaults = ['build' => Version::build( ), 'version' => Version::version( ), 'datetime' => date('r'), 'database' => 'MySQL', 'dbname' => 'known', 'dbhost' => 'localhost', 'filesystem' => 'local', 'uploadpath' => $this->root_path . '/Uploads/']
/Idno/Core/Hub.php:1891$results = Webservice::post($this->server . 'hub/site/register', array('url' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getURL( ), 'title' => \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->config( )->getTitle( ), 'token' => $this->getRegistrationToken( )))
/Idno/Core/Hub.php:2861$results = Webservice::post($this->server . $endpoint, array('content' => $contents, 'time' => $time, 'auth_token' => $details['token'], 'signature' => hash_hmac('sha1', $contents . $time . $details['token'], $details['secret'])))
/Idno/Core/Time.php:1151$time = ($diff > 0) ? \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->language( )->_('ahead') : \Idno\Core\Idno::site( )->language( )->_('behind')
/Idno/Core/Hub.php:731$results = Webservice::post($this->server . 'hub/user/register', array('content' => $contents, 'time' => $time, 'auth_token' => $details['auth_token'], 'signature' => hash_hmac('sha1', $contents . $time . $details['auth_token'], $details['secret'])))