List of keywords used in phpdoc attributes.
Keyword | Value | Count |
@api | */ | 45 |
@author | pjgalbraith | 1 |
porneL (based on DOMLettersIterator available at | 1 | |
porneL | 1 | |
Márk Sági-Kazár |
3 | |
@const | Default composer location */ | 1 |
Regex to match JavaScriptModyle files */ | 1 | |
Regex to match JavaScript files */ | 1 | |
Regex to match CSS and JavaScript files */ | 1 | |
Regex to match CSS files */ | 1 | |
Target is not a Grav instance */ | 1 | |
Error while trying to open the ZIP package */ | 1 | |
Invalid source file */ | 1 | |
Error while trying to extract the ZIP package */ | 1 | |
No error */ | 1 | |
Target already exists */ | 1 | |
Target is a symbolic link */ | 1 | |
Target doesn't exist */ | 1 | |
Target is not a directory */ | 1 | |
Regex to match JS imports */ | 1 | |
Regex to match CSS urls */ | 1 | |
Regex to match CSS sourcemap comments */ | 1 | |
@copyright | Copyright (c) 2015 - 2024 Trilby Media, LLC. All rights reserved. | 1 |
@deprecated | 1.6 Using message PSR-7 decorators instead. | 1 |
1.7 Use $grav['user_groups'] instead of this class. In type hints, please use UserGroupInterface. | 1 | |
1.6 Use $grav['accounts'] instead of static calls. In type hints, please use UserInterface. | 1 | |
1.6 Use $grav['accounts'] instead of static calls. In type hints, use UserInterface. | 1 | |
1.7 Use GravExtension instead | 1 | |
1.7 Use Symfony Console Table | 1 | |
1.6 Use Grav\Framework\File\Interfaces\FileFormatterInterface instead | 1 | |
1.7 Not used currently | 1 | |
1.7 Use `Grav\Common\Media\Traits\StaticResizeTrait` instead | 1 | |
1.6.11 Use '->getUniqueId()' method instead. | 1 | |
1.6 Use FormFactory::createFormByPage() instead. | 1 | |
1.6 Use ->toString(true) or ->getUri() instead. | 1 | |
1.6 Use ->getFlexType() method instead. | 1 | |
1.7 Use $object->update()->save() instead. | 1 | |
1.7 Use $object->delete() instead. | 1 | |
1.7 Use static ::updateObjectMeta() method instead. | 1 | |
1.7, moved to \Grav\Common\Flex\Traits\FlexObjectTrait | 1 | |
1.6 Admin compatibility | 1 | |
1.6 Use ->getFormValue() method instead. | 1 | |
1.7 Moved to \Grav\Common\Flex\Traits\FlexObjectTrait | 1 | |
1.7 Use `->setMetaData()` instead. | 1 | |
1.7 Use `->getMetaData()` instead. | 1 | |
1.7 Use Media class that implements MediaUploadInterface instead. | 1 | |
1.7 Not needed for Flex Users. | 1 | |
1.5 Use ->getInstance() method instead. | 1 | |
1.5 Use ->getAll() method instead. | 1 | |
1.5 Use ->isStarted() method instead. | 1 | |
1.5 Use ->getDotNotation() method instead. | 1 | |
1.7 Use $grav->close() instead. | 1 | |
1.6 Use $this->getPath() instead. | 1 | |
1.7 Use $this->modules() instead | 1 | |
1.7 Use $this->pages() instead | 1 | |
1.5 Use Grav::instance()['languages'] instead. | 1 | |
1.6 No longer used - using content negotiation. | 1 | |
1.6 Use $grav['accounts']->load(...) instead. | 1 | |
1.6 Use $grav['accounts']->find(...) instead. | 1 | |
1.6 Use $grav['accounts']->delete(...) instead. | 1 | |
1.5 Auto-escape should always be turned on to protect against XSS issues (can be disabled per template file). | 1 | |
1.7 Use themeVarFunc() instead | 1 | |
Please use dynamic method with ['loading' => 'async']. | 1 | |
Please use dynamic method with ['loading' => 'defer']. | 1 | |
1.4 Use Grav::instance() instead. | 2 | |
1.6 Use `->update($data)` instead (same but with data validation & filtering, file upload support). | 2 | |
1.6 Use ->getAvatarImage() method instead. | 2 | |
1.6 Use ->getAvatarUrl() method instead. | 2 | |
1.5 Use ->authorize() method instead. | 2 | |
1.6 Method makes no sense for user account. | 2 | |
1.7 Not needed anymore in Flex Pages (does nothing). | 2 | |
1.6 Use `->getFlexType()` instead. | 3 | |
1.7 Use ->isModule() or ->modularTwig() method instead. | 3 | |
1.6 For backwards compatibility only, do not use | 3 | |
1.7 Moved to \Grav\Common\Flex\Traits\GravTrait | 4 | |
1.7, use $grav['user_groups'] Flex UserGroupCollection instead | 5 | |
1.6 | 8 | |
@example | $block = $object->render('custom', ['variable' => 'value']); | 1 |
{% render object layout 'custom' with { variable: 'value' } %} | 1 | |
`$langCode = null; $referrer = $pages->referrerRoute($langCode, '/admin');` returns relative referrer url within /admin and updates $langCode | 1 | |
`$langCode = 'en'; $referrer = $pages->referrerRoute($langCode, '/admin');` returns relative referrer url within the /en/admin | 1 | |
{{ url('theme://images/logo.png')|default('') }} | 1 | |
* $settings = ['destination' => 'user://pages/media']; // Settings from the form field. | 1 | |
$block->addStyle('assets/js/my.js'); | 2 | |
$block->addStyle(['href' => 'assets/js/my.js', 'media' => 'screen']); | 2 | |
$data->undef(''); | 2 | |
$data->def('', 'default'); | 2 | |
$value = $data->value(''); | 2 | |
* $filename = null; // Override filename if needed (ignored if randomizing filenames). | 3 | |
$value = $this->get(''); | 4 | |
$data->set('', $value); | 4 | |
@extends | AbstractLazyCollection |
1 |
BaseArrayCollection |
1 | |
AbstractFileCollection |
1 | |
BaseAbstractLazyCollection |
1 | |
ArrayCollection |
1 | |
AbstractIndexCollection |
1 | |
ObjectIndex |
1 | |
ObjectCollection |
1 | |
FlexCollection |
1 | |
FlexIndex |
1 | |
\Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexIndex |
1 | |
\Grav\Framework\Flex\FlexCollection |
1 | |
FlexCollection |
1 | |
FlexIndex |
1 | |
FlexCollection |
1 | |
FlexIndex |
1 | |
FlexCollection |
1 | |
FlexIndex |
1 | |
FlexPageCollection |
1 | |
FlexPageIndex |
1 | |
IteratorAggregate |
1 | |
Collection |
1 | |
ArrayAccess |
1 | |
Iterator |
1 | |
IteratorAggregate |
1 | |
ObjectCollectionInterface |
1 | |
ObjectCollectionInterface |
1 | |
ArrayAccess |
1 | |
FlexCollectionInterface |
1 | |
ArrayAccess |
1 | |
Iterator |
1 | |
IteratorAggregate |
1 | |
Traversable |
1 | |
ArrayAccess |
1 | |
Identifier |
2 | |
CollectionInterface |
2 | |
Selectable |
2 | |
@final | */ | 1 |
@implements | FileCollectionInterface |
1 |
FlexIndexInterface |
1 | |
FlexCollectionInterface |
1 | |
RelationshipsInterface |
1 | |
IteratorAggregate |
1 | |
ArrayAccess |
1 | |
RecursiveIterator |
1 | |
PageCollectionInterface |
1 | |
Iterator |
2 | |
NestedObjectCollectionInterface |
2 | |
IteratorAggregate |
2 | |
PageCollectionInterface |
2 | |
CollectionInterface |
3 | |
ArrayAccess |
3 | |
@import | statements to the top of the file per the CSS specification | 1 |
@inheritDoc | */ | 23 |
@inheritdoc | * @throws CacheException | 1 |
* @return Header | 1 | |
* @throws Exception | 1 | |
* | 1 | |
PageInterface | 1 | |
* @param bool $bool | 1 | |
* @throws InvalidArgumentException | 2 | |
*/ | 90 | |
@internal | * @throws ErrorException | 1 |
* @return void | 1 | |
*/ | 38 | |
@license | MIT License; see LICENSE file for details. | 1 |
Public Domain | 2 | |
@link | | 1 | | 1 | | | 1 | | | 2 | | | 2 | | | 2 | | | 2 | | | 2 | | | 6 | |
@method | FlexPageIndex withRoutable(bool $bool = true) | 1 |
FlexPageIndex withPublished(bool $bool = true) | 1 | |
FlexPageIndex withVisible(bool $bool = true) | 1 | |
Image applyExifOrientation($exif_orienation) | 1 | |
PageIndex getIndex() | 1 | |
PageIndex withModules(bool $bool = true) | 1 | |
PageIndex withPages(bool $bool = true) | 1 | |
PageIndex withTranslation(bool $bool = true, string $languageCode = null, bool $fallback = null) | 1 | |
@mixin | C | 1 |
@package | Grav\Core | 1 |
Grav\Framework\RequestHandler | 1 | |
Grav\Framework\RequestHandler\Middlewares | 1 | |
Grav\Framework\Filesystem | 1 | |
Grav\Framework\Object\Collection | 1 | |
Grav\Framework\Uri\Psr7 | 1 | |
Grav\Framework\Session\Exceptions | 1 | |
Grav\Common\Page\Markdown | 1 | |
Grav\Common\Form | 1 | |
Grav\Common\Processors\Events | 1 | |
Grav\Common\Backup | 1 | |
Grav\Common\Flex\Types\UserGroups | 1 | |
Grav\Common\User\FlexUser | 1 | |
Grav\Console\TerminalObjects | 1 | |
Grav\Framework\Object\Storage | 1 | |
Grav\Framework\Media\Interfaces | 1 | |
Grav\Framework\Traits | 1 | |
Grav\Framework\RequestHandler\Traits | 1 | |
Grav\Framework\Controller\Traits | 1 | |
Grav\Framework\Object\Properties | 1 | |
Grav\Framework\Object\Traits | 1 | |
Grav\Framework\Object\Access | 1 | |
Grav\Framework\Flex\Pages\Traits | 1 | |
Grav\Common\Page\Traits | 1 | |
Grav\Common\User\Traits | 1 | |
Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\Traits | 1 | |
Grav\Framework\Cache\Exception | 2 | |
Grav\Framework\Route | 2 | |
RocketTheme\Toolbox\File | 2 | |
Slim\Http | 2 | |
Grav\Framework\Session | 2 | |
Grav\Common\Language | 2 | |
Grav\Common\User\DataUser | 2 | |
Grav\Common\GPM\Common | 2 | |
Grav\Common\Twig\Extension | 2 | |
Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users | 2 | |
Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Users\Storage | 2 | |
Grav\Framework\Pagination\Interfaces | 2 | |
Grav\Framework\Form\Interfaces | 2 | |
Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces | 2 | |
Grav\Framework\Uri | 3 | |
Grav\Plugin\FlexObjects\Types\FlexPages | 3 | |
Grav\Framework\Psr7 | 3 | |
Grav\Common\Markdown | 3 | |
Grav\Common\Scheduler | 3 | |
Grav\Common\Flex | 3 | |
Grav\Common\Flex\Generic | 3 | |
Grav\Installer | 3 | |
Grav\Common\User\Interfaces | 3 | |
Grav\Common\Assets\Traits | 3 | |
Grav\Framework\ContentBlock | 4 | |
Grav\Framework\Pagination | 4 | |
Grav\Framework\Form | 4 | |
Grav\Framework\Flex\Storage | 4 | |
Grav\Common\File | 4 | |
Grav\Common\User | 4 | |
Grav\Common\Errors | 4 | |
Grav\Plugin\FlexObjects\Types\GravPages | 4 | |
Grav\Console | 4 | |
Grav\Framework\Object\Property | 4 | |
Grav\Framework\Psr7\Traits | 4 | |
Grav\Framework\RequestHandler\Exception | 5 | |
Grav\Framework\Acl | 5 | |
Grav\Common\Filesystem | 5 | |
Grav\Common\GPM\Local | 5 | |
Grav\Console\Application | 5 | |
Grav\Common\Helpers | 5 | |
Grav\Common\Flex\Traits | 5 | |
Grav\Framework\File | 6 | |
Grav\Common\Page | 6 | |
Grav\Common\GPM | 6 | |
Grav\Common\GPM\Remote | 6 | |
Grav\Common\Twig | 6 | |
Grav\Common\Page\Interfaces | 6 | |
Grav\Framework\Collection | 7 | |
Grav\Framework\Cache | 7 | |
Grav\Framework\File\Formatter | 7 | |
Grav\Common\Data | 7 | |
Grav\Framework\Object | 8 | |
Grav\Framework\Flex | 8 | |
Grav\Common\Config | 8 | |
Grav\Console\Gpm | 9 | |
Grav\Common\Twig\Node | 9 | |
Grav\Common\Assets | 9 | |
Grav\Common\Media\Traits | 9 | |
Grav\Console\Cli | 13 | |
Grav\Common\Processors | 14 | |
Grav\Common | 15 | |
Grav\Common\Page\Medium | 16 | |
Grav\Common\Service | 16 | |
@par | ArrayCollection | 1 |
@param | int|null $page | 1 |
int|null $start | 1 | |
string|null $username | 1 | |
string|null $email | 1 | |
FormFlash $flash | 1 | |
string $sessionId | 1 | |
string $error | 1 | |
Page $page | 1 | |
array $config Available configuration keys: session_id, unique_id, form_name | 1 | |
bool $includeOriginal | 1 | |
UploadedFileInterface $upload | 1 | |
SeekableIterator $iterator | 1 | |
array $children | 1 | |
RecursiveDirectoryIterator $file | 1 | |
array |
1 | |
int $flags | 1 | |
callable|null $filterFunction | 1 | |
callable|null $objectFunction | 1 | |
array $entries Elements. | 1 | |
mixed $element | 1 | |
string $serialized | 1 | |
array $middleware | 1 | |
callable $default | 1 | |
ContainerInterface|null $container | 1 | |
string $part | 1 | |
mixed|null $invalidMiddleware | 1 | |
array |
1 | |
bool $validation | 1 | |
iterable $values | 1 | |
string|mixed $key | 1 | |
null|int|DateInterval $ttl | 1 | |
int|null $defaultLifetime | 1 | |
bool $mkdir | 1 | |
int|null $expiresAt | 1 | |
int $line | 1 | |
array $caches | 1 | |
CacheProvider $doctrineCache | 1 | |
Uri $uri | 1 | |
string $language | 1 | |
bool $decode | 1 | |
JsonFormatter $formatter | 1 | |
CsvFormatter $formatter | 1 | |
Filesystem|null $filesystem | 1 | |
FileFormatterInterface $formatter | 1 | |
MarkdownFormatter $formatter | 1 | |
YamlFormatter $formatter | 1 | |
IniFormatter $formatter | 1 | |
string|null $name Configuration option (optional) | 1 | |
mixed $data | 1 | |
array $replace | 1 | |
bool $withDot If true, return file extension with beginning dot (.json). | 1 | |
bool $block For non-blocking lock, set the parameter to `false`. | 1 | |
mixed $data Data to be saved. | 1 | |
string $path New path and filename for the file. Can also be URI. | 1 | |
mixed $data Data to be encoded. | 1 | |
string $data String to be decoded. | 1 | |
bool|null $normalize See $this->setNormalization() | 1 | |
int|null $options | 1 | |
string $path A filename or path, does not need to exist as a file. | 1 | |
string|null $suffix If the filename ends in suffix this will also be cut off. | 1 | |
int|null $options A PATHINFO_* constant. | 1 | |
array $content | 1 | |
string|resource|StreamInterface $resource | 1 | |
array $compare | 1 | |
string $value New value. | 1 | |
mixed $default Default value if property has not been set. | 1 | |
string $name | 1 | |
int $orientation | 1 | |
Closure|null $next | 1 | |
string $default Default value. | 1 | |
mixed|null $default Default value if property has not been set. | 1 | |
mixed $default Default value. | 1 | |
mixed $offset The name value to unset | 1 | |
string $property Object property to be fetched. | 1 | |
mixed $default Default value if property has not been set. | 1 | |
callable|bool $doCreate Set true to create variable. | 1 | |
bool $doCreate Set true to create variable. | 1 | |
bool $doCreate Not being used. | 1 | |
mixed $value New value. | 1 | |
mixed $default Default value. | 1 | |
string $method Method name. | 1 | |
string $name Method name. | 1 | |
array $mimes An associative array containing ['ext' => ['mime/type', 'mime/type2']] | 1 | |
array $mimes | 1 | |
string $info The raw user or password. | 1 | |
string $path The raw uri path. | 1 | |
string $query The raw uri query string. | 1 | |
string $blueprint_file | 1 | |
string|string[]|null $properties | 1 | |
string $type_view | 1 | |
array $types List of [type => blueprint file, ...] | 1 | |
string $flexKey | 1 | |
array $orderings | 1 | |
array $indexKeys | 1 | |
array $index Saved index | 1 | |
array $entries Updated index | 1 | |
array $entry | 1 | |
Exception $e | 1 | |
callable|null $submitMethod | 1 | |
FlexDirectory $type | 1 | |
array $elements Elements. | 1 | |
int $timestamp | 1 | |
string $name Form name | 1 | |
array|null $options Form optiosn | 1 | |
array|mixed $value | 1 | |
array $settings | 1 | |
MediaObjectInterface|null $image | 1 | |
MediaCollectionInterface $media | 1 | |
iterable $collection | 1 | |
File $file | 1 | |
bool $include_target | 1 | |
string|array $formatter | 1 | |
bool $include_base | 1 | |
string $var Set new default route. | 1 | |
bool $inherit | 1 | |
iterable $authors | 1 | |
array $parent | 1 | |
PageInterface|null $parent New parent page. | 1 | |
Header|null $value | 1 | |
int|null $size | 1 | |
bool $textOnly | 1 | |
array $options | 1 | |
FlexDirectory $directory Flex Directory where all the objects belong into. | 1 | |
string|null $keyField Key field used to index the collection. | 1 | |
FlexDirectory|null $directory Flex Directory where all the objects belong into. | 1 | |
array $orderings Pair of [property => 'ASC'|'DESC', ...]. | 1 | |
string $key Key. | 1 | |
string|null $field Field where the file is associated into. | 1 | |
string|null $filename Filename for the file. | 1 | |
string $key Storage key of an object. | 1 | |
string[] $keys Storage key of an object. | 1 | |
array $rows List of rows as `[row, ...]`. | 1 | |
array|null $fetched Optional reference to store only fetched items. | 1 | |
array $rows Array of `[key => row, ...]` pairs. | 1 | |
array $elements Array of object properties. | 1 | |
string $key Identifier key for the new object. | 1 | |
FlexDirectory $directory Flex Directory the object belongs into. | 1 | |
bool $validate True if the object should be validated against blueprint. | 1 | |
array $data Data containing updated properties with their values. To unset a value, use `null`. | 1 | |
array|UploadedFileInterface[] $files List of uploaded files to be saved within the object. | 1 | |
string|null $key Optional new key. If key isn't given, random key will be associated to the object. | 1 | |
string $name Name of the Blueprint form. Used to create customized forms for different use cases. | 1 | |
string $name Name of the form. Can be used to create customized forms for different use cases. | 1 | |
array|null $options Options can be used to further customize the form. | 1 | |
mixed $default Default value. | 1 | |
FlexDirectory $directory Flex directory. | 1 | |
FlexStorageInterface $storage Flex Storage associated to the directory. | 1 | |
string|null $indexKey | 1 | |
P $parent | 1 | |
IdentifierInterface $parent | 1 | |
string|array|null $acl | 1 | |
array|null $rules | 1 | |
Access $parent | 1 | |
array $acl | 1 | |
string $access | 1 | |
Action|null $parent | 1 | |
Action $child | 1 | |
Action $action | 1 | |
Action[] $actions | 1 | |
array $type | 1 | |
array|null $access | 1 | |
array $dependencies | 1 | |
int $status Status code | 1 | |
array $headers Response headers | 1 | |
string|null|resource|StreamInterface $body Response body | 1 | |
string|null $reason Reason phrase (optional) | 1 | |
mixed $data The data | 1 | |
int|null $status The HTTP status code. | 1 | |
int $options Json encoding options | 1 | |
int $depth Json encoding max depth | 1 | |
string $url The redirect destination. | 1 | |
int|null $status The redirect HTTP status code. | 1 | |
string $method HTTP method | 1 | |
string|UriInterface $uri URI | 1 | |
array $headers Request headers | 1 | |
string|null|resource|StreamInterface $body Request body | 1 | |
StreamInterface|string|resource $streamOrFile | 1 | |
int $size | 1 | |
int $errorStatus | 1 | |
string|null $clientFilename | 1 | |
string|null $clientMediaType | 1 | |
string $method HTTP method | 1 | |
string|UriInterface $uri URI | 1 | |
array $headers Request headers | 1 | |
string|null|resource|StreamInterface $body Request body | 1 | |
string $version Protocol version | 1 | |
array $serverParams Typically the $_SERVER superglobal | 1 | |
string $key The attribute name. | 1 | |
mixed $default Default value to return if the attribute does not exist. | 1 | |
string $key The parameter key. | 1 | |
string|null $default The default value. | 1 | |
mixed $default | 1 | |
string $method HTTP method | 1 | |
RequestInterface $request | 1 | |
string $user | 1 | |
string|null $password | 1 | |
string $fragment | 1 | |
string|null $layout Layout to be used. | 1 | |
array $context Extra context given to the renderer. | 1 | |
MediaObjectInterface $object | 1 | |
GravMediaObjectInterface|null $media | 1 | |
GravMediaObjectInterface $medium | 1 | |
FlexFormFlash $flash | 1 | |
int|null $lifetime | 1 | |
string $id Session ID | 1 | |
bool $readonly | 1 | |
PageInterface $page the page to process | 1 | |
array|null $page_taxonomy | 1 | |
PageInterface $page The Page to process | 1 | |
string $taxonomy Taxonomy type to add | 1 | |
string $key Taxonomy type to concatenate | 1 | |
iterable|string $value Taxonomy value to add or iterate | 1 | |
array $taxonomies taxonomies to search, eg ['tag'=>['animal','cat']] | 1 | |
string $operator can be 'or' or 'and' (defaults to 'and') | 1 | |
array|null $var the taxonomy map | 1 | |
string $taxonomy taxonomy name | 1 | |
string $name Theme name | 1 | |
string $class Class name | 1 | |
bool|int $enabled | 1 | |
string $id the id of the cached entry | 1 | |
string $id the id of the cached entry | 1 | |
array|object|int $data the data for the cached entry to store | 1 | |
int|null $lifetime the lifetime to store the entry in seconds | 1 | |
string $remove standard|all|assets-only|images-only|cache-only | 1 | |
int $future timestamp | 1 | |
string $setting | 1 | |
bool $echo | 1 | |
bool $auto | 1 | |
int $time | 1 | |
Config|null $config | 1 | |
ClassLoader|null $loader | 1 | |
string $plugin_route | 1 | |
string $offset An offset to check for. | 1 | |
string $offset The offset to retrieve. | 1 | |
string $offset The offset to assign the value to. | 1 | |
string $offset The offset to unset. | 1 | |
string $content The string to perform operations upon | 1 | |
callable $function The anonymous callback function | 1 | |
string $internal_regex Optional internal regex to extra data from | 1 | |
PageInterface $page The page to merge the configurations with the | 1 | |
mixed $deep false = shallow|true = recursive|merge = recursive+unique | 1 | |
array $params Array of additional configuration options to | 1 | |
string $type Is this 'plugins' or 'themes' | 1 | |
string|bool $deep | 1 | |
string $name The name of the plugin whose config it should store. | 1 | |
string $name The name of the theme whose config it should store. | 1 | |
Plugin $plugin | 1 | |
string $name Plugin name | 1 | |
bool|null $state If null, the method returns the enabled value. If set, the method sets the enabled state | 1 | |
DataCollectorInterface $collector | 1 | |
array $timings | 1 | |
string|null $call | 1 | |
string $name | 1 | |
string|null $description | 1 | |
mixed $message | 1 | |
mixed|bool $isString | 1 | |
EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher | 1 | |
float|null $time | 1 | |
int $errno | 1 | |
string $errstr | 1 | |
string $errfile | 1 | |
int $errline | 1 | |
array $deprecated | 1 | |
array $trace | 1 | |
string|array|null $env | 1 | |
string $url the URL to use in the class | 1 | |
string $root_path | 1 | |
string $hostname The hostname | 1 | |
int|null $id | 1 | |
bool $absolute True to include full path. | 1 | |
bool $domain True to include domain. Works only if first parameter is also true. | 1 | |
string|null $id Optional attribute. Get a single query attribute if set | 1 | |
bool $raw If true and $id is not set, return the full query array. Otherwise return the query string | 1 | |
string|null $id Optional parameter name. | 1 | |
boolean $array return the array format or not | 1 | |
string|false|null $default | 1 | |
string|null $fragment | 1 | |
bool|null $raw | 1 | |
bool $include_root | 1 | |
string|null $attributes | 1 | |
bool $withoutBaseRoute | 1 | |
bool $full | 1 | |
string $url the URL in question | 1 | |
array $parsed_url | 1 | |
PageInterface $page the current page to use as reference | 1 | |
string|array $url the URL as it was written in the markdown | 1 | |
string $type the type of URL, image | link | 1 | |
bool $absolute if null, will use system default, if true will use absolute links internally | 1 | |
bool $route_only only return the route, not full URL path | 1 | |
PageInterface $page the current page to use as reference | 1 | |
string $markdown_url the URL as it was written in the markdown | 1 | |
string $type the type of URL, image | link | 1 | |
bool|null $relative if null, will use system default, if true will use relative links internally | 1 | |
string $url the url | 1 | |
string $nonceParamName the param name to use | 1 | |
string|null $info The raw user or password. | 1 | |
string|null $path The raw uri path. | 1 | |
string|null $query The raw uri query string. | 1 | |
string|null $element | 1 | |
string|null $filter_type | 1 | |
bool $short | 1 | |
string|object $input | 1 | |
bool $domain | 1 | |
bool $fail_gracefully | 1 | |
string $wildcard_pattern | 1 | |
string $template Template string | 1 | |
array $variables Variables with values | 1 | |
array $brackets Optional array of opening and closing brackets or symbols | 1 | |
string $original | 1 | |
string $replacement | 1 | |
int $position | 1 | |
object $obj1 | 1 | |
object $obj2 | 1 | |
array $a | 1 | |
array $arr1 | 1 | |
array $arr2 | 1 | |
array $arr | 1 | |
string|null $default_format | 1 | |
int $limit Max number of characters. | 1 | |
bool $up_to_break truncate up to breakpoint after char count | 1 | |
string $break Break point. | 1 | |
string $pad Appended padding to the end of the string. | 1 | |
int $length in characters | 1 | |
int $length in words | 1 | |
string $file the full path to the file to be downloaded | 1 | |
bool $force_download as opposed to letting browser choose if to download or render | 1 | |
int $sec Throttling, try 0.1 for some speed throttling of downloads | 1 | |
int $bytes Size of chunks to send in bytes. Default is 1024 | 1 | |
array $options Extra options: [mime, download_name, expires] | 1 | |
string $extension Extension of file (eg "txt") | 1 | |
string $mime Mime type (eg 'image/jpeg') | 1 | |
string $mime mime type (eg "text/html") | 1 | |
array $mimetypes | 1 | |
string $filename Filename or path to file | 1 | |
string $filename Path to the file | 1 | |
string $suffix | 1 | |
array $source the Array to filter | 1 | |
callable $fn the function to pass through each array item | 1 | |
string $string The path | 1 | |
string $date a String expressed in the system.pages.dateformat.default format, with fallback to a | 1 | |
string|null $format a date format to use if possible | 1 | |
string $action the action the nonce is tied to (e.g. save-user-admin or move-page-homepage) | 1 | |
string|string[] $nonce the nonce to verify | 1 | |
string $action the action to verify the nonce to | 1 | |
bool $merge | 1 | |
array $orderArray | 1 | |
mixed $array | 1 | |
string|int $array_key | 1 | |
int $direction | 1 | |
int $sort_flags | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface|PageInterface|null $object | 1 | |
int $bytes The filesize in Bytes. | 1 | |
string $to The unit type to convert to. Accepts K, M, or G for Kilobytes, Megabytes, or Gigabytes, respectively. | 1 | |
int $decimal_places The number of decimal places to return. | 1 | |
string|int|float $size | 1 | |
bool $block Block or Line processing | 1 | |
int $prefix | 1 | |
string|array|Closure $name | 1 | |
string|null $environment | 1 | |
string $route Internal route. | 1 | |
int $code Redirection code (30x) | 1 | |
ResponseInterface|null $response | 1 | |
Event|null $event | 1 | |
string $timerId | 1 | |
string $timerTitle | 1 | |
callable $callback | 1 | |
string $svg | 1 | |
Pages $pages | 1 | |
bool $route | 1 | |
array $array Array such as $_POST or $_GET | 1 | |
array|null $options Extra options to be passed. | 1 | |
string $prefix Prefix for returned values. | 1 | |
string|null $string The string to run XSS detection logic on | 1 | |
string $word English noun to pluralize | 1 | |
int $count The count | 1 | |
string $word English noun to singularize | 1 | |
int $count | 1 | |
string $word Word to format as tile | 1 | |
string $uppercase If set to 'first' it will only uppercase the | 1 | |
string $word Word to convert to camel case | 1 | |
string $word Word to underscore | 1 | |
string $word Word to hyphenate | 1 | |
string $word String to "humanize" | 1 | |
string $uppercase If set to 'all' it will uppercase all the words | 1 | |
string $word Word to lowerCamelCase | 1 | |
string $class_name Class name for getting related table_name. | 1 | |
string $table_name Table name for getting related ClassName. | 1 | |
int $number Number to get its ordinal value | 1 | |
int $days | 1 | |
mixed $args | 1 | |
mixed $needle Searched value. | 1 | |
array|Iterator $items Items to be appended. Existing keys will be overridden with the new values. | 1 | |
callable|null $callback A function the receives ($value, $key) and must return a boolean to indicate | 1 | |
bool $desc | 1 | |
mixed $value Medium value | 1 | |
int|string $offset The name value to unset | 1 | |
array $config Configurable options. | 1 | |
string $collection | 1 | |
string $collectionName | 1 | |
array $assets | 1 | |
bool $overwrite | 1 | |
bool $sort | 1 | |
array $items | 1 | |
array $params | 1 | |
Pages|null $pages | 1 | |
bool $keepTwig If true, content between twig tags will not be processed. | 1 | |
bool|array $reorder Internal use. | 1 | |
string $name Not used. | 1 | |
Media|null $var Representation of associated media. | 1 | |
string|null $var the title of the Page | 1 | |
string|null $var the menu field for the page | 1 | |
bool|null $var true if the page is visible | 1 | |
bool|null $var true if the page is published | 1 | |
array|null $var an Array of name value pairs where the name is the process and value is true or false | 1 | |
string|null $var the slug, e.g. 'my-blog' | 1 | |
int|null $var | 1 | |
bool $canonical True to return the canonical URL | 1 | |
bool $include_base Include base url on multisite as well as language code | 1 | |
string|null $var the identifier | 1 | |
int|null $var modified unix timestamp | 1 | |
bool|null $var show last_modified header | 1 | |
string|null $var string representation of a date format | 1 | |
array|null $var an array of taxonomies | 1 | |
string $process the process, eg "twig" or "markdown" | 1 | |
string $path the path | 1 | |
array|null $new_order | 1 | |
array|null $media_order | 1 | |
bool $load | 1 | |
string|null $lang Optional language code for multilingual routes. | 1 | |
string|null $langCode Variable to store the language code. If already set, check only against that language. | 1 | |
string $route Optional route within the site. | 1 | |
bool|null $absolute If true, return absolute url, if false, return relative url. Otherwise return default. | 1 | |
int|null $modified | 1 | |
PageInterface $page Page to be added. | 1 | |
string|null $route Optional route (uses route from the object if not set). | 1 | |
array|string $value | 1 | |
PageInterface|null $self | 1 | |
PageInterface $page | 1 | |
string|null $order_by | 1 | |
string|null $order_dir | 1 | |
Collection $collection | 1 | |
string $orderBy | 1 | |
string $orderDir | 1 | |
array|null $orderManual | 1 | |
int|null $sort_flags | 1 | |
string $path The filesystem full path of the page | 1 | |
string|null $path The relative path of the ancestor folder | 1 | |
string $route The relative route of the page | 1 | |
string|null $field The field name of the ancestor to query for | 1 | |
string $route The route of the page | 1 | |
bool $all If true, return also non-routable pages, otherwise return null if page isn't routable | 1 | |
bool $all If true, return also non-routable pages, otherwise return null if page isn't routable | 1 | |
bool $redirect If true, allow redirects | 1 | |
bool $rawRoutes get the raw route or the normal route | 1 | |
int $level | 1 | |
bool $rawRoutes | 1 | |
bool $showAll | 1 | |
bool $showFullpath | 1 | |
bool $showSlug | 1 | |
bool $showModular | 1 | |
bool $limitLevels | 1 | |
array $pages_dirs | 1 | |
string $directory | 1 | |
PageInterface|null $parent | 1 | |
array $pages | 1 | |
bool $override | 1 | |
array|null $form | 1 | |
array|null $config | 1 | |
object $markdown | 1 | |
ImageMediaInterface|MediaObjectInterface $medium | 1 | |
int $from | 1 | |
int $to | 1 | |
MediaObjectInterface $medium | 1 | |
string $type the image type | 1 | |
int $quality the quality (for JPEG) | 1 | |
bool $actual | 1 | |
int $scale | 1 | |
string|null $image | 1 | |
string|null $position | 1 | |
int|float|null $scale | 1 | |
string $stream | 1 | |
MediaObjectInterface|null $file | 1 | |
array $media | 1 | |
bool|null $include_host | 1 | |
bool|mixed $reorder Internal use. | 1 | |
MediaCollectionInterface|null $var New media object. | 1 | |
string|null $var New title of the Page | 1 | |
string|null $var New menu field for the page | 1 | |
array|null $var New array of name value pairs where the name is the process and value is true or false | 1 | |
string|null $var New slug, e.g. 'my-blog' | 1 | |
int|null $var New order as a number | 1 | |
string|null $var New identifier | 1 | |
int|null $var New modified unix timestamp | 1 | |
bool|null $var New last_modified header value | 1 | |
string|null $var New folder | 1 | |
string|null $var New string representation of a date | 1 | |
string|null $var New string representation of a date format | 1 | |
array|null $var New array of taxonomies | 1 | |
string $process The process name, eg "twig" or "markdown" | 1 | |
string $name Name of the Blueprint form. Used by flex only. | 1 | |
array $crop | 1 | |
string $var | 1 | |
bool $assoc | 1 | |
mixed $data Optional data to be saved, usually array. | 1 | |
callable $blueprints | 1 | |
bool $withDefaults | 1 | |
string $cacheFolder Cache folder to be used. | 1 | |
array $files List of files as returned from ConfigFileFinder class. | 1 | |
string $path Base path for the file list. | 1 | |
string|string[] $filename File(s) to be loaded. | 1 | |
Container|array $container | 1 | |
array $paths Filesystem paths to look up from. | 1 | |
string $name Configuration file to be located. | 1 | |
string $ext File extension (optional, defaults to .yaml). | 1 | |
string $folder Location to look up from. | 1 | |
string|null $lookup Filename to be located (defaults to directory name). | 1 | |
array $files Files to be loaded. | 1 | |
PageInterface|Excerpts|null $excerpts | 1 | |
bool $continuable | 1 | |
bool $completable | 1 | |
array $Element | 1 | |
array $special_chars | 1 | |
string $expression | 1 | |
int|string $weekday | 1 | |
int|string $month | 1 | |
int|string|null $minute | 1 | |
int|string|null $hour | 1 | |
int|string|null $day | 1 | |
int|string|null $month | 1 | |
int|string|null $weekday | 1 | |
int|string|null $value | 1 | |
int $min | 1 | |
int $max | 1 | |
string|null $cron | 1 | |
string $lang 'fr' or 'en' | 1 | |
string $cron | 1 | |
string|string[] $minutes | 1 | |
string|string[] $hours | 1 | |
string|string[] $months | 1 | |
string|string[] $dow | 1 | |
string|string[] $dom | 1 | |
mixed $date | 1 | |
int $hour | 1 | |
int $day | 1 | |
int $month | 1 | |
int $weekday | 1 | |
int $minuteBefore | 1 | |
int $minuteAfter | 1 | |
array|string $string | 1 | |
int $max | 1 | |
string $jobid | 1 | |
callable $fn The function to execute | 1 | |
array $args Optional arguments to pass to the php script | 1 | |
string|null $id Optional custom identifier | 1 | |
string $command The command to execute | 1 | |
array $args Optional arguments to pass to the command | 1 | |
string|null $id Optional custom identifier | 1 | |
DateTime|null $runTime Optional, run at specific moment | 1 | |
bool $force force run even if not due | 1 | |
string $type Allowed: text, html, array | 1 | |
string|null $php | 1 | |
string $string | 1 | |
string|callable $command | 1 | |
DateTime|null $date | 1 | |
string|null $link | 1 | |
string|null $tempDir The directory path for the lock files | 1 | |
callable|null $whenOverlapping A callback to ignore job overlapping | 1 | |
mixed $content | 1 | |
string|array $filename | 1 | |
string|array $email | 1 | |
bool $runInBackground | 1 | |
array $langs | 1 | |
string|null $delimiter Delimiter to be quoted. | 1 | |
string|false $lang | 1 | |
bool $assoc Return values in ['en' => '', ...] format. | 1 | |
string|null $languageCode | 1 | |
bool $includeDefault If true, list contains '', which can be used for default | 1 | |
string|array $args The first argument is the lookup key value | 1 | |
bool $array_support | 1 | |
bool $html_out | 1 | |
string $lang lang code | 1 | |
string $key key to lookup with | 1 | |
array $accept_langs | 1 | |
bool $native | 1 | |
string $hash Hash to verify against. | 1 | |
string $hash | 1 | |
Blueprint|null $blueprints | 1 | |
string $className | 1 | |
Blueprint|callable $blueprints | 1 | |
string $compression | 1 | |
string $archive_file | 1 | |
string $rootPath | 1 | |
array $ignore_files | 1 | |
array $paths | 1 | |
string $extensions which files to search for specifically | 1 | |
string $base | 1 | |
string $path | 1 | |
array $params | 1 | |
string|null $ignore Ignore files matching pattern (regular expression). | 1 | |
string $dest | 1 | |
Grav $container | 1 | |
bool $isString | 1 | |
Debugger $debugger | 1 | |
string $method method to call such as GET, PUT, etc | 1 | |
string $uri URL to call | 1 | |
array $overrides An array of parameters for both `curl` and `fopen` | 1 | |
array $overrides | 1 | |
boolean $refresh Applies to Remote Packages only and forces a refetch of data | 1 | |
string $license | 1 | |
string|null $slug | 1 | |
string $zip_file | 1 | |
string $zip the local path to ZIP package | 1 | |
string $destination The local path to the Grav Instance | 1 | |
array $options Options to use for installing. ie, ['install_path' => 'user/themes/antimatter'] | 1 | |
string|null $extracted The local path to the extacted ZIP package | 1 | |
bool $keepExtracted True if you want to keep the original files | 1 | |
array $old | 1 | |
SymfonyStyle $io | 1 | |
string $installer_file_folder The folder path that contains install.php | 1 | |
bool $is_install True if install, false if removal | 1 | |
array $ignores | 1 | |
bool $keep_source | 1 | |
string $path The slug of the package(s) | 1 | |
array $options Options to use for uninstalling | 1 | |
string $destination The directory to run validations at | 1 | |
array $exclude An array of constants to exclude from the validation | 1 | |
string $target The local path to the Grav Instance | 1 | |
int|string $error the Error code | 1 | |
bool $refresh Applies to Remote Packages only and forces a refetch of data | 1 | |
array $list_type_installed | 1 | |
array $cmd | 1 | |
string $slug The slug of the Package | 1 | |
array $list_type_update specifies what type of package to update | 1 | |
int $port | 1 | |
string $slug The slug of the package | 1 | |
string $plugin The slug of the Plugin | 1 | |
string $theme The slug of the Theme | 1 | |
string $search Can be either the slug or the name | 1 | |
bool $ignore_exception True if should not fire an exception (for use in Twig) | 1 | |
array $searches An array of either slugs or names | 1 | |
string $slug The slug name of the package | 1 | |
string $package_slug | 1 | |
string $dependency_slug | 1 | |
string $version_with_operator | 1 | |
array $ignore_packages_list | 1 | |
array $packages_names_list | 1 | |
array $dependencies_slugs | 1 | |
GPM $gpm | 1 | |
string $firstVersion | 1 | |
string $secondVersion | 1 | |
string $packageName The package information | 1 | |
array $dependencies The dependencies array | 1 | |
string $version1 the version string (e.g. '2.0.0' or '1.0') | 1 | |
string $version2 the version string (e.g. '2.0.0' or '1.0') | 1 | |
array $dependencies The dependencies array | 1 | |
string $type The type of dependency to show: install, update, ignore | 1 | |
string $message A message to be shown prior to listing the dependencies | 1 | |
bool $required A flag that determines if the installation is required or optional | 1 | |
Package|null $package | 1 | |
bool $is_update True if the package is an update | 1 | |
string|null $repository | 1 | |
bool $is_update | 1 | |
bool $is_update True if it's an update. False if it's an install | 1 | |
bool $is_dependency | 1 | |
callable $function | 1 | |
int $httpCode | 1 | |
string $resource | 1 | |
string $folder_path | 1 | |
Request $request | 1 | |
array $only_packages | 1 | |
string $name The template name | 1 | |
string $template The template source | 1 | |
PageInterface $item The page item to render | 1 | |
string|null $content Optional content override | 1 | |
string $template template to render with | 1 | |
array $vars Optional variables | 1 | |
string $string string to render. | 1 | |
array $vars Optional variables | 1 | |
string|null $format Output format (defaults to HTML). | 1 | |
array $vars | 1 | |
string $template the template name | 1 | |
string|null $format | 1 | |
bool $state | 1 | |
Packages $data | 1 | |
AbstractPackageCollection|Plugins|Themes $packages | 1 | |
int|float $size | 1 | |
ConsoleCommandEvent $event | 1 | |
string $pluginName | 1 | |
InputInterface|null $input | 1 | |
OutputInterface|null $output | 1 | |
Timeline $timeline | 1 | |
null $parent | 1 | |
array|Traversable $original | 1 | |
int $offset Can be used to return only slice of the array. | 1 | |
string|int $number | 1 | |
int $divider | 1 | |
array|null $items array of items to select from to return | 1 | |
int|null $count | 1 | |
array $input | 1 | |
string $filter | 1 | |
int $direction | 1 | |
int $sort_flags | 1 | |
array|null $array | 1 | |
int $chars | 1 | |
string $split | 1 | |
string|mixed $str | 1 | |
string $date | 1 | |
bool $long_strings | 1 | |
bool $show_tense | 1 | |
string|array $data | 1 | |
bool $block Block or Line processing | 1 | |
array|object $value | 1 | |
Environment $twig | 1 | |
string|array $args | 1 | |
array|null $lang | 1 | |
int $multiplier | 1 | |
string $input Resource to be located. | 1 | |
bool $domain True to include domain name. | 1 | |
bool $failGracefully If true, return URL even if the file does not exist. | 1 | |
string $twig | 1 | |
string|false $file | 1 | |
int $pad_length | 1 | |
string $pad_string | 1 | |
int $pad_type | 1 | |
string $key key of item | 1 | |
string $val value of item | 1 | |
array|null $current_array optional array to add to | 1 | |
array|Collection $array1 | 1 | |
array|Collection $array2 | 1 | |
string|array $action An action or a list of actions. Each | 1 | |
string $nonceParamName a custom nonce param name | 1 | |
string $str | 1 | |
bool $assoc | 1 | |
int $depth | 1 | |
int $options | 1 | |
string $key The cookie name to retrieve | 1 | |
string|string[] $subject the content to perform the replacement on | 1 | |
string|string[] $pattern the regex pattern to use for matches | 1 | |
string|string[] $replace the replacement value either as a string or an array of replacements | 1 | |
int $limit the maximum possible replacements for each pattern in each subject | 1 | |
string $regex | 1 | |
string $subject the content to perform the match on | 1 | |
string $pattern the regex pattern to use for match | 1 | |
string $subject the content to perform the split on | 1 | |
string $pattern the regex pattern to use for split | 1 | |
int $limit the maximum possible splits for the given pattern | 1 | |
string $url the url to redirect to | 1 | |
int $statusCode statusCode, default 303 | 1 | |
int $start Minimum number, default 0 | 1 | |
int $end Maximum number, default `getrandmax()` | 1 | |
int $step Increment between elements in the sequence, default 1 | 1 | |
string $image | 1 | |
string $media_dir | 1 | |
int|float|string $n | 1 | |
array $context Twig Context | 1 | |
string $var variable to be found (using dot notation) | 1 | |
null $default the default value to be used as last resort | 1 | |
PageInterface|null $page an optional page to use for the current page | 1 | |
bool $exists toggle to simply return the page where the variable is set, else null | 1 | |
string $var the variable to look for in the page header | 1 | |
string|string[]|null $pages array of pages to check (current page upwards if not null) | 1 | |
string|string[] $classes | 1 | |
string|null $classes | 1 | |
array|object $data | 1 | |
int $inline integer number of levels of inline syntax | 1 | |
string|null $typeTest | 1 | |
string|null $className | 1 | |
string|null $required_sections | 1 | |
bool $as_arrays | 1 | |
bool $read_thumbnail | 1 | |
Node $body | 1 | |
Node $message | 1 | |
string $key unique name for key | 1 | |
int $lifetime in seconds | 1 | |
Node $body | 1 | |
integer $lineno | 1 | |
AbstractExpression $object | 1 | |
AbstractExpression|null $layout | 1 | |
AbstractExpression|null $context | 1 | |
Node $try | 1 | |
Node|null $catch | 1 | |
string|null $rel | 1 | |
Node $value | 1 | |
Node $cases | 1 | |
Node|null $default | 1 | |
string $backup | 1 | |
string $base_url | 1 | |
bool $force | 1 | |
int $id | 1 | |
string $exclude | 1 | |
BlueprintForm|array $extends | 1 | |
array $data1 | 1 | |
array $data2 | 1 | |
string|null $name Optional | 1 | |
string $separator Optional | 1 | |
bool $missingValuesAsNull | 1 | |
string|array $path | 1 | |
string|null $context | 1 | |
string $op | 1 | |
string $type Blueprint type. | 1 | |
string|array $search Search path. | 1 | |
string $name Name of the blueprint. | 1 | |
array $messages | 1 | |
Blueprint|callable|null $blueprints | 1 | |
string|string[] $action | 1 | |
array $field | 1 | |
bool $params | 1 | |
array $data Incoming data, for example from a form. | 1 | |
bool $missingValuesAsNull Include missing values as nulls. | 1 | |
bool $keepEmptyValues Include empty values. | 1 | |
bool $strict | 1 | |
bool $xss | 1 | |
bool $missingValuesAsNull | 1 | |
array $fields | 1 | |
HtmlBlock $block | 1 | |
bool $pipeline | 1 | |
string|false $asset | 1 | |
string $position | 1 | |
bool $local | 1 | |
string $dir , $local relative path to the css file | 1 | |
string $link | 1 | |
string $file the file containing the combined CSS files | 1 | |
string|null $asset | 1 | |
string $asset | 1 | |
array $collections | 1 | |
array $css | 1 | |
array $js | 1 | |
string|int $value | 1 | |
bool $include_join | 1 | |
string $pattern (regex) | 1 | |
string $pattern (regex) | 1 | |
string|null $ltrim Will be trimmed from the left of the file path | 1 | |
int $inline The level where you switch to inline YAML. | 1 | |
int $indent The amount of spaces to use for indentation of nested nodes. | 1 | |
array|object $value Value to be joined. | 1 | |
ToOneRelationshipInterface $relationship | 1 | |
string|string[] $fields the fields to search | 1 | |
array $items Items to be appended. Existing keys will be overridden with the new values. | 1 | |
int|null $sort_flags | 1 | |
string $order_dir | 1 | |
PageObject $object | 1 | |
array $manual | 1 | |
string $sort_flags | 1 | |
string|array $query | 1 | |
bool $setDefaultLang | 1 | |
string $extensions | 1 | |
string $html HTML tag e.g. `![]() |
1 | |
string $html HTML tag e.g. `Page Link` | 1 | |
string $html Chunk of HTML | 1 | |
string $tag A tag, for example `img` | 1 | |
string $bytes | 1 | |
string $base32 | 1 | |
int $limit Limit to how many letters we preserve. | 1 | |
int $limit Limit to how many words we preserve. | 1 | |
string $html HTML to load | 1 | |
DOMNode|DOMElement $domNode | 1 | |
DOMNode|DOMElement $topNode | 1 | |
DOMDocument $doc | 1 | |
DOMNode $container | 1 | |
DOMNode|DOMElement $domNode Element to insert after. | 1 | |
string $ellipsis Text used to suffix our document. | 1 | |
string $ending | 1 | |
bool $exact | 1 | |
bool $considerHtml | 1 | |
bool $desc | 1 | |
string $level | 1 | |
string $trace | 1 | |
int $rows | 1 | |
string $method | 1 | |
array $arguments | 1 | |
bool $testLinked | 1 | |
array|null $settings Form field specific settings (override). | 1 | |
int $max_width | 1 | |
int $step | 1 | |
string $filter Filter to be used. | 1 | |
MediaCollectionInterface|Media $media Representation of associated media. | 1 | |
bool $withDerived | 1 | |
string|null $hash | 1 | |
int|null $width | 1 | |
int|null $height | 1 | |
int $max_width | 1 | |
int $step | 1 | |
bool $withDerived If true, include generated images as well. If false, only return existing files. | 1 | |
string|null $hash | 1 | |
MediaObjectInterface $file | 1 | |
Flex $flex | 1 | |
Permissions $permissions | 1 | |
Plugins $plugins | 1 | |
string|null $schema | 1 | |
array $history | 1 | |
Versions $versions | 1 | |
string $variable | 1 | |
array $lines | 1 | |
array $check | 1 | |
Throwable $previous | 1 | |
string $name The option name | 1 | |
string|array|null $shortcut The shortcuts, can be null, a string of shortcuts delimited by | or an array of shortcuts | 1 | |
int|null $mode The option mode: One of the InputOption::VALUE_* constants | 1 | |
string $description A description text | 1 | |
string|string[]|int|bool|null $default The default value (must be null for InputOption::VALUE_NONE) | 1 | |
string|null $code | 1 | |
array $all | 1 | |
DOMNode $el | 2 | |
string $framework | 2 | |
array $element | 2 | |
string $html | 2 | |
string $checksum | 2 | |
ContentBlockInterface $block | 2 | |
int|null $pos | 2 | |
int $page | 2 | |
string $targetPath | 2 | |
UploadedFileInterface[]|null $files | 2 | |
array $errors | 2 | |
UploadedFileInterface $file | 2 | |
array $form | 2 | |
callable $filterFunction | 2 | |
int $nestingLimit | 2 | |
FlexObjectInterface $element | 2 | |
MiddlewareInterface $middleware | 2 | |
null|int|DateInterval $ttl | 2 | |
iterable $keys | 2 | |
string|null $folder | 2 | |
int $type | 2 | |
int $ttl | 2 | |
string|null $language | 2 | |
bool $includeRoot | 2 | |
string|null $delimiter | 2 | |
array $line | 2 | |
array $search | 2 | |
T|null $identifier | 2 | |
positive-int $pos | 2 | |
T $identifier | 2 | |
bool|null $normalize | 2 | |
int $levels | 2 | |
int $levels The number of parent directories to go up (>= 1). | 2 | |
string|null $separator Separator, defaults to '.' | 2 | |
object $object | 2 | |
mixed $default Default value if not set. | 2 | |
string $property Object property to be matched. | 2 | |
string $property Object property to be used to make groups. | 2 | |
mixed $offset The offset to unset. | 2 | |
bool $doCreate | 2 | |
array $arguments List of arguments passed to the function. | 2 | |
string $property Object property to be updated. | 2 | |
mixed $value New value. | 2 | |
string|null $separator Separator, defaults to '.' | 2 | |
string $property Object property to be defined. | 2 | |
mixed $default Default value. | 2 | |
string|null $separator Separator, defaults to '.' | 2 | |
string $property Object property to be unset. | 2 | |
string $property Object property to be updated. | 2 | |
mixed $value New value. | 2 | |
string $property Object property to be defined. | 2 | |
mixed $default Default value. | 2 | |
string $mime | 2 | |
array $extensions | 2 | |
string $query | 2 | |
UriInterface|null $base An optional base URI to compare against | 2 | |
string $scheme | 2 | |
string $host | 2 | |
int|null $port | 2 | |
array $defaults | 2 | |
string $view | 2 | |
string $keyField | 2 | |
string $blueprint | 2 | |
array $config | 2 | |
array|string[]|null $types | 2 | |
array|null $keys | 2 | |
array $options In addition to the options in getObjects(), following options can be passed: | 2 | |
array $options Following optional options can be passed: | 2 | |
array $options Options to initialize the form instance: | 2 | |
T $object | 2 | |
array $added | 2 | |
array $updated | 2 | |
array $removed | 2 | |
array $storage | 2 | |
bool $includeParams | 2 | |
array|bool $reorder | 2 | |
callable $filter | 2 | |
bool $extended | 2 | |
bool $include_host | 2 | |
bool $canonical true to return the canonical URL | 2 | |
string|null $var Optional path, including numeric prefix. | 2 | |
bool $isAuthor | 2 | |
string|null $lookup Name of the parent folder | 2 | |
Header|stdClass|array|null $value | 2 | |
FlexObjectInterface[] $entries Associated array of Flex Objects to be included in the collection. | 2 | |
string $search Search string. | 2 | |
string|string[]|null $properties Properties to search for, defaults to configured properties. | 2 | |
array|null $options Search options, defaults to configured options. | 2 | |
string|null $keyField Switch key field of the collection. | 2 | |
string|null $key Optional storage key. | 2 | |
string $name Property name. | 2 | |
string|null $separator Optional nested property separator. | 2 | |
array $action | 2 | |
string $version Protocol version | 2 | |
string|resource|StreamInterface $body | 2 | |
UploadedFileInterface|null $uploadedFile | 2 | |
mixed $value | 2 | |
Config $config Configuration class | 2 | |
string $id the id of the cached data entry | 2 | |
Event $event | 2 | |
mixed $object | 2 | |
Grav $grav | 2 | |
array $events | 2 | |
string $eventName | 2 | |
string|null $message | 2 | |
string $label | 2 | |
object $event | 2 | |
bool $include_host Include hostname. | 2 | |
string|null $default | 2 | |
bool $raw | 2 | |
string $action the action | 2 | |
string $subject | 2 | |
string $ellipsis | 2 | |
string $default | 2 | |
string $default default value | 2 | |
int|null $flags | 2 | |
string $function the name of the function to check | 2 | |
string $prepend | 2 | |
string $separator | 2 | |
bool $previousTick if true, generates the token for the previous tick (the previous 12 hours) | 2 | |
string|int|null $key | 2 | |
int $bytes | 2 | |
int $precision | 2 | |
string $ip | 2 | |
Route|string $route Internal route. | 2 | |
int|null $code Redirection code (30x) | 2 | |
int $key | 2 | |
int $num Specifies how many entries should be picked. | 2 | |
string|string[] $asset | 2 | |
class-string $type | 2 | |
PageInterface|string|null $key | 2 | |
string|null $sort_flags | 2 | |
object|array|null $var a YAML object representing the configuration for the file | 2 | |
int|null $size Max summary size. | 2 | |
bool $textOnly Only count text size. | 2 | |
string $summary Summary | 2 | |
string|null $var Content | 2 | |
string|null $content | 2 | |
string $name Variable name. | 2 | |
string|null $var Set new default route. | 2 | |
string|null $var Optional path | 2 | |
bool|null $lookup Name of the parent folder | 2 | |
string $route Optional route to the page. | 2 | |
bool|null $absolute If true, return absolute url, if false, return relative url. Otherwise return default. | 2 | |
string $route The relative URL of the page | 2 | |
PageInterface|null $current | 2 | |
string $order_by | 2 | |
int|null $sort_flags | 2 | |
array $list | 2 | |
Medium $medium | 2 | |
string|array $url | 2 | |
int $quality | 2 | |
string $thumb | 2 | |
int $width | 2 | |
int $height | 2 | |
string $enabled | 2 | |
MediaObjectInterface $mediaObject | 2 | |
bool|null $var New value | 2 | |
string|null $var String representation of the new date | 2 | |
string $filename File to be loaded. | 2 | |
string|null $checksum | 2 | |
bool|null $modified | 2 | |
string $filename | 2 | |
UniformResourceLocator $locator | 2 | |
string $base | 2 | |
string $folder Location to look up from. | 2 | |
int|null $index | 2 | |
string $Type | 2 | |
Excerpts|PageInterface|null $excerpts | 2 | |
int $min | 2 | |
int|string|DateTime $date | 2 | |
string|null $lang | 2 | |
string|null $fileExtension | 2 | |
string $index | 2 | |
bool $html_out | 2 | |
bool $array_support | 2 | |
mixed $value New value. | 2 | |
array|object $value Value to be joined. | 2 | |
RecursiveIterator $iterator | 2 | |
array $ignore_folders | 2 | |
array $paths | 2 | |
bool $include_target | 2 | |
string $folder | 2 | |
string|null $license | 2 | |
string $offset Asset name value | 2 | |
string $package_file | 2 | |
string $tmp | 2 | |
array $packages | 2 | |
Data $package | 2 | |
string|null $package_type | 2 | |
array $package | 2 | |
array $progress | 2 | |
array $plugins | 2 | |
string $zip | 2 | |
string $template_path | 2 | |
InputInterface $input | 2 | |
Profile $profile | 2 | |
\Twig_NodeInterface $node | 2 | |
string $at | 2 | |
string|null $chars | 2 | |
string $algo | 2 | |
Node|null $body | 2 | |
bool $keepEmptyValues | 2 | |
array $data Data to be flattened. | 2 | |
bool $includeAll True if undefined properties should also be included. | 2 | |
string $name Property which will be flattened, useful for flattening repeating data. | 2 | |
string $params | 2 | |
string $parent | 2 | |
array $nested | 2 | |
string $asset the asset string reference | 2 | |
string $dir local relative path to the css file | 2 | |
string|array $asset | 2 | |
int $priority | 2 | |
bool $pipeline | 2 | |
string $group name of the group | 2 | |
string|null $key the asset key | 2 | |
string $key The asset key | 2 | |
string $html Input HTML. | 2 | |
string $ellipsis String to use as ellipsis (if any). | 2 | |
int $lines | 2 | |
int|null $width | 2 | |
int|null $height | 2 | |
array $metadata | 2 | |
int|int[] $min_width | 2 | |
int|null $quality 0-100 quality | 2 | |
string $format | 2 | |
string|null $sizes | 2 | |
string|int $value A value or 'auto' or empty to use the width of the image | 2 | |
string|int $value A value or 'auto' or empty to use the height of the image | 2 | |
string $controlsList | 2 | |
int|float $ratio | 2 | |
MediaObjectInterface $alternative | 2 | |
string|null $querystring | 2 | |
bool $withQuestionmark | 2 | |
bool $withHash | 2 | |
string $attribute | 2 | |
string $type; | 2 | |
string $style | 2 | |
string|null $preload | 2 | |
string $urlImage | 2 | |
string $name Slash separated path to the requested value. | 2 | |
string|null $zip | 2 | |
array $results | 2 | |
Route $route | 3 | |
int $total | 3 | |
array|null $crop | 3 | |
array $upload | 3 | |
Criteria $criteria | 3 | |
int $size Size of each chunk. | 3 | |
array |
3 | |
int $limit | 3 | |
int $start | 3 | |
int|null $ttl | 3 | |
string $directory | 3 | |
string $dir | 3 | |
int|null $length | 3 | |
string $root | 3 | |
int|null $inline | 3 | |
int|null $indent | 3 | |
iterable |
3 | |
string|null $scheme | 3 | |
int|null $code | 3 | |
array|null $headers | 3 | |
array $arguments | 3 | |
mixed $offset An offset to check for. | 3 | |
mixed $offset The offset to retrieve. | 3 | |
mixed $offset The offset to assign the value to. | 3 | |
string $property Object property to be updated. | 3 | |
array $env | 3 | |
string|null $value | 3 | |
string $context | 3 | |
bool $keepMissing | 3 | |
FlexDirectory|null $directory | 3 | |
bool $variations | 3 | |
bool|null $var true if the page is routable | 3 | |
bool $include_host Defaults false, but true would include | 3 | |
bool $raw_route | 3 | |
array|null $var list of route aliases | 3 | |
string|null $var redirect url | 3 | |
string|null $var the path | 3 | |
bool $includeDefault If set to true, return separate entries for '' and 'en' (default) language. | 3 | |
bool $includeUnpublished also list unpublished translations | 3 | |
SplFileInfo $file The file information for the .md file that the page represents | 3 | |
string|null $var Raw content string | 3 | |
array $content_meta | 3 | |
string|null $var The name of this page. | 3 | |
string|null $var the template name | 3 | |
int|null $var The new expires value. | 3 | |
array|null $var an Array of metadata values to set | 3 | |
bool|null $var show etag header | 3 | |
string|null $var the file path | 3 | |
string|null $var the order, either "asc" or "desc" | 3 | |
int|null $var the maximum number of sub-pages | 3 | |
array $rows Array of `[key => row, ...]` pairs. | 3 | |
IdentifierInterface|null $identifier | 3 | |
string $prefix | 3 | |
string|string[] $needle | 3 | |
string $replace | 3 | |
string $text | 3 | |
null $default | 3 | |
PageInterface|null $page | 3 | |
int|string $offset Medium name value | 3 | |
string $group name of the group | 3 | |
string|null $var string representation of a date | 3 | |
string|null $path | 3 | |
array $items | 3 | |
string|null $title | 3 | |
string|null $alt | 3 | |
string|null $class | 3 | |
string|null $id | 3 | |
mixed $args | 3 | |
array $extras | 3 | |
string $cacheFolder | 3 | |
int|null $timestamp | 3 | |
array $paths List of folders to look from. | 3 | |
string $tag | 3 | |
Job $job | 3 | |
callable $fn | 3 | |
bool $append | 3 | |
array|null $languages | 3 | |
string $groupname | 3 | |
string $destination | 3 | |
string $target | 3 | |
string|null $diff the version number to start the diff from | 3 | |
string $source_path | 3 | |
string $install_path | 3 | |
string $slug The slug of the Plugin | 3 | |
Local\Package|Remote\Package $package | 3 | |
int $flags | 3 | |
callable|string $arrow | 3 | |
AbstractExpression|null $file | 3 | |
AbstractExpression|null $group | 3 | |
AbstractExpression|null $priority | 3 | |
AbstractExpression|null $attributes | 3 | |
array $toggles | 3 | |
FileInterface|null $storage Optionally enter a new storage. | 3 | |
string $file the css source file | 3 | |
bool $local is this a local or remote asset | 3 | |
string $directory Relative to the Grav root path, or a stream identifier | 3 | |
array|null $value | 3 | |
bool $recursive | 3 | |
array $variables | 3 | |
string $mode | 3 | |
string $from | 3 | |
string $to | 3 | |
string $line Contents of the line | 3 | |
array|null $data | 4 | |
string $uniqueId | 4 | |
string $folder | 4 | |
ArrayAccess|Data|null $data | 4 | |
string|int|null $offset | 4 | |
array|null $entries | 4 | |
callable $callable | 4 | |
Throwable|null $previous | 4 | |
int $code | 4 | |
null|int|DateInterval $defaultLifetime | 4 | |
array $values | 4 | |
int $offset | 4 | |
string $delimiter | 4 | |
string $path A filename or path, does not need to exist as a file. | 4 | |
Throwable $e | 4 | |
array $ordering | 4 | |
string $property Object property to be defined. | 4 | |
mixed $default Default value. | 4 | |
mixed $value The value to set. | 4 | |
string $property Object property name. | 4 | |
string $property Object property to be fetched. | 4 | |
mixed|null $default Default value if property has not been set. | 4 | |
string $input | 4 | |
array|null $keys Array of keys. | 4 | |
bool $validate | 4 | |
array $array1 | 4 | |
array $array2 | 4 | |
object|null $event | 4 | |
bool $test | 4 | |
string $path the path the item | 4 | |
bool $include_lang | 4 | |
PageInterface|null $var the parent page object | 4 | |
bool|null $var | 4 | |
bool $onlyPublished only return published translations | 4 | |
string $url the url of the page | 4 | |
string|array $params | 4 | |
bool $pagination | 4 | |
bool $only_published | 4 | |
iterable |
4 | |
IdentifierInterface $identifier | 4 | |
array $types | 4 | |
ResponseInterface $response | 4 | |
mixed $default Default value (or null). | 4 | |
bool $case_sensitive | 4 | |
string $needle | 4 | |
array|null $defaults | 4 | |
int $size | 4 | |
string $by | 4 | |
string|null $startDate | 4 | |
string|null $endDate | 4 | |
string[] $types | 4 | |
array $accessLevels | 4 | |
string|null $lang Optional language code for multilingual links. | 4 | |
array $new | 4 | |
array $rules | 4 | |
string|int|null $timestamp | 4 | |
array $data | 4 | |
string $name Name of the position. | 4 | |
string $lang | 4 | |
array $folders | 4 | |
string $password Plaintext password. | 4 | |
array $fields the fields to search | 4 | |
string $slug The slug of the Theme | 4 | |
string $package_name | 4 | |
mixed $input | 4 | |
bool $binary | 4 | |
bool $value | 4 | |
array $groups | 4 | |
string $line | 4 | |
mixed $value New value. | 4 | |
string|null $version | 4 | |
mixed $miss | 5 | |
string[] $keys | 5 | |
string $data | 5 | |
string|null $separator Separator, defaults to '.' | 5 | |
string|null $namespace | 5 | |
array $meta | 5 | |
string $path | 5 | |
bool $all | 5 | |
string $dir | 5 | |
array|null $manual | 5 | |
string|null $alt | 5 | |
string|null $class | 5 | |
string $pattern Pattern to match the file. Pattern will also be removed from the key. | 5 | |
int $levels Maximum number of recursive directories. | 5 | |
string $query the query to search for | 5 | |
callable|null $callback Either a function or callback in array notation | 5 | |
Assets $assets | 5 | |
PageInterface|null $page Page, defaults to the current page object | 5 | |
int|null $limit | 6 | |
string $param | 6 | |
int $length | 6 | |
bool $prefix | 6 | |
mixed $default Default value if property has not been set. | 6 | |
string|null $keyField Field to be used as the key. | 6 | |
string|null $extension | 6 | |
FlexObjectInterface $object | 6 | |
array $filters | 6 | |
string $search | 6 | |
bool $isMe | 6 | |
bool $reload | 6 | |
string|array $value | 6 | |
PageInterface $parent New parent page. | 6 | |
string|null $var supported options include "default", "title", "date", and "folder" | 6 | |
bool|null $var true if modular_twig | 6 | |
array $params | 6 | |
callable|null $callback | 6 | |
array $assets | 6 | |
string $group | 6 | |
string|null $title | 6 | |
string $code | 6 | |
mixed $default Default value (or null). | 6 | |
mixed $value Value to be joined. | 6 | |
string $source | 6 | |
InputInterface $input | 6 | |
string $version | 6 | |
bool $refresh | 6 | |
Environment $env | 6 | |
string $content | 7 | |
PageInterface $page | 7 | |
string $message | 7 | |
string $namespace | 7 | |
array $parts | 7 | |
string|null $separator | 7 | |
mixed $var | 7 | |
bool $bool | 7 | |
Config $config | 7 | |
string $string | 7 | |
Blueprint|null $blueprint | 7 | |
array $context | 7 | |
OutputInterface $output | 7 | |
string $layout | 8 | |
string $route | 8 | |
array $actions | 8 | |
string $method | 8 | |
array $call | 8 | |
string|null $filename | 8 | |
UserInterface $user | 8 | |
int $direction either -1 or +1 | 8 | |
int|string $offset | 8 | |
string $haystack | 8 | |
array $args | 8 | |
callable|null $status | 8 | |
array $attributes | 8 | |
PageCollectionInterface $collection | 8 | |
array $excerpt | 8 | |
int $lineno | 8 | |
Compiler $compiler A Twig Compiler instance | 8 | |
string|null $tag | 8 | |
array $serialized | 9 | |
array $items | 9 | |
array $config | 9 | |
mixed|null $default | 9 | |
string $file | 9 | |
mixed $value New value. | 9 | |
string $uri | 9 | |
mixed $default | 9 | |
FlexDirectory $directory | 9 | |
string $field Name of the parent folder | 9 | |
string $name Dot separated path to the requested value. | 9 | |
Grav $grav | 9 | |
string $slug | 9 | |
string $separator Separator, defaults to '.' | 9 | |
array|null $settings | 9 | |
string|null $label | 10 | |
UserInterface|null $user | 10 | |
string $property Object property name. | 10 | |
string $property Object property to be fetched. | 10 | |
string $property Object property to be unset. | 10 | |
UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile | 10 | |
string $dst | 10 | |
array $row | 10 | |
bool $status | 10 | |
string $value | 11 | |
string $scope | 11 | |
string $src | 11 | |
string|null $languageCode | 11 | |
bool|null $fallback | 11 | |
string|array $element | 12 | |
array $files | 12 | |
FlexStorageInterface $storage | 12 | |
array|null $options | 13 | |
int $count | 13 | |
string $url | 13 | |
string $extension | 13 | |
string|null $scope | 13 | |
string $username | 13 | |
int|string $day | 13 | |
Package $package | 13 | |
RequestHandlerInterface $handler | 14 | |
string $property Object property to be updated. | 14 | |
string|null $separator Separator, defaults to '.' | 14 | |
mixed $params | 14 | |
string $field | 15 | |
string $offset | 15 | |
string|null $keyField | 15 | |
array $attributes | 15 | |
int $priority | 16 | |
array $array | 16 | |
string|null $field | 16 | |
string $str | 16 | |
string $filepath | 16 | |
string|null $separator Separator, defaults to '.' | 16 | |
string|null $id | 17 | |
array $entries | 17 | |
array $keys | 17 | |
string $id | 18 | |
string|null $name | 18 | |
string|null $type | 19 | |
string $name Dot separated path to the requested value. | 19 | |
Token $token | 19 | |
array $elements | 21 | |
ServerRequestInterface $request | 22 | |
string|null $key | 22 | |
int|string $hour | 22 | |
Container $container | 22 | |
array $options | 23 | |
string|null $var | 23 | |
int|string $minute | 23 | |
string $location | 25 | |
mixed $value Value to be validated. | 25 | |
array $params Validation parameters. | 25 | |
array $field Blueprint for the field. | 25 | |
array $field | 27 | |
string $property | 29 | |
string $action | 30 | |
array $params | 33 | |
bool $reset | 33 | |
string $type | 44 | |
array $data | 54 | |
string $filename | 55 | |
string $path | 71 | |
mixed $value | 79 | |
string $key | 79 | |
string $name | 107 | |
@property | string $basename | 1 |
int $size | 1 | |
int $modified | 1 | |
array $metadata | 1 | |
int|string $timestamp | 1 | |
string $groupname | 1 | |
Access $access | 1 | |
string $slug | 1 | |
string $route | 1 | |
string $folder | 1 | |
int|false $order | 1 | |
string $template | 1 | |
string $language | 1 | |
Flex $flex Flex instance. | 1 | |
Permissions $permissions Permissions instance. | 1 | |
Grav $grav Grav container. | 1 | |
Plugins $plugins Plugins instance. | 1 | |
UploadedFileInterface|null $uploaded_file | 1 | |
string $type | 1 | |
string $filepath | 2 | |
string $filename | 2 | |
string $mime | 2 | |
string $name | 2 | |
string $username | 2 | |
string $email | 2 | |
string $fullname | 2 | |
string $state | 2 | |
array $groups | 2 | |
array $access | 2 | |
bool $authenticated | 2 | |
bool $authorized | 2 | |
SessionInterface $session Session instance. | 2 | |
@return | ArrayIterator | 1 |
?YamlFile | 1 | |
bool return true if there is no upload error | 1 | |
FormFlashInterface[] | 1 | |
string Return name of the file | 1 | |
ArrayCollection | 1 | |
iterable | 1 | |
FileFormatterInterface | 1 | |
string Returns path and filename in the filesystem. Can also be URI. | 1 | |
string Returns path in the filesystem. Can also be URI. | 1 | |
string Returns name of the file. | 1 | |
string Returns basename of the file. | 1 | |
string Returns file extension of the file (can be empty). | 1 | |
bool Returns `true` if the filename exists and is a regular file, `false` otherwise. | 1 | |
bool Returns `true` if the file was successfully locked, `false` otherwise. | 1 | |
bool Returns `true` if the file was successfully unlocked, `false` otherwise. | 1 | |
bool Returns `true` if the file is locked, `false` otherwise. | 1 | |
bool Returns `true` if the file can be read, `false` otherwise. | 1 | |
bool Returns `true` if the file can be written, `false` otherwise. | 1 | |
string|array|object|false Returns file content or `false` if file couldn't be read. | 1 | |
bool Returns `true` if the file was successfully renamed, `false` otherwise. | 1 | |
bool Returns `true` if the file was successfully deleted, `false` otherwise. | 1 | |
string Returns file extension (can be empty). | 1 | |
string[] Returns list of all supported file extensions. | 1 | |
string Returns encoded data as a string. | 1 | |
mixed Returns decoded data. | 1 | |
array |
1 | |
P | 1 | |
iterable |
1 | |
string Returns normalized path. | 1 | |
string Returns parent path. | 1 | |
string Returns path to the directory. | 1 | |
mixed[] Property values. | 1 | |
static |
1 | |
ObjectCollectionInterface[] | 1 | |
Closure | 1 | |
bool True if property has been loaded. | 1 | |
static |
1 | |
bool[] Key/Value pairs of the properties. | 1 | |
mixed[] Key/Value pairs of the properties. | 1 | |
mixed[] Return values. | 1 | |
bool|bool[] True if property has been defined (can be null). | 1 | |
mixed|mixed[] Property value. | 1 | |
array Return values. | 1 | |
bool True if property has been defined (property can be null). | 1 | |
FlexIdentifier |
1 | |
ObjectInterface|null | 1 | |
ObjectInterface[] | 1 | |
array Compiled list of entries | 1 | |
CompiledYamlFile|CompiledJsonFile|null | 1 | |
FlexForm | 1 | |
Data|FlexObjectInterface|object | 1 | |
array Returns a list of methods with their caching information. | 1 | |
bool True if the object was refreshed | 1 | |
FlexCollectionInterface |
1 | |
MediaCollectionInterface|null | 1 | |
MediaObject|UploadedMediaObject | 1 | |
array |
1 | |
Relationships | 1 | |
RelationshipInterface|null | 1 | |
CompiledJsonFile|CompiledYamlFile|CompiledMarkdownFile | 1 | |
FlexPageObject|null The original version of the page. | 1 | |
DateTime|null | 1 | |
UserCollectionInterface|null | 1 | |
PageInterface|false The previous item. | 1 | |
PageInterface|false The next item. | 1 | |
PageInterface|false The sibling item. | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface|PageInterface|null | 1 | |
string|null The relative file path | 1 | |
PageCollectionInterface|FlexIndexInterface | 1 | |
PageInterface|false the previous Page item | 1 | |
PageInterface|false the next Page item | 1 | |
PageInterface|false the sibling page | 1 | |
static Returns a new Flex Collection. | 1 | |
FlexCollectionInterface Returns a Flex Collection with only matching objects. | 1 | |
FlexCollectionInterface Returns a sorted version from the collection. | 1 | |
int[] Returns [key => timestamp, ...] pairs. | 1 | |
string[] Returns [key => storage_key, ...] pairs. | 1 | |
string[] Returns[key => flex_key, ...] pairs. | 1 | |
FlexCollectionInterface Returns a new Flex Collection with new key field. | 1 | |
FlexIndexInterface Returns a Flex Index from the current collection. | 1 | |
string Returns admin route for media tasks. | 1 | |
array Returns all existing keys as `[key => [storage_key => key, storage_timestamp => timestamp], ...]`. | 1 | |
bool Returns `true` if the key exists in the storage, `false` otherwise. | 1 | |
bool[] Returns keys with `true` if the key exists in the storage, `false` otherwise. | 1 | |
array Returns created rows as `[key => row, ...] pairs. | 1 | |
array Returns rows. Note that non-existing rows will have `null` as their value. | 1 | |
array Returns updated rows. Note that non-existing rows will not be saved and have `null` as their value. | 1 | |
array Returns deleted rows. Note that non-existing rows have `null` as their value. | 1 | |
array Returns both created and updated rows. | 1 | |
string|null Path in the filesystem. Can be URI or null if storage is not filesystem based. | 1 | |
string|null Path in the filesystem. Can be URI or null if media isn't supported. | 1 | |
static|null | 1 | |
float Returns a weight between 0 and 1. | 1 | |
string Returns Flex Key of the object. | 1 | |
string Returns storage key of the Object. | 1 | |
array Returns metadata of the object. | 1 | |
bool Returns `true` if the object exists, `false` otherwise. | 1 | |
array Returns an array of object properties containing only scalars and arrays. | 1 | |
FlexFormInterface Returns a Form. | 1 | |
mixed|null Returns default value of the field, null if there is no default value. | 1 | |
array Returns default values. | 1 | |
mixed Returns value of the field. | 1 | |
string Returns Flex Type of the collection. | 1 | |
FlexDirectory Returns associated Flex Directory. | 1 | |
int Returns Unix timestamp. | 1 | |
string Returns cache key. | 1 | |
string Returns cache checksum. | 1 | |
static Returns a new Flex Index. | 1 | |
array Returns a list of existing objects [storage_key => [storage_key => xxx, storage_timestamp => 123456, ...]] | 1 | |
static Returns a new Flex Collection with new key field. | 1 | |
RelationshipInterface |
1 | |
ToOneRelationship|ToManyRelationship | 1 | |
object|null | 1 | |
ArrayIterator|Traversable | 1 | |
RecursiveActionIterator | 1 | |
string|null The serverRequest content type, if known | 1 | |
string|null The serverRequest media type, minus content-type params | 1 | |
mixed The parameter value. | 1 | |
MessageInterface | 1 | |
RequestInterface | 1 | |
ContentBlockInterface|HtmlBlock Returns `HtmlBlock` containing the rendered output. | 1 | |
MediaIdentifier |
1 | |
GravMediaObjectInterface | 1 | |
UploadedFileInterface|null | 1 | |
MediaCollectionInterface Collection of associated media. | 1 | |
string|null Media path or null if the object doesn't have media folder. | 1 | |
Session | 1 | |
string|null Session ID | 1 | |
ArrayIterator Return an ArrayIterator of $_SESSION | 1 | |
Collection Collection object set to contain matches found in the taxonomy map | 1 | |
array the taxonomy map | 1 | |
array keys of this taxonomy | 1 | |
Theme | 1 | |
mixed|false FALSE if unable to load $class; Class name if | 1 | |
DoctrineCache\CacheProvider The cache driver to use | 1 | |
mixed|bool returns the cached entry, can be any type, or false if doesn't exist | 1 | |
bool true if the item was deleted successfully | 1 | |
bool true if the cached items exists | 1 | |
string|void | 1 | |
\Grav\Framework\Session\Session | 1 | |
array Attributes | 1 | |
ClassLoader|null | 1 | |
Plugin[] array of Plugin objects | 1 | |
Plugin[] Index of all plugins by plugin name. | 1 | |
Plugin|null Plugin object or null if plugin cannot be found. | 1 | |
Data[] | 1 | |
Plugin|null | 1 | |
Clockwork|null | 1 | |
DataCollectorInterface|null | 1 | |
mixed|string|null | 1 | |
string|array Returns an array if $id = null and $raw = true | 1 | |
null|string|array | 1 | |
string|false|null | 1 | |
string The path of the URI | 1 | |
string|null The extension of the URI | 1 | |
string The scheme of the URI | 1 | |
string|null The host of the URI | 1 | |
string The basename of the URI | 1 | |
string ip address | 1 | |
\Grav\Framework\Uri\Uri | 1 | |
bool is eternal state | 1 | |
string|array the more friendly formatted url | 1 | |
string the more friendly formatted url | 1 | |
string the url with the nonce | 1 | |
false|int | 1 | |
string Final string filled with values | 1 | |
string[] List of extensions eg. ['jpg', 'jpe', 'jpeg'] | 1 | |
bool|string Either false or the language | 1 | |
int the timestamp | 1 | |
string the nonce string | 1 | |
int the time part of the nonce. Changes once every 24 hours | 1 | |
string the nonce | 1 | |
boolean verified or not | 1 | |
string[]|null | 1 | |
int Returns only the number of units, not the type letter. Returns 0 if the $to unit type is out of scope. | 1 | |
Event | 1 | |
mixed Returns value returned by the callable. | 1 | |
string the lowercase browser name | 1 | |
string the lowercase platform name | 1 | |
string the browser full version identifier | 1 | |
int the browser major version identifier | 1 | |
array Returns flatten list of potentially dangerous input values, such as 'data.content'. | 1 | |
string|null Type of XSS vector if the given `$string` may contain XSS, false otherwise. | 1 | |
string|false Plural noun | 1 | |
string Singular noun. | 1 | |
string Text formatted as title | 1 | |
string UpperCamelCasedWord | 1 | |
string Underscored word | 1 | |
string hyphenized word | 1 | |
string Human-readable word | 1 | |
string Returns a lowerCamelCasedWord | 1 | |
string plural_table_name | 1 | |
string SingularClassName | 1 | |
string Ordinal representation of given string. | 1 | |
mixed|bool | 1 | |
string|int|false Key if found, otherwise false. | 1 | |
$this|array | 1 | |
mixed Medium value | 1 | |
boolean True if the value is set | 1 | |
Collection[] | 1 | |
PageInterface|Collection The sibling item. | 1 | |
Collection The collection with only visible pages | 1 | |
Collection The collection with only non-visible pages | 1 | |
Collection The collection with only pages | 1 | |
Collection The collection with only non-module pages | 1 | |
Collection The collection with only routable pages | 1 | |
Collection The collection with only non-routable pages | 1 | |
\stdClass the current YAML configuration | 1 | |
Media Representation of associated media. | 1 | |
string the title of the Page | 1 | |
string the menu field for the page | 1 | |
bool true if the page is visible | 1 | |
bool true if the page is published | 1 | |
int|null unix timestamp representation of the date | 1 | |
array an Array of name value pairs where the name is the process and value is true or false | 1 | |
string the slug | 1 | |
string the identifier | 1 | |
int modified unix timestamp | 1 | |
bool show last_modified header | 1 | |
string string representation of a date format | 1 | |
array an array of taxonomies | 1 | |
bool whether or not the processing method is enabled for this Page | 1 | |
int|null The index of the current page. | 1 | |
string the path | 1 | |
PageInterface[] | 1 | |
Types | 1 | |
Page | 1 | |
Medium | 1 | |
ImageMediaInterface|MediaObjectInterface|array | 1 | |
string path to image | 1 | |
$this|mixed | 1 | |
int|null The index of the current page. | 1 | |
PageCollectionInterface[] | 1 | |
PageInterface|PageCollectionInterface|false The sibling item. | 1 | |
PageCollectionInterface The collection with only visible pages | 1 | |
PageCollectionInterface The collection with only non-visible pages | 1 | |
PageCollectionInterface The collection with only pages | 1 | |
PageCollectionInterface The collection with only non-module pages | 1 | |
PageCollectionInterface The collection with only published pages | 1 | |
PageCollectionInterface The collection with only non-published pages | 1 | |
PageCollectionInterface The collection with only routable pages | 1 | |
PageCollectionInterface The collection with only non-routable pages | 1 | |
string The Action string. | 1 | |
\stdClass|Header The current YAML configuration | 1 | |
MediaCollectionInterface Representation of associated media. | 1 | |
string The title of the Page | 1 | |
string The menu field for the page | 1 | |
bool True if the page is visible | 1 | |
bool True if the page is published | 1 | |
int|null Unix timestamp representation of the date | 1 | |
array Array of name value pairs where the name is the process and value is true or false | 1 | |
string The slug | 1 | |
string|bool Order in a form of '02.' or false if not set | 1 | |
string The identifier | 1 | |
int Modified unix timestamp | 1 | |
bool Show last_modified header | 1 | |
string|null The folder | 1 | |
string String representation of a date format | 1 | |
array An array of taxonomies | 1 | |
bool Whether or not the processing method is enabled for this Page | 1 | |
int Timestamp of compiled configuration | 1 | |
Excerpts | 1 | |
string markup | 1 | |
DateTime | 1 | |
Job[] | 1 | |
Job|null | 1 | |
string|array The return depends on the requested $type | 1 | |
YamlFile | 1 | |
false|string | 1 | |
Closure|string | 1 | |
array Key is the language code, value is the file extension to be used. | 1 | |
int Returns 0 if the check fails, 1 if password matches, 2 if hash needs to be updated. | 1 | |
UserCollectionInterface | 1 | |
MediaCollectionInterface|Media | 1 | |
ZipArchiver | 1 | |
RecursiveIteratorIterator | 1 | |
RecursiveDirectoryFilterIterator|RecursiveFilterIterator | 1 | |
Logger | 1 | |
Errors | 1 | |
RequestHandler | 1 | |
RequestHandlerEvent | 1 | |
HttpOptions | 1 | |
array return the changelog list for each version | 1 | |
bool True if it's upgradable, False otherwise. | 1 | |
bool True if Grav is symlinked, False otherwise. | 1 | |
string[]|string | 1 | |
CompiledYamlFile | 1 | |
bool True if validation passed. False otherwise | 1 | |
bool True if is a Grav Instance. False otherwise | 1 | |
string The message | 1 | |
string The message of the last error | 1 | |
int|string The code of the last error | 1 | |
mixed Asset value | 1 | |
bool True if the value is set | 1 | |
Local\Packages | 1 | |
array The installed packages | 1 | |
int Amount of installed packages | 1 | |
Process | 1 | |
Local\Package|null The instance of the Package | 1 | |
Local\Package|null The instance of the Plugin | 1 | |
Iterator The installed plugins | 1 | |
bool True if the Plugin is Enabled. False if manually set to enable:false. Null otherwise. | 1 | |
bool True if the Plugin has been installed. False otherwise | 1 | |
Local\Package|null The instance of the Theme | 1 | |
Iterator The installed themes | 1 | |
bool True if the Theme has been set to the default theme. False if installed, but not enabled. Null otherwise. | 1 | |
bool True if the Theme has been installed. False otherwise | 1 | |
int Amount of available updates | 1 | |
array Array of updatable Plugins and Themes. | 1 | |
array Array of updatable Plugins | 1 | |
bool True if updatable. False otherwise or if not found | 1 | |
bool True if the Plugin is updatable. False otherwise | 1 | |
array Array of updatable Themes | 1 | |
bool True if the Theme is updatable. False otherwise | 1 | |
Iterator|null The Plugins remotely available | 1 | |
Iterator|null The Themes remotely available | 1 | |
Remote\Packages|null Available Plugins and Themes | 1 | |
Remote\GravCore|null | 1 | |
Remote\Package|false Package if found, FALSE if not | 1 | |
array Array of found Packages | 1 | |
array list of assets | 1 | |
DataUser\UserCollection | 1 | |
FlexIndexInterface|null | 1 | |
Request | 1 | |
Environment | 1 | |
FilesystemLoader | 1 | |
Profile | 1 | |
string The rendered output | 1 | |
string the rendered output | 1 | |
string the template name | 1 | |
Packages | 1 | |
InputDefinition | 1 | |
Timeline | 1 | |
Command | 1 | |
Node|null | 1 | |
Node | 1 | |
string|mixed | 1 | |
bool|string|array | 1 | |
string|false Returns url to the resource or null if resource was not found. | 1 | |
array|Collection | 1 | |
bool Returns TRUE if the user is authorized to | 1 | |
string the nonce input field | 1 | |
string|string[]|null the resulting content | 1 | |
array|false returns the matches if there is at least one match in the subject for a given pattern or null if not. | 1 | |
array|false the resulting array after performing the split operation | 1 | |
bool True if HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH exists and has been set to xmlhttprequest | 1 | |
Media|null | 1 | |
string|string[]|null | 1 | |
TwigFilter[] | 1 | |
TwigFunction[] | 1 | |
TwigNodeTryCatch | 1 | |
TwigNodeRender | 1 | |
TwigNodeSwitch | 1 | |
TwigNodeThrow | 1 | |
TwigNodeScript | 1 | |
TwigNodeMarkdown | 1 | |
TwigNodeStyle | 1 | |
TwigNodeLink | 1 | |
BlueprintSchema | 1 | |
array List of type=>name | 1 | |
mixed Filtered value. | 1 | |
$this|false | 1 | |
string the last modifcation time or false on error | 1 | |
string|false the final link url to the asset | 1 | |
string the modified file with any @imports at the top of the file | 1 | |
string A YAML string representing the object. | 1 | |
array|object|null | 1 | |
bool Return true if relationships were updated. | 1 | |
MediaCollectionInterface Representation of associated media. | 1 | |
CompiledYamlFile|null | 1 | |
PageInterface|bool | 1 | |
static The collection with only pages | 1 | |
static The collection with only modules | 1 | |
PageIndex | 1 | |
CompiledJsonFile|CompiledYamlFile|null | 1 | |
PageCollection[] | 1 | |
PageObject|null The previous item. | 1 | |
PageObject|null The next item. | 1 | |
PageObject|false The sibling item. | 1 | |
PageCollection|null | 1 | |
FlexIndexInterface|PageCollectionInterface|Collection | 1 | |
array|null returns nested array excerpt | 1 | |
DOMDocument Returns a DOMDocument object. | 1 | |
Reader | 1 | |
MediaLinkInterface|MediaObjectInterface|null | 1 | |
MediaLinkInterface|MediaObjectInterface | 1 | |
ImageMediaInterface|$this the alternative version with higher quality | 1 | |
MediaCollectionInterface|Media Representation of associated media. | 1 | |
ThumbnailImageMedium|null | 1 | |
ImageMediaInterface the alternative version with higher quality | 1 | |
bool True if the file was updated. | 1 | |
Versions | 1 | |
int[] | 1 | |
bool Returns true if the current line is empty or if it is a comment line, false otherwise | 1 | |
bool Returns true if the current line is blank, false otherwise | 1 | |
bool Returns true if the current line is a comment line, false otherwise | 1 | |
int The current line indentation | 1 | |
array List of failed requirements. If the list is empty, installation can go on. | 1 | |
SymfonyStyle | 1 | |
string|false The local config file name. false if local config does not exist | 1 | |
DOMElement|null | 2 | |
ContentBlockInterface | 2 | |
StreamInterface | 2 | |
array|UploadedFileInterface[] | 2 | |
FormFlashInterface | 2 | |
FormInterface|null | 2 | |
Data|object | 2 | |
int Returns Unix timestamp. If file does not exist, method returns current time. | 2 | |
Filesystem | 2 | |
mixed[] Property values. | 2 | |
array|mixed | 2 | |
array Key/Value pairs of the properties. | 2 | |
mixed Property value. | 2 | |
bool[] List of [key => bool] pairs. | 2 | |
mixed[] List of [key => value] pairs. | 2 | |
string The percent-encoded user or password string. | 2 | |
string The RFC 3986 percent-encoded uri path. | 2 | |
string The percent-encoded query string. | 2 | |
FlexObjectInterface[] | 2 | |
array |
2 | |
FlexCollectionInterface|null | 2 | |
FormFlashInterface|FlexFormFlash | 2 | |
T | 2 | |
FlexObject|FlexObjectInterface | 2 | |
Flex | 2 | |
null | 2 | |
int|null the index of the current page. | 2 | |
array |
2 | |
string|null The Action string. | 2 | |
Header | 2 | |
Route|null Returns Route object or null if file uploads are not enabled. | 2 | |
FlexObjectInterface Returns Flex Object associated to the form. | 2 | |
iterable |
2 | |
IdentifierInterface | 2 | |
Traversable | 2 | |
mixed[] | 2 | |
Data|null | 2 | |
Debugger | 2 | |
string The base of the URI | 2 | |
PageInterface|false | 2 | |
PageInterface The previous item. | 2 | |
PageInterface The next item. | 2 | |
Collection The collection with only modules | 2 | |
Collection The collection with only published pages | 2 | |
Collection The collection with only non-published pages | 2 | |
string Content | 2 | |
string the current page content | 2 | |
int unix timestamp representation of the date | 2 | |
string The relative file path | 2 | |
PageInterface the previous Page item | 2 | |
PageInterface the next Page item | 2 | |
bool True if its a page with a .md file associated | 2 | |
bool True if its a directory | 2 | |
PageInterface The original version of the page. | 2 | |
string|null Route to the page or null if media isn't for a page. | 2 | |
Medium|Link | 2 | |
ImageFile | 2 | |
PageCollectionInterface The collection with only modules | 2 | |
int Unix timestamp representation of the date | 2 | |
CronExpression | 2 | |
ImageMedium|StaticImageMedium|null | 2 | |
bool true if the current element is acceptable, otherwise false. | 2 | |
ResponseInterface|null | 2 | |
FileInterface | 2 | |
bool True if everything went fine, False otherwise. | 2 | |
Remote\Package|null Package if found, NULL if not | 2 | |
array changelog list for each version | 2 | |
FileInterface|null | 2 | |
array|array[]|false|string[] | 2 | |
Assets | 2 | |
static The collection with only visible pages | 2 | |
static The collection with only non-visible pages | 2 | |
static The collection with only published pages | 2 | |
static The collection with only non-published pages | 2 | |
static The collection with only routable pages | 2 | |
static The collection with only non-routable pages | 2 | |
PageObject|null | 2 | |
static The collection with only non-modular pages | 2 | |
static The collection with only modular pages | 2 | |
string Returns final HTML string | 2 | |
string Safe truncated HTML. | 2 | |
int|$this | 2 | |
string path to file | 2 | |
FormInterface|$this | 3 | |
array|bool | 3 | |
string|array|null | 3 | |
Config | 3 | |
bool[] True if property has been defined (can be null). | 3 | |
static[] | 3 | |
FlexStorageInterface | 3 | |
UserInterface|null | 3 | |
array|mixed|null | 3 | |
MediaCollectionInterface | 3 | |
string The extension of this page. For example `.html` | 3 | |
bool true if the page is routable | 3 | |
string the permalink | 3 | |
string The permalink. | 3 | |
string The url. | 3 | |
string|null The route for the Page. | 3 | |
array The route aliases for the Page. | 3 | |
string|null the path | 3 | |
PageInterface The top parent page object. | 3 | |
bool True if it is the homepage | 3 | |
bool True if it is the root | 3 | |
array the page untranslated languages | 3 | |
string Raw content string | 3 | |
MarkdownFile|null | 3 | |
string The name of this page. | 3 | |
string the template name | 3 | |
int The expires value | 3 | |
array an Array of metadata values for the page | 3 | |
bool show etag header | 3 | |
string|null the file path | 3 | |
string the order, either "asc" or "desc" | 3 | |
string supported options include "default", "title", "date", and "folder" | 3 | |
int the maximum number of sub-pages | 3 | |
Blueprint Returns a Blueprint. | 3 | |
Action[] | 3 | |
Access | 3 | |
array Empty array means default ordering. | 3 | |
Collection The collection | 3 | |
PageInterface|false the sibling page | 3 | |
PageCollectionInterface The collection | 3 | |
bool True if the action was performed | 3 | |
bool True if user account was found and was deleted. | 3 | |
array|CallbackFilterIterator | 3 | |
float|int | 3 | |
bool|string URL or generated content if available, else false | 3 | |
UserGroupIndex | 3 | |
PageCollection | 3 | |
object | 4 | |
RelationshipInterface |
4 | |
IdentifierInterface|null | 4 | |
array|string | 4 | |
bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. | 4 | |
mixed Can return all value types. | 4 | |
FlexDirectory|null | 4 | |
FlexDirectory | 4 | |
bool True if item is last. | 4 | |
int|null The index of the current page, null if not found. | 4 | |
PageInterface|null the parent page object if it exists. | 4 | |
bool True if it is active | 4 | |
bool True if active child exists | 4 | |
array the page translated languages | 4 | |
bool True if item is last | 4 | |
PageInterface|null page you were looking for if it exists | 4 | |
mixed Value. | 4 | |
Data | 4 | |
string|string[] | 4 | |
null|string | 4 | |
PageInterface page you were looking for if it exists | 4 | |
Collection | 4 | |
Job | 4 | |
mixed Value. | 4 | |
UserObject | 4 | |
ServerRequestInterface | 5 | |
Uri | 5 | |
mixed Property value. | 5 | |
string[] | 5 | |
FlexFormInterface | 5 | |
FlexIndexInterface | 5 | |
float | 5 | |
never-return | 5 | |
Grav | 5 | |
string|bool | 5 | |
bool|string | 5 | |
PageCollectionInterface | 5 | |
Route|null | 6 | |
Template|TemplateWrapper | 6 | |
CollectionInterface | 6 | |
T|null | 6 | |
bool True if property has been defined (can be null). | 6 | |
FlexObjectInterface | 6 | |
bool true if modular_twig | 6 | |
Action|null | 6 | |
MediaObjectInterface|null | 6 | |
UserInterface | 6 | |
int|false | 6 | |
string The tag name | 6 | |
static The collection | 6 | |
Response | 7 | |
FlexObjectInterface|null | 7 | |
PageInterface | 7 | |
CacheInterface | 8 | |
bool True if item is first. | 8 | |
PaginationPage|null | 10 | |
ObjectCollectionInterface | 10 | |
PageInterface|null | 10 | |
PageCollectionInterface|Collection | 10 | |
array|false | 10 | |
MediaLinkInterface | 10 | |
MediaObjectInterface[] | 10 | |
UriInterface | 11 | |
FlexCollectionInterface | 11 | |
Medium|null | 12 | |
Route | 17 | |
int|null | 20 | |
bool|null | 20 | |
Blueprint | 21 | |
ResponseInterface | 21 | |
array|null | 22 | |
string|false | 22 | |
mixed|null | 23 | |
bool True if validation succeeded. | 25 | |
self | 37 | |
static | 64 | |
string|null | 79 | |
mixed | 82 | |
int | 108 | |
$this | 303 | |
bool | 337 | |
void | 386 | |
string | 487 | |
array | 502 | |
@see | FormInterface::render() | 1 |
FileInterface::getFilePath() | 1 | |
FileInterface::getPath() | 1 | |
FileInterface::getFilename() | 1 | |
FileInterface::getBasename() | 1 | |
FileInterface::getExtension() | 1 | |
FileInterface::exists() | 1 | |
FileInterface::getCreationTime() | 1 | |
FileInterface::getModificationTime() | 1 | |
FileInterface::lock() | 1 | |
FileInterface::unlock() | 1 | |
FileInterface::isLocked() | 1 | |
FileInterface::isReadable() | 1 | |
FileInterface::isWritable() | 1 | |
FileInterface::rename() | 1 | |
FileInterface::delete() | 1 | |
FileFormatterInterface::getDefaultFileExtension() | 1 | |
FileFormatterInterface::getSupportedFileExtensions() | 1 | |
FilesystemInterface::parent() | 1 | |
FilesystemInterface::normalize() | 1 | |
FilesystemInterface::basename() | 1 | |
FilesystemInterface::dirname() | 1 | |
FilesystemInterface::pathinfo() | 1 | | | 1 | | | 1 | |
FlexCollectionInterface::filterBy() | 1 | |
FlexCollectionInterface::getCacheChecksum() | 1 | |
FlexCollectionInterface::getTimestamps() | 1 | |
FlexCollectionInterface::getStorageKeys() | 1 | |
FlexCollectionInterface::getFlexKeys() | 1 | |
FlexIndexInterface::withKeyField() | 1 | |
FlexIndexInterface::getFlexKeys() | 1 | |
FlexCollectionInterface::__construct() | 1 | |
FlexCollectionInterface::withKeyField() | 1 | |
FlexCollectionInterface::getCollection() | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface::__construct() | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface::getFlexType() | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface::getFlexDirectory() | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface::getTimestamp() | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface::getCacheChecksum() | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface::search() | 1 | |
ObjectInterface::getFlexKey() | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface::getFlexKey() | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface::getMetaData() | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface::render() | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface::update() | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface::create() | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface::save() | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface::delete() | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface::getBlueprint() | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface::getDefaultValue() | 1 | |
FlexStorageInterface::hasKeys() | 1 | |
FlexStorageInterface::getKeyField() | 1 | |
FlexDirectory::getObject() If you want to get Flex Object from the Flex Directory. | 1 | |
Flex::getObject() If you want to get Flex Object from any Flex Directory. | 1 | |
FlexDirectory::getObject() If you want to get Flex Object from the Flex Directory. | 1 | |
FlexDirectory::getCollection() If you want to get Flex Collection with selected keys from the Flex Directory. | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface::save() You need to save the object after calling this method. | 1 | |
FlexDirectory::createObject() If you want to create a new object instance. | 1 | |
\Iterator::key() | 1 | |
\RecursiveIterator::hasChildren() | 1 | |
\RecursiveIterator::getChildren() | 1 | | | 1 | | | 1 | |
variablize | 1 | |
camelize | 1 | |
classify | 1 | |
tableize | 1 | |
FileInterface::load() | 2 | |
FlexCollectionInterface::createFromArray() | 2 | |
FlexCollectionInterface::search() | 2 | |
FlexCollectionInterface::sort() | 2 | |
FlexCollectionInterface::getFlexType() | 2 | |
FlexCollectionInterface::getTimestamp() | 2 | |
FlexCollectionInterface::getCacheKey() | 2 | |
FlexCollectionInterface::getIndex() | 2 | |
FlexCollectionInterface::render() | 2 | |
FlexObjectInterface::getStorageKey() | 2 | |
FlexObjectInterface::exists() | 2 | |
FlexObjectInterface::prepareStorage() | 2 | |
FlexObjectInterface::getFormValue() | 2 | |
FlexStorageInterface::__construct() | 2 | |
FlexStorageInterface::getExistingKeys() | 2 | |
FlexStorageInterface::hasKey() | 2 | |
FlexStorageInterface::createRows() | 2 | |
FlexStorageInterface::readRows() | 2 | |
FlexStorageInterface::updateRows() | 2 | |
FlexStorageInterface::deleteRows() | 2 | |
FlexStorageInterface::replaceRows() | 2 | |
FlexStorageInterface::getStoragePath() | 2 | |
Flex::getObjects() If you want to get list of Flex Objects from any Flex Directory. | 2 | |
FlexObjectInterface::update() If you want to update properties of the object. | 2 | |
FileInterface::save() | 3 | |
FlexObjectInterface::getCacheKey() | 3 | |
FlexStorageInterface::renameRow() | 3 | |
FlexStorageInterface::getMediaPath() | 4 | |
FlexObjectInterface::getForm() | 5 | |
FlexCommonInterface::hasFlexFeature() | 6 | |
FileFormatterInterface::encode() | 7 | |
FileFormatterInterface::decode() | 7 | |
FlexCollectionInterface::getFlexDirectory() | 7 | |
@since | 1.7.18 | 1 |
1.7.23 | 1 | |
1.7 | 5 | |
1.6 | 10 | |
@template | C of CollectionInterface | 1 |
C of ObjectCollectionInterface | 1 | |
C of FlexCollectionInterface | 1 | |
T of FlexPageObject | 1 | |
C of FlexPageCollection | 1 | |
T of MediaObjectInterface | 1 | |
C of \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexCollectionInterface | 1 | |
T as PageObject | 1 | |
T of PageObject | 1 | |
C of PageCollection | 1 | |
TKey as array-key | 1 | |
T as ObjectInterface | 1 | |
T of \Grav\Framework\Object\Interfaces\ObjectInterface | 2 | |
T of \Grav\Framework\Contracts\Object\IdentifierInterface | 2 | |
P of \Grav\Framework\Contracts\Object\IdentifierInterface | 2 | |
T of \Grav\Framework\Flex\Interfaces\FlexObjectInterface | 2 | |
T of object | 3 | |
T of FlexObjectInterface | 4 | |
T of IdentifierInterface | 5 | |
P of IdentifierInterface | 5 | |
T | 10 | |
TKey of array-key | 11 | |
@throws | RuntimeException if is moved or not ok | 1 |
ValidationException | 1 | |
\Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException|InvalidArgumentException | 1 | |
InvalidArgumentException If the scheme is invalid. | 1 | |
InvalidArgumentException If the host is invalid. | 1 | |
InvalidArgumentException If the port is invalid. | 1 | |
InvalidArgumentException If the path is invalid. | 1 | |
InvalidArgumentException If the query is invalid. | 1 | |
\InvalidArgumentException | 1 | |
RuntimeException if object already exists. | 1 | |
TransportExceptionInterface | 1 | |
TransportExceptionInterface|RedirectionExceptionInterface|ServerExceptionInterface|TransportExceptionInterface|ClientExceptionInterface | 1 | |
Throwable | 1 | |
InvalidArgumentException If option mode is invalid or incompatible | 1 | |
\Exception | 2 | |
JsonException | 3 | |
BadMethodCallException | 3 | |
RuntimeError | 3 | |
DebugBarException | 4 | |
LoaderError | 8 | |
LogicException | 8 | |
SyntaxError | 13 | |
Exception | 31 | |
InvalidArgumentException | 46 | |
RuntimeException | 74 | |
@todo | Implement lazy matching | 1 |
returning $haystack here doesn't make much sense | 1 | |
@url | | 2 |
@var | string EOL characters used for HTTP response. */ | 1 |
array |
1 | |
array |
1 | |
Route Base rouse used for the pagination. */ | 1 | |
int|null Current page. */ | 1 | |
int|null The record number to start displaying from. */ | 1 | |
int Number of records to display per page. */ | 1 | |
int Total number of records. */ | 1 | |
array Pagination options */ | 1 | |
bool View all flag. */ | 1 | |
int Total number of pages. */ | 1 | |
int Value pagination object begins at. */ | 1 | |
int Value pagination object ends at .*/ | 1 | |
FormFlash */ | 1 | |
ArrayAccess |
1 | |
UploadedFileInterface[] */ | 1 | |
FormFlashInterface|null */ | 1 | |
Blueprint */ | 1 | |
RecursiveDirectoryIterator|RecursiveUniformResourceIterator */ | 1 | |
array |
1 | |
ContainerInterface|null */ | 1 | |
mixed|null */ | 1 | |
array Map of standard HTTP status code/reason phrases */ | 1 | |
ServerRequestInterface */ | 1 | |
stdClass */ | 1 | |
CacheProvider */ | 1 | |
Filesystem */ | 1 | |
resource|null */ | 1 | |
bool|null */ | 1 | |
array Properties of the object. */ | 1 | |
array Array of Uri query. */ | 1 | |
FlexIndexInterface[] | 1 | |
FlexCollectionInterface|null | 1 | |
FlexStorageInterface */ | 1 | |
FlexObjectInterface[] */ | 1 | |
FlexDirectory[] */ | 1 | |
FlexInterface */ | 1 | |
FlexFormInterface[] */ | 1 | |
RelationshipsInterface|null */ | 1 | |
string Folder where all the data is stored. */ | 1 | |
string Pattern to access an object. */ | 1 | |
string Filename for the object. */ | 1 | |
string File extension for the object. */ | 1 | |
FlexPageObject|null */ | 1 | |
array |
1 | |
PageInterface[] */ | 1 | |
P */ | 1 | |
RelationshipInterface |
1 | |
IdentifierInterface[] */ | 1 | |
IdentifierInterface|null */ | 1 | |
IdentifierInterface */ | 1 | |
array |
1 | |
Action|null */ | 1 | |
string Uri scheme. */ | 1 | |
string Uri user. */ | 1 | |
string Uri password. */ | 1 | |
string Uri host. */ | 1 | |
int|null Uri port. */ | 1 | |
string Uri path. */ | 1 | |
string Uri query string (without ?). */ | 1 | |
string Uri fragment (without #). */ | 1 | |
MessageInterface */ | 1 | |
UploadedFileInterface */ | 1 | |
UriInterface */ | 1 | |
StreamInterface */ | 1 | |
GravMediaObjectInterface|null */ | 1 | |
FormFlashInterface */ | 1 | |
UploadedFileInterface|null */ | 1 | |
Session */ | 1 | |
Language */ | 1 | |
string Cache key. */ | 1 | |
Config $config */ | 1 | |
DoctrineCache\CacheProvider */ | 1 | |
CacheInterface */ | 1 | |
Blueprint|null */ | 1 | |
ClassLoader|null */ | 1 | |
Grav|null */ | 1 | |
JavascriptRenderer|null */ | 1 | |
DebugBar|null */ | 1 | |
Clockwork|null */ | 1 | |
\Grav\Framework\Uri\Uri|null */ | 1 | |
Route|null */ | 1 | |
YamlFormatter|null */ | 1 | |
string Processed output for the page. */ | 1 | |
static The singleton instance */ | 1 | |
array Contains all Services and ServicesProviders that are mapped | 1 | |
array All middleware processors that are processed in $this->process() | 1 | |
string Define variable used in getters. */ | 1 | |
array */ | 1 | |
Closure|string */ | 1 | |
array Keeping track for order counts (for sorting) */ | 1 | |
Pages */ | 1 | |
string|null Filename. Leave as null if page is folder. */ | 1 | |
array|string|null */ | 1 | |
PageInterface|null Unmodified (original) version of the page. Used for copying and moving the page. */ | 1 | |
string Action */ | 1 | |
GlobalMedia */ | 1 | |
array |
1 | |
array |
1 | |
Blueprints */ | 1 | |
Types|null */ | 1 | |
MediaObjectInterface|MediaLinkInterface */ | 1 | |
Parsedown|null */ | 1 | |
mixed|string | 1 | |
self */ | 1 | |
callable Blueprints loader. */ | 1 | |
int Version number for the compiled file. */ | 1 | |
string Filename (base name) of the compiled configuration. */ | 1 | |
string|bool Configuration checksum. */ | 1 | |
int Timestamp of compiled configuration */ | 1 | |
string Cache folder to be used. */ | 1 | |
array List of files to load. */ | 1 | |
mixed Configuration object. */ | 1 | |
array Environment aliases normalized to lower case. | 1 | |
string|null Current environment normalized to lower case. | 1 | |
Excerpts */ | 1 | |
string | 1 | |
Job[] The queued jobs. */ | 1 | |
callable|string */ | 1 | |
DateTime */ | 1 | |
CronExpression */ | 1 | |
Process|null $process */ | 1 | |
array[] */ | 1 | |
MediaCollectionInterface */ | 1 | |
callable The callback for the progress, either a function or callback in array notation */ | 1 | |
GravCore Remote details about latest Grav version */ | 1 | |
string Regex to validate the format of a License */ | 1 | |
FileInterface */ | 1 | |
string Destination folder on which validation checks are applied */ | 1 | |
int|string Error code or string */ | 1 | |
int Zip Error Code */ | 1 | |
string Post install message */ | 1 | |
array Default options for the install */ | 1 | |
Local\Packages Local installed Packages */ | 1 | |
Remote\Packages|null Remote available Packages */ | 1 | |
Remote\GravCore|null Remove Grav Packages */ | 1 | |
array Internal cache */ | 1 | |
string $source */ | 1 | |
Data */ | 1 | |
string The cached data previously fetched */ | 1 | |
FilesystemCache */ | 1 | |
int The lifetime to store the entry in seconds */ | 1 | |
FilesystemLoader */ | 1 | |
ArrayLoader */ | 1 | |
GPM */ | 1 | |
Packages */ | 1 | |
Debugger|null */ | 1 | |
UniformResourceLocator */ | 1 | |
BlueprintSchema|null */ | 1 | |
array|string */ | 1 | |
Blueprint|callable|null */ | 1 | |
int|false */ | 1 | |
Closure|null | 1 | |
UserGroupIndex */ | 1 | |
PageObject|array */ | 1 | |
string Language code, eg: 'en' */ | 1 | |
string File format, eg. 'md' */ | 1 | |
Reader */ | 1 | |
ImageFile|null */ | 1 | |
bool */ | 1 | |
integer */ | 1 | |
MediaCollectionInterface|null */ | 1 | |
MediaObjectInterface[] */ | 1 | |
Flex */ | 1 | |
Permissions */ | 1 | |
Plugins */ | 1 | |
Versions */ | 1 | |
VersionUpdate[] */ | 1 | |
string[] */ | 1 | |
int Installer version. */ | 1 | |
VersionUpdater|null */ | 1 | |
VersionUpdater */ | 1 | |
callable[] */ | 1 | |
DOMElement */ | 2 | |
DOMElement|null */ | 2 | |
CacheInterface[] */ | 2 | |
Blueprint[] */ | 2 | |
FlexObjectInterface|null */ | 2 | |
FlexObjectInterface */ | 2 | |
PageInterface|null */ | 2 | |
Config|null */ | 2 | |
static */ | 2 | |
float */ | 2 | |
ProgressBar $progress */ | 2 | |
InputInterface */ | 2 | |
SymfonyStyle */ | 2 | |
Environment */ | 2 | |
Profile */ | 2 | |
Upgrader */ | 2 | |
FileInterface|null */ | 2 | |
Access */ | 2 | |
Closure|null */ | 2 | |
SessionInterface */ | 2 | |
self[] */ | 2 | |
FileFormatterInterface */ | 3 | |
static|null */ | 3 | |
FlexDirectory */ | 3 | |
FlexDirectory|null */ | 3 | |
object|null */ | 3 | |
array |
3 | |
MediaObjectInterface|null */ | 3 | |
string|false */ | 3 | |
callable */ | 4 | |
Config */ | 4 | |
Job[] */ | 4 | |
GPM */ | 5 | |
callable|null */ | 6 | |
int|null */ | 7 | |
array | 7 | |
string[] */ | 9 | |
Grav */ | 11 | |
array|null */ | 29 | |
int */ | 30 | |
string|null */ | 41 | |
bool */ | 91 | |
array */ | 152 | |
string */ | 219 |