Here is the list of the most complex expressions used in the code. A complex expression is an expression that requires more than 20 tokens to be build.
Literal arrays are omitted.
File | Count | Expression |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Scheduler/IntervalTrait.php:371 | 1 | return ['minute' => $this->validateCronRange($minute, 0, 59), 'hour' => $this->validateCronRange($hour, 0, 23), 'day' => $this->validateCronRange($day, 1, 31), 'month' => $this->validateCronRange($month, 1, 12), 'weekday' => $this->validateCronRange($weekday, 0, 6), ] |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Scheduler/Cron.php:453 | 1 | return (empty($this->minutes) || in_array($min, $this->minutes, true)) && (empty($this->hours) || in_array($hour, $this->hours, true)) && (empty($this->dom) || in_array($day, $this->dom, true)) && (empty($this->months) || in_array($month, $this->months, true)) && (empty($this->dow) || in_array($weekday, $this->dow, true) || ($weekday == 0 && in_array(7, $this->dow, true)) || ($weekday == 7 && in_array(0, $this->dow, true))) |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Page/Medium/MediumFactory.php:63 | 1 | $params += ['type' => 'file', 'thumb' => 'media/thumb.png', 'mime' => 'application/octet-stream', 'filepath' => $file, 'filename' => $filename, 'basename' => $basename, 'extension' => $ext, 'path' => $path, 'modified' => filemtime($file), 'thumbnails' => [ ]] |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Page/Medium/MediumFactory.php:123 | 1 | $params += ['type' => 'file', 'thumb' => 'media/thumb.png', 'mime' => 'application/octet-stream', 'filepath' => $file, 'filename' => $filename, 'basename' => $basename, 'extension' => $ext, 'path' => $path, 'modified' => $file ? filemtime($file) : 0, 'thumbnails' => [ ]] |
/system/src/Grav/Console/Cli/SchedulerCommand.php:104 | 1 | $row = [$job->getId( ), "<white>{$job->getCommand( )}</white>", "<magenta>{$job->getAt( )}</magenta>", $status, '<yellow>' . ($last_run === 0 ? 'Never' : date('Y-m-d H:i', $last_run)) . '</yellow>', $state, ] |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Twig/Twig.php:249 | 1 | $this->twig_vars += ['config' => $config, 'system' => $config->get('system'), 'theme' => $config->get('theme'), 'site' => $config->get('site'), 'uri' => $this->grav['uri'], 'assets' => $this->grav['assets'], 'taxonomy' => $this->grav['taxonomy'], 'browser' => $this->grav['browser'], 'base_dir' => GRAV_ROOT, 'home_url' => $pages->homeUrl($active_language), 'base_url' => $pages->baseUrl($active_language), 'base_url_absolute' => $pages->baseUrl($active_language, true), 'base_url_relative' => $pages->baseUrl($active_language, false), 'base_url_simple' => $this->grav['base_url'], 'theme_dir' => $locator->findResource('theme://'), 'theme_url' => $this->grav['base_url'] . '/' . $locator->findResource('theme://', false), 'html_lang' => $this->grav['language']->getActive( ) ?: $config->get('site.default_lang', 'en'), 'language_codes' => new LanguageCodes, ] |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Filesystem/Folder.php:196 | 1 | return '' === $path || strpos($path, '/') === 0 || false !== ($colonPos = strpos($path, ':')) && ($colonPos < ($slashPos = strpos($path, '/')) || false === $slashPos) ? "./$path" : $path |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Processors/RequestProcessor.php:48 | 1 | $request = $request->withAttribute('grav', $this->container)->withAttribute('time', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'] ?? GRAV_REQUEST_TIME)->withAttribute('route', Uri::getCurrentRoute( )->withExtension($ext))->withAttribute('referrer', $this->container['uri']->referrer( )) |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Uri.php:654 | 1 | return ['scheme' => $this->scheme, 'host' => $this->host, 'port' => $this->port ?: null, 'user' => $this->user, 'pass' => $this->password, 'path' => $path, 'params' => $this->params, 'query' => $this->query, 'fragment' => $this->fragment] |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Uri.php:745 | 1 | return (0 === strpos($url, 'http://') || 0 === strpos($url, 'https://') || 0 === strpos($url, '//') || 0 === strpos($url, 'mailto:') || 0 === strpos($url, 'tel:') || 0 === strpos($url, 'ftp://') || 0 === strpos($url, 'ftps://') || 0 === strpos($url, 'news:') || 0 === strpos($url, 'irc:') || 0 === strpos($url, 'gopher:') || 0 === strpos($url, 'nntp:') || 0 === strpos($url, 'feed:') || 0 === strpos($url, 'cvs:') || 0 === strpos($url, 'ssh:') || 0 === strpos($url, 'git:') || 0 === strpos($url, 'svn:') || 0 === strpos($url, 'hg:')) |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Language/Language.php:250 | 1 | if(isset($this->grav['session']) && $this->grav['session']->isStarted( ) && $this->config->get('system.languages.session_store_active', true) && $this->grav['session']->active_language != $this->active) { /**/ } |
/system/src/Grav/Common/GPM/Installer.php:412 | 1 | if(!file_exists($target . DS . 'index.php') || !file_exists($target . DS . 'bin') || !file_exists($target . DS . 'user') || !file_exists($target . DS . 'system' . DS . 'config' . DS . 'system.yaml')) { /**/ } |
/system/router.php:19 | 1 | if(!(strpos($path, '/.') !== false || preg_match('`^/(\.git|cache|bin|logs|backup|webserver-configs|tests)/`ui', $path) || preg_match('`^/(system|vendor)/(.*)\.(txt|xml|md|html|json|yaml|yml|php|pl|py|cgi|twig|sh|bat)$`ui', $path) || preg_match('`^/(user)/(.*)\.(txt|md|json|yaml|yml|php|pl|py|cgi|twig|sh|bat)$`ui', $path) || preg_match('`\.md$`ui', $path) || preg_match('`^/(LICENSE\.txt|composer\.lock|composer\.json|\.htaccess)$`ui', $path))) { /**/ } |
/system/src/Grav/Common/File/CompiledFile.php:58 | 1 | if(!isset($cache['@class']) || $cache['@class'] !== $class || $cache['modified'] !== $modified || ($cache['size'] ?? null) !== $size || $cache['filename'] !== $filename) { /**/ } |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Flex/Types/Pages/PageIndex.php:636 | 1 | $payload = ['name' => $child->menu( ), 'value' => $child->rawRoute( ), 'item-key' => Utils::basename($child->rawRoute( ) ?? ''), 'filename' => $child->folder( ), 'extension' => $child->extension( ), 'type' => 'dir', 'modified' => $child->modified( ), 'size' => $child_count, 'symlink' => false, 'has-children' => $child_count > 0] |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Flex/Types/Pages/PageIndex.php:672 | 1 | $extras = ['template' => $child->template( ), 'lang' => $lang ?: null, 'translated' => $lang ? $child->hasTranslation($language, false) : null, 'langs' => $child->getAllLanguages(true) ?: null, 'published' => $child->published( ), 'published_date' => $this->jsDate($child->publishDate( )), 'unpublished_date' => $this->jsDate($child->unpublishDate( )), 'visible' => $child->visible( ), 'routable' => $child->routable( ), 'tags' => $tags, 'actions' => $this->getListingActions($child, $user), ] |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Flex/Types/Pages/PageIndex.php:569 | 1 | $response[] = ['name' => '<root>', 'value' => '/', 'item-key' => '', 'filename' => '.', 'extension' => '', 'type' => 'root', 'modified' => $page->modified( ), 'size' => 0, 'symlink' => false, 'has-children' => false] |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Flex/Types/Pages/PageIndex.php:582 | 1 | $response[] = ['item-key' => '-root-', 'icon' => 'root', 'title' => 'Root', 'route' => ['display' => '<root>', 'raw' => '_root', ], 'modified' => $page->modified( ), 'extras' => ['template' => $page->template( ), 'langs' => [ ], 'published' => false, 'visible' => false, 'routable' => false, 'tags' => ['root', 'non-routable'], 'actions' => ['edit'], ]] |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Helpers/LogViewer.php:143 | 1 | return ['date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['date']), 'logger' => $data['logger'], 'level' => $data['level'], 'message' => $data['message'], 'trace' => isset($data['trace']) ? self::parseTrace($data['trace']) : null, 'context' => json_decode($data['context'], true), 'extra' => json_decode($data['extra'], true)] |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Flex/Types/Pages/PageIndex.php:695 | 1 | $payload = ['item-key' => htmlspecialchars(Utils::basename($child->rawRoute( ) ?? $child->getKey( ))), 'icon' => $icon, 'title' => htmlspecialchars($child->menu( )), 'route' => ['display' => htmlspecialchars($route) ?: null, 'raw' => htmlspecialchars($child->rawRoute( )), ], 'modified' => $this->jsDate($child->modified( )), 'child_count' => $child_count ?: null, 'count' => $count ?? null, 'filters_hit' => $filters ? ($child->filterBy($filters, false) ?: null) : null, 'extras' => $extras] |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Flex/Types/Pages/PageObject.php:732 | 1 | $elements = ['__META' => $meta, 'storage_key' => $this->getStorageKey( ), 'parent_key' => $this->getProperty('parent_key'), 'order' => $this->getProperty('order'), 'folder' => preg_replace('|^\d+\.|', '', $this->getProperty('folder') ?? ''), 'template' => preg_replace('|modular/|', '', $this->getProperty('template') ?? ''), 'lang' => $newLang] + parent::prepareStorage( ) |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Flex/FlexDirectory.php:162 | 1 | $config = is_array($config) ? array_replace_recursive($config, $this->defaults, $this->getDirectoryConfig($config['admin']['views']['configure']['form'] ?? $config['admin']['configure']['form'] ?? null)) : null |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Route/RouteFactory.php:70 | 1 | $parts = ['path' => $path, 'query' => '', 'query_params' => [ ], 'grav' => ['root' => self::$root, 'language' => self::$language, 'route' => static::trimParams($path), 'params' => static::getParams($path)], ] |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Route/Route.php:53 | 1 | return ['path' => $this->getUriPath(true), 'query' => $this->getUriQuery( ), 'grav' => ['root' => $this->root, 'language' => $this->language, 'route' => $this->route, 'extension' => $this->extension, 'grav_params' => $this->gravParams, 'query_params' => $this->queryParams, ], ] |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Collection/AbstractFileCollection.php:230 | 1 | return (object) ['key' => $file->getSubPathname( ), 'type' => $file->isDir( ) ? 'folder' : 'file:' . $file->getExtension( ), 'url' => method_exists($file, 'getUrl') ? $file->getUrl( ) : null, 'pathname' => $file->getPathname( ), 'mtime' => $file->getMTime( )] |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Form/Traits/FormTrait.php:868 | 1 | return ['name' => $this->name, 'id' => $this->id, 'uniqueid' => $this->uniqueid, 'submitted' => $this->submitted, 'status' => $this->status, 'message' => $this->message, 'messages' => $this->messages, 'data' => $data, 'files' => $this->files, ] |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Form/Traits/FormTrait.php:452 | 1 | $config = ['session_id' => $this->getSessionId( ), 'unique_id' => $this->getUniqueId( ), 'form_name' => $this->getName( ), 'folder' => $this->getFlashFolder( ), 'id' => $this->getFlashId( )] |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Form/FormFlash.php:420 | 1 | return ['form' => $this->formName, 'id' => $this->getId( ), 'unique_id' => $this->uniqueId, 'url' => $this->url, 'user' => $this->user, 'timestamps' => ['created' => $this->createdTimestamp, 'updated' => time( ), ], 'data' => $this->data, 'files' => $this->files] |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Pagination/AbstractPagination.php:148 | 1 | return new PaginationPage(['label' => $label ?? (string) $page, 'number' => $page, 'offset_start' => $start, 'offset_end' => min($start + $this->limit, $this->total) - 1, 'enabled' => $page !== $this->page || $this->viewAll, 'active' => $page === $this->page, 'route' => $route]) |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Twig/Extension/GravExtension.php:188 | 1 | return [new TwigFunction('array', [$this, 'arrayFilter']), new TwigFunction('array_key_value', [$this, 'arrayKeyValueFunc']), new TwigFunction('array_key_exists', 'array_key_exists'), new TwigFunction('array_unique', 'array_unique'), new TwigFunction('array_intersect', [$this, 'arrayIntersectFunc']), new TwigFunction('array_diff', 'array_diff'), new TwigFunction('authorize', [$this, 'authorize']), new TwigFunction('debug', [$this, 'dump'], ['needs_context' => true, 'needs_environment' => true]), new TwigFunction('dump', [$this, 'dump'], ['needs_context' => true, 'needs_environment' => true]), new TwigFunction('vardump', [$this, 'vardumpFunc']), new TwigFunction('print_r', [$this, 'print_r']), new TwigFunction('http_response_code', 'http_response_code'), new TwigFunction('evaluate', [$this, 'evaluateStringFunc'], ['needs_context' => true]), new TwigFunction('evaluate_twig', [$this, 'evaluateTwigFunc'], ['needs_context' => true]), new TwigFunction('gist', [$this, 'gistFunc']), new TwigFunction('nonce_field', [$this, 'nonceFieldFunc']), new TwigFunction('pathinfo', 'pathinfo'), new TwigFunction('parseurl', 'parse_url'), new TwigFunction('random_string', [$this, 'randomStringFunc']), new TwigFunction('repeat', [$this, 'repeatFunc']), new TwigFunction('regex_replace', [$this, 'regexReplace']), new TwigFunction('regex_filter', [$this, 'regexFilter']), new TwigFunction('regex_match', [$this, 'regexMatch']), new TwigFunction('regex_split', [$this, 'regexSplit']), new TwigFunction('string', [$this, 'stringFilter']), new TwigFunction('url', [$this, 'urlFunc']), new TwigFunction('json_decode', [$this, 'jsonDecodeFilter']), new TwigFunction('get_cookie', [$this, 'getCookie']), new TwigFunction('redirect_me', [$this, 'redirectFunc']), new TwigFunction('range', [$this, 'rangeFunc']), new TwigFunction('isajaxrequest', [$this, 'isAjaxFunc']), new TwigFunction('exif', [$this, 'exifFunc']), new TwigFunction('media_directory', [$this, 'mediaDirFunc']), new TwigFunction('body_class', [$this, 'bodyClassFunc'], ['needs_context' => true]), new TwigFunction('theme_var', [$this, 'themeVarFunc'], ['needs_context' => true]), new TwigFunction('header_var', [$this, 'pageHeaderVarFunc'], ['needs_context' => true]), new TwigFunction('read_file', [$this, 'readFileFunc']), new TwigFunction('nicenumber', [$this, 'niceNumberFunc']), new TwigFunction('nicefilesize', [$this, 'niceFilesizeFunc']), new TwigFunction('nicetime', [$this, 'nicetimeFunc']), new TwigFunction('cron', [$this, 'cronFunc']), new TwigFunction('svg_image', [$this, 'svgImageFunction']), new TwigFunction('xss', [$this, 'xssFunc']), new TwigFunction('unique_id', [$this, 'uniqueId']), new TwigFunction('t', [$this, 'translate'], ['needs_environment' => true]), new TwigFunction('tl', [$this, 'translateLanguage']), new TwigFunction('ta', [$this, 'translateArray']), new TwigFunction('get_type', [$this, 'getTypeFunc']), new TwigFunction('of_type', [$this, 'ofTypeFunc']), new TwigFunction('is_numeric', 'is_numeric'), new TwigFunction('is_iterable', 'is_iterable'), new TwigFunction('is_countable', 'is_countable'), new TwigFunction('is_null', 'is_null'), new TwigFunction('is_string', 'is_string'), new TwigFunction('is_array', 'is_array'), new TwigFunction('is_object', 'is_object'), new TwigFunction('count', 'count'), new TwigFunction('array_diff', 'array_diff'), new TwigFunction('parse_url', 'parse_url'), new TwigFunction('filter', [$this, 'filterFunc'], ['needs_environment' => true]), new TwigFunction('map', [$this, 'mapFunc'], ['needs_environment' => true]), new TwigFunction('reduce', [$this, 'reduceFunc'], ['needs_environment' => true]), ] |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Twig/Extension/GravExtension.php:111 | 1 | return [new TwigFilter('*ize', [$this, 'inflectorFilter']), new TwigFilter('absolute_url', [$this, 'absoluteUrlFilter']), new TwigFilter('contains', [$this, 'containsFilter']), new TwigFilter('chunk_split', [$this, 'chunkSplitFilter']), new TwigFilter('nicenumber', [$this, 'niceNumberFunc']), new TwigFilter('nicefilesize', [$this, 'niceFilesizeFunc']), new TwigFilter('nicetime', [$this, 'nicetimeFunc']), new TwigFilter('defined', [$this, 'definedDefaultFilter']), new TwigFilter('ends_with', [$this, 'endsWithFilter']), new TwigFilter('fieldName', [$this, 'fieldNameFilter']), new TwigFilter('parent_field', [$this, 'fieldParentFilter']), new TwigFilter('ksort', [$this, 'ksortFilter']), new TwigFilter('ltrim', [$this, 'ltrimFilter']), new TwigFilter('markdown', [$this, 'markdownFunction'], ['needs_context' => true, 'is_safe' => ['html']]), new TwigFilter('md5', [$this, 'md5Filter']), new TwigFilter('base32_encode', [$this, 'base32EncodeFilter']), new TwigFilter('base32_decode', [$this, 'base32DecodeFilter']), new TwigFilter('base64_encode', [$this, 'base64EncodeFilter']), new TwigFilter('base64_decode', [$this, 'base64DecodeFilter']), new TwigFilter('randomize', [$this, 'randomizeFilter']), new TwigFilter('modulus', [$this, 'modulusFilter']), new TwigFilter('rtrim', [$this, 'rtrimFilter']), new TwigFilter('pad', [$this, 'padFilter']), new TwigFilter('regex_replace', [$this, 'regexReplace']), new TwigFilter('safe_email', [$this, 'safeEmailFilter'], ['is_safe' => ['html']]), new TwigFilter('safe_truncate', [Utils::class, 'safeTruncate']), new TwigFilter('safe_truncate_html', [Utils::class, 'safeTruncateHTML']), new TwigFilter('sort_by_key', [$this, 'sortByKeyFilter']), new TwigFilter('starts_with', [$this, 'startsWithFilter']), new TwigFilter('truncate', [Utils::class, 'truncate']), new TwigFilter('truncate_html', [Utils::class, 'truncateHTML']), new TwigFilter('json_decode', [$this, 'jsonDecodeFilter']), new TwigFilter('array_unique', 'array_unique'), new TwigFilter('basename', 'basename'), new TwigFilter('dirname', 'dirname'), new TwigFilter('print_r', [$this, 'print_r']), new TwigFilter('yaml_encode', [$this, 'yamlEncodeFilter']), new TwigFilter('yaml_decode', [$this, 'yamlDecodeFilter']), new TwigFilter('nicecron', [$this, 'niceCronFilter']), new TwigFilter('replace_last', [$this, 'replaceLastFilter']), new TwigFilter('t', [$this, 'translate'], ['needs_environment' => true]), new TwigFilter('tl', [$this, 'translateLanguage']), new TwigFilter('ta', [$this, 'translateArray']), new TwigFilter('string', [$this, 'stringFilter']), new TwigFilter('int', [$this, 'intFilter'], ['is_safe' => ['all']]), new TwigFilter('bool', [$this, 'boolFilter']), new TwigFilter('float', [$this, 'floatFilter'], ['is_safe' => ['all']]), new TwigFilter('array', [$this, 'arrayFilter']), new TwigFilter('yaml', [$this, 'yamlFilter']), new TwigFilter('get_type', [$this, 'getTypeFunc']), new TwigFilter('of_type', [$this, 'ofTypeFunc']), new TwigFilter('count', 'count'), new TwigFilter('array_diff', 'array_diff'), new TwigFilter('filter', [$this, 'filterFunc'], ['needs_environment' => true]), new TwigFilter('map', [$this, 'mapFunc'], ['needs_environment' => true]), new TwigFilter('reduce', [$this, 'reduceFunc'], ['needs_environment' => true]), ] |
/system/src/Grav/Console/Gpm/IndexCommand.php:248 | 1 | $filter = [$this->options['desc'], $this->options['disabled'], $this->options['enabled'], $this->options['filter'], $this->options['installed-only'], $this->options['updates-only'], ] |
/system/src/Grav/Console/Gpm/IndexCommand.php:148 | 1 | $row = ['Count' => $index++ + 1, 'Name' => '<cyan>' . Utils::truncate($package->name, 20, false, ' ', '...') . '</cyan> ', 'Slug' => $slug, 'Version' => $this->version($package), 'Installed' => $this->installed($package), 'Enabled' => $this->enabled($package), ] |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Backup/Backups.php:109 | 1 | $url = rtrim(Grav::instance( )['uri']->rootUrl(true), '/') . '/' . trim($base_url, '/') . '/task' . $param_sep . 'backup/download' . $param_sep . $download . '/admin-nonce' . $param_sep . Utils::getNonce('admin-form') |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Twig/Extension/FilesystemExtension.php:72 | 1 | return [new TwigFunction('file_exists', [$this, 'file_exists']), new TwigFunction('fileatime', [$this, 'fileatime']), new TwigFunction('filectime', [$this, 'filectime']), new TwigFunction('filemtime', [$this, 'filemtime']), new TwigFunction('filesize', [$this, 'filesize']), new TwigFunction('filetype', [$this, 'filetype']), new TwigFunction('is_dir', [$this, 'is_dir']), new TwigFunction('is_file', [$this, 'is_file']), new TwigFunction('is_link', [$this, 'is_link']), new TwigFunction('is_readable', [$this, 'is_readable']), new TwigFunction('is_writable', [$this, 'is_writable']), new TwigFunction('is_writeable', [$this, 'is_writable']), new TwigFunction('lstat', [$this, 'lstat']), new TwigFunction('getimagesize', [$this, 'getimagesize']), new TwigFunction('exif_read_data', [$this, 'exif_read_data']), new TwigFunction('read_exif_data', [$this, 'exif_read_data']), new TwigFunction('exif_imagetype', [$this, 'exif_imagetype']), new TwigFunction('hash_file', [$this, 'hash_file']), new TwigFunction('hash_hmac_file', [$this, 'hash_hmac_file']), new TwigFunction('md5_file', [$this, 'md5_file']), new TwigFunction('sha1_file', [$this, 'sha1_file']), new TwigFunction('get_meta_tags', [$this, 'get_meta_tags']), new TwigFunction('pathinfo', [$this, 'pathinfo']), ] |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Twig/Extension/FilesystemExtension.php:38 | 1 | return [new TwigFilter('file_exists', [$this, 'file_exists']), new TwigFilter('fileatime', [$this, 'fileatime']), new TwigFilter('filectime', [$this, 'filectime']), new TwigFilter('filemtime', [$this, 'filemtime']), new TwigFilter('filesize', [$this, 'filesize']), new TwigFilter('filetype', [$this, 'filetype']), new TwigFilter('is_dir', [$this, 'is_dir']), new TwigFilter('is_file', [$this, 'is_file']), new TwigFilter('is_link', [$this, 'is_link']), new TwigFilter('is_readable', [$this, 'is_readable']), new TwigFilter('is_writable', [$this, 'is_writable']), new TwigFilter('is_writeable', [$this, 'is_writable']), new TwigFilter('lstat', [$this, 'lstat']), new TwigFilter('getimagesize', [$this, 'getimagesize']), new TwigFilter('exif_read_data', [$this, 'exif_read_data']), new TwigFilter('read_exif_data', [$this, 'exif_read_data']), new TwigFilter('exif_imagetype', [$this, 'exif_imagetype']), new TwigFilter('hash_file', [$this, 'hash_file']), new TwigFilter('hash_hmac_file', [$this, 'hash_hmac_file']), new TwigFilter('md5_file', [$this, 'md5_file']), new TwigFilter('sha1_file', [$this, 'sha1_file']), new TwigFilter('get_meta_tags', [$this, 'get_meta_tags']), new TwigFilter('pathinfo', [$this, 'pathinfo']), ] |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Twig/Extension/GravExtension.php:267 | 1 | return [new TwigTokenParserRender( ), new TwigTokenParserThrow( ), new TwigTokenParserTryCatch( ), new TwigTokenParserScript( ), new TwigTokenParserStyle( ), new TwigTokenParserLink( ), new TwigTokenParserMarkdown( ), new TwigTokenParserSwitch( ), new TwigTokenParserCache( ), ] |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Flex/Types/Pages/PageIndex.php:268 | 1 | return $this->getTypePrefix( ) . $this->getFlexType( ) . '.' . sha1(json_encode($this->getKeys( )) . $this->getKeyField( ) . $this->getLanguage( )) |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Flex/Types/Pages/PageCollection.php:66 | 1 | return ['getRoot' => false, 'getParams' => false, 'setParams' => false, 'params' => false, 'addPage' => false, 'merge' => false, 'intersect' => false, 'prev' => false, 'nth' => false, 'random' => false, 'append' => false, 'batch' => false, 'order' => false, 'dateRange' => true, 'visible' => true, 'nonVisible' => true, 'pages' => true, 'modules' => true, 'modular' => true, 'nonModular' => true, 'published' => true, 'nonPublished' => true, 'routable' => true, 'nonRoutable' => true, 'ofType' => true, 'ofOneOfTheseTypes' => true, 'ofOneOfTheseAccessLevels' => true, 'withOrdered' => true, 'withModules' => true, 'withPages' => true, 'withTranslation' => true, 'filterBy' => true, 'toExtendedArray' => false, 'getLevelListing' => false, ] + parent::getCachedMethods( ) |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Flex/Types/Users/UserObject.php:107 | 1 | return ['authorize' => 'session', 'load' => false, 'find' => false, 'remove' => false, 'get' => true, 'set' => false, 'undef' => false, 'def' => false, ] + parent::getCachedMethods( ) |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Assets/BlockAssets.php:125 | 1 | $options = ['group' => $group, 'priority' => $script[':priority'], 'src' => $script['src'], 'type' => $script['type'], 'loading' => $script['loading'], 'defer' => $script['defer'], 'async' => $script['async'], 'handle' => $script['handle']] + $script['element'] |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Flex/FlexCollection.php:432 | 1 | $output = $this->getTemplate($layout)->render(['grav' => $grav, 'config' => $grav['config'], 'block' => $block, 'directory' => $this->getFlexDirectory( ), 'collection' => $this, 'layout' => $layout] + $context) |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Flex/FlexObject.php:619 | 1 | $output = $this->getTemplate($layout)->render(['grav' => $grav, 'config' => $grav['config'], 'block' => $block, 'directory' => $this->getFlexDirectory( ), 'object' => $this, 'layout' => $layout] + $context) |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Flex/FlexObject.php:959 | 1 | return ['type:private' => $this->getFlexType( ), 'storage_key:protected' => $this->getStorageKey( ), 'storage_timestamp:protected' => $this->getTimestamp( ), 'key:private' => $this->getKey( ), 'elements:private' => $this->getElements( ), 'storage:private' => $this->getMetaData( )] |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Flex/Traits/FlexMediaTrait.php:221 | 1 | $list[$filename] = ['name' => $info['name'] ?? null, 'type' => $info['type'] ?? null, 'size' => $info['size'] ?? null, 'path' => $filename, 'thumb_url' => $url, 'image_url' => $originalUrl ?? $url] |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Flex/FlexDirectoryForm.php:273 | 1 | $config = ['session_id' => $this->getSessionId( ), 'unique_id' => $this->getUniqueId( ), 'form_name' => $this->getName( ), 'folder' => $this->getFlashFolder( ), 'id' => $this->getFlashId( ), 'directory' => $this->getDirectory( )] |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Flex/FlexForm.php:324 | 1 | $config = ['session_id' => $this->getSessionId( ), 'unique_id' => $this->getUniqueId( ), 'form_name' => $this->getName( ), 'folder' => $this->getFlashFolder( ), 'id' => $this->getFlashId( ), 'object' => $this->getObject( )] |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Flex/FlexForm.php:573 | 1 | return $this->doTraitSerialize( ) + ['items' => $this->items, 'form' => $this->form, 'object' => $this->object, 'flexName' => $this->flexName, 'submitMethod' => $this->submitMethod, ] |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Flex/FlexFormFlash.php:78 | 1 | $serialized['object'] = ['type' => $object->getFlexType( ), 'key' => $object->getKey( ) ?: null, 'storage_key' => $object->getStorageKey( ), 'timestamp' => $object->getTimestamp( ), 'serialized' => $object->prepareStorage( )] |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Flex/Pages/FlexPageObject.php:73 | 1 | return ['header' => false, 'summary' => true, 'content' => true, 'value' => false, 'media' => false, 'title' => true, 'menu' => true, 'visible' => true, 'published' => true, 'publishDate' => true, 'unpublishDate' => true, 'process' => true, 'slug' => true, 'order' => true, 'id' => true, 'modified' => true, 'lastModified' => true, 'folder' => true, 'date' => true, 'dateformat' => true, 'taxonomy' => true, 'shouldProcess' => true, 'isPage' => true, 'isDir' => true, 'folderExists' => true, 'isPublished' => true, 'isOrdered' => true, 'isVisible' => true, 'isRoutable' => true, 'getCreated_Timestamp' => true, 'getPublish_Timestamp' => true, 'getUnpublish_Timestamp' => true, 'getUpdated_Timestamp' => true, ] + parent::getCachedMethods( ) |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Relationships/ToManyRelationship.php:236 | 1 | return ['parent' => $this->parent, 'name' => $this->name, 'type' => $this->type, 'options' => $this->options, 'modified' => $this->modified, 'identifiers' => $this->identifiers, ] |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Relationships/ToOneRelationship.php:184 | 1 | return ['parent' => $this->parent, 'name' => $this->name, 'type' => $this->type, 'options' => $this->options, 'modified' => $this->modified, 'identifier' => $this->identifier, ] |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Flex/Pages/FlexPageCollection.php:34 | 1 | return ['withPublished' => true, 'withVisible' => true, 'withRoutable' => true, 'isFirst' => true, 'isLast' => true, 'prevSibling' => false, 'nextSibling' => false, 'adjacentSibling' => false, 'currentPosition' => true, 'getNextOrder' => false, ] + parent::getCachedMethods( ) |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Flex/Pages/Traits/PageContentTrait.php:370 | 1 | $value = $this->language( ) . ($var ?? ($this->modified( ) . md5('flex-' . $this->getFlexType( ) . '-' . $this->getKey( )))) |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Utils.php:985 | 1 | return !(!$filename || strtr($filename, "\t\v\n\r\0\\/", '_______') !== $filename || trim($filename, '. ') !== $filename || str_replace('..', '', $filename) !== $filename || in_array($extension, $dangerous_extensions)) |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Utils.php:530 | 1 | $date_formats = ['d-m-Y H:i' => 'd-m-Y H:i (e.g. ' . $now->format('d-m-Y H:i') . ')', 'Y-m-d H:i' => 'Y-m-d H:i (e.g. ' . $now->format('Y-m-d H:i') . ')', 'm/d/Y h:i a' => 'm/d/Y h:i a (e.g. ' . $now->format('m/d/Y h:i a') . ')', 'H:i d-m-Y' => 'H:i d-m-Y (e.g. ' . $now->format('H:i d-m-Y') . ')', 'h:i a m/d/Y' => 'h:i a m/d/Y (e.g. ' . $now->format('h:i a m/d/Y') . ')', ] |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Page/Markdown/Excerpts.php:204 | 1 | $local_file = isset($url_parts['path']) && (empty($url_parts['scheme']) || in_array($url_parts['scheme'], ['http', 'https'], true)) && (empty($url_parts['host']) || $url_parts['host'] === $grav['uri']->host( )) |
/system/src/Grav/Common/Security.php:226 | 1 | $patterns = ['on_events' => '#(<[^>]+[[a-z\x00-\x20\"\'\/])([\s\/]on|\sxmlns)[a-z].*=>?#iUu', 'invalid_protocols' => '#(' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $invalid_protocols, ['#'])) . ')(:|\&\#58)\S.*?#iUu', 'moz_binding' => '#-moz-binding[a-z\x00-\x20]*:#u', 'html_inline_styles' => '#(<[^>]+[a-z\x00-\x20\"\'\/])(style=[^>]*(url\:|x\:expression).*)>?#iUu', 'dangerous_tags' => '#</*(' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $dangerous_tags, ['#'])) . ')[^>]*>?#ui'] |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Session/Session.php:484 | 1 | return ['expires' => time( ) + ($lifetime ?? $params['lifetime']), 'path' => $params['path'], 'domain' => $params['domain'], 'secure' => $params['secure'], 'httponly' => $params['httponly'], 'samesite' => $params['samesite']] |
/system/src/Grav/Framework/Psr7/AbstractUri.php:277 | 1 | return ['scheme' => $this->scheme, 'host' => $this->host, 'port' => $this->port, 'user' => $this->user, 'pass' => $this->password, 'path' => $this->path, 'query' => $this->query, 'fragment' => $this->fragment] |