This is the list of analyses that were run. Those that doesn't have result will not be listed in the 'Analyses' section.
This may be due to PHP version or PHP configuration incompatibilities.
Analysis | Code |
Adding Zero | Structures/AddZero |
Ambiguous Array Index | Arrays/AmbiguousKeys |
Multiple Index Definition | Arrays/MultipleIdenticalKeys |
Empty Classes | Classes/EmptyClass |
Forgotten Visibility | Classes/NonPpp |
Non Static Methods Called In A Static | Classes/NonStaticMethodsCalledStatic |
Old Style Constructor | Classes/OldStyleConstructor |
Static Methods Called From Object | Classes/StaticMethodsCalledFromObject |
Empty Function | Functions/EmptyFunction |
Redeclared PHP Functions | Functions/RedeclaredPhpFunction |
Methods Without Return | Functions/WithoutReturn |
Empty Interfaces | Interfaces/EmptyInterface |
Incompilable Files | Php/Incompilable |
error_reporting() With Integers | Structures/ErrorReportingWithInteger |
Eval() Usage | Structures/EvalUsage |
Exit() Usage | Structures/ExitUsage |
Forgotten Whitespace | Structures/ForgottenWhiteSpace |
Iffectations | Structures/Iffectation |
Multiply By One | Structures/MultiplyByOne |
@ Operator | Structures/Noscream |
Not Not | Structures/NotNot |
include_once() Usage | Structures/OnceUsage |
Strpos()-like Comparison | Structures/StrposCompare |
Throws An Assignement | Structures/ThrowsAndAssign |
var_dump()... Usage | Structures/VardumpUsage |
__toString() Throws Exception | Structures/toStringThrowsException |
Non Ascii Variables | Variables/VariableNonascii |
Used Once Variables | Variables/VariableUsedOnce |
Bad Constants Names | Constants/BadConstantnames |
Empty Traits | Traits/EmptyTrait |
Use With Fully Qualified Name | Namespaces/UseWithFullyQualifiedNS |
Useless Instructions | Structures/UselessInstruction |
Abstract Static Methods | Classes/AbstractStatic |
Invalid Constant Name | Constants/InvalidName |
Multiple Constant Definition | Constants/MultipleConstantDefinition |
Wrong Optional Parameter | Functions/WrongOptionalParameter |
Use === null | Php/IsnullVsEqualNull |
$this Is Not An Array | Classes/ThisIsNotAnArray |
One Variable String | Type/OneVariableStrings |
Static Methods Can't Contain $this | Classes/StaticContainsThis |
While(List() = Each()) | Structures/WhileListEach |
Several Instructions On The Same Line | Structures/OneLineTwoInstructions |
Multiples Identical Case | Structures/MultipleDefinedCase |
Switch Without Default | Structures/SwitchWithoutDefault |
$this Belongs To Classes Or Traits | Classes/ThisIsForClasses |
Nested Ternary | Structures/NestedTernary |
Non-constant Index In Array | Arrays/NonConstantArray |
Undefined Constants | Constants/UndefinedConstants |
Instantiating Abstract Class | Classes/InstantiatingAbstractClass |
Class, Interface, Enum Or Trait With Identical Names | Classes/CitSameName |
Empty Try Catch | Structures/EmptyTryCatch |
Undefined Classes | Classes/UndefinedClasses |
Htmlentities Calls | Structures/Htmlentitiescall |
Undefined Class Constants | Classes/UndefinedConstants |
Used Once Variables (In Scope) | Variables/VariableUsedOnceByContext |
Undefined Functions | Functions/UndefinedFunctions |
Deprecated PHP Functions | Php/Deprecated |
Dangling Array References | Structures/DanglingArrayReferences |
Queries In Loops | Structures/QueriesInLoop |
Var Keyword | Classes/OldStyleVar |
Native Alias Functions Usage | Functions/AliasesUsage |
Uses Default Values | Functions/UsesDefaultArguments |
Wrong Number Of Arguments | Functions/WrongNumberOfArguments |
Hardcoded Passwords | Functions/HardcodedPasswords |
Unresolved Classes | Classes/UnresolvedClasses |
Useless Constructor | Classes/UselessConstructor |
Implements Is For Interface | Classes/ImplementIsForInterface |
Use const | Constants/ConstRecommended |
Unresolved Use | Namespaces/UnresolvedUse |
Undefined Parent | Classes/UndefinedParentMP |
Undefined static:: Or self:: | Classes/UndefinedStaticMP |
Accessing Private | Classes/AccessPrivate |
Access Protected Structures | Classes/AccessProtected |
Parent, Static Or Self Outside Class | Classes/PssWithoutClass |
list() May Omit Variables | Structures/ListOmissions |
Or Die | Structures/OrDie |
Written Only Variables | Variables/WrittenOnlyVariable |
Must Return Methods | Functions/MustReturn |
Empty Instructions | Structures/EmptyLines |
Overwritten Exceptions | Exceptions/OverwriteException |
Foreach Reference Is Not Modified | Structures/ForeachReferenceIsNotModified |
Don't Change Incomings | Structures/NoChangeIncomingVariables |
Compared Comparison | Structures/ComparedComparison |
Useless Return | Functions/UselessReturn |
Unused Classes | Classes/UnusedClass |
Unpreprocessed Values | Structures/Unpreprocessed |
Undefined Properties | Classes/UndefinedProperty |
Short Open Tags | Php/ShortOpenTagRequired |
Strict Comparison With Booleans | Structures/BooleanStrictComparison |
Lone Blocks | Structures/LoneBlock |
$this Is Not For Static Methods | Classes/ThisIsNotForStatic |
Global Usage | Structures/GlobalUsage |
Logical Should Use Symbolic Operators | Php/LogicalInLetters |
Could Use self | Classes/ShouldUseSelf |
Catch Overwrite Variable | Structures/CatchShadowsVariable |
Deep Definitions | Functions/DeepDefinitions |
Repeated print() | Structures/RepeatedPrint |
Avoid Parenthesis With Language Construct | Structures/PrintWithoutParenthesis |
Objects Don't Need References | Structures/ObjectReferences |
Lost References | Variables/LostReferences |
Constants Created Outside Its Namespace | Constants/CreatedOutsideItsNamespace |
Fully Qualified Constants | Namespaces/ConstantFullyQualified |
Never Used Properties | Classes/PropertyNeverUsed |
No Real Comparison | Type/NoRealComparison |
Should Use Local Class | Classes/ShouldUseThis |
No Direct Call To Magic Method | Classes/DirectCallToMagicMethod |
String May Hold A Variable | Type/StringHoldAVariable |
Echo With Concat | Structures/EchoWithConcat |
Unused Global | Structures/UnusedGlobal |
Useless Global | Structures/UselessGlobal |
Preprocessable | Structures/ShouldPreprocess |
Useless Final | Classes/UselessFinal |
Use Constant Instead Of Function | Structures/UseConstant |
Useless Unset | Structures/UselessUnset |
Buried Assignation | Structures/BuriedAssignation |
No array_merge() In Loops | Performances/ArrayMergeInLoops |
Useless Parenthesis | Structures/UselessParenthesis |
Unresolved Instanceof | Classes/UnresolvedInstanceof |
Use PHP Object API | Php/UseObjectApi |
Unthrown Exception | Exceptions/Unthrown |
Old Style __autoload() | Php/oldAutoloadUsage |
Altering Foreach Without Reference | Structures/AlteringForeachWithoutReference |
Use Pathinfo | Php/UsePathinfo |
Should Use Existing Constants | Functions/ShouldUseConstants |
Hash Algorithms | Php/HashAlgos |
No Parenthesis For Language Construct | Structures/NoParenthesisForLanguageConstruct |
No Hardcoded Path | Structures/NoHardcodedPath |
No Hardcoded Port | Structures/NoHardcodedPort |
Use Constant As Arguments | Functions/UseConstantAsArguments |
Implied If | Structures/ImpliedIf |
Overwritten Literals | Variables/OverwrittenLiterals |
Assign Default To Properties | Classes/MakeDefault |
No Public Access | Classes/NoPublicAccess |
Should Chain Exception | Structures/ShouldChainException |
Useless Interfaces | Interfaces/UselessInterfaces |
Undefined Interfaces | Interfaces/UndefinedInterfaces |
Double Instructions | Structures/DoubleInstruction |
Should Use Prepared Statement | Security/ShouldUsePreparedStatement |
Print And Die | Structures/PrintAndDie |
Unchecked Resources | Structures/UncheckedResources |
No Hardcoded Ip | Structures/NoHardcodedIp |
Else If Versus Elseif | Structures/ElseIfElseif |
Unset In Foreach | Structures/UnsetInForeach |
Could Be Static | Structures/CouldBeStatic |
Multiple Class Declarations | Classes/MultipleDeclarations |
Empty Namespace | Namespaces/EmptyNamespace |
Could Use Short Assignation | Structures/CouldUseShortAssignation |
Useless Abstract Class | Classes/UselessAbstract |
Static Loop | Structures/StaticLoop |
Pre-increment | Performances/PrePostIncrement |
Only Variable Returned By Reference | Structures/OnlyVariableReturnedByReference |
Indices Are Int Or String | Structures/IndicesAreIntOrString |
Should Typecast | Type/ShouldTypecast |
No Self Referencing Constant | Classes/NoSelfReferencingConstant |
No Direct Usage | Structures/NoDirectUsage |
Break Outside Loop | Structures/BreakOutsideLoop |
Avoid Substr() One | Structures/NoSubstrOne |
Double Assignation | Structures/DoubleAssignation |
Empty List | Php/EmptyList |
Useless Brackets | Structures/UselessBrackets |
preg_replace With Option e | Structures/pregOptionE |
eval() Without Try | Structures/EvalWithoutTry |
Relay Function | Functions/RelayFunction |
func_get_arg() Modified | Functions/funcGetArgModified |
Avoid get_class() | Structures/UseInstanceof |
Silently Cast Integer | Type/SilentlyCastInteger |
Timestamp Difference | Structures/TimestampDifference |
Unused Parameter | Functions/UnusedArguments |
Switch To Switch | Structures/SwitchToSwitch |
Wrong Parameter Type | Php/InternalParameterType |
Wrong fopen() Mode | Php/FopenMode |
Negative Power | Structures/NegativePow |
Already Parents Interface | Interfaces/AlreadyParentsInterface |
Use random_int() | Php/BetterRand |
Can't Extend Final | Classes/CantExtendFinal |
Ternary In Concat | Structures/TernaryInConcat |
Using $this Outside A Class | Classes/UsingThisOutsideAClass |
Undefined Trait | Traits/UndefinedTrait |
No Hardcoded Hash | Structures/NoHardcodedHash |
Identical Conditions | Structures/IdenticalConditions |
Unkown Regex Options | Structures/UnknownPregOption |
No Choice | Structures/NoChoice |
Common Alternatives | Structures/CommonAlternatives |
Logical Mistakes | Structures/LogicalMistakes |
Uncaught Exceptions | Exceptions/UncaughtExceptions |
Same Conditions In Condition | Structures/SameConditions |
Return True False | Structures/ReturnTrueFalse |
Useless Switch | Structures/UselessSwitch |
Could Use __DIR__ | Structures/CouldUseDir |
Should Use Coalesce | Php/ShouldUseCoalesce |
Make Global A Property | Classes/MakeGlobalAProperty |
If With Same Conditions | Structures/IfWithSameConditions |
Throw Functioncall | Exceptions/ThrowFunctioncall |
Use Instanceof | Classes/UseInstanceof |
Results May Be Missing | Structures/ResultMayBeMissing |
Always Positive Comparison | Structures/NeverNegative |
Empty Blocks | Structures/EmptyBlocks |
Throw In Destruct | Classes/ThrowInDestruct |
Use System Tmp | Structures/UseSystemTmp |
Dependant Trait | Traits/DependantTrait |
Hidden Use Expression | Namespaces/HiddenUse |
Should Make Alias | Namespaces/ShouldMakeAlias |
Multiple Identical Trait Or Interface | Classes/MultipleTraitOrInterface |
Multiple Alias Definitions | Namespaces/MultipleAliasDefinitions |
Nested Ifthen | Structures/NestedIfthen |
Cast To Boolean | Structures/CastToBoolean |
Failed Substr Comparison | Structures/FailingSubstrComparison |
Should Use Ternary Operator | Structures/ShouldMakeTernary |
Unused Returned Value | Functions/UnusedReturnedValue |
Modernize Empty With Expression | Structures/ModernEmpty |
Use Positive Condition | Structures/UsePositiveCondition |
Drop Else After Return | Structures/DropElseAfterReturn |
Use ::Class Operator | Classes/UseClassOperator |
Don't Echo Error | Security/DontEchoError |
Useless Type Casting | Structures/UselessCasting |
No isset() With empty() | Structures/NoIssetWithEmpty |
Useless Check | Structures/UselessCheck |
Bail Out Early | Structures/BailOutEarly |
Dont Change The Blind Var | Structures/DontChangeBlindKey |
Avoid Using stdClass | Php/UseStdclass |
Too Many Local Variables | Functions/TooManyLocalVariables |
Illegal Name For Method | Classes/WrongName |
Long Arguments | Structures/LongArguments |
Assigned Twice | Variables/AssignedTwiceOrMore |
No Boolean As Default | Functions/NoBooleanAsDefault |
Forgotten Thrown | Exceptions/ForgottenThrown |
Multiple Alias Definitions Per File | Namespaces/MultipleAliasDefinitionPerFile |
__DIR__ Then Slash | Structures/DirThenSlash |
self, parent, static Outside Class | Classes/NoPSSOutsideClass |
Used Once Property | Classes/UsedOnceProperty |
Property Used In One Method Only | Classes/PropertyUsedInOneMethodOnly |
No Need For Else | Structures/NoNeedForElse |
Strange Name For Constants | Constants/StrangeName |
Too Many Finds | Classes/TooManyFinds |
Should Use SetCookie() | Php/UseSetCookie |
Check All Types | Structures/CheckAllTypes |
Missing Cases In Switch | Structures/MissingCases |
Repeated Regex | Structures/RepeatedRegex |
No Class In Global | Php/NoClassInGlobal |
Crc32() Might Be Negative | Php/Crc32MightBeNegative |
Could Use str_repeat() | Structures/CouldUseStrrepeat |
Suspicious Comparison | Structures/SuspiciousComparison |
Strings With Strange Space | Type/StringWithStrangeSpace |
No Empty Regex | Structures/NoEmptyRegex |
Alternative Syntax Consistence | Structures/AlternativeConsistenceByFile |
Randomly Sorted Arrays | Arrays/RandomlySortedLiterals |
Only Variable Passed By Reference | Functions/OnlyVariablePassedByReference |
No Return Used | Functions/NoReturnUsed |
No Reference On Left Side | Structures/NoReferenceOnLeft |
Implemented Methods Must Be Public | Classes/ImplementedMethodsArePublic |
Mixed Concat And Interpolation | Structures/MixedConcatInterpolation |
Too Many Injections | Classes/TooManyInjections |
Could Make A Function | Functions/CouldCentralize |
Forgotten Interface | Interfaces/CouldUseInterface |
Avoid Optional Properties | Classes/AvoidOptionalProperties |
Mismatched Ternary Alternatives | Structures/MismatchedTernary |
Mismatched Default Arguments | Functions/MismatchedDefaultArguments |
Mismatched Typehint | Functions/MismatchedTypehint |
Scalar Or Object Property | Classes/ScalarOrObjectProperty |
Assign With And Precedence | Php/AssignAnd |
No Magic Method With Array | Classes/NoMagicWithArray |
Logical To in_array | Performances/LogicalToInArray |
Pathinfo() Returns May Vary | Php/PathinfoReturns |
Multiple Type Variable | Structures/MultipleTypeVariable |
Is Actually Zero | Structures/IsZero |
Unconditional Break In Loop | Structures/UnconditionLoopBreak |
Could Be Else | Structures/CouldBeElse |
Next Month Trap | Structures/NextMonthTrap |
Printf Number Of Arguments | Structures/PrintfArguments |
Ambiguous Static | Classes/AmbiguousStatic |
Don't Send $this In Constructor | Classes/DontSendThisInConstructor |
No get_class() With Null | Structures/NoGetClassNull |
Maybe Missing New | Structures/MissingNew |
Unknown Pcre2 Option | Php/UnknownPcre2Option |
Parent First | Classes/ParentFirst |
Invalid Regex | Structures/InvalidRegex |
Use Named Boolean In Argument Definition | Functions/AvoidBooleanArgument |
Same Variable Foreach | Structures/AutoUnsetForeach |
Never Called Parameter | Functions/NeverUsedParameter |
Identical On Both Sides | Structures/IdenticalOnBothSides |
Identical Consecutive Expression | Structures/IdenticalConsecutive |
No Reference For Ternary | Php/NoReferenceForTernary |
Unused Inherited Variable In Closure | Functions/UnusedInheritedVariable |
Inclusion Wrong Case | Files/InclusionWrongCase |
Missing Include | Files/MissingInclude |
Useless Referenced Argument | Functions/UselessReferenceArgument |
Useless Catch | Exceptions/UselessCatch |
Possible Infinite Loop | Structures/PossibleInfiniteLoop |
Test Then Cast | Structures/TestThenCast |
Foreach On Object | Php/ForeachObject |
Property Could Be Local | Classes/PropertyCouldBeLocal |
Too Many Native Calls | Php/TooManyNativeCalls |
Don't Unset Properties | Classes/DontUnsetProperties |
Strtr Arguments | Php/StrtrArguments |
Missing Parenthesis | Structures/MissingParenthesis |
Callback Function Needs Return | Functions/CallbackNeedsReturn |
Wrong Range Check | Structures/WrongRange |
Can't Instantiate Class | Classes/CantInstantiateClass |
strpos() Too Much | Performances/StrposTooMuch |
Typehinted References | Functions/TypehintedReferences |
Weak Typing | Classes/WeakType |
Method Signature Must Be Compatible | Classes/MethodSignatureMustBeCompatible |
Mismatch Type And Default | Functions/MismatchTypeAndDefault |
Check JSON | Structures/CheckJson |
Dont Mix ++ | Structures/DontMixPlusPlus |
Can't Throw Throwable | Exceptions/CantThrow |
Abstract Or Implements | Classes/AbstractOrImplements |
Incompatible Signature Methods | Classes/IncompatibleSignature |
Ambiguous Visibilities | Classes/AmbiguousVisibilities |
Undefined ::class | Classes/UndefinedStaticclass |
Assert Function Is Reserved | Php/AssertFunctionIsReserved |
Could Be Abstract Class | Classes/CouldBeAbstractClass |
Continue Is For Loop | Structures/ContinueIsForLoop |
Must Call Parent Constructor | Php/MustCallParentConstructor |
Undefined Variable | Variables/UndefinedVariable |
Undefined Insteadof | Traits/UndefinedInsteadof |
Method Collision Traits | Traits/MethodCollisionTraits |
Class Could Be Final | Classes/CouldBeFinal |
Inconsistent Elseif | Structures/InconsistentElseif |
Only Variable For Reference | Functions/OnlyVariableForReference |
Wrong Access Style to Property | Classes/UndeclaredStaticProperty |
Invalid Pack Format | Structures/InvalidPackFormat |
Repeated Interface | Interfaces/RepeatedInterface |
Don't Read And Write In One Expression | Structures/DontReadAndWriteInOneExpression |
Should Yield With Key | Functions/ShouldYieldWithKey |
Useless Method Alias | Traits/UselessAlias |
Method Could Be Static | Classes/CouldBeStatic |
Possible Missing Subpattern | Php/MissingSubpattern |
Assign And Compare | Structures/AssigneAndCompare |
Variable Is Not A Condition | Structures/NoVariableIsACondition |
Insufficient Typehint | Functions/InsufficientTypehint |
Typehint Must Be Returned | Functions/TypehintMustBeReturned |
Clone With Non-Object | Classes/CloneWithNonObject |
Check On __Call Usage | Classes/CheckOnCallUsage |
Avoid option arrays in constructors | Classes/AvoidOptionArrays |
Already Parents Trait | Traits/AlreadyParentsTrait |
Trait Not Found | Traits/TraitNotFound |
Casting Ternary | Structures/CastingTernary |
Concat Empty String | Structures/ConcatEmpty |
Concat And Addition | Php/ConcatAndAddition |
No Append On Source | Structures/NoAppendOnSource |
Memoize MagicCall | Performances/MemoizeMagicCall |
Unused Class Constant | Classes/UnusedConstant |
Infinite Recursion | Structures/InfiniteRecursion |
Null Or Boolean Arrays | Arrays/NullBoolean |
Dependant Abstract Classes | Classes/DependantAbstractClass |
Wrong Type Returned | Functions/WrongReturnedType |
Overwritten Source And Value | Structures/ForeachSourceValue |
Avoid mb_dectect_encoding() | Php/AvoidMbDectectEncoding |
array_key_exists() Works On Arrays | Php/ArrayKeyExistsWithObjects |
Class Without Parent | Classes/NoParent |
Scalar Are Not Arrays | Php/ScalarAreNotArrays |
array_merge() And Variadic | Structures/ArrayMergeAndVariadic |
Implode() Arguments Order | Structures/ImplodeArgsOrder |
strip_tags() Skips Closed Tag | Structures/StripTagsSkipsClosedTag |
No Spread For Hash | Arrays/NoSpreadForHash |
Max Level Of Nesting | Structures/MaxLevelOfIdentation |
Should Use Explode Args | Structures/ShouldUseExplodeArgs |
Use array_slice() | Performances/UseArraySlice |
Too Many Array Dimensions | Arrays/TooManyDimensions |
Coalesce And Concat | Structures/CoalesceAndConcat |
Comparison Is Always The Same | Structures/AlwaysFalse |
Incompatible Signature Methods With Covariance | Classes/IncompatibleSignature74 |
Interfaces Is Not Implemented | Interfaces/IsNotImplemented |
No Literal For Reference | Functions/NoLiteralForReference |
Interfaces Don't Ensure Properties | Interfaces/NoGaranteeForPropertyConstant |
Non Nullable Getters | Classes/NonNullableSetters |
Too Many Dereferencing | Classes/TooManyDereferencing |
Can't Implement Traversable | Interfaces/CantImplementTraversable |
Is_A() With String | Php/IsAWithString |
Mbstring Unknown Encoding | Structures/MbstringUnknownEncoding |
Mbstring Third Arg | Structures/MbstringThirdArg |
Merge If Then | Structures/MergeIfThen |
Wrong Type With Call | Functions/WrongTypeWithCall |
Not Equal Is Not !== | Structures/NotEqual |
Dont Collect Void | Functions/DontUseVoid |
Wrong Typed Property Default | Classes/WrongTypedPropertyInit |
Hidden Nullable Typehint | Classes/HiddenNullable |
Fn Argument Variable Confusion | Functions/FnArgumentVariableConfusion |
Missing Abstract Method | Classes/MissingAbstractMethod |
Undefined Constant Name | Variables/UndefinedConstantName |
Using Deprecated Method | Functions/UsingDeprecated |
Cyclic References | Classes/CyclicReferences |
Double Object Assignation | Structures/DoubleObjectAssignation |
Wrong Argument Type | Functions/WrongArgumentType |
Mismatch Properties Typehints | Classes/MismatchProperties |
No Need For Triple Equal | Structures/NoNeedForTriple |
Array_merge Needs Array Of Arrays | Structures/ArrayMergeArrayArray |
Wrong Type For Native PHP Function | Php/WrongTypeForNativeFunction |
Catch With Undefined Variable | Exceptions/CatchUndefinedVariable |
Swapped Arguments | Classes/SwappedArguments |
Different Argument Counts | Classes/DifferentArgumentCounts |
Unknown Parameter Name | Functions/UnknownParameterName |
Missing Some Returntype | Typehints/MissingReturntype |
Don't Pollute Global Space | Php/DontPolluteGlobalSpace |
Mismatch Parameter Name | Functions/MismatchParameterName |
Multiple Declaration Of Strict_types | Php/MultipleDeclareStrict |
Array_Fill() With Objects | Structures/ArrayFillWithObjects |
Modified Typed Parameter | Functions/ModifyTypedParameter |
Assumptions | Php/Assumptions |
Unsupported Types With Operators | Structures/UnsupportedTypesWithOperators |
Wrong Attribute Configuration | Php/WrongAttributeConfiguration |
Cancelled Parameter | Functions/CancelledParameter |
Constant Typo Looks Like A Variable | Variables/ConstantTypo |
Array_Map() Passes By Value | Structures/ArrayMapPassesByValue |
Missing __isset() Method | Php/MissingMagicIsset |
Modify Immutable | Attributes/ModifyImmutable |
Only Container For Reference | Php/OnlyVariableForReference |
Cannot Use Static For Closure | Functions/CannotUseStaticForClosure |
Only First Byte | Structures/OnlyFirstByte |
Inherited Property Type Must Match | Classes/InheritedPropertyMustMatch |
No Object As Index | Structures/NoObjectAsIndex |
Htmlentities Using Default Flag | Structures/HtmlentitiescallDefaultFlag |
Wrong Argument Name With PHP Function | Functions/WrongArgumentNameWithPhpFunction |
Duplicate Named Parameter | Functions/DuplicateNamedParameter |
PHP Native Class Type Compatibility | Php/NativeClassTypeCompatibility |
Missing Attribute Attribute | Attributes/MissingAttributeAttribute |
No Null For Native PHP Functions | Php/NoNullForNative |
No Referenced Void | Functions/NoReferencedVoid |
PHP Native Interfaces and Return Type | Php/JsonSerializeReturnType |
New Functions In PHP 8.1 | Php/Php81NewFunctions |
Never Keyword | Php/NeverKeyword |
False To Array Conversion | Php/FalseToArray |
Float Conversion As Index | Arrays/FloatConversionAsIndex |
Cannot Call Static Trait Method Directly | Traits/CannotCallTraitMethod |
Overwritten Foreach Var | Structures/OverwrittenForeachVar |
Recycled Variables | Variables/RecycledVariables |
Check Division By Zero | Structures/CheckDivision |
Dont Reuse Foreach Source | Structures/DontReuseForeachSource |
Unreachable Method | Classes/UnreachableMethod |
Unfinished Object | Classes/UnfinishedObject |
Undefined Enumcase | Enums/UndefinedEnumcase |
Dont Add Seconds | Structures/DontAddSeconds |
Use Constants As Returns | Functions/UseConstantsAsReturns |
Identical Variables In Foreach | Structures/IdenticalVariablesInForeach |
Cant Overwrite Final Constant | Classes/CantOverwriteFinalConstant |
Unsupported Operand Types | Structures/UnsupportedOperandTypes |
version_compare Operator | Php/VersionCompareOperator |
Do Not Cast To Int | Php/NoCastToInt |
Could Be Spaceship | Structures/CouldBeSpaceship |
Unused Enumeration Case | Enums/UnusedEnumCase |
Useless Null Coalesce | Structures/UselessNullCoalesce |
Throw Raw Exceptions | Exceptions/ThrowRawExceptions |
Implicit Conversion To Int | Structures/ImplicitConversionToInt |
Use Same Types For Comparisons | Structures/UseSameTypesForComparisons |
Wrong Locale | Structures/WrongLocale |
Parent Is Not Static | Classes/ParentIsNotStatic |
No Magic Method For Enum | Enums/NoMagicMethod |
No Readonly Assignation In Global | Classes/NoReadonlyAssignationInGlobal |
Overload Existing Names | Namespaces/OverloadExistingNames |
Retyped Reference | Functions/RetypedReference |
Wrong Type With Default | Typehints/WrongTypeWithDefault |
Sprintf Format Compilation | Structures/SprintfFormatCompilation |
Invalid Date Scanning Format | Structures/InvalidDateScanningFormat |
Same Name For Property And Method | Classes/PropertyMethodSameName |
DateTimeImmutable Is Not Immutable | Php/DateTimeNotImmutable |
No Default For Referenced Parameter | Functions/NoDefaultForReference |
Clone Constant | Php/CloneConstant |
Could Inject Param | Classes/CouldInjectParam |
Unused Public Method | Classes/UnusedPublicMethod |
Mbstring Unknown Encodings | Structures/MbStringNonEncodings |
Coalesce And Ternary Operators Order | Structures/CoalesceNullCoalesce |
Useless Assignation Of Promoted Property | Classes/UselessAssignationOfPromotedProperty |
Empty Loop | Structures/EmptyLoop |
Useless Method | Classes/UselessMethod |
Weak Type With Array | Arrays/WeakType |
No Empty String With explode() | Structures/NoEmptyStringWithExplode |
Double Checks | Structures/DoubleChecks |
strpos() With Integers | Php/StrposWithIntegers |
Missing Assignation In Command | Structures/MissingAssignation |
No Valid Cast | Structures/NoValidCast |
Misused Yield | Structures/MisusedYield |
No Null For Index | Structures/NoNullForIndex |
Useless Try | Exceptions/UselessTry |
Converted Exceptions | Exceptions/ConvertedExceptions |
Method Is Not An If | Functions/MethodIsNotAnIf |
Default Then Discard | Structures/DefaultThenDiscard |
Identical Case In Switch | Structures/IdenticalCase |
StandaloneType True False Null | Typehints/StandaloneTypeTFN |
Could Use Yield From | Structures/CouldUseYieldFrom |