
This are all the 122 issues found in the current repository.
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Analysis File Code Severity Time To Fix Recipe
Uncaught Exceptions/src/Actions/AttachDevice.php:22new RuntimeException('Device already assigned to another user')Analyze, All, ChangedBehavior
The following exceptions are thrown in the code, but are never caught.
new RuntimeException('Device already assigned to another user')
Unused Parameter/src/Notifications/FirebasePushNotification.php:19public function via($notifiable) : array { /**/ }Analyze, All, Simple, Unused
Those parameters are not used inside the method or function.
public function via($notifiable) : array { /**/ }
Unused Parameter/src/Data/DeviceData.php:19public static function rules(ValidationContext $context) : array { /**/ }Analyze, All, Simple, Unused
Those parameters are not used inside the method or function.
public static function rules(ValidationContext $context) : array { /**/ }
No Public Access/src/Data/DeviceData.php:15$typeAnalyze, All, ChangedBehavior
The properties below are declared with public access, but are never used publicly. They can be made protected or private.
No Public Access/src/Notifications/FirebasePushNotification.php:13$titleAnalyze, All, ChangedBehavior
The properties below are declared with public access, but are never used publicly. They can be made protected or private.
No Public Access/src/Notifications/FirebasePushNotification.php:13$messageAnalyze, All, ChangedBehavior
The properties below are declared with public access, but are never used publicly. They can be made protected or private.
No Public Access/src/Data/DeviceData.php:14$platformAnalyze, All, ChangedBehavior
The properties below are declared with public access, but are never used publicly. They can be made protected or private.
Should Use Local Class/src/Data/DeviceData.php:19public static function rules(ValidationContext $context) : array { /**/ }Analyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
Methods should use the defining class, or be functions.
public static function rules(ValidationContext $context) : array { /**/ }
Should Use Local Class/src/Notifications/FirebasePushNotification.php:19public function via($notifiable) : array { /**/ }Analyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
Methods should use the defining class, or be functions.
public function via($notifiable) : array { /**/ }
Should Use Local Class/src/Controllers/DeviceController.php:14public function attach(DeviceData $deviceData) : JsonResponse { /**/ }Analyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
Methods should use the defining class, or be functions.
public function attach(DeviceData $deviceData) : JsonResponse { /**/ }
Should Use Local Class/src/Actions/AttachDevice.php:12public static function execute(DeviceData $request, ?User $user) : Device { /**/ }Analyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
Methods should use the defining class, or be functions.
public static function execute(DeviceData $request, ?User $user) : Device { /**/ }
Should Use Local Class/src/DevicesServiceProvider.php:13public function configurePackage(Package $package) : void { /**/ }Analyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
Methods should use the defining class, or be functions.
public function configurePackage(Package $package) : void { /**/ }
Never Used Properties/src/Models/Device.php:23$fillable = ['name', 'type', 'platform', 'token', 'notifiable_id', 'notifiable_type', ]Analyze, All, Simple, Unused, ChangedBehavior
Properties that are never used. They are defined in a class or a trait, but they never actually used.
$fillable = ['name', 'type', 'platform', 'token', 'notifiable_id', 'notifiable_type',  ]
Never Used Properties/src/Models/Device.php:32$casts = ['type' => DeviceType::class, 'platform' => DevicePlatform::class, ]Analyze, All, Simple, Unused, ChangedBehavior
Properties that are never used. They are defined in a class or a trait, but they never actually used.
$casts = ['type' => DeviceType::class, 'platform' => DevicePlatform::class,  ]
Never Used Properties/src/Data/DeviceData.php:14$platformAnalyze, All, Simple, Unused, ChangedBehavior
Properties that are never used. They are defined in a class or a trait, but they never actually used.
Never Used Properties/src/Data/DeviceData.php:15$typeAnalyze, All, Simple, Unused, ChangedBehavior
Properties that are never used. They are defined in a class or a trait, but they never actually used.
Used Once Variables (In Scope)/src/Data/DeviceData.php:15public string $typeAnalyze, ClearPHP, OneFile, All, Simple, Level 4, ChangedBehavior, CE
This is the list of used once variables, scope by scope. Those variables are used once in a function, a method, a class or a namespace. In any case, this means the variable is read or written, while it should be used at least twice.
public string $type
Used Once Variables (In Scope)/src/Data/DeviceData.php:16public string $tokenAnalyze, ClearPHP, OneFile, All, Simple, Level 4, ChangedBehavior, CE
This is the list of used once variables, scope by scope. Those variables are used once in a function, a method, a class or a namespace. In any case, this means the variable is read or written, while it should be used at least twice.
public string $token
Used Once Variables (In Scope)/src/Data/DeviceData.php:14public string $platformAnalyze, ClearPHP, OneFile, All, Simple, Level 4, ChangedBehavior, CE
This is the list of used once variables, scope by scope. Those variables are used once in a function, a method, a class or a namespace. In any case, this means the variable is read or written, while it should be used at least twice.
public string $platform
Used Once Variables (In Scope)/src/Data/DeviceData.php:19ValidationContext $contextAnalyze, ClearPHP, OneFile, All, Simple, Level 4, ChangedBehavior, CE
This is the list of used once variables, scope by scope. Those variables are used once in a function, a method, a class or a namespace. In any case, this means the variable is read or written, while it should be used at least twice.
ValidationContext $context
Used Once Variables (In Scope)/src/Notifications/FirebasePushNotification.php:34$devicesAnalyze, ClearPHP, OneFile, All, Simple, Level 4, ChangedBehavior, CE
This is the list of used once variables, scope by scope. Those variables are used once in a function, a method, a class or a namespace. In any case, this means the variable is read or written, while it should be used at least twice.
Used Once Variables (In Scope)/src/Notifications/FirebasePushNotification.php:13public string $messageAnalyze, ClearPHP, OneFile, All, Simple, Level 4, ChangedBehavior, CE
This is the list of used once variables, scope by scope. Those variables are used once in a function, a method, a class or a namespace. In any case, this means the variable is read or written, while it should be used at least twice.
public string $message
Used Once Variables (In Scope)/src/Notifications/FirebasePushNotification.php:39$devicesAnalyze, ClearPHP, OneFile, All, Simple, Level 4, ChangedBehavior, CE
This is the list of used once variables, scope by scope. Those variables are used once in a function, a method, a class or a namespace. In any case, this means the variable is read or written, while it should be used at least twice.
Used Once Variables (In Scope)/src/Notifications/FirebasePushNotification.php:13public string $titleAnalyze, ClearPHP, OneFile, All, Simple, Level 4, ChangedBehavior, CE
This is the list of used once variables, scope by scope. Those variables are used once in a function, a method, a class or a namespace. In any case, this means the variable is read or written, while it should be used at least twice.
public string $title
Used Once Variables (In Scope)/src/Controllers/DeviceController.php:16$deviceAnalyze, ClearPHP, OneFile, All, Simple, Level 4, ChangedBehavior, CE
This is the list of used once variables, scope by scope. Those variables are used once in a function, a method, a class or a namespace. In any case, this means the variable is read or written, while it should be used at least twice.
Used Once Variables (In Scope)/src/Notifications/FirebasePushNotification.php:19$notifiableAnalyze, ClearPHP, OneFile, All, Simple, Level 4, ChangedBehavior, CE
This is the list of used once variables, scope by scope. Those variables are used once in a function, a method, a class or a namespace. In any case, this means the variable is read or written, while it should be used at least twice.
Used Once Variables (In Scope)/src/Controllers/DeviceController.php:18$deviceAnalyze, ClearPHP, OneFile, All, Simple, Level 4, ChangedBehavior, CE
This is the list of used once variables, scope by scope. Those variables are used once in a function, a method, a class or a namespace. In any case, this means the variable is read or written, while it should be used at least twice.
Unresolved Use/src/Models/Device.php:7Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactoryAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/Models/Device.php:8Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/Models/Device.php:9Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphToAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/Models/Device.php:10Sfolador\Devices\Enums\DevicePlatformAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/Models/Device.php:11Sfolador\Devices\Enums\DeviceTypeAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/Models/Concerns/HasDevices.php:7Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphManyAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/routes/devices_routes.php:3Illuminate\Support\Facades\RouteAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/Data/DeviceData.php:5Illuminate\Validation\Rules\EnumAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/DevicesServiceProvider.php:7Kutia\Larafirebase\Providers\LarafirebaseServiceProviderAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/Data/DeviceData.php:6Sfolador\Devices\Enums\DevicePlatformAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/DevicesServiceProvider.php:8Spatie\LaravelPackageTools\PackageAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/Data/DeviceData.php:7Sfolador\Devices\Enums\DeviceTypeAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/DevicesServiceProvider.php:9Spatie\LaravelPackageTools\PackageServiceProviderAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/Data/DeviceData.php:8Spatie\LaravelData\DataAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/Notifications/FirebasePushNotification.php:7Illuminate\Http\Client\ResponseAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/Data/DeviceData.php:9Spatie\LaravelData\Support\Validation\ValidationContextAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/Notifications/FirebasePushNotification.php:8Illuminate\Notifications\NotificationAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/Notifications/FirebasePushNotification.php:9Kutia\Larafirebase\Messages\FirebaseMessageAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/Controllers/DeviceController.php:7Illuminate\Http\JsonResponseAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/Controllers/DeviceController.php:8Illuminate\Routing\ControllerAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Use/src/Actions/AttachDevice.php:5Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\UserAnalyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior
The following use instructions cannot be resolved to a known class, interface, trait, constant or function. They should be dropped or fixed.
Unresolved Classes/src/Notifications/FirebasePushNotification.php:36FirebaseMessageAnalyze, All, Stubs, ChangedBehavior
The following classes are instantiated in the code, but their definition couldn't be found in that same code. They might be defined in an extension or an external component.
Unresolved Classes/src/Data/DeviceData.php:22Enum(DevicePlatform::class)Analyze, All, Stubs, ChangedBehavior
The following classes are instantiated in the code, but their definition couldn't be found in that same code. They might be defined in an extension or an external component.