List of all defined classes in the code..
Value | Count | File:Line |
Mentions | 1 |
RelationshipRole | 1 |
Jobs | 1 |
VersionNumber | 1 |
ForeignFields | 1 |
StreamNotesAcl | 1 |
ChangePassword | 1 |
Avatar | 1 |
OauthCallback | 1 |
Removal | 1 |
Download | 1 |
LogoImage | 1 |
LoginAs | 1 |
RemoveFile | 1 |
WriteConfig | 1 |
Numbers | 1 |
CacheClearing | 1 |
FieldProcessing | 1 |
AssignmentEmailNotification | 1 |
DeleteId | 1 |
CurrencyDefault | 1 |
IsImportantIsTrue | 1 |
IsNotReadIsFalse | 1 |
FromEquals | 1 |
IsNotRepliedIsTrue | 1 |
Main | 1 |
ProcessWebhookQueue | 1 |
JoinHelper | 1 |
EmailAddressHelper | 1 |
Cleanup | 1 |
AuthTokenControl | 1 |
Dummy | 1 |
SendEmailNotifications | 1 |
TextFilter | 1 |
IsNotRepliedIsFalse | 1 |
IsImportantIsFalse | 1 |
EmailAddressEquals | 1 |
InTrashIsTrue | 1 |
InTrashIsFalse | 1 |
InFolder | 1 |
ToEquals | 1 |
IsNotReadIsTrue | 1 |
TableTag | 1 |
TrTag | 1 |
UrlLoader | 1 |
ExampleLoader | 1 |
LastAccessLoader | 1 |
AddressDataLoader | 1 |
CountsLoader | 1 |
UserColumnsLoader | 1 |
IcsDataLoader | 1 |
Formatter4 | 1 |
StringDataLoader | 1 |
Formatter2 | 1 |
Formatter1 | 1 |
MarkdownText | 1 |
Formatter3 | 1 |
TdTag | 1 |
GetTimeline | 1 |
GetCalendar | 1 |
ByLeadSource | 1 |
SalesByMonth | 1 |
DateRange | 1 |
ByStage | 1 |
SalesPipeline | 1 |
FieldDefs | 1 |
DefsData | 1 |
QueryComposerWrapper | 1 |
BaseQueryComposer | 1 |
PostgresqlQueryComposer | 1 |
MysqlQueryComposer | 1 |
Not | 1 |
Functions | 1 |
Exists | 1 |
OrGroup | 1 |
OrGroupBuilder | 1 |
AndGroupBuilder | 1 |
Comparison | 1 |
AndGroup | 1 |
ComposeEmailService | 1 |
UpcomingService | 1 |
MailMergeService | 1 |
MailMergeGenerator | 1 |
PostGenerateMailMerge | 1 |
LogService | 1 |
Values | 1 |
InvitationService | 1 |
Invitee | 1 |
ConvertService | 1 |
SendingProcessor | 1 |
QueueCreator | 1 |
DefaultMessageHeadersPreparator | 1 |
GetOptedOut | 1 |
NonWorkingRange | 1 |
EmailReminder | 1 |
OptOutService | 1 |
GetBusyRanges | 1 |
WorkingRange | 1 |
BusyRange | 1 |
ValueAccessorFactory | 1 |
RelateOptions | 1 |
RemoveOptions | 1 |
BaseMapper | 1 |
GeneralAttributeExtractor | 1 |
GeneralValueFactory | 1 |
ValueAccessor | 1 |
RDBTransactionManager | 1 |
RDBRelation | 1 |
RDBRelationSelectBuilder | 1 |
MassRelateOptions | 1 |
UnrelateOptions | 1 |
SaveOptions | 1 |
RDBRepository | 1 |
DatabaseParams | 1 |
CollectionFactory | 1 |
TransactionManager | 1 |
RDBSelectBuilder | 1 |
EmptyHookMediator | 1 |
ConfirmOptIn | 1 |
BaseEntity | 1 |
Image | 1 |
SthCollection | 1 |
EventDispatcher | 1 |
EntityCollection | 1 |
Join | 1 |
Expression | 1 |
Selection | 1 |
OrderList | 1 |
WhereClause | 1 |
Condition | 1 |
UpdateBuilder | 1 |
InsertBuilder | 1 |
LockTableBuilder | 1 |
UnionBuilder | 1 |
Union | 1 |
Select | 1 |
BaseLocker | 1 |
DefaultQueryExecutor | 1 |
DefaultSqlExecutor | 1 |
Insert | 1 |
Update | 1 |
LockTable | 1 |
DeleteBuilder | 1 |
MysqlPDOFactory | 1 |
DefaultPDOProvider | 1 |
PostgresqlPDOFactory | 1 |
Options | 1 |
RelationType | 1 |
MysqlLocker | 1 |
MigrationVersionStep | 1 |
UpdateAppTimestamp | 1 |
AuthTokenCheck | 1 |
CommandNotSpecified | 1 |
InvalidArgument | 1 |
ArgumentNotSpecified | 1 |
CommandNotFound | 1 |
AppInfo | 1 |
Version | 1 |
RunJob | 1 |
Migrate | 1 |
UpgradeStep | 1 |
Help | 1 |
Upgrade | 1 |
AclCheck | 1 |
SetPassword | 1 |
EntityUtil | 1 |
CreateAdminUser | 1 |
AddressCountryData | 1 |
TemplateEntityTypeList | 1 |
Extensions | 1 |
RebuildCategoryPaths | 1 |
PopulateArrayValues | 1 |
PopulateNumbers | 1 |
CheckFilePermissions | 1 |
CreateInputFilter | 1 |
InputFilter | 1 |
PasswordsInputFilter | 1 |
DefaultsPopulator | 1 |
ArrayIntType | 1 |
MoveToFolder | 1 |
OutputFilter | 1 |
DatetimeType | 1 |
UrlType | 1 |
JsonArrayType | 1 |
PasswordType | 1 |
ImageType | 1 |
PhoneType | 1 |
UrlMultipleType | 1 |
BackchannelLogout | 1 |
TokenValidator | 1 |
Logout | 1 |
KeysProvider | 1 |
DefaultSignatureVerifierFactory | 1 |
UsernameValidator | 1 |
Sync | 1 |
DefaultUserProvider | 1 |
UserRepository | 1 |
UserFinder | 1 |
Espo | 1 |
FailedAttemptsLimit | 1 |
IpAddressWhitelist | 1 |
MetadataParams | 1 |
Rates | 1 |
CalculatorUtil | 1 |
GeneralInvoker | 1 |
DefaultAssignmentChecker | 1 |
ScopeData | 1 |
GlobalRestriction | 1 |
OwnerUserFieldProvider | 1 |
Clearer | 1 |
AssignmentCheckerFactory | 1 |
AssignmentCheckerManager | 1 |
NotImplemented | 1 |
NotAvailable | 1 |
LinkCheckerFactory | 1 |
Map | 1 |
DefaultTableFactory | 1 |
RoleEntityWrapper | 1 |
DefaultTable | 1 |
DefaultRoleListProvider | 1 |
Foreign | 1 |
IO | 1 |
CommandManager | 1 |
CategoryTreeItem | 1 |
Reminders | 1 |
WebhookQueue | 1 |
Subscribers | 1 |
Stars | 1 |
Exports | 1 |
Audit | 1 |
TwoFactorCodes | 1 |
AppLog | 1 |
StringTrim | 1 |
PasswordChangeRequests | 1 |
MassActions | 1 |
StringUpperCase | 1 |
DatetimeOptionalDate | 1 |
ArrayFromNull | 1 |
Inactive | 1 |
Errors | 1 |
Posts | 1 |
Updates | 1 |
SkipOwn | 1 |
Wysiwyg | 1 |
Internal | 1 |
ActivePortal | 1 |
OnlyMyTeam | 1 |
ActiveApi | 1 |
UserNameOwnFirst | 1 |
PreferredNameOrderer | 1 |
ExportLineNumber | 1 |
LineNumber | 1 |
Denied | 1 |
Accepted | 1 |
IsOfType | 1 |
EmailType | 1 |
LinkMultipleType | 1 |
FileType | 1 |
LinkParentType | 1 |
CurrencyType | 1 |
PersonNameType | 1 |
TextType | 1 |
MultiEnumType | 1 |
ArrayType | 1 |
DatetimeOptionalType | 1 |
IntType | 1 |
FloatType | 1 |
LinkType | 1 |
VarcharType | 1 |
ChecklistType | 1 |
DefaultSidePanelType | 1 |
AfterDelete | 1 |
Name | 1 |
Required | 1 |
MethodValid | 1 |
IsUserTeam | 1 |
Related | 1 |
EmailAddresses | 1 |
AssignmentCheck | 1 |
BeforeSaveValidate | 1 |
MarkAsRead | 1 |
EmptyStringToNull | 1 |
ArrayStringTrim | 1 |
Datetime | 1 |
MarkAsReadBeforeUpdate | 1 |
ClearCacheAfterUnlink | 1 |
ClearCacheAfterLink | 1 |
BeforeLinkUserCheck | 1 |
BeforeUpdatePreserveDuration | 1 |
LayoutRecord | 1 |
Autofollow | 1 |
SystemData | 1 |
KanbanOrder | 1 |
MassAction | 1 |
ImportEntity | 1 |
WebhookEventQueueItem | 1 |
TwoFactorCode | 1 |
StarSubscription | 1 |
PasswordChangeRequest | 1 |
StreamSubscription | 1 |
InstallerConfig | 1 |
PostData | 1 |
InboundEmailLinkChecker | 1 |
LeadLinkChecker | 1 |
ContactLinkChecker | 1 |
Ics | 1 |
Invitations | 1 |
AmountWeightedConverted | 1 |
Probability | 1 |
LastStage | 1 |
Opportunities | 1 |
DeleteQueue | 1 |
Accounts | 1 |
ConvertedAt | 1 |
DateCompleted | 1 |
EmailCreatedEvent | 1 |
Overdue | 1 |
ActualStartingNotInFuture | 1 |
Published | 1 |
Closed | 1 |
Partners | 1 |
Customers | 1 |
RecentlyCreated | 1 |
Resellers | 1 |
OptedOut | 1 |
Opened | 1 |
Clicked | 1 |
LeadCreated | 1 |
OptedIn | 1 |
Bounced | 1 |
EntryCountLoader | 1 |
OptedOutCountLoader | 1 |
PhoneNumberMapLoader | 1 |
SourceEmailSaver | 1 |
AcceptanceStatusLoader | 1 |
StatsLoader | 1 |
AccountActive | 1 |
NotPortalUsers | 1 |
Lost | 1 |
Won | 1 |
StageListPoriver | 1 |
Attendees | 1 |
Draft | 1 |
Pending | 1 |
Failed | 1 |
PortalUsers | 1 |
Converted | 1 |
Complete | 1 |
Deferred | 1 |
DateTimeItemTransformer | 1 |
GetUpcoming | 1 |
GetComposeAddressList | 1 |
PopupNotificationsProvider | 1 |
GetListTyped | 1 |
AfterStartDate | 1 |
BeforeEndDate | 1 |
AfterCreateDuplicate | 1 |
ExampleDataLoader | 1 |
FindByEmailAddressType | 1 |
UserIsBusyType | 1 |
Admin | 1 |
DataPrivacy | 1 |
TwoFactorSms | 1 |
UserSecurity | 1 |
TwoFactorEmail | 1 |
TemplateManager | 1 |
ApiIndex | 1 |
I18n | 1 |
Ldap | 1 |
Layout | 1 |
Reminder | 1 |
PopupNotification | 1 |
Oidc | 1 |
LastViewed | 1 |
ProcessMassEmail | 1 |
SendEmailReminders | 1 |
Unsubscribe | 1 |
SubscribeAgain | 1 |
ControlKnowledgeBaseArticleStatus | 1 |
SubmitPopupReminders | 1 |
CampaignUrl | 1 |
EventConfirmation | 1 |
CampaignTrackOpened | 1 |
SetOrder | 1 |
Activities | 1 |
TPC_yyToken | 1 |
Smarty_CacheResource_KeyValueStore | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Include_Php | 1 |
Smarty_Data | 1 |
Smarty_Variable | 1 |
Undefined_Smarty_Variable | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Capture | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_CaptureClose | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Rdelim | 1 |
TPC_yyStackEntry | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Configfileparser | 1 |
Smarty_Resource_Recompiled | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Template | 1 |
Smarty_Resource | 1 |
Smarty_Template_Source | 1 |
Smarty_Template_Compiled | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Data | 1 |
TP_yyToken | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Print_Expression | 1 |
Smarty_CacheResource_Custom | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Nocache_Insert | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Block_Plugin | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Special_Variable | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Object_Function | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Eval | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Resource_Extends | 1 |
TP_yyStackEntry | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Templateparser | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Debug | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Filter_Handler | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Insert | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Config_File_Compiler | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Function_Plugin | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Ldelim | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Config | 1 |
Smarty_Security | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Section | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Sectionelse | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Call | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Extends | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Assign | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Sectionclose | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Configfilelexer | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Forelse | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Forclose | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Continue | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_For | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Nocacheclose | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Modifier | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Utility | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Nocache | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Resource_Stream | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Registered_Block | 1 |
_smarty_parsetree | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Break | 1 |
_smarty_code | 1 |
_smarty_tag | 1 |
_smarty_dq_content | 1 |
_smarty_doublequoted | 1 |
_smarty_text | 1 |
_smarty_template_buffer | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_While | 1 |
_smarty_linebreak | 1 |
Smarty_Config_Source | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Whileclose | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Resource_Eval | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Object_Block_Function | 1 |
Smarty_Resource_Custom | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Get_Include_Path | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Debug | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Resource_String | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Foreach | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Foreachelse | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Foreachclose | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_CacheResource_File | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Resource_PHP | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Functionclose | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Function | 1 |
Smarty_Resource_Uncompiled | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Registered_Function | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Write_File | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Append | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Child_Blockclose | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Child_Block | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Blockclose | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Config_Load | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Ifclose | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Include | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Else | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Elseif | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Function_Call_Handler | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_If | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_CompileBase | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Setfilter | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Resource_File | 1 |
SmartyBC | 1 |
SmartyCompilerException | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Resource_Registered | 1 |
Smarty_Template_Cached | 1 |
Smarty_CacheResource | 1 |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Setfilterclose | 1 |
Smarty_Resource_Mysql | 1 |
Smarty_Resource_Mysqls | 1 |
Smarty_CacheResource_Mysql | 1 |
Smarty_Resource_Extendsall | 1 |
SmartyException | 1 |
Smarty | 1 |
Smarty_CacheResource_Memcache | 1 |
Smarty_CacheResource_Apc | 1 |
Installer | 1 |
SystemHelper | 1 |
Floating | 1 |
MultiEnum | 1 |
PhpSpreadsheetProcessor | 1 |
Enumeration | 1 |
Integer | 1 |
DatabaseConfigDataProvider | 1 |
Post | 1 |
ImportFactory | 1 |
Duration | 1 |
ExportCustom | 1 |
AutoincrementType | 1 |
ProcessorFactory | 1 |
NumberType | 1 |
GetUserAcl | 1 |
PostChangePasswordByRequest | 1 |
PostApiKeyGenerate | 1 |
PostPasswordGenerate | 1 |
PostPasswordChangeRequest | 1 |
PostPasswordRecovery | 1 |
PutPassword | 1 |
CellValuePreparatorFactory | 1 |
AdditionalFieldsLoaderFactory | 1 |
OpenSpoutProcessor | 1 |
ParamsHandler | 1 |
ProcessorParamsHandlerFactory | 1 |
PutOrder | 1 |
GetData | 1 |
CountryDefaultsPopulator | 1 |
KanbanService | 1 |
Orderer | 1 |
OrdererProcessor | 1 |
PostPrepare | 1 |
GroupFolderService | 1 |
Kanban | 1 |
Today | 1 |
CurrentYear | 1 |
Now | 1 |
SendAccessInfo | 1 |
RemoveRecoveryRequest | 1 |
EmailService | 1 |
SmsService | 1 |
UrlValidator | 1 |
Generator | 1 |
ApiService | 1 |
RecoveryService | 1 |
SyntaxCheckResult | 1 |
RunResult | 1 |
Middleware | 1 |
DefaultHelper | 1 |
Renamer | 1 |
EventDeleteHook | 1 |
ClassType | 1 |
MetadataType | 1 |
NameUtil | 1 |
ForeignFieldDelete | 1 |
TargetListDelete | 1 |
AssignedUsersCreate | 1 |
TargetListCreate | 1 |
PlaceholdersProvider | 1 |
Formatter | 1 |
ValueMapPreparator | 1 |
Erasor | 1 |
PlusDeleteHook | 1 |
EventCreateHook | 1 |
PlusCreateHook | 1 |
TemplateWrapper | 1 |
IdDataMap | 1 |
MassService | 1 |
Zipper | 1 |
ContentsString | 1 |
ZipContents | 1 |
DataLoaderManager | 1 |
RemoveMassFile | 1 |
DompdfInitializer | 1 |
Contents | 1 |
EntityPrinter | 1 |
ImageSourceProvider | 1 |
StarService | 1 |
HtmlComposer | 1 |
PutStar | 1 |
DeleteUnstar | 1 |
UserUtil | 1 |
ConfirmationSender | 1 |
CaptureService | 1 |
ConfirmResult | 1 |
OptInConfirmation | 1 |
LinkManager | 1 |
RemoveUploadDirFile | 1 |
PostCopy | 1 |
PostFromImageUrl | 1 |
PostChunk | 1 |
FollowerRecordService | 1 |
MoveToStorage | 1 |
GlobalRecordService | 1 |
NoteAccessControl | 1 |
UserRecordService | 1 |
NoteUtil | 1 |
QueryHelper | 1 |
NoteHelper | 1 |
PostNotePin | 1 |
GetGlobal | 1 |
AccessModifier | 1 |
DeleteFollowers | 1 |
GetFollowers | 1 |
DeleteNotePin | 1 |
PostFollowers | 1 |
ProcessNoteAcl | 1 |
AutoFollow | 1 |
GetOwn | 1 |
ControlFollowers | 1 |
RebuildPaths | 1 |
PrinterController | 1 |
NoteMentionHookProcessor | 1 |
LayoutProvider | 1 |
LayoutDefs | 1 |
UploadUrlService | 1 |
PortalLayoutProvider | 1 |
CustomLayoutService | 1 |
UploadService | 1 |
GetFile | 1 |
DetailsObtainer | 1 |
FileData | 1 |
GetUser | 1 |
LatestReleaseDataRequester | 1 |
PostDestroyAuthToken | 1 |
GetAbout | 1 |
NotifyAboutAssignment | 1 |
NoteHookProcessor | 1 |
AssignmentProcessorData | 1 |
AssignmentProcessor | 1 |
PreferencesService | 1 |
LayoutManager | 1 |
EntityManagerReturnType | 1 |
AppService | 1 |
MetadataService | 1 |
SettingsService | 1 |
LanguageService | 1 |
ConfigWriterFileManager | 1 |
UrlCheck | 1 |
ConfigWriter | 1 |
ConfigWriterHelper | 1 |
LanguageProxy | 1 |
CountryDataProvider | 1 |
DefaultRecordIdGenerator | 1 |
FileReader | 1 |
NamespaceLoader | 1 |
Reader | 1 |
LoaderParamsProvider | 1 |
ActionRenderer | 1 |
DevModeJsFileListProvider | 1 |
DatabasePopulator | 1 |
BuilderHelper | 1 |
OrmMetadataData | 1 |
Database | 1 |
UserAclManagerProvider | 1 |
Daemon | 1 |
WebSocket | 1 |
PortalClient | 1 |
Cron | 1 |
Command | 1 |
EntryPoint | 1 |
Sanitizer | 1 |
DefaultNotificator | 1 |
EmailAddressGroup | 1 |
LinkMultipleItem | 1 |
PhoneNumberGroup | 1 |
DateTimeAttributeExtractor | 1 |
DateFactory | 1 |
DateAttributeExtractor | 1 |
PhoneNumberGroupAttributeExtractor | 1 |
PhoneNumberGroupFactory | 1 |
AddressFactory | 1 |
AddressFormatterMetadataProvider | 1 |
AddressBuilder | 1 |
AddressFormatterFactory | 1 |
LinkParentFactory | 1 |
LinkParentAttributeExtractor | 1 |
LinkFactory | 1 |
LinkAttributeExtractor | 1 |
EmailAddressGroupFactory | 1 |
CurrencyAttributeExtractor | 1 |
DateTimeOptionalAttributeExtractor | 1 |
EmailAddressGroupAttributeExtractor | 1 |
LinkMultipleFactory | 1 |
DateTimeOptionalFactory | 1 |
AddressAttributeExtractor | 1 |
LinkMultipleAttributeExtractor | 1 |
Forbidden | 1 |
InternalServerError | 1 |
BadRequest | 1 |
Unauthorized | 1 |
ForbiddenSilent | 1 |
CurrencyConverter | 1 |
CurrencyFactory | 1 |
BindingContainer | 1 |
Body | 1 |
NotFoundSilent | 1 |
ErrorSilent | 1 |
Conflict | 1 |
ConflictSilent | 1 |
NotFound | 1 |
ServiceUnavailable | 1 |
BindingData | 1 |
NamedKey | 1 |
NamedClassKey | 1 |
EspoBindingLoader | 1 |
BindingContainerBuilder | 1 |
Binder | 1 |
ContextualBinder | 1 |
ContainerBuilder | 1 |
NotSettableException | 1 |
NotFoundException | 1 |
OAuth2Abstract | 1 |
1 |
| |
ActionFactory | 1 |
ConvertCurrency | 1 |
Merge | 1 |
WhereBuilderFactory | 1 |
Finder | 1 |
Parser | 1 |
Argument | 1 |
Variables | 1 |
EvaluatedArgumentList | 1 |
Merger | 1 |
EventFactory | 1 |
Flag | 1 |
NotificationHelper | 1 |
BeforeFetch | 1 |
BeforeFetchResult | 1 |
LaminasStorage | 1 |
ValidationError | 1 |
Autoload | 1 |
AwsS3 | 1 |
AttachmentEntityWrapper | 1 |
ValidatorFactory | 1 |
FieldValidationManager | 1 |
EspoUploadDir | 1 |
FieldValidationParams | 1 |
TemplateFileManager | 1 |
PasswordHash | 1 |
SystemRequirements | 1 |
System | 1 |
FieldUtil | 1 |
ClassFinder | 1 |
DataUtil | 1 |
Json | 1 |
DataCache | 1 |
SystemUser | 1 |
EmailFilterManager | 1 |
Crypt | 1 |
Hasher | 1 |
DetailsProviderFactory | 1 |
DefaultConfigDataProvider | 1 |
ConnectionFactoryFactory | 1 |
PostgresqlPlatform | 1 |
ObjectUtil | 1 |
Module | 1 |
Column | 1 |
SchemaManagerProxy | 1 |
SchemaManager | 1 |
RebuildMode | 1 |
DiffModifier | 1 |
MysqlDetailsProvider | 1 |
PostgresqlDetailsProvider | 1 |
MysqlConnectionFactory | 1 |
PostgresqlConnectionFactory | 1 |
UuidType | 1 |
LongtextType | 1 |
MediumtextType | 1 |
PostgreSQLSchemaManager | 1 |
EntityUser | 1 |
SmsPhoneNumber | 1 |
Attachments | 1 |
HasChildren | 1 |
BelongsToParent | 1 |
BelongsTo | 1 |
ManyMany | 1 |
EntityTeam | 1 |
IndexHelperFactory | 1 |
PrepareForFulltextIndex | 1 |
RelationConverter | 1 |
MysqlColumnPreparator | 1 |
PostgresqlColumnPreparator | 1 |
ColumnPreparatorFactory | 1 |
JsonData | 1 |
LinkOne | 1 |
MysqlIndexHelper | 1 |
HasMany | 1 |
EmailEmailAddress | 1 |
PostgresqlIndexHelper | 1 |
HasOne | 1 |
MissingDefaultParamsSaver | 1 |
Access | 1 |
InternalConfigHelper | 1 |
ConfigFileManager | 1 |
ClassMap | 1 |
PermissionError | 1 |
FileError | 1 |
MimeType | 1 |
Unifier | 1 |
ZipArchive | 1 |
UnifierObj | 1 |
EntityProvider | 1 |
UpdateParamsFetcher | 1 |
FindParams | 1 |
Table | 1 |
RoleListProvider | 1 |
TableFactory | 1 |
DeleteParamsFetcher | 1 |
ServiceContainer | 1 |
ReadParamsFetcher | 1 |
SearchParamsFetcher | 1 |
LinkCheck | 1 |
DefaultActionLogger | 1 |
PopulatorFactory | 1 |
DefaultPopulator | 1 |
ReadParams | 1 |
FindParamsFetcher | 1 |
UpdateParams | 1 |
CreateParamsFetcher | 1 |
SmsFactory | 1 |
MassFollow | 1 |
MassConvertCurrency | 1 |
UserEnabledChecker | 1 |
SmtpParams | 1 |
FiltersMatcher | 1 |
SmsSender | 1 |
DefaultAssignmentNotificator | 1 |
AssignmentNotificatorFactory | 1 |
EntityDuplicator | 1 |
ApplierClassNameListProvider | 1 |
Provider | 1 |
FieldDuplicatorFactory | 1 |
MassUnfollow | 1 |
MassRecalculateFormula | 1 |
MassActionFactory | 1 |
SystemSettingsAccount | 1 |
Fetcher | 1 |
ImapParams | 1 |
TransportFactory | 1 |
HandlerProcessor | 1 |
NoSmtp | 1 |
NoImap | 1 |
SendingError | 1 |
BouncedRecognizer | 1 |
FetchData | 1 |
SendingAccountProvider | 1 |
MailMimeParser | 1 |
DefaultDuplicateFinder | 1 |
EmailSender | 1 |
MessageWrapper | 1 |
SenderParams | 1 |
ParserFactory | 1 |
EmailFactory | 1 |
Part | 1 |
ImapError | 1 |
Imap | 1 |
XQueueItemId | 1 |
Headers | 1 |
DefaultImporter | 1 |
DefaultParentFinder | 1 |
PutUpdate | 1 |
TestSendData | 1 |
EmailAddressEntityPair | 1 |
WorkingDate | 1 |
CalendarUtil | 1 |
GetSearch | 1 |
RateService | 1 |
DefaultEntityConverter | 1 |
EntityConverterFactory | 1 |
GlobalCalendar | 1 |
CalendarFactory | 1 |
CalendarUtilityFactory | 1 |
Extractor | 1 |
Time | 1 |
TeamCalendar | 1 |
WorkingWeekday | 1 |
TimeRange | 1 |
PostUnmarkDuplicates | 1 |
PostFile | 1 |
PostExportErrors | 1 |
PostRevert | 1 |
RunIdle | 1 |
PostRemoveDuplicates | 1 |
UserCalendar | 1 |
CalendarUtility | 1 |
GetNotReadCounts | 1 |
DeleteInboxInTrash | 1 |
PostInboxRead | 1 |
PostFolder | 1 |
DeleteInboxImportant | 1 |
PostInboxInTrash | 1 |
PostAttachmentsCopy | 1 |
GetInsertFieldData | 1 |
SendService | 1 |
AddressService | 1 |
InboxService | 1 |
PostSendTest | 1 |
PostInboxImportant | 1 |
Folder | 1 |
ZeroMQSubscriber | 1 |
Submission | 1 |
Pusher | 1 |
ZeroMQSender | 1 |
SubscriberFactory | 1 |
ServerStarter | 1 |
SanitizeManager | 1 |
Queue | 1 |
InjectableFactory | 1 |
Injectable | 1 |
DeleteInboxRead | 1 |
Url | 1 |
AclManagerContainer | 1 |
ReadLoadProcessor | 1 |
LinkMultipleSaver | 1 |
ConfigMetadataCheck | 1 |
AddSystemUser | 1 |
ListLoadProcessor | 1 |
SaveProcessor | 1 |
StarLoader | 1 |
FollowersLoader | 1 |
TargetLoader | 1 |
HasOneLoader | 1 |
NotJoinedLoader | 1 |
RecordBase | 1 |
ListLoader | 1 |
DefaultDateTimeItemTransformer | 1 |
ConverterFactory | 1 |
ItemBuilder | 1 |
IsUserFromTeams | 1 |
ItemGeneralConverter | 1 |
InCategory | 1 |
Scanner | 1 |
Starred | 1 |
RandomStringGenerator | 1 |
UserTimeZoneProvider | 1 |
GenerateInstanceId | 1 |
AddSystemData | 1 |
ScheduledJobs | 1 |
CurrencyRates | 1 |
RebuildActionProcessor | 1 |
One | 1 |
Payload | 1 |
NotBefore | 1 |
Invalid | 1 |
SignatureNotVerified | 1 |
UnsupportedKey | 1 |
Expired | 1 |
EspoManager | 1 |
IpAddressUtil | 1 |
MethodProvider | 1 |
SmsUserSetup | 1 |
UserSetupFactory | 1 |
SmsLogin | 1 |
TotpUserSetup | 1 |
NotConfigured | 1 |
TotpLogin | 1 |
EmailUserSetup | 1 |
LdapLogin | 1 |
EmailLogin | 1 |
ClientFactory | 1 |
Login | 1 |
OrmDefs | 1 |
PortalAclManagerContainer | 1 |
BaseLanguage | 1 |
DefaultLanguage | 1 |
Authentication | 1 |
AuthenticationFactory | 1 |
Validator | 1 |
AuthenticationData | 1 |
LogoutFactory | 1 |
Header | 1 |
DefaultKeyFactory | 1 |
Token | 1 |
TemplateRenderer | 1 |
CreateForUserParams | 1 |
SafeString | 1 |
HtmlizerFactory | 1 |
DatabaseHandler | 1 |
TemplateRendererFactory | 1 |
Htmlizer | 1 |
DefaultFormatter | 1 |
DefaultHandlerLoader | 1 |
EspoFileHandler | 1 |
EspoRotatingFileHandler | 1 |
HandlerListLoader | 1 |
EspoRotatingFileHandlerLoader | 1 |
LogLoader | 1 |
MetadataDataProvider | 1 |
ClassNameProvider | 1 |
HookMediator | 1 |
EntityManagerProxy | 1 |
Entity | 1 |
EntityFactory | 1 |
AttributeExtractorFactory | 1 |
DatabaseParamsFactory | 1 |
EntityManagerFactory | 1 |
RepositoryFactory | 1 |
ValueFactoryFactory | 1 |
AfterUpgradeRunner | 1 |
Runner | 1 |
VersionUtil | 1 |
StepRunner | 1 |
ExtractedStepsProvider | 1 |
StepsProvider | 1 |
VersionDataProvider | 1 |
Bypass | 1 |
BooleanOwn | 1 |
Limit | 1 |
Additional | 1 |
No | 1 |
ForeignOnlyTeam | 1 |
All | 1 |
PortalAll | 1 |
ForeignOnlyOwn | 1 |
ConfigProvider | 1 |
Mode | 1 |
DefaultDataComposer | 1 |
DataComposerFactory | 1 |
FilterParams | 1 |
DefaultFilter | 1 |
SelectManagerFactory | 1 |
SearchParams | 1 |
RunnerException | 1 |
SelectBuilderFactory | 1 |
SelectManager | 1 |
OrmSelectBuilder | 1 |
RDB | 1 |
PDOFactoryFactory | 1 |
RunnerRunner | 1 |
Abs | 1 |
FunctionConverterFactory | 1 |
QueryComposerFactory | 1 |
DefaultFilterResolver | 1 |
BypassFilterResolver | 1 |
DefaultPortalFilterResolver | 1 |
FilterResolverFactory | 1 |
AddressType | 1 |
OrdererFactory | 1 |
EntryPointManager | 1 |
ThrowBadRequestType | 1 |
ThrowForbiddenType | 1 |
ThrowDuplicateConflictType | 1 |
SkipDuplicateCheckType | 1 |
ThrowConflictType | 1 |
PrintLineType | 1 |
ScheduleUtil | 1 |
JobSchedulerFactory | 1 |
JobTask | 1 |
ScheduleProcessor | 1 |
JobManager | 1 |
QueueName | 1 |
QueueUtil | 1 |
WarningType | 1 |
RemoveAtType | 1 |
NoticeType | 1 |
InfoType | 1 |
UserAttributeSafeType | 1 |
ErrorType | 1 |
UserAttributeType | 1 |
JoinType | 1 |
PrintType | 1 |
IndexOfType | 1 |
UniqueType | 1 |
PushType | 1 |
AtType | 1 |
IncludesType | 1 |
EqualsType | 1 |
LessThanOrEqualsType | 1 |
GreaterThanOrEqualsType | 1 |
LessThanType | 1 |
GreaterThanType | 1 |
NotEqualsType | 1 |
NullCoalescingType | 1 |
ParseIntType | 1 |
ParseFloatType | 1 |
FloorType | 1 |
AbsType | 1 |
RoundType | 1 |
RandomIntType | 1 |
CeilType | 1 |
PowerType | 1 |
FindClosestWorkingTimeType | 1 |
GetWorkingDaysType | 1 |
IsWorkingDayType | 1 |
ApplyTemplateType | 1 |
GetSummedWorkingHoursType | 1 |
HasWorkingTimeType | 1 |
CheckScopeType | 1 |
GetPermissionLevelType | 1 |
HashType | 1 |
AddWorkingDaysType | 1 |
ConvertType | 1 |
CheckEntityType | 1 |
GetLevelType | 1 |
ResponseComposer | 1 |
ActionHandler | 1 |
AuthBuilderFactory | 1 |
RouteParamsFetcher | 1 |
UpgradeManager | 1 |
AuthResult | 1 |
ResponseWrapper | 1 |
ActionManager | 1 |
ExtensionManager | 1 |
Prepare | 1 |
AbstractQueueJob | 1 |
ProcessJobQueueE0 | 1 |
ProcessJobGroup | 1 |
ProcessData | 1 |
MiddlewareProvider | 1 |
RequestWrapper | 1 |
ControllerActionHandler | 1 |
Auth | 1 |
ErrorOutput | 1 |
AuthBuilder | 1 |
ControllerActionProcessor | 1 |
RequestNull | 1 |
RouteProcessor | 1 |
JobFactory | 1 |
PreparatorFactory | 1 |
JobScheduler | 1 |
JobRunner | 1 |
AsyncPoolFactory | 1 |
QueuePortionNumberProvider | 1 |
QueueProcessor | 1 |
CollectionHelper | 1 |
ProcessJobGroupPreparator | 1 |
Status | 1 |
ProcessJobQueueQ0 | 1 |
ProcessJobQueueQ1 | 1 |
SummationType | 1 |
ClearType | 1 |
HasType | 1 |
cloneDeepType | 1 |
GetType | 1 |
TestType | 1 |
SetType | 1 |
PadType | 1 |
MatchExtractType | 1 |
SplitType | 1 |
UpperCaseType | 1 |
MatchAllType | 1 |
ConcatenationType | 1 |
LowerCaseType | 1 |
ReplaceType | 1 |
TrimType | 1 |
PosType | 1 |
ContainsType | 1 |
ConcatenateType | 1 |
MatchType | 1 |
SubstringType | 1 |
EncodeType | 1 |
RetrieveType | 1 |
ContinueType | 1 |
ValueType | 1 |
BundleType | 1 |
ListType | 1 |
AssignType | 1 |
BaseFunction | 1 |
IfThenType | 1 |
IfThenElseType | 1 |
WhileType | 1 |
VariableType | 1 |
BreakType | 1 |
ConditionType | 1 |
SyntaxError | 1 |
BadArgumentValue | 1 |
BreakLoop | 1 |
ExecutionException | 1 |
TooFewArguments | 1 |
UnknownFunction | 1 |
NotPassedEntity | 1 |
UnsafeFunction | 1 |
Node | 1 |
BadArgumentType | 1 |
ContinueLoop | 1 |
Variable | 1 |
StatementRef | 1 |
Value | 1 |
Attribute | 1 |
ArgumentList | 1 |
AttributeFetcher | 1 |
WhileRef | 1 |
IfRef | 1 |
FunctionFactory | 1 |
Evaluator | 1 |
OrType | 1 |
AndType | 1 |
TranslateType | 1 |
TranslateOptionType | 1 |
SendAccessInfoType | 1 |
NotType | 1 |
FindRelatedManyType | 1 |
FetchType | 1 |
DeleteType | 1 |
RelateType | 1 |
FindManyType | 1 |
GenerateRecordIdType | 1 |
Base64EncodeType | 1 |
Base64DecodeType | 1 |
GenerateIdType | 1 |
MultiplicationType | 1 |
SubtractionType | 1 |
ModuloType | 1 |
DivisionType | 1 |
RemoveLinkMultipleIdType | 1 |
IsAttributeChangedType | 1 |
HasLinkMultipleIdType | 1 |
CountRelatedType | 1 |
IsRelatedType | 1 |
IsAttributeNotChangedType | 1 |
GetLinkColumnType | 1 |
SumRelatedType | 1 |
SetLinkMultipleColumnType | 1 |
AttributeFetchedType | 1 |
IsNewType | 1 |
AddLinkMultipleIdType | 1 |
ClearAttributeType | 1 |
AddMonthsType | 1 |
TodayType | 1 |
AddDaysType | 1 |
ClosestType | 1 |
AddHoursType | 1 |
AddMinutesType | 1 |
HourType | 1 |
YearType | 1 |
AddWeeksType | 1 |
AddYearsType | 1 |
DiffType | 1 |
MinuteType | 1 |
AddIntervalType | 1 |
DayOfWeekType | 1 |
NowType | 1 |
FindOneType | 1 |
CountType | 1 |
UnrelateType | 1 |
MonthType | 1 |
UpdateRelationColumnType | 1 |
UpdateType | 1 |
ExistsType | 1 |
FindRelatedOneType | 1 |
RelationColumnType | 1 |
ArrayValue | 2 |
UniqueId | 2 |
ParentLinkChecker | 2 |
Sms | 2 |
UserData | 2 |
CurrencyConverted | 2 |
Order | 2 |
Notifications | 2 |
GoogleMaps | 2 |
Formula | 2 |
NextNumber | 2 |
CheckEmailAccounts | 2 |
CheckInboundEmails | 2 |
CheckNewVersion | 2 |
CheckNewExtensionVersion | 2 |
Planned | 2 |
Held | 2 |
FetchParams | 2 |
AttributeDefs | 2 |
EntityDefs | 2 |
Defs | 2 |
RelationDefs | 2 |
IndexDefs | 2 |
SaveOption | 2 |
QueryBuilder | 2 |
SelectBuilder | 2 |
DateType | 2 |
MassDelete | 2 |
EnumType | 2 |
Hmac | 2 |
DataBuilder | 2 |
DefaultOwnershipChecker | 2 |
DefaultAccessChecker | 2 |
Permission | 2 |
DefaultCacheKeyProvider | 2 |
MapFactory | 2 |
ScopeCheckerDataBuilder | 2 |
ScopeChecker | 2 |
OwnershipCheckerFactory | 2 |
AccessCheckerFactory | 2 |
ScopeCheckerData | 2 |
Phone | 2 |
AttachmentMultiple | 2 |
File | 2 |
PortalOnlyOwn | 2 |
MaxCount | 2 |
General | 2 |
BeforeSave | 2 |
ScheduledJobLogRecord | 2 |
AppLogRecord | 2 |
WebhookQueueItem | 2 |
Template | 2 |
Notification | 2 |
ActionHistoryRecord | 2 |
PortalRole | 2 |
EmailTemplateCategory | 2 |
LeadCaptureLogRecord | 2 |
AuthToken | 2 |
GroupEmailFolder | 2 |
LeadCapture | 2 |
AuthenticationProvider | 2 |
ImportError | 2 |
WorkingTimeRange | 2 |
Role | 2 |
Export | 2 |
AddressCountry | 2 |
EmailFilter | 2 |
WorkingTimeCalendar | 2 |
Team | 2 |
DashboardTemplate | 2 |
AuthLogRecord | 2 |
Settings | 2 |
Note | 2 |
AccountLinkChecker | 2 |
LeastBusy | 2 |
RoundRobin | 2 |
Users | 2 |
Completed | 2 |
Sent | 2 |
Record | 2 |
RecordTree | 2 |
LabelManager | 2 |
FieldManager | 2 |
Target | 2 |
EmailQueueItem | 2 |
KnowledgeBaseCategory | 2 |
MassEmail | 2 |
Campaign | 2 |
KnowledgeBaseArticle | 2 |
Document | 2 |
DocumentFolder | 2 |
Call | 2 |
Lead | 2 |
CampaignTrackingUrl | 2 |
CampaignLogRecord | 2 |
Contact | 2 |
Task | 2 |
DateTimeOptional | 2 |
Address | 2 |
PersonName | 2 |
Boolean | 2 |
Process | 2 |
PostSubscribe | 2 |
GetStatus | 2 |
Collection | 2 |
FieldHelper | 2 |
ServiceResult | 2 |
ServiceParams | 2 |
FailReason | 2 |
DeleteParams | 2 |
CreateParams | 2 |
Action | 2 |
EntityLookup | 2 |
ParamsBuilder | 2 |
FieldType | 2 |
AclDependencyItem | 2 |
AclDependencyProvider | 2 |
DateTimeFactory | 2 |
PathProvider | 2 |
Preload | 2 |
LinkParent | 2 |
Error | 2 |
ContainerConfiguration | 2 |
ClientManager | 2 |
AccountFactory | 2 |
FetcherFactory | 2 |
AfterFetch | 2 |
StorageFactory | 2 |
Failure | 2 |
CheckerFactory | 2 |
Config | 2 |
ThemeManager | 2 |
NumberUtil | 2 |
Log | 2 |
InternalAclManager | 2 |
CacheKeyProvider | 2 |
ServiceFactory | 2 |
FilterProvider | 2 |
HookManager | 2 |
SenderFactory | 2 |
Application | 2 |
ApplicationState | 2 |
ApplicationUser | 2 |
DataManager | 2 |
BeforeSaveProcessor | 2 |
ItemConverterFactory | 2 |
Followed | 2 |
Rsa | 2 |
LoginFactory | 2 |
FormatType | 2 |
LengthType | 2 |
SendType | 2 |
GenerateType | 2 |
CreateType | 2 |
SetAttributeType | 2 |
EmailFolder | 3 |
WebSocketSubmit | 3 |
AssignmentChecker | 3 |
LayoutSet | 3 |
Container | 3 |
Stream | 3 |
3 |
| |
ApiKey | 3 |
PortalOnlyContact | 3 |
PortalOnlyAccount | 3 |
AdditionalFieldsLoader | 3 |
RecordService | 3 |
Rebuild | 3 |
Extension | 3 |
Converter | 3 |
FieldData | 3 |
Orphan | 3 |
Api | 3 |
AfterSave | 3 |
EmailAccount | 3 |
EmailTemplate | 3 |
InboundEmail | 3 |
Contacts | 3 |
ParentLink | 3 |
Open | 3 |
Get | 3 |
CaseObj | 3 |
Meeting | 3 |
Opportunity | 3 |
Utils | 3 |
Link | 3 |
PostProcess | 3 |
Factory | 3 |
Sender | 3 |
Checker | 3 |
Builder | 3 |
Repository | 3 |
Type | 3 |
Route | 3 |
Item | 3 |
Starter | 3 |
Upload | 3 |
Uninstall | 3 |
Install | 3 |
Webhook | 4 |
Portal | 4 |
ExternalAccount | 4 |
ScheduledJob | 4 |
User | 4 |
Attachment | 4 |
Preferences | 4 |
PhoneNumber | 4 |
EmailAddress | 4 |
Integration | 4 |
Job | 4 |
Binding | 4 |
ClearCache | 4 |
Metadata | 4 |
Delete | 4 |
AttributeType | 4 |
UpdateInputFilter | 4 |
MassUpdate | 4 |
Date | 4 |
LinkMultiple | 4 |
Todays | 4 |
BeforeUpdate | 4 |
Currency | 4 |
Account | 4 |
HookProcessor | 4 |
Client | 4 |
AclManager | 4 |
FilterFactory | 4 |
BasePlus | 4 |
EntityManager | 5 |
ConfigDataProvider | 5 |
Active | 5 |
Company | 5 |
AfterUpdate | 5 |
Language | 5 |
DateTime | 5 |
CategoryTree | 5 |
Import | 6 |
6 |
| |
OnlyMy | 6 |
Helper | 6 |
Manager | 6 |
Acl | 6 |
Person | 6 |
Actual | 6 |
Valid | 6 |
AfterCreate | 6 |
TargetList | 6 |
Loader | 6 |
Saver | 7 |
Applier | 7 |
OnlyTeam | 8 |
Event | 8 |
Processor | 8 |
OnlyOwn | 9 |
MetadataProvider | 9 |
Mandatory | 9 |
Result | 10 |
BeforeCreate | 10 |
Util | 13 |
BeforeUpgrade | 13 |
AccessChecker | 18 |
OwnershipChecker | 19 |
Data | 19 |
Base | 22 |
Params | 26 |
AfterUpgrade | 28 |
Service | 34 |