List of all Mime strings mentioned in the code..
Value | Count | File:Line |
"<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' />\n" | 1 |
'audio/m4a' | 1 |
'audio/x-midi' | 1 |
'video/flv' | 1 |
'video/m4v' | 1 |
'audio/3gpp2' | 1 |
'audio/3gpp' | 1 |
'application/x-rss+xml' | 1 |
'text/rdf' | 1 |
'application/xml-dtd' | 1 |
'application/xml-external-parsed-entity' | 1 |
'text/xml-external-parsed-entity' | 1 |
'video/x-sgi-movie' | 1 |
'video/x-msvideo' | 1 |
'image/x-icon' | 1 |
'text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1' | 1 |
'text/plain; charset=UTF-8' | 1 |
'application/unknown' | 1 |
'text/tsv' | 1 |
'text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1' | 1 |
'application/encrypted' | 1 |
'application/CDFV2-encrypted' | 1 |
'audio/x-mpeg' | 1 |
'audio/x-mp3' | 1 |
'audio/acc' | 1 |
'application/asx' | 1 |
'application/x-mplayer2' | 1 |
'video/x-mpeg' | 1 |
'audio/mid' | 1 |
'audio/x-aac' | 1 |
'video/x-ms-asf-plugin' | 1 |
'application/onenote' | 1 |
'application/oxps' | 1 |
'application/wordperfect' | 1 |
'application/java' | 1 |
'application/rar' | 1 |
'application/x-gzip' | 1 |
'application/x-msdownload' | 1 |
'application/ttaf+xml' | 1 |
'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' | 1 |
'audio/ogg' | 1 |
'application/x-font-ttf' | 1 |
'application/font-sfnt' | 1 |
'application/font-woff' | 1 |
'text/tab-separated-values' | 1 |
'application/font-woff2' | 1 |
'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' | 1 |
'video/x-ms-wmx' | 1 |
'video/divx' | 1 |
'video/youtube' | 1 |
'video/vimeo' | 1 |
'application/json+oembed' | 1 |
'video/x-youtube' | 1 |
'<!DOCTYPE html> <html><head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Error!</title> <style type="text/css"> img { border: 0; } body { line-height: 1.6em; font-family: Georgia, serif; width: 390px; margin: auto; text-align: center; } .message { font-size: 22px; width: 350px; margin: auto; } </style> </head> <body> <p class="message">%s</p> </body> </html>' | 1 |
'text/xml; charset=' | 1 |
'text/x-markdown' | 1 |
'text/x-mysql' | 1 |
'text/x-sh' | 1 |
'application/svg+xml' | 1 |
'message/http' | 1 |
'text/jsx' | 1 |
'text/typescript' | 1 |
'application/ecmascript' | 1 |
'application/x-patch' | 1 |
'text/x-patch' | 1 |
'text/x-php' | 1 |
'application/typescript' | 1 |
'audio/xmms-shn' | 1 |
'audio/voc' | 1 |
'audio/x-monkeys-audio' | 1 |
'audio/mod' | 1 |
'audio/it' | 1 |
'audio/xm' | 1 |
'audio/s3m' | 1 |
'audio/x-musepack' | 1 |
'audio/xmms-bonk' | 1 |
'audio/dts' | 1 |
'audio/ac3' | 1 |
'audio/basic' | 1 |
'audio/amr' | 1 |
'image/unknown' | 1 |
'application/octet-stream;type=com.parrot.videometadata' | 1 |
'audio/8svx' | 1 |
'video/amv' | 1 |
'application/mac-compactpro' | 1 |
'application/macbinary' | 1 |
'application/mac-binhex40' | 1 |
'multipart/related' | 1 |
'multipart/mixed' | 1 |
'application/excel' | 1 |
'audio/webm' | 1 |
'application/x-bittorrent' | 1 |
'audio/speex' | 1 |
'audio/ogg; codecs=opus' | 1 |
'application/gzip' | 1 |
'application/x-xz' | 1 |
'image/x-photo-cd' | 1 |
'image/svg+xml' | 1 |
'image/efax' | 1 |
'video/MP2T' | 1 |
'video/x-ms-wtv' | 1 |
'video/x-ivf' | 1 |
'application/ogg' | 1 |
'message/rfc822' | 1 |
'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin' | 1 |
'application/x-stuffit' | 1 |
'application/x-httpd-php-source' | 1 |
'application/x-gtar' | 1 |
'application/x-dvi' | 1 |
'application/oda' | 1 |
'audio/x-wav' | 2 |
'audio/x-m4a' | 2 |
'application/futuresplash' | 2 |
'video/x-m4v' | 2 |
'text/vcard' | 2 |
'application/rtf' | 2 |
'video/x-ms-wvx' | 2 |
'text/vtt' | 2 |
'video/sd-video' | 2 |
'audio/mp3' | 2 |
'audio/aiff' | 2 |
'application/x-7z-compressed' | 2 |
'audio/flac' | 2 |
'video/ogg' | 2 |
'video/avi' | 2 |
'application/xml+oembed' | 2 |
'text/xml+oembed' | 2 |
'application/ld+json' | 2 |
'text/nginx' | 2 |
'text/x-sql' | 2 |
'text/x-yaml' | 2 |
'text/x-sass' | 2 |
'text/x-gfm' | 2 |
'audio/dsd' | 2 |
'audio/x-pn-realaudio' | 2 |
'application/smil' | 2 |
'video/3gpp' | 3 |
'multipart/alternative' | 3 |
'video/3gpp2' | 3 |
'application/xml' | 3 |
'application/rdf+xml' | 3 |
'video/webm' | 3 |
'text/richtext' | 3 |
'text/calendar' | 3 |
'text/rtf' | 3 |
'application/csv' | 3 |
'video/x-ms-wm' | 3 |
'audio/x-ms-wax' | 3 |
'application/msword' | 3 |
'audio/x-matroska' | 3 |
'audio/x-realaudio' | 3 |
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" | 3 |
'text/x-scss' | 3 |
'text/x-less' | 3 |
'text/x-diff' | 3 |
'application/x-director' | 3 |
'audio/mp4' | 4 |
'video/x-flv' | 4 |
'audio/aac' | 4 |
'video/x-matroska' | 4 |
'text/csv' | 4 |
'application/postscript' | 4 |
'application/zip' | 4 |
'audio/x-ms-wma' | 4 |
'application/x-tar' | 4 |
'application/json' | 4 |
'text/javascript' | 4 |
"multipart/form-data" | 4 |
'audio/wav' | 5 |
'application/x-shockwave-flash' | 5 |
'application/atom+xml' | 5 |
'application/xhtml+xml' | 5 |
'image/tiff' | 5 |
'image/heif-sequence' | 5 |
'image/heic-sequence' | 5 |
'audio/x-aiff' | 5 |
'application/javascript' | 5 |
'audio/midi' | 6 |
'video/mp4' | 6 |
'application/rss+xml' | 6 |
'video/quicktime' | 6 |
'video/x-ms-wmv' | 6 |
'image/bmp' | 6 |
'application/pdf' | 6 |
'image/heif' | 6 |
'video/x-ms-asf' | 7 |
'audio/mpeg' | 7 |
'text/css' | 7 |
'application/x-httpd-php' | 7 |
'video/mpeg' | 8 |
'text/xml' | 10 |
'image/heic' | 11 |
'text/plain' | 16 |
'image/gif' | 19 |
'image/png' | 20 |
'image/avif' | 20 |
'image/webp' | 24 |
'text/html' | 31 |
'application/octet-stream' | 33 |
'image/jpeg' | 36 |