Exakat 0.12.0 review

Exakat 0.12.0 Exakat 0.12.0 is now out, after a rough publication day. The main work on 0.12 is the new support for Janusgraph that has started. This is still quite hidden, but you’ll feel the effect soon. Also, we got two nice contributions: the non-breakable spaces classes, from Matthieu Napoli, and the optional property, via […]

Exakat 0.11.8 review

Exakat 0.11.8 review Exakat 0.11.8 has been published, as usual on Monday. This week, exakat received its very first PHP 7.2 specific analyzer : PHP 7.2 supports overwriting abstract methods. It goes with all the other PHP 7.2 analyzers that are ready. The Ambassador report now includes reports about framework usage, string encoding and a […]

Exakat 0.10.7 : support for slim framework

Exakat 0.10.7 (Immortal Antelope Power) ships with a lot of behind the scene works, and little to show. This is now becoming a classic: we need to collect a lot of data from frameworks or PHP, store them by version, and generate… a boolean. All that work for so little. But, in the end, it […]

Removing duplicate cases in switch

Removing duplicate cases in switch Switch statements in PHP link a situation (the cases) to code to be executed. Duplicate cases in switch statement should be avoided. Just like this : switch ($a) { case ‘a’ : /* code here */ case ‘b’ : /* code here */ default : /* code here */ } Duplicate code in switch statements […]