6 unicity traps that sideline PHP code

Thorny issues

6 unicity traps that sideline PHP code Sometimes, code is being ignored by PHP : code is painstakingly written but never gets executed. How is that even possible? May be, because it was not so painstakingly coded. And there are no less than 6 unicity traps that sideline PHP code. Indeed, there are some PHP […]

Exakat 1.1.8 review

Exakat 1.1.8 review After last week double edition’s review, we needed some quiet time. This week, we upgraded the ‘Randomly sorted arrays’, added two new extensions and closed two nasty bugs. So, here it is, your moment to read the Exakat 1.1.8 review. Support for IBM Db2 and Leveldb ext/ibm_db2 is an interface to IBM […]

exakat 0.11.3 review

Exakat 0.11.3 review Exakat 0.11.3 is out. This version focuses on speed gains, stability and adds 4 new analysis. As for news, there is now support for the sphinx and grpc extensions. Exakat also reports ‘randomly sorted arrays’, multiple catch on try and the alternative tags consistence. More insights for your code. Randomly sorted arrays […]