Exakat 1.6.6 Review

Exakat 1.6.6 Review The Exakat 1.6.6 was born in Miami, during sunshine PHP 19. The conference is incredibly energetic, and with the help of fellow attendees, it provided inspiration for some interesting update : PHP supports strings with logical operators (good for security); Exakat reviews typehint and check if they are sufficient in the method […]

Exakat 1.5.6 review

Exakat 1.5.6 Review This week, on radio Exakat 1.5.6 : we added analysis to report the too verbose isset($a) && isset($a[1]), support for the SDL extension, and a check on useless trait’s method aliases. We also fixed a nest of nasty syntax, thanks to PHP own unit tests. Quick, Robin, to the Exakat 1.5.6 review. […]

Exakat 1.4.9 Review

Exakat 1.4.9 Review Exakat 1.4.9 follows the preparation of PHP 7.3 : we added a lot of new rules to get ready for the upcoming version. There was already 9 available checks, but more are coming in. The most interesting of it is that they close edge cases that will benefit other versions : avoid […]

Versions impact on PHP code bases

As PHP evolves With the upcoming PHP 7.3, the question of the next migration is back on our tables. We’ll hear a strange mix of begging to move to the new versions for features and security, mixed with a constant threatening that some old versions will soon be unmaintained or worse. Indeed, there is versions […]