Improve the way your are doing day to day PHP

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PHP7 Compliance

The next big thing for your project will be PHP7. Quickly identifying backwards compatibility is a key point to address your PHP7 journey. Using Exakat’s PHP7 Receipts, you will spot in a smooth way all the line code to fix

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Security Review

Detecting security issues in a project is a big deal. No security audits are perfects, but by looking beyond expert based analyses with automated advanced check reinforce your source code.

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PHP7 Migration

The next big thing for your project will be PHP7. Defining the path to migrate from PHP5 to PHP7 is a key point. But how to ensure that your project follows the path ? With automated PHP7 compliance review, Exakat solves the issue.

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Automated Code Review

What is your first tasks when you receive code from partner ? If it is reviewing the code, delegate this non added value tasks to static analyses. Based on multiple receipts covering more +100 rules, Exakat allow to ensure security on code source in earning your time.

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Continuous Integration

Compliance of your code source with your own PHP rules is central to allow production delivery. Automating the code review with your dedicated rules give you the state to allow production delivery.

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PHP Industrialisation

Following strong PHP development principle is a key success factor to reduce your PHP debt.
Automating the compliance of your source code trough static analyses, helps you to build sustainable projects.

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Automatic Documentation

Documenting your code as it is written, not as it should be. If you need to provide your sysadmin with pointers for building PHP, or configuring it, then Exakat can do the work for you, systematically. It is also able to extract UML documentation like class diagrams easily, and list of important structures in the code, like incoming variables or regex.

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Skill your team

Exakat comes with a ever-growing library of coding patterns that should be adopted or removed. This know-how is usually spread over blogs and books, an they tend to be forgotten. This is not the case here : they are always available as code review, ready to improve the code and increase the level of your team.


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Ideal for learning about Exakat and do-it-yourself analyze of projects
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The same features as Community Edition for public or private projects that enables you to get started without installation
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