List of PHP native interfaces, and their implementation
This is the list of PHP native interfaces, and their implementation as native classes.
This was extracted from the PHP 8.3 source code, with Reflection. Each link leads to the documentation. It is based on a standard PHP 8.3 distribution, plus a few extensions. Interfaces that are not implemented are not listed here (like BackedEnum) and classes that do not implements any interface are not listed here either (like, Stdclass).
- ArrayAccess (13)
- Countable (24)
- ArrayIterator
- ArrayObject
- CachingIterator
- DOMNamedNodeMap
- DOMNodeList
- GlobIterator
- Phar
- PharData
- RecursiveArrayIterator
- RecursiveCachingIterator
- ResourceBundle
- SimpleXMLElement
- SimpleXMLIterator
- SplDoublyLinkedList
- SplFixedArray
- SplHeap
- SplMaxHeap
- SplMinHeap
- SplObjectStorage
- SplPriorityQueue
- SplQueue
- SplStack
- WeakMap
- ZipArchive
- DOMChildNode (5)
- DOMParentNode (3)
- DateTimeInterface (2)
- Iterator (42)
- AppendIterator
- ArrayIterator
- CachingIterator
- CallbackFilterIterator
- DirectoryIterator
- EmptyIterator
- FilesystemIterator
- FilterIterator
- Generator
- GlobIterator
- InfiniteIterator
- InternalIterator
- IntlIterator
- IntlPartsIterator
- IteratorIterator
- LimitIterator
- MultipleIterator
- NoRewindIterator
- ParentIterator
- Phar
- PharData
- RecursiveArrayIterator
- RecursiveCachingIterator
- RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator
- RecursiveDirectoryIterator
- RecursiveFilterIterator
- RecursiveIteratorIterator
- RecursiveRegexIterator
- RecursiveTreeIterator
- RegexIterator
- SimpleXMLElement
- SimpleXMLIterator
- SplDoublyLinkedList
- SplFileObject
- SplHeap
- SplMaxHeap
- SplMinHeap
- SplObjectStorage
- SplPriorityQueue
- SplQueue
- SplStack
- SplTempFileObject
- IteratorAggregate (12)
- JsonSerializable (1)
- OuterIterator (16)
- AppendIterator
- CachingIterator
- CallbackFilterIterator
- FilterIterator
- InfiniteIterator
- IteratorIterator
- LimitIterator
- NoRewindIterator
- ParentIterator
- RecursiveCachingIterator
- RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator
- RecursiveFilterIterator
- RecursiveIteratorIterator
- RecursiveRegexIterator
- RecursiveTreeIterator
- RegexIterator
- Random\CryptoSafeEngine (1)
- Random\Engine (4)
- RecursiveIterator (13)
- Reflector (14)
- SeekableIterator (10)
- Serializable (7)
- SessionHandlerInterface (1)
- SessionIdInterface (1)
- Stringable (84)
- ArgumentCountError
- ArithmeticError
- AssertionError
- BadFunctionCallException
- BadMethodCallException
- BrokenRandomEngineError
- CachingIterator
- ClosedGeneratorException
- CompileError
- DateError
- DateException
- DateInvalidOperationException
- DateInvalidTimeZoneException
- DateMalformedIntervalStringException
- DateMalformedPeriodStringException
- DateMalformedStringException
- DateObjectError
- DateRangeError
- DirectoryIterator
- DivisionByZeroError
- DomainException
- DOMException
- Error
- ErrorException
- Exception
- Exception
- FiberError
- FilesystemIterator
- GlobIterator
- IntlException
- InvalidArgumentException
- JsonException
- LengthException
- LogicException
- mysqli_sql_exception
- OutOfBoundsException
- OutOfRangeException
- OverflowException
- ParseError
- ParserException
- PDOException
- Phar
- PharData
- PharException
- PharFileInfo
- PhpToken
- RandomError
- RandomException
- RangeException
- RecursiveCachingIterator
- RecursiveDirectoryIterator
- ReflectionAttribute
- ReflectionClass
- ReflectionClassConstant
- ReflectionEnum
- ReflectionEnumBackedCase
- ReflectionEnumUnitCase
- ReflectionException
- ReflectionExtension
- ReflectionFunction
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract
- ReflectionIntersectionType
- ReflectionMethod
- ReflectionNamedType
- ReflectionObject
- ReflectionParameter
- ReflectionProperty
- ReflectionType
- ReflectionUnionType
- ReflectionZendExtension
- RuntimeException
- SimpleXMLElement
- SimpleXMLIterator
- SoapFault
- SodiumException
- SplFileInfo
- SplFileObject
- SplTempFileObject
- SQLite3Exception
- TypeError
- UnderflowException
- UnexpectedValueException
- UnhandledMatchError
- ValueError
- Throwable (51)
- ArgumentCountError
- ArithmeticError
- AssertionError
- BadFunctionCallException
- BadMethodCallException
- BrokenRandomEngineError
- ClosedGeneratorException
- CompileError
- DateError
- DateException
- DateInvalidOperationException
- DateInvalidTimeZoneException
- DateMalformedIntervalStringException
- DateMalformedPeriodStringException
- DateMalformedStringException
- DateObjectError
- DateRangeError
- DivisionByZeroError
- DomainException
- DOMException
- Error
- ErrorException
- Exception
- Exception
- FiberError
- IntlException
- InvalidArgumentException
- JsonException
- LengthException
- LogicException
- mysqli_sql_exception
- OutOfBoundsException
- OutOfRangeException
- OverflowException
- ParseError
- ParserException
- PDOException
- PharException
- RandomError
- RandomException
- RangeException
- ReflectionException
- RuntimeException
- SoapFault
- SodiumException
- SQLite3Exception
- TypeError
- UnderflowException
- UnexpectedValueException
- UnhandledMatchError
- ValueError
- Traversable (54)
- AppendIterator
- ArrayIterator
- ArrayObject
- CachingIterator
- CallbackFilterIterator
- DatePeriod
- DirectoryIterator
- DOMNamedNodeMap
- DOMNodeList
- EmptyIterator
- FilesystemIterator
- FilterIterator
- Generator
- GlobIterator
- InfiniteIterator
- InternalIterator
- IntlBreakIterator
- IntlCodePointBreakIterator
- IntlIterator
- IntlPartsIterator
- IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator
- IteratorIterator
- LimitIterator
- MultipleIterator
- mysqli_result
- NoRewindIterator
- ParentIterator
- PDOStatement
- Phar
- PharData
- RecursiveArrayIterator
- RecursiveCachingIterator
- RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator
- RecursiveDirectoryIterator
- RecursiveFilterIterator
- RecursiveIteratorIterator
- RecursiveRegexIterator
- RecursiveTreeIterator
- RegexIterator
- ResourceBundle
- SimpleXMLElement
- SimpleXMLIterator
- SplDoublyLinkedList
- SplFileObject
- SplFixedArray
- SplHeap
- SplMaxHeap
- SplMinHeap
- SplObjectStorage
- SplPriorityQueue
- SplQueue
- SplStack
- SplTempFileObject
- WeakMap
- UnitEnum (1)
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