PHP bug-fixes help your code Ever wondered which PHP bug-fixes help your code? What is the actual impact of a PHP minor version on your code ? Every month, or more, PHP provides a new version, covering about thirty bugs and various upgrades. Sometimes, features request make it to a version. Still, who has time to review […]
Confusing variable names Did you ever meet that awful situation, where you try to understand why the SQL query fails, until you realize that $res and $req are simply too confusing ? There are confusing variable names, notably those that are one letter close from each other. Problems ranges from $data and $date in the same […]
When testing the exakat static analysis engine, we need to run it on real code : even better, use the largest PHP code base available. Open Source projects are a real blessing there, since they come in different shapes and stripes. Some projects dates back from PHP 3 and evolved until now, some are directly […]
Heredoc PHP Heredoc PHP 语法是PHP里面写入一大块的文字的方式,不是传统的使用单引号,双引号字符串分隔符。他依赖于 <<< 和一个用来表示这个字符串的结束的标示符。 <?php $string = <<<STRING $x elephpants STRING ; ?> Heredoc 还有一个Nowdoc替代, 它是Heredo的“单引号版本”。 它实际上在标示符定义上就是用了单引号,并且不会替换它里面的变量值。 <?php $string = <<<‘STRING’ $x elephpants STRING ; ?> Nowdoc 很少被使用。在Heredoc/Nowdoc的使用中,仅仅只有3%使用Nowdoc的语法。这个可能是因为Nowdoc最近才被加到语言中(PHP 5.3),又或者是典型的担心未来可能会要使用字符串中的变量。
Heredoc PHP Heredoc PHP syntax is a way to write large bloc of text inside PHP, without the classic single quote, double quotes delimiters. It relies on <<< and a token that will also mark the end of the string. <?php $string = <<<STRING $x elephpants STRING ; ?> Heredoc has also the Nowdoc alternative, that […]
Static analysis refers to the review of code without executing it. Such review may be done as a phase of a coding project, or naturally occurring when the code is handed to a new programmer (That new programmer may also be yourself, six months later). In both case, the goal is to spot defects by […]
代码是如何死亡的 代码出生,成长,成熟,衰老然后死亡。它可能被视作一个生命体,就像我的花园里的郁金香一样。把这样一个图景放到代码上有点可怕:小小的笔误出现了,一点点代码消失了,常量随着时间的推移改变着它们的值(代码也有通货膨胀吗?),一部分代码长出来了没有任何道理。这样一个样子,那么难怪代码会有一个寿终正寝的时候。
Prepare for PHP 7 error messages The first step to prepare for PHP 7 is to lint it : using the command line instruction ‘php -l script.php’, one can easily check that every file in a current application compile with PHP 7. The second step is to run the application and the unit tests : in […]
How many improvement can you spot in this one liner ? echo (“this “.$will.” be displayed.”); No need for parenthesis with echo The first, and probably the most obvious, are the useless parenthesis. The echo is a ‘structure of language’, aka a special kind of function for PHP : among others, it doesn’t need any […]