How to call a method in PHPAll the ways to call a method in PHP

There are many ways to call a method in PHP. Method calling is a very common task, and, although the most common syntax is the overwhelming majority, there are some niche syntaxes for specific usages. And some good old syntaxes too.

Since they are scattered across the manual, we have gathered them here. All of them.

The function classic way

Hardcoded, directly in the source. This is the syntax that everyone learn first.

Note that the function name may be aliased, or imported from another namespace with the useexpression. The alias only affects the call of the function, and not the function itself.


use function foo as goo;

function foo($a = 1) { echo __FUNCTION__;}

foo();  // foo
goo();  // foo (!!)


With a dynamic name

A dynamic name means that the function’s name is stored in a string.

The string is usually stored in a variable or similar, and it is used in place of the function name: PHP reads the string in the variable, and the correct function is called.


namespace A\B\C;

function foo($a = 1) { echo __FUNCTION__;}

$functionName = 'A\B\C\foo';
$functionName(); // works

$functionName = __NAMESPACE__.'\foo';
$functionName(); // works

$functionName = 'foo';
$functionName(); // fails


Always use the fully qualified name in the string, as local names are not solved. This usually leads to surprises when inside a namespace.

As this must be done even for locally defined functions, __NAMESPACE__ comes to the rescue.

With a string

The previous entry has one edge case: it is possible to use a string as the name of the function and call it directly: indeed, there is no need to use a variable.

Compared to the classic way, the string looses the aliasing features, provided by the useexpression.


function foo($a = 1) { echo __FUNCTION__;}


$x = 'oo';


On the other hand, it is also possible to use the double quotes strings, and put some variables in it. This is a dynamic syntax.

With a closure

Instead of calling the function by referencing its absolute name, PHP creates closures from any function or method. Since PHP 8.2, the ... operator, used as only argument in the function, returns a closure that represents the function. Then, that closure may be used to actually call the original function.


function foo($a = 1) { echo __FUNCTION__;}

$f = foo(...);



Also, for fun, there can be many closures creation before, finally, calling it. This is useless syntax, but rather funny.

With a call to call_user_func()

Why not call a function by calling … another function? Use the native call_user_func or call_user_func_array to call any function or method. The first parameter is the name of the function, and the same rules we have already seen apply : make the name of the function fully qualified.


function foo($a = 1) { echo __FUNCTION__;}


// convenient for dynamic list of array
call_user_func_array('\foo', []);


call_user_func and call_user_func_array are useful when both the function and the parameters are dynamic.

Calling methods with the array syntax

The previous entry is also useful to call methods. Except that methods don’t have the same string syntax, so we need to introduce the array syntax.

Compared to calling a function, a method requires two parts: the object or the class, and the method name. And, of course, the parameters.

PHP features a special syntax, based on arrays: to call a method on an object, create an array of two elements, with the object and the method name. Then, call it like that.


class x {
        function foo($a = 1) { echo __METHOD__;}
$x = new x;

$call = [$x, 'foo'];
[$x, 'foo']();


Like for the strings, it is possible to call directly on the literal array, as long as it contains the correct information.

Calling methods with the array syntax and the relative class names

The relative class names are self, static and parent. They are not class names per se, as it is not allowed to create classes with such names. But they to represent actual classes, which vary from definition to definition.


class x {
        static function foo($a = 1) { echo __METHOD__;}
class y extends x {
      function bar() {
         [parent::class, 'foo']();
$y = new y;


The relative class names are collected at definition time. When the array is moved around the program, it will always refer to the method that was targeted initially, not at the point of execution.

Also, note that PHP doesn’t allow anymore the usage of any of the relative classnames in strings, since PHP 8.2. The code below produces a string error message: Class "static" not found


class x {
        static function foo($a = 1) { echo __METHOD__;}
class y extends x {
      function bar() {
$y = new y;


Calling static methods

The previous syntax is also available for static methods: then, the first element of the array may be an object or the name of the class. PHP picks up anything that is useful to make the call succeed.


class x {
        static function foo($a = 1) { echo __METHOD__;}
$x = new x;

[$x, 'foo']();
[x::class, 'foo']();


Calling methods with a string

Calling methods with a string is possible, as long as the method is static. Then, the string should be written as class::method, and target a static method.

That approach is not possible with objects, which are not compatible with a string.


class x {
        static function foo($a = 1) { echo __METHOD__;}



Calling the anonymous method

One more way to call a method is to call it directly from an object.

That is the purpose of the __invoke method: it is a magic method, which is called automatically when the object itself is used as a function name. Like this:


class x {
        function __invoke($a = 1) { echo __METHOD__;}
$x = new x;



Note that __invoke is not anonymous, as … it has a name. On the other hand, calling $object() means that there is no need for the name of the method to be called, so this is anonymous.

The Reflection call

The reflection API allows for PHP code introspection, reading descriptive features of any defined structures. It may be lesser known that such structures are still executable, and this applies to the functions and methods.

In the case of methods and functions, the reflectionFunction class has an invoke() method and a invokeArgs() method.


function foo() { echo __FUNCTION__; }

$foo = new ReflectionFunction('foo');


Thanks to Benoit Viguier for the reminder.

The evergreen eval() call

One always have remember old PHP features, and eval() is definitely one of them. Since eval() requires some PHP code in a string, it is another way to call a method or a function or anything really.


function foo() { echo __FUNCTION__; }
$code = "foo();";



Thanks to Anna Filina for the reminder.

Calling methods the classic way

Finally, the classic way to call methods: this is achieved with the object operator -> and the static operator ::.


class x {
        function foo($a = 1) { echo __METHOD__;}
        static function bar($a = 1) { echo __METHOD__;}

$x->foo();  // classic method call
$x::bar();  // static method call on object
X::bar();   // static method call on class name


That’s all folks!

We have covered no less than eleven (11!!) different ways to call PHP methods and functions. The first and last are the most commonly used, with good reasons. The other ones covers niche usages, such as dynamic method call, or dynamic parameter collections.