5 invisible bugs starring at you

I’m sure you have experienced the ever-green art of steganography : a bug hiding in plain sight in your code. Yet, this is an invisible bug. The code compiles, IDE reports nothing wrong, unit tests are a failing everywhere, and you keep reading the sources without finding anything. And suddenly, it strikes you : YES, […]

Exakat 0.11.0 review

Exakat 0.11.0 (Immortal Ruyi) is out with great new version! This week, Exakat is on composer! A two lines installation is ready for faster usage. And Exakat accelerated the result extraction phase by removing prepared statements : less queries to the database is always faster. Exakat is also suggesting to use str_repeat() instead of loops, […]

Exakat review, version 0.10.9

Version 0.10.9 is here : time for the weekly exakat review . This week, we reduced the memory footprint in the gremlin server with a better check on the relations between elements in the code graph. This gives us less data to import, and less branches to analyze. That’s a gain in speed. We took time to […]

Exakat 0.10.7 : support for slim framework

Exakat 0.10.7 (Immortal Antelope Power) ships with a lot of behind the scene works, and little to show. This is now becoming a classic: we need to collect a lot of data from frameworks or PHP, store them by version, and generate… a boolean. All that work for so little. But, in the end, it […]

Exakat 0.10.5 review

Exakat 0.10.5 review Exakat 0.10.5 (code name : immortal of tiger power) shipped with no less than six new analyzers and a major upgrade of the Zend Framework report. Here is the exakat 0.10.5 review. Could be callable argument Exakat now reports arguments that may be type-hinted with callable. Callable covers every form of callbacks […]