Exakat 1.1.7 review

Exakat 1.1.7 review Exakat 1.1.7 and 1.1.6 are reviewed together this week. Two new reports are introduced : Stats and Fitting PHP version. Several new analysis are added : suggestion to use arrayfillkeys(), 4 new PHP extensions, and a TOCTOU classic problem. It is time to walk the Exakat 1.1.7 review. New Stats and Fitting PHP […]

Exakat 1.1.4 review

Exakat 1.1.4 review A new week, and an incredible harvest of PHP tricks. Some made it to the Exakat engine, so as to support the language handling; some made it to the analysis, so as to help us develop better. Tricks include array_keys’s extra parameters, unicode codepoint, constant scalar expressions and arrays (sic), dir . Let’s review […]

Exakat 1.1.1 review

Exakat 1.1.1 review With the new year 2018, we though it was time to dive into a significant upgrade, and so we did. We changed the internal storage of tokens from strings to dictionary: that means less memory consumption, less token manipulations et more speed. It also shifts complexity from one part of the application […]

Les outils d’analyse statique et leur pratique

Les outils d’analyse statique et leur pratique Mardi 16 janvier 2018, à 10h00 (CET), je présente un webinar consacré aux outils d’analyse statique et leur pratique. Durant 30 minutes, nous abordons le fonctionnement interne d’un moteur d’analyse, les motifs de code qu’il permet d’identifier. Nous verrons comment utiliser les performances impressionnantes de l’analyse statique dans le […]

Exakat 1.0.11 review

Exakat 1.0.11 review Happy new year 2018 to you all, code reviewers. The final versions for Exakat in 2017 were small upgrades: we took advantage of the end of the year to remove some bugs, and fix some long waiting tasks. So, in the end, it is the most stable version of Exakat that starts […]

Exakat 1.0.8 review

Exakat 1.0.8 review Exakat 1.0.8 is published during the #phpadvent 2017 event on twitter. Every day, get a new tip on how to make your PHP code better. For that, Exakat keeps improving, and we have a wealth of new analysis and bug fixes for this new version. Exakat doctor reports JAVA_HOME and JAVA_OPTIONS for […]